#i feel like thats a stronger factor
kathles · 2 years
today i had the thought “maybe i should make more mutuals” but then i realized id have to start following more people to do that and then i thought “oh god, oh fuck”
#julien talks#see i only follow like 9 people#and on my old blog it was like 14#and i only have two mutuals one of them being my gf#so when i see posts that are like “how many people do you follow/are mutuals with” and peoples replies are in the hundreds im just like#huh#like how do people do that i got bad social anxiety even online#regardless of how much we interact#not to mention i only follow blogs im really interested in following (combined that i dont see anything problematic)#i feel like thats a stronger factor#Like i tend not to follow back not only because of my anxiety but also because im just not interested and like. I dont know the user#Personally i mean#Does that make sense?#unless the person is on my mental dni list#Then i just block them#when i can at least#but then i think abt how that sort of mindset might be in the way of me meeting more people#and im just like oughfgfgggggfghgghg#cuz i think ‘is this a normal set of boundaries or am i self sabotaging’#because i genuinely would like to make more friends. both online and irl#like idk#if the user was a discord friend i think maybe id be more inclined to follow them back#cuz in that case particularly i know them a little more#and then theres the case where I DO think abt following back even if i dont know em but i like some of the stuff on their blog#And then the anxiety kicks in like a bitch#damn why are my feelings so conflicting#like damn bitch pick a side (bitch referring to my anxiety)#/s btw#vent#? Kinda sorta but not really? Idk
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kyleeissilly · 4 months
𝒋𝒐𝒉𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒆 𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒕 𝑵𝑺𝑭𝑾 𝒂𝒍𝒑𝒉𝒂𝒃𝒆𝒕
𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒆 𝒂 𝒍𝒊𝒍 𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕𝒕𝒚
sorry if this is shit i was high while writing this ngl..
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A- Aftercare
(what their like after sex)
Johnnies definitely tired after but will run u two a warm shower/bath and help you clean yourself up if your too tired.
wants to make sure u feel loved and cared for !!!
B-Body Parts
(Their favorite body part of their partners and of their own)
i feel like his fav body part of yours is your waist just because he can hold it and he can use it to pull you closer to him,
his fav body part of his is probably like his hands just because of how many photos he takes with his hands infront of his face
(anything to do with cum)
would rather finish inside of you but also rlly likes finishing on your stomach.
D-Dirty Secret
(self explanatory)
honestly is a little bit of a sub sometimes,
(how experienced are they?)
he rlly knows how to use his tongue and loves to eat you out. he knows hes good at it to..
F-Favorite position
(very self explanatory)
Definitely spooning. man loves cuddling in general so whats better than cuddling and sex?
(Are they more goofy or serious during the act?)
will prob make lil jokes when its appropriate but other than that hes more serious.
(how well groomed? does the carpet match the drapes?)
he usually trims it a little just to make it look neat. and the carpet does not match the drapes since hes a natural blonde.
(how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
hes a little awkward the first time you guys did it but now hes definitely a romantic.
J-Jack off
(masturbation headcannon)
jerks off 2-4 times a week because he gets wayyy to nervous to ask and is afraid hes gonna make u uncomfy
(one or more of their kinks)
LOVESSSS to overstimulate you until ur begging him to stop,
neck kissing.... self explanatory..
(where he likes to do it)
honestly doesnt like doing it in even semi-public places just because of the risk factor but rlly likes in the bedroom or kitchen sex..
(what turns them on)
neck kissesss !!!! he LOVESSS them. you give even a SMALL peck on his neck and hes all over you.
(something he wont do)
degrading. like hes fine with the tame shit but he doesnt want to say something rlly rude to you or hurtful even if you want him to. it makes him feel like a douche.
(preference in giving or recieving, skill, etc)
hes mastered the art of eating you out. you dont even gotta say nun and hes already got ur legs over his shoulders. he wont deny a blowjob tho,
(how fast or slow they go during)
he will start off gentle to let you adjust to him but once hes about to finish hes definitely speeding up
(their opinion on quickies)
Not a big fan of it at all but wont say no. he wants to make sure you feel loved and you know that hes not just using u as a hookup.
(are they down to experiment and try new things? do they take risks when their horny?)
would be down to try new things with you depending on how extreme. he thinks trying new things with you creates a stronger relationship and helps figure out what the other person likes.
(how many rounds can they go? how long do they last?)
he can go around 2-3 rounds before getting tired but either way he will always make sure you finish.
(do they own them? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
owns a fleshlight but thats it. If you wanted him to use toys on you he would definitely be willing to explore that interest with you.
(do they tease? if so, how much?)
he doesnt tease you that much but if he wants to then he will.
(how loud are they? what sound do they make)
its mostly muffles grunts or whimpers but when hes close he gets louder.
W-Wild Card
(random headcannon)
loves going shopping with you and watching you try on clothes. also adores when you see something and immediately say smth like "youd look so good in this," to him.
X- X-Ray
(whats going on under their clothes?)
6.7 inches, neat, and slightly curved
(how high is their sex drive?)
2-3 times a week but will definitely do it more if you wanted it.
(how long does it take for them to fall asleep after?)
hes exhausted afterwards but needs to make sure your alright and comfortable before falling asleep with his arms wrapped around ur waist.
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littledigits · 6 months
directy directory ramble incoming
I wanted to type out my thoughts on the role of director and how its viewed. Especially coming from a perspective of seeing the streaming bubble pop and just..intense scope creep..and yeah , anyway. No reason specifically just my surface level musings that i always have. Its been 5+ years since I went from an animation supervisor to an animation director, to being able to do my own episodes. It wasnt something I wanted in the sense of a title, but I just like taking whatever the next step or challenge is. I've always been team oriented too, so that will always be in the back of my mind when being in a position with more power. The level of power you have as a director is not something I was expecting to have,so I try not to take it for granted.
Over time I really found that there are two viewpoints of what the job and the expectations of the director are. People have asked me for advice on the job and Its through these conversations that I really see the split opinion. The strongest camp is the one that represents the word least to me, and thats the people who think that the director is 'in charge' in the sense of always doing what they say. There are good and bad of course, but the directors job is to make the hard choices and to push boundaries and to enact a VISION (be it their own, a clients, ect). Their expectation soley revolves around the creation of the creative product. The other camp is the one that sees the Director as a leader first and foremost, who has a responsibility to their team as well as the product, and that leadership and team management skills should be on the roster as well as creative prowess. one thinks its about creative vision first and minimal people skills, and the other thinks it should be 50/50 at the very least. I'm in the second camp, and I have so many people that go 'YES, THAT IS WHAT A DIRECTOR SHOULD DO!' and as much as I agree, I also have to point out that is often not the actual reflected expectations that Directors get - expectations play a big role after all. When you enter a job or grow in a job you should know what your new responsibilities are, and if not you are left to fill in your own gaps. Studios in GENERAL are terrible with clear boundaries and job expectations, so its really no surprise that the stronger creative voices become the loudest in the room. Even the most well meaning people can get into an impossible mindset because no one has told them otherwise...we all know passion and creativity can take us places after all. Sometimes, one is thrust into a position of power without even knowing just how much their choices may impact the team. There are some notorious asshole directors of course but for the most part I've found that creatives in the director realm are well meaning. However, that doesnt change the reality that as well-meaning as you are, there is an entire team of people who can be effected by your mindest, choices and problem sovling for good or bad.
