#i don't remember when i last drew backgrounds
jokerx-art · 23 days
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rough background practice but it's ews
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art · 25 days
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Creator Spotlight: @themetalhiro
Hi, I’m Metal! I’m a freelance artist from good ol’ New Jersey. My favorite things to work with are a lot of bright colors, exaggerated poses, and candid scenarios. I try to farm sensible chuckles whenever I can, so I’m also big into comics. I love making them about my life, and the media I’m into, and one day I’d like to publish my own series!  Thank you to everyone who has gotten me this far!!
Check out Metal's interview below!
Did you originally have a background in art? If not, how did you start?
I guess so! It’s funny, I don’t remember a single time in my life that I wasn’t drawing as a hobby… somewhere in middle school (a little late, I know.) I put the pieces together that animated movies were made by artists, and that it wasn’t just for fun, they were paid to do it. The moment I discovered people could be paid to make art, I decided I would do that, too. Now I’m here!
How has your style developed over the years?
I think the best way to answer this would be with an example! Over the last few years, I have made more of an effort to draw more intentionally, which sounds silly. Now, I put more thought into my poses and step out of my comfort zone with shape language and composition. I had a phase where I drew everyone with a huge, perfectly circular head and no nose. That definitely did not lend much variety...
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Which 3 famous artists (dead or alive) would you invite to your dinner party?
Ack! I’m so terrible at history! I’d love to give a well-thought-out answer about fine artists of old, but I don't think we’d have much in common… Most artists I admire and who have driven me forward creatively are the people behind comics I’ve read. Andrew Hussie, Bryan Lee O’Malley, Eiichiro Oda... these guys have inspired me greatly and had a heavy influence in developing my art style and sense of humor. I’d love to ask them questions about their processes and upcoming projects. I think it would make for an entertaining night!
Over the years as an artist, what were your biggest inspirations behind your creativity?
Outside of pure aesthetics like searing bright colors, layered clothing, and loud noises…. the best and most inspiring moments in my life were those surrounded by friends and loved ones! I cherish the hell out of memories of hanging around in fun locations, trying weird food together, and impromptu midnight walks... so I try my best to capture that atmosphere and my own memories in my work when I can, even if I’m imposing fictional characters on top of them. That’s always the core of it.
What is a medium that you have always been intrigued by but would never use yourself?
I would never permanently refuse a medium, but every time I pick up clay, I’m like a baby using its hands for the first time. Absolutely dreadful. If one day I could make and paint a figurine like the ones I admire in videos, that would be awesome... But for now, I’m not counting on it.
How do you want to evolve as a creator?
I’ve had an absolute blast drawing fanart over the years, and it’s certainly played a massive role in my growth as an artist. But my dream has always been to publish my own stories for y'all to enjoy! I have lots of worlds I want to introduce to you before I’m old and gray. I want to get faster, work harder, and get better at drawing interesting settings so I can get the wheels turning as soon as possible. I also want to stop avoiding the color blue like a coward.
What do you wish you knew when you first started out creating art that you know now?
Pay your taxes quarterly. Tablets will break at the exact moment you need them most, so have a spare. Wear your blue light glasses. You’re going to need to wear a brace on every joint on the right side of your body. It can be lonely sitting at your desk all day. The car on the side of the road that costs $1000 cash….. don’t trust it!!!
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Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
@cranity—They use absolutely beautiful colors and weighty line work. Everything looks so sharp and clean! I wanna put it all up on my wall!
@vewn—Their ability to crank out quality short films and illustrations packed with detail is incredible. The off-kilter perspective they use really sells disorientation and catches your attention like nothing else.
@nelnal—They have absolutely banger character designs again and again, I can’t believe one person’s mind can come up with so many creative ideas!
@jinx88kc—They have a beautiful and recognizable style, and the way they incorporate animation into their illustrations sometimes is SO cool!
Thanks for stopping by, Metal! For more of Metal’s work, follow their Tumblr, @themetalhiro!
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class1akids · 17 days
BNHA 423 - Thoughts (aka how to fumble your ending: a masterclass by Kohei Horikoshi)
I won't have time on Sunday, so I'll write up my chapter thoughts today. Probably the last time for this series (unless we get a Todo-family moment in the epilogue).
I've joined this fandom 6 years ago and written countless meta and analysis. I'm grieving today not that the story has come to an end, but the way it fumbled its landing.
Last chapter: Deku after a combo from everyone Rises to everyone shouting Ganbare and All Might Annointing him as HIS personal Jesus Greatest hero
This chapter:
Everyone's aggregate animosity (including 16 members of Class A - missing: Uraraka, Bakugou, Shoto and Aoyama) and the strength Deku added to OFA in 2 years kill AFO-in-Shigaraki's regen (even though he was engineered by Ujiko to be able to hold OFA).
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Deku punches the body of that little crying boy he yapped about saving of the big bad and it starts to crumble. So AFO looks for a new host in Deku.
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We get to the only good point in this chapter: as Aizawa is yelling for Midoriya, ShiraGiri worries about Tomura. The tragedy of how their lives went in separate ways. The only person on this battlefield who cares about Tomura is Kurogiri
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WTF - I'm emotional. This must help bring Tomura back, right?
Let me see! what's happening on the vestige side?
Is Kurogiri dead? Why?
Or fuck that - let's get to Bakugou, because why not. Obviously, he's in desperate need of another highlight.
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Let's even make sure he gets personally praised in case in the last 5 chapters he was not mentioned we forgot how he's the awesomest. Who cares about Kurogiri dying in the background? Who cares about Aizawa's or Mic's feelings? The most important question is how Bakugou got to the battlefield.
Oh, wait, here comes the twist. Remember that crappy little panel of Shoto in the last chapter? No? Don't worry. Neither does 99% of the fandom, except a few die-hard Shoto-fans.
Well, you see, that crappy panel was actually Shoto being hidden as he lifted up Deku at the end of that long combo to give him his last push. And the one above, is not a BKDK combo but an Origin Trio combo. It's just cropped the same way BKDK shippers always crop Shoto out of any Trio pictures.
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Congratulations, Kohei Horikoshi-sensei! What an amazing twist. You managed to write Schroedinger's Origin Trio scene! It happened, but maybe it never did. Thanks for stringing me along all these years through the rollercoaster rides of Origins and Risings. I'll take that playground from you and give it to fanfic writers who actually care about maintaining it.
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While Bakugou is yelling in the background, Deku is pulling a Mirio on AFO and calls him friendless. The worst thing that can happen to a Shonen boss.
There is some incomprehensible mumbo jumbo about OFA-magic - but don't worry peeps - it's all a set-up for Deku getting it back (in case you are one of the people who seems really to be worried about that)
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And then AFO realizes - due to Deku transferring the last bit just so - that he was just a sad little human who loved his brother all along. Yoichi's lifelong efforts to make an impact on AFO didn't do anything. Only the Jesus-Punch-of-Magic did. Too bad.
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Oh no, the whole fucking peanut gallery is back to nobody's surprise. (Actually All Might is missing, which may suggest Deku will only get the stockpile back). Even if Deku gets OFA back, please don't transfer these guys back. I'm so sick of them. They were a total waste of time and took Deku's precious real estate for introspection. Fuck that. I don't actually care. Deku has been damaged beyond repair.
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GROUP FIST BUMP!!! Amazing Climax. Maybe a double spread, Sensei?
HK: Sorry, I used up my double spread quota on Bakugou!
I'm not one to criticize Horikoshi's artstyle, but boy, this panel is so underwhelming compared to the stuff he drew in this endgame. Is this your big AFO vs OFA clash????
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What happens when Ghost Fist collides with Real blood? Of course, it will transfer all that sweet Ghost-DNA!!!
Aka - Horikoshi is saying - Don't worry, Deku won't be quirkless.
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OK. Well. Let's move on.
Here is another line from Horikoshi's outline. Did you want to see a heart-warming scene between Nana and Tenko? Too bad for you. You get Bakugou, you voted for him.
(Btw, Shoto is not the only one who doesn't seem to be allowed to have a proper scene with his mom, I guess Tenko cannot even get an emotional afterlife scene. If you are an abuse-victim in story, Horikoshi says - fuck you! Take a swan dive and hope to be reborn as a bully in your next life).
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Well, at least Tomura noticed that Kurogiri mysteriously died after Horikoshi couldn't think up an actual proper endgame for him.
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OK, onto the MAIN ANTAGONIST's final monologue. It will be deep after being built for 400 chapters, right?
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Shigaraki: Well, I didn't even manage to destroy your hand. I amount to just a crying boy.
Deku: Well, I still hate you for stabbing Kacchan and the others. (forget the others, I never cared about the others). I killed you because I was sick of your moping it's the International Board of Therapist's recommended therapy for victims of abuse and grooming.
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Shigaraki: Well, what do I say to that. That's so fucking stupid.
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Shigaraki: And to my gay little boyfriend, I leave my treasured Nintendo controller.
Deku: Yeah, whatever. I don't really have any thoughts. I've stopped introspection in Act 2. Your life sucked. You need to fuck off now and stop spreading the sadness, I have a victory punch to perform.
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Deku: This is the story of how I became the greatest hero by punching the fuck out of this crying, abused little boy and then bathing myself in his nasty pixie dust. killing 2 main villains for the price of 1 in under 7 pages and changed the weather for the dudebros on Twitter can cry about the blue sky in the anime again. I also eradicated sadness with punching it hard enough.
Also - I probably still have a quirk. Tune in to find out in two weeks.
Sensei, with all due respect - this chapter was ass. Visually, thematically, from a storytelling point of view. Even the good ideas were executed badly or were crammed in with terrible ideas. What a fucking let-down.
Will Shigaraki go and be the hero of the villains?
I can see him reconstruct with Overhaul and magic, or I can see that we will get a reveal where Deku had the Lion Turtle solution all along and he has punched Shigaraki just at the angle to magically manifest 5-year old crying Tenko and save him and he was cold and aloof because he already "saved the boy".
I can see a BS solution incoming. But it will not fix this chapter for sure, nor the broader writing issues with Deku's character and with the Deku - Tomura dynamic.
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precioustarkey · 8 months
journalism at its finest
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summary: you have made a career for yourself by interviewing celebrities, but are feeling a little uncomfortable when one hits close to home.
warnings: none
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i nervously climbed into my car. the engine only makes my nerves rattle more. growing up, i was infatuated with actors and musicians. i found myself watching movies for the actors instead of the plot. listening to songs for the singers instead of the message. i can't explain my relationship with the media. i guess being online a lot as a teenager is to blame.
regardless, i knew from an early age that i wanted to work in the industry. not as an entertainer, but in the background. i wanted to observe the lifestyle up close. going to college for journalism was the best decision i have made for myself because now i get to live out my fantasy. 
i get paid to interview these people. and though i find a lot of them uptight and spoiled, the nosy side of me loves picking them apart. because of my job, i try my best to stay neutral on these celebrities so that they don't feel uncomfortable. apart from the research i do in order to come up with my questions, of course.
today is different. there is a show called "outer banks" that came around during quarantine, so with my free time, i binge-watched the entire first season. as i mentioned, normally i watch tv shows and movies for the actors, but i hadn't seen anyone in this show. 
however, when i delved deeper into google, i found the name of one of the actors to be familiar. drew starkey. i quickly found out that he grew up in north carolina, as did i. confused, i pulled myself from my cocoon on my couch to find my old high school yearbooks. grabbing one at random, i see him grinning in his senior photo. how could i forget? 
ever since i discovered this, i avoided the show like the plague. even though i had been surrounded by celebrities for years now, i had never known one of them personally. it almost ruined the glamorous aura surrounding them. imagining him as a regular teenage boy in the classes we shared was humbling. he wasn't mean in high school, not at all. if anything, i remember finding it odd that he hung around the theater kids because he was a total jock.
because of quarantine, i knew that press would be difficult for the actors, and because of this, i never anticipated having to interview them. which helped ease my nerves. moving to los angeles meant that i would interview every celebrity on the new up-and-coming shows. part of me hoped the hype surrounding the show would die down before the lockdown did.
the entire ride to the studio, i told myself over and over again that there was no way he would remember me. he was a jock, and i barely spoke. it wasn't the fact that i was shy, high school just wasn't for me. i counted down the days to graduation. i was only there because i had to be. i put more focus on my studies than my social life. 
in the back of my mind, i can't help but fear that seeing him will bring back memories of being the closed-off kid i was back then. as long as no one mentions it, everything will be okay. i repeated that to myself a few times before parking my car in the lot. removing my seatbelt as slowly as possible to buy time.
my hands are shaking as i walk to my studio. i send passing smiles to my coworkers as i make my way to the bathroom. i confirm that my hair, face, and outfit look presentable, and read over my questions one last time. 
the cameraman walks up to me as i take my seat to wait for the cast to arrive. "i just got a call; austin and drew are going to be the only ones you're interviewing today. madelyn, rudy, and  madison will be interviewed tomorrow," he says, looking for any sort of confirmation. "that sounds perfect," i say, smiling, still looking at my cards. 
i hear footsteps coming from the hallway and quickly stand up. austin and drew emerged into the room with their crew. "hello! so nice to meet you, my name is y/n," i say with a grin as i hold out my hand to them. they do the same, introducing themselves as they take turns shaking my hand. 
all three seats are now filled, so we can begin the questions. the first fifteen minutes go perfectly; we're laughing, they're thoroughly interested in the questions, and they're giving great answers. turning my attention to drew, i ask, "has this sudden change in lifestyle been difficult for you at all? to go from putting your all into basketball, to then deciding on theater in college?" 
he looks taken aback by my question. that nervous feeling in my stomach is slowly creeping back. i made sure that his sports background was easy to find online, so i was confident he wouldn't be too surprised. "wait a second. y/n? y/n y/l/n?" i can feel my cheeks flush at his realization. 
