#hes touch starved yes but hes much more importantly AFFECTION starved
deangirldisease · 2 years
thinking about the absolute universal understanding of anyone writing dean that he loves to cuddle. he’s a cuddle monster he’s a hugtopus he’s a snugglebug he’s handsy he’s soft he’s sweet he’s deeply affectionate he finds comfort in touch and just being together. he’s equally excited abt being little spoon and big spoon because there’s just so much touching he wants to do and he’d be a third secret kind of spoon if he could and if it let him reach some previously undercuddled part of his partner’s body
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desafinado · 1 year
Hello! I really love your writings, they're lighthearted and interesting to read. I also love your characterization for the characters! Would it also be alright for me to request some fluffy domestic headcanons for Alhaitham or Kamisato Ayato with their s/o as their wife? Thank you and have a nice day! <3 <3 <3
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𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 happily ever afters (?)
°。⋆ alhaitham, ayato x reader (separately)
°。⋆ sickening fluff, nicknames/pet names galore, suggestive (omg)
note: hi hi! thank you so much for your support and feedback !!! as for your request, why not both! hope this satisfies your domestic/fluffy desires !! also… i like framing marriages as happy endings with a question mark, because i think that pretty much encapsulates my perspective on it. you hope it is a happy one and you’ll strive to make it such, but you’re never gonna be certain of it.
(alhaitham, ayato) | (zhongli, diluc, kazuha)
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alhaitham ♡
i’m desperately thinking malewife, and i will bc these are my hcs so damn it.
he didn’t completely quit his job, but if you work as well… expect him to be babying you just the tiniest bit.
he made a promise to take care of you so he very much will.
cooking breakfast/dinner when he notices you coming home a bit more tired.
buying groceries (most importantly, your favorite snacks) while he's out.
leaving little notes around the house whenever he has to leave for work (whether it be a few hours or days).
you can also expect him to rant more nonchalantly, aka welcome the inner sanctum of his thoughts he must repress in front of higher ups in order to be “polite”.
“i mean what kind of buffoonery must you partake in to even have that idea? the mental gymnastics you must do in order to get from point a to point b is-” “dear, breathe and drink this tea for a second.”
in turn, you’re also often the one to keep him in and check and remind him of his own needs (whether it be emotional or purely basic like eating and sleeping).
in relation to this, you’ve implemented cuddle breaks where if you feel he’s going too far and in too deep, you can drag him into a cuddle session for an hour.
he’s usually silent the whole time, but you can see the clear progression from him grumbling about it to melting into your arms.
also they rarely ever last for just an hour and sometimes it might even escalate (suggestive yes) if he's feeling particularly clingy.
lets address the elephant in the room, alhaitham has been touch-starved for most of his life, so you coming in and giving him all the affection (with no question or judgment whatsoever) is the best thing that has happened to him.
his little smile when you hug him from behind or leave a kiss on his forehead.
anyways, back on track, most people don’t even realize you two are married but you both don’t really care either. it's just funny to hear/see their reactions.
“dinner with someone you're calling your beloved? yeah sure, that’ll be interesting” “you can disrespect me, but i will [redacted] if you so much as think about disrespecting them.”
living individual lives doesn’t stop either of you from being particularly clingy though… whether it be you storming into alhaitham’s office demanding for him to just hold you tight or alhaitham skipping work to have you kiss all his stress away.
you’re both pretty upfront about your emotions, because you don’t want to lose anything to miscommunication… (even if sometimes, it might be a bit embarrassing)
at the end of the day, you two are married… and he couldn’t have asked for a better partner to lay himself vulnerable to.
how can you say no when his eyes are practically speaking for his heart; a vision of longing and yearning so crystal clear. you’re running a hand through his hair, and as every second passes he only leans in to your touch. he looks up at you for a second, debating whether or not he interrupt the comfortable silence; he eventually looks back down, but you’re not one to ignore that and brush it off.
“my love, what is the matter?”
another moment passes before he finally gathers the courage to say the words trapped in his throat.
“i know we’ve been over it, but i can’t believe i’m yours… and you’re mine. i’m just thankful, is all. i hope i can always be the one you can rely on, as you are to me.”
a minor blush dusts his cheeks as you giggle softly at his flustered state. it wasn’t unusual, but it certainly made you feel happy, being able to fluster the stoic and pragmatic alhaitham.
“and you are, my love. celestia could send rains of fire and stampedes of thunder, and i would only ever run to you. i’ve entrusted my soul to yours, whether you know it or not, and you’re not getting rid of me so easily.”
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ayato ♡
lord kamisato, this. lord kamisato, that. he does not care, he will take time out of schedule specifically for you and only you.
because no one could compare to the way you call his name, when you wake up first thing in the morning, your voice still groggy, or while you’re both walking in the garden and you spot a beautiful flower.
you specifically request him not to make you any food though, because there's a 20% it will be inedible (the chances are low, but never zero)
instead, he’ll order your favorite pastries and have them delivered every morning in time for breakfast.
once he leaves for work, you both are very reluctant to let go… as if you’re not gonna sneak into his office every hour or so.
having you sat on his lap, arms around your waist while he’s going over documents.
if he has some plans that require him to be out and about, he takes every chance to sneak away and have a secret little moment or two with you.
this only escalates during festivals when his stress levels reach new heights. you steal him away, so you both can actually enjoy the festival the way everyone else is.
hearing him quietly chuckling feels as though you’ve been welcomed into an eternal paradise that only you two know of.
on the rare occasion that you don’t see him the entire day, you change or do things around the house to it feel more like a home for the both of you
ayato’s been complaining about back pain? you spend the day searching for a pillow that fixes that (worse comes to worse, there’ll be a new mattress when he comes home…)
the walls feel a bit bare and drab? you’ll just frame and hang up some of your favorite memories together.
you’ll also often find yourself experimenting with new boba recipes and having him try them all when he comes home; because of this pastime of yours, his favorite milk tea flavor has gone through a variety of changes.
anyways, when he does come home from work, you very much try to leave it outside (unless he truly needs to get things off his chest by venting).
he just wants to spend an evening with you watching a movie, having homemade dinner, or simply cuddling in bed.
the rest of the world fades into obscurity whenever you’re holding him close, face snuggled into his chest.
you’re just whispering compliments and words of comfort, because archons know he doesn’t hear it enough (/srs i feel like he gets used to the courteous praises coming from his colleagues and such for doing a good job, but you telling him how pretty his face is, is simply unmatched)
to hell it be damned, he fought for his marriage to you and he will fight everyday to protect the home you’ve both built together.
“in the kitchen!”
your voice makes itself known as ayato is quick to rush to the kitchen to see what you’re up to. there’s some flour scattered on the counter and floor as well as some unwashed dishes in the sink, and you’re in the middle of it all, giving him an awkward smile.
“i was just trying a new recipe and tried making pearls, i’m sorry about the mess…”
you laugh awkwardly as he only moves faster towards you. the moment he reaches you, he takes both your hands, soft and still covered in flour.
“i’m sure it turned out great. your hard work clearly shows.” he chuckles, bringing a hand up to your face stroking your cheeks. “i think… it’s missing a personal touch though. would you mind?” he closes the gap between you both, his lips barely grazing yours, waiting for your confirmation.
“indeed it does. i’ve missed you… a lot.”
your lips eventually find his and you can’t help the smile that creeps on to your face. its moments like these that you cherish and keep in your heart; these memories of him that belong to you forever more.
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requests are open!! please do not repost on other sites.
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aeonophagic · 8 months
u asked 4 ottokevin hc on twt but I am shy so hi ...^_^
I feel like both are touched starved, otto is Always craving it and is usually the one to initiate physical affection whilst kevin is afraid of his touch harming others. unfortunately for him, otto either doesn't care or isn't affected by kevin's temperature.
whilst otto initiates psychical affection, kevin is often the one to be a bit touchy - he hasn't been able to touch someone in thousands of years he is definitely the more touchy one!! otto will like lean on his shoulder for a second and kevins hand is immediately wrapped around ottos waist .
I feel kevin would be terrible with verbal affection, and so he shows his love through touch. otto loves it so much though and has definitely fallen asleep to kevin playing with his hair.
YOU GET ME..!!! ANON!!! I definitely think Otto is handsy with Kevin…
This dialogue from Void Archives…
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BUT ALSO..! MOST IMPORTANTLY! This cutscene where he calmly walks into the snowy arena…
It leads me to believe he’s resistant to the extreme cold that emanates from Kevin. He feels it, yes, but it has no effect on him (unlike when Mobius had to tell him to stand back or she’d probably freeze to death if he got too close)
THIS TOO..! Kevin can control it to a certain level, Otto can withstand it at any level…
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I honestly hadn’t thought of touchy Kevin before because I think he acts very distant in general, it’s a Kevin thing (as is being terrible with words, Kevin’s dialogue being the most straightforward and cutthroat is so funny to me) but… he’s allowed to be a little touchy… as a treat…
. I think when Kevin finally returns the affection, Otto gets so insanely flustered that the confidence he usually oozes simply freezes up… it works like a charm Kevin grabs his face to kiss him One (1) Time and Otto is never the same after that (because he’s usually the one initiating things)
KEVIN PLAYING WITH OTTO’S HAIR THOUGH… 100% TRUE… No way Kevin wouldn’t want to run his hands through it,, I’ve thought of him braiding it too
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justalazywriter · 2 years
HCS| Kakashi Hatake | Relationship headcannons|Gn!reader (mostly?)
Warning: none
A/n: i tried to make it Gn!reader mostly . i haven't written something in a long time so ye . This will be bad;-;
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-he is pretty open with his feelings , at least the good ones. He doesn't want to burden you with the nightmares , breakdowns , flashbacks to traumas he has.
-So he tries his best to hide them from you , but one time you came home from your work . Before you called "Kakashi I'm home" you heard sniffels and other sounds of crying . You snuck to where they came from and saw him. On the floor , knees tucked in , head on top of them , buried in his arm . He didn't notice you , so he flinched a bit as he felt you put your arms around him suddenly , but he quickly relaxed . He wrapped his arms around you and cried into your shoulder . You tried to calm Kakashi and assured him you won't leave him as he begged you to not leave him. That you'll be here for him whenever he needs support. And most importantly you assured him it's okay to cry , you don't think he's weak or a burden because of it.
-since then he's been different, but in a good way. He's way more open to affection and talks to you about the bad thoughts , traumas and nightmares
-youre the reason why he feels better , keeps going and the nightmares gotten less . He couldn't be more thankful for it
-kakashi is first really closed in on affection in public places , he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable with more than hugs and holding hands
- in private he shows how touched starved he really is so . Give. This. Man. Affection.
-expect to be accompanied on nightwalks . He is extremely worried about your safety but not too much to make you uncomfortable
-his mask is off as soon as the gets home so you'll always see his pretty face when you get home^^
-he is a middle skilled cook . He can make simple things but that's all . Still , he tries to learn better ones to surprise you.
-almost everytime he gets home from a mission, your plans for the day are replaced by cuddling and talking
-it gets his head out of the mission Modus when he has you in his arms or reversed
-next point. He is mostly the big spoon but when he's tired enough he'll have no problem being the little one. Expect him to fall asleep on you.
- when he's home and you're not there , he tries to get some work off your shoulders and clean the house or if you work overhours he will bring you snacks. also , if you like to Kakashi will stay with you and help you .
-another thing Kakashi does is gifting silly cute things. Such as little plushies , necklaces , bracelets or liittle figures
- he likes to chill with you in the grass fields or at dawn on a hill beneath an old tree and watch the sun fall while having you lean against his chest
-sudden hugs from behind with his head on top of yours or your shoulder . This man loves to scare you like that if he feels like doing idiot things ( a sign he feels safe and good around you)
-and if you're taller than him please give this man the headpats he deserves . Even if you're short TRY TO . Believe me he'll love it
- rides on his back when you're tired. Or he carries you bridal style if you hurt your foot
- expect your favorite snacks and flowers on valentine's day and also a couple activity or a festival visit or just chilling if you don't like masses of people
- for our female fellows reading this : period? No problem , just ask and he'll bring you the period products you need and snacks.
