#human design manifesting generator
heartilluminations · 1 year
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merlionkingdom · 2 months
The more you confront your fears the more you'll feel confident, it'll makes you more courageous and it’ll make you take bigger “risks".
Try by initiating, or could feel chaotic at first but at least you’ll start somewhere.
I believe you could make it.
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coven-of-genesis · 10 days
Money affirmations tailored to each Human Design type:
Manifestors: "I trust my innate ability to initiate and manifest abundance effortlessly."
Generators: "I am aligned with my true desires, and abundance flows easily into my life as I follow my sacral response."
Manifesting Generators: "I honor my multi-passionate nature, and as I take inspired action, I attract abundant opportunities effortlessly."
Projectors: "I recognize my unique gifts and talents, and I attract abundance by waiting for the right invitations and aligning with the right people."
Reflectors: "I embrace my ability to reflect the energy of abundance in my environment, attracting prosperity and opportunities for transformation."
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lunarianscripts · 2 months
Astrology x Human Design
Manifestors = Fire; Creation. Generators = Earth; Sustainability. Projectors = Air; Guidance. Reflectors = Water; Wisdom.
Understanding the foundations of Astrology can improve your knowledge of Human Design; Astrology can be used to explain the workings of the world as energy itself, and while looking at the traits of the five design types, I spotted a few patterns based on the astrological signs & elements:
Manifestors are similar to Aries, Leo, & Sagittarius; Action (Aries: Movement) orientated when it's focused on their individuality (Leo: Ego), and needing their own freedom (Sagittarius: Jupiterian) to create those projects for themselves.
[They have the easiest time avoid their not self by balancing their nature with Air Signs; Gemini for informing, Libra for tact, since communication (Air + Throat Center) is emphasized as important, & Aquarius for detachment, because everyone won't agree with what's correct for you, you'll have to accept the loner title (Uranus: Outcast) when it's unavoidable.]
Generators are similar to Taurus, Virgo, & Capricorn; Waiting (Taurus) for the right work (Virgo) to come to them, so that they can build (Capricorn) what's actually meant for them.
[Their not self themes can be avoided by balancing their nature with Water Signs; Embracing familiarity (Cancer), because their potential career are usually revealed during their childhood (Cancer), embracing the change (Scorpio) when their lives are ready to evolve (Pluto), & surrendering (Pisces) to life to let their aura draw in the best opportunities for them.]
Manifesting Generators are a mix of Manifestors & Generators; They're similar to Fire Signs & Earth Signs.
[Their not self themes are avoided by balancing a combination of Air & Water; Recognizing their interests in their childhood (Cancer) and building (Capricorn) around it, speaking (Gemini) of their goal while exploring (Sagittarius) their available options, then acting (Aries) on them after informing the people (Libra) in their life that would be affected.]
Projectors are similar to Gemini, Libra, Aquarius; Taking their knowledge (Gemini), and using to guide other people (Libra) as a way to benefit the collective (Aquarius).
[Their not self themes can be avoided by balancing their nature with Fire Signs; Focusing on themselves (Aries: Self) and their interests (Leo: Hobbies), until they're invited to teach (Sagittarius: Teachers) others about their methods.]
Reflectors are similar to Cancer, Scorpio, & Pisces; Receptive (Cancer) to everything to the point of being overwhelmed (Scorpio: Extremes), and they're known as the biggest mystery (Pisces: Unknown + Misunderstood) out of all design types.
[Their not self themes can be avoided by balancing their nature with Earth Signs; Patience (Taurus) while waiting for sampled energy to leave their Centers, organizing (Virgo) their observations (Mercury) to recognize what is meant for them & what's creating a blockage (Capricorn: Saturn) for them.] ⠀ Want to learn more about Astrology? Click here! Want to learn more about Human Design? Click here! Want to book a session with me? Click here!
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audrinawf · 7 months
I’m so happy that the paradigm is shifting from this overtly boss babe grind culture to more soft life cause women have not benefitted from being hyper independent in relationships or in general cause at the end of the day no matter how much a women bring in (monetarily) a lot of times she get stuck with all the childcare and all the work that comes with keeping a household and I’m so glad that women are waking up and realizing that BUT when the culture shifts there tends to be a hard swing to the opposite side a lot of times. and let’s acknowledge the importance of independence when it comes to building self esteem. you need to be out in a uncomfortable situation where you improve and develop your skills to strengthen your self esteem and confidence. You cannot just recite mantras all day and become a confident person. You need to do the work and prove it to yourself.
