#cuz in that case particularly i know them a little more
waitingonher · 1 year
Hi can you do some Percy Jackson x Hades Child hc?
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percy jackson dating a child of hades
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pairing: percy jackson x child of hades!reader
content warning: cursing
word count: 780
author's note: sorry this one's a bit shorttt
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a son of poseidon and a child of hades? ANOTHER POWER COUPLE. 
everyone knows not to mess with either one of you, or else they’re in for a doozy. 
percy’s always making sure that you’re not overworking yourself. he saw what it did to nico, so he for sure does not want that happening to you too. 
he’ll usually ask in more subtle and casual ways like “training was rough yesterday, how’d you sleep?” or “the lunch selection was good today, what’d you think?” 
it may be overbearing to some, but percy honestly can’t help it. the very last thing he wants is you being too hard on yourself. 
when you two first started dating, you guys—for some reason—decided to make gardening your little thing together?? but when you had accidentally killed them with your aura, you and percy decided to go forward with something a little less…alive. 
LOL so now your guys’ little thing is baking!! 
somehow chiron allowed you and him to use the camp kitchen?? 
anyways, you guys are pretty much pro bakers now! well, if you ignore the time when percy mistook the salt for sugar, then you guys are basically pros. 
you reach your hand out to your boyfriend, “perce, pass me a cookie.” “here,” he passes you a cookie while grabbing himself one, “on the count of three?”  you nod and begin counting, “one, two, three.” taking a bite of the warm cookie, you both immediately realize something’s wrong. the cookie tastes…salty? you see percy’s eyes widen as you two make a dash towards the sink.  “oh my gods! why is it salty?” percy screeches, the chewed up cookie muffling his voice.  after what felt like years of rinsing your mouth, the unpleasant salty taste had left your mouth, “babe, you were in charge of the dry ingredients...so did you use the salt instead of the sugar?”  percy’s eyes widen to the size of saucers, “no…i’m not that stupid. look,” he grabs the plastic container and turns it around, only to reveal the label that reads ‘salt’, "oh…yeah, that’s my bad.” 
considering the reputation your dad has, percy’s always looking out for you. but don’t get me wrong, everyone at camp could not give less of a shit about your dad, but it’s the newcomers he worries about. 
some of the new kids are so bold??? but don’t worry, cuz you and percy ALWAYS find ways to humble them. 
percy’s the type of bf to have almost anything you may need on hand. you need a hair tie? he’s pulling one off his wrist. your lips are chapped? he’s taking out his aquaphor. 
he loves seeing you use your powers, because like…pretty gf who has cool powers over the dead?? what is there not to love??
sometimes when you two are training, you’ll look out the corner of your eye to see your boyfriend just staring at you? percy has ZERO shame and will stare at you whenever he feels like it. 
whenever you guys have sleepovers, he always makes sure you fall asleep before him. it’s more of a comfort thing for him. percy just sleeps better knowing that you’re already sleeping. 
normally he’s a pretty light sleeper, but around you, he’s an even lighter sleeper. he just wants to make sure that he’ll be awake to comfort you in case you have any particularly alarming dreams. 
when you two eat, he never fails to save and offer the last bite to you. but percy doesn’t want you to feel bad about you eating his last bite, so he just nonchalantly offers it to you. 
movie nights with percy!!! 
you’d make him watch all the classic horror movies. shit talking the ones with bad acting and graphics is your guys’ favorite pastime. 
“oh my gods,” percy groans for the umpteenth time, “i swear, it’s probably a mortal who made this movie. they can’t even get the stupid ghosts to look right.”  you laugh at percy’s passion for complaining, “literally! okay but can they get some other guy to play the main character?” 
at this point, you two should make your own horror movie because you’re too busy making fun of them instead of actually enjoying them. 
you also made percy watch tusk… 
ever since watching it, he can’t look at walruses the same. (me too percy)  
gods forbid he runs into one in the ocean. 
percy also has a cork board in his cabin with a shit ton of polaroids on it jdfsksd 
they range from pictures with you to pictures of the sunsets.
but if you pay attention, you’ll find that the majority of the photos include you in them <33
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melodic-haze · 25 days
heyy, may i request some natasha content? she's so underrated i swear 😩😩
☆ — SONG TITLE: Acts of service
☆ — PAIRINGS: Natasha x Reader
☆ — TYPE: Fluff, SFW
☆ — NOTES: No NSFW for this one cuz I've been doing a lotta that 🫶 hope you don't mind!!! Also idk what colour to give her :(
☆ — WORD COUNT: 1,609 words
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Visiting Natasha became something of a routine for you. Despite everything that you did in the day, you never failed to visit the doctor—it was usually during the afternoon, around the time you had lunch, because then you asked her to have a bite with her every time, to which she always agreed to.
Half of the reason why was because you had wanted to spend time with Wildfire's true leader as.. well, not Wildfire's leader. You wanted to get to know Natasha, nobody else, at first.. but then it went from getting to know her to having each other's presence become something of a constant in both your lives, and then to something even more.
The other half of the reason, though, was because you were concerned.
She was the Underworld's best doctor, so naturally everyone relied on her. While she did have a massively good reputation, unfortunately that came at the cost of a decrease in the time for her to relax.
Such a thing was evident to see when it was moments like these—you had just stepped into her clinic and already you are witnessing the blue-gray-haired woman rush back and forth, patient to patient. After all, you had waited for.. what was essentially an hour before you decided to just stop waiting and to go to her yourself to see what was happening.
You had to take your time in actually approaching her, worried that you might somehow disturb her flow, and only actually decide to try to gain her attention when she seems to have slowed down.
Gently placing a hand on her shoulder, you softly called out to her, "Natasha?"
You hear her sigh the slightest bit, tired and weary, but when she turns her head and sees you she pushes herself upright on her desk as if startled. She quickly downplays her surprise with a laugh, however, "Oh! Dear, you gave me a quite a shock. What are you here for? Are you sick?"
"No, no," you shook your head, "I'm not on death's door or anything like that. Seems like you've got your hands full of the people that are, though."
She let out a small yet exhausted laugh, the lines on her eyes particularly evident today, "I suppose I am, aren't I? ..Though not to be hasty, and I do love to see you and your face, but if you aren't here to get treated, then is there another reason why you're here?"
The clinic was so particularly hectic today that she forgot.
"We were supposed to meet up a bit more than an hour ago."
You see her take her phone out of her pocket to check the time and--
Her eyes widen at the realisation before darting back to you with furrowed brows, "I hadn't realised... Were you waiting this whole time?"
You shrugged with a sheepish grin, "I didn't really want to leave in case you were just late. I see that you're really busy, though."
You see her sigh out and look at you apologetically, "Dear, you should've called me. I didn't mean to lose track--"
"Hey, no, I'm not mad or anything, don't worry about it." You reach for her hands to hold them tenderly as you got a little closer to her, "I can see that you're absolutely swamped with work, I get it. I wouldn't have signed myself up for dating you if I didn't accept it."
"Be that as it may, this is practically routine for the both of us."
"Yeah, but this is still your job." You gave her a light shrug and a reassuring smile, "Don't worry about it, yeah? We can just postphone it for when you go off the clock."
She huffs out gently with a small shake of her head, "A doctor never fully gets off the clock."
"Even when the Stellaron's gone?"
"Mhm. Not only that, but some of the others have caught an illness so we're short-staffed and I've been scrambling left and right. I'm afraid I had no time to think about anything else... Or, well," she draws a hand back from your grasp to cup your cheek with such a soft, affectionate look, "until you came along. Now I feel like I can't seem to think of--"
"Natasha?" The both of you turn to look at the nurse calling out to your lover, her touch on you breaking away at the disturbance, "Sorry to disturb you but, um, we need you here."
Natasha fully lets go of you now, easily getting herself back into work mode, "He's woken up?" And when the nurse nods, she answers swiftly, "Alright. I'll be there in a second."
Then she turns back to you, work mode off for a brief moment. While her affectionate look is still there, you could easily see how much today's exhaustion's getting to her, "I'm sorry that I'll have to leave you like this. I don't think I really have time to spare so.. I'll meet you when I'm done?"
"Mm." You briefly go to squeeze her hand and press a quick peck on her cheek, "Good luck with work, yeah? I'll be waiting."
She nods, and then she turns to make a beeline over to the waiting patient, leaving you alone in the middle of the clinic. You supposed that you should probably go so you make your way over to the door...
But when you put a hand on the doorknob, suddenly you're hit with a revelation.
You rush back over to her (the desk she owns, specifically) and wait for until she's finished with her current charge. It takes a while, but eventually she turns to walk over to said desk, to which she sees you and makes a confused yet amused expression, "I don't believe I'm off the clock yet, darling. Anything you need?"
"No, actually." You shook your head at her, "On the contrary, I think I have a little solution to your problem."
She crossed her arms as she hummed in curiosity, "Hmm? And whatever may that be?"
"I can help. Like, as some sort of assistant."
"..Go on."
"I know I'm not necessarily trained to be a doctor like you, or a nurse, or anyone in the professional health field, but I can do the other stuff like book-keeping and supply pick-ups. And maybe fetching stuff for you," you shrugged, "but I can't promise that I'll know what they look like."
You had expected her to accept the help—you have to use whatever resource you have in the Underworld, even when the passage between here and the overworld has been opened up. However, instead you see her shaking her head with slightly furrowed brows, "I'm afraid I can't let you do that."
"Why not?"
"I can't ask that of you. I wouldn't want you to sacrifice your day to help me with my job..." She looks to the side, pensive, "And I'm afraid I can't pay you either; I don't want to monopolise you just because we share a close bond.
You waved off her concerns, "Don't worry about that. One, I already get paid by spending time with you. And two, you're not monopolising anything—I'm offering to help. So let me?"
She looks at you, looks back towards the patients behind her, and then looks back at you again, her face showing clear contemplation. She's silent for a while and the lack of an answer plays with your nerves, but she eventually gives you a small, teasing smile, "It will probably take up the entire rest of your day. Are you sure you can hold out for that long here?"
"Ah, but you underestimate me—I can do anything when you're with me."
She laughs, and it's the most beautiful sight you've ever witnessed, "We'll have to see, won't we?"
You both get straight into work after that; Natasha tends to the patients with the other nurses as you dutifully do exactly as you said, taking care of most of the documentations and fetching the needed supplies for her and everyone else (without touching the chemicals in case you mess something up, of course). The amount of work was, quite frankly, insane for such a small clinic but you supposed that all places had their busiest days, medical locations included.
It was tough, and it sure as hell was exhausting, but eventually you pulled through the day and finally you were off the clock. You left a little earlier per your girlfriend's request, waiting outside for her to come out instead. And once she walks out the door, you two walk back home in companiable silence.
It's only when you reach your house when she speaks up, guilt tinging her tone, "I'm sorry we didn't end up having lunch as per usual, dear."
"I told you so many times, Nat, I seriously don't mind. I wanted to help!"
"Not that I'm ungrateful, and I know you offered, but are you sure you were okay to help? Treating people and helping them recover is something I love to do, but you could have done something else."
"I could have," you paused in your steps, opting Natasha go do the same. "But I wanna spend more time with you. Plus, hospital intern dates aren't exactly the worst dates ever."
She laughs again, and you can't get enough of it, "I suppose it isn't. Now come," she nudges her head towards your house's direction, "I'll make up for the whole of today, starting with a delightful meal. Care to join me, Y/N?"