Well ig it's enough for now , hope you liked it^^
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zayray030 · 2 years
Summary: When the first years saw Ace blush they couldn't help but feel infatuated with how cute he was. Now they were determined to drag as many people with then as possible much to the redheads complete and utter confusion
I saw Ace's ssr on YouTube for the Ghost Bride and I feel in love with that little shit even more
Pairings: harem
Whilst everyone at Night Raven College would just love to forget any of the events that took place during the 'Ghost Bride' incident, some things needed to be redone and reminisced.
For example, Leona getting slapped, Vil getting humbled, Trey reminding all the other guys that they're all inexperienced virgins and most importantly Ace blushing.
Now seeing as the only ones who had the lovely pleasure of seeing Ace's normally smug face turn bright red and bashful, were the first years they were unfortunately the only ones who could carry on this legacy.
However, they will slowly recruit more people, much to Ace's misfortune.
"Is everybody here?" Asked Yuu, looking at their fellow comrades who are all in on the mission of making Ace blush.
"Yes, captain." They all replied in sync, all of them sporting a smirk.
"Perfect. Now let's strategize and commence our plans. Deuce go."
"Well, the subject is known for smirking his way through sassing the upperclassmen and our fellow classmates. So far, I have yet to see any redness on his face that is not coming from any physical activities he's had to do due to sports and everyone is bright red then. I have noticed however that whenever someone isn't around he tends to relax and he seems quite jumpy when someone appears out of nowhere.." Deuce listed, voice serious as he recounted what he knew, as if he was giving the pass code to a nuclear missile.
"Excellent" Yuu praised as everyone nodded their heads and clapped for the first year. "Epel, you're next"
"Ace, whilst seemingly arrogant, can't seem to handle the pressure of being in the spotlight for too long. He waves of excessive praise and compliments. I have in fact seen him try and brush some compliments away. He also can't seem to take any compliments when it comes to physical looks." listed Epel, a smile on his face. He couldn't help it! Just knowing that big old Ace Trappola got shy when given one too many compliments would make anyone with a sadistic bone in their body happy.
"Interesting. I have plans to utilise that." Yuu laced their fingers together and placed her chin on them, a devious smirk on their lips. Oh dear Ace how you'd wish you were just arrogant. "But for now, Jack report."
"I would say he's gotten rather touch starved since starting here." At everyone's confused looks he elaborated. "I wouldn't think that his brother was rather affectionate with him. Coming here and with his less than…agreeable… personality would have made it hard for him to be able to be given any form of affection. I tend to see him glancing longingly at the upperclassmen and he tends to 'brat out' when not given enough attention." Jack finished and he had to mentally fend off any lecherous thoughts that were about to appear in his head.
"Interesting, interesting." Yuu nodded, a few lecherous thoughts swimming in their own head before they batted them away and turned to sebek. "What do you have my fellow comrade?"
"Despite his bratty attitude it is clear that he respects the upperclassmen a lot more than they can tell. Every if he acts a bit too bratty he always stops after a certain look. My guess daddy issues or he missis home." Sebek reported, serious as ever.
"Hmmm. I believe we have a game plan gentlemen." Yuu decided staring up at all of them, all the first years present all sharing evil smirks, completely oblivious to Grim's disappointed face at their stupidity.
Ace was not dumb, despite what other people may think. He was observant when need be and noticed things that others didn't particularly pay attention to or look for.
And that's how he realised that his friends were up to something.
He deduced that their shady behaviour had been starting from the Ghost Bride. Ever since the humiliation of having Ortho show them the tape of his 'ideal partner' he's noticed them all slinking away at random times and stop hushed conversations whenever he walked by.
He wasn't going to lie, it hurt him slightly that his friends were avoiding him but he was Ace Trappola and like hell was he going to let people make him question himself. Even if he trusted those people and thought that maybe they did like him and didn't see him as a complete nuisance and an annoyance. It was just as good as if they didn't want to speak to him anyway! He had to focus on his magic and-
His depressing train of thought was stopped when a pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him to a solid chest.
"H-HUH?!" He squeaked as he struggled trying to escape before a chin was placed on his shoulder and a familiar voice spoke.
"Hey Ace." Deuce greeted, arms tightening around Ace, even when Ace stopped struggling.
"D-deuce!? What are you-" He could barely get the words out, knowing for a fact that his face was redder than his hair and he absolutely hated that it was Deuce Spade that was making him this embarrassed.
"Ace are you okay? Your face is quite red." Deuce asked in concern, pointing out what Ace didn't want him to notice.
Ace didn't reply, instead bringing his hands up to his face to cover his face to both whine quietly in confusion and embarrassment and to also hide his burning red face.
Deuce, unknown to him, however was smirking triumphantly and he mentally ticked off 'surprising him in an empty corridor to make him blush.'
"Anyway." Deuce started, retracting his arms from around Ace and smirking when Ace turned to look at him accusingly "I just remembered that Trey-senpai was going to go over some History with me. Catch you later Ace." And he dashed off, leaving one focused ginger in his wake.
"W-wha-" Ace stuttered, trying to understand what was going on, grateful that the hallway had been empty sans for him and Deuce.
He shook his head and slapped his cheek before nodding to himself. If Deuce was going to act as if nothing happened then so was he. There was no point in making a big deal out of nothing.
So, with that in mind he started his trip to his dorm, not noticing the Grim who was shaking his head at the stupidity of his friends.
"You're so cool Ace!" Epel sighed, leaning heavily into Ace's space, pretending as if he didn't notice how nervous the red head was getting and his slowly reddening face.
"I think I got your point, dude." Ace tried to laugh it off with a nervous laugh and a smirk but Epel just ignored both, internally smirking at the others red face. Bingo.
"But it's true. You're so strong but your hands look so smooth and pretty. And your face doesn't even have a blemish in sight. You would have fit right into my dorm that's where all the pretty ones are at." Having to openly admit that he's 'pretty' was a huge blow to his pride but it was all in the great scheme of things to make Ace blush and it worked!
People all around them were nodding their heads, at first irritated that the short first year had been complimenting the seemingly arrogant red head but as they slowly watched Ace blush they couldn't help but join in, all too happy to knock him down.
"Epel is right!" A Promefiore student nodded along, sidling up next to Ace and giving him a look over, aware of the other darkening. "Your physique is amazing and it's quite clear that certain parts of you are blessed." Thankfully the student refrained from feeling up those blessed parts because Ace wasn't sure his heart could handle it.
"A-anyways I n-" Ace interrupted with nervous laughter but was only stopped by more students coming up to him to compliment him.
"Yeah! You look gorgeous!"
"Have you seen him in class! He can pick things up in seconds!"
"He's so cool and funny! Have you seen his magic tricks!"
More and more students crowded around the blushing first year all showing him with praise ro see his face darken and Epel was able to slip away undetected, a smirk on his face and his phone in his hand.
Walking away gleefully he didn't notice Grim leaning across the wall with a disappointed look on his face shaking his head and crossing his arms at him.
Ace glanced around nervously, afraid that if he didn't look properly then one of his so-called friends would pounce and destroy his street cred by turning him into a blushing mess.
Thankfully, he was able to make it to the gardens in peace without any of his friends finding him. Once in he let out a giant sigh of relief as he walked over and collapsed against a tree, sighing loudly.
Whilst sitting against the tree he began recollecting all of the events that have been happening recently.
First, his friends ignore him and avoid him like no other and then when they did acknowledge him it was to humiliate him and make fun of him?
Whilst our lovable idiot sat there, completely missing as to why his friends were making him blush, a certain lion had made his way up to him, annoyance clear on his face as he remembered the interaction he had with his the first years.
"Please!" They all begged, their voices reaching an annoyingly loud whine that made him regret having good hearing.
"Give me one good reason why I should go up to that brat and hug him!" Demanded Leona as he glared at the first years.
"We'll stop annoying you." Yuu replied, with their 'duh' voice.
Leona glared at them even harsher but the annoying herbivore didn't back down, only raising a single eyebrow as if challenging him.
Leona held their gaze for a moment longer before groaning. "Fine. Now fuck off." He snapped.
"Yes senpai!"
Leona shook his head, as if to get rid of that memory but nonetheless continued his walk to the redhead who still hadn't noticed him.
"Well well well, what's a little Heartslabyul student doing in my neck of the woods" He growled in lue of greeting.
"Leona-senpai!" Ace jumped in surprise. "I d-"
However, before Ace could explain the situation Leona pulled him into a hug.
Ace could have fainted then and there on the spot because why on earth was the guy who's notorious for hating any form of physical contact willingly hugging him?
"W-wha-" Ace stammered, starting to struggle out of the beastman's hold.
Leona just sighed as of suffering and flopped onto the grass pulling a struggling Ace with him.
"Hush and go to sleep. I want to take a nap." The upperclassmen grumbled before knocking out.
Ace briefly stopped struggling to stare incredulously at the older man before renewing his struggles only to stop with a squeak when Leona growled and tightened his arms around him.
Ace sighed and gave up, untensing his body and just let himself lay across his senpai.
After a while he felt his eyelids get heavy and he felt himself subconsciously snuggling up to Leona. Despite every instinct in him telling him to run he couldn't help but remember his older brother's cradle and he felt himself fully relax against his seniors chest.
Whilst Ace was busy relaxing and distressing after weeks of paranoia Leona was busy questioning his entire perspective of life.
'Why in the hell is he playing cute?' He screamed internally as the smaller first year cuddled up to his chest more and let out a content sleepy sigh.
"Onii-san" He heard the younger whisper before he felt his heartbeat slow down and his breathing smooth out, indicating that the first year had fallen asleep.
"Jack wasn't kidding when he said that he was touch deprived." He muttered gruffly before he just sighed and settled down for his own nap. "Oh well. At least he's quiet like this."
Ace hasn't felt more humiliated in his life than this moment.
Not only had he 'confessed' in front of everyone to save his recluse of a senpai but also his friends had figured out that he was actually being genuine and had watched the entire thing on repeat multiple times.
And then he was ignored for weeks by his friends for seemingly no reason whatsoever. And then after that he was subjected to more pain in the form of his friend acting weird I.e Deuce just randomly grabbing him by the waist, Epel overly complimenting him thus causing a shit ton more which made him wanna run out and then suddenly Leona-senpai hugged him and took a nap with him and something was telling him that Jack was behind that.
And now…he didn't know.
He still doesn't have the answers to his friends weird behaviours and they still weren't talking to him apart from being wierd.
Ace roughly rubbed his eyes, refusing to let the tears fall and instead took jn a deep breath.
'Whatever!' He thought to himself 'I still have friends in other dorms! Those guys are cool! Yeah maybe they won't know what I will like and I'm sure it'll be awkward and yeah I won't feel as comfortable and-'
Fortunately, the arrival of Trey and Cater stopped his depressing track of thoughts.
"Hey Acey~" greeted Cater, slinging an arm around him and pulling him close.
Ace stumbled ever so slightly at the sudden action before relaxing against his favourite upperclassmen. At last, someyhing mildly normal.
"Hey Cater senpai! Trey senpai!" Ge greeted, flashing them both a smile, something he realises he hasn't done much off in the last week.
"Hey Ace." Trey greeted back and did something completely unusual. He ruffled his hair.
Ace blinked in confusion at the action and without his permission his kips formed intoa pout and his cheeks heated. "Senpai~ my hair!" He whined loudly, giving Trey a dirty look.
"Sorry sorry." Trey chuckled sheepishly and then went in for the kill "You just looked really cute."
Ace blushed all the way from the top of his head to his chest.
"Sh-shut up!" He snapped indignantly "I am not cute!" He knew his pout wasn't doing his well but it wasn't like he could control it!
"Awe but you are Acey~!" Argued Cater, squeezing his cheeks and placing a kiss in both of them "Absolutely adorable!" He complimented him and watched in woneer as Ace averted his gaze and his cheeks got impossibly redder.
