#but then i think abt how that sort of mindset might be in the way of me meeting more people
kathles · 2 years
today i had the thought “maybe i should make more mutuals” but then i realized id have to start following more people to do that and then i thought “oh god, oh fuck”
#julien talks#see i only follow like 9 people#and on my old blog it was like 14#and i only have two mutuals one of them being my gf#so when i see posts that are like “how many people do you follow/are mutuals with” and peoples replies are in the hundreds im just like#huh#like how do people do that i got bad social anxiety even online#regardless of how much we interact#not to mention i only follow blogs im really interested in following (combined that i dont see anything problematic)#i feel like thats a stronger factor#Like i tend not to follow back not only because of my anxiety but also because im just not interested and like. I dont know the user#Personally i mean#Does that make sense?#unless the person is on my mental dni list#Then i just block them#when i can at least#but then i think abt how that sort of mindset might be in the way of me meeting more people#and im just like oughfgfgggggfghgghg#cuz i think ‘is this a normal set of boundaries or am i self sabotaging’#because i genuinely would like to make more friends. both online and irl#like idk#if the user was a discord friend i think maybe id be more inclined to follow them back#cuz in that case particularly i know them a little more#and then theres the case where I DO think abt following back even if i dont know em but i like some of the stuff on their blog#And then the anxiety kicks in like a bitch#damn why are my feelings so conflicting#like damn bitch pick a side (bitch referring to my anxiety)#/s btw#vent#? Kinda sorta but not really? Idk
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laniemae · 22 days
Lovvvve ur additions to the Lore Discussion I wanted to ask if u think Muu, who definitely is aware she's a harsh person even when she means well, values truth to a degree? Something along the lines of "I can be very mean, so the least I can do is tell the truth," but she either finds herself twisting said truth to her emotions or telling her side so harshly that no one wants to listen? Source it came to me in a dream I'm so fr obsessed that I'm dreaming abt Trial 3 lately smh anyway u know her character way better than I do so thought u might like this ramble
ok so first thing I’m so so sorry how this took me so long to respond it’s easy to forget asks when your inbox is piled up and you wanna respond but don’t have the confidence to talk to people so sorry.
Yeah it’s definitely true that Muu values honesty from what I’ve seen. She didn’t lie about her circumstances in After Pain and rather it’s told through her hurt and fearful perspective of everything that’s happened. It was an honest storytelling of what she went through and how she felt which matched up with her mental state within the prison.
And again It’s not my fault is also the truth of what happened but told through the perspective of Muu being in the mental state of wanting to hurt the people who hurt her and believing any sort of sympathy is just people mindlessly sucking up to her. And she knows that she doesn’t like acting this way but finds it conflicting and trying to justify hurting people through that they hurt her. So the main difference between after pain and inmf is the general emotional state Muu was in and her perspectives of everything that happened.
And as you said it’s exactly that on how Muu tells her side so harshly people don’t want to listen. As I mentioned this is exactly what’s happening in inmf. It’s already shown through the monstrous and controlling way she presents herself throughout it and with conflicting lyrics and especially talking about how everyone will forgive her. It’s like she can’t forgive herself for what she’s done and tries to convince herself that she was in the right, and believing people who forgave her and wanted to help to be stupid (which could possibly go into the involvement of Rei and perhaps she did something that felt like she betrayed her but that’s a long theory). But being split between liking and hating being showered in this “praise” and revealing her thoughts on this situation in this mindset, and being aware that people will hate her for it. As she can’t feel satisfied with people forgiving her as she thinks they’re misguided and don’t know the whole truth.
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mostlymaudlin · 1 year
ooooooh ok juicy sfc posts happening !! i rly honestly truly love to see it. here's my unasked for two cents, as someone who did find the story really hopeful. im posting this not to like, discourse or disagree or discount what im seeing, but to just maybe offer a different pov for ppl who might be trying to file this story away in a less devastating way.
i, of course, think baz deserves better than what he gets from his family. we all deserve to have families that love us unconditionally, and so many of us DONT have that -- including baz. that hurts !! i also think simon didn't deserve to lose his magic, and penny didn't deserve to take on the sole responsibility for keeping simon safe, and agatha didnt deserve to be shoved into every princess/damsel role ppl cast on her, etc etc. 
what i like so much abt this series is that ppl dont get what they deserve, but theyre still okay. its why i also love the end of awtwb -- simons LICH ER ALL Y crying lol. he got a whole mega-bucket of extra trauma dumped on his plate that he hasnt even started to process. but its still so clear that he's got the support he needs to live a good life alongside this terrible knowledge. the mage fucked him over even more than he knew, but he doesnt have to define himself by these terms anymore -- we've seen his growth in this regard.
bazs main arc in the series is about how he sees himself -- in crudely simple terms, he rly wants to be a Good Guy (you know, not a vampire, straight, a good pitch etc etc) but sees himself as cursed with that impossibility. this continues as his idealized Good Guy self develops over the course of the books into something that actually feels more achievable to him and is less reliant on the shit his family put on him growing up. 
the cool thing about snow for christmas is that -- just like when simon finds out abt the mage at the end of awtwb -- we get to see baz's new sense of self tested. we get to see what he's using to draw the lines of morality. and we get to see that while of course he still cares about what his family thinks, and it still causes him anxiety and trauma and all the shitty things that he doesnt deserve -- he has grown from that place where their value system can make him hate himself.
and moreso on the hope part -- the grimms value, above all, the ability to fit into the roles they think theyre supposed to hold. its bullshit, and they've both caused themselves problems and absolutely are fucking up their children. daphne fully had to be saved by a cult bc of it and shes still not over that mindset -- these ppl need therapy lol. so it's def sick n twisted that they're celebrating baz being able to hide better rather than celebrating who baz is, but is this not the utmost sign of love that they're capable of? baz gets to fit in better -- that's all they've ever wanted for him, whether we agree with that or not. baz seems to recognize the balance of this in the story. he narrates the rest of the dinner with a sort of dry, relieved, disbelieving tone. it’s like hes huffing a laugh, shaking his head, thinking, “did i really used to pin so much of myself on this stuff? how silly.” he is not distressed bc he understands his parents, and he has, again, divorced his sense of self from their expectations. so much so tht he says fuck it and gives simon the lil kissy at the end, because THIS is his new value system: he ALWAYS kisses simon goodbye!
so, is this a step forward for the grimms being more supportive parents? yeah, maybe not. maybe it never gets better than baz hiding his fangs at dinner and everyone doing the bare minimum to accept simon's role in baz’s life. that's not what baz and simon deserve. but it could be enough, because simon and baz have different ways that they measure their happiness by. they have each other and penny and shep and ruth and agatha and niamh and every other person they'll meet in the many, many years ahead of them whose opinions they can choose to make important to them, or reject. i love this for them! the true queer hope story imo. thats what i want for myself and for the people i love. 
to be clear: this story made me sob so hard i scared my cats. (im not rly a crier, they did not know what to do). i had to put it down in the middle because i couldnt see the page. any queer person who has Family Shit is bound to get whammied lol. but! i personally find comfort in the idea that we can coexist with people who are important to us but also very difficult to be around, even if its not totally what we deserve. its a very quiet, somber hope -- but that only makes it feel more real to me. 
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trans-axolotl · 6 months
hi! no rush in answering this and I hope it all works out with your job, sending good vibes. I wanted to ask for some advice as my partner hss AFRID and (probably) anorexia. they've been refered for help for the AFRID stuff specifically and they (for very valid. and obvious reasons) don't feel comfortable opening up to drs about the other loads of eating problems they have. Now they are being monitored and freaked about abt the need to gain weight etc
Im helping them as best I can but it feels very us 2 (and our friends) vs the rest of the world plus that I feel I'm p much winging random stuff that Might help see what sticks. We are trying to find some middle ground were they can make some "progress" so they aren't coerced into something they really don't want to do by drs and so they can have a little more energy etc etc.