Yes. Yes, you'd very much like to.
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merakiui · 1 month
👀 👀 all amazing ideas omg!!!!! I like to think that maybe he didn’t even plan to truly fuck you. You’re sleeping so peacefully in your pretty pajamas, looking oh-so-tempting and vulnerable. He was just going to touch you a little, feel your tits to see if they’re truly as small as Floyd claims they are. Really, he just wanted to see you squirm in your sleep, to test just how far he can go before you’re on the verge of waking up and catching him. >:)
But how can he possibly resist when he rubs you through your panties until they’re soaking and you’re whimpering in your sleep? >_< one thing leads to another and he’s stretching you out with his fingers and then he’s hurrying to fish his cock out of his boxers. <3 he’s so awkward with the movements, but technique doesn’t matter right now. It’s not particularly long. Just a minute or two spent thrusting languidly inside your tight, wet walls and he’s cumming hard and fast, so sensitive and so stupidly horny. orz he later slips a contraceptive in your food just to be safe hehe.
Since then, he’s become addicted to toying with you in your sleep.
Aaaa but it is fun to imagine him fucking you while you’re high or drunk (or both). Maybe he does it on the night of his birthday (while Floyd’s sleeping like the dead) or on the eve of a big holiday (like New Years). And you’re just so out of it. You don’t even resist when he kisses your neck or reaches down into your panties. I think Jade would keep this secret for as long as possible until he’s ready to surprise you with the admission. Maybe while you’re sandwiched between him and Floyd, one cock stuffed inside your cunt and the other in your mouth, and your stepbrothers are happily discussing all the naughty, disgusting things they’ve wanted to do to you. Only in Jade’s case he’s already done them, but you can’t exactly voice your shock when his dick is choking you. :)
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 5 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Round 2
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Amuro -
"Being a Newtype is just space autism to me. But also he sucks at falling in line in a structured environment, would rather work with machines than talk to people, and is only allowed as a child soldier because he's the bestest at big robots."
Kyouya -
"what's there to say? you know him. you love him. vote kyoya."
Euini -
"I relate a lot to his social anxiety, especially his performance anxiety that occurs when he's being watched by people, particularly due to his stress at needing to follow the plan/do things the "proper" way in order to not feel like he's a failure. he also stands like a lil autistic kid and i appreciate him so much for that.
(LIGHT SPOILERS) basically, he has a test that he needs to take in order to advance as a witch, and he keeps failing it because he cant perform properly while being watched by other people, even though he knows the "right" spells to use and why he's supposed to use them. on his third attempt of the test, he's prepared a "script" to use so that he can follow it and not worry about failing in the moment (in this case, his script is a hand-written book of the proper spells to use and the order in which he's supposed to use them), but when a part of the exam changes, he's no longer able to follow his script. because he's been taught all his life that there's only one proper way of doing things, his way of thinking is very rigid and he's not able to deviate from his plan without panicking. luckily, one of his fellow examinees (richeh from the autistic anime girls poll 💕) is able to convince him to try and change the way that he does things to something that is more attuned to his personal needs- basically change the way that he casts his spells and which spells to use so that he doesn't need to struggle with doing things in the way that everyone says that he should; the way that he cant seem to manage. but, even before richeh helped him with that though, he was still finding way to modify the "proper" spells a little bit to better suit his weaknesses. he was trying so hard to fit in to the mold that witch society gave him, but it just wasnt right for him and he was making it work however he could."
Aoi -
"He has a very devoted special interest in the idol Takada-chan, which he frequently imagines in fights and other situations… the moment someone (Itadori) expresses equal interest in something he is passionate about, he immediately declares them besties and brothers and creates a whole elaborate shared history for them that doesn’t actually exist. He’s not really interested in connecting with people who don’t share his interests. He’s seen as somewhat strange and eccentric. Though in the present he is respected because of his strength as a sorcerer, as a child he was very isolated."
Floyd -
"Has no emotional regulation skills and will make it everyone's problem. Prone to mood swings and can get angry at the drop of a hat, but can also be so goofy, silly, and lovely. Sways side to side for that good good stim, and loves to squeeze others (with violent intent and affectionate intent). Who doesn't love a good pressure stim? His interest in things can be fleeting, and his motivation to do things can change as quickly as his mood. Spontaneous and feral extraordinaire."
Apollo -
"Not canonically autistic but he has ZERO volume control plus he scripts/repeats stuff (“I’M FINE!!!”), sometimes mimics other people’s speech patterns (like replying “ja” to Klavier), sensitive to loud noises (stayed backstage at a concert cuz it was too loud) and bright lights (complained about the stage lights being too bright at the same concert + screamed when opening the hatch to the bright stage at magic show), and has been really into space since he was a kid, which could definitely be a hyperfixation (not to mention how he read every single one of Phoenix’s old case files back when he admired him). Plus he’s a little TOO normal, to the point where it circles back around to making him the odd one out, which is absolutely what masking feels like for me. Even when he tries to be fun and weird he gets strange looks/made fun of for not being weird in the right way. The list of autism symptoms is just a checklist for him at this point."
Ash -
"he just has those vibes ya know?"
Shou -
"His special interest is math. He uses math terms in regular conversations and calls people yoctograms/zeptograms which earned him monikers such as "math man" and "pi-face". Speaking of Pi, he once shouted 155 consecutive digits of it through a megaphone just because he could. He's so normal."
Sunny -
"Sunny has been told that his face is not expressive. He doesn't talk a lot and he often gets lost into his imagination. He is a great listener and recalls a lot of information being told he has a great memory (he is able to remember a whole speech about flower symbolism that his friend told him) He is compared to a cat."
Yuu -
"He’s like if an emo programmer boy was also completely unhinged and also had a tragic backstory."
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strawbubbysugar · 6 months
Coming off anon for this one cuz oh boy it’s theory time and I’m feeling very silly
(I just woke up at the time of writing so sorry for any typos, rambling, or confusion lol)
Alright! So, I’ve been thinking a lot about the existence of Eclipse and the theories popping up about them lately mainly: that Clipsey is a recycle of Moon’s broken body. Which I’ll touch up on first.
The issue that was presented with Moon by this definitely-not-at-all-suspicious engineer was that his processing unit was smashed and ‘unsalvageable’ (which we know to not be true), and aside from the obvious injuries cause by Trap, no major problems with Moon’s case are brought up. His *internals* were destroyed, aside from his battery which was reused.
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Continuing forward, the SOMA comparisons. Reading through a plot synopsis of the game, I can’t help but link the destruction of Moon-man’s processing unit and Simon’s brain injury together a bit. Considering that that is the partial cause for Sun and Moon combining and the reason for Simon getting his brain scan copy. Both undergoing heavy ‘brain’ damaging and being brought to very odd circumstances because of it.
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With the assumption that this is *actually* Moon’s body, “Uploaded into a modified corpse” is a *very* apt description for what Eclipse is. They’re a copy of someone (two people technically) inhabiting the dead body of the original, almost like Pry/ncess in a weird way.
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That’s where the comparisons for the game and Bethroned end to my knowledge however, so time to move onto the more ‘looking too far into things’ section of my theory,
The design and color scheme!
Starting off, I noticed that the coloring of the Sun side on their face was reused from *post incident* which makes sense, that’s how Sun would’ve been seen last before running away with Pry/ncess, the eyes obviously match up as well.
Though the tops of the rays have noticeably sharper points to them if that’s anything at all, it’s impossible to draw the something the same way every single time after all so that can be easily written off.
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The same can be said for Moon as well, the coloring of his face matches up with theirs, however his other features are… very much not intact. Very close but not quite.
The coloring and patterning of the hat is entirely different, the cape maintains the same coloring but the stars on Eclipse’s are much smaller and more faded than Moon’s as well.
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What’s throwing me off though is the eyes, for both post incident and for Eclipse the right eye gained a black sclera, Moon’s pupil turned white, but Eclipse’s stayed red.
If Eclipses body was Moon’s then this could’ve happened naturally, the eye could’ve simply underwent the same damage/change as it did with Moon’s form in Sun’s body. Though do to this being his actual form the pupil could’ve kept its regular eye color.
Their lack of a mouth could also mean that they can’t speak, another drastic contrast in characterization to our boys. From the artwork we’ve been shone of them they see, cunning, clever, but very, VERY distressed. (Be a bit weird to consciously design eye-bags on your new king after all, right? That’s their own fault.)
And for my last point, their crown and the Opal.
This is the most obvious ‘combination’ in their design, it gets the rounded bottom of Sun’s and the gem formation and top shape of Moon’s. When overlayed on top of each other you also get similar colors to Eclipse’s crown, though more cleaned up and appealing on the eyes.
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The gem in this crown has been confirmed to be an opal (if my memory serves me right I can’t find the post anywhere to confirm, tumblr search engine is bleh)
There were a few pieces of folklore and symbolism relating to the opal that I found particularly interesting with what little we know about Eclipse.
Mainly, it representing loyalty and goodluck as well as royalty. A lot of other interpretations I found pointed to it granting foresight and being responsible for prophecy, something you’d certainly want your king to have after the huge string of ‘bad luck’ that befell both of them.
Loyalty to prevent another incident like Sun choosing Pry/ncess over his kingdom and trusting them first, foresight and prophecy so that they can avoid incident like King Freddy dying and, well, Sun and Moon’s incident. and royalty is obvious.
Though the loyalty interpretation and foresight/intelligence can vary widely in intention depending on if Chica or PeePaw (maybe both, stares at Trap) is responsible for their existence. Cant speak that much on it before they’ve even appeared in the story.
Alright so what am I getting at with all this? Well, put simply, Eclipse’s design and name are very very intentional and combining the Princes was clearly in mind when they were (re)built by whoever their creator is. I believe that they attempted to program, be it from scratch with parts of Moon’s processor or with some kind of backup of Sun *somehow*, Sun into Moon’s body and combine their ai together in order to make a new heir.
Again, can’t find the message, but Eclipse’s existence was described as ‘decidedly uncomfortable’ which is very understandable if this were true, having you and your brother’s brain and memories COMPLETELY sewn together, not even with semi separate minds or personalities like with the actual Sun and Moon, would be very, VERY lacking in the ‘good for your mental health’ department, especially if you knew you aren’t the original ‘you’, just a clone, a do-over, a combination of two other failures that you need to clean the mess from up.
Put simply, I believe Eclipse is a combination of Sun and Moon, but not THE combination of Sun and Moon. If that makes any sense. They’re a replication of both placed inside Moon’s old body and used to fill the empty spot on the throne and potentially-maybe-hopefully-not help Afton.
Hands down my favourite ask ever. Like oh my god you did it. You got everything. You caught all the little secrets I put in and I’m flabbergasted. WOW. I AM. SO HAPPY HSFSG
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pomplalamoose · 3 months
Ooohhh so how do we think all the dynamics with dilf!luke would change if his kid was maybe ~10 years younger than you instead of your age (like maybe you met cuz you were their camp counselor or something and they got super attached to you)?
