#he’s prolly jealous of your friendship
fiendishfables · 30 days
Lucifer, grinning: Before you were what?
Alastor: Before I was-
Lucifer: What?
Alastor: Before I was inter-
Lucifer: Before you were interrupted?
Alastor: Cut me off one more time and I swear I'll-
Lucifer: What?
Alastor: *frustrated static sounds*
Y/N, nervously: Stop that. Before he hurts you.
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campwillowpeak · 1 year
Could we get Harper SFW Alphabet?
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Harper is super affectionate! He shows it though physical contact (if you're ok with it), acts of service, and some light teasing
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) Absolute gremlin. Playfull bullying. Throwing rocks at your window at 2am to come out and join him for some questionable shinanigans. He's all about being an absolute goof and having a good time. Though if you ever need anything he'd insist you don't hesitate to come to him, he'll help out a buddy however he can (Whether by legal means or not :) )
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) Harper fucking LOVES to cuddle. He'll wrap his long ol arms around you and hold you as close as he can without hurting you. Nuzzling his face into your hair with the biggest, goofiest grin… Good luck getting away from him any time soon :)
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) He likes the idea of having a family some day, but he won't raise a fuss or anything if you're not for that! He's an excellent cook since its one of his main hobbies, and he likes to keep things fairly tidy… He isn't very diligent about laundry though… putting it away neatly anyway, he more often than not has a pile of unfolded clean laundry frequently being transfered between his computer chair and his bed. He does keep the dirty ones in the hamper though
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) HAHAHAH Break up? HHAHAHAHA Thats funny :)))))))))))
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) Harper already ready to get down on one knee the moment he gets you to like him back… fuck he's prolly ready before even that
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) He can be very gentle if thats what you prefer! He's a big guy but he knows how to be careful. Soft tender hugs, holding your hand in his, gentle kisses to the cheek. As far as emotionally, with you he's more than happy to open up and let you know just how much he adores you, going on and on about every little thing about you that makes him smile
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) He loves hugs! He'll take em any time he can get em. Hugging you close while cuddling… Hugging you from behind while you're working on something… Man could just be looking at you for a few seconds and he's just filled with the urge to wrap his arms around you~
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) Dawg already been saying it to you while watching you sleep for like the past year LMAOOOOO
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) Ahah… Ahahahah…. Ahahahahahah.. You remember that guy you told Harper about who was hitting on you last night? It looks like they're now on fucking fire… shame really ( ovo)
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) His kisses can range from soft and gentle to rough and firm depending on the mood. His lips are very soft n you kno he keeps those suckers moisturized He loves to kiss your thighs and neck, also leaving little nibbles as well uvu Personally he loves to be kissed on the cheek, lips, and on his scars… Just makes him feel all tingly inside |D
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) Harper is pretty ok around kids, he def tolorates them better than he does older people, especially if they match his goofy gremlin energy. He's very much one to egg them on to be mischevious and if they're all going gremlin mode you'll 100% catch him playing and messing around with them, letting them hang off his arms, giving them piggy back rides, playing video games with them, ect. He'd also be very protective of em. He def has a soft spot for kids… And if they were his own then even more so
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) Harper isn't the most early of risers, he's a lil slow to wake up and usually goes through 2 whole ass pots of coffee before he's even functioning, then even more throughout the day He also takes a little bit of time to get ready in the morning just tending to his teeth alone, he has a whole routine for them that takes up half an hour. And expect to be spending at least another half hour even before that just trying to convince him to let you go so you can get out of bed
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) If its not a date night or anything then usually chilling together, watching movies, playing games, doing whatever fun little activities you guys can come up with. Though he'd love to take you out frequently for nights on the town, shopping and taking you to nice resturants and events. He wants to spoil you day and night but he also knows the importance of down time uvu
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) He'll start slow, trying to get you to warm up to him. But once you're official he'll gradually open up more and more… Though there are some things he'd rather you never find out :)))
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) At you? Rarely if ever. At everyone else? They're on thin ice just being in the same room as him… and even more so the same room as you :)))
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) Harper memorizes everything he can about you. Every little bit of information he can get his grubby, oversized hands on he's already commited to memory and he knows more about you than even some of your closest friends thanks to all that good ol fashioned stalking he been doing uvu
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) When you both first reached the camp and he realized now he'd be able to openly interact with you without you easily being able to get away uvu
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) Mega protective, the minute Harper even thinks something or someone is a danger to you he's immediately putting that big ol body of his between you and whoever/whatever it is. And if you were ever hurt? Whoever is responsible is going to be finding their subscription to breathing being cancelled real soon
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) Oh the man is going all out on special events like those if you let him… Fancy dates, taking you to your favorite places, making you the absolute BEST food if not taking you out to wherever you wanted to eat. He'd make sure every date, anniversary, special event with him is one you'll never forget0 As for chores, he doesn't mind doin em, especially things like cooking :)
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) He doesn't bother with small things like matching his socks. And he has a bad habit of picking at his fingertips especially when he's nervous
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) Harper likes looking cleaned up but other than that his style and vibe is pretty chill. Not like grungy or anything but also not super fancy… I guess just slightly above average attention to it?
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) Very much so, he wouldn't be able to bring himself to function much past taking care of his Nonna, and when she's gone he'd pretty much just… give up
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) He makes random noises when he's bored or focusing on something, half the time he doesn't even realize he's doign it. But sometimes he'll just look at you, freeze for a few seconds, and then make some silly noise before giving you a goofy laugh
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) He hates avacados. He also doesn't like things being super messy/dirty
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) He talks in his sleep sometimes… Sometimes its just random gibberish, others you could hold full, if not very strange, convorsations with him while he's sleeping
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terribles-world · 11 months
The clash : OI
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Main protagonist: jjk x reader! best friends au.
Warnings: heart- break, angst, dirty talk, sex- chat (more prolly you PPL will find it in the story.)
Summary: Ever since you laid eyes on him some beautiful sensation felt in your tummy. Love or attraction? What happens when this feeling grows more even when he got a gf and you became a third wheeler whom he tagged as a mere friend.
Word count: 1.4k
an: this is my first blog. So I hope ignoring the grammatical errors you enjoy the storyline. Do let me know what you guys think of the characters. I really liked writing it though. Enjoy!
"Where have you been lately" you ask hoping something less hurtful when you settled yourself next to him in the couch.
"Hanging out with my girlfriend. Why!?" he asks not even looking at you. Dude? What?
"I just missed my lil' kook" you replied moving a lil' closer to his bicep looking at him while he doesn't even bother to look at you.
"yeah! Me too" he murmers still not looking at you. Still wondering if he really missed you or not.
"Doesn't seem that way" you told moving you gaze from him to the tv.
"Then what do you expect from me, ___?" he questioned finally looking at you. Looking into your eyes he saw a kind of disappointment, sadness maybe but that least bothers him.
"I didn't came here to expect things from you kook. I just came here maybe spend sometime with you cause you 've been so busy lately with your others friends." you said sternly hoping to get a soft reply but instead he poked his inner cheeks with his tongue.
"Well I've been busy lately spending time with my gf. You got a problem with that?" you paused for a sec not knowing what to reply next. Is this the same person whom you called a best friend for so long asking you whether you got a problem when he ditched you just to hang out with his gf. What happened to the person when he promised you to be best friend for life till death do us apart. You suddenly laughted thinking what a fool you were thinking that the person sitting next to you would be your so called soul mate but ironically he thought of you nothing but a mere friend whom he needed when he caught himself in a fight with her ex-gfs (that were his previous gfs), or when he needed to do his homework/ assignments/ projects or whom he can call in the middle of the night just to hang out knowing how typical and conservative you parents were about girls being out at night but still ignoring all the worst outcomes will happen to you being caught by your parents but decided to hoop out from the window for the sake of your friendship. Just a mere thought of him being alone drinking his ass off and you not being his side when he needed you the most made you think what a shitty friend you would if you left him go through that alone. Keeping aside all those memories of happiness that you both cherished all those 6 years of friendship, he asked whether you are having any problem because you decided to visit his place.
"No! Obviously not. Why would I've a problem when you ditched you best friend for almost 2 weeks for some 5 months relationship. Sending her dry texts making her feel that all the efforts needed in this friendship is going vain. Not even bothering atleast to give a call. No. And now you are asking me whether I got a problem" your eyes betraying yourself when a traitor tear drops from your eyes. Being a sensitive person always been a obstacle in your path. Why? Maybe you're just weak. Or maybe you can't keep your emotions aside when you get in a heated conversation.
"Are you perhaps jealous coz I got someone and you don't". That's it. He didn't mean those. Is he? Is that what he thinks of you. You got nobody. Just because you never thought of being with someone else he is accusing of you being jealous. What on Earth is he saying.
"Why would I be jealous of you when I know she isn't gonna last long"you scoff. "How can you say that about her. You know what I think we aren't good of being friends. I always wanted to say but ___, I'm sorry coz we are better off friends." He what? And thats when you knew your world shattered. He is deciding our friendship to break a long ago?
"Hey! hey! hey! Kook! You kidding right? You can't break our friendship just because of a mere relationship ryt?"you said, tears rolling down your eyes."Don't you ever say that again. I love her God dammit." he growled at your face standing up from the couch. "How can you even think of her like that. Or is it because of the mistake we both made. Don't end up thinking I've some feelings for you ___. Okay! It's just I don't like you that way besides Yuri doesn't like me being with you. So hope you understand" he smiled thinking about her gf. He fucking smiled. You are in the verge of having a mental break down and he is smiling thinking about her gf. Is he serious rn? 6 and half years of friendship meant nothing for him. You couldn't resist yourself but to ask.
"A-Am I nothing to you kook? Am I just you temporary escape of your happiness?"your words were shattering. "Since we are breaking our friendship better not call me kook. Just Jungkook." Wow! Reminded me that day when he insisted you to call him by a cute nickname instead of Jungkook. He tickled you in stomach. Couldn't able to handle to laughter you told him "stop tickling me kook". "Kook? Yeah I like that." That's how he got a cute nickname 'kook'. "And our friendship was good. Yeah! We had a great time." Indeed time flies so fast.
"Hey ___ it's not like that you have been a great friend. But I don't want our friendship to be a nuisance and trouble us in our future. So it's better I guess" "You guess?" Yeah! Maybe but I think you should go, Yuri must be coming" Ouch. And I thought he couldn't be more mean. "Yeah I prolly should go. Better luck with your future. I had great time spending with you in past years and grateful for you accepting me as a good friend. I'm blessed. Thank you so much, ehh!what's your name? Oh yeah Jeon Jungkook". He lowered his face looking down muturing something which is far audible to your ears.
Quickly packing your things you began to walk out the apartment. Standing at the door you took a quick glance at you best friend. Well more like your formal best friend. He smiled. Just a quick smile but his eyes telling you otherwise. Forced to do this? Feeling pathetic? You quickly tried to read those beautiful doe eyes telling you emotionally as if he can't tell you verbally but maybe you luck isn't by your side.
"Hey baby, oh hey ___ . You okay? You don't look good." Yuri came asking about you, more like fake concerns for you. A glance at her when you look a little grin on her face. So she brainwashed his head. Is jungkook seriously a kid can't see the difference between good or bad or he intentionally getting brainwashed. Or maybe he got worst instincts. Calm down. Calm your nerves ___. She is just a pathetic bitch nothing else. Calm down you got this.
"Well I guess I can ask you the same after this" your replied moving towards her. And the very next moment you saw her in the floor with a swollen jaw. "____" jungkook screamed. Processing what just happened now. "Calm down silly. I didn't even punched her so hard. Besides thank me later when you get into her pants after pampering her, taking care of her and ofcourse cursing me how pathetic slut I'm for doing this. Go on! Enjoy your evening dear." With that you walk out of the place for forever that once gave you homely vibes.
Do let me know guys if you enjoyed and comment down what do you think jungkook talking about that night? What he must be thinking breaking off friendship with you? Any guesses?
Happy reading!
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ldh-headcannon · 3 years
hcs of the sannoh hoodlum squad members having a crush on someone??? and perhaps trying to confess to them???
I'm sorry this took so long! I was meaning to get this out sooner but I suck. But either way I do hope you enjoy.
