#high school prank
nanamivnemesis · 1 year
Senior prank at school
Holy crap I have a lot to unpack here but please stick through and if anything interesting happens I will update y’all.
It all started tuesday. At some point in the first half of the day the seniors put a big ass rainbow duck floaty in Dr.Principals office with a note that says “Find all my 150 children! They are throughout the school!” I didn’t know about this until later but here’s a photo:
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I learned later that seniors and juniors had been hiding them all day and didn’t even finish yesterday. Also please note our school is very small (about 160 student)
When I learned about it was in English right after lunch. I first saw a notification from discord. I’m in a discord server run by the seniors called “ school name but on discord “ and I am the only freshmen ( important later on) the notification read “ @seniors 150 DUCKS? “ and of course I’m confused but I don’t bother to check what was happening. Maybe 10 or so minutes later and Dr.Principal walks in he’s like
“Hey Mrs.English”
“ Have you perhaps seen any of these”
He held up a little rubber duck and squeaked it.
“No I haven’t???Why”
Dr.Principal Sighed. “ it’s senior prank time and theirs 150 of these I have to find”
Everyone was laughing about it and Mrs.English was laughing to saying that at least this isn’t a harmful prank or bad. After this whole interaction the notification I saw finally made sense and I was so exited to see how things were gonna go. I wasn’t able to stay for the rest of the day , I was picked up early so I wasn’t back until the next day.
So I woke up to a message from Mrs.English to all the freshmen class titled “join the cause”
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So Mrs.English wanted to convince students to help her hold the duckies for ransom to Dr.Principal for sweet treats or other wise she may as well lend them back to students to be hidden again. SO MOST OF THE TEACHERS WERE ON THE REBELLIONS SIDE!!!
This messege was only sent to the freshmen so everyone in the server I was in wouldn’t get it. They wouldn’t know. So I made sure I spread the word to them. I became the inside spy as the only freshmen of the server and as someone with many ties. I spread the words ;)
I got word from ren about what dr principal may do to the ducks and I was told that he may throw them away but that later turned out to be he was just going to keep them.
Also if your wondering he’s not mad he loves the prank and it’s all good.
So at this point their were 3 options
You could keep them to yourself( don’t do that that takes away the fun and seniors don’t want that)
Give them to Mrs English for her big secret stack that will later be used as ransom to get sweets
Give them to dr principal who will just keep them and perhaps throw them away
However with some discussion on the discord, a senior we will call Miss Mute suggted re hiding them to be a 4th option targeted to the freshmen. And so I did my duties and spread the word to other freshmen and a few sophomores that “ seniors need help rehiding ducks!” Man this was fun
A few things I know that happened were
When I got to school everyone was searching around for ducks
My friend dash got like 8 or so ducks from Mrs. History first class and he gave them to Mrs.English ( and may have hidden a few)
I recruited a junior friend of mines brother to help and he was an instant help ( I feared he may revolt but he was totally on board
And so re hide the ducks they did. Any ducks that weren’t taken up that were in an obvious spot were given better spots, people re hid other ducks people put. Oh to behold the glorious sights.
The whole day dr principal was going around finding ducks and asking if students had seen any.
A new channel in the discord server was made called operation hide and squeak
The principal went around searching and was always squeaking a lil duck as he went
It was pure gold
I talked with a junior and apparently they had been planning this for MONTHS?! DAMN!
An fun thing happened at lunch so I will share that:
Juniors brother we recruited earlier( let’s name him tall guy) found a duck on top of one of the clocks In the hall by where my friends and I sit. He got it down and gave it to ren who was going to give it to Mrs English before I took it and was like I wanna hide it. So ren goes with me to hide it and we hide it on top of one of the trophy cases by the stairs. I was trying to cram my hand through the railing to get it where I wanted. Miss muted was sitting across from us and I asked her to see if it was good and we were all like yeah it’s good. So me and ren left but then I get a discord message. “@nanami someone just stole the duck you just hid”
“Who? What do they look like”
“Black hair. Grey sweatshirt. Freshmen”
So I was back at my lunch table with dash and I was like shoot my duck is gone I must find the culprit. I leave and dash tags along just to cause some chaos and stuff.
I get downstairs to the common area and who do I see who fits the bill but fellow class mate or mine and friend with tall guy , chill guy ( let’s call him that)
I walk to where muted is and tall guys friends are and see him. All I say out loud is “ oi where is my duck who stole him?” And we both make eye contact and chill guy does the whole “ if I can’t see you can’t see me” and awkwardly turns to the window while trying not to laugh. It was way to obvious lmao
I go up to him I’m like
“Chill guy… did you take the duck???“
“What? Uh no I didn’t I have no idea what you mean?” But like you could tell he was jokingly lying like it’s written all over his face.