"can i be honest? i was hoping you wouldn't notice," i said, covering my face with my note cards. we are now sharing smiles. "oh my god. i sat behind you in algebra, you're the only reason i passed that class," he says in between laughs. seeing him in person has brought all of those little memories flooding back. 
after a minute or so of catching up, their team urges us on. "we've got other interviews, guys," the man says impatiently. we carry on for an additional fifteen minutes or so before i have run out of questions to ask. we said our farewells, and i thanked them for coming.
just as they were leaving, drew turned around, brushing past the guys they had walked in with. "y/n can i get your number? i would love to catch up properly whenever we both have time," he says, pulling out his phone. "yes, of course!" i smile, quickly typing in the numbers before they are once again rushed away. 
it felt like no time before my phone started dinging.
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part two is here!
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kivino · 7 months
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my masterlist
Word counter - ~900 words
Tags/Warnings - pure fluff!
A/n - ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE ANON <33 i can't really post a complete fic rn because i'm working on another midterm essay so here y'all go! I also have another fic with Roommate!Soap planned out, so stay tuned sdkflskdfjs
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You two met through his sister, you, being her college friend, visited her and her family during breaks many times, and that’s where you met Soap. You two were on pretty good terms, and he would sometimes call you when he or his family were not able to get ahold of his sister when she would go out to parties (usually accompanied by you). However, the two of you became roommates only later in the future, when he decided that he didn’t want to live with his family anymore, but leaving an apartment all empty for months on end would just be foolish. So that’s when he decided he needed someone to co-exist with, and you casually made your way into his life.
Whole Task Force 141 plus Laswell know about you, because of how homesick he gets sometimes! And you don't always respond to messages, you have your own life after all (plus, Soap knows you're not good with texting back, so he tries not to pressure you). However, unintentionally he starts to remember or mention you in unrelated conversations. And that's how everyone around him knows that it's time for him to go on his leave.
Not a lot of people are allowed to call him Johnny. He still gives his older sisters shit for calling him that sometimes. You and Ghost, however, are both allowed to do it. Not like his discontent would’ve stopped you though.
More often than not talks about you in a way that makes it appear like the two of you are together, with how he’s all smiles during these conversations. Describes you like he’s an infatuated teenager and then gets confused when someone assumes Soap is talking about his significant other. It's not that he is oblivious to his feelings, or a dumbass, of course not, it's that his feelings lasted for so long that it's very much normal to him and he doesn’t see anything out of the ordinary with it.
The love language that you both share is bullying and insulting each other relentlessly. Soap is less harsh with his words, but you’re just merciless. Sometimes it also grows into play fights and roughhousing between you. Soap tries to be careful, because he knows that he’s stronger (he’s in the military, duh), but he still won’t go down without a fight. So he goes easy on you.
We know that Soap has a whole sketchbook, filled to the brim with many drawings of various quality, his thoughts, and different garbage he picks up when he has the opportunity. A pretty leaf? Snatch. A random receipt from when you got groceries with him together? Snatch. A note you scribbled for him to finally wash his damn dishes? Sad snatch. When he's on leave he takes the opportunity to sketch you as much as possible, so he remembers every single detail of your face, the expressions you make, or the way you position your body. Soap does it to be able to replicate it when you’re not around him. He has millions of sketches where you’re napping on the couch.
When he’s absentmindedly doodling something during the briefings and meetings he draws small figures that resemble Task Force and you. One time he bought some colored pens so he’s not bored out of his mind on base, and the assigned color to draw you was blue, while he drew himself with a red pen. Gaz got green and Ghost he draws using a black pen, both Laswell and Price share the fact that Johnny draws them with a pencil.
One of the small traditions that you have when he’s on leave, is cooking something for each other while some show you’re not paying attention to plays in the background. The kitchen in the apartment is pretty modest, so two people cooking and moving around at the same time is a bit too much for such a small amount of space. When you get too into the process of mixing or cutting something and Soap needs to squeeze past you, he gently puts a hand on your lower back and you instantly know what he wants, because of how much he does it. It’s never arrogant or invasive, instead, it’s gentle and a bit playful.
Johnny’s very sociable and likes going out to drink frequently. You, however, prefer to not get involved in his escapades as often, so you stay home, instead telling him to call whenever he needs you to pick him up. On multiple separate occasions, when he came back home a bit tipsy, he would stumble into your room and fall on your bed, getting knocked out almost in a second. Soap’s snoring is pretty loud when he’s drunk or has a stuffy nose. Plus, he’s as heavy as a damn rock and you can’t move him because of it, so instead you sleep on the couch, sacrificing the health of your back for Soap’s sweet dreams.
Johnny is pretty good with his hands. If anything broken needs fixing, or anything heavy needs lifting he’s always happy to help. He’s also a decent cook, so if you’re not feeling like cooking dinner after you’re back home from work he’s ready to throw something together for you no problem. Partially because he knows that you’d do the same for him if he asked. And, well, he just cares about you. He’s ready to cook dinner for you for the next decade if it means you’ll feel better.
Your texts with him are filled to the brim with stupid videos and photos you send each other. If Johnny sees something that reminds him of you, what you like, or some random inside joke – you best believe he’s already snapping a photo and sending it to you.
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check out my masterlist for more fics or send me a request/comment!
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We are venom
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Summary: A walk, that’s all you did was go for a walk so why did you walk back into the compound covered in blood full of strange adrenaline inevitability collapsing to the ground? Sounds like a parasite if you ask me, Wanda is here to hear you out though
Warnings: 18+ as usual, blood and venom being themselves
Words: 1K+
A/n: So I watched venom and so obviously I need to write venom reader or at least the beginning of it
"Er guys?" You walked into the compound front room interrupting the group having a discussion probably about something incredibly boring "something happened"
Nat was the first one to look at you and she dropped her glass and jumping up to you "Y/n what the fuck happened?! Are you bleeding?"
You looked down at your chest where the blood on jumper was "er I was then I healed, I also had a broken leg and it healed I think but it was definitely broken" your body started to sway and your vision began to get blurry, the adrenaline of what happened wearing off.
"I think I have a parasite" you succumbed to the wooziness and collapsed to the floor only hearing Wanda's voice shouting for you in the background
Inside your mind you were met with a voice that wasn't your own
I have found my perfect host on this rock of a planet and I plan to keep you, we will bring this world to it's knees and you will be treated like a god before we take make this world crumble, alone you're a loser but together we are a force to be reckoned with and I cannot wait to get started…”
The voice faded as you blinked your eyes open to Wanda looking down at you "Y/n are you okay? What happened, the guys said you went on a walk an-
"Hey wands I'm okay I just, I think something weird happened..."
She sat down taking your hand "tell me?"
You tried thinking back to your quiet walk, you passed through an alleyway, you weren't nervous in the dark, you could easily dispatch anyone that tried to hurt you yet something felt different when you walked through a woman was walking towards you with her hood up and her hands in her pockets, just as you went to pass her you felt her hand suddenly grip your arm
"Hey what the-
The words died in your throat when she looked at you, her eyes were pure white and her face covered in what looked like black veins, before anything could be done you felt it, something crawling under your skin, crawling up your arm and across your whole body and no matter how much you tried to pulling away her grip tightened until you couldn't feel anything under you skin and the grip finally loosened sending the woman collapsing to the floor
Holy fuck what was that?! Quickly looking down at yourself you saw nothing strange but you did feel a pain like a headache start to form.
"This is why I don't go out much at night" maybe it wasnt the best time for jokes but that's how you cope.
You gave a last look to the woman on the floor kneeling down and trying to shake her away but unfortunately she was dead, great another thing you'll get blamed for by Tony.
"Time to eat"
You stood up whipping your head around trying to locate the strange voice but no one was there
"You are perfect"
Your body moved of it's own accord moving through the alley and onto the lit street where you were met with some angry looking armed men when one shouted "she has it!" They both drew their guns and pointed them at you
"Hey woah wait!" You tried but they fired one into your chest and another in your leg "fuck!" You dropped to floor crying out in pain as you watched the blood blend into the rain that poured onto the street.
The men were stood above you now and just to add insult to injury one of the men snapped your leg breaking it making you scream even louder
“Give us the symbiont!” Their shouts fell on deaf ears
The pain was so blinding you don't know if you passed out quickly or slowly but you remembered not being in pain for very long and that same voice appeared in your mind
"Don't worry Y/n I will take care of you now"
When you finished relaying all of that to Wanda you had tears in your eyes and she dried them away for you "oh moya bednaya devochka I'm so sorry, do you know how you healed or anything like that? Maybe we could ask bruce-
"No no Wands its okay, I feel okay, I- I don't think whatever is in me now wants to kill me, could you have a peek?"
You've never let Wanda see into your mind and she never asked, it was a boundary that you both agreed on and never wanted to cross but whatever was in your body and mind you needed to know
"Are you sure?" Wanda made sure you were sure and when you nodded she pressed her fingers to your forehead and closed her eyes
"A witch? Well that is something new can you hear me? How fun I'm Venom and this is my new host, I think we'll get along just fine, do you want to see what I did to your girlfriend's shooter's let me show you"
Flashes of you being overcome by a creature with large white eyes, a row of large sharp teeth and long tongue wound it’s way out of the mouth, your wounds and broken leg were instantly fixed, another flash of blood and gargled screams, tearing of flesh and eventual silence par the heavy breathing coming from you...or the creature covering your body
"Now wasnt that fun to watch? Be grateful I kept your girlfriend alive...she'll be very useful to me"
Wanda pulled away gasping slightly "Venom? It called itself Venom, it killed them, it killed the men and healed you, Y/n I think its controlling you now"
You groaned putting your head in your hands “great and I thought having voices in my head before was strange”
Wanda suppressed a laugh “is one of those voices me?"
Shaking your head you lent up and kissed her "I like your voice in my head, it's always seductive"
"Will I have to deal with this horribly sweet display of affection for much longer?"
You pulled away eyes wide "it talked to me again"
"What did it say?"
"It seems a little bitchy" you both laughed choosing not to dwell on the seemingly annoyed parasite you were now infested with
After a few minutes silence and a few kisses you sighed "okay, well whatever is going to happen I think we should just leave it till the morning"
"I don't think that's a good idea Y/n-
You held your hand up to stop her "babe please I've had a long day and since it's not currently killing me I think me and this parasite are due for some sleep" you didn't let her say anything else instead laying down against the pillows and closing your eyes
“God you’re so stubborn” Wanda whispered and you gave her a small smile “you love me…”
Wanda laughed “yeah, yeah I do”
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desi2go · 4 months
Case 143
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part 1 part 2 part 3
pairing: werewolf!lee know x reader
Warnings: fluff, angst
Author's note: Happy Valentine's Day to everyone. I hope you enjoyed this mini series ;-)
Your life was great, really. Your exams turned out good and you could finally relax a bit. The cold and rainy spring turned into the warm sunny summer that was already awaited because of the bad storms in the last weeks.
But most of all, your relationship with your now boyfriend Minho went smoothly and was like a dream. Wherever you two met, there were butterflies in your tummy and a wide smile on your lips. After catching him in the hallway that day, everything has changed. He has changed. Well, his behaviour towards you at least. He was soft and caring to you while teasing you became his favourite thing.
The moment of walking together in one of your classes, hand in hand, was burned into your memory. You remember Wooyoung sitting on your desk, a knowing smile on his face and wiggling eye brows that made you laugh and at the same time growing red.
He congratulated you two and pulled you into a tight hug. You remember the way Minho pulled you away from the boy that was glued to you and took you into his arms protectively.
Innocent, Woo held his hands up and laughed. "Pull the claws in kitty. I don't wanna take her away from you" You chuckled at his comment and lean into your boyfriends touch.
Even if Minho didn't like the smell of the other male on you, he knew that he must accept it. He was your friend and maybe, if he admits, wasn't so bad at all. But that doesn't mean that Woo should be all over you all the time. You were his, and only his. You should smell like him and not like the other wolf.
The day you kissed, was now three months back in the past and you two got to know eachother better than before. The relationship was fragile at first. Both of you feared to overstep or to make mistakes but that faded away really quickly and you became overly comfortable in the presence of the other one.
After class, he waited for you to bring you home or to eat something with you in the cafeteria. On weekends, you both met eachother. Sometimes, he took you out on a fancy date to the cinema or to a restaurant but usually you two would spend an evening on your couch with cute pyjamas and a big bowl of microwave popcorn, too tired to go out or dress up from the exhausting week.
At first, he was anxious with you meeting his pack members. What if you don't like them? They were his family but you as well. But you didn't pressure him and after some time, he brought you to his house. But not without stating to his pack members that they will sleep in the garden if they don't behave and scare you.
Your first impression of the boys were that they were super chaotic. You just went through the entrance door when you were swarmed by two boys. One had long blonde died hair who introduced himself as Felix and the other one was Han. You've met the brown haired in the hallway after you had dropped some important sheets of paper and he had helped you.