He prolly knew you since you all were kids
But he didn’t really develop feelings for you ‘til recently when you start coming around Itokan because of your friendship with Naomi
After he starts noticing you more he will try to ask Naomi about you as nonchalant as possible
And she will notice his crush before he even did
He’d try to treat you like everyone else, but like he’d be more gentle?
Like he teases the others and isn’t afraid to jokingly call his friends out for being dumbasses or whatever
He’d tease you, but it would be less cruel words
After a few too many drinks one night hanging out with Naomi you admit to her you’re jealous that she is so close to Yamato
This is when she decides to help her two friends out
There would be a day you’re hanging out at Itokan a couple weeks later
And Sannoh is also there
Naomi would kinda mention something like “Hey Y/N, You’ve been wanting to go on a motorcycle ride right?”
This will make Yamato’s head perk up but he will stay quiet
You’ll tell her you want to sure, but haven’t had the chance
Naomi will give Yamato a subtle look
Which will get him to pipe up with a slight nervous look on his face
“Hey Y/N. If you wanna go for a ride, I can take you sometime this weekend.”
And of Course you agree
You guys take a whole day to yourselves and kinda drive down to his favorite place
You guys will find a nice place to stop so that you two can enjoy the nice lunch that you’ve packed for the day
And that’s when he will tell you about his feelings for you and ask you if you want to go on a date with him
You look up at him with a huge smile
“Aren’t we already on a date?”
“I guess we are. Would you like to go on another one soon?”
This guy is a showoff around people that he likes in general
It becomes more apparent when he has a crush
It’s not because he is egotistical or narcissistic
He just wants you to find him interesting and cool
He can be quite observant when he is interested in someone
You changed your hairstyle? New outfit? He noticed
He won’t compliment on it right away
He’s afraid he will come off as a creep in some way
But he doesn’t want to wait til everyone else compliments you either
Cuz what if that makes him look insensitive?
He will try to find ways to invite you out to places?
But he insists it’s just to hang out
With a small group of friends
As long as it’s not too dangerous
Or too crowded
I mean, what if he invites you to the club and someone better than him comes by and sweeps you off your feet?
Boy can be a little insecure like that
But he will never admit it
The reason why the group of friends is cuz he thinks he’s less likely to make a fool of himself
He can’t let that happen
Of course he will rant to Tetsu about his crush on you
So Tetsu will offer helping Dan out
Dan will hesitantly accept
The next day Tetsu will walk up to you and ask if you’d like to go on a double date with him, Nika, and Dan
Just a friendly hangout kinda thing
You happily agree
So you all plan on meeting up that weekend and go on a little shopping spree
After a while you kinda end up losing Testu and Nika in a store
But it’s ok cuz you’re having fun with Dan
I mean the guy is really good at making you laugh since he started warming up to you and is acting like himself
He noticed you eyeing a necklace behind a glass case but walked away from it
You all go to a few more shops before deciding to call it a day.
Dan’s a gentleman and walks you home
Once you make it to your place, you turn to him and thank him for the fun outing
He’ll pull out the necklace you kept looking at earlier
He finally confesses his feelings for you
He will put the necklace on for you before asking you if you would like to go out with him
I feel like out of all the members he will be the one most up front with his attraction to someone
He isn’t afraid to flirt
But the problem is, you’ve seen him flirt with other girls before
Granted it’s not like his previous relationships ended badly
You’re just weary of getting into a relationship with him and finding out it’s just a fling
He’ll say something like “Oh you look so beautiful today Y/N. Let me take your picture to remember what a goddess looks like
He’ll say this kinda stuff almost everyday he sees you
It doesn’t matter what you look like
You could be having the worst hair day, look like shit cuz you’re sick off your ass
He will still compliment the shit out of you
The thing that you don’t comprehend is that he genuinely means it
He will ask your friends what’s your opinion of him
And if you’re interested in anyone
If the responses are positive at all it will fuel him with excitement and determination
He will talk to Dan and Chiharu about you to the point where they are even annoyed
There would be a night after he left Itokan feeling a little down after you rejected him again
Dan would come up to you and attempt to play wing man
He’d basically just tell you that Tetsu’s feelings are real and that you should give him a chance
This is when you’d start to actually consider giving Tetsu a chance
There would be a day where you’re walking around town, running some errands
When a couple of jerks thinks that harassing you sounds like a good idea
Cue Tetsu walking around town trying to clear his head
And he happens to come across this scene
Noticing the very uncomfortable look on your face, he intervenes
Needless to say, a fight broke out
The guys lost in the end, but Tetsu did get a little messed up too
But he tells you it’s worth it if you’re ok
It’s after you offer to patch him up does he finally decide to be completely honest with you
No more flirty pick-up lines
He just straight up tells you his feelings for you and asks you out one more time
This guy is so honest and sensitive
So when he falls for someone he falls hard and fast
He prolly doesn’t even realize he fell for you
I have no doubt in my mind that the people around him notices his feelings for you before he does
Heck you even notice before he does
He always looks at you with this looks of adoration in his eyes and a giant smile on his face
I can see him falling for someone he sees as a good friend
Like you two have been close for quite a while
Like you two are from the same neighborhood
You’re prolly the reason he joined Oya in the first place
He saw some people try to mess with you one day
So he decided that he should go to Oya to get stronger
All so he can be the one to protect you
Just like how he will do anything to make you smile
Even if he has to make a complete fool of himself
He also wants to be the one you call whenever you have any kind of problem
Even if he doesn’t know how to help
He will finally realize that these thoughts and feelings aren’t of the friend variety one day while talking to Tetsu
He noticed that you’ve been hanging around some guy from your neighborhood recently and is riddled with jealousy
So after Tetsu had to basically tell Chiharu what his feelings are he takes off to find you
Once he finds you, he’s out of breath and he just blurts out his feelings for you
“I know this is sudden but I got to let you know, I like you. Like, a lot. And I want to be with you.”
You tell him how you’ve known this for a while
“Oh. Well I’m sorry it took me so long to ask this then. But, will you go out with me?”
He is super hesitant if he should get close to you or not
I mean after the whole thing with Miho, he isn’t sure if he is ready for another relationship
So he may be kind of distant towards you to try and stop himself from developing feelings
You’re afraid that he just doesn’t like you
Which is unfortunate since you hang out at Itokan a lot due to you being friends with Naomi and other members of Sannoh
He’s not ever rude to you when you happen to be at the diner with everyone
He just tends to not start conversations with you
And if you try to talk to him his responses are short but polite
It’s almost discouraging
But he does do a lot of watching from afar
He doesn’t even realize how often he does it
Cobra quietly pointed it out to him one day
It got him so flustered
He can’t help it though
You’re just so cute and nice but have the sass and wit for when someone gets a little mouthy
He will sigh and remind himself that it’s too soon for him to get into a relationship and that he doesn’t want a repeat of what happened
This will constantly plague his mind
It’ll all unravel one night at Odake Bar
He will be sharing a couple drinks with Cobra and Yamato
“I like her. I really like her guys.”
Yamato will laugh, “So why don’t you tell her?”
“What if things end up like they did with Miho?”
That’s when the ever wise bartender reminds them that you and Miho may share some similarities but you are your own person and Noboru has grown and learned through those past mistakes
And they all tell him to take a chance
So he does
He decides to go find you and explain everything from his past with Miho
He then tells you how he’s developed feelings for you but he’s been afraid to do anything about it
Til now that is and he’s hoping that now that you know you’re still willing to be with him
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darthwheezely · 3 years
let me - f.w.
Summary: Fred will always choose you, even if you don’t know and wouldn’t choose him back. Even in the worst of times, Fred would do anything to let you know how much he loves you.
This is based off my recent break up which was supremely awful and I’m going to be picking up the pieces for...a while. This is kind of self-indulgent, I’m sorry about that!
people that might like this: @whiz-bangs78 @monoscandal @gcdric @theweasleyslut @thehufflepuffwife @vogueweasley @loony-loopy-lupinn @oh-for-merlins-sake @slytherinsunrise @lupinsclassroom @durmstrange
Warnings: angst, but slightly fluffy??? mentions of cheating and light homophobia it’ll be ok basically lol and cussing and bullying...oops? PROLLY FUCKING AWFUL WRITING PLZ I TRIED IM JUST EMO RN SKSKWKWJWKKSK
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It wasn’t that Fred Weasley hated your boyfriend, it was actually that he had really liked him. Kind of really enjoyed his company. Even went as far to say that he considered him a friend.
And because of that, he told himself, he wasn’t able to see exactly what was happening.
Everyone had known that you and Sam Tuckson had broken up, to be honest, drama at Hogwarts was dulling and unfortunately for you, you and your relationship had fallen prey to the lull of gossip. 
Sam Tuckson had basically slid his way into your life at the beginning of fifth year, and to you he was everything you had wanted. The Hufflepuff Keeper was tall, tanned, smiled, and laughed like everything that came to him (including you) was easy, and something in that carefree sense of a walk and talk he had was more than enough to satiate your feelings. You were for all intents and purposes madly in love with him, and everything up until your break up five days ago led you to believe he was as well.
To say Fred had been a little jealous at first was taking it a bit lightly. It didn’t take a whole lot to figure out that Fred had been pining for you since second year, and to make matters worse? He was your best friend. For the first couple of months or so in your new relationship, he found himself at night silently wishing and pretending he was Sam, not needing to steal glances across tables in the Great Hall, being able to hold onto your hand a little longer than he was allowed, and to finally be able to taste your lips on his whenever you wanted him to.
For the first time, he wasn’t your number one boy anymore and it killed him - but the only thing able to bring him back was the joy Sam brought you day after day. It was starting to eat at him past month 2, and with that brought George:
“Freddie. Mate,” he sighed looking at his older twin. Fred hadn’t left bed at all that day and knew he wouldn’t leave it for another day unless he did the inevitable-
“-you have to either tell her or wait. She misses us...she misses you.” 
“I know, Georgie.” He looked at George, longing for peace evident in his angular frame. Fred nodded and sighed, sitting up. 
“I know.”
Fred had made it his personal mission to befriend your boyfriend, and while it was painstakingly murderous for the first week or so - he eventually became to warm up to the Hufflepuff boy, even going as far as hanging out with him and letting him in on pranks with George when he wanted. Honestly? The guy was starting to grow on him, the idea of a friend of his dating you seemed to lessen the emotional blow of knowing it wasn’t him, and he felt himself over time starting to possibly lighten his own load on you.
And then the rumors started to fly around.
Fred had been walking to Transfiguration and had rounded the corner-
“I heard he’d been slipping it to Astoria and Daphne!”
Who the hell are they talking about?
“Nah, he doesn’t like Slytherin girls-“
“But have you heard about him with Slytherin boys!” They snickered loudly.
Fred continued to walk, the high pitched giggles of the younger Ravenclaw girlsinging in his ears.
After class he made his way to the Great Hall for lunch when a gaggle of Hufflepuff ladies crossed in front, (they always take so damn long when they’re in a line across, he thought)
“Anyway, I heard he hates her guts now.”
“Sam could never hate her! They were together for soooo long you know.”
His heart stopped. No. No they couldn’t be talking about-
“It’s because she’s frigid that’s what I heard.”
“Y/N? Frigid? Please have you seen her with him, she acted like a slut around him! Disgusting really.” She wrinkled her nose.
He felt his knuckles whiten and a lump in his throat begin to rise.
“I heard he’d been doing it the whole time!” The last one said as they hitched a left to the courtyard.
Fred hadn’t ever known what it’s like to be frozen or paralyzed with anger, but he learned it then.
You were sitting in your navy and golden dorm, the only sanctity and safety you felt surrounded by the colors you knew so well. You hadn’t felt the strength to go the Great Hall for anything today, not after breakfast. Not after you waltzed in after what felt like a normal morning and heard tinny laughs and stifled giggles from the Hufflepuff table.
You’d been made the fool by the boy you loved. And there was nothing at this point that could get you past that realization now.
You’d heard the rumors in the hallway. You’d heard them when Pansy Parkinson sat next to you in Potions and whispered in your ear, “maybe just dip yourself in amortentia next time. Might last longer.” You’d seen the way Sam Tuckson, Hufflepuff Golden Boy, looked over at you with nothing but pity in his eyes before he trudged to the Ravenclaw table, looked at the ground and murmured-
“I’m sorry it ended like this. I’m sorry I didn’t know how to love you sometimes.”