Omggg hiiiii! I got so excited when I saw it was you who sent in a request, I absolutely cherish all your ideas regarding this AU🩵🩵
Because I think it shows the subtle change in dynamics best I focused especially on a first encounter and then on how I imagine his child to cause further entanglement between him and you, since I think they'd definitely be the catalysator, especially in the beginning
• Luke, of course, remains a single dad in his late thirties to early forties and lives in a nice, cozy house with his child
• (if we assume they're about 10 years of age, he became a father at thirty)
• you, as a camp counselor/tutor/teacher/etc. don't know anything about his person, the picture you have in your mind consisting solely out of stories told by either his child or your co-workers
• but since you haven't met him yet, you're not particularly interested, not paying them much mind, as everything you know about the kid's guardians blurs together into a confusing mixture anyway
• of course this will change sooner or later, possibly when Mr. Skywalker comes to pick up his child and you see him for the first time from afar
• it's hard to miss him
• his consuming presence makes him stand out strongly from among the other parents gathering at the entrance, the dark, perfectly tailored suit he's wearing only accentuating the stark contrast
• maybe he just left work?
• even with so much distance between the two of you he strikes you as very handsome, though you can't help but feel glad you didn't run into him directly
• you wouldn't have been able to speak even a single word
• still you can't get him out of your mind and going forward you find yourself putting decidedly more effort into your looks
• just in case you see him around around again
• just in case should he take notice of you as well
• (you're only a little bit embarrassed by how quickly he put his spell on you)
• meanwhile his child, always happy to engage in conversation, seems to really love their dad, a smile blossoming on their little face whenever they talk about him
• especially as soon as they realize you're listening closely they can barely find another topic, making you endeavor to learn more about Mr. Skywalker a lot easier
• quickly you don't only know his first name but also when and if he's celebrating his birthday, what kinds of ice cream he likes best and which he doesn't like at all, details about his favorite knitted sweater and that he recently gifted them a rubber duck to take their baths with
• which is great, really, and you're not going to deny how very interesting all of this is
• but is he single????
• obviously you can't just ask a child whether their mum is in the picture or not and if their dad is currently dating someone
• luckily, or not so luckily, you're not the only one who's attention was caught by the tall, attractive man and you're able to catch some snippets of gossip among colleagues and the parents of other kids
• though gossip is all it is and soon you know why
• Mr. Skywalker is as cold as he is beautiful and impossible to draw near to
• it takes all of your courage to not flee the scene when one day his child decides to introduce you
• normally they let go of your hand as soon as they spot their father, quickly leaving you behind in their excitement as they jump into his arms
• today, however, they don't and you're starting to grow rather uneasy when they continue to drag you forward, towards a man already regarding you with raised eyebrows
• standing in front of him he's even more intimidating than from afar and you have to fight the need to lower your eyes when his gaze sweeps over you
• were it not for his child hanging on to your arm you would've left as fast as possible
• as it is though you're forced to stay
• bravely you endure the encounter consisting mostly of the child's happy blabbering and their father's polite but curt responses
• he's holding back, clearly not comfortable with your presence and studying you more and more intensely as time goes by
• he seems displeased and you have no idea why
• is your smile that terrible?
• did your greeting offend him in some way?
• does he not approve of how you're dressed?
• or about the way you interact with the children?
• you didn't think it possible but despite your initial feeling he eventually, slowly, starts to warm up to you over the next few months
• maybe due to the way his child obviously adores you?
• (yes absolutely, you're the only topic they can talk about at home, similarly to how they only talk about their father to you)
• true, he doesn't give you much to work with, the way he addresses you always stilted and his smile reserved, yet you couldn't be more relieved
• he doesn't seem to think you completely horrible and inadequate to take care of his child in his absence anymore!
• (also, as far as you know, none of your other colleagues have received a smile yet!)
• maybe you don't have a chance with him, this he made clear, but that's okay, there's joy to be found in a little harmless crush
• you dare to relax
• until his child invites you to their birthday party
• you had noticed, of course, how they followed you around like a duckling and how much you meant to them but still...
• wouldn't that mean to overstep a line?
• though when they present you a handmade birthday invite, smiling up at you so hopefully, you can't say no
• maybe it will make things easier for their parents (or hopefully just Mr. Skywalker?), you reason with yourself
• with you there they won't need to worry quite that much about a rambunctious crowd of little kids making a mess of their home
• you're good at your job and excell at pleasing even those hard to satisfy
• the longer you think about the upcoming event the more you feel your excitement grow
• you wonder if Mr. Skywalker is more relaxed in private
• as it turns out he's not
• and neither are you when you arrive and learn you are the only guest
• "I really like my friends", explains the child, "but I'd rather have you all to myself for once!"
• well
• there goes your plan to make a good impression by handling many kids on your own, while maybe sneaking a glance at Mr. Skywalker from time to time, who, in your head, sits somehwere in the distance, relaxing with a coffee
• of course, he does none of these things and instead never once leaves your vicinity, always lingering nearby to keep an eye on the two of you
• it's unnerving and continues to be so as you spend the day with activities his child planned for you
• at least there's no trace of a woman living here with them, which substantially lifts your mood despite the stern eyes you feel prickling in the back of your neck
• once it's time for you to go home you're exhausted
• to some extend you had fun, yes, but deep down you're ashamed
• how is anyone supposed to be taken seriously by an attractive older man while hosting a tea party for stuffed animals, rolling around in the grass and playing Mario Kart?
• does he even think you competent enough to do anything after watching his child chasing you with a water gun?
• your little friend insists on hugging you goodbye tightly
• "can we do this again soon? Pleaseee?", they whisper in your ear and you're inclined to agree were it not for the dark figure leaning against the wall a few steps away
• "you'll have to ask your daddy", you whisper back, hoping this will be a topic for another day and discussed without you
• once again things turn out differently though when they immediately throw themselves at their dad with great enthusiasm
• you don't know where to look
• what if Mr. Skywalker denys his child's request, here, right in front of you?
• he has the guts to do so, that much you were able to gather
• "we'll see about that, yes?"
• at least that's not a no, you tell yourself, yet you feel your eyes water in embarrassment
• forcing a smile you nevertheless thank him for his hospitality and receive a polite nod in return, before finally being allowed to flee the uncomfortable situation with burning cheeks, your heart beating painfully in your chest
• still holding back tears you've nearly reached the street when behind you the front door opens again causing you freeze
• half hoping, half fearing it's Mr. Skywalker you turn around, but instead spot the much smaller figure of his child against the backdrop of the lit interior
• you can't tell for sure but they seem to be grinning in mischievous delight before their little voice rings out clearly through the darkness
• for a second it's quiet
• then
• "but I'm not supposed to tell you because he says it's not proper"
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wingedshadowfan · 6 months
does anyone else remember [hell bent, ninth house sequel spoilers] when alex, tripp, turner and dawes make the first descent, and this particular description in turner's flashback comes up:
From the time he was a kid, Turner had an ear for trouble coming. He could spot an undercover without even trying, always knew when a black-and-white was about to round a corner. His friends thought it was spooky, but his father told him it just meant he was a natural detective. Turner liked that thought. He wasn’t particularly good at sports or art or school, but he did have a sense for people and what they might do. He knew when someone was sick, like he could smell it on them. He knew when someone was lying even if he wasn’t sure how he knew. He’d just get that prickle at the back of his skull that told him to pay attention. He learned to listen to that feeling, and that if he kept smiling, kept the dark part of his heart hidden, people really liked talking to him. He could get his mom or his brother or his friends or even his teachers to tell him a little more than they’d set out to tell.
because i remember thinking there's no way this whole description is a random choice or a coincidence (considering the rest of the foreshadowing and chekov's guns in these books) and that turner's just got a very good "gut feeling", like i immediately thought this has to be magic in some way, just like in alex's case when it comes to seeing the grays/being a wheelwalker
i think turner doesn't know it's magic, but lethe does (which, when you think about it, must be precisely why he's centurion - despite him being very vocal about not wanting anything to do with lethe or the rest of the societies). my theory is he was essentially "recruited" just like alex, whom we know lethe was keeping tabs on because of her abilities, and darlington, whom we don't but sandow got him in the loop as soon as lethe found out he attempted to brew hiram's bullet to see the grays
what do y'all think, am i reaching or reading too much into it? does he just have good intuition cuz i think that can't simply be all there is to it
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0046incognito · 2 months
first of all i REALLY love CYM2K (?) and all thats going on with it. i love the robots, i love the style and animation, the staticy effect goes crazy, and im super enamoured by the plot.
secondly, a question you may or may not have answered. do livicoms have any reaction to human death? Does it depend on the bot? mainly cuz i looked at the server room shot and hibiki generally seemed neutral to it, although i could be missing context there.
firstly THANK YOUU i'm always ecstatic to hear people like CMY2K it is my greatest love in life i genuinely no joke care about nothing more
secondly: the server room gifset IS actually missing a little context, since it's directly preceded by the hibiki flying gifset i'd posted before, the last shot of which i extended since posting it. so yadda yadda all that to say the full shot of hibiki's reaction is This:
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my VHS emulator is so weird with gif framerates IDK why this one exported on 1s this time LOL BUT anyway.
hibiki Absolutely is distressed by human death, but he's not particularly bothered by human blood+gore, more just at the idea he was unable to save a human's life and thus inadvertently violated the first law [he's far more squeamish about Computer gore, actually]. he also has a bit of a flat affect, so he isn't particularly prone to more emotive facial expressions
with his extremely black&white moral scrupulosity issues and hero complex, as soon as he finds a robot was responsible for harm to humans--in this case, cytrus, after she calmly monologues algorithmic nonsense at him about it--the only thing he can do to make up for said first law violation is punish the robot to make sure they can't ever harm any humans again. thus:
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^hibiki's honest reaction when someone takes him to yapperville
in general, it does really depend on the bot, but most livicoms are at the very least not huge fans of human death. plenty of them are detached from it and don't particularly care but know it's normal to at least offer condolences, plenty feel exorbitantly guilty for even incidentally wishing death on someone, plenty are extremely saddened by it, but the type of reaction hibiki has--IE, being more immediately upset about a first law violation--is maybe the most common response, to a certain extent. it's wildly distressing to be a being forbidden by nature from causing harm to anybody and then witness death; the thought of being blamed for it and then punished by execution without trial has gotta be Terrifying
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assless-chapstick · 10 months
not like baby baby but like he's MY baby yk? my babygirl as a baby before he was babygirl when he was a little baby boy
• When the gang gets John - cuz let's be real, they get him the way one gets a puppy or a case of smallpox - he's fresh off that attempted hanging. It was more of a lynching than anything, an impromptu eye-for-an-eye killing after John shot a feller with his own god damned gun. What made a twelve year old mad enough, scared enough to kill, and how'd he manage to grab the guys gun? Kid won't say
• kid won't say much of anything, really. The gang had a disgraced doctor running with them at the time, a guy so hooked on his own cures and tinctures you wouldn't trust him to diagnose a hole in the head, and he said the noose had crushed John's larynx. Sure, the boy can still talk, but it ain't ever gonna sound the same and for the first lil while it'll be hard as hell, but he should be able to. So why don't he?
Doc says maybe the lynching, lack of oxygen to the brain made him go daft cuz just look at him, ain't a thought behind those eyes.
But Dutch, he has faith, he knows.
I think just the fear and trauma after the incident sent John to a pretty rough place and he went nonverbal for a space of six or nine months. Not right after, maybe, but in the following days and weeks - enough they got a name out of him, an age (he said 12 but he's got the stature of an eight year old, not nearly enough meat on his bones), a little bit of a story. "Where's your daddy, boy?" Dead. "And yer mama?" Dead.
