#i forgot how much this will sting in the shower
posititties · 1 year
i did it again because it's literally all i can think about now
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rishiguro · 10 months
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ft. oikawa; sugawara; atsumu; ushijima; kita
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OIKAWA TOORU: makes time for everyone but you
you tried to ignore the sting in your heart, tossing your phone on the mattress. at this point you were setting yourself up for the hurt and yet you couldn’t stop yourself from watching his stories. and he was always out and about, meeting various people — friends, colleagues, family, coworkers, anybody. just not you. you were always left behind, barely seeing your boyfriend, only getting a few texts. you knew he had a lot on his plate but would it kill him to spend some time with you, or just acknowledge your existence? you sighed. surely he was just busy, right?
SUGAWARA KOUSHI: forgets about his promises
“i’m so sorry,” he immediately said as soon as he saw you all dressed up, “i forgot” you pressed your lips into a thin line, nodding slowly. “i figured. i’m going to take a shower” before he could say anything you rushed past your boyfriend, shutting the bathroom door behind you before stepping to the sink, washing your flushed face as the tears started to fall. you shouldn’t even be surprised — and honestly you weren’t really — but you were disappointed. he didn’t mean to forget, at least that’s what you had been telling yourself. but there was only so much you could take and slowly but surely you reached your breaking point.
MIYA ATSUMU: always puts his work before you
you shook your head as you put your phone away, politely asking the waiter for your check. by now you were basically used to the pitiful glances and hushed whispers behind your back, so you skillfully ignored them when leaving the restaurant. with every step you took towards your car, you could feel the cold creeping up on you as your heart grew heavier and heavier. you knew what you were getting yourself into when you decided to get together with him, but it didn’t hurt any less when he stood you up — when practice ran longer than expected, when he decided to get some extra training or when he was too exhausted to even send you a message.
USHIJIMA WAKATOSHI: always confuses you with somebody else
“i got you your favorite” he held up a take out bag with a warm smile on his face. “thank you,” you said with your most convincing smile on your face, which immediately dropped as soon as he left your field of view. as soon as you recognized the logo on the plastic you felt your heart ache. you wanted to give him credit, he was trying, he really was, but you couldn’t help but feel hurt — whatever he got, it was never what he thought it was. his friend’s favorite snacks that you didn’t like, his best friend’s favorite movie that brought back bad memories or his ex partner’s favorite food.
KITA SHINSUKE: uses your insecurities against you
with hurt visible in your eyes, you turned around, quickly making your way into your bedroom. “you can’t just simply walk away when things aren’t going your way—,” you heard him shout behind you before you slammed the door and as soon as you were alone, the tears began to fall. you loved him and you were convinced that he loved you too. he even told you so daily and made you feel like the most important person in your life. and he failed to realize that you weren’t him — he couldn’t see how his bluntness hurt you or how his supposed honesty only broke you. how much more could you take before you completely shattered?
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reblogs are appreciated
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wzy3ka · 10 months
| silent treatment ·˚ ༘ L.HS (이희승)
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Idol bf!hesseung x fem reader -1.3k-
warnings: kisses, angst, fluff
You and Hesseung have an argument and you give him the silent treatment
"Just leave me alone, okay? I'm so tired from practice and I don't want to argue with you." Heeseung sighs heavily and you just look at him in disbelief, your eyes stinging.
"Oh, I'm sorry for waiting for you because we had a date. I'm sorry because you forgot about it and left me waiting in the restaurant for so long and made me embarrass myself."
"I forgot! We had a sudden practice session, what was I supposed to say? I'm sorry, but no I need to go back? The boys wanted to leave too, why would it be only me?"
The way he raises his voice at you makes you fold your arms over your chest and stare at him while
you try not to take out your frustration on him.
You always love him, but now he's making you hate him so much and you don't want that to happen.
"Okay, I'm sorry." You say quietly and take a deep breath, running your fingers through your hair. "It's okay, it's my fault."
"Y/N?" He's frowning while staring at you in confusion and you know he was expecting you to argue more yet you won't do it this time.
You're sick of it.
"You should go shower, I'm sure you had a very stressful day." That's all you say before you turn around and head to your room.
The work you postponed for your date with Heeseung is looking down at you and you feel like a total idiot.
You just open your laptop and start working to take Heeseung off your mind.
You're frustrated and annoyed by his behavior but you won't do anything about it.
And that's when his nightmare starts.
"Y/N, let's have dinner." Heeseung opens the door to your shared room to find you looking at your laptop's screen while your back is facing him. "Y/N?"
Nothing. You don't answer him and he just stands there for a while, wondering if he has to do something.
When you hear him step towards you, you put down your pen and sigh. "I'm busy working."
You didn't intend for it to sound so cold and mean yet it did and he's taken aback. "Oh... I see. Okay."
He hesitates on asking you again then silently leaves the room, closing the door behind him and making your heart sink down.
As much as you hate this, you don't want him to take you for granted and know that you'll always come back to him at the end of the day.
He should know how it'd feel for you to leave him if that's what he really wants.
After a while, you stop working for a while and go out to grab something to eat. The kitchen is all clean and you sigh, starting to cook for yourself.
Heeseung must be in the living room because you can hear the TV on so you decide not to go eat there.
Although you want to watch the new episode of your favorite kdrama but you don't want to see him.
You just sit in the kitchen and silently eat while you watch videos on your phone. But your peace is interrupted with Heeseung walking in the kitchen.
"Why are you here? Let's go watch TV." He says but you just ignore him and continue eating. You hear him sigh. "I'm sorry about"
"I'm not even mad. I was wrong for stressing you out." You say and he frowns while you put the dishes in the sink and start washing them, ignoring his presence.
"But I"
You just walk past him and out of the kitchen, leaving him standing there with a heart as heavy as yours.
When it's time to sleep, you hear him open the door and walk inside before you close your laptop and organize your papers.
"Are you going to sleep?" Heeseung asks but you just take out a blanket and grab your pillow before going out of the room.
But he goes after you, holding your hand and stopping you. "I want to sleep in the living room." You say, not even looking at him.
"Why? We always sleep together. Why do you-“
"I posponed today's work to go out with you but we didn't so I had to do it anyways. Now I'm so busy, so will you please let me rest?"
"But-" He tries to speak when you ignore him once again and just walk past him.
Your behavior is breaking his heart but he knows he deserves it for snapping at you and taking out his stress on you.
Heeseung's worst fear is that one day you leave him but sometimes he becomes selfish and takes you for granted without realizing it.
But deep down, he loves you so much he can never live without you. And that's what's scaring him the most because he'll never be ready to face it.
However, he decides not to bother you anymore and silently makes his way back to your shared room before closing the door behind him.
Somehow the room feels empty without your presence, and he fails to close his eyes and drift to sleep.
All he can think about is you and the possibility of you leaving him.
He wants to apologize over and over again but he knows you need some time and although it's killing him, he'll bear with it because he can't lose you.
A few minutes pass and he slowly opens the door to hear you talking on the phone.
"He should have just texted me and told me he's not coming instead of making me wait. I felt so embarrassed when I left the restaurant alone." You say and he stops on his tracks.
"I know. That really sucks." Haerin, your best friend, says on the other side of the line.
"If I'm stressing him out and he needs space then we should just break up and-" The thought brings tears to your eyes and you feel yourself getting emotional.
"Y/N, it's going to be alright. You just need to talk it out with him. It'll be fine."
You talk with her for a little more then hang up and put your phone away so you can sleep.
However, some time later, you feel Heeseung put another blanket over you. You don't move because you don't want him to know that you're awake, but your heart aches.
You want to hold him and cuddle with him and the fact that you can't is so frustrating.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I never meant to make you feel that way" You hear him say and you frown. "But I don't want us to b-break up."
Realization suddenly hits you. He heard you.
When you hear him sob quietly, you sit up and look at him with worry written all over your face. You're mad at him, but seeing him cry is your weakness.
"I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have talked to you that way." He says and reaches for your hand. " don't want to lose you, Y/N. I don't want to come back home to find you g-gone...”
"I'm not going anywhere." You say and pull him for a tight hug while he just sighs heavily.
"I'm sorry for leaving you waiting, we had a sudden practice and everyone was stressed because of too much work and I just-"
"It's okay, I'm not mad at you. I was disappointed we couldn't spend time together, but I'm not mad at you. Hm?"
You make him face you before you kiss the tip of his nose. "I'm so sorry, Y/N.”
Heeseung wraps his arms around you and kisses your forehead before he puts his head on your shoulder.
"I love you, Heeseung. I would never want to stress you out-“
"I'm never stressed because of you. You're the reason I'm smiling everyday."
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multifariousqueer · 5 months
hi love. could u write where felix takes care of fem!reader on her period? currently abt to get mine and i need some comfort lol, mine r hell. if u don’t want to that’s okay<3
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The morning sunshine blared through the window as your stomach started to sting a familiar sting. You had hoped that it would wait another week but it came in hot and dull as you awoke to the feeling of being wet. Your arm instinctively reached for your alarm clock only to find that you had class in a few minutes and had slept in. A groan escaped your lips as a text from Felix crept its way onto your device:
“Good morning, darling 😀”- Felix( don’t kill me, it was the early 2000’s)
“Where are you?”- Felix
You scrambled to get dressed and put on a pad before leaving your dorm.
The autumnal air brushed your skin as you felt more emotional and stressed. Felix and you had a project worth 3% of your semester grade due today and you stayed up until 12 last night messing around so you forgot to finish it. Tears stung at your eyes as you admonished yourself for not doing a basic task but you didn’t have time to go into a full fit because you were late.
When you reached class, the entire class looked at you as the door creaked open and Felix’s eyed you up and down before realizing that you weren’t okay. You sat down next to him and searched your bag for your supplies before realizing that you left your period bag at home. A period bag consists of : pads, tampons, lotion, perfume, and an emergency pair of panties. Upon the heartbreaking realization, you groaned and put your hands over your eyes and Felix immediately took notice:
“Y’alright love?” Felix said, rubbing your back.
This caused you to break into full blown tears as you got up and left class to run some water over your face.
Felix got up and followed a few minutes later to make sure you were okay:
“What happened?” He asked with genuine concern on his face
“I’m just on my period, that’s all”- you sobbed back
“Do you need anything to get through class?” He asked while rubbing your back
“I just want to cuddle with you and shower and go back to bed” you sniffled
“After class, I promise I will do that for you” Felix spoke
Felix hated seeing you in pain and he hated seeing you cry more. A piece of his soul broke Everytime you cried and he wanted to whatever it took to make you happy again.
Felix walked you back into class with a hand on the small of your back and he sat you down. He went up to the professor and spoke a few words that were unintelligible from where you were sitting and the professor called you over to his desk:
“Ms. L/n, it seems that you are incapacitated and scattered right now so I am willing to give you an extension on the project. Of course, I will have to knock off a few points but it is still possible to pass” the professor said sternly.
“Thank you so much!” You smiled
“Please sit down and try not to disrupt the class any longer” the professor spoke before going back to grading.
“Yes sir” you said.
Felix observed the interaction with a straight face before breaking out into a grin and escorting you back to your seat.
“How about we go back to my dorm after class and finish our project later” he said softly
“Please.” You said, while practically giving him a begging stare
Felix pulled you into a hug before planting a kiss on your forehead and returning his attention back to the lecture. He still kept his hand on your thigh and he snuck glances your way every now and again to make sure you weren’t in pain.
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Eventually, you went back to Felix’s dorm and he went to a drawer and pulled out a box of pads. Felix kept his stash stocked ever since he started dating you because he always wanted you to be comfortable.
“Wait here, I’ll go run you a bath” he said, ushering you to sit on his bed
You nodded in response and pulled out your textbook to finish the project once Felix left. You made a decent amount of headway before Felix came back and shut the textbook while staring at you:
“I told you we’d do this later, y/n” he smirked
“I know but…” you started before Felix interrupted you
“Even in pain, you’re still scholarly?” Felix asked quizzically while smirking at you
“I’m on my period, Felix. I’m not dying” you remarked
“So you don’t want to be cuddled?” He asked
“No no I do!!” You said with puppy eyes
Felix chuckled and took you into the bathroom. He undressed you and did away with your pad before delicately placing you into the tub. He was careful not to scrub you too hard but he wanted to get you as clean as possible. You sank into the warm, eucalyptus scented water and mewled as the warmth enveloped your body. Felix ran water over your body and made sweet comments about how strong you were for enduring your period:
“Look at my princess, so beautiful” he smiled
“Mmmm I love you” you sighed
“I adore you too, darling” he said, kissing your eyebrow before leaving to go to his bedroom.
You jolted a bit as Felix’s absence set in. You opened your eyes and looked around before you heard movement in his room.
Felix was prepping a pair of underwear for you and laying out an outfit for you. It was his old rugby shirt and some old boxers of his that you used as shorts. Felix learned how to prep underwear one day when you showed in “in case of emergencies” and he always prepped yours if you couldn’t. Felix also laid out some chocolate for you and put a stuffed animal on the bed. He went to get you from the bath:
“Where did you go?” You asked sadly
“I went to go clean up a bit and get you ready for bed” he replied
He pulled you from the tub and helped you get dressed. Felix laid you on the bed and cuddled with you. You took in the scent of his cologne and aftershave while making soft noises of comfort against his chest. He grabbed you and held you close and sooner or later you fell asleep in his embrace.
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wnderkoo · 2 years
my you - jungkook oneshot
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summary: jungkook calls you into his studio, and you leave with more than just his cum stuffed in you. pairing: jungkook x reader genre: fluff, angst, smut warnings: the change from smut to angst to fluff will give you whiplash, warning you now. explicit smut; studio sex (should that be a warning?) dry humping, a lot of dirty talk, also a lot of praising? unprotected sex PLS WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT! creampie, some emotional ass angst lol note: an anon requested this ages ago and i'm so sorry that i only just got to it :] i'd started writing it when i first for the request but only got a few paragraphs in before i lost the will to finish anything.. anyway i had a random burst of creativity so i wrote it all out. hope you enjoy <3 ALSO THANK YOU FOR 1.6K!!! ILY ALL MWAH
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You should've known the second you stepped off the elevator, boots thumping against the solid ground of the hall as you made your way to the door of his studio, that you were in for it.
Jungkook rarely called you in to his studio, valuing his privacy and solitude when he was there mixing beats or experimenting with chords and rhythms, but today he'd messaged you to come by after your lunch, and even if the text seemed a little ominous and demanding, you'd never say no to seeing your sweet boyfriend.
With a soft knock on the frosted glass of his studio door, you step back and wait patiently for Jungkook to open it. When no answer comes, you raise your fist to knock again but the door shoves open and Jungkook pulls you inside hastily.
In a blur, you're inside the studio, lights dimmed and buttons lit up on the console telling you Jungkook had been working before you came but you don't have time to ask how that's going when you're being pressed up against the wall beside the door and Jungkook is smashing his lips onto yours, capturing your mouth in a rather demanding kiss.
