#i don't think she'd ever have told it in as much detail to anyone else :
deathdxnces · 10 months
He’s probably getting too comfortable, on that him and the Darkin can agree. Still, the knowledge that Kayn’s far too relaxed with his current position with the dancer does little to deter his actions— his head placed in her lap, curious gaze focused on the soft curve of her lips, a picture-perfect display of casual indifference.
“How do you move them…?” he asks, curiosity getting the better of him as his mind wanders. “The blades, I mean. And where is it why come from?”
— @deathfxnds
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The very first time he had laid his head upon her lap, exhausted and vulnerable, seemed now a distant thing. It took no extreme situation for Kayn to make himself comfortable this time, undisturbed by tension for once; Irelia inevitably appreciates it each time, rarity that it seems to be for the assassin to have any moment of peace, content to provide him that.
Absentmindedly her fingers brush the loose part of his long locks, gentle as the dancer always is toward him. The initial question draws her attention to the assassin, confusion as to what exactly he means lasting but a second before the explanation it is the blades he refers to. Not a simple question to answer, both for the lack of clear reason and for the tale that accompanied her weapons. A pattern made all too evident by each curious question seeking to know more of her: most of her tales are tragedies, in one way or another, and this is the one that started it all.
"I'm not entirely sure," A sincere confession, in reply to his first inquiry. "As to the how, I mean. It wasn't a power I always had — it only manifested when I needed it most." The shallow graves in what had once been a garden, the armored men occupying her home as if it belonged to them; a death sentence turned against those who would kill her. The memories come easy, even now. Her gaze strays from his, wanders somewhere else she pays no real attention to, and Irelia tries not to seem as grim as she feels. "There is some sort of connection to the Spirit of Ionia — I can't hear it as Karma does, but I can feel it. Somehow, that's where my power comes from. But there was never anyone who could explain what I do and how."
"My grandmother used to say our family's dances were connected to the Spirit — I didn't believe her before, but I wonder if it's somehow related. She was dead before I could ask, though," While a hand continues its task, softly playing with his hair, the other moves away, a fluid gesture enough to make the blades float. Irelia has done it enough times before it takes no effort at all to reform her family crest as it had been once. Whole, if not for the visible marks of where it had been broken. "And that is where they come from."
"It's my family's crest. Used to be on a wall in our house. I wasn't there when the noxians arrived — I had been learning from Zinneia in the Placidium, and it was the rumors of the invasion that brought me back. But they were already dead when I arrived." Killed not long before, she imagines, the earth freshly turned, the house still being pillaged by the soldiers. Another smooth gesture and the crest is undone, blades carefully returned to their former resting place. "It was recent. The soldiers were still throwing away anything they had no use for, before occupying the house."
"One of them was carrying the crest. I took it from his hands," The story spills easily, easier than it should. Easier than ever before. Had she even told anyone else the entire tale? The pause, longer than it ought to be, is accompanied by intense dread, air difficult to breathe. Restlessness almost makes her want to get up, move away, speak not one word more. How much can she give away so easily, unafraid of the damage she gives him the power to do?
Why does she choose to push against it and continue, conscious that it is once again placing the knife in his hands, pointing at her heart, and hope he will not use it?
"I don't know why that was the thing I reached for," Her voice is quieter when she speaks again, trying to breathe, trying to press on. Irelia trusts him; they wouldn't be there if she didn't. Now that she had started to tell, she would finish the story. "But I managed to take it, I think because he didn't expect an eleven-year-old to even try," It is one of the details she remembers best, the surprise on the man's face, dumbfounded by what she did. "His superior didn't appreciate my defiance. So the admiral told his men to shatter the crest, then kill me."
"I wasn't strong enough to do anything when they took it back. One of them used an iron maul to break it — and when it was in pieces, I felt it for the first time, that connection to Ionia, to the blades." Only then does the dancer realize she had stopped playing with his hair at some point, her hands colder than before, nails pressed against her palms. Irelia looks at Kayn again, then, softspoken in closing the tale. "That's how I got them. It's the only reason I survived."
It does not take explaining, she believes, to understand how. She lived — two of the noxians did not. This time Irelia allows silence to follow, the words no longer easily spilled. There is no expectation for him to break it, for any demonstration of sympathy; it had been a long time ago, now, and she had grown tired of empty words years before, commiseration and condolences alike never making any difference.
Carefully her hand returns to his hair, the contact somehow soothing despite being given instead of received. There is no expectation, but neither is there any suggestion he ought to uphold the silence, her own not the sullen sort. What sorrow the tale elicits in her manifests only as distant melancholy; tragic though the story may be, it had been willingly shared.
An odd feeling, still, to lower every wall and make herself vulnerable, to allow another to be so close in face of a mere question. At times Irelia wonders if there is anything he might ask that she would not answer, any part of her she would not give, if only Kayn made the request.
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mouschiwrites · 3 months
the creeps!!
how about... creeps x reader who is having a ptsd response due to something/someone from their before life?
your choice!
EEE thank you for giving me a little freedom with this one hehe, you're a doll <33 (hope these are okay; I realize these aren't exactly "comforting" but these guys are messed up,, I don't think you can really expect comfort from them lol)
!!TW!! for depiction/mention of PTSD! Proceed with caution lovelies!!
Creepypasta/MH: How They React When Your PTSD is Triggered
Characters: Jeff the Killer, Clockwork, Jane the Killer, "Ticci" Toby, Tim/Masky
Jeff the Killer
I'm going to be so real with you, his first response is not going to be to comfort you
He is going to kill whoever triggered you, or burn it if it's not a person
You can try to stop him, but he's not going to
Honestly he might lowkey be making it worse, doing it right there and then with you watching
Well, he'll probably tell you to close your eyes and plug your ears first
(But if you want to participate, he'll just say: "let me do this for you, babe.")
All you'll know is that one minute it's/they're there, and the next Jeff is taking you by the shoulders and leading you away quickly
Just ignore the char/blood on his hoodie
He'll ask if you want to talk about it while you're walking
If you decline he'll ask again when you're back home
While he doesn't really need a reason to kill for you, he still wants to know what that scumbag did (or just what happened)
If you're mad at him for what he did, he's not going to care
In his eyes, he did the right thing, and he's not going to apologize for it
Anything that hurts his love deserves to perish, if not for their sake then for his
He can't stand the thought of someone/something that makes you unhappy existing in this world
If you ever stress about it again, he will actually focus on you, holding you, consoling you by repeating "they're/it's gone, they/it won't hurt you anymore..."
There's an eerie smugness to his voice as he says it...
I feel like you guys would've already talked about your trauma
She's prone to attacks too, so it was a mutual discussion about triggers/what helps/what doesn't
So she knows exactly what's going on when you're triggered
Her first concern is you, trying to quell the attack before it gets too bad
She'll do something you told her helps ASAP
It'll make her feel better if you let her stay with you, but she understands if you need space
What she'd really like is to hold your hand and get your mind off of it by talking about something else
She'd be fine if she was the only one talking
Just as long as you're showing signs of improvement
When the attack is over, she'll give you time to process it
But eventually she will want to bring it up again
Specifically, she wants to make plans to... uh... "eliminate" the thing that triggered you
And those plans will be vividly detailed
If you don't want to take part in that, she'll make them (and execute them) herself
She just thought you'd wanna take part; I mean, it's how she """solved""" her trauma
She won't follow through if you explicitly tell her not to, but otherwise she operates under the assumption that this is a plan, not a fantasy
When you have another attack, she won't talk about how it/they can't hurt you anymore; she'll just focus on doing the things you said helped
Jane the Killer
She's pretty good at observing people, so I think she'd be able to sense your attack early on
Even if she doesn't know about your PTSD
The first thing she does is remove you from the situation, wrapping an arm around you and rushing away
She sends the meanest scowl to anyone who looks at you funny while you go
Then she focuses on grounding you; she's not too good with feelings, but she's logical enough to try and figure something out to help you
She won't talk much; just an occasional "breathe with me" or "focus on me" while she holds your hands and maintains eye contact
It doesn't show but she's actually so nervous, she has no idea if she's really helping you
She'll be right there with you through the worst of it, and she'll be there if you want to talk after
She will want to know what caused it, if she hasn't figured it out already
I honestly don't think she'll want to "eliminate" it/them
But she will talk the nastiest, goriest, most illegal shit about it/them
She gets all giddy when you grin about it too; internally she's going yeah!! made them smile!! (happy dance)
She'll try not to bring it up intentionally, but whenever it does come up she makes sure to express her strong distaste
If you ever actually want to... take care of things, she'll help with the cleanup, but she'll want you to have the satisfaction of planning and doing it yourself
I mean, she dreams of having that satisfaction herself (looks at Jeff)
Regardless of whether or not you want to do something illegal, ultimately she respects that it's your trauma and you get to deal with it however you like
"Ticci" Toby
Murder. Arson.
Literally his knee-jerk reaction
He just looks between you and the suspected trigger, points a thumb in its direction and says: "Want me to kill that guy/light that thing up?"
If you say yes he'll do it straight away; he doesn't care who's watching
He'll ask if you want to help first though ofc
Then he'll run away giggling like a second grader, grabbing your hand on the way
When you slow down he sighs satisfactorily, saying how fun that was
If you're still distressed (or if you refused his earlier offer), he finally takes notice of your emotions
He'll ask you quite bluntly what's wrong
When you explain it to him, he just nods solemnly
He knows from experience that having a rough past sucks, so he understands completely
If you haven't already he suggests that you "take care of it"
But if you agreed to murder/arson earlier he just grins again and says "Well then it's good that we did that back there!"
If you ever have an attack again he'll either remind you that the thing/person is gone, or he'll nag you about "taking care of it"
He'll begrudgingly put an arm around you though when you don't immediately calm down
He might offer you something to fidget with, too; that always helps him when he's anxious
Just try not to be too alarmed when it's a box cutter or a butterfly knife or something weird that he puts in your hand
I feel like he'd be a little awkward when you start to panic
He'll panic a little too, asking what's wrong and if/how he can help
He'll do anything you say, but if you're unable to respond he just puts his arm around your shoulders and takes you into another room
He'll hug you against him, patting your back awkwardly while you process the attack
He doesn't know what else to do :(
He probably realizes what's happening after a few minutes, and he only gets more awkward when that happens
He sucks at dealing with his own trauma; he is literally the worst person for you to be with right now
At least that's what he thinks
When you start to calm down he asks if you want to talk about it, but then immediately curses himself for asking such a stupid question (he doesn't even want to talk about his trauma; why should anyone else? (just his thoughts))
If you do want to talk it turns into a very deep and candid discussion in which you both open up a bit
He'll ask if there's anything that helps at all
Honestly he's asking for you as much as himself; he'd love to try anything that works for you
I don't think he'd suggest or condone killing/destroying the trigger; from his experience that just brings more issues
He'll basically just tell you "yeah, it sucks, and we just have to deal. Which sucks times two."
Very helpful, thank you Tim 👍
At least he always holds you whenever you have an attack <3
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Thank you so much for this request!! And thanks for reading, take care sweethearts <33
(divider by saradika)
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goldsbitch · 2 months
Just don't talk---------
-and listen too.
p11 to Just don't talk
summary: Enemies to lovers on steroids. It's time to talk. Taking a spin on the whole fake dating.
mentions of Olivia Rodrigo lyrics - all rights belong to the respectable owners.
warnings: unprotected sex, squirting, minors DNI
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"You know those are not the actual lyrics, right?"
For a moment if felt nice to think she "pulled" someone like Lando. Bittersweet afterthought came just a second later.
Y/N did not go to the bathroom, in fact she sprinted over back to her hotel, sunglasses on and trying to avoid anyone stopping her. It must have been a record time in which she got back. Phone on silent do-not-disturb mode, apart from one one her best friends, back from her home town. Actively ignoring any resposibilities she was to attend to. Let her bloody PR team handle that for once. She could also be a diva for once. Always playing by their books, someone else's rules and thinking twice before opening any doors. Fuck that now.
She told her everything - only the best of friends give up their sleep for the heartbreak of others. Time zones were playing against them.
There they were, screaming Olivia Rodrigo lyrics out loud as if there was no tomorrow.
It felt good to get out of her system - she realized that she did not properly tell anyone, with all the feelings and complications involved in her recent fling with a racing driver. Fling. That's all it was ever to be.
The two screamed, danced and sang. One in a hotel room, the other in her own flat shared with a partner. Y/N was just a little bit jealous.
Lando stayed with the rest of the attendees of that forsaken meeting in silence, while they waited for Y/N to rejoin. As silence goes, this was one for the history books. He texted he few times, without any response. While he was worried, he had to get his own head in check first. When she did not return in about twenty minutes, they inevitably dissolved that meeting without rescheduling. But, since this gave Lando some time to think, he took a copy of the contract with him, cancelled all of the engagements of the day and immediately scheduled a call with his lawyers. He paid them enough for them to be available within thirty minutes.
He disclosed with them their situation fully - leaving out only the explicit details. Lando's lawyers have seen some thing with him over the years, this was a first one. As he did many times, he danced around the fact that he started to crush on this girl, which was making the whole conversation harder than needed. But, his team quickly came up with a clause to add should they go though with this - Recognition of Potential Emotional Development. It was all a bit bizarre, but Lando changed his mind from the initial shock he got. They were wrapped up in their own game anyway. He was getting weirdly excited by this.
Y/N ended their Facetime little party after an hour and kept herself locked up in the hotel room. No point in joining her team back for the rest of the day. It was all a little too much and far removed from racing - it was getting annoying. She was determined to get her emotion in check for the following days. It involved room service, some angsty tv show and phone on silent mode. So naturally, she missed Lando's text announcing that he is on his way to her room.
It felt like a strange deja vu. A knock on the door. He was the first one to cross her mind, like an intrusive thought you can't get rid off. She wanted it to be him knocking. And it was.
He let out a big sigh as he saw her open the door.
"Do you always ignore your phone when it matters the most?" he asked, fairly tired after the strange day they'd had.
She refused to answer his comment, simply stepped away to let him pass in her room.
"I was worried about you, you know?" he asked, not letting go as easily as she'd like to.
"Had to get out and clear my head. I'm not obligated to answer any calls or texts," she said in her defense, feeling like she was pushed into a corner.
Another sigh left Lando's lips. "Y/N, let's not go back this again. It's been a little mental for both of us, but we can't let it rule our life."
Was this when he was going to tell her that they should end their "whatever-this-is" affair? Y/N was getting mad - he could have at least wait after the race. There'd be a two week break where she could process all of this.
"Do we really need to do this now?" she asked, giving up on all hope.
Lando was firm on his stance, no more dancing around. "Yes, we do."
"Alright, let me get dressed," as it felt strange to talk like that only in her pyjama. Normally, Lando would drop a comment on how he did not want to hear these types of sentences ever again.
"Great, I'll wait in there," he said, pointing to the living room part of the suite.
The pseudo formal feeling Lando brought with him went out of the window pretty soon. He was nervous beyond belief and her overly-panicky mind was already five steps ahead, overcoming their relation before it even ended.
"So, Norris. What brings you here at this hour?" she asked with a hint sarcasm.
He chucked and observed for a moment, recalculating the angle from which to untangle this. In front of him sat slightly disheveled girl, someone who he wanted to know everything about. It seemed like she deliberately did not join him at the couch and opted for a chair nearby.
"It's been a little crazy lately."
"When was it not?"
"Touché, you're right."
He recalled something his mom used to tell him - it usually only takes 30 seconds to be brave, the rest is dealing with the aftermath.
"I've been thinking," he said and only then has Y/N noticed a folder with the devil contract which got her blood raging once again.
"A unique event, yes," she commented dryly.
"Come on. Stop it. I've thought about it and spoke to my lawyers."
"You did what?!"