“Chill guy come on! I know it was you I have already been told so you literally fit the description!”
“No I swear I’m innocent look I’ll empty my pockets”
He starts emptying his pockets and pulls out some skittles and dash is like “ can I have some “ and chill guy is like yeah and gives him a hand full meanwhile I’m like dude don’t do that he’s gonna think we’re here to help him.
He finished emptying out his pockets clearly leaving behind the duck and I’m like “ you’re lying I know it you have the face of a natural born lie”
I turned back to mute and was like “ that’s him right?” And she was like “yeah.”
Rest of the day goes as chaotic as the beginning
As the week continues more freshmen just keep taking them for themselves leaving the seniors and juniors pretty unhappy. Ren so far has 12 and dash I think has 4 and when Mrs English is back they will give them to her. Also on Thursday when they were handing out letterman’s dr principal said that the needed seniors to set a time and place to negotiate terms of surrender (lmao) also red made paper “ decoy ducks” to scatter around as well >:)
This prank doesn’t just end here as a nearby student found out about our senior prank and it’s spreading to that school! However over here it has started to die down, this prank will live on in infamy
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Here have a duck
( damn this took so long to write)
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one-time-i-dreamt · 5 months
I was talking to my friend from high school. We were talking about graduating college and future plans and the funny prank she pulled in 9th grade where pretended to die. Upon waking up, I remembered that it wasn’t a prank.
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van-eazy · 1 year
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Those times the ENTIRE host club gaslights Haruhi about “the piano has always been there. It is a music room after all,” make me a full supporter of Haruhi pranking the host club in a “oh yeah, commoners absolutely do this” kinda way while she convinces them to do the craziest most batshit thing she can. Haruhi’s favorite success was when she convinced that yes, it’s totally normal to say “that’s swaggy my brohoes” after every sentence and yes, you’ll look so cool wearing sunglasses inside.
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number1tailsdollfan · 1 month
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everyonesfavwriter · 6 months
I'm watching Sam gladiators videos once again and has anyone noticed how much Sam and mei act like siblings in his murder mode videos
it's genuinely my favorite thing ever oh my god the way they banter for like whole ass minutes and just make fun of each other for the stupidest things makes me smile so hard
someone please please please please please please please please please please please please please hear me out on this amazing duo
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legolasghosty · 2 months
🐑 Alternate Universe- Magic, Mutual Pining, Demonic possession, Furbies
Oh dear...
Alex is attending one of the most prestigious magic academies in the country, on the orders of his parents of course. Even though Laiz Fier Academy reviles even the name of the only type of magic he's ever been good at. His parents swore he'd find another specialty here, and he'd let himself believe them, like the idiot he is. He's scraping by in classes. Barely. At least he's managed to make a couple of friends and figure out how to sneak into the library stacks to find books that will actually help him hone his skills.
However, Alex realizes now there's a reason why it's not recommended to do your first summoning alone. Because, while he does manage to summon a demon, it doesn't exactly end up in the silvery urn he'd laid in the center of the pentagram.
So now he has a talking, demonic Furby to hide. One that, despite its too-wide eyes and disconcertingly smooth voice, Alex thinks he might be developing feelings for.
(Fake fic ask game!)
#legolas tag#legolas ask#julie and the phantoms#willex#so okay in my head#Alex is super good at a specific branch of magic#which usually would be awesome since he was born into a high power magical family#unfortunately the thing he's good at is demonic magic#which is.... unpopular to put it lightly#his parents send him away to school in the hopes that he'll latch onto something else with so many options to explore#that doesn't happen#he meets Luke and Julie (both music magic) and Reggie (animal magic)#and they all become friends#and they all figure out how to sneak into the stacks together#where Alex finds all the hidden away books on demonic magic#cause it's not actually Evil like people think#just... darker in source than most#Alex may fall down a bit of a spiral about his abilities and worth though#and ends up attempting to summon an actual demon to help him learn magic#but... well he must have messed up the binding part of the ceremony?#Cause he does get a demonic magic coach#but said coach (Willie) goes into the Furby Reggie got him as a prank birthday present#and well... Alex knows he should figure out how to undo it and send Willie back to Hell or wherever#but then he has to rush to hide him first before he gets caught#and then they end up chatting a fair amount over the next few days#because Alex is a world class insomniac and Willie just doesn't sleep#but Alex is kept too busy with classes and stuff to go back to the library to find the stuff to sort out the mess he's made#and if Willie knows how to do it he isn't sharing#(he totally knows but it's his first time in the human world in ages and Alex is nice and kinda cute tbh so...)#and...they become friends? And also develop massive crushes on each other?