Your hands flatten against the firm planes of his abdomen, finding new muscles appear under your touch from all the extra working out Jungkook has been doing lately.
"Kook-" you moan out when he leaves your lips to launch an attack on your neck, nipping at the soft skin before smoothing over it with a kiss.
You hadn't expected an impromptu make out session when you read the text message from your boyfriend earlier, but you couldn't complain- wouldn't complain - when his mouth was on you.
"Baby," you call, pushing at his chest lightly to put distance between the both of you. Despite being the most romantic person you knew, you didn't think Jungkook would call you all the way to his studio during work just to kiss.
Not that you could complain.
Jungkook finally leaves you, pulling away from your lips to look at you while he keeps you pressed against his warm, hard body.
He stares down at you with a gleam in his eyes, and you run your hand through his hair that's been growing longer lately.
"Enjoy yourself this morning?" he asks, nipping at your shoulders, smoothing over the sting with a kiss.
You rack your brain trying to find what you did this morning that could have possibly set him off, and that's when it hits you.
You let out a laugh when you realise, much to Jungkook's chagrin.
"Oh, you think that's funny?" he quips, grabbing your ass and giving the flesh a firm squeeze, eliciting a moan from your lips.
"I was just trying to show Namjoonie-hyung a photo of our new bonsai and I see your pretty little ass wrapped in a red lace set," he half growls, but there's no real bite behind it.
"I forgot about the cloud," you laugh, making Jungkook scowl harder.
You'd taken the set out this morning after your shower, feeling more confident in your body and wanting to see it on yourself.
You'd taken the photos with the intention of sending them to Jungkook when he was on the way home, hoping he'd rush home faster in order to unwrap you and give you some brain-numbing sex.
What you find so funny about all of this, Jungkook doesn't know, frowning deep as you continue to laugh.
"You're lucky Namjoonie-hyung wasn't looking," he mutters, nipping your ear.
"I had to lock myself in my studio and rub one out because of you."
You can't help the smirk that forms on your lips at the mention of the boner you gave him, a wave of pride hitting you at knowing the effect you have on him.
Reaching between your bodies, you graze the front of his sweatpants, biting your lip at the sizeable bulge there.
"Seems like you're not quite done," you murmur lowly, gaze dropping to his plump lips and that mole below them that you just love to kiss.
You feel like causing a little trouble, knowing just what it will get you.
"Oh, we're feeling bratty today, hm?"
Your ass gets another harsh squeeze as Jungkook takes your lips in a punishing kiss, your moan swallowed up by his mouth.
Nothing about this feels much like a punishment, as if you could resent any of Jungkook's touches, no matter how cruel.
That's what you loved about him.
He could give you what you want, even if you didn't know what exactly it was you wanted. And not once would you ever be uncomfortable, because that was how well he knew you.
That one syllable, and the husky tone in which he says it with is enough for you to obey, jumping right into his arms and locking your legs around his waist.
Your arms wrap around his neck as you continue to sloppily make out, tongues tangling and dancing together as Jungkook grinds you into his now fully hard cock.
Jungkook walks you over to his console with ease, setting you down on the flat part of the desk without leaving your lips once.
"I couldn't stop thinking about you in that set," he mumbles against your lips, forehead coming to rest against yours.
How was he supposed to concentrate on making a song when he knew you were at home strutting around in those pretty little red panties and bra?
"I'm here now, aren't I?" you ask, kissing all over his cheeks, purposely avoiding his lips.
"Punish me, Mr Jeon.." you whisper before taking his bottom lip and sucking it between yours.
What your teasing earns you is a quick spin and a slap on the ass as Jungkook pins you to the desk until you're bent over the cool wood.
"I was going to treat you tonight, unwrap my pretty present once we're in bed and take you in more positions than you could imagine.. but since you're so cock-hungry, why don't I give you a little preview?"
He nudges your legs apart with a knee, lifting your sundress over your hips, giving him a perfect view of your plump ass.
Jungkook curses seeing the red lace set still on you, and the dark spot in the centre of your panties giving away just how much you were enjoying his dirty promises.
No warning comes before he smacks your ass, hard. You have to bite your lip in order not to scream, though a small whimper still escapes.
Jungkook places a wet kiss over the cheek he just slapped, before standing flush against you, rutting his crotch into your centre.
"Why so mouthy today? My good girl isn't like this," he tuts, running his hands down your body.
"Just missed you," you admit, and maybe it'll dampen the mood, but your lust filled brain doesn't have much of a filter right now.
"You have me, pretty girl," he says, his touches turning lighter, more delicate.
"I know, but you've been so busy lately.."
The sadness in your voice breaks his heart, and Jungkook feels the concern overcoming him.
You avoid his eyes when he turns you around, your dress falling back down as he positions you upright.
"Is that why you did all this?" he asks, no longer feeling the lust he was just overflowing with.
"You wanted my attention?"
You shamefully nod, still not meeting his eyes.
You felt selfish for wanting Jungkook all to yourself, when you knew he was working hard to produce songs for his fans.
He still came home to you every night, didn't he?
That should be enough, shouldn't it?
But you weren't the easiest person to love, you knew that. You wanted to be cared for and cared about, you needed to feel wanted, seen.
And Jungkook did all that, when he wasn't coming home at almost midnight, too tired to even wash his face.
"Baby look at me," he urges, lifting you up onto the desk and tilting your chin to force you to look at him.
"You have me in every possible way that a person could,"
"I'm sorry if I've felt like a ghost lately, I never knew you were feeling like this," his thumb rubs soothing circles on your hip.
"We've all been working hard, but that's no excuse for making you feel like you aren't the most important thing in my life."
Your brows furrow, shaking your head profusely, finding it unbelievable that Jungkook could blame himself for his busy schedule.
"Don't argue," he smiles, smoothing out your brows (a thing he's learnt to do so that you don't get forehead wrinkles).
"I love our fans, of course I do. But you're the one I'm gonna marry one day, when I'm grey and balding, you're the one who'll hopefully be by my side."
"Of course I'll be by your side," you return immediately. You'd barely talked about marriage with Jungkook, both of you agreeing you were still young, but you've known your answer for ever.
It's yes.
"You always have my attention, you know that? I'm always thinking about you, every moment of the day- I have it so bad for you, my beautiful girl."
Tears sting your eyes as he gazes up at you, eyes twinkling and glossy as if he was just as affected as you.
"I promise as soon as things slow down, I'll make time for us. Take you to that taco place you told me about."
You'd rambled about it one night in bed, you hadn't thought he'd been too tired to be fully listening since you'd just gotten a nonchalant hum in reply.
It hurt of course, but you couldn't be mad, knowing how hard he was working at the studio.
"I love you."
Three words.
The same three words he says instead of good morning, the three words he says when you finish making love in bed, and they still hold the same meaning every time.
You whisper the word back, feeling overcome with the love seeping through his every word and action.
You hadn't come her expecting a heart to heart, but it was exactly what you needed.
"I'll see you at home," you smile, kissing his lips once before making a move to get off the desk.
You're stopped by Jungkook's arm hooking around your waist.
"I'm not done with you yet," he says, eyes still doe-like and gentle, no matter how much he tries to sound seductive.
"You don't have to Koo," you assure, cupping his cheek and running your thumb over his smooth skin.
"You're not going anywhere," he says, surging forward and taking your lips in his. The kiss turns demanding quickly, and soon you're both back to where you were before, with you bent over his desk.
Jungkook buries himself to the hilt, groaning at the way he fits smug within your walls. He soothes away the burn, massaging your hips as you get used to the stretch of him.
He keeps your legs tightly together, heightening the pleasure for both of you as he slides in and out at a relentless pace.
Your soft whimpers fill the studio, and Jungkook has to keep from coming too soon every time you clench around him when he thrusts particularly hard.
"Koo, how's that demo going?" comes a muffled voice from outside the door.
Instead of stopping, Jungkook clamps a hand around your mouth and changes his pace for slow but deep.
"Still working on it, hyung!" he shouts back, and you're shocked at how casual he sounds.
"Do you want some help?"
Your eyes bulge out of your head when the door handle rattles, and you're suddenly aware of the position you'd be caught in if the door hadn't been locked.
"No, I'm okay, thanks hyung.." Jungkook calls, biting his lip to stop a moan from coming out when you start moving against him. He pierces you with a glare, pinching your ass hard before placing a kiss over the mark.
"Okay, just send it to me when you're done."
Jungkook managed an okay in reply before footsteps sound and disappear and Jungkook thrusts hard into you. It's so sudden you can't even stop the moan that comes out.
"Brat," he coos, continuing his assault until you're seeing stars and coming undone in his arms.
Jungkook isn't far behind, just a few thrusts before he's spilling himself inside you. You ride your highs out together, a messy tangle of limbs and lips as you milk him for all he's worth.
You squirm away from overstimulation when Jungkook uses his fingers to stuff his cum back into you, slipping your panties back in place to stop it from escaping again.
He seals the deed with a kiss before he fixes your dress back into place.
Jungkook grabs a water bottle from his mini fridge, passing it to you and ushering you into his desk chair.
He places a pair of headphones over your ears.
"Listen," is all he says before he presses a button on his computer.
His soft voice fills your ears along with the strums of a guitar and you quickly realise that it's a song that Jungkook has produced.
You listen closely to the lyrics, closing your eyes as you get lost in his voice as it wraps around you like a blanket.
Jungkook watches as you listen, nervous about what you'd think, but when the song finishes and you throw your arms around him, he think he's done well.
"It's amazing Koo," you say, wiping away a tear that threatens to roll down your cheek.
"It's for this special lady in my life," he grins, making you shake your head.
"She's proud of you," you say going along with it.
Your eyes flicker to the clock on the wall, seeing that you've been here for almost 2 hours.
"I should head home," you say, making Jungkook frown.
Though it would probably be for the best, he still had a song to produce after all.
You stand facing each other at the doorway of his studio, and you have to push Jungkook away when he doesn't let go after a goodbye kiss.
You loved how clingy he was.
As you walk to the elevator, you feel his eyes on you every step of the way and when you turn around he's leaning against his doorway with a lazy smile, arms crossed over his chest.
"I can't wait to unwrap you tonight," he says, voice carrying through the hallway. You roll your eyes playfully, still smiling despite it.
His eyes never leave you even as you step onto the elevator, and the last thing you see before the doors close is the wave he sends your way along with a mischievous wink.
His promise earlier is enough to have you blushing all the way to the car.
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when she doesn't upload for months and then uploads twice in 2 days 😍 felt goofy innit xx i know festa 2022 was like last month but my you is so underrated, give some more love to my baby >:3 anyway thought i'd include it in this oneshot cus i love it hejsjjssj
please let me know your thoughts on this!! your love and support is what encourages authors to keep writing, no matter how small your feedback is, it really means a lot to us <3
@mwitsmejk​ @rageyoudamnednerd​ 
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yeahspider · 8 months
Ve’s note - this is part two in a three( maybe four) part series . mdni this is smut . you don’t have to read both parts but i recommend. y’all i’m sorry this gets a lil out there . so i’m gonna split this off into another part . part one is available here . slightly proofread okay ? enjoy <3
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now usually you didn’t do this . you deemed sleeping with customers a bit below you . but with the way this man was looking at you . eyes holding your own , it was hard to say no .
taking ahold of the wrist holding yours you smiled at him .
“how much ? how much do you think a night with me is worth ?” you asked him as he led you back to the chair in the room . chris gestured to one of his men , whose presence you forgot , following the man’s actions you watched as he placed ten bands in the space between you and him.
“will this suffice as a start ?” . you were willing your jaw not to drop . you could really use that much money at the moment ….and he was promising more .
“is that enough ? here .” and then another ten bands were in his lap . chris grabbed a twenty and placed it in the waist band of your bottoms . grabbing your chin with one hand and rubbing the dollar into you hip bone with the other .
“be mine for the night yeah ?” earning a nod from you . which wasn’t confirmation enough for his liking . bringing his lips over yours but not quite giving in .
“words pretty” earning another nod and a breathless yes from you .
“good girl” he’s said before crushing his lips on yours . chris kissed like you were the only glass of water left in the world and he was parched . fully commanding the kiss . gently biting on your bottom lip when he wanted you to open . trying to maintain a semblance of control yoh deny him . which just earns a smack to your ass . his tongue explores every inch of your mouth . once he’s satisfied he starts to kiss down your neck . kissing wasn’t necessarily the right word for it though . he was marking you . you could feel the bruises forming in your skin cooling the sting with the flat of his tongue .
“i want you to do something for me .” he whispered over on particular mark on your collarbone . he grabbed one of the rolls of money and parted your legs more , placing it on top of his very visible boner .
“ride it .” at first you were confused until he gently gripped your hip and guided them to grind on the money . eliciting a moan out of both of you due to the friction . once he deemed you had to hang of it he let you pick the speed and rhythm as he got to work on your chest . removing your boobs from your top and pinching them slightly . causing you to whimper .
“so sensitive.” he murmured to himself as he kissed around your left nipple before nipping at it . rolling it around between his lips as his right hand groped your other boob . giving equal attention to both as he switched back and forth .
“you’re doing so well pretty just keep going yeah ? maybe yourself cum . let me see how pretty you look when you cum all over your money . keep earning it . good girls work hard for what they want .” chris chanted to you like a prayer . all the praise making your brain swim as his hand made it way to your throat and lightly squeezing . with your air flow cut off he laid a smack to your clothed pussy and you came with a scream . body slumping onto him as you rode out your high . once you came down . you watched as chris removed the roll from under you and licked . your cum staining the bill and now his tongue .
“you taste divine. i’m gonna need another serving. ” he said with a smile . promising more orgasms as the night continued .
“now strip and lay down let’s see how many times i can make you cum .”
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simplyholl · 2 years
Snowed In [Loki x F.Reader]
Summary:  While on a mission, you and Loki discover a strange flower. Will its effects change your relationship forever?
Warnings: Smut. Minors DNI. 18+ only. Sex pollen. 
Pairing: Avenger Loki x F Avenger reader 
Shout out to @lokisgoodgirl for helping me so much. You’re amazing!
Part of the Winter Warmers Collection
The cool wind felt like a knife as it kissed your skin. You were ill prepared for this whole mission. It was way colder than you anticipated. It started snowing two hours ago, and it was pouring. You were searching for the hidden safehouse. Stark’s newest GPS lead the way. The snow crunching under your boots is the only sound as you look around the vast area. Snow had covered everything in sight. “I have found it.” Loki, your mission partner and the bane of your existence announced in your headset. You hadn’t wanted to go on this mission at all, but everyone else was away on some Hydra sting. You and Loki were the only Avengers available. Of course, it was him you were stuck with. It was always him.