"Hear me out, you muppet," another sigh and gestured to her to calm down before getting a wrong idea. "I think our little game of cat and mouse has gotten out of hand. I don't think we can go on like this before it blows up in our faces. It's better to control the narrative."
She shifted in her chair, sitting a little too far away from him on the couch. It felt uncomfortable. "So you want to end it?"
Lando was taken back. "Obviously not? Do you?"
She was quit to respond, fuck it now, right? "No, but I'm not the one who protested again the fake dating thing as if it was a request to walk into an open fire," she said defensively. She could not fathom how he could just run around this world, giving these mixed vibes all the time. And Lando was having the same kind of questions.
He stared her deeply in the eyes. His 30 seconds counting.
"Y/N. I think we're past the whole hatered thing. I really like you and it feels stupid to say it like that. But apparently, I need to say it in order for you to start believing me." He wanted to add few sentences about how he will leave her alone immediately if she didn't feel the same. But he didn't. Stopped avoiding.
Now it was her taken back. Stripped down to the core. Time to come forward, to herself and the gorgeous boy she wanted to devour.
"You once said no strings attached. I want strings attached. If we were to continue, I can't do something casual with you. I'm already beside that point," she said slowly, picking the right words in order to get point out.
He smiled. "Good. Feels nice being on the same page." She let out a smirk and a small laugh. The tension in the room gone and waves of relief washing them over.
"Do you realize we sound like high schoolers with a crush?" she commented with a noticeable ease.
"The truth is I believe not so far away from that." She made him feel all those feelings. Excitement. Butterflies. Healthy amount of nervousness. Because he cared. Because they both did.
"Can you come closer to me?" he asked, pointing at the blank space at the couch. More than wiling, she got up and sat next to him.
"Can I kiss you before I ask you to about the lawyers?" she pleaded, while he held her hand gently. He did not need any convincing. In fact, this was all he needed. He approached her face slowly, taking his time to take in the moment. And when he ultimately lock his lips with hers, it was like unlocking a whole new level in the game. Tender, vulnerable and soft. For her, it was like letting go of the biggest worry, she could finally let herself loose and be herself. With all the strings attached. He caressed her lips once more before they both reached for a short breath. He took a lock of her hair in his fingertips and played with it. She kept touching his hands, that were sending her all the way to hell.
"So, are we going with the whole dating thing?" she asked, mainly for confirmation.
"I hope so...It feels exciting to think about that," he said quietly, as if he just began to realize that.
"Yes, it does," she said, before she finally ended their moment of soft whispers and pulled back a bit. "So, the fuck you're talking about some lawyers shit. Are you planning on suing me?"
He laughed. "I find it funny that your mind went immediately towards that."
"Well you know, child of divorced parents, you never know," she said with a hint of sarcasm masking the true feeling of traumatic memories.
"Right, I understand," he said seriously and made a mental not to ask her about this another time. He longed to know absolutely everything. He shuffled to position himself in less of a slag off position. "So, I've been thinking. The whole "PR relationship thing" - at first I thought it was the worst idea known to human kind. I want to try it with you for real, not to dance like a puppy and not following my feelings," he said as her heart danced the happiest of dances. She nodded at him, letting him finish. Lando was surprised at how much she shifted towards listening instead of constantly jumping into his sentences. He was growing to like that. It was hard for him not to smile. "Right, stop giving me these looks, it's hard for me to get to the point," he said, smiles escaping left and right.
"Hard, you're saying?" she said cheekily. Oh, he was going to make her night really difficult later.
"Anyway, as I was saying. The whole PR thing will be an issue, or more like a thing to tackle together in the future anyway, so why not have some control over it."
She was trying to let this idea sink in. "So you're saying, like date for real and let people think it's for PR?"
He was happy that she appeared to be on the same page. "Exactly. Do whatever we want and just let them worry about our story. And at some point, when we see how this goes, we'll just say we managed to fall for each other because of them and it will a whole happy story for everyone. I feel like if we disclose now, we're robbing ourselves of precious time to get to know each other. What do you think?"
She thought about it for a moment - but her gut feeling was telling her to trust Lando. If she was to start dating him, it would be good to become a team. And he was around this stuff, better than she was. "I think what you're saying makes a lot of sense."
"Pardon? I did not quite catch what you're saying," he said, making fun of her.
"You idiot, you've heard me perfectly fine!" she responded, the corners of her mouth going up again.
"No, I did not, you're gonna have to come closer to say that," he winked at her and got dangerously close to her once again. "Closer, still far away," he said as he licked his lips before kissing her again. While having a way faster battle of tongues this time, she cupped his face as he gently pushed her down to lay on the couch they were sharing.
"There are few things to change in the contract," he said in between kisses, his voice getting characteristically high, as it always did when he was excited. "We need to add a Recognition of Potential Feeling clause, or whatever," he remarked as his mouth found her neck. "And few things regarding the physical aspect of the relation," he whispered to her neck, as she started to let out gentle moans.
"Physical aspects?" she let out suggestively. "Could you be more specific?"
His hands started to roam under her shirt. "I'm happy to show you everything that contract is banning us from doing. First point being not having any physical contact alone."
"Poor Oscar, he's gonna be mortified when he finds out he has to watch," she joked, as she began to touch his dick through his pants.
He bit her lower lip. "Do you like that? When people watch?"
"Depends. I want you all for myself."
"Oh, finally something we agree on. I'm going to be very territorial, you know? Let everyone know that this," he pointed at her torso, "this and this is mine," he said as his hand went in between her legs and lastly to her head. He looked her deeply in the eyes before speaking again. "I've fucked your body, but I feel like mind-fucking you is going to be fun."
Her eyes were wide open and she felt herself getting wetter and wetter. "Lando, show me everything this contract is prohibiting us to do."
It was like giving him three shots of espresso. He smirked, as he began to take off his shirt. "You're going to have to strip for me, honey." She more than happily obliged.
Lando observed like a hungry animal. She was finally his, fully. Her hands crept up his torso, lining his muscles all the way in.
"No touching here," he said as he roamed around her cleavage, "definitely not this," he continued as he kissed her nipple and let her grab his hair firmly. "Oh and most definitely not this," he ended with his hand reaching out all the way down and circled around her clit.
Blood rushed into her head and she arched herself on the sofa handle, giving him a sight to remember during lonely nights. Dim light hitting her body with shadows highlighting the curves. He watched, as his fingers made her lips turn into a smile. It was intoxicating. He flicked them like scissors, gently and watching his tempo. Then he took them out and licked them while maintaining eye contact.
"I want a taste of you," she said before thinking and gestured to come over to her face. She opened her mouth and closed her eyes, starting at the very tip and playing with it gently. She moved her hand up and down his shaft and started taking him in more and more.
Lando was never fan of slow sex. But her moves made him curious to see how far he can push her and himself. Her tongue and lips felt like a soft feather, making his now wet dick sensitive. He got shivers down his lower back, something he rarely did. It was like pleasure started flowing though his whole body. He reached out to hold her other hand and he began slowly moving his hips. He was sliding up and down her tongue as she wrapped her lips around without any plans of letting him go. He on the other hand slit out of her mouth completely, albeit reluctantly. He locked eyes with her and they both knew what was coming next. "I want to try something new this time," he whispered with a hint of excitement in his voice. She was more than happy to try new things with him, knowing all too well that he was perceptive enough to stop the moment she'd feel uncomfortable.
She expected a meriad of different things - but not him, sliding in as slow as possible. It was the sweetest form of torture. Her body, used to his deep hard thrusts was now tightly wrapped around his cock. Lando felt heavenly. Feeling every inch of her body that was around him more intensively than ever before. He kept his slow tempo she she arched her back again, providing him with his favorite view and an angle, that made his moves feel deeper now. Y/n never understood before this moment why some people really likes slow sex. There was tenderness, focus and a pelicular pleasure coming in longer waves. It was like slowing down made them more present. She felt wetter than she ever had with him. And soon enough, when her mind was somewhere high up in the sky, a clear warm liquid started coming out of her - and with every squirt an indescribable heat of pleasure coming around her lower belly. Her breathing became harder and harder, moans that she could not hold in for her life. Lando first felt warmth on his cock and then looked down as drop of her juices started hitting on his stomach. He watched with awe, not being able to get a girl into this position before. As he watched her drown in orgasms, he sped up just a tiny bit in order to get himself ready to finish once she was done. And when he inevitably did, he painted with him cum all over her bare chest.
If this was how it was going to be now, he is going to be a very happy man.
Y/N came down in few moments, her breath going at a normal speed now. He reached out for a box of tissue to get her cleaned up and kissed her once again.
"This was a nice sight," he said, again with his voice going up higher than usual.
She was taken back, this new incredible feeling of finally being "empty" taking over and mixing with a hint of shame as she the aftermath she left on the couch. Lando noticed when her face went red as she saw her stain.
"That's quite embarrassing," she said shyly. And that was not something that Lando would allow. He took his hand and pulled her chin up gently.
"Now, do not ever say that. Did it feel good?" he asked, genuinely curious.
She was gathering herself for a moment before finally admitting. "Oh, god, yes. Unreal."
He smiled proudly. "Good. Well then this is not the last time we're doing this. And also, this," he said pointing at the stain, "is not something a towel can't solve."
She bit her lips and let a smile escape her. If love was a sunbeam, her world was the brightest day in the middle of summer.
@scopeiguess @leclercsluv @sulliamour @starmanv @riverxsq @eviethetheatrefreak @chonkybonky @bicchaan @saachiep81 @chezmardybum @a-beaverhausen @tbsloneely @iamkaku 
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keelywolfe · 27 days
Around when did Charlie give Alastor the shovel talk? And did she figure it out before the story even began?
Mmmm, I think she suspected from almost the beginning. She grew up in Hell, she can note the difference between arguing and arguing with intense sexual tension, and also the sudden decrease in public arguments.
I can see her talking it out with Vaggie in their room at night. Vaggie, being a former angel, is horrified to think Lucifer, also a former angel, is letting that nasty radio demon put his hands on him, but Charlie insists it makes sense, sure compatible are drawn together (her and Vaggie) but opposites also attract!
And sure, it's a little...uh...weird...to think of her dad being with Alastor of all people, but Charlie can't help but notice her dad seems a little calmer, easier in his own skin. When he first got to the hotel he was all manic energy, desperate to be helpful, and as much as she understood the reason behind it, she didn't know how to reassure him it was okay. The only thing that would make him believe he wasn't going to lose her again if he said or did the wrong thing was time.
(Cutting because this got long)
So she started family dinner nights to give her dad a chance to be around her little found family, and she warned everyone else off of drinking the last of Alastor's coffee before her dad got a cup, and she watched her dad lose some of that 'King of Hell' protective shell and become more just...him. Her dad, who told her stories she'd never heard before about her childhood and showed her his sketchbook--
(and dad, really, trying to hide your relationship with Alastor and you had THAT sketch right there? Crying out loud, he might as well have drawn little hearts around it! She even tried to give him an out by asking if he sketched anyone else and he so obviously didn't. She still wasn't sure if she was relieved or irritated that Angel interrupted him, she was morbidly curious what her dad would come up with.)
--and her dad seems to be settling into the hotel better. And sure, he has a few moments, (finding him obviously fresh from the bar if not drunk was a little surprising but not a daily event) but all and all, Alastor seems to have been good for him. Something for him to push against that had no qualms about pushing back and if that was something her dad needed? She was glad Alastor could give it to him. But yeah, she also totally gave him the shovel talk, probably right after Alastor's little tantrum in the city where he ate the guy having the nasty fantasies about Charlie, and (she didn't know the details, Husk only told her quietly Alastor was protecting the hotel and she believed him) she walked in on her dad and Alastor standing suspiciously far apart in the parlor. Lucifer looked about as innocent as a kitten standing over a container of spilled cream and Alastor never looks innocent. She would have stalked right up to Alastor later that day and told him, "I know you and my dad are sleeping together!" Because asking Alastor questions when you want answers is always a mistake, he is a slippery little bastard and managed to slither his way out of answering with a laugh and a 'Oh, my dear, you and your ideas!' all too often.
Ask him directly, interrupt him before he can prevaricate, and you'll eventually dig a path to the truth. Especially since Lucifer never specifically told him to lie about it when directly asked. "What of it?"
And hey, stories about her dad were highly exaggerated, that's pretty obvious to anyone who ever meets him. Stories about her mother? Not so much and Charlie knows things Alastor would never dream she might, not even in his deepest, darkest nightmares, and if he hurts her dad, he'll learn about each and every one of them. But...if you just want to be with him, that's okay, Just don't tell him I know, not yet, I want to give him the chance to tell me! "It is such a joy to have the opportunity to see the more diabolical side of your mind in action, my dear. Rumor leads me to believe your mother would be proud."
"Thanks a lot. Just don't tell him I know, okay?"
"Agreed. The entertainment value promises to increase by the day!"
"What did I just say about hurting him?"
"Ah, ah, this wouldn't be me hurting him, now would it?"
"No, no, no, not another word, I know you, you'll get me thinking this is a bad idea! Just don't be doing any weird plotting or deals or voodoo magic to him, all right??"
"I assure you, Charlie, dear, when I am with your father, such things are the last on my mind. In fact--"
"No details!!!"
"As you wish." So yeah, I think it went something like that. 😂
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halfmoth-halfman · 7 months
Does Price ever find out what Canary went through when she was with Makarov? Does she tell him about everything (the lingerie wedding dress, the controlled meals, all of that) or does he only know bits and pieces of it? If not, does she tell anyone else about it?
yes by the ending of the epilogue he knows pretty much everything that happened while she was with graves and makarov. i don't think she would've told him all at once tho. it would've taken her time to really open up about what she went through, and even then she'd prob only talk about things when it was related to something happening with her currently.
more details under the cut but fair warning it's kinda long
like i think the food thing would come up first after they get back together. canary probably wouldn't bring up graves and makarov controlling her meals and food portions until like price notices she doesn't eat as much when they have dinner together or rudy mentions that she's asked him to make her smaller portions and she still doesn't eat all of it. price would be careful about bringing it up to her, but she starts telling him about them controlling her food and how she still hasn't fully recovered from that, and it would be a big moment of realization for price that her trauma goes a lot deeper than he expected. he'd be pissed and feel so guilty of course, but she would be his priority so he'd only show her understanding and comfort, and he and rudy would help however they could to help her get her appetite back.
she'd probably give him other bits and pieces over the years kinda as she works through them with her therapist too. and i think at some point, she'd invite price to join her for a session or two to talk about their relationship and he'd ask about how to better help with her panic attacks and what he can do to help her feel comfortable in general not just in their relationship. i also think that would lead him to finding his own therapist to work through his guilt about the things he's done to canary, and also to finally work through his guilt about gaz and farah's parents as well. things would be very different from when they were first together, but it would be overall a far healthier and stronger relationship.
she would def have a hard time with interrogations for a while, and would have to depend on one of her ghosts or like ale/ghost/konig to handle them for her. i think it would be a few years before she would ever be able to watch one without immediately thinking of herself in her father's study at makarov's mercy, and even after that first one price would probably comfort her through a panic attack once the whole thing was over.
when kids are brought up, she tells him about her childhood, how her father raised her and used her and pitted her and graves against each other. that would probably be one of the harder conversations for her, and there'd be a lot of complicated feelings about her parents that price doesn't quite get but he'd be there for her and assure that if they ever have kids (which would only happen through an accident because they both agree gaz and farah are enough) she would never turn into her father, and he'd never let anything happen to her.
it would also take a long time for her to tell him about how she got the scars on her hand. i think she'd be hesitant to tell him because they'd be in a good place and she wouldn't want him to feel more guilty, but much like how she explained the scar on her shoulder, she'd eventually tell price in a moment where it was just the two of them. she'd explain everything, about feeling confident on stage for the first time in those five months, about seeing graves with kira for the first time, then seeing price with the blonde, then her breakdown backstage and her smashing the mirror. she'd choke up in the middle of explaining, esp when talking about price and the blonde, and it would be one of the few times price cries in front of her. eventually they talk about the night at the club when she was shot, and she explains how ready she was to end it all right there, and price just fully breaks down. it's a long night of the two of them talking and apologizing and crying and comforting one another, and they're both exhausted the next day but there's a sort of weight lifted off of them at the same time.
i don't think the dress thing would come up until canary's picking out her dress for her and price's wedding and i don't think she'd initially talk to price about it. i think valeria would probably catch onto her anxiety first while they're working to design the dress together, and when asked, canary just kinda word vomits about her other wedding dresses and how much she hated them. valeria would help her through it, hyping her up as much as possible about getting to choose her own dress and how amazing she'll look and how she'll be surrounded by people who wouldn't care if she was covered head to toe as long as she felt safe. she'd say it in her own valeria way obv but it would help canary a lot. and then i think she'd tell price about it later, and he'd, once again, hope and pray that makarov and graves are suffering for eternity for everything they put her through, and do everything he can to reassure her.
other than price, i think her therapist would be the only one to know everything that happened but i think she would talk to gaz, ghost, and keegan the most about what happened to her. gaz would be more like a shoulder for her lean on or vent, her and ghost would bond over their dif traumas and talk about their different coping techniques to help each other out, and keegan would mostly know just because he's her personal bodyguard and is so close to her constantly. like i imagine they'd end up being good friends and she would come to really trust him enough to tell him about her past. i think she'd mention some things to the others - like rudy and alex know about the food, valeria knows about the dresses, farah and roach know about the forced performances and stage anxiety, the ghosts know about her being randomly stolen and dragged to the study, everyone knows about the interrogations, etc.
riley also knows everything because canary talks to him like he's a person anytime he's in the room with her - which is pretty much all the time. and he gets very good at knowing when to lay his head in her lap to ground her when she starts getting overwhelmed.