• John was always told his ma was a lady of the night, knocked up on accident and dead in childbirth. He came out with the cord around his neck and his ma bled out before they could even untangle him.
There'd been a picture, though he'd never had the courage to ask his father about it, drunk and angry as he was. A young woman with round features and hooded eyes, long dark hair parted in the center and braided, his father's hand resting gently on her shoulder, both posed like a portrait.
(john is métis/mixed indigenous and you can pry that headcanon from my cold dead fuckin hands)
• in the winter john is so small and skinny he gets too cold at night and Arthur begrudgingly is like "FINE you can share with me" and so they share a bed until John is like 16 fjjfbfbf way too old to be sharing but imho John is a bit of a late bloomer and sort of, not a mamas boy but just kind of a baby yk?? Arthur is like "dontcha think it's time you got your own tent or something?" and John's like "No." and just walks away and Arthur is like "AT LEAST YER OWN COT??"
• john is reptilian in his search for heat he just wants to be warm ever since they got him he's crawled into Arthur's jacket whatever chance he gets
• during that first year especially, John was clingy and strange.... after a particularly terrible bathing experience (Susan is great but she's fastidious about personal hygiene and if water goes above John's navel he starts to freak) Arthur is just posted up by the fire with John sat between his knees, tucked into his jacket as they sit in silence mutually brooding... and John reaches up to rub the stubble on Arthur's jawline as a way of like, stimming n self soothing and Arthur would stop him cuz it's weird but he feels those boney little shoulders loosen and John says something, and he never says Anything so Arthur knows it's a big deal... so he just let's John keep doing it after that
• Susan is highly against taking in a child when they first bring John around - maybe because she thinks the main childcare duties will fall to her, or because she doesn't trust the gang to be a safe place for a kid - and this manifests as a little bit of short-temperedness towards him. it's not unusual, she's kind of a Bitch on the best days, but she's cold towards him at first... and I don't think anything Happens, per sé, no big event, just over time she sees he's a damaged boy in need of mothering and that's a part of herself she tried to kill a long time ago... but he brings it out of her. She nags him to cut his hair but brushes it out for him anyway; she'll share an apple with John if no one's looking, peeling it and quartering it and sneaking him a piece. She'll complain about the food - "God this stew is terrible what's in it? Rat meat? Here John, you finish it" - because sometimes good food is scarce and he's a growing boy and she sees his hungry frame, remembers how he used to steal and hoard food in the early days. They almost always have enough but she wants him to have more than enough. She reads to him, and then when he's learned to she gets him to read to her. A damp cloth on the forehead when he's laid low with fever, maybe a soft lullaby if she thinks no one's around...
• at age 12 John has a smoking habit. I don't know if this is unusual for the era or not and I dont know what the gang thinks of it but the kid loves his tobacco
• in fact John rolls his own cigarettes and, when he's young, that's primarily how he earns his keep - those tiny little kid's hands did a great job and he ends up getting the chore foisted on to him from everyone fndbbdf ( prerolled cigarettes had been invented only 7 years prior)
• at agw john also unfortunately loves to drink. I don't know if this was unusual for the era but I'm sure Hosea and Susan and even Dutch had something to say about it
and I think that's all I got in my head for now fellers.... thanks for reading mister....
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genshxn · 2 years
(Y/N) Come Home
Part 3 of Taking Ls in the Abyss
i had some childe brain rot towards the end of it and it shows lmao - also there’s a bit of a cut-off, but that’s just cuz i’m gonna split this second event at the bar into two
ft. aether, diluc, albedo, rosaria (new!), yelan (new!), childe
TAGLIST: (lmk if you wanna be added or removed)
@q804 @veralioz
word count: 3.8K (that’s why i’m splitting it up lol)
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It had been 3 days in Teyvat since you had gone missing. Word had spread like a wildfire through your crowd of new-found "acquaintances" that you had gone missing. Worries were raised, particularly since you had been living in everyone’s heads rent free. The search search spanned from Mondstadt forests, Liyue mountains and Inazuman seas. Missing persons cases are handled by the Knights of Favonius, so they were searching for you themselves. Beidou heard the news and offered to look for you out at sea in the event you had somehow found yourself on another boat. Even the adepti were keeping their eyes out for you, should you come stumbling into one of their abodes.
Aether is in and over his head since he was the one that was supposed to be looking out for you specifically from the Abyss. Every minute you were gone, it became more and more obvious that you had fallen into the hands of the Abyss. It's a matter he would prefer to tell as little people as possible so as not to create any more worry than necessary. But as usual, no word uttered in Tevyat goes unnoticed, so a sort of task-force had been automatically assembled, more or less against his will. The group stands at the foot of a cliff face not far from Dragonspine, supposedly not far from some sort of domain with Abyssal ties. 
Standing before him is Diluc, Albedo — both relatively unsurprising, given they know about the Abyss — but also Yelan and Rosaria? And of course Paimon is the first to express confusion at their appearance. 
"Wait, HUH?! What’re Yelan and Rosaria doing here?" Paimon tugs on the end of Aether’s scarf, pointing vigorously between the two women. The two seem rather nonchalant, but when are they ever not?
"I’m here on behalf of a client, since they are unable to make it personally. That said, from what I’ve heard of this (Y/N), they sound quite intriguing," Yelan replies, tone as cool as ever. "I suppose you could say I’m curious about them myself as well." 
"Oh, so she knows my theory as well, I guess." Aether comments. It would honestly be more surprising if Ningguang somehow didn’t know. 
"That would be correct." Yelan nods. 
"And what about you Rosaria? I must admit I wasn’t expecting to see you here." Albedo adds. 
"Diluc’s paying me," Rosaria replies incredibly matter-of-factly. "He and I… know similar things due to the occasional crossover in business, so he considers me a valuable addition to this. Can’t say I know much about this (Y/N) character, though." 
"That’s about the gist of the situation. But come on, let’s get going. Every minute wasted is a precious minute lost." With an adjustment of his glove, Diluc turns tail and heads toward the domain entrance. 
"Wow Master Diluc, you’re pretty eager, huh?" Paimon jokes, which only elicits an over-the-shoulder death stare from the redhead. 
"It’s the Abyss. Who knows what they’re capable of…" Aether nearly shudders at the thought. He desperately hopes you’re going to be okay. 
Without another word, everyone enters the domain and into the strange ruins that will hopefully descend into the target location. Like all other Abyssal domains and ruins that Aether and Paimon have dredged through, an unsettling atmosphere sets in. Convoluted pathways and strange puzzles barely hinder their pace. Yelan and Rosaria blew past them, figuring them out with only a glance at the apparatuses. But the strange thing is the blatant lack of enemies. Their camps still look fresh and recently used, but there was no sign of any actual occupants. So as a result, the ruins are hauntingly quiet. 
The further they descend, the more Abyssal influence is evident. Albedo notes the strange runes covering the walls, as well as other odd motifs belonging to the Abyss, trying to reason what they could mean. The light fades, and a blueish mist sets in, lowering everyone's view distance. The group must be getting closer. Aether can feel that familiar, unsettling darkness creeping in, putting him even more on edge than before. The winding hallways finally open up into a massive atrium, dispersing the cramped feeling that had been choking the group. There is nothing to be found in the room, except for various piles of debris that had fallen from the roof at some point in history. The dome roof was covered in the faded gilding found in all other domains, filled with enigmatic designs that could mean nearly anything. The only sounds that could be heard is the echoing of the group’s footsteps. 
Everyone comes to a stop in the centre of the atrium, flooded by a white light emanating from above. Radio silence. 
"Something here feels off," Rosaria breaks the silence, scanning around the room. "Something threatening..." 
There’s the sound of some rustling. Everyone’s heads snap in the direction of the sound. Some sort of shadowy mass rears its head from behind the rubble. Shing. Weapons are drawn and aimed at the mass in an instant. It leaps out from the rubble, brandishing two silver sabres, but they clutter to the ground rather unceremoniously once the thing hits the ground again. The group falters slightly out of confusion. 
"WAIT, SHIT—," A familiar voice says. The shadowy thing doffs its mask and hood and shows (Y/N)’s head instead. "I’M SORRY, I DIDN’T REALIZE IT WAS YOU GUYS," 
"(Y/N)?" Everyone asks simultaneously at varying degrees of volume (Paimon was of course the loudest). 
(Now engaging Y/N POV) "Yep, it’s me," you gesture to yourself with added flair. "In the flesh." 
In an instant, Albedo has his hands on your either side of head, overanalyzing your face like a quack doctor. Turning it about in various odd directions, his face gets incredibly close to yours—almost too close (you’re not really complaining, though). 
"Uhh, what’re you doing?" Yelan asks with a mildly confused frown on her face. 
"Confirming whether this really is (Y/N). Their appearance is vaguely different," Albedo remarks, still not letting go of your head. "If you are part of the Abyss Order, your disguise is lacking a little bit." Albedo says to you. He has now turned to scrutinizing your eyes of all things. Your vision is about 90% of Albedo’s face right now. 
"If I was really with the Abyss Order, I would have attacked you already, not dropped my weapons out of surprise." That was a cringe fail moment on your behalf, if you’re being honest. 
Rosaria makes some sort of mildly annoyed grunt and elbows Albedo out of the way, having her turn to scrutinize you. She holds your head with her hands right behind your jaw. Now that she’s right in your face, it’s sort of funny to find out that she smells vaguely like roses. "Hmm… Looks human to me, but…" 
"But?" Diluc asks from behind her. 
"Something’s still off." Are you just perpetually off to her?
"Yeah, cuz I spent 3 whole-ass months in the Abyss." You reply, staring Rosaria right in the eye. 
"Hold on, 3 months?" Now it’s Yelan’s turn to ask you a question. "But you were gone only 3 days. What are you even implying?" Rosaria moves out of the way to let Yelan through.
How do you explain that you’re aware you’ve done a Childe? Fell into the Abyss, trained like hell, made it out alive to tell the tale, only to find out a measly 3 days had past. Maybe the easiest explanation is no explanation at all.
"Wait, it’s only been 3 days?" You feign surprise. You’re going to have to keep up this act if you don’t want to raise suspicion. "Wow, the Abyss is even weirder than I thought." No, you already knew this crap. 
"Yeah, you’ve been gone 3 days in Teyvat. A lot’s happened here since you went missing, but clearly even more happened for you," Aether chimes in, approaching with a floating Paimon in tow. 
"You’re gonna have to tell us everything that happened!" She wiggles her arms around excitedly. "And the best way to tell stories is over a meal, Paimon says!" 
Everyone stares at Paimon. "You just want an excuse to eat." Aether deadpans in response. 
"No no, food sounds great. I need some real human food, not the weird shit they have down here." You motion behind you with your thumb, thinking about all the weird food they’ve got. The inordinate amount of soggy mushrooms in the Abyss has put you off them for a bit. "If you guys want to interrogate me more, then please do it with some food. Who knows, maybe it could even be a date?" The last part was added just for the sake of throwing a wrench.
Diluc coughs, Aether looks away awkwardly, Albedo clears his throat while looking to the side, Rosaria raises an eyebrow, and Yelan laughs slightly. 
"And who is that aimed at?" She asks, looking confused but amused. 