He got under your skin like no one else. He was so cocky. He always thought he was right and he loved fighting with you. If you were training partners, he would push you hard until it ended in a screaming match. Your latest spat had landed you both in hot water. Steve had demanded you spend more time together to get over yourselves. Tony’s outlandish suggestion was for you to sleep together to ease the tension. Yeah right, like that would ever happen. “It’s another mile ahead. You need to hurry.” Loki’s smooth voice through the headset interrupts your thoughts. When you finally arrive at the safehouse, you take in your surroundings. The snow comes up too high on the small cabin. You would be stuck here for a few days. You were about to walk in when a large blue flower catches your eye. “Loki, come out here. Check this out. What kind of flower would survive in this weather?” “Y/N, DON’T!” Loki shouts running toward you as you picked the flower from its position among the glistening snow. But it was too late, the flower emitted a red sticky substance in the air choking you both. He dragged you back inside the cabin. “What was that?” You choke out. “It is a flower that emits a substance that makes you incredibly aroused. If those desires are not acted on, it could kill you. I have only read about them. I have never seen one until now. I tried to stop you, but you would not listen.” “Well excuse me for being curious! It was a beautiful flower!” You place your hands on your hips pacing in the small kitchen. “Wait, wait you said this thing is going to make us really horny and unless we do something about it, we DIE?” You run your hand through your disheveled hair trying to process this revelation. “Precisely.” Loki smirks at you. “Okay, well no problem. I will go in one bedroom; you go in another. We will take care of our little problem. No big deal.” Loki flashes you a wicked smile, “Oh you innocent little lamb.” His laugh fills the tiny room. “What is so funny? It’s just masturbation, Loki. It’s completely natural.” You fail to find the humor in this situation. He is doubled over almost in the floor laughing hysterically. “We can not remedy this situation by merely masturbating, Y/N. You have to reach completion with a partner. ” You can’t be serious.” “I am dead serious. You are going to beg me to fuck you And I cannot wait.” His eyes hungrily trace every curve of your body causing your cheeks to heat. “I would rather DIE!” You yell at him. How dare he? “As you wish, darling.” He smirks as he walks to the fireplace. He waves his hand in front of it. A fire ignites, you can instantly feel the heat. You almost forgot how cold you were in light of this new information. You stomp down the hallway looking for your room. You turn on the light to find a bathroom. A bathtub against the wall, but no shower. This was going to be a long trip. You come out to discover there is only one bedroom, not two. Oh great. How can this get any worse.? You glance around the room noticing there is only one bed. Well, finders’ keepers. You quickly change into your pajamas you brought in your backpack. You crawl into the bed getting warm under the blankets. Stupid flower, Loki is just messing with me. I don’t feel different. Of course, it’s just a joke. You smile to yourself. I can’t believe I almost fell for it. Jokes on him, when he comes in here to discover he will have to sleep on the floor. Thoughts of revenge dance through your head as you fall asleep.
          You throw the blankets off you. It is extremely hot in here. That must be what woke you. Your eyes scan the unfamiliar room finding Loki stripping down to his underwear. “What are you doing?” He looks at you like you are daft. “I am going to bed. What does it look like?” You spread yourself out on the mattress trying to take up all the space. “There’s no room for you. You’ll have to sleep on the floor.” Loki walks toward the bed. His large hands effectively scoot you over. “I am a prince. I will not sleep on the floor. You don’t need to either. We had a long journey today. You need proper rest.” He gets on the bed beside you. You can feel the heat radiating off him. “Are you burning up too? It’s so hot in here.” you complain. “It is actually rather cold in here. It must be the flower starting to affect us. Remember my words, Y/N. I will not touch you, until you beg me.” You groan trying to get comfortable in the bed that is too small for both of you. “Very funny. I feel fine. Sex is the last thing on my mind.” You close your eyes wishing for sleep to find you again. You lay for hours before going into the bathroom. Your breasts feel heavy. You are so wet, and you hadn’t been thinking of anything to achieve it. God, you were so aroused. Maybe Loki wasn’t lying after all. But he has to be. Maybe not about the flower, but about the sex thing. Why couldn’t you just rid yourself of the affliction? You slide your hand in your panties. Fingers find your clit. It feels nice, but it is not enough. It actually seems like the more your fingers work, the worse you feel. Your skin is on fire. You almost feel sick. Perhaps you would die from this. You go back to the bedroom, giving up on curing yourself. Loki sits up, a wolfish smile on his face. “Are you feeling alright, pet? You look flushed.” You lay back on your side of the bed turning on your left side to face him. “I tried to take care of it by myself, but it didn’t work. I feel so much worse. I don’t know how much longer I can take this. I am so hot. I can’t stand it. Why aren’t you feeling like this?” He throws the blanket off himself revealing his arousal. “I am aching, pet. I can make it stop. You only have to ask me.” “In your dreams, Loki. I’m going to lay on the floor now. It will be cooler.” You bring your pillows to the chilled floor. It only soothes you for a minute. You’re sure this fever will never break. You rub your thighs together, stifling a moan. You check to see if Loki heard you. He hadn’t, thank God. He must be asleep. You can’t even think of sleep. The only thing on your mind is release. You try to keep your mind occupied, but it’s no use. You are positive you’re going to die any second now. The ghost of your impending orgasm must possess you, because it’s definitely not you waking Loki. You lean over him shaking his arm. “Wake up.” He rolls over, lust filled eyes roam your body. “Did you have something you wanted to ask me, Y/N?” “Please Loki?” “Please what, pet? I know not what you ask of me.” God, he’s so annoying and so attractive? How had you not noticed before? Okay maybe you had noticed during training when his large, muscular body had you pinned under him, or when he was teaching you how to use daggers. You knew he was hot, but usually your annoyance with him outweighed any attraction. But right now, when there was an ocean in your panties, when his hair hung down in messy curls, when he looked at you like he would devour you whole, the attraction was undeniable. “Loki, please I NEED YOU. Please touch me. Please fuck me. Please, I am begging you.” His eyes darken as he pulls you on the bed. “I thought you would never ask.” Loki’s lips crash into yours. He kisses you hungrily. His tongue begging entrance, you accommodate him, tongues gliding against each other. You pull his hair wanting to be as close as possible. He reluctantly breaks the kiss. With the wave of his hand, both of your clothes disappear. He places hard kisses on your neck, sucking the tender skin there. You will have marks in their place tomorrow. He kisses his way to your breasts. His fingers roughly pinching a nipple while his mouth finds the other. Gentle bites on your breasts leave you a moaning mess. He bites and suckles his way to your thighs placing your legs over his shoulders. There is nothing gentle about the way he eats you. His tongue moves in intricate patterns you can’t comprehend. He sucks your clit so hard you see stars. When he slips a finger inside your waiting heat, you shatter. The mantra of his name hasn’t left your lips. He kisses your thigh before positioning himself at your entrance. He plunges inside roughly. One strong hand grips your hips as he claims you. “Feels so good. Oh gods, Y/N.” Long strands of raven hair brush your cheeks as he thrusts into you. He rests his forehead on yours staring intently in your eyes. “Knew it would be good, never imagined it’d be this good.” He pants. He moves his head to the crook of your neck praises spilling from his lips. “Perfect, you’re so perfect.” He moves his hips faster hitting exactly the right spot. You squeeze your legs tighter around his waist as you both unravel. Loki’s breath comes rapidly while he studies your face. “Do you still hate me, Y/N? Considering everything that occurred today, I would not blame you.” You place a soft kiss to his lips. “I never hated you, Loki. I always thought you hated me.” Loki laughs incredulously. “Darling, I was afraid to be close to you. That is why I acted so cold toward you.” You take his hand in yours. “Since we are stuck here for at least another few days, we should get to know each other better. Let’s just see where this goes.” Loki pulls you into his arms while you make a silent wish for more snow. Who would have thought Tony’s idea would work after all?
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
23 or 29 for the prompts ! whichever you’d like :)
29. “You could have warned me!”
Even if it is disgustingly early to be awake, Tim has to admit: the morning sun shining on the golden fields of wheat, stretching out like a gilded sea from his vantage point high in the sky, is beautiful.
"Told you it's worth flying in at sunrise." Kon gives him an infuriatingly sexy smug little smirk. Asshole. He shouldn't be able to be a mind-reader this early in the morning. "How's that line in 'America the Beautiful' go again? Something something amber waves and plains?"
Tim smacks his shoulder. "Get that weird patriotic bullshit out of here. No one cares about 'America the Beautiful' in this day and age. And especially not before eight in the fucking morning."
Kon laughs, slowing as he descends towards the farmhouse. Tim is grateful for the shield of his TTK around him, keeping the wind from whipping through his hair and stinging his eyes as the familiar Kent farm grows rapidly larger. "Hey, it's not my fault Cadmus programmed it into my head!"
"And you still forgot the lyrics?" Tim snorts. "I take it back, actually. That's funny. Some patriot you are."
"I got more important song lyrics to remember." Kon's arm, snug about his waist, gives him a little squeeze. "Like—"
"Start singing 'Interior Crocodile Alligator' at me one more time and I'm breaking up with you."
Kon cackles. "I don't got more important song lyrics to remember, actually. How weird, I could've sworn I did."
He alights on the ground just next to the front porch, setting Tim down at his side with his customary, astounding gentleness. Tim is more than used to it by now, but sometimes, it still takes his breath away that someone can have so much strength in the tip of his pinky finger alone, and yet only ever handle him with so much care.
Before he can do anything sappy about it, though, like lean up on his toes to kiss Kon's cheek, there's a rush of air and—
Krypto tackles him to the ground, tail wagging mile-a-minute as he shoves his wet nose into Tim's cheek. Kon, the bastard, just stands there and laughs, while Tim desperately tries to wrangle seventy pounds of hyper superdog away from his face.
"Krypto!" He pushes Krypto's muzzle away just in time to avoid getting a pink tongueful of slobber on his mouth; it all lands on his cheek instead, and he scrunches up his entire face in protest. Krypto pants with excitement and licks him again. "Hey—Krypto, you're—eugh!"
That's slobber in his hair now, too. Great.
Kon finally takes pity on him and scoops Krypto up in his arms, holding him on his back. Krypto is incredibly wiggly against his chest, tail thumping against Kon's arm loud enough for Tim to hear. "Ooh, hi there, buddy, hi, yes, I missed you too, hi, yes!"
At any other moment, Tim would be trying desperately to stave off the impulse to melt at the sight of his boyfriend cradling his big dog like a baby. At this moment, however, Tim is too busy scrubbing superslobber off his face with his shirt.
And has he mentioned that it's not even eight in the fucking morning yet?
"You could've warned me," he huffs, climbing back to his feet. His shirt alone isn't good enough; he ducks behind Kon to avoid both ends of Krypto (tongue and tail, both dangerous) and aggressively rubs his face against his back. "Asshole."
Laughing, Kon tosses Krypto into the air, where he zooms off with an excited yip to do wide circles around them. "Sunshine, he tackles you every single time you come over. You still need a warning at this point?"
Tim huffs. "It's early."
"Aww." Kon ruffles his (dog-slobbery!!! gross!!!) hair, drapes his arm around his shoulders, and draws him up the farmhouse steps. "You can go take a shower while I help Ma finish up making breakfast, how's that sound?"
"I'm stealing your pink hoodie," Tim informs him. It's very big and extremely cozy. "As reparations."
Kon snorts. "Fine by me."
He doesn't bother to get keys out to unlock the door; he just rests his hand on the knob, and a moment later Tim hears the telltale snick! of the bolt opening. Kon starts to open it, then pauses, glancing down at Tim with a devious grin.
"Guess I'll just get to enjoy taking it off you later," he says, and winks.
Unbelievable. How is he still being a flirt while Tim is covered in grass and superslobber? This man...
He brushes past Kon to head for the stairs to the second floor bathroom, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, you'd better," he says, and grins to himself when his dumbass flirty boyfriend blushes.
♥ angst/fluff prompts ♥
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rocknroll7575 · 10 months
Sunshine: Too Far Already
"Why are you still up?"
Vernal heard the voice from the window and was brought out of her thoughts, she grabbed her dagger and looked at who it was, and when she did, her eyes widened. He was sitting outside, out on the fire escape, and he was not in the best condition. He had bruises and cuts in certain places, his cloak was blood stained as was his shield, and her worry grew.
"What the hell happened to you!?" She cried.
Jaune put his finger to his lips, he then slipped into the room and groaned in pain before standing up straight and looking back at her
"What happened to you?" Vernal asked, her tone much quieter.
Jaune looked at her and smirked, "I-I'm fine... Ver-"
"You're covered in blood!" She seethed, "You are not fine, you're covered in blood for Oum sake!"
Jaune chuckled, "Would... would it make you feel better to know that most of this isn't mine?" he asked.
Vernal glared at him, "Get your ass in the shower, put these clothes in the basket, and put on a new pair, I'll wash them later," She told them, "Ass in the shower, now!" She ordered.
Jaune did as he was told and sets Crocea Mors on the little table, he then walked over to his bag and picked grabbed a fresh pair of clothes, and before he entered, Vernal threw him a towel, and he caught it and went inside the bathroom and took a shower. Once she heard the shower turn on and knew that Jaune was inside, she opened the door and grabbed his clothes, threw them in the laundry, and waited outside.
Her attention turned to his weapon, which lay on the table and she walked over to it and looked it over. She looked over the shield and saw the blood that was on the edges and on the face of it, she then unsheathed the sword from the shield and looked it over and saw the blade and it saw blood, or what remained of it as it appeared to be wiped away but there was still red on the blade, he would have to clean that himself. She sheathed the blade and deactivated the shield, morphing it back into a simple sheath.
She went to her back and pulled out a few things she needed after Jaune finished showering and set them on her bed, once she had everything, she zipped her bag up and set it on the ground.
Eventually, she heard the shower turn off and waited for Jaune to dry off and get dressed. After a minute or so, Jaune came out of the shower, his hair was damp and he wore a dark brown shirt and a pair of light blue jeans.
He then turned to Vernal, "Better?" he asked.
Vernal looked at him, "Almost," She said. "Take off your shirt," she told him.
Jaune looked at her confused, "Why?" He asked, "I just put this on," he told her.
"Yeah, my mistake," She said, "I gotta clean and bandage up those wounds of yours because if you had any Aura, those wounds would've healed themselves already," she said, glaring a bit.
"Right..." he said with a nod. Jaune was looking down like a child caught doing something.
Jaune did as he was told and took off his shirt and Vernal saw the number of cuts and bruises he had all over his upper body and torso. Vernal then pointed him to sit on her bed and he did so as he sat on the edge of the bed, Vernal got onto the bed and sat right behind him, her legs crossed and she grabbed a cloth and dabbed it in disinfectant, and began dabbing the cloth his wounds.