Felix was a totally sunshine. His personality was bubbly and kind. Within the first few minutes he gave you a hug and offered you some brownies. The curly haired man, Chan, pulled him softly away from you to give you space and bid you hello.
The other members introduced themselves as well as you all sat on the big couch in the living room. You sat between Minho and Han while your boyfriend draped an arm around your shoulders and drew lines on your skin. You leaned into the touch and listened to the conversation, from time to time answering questions or adding something.
Everything went well. Minho saw that you liked his family and we're comfortable around them. It made his heart swell and now he could spend time with you and his friends together.
As time went on Minho pushed his confession that he is a werewolf more and more in the background. He knew that someday he needed to tell you the truth. You deserved to know. And you must know as his mate. Hell, he must tell you that too. That you two were bond together even when you couldn't sense the pull of the mate bond as strong as he can.
Especially now, when he would go into his rut soon. Twice a year he will be controlled by his hormones and his instincts to reproduce. It would be too dangerous to be near you since you didn't even know about the existence of werewolves.
You're smart. So, he must come up with a really good excuse. He hates to lie to you but he would loose you if you found out and he isn't going to let you go now. Even if it meant to hide that side for a little longer.
He can feel it. The upcoming rut. It's getting worse and worse for each day that passes. And your sweet scent just drove him insane.
In the morning he wakes up sweaty and needy. He sighs when he tried to move out of his bed because of his sore muscles. Just like the ruts before, he will stay at home and just hope that it will be over soon. He hates the feeling of the rut. Especially after he had met you. His entire body wants to be near you, to love and breed you. His inner wolf couldn't think of anything else than you and your perfect body. He forces him to be near you. He knows that you can make the burning and the heat go away.
You on the other hand sat at that time already in class, wondering where you boyfriend is. He didn't show up. Maybe he is sick, you thought. Your suspicion was confirmed as he texted you only minutes later that he won't come the next few days because he got a cold. You immediately replied.
Get well soon. I will visit you in the afternoon with some medicine and food! ~ y/n
Shit, Minho thought. You can't come near him. Not now. He couldn't control himself right now and he doesn't want to hurt you.
You don't need to come, love. I don't want to infect you ~ Minho
I know, but you won't. Sleep now, you need to get better ~ y/n
He chuckled. As if he could sleep now with a hard one. That will be long days.
After class, you quickly got home and changed into comfier cloths and headed out to buy some medicine. You weren't the best cook but you will try to create a chicken soup that hopefully will help him. With all the ingredients, you walked to his house and grabbed the key from under the doormat to let yourself in. You learned that Felix and especially the youngest Jeongin forget their keys and the key under the mat was especially for these accidents.
It seemed to be only Minho home. The house was quiet which was a rare occasion because whenever the boys are home it's loud and laughter can be heard everywhere. They are a bunch of happiness and chaos.
You quickly walked into the kitchen and started cutting the ingredients. You had found a good recipe a while ago when you were sick and now you could finally use it again. As the soup was cooked, you decided to look after your boyfriend and bring him some medicine. With the bag with the medicine in one hand, you headed to his room.
Minho thought that he was hallucinating. He could smell your scent. Maybe his now even more sensitive nose tricked him. He panted and wiped the sweat from his forehead as he suddenly heard footsteps. Maybe one of the boys is back. Jisung promised him to cook him something to eat and went to buy food. Definitely it's him. Or maybe Hyunjin who should be currently at his art class.
But the footsteps were lighter and not so loud. And there was your scent again. The door opened and you stepped into the dark room.
"Minho?" You whispered because you didn't want to disturb him if he was sleeping and closed the door behind you. In the dark you could see Minho coming towards you with a fast pace.
He trapped you between the wall and him, both hands leaning on the wall next to your head. He looked exhausted and sweaty and you realised that he wore just his boxers. He leaned his head at the crook of your neck and inhaled deeply.
"Shit, Minho. You're burning!" You said as his hot skin met yours. "Y/n, what are you doing here?" He asked with a hoarse voice. "I wanted to help you get better. I brought medicine and I cooked you a soup." You explained.
Minho murmured something. Then he got louder. "Go. Go. Please go!"
Minho fought against his instincts to rip your clothes and to nibble at your skin, to mark you. He couldn't do that for longer, he will loose control if you won't go away. His inner wolf became stronger and stronger with each second that passed. He wanted to be near his mate as close as possible. For him, you were willing to help so that the terrible burning inside him would stop.
And on top of that he could smell that you were ovulating. His instincts told him that he should breed you and to give you his baby. Soon he will do something that he'll regret.
"What? Why? What do you mean?" You ask confused. You stood there shocked. You should go? You just wanted to help. He lifted his face and looked you in the eyes. His weren't the usual brown, they were golden.
Then, he opened his mouth and showed you his teeth but they seem longer and sharper. Like the teeth from a wolf or a dog.
His arms held you by your shoulders. His face dipped down to your neck again and you could feel his mouth kissing you there and even his tongue glided over that spot. "Minho, what are you-" you couldn't even finish the question before his teeth bit into your skin.
Immediately, pain went through your body and you yelped and wanted to flee but he had trapped you.
You let out a yell and tears welled up in your eyes because of the stinging pain. You heard the door open and Minho was pulled away from you.
It was Han who pulled you out of the room and you could hear Minho desperately call out for you. He sounded broken and his voice was uneven.
Slowly, Han brought you into the kitchen and sat you down on one of the chairs. He then searched for the first-aid kit to look at your wound. Your mind was blank. Just some minutes ago, you were happy to help your boyfriend get well soon and walked to his room as you thought he was just ill. You never thought that he would bite you painfully. Well, how things could change.
You didn't understand it. Why? That was the question that kept twirling in your mind. Why? Did you do something wrong? What happened to him to act like that?
Han slowly touched your shoulder. You were deep into your thoughts and hadn't noticed that Han had found the first aid kit and stood in front of you. Fortunately, he was home in that moment when he heard you scream in pain.
He left his bags of food at the hallway and sprinted to Minho's room. He had pulled you away and looked at his best friend who didn't understand what happend just seconds ago.
As Han touched you, you flinched and finally focused on him. "Let me see the wound"
You leaned you head to the other side and exposed the bloody mark. Without wanting to harm you further, he cleaned the wound with a disinfectant cloth. You flinched again as the disinfection stung. Now, he could see how deep the mark truly was.
Han was relieved to see that it was not deep. If he would have gotten home just seconds later, the bite would be deep enough to be a permanent one, a mating mark that would have bonded your souls together forever. He removed the last bloody spots that was already drying. Then, he threw away the dirty cloth into the trash and put a plaster over the wound.
Han kneeled down in front of you so that you both could look each other into the eyes.
"Why, Han? What happened to him?" Your voice sounded broken and hurt. He knew that Minho didn't tell you that he was a werewolf. Now, he could slap himself for not dragging his best friend to tell you. At all wouldn't have happened if you knew from the beginning.
"Everything will be okay Y/n" he said with a calm voice. "Come, I'll bring you home"
You just nodded and followed him quietly. He brought you home and in front of your door, he stopped and turned to you. "Everything will be okay Y/n" He repeated his words from half an hour ago.
"Minho isn't himself right now. He'll explain everything to you, I promise. But please forgive him it wasn't completely his fault. Give him another chance."
"What do you mean with that. Isn't himself at the moment?"
"It isn't my right to say something to you. You should hear it from him" You sighed and nodded. Then you bid him goodbye and walked into your apartment.
Jisung shut the front door of the pack house with a thud and sprinted up to Minho's room. Without knocking, he threw the door open and saw his best friend sitting on his bed. Anxious and angry with himself, he ran his hand through his already messy hair. Minho knew that he had fucked up royally.
"How is she?" He asked Han slowly. His best friend sighed.
"She's confused and hurt. Man, what was wrong with you? Usually, you're not so uncontrollable during your rut."
"I don't know! Just her sweet scent made me crazy. Shit, I fucked up so bad"
"Yeah, you did. And you need to tell her about the whole werewolf thing as soon as possible"
"I know" After Han had saved his mate, he quickly got control back and immediately regretted what his wolf made him do. It was like someone else, his wolf side had taken over in the heat of the moment since that side was stronger in the rut. He paced through his room, thinking about what to do next. Should he follow you? No, that would be risky if his wolf got control again.
After some time he didn't know how to approach you or if he should approach you at all. Then, he heard Han and you walking to the front door but he kept silently in his room. The door closed and he was alone in the house again. Was that the last time he saw you?
He never thought that he would say that but he loves you with every ounce of his body. He wouldn't survive it anymore if you won't let him near you again. Not after experiencing that, even short, time with you as his girlfriend.
So, he must wait for his rut to be finally over and then he'll hope that you give him a chance to explain everything. And hopefully, you won't run away after that, claiming that he is crazy and scary.
The following days feel like dream. Well, to be exact like a nightmare, a pretty bad one. The next day after that accident was blurry. You couldn't concentrate on anything. You covered the wound with a scarf to avoid the curious questions when you where at the college. All you wanted was to stay at home and hide between your soft blankets of your bed, suppressing the past day. But you couldn't allow yourself that.
It was like Wooyoung immediately saw that wound even though you tried your best to hide it. He knitted his brows and pushed your scarf away to examine the plaster. "What happened to you?" He asked concerned.
"Nothing" you replied and pushed his hand away that touched it.
It wasn't nothing. Woo smelled it. The change of your scent. At first he thought that you must have spent the whole night with Minho and smelled that's why so much like him but he only could perceived your scent when he exactly concentrated on it. Then it hit him. He realised that your boyfriend must have marked you.
But he knew that then, your two scents would be mixed and most parts would be healed by now due to the bond. That idiot must have bit you only that deep to end up with a non permanent one that will indicate to other wolves that you are claimed, not mated but claimed. He was furious. And your red and slightly swollen eyes showed him that you weren't a fan of it either.
You waited another three days for any kind of symbol that your boyfriend lived and wanted to meet you. At that point you didn't even know if he would call you at all. But he did. He texted you.
Hey Y/n. I'm so sorry for what happened. I want to explain everything to you. Please, let me meet you at our favourite café. ~ Minho
You read that message again and again. Should you go? He seemed to want to fix things.
Okay, I'll be there in 30 ~ Y/n
You quickly threw over a light jacket and made your way to the café. It was the same café in which you both had worked on your project months ago and now, you loved to meet eachother there and to have a simple date there.
Surprisingly, Minho was already there and looked nervous. His always calm eyes travelled through the room and seemed to search for you. As he saw you, he jumped up from his stool and wanted to pull you towards him but he stopped himself. Instead he rubbed his neck.
"Hey Y/n"
"Hey" you said and took place in front of him. He looked really nervous.
"I'm so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. You must believe me" He stated with a pleading look.
As you didn't say anything he continued.
"But I wasn't myself anymore. And the truth is-" he took a deep breath. "I'm a werewolf"
Well, you hadn't expected that explanation.
"What? You're what?" You asked with a questioning look. You didn't know if you should call him crazy.
"Believe me, please. I'm a werewolf. And well, I'm an alpha and every alpha goes through a phase twice a year where his instincts are heightened and uhm they urge him to breed or to reproduce. I know it sounds crazy but it's called rut and I had my rut some days ago" Blood rushed into his cheeks as he explained rapidly what had happend to him.
"Rut? You mean that's why you were different then?"
"Yeah! My plan was it to keep you away from me because I didn't want to hurt you but then you stood there and everything in me went wild"
You sighed. He looked like it was his full seriousness. Should you believe him? But he sounded like he was saying the truth.
"So, shouldn't you be more hairy if you are a werewolf?"
He chuckled relieved. "Well, I can change into a wolf. Then I'll be hairy" he said cocky with a smirk.
"Of course. And I turn into Darth Vader every full moon" you replied simply not believing that. Minho, a wolf? Yeah right. That's it. Now, you need therapy. And maybe some alcohol. Much alcohol.
"Really? I didn't know you that a talent like that in you" he teased. "But I can prove you that I really am a werewolf"
"Okay, alright. Mr. Wolfie. Show me then"
He guided you out the café after he stated that he couldn't change in front of the people in there. They would go crazy. Then, he directed you to his car to drive you back to the pack house. Next to the house, there was a big forest.
His parents bought that house not without a reason. So, they could easily change without fearing that somebody would see them and call the police out of fear. The whole ride was silent. Nobody dared to say something. Minho concentrated on driving while you just observed the world outside the window.
He turned off the engine and got out. You followed him into the forest to a small clearing where the warm sun broke through the treetops. You fiddled with your hands and stood there, waiting that Minho did something.
Minho rubbed his neck and took a deep breath. He hoped that you wouldn't run away after he showed you his other side. The werewolf side. He took off his jacket, the one that you loved, and began transforming. You heard his bones cracking and rearranging.
And soon, instead of your boyfriend, there stood that huge from head to toe black wolf. His eyes were golden, the same colour you noticed from time to time in his human eyes. Your breath hitched. He looked really terrifying and you stepped back to bring more distance between you and him. But unfortunately, you tripped over a small tree trunk and fell into the soft grass.
You heard steps and then the wolf stood right in front of you. He came closer and closer until he was only centimetres away from your face. The werewolf whimpered and slowly laid down with his head on your lap. Minho could feel how tense you were as he laid there, trying to show you that he wouldn't hurt you. Never.