We are also both still living at our parents and it's all just not ideal. rn. Any advice at all would help really, is there anything I should do and anything I really shouldn't? just typing it up to someone who won't tell me to force them to get themselves admitted is already a relief tbh thank u for ur work on harm reduction <3
Hey anon! Thanks for reaching out. It can be so hard to find any information about how to support people with eating disorders that isn't just "Go get professional treatment right now," so I will do my best to share some stuff that we've been talking about in my harm reduction + peer support networks!
Correct me if I'm retyping your situation incorrectly, but my understanding of what you shared is that your partner has ARFID and is also having other struggles with eating more related to anorexia in terms of fears about weight gain, body image, etc. Their doctors know about the ARFID and are receiving some sort of treatment for the ARFID, but the treatment is triggering some more of the anorexia stuff because of the increased monitoring.
This sounds like a difficult situation for both your partner and you as a support person, and I can understand how stressful it is to have to worry about coercive treatment on top of trying to figure out ways to cope with disordered eating in the first place. It sounds like you've been doing a really good job supporting your partner and listening to what they need, and trying out lots of different things to see what's helpful for them. I'll share some tips, but as always, what works for one person won't work for another! Asking your partner and collaborating with them to figure out what their exact needs and wants are is always going to be the most important.
@librarycards just made a post about harm reduction in eating disorders that I'm going to link to. I'm not going to restate everything they wrote, but one thing they talk about is identifying what feels like a necessity that can't be changed right now, and what things feel like there could be some wiggle room and space for change right now. If your partner is open to it, it might be helpful to sit down and make a list of what kind of eating disorder behaviors feel absolutely necessary right now that can't be changed, and what things feel more flexible. I think it's really important to be able to do this nonjudgmentally--a lot of eating disorder recovery spaces argue that "recovery" is all or nothing, and that allowing any kind of eating disorder behaviors is a failure. It can be really important to use a harm reduction approach to identify goals that actually feel doable for us, instead of saying the only option is to stop every eating disorder behavior and mindset 100%. That will look different for everyone, but explicitly giving yourself permission to continue some eating disorder behaviors can sometimes help people meet other goals around energy, quality of life, etc that are important to them. I know for me, having both ARFID and anorexia made it incredibly difficult to try to focus on dealing with both at the same time. I completely stopped trying to focus on any ARFID goals in increasing variety or challenging sensory needs, and instead just focused on figuring out coping skills and how to meet the energy needs for my body. Giving myself permission to only eat safe foods, ignore social norms around food, etc, helped me a little bit with figuring out how to cope with some of my restrictive urges. It might be worth figuring out with your partner what goals feel like priorities at the moment, and making a plan together.
Another thing that I found super helpful in my own journey with the ARFID and anorexia combo was learning about fat liberation and discussing it with other people. Basically all mainstream eating disorder treatment doesn't bother to spend anytime talking about fat liberation or fatphobia, and usually actually perpetuates a lot of fatphobia. I think that being able to dismantle the societal ideas we learn about weight gain, fatness, and diet culture is super important for everyone, and I think that for disorderly eaters, it can also be super important to track how that influences our own self-understanding of our eating. This list by Rachel Fox is a great starting point for fat liberation resources. For me, it was super helpful to be able to read through articles and books about fat liberation and discuss them with other people, and build a political understanding of fatness that allowed me to connect what I was reading to my experience with disorderly eating. If this is something that your partner is interested in, having someone to learn + read with can be super impactful.
I think it can also be crucial to think about your own boundaries and needs as a support person. You are not in charge of "fixing" your partner and your partner does not need to be "fixed." You're allowed to not know the answers to things, need to take breaks to support yourself, and to also be going through difficult times. Both you and your partner's autonomy is important, and figuring out ways to support without feeling responsible or trying to control each other can be really crucial. I can tell how much you care about your partner and it sounds like you're doing a really incredible job with all the ways you're providing care. If either of you ever feels like you need a space in your life to talk about this, ANAD offers peer support groups both for people living with eating disorders and for family/friends of people living with eating disorders.
Other than that, there's not a ton I can think of for things you should or shouldn't do, since it seems like you have pretty good insight into major things to avoid (forcing people into hospitalization, making fatphobic comments, reinforcing diet culture, forcing recovery) and are doing a lot of things right (asking your partner what they need, trying things out and being flexible, making room for harm reduction style goals instead of only "recovery.") Keep asking your partner how to support them, collaborate with them on the best ways to provide them care, and continue being there for them through this hard time.
Truly sending you and your partner the best of luck, anon, and hoping that you both can find some care and healing during this difficult time. All the solidarity and please feel free to send any other asks with more questions, vents, anything, <3 <3 <3
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fondcrimes · 27 days
hii u posted about poetry recently and mentioned the difficulty in finding a good poem, and specifically that you think the issue is pedagogical—i’d be so curious to hear more of your thoughts about where current(?) pedagogy might be insufficient and/or just your thoughts about contemporary poetry more broadly! no worries if you’d prefer not to though! 🫶
helloooo I would love to elaborate abt my post! thanks for asking (apologies if it gets super long though) I'm gonna break my response down into separate parts so I can better explain my perspective
I will preface this by saying I know I'm usually being haterish when I criticize the writing world in general. I understand I won't like everyone's writing and that doesn't take away from the value of a piece, but my somewhat uncharitable POV stems from my ongoing observation of writing trends and marketability (which is why we have colloquialisms like ig poetry, tumblr poetry, booktok etc). writing trends are not inherently shallow or reductive, however, we as both creators and consumers can observe how trying to sell writing produces specific "brands" of writers. the categorization of contemporary writing, to some extent, will always about marketability and branding, and then we know that digestible and palatable writing sells. it sells a whole lot! and that's not inherently bad either because that's entertainment, sometimes you just wanna read some bullshit. additionally, I don't see the value of discouraging people from reading when it's something I'm very passionate about and more people need to be reading anyway. I could talk about this in great length too but my main beef is with the over-saturation of "palatable" writing, writing that is marketed in a specific way that caters to the consumer rather than engaging an audience and provoking our curiosity and wonder. my main beef is that it creates a type of reader/consumer who is stagnant and not intellectually engaged. I think we're all too familiar with the sort of people who are more concerned with the marketable aesthetics of reading/intellectualism rather than actually using their brain *cough* booktok *cough* but the scope is much wider. I would say that neoliberal politics necessitate this mindset/level of literacy in order to function but that's such a loaded statement kgfkgjf anyway moving on~
in order to understand why people like shitty poetry, I have to understand why people like shitty writing and also why shitty writing exists in such great amounts. I kept going back to elementary school, where we made first contact with writing and reading interpretatively. underpaid overworked teachers already have it hard enough, I don't blame them for not being able to spark the joy of reading in every child they encounter. literacy is unbelievably complex and capitalism is like blood in the water. it’s also bad enough that kids are actively learning how to put themselves into like social boxes while their developing skills are placed into boxes of their own like gifted, advanced, remedial, etc. all that shit gets internalized too. when I refer to the "intellectual", I am speaking from the belief that each person has the potential to embody intellect, rather than adhere to a deluded elitist view of gatekeeping intelligence. I want readers to engage their intellectual selves because we're living in a cultural moment where it seems like nobody is using their brains anymore, nobody is thinking critically, and that's bc it's easy to shut your brain off. it dawned on me that if a child could be dissuaded from reading entirely due to bad experiences/treatment, a child could also be dissuaded from building analytical or evaluative skills of what they're reading. there are so many college students who can read but want to use chatgpt to write their essays... so many (voting-aged) adults who can read but consistently make bad-faith interpretations of tweets, articles, books, etc. I won't get into the marxism of it all but it goes back to the capitalist state, we need to be literate enough to work and participate in bureaucracy and get married and raise more workers but that's it, it's okay if our literacy stops there and I would argue politicians actually prefer that. but I'm not saying the alternative isn't difficult though... because it's meant to be!
