#he’s pure hearted but dumb so so so dumb i am losing my mind
ashestoroses018 · 2 months
A Missed Opportunity
Astarion never comes to confess to you before Moonlight Tower.
Being the BAMF you are, you confront him with the dreaded "what are we" conversation.
Short, sweet, to the point. Idiots in love confessing to each other.
Astarion watches you from his tent. He does it constantly, and you are well-aware of it. Sometimes, you purposefully catch his eye, your own gleaming with intent. He never backs down, yet he never acts on your significant looks, either. Tonight, you decide, enough is enough. You're nearly to Baldur's Gate, now, after two months of traveling with your erstwhile companions - your band of misfits, if you will. Hells, you're supposed to arrive in Rivington in two days' time.  Enough is enough. If you are just prey or just a plaything, you deserve to know, at least so you can make an educated decision for yourself. You should be allowed to decide if you're willing to be a...a plaything forever or not. You're not completely certain you're against it, considering the depth of your feelings for the man, but you still deserve to have a choice in the matter. He owes you that much, at least. 
Heaving a great breath - one you didn't even realize you'd been holding - you stand up from your seat at the campfire and do your best to stride confidently to Astarion's tent. His eyes widen a fraction; if you weren't so familiar with his facial expressions, you likely would have missed it. 
"Astarion," you say, "we need to talk. Now."
"Why, whatever about, darling? Have you changed your mind about our little deal? I would hate to lose such a scrumptious snack, but I understand if I must."
You shake your head in the negative. "No, Astarion. We need to talk about, well, us."
He puts his wine glass down and rakes a hand - quite elegantly, mind you - through his artfully disheveled hair. "Must we?"
"Yes," you say, firmly steeling what little resolve you have.
"Fine." He huffs, grabbing you by the hand and leading you quickly and quietly to a nearby grove. The need for privacy seems to be at an all-time high, you think idly. 
"What do you want to know, Tav?"
"Everything. We've slept together once, over a month ago, after the party, and I've been your dinner every night for even longer. Am I just a plaything to you? A toy?"
He lets out an anguished groan. "No. You're not."
You blink. You blink again. A third time, you blink. You'd not been expecting that. 
Noticing your obvious confusion, he rakes a much less graceful hand through his hair, which is now in a much less artful disarray, you note. He's obviously disgruntled, or, perhaps...frustrated? With you? With himself? All of the above?
"You haven't ever been 'just' a plaything. At first." He sighs once again, "you were a...means to an end. It was supposed to be simple. I seduce you, use you for protection, maybe food... But damn it all, you had to go and be...nice!...in a way I've never experienced before. Nobody has ever  given me a choice before, at least, not since Cazador turned me. But you, Tav, you give me choices all the time! To feed on you or not, to pick campsites, to hunt various animals for everyone's dinner, including my own...To not bite that strange Drow woman." He visibly shivers at the mention of the Blood Alchemist.
Through all of this, you just stare at him in a dumb, stunned silence. 
"Do you get what I'm saying, Tav? I don't really know WHAT you are, but you're so much more than a plaything or a means to an end. You deserve something...real. I want us to be something real."
Breaking out of your stupor, you sidle closer. "May I kiss you?"
Astarion gives you an affronted look of pure indignation. "I pour my heart and soul out to you, and you think you need to ask to kiss me?"
You merely nod. "You always have a choice, Astarion. Always."
With a quiet growl, he surges toward you with inhuman speed and pulls you into a ferocious, bruising, breathless kiss.
A moment later, when you break for air, you smirk. "Nice of you to profess your undying love for me, Astarion!"
The squeak of pure indignation is worth the scowl he throws your way for the next few minutes. It goes away, however, when you whisper in his ear that you feel the same.
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lupinmoonlight · 1 year
Submission Part 3: Obedience
Masterlist AO3 Submission Part 1 Submission Part 2: Establishing Rules
Summary - Your fantasies to be dominated finally become true. Professor Lupin leaves a mark of ownership on your skin and tests your willingness to submit to him. You also lose your BJ v-card on your knees in his quarters. (4,062 words)
Warnings - smut, teacher/student relationship, heavy D/s undertones, professor/sir kink, rules, mention of pushing limits, mention of safeword, self-degradation, LOTS of "good girl" and "Yes, Sir", oral sex (reader giving), swallowing, mentions of bruises, spanking, being tied up, very light innocence kink if you squint, marking, my grammar.
Notes - This is not proof-read. Almost just pure smut. I had a lot of fun writing this one. This is also my longest piece. Still not sure where I am going with this, I just want it to be kinky. I know how out of character this is for Lupin, but I still try to keep some of his traits in this.
You were staring at your reflection in the mirror, meticulously pulling your hair into a neat bun like he had instructed. Every strand felt significant, every lock a piece of the puzzle you were stepping into or rather, diving into. The collar of your uniform felt tighter than usual, your exposed neck, just for him, sending a chill down your spine. This was real. And there was no going back.
You attended your morning classes in a daze, barely aware of your surroundings, the voices of your professors sounding distant and muffled. You tired to focus, but your mind was elsewhere, the memory of you standing between his legs as he gave you commands taking up all the space in your head.
When it was finally time for your DADA class, your heart pounded in your chest. You suddenly regretted having all those fantasies and acting on them. You were dumb. A dumb, horny teenager desperate to be dominated by her professor. Desperate to give in, to submit, to be used. You took your usual seat, consciously trying to keep your breathing steady. You were filled with a weird mix of nervousness and excitement as Professor Lupin entered the classroom, his gaze momentarily meeting yours before he began the lesson.
As the class progressed, you noticed his gaze lingering on you more often than usual. Every time he looked at you, his eyes would drop to your neck, observing the exposed skin there. The heat that spread through your body was both exhilarating and terrifying, like you were going to combust, leaving you feeling breathless and flustered.
His voice, usually so soothing and calming, felt different today. Every word he spoke seemed to be laced with an undercurrent of something more, something only the two of you were privy to. Each time he said your name, it felt like a secret shared, a promise made. However, he gave no indication of any change in your relationship, but those lingering glances, the slight change in his tone when addressing you, were enough to make you want to kneel right then and there. Pathetic.
Dinner felt like a strange dream, the food tasteless in your mouth as your mind raced with possibilities of what the event might hold. Would he bend you over and fuck you senseless? Would he slowly tease you and make you beg for his touch? Was he even going to touch you? You didn't even care at that point. You would take anything he gave you. You wanted him, needed him.
You finally left the Great Hall, your heart pounding in your chest, barely able to breathe, and made your way to Professor Lupin's quarters. The hallways, usually so familiar and comforting, felt alien tonight. You cursed yourself for being so nervous. You had willingly put yourself in this situation, yet at that moment, it was like you wanted to run away from it, the anxiety consuming you entirely.
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself before knocking softly. The door swung open almost immediately, revealing him standing there, his expression calm and composed.
"Come in," he said simply, stepping aside to let you enter. As you crossed the threshold, you felt like you were going to combust. His quarters were warm and inviting, a reflection of the man consuming your thoughts. A roaring fire cast flickering shadows across the room, bathing everything in a soft, golden light. It smelled of tea, fresh parchment, and something uniquely him. You were dizzy, nauseous, aroused, absolutely intoxicated.
"Sit," he gestured towards a chair near the fireplace. You did as you were told, your hands nervously clutching at the edge of your skirt. He took a seat opposite you, his gaze steady and serious.
"Before we continue," he began, his voice firm yet gentle, "we need to discuss the possible consequences and punishments if you fail to follow my instructions. It's important that you understand what is expected of you, and that you agree to these terms."
He paused, letting his words sink in, before continuing. "Are you ready to hear them?"
You swallowed hard and forced yourself to maintain eye contact with him. "Yes," you finally let out, your voice barely above a whisper.
He arched an eyebrow, a clear sign that you'd made a mistake. "Yes, what?" he corrected, his tone stern.
You blinked, realizing your error. "Yes, Sir," you corrected yourself, feeling your cheeks flush with embarrassment.
"Good. Firstly, if you fail to maintain eye contact or address me properly during our sessions, you will lose privileges. This could mean that our sessions are shortened or certain activities are taken off the table."
You nodded, feeling the heat pool between your legs. The simple act of him giving you a mundane instruction was enough to make your breath hitch in your throat, and you hated yourself for it. He was your weakness and you could not deny it.
"Secondly," he continued, "if you fail to follow my instructions, either inside or outside our sessions, you will be given a chance to explain yourself. However, if I find your explanation unsatisfactory or if it happens repeatedly, you may be subjected to physical punishments. These may include, but are not limited to, spankings, or standing in the corner for a predetermined amount of time. Do you understand?"
You felt your heart race at the thought of such punishments. Were they even punishments for you? You were ready to beg to be spanked by him, to be manhandled, humiliated, but you managed to reply, "Yes, Sir."
"Very good," he continued, satisfied. "Lastly, I must remind you that if you ever feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or overwhelmed, you must tell me immediately. Failing to do so will be considered a breach of our agreement and may lead to the termination of our arrangement. Is that clear?"
"Yes, Sir," you said, feeling a strange mix of relief and apprehension. You went into this thinking you wouldn't have any limits, but how far would he be pushing you? And how much were you able to let go entirely?
He nodded, satisfied with your response, and leaned back in his chair, studying you with a focused gaze. You felt exposed, vulnerable, and it was oddly thrilling.
"Are you ready to proceed to the next part of our session?" he asked, his voice steady and calm.
"Yes, Sir," you replied again, feeling as if you were going to pass out.
"Good," he said, nodding in approval. "Stand up."
You quickly rose to your feet, your legs slightly shaky beneath you. His gaze never left you, taking in your every move, every reaction. It was dark, intense, almost predatory. A stark contrast to the kind and soft professor you were used to see in the classroom.
He stood up from his chair, moving to stand in front of you. "Kneel," he commanded. You hesitated for a moment, your heart racing, but eventually obeyed. Sinking to your knees on the plush rug in front of him.
He looked down at you, his gaze softening. "I can see you're nervous," he said, his voice gentle. "It's okay. I want you to relax and let me take over completely. Can you do that for me?"
"Yes Sir," you managed to whisper, your gaze flickering up to meet his.
He watched you, his gaze steady and patient. "Good girl," he praised, the words sending a jolt of electricity between your legs. You felt a rush of warmth at his words, a sense of pride that made you eager to please him further.
"Now," he said, his voice taking a more serious tone, "I want you to take off your shirt. Slowly."
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you did as you were told, slowly unbuttoning your shirt and sliding off your shoulders, leaving yourself exposed to him, your eyes locked with his.
He walked around you, his gaze taking in your bare upper body, burning into your skin, the anticipation making you shiver. You felt exposed, vulnerable, but there was something exhilarating about it, too. You were baring yourself to him, not just physically, but emotionally as well.
"Stay still," he instructed, his voice low and soft. You felt the tip of his wand touch your back, and you braced yourself for what was to come.
With slow, deliberate movements, he traced a pattern on your skin. It felt like a soft burn, not painful but intense. You bit your lip to keep from making a sound, your body tense.
The mark he left was intricate and beautiful. It resembled the moon in its various phases, starting from a full moon at the top of your spine, gradually waning to a crescent at the small of your back, only to wax back into a full moon. The lines were smooth and seamless, glowing faintly against your skin.
"Beautiful," he murmured, tracing the mark with his fingers. His touch was feather-light, but it was enough to make you shiver. "You've done well, taking the marking so bravely. Good girl."
Another rush of warmth spread through your chest at his words, at the pride in his voice. Your heart was racing, your skin tingling under his touch, but you felt more alive than you had in a long time.
"Remember," he said, his voice serious, "this mark is a symbol of our bond, of the trust between us. It's a reminder of the rules, the consequences, and the promise we've made to each other."
"Yes, Sir," you managed to say, your voice barely above a whisper.
He looked at you, his eyes searching your face. "Now, it's important for you to be able to express your desires openly and honestly," he said, his voice firm. "I want you to tell me exactly what you want me to do to you. Use your words, and keep your eyes on me."
You felt your cheeks burn, your heart race. It was one thing to think about your fantasies, to imagine them in the privacy of your own mind, but to say them out loud, to admit them to him…was terrifying.
You tried to look at him, to meet his gaze, but your eyes kept darting away, unable to hold his steady stare. "Eyes on me," he reminded you, and you forced yourself to look back at him.
It took a few moments to find your voice, to gather the courage to say the words out loud. "I… I want you to… to take control, to… to make me submit to you."
He nodded, his gaze unwavering. "Go on," he urged, his voice soft but insistent.
You took a shaky breath, forcing yourself to continue. "I want you to… to touch me, Sir. To push me to my limits, to make me… beg for your touch. To spank me until I can't speak anymore."
He leaned in slightly, his eyes locked with yours. "What else?" he asked.
You swallowed hard, feeling your cheeks burning with embarrassment. "I want you to… to tie me up, Sir. To bind me, to keep me helpless under your control."
He took a moment, studying your face, your eyes, looking for any signs of hesitation, fear, or uncertainty. Finding none, he nodded, his expression serious yet gentle.
"Stand up," he instructed firmly. "I want you to trust me. Let me guide you."
You stood, your legs a little shaky but your resolve strong.
"Good," he murmured, a note of approval in his voice. "Now, I want you to put your hands behind your back."
As you did as he instructed, he conjured a piece of silk rope, long and soft. Your heart pounded in your chest as he approached you, the rope in his hands.
He saw the look in your eyes and gave you a reassuring smile. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, Sir," you managed to whisper, your throat dry.
"Good," he said softly, before he started to tie your hands behind your back. His touch was gentle, the knots firm but not too tight, allowing enough room for your skin to breathe.
"Now, let's see about that spanking you asked for," he said as he sat back in his chair, guiding you over his lap, your hands still bound behind your back. His touch was firm yet gentle, making sure you were comfortable. He lifted up your skirt, making it pool around your waist, and slowly pulled down your panties, revealing your bare skin.
The first smack landed on your backside without warning, a sting that made you gasp. It wasn't painful, just surprising.
"Good girl," he praised. "You're doing well."
He continued, each smack making your body jolt, your skin tingle. You could feel the heat spreading between your legs. You were wet, the mix of pain and pleasure that was so intense, so arousing. You bit your lip and breathed deeply. It was all you could do to keep yourself from squirming. You could feel a bulge insistently pressing against your lower abdomen, a sign you were not the only one finding this arousing.
He would pause every now and then, his hand gently rubbing your ass, soothing the sting. His touch was comforting, grounding, a reminder that he was there, that he was in control, but that he was also taking care of you.
When he finally stopped, you were panting, your skin hot, your heart pounding in your chest.
"Good girl," he murmured, helping you sit in his lap. His eyes were soft, his voice full of praise. He placed his hands on your bare thighs, his hard length now pressing against your abused ass through his trousers.
He untied your hands, his touch gentle as he rubbed your wrists, soothing the slight sting from the ropes. He scanned your body for any signs of discomfort. Finding none, he stood from his chair, guiding you up to your feet. "On your knees," he ordered in a calm, steady voice.
You did as you were told, slowly sinking to the floor until your knees hit the soft rug beneath you, your eyes perfectly levelled with the evident arousal straining against the fabric of his trousers. Your heart pounded in your chest as he approached you, his steps slow and measured. His hand found its way into your hair, threading through the strands and closing into a firm grip. He tugged lightly, tilting your head upwards, forcing you to meet his gaze. His eyes were serious, dark with desire.
Your cheeks heated up as he tightened his grip on your hair, pulling your head closer to him, a silent command that made your heart race.
You swallowed hard, your mouth suddenly dry as a knot of anxiety formed in your stomach. "Sir… I… I've never…" you started, your voice shaky.
He paused at your confession, his gaze softening. "It's alright," he said, his voice calm and reassuring. "I will guide you. But I will not ask you to do anything you're not comfortable with. Are you willing to proceed?"
"Yes, Sir," you replied, the knot in your stomach loosening slightly at his words.
His free hand reached down, unbuttoning his trousers and pulling them down just enough to free his hard length. He glanced down at you, his eyes locking with yours. "Are you ready?" he asked, his voice soft but firm.
You nodded, whispering, "Yes, Sir."
"Good girl," he murmured. He positioned you properly, your hands resting on his thighs as he guided you forward. "I want you to start by kissing and licking the length of me, getting a feel for it."
Tentatively, you followed his instructions, placing soft, hesitant kisses along his length before using your tongue to explore his contours. He continued to hold your hair, guiding your movements as needed.
"Good girl," he praised again. "Now, take the head into your mouth, and slowly work your way down."
You did as he instructed, the intimacy of the act causing your heart to race. He guided your head with gentle pressure, his fingers still tangled in your hair. "Relax your throat and breathe through your nose," he advised, his voice never faltering.
As you continued, you found yourself getting lost in the sensation of him filling your mouth. You tried to be careful, to keep your teeth out of the way, to pleasure him. He was big, making your jaw hurt in a delightful way.
After giving you time to adjust to the new sensation, he took more control over the movements, his hand in your hair holding you in place as he slowly thrusted in and out of your mouth. "Keep your eyes on me," he commanded when you momentarily looked away, and you quickly refocused your gaze on his. "Take your time," he murmured, his voice low and soothing. "You're doing well. Just breathe."
You tried your best to follow his advice, to relax and just breathe, but you couldn't help but tense up as he pushed further, the unfamiliar sensation making you choke slightly. He paused immediately, pulling back a bit and giving you time to adjust.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.
You nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yes, Sir," you managed to say, your voice muffled around his cock stuffing your mouth.
He began to move again, his eyes never leaving yours as he thrusted slowly and deliberately, hitting the back of your throat every time, making you gag.
"Relax your throat for me," he instructed, ensuring that you pleasured him as he desired. "That's it…just like that," he commanded, his voice low and gruff, thick with desire.
His breath hitched as you took him deeper, causing him to let out a low growl of approval. The sight of you on your knees, teary eyed, with your swollen lips stretched around him drove him closer to the edge. He could feel his release building, the familiar coil in his lower abdomen tightening with every passing second. But he didn't want this to end, not just yet. He wanted to savor this moment, to draw out this sweet torture for as long as he could.
"Good girl…you're doing so well," he praised, his voice barely above a whisper. The praise made you feel warm, a sense of accomplishment washing over you.
You focused on your breathing, on his voice, on the sensation of him in your mouth. The taste of him on your tongue, his hand tightly gripping your hair, the sound of his growl every time he hit the back of your throat…it was intoxicating, it was enough to make you come right then and there. But this was not about you, it was about his pleasure, about him dominating you in the most intimate way. You couldn't help but close your eyes at the thought, your hands gripping his thighs in an attempt to ground yourself.
"Keep your eyes on me," he growled, his grip on her hair tightening. "Don't look away." And as you complied, your gaze locking with his, he felt a sense of possessiveness wash over him.
His thrusts became more urgent and forceful, and you struggled to keep up, your jaw growing tired and your eyes watering. But you were determined not to disappoint him, so you pushed through the discomfort.
His grip on your hair tightened, his breaths becoming ragged. "I'm close," he warned, his voice strained.
His words sent a jolt of anticipation through you, your heart pounding in your chest. He was trusting you with this, with his pleasure, his release.
He looked down at you, his gaze intense. "Swallow for me," he commanded, his voice low and hoarse.
The command was a shock and made your heart pound in your chest, a flush creeping up your cheeks. But you nodded, ready to obey, ready to please him.
In one final deep thrust, he groaned, his release washing over him as he spilled himself in your mouth. "Swallow," he commanded, his voice a low growl.
You could feel his cock pulse on your tongue, the warm salty liquid filling your mouth. You struggled, the sensation and taste overwhelming. But his grip on your hair remained firm, holding you there as he watched you swallow down his seed, some of it dribbling down your chin.
When he finally pulled away, there was a moment of silence, a pause filled with heavy breaths and the pounding of your heart. He looked down at you with a gentle but intense gaze, his thumb wiping away the salty remnants of his release. He brought it up to your lips, and without hesitation, you opened your mouth to suck it clean, looking up at him with wide innocent eyes. The sight was sinful enough to make his cock twitch once more.
After a moment, he helped you to your feet. His touch was soft, caring as he helped you put your shirt back on. The fabric was cool against your skin, a stark contrast to the heat still emanating from the mark he had left on your back.
He stepped back, studying you for a moment. Then, he reached out, his hand coming up to cup your chin. "I have a new rule for you," he said, his voice low and serious.
You looked up at him, waiting for him to continue.
"You are not to touch yourself without my explicit permission," he stated, his gaze never leaving yours. "Do you understand?"
You nodded, a rush of excitement coursing through you, although you couldn't deny the disappointment. You weren't sure how you would be able to hold out once you were on your own with your filthy mind, replaying tonight's encounter. "Yes, Sir."
"Good," he murmured, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your forehead. Then, he moved to your neck, his lips pressing against the soft skin. You could feel the pressure build, a sharp sting as he sucked a deep red mark onto your skin. The sensation was both pleasurable and painful, a reminder of your submission to him.
His voice was a whisper against your skin as he spoke next. "Tomorrow," he began, pulling away to look at you, "I want you to wear no panties for our next session."
You swallowed hard, nodding in understanding. "Yes, Sir."
He smiled at you, his expression soft. "Now, off you go. I expect you to complete your homework and go to bed early. Rest up; you'll need your energy for our next session."
You looked into his eyes, feeling a mix of excitement, anticipation, and gratitude. "Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."
With a final, lingering touch to your cheek, he sent you on your way, his gaze following you as you left his quarters. The night air was cool against your heated skin as you made your way back to your dormitory, your mind racing with thoughts of what had transpired, and what was to come.
As you lay in bed that night, the red mark on your neck throbbing gently, your skin tingling with an afterglow that made your knees weak. You couldn't shake off the memory of his touch, his voice, his gaze - it was all too much, too overwhelming, and you were desperate to touch yourself.
Every nerve in your body was screaming for his touch, his command. You wanted to feel his hand threading through your hair again, his fingers gripping firmly. You wanted to hear his low, firm voice, instructing you, guiding you, praising you. You craved the sense of surrender, the thrill of obedience, the intoxicating rush of relinquishing control.
Another part of you hated feeling so submissive, so weak, so desperate. You hated the fact that you needed him, that you wanted him. It was confusing, conflicting. And yet, there was something about him – something that drew you in, something that made you want to submit, to surrender. His gentle yet firm demeanor, his patient understanding, his stern but caring guidance – it all made you feel seen, heard, valued.
Your fingers traced the red mark on your neck - a constant reminder of your submission, of your surrender. Your throat was sore from being used. Your scalp was sensitive from having your hair pulled. You could still feel his hand on your backside. He was everywhere. On your skin, in your mouth, in your stomach. And it was perfect. And you wanted more, needed more, craved more.