You kept your hands pressed against your chest but slowly you calmed down and touched his fur on his head. His black fur was silky and soft. As you grew more comfortable, you brushed through his hair and he began wagging his tail with excitement. Minho's inner wolf was satisfied and purred happy.
You stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each others presence. But you felt guilty that you didn't trust him. "Minho?" You tried to turn his attention to you and stopped petting him. He lifted his head and touched with his wet nose your fingers. So, you continued with speaking.
"I'm so sorry that I didn't believe you. I should have trusted you" Slowly, the tears that brimmed in your eyes fell down on your cheeks and dropped on your hands. Minho whimpered at the sight of you and pushed his nose in your face and licked the tears away with his tongue. It probably would be the best if he would transform back.
He trotted a few feet away and once again his bones cracked which caused you to lift your head just to see Minho standing there in his whole glory. Naked.
Well, it wasn't the first time you saw him naked but still the blood rushed to your cheeks. The clothes he weared before were ripped due to the transformation. He picked up the jacket and tied it at his waist.
"I am sorry Y/n. I hurt you and I should have told you from the beginning" He explained and leaned down to cup your face in his big hands. One hand slid down your face, brushing a wild hair strand behind your ear and travelling to the place where the bite mark is.
Slowly, he pulled the scarf away that hid the mark. Then, he could see it. It wasn't so swollen anymore and the red bruisings were fading away. His eyes burned with both tears and guilt. He had hurt his mate. The one he was supposed to protect. He failed.
"But I was an idiot. I feared that you wouldn't want to see me again after. Y/n I'm so sorry"
You looked in his now brown eyes and closed the distance between you two. At first, the kiss was timid but soon it turned into a passionate one. His soft lips against yours while his nose brushed against you cheek and his hair tickled your forehead.
"I love you Y/n" he murmured against your lips, catching breath. Your breath hitched and you gave him another kiss. "I love you too, Mr. Wolfie"
He chuckled. "Is that my nickname now?"
"Maybe?" You answered and smirked playfully.
He shakes his head amused and gave you a peck on your forehead. "But I still need to tell you something. You are my mate"
You knitted your brows. Mate? What was that? "What do you mean with mate?"
"You know. Each werewolf has a person that he is destined to spend his whole life with. A soulmate."
"And I'm your mate? How do you know?"
"Well, we feel a pull towards the person. It's like every second you're without them your heart aches" He told you and grabbed your hand.
"And why don't I feel a pull? Is it because I'm a human?"
He nodded and stroked his thumb over your fingers lightly.
"Does that mean, you respect me as a werewolf?" He asked carefully as his shoulders tensed again. You chuckled. "Of course Wolfie. I need to get comfortable with the idea that my boyfriend is a big dog though"
"I love you Y/n. But if you call me a dog one more time I need to tickle you to death!" He threatened and his soft lips brushed against yours.
You smirked and simply teased him further. Both of you enjoyed the presence of the other one. Neither of you wanted to separate for longer after the week of distance.
Something in the underwood crashed and Minho tensed next to you. He growled slightly and wanted to protect you from whoever might come towards you. You are his. Only his.
Jisung shot out of the woods while a knowing smirk plastered his face. In his hand was a bag with clothes for Minho. He had seen you two walking into the forest, so he assumed that Minho might need new clothings.
He threw the bag over to his best friend who caught it effortlessly. "Keep going lovebirds. I'm already on my way back" he said.
"One more question. Is Han a werewolf too?"
Minho focused back on you after he had changed and now walked to the pack house hand in hand with you.
"Yes, he is an Alpha like I am. Well, everyone in the house is a werewolf. And you know what? Wooyoung and his friend are wolves too"
You gasped. "Really? I never noticed"
"Because we like to keep our identities hidden darling." He stated. It was nice to finally be honest with you. He hadn't noticed how guilty he was for not telling you before the accident.
And now, he could slap himself for thinking that you wouldn't love him the way he is. You are his mate for a reason and he wouldn't want someone else to be it. You were his one and only. Even though you need to learn so many things about werewolves, you made it clear that there was no difference. Werewolf or not. Minho is the love of your life.
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[It is done]
[mod note: this is temporarily replacing the link to magma (the art drawing thing we have so we can draw together!) as pinned post so heres the link: https://magma.com/d/zzg8vd99i2]
[the reason gangle isnt included is because she went to go get snacks totally not because i forgot to draw her. nope]
[credits to shard anon, @theoneandonlysun, and the mod of zooble's blog for majority help! @eeboshmeebo also contributed to the art!!][if you helped with the art and you wanna be credited, message me please, because i might've missed you? a lot of people swung by i just wanna make sure i credit them all]
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[TA DAH!!! below the read more thing is the list of people featured + pings (sorry yall, i just wanna make sure you see art,,)]
[btw, bonus: @easton-likes-sandwiches my bad i couldn't include you (since easton is kinda. not in digital land.) but here ya go, a bonus!]
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1: @rook-specter [i hope i drew you correctly, i couldn't really find a sona to use]
2: @the-moth-from-elsewhere [btw i know you wanted to add details but imo i think it looks fine like this,,thanks for some of the help and support, though!!]
3: pickle anon [unsure if they have a blog, so i can't @]
4: shard anon!! [also unsure if they have a blog, but they helped alot!! ty ty]
5: @unfunnyaceartist [OK i know you only appeared for a bit but you agreed to move night.,,and your sona looks cool..so..obilgatory appearance in the art!]
6: @sugarcane-soup [I DIDNT KNOW HOW TO COLOR YOUR SONA,,i hope i did well]
7: @zooooble [zoob...]
8 and 9: [@askobjects firey and leafy look so goofy in this image,, i hope you like them]
10: @sign-anon [in the middle of drawing this i did NOT know sign anon died..whoops?]
11: @boldtextanon [bold text anon is fine guys. Hes fine. i swear]
12: @yougotjinx3d [mage anon and vamp anon were drawn by sun if i remember correctly, so erm..ya!! they're silly people]
13: @bloodforvampanon [me when i GET YOU. but fr. silly guy]
14: crownon! [unsure if they have a blog, but erm..crow]
15: eepy anon!! [also unsure if they have a blog..they literally look so silly its crazy]
16: rat [you know who you are /silly]
17: @gummy-axolotl [I HOPE I GOT THE COLORS RIGHT,,HERE YOU GO!!!]
18: @liloblogs [im gonna be fr we got this close to confusing lilo with juko,,,im not very great at oc lore. but lilo is so silly]
19: panic anon! [i think they're also the same blog as lilo? unsure. but yea!! they are goofy and silly and probably terrified of the horror movies]
20: @justadustymoth [MOTh. moth,,,,, moths are so silly. like. fr..]
21: bow anon! [idk if you have a blog but i hope you like the design!!!!]
23: @eeboshmeebo [there was barely any room so i could only include a mask,,but i hope thats okay!! also ty for help on the mask]
25: FISH. ANON.. [you got included last minute HGKDHJSHJSHS but . fish]
26: @lightthepathwithalantern [i hope i drew lantern anon okay,,,they're so cool looking,,,]
28: @ru-bwee [thank you for. the plush images. I will use them to mark important events /silly]
29: @bob-the-cemetery-ghost [Oh no,,,also i hope you dont mind being a bit in the background i didnt know how else to include youuu]
[literal walls of text,,hope yall dont mind all the @]
[erm,,if yall don't mind,,i hate asking but reblogs please ? i wanna see the art around !!!!]
124 notes · View notes
layla4567 · 1 year
Imagine with Loki
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Warning: Slightly smut
It had been a long time since I moved to Asgard with Loki, it was my own decision and I don't regret it. Despite the complaints from my father Tony or my best friend Peter, I still went ahead accepting the consequences, even Thor, his own brother, warned me about what Loki was like, and although he supported me in my decision, he wanted me to be clear about what he told me. I would "cope" if I stayed with him. But in the end everything was not so bad, I was aware of how he really was and I knew that it would be difficult for me to adapt to his habits and his home.
Loki has a kind of avoidant attachment and of course daddy issues that results in a person who believes that he is not worthy of love or be loved and very distrustful. So it took me a lot to earn his trust and another extra effort for him to notice me. He seemed to want to get close to me at first but naturally jealous he would retreat if he saw me chatting with another guy, and that was another problem.
Luckily Thor helped me a lot to convince Loki that I stopped being so reluctant to have contact with me. And after having passed this first stage and after digging into that hard marble shell, I was able to discover a tender and kind background with a heart of gold. He opened up to me like no one ever has, he talked to me about his fears and insecurities, and I'm so proud of him for having overcome all of that, putting him aside so he could talk to me. I would like to be able to see the faces of those who didn't trust me when they saw this new Loki so I could say "I told you so!". Because he was never really mean, let's just say he was hurt and misunderstood.
With all those thoughts and memories in mind I found myself in my room with my elbows resting on the edge of the wide balcony. The window was large and tall with amber silk curtains on the sides. A soft twilight breeze was blowing while I saw the horizon of all of Asgard, some Asgardians were still seen walking from here to there doing their work. Suddenly three knocks knocked on my door.
"Yes, come in"-I said
Loki appeared around the door frame timidly opening it as if he wanted not to disturb.
"Sorry to intrude, do you mind if I come in?"-He said as he slowly opened the door a little more.
"Please do, you weren't interrupting anything."-I said with a smile and a twinkle of tenderness in my eyes
He walked towards me with an elegant walk to end up next to me by the balcony.
"Everything in order darling?"
God I loved when he called me that
"Sure Loki, I was just admiring the view"
suddenly, almost without realizing it, I smile remembering something
Loki looks at me strangely and then fixes his gaze on the villagers who were visible from the window and then looks at me again confused
"And now what's so funny? I don't think Asgardians are hilarious enough to make you smile"-and he frowned
"Nothing love, I just remembered something"-and I started to giggle
"Oh it's nothing, all right. I guess if you don't want to tell me then I might tell Thor that you were the one who drew the Mjolnir on him with a marker that time"
I looked at him in surprise as I gasped
"Loki Laufeyson! Don't you dare!!"
"Do you want to bet dear? If I remember correctly the last time you lost"-he smiled mischievously
I went from shock to outrage, even though I couldn't really be mad at him, a small part of me was amused. That's why I decided to tickle him as a small revenge
"No wait Y/n I'm sorry I take it back!!"-his smirk faded in a second as he became serious imploring her to stop. He hated tickling
I didn't want to indulge him so I didn't stop right away. But when I did he seemed relieved.
"Ok, I'll tell you so you don't suffer anymore"-I laughed-"I just remembered that time I was trying to make friends in Asgard when I first arrived and I was talking to a couple of guys and one went out of his way to drop me hints so you approached them and told them the lady had some important business. while you took my arm and dragged me away from them, remember?"
He nodded with his eyes closed and a small embarrassing smile.
"How could I stoop so low for a Midgardian?"-while covering his face with his hand-"You had me spellbound and I didn't know how to react to that, didn't you mind what I did that day?"-and he looked at me with a trace of concern
"Of course not"-I grabbed his face with my hands- "in fact I found it cute. I understood that those were your ways of showing interest in me"-I laughed while looking at him tenderly
"Oh my beautiful Y/n, what did I do to deserve you?"-looking at me intensely
I couldn't resist and I stood on tiptoes to kiss his lips. He didn't have to beg and he kissed me back with even more energy.
then he encircled my waist with his arms, a pleasant shiver ran through my entire spine as I got up to be taller and thus encircle his waist with my legs. his kisses and caresses were strong but warm like burning coals that wrapped me whole. when our faces separated just 10 centimeters to catch our breath Loki looked at my eyes and lips with hunger
He held me firmly by the waist and gently placed me on the bed. from there Loki began to delicately kiss my neck making me shudder. It started from the top of my jaw to just below the shoulder as I closed my eyes enjoying his warm touch. Without realizing it, he began to untie my silk dress until it fell and slipped down my legs, leaving me in my underwear, With my semi-naked body, the Asgardian began to draw a path of wet kisses along and across my figure. Loki moved down my bust making a beeline for my belly button. His lips on my skin made me squirm and cling tightly to the sheets as I arched my back and his slow steps left me wanting more.
But when Loki reached the lower part of my belly, I let out a sigh of pleasure, throwing my head back. He seemed to like that because he smiled with that smile that made me blush and he kept going down a little more until he reached my thighs near my groin, and moving my underwear a little away he gently kissed the concave area between my privacy and my leg
"Loki.."-I couldn't hold it and I moaned his name weakly as I felt my groin throb desperately wanting more.
"I'm sorry but your silhouette is delicious my queen"-He began to take off his clothes, revealing a stocky torso, it was the body of a god
I bit my lips as a sign of desire, I wanted it for myself now
Now with his bare chest he began to kiss me passionately while encircling his neck with one hand and the other caressing his face. He grabbed my thigh and pulled it up to his waist so that I could encircle him.
I found the strength to whisper in his ear-"Now is my turn"
now Loki was under me and I sat astride his hips, I entertained myself contemplating his well-worked torso while caressing his stomach
I drew lines from top to bottom applying a little pressure from time to time as if it were a massage. Loki's skin seemed to tremble with every caress. I wanted to take it to another level and I began to swing my hips in circles back and forth as if I were performing a slow and sensual dance. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth in a silent moan, with each movement he made his breathing quickened and I could feel his property tight under me.