Jaune winced in pain as he felt the slight sting of the disinfectant.
earing him wince, Vernal looked at the back of Jaune's head, "How did this even happen?" She asked him. "Your semblance allows you to boost your aura, how did you get cut?" She asked him
"I... I kinda didn't focus on amping my Aura," He told her, "During the fight, I didn't focus on boosting my aura, I just... I focused on killing them, and so I... I forgot to boost my aura, some of the impacts of the bullets really affected me, that's why I got a few bruises, but I killed the ones with guns before my aura broke, but I kept fighting, and then I kept on fighting, some of them cut me with their Machete's and some picked up a few iron bars and struck me with them," he told her.
Vernal glares hardened and if she had laser vision, she'd burn a hole through the back of his head, "You let your anger get the better of you, didn't you?" She asked, her glare hardening.
Jaune didn't answer right away but then gave her a quick nod. "...Yeah," He told her.
Vernal growled and stopped cleaning his wounds. "How could you be so stupid!?" She asked, "What if they killed you!?" She asked.
Jaune shook his head, "They weren't going to," He told her.
"You don't know that!" She told him, "You aren't invincible Jaune! Just because you're a huntsman doesn't mean you're immortal! For Oum's sake Jaune, look how cutup you are! All because you were more focused on killing them than staying alive!"
"That's not-"
"It's true and you fucking know it!" Vernal yelled. "Don't tell me that isn't the fucking truth! Why can't you just admit it? You are...! You're such an asshole!" She said, her voice breaking.
Hearing her tone change abruptly, Jaune turned his body around and looked at her, worry on his face "Vernal?" He asked.
Vernal still glared at him but he could see tears begin to form in her eyes. "D-Do you have any idea how worried I was? Your out there starting a war against a whole gang! You're outnumbered and outgunned! And you choose to go out there and fight them all and you don't consider how that would make us feel! W-What if you died for fuck sake!? How do you think Oscar would feel!? H-How do you think I would feel!?" She asked.
"Vernal-" Jaune began
Vernal cut him off before he could say more, "Damn it Jaune! Why is it you!? Why does it have to be you out there killing them!?" She asked angrily as tears fell.
"Because it has to be me!" Jaune cried.
Vernal stopped and looked at him with wide eyes, slowly, her shock turned to confusion. "Wh-What...?" She asked him.
Jaune looked at her with a solemn expression, "It has to be me, Vernal," He told her, "I... I need to do this because I can't- I won't let you or Oscar get blood on your hands! I am not letting you or Oscar muddy up your souls for this! Not you two!" Jaune told her, his voice stern and angry.
Vernal glared at him because what she heard pissed her off greatly. "You don't get to decide that Jaune!" Vernal told him, "You and I know I have plenty of blood on my hands as it is! Killing those motherfuckers out there isn't going to change a damn thing!"
"It isn't!?" Jaune asked with a raised brow, his expression then turned to anger, "You know damn well that it is! If Oscar kills Malachite he won't come back from it! If you kill her..." Jaune began but didn't finish.
Vernal looked at him with an angry expression and a raised brow, "If I kill her what!? What Happens Jaune, huh!? Are you afraid I'll go back to being how I was before I talked about my past!?" She asked him, "Because if you are, you have no right to say or even think that! What happens to you if you kill her, huh!? What the fuck happens to you!?" She asked him.
Jaune glared at her, "It doesn't matter what happens to me!" He told her with a furious tone.
Vernal glared back at the blonde, and pointed her finger at him, "That's what you think! Because it doesn't matter what happens to you!" She cried, she then jabbed him with her pointer finger, "But it matters to me! It fucking matters to me! You're my partner! We keep each other safe! We watch each other's backs! Remember!?" She asked him.
Jaune looked at her and he looked back down to the bed, feeling terrible, knowing what she said was true, and because he realized he was being inconsiderate to her feelings about the whole thing.
Vernal's anger died down and her face turned to one of sadness, "We are all going through the same," She told Jaune, "Were are all dealing with Melissa's death, we are all blaming ourselves for what happened, Oscar the most! We all are angry at Spider, we want them to suffer, all three of us, do you know how hard it was for me to meet her and not shoot her in her fat face? But this... this isn't good for us Jaune," Vernal told him, her voice breaking down once more.
Jaune's expression shifted to sadness and he could feel his emotions begin to rise to the surface. Finally, he began to cry, and seeing him do so, so did Vernal. Vernal moved closer to him and hugged him and he hugged her back, both held the other tightly as their tears continued to flow.
Jaune sniffled and tried to compose himself, "We can't stop this, Vernal..." Jaune told her.
Vernal composed herself and nodded, "I know... I know..." She replied with a sniffle.
"We've already started our plan, and with the members of Spider I killed, they won't stop until we kill them all," Jaune told her.
"I know," She replied again. She then broke the hug and looked at him, but he looked at the bed, so she gently grabbed him by the cheek and moved his head to look at her. "But when the time comes, when we finally do that bitch in... we do it together, got it?" She asked.
Jaune nodded slowly, "Got it," he said, his tone still somewhat sad.
"Arc's word?" She asked.
Jaune nodded once again, "Arc's word," He replied.
"Good," She said, "Now turn back around, I gotta finish cleaning the one's on your back," She told him.
Jaune nodded and faced her fully, as she dabbed the cloth with more disinfectant and cleaned his wounds, he winced again as he felt the cloth touch another cut.
Jaune looked to the floor of the room before the front paws of the Beowulf manifested and seeing the paws, Jaune glared in anger as his head slowly looked up and when it did, he was face to face with the Beowulf, the beast's nose was only a few inches away from Jaune's face, and the Grimm looked the young knight in the eyes and it back to cackle.
Jaune glared at the beast and gave it a look, asking what was so funny, but the beast began to laugh louder.
'What have I told you about making promises you can't keep?' It asked him.
Jaune tensed up and his anger grew as he continued to glare at the Grimm.
'Stop making promises you'll never be able to keep... You can promise whatever you want on your name, swear on your life, but they'll be broken, one way or another, they'll be broken,' It told him 'It is easy to make a promise, but it is harder to keep them in this world you now live in,' The Beowulf told Jaune with a chuckle.
Jaune glared at the beast, as it continued to laugh before it disappeared, but Jaune could still hear the faint laughter of the Beowulf, and its words began to weigh heavily on his mind.
Jaune stopped thinking of the Beowulf when Vernal called to him and he turned his head, "Yeah?" he asked.
"You ok?" She asked, "You tensed up for a bit there," She told him.
Jaune nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine Vernal, just lost in that is all," He replied.
Vernal accepted his answer and went back to cleaning his wounds, and once she was finished she told him to face her and he did so, but when he did, he felt a little uncomfortable as Vernal cleaned the cuts around his stomach and chest, he knew she wasn't really paying much attention to his body, but he still felt a little bashful and a tinge of pink formed on his cheeks.
Jaune looked at Vernal and saw her concentrate on cleaning his wounds. "Hey, Vernal," he called.
"Yeah?" she asked as she remained focused on the task at hand.
"Thanks, for this," he told her.
Vernal smiled, and nodded, "I-It's no problem," she said as she continued tending to the cuts on the young blonde's chest. Unbeknownst to the knight, Vernal had a light shade of pink on her cheeks as well.
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crestfallencrest · 6 months
Summary: Yuri never minded the cold. He was usually the type to get through a harsh and cold winter day without much issue. Today, however, was not one of those days.
Prompt: No prompt, just some Duke/Yuri conversations in the discord that left me INSPIRED. Modern AU (Other oneshots can be read here on Ao3! [x] ) Pairings: Duke/Yuri Genre: Fluff Warnings: N/A Word Count: 1,998
Been hit with a tiny writing slump (too many ideas grabbing my attention) but I really really started liking Duke/Yuri lately and I really REALLY wanted to write a winter themed one shot for the Holidays so here I am. Short but sweet! Also, a present for my fellow Yuri/Duke lovers in the discord server I'm in <3
Yuri wasn’t the type of person who got cold easily. 
He had always been that way growing up. While Flynn would be bundled up with multiple layers from head to toe, Yuri could usually get by with a simple jacket and gloves. Maybe a scarf if it was a particularly windy day. But regardless, he would usually get through the day without a single complaint. ( “That’s rare, coming from you.” Flynn had said once, to which Yuri promptly told him to shove it and stop being jealous. )
His resistance to the cold seemed to shock his friends whenever it was brought up. Usually the topic would come up whenever one of his more ‘motherly hen’ friends ( coughEstellecough) would exclaim in shock over how little layers Yuri had decided to wear that day and every time, he would have to explain that he simply didn’t mind the cold weather. He moved around too much for it to bother him too much and a lot of his time on the job was usually spent indoors. Plus, growing up in a shoddy apartment without a heating system did wonders in helping Yuri adjust to the wonders of freezing temperatures. 
Today, however, was not one of those days where he could simply just shrug off the harsh and bitter winds of that winter afternoon. 
He worked as a cook at a small little restaurant on the other side of town and unfortunately, whatever otherworldly being that watched over him had decided that he was looking just a tad too dry when he was working on washing the dishes at the end of his shift. A pipe had burst and Yuri was quickly and completely soaked within seconds. It turned out that his simple afternoon shift had quickly turned into a closing shift as the restaurant had to be shut down early so the plumber could come in and fix the issue. 
Unfortunately for Yuri, it wasn’t like he had any spare clothes to change into at the restaurant. He was starting to wonder if maybe some extra layers wasn’t such a bad idea after all but he also couldn’t give his partner and certain other people leverage to say ‘I told you so.’
Not that they could right now, even if they wanted to. The water jet from Hell decided that soaking him to the bone wasn’t enough and that it also had to completely destroy his phone in the process. So calling someone to come and pick him up or bring him some spare clothes was unfortunately out of the question. 
So, Yuri decided to just fucking deal with it. 
It wasn’t that long of a walk to the bus stop and he’s endured worse before. So all he had to do was make it onto the bus, ignore the sting of his freezing fingers and the shivering of his body, get home, strip and take a very warm shower and hopefully no one would be any the wiser. Gods forbid the scolding he would get if his partner caught him out in freezing temperatures, soaked from head to toe. He could definitely hear his voice now if he saw Yuri at this moment, all huddled over and shivering as if seconds away from freezing to death at any given moment. He’d be concerned, of course, but his deep voice would also have that slight hint of disapproval as he would say–
“You wouldn’t be so cold if you had taken the extra coat like I had asked.”
Yeah, he would say it exactly like that. 
Aw, fuck.
Yuri momentarily forgot about the winter’s frozen touch slowly creeping through his body just long enough for his body to jolt into a more straightened standing position. He whipped his head around, following the voice’s source and he wasn’t sure if he was cursed or blessed to see the familiar red eyes piercing into his soul with what he could only assume was his stare of judgment that he could only work to perfect the longer they lived together. 
Long white strands poked from the red wool knit cap that he wore over his head, with the rest of it being held down by the black and white checkered scarf that was, in Yuri’s opinion, quite horrendous but it had been a gift from Judith when she was last in town so, of course, his partner saw no reason to not use it. Sure enough, Yuri could tell that the man was wearing at least two layers of clothing to combat the cold weather and for once in his life, Yuri was a bit jealous. 
“Oh, h-hey Duke.” Yuri greeted with a tiny grin, trying to bite back the shiver in his voice. “What’re you doin’ here?”
Duke quietly moved to stand by him at the bus stop, letting his arm raise a bit to show off the small grocery bag in his hand. “Groceries.” He answered simply before turning his head a bit to face him. “You mentioned needing to make cookies later this week for the holidays, did you not? We were out of sugar and butter.”
“A-Ah…” Yuri nodded quickly, letting his arms wrap around himself. “G-Good catch–”
The words barely left Yuri’s mouth before he realized that Duke was staring him down, eyes narrowed slightly before his free hand reached over to brush against Yuri’s shoulder. Duke was generally a hard person to surprise. In fact, despite Yuri’s life mission to try and startle this man at literally every given opportunity, he was ashamed to admit that he’s only managed to pull it off a handful of times and instead, it seemed to be Duke that would catch Yuri off guard, most days. 
(For example, how in the hell was he supposed to expect that Duke Pantarei of all fucking people would confess first?! No one could have possibly expected that! Of course Yuri would be surprised by that!)
However, upon letting his fingers brush against the jacket that was undoubtedly carrying more water than warmth, Yuri was surprised to see Duke’s hand jerk back in surprise. Yuri watched as his eyes widened and his serious expression tightened, frown stretching across his face. He didn’t say anything and instead just stared at Yuri and… ah, yeah, Yuri was fully familiar with that look. He was definitely in trouble. 
“I’ve had one hell of a day.” Was all Yuri could offer and that definitely did not seem to quell Duke’s concerns. 
“Why are you standing outside in this weather as wet as you are?”
“Man, and it’s not even the fun kind of wet–”
Man, he kept hoping that that joke would land. Maybe one day. 
Yuri shoved his hands into his pockets, though it didn’t seem to help the impending chill that was quickly returning to his body. “A pipe busted at work and unfortunately, I was right in the line of fire. And I didn’t have a change of clothes.” 
Duke’s eyebrows furrowed. “You could have called me.”
“Oh yeah. Might need a new phone. Water got into my current one.” Yuri would have laughed had he not lost maybe two years worth of pictures on that damn brick. Thankfully he shared a lot of the pictures with his friend group and Duke but it would be such a pain to get those pictures back. Ugh. 
Duke quietly placed the grocery bag onto the bench and began to pull off his jacket and scarf. “I see…” He mused quietly as he finally looked back at his lover. “Take off your jacket and put this on over your clothes. Along with the scarf.” 
“I’m not going to steal your jacket and scarf. Then you’ll be cold!” And the last thing he wanted was Duke to be freezing too. 
“Between you and myself, are you really going to argue that I will be the cold one here?” Duke asked, once again holding out the jacket and scarf and… okay, yeah, he maybe had a point. 
Slipping out of the soaked jacket was almost torture for Yuri because while he wore a long sleeve shirt to work today, it sure as hell wasn’t built for this weather but sometimes you had to get colder in order to get warmer. He quickly shoved the jacket on and buttoned it up in record time and the warmth of the jacket having been on Duke’s body seemed to creep through Yuri’s body. 
Yuri shivered in relief as Duke took his wet jacket and placed it to the side for now before moving to wrap the scarf around Yuri’s neck. Feeling Duke’s warm, gloved fingers brush against the freezing skin of his neck and cheeks had Yuri nearly move to chase after the warmth of his partner as he gently reached behind him to pull his hair out from underneath the scarf. He was still wet underneath the jacket but the warmth of his jacket and scarf was already a major improvement.
“Mm…Feels nice…” Yuri hummed slowly, letting his eyes close as Duke’s fingers once again brushed against his cheek and this time, he couldn’t help himself as he stepped closer. 
This seemed to give Duke pause and Yuri cracked an eye open to see those soft red eyes staring down at his own. Duke was hard to read at times and it was a miracle that Yuri had managed to pin down the ability on how to read Duke’s expressions. Which is why he felt his chest light up when he saw his lover staring down at him oh-so-softly. 