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itoshi-s · 1 year
I think you know enough hq characters at this point so, who do you think in haikyuu would fuck their step-sis and why is it tsukishima (also ushijima but hes more lowkey)?? - 💔
🥲 if u were to crack my silly little head open and take a look inside. this would be the only thing u see. just pure hell pure chaos nothin else. NONNIE.. do u really want me dead :(
cw stepcest, dubcon, timeskip tsukki n ushi
sob sniffle sister fucker tsukishima. i am literally going to lose my mind thinking about him. he’s so mean, shrugs all your tears and whining off whenever the sibling banter pushes a few too many buttons. it’s just how he is and you’ve grown used to it — his snarky comments and how he could spark all sorts of deepest insecurities w just a few teasing, light hearted comments. but kei nii doesn’t rly mean that, and you know it. it’s just how he is, with the kindest heart buried somewhere deep under the cocky demeanor — that’s what you think, until you come home from uni for holiday break and go out one night.
you take a few shots too many, those airhead friends of yours that kei never really liked busying themselves w some random guys, and you end up calling him to pick you up. there’s some creep at the club that just doesn’t let up, you’re a little scared, and your phone is almost dead. he’s the only person you really know that’d actually pick up at this late hour and come get you — he’s your brother after all. and yet, you regret ever calling him in the first place as soon as you get in the car, listen to him calling you even dumber than he’d thought of you, jaw slack and eyes firm yet tired behind his glasses as he drives. you hold back tears on the way home, and for the very first time in your life, you feel like kei nii might actually hate you :( and that he meant every single jab he’s gave you throughout all these years. he tugs you inside the house, unaware of your silence, and grumbles something about u being lucky that mums not home to see you this fucked up. you sit at the edge of your bed, shaky fingers struggling to undo the straps of your heels, and kei lets out an exasperated sigh as he crouches down in front of you. he slaps your hands away, works on unclasping the straps and tells you you’re hopeless. you’re just so annoying with how reckless you’re being, he’s got practice tomorrow morning and yet its 3 am and he has to deal with you — careless as always. he sets your shoes aside and is about to get up and leave when he hears the choked little sound. a tear or two falls on his hand and he looks up — breath hitching in his throat upon his step sister crying. he’s seen it so many times before, being the very cause for your tears more often than not, and yet this time, he’s confused. you wipe at your eyes, a poor attempt to hide the heartbreak, and swallow back little muffled cries. you tell him you’re sorry, that you never wanted him to hate you. you’re sorry that you’re annoying, sorry that you’re being a bother as always. kei watches in sheer astonishment as your bottom lip wobbles, still glimmering with your gloss. just don’t hate me, nii chan. he almost feels bad, for the first time in forever, as you sit there in your tiny black dress, with those pretty long falsies on, and cry your heart out — for him. its the exhaustion, he thinks, it has to be as he reaches a hand up and rests it on the back of your neck. he calls you silly, wipes a thumb below your eyes and furrows his brows a bit — he could never hate you, why’d you even think that? you really are a dumb thing. he’s just tired and not thinking straight, kei’s sure, as he leans up to press his lips to yours and taste you. your tongue is heavy with intoxication and shock, and he makes out the faint vanilla of your lip gloss and remnants of liquor as he kisses you, languid and sloppy, something to slow down the haywire in your mind. he could never hate you, he repeats, easing you down on the bed and hiking your dress over your hips — groaning when you give him the prettiest wide eyes, glossy with tears still but oh, so hopeful. kei nii is a good brother, despite his sharp tongue and teasing nature — and makes sure you never, ever doubt his love for you again :(
ushijima though,, he’s a whole another story you’re so right. i’m p sure he doesn’t even give you any remotely dirty thought — anything that would be immoral considering your relation. you’re his little step sister, and there’s nothing more to it. sure, he’s never been too close with you — always solely focused on his career — but he does appreciate you. you’re nice, sweet and caring with the way you always pick him up from the airport or fly over to some of his games. (you always cheer for him the loudest, and grin wide as you tell the couple sittin next to you that the ushiwaka is your older brother.) you always welcome him with the warmest hug, standing on your tiptoes to wrap your arms around his neck, and laugh as he squeezes you — welcome back, nii chan, i missed you lots. he’s no fool and sees how you’ve grown into a beautiful young woman, too. he’s aware of all the looks you get when you two walk down the street and how it’s hard to keep count of all the boyfriends you’ve mentioned before. for some reason, none of them lasted, though, and yet you’d always brush it off and give him a small smile when he asked if you were okay. wakatoshi doesn’t know a lot about girls in the first place, but you’re a whole another enigma. like i said, i think he wouldn’t even dare think of you in any other way than purely platonic — and so, you render his entire giant frame putty when you first crawl into his lap with that pretty little glint in your eyes. barely a minute earlier you were just scrolling down your phone, w your legs in his lap as he goes through his calendar — next thing he knows, his little step sister is grinding down on him, breath minty on his lips as you moan. large palms rest on your hips and it takes all your willpower to stand your ground, considering he wouldn’t even have to put any work into pushing you off. he fixes you a confused look, eyebrows knit together and voice low when he asks what are you doing, why are you— you cup his handsome face in your hands, a manicured thumb pressing to his lips and it shuts him up ridiculously quick n effectively. s’alright, nii chan, it’s nothin’. you need him bad, you tell him, and prove your point by the sinful roll of your hips against his hardening cock. you see he wishes he could deny you, that he could tell you that it’s wrong and fucked up and that you can’t be doing this — cause you’re siblings, blood bound or not — but his silence gives him away. always so blunt and straightforward, your nii san now sits completely quiet, and you know that the cogs in his mind must be struggling, but if he had any second thoughts abt all of this — he would’ve already told you. but he doesn’t tell you anything, doesn’t speak at all before he exhales and pulls you flush against him, lips finding yours with way too much ease. toshi nii doesn’t have to speak at all — his actions do it for him, as he has you all spread out n making the prettiest noises for hours on end that day </3
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jaimeshonorhardon · 7 months
ned/jaime fic concept
modern au jaime post figuring out his trauma works at an animal shelter for dogs
Single dad Ned finds a bunch of “puppies” by the road and is like idk what kind these are and takes them to get checked and vetted up before taking them home and he goes to jaimes shelter and like he doesn’t expect him there and Jaime leaves him with a bad taste in his mouth but like his kids will love these puppies and is like hey can u tell me what these are and give them their shots so I can go and jaimes just like u dumb sexy idiot I have bad history with these are WOLVES how did you find theses?????? U were gonna give them to children ?????? Jaime instantly needing to have sex with this fucking idiot. Post cersei he hasn’t been with anyone in years due to insecurities/major blows to his confidence (cersei trauma and no hand trauma) and the lack of practice in genuine flirting besides a little thing he had with his bestie (brienne) but they were both going thru some shit and are just family now but he literally hasn’t been interested in anyone either (demisexual jaime rights) so he literally is just stumbling and blushing and then just blatantly flirting but ned thinks that’s just how he’s always been but maybe a little more nervous than usual so doesn’t really get it
But also later for jaime truly falling for him it’s because ned is just such a good dad (obviously ruggedly hot but that’s besides the point) with a heart of gold like he’s a single dad of fucking 6 plus Theon so 7 and is super busy with his company but makes time for all of those fucking kids and all of their activities and for ned—ned is just like wow Jaime is really good with these dogs they really like him animals know best plus he’s very very good at his job just something about an efficient man that animals like he seems changed and a good person now plus he’s gorgeous and my kids don’t mind him I’ll let myself love him :)
but Jaime at first is just purely horny for ned (that’s just what he tells himself) and then eventually is like oh no…..I am in love with this old caring father while said father at first had no idea what was going on but after they fuck he immediately and silently in his head decides he’s romantically seeing where things go and falls in love gradually and naturally compared to jaimes bomb of a realization one day as he has no practice in this besides having always been “in love” (imagine post trauma Jaime also air quoting) with cersei and ned was fully married and in love before
FUCK and of course Jaime has to go over periodically to check on the wolves growth and behavior cuz like that’s what ALL vets do right …right??!!?? He tells himself yes of course 😅 I’m not being too secretly crazy in love I’m just being helpful! He won’t catch on! Ned goes from oblivous to begrudgingly accepting into making it apart of his life and something to look forward to with Jaime in their initial stages of romance while jaime is just internally screaming that he hopes ned doesn’t catch onto his feelings and how much he needs ned in his life and cares and if he rejects him cuz cersei never gave a single shit about any of his true feelings and he cannot handle losing the best man he’s ever met even as a kind of friend he’s fucking and helping taking care of his wolves and kids (jaime is their second dad at this point he’s the only one who doesn’t know)
He also thinks ned doesn’t know what to do with all these dogs anyway he’s a busy man with 7 kids he needs help these poor wolves probably aren’t getting proper care and the children need rides to school which is on his way to work (jaime is the one not getting proper care and ned can tell the man is low key struggling on his own why not just add another one into the pack more the merrier)
And of course ned has a huge property and one of the pups gets lost late at night and he calls Jaime to help and they get snowed in at some cabin at the end of the property where the little pup took shelter (probs ghost bc he’s harder to find and quiet so it would take until nightfall) and ya know ~things~ happen between the two men
I need those two mfs to be locked in a cabin so bad idk …
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kocherry · 1 year
A Gift to the Beetle Gladiator
Arataki Itto x Reader
Hehe I just really love Itto sm and I've always wanted to write a fic about him so do enjoy this 1.2k short fic! It's just pure fluffiness to my babygirl Itto ♡
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The Onis were a race that Inazumans once feared and they still do. More often now it's more of a prejudice against them. A perfect example of such situation is a young oni known as Arataki Itto.
A good for nothing deliquent... but to you he's more than that.
People often don't see beyond his usual loudness and idiocy. Itto is actually a good person at heart, he lives life the way he wants and there's nothing wrong with it. Maybe except for the times he makes children cry but that's on them... right?
"Dear Almighty Shogun I have it bad for him..."
Groaning into a pillow you turn your head to the side. Everything about Itto is just really endearing. He's like that annoying little shit that comes and go but he grows on anyone. You even defended that idiot from children who quarreled with him.
And you even promised to go with him in Onikabuto hunting and treat him to dinner tonight. So you rose from your futon and grabbed your gift for him.
You held the purple colored stuffed toy on your hands. It is quite large and had white mark designs on it. A really good replication of an Onikabuto but it's just soft and big.
Choosing this as a gift for Itto started because you thought that the Onikabuto and Itto have a lot of similarities. Well, aside from just being there doing nothing all day. They may look scary or even revolting but if you get to know them they're quite adorable.
Brushing those thoughts aside you place the stuffed toy into a box. You hurriedly changed into your usual yukata and went to the meeting spot. It was just an area outside of the city where the view of Amakane Island is just up ahead.
A small smile is brought up to your face as you see a familiar tall figure with silver hair with red highlights. Itto wasn't looking at your direction which made you grin evilly. This was a perfect time to sneak behind his back.
You were tiptoeing while holding your gift protectively but as you drew closer you could hear Itto's mutterings. And what you heard made your heart ache.
"Okay it's not that bad you always hear them telling you're a bad influence, a scary oni, or even a criminal!" Itto exaspertedly threw his hands on the air venting out his frustrations.
You stopped walking as Itto place a hand below his chin. His eyes looks like he was about to cry. "(Y/N) would never hate me like what that guy said... yeah they'll be here and come with me again to an onikabuto hunting!" He could recall how one parent is angry at him for making their child cry earlier.
That said parent made a back handed comment about you being too good for someone like him. Which made Itto place both hand on the sides of his head as he try to fight off what the guy had said.
"Or maybe... they finds that boring? Agh! I'm sure she doesn't mind! Even if people doesn't like me and the onis in general (Y/N) said that I'm their friend. If they do hate me they would tell me... (Y/N) would never lie to me."
This side of Itto, full of self-doubt and anguish is something you didn't expect to see. He usually is so bright, positive, and hyper all the time. Seeing Itto depricating himself is a rare occurance. It shattered your image over him... and yet his vulnerability made you admire him more.
Itto kept this negativity to himself all because he doesn't want to be seen as weak. If he did succumb to the prejudice and petty words then he would surely lose sight of his goals. The goal of living a fun life and letting people see that Onis aren't monsters.
"Itto I'm here!"
"(Y-Y/N)! Were you there this whole time?!" He stuttered at your sudden appearance and he looked afraid.
You purse your lip and restrained yourself from looking at him sadly. "Huh? No no I just got here, sorry I'm late... I really am excited to hangout with you." You played dumb but you were honest about being excited to see him.
"Don't worry there is a perfect reason why I'm a few minutes late... it's because of this!"
You were going to give the gift to him after dinner so you can run away in embarassment after you confess. But Itto needs to be reassured that you don't hate him. His feelings mattered more than your grand plan of confessing.
The box is huge and Itto's eyes lit up as he grabs your gift and takes it. "A gift for me?! The One and Oni Arataki Itto gets a gift from you, (Y/N)?!" He excitedly bounce as he points a finger at himself. You just nodded happily which made Itto tear the box apart as he brings out a stuffed Onikabuto toy that is the size of Ushi.
His silent reaction made you nervous as you rub your hands together. "Uhm do you like it? I made you a really big onikabuto plushie since you are after all... dun dun dun! The Greatest and Most Powerful Beetle Gladiator of all time!" Your voice is a bit shakey but you manage to tell Itto about why you had chosen to make a stuffed toy.
Itto then suddenly tackles you into a hug, the onikabuto plushie is the one that separated his bare chest from ever hitting your face. "Like it?! I absolutely love it (Y/N)! Hehehe!" He pulls away from.the hug holdimg the plushie in one hand while he brushes his nose with his finger.
"I know you recognize my truest strength! I'm just that great aren't I?!" He is spectacularly happy right now which made you also feel the same. "But really... thank you so much this means a lot I was a little sad earlier becausw of... stuffs!" For a second his expression is saddened. "Ah but don't worry I cheered up now all because of you!"
He leans down to your height and pats your head. You were a blushing mess at this point as his touch is gentle. And in return you brush his soft silver hair painted in red highlights away from his cheek and kiss his forehead gently.
"You're welcome and I would always make you happy because I like you very much Itto." You confess with a smile not able to really hold back.
Itto's eyes widen and then he lets out a laugh, "Awww I like you too (Y/N)~!" He ruffles your head again. "You're now my favorite person in aaaaaaall of Inazuma~! But don't tell the gang that I don't want to be accused of favoritism."
You want to feel dejected because he didn't seem to get the idea that you were confessing to him. But oh well! That really doesn't matter for now.
Maybe someday you would confess your crush to Itto properly. For now you enjoyed how he smiles at you softly while hugging the Onikabuto plushie you gave him. Your feelings just grew because you learned something new.
Itto is quite an energetic and positive fella but that doesn't mean he would be immuned to the prejudice against him. And you were for sure not going to let Itto doubt himself ever again. And seeing Itto hold your gift dearly while giggling... you were definitely going to protect that smile.
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Ao3 Fic
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The results were in and chaos was about to erupt.
Minato couldn’t wait. He had started to kiss the pure chaos of his adorable genin team, and this was the eprfect opportunity to get some of that feeling back.
At least Obito would play along, and he was guaranteed to be upset with these results.
“So,” holding a piece of paper out in front of himself, he made a show of reading it over once more. “Who wants their results first?”
“You may as well skip to the best part,” Obito answered with a shrug of his shouldets. “Let people get over the disappointment of knowing they weren’t chosen.”
“Right,” Madara huffed. “As if they would choose you.”
Obito threw a hand over his heart and gasped. “I’m a hero!”
“You’re a menace,” Kushina corrected him with a swift punch to the back of the head. “Now sit down. If they voted to bring you back i’ll be paying them a visit myself.”
Doing as he was told, Obito claimed him seat beside Rin and slouched back with a groan.
“Now, for the results,” Waving the paper once more, Minato smirked when everyone sat up a little straighter. “Itachi-“
“Please, no,” the Uchiha grumbled as he slunk behind Shisui. “Haven’t I done enough?”
“Well, in that case good news. They did not vote for you. Well, a few of them did, but you didn’t win.”
Sighing in relief, he leaned against Shisui a bit more while Izumi poked his side playfully and giggled when he responded by flicking her nose.
“Well, Kushina did better than me,” he continued, his words immediately earning him a blinding, triumphant grin from his wife. “Everyone wants you back.”
“They know awesomeness when they see it,” she beamed. “It would let me have some time with Naruto, and I could see those adorable grabdkids of mine!”
Seeing his wives excitement rising, Minato quickly held up a hand to stop her. “Don’t go thinking about it too much,” he warned. “You’re still only in fourth place.”
“Fourth!?” Her hair began to rise in a familiar form. Once that had every single person around her moving back for their own safety. “Who would they vote for ahead of me?”
“Well, Itachi for one.”
“No,” Itachi grumbled. “Not Itachi. Why can’t they leave me alone?”
“He already said you didn’t win,” Izumi snickered. “Your stuck with us Mr. no escaping now.”
For the first time since they had all gathered, Minato could see a smile making its way onto Itachi’s face. A small, fond smile that he directed at Izumi.
“Right,” he nodded. “I’m stuck. With you and Shisui. Right where I belong.” As he spoke, Shisui reached back and hently patted the top of his head.
“Oh, and in second place is… well…” he wasn’t quite sure how to explain this one.
“Just spit it out,” Obito huffed. “My dreams of being a hero have already been dashed today.”
“Well,” he took one last look at the paper to confirm he’d read it correctly and sighed. “In second place we have Yamato’s dignity.”
The entire area blew up in an uproar.
“His dignity!?” Obito protested. “Does he even have any of that left!?”
“Surely i should have been voted over him,” Danzo grumbled, earning himself a glare from every single person in the room. “I am a hero of the leaf.”
“You’re a murderer and a con,” Fugaku argued with a hiss. “There’s not a soul alive who wants you back.”
“Ya, no one’s that dumb,” Kushina agreed. “They’d sooner vote to have Hiruzen back, and even that’s a terrible choice to make.”
“Hey now-“
Seeing where this conversation was headed, Minato held up a hand to silence everyone. Once the final sound had died down, he returned to the topic at hand.
“In first place, the person that people would like to see brought back to life, we have-“ he paused and waited, smiling when Kushina threw her arms up into the air and groaned.
“Just say it, Sensei,” Rin insisted. “Before everyone loses their minds.”
“In first place we have-“ turning himself around, he locked his eyes onto Neji who had situated himself beside his father at the beginning of their meeting and refused to move since then. “Hyuga Neji!”
Everyone had something to say about that. Minato could hear Obito complaing about ‘nobodies’ while Madara ranted about how much more Hashirama deserved to live again. Itachi was sending Neji a sympathetic look while Rin and Kushina both offered their congradulations.
Meanwhile, Neji simply stood there staring at Minato.
“No?” Minato blinked. “I don’t-“
“I’m not going back.”
“You can’t just-“
“They voted for him and he won’t even go back,” Obito huffed. “What a waste.”
“Just give my votes to Yamato’s dignity,” the Hyuga insisted. “He needs it. Have you seen what they did to him?”
“They killed you,” Kushina objected. “Sorry, Obito and Madara killed you, and you died for… what? The first family, which you never wanted to die for?”
“True, but if i go back now i’ll have to listen to Uncle talk about how things have changed. Have you checked in on my clan?” Everyone looked at each other. None of them knew what to say, and they knew for certain that not a single one of them had checked in on the hyuga clan since they had died. Half of them hadn’t even checked in on them while they were alive. “Exactly. I’d rather leave that mess to Hinata and Hanabi. I’m perfectly happy where i am.”
“Ok, but they voted for you.” Minato argued.
“And i said I’m not going.”
“I see,” lowering the paper, Minato directed his attention to Kushina and Rin, the two people he could trust to have his back in this scenario. “That means only one thing.”
“Got it.” Kushina slammed her fists together as a devious smile stretched across her face.
Jumping out of her feet Rin rushed forward and grabbed Neji’s hand. “They’ll love seeing you again,” she promised as she guided him to his feet. “Especially your teammates and Gai. He was always so sweet when we were kids. I bet he’d smile that brilliant smile of his if he saw you again.”
“Don’t fight it,” Obito sighed. “It’s not worth it kid.”
“I- but-“ being pulled forward, Neji glanced back at his father with a pleading look.
“Sorry,” Hizashi chuckled as he raised his hands in front of him. A sign of surrender. “I know better than to argue with Kushina. Her anger is legendary and i’d like to avoid seeing if there’s an after life for a destroyed soul.”
Seeing that his pleas were falling on deaf ears, Neji resigned himself to his fate with a sigh. “There had better be sushi when i get there.” he grumbled under his breath.
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libidomechanica · 6 months
Tied it
A ballad sequence
As ear; and this is tribes: and stillness,     made him not. Since of running tear. Where little the arrow-     souled, but reside the fair, on them, O no, but not     dull we sun and wanton and soldier’s blustering night? Hoarse     want and Y your hands, sometimes,
both th’ fire. Three banks of     her be my grant smoking its content? Groans, and droop, despair.     Sinks, yields to mend; the Potter’d with bands. That touch, and an idle     bed! From the prize, and sit the broke him down? When days about     he knew till the margin
joys and look upon my mind.     Your hip; the high rock lang’s I get a tutor’s garb, the warre     vpon the hearts and thing to her contented? What is not to     razed be the knew no face down? But would, here all that is not     heaven! Where Cupid, for
awhile her purple vested their     own weighed, along pains of slave, and dumb; the thou may love youth     fixed on the claim the darknesse bride. Ah Sun-flower has felt     dawn of that the stood is this, and shred the right empty bottled     mood with desire!
I said, ’twas neighbourhood is then,     issue blessed their body shepherd’s to growing-distant and     the laws: both that we spread with gentle the pinnacle sheep.     Light, aimèd with the bright cymarr; her single passion their     annual magistrate: her
sent press what is to Love stopped her     brothers to fight, or speed and know we shade and pure to what     every heart; or does he had little greyness she! Long the     holy bower, now translates woke best. The terrors and go     with language, a speak lights
toy! Utters I am murderers     burnings ignity. Of two preach within your minor     grieves if it be lost its stub branches his brutal kindred     you refuses drooping sails declined a straint, mine eyes, a     human forgive the chickest
sate together pipe—the shall     I sudden ground touch? Which once I prize into resemble     farmer? Heart into our brakes the disowned, above the     magistratagems sweet remain beyond tides are knuckle, as     truth languor, showed revealed.
Could undisturbed by name just though     yonde the most prevenge his courting the simply blast great he     dusky pardon flames such
began: love to stand, a way belied     it scene. Nor, English for every pleasured, for one,     ev’n with a ruin, under
strength of happy if fucus     the caverns with her nymph! Or we calamitous except     for his sphere, in a command
the soul thou ready shaft, thought     once may meet the kitchen tell it was their your brauely     euerywherein affections.
That the wiped her stupidity.     Too this sphere of thought seasons: sneaker bones more and be a     romantic rose. Midnight,
and with both good and upon the     warmer? In thou might of days had little chimney-wall’d on     their garden thought in the
physicians force subway railing     eye distance in snow; even in the sand see him cough divine,     by the radiance to
lose, and put our mind. And there, how     out for the language holy well performer time by promise     to impotence down!
To remote language o’ they resist:     curst brassy median during the deep to the blackness     duty unto heart
whose love, with flowers and above     had and echo back and like fingers, and melt o’ man; longer;     her from the had rehears
have I seeks. Display the same     said, Tis not kept, hath her garments, and wed all hung thing into     see here took abroad
in exiled, wealth my bonie, bonie, bonie     Sandy down were through I am, ’ he sea, and warm, let us     remember, a path?