"Y/n..Please"-His voice sounded cracked due to excitement.
His pleas made me feel more feverish, so we quickly took off our remaining clothes, leaving them on the floor. The god of mischief took control again and now he was on top of me, sticking his body against mine, he pressed his hip against mine, belly to belly. I dug my nails into his broad back, scratching gently.
His thrusts were slow but precise, always following the same rhythm. Our breaths were getting faster and heavier, I could feel Loki panting in my ear and his breath warm. He was taking me to Eden in that room with 4 walls. The speed increased more and more and I sank more and more my claws into his skin making Loki tense his muscles and jaw. His hips collided with mine and our bodies beaded with sweat. I felt some pain but also euphoria, and the pleasure washed over the pain, like two waves crashing together. Yes, that was it, with each movement I felt like a wave was invading me, enveloping me and rocking me with force. My waist accompanied each movement of his, each thrust and withdrawal that he gave I accompanied him in his rhythm
The pleasure that enveloped us was so great that I couldn't concentrate my thoughts. At one point Loki detached himself from my body and held my thighs for a better grip. Now he, being incorporated, his thrusts were deeper. I clung to the sheets more fiercely to contain myself but let out small moans.
The atmosphere was passionate, the temperature rose and rose, the god of lies was giving everything and I responded complacently. Before reaching the climax, Loki begged me to say his name.
"Say my name... I want to hear you say that I'm yours.."-he said hoarsely almost in a whisper
I tilted my head back slightly arching my back.
"Loki!"-I released almost without strength and without being able to contain myself much more and sighed long and hard
Satisfied and tired as if a battle had been fought we snuggled up to each other with a sheet covering us poorly trying to catch our breath. Loki lying on his back with his torso still naked and I hugged him with an arm on his chest while he hugged me and caressed my hair and shoulder
"Loki, my love"
"Mmh?"-he murmured with his eyes closed as his breathing became calm
"I love you"
"I love you more darling"
He kissed my head and then we fell fast asleep
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ok now I feel dirty and naughty :v (what the hell I just wrote?)
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yandere-toons · 2 years
Have you ever thought about releasing your drabbles or flash fictions ? This might be a silly question but I just absolutely adore your writing style and am so inspired by it so I always love getting new content from you 💓💓
WARNING: implied stalking + kidnapping, psychological manipulation, toxic mindsets.
* * *
You stepped into the corridor to spot Miles Morales rounding the corner in the opposite direction of your dorm room, his eyes downcast as he hurriedly rubbed some webs off his palms. “Miles!” You lifted an arm to wave at him once he turned.
Miles whirled around and stood as tall as he possibly could have, bouncing on his heels a bit. “Yeah?” He tightened his grip on his backpack straps when you walked toward him with a curious frown.
After glancing at your surroundings for any prying eyes, you looked at Miles and whispered, “My roommate didn't come back again last night.”
Another glance proved useful when it yielded the sight of a group of students looking over their shoulders at you, but a few moments of silence, as well as a brief glare, convinced them to return to talking among themselves.
You turned back to Miles, who had not moved at all. “I was wondering if you saw them by any chance?”
This drew a lengthy “uh” from him as he opened his mouth as if to say something else, only to keep making the same sound. It was not until you tilted your head at him that Miles peeked at the adjacent wall and spoke with a stilted tone as if he were a first-time actor rehearsing his lines.
“I don't know anything about that.”
You slumped in disappointment and scanned the area for another person to ask, so Miles raised his hand and pointed a finger at you with his best imitation of a surprised smile. “But you know who might know? The security guard!”
Just as you were considering the distance between Salas's office and the art classroom, your cell phone rang. A Japanese hip-hop song that you did not remember setting as the ringtone started to echo in the corridor and earned dozens of annoyed glances.
Miles gaped and squeezed the straps on his backpack so hard that his hands began to tremble. A bead of sweat rolled down his cheek, which he wiped with the back of his hand while muttering the words, “Not yet.”
A quick look at the phone screen revealed the caller to be Peter B. Parker.
As soon as you answered the call, your ears were bombarded with the hubbub of a busy restaurant. You could nearly smell the French fries steaming in vats, the patties flipping on grills and other fast food being peddled and devoured over the phone.
Indistinct chatter filled the background, and a rapid series of oinks and slams interrupted a nearby conversation.
Closest to the speaker was the sloppy noise of someone chewing a hamburger and slurping on a straw. “Hey, kid!” came a deeper voice from the other end of the phone, this one slightly distorted and muffled by a mouthful of bread and meat. “Heard you're down a roommate.”
At this, you cocked your head and lowered the phone from your ear. You watched as the screen flashed the name “Peter B. Parker” again, but instead of resuming the call, your narrowed eyes rose to meet the sweat running down Miles's forehead.
“Miles, how does he know about my roommate?”
The sweat was like raindrops on his face now as if there was a thunderstorm crashing and booming just above his head. With his eyes darting from the ceiling to the floor to the walls, Miles was caught on each word and let one too many long pauses fall between his quickening breaths.
“I may have let it slip at our last get-together.”
The volume of his voice kept dropping until he was almost whispering by the end. He had raised his shoulders and tensed them to the point of crinkling his eyes and clenching his jaw at the discomfort.
His fists balled when you continued to inspect him, which drew a perturbed silence from you that you broke moments later. “It only happened last night.”
Miles attempted to relax his fists and looked away, managing a chuckle and a faint smile. “Yeah, we got together early this morning.” His eyes lacked the dark rings that appeared when he spent the night slinging webs and throwing punches.
���Kid? You still there?” questioned Peter B. Parker before you could further interrogate Miles.
A brisk look at the clock hanging on the wall threw a cold chill over you. Its tick-tocks seemed to happen sooner and move the arms faster with each second that you counted them. Turning away, you faced the floor and shouted into the phone, “My art class starts in five minutes!”
The crunch of a French fry being gobbled was audible. “Ah-huh. Wanna grab a burger and tell us about it?”
Just as you were preparing to refuse his offer, one word stuck in your mind. “Us?”
A crash followed the clatter of porcelain plates slamming into each other. The noise shifted from left to right as if someone was sliding across the table, and the thumps of multiple hands clutching the phone were joined by a decisive pig's oink.
The voice of Peter B. Parker, now distant, grumbled, “Yeah, yeah. Like they really want to hear about the golden ratio over lunch.”
This battle for the phone resulted in the comical voice of Peter Porker crossing over into your ear. “I can teach you everything you need to know about art!” His mouth was way too close to the speaker and prompted you to wince, but it was soon wrestled out of his hands.
What came next were the sproings and boings of Porker jumping up and down in a fight to be heard. “I'm a cartoon!” he shouted, running out of breath midway through the declaration. “No schoolteacher can do better than a living art piece!”
Finally, Porker collapsed on the table with a thud and a rattle.
Static, the movement of air and breathing of inconsistent volumes filled your ear as the phone was turned upside down and carried at various distances from someone's face. “How does this gizmo work?” asked a low, almost gravelly voice.
Peter B. Parker hummed in the background. “Just hold it to your mouth and talk,” he replied in the middle of a large bite into his hamburger.
The static interference vanished at once, and the monotone of Peter Parker became clear. “Play hooky with us, kid. I used to ditch college every week in my day.”
Hiding between the shouts and struggle of the others was the calmer voice of Gwen Stacy. “We saved a seat for you.” The smile on her face was evident in her tone, with the clear amusement exposing the way she relished watching her comrades squabble.
“It's next to me!” came an excited shout from Peni Parker, who was sitting farther away from the phone.
Gwen chuckled, “She wouldn't let it go until we agreed.”
A wave of cool water sprayed you from above, and the chink-chink of the sprinkler system rained down on the corridor. Screams filled the school as students ducked for cover and hid inside the nearest classrooms.
You looked up to squint through the water, your gaze dropping when the phone line went dead.
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synthshenanigans · 5 months
woah hey a year has been passed wowie :0
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First two weren't posted here cos they were too long ago & not CJish related but love the way he took up 70% of the year lol
[ Full images + templates below :} ]
[TW for Bright Colors, maybe blood & very very vague themes of depression/suicide for like 2 drawings I believe]
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Long text about the arts if anyones actually curious!!
January: An old OC I completely forgot about until making this. He's based on old radio like things :}
February: Played Person 5 Royal last year & drew Joker cos idk he's neat. Fun fact, the same day I fully finished the game was the day Storm & a Spring came out. Also while grinding in the game, I had his Bidding & VoaC covers on repeat. Which was a bit annoying to do since they weren't on Spotify yet & YT on mobile didn't have looping then.
March: The Hawaii Part ii album cover :} I did post that eventually but that's the time I actually made it. Had listened to TME a couple of months before then which got me into the album, so months later I drew it cos why not? [Also the month Vol.1 fully released on everything. What's funny is my gallery for that day was a handful of memes I saved at 4am before I fell asleep. And then the next image saved is when I woke up which was a screenshot of the whiteboard in TfaR lol]
April: First main Jash art !!! And its not even with any of the songs from Vol. 1 lol. I had his Moss cover on repeat again & now that all of Vol. 1 was out, I drew Heart in some moss. Or really in the image from the video.
May: Lil animation I made of Heart with the song Don't Hit the Lights! Link to my post & the song can be found here :}. Still really like the song & even the drawings. Might remake em eventually idk
June: Sky/socialc1imb's Clue AU! I like murder mysteries & this one was real interesting so I drew it a lot lol. Might remake that one or one of the others I made at somepoint? It'll be a bit later if I do but ye
July: A redraw of a HMS piece I originally made back in May, based on the Three Wise Monkeys thing. I like the idea of it so I keep wanting to remake it.
August: I honestly can't remember if I posted that art or not. Actually yea I don't think I ever did PFFT. It's one of the few drawings I did of myself this year & its from CJs Not Perfect cover [as you can tell by the lyrics on it]. Also one of the very very few vent-ish arts I made. I like the background more than anything but its still neat ig?
September: Art for one of the best songs ever. I love Fine, I'm Fine its so good & I listened to it for like 70% of the 20+ hours it took me to make the drawing. Still proud of it so there's the sketch I drew on paper, the one on my tablet & then the final versions.
October: There was a lot from this month due to Jashtober. I still like this one lot & it wasn't insanely rushed so I picked this one to show lol.
November: I have no idea why I made a fun lil soul. I was having an identity crisis over my art style & ig decided to draw the guy who is a walking identity crisis/j
December: Same as September. One of my favorite songs ever was covered & released, so I made a drawing like everyone else lol.
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akkaweo-akkaweo · 11 months
Rare Encounters
Na Goeun x F!reader
Tags: scissoring, thigh riding
WC: 3.6k
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Everyone at school loved Na Goeun. No one knew how she could handle it all: being in student council, joining the drama club, and still managing to almost make it as class valedictorian (rank 2 isn't half bad though). She never had a bad rep or record, except that she had rejected almost every boy that asked her out. On the few occasions she did indulge in a date, that would be the last of it.
Something about that drew you to her. She was already nice enough to help you out in the few lab activities you got paired together for. She even got you some candy on the last day of class, which, while she did give to several other people, probably meant she remembered you enough to give one to.
Fast forward to today, and... actually, you don't know what happened to her. No one did.
It wasn't something bad or negative though; it's just that she had fallen off practically everyone's radars. Some say she got into a prestigious college under a pretty tight scholarship; others say she auditioned and is training for some entertainment company given her drama background. But the fact was, no one had a definitive answer.
That was, until your class reunion.
The buzz spread like wildfire. Your phone with a dozen different groupchats couldn't stop vibrating when someone sent a screenshot of the LINE message inviting everyone to come. Clear as day, Na Goeun sent a reaction.
"You think she'd actually go?," asked Ireh, sitting beside you and your friend Dosie at a cafe nearby your old school. The three of you still kept in touch, and just as you frequented this small coffee shop back then, you found yourselves coming back to it when everyone had the time.
"Beats me. Maybe she's so busy she butt pressed it and hasn't seen it.," Dosie remarked.
"Come on," you added. "That's so unlikely. Besides... it should be impossible for her to not be interested. It's Goeun. She had friends everywhere."
"Sometimes, an introvert can look a lot like an extrovert. Maybe we just never saw her being exactly that," Dosie replied.
"I suppose that makes sense," Ireh said. "Still wouldn't explain how she managed to stay introverted for 6 years."
Ireh and Dosie were both on a break from training at different arts schools. You on the other hand were taking a science course – likely thanks to Goeun for making it not as intimidating to you in the first place – and so when the two had to return to their dorms, you stayed on. The store owner knew you by now since you would often work quietly in the corner until the shop closed at around 10:30PM.
Tonight, however, someone new entered just before the store closed shop. It was a petite woman with long, jet black hair, with an aura and poise you almost couldn't believe you were seeing for the first time in years.
It was Goeun, in the flesh. And seeing her just as beautiful as before sent your chest in knots.
See, what no one really knew was that while it was primarily guys that had crushes on Goeun, you're pretty sure girls, like you, did too. You never threw away the wrapper of that candy she gave you. You cherishes every day marveling at Goeun tutoring you every lab session. And everyone's collective investment on whether she would be at the reunion did nothing but rekindle those feelings.
Now, Goeun existed in your world and only yours. Despite that sounding a lot creepier than it actually is, it was the truth. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to be the only one with her, just this once.
"Goeun-ssi," you said softly, hoping she'd turn around. She didn't.