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miyuhpapayuh · 11 months
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Back in front of the blank canvas, she deeply sighs.
What to paint?
She'd been sitting here for the last hour, wondering the same thing.
Flowers were always a favorite, but she was in the mood to try her hand at something else.
Maybe someone else.
Dipping her paintbrush into the deep brown paint, she sighed again and let her mind wander, while letting it dance across the canvas.
Halfway through, she pulls back and smiles at the outcome, feeling more smitten than she ever has before.
Turning the music up just a bit louder, she continues on, filling the blank space with her newest subject.
Once she was done, she sat and marveled at her work, placing her fingers over the fine detailing and smiling to herself.
Oh, Leon.
She'd painted him in five different ways, each one more strikingly beautiful than the last.
Never had she sat and painted a man in such vivid hues of brown, blue and orange. With such emotion, such thought.
“Wow,” seemed to be her favorite word to describe moments that involved him. This one was no different.
She loved Leon. She was in love with him. No doubt.
He was just as in love with her, if not more.
She clouded his mind just as much. So much, she was his permanent muse for every piece of poetry he'd written over the last month.
Her hair.
Her smile.
Her scent.
Her eyes.
Big and brown,
Full of wonder,
Of love,
Of life!
Her wit,
Her charm,
Her spice,
Her warmth.
All wrapped in mocha,
Kissed by a thousand suns.
Curves that would make a blind man crash.
A sharp tongue that would make the most confident man crumble.
A heart of gold.
Skin made of silk.
A goddess, for real.
Meeting each other back in her love lair, the pair exchange their heartfelt gifts, neither of them ready for how it tugs on their hearts.
“You wrote me a poem??” She gushes, holding the orange envelope to her chest. Her twinkling eyes made him smile extra big.
“I did! You painted something for me??” He asks, staring down at the board, neatly wrapped in deep green paper.
“I did! You wanna open yours first?” She excitedly asks, making him tear right into it.
His surprised gasp, coupled with his shocked expression, does her in. She was hoping to god that he liked it, at least.
“Zora.. wow, this is so… wow!” He stares at the canvas, struggling to find the words that express how breathtaking it is.
“Do you like it?” She asks, shifting her weight.
“I love it, mama. Absolutely. I— I've never been painted before. I don't think anyone's ever even sketched my face! It's so detailed and wow.” He repeats, making her blush.
“I told you, you're my prettiest subject,” she smiles, “I've got a whole sketchbook full of your face.”
The way he looked at her could've melted her right into the ground.
“Read your poem, sweet stuff.”
“Okay,” she says, her voice coming out small.
Pulling the paper out, her eyes linger on every word, her heart beating double-time at his sweet, sweet words.
“Ohh, you just love to make me cry!” She laughs through her small tears, wiping them away with the back of her hand.
“You like it??”
“Hell yeah, boy! This is so sweet! I love the way you talk about me.”
“Like I can talk about anything else,” he says with a shake of his head. “You cloud my brain, woman. I wrote like five different poems about you.”
“Like you're any better! Got me drawing and painting you.” She stares at him wide-eyed.
“You're so talented, baby.” He coos, pulling her into his arms finally, wrapping her up in his warmth, while he feeds on hers.
“So are you, handsome.” She rubs the back of his head, kissing his forehead as he hugs her tightly to him.
“Our anniversary is in a couple days.”
“I know! Six months!” She gushes.
“It's crazy how time flies, huh?”
“Well, when you're having so much fun, it does tend to slip on by.”
“I made reservations, but I cannot tell you where. It's a surprise.” He says, snickering at the look on her face.
“We gettin’ all gussied up?!”
“Hell yeah, baby! Pull out your best dress and we gon paint the town orange.”
“Aw, you are so cute!,” she frowns, pecking his awaiting lips a thousand times.
“I know, lucky me.” He bashfully smiles, hugging her waist tighter.
“Now I'm gonna stress until Friday, tryna figure out what to wear!”
With the chilly air that late October brings hanging in the air, Zora was contemplating on 86’ing the dress idea altogether for something more practical, knowing how much she despises the cold.
“I have faith that we'll be able to pull something together.”
“Yeah, I probably won't be wearing a dress, though. It's a lil too cold for that.” She laughs.
“Yeah, I didn't even think about that,” he chuckles, "I just know that's your go-to. But, I know you're gonna look absolutely stunning! That's a given.”
“If it's possible, I love you even more.”
“Ah, my heart grows ten sizes with every glance your way. Every word you say,” he presses another kiss to her lips, dipping her back into her heap of pillows.
“Such a way with words,” she giggles, halting the wandering hand before it reaches the hem of her t-shirt.
“It's not over yet,” she mumbles, matching the frown he sported.
After summer ended, so did their free time. They were lucky if they got to see each other on the weekends, due to preparation for the holiday season.
The warehouse Leon worked at seemed to have a million pre orders for a variety of the new gift items they advertise, keeping him at work almost overnight, sometimes.
The pub had been jumping still with all the changes Linda made, including a complete renovation of the restaurant, which included an actual dance floor, an ole-timey jukebox, and a larger dining area and bar once she knocked out a wall.
Zora had started pulling longer hours, while Linda was in the process of expanding their team, which she didn't mind, but she'd never been so tired in her life.
At the end of days like that, the pair were lucky if they hit their own beds correctly, before having to jump right back out of them the next day.
And with their impending anniversary right around the corner, on top of it being the first one they were gonna go all out for, Mother Nature paying her a visit couldn't have come at a better time. 
But she was on her way out the door!
“I know,” she laughs, “that's how I feel, too! I'll be clear in like a day or so, though.”
Moving his hand back to her knee, he smirks. “Just in time for the festivities, huh?”
“Yeah, I may have an extra surprise for you, too.” She bats her lashes at him.
“Maybe,” she smirks. “Maybe not.”
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Friday dragged its feet and the couple's nerves along the way, knowing they were ready to detach themselves from their jobs without thought.
As if teleporting to her apartment, he opens the unlocked door like she requested through text, immediately getting an earful from him as he heads down the hall.
“Now, Zora, you know how I feel about unlocked doors.”
“Leon, you were like five seconds away. Nobody was gonna get me.” She says, staring at him through her vanity mirror while she applies her lip gloss.
“Still. I've got a key for a reason. Let me use it.” He says, before leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead, running his hand over her freshly pressed and still billowy hair.
“You look beautiful, as always. I like your hair.” 
“Thank you! I rarely wear it like this ‘cause it's so hard to keep up with, but I was missing it and it's a special occasion, and this qualifies as my something different.”
“Checked it off your own list?”
“Yeah, why not!”
“Why not.” He smiles, agreeing with her.
She smiles back, before standing to her feet to face him, both of them cracking up at the 360 they give each other.
“See? I had faith in you and you did it, Jean.” He pokes, twirling her around. “You look damn good, baby.”
A cropped white top and high-waisted, wide-leg distressed jeans was a pretty basic outfit, which is why god invented cardigans. An orange and pink one did just the job at setting her outfit off.
“I didn't find it until last night, don't be too proud.” She sighs.
“Woman, please. Point still stands, you put it together like only you can.” He flirts, wrapping an arm around her waist, their faces just a few inches apart as they gaze at each other.
“Every chance you get, for real.” She pokes back, making him suck his teeth, planting a kiss on her lips still.
“You already know it, sweet stuff.”
Taking a step away, she looks at him again. An orange beanie pulled over his low-cut and his beard was full and shiny, begging her nails to play with it, which she’d definitely ended up doing.
His green leather jacket, black sweater and jeans combo was doing so many things to her, as was the heavenly scent wafting off of him.
Vanilla? Bergamot??
“Whatever you're wearing, always keep a bottle near.” She speaks, earning a smirk from him.
“Yes ma'am.”
“You look so good, baby.” She compliments, moving back into his hold.
“Thank you, mama.”
“Mhm, and thank you for six bouquets of poppies! That was the cutest thing ever.”
“Anything for you,” he kisses her again, before looking at his watch. Right on time.
“You ready to go?”
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The Petal Café was one of the newest, fanciest restaurants in town and Leon made quick with getting reservations, thankfully bypassing the huge waiting list.
“This place is so beautiful!” Zora squealed for the millionth time, making him laugh and squeeze her hand from across the table.
“I'm glad we made it, cause that waiting list is a year out, now.” He says with a shake of his head.
“What?? That is wild! Let's hope the food lives up to its hype!”
“I know, right. Everything looks really good, though.”
The waiter comes over and sits their drinks down, before taking their food orders and leaving them alone again.
“I'm certain we said it already, but happy anniversary, doll face.” He says, going back to squeezing her hands.
“Happy anniversary, baby. Best six months I’ve ever spent with anyone.”
“Same here, you’re one of my best friends.”
“Really??” She asks, squeezing his hands back now.
“Absolutely! It’s been an absolute dream getting to know the world is you, and to experience life with you is just as dreamy.”
She was thankful that she went light on her makeup, cause she knew it would’ve been ruined with him and sweet words.
“Oh, Leon,” she frowns, “you're the epitome of a dreamboat. When I say I love you, I really mean it. I don't think I can say it enough.. but thank you for showing me what actual love feels like,” her voice cracks near the end of her sentence.
A soft smile covers his lips, as he's keeping his own tears back.
“It's my pleasure showing you what you deserve, Jean. That'll never end.”
Knowing she was gonna cry, she beckoned him to her with her pointer finger, pressing her lips to his, giggling against them as her tears fell down her cheeks.
Pulling away to cup her face in one hand and wipe her tears with the other, he laughs as she reaches up to wipe his own tears away.
“Nique was right, we are sappy.” He points out, making her shake her head.
“Don't let her hear you say that, we'll never live it down!” She exclaims, making them fall into a small laughing fit.
“I love you, Jean.”
“I love you too, Avery.”
After indulging in the well worth it cuisine, the pair move their party to the expansive bar, which happens to sit right beside a huge flower garden, a few orange and yellow roses sitting the closest to them.
“How'd you know about this place?” Zora asks, sipping her rum.
“Eryn told me about it, actually. Saw an ad about them opening a location here and gave me the details. As soon as I heard the name, I knew we had to come here.”
“Aw, you know me so well!”
“I better, ‘fore somebody try and take my job.” He cracks, making her laugh and lean into him.
Any opportunity to wrap his arm back around her, he'd take it. Pressing another kiss to her face, he goes back to sipping his own glass of rum.
“Nobody could ever do such a thing, baby.”
“Touché, sweet stuff. Nobody holds a candle to you.”
Two more drinks and it was time for them to move their party back to the privacy of her apartment.
As if teleporting back to her front door, Zora pulls Leon inside and sits him down on her bed, before disappearing into her bathroom.
“I'll be right back!”
“Whatchu hidin’, baby?” He slurs, a wicked smirk crossing his face at the thought of what it just might be.
“A surprise!” She giggles from inside the bathroom, making sure everything was sitting the way she needed it to— not that she'd have it on long, anyway. But still.
Slipping out into the hallway, she pulls her hair up into a sloppy bun before strutting back into her room, where he sat with his jaw in his lap.
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The jade hued lace teddy hugged her figure like a second skin, holding up and framing her voluptuous body in the best way possible.
“Wow.” His eyes traveled up and down her frame, as if he was savoring this moment.
Here she was, standing in front of him in his favorite color, and all he wanted to do was rip it off and take her in every way possible.
“I take it that you like it?” She speaks, pulling him out of his trance, his gaze now on her face.
“You look absolutely breathtaking, girl. I love it.” He responds, reaching out for her hand and pulling her to stand in between his spread legs.
His strategically placed kisses made her giggle and softly push his face away.
Sticking his tongue down her throat, he pulls her flush against him, groping her fat ass with his big hands. Her left leg finds its way over his right one, soon straddling him altogether.
Licking a trail from the corner of his mouth to the sweet spot on his neck, her fingers work to remove his jacket, dying to have full access to his broadness.
Next to go was the sweater, ultimately making her lose her mind. He'd been hitting the gym pretty hard and boy was it doing him some good.
“So damn fine,” she moans, pushing him back onto the soft bed, reaching underneath herself to undo his belt buckle, biting his earlobe as she slides a hand inside his pants.
He grunts in response, assisting her in pulling his clothes away until he's in nothing but a pair of briefs that were already being tugged on.
Pulling them away, she swings over his lap backwards, now facing the rounded mirror on his dresser. She smiles at her reflection and wraps her hand around his dick, softly jerking him.
His groans fill the air, especially when she bends over to stick her ass in his face and drool all over him, sucking him like she had a point to prove.
Mesmerized by the jiggle in her hips and ass, his hands reach out to slap each cheek, eventually slapping the wet spot between her thighs, making her inch away, an audible gasp leaving her full mouth.
“Come back,” he rasps, pulling her hips back in his direction to rub his thumb over the steady-forming spot, his head falling back into the pillows as her tongue swirls around his sensitive tip.
“God dammit, baby,” he moans, sending another fire smack to her ass. Taking him to the hilt, they both groan as he hits the back of her throat.
He wishes she could've seen how wide his eyes were as she holds him there for a few moments, and does it again, and again, moaning all on him and making his toes curl.
“Fuck… I'm cummin’, Zora… fuck,” his hips jerk upward as she milks him for every single drop, giggling once she releases him.
Pulling her back on his face, the seat of her lingerie was pulled to the side and his nimble fingers played in her wetness, making her bite her lip and grind against his hand.
“Fuckin’ soaked,” he grunts, sliding his middle fingers into her, reveling in the sweet moans that fill the air as he curls and pumps them into her gspot.
“Shit, right there,” she breathlessly moans, dragging her nails up and down his stomach.
“Right here?”
“Yes, I'm g-gonna cum!” She gasps, throwing her head back once his fingers begin jabbing at her spot, making her gush onto them in no time.
Wasting no flipping her onto her back, he pulls the lace away from her body, kissing every inch of skin he came across on the way.
Hooking her legs around his waist, he glides into her and grunts at how wet, how snug, “fuck I could bury myself here, you feel so fucking good.”