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curseoftheeel · 3 months
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Why do I feel it now?! Hello everyone, welcome to page two of chapter 21! This last week I finished the planning for this chapter, and I've penciled a bunch of pages so it's been a good week. Once this chapter is complete, I can compile this into volume 4 of Curse of the Eel, which I'll hopefully have ready in a month or so! Stay tuned for updates!
Thank you everyone for your support! I've been going through older pages to reference for this chapter and your comments have been filling my soul with energy, so thank you for your interest in this goofy horror comic.
Also, I started a Patreon earlier this year as a way to help fund Curse of the Eel and my other self-published works! https://www.patreon.com/jorgesantiagojr If you're interested in sending me a monthly donation, you'll get early access to pages before they go live, as well as sneak peaks at comics and a look into my comic making process. Let me know if you have any questions about the Patreon or anything and I'd be happy to answer!
Take care everyone, I wish you a fantastic day!
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forgotten-daydreamer · 3 months
please do not tell me you like how i write, because i will inevitably think i'm decent at it and think i'm worth appreciating
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wannawrite999 · 1 month
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feelingthedisaster · 5 months
every time my dad tells a story time about his teenage years i cant stop thinking "god, thats so james potter-coded"
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My sophomore year, the graduating seniors decided for their prank that they were going to shoot the kids coming off the bus in the morning with water guns laced with Liquid Ass (if you dont know what that is its like fart spray x 1000). It was absolute chaos fights were breaking out the whole school was in shambles it was rumored one of the boys had pissed in the water guns. My unlucky ass got money shotted in the face with one of the liquid ass guns. I had to go the entire fucken day with my makeup running down my face and smelling like I'd been shit on by satan himself. I really wish the school had done something ANYTHING to punish them.
HOLY SHIT (pun unintended) that is absolutely insane. senior pranks are fun but thats a whole new level of dickishness.
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clarafyer · 6 months
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My friend and I are planting 140 Josh Hutchersons around the school and this is one in the band room
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captainsophiestark · 7 months
Matt Donovan x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Day 28 Prompt: "I may not get another chance to say this."
Summary: The scene where Matt jumps into the pool for a near-death experience, but with his SO instead of Bonnie.
Word Count: 1,288
Category: Angst, Fluff at the end
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I was busy digging through a school supply closet in the middle of the night when my phone rang. I jumped at the noise, adrenaline pumping at having snuck into the high school in the dead of night with my friends. It was for senior prank night, so it's not like we would get in terrible trouble if we got caught, but still.
I ditched the rolls of toilet paper I'd been gathering to spread all over the school and grabbed my phone to see my boyfriend, Matt Donovan, staring back at me from the caller ID. I quickly answered.
"Matt, good news, I found the tp jackpot."
"Y/N... you remember the summer we met, working as life guards together at the town pool?"
I furrowed my brow, scooping a few rolls of toilet paper into my free hand as I responded.
"And you remember the hours we spent in classes getting CPR certified?"
"Unfortunately, yeah."
"Well... I'm gonna need you to put it to good use. I'm at the pool. I know this is gonna sound crazy, but... I think Vicki is trying to talk to me."
"What? Matt, what the hell are you talking about?"
I dropped the rolls of toilet paper and shut the closet door, then started heading for the pool.
"Jeremy told me he's been able to see ghosts since Bonnie brought him back from the dead," he said. I sped up, panic setting in a little at the tone in his voice.
"Matt, I'm not magic. And Bonnie barely managed to bring Jeremy back-"
"You don't need magic for CPR. I know you'll save me."
"Matthew Grant Donovan, don't you dare-"
"I'm sorry, Y/N, but I have to do this. If Vicki needs my help... I can't leave her. I trust you to save me."
"Matt, you're being insane!" I'd started running for the pool now, still not totally sure what Matt was thinking but definitely sure it wasn't good.
"I trust you to save me," he repeated. "But listen... just in case... I may not get another chance to say this, so... I love you. A lot. And after everybody I've lost, I can't tell you how happy I am to have you in my life."
"Whatever the hell you're thinking of doing, Donovan, don't-"
The call ended. I swore and shoved my phone into my pocket before doubling my pace. I slammed through the doors to the school's pool a few moments later and found Matt's shoes and keys at the pool's edge. I looked into the pool and found a shape floating near the bottom. Matt.
The kind of calm that only comes in a crisis washed over me, and I chucked off every layer of clothing I could easily lose before diving into the pool, using my momentum to reach Matt faster at the bottom. He'd strapped a weight around his stomach, the dumbass, and I quickly unfastened it before wrapping my arms around his waist and pushing upwards, shoving both feet off the bottom of the pool. Matt was heavy, but we rose quickly, and the urgency of the situation gave me the little extra strength I needed to heave him over the edge of the pool and onto dry land.