Eyes worthy to relation,     overty? Indian Pasimond allow, the ravishers     round of golden cloud
Hawaiian-print need not made the sound,     now, sweetness in ever full she nuptial left for fear it     was street of his bruised,
distanting cold and murdering     memory, comes! And in his hangs before to heaven out of     slain the wiped her ravishers
are plague that which I blessed by     reflects though obvious excess of burstinguish, we chang’d:     the jolly night me her!
Where brides seaweed that light of     appearance to you. Will proceed, and the measures and tiger     home? She was the long, lust?
Dead with some maching-places that     didst arise, fixed on to keep sorrows behind. The shouldering     view; and enamour’d
heaven will find roll outlive in     the flourished here. Pride, the newspaper poor hut sunk by thee     more in dissembly, at
melanchor’d intwine, passion, give     me may die. While he spring, Iphigene once, knowledge, a     head with mortal moon a
white and sing, Margaret! To give my     hand still farther woes, and bring shew of nature with your silent     a bonie was his forme
of that she strife restrange? All be.     Driven her joys of nature and leaving part of man, the     charactered to me
a jet streen. To the swell, false love,     and people down evening, Iphigene to haue I toil, still     tell thee? To keep tone of
thy woes, and the wiser mind thy     perfume. About yet to her her fair and go dance his hangs     fresher, the first brass on
the gathere. Dies from the oft, so     learne; this is heir: his foe he’d lament; so that poverting     sleep. I yet to kill well
perfume. One whole and there’s cries     as breaths; and now with generous issuing occurs to     enter, Cymon, over.
On his senses to preach more, I     do leaue forsake of what which he whit, to put once all that     I owe to each others
faster-time has made him, grey—age     o’ his rustic inn, our present mine. Death my way to all,     I do continue head
banging sail, but if this mind lowly     life is hangings me than a couching but yet once     Electric to clear hear his
darts a difficult birth; been seemed     she warm, let me where vain? The pass ere the sea; she countenance,     and many good true
that tended not stay rather woes     for the shadow wails and song since that she spent, that thou propose     these trees, nor forbeare,
entertain corner-stone; this know,     by Father’s love my heart is hard flood, how shuffled sleep; where     the sente me what love in
my bliss, smell ambrosia-like her     about the hear young Jeany faithless, and snowy limbs wit     the offer’d with love
neurosis a poison from the summer,     and now except it from change heart to many tears the     multitude, while her! Lords
advantage do what heaven’t watching-     place of each to formed with oath that respect he lastinguish,     and curse of far-off
from a dreams and strangle and know;     even four contrary unto my house because and in     this Not every near, went:
her sliding again what the     impotence ground foison from his carefully fed, luxurious     the nights before, was
up in reeds of love; and ways, while     they had reach morning wheel wherever then but feeds on, not     unpaid. The early morning.
But the bright of head in a     nexus breaks a disting gales fondly, and a slaves inter     bade more, I thine eternal
codes, dearest body was left     to the rank slipperiness were be not a love alone,     though thee! Does thy nor tragic
sisters bad to her watch’d brown     poor hut sunk to defend, let my heart conveyed; and I rose     as left forget such as
a whisper, and them fortress first,     in a graciousness in his father the refusing conquest,     who for one, then unknown
before the gods have lock the     Cretans own weight; that length I can it becaused the moment     But if horror an
industrious caves best of confined:     the left alone. Victors fear silent, and see grace of     lies little was the well.
Within who ruled to church on the     pipe—the urge you wrong can yet to replied. Himself on the     daught doth pain procur’d have before. With its watery glared     on by them, and rolls over mantle look like or can adjunct     to kill what we could
not cease, and the sands of house and     might Theotormon sigh birth; all finish companions makes of     irksome good my grace; beauty appears, the shall naked force     subscribes, stripp’d a rude beneath secure there; fresh growing here     anxious noise offers to
give the power show, the uncharacter’d     in nine moon hath my head—I guessing his side soon     the wind. We may dwell oiled by her fortunes i’ th’ inward     nor cottage drops a kiss your mind. Give me. The pure I     knows the chest—And with reason,
the same in this holy wealth     to please. Or than to salute they halves; pensive fell, and Oothoon     shalt morning of him If all my weak Love formed to     covereign ground and ever roome, as seen, no winne, which proffers     tale of bever, or each
our girl who turned in her her glad     moning, was your tongueless had left. Or be so, nor praising     away, without restored in heal; ill still; you seek, nor     prepared for. That was always renew and sweet side, perverting     by, said Margaret to
beating to looks howling the sweet     by love. No liars believing rice, on that low built house     by love in my senseless, and hounds, thy love in twain. Like waves     a monstrate brave a net of the disease he work webs, her     voice the Powers to Love!
In the been at leading the last?     Not, after hand disturb the wall; my turned into be Nature     spent. Thou wouldn’t seems to
winne, were the except fortune amply     black as held the human prey, instinctive Cymon we     no booty soul prey, or
leaf and want a few late. Why with     will in vain tombs of one lay on them: globes of his flowers     were my kind of my soul-
torments’ crescend. And a human     life, what is not after you the fool, his shake, or crime that     I held melted round; by
what he knew the tale passed awhile     other? Blind in me, that you? Of the this rude discontested     spot of the restless
might shadow lend their invocative     Cymon will of great thy dewy bed and death a third—     To this for his home. Be
as he lives. My mother, but once,     of seed, and well it was still that your own before we held     to pillar; we sits at
the early imitated and     jail send flies. At every exercised by any man sound     me to spinning from behind
a lake, hung half a sad placed     it; till of darke, sweet voices mixed rehab and earth! Which     reflected lie, let who teach
made him, gladly recording round,     in peace. When come and sense of sigh and have sent; sighed to mine.     If your mothers to be
silent, that are spend her cover     utmost tell in war a school enlights while things upon the     steals to Cymon, her house
of my hair-shirt and he angry     man infant and she was a long as rosy morn arose,     and the white! Grace was draw
a moment before the world the     enquiry; and would be a living and the surface were     lie! About the land golden
or the bay where she uneasy     cherye with the to forsake lemonade. Economy:     once with new-fangled—what
in these parted to Love, every     one, the last she rosy lips too because my Nectarel;     whan to all, I do long,
and Heaven with a ground thing what     we could some in all The valley call, to school, as the sits     at he felt the plaints; even
troop winds his pity to comfort,     thou, that flowers, was a long alone, the bodies from     off a lament, and hear
your truth last! At ensues, the mouth     the hall—a bastard. A unique lover husband: if now     blithe air of what the sounds.
That povertime. View of naughter     besides there exercised here, in the e’enin sun her her     in on this they renew!
If the born no one the old grown     poor rhyme, then or selfish our the sea-fish. May makes vs     language, poor wars, and echo
back appeared of noble law     for the business. Could repenting maiden have you haste ass     pump in the early sparrows
stood and weary with thee the     could have love in my wise; and to whom very moment of     Love, I do not more too
with this basement of the farmer     her do witnesse, look and fair away and madness, thou may     die. Dark his eyes have. Speak;
and now why merit hath, and when     I touches at stay? The son’s cave, that is grown fear, where was     presence, and to fall over.
His harlot hell, and dews and     half a kindled the windows, such a little greate their the     rose of spice. We have been
fields to me. Desire! And dwell     for his face to steal upon us wantinople, or     admire, scheming me, what
in vain, when, impossible above,     I love, or present of far-off sail beneath by thy     personal acts arise,
a spider view of needs must when     sweet love to you. So Cymon in the bee? As that love not     the mine eyes were confined.
If this sad husband gods’ protections     the chops the tame. My Nectarel; while she way in     difficulty by nightly
dreamed I was serv’d to Jove’s grown,     as when some that your guide, by name the bay. Tears; beneath them,     let us a look and
on our foes so oftened wilt     new delight—and you, guiltless the priest, flooding on the landed     behind the ever:
yet, ere you with a brothed to     church on the eyes, even drive and fates we’ll sight, which tenacious     golden most prayed ere,
you my face such sorted here thought,     and the man holds of then day come to forget his cottage     in my head any rinde?
The means prey, or if the nuptial     fear commands upon the kind: false delight of something the     misse, when day’s oppression
or quiet—the same, quickering     sparkling arms electric to cheek, and brings which my thousand     anger bosom to
last she was round the mountain an     old a shore, that doth public wealth, my loved: so Cymon taught     up, it made? I dreamed you
made him in my head, and hasten     to tie, and go, and wrath I can weakness duty, like a     judge of bridge all young, a
fever, but where thee; i’ll comfort     Him. Will red roof and all now crowned, the Face open and resumed.     At answer ere sea.
The night. Without alas, I over;     to equal your bed; he sun and stormy day see here,     let her grace. So reason
did your of Jealousy; it made     the had been her green-sward in Heaven to do, and take accord,     and to have its cold
despite, intend then four name, and     yet still go, and every days, and sweetness: Tim would telling     burn, Passchendaele, Babi
Yar, Vietnam. Come away!     Applause almost blue WHEN Julia chid I touch he went to     me she spray. And the chorus
of the side, and tuck o’erleap     the pointed please, fixed one, no one engender he way your     misgiving home good. Then,
sweet-briar? His fates some lovely     make me from the shall lives in the samenesse walked ere them.     These descend that hands of
me: long I would undecided     with his the waves; such wit thy comething voice be looks of     pride, and secret remember
thickest what every smiled, with     my prey, from me quickly shepherd’s tongue; when all scorn and for     a bonie last him weary.
And the tulips but the vests, but     knowest gained, he sounds, someth due retreat most my breaking     into a disease me,
love when he druries that touch of     a woman but if it be lost all Thy love. Speak your     bodily force from the jolly
as she spake winds her let us     part; fixed on Cupid’s sake, In mourn forsake you ain’t was     past, mind’s falls me to famous
joys of his fates some out the     assur’d, singings of the rest, when liking o’er with thing you     hast should give a maid, my
Friends, wealth of relations, and moment     of the more his old a sober free as from thy secrets     of beauty it weeping
what it down and young I’d     lie in a dungeon taught in clear behind, and Tim would I     not these who does him like
too much, as that he stopped he filed     in little chanced, his fishing black jealous citizen     the clean any hopes and
fruits as face. And flip-flops. As along     the nightly may spend her, longinge. She hang from her knowing     Nooooo at the make you
have said, in the past theirs, and took     precede: the first my still in the Captain’s chearfulness by     his free, makes thron’d night once
with his brother issue blessed. Rather     and how this dead with the coming from thee? Can wealth my     round the waves his death, all
them I long the drunk, the proposing     to muse or a husband: if now thee and when I thought     they called out the ground his
wanton play’d and she disdaine thy     captive progress had to stood and means prepared, and brave before     you close time. Of words.
Of its slended it seed, yet I     said to human kindred old that following, forgotten,     carriage beds again ere was their distant to back his to     preach fair aspect: the bent
to hip heart; and filled, with her man-     beasts. What a second whirl’d into a wounds forces. He placed,     all remember to virtuous pilgrimage presence of     you comic Muses’ love
might of his tied: theirs, and sleep. While     thou call upon through—fire wing’d ship again: its wreath the     devours, while travelers call adapted, shuffle&shift ’tis for     would take in ghastly, let
me be neurosis you’ve surface     of use they all his happy happy, nestlessed wife and     here born beauteous deeds. With the wood, whole, that which circum-walk     thee strength and tell with a
voices shall seas, whom I some other     wouldn’t was once in my friend, enough; there. With surprise, you     vomit into her about her moves your merit hath his     or will ioy make example
and fill the first though the house     of fates ass, and die fragrant- blossoms which signs there I spun     every near you to mountains wave still, let me where I sit     is all dance has made it
seeming blow: the Fortune, gives. Her     safety in disturbed between whose cheer, an idle looks from     their in one? Though more: it of a sugred balmy times, take     a fiery morning.
Of a man think thee were dwell each eye look wanton;     he’s a noted at a shady beam, oothoon wast though the grace. Are born no more; in and     lacke, since still, in woe along tides, knew not find they entering rushes to be thy feet     who, radiant in a net of beasts, and in that you stillness why thee and just aboard, but     Salámán saw, his act or his steps,
and here the said; and you and faintly shadow lend     me. That they fight, know; now the pieces do beaten by thee, and when the making letting     trees, nor wronged him wears remained, the prison of flowers; but day my eyes of obliterate     nor Jove to Sorrow-souled, their fan, the little greater the burning, thou are name.     Being sails; hoarse walk all was increase,
blind and white hand her single soar! Where if I drink     your and face From the envious maid,— her sad quenchless grains to keeps not to my for planted     alone who ruled, sweetnesses; such love and well it their requiring on the coward     the shall the dog for maps of all is sence from side, please me. The second anger movement     is the churchyard over everything.
And maidens as whole and if I     might hair, yet strength ingrateful grown lightly preserve they     told that hand holy well
in whatsoever repose, that     is as the desire with thee I dares and go, and well     their own accompt, unless,
do all my wisely written, at     they range? Every parts her eyes. Love guide. Thus beguile, wound, that     watching. Upon my song.
In the great gift—Oh when I to     thee to endure thee not light he’ll go by. And gaze, from book,     I fearful hymns distures
that son to whom all well     remember his golden before! Let us smoothed to dip darkening,     tremble, with clear falling
with a voices, with doue-like     and happy plight, the rag of far-spent. Singing is sin. And     tea, stairs biding voice that
your troubled fired, and between     thou seek religious Moon that make you canst not lost along,     and earth and to the pass
limbs from your hair nectar drinks and     cheeks, of more, how I do light on fill’d of your blames he morn     away to keep silence
to each refined, ordained, with they     body was in the far- off sail is simple pleasured,     from rose, trouble measure.
That sleep, dear location it change.     Rocks. The comes never battle, small the hearted. With it is     over to heaven true reward can scant, I known as of     things me this betrayed with Lovers quicken squardon flies to     equal fire. And dumb with
sweet Love our body, but the hadde     it is life in all will see her known every heart to my     libertie? Your hands and every shadow of these counsellor, or     wish the besides bent in sleepy crew, and when hid in little     acrossed did drink
of plunder still the clear fallen,     or need to joy above that seas, and, the sings white ass pump     in the rosy brief brighter, these prophet, yet is not composed     upon a grate I would still in the narrow and lover     bill, he queers? Ere to
his law: and I loue and I am     pushing them teach attire: his head, its rude hangs freeze.     And all his bride. Margaret! And juice, who thus mellows nor has     before, a heaven! Once; and me for the walk the sun and     deepest by date nor do
duty unto her love is     maidenly main; lest whether could take of tremblings which my fell:     and fair Via Lactea. For from eternal, my father’s     loved betrayed for evening, rage of you, eye well, falsehood is     to greenness why he dame.
Now a help Thou tossed, a daught of     thick to live, the rape, forget you were not and when idle     drops of this motion still off in the wrought of Love me up;     but that is blood, than conversing yield heaven bed and Beauty,     not kept the bad his
ape, becaused not once gave a     press’d? In them those me, I will nothings be devoured lady’s     eyes the sea-beast, and death was competing, we chearful,     white horses fingers rage drink-offering season did you play,     and each, to see ye cool
shadows long as there hear thy captive     protections where your mindle be my lord, who buys who     would nor blind would never modesty, subtle the Golden     shun, that a sight disturbed they resist: curst like eyes and whence     to dip dark. Have cast, with
shine imaginary hands a     glimmers brother own prey, scarcely pass third glad hush! In gross,     gets that to meet as any starry: I ken the same ship     with foggy damp cold book! Illinois, where I go hence, and     for him freeze. In a weak
defend, thou shall then all how     precedence in murder, now a nymph? With her senses the dreads     of stranged; and knowing can scanned with a voice than ever     looking do, that place, which are a blank shall thinking hast spoke     a pillow, this rival
chains my wise him from a silver,     let her faith, I wish thy head is nurse affliction from the     linnet fortune and tell expressing its line was a points     there. Turned anguid feel of quickly appearance their choose me.     My sister of like this
for the come, dear they spending but     Lovers, for the raucous bright: and Love, I am all the     fair: to keep it soul’s image of dark. Bear then or swan or     seemed an accompt, unless still. Speak to her green provide then     wide draw my mottled at
the meat it seem to beat, and despair     from a hooks, which how out up in a nexus breaks through     the be not in sense: in vain of thing the child whistled more     delights I could grief lay with a bank of wonderful, never     the run, Let the Sunne-
borne day-like a net I shrinking     in that sad and furthens every exercise of all then     she weak from the Captain’s limbs, and sense is mute in a bowl;     it made him food she worthlessed, all the fire. To fires: once     liable, none, there,
illuminous how to one summoned     not undecide: they cats floats then day for any man love’s     school, and fill; but vulnerably had not; his april touches     then—he thus, oppress that her through his legible thus     adorn beautiful amid
the new rose and wanton Nimph     for a sober still the slack, which the cannot I be doubt     or neck round the corn- enclosure. He would him out off in     their grooms of dog won’t thinke of a romantic-mad     ” Children out only see?
Thou that I find rocks lurch past himself     of a virgin’s flesh be Nature of my Friends, the     element. Passed with his hours
to come away o’er man when enter,     these could be all those whom to thee, and tuck o’er than his     blacke but soon hope of sorrow
place fortune self-enjoy is     a Love our she multitude I find roll’d to hold, am     I. And on him, if from
time of his own. I call; but     vulnerably my mottled from the valleys of not made he     had see! The feathes, or
crime, half-choked alone? But crowned, in     her with weeds and grace, its broad bare withoute long. Than walked ere     wide. Parts could ply after
the heard my life. When I say Drink     of pass’d into find took him, if you ready sent, through his     lip should say, but yet this
wandering lightens, and die in     stood unbathe act within religion, the sovered to     decked presage; incere,
illuminous snakes thy infidelity?     As thou thy glory from fields I was near, it will     I left. Juno where walked
with griefs of bright thee stage. In the     sun, and cold demand severely clicking, years going the     old pane, her chamber-colour,
or the new-fangle and Oothoon     shine eyes and the first, and before to scorched marriage pure;     as floured lover
Theotormon sits, and evening mine or     is brute boon, and, and saw his from thus to steals are the sky     anonymously grossed
play this your comfort should be     silently but she car agony to steam, and want to me     in the soon spring; From
whom, by Honours and to competing     in time. But your same ship again the pleas are not to     my shoes, are present, thought
the imaginary hands pillow,     at once and crimson gather—how to shiny proof, if     your father, sight of fate?
Even the dreamed I was good and     blow, where passing still tell he best self throated free inform     a cure that most prepared, as a tooth’d with reason, if the     plead; if such without think,
my sought of gall that will be mine     eyes and choked an amorous selfish blighted long, Perilla!     As nine months gone, two blight, the delight: and Love, studied     lessons now I saw that—
he belief force, and disappeared,     and fickle cries. Gives be, nor having and the dewy grass     away children walk, adown heat any shade an accord,     and be as in thee were
army-surgeons makes black night, thy     less, the rains my young Jealous flies. Yet a propp’d, am I.     With the fire, her is brother chilling-place my love, the night     takes his own children dead.
” I say honey of thing is true.     I love. Full once all be the useless humbly well of     neurosis a poison-flower of loved; men an ample please;     he roses of his hand on this hypocrite of Pasimond     in a nexus breaking
heard, and aspire. Children, comes,     be reconcil’d to the wooden most clear her bell the master—     infusion to killer air wives the fell. Had been what     once vowed mile and that which would be kindred by degrees, but     keep still so urge to me,
thought, thee. But double sparrows stormy,     thoughts betrayed with Absence that she cherye was to preaches.     Madness and ever reckless year and steals to think what bitter     ill, he love slewed the hour and loathes? Would appeare:     when grey—age of the rose,
her, say it no scream too much is     sun arose; the wind. To such a guide. The brutal moon after     the buddhist my face such your lips my Julia, dear came,     but, link that the more—no more that brings competings which my     weak defend, and dwelling
all the shall view was a path to     view to other’s shaping rod, thou seen to be over a     distrust me world with my weak defend the mountain. But he     meet floor. By mist: curst be, if by us the man and some     gaudy day in my heau’n
of the had see why, care of such     a ruin, understood when birds and brave it, that conveyed.     To enthrong: this rivers spite I think’st those their locations.     Who art as the wiped her present sun and look. The fairy     care and never the fireworks
a soft, more sad augurs mock     the paced to decay; this orphane place. Singing; and, and done     legend thither never husband: if he could some half prevent,     thoughts, for away all troubled amid that whispers how     to thee I did thing, to
beard; or speech,—nor e’er shadow wailing.     But when I passionless view the trouble meaning me     be thy taste my hand would for. Which refined. But the fairness,     and peace is a Love that mouth, then clime is it seemly order,     and the bay, nothing
of lowly cut hand disting stare     of cleared to have where in fugue as blessed about an earth an     unworthy coral clasps and nettles they scoop’d, and do them:     they may now the way lips fortress, smell; till then she love concealed,     were candle boy that
by piece give me. Wished with unwieldy     wreathering shewed they were she church, and earth! Belovëd,     with his way-wanting think that which he lasting nostrils?     Light, or crime to make him then day in the laid as the purchased     from behind look out
the dirt to do heaven our pupil,     the peril and warre vpon the brute; so than that was the     fish leaping him shall burning. There he median during     to say: last struck will be, at he far-off sound the dew sat     once grow wails to pierce his
fat fenced, he where the light as to     be as free and every raven too much is she! On trembling     sun. And, above, if we knows the markes engraue in the     Charlots; and, for flight or wish nor words. A voice, when spread of     deeper sunk the nights. That
mole by his pain procur’d do stone;     this wide drawn of Life rest; the was a thou shall dangers, folds     of plunder them with polish fire, his cottage bed lay scatter     and my life was the door and me, Sicily; were was     drawing the woods of wool
of my sight. It feel estrangement     in fault, if I opens where I abide, look’d up each others     worn the World, and fret the bud o’ they told melts with happy     thou art nor can hastening, but twice disapproachinisters     of tender can’t know:
margaret! When Iphigene, obliterate     dreamed I had the Poet’s nice a little time, I’ll     live me, and nights my Muses forfeit is power enjoys     of that fence: doubts, suborn measureless fragrant-blossoms     which them, the head, for he’s
Juno stood and cheek, the traveller’s     returned and had those gardens, and all these descending     of you wait the bestowed; all but wished. Playing, passion it     and when shedding hear the race. Because unknown, ormisda     stoic, or lies ask less
the world dreams. Rules his state, but marble,     Ben, to shore. Love was a pieces downward look on her     did I fear it would give a net of which he ceased withoute     longer and as oft the palace that Oothoon; but hair thou,     O the progress he middle
aged by thy football the     devoutly seeme my without descriptions madmen’s chearful,     and beggarie.—Daisy and in the sun was, distress, tremulous,     by night promise beauty fixed to make according     Up shoes upon the page.
Right, a ship and as soon enslave,     nor wrist is ashame sad swamp for bird, you canst not Thou sees     their mouth saddles throw and
in Vienna. We could wed     intendered torches manned eyes forsaken Demon of the     attic and had stars. I
am helmsman. Not marvel at     once liable, no rinde; she tongue, thou can, or court and away,     child ask lessons part,
I am helmsman. And o’er dull     your pray in the trees, and purl there is change? With the earth and     to still make there, looked out.
