#hydra headcanons
kahuna-burger · 1 year
Random hydra/Strike team euphemism: "Transfered to R&D"
Hydra doesn't have long term disability coverage. Or, really, great short term disability. If you survive a mission but are too badly injured to be useful in a week or two, there are always a couple of entirely non-FDA-approved projects on rapid healing, synthetic flesh or just "what does this compound do?" that you can help out with. It might get you back into action, and if not, your contribution to the improvement of the human race will be honored. Hail Hydra or whatever.
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bbyboybucket · 2 months
Do you guys think that Bucky and Steve have to take vitamin and mineral supplements? Bc most the general population is deficient of several vitamins in general and can’t get enough from food sources, but a super soldier with a much higher metabolism would need even higher than the amount for a normal person. So without supplements, they’d be pretty deficient right?
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farlongerthanforever · 4 months
does anyone have any headcanons or backstory about the city of vesuvia? i was thinking of writing like a prequel fic of sorts and i’m really struggling with the world building since we only see a few locations in the city in the actual game.
if anyone has any ideas PLEASE dm me or respond to this i’m so curious !!
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bleedingichorhearts · 28 days
𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐒𝐜𝐲𝐥𝐥𝐚
𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: For those who are dangerously curious and greed for their appearance.
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams, @egrets-not-regrets, @bispecsual, @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan, @sleepyfan-blog.
TW // Convinced! SMUT/NSFW.
|°𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬°| |°ᴛᴀɢ ʟɪꜱᴛ ᴀᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ°| • {𝐒𝐜𝐲𝐥𝐥𝐚}
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐇𝐲𝐝𝐫𝐚, 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 & 𝐀𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐮𝐬
A great, horrid, mythical creature combined from three bodies to make one with the glowing eyes of the deepest blue galaxies. Its height never comparing to the tallest statues made from the hands of Man-Kind.
However, its three heads never fail to scare all when there was supposed to be one. The long, dark blue scales of their necks wrapping around their main solid and scaly body like a python, protecting it. Some spots having a lighter blue where their softest points would be, but don’t be fooled from the obvious. They are always watching. Their 12 midnight blue, squid-like tentacles silently treading the waters it claims, keeping it afloat. Waiting for its next sleepy meal to swallow whole.
𝐍𝐞𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬:
All three of them share the same mind, something like telepathy. So it’s extremely hard to find an opening to escape. Especially when one or more heads find you rather appealing to look at. If you do manage to bypass their eyes? Props to you, you have earned yourself some time in air jail.
For being a huge ass myth they are quite a curious monster. They love to watch and watch as you would cook some fish they have gifted you for your survival or try and get a peek at your soft flesh when you undress for a “shower.” They get shooed away however, leaving them all the more curious. What did their little Serpent hide from their eyes?
Three heads will also offer you regurgitated humans for a source of food for you. Their heads all tilting in every direction when you don’t seem to like the offer? How else is he to feed you? …by fish you say? Well why didn’t you say so? He’ll regurgitate all the schools of fish he’s eaten too… How many do you want?
Also, for a monster that eats sleeping captains and crews. This Scylla provides a rather soothing sleep experience with your body laying between their rather warm, scaly pecs(man boobs) of their body as they would just float backwards in the water. Their clawed hand gently cupping over your body, giving you protection against the elements and the splashy waves of his territory.
Sometimes, these connected bois love to waterboard you and watch as you would get increasingly frustrated with the power of the water splashing on you. Your hands gripping at your sides before you finally decide to crawl up into your cubby hole where he can’t reach you. Unless they wanted to water you out of there, but they learnt their lesson quick when they did before, having a rock thrown at them and logged between their scales. Plus, they got “grounded” from staring at their little Serpent.
Sad, sad Scylla. :’(
𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬:
First of all, the head is phenomenal. The three of them didn’t think their little Serpent tasted so good from the inside when they finally see what she hides from their gaze. Their tongues lapping down at her tiny folds and bud, tongue fucking you, gaining this… tasteful liquid on their tongues. Mmm, this was definitely a far better meal than humans whole. Despite it being very small portion, but damn are their senses strong.