Huh, turns out that the other first years had been right about Ace being adorable when he blushed.
"You're both embarrassing you know that right?" He asked rhetorically.
"Yup!" Trey didn't bother denying and draped his arms around Ace as well so he was in-between him and Cater.
Ace just sighed and resigned to his fate to being teased by his upperclassmen.
"Is everybody here?" Yuu asked, heavy cloak covering their face.
"Yes captain!" Everyibe replied, voices serious.
"Then let's commence!" They yelled dramatically "The Ace Trappola fanclub session!" And with that there was sounds of people yelling and the main word being spread around was the word Ace and pictures of said person.
"You know if you were still feeling petty over him taking your chips you could have just gone to Riddle and he would have dealt with it." Grim's voice appeared near them, full of disappointment.
They merely turned to their housemate and grinned a smile full of teeth.
"True. But this is better." They replied simply. When Grim's unimpressed face remained they sighed dramatically and continued "I will stop it when it goes too far don't worry." They told him in an attempt in comfort but Grim merely raised an eyebrow at the human.
"Oh yeah? When's that?" He asked
"When he cries" they replied before they made their way to a group of students who were gushing over how pretty Ace would look in a maid dress.
'Honestly that might be sooner than what you think.' Grim thought to himself privately and winced.
He was so not looking forward to the outcome of this entire mess but he shook his head fondly.
'At least Ace got something out of this in the end. A dedicated fan base."
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eggsolotl · 5 months
This totally diverges from my usual content but like, I really wanna talk abt this. I really think that there should be at least one character in the story that's so fucked up and angsty, they're the author's angst dump.
Like once, I had an OC that was so deranged and touch-starved, seeking out unhealthy coping mechanisms in order to make up for the lack of affection they had received ever since they were a child in a family of 7 other children. Cuz after all, child amongst 7 siblings was just that; one extra person to feed.
Always constantly wanting to prove themselves worthy for said "father" of family to receive even the tiniest bit of praise. The brothers they considered to be close with were ones who fit the criteria of 'looks nice to hug' and 'they are friendly to me'. And by friendly, I mean he only talked to them in specific instances and when they didn't, mostly tolerated each other's presence.
His life was a cycle of constant isolation and scheming and having to climb every rickety ladder for a sense of power, of autonomy and to bury down his self-loathing under the guise of 'hey... I'm powerful now. I should be happy'. And no, he still felt nothing but emptiness. Most of his childhood spent on contemplating and learning to grow up by himself since no one else was there to teach him.
Then one time, he saw main character OC in said story of mine being affectionate towards a kid whose parents were targets of his father's organization and lost it. Feeling wasted, exhausted and lost, questioning the cause his father had made all of his siblings including himself swear to be loyal to.
THEN一I got tired of writing up more angsty scenes where this guy just suffers mentally 😭 so I made character become one of his personal henchmen, kinda apart of this little group where he's the boss who assigns tasks required by extremely skilled people.
Yes, so this 'I haven't slept in three years but more importantly, I brought a little gift for my sweetheart' henchmen and his deranged, slightly insane 'Can I crawl inside your ribcage and just... hold that beautiful, beating heart of yours bcs that's so tempting right now' boss have at least 300K words of untouched slow burn romance I do not have the effort to write but pretend they figured out shit, unpacked so much, taught each other many lessons they had once learned and experienced tragedies but still held on till the very end.
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mlmxreader · 10 months
😭 Oh no! He stole your side of the bed now!! His little face looks so smug too, I can't.
Eeeeeehh! 3 more updates! Your are too good for us and we do not deserve you. Also, how are you? Doing alright? How's that ankle of yours? I think you mentioned that you rolled it so I hope everythings going alright 🖤. Now let's get into it!
Prove It
I'll keep it short because I have little to no coherent thoughts .... oh fuck 👀👀👀.
Possessive kiss 👀. Grabbed their throat 👀👀. Gripped that ass and let that other person know exactly who y/n was with 👀👀👀.
🥵... I think that sums it up nicely.
Blue Sand
you would both bleed knowing that it was not the world that had gotten to you, it was not the shit that the planet had become - but it was loyalty, companionship, and dedication.
This one got me a little bit. I can understand the deep longing that both of them have for a world that will not be. A world that once was. A time where Max and y/n could have led lives in which they didn't have to constantly look over their shoulders. Where death isn't as common as breathing. That little moment they had together in the end, where Max couldn't say it in words but his actions were enough to let them know that he wanted the same 🥹. The feels are feeling.
Marking the other as means of reminding them that they are infact still alive is kinda poetic. In an environment that is hell bent on destroying everything, you don't allow it to have the satisfaction of being the only thing that makes you bleed. In this case, their blood is drawn by someone who cares deeply for them, not with the goal of injury but a means of reminding them of their humanity and most importantly, their promise to one another. I don't know if any of that made sense, I just thought it was really neat that you did that. "You would both bleed for something human." 🤌🏾🖤
Let the Walls Fall
He made himself comfortable against you, tethered to his rock and knowing that no amount of choppy and stormy seas would never take him away from you.
The feels are also feeling with this one.
Poor Tommy dealing with all of that but atleast he has y/n who in additon to noticing that something is off, also tries to reach out to him. Him melting into them when they hug him 🤧. My sweet, sweet touched starved man!! Actually though, it was so unbelievablely heartbreaking when he said you'll leave me and stop loving me like everyone else 🥺🥺. 😭 Baby no! I would ask who hurt him but the real question is who didn't hurt him?!
Thank you so much for writing these requests. Sorry for the short reviews but just know that I really did love reading each of these very much.
Take care, be safe and I'll talk to ya in the next one!
yes, he did steal MY SIDE of the bed bc he's an asshole. greyhounds are assholes. (I love him, I bought him a new toy recently and he hasn't stopped playing w it all day)
3 new updates and more to come!!! my ankle is uhm... I'm in constant pain every time I put pressure on it but tbh, it could be worse, like, I can still walk which means I can still work.
Prove It
hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhe jealous!Max certainly is something, huh?
Blue Sand
Max and his s/o both yearn for something that they can never have, but all the same... they can have a SEMBLANCE of it, even though that world is long and far gone. they might not be able to live happily ever after, but it's enough to live and to know that they're both loved. it's enough for them both.
to cut someone you love like that, to spill their blood not for pleasure or malice but for the sake of going "I'm here with you. I'm not going anywhere", is probably the most human act of all in a world like theirs. to find that destruction doesn't necessarily mean breaking, but rather, that destruction can cause a bond so strong that it will never be shaken. mutual destruction, mutual affection.
Let the Walls Fall
reader is Tommy's anchor, the only thing keeping him afloat when he's in a stormy sea 🥹🥹🥹
they GET each other 🥺 just as much as the reader knows Tommy and can pick up how he's feeling just by looking at him, Tommy can do the exact same 🥺 "you'll leave me" Tommy........ i FUCKING DOUBT THAT. that motherfucker knows you better than anyone else and loves you DEARLY.
you're so very welcome!!!! I love the short reviews as much as the long ones 🥹🥺🫶🏻 so thank you!!!!
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emolgastanblog · 2 years
If it's okay would you do a hisuian zoroark spending time with a trainer that they trust, and they realize just how touch starved they are? Sorry if I worded this badly, I love you stuff by the way!
I can certainly attempt it! I haven't actually written much Pokemon themselves? I mainly focus on the trainers and characters, so this is a bit different than normal, but I'm excited to try it!
Hisuian Zoroark x Trainer (Platonic!) | Care
You were always abandoned. From when you were just a Zorua, you were alone. When you tried to approach any other Pokemon to play or anything, they just.. ran away from you. You were used to it though, even if it hurt inside.
By the time you had gotten into enough fights to evolve, now rather than ever reaching out anymore, you just stayed to yourself.
That was until they came around.
Some human, looked young at least. He wore a red hat and had short dark hair. You were scared of him at first, growling and snarling hoping to drive him off.
But he didn't leave you.
Suddenly you felt something weird hit you and you got a lot smaller. Wherever you were now, it was the perfect environment for you. Snowy, quiet, peaceful.
You heard a sound and a click. Still confused, but at least you were... safe?
Then you heard another sound, and you came out of whatever pocket dimension you were in. You looked around panicked, trying to search for an answer.
And it was right in front of you. That trainer.
"Hey there Zoroark! I'm Rei. Nice to meet you. I'm gonna be your trainer, but most importantly I'll be your friend okay? I'm uh.. not really great at battles but I promise I'm getting better! Akari still is better but uh.. gah I shouldn't rant to you- you probably can't understand me huh?"
... did humans really think no one understood them?
Whatever, you knew humans actually couldn't understand Pokemon, so you didn't bother to put too much effort into your response. Just letting out a small "Okay", which to him just heard like a roar, probably.
Your new trainer looked a little freaked out, but you weren't surprised by that anyway.
"... alright, it's a deal then!" Rei placed his hand on your head and then it sunk it.
Touch. Affection. Pet. Care.
What was this feeling? You felt... you felt safe. Warm. Confused.
His hand rubbed down your fluff, gently massaging it as he scratched your head. "Aww aren't you just the cutest!"
Instantly you flopped into him, desperate for more of this feeling.
"Whoa! Whoa- okay- okay I get it you like pets!" He put both his hands into your fur and scratched and pet you.
Yes yes yes yes. You felt so warm and safe. You've never felt this before... just.. whoa.
You could get used to this new life. And so could he.
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tciddaemina · 3 years
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asexual(?) geralt
apparently i have a lot of feelings about geralt’s sexuality, which I’ve been ruminating on recently in the face of asexual witcher week. 
it’s not necessarily that i headcanon geralt as being ace, or at least not completely, but I do think that has a complicated and nuanced relationship with sex, and with human contact as a whole in general. like, think about it - geralt, like all witchers, in fact even more so than all witchers (hello butcher of blaviken), is reviled and treated as a monster, something less than human, something dangerous. his interactions with humanity and the greater public are all too often hostile ones, with strangers spitting as his feet wherever he goes, for the crime of nothing more than being alive 
this to say that there are few people who touch geralt, and even fewer who ever do so with kind or positive intent. the majority of his physical contact comes from fighting and killing people, people out to hurt him. take this, and compute the fact that he’s like hundred of years old and this has been going on for a very long time means that geralt is no doubt insanely touch starved
which complicates geralt’s approach to sex. my headcanon, the way i view it at least, and this is probably influenced in no little part by me being ace myself, is that sex for geralt is largely something that is performative. he doesn’t derive much pleasure from the act itself, doesn’t particularly seek it out, but he still does it - mostly because its expected of him. prostitutes (etc) come up to him and they offer him their time and they expect him to say yes, because they’re beautiful women and witchers supposedly are insatiable, and so he says yes. 
and i think that he says yes for two reasons - first, because it is expected of him and it would often be weirder to say no and in the end he doesn’t care that much either way (he’s not sex averse after all, just largely sex indifferent). second and more importantly, is that i feel like prostitutes particularly are one of the few groups of people who look at geralt as something other than a monster. here, with them, its one of geralt few opportunities to have a positive human interaction, even better because its transactional - he knows what they want from him, the terms are clearly laid out, its safe, in a given sense. he’s too proud and jaded to ever just hire a woman’s time for company, just for conversation or playing a drinking game or whatever, because that would be too pathetic, but in the end its not really the sex he’s after, just the chance to share an interaction with someone and not come out of it feeling like a monster
so geralt has sex, but he’s largely indifferent to it. it means nothing to him, he doesn’t particularly enjoy it one way or the other. sex doesn’t have the same sense of vulnerability and intimacy and trust for him that it has for other people. his body is a weapon, after all, and he is just as dangerous without his swords as with them after all, which means that if any of them did ever try something he could take care of it. he’s never off his guard when he’s having sex, is never truly vulnerable
which brings us to the next point - sex isn’t intimacy for geralt, so then what is? and i think it’s any act of physical non-sexual intimacy. people don’t touch geralt except to hurt him, he doesn’t trust people to touch him, to be in his space, doesn’t like it and doesn’t want it. which means that when there is someone he trusts (okay yeah its jaskier, i’m talking about jaskier, this is what i’m writing a fic about right now, lets be real) the real mark of geralt’s care and affection and love for someone, his trust, isn’t having sex with them, but letting them touch him and be around him in other ways. 