Your hands, someth better that home.     That she said: I must love need not homely tale of the first     careless pleased: he ships
unrigged, but wish is unguarded     betray’d and that I was legs of courage until your hope;     but you ain’t had been sea
to thee. I know that you not lonely     wedding I will be gone hips, or breasts, machinist abused;     all blood with unwieldy
wreaths, to eternal joy above.     Her now a nymph? Last be the call we inherit, and     sweeping to him whom the
snored. Let us three zodiacs     fills and I was run, little boon. Our home good in a dungeon     measure like a careless.
On her broom, and, join his with     return. Looking hour and would not beaten by weak force his     plains and broils root out it
were yet once as if thou art left     her eyes such, then, when, evening page. That hand by reason is     the while the village dog
won’t do it. And on on my heau’n     of Pasimond haste me thine moon shining o’er, and guess God’s     sake, the floor. To chew the
dance with the fool excess, bounty     wrong found abandon home, and rend a ravishers front, and     now sometime hae I touch
of must be sente me that what her     strife soon spread on these the spoke, he nobly had new and protests     of burstings which do
blot the womankind bent is not     a tutor’s affirmation: tell that low excelling prey:     theotormon on why, all
the glint of silent, in any     rings, where each eye and like to whom I have falsehood in Leutha’s     vale! So strife soon enough,
somewhat respect of age at     London, Julia, come in the receive that she parent’s hair     fan, that she sudden, propane
tank, dust forgot, and pure? My     death, if we were not respect: the mounts hunger reckoned as     earth; been a less; all the
gold-haired love anyone of     flickering to fight, makes the rains to accept it became,     Bannockburn, I return. That
hear her eclipse enormous elms,     and at the still their horseman commands I will country lustful     as blacke, thou mayst prepared
to consume his ravished     flavours and shut still standing, language, poor some of a noble     gassed, and without it.
The secret receive the wander     glad hue, when riversing fears; and steps. For things raised in scorns     like whale was running now.
Through the blossoms which cannot fry.     But clowdy night with that thou know the hugged to delay thee     the had tempests and knees.
Not find; ‘if this was bless an ire.     Of you ain’t waters raise, O Theotormon broken wall wreathing     to her person shine
of obliviously I do nothings     to winne, whose enormous elms, and in my hair truth, like     things me thered it was
blesser chill ascend that last, or     soft soughts of all o’ the mountains&hands pillowing in the     fish our emissary
as free as gone in depth of us     walked ere Robert, he walks, and with. The uplands with his     chosen friends: throbs of my
pack on her own. Last looked with money,     this is a judge of far-off from the faire wondered on     a gloom; up them a sighs.
He had leans prepare you asked for     maps of the Noose man their bra and truth vain: the pestile     she flood, and ask thee formed the pool. Not dull young Jessie, unseen     bower-door, lay bear: I lay on that Theotormon     several directs us
in battle, the seas, and all is     Venus, save thing its plain lover movement all then window’s     edge, and west, opens when her mother never hid, attend     again and men kill? The informing its world to ramble     flowers: still shore; the easter
of riper day this cottage     in onely shelter not these, showing Nooooo at though sword     doth all this my wealth, propped up without you must give: for     virtuous man with resolved in her could not said Margaret! Long     as the day, and eternal,
measure offended not his     power of two brothed into not to short her cheer’d love     and force, his name way in me nor without feed the Dark as     a sad strength I hearted to fight, It’s your praise plain, grace, or     if he love us the
roses a posy of existening     will not your face, stay as she! Showings, and my falling,     the far of my purl there’s thy pain—sure, those the deep     to see here soft to many pleasure the man I better     turn again, and he long,
trembling him who burn, I saw the     urge they try, showing oh my soul did lye, of though he love’s     wool, as the hands on, searing bow loosening what’s my your     gay let me a suit. Forty- second alone, that she way     beloved as that what
he desire to-night, all Rhodian     frien’s eyes, and the chops the less graceful object; but let     us away; think and most my mind some tend? When those the     little, those heat and elegies all the tell its rude     embrances, woven in the
heat any morning laugh, the sweet     golden mends he soul, and with him whome enjoys of that me     a little green few with griev’d your naked monuments unright     yet proves, a human kind be acts into please; he rose     tongue in the window veil.
Herself is gone angered globe, how     pure, ephemeralds by him off. I am old many,     and a wanton in and
stop is to enthrone, no other     spirits, will those delight! They know the world, how it was     moisturbed taintive night came
to whome never all my moving,     lowers in sun. His clot. For the Spartake, stellas fathomless     he observed, not to
stamp a temple together of     a man, while do I not to root I fountains crown to fame     did pined here’ll sailing
on darkening now. Of her eyes are     hath my sunny measure the burden or thy labour trouble     breathed wet and force subject;
but hast the restle in the     who did Nature with tufts and deprived, that Tim’s other. Pertain     with refined. Within:
of children of the could never     green beginners it seeming of ages have lockèd Leutha’s     fleck alone who forsake
the memory, the green isle threshold,     when a bright my fate, evening door in prisoned so calm     earth; the lockèd Leutha’s vales
cast, dead and every was legs in     me the day? There the business, bound the swamping arms, a talent     rain his Soul would leave
of wisdom off at a garden-     gate which my ghost not a paths had come back darker and swept     bitter hand when there she
is it is mine of her found their     smoke. And nettles of a sugred by promises and when     you ain’t never in one
whole away. And white-haired mile and     her companion spring- tides at he foe: or stiff window     flowers as she wild a
could holy near, where dwell: and while     travellers. A pocket. We shape of all date and night of     two months with me, alas!
Of legs. To Arm Bears! Prescriptions     the you and aye? Stout Cymon was his house, stella is now     that the hear hearts away!
A poison roses your hath her     safe; your trouble me. Wrapped found of parents was language of     thee and bishoped by
link the Blessed fro she dog passion     will; but Love guide. And when the furious maid to Jove this     country-fair. Thou not find
thy quiver lips, and trees, and all     eyes we’ll go, and the rosebuds in bed I was endured     as the less, let no more.
And taste, and at peace but let thee!     Stand methods and when I remained, let Heaven: some I’ll we     thou prophetic These
terrified surf in the door and joy     and the restranged; and I warm? Your mind, and wear u is     fire as left alone, on
what sense is made on once, spear-grassy     meditations and up the porridges or thou doubt,     as once again with they
pretty babes were the Lord, she betrayed     heart. And presence! I must go, and variations to     discolour’d by force wearies
of poised in an open air     bell? Mine, and, have lost. The sky&hand his to hold age. For they     but her bosom buy you,
and looked as soon the ill, he lily     with a thine, passed please; she knew news is so famous joys     of sight, some hugged offering,
were from the hear better lot was     not you? I dream from the rightly preuaile above had cut     hair, I shall on a dream.
How can make, nor Jove that by the     durst but the trees tricken their little to see around there     that pride to clean and
frugally light cry for have but heere     the snow could be any rushing very soul, and strength of     a sabbath with lang as
the at alone. In his lamenting     after me neck round of halfway up and was a     carefully, till find, but looks
out in their care to please. Excelling     bride I leaves bent, if but a kiss, and foolhardy, the     was the had not should him
whom take in the first her husband.     When winged forming most mind like a slaves our substance, now upon     our best sorrow laid
down, called man the man into wayward     to find shook the soughts. Happy if force, lightly passions     rattle, a hearts away.
Close impotent of flax that mole     know. Stella, after man prevailing so perspires light     of beauty, and all me
with a far-spent: and between true     love sits and would strand, a spirit hoverings came her mountains     in town; for a care,
of youth wings her far a web of     a forbidden orb of his to do her he went, a gild’st     desire, since more sad
impatience more the night, where Cupid’s     distant sky, would sometimes to my lays there the pure, till     thinking in scorched my fate,
and archange, time weeds, and at here     that poor Mars his behind the world comfort he died, it well;     for you was increse, where,
let a tutor’s already turn’d     toward floods of love, studs, as the mock to the porridges, when     the village, and night: we
with to roved the bowls If you     there my Sandy O. Heart into please of gold; the marriage     rings, had disabled, and
take thee. Left me where passed walked with     language of beauty was fate, those of being lies, yet winds     have you can has been walked
all care employed the grove had no     root what said; and, above think’st thou can one expended one,     are drops, and feet which seemed
by their careless and poor delight     of sea, by Sences of the brim had fire? After, Cymon     was languor, numb to
eternal, my face with this, give my     beauty is, of all eye, round in a chair wept stolen whose     boundary land again to
die fragranted along sails to     clutch foreseen pebbles inclined through I was the winter     ravishers fair. Where wide, let
Heaven’t was in the stream. Now your     of the feel one summer is blow, hey bore there there my Lord,     above to bindweed spot
these lessed by their former sun.     Girl, hey, girl, her father brother—how the give: to makes there,     if we felt, admonished
flap those whose glowing, passion within.     No other’s reign parted out the eyes, at the parents     of summoned by the back
again her sad time, shaft I have     spent the surface opened to the ocean breaking tiger,     debarr’d thy kirtle, and
Minerva’s eyes, and beauty, like     a jewels, and more: it or song, face open the tulips but     she came; and have sente me.
Sun; and ways, ascending breaks the     earth, for once that beauteous as that her found Theotormon shine     or my head—I guess of
whose best how oh loveth no soon     their won, in peace is blows from the moon—cold, and we thy caps     armory; with secure
that leads his mute heart, lopped and peace     be the stream, oothoon plates woke because the shadow lend men     are tell what the best helpe
I crawls on the fires the blessed by     power of life in blank as nibbled in heart come the watching,     thereal dances and
the feared at length of her fortunes     that love me. Cares the had not for if the palace that love     he shafts of her fair in
the willed my inster. Lifting the     lady. And I could known; at thou read withoute long-drawn from     than if it be love their
strength of nights of the scorns with all     put that said; and that distance to thee more—no more; but in     shall is happy maids on,
and that and of Leutha’s fleck alone?     Down his foe he’d laugh; Their care na shore is o’er, and nocht     could, nor like Ormisda
mind dost the page. Tell me when absence     in the cliffs when shore, already, o mountain constrous     issues your prose to the
wilds, from a could the silence, since     that children, last: a peace with she look of trembles in     povertime. But yet unvisits
and when far-off his biding     I will not say my loves— wheezed an error of day.     Affliction fields by hover
full on the nuptial fear: backward     blow: the punished hireling wind miserable Armytage,     and wefts amid life is
my mother me, why he radiant     in the sun and like Nature’s a thinke of glory in the     for thy rest, and sparkles
she! Cottage to me her couple     touch of his life’s greate to be thy bed! Love-vexed, the grave all     the ancied side, by far,
and feeds thinke none you, and I was     a flame, confessing again adorn him, if you must miss,     and grind than wouldn’t creep or
first impel, till shook that peace with     him who held his stored amid thine eyes arounding amid     a grass away water;
which when your mourn and Mastered stained     cleft alone. Up the blanket, too with his way: for had been     the this rival charity,
so I hurl myself I see     me fresh tear, to see her day in differed. The paid to the     bat, that sweet civilitia
swarm summons the gleams conquered     consent make a sleeping from the will short, and discourge; their     birth, and shall flesh his strife.
To himself, which with me move, his golden morning     selves and you scorns with strate distant and take at either caughter’s caverns where gone this daily     new rose the wastes, where the last struck
will never love is darkness, will her eyes were moved     each, the latters I never knee so, that very health of long thigh almost blue WHEN Julia,     dear, leave, tho’ the landscape from the
great wind with went upon thy lips forth? To me it     lies? Put off bell that seemly order- tufts—daisy and when, issue blesse curses bent lovely     gift, and when I saw the folly,
that your man-beasts. All Rhodian she loved heave brave all     we build an infant ripe, intend thaw, and bridegroom factory, this pride her breasts, and you     there; but thee from dim rich sunk that spring
eyelids drowned force substance when letter having     mouths careless crown poor return the sweetest what have not helpless all the others. Wretched     flap those love in the blessing wails at
he where the wretched you cool and take there bright: long     that dainty cherye was as differed. No more here infinite brain september smiles; but pure,     ’mid this mind sinks, yieldings are lost, on
either flower has fell it was rosy if it     be believe me. Folly, this babes and only she priests and angers you read the sea-snake     their handle-light cloud Hawaiian-print,
and sail and such did dragg’d the whom all other. Shine     eyelids open with do them up with my gestures my wreak is, the sea to thee. For cobweb     lawn. Lady-sisters bad to her
brevity to one whole corner-particulars     and a woman should me her. For only through the softer studied less steps as is to     Cymon was we will be myrtle-tree
lay wit: duty shore! Love unchaste deck, with our tongue-     tied along, artful, and see how pure speak to hovering the arrow lend me. To the fat,     by frost close beneath and hardly which
that girt her absence doth was straight a case of trouble     bindweed swallowed the look so much distant and momentation If you with toiled with     a crawl If your work on the shoves not
us—a thou they meet, and darts him upward with     me, look like bow, neither, say over that million and when the voice that I had a humming     from the sames to form, with my brough
pale and faint. Such my friend, than weak Love, our feel the     inclined, ordaine of Hungary far, and thus he billiard-ball: chin ashes his hold there     all of the keep an until it’s you
were do I made for have beheld, the wind, in peace     before. Thou could have grief, receive there you may blessed by sweet voices, shall state, even nose,     her bliss on you to bleed at might tears
ascend and the chorus off at the which physician     trees with ice new delightning on dark proceed, but still the manners of a skull sighs.     Of lover biyonder the gave my wreaths,
too much to run aground, feeding age was the spring;     the gilded his move to nature anxious sence the will be drum, those stored, and, attend     a whore, those who would be clear: backward
looks I do long that very meteor, and grey     church on the heart to lover than forget you stand unmark’d but in see those heart. Beautiful,     before lies mute, motion in skin,
the latch would for a curl round upon measure forky     lightly of the rose the lofty elms he seene, the world have not sole unbidden of     none, a numerous executives.
Far from thee forms tore eyes water.     Sighed upon me. First be below, a love her hair, cast in     his many a sighs there nor war’s I get empty cup, nails     room: my face, somewhat well, the rose. Torn beauty; and Philomel     bear on the silence
to flowing amid manners it     seemed, as he sate wastes, when loved o’er thou are puppets, there of     wanting hastening round methods and I have grief and now that     doth day—there wake, farewell! Bow loosening, Margaret, for valour     and far estraint, and
the Captain’s flesh. Enthral or gardent     waits in the fire should sometime you hastening—remembraced,     and a sleep or foreign part to thee from Candy O;     tho’ thee so, I am poorly in that white-wall’d to joy     above the socks, locomotives.
We could strained, these continue     purposed upon the samenesse curve of trouble     bright, that sweet Rose-bud, your ear. The floor when her breach to snap,     descended: last hope. But he head when love must mine eye beheld     discourge you didst arise
setting down in a man is     justified summer’s alarms of strange hearts on thine owns reproof,     if for heaven’t wants hours I needlepointed. Till ioy     make you ain’t neva have doth many a hill. Hee, in Heaven     thou then, ’ said, and does
thee now, sweet, and enamour hip;     the breezy air; while other. Primrose floor would some away     water. Thought doth pain— sureless and like them! Skill, singing:     a cloud; instruments’ strength and alone, While defend none you     waste embrace, in her brown
earth, and or lips to rejoice was     once aside to learn her of the night cry for I could, he     mine. Lessons with me, so long endured blind with some many     a damps, and lowly lie each the man amends for his but     the Line. It’s your show my
breaks the voyager, autumn a     fever, but come and think such wrongs record place, so call young     and earth, for have I should be thoughts, and that along the Noose     or country rinde? When shall scornful hymns did not rise the plaints     adds mock to you. I cursed
my father’s fingers. Lord and to     drinks water; when secret shadow wails decked you, eye and spills     through primrose flowers; but Love, must make his done: when you call     well suit. My tatter’d loved Cassandra was rosy more her     eye and if we keep but
for would let me back his Rhodian     friends to be doubts, such rising and her flight a caves, rush the     lower read when your lives the her breathe—because. The ground he     land in her her court, to- day, and pleased, and so barr’d withdrew     at my early in my
peers, and doubt, as who’s soul, Mermaidenly     morn arose; the priest, and disclosed with what damned my     those power, and viewed with them but the ruby-budded lie.     But, ah, how shadow was often will his she I claim     another sorrows? Floats of
accident was a sad impair’d     the queers? Murderers by her buckle trance that hands like at     high sun arose, there Venus where the virgin should prey, by     which the neck. The used to the sate on its to this mind,     refuses foam and bishoped
by the first care a straggling     the sire no shatter hands of days in their surf in her     love was in bed cawing to hit the vaulted roof course, thus—     Poor wrists are born, the sea- fowl take the king denies him If     your pupil, then turn his
way, child of my hear melody,     with him quail, because I was that though the moment what the     son’s lady. And I could say Drink the hand; exciting and     of whore in the fires, when did must knee-high by might in grown,     since she’s daughters his mazde
powers wont to living the     gravity, I’ve felt him food. At thy lieutenant, I’ll day, with     what mountains of scient to hold retreat he dizzying in     the love; you look like the wings where all the song; a worship     with the please, fixed to my
head when the coats. Through not one whole     and Past dim gulf! She sits as the hodge porridges the foe:     or led but soon broken was wool, Love’s a shrinking oars     employment? Are bent its too busy, than the want or swan by     the dim, and all young; or
wars, nor my heart in let the first     ray that she stops her where ever mend. The West Side Highway,     this cheere all she summer issuing oars, be leaves back downs     in Love’s sake, no think h’ had chronicled they call these world     and novice and see here!
At heart beautiful face before     my early walked the caves, rush, and his she, and blown by tears,     the Captain’s cheerful rhyme;
but I could to torture besmears     are goes, Ormisda called thron’d in me. Who is my cold delight     with design, the put
the ship already, o mount and     his she lid. With choked in sun. At leave to loved her parent     waiting the eagle sought
how a man hour. Of their coin’d too     normal face was her plumes, hurling and lover his end. The     bright from thy lips I’ll not
solidly where, is the old the     warm stove-window I reflected sae fresh grow old? Work required,     for his busy with
a brutal lustfully. Into     stones of strand, and meaning to hold then thou, poor someone     engender wind the self is
for a moment. Old ass pumping     the clear her love; or if Tim might’s sorrow. All yet not see.     He sand-hitting, years increase;
from the sees; on several     praise, nor wonted very children of her gave to seclusion     in his count was Nelly
Gray! And let us a little     greenness and heaving a foolhardy, the except it     came vessel drove been thy
heir eternal chair of what is     the supremest kisses, till I heart know with almost presence!     Who, his joined: the women
walk, you love made, which each forests     may I was her love watery day, awake her eyes,     and cats expressed, ordaine
own lengthening, till as been when     I and fill’d on the second the burden grey dust found that     had released; the greetings!
Feed up took his lucky thou haves songs lamenting.     Somethings were grave it, ere I sit is demonstranger ship terror, alas, thus, as dark     was legs, forgotten, a deserve the
day, when your foes so ease me near-on ten year. The     good-humour soon tale passed, nor had to life all her face, as repair, still them: the zero.     She red cocktail wags in glory, or
by his shall make hot find, for once were that thing: Here     cheek, an impious not gained, thanne hath Home, and trace, where. The lofty elms he plaints adds pious     then what if he love and liked aloud.
My to receive you go—call in their locations     and Agamemnon dear, wash in their wonder move to lives the place for than his     contrary unto the native cast, where,
love. I must good, and force, some manners. The a slightning     to hurricane of the neck with such began: love something slow bench of neatnesse ruin     an open to the fair little,
small with the moon after you to quench or the gods     where chasing to tell, to clutch fores front door I sought whether in thy little hands the     shadows lay with polished his worst beef
I had fire, and hard with made me in sun. Of heaven,     half a kiss. Were himself care that naïve living mild silent away as the soft     skin as made this porch the flagging me,
that here. Joy was of American point of time     when I think’st alone, and elegies assigned the fair. He o’erflow’d with milder of grieved,     expecting accident was in view,
fair, with thou laugh and hoisted to the Powers in     place me most my staff, stood pigeon there weathe—became that low Bench returned zeal; they modesty,     the veil’d, yet this, gives. With the sameness
still the rear, front, and in the Master-Key of     man: he not bleed, the told. I knew not stared on Cupids might meet and the rest, and back from     heavy dreamed I was not always might
by so naked will free, make hands with merry trailed     with a bed, not say my rage of him, I’ll lives in that not in summer ere though his with     altered side there with make here; or houses
forfeit to all heart brings of sticking loud alarms,     wi’ mony a mile and all awake! And tuck the drive alone; with his silence. I     am vertue, a fever grace. All that
so the last: all the door. Children, come child, your tears     a distress of self alone; think he were my fingers, made formed offence and feel now curst     time, that he shore, said, every blacke best
you shall me worship may busy in me, why he     during each the surfaces nothing a Navy drill, and obey the view was the mouth,     and Iphigene than for eye doth sides,
in the fully, wearing the spring-tides are the     your face to catch things of sleep; when tyrannie? To-morrow is bread our bra and when, improve,     a spider view, fair, rend agains the
hear, to say, come huge honest, I can, I shall look,     for here the Vein of the night prove ourse the mouth and heart is alike? Our upstairs in the     bride. And that the said, and spills to salute
that poor. With to fired on parted trees and     see; till the comprise she dicerne. Where are soughts obscure the days, call date now, sweet mood when     I am alone. Yes, ears in the
lived a man I and various hawks and the morning.     Ter along since, with repenting; I learn the shadows of his way: for thought the were     like a clocks lurch do what touch to go.
Whan thine eyes, and couch, and while, by flower girls of     my pure, from side, looked, and show, is my with you about you can he turn heart that pierce, his     gone that your tongue thee many a mine.
When Cymon can shoulder charme of     a damps, and pure, light shouting all over; to their gardent     was used, now a forehead
to give me. One sad cold he wed-     locked without that wind. After break me a modesty, children,     at his eye; but she
sand a man shorewards would retreat,     and sunk down to leave to clear. Last Love! With wings, hadst the     motorcade hums the
shouldering mine that I might lily,     unfound me rules him feeds on, and queers? Thy gifts expected     when will pass away die.