And scurried back to his own seat.
You hadn’t had the strength to find the twins. You could barely find the strength to move from your bed, to get more tissues. You simply didn’t have it. And then.
There was a knock on your door.
“Please, Cho, not right now, okay?” You croaked, turned away from the door. You could barely hear the door creak open to see your best friend’s head creeping from the other side.
“Knock, knock, princess.” He said softly, showing your turned frame a small smile.
“Can I come in? Please?” You nodded. Fred came through, shutting the door as quietly as possible behind him. He looked at you curled up in your bed with your uniform still on. Your favorite throw blanket draped over you as you laid on top of the covers and all he could think of was how.
How did he let this happen?
“Freddie, you couldn’t have known.” Fred blinked realizing he had spoken out loud and froze in place.
“Yes, actually I could have”
“No, I don’t think you understand.” he almost growled it, it was so low that you could barely register it was him saying it. You turned him to look at him then, pulling your knees to a criss cross applesauce position. He clenched his jaw feeling tears and the lump in his throat finally erupting.
“See, Y/N, I’ve always been there to protect you. It’s never been a job, or a chore, because I’ve been so blindingly in love with you ever since you hurled a bezoar at me in Potions when we were 12.” You choked out a small giggle at that, your heart pounding in your chest. He looked up at you then tears on his face.
“I know this isn’t fair. Because this is a really shit time to be selfish and tell you how much I love you, but I was his friend, Y/N. I willingly sat and enjoyed his company and I could’ve seen what he was doing to you because I’m a guy I should know what guys do and quite frankly? You deserve so much” he swallowed and readjusted his jaw again feeling more tears as he watched you crying to, wanting to stop but something in him told him this was it he couldn’t hold in it he couldn’t-
“-so, so much more. Than me. Than him. Jesus, than everyone. And, love, I am...so sorry I didn’t tell you this sooner. Please know our friendship wasn’t a lie and we never have to discuss this ever I just...you’re so bloody fucking perfect and knowing I watched him do that to you without knowing I just-”
“Freddie.” You held out your arms. It was his turn for him to choke then as his knees buckled and fell towards you on the bed. 
You couldn’t be mad at him or angry or upset. You weren’t. You were just,,,
“Fred, I need time.” You whispered against his shoulder, his body engulfing yours in a tango of arms and legs and breaths that only you two knew this well.
“Angel, I didn’t mean to make it seem-” he pulled away to look into your eyes.
“I know you weren’t asking me of anything, Fred. I love you I just...I need time. For a lot of things.” He swallowed and nodded moving to get off the bed and give you the space you needed. However, you pulled him back.
“I love you, Freddie. That isn’t changing.” And out of force his arms seemed tighter as he breathed out, meeting your forehead.
“And I’d wait every second of everyday to hear you say it again.”
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kaebedom-me · 3 years
What about chaeya and the reader's first time with all three headcanons??? Like how did it all start
This all started because i ship them but i also want to be between them
Coming right up, nonnie!!!!
I kinda like to think they met through the traveller?
But prior to that they'd know of each other, or at least Kaeya would know Childe because of his position
They're not friends but they're not acquaintances either? It's complicated
Them occasionally seeing each other around and they "hang out", really it's just them trying to see if the other will falter and give up information lol
They don't tho, they're professionals
So they end up just getting to know each other a certain amount? They just vibe ya know
I usually leave these kind of requests vague because i want y'all to have the full self insert package and your own ideas of how you want enter the relationship but I'll give you my version? HAHAHA
I like to think maybe y'all know each other prior to the three of you hanging out? Like maybe you're already friends w the two of them
One day, you're doing your thing just vibing and you see one of them and since you've finished your thing and jskf lets say you met Kaeya and he finished his thing so y'all decide to just chill ya know
It's totally not a date or anything lmao
Jk unless 👀
Nah, Kaeya's just teasing
But you two do walk around and just hangout as pals do uwu
Y'all maybe stopping by a shop for some refreshments before wanting to head back to where y'all were headed
This is prolly somewhere in Liyue, maybe the outskirts near Mondstadt
And Childe sees you when he's out doing his thing also and is like "!! that's my friend" but also sees Kaeya?
Immediately sus, not of the two of you, he's not jealous also ok
He's just curious cuz what a small world
He approaches the two of you and invites himself to sit down
And you have a lil moment of "y'all know each other???"
I like to think y'all start hanging out more after cuz you like their company and they seem to be fine w each other's and yours
Now forming a relationship is a little harder
It's very easy to fall for the both of them with their teasing remarks and them being protective of you, like you can't help but to just catch feelings
Them falling is a little harder, i think they're both a little protective of themselves, so a relationship isn't exactly something they're head
They're not like wary of getting their heart broken or being in a relationship, it's more they have their respective things they have to deal with
Doesn't stop them from thinking about it though, especially when you're being cute because of their teasing
Them falling for each other is a different thing though
I like to think there's a little Thought in their head about it
Less from love but more from lust, especially when they're being difficult to each other
The tension [chef's kiss] makes their dick h-
That's when the dynamic kind of changes? Y'all are getting along a little better, you guys seeking out each other's company more, goodbyes are a little harder
They definitely can tell when you're more interested in them, even if you don't see it yet?
They start to try to woo you a little
I also think they're both stupid. Sure, they're smart and sneaky and can tell when you're behaving differently around them
But they will 100% mistake their own feelings for each other as like a rivalry of who's getting more of your attention
We stan smart stupid boys
Can go anyway from here on?
If you're like receptive of them giving you affection them it'll involve into them fighting for your affections
If you're kinda dense they'd fight for your attentions less because it feels less like a competition and they'd bond over how to get you to realise that they like you and they'd fall for each other more first
My personal favourite is you trying to get them to realise they have feelings for each other and you play their wingman
Like you realise the Tension between them and you start drilling for answers when you're alone w them, or pulling the "oh i gotta do smth you two wait here" and just leave them, those kinda of shenanigans to get them to acknowledge their feelings
One day you just come back to them angrily making out [chef's kiss] [chef's kiss] immaculate
Them falling for each other and starting to date, they won't let you feel left out though
The vibes of your lil trio will still be the same except their more affectionate to each other sometimes
If you're chill with it they'd be so handsy w each other in front of you, like they won't fuck or make out in front of you but they will do it like before you out hanging
You get used it
Honestly, you kinda just meld into it? Like yeah you guys get along well and the lines just kinda blur where your friendship ends and a relationship starts
Cuz they're also such touchy people, if you're comfortable with that, so even when they're dating they'd still hug you and all
Eventually it'll click on your guys' brains to try a poly relationship
It's not much difference, the dynamic is the same it's just y'all being able to kiss and fuck now lmao
Obv, they'd talk to each other first and they'll realise that they still have feelings for you
They'd agree with each other about opening up the relationship to you first before approaching you with it
When you accept, even with hesistation, they'd be so happy!!
Will not bombard you with affections at first, i think they'd need time to adjust too
So at first it'll be a lot exploring around, cautious touches and hugs and stuff
Y'all 3 going on dates together after and realising you guys are the same people before the relationship and just feel a little dumb to be so tense
After that it's just smooth sailing!! Expect lots of cuddles and kisses and most importantly more time spent together!!
Sex comes a little later since you guys are pretty used to the friends dynamic but when y'all pass the trial period oof
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shinygoku · 3 years
James for the character ask
Ahh, the ✨Splendid Engine✨ himself!
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First impression
...Red Thomas? :v
Impression now
Honestly, James may be one of the more interesting characters if you really get in close and examine him and his dynamics with the other characters. And maybe this is me having drawn the wrong conclusion, but my own reading into him has me find him actually rather misunderstood, in and out of universe. You've heard of The Sad Story of Henry? You better be ready for the Tragic Tale of James!
So, at a basic, surface level look, James is The Vain One. He's the only Red [Standard Gauge] Engine on the Island (somehow??) and won't let anyone forget about it. He obsesses over the condition and colour of his coat. He resents having to pull trucks, which are often dirty and full of contents that would make him dirtier still. He's astonishingly rude to anyone near him who isn't sufficiently clean but he'll also get jealous of someone who has fresher paint than him.
What if I told you that his Shiny Colouration to the NWR livery is but a small part of the larger picture?
Peering closer, and it's more overt in the books than the show, but of the 7 deadly sins, he's arguably less Prideful (than say, Gordon) and instead, more Wrath?
James has one [red] hot temper, it doesn't take much to set him off and he simmers in resentment for a long time afterwards. While he started it, his tiff with Toby resulted in a completely avoidable headlong crash into the Tar Tankers, all because he was too busy fuming to pay attention to his job. What got him so mad in the first place there? The Bootlace Incident.
Poor James! Much like Henry and the Tunnel, the Bootlaces is one thing that continues to hound him even long after the event, and it seems a bit unfair for that card to get played so much, as he was a total noob at the time with Coaches, but when that button is pressed we always see his angry face.
Even without that particular old saw, he is testy about a lot of things. The aforementioned "DIRTY trucks in DIRTY sidings!" comes to mind. He’s (predicted by the Fat Controller himself!) in a bad mood when he suddenly has to pick up Donald’s work after the latter crashed into the signal box. Sometimes he just snaps when the others are talking (to be fair, often Griping) amongst themselves.
Let's rewind all the way back to James' first day on Sodor. He's in his black livery and has wooden brake blocks. Predictably, these don't last and it only takes some trucks shoving him down the hill for them to burn up and him to spill out in a field. Thomas comes by to save him, but that's still one helluva bumpy start to your new home! After that incident, The Fat Controller offers him a new paint colour and allows him to have Red, completely unique (even moreso if you're in a canon where Henry was blue at the time, meaning James isn't just the only one with Red, but the only one to not follow the Blue uniform).
There's still a bit more!
So, he won't shut up about his distinctive paint? He wants to be seen by passengers and have a nice time pulling coaches? He's the smallest of the "Big 3" Tender Engines? He's a one-off deviation from his class with the extended front end, but the difference wasn't significant so none of the others got the same treatment? He’s anxious the whole day after unintentionally wheeshing steam on FC1 (which is sadly not baseless!)?
James, to me, is a character with a pretty huge Inferiority Complex, and his various posturing and claims that he's the best are him trying very hard to believe it.
Unfortunately, he's so obnoxious about the faking it, generally the others ignore what may be lying beneath.
One last bit here! His attitude definitely declined after he buddied up with Gordon and sometimes pulls the Express, so Big G was something of a toxic (but oblivious) influence.
Favourite moment
His overcoming the trucks, complete with a fab remix of his already dope theme! After his disaster of a first day where trucks ran him off the rails, and then his very bumpy few days after being painted with the Coach Break Fluid Pipe and the Steam and being very unfairly punished, he gets to show some of his worth and ability!
He also gets a number of very funny lines in exchanges which are a bit butchered when I put them up here lol, like “Hello, Gordon! Is it tomorrow~? [...] Must have been Instinct!” or (Percy, taking a metaphor literally: The sky’s empty...) “Like your smokebox, Percy!”
Idea for a story
I would Enjoy something where, as is often the case with these asks, someone examines subjects I’ve been rambling about lol. So yeah, a character who isn’t fooled by his dazzling red coat and sees who he is inside, and the possibilities that spring from that would be real neat!
I also have a more silly [albeit Current Events based] idea which is more shallow, but here it is anyway:
In the time(s) of a pandemic (remember Spanish flu? James would), Engines who pull passenger coaches would be given decorative engine size face masks to show a good example to the customers. Some of them feel Rather Silly but regular passenger trains like Thomas on his branch line, and Mr Express Gordon don’t really get to refuse. They just quietly roll their eyes as their lack of ears or a back of their smokeboxes mean the cloth has to be physically taped to the sides of their head and try to maintain their dignity. 😷
Suddenly, James is uncharacteristically eager to pull goods trains, as these engines are much further away from the passengers and visitors to the railway, and thus don’t need to wear them lol
Unpopular opinion
Not sure how unpopular it is, but I really like Angelis’ Liverpool voice coming through much more strongly for James. His read on “Why are you always complaining all the time??” is just excellent, and other Scouse Moments just sound Right to me. Also gotta mention Ringo’s take on James’ sarcastic, very angry HAR HAR in one of the weird Toby episodes, and thanks to ytp splicing that with the word Harbour I think of it a lot haha
Maybe his voice should be more Yorkshire or Lancaster, as that’s where he was made? But (also applies to Thomas) I vibe with Liverpudlian James.