"Anyone who's interested," Looking around, everyone’s averting your gaze besides Yelan. "Anyway, how do we get out of this dump?" 
"It’s back out this way," Aether finally stops being awkward and points back in the direction where they came from. Just before you take off, you go to pick up your weapons and put them away again. In the process, you feel someone’s eyes on you. Once you turn back around, you briefly make eye contact with Diluc who had been watching you. Unsurprising, since he’s quite cautious. You pretend to just not notice it. 
On your way out of the domain, you still feel various pairs of eyes on you at all times. You and Yelan had taken a position in the middle of the group while Aether led you out of cavernous ruins. Trailing behind was Rosaria, Albedo and Diluc. It was those three that seemed the most suspicious of you. Or maybe they kept looking at you for other reasons. You’re the centre of a harem now. It really could be either reason. 
Maybe being in the Abyss made you lose some inhibition, but you’re able to keep up a banter-filled conversation with Yelan quite well. Instinct said that she still had her guard up, which is understandable given you’ve just emerged from the Abyss on your own, but she’s surprisingly talkative. Then again, this is probably just be her wringing you for information. 
"Yeah, so while I was down there I somehow managed to convince the Abyss Order not to kill me on sight. Thanks to either dumb luck or a god-forged silver tongue, I got to learn some combat from them." That whole thing of a silver tongue is a decorated lie of course. You know exactly how you convinced them, but no way in hell are you going to actually say that it’s because of what is literally just stupid harem powers. Despite that, Yelan listens incredibly intently. 
"Silver tongue forged by a god, huh? Maybe there’s an element of truth to that," Yelan laughs. "You’re not too bad at talking." Has she been gotten by you too or is she committing psychological warfare? You’ll probably never know. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Aether repeatedly glancing back at you. Paimon’s clearly noticed it too because she’s looking back and forth between Aether and you. She squints, looking incredibly suspicious. She flies over to Aether and whisper-yells something in his ear. His reaction catches everyone off guard, because he suddenly outbursts a loud "NO!!" while his face turns almost as red as Diluc’s hair. 
"What’s all the screaming about?" Rosaria asks from the back. "…Aether, why are you so red?" 
Albedo tilts his head. "And that stupid question is?" 
Paimon begins: "Is he je—"
"AND THE ANSWER IS NO!" Aether immediately clamps his hand down over Paimon’s mouth. "Come on, we’re nearly at the entrance! Let’s hurry up!" He walks off with his hand still right over Paimon’s mouth, who of which looks like she’s seen a ghost. You blink a couple times. You know exactly what she asked, judging by that reaction. The answer is a blatant yes. You didn’t think he had it that bad, but then again, you don’t really know the extent of your own abilities too well. 
People decide to not press any further, lest they want to get their mouths clamped shut too, so everyone carries on in silence. You finally breach the surface after what felt like months. Good lord, did the late-afternoon sun feel good. 
"(Y/N), you wanted food, right?" Diluc asks once the last person piled out of the domain entrance. "Do you remember the place where you ate on your first night here?" 
"Your bar, Angel’s Share. Like everyone was there and then you guys got into an argument where I should stay the night," You laugh when remembering how you had everyone practically throwing themselves over you. 
"…And then what happened after that?" Albedo joins in. By the looks on their faces, they’re testing you. 
"I ended up going back to the Knights’ HQ for a bit, but then I managed to sleepwalk all the way to Beidou’s ship and ended up in Inazuma."
And that was the right answer. Albedo and Diluc both look happy with that answer, but Rosaria just frowns in confusion. 
"Anyway, speaking of Angel’s Share… can we get some food. I’m starving after taking out that whole domain."
"Mondstadt’s close by so we can get something there— wait, WHAT?!" Paimon yells, not quite immediately computing your last comment. In fact, no one does. 
More preoccupied with food, you begin to take off in the direction of Mondstadt. You’re able to tell its direction based on solely environmental cues. "Yeah, I took out that whole domain. That particular path out of the Abyss was shifting around a lot, and I’ve been trying to find a way out for a while now. It was almost kind of boring, to be honest." The truth of the matter is a little more than that. Lumine and some of the other folks in the Abyss Order were reluctant to let you go, but your inadvertent dominion over them made it possible. Besides, the other Lectors that you hadn’t slapped adamantly wanted you out. It was them that told you about those strange ever-shifting domain pathways connecting Teyvat and that weird half-way point. 
Your entourage still seemed unable to compute what you just said. "But… you were still learning how to use a sword when you first disappeared." Aether jogs up behind you to catch up. 
"Yep. Now I use two." 
The rest of the way back to Mondstadt felt far longer than it should have been, but that’s mainly because you’re hungry. By the time you get there, the sun had set and the evening cool was starting to set in. You gravitate over towards Angel’s Share, just like the first night. Honestly, you’re also after some alcohol given the amount of crap you’ve been through. Once you’re in the door, the familiar atmosphere of the first night sets in. Everyone grabs a table and plants themselves down. Yelan’s sticking around likely with the intention of interrogation, while Rosaria originally intended to come to Angel’s Share. 
Once food orders are placed, Yelan gets right back to business. 
“So (Y/N), you never quite finished what you were saying back in the domain. You were talking about how spending 3 months in the Abyss made something about you somewhat ‘off’. What did you mean by that?” Yelan asks, leaning back in her chair. She’s not particularly subtle with her intentions right now. 
“Oh, that. Hang on. Albedo, what about me specifically did you think was ‘off’?” You nudge Albedo, who was sitting right next you. He appears to jump at the sudden contact. 
“U-um, overall your face is slightly more mature, there are faint traces of new scars, and there’s something strange about your eyes.” Albedo looks right at you as he says that, likely scrutinizing your eyes again. 
“Would you say it’s like the light in my eyes is gone?” You ask. 
“…Yes, that’s one way of putting it, actually.” 
“You also have a strange aura.” Rosaria pitches in with her contribution. “It’s not quite a bloodlust, but it's not far from it.” She looks at you from behind her long lashes, tapping her clawed fingers against her jaw. 
“Welp, there you have it. That’s what the Abyss has done to me.” 
“And about your combat abilities. You say you took out that whole domain?” 
“Ye—“ You begin but are quickly cut off by a familiar voice. 
“Hmmmm? Someone did whut?” It says with a drunken slur. That’s not Venti, that’s— You turn your head and lo and behold, there’s a drunk Childe leaning on your table. What is he doing back here?
The entire group looks immediately startled by his sudden appearance, which he gets jokingly offended at. “Whaaat, you guys hate me that much? So meeean,” but he’s quickly back to his original purpose for turning up here. “Now. Domain? Who diddit?” 
Everyone points to you. 
Childe finally looks properly at your face and has to do a double take. “(Y/N)?!” He blurts out far too loudly. Heads immediately turn towards you. “WHEN’D YOU TURN UP?” 
“I just got her—“ 
You’re cut off again a second time by Childe, but this time he dramatically leans against you on his knees, hugging you while shedding a drunken tear. He’s acting like a complete child. What a way to live up to his name. “I missed you, (Y/Nnnnn)… I go’ told you’re back and t'come here t' Angel’s Share, but you weren’t here so I got sad ’n started drinking...” 
“It was only 3 days or something, though…" You awkwardly try to reach around and pat his head in some strange effort to comfort him, but it’s short lived since he quickly unlatches himself from you and does a 180º of the topic. 
“Anyway, you did that domain all on your own? Tell me more, tell me more,” Childe looks genuinely excited by the notion of you soloing the domain. 
“Gods, I need a drink if I’m gonna watch this shit.” Diluc complains from somewhere behind you. Everyone else, including Aether, echoes in concurrence. 1 round of shots are taken in the background. 
“Yeah, so uh. I’m not battle-incompetent anymore. In the time I was missing, I learnt to fight. From my perspective, I was gone much longer than 3 days.”
Childe falls silent upon hearing what you said, thinking. “Ah yeah, it was the Abyss that nabbed you, right?” 
You nod. He of all people would know exactly what happened to you, drunk or not. He sits there, brain cogs actively turning, drunkenly trying to puzzle together what all of this means. Just like Albedo and Rosaria earlier today, Childe grabs the side of your head and pulls your face in awkwardly close to his, scrutinizing your eyes. “Hah, you’re just like me now!” He pulls outward again, letting go of you. “I always wanted to fight another one of me!” A second round of shots is knocked back in response to that stupid-ass line. 
“Wait, here and now?” You ask in semi-disbelief.
“Yeah! Why not?!” Childe pulls you up and out of your chair. 
Before Diluc can actually angrily explain why you idiots cannot fight in the middle of his bar, you’re in the middle of the hall, guards up and ready to go on command. All other patrons, even the bartender, have unintentionally suspended activity to watch what’s going on. 
“No weapons, ’til the other surrenders?" Childe bounces from one foot to another. His hands remain loosely at his sides, guard wide open. That just goes to show how confident he is. 
“Go easy on me, I’m fresh out of training,” You reply, mimicking his foot movement. 
The two of you snake around each other, waiting for the other to strike. You concede, going in for the first strike. It’s swift, almost a blur, but Childe easily dodges it. He strikes. You weave, following up with counters. All of them miss. It’s a strike and dodge deadlock for the first bit. 3 months ago you would have been out instantly, but now you’re actually holding out against a Harbinger of all people—albeit a drunk one. 
You sweep Childe’s legs out from beneath him with your own leg. He falls to the ground with a loud thud, but he recovers instantly. He returns the favour by sweeping your leg fowards, sending you backwards instead. You’re back on your feet immediately. 
“Haha, you’re not too bad.” He pulls away for a second and moves in to attack again. You dodge out of the way and get to a point adjacent from the support beam. You jump towards it, launching off it with the leg closest to it and bring down the other in a high axe kick. Childe narrowly misses, but you twist your body mid-air, which he wasn’t expecting. You land a strike on him. That earned the third round of shots. 
Taking his brief moment of falter, you drop to the floor and go to knock him over once again with a sweep of your legs. Down he goes. Before he can get back up again, you commit to a move of your own invention by pulling him further towards you and sticking yourself right on top of him, straddling him with his arms pinned above him. Childe’s already drunk-dusted face burned brighter at this rather compromising position he found himself in. 
“You surrender?” You ask, smugly looking down at him. 
Childe can barely articulate an answer, his brain is now so scattered. “Y-eayyh.” 
Back at the table, everyone watched on with mouth-half agape. That was an entire Harbinger you just beat in hand-to-hand combat. The legitimacy of your methods might be debatable, but that was still a win at the end of the day. Childe looks well and truly scrambled now, just like everyone else at that table. 
Diluc in particular looked like he was processing it the worst. His alcohol tolerance must be quite low because after 3 shots, he’s gone. Supporting evidence: him blurting out “(Y/N), do that to me.” 
And they heard him. “Sorry, what?” 
“…Did I say that outloud?” 
“So even Master Diluc’s not subtle whatsoever, hm?” Albedo teases a bit.
“Oh, don’t act like any of you don’t want that either.” Diluc hangs his head in his hands, now completely exposed. “I saw you all looking at (Y/N) like that today.” 
No one says a word, but they all know it’s true, Rosaria and Yelan included. Everyone else hangs their heads in their hands. This is going to be a long bar visit… After all, the night is still young and more people are only just starting to turn up. 