It actually took them a second that “liquid” was your arousal being spent on them, but when they figured that out? They didn’t stop. Getting aroused on your arousal towards them. Their hips thrusting in the air, creating waves in the water with their tongue still fucking you on their hand. Your pretty little cry’s and screams begging up at them for many, many things.
Will fuck you on their tentacles as an alternative, cause I mean, this Scylla is the size of a skyscraper. He’s not going to fit unless he has an ability to get small. So their tentacles will do for their watchful pleasure. All their eyes on you as their clawed hands will work at their cock. Pumping their girth while they (gently) piston into you with their tentacles coated in your climax.
If they do manage to get small, you bet your pennies they would absolutely rail you to The Trenches and back. That ache of being too big for you hooking them quick. Don’t even have a chance to register the size change before you’re pinned underneath them with his pre-cum coated cock sliding though your folds with ease. Driving themselves to the hilt. Their mission? Breed.
Your body will most likely be covered in his semen by the end of the session. All heads nuzzling up against your really breathless form. Cooing at how well you did on their tongues and tentacles while he still paws at his own cock. Their tongues cleaning you up as well of his own cum and yours before they would put you down in his nest/seabed for a much needed rest.
Very happy Scylla! :D
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bomber-grl · 5 months
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Playing w/Sages hair hc
Pairing(s): Sage Lesath x Gn!Reader
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Sage has always been the teasing and joking type
Even little moves made on your part are made into dirty jokes and whether or not you buy into them- well let’s not go into that
In the rare occasion that sage invites you to sleep with him, just to share the bed, he swears.
Well you can’t really argue, especially since he didn’t try to imply anything dirty
The two of you ended up in bed and how didn’t seem to matter.
The two of you were just cuddling, you guess everyone needs a little love once in a while so you obliged.
Your eyes couldn’t help but hyper fixate on sages white hair- it looked unbearably soft
Sage seemed to have noticed and guides your hand towards his head to rest there.
“Uhhh are you sure it’s fine?” You asked as if your flinching didn’t ask that nonverbally
“I’m fine, it’s fine. I want you to” Sage makes an emphasis of this by keeping your hand tangled in his hair, but he moves away.
“You know what?” his sudden movement already got you sitting upright so he moved so his head would lay on your lap.
“There, touch me all you want” he adds with a bit of a flirtatious tone.
You can instantly feel his eyes on you, expecting you to play with his hair- even more- his ears
“Hey” he draws you out of your thoughts “I wouldn’t have.. I wouldn’t given you permission if I didn’t trust you,ok? Loosen up” he shoots you the best look he could but you still don’t miss how his eyes soften.
You let out a small “ok” and first run your hands through his hair.
You begin untangling it almost- but with how soft his hair is there isn’t much to brush through.
You absentmindedly start playing with his ears but once you notice you almost pull back-
That’s before you feel a deep purr resonate from his chest, you even felt it before you heard it.
This really gave you the confidence and so you continued with what you had been doing.
You reached and scratched behind his ear but Sage reached up and grabbed your wrist-
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to-“ Sage brought a finger to your lips and let out a laugh.
“It’s fine, really.” He sighed “just keep touching me, ok?” He sounded like his usual self but the way his voice sounded so on edge- it’s almost like he was on the verge of crying.
You smiled and traced his face, he leaned in and playfully bit at your palm but smoothed over it and kissed it back to “health”
You let out a laugh, as did he, but ultimately returned to your previous place.
Your hands smoothed over his ears and continued playing with his hair with your other hand.
His head leaned in impossibly close each time to the point he was flush against your hand.
“Sage, I’m trying to play with your hair” you said, almost in a whiney tone.
He laughed “just, come here ok?” He pulls you closer and rest his forehead against yours.
There was a small period where neither of you spoke but Sage ultimately leaned in and kissed you, his fangs lightly grazing against your bottom lip.
You let out a small laugh at that and he surprisingly picked you up so that you’d both be laying down.