Favourite relationship
It’s actually a bit hard to think of a particular engine, James tends to get grouped with Gordon and Henry (The Big Engines, The Jerk Trio, etc) but as I’ve said, I think him palling up with Gordon was actually pretty bad for James in hindsight. For merch and prolly in the CGI eps, he’s grouped with Thomas and Percy, because Primary Colours I think (though the same colours as Gordon and Henry offered!) but More Marketable. But I dunno, does James really fit in with either group that well?
I think what James needs is less to hang out in the fringe of a clique, and to instead have a real, frank, genuine connection with someone. Then maybe he can make his friendships with the others a bit healthier, too. I just can’t think of any cast members who fill that role at the mo... 🤔
Favourite headcanon
As he is a Mixed Traffic Engine, he’s a Jack of All Tasks (he just prefers some to others!), also under the issues he has, he’s absolutely trying to be a good engine and friend, he just needs some guidance and tons of patience to get there.
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kokoro--attack · 3 years
What's your favorite thing about Harlivy?
Poison Ivy, a misanthrope, letting Harley Quinn (a human) into her life as friends. Poison Ivy, recognizing that Harley is in an abusive and toxic relationship, supported her best friend but always respected the clown queen's boundaries [even when it was so clear that Harley was blind to Joker's "love"]
Poison Ivy wasn't jealous when Harley hooked up with other people after Joker as long as they treated her right. As long as she was happy, Ivy didn't mind Harley dating Mason - a guy that treated Harley like a queen. She comforted Harley when he died, never speaking badly about Mason.
Harley always saw more to Poison Ivy than Ivy saw in herself. Whether as her psychiatrist or friend, she was one of the few people to get through with her. When Harley fucked up, she always tried to make it up to Ivy. Harley was willing to grow and learn if it meant she could still be in Ivy's life.
Even when Ivy died, Harley always knew she would come back. Often talking to plants in hopes that Red might be listening from the Green. When Ivy went too far in her plans [the ones that were risky and the cost was too high], Harley was willing to do anything to stop Ivy. Not to save millions of lives, but because she didn't want Ivy to make a poor decision.
Whether in friendship or romance, Harley and Ivy have supported each other. Sure, they might get into fights and have disagreements, but most content shows that they are willing to work it out.
And honestly, they aren't really villains. More like anti-heroes or villains with morals. Once Harley left Joker, she was willing to "help the good guys" and Poison Ivy honestly has a point about how humanity is killing the Earth. They are both willing to beat up child kidnapper, dumping their robbery to protect a kidnapped girl. They are both willing to help if they were asked (and they weren't going to be tricked and sent to Arkham). Heck, Ivy set up a sanctuary for human survivors in DCeased [prolly prompted by Harley] for five years (oh, and she urged Harley to break up with Joker on her own).
I can go on. But I hope DC develop this relationship more. It's a ship that has a lot of history and background, their lives interwoven. It's at the point that if you have either one of them, the other needs to be in it as well.
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gay-salt-amber · 2 years
Headcanons to share and would like to hear headcanons back:
Idia was jealous of Jade and floyd for a long time before and after him and Azul started dating, mostly at first cause he wanted his friendship with them until he realizes he loves Azul and it turns to just normal jealousy
Arie brings some stuff for a break sleepover at Diasmonia with the whole Diasmonia dorm after a fight with his dad, and jokenly brought some non-safe-for-work stuff to prank Sebek's bashfulness
Neige got drunk once during a Pomfiore hangout and accidentally mentions how good Vil and Rook makes him feel in the bedroom
Jamil got a cold so he can't taste test his own food or any of Kalim's food for a while which led to Ruggie and Epel volunteering to cook from now on and taste test his food for him if he's stubborn and cook
Riddle has a many journal that work as diaries he hide in his dorm room bookshelf and one time he accidentally dropped some that mainly talk about his boys (Trey, Jade included cause ye-) and said boys find the journals and curious of what it is read some sections
I feel like Ace would also volunteer but he cant cook so hes just tasting
So, Rook would prolly have a high alcohol tolerance but sometimes he just gets fucking WASTED and says the dirtiest shit in French to poor lil Neige who's still learning French while Vil is just blushing cuz he knows what Rook is saying
I feel like Jade would call in Riddles bfs to read it since Riddle would prolly feel a lil better about them reading it and every page was fine but then they'd get to a page (or set of pages) where it reads like a fucking porno about Riddle and his bfs and they are so flustered like, "What tf kind of fantasies are these?!" or "Damn he kinky~"
I feel like Idia would jokingly being jealous of Floyd and Jade to Azul and Malleus while playing a online game and not really thinking much of it, Azul then walks up gives him a kiss and says, "Well, I'm all yours and Malleus's now, sweetheart, there's no need to be jealous~" in like an 'awh baby~' voice that you'd do to a cat and Idia is weak in the knees despite the fact that hes sitting down
I feel like Arie may talk a lil bit about the fight while being kinda tipsy on wine and Lilia is like, "I know they had just a minor disagreement but Arie is still gonna be my child for the night"
And also if this is Arie x Esther au, I feel like Esther would be so worried he'd be like, "Oh, is there anything I can do? Do you need to vent? Do you need water? Do you-" and Arie would prolly kiss them and tells a flustered bat that its fine
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Shopping For Clothes Fixes Everything (Legolas and Frodo)
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Synopsis: Frodo is underdressed for Aragorn’s coronation, Legolas is generally well-known for being a hot-cake, so he helps his little hobbit friend out. Also Merry, Sam and Pippin can now blame Legolas for mentioning sailing west to Frodo, and planting the idea in his angsty mind.
AN: Frodo and Legolas did not have enough time together onscreen, therefore my imagination can decide whatever it wants, and I decide they’re best friends who enjoy trees and shopping together. Also they’re prolly gay for each other, it’s whatever.
Warnings: Woah, Nelly—careful where you step. There’s some gay sprinkled in.
Pairings: Legolas/Frodo (kinda platonic, kinda gay. Idk you decide)
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All had been invited to attend Aragorn’s coronation in Gondor—or, ‘Strider’, as Frodo once knew him. Each and every member of the Fellowship was expected to attend, for no reason other than the honouring of their forged friendship made along the perilous roads to Mordor.
Nobody was an exception to this expectation, so when Frodo arrived in the white streets of Gondor, he was very pleased to be reunited with all his friends.
Now, there was a certain level of dress code to be upheld at royal coronations, apparently. The hobbits, of course, had no warning of this. Instead, they had showed up with nothing but their daily scrubs from the Shire—their finest clothing, mind you, but still too casual in the presence of elves and royalty alike.
Stopping before his reflection in a shiny podium, Frodo sighed. He still wore his Shire clothing, and looked rather out of place among the silk, leather and other rich materials he passed by. At least he was shorter than the hems of some robes, he supposed.
Stopping before his reflection in a shiny podium, Frodo sighed. He still wore his Shire clothing, and looked rather out of place among the silk, leather and other rich materials he passed by. At least he was shorter than the hems of some robes, he supposed.
Alas, he knew he needed to appear his best.
The more and more Frodo scrutinised his casual appearance in the shiny podium, the more others in his mind contrasted against him. He needed help with clothing—preferably from someone adept in the aesthetic department.
Only one friend came to mind.
Frodo knocked gently against the large door to the room he knew was loaned to Legolas. It, too, like his own, was large and spacious inside. A balcony overlooked all of Gondor, and shiny was the room—a most pure in white, too.
There was hardly any sound of shuffling on the other side of the door, before it soundlessly opened. Legolas stood in the doorway, and stared ahead with a curiously expectant expression.
However, when he found no one facing him, memories of the Fellowship caused him to lower his head three feet above ground. There, he met Frodo’s eyes.
“Oh, hello,” said Legolas. “I was expecting someone—”
“Taller?” Frodo jested back. A smile quirked on his lips.
Humour, too, ran along Legolas’ features, as he stepped aside to let his friend in. “Perhaps, but you said it first—not me.”
“I won’t tell anyone if you don’t.”
“Careful now—there are ears everywhere in Gondor, even if they don’t belong to elves,” Legolas said in amusement. “People eavesdrop and make assumptions.”
“Sounds like the Shire,” Frodo responded in amusement.
Using his foot, Legolas closed the door. “I have been meaning to make plans to visit the Shire, but Gandalf and Gimli have warned me of the confusing roads leading in.”
Chuckling loudly in a light-hearted manner, Frodo sat down at a table for tea in the near-centre of Legolas’ room. “Forgive me, but I always assumed you were the better navigator between Aragorn and yourself?”
Reaching for teabags high up on a shelf, Legolas looked over his shoulder and winced his teeth. “I might have exaggerated my abilities, just a little.”
“Just a little,” Frodo agreed, smiling a toothy smile nonetheless, with a little nod of his head.
“Alas, perhaps I’ll just have to return with you, Sam, Merry and Pippin after the coronation,” Legolas pressed on, now walking back to the table. “I definitely will not get lost that way.”
“You mentioned Pippin,” Frodo deadpanned. “Getting side-tracked is a guarantee.”
“Ah, well, then another adventure!” Legolas proclaimed. He now sat himself down, and passed a dainty teacup along to Frodo.
“Oh, please, no more adventures,” Frodo groaned, with his head buried into the crook of his elbow.
Legolas, with his quick eye, took notice of Frodo’s hand reaching up to his neck, as if to grasp at the ring. Shifting in his seat uncomfortably, Legolas cleared his throat. He, too, forced the lingering memories of Mordor down, as he poured the lemon-scented tea.
Those days had not yet readily left anyone, nor would for a long time.
“Perhaps not…” Legolas agreed.
Lifting his eyes, Frodo smiled at his friend. He took the tea from Legolas, and watched the leaves swirl around in his cup.
“Regardless,” he piped up, “what have you been doing since our completion?”
“Well,” Legolas readily inhaled, looking upwards in thought, “let’s see—as of right now, I am currently representing my kingdom for Aragorn’s coronation—per my Ada’s wishes, of course.”
“Of course,” Frodo grinned back, finding amusement in Bilbo’s stories of being captured by Thranduil.
“And beyond that,” Legolas continued, “well…I was hoping to restore the trees of Ithilien, actually. They need much tending to after, well…you know.”
“I do.” Frodo nodded his head. “That’s rather exciting for you, then? Isn’t it? Working with trees? A passion of yours, truly.”
“It is.” Legolas shrugged. “If I can be completely honest, though?”
“I’m all ears,” Frodo teased, leaning with his arms folded over the table.
Legolas grinned back at his friend’s antics, before continuing on. “I saw a gull flying overhead today, and I know this may sound a little odd, but…”
“Go on,” Frodo slowly encouraged, now enthralled by his friend’s words.
“Well, I couldn’t help but feel the desire to sail west,” he revealed at last, as if confessing his darkest secret.
“Sail west?” Frodo inquired.
“Yes, to Valinor,” Legolas explained. “When the weight of Middle-earth grows too much, my kin are free to travel to our origins. It heals both the heart and mind, so they say.”
“Oh, really?” Frodo pressed deeper. “That sounds rather ideal…will you go?”
Legolas shrugged again. “I’m not too sure at the present moment. I suppose I will one day, but…all of my friends are still here—my life. Perhaps one day, as I do believe it is inevitable, but not anytime soon.”
“I am a little jealous, to be perfectly honest,” Frodo confessed in return.
“How so?” Legolas pressed, taking the first sip of his tea.
“Of your choice,” he replied. “To heal the heart and mind overseas—I wish I had that option.”
Legolas threw his eyes down at the table in thought, and thrummed his fingers against his mug. “You know, Frodo—your sacrifice with Sauron’s Ring goes beyond what any other in Middle-earth has done, let alone any elf.”
At his friend’s words, Frodo knitted his brows. “What are you saying, Legolas?”
“You didn’t hear it from me,” Legolas shook his head, with an allusive quirk of his lips, “but I know the Valar to be very…open, regarding these sorts of things. Perhaps a conversation with Gandalf could do you well?”