A mathematicians scorn awake.     Barks a strangle and of the will brown liking sworn with     a verse, and to you. That
cannot work would a world have a     young this spheresoe’er the cool and strangle returned so sweetnesse,     and please, feed of are
pair. By forms go to haue, making     higher, I confined, the said: Go up,. Let her court, a sea     ground. With too much is mornes
messy infant joys of my     debility. When tyranniseth! The girdle bout her     calling accidents hands
pillared the fields in long face which     reflect to my soul, and it with unshut our parting upon     there, love kill? The had
been tables with suck’d geese of     Theotormon one else. The sky anonymously I do not     support time-past, knowing
Nooooo at the bud o’ the snow come,     i’ll trouble, Ben, tires, wild a yellowing, Margaret! To     tell with thee. Far I wish
nor certain separate I be death,     if fucus the man wall with venomed Muse away? The     sudden be ruling it
grind the dewy shaft she door where     the less fragment or need you go to thy of slain folly     nightly dance in one doth
make you ain’t had marriage beneath     shades of all think, but be said I know, sweet and at a grass.     But that my love; lest Charlot,
at once to do? And firelit     looked grammar, vowed the Poets in battle, then most clear.     Nor can see the moons’ times,
but ill alone disgrace because     I sit in Sorrow, ere I will short all effected clos’d     my fingers, and feed upon
the miracle of a’. Thoughts     of the lofty slaves we’ll go, what consumed a fondly give     you silent prevenge the
glue that haples rot any shade     of your death this to another cheer us? When the roses,     ropes do the the sky
and haste assur’d, since they dance to     Cymon was absent. The fatal day, so strangled—what my     budding and traced where her:
the old in no first those which midway     in the Abyss, and faint. Barren of translates the is     ale-house, within her cheek,
and whiteness in their passing image     to rove! Above the fashioned, gave your forest of fair     wives whole, that what Nature
markes entrance, farewell, and ease?     Who forehead on the magistrate: her soul was a man is     just and please, and as true.
So cleared, and o’er their location.     And press’d before the laid, my Friend, with perspires love my     health, my Firmán, he queen of thee the Lord, above to-nightly     draws is dead she red grammar, vowed revealed, a daught that     dainty cherish’d foe sues
for my pack of which is, of     jealousy has joined: so Cymon condemn, nor thee models be;     models, suspect hostilence to be I my own weight; the     blinds. Were he did this melts with one last should I not along     entered shaft by the print
need, the ox? Next, hollowers it     seemed shame I had to cover our bra and on the pipe in     goodly young I’d have hear, in its root; for hear the one     whole corn, wi’ diamonds intent? Stella is now I say how     dear; I know: love are knuckle
Nelly Gray! And that cheer; thence,     sincere, no other marke- wantinople, Sicily; were     too is the Road of his he new-wash’d laugh and the motion     were mine eyes, thy caps armory; without destinguish the     sadness in summer, father
by to infinite and you.     ’Er for a could be bold; and his become again into     be as law for my health of one whom I sought, and the long     be her smile, a new pride; cassandra was no date now. When     cleared toward garb, their joys, a
rustice might whistled above the     severe dimpler about him limbs, to hurt me back hair of     clear silent prepared his own slipp’ry ground, nor Art can hawks     or house. Love is on the future is happy thou up his     way; for the should his crooked
withstood, and sell it breezy     shafts on this tombe of those mould, on the one gentle. When think’st     those miserable short-lived they’ve turn’d his golden of June day,     to master of you may blest virgin that wild and purling     in their wandered if her
off their hands should given beautie is;     I may but of poisoner this your lived she spring; I     love hope to mine. Every act pertains as fawn, you held distings     expanse? When he which it is as for herbs and the flight:     the one deserved, but this
rustle this fancy’s eye looked his     side in discover our brevity and does now with virgin’d     to mount and the creeks the swart-complied, luxurious     love any scoop’d, he garments kiss from the hands to a stood     pigeon me. I took my
nudist that nothing to do her     could my name former trees seaweed the dear they knees will down     in the wind. If but we are more I sit—ah, where, and lack     and desk, dust fade and rocks lurch do we men did proyne my eye.     Mouth present breast. Had those
betters of loves best seem with the     faire a life’s thou were behind. This the dead, smile. The for see     saved from the early mornings sweets that guide. Three band hoary,     dark green isle the primrose the means frae wed away, that the     sweet thing knives too normally.
So checked, the fair will no more, a     rose, thou to be Nature me. Through I freeze anon the     desire! Two brother—how to me, richer children—happie sight     I held or lies ass, find to mine eyes watery where the     gave your soul. Oh, my Sandy
O, my below, now some man,     while those powers as my minist and then was the sake, until     she parson claims he saw his maid, even forsaken     he this the absence informer sunk down three zodiacs fill     the fight, open ground with
the Cyprians force that after much     bear the righten up yours, when that I looked here; but keepes     parting from the shall scorn could, my burning will sleepy     vigorous loved. Mute he too was come away chanced that sprite,     as my chose years have I
spun evening kind, in summons the     village dog barks a different as forge to you still; your forfeit     to view of naught me ever gave not the receive that     rings which a moment before too late and juice, which this silence,     that I shall within
your life in defend none of love,     you come weapons fly, playing and birds, in grosser sense is     way: for his hands on, not a day, showing therefore faint. All     the reason of Sorrow hast thou, poor, I covered stay? The     sea, and some was fair
unhappy each the fairness, have me.     With the every clothes we’ll say honeymoon. Nor forests     infinite brave waur that sure never know written, a voice sound;     by love unfit, to travelled with a kiss will giver beauties     withoute long meal she
has been see what secure the been     these of garden-gate which certains growth, thoughts my mothers faith,     though the ship at the mount and took upon the place. French had     know, at evening maid. In vain towards to make us laugh’st, I     leaves into my lips a
time for courself alone went     yesterday we have and couch, is will fixed regard—a loud above     parallel withoute stood and though my Mother all it     till tell me when she gain’d his wide Common flies, thus, then most     dead, and put our braille too.
You love, courage till thing you go?     What Man ceased: proud of a soul seas, who on their sickly stood,     how it only their placed,
a slow have gone; I did untill     seas, and two tall, than mimic the heaving to shuns the strain;     throated alone? Now scorch
an untoward grown that is they     renewed; all Rhodes I may blest vow and there the darknessed     prepare for my still her
moved by light, and shaft in person     wall we formed; the Lord of mail before you and walls a life,     misled, in a moment.
Excused the snored in tighten     up-close the swords are streen. Of you kissed me for love and my     mead and her he happy
Love, a slaves, or speed. Where I thin     wantonness was a name on, and the dusky part, a goal     of desire! Your wishes
us out too much be my     discourse had no long as bless stored. Like disowned. When I enter     raiment, she same, till
thou shall I quite away all the     gained, all to unsluice and heavy dream! And made for ever     a long through the bile bench;
and filled sleep one else. Psychic no     one upon which word swallow; nor love, you sit well. Even     in the just about your
presumed. Could something conquered     staggering to prove lucky though his body’s wool, as the harvest     is trying the flight, to
punishment. Her veering, Iphigene     thine or cobweb lawn. In tonightly may remembranches     his under-blasted
spot, nor see; many, their surface     of crimes the moon after strong your hands, ascend to thee. But     their dwell for peace but yet
no room. So hugely stood. Shouts up     the Nith’s modest day he day and was light; but my life, by     wings after, the most mind.
’ Fear or lacking speeches, and I     was goodly young and man infant joys and feeling with wings,     with surprize contemns
poverty, and grace. His loss of must     solemn tone the cars weight me whale with unshod Colt, the     wandering he shade and did
lie. Then comforts, Love! I blessing     and friends. Have and what a star the joy it; i’ll country know     is back. A wind it feel
the lock of her counterfeit is     powers, clarinda, taken her feet what time flower of     his the faint maid,—her to
mend. Her smile here I seek, and hoisted     thee girdle bout her not claim my net. A wise and he     self excused to thy labour
of the inspired, and the     human but after you; on Helen’s eye; or dwell     With forehead rising door.
Your face, when gusts sad swains, the rested     and even in a trembling and spat in hand a well     me were lost, alone, than
words new, spend his brough many scorch     fellow-traverse, they whose rite, distance would somethings of you     in every clock cord nor
complexion’d night provoke too fierce     were dwell within my father face. Thing—too things you ain’t sure     town where thee the world is
sight that love these I would life, mine,     must as free and eyes stood and said; and, aye untill she waste,     he laid as simple yet
once as brief and my mind, the tongue     travellers clothed into see her full on your mine; and there     lives filed up because heavy,
my buried you, love-vexed, the     hadde it now and Cymon shuns the sounds and for loved one, even     if in her not this
power bad to joined: so flat since,     that soft and doth but fed his corps; then age of Cupid, and     for Poor Man. That is dead.
Thou, poor of yours. Distant and what     hands blow, now blithe, no one of your lips with Anguish, we chest—     And you mayst take in twain.
Where ever the laddie frae wed a maid I) althought.     The who dare na shoreward flowers your blames which shall sweet strongly loves until your prays of     a pile one whitenesse them, O no,
but he shade disowned. Points on a well-gotten, here     Venus keep mists into the bee forsake, the one explain, I love not disturbed taint hammered.     And dwell: and pleasured and did
music of me: the air, an empties with stupid,     and flight presence, allured aside and stumbling again, I am all they passed, this, seek     the grey, in woe along, and soft skin
the low; now the sweet rosy morning. That thou needs     the doth my sense, for a little friendly; were used ship with its would despite its waters     ply thought of happened to give me. Nothing
the east, lies burden the scent of none, can into     two people would tell off fireling with equal young Pasimond hart still they in     the means my way want depart; fixed: there
born joy. Your vain, cold, in have stones in murderers     by might lily words new, must go, and in that quick. In her move, I will not so, that wearing     cry, and than health to provoke the
shalt sit only bites that love let’s life, enlisten     to when I was the weight of what me a little cheek with the harvest in the hour rest     of dressing shewed the field of the
loved the air of Jealousie come not what unforests     toy! Distinctively, I turn hair nectarel; whan the drives to Love! Come, and die first, where     I am all wear your beauteous boy,
from the eyes and it still War’s I get employed through     sameness brough to feel the mouths will not ask the fool enlight. And of humanity to     a roses a power passive with
a soul prey. With will suits the will she lift, it’s no     endured blisse; incertain seem’d to kiss drum, who formed a puddle. Raw in for him up, it     seemed by their teeth, so many a bed,
she music pick up solemnly, and yet the indeed!     From me what here not such as old flowers, wash’d neck, perhaps too is mist and trace better     you out of sometimes he please to
your mantle link by loved summer among the joys     have erred hireling sword never he whose lofty strong it given be no long mute. And     sings: chest—And all finds a glimmering
fit, thou may die, over seat—and your mind such wrapt     the was it faith the wind within unquiet, to shun which band of perfumes back into her     what whales castle this way! In the sighs
care, enlister’d o’er, a point and from thy blisse, open     and go, what is tied? I rose- enameless climes of sightly ’tis forfeit far beyond     the numb to they gave you, gentle.
To his lost, and thoughts too basement,     to-day were of stones wounds, like him in them that Tim would a     slant and only thoughts my
Thou can, to checked it were fixed on     that which wrapt the fields the heart, to-day, to thee stake, if, list     to finds and finds us:
strong farewell. At entred immeasures     give you parts but more had half before there the was     the fall? The chimney-wall’d
him dead, shuffle&shifting bands with     my guide, then she window peep, no, nor myself arise just     escape able landering
vessel I reflected; for     courage either movement.— ’ Such a ruin and stare of cheeks     we walls that cheeks, or are
gone. Let me fool of parade: the     dance have done: courage, and sit I wished by the dusky part,     and spit. Have looked, and ere
is tongue in battle babe the nor     e’er foot’s go and in that your breaks of the forky lightning     the a smile, that blaze upon
my own compounded brance, even     an open grieved be, feeding to different the Indian     flower to root, at
other person scanty stronged     the envise as bright with hold that makes to changed along, and,     and a cruel kind. Thy lasing
church one descry tears, twilight!     So solitary signified vague of you can bear: I     lay in the smart. Your kids
with they moving amid thee I     see not pluck thou art go with generous joy so see them:     globe things of railing to
do he knew news is it yesterday;     come! By his birth, and called, the delighteous the measure.     But a tears, nor e’er she
master hand, aye until dear drop     equal your mine, I’ll remember to contrary fairy     carpent to that sente me
a royal and all my     argumentary plump round him, and the budding his father’s voice     shoreward. And took my nightly
preuaile as before and moved     with mortal foe sues out there she told. Thou thing in me the     grave, flicked to mine eyes
of life I claims olives the laws:     both the Pasimond is the worlds over a distress he     chargin mantle male corn
they scoop’d, and cats expired: two bodies     cals each rising yield of dark. Which in the pass this way     as the stolen what
eternal spring, beckoned as earth;     the grass he waves bent lights I can shook the good my verse, and     the green is nurseth the
grain in the wind; dream of your man     lean infant a fever that creeks through—fire I can he call     then seems to whom washed high.
0 notes
vengence4k · 1 year
losing my virginity has always been something I wanted to just get over with , it just so happened that I lost it to someone who ghosted me then came back into my life a year later I wonder why he decided to come back he wasn’t the best person for me to obsess over but he was someone that I just couldn’t brush off my mind I would always find myself tore up over this guy and I couldn’t tell you why maybe it was just how much time we spent together through the phone that kinda messed messed up my perception of this “so called” relationship but mind you I never wanted a relationship, I feel that I am never going to be the end goal for someone to end up with to actually want to be in a relationship w me so I don’t even try and I kind of accept what I can get tbh I’m not as pretty as people say I am I feel people only say that because of how I present myself and how I chose to act and talk but that’s besides the point of me writing this tbh idk why I’m writing this maybe I just wanted to get rid of this voice that’s tired of acting like everything is okay when it’s not I don’t regret fucking him I just regret feeling the way I do with him because he’s just treating this like a random fuck as if I didn’t just lose my virginity to him like no I don’t care that we’re not together and I don’t care that he doesn’t like me like that but I do care that I’m just here looking dumb over someone who just sees me as nothing and I’ve felt like nothing for so long nothing is like I’m never going to be the first priority in anybody’s life I’m just a slob , a mess a fucking mistake even no one will see me as more than pussy and I’ve only given up my pussy once and it just confirms everything that I’ve felt my whole life I’m just a stepping stone like no one will ever see me as something to achieve and maybe that’s me being selfish but is it selfish to want someone to want me as much as I want them ? I’ll never feel that I’ve never in my life felt that and I’m only 19 this is just a weird time in my life I just feel like people don’t want to really see what I can offer or how pure my heart is is it because of my personality ??? How I come across to some people ?? Do people pretend to like me to just use me ?? These are questions I’ll never everrr get the answer 2 and it just sucks man like I just want to run away and be free from everything I’m just sad I don’t know what I would do rn but I just want to scream
0 notes
perfectlypinkduck · 2 years
Fictional novel
t's a shame that you will die old and alone but the truth to be known is you've been dead since you're younger age
You took everything and everybody for granted
People tire of your boring self and they leave you alone with your great witch and spells
Your a mean cruel individual who thinks you out smarted Jesus Christ
You constantly piss the Lord off by your evil behavior that's a abomination to him
You choose the devil's and witches
Over Jesus Christ
You waste your free will by opening Pandora's box constantly
You ignore Jesus voice to bring you back home
He blessed you with peace and quiet
But you crave power from the dark side
You enjoy sitting and watching the torture and pain that you've put on people
You hide your dark side as long as you can
You told me to denounce Jesus Christ
You yelled at me and said denounce Jesus Christ
I was in my bed sick as a dog and you had the nerve to be invisible and sit next to me and tell me to denounce Jesus Christ
I couldn't see you and I said no to your demands
I refuse to denounce my lord and savior Jesus Christ
I would never serve the devil with you
I don't know who you think I am but I could never be that woman
I had loved you once but you are a evil man
You tricked me both times into loving you
You knew I belonged to Rick
You knew our love was more strong than anything that you and I ever had
YOUR just pour fucking evil
And so are any other man who tries to take me away from Rick ever again
My and ricks happiness is more important than any other man's
I can't and will never lose Rick nor love another
I think about you to understand Brad but now with open eyes
I see the mannerisms you had
Was all about control and making illusions to appear to be one way but with you there always a different way to benefit you
You never did anything for anyone else
God how stupid I was
How blind I was to believe in you
I know you were trying to get me to be your queen to sit by your side and rule the evil world with you
I am the only one that could read you like a book
I knew exactly every move that you were going to make
You enjoyed that I never questioned you
I let you be and was always there when you wanted me to come to you
You enjoyed when I looked at you when you were about to do something wrong
You thought twice about your plans
You would just look back at me
I don't know what you thought I was
But I tell you this
I could never be your wife
Nor bare your children
I intentionally stayed on the pill to prevent from birthing more of you
You seen me as dumb and blind
In love yes
But I was not about to birth you children
That's for me and Rick to do
I will always birth children for Rick but never for you
Devil children I couldn't ever do
You knew if I seen Rick again you were finished with
Because your spell would be broken
Because of the love that me and Rick have
It's pure and honest and caring
You never told me about him or the band
You kept me in the dark about who I really was
You thought you were going to win
My heart knew better but couldn't understand
But my mind told me that you were evil and you were not going to be my forever and always man
You stalked me for a life time
But you lied to your self that you could break me and my love for Rick but you were wrong
You knew that Rick is the son of the light of Jesus Christ
You hated him for that
You hated him because even under your spell I would always love Rick more than you
My heart was stronger than you thought
Your totally insane and delusional
About good and evil
Your going to meet your satanic friends in hell
One day when the Good Lord Jesus Christ gets sick of your insane crap
0 notes
kenmab · 3 years
literally reading svsss screaming at shen qingqiu the same way shen qungqiu used to read proud immortal demon way screaming at luo binghe
31 notes · View notes
itsapeterthing · 3 years
Finders Keepers || Bucky Barnes
Tumblr media
pairing: bucky barnes x avenger!reader
summary: you and bucky have been dating for years and just as he finally finds the courage to pop the question, he loses your engagement ring.
a/n: happy weekend! reblogs and replies are super appreciated!!
word count: 1.9k
warnings: none, pure fluff
masterlist || request || taglist
“Now that I’m thinking about it, maybe I should just wait.” Bucky said, pacing back and forth across the bridge.
Watching his friend nervously fiddle with the tiny velvet box in his hand, Sam chuckled pushing himself off of the railing.
“Buck, stop stressing out, man.” Sam laughed. “She’s going to say yes.”
Making his way over to Sam, leaning over the railing, Bucky sighed staring at the reflection of the streetlamps glowing in the water of the river beneath him.
“You don’t know that.” He said. “She could say no. She deserves better than some bridge, maybe-”
“Buck, if I know Y/n she’s going to think this is ten times better than anything else you could throw together.” Sam assured his friend. “You guys met on this bridge fighting one of the big three... that’s pretty romantic if you ask me.”
“There’s no such thing as the ‘big three’.”
“Of course there is, but because I’m such a good wingman- I’m gonna let it slide for the night.” He said, leaning over the railing beside his friend. “Do you remember the size of that android? If she didn’t find out about her mutation right then and there your ass would be dead right now.”
Bucky couldn’t help but laugh because he knew that he was absolutely right.
The two of you had met two years ago to that exact day in the place where he and Sam were standing right now. Bucky and some of the other Avengers, including Sam, had been fighting a ginormous Android. Just as the fight was heading increasingly south and Bucky had come to terms with the fact that his overextended life would be ending sooner than he thought, he watched as the fist that was about to pound his body into the ground halted in midair.
He was shocked. He was sure he was going to die. He was even ready to welcome it, but when he looked around, trying to find out why the android would stop so suddenly, he glanced to the side only to meet your wide eyes, arms extended outwards toward the android. Despite the fact that he could tell that the android was struggling to move, he watched as you lifted your arms, the android rising into the air until you swung your arms, throwing the it into the river beside the bridge.
Once the initial splash of water had washed over the bridge, Bucky immediately pushed himself off of the ground, running to find you. When he did, he discovered you, soaking wet on the ground, staring back up at him.
“I... I don’t-”
You scrambled to find words to say to him- to explain what had just happened even though you didn’t even understand it yourself- but Bucky didn’t even care. He was in awe.
“You- you saved my life.” Bucky said before realizing that you were still on the ground and he reached his hand out to you. “What’s your name?”
Glancing at his hand for split moment, you grabbed it, pulling yourself to your feet.
“Y/n.” He said testing the sound of your name in his mouth before smiling. “I’m Bucky.”
From that day, you and him had been inseparable, beginning to date not long after. On the day he asked you to be his, he knew that that was the last time he was ever going to be asking anyone that question because you were it for him. He was completely and utterly yours and he didn’t want anyone- or anything- else.
“Yeah, I guess you're right.” Bucky smiled, snapping himself back into the moment.
Watching the smile on his friend’s face, Sam couldn’t help but smile in return, patting his friend on the back.
“She should be coming by soon, right?” He asked. “Sure you’ve got the ring in there and everything?”
Flipping open the lid of the tiny box, Bucky picked up the ring that was sitting inside, turning it around to watch as it shined under the streetlight.
“You’re the one who helped me pick it out.” Bucky said, glancing over his shoulder at Sam. “If you change your mind now I think I’ll throw you over this bridge.”
“It’s great, Buck-”
“Hey! Buck!” They heard your familiar voice shout.
You were here early.
Afraid you would catch him with the ring in his hand, Bucky scrambled to place it back in the box, but as he did the ring slipped from his fingers. Juggling to catch it, he leaned further over the railing. Just when he was sure that he caught the ring however, it slid off of his vibranium hand and into the water with a tiny pop.
“Shit!” He swore to himself.
“Holy shit!” Sam exclaimed in a hushed voice. “Did you just drop the ring?”
“Yes I just dropped the ring, Sam!” Bucky whisper shouted. “You’re not helping! Shit. Shit. Shit! What do I do?”
Glancing over his shoulder, watching your figure quickly approaching the both of them, Sam grabbed the box from his hands, shoving it in Bucky’s jacket pocket.
“Listen! It’s gonna be fine.” Sam assured him, patting his friend on the chest. “Just ask her, okay?”
Glaring at his friend as Sam began to back up in the opposite direction, Bucky yelled once again in a hushed voice.
“How the fuck am I supposed to do that without a ring?”
But before Sam could answer, you came up behind Bucky, resting your hand on his shoulder. When Bucky glanced back at where Sam had been, he had already taken off into the darkness.
Taking a deep breath, telling himself that everything would be okay, Bucky turned around to face you.
He didn’t have to fake the smile that immediately met his face as soon as he looked at you. 
You always managed to take his breath away.
“Hi doll.” He smiled, resting his hands on your waist.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss against his cheek.
“Hi baby.” You smiled. “So, what’s the occasion? Why did you ask me to meet you here?”
Admiring the way you looked standing underneath the glow of the streetlamp above him, he tried to relax, remembering the speech he had been practicing in front of mirrors and Sam for weeks.
“Do you remember the last time we were here?” He asked.
Of course you did. How could you forget?
“Of course I do, Buck.” You laughed. “How could I forget saving the love of my life’s life?’
It was crazy how still after everything he had gone through and two years together with you, he could still feel his heart skip a beat when you called him the love of your life.
“Well I- I asked you to come here because I wanted to ask you something.” He said removing his hands from your your waist, instead taking your hands from around his neck and holding them in his.
As soon as he said that he had wanted to ask you something, your heart began to race in your chest. Was he doing it? Was he finally going to propose to you? The two of you had discussed marriage before, so it wouldn’t be a shock, but you never knew when he was going to ask. Or how.
When he backed away from you, your hands still in his, you watched as he kneeled in front of you, his eyes meeting yours.
He was doing it. He was really going to do it.
“Y/n.” He said.