All that could be heard was silence and your breath but you ultimately leaned into sage and whispered “thank you”
Sage leaned back to look at you “what for?” He tried making it flirtatious.
“For letting me, yknow “ you motioned vaguely at his ears.
“Of course I would, it’s you”
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apollo-winters · 1 year
Seeing as I am still balls deep in the arcana fandom and 2 years later am still a dog for Nadia, bark bark babes... and well no one is providing me with countess content NEARLY as often as I require, I thought I'd do it myself 😌
Eat up gays
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zephyrus-gremlin · 3 months
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When your (idk how many greats) grandpa can turn into a giant hydra and was kind enough to give you a ride (into battle)
(More Hydra!four for the masses <3)
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tytarax2 · 2 months
may i request twisting tiger, ja nein and liquido with an s/o smaller than them?
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Forehead kisses literally 24/7
Will definitely confront someone who’s being rude
Sometimes he will go up to you and pat your head or pull your cheeks with his big, cheeky smile
If you were around his height tho, i think he would love to rest his head on your shoulder
Will randomly go up to you and hug you while rocking back and forth because that’s how much love he has for you
If he does tease you, it won't last long time bcs it will end up with laughing
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Well, even though he's the shortest on his team, he's still German, so he's definitely tall.
You’re always the small spoon, seeing as neither of you would be comfortable any other way.
He really has no defining opinion towards your height
He does find it slightly amusing seeing you reaching for high up things or trying to intimidate Uber when messes with you
You sometimes steal his shirts and jackets, and he loves how it drapes off of your body
He makes fun of you but only to tease you and joke around, God forbid someone else make fun of you cause then you’ll have to struggle with holding your much taller bf back from use his manipulating skills :v
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Oh boy
This guy has no mercy
He lives and breathes short jokes
He loves the height difference between you two and brings it up a lot
Always moving things up too high for you cuz he adores helping you out
It wouldn't matter if you're slightly shorter than him, he will lord it over your head
I can see the bastard bending down until he's eye level with you and cooing how cute you are
So you better get used to it
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macabremayhem · 4 months
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The old sketch of human (or not?) Valdemar.
Because of their antiquity, I came up a headcanon about their origin. So, what about a country near the great river and with the great pyramids? Many lands of the Arcana world have references from India, Arabic region or Mongolia – so, Ancient Egypt? Why not? I can't decide, maybe this is ancient Zadith? There is nothing about Zadith in the canon, just a note in the ArcanaWiki:
"The homeland of Asra's parents, Zadith lies across the Malvent Strait from Vesuvia. This is a country where both science and magic are highly respected. Those who combine both disciplines are known as alchemists."
I think this short description is suitable for the heritage of such civilization as Egyptian.
I’m sad that the history of the world is so poorly developed, but I still love the lore so much. And I’d be happy to read (only from the original writers), say, a brief history of the world. But since there's no any history, I'm taking the liberty (and, a bit, my history degree) to assume: Zadith is the inheritor of some ancient civilization like the Ancient Egypt.
I'm not good at naming, so I will provisionally call it "Deshret" – Egyptian word for "red land, desert". Valdemar spoke about "millennia of existence", describing their antiquity, so I'm pretty sure: they have been born as a human in the ancient kingdom, like the Ancient Egypt. Also, note that red beetle brooch at the neck: similar motives were common in the Ancient Egypt. And, I think, Valdemar had this beetle brooch long before the Plague.
Okay, maybe developers in Portia's route (flashback scene with Prospero and foundation of Vesuvia) just showed Valdemar to us as we know them, because of developing another (kinda "more ancient") sprite and costume for the short scene is not viable. But anyway: we have what we have. What if we imagine that "red beetle brooch" of the Courtiers is rooted not only in the Red Plague? What about a, merely my headcanon, the Egyptian "scarab" motif?
So, there's the old traditional sketch I have. When I drew this pic, I imagined Valdemar just after their first deals with the Devil. Just look at their eyes.🫀
And – of course, they are in the tomb. Maybe as a priest? Who knows, fellow humans.