Yuri was never a big romantic but even that was enough to have his heart doing flips. “You know, that’s usually when you, the boyfriend, would respond with some sort of sappy remark about always keeping me warm or something and then you’d like… do that.” He quickly added in, that teasing smirk making its way onto his face. 
“Do that?”
“Yeah. Keeping me warm.” 
“Hm. I didn’t realize that I was being held up to a certain standard.” Duke responded as he let his fingers stroke Yuri’s cheek once more before finally allowing himself to cup Yuri’s cold face into his impossibly warm hands. 
The shiver of warm relief shot through Yuri once more as he pressed his cheek further into Duke’s touch with a content smile. “We’ll work on it. Should I go jump in the lake down the street so we can try again?”
“I’d much rather we just get you home and warm you up.” 
“You’re no fun.” Yuri answered with a click of the tongue. 
And then he looked back at Duke, who had the faintest smile on his face as he stared down at Yuri. Yuri could hear the bus make its way down the street, preparing to come and pick them up to take them back to the apartment they shared but before Duke pulled away to prepare to climb onto the bus, he let his thumb brush gently against Yuri’s lip. 
“I see the meaning was lost on you.” Duke replied before he finally pulled away (and Yuri will swear to his dying days that he did not whine when the warmth left with him.) “I suppose I’ll have to do better next time.” 
As Duke grabbed Yuri’s discarded wet lump of a jacket and the grocery bag, Yuri was left wondering what Duke could have possibly been talking about regarding lost meanings and doing better next time as the bus pulled up next to them, opening the doors to offer them entry. Duke spared him one glance before climbing the steps onto the vehicle, the amused smile still clear as day and Yuri couldn’t help but feel like he had missed a joke somewhere along the way–
Oh. That’s what he meant by warming him up.
Cheeks burning from the cold weather and absolutely positively nothing else , Yuri was certain that he had never hopped onto a bus so fast in his life
And then they went home and 'warmed up' and Yuri absolutely did not catch the worst case of the sniffles right before the holidays! Thank you for reading!
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
More slasher plz? :)
Here you guys go!
Gaz came back from another "date" and dropped his bag on the bed, slumping. He undressed and headed to the bathroom for a shower, trying to ignore the sting of nail marks on his arms and legs. He wanted more than this.
He wanted to come home to love and affection, not a shower to wash away the feeling of being used. He wanted love.
But, he'd sort of personally destroyed that, hadn't he?
He wanted what Alejandro and Rodolfo had. He wanted to experience that kind of love. He wanted that sort of intimacy that they had. Alejandro was always touching Rodolfo when they were in the same room. Always somehow.
Rodolfo looked at Alejandro like he was his entire world and Gaz wanted that so unbelievably bad. Gaz wanted to be touched with reverence, he wanted someone so important to him he couldn't imagine being anywhere else but with them.
Why was that too much to ask?
Gaz shook his head and got under the sink to pull out a towel, but stopped when he was eye level with the faucet, seeing a pink post-it note on his face cream.
You're beautiful. was all it said. Gaz picked it up and inspected it, frowning. Had... someone been in his dorm? He pulled on a towel and went to his window, checking that it was still locked, which it was. Odd.
Okay, this was something to be concerned about but... Gaz really needed a shower. He told his anxiety to wait until he got out, then he'd deal with it. Just... wait until he got out.
So, Gaz quickly took a shower. He didn't even let himself think until he was out of the shower and fully dressed in his sleeping clothes and then finally he let himself freak out. He paced while staring at the sticky note and then he called Rodolfo.
Rodolfo answered, yawning a little. Which wasn't too odd since it was 2:30 in the morning. "Gaz?? Is everything alright?'"
"Rudy, I found a note in my apartment. It's a sticky note and it says 'you're beautiful' on it." Gaz tried not to sound so freaked out but he barely managed. Or, probably didn't manage at all.
"Are you okay??" Rodolfo immediately sounded a lot more alert. "Ale- Ale-" His voice went muffled for a bit and Gaz tried to take deep breaths. Okay, so this was something to be alarmed about.
A moment later, Rodolfo returned, "Ale asked if you want to come stay at the house for a bit?"
"No." Gaz didn't want to do that. Being around them and how romantic they all were with each other would be beyond painful. He didn't want to deal with that. So, he would just stay in his dorm and hope for the best. "No, I'll... I'll stay here."
"Alright." Rodolfo still sounded concerned. "I'll see you on Friday, still, right?"
"Of course, Rudy." Gaz nodded.
"Call me in the morning."
"I will." Gaz hung up and then sighed. He climbed into bed. It was one note. Surely... Surely one note isn't too terrifying.
Whatever. He took a breath and went to bed.
Gaz had called Rodolfo early in the morning so he wouldn't get yelled at by Rodolfo for worrying him. He knew the yelling was affectionate, so he was never upset.
Now, he was on his way to class, pulling his bag onto his shoulder. It was Professor Smith's class, which he was not too excited for. They were increasingly awkward with their hookups and he was... tired of it, honestly.
Gaz sat in the back, since Professor Smith wouldn't look at him back there. He was trying to convince himself the note was a fluke. He'd tried that whole positive affirmation bullshit and forgot about it.
Sure, Gaz. You have a fantastic memory, but you just forgot this. Sure.
Whatever, he didn't have the time or capacity to worry about this.
Gaz frowned deeply when Professor Laswell, his basically adopted mom, stepped into the room. "Good morning, Class. Unfortunately, Professor Smith will not be showing up this morning. I am sure you have all seen the news. There is a syllabus so work on the assignments there for the next few classes until we can find a sub."
Gaz frowned, deeply. Laswell dismissed class and he was immediately up and down to her. "What happened to Professor Smith?"
"You didn't find out?" Laswell frowned, gently pulling him to the side as everyone left. She seemed hesitant before sighing. "Gaz, he's... he's dead. He was murdered, apparently, according to the news report."
Gaz's eyes went wide. "Dead??" No, that couldn't be. He'd hooked up with him barely a few days before... He was dead??
"Yes, unfortunately." Laswell nodded and pat his shoulder. "I can't give you too many more details, Kyle. Just... take the few days out of class."
Gaz could barely process, nodding a little. Professor Smith was dead... He went out of the class after saying goodbye to Laswell, blinking a little.
He was unsure how he'd made it back to his dorm but he did. He was so numb. First Tyler and now Professor Smith. It had to be a coincidence but... this was hard to deal with.
He couldn't bring himself to even be freaked out at the green sticky note which just said "I'd love to hold you." Gaz would really like to be held. But... that wasn't an option. No one loved him. He doubted mysterious sticky note leaver did, either.
Gaz fell into his bed and curled up, pulling the blanket up to his chin. He was murdered, too. Gaz knew he wasn't the only student he was sleeping with. Professor Smith had a reputation for sleeping with tons of the students.
Gaz was just another in the lineup.
But, still. He'd been fairly intimate with him. It was hard to accept he was just dead. Did another student kill him? Did another student's jilted boyfriend/girlfriend kill him?
Gaz had no idea. Maybe he didn't want to know. Maybe he was fine with this being a horrible experience that he moved on from.
Gaz had not moved on from it. It was Friday and he was supposed to be hanging out with Rudy and looking over more things for the wedding but... he could only think of the pictures from the news article.
He'd been murdered in a very simple way. Just his throat slit. But... he'd had the shit beat out of him first. Systematically, apparently, in a way to cause the most pain.
Someone had tortured him.
Gaz didn't like the idea of that. That sounded awful.
"Gaz!" Rodolfo nudged him.
Gaz flushed and looked at him. "Yeah? Sorry, I was spacing out."
"It's okay, I'm just concerned." Rodolfo frowned. Soap had opted out and was apparently hanging out in some weird rain room thing outside. "Are you getting enough sleep?"
Gaz shrugged. "I'm trying." He mumbled. Every day he had a new note, but they were all simple phrases like 'god made perfection when he crafted you' and 'I want to love you'.
But, Gaz ignored them all. He hoped if he ignored them, they'd go away. He knew telling law enforcement wouldn't do anything. So he wasn't going to bother.
"Ale!" Rodolfo perked up, smiling brightly when Alejandro, Ghost, and Alex came in the door. He raised his arms and Alejandro came over, lifting him up and kissing him deeply.
Gaz shook his head, turning back to Rodolfo's laptop where they'd been looking at flower meanings and combos for Rodolfo's floral arrangements.
Alejandro asked what they were working on and Rodolfo showed him. "Flowers. I want to put everything I want together before starting to make official plans."
"No expense spared, mi sol." Alejandro murmured, kissing Rodolfo's head. "I like the roses. Red ones."
"Like blood?" Gaz laughed, unable to help making the comparison.
"Exactly. With baby's breath." Alejandro grinned, pointing to the ones he likes.
Rodolfo flushed and smiled, writing down red roses and baby's breath. Gaz had to admit, it was a pretty combo but... for a wedding? He wasn't sure it would be the first he'd thought of. But, Rodolfo seemed happy with it.
"You can go with those wine red ribbons you wanted for the aisles." Gaz pointed out and Rodolfo perked up and immediately wrote them down.
Alejandro left them alone, but Alex came over and took his place, sitting by Gaz on the couch. "I saw that Professor Price was murdered..."
Gaz flushed, surprised Alex was still willing to talk to him. "Yeah... But, it's okay. I didn't know him that well." A lie. It was not okay.
Alex nodded a little. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I guess." Gaz nodded a bit and sighed. "Just... weird. He was my professor."
"Yeah, I get that." Alex nodded, cringing. He seemed to hesitate before smiling. "I know it's not... great timing, but I was wondering if you would want to-" He was cut off by Gaz's phone ringing.
Gaz frowned and stood, giving him the one moment sign and walked away. He answered his phone, frowning.
"Hey Gaz, this is Laswell. I have some stuff for you, can you come pick it up?"
"Oh, yeah. One moment." Gaz hung up and turned back to talk to Alex but he was gone. Gaz frowned and then slumped a little, telling Rudy bye and leaving.
"Hello, are you Gaz Garrick?" Someone stood in front of Gaz and he looked up, frowning a little.
"Yes?" He flushed. It was a man in a suit, though it was casual. He was holding up an FBI badge and Gaz could see his name was Phillip Graves. "Can I help you?"
"I was wondering if you could answer some questions for me?" Graves asked and sat across from Gaz.
Gaz was currently studying at a café, needing to get out of his dorm. The notes had stopped, thankfully, but if he spent too long there, he started to think of Tyler and then Professor Smith and he couldn't do that anymore.
"Alright." Gaz nodded a little. "What can I answer?"
"Your friend Johnny Mactavish was the sole survivor of the mass murder a year and a half ago, correct?" Graves asked, crossing his hands in front of him.
"Yes." Gaz nodded, frowning a little. He supposed this was coming, eventually. He knew a police officer would show up, eventually. Though... he hadn't expected an FBI agent.
Graves nodded, getting out a notebook and writing that down. "When he came back, did he show any odd behavior? Aggression-"
"He was traumatized, Mate. Yeah, all of his behavior was odd." Gaz laughed, softly. What the fuck kind of question was that? One of his closest friends had had to witness everyone on a trip dying and he was the sole survivor. Yeah, his behavior was going to be weird, what the fuck?
Graves seemed to hesitate and then smiled. "My apologies. You are right." He shrugged and leaned back. "What about Rodolfo Parra? They are close friends, yes?"
"Yes." Gaz nodded, "best friends."
"For how long?"
Gaz had to think. "Um... since High School. Rodolfo's friend, girlfriend, and girlfriend's brother died on a trip and so he found Soap, who was mentally ill, in a support group for troubled teens a month later. I think Soap mentioned being suicidal."
Graves hummed. "Right." He nodded, writing a few things down. "And you're aware they switched to online classes shortly after the party on the lake two months ago?"
"Yes, apparently they were both re-triggered by the incident. They both ended up missing it, though, because Alejandro and Rodolfo had a fight." That's what Rodolfo had told him. "Why?" He asked, crossing his arms. He didn't like the implication of Graves' words. His friends were not murderers.
"I am just confirming information." Graves shrugged and stood. "Thank you for answering my questions." He nodded again and then left, tucking his notebook into his pocket.
Gaz watched him go, narrowing his eyes. He got out his phone and immediately texted the groupchat. "Some FBI agent is poking around, asking questions about you guys."
He watched both typing bubbles appear and then disappear.
Then, they didn't show up again.
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celesteslilcorner · 5 months
All It Takes Is A Shower
First fic written in years, forgot how much I liked writing for myself.
tw: Shower sex,
She stood by the edge of the cliff, hair blowing in the wind as her eyes stared straight ahead at the monster who had taken not one but two friends from her. His gaze went from one to the other and then the small A.I that had appeared beside her. 
“You’re still missing one. One that’s never been split.” Her voice was steady and full of anger, but he could sense the fear.
Wash tried to stand as Meta barreled towards her, his own voice sounding small in his ears, “Stop. Leave her alone.”
He didn’t think he had many regrets until now, watching someone he truly loved about to be killed. Just as he was bracing himself to push through the pain and run as fast as he could to get her out of the way, even if that meant he went over the edge. 
Just as he was staggering to his feet, watching as Meta grabs her arm his eyes snap open, chest heaving as he bolts upright. Glancing around he takes in the familiar scene of his lifeless room, sweat coating his skin. 
He runs a hand through his hair as he takes a steadying breath, “Just a nightmare,” he mutters to himself as he swings his legs over the side of his cot, rubbing his face in an attempt to push the nightmare and memories away. 
He let out a hefty sigh, looking down at his hands and remembering all the times he held her with those hands. How gentle he had once been to now he couldn’t even stand the thought of ever touching her again with the same hands that had grown calloused. He slams his hands down beside him, the stinging reminding him that he was awake and this was reality. 
He grabbed a change of clothes and made his way down the hall towards the showers. Stopping short when he hears her laughter, like a siren song calling out to him. He cautiously made his way closer, peering around the corner. There she was, talking and laughing with the few sim troopers that were still awake. He stood there for a long moment just drinking her in. Her smile, her eyes, the way lips moved when she spoke, her body, her. He longed to have her the way he used to but couldn’t trust himself not to hurt her again. 
As if she could feel his eyes on her, she looked over at him, catching his gaze. Her smile faltered for a split second before she went back to her conversation. He mentally cursed himself for allowing himself to linger that long as he quickly walked away, making it to the showers in record time. He took the farthest one from the door, turning the water on and not waiting for it to warm up before stepping in. 
The  ice cold water shocked his system, causing him to lose his breath for a moment. He placed his hands on the wall, lowered his head and let the water run over him as if it could wash all his sins away. He closed his eyes and he was brought back to the last time he was in the shower with her. The sounds he could pull from her luscious lips, her body reacting to his touch, the way she felt against him.