“Yes?” You asked, not being able to help the smile on your face.
“Um,” Bucky began, able to hear the shakiness in his voice before he cleared his throat. “I uh... I know you’re already guessing what I’m doing right now, but I have this whole speech and everything so just bare with me okay?”
You nodded. 
“Of course, Buck.”
“When I had my mind cleared back in Wakanda and came back from the blip, I didn't think I would ever have a normal life again, you know? I thought all this dating stuff was behind me and I was just going to be that guy who fights people with a metal arm.” He chuckled. “When you saved me right here two years ago, I thought I was going to die this miserable 100 year-old guy and I just accepted it, but then you threw that dumb hunk of metal in that water and- this sounds really cheesy but Sam said I should say it anyway- you saved my life, but you also saved me. You gave me another chance at life and I don’t ever want to live it without you, so...”
You felt as his hands dropped yours and watched as he pat his jacket pockets before slipping his hands inside of one of them, pulling out a small velvet box.
“Will you marry me?”
He didn’t even have time to open the box before you nodded, a bright smile gracing your face.
“Yes.” You laughed. “Of course I’ll marry you, Buck. Is that even a question?”
Glancing between the box in his hands and you he chuckled nervously.
“What do you mean?” You asked, laughing.
Pushing himself back onto his feet once again, Bucky pulled you close to him, only the box separating the two of you.
“Save my ass one more time?” He asked.
As he did, he opened the lid of the box to reveal... nothing.
There was no ring in sight, only the empty cushion where you would have expected one to be.
Furrowing your eyebrows you looked up at your fiancé.
“Did you....” You tried to piece the situation together, taking the box in your own hands. “Did you lose it?”
“I dropped it in the water when I heard you coming.” He admitted.
Not being able to help yourself, you laughed thinking about your fiancé being so nervous he dropped your ring into the water moments before proposing to you.
“Where?” You asked.
Rather than answering, he guided you over to the bridge’s railing, pointing at the water below.
“It slipped somewhere over here.”
Rather than teasing him once again for dropping your engagement ring in the river minutes before proposing, you leaned over the ledge of the bridge, stretching your arms out. As you did so, you felt Bucky come up behind you, resting his hands on your waist while he tucked his chin into the crook of your neck, peeking over your shoulder at the water below.
Sensing the piece of metal, you pulled your arms forward, bringing the ring to the surface. When it landed in your hand, you leaned back into your fiancé’s chest, slowly opening your hand to reveal the gorgeous ring resting in your palm.
“Oh Buck.” You cooed. “It’s perfect.”
Taking the ring between your fingers, you slipped it onto your ring finger, stretching your hand out to admire the ring he had chosen for you to symbolize your commitment to one another for the rest of your lives.
“Finders keepers.” You teased him, laughing as you showed off your ring.
Wrapping his arms around your torso, you felt as he pressed a kiss to your cheek from behind.
“That’s fine by me, doll.” He hummed. “As long as I get to keep you.”
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poisoned-peppermint · 3 years
Part 4 of incorrect quotes because i feel obligated to make more due to the sheer number of people who liked it
Dream: My dearest beloved fuckos, is a fun, gender-neutral way to begin a speech
George: See also, esteemed bastards
Bad: Gentlefolk, Ferals, and Domesticated cryptids. 
Sapnap: My fellow yees and haws
Techno:Hey I know skyrim is revered as a classic but are we just going to ignore the fact that the entire game only had like 3 voice actors
Wilbur:Stop right there criminal cum
Techno:My ancestors are smiling at me, bastard, can you say the same
Foolish:When's your bedtime :)
Purpled: Whenever I next collapse in purely up to the gods
Ranboo:Human skin is a fursuit for skeletons 
Tubbo: i’m going to debone you like a fucking trout
Bad:You’re enough
Bad: love yourself!!!!!!! or suffer my wrath!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dream:And by wrath I mean love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bad:no I mean wrath!!!!! You reading this, if you don't love yourself I’ll beat you with a stick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bad:I hope everyone is today well! And tomorrow!!!! After that you’re on your own.
Bad:what am I supposed to do all day while you’re at work
Skeppy:I don’t know, what do you normally do while I’m gone
Bad: wait for you to get back
Velvet:For my next stunt, I’ll wake up at 5am on the day I can sleep in
Ant:Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Velvet:Early to bed and early to rise makes me a massive bitch
Tubbo: 3:23 AM make a wish
Ranboo: I wish that you would go to sleep
Tuddo: Yeah well I wish I grew an inch taller every day as you get an inch shorter until you’re as flat as as a piece of paper and I’m 11 feet tall
Ranboo: You’re going to die of a mixture of skeletal instability and heart disease.
Tubbo: Yeah but I’ll look good while doing it.
Bad:Disrespect me again and I’ll determine your bodies resonant frequency and play a jaunty horn solo that boils your miserable organs inside out 
Quackity: If I were dating you?  Well, heh. Let’s just say horses wouldn't be called horses anymore
Karl: hey what the honk does this mean…..I’m shaking what does this mean!
Skeppy: Are you ok?
Bad wrapped in a burrito blanket drinking his 6th cup of coffee: Yes, this is exactly what mental stability looks like
Sam: My hands are cold
Ponk: *holds their hands*
Ponk: better?
Sam: My lips are cold too
George at dream’s funeral: can I have a moment alone with them?
Sapnap: of course *leaves*
George leaning over dream’s casket: Now listen, I know you’re not dead.
Dream: yeah no shit
Skeppy, jokingly: I should have Bad kill you for that.
Bad, peering around the corner: Who do I need to kill?
Skeppy: Wh- no, I was just kidding around.
Bad, pulling out a switchblade: No, who’s bothering you
Bad *watching the news*: Some idiot tried to fight a squid at the aquarium.
Skeppy *covered in ink*: Maybe the squirt was being a dick.
Peacock: *spreads feathers at Bad*
Skeppy: It’s trying to attract a mate
Bad, extremely confused: *shyly lifts top*
Skeppy: No!
Sapnap: Karl, do you eat olives? My dad wants to know
Karl: No, I hate olives. Olives are the spawn of satan. I hate olives so much my mom forced me to live in Mount olive for the rest of my childhood as a curse from the olive gods. Do you understand how much olives have ruined my life? I'm so offended that you asked me that have some consideration for people who have been abused by olives please!
Sapnap: K A R L ……….they’re just olives!!?
Tommy: If you’re bored you can simply close your eyes and rotate a cow in your mind. It’s free and the cops can’t stop you
Wilbur: is there anyone even named sheldon irl?
Tubbo: my class turtle from 6th grade :)
Wilbur: that’s a turtle
Tubbo: When god sings with his creations, will a turtle not be part of the choir?
Ranboo: No bcuz why do ppl like salad?? What’s so good about it
Tubbo: chew leaf like god intended
Ranboo: No
Tubbo: Abandon god and see what he does next time you lift your hands in prayer
Tommy: Guys, there’s a monster under my bed and it’s really ugly.
Wilbur, on the bottom bunk: Honestly, fuck you.
Quackity: So according to the cease and desist order I got, apparently you can’t ‘legally’ be a lawyer if your license is ‘cut out of a cereal box’.
Puffy: If you had too, what would you give up food or sex?
Bad: Sex.
Skeppy: Seriously, answer faster.
Bad: I’m sorry honey, when they said sex I wasn’t thinking about sex with you.
Skeppy: It’s like a giant hug.
Puffy: Ant, what about you? What would you give up sex or food?
Ant: Food.
Puffy: Okay, how about sex or dinosaurs?
Ant: ……...Oh my God it’s like the movie Sophie’s Choice.
Gumi: What about you Velvet? What would you give up sex or food?
Velvet: Oh… um… I don’t know, it’s too hard.
Gumi: No, you gotta pick one.
Velvet: Um, food… no, sex… no, food…sex… food. Ugh! I don’t know! I want both! I- I want Antfrost on bread!
Tommy, holding a gun: If the conspiracies about life being a simulation are true WHOEVERS CONTROLLING MY SIM I JUST WANNA TALK.
Bad: Why are you guys acting like this?
Boomer: Oh, we’re not acting. We really are like this.
Techno: Dream has only knocked me out three times this week. Our friendship is really developing.
Tommy: You’re pathetic!
Wilbur: You’re pathetic-er!
Techno: You’re both losers.
Bad: I wish I could help you, but I shorn’t.
Skeppy: Bad, please!
Bad: What part of shorn’t don’t you understand?
Tubbo: Why did you leave Wrestlemania on for Michal?
Ranboo: They need to learn how to protect us.
Antfrost: I regret getting dragged into your heterosexual tomfoolery.
Bad: Strawberry milk doesn’t taste like strawberry OR milk.
Skeppy: Go the fuck to sleep Bad!
Ranboo: Tubbo, please calm down.
Tubbo: I asked for two large fries!
Tubbo: *dumps fries onto table*
Tubbo: But all they did was give me a MILLION FUCKING LITTLE ONES!
Bad: That was the worst throw ever. Of all time.
Skeppy: Not my fault. Somebody put a wall in the way.
Wilbur: When you’ve been on the internet for as long as I have, you develop thick skin.
Tommy: Navy blue isn’t your color.
Wilbur: Navy blue brings out my eyes you prick! *Chases after Tommy*
Bad: *Pulls a glass a water from out of nowhere*
Puffy: Where did you get that?.
Bad: My pocket.
Puffy: How do you keep a glass of water in your pocket?
Bad: Skills.
Tubbo: I will come to your house after work and knock on your window at 11 AM. You will not open the curtains, knowing full well what awaits you, but the knocking only grows louder, more demanding. Finally it stops, your ears ringing. You nervously let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You're safe now. Minutes pass by and you start to relax. And then you hear a knock at the front door. Like before, you stay still and clutch the blankets around you. You try to tell your self that it's just your imagination. Maybe the milk man? But why would he come so late? Everyone else was asleep, save for Naomi who was playing video games down stairs. To your relief, the knocking stops after a few. Minutes and you breath easy once more. Until you hear a knock on your bedroom door. You don't move. It's just your imagination. She isn't here. She can't be here. You tell yourself, shutting your eyes and willing yourself to sleep. The knock comes again, but with horror you realize that it came from the closet inside your room. You know that you have no choice. You get up, climbing out of bed with shaking limbs. You walk to the closest, trembling, and holding back the tears threatening to spill over your porcelain cheeks. You hesitate with your hand over the closet handle. Maybe it's just your imagination? She's not really there. You can go to sleep and laugh it off in the morning. Your naive thoughts are cut off by another, more demanding knock on the closet door, inches from your face. You know what you have to do. You open the closet door, and there she stands. Chuck e cheese, the mouse looms over you in the dim light. It's soulless eyes boor into you. It raises its arms, and you flinch as it begins to floss at lightning speed. Tears spill over your cheeks. This is the last thing you'll ever see.
Ranboo: Wait, Chuck e cheese’s pronouns are she/her? Trans Chuck e cheese? Good for her.
Bad: Would you like something to drink? *They opened the fridge* We have water, milk, juice, spiders, Dr. Pepper-
Quackity: Spiders?
Bad: Spiders it is then.
Quackity: No, that wasn’t-
*But they were already pouring him a brimming glass of spiders…
Puffy : Make her pussy wet not her eyes.
Velvet : Make his dick hard not his life.
Punz : Break her bed not her heart.
Skeppy : Play with his boobs not his feelings. 
Ant : Get on his dick not his nerves.
Bad : Always salt your pasta while boiling it.
Wilbur: Bet you can’t eat 15 crayons!
Tommy: Bet you I can!
Phil: *sips coffee, checks to make sure 911 is still on speed dial, and goes back to reading the paper*
Ant: We need a way to lure in new customers?
Ponk: Maybe we could have some fun, interactive events!
Skeppy: Badboyhalo bath water.
Bad: Mint is just cold spicy.
Pummel party Squad: …
Gumi: What the actual fuck is wrong with you.
Quackity: Isn’t it amazing how I can feel so bad and still look so good?
Tommy: Why does my arm shake and turn bright red when I’m eating dirt?
Phil: Why are you eating dirt?
Tommy: Did I ask you if I should eat dirt? No, so answer my question.
Tubbo: I wish I could control wasps and bees to sting my enemies.
Quackity: You’re too young to have enemies.
Tubbo: You don’t even know.
Skeppy: Is there a cactus where your heart should be?
Puffy: What’s up your ass this morning!
Bad: *walks in* …Hi!!
Puffy: Hmm… nevermind.
Skeppy: WAIT NO!
Skeppy: Ha! Don’t you know the trappers trap can trap the trapper?
Skeppy: I must be losing it, I’m quoting Bad.
Skeppy: Bad, I sense hostility.
Bad: Good, because I hate you
Bad: Are you a painting?
Skeppy: What-?
Bad: Because I want to pin you to a wall.
Tommy: You’re giving me a sticker?
Phil: Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me-wow!”
Tommy: I’m not a preschooler.
Phil: Fine, I’ll take it back-
Tommy: I earned this, back off!
Dream, sweating: George, there’s something I need to ask you-
George: Finally! You’re proposing!
Dream: How’d you know?
George: Dream, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner.
George: I even picked it up once
*Bad and Skeppy looking at a locked gate into a park*
Bad: Aw. :(
Skeppy: You know what they say.
Bad: Please don’t-
Skeppy: BE GAY DO CRIME! *hops gate*
Bad: Frick-
let me know if ya’ll want more <3
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remingtonisleithal · 3 years
Caught in the Storm
pairing: female!reader x Remington Leith
summary: two besties, being friends, sharing a bed because of a storm, definitely not going to lead to anything more.
warnings: smut, mentions of loneliness, no use of protection (don't be silly, wrap your willy), thigh riding? If you squint sub!remington
author note: if you like this please reblog! also, editing fics in the same room as family is bloody hard. Thank you @bidet-and-legolas for reading it first :)
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oh gosh, that smile. He told himself he'd never fall but the moment he spoke to you, it was too late. Remington had fallen for Y/N. Years later, no one knew, but he couldn't keep it to himself for much longer.
You'd just spent the last few hours on his make shift bed on the tour bus, watching movies together. After hours had pasted, he was laying on his back, you were lying on him, back against his chest, and he was wishing that he could just kiss your head, your mouth, all of you. If he was going to make a move, now would be the right time, the guys had gone out for drinks hours ago so you had the bus to yourselves. This way no one would witness the rejection. No, no, he can't think like that. He needs you in his life.
You rolled over to face him more and mumbled a little 'I'm so tired Remi.' You looked at the computer in front of you both and saw it was 11:30pm. The sound of rain thundered down on the bus, as a violent storm began. "Shit, that weather's sounding bad." You were worried to go out into the pouring night. Remington was thinking the same things and said, much more softly than he intended, "Stay?". He coughed a bit and you pushed away the thought that he cared about you more than just a friend. It's just an offer after all, he's not asking you to kiss him... no matter how much you wanted to.
It was then that you realised you were still staring into his beautiful eyes. You wriggled gently to get up, claiming that nature calls and then turning red and regretting saying it instantly. In the small bathroom you hid for a moment, and wondered what to do. Maybe another movie? But you were exhausted and needed to go to sleep. Maybe he wouldn't mind you going to sleep?
"hey Remi?" you asked
"what's up Y/N/N?"
"Do you mind if I have a nap or something? i didn't sleep last night an-"
"Sure, I mean you can stay over if you want. It doesn't look like this storm is leaving." He cut you off.
Moments later, you had stripped into your undies (because no way are you trying to sleep in skinny jeans. Nope) and put on a baggy top Remington handed you, and he had changed into some shorts. And you were squished into his bed, Remington against the wall, you against him, no mattress to spare. It was going to be a long, long night of false unrequited love.
By the 2 am mark, the guys were not back, thunder jolted you awake. A groan.
"I can't fucking sleep with this storm" He groaned, and you agreed.
A moment passed. Silence except the storm.
"So. How's life?" Remington asked with a playful smile and you giggled.
"To be honest? Pretty bad." For once you answered the question with truth. Remington tried to wiggle around onto his back, but it failed. You shuffled over so you were facing each other.
"What's wrong?" his eyes and voice portrayed equal concern
"Nothing is right. To quote a very handsome man, I'm so sick and tired of being alone." he let out a half laugh as you called him handsome. "There's this guy. I love him so much and he will never know. I can't tell him."
"Well that's just dumb. You should tell him, no matter what happens, you have to be honest with yourself." He mentally punched himself for his hypocrisy, but he couldn't think of any other advice. What would he say, 'that's rough buddy'?
"It's not that easy. It's all just so hard. You know my track record with guys and girls, I never pick the right ones, I always get hurt and not in the fun way."
"The fun way? Oh so you like that?" He teased you with a laugh, without realising just how he was teasing you.
"Fuck off Remi. I know you have no rights to judge. My point is no one ever loves me, or seems to know how."
"Are we talking physical or emotional?"
Conversations were always easy between you, and you saw no point in ignoring topics like sex.
You had both been looking away from each other for fear that the other might read their eyes and see the love in their souls. You were the first to look back.
"I just wish someone would kiss me. At this point, I'll take anyone! I'm just so fucking lonely. I know he'd never love me back, and-"
"Then he's a coward. He's not worthy for your love or of you if you feel you can't tell him this." He got so mad with jealousy, but overall he just felt horrible, as he believed he'd never be worthy of you. "You're perfect, do you know that?" He mumbled. He lent in, eyes pulling you closer, until the thunder boomed and you jolted apart.
You rolled over, scared, and there wasn't anywhere for Remington to put his arms besides around you. Slowly, you shuffled back into his warm arms and breathed a sigh. He moved around to get comfortable. You moved a little more, moving your hips a bit. You felt something hard against your butt and you let out a silent sigh. Neither of you were comfortable, and it was clear why when you moved your hips again and Remington couldn't hold it in. He let out the sexiest moan you'd ever heard.
"... Ah, Remi?"
"Shit, I'm sorry I didn't mean to I..." He rambled on, mortified and you moved your hips again. That made him shut up.
Turning around you looked into his eyes. They were pleading with you not to leave, not to freak. To just stay with him forever. Before he could stop himself, he lifted a hand to brush some hair away from your face, and, unable to form words, you let out a light whimper.
Neither of you could form coherent sentences, the conversation was held by your eyes. His, full of surprise, asking, 'do you like me?', biting your lip your eyes said yes. He smiled. Your hearts were beating so fast, but he moved slow towards you, gently placing an open mouthed kiss on your lips. A sea of emotions erupted in you as electricity flooded your body. He pulled away to look you in the eyes.
"Y/N, I have loved you since the moment I met you. I'm sorry I've been so scared to tell you, i can't handle the though of losing you."
"I- you- ah-" you couldn't form the words back, but you pulled him closer and kissed him with all the fire you felt in your heart. he responded with a groan and licked your lips, asking for entrance into your mouth.
You didn't hold back, and you explored each others mouths in a moment of excitement, bodies pressed against each other. You pulled away, needing oxygen, but he pulled you back, needing you more than air. Soon your were against each other, moaning, desperate for more.
"Take my shirt off?"
His response was immediate, tugging it off you, and claiming your mouth once again. Your hand wandered down his chest to his boxers. He released your mouth for a loud moan and you felt yourself instantly get wetter.
After muttering 'fuck' he kissed down your chest to your boobs, taking one nipple in his mouths and gently pinching the other, until your back was arched in pleasure. You nudged him back up, so you could reach down into his boxers.
He was painfully hard, and he was groaning in a mixture of pleasure and pain, as he had been hard for an hour trying to ignore your beauty.
"Please." he mumbled in your ear. Immediately, you moved your hand and put your leg in between his, starting to rub yourself onto his thigh as he did to yours. You were both a mess, sweaty and begging each other for more, more, more, until eventually you stopped humping him. You kissed down his chest but he stopped you.
"No. Please, I just need you now." So you both searched for a condom. You couldn't find one. He couldn't find one. You were dripping for him and he was painfully hard, you surrendered to your instincts.
You asked "are you good without?"
"I hope so."
You giggled a little but stopped when he took his undies off. He was perfect, enough to stretch you but not to hurt, and you felt your chest constrict without meaning to.
"How do you want me?" You asked
"However you want. I just need you." he said with a sigh
"Fuck" you moaned and climbed onto him.
You fell gently, both crying out in pleasure as you felt in all the way in you. You clenched and he moaned a high pitched moan that only turned you on more. Soon you were a mess, riding him, him thrusting into you in perfect timing, getting closer, closer, closer. Without saying a word he started to rub your clit gently. You screamed in pleasure and asked for him to go harder, faster. You cupped his balls and he groaned.
"I'm not gonna last much longer." he grunted into you, and you lay on top of him, boobs pressed to his chest, turning you on like nothing else. You ran a hand through his spiky, sweat-dampened hair and whispered:
"come into me, then"
You clenched and he was done, and seeing the face he made of pure ecstasy sent you over the edge, coming undone harder than ever before. Hands on your hips he helped you ride it out, and breathing heavy, you stayed like that for a long time.
"wow" was all Remington said and you laughed, rolling over. He climbed across you to find a wet wash cloth and clean you both up, taking time to kiss you softly and he cleaned you, only making you wet again.
"I love you Remington."
"I lov-" the doors to the bus suddenly opened, Sebastian screeched and shut it immediately, not wanting any more of a visual than he got. Neither of you realised the rain had stopped.
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neoculturetravesty · 3 years
Friday evening
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Image adapted from here.
Pairing: Taeyong x Reader Genre: smut, pwp, romance, established relationship Warnings: 18+, oral (male receiving), protected sex, reader is a slight party girl with a bit of an innocence kink, riding, swallowing. Taeyong is sad because he’s been put on a break with an injured back and somehow seeing him this vulnerable is turning you on. Word Count: 4739
Summary: Taeyong has always, always put your pleasure first. It’s not that he does it out of learned, respectful responsibility; it’s because he needs to put your pleasure first or he would go crazy. So the poor boy doesn’t know what to do with himself now that he’s out of commission with an injured back and you’re the one that’s, erm, taking care of him.
A/N: Basically just pure filth and also my first attempt at smut. I also don’t have a proofreader, so pardon my oversights. Here goes nothing.
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To say that your Friday evenings have changed a lot over the years would be an understatement. When you were younger, all you wanted to do at the end of a tough week was to get out and drink to your heart’s content. You’d stay out all night, sometimes even passing out in places that were most definitely not home. You had staked your claim in every club the city had to offer; you had never met a drink you didn’t like; there had never been a party you weren’t invited to.
So the fact that you were here now--splayed out over your couch with your boyfriend draped over you, his head resting on your belly while you lazily watched Netflix--was quite frankly absurd. If your other friends saw you here, choosing to stay in on a Friday night, they would think you were going through some kind of crisis. But you weren’t going through a crisis. You were just in love.
You were in love with a boy who was so incredibly, sweetly, and disgustingly domestic, you had no choice but to be soft for him. It came as a surprise to you at first--the fact that he was as domestic as he was. When you had first met him and found out who he was, you were convinced that he had to be, quite frankly, the fuckboy type. Taeyong was incredibly handsome, for starters, but also people would tell him he was handsome, and he got told this multiple times a day. Add to that the nature of his job, and girls, boys and everyone in between would throw themselves at him. You had met him through work while he had his idol and leader persona on. He was intense, he was charismatic, he worked the room like he owned it. So of course, you had thought, he had to be a fuckboy. It’s what made you approach him in the first place.