“Well, I don’t like your allusive tone, but I’ll heed your advice and speak with him after the coronation,” Frodo chuckled back.
“Well-met,” Legolas laughed in turn.
The two friends soon fell into a comfortable silence, until Legolas opted to break it again.
“So, I do not imagine you came to find me on the basis of our shared woes,” he said through a sip of tea. “What may I help you with, besides gracing you with my presence?”
“Oh, elves,” Frodo replied, wistfully. “So beautiful, and so vain—which is actually precisely why I came to find you.”
“Pray tell,” Legolas smirked, leaning back in his chair.
Catching his friend’s pride, Frodo shook his head and grinned. Trust Prince Legolas to know his worth, Frodo mused.
“You see, no body informed me of the expected attire at Aragorn’s coronation,” Frodo went on. “I’ve merely arrived in my Sunday vest, and best trousers—”
“Uh, I don’t think any of my garments will fit you, Frodo,” Legolas interjected, with a glance over his shoulder eyeing off his silver robes.
“No, I know that,” Frodo rolled his eyes with a smile. “However, surely you, of all people, must know best how to help me in this regard?”
Turning his eyes back to his friend, Legolas quirked a brow. He narrowed his gaze, and analysed the hobbit. However, soon, a grin began to tug at Legolas’ lips.
He stood up in his chair, offered Frodo his hand, and spoke excitedly in confidence. “Say no more, mellon nîn. I have just the idea for you.”
Frodo returned his friend’s smile, took his hand, and allowed the elf to hoist him from his chair. “Well, thank you! But no satin, please!”
“Why must it always be you who wishes to suck the joy out of everything?”
“Oh, I’m sorry—did you carry an evil ring to Mordor?”
“No, but I had to run for three days-straight.”
“My sincere apologies.”
“It’s okay, shopping for clothes fixes everything.”
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srn-clrwtr · 4 years
(teamjacobthot) spare headcanons? 🥺 spare wolf pack autumn headcanons? 🥺 your pumpkin carving ones warmed my heart ❤️
!!! yes ! i wrote most of this during my lunch break, and TRIED to write it on my way home, but tumblr kept crashing. hopefully this is okay !!!!!
apple picking + other fun activities @ cute farm... which is most definitely inspired by a small farm around me
!!! so this little farm is very much known for their orchards !! i actually looked it up and washington produces lootttsss of apples. didn’t know that
despite this, it also has a corn maze, a tiny lil barn/petting area for people to visit their animals
they also sells various jams nd jellies! ofc, this includes a taste test center <3
kinda gross now that i think about it cause of covid but,,,, we r going back to the 2000s
it was originally emily’s idea to go, and after several months of asking (she had been asking since spring time) they finally gave in!!!
so they had to travel a tiny bit, so they made a day out of it !!! it would prolly be the first time they all left on a day trip together.
it’s a nice day too, sunny nd a little breezy... and just a tad chilly. emily brings a coat just in case.
at the lil farm, they ofc spend time trying out the various samples, which is where they split up:
emily nd sam want to go on a hay ride (i might die from cuteness) before going apple picking. they want to skip out on the corn maze, it takes too long and emily is there on a mission::: she has lots of pies to make at home
she has pies to bake. and embry also wants apple crisp.
they hold hands a lot nd talks about the future. it’s nice to be alone for once.
jake, embry, nd quil go to the corn maze. and like idiots
they choose the hardest level. and get lost. and separated. for like two hrs lol
at one point, before they get separated, jake tries to scare quil... he ends up jumping out at a small child.
he’s embarrassed embarrassed, and obviously panics. he gets cussed out by an angry mom. quil and embry refuse to let him live it down
seth nd leah go to the barn first to visit lil animal friends :( seth tries SO HARD to make friends with the chickens but faILS. he gets pecked a lot.
he gives up and goes to pet nd feed the goats. they’re a little nicer, even if they do push for food.
i have this feeling that cats gravitate towards leah
so a cranky barn cat most definitely comes to say hi as she watches her brother have fun... plus she’s warm, so it jus, sleeps on her?? she falls in love.
soon several more come. she is now a cat mommy. temporarily.
paul nd jared linger back to keep eating food samples. they eventually get kicked out HAHAH
paul goes to meet up with leah nd seth !!
he actually succeeds in befriending the chickens
seth is jealous
jared goes to the corn maze :)
he eventually runs into embry !! where they try to make it out of the maze....
it takes a bit tbh. even with their two heads put together.
but jared starts better than the other three did
after a v v v long time
anyway so they finally all make it to the end, jake nd quil waiting patiently.
they go off to find sam and em!! both of which are carrying large bags of apples. sam has two :)
it’s sam’s job to go find the other bubs, so he lets the others carry his apples to the car. they’re honestly all a little sleepy and they all wanna go home...
sam finds leah passed tf out with several cats surrounding her, with seth and paul close by.... both have chickens in their laps.
paul has taught seth the way ;-; they converse quietly together
UGH i’m actually sO sad :(( i wish we were able to see their friendships like this
clearwater x lahote friendship is unmatched
i can go on a whole tangent about that
i digress
seth noticies sam first !!!! so he waves nd is the first to wake leah up
she doesn’t say anything,,, sleepy ofc... just wordlessly nods her head nd starts to walk towards the cars
and they go home, happy
i refuse to let sm ruin cute pack dynamics to favor the cullens anymore
this was so fun to write! and honestly was on my mind most of the day. feel free to add on too, my brain is only capable of articulating so much information
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bittywitches · 4 years
All Yours (Grayson Dolan Fanfic)
A/N: I’m so sorry I can’t really tell what this is anymore I just. Needed to finish it. This is absolutely way too long and prolly bad but here you go :)
Basically it’s just Grayson getting super duper jealous and paranoid of how close his girlfriend and Ethan are 
Hope everyone’s doing well. Love you guys <3
Word Count: 4.6K
“E you’re literally kidding me right now.”
“Bro it’s literally true you’ve been here the entire time you have EVIDENCE!”
“OH MY GOD ETHAN your life was not going to shit because of mercury being in retrograde! That makes no fucking sense!”
“HOW can you say that-“
“Do you know what retrograde even IS?”
“Y/N y-“
“Shut the fuck up im trying to educate you. ‘Mercury being in rEtRoGrAdE’ is just us seeing mercury’s orbit from EARTH-“
“LISTEN YOU DUMBASS it’s SCIENCE we’re just OBSERVING another orbit while we are ALSO orbiting around the SAME THING-“
“BRO I-“
“Grayson tell him he’s a fucking idiot!”
“HOE he’s literally the one who found the store to buy us those stones!”
She whipped her head around in shock with a slight undertone of disgust. “GRAYSON!”
Grayson looked up from his phone. “Do not drag me into this.”
“Grayson you fucking dUMBASS-“
“PLEASE tell me it was a joke. You were just committing to the joke.”
He went back to his phone.
“Oh I’m gonna-“ she jumped off the couch and lunged towards him, ready to pounce, but Grayson grabbed her waist to hold her back. 
“Honey you have got to chill.”
“It is not my fault that Ethan can’t understand BASIC TENTH GRADE SCIENCE-“
“BABE CALM THE FUCK DOWN!” He yanked her back, and she fell back on top of his chest.
“Can’t you open your mind for one second Y/N-“ 
“E stop instigating her!” He said, trying to keep a growling Y/N locked in his arms.
“It’s a COINCIDENCE! It’s a  scientific phenomenon that happens with lots of satellites in space but has no relation to Earth or us whatsoever and has NOTHING TO DO with your SHITTY WEEK ETHAN! You are just incredibly unlucky!”
“Okay babe you’re actually scaring me maybe turn the rage down a bit?” Gray asked, trying for a soothing tone.
“And you on the other hand! Are you stupid? Are you literally stupid Grayson-“
She bent down and bit on his arm and he yelped , letting go more out of surprise than in pain.
“Y/N WHAT THE FUCK?” He rubbed his arm and pouted at her.
“Everyone who lives here is a FUCKING IDIOT!” She yelled, storming out of living room and into the kitchen.
A few seconds pass.
“You’re not really mad though, right?” Ethan said quietly after clearing his throat.
Y/N walked back into the living room, now holding a bag of potato chips. “Nah, I’m just bored and wanted to argue.”
She plopped herself onto the couch next to Ethan and smiled at him, and he rolled his eyes, but it got a laugh out of Grayson.
“So we cool?” Ethan eyed her warily. 
“Of course,” she laughed, then pecked him on the cheek. “I just thrive on dysfunction.” She popped a chip into her mouth.
“Yea she’s right about that..” Gray mumbled from his seat, still staring at his phone.
“Shut up, asshole.”
She laughed. “I love you.”
“Love you too.”
“So you do think our shitty week was because of mercury being in retrograde.”
Her laughter stopped when she turned around to look at Ethan. She blinked. “You’re kidding, right?”
“What? You just said-“
“Yea because I thought you were joking-“
“What? I wasn’t-“
“Oh my god don’t get me started-“
“LETS JUST WATCH THE MOVIE!” Grayson shouted, throwing his phone onto the counter.
Y/N snorted. “Jeez, Gray, it’s like you want us to stop fighting.”
“Yea, no doubt this is definitely turning you on right now.” Ethan wiggled his eyebrows, and Y/N spat from laughing so hard as she doubled over.
“EW what the F-” Gray screamed.
“It’s okay, you can be honest with us. It’s not your fault you’re into weird shit.” Y/N howled from laughter.
Grayson rolled his eyes. “Of course you two only stop fighting if it’s to make fun of me. I see how it is-“
“Bubba stop wallowing and start the movie!” Y/N threw a pillow at him, and it landed smack in his face.
“Nice shot.” Ethan remarked.
“Thank you, good sir.” She gave him a high five.
“God, this is one of those times I wish you guys weren’t friends first.” Grayson groaned, grabbing the remote and turning the TV on.
“Hey man, the one time I make a friend on my own and she ends up being your girlfriend. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me, dude-“
“Don’t start with this shit again, E-“
“I mean I basically got you your girlfriend, you technically owe me bro-“
“Shut the fuck up E!”
“Excuse me,” Y/N interjected, shoving Ethan’s shoulder. “You didn’t do shit, okay? I honestly probably just got unlucky and ended up meeting you first instead of Grayson.” She smirked.
“Wow, okay, first of all, fuck you-“
“I'M PUTTING THE MOVIE ON!” Grayson shouted.
“Damn, baby, what’s got you in a bad mood today?” Y/N giggled, and Ethan snickered along with her. They constantly got into tiny fights about nothing just for fun, and it was what made their friendship so interesting. But they knew when to stop fooling around, and it seemed like now was one of those times.
Gray sighed. “Nothinggg, I’m just tired.” It wasn’t nothing, but he was tired. He kicked his feet up into the sofa and leaned back against the pillow. Ethan has already draped the big fuzzy blanket over him and Y/N.
“Baby..” Grayson whined. “Come over here. I wanna cuddle.” 
“But it’s so faaar..” Y/N groaned. “And I’m already so cozy.” She smiled at him sweetly.
Grayson couldn’t help but feel warm and fuzzy from the look she gave him, but he was still disappointed. He slumped his shoulders and turned back towards the screen.  “Whatever..”
“Aww, Baby, don’t be like that, then you’ll make me feel bad.”
“Jesus you guys are adorably disgusting.” Ethan cringed at you both, and Grayson groaned.
“Why, thank you, kind sir.” Y/N said, grabbing the blanket away from Ethan then scurrying over to Graysons sofa, making his eyes light up.
“Hey! I was using that.” Ethan grumbled.
“Sorry, it’s needed for cuddles which is more important than your lonely ass.”
“Why are you so mean to me?”
“Because you always forgive me right afterwards.” She gave him a cheeky grin, and he scoffed at her.
She turned to Grayson. “Okay, scooch over, you attention whore.” 
“I looove you.” 
Grayson rolled his eyes. “You’re lucky I love you too.” He shimmied over, letting Y/N crawl over him so she could nestle up close into his chest. Grayson then threw the blanket over both of them. She laid her head in the crook of his neck, and pressed a kiss there.
“You’re not mad, right?”
He looked down at her, wary. A little, he thought. “No.. why?”
“Dunno..” she shrugged. “Just feels like you are.”