I took deep breaths as I leapt out of the pool, turning Matt over and checking for a pulse. I breathed a half sigh of relief when I found one, weak and thready though it was. I leaned over to check if he was breathing next, and found he wasn't. I didn't waste a second before calmly tipping Matt's head back, pinching his nose, and giving him two rescue breaths. I watched carefully to see his chest rise with my breath, then leaned back for a moment before doing another round.
I kept going, that emergency calm just starting to fray when Matt jerked awake, sitting up straight and looking at me wildly. He'd almost headbutted me right in the face he'd moved so fast and so suddenly, but thankfully I managed to rock back on my heels before he could make contact. We both sat still for a few moments, staring at each other with wide eyes while the adrenaline rushed through us, and then I punched Matt in the arm, hard.
"Ow! What the hell?" he cried, rubbing at his arm. He was dripping wet and still struggling to catch his breath a little, but the wave of calm had completely receded, and it had been replaced by pure anger.
"That's my line!" I screamed, smacking Matt a few more times, albeit with less force. "What the hell were you thinking? How could you do that to me? Do you know how horrifying it was to come in here and see you at the bottom of that pool? To think I might lose you? That I might fail, and you would die?"
"I'm sorry-"
"Not good enough! I get that Vicki is important to you, and you're still dealing with her death, but-"
"I saw her! I saw her, Y/N. She gave me a message for Bonnie."
I sighed heavily and closed my eyes, trying to get better control of my temper before I spoke again. After a second, I met Matt's wide blue eyes.
"Matt, you should've gone to Bonnie first. Or Jeremy. Or done literally any of about a thousand things before you tried to drown yourself, leaving me with a phone call and nightmares for the rest of my life about your dead body."
He looked down, guilty, shaking his head a little. I just sighed, sinking down onto the pool floor to sit next to him. We stayed like that for a few long moments, shoulder to shoulder and both of us processing. Finally, Matt looked at me again, distress written on every inch of his face.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. And I know that's not nearly enough for what I did, but... I hope it's at least a start. Everything that happened with Vicki... I think about it every day. I think about her every day. And I got so wrapped up in the chance at seeing her again that I didn't even think about putting you in the same position. I know it's too late to take back what I did but... I swear, I'll never do anything like that to you again."
I sighed, flopping my head onto Matt's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me, and although we were both soaking wet and I'd started to get a little chilled, it didn't seem important right now.
"Never again, Matt? You swear?"
"I swear. On everything that's ever been important to me, I swear."
I nodded, still not picking my head up from his shoulder.
"Then okay. I can forgive you, and we can get through this. But seriously Matt, talk to me first next time. And then we'll talk to everyone else, and then we'll figure out a better plan than the one you just came up with."
"Good. Now let's get out of here and change into some dry clothes. Then we can find Bonnie and do whatever we can to help your sister."
Matt and I stood together, leaning on each other as we headed out of the room. No matter how many stupid plans he came up with, it didn't change the face that I loved him. We'd find a way to figure things out, no matter how weird Mystic Falls got.
Although, if I said I wasn't looking forward to leaving this town after graduating at the end of the year... I'd definitely be lying. Hopefully with a few more disasters like this, I'd be able to convince Matt it was worth it to leave too.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
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zadien · 6 months
As he approached, Amber looked up with a flicker of irritation that melted into surprise and then panic. "What are you doing here?" she demanded, jumping to her feet and sending a sharp look towards Dickinson's office as her hands came up to his chest to shove him out. He felt the heat of them through the thin cotton of his sweater. "I could ask you the same thing," he muttered, planting his feet and refusing to budge. "What do you think you're doing?" "The only thing I can. You need to leave, if Maye sees you, you'll end up in serious trouble." "Oh, like you?" Her eyes flared hot and her mouth, the one that always got her in trouble, firmed into a thin line. "I'm not on the team, dumbass, and you have a game tomorrow. You can't be here, so go away. I'm handling this." "Is that what this is about? The fact that you're not on the team?" "What? No." "It sure seems like it. Dad holds tryouts and the next thing I know you're getting yourself expelled."
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galaxysharks · 9 months
JJ eventually being trained to lick and nip at her hands and generally be a distraction for her to snap back to reality :)
Sorry was teaching accounting.
Yes! Joe-Jack has many ways to get his girl to come back to herself. Admittedly one of the more extreme examples is completely slobbering on her hand....but if it works?
The wildcats start to notice different patterns in JJ also. The collective group starts to form a well oiled machine in the working therapy process.
It's wonderful....
And it gives Jet and Ricky a 'legit' excuse to shoot straws at her.
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