His slurred praise hits her ears, while her eyes are stuck in the back of her head as he thrusts into her so deeply. Her hands find his chest.
“Oh my god,” she whimpers, “so d-deep!”
His lips find her neck, as her body clings to his. Her breathy moans hit his ear.
It had been so long since they'd found themselves in the moment, which made them savor it now for all its worth.
Declarations of love and affection leave their lips, as their peaks get closer and closer to erupting. Sweat blanketing them like a second skin.
“Cum with me,” he groans, as he ground his hips into hers, making them see stars at the same time. The cry that left her lips made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
Blissed out, they lay still entangled as the aftershocks pass through their bodies. Dazed smiles cover their lips.
A second wind comes sooner than later, sending them into their next position of the night. Both of them facing the mirror as he hovers over her, spreading her thighs to glide right back into her.
One hand is splayed across her chest to pull her flush against his own, the other planted firmly into the bed as he pumps into her, mumbling shit in her ear that would make her blush if she were able.
Both of her hands were rolled into the sheets, trying her best to throw her ass back onto him, but those lethal strokes are nothing to play with.
“Fuck me,” she helplessly whines.
His breath tickles her skin, his kisses along the back of her neck make her shiver. “Just like this?”
“Yes,” she breathes, “yes!”
Speeding up, he crashes into her sweet spot so precisely it makes her cum in an instant, a heavy sob leaving her mouth as he continues.
Her hands found both of his wrists, as she was desperately needing something to hold onto.
“S-so good, Leon! Please don't stop!”
“Fuckin’ you all night, baby.. all night.” He smirks, pulling his hand back to smack her ass.
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“Ooh, she's being loved properly. Look at that glow!” Nique teases, just as Zora spots their table.
“Hey, y'all.” She greets her sisters with a hug and kiss, before taking her seat beside Nique and kissing her cheek.
“Hey, lover. How's life been?” Neoma pokes fun, making Zora roll her eyes.
Not being one to post much about her relationship on her social media, besides a few pictures here and there, Zora felt compelled to make a dedication post for their anniversary and her sisters, of course, found it and left all types of crying, heart and kissy face emojis in the comments.
“I should be asking y'all that.”
“Let's talk about you first, though.” Lovita redirects just like an older sister does.
“Life's good, lemme lone,” she mumbles, still “mad” at them.
“Oh come on, we went wild in the comments, but we're done now!” Neoma pleads.
“Yeah, promise!” Nique adds.
Zora looks at her oldest sister, raising an eyebrow. Lovita sighs and shrugs. That was as much as Zora was gonna get from her, since sorry is not in her vocabulary.
“Fine. Life is beautiful!” She smiled, making them reciprocate.
“We've seen! You two are too much,” Lovita frowns, over the moon happy for her littlest sister.
“How was your anniversary?!”
“It was the sweetest day. Not like, every day isn't just as sweet, but he sent three bouquets of orange poppies to my job and three more to my apartment. We had already exchanged gifts a few days before, being too excited to hold onto ‘em. He took us to the Petal Café, and y'all! It's the prettiest place I've ever been in! The best food ever! There's a garden next to the bar! It was so me. He's such a hunk.”
The chorus of aw’s commences.
“How much did you cry?” Neoma and Nique ask.
You know what! Too damn much,” she answers, laughing at herself before they could.
“Such a big baby, oh my gosh!”
“I know, ugh. He's just so… wow.” She smiles again, shaking her head.
“Yeah?? We pickin’ out baby names, yet??” Nique squeals.
“Girl, no. I made sure I stocked up on my birth control. No babies… yet.” She purses her lips together for a second, watching their expressions shift, but before they could lay into her again, she re-redirects the focus back onto them.
“But, what about y'all! How's everything?!”
Nique jumps at the chance to tell her best friend just how head over heels she is, to which she outwardly gushes.
“Since we made it official, I met his mama and he met mine— she loves him— he's been showing up to my office with lunch, sometimes it's hand-prepared!! Y'all know I love a man that can cook!”
“Food be good, don't it?!” Zora asks, the smile on her face is too bright.
“Girl, if you see me gain a lil weight, don't say nothing! And if you see him gain a lil weight, you heard me the first time,” she snorts, “cause he's just as fed. Baby got an appetite the size of Texas.”
“You did tell ‘em you loved a man who could eat.” Neoma points out, making her blush.
“And eat, he does.”
“Dominique!” Lovita yells, her jaw dropping.
“What??! He does eat a lot! Sometimes, it's me– hell, most times, it's me.” She covers her own mouth, high-fiving Zora with her free hand.
“I knew it,” she laughs, pointing between Neoma and Lovita, “you two owe me money because what did I say??”
“Y'all bet on me?!”
“No, they bet on you. I knew you'd have him that boy in the palm of your hand before the end of the year and they bet on it taking a little longer.”
“What, y'all ain't think I still had it in me?” She asks in faux outrage.
“Girl, you been celibate for like a year or so, I ain't think he was really gon affect you like that. But, I shoulda known after that phone call I heard.”
“What call??”
“Man, Nique was on the phone with this man, talkin’ his ear off about her job and Ron big stupid ass had done something else that she had to undo, and Darnell was telling her about how he was gon come up there and stomp a hole in his ass if he didn't get it together, cause she was way too important to be doing favors for the incompetent. Nique got to giggling, and I knew it was over. I ain't never heard her sound like that.” She finishes, blinking dryly.
“Yeah, I had nothing better to do, obviously. It was a very funny conversation.” She adds.
“Ne, you've always been so nosy. Maybe you and Nique are related.” Lovita jabs, making Zora laugh.
“Anyway, Nique please record the fight when it happens ‘cause Ron been needed an ass whoopin’. But seriously, you two are adorable! I knew it was coming once he called you his baby. I'm so happy for you.”
“Thank you! I'm so happy for me, too!” She laughs, fanning her red face.
“Neoma, you sharin’ next?” 
She smirks. “Craig is a dork, for real. He's so funny, so smart. So stubborn, Jesus. So fine,” she sighs. “He drives me insane, but boy do I love it.”
“Always the one for challenges, lord.” She shakes her head. “But, as long as everything is going good, I love it for you.”
“Thanks, sis. We're not a couple yet, but we're getting closer.”
“Take your time, girl. If it's meant to be, it'll happen.” She assures her older sister.
Their hands join in the middle of the table for a sweet squeeze, before everybody's eyes dart over to Lovita, who's yet to share.
“Do I have to??” She asks.
“Yeah, what the fuck?”
“Okay, okay! But y'all cannot judge me.”
“Girl, what did you do?”
“Remember that night y'all slept over after the game day we had?” She asks, watching them nod in response.
Smirks decorate their faces as she gets ready to spill what they'd already seen coming.
“Clyde and I had sex, that night and I swear I've been in love with that man ever since.” She sighs.
“In love?” Neoma repeats.
“Yes. In love. I love him.” She spells it out for her younger sister, while she slowly blinks back at her.
“Girl, I know that feeling. That's how I felt the morning after me and Leon had sex.” Zora says, shaking her head. “I was done for.”
“Really? I felt like I was going crazy, at first. Like I woke up a little before he did and just kinda stared at him like, “you have fucked up, cause now I love you.” It was wild!”
“Literally such a wild feeling, I agree.”
“Wow, y'all makin’ me miss my man.” Nique snorts, internally giddy as hell that she gets to call him that.
“Aw, her man.” Neoma coos.
“Stop it,” she laughs.
“But, ‘vita,” Nique starts, “we would never judge you for how you feel. Sex is such an intimate experience, I'd be afraid if you didn't feel more than you already had about him.”
“Yeah, I know.” She sighs, “I know.”
“What's wrong?”
“Nothing,” she smiles, picturing his face in her head. “Nothing’s wrong. He's perfect. Realistically, of course.”
“Yeah?” Zora asks, beaming for her sister.
“I can't stress it enough. He's sweet, funny, well-rounded.. he's a hard worker, might be a lil rough around the edges, but so am I. We don't clash at all, it's always so refreshing to be around him. And my goodness, that man is so damn fine.”
“He is very handsome. I believe we all lucked out like I said we were gonna! Sounds like I'm owed some thank you’s.”
“Zora, do not ruin this sweet ass moment.”
She rolls her eyes and grabs the champagne flute from the table and tipping it toward her lips for a sip.
“Wait. What kinda gifts did y'all get each other??”
“Oh, he wrote me a poem and I painted him.”
Their eyes widened.
“Aw, you painted Leon!?”
“You painted?!”
She smiles wide at their reactions, shaking away the urge to burst into tears.
“Y-yeah, I painted. It's been a few months since I've painted, but really, it's been so long since I've actually been motivated to do so. Y'all know that relationship of mine just drained the life out of me and everything I loved to do just vanished. And, I'm finding the purpose for it again. In something and someone else. Y'all should've seen his face when he unwrapped it,” she smiles like he's right in front of her, “it was priceless.”
“Wow, I'm so proud of you, Zora.”
“Aw, thanks,” she frowns, wiping the lone tear that fell.
“Oh, don't start crying. We’ll be here all night!”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Having a few more days of freedom, Zora and Leon get back together for another sip and paint, with another spin to it.
Nique had given her the idea to make Leon the subject for Zora to paint. And of course, this sounded like some fun and some trouble. Well worth both, she already knew.
“Okay, so you're actually my model, today.” She says, taking in his raised brow.
“Really? That's cool! You need me to pose?” He asks, beginning to flex his muscles and make her laugh.
“Yeah, actually! Hold on,” she stands up from the couch and heads towards her dining area for a chair, pulling towards the middle of the floor.
“Okay, come sit.” She says, patting the chair.
He strides across the floor in a show for her, which she appreciates, more giggles leaving her and he kisses her forehead before sitting down.
“The cutest man, ever.”
“I know,” he replies.
Sauntering into the kitchen for a stool, she pulls hers up to her easel and sits, looking to her left to make sure she's got all the supplies she'll need.
Peeking out behind the canvas, she eyes him but keeps the request on the tip of her tongue.
“What you keepin’ from me?” He asks, eyeing her suspiciously.
“Uh… don't think I'm crazy..”
“Who's sane?”
“Leon,” she says, sighing to herself.
“Zora, come on. What is it? You want me to pose like The Thinker? Huh? Something more interesting, perhaps?”
“Yeah, way more interesting.”
“Okay, throw it at me, baby.”
Pulling her head back behind the easel, she swirls her paintbrush in the clear water, letting the request fall from her lips.
A few moments go by with nothing but silence, and just as she's about to poke her head back out, she catches sight of his shirt being flung over her head.
Pants next.
“These too?” He asks, making her peek back out, staring at the hand that's hooked in his briefs. She deeply sighs and shakes her head.
“You can keep those on.. for now.”
Ch 15
@thegifstories @sheabuttahwrites @honestpreference @ghostfacekill-monger @soufcakmistress @blackerthings @abeautifulmindexposed @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @mauvecherie-writes @cecereads209 @blowmymbackout
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i wish I'd written this down sooner so I could remember more of the details, but I'll never forget one of my first queer moments of connection, even though I didn't realize that's what it was until much later
when I was about 14, I changed my name publicly, and I didn't think much of it once I'd told my family. they were my main focus--I was going to a new school the next year, so no one would know or have questions, I wasn't very online, and I didn't know hardly anything about the queer community or anyone immersed in it. my side of things was done, but my parents (with permission) had been using my new name and informing others, like their friends and adults in my life, of the change
not long after I came out, I was helping rehearse for a puppet show at my Baha'i center, and in my area the vast majority of our community was older people, and it'd been a while since I'd seen some of them myself. but the community is small and close, and they'd known me since I was little, and my parents were talking, so word had spread. and at this rehearsal one of the older ladies, I think in her sixties or seventies, came up to me and asked to talk for a moment
I had no idea what she wanted, but in the corner away from everyone else she asked me why I had changed my name. and I got nervous and prepared to defend myself, but she was curious and polite, so I told her. I didn't feel like I fit as a girl, but I didn't feel like a boy either. I was something else. but my birthname felt like it put me in a category I didn't want to be in, so I changed my name to reflect that
I didn't expect her to understand, I thought she'd have questions, but this look of relief crossed her face and she put her hand to her chest, and I can't remember the exact words but I remember their meaning as she leaned in close and her voice got quiet: "you feel like that too? it's not just me?"
her question caught me off guard, and I had no idea what to think as I told her no, she wasn't alone in the feeling. and she confessed to me she'd always felt different but didn't know what her husband would think, didn't know there was anyone else like her who didn't feel like they fit. but that she was so glad to finally know it wasn't just her; she hugged me so tightly, and i think there were tears in her eyes
it was such a brief conversation, and I didn't think much of it at the time, but I nearly cry every time I remember it. I haven't seen her since because she moved, but I can't help imagining what it was like for her, the relief after decades of feeling wrong learning there's someone else out there like you. I don't know if she ever did anything else, if she changed her name or her pronouns (I’m referring to her same as everyone always has because she never said to do differently) or went looking for others once she knew she wasn't alone. but I'll always be so glad I got to share that with her, that I got to tell her it wasn't just her
the connection and comfort we can find in one other knows no boundaries, and there is no time limit to finding each other
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darkpoisonouslove · 9 months
Oh my god, I don't know if you ever thought about it till now but since your postings over Stella and Griffin I can't think of anything else but her reaction and thoughts about the revelation of Darcy being Griffins daughter (if it's ever revealed) Like did she saw some similarities before Griffin told her or something? Because I like the idea of Stella having an eye for the small things in her vicinity with which she quickly notices certain similarities and differences. Something she did while fighting against Darcy and maybe training with Griffin. But I also can see her being like "wtf did I missed" when she founds out.
I love the idea of Stella having attention to detail and thus spotting subtle characteristics of the people surrounding her. That said, the Winx don't really appear to care much about the Trix individually past the fact that they have to fight them so often that they're sick of looking at them. There's the Bloom and Icy rivalry (in season 1) and after that, both the Trix and the Winx are just done with each other imo. Because of that, I think that the period when Stella would have noticed the most details about the Trix in general and about Darcy would have been in season 1 and at that time she didn't interact with Griffin. It's possible that her noticing details about Griffin will call back to observations she's made of Darcy but I just think that she'll shrug it off. After all, Griffin was the Trix' teacher for 4 years and it's not unlikely that any one of them could have picked up mannerisms from her. And another thing - Stella is not aware of the similarities in appearance between young Griffin and Darcy so I don't think she'd think much of any parallels she might draw between them.
Now learning that Darcy is Griffin's daughter will be shocking for sure. I can see her pulling away from Griffin once she realizes the depth of the relationship that was between her and Valtor. Having a child from him is definitely a whole new level of intimacy that she never suspected. I don't think it will change her opinion of Griffin per se or make her doubt Griffin's affiliation with Faragonda and the Winx, Alfea in general. However, I think it might bring her back to the events of season 1 with the realization that had the Trix been anyone else, Griffin might have taken measures against them sooner and maybe all of Winx would not have been put through the wringer. I think Stella would be more mad about what the Trix subjected Bloom to than anything else and the thought that Griffin could have possibly prevented that but didn't just because Darcy is her daughter would be somewhat distressing and infuriating. Plus, it's possible she might have a negative reaction to the fact that Griffin abandoned Darcy because of what was happening between her and her own parents. Maybe she'd even feel that if Griffin had raised Darcy, none of the messes that the Winx have been through would have happened. After all, the Trix are also the ones who freed Valtor and they were helping Darkar. But at this point Stella has matured and I believe she'd acknowledge that she doesn't know the whole story. And she never would have suspected that Griffin might be related to Darcy because she didn't really treat her differently (I'm pretty sure she was closing her eyes to shit her other students were doing as well). She'd simply need time to process this new information just like everyone else.