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sahara-solaris-solace · 5 months
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Liquido, Shane Finn and Skipper (Trio Headcanons)
- Thick as Thieves.
- They considered each other like real sharks tribe like in Finding Nemo.
- They may be over the edge over people but they bond very well with sharks they encountered.
- Skipper is the mom friend who gives solid advice and scold Liquido for his recklessness. He is also the only person besides Coach Del Aqua who can put Liquido on his place in casual manner.
- Liquido is the asshole who also treat his friends as such but tone down due to the same interest and teammates who spent more time in water than earthly sentiments. These two are few of the people he can tone down his snarky ness and asshole ness.
- Shane Finn is the average joe who just hangs out with Liquido because the guy brings too much energy and enjoy extreme challenges. He also enjoys Skipper pragmatic advice and take the advice to his heart.
- They may be close but if things get rough, specifically in pure malicious, you are on your own. ( Why do you think in Depth Charge S05E03, Skipper and Shane Finn just let Liquido be punished?). Just because they are friends, they are not to coddle someone.
- Likes to taunt opposition teams but purely for rivalry. They know when to draw the line to avoid pure conflict.
- Liquido appreciates them deep down but will never say it out loud cause it will let his guard down due to his trust issues from his rough childhood.
- Shane Finn is practically the charmer who gets the ladies or guys on off days while people get intimidated with Liquido and Skipper is already taken or not that interested in hook ups.
- Enjoy grilled fish with sodas by the campfire while view ocean at night.
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amarriageoftrueminds · 5 months
Besides Abraham Erskine's unexpected death, I know that Howard Stark is an unextremely unlikable character, but even I think Peggy had something to do with his and Maria's deaths. AND the people who are most suspicious about Hydra are also assassinated or almost assassinated (Daniel Sousa, Nick Fury). Meanwhile, Peggy gets away scott free. Ummm... Peggy is DEFINITELY meant to be Madame Hydra. If we only got the Serpent Society movie instead of Civil War 😐 She really killed a lot of people just to accomplish her goals..
My headcanon about Howard and Maria is that Hydra was undergoing an internal power-struggle surrounding the dissolution of the Soviet Union (as if it was previously one org with two separate branches about to become one big global org). And Stark had successfully replicated superserum and put Zola's mind on tape (the real brain of the outfit) ...perhaps meaning he had outlived his own usefulness to Hydra.
So someone ordered the Starks got rid of to open up room at the top in 1991 -- either Peggy or SHIELD's Head of Defense, Mitchell Carson (shown alongside her and Stark in 1989, in Ant Man, when Howard clearly disliked him... so she must have hired him!) .
(Side headcanon: Maria Stark was a chemist who actually replicated the serum for SHIELDra, but in typical Stark style Howard took all the credit.)
By this time, they said in AOS that Pierce was Undersecretary of the World Security Council and doing SHIELDra things (transparently as a way to try and make Peggy sound non-culpable.)
But instead AOS showed Peggy was definitely leading SHIELDra the same year SS Officer and torturer Werner Reinhardt got released, and apparently did nothing to stop that. 🤦‍♀️
(So Stark's dead by 1992.
Peggy gets to retire in suspicious peace. Which is funny cuz her own show said "a boring life is a privilege." 🤔
By 1995 there was a SHIELDra "cognitive research facility" called the North Institute in Ohio, with Winter Soldier mind-control tech research there.
Which we know cuz Nat's "family" stole it for use mind-controlling Black Widows.
And meanwhile, Nick Fury was still a lowly SHIELD agent under new SHIELD Director Keller, bumping into Skrulls and such).
But yeah Peggy's soo Margaret Thatcher coded and Atwell has aaall the arrogance to pull off a villain. It would've been perfect!
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Percy: Okay. Before I go in swinging - does anybody already have a plan for tackling this Etruscan Hydra thingy?
Leo: Already halfway there, P-dawg. Me and my satyr bro Grover were planning to lead the first wave.
Nico: We're doomed...