Am I saying you have to have a job or that you have to do x, y and z? no but I’m just saying that a lot of women benefit mentally from having a job. I’m all for soft life and god knows that I was not created to work 9 to 5 but no matter how much my man makes I’m never going to aspire to be like a Saudi billionaire wife with 5 Nannie’s, 10 maids, personal chefs and drivers.
women need to have the choice to stay at home and bond with their babies and they should have the choice to be stay at home moms cause we as a society desperately need to raise our kids better. It’s needed today more than ever. like we can’t trust our children to be on the internet without getting traumatized with porn and other harmful content BUT AGAIN
I think as the culture is shifting a lot of women will jump on the soft life bandwagon without knowing themselves. Some people tend to adopt trends as their whole personality and identity and that’s how it can become harmful.
you need to know yourself and your energy type. like for example I’m a human design generator and I’m not supposed to be working 9-5 with repetitive tasks every day but as a generator I have so much excess energy and staying home all day or living in my soft and spoiled 24/7 will lead to frustration and illness. I need to dispense my energy every day. I need to go to bed exhausted cause I’ve used up every drop of energy in my body. being in my soft 24/7 doesn’t work for ME. and to me it seems like some femininity gurus are trying to sell that. And that’s fine but it’s not for every one.
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dearsolipsist · 1 year
I feel excited to begin this series on Human Design. I'm part of a year long Human Design program, and decided that since I already love and post about astrology, it would be fun to talk about Human Design. It's not as popular, but has absolutely changed the way I show up in life.
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Human Design Chart
In human design, there is something called the Human Design Bodygraph. You can sign up for free, and get your chart here. You will need your birth date and birth time - you cannot calculate your chart without your birth time.
If this is your first time learning about human design, please don't feel overwhelmed by the look of the bodygraph/chart, it's not going to make any sense the first time you look at it, but that's what we're going to uncover together. It's going to be fun!
Firstly, what is human design? Very briefly, human design combines astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, the chakra system and more ancient practices, to help you understand the optimum way you operate based on your chart.
Think of human design as a manual to how you operate best, in relationship to work, environment, relationships, manifestation, self-worth, and more. It's a system that showcases your unique way of operating in the world, and how the energies flow within your system, so that you can operate in alignment to recieve what you desire and live a more fulfilling life.
How to Read your Bodygraph.
The Types
Before we take a look at your actual chart, there's a lot of fun and important information to the right side of your chart. This covers the basis of your design, while the bodygraph itself provides more nuances to your individual energy.
Your Type
There are 5 different types within Human Design, which means everyone is either one of these 5 types.
Additionally, each of these 5 types has a self theme (also known as signature.) This means the state of being that is the highest frequency for them - being in this state means you're in alignment. The opposite is the not-self theme, which is the lowest frequency to be in, and equals misalignment. These are the 5 types:
Generator Self Theme: Satisfaction Not-Self Theme: Frustration Over 70% of human beings on the planet are generators. Making up most of the population, these types have a lot of energy to work and build things. All generator types (the generators + manifesting generators) are known as sacral being. They have a defined sacral center which provides a wonderful, consistent flow of energy to do and create. If you're a generator, you like to go in-depth with one thing and achieve true mastery in that field. The not-self theme for you is frustration. This means you aren't using your energy correctly in life, and therefore need to increase feelings of satisfaction in your daily life.
Manifesting Generator Self Theme: Satisfaction / Peace Not-Self Theme: Frustration / Anger Technically, the manifesting generator is not a separate type, they're classed as generators. However, they have energy defined and flowing from their 34th gate, and where there is a link between the 34th gate, this is known as a true manifesting generator. Manifesting Generators - you are the life of the party! With an enveloping, open aura, you're designed to live a life filled with satisfaction, joy, peace, passion, and desire - when you are feeling this, you are in alignment with your human design. All manifesting generators have a defined sacral and throat. The main difference between generators vs manifesting generators, is that while generators like to achieve mastery in one area before moving on, MGs are the jack of all trades, moving from thing to thing, based on the desires of their sacral. They are likely to try lots of different things. As I stated, all generator types have a defined sacral center. For a sacral being, feeling satisfaction in day-to-day life is paramount. For an MG, the warning signal of frustration usually leads to anger too, the more frustrated you feel, the angrier you get. For both generator types, your first step to alignment is beginning to release as much of what's bringing frustration into your life, while maximising moments of satisfactions and/or peace.