Lost in his thoughts he didn’t hear the soft footfalls approaching until her voice pulled him back to reality. 
“You know you don’t have to keep avoiding me.” Her voice was soft, gentle. More than he deserved. 
His head snapped up, eyes staring at the tile in front of him for a moment before he poked his head out, using the shower curtain to hide the rest of him. Blue quickly takes in her gentle features, the concern and care in her features and eyes as she stood a few feet away. God damn it, she was close enough all he had to do was reach out and pull her close, it was driving him insane. He cleared his throat in an attempt to regain some control of his thoughts as he meets her gaze. “I’m sorry, wasn’t my intention.”
“Don’t give me that bs, David,” she returns evenly, using his real name. The only person he really allowed to call him that. “I’ve watched you turn around and walk away when you see me in the area. You know, the least you could do is not make it so obvious.” 
He could tell she was trying to hide how hurt she was by his actions. He hated himself for hurting her even when he thought he was doing what was best for her. “I- you’re right. I’m sorry . Won't happen again.” 
She rolled her eyes, letting out a small annoyed huff, and turning on her heel to leave. Before she could take a step away and he could really think about what he was doing, he reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her into the shower with him and pinning her against the wall. Warm water covering both of them, her clothes clinging to her body as she tries to read his expression. Without a second hesitation he crashes his lips to hers, one hand tenderly cupping her face. 
He was shocked when her lips welcomed his, her arms wrapping around his neck and fingers tangling in his wet hair. Both let out a small content moan at the same time. He presses closer to her, wanting to take as much of her in as she’d allow. He isn’t sure when or how but she had managed to remove her soaked clothing. Running her hands down his chest, fingers lightly tracing over new and old scars as their lips and tongues stay in a constant battle of dominance. 
He trails tender kisses over her jaw and neck, using one hand to slowly trail down her body till he reaches her leg, lifting it up and wrapping it around his waist as her hand wraps around his throbbing member. “Fuck,” he groans, unable to stop himself from slightly thrusting into her hand. 
Her voice was barely audible as he toyed with her clit, the pressure of his fingers and the water working to his advantage as she was a puddle in a matter of seconds, “I need you.” 
That was all he needed to hear to drop the guilt he’d been carrying around for months. He wasted no time in lifting her up and lining her entrance up with the tip of his cock before plunging in all at once, earning him a savory gasp from her as she grips onto his shoulders. He kisses her with more passion and life as her walls flutter and wrap perfectly around him as if no time had passed since their last intimate moment. It drove him crazy, he wanted to just pound into her but held himself back and slowly pulled halfway out before thrusting up into her again. She pulled back, head leaning against the wall as her eyes fluttered shut. He trailed sloppy open mouthed kisses along her throat, nipping at the tender spot on her neck causing her to roll her hips down onto him pleading for more. 
He pulled completely out, spun her around so she flush with the wall, lifting her hips up enough to give him the perfect angle before once more filling her. He placed one hand over hers, intertwining their fingers together as slams into her from behind. Her moans music to his ears, spurring him on until her walls tightened around him with a leg shaking orgasm as he cums inside her, his own hot seed increasing her pleasure. He presses chaste kisses to her shoulder as he slowly pulls out, admiring the half of her flushed pleasure-filled features he could see. 
He moves the shower head to focus more on her, turning it up slightly to help ease the muscles as she leans back against him, resting her head on his shoulder with her eyes closed. He committed everything about this moment to memory in case he fucked up again. 
She opened her eyes, taking in his features with a softness neither had felt in a long time, “I missed you… Do I need to corner you in the shower every time?” she asked softly, a light joking lilt in her voice.
He softly smiled as he held her as close as possible, “No. I think our problem now will be leaving my room.”
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anthropoetics · 2 years
The closest we can get to dreaming while awake is with that trance that the brazilian heat provides. With just a broken fan and a book for company, you soon find yourself in a mixture of sweat and sleep. Waking up after a 40° nap gives you unprecedented clarity. It even seems that the body has reached such a high temperature that it cools down.
One summer morning, in my almost conscious state, where you only hear things far away, I felt my feet burning. “There are no plugs near me, could it be that the house is on fire?”. Ironically, I woke up very slowly, looked at the end of my bed, noticed that there was a leak puddling on my mattress. My feet were freezing. I threw a blanket over my legs and went back to sleep. I'm not that incisive about solving something in the middle of the night.
I have an uncle who has had an accident with fire. It would be much more serious if there weren't those classic outdoor showers, for when people arrive from the beach to wash off the salt. He promised that after that he would not smoke anymore (it was not related to what happened, but I believe that any fire brought back memories). After a few months, he started smoking again. The lit wood stove is an altar, as Rubem Alves would say.
The only time I got seriously burned was with a milk pan. I was at my childhood friend's house, who was my neighbor. There was no walls, so it was like we lived in the same house. Her parents were raised on the farm, so we had coffee very early in the afternoon. I loved how they still warmed the milk on the stove, unlike us, who already used microwaves. The smell caressed my skin. We sat at the round table, with a tablecloth brushing our thighs. They warned me about the milk pan, but of course I forgot. I went to get something and accidentally touched the inner part of the arm on the aluminum. That stinging pain instantly made me cry and I ran home. I felt bad listening to my friend's sister and her parents wanting to help me, the voices in the background echoing in my head. But it just got really cold out of nowhere.
Today I don't even have the burn mark anymore, which makes me wonder if it all really happened. I could ask my parents about it. However, I prefer to leave the memory of the translucent greenish-purple skin healing. I showed it to my friend and her sister, they were horrified but never stopped staring. It was beautiful. So beautiful I found it hard not to touch. I imagined myself tapping the skin and it moving like the cream of the milk. I was sure if I held the thin layer of skin up to the light I would see something.
Even when a child burns themselves, they put their hands in the fire again. The chill full of shivers doesn't stop the desire to see that secret skin again.
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observeowl · 1 year
Back up plan part 2 S.J
Scarlett Johansson x Reader
Summary: You surprise her by coming back early
Part 1 Part 3
Your POV Despite being overseas and in a different time zone, Scarlett and I often tried to find time so we could facetime, though it often ended with one of us falling asleep on the phone. Saying that I miss Scarlett was an understatement, I missed her touch, the way she would hold me as we fell asleep.
I texted Elizabeth, the next person I was closest with, who was filming with Scarlett. I asked about their estimated last date of filming to check if it lines with my schedules. My time here was about to end, so if I could proceed faster, I could head back earlier and surprise Scarlett on set.
Fortunately, after checking my schedule, I am able to end a day earlier than Scarlett, giving me time to travel back by plane. Knowing that we'll be able to meet face to face again, gave me the motivation to work even harder to meet Scarlett.
>time skip&lt;
Finally, I arrived back in the states and headed to the address which Elizabeth texted me earlier. There was security and no matter how many times I told them I was a friend of Scarlett, they wouldn't let me in. I guess I should be glad that they don't let random people in but it kinda sting.
I had no choice but to text Elizabeth again hoping that she was not filming and she would be able to let me in. Lucky for me, she was having a break and was able to sneak me in without Scarlett noticing.
"Thanks Lizzie."
"No worries, just remember me for your wedding." She wiggled her eyebrows at me. I shook my head in resignation. I entered just in time to see Scarlett in action. I admired her beauty and talent as she acted in front of the camera. I was entranced by her acting and the emotions that she was portraying that I forgot where I was.
Lizzie had to remind me where I was, that I had to hide before Scarlett saw me. I was reluctant to leave but it was for the best. Lizzie guided me to where Scarlett's trailer was and I settled in, waiting for Scarlett to be done with her filming.
Scarlett was a very neat person, everything was in place and it was easy to find cups and drinks. Being alone in the trailer was very boring especially since I didn't sleep on the plane otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep at night.
"Took you long enough." I said nonchalantly while scrolling through my phone when Scarlett entered her trailer. I heard the footsteps stopped, so... maybe it was not Scarlett? I looked up and it was Scarlett who was looking at me. "Hi...?"
"When did you get here?" She sprinted towards me and into my arms.
"Earlier." I described the scene where I saw her act earlier.
"So long... that was about 2 hours ago."
"Today is your last day of filming right?" She nodded. "Can we go back and cuddle and watch a movie?"
"Yeah. Just let me say farewell to the directors, screenwriter and other crew members." I pouted that she was going to leave my embrace so fast. "I'll be back, baby." She gave me a kiss before leaving.
Scarlett was driving us home when I told her about the incident with the security. "He didn't believe I was your friend!"
"Baby... He was right, you're not my friend." She took my hands and placed them on her thighs. "You're more than a friend, you're my girlfriend."
"Yeah, I'll be called a liar if I walk around saying that." I said under my breath.
She took my hand to her mouth and kissed it. "Where is the confident girlfriend that I know of?"
"I left it back at work."
Scarlett unlocked the door and I followed her in. It's been so long since I've stepped into this house and I missed it so much. "Let's skip the movie and go straight to cuddling?" Scarlett asked after we showered and were winding down in bed.
"I believe my confident girlfriend will come back after she sleeps." I hung my head low after hearing what she said. "You don't have to force yourself to stay awake for me. I'll be by your side when you sleep."
I placed my head on her chest. "I'm so tired..."
"Goodnight baby." Scarlett kissed my forehead but I drifted off to dreamland.
Scarlett POV I watched as Y/N slept. It's been long... so long since I am able to get this close to her. I used my fingers to trace her features, her eyebrow, her nose, her cheeks, her lips and her chin. I'm glad she's right back in my arms again. Even though she's not moving, it feels like I am watching a movie in front of me. She's such an interesting figure that I can't get bored watching her.
"You're not leaving again right?"
(I did think of ending it there.)
>time skip&lt;
Y/N slept throughout the whole night peacefully without moving a single muscle, she must have been dead tired. She finally stirred awake as she stretched and rubbed the sleepiness off her eyes. "Morning Scarlett..."
"Morning, do you want breakfast or do you want to stay in bed?" She looked at me confused. "Y-yes?"
She blinked at me a few times before speaking. "How do you get so much energy in the morning?"
"Stay in bed it is."
We watched the movie that we weren't able to watch the night before, but the question was still stuck in my head. "Are you leaving again?"
"What?" She turned to look at me.
"Each time you stay over, you have to leave."
"I'm not leaving again, at least not within a year's time." She was quick to reassure me. "Do you want to go on a break? On a holiday with me? Just the two of us?"
"I thought you like to plan things ahead."
"You make me spontaneous."
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olsenmyolsen · 1 year
Olsen IV
Part 29 of On The Inside With Elizabeth Olsen
Word Count: ~6.5K
TW: Hospitals and everything to do with them :) Blood.
MoM Spoilers!
I wake up gasping for air from a nightmare I haven't had in nearly 8 months. As the cold sweat beats down my chest, I pad myself checking for any wires connected to my body. I sharply look around the bedroom, ensuring that there are no monitors, nurses, or IV drips.
Once I feel safe with my surroundings, I lay back down on the bed, trying my best to calm my breathing. With each breath I release, I faintly hear the beeps of the heart monitor from my nightmare. I do my best to shake the noise out of my head but to no avail. With a groan, I lift myself and locate my phone. Through the blinding light, I see the time is 3:39 am.
I drop my phone and move my exhausted body to the edge of the bed and let my feet hang. I look down at my chest and see that the sweat has seeped through my shirt. Knowing I won't be getting sleep anytime soon, I guess now is the best time for a shower. I cling to the bottom of my shirt and pull it off my body, letting it hit the floor. Soon after, my shorts and underwear join the pile.
Thankfully I know how to work the shower this time around.
Afraid to shut my eyes, I stare up at the ceiling as I let the droplets of water fall onto my body. The feeling each bead of water has on my body becomes deeper as I turn myself under the showerhead. I part my lips and let a satisfied sigh escape them as my breathing becomes regular again.
Doing what I came in here to do, I grab the loofa James bought for me, and my body wash and begin scrubbing the nightmare off of me. But- but why did it happen again? I run the loofa across my chest and down my side as I wonder what I've done wrong. I squeeze the loofa behind my shoulder, allowing the soap to slide down my back. Did I do something wrong? Is that why I- I had the nightmare again? I turn my back to the water, letting it wash me off. I'm too busy being caught up in my head that when I went to pick some sleep out of my eye, I forgot how covered in soap my hands were.
The stinging pain that followed was terrible.
But closing my eyes and being thrown right back into my nightmare was worse.
I'm lying in a hospital bed. Davey's hospital bed. I can feel the cool breeze around my shaved head. My arms and chest are hooked up to machines around me. Except I'm not hooked up like you usually would. Instead, each tube and patch is digging into my skin, forcing me to bleed. In addition to that, the monitors don't suggest much aside from the fact that there's no heartbeat detected. I flatlined. The ear-piercing monotone beep is alive in my ears. Every time I go to scream, I have no voice. I go to move; I find myself strapped down.
I'm quickly losing hope until they walk in.
A nurse opens the door with a group of people behind her.
But they stop at the doorway, and I watch as the smile on their faces crumbles. Behind the nurse is my mom, Max, and then a faceless brunette. One by one, each of them drops to their knees. I do my best to launch myself closer to them, but each effort leaves me pushing myself away.
And just before I wake up.
I hear Davey.
I don't remember turning off the shower, but I guess in my blind soap-filled haze, I did it. I'm glad I did. I would've felt like an asshole if I had flooded James' place because I collapsed in the tub.
The pain in my eyes is gone. All that's left is the redness surrounding my eyes and the cloudy thoughts in my head. Fuck. I groan at myself and feel incredibly frustrated that this happened to me. Why? Fucking why.
After sitting in the empty tub for a few minutes, my body starts to get cold, so not wanting to freeze any longer, I push myself upwards and out of the tub. My legs wobble before I find solid ground. I avoid looking in the mirror. A part of me is afraid of what I'll see, while the other part doesn't want to deal with anything right now.
I shuffle myself back into my room and collapse on the bed. Clothes are my last thought. I mean, be my hands around the bed until I find it—my phone. Looking up at the time, I see it's been a little over a half hour since I last checked. I sigh and pull the covers over myself. I'm not tired, just cold. I roll over and place the back of my head against the pillow. I'm staring at the ceiling, trying to let nothing bother my mind, but that doesn't last long.
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.
My phone comes to life. I lift my face to see a message from James. At this hour?
"Max just called me in a panic. Please call her when you see this."
I shut the messaging app and open my contacts. Scrolling until I land on: Mad ❤️‍🔥 Max
In an instant, I'm at the receiving end of a panicked "hello!" Followed by. "Y/N! What the hell happened!?"
"Me, what about you? What are you talking about? Are you okay? Your brother's text worried me."
"I'm fine! I was calling to make sure you're okay. I just saw some articles-" "What articles?!" I hear a big breath. "This first one says, 'former Olsen beaus spotted together looking strangely comfortable.' Y/N, what happened last night?"