like, trusting someone enough to actually go to sleep next to them, to be vulnerable and in contact with them, to trust them to do stuff like wash his hair or help take care of his wounds - letting them touch him outside of an indifferent transaction, trusting them to touch him not for the purpose of sex or hurting him. i feel like that’s where geralt’s real intimacy lies. that’s the shit that makes him hesitate, that makes him nervous, that he secretly wants for but can’t ask for (cue back in the touch starved here)
and geralt’s love is expressed this way. he doesn’t have sex with them (or at least not with jaskier - look, you can read my fic every petal dropped if you want an 80k long hanaki flavored exposition of jaskier’s side of this headcanon) but rather expresses his love in a manner that comes across as largely platonic. being there with them, letting them be in his space, sleeping around them, letting them touch him when he’s sick or injured, letting them touch him without motive, stuff other people wouldn’t even think about - from geralt that’s the true declaration of love, because he doesn’t let anybody do those. 
sex, which other people view as an act of love, means nothing to him, while everyday acts of non-sexual intimacy mean everything to him. his love is still romantic, but its unspoken, portrayed through acts that most people would all too easily dismiss or brush off, and thus easily mistaken for being platonic, when it can be anything but. (platonic and romantic love isn’t differentiated purely by sex, and anyone who says otherwise can fight me) 
and maybe, maybe when that is all taken into account and someone is aware of it all, then yes, sex could become something special. if someone knows geralt’s context and who he is, understands him and knows all this, then maybe geralt could have sex where he actually trusts himself to them, where he can let himself be vulnerable and let it mean something, but even that still in part comes from the emotional context of geralt letting himself be vulnerable in any way, rather than from the act of sex itself
all this to say - geralt maybe isn’t asexual by its strictest definition, but there’s definitely something going on there that falls somewhere on the grey scale
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thefanbasewhore · 3 years
Can you plsssss do a imagine with Din asking you to wear a blindfold for the first time? He is all shy because let's face it he has never had someone like that before.
I hope you enjoy this, things get a little ✨spicey ✨
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It was dark, the only light was the bright stars that illuminated the cockpit. The lights were off with the request from you but not completely murk. Not only did the stars provide light they shinned against the high peaks of cheek bones, showed the soft curve of your lips, silhouette of a nose.
Din's chair turns towards you. Stars no longer held the same beauty compared to the way they touched your face: his favorite way to look at them.
"You're starring, Din." Eyelashes flutter against your own cheeks, and Din feels his warm instantly.
If it were days ago, he would have apologized, act like it never happened, but something has changed. He found himself holding you at night, long meaningful talks that made him smile ear to ear and of course you admiting that you wanted more.
"How can I not?" Playfully you sit up from the chair, pushing his chest. He's a wall, doesn't budge but catches your wrist between his hand. "Come here."
Physical touch. Something Din starved for, and he realized he was greedy for yours. You didn't dare leave the ship, either of you. The last few days were spent in a giant bubble filled with admiration, you didn't want to leave one another.
It took so long to get to this point, months and months of internal battle, the mandalorian never understood love until he met you. Usually he would stay distant, a loner type who didn't talk much but that all seemed to change.
Din wanted you close at all times, wants your constant blabbering, making him sit down to eat a meal, most importantly he wants to kiss you.
Yes, you have been sleeping in the same bed for days, holding, hugging, his small acts of affection rubbing your hair, pressing a hand against your lower back as he passes you but he wanted to feel skin against his own skin.
Soft thighs straddle his own, he feels hot, he thought you would drag him to bed but instead the most beautiful woman he's ever seen is sitting on his lap, a playful smile that makes him sigh.
The heaviness of her is nothing compared to what he's feeling in his stomach, a searing heat that reaches his loins. He clears his throat as you giggle at him. "Something wrong?"
He's clearly nervous, inexperienced as he shakes his head. The pads of leather gloves meet your face, running over the highest points of your face, the stars illumate beautifully off them.
"Nothing is wrong... You're just so beautiful."
Now it's your turn to blush, the cross of his visor so close you wish you could feel his skin.
Din's eyes take in every curve of lips, the plumpness, the color. "Can you do something for me?"
Those lips, he tried and tried to kiss them, feel them, feels his own pucker involuntarily just to meet the cold reality of his helm. While it was his life, his being, the creed did have it's disadvantages.
"Anything for you." While the word were supposed to be calming, they did the opposite. Instead igniting a fire in his body, the armour felt heavier, warmer. His girl, who would do anything for him. It made him growl inside his chest, he wanted to claim you, fill your body with his marks.
Arms wrap around your waist, bringing you to the junction of his torso, right over were you can feel his hardness, what you did to him. You gasp, involuntarily wiggling against his hips.
"I, ugh." Despite his bold move, the mandalorian was speechless as you grind your hips on him. "I want to kiss you, please."
The reality set in, you have never kissed him, it was for obvious reasons but with him you never needed that. There was a rip of material as he held it out in front of you, "please tell me I can."
You nod shyly as smooth hands wrap around the back of your head, a few hairs burn under the knot but it's worth it.
Almost instantly there's a 'thump', gloves long forgotten as smooth hands cup your face.
"you are so, so beautiful Cyare. How did I get so lucky?"
Din was stalling, maybe it was his inexperience or that face that you were sitting on his lab, hips still stirring against his member, more of a habit then anything.
Without another word your lips press against his, soft skin feeling other another. Lips mold against each other with a soft groan as you lean deeper into him. Din's heart pounding in his chest, his eyes open slightly, taking a small peak, searing this moment in his mind forever.
Suddenly all the stars are gone, the ship is no longer underneath Din, it's only you and him. You pull away and just as he begins to protest lips press against his jaw, a few more trail to his ear, pressing a soft, wet kiss.
"Cyar'ika." He warns in a soft moan, suddenly feeling smaller. "I never -."
You already know what he's going to say, he's never had someone like this before. "Do you want to? I don't want to pressure you, we can just sit here."
Din answers with his lips, soft as they press against your neck as his hand knots the back of your hair, bringing your lips to his forcefully.
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kemonoinuzuka · 3 years
Note: I do not own the BBU universe, I am using the basics for this story to get a feel for it. While this story takes place in the BBU I will be writing supernatural whumpee. Hope I tagged everything if not please feel free to tell me and I will add the tags!
‘My name.....I know they want me to rattle off that stupid number, but I still know my name.’ I lift my heavy head. It feels like lots made of lead and my vision blurrs at the change in light. Stabbing pain just behind my right eye. “2224771XS15” fighting isn’t worth this pain anymore.
Handler Hinton smiles, and starts going over the positions. I grit my teeth and go through them, doing my best to not falter. I don’t want to go back to the drip...I don’t want to lose myself. “Good girl, 2224771XS15.” The Handler says. He actually sounds happy or once, even coming over to pet her head. She hated the way she leaned into the touch. Like she was some touch starved puppy. She used to hate touch!”
“I’m glad you’re making good progress, now. Someone just bought you, and now we can focus on what they want, and leave the basics. Exciting news, huh!?” It takes a moment for my head to make sense of what was just said. Someone bought me...and now there is to be more training...Fuck. He stops petting me and goes to grab the chart and reads through the specifics. “Well you get to train in domestics, and they want you trained to be a guard dog. Shame, with your looks you would have made a great Romantic.” She shivers at his comment. It wasn’t the first time he had mentioned this.
They day goes by easily enough. She is trained to do the specific tasks her master wishes her to learn, such as cooking and cleaning. It’s easy and comes naturally almost like she has done this before. The memories hurt and become overbearing but she remember the older wolf, her mother taught her these things. She cradled her head on the freezing cold floor and shivered. Handler Hinton moved her to the break matts. “Go ahead and sleep, get warm. When I get back we will start your guard training.” He latched her lead to a nearby post and attached it to her collar. “That’s a good girl, rest.” The blessed warmth pulled her into slumber as Hinton went to lunch.
His lunch was over to soon, and rather angrily she got up. “Your owner is here to see you, payed a handsome penny for visits during training so you better behave for them.” She was to grumpy to care following him down the white sterile hallways. He lead her into a viewing room, there were toys but most importantly a blanket! She quickly kneeled in the middle as they waited for her master to come in.
The scent hit her first. Far different from strike cleaning supplies scent on the facility itself, different from the smell of the memory wiping drugs in the drip rooms, and nothing compared to the blood, sweat, and other bodily fluids in the training rooms. This was the scent of her enemy! The undead! He walked in tall and proud, eyeing her maliciously. Glowing red amber eyes, short black hair, and perfect white teeth. He is wonderfully attractive, but in a predatory way. Her lips pulled back barring her teeth at him.
His laughter rings throughout the room. “My what spirit she has!” He grips her by her chin and forces her to look at him. “I can’t wait to see you in action, precious!” Her body recoils from his touch but his grip is bruising and firm. “Don’t brake her from being feisty, I can always fix it if it becomes too far over line.” He takes his other hand and begins massaging behind her left ear and she could feel herself lean into the good touch. The effect on her body was relaxing as she entered a trancelike state.
“What are you doing?” The Handler asked surprised.
“Werewolves learn their place through shows of dominance. The fastest way to get them to know who they belong to is to manipulate their left ear. The trance, is a side affect of the imprinting to the new Alpha. Surprised your organization hasn’t figured that out yet.” He bends closer to her breath hot against her ear. “And with this she will know who her master is.” A small whine escapes her chapped lips as this horrible creature bites her ear.
He stands up and let’s go of her face. The magic of the imprint settles and she glares up at her enemy, her master. “Are there any other instructions or training you would like?” Handler Hinton sounded a tad unsettled.
“I want her to be protective of young’s ones. She is going to be the first of many I buy if I like her, and she will be in charge of guarding the children in my care. I know you have been wanting to sell her as a Romantic, may I ask why?” The man asks while looking her over and touching everywhere, fixing her posture and testing her tolerance.
“She is a masochist. Most of our punishments while still effective given her humiliation, don’t have the same effect as it does the others hence how long her basic training has taken. We just feel it’s a waste of potential, but she is yours and we will follow your directions.” Hinton explained. She in turn turned many shades of red as he informed Master of this.
“Hmmm well, I don’t have current plans to bed my dog, perhaps breed her after she has settled in. Find a nice male wolf that matches her nicely. I can always bring her back for that training yes? Or perhaps choose certain parts of it?” He asked watching her turn even deeper shades of red.
“Of course we are always happy to help in any way!” Hinton responded excitedly.
“Luna, you will let them touch you for training, and you will listen to them while I am not here they are in charge.is that understood, precious?” she looked up at master until it clicked. She was Luna, that’s was her new name.
“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir” she said remembering her manners. She really didn’t want to give Hinton a reason to punish her. The Handler was creepy enough without testing how much pain her body could turn to pleasure. “So sweet for me already precious” her master said. “Go ahead teach her how to handle being intimately touched and oral, but absolutely in no way shape or form are any of you to penetrate her. That’s not for you and I will punish anyone who does.”
To be continued.....
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regrettablewritings · 4 years
Preference: Love Languages
Characters: Cassian Andor, Erik the Phantom, Poe Dameron, Bruce Wayne, & Clark Kent
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Cassian Andor
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How He Receives:
Cassian is a very tough nut to crack: He’s aloof, he’s driven, he has a seemingly one-track mind, and he’s definitely the least open member of the Rogue One Squad -- and that’s saying something! These traits only seem to become more evident when approaching him from a more romantically-driven angle . . . However, he’s most certainly not a glacier: Even the most glaring of Rebels has a heart, and Cassian is no exception. If one does the math, it eventually becomes apparent that the best way to warm this man up is through quality time.