ok so the pedagogy of it all. poetry is notorious for being kind of inaccessible to the common person for a variety of reasons but I'll focus on the fact that we're conditioned to prioritize convenience or become "lazy" readers. I didn't really know how pervasive this notion was until I was listening to ada limón talk about how people will straight up say they don't like poetry. she was talking about how really has more to do with how it's taught rather than what it is. I also reconsidered my own relationship with poetry as a form. I have the typical writer predisposition: my favorite book growing up was the giving tree, I wrote sad gay poems in high school and obviously I was a teenaged fangirl during the peak tumblr web weaving era. but I didn't think about poetry too deeply until a few years ago (during quarantine-ish) I decided I wanted to start writing seriously again after a series of depressive episodes and found my way back to contemporary poetry. I should say I'm veryyy biased and prefer studying modern poetry but I know a few things about that old greek shit too lol. I read poems I instantly really loved, but some poems even by the same poets fell flat or I straight up disliked, but I didn't know why I had those opinions. so I kind of became really obsessed with studying my favorite poems on my own, going line by line and figuring out the writing techniques and measuring their effectiveness. (I read a lotttt of writing criticism too)
now that I'm thinking about it, it was very adhd of me to obsessively read and reread short-form writing bc sometimes I simply don't have the attention span for a 20k-word creative nonfiction piece unfortunately lolll.... this was noticeably much more fun, esp compared to reading poetry in school elementary/middle/high school (even though I had enjoyed those classes too). as a teenager of the subversive aesthetic age, I still carried the notion that most poetry was about obfuscating meaning, or like purposefully being vague out of pretentiousness and exclusion. like I get why somebody would find poetry annoying, there's plenty of annoying poetry out there even in the literary world. all of this is to say that reciting poems in school or trying to teach poetry to students in absolutes (like this poem means this, this poem means that) is not conducive to comprehending the form/genre. you can’t achieve poetic understanding or connection to a poem through objectivity or removing yourself and your emotions. a poem is not just static, it’s meant to interact quite intimately with a reader. ada limón describes how transformative it can be leave a poem and come back to it. sometimes, the intimacy has more to do with the state of receptiveness than the text itself. poems are constantly concerned with emotional/somatic information whether you’re reading or writing them. I always explain it to myself in relationship terms, which is why it might feel impossible to build that relationship with something that seems doubly foreign
this doesn’t really stop at elementary school students. as you get older and read more poetry, you start to catch on and see that poets within a movement are effectively doing similar things, and I fear a good amount of poets are doing the same BORING or PREDICTABLE thing. (I will be nice and not name names)
it wasn't until I read a lot of poems that I noticed my favorite poems did the exact opposite.
this is one of my favorite poems everrrrr it made me write poetry bc I just wanted to do everything he did. it has also drastically shaped and informed my taste. so I will try to briefly explain how it has influenced my writing:
Let me begin this time knowing the drumming in my dreams is me inheriting the earth, is morning lighting up the rivers.
there have been weeks in my life where this line "inheriting the earth" played in my head over and over again like a mantra. "inherit" is such a loaded word, culturally and politically. I think I had been enamored by the sheer power of it, esp as a black person who has spent the majority of my life feeling unworthy of existing:
a brown child on a beach at dawn straining to see their future.
I had to sit with that feeling and characterize its meaning. for me, "inheriting the earth" immediately looked like a stampede of horses fearlessly galloping across the plains:
Let me run at break-neck speeds toward sceneries of doubt.
I could say a lot more about this poem, but moving on~
some valuable lessons I learned from being inspired by poetry: kill my pride and obliterate my quest for originality. at this point, I've embraced being a copycat:
because in my noble solitude, I have inherited nothing.
Our heads turned alongside the window, chasing a breakneck road.
I read jackson's poem up and down, left to right, tried to solve it like a rubik's cube. I wanted to turn my love for this poem into data points I could use in my own writing, but I kept hitting a wall. I couldn't shake the feeling I was stalling something inevitable, circling the truth embedded in my writing like an eagle stalking its prey. I considered the strain of the futureless brown child:
objects of my brutal childhood fascination
an instinctive deserter at the finale of my girlhood
one day I stumbled upon this article, the pieces suddenly started to come together:
as a society, we do entirely too much about youth and maintaining youth, so much to the point where the cultural obsession is perverse and the child is neglected. I only say this to offer an alternative, wherein we consider the childhood self not as a means to regain lost "purity" and powerlessness, but to take our power back. I love this article so much; I think it perfectly captures why writers are constantly fighting themselves and their words. it's evident one's learned self-consciousness and uncertainty cause someone to over-explain and impede on the poem. this makes it a matter of emotional fidelity and trust, rather than technical skill or knowledge. if poetry is inaccessible, I think it's only because we have become inaccessible to ourselves. this is what I mean when I say a good poem is "distilled", it has more to do with the clarity of the feeling you're trying to evoke or convey. it requires self-knowledge and making space for yourself to maintain emotional fidelity if that's what you want (ofc you can also evoke vagueness or uncertainty through the clarity of the form). I wondered, how can a creative know what they're doing if they don't know themselves? soon I realized at its core, the writer struggling with words was an issue of trust, on some mary oliver wild geese shit. there is a great deal of trust involved when you let yourself wonder. and sorry it's hard for me not to get all writer-brained and idealistic about this subject so please bear with me when I say I have good news, we can always find the way back to ourselves.
I think poetry should be about trusting the self and others, trust that they won't shatter the fragility of you in their closed hand. good poetry is deep intimacy and touchy-feely shit. learning how to write hurts because you’re also learning how to unlearn. it's extremely hard to teach that in a society that is more concerned with making sure you learn how to become wholly alienated from yourself (I've written extensively about how this damages the creative spirit, I'll save you the rant). in the midst of my poetry renaissance, I developed a schema around poetry in my attempts to write poems that were intimate and personal and powerful. I wanted to read stunning poetry, so I approached every poem like its intent was to pierce my heart. ofc that doesn't have to be your approach, but as someone who somewhat struggled with subtext and implicit messaging as a child, I am super into patterns that help me reach meaning. but I could only develop taste or preference through knowing myself and listening to my creative impulses, letting art and words alter my heart and my mind. it's about all that mushy gushy woo woo therapy shit. it had to be about me regifting myself a sort of agency. the resting state of a poet is precarious and sometimes contradictory. I believe in trust but I still feel the urge to over-explain myself or my thoughts for manyyy reasons. sometimes I don't even fight that urge, but the point remains. in order to teach and understand poetry, you have to know yourself (your intentions, your haunts, your beliefs, etc). in order to trust the reader, we have to trust they know themselves, or at least are willing to learn how to do it.
Reader, I should have married you sooner.