I slap my hand against my forehead before collapsing on the bed. My worries about my friend slowly melt as I think back to last night.
I'll give you a ride." Robbie smiles. "Thanks. You'd be kind of a dick to leave me now." I lean forward. "But I still can." Robbie agrees and looks out the windows across the restaurant.
The smile he has drops.
"Oh shit."
"What?" I follow Robbie's eyes, and that's when I see them.
Robbie looks over to me, and that kind moment we were having between us is gone. The darks of Robbie's eyes become darker as it looks like he's thinking of a plan. Or he's just as pissed at what's happening. Or, like me, he knows a photo of the two of us together is the last thing we need right now.
Robbie stops a waiter walking past our table and explains the situation outside. The waiter looks out the windows before motioning for us to follow. We get up and walk into an employees-only section that leads to the kitchen. No one seems to pay us any attention as we weave our way through many white coats.
We hit a door that brings us outside. The warm California air touching my skin as Robbie thanks the waiter behind us. The waiter smiles and closes the door behind them as they retreat back inside.
"Well, so much for a relaxing night." Robbie scoffs into the air. I don't say anything, but I agree. Why can't the people with the cameras leave people like the Robbie, Liz, and Mary-Kate's alone? Like people don't need to know that Liz is ice cream while shopping at Whole Foods. But do I have that picture of her saved in my phone? Of course. It's cute and makes me smile. Anyways.
"Y/N?" I turn my body to Robbie. "Are you okay?" I nod, but Robbie can see how much the paparazzi are starting to affect me. "They fucking suck."
"Yeah, they do." Robbie chuckled as I let an air-filled laugh exit through my nose. "Where's your car?" I look down at the keys in my hand. Oh yeah. Where is James's car? I look around before remembering.
"Parked out front."
"Of course." I can tell what's going on in his mind because it's what's going on in mine. What bullshit headline is going to be blasted everywhere about the two of us? How will this affect.. whatever Liz and I have? How does Robbie feel? What will Max think? My friends?
"I'm sorry." I let slip out—Robbie moves to meet my eyes with confusion. "You have nothing to be sorry for. It's their fault. Now let's get to the car, huh?" Robbie doesn't want to dwell any longer, so we start walking around the side of the building to see paparazzi standing outside, waiting to capture their next victim.
Robbie leans over to me and begins going over what to say to them if they catch you. Liz had gone over this with me before, but I never had to deal with it. So I guess tonight is the night. Robbie and I start making out way to James's car, and to my surprise, no one cares. Well, no one cared until I went to unlock James's car but accidentally hit the alarm button, causing it to blast that annoying horn turning heads in the process. Before I could try and stop it, Robbie caught my attention.
"Get in the car now."
Well... We made it.
We're on the road with some soft music quietly playing in the background. Robbie's phone is routing us to his place. Well, technically, Liz's, but I'm not going to fight about it.
We left the restaurant parking lot, only getting about three pictures taken of us. I know that number because I counted the flashes of light that lit up the car as I pulled away.
It wasn't until we were streets down that Robbie and I realized I didn't know where I was going.
So now here I am driving Robbie home.
"I thought more about the song."
I quickly glance to my right before focusing back on the road. "Could you be any less specific?" I laugh as Robbie rolls his eyes. I assume.
"The song. 'I love leaving.'" (I love Leaving by Johnny Fritz)
"And?" I'm not getting any younger, Robbie. "What made you start writing it? I mean, are you basing it off your life, or is there a story behind it?" Robbie isn't pushing for a narrative. He's genuinely curious. I turn down what little music is playing in the background to let Robbie know I'm listening and thinking of what to say.
"I think everything I've ever written has come from me and my experiences. Having them made it easier for me."
"But I will say." I take a glance at Robbie before turning my attention to the road. "It's nice to have someone to help you along the way. Whether that's bouncing ideas off one another or trying to make me better."
"So you love leaving?" I look next to me to see Robbie smiling away. "I'm here, aren't I?" I watch from the corner of my eye, Robbie nod. "What's your favorite line?"
"From the song?"
I think back to what I've written and what lyrics Robbie has added in.
"I think it's I love meatballs but don't like spaghetti It makes me so tired, and I want to be ready I love being ready to go."
I turn the car as we pull onto a new road. "What about you?"
"I guess I love leaving Leaving without saying goodbye Leaving without telling anybody I'm going Quick as the blink of an eye."
I look to Robbie as he didn't sing the lyrics but rather gloomily mumbled them. However, when I look at him, he's looking out the car window.
"Have you thought about any of the other songs?"
Robbie clears his throat. "Yeah. I messed around with All Eyes On Me some more. Came up with an idea for another."
"Yeah?!" I reply, excited for Robbie. "Yeah! But we can talk more about it tomorrow." Robbie smiles at me, and I nod back, feeling a little shot down, but that's fine. Also, we're pulling up to a very friendly gated community. I roll down my window as we pull up to a box with a guard in it. Robbie leans over the center console of the car. "Hey, Matt!"
The guard, Matt, looks down into the car. "Hey, Mr. Arnett! I was wondering who was pulling up." The guard looks at me and back at Robbie. "Having a good night?" Robbie kindly asks. "Always. But I'll let you and your friend get going." Matt leans back into his box and opens the large gates to the neighborhood. I give Matt a smile as I go to drive, but Robbie stops me.
"Hey, Matt."
"I'd like to add my friend, Y/N, to the Guestbook." Ooh, the Guestbook, how fancy.
Matt smiles at the two of us before nodding his head. "Alright, Miss Y/N, could I see some ID?" I turn to Robbie, who nods, encouraging me to do so.
It takes a bit of fumbling, but I come up with my ID and hand it to Matt. I watch as he tried to hide a smile after looking at the picture on my license. God, it's one of the worse photos ever taken of me.
I'm not sure what he does with it, but he hands it back to me a leans down to talk to Robbie. "She'll be in the system tomorrow." I thank Matt with a smile before putting my ID away. "Thanks, Matt. Have a good night!"
"You too, Mr. Arnett!"
I roll my window back up and slowly start driving into this niccceeee looking neighborhood. "I kinda figured we'd meet here and do sessions and whatnot, but after tonight it just confirmed that it's best to do just that. So signing you into the Guestbook means you can come and go as you please."
"Okay. Thanks, Robbie."
Robbie doesn't answer me; instead, he points to a big modern white house. "There she is." My mouth drops at the sight, but I quickly pick it back up before Robbie-boy could see. I pull into the drive and park the car.
"Thanks again for the ride." Robbie sheepishly looks away. "It's no problem." I shrug. "Besides, like you said, I was coming here eventually." 
"True." Robbie unbuckles himself and opens the car door but stopping before he steps out. "I can text Lizzie before the pictures go up. I don't want her to get the wrong impression about anything." Oh shit. I forgot. Fuck how is this going to look? How will Liz react? Before I can say anything, Robbie is getting through his "good night".
"I can text her."
"What?" Robbie's eyebrows launch up his head as he looks at me, confused.
"I'll text her."
"Y/N no." "Robbie-" "You haven't spoken in weeks. She doesn't even know you're here." "Rob-"
"I don't want this to become worse for you two." 
"I saw her at the airport!"
Robbie's face drops as it did at the restaurant, but instead of anger, this time, it's shock. "Today. I saw her." Robbie leans back into the passenger seat. The look on his face slowly morphs back into a soft frown. But he isn't sad. At least, I don't think. "We ran into each other at the airport. We talked and talked. So yes, she knows I'm here, but she doesn't know why." Robbie doesn't say much but: "Okay, so what will you tell her."
"I'll just be honest, and I tell her I ran into you after having dinner with James and his family."
"Okay." Robbie nods his head now and moves to get out of the car. "So, see you here tomorrow at one?"
"Sounds good." I awkwardly throw a thumbs up, and Robbie laughs before walking to a house I can't wait to peer inside. Robbie opens the front door closing it behind him.
I'm not going to lie. I stared at the house for s few seconds before finally leaving. After stopping at the gates to go back out, I routed myself to James. On the drive, my mind becomes filled with all the different ways to text Liz.
I move the potted plant hiding James' spare key, and unlock the front door. I'm quick to set it down in the kitchen as I make my way to the guest bedroom. I discard the clothes I have on and grab a pair of bike shorts, a t-shirt, and a fresh pair of underwear before making my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face for the night. Once that is all done, I crawl up the bed and open my text messages between Liz and I.
I look to my left and see Aubrey calling someone, but it looks like they didn't pick up. "Damn it," Aubrey exclaims before calling them again. "Who is it?" Aubrey smiles at me before I hear a faint "hello!?"
Next thing I know, Aubrey's phone is shoved into the side of my face, and I'm left wondering what the hell is happening.
"Hello? Who is this?!"
The voice on the other line I instantly recognize. I hastily look over to Aubrey, who is in her own little world. She's crazy, but I love her.
"Mary-Kate," I reply with little hesitation. The breathing on the other end stops.
"Lizzie? Are you okay?"
I smile down the phone, hearing the protective older sister come out. Instead of the bitchy harsh sister that was a cause of me being a problem. "I'm fine. I didn-"
"Where are you calling from?"
"Aubrey's phone. She called you and forced the phone into my hand." MK doesn't respond, making me think the call dropped. "So what do you want?" Nope there she is. "I want to apologize-" I get cut off by a fake laugh. I lift the phone away from my ear and look over at Aubrey, who darts her eyes away, but I see the smile she has. She loves seeing people put in awkward situations. Once the laughter dies down, I continue. "I'm being serious, Mary-Kate."
Aubrey gets herself off the couch and leaves the room. Is she taking my phone?
"What, seeing Y/N made you realize what a complete bitch you've been?" Okay, harsh but fair. "It helped," I reply honestly to her. "Look, MK. I know what I did was totally uncalled for and one of the bitchest things I've ever done, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Seeing your face crushed by my words again and again didn't make me feel anything besides hurt for you. Hurt that I caused. I'm really sorry. You had every right to do what you and to say what you said to me that night." I stop and wait for her to say anything, but she doesn't. "Mary-Kate. I love you. You're my big sister. You've pulled me through so many times in life where I've failed you in yours. You've given me the best advice anyone has ever given me, and above all that, you're one of the greatest role models I've could ever be given. I love you, and I'm sorry."
The line goes quiet again until I hear MK sniffling. "I really want to not accept this apology right now, but fuck, you had to make it so good. I hate you." MK's voice breaks into a laugh-filled cry. "I love you, Lizzie. Just next time, stop and think." I laugh along with her as I sniff the tears away. "You owe me a new mug, by the way. I was so pissed at you that I ruined the one Trent got me."
"Don't worry. I'll get you one for your birthday." MK laughs. "What are you doing for it, by the way? Have you and Ash made plans?"
"No. We haven't. We've been focused on a fall spread we're doing. Oh shit!"
"I'm out with a friend, and this phone call made me forget." I laugh as I hear MK shuffling over the phone. "Okay, well, I'll let you go then."
"Okay, Lizzie."
"I love you. I'm sorry."
"I know. I love you too. Just- just don't blow it this time. Please, Lizzie."
I nod along, knowing what MK is referring to. "I know. I won't." I move the phone away from my face and end the call. I breathe a sigh of relief and set Aubrey's phone down next to me. She still hasn't come back yet. "Aubs?" I call out, earning no response. I swear, if she's doing what I think she's doing... "Aubrey?" I get up from her couch and start searching for the chaotic tornado she is. "Aubs!" I get closer to the guest room where my bags are and start to laugh. Well, from Aubrey. I open the door and see my friend laid out on the bed, FaceTiming someone!
"Oh, speak of the devil. Here she is!"
Aubrey turns the phone towards me, and I see my best friend Clay smiling away! "Hey, Bitch! I really had to find out from this one that you're back!?" I roll my eyes and snatch the phone from Aubrey's hand. "I've had a lot going on, Clay. I'm sorry. I promise we'll hang out soon."
Clay dramatically acts like this is the worst news ever and proceeds to scold me about not staying with him or allowing Robbie to continue to live at my place with my plants. It gets to a point where I know he's joking, but I just want to go back downstairs and drink wine and let my mind turn off. Aubrey notices this and grabs the phone from me. "Okay, Clayton! You guys can see each other soon and gossip about whoever the hell you want, but tonight it's Lizzie and I, and she's going now! Say bye Lizzie!" She once again turns the phone towards me to show me Clay's shocked face, but it's Aubrey, so let's be real here. His face makes me laugh while Aubrey chuckles from behind the camera. "Bye, Lizzie!" I say just as my friend wanted me to, earning a loud sigh. Once goodbyes are done, and the call ends, my phone is being placed back in my hand.
"So, how'd the call go?" I scoot up the bed and sit next to Aubrey. My head leans onto her shoulder. "It was good. Thank you."
"I had to do something, or you've kept at it all night." She's right. "But I'm glad it worked. I hate seeing you down, and knowing you were fighting with your sister was worse. What was it even about? Y/N?" I nod. "I took misplaced anger and regret and screamed it at her."
Aubrey doesn't add anything to the conversation. I think she's just allowing me to process the past hour, days, and weeks.
After a while, Aubrey does eventually speak up. "Ready to go back downstairs?" She lifts her body, causing me to lose my headrest. "If you're not ready, we could break in this bed. I haven't had quite the chance.." Aubrey gazes her eyes to mine, and I notice the change in them. "Would you want that Lizzie Bear?" Aubrey husks out. I also notice the movement in which they go from my eyes to my lips and back up. I open my mouth but find it dried out thanks to this sudden change. It's not until Aubrey smirks and laughs in my face that I feel a weight lift off my chest.
Fuck me. I mean, no, not like that.
"I had you." Aubrey laughs again as she lifts herself up and off the bed. After a few seconds, I embarrassingly follow. "You're an idiot Aubrey." Aubrey turns back to me, hurt, as we leave the room. "That's not true. I'm YOUR idiot." I roll my eyes as I make sure to pour myself a large glass of wine after the events that just transpired. "Seriously though, I had you, right? Did it have you thinking of any memories?" Aubrey wiggles her eyebrows, and yes, it maybe did, but she can't know. So I use my best acting skill and bald-faced lie to her. "Not in your wildest dreams, Plaza." She pouts, but from the smirk I see behind her glass, we both know the truth.
I'm about to pick up the remote and let the night fully relax me when my phone buzzes. I tilt my head at the contact that pops up. Paul B. 🤖 What he sends me makes me gasp.
"Aubrey." I turn the phone towards her as she looks at the phone and then me. "Lizzie."
This bitch.
"Did you seriously text Paul asking if they put paint on his dick and how much and if there was proof?!" From my phone!! YOU DIDN'T EVEN SAY IT WAS FROM YOU!" HE THINKS I ASKED!"
For the record. I'm not actually mad. I'm more merely annoyed that she actually asked my friend Paul.