“Well, I’m not.” He said, not with much enthusiasm. He pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“Would you two stop whispering and start the movie already?” Ethan said, putting his feet up onto the counter. 
“Yeah, yeah, okay.” Gray reaches for the remote, and started the movie.
“There’s no way!”
Grayson groaned, finally waking up to the sound of chattering voices and giggling.
“He’d never do that.” He heard Y/N’s voice say. 
He grumbled, rubbing his eyes, but then noticed that he couldn’t feel the weight of Y/N on top of him. He cracked his eyes open and found her missing from his arms. He then turned to find her sitting back over on the couch, next to Ethan.
“You don’t give him enough credit.” Ethan said, grinning. 
“I’m not saying I blame him! It makes sense that he wouldn’t.”
He couldn’t explain it, but Grayson felt some sort of anger bubbling in his chest. Why did it seem like every moment he got with Y/N was being stolen? Was he no longer able to just fall asleep with his girlfriend in his arms? Did Ethan always have to be the one he saw instead?
“What’re you two girls giggling about?” He growled, throwing the blanket off of him as he sat up.
“Look who finally decided to wake up.” Y/N said, turning away from E to face him.
Grayson sighed. He couldn’t beat around the bush anymore, so he asked the obvious question. “Whatre you doing over there, baby?”
“Well, you fell asleep halfway through the movie. And you just looked so cute... I didn’t wanna wake you up.” She smiled at him, that familiar twinkle in her eye.
Gray tilted his head at her, unsure what to make of it. How did she always end up doing something sweet so he couldn’t stay mad at her?
“What are you guys talking about?” He asked again.
“Y/N was just telling me about this sex position you won’t try.” He snorted.
Grayson closed his eyes. “Please, dear god, tell me he’s joking.” He opened them again and looked at her.
She laughed, getting up and seating herself down next to him. “He’s joking, bub.” She gave him a side glance. “We were actually just talking about whether or not you’d give up your work for me.”
Grayson blinked, then turned to Ethan. “Are you trying to make me lose my girlfriend?” 
He laughed. “No, we were just talking about the podcast and stuff, and she said how she’s never seen you as happy as you are doing that kind of stuff with anything else. To which I said, you’d give it all up in a second for her.”
“Okay I’m not confirming or denying anything-“ Grayson pressed a hand to Y/N’s cheek, “-I love you,-“ he added, getting a smile from her, “but I don’t feel like you’re in a position where you can make that kind of comment while I am unconscious and unable to defend myself.” He directed back at Ethan.
“Baby, relax.” Y/N took his hand from her cheek and pressed a kiss against his palm. “We were just talking. I just said that there’s no way you’d just give up on all of this. On everything. And that makes SENSE.” She said to Ethan. “No relationship should demand that you give up anything that important to you.”
“Right but I’m just saying-“
“Ethan maybe just shut up.” Gray interjected. “Just a little. Just shut up.”
Y/N laughed again. She cupped Grayson’s cheeks, turning his face towards hers, and pressed a quick kiss against his lips. “Sorry, Baby. Didn’t mean to make you all flustered right after you woke up.” She giggled.
Grayson sighed, but smiled. “Sometimes I wonder if you’re worth all this embarrassment.”
“No, you don’t.” 
“Yea, you’re right. I don’t.” He grinned.
“Okay, it’s getting too cute again. I’m going to bed before I puke.” Ethan got up, making a gagging gesture with his finger. “Gnight.”
“Night, E.” Y/N said, laughing as he walked out of the room.
“God, I thought he’d never leave.” Grayson pulled Y/N into his arms and kissed her face all over.
She giggled, pushing his face away. “What are you talking about? You literally just woke up.”
“And I was expecting to wake up to my girlfriends pretty face, not his nasty one.” He snuggled his nose into her cheek as she rolled her eyes.
“What’re you talking about.” 
“I’m just saying that I don’t mind it when he’s not here to steal you away.”
“Steal me?” She finally got his face off of her and she looked at him, crossing her arms. “the hell is that supposed to mean?”
He gave her a mixture of a sigh and a laugh. “Nothing, babe.”
“Yes, Baby.” He pushed her hair back behind her shoulders.
She swatted his hands away. “What is that supposed to mean?”
He shrugged. “I’m just saying that when I fall asleep with my girlfriend in my arms, it isn’t the best feeling waking up to see her giggling with my brother.”
She sat up abruptly, almost knocking him in the face in the process. “What?”
“Nothingggg, never mind.”
“I love you,” he said. 
“Ok we can’t keep saying that to avoid stuff!” She jabbed at him.
“I’m not avoiding anything, baby girl.” He wrapped his arms around her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. 
Y/N hesitated. “Bub...”
“Mmm.” He bent down and pressed a kiss to her lips. She held him there, as if she was testing him for something. But she couldn’t seem to figure out what. 
They broke apart, and Grayson sighed against her lips.
“I hate that E had to meet you first.”
“Why?” She pulled away just enough to see his eyes.
“Because-“ he stopped, and breathed out. “Because I didn’t get to have you for as long as I could have.” He decided to say that instead, while pressing his forehead against hers.
“You have me now.” She said.
He smiled. “Yea...” he pulled back from her, a wistful sort of look in his eye.
Do I, though? He thought.
Grayson shook his head, then laid back on the couch, putting his arms back behind his head as he breathed out. He felt Y/N weigh down on his chest, propping herself up on her elbows as she looked down at him. She stayed like that for a while, watching him breathe and stare at the ceiling. He wanted to know what was running through her head, but he kept his eyes closed, knowing that if he did look at her he’d feel jealous all over again.
He hated the very idea of him being jealous in the first place. It was icky and weird, and quite frankly disgusting. What was he supposed to be jealous of?
He pushed that thought way, just thinking about it making him queasy. What the fuck was he thinking? How could he be jealous of Ethan when Y/N was his girlfriend? Sure, they were friends first, and yes that pissed him off to no end, but that’s all it was. They were just friends.
Grayson brought his hands up to his eyes, somehow trying to rub the thoughts out of his head. He let out a loud sigh. 
Why did she have to be like this? It’s not like he had a problem with her being close with Ethan. He loved that, and he always wanted his partner to have a good relationship with his brother. Ethan was super important to him, and he wanted both his love and his brother to be in his life. And that’s what he got, so he should be lucky right? He should be happy at the thought that the three of them could just hang out and things wouldn’t be weird.
Yes it would.
No it wouldn’t.
They spend too much time together.
No they don’t.
She probably wants to be with him instea-
“Woah- okay.” Grayson mumbled, opening his eyes fast to pull himself out of his spiral. That went too far way too fast. He peered up at the ceiling, trying to concentrate on the blank white colour and clear his thoughts.
He felt Y/N shift on his chest, probably in response to his small outburst, and he prayed that she wouldn’t say anything. He waited a second.
She didn’t make a sound, aside from her soft breath. He relaxed.
This is Y/N. his girlfriend. The girl he loved, and the girl he was quite sure loved him the same way. Nobody else. Just him.
You sure?
“Baby, are you okay?” She finally said now, pushing herself up off of his chest gently to look at him with furrowed eyebrows.
“Yea, princess. I’m fine. Just.. a headache.”
She titled her head at him, a worried look in her eye. “You sure?”
You sure?
“YES!” He said a little too loudly, making her jump a little. “Yes, I’m sure.”
She peered at him with a look of unease, but she dropped it. He seemed tired, and she didn’t want to push him. However, she could tell there was something running through his mind, and it was bothering him.
His face looked pale for the first time, and it freaked her out. His eyebrows were all furrowed, and he just felt dark and unsettling.
“What’re you thinking about, bub?” She finally said, unable to keep wondering.
Grayson coughed. What was he to say? 
“...You.” He finally decided with, trying for a playful smile, but his eyes still seemed tired. Uneasy.
“Is that so?” She laid down, bringing her arms down flat on his chest and resting her chin above them. “What about me?”
“Just you.” He brought a hand up to brush a hair out of her face, and this time she let him. “Your pretty face.”
Just for me.
“And your sparkling eyes.”
For no one else.
“And your stupid little smile that literally makes me want to squeal like a little school girl.” He said now, a little frustrated, but making him realize once more that this was still Y/N. the girl he had fallen for, and loved with everything he had.
“Aw, I make you squeal like a little girl?”
“That may be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”
“Shut up.”
They both breathed out, their anxious sighs mingling with one another. 
Grayson felt Y/N drag her finger across his chest, stopping abruptly right before touching his hand.
She knows.
Knows what?
Knows that you don’t trust her.
He took her hand in his, grabbing it tightly and pressing it against his chest.  
I do trust you.
I do.
It was like he could feel her smiling against his chest, and suddenly he relaxed once more. He rubbed her palm with his thumb, glad he could find something to focus on. It was as if she felt the same way, because he felt her place her head down against his chest. He closed his eyes once more, lining his breath up with her soft breath. His other hand found its way to her lower back, now gently rubbing up and down, the way he did whenever she couldn’t fall asleep.
Just fall asleep.
Grayson stirred from his sleep, awoken by the sound of Y/N’s quiet voice. 
“Mmmbaby, s’that y-?” He went to sleepily grab Y/N’s waist, but sort of shook himself awake when his arms landed flat against his waist. 
He wanted to yell. “God, again with this shit?” He grumbled, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to wake you.” Her voice made him pull his arms away, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness. He finally recognized his girlfriend’s shape standing next to the sofa. He then saw the spilled water at her feet.
“What are you...” he glanced back up at her, and she ran a hand through her hair.
“I got thirsty. Didn’t wanna wake you...” She sighed. “But I couldn’t see in the dark, and I knocked into the stupid coffee table and spilled it all.” She rubbed her eye with the back of her palm and pouted.
Grayson reached for his phone, picking it up and squinting as the bright light shone in his face. 
It was 2am. 
He turned the flashlight on his phone on so he could see where the water had spilled. Thankfully, none had gotten on the carpet. He placed the phone down and sighed. “My clumsy baby.” He got up off the couch and carefully walked over to her, stepping over the puddle of water. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and kissed her on the forehead. “Okay, I’ll get the mop. Go to bed.”
She smiled. “Love you.”
About fifteen minutes later, Grayson quietly shut the door to his bedroom, and saw his girlfriend sitting up in his bed, her head laying against the backboard, and a pretty light shining over her face from the table lamp. Her eyes seemed a little glazed, as if she was about to drift off, but smiled and sat up when she saw him enter the room.
“Why aren’t you sleeping?” Grayson asked, getting into bed next to her.
She shrugged. “Didn’t wanna fall asleep without you.”
She laid her head on his shoulder, and sighed. “I know we kinda say it all the time, so it’s kinda almost lost meaning at this point, but…” she tilted her head to look up at him. “I really do love you.”
Her hand rustled under the blanket to find his, and their fingers intertwined. “A lot.” 
Grayson’s eyebrows furrowed. “What’s gotten into you?”
“Nothin’.” She said, reaching up to kiss his cheek. 
“Well, whatever it is, I like it.”
Grayson pushed her back down onto her pillow and kissed her while she giggled against his lips. 
She pushed him back by his shoulders, giving him a funny look. “I’m just trying to show my appreciation for you.”
“So am I.” He pressed a kiss to her lips again, and this time she didn’t stop him, her hands finding their usual place at his jaw and neck. 
When they pulled apart, she kept his head in place, pressing their noses together. “You’re amazing.”
“You’re weird when you’re tired.”
She pecked his lips. “It’s strange that you use the word ‘weird’ instead of ‘affectionate’.”
She let go of him, letting her arms fall on top of the blanket. She stretched, and let out a yawn. She pushed him down onto the mattress, and laid her head in the crook of his neck, her arm against his chest.
Grayson leaned back, just watching the view in front of him. His wonderful girlfriend, falling asleep next to him, in his bed. Hearing her breathing as she drifted off to sleep, her chest slowly rising and falling as she began to dream. It was everything he wanted. 
Then why was there that nagging voice still in the back of his head?
This isn’t real.
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
She’s faking it. 
All of it.
What is wrong with you?
She’s pretending.
No she’s not.
She is.
She’s not.
She is.
She loves me!
You sure?
I have to be sure.
“Tell me the story of how you met Ethan.”
She looked up at him with a weird look. “Why?”
“Just ‘cause.”
“I just wanna hear it.”