I've talked about this before, but a mindset can vastly change how you problem solve something. A director with no leadership skills may see work that does not meet their expectations and their first thought was that the artist did not do their job properly. A director with leadership skills may see work that does not meet their expectations and understand there are many factors. Heres a few questions I ask myself.
did that person receive proper expectations for the task ?
was there a communication mishap ? ( this happens ALL THE TIME. its ART !_! the amount of times i've written a note that i thought was super clear and someone takes it in a way that..i didnt expect but it also made sense ? SOMETIMES IT DO BE THAT WAY. WE WORK ON OUR COMMUNICATION SKILLS TOGETHER)
did they have enough time to do it ? or feel rushed?
is everything ok ? Everyone has bad times and blips in the production so its reasonable that sometimes things come in not 100%
if it is a hard skill issue, is it a one off or is it ongoing? how are we helping them work on it? The answers to these questions are FAR more valuable in actually getting your vision done to the best of your time and energy then just simply thinking someone doesnt have the skills or needs to learn more. ALL OF THIS TO SAY. That even just having good faith and a connection to your team as a director is incredibly valuable for your information gathering and problem solving, (you learn way more about your pipeline and where the real issues are.) but is vastly underrepresented as an expectation of the job. SO. IF YOU WANT TO DIRECT. you may not get told that your team is part of your responsibility, but if we want a sustainable and healthy industry we have to divide our passion for the project into our team as well as the creative end game. Take some leadership classes, learn about different communication types, or at least have people around you who can do that. You dont need to be everyones bestie, but you do have a responsibility for their experience on the project. ill post some tips and such about working with people later cuz this is long enough
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catb1tez · 24 days
Define “Damijon”?
I never realized how hard this question could be until you asked me. But if I speak of it off the top of my head, then DamiJon is the relationship between Damian Wayne and Jon Kent. To me, it’s a romantic relationship. DamiJon is built on the friendship the two created together, no matter in what way that friendship is built. Whether in a different universe or their own, they will always find that bond and maybe even a stronger bond. In an ideal world, the bond is one of trust, loyalty, authenticity, love, and more that I’m probably forgetting right now.
Damian grew up believing he had to prove himself, and he was willing to do what was necessary to accomplish the acknowledgment he sought. Even if it meant killing others, or going up against those who were close with him. Although, when he started living with his father, the disappointment this brought to his father had made him start to realize something. I personally believe Damian had a hard time acknowledging this change, especially because he thought he had to fight so hard for everything when it looked like his older siblings did nothing to deserve their home in their father’s heart. At least when he first met them. This train of thought of his combined with his position as the youngest, made him feel like he had to prove himself that much more. And as most assassins are trained, he grown accustomed to seeing stoicism as strength. He hid most of his emotions as best as a child could. But I believe his relations with Jon put a dent into this. Many times we see characters mention how Damian had some characteristics of his changed after bonding with Jon. Some examples are how talkative he was, and his opinions on hugs. This proves that Jon helps bring out the best of Damian, and Damian sees Jon as someone he can not only rely on but also be himself around. To me, this is something to be strongly valued in a relationship, especially romantic.
(Obviously there is so much more to Damian’s character and how he grew up, but I think when discussing my personal definition of DamiJon, this is one of the more important factors)
Then there’s how Jon lives his life, most of this will be based off of Jon’s character pre-bendis. The second he got his powers, there was a sudden tension from the idea that he was the next in line for the title of “man of steel.” To most worlds, Superman is a symbol of hope. Jon is someone who is meant to show kindness to all of those around him. Even so, he still made sure to make room for his personality. I appreciate how there were moments where it felt like Jon was sassy, but those moments shined the most when he was around Damian. Jon will always go out of his way to help those in need, and he will usually show a bright smile while doing so. That’s what he sees when he watches his father. He also sees his mother exhibit the strength that is standing up for what’s right no matter even if someone or something is trying to push you back. Watching these two as role models obviously made a huge impact on who he is as a person and how he views the world. Thats why I think he must’ve been shocked to meet Damian. He wasn’t used to seeing another vigilante behave with such bluntness the way Damian did when they first met. In Jon’s eyes, Damian presented strength and knowledge but in a way he’s never seen before. I think without even realizing it, Damian helped Jon learn about another side to life. Alongside what I had mentioned earlier, I think being able to bring something new to your partner’s life, or having a contrast to them from what they’re used to, can be important in a relationship.
Even though I’ve only really touched the surface of my personal definition of DamiJon/JonDami, I’m going to wrap this response up now. I apologize for my poor grammar, and I hope I made at least some sense. Thank you for the ask, it was a nice challenge.
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meezla212 · 8 months
Ok so if I'm being fr I don't think that sskk will ever really have the compatibility of soukoku.
So in reality zenku soukoku was never a thing. It's really a headcannon whether Mori and fukuzawa were partners or not. Soukoku comes from their relationship at 15. THEY'RE the original. And with the way it's going with shin soukoku, soukoku might become the old soukoku.
However, chuuya and Dazai are incredibly compatible and I mean to the point of perfection. I KNOW that in one of the light novels that they're relationship was described as "perfect". That's what they are.
They're brain and brawn and it works great, the best. Better than any partnership in history has before and THATS what's special.
I don't think atsushi has ever seen soukoku at work and might not even know that it was soukoku that took down the dragon in dead apple but akutagawa, at least, definitely looks up to them.
They have an affect of people where they ALWAYS astonish. They even managed to shock Fyodor and he was so convinced that skk was so much shallower because why would two people be able to be perfect?
What I'm trying to say as that soukoku, to shin soukoku, are the goal. They are the objective but an unreachable one.
The biggest thing about soukoku is that they're unbeatable and that theyre level of trust is insane.
I mean soukoku was always meant to have that wow factor.
They were stronger at 15 in a first meeting that sskk was when they were 20 and 18.
I just don't feel that sskk will ever really be able to fill up that skk pedestal. Atsushi and Akutagawa don't correspond like skk do , brain and brawn , corruption.
So at the end of the day soukoku will always be soukoku and shin soukoku will always be new soukoku
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luxxuriantt · 1 year
♥♥♥ Life with your FS ♥♥♥ Choose the pic that calls out to you the most! pics are not mine
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💜 Pile one- New York ASSMAN- ace of pentacles, two of cups, four of pentacles
Lmao the first thing i got was doing chores together and loving it. Having deep convos while you deep clean the bathroom or listening to music while cooking.
Love languages being acts of service and quality times
I see them coming from work and falling into your arms and vice versa, basically you will be each other safe space
Veryy good financial stability and planing, you'd be very responsible with your money and for some i see like planning separate founds for buying a new property/ retirement or college founds
I dont think that romance will ever die in this connection, i see it as finding times to spend time together even when life gets hectic and also going on dates/trying new things and just both of you trying to find the spark
They will be very attentive and protective over you, for some even a bit more then the average person
I see a lifestyle thats traditional, calm and slow, with a routine but somehow both of you finding pleasure in it.
I also think its gonna be a private relationship, whatever happens between you stays behind closed doors, the fights, the happy moments..
❤️️ Pile two- Lookin good, tastin great- queen of pentacles, six of sword, eight of wands
I think you will move with your FS, like living some place different from your/theirs parents country or moving places while married
I kept hearing tranquility, so i think your anxiety or fears will be soothed in this persons presence and vice versa
This is the couple that likes to explore things together and is always moving on evolving. I see you hiking together, taking random travel routes, and even doing spontaneous but mundane things like bar hopping lol and just getting out of your comfort zone
This pile is also the sexually curious and kinky. I wouldnt be surprised if someone who picks this pile is interested in an open relationship or wants to try swinging or other fetishes with their partner.
Tho i also see comforting each other, i saw back rubs and massages, so i think you both will be very caring
This whole pile feels like a breeze to me yet there is stability, like a teenage relationship that matures and becomes even more beautiful
I think either you or them might go on longer business trips or something work related, i see longing and missing
🖤 Pile three- Nachos big ass your ASS-five of wands, page of pentacles, nine of wands
This pile has a heavier energy and its not all sunshine and rainbow but i guess life is not always so bright. Take what resonates and remember all can be changed
For some this is an ex you will get back together with, for some others it can be that marriage will be rather turbulent and rocky. You might be on brakes and then get back together ( divorce is an option for some)
I also see working together and getting above things and finding happiness
There might be external factors interfering, like other people, from third party to parents and finances
I get a feeling of something hitting rock bottom and then starting over
Your relationship will stronger with time i feel too
Nonetheless your partner will try to be supportive in whatever happens
Thank you for your attention and patience <3 much love to you all!