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atlaskrr · 5 months
So i went to pbd and typed tecchou cause ppl are so wrong abt him. hes clearly sp/sx 9w1 so wrote a defense for it:
i dont understand why so/sx is his most voted instinctual variant. in what universe would he be sp blind. i understand that hes disregard his safety for a mission/comrades but that stems from his sx imo. hes shown behaviours of a sp. he literally eats on missions and has done push ups in a meeting. he shows little care for so related things like trends and gatherings. his only percieved community is the hunting dogs which can be taken more as an sx thing than so. him caring for the civilians stem from his sx as he has a passion for his justice philosophy. while caring for others is an so thing he doesnt care much for others opinions on him as far as we can see. he doesnt care to change things others find odd and hes even blind to a lot of social cues so how would he be so? even if he shows many signs of being and so making him sp blind when hes clearly an sp9 just doesnt make sense.
also just because he values justice doesnt make him a 1. i think hes a 9w1 with a strong wing cause unlike a 1 hes been seen much more willing to take a break from his pursuit to justice (as seen in sleeping after the fight with kenji). 1s are also much louder about their values than 9s. 9s, like tecchou, will preach there values but not push them to the point of an argument esp to those close to them. while tecchou always preaches justice, he doesnt force his view of the world onto others harshly and esp not to jouno who shows a lot of resistance to it because they are close. he also, unlike 1s and more like 9s, disregards his rigid right and wrong to fight kenji because jouno disappeared. jouno's disappearance is a disruption to his peace (as unpeaceful as life in the hunting dogs can get) because its out of comfort to not have his partner there. he would much rather disregard his principles than have something changed. 1s often resist their instincts to stick to their principles and be “good and righteous” but tecchou did not. it seems like his principles might be something caused by past trauma or something taught to him so maybe to him thats all he has ever believed/the only way to stop trauma from happening again so rather than realigning his world view which could be wrong (what a 1 might do) which would disrupt his inner peace, he chooses to leave it unchanged.
he also seems very hard to type enneagram wise as theres a lot of debate which is such a 9 thing since its the crown of the enneagram. this means 9s can have a lot of the qualities of other enneagrams while still being a 9. he can also be extremely simple minded. many 9s tend to choose the simplest/easiest option to maintain their stasis of peace. tecchou has demonstrated that by always taking the “fastest way” by cutting down the trees to fighting kenji. a 1 would take the longer way if it meant doing the right thing but tecchou rarely stops to consider whether his decisions are the right thing to do outside of justice. this same justice view is also like the 9s rose tinted glasses. to him the world is simple. black and white with him being the thing able to keep it that way, good rewarded and evil punished. but he also shows against that in a very 9 “the world is good way” when it comes to other hunting dog members, especially jouno and this is sort of shown when he was going to agree to kenji at first. he sees the world as good so as to not be upset/have his mindset changed which is a very 9 thing.
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bi-hop · 6 days
actually another interesting parallel between thistle and kabru is how they deal with new ideas abt other ppl i think. like thistle's first instinct is either denial or taking that idea and twisting it (basically the confrontation he had with laios, he was understandably pissed but also the way he was like ohhh ur right ill just give them food!!!! and like. basically trapped him in situation where thats all he can do help mee) meanwhile kabru tends to act accordingly and adapt to new information he receives. he might have the wrong idea or perception about someone and then they defy his expectation and it does disappoint him a lil sometimes or catch him off-guard, but his "yes and," V.S Thistle's jester "yes and," is different in a way that he can change his mindset and grow and "update" / readjust accordingly while Thistle can't do that because he's been in the trenches for so long akdhsjhd
Ooo yeah. Specifically the examples you use illustrate that really well. Whenever I think of characters as potential foils or just having interesting parallels I try to take their scenes and swap who’s in the scene and see what happens. Dungeon Lord Kabru when presented with this food argument wouldn’t be like “hmmm lemme force feed someone for eternity”. To be fair, I think he would also be able to realize that the loss of hunger and such isn’t great independently. But if not, it’d still end up like a more sincere:
Tumblr media
I think due to his deep interest in people for example, he is able to more easily adjust his personal perspective about an individual to accommodate new information gained
But if Thistle was the one who was like “the Toudens are indifferent to humans”, I don’t know how well he’d deal with new information that contradicted his decided reasoning for why that perception exists for him. I can’t articulate this much better right now but I feel like, judging from his scenes, he tends to take in stimuli, processes them, and then sorts them into these neat little categories or explanations and what have you, and even when he ‘changes’ his mind, he still slots things back into where he feels they should be, regardless of the intent of what people presented to him. The severity of a challenge like that is either treated that way or dismissed as a lie (like when he ignores that Delgal fled the dungeon altogether). Obviously Kabru doesn’t have a Delgal figure, but I do think he could learn to accept the loss as the truth after a bit.
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gaykey · 6 days
maybe bc i haven't been paying much attention for the past 6 months but i never felt like key changed, just that his pragmatism and the way he doesn't let anything stop his bag (which are things i used to admire abt him!) had their natural consequences. seeing him with shinee only solidified that, esp with what he said abt jjong complaining abt juice, we all said that when the song came out! he's always known fans' hearts best and that's what's made it more difficult to reconcile, bc why in that regard and not others? stanning one celebrity or not doesn't make a difference in the grand scheme of things but i'm still struggling with this for some reason when i found it so easy to drop other people i liked. idk sorry to dump this all on you, i know ur getting it from all sides, but you're one of the first shawols i followed and i feel like our journeys are connected even tho we don't know each other lol. sending love to you and yours <3
nah it's cool. it's cathartic for us to all discuss it. me too. i find it really hard to get my thoughts and feelings out in a coherent way sometimes, and these messages (the nice ones) do help me to sort out how i'm feeling, see other nuances i might not ect.
mmmm, so your saying he hasn't changed his behavior, but, his....work ethic? go-getter personality? has backfired on him in a negative way as of late? or, that that type of mindset was bound to result in something like this. (i'm paraphrasing you so badly i'm sorry idk what i'm talking about.)
that makes sense to me. because, as i have said, though it has proven to be a somewhat contreversial opinion, i truly don't think he's a bad or evil person.
mmmm, this is the struggle with me. kibum seems to have always known what the fans are discussing, what we want/need to hear, and are feeling.
i truly think the crticism hasn't been loud enough. which, makes sense. it always feels like a very small miority are willing to call out certain issues.
and it's the parasocials anon lol. idk how long you've stanned, but, either way, shinee just have a knack for making you feel really emotionally connected/dependent, some varying degreee of the two, to them. it's all the tough sad times evwryones been through over the years. it sticks with you and really strengthens the connection with them.
but yes! thank you for the love, anon! sending it right back <3
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datastate · 1 year
thinking abt the asunaro contracts honestly ruins me.
they really did wait for people's most vulnerable moments before giving them this 'chance' - sure, q-taro was going to be in the hospital for what seemed like upwards of a year (or more!) and they just provided an 'out' for him before the death game began, but just. they've shown beforehand that they're willing to get the contracts much earlier (with reko in particular, though it could also be implied w megumi or keiji (surrounding the incident)) - but instead waited and then saw q-taro's case, his desperation to prove himself, as an opportunity
(i imagine q-taro's was one of the last, seeing as it was only around his recent 'comeback' that the death game began - he was captured near the start, only about a month after leaving the hospital)
specifically, midori found this opportunity. hiyori is at his ‘highest’ now; he holds all but sara’s contract and easily takes advantage of q-taro while he was actively suicidal.
see, with how long he's given to linger on his situation and bitterly, forcefully reminded of the disadvantages he had to work past in the first place... and now, it's entirely out of his personal control. he can't do anything. he's left to the hands of staff who have other people to take care of too, to which he then feels he's only a liability... to them, to his team, to his family. he can't do anything, and that's the worst part of it - because at least beforehand he could force himself to get up and act so he could achieve what he aimed for. if he failed, it was on him and he usually still had the chance to try again. he’d learn, he’d pick himself back up, and he’d have another go. but now, it’s become a 'you're given what you took' sort of thing...