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parttimepuff · 5 months
I’m pretty shocked anyone is willing to make this meeting happen, considering we have a rock-paper-scissors kind of situation going on with everyone being skittish of meeting everyone else. Must be important after all
Everyone in the room became more conscious than ever of the situation they'd found themselves in, especially the king, even more aware that Beep was hugging him still with no signs of letting go. Something she felt, that steady rise of his anxiety, but could nothing about, frozen there. "Well… yeah. It is really important. And we needed to talk at some point, so…" Reverie figured. It was inevitable. "We, probably could've planned it better." Gremlin admitted.
"How long ya been planning it?" Dedede suddenly piped up. "…….awhile." Was Reverie's very reluctant response. That wasn't enough. They needed to talk more about, anything else. Becoming more visibly uncomfortable, the penguin continued. "Awhile like, like weeks? Months?" "I mean… probably months. I'm not, super good at remembering how much time anything takes." The Dream Fae replied.
"Ya could ballpark it, couldn't ya? Since you came here, maybe? Ya haven't given me a lotta details about yer end of things yet." Dedede persisted, an edge of desperation to the questioning. "I-I, um, I guess not." Reverie agreed, worried and confused by his sudden focus on it. Gremlin wasn't confused, leaning forward. "Deeds? You ok? You need a break or-" "Ah'm fine, Twister." The king snapped, causing Beep to flinch. This was all her fault it took this long, it’s all her fault it’s going wrong, she messed it up- "nnn…" She groaned. But, Dedede said she could do it, Gremlin and Luna too. Rev…
"…Dedede-" Gremlin tried again, Dedede swiftly moving on. "Ya never got round to explaining why ya came to this side of the mirror, either, instead of just another planet. Or why the worse me singled you out. Could help to know, if he ever comes over." Now it was Reverie's turn to flinch at that suggestion. "We, I don't really think he would now after all this time-" Luna tried to assuage their worries, only for the king to shake his head. "Cain't count it out. Go on, floor's yers." He insisted, focus on the Dream Fae.
And not on is daughter, whose pupil had thinned to a slit at the mention. "why would he come here." She nearly hissed, Dedede's expression becoming more nervous. He hadn't wanted to upset her, he was trying so hard not to, after all she'd been through already. "Lookin' for a fight. He wouldn't get far, ah wouldn't let him." He assured her. "R-right, yeah." Reverie breathed, trying to find that reassuring to little success. "Had the displeasure of meetin' him once, so ah imagine he might be up for a rematch." The king continued.
He might not be thinking through what he was saying, but Luna could see it making things worse. "Your majesty, I-but then he might just never want to come back, right..?" She hoped, trying to get him to slow down. "Ah hope, but cain't rule it out." Dedede replied to her dismay. "he wouldn’t get past me." Beep growled, sending shivers down his spine. "Ah… yeah, he wouldn't." The penguin hesitantly agreed.
This had gone far enough. "Dedede." Gremlin stated, floating in front of him, arms crossed. "What." The king huffed. "Take a break. Go wait in another room for five minutes." The Dream Demon instructed, causing Dedede to squint at him. "Ah don't recall you bein' the one in charge here." He warned. It didn't faze him this time. "Last I checked, this is my house. Take. A break." Gremlin told him, maintaining eye contact. Beep finally realized what he was doing. Slowly, she let go, backing up. She couldn’t look the bird in the eye. "y-you should."
Stunned, a mixture of guilt and relief washed over his face. "Ah… Ah don't need to." Dedede insisted, but his conviction was draining fast. "Consider it a favor for me." Gremlin informed him, the king falling silent. Finally, he spoke up. "Five minutes." The Dream Demon nodded. "Five minutes." Hesitantly, the penguin walked to the bedroom, unsteady, and closed the door behind him. Beep just felt numb. "is…Was that okay." She questioned no one in particular, unable to turn to look at anyone else.
"…it was." Her father reassured her, getting closer to her without touching her. It didn't seem like a good time, like she would run or he'd pass through her again if he pushed it. "You're doing so well, Beep…" Luna praised her, but it didn't seem to help. "I scared him." The Matter said. Her uncle frowned, bring himself closer to her level. "Beep, he has a phobia. A phobia that he tried to ignore, because he liked you enough to." Gremlin explained simply.
Quiet for a moment, she turned to face them. "…he did?" Beep asked, shocked but not negatively so. Hesitant to believe it but with a spark of hope. "I know what phobias look like. Facing them is not easy and he must have felt you were worth it." Gremlin elaborated. She was just in utter disbelief at that. But relieved as well. "So it’s gonna be okay?" The Matter hoped, looking between the three. Nervous as he was to be questioned about his past, something he knew he'd have to explain at some point, Reverie knew the answer to that. "Yeah… yeah, it will be."
"i-i did something, good?" Beep whispered. She hadn’t felt like she could do anything right until... until today. "You did so good." Luna confirmed, tears in the corners of her eyes. However, the Matter's eye was finally dry. And a small smile rested on her face.
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shhisp · 8 months
1.I read your hc about Alpha Kids education and I wonder how much of Grandma English not telling Jake about HIC was because she thought she still had more time. Like he was still very little when she died. But at the same time for me it makes Jake look very sharp that he managed to survive on that island. Buuut yeah, he wouldn't survive normal school (mood).
2. Im really curious if you have hc about Jake relationship with Jade? I'm still sad that them being penpals and clearly friends for years was ignored in Homestuck. They build murderbunny together! Best bonding time ever. Plus I bet that Dirk was veeeeeery jealous that Jake build a ROBOT with SOMEONE ELSE for SOMEONE ELSE.
1. I do think she told him ENOUGH about HIC that, like, he got a helping of generational trauma from both Condy and LE which I love because angst. I do think she would've told him more, though, when he was... you know, older. But I can just as easily see her not going into true graphic detail about the stuff she used to experience. You have Jake remembering vividly about her mother killing her dog, but she told of a more "fantastical" tale despite that detail, curiously enough. Jade has so much she just builds up inside of her that I don't think she'd ever say enough to make Jake feel as truly devastated as she knew he probably would. I imagine she told him about Bec first and foremost, which had Jake spiraling, the poor boy. She tried to tell him what she could without breaking his heart ):
2. I could probably talk about Jade and Jake and their relationship together for fucking ages and all the different dynamics, because imo there's an infinite amount of ways I handle them in my head! In which case I'll probably go into my favorite platonic dynamic for them post-game, which I've done a LOT of thinking over since 2017.
Platonic route aside I love Dirk being jealous of Jade anyway. Jake clearly went to his grandma first and foremost as his main source of comfort after such a traumatizing game and a messy breakup with a hint of sexual assault to boot, and this is more or less Hussie-confirmed! In the epilogues, out of all the direct pairs (John and Jane, Dave and Dirk, Rose and Roxy), Jade and Jake seem to be the absolute closest with each other! And the umm. Well the whole Harlenglish annual orgy thing which is....... MOVING ON!
I think she always ends up seeing him as more of her grandson than she does her grandpa, especially since they know each other as kids and all! Jake, though, just naturally seems to fit into the role of soft submissive boy raised by an awesome woman trope. He greatly idolizes her, just like he canonically does John, who I imagine he saw as more of a "Poppop" than Jane did, seeing as everything Jade told him about dear old John! It's honestly so adorable I could cry! Jake loves his family to bits and pieces and it's so... SO very wholesome.
I have my own ideas about how John would see Dirkjake working out ("EB: how can a black eye be consensual??") but Jade I think definitely Gets It more than anyone. That being said she is so horribly hard on Dirk anyway. That's her baby boy her grandpa her grandson her BROTHER!!! and she will aim a gun at him if he does something fucking stupid (and he does that a lot, I think.) Dirk however respects her to hell and back and he's like. Alright. If my boyfriend's grandma tells me to kill myself I'm gonna respect her wishes, because she's right. A lot of mutual respect remains between them all the same, imo, especially when their main goal is to just see Jake happy. I love them getting closer and starting to talk about their shared interests more than life itself as the years go by.
The conversation when he calls Jade about wanting to get out of his relationship in the candy route is one of my favorite parts between them and says sooooooo much, even if we didn't get it in canon Homestuck proper. He trusts her more than even Roxy, at that point, and that personally says so much to me. Ugh I love them. Even when they're only cousins in some AUs I make, they're always two peas in a pod that almost always share the same bed when they can.
I have some other ideas of course that would be better suited for another post, and some particular details for Grandpa and Jade and Grandma and Jake (likewise, very specific circumstances) but this is how I like to write their relationship in almost every regard. Jane doesn't strike me as very protective at all, much as I love her, but Jade and Jake will defend each other to the ends of the Earth. Jake basically threatened Dave in candy for not giving her a child, imagine if he BROKE HER HEART!!!
Harlenglishes 4ever. I would do anything for more content of them together. 😭
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gccdstories · 6 months
Xaden turned away, he needed space. How quickly she didn't trust him, how quickly he was loosing his resolve for this. 
How much he could do to get her trust him? How much he could tell her without jeopardizing everything his family had worked for?
There were spies imbedded all over Doranelle's kingdom from the villages to her inner court. He gripped the stone walls, looking out over Terresan. 
His father always said it was so easy. That he just knew to trust Natalia. That there was an intrinsic understanding between them.
This wasn't easy, whatever connection he felt like they had last year seemed far away. 
He stared at his hands thinking back to the pairs he did know. Narcissus's level of conviction that no matter what life threw at them he and Amarantha would be fine. Zimri always spoke of Arbela knowing everything about him. His trust that she'd always be there for him. 
Xaden's hands clenched he couldn't do that. He couldn't give Violet anymore of himself than he already had. 
He couldn't be completely open, he'd tried but her reactions....her insistence that she did love him. She said she'd stay by his side. That she'd choose him no matter, but she didn't trust him did she?
She didn't tell him her plans and her hunches anymore than he told her his. 
What did they do from now on? He couldn't keep having these conversations with her. 
This movement was only going to ramp up, the war would continue to grow more and more heated. 
Could they afford to continue this?
He exhaled, letting himself think the question he'd been avoiding for weeks. 
Could he afford to keep doing this?
Catriona flexed her hands and frowned at Violet. 
"I - I mean I can talk to him if you want. Why? Is he avoiding you?"
Violet sighed and sat down next to her and rubbing her forehead. 
"I don't - we had a fight. I said things I didn't mean and I couldn't - I just need to make sure he's okay. Do you mind checking on him? I think he went to the roof....he likes to go to the roof."
Catriona nodded, squeezing her wrist. She had enjoyed Xaden's company but she didn't think she had loved him like Violet did. 
Maybe she should look for a relationship like that. But to give all herself to another person made her skin crawl. 
She has been happy with their arrangement, sure she'd been petty. But then, wasn't she allowed to be? To have him break it off and ice her out?
She inspected her nails, tugging dirt from under them. 
"She's worried about you. So I'd fix whatever you did."
"Since when did you become friends Cat?"
She snapped her eyes up him, but her irritation didn't come. They both stared at each other freezing. 
The music knocked the breath from her lungs. It was so loud drowning out her own thoughts. 
She knew she stepped back, she knew she was trying to find something to hold onto as the shock made her knees buckle.
//ahhh enjoy!!!!//
She wanted him to trust her, but she didn't extend the same courtesy to him. Trust goes both ways, he'd wanted to yell, even as he felt the walls erecting. Thickening. Xaden was just so damn tired, and if he looked at everyone else-- his brothers, his parents-- It shouldn't be this hard, should it?
He hated that the doubt even existed, because he did love her. Or at least, he felt like he did. There was something there, at least, that he hadn't felt with anyone else--
But there was also a distance, a lack of acceptance. He couldn't detail every damn thing in the way she wanted him to, and he wasn't even asking her to do that much. Just to let him in--
And she backed away.
There had been a reason, many reasons as a matter of fact, that he didn't let others know of the second signet. Not the least of which was the power it held, the ability... He'd thought maybe it'd be enough, that love she proclaimed to have for him, to override the fear. The trepidation.
It wasn't.
So he'd come up here because it was the one place very few would ever follow him. It'd given him peace as a boy, serenity, and that's exactly what he sought right then, as the questions that he didn't want to think about, didn't want to dwell on, echoed over and over in his head--
Xaden exhaled a tired breath, the weary sigh falling away on the wind, as he heard Catriona behind him. He didn't turn around to look at her yet. But he scoffed, shook his head.
❝ Why do you assume it's my mistake that needs to be fixed? Hmm? I didn't do a goddamn thing this time-- ❞ Xaden finished as he let go of the stone and turned to look hard at her.
His words cut off, his eyes widened. And for the first time in a long time, Xaden just... froze.
Because it couldn't be her... it couldn't be...
Could it?
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alexbkrieger13 · 1 year
I think I have a crush on a girl I shouldn't have a crush on and I don't know what to do. Help?
Don't wanna give out too much personal info so sorry if I speak in riddles. We barely know each other and have only met a few times, by chance due to scheduling. But each time we've had the opportunity to talk for a longer while, sometimes alone with no one else around to hear. It so happened I mentioned a few things and it felt so natural to open up to her. She shared, without detail, she had gone through some hard times herself and opened up a tiny bit. We connected on that day in that moment and she put her hand on my shoulder. Next time we met we had a long talk about personal things you don't just tell anyone and it felt like we connected even more. I told her then I'm gay. She didn't reveal her orientation and she hasn't mentioned if she's single or dating anyone. I've gotten the impression she's not seeing anyone tho from some things she's said.
Recently we got "stuck" together for a good 2-3 hours. Most time among other people so no time for much personal talk. When we left she had to help me get up from a chair. I extended my arm towards her and thought she'd grab my forearm and wrist. But she took my hand and kept holding it to my surprise while she gave me a gentle smile. She then squeezed my hand briefly. When I by reflex squeezed her hand back before stopping myself and relax my grip she stroke me over my hand with her thumb a few times. As we walked towards the door she offered me to keep holding her hand. I was so out of it and didn't think further than I didn't need walking assistance so I said no. I've regretted it ever since 😭 (Who says no to holding a gorgeus girl's hand when she asks you if you wanna hold hands 🤦‍♀️). I'd noted I felt attracted to her previously but more on a superficial level. Spending so long time talking with her last week awoke my interest tho and I really noticed her. Can't stop thinking about her now.
Later the same day I needed to call her workplace and it's like a phone several people use and whoever is at the office answers. She picked up and just said hi and my name. She knew I'd recognise her. We spent some time talking on the phone when she helped me with what I needed help with. A few days later I needed to text the workphone. First another person texted me back and then I think it was this girl who answered my second text. I don't know if it was her because it's another girl at her workplace with the same first name. She'd added an emoticon last in her answer next to her name. Like she wanted me to know it was her and not the other girl.
We're not colleagues or collaborate occasionally but we're in a position it'd be inappropriate if something should start to develop between us. I don't think it'd matter it'd be mutual with consent from both. She could potentially get in trouble for it and in worse case have to stop working where's she's at now. She's not a regular employee either and it could potentially affect her if she wants to change jobs in the future to something similar or start working full time there. She's a stand in when they need extra people and she has another job at a store. The second issue is she's younger than me. Much much younger but she's an adult. She's very mature for her young age and it feels like she's just a few years younger than me.
I know what she thinks of me. During one of our personal long talks one on one she said twice I was a very beautiful person. She's told me she can feel the emotions of other people when they're telling her things and that she thought I had that gift too. Gift was the word she used. She's an empath maybe more so than me. Maybe she sensed last we met I was happy to see her again and how effortless things felt between us. It was like her soul recognised mine somehow. Maybe she sensed I subconsciously felt attracted to her and decided on a whim when the opportunity came to take my hand and do what she did. If it was just her squeezing my hand I'd written if off as she'd wanted to reassure me. It's what happened afterwards and the text with the emoticon that bugs me.