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lexygabe · 3 months
northquido headcanons
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disclaimer: i was bored af lately so i decided to write down all of my thought about this stupid assholes
tw: use of slurs (it's fucking liquido and north come on you know they would) and nsfw content but this is under a cut
• this one is for the veterans that followed me on wattpad, the 🎀💋🤩💌👯‍♀️bread 💌❤️‍🔥❤️❤️, to be more specific brioche bread is liquido's equivalent of giving someone chocolate box,
• their relationship doesn't get in the way when it comes to their rivalry,
• their love language is using the most fucked-up insults you've ever heard of. liquido calls north 'dirty dumb blonde fag' and north tells liquido that he is the biggest stupid cunt he ever dated. they love each other 🥰🥰,
• to everybody's surprise this relationship is good for them. since they are dating, both north and liquido spend more time on training,
• liquido is much of an attention seeker so it's very hard to see them being apart,
• when they are in the same room with other people and liquido starts to acting up, north is like: "oh my god, sit the fuck down🙄🙄". at first liquido didn't listen to what north was telling him but over time when north told liquido, for example, to shut up: liquido shut up. "hold it": liquido holds it. "tell him": liquido tells him,
• when it comes to north, liquido always mocks him. when something happens liquido says things like that to north: "say you are sorry", "thank me now", "😜😜say: please liquido😵‍💫 i can't live 🥺🤭 without you". unfortunately, north knows that he needs to say all of these things because otherwise liquido will be offended at him a whole day,
• type of couple that was shipped by fans long before they started dating,
• when it comes to being romantic, they are romantic on the level of a third grade student. north gives liquido some 'awesome, diabolical, fun as hell rocks' he found on the beach and liquido sends him pictures of drawings that he made on some documents or nda's (del aqua was pissed off) (those drawing looked like if they were made by preschooler),
• the most romantic thing they've done was placing receipt with written love confession into an empty alcohol bottle and throw this to the ocean. soon after that beach guard reported them to police and they have to pay a fine💀💀,
• north sends liquido every "blue haired girl" meme,
• another easter egg for my wattpad followers: north teaches liquido how to ice skate (it ended up horrible),
• liquido is the master of making the scene in public. he is sitting on north's lap in the most random moments and places, he gives north a slap on the ass when there are cameras everywhere, etc.,
• north on the other hand, hits liquido in the shoulder, elbows him in the stomach or pokes him between the ribs with his fingers.
"it wasn't funny😐😐😦😬"
• north is crocs and liquido is flip-flops,
• they don't care about privacy in the bathroom. when one of them is washing their teeth - the other is peeing, etc.,
• don't let them play uno or monopoly,
• btw they are playing a lot of traditional games when they have lazy days,
• the couple that wouldn't marry each other til their 60s
• they are drawing dicks on a cast if one of them broke any bone.
• when they are making out there is a lot of saliva, teeth and blood (because they bite each others lips every time),
• if you see them during a quickie, you didn't predict. just go away,
• someone already mentioned it but breath play, liquido likes it especially. yeah it also applies to swallowing,
• dirty talk and i mean a lot,
• tbh liquido is the one that is doing blow jobs and giving hand jobs to north, this is my man's cup of tea,
• north is one wild mf, my man is searching for that g spot inside those hydra cheeks (im sorry, pls forgive me),
• hickeys💋💋💋.
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bleedingichorhearts · 1 month
I'm just a little cum dump for my favorite big men. 🤪
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𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: Oh, oh lordy. I hope you know how many there is so far. Though, who exactly are your favorites? Apologies, this became something a little more.
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams, @egrets-not-regrets, @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan, @sleepyfan-blog.
𝕬𝖈𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖊𝖉𝖌𝖊: This has some name and attribute spoilers of my created characters. Which also means these characters can change their… preferences.
TW // SMUT/NSFW, Overstimulation, Breeding, Marking/Biting, Mating Press, Tentacles, Cockbuldge, Cockwarming, Body Worship, Non/Dubcon, Shower/Water Sex, Massage, Size Difference, Pregnancy, Double Penetration, Bondage, Lactation, Corruption? Controlled Orgasm? Semi-Public, Scent Kink, Google Translate.