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gale-gentlepenguin · 10 months
Gale's Analysis: 5 things the movie did better and Vice Versa: Miraculous version.
So for this little post I will be writing things I would list that the Miraculous Movie did better for me than the show did and vice versa.
I think both medias have flaws but both also give us something great and I think both should be appreciated.
I wont be mentioning ANYTHING asthetic (Thats a budget thing and I wont penalize the show for not having the budget the movie does) These are purely writing choices and scene inclusions.
2. These choices doesnt always mean that the show or Movie handled something badly, it just means I prefer how they were handled. by the Respective media.
3. I will only be including things that are covered in both the film and movie.
4. I would love to hear what you guys preferred and your opinions
I will start off with the Movie and alternate.
(Spoilers if you havent seen the movie or the season 5 finale of the show)
5. Movie: Using Criminals as Akumatized villains
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Its such a simple idea, as the Akuma often use the negative emotions of the individuals, and thats what I loved about the movie. Of course if the logic is the more negative the emotions the more powerful, why not recruit the people who let their lives get ruined by their negative impulses.
It ups the danger factor and allows for more cartoonish violence. They get defeated and then get sent to jail. Maybe it makes Akuma seem simpler, but I like it and it results in a villain song that slaps.
5. Show: The way the Heroes were chosen
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While on one hand I enjoyed the Kwami picking their chosen in the movie. I actually like how Fu tested the ones in Origins. Both Marinette and Adrien demonstrated their kind hearted and caring natures before getting the miraculous. In the movie we do see Marinette save Fu though unrelated to being chosen, which was great but we dont see Adrien ever do that before becoming Chat noir. And I feel that loses something in the process.
4. Movie: Powers: Stronger together (Not just the song)
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The cat and Ladybug miraculous get more powerful when used together. That is something I have wanted since the beginning of the series. It lets both miraculous stand out from the other miraculous and shows why having these two together is such a big deal. This movie does drill it into the viewers head, but its such a cool concept and it is something I wish was in the show.
4. Show: Powers: Lucky Charm
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I miss when Ladybug summons an object to help defeat the villain. i know in the movie they go a bit different with how the powers work, but I miss the random items that would then be utilized in order to help them best the bad guys. Marinette is still her clever self when she wants to be in the movie... but it isnt as clear and would have elevated the movie.
3. Movie: Tikki
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I think Tikki f***ing kills it in this movie. Her energy, curiosity, her flair. HER RAP! Tikki is exactly what I picture when I see a Kwami of Creation. She was perfect for getting Marinette's butt in gear and being the instigator. She is Marinette's Motivator not her conscience. Tikki has been doing this for Eons and she knows what to do.
3. Show: Plagg
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By a MASSIVE Margin, Plagg is much better portrayed in the show. His bond with Adrien is much more pronounced, his personality isnt reduced to being lazy and making Fart jokes. Plagg in the movie does give advice, but Show Plagg has a much more innate care for Adrien even early on. Plagg's bond with Adrien in the show is one of the best things about it.
2. Movie: Ladynoir
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Oh I can hear a TON of anger forming from seeing this on my list. But let me explain. I like the fact that they didnt get along right away and grew to like eachother. In the show it makes sense to have them more in sync off the jump, but in the movie it shows how their powers are LINKED to them being closer. So the development is great. And while the show has the appeal of the lovesquare and identities being a secret. The Movie doesnt have that limitation, they are doing the secret identities for their own benefit. Chat noir gets to be more open with Ladybug. And Stronger together as a duet f***ing slaps. Now in the show there are some ladynoir moments that are amazing "Us against the world." Fantastic. And i would argue the show has highs the movies never reached, BUT The problem is though, in the show, that basically gets tossed to the side so often its hard to appreciate it and the lows are more present. In the movie, it is able to keep that basis steady. Plus this movie was made for Ladynoir, lets face it.
2. Show: Marinette and Adrien (As Characters)
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I think it is obvious to say that the show has a lot more time to flesh out Marinette and Adrien. Now I do enjoy their movie incarnations, but seeing How Marinette developed her confidence overtime and her reasons for being how she is, as well as Adrien wanting more love and acceptance. The movie never really gets to show how kind and caring both of them are. Something the show gets to demonstrate. Though the flaws are there, it is a deeper ocean to explore. Movie Marinette and Movie Adrien are wonderful, but when it comes to the core, the originals shine brighter.
1. Show: Adrinette (As well as Ladrien and Marichat)
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Yes I am swapping back to the show before the movie. I dont care its my list. Adrien and Marinette are f***ing adorable. The umbrella scene is still one of my favorite moments in the series, and seeing how the two fall in love is wonderful. Its a slow burn and its usually pretty damn good. Granted the love rival bump was stupid, but hey not everything is perfect. Also the Ladrien (while not much as much as the other sides) exists in the show and gets a lot of mileage. And Marichat, do I even have to explain? Most of you marichat stans are still watching Elation. The show handles the core aspect that the viewers WANT to see. The slow burn romance. That is where its at. And while the movie does show Adrien and Marinette having some cute encounters, some stuff was cut and it just cant hold a candle to the adrinette in the show.
Its the beauty and love that has me still holding onto the show... no matter the writing choices it has taken. And trust me when I say MY LOVE for the lovesquare has been tested more than Heracles.
1. Movie: Gabriel Agreste
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If someone told me I would ever have sympathy for Gabriel Agreste. I would looked them in the eyes and LAUGHED at them. But somehow this movie did what the show failed to do. They turned this neglectful asshole into my favorite part of the movie. The movie makes me understand WHY he is so absent with Adrien, yet still show how much he loves his son. He is a widower lost in grief filled with Survivor's guilt. He is so lost and desperate to bring her back that he was willing to sacrifice his own heart to get her back... but then, he sees his son, damaged by his own hands. He sees the monster he became and it broke him. He fell down and realized he had done something inexcusable in his mind. He let his loss hurt his little boy.
The movie doesnt get as much time as the show to flesh out Gabriel, but sweet kwami does the movie show more than enough. We see his intial reluctance, we see his grief win over and then his obsession and hatred growing. We see him get disheveled and at the brink yet still checking on his son. We see him realize how far gone he is and just let the darkness take control, and finally we see the revelation! Him waking up to the truth, what he did to his son. He breaks down, he confesses. THIS is a Gabriel that you understand how he fell. This Gabriel was shown to the Audience. But you know what the best part is? He isnt shown as a hero, Paris knows he became a villain. He does get to hug his son and apologize, but he acknowledges his wrongs.
The show did have a chance to do that (I would say season 2 was their best bet) But sadly they tossed that out and the ending of the Agreste arc (as far as we know because everyone says its not the end. But its the end.) Was not what I call good.
So when it comes down to it, Gabriel Agreste became the Villain once dreamed he would be in this movie.
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randomthefox · 21 days
Hey there. I’ve been reading through your blog and you seem to have some pretty good opinions on the Sonic franchise. Compare that to me. You see, I’ve consumed so much Sonic media outside of the games and read so many headcanons online that my perspective is probably pretty warped. So I’ve got a request, if you don’t mind. First, I’m going to list off my interpretation of Sonic the character.
