casp1an-sea · 5 hours
What a pity, the Candle Queen~
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casp1an-sea · 5 hours
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casp1an-sea · 6 hours
Just got the broadcasting student of the year award!!!!!! My teacher made me cry 😢
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casp1an-sea · 10 hours
The moment before Hemlock gets mauled to death by the Zillo beast, right Jennifer? RIGHT?!
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casp1an-sea · 10 hours
Loving all the “Jenifer” posts lmao
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casp1an-sea · 10 hours
Jennifer no matter what you tweet you’re not getting my hopes up.
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casp1an-sea · 10 hours
It’s fucking weird why do people think it’s silly and cute?
Gotta love the comment on the nazi outfit Vil post like "that Germany outfit reminds me of Hetalia..." That's a NAZI uniform bro 😭 wdyk "germany outfit"
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casp1an-sea · 10 hours
What the ducking hell is this?????
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Sketch for my friend 😳
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casp1an-sea · 10 hours
your welcome :)
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Mark Hamill with a cast of his hand
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casp1an-sea · 13 hours
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look at my arms boy
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casp1an-sea · 13 hours
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this is how I’m coping with it almost being over okay y’all get a sloppy rushed R O U G H sketch of Hunter expressing some very valid grievances with Hemlock 🙂‍↕️ nothing more nothing less
Posted this on Instagram a few days ago and forgot to post it here so here you go have a lil Hunter treat <3
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casp1an-sea · 13 hours
oc asks: not-so-nice edition
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
bound: Has your OC ever been imprisoned or captured? What happened? How did they get out? Did the experience leave any scars?
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
failure: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
guilt: What is your OC guilty about? How do they handle their guilt? Do they try to avoid guilt, or do they accept it?
hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred?
heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened?
hide: What does your OC hide? Why do they hide it?
hunt: Who or what is your OC hunted by? A person, a feeling, a past mistake? Is your OC able to let their guard down, or are they constantly alert?
mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
monster: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
pain: What's the worst pain your OC has ever felt? Do they have a high pain tolerance?
secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
torture: Has your OC ever been tortured? Would your OC ever torture someone else?
wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
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casp1an-sea · 13 hours
I'm going to make a bsd event because I am b.o.r.e.d.
Additional info will be given once the event is chosen.
Reblog for more results ♥︎
BSD taglist: @edith-is-a-cat @twst-om-lover @l7k-a @lyle-my-beloved @xen-blank @cookiesandbiscuits @mermaidfanficlibrary @eeeeeyyy @casp1an-sea
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casp1an-sea · 13 hours
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Mark Hamill with a cast of his hand
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casp1an-sea · 13 hours
She looks deranged omfg
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casp1an-sea · 16 hours
me planing on buying the comic that has Hux’s backstory in it just to read only the parts with Hux and nothing else lmao
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casp1an-sea · 16 hours
Reblog to hug prev poster (they need a hug)
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