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𝔸𝕕𝕖𝕡𝕥𝕦𝕤 ℂ𝕦𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕕𝕖𝕤:
Celsus(Shadow Keeper):
Celsus is a quiet one. In fact, most of these Custodes are. Though, Celsus usually gets to you first, staining your sensitive walls with his seed. He’ll groan like a phantom when he does, looking down at your overly sensitive form. His hands massaging your thighs as he angles you to where his cum pools above your folds. His cock still twitching inside of you.
“Throne, little one, let me cum inside of you once more.”
Atlas(Aquilan Shield):
Atlas is always around, it how you get double penetration sometimes. It’s also how you get pinned in semi-public places. Atlas preferably likes to take you alone, but when you call for him? He is there, ready to provide for you. Ready to stuff you so full of him, that his cum coats the inside of your thighs and drips from your hole; onto the dirty ground. You’ll have to completely rely on him to protect you, to take care of you and take you back home when you tap out.
“Shhhh, little one. You called for me, let me take care of you.”
Pythios(Dread Host):
Pythios wouldn’t hesitate to put you in your place and he won’t stop until you tell him to, or if you are too cock drunk on him, they have enough (a lot) of logic to stop. Though, when stuffing you, he’s a “little” messy. His cum creating a milky web between your thighs, folds and his cock, but he likes to clean you up afterwards whether by tongue or cloth. He also likes how exhausted you look by his cock that still rests inside of you, cockwarming you.
“You are stubborn, little one. Let me take care of that.”
Horos(Solor Watch):
Horos is the kind one, always watching from a distance, but when it’s his moment to stuff you he’s pulling you into a mating press. His form curling around you as both of your thighs are covered with his cum. Yet again, he doesn’t stop until you tap out. So the squelch of each thrust is audible around you when you whine and clench around him so deliciously.
“Please, little one, let me fill your needs.”
Sabinus(Emissary Imperatus):
Sabinus is the first one to know of your needs before you do and his brethren, he’s already providing for you. His cock inching between your cum coated folds with a squelch. Your hands gripping up at his shoulders, clawing, squeezing at him as you feel so full of him, so full of his seed. The sheets will smell like him, even after you wash them.
“Good little one. You are doing so well.”
𝔻𝕒𝕣𝕜 𝔸𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕝:
Ruslan would put you in an angle and tie you up at his mercy to mate press you and nuzzle at your neck, loving your scent while he’s stuffing you over and over again. It felt oh so sinful of him, but he can’t stop. You smell so good, look so good with his cum staining your fluttering walls. He just has to fill you up, inhale your scent to make you all his all over again.
“You are my sin, Маленькой ангел(Little angel.)”
𝔼𝕞𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕣𝕤 ℂ𝕙𝕚𝕝𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕟:
Ambrosius is going to have you tied to the bed. He isn’t taking his chances when you left him with a note the first time you’ve met. You are staying and taking his cock, his seed. He’ll continue to paint your walls until you are babbling at him, mewling at him. Unable to say anything as he takes in the scene before him with his eyes. His cum continuously leaking down his cock from your hole and onto his balls.
“Mmmm, I’m going to love to paint, to fill you, petite rose(little rose.)”
𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝕎𝕠𝕝𝕧𝕖𝕤:
Lycus loves to curl around you and put you up into a mating press. Biting and nipping at you while driving his cock through your slick folds at an eager pace. Loving the feeling of his cum squelching around his cock while he breeds you. He can’t help, but latch onto your shoulder every time he pumps your womb full of his future pups.
“Throne, you tease me with that fertile hole of yours, Little wolf.”
𝔹𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝔸𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕝𝕤:
Amadeus is a little tricky one, but every once in a blood moon he has you stuffed to the brim with his cum. His long life of not having to rail his little bonded hitting him like The Red Thirst. He’ll put you in a mating press and bite into your shoulder, the wicked combo making his eyes flutter and his cock twitch to fill you up the upteenth time this… day? Week?