“But you already know that story.”
“I know..” He stroked her hair. “I just wanna hear it again.”
“Baby what is going on with you?” She pushed herself up off of his chest to look at him, sitting up now.
“Okay, fine. Just tell me what you really thought when you saw him for the first time.”
“Were you really just trying to be friends with him?”
“Or did you want something else?”
“Grayson!” she shoved at his chest. “What is wrong with you?”
“Baby please.” He grabbed her arm. “Did you want him, ever?”
She flung his arm off of her. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Just tell me!” He yelled, impatient and worried.
She blinked at him in astonishment. “Okay, so what if I did, huh?”
His heart sank. “Don’t play games with me, Y/N.”
“So WHAT if I DID, GRAYSON?” she was shouting now too, no longer caring about keeping her voice down so not to wake Ethan. 
“Don’t fucking say that.”
“Why would that even matter? I’m not with him, am I? I’m with YOU!”
“Grayson, please....” She put her face in her hands. Rubbing her eyes with her palms. “What is wrong? Do you have a problem with me?”
“What? No! I-”
“Then why are you doing this? Why are you acting like a jealous freak? Do you not trust me? Do you not believe me when I pour my heart out to you? When I say that I love you?”
“I’m not jealous-”
“Yes you are!” She threw her hands up in the air. “I’ve never said anything about it, because I didn’t want to. It’s weird, Gray. And especially today! What do you have to be jealous of? Do you not want me to be friends with Ethan? Is that it?”
“No…” His fingers raked through his hair. “No.”
“Then what, Gray? What is it that you want from me?”
She paused. 
“Do you not want me?”
His eyes widened. “What the fuck are you talking about?” He wrapped his arms around her aggressively, burying his nose into her shoulder. “You are all I’ve ever wanted.”
She sighed. “Bub…” she gently pushed herself away from his so she could look him in the eye. “No. I’ve never had feelings for Ethan. He’s my friend. My really, good friend that I care a lot about. But I don’t feel anything towards him like what I feel towards you.”
He gave her an exasperated sigh. “Then what did you really think of Ethan the first time you met him?”
“Nothing out of the ordinary! I just thought he was a nice person that I’d like to hang out with.”
Grayson gave her a weary look. 
“Babe, I don’t understand. You say that you trust me, but if you did why would you act like this?”
“I don’t know, Y/N! It’s not like I want to! It’s just- you guys are so close. And I’ve just never seen Ethan be that close to someone other than me, and, I don’t know, okay? It just. It just freaks me out.”
Y/N cupped his jaw. “Grayson.”
“You know what I thought the first time I met you?”
“Wow. I didn’t know it was possible for someone to have a twin significantly more attractive than they are.”
Grayson blinked, but then almost spit all over her, doubling over in laughter, completely forgetting about the seriousness of the situation. Y/N couldn’t help but giggle as well, glad to see him smile.
“Shut up.” He said after controlling his laughing. “Don’t lie.”
“I’m dead serious.” She chuckled. “My hands were all sweaty the entire time, and you know how I kept completely falling off the track while we were playing mario kart?
“That’s cuz I was staring at your reflection in the tv screen.”
“Shut UP!”
“I swear to god I’m serious!” she laughed. “And after I gave up to let you guys play and I was just on my phone, I was actually imagining us making out.”
He grabbed her face and kissed her, surprising her, but she relaxed in his arms. When he pulled away, he said: “You are so good at lying to make me feel better.” 
“I’m not lying!”
“Mhm.” He kissed her again, wrapping one arm around her waist while the other held her neck firmly. She moaned against his lips, holding his face in both hands. When they pulled away, they were out of breath.
“Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little bit.” She smiled. “But the point is, I love you. Nobody else.”
Grayson sighed. “I love you.” He pressed his forehead against hers. “I’m sorry.”
“You should be.”
“What? You should.”
He rolled his eyes. “Fine. You’re right.”
He kissed her forehead. “I’m really sorry. I’ve been a huge dick.”
“You sure have.”
Then her nose. “I was an idiot to be jealous.”
And then a peck on her lips. “I love you. So much.”
She grinned. “I love you too.”
“Promise me one thing?”
“You’ll always be mine?” he asked, his lips grazing against hers.
She smiled at him. “I’m all yours.” she said, then connected their lips once more.
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allkinds-oftrash · 3 years
Ya girl is watching the latest HSM series ep and Imma live blog it hshshs and will add my reactions under the cut so it doesn't end up a long post. Anyways, let's goo:
They really said we're gonna let life imitate art with Nini and Olivia huh
Ricky was SUPPORTIVE??? Damnn I really thought we gonna get a classic Ricky tantrum....
But also wow sir that sounds salty and should definitely talk to someone abt how you're feeling...A therapist maybe 👀
I know we needed to contextualise how Ricky felt abt the song but I really wanted to see Nini's interview in full!!
Sebby you're so cute I do wanna see yall do DEH
Shjshshs not the rights not being available for another 5 years 😭😭
I dunno how they're in great shape and closer to the Menkies Gold after not having a single proper rehearsal, but go off Miss Jenn
Omg honestly Kourt's costumes are always amazing and on point Imma excited to see it
Kourt is such a simp we love to see it
Carlos is so pissy this episode we love to see it shshhs
Also love the way Seb calms him down and keeps him nice it's such a funny dynamic
"We had 20 people make our Belle dress over 50 hours" Okay North High shut the fuck up
I'm calling it now the reason North High knows so much is cos Howie is the leak and Kourt has been unwittingly telling him. The way her phone keeps going off as they discuss how North High knows everything is really good foreshadowing if my prediction is right
Also like her phone went off just as Carlos said "How did they know that?" THAT'S PEAK FORESHADOWING
If Howie ain't in North High, I dunno what Tim is doing
"I have abs" We know sweetie
"I PADDED THE THUSH FOR YOU" "AWW THANKS KOURT I NEEDED THAT" THIS INTERACTION IS EVERYTHING THAT WAS SO FUNNY!! I love that it is now canon that EJ has abs but no butt love that for him
Okay but like damn these costumes are great!! North High can fuck right off with its high end ones I just wanna see lowkey homemade costumes by students; I'd watch a Broadway show if I wanted to see professional costumes okay
Damn Carlos has killer eyesight clocking in that mask in the trunk
Nini's little look over at Gina was like "Omg you guys my girlfriend is so cute and dumb" GINI STANS HOW WE FEELING?
Miss Jenn don't be that naive, your boyfriend probably put them up to it
That Insta page is prophetic with their timing tbh; all the info is a leak obviously looking at your Howie but like the timing of it all. Those kiddos don't know that they are discussing the stolen mask at this exact moment (Kourt has put down her phone after Carlos snapped at her so Howie doesn't know they are talking abt it rn)
"We don't dance with the enemy" *cuts to her dancing with Zackey later*
SEBBY WEARING THE TEACUP COSTUME OMG HE'S GOING MAKE SUCH A CUTE CHIP (yes I am still mad Seb/Joe was robbed but Imma fangirl over the costume anyway)
Wtf why does North High look so expensive - they are literally in the same district as East High right??? How did they get this much funding
North High is a very artsy and rich for a public school; they should have had Nini go here instead of YAC tbh (like this campus feels like what YAC should have been) NOW THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN AN INTERESTING STORYLINE
Seblos' dynamic IS ON POINT THIS EP I really love my bois so much and their back and forth is hilarious
Shhshs DIANE who loves volleyball and North High okay I totally believe it
Shshsh we love Gina knowing herself and practicing self control by volunteering to be the lookout
Omg yall listen to Carlos and stfu they are so lucky no one saw or heard them yelling Wildcats
Oh no no no no no Miss Jenn you gonna get sucked in; this is gonna be so messy
Omg I saw someone post about this scene before I watched the ep YALL ARE RIGHT THAT BOI HITTING ON GINA IS SO FINE Babes go for that one, not EJ
NOT THEM FAKE DATING UGH E W TIM STOP MAKING ROMANTIC PORTWELL A T H I N G I honestly do not understand how some of yall can ship it romantically knowing Sofia is a whole underaged babey and Matty is a whole ass grown man - like I get the appeal of the Wonderstudies getting together and they do have chemistry but the irl age gap is creepy and outweighs the appeal of shipping them romantically
As I always say; Portwell/Wonderstudies should be a BROTP not an OTP
Ugh Brotp Portwell would have clocked Lily right away; romantic Portwell making googly eyes at each other isn't helping anyone
Living for Nini getting the recognition she deserves - I really like her solo arc this season she's so much more interesting without Ricky tbh
Aww Kourt you simp I love her and I'm so happy she's happy I wanna be wrong about Howie being a North High kid
Where is the mask??
Lily really wishes she was Jesse St. James huh; you could never Lily so stop
Andrew Barth Feldman and his cute little French accent I love him so much
Hnng Miss Jenn gonna get manipulated by this hoe. Omg wowow Zackey really is a hoe, making out with another girl before the show THE AUDACITY OF HIM SAYING MISS JENN WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH I WILL THROW HANDS WITH THIS MOFO
Wait the kids didn't steal it BUT WHAT IF ZACKEY DID
Ssjsgfajhdfg I CANNOT WITH ANDREW'S ACCENT but I can't tell if its really bad or really good but I'm also confused why didn't they just cast a French person as Antonie shshhs Antoine is adorableee and a little shit the best type of character
Lily is so annoying b y e sis bye and Olivia Keegan is talented I just wish they didn't make her character such a cartoony villain type
"How about if we bop to the top" SEBBY I LOVE YOU AND NEVER STOP BEING SO CUTE I SWEAR and Awww Carlos called him Honey I am s o f t
Hnng why do these fools are really gonna give into North High calling them chickens
"She told us not to dance with the enemy. She's better than this" No Sebby, she's not *cuts to her dancing with Zackey* AND OMG THE WAY I SAW THIS EDIT COMING BEFORE IT CAME
Ooooh I like this song wayyy more whatever the mess The Mob Song became (when I first heard it drop on Spotify yesterday) Around You is such a great song musically and lyrically very relevant to these two and gosh I love their voices together
They have so much chemistry damn, go home Mike (well he technically has oop) and Mr. Mazzara
Oh god this is the scene from the trailer; she's gonna make a move on Ricky isn't she?? Leave him alone Lily he doesn't need a 3rd girl to be confused about he needs a therapist
Lily shut the fuck up with quasi; STOP TRYING TO MAKE QUASI HAPPEN
"I love Nini's song" Sure, Jan.
...Okay yes you should have called him out but don't bait him LIKE THAT oop there's the scene from the trailer
Ohmygod is Andrew Barth Feldman gonna hit on Ashlyn
Okay this is so cute but also I am VERY annoyed with the way this show handles its characters like they aren't relevant or important unless they get into a relationship or a love triangle?? That's such a shitty way to give out screentime and arcs to characters. Is it not enough to develop the characters on their own and strengthen their friendship???
HUH TIM why you so obsessed with compulsory heterosexuality??(well also homosexuality for Seblos but they are the only ones I'm not annoyed with their relationship cos its a hella big step for Disney to have a gay couple and their relationship isn't in our faces or overshadows the plot and its just spinkles of cuteness every time they interact - they are honestly who Rini wishes they were; besties in love. They are a couple that Tim should be taking notes from; leave the relationship drama in the background, focus on the theatre and friendship aspect of everything)
My mini rant aside; this is a very adorable interaction between Ashlyn and Antoine.