now locked within this extreme situation, he's at a loss and... hates showing this sort of vulnerability, when he is most likely one of the only adults who still goes back to visit the asunaro orphanage. they'd think he just left them, like every other person who was just waiting to get out. and he feels rotten from that, too. he doesn't want them to see him in this state, lest it discourage them, but then that gives off this callous impression, this idea he didn't care (he never wanted them to endure that same idea of loneliness)... he wanted to support & guide the kids, but can't quite accept that support himself - esp not from folks his age, who would be just as capable as he once was and just. can't understand how it feels being destroyed and thrown back to something even lower than your 'lowest' once was. ... he starts to resign himself to the idea death might be a better, quicker fate than this feeling that he's decaying at the cost of those around him and, more 'selfishly,' that they're already moving on without him anyway. it'd be easier this way. for everyone. ‘cause he’s got nothing to show for himself. nothing left to ‘prove’ his worth as it were. it hurts, and he’d want to blame them, but he knows he can’t when he landed himself in this situation.
however, once the death game comes around and he achieves ‘recovery,’ both are now trapped. as smug as midori once was, q-taro will be the one who ends up executing that plan to deceive him.
it’s worth noting that this is a development which takes time. in the death game, q-taro returns to the poor man's mindset: you have to take advantage of what opportunities you’re blessed with, or you're dead.
and he can’t risk dying, because he’s still so connected to the kids back at the orphanage. he can’t abandon them or his teammates, and he definitely can’t abandon his dream after all he’s already trudged through for its sake. ...but, for what gin means too... though it takes time for q-taro to really allow himself to open up to the other participants (not as if he was callous, his intentions/words are typically genuine, but he was still acting under the above pretense) ... as he says - something in him started to give.
now, q-taro probably knows how it feels to have people dear to you taken away, especially younger ones and how heartbreaking that is. whether it’s something more neutral such as adoption, or more devastating such as coma/death. he knows how painful that is, and he knows how loved kids like gin and sara are. he doesn’t want gin’s parents to experience that, nor does gin deserve it. when he hesitates during the final attraction and fully realizes he could’ve costed this kid’s life, that is when he makes a change. it’s not as if he never cared for them, he cares for most of the cast, but it’s only after this where he truly allows himself to harbor that connection with gin.
...and this is what pushes him to sacrifice himself in chapter three.
of course, at the time, q-taro didn’t realize gin was going to be involved in the roulette when he died. but, similar to sara, he connected on a deeper level with the group through another. through gin, and then his alliance with keiji when they intended to deceive and take down shin in the second main game.
in the end, he gave himself up for the entire group who he’d come to care for, and it’s honestly very... fitting to see that it’s his death specifically which brings mai peace (an offer of understanding), protects gin (who had wanted to prove himself), and destroys midori - the one who saw q-taro at his lowest, and underestimated him from there.
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wakanai · 7 months
Ok ok, i want to do a little interview with you as well
How long have you been in the bsd fandom?
Who is your favorite character in bsd?
What other anime do you like/is your favourite?
Quick! Your favourite character ever(name them) is held at gunpoint and you need to sing a song you love word for word or they die. Which song do you choose?
Whats something you would never want to change about yourself, no matter how much time passes?
Answer however you like or dont answer at all, no pressure <3
alr 😭✌️
I've been in the bsd fandom since...2018/2019 I think. I started with the anime. I remember being so early that at that time, almost all the bsd reviews were negative. I went to reddit, I think I went to my-anime-list too, and other websites and it was full of negative reviews. So I went into bsd with a rather "eh" mindset 😅 but I was bored that time and had nothing else to watch and I saw it on Netflix so yeah 👍
Hihi 🤭🤭🤭🤭 if you stalk me long enough, you may find that my bsd blorbo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 is non other than Oda Sakunosuke. I love that man to pieces fr 💖 I love the fictional version I made of him in my head even more 🤭
Other anime that I like is Hunter x Hunter. Childhood anime was Sailormoon 💖 and Princess Sara. I was also once obsessed with Cedie the little prince (its an old anime). Besides those, I don't remember much anime that I was rlly invested on. Though I did watch JJK the movie and season 1 ❤️
A song I love? Here's the thing - - I don't really have a favourite song. I have different 'top songs' depending on the genre. 😭 But one song that comes to mind rn is 'I am not a robot' by Marina and the Diamonds
Oh. Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh. You saved the best for last I see 👀👀👀👀 uhmmmmm 😭😭😭😭😭 one thing I have that I would never want to change about myself? hmmmmm...errr....wait..
my faith in God ig? (I'm christian and God's played a big role in my life so idw lost that ❤️) Besides that, I would say my 'desire' to keep on improving myself. (like even when I fall to new lows or am actively enjoying self destructive behavior, there's always that little desire that makes me want to stop and get better. I think everyone has this in a way but yeah, Idw lose this thing and submit completely to misery 😄✌️. Like I could *fail* hard on one day and feel awful abt it but after a while, I'll feel like trying again). <<<< this is me regarding my (sort of) unhealthy eating habits lmao 😭
Thank you for the ask!!
since I love oversharing, I will also share random things abt myself
I wish I didn't overthink that much
I wish I was more confident 🤭
^^ Ik I'll be better at these things in the future tho so might look back on this and feel nostalgic 🤭💕❤️
Oh one more random fact:
I'm kinda dense and I didn't even notice someone hated me last yr lol 🤭 oh well. not my problem honestly 💅✨
thanks for the ask again wonxxx ✌️😺
(your bio is so real. I also post stuff with the intention of looking back on it someday) 💐
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ferrocyan · 4 months
a meandering talk about tart and "fray"
disclaimer that im talking abt half remembered events and quests bc i havent replayed any of them. were playing fast and loose here lol
because she woke up after the calamity w amnesia tart has an odd sense of what she is and isnt capable of. some things shes totally clueless abt but others she tries and is like oh huh i sort of know how to do this already. like carpentry, and combat
her mental process tends to go "idk if i can do this" (gets into a situation) "OH I TOTALLY CAN LETS GO" (gets overwhelmed) "shit shit shit gotta run". bc her knowledge base is limited and she works mostly off of feelings she gets into bad spots a lot www
so tart is sorta both recklessly brave and a coward. and also a dumbass who thinks if she runs she can probably escape (nope lmao) well it gets her beat up a lot but shes ok w it
tart goes into fighting arr primals w this reckless mindset and so far has been strong enough to come out on top. she wants more so she goes to gridania and hears about a mysterious primal that appears on occasion. goes "awesome gotta kill that guy" and challenges it to a fight
this is odin, and odin is way, way more than she bargained for (ooc: this is an extreme level fight that is labeled as normal, i was clueless and went into this w minimal information and got my ass fucking stomped)
as per habit tart wants to run. except. shes here w a padjal (basically children blessed by the forest elemental spirits) and only a handful of guards. tart is the only one who can fight a primal, everyone else would get corrupted and die. theres no way she can run, and for the first time shes terrified out of her mind
and gets killed by odins final "zantetsuken"
the primal disappears (defeated?) fortunately the padjal is able to beg the elementals to save tart, so shes not dead, just with a deep scar where she was cut from shoulder to chest. but something did get killed there.. her desire to run from danger
it doesnt die instantly either, much like tart herself. it takes until she gets framed for the murder of ul'dahs sultana, and she and the scions of the seventh dawn have to escape arrest. the rest of the scions sacrifice themselves for their leader minfilia and tart to escape. at the last moment minfilia stays behind and urges tart to go ahead, escape to ishgard where she would be safe
for a moment tart feels so relieved and takes the offer. but in safety the realization of what shes done hits like a truck. she vows to never, ever allow herself to run and leave someone else to die again. plant your feet on the ground, keep yourself chained in battle, and you do not die. (this is holmgang, the warrior skill that makes you unable to die for 10 seconds. i changed it to target self instead of chaining an enemy at the beginning of heavensward.. i had wanted to not do it but decided it worked as part of tarts story. incidentally i might have forgotten to use holmgang at all in the odin fight... lol)
so. thats good right! throughout heavensward the primals that the warrior of light has to fight ramp up in power. even her allies start to worry, especially alphinaud, but tart doesnt care. without the fear, primal battles are just fun. she fearlessly takes them on!