I’ve always seen Sonic as arrogant. An extrovert who knows he’s the hero. Who loves the attention and embraces his own hype. Not that Sonic only does things for the fame. He does things because he knows in his head what he’s doing is right. He just enjoys the fame he sometimes receives for it. This lines up with how he’s consistently interpreted verbally destroying his enemies and how he loves travelling the world and meeting new people (because you have to love meeting new people if you love travelling the world). He loves talking to people and loves talking down to people who are being jerks because Sonic loves being in the spot light. And I don’t mean arrogant in the derogatory sense. It’s always a joy to get swept up by his sheer force of charisma. To watch as he walks all over his enemies because they tend to be narcissistic murderers. I find his arrogance gives him layers. It makes him flawed while also giving a good reason for why he refuses to change. Sonic only does things his way, and we’re all just lucky that involves doing good. He radiates confidence, so it’s no wonder so many people follow and respect him. But he’s also simple. He doesn’t have any kind of complex moral philosophy. If you asked him why he did something he probably wouldn’t be able to give anything more complicated than a shrug and maybe a one to three sentence answer. Something about doing what he thought was right in the moment. Because Sonic is also impulsive. So, while he doesn’t always do things in the most effective way possible, he always does what he thinks is right, and that tends to be the right thing, at least in spirit. Thats my take on Sonic’s character. Now, I want you to tell me what’s wrong with it. Feel free to rip it to shreds. I want to know what’s true (if anything), and what was born from fandumb or the comics and isn’t an accurate interpretation of the game canon. Only if you want to that is. I understand that this is a pretty long read.
>Hey there. I’ve been reading through your blog
I'm so sorry
>I’ve consumed so much Sonic media outside of the games and read so many headcanons online that my perspective is probably pretty warped.
Like that person who got all their info about Avatar The Last Airbender from fandom memes and didn't know who Aang was? No shade, I'm just poking fun. We all gotta start somewhere.
>I’ve always seen Sonic as arrogant. An extrovert who knows he’s the hero. Who loves the attention and embraces his own hype.
What you are describing is Archie Sonic, aka Steven Maurice Urkle the Hedgehog. That is how Archie Sonic was written. The Archie comics are not in continuity with the video games, as the comics themselves state plainly at the beginning of every single issue.
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Archie Sonic is a completely different character compared to the Real Sonic, and what you are describing is precisely what makes them different. Because the Sonic from the video games is quite the opposite.
Sonic being arrogant isn't quite true. It's more that he's CONFIDENT. He's well aware of what he's capable of, both in regards to what he can accomplish AND what his limitations are. If something is beyond his ability, he has no bones about admitting it and working to overcome those limitations so that he'll be able to handle it. Ego doesn't factor in whatsoever, if he's stronger than a threat he's happy to admit it bluntly and with maybe a small degree of bravado, but if he CAN'T handle something he won't pretend otherwise.
I would argue that Sonic is actually an introvert. Fukurou-Hoseki used to have some really good videos about this subject, but unfortunately they've vanished off the face of the internet and their videos are no longer available. This is a shame because whilst I didn't agree with ALL of their opinions, and we had some personality clashes from time to time, overall I think they had very good insight into Sonic's character and explained their interpretations well with evidence from the video games to support their conclusions. Anyway, yeah put me in team Sonic Is An Introvert.
This doesn't mean that he's shy or has a problem with social interaction. Sonic definitely is happy to engage with people. But being an introvert means that he "recharges his batteries" by BEING ALONE, in solitude by himself away from other people, and it is irrefutably true that Sonic enjoys spending time alone. His dang catch phrase for a while was "long time no see" BECAUSE he would go long periods of time without interacting with even his close companions, because he's off gallivanting on his own doing stuff by himself. He doesn't even have a house, he just goes wherever the wind blows him and sleeps wherever he stops - he isn't Tails' roommate, he doesn't hang out in a tree outside of anyones house. The most we ever see is in Sonic Adventure it's heavily implied that he's staying at the Emerald Coast hotel as a guest since he was sleeping by the pool in the morning when Tails crashed, and the front desk clerk gives Sonic a unique introduction compared to every other character. He is NOT uncomfortable being around other people, but when left to his own devices Sonic is more often seen BY HIMSELF.
And he definitely does not soak in the praise and adulation from an adoring public. Again, that's Archie Sonic. Archie Sonic definitely is centrally motivated by his reputation as "the hero of mobius" and getting recognized for being as such and grapples with all the expectations that come with that title. But Game Sonic does not seek the limelight. He does not REJECT praise, he accepts compliments and appreciation for his actions, but he'll often brush them off with the sentiment of "I just did it because I felt like it."
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And he never sticks around to soak in the cheers of an adoring public grateful for his heroic deeds. The only scene anywhere even close to that was in Sonic Adventure when he went Super Sonic, and that was clearly a "lend me your energy" moment where the hopes and wishes of a desperate populace allowed the positive energy of the Chaos Emeralds to let him transform. AFTER he got finished stopping Chaos and saving the day, Sonic fucking DIPPED. He just left, when no one else was even really looking, and just ran off. TAILS is the one who ended up getting a heroes celebration by Station Square which gifted him with a Chaos Emerald for his efforts to save the city - Sonic has never been stated to take part in any kind of ceremony in his honor like that. And even at the end of Sonic Forces, Sonic doesn't even bother to hang out with the Resistance which are his own friends after the day is saved, he just ran off like he always does.
Sonic does NOT "love the attention." He does not "enjoy the fame." He won't REJECT attention, he doesn't seem to resent or have a problem with being famous, but he doesn't think he even did anything special to warrant receiving attention or being famous. And he does NOT see himself as a hero. He was just doing what he felt like doing.
>He loves talking to people and loves talking down to people who are being jerks
Eh, Sonic is kind of a man of few words. He tends to only say as much as is needed, he definitely isn't a conversationalist. I don't think we've ever seen him engage in small talk, and when he is in a conversation with someone he tends to be more of an active listener who only pipes in when he has something of merit to contribute. And he definitely doesn't "talk down" to anyone? I mean, Sonic likes to trash talk sure, but it always seems more good natured and playful than anything else. When Sonic is REALLY pissed off at someone, he tends to clam up and becomes incredibly blunt and straight forward about how he feels. This isn't really him talking down to them, it's more like a dressing down.
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>He does things because he knows in his head what he’s doing is right.
See above. Sonic doesn't do what he does "because" it's "the right thing to do" or anything like that. He does what he does because he likes doing it. He felt like it. He enjoys it. He LIKES helping people. That really is all it comes down to.
>I find his arrogance gives him layers. It makes him flawed while also giving a good reason for why he refuses to change.
Sonic has flaws, and "arrogance" isn't one of them. Sonic is a creature of instinct, he does what comes naturally to him without really thinking twice about it. He's not really a look before he leaps kinda guy, if it seems proper to jump he's just gonna jump. USUALLY this works out for him, because he really is just that good.
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But it's definitely not a positive trait. Sonic Lost World was a game dedicated to confronting that element of his character by having things NOT turn out positively when he did something on a whim, and he didn't even learn a lesson because he just kept doing it and getting his friends in trouble in the process lol. You don't need to make up a flaw to give him dimensions, he already has them.
And Sonic doesn't "refuse" to change, he just doesn't need to. He's already a complete self actualized person. There's nothing for him to need to change into. He already lives by the truth that he believes. This is in contrast to the type of character who undergoes a positive character arc, who lives by "a lie that the character believes" such as Tails who believes the lie that he isn't good enough on his own and needs to emulate Sonic to become cool - his character arc is about overcoming that lie and realizing the truth that he can be capable effective and cool just by being himself. But Sonic is a character who already knows what the truth is, and he uses that truth to overcome the challenges of the narrative and to inspire change in a lie burdened world. Sonic doesn't NEED to change, because he's already perfect. Instead, Sonic is a vehicle to inspire change in others.
>Sonic only does things his way, and we’re all just lucky that involves doing good.
I've seen other people express this sentiment as well, and while I understand where it's coming from... it doesn't jive with me personally. Like, I get it, it's the "what's so funny about truth justice and the american way?" Superman story thing, where everyone realizes that if Superman wasn't bound by his ideals the world would be fucked.