I don't know when or if I'll get to see her again. She's told me all the times we've met as we parted that she'd be a stand in from time to time and at the store this summer. She hasn't told me which one, just a store in town. Last time it sounded like she'd start to spend more time working at the store. She said it'd be the other girl with her name who'd meet me and not her. She has more than once told me where I can find her this summer. I just have to "work for it" and visit the stores in town until I spot her...
All I know is I can't stop thinking about her and that if I'd meet her every day at work or school I'd fallen for her a long time ago. I'm so confused. I can't act on it and she can't either if she happens to have romantic feelings for me if she's even gay to begin with. We can't control our emotions tho and if there's something there me and her would have to keep it a secret if we can't stay away from each other.
I think if somethings meant to happen you'll end up crossing paths. With the age thing imo i don't think age should be a hindrance as long as your both alright with it
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delaber · 2 years
The Colour of Rain (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Part 5
Summary: On the run from his violent past, Bucky has sought refuge in a small town in Mexico where he enjoys the peace and quiet of not understanding a word of Spanish. A peace that is violently disturbed when he runs into the most annoying woman he has ever met. 
Words: 4.4K
Warnings: smut(!)
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Day twenty-seven
Nervously, he had been thinking about her for several days, not sure if she'd been sober enough to remember their last conversation - and more importantly the tender kiss that had been burning on his lips ever since she’d placed it there - but when he accidentally runs into her at the local marketplace a few days later, she softly calls him Bucky and smiles secretively at him, making him sure that she remembers every detail vividly - and that she doesn't regret it at all. Finally, he can breathe freely again.
"Where did you go?" she sends him a blinding smile while adjusting the bag she has draped over her yellow dress. It takes everything inside of him to not let his eyes wander down the white strap tugged between her breasts but he manages to keep his gaze on hers. "- you weren't there when I woke up..."
She looks a bit disappointed and he knows he shouldn't be this happy about it, but he can't help but smile at her cute little pout when he realises that he’s accidentally managed to leave her wanting more. "Well, we only agreed on five minutes, remember?"
"That was before I poured my heart out to you and told you all about my brother," she laughs and bites her lower lip happily. Anticipatingly looks into his eyes and innocently cocks her head to the side. "Imagine my disappointment when I woke up to no note and an empty bed...” she makes an exaggerated pout, “I wanted to make you my world-famous waffles - and I don’t just offer them to anyone!”
"Alright," he smiles with a foreign grin he'd forgotten he could procure, “next time, okay?” Eating waffles in her bed sounds like a fucking dream.
"Next time you find me embarrassingly drunk and let me kiss you?" She laughs heartily and it makes his heart skip a beat when she addresses the moment of intemacy between them that he hasn’t stopped reliving yet. To think that he’d been lucky enough to taste her plump lips just four days ago.
"Yeah," he nods excitedly with the boyish grin still perfectly in place, "waffles then."
She smiles and looks at him hesitantly, considers something that makes her chew her cheek apprehensively.  "...maybe this Friday?" She eventually asks, cocks her head even further to the side and laughs nervously, "At the street salsa I told you about? I know you said you don't dance but it'll be fun, I promise. And if it turns out to be a complete bore anyway, I'll buy you a beer in apology."
Say no! the voice in his head screams at him but the prospect of having her touch him again overpowers everything else and it doesn't take long before he finds himself nodding along to her glistening eyes while saying "okay. Friday."
The night of day twenty-nine
Fairly nervous, he parks his bike outside the taco stand on Friday night. His heart has been racing all day, and he isn't sure he made the right decision when he said yes to her proposal but he's wasted too much time on being nervous and it's too late to back out now. He doesn't want to stand her up when they were supposed to meet up ten minutes ago.
With slightly heavy footsteps, he walks up the main street and past the Zócalo where a band is already playing salsa music loudly. A flock of people are gathered in the middle of the square standing close together two by two with backs against chests, hands on stomachs, hips swinging sensually from side to side in time with the rhythm of the music.
Bucky stops and looks at them, takes in how the women are pressing their round asses up against the men's pelvises and even though it looks lovely, he suddenly wishes he'd said no. He used to love dancing - and he used to be good at it! - but he hasn't done it for over seventy years and it sure looks like a whole lot more of body contact than back in his days.
Seriously contemplating bolting for his bike, he tears himself away from the dancing crowd but as his gaze skirts over the cathedral and away from the plaza, his eye catches the green dress with the thin waistband that he loves.
She's dancing with the meat-vendor from down the street, twirling elegantly in his arms and even though Bucky knows it's uncalled for, he feels a sharp pang of jealousy in his guts when the guy puts his muscular arms around her waist and fits his chin in the crook of her neck, pushing her ass close to his hips.
Bucky wants nothing more than to step over to them and yank her away from meat boy's arms, but it's too much. He doesn't want to dance like that. Shit, he can't dance like that! The old Bucky could but he's long gone and the shell that remains doesn’t have the ability to turn off his brain any longer, to just enjoy the moment and let his hands wander down her waist in public without thinking about who might see his weakness. He doesn’t want people to use it against him. And he definitely doesn’t want people to use it against her!
Crestfallen and disappointed with himself, he takes one last glance at her beautiful form in the green dress, readying himself for the long ride home when she takes a step forwards and does another twirl in the guy's arms. Happily, her gaze skirts around on the people dancing next to her, her eyes searching around the crowd for Bucky, her lips spreading in a warm smile when they finally land on him and he’s too enchanted to pull his cap down to cover his face. "Bucky!" she mouths happily, wrestles out of her dance partner's arms and practically skips over to him on the other side of the Zócalo. "Hi!" she flings her arms around his neck and pulls him in for a tight hug.
From the way she is holding onto him for dear life it is evident that she has been looking forward to this moment and she is so sweet and so warm that he forgets all about his discomfort.
"Hey," he mumbles against her neck and carefully puts his one arm around her back, savouring the smell of her perfume so close to his nostrils when he buries his face in his hair.
"Come on," she grins as she grabs ahold of his gloved hand and pulls him over to the crowd.
"Doll," he breathes and is surprised to hear the old-fashioned name of affection slip past his tongue. "- can we not do this?"
She stops walking and turns around in his arms, "you don't want to go dancing?"
"I'd rather not," he rubs his neck awkwardly, "I don't think I can do it like that... it's a lot of... contact. And people are watching."
"Don't worry," she assures him and grabs both his hands, "we can stay out here - and we don't have to dance like that," she says and nods backwards to the writhing bodies in the crowd. "We'll go slow, okay? One song is all I'm asking for and if you don't like it, we'll find somewhere else, okay?“
"Mmh," he grumbles in agreement, pretty sure he won't enjoy it when the song's over but suddenly very determined to make her happy.
“I promise,” she grins, “somewhere quiet. Just you and me."
You and me. He likes that. So he ends up nodding along, “alright then...” he grumbles.
She starts taking small steps back and forth while holding onto his fingers. "You should do the same," she laughs and nods towards his still feet, "- or I'm gonna extend the agreement to two songs."
He's hesitant at first, there are so many people and noises around him, but he slowly loosens up, and before he knows it, he's moving his arms and legs front and back in fluent motions to the beat of the music.
"Look at you, mr. I-can't-dance!" She praises him with an impressed look in her eye when he starts coordinating his movements, throwing in a bit of the swing steps he remembers. "Ready for the next move?"
"Mmh," he nods and looks straight into her beautiful eyes that convince him that his anxious pulse is worth standing this close to her again.
"Okay, so -" she sticks her tongue out between her teeth and chews it in concentration. Bucky almost doesn't hear what she's saying over staring at her cuteness. "- what you wanna do is swing me around, alright?"
"Yeah," he nods and holds up his arm, spins her away from him. This move he remembers.
"Good," she laughs as she twirls away. "Now reel me back in," she spins again and moves closer.
He catches her with both arms, accidentally grabs her around the abdomen and pulls her close to his chest. He can hear her giggling as she moves her hips in front of him to the rhythm of the music and he wishes the band would shut up so he can hear it more clearly.
He briefly skirts his eyes over the other couples who are dancing on the Zócalo and sees how all the men who're standing in the same position he is, have their hands placed on their partner's ribs right beneath their breasts. "Eh - is this, is this okay?" he mumbles and slowly traces his fingers over her waist.
"Yeah," she breathes and moves a little closer to him, "yeah, it feels good."
“It does,” his hands involuntarily pull her a little closer and his thumbs rub over the area of her dress that is covering up her lower back, gently massaging the bundle of muscles right above her ass. She lets her head fall back against his shoulder with a small, happy sigh but never stops swinging her hips back and forth.
"I've really been looking forward to this," she hums so quietly Bucky almost misses it.
"Me too," he mumbles against the sensitive spot on her neck and without thinking takes a step closer so his pelvis comes in contact with her ass.
He forgets everything around them, doesn't even register the music that has started playing even louder as he just enjoys her beautiful presence. They stand like that for a while - definitely more than two songs - soft hips grinding into tense thighs, rough gloves running over silky, green fabric, fingers intertwined around her stomach, heads against shoulders, lips close but never touching.
It isn't until the music stops playing and she turns around in his arms that he registers that there are still people around them and that he's been very public about his affection for her. Immediately he lets go of her and takes a step back while quietly applauding the music. “I'm sorry," he mumbles and shyly looks away from her happy face.
"Why?" She looks up at him with stars in her eyes while she takes a step closer to him. "It was the best dance I've had in a while. Thank you."
Bucky can feel his ears grow warm. He didn't even think he had it in him to dance anymore and here she is, the woman who’s on his mind 24/7, complimenting him so sweetly. "Yeah, alright," he can't help the smile that tugs at the corners of his mouth. "Me too. It's been a nice evening. Thank you."
She furrows her eyebrows and sends him a pout. "What? You wanna go home already?"
"No, I mean... not if you don't want to?"
"I was rather hoping you'd let me invite you over for a drink," she bites her lips hopefully. "But no pressure."
"Yeah, no," he nods fast and thinks about how wonderful it had felt to be lying in her bed the week before. He doesn’t want to miss out on that ever again, "yeah, I'd love to."
"Good," she smiles up at him and follows him across the Zócalo and back to his motorcycle by the closed-up taco stand.
"You've really never danced before?" She asks him and bumps her elbow against his.
"I used to love dancing," he admits lowly with a nod, "but I haven't done it in years - and never like that."
"It's a shame. You're very good at it," she laughs and runs her eyes down his front. "You have very nice hands."
Even though he's heard that compliment several times before, it still feels different when it comes from her lips and not from some random dance partner from his youth. "Thanks," he tries to contain the stupid smile on his face as he walks the last few steps to his bike and sits down, scooting forwards to make room for her.
"I guess I'll take my seat then," she giggles and swings her leg over the back of the bike, taking the seat behind him while putting her chin on his shoulder blade, grabbing the gloved hand that had been lying flat against his thigh, and he swears he can feel her grin broadly against the leather of his back when he squeezes her fingers. “Take me home, Bucky.”
“Sure thing, sweetheart.”
With her hands wrapped tightly around his abdomen and her constant giggles in his ear, he takes them across town, past the aqueduct on the other side of the main road, and stops in front of the little blue house with the red windows that he so easily has come to love.
"Come on in," she unlocks the front door, discards her red sweater just inside the door and heads directly to the kitchen where she finally spins around and faces him again with a smile, "would you like a drink?"
"Yeah, sure," he nods as he stares at her form. Runs his eyes down her bare legs underneath the green dress, "whisky - if you have?"
"Of course," she pulls down a bottle of amber liquid from a shelf above her and pours them two glasses while Bucky admires the small kitchen with the lovely decor that is just as warm vibrant as she is.
"How did you find this place?" He asks and absentmindedly picks up a small, colourful wooden figure resembling a panther-like creature with wings.
"Craigslist," she chirps happily and Bucky nods knowingly although he has no idea what the hell she's talking about. "-It's this lovely couple downtown that rent it out. It's monthly based so I can sort of just up and leave when I'm ready to go back home so that’s nice."
"Oh," he says in surprise and drops his hands to his side. He'd completely forgotten that she still has a life somewhere else. Somewhere far away. "When - uhm - when do you think that is?" he clears his throat and looks down at the colourful panther in his hand to try and conceal his disappointment.
"I don't know," she shrugs and hands him one of the whisky glasses, "I try not to plan too much. That's part of the adventure, right?"
"Yeah, right," he nods as if he agrees and isn't annoyed by her vague answer.
"- well, I mean... I guess I'll be leaving when the rain season hits. I wouldn’t exactly say I hate the rain but I just really love the sun, you know," she cocks her head to the side and smiles broadly.
"Mmh," he nods again, slightly more calm now that he knows that he has at least two more months of her but still not completely convinced it's enough.
"It's lovely here right?" She dreamily looks around at the lovely decor and leans backwards against the kitchen counter with her legs crossed sensually in front of her, "colourful."
"Yeah, it is...” he agrees and refrains from telling her that she is more colourful than the entire room combined.
“I’m still here and I already miss it,” she slurps her whisky and looks around the small kitchen.
“What are you going to do with all your furniture when you go home?" He asks her, hoping that she hasn't noticed his slight change in mood, "- are you bringing it all with you or keeping a piece or two here if you should ever come back?" he clears his throat and hopes she takes the bait.
"It came fully furnished so everything was already here when I moved in," she takes a sip of her whisky and looks back at him, "- well everything apart from that one," she grins and nods towards the panther he'd forgotten he was holding. "- that one's mine."
He looks down on the small wooden figure and turns it over in his hand, traces the beautiful, intricate pattern on the underside of its belly. "What is it?"
"It's my alebrije," she says matter-of-factly.
"Your what?"
"My alebrije!" she laughs, "my protector. He keeps the evil spirits away from me."
"Evil spirits, huh?" he can't help but grin at her excitement.
"Yep. Bought it one of the first days I was here. I know it sounds silly, but I've actually felt more at peace ever since I got it. Been sleeping like a dream."
"Hmm... maybe I should get me one of those then," he jokes and puts it back down on the small coffee table he'd picked it up from.
"Here," she grins and walks over to him, picks the small figure back up and hands it to him, "- I think you need it more than I do to be honest."
"No, I can't take it," he shakes his head and pushes her hand away, "who's gonna protect you then?"
"...You are?" She grins and puts the alebrije in the breast pocket of his leather jacket before he can protest, lets her fingers linger over his heart while he stares at her perplexed. "There you go," she smiles warmly up at him, "it's yours now. No takebacksies."
He's stunned while he looks down at her. She's so kind, so selfless, so beautiful and he only wants to kiss her.
So he does.
Slightly anxious and with a brick-load of nerves jumping under his skin, he leans forwards and finally presses his lips to hers again. Connects the two of them while the alebrije howls hungrily in his pocket. It doesn't take her long to respond; one second of warm contact and she immediately has her arms around his neck, her fingers in his hair, her soft tongue inside his mouth, and he's goddamn moaning at the touch.
"It's okay, it's okay," she whispers in between pillow-soft kisses when he freezes slightly due to his blunder. "Please make that sound again," she rakes her hands through his hair again, and even though she practically begged for it, it still comes out naturally.
"Oh my god," he groans in her ear and presses his palms to her buttocks when she moves her lips from his mouth and instead starts kissing his jawline and throat.
"Tell me if it's too much," she whispers, takes his earlobe in between her teeth and tugs slightly so everything inside of him ignites.
"No, it's good," he groans and feels how he immediately grows impossibly hard under her touch.
"Yeah?" she traces her hands down the front of his trousers, palms him through the denim and makes a warm flame of lust shoot up through his stomach.
"Fuck," he whispers and grabs her ass harder, pulls her close to his broad chest. He can’t believe his luck!
"Bedroom," she pants and leads him to the small room where she’d fallen asleep with her hand in his, where they’d shared their first kiss, where he’d realised that he was slowly falling for her.
Gently, she pushes him backwards so he sits down on the big mattress before she climbs on top of him and immediately starts planting small, peppered kisses down his throat and jawline while her hands presses in on his chest until he's lying completely flat against the bed.