Manifestor Self Theme: Peace Not-Self Theme: Anger Manifestors are powerhouses! If you're a manifestor you have a closed aura, this means that your energy isn't as welcoming or open as the generator/manifesting generator, but that's a good thing for you! You're here to initiate and take action. To be the just do it people. All manifestors have a defined throat. You are here to activate your voice, be seen and heard, and to do your thing the way you want to do it. You aren't here to be swayed by others or to work too much. This is for the generator types, who have the sacral energy to do so. However, you have this uncanny ability to just do it - you self-initiate and hate asking for permission. You're the go-getter, hustle types. As a manifestor, you are a natural born leader. The difference between you and an MG is that you have an undefined/open sacral, which means you have a lot of power to initiate and begin things, but having generator types working with you can be extremely beneficial to fulfilling your vision. You know you're in alignment when you feel peaceful, but when you're misaligned you'll become very angry in your life. The process of deconditioning the anger, begins with finding healthy outlets and beginning to become aware of what makes you angry and moving away from this. Your strategy will help immensely with this (will explain strategy in a separate post.) The first step in this process is to decondition the anger from childhood when others tried to control you or rein you in.
Projector Self Theme: Success Not-Self Theme: Bitterness Projectors - so beautiful! Projectors are the people who know how to read between the lines, and truly are able to see other people, especially generators and manifesting generators. In traditional human design, the projectors are here to help or lead the generator types. As the name suggests, people project onto them a lot. All projectors have an undefined/open sacral, and therefore do not have the energy to work too much. They are here to rest a lot more, and to be wise guides. When operating in alignment projectors will be noticed and seen for their gifts and talents. Your self-theme is success, you are designed for success! And so noticing and receiving the success is important. Don't keep focusing on what you don't have, focus on the success you do have and allow that to build in your life. When you don't, you fall into your not-self theme of bitterness.
Reflector Self Theme: Surprise Not-Self Theme: Disappointment Reflectors make up only 1% of the population and have no centers defined. They have innate wisdom about other people. You have a genuine gift of seeing other people and as the name suggests, reflecting them. This means to be in your self theme, it's really important you choose the right people to spend your time with, and to be in the correct environment. Otherwise, you will be conditioned by environments and people who are not healthy for you. You have an in-built feeling of disappointment at humanity, because you understand so deeply the nature of the world, and therefore your gift is the ability to heal. Your self-theme is surprise. When you follow your strategy, you begin to have moments of surprise that are incredibly delightful. You love the surprises that happen and the unique people you meet. Tap into that more than the dissapointment at humanity. And if you choose, you can use your innate wisdom to help others.
Each of these types operates differently and has a different energetic signature. Most people are not operating out of the highest frequency of their human design type and self theme, because of the world we live in. I'll be making a seperate post about strategies for the 5 types, which is how you begin to deconditon and live in alignment with your self theme.
Pay attention: human design is an experiment. Learning about human design isn't going to transform anything in your life. If you really want to play with this, introduce and spend time cultivating more of the self theme in your body, begin prioritizing that feeling. So if you're a generator/manifesting generator, feel into what makes you feel satisfied, for a projector, what makes you feel successful, etc. Your not-self theme is an inborn part of you, but the deconditioning process is to feel more of your self theme. Some good prompts:
Awareness: begin noticing what it is that keeps you from your self theme. For example: if you're a generator, are tech issues causing you frustration? If you're a projector, is your peceived lack of success leading to feelings of bitterness?
What helps you feel your self theme? Can you introduce more of that into your life?
Take moments in your day/week where you're in your self theme.
How can you introduce more of your self theme into your daily life?
If you don’t understand all the human design language, just use the basics for now or send me a msg. Be back in my next post with an explanation of the centres.
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inshelliesworld · 8 months
5/1 Manifesting Generator
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I've been studying Human Design for a few months. Only really trying to learn about my own design & profile (a 5/1 MG)
It's an interesting journey and really acts as a fabulous Sister to Astrology, allowing a deep dive into your own self.
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mstudi0s · 1 year
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So this is a new study that I've been delving into recently. It's called the Human Design, and essentially, it's about how we manifest with our bodies physically. Here, I am going to list the 5 Different Types of human designs, and I will leave links throughout on how to figure out Your Human Design and even a Video as further clarification of what it is.
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Reflectors 1% : They are here to sample all the energy that is happening. They make for good mirrors, reflecting what is going on around them and the people around them. They check the energy by being good blank slates.
Manifestors 9% : They essentially do not need to ask for permission, and they bring about a lot of movement in the world. They initiate a lot of transformation through their words and actions.
Projectors 20% : They absorb the energy and pull things towards them projectors are like a magnet to everything around them. They are here to sit back and trust the flow of life instead of taking so much action.
Generators 31% : Their strategy is to respond to life and take a lot of action towards the things that they desire. They can tackle projects within intensity and ease.
Manifesting Generators 37% : Balance is important for them. They have to learn to leap into action as well as just the timing of things. They are in perfect harmony with being a manifestor as well as a generator. Learning moderation and harmony are key.