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But frankly that just doesn't feel right when we're talking about Sonic. I don't disagree with the sentiment, but to me it feels like saying "we're lucky the sky is blue and that grass is green" you know what I mean? We aren't "lucky" that Sonic is a good person, because he literally would NEVER be a bad person. I dunno, it's hard for me to articulate this one. I don't disagree, it just doesn't have a good mouth feel for me personally.
>He radiates confidence, so it’s no wonder so many people follow and respect him. But he’s also simple. He doesn’t have any kind of complex moral philosophy. If you asked him why he did something he probably wouldn’t be able to give anything more complicated than a shrug and maybe a one to three sentence answer.
Yes. Correct. And it would definitely be a one sentence answer, and that sentence would be "I did it because I felt like doing it." lol
>Because Sonic is also impulsive. So, while he doesn’t always do things in the most effective way possible, he always does what he thinks is right, and that tends to be the right thing, at least in spirit.
Also yes. The only chaffe is this idea of "what he thinks is right." I know it feels like I'm nitpicking or being pedantic, but I do think this is an important distinction. Sonic does NOT do things "because" "it's the right thing to do." He does things because he WANTS to do them. He SINCERELY enjoys and has fun HELPING PEOPLE and STOPPING BAD GUYS. And that is the only reason he does it! Because he likes it. Because he wants to. Because it genuinely doesn't occur to him to NOT do so. Saying he does it "because it's the right thing to do" implies that he has or needs a REASON to do it, and he doesn't. "Don't Ask Me Why, I Don't Need A Reason/I've Got My Way, My Own Way" are literally the words in his theme song.
>Thats my take on Sonic’s character.
It seems like you mostly saw people talking about Archie Sonic if I'm being honest lol. People can like what they like, but Archie Sonic is his own distinct character. Not even a "version" of Sonic, he's just a COMPLETELY different character who happens to also be named Sonic. Which, frankly, is why I hate him. Because he dilutes the discussion. He'd be a perfectly fine character on his own, but he doesn't exist on his own. He wouldn't exist without the Real Sonic, and I'm definitely long past the point of even pretending to tolerate Archie Sonic in any capacity. You would not have these conceptions about Sonic's character if it wasn't for Archie Sonic, because everything and I mean basically every single thing you are describing is just Archie Sonic. Including the stuff that is actually accurate to Game Sonic.
You can like Steve the Hedgehog all you want. I would like him too, if he was allowed to exist as his own character. But he's NOT Sonic. Never was. And I enthusiastically recommend experiencing the Video Games first hand so you can truly meet Sonic yourself.
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actualbird · 5 months
Hi Zak, would you recommend majoring in something you enjoy doing?
I enjoy writing (and beta reading), and plan to major in something like liberal arts or creative writing, but I'm not sure if I should.
I feel like I might get burnt out if I choose to major in one of that, but also, I'm worried about my future job prospects.
I've heard of people who majored in fine arts and end up having to do a job they dislike cuz no money for the work, and idk if it's worth it. :(
~ 📝 (is this taken?)
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hey there notes!anon (will be tagging u as this!!), ty for the ask!!
i'd like to preface everything im going to say with like, this is my Own opinion based on my own experience, and your experiences may differ, so not everything i say may apply to you and your circumstances. im frankly always surprised when i get asks asking for advice on life stuff, because i myself definitely do not have my life together in any way. still, i hope something in my perspective can be useful somehow to you
i personally am not sure/am not knowledgeable about a liberal arts major (because my college didnt have a course like that) but i CAN talk about the effects/benefits/cons of a creative writing major because i myself am a creative writing graduate
and first off, job availability is not as big of a problem for CW graduates as many people think. lots of industries need creative writers. it may not be the industry you expected or originally wanted, but the prospects are definitely there. when i was job hunting, off the top of my head, here were the jobs i applied to (and thus felt somewhat qualified for, with my CW degree): advertising copywriter, SEO writer, english teacher/tutor, writing for print magazines, writing game guides for online websites, writing scripts for games, copyediting, corporate copywriting. and that is very much the tip of the iceberg, because there are a lot of jobs that i overlooked that i couldve qualified for but i wasnt personally interested in.
now on the topic of burnout......i'll be real with you: no matter what you major in in college, burnout will happen if you dont adequately manage yourself.
burnout is not exclusive to creative endeavors, it's an effect of too much work + lack of control (perceived or real) + a whole lot of other factors that are VERY common to experience in college. essentially, college is a CAUTION: BURNOUT PRONE AREA simply due to how it's designed/structured. so no matter what course you choose, it will be a danger. so it's less of picking a course and more of how you protect yourself against burnout that will help you more in the long run
that being said, i got burnt out a TON when i was in college because of my mental illness(TM) and also because i was generally bad at pacing myself and taking care of myself. but what got me through was my sheer dedication to writing.
one thing about college is that i think you should pick something that you like enough that even when you feel like you hate it to the high heavens (because you definitely might, what with how stressful college requirements are), there is still something stronger about your tie to that course that pulls you through
for me, it was personal passion and commitment to writing. writing has always been the one thing i knew i wanted to do since the beginning of time, so no matter how much i hated it on all nighters i was working on my thesis manuscript, i pulled through
essentially, to prevent/survive burnout: manage yourself + pick whatever course you want where the "but" in "oh my god i hate this course, BUT..." is a strong one. if you have no strong ones as of the moment, thats alright. you can build it up as you go along
now on the topic of "working a job they dislike" i will be real with you once more..............this is a more common reality of life than having a job you do like. i am a statistical anomaly in the sense that i generally enjoy my job, but a lot of the time (based on what my irl friends go through with their jobs) you end up with a job you didnt expect you'd get into and dont necessarily enjoy. but....it pays the bills. it pays for you to enjoy the stuff you do when youre not working. and thats a valid way to get through life as well.
life after college, contrary to what people want you to believe, is not 100% taken up by your job. or at least it shouldnt be. or at least you should work to make sure it isnt. this might be, again, because im coming from a privileged perspective of having the time to pursue other things like hobbies and interests in addition to having a job, but if you also have the resources to do so, then definitely do so.
all in all: "would you recommend majoring in something you enjoy doing?" it.....depends. i recommend majoring in something you feel strongly enough about that you will continue to do it even when it's not enjoyable 100% of the time. but dont worry about jobs, because a CW degree is definitely useful in the job market. and dont worry about burnout, because that exists in all courses anyway, not just CW.
that is!!......all i think i have to say about ur q, i think
i hope some part of this can be helpful, notes!anon. and im wishing you the best in your decision!!! :D
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halodbethyname · 2 years
Planets Through the Houses Part 1
FIRST HOUSE: (the house of self, self expression, personal viewpoint, initiave, life direction.) energy of planets here are felt strongly, being so close to the ascendant, which represents our personal perspective on the world. Planets in the first also have an affect on ones appearance, though this is more thoroughly explained by sign placement as well as house and planet placement) this is a quick post and ive never really done a big post like this before (my lil 8h mercury is shy about sharing my insights) but as i move into my first house profection year, this feels like a great place to start, so here we go!
🌞THE SUN: in the first house, the sun endows an individual w/ great personal ambition and prowess. These are naturally upbeat people, and give off a sense of wisdom regarding the themes of the sign of the first house (i.e. libra sun+ rising- relationships/partnerships). 1h suns are confident, with natural leadership skills, but should work to employ rational thought in their decision makin process. Planning ahead can maximize the possible gains denoted by this placement.