this is a great thing, right? its character development. though someone disagrees: tart herself
you cant really kill a desire, can you? you can repress it of course, and its easy to repress a desire when its been cut off from your heart. but its still there: the desire to run. to not be in danger. to be safe and unhurt and alive. it lives on, though separated by odins blade. it does not accept how tart has chosen to throw herself into mortal peril over and over. for what? for the ishgard that never accepted her? for the eorzea that took her heroism when its good for them and then threw her out like yesterdays garbage? why be a hero when it either gets you killed or taken advantage of? it was better before the calamity, when her parents were there and they still called the vigil home. if only we could repel those damned ishgardians and take back the vigil... if only theres a way to stop tart from her foolish heroism...
and so we arrive to fray. fray myste was a dark knight, someone working in the shadows of ishgardian society to protect the weak. it led him to be accused of heresy by the church and put into a trial by combat, the (unfair) result of which was his death. frays body was left to rot along the walls of the slums. ...and that is where the repressed desire of tarts heart finds itself a convenient vessel, becoming "fray"
frays dark knight crystal gives "fray" the ability to use dark magic, which they use to entice tart to interact w them. fray will teach her how to be a dark knight. tart agrees, and in learning the dark arts its not just tart who becomes more powerful, but fray too. bc tart has stopped just repressing fray outright and denying them completely, it gives fray the power to grow beyond what it is
at first fray hopes that tart would listen and stop this "heroism" madness. but the events of heavensward leaves tart w a certainty: she cant call coerthas home. shes a different person from who she was before losing her memories. now she is the warrior of light. thats all she can be. fray rejects this and attempts a hostile takeover of a fort in coerthas--since the vigils are gone, home is in ruins, then whitebrim front is the closest thing and fray will take it
they fail. defeated by tart. fray laments their fate but goes willingly back into her heart. only wanting to be heard as the feelings of love that they are
and so ends the tale of fray for now. i say that because. uhh. tart never does listen and only gets worse in the next expansions. heroism will only consume her further ...sorry fray.... u_u
then there is myste. or is there myste? myste is an orphan boy with a strange ability: he can manifest memories into almost-real people. he powers this ability with tarts dark knight crystal, by accident, and so shes roped into helping him out (with our other dark knight friends sid and rielle. theyre great, i just dont have anything to say abt them really)
similar to fray, myste is a manifestation of the warrior of lights broken heart.. this time their guilt and regrets. theyve saved the world and many people in it, but along the way theyve killed others and failed to save even more. thats why hes shaped like both haurchefant and ysayle.. friends who saved us for the price of their own lives. myste wants everyone to have another chance to live. he wants the dead to pass on peacefully, and the living to be unburdened by grief. myste wants to be forgiven for what hes done
now uh. i unfortunately have to tell you that tart has none of that shit. the vigils, dawn and dusk especially, were the first line of defense in ishgards war against dragons. tart was raised surrounded by death. its just a part of life, dying and killing. were all beasts getting slaughtered in the end. no need to feel guilty over upholding your survival above everyone else
its not impossible that tarts guilty conscience would break off and manifest as a boy, like fray, but the thing is the self-love and self-preservation that fray represents was a part of tart as a character, part of how i played her back in the beginning of the game. while guilt and regrets... not really. tart is stupid and easygoing but more importantly shes callous when it comes to "doing the right thing". anythings justifiable if its for the right thing. conscience isnt something she denies she just doesnt have one. lol
also the cardinal virtues former warriors of light of the first work way better for her to explore regrets and living at the cost of other peoples lives
ok whew that is all thanks for reading my ted talk on. literally what is this even about. i just like talking abt tarts "fray" and where it came from lmao alright im done
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cogbreath · 9 months
thank u for ur reply!! i always love ur insight :) n ive read the article before LMAO now that was a classic example of his pretty privilege working cus if he didn’t look the way he did, his behaviour would’ve raised eyebrows. but no…he was viewed as a quirky silly guy by his roommate LOLZ. makes me wonder if mohammed atta would be viewed the same way if he were white passing.
anon you fascinate me im very very intrigued by the fact u already know so much abt this... keep sending asks its soo rare that i actually do get to talk to someone who already knows this much abt this. Anyhow I would reason to bet he might have been viewed more sympathetically if that were the case, however, in any case he was arguably more reserved and stoic by comparison so i think even if he was, people would be maybe a bit more suspicous with him, especially cuz fitting in seemed to come more naturally to jarrah for various reasons... atta never seemed to want to fit in more than he needed to in order to stay under the radar. I know that atta and jarrah did also butt heads abt this to some degree, i know that atta was suspicious that jarrah might even give up on the whole thing cuz of how he kept backsliding. I also think a lot of writers can "see themselves" in jarrah while they really cant with atta, he's an unfamiliar personality imo, specifically bc most writers in the anglosphere come from a secular culturally christian perspective. I think they r sympathetic to him because they start to realise that this sort of stuff really is something that "just anyone" could find themselves getting roped into thru means of being radicalised. Meanwhile I think they view atta as someone who already was quite "radical" at least in their eyes. of course, this is just my experience, but I've had many of my muslim accquantinces comment on how its actually quite a shame that atta took the path he did, because they feel he was otherwise quite promising, and might have made a good scholar or something along those lines. So thats the other side of things if you will. I think I can agree with that perspective myself. Of course its important to not get too engulfed in that mindset, because you can't forget they made the choices they did.
But yeah, there are many things about atta that Ive read about that i find to have been equally quirky and silly of behaviors, but i find myself annoyed how writers (even terry mcdermott does it in his book, perfect soldiers. which is a bit disappointing bc hes a writer who i otherwise rlly enjoy the perspective of on this) dont seem to think that way and paint it to be something as flaws or show of bad character when really, personality and behavior quirks have little to do with his actions. Yknow what i mean of course. Demonizing behaviors that have nothing explicitly to do with being a terrorist. You are really fun anon, its fun for me to get to discuss this stuff, the psychology/characteristics/behavior of those involved with the hamburg cell. its fun when i get to discuss it with more than just my super close friends. sometimes i get nervous ppl might think im trying to be a sympathizer/idolizer but i think i make it more than clear its not the case though xP. its undeniable that its a pretty understudied and underdiscussed facet of 9/11. U see it for other crimes and criminals but not really ever on this side of the fence. I feel its a case of dehumanization borne from islamophobia. Easier to get ppl to feel hate when you paint the perpetrators as faceless monsters. If u ever wanna dm me off anon u are super free to. Also, if you have anything to share that is interesting like a video or article or anything like that, feel free to send it! even if i have seen it or read it before, i would be eager to discuss my thoughts and feelings on it.
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blood-starved-beast · 5 months
what are your thoughts on zethrid and acxa being foils in the sense that zethrid was raised more within galran society since childhood while acxa wasnt? logically speaking i dont rly see the likeliness of that but it is interesting to think abt imo 🤔 its entirely possible that zethrid was also "born and bred in war" but sort of grew from it in a different way than acxa did? similar situations couldve let to their relationship/friendship/anything but ultimately different ideologies caused a rift
i sort of wonder where ezor fits into all of this but i cant rly think of anything for her 😭
They're foils yes.