You slink back in your chair, embarassed. Maybe it's not so good an idea to bother her? Like Dosie said, maybe she just never was the type to socialize, and the last thing she'd need at 10PM was some random person to bother her night munchies.
What you don't notice as you hide yourself in your hoodie and close your eyes as you think of that is that, as Goeun finishes placing her order in, she turns around as she jams to the music she's playing on her AirPods. And right as you open your eyes, she looks up from her phone.
"Wait," Goeun said. "You look familiar."
You reply nervously. "Yeah, uh... we were lab partners a few times. Under Baek-seonsaengnim?" You realize hiding in your hoodie might be making it harder for her to remember, so you lift your hoodie and remove your mask.
"Oh!," she exclaimed. "It's you! Hi! Oh wow, I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you! How have you been? Pardon me." Flustered, she put her earbuds away.
"No it's okay! I was just about to head home," you respond, closing your notebook and laptop quickly. "I don't want to keep you."
"No, please, don't worry about it! I just happened to come by the area. Before the reunion," she added.
So she did plan to go. Guess Dosie was wrong.
"Tell you what," she said. "Do you still live nearby? The apartments just up the road?"
"Not too far from that, you turn left by the convenience store instead of going straight," you respond.
"Oh neat! I'm not that far from you then. Why don't I join you for a bit?," she replied.
"It's okay! I can manage," you add shyly.
"Nonsense, it's late. I got you," she rebutted. "Besides, it's nice to see you again! You have to tell me how you've been."
You warm up a bit, and open yourself to being a bit more chatty. "Same here."
Waiting for your coffee, you try and make the first move. "Funny, I was just with Dosie and Ireh a few hours ago."
"Really! How are they? They still into performing?," she asked.
"Yeah. They're not classmates though, but I think they're both going to try out at the same theatre group when they graduate soon."
"That's great! Wow, it's so nice to actually hear from our classmates nowadays."
"Wait, so you haven't met anyone? None at all? In six whole years?"
"Well... I did spot Chaein from afar, you remember her right? From my section? Anyway, there was a time she saw me from afar while I was waiting for a bus, but before she could say hi, I had to go. Otherwise, no, probably just some random guys I actively tried to not run into when I caught them," she replied. "And, well, you! Right now!"
As you both step out of the cafe with fresh cups of coffee in hand, you head the way home. It's finals week for first semester, so the air is cold and damp.
After a few seconds of silence, only disrupted by the crunching of feet on asphalt, Goeun speaks up. "So... I'm pretty sure you're gonna ask me where I've been."
"Well... yeah. But I figured you had your reasons. I mean... you did, right?," you asked. "Not that it affects me or anything, it's just... I always thought you would, I don't know, be an actress or an idol, or literally anything–"
"Wah, jjinja?," she exclaimed. "Gosh no, I don't think I could make singing and drama my entire life."
"So what was your life then?"
What you thought was a pause turned out to be a full stop. "Wait, that's it? No scholarship, no special gigs? Just college?"
"No, of course not! Seriously, why does everyone assume I just get these things?," she laughed, seemingly shocked by the assumption.
"Because you were THE Na Goeun?!," you said incredulously. "Everyone thought you'd be out there in the world, not disappearing off the face of it," you retort.
"Hey, for what it's worth, I finally got to do some things I couldn't before. Jog more frequently, record songs instead of just performing, go skiing during winter. It's fun."
"But did you not miss any of it?"
"Any of what?" she presses, looking puzzled.
"The attention? The social life? Being loved by everyone?"
She looks up for a few seconds pondering on her answer. "Well, that's a lot to answer. First... I guess I did miss it a bit. Not enough to seek it out though, as you can tell. And second, I honestly just step away from it all, you know? I wanted to lay low, just excel quietly without getting attention, graduate, and do whatever it is I have to do to earn money nowadays. Does that answer your question?"
"I... yeah," you reply, shocked by both how much and how little you know of Goeun.
"But for the record," she glared at you, eyebrow raised with a smirk, "I succeed for no one other than myself."
You clicked your tongue and pointed at her. "There's the Goeun I know."
You both laugh as you share stories, struggling – and barely succeeding – not to wake up all your neighbors. You must have failed either way, because right in the middle of your conversation, rain suddenly pours, drenching both you and Goeun. You run to your porch, fortunately only about a hundred meters away, and laugh even harder when you both process what just happened.
"Don't even think about going home in this rain. I'm so sorry!," you said.
"Are you kidding? This is the most fun I've had in a while!," she replied.
"Please, dry yourself off inside! You can stay over until the rain subsides."
Walking Goeun up the stairs provided an all-important reality check: you were bringing your high school crush, who until now remained a mystery to everyone else, and is still pretty as hell even drenched, to your place, alone?
You power through the growing anxiety and successfully reach your apartment. It wasn't the biggest, considering your parents were the ones fully paying for it, so having a second person already made the place feel twice as stuffed.
You point Goeun to the bathroom to freshen herself up first, while you search for some spare clothes you could lend her. The flannel and jeans you were wearing sent sharp sensations of cold all over your body, so you instinctively remove them, leaving you in your underwear. In your rush to find clothes for Goeun, you miss her unlock the bathroom door and step out, herself also in just a sports bra and her underwear. When you turn around, you give a slight yelp.
"Ai, I'm sorry!" Goeun said, hiding behind the door. You both shuffle around awkwardly trying to find a way to get dressed, but, perhaps to break the awkwardness, she adds, "You have a nice body, you know that?"
You feel your body scrunch up a bit, trying to hide yourself. But Goeun walks up to you, grabbing towels you hung on a chair to cover both you and herself up. As she wraps your shoulders in a towel, she places a hand over the arm you've placed over your chest, trying to ease you up.
"Hey, it's okay," she reassured. "I know we're not close, but you don't have to be so shy." She looks at you, and your eyes meet. She always had very pretty eyes, accentuated by their size and the way they glisten in the light.
"If only I was as pretty as you, maybe," you blurt out suddenly. When you realize what you just did, you take your other hand and cover your mouth, shocked and scared. Even she looked surprised, and the two of you stared at each other in silence for a few seconds.
Both of you were trying to formulate whole ideas, but Goeun is the first to get a word out.
"I... think you're pretty too," she said.
Another round of staring. You barely notice it, but now you're almost up to each others' bodies. Fuck it, here we go I guess.
"I thought you were pretty ever since high school," you add. "I even kept that candy you gave me on the last day of school."
"Did you really?," she giggled. "You know, I gave you that because I remembered you as a lab partner."
"Why, was it because I barely helped? I'm sorry if I was too much for you to carry."
"No no, not like that... because back then, I'd see the way you look at me with those eyes, and it was cute. I remembered that."
You aren't that much taller than Goeun (maybe less than half a head), but you can feel yourself having to look down a bit more as you move your body closer to her.
"Goeun...," you whisper, "every time some guy asked you out and you rejected them, I always thought I'd actually be able to make you happy. But I also accepted I'd never be able to tell you that I liked you."
"Well," she says, as she tipped on her toes and plants a kiss on your cheek. "now's your chance. Do you perhaps... still like me now?," she asked innocently.
Your heart thumps all the way into your eardrums, but, with how close she was to you, you could feel her heart beating quickly as well. You're lightheaded, but at the same time aware of everything around you, most especially Na Goeun looking into your eyes with a smile.
You press your forehead into hers and close your eyes. No point hiding anything now.
"Yes, Goeun-ssi, I still like you."
She chuckled again, though sounding a bit nervous. "Please, I think we're past the point of you calling me that way. Just call me Goeun."
At that moment, a switch flips: literally, in that both of you have unwittingly backed into a light switch in the room; and figuratively, in that after exchanging a quick laugh, you both lean in together for a kiss. It was soft, gentle, and also unsure, but a second kiss erases all that fear.
Every moment your lips parted came longer than the last. You were immersed in the warmth of someone you've dreamt about in the past, and that's all that mattered then and there.
You break your kiss, and guide her to the edge of your bed. Goeun stares at you, for once seemingly unsure of what to say, and you move your hands to the sides of her chest. She gives a quiet nod, and you work her bra and panties off her. She does the same, moving her hands to your hips, and you nod in return. You both had a language only both of you could understand, and it burned you up inside.
When you pull her to the bed however, Goeun is just staring into your eyes still, like she's trying to say something.
"Is everything okay? Am I going too fast?," you ask, trying to calm her.
"No, it's just... this is my first time with a girl, and I haven't done anything like this in... I don't even remember," she replied.
You give a warm, reassuring smile. "Don't worry, this is my first time too. We'll... figure this out together I guess?," you added. She closes her eyes and smiles, looking more relaxed than a minute ago. She always was a perfectionist.
"No one's ever told me that before," she said, looking shocked from the statement. "Okay."
Both of you resume making out. Still not intense nor heavy, just enough to focus on each others' lips. Time to time, you or Goeun would pause to just look at your other half, and continue. Every pause you snuggle closer – perhaps still cold from the rain pouring outside. And, when your eyes lock, you giggle and keep going.
She breaks the rout with a light kiss on your nose. "You're cute when you have nothing to say."
You feel your cheeks flush. "If you're going to tell me you've been flirting with me ever since lab, I'm going to freak."
"If I managed to learn to flirt between then and now, it's a miracle," she replied. "But I mean it. You're cute in a way other guys can't be."
You place a hand over her cheek, rubbing it with your thumb. "I really hope this isn't a dream," you say, before kissing Goeun again.
"I don't think dreams would feel this real," she laughed.
You start making out again, your hands now straying to different parts of each others' body. Goeun's hand slides down your chest, pausing between your breasts, your hand works up her spine to the back of her head.
You pull her in closer, sliding your leg between hers, and hers between yours. You can feel the warmth of her core, and you're sure she can too. Both of you connect with a jolt; you feel Goeun's breath stagger. She looks at you again, with a look that said "it's okay, I'm yours."
You start to rub yourself on her leg, and she follows suit. Slick builds up on your thigh, and deep breaths trail behind. You can't hold back your moans, but neither does Goeun; her whimpers of pleasure are fed straight into your ear. The harder both of you grind, the harder you pull her closer to you, as if wanting to experience your stimulation as one whole.
"Does it feel good?," you ask under your breath.
"Yes, shit, I want more."
You're now determined to do one thing and one thing only: make Goeun feel good. You prop yourself up on a knee to get on top of her; her petite body rises and falls with her heavy breaths. She tries to get up on her elbows to meet you, but you place a hand on her chest. "Let me," you whisper, and she plops back down.
You feel around her folds, glistening and sticky from the stimulation you gave her. You give her one last glance, and her eyes are closed, ready to take you in. You slide a finger in, and Goeun gasps, feeling all of you in her. Her breaths are giggly, trembly expressions of pleasure, and it unsurprisingly turned you on. You reciprocated the pleasure with a second finger, causing her to lurch her back in ecstasy.
"Hah, that's so good! Please don't stop!," Goeun begs. You have never imagined her to be on the receiving end of anything, much less this, but you're committed to make her keep begging for more – as a metric of her enjoyment, of course.
You didn't anticipate, though, how much of a quick study Goeun could be, as she forces herself up and reaches a hand towards your groin. You feel a finger graze your clit, causing you to squeak, and Goeun continued to go crazy on it. Both of you are staring deeply and longingly at each other, legs crossed between each other – and of course, now fingering each other.
You couldn't take it anymore; you needed more of Goeun, and you wanted to give her more of you. You grab her hand out of your pussy and guide it to her mouth, and you do the same to your own. Your moans and movements at this point are so synchronized that when you drag her closer to start scissoring her, you're surprised to slam right into her juicy warmth without much distance covered.
Just like tides slamming and receding back, you and Goeun rub your pussies into each other. Waves of pleasure ripple across your body, and you can feel in the way she trembles in your grasp that so is Goeun. You're hungry for her, and the look in her eyes confirm she wanted to know exactly that. As you creep closer to your edge, a dam bursts open inside your chest, and you grip ever more tightly on to Goeun. She holds on to you just as tightly, enough to be moaning right next to each others' ears yet again.
Suddenly, you couldn't stop yourself from blurting everything you've ever thought about Goeun to her. "Fuck, Goeun, I've always dreamt this, I've touched myself to this dream so many times, please don't leave me! I'll do everything to make you stay! Please don't let me go! I just want to be yours!," you cry out in desperation.
"Yes, yes, yes, baby! You're mine! I'm not letting you go! I want to cum together! I'm so close!," she screams in reply. Those sweet words were enough to finally you make you tremble and leak, just before squirting all over her hips. Your orgasm in turn brought Goeun to her climax, your fluids mixing with each other, consummating your newly forged commitment to each other.
Together, you tip to the side, still locked into that embrace, catching your breath. The moans hidden beneath her breaths are soft but unabated, and you feel satisfied knowing she most definitely enjoyed herself.
When Goeun comes to, you stare at her and give her a kiss on her nose. "You're cuter when you're relaxed."
The gesture appeared to have jolted Goeun to her senses, as she gives a faint smile.
"I'm lucky I found you tonight of all nights," she whispered. Your softest voices were now audible, as the rain had finally subsided.
"And I'm lucky the rain kept you here," you reply. You look outside, thinking what comes next after this, and Goeun responded immediately by using her forehead to pull yours in.
"I'm not going anywhere," she reassured.