🌕THE MOON: keyword: emotional. But thats not necessarily a bad thing! Individuals w natal first house moon are very expressive about their emotions, and will make it clear how they feel about something. This is one person whose emotions you don’t have to guess, given other chart factors are favorable to self expression. These natives can have a heavy concern for their own personal interests and emotions. They are advised to watch their tongue with others, as quick words can be damaging, even if they feel true. There is increased passion and positivity with this placement, but the lesson remains to listen before one reacts. Natives tend to have a youthful, jolly disposition, and are quite beautiful. They can grab the attention of the public.
🫧MERCURY: the thinker. There are few better ways to encapsulate this placement in words. They can seem consumed with their own thoughts and ideas to others, even coming off as self centered at times. These people are intellectual, and known for the communication and technical skills. The lesson here is to learn to consider others opinions to build on one’s own perspective.
🪷VENUS: the pretty one. Venus in the first is remarked for their noticeable beauty and grace, and others tend to find them very attractive. Venus in the first loves adornment (jewelry, self beautification, finery/fine clothing) and even has a tendency sometimes to detriment itself to achieve these things. Venus in the first can be an overspender in the pursuit of aesthetics, natives of this placement are urged to start a budget and work within it, the longevity of your finances will greatly benefitted. These natives are also quite romance/partnership focused, and in relationships, should take care to make careful relationship decisions if they are looking for a long term relationship.venus in the first adds a level of impulsivity to romantic matters.
💥MARS: two words: HIGH energy. (Mars in taurus and pisces are still affected but it is stronger w/ other signs.) ambition and drive characterize these natives, and they can seem to always be active. Those w/ this placement are encouraged to employ stategic thinking and patience to their willpower, to minimize accidents and maximize potential! With mars placed and aspected well, this is considered a lucky placement.
🌟JUPITER: creativity and confidence can come naturally to this placement, and others are drawn to their optimism and joviality. They adapt well to almost any social situation, fitting into the biggest of pictures. These natives are abundant w opportunities for self expression, and may become enraptured by their hobbies. They are encouraged to explore these hobbies, find new ones, and if possible, do some world travel and extra-cultural exploration. Risks taken can be very positive for these natives. (Check other chart factors before adhering to that one😂)
🪐SATURN: the greater malefic, people tend to hesitate with wide eyes when saturn comes up, and for good reason. Saturn does not play around. Saturn in the first can endow an individual w/ many responsibilities at an early age. Saturn repesents limitations/structure one must overcome or work within, and thus being in the first house, a native may struggle with self expression and exerting personal boundaries. That is the lesson here however, and the flipside to saturn energy is that those who can integrate this energy healthily almost always benefit greatly from their hard work, which saturn rewards.
🌬URANUS: the individual. One is enouraged to actively define oneself. This placement can be somewhat of a loner, feeling most comfortable with their own opinions and like minded individuals, but is ENCOURAGED to go out into the world and find new people/experiences. Uranus is the planet of shock factor, and brings completely unforseen surprises both good and bad. Uranus in the first is encouraged to socialize and exert their personal energy, but advised to think carefully about the things they discard from their life, as they are often want to return. The natives are often seen as being ahead of their time, and very unique as people. Last but by far not least, one is encourage to open up their perspective, allow the opinions of others to color your own and broaden your ideas, one cannot revolutionize if one cannot grow.
🌊NEPTUNE: the sensitive one. Neptune in the first can spend a lot of time questioning their perspective and desires, and it is best for them (in most cases) to allow this development to occur naturally without attempts to force it. One is encouraged to take good care of their mental health, possibly with therapy, and explore their spritiual side. Meditation can be beneficial. This native has the opportunity to discover endless creative development in their own talents and skill. Natives to this placement are generally attractive, with an elusive quality about them that generates curiosity around them.
🌪PLUTO: these people have a notable intensity, in their gaze, in their presence, in their passion. Pluto in the first gives strong willpower to the native, inherent ability to achieve one’s goals. Natives may have had several or many formative experiences as a child that drastically shaped them today. With this in mind, pluto in the first is encouraged to direct this great willpower into personal gain, where it will be most beneficial, as there is a tendency to use it instead for manipulative/controlling purposes against others. Try to avoid this, the potential here for personal gain is grand if one keeps the power they have in check and perspective.
Alrighty so there’s my first post! Im thinking about either doing a post on the ascendant through different signs, ORRRR continuing in this vein and doing planets through the second house next, lmk in the comments what youd like to hear about, even if it isnt these two!!
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astrowaffles · 10 months
toji to me is a very downtrodden character and thats the base of like aaalll my analysis of him. i think its a good idea to keep in mind that they're all living in a Secret Society with like negative morals and seemingly a core principle of might makes right. its not Just a lack of therapists, here, right, its an actively hostile environment. and then you have the zen'in upbringing which kicks that up a notch. i dont think toji is actually all that convinced of his power, bc he grew up being told he was worthless without cursed energy. he Never gets revenge on the zen'ins. why? his trauma response to this (get OUTTTTT) is different than maki's (spite them & eventually overcome them-- for approval ? hm.). shes intimidated by them sure but shes got that rebel spirit! girlboss. anyway back to the point bc i have one -> toji never escaped the zen'ins. he Wants to affirm that he's strong without cursed energy despite all the evidence that he actually is (and look how that final attempt went!). id like to propose a theory: he didnt think he could hide a child with The Zen'in Power Of All Time from the zen'ins. i dont think he could either tbh. ok actually are you caught up on the manga 🤨
Hello again! I really love this view of Toji's character, and it will surprise you to learn that I agree with you. I actually do. When I've been replying to your asks before, I've been talking from the perspective of his parenting decisions. But you're right, to take this any further we need to look at his actual personality/character.
Reasons to be sympathetic to Toji (a.k.a extend him the poor little meow meow factor):
abusive ex-family
no support
no therapy
dead wife
gambling addiction
Toji was abused and was brought up in an environment where he literally meant nothing. He was useless. His reaction to this (get out, cut all ties, get stronger) is a response I'm actually proud of him for. So many people are probably still rolling around inside the Zen'in clan, having never got the balls to get out. Toji even chooses to change his name.
Being a cycle breaker is hard. For many people, it's impossible. For Toji - it was impossible. I extend sympathy and empathy to him here because it's DIFFICULT to let go of your upbringing and do it differently, do better. Toji can't bring him self to leave the jujutsu world. Nanami did it, and could have left forever if he so chose - but Toji can't. He's not a sorcerer but he can't let go of that being part of him, he can't stop his Zeni'in upbringing from shaping him. Neither can Maki, but Maki chooses to actively confront the clan and make physical changes to her life.
Toji just drowns in his spite - again, another thing we can hand him a poor little meow meow card for. He doesn't have the tools to heal or make better decisions. We feel bad for him. We sympathise. We want to still see him as a basically good person (and, to be honest, he probably is) who's just been scarred by the world.
So, to go back to what you said: you're right. He doesn't escape the Zeni'ns and I'm not convinced he wants to. He wants to show them he's better but he also can't bring himself to directly call attention to himself.
So let's bring this full circle and talk about what the original post was about: Toji's parenting. You said you still don't think he's a good parent. You're right, he isn't. He never will be. No Toji stan will ever be able to convince me that any of Toji's parenting choices were the right ones. But let's be sympathetic again, let's see how we can cut him some slack for those terrible decisions.
Does Toji even know how to be a parent?
We don't know a whole lot about Toji's parents. We know he hates them, if he ever truly knew them. We can infer he doesn't want to be like them. We're sure he never actively abuses Megumi, only passively, through abandonment. Perhaps he feels this is better than getting directly involved with a small child. He's described by the wiki as a cold person, specifically since his wife died and he 'reverted to his old self'. It's highly possible that Toji chose to abandon Megumi since he thought it was genuinely the best possible path. Toji can be cold, violent, and calculating, and he maybe felt he was in no position to be doing any parenting. We can sympathise with this!
(But he's still a bad father).
Did Toji sell Megumi to the Zen'ins so the kid could train to be a sorcerer?