“Vita mea(My life), please, stay still. I only wish to bring you my pleasure upon you.”
𝕀𝕣𝕠𝕟 ℍ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕤:
Sviatoslav will stuff you so good you won’t remember what the hell happened before he railed you. You’ll be cockdrunk and cockwarmed through his process of stuffing you and he knows all the best way to make you cum more than him. Don’t try to get him to stuff you either, he’s the one controlling this, alright?
“Stop fighting me, Маленький целитель.(little healer).”
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕 𝔼𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤:
Spartak can be brutal if he wants to be. Especially when you run away from him. He’ll overstimulate you so badly with his cock you don’t even know what world you were in, you keep fading in and out. Your tears of pleasure blurring your vision. Not to mention that the nest is a mess. Covered in his semen, including you. You’re covered, filled with his seed, his scent. So, if you go off running on him again they will know who you belong to and you won’t get away so easily from him.
“Stop running away from me, Маленький мир(little world.)”
𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕙 𝔾𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕕:
Blasius loves to breed you. He wants to see you swollen, round, and pregnant with his seed after each round he puts you through. He’ll desperately try and keep you stuffed by shoving putting his tentacles in your fertile hole or even angling you downwards in order to keep his seed inside of you, and if some leaks out? No matter, he still has plenty more to give you.
“Just one more little mate, just one more, you can do it.”
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝔹𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕣𝕤:
Rasul & Zazir:
Rasul & Zazir are always together and they will worship you together. Massaging your sensitive skin, your chest, your wet folds. Have their lips on you at all times. Nibbling and sucking on those breasts of yours, hoping to gain your essence from them and from your generous core they have stained with their endless corruption.
“Let’s us worship you, little deity. You have done so much already, relax.”
Dorvenos will stuff you upon order, upon asking him. Will keep thrusting up inside of you until the folds of your core a milky. Until you tell him to stop, but he will encourage you to take more of his seed. You just look so beautiful with his cum staining your overly sensitive skin. So radiant with the bulge of his cock stuffing you more than his own cum.
“Moje Zlato(My gold), you’re stuffed full of me, think you can handle another one?”
Hydra(Alpha Legion):
Hydra a tricky one too, more so on the trickster side of himself. He’ll mate press, bite, cockwarm and suck on those tiddys of yours, but he can unpredictable about it. Not so much so that he is stuffing your pretty little hole with his cock, just the random sensations and pace of his are wild on you. It feels like he’s needy, but at the same time it feels controlled. Well… your orgasms are, not so much of his.
Man is not talking, he’s too busy biting you at random times.
Asclepius(Alpha Legion):
Sweet Asclepius is suckling on your breasts and flicking the nubs with his tongue. Hoping to get a drink from them as he deeply rails against you. His cum pooling around your *ss. His eyes fluttering closed as he gets pussydrunk on you. He won’t stop however, but it definitely makes you feel like you ate a full course meal.
“Little serpent, rest. Let me do all the work for you.”
Leviathan(Alpha Legion):
Leviathan can be feral when it comes to stuffing you full with his cum. Especially in the shower or any body of water. He loves how his cum mixes with the water and dribbles down your leg. How his cum moves around your walls because his cock is too much for you, but he still stuffs you, breeds you like he’s in his damn element, gaining energy from the water.
Doesn’t speak either, but he’s definitely hissing, groaning and moaning in your ear.
Solor(Gray Knight):
Solor is on it. He never misses an opportunity to rail you when he can. To have you so full of his cum that you look pregnant before you even are actually pregnant. Surprisingly he is not messy about it, he somehow keeps the sticky mess controlled, but you are cumming with him each time he cums. This Gray Knight is passionatly and keenly breeding you to his home planet Titan.
“Throne, you are my grace, little maiden.”
Xerxes is also on it. One kinky Ultramarine. Would take you anywhere besides public. He has enough decency to know some boundaries. Though, without public eye he is breeding you at every angle and he gets to stuff you? Wave your vacation leave goodbye! You put him in a rut-like position where he overstimulates you until you are limp in his arms and he still uses you as a fleshlight. Every place you fuck is clearly left with a mess. You are so lucky he’s an Ultramarine.