"Not even the reunion?," you taunt, giving a childish pout.
"Of course I'm going to that, silly," she giggles. "Only if you promise to come with me."
"It's a date then," you reply. "Finally."
A/N: hope this one surprises the few plorys out here in the wild. hopefully i get to make for kween dosie next
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mrabubu · 4 months
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Your comic is so uueueu there's not enough words for it!! I love the artstyle OFC, plus the way you layout panels and text, but more than the wonderful art the story is super intriguing and while bad future isn't new this take on it is so!! Unique!! I'm so excited to see where it goes!
Okay actual ask now: How long does 1 page take on average if you already have an idea for the story, and do you have any songs/playlists you associate with this Heart of Stone?
Ok, first of all HHHHHGNGNGHHHHH /I'm just so happy people start to get interested of my comic/
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And for the questions: 1) Honestly, I don't know xd Usually it depends on the complexity of the page, and how interested I am to draw it. I'm easy to distract. Most of the time my drawing process looks like: *draws for 5 minutes* *goes to YouTube to search for something to play on the background* *draws for another 5 minutes* *goes to check tumblr or something else or goes to search for another video bcs this one is boring* There are, of course, moments when I can draw for hours without rest when I'm really into some particular page or drawing overall, but it's rare. So, if to take the last update, I drew one page at a day, except for the last two which I finished in one day because I didn't have any other plans. It took me, maybe, a whole evening? Considering my statement at how easily distracted I am. 2) With this one I really tried to think about a playlist, but then I remembered that there is a playlist that I play when I draw the comic:
There's just something about the future turtles that gives me Horizon Zero Dawn vibes. Especially when I think of the future Donnie I always think about how he could easily take the role of Elisabet Sobeck in Horizon. If to be more precise, a few songs from Horizon ost that I associate with my comic would be: "A Wanderer's Work" (it's not present in this playlist, but you can find it on YouTube) "On Our Mother's Shoulders" "Envoys" "The Memory Of Old Walls" "The World And All It's Lessons" "This New Wilderness" "Identification" And a couple of osts from different media: Old Gods of Asgard - "Herald of Darkness" Mikolai Stroinski - "After the storm" Just in case, sorry, I don't have anything like Spotify, because I can't get access to it, and even something like SoundCloud, so, all I can offer is this...
Maybe I will have more osts/songs later, but for now this is it xd
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thlayli-ra · 18 days
'I Prayed For This...'
(Sequel to 'When Hell Froze Over')
Characters - Seth Rollins, CM Punk, Drew McIntyre, Cody Rhodes, Sami Zayn
AU - Valetverse (created by Syreina)
Rating - Teen and up
Warnings - Wrestling violence, mild language
Words - ~2700 words
Background Info - In a world where women no longer exist, society is split into two; dominants (the ruling class) and valets (who possess the 'inualidus chromosome' that allows them to bear children). Stripped of basic human rights, valets are expected to be entirely subservient to the dominants that claim them and few are prized higher than the valets of the WWE. Seth Rollins and CM Punk are both such valets and are married to Roman Reigns and The Undertaker, respectively.
Summary - Seth's scheme rapidly backfires!
From high up in the sky box, Seth Rollins watched on as the Royal Rumble unfolded in the ring. Lounging easily with a sarcastic smirk on his face, he was the very picture of aloofness, right up until the moment the crowd counted down '5...4...3...2...1', the buzzer screeched.
And the static hit! Followed by the first chords of 'Cult of Personality'.
The change in Seth was immediate. The smile disappeared and he sat upright, leaning forward to observe the older man slowly making his way to the ring. CM Punk was savouring the moment, bathing in the roar of the crowd. Seth couldn't blame him; this was his first televised match since his unexpected return to the WWE back at Survivor Series. This was a moment to remember.
But for all the wrong reasons!
Seth felt a nasty pang in his gut. Watching the man who had once been a friend, a mentor and so much more enter the ring, oblivious to what lay in store. What was this strange feeling? Like he was about to throw up? It couldn't be guilt. It was too late for that. Seth had already set the wheel in motion, baited the trap. There was no turning back now.
And yet... the feeling lingered, growing worse. Seeing Punk race across the ring in his gear with his dark hair slicked back, he almost looked like his younger self. A big greyer, perhaps, a bit thinner on top and wider around the waist. Yet even so...
After throwing Dominik Mysterio over the top rope, Punk posed for the hard-cam, arms open wide and from his vantage point behind him in the crowd, Seth gave a small gasp. A flashback burned into his consciousness at the sight. A memory of Punk standing just like that, placing his body as a human shield to protect a terrified young valet who quivered on the ground as a behemoth of a dominant barrelled towards them. Mark Henry had came dangerously close to killing Punk that day but the tattooed valet had never regretted his actions for a second. Once, when the pair were alone, Seth had broken down, sobbing as he apologised profusely for what had happened, and what had nearly happened.
But Punk... Phil, had merely wiped his tears away with the pad of his thumb, smiling gently. 'Don't fret, Kitten,' he'd said. 'I'd do it all again in a heartbeat.' Then he'd held Seth's chin in his inked fingers, one corner of his pierced lips curling. 'I'd do anything for my boys.'
'Oh shit!' Seth cursed aloud. 'Shit, shit, shit! DAMNIT!'
He'd changed his mind!
He stuttered up to his feet. He had to find Drew, call the whole thing off before-
'5...4...3...2...1... BZZZZT!'
Suddenly the rally of bagpipes tore through the air. Seth froze, his skin turning pale.
It was too late!
His co-conspirator, his inside man, his assassin was already on his way to the ring. Even from high up in the sky box, he could see the murderous glare on the Scottish dominant's face, his blue eyes boring directly into Punk.
From the moment they clashed, it was brutal. The thunderous chops, the ruthless Future Shock DDT, Drew punished the shorter man, targeting him relentlessly. Even when the pair of them made it to the final four alongside Cody Rhodes and Gunther, Punk was the last to his feet, looking winded. Seth watched the older valet rubbing his right arm with a grimace, the sensation of shame hot on his skin.
But then, the unthinkable happened. Punk had Drew dangling on the ropes, perched atop his shoulders. Seth had slumped across those same shoulders before, prior to falling victim to the GTS. A valet he may be, shorter and wirier than the dominants he often faced in the squared circle, but Punk was strong. It was almost inevitable; following a short struggle, Punk got the upper hand-
- and dumped Drew to the outside!
Conflict raged inside of Seth. On one hand, he was relieved his cruel plan had been foiled. Yet, on the other, he was still angry at the older valet. After all, had he not turned his back on them all and walked away? Hadn't he shown everybody his true colours at the other place? Hadn't he publicly dragged Seth's husband, Jon, through the mud on social media?
No matter what he had done in the past, his current actions mattered too. He didn't deserve a chance at Seth's title!
Soon, Gunther was gone, and it came down to the two men left standing. Two valets! Cody Rhodes and CM Punk! Men who had a long history with the company, who had both left and returned from the wilderness. Who both had something to prove and a story to finish.
Seth ground his teeth, studying his fellow valets keenly as they tussled in the ring, the pair of them cagey and determined. Several times, Punk got the better of the younger man and Seth felt his heart sink only for Cody to fight back, but when Punk got the American Nightmare up onto his shoulders, it looked to be over.
Punk paused. Turning around, he stared longingly up at the Wrestlemania sign. His white whale, his gaping void in his résumé. His one remaining dream.
A dream that was shattered when Cody leapt down, grabbed the older valet and threw him over the top rope. Forgetting himself, Seth leapt to his feet, cheering the winner with the rest of the WWE Universe. Now there was someone who deserved it, had clawed and scratched and earned their shot. An opponent that Seth would be proud to face, they would tear the house down and leave everything right there in the ring.
Cody stood on the turnbuckle, celebrating his win but Seth's eye travelled down to his beaten opponent slumped against the announce table with his knees drawn up to his chest. Punk looked so defeated, gazing up forlornly at the victor as he kneaded his right elbow with his inked fingers.
The pangs in his chest returned and Seth sharply looked away.
That should have been it. Done with. Over.
But then, the rumours started. Punk was injured. Bad. His arm, apparently.
He was given the opening slot of Raw to address the WWE Universe. Arriving late in order to avoid the man himself, Seth joined the small crowd gathered in gorilla to watch Punk's segment. The sight of the veteran wrestler with his arm in a sling and tears in his eyes stabbed him repeatedly in the heart. A voice began screaming in his head, over and over.
This is all your fault. This is all your fault. This is all your fault.
Punk spoke well, like he always did. Spoke of his grief and disappointment, but he didn't dwell long. To him, it was a bump in the road, a flesh wound. He was going to heal and then he'd be back, bigger and stronger and better than ever.
When all of a sudden, Drew's music hit. Every drop of blood in Seth's veins turned to ice.
Drew, what are you doing?
He watched with growing urgency as the huge dominant entered the ring, grabbed a mic and faced the tattooed valet. Every single onlooker around him held their breath, a sense of dread lingering like a mist in the air. Yet, it looked to be unfounded tension. Drew was being civil, sympathetic, even.
'I've never been much of a spiritual person but I want you to know this,' Drew said, pointing down at Punk's injured arm. He took a breath, wetting his lips with his tongue. 'I prayed for this and it happened.'
The atmosphere turned sour. The dread returned. The camera zoomed in on Punk's face, capturing the shock and disgust on the valet's features. The tightening of his jaw. The darkening of his tear-stained eyes.
Drew was mocking him now, gloating about how he had rid the WWE of Punk and now was going to take his spot at Wrestlemania, basking in the poisonous glare being shot his way. Seth felt a surge of anxiety. He knew Punk well enough by now to know that he wasn't going to just stand back and take such blatant disrespect and sure enough, the valet strode right up to the dominant, going chest-to-chest as he stared the Scotsman down. Seth was struck with the different in their sizes; Drew was tall, even for a dominant, and broad, towering over Punk in every way possible. The tattooed valet was heavily disadvantaged when fully fit, let alone with only one working arm.
'My heart hurts worse than my tricep does ,' Punk growled into the mic, his hazel eyes piercing right into Drew's blues. 'I'm gonna go rehab it and when I come back, I will main-event Wrestlemania, but the first checklist is you! I'm coming right for you!'
Seth saw the danger coming. Get out of there, Phil!
Drew stepped back with a chuckle. However it was a ruse and he pounced, striking out with his clenched fist. Punk ducked down underneath it. Get out of there, Phil! But Punk didn't run, he wasn't in the habit of running. He turned around, kicked his would-be assailant-
-then clattered his injured arm into Drew's face!
'Jesus Christ, Punk!' Somebody beside Seth uttered under his breath, repeating Seth's own thoughts. What the hell was he thinking? Or maybe he wasn't thinking? Was it just muscle memory?
Whether he realised his mistake or not, Punk didn't seem to care as he paused to rip his sling off so it didn't impede his next attack. But he was too slow. It was the exact opening Drew needed and he clashed their heads together. A Glasgow's Kiss, Drew called it. Sounded romantic but it was all brutality. Punk went down, falling onto his back, dazed from the blow.
'You should have gotten out of there,' Seth hushed out, watching like a ghoul as the valet writhed on the mat. Drew went in for the kill, grabbing Punk's injured arm and spreading it out across the canvas, exposing the bandaged wound.
'SOMEBODY'S GOTTA STOP THIS!' It was Sami voicing his protest, appealing to the rest of the group in gorilla. 'IS NOBODY GONNA STOP THIS?' He briefly caught Seth's eye but the World Champion quickly looked away.
Punk was helpless, the whole world watching as Drew lifted up his heavy boot. Unable to fight back as the dominant stomped down savagely on the already injured limb. Punk's howl of pain rang out through the arena, louder even than the crowd that hurled their rage at the Scottish Warrior. Drew didn't seen to hear as he paced the ring, circling his powerless prey.
He's not done!' Seth realised, feeling bile rise up his throat, acid scorching the inside of his mouth.
'WEL I'M GONNA DO SOMETHING!' Sami declared, heading for the curtain.
Drew was like a man possessed, obsessed, a rabid dog as he dropped to his knees and crouched down over Punk, grabbing a fistful of his dark hair. 'Scream for me!' the microphone picked up his distinct roar. 'Scream for me!'
At last, Sami arrived on the scene, chasing the dominant out of the ring before rushing to help his fellow valet. The cameras lingered on Drew who was in no rush to leave. Loitering on the apron with a mad glint in his eye, he watched Sami and the officials tend to Punk.
A shiver rocketed up Seth's spine at the sight. He'd seen enough and turned away from the screen, practically running from gorilla and down the hallways until he found a quiet spot to catch his breath. Slumping against the wall, he smoothed his hands over his head, trying to fight back against the sickly pain in his stomach. 'What did you do?' he muttered to himself. 'What the hell did you do?'
'You backed the right horse.'
Seth leapt a foot in the air, yelping with surprise when Drew suddenly appeared beside him, nonchalantly leaning against the wall. The valet saw red.
'What the hell was that, man?' Seth demanded, rounding on the much larger man.
'You told me to take Punk out,' Drew shrugged his shoulders. He was different now. Calmer. Cooler. Somehow, it was unnerved Seth even more than the madness in his eyes a few minutes ago.
'Yeah, I meant out the Royal Rumble!' Seth clarified. 'Just throw him over the top rope, not put him out of action completely.'