It's definitely possible. I think this is what @honestlyyoungtyphoon was trying to tell me. Toji can't help a sorcerer kid, but he knows that Megumi needs training and he knows the Zen'ins would love to give it. And, yeah, maybe he's had this plan ever since he realised Megumi's technique, because he knew the Zen'ins would find out somehow.
Reasons this is still a bad parenting decision: the Zen'ins, while they treat their sorcerers well materially and are much kinder to them than they are to non-sorcerers, are still power hungry little bitches. Everyone knows this. While Toji would have no way to create a better plan, he knew himself it was bad. You ever wonder why Gojo went to see Megumi straight away? Because was Gojo was raised how the Zen'ins would treat Megumi. Gojo was living the life that Megumi would live in the future. And Gojo knew that it wasn't a life fit for anyone.
Toji knows that Gojos knows this. Toji knows Gojo could help Megumi. Toji passed the baton. And honestly, this is probably a reveal of part of Toji's true personality. He willingly sent a guy, his own personal enemy, to Megumi because he knew it was good for Megumi. Toji has a lot of pride and it must have taken a lot to ask that. THIS is probably what the aggressive Toji stans mean when they tell me Toji was a good parent.
So, overall: Toji is a damaged person who never received any kind of help and support from anyone except his (now dead) wife. There are many factors that help shape his decisions and parenting choices. Toji is probably a basically good person who is simply hurt by his circumstances, and even his truly awful decisions such as abandoning Megumi could have their roots in a belief that it was truly for the best. However: a good person does not make a good parent.
Toji was a shit dad and we love him <3
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littledigits · 11 months
I wanted to answer this in a post cuz then I could write more.
 “ I graduated with a degree in animation back in 2020 but kind of fell off the horse due to health issues...I've been trying to get back into the industry but now I'm wondering if I should just give up altogether :(.   just, like, with my age (I'm 28) and the amount of time that has lapsed since then PLUS the current state of the industry 😭 anyway sorry I'm being rude, hugs! 💞💞💞💞 “ @electoons​  NOT RUDE AT ALL. 
It can feel pretty impossible sometimes, but a lot of these things, as sucky as they are- are more reflective of the cycles of industry and life and culture. Animation has gone through major shifts before. Heck , the boom of the VHS changed it as well ! I do think this shift is ..more wide spread and not just in the animation industry - ,but its nothing thats going to outlast the art of visual storytelling. 
Your age is not a factor my friend,and in fact I find the people who enter the industry with a lil more life experience under their belt have a lil bit of an easier time balancing the pressures of the job. I know a lot of people where working in a studio was their FIRST job and it can be easy to sucked into the hustle culture. so no worries on that front.  Its SO GOOD you took time out for your  health too because if anything , being in a stronger spot will allow you to keep the job. Because getting it is just the first step. I know a lot of people who put their health aside for the job and it never pays off. 
I will say that it will be hard to get a job now at the moment. there are a lot of high end industry professionals that are now out of jobs and the competition is going to be rough. But , that doesnt mean give up ! I’d say just use this time to dig into the animation community. join some discords - make some connections - you can still work towards your goals.
one thing i’d keep an eye out on is more specific online courses and or patreons that are in the areas that you are intersted in. As artists find work I imagine a lot of them are going to want to share their skills. I’d put out your portfolio, and try to get industry specific feed back to where you wanna go - and then just make time for building those skills while you wait out this storm. 
And the reality is - this isint an uncommon story. I know a lot of people who have taken a few years to get their foot in the door, and I’ve known people who have gotten a totally different job for a bit and then decided to try for animation again. Theres a lot of verity in the industry and a lot of ways to interact with it. its not as gate keepy as people think it is !  
Ngl my friend, you’ve been dealt a shit hand by the universe. I think a lot of people who graduated in the last 4 years are probably the hardest hit by all this. But - dont let that stop you, its the bleck reality but it just means to be kind to yourself as you keep things going step by step.  I HOPE THIS RAMBLE HELPED IN SOME SMOL WAY FIGHT. WIN. 
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problemnyatic · 4 months
how do you move on from something terrible you may have done while you were at the lowest point youd ever been in your life? how do you forgive yourself when closure is not an option? i want to apologize to them but i cant. i cant contact them ever and i cant even remember what i did, only guess with that memory is left to me. and there might be a part of me thats still too bitter to apologize. they talk so much about love but when i was bleeding on the floor they kicked me before they left, they talked shit behind my back while i was out of it and delusional and unable to explain anything. and now ive heard they talk about healing from Me. they never brought up a single thing about my behaviour until they told me to get fucked then told me my communication is shit and that im a hypocrite. i had no clue id done anything wrong until they abandoned me. what am i even supposed to do in a situation like this
I... worry that it will become a pattern that folks come to me expecting me to solve their deeply tangled emotional knots. While I have the ability to, it takes a lot to even receive an ask like this, let alone to answer it adequately. I am not a therapist, I am simply getting a good grade in therapy. I will answer this one, but please, folks, I have less energy to spare than it may seem. I can't save all of you individually.
With that said..
I've done terrible things in the past that I'd take back in a second. I've had moments where I know others came away hurt, but I'll never know if I could've done better in the moment, if it was truly my own failing that was the key factor at play.
The ambiguous ones are harder.
Ultimately, you will need to learn for yourself how to make peace with the past. It cannot be changed. And it seems that in your case, you've taken disproportionate and inhumane punishment for whatever your infractions may have been.
When we carry the past on our shoulders, agonizing on what the "right" way to feel about it is, we keep ourselves from moving forward, from growing. Regardless of how much, and of what, was your fault, it seems the best path is to let go and move on.
It's never gonna feel good.
But the best you can do by those you have wronged is to grow, and that means leaving your regrets die and decompose to fertilze the soil you grow from. Move forward with stronger boundaries, moving more slowly, mindfully of others. Understand your limits, and be forthright with them - even if they feel shameful, the right people would be glad to have the heads up, rather than have to pry them from hiding or worse- hit them like a landmine.
And ultimately? If you were never told you needed to change until they'd already burned the bridge? That's on them. Even if you'd been doing wrong by them, even if you'd secretly been a horrible friend, expecting someone to read minds and simply Realize They're Fucking Up without ever being actually told is petty, avoidant bullshit.
The right friends know when to tell you to fuck off before real damage is done.
Take a deep breath, and as you let it out, slowly, let the past flow out with it. There's nothing to be salvaged back there, but the future can be, the present can be.
I'm sorry you went through this, and good luck going forward♡
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druidposting · 1 year
The more i think about it, the more baffled i become at the people saying this campaign feels significantly more railroaded than the others.
I mean, i can see why people might think that. At a glance, its like, “wow, Matt’s really pushing hard for this moon plot, like everything’s connected to it and they have this date to meet and they cant get anyone else’s story in!” But i feel like thats such a surface level analysis, and is likely born from people who have never dmed before. As an avid dungeon master myself, the Ruidis plot reads quite clearly to me as a set piece - This is an event fixed in time, fixed in the world, and the villains orchestrating it will do what theyre gonna do no matter what. Its actually quite similar to the chroma conclave arc in C1, or even more poignantly, the whitestone arc with Percy as the “main character” focus for an extended period of time, an arc that was anchored to a set place and a set time because thats what the villains were doing.
When you DM, one of the key things you learn is that when the players arent engaging with a plot thread, that thread continues to run its course in the background. Its what breaths life into the world, its what makes it feel real. Its also what nudges your players to engage with the world. When you telegraph this to them, they pretty quickly learn that if they hear of something bad thats gonna happen, and they choose not to engage for whatever reason, then that bad thing is Going To happen, and they will then be playing in the consequences.