More coming soon lmao
<- ep 4.2
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seongminiz · 15 days
that one was self indulgent for sure… but i’ll make some more if any of them inspire u but no pressure i’m just always here to talk about cravity hehe
pervy loser!wonjin who has a crush on u and is always writing u secret admirer notes at uni and buying u drinks and sweets to buy ur love and he thinks ur oblivious but u know.. u just love making him flustered and frustrated :3 maybe he “accidentally” sends u a video of him jacking off or an audio message so u call him up to help him through it<333
husband!woobin… he’s so domestic imo i feel like he’s sex in the kitchen after he’s made u like breakfast or smth, he’d put you up on the counter and eat you out from there, making a huge mess and then bending you over top of it to take you from behind afterwards<333 if he’s feeling a little freakier.. woobin with breeding kink.. lots of creampies.. fucking you full of his cum, going “i know you can take another one, baby” and going again, the overstimulation making u see stars😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
servicetop(?)!allen cuz i feel like i never talk about him that much UGH he’d be so cute though, begging you to ride his face, i feel like he’d be into spanking your ass while he eats you out but you’re still in control, grinding into his face, neither of u care if he can breathe or not, gushing into his mouth and he would lap it up so obediently… would want you to ride him after, you’d be pretty gone but he’d still take such good care of you despite the fact that he’s also ruined, holding onto your hips and fucking up into you as hard as he can even while cooing about how well u take him<333
- 🧁 anon
perv!wonjin .... i just see him as so much of a loser its insane .
disclaimer i did NAWT proof read any of this ofc but atp its a given
warnings for this part : kinda stalker-ish behavior srry :3 dubcon in some way ? idk i'll say it just in case
teasing him would be way too fun fun , talking to your friends about your 'secret' admirer and how you want to know who it is so bad whenever he's within earshot of your conversations bc he gets so flustered and obvious abt it , especially when he thinks you cant see him :') tho wonjin might be (read: def is) a perv n a loser , hes smart too , n it won't take him long to catch onto the little game you're playing . the cute little notes n 'love' letters he leaves you get gradually more depraved n explicit , detailing all the things he wants to do to you , n especially the ones he wants u to do to him - to the point you can barely brag about them to your friends anymore . the tables r turned , n now he's the one who gets to enjoy seeing you become a blushing mess bc of his notes .
until that too is not enough for wonjin . it's late at night , and he hopes you're already asleep so he can just delete the blurry, shaky video he just sent you of him pathetically whining your name as he touches his bulge over his sweatpants . but of course you leave him no time for regret , immediately recognizing the only person who would dare to send you something like that - you don't know how he got your number , but you don't particularly care abt that .
when a notification of a call coming from you pops up on wonjin's screen he almost has a heart attack . he scrambles to answer , expecting you to scold and berate him for crossing some sort of unspoken rule that had been estabilished between you two .. and you kind of do , though he can't fight the moan bubbling up in his throat the moment he hears your voice , and your intentions are to make him feel anything but bad about it . pathetic and disgusting ? sure , but that's as far as you'll go , talking him through his orgasm and promising - or more like threatening him - he'll have to repay the favor soon .
husband woobin omg 💔💔💔 ik breeding is basically the only thing i talk abt when it comes to him but like ,, come on how can't i do that have u seen him .. just thinking abt husband woobin with an insane stamina who can go for so many rounds and cums so much , until you're reduced to nothing but a cum dump for him ☆_☆
pls i feel so bad abt not writing as much for allen (to be completely fair , my blog is veryyy minhee n seongmin centric 😭😭) but yeah he'd be such a good service top :( treating u so well n eating u out until u have nothing left to give him n then making u ride him :(( n fr at that point more than riding its just him trusting up into you n coaxing out of u all ur weak n soft moans </3
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softquietsteadylove · 4 months
I’m here to say I’m happy you’re back and hopefully feeling better! I have a little prompt, nothing extensive but I’m missing TMTL au lately and would love to see some sweet family time 🥹
"Happy Valentine Mum!"
"Thank you, Darling," Thena laughed, receiving her ever-growing-six-year-old in her arms and accepting his loving embrace. She nuzzled his temple, kissing as he laughed. "How was your valentine's day?"
"We made cards!" Druig exclaimed far too loudly for the front hall of their little house. He held out a red heart, cut with jagged edged scissors to give it a pointy edge.
"That's," Thena paused, examining the glittery glue dripping from it, "lovely."
"This is all the blood," Druig pointed out. "'Cuz yer heart's beatin' in your body, so it'd be gross when you pull it out."
Thena smiled at the cute and grotesque gesture. Unfortunately, it was very 'Druig' of him to think of something like that. "That's very thoughtful of you, Darling. Did you exchange cards with your friends?"
Druig nodded dutifully, although the only friend he really held any fondness for was Makkari. "Everyone gave out cards. Some of 'em had candy!"
Thena was very aware that the tradition was to attach a cheap piece of sweet confection to each equally cheap card. She hadn't particularly wanted to participate in that tradition, and when she asked Druig if that was okay his only response was that he just wanted the candy for himself anyway.
"Did you eat it all already?"
"No, Mum," her sweet little angel replied, shining his big blue eyes at her. Thena just stared at him. He sighed, "I ate half of 'em. But I shared with Kari!"
She supposed she could be thankful that he had been honest with her. He relaxed his posture as she smoothed down his hair, "that's very nice that you shared with her, Darling. Did you make her a card?"
Druig nodded again. He had indeed made a card just for his best - and in many ways only - friend, unlike the garbage he had given everyone else out of obligation (his mother's words, not his!). "I drew a cheetah, and it said 'you're even faster than this!' on it!"
Thena pressed a kiss to the top of Druig's head before standing again, "that's lovely, Darling."
"I made one for Miss Ajak too," he continued as she helped him out of his laced up boots. "But I didn't know what to say so I just wrote 'Valentine' on it."
"I'm sure she'll think that's very sweet," Thena assured him.
"Kari made you one too!"
Thena blinked as the card was shoved in her face. Luckily it wasn't as sharply pointed as her son's. It was also a violent shade of red, but at least it wasn't dripping with viscera.
Her student had drawn some butterflies around the edges, and then a picture of a little ballerina with dark braids, and a taller ballerina with yellow hair. A charming couple of arrows pointed out who was whom, in case Thena needed help identifying them. Her eyes watered.
"You like it?"
Thena sniffled, kissing Druig's forehead, "tell her I absolutely love it, Darling. I'll put it right up next to yours above my desk, hm?"
"'Kay," Druig shrugged, no longer concerned with it. "Mister Dad has something for you too."
And with that, Druig was more interested with the promise of the living room and probably turning on the tv before he was told not to.
Thena tilted her head as Gil finally came through the front door as well, shuffling in with a bundle of something behind his back. "Oh, he does, does he?"
"I told him to come in first, help warm you up," he chuckled, letting her lean against his chest as she got up on her toes to kiss him. "Hey."
"Hey," she greeted, although it came out as more of a sigh. She stepped back, letting him in away from the door. "How were classes?"
"Well, valentine's isn't really a day when you get things done," he chuckled, fidgeting and kicking off his shoes. "Too much chocolate, too many questions. You mostly make crafts, and cards, and try to discourage asking where babies come from."
"I see," Thena pressed her lips together to try and resist laughing. She kept trying to see what was behind him, but he was holding it up high enough to that his broad shoulders did quite a fine job of keeping it from her. "Gil?"
"Okay, okay," he chuckled, leaning in for one more kiss before pulling out a full bouquet of roses, varying in colour from sheer white to pink to deep red. "Uh, I didn't know if you would really want to do anything, but-"
Thena swiped the flowers from him, burying her nose in their scent. It wasn't that she was a huge flowers lover, nor did she dislike them. But she couldn't remember a time when she received a bouquet that wasn't for work purposes.
"Okay, good to know," Gil smiled, putting his hand on her shoulder as she admired them. "Happy valentine's, Angel."
Thena happily leaned in to let him kiss her cheek, still starry eyed from receiving her gift. "Gil, they're beautiful!"
"Second only to you," the charmer corrected as he pried one of her hands away from them.
"Don't tell me you had these with you all day," she blinked at the idea of him trying to navigate the teacher's lounge with them.
"No, I scheduled a pickup for them this afternoon, but I ordered them basically at the start of february," he laughed, pulling her down the front hall and out of the view of the living room. "In case you did want to do something...I wanted it to be special."
Thena melted into the kiss as he held both her cheeks to tip her head just so. She held the flowers out, unwilling to let them get squished as Gil held her waist against him. She moaned quietly, savouring the real, proper kiss stolen even while Druig was in the house.
"So?" Gil pulled away with eager eyes, "how'd I do?"
"It's by far the best gift I've gotten for this particular occasion," she stated factually before burying her nose in her roses again.
"Sorry hon, but that's not a very high bar," Gil snorted, moving back to his work satchel. "And there's more where those came from, but that'll be for, uh, tonight."
Thena buried her blushing in the flowers as well. "I could have asked Ajak to have the kids over."
"Hey, don't worry about it," Gil whispered, "it's a school night anyway. We'll keep it lowkey."
Thena nodded, accepting another little kiss.
"Besides," he winked at her, "I got you another present. I don't know what you were thinking of."
"Hush," she attempted to chide her very jovial partner as he moved into the living room. She followed immediately scooping the tv remote out of Druig's hands.
"Hey!" he whined.
"One hour, and if it's now then it's not before bed," she dictated firmly.
"Yes, Mum," Druig grumbled obediently, although he made himself completely dead weight in Gil's grasp as he was moved from off the floor - as close to the tv as he could get - to the couch with them.
"Come on, buddy, don't you wanna tell Mum about what we did today?" Gil attempted to encourage the boy to sociallise just a little.
"You're gonna tell her anyway," Druig shrugged, in both a humorous and precocious statement. He looked down at his outstretched feet, with his socks with sharks on the bottoms. "Did you give Mum the butterflies?"
"Butterflies?" Thena asked with a faint frown.
Gil shook his head, assuring her that no winged insects would be part of her gift. "Uh, what butterflies, kiddo?"
"You said you were gettin' something for Mum. I thought it'd be butterflies," Druig elaborated, but not to the betterment of either adult's understanding. He looked up at Gil. "Mum once told Miss Ajak that you gave her butterflies--I thought you were gonna get s'more."
Gil looked up at Thena, who closed her eyes and looked up at the ceiling as the embarrassment washed over her. Not that Gil didn't know that in a general sense, but she didn't need such a clear example to be given.
Gil just chuckled, "not this time, buddy. I was getting flowers for Mum."
"Okay," Druig shrugged, looking at his mother now. "What's for dinner?"
She smiled down at her son, preferring that over looking her lover in the eye after that particular fact was revealed. "Delivery."
Thena just sighed and nodded, Druig already holding out a grabby little paw for her phone to select what he liked. She looked up at Gil sheepishly, "my gift to you was that I wouldn't do the cooking, but you wouldn't have to either."
"Sounds good to me," he grinned, leaning over to kiss her above Druig's head. Although when he pulled away, he stayed closely hovering, "I give you butterflies, huh?"
Thena huffed, looking away as her embarrassment worsened.
"For what it's worth," he scooched closer, jostling Druig slightly between them just so he could wrap his arm around her shoulders, "you give me butterflies, too."