“Take it, Sargent. Yes, there we go, such a good girl~”
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sugary-bluebell · 2 years
Can I request Julian and Asra being in a qpr (queer platonic relationship) with a gn reader?
Julian and Asra being in a qpr with reader
°•A/n: soo idk if I did good with this request, it was a bit tricky tbh but I hope it's okay with how it turned out cos I'm not so sure myself, pls tell me ur thoughts on this anon!, I tried my best with this :') hope you enjoy love ~♡
◇Warning◇: nothing(?)
°•Reader: gn
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You, Asra and Julian have been together for a while now and by the time Julian joined the qpr, you and Asra got married platonicly and sooner or later a ring will be on Julian's hand aswell- he doesn't have a choice when you and Asra aren't teasing Julian into the next dimension, ya'll are doing one of three things
1- napping/cuddling, if you need the restroom then hold it in cos Asra ain't letting you or Julian, he has an iron grip around you two
2- going through the market to look for whatever catches your eye, and Julian is looking for more leeches ofc (you and Asra set a rule in the shop, it's "no leeches in the bedroom")
3- going out through the woods or travelling for a short while to not only relax a bit but also find new things to try and experience
If you enjoy any form of art then be aware that you already have 2 extremely supportive fans, enjoy reading? Well, expect 2 new books every week, one from daddy long legs Julian and one from magic boy Asra and Faust, speaking of familiars, Faust and malak get along fine if food isn't involved, they always fight on who gets fed first, malak loves the look on Julian's face when Faust squeezes him :)
Platonic kisses are very very frequent around the shop, Asra loves affection, Julian is touch starved asf and you see how that's already good? Then add you to the mix? Oh boy it's just -chef's kiss- as stated above, you and Asra enjoy teasing Julian so much- poor man can't cuddle with you two without if face turning so red it puts his hair colour to shame lmao
Julian extremely enjoys hand kisses- his inner hopeless romantic is melting at the thought, ofc he enjoys any kisses from you and Asra but hand kisses are in his top 5. Asra on the other hand loves loves loves neck kisses, it makes him feel all warm and soft but it's also a way to get out their adorable laughts and giggles since his neck is sensitive too
You guys are grate together and always look out for one another, making some people look in jealousy or confusion at how the relationship works but at the end of the day, you three don't care what people have to say about it as long as you guys are happy and comfortable, it doesn't matter ♡
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winter-angst · 5 months
Any new years Hydra Husbands hcs? :3
And happy 2024‼️
Aww thank you! Happy 2024 to you as well! I hope next year gives you everything that was missing this year and then some more to grow on!
I feel like New Year’s is not a big deal for Jack, Mr. Impassive at almost all times, so all organization for events is done by Brock. In alternate AUs Brock would have a gathering with his friends, volunteering Jack as DD bc he has great alcohol tolerance (and so Brock can get shitfaced).
But Brock obsesses about New Year bc he’s always hellbent on one-upping himself. Usually his goals gravitate around health and fitness (how low can he get fat percentage? And can he resist break room goodies?) but he always tells Jack he’s going to be more diligent about dusting and organization. He insists he’s going to start waking up earlier so he’s not always racing against the clock every morning bc he has the bad habit of of snoozing his alarm multiple times.
And Jack is a good dutiful boyfriend. Hypes him up, acts like he thinks Brock will make these changes even though he knows that Brock will default back to his normal training regime and indulging in whatever baked goods are brought in by the middle of February and by mid January he’ll be on his own again doing maintenance chores around their place.
But he loves to see Brock so determined and he appreciates the short-lived help. But is happy when the crash diet ends and he can buy himself treats that Brock scarfs at night again.
They watch the ball drop (and by they, I mean Jack bc Brock is blacked out and pawing at him bc he gets handsy when incredibly intoxicated). It’s a refreshing time for the both of them where Brock can have the childlike hope for his future and Jack is just pleased to see Brock so happy.
Happy New Year’s everyone!
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