The other part of this misperception of c3 being railroaded i think comes from the players having a much stronger and more cohesive sense of morals. The c2 gang was characterized by a rag-tag group of miss-fits with nebulous morals and motivations and histories, and who were much more self serving in their group goals. None of this is bad!! It made for a very interesting game to watch, and even more interesting characters. But this is very different from the way ive seen Bells Hells act as a team. BH has been seen to be at least somewhat altruistic in their motives - maybe individually theyre more self-serving - but as a team, theyve consistently made decisions that benefit “the greater good” without much question of whats in it for them (giving up Treshi to the government and helping the Greenseekers in the mines come to mind). So of course theyre going to chase the Big Bads when they hear about a world ending plot!! And this doesnt even factor in that like, as players, why the fuck wouldnt you want to chase the evil moon plot? The campaign i run is explicitly a sandbox, and yet my players have latched on to the main intrigue and have been following it as if “on a railroad”. When your main intrigue is constructed well, the players will want to follow it, because this is a game to be played for fun, afterall.
With these two facts in mind, this isnt Matt forcing them down a particular path, nor have the Bells Hells been bound to it by him at any point in the campaign. At any moment they could jump off this thread and go do something else. And maybe you’d say “but if they dont stop Ludinus, then the world will go to catastrophe!!!” Yeah. It would. Thats dnd, baby. That outcome would be just as beautiful as the Bells Hells success.
As an aside, i could see several paths this Apogee Solstice day could go. Everything could go off without a hitch, BH destroys the key, crashes the missile ship, and gets out unscathed. Or they could completely fail, Ryn destroyed, Predathos released, TPK. Or they fail in stopping Ludinus but manage to get out alive and have to deal with the consequences. Or they succeed but Ludinus and his lackies live and chase the Hells through to the end of campaign with an eternal burning hatred. There are endless possibilities here because Matt is a good DM who clearly values player agency and choice.
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himynameis4 · 1 year
Okokok bc this is actually bothering me—did billy hargrove have powers or not?!?!?! Like, first of all, fuck him, but—was he “sensitive”? In the sense that he had, at least, like Terry-Ives-pre-experiment “potential” that could be “activated” by unethical experimentation/electrocution/etc (which is how i understand terry ives’ powers ig). In general, i picture having powers like el’s as a genetic thing that environmental factors—whether during pregnancy/relating to the mother or external factors after the fact—can cause to be “activated” & i use the term “sensitive” to refer to that potential, regardless of strength. I can’t tell jow clear im being rn/if everybody else is on the same wavelength or it i need to give a bunch more context—i’ve seen billy-with-powers stuff but thats most like from fans of billy which…
It would make sense. I’m operating from the standpoint of Will, Barb, & all (or at least some, at least the ones who got the slug treatment & weren’t being eaten asap) of the people “taken” by the demogorgon in season one as likely being “sensitive” in that sense, and i have a whole explanation about that but—
I don’t see the flayed as being the same. The flayed are a stepping stone. Except billy. Billy isn’t mushed into the overall flesh monster. The way billy is controlled is different—if billy is “sensitive,” i don’t think he’s very strong tbh, but he does fight back at the end. Was Heather sensitive, or was it just that El touched her & got inside her head… GAH. i woulda loved to see how much autonomy the other flayed had, the difference between the flayed and will’s experience needs to be elaborated on more bc i have thoughts but i really should just lay them all out & then go & ramble about me theorizing but like—
Max. Max was able to get into Vecna’s mindscape. Vecna was surprised by this. Is this a sign of latent abilities, or a creative use of the human mind that any ordinary person could potentially learn/use? I’m leaning towards the latter tbh.
I don’t think the sacrifices had powers. But i’m trying to figure out the limitations of vecna’s powers. Lucas was correct: all the targets had repressed trauma, something they were trying to hide. But i feel like nancy was an outlier—they were in the upsidedown when she was vecna’d, which you bet your bottom dollar made it easier to “get” her—plus the gates are open. Reaching through time and space and dimensions with no gate and “finding” people is a different matter, & probs a lot harder. What vecna did to nancy is more like what he did to his family, really. But why the obsession with nancy?????? Just because she thwarted him so many times—like MIKE, i might add—or because of something more???
And then vecna/henry has his “i see everything” bullshit but i don’t buy that i think being connected to the hivemind has certain benefits but i think he’s a narcissistic asshole who thinks he’s stronger than he is. Max is right—he sees the darkness. So—if nancy’s an outlier (maybe) then why… what is the unifying factor in the people he saw in his mindspace scene, why is it mostly teens? Bc that unifying factor can’t just be trauma, ALL of the kids have trauma. If we knew what the unifying factor was for the people vecna can “see” in his mind’s eye, that would be another limitation on vecna’s power, and we could rule out some potential targets. Does it have to do with parental neglect/abuse? Generally unhealthy family dynamics? Basically, is vecna seeking out people he can project onto for his sacrifices?
I really truly believe mike was a planned target for henry & that leaving hawkins saved his ass bc targeting mike makes SENSE—but it would be easy to make a different argument & i would buy it, because we DON’T HAVE ENOUGH INFORMATION. I’ve seen some posts/fics that posit that Henry targeted people with a history of suicidal ideation, passive or otherwise—but we don’t have enough information to make that determination. But there ARE more limits to his powers, too—i don’t think he has much of a reach beyond hawkins, bc of limits of his powers. But THEN, most of this is speculation—i could point to my reasons for thinking these things (i really need to do that at some point) but that doesn’t—all of it could be disproven next season bc it’s too tentative & we don’t know enough.
Okay. Billy. What was the point of this man? What was his function? Why does vecna want another will, bc from my seat he looks kinda like he’s using will as a fill-in for el (smol child to project onto & take over the world with), and for will’s powers. So… will’s function in season 2. Vecna doesn’t want will dead then, we know this, maybe that’s changed since but again, CAN’T SAY EITHER WAY. Billy isn’t killed like the other flayed & made into jello… but having a human is useful for human things? & human things are necessary when one is taking over the world? & billy doesn’t have an easy home life, vecna could very easily be projecting here.
Like genuinely what was the point of them? What is the master plan? I mean i have my Thoughts obviously but then I want to go back & rewatch & gather evidence & refine bc this is Bothering Me.
Idk. @wibble-wobbegong @aemiron-main @bottomlessabyssposts @givehimthemedicine thoughts?
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writingindistress · 1 year
I know this will probably get lost to never be read. But I hope that if someone comes across this post it's a person that needs to hear it.
Nothing, and I mean, nothing, will ever guarantee your sucess. It'a a matter of talent, hard work, and luck. As bad as it may sound, it doesn't matter how full of potential you are, if luck is not on your side there's nothing you can do about it. However, if this text has appeared in your page is because you may like reading, writing, thinking, creating and hopefully have a dream to fulfill, a goal to achieve. It's overwhelming to see how many people around want to pursue the same things as you do. There's no space for this many people to become succesful, it's imposible. You may even think you are late. You see all the people around and you keep wondering if there is actually something inside of you that can make you shine stronger or brighter. To make you stand out from the rest of hopless dreamers who have the same wish as you do.
I myself have thought of giving up. It's true. All those drowning thoughts have made me doubt to the point of not liking my own work. Have made me feel as if I were never going to improve. But thats far from truth. Yeah, as I said earlyer, luck is a major and undeniable factor in fame. Many talentfull people get lost through time and memory. The brightest ones can also be hidden. But never being recognised does not change the truth. Not being famous does not alter the universe. You are as good as you are, with or without the recognision. And if you doubt of the quality of your work, just remember that there's time to change and improve. It may not be what you want/expect right now, but it hasn't been for anyone in the beginning.
As a fact, there are many people who have become relevant or famous after death. You can not know if you will be the next one. Try and create. Fail and repeat. Do it one an another time untill your hands get old and wise because, only then, with or whithout fame, you will be all that you could be. Only if you do not give up.
I promess to keep trying.
Will you?
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