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caspers-corner · 2 years
In human design..
If you’re a generator or manifesting generator follow your gut, your excitement, and what lights you up in life …stop listening to your head 🤍 and more importantly for EVERYONE stop listening to your fear
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libra-stellium · 6 months
✨ Just some HD thoughts ✨
I’m an MG and I was thinking about how sometimes I fight against informing because I feel (emotional authority too lol) like why are people in my business??? But transparency is so helpful!! I was running late to a restaurant reservation and I called them to let them know but not after overthinking it like it’s only 10 min and they have a 15 min grace period and I was like bro you’re sitting in an Uber for the next 25 minutes who is it really hurting just call and tell them 🤣 they ended up being behind anyway and made me wait 10 min after I got there 10 min late and apologized and gave my table free champagne like 😭😭 now I already know if I just showed up late they wouldn’t have acted like this!
Then I started thinking about the fact that according to the HD stats almost HALF of the population is a Manifestor or Manifesting Generator meaning they must inform! And I just received my food delivery and the food inside was not as expected like it’s very delicious but if they had told me the serving size more clearly I wouldn’t have bought it for that price. Which got me thinking of how ultimate transparency in pricing would be so amazing like imagine you can look up a restaurant and see everything from how much they paid for supplies, their prices, the serving sizes, their profit, how much they pay their different employees, how much they pay for the location, and what the owners take home for themselves. I think that level of transparency would make things more fair and consumers wouldn’t feel scammed every now and then like you’re telling me Loaded Fry Supreme $20 is just frozen fries with velveeta and bacon bits?? (I made that up for my point lol) but if I saw all the info then I would think yeahhhhh frozen fries and velveeta is not worth $20. But if the fries were loaded with some aged gouda, half a lobster tail and one tsp of caviar it’s like okay 👀 yeah I’ll pay $20 for that!
Just something I was thinking about lol but of course this would only be possible in a “perfect world” bc to get to that level of transparency would be everyone being subjected to the most extreme level of surveillance which we know would be terrible lol a more informed consumer choice in exchange for freedom basically 😂
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didichuv · 1 year
human design observation
as a 6/2 MG i noticed that the things i want come to me only through desperation; the pattern is: i say i want something -> i get closer to it -> and just before getting it there is an obstacle that takes this opportunity away, there is a point when i feel like that's it and i give up and start planning ahead without the 'wanted thing' in the picture -> BUT THEN circumstances change suddenly and i get what i wanted
idk what it all means but it's a pretty obvious pattern in my life which i picked up on a long time ago
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heartilluminations · 1 year
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I felt really called to do these three together. Gwen won the vote, followed by Celine, and then Lindsey. As I was creating this post my lovely conscious ☀️ gate 47 dropped an aha my way.
Since I was very young people were always telling me I have a unique gift of seeing and sensing things about others…over the last 6-8 months I’ve reconnected with this part of myself on a deeper level.
If you’re unaware…our HD blueprints can carry the energy of more than one energy type (unconscious/body, conscious/mind, and combined design/aura or energy type). My unconscious design, my body is a reflector, my conscious design, my mind is a reflector, and my combined design, my aura/energy type is an emotional Manifestor.
When I discovered this, so much made sense to me! I knew without a doubt that I really do feel and sense others' energy on a deep level. That’s also why I feel that I truly am an empath and highly sensitive individual.
Since my creative urge to create a poetic journey through the HD gates, this feeling has magnified. There are other deeper elements in my variables that connect to this so beautifully. My cognition is touch and my tonal resonance is feeling.
I genuinely do feel others' energy and the environment I’m in a profound way! I feel like I might have more to say about this (pondering for a later time)…but my 🎁 of sharing some insight into these three beautiful artists’ designs brought an insightful gift 🎁 to me as well!
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merlionkingdom · 2 years
Don’t force yourself to learn something wait until you feel the excitement. Especially if you are a manifesting generator you get to listen to your body.
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coven-of-genesis · 2 months
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lunarianscripts · 9 months
Human Design: Gate Observations (Mini)
Gate 1 = Natural Talent; Creating a unique & new concept never seen before. Gate 6 = Sexual Tension Gate 8 = Marketing; Reaching broader audiences & universalizing content. Gate 12 = Refined Talent; Mastering an existing craft in ways that haven't been done before; A mentee surpassing their mentor. Gate 13 = Memories involving other people; Listening to others’ experiences. Gate 33 = Memories involving self; Listening to your own experiences. Gate 26 = Marketing; Convincing audiences & bringing attention to product worth. Gate 59 = Sexual Activity ⠀ Want to learn more about Human Design? Click here! Want to book a session with me? Click here!