"Oh god," his hands travel down her back until they finally reach her ass again. He pulls her body upwards so he can get a better grip on her buttocks, caresses them softly underneath the skirt of her dress, traces the laces tugged between them and enjoys her warm lips on his skin while her fingers nuzzle in his hair.
"Mmh, Bucky," she whispers his name so sweetly that he can't help but press down on her thighs so her pelvis meets his. He is already groaning and panting loudly as he imagines all the ways he can make her squirm in his arms and can feel the impossible strain in his jeans when she slowly rocks back and forth on top of him. He wants nothing more than to just rip off her dress and fuck her like there's no tomorrow.
"Do you want to take off my clothes?" She whispers and he merely whimpers in response while massaging the soft skin underneath her green dress, reaches out his hand and lets his fingers wander over the front of her lace panties so she gasps in his ear. He pushes up her skirt, runs his hands over her thighs, massages the soft skin of her stomach with his thumbs.
She grabs his dog-tags and pulls him closer while grinding down on him, drags her bottom over the front of his jeans so his head falls backwards and his Adam’s apple bounces in his throat. "Take off your shirt," she whispers and pulls him even closer.
He lets her feel his name engraved in the steel around his neck before he kisses her again. "No, tonight's about you, sweetheart."
"But I want to see you," she whimpers and runs her hand over his stomach that is still covered up by a protective layer of cotton.
"Not -" he gulps and grabs her wrist when her hand is about to sneak past the hem of his shirt, "- not tonight..."
"Bucky..." she pulls her face away from his, looks at him with huge, honest eyes. "I don't care about your arm."
He looks up at the sweet angel sitting on top of him while massaging her thighs. How does he explain his scars to her? The black bruises on his chest that have never disappeared? The big red communist star near his shoulder? She might have figured out that he has a fake arm but there's no way in hell, she'll ever see that.
"Not tonight, sweetheart," he eventually ends up sighing after a second that seems to last an eternity.
"...Okay," she slowly accepts with a slightly disappointed nod and kisses his ear while lacing her fingers with his, "it's okay."
"Mmh," he breathes out and squeezes her fingers tight, realises that he wants to touch her properly, to feel if her skin truly is as soft as it looks. No leather in between. "I can take off my gloves if you want to."
She stops kissing him, pulls her face back from his again and traces her gaze all over him to check if he's okay. "Only if you're comfortable with it," she whispers gently, "I'm in no rush."
"It's fine," he nods and pulls off both leather gloves in one swift motion and is quick to put his hands back on her hips before she has time to see his left hand in detail.
Slowly, he traces the soft skin of her hips, her stomach, her thighs. "Oh god," he groans and closes his eyes as he carefully feels every ridge, curve and square inch of soft, beautiful skin between his fingertips. It's so much better than he expected. She is absolutely perfect!
"Mmh, you like touching me?" She asks while looking down at him confidently. She's wearing the biggest, proudest grin on her face and she’s so fucking sexy that he can't help but stutter his hips upwards a little, pushing himself up against her warmth.
"You have no idea," he pants and feels himself grow even harder as he looks up at her half-hidden eyes.
She reaches between them, palms his massive erection through the denim of his jeans and start working on his belt.
"Hey, no, no, no," he grabs her wrist again and forces her hand away. She can't see the stab wound on his thigh. She can't know exactly how bad his past is. "Tonight was supposed to be about you."
"That was not an agreement I said yes to," she laughs and gently reach inside his jeans to touch him over the fabric of his boxers.
"God!" He groans and feels how his face falls forwards until his forehead connects with hers. “Sweetheart, sweetheart,” he pants in warning but doesn’t push her hand away. It feels too good to finally have her touch him like this.
She rubs him slowly, feels around until she reaches his balls where she lightly cups them, resulting in him exulting a low, sultry moan. "You wanna take off your jeans?" She whispers in his ear. "You can keep your boxers on if you'd like."
He takes a second to contemplate whether he can cover up the large scar on his inner thigh, but eventually decides that it's probably doable with a bit of effort.
"Yeah, okay," he gulps and stands up from the bed, unzips his trousers quickly and pulls them down, relieved to see that the scar is almost completely hidden by the black fabric of his boxers.
When he turns around to face her again, he is surprised to see that her gaze isn't focused on his metal hand or the angry scar peeking out from under the edge of his underwear but instead on his face. His eyes. His mouth. And she's touching herself; her knees are spread apart, her fingers are running over the lace-covered heaven between her legs, her mouth is falling open in a silent moan, and she’s fucking touching herself while looking at him!
“Holy shit!”
Quickly, he throws himself down next to her, kisses her neck and pushes her fingers away from her body in doing so, finally touching his own fingers to her crown. "Mmh that's it," he whispers and can feel his cheeks go warm when she softly moans his name. “Sweetheart, you have no idea what you’re doing to me!” he kisses her mouth and nibbles at her skin while his fingers are working magic on her core. He traces his lips down her throat, pushes up the skirt of her dress and finally finds the way underneath her panties so he can feel the wet skin between her legs.
"Oh my goodness!” without a flinch, she grabs his titanium hand, gently laces her finger with the cool metal while she arches her back and enjoys his movements.
"Mmh," he hums against her neck, flexes his hand, finds her tight hole and presses two thick fingers inside of her.
"Fuck!" She gasps and gives out a sinful moan that travel through his ear canals and right down to his buzzing balls.
"That's it," he praises when she moans to the same rhythm that he’s moving his fingers in and out of her tight wetness, "just like that!"
"Shit - Oh shit!" she gasps and squeezes his metal hand tight, scratches her fingernails over the cotton of his back while he curls his fingers around the sweet spongy spot inside of her that has her squirming uncontrollably in his arms.
"Fuck, I'm close!" She whines loudly even though she doesn't have to tell him - he can feel her clench wonderfully around his fingers, can hear her wetness every time he moves inside of her. "So, so close!"
"Don't hold back," he pants while looking at her sinful face begging for more. "Please cum for me!" he begs and reaches down to bite her skin while his fingers squelch louder and louder inside of her, making him more and more desperate for friction as he rubs his lower body up against her widely-spread thigh.
She tugs on his hair and pants a few times before she lets the coil inside her abdomen snap with a loud series of uninhibited moans while she involuntarily clamps down on Bucky's fingers, rhythmically tightens and releases the grip she has on him while moaning and sweating on the sheets.
"Fuck yes!" He sighs happily, can feel how his precum-stained boxers have made a wet stain on her thigh and doesn't stop moving his fingers inside of her until she quietly whispers his name and grabs his wrist to get him to stop.
"Oh my god," she whines as she slowly comes down from her high. “Oh my god!” Her fingers slowly release the tight grip they have around his hands and he covers up her lower half with the dress that she's still wearing, presses a small kiss to her shoulder in appreciation. "Are you - are you sure I can't touch you?"
He puts his head down on the pillow beside her, pulls her warm body close to his. "Not tonight sweetheart," he pants and kisses her ear, ignores the thumping sensation in his crotch. "But rest assured that I loved every waking second of it."
"I know you did," she giggles and presses her ass up against the huge bulge in his pants.
"Mmh, you're absolutely perfect," he whispers and cups her breast, runs his thumb over the perky nipple that is prominently strutting through the green fabric while she giggles sleepily. He kisses her neck and shoulders, pulls her hair aside to press love to her spine and holds her close while he tries to push away the thought of her ever leaving Mexico.
A sudden whisper brings him out of the darkness, brings back the light to his dark thoughts when her lips pop at the first syllable of his name;  "...Hey, Bucky?"
"Yeah?" he mumbles and kisses her again.
"Waffles in the morning, okay?"
He can't help but grin widely to himself in the dark. "Yeah. Okay."
Next part
Tag-list: @elemenhoepe @summerofsnowflakes @theselilwonders @cency @selmachoukri @fictional-l0v3r @siesala @navs-bhat @natbarnes1917 @madwitch7 @goldylions @mysticatto @lesbians4levinson2021 @glxwingrxse @cjand10 @ladyravenclaw @kaaashie @ecolle @real-jane @roses-are-deadly @anxietyandtacos @buuuuuuucky @voidshoutsback @buckysbb @03stepedwa
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vergeofpanic · 2 years
I constantly see people talking about Camilo and Dolores' parts in 'We Don't Talk About Bruno' but I am not ashamed to admit that Felix's voice is most definitely my favourite part of the song. The way he just puts so much energy into his parts, as short as they are, makings sure to highlight how wonderful it was to be married to Pepa, the way he just truly shows how he loves her, it's just wonderful.
"I'm sorry, mi vida, go on" has got to be my favourite part of the song, aside from the end of it with all the parts merged together. His voice is just absolutely flawless.
I would have loved to see more of his singing in the movie because from what I heard, his voice is amazing and he definitely deserves the title as best husband ever shown in a Disney Movie, so I'm going to go into more detail about that now.
You can see that Felix's affection for his family rubbed off on his children, such as Camilo helping to calm down his mama, Dolores who didn't judge Bruno for what she'd heard about him and instead of her own personal experiences with him, and Antonio who was just an angel through the movie. Felix is just a great person who raised amazing kids and cared so much for his wife.
God, that way he treated Pepa in the movie was so beautiful and I would love to see more fictional characters treat their S/O like he dies in the future. He never makes jokes about her and her feelings. He helps her to calm down when she's feeling upset. He gently reminds her to move her cloud slightly when she's crying at Antonio's gift ceremony. He encourages her to feel things, instead of bottling them up until they explode, like she was told to by everyone else around her. It's just wonderful to see him actually care about her and her feelings instead of making jokes about "happy wife, happy life" or telling her to stop overreacting. He genuinely loves her for who she is, even with her flaws and destructive tendencies and that's just something I'm so glad to see portrayed in the movie.
I would love to see more of Felix, Pepa, and Camilo if Disney decide to make a series like they did with Tangled, or even if they just did some shorts featuring them in the future (like what Dreamworks did with HTTYD with their occasional specials)
If I messed up somewhere in the post, with names or titles, or even with how Felix's acted in certain ways, please let me know. I am not overly knowledgeable on most of these things, being a white Australian teenager, but I am glad to fix up any mistakes I made in this post. If you think I should take this post down if I've been disrespectful in anyway, or overstepped, please let me know as well and I will remove it immediately. I just wanted to get these thoughts out somewhere because of my hyperfixation, but I do not have any intentions to offend anyone. I am a bit worried with how I spelt Pepa's name so please correct me if I got it wrong.
Thanks for taking the time to read this long post and I would be glad to hear your own thoughts about this.
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hello-nichya-here · 2 years
Excluding the comics, do you think Ozai and Azula knee that they are relatives to avatar Roku? Why hasn't Ursa ever told them? Do you think she didn't know that either? And how th does Iroh know?? Damn, I wonder how Azula would react to learning that she's a descendant of the Avatar, the traitor to their nation
I chose to think that Ursa and Ozai both know, and that Azula either doesn't know or wasn't told but suspected her family was hidding something, investigated, and figured it out.
However, we have no evidence of it, or for literally anything else. We know that it was a secret, but we don't know how many people knew of said secret, and my only guess as to why it was a secret at all was because the royal family wanted to sort of "erase" the memory of Roku, but also wanted to make sure no more trouble would come of his family and went for a marriage alliance instead of more murder because they were busy and the Avatar's family isn't as much of a threat as the Avatar himself.
The Sozin and Roku connection was quite clearly not something that was part of the original plans for the story, so it isn't really all that surprising that the details are hidden from us.
As to how Azula would react to learning that information, I have a few ideas (and they aren't necessarely mutually exclusive):
1 - Indifference. The royal family isn't exactly a stranger to power struggles and eating their own, so Azula could see Roku as just another name to the list (this is one if my favorite, not gonna lie)
2 - Disgust. Like you said, Roku was a traitor (according to the point of view Azula was fed her whole life) so she wouldn't be happy about that.
3 - "... Are you saying I sort of killed my great-grandfather?"
4 - THEORIES! MANY THEORIES! Could the "traitor" blood be why her mom couldn't appreciate her for being the perfect princess? Could it be why Zuko lost his way?
5 - Pride. Traitor or not, Roku was powerful as all hell, so Azula could feel at least little proud of the fact that she is also related to him (whether she'd be aware of it or ever admit it to anyone is a completely different story)
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let-them-read-fics · 3 years
Blackpink Reaction To Their S/O Struggling W/ Drug Addiction
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Warnings / Misc. -- ⚠️ Sensitive Topic ⚠️, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
A/N: Hey everyone! This request covers a sensitive topic that I haven't been personally exposed to, but I hope that I do it justice. I did my best to handle it with care and be as realistic as possible. Let me know what you think!
PS -- I didn't specifically name any substances or describe them in too much detail; I wanted to leave you room to picture whatever you had in mind, especially if you happen to be struggling irl.
👩 Also, I wrote this as Fem!Reader because nothing was specified. I hope that's alright, anon! Thank you for your patience :)
♡ Happy Reading ♡
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Discovered it after a few weeks of dating
She's amazing at reading people, so she had sensed that you were struggling with something; she just didn't know what. 
She wanted to wait for you to tell her about whatever it was, but one fateful day she witnessed something that explained it all. 
It wasn't meant to happen; she wasn't meant to see you like this. But, as fate would have it, Jisoo stumbled across something she never saw coming. 
Her footsteps grow louder as she walks her way through the house, peeking her head into various rooms in search of you. The two of you invited some of your mutual friends over, and they've all been curious as to where you slipped away to earlier.
"Baby, are you in here? Everyone's wonder--" 
The sound of the latch clicking out of place makes your heart drop and sets you into motion. Before you have enough time to fully react, though, Jisoo opens the bathroom door to find you sitting on the ground, attempting to shove a foreign substance into a plastic baggy. 
Your hands make quick work of moving it out of view and sitting up on your knees, but she picks up on what's going on. Her eyes land on the material as you shift it behind your body, looking up at her with wide eyes. 
"Jisoo--" Tears are already beginning to work their way into your eyes, slightly blurring your vision. Too many people have walked out on you after witnessing this, and the thought that she might go too is overwhelming. 
She keeps her tone level as she steps into the room and quietly shuts the door behind herself. "Y/N, please explain yourself." 
"I-I'm sorry Jisoo, I should've told you sooner." You shakily say, bringing a hand up to swipe away the few tears that've already leaked out. It's not usually like you to get so emotional so quickly, but seeing the pained look on her face is reason enough. 
"Come here," she utters, plopping down next to you and pulling you up against her body as she leans back on the side of the tub. Her fingers rub soothing circles on your back while you rest your head on her shoulder, lightly dampening the material of her shirt with your tears. "I'm not mad at you for this, but I need you to tell me about it. I want to help you, my love. I can't watch you hurt yourself like this." 
"Okay. Just promise you won't go," you softly say, the syllables of your words breaking here and there from the raw emotion you feel. 
"I'm not going anywhere, Y/N." She presses a light kiss to your temple for reassurance, and her heart breaks when she feels your hands grip at her clothes out of habit. How many times have people told you that and still left you in your time of need? She cradles you in her arms, realizing just how fragile you are in your current state, and tells you to take your time. 
With a steadying breath, you begin to explain your struggles. 
Road To Recovery
Constant check-ins
"Hey honey, we're at the studio now. Are you taking care of yourself for me?"
Helps you deal with the symptoms of withdrawal when they hit
Focuses on distraction and redirection as ways to help you cope
If you're at a party and feel tempted after seeing someone use, she leads you away to distract you from the urge
Helps you find safe alternatives 
Celebrates the little victories
"Yes, Y/N, 4 and a half weeks clean is plenty reason to celebrate. Now mark it on the calendar and get over here so I can put this hat on you." 
Playdates at your local dog café to keep your mind occupied (and bringing Dalgomie so he can make new friends, of course)
Takes you indoor skydiving. She wanted to find a way to give you an adrenaline rush while still being able to participate with you, so that was a happy medium. She battled her fear of heights to do that with you.