We see from early on that Zethrid and Acxa have an antagonistic relationship. This is initially cause Zethrid and Acxa have contrasting philosophies: Zethrid is all about getting what she wants immediately and fuck everything in her path she is going to get it. Acxa works behind the scenes, plans things long term, gathers intel, and acts accordingly. In the wormhole tech piece mission, Acxa was constantly telling Zethrid to back down from destroying things, to stick to the plan
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This is a reoccurring argument between them, and this conflict presents itself in various times later on in the form of Acxa's opposition to Zethrid's plan to carve out their own territory in space. There is Acxa's infiltration and the explosion in Zethzor's ship, after she abandoned them to find her own path, and it boils over the Grudge. It's clear this contrast between them is something the writers had in mind and there's a sense it was always going to end up like this.
So when Acxa tries to bridge a gap between her and Zethrid, it's interest that what connects them is how they both suffer from the same anger and resent from being discriminated against.
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So they share that backstory. But unlike Acxa, I don't get the sense that Zethrid is very introspective about her experiences. Zethrid is deeply galra. Her plan to carve out a space for themselves speaks to a very galran mindset. Acxa connects to her through their shared discrimination, but beyond that I don't think Zethrid knows or cares about her heritage.
Interestingly enough, I believe Zethrid might descend from Kythran desert people, who as we see with Te-Osh, have very similar appearance to Zethrid in some ways.
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The Kythran people claim to be neutral with regards to the Galran Empire, or at least told Pidge that. If Zethrid is half-Kythran desert tribe, then her experience with her non-Galran side is likely less complicated then Acxa's. That, however, doesn't detract from the discrimination she received from full-blooded Galra, and probably is why she isn't as invested in Empire reform the same way Acxa is.
Still, Zethrid is still very Galra, which if she wasn't rejected by her non-Galran side, speaks to her likely being raised by her Galran parent, if only to explain that experience. Which, given the Galra, likely raised in the military setting that led her to become the soldier we know. I don't think she grew up in a war zone either way, but was immersed in war culture none-the-less. This is why she doesn't see any other option than to become a warlord herself - that's the only way the Galra become strong and protect their own in her eyes. Maybe something happened to her possibly Kythran parent? And perhaps she sees it as a weakness of their blood, thus why she values strength so strong. Zethrid is very protective of Ezor, and assumes the role of the protector in their relationship as well.
Ezor is the "mediator/middle ground" of the group. She's the most empathetic of the team*, when she makes a blind joke she automatically apologizes to her, cause she's conscientious of Narti's feelings. She clocks that Acxa has something going on with Keith, cause unlike her Acxa is not very empathetic by nature, she needed a whole ass arc to realize that people have the capacity to change etc. Ezor was the one to point out to Acxa how dangerous Lotor is, the one to mourn Narti most overtly after Lotor killed her etc. She obviously is not a perfect mediator (she enjoys violence and cruelty too much to be effective at it) but still.
While Acxa and Zethrid are both spitfires in opposite directions (or more accurately, Acxa burns like how touching something very very cold burns), Ezor doesn't have the same level of ambition as either Zethrid or Acxa. She's Acxa's friend, Zethrid's wife, a part of their shared family. When she's out of the picture, the whole thing falls apart.
That being said - Ezor's backstory. Ezor develops a strong and present fear of Lotor after he raves about killing the Galra. I say that moment specifically is the key of the change, cause while she disliked him before for Narti, she willingly teams up with him to escape Honerva, even for a moment. She, out of all the generals, picks out that Lotor is dangerous, points it out to Acxa. She fears Lotor's return, even though she herself is now a warlord and could probably take him easily now, Sincline aside. After Acxa and Keith bomb them, she is the first to leave that life, further suggesting that being a Warlord for her doesn't provide in her eyes, the security she craves. Even then, we know she delights in punishment and torment, and it makes her feel better about her own fears, like a bully. This suggests that Ezor grew up in an environment where fear was rampant, and I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that she, like many bullies, was terrorized by the galra growing up.
She is least Galra-passing of all the generals: it's possible she's less than half galra, but Galran enough to use the tech. I headcanon she was raised non-Galran, hence why she's more empathetic than the rest of team Sincline, but her trauma made her vindicative. She craves security, and knowing the Galra have power, is likely why she teams up with Lotor initially, and goes along with Zethrid's plan. Acxa, who is assertive in her own right, was another option, and why she listened to her after they left Lotor, and after she left Zethrid. Her empathy led her to change on her own in a way that took longer for Acxa, and was difficult for it to click for Zethrid.
This is a long way to say - I think Zethrid grew up in Galran culture in a similar but different experience from Acxa. Whereas I headcanon Acxa to have a bad relationship with her non-Galran side, leading to her rejecting it, Zethrid has at best neutral relationship with it. She wasn't raised in the culture, but amongst Galra, leading to a very Galran mindset and point-of-view. I believe their shared experience of being rejected by the Galra led them to become close - or close as their anger would let them - and respect for each strength allowed them to work together, but their respective ideologies caused friction between them. Zethrid seems to like aggressive smaller women (Ezor, even Allura in that one scene), so I can see her being drawn to Acxa in a way. Ezor is more Zethrid's type, being someone Zethrid can protect, which is something that is nearly impossible to do with Acxa (like Keith, Acxa is unhinged about her plans and will stop at nothing to complete them). Ezor, with her empathy, is able to mediate both personalities but her trauma made it so she sought someone who was strong and she could feel safe around.
*which makes her cruel side all the more apparent see: when she tries to blow up Keith and Krolia with the Sincline ship in s6.
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cryiling · 1 year
(ask game from here)
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
ajdhajd so actually I have many wips 😭 I guess the most recent would be the one i am TRYING to write for revalink week but sadly it has literally no worldbuilding so I'm gonna use a more substantial wip..
let's talk abt my modern revalink hip hop au 😊
I've talked about this au quite extensively here and here, but recently I've been thinking more abt it 🫣 I've really considered making a playlist of all the songs I can imagine either revali or link doing a combo to, but I never got around to it SKFJSKF so I'll just talk abt it here
first of all, mr morale by kendrick lamar is definitely a revali song like?? especially that first part with the spoken intro, "it was one of the worst performances I've seen in my life, I couldn't sleep last night" AJDBAJFJ it sounds so mean but then the rest of the song is sort of conveying those emotions and I just feel like revali could really relate to it yk? also the beat goes hard ✋
next is silent hill by kendrick lamar and I think link would really slay this, despite what you might think I am not a kendrick lamar listener AJDBSJFN ok but I'm envisioning a very specific combo to this song that sadly I can't show you guys but it's very isolated and groovy and to the audience it looks laid back but it really takes so much precision and control to hit every beat and I'm just in love with it !!