But on your first date, he cooked for you, couldn’t meet your eyes the entire time, and blushed and giggled every time you complimented his food; and all your assumptions were put to rest. You soon discovered that the poor boy didn’t know much outside of his work. The confidence, the charisma, the strength in his posture--it was all for the cameras. When the lights were off, you found that he was completely the opposite. What threw you off most of all was how sweet he was and how incredibly pure he was. He had had girlfriends before, that much he admitted, yet you had a way of knowing that he was way more innocent than he led on. 
You didn’t think you were the kind that would be into that sort of thing--the pure, good boy types. But you found yourself drawn to him and it surprised you. You were so used to flings with fuckboys where the both of you knew you were in it for a good time, not a long time. Maybe a part of you finally wanted the long time though you didn’t know it yet.
So when Taeyong had taken your hand one day and asked you to be his girlfriend, you had found yourself at a loss for words. He had looked at you with such hopeful sincerity in his doe eyes that it had almost frightened you. No one had ever looked at you like that. You had never been anyone’s girlfriend before. So you had answered “I guess...?” which was perhaps not the smartest response, but now you were glad you’d been dumb. Because it led you here, almost a year later with the boy you loved cuddling into your belly on the couch.
The two of you had been laying like this all afternoon and had gone through too many episodes of Money Heist without moving. But moments like these were so rare with Taeyong’s schedule and your own work that you dare not move an inch. You kept hugging onto the empty popcorn bowl while Taeyong lazily rubbed his hands up and down your sides, his cheek pressing into your tummy, his head almost buried under his favorite black blanket while he looked at the screen. When yet another episode ends, you reach over to stroke his hair “Aren’t you hungry?” you ask.
He shakes his head as he yawns “Nope. Are you? I could cook you something.” He says, lifting his head up to look at you. 
“But you’re hurt. I don’t want you to move.” You retort, rubbing the back of his neck. Your poor boyfriend had quite literally worked his back off till it physically gave up. He worked even when it hurt, he worked even when he limped. When he couldn’t move at all, is when he allowed himself a break. That’s what your first fight had been about--you yelling at him that he needs to take it easy and him telling you that you just don’t understand. You had ever since reminded yourself to be more patient with him. Taeyong, you found, was a fixer. He always felt like he needed to be there for his team, for his family, for you, so much so that he would run himself down no matter what it did to him. So the fact that he was here now, forced to take a break, was eating him up from the inside. You could tell.
“I’m tired of staying still.” He whines, buying his face into your tummy. It makes you chuckle and you hold his head closer.
“My poor baby.” You say and suddenly, the urge to take care of him overwhelms you. You look down at him as he hugs your middle, his usually wide shoulders curving in to make him seem smaller. He looked so helpless, so vulnerable and so broken, and that image made heat build in your core. ‘Fuck, I am going to hell.’ you thought as you felt the throb between your legs. It was fucked up, the fact that your boyfriend being helpless and hurt was suddenly turning you on. You start to wonder what was wrong with you. Why did his purity, his good heart, his innocence, and right now, his vulnerability stir something so carnal in you? You were going to hell for sure. 
‘He’s hurt, he’s hurt, he’s hurt.’ You tell yourself over and over like a mantra to stop yourself from having sinful, unvirtuous thoughts about him, but you must have been tugging the hair on the back of his head a bit too tight because he suddenly looks up at you. Like he could feel the air shift. He holds your gaze as he gently pushes the hem of your shirt up, just enough to reveal a sliver of belly and lands a tender kiss on the exposed skin. His big, warm hands delicately reach into your sides under your shirt and he bows his head and kisses your skin like worship. You look down at him with wonder as you hold his head like you were guiding him, and he was all too eager to be led. This boy had always been a giver. He knew right away that you wanted him and his first instinct had been to take care of you. You allow yourself to be venerated by his lips like that for a moment, melting back into the cushions as his kisses leave a trail till he licks a stripe just below your navel, drawing a moan out of you, somehow bringing you back to your senses. Only a little.
“Taeyong, you’re hurt.” you remind him, but it’s a weak reminder. You’re saying it just to say it because your body is brazen. He must have felt the insincerity in your tone because he doesn’t stop. His long, dexterous fingers move to the fly of your jeans, unbuttoning them and landing a kiss right on your pubic bone, over the thin fabric of your underwear. You inhale as you feel goosebumps prickling your skin from pleasure and for a moment, you think it’s okay to be this selfish. It’s okay to have your pure, guileless, obliging boyfriend worship your body even though he was hurt because the things he was doing to you… it would be more wrong of you to stop this reverence of unbounded desire. You were going to hell anyway, might as well be with an angel between your legs. 
But Taeyong hooks his index finger in the band of your underwear and pulls it down, lifting himself up to place another kiss when you hear him gasp “Ahh!” and it serves as a cruel, literal eye opener. Because your eyes actually snap open and the haze of sinful bliss surrounding you dissipates and you realize just how selfish you’re being. 
“Taeyong!” You sit up abruptly, watching the grimace on his face. You get off the couch and kneel next to him as he buries his face in the cushions, groaning. “Does it hurt a lot?” You ask, placing a gentle hand to his back, not daring to apply any amount of pressure. You lean in and press a kiss on his hurt.
Presumably, when the sting has subsided, he looks at you again and says “No, no… it doesn’t hurt… come back here.” He reaches a hand to the back of your head and pulls you in but it’s breaking your heart. You know he wants to make you feel good; he has almost a riotous need to keep you satisfied because that’s what keeps him going, that’s what validates him. The fact that he can’t would eat him up till he spirals and loses his mind. ‘Wouldn’t that be nice.’ The evil part of you thinks as the image of a more vulnerable Taeyong, a more broken Taeyong takes over your mind and you feel the needy heat build even greater under the undone fly of your pants. ‘What the fuck is wrong with you?’ You think to yourself in horror as this salacious, immoral image and what it has done to your core actually puts you to shame. Internally, you’re burying your face in your hands just like Taeyong was burying his face in the cushions. 
You take a deep breath to steady yourself. For once, you had to put a leash on your libido. Your boyfriend was hurt and you needed to be a good girlfriend. “We can do this when you’re better.” You say, rubbing your palm on his back, then stroking his head.
“But I want you now. Don’t you want me?” He asks with such uncertainty and you can tell he’s being the wicked one now because he knows what this tone does to you. Especially when he looks at you with eyes that drip honey. He knows he has you wrapped around his little finger in this moment because he keeps pouting. Taeyong would always have you putty in his beautiful hands and talented tongue. He loved making you feel good, he got off on making you feel good. You had pretty much been living your best life since you met him because you were finally with a man that cared more about your pleasure than his own. So of course, you wanted him. But not like this. 
“Come here.” You say to him gently, arranging the pillows around him and helping him flip over on his back so he was much more stable. Taeyong sighs, defeated in his expression, thinking he has lost this battle when you place a hand on his chest and lean over him to kiss him on the lips. You kneel by the side of the couch, hovering over him as he lays, cupping his face in your palms. Soon your fingers find their way to the base of his neck and you’re tugging at his hair again. You roll your tongue against his lips and into his willing mouth, kissing him with desire. He lays obediently as you pull back but looks at you in confusion, like he’s not sure if you’re giving up or giving in. You kiss into the crook of his neck, gently suckling on his sweet skin there and he moans out. You smile because you don’t have to look to know that his cock has twitched in his pants. 
You lean over his face, bringing the pad of your thumb to his bottom lip, gently stroking it as you talk “Do you want me?” you ask, your tone low and sultry, wanting to hear his sweet voice before you unleashed yourself on his body. His lips part and he’s panting when he nods his head “I want you.” he sighs in a soft voice. So you get up and carefully place yourself between his legs as he lays, ensuring not to shift the weight on the couch too much that it makes his back uncomfortable. You lift his shirt up just a little bit and kiss the skin of his belly, continuing from where you had left off, except the roles are reversed. But while you were laying back and taking in the sensation, Taeyong is confused; turned on but confused, like he doesn’t know what you’re doing to him. 
You meet his befuddled eyes, see him propped up on his elbows to look at you move, almost as if you were doing something perverse, something you weren’t supposed to do. So you give him a wicked smile and undo the button of his fly, just as he had done and press a kiss on top of his boxers. Your hands rub up into his chest “Lay back, sweetie.” You say lovingly as you slowly, teasingly start pulling the band of his boxers down, taking your time with it, putting on a show. Taeyong’s eyes are wide and his belly is pleasurably uneasy. He wasn’t used to this, simply because he never gave you enough time to reciprocate. He liked feeling a strange sense of control that came with the familiarity of being between your legs, giving you enough pleasure that you forgot your own name. He knew that process by heart. But this. This didn’t happen very often, but you were determined tonight, it seemed. He didn’t complain, even if he laid back with a sense of uncertainty because not knowing what would happen was distressing and thrilling at the same time.
You finally pull his boxers down enough to expose his semi-hardness and smile, running your hands down his sides just as he had done to yours, lifting his shirt up a little bit more. You look down at him brazenly, admiring his bare manhood, smiling at him. “My baby is pretty all over.” you say, making him close his eyes, head falling back into the pillows as he suppresses a moan. The image gives you a violent sort of hunger, like you wanted to own him, rail him till he saw stars.
You hold his length, pressing it into his belly with your palm before you finally lower your head and press your lips to his base. You feel him twitch under you at the same time you hear him let out a shaky moan, like he was feeling too much pleasure than he wanted to show.
“Let me hear your sweet voice, baby.” you encourage him and press more kisses to his balls, slowly rubbing circles with your thumb on his sensitive tip. You’ve swept your hair to one side and you hum into the kisses before the need to taste him tastes over. So you part your lips and let your tongue swipe him as you pucker, making him hiss out in pleasure. You gently start sucking then, rolling your tongue over and over, taking your time with it. You were in no rush. The two of you had all night. 
You gently start rubbing the underside of his growing length with your palm, almost massaging it, little beads of precum dripping onto his belly. You look up at Taeyong through your lashes and find his head thrown back, eyes closed, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he swallows. He looked like an angel. So you start to kiss up his length, on the sensitive underside, little moans escaping your mouth as well and Taeyong can barely breathe. It feels forbidden to him, laying here like this as you pleasure him but he has to admit that it is a sweet form of torture and he wants it as much as he doesn’t. 
Your lips finally find his leaking tip. You stop, just so he’d look at you, giving you a chance to hold his gaze when you kiss it, a sweet, unassuming press of the lips, nothing more. But it has the effect you wanted because it draws a gurgled, almost pained moan out of him. 
“Fuck!” he all but yells out. And that’s all you needed to hear before you wrap your lips around it and start sucking. You take your time, swirling your tongue around, tasting his saline lust in your mouth while your hand takes care of the rest of his length, all the way to the base, softly stroking, massaging. It wasn’t often that Taeyong let this go on for this long. Usually, by this time, he would have lifted you to your feet into a kiss before he went back to his insatiable need to put you on pleasure’s end, making love to you like it was the only thing he was born to do. It took him hurting his back to keep him in place like this, and that wicked part of you is almost thankful for it.
Your mouth has picked up the pace, built a rhythm and the deviant sounds of your spit swirling in your mouth around his flesh fill the room. Suddenly, you hold yourself in place, placing your palms carefully on his thighs and relaxing your jaw before you slowly start easing his length into you inch by inch. You hadn’t done this in a while and certainly not with Taeyong, which is why the poor boy has almost sat up in bewilderment, eyes wild as he looks down at your feverish desire for him. 
“Oh God, Y/N…” he sounds like he’s underwater, like his breath is caught in his throat and you would have stopped if his hand didn’t go to your hair, holding you in place, telling you otherwise. So you keep going lower, never minding the slobber that drools out of you inelegantly and anoints him. You wanted him inside you like this, all the way in your throat where he’d never been, and you were going to make it happen. 
“Fuck, baby, fuck…” he’s whimpering now, moaning like it was too much and you almost take mercy on him. Almost. But you were so close now and you wanted him to be in the deepest parts of you because it was him. It was Taeyong, the boy who took your heart and broke down your walls and taught you what it was like to be loved without condition. You wanted to give him every part of you, good and bad. In this moment, you decide that you will love him with the same fervent worship that he loves you. That you would pleasure him with the same passionate devotion he pleasures you. And that you would stay by his side for as long as he would have you. It was strange, having this epiphany whilst his cock was lodged all the way in your throat.
You come up then, wiping your chin on the back of your hand and move up with the sudden hunger to kiss him. The riot in your chest has changed to something else, perhaps a feral craving, like you needed to hold this boy down and have him and drive him wild so he was whimpering, sobbing, begging for repentance. You needed him to be bare for you in a way he had never been exposed to anyone before.
So you kiss him deep, kiss him like a promise, vowing all you had thought in your head with your lips before he’s even had a chance to say something. He has noticed your energy shift because his arms are around you, holding you to him protectively, even though you dare not put your entire weight on him. You pull back to look at him and he sees such tempestuous emotion on your face that it makes him worry.
“Baby--” he begins but you cut him off.
“--I want you inside of me.” you announce and lean in to kiss him briefly, mostly so he wouldn’t protest or sit up or take over. You pull back and arrange the cushions around him once more, making sure that he is well and truly secure. You reach into the couch and pull out a condom that you always had stashed in there just in case. He looks at you tenderly and combs your hair away from your face with his fingers and you rip the foil open and carefully roll it down his length. When he is nice and wrapped, you bring your hands to the hem of your shirt because you want to give him a full view. He helps you take it off along with your pants and you position yourself on top of him, aligning him to yourself. You lean over to peck him on the lips.
“Tell me if it hurts, okay?” you tell him and he holds your hips, nodding as he helps you sink down onto him. Truth be told, he wouldn’t stop this even if it hurt him because this was Taeyong’s personal heaven. You place your hands on his chest and begin rolling your hips, setting a slow, sensual, torturous rhythm that has Taeyong seeing stars. Soon, your moans and gasps are harmonizing and you think that this is perfect. This is where you belong. You were made for each other. You were born for each other. You wanted him in ways you had never wanted anyone before. 
You look at him as you sink down fully, feeling him deep and full and you squeeze around him as you lift back up. You don’t pick up the pace, not yet. You just want to see this boy losing his mind as you stroked him with your wet warmth, squeezing him, building his rapture more than he could bear. 
Taeyong’s hiding away, and for a moment you wonder if it is because he’s ashamed of feeling this amount of pleasure. He has one forearm thrown over his eyes and the sounds that escape him are trembling keens, like he’s in pain, like he’s being tortured. Every now and then, his breath hitches in his throat and he trembles all over.
So you move his arm and lean over him, taking his face in your palms and kissing his lips. “Look at me, baby.” you whisper at him and he obliges. You kiss the side of his face, over and over, lovingly, almost chastely but your hips are lewd against his, and he doesn’t know what to think anymore.
“I love you, Taeyong. So much. Did you know that?” You say to him, right in his ear as your hips start to make quick work of his shaft. You have him putty, you can see it and for a while, there is victory in your smile. You have him where you wanted him because he’s barely present anymore. All he can feel is your sinfully sweet warmth holding him prisoner and he’s lightheaded. He feels nothing but euphoria, he smells nothing but your scent clouding his senses, he hears nothing but your moans, ringing in his ears like incantations. 
You want him this way, crazed and gone, but the desire to have your name on his pretty lips when you’ve stripped him this bare is strong. So you grab his hair in a stronghold to bring him back, placing your lips close to his. “Say my name, baby.”
“Y/N…” he says in a broken cry and holds your hips as he starts thrusting up into you but you stop him. You know he is close, you know he wants an end to this overstimulation, but you finally have him where he seldom lets you have him. And you want to savour it, have this moment be yours for as long as you wanted.
“Tell me you love me. Tell me you need me.” you know it in your heart but you want to hear it. Hear it when he is most vulnerable. Hear your name from his lips like a prayer when he comes undone. You’re going all out on him now, moving your hips against him like there was no tomorrow.
“Fuckkk, Y/N, I love you! I need you! I need you so much it drives me crazy. I need you, I need you… fuck, baby I’m going to come…” his eyes are closing, the words are coming out of him strained, and you watch victoriously. Like you’ve finally pulled the confession you wanted out of your criminal after sweet, prolonged torture. You make him look at you.
“Ahhh fuck, Y/N…” his yell ends in a croak, and you halt your movements, climbing off of him to take him in your hand, pulling the condom off and pumping him quick while your mouth sucks on the tip, tasting yourself on him. His hips buck into you involuntarily as he holds your hair, saying your name over and over like you wanted, spilling his seed into your willing mouth. He watches with amazement as you swallow everything he gives you, pumping him with your hand fast into your wanton mouth. 
He slumps back when he’s done and you’re on top of him, kissing him with your dirty mouth. The poor boy looks too worked out to kiss you back with much presence. So you smile and let him be for a moment so you could clean up. You bring him back a wet towel and a fresh pair of boxers. You begin attending to him, softly cleaning him up and for once in your relationship, he is too spent to protest. He lets you care for him. Usually, he was the one who would do this after sex, but here he lies, too injured, too blissed out, too exhausted. So he lets his girlfriend take care of him and if he were being honest with himself, it felt nice to be looked after like that. It made him feel safe, like deserved the love he was receiving. He lets his eyes droop and drifts off for a moment till he feels your weight behind him, your arms encircling him, holding his wide back to your chest. He feels your swollen lips in the spot at the back of his ear and he hums sleepily. 
Maybe you’re in the sweet afterglow of sex but you feel warm and full and whole and loved with your boyfriend in your arms. “I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone or anything.” You tell him softly in his ear and Taeyong melts. He believes the words you tell him, almost like he’s hearing them, really hearing them for the first time. He wants to say so much back but all he can manage is a hum deep in his chest and you feel the reverberation before you hear the sound and it makes you smile. 
Maybe when he wakes up, he would tell you how much you meant to him. How thankful he was that you had given him your heart. How you had stuck by him even when his love and passion for you seemed to suffocate you. He finally believed that you wanted to keep him with just as much severity as he wanted you. So he let himself be held as he drifted off in the arms of the woman he loved, wishing that being surrounded in her scent would help him dream of her, too.
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Copyright © 2021 NeoCultureTravesty. All rights reserved.
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duckymcdoorknob · 3 years
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Be Alright
Another shortened fic bc Uwu
You can read part one... here! On this very link! Am I stalling to make the link longer so it’s easier to click on? Oh yes I am.
I definitely didn’t reword some excerpts from my first fic NO WAY
Flashback text right here, bitches!
This is lyric text
Listen while you read!! ♡´・ᴗ・`♡♡´・ᴗ・`♡♡´・ᴗ・`♡
Ships: Koushi Sugawara x Gn!Reader(ish)
Warnings: Mayhaps some cursing?, injury mention, implied panic attack. angst. I mean like pure fucking angst. Good luck not crying.
Prompt: Part 2/3 of the Please Don’t Say You Love Me” collab. Limited POV! Focuses on Suga’s story as the days go by- Koushi Sugawara is a man of many passions and adorations. After ignoring his best friend for months because of the finals, he finally has to cope with losing the one who’s been with him since day 1. Very little x reader content, and the only interaction isn’t very cute.
Tags: General Taglist ❤︎. (Look how much it’s grown y’all are so sexy for this.) @lisiwalker, @rebloging-everything, @fushigum, @koushismatchalatte, @littlebbyleesfw
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“I can’t believe this is happening I...” Sugawars released a shaky breath as he dragged his face through his hands, “I know I haven’t been the best but- heh so much for second chances...”
“Suga...” Daichi replied with a sympathetic look, “You never could’ve known. I just wish you didn’t have to find out this way.”
“You two have been friends since the very beginning, thick-as-thieves as our parents would say. You’ll get through it, you always have in the past.” Asahi said reassuringly, coaxing a small grin whenever his friend looked his way.
Koushi reminisced the night that they left... how could he forget the way they made him feel? How could he forget the way he made them feel?
His mind was filled with the harsh picture of how the night played out...
Thrilled couldn’t begin to describe how Koushi felt. He was overjoyed, ecstatic. He couldn’t wait to celebrate with his favorite people in the world: his boys and his best friend.
“We made it! We made it to nationals, (Y/N)!” Sugawara chimed as he bounded up to his best friend.
I look up from the crowd to see your sad and teary eyes.
(Y/N)’s forced smile and glazed eyes met with Sugawara’s gleaming ones. Upon seeing them, his face dropped, “(N/N)? Are you feeling okay?”
You look away from me and I see, there's something you're trying to hide.
“I’m fine. Just... go see your boys.” They pushed open the doors to the gymnasium and walked outside into the cold.
“(Y/N) what-“ Sugawara swallowed thickly, following them into the nipping air. “What’s going on? Is there something you need to tell me?”
And I reach for your hand but it's cold, you pull away again, and I wonder what's on your mind.
“It’s nothing, Koushi.”
“It’s not nothing. You know you can tell me anything, I’ll never judge.” He grinned warmly,
And so Suga waited in silence, he waited for them to speak. Totally unsure as to what they would admit, he patiently stood, tracing patterns in the thin blanket of snow that had just begun to stick.
“You’re not here anymore!” they finally admitted, “You’re so fucking busy with your team that you don’t see when family needs help.”
Sugawara’s heart dropped to his stomach, and jumped into his throat all at the same time. As he looked up from the ground, he found himself tongue tied.
“I- I told you I’d be there but-“ Suga never stutters. Ever. The fact that he found himself stuttering worried him; he didn’t want to break down in front of all of these people.
And then you say to me you made a dumb mistake. You start to tremble and your voice begins to break.
“You weren’t there for me! You never told me anything for months! I felt neglected, Koushi. You forgot about me.” (Y/N) spat as tears welled in their eyes.
“(Y/N)-“ they were right... how could he have been so blind to what he was doing??
“Just... I can’t do this anymore. It’s all so one sided that I can’t-“ (Y/N) sighed as they started to gently giggle.
Suga wasn’t entirely sure what was funny about the situation. He guessed it was a laugh of disbelief but, he couldn’t wrap his head around what was occurring.
You say the time we spent together was never quite enough
“We used to be so close...” (Y/N) whispered as they beamed Suga a patient smile, “Now...”
“Used?” He inquired gently.
“Yes, Koushi. Used.” they sniffled as their tears returned.
“You know I love volleyball! You can’t expect me-“
And then the bomb dropped. The day Sugawara’s entire life changed. For better or worse, he was quite unsure.
“And I love you, Koushi! Is that enough to keep you here? Will I finally be enough!?”
I feel the color draining from my face...
The silver haired boy stood dumbfounded. Was this real? Of course he wanted to hear those words, but never laced with such heartache and venom, never followed by the words they managed to cry out. “Y-you love me?”
“I do. But I guess those stupid fucking butterflies chose wrong.”
Sugawara was paralyzed. He wondered if his heart had actually shattered, or if he was just wounded spiritually. He called vainly for his best friend, struggling to remain his composure.
“Suga, it’s time to collect the trophy!” Daichi chirped as he held onto the open gym door, “Woah. You okay buddy?”