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thatseventiesbitch · 10 months
Eric and Donna’s Pet Names
I paid special attention to this on my latest rewatch, due to some truly interesting discourse here on tumblr (and on reddit) after That ‘90s Show aired. A couple of people DM’ed me a few examples after a post I’d made, and that is what got me started on this wee project (which turned into a not-so-wee project lol). Here’s my *complete list of all the times Eric and Donna used pet names/terms of affection/nicknames to and about one another on the show(s). Honestly, they used them a lot more than I remembered, particularly Eric.
*I certainly might have missed a few. I’ll update this post if that’s the case - feel free to comment/DM me if you notice one that’s missing!
Pet names Donna uses for Eric
Donna sometimes calls Eric pet names. She’ll often use them in a light-hearted, teasing way or off-hand, but she also tends to use them when she’s concerned about him. There are a few funny/memorable one-off names (horny nerd boy and The Flash 😂) but she also calls him both honey and baby.
S2xE15 “Burning Down the House”
Donna: Eric remember when I told you to loosen up?
Eric: Oh yeah, baby.
Donna: Well, tighten up baby. When the house is on fire, the party’s over.
S3xE10 “Ice Shack”
Eric: Sweetie, what do you want to do?
Donna: Whatever you want to do, honey.
S3xE15 “Donna’s Panties”
Jackie: Why are you here? You should be with the one you love, and you love Eric. For some reason.
Donna: Shut up! There’s a lot of reasons. He’s not a blow-pop. He’s a sweetie pie.
S3xE16 “Romantic Weekend”
Donna: Wow, you must be really upset about this.
Eric: Um, kind of, yeah.
Donna: Well c’mon Eric. [Mocking him] Let’s turn that frown upside down. That’s right, let’s have super hot sex baby.
S5xE7 “Thank You”
Kelso: Check it out, I’m breadman!
Donna: [To Kelso] Shut up, Eric’s talking! [To Eric] Go ahead, honey.
S6xE7 “Christmas”
Donna: Okay we’re back and uh, if my boyfriend’s listening you’re late and I’m a little worried you’re trapped in a snow drift or something. So honey if you’re cold, I’m with ya baby.
S6xE8 “I’m A Boy”
Donna: Eric, wow, you look beat!
Eric: Yeah. I was workin’ until like, one last night.
Donna: Oh, my poor baby. I know something that’ll cheer you up. Today I got my first bridal magazine!
S6xE15 “Who Are You”
Eric: About this little celibacy kick we’re on - does that cover quickies? Cuz I can be really quick.
Donna: That’s why I call you The Flash.
Eric: That’s why you call me The Flash? I thought it was cuz I’m flashy, like an entertainer.
S6xE20 “Squeezebox”
Donna: So this is what you did while we were apart? Oh, my horny nerd boy.
S8xE1 “Bohemian Rhapsody”
Donna: Hi honey! Thank you for the postcard with the monkeys. I’m still bananas about you, too.
That ‘90s Show - S1xE1 “That ‘90s Pilot”
Donna: (Carrying in luggage) Don’t worry, honey. I got it.
Donna: (Carrying out luggage) Don’t worry, honey. I got it. Again.
Eric: Okay, babe?
Pet Names Eric uses for Donna
Eric uses pet names for Donna more frequently. He calls her a number of different, goofy one-off terms of endearment throughout the series (including cupcake, beautiful, dollface, sex muffin, pretty mama, my little crazy straw, etc 😂), but he repeatedly uses baby/babe or calls her m’lady or my girl.
S2xE3 “The Velvet Rope”
Donna: Eric, you here?
Eric: Yeah, I’m in the living room, baby.
S2xE8 “Sleepover”
Eric: Damn
Donna: What’s wrong?
Eric: *Screams* I mean, hey baby.
S2xE15 “Burning Down the House”
Donna: Eric remember when I told you to loosen up?
Eric: Oh yeah, baby.
S2xE16 “The First Time”
Eric: Hey good lookin’. Have a cocktail weenie?
S2xE20 “Kiss of Death”
Eric: Hey, beautiful.
Donna: How’s it going?
Eric: Pretty good. Except I found this here kitten who told me he was looking for someone to love him.
S2xE21 “Kelso’s Serenade”
Eric: Hey baby, let’s say you grab papa a root beer, huh?
Donna: Listen you worm. I am not your slave or your waitress or your damn maid. So don’t get all “Archie Bunker” - ie on me, or I will kick your ass to the moon!
S3xE1 “Reefer Madness” (*Note that this one is a fantasy sequence, but I find it funny and wanted to include it 🤣)
Donna: Gee wilikers Eric, where have you been? You missed choir practice!
Eric: Sorry, dollface. But now thanks to marijuana, I’m incurably insane.
S3xE2 “Red Sees Red”
Eric: Buckle up, Donna, cuz the next twelve seconds are all about you, babe.
S3xE7 “Baby Fever”
Donna: It’s all in the wrist. See?
Eric: Hey. Look at the wrist on my girl.
S3xE10 “Ice Shack”
Eric: Such a small price to pay to keep m’lady happy.
Eric: Sweetie, what do you want to do?
Donna: Whatever you want to do, honey.
Eric: See, I have small feet... Donna - you going somewhere, honey?
S3xE11 “Who Wants It More”
Donna: Eric, you can’t just ignore my ideas.
Eric: Oh. Donna, you’ll get the same ‘A’ I get. Relax, baby.
S3xE12 “Fez Gets The Girl”
Eric: I, Eric Forman, your boyfriend, am Pricemart’s newest employee of the month.
Donna: Eric, that’s great. Are you done?
Eric: Well, yeah. Top that, cupcake.
S3xE13 “Dine & Dash”
Donna: Well damnit, let’s stoop to their level. Or an even lower level.
Eric: Yeah. Oh I’m with you baby, yeah.
S3xE16 “Romantic Weekend”
Eric: Okay, okay, you know what. Let’s turn that frown upside down. That’s right - let’s have super hot sex, baby! [Donna hits him] And by super hot sex I mean let’s talk about your sad feelings.
S3xE19 “Eric’s Naughty No-No”
Eric: It’s just - there were all these people, and they were doing all these things that we’ve never done, and it seemed like they really enjoyed doing this one thing especially. And I just thought you know who would enjoy doing that one thing especially? M’lady.
S5xE22 “You Shook Me”
Donna: Okay look, maybe Eric is working with dog food. But he’s not complaining and he’s not quitting, and we’re gonna get married no matter what you think. Or how he smells.
Eric: Aw, thanks honey.
S5xE25 “Celebration Day”
Eric: [Thinks he’s speaking to Donna] Why there you are, my little sex muffin.
S6xE2 “Join Together”
Eric: I can’t take it. Watching Donna lie out, knowing she’s gonna go to college and I have to stay here, she’s so, so -
Kelso/Hyde: Juicy.
Eric: (Dreamily) My juicy.
Eric: [to Hyde] There’s no time, my friend. I have a distraught neighbor girl to attend to. [to Donna] Dry your eyes, baby. The lovin’s on its way!
S6xE20 “Squeezebox”
Eric (thinking to himself): Screw it, sneak attack is my only hope. I’m gonna go with the yawn n’ grab. Watch out for my hand, pretty mama, cuz I’m not really tired.
S6xE23 “My Wife”
Hyde: C’mon Forman. It’ll be one last night of the finest debauch that Point Place has to offer.
Eric: Hyde, all I need is my sweetie here for the rest of my life.
S7xE3 “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction”
Donna: One of Red’s beers?
Eric: Well there’s a new sheriff in town, little lady.
Eric (to Red): I’m saying here’s what’s gonna happen: you’re gonna accept my apology man to man, and then sit down with me and my girl here, and enjoy this beer.
S7xE20 “Gimme Shelter”
Eric: How you doin’ my little buttercup?
Donna: I don’t think I can make it to your party.
Jackie: Donna, you have to!
Eric: I’m afraid I’m out too. I gotta tend to my crooked little flower here.
Donna: You know Eric, calling me cute little nicknames doesn't make up for what you did.
Eric: Okay, okay, whatever you say, my little crazy straw.
S7xE21 “2121 S. Michigan Avenue”
Eric: Look, stay away from my girl, okay Casey Kelso? Or wait, maybe I should say - Casey Smellso.
S7xE23 “Take It or Leave It”
Eric: Well hello, toots! Back from your date so soon? Used to be you had to buy a girl dinner if you want her to slide all over you moanin’ like a ghost.
That ‘90s Show - S1xE1 “That ‘90s Pilot”
Donna: Leia -
Eric: Yeah, go. Just unload, baby. Both barrels. Go.
Donna: (Carrying out luggage) Don’t worry, honey. I got it. Again.
Eric: Okay, babe?
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pyropsychiccollector · 5 months
Natsu Harem: Fairy GET! 1/14
... So what do I hope to gain from this...? Hmm. (人◕ω◕) I'm not really sure.
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I've done analyses of ships. I think that's what I'd like this series to be... But here's the thing: Most of these Natsu ships are not rooted deep in canon lore. There's only a few women that canon could pertain to, when it comes to the Fire Dragon Slayer... And that is boring. The Big 4 ships of canon particularly bore me. I will never yield to them. This has been the case now and forever. (人◕ω◕)
Therefore, this series must be... a prospective analyses. Something that is not necessarily there right this moment... But can be. I don't think I shall get long-winded, though. There are 14 lovely ladies to get to, and I would be quite dead by the end if I went "all-out". But I shall do my best to give you all something for each member I list out over the coming days. Whether you've considered these ships before or not. Let us enjoy this journey together. (人◕ω◕)
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14 lovelies... I think I will begin with... someone on the younger side. Not the youngest, though. Yes, Miss Chelia Blendy will do nicely for a warmup. (人◕ω◕)
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When did they meet?
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Strictly speaking, the first time Natsu met Chelia was during the Grand Magic Games. Not very riveting, however. They were competitors, and had only minor exposure to one another. The closest they came to interacting was through mutual friendship with Wendy-chan. (❋•‿•❋)
But if I were to take a whack at a proper first meeting, well... It might be during the waterpark episode. I'm sure you remember the one. (❋•‿•❋)
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Bear in mind, we're already in "fanfic territory" here, so I'll proceed with that mindset with these headcanons. (❋•‿•❋)
After Erza has that... accident... with Jellal in the pool - which Natsu did help create - Natsu's in a bit of a sour mood because... It's Jellal. And Erza's being weird again with that guy. (❋•‿•❋) To distract himself, Natsu sees what Wendy's up to, and gets more directly acquainted with Chelia-chan. She seems cute and cool, and he hopes Chelia can get along with Wendy. ... Which embarrasses Wendy, cuz that's something more that a "dad" does, and Natsu's more of a brother! Really! ... At least Wendy thinks he is...? Hmm. Something to puzzle over later. *wink wink* (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
Plus, they both have pink hair! Natsu can't say he's met too many people with his hair color. (❋•‿•❋)
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When did they grow closer?
Being a part of separate guilds, Natsu wouldn't have much interaction with her, except when Wendy wants to go visit her. And it's not like he tags along for every trip to Lamia Scale or whatever. He doesn't treat Wendy like glass or nothin'.