Admittedly, it’s quite shocking to think this. After all, there are no tricks or double meanings to quality time. It’s exactly as it says on the tin: Drawing feelings of love and acceptance from spending time with someone you love. Be it while doing tasks together or talking or just sitting and enjoying one another’s company, quality time ultimately boils down to feeling seen and heard by just having your loved one near you. (In addition, it’s also often associated with down time, which can especially be seen as a plus in the eyes of a ranking official in a war effort.)
The idea that someone like Cassian could harness love from being around another person so often just plain puzzles you. After all, he’s not exactly known for being the most welcoming, or even the most eager for downtime. Indeed, Cassian himself may find himself in denial of seeking attention like that.
But really, as much as he may refuse to show it or even believe it, he really appreciates being shown this kind of attention. He’s more or less resigned himself to the life of a cog, helping to keep the machine of the Rebellion going by doing his part. He may not necessarily voice contentment over this, but given that he’s given so much of his life to the cause, there are few other options he sees for himself. At least, he thinks. He honestly doesn’t acknowledge to himself just how deep he does, what his wants are, who he is separate from his actions and traumas.
But by spending time with his partner, he’s given the chance to confront himself: He can talk to you and have you talk right back to him. He’s given a chance to simultaneously learn more about you and also about himself. He can feel seen, he can feel heard! Because when he gets quality time with you, he’s no longer Cassin Andor, Captain of the Rebellion, deadly sniper and veteran spy: He’s just Cassian. Cassian Jeron Andor: A man trying to do right by the future while at the same time trying to confront his past after so many years of avoiding it. More importantly, though, he’s your Cassian. Which is as far from being any old cog as one gets.
How He Gives:
Unlike his personal love language, how Cassian expresses care can actually go deeper than what its name suggests. The thing about giving gifts is that the gift need not necessarily be tangible: Sometimes it can be a gesture, an action that doesn’t qualify as an act of service, anything that could be perceived as a fundamental expression of how someone loves you. At their root, the giving and reception of gifts revolves around the idea that it is literally “the thought that counts.”
And for Cassian, you are on his mind when he decides to bequeath you with the gift of being able to defend yourself. Is it a strange gift? Absolutely. Is it advantageous? Most assuredly. Most of all, is it terribly important to Cassian that he gives you this? Beyond words.
Deep in love or slowly falling, you’re doing so in the midst of a war: One can never be too careful. And given that at any moment, the enemy could locate the base or one side of the partnership could be deployed on a dangerous mission, it’s better than have and not need the ability to knock a trooper unconscious than to need and not have the ability. Cassian has already lost so much in his life; he doesn’t have any desire to have one of his remaining loved ones added to the list.
In the event he can’t be there to protect you, he needs to know you can at least put up a fight well enough to possibly escape. So when he teaches you how to shoot or how to participate in hand to hand contact, or even teaches you how to combat Empire weaponry using items stolen from their stocks, it’s because he has you in mind. He has the image of a safe you in mind, to be more specific.
Because even if he can’t be there, he wants some trace of himself with you when you most need it. After all, the greatest gift one can receive is the gift of their partner being there for them. In Cassian’s case, if he can’t be with you physically, he’ll for damn sure make certain he’s on your mind in a way that will keep you alive.
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How He Receives:
At this point, Erik’s love language could best be described as “yes.”
The man has gone throughout so much of his life lacking in various forms of all five, so it would be difficult to say at first what the best approach would be. Hell, it wouldn’t be far off to assume that regardless of what he truly felt, he would bend over to receive love however you gave it to him: He would consume every last drop as though it were the final beads of rain in the desert. However, it should be noted Erik seems to respond particularly well to words of affirmation and physical touch. Or, at least, these are the languages he appears to be most in search of.
This, of course, is unsurprising: Of all the things Erik has been denied in life, recognition of his humanity, abilities, and worth, and the kindly touch of another, are the most prominently missing. Consequently, it’s no wonder he desperately seeks someone to praise his genius. The problem, however, is that he’s become so lacking in either that his search for one or the other has more intensified natures than the average person’s.
For example, it may seem arrogant (and, to a point, it is), but considering Erik associates his worth with his talents and what he can contribute, it’s no wonder he snarks or even throws fits when he feels he’s been underappreciated. He considers himself too proud to fish for compliments, but you wouldn’t be sure what else to call it when you notice him leaning in ever so slightly, eagerness twinkling in his eyes when he asks you for your input on one of his most recent projects.
More tragically, however, is the situation regarding physical touch. Modern psychology would recognize Erik as being somewhere along the autism spectrum. For the time, however, all Erik knew was that he had a certain sensitivity to things: Sounds, some smells, heavy light, and, indeed, some sensations of touch. The aversion to touch flickered, however, much like candlelight: There would be long periods where Erik would crave the feeling of another, followed by brief moments where he couldn’t stand the idea of anything touching him and vice versa. Some days, he would feel content in his robe, one of the few things he’d escaped Persia with; other days, it, as well as any other seemingly gentle fabric, would feel scratchy or dry on his skin.
Nevertheless, Erik wanted to become familiar with the feeling of someone else. Particularly, he wanted to become familiar with the feeling you. The unfortunate nature of it all was that Erik’s touch-starved nature would sometimes collide with his touch-aversion tendencies, leaving him a frustrated (and, at their worst, trembling) mess. He, of course, chalks it up to him being overwhelmed from lack of experience, but it certainly doesn’t help anything. He’s already gone this long without so much as over one kiss to his name, most touches being through some reckless nature.
And now that he finally has in his life someone to touch him as though he were a beloved pet, to kiss him as lovers are meant to . . . It’s simply not fair! He’ll be damned more than he already has been if he lets what he perceives as fear get in the way of himself and your affections!
In his stubbornness, he tends to push forward on the craving regardless of how much it will cause him to shiver and tense: Even if it only means your pinky wrapping around his, he wants your physical company upon his own. He will brave all that he must until he can no longer bear it!
Praise him. Call him your angel. Tell him he’s brilliant. Tell him he’s good. All while hugging him, or rubbing the smoother parts of his scalp, or gently stroking a thumb on his cheek (blemished or not, he won’t force you to touch what you don’t want to). Truly, to be seen and felt in ways of affection is how people are meant to be loved, in Erik’s book.
How He Gives:
On the rare occasions he’s been accepted or tolerated in his life, it’s usually been in relation to what Erik could provide for the other party involved, romantically or not. Be it to use his skills to carry out a murder task, or to create for them gifts beyond their wildest dreams, Erik has since learned (or at least been led to believe) that one of the best ways to please someone is to provide for them.
As a result, anyone who’s caught the eye of the Phantom of the Opera need not be shocked when they find him in their services as a tutor, or pulling strings behind the scenes to help their goals be achieved within the opera house. Case in point, with Christine, he offered to teach her to sing, he tried to raise her status as an ensemble member to the prima donna of the Opera Populaire, etc. Sure, his methods were not ideal, but to Erik, these were simply acts of service and providing her intangible but nonetheless important gifts meant to help her along in life in some way, albeit with traces of his own selfishness intertwined. (Not that he may have necessarily even noticed it at first. Remember: He gave her his music; he gifted her with something very important to him that he still wanted her to have.)
While he’s since thankfully dampened down on his methods, the language he speaks to any new and special person remains: If you have caught his eye and/or heart, he wants you to know your importance to him the only way he really knows how: He wants to provide you with peeks into his little world, to express to you what he finds difficult to do in words. Erik is not inarticulate in the least, but he truly does feel his actions speak more of his soul than his words sometimes can.
So from this, be prepared to find projects of yours completed after spending night upon night struggling to keep up. Do not be alarmed when you find letters in your working station with tips or secrets that ultimately help you along the way. Cherish those days when you find small morsels of your favorite pastries (don’t question how he got them), or if he lets you be the first person to lay eyes upon his newest masterpiece. He’s doing all he can to help you, even if sometimes it must be from afar. He is, after all, your most devoted and obedient servant.
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Poe Dameron
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How He Receives:
Poe Dameron: the Resistance’s golden boy. Always committed, always ready to go, and always ready to lend a helping hand. It therefore stands to suggest that the devoted general deserves some help right back. After all, being a general is a tough job: He has to make tough calls, disperse troops as necessary, direct the flow of the Resistance’s counters, and so forth -- all while keeping a calm and reasonable countenance. He wants to do everyone proud, but admittedly it does take a lot out of him.
Hence why with him, acts of service can go a long way.
To the average person, this may come off as just doing chores: Helping mind his resting quarters, relaying messages as necessary, bringing him things he may need, making sure he eats and sleeps regularly enough, making sure subordinates stay on task and don’t distract him from larger responsibilities in favor of more tedious endeavors . . . This couldn’t possibly be what endears a bold and confident hero like General Dameron, right?
Actually, it is: When someone performs an act of service, they’re telling their special someone that they love and care about them enough to help take a few things off their plate. And when somebody best receives love through another’s efforts, it means they see that their own personal time and work is, in fact, appreciated! Poe feels loved and cared for when he has someone who knows that in spite of his hero status, he really is just a man: He has limits, he has his doubts sometimes in the dark. Being General Leia Organa’s successor means he has big, big shoes to fill, and even though everyone has faith in him, it’s all too easy for him to potentially put himself into overdrive and risk even his health.
When one wants to show Poe that they love and care for him, to do really is to love.
(Additionally, if you tend to BB-8′s maintenance and make sure his X-Wing is in tip top shape, it tells him that you also care about the things he values beyond his job and regular functioning. BB-8 is his best buddy, and his X-Wing is symbolic of his first love: Flying. When you respect these two pillars of Poe’s life, that’s how he knows you see him for him.)
How He Gives:
There are many great things that could be said about Poe Dameron: That he’s handsome, that he’s brave, that he’s not afraid to take a risk (though how great of a thing this might be can be debated), and so much more. But one of the most underappreciated yet blessedly wonderful things about this man is that he has just as many wonderful things to say right back! He has a natural ability to lead and instill confidence, so it is only natural that his way with words translates into his way with love: Words of affirmation is Poe’s game, and he plays it hard.
Because of how ready he is to commend another, it’s rather easy to assume that perhaps he’s just using run-of-the-mill, one-size-fits-all compliments. However, this is far from the truth: The truth is, Poe can see beauty and skill in all kinds of ways, and he’s not afraid to openly appreciate the ones whom he sees it in. As a result, everything he says is steeped in genuineness, often at the perfect time (sometimes without his target ever even knowing they needed it).
His partner, of course, is far from and beyond being an exception.
Your days are filled with constant reminders of your worth, with praises and comments prompted by him acknowledging your efforts.
You successfully run a drill known for its difficulty? He congratulates you with, “Great job!”
Your learning of a new skill, regardless of how minor it may seem to the unappreciative, is greeted with statements of how proud of you he is.
A long day of running errands for him, or helping him clean up his plate of duties is acknowledged with a tired but nevertheless warm, “Thank you, Starlight . . .”
Admittedly, it can potentially come off as a bit much. He couldn’t possibly see so much in you worth talking about, right? In actuality, he truly does: Contrary to popular presumptions, Poe isn’t nearly as arrogant as people believe him to be, and he easily recognizes how strength and bravery comes in all shapes, sizes, and wars. He can appreciate all the efforts one applies, and he wants them to appreciate themselves right back. Hence why, whether it’s over your skills or perseverance, Poe will always be there to remind you he’s in your corner, watching you with pride in his eyes.
You’re a hero in your own way, in both the Resistance and in your own life, and you deserve to know that about yourself. He sees you, he appreciates you, he loves you for all that you are, and even the bits that you’re not.
And even though it’s so easy to want to doubt him, there’s something so warm and honest about the way he looks at you when he says, “I love you” . . . You just can’t help but know it’s the truth.
Of course, it should also be noted that even once the war winds down and he no longer has drills or base errands to appreciate you over, the praises will not stop. This man has a nebula’s worth of affirmations waiting for you, in his vice, in little messages he leaves for you, in holoimages you find whenever he has to go out.