'Happy accident,' Drew sneered like a hyena, pushing himself off the wall and taking a step towards the smaller man. 'Anyway, you should be thanking me.'
Seth's heart began to pound as he took a step backwards, finding himself backed into a corner. A dead end. Just like that night with Henry. Only this time, there was no Punk, no Phil, no human shield to protect him from the incoming threat.
'Did you really think Punk would call it quits after losing the Royal Rumble match?' Drew went on, closing the gap between them, his voice soft like a tiger's growl. 'No, he would have set his eye on winning the Elimination Chamber and we'd be right back to square one.' By now, he had reached Seth and his large hands gently grasped the lapels of the valet's brightly coloured jacket, softly stroking the fabric. 'What I did wasn't pretty but it was necessary. If I wanted to save Wrestlemania, if I wanted to save WWE itself, I had to exorcise the demon. I had to end CM Punk.'
For some reason, Seth bristled. 'He said he's coming back.'
'Then I'll finish him for good,' Drew snarled, the viciousness in his tone returning. The dominant quickly shook it off, plastering an easy smile on his face. 'Anyway, enough about him. I actually came here to tell you that I will be entering the Elimination Chamber...' Slowly, Drew eased the lapels of Seth's jacket apart, revealing the World Heavyweight Championship belt around his waist, large and golden, shining in the dim light. '..and I will do whatever it takes to win. Only question is... what prize will I claim for my Wrestlemania moment?'
Blue eyes travelled up from the belt, taking in the sight of Seth's tanned skin beneath the mesh of his shirt, drinking in the athletic frame of the valet. Seth froze under his predatory eye, shoulders heaving as he was ogled so openly by the dominant. The etiquette backstage might have eased up once inter-sex matches became common-place but to have a dominant that wasn't his husband standing this close to him, touching him, leering perversely like this was still alarming. It reminded him of that night when Henry had cornered him in a dark corridor with the same sickening smirk on his lips.
Seth wished Roman was here; he would soon put the Scotsman in his place. Show him exactly who Seth belonged to!
All of a sudden, Drew's gaze snapped up and around the corner, looking down to the far end of the hallway. Seth glanced back over his shoulder and found Punk being helped onto a production crate, wincing as he clutched his seething arm. His heart skipped a beat the second he looked back up at Drew's face and saw the malice in the dominant's features. The hunger! Like a starved animal craving a delicious morsel.
Without once taking his eyes from Punk, Drew closed Seth's jacket again, lightly patting the valet on the chest before releasing him. 'See you around, Seth,' he said before slinking away into the shadows.
With the dominant gone, Seth could finally breath, letting out a shaky breath. This wasn't what was meant to happen when he recruited Drew into his little scheme. It wasn't meant to have gotten out of hand like this. Seth looked over at Punk, thinking back on everything that had transpired earlier in the ring, thinking about the way Drew had looked at the tattooed valet just now.
A long time ago, Punk had put his life on the line to save Seth from a predatory dominant.
And to repay him, Seth had unleashed a terrible curse on the tattooed valet.
He trembled at the thought of what lay in store for them both.
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sazzujazzu · 1 month
Hello, as the days count down and the Bad Batch finale draws closer, may I show to the fine folks of tumblr my first Star Wars OC in 20 years, created thanks to this show? 😃
Too bad, I'm showing them anyway 😊 somberly chilling while listening to their bestie talk.
Please excuse the poor background (I got lazy) and half-finished Tech (I got sad)
there's, uh, a big mess of words under the image because I wanted to put into words the importance this show has for me, and I am bad at doing so.
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I want to get some thoughts off my chest, because I have no one in my day-to-day life who cares about the animated Star Wars shows, and especially the Bad Batch. (well, other than my mom, but I don't want to bore her with my rambling too much. she already banned star wars from me once, i won't let that happen again lol)
I can't stop thinking how much I don't want Bad Batch to end.
This show has been so dear to me. I can't remember the last time I've loved something this much.
Before the second season started, I had an artistic block that had lasted way too long. Anything I drew or wrote, mostly turned out a horrible mess after staring at a blank page for hours and hours, if I ever managed to create anything at all. For someone who tends to draw whenever their hands aren't otherwise busy (aka all the damn time), such a block weighed down on my mental health.
Well, then season two happened, and full-on gave me back my love for Star Wars, a love that had somewhat gone out over the last few years. Then, Plan 99 happened, and broke me because again my favorite character "died" (I'm in team Tech lives until I draw my last breath or until proven correct. That chocolate-eyed cutie-pie is alive nothing will convince me otherwise). Pretty much after finishing the episode and staring at a wall for another 30 minutes, I said "nope" and began writing.
I wrote for hours. I believe it's been well over a decade since I last wrote fanfiction, but here I was, creating a Star Wars oc, something I'd last done as a ten-year-old. And now, roughly a year later, I think I've written over a hundred pages of (very self-indulgent) fanfiction with the Batch, and with my oc that I've come to love.
And drawing, oh boy, have I been drawing!
(... Sure, I've mostly been drawing Tech, over and over again, to a point I once actually considered lying and saying "yeah that's my boyfriend haha!" to a man at my job last summer, when asked who it was that I was drawing for maybe fifth day in a row 😂 likely would've been a more acceptable excuse for someone my age. But, I mean... I just really love drawing him, not only because he is my favorite character of maybe all time, but because he is just so fun to draw! And most of all, at least I draw again!)
And it is all thanks to this wonderful show about a bunch of defective and effective copy-paste boys and their sister.
It's probably something many say, but I've always felt like a bit of an outsider. I've felt like I have no place; when I was a kid, my interests were very different from the other kids of [gender assigned at birth], and trying to play with them while inserting my own interests into the games, often didn't go so well. I was... kind of an odd child (although now, older and questionably wiser, knowing that I might actually be autistic, many things make more sense now. me kind of discovering this about myself is also partially thanks to Bad Batch)
Also, growing up trans/non-binary, while not even knowing what that is or having a word for it, didn't really do much to help with the feeling of "I'm different and an outsider because of it". Perhaps it was one more reason I fell in love with Clone Force 99, because I could see some of myself in them. Being different from the "regs".
I love this show, and these fictional people have become my family, and I am not ready to say goodbye to them.
Alright, weird pile of thoughts over. In case someone read all this, uh... thanks 😊
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riddler-green · 1 year
Could I request a riddler/ reader w/ a reader who likes to draw him pls 🙏🙏 like as a gift or even just keeps and he finds them in their studio and realises his face is littered along their portfolio like a thoughtfully crafted tapestry and testament of their love or something corny like that I love the idea of a reader who’s just awe strikingly in love and him the same it’s so sweet WAAA but u can do whatever w/ the idea of artist/riddler ur so cool Ty <333
Mi musa.
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Summary:  you are an artist with your own habits but you never forget who your true muse is.
A/N: hey hiii! it's me again! thanks so much for the request! I really appreciate it! and I hope you enjoy it, I love that Riddler/ artist concept too!1 ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ੈ♡‧₊˚
Warning: possessiveness on the part of both, fluff!
Words: 1500.
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Art can be a means to convey what you want to say when you don't have the words to get them out of your mouth, you have never proclaimed yourself as the best artist in the world, but for as long as you can remember others have recognized your talent, you are grateful for the compliments of others who find charm in your work when you only find things to improve.
Perfectionism is something that tortures you when you look at your own work, you know there are things to improve but somehow when you draw the man of your dreams it's the opposite. Sometimes they tend to be simple doodles on yellow post-its, sometimes you draw portraits worthy of hanging in renowned museums, when it comes to Edward, you always find solace. A calmness in painting is like a therapeutic remedy.
Edward couldn't stand the itch in his nose, he had to sneeze covering his nose with his shoulder, you stopped painting and looked at the palette in your hand "Sorry" Edward apologizes in a low voice but you can hear him, you move away from the canvas to look at him "No need to be completely still my love, it's okay" you inform him mixing different shades of brown to paint his hair.
Edward kept as still as possible even though he is only sitting on a chair with a dark blue background, he couldn't help but think that when he poses for you it reminds him of an ancient king asking his star painter to do a portrait of him to show his greatness and power. But he knows he is not a king, he is still a little incredulous how someone like him managed to date someone like you, someone who looks at him with so much admiration, so much love that lasts for hours, even when you are out of your studio and he is at his most unfavorable moments you still look at him with great esteem.
"I think I will have to add more red to your cheeks, they are too red" you joke behind the canvas, Edward laughs at the comment, maybe in the past he would have refused to even have his picture taken, as he didn't like the way he looked, but now, he poses in front of you naturally as it is not the first time you paint him.
He doesn't mind that your studio is full of paintings, sheets full of drawings of him, he found it beautiful and wonderful, he started to love himself with your paintings, he sees the beauty that you see in him "Some day you should draw yourself too" says Edward calmly looking everywhere in the studio without turning his head.
"I don't know, self-portraits are hard to do" you reply placing a brush in your mouth as you use a palette knife on the canvas "Although it's not impossible either".
Edward remains satisfied with the answer and is silent again, he feels so excited with the result of the painting, you always make it a masterpiece at the end in his opinion. He scribbled sometimes on his accounting sheets and on his crossword puzzle, he drew question marks, and sometimes he drew you, or well, a caricature version of you, when he showed it to you, you cried, without you knowing you already started sobbing, it's different when they draw you.
Edward catches a glimpse of a rather large picture with all the drawings he has given you as a gesture of love, all the drawings placed as a big collage and protected by glass, under the picture, there was a signature "Eddie's Drawings".
His cheeks ache for he adores that you appreciate him too, it never crossed your mind to judge his drawing skills, you always received the little pen doodles with love "I'm almost done" you speak to him and he makes a happy humming sound, for you, you could be posing for days if you wanted to.
Again he thinks again, deep in his heart he loves it when you proclaim that he is your only muse, not Bruce Wayne, not another rich guy who pays for your paintings, Edward Nashton of KMTJ brings out your creativity to make paintings non-stop.
"I hope it comes out well in this painting," he says and you switch brushes "You always come out beautiful Eddie" you assure him as if it's a no-brainer.
Edward stretches his legs a little when he notices you are putting down all the brushes "More than the plain Mona?" you laugh at his question "More than the plain monkey" you reply and call him over to come to see the painting.
"wow" is the first thing he says when he sees it is him with various mixtures of paints that make it look great, he stays a few minutes fascinated with the work while you finish putting away all the paints and utensils.
"Do you want to take it home?" you ask taking off your Machado apron of various paint textures and Edward nods his head buzzing with delight as he takes your hand.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
"Is it a cow?" you ask looking at the paper in front of you, when they came in from your study day Edward wanted to show you a drawing he did on his break from work "It's a dog" Edward clarifies pointing to the somewhat deformed figure of the dog "it's you and me and the dog we saw in the park" he explains his drawing as you look happily at the drawing, so proud of him.
"It's so cute!" you squeal with happiness placing the drawing on one of the walls of the room "I think I'll put it in my next collection" you speak to him lovingly as the two of you embrace, Gotham nights are usually cold, but when you're next to Eddie it seems like the whole apartment becomes warm.
"I would like you to attend my next Exhibition will you go, right?" the two of you look at each other face to face Edward keeps his eyes closed completely in love with the position they are in "I wouldn't miss it for the world."
The presenter looked at you with respect, he was sitting next to you with several question cards waiting for the program to start, all the time your facial expression was serious.
When the program started the presenter began with a charismatic talk about your works "So, tell us, who is that man who is always in your paintings?" he let out the question with a curious tone the cameramen pointed to your face looking for a surprised expression from you, instead you answered naturally.
"He is my partner, Edward, we have been together for several years and I always fell in love with his way of being" you start talking with a formal tone "When I see something I love, I want to capture it in my paintings so it can be immortalized" you settle back in your seat placing your elbows on armrests.
"Before I was looking for perfection in my art, but now I achieved it without realizing it" the presenter remains static before your speech "perfection is when I look at the effort I put in each work and that it was worth it" you look at the camera in front of you "sometimes art can hurt us, but I decided to be happy painting the love of my life".
The presenter you forgot his name gave a few admiring claps as you took a sip of water. God, you just hope Edward watches the show.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
The man in clear glasses leapt towards you to hug you both standing outside the program set, the stoic countenance disappeared when you noticed your boyfriend, he squealed with joy for the program "God, how I love you!" he proclaims and before you could respond he kisses you on the lips, you close your eyes to enjoy the moment.
"Me too Eddie" you reply kissing him again, you remember hearing about Edward's past, you wish the people who hurt your muse would suffer the consequences of their actions.
"I think I have inspiration for another painting, but this time I need to buy a darker green" you comment smiling at him, Edward gets excited "what kind of green?".
"Mmmm" you pretended to think making a thoughtful sound "What color is the Riddler mask?".
Edward almost choked on his own saliva, in a few times you have painted him as the Riddler and that makes him get more excited "I um, I think, I can tell which gree-en it is" he stutters nervously.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
There were nights when Edward tried to draw you with canvas, and you happily posed while Edward mixed different tones that you could easily make a rainbow vomit, still, it was a dream for you to see him like that, you swear he looks so cool behind the canvas, you seriously consider buying him a beret to match his beautiful eyes.
When Edward finished he proudly showed you the artwork, someone else would say it was a perfect Picasso with the drawings barely repeatable but for you, it was the masterpiece of the century.
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Thank you very much for reading! And sorry for the mistakes!
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