But... of course Chelia would grow a little curious of this "niisan" that Wendy keeps speaking fondly of. Has so many stories to share. While Lyon, Yuka, and Tobey can be fired up at times, they're generally more calm and collected... and besides, Chelia herself is fixated on Lyon. Through her cousin, she came to learn there was a lot to love about that hunk of man. (❋•‿•❋)
... There's just one problem. Lyon only has eyes for Juvia, and sooner or later Chelia gets tired of waiting around for him. Not that Lyon doesn't value their friendship and bond, Chelia just wants... more. More love. Love that Lyon isn't up for sharing with her.
It makes Chelia a little... territorial of the bonds that she does have. Wendy-chan's like her li'l sis, so when the Sky Dragon Slayer comes to Lamia Scale after Fairy Tail disbands... It's like a dream come true. They become the Sky Sisters of Lamia Scale, and Chelia couldn't be happier.
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... And then Natsu, Lucy, and Happy come back only a year later, with ideas of wanting to bring Fairy Tail back. Meaning, of course, Wendy-chan goes with them. That was the deal, and Chelia-chan knows it. (❋•‿•❋) That said, Chelia-chan doesn't wanna lose Wendy, too. Obtaining love from Lyon, escaping the friendzone... That's like trying to get blood from a stone. And now she's losing Wendy, too...? Chelia can't take that.
So when enemies attack the town... Chelia-chan steals Happy to go with Wendy and Charle to deal with the threat. She does so in order too prove to Wendy that she's strong, too, and she doesn't have to go back to Fairy Tail if she doesn't want to. It doesn't quite go the way Chelia-chan wanted it to, however...
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Bluenote Stinger comes out and overwhelms them all. But right after he shows up, Natsu catches up to them and takes Bluenote almost effortlessly. ... Though he does burn Chelia's clothes to a crisp. (❋•‿•❋) He talks her ear off about being a thief, and he holds her up like a newborn kitten... Honestly, Chelia didn't see what was to admire about this guy, he was crazy~!
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... But, reflecting back on it... He was still important to Wendy, and Chelia-chan didn't want to be selfish and keep her away from the friends that found Wendy first. Whatever her own thoughts and feelings, Chelia had to support her sister. Fairy Tail was never gonna stay dead, and deep down Chelia didn't want it to. (❋•‿•❋)
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When does friendship turn to something more?
Naturally, we should consider the future. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) Obviously, Chelia-chan helps Wendy and Fairy Tail fight off the Alvarez Empire... In one world, she gives up her powers to use Third Origin. In another world... perhaps her God Slayer powers were super effective against Dimaria, who was fused with Chronos. Perhaps she didn't need to debilitate herself to help defeat the enemy.
It's still not an easy battle, but... Chelia manages to pull through. In such a world... Chelia isn't focused on regaining her Magic, it isn't such a pyrrhic victory. She can stand tall and proud... But that doesn't change Chelia's plight with regards to "love". She still wants more... And with Ishgar on the road to recovery, back to more peaceful times, perhaps Chelia can make headway on that goal.
After a few collab jobs with Wendy (and Natsu tagging along out of boredom), Chelia learns more about Natsu. Sure, he's a reckless meathead that likes to punch first, ask questions later... Always so eager to pick fights... He's brusque, talks with his mouth full (oh yeah, he eats for ten men, easily - maybe even twenty!)... But... He has heart. He cares about his friends, even her who he barely even knows... When he helps her stand up after getting knocked down, Chelia gets some butterflies in her stomach. Those carefree grins he gives out, the way he tries finding a bright side to even the most dismal situations... The way he's so warm... Chelia sees why he's important to Wendy. One has to look past the scrappy, dense exterior, but Natsu is definitely something special. Some days, Chelia finds herself a bit dazed as she begins getting lost in daydreams and remembrances of Natsu's warmth, no matter how brief she was in contact with it. Takes people snapping her out of it to go about her day, but Chelia ultimately doesn't mind getting lost in those dreams~... They're becoming more frequent. Chelia-chan yearns.
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And one day, Chelia-chan just... asks Natsu out. She's not really sure when or how or why... But she really, really wants the Pyro. And she's done hesitating. His guildmates and friends be damned, Chelia-chan goes for her prize, just walks up too him and asks him out. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) Naturally, there were... reactions to such a blunt, straightforward request. But more on those later.
For now we must consider Natsu's feelings on Chelia. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) Honestly, he wasn't expecting her to walk up out of the blue and ask him out. Natsu's never been one to think long and hard about that stuff, he just goes with the flow... If a girl asks him out, he goes for it. Not cuz he's like Loke or Gildarts, but because the ones asking are his friends. And he never lets them down if he can help it.
So despite any heated rejections from the crowd, Natsu nods his head and takes Chelia's hand to go on a date. Much to the Sky God Slayer's delight~... She's from another guild, and she's on the younger side... But how can he say no to someone who's so nervous and shy while asking him out in front of the guild like that...? Chelia takes such good care of Wendy, and she's become a valuable friend to him, too~... They've even pulled off some combination attacks - sometimes just them, sometimes including Wendy.... Wind helps fires get stronger, and Natsu wants to repay the favor. (๑╹ω╹๑ )
... Plus, she's rather cute and timid when you pluck her up like a kitten. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) Of course certain parties will have words to say about this~... But Natsu doesn't regret reciprocating Chelia's feelings~... He's gotta respect the burning passion, yeah? Chelia's got a fire (of love!) in her belly~! (๑╹ω╹๑ )
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swearyshera · 1 year
Reliving this is a trip. I was an interesting feeling the first time thru, and I'm not saying that to humorously downplay a horrific situation. It drew out a little bit of sympathy for Catra I really thought I'd used up by that point, if only cuz what Prime does is really that vile. That's super unusual for me. I went in rooting for Adora to take back someone she cared about, not necessarily cuz it was Catra specifically if you know what I mean, but this got me to want Catra rescued weirdly well. I almost never feel for villains at their nadir like this.
Twisted how empathetic paragon heroes like Adora are among my most treasured characters in fiction, yet I suck at extending the same sympathy they can. You're supposed to see characters like Catra (or Azula or Bakugou or whoever you please) going thru awful things as flawed people with interior lives and subject to exterior circumstances that the heroes are kind/strong/savvy enough to see and incorporate into their responses and my knee jerk is still "fuck off with the pity party, get to the atonement." Or in a lot of cases to laugh while they're down. I always sabotage myself by seeing the author making horrible things happen to the rival/villains, and contrasting them with worse villains, as a cynical tactic to get me and the heroes to sympathize before they've started changing for the better.
It helped that Catra already saved Glimmer at her own peril, and Adora already would've saved Catra no matter what, but still. This is a big reason why villain mind control is one of my least fave tropes. Manipulation and coercion are all good because meaningful agency and responsibility are still there even if characters can't see it, and that is everything in my eyes. To me mind control is the writer hitting pause on a character's growth til a more convenient time in the plot. Or just forever. *cough*🌊🦂🧙‍♂️.
Most of my appreciation for pre-s5 Catra only built up in retrospect through meta-posts and following fanworks like this. So seriously thank you for this series; it's like experiencing the series as it was intended for the first time, weird as that sounds.
You're version of this sequence is as skin-crawling as I think we all could've hoped/feared. Prime is the worst kind of living scum. Great work. Now I can start counting down to the "you miscalculated." scene. Aimee Carrero crushed that line. Can't wait for your version. Positively dancing with anticipation.
It is - at least to me - a really interesting point for Catra to be at, narratively speaking, because it shows the dialectic in her journey. She both did and didn't "bring it upon herself" - yes, she tried to get in Prime's good books, but no, she didn't ask to be chipped. Yes, she saved Glimmer against his instruction, but no, she didn't know the full consequences of what that would do. And when you get people on different sides of the argument, some saying "poor meowmeow didn't deserve this" and others saying, "She's reaping what she's sown", actually they're both right, in this way.
I don't think it would have worked going straight to the atonement, anyway. We don't have these scenes to revel in the depth of her lowest point, we have them to show how bad, how inescapable it was - and then we set up to escape them!
The whole story with Prime has been an interesting writing journey, too. Every time I review the lines, I tweak them to make them that little bit more realistic, that little bit more uncomfortable. I'm painfully aware that we're seeing a lot of similar rhetoric flying around from real people in the media these days (particularly with anti-trans bullshit), and it's no coincidence that Prime is a reflection of this. But my focus isn't on "Oh look, doesn't this character sound like the person trying to destroy our lives", it's on "This character, like the people you've seen on the news, might think they're right but they will never win. They will never defeat us."
Indeed, the Save the Cat books (yes, this episode did remind me of them... It's probably where the name is from) talk about the 'All is Lost' point and the 'Dark Night of the Soul' - this is where we're at right now. It's bad, it's the worst - but it's going to get better.
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radiant-reid · 2 years
can u do a cute lil blurb abt spencer playing video games like mario kart with reader but they're also dating cuz i just know he'd get distracted by just being in awe of her and it'd be the most safe and fun time like nothing else in the world matters except the two of them and the silly little video games
send more blurb requests like this !! i love writing them and i always see other writers doing such an amazing job writing cute little blurbs
"You are going down, Reid." You assure him, looking at him with narrowed eyes are you pick up your pro switch controller from your seat on the couch and sit down next to him.
He quirks an eyebrow in a challenge. "Game on, L/n."
Everything between you two started out as competitive at the BAU, playfully so when you would try to one-up each other with facts or find the biggest word that you could slip into a random conversation each day. Last names now are reserved for game night like this when you're turning back on your love to compete, especially with each other.
There's no room for lovers in Mario Kart and you're set on beating him.
Once you pick characters, you're even deeper into the headspace of needing to win, and you shut your brain off the beautiful genius sitting beside you with a wide smile.
Games also force you to stop thinking about the horrors you see each day, and you understand why Penelope loves them so much. She had been the one to suggest you start playing as a way to escape after a particularly hard case and the string of nightmares that followed.
Then Spencer found you doing your thing one night, wanted in and now you're here.
You're out to a good lead and you're pretty sure you can maintain it. Then you see it out of the corner of your eyes: that dreaded black bullet.
And it's Spencer's. "Yes!" He cheers loudly, almost losing the controller when he throws his hands in the air. He gets it back in check when you let out a loud groan and throw your head back. "Hey, don't go being a quitter on me now, L/n."
"I can still win." You say, more to yourself than to him.
You can't see it since you're so focused on the screen, but his glance falls away from the screen and towards you. He's entirely unfocused on what he's meant to be doing as he watches your side profile and the way you bite down slightly on your lip as you focus so intently on the screen. Even in the light solely radiating off the screen, he can't help but find you even more beautiful than he did that morning.
He quickly slips from first place, and you whip your head around to look at him for a second as you cross the finish line in the first place he should have had. "Spencer, what?"
"I love that about you." He reveals, more serious than what the moment called for. "How strong-willed you are." He clarifies. "I don't think I've ever seen you fail at something you put your mind to, like any time you commit to something, you get it done. I've never met anyone who's got as much strength as you."
The sudden gushing is something you're used to with Spencer, but it seemed an odd time for it all to come spilling out. "Thank you." You reply, a bit unsure of what to say. "You're strong too, you know, stronger than you think. I see it all the time with how you deal with all the difficult things."
"I love you." He says, dropping the controller in his lap and cupping your cheeks instead.
"I love you, too." You mumble back, edging closer to him until your lips were almost against his. He closes the gap slight gap and kisses you for a second before he pulls back with a smile matching yours. "Rematch or are you going to admit defeat and let me claim my prize?"
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