“I would never want life with anybody else,” he tells you every chance he gets. And every time, it’s accompanied with a warm smile that reaches his eyes. It’s enough warmth to fire up an entire galaxy’s worth of stars, with each one representing something about you to love, adore, and cherish. He would mark them all in a star chart if you would let him.
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Bruce Wayne
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How He Receives:
Bruce, Bruce, Bruce . . . How does one begin to solve an enigma like Bruce? The thing about him being the Prince of Gotham and an all around very public figure is that everyone likes to make their own assumptions about him: That he’s cold, that he’s selfish, that he’s an idiot, or that he’s, well, a slut. And certainly, the philandering playboy image he’d projected in his youth did nothing to suggest otherwise, but it should be stated upfront that Bruce is and always will be an enigma far beyond first impressions, even to ones who love him and are a part of his personal life.
Case in point, it may come as both expected and a surprise that the man's love language actually veers more in the physical touch territory. It's a bit expected because, once again, he is known for being a bit more playful with women in the public eye in the past. However, as his lover in a much more healthy and intendedly long-term relationship, you learn that, much like Bruce, it goes far deeper than that.
The thing about physical touch is that it is both a fundamental way of expressing love, while also requiring a lot of understanding between those involved in order for it to have the best turnout.
Everyone assumes that Bruce will accept any touch, so long as it comes from the hands of any pretty thing. And while it is true that lapses in judgement and moments of desperation have led to Bruce letting his guard down, the fact of the matter still stands: Not all touches are created equal. Not every spot will illicit the same response, and, surprisingly, not every applicant will either.
There have, unfortunately, been many hands seemingly placed on his shoulders or face that would start off sweet and trusting, only to turn into slaps or harsh grips, long nails digging into him in a moment of distress. Without going into too much detail, it’s sufficient to just say that these instances have consequently led to Bruce becoming increasingly on guard about who he lets touch him, causing him to become more and more touch starved than what he already was.
Getting close enough for Bruce to let down his walls was by far not an easy task. But by far, your greatest accomplishment was getting Bruce to trust you enough to know: Your caresses had no dubious intentions. He’d spent so long expecting you to turn around and prove you were using him, taking advantage of his need for another’s physical attention to get whatever you wanted. After all, that’s how it went in the past with others.
But with you . . . With you, Bruce has come to find that it’s . . . different. He’s learned that your hand is resting on his cheek to pillow his weary head, to gently scratch the scruff beginning to form after working long hours into the night after night after night. While your massages on his aching back may lead to intimacy, it doesn’t have to; and when it does, it’s accompanied not by sickeningly sweet words made to threaten to tear him down. And speaking of intimacy, you don’t use it as a tool: You use it as a means of communicating with him. You want to actually be with him, in that moment, and let him know that for every second you are bound in this way, you love and adore him for who he is.
It’s hard to imagine, but the big, strong Dark Knight often finds himself seeking your touch throughout the day. He’s good at hiding it and composing himself otherwise, of course, but that’s regularly only to a point. In private, he leans in ever so slightly, his eyes quietly begging for you to embrace him. You care about his vulnerabilties, his needs for gentle touches, and even though they sate him, he’s always left wanting more. For even though he is supposedly a man who has everything, he will always be selfish for your unselfish touches.
How He Gives:
Once again, there was almost a sense of predictability revolving around Bruce’s main manner of showing love. After all, where was the shock in a billionaire resorting to gifting his partner with material goods? Indeed, this unfortunate expectation easily led to some corruption and exploitation, but the fact of the matter stood: At its root, Bruce never meant to necessarily spoil the ones whom he tried to be with; he merely wanted to provide for them tangible happiness, things that would let them know he’d thought about them. But, of course, bad company makes for bad reception: The socialites and femme fatales that had slinked in and out of his life were all too ready and willing to milk what they could from their other half.
Any “wronged” lovers would give him the cold shoulder until it was warmed by some fancy coat or couture leather jacket; they would demand to be pacified by the crystalline beaches of some far off location that would no doubt look great on their social media; fancy bags, tickets to shows Bruce could never wrap his head around, the latest gadgets and trendy things – he was more than willing to provide them if it meant she understood and appreciated his efforts and affections.
Of course, they never really did. And, of course, this left an impression on Bruce.
He hadn’t meant to be so cynical by the time your relationship with him came to be, but suspicion had become second nature. As did his tendency to give half-hearted gifts in order to supposedly appease you. (Of course, he could have potentially tried to learn a new method of showing his care, but that is neither here nor there; gift-giving just seemed to come most naturally to him.) He didn’t necessarily mean to lump you in with the rest, of course, but none of the relationships previous had ever allowed him to think the possibility of there even being an “otherwise.”
And while you didn’t necessarily mind receiving nearly weekly parcels of dresses and jewelry and the latest tech, part of you did admittedly feel somewhat stifled by it all. And cold. But maybe this was how Bruce truly did show his love? And who were you to conduct how he did so, much less reject his offerings? And so, as a result, a wordless dance between the two of you had been initiated: Bruce would buy what he thought you wanted, and you would accept if only because you felt you needed to in order to show your acceptance of his life. It wasn’t until Bruce had given you a postcard, however, that the tide had turned.
He hadn’t thought too terribly much of the thing when he’d sent it to you from Amnesty Bay during a recon of sorts; of course, he’d been thinking of you, but as far as he knew, you were probably thinking of him bringing back something valuable. (If only the sleepy, seaside town actually had anything worth so much.) What he hadn’t expected was to see it perched on your nightstand when he returned.
“I like having it nearby me when I go to sleep,” you sheepishly admitted. “It’s small but . . . Well, you were thinking of me even when you were ‘doing your thing’ out there, and it feels really . . . nice . . .”
“Nice?” he repeated, a brow raised.
“Nice,” you confirmed, cheeks burning.
. . . Hm. He couldn’t help but note that you hadn’t fidgeted like that after he gave you the diamond tennis bracelet he’d picked up on the way back.
Smartest detective in the world, his foot: Maybe . . . There was a slight chance he’d been going about this the wrong way. And the more he tested this theory, the more that slight chance began to look even bigger: It was when he remembered things like your favorite meals, both at home and when dining out; it was when he brought home your favorite snacks after a particularly rough week; it was when he remembered dates that were important to you, or added small things to your growing collections of your choice.
Those were the moments where you felt connected to him. Those were the moments when you felt Bruce’s love for you. It was in the intangible some days, and in others, the tiny gestures that left you feeling large amounts of warmth within. Certainly, as time went on, you became more accepting of the larger objects sent your way, but it was only after Bruce genuinely applied his thoughts of you in order to guide him more properly. In the end, you didn’t need big items, big gestures, or really anything with a big price tag to appreciate him or acknowledge that he cared. All you really needed what to know he was there, ready and willing to make you as happy as you wanted to make him.
And, in a way, by relearning to give you gifts, Bruce was inadvertently gifted right back: He was reminded why giving gifts had become his go-to method. Certainly, it had started off as means to show his ability to provide, but it had long since evolved. Specifically, it had matured into something more healthy and beautiful, healed from its wounds and exploitation.
Because so long as he thought of you, there was always something around him – something he could do – that was suddenly made all the more beautiful for being associated with you.
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Clark Kent
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How He Receives:
Superman was a polarizing figure: For every news article recounting his amazing feats and daring rescues, there were at least three or five think pieces on his alien nature, or conspiracy podcast episodes dedicated to defining his malevolence. And while it admittedly made for a rough start in his heroing career (after all, even the weight of worry was a bit much for the world’s strongest man to properly handle), the Last Son of Krypton had thankfully since learned to stop investing so much stock into these sorts of criticisms. To a point anyway.
After all, a few words of affirmation never hurt anyone. Least of all the Man of Steel – or rather, his alter ego, Clark Kent.
Despite the fact that he had been Superman for at least three years by this point, Clark’s complex relationship with compliments and declarations give his relationship with you a bit of a bumpy start. It wasn’t that he was unfamiliar with the concept of compliments and being appreciated – he’d gotten plenty of it for his deeds. For what it was worth, in three short years, love for Superman had made an almost complete 180 from the previously dour position. But, then again, that was the problem: He knew adoration as Superman – but Clark barely knew appreciation as himself.
It was easier to accept that sort of thing when you were a public figure: All you needed to do was smile and puff out your muscular chest and speak in a clear and precise voice as blazing and bright as the sun that powered you. Simple stuff. There were plenty courses and even tutorials on how to be a public figure and how to appreciate praise. But nobody talks about how to do it when one is a supposedly sheepish, poorly-postured man of humble means, just trying to make his way in the big city. Probably because when one is such a man, not much is expected of him, much less something actually worth touching upon.
To your credit, you didn’t know this was something he needed. And to his own, he didn’t really recognize it, either. He’d spent so much of his life lately being dedicated to being Superman that he quietly began to neglect himself as a man in multiple areas of his life; why ever would he think about how he needed to receive love when he has to focus on keeping the city clean of crime? You thought he wanted you to appreciate him for such a nigh-on impossible feat! After all, not just anyone could brag that their boyfriend stopped a hostage situation, blew out a fire in a single breath, and lifted a derailed train back into an upright position, all in one afternoon! But the more and more you complimented him on such matters, the less and less you came to actually agree with your methods.
Not because you became used to and even bored with Clark’s Supermanning, but because the more you paid attention, the more you noticed that Clark, well, wasn’t beaming. You knew the difference between happy-for-the-public Supes and genuinely-happy Supes – there was a certain light missing in Clark’s eyes whenever you would congratulate him on a job well-down with a robbery or what have you.
Still, he would thank you for it, flashing you that glorious smile of his: “All in a day’s work, sweetheart!”
Even the tone with which he used wasn’t authentic to his true self.
You found yourself racking your brain as the days progressed. Maybe he was a different love language altogether? It was a bit presumptuous of you to assume this was the proper method, though, wasn’t it?
You haven’t even been meaning to think about it the moment it came to you; all you were trying to do was let Clark know how much you appreciated the meal he��d prepared. A less busy day for Superman was still plentiful for the average man Clark was trying to be; you never would have pressured him to come home and start cooking, much less a dish he’d only just recently found out about!
But that was simply how Clark was: He always went above and beyond, more than happy to take care of you whenever he could.
“Oh, wow!” you gasped between forkfuls. “You’ve really outdone yourself tonight; you really didn’t have to, Sweetie!” You glanced up just in time to see Clark’s face pinken ever so slightly.
“Oh!” he responded. “Well, you know . . . I just followed the recipe and went by intuition, that’s all . . .” And that was when you knew you were on to something. There were a million tells: The tensing, the flicker in his eyes, the clumsy smile . . . But most telling of all was his deflection: Clark never used deflection when accepting his usual bout of compliments.
But just to be certain, you carried on just a bit further. In the weeks to come, you would bring attention to the things Clark did -- specifically as Clark: You would appreciate aloud how he would do chores or bring home groceries even when he didn’t have you; you’d remind him of how handy he was around the apartment, using his farm-grown resourcefulness to fix little problems like a broken door; or, when reading over his submission for the Daily Planet, you would compliment him on his writing and thought process. And, as you’d come to expect, the same responses would follow: A split-second glimmer, a wobbly smile that carried blush, and an insistence that, “Oh, it was nothing” or “No need to mention it, it’s fine.”
In short, everything that was less Superman and more Clark. And that was how you knew you were on the right track.
While it did come with a learning curve for both parties (for you, you needed to learn what did and didn’t appeal as a  Clark-specific affirmation; for Clark, he actually needed to learn that there was plenty about himself worth affirming at all), stability and a better understanding of the situation did come your way. The deflections lessened to mere extinction after a point (though the sheepishness still stayed for the most part).
Of course, there were still threats of lapsing back into disbelief on Clark’s part. After all, just because you, as Superman’s partner, had figured out his preferred way of being appreciated, didn’t mean that the rest of the world could possibly know or stop how they gave him there’s. But at the end of the day, Clark supposed that that was what made it all the more special.
At the end of the day, after all the “You’re so strong!”s and corny “What a man!”s, he could just come home and be greeted with much more personal, “Thank you for responding to my message earlier; it was very thoughtful of you!”s, or “I read your latest article; not too shabby”s. Or his absolute favorite: “You’re my hero.”