"Well, what did he say?" I collapse into the couch and toss my phone to Aubrey. She reads off the text he sent back. "Hey, Lizzie. Nice to hear from you. I'm not sure of the reason for this text, but I'll provide you with some answers. No, they don't paint "it." No, there is no proof, and I'm going to assume this was a joke text from an interview or something, so I'll be on the lookout for that. Anyways love you and hope you are well." 
"I'm disappointed." Aubrey sighs, tossing my phone back into my lap, and picks up her wine glass. I look at her and see the smile on her lips that part for that red liquid to slide down. "I can't believe you." Aubrey turns to me and laughs. "You're literally talking to the same person that created a fake identity so I could play basketball. Come on, Lizzie. If I wanted to ask Paul Bettany for paint-covered dick pics, I'll do it." Aubrey shrugs as I sit up onto the couch. In times like this, it's nice to know how much of a real friend Aubrey is. No matter how insane she can be.
"So, what do we want to watch tonight?" I shrug. "Nothing I'm in, please." Aubrey whines and thankfully skips over anything with me. We keep flipping through movies, landing on the Rom-Com category. I should do those more. I think I'm hilarious. And hot. Why not, right?
"What's it like working for Marvel?" I turn to the woman who has interrupted my thoughts. "I mean, I know I've asked you before, but.. have your thoughts changed?"
"I think I've been given a wonderful opportunity, and while I've had to turn down other roles to continue to play Wanda, I don't think I'd change anything about it. I love it. Plus, I've met so many amazing and talented people."
"You know you're not in an interview, right?"
I slap Aubrey's arm. "Clearly. Next time I'll just say 'It's great!' since that's what you want. Why are you asking anyways?" Aubrey rubs her arm that I slapped and shakes her head. "Just thinking about if I'd want to do something like that." I nod. "Well, if I'm ever back, I'll be sure to ask around for you! Or maybe I contact someone, but I don't know." I smile at Aubrey before turning my attention back to the TV. "Lizzie?"
"Hmm." I notice Aubrey has stopped scrolling. "Lizzie." Aubrey has a particular look and smirk on her face that concerns me. "What?"
"You just said 'if I'm ever back'!" My eyes go wide with the sudden realization. Oh shit. I can't pull a Holland! Damn this wine! "Lizzie, do you die?!" I immediately cover up Aubrey's mouth with my hand. "No, shut up. You know nothing! I know nothing. I don't know what you're talking about!" Aubrey begins to laugh, making me move my hand. I keep watching her laugh away.
It takes Aubrey a bit to calm down, but once she does and agrees that she knows nothing, we finally begin to watch 13 going on 30.
We're about 30 minutes in when one of our phones starts buzzing. I groan as Aubrey pauses the movie. I throw the blanket off the two of us and search the couch.
"It's mine." I hold it up and flip it over.
"Aubs. Am I drunk, or does this say what I think it says?" I turn the phone over and sit down next to Aubrey. Pulling the blanket over us again, Aubs takes my phone. "It says what you think it says.." I look over her shoulder as we both re-read the message.
And the one after that.
And the next one.
I couldn't do it.
I couldn't come up with the right words that wouldn't make it sound like I was lying or hiding something.
Don't fault me. I tried and tried, but I couldn't just say, "hey, Liz, it was really great seeing you today! Anyways I went out to dinner with James and his family and ran into Robbie, and paparazzi saw us, and there's going to be photos of us everywhere tomorrow but don't worry!"
Shit. I guess I could've done just that.
I roll back over on the bed and pick up my phone. I type what I just thought up, and I'm about to hit the send button when I stop myself.
I groan and fumble with my phone before finally hitting the send button multiple times.
Hey Liz! ☺️ It was great to see you today!
Soooo I just wanted to hit you up and let you know that There's going to be photos of Robbie and I tomorrow I went out with James and his family and ran into Robbie I promise you it was just a friendly chat I just wanted to let you know
Just because i asked for time doesn't mean I- I don't want to be any less open or honest.
I'm still looking forward to reading your interview 🤍
See you soon. 
I sigh as I hit send multiple times. What a weird situation to be in. And I'm not even lying about anything! Ughhh. I let my fingers do some more talking before feeling the stress begin to take a hold of me, so I put my phone onto its charger and call it a night.
So an hour has gone by, and my mind won't turn off.
I flip my phone over and still have heard nothing back from Liz.
She saw all the texts but hasn't responded.
I debate on whether calling her or Robbie would make the situation better but instead, I pass out at some point in the night. I think the stress of the day finally overtook me.
"Fuck the paparazzi! Can't they leave you the fuck alone?"
Max gets it.
"I wish. I think Robbie and his team are going to try and take care of this, but at this point, there is only one person's opinion that matters." I turn my body in the bed and try to get comfortable again.
"Hmm. Y/N, can we back up a bit and tell me again how you ran into Olsen?"
I barely scratched the surface earlier when I was retelling the events of the night to Max. But I might as well explain how Liz and I are. And where we want to go.
After doing so, Max hits me with a "I'm proud of you for standing your ground. Past you wouldn't have." I let out a deep sigh knowing if I would've been with Naomi, I would've caved and crawled back to that she-devil. "Thank you."
Max chuckles at my monotone voice and asks me another question. "So be honest. Did you like Andrea, or is she still annoying?" Okay, I see we're moving on from the topic of Elizabeth Olsen. "I think she's cool. I wouldn't say annoying. Why? What's up with her?" I can hear Max grumble over the phone. "I feel like she's always trying to be too friendly. It feels fake to me, and I don't know, maybe I'm a protective sister, but I just want what's best for James."
"I get that, but I promise you it didn't seem like she was fake or anything last night. She was nice." I know Max won't like that, but that's my opinion.
"Yeah, I guess." I roll my eyes. "Anygays, I gotta get into work. Let me know if Liz reaches out or if you and Robbie decide to have babies." My eyes shoot open in a mix of shock and laughter. This bitch.
"Fuck you."
"Love you too, bye!"
Max ends the call, and when I look at the time, I'm annoyed that it's past 5am and that my body is no longer tired.
I scoot my ass to the edge of the bed again and grab a fresh pair of underwear and my bike shorts from earlier. I get up and dig around in the bag until I find a sports bra and a t-shirt.
Today I'm going for a run. It's been a minute, and I need to do something to clear my head.
I slip on my shoes as I look over the clothes I have laid out on my bed for later. For when I go to Robbies.
It's not that much longer till I'm out the door.
"Lizzzzzie! Come on, Lizzie!"
I turn over to the side where the voice is coming from. I flutter my eyes open and come to see Aubrey standing above me. She has a smile and a glow on her face. She must've gone running or to the gym this morning. I roll my eyes away from Aubrey and try my best to go back to sleep.
But that fails once Aubs is ripping the covers off of me. I groan and curse at her, but that doesn't stop her plan.
And here I am.
Sitting across from Aubrey as we enjoy a home-cooked breakfast.
"Thank you once again, Aubrey. You didn't have to!" I say as I fling a couple of blueberries into my mouth. "I wanted to! You seemed a little distracted after the texts last night." I sigh and take a stab at Aubrey's waffles. She just laughs and lets me.
"Did you text her back?"
I shake my head no. Aubrey frowns a bit before taking a swig of her orange juice. "Why?"
"I think.. I don't know.. It's not that I don't trust her! I do. I completely do! I guess I was just stuck thinking about how she keeps getting pulled into a media storm every week. I hate it. It's all because of me." Aubrey looks at me, a little confused. "Look." I pull out my phone and click on a link to a video of Robbie and Y/N walking away from their table last night. "I get what you're saying. It does fucking suck, but at least that's the worst thing out of this situation." Aubrey starts piling up a stack of dirty plates. I start helping with glassware. "What do you mean?"
"I mean.." Aubrey gets up to start putting the dishes in the kitchen. "You got a text from Y/N being honest about what was depicted. Imagine if they didn't reach out at all. Or imagine if those wacko paparazzi were telling the truth. Ew!" I nod to every word she is saying and make a disgusted face at the thought of Y/N and Robbie actually together. Friends? Maybe. Anything past that. Never. "You're right." I agree with Aubrey as the conversation gets dropped.
After we took care of dishes and leftover food, Aubrey suggested having a nice shopping day.
I move my head in an "ehh" kinda way. I don't feel like going from store to store, and after thinking about it, some more, neither is Aubrey. We do debate for a bit before deciding on going to a market and bookstore shopping day. Much more my speed.
"Five minutes!"
Aubrey yells out as she passes by the guest room. I am currently in front of the mirror, deciding between a summer dress and birkenstocks or jeans and a blouse.
It takes a bit, but a summer dress is much more of the vibe for today.
I throw my dirty clothes into the hamper in the room and take a final look around to make sure I have everything with me. I stop when my eyes land on the case. Y/N's guitar case. I walk up to it and open it.
Every time I look at the guitar, I imagine Y/N struggling to show me how to strum the correct order of cords. Or my thoughts become occupied of Y/N being wrapped in her own writings that she forgets the outside world exists.
I leave the case open as I take a step away. I keep looking before I turn my body to look for my purse. "Come on, where is it?"
"Lizzie! It's almost 9!" Aubrey knocks on the door quietly, startling me. "You ready?" I lay out the extra contents in the guitar case before clasping it closed. "Yeah!" I call back as I lift myself and the case off the ground. I open the door to Aubrey looking cute and smiling. "You bringing that?" I laugh at how blunt she's being. "Yes. I figure we should drop it off now, and I need to check on my garden! So come on, let's go!" I move quickly to the front door as Aubs follows.
"Okay. Fine. But show me the garden again! Every time I see it's taking over." "Deal!"
"I invited Clay if that's cool? I thought it might be a better day for us all if Clay is there too!" I turn to Aubrey, shocked. "Yes. I love that!" She smiles as the trunk opens up. I lift it and place Y/N's guitar in it.
"Hey, wait!"
Aubrey POV
"What's up?" Lizzie and I climb into my car as the trunk locks. "You have Clay's number?" I shake my head. "I took it from your phone." Lizzie scoffs at me. "Just like with MK?" I chuckle as I put the car in drive. "Yep!"
"Stop being so sneaky, Plaza!" Lizzie rolls her eyes as she grabs the car's AUX. I smile at Olsen before spilling my eyes to the road.
Oh, and before you ask. Yes, I made sure to take Y/N's number. You never know when it might come in handy!
"So when do you want to go drop off the guitar?"
Lizzie shrugs next to me. "We can do it sometime in the afternoon." Lizzie looks back down at her phone. "Okay. Be sure to text Y/N back."
Lizzie clicks on a playlist we put together years ago and blushes.
"I just did."
A/N: Kinda feel like this chapter is boring and not good but 😅 Love you all 💛
Part 30
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sparrowandbee · 6 months
Chapter 5, Part 1 | Chapter 6
The Sparrow: Chapter 5, Part 2: Attachments
Synopsis: Marian is greeted by a surprise on the night before the interview.
Warnings: Mention of alcoholism and substance abuse.
Author's Note: I’ve legitimately have had the best time posting this past week! So excited to keep sharing Marian and Haymitch’s story in the new year. Stay safe, have fun, and I can’t wait to see you in 2024! - Lu 🪶
Word Count: 847
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After dinner we continued our routine as usual, mutually abstaining from acknowledging that afternoon.
We spent a few hours in the living room, sharing just one bottle of whiskey (though he had drunk most of it) and more stupid jokes, before I called it an early night since the televised interviews were tomorrow.
I treated myself to another delectable shower- this time orange and calla lily scented- and adjusted the room lights to my preferred warm yellow as I cozied up in my toasty bathrobe, thanks to the heated robe closet I had learned how to turn on.
Sure, a small part of me feared these luxuries were going to spoil me before the scarcity of the arena, but I’ve lived my whole life in scarcity. Plus, chances were that I’d be dead in a few days time, so I refused to deny myself a cucumber scented face mask (yes, I tried to eat it at first) and a cup of fresh mint tea.
I knew all that stuff was temporary, and it didn’t bother me, but that night there was a particular sting as I reminisced on my time at the Capitol.
I could live a normal, full life without scented showers and fine china but I could no longer fathom a day without Haymitch by my side. It was only then that I realized how much I’d come to rely on his stupid jokes and boisterous laughter. How he woke up every morning before the sun to make sure I had enough to eat before training, even though he knew I’d just spend another day flailing around. The way he nodded and whispered to me “it’s okay” when I scored a mere three on my training.
I was becoming attached at that scared the shit out of me because I didn’t know who I would become if I had to fight for someone other than myself. There are lines I would never cross for my own survival, but how far would I go for Haymitch’s sake?
The question lingered as I idled my way to the writing desk. I didn’t have much of anything to note today but I still wanted to honor my routine. Next to my usual gold-rimmed teacup sat a lacquered wooden box wrapped in the most beautiful pink silk ribbon, joining in a tight, asymmetrical bow right at its centre. Attached was a white tag which read- in messy handwriting- a simple “M.”
I smiled, despite myself, and realised that it was far too late to detach now. The damage was long done.
I giggled like an overexcited child and pulled the bow apart, setting the tag and ribbon off to the side. The lid was heavy under my touch, it was quite the luxurious feeling to lift its gold hinges open. But the opulence of the box could have never prepared me for its contents. For the first time since my reaping, I allowed warm, wet tears to roll down my face. Gratitude flowed through my body as my wet eyes scanned the first true gift I had ever received.
The box contained a set of pristine golden needles nested inside a brand-new embroidery hoop. The other section of the box held more thread than I could count in vibrant colours I didn’t even know existed.
“How did you know?” I whispered to myself, as if he was right there beside me. Clearly I wasn’t being as sneaky as I thought with my pastime, but Haymitch wasn’t as aloof as he came off either.
I took the box and set it down on the bed, not even hesitating to place a square piece of plain cloth into the hoop, thread a needle and work mindlessly, leaving my pad of papers untouched on the desk, just for one night. I forgot all about the Games and strategy and the impending exhibition of the interview. The world fell away as I worked with delicate blue, white, and gold threads, creating something beautiful in an atmosphere that was so intent on destruction.
Nearly everybody knew how to sew in District 12. It was a basic skill, necessary for when clothes were the exact opposite of disposable or replaceable. Every house had a small sewing kit, and my mother’s one-bedroom in the Seam was no exception. The kit had probably come with the apartment as her hands were never steady enough for a needle and she was never lucid enough to realize her skirts needed stitching. It was one of the few things I was adamant to keep after she died and I was evicted- I embroidered flowers on every piece of clothing I owned (granted, it wasn’t much). As dirty or tattered as my blouses and trousers got, those flowers made them beautiful to me. I suppose I never really tried to conceal them and Haymitch must have remembered the flowers when he saw me around the Hobb. It made me smile to think of him noticing that at a time where I felt so alone in the world.
Even then I wasn’t.
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