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itsmeanyango · 2 years
You can read all of this, but to understand Human Design better you should start by knowing your strategy and authority. Then practice them on every single thing no matter how minute.
Human Design answers the question, How can I not struggle? It is based on calculations similar to astrology by using your birth time, birthday, and birth location. Human Design is a system that brings together principles of The I Ching, astrology, Kabbalah, Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics. Human Design is about listening to your body and not your mind.
As a psychologist, I would say Human Design also incorporates behavioral psychology to help users achieve a state of 'congruence' with their bodygraph.
Human Design is represented by a bodygraph- an illustration of the body with lines which may be red, black, half of both, a combination of both or white, 9 centres (5 triangles and 4 squares but one of the squares looks like a diamond) and numbers. These squares and triangles may be grey/white or coloured(filled in). When they are coloured, they are known as defined centres; when not filled in, they are known as undefined centers. The following image(s) is a bodygraph and everything else mentioned in this post.
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There are five types. Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors and Reflectors. In Astrology there are rising signs while in Human Design there are Types.
This is how we use our energy. Here is a table of types against their strategy.
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This is how to make decisions that are individually correct. There are seven authorities:
Solar Plexus (Emotional Authority)
Sacral (Sacral Authority)
Spleen (Splenic Authority)
Heart (Ego Authority)
G (Self Authority)
Environment (No Inner Authority)
Moon (Lunar Cycle)
This is about the definition of centres. Defined centres are areas of your chart that you are not easily influenced in decision-making. Undefined centres are areas where you are bound to be easily influenced by others(groupthink). There are five definitions.
No definition
Single definition
Split definition
Triple split definition
Quadruple split definition
These are the numbers that differentiate you from other energy types. For instance being two projectors but different profiles make you very different from each other. The profiles are made from a combination of six lines(numbers). Each Line has two profiles.
There are 12 profiles:
1/3 Profile
1/4 Profile
2/4 Profile
2/5 Profile
3/5 Profile
3/6 Profile
4/6 Profile
4/1 Profile
5/1 Profile
5/2 Profile
6/2 Profile
6/3 Profile
Each line represents something.
Not-self theme:
This is an indicator that you are not being yourself.
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The opposite of not self theme even though not listed in the above charts, is self theme.
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The lines in the bodygraph are known as channels. The numbers are known as gates. 
Since I am African my explanation is going to be African. A channel is like a road, a gate is like a starting point and ending point. Here is an example:
The Trans African Highway(see this as a channel) starts at Cairo(see this as a gate) and ends in Egypt(see this as a gate). When Two gates are connected, they form a channel. If the Trans African Highway did not have a starting and ending point, it would not be in use as it would be an arrested development. In Human Design we call this an activated channel because it will be filled in and not white. However, sometimes only half of it is filled in.
The red in your chart is on the left side of the bodygraph and it represents your subconscious. The black is on your right and it represents your conscious mind or personality. So this is what the colours mean when the lines in your bodygraph are coloured in. When you see both colors together it means both your subconscious and conscious share those traits.
There are 64 gates(the numbers) and 36 channels(the lines).     
Arrows in the bodygraph:
There are four arrows. Two on the right and two on the left. On the right(personality side), the top arrow means awareness. When the top right arrow faces left it means strategy and logic while when it faces right it means imagination.
The bottom right arrow means manifestation and perspective. When it faces left it represents clear and concise-specific- while when it faces right it means unspecific. 
The top left arrow represents digestion while the bottom left arrow represents the environment.
When the top left arrow is facing left it means active digestion while when it's facing right it means passive digestion.  When the bottom left arrow is facing left it means consistency and structure while when it's facing right it means diversity. 
Incarnation cross:
There are THREE types.
1. Right Angle Incarnation cross (RAC)
2. Juxtaposition Cross (JC)
3. Left Angle Cross(LAC)
So below I ONLY mention the RAC
This is not fated but it's a pattern you may find yourself leaning towards. From MY PERSONAL observations, when you draw lines to connect the numbers(these are gates) in the incarnation cross, they form a right-angled triangle. There are 192 incarnation crosses. 
Below are the two charts from above after I have joined the lines to the gates in the incarnation crosses. The dotted lines in the diagrams below are to complete the right-angled side.
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On the right and left sides of the body chart are planets in this order:.Sun, Earth, Moon, North Node, South Node, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
Right next to the planets are numbers with a decimal. The single number before the decimal is a line and the right side is a gate. In Astrology, there are planets in houses while in Human Design there are Planets in Gates. 
You can find me on Instagram here:
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