ok this one is for revali, king's rant by masego, and I just think that honestly revali is a king that has many things to rant about and this song fits him perfectly, plus it gives him that opportunity to be a little more fluid with his movements while still retaining his more aggressive control 🙏
I FINALLY HAVE A VIDEO this one is for link 😊 u guys the attitude?? the control and precision but also in a way that keeps the flow?? the facial expressions?? this is literally how I imagine link would dance like slay 🤞
hm.. I seem to have deviated from the original prompt oops. OK let's get back on track
I just feel like revali is someone who is very passionate about the history of hip hop, like he thinks that people who start doing hip hop just because it's trendy or whatever aren't "real dancers" and he thinks they should be educated in hip hop's origin and stuff like that before they can call themselves a dancer. he's fr like my current dance teacher, ok last year he literally sat my class down and made us watch a documentary on hip hop history and gave us homework questions 😭 so yeah that seems like something revali would do
I've very briefly mentioned this before, but actually hip hop was not revali's first love! it was ballet ;w; AJDBAJBDSKJDKSKDKSK it seems so fucking funny but he just really liked the feeling of being free soaring through the air with his little leaps and twirls (idk can you tell I'm not a ballet person LMAO) and so he did take ballet classes as a kid for a while. but sadly internalized and external toxic masculinity pushed him away from that :( he went into hip hop instead because it's seen as a much more masculine discipline of dance, and luckily he ended up really enjoying it too!! over time he's changed his mindset to not feel like he has to do hip hop to be a "real man" but he just can't see himself doing ballet anymore :/
a lot of the time he places a very strong emphasis in breakdancing in his style, because that's what he forced himself to learn when he was pressured into hip hop. and he's very good at breaking, so he does it most of the time when freestyling or choreographing. however, he truly shines when he gets to be a little more graceful softer with his movements, because he's always been in tune with his body and the way he moves, and he's very skilled at being able to dance in a more fluid way, he just never feels like he can comfortably do it in front of ppl :(
link on the other hand is not afraid to get more sensual/graceful in his moves, however his strengths truly lie in isolation. this bitch has so much precision control over his body like he is out here tutting and locking like ?? but I've also mentioned how he does a little bit of contemporary on the side, which I just think is so *mwah* 😊 I've said it before and I'll say it again, but any given sunday is peak vibes for this au bc like ????? not only is it revalink it's just if link's dance style was put into a song idk how to explain it
ok I will stop talking here bc I feel like nothing I'm saying is making sense anymore 😭 I'm running out of more ideas for this au ngl maybe it's time I start actually writing it lmao
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spring-lxcked · 1 year
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NAME.  nicole or aspen
PRONOUNS.  she / they (i sometimes have a slight preference for one over the other day-to-day, but overall either is fine)
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION.  if you need me to respond quickly, IMs are probably the way to go. if you want to have a long-term convo/don't care about quickness, discord (nicolenostalgia) is best!
MOST ACTIVE MUSE.  currently it's obviously this rabbit bastard, but my other consistently most active muse has been kokichi (@takinghisbow). outside of him, i tend to go through periods of strong hyperfixation on specific muses. single muse blogs for me are pretty exclusively for muses i don't intend on taking long breaks from ever (outside of necessity)
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS.  i've been rping since i was around 9 (and far too young to be freely online, but whatever). i've been on tumblr since i was ~14, but didn't start rping here until like. . . 3-4 years ago? prior to tumblr i rp'd on forums, via email with individual friends, and on furcadia (my longest experience and very defining for me ngl. i know it's, like, cringe or whatever, but <3).
BEST EXPERIENCE.  i mean, generally just the genuine friends i've made and continue to make on here. but also, to be slightly more specific, few things stand out in my memory as favorite rp moments more than the funny, crack-y, shit-posting times where me and some of my mutuals are just losing our minds. i love running jokes on my blogs, i love being @'d, i just love love love that non-serious sort of interaction sm.
RP PET PEEVE.  if you start public shit/write callouts about someone because they were slightly rude to you or you just don't like them? [cocks gun] (legally i'm joking, but i'm so glad i haven't seen this kinda shit in awhile. save it for dangerous people, please). other than that, i've had Experiences where my frequently-thirsted-after-by-fandom male muse just gets an Onslaught of ppl who will absolutely try to force ship with their OC. it hasn't happened here, but admittedly i'm like. sitting on the edge of my seat LMAO. (like, it's kinda funny but it's hella disrespectful).
PLOTS OR MEMES.  memes tend to be a better starting point for me unless you already have a specific idea in mind OR we're working off of one of our wishlist posts. i have this Thing where the moment someone asks me to plot every single idea i've ever had leaves my head fdkshfsd. the only exception to this is if it's not immediately obvious how our muses would meet. at which point, either plotting OR just specifying something in a meme you send would be great.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES.  cursed to love long replies, forced to have executive dysfunction lmao. i mean, i love interactions of any length, but i do looooove getting really into my muse's mindset and exploring it. because of mental health, tho, longer thread usually = longer wait for my reply. not always, it depends on my muse. once we're getting 5+ paras, it might be a bit of a wait (even tho i still love it).
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES.  knee-jerk reaction was to say no abt william lmao. in all seriousness, i'd say. . . we have a similar sense of humor, regrettably. and more than that, i feel like my draw to writing muses in general who "wear a mask" and hide their real personalities has been a bit of an. . . unintentional exploration relating to my own masking. i've a only realized in recent years that i likely have ADHD (and maybe autism?), and the realization that the Me In Public is literally Not Me was. crazy. i think that, even though william is a complete bastard, there's something to writing a muse who is always performing. i mean, before i even understood what masking was i remember telling my mom that being around almost anyone irl felt like putting on a show to pretend to be "normal." so anyway me, kokichi, and william are holding hands (eurgh).
TAGGED BY. @gateway31 ( <3 <3 <3 ) TAGGING. whoever would like to do it!!
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tekilluas · 2 years
hello! a post-bbs analysis no one asked for
so i ran away from tumblr for months once bbs ep 12 came out—not bc i’d been fooled abt the breakup, but bc i understood the message behind it all after some time and i was so worried to come on here and see people not getting it. but i didn’t even need to come here bc it was happening everywhere. months later, and twitter is a complete mess all the time for various reasons. i still have feelings about it all, though. so i commented on the mdl page abt it but this is a bit clearer:
disclaimer: should be obvious but you don’t have to agree with any of this and i still think that teaser was highly uncalled for lmao. also i have no idea where the discourse is at now bc it’s been months and lots of other shows have been airing.
so the final ep is kind of gimmicky, and patpran didn’t really need to go back to being a secret. but i feel like the lyrics of the second ost perfectly illustrate their mindset and perspective on their relationship as a unit. as a unit made up of the two of them alone. they don’t need others’ thoughts or opinions on their relationship to make it real and valid to them. they don’t need others (outsiders) to understand, or “get it,” because for patpran, as long as the two of them understand, it’s enough. even as per the lyrics of the third ost, only they know what’s in between the lines.
so when they decide to return to being a secret (which is more of an open secret, really), it’s bc they wanted to diminish the strain their relationship would have on that with their parents (this is mostly for pran though—and it has nothing to do with their sexualities). they didn’t want to put a strain on their own relationship, either, by trying to make their parents “understand.” and it’s not like them being together openly would heal the families’ wounds. in patpran’s eyes, going back to being a “secret” just allows them to protect their relationship. they could have confronted them directly, but patpran knew where dissaya was coming from, and they knew that it’d take time for her to come around (if ever). but they don’t change themselves for their parents either. idk if i’m explaining it well but basically they kind of say, “our relationship is ours, so our parents, in that regard, don’t really matter that much anyway.”
the ball is in the parents’ court now, since they know the boys are still dating, and i feel like it’d just be up to them to decide if/when they want to make their acceptance known. i think there’s a strong message in patpran deciding not to yield, knowing their family tension might never actually change (rather than trying to force it to change by being together out in the open w their families). they (p’aof and co.) found quite a roundabout way of getting there, but they did.
also, i’m almost entirely convinced that ep 11 was written to be a finale of sorts, which is why i was so confused about what would be in ep 12 back when the show was airing. then ep 12 came out and i was like, “why did that feel like an epilogue/movie episode?”
so yeah, they really took some risks and switched up the formula w this show; some of those risks landed and some didn’t. i will say, though, that final balcony scene in ep 12 makes me cry to this day just bc of how happy & in love they are. we see that their relationship was kind of meant to be. we see how far they’ve come as they play with the “just a friend, friend/buddy” concept—the translated thai title of the show. but also how that phrase went from representing vagueness, uncertainty and unrequited feelings to representing unity, understanding, and a secret about a love that belongs to only them.
(and ep 11 is my fav ep idc idc.)
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