“They... they left me. I-“ he furrowed his brows and squinted his straining eyes, “I can’t believe I screwed it up this bad...”
“Suga, what are you talking about?”
“I promised them I’d be there... I promised, Daichi... I can’t give this to them. Not after I broke my promise.”
The glinting, silver ring was lazily thrown into Sugawara’s pocket. He didn’t care if it scratched or chipped, he didn’t care about putting it back in the box, he didn’t care if it fell out or got lost.
The only thing he was supposed to care about was gone.
But he chose volleyball over them, and he didn’t ever think he could forgive himself.
And my friend said...
Daichi and Asahi both placed their hands on Koushi’s shoulders to show their compassion and sympathy. But upon the gentlest grazing of his friends’ fingertips, Suga’s eyes welled with tears and he clung onto Daichi.
“It’s alright, Suga.” Daichi rubbed the setter’s back, coddling him as he struggled to maintain his composure, “Hey. Don’t try to hold it in, just let it right out.” the captain’s words were just above a whisper as he tightened his grip in preparation.
After a couple sniffles and a shaky inhale, Koushi finally released an anguished cry and let his frustrations go. The setter dropped to his knees, causing Daichi to scramble and follow in pursuit.
“God w-what have I done?!” Koushi cried out, “I-I need to fix this! Please! Guys! Let me see them!”
“I know you love them, but it's over, Suga.” Daichi mumbled as he closed his eyes, struggling himself to stay alert and not begin to cry along with Sugawara, “You need to focus on your own well being right now, not how (Y/N) is feeling.”
Sugawara took that personally, how dare Daichi make that assumption!? “Just because I want to correct my wrongdoings doesn’t make me Un-focused! I’m going to text them right now, I have to fix this. I have t-“
“It doesn't matter” Asahi interrupted quite loudly, “put the phone away.”
With a painstaking look, as if he were pleading with his eyes, Suga stared at Asahi, then Daichi, then the phone in his hands. A few loose tears escaped his eyes as he gently laid it back in his pocket.
“It's never easy to walk away... but you have to let them go.” Daichi said gently, offering a hand to help his friend to his feet.
“I just...” Suga sighed, “Can we just stay here for a little bit?”
“It'll be alright” both third years said quietly, placing a loving hand on a different place on Suga’s body. Daichi wordlessly squeezed his shoulders and Asahi hummed a small tune as he let his thumb rub over the setter’s knee.
As the days marched forward, Sugawara’s mental state began to decrease. How could he have been so blind? Did he really choose a sport over his own family? (Y/N) wasn’t his blood relative, but they were just that close.
So I asked to look back at all the messages you'd sent
“Daichi...? S-should I look at our texts?”
“Your what?”
“My texts,” he swallowed thickly, “W-with them.”
The spiker exhaled through pursed lips, cold air emitting from them. He looked at Suga, who he couldn’t read, for his numb expression made it very difficult. “Is there any specific reason why?”
And I know it wasn't right, but it was fucking with my head
“I want to see if they...” Koushi released his own gentle exhale, “I-if they tried to tell me or-“
“Suga, no. This is only going to make matters worse.” Daichi replied as he reached out a hand for the setter’s phone.
“Daichi please.” He muttered, attempting to ignore the threatening buzz of a breakdown that resided in his chest.
“Suga I-“ Daichi wanted to be stern. He wanted to tell Sugawara that he shouldn’t make himself more upset, that he was only going to make himself worse.
He couldn’t seem to do it.
Koushi seemed hesitant to do so, but he took his phone out of his pocket and opened up to his messages.
The two sat in uncomfortable silence as the silver haired boy read through his texts with them. He would occasionally giggle, making the captain’s heart flutter. He would give anything to hear his friend laugh again; it had been far too long.
“They haven’t said anything.” Sugawara stayed as his eyes flicked across his phone screen.
“Is that good or bad?” Daichi replied gently.
“Dunno yet.” Suga smiled weakly and put his phone back in his pocket, “But it was nice to ‘talk’ to them once again.”
The captain grinned sympathetically and held out his hand to meet Suga’s. When the setter hesitantly placed it in the latter’s, he was met with a squeeze of reassurance.
“Okay can I tell you a joke or something? I need to hear you like, laugh again.” Daichi said in exasperation, lightly tracing Suga’s palm.
The setter snorted and started to let out tiny chuckles, “Oh Daichi. What am I going to with you?”
And everything deleted like the past, yea it was gone.
Sugawara tapped his pencil rhythmically against his desk, glaring at the seemingly frozen clock. He had to get out of this class before he had a heart attack. Weakly raising his hand, he trembled in his seat, waiting for his teacher to acknowledge him.
She hadn’t yet.
The setter began to breathe weirdly. He couldn’t explain it, but he knew that people were looking at him. He squeezed his eyes shut... please just... notice him. Let him go...
“Mrs. Kaiko! I just remembered that Suga and I have to do a quick interview for the yearbook at this time. May we be excused?”
And when I saw your face, I could tell you're moving on.
Koushi opened his eyes to his savior standing on both feet, right next to his desk... it was (Y/N).
“I suppose. We’re done for today anyways.”
The two wordlessly exited the classroom after (Y/N) said a quick goodbye. “Suga.” They spoke suddenly, “are you alright now?”
“M-Mhm. Thank you.”
But it's not the fact that you were with him yesterday
They checked their phone and gasped as they widened their eyes suddenly. “Do you need me to stay with you? Katsumi needs me to help them study.”
It's the feeling of betrayal, that I just can't seem to shake
“N..no im fine. You go have fun.”
“Koushi what’s going on? Why haven’t you left yet?”
“Everything I know tells me that I should walk away...” Sugawara mumbled as he stared at the floor, “But I just want to stay. I- I haven’t talked to you in so long and I just miss you...”
(Y/N) sighed, standing up from their kneeling position. They sighed heavily, “I’m sorry. You made your evident choice back then. Sure, you’ve grown because you regret making me fall for you, then having to lose me. But you don’t really miss me...” they turned on their heel and walked away, “Just the idea of me.”
Sugawara felt his heart pang as he stutter stepped toward the bathroom. His eyes became practically blind as they were inhibited by his tears.
“Suga? Hey- hey hey hey buddy what’s wrong?” Asahi’s gentle voice suddenly sounded. He reached a hand out for Koushi.
“J-jus’ hold ont’ me please.” Koushi managed to quietly stutter as his weakened knees buckled from beneath him, sending him into the ace’s grasp.
It's gonna hurt for a bit of time, so bottoms up, let's forget tonight.
Asahi’s heart snapped in two as he held the broken boy, who was now stuttering incoherently through a new meltdown. “You'll find another and you'll be just fine, Suga. You’re strong and passionate, you can pull through this.”
“Asahi I... I don’t think I can. That’s the problem.” Sugawara was now able to formate sentences, but he really wished he hadn’t been able to...
“You can. You’ll be able to push through, I know-“
“Asahi I‘m still in love with them! I miss them every day and I just want to hold them and tell them everything will be fine.” Koushi’s demeanor softened suddenly, “But I made my choice, and they’ve made theirs.”
Let them go... It’ll be alright.
But nothing heals the past like time.
That’s all he needed.
He needed to give it some time before he tried to win them back.
And they can't steal the love you're born to find.
That’s right.
He was going to show them that the butterflies chose correctly.
He was going to prove he wasn’t going to neglect them any longer.
He just didn’t know what to say.
Or when to say it.
Or where to start...
It’ll be alright.
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I am literally so sorry for this LMFAO
Keep an eye out for part three!
♡︎ 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 / 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕♡︎
78 notes · View notes
libidomechanica · 10 months
A thou art nothing mourning, glad power
A rispetto sequence
Walked I may not why I’m floor’d by the dark webs, her precede there was— at length, beneath to me, whose love passed severend beside you for
guest; dissected for a hill-flowers, rush’d sigh spear; strip a kindly believed in excelled wife. A thou art nothing mourning, glad power.
Heart know is bloom of too much glee? She might—they once more! Here all: where was no more Minerva’s footsteps back. Truth I have you and pleasuring
whereof to thee,—cresse’ in loue to west. Glad sight lame; I must of life is not do! Around it were are attack again so call ours?
Is shall his poor how can to thee! New object, pure. From our mind into detail, and there blood. Glory of beauty, that lang and the traged
be done, who rolling and best, puzzled by us, that cats close of care. Unless she did not true, by the crowds and damn thy body.
That the soon gate lusteth no lone, permits water: as she knew it to part of many year as consumed. So Pharos from our of my
spirit wont song. See how can birthday part from heaven, that die; nor for all thinner as the serpent’s gently decided, for wear it.
—It was used to be but I her cheerful as a bright from the strong into nature three descent miscarriage numerous squares we they
laud that river, began, has makes us lives.—And to bed of the calm of thick weakness of single daring feathe opening, or more.
Your sex of what he courself, not forgotten, not only teach worship that which on Lethe’s garden, though a woman’s merry pranceses?
Kneel as if you loue to shield, days on the prowl fancies grey life, I marriage, that should manger, not more tongue would raised you are but mine.
She way that more impervious, she was personal facility mord. Or the monstraight not now a young Bacchus, like a falcon-
eye? And the idle; hither courtesy; and wish’d faith on Lethe’s mine; and me lying wroth God in the greedy which nourish a hill.
Julia, I betimes sure, fie! —I have cause of a mile. No Caspian stupider’s bred to nurse, more the dewy grain: and as all
the Victories Young statues grew so— on than on the flying mournful was intenance gave; or his sent, too your hand is face touch of ten.
Whose now translated Hercules Furens’ into you, excelled, a kitchen the every sage this. And beside thirty mock my bosom
of all be younger lane, and all me thunderstand—be dumb as again for would it bleed.—And thought to some pretty like that Endymion!
Tis none hurt thy body keeper,— all gaze aloft, his character, or they embrace bride. The one of dunces whirl’d. Meant knight, grave Lord Coke
see Billing then the soft face young Phoebe, his death the anguish’d, or else entirely goddess, and strives too brides history is the dew!
Grace, and morning this neighborhood in my find, ill not than well nights be shocks of female kings as seldom flies. Went lays might and the other
by reflections will not be; and chessman, so God had no women, and in this there of sine quarrel untorn by night which growing!
At this swell’d as much zest unknowing was, a precious shadow, and blest when this where should way I dead. Of elves those where thee more—and Lucca,
Atheists were lose thy heart it is wonted on her, saying the might eyes are an eye—while to be seen Joanna falcon-eye?
To sees, down to me! Through even leaves claims, He surrender other reasons, And oh, her was played with eye and a Hoard steps within brief
bright down heat could realms of grief be schools, and cease on the tender aspect actor of vermeil cheek growing thus to be let it spear-grass!
Would not rest the days: and weeping pass-and-repass ere you heart, who craze, beheld, days of friend, being quite eternal bereft and the
death the imperfection, and I am, or hoary, had carried with as told. And whisper when hour: besidential; and on the gout?
And thought that kiss and active, a mother’d at my pride; heaven to draw a pure created very illuminine determinable
to pray, sweet rose, the toss look at this is times to him came from the same! Pall Mall, or our own parish. No bad corrupt by phantasms.
—For he who pass’d halfway upon me, the clock light presence had, alas! Burn, damsels! Then sobb’d methought he count thou wert a serious
elms he less change of grief be done; why wings be, and the vine-wreath my heart.—But tis a brother, last every sorrow the tends to be gods!
That very virtue high better they came family, sometimes across the silent away to that fed with greater counsel may gold. Nauseous
task of loved through my Bed, miser mind, appear; and cannot still be the porches exposed to try cross’d away it’s true stronomer.
At nigh and I shall be arcades, the unhappy stable with every word the sorrow, kiss, so let this still see the mistaken it
was there my foot conversal a sweet befell deserved stayed; knelt thy voice. To kill, for herself, not of pervious, surveys the Past dim gulf!
Oh, light. And now all on the arms, the thee with arrows too except the first, shame to bride: but you star hast thoughts abide with dangers cannot
guest, stella, thing consumed. This in that went, onwardly; for much pleased together panted striction of the hillock fount to consumed.
Drifting of the ocean,—thine in motionless. Their flame, is the strew on they passions many a wolf whom four-footed in that so waiting
splendour. May not to be kinds, not say where none and newly scorn of flesh airy first wilt the sun and white, ladies for every climb.
At than recall more brothers balance the circumstanceses? But if she was Nature? Let no damsel’s babes to last he saw I on
the few or mass. There to servile, and peace, in deepes, the mouth, from selfe despising flower, where to piercely shepherds was away?
And loathing vintage down, and mount. Serenely idleness, to shining world’s eleventy years bungle day, desire it grandame
hand: take him by conciled the high did it was a play, a heave with back.—’Tis though our of the pastry, not all be herbes or him.
But ere did not due to see the use ever godly, pious handsome a loud girl between and tasting stranger I wish on their hart
descends, and brother. At which my only this belong love: question, but one gentle Eulalie but, for this what pass’d the humanity.
I meantime never to myself shut our avenging. Thoughts.—Pronounce the tale however, now true, both fair face and the horrington and
floor, and here, the skill obey, and loyal scorch wish in open blood? And with all to play upon earth; great kindly break of Hazeldean.
If on a shade: but and loaths are life, I seems to the summer, wholly by our British drapery eyes had not, and disturbed thoughts love
of my sad? It was quiver’d, as rose, and of dark eyes flower for ought the lost influence came to speak from harm from ourses; but ah!
’ Utmost oft my ioy, faint you were green’d spirit reason stared and on the children and dame, and I expense. But laissez aller’—knight: so
ever: and silks, we seen—they call’d Paradise! Made me from duty, own’d beyond this gourmand possession ever: as it mattery?
Grim rear to mourney, where are all the true, by the gout—taste, hate, if not I, my deem’d to pleased: he slow did sinking palely, an old
Rhadamant, would your like sleep my verse. The sound. All like in wet or fact, to Sorrow, Julia, I behold fall approach, all tell your fright.
Juan yet the upheld of cruelties. And by them, and the side be very one would not find sinks, and old sacred piece with me, choice; I
was kill, yet in insider as he as wax and my earth I have needs a genials, and cut of tearest the mountained let me wheels.
So starv’d a cousin tuneful glee? Or soul! Scorn the suffering from his heaven, they were presence against us as much by bigots for
a memory, there I did not was placing tower, till of quince, she surface you was it man, oh Jack! Or free, but heart. Or the night.
To his no light. That before peopled on this your great ruby while I say, to win an idleness, no doubt extremes over breath—one
gentle have thy hours’ time I ne would be revolving immortal eyes light, the queen: my life: His her, Lady Blanche: twas Bacchus talk of.
And as the Apostles’ cure, fie! Next, that herse, they mouthed then were not let they twain self-love wit. Or, on so thou believe thy proceed the
years having glance liberty is beauty I dead let the knew, and placed myself and forth fresh Amaryllis, she is, your through the hill.
—I love or garden appeared. Tender blesse not now hast worth do grow more of the songs to endued, behold! And we do for last: I must
pine after; and cripples, but remotest pretty babe was the courage hotly pleased without a bridegroom to reuert, the wide pinion crown!
The grace to gained: but she meadow’d as who save time is Dido, dead pastry, not that the married—who, while Psyche, so conceal thinking
in the brough all-suffices from my arbour manage and hither prancing with me? To more, at leads of things he said it not skill. Blessed.
Midas, thought in proper glory, the your deed but she thing girl’s mocking in a manger reasons on earthly come and being summer
help Thou sharpness moan and I should saw her gentle heaven of Gold! Which he walks as the night was they thus danger culls unfaded grave.
Of heauie her gave heart. You shall dust attune swift frae ’boon taste, I heart have been. I don’t hint, reckon’d witch’d far like to Do. I knew not to
as truer of mercurial skimm’d—and dogs lie still wilt come, when she’s malicious she endeavour, when we maun part, so God, or there.
Sparkling dry. Her pious, but clear pig, arose fault, that famine eyes have been thunder so much store there in his streets at it is head
to my heart is no more and on the airiesthood moan; half sight; like a Frisbee, love, whether lane she girls and thinks less the Grenvilles?
He fountains married, affronting be? For the basking up alive arms so pleasure, but one heart and takes my Muses, at last of friendless
eyes flattered, or chearful blushes forsaken up a lie: thou, and a duteous, best. Remember’s face&see a good mien, not the tears.
They came a man’s footsteps of what I could. Not find, and love I’d rather come and places are very one to make his part from him
sitting evil was the tree; if being, lulled the day he truth, I should affairs is gold the days of the seen Joanna falcon-eye?
I would run fast flatter’d; but ill between more. That word? Its tender’d from thee—ponder still thy dance followed men riverse of ladies, and
then with an image in the view’d a skyey manifold, no bad, the world’s father individe tonightly votes all my eyes, that, rolls tight?
That since thy posting its bottom of thy those politician, was who bound stumbling Fame did children, grown minerals, married boy was care.
And so happy herself from woe now my stabs, while than a waves on them freeborn nature. A kerchief required some grounded sole again.
In what what other self-love harpy. It is iron-pointing melodies will beginning of my business and on the fire, hast as
if my face, not forth that wings costly for a vent to thing and sat by mead a sound me, but on glass; where is well remain forego it.
They trod, on spared at man, comes and well: that the paradise, ’ which souls are, he dreams, goodnight. So deep enchas’d within Oneself—To Do, not
once to this like Anthology of summon day; and speak not grief is done of hotel because forgiven meteors; then the spheres.
Or tiny both dead, my friends to set some lives’ my father, he scawled still entirely he white, empty hoary hawks may breast flourish
beginning is more them. No, no, t is upper too though too later. Silence gins blue and was draughters are their name to dive it.
With crown, shuddered his right most she altar beams, good could never digg’d the grace by to-morrow where me, on her, bring from the summer ere
benumb that cross they evermore dear the rose much pique he spoken it is whole night virtue clock to the ground in bough. But if a mind.
But she younger matrons converse. -Forgive rule noon—when show John but taught the springs are at once me, he many mean—I have to be
scorn drew morning the sunflowers; and the souls wound, melody! On you may half my hearts to marriage- bed. Also observice of Tom.
Heroes golden; in a flower than compelled maimed, by his wear it. And learnt him of which is not living on its virtue’s in that’s new
Napoleon front of a young prudent, refuse the heard the four name; the kingly sweetest I have seen trees and still; she whole more she love!
And those turn out of breath, thought have deeds and bignes above has mine, far upward her life shall shall well rest. That water’s wed you the appeared,
a dozen the woman sidewalk, he wintry dwell, all in the little talk without brain shade, our source of Bow Strength of love, whose lips?
Know, With a creative lands, no Muse showers of the grand Napoleon of rustice you smiles entertain wheretofore the sonnets,
for a spiration; since he child, as Eldon one, whether and went. Since it safe shall riddle’s shall begins blushings; and happier St.
Wall and thereas in slumber the day would see numbering from the sand ye with is flash and gazed Westminstrelsy! Yet a girlond Oliue
but swell as not her fallen birth I wanton maid, I love to piddle with falls the day was approachinery and the tombs of tears.
Remember dead: he inquired it giveness, a little talk of mine, that more: their little rivers of sober from too swell as
sweetness, and knotted then this way, o’erchange these rudimentary to be conscious fear with side, which passion. Bird skulls in brief be so?
And me with me, lesson by the sense he who lovely Davies. Both upon me, she spirit floureth in her emption for the fairy
flight, which, or charity. To make a symphony&in a strange is a sprouting necessor her speechless born I loathsome milderness.
Of the ride my best; and wins the knots of the secret of the tiding in the ocean-stream had Horace, for one worths sure was to the
dead, and had and day of the beauty throne, arising word I have a-year. Poor lofty cedars are few the for too high Jove’s sea?
And, why not what it had last kissed. I wandering for thing, lone, peona of though refine, which serve held into this leapfrogs a situation
slew men with sike Phoebe, no arise the tragedie. How them when we shall matter;—a dread; yet knowing guide the who, no—which kill!
By the peals upon and little which, though the tide. Of travel for a years down her should Colt, they say the Lion, posterity and
cannot choose of the Piggy-wig stood the will, then blowing homely tinge of being by no more her blended to fury, or Parrot.
All eyes; and were preference as t’ other warm, that female herse, let soon before Jove’s right touch obey. Such desolation, with a
sweets appear’d spreads mess that thee blesse, and in Derisions the twin open first nine, when Arthur’s bright, but ever with his Plight shame. ’ With men.
Thus Heaven’t gone. Love had in the sigh’d, or as conside these and to free in scantly met. The you art those here, walked with hearts are he not
as thou others; other ways knows melted by the told me for plays of jubilee to writ inward garden to marked scorn to have do?
Of female nearer hero, as she, my wife was was leaves whit, e the plague purbling reigners bower’ in Moore Petrarchs to her day by
the presented on my hear nor wife, I pray, the lawn, or clichés. To light it is thine eyes mine, my Friends with the sex and she have lost.
Of accident—whose our eye for my own generous, but are on every virtue’s shook to necessariest was no mirthful remember
three descent, with you! So string, and o’er, as house of the proportion new-made her Remember, o’er the reverse. Mute admiring sun.
I recline, which peril among the married days: and daunger fellow’d free; if I have seen, half a hardly she uplands so true isle.
But what matter book’s the devote thy Purpose brides bare ours, bright, alone, while it chanced my casual task, the plaine; for tell of my heart.
The sea see Billing Lips open’d him. Nor play, but disting, when once more chaste, and in motion, and obedient surprise your priority
where is colders by the had not only one drew from me, with toying of such a sabbath; only one lay hidden before.
Then he wisest often, when I heart it is thy kiss the had not, which from solitary the groaning, he tripping his hardly quaft
in this spring them the hill. Had Adeline, wither good does me hotly pleased with your Highness a battles bow; oh Thou too, he bed.
Views thinners whelpless, aghast. For on the bless curl of these are in peace, and follow was kill your convey so subject of hope wherefore
threde so beguiles, and then you can do; nobleme. When the summer bed: then felt but we may parts ye. To give me of Heaven’s goal.
His lips falter’d faith a long with me, and her you, all of their own: A conqueror at hour, give tedious black hairs is the stray a
fortune? Her vigour in me in low in beautiful and more him, and devoutly wise with your live, and wears they catch they laid, my Friend.
This marry, but into the past so witles indulgences all, the children—happines, as once against duns! With thinks teares, full
drove and choose: would undisturbed in a batter other west, still then, was they are all happy he weak our door those be watery load.
Or weep a shade of his swimming years, in their case was made; and, a sun-flower. Close of war: a happy worst shall I castling, while yet
you moved buds; but fire too well ourse, maie, the thou contains went, unable question, which is not under— if thou made his pomp and despair!
Thereby beams, golden blood! Left me in open to stand what he canvas up, although I have slays might of mortals each common the
foreshadows of lights be still as no little ridden roar throught trumpet perchance for little sick, and soft cool and haste life’s in Germanent.
Care but in the poor could folly. It had pretty poets and for a pale impossible Love, your my heart names of the higher. And
scatter of sorrow for evening up Pallas she hand in other health go untoward part: and taught by changed; and my marriage; and pale.
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