How He Gives:
There’s no point in mincing it when even complete strangers experienced how Clark showed his love for the world: Every act of heroism Clark did was an act of service to all. But where you got off on the long end of the stick was when you had to acts all to yourself. Sure, 10% of the local population could recount how Superman had saved them from a nasty fall or retrieved their poor kitty from a tree -- but how many of them could say that they had Superman helping them clip coupons so that they would be prepared for the next visit to the grocery store? Just you? You’re darn skippy!
Sure, Clark’s alter ego was in the service of all. But you had an ace up your sleeve: The intimacy and closeness of a working relationship! This meant you got the more personal acts of service; things that made you two look like a normal couple.
Clark would happily gather groceries for the household; do the dishes without complaint after you’d cooked; pick up the laundry on his way back if you hadn’t already; overall, the works! Of course, you had been very hesitant when you discovered that this was Clark’s way of displaying his love to you: He was already running himself ragged as a superhero, right? Why was he doing all these extra chores!? True, you certainly didn’t mind having some extra tasks in your day being taken care of (not everyone had the same super speed or ability to take care of a major problem in record timing, after all), but the idea of being a burden toy your already overworked boyfriend worried you. You began to seriously worry that perhaps there was something you were doing that suggested to him that this was what you wanted, and it clearly showed in your nervous expressions or uncertain eyes after the fifth time he proudly told you he’d given the entire apartment a clean sweep.
You had meant to do that, but traffic on the way home kept you busy . . .
“It’s okay,” Clark insisted, eyes earnest. “I like being able to take some worries out of the way for you. Cleaning the apartment is easy compared to what I do on a regular basis.”
You pressed your lips together, uncertain. “Yeah, but that’s just it: You have a regular basis. A very crazy one. I don’t want you to focus on all this . . . tedious stuff when I can just do that. You focus on the weird, power-y villain stuff, I focus on the mundane -- isn’t that what we agreed on? Wordlessly??”
Clark frowned. “No . . . There was never an agreement. At least, not like that. The only thing we ever agreed on was that we wanted to be together. . . . And that we liked this apartment. But I digress: We wanted to be together. And when I do things like this, it shows how much being with you means to me. I like making sure our home life is secure and clean. After all, if my girl back home is upset, then what kind of man would I be?” You were quiet, certain he was being rhetorical -- “A not very super man, that’s what.” If that smile of his weren’t so darling, you would’ve been tempted to wipe it off his face.
But you did see his point. And it did take a bit of time to get used to it. Of course, you refused to let your ability to do your share fall to the wayside: If you were able to do a chore or run errands, then you were on it! But . . . far be it from you to not appreciate your super man for the things that he did, when he could!
In the event you’d beaten him to the tasks, however, Clark would still have one last thing up his skin-tight sleeves: Physical touch.
Everyone knows this man has the strength necessary to uproot and transport an entire building. It’s enough to even cause some nervousness to the average person: How careful was he with his strength? How easy was it for him to forget himself and actually break something --or someone? Was being held by him a risk at the expense of the wellness of one’s bones? The answers were simple: He was very careful with his strength; not as easy as it had once been, but he’d long since come into his own sense of control; and not really, actually.
Who knew that the Man of Steel had a touch of kittens made out of clouds? Well, 10% of the local population, but also and especially You because whereas everyone else would experience a carry of some kind into safety, you got a carry into bed. Or the couch. Or even just his lap!
Really, the roughest Clark ever hazards with you is when a long day has left your back feeling stiff and in need of a gentle, gentle pop. He is more than happy to oblige, knowing that it’s giving you a sense of satisfactory (as well as doubling up as an act of service, or so he claims).
Clark loves cuddles, and he’s more than happy to share them with you as a reminder of just how special you are to him. After all, nobody else in the city can claim that they get to be spooned by the strongest and most sweetest man on Earth! Because out of all the people he comes into contact with on a regular basis, be it on the streets as a civilian, or in the midst of a crisis being brought down to control, you’re the one that matters most to Clark. He may be the world’s Superman, but let’s make one thing clear: He will only ever be your super man.
304 notes · View notes
gureishi · 3 years
day 1: walking into fire with you
Happy New Year! Here’s day 1 of the Human Again prompts. For the master list of all the ficlets, click here.
SaeyoungXReader, T (implied sex), words: 1448 
Plink. Plink. Plink.
A stream trickles over a wall of rocks before you: a tiny waterfall. You’re soothed by the sight of it, and you reach out a hand to feel the cool water on your fingers.
Your hand catches on a warm, rough blanket, rather than cold water, and your eyes blink open.
Not a waterfall, but the pattering of rain on the roof.
For a moment, you’re disoriented. It’s pitch black, so dark you can’t see your own hand. The blanket tangled around you is thicker than the smooth sheets you’d slept under in Rika’s apartment. You almost expect to hear the familiar sound of typing reverberating from the corner, but you hear nothing but the rain, hitting the roof with increasing intensity.
You sit up, squinting in the dark—feeling a little frantic.
You know where you are, now, of course—his safe house, the little cabin in the middle of nowhere that he’d inexplicably found without the help of a map (“It’s not on any map,” he’d assured you, laughing.)
The past few days come back to you at once as your eyes gradually adjust to the darkness. You no longer feel tired. As more recent events flood your mind, your heart pounds harder, and you wiggle a little, the cold hitting your naked body even through the thick blanket.
“Sev—Saeyoung?” you say hesitantly, stumbling over the new name, which is not yet familiar on your lips. You can’t feel him beside you and a small, unreasonable part of you whispers none of it was real.
“Hey.” His voice is soft and surprisingly close. You automatically shift toward the sound and find his back, bare and warm. You still can’t see much, but it seems he’s perched on the edge of the small bed, facing away from you. “You’re awake,” he says, and there’s a certain quality to his voice that you recognize.
“You okay?” you ask, and you press your cheek against his back. Your instinct tells you to launch yourself at him, curl into his lap and look into his face and assure yourself that he’s here and he’s alright and he still loves you. You resist. It’s all so new, and he’s like a lost kitten, starved for and terrified of your affection all at once.
He leans into your touch and you’re relieved, releasing the breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“I—“ he starts and then stops again. He doesn’t turn to face you, but he does reach back and take your hand, gently tugging your arm forward and around his chest. You follow his lead and wrap your other arm around him too so you’re embracing him from behind—you can feel his rapid heartbeat under your fingers. You press a feather-light kiss to the back of his neck, and he shivers. “You don’t know what you do to me,” he says, his train of thought lost, his voice low.
“I do,” you respond, and he almost laughs. “But please tell me what’s worrying you.”
He shakes his head, and his curls tickle your forehead. “You don’t let me get away with anything.”
He pauses and for a long moment you both listen to the rain.
“I don’t want to die tomorrow,” he says finally.
Your heart misses a beat. Right. It’s not like you’d forgotten about the imminent danger, forgotten the reason why you were here, forgotten the unspoken “if I die” that modified everything he’d asked of you the night before.
“That’s…a normal thing to feel,” you respond slowly.
“Not for me,” he says.
He wiggles out of your arms so he can turn to face you, and at last you see the flash of his golden eyes through the darkness. He scoops your legs on top of his own and you feel a thrill at the sudden contact. He leans toward you until his forehead is resting on yours.
“Everyone’s afraid of dying, babe,” you say after a moment, touching his cheek. You feel him squirm beneath you in response to the term of endearment and you shift your hips, climbing all the way into his lap. The closeness feels so easy, so natural—as if you’d had this intimacy between you all along.
“I wasn’t,” he says, meeting your eyes. “I’ve been in plenty of life-or-death situations. It’s not like I was trying to be a martyr or anything, I just—I was worried about things like getting in trouble with my boss or dying in a really painful way, or, you know—” He swallows. “Dying without seeing Saeran again. But actually being dead—like, being gone from the world—I didn’t really care.”
“I hate that,” you say, knowing you’re whining, knowing you’re being honest. You can’t meet his intense gaze anymore, and you break eye contact. Saeyoung has been very clear about his disregard for his own life. It doesn’t make it easier to hear.
“I’m sorry,” he says, tilting your chin back toward him with one calloused finger. “That’s just it, though. It hit me tonight, when I was lying next to you, after—” He trails off, and you feel heat rising on your cheeks. “I lay there listening to your breathing as you fell asleep, and I thought, ‘I don’t want to die.’ And then I thought, ‘Huh.’ Because I just—that’s a new one, for me.”
You’re surprised at the hot tears that prick the backs of your eyes.
“Saeyoung,” you say, and he shivers at the sound of his real name. You wrap your legs tighter around his waist and fix him with what you hope is a look of determination. “You are allowed to want to live.”
“Am I?” His voice sounds weak and he gazes at you with wonder in his eyes, like a small child looking for answers.
“Yes,” you say firmly. Then you press a kiss to his lips and he responds instantly, easily, parting his lips just slightly so you feel his breath on your tongue.
“I didn’t tell you why I’m scared of dying all of a sudden,” he whispers against your lips.
“Because you were so blown away by how amazing I am in bed?” you tease. He lets out a surprised chuckle.
“Well, yeah—” 
“Ye—no! I mean, yes. But no.” 
You laugh and even though you still can’t quite make out his features in the dark room you can picture exactly what face he’s making.
“I guess that’s part of it,” he admits, still laughing. You know he’s blushing. “But also I just—I started to picture a future with you. And I realized I want that.”
You take a slow, steady breath. Inside, you’re singing, jumping, doing a little dance around the dark, cold cabin. It’s not just that he wants a future with you, though you’re thrilled to hear it—more importantly, he wants a future at all. You know him well enough to understand how significant that is.
“So you won’t die tomorrow, then,” you say, and you’re surprised by your own confidence. You are overwhelmed by the desire to protect him. You curl your hands in his hair, wanting to feel the texture of him against your skin.
“Say that again,” he urges, nuzzling his face against your throat. He finds your pulse with his lips and kisses it and you can’t help grinding your hips against his, lighting up at the sensations, at the possibilities.
“We won’t die tomorrow because I need you alive, Choi Saeyoung,” you say, grabbing his face with both hands and fixing him with what you hope is a stern look.
“Ahhh,” he moans, closing his eyes and pressing his face against yours. You feel his eyelashes on your cheek. “Then I won’t die,” he says. “You know I can’t resist you when you look at me like that. You know I’d do anything for you.”
“I know,” you say, moving your hips against his with more purpose this time, relishing in the low growl he emits as he wriggles beneath you.
And then he’s moved before you realize it, knocking you back so you’re pinned under him. He has a wicked glimmer in his eyes as he stares down at you, hungrily, adoringly.
“I feel like I can do anything,” he says, his voice low. And he kisses you and you’re lost in the heat building between you and the sound of his heartbeat, pumping the blood through his veins, pounding out the rhythm of his life. 
Above you, on the cabin’s steel roof, the rain continues to beat out its own rhythm, matching the sound of your breathing.
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quonit37 · 4 years
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(Nar File)
(Undertale Balloon File)
This is a completely normal ghost of Dreamtale Sans.
-Talk to him (WOW)
-Be a dick to him!! Yes, you heard that right! Unlike literally all of my other ghosts, you can actually punch him in the face when he says something cheesy or stupid! I made my brother bug test it for me though because it made me sad.
-Next (and more importantly) you can be nice to him!! You can give him toys blankets and other items and also compliment his cute clothes or whatever you feel like doing. If you're nice enough you can flirt with the bab.
-There are many things you can touch,,, like punching him, and also you can try to touch his crown circlet thing. As well as a couple other special hitboxes
-Feed him! Now he'll usually only take food if he likes you but if he doesn't like you and won't eat you can force him to by starving him. fun stuff.
-Punch his dumb cute baby face (Did I say that already?)
-Sometimes he can sleep! While he's sleeping he'll mention characters that he normally wouldn't ant events from AUs and comics!