Not letting you lose hope if you relapse
"You're not a burden, and I'm not letting you give up on yourself. Not after all the progress you've made. I believe in you." 
Accompanying you to rehab and recovery meetings, if you want her to
Bringing you your favorite snacks and candies when she picks you up
"I got you a little something," she smiles, leaning over the center console of the car to kiss your cheek. "You deserve a treat, baby." 
Whenever you decide to tell everyone about your struggles and recovery journey, she's right next to you for support 
Spends all the time she can with you
Early on, she would get really worried when you missed her calls or took a while to respond, but eventually she got over her fears to some degree
Still checks up on you when she's away for work
"Sorry for missing your call, Chu. Dalgom tried to kill me when I was giving him a bath and I couldn't get to the phone in time." 
Overall, just a very proud girlfriend who sticks by you no matter what
After You've Recovered
Annual "recovery party" to commemorate your sobriety 
Sometimes you invite the girls and your other friends, and sometimes you prefer to just spend the day at home with Jisoo
"Look at how far you've come, my love. I'm so proud of you."
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She would be the only one who figured it out on her own. She picked up on the signs fairly quickly and always subtly helped steer you away from any potentially tempting situations
If you two watched a movie that happened to have a triggering scene in it, she always noticed how you'd look away and subconsciously tense up a bit
"Hey, babe. This movie's kinda boring; why don't we watch that new Netflix documentary instead?" 
If the two of you were invited to parties that were likely to have a bunch of alcohol and drugs, sometimes she'd try to suggest staying in or doing something else instead
You eventually caught on to her diversion attempts, and sat down with her to have a talk. 
"How long have you known?" You ask, pulling your legs up towards your chest as you sit back against the headboard of your California King. 
"A few weeks," she starts, running a brush through her hair until it's untangled. Her damp locks stick to her shoulders as she approaches you, some strips slightly drier than others. "Were you ever gonna tell me?" She inquires softly, facing you as she sits down beside you on the bed. 
"Of course, Jen. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner, I just… I was on my own with it before you. I didn't have anyone to turn to because everyone left once they found out." Your confession makes her chest ache -- it's a physical, honest pain that she feels as she imagines you battling such an unforgiving foe with no one in your corner. She places a warm hand on your thigh to comfort you, knowing just how much her touch helps when you're upset. "Hey, it's okay. There's no point in worrying about that now. I know it's hard to open up, babe, so thank you for doing this. I'm here to listen, alright?"
"Thank you, Jennie. I don't know what I'd do without you." 
"You'll never have to know, either, because I'm staying right here." 
"I love you," you whisper, leaning forward to press a kiss to her lips. 
"I love you, too," she sighs against you, preparing herself for the emotional night you're about to have. For now, she takes a moment to just pull you into her arms and rest her forehead against yours, finding comfort in your steady heartbeat. 
"We'll start whenever you're ready." 
Road To Recovery
Makes various arrangements to ensure that the media won't know of your struggles
Keeps things on lock, especially if you decide to remain private on the matter and not tell the world
If you make a public statement about it, she still does everything she can to keep you protected from the negativity. She knows first hand how tough it can be to deal with, so she never lets you face it alone
You both help each other work through things
"You're my rock, Y/N/N." 
"And you're my world, Jen."
Takes care of you during bouts of withdrawal 
Sings to you to calm you down and help you relax
Takes you to theme parks and rides all the big coasters with you so you can get a similar high that you did from the drugs. She gets to be clingy with you and spend the day having fun, so she doesn't mind it, and you enjoy it just the same.
Suggests fun activities for you to do together 
"We should visit that pottery place tomorrow! I've heard a lot of good things about it." 
You stick close together when you're in public, especially when paparazzi are near
Your presence helps with her anxiety, and you hold her close and tell jokes to keep her attention off of it
Random surprise celebrations waiting for you when you get home
"Hey Jen, I'm home." You announce, shrugging your coat off before hanging it up on the metal rack next to the front door. 
"In here," she calls from the kitchen, effectively pulling you in with that sweet voice of hers. When you reach the doorway and peek in, a dumbstruck smile slowly parts your lips as you see the set up she constructed. 
"Happy 3 Weeks" a multicolored banner reads, displaying the phrase above your dining room table where Jennie sits. "Surprise, honey," she says softly, glancing down at the cake she made for you as she scoots it closer. You approach the table and examine it, practically feeling your heart grow 10 sizes from the love you hold for your girlfriend. 
"Is this why you left practice early?" 
"Mhm," she nods, kissing your cheek before she reaches into a small gift bag next to her chair. "I'm so proud of you," she grins, sliding a thin, glittery headband into your hair. It has two springs attached to the top that bounce in every direction possible, surely making you look like a dork. 
"God, I love you." 
"You'd better keep that same energy after trying the cake. I think I might've added too much baking soda…"
You shake your head and pull her in, pressing kiss after kiss to her lips until she's grinning just as hard as you. 
Going on adventures with Kuma and Kai
Especially to dog parks and other national parks 
Helps you fill things out for rehab and doesn't let you get too stressed about it
Helps you regain confidence in yourself if you relapse
"This isn't the end, Y/N. You're strong, I know you can beat this."
Is right next to you through it all
After You've Recovered
Go on an annual vacation to get away from everything and celebrate your sobriety. You take the opportunity to escape the media and reconnect with each other
"Where to this year, Y/N? Bora Bora, maybe?"
Intimate celebration between the two of you on vacation, and then the girls throw you a party when you come back
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You were really good at hiding your secret from people -- especially those that you care about most. You're always afraid that once they find out, they'll pack up and leave. 
Rosé was one of the first to actually stay
She had been fairly oblivious to your struggles since you masked that side of yourself well, but one day the two of you attended a little get-together at your old friend's house, and your dirty laundry was aired.
"Bro, come on, let's play Truth or Dare!" One of your old friends says, perking up at the fact that he remembered the game even existed. He's already a little tipsy, but so are some of the others. 
"I don't know, dude," you hesitantly start, missing the way that Rosé curiously raises a brow beside you. 
"Come on, we'll keep it tame." Another person adds from the couch opposite you, their voice low. You recognize her as Cho, a sort of frenemy from your high school years. Something doesn't sit right for you with the hint of mischief that shines in her eyes, but your friends' pleas eventually push the feeling away and you relent. 
"Fine, but if Austin gets dared to do some dumb shit like last time I'm dropping out." 
"Like what?" 
"Like what?" You ask back, disbelief evident in your voice. "Are you forgetting the fact that I had to bail you out after you got arrested for streaking down the neighborhood?" 
"Okay, fair point," Austin holds his hands up in surrender. "Just a few rounds." 
As everyone's once boisterous laughter finally dies down into quiet chuckles, you turn to Rosé for a quick kiss. She reciprocates and holds you there for a few more seconds, loving the way your lips feel against her own. As you brush your nose against hers and garner a sweet giggle from her, Cho interrupts the moment with a phrase that makes your blood run cold. 
"So, Rosé, has Y/N told you about the time she got arrested for drug possession? Word on the street is that she still can't shake her old habit..." 
Rosie feels the way you tense up at the question and pull away from her, cringing at the exposure you just received. The room goes silent, enabling a pen to be heard if it were dropped. 
"Hey," Austin goes to defend you, about to yell at her for bringing up such a difficult topic. 
"It's fine, Austin," you say, sticking your hand out in front of him to keep him from approaching her. The last thing you want right now is a screaming match about your struggles. 
Rosie finally speaks up after what feels like an eternity, turning to Cho to say, "No, but that's none of your business. And I strongly advise that you don't speak on her name like that again." She cuts her eyes at the other girl, sending an icy glare at her to show that she's serious before giving her attention to you again. 
When a few tense moments pass with no one really saying anything, Jackson, the host, speaks up. "I think you need to go, Cho." 
"Ah, what a shame. The fun was just starting," she mockingly pouts, stopping next to you on her way out the door. Rosé strokes the back of your hand to soothe you, tracing mindless patterns with her thumb until your shoulders relax and you look into her eyes. With Cho now gone, your friends decide to go out into the backyard and give the two of you some time to clear things up. 
"So, I guess we should talk." You start, pulling your legs up onto the couch to sit criss-cross. She studies the way that you begin to nervously fidget and drop eye contact, and the sight breaks her heart. 
"Your past is your past, Y/N, and I won't ever judge you for it. I wish she wouldn't have brought it up like that -- I really wish she didn't," she says, emphasizing the word to remind you of how upset she is with Cho, "But I can tell that you're still struggling. I want to help you get better, and I'll be here with you every step of the way, babe. You mean the world to me." She smiles sadly, trying not to think of how much it would hurt to lose you. 
"Okay," you breathe out, accepting the honest help that she's extending to you. You've been burned and lied to in the past, but you trust Rosé to stay true to her word and assist you on the hard journey laid out before you. "Let's start from the beginning," you say, preparing yourself to retell your struggles from the moment they began all those years ago. 
Road To Recovery
Takes care of you when withdrawal hits hard
Isn't afraid to take the day off if it's bad enough and she needs to
"Hey, Teddy. Tell everyone that I'll be staying home today, okay? I've already let the girls know, too." 
Reassurance to the max
"You're doing amazing."
Is your shoulder to cry on when times get tough
On a weekend trip, the two of you snuck away to the beach to go cliff diving. It was a thrilling experience, and you'll always remember that day with her
Helps you find healthier alternatives to your addiction that can make the transition easier until you fully recover
"Baby, look at this." She says, repositioning her laptop so that you can see what she's looking at. The two of you are sitting on the bed, and her legs are stretched out over yours. "These herbs are safe to smoke and they can help with a lot of your troubles. These over here," she says, pointing to a section of the screen, "help with stress and anxiety. They make it easier to relax." You nod, logging the information in your brain as you run a hand over her smooth skin to keep yourself calm. It's a habit that both of you love. "Thank you, Rosie. Nobody's ever done anything like this for me." You say, keeping your head down as you remember all the people that have left you behind in your time of need. 
"You'd do the same for me, and I'm happy to be here for you." She declares, holding one of your hands within both of her own. She cradles it delicately, just like she does your heart. "I'll do whatever it takes to make you feel my love. I'm not going anywhere, babe." She leans in, connecting your lips in a sweet kiss. 
Keeps your spirits up if you relapse
"You're not a failure, Y/N/N. This is just a setback, and we're going to get through it together."
One of her friends told her about a fun art class that's supposed to help people in recovery let go of some of their resentment and negative feelings, so she brought it up and you agreed to go
It was structured in two parts:
Part 1: Everyone went out to an old car lot that had various old vehicles, electronics, and other things to smash up. Once you let loose and relieved some of your tension, you collected scraps of the things you destroyed.
Part 2: With the scraps you brought back, you were told to create any type of artwork you wanted -- whatever felt right. Collage, graffiti, scrapbook, etc. At the end of the class, you were informed of the driving message behind it: Though the negative feelings and aversions you dealt with in the past may have left you feeling broken, you never really were -- you've always had the power to piece yourself back together and continue on.
After You've Recovered
Taking a month off work every year to travel and experience new things together. Usually consists of going to another city (or even country) and exploring their art museums and other artistics outlets 
The new experiences help remind you off all the reasons you want to stay sober, and they help her have new material for her songs
Lots of pictures and drawings to remember all of your adventures
Collect trinkets to hang up / display, especially around the holidays
The girls have a special celebration waiting for you when you return
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She could tell something was wrong when your behavior started to change over the course of a couple weeks
She suspected other things, but after finding a substance in your bag while on a vacation trip, she was blind sided by the reality of the situation
"Hey Lis, have you seen my swimsuit?" You casually ask, strolling into your hotel bedroom in search of the item. "I thought I left it--"
Your words catch harshly in your throat, nearly making you choke from how quickly you cut yourself off. She's sitting on the edge of the bed with the baggy in her hands, and tears brim in her eyes. 
"Fuck," you wince, closing your eyes as you put your face in your hands. "You weren't supposed to find out like this."
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asks, staring straight ahead, though her eyes don't focus on anything in particular. Knowing you hurt her is bad enough, but seeing her like this makes the pain even more evident. 
"I was going to, I promise. But I've been trying to wean myself off of it," you begin to explain, slowly walking across the room until you're in front of her. You squat down and put your hands on her thighs, staying quiet until she meets your gaze. "I've tried to quit cold turkey in the past but it didn't go down well. I figured I could handle this on my own and not get you involved."
"Baby, I want to be involved. You've been different lately, and having you shut me out didn't help ease my fears. I want to be a part of this, okay? You can turn to me when you feel alone," she says through the occasional tears that roll down her cheeks, "It's my job to help you and keep you safe. So let me," she crouches down next to you as she says the last part, wrapping her arms around you when she notices your lip tremble. "I'm not gonna let this get between us," she says against your shoulder, reminding you of how strong her love for you is. 
"I'm sorry I waited so long," your words are muffled against her shirt, but she can hear how the emotion in them changes your voice slightly. 
"We have to start somewhere, and this is just as good a time as any. I'm right here, Y/N/N."
Road To Recovery
Sweet texts and reminders throughout the day
"Hey baby, have you eaten today? The girls and I miss you like crazy." 
"Don't forget about your check-up tomorrow. I already told my manager that I'll be taking the day off, so I'm all yours 😉"
"*image attachment* Question: Do you think Lego would look cute in this or do you think Lego would look cute in this? Because he WOULD." 
Stargazing trips to talk about how far you've come
Making treats for the cats together if you have a bad day
Sometimes your withdrawal leaves you with weird cravings, but she never hesitates to race to the store at any hour and snatch up your favorite treats
Learning how to cook together to keep you occupied and give you a hobby (plus she's always wanted to get better at it)
“If you fling that at me, I swear to God I'll--”
Day trips to random parks and open locations to have little photoshoots when she has free days
Once took you bungee jumping for the experience and adrenaline rush
Bringing you into the studio if you're having a hard time and don't want to be alone
Always listens to you and shows how much she cares
Opts out of events if she suspects that drugs will be there to tempt you (considering you're always her plus one)
You still send her to enjoy herself at the events without you sometimes, though it does take a lot to convince her to leave you at home
"Okay, okay! But we're binging that new show when I get back." 
Makes you laugh often and cheers you up when you need it most
She's your sunshine
After You've Recovered
Considering that you're her muse and she's the artist that she is, she hatched a plan early on to document your journey to recovery
"One more, babe. Just like that." She instructs, holding the camera up to her eye one final time. "Perfect." 
"Alright, close your eyes and turn around." She commands while returning to the coffee table that sits in the middle of your living room. Her hands make quick work of putting the finishing touches on her gift for you while you patiently sway and hum to whatever song is stuck in your head at the moment. 
"Annnnnd done!" She shouts, approaching you with a wide smile tugging at her lips as she holds the book out in front of herself. "It's a photo album. I started it the day you told me you wanted to try and get better," she says, smiling softly as she slowly walks you through the beginning pages of the book. "I thought it would be nice to see how far you've come," her eyes remain glued to the pictures she took as she continues flipping, and she fails to realize that you're staring at her now. 
"I'm so in love with you. I can't thank you enough, Lis. This is beautiful." You shake your head in quiet disbelief, genuinely surprised that someone would work so hard on something for you. It shouldn't be a surprise with her though, considering how much she loves you, but it still baffles you sometimes. 
"This gift only shows a fraction of my love for you, but I'm happy you like it. This is nothing, baby; there's so much more where this came from. Thank you for letting me in." She captures your lips in a meaningful kiss, and finds it hard to pull away. You seem to be her drug of choice, but neither of you care to end that sweet addiction.
Annual trips to photoshoots and fashion shows
Being her favorite model (seriously, she could look at you for hours on end)
Always feeling so loved and cherished, no matter what the two of you are doing
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