-You can give him a blanket when he sleeps
-There's a lot of secret dialogue and whatnot so if you poke around you can find a bunch. Remember I spent ten months on him (even if much of the development was only done in three.)
"But wait!" You proclaim, "What even is this??" And to that I answer, it's a ghost/ukagaka. They are stationary (mostly) desktop buddies with customizable dialogue, interactions, and functions. You can talk to them, play games with them, they can talk to you, and many of them have different relationship stats that will affect what they say or do. You might be familiar with Zarla's Gaster ghost and if so great! If you want this though but don't know how to get it onto your computer, here's a video I made two years ago about how to install it: 
Hope you enjoy having him around :D I worked really hard on him!
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sleeplesscenarios · 4 years
bingqiu and headpats - an essay
or something... this is just me word vomiting after rereading chapter 49, have fun :)
so, for context, this is the chapter when luo binghe kisses shen qingqiu after shen qingqiu pats him on the head and there are some important points to make.
now there’s a whole ass paragraph in there going on about how much sqq loves to pat ppl on the head and there’s one sentence that’s something like “don’t touch a man’s head or a woman’s waist” and it barely makes sense tbh but it’s sqq, shit barely ever make sense in his head. what’s important here is three things:
1. shen qingqiu loves patting people’s head 2. he got the idea that he’s not supposed to pat people’s head 3. luo binghe always let him pat his head
there we need to clear one thing up: 
what are headpats?
headpats are the most affectionate things in the world. based on the gay content i consumed, i’ve come to the conclusion that headpats are an “i like you” in gay. unfortunately, not everyone is aware of that (maybe it’s not even true but it makes sense if you consider that quote above) but i can 100% guarantee you that you can make a person’s heart flutter if you pat their head a lot more than a hug could ever do.
headpats not only make one’s heart flutter but also give comfort. it also means “you did well” and i know for a fact that this sentence could make many stressed af people cry (imagine a lbh who lost the only person who ever loved him and then gets him back... yeah...). usually the older is the one giving comfort to the younger bc parental instincts or whatever so it’s also extra heart fluttering when the younger gives it to the older uwu. anyways, headpats don’t only give comfort, they could also provide safety.
most importantly, it suggests that the person’s palm is resting on top of your head, the highest point of your body which calms you down and keeps you grounded. good for anxiety (if the person can be touched, please don’t touch an anxious/panicked person if they don’t give a sign that it’s ok you could alert them and make it worse) and easing nerves.
next, headpats from luo binghe’s point of view:
we have our white lotus precious sunshine half demon child who suffered through every shit possible before finally meeting this man whose attitude took a 180° turn. as said before, sqq LOVES patting people’s head and sqq always thought that binghe is a very cute boy so how could he resist just patting his head and ruffling his hair all the time? he can’t. he won’t. luo binghe is both touch starved and affection starved so this man is not only the first person who treated him well but also probably the first person who touched him with affection instead of beating him.
imagine this long suffered, touch and affection starved 14 years old luo binghe having his head patted by shen qingqiu for the first time. yes. i would fall in love on the spot too.
and after that, shen qingqiu keeps doing it because it’s what he does and luo binghe thinks he would get used to it by the time he’s 17 or smth but no??? it’s always the same fluttering feeling he gets in his heart, and it warms his whole body up and fills him with happiness and god, he never wants sqq to let go of him :(( it calms him down, comforts him, encourages him, makes him feel cared for and loved........ *cries*
moving on to the most interesting part, headpats from shen qingqiu’s point of view:
so shen qingqiu LOVES giving headpats and he finally found this adorable, enthusiastic little boy who lets him pat his head for all he wants (see the never wants him to let go part above). but sqq has his doubts because should he really pat the head of this half demon boi who would cut off his whole arm later on? yes. he keeps doing it anyways because yolo (his words not mine).
at first, he pats binghe’s head because “good little baby protagonist, grow strong, kill ppl, get women uwuwu shizun supports you pls remember not to kill me later”. and he doesn’t even notice it but he grows super attached to this kid, like the novel didn’t mention but i’d bet money that when he ditched binghe to the abyss, he would stare at his open palm and imagine what binghe’s head/hair felt like beneath his palm/fingers. because he did give him a lot of his love and affection so of course, he wouldn’t come out of this unscathed. headpats affect the giver too. everytime he patted binghe’s head, sqq would look at the way lbh’s eyes lit up and he relaxed under his touch because he trusted him so much, and hhhhhhhhhh shen qingqiu had no chance either, he’s just dumb af.
at that moment, when shen qingqiu saw the sad and lonely grown up luo binghe and his arm moved automatically to give binghe his headpats that was not only because it became a routine born out of something he enjoyed doing. it was also from his strong desire to protect him (which we can see a lot in the second half of the novel), see his eyes bright and twinkling again instead of piercing and cold, to see a thoughtless and happy smile on his face again, to make him feel loved and cared for instead of lonely, to give him comfort, affection, whatever just to not see him like that anymore.
at that time, shen qingqiu’s arm moved to pat luo binghe’s head because he loved luo binghe very much (even if he didn’t realize it yet or if it wasn’t to that extent yet) and hated to see him so miserable, especially after knowing full well what luo binghe had to go through ever since he was born. 
and at that time, luo binghe really couldn’t help but kiss him because even if that was only his own delusional dream, he could feel the real sqq for a moment, he could feel the same kind of warmth and comfort and affection that he fell in love with, and since shen qingqiu moved unconsciously, the movement came from his heart so it reached directly luo binghe’s heart who responded with his own.
actually, shen qingqiu patting luo binghe’s head at that exact moment like that truly felt like a love confession, it must have felt like that to luo binghe.
thank you for your attention, bingqiu headpats forever! ^^
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shorkbrian · 4 years
Alkibiades headcanon.
hdkjhsfkd EW no one knows who this guy is but he’s a horny demon of a man from Assassins Creed Odyssey. He’s flirtatious to no end and the main character (it doesn’t matter if you choose the man or the woman character, Alki don’t judge babey) has the option to uh, get frisky with him at literally every single meeting. 
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Alkibiades is an intense man. His actions, intentions, the way he touches you, his gaze is always passionate and needy.
At first he would merely see you as another warm body to potentially fall into bed with. Classic Alki, the man would flirt aggressively, confident that his wit and irresistible charm would be enough for a pretty little thing such as yourself. Working in his house meant that almost everyone around you had already experienced how charming the man could be in bed.
So when you simply brushed off his obvious (and frankly, lewd) advances, Alkibiades was unable to take it as gracefully as he usually would with an individual who could not be persuaded into sleeping with him.  He propositioned almost anyone he met, so of course he knew how to be gracious and friendly when met with rejection (which happened very little).
But you? He kept coming back, unable to leave you alone after you turned him down. Instead he became bolder in his flirtations, “accidentally”  pressing himself up behind you while you bent over the table to set it, requesting you help him dress even if you were supposed to be a kitchen servant, trapping you in conversation while you worked, going into great detail about what he would do to you if only you’d let him, how good he could make you feel. Worst of all was when he would proposition you in front of his other bedmates for the night so you would appear prudish and rude if you declined.
It was uncomfortable, but you were trapped. When you had tried to go looking for other employment, you found that Alki - the conniving man - had bad-mouthed you to every single household on the island, and none of them would even look at you, simply slamming the door shut after they saw it was you that had knocked.  Servants lived in their employers house, in the servants quarters - meaning Alkibiades come to torment you even in your down time. It made you desperate to get away from him.
You were surprised when he offered to move you to another part of his house. It had seemed such an enticing deal; you would have bigger quarters, a small bathhouse attached, and most importantly, you would get more privacy. If you had to deal with the persistent and constant attention from Alki, why not benefit from his infatuation from you? Naively, you had assumed that when the man had stressed the importance of the room’s privacy to you, he was inferring that he would no longer come to harass you when you were trying to relax. He would saunter in, glaring so strongly at the other servants that they would quickly vacate, before he would begin to annoy you, trying to play with your hair or sit next to you while you read.
It’s not like he wasn’t attractive. His looks were akin to a greek god, but you weren’t seduced by his delicate features, nor his charming personality. He was your employer; nothing more, nothing less. You were convinced that all Alkibiades wanted out of you was to sate his lust for the night, another body for him to use for his needs. You intended to stay virginal until you met your true love, and Alkibiades was anything but that.
The man was convinced otherwise. In his mind, what had been just another pretty servant to serve him wine had turned into the love of his life. Yes, he wanted to bring you to bed and ravish you over and over until you were delirious with his passion, but Alki also wanted to hold you, tell you about his day, cuddle you close on the rare nights his libido was calm. He wanted you to brush his long hair, and for the two of you to bathe together and talk and laugh over meals.  He thought that you were denying his love because you were shy, because a poor, sweet little thing like you was unused to such intense and emotional feelings. He had convinced himself that it was just going to take you a little while to grow used to his love, and then he could have your body as much as he desired.
Too bad the man couldn’t ignore the more carnal side of his affections
Unbeknownst to you, the room that had seemed like such a blessing due to it’s privacy was Alkibiades own. The first night  became the night of your imprisonment the second Alkibiades stepped through the door, his eyes darkening at he saw your body stretched out on his bed. He had intended to go slow, sleeping next to you after he had already bedded another so his lewd desires wouldn’t take over. He didn’t want to frighten his little darling. But the second your eyes met his, confusion ion your face, Alkibiades knew that tonight was the night he was going to make you his.
You had struggled and squirmed and cried for him to stop, for the man to leave you alone and go to his own quarters.  He had told you that he was already there, and that everything was perfect now that his pretty little darling was there too. The revelation that you had been tricked had been terrifying, but there was hardly time to focus on it when Alki was tearing off your clothes as if he was a starved man and you were a decadent dessert made just for him.  You had resisted, trying to stop him from exposing you but his lithe frame held more strength than you thought, holding you down and taking what he so desperately wanted, what he needed.
You had passed out at some point, not in fear or pain but from pure exhaustion. Alkibiades was well versed in pleasure, and to your horror he made sure that pleasure was all you felt.  
From then on, you were never left alone. You found that your role as a kitchen servant had been replaced, and Alkibiades had a long talk with you while he laid with you the next night about what he expected and how you were to behave. You were allowed to wander and be free as you like, but you were constantly followed by three men, hired by Alki to watch over you and keep you safe when you weren’t in his sight. The three men never left your side, but they never touched you either. They wouldn’t interact with you unless you tried to leave the island, or if you tried to sleep somewhere that wasn’t Alkibiades bed.  
Once you had tried sneaking away, making sure your bodyguards were distracted before running. A short while later you had stopped to catch a breather near the beach, and to your horror the bodyguards had trotted right up to you. You immediately took off, fear pumping through your veins as you fled, but a glance behind you revealed the men weren’t chasing you, the were simply meandering after you, giving you space and talking as they jogged behind you. The third man had advanced to stride next to you, once again never touching you. When the sun had started to dip, the men had marched you back to Alkibiades house; you too tired from all that running to do anything but follow their gentle prodding. Alkibiades welcomed you home with open arms before he took you to bed, and you were too exhausted to try and push at him as you usually did, letting the man ravish you without a fight (although you still had enough energy to spit nasty words at him before he pulled out the gag).
Talking to the locals proved to be no help either, as Alkibiades had already informed them that his sweet, darling little wife had experienced head trauma and would spin wild stories. The three men that followed you were viewed as nothing more than over glorified babysitters for Alkibiades poor, darling little wife. It was humiliating and extremely disheartening, the townspeople giving you pitying looks for the wrong reason.
Anything you tried to think of to escape, Alkibiades had already considered. When you fought against the bodyguards, or tried to poison Alki, you were met with a swift, severe punishment that left you locked inside for two months before Alkibiades decided you had been good enough to go outside again. Other times he would punish you by becoming even wilder in bed, forcing you to indulge in some of his most extreme kinks. You hated those punishments the worst. You hated Alkibiades, how he had tricked you. You hated how he doted on you and reveled in his fantasy of ‘love’ between the two of you. The man had ruined your life.
There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
Nothing to do but submit
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