This is so funny he keeps picking out the hottest guys of the group; as if he himself isn't the French version of Big Red they look super alike ngl shshsh
Drama between Antoine and Red is already spicing up shshsh I cannot
Why are you so dramatic with the shuffle Lily gtfo of here...also this doesn't make sense?? She wasn't even on a BATB playlist; what if a non BATB song came on ahahah
Good to know they aren't big fans of The Mob Song like I am Awww EJ you cutie, okay I will appreciate the OG Mob Song just for you
I'm being robbed of Gaston for the last 7 eps I at least deserve an EJ solo for compensation
The way the set looks straight out of Broadway but also like omg the blue lighting and fancy stage gave me intense flashbacks to that Glee episode where Vocal Adrenaline sang Bohemian Rhapsody
Howie you hoe you gonna break my girl Kourtney's heart
Yeah...still not a fan of Antoine's Dance Remix
Yall know Gina would kill the dance number if she wasn't wearing that fit
First the Beasts led it (Howie sounded better than Ricky ngl), then the Lumieres (their voices worked hella well together; I always forget what a talented singer Frankie is THEY NEED TO GIVE HIM A SOLO SONG) and now the Belles are going at it (Ashlyn's voice is superior)
...Did anyone really win, Lily??? STFU
Oooh I did see someone talk about this when the Rose Song dropped last week, apparently its illegal to add songs to a musical you're doing for a school play; I really thought the show would brush past that irl rule but I guess they are playing into it
Okay Nini is being a little pissy about leaving her song out of the show and its a little selfish to wanna keep it at the risk of being disqualified but I also understand why she's hurt
Everyone is dog piling on her right now being against her idea and it feels like they are being against her song and her herself instead of them not wanting to be disqualified. Also like she poured her heart and soul into the song after Miss Jenn lowkey rushed her to write it. So I can see why this feels like a rejection of her and her song and why she's so hurt rather than her seeing the big picture right now
It doesn't help that Ricky said the final blow causing her to walk off
Okay maybe Zackey gets some rights for being chill and wanting the kids to be peers
THIS MOTHERFUCKER I KNEW HE WAS SHADY Also the way I gasped even though I predicted he stole the mask halfway through this ep shshsh
Stab him Miss Jenn STAB HIM
Bitch why you so threatened by East High if yall have such a Broadway-esque show planned??? They honestly should have stuck to the Little Mermaid; I really wanted to see the aquarium
"It's just a song Ricky" "A song can mean everything" Do you get deja vu? Anyone else getting intense flashbacks to Jan when DL first dropped and all the drama happened 👀
YES PLEASE STAY CO ANCHORS Gosh I love them so much esp once you take the romantic connotations out of their interactions
I love this long take of checking in with everyone's relationship status (still hate how romantically focused this show has become but still a cool shot)
Okay but like looking at Kourtney's face I have never wanted to be wrong so bad GOD I HATE IT HERE I really think he likes her and I hope they work it out
Nini setting up her own music acc feels like when Olivia rebranded her whole IG to be just for her music stuff - love this for both of them
I know everyone loves her as Nini but like I have always loved the name Nina and it really suits her to be honest also shows how she's growing up now and kind of leans into the lyric "I won't be confined to your point of view" from The Rose Song because Nini is the nickname Ricky gave her so it shows that she's outgrowing him too and I love that for her!
Overall thoughts; they really crammed all the North High drama into one ep huh. Personally would have liked it if all of this was spread out throughout the last few episodes; like different hijinks for every episode. I'm just a big fan of properly setting up the overall arc over the season instead of patching it together closer to the climax/end of the show. Cos now it lowkey feels like two different seasons - 2A felt like The Rini/Rina Show esp with YAC storyline and whatever was going on with Rina and now 2B is finally feeling like what this season should have been all this time
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scrollypoly · 4 years
Ben with a flirty s/o who's also a switch 😳
Bruh so me? Jk jk but for real tho
If you come right out with the flirting on him, it will fluster the heck out of him. Unless you want him to panic and skitter away, you need to start slow. He's already pretty difficult to warm up to, so prepare to be patient.
If he's already decently comfortable with you (like level 3 friendship prolly) and you hit him with a flirt, he'll banter right back. It doesn't really register as a legitimate attempt to woo him though. So you may have to get more . . . physical. Kabedon him against a wall or trail your hands down his arm and you'll fry his circuits. He secretly likes the attention, just has no idea to cope with it. So if you think it's too much for him and walk away, he'll grab your hand and drag you right back over.
If your dating him, he flirts right back so easily. Back and forth til it ends up with one of you two on top, making out on the couch. Hes a switch too, so you two will constantly try to ploy each other over into giving in, which leads to a lot of play fights and friendly competition that devolve into snuggles and laughter. He sometimes gets jealous over how playful and teasing you can be with other people, but nothing a little reassurance and kisses won't fix.
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ff-imagines · 4 years
Hey i hope its ok to request something. If not just ignore this. Can you do some salt and pepper mantis shrimp general headcanons? I love your writing by the way💙
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Hell yea cyberpunk babe time
• This man? Right here? He’s? Complicated.
• Getting into a friendship with him is hard enough.
• He straight up won’t trust you for a really long time, doesn't matter who you are.
• You thought Boston was hard to win over? Y’all aren’t ready for pepper.
• Honestly the best way to get him to really trust you is to be here for him but distant at the same time. Don’t be overbearing, but do small favors and little pieces of kindness for him.
• Don’t get it wrong, this isn’t a game of “waiting for him to come around” as much as it’s proving your willingness to be patient, and able to give him space.
• He doesn’t make himself easy to love, and he doesn’t feel love easily.
• how you treat others directly affects how he sees you.
• He’s very watchful of you, and honestly very nervous.
• He doesn’t trust you at all at first, he tends to watch over you in less of a protective sense and more of a… “keeping an eye on your enemy” kind of way.
• You unknowingly prove to him your kindness, and it kinda stuns him honestly. He’s used to seeing the worst of humans, so seeing genuine care is…. weird.
• When you notice he isn’t hanging over your shoulder as much, that’s when you can start getting closer.
• His favorite is spinach noodles, but honestly any food you give him he’s pretty grateful for, even if he doesn’t vocalize that.
• He doesn’t have vocal manners at all honestly. Saying your “please-and-thank-yous” was never something that was really… important in his past.
• Surprisingly it will be….. technically both of you who makes the first move
• when he’s fairly confident you’re trustworthy he decides to just keep you close and protect you with all he’s got. That doesn’t necessarily mean romantic, so you’re the one who makes that move.
• Blunt honesty is best. If he senses any jokes or teasing he won’t even consider believing what you’re saying.
• If he feels you’re being honest, he’ll most likely retract for a day or two before coming back to you and simply sitting down close to you. He’ll try to say something in reply, but he can’t seem to get it past his tongue.
• Hold the pepper boys hand, he’ll melt.
• His prosthetic arm might also jump in temperature so make sure that’s not the hand you’re holding lmao
• From that point it’s just as slow as befriending him is.
• A good way to reassure him is with food. Boys got a pretty fuckin big appetite. He won’t eat around you though, that requires taking off the mask. He takes to a room without people and happily munches.
• A great way to get closer to him is…. keeping cute band-aids on your person!
• His skin is actually pretty sensitive and he gets cuts and bruises pretty easily.
• He’ll reject the cute little characters and designs on the band-aids at first but they kinda grow on him, eventually he’s covered in cute cat ban-daids head to toe.
• Will actually melt inside if you stick a band-aid on yourself to match him, even if you’re not hurt.
• You walk out the bathroom with pastel pink bandaids on your nose and he’s thinking “????????? Ily??????”
• He doesn’t have a lot of hobbies, he's never had the time to gain any, really.
• In hanging over your shoulder he gets an idea of what things he’ be interested in trying, though!
• He loves to look at alt fashion. He’d never really try any outfits but he might be down to pick out some for you!
• His fashion isn’t exactly… mainstream? But it is unique and strangely appealing!
• You will be hanging out a lot with Boston lobster. He admires him above all else so, be prepared for that lmao
• Will most likely quietly gush about you to Boston if Boston asks. Only if you’re not around though because he could never say these things to your face lmaoo
• doesn’t really let you touch his prosthetic arm, he’s worried it’ll hurt you.
• He’s also very insecure about it in general.
• Showing interest or complimenting his arm greatly catch him off guard, they’re actually his favorite compliments, even if he has trouble accepting them.
• Shrimp himself is actually a very jealous and possessive person.
• The people he claims as ‘his people’ are under his constant watch, and anyone he deems as dangerous or even just mildly annoying will not be met with any sort of kindness.
• If he catches or finds out about anyone flirting with you, especially a human, he has no problem sorting this… problem with violence.
• Lord help anyone who dares try to touch you, I sincerely hope they had a good life because he’s sending them to god in 500 pieces.
• He definitely prefers indoor dates, far far away from anyone else.
• He’d prolly absolutely love a video game date.
• His favorite games are story based, stuff like the last of us, beyond: two souls, farcry 3-5, etc
• Detroit: becoming human really struck a chord with him, he adores that game.
• Doesn’t like multiplayer as much since it requires talking to people
• His ultimate show of trust is sleeping around you.
• He’s very nervous to test around others, even Boston to a degree, him taking a nap around you means more than you think.
• Would feel very emotional cuddling with you, especially if you fell asleep.
• He takes it as a sign of trust on your part as well.
• His favorite position to cuddle is where you’re both on your side, facing each other. Likes to tuck your head under his chin and rest an arm loosely over your waist.
• Takes a while for him to fall asleep because he’s just not used to this level of affection, but that doesn’t mean he’s not savoring every second.
• Will take a long time to take off the mask. I’m talking l o n g.
• There’s a lot of speculation on what he looks like, personally I think he’s got a normal looking face but has big fangs.
• Like, some serious chompers.
• He knows literally nothing about intimacy, that definitely includes kissing.
• At first there’s… a lot of teeth in his kisses lmao rip
• he loves ghosting his teeth over your skin, just to see how you squirm.
• Loves to bite around the junction of your shoulder, the back of your neck, and lightly nibble on your wrists
• Hickies from him make you look like you got attacked by a rabid rat lmao
• He feels a twinge of pride when anyone asks “what happened to your neck?”
• “I happened, disgusting human.”
• Once he does start getting comfortable with affection his possessiveness gets cranked up a lot, as he gets a tad clingy!
• “Hmm? No, don’t get up yet. It’s…. comfortable here.”
• Overall he’s a nervous, untrusting boy who finally found someone worth trusting in.
• He will not let that go anytime soon.
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themollyb · 3 years
With this new scene coming out for ACOSF I feel like we need to clarify a few things.. please reply with your thoughts!! FYI I’m a Nesta Stan.
- So many of you are saying Mor has CENTURIES of trauma at Eris’s hands- Eris hasn’t done anything to her except leave her in the woods when he found her and insult when he sees her..
- I don’t think Mor and cassian ever really had feelings for each other. Mor had sex with the lowest born fae she could find to soil herself so Eris wouldn’t marry her which is a HUGE insult to Cassian btw .. at least that’s how I read it. Did she deserve what her family did? No. But it wasn’t Eris’s fault. I do think Mor did what she did because she thought it was her her way out of that marriage. Also of course Cass had sex with her when she asked.. what young male wouldn’t!?
- Nesta isn’t a terrible person. Siblings are terrible to each other. Doesn’t mean they don’t love each other and wouldn’t do anything to help one another. We don’t see enough of their interactions in their cottage to actually know how they were together. I feel like most of you who think she’s so terrible don’t have siblings and haven’t had those interactions.
- I can’t stand the whole Mor Az and Cass dynamic. Like what is happening there. Why aren’t more ppl mad about the fact that Mor is leading on Az (when she knows he loves her) for like 100s of years just to cover up the fact that she’s LGBT to her closest friends? I’m not gay so maybe I don’t understand this situation but it seems pretty messed up. We can also see that most of the IC knows that Cass and Nesta prolly are mates and shes straight up trying to prevent their interactions.. idk so annoying!
- Nesta is clearly depressed and doesn’t value herself. I truly think she’s mean to Cass because she feels like her presence in his life is bad for him and like she feels like she’s not worthy of him or the rest of her family and their friends. I have a friend who gets depressed and we have to constantly remind her how much we want her around and how she’s worthy of our friendship.
- Everyone in this book has done awful things. Does that mean they don’t deserve a family, support, someone who loves them!? No!!! Stop saying ppl don’t deserve love just because they are mean to someone. The IC is mean to pretty much everyone but themselves but everyone is happy for them..
-I am not a huge fan of Rhys. The shit he has done is FUCKED UP. Yes He did most of it to survive but it was still horrible. I’m still glad that he and his family are happy and thriving even if he’s an ass to Nesta for her “making Feyre suffer” Nothing Nesta has done to Feyre is as bad as what Rhys has done so why does he get a pass in this fandom? I feel like it’s because Nesta is a chick who happens to be a bitch.
- Nesta hasn’t made Feyre suffer! She was a child when their Mom died and their dad checked out It wasn’t her responsibility to care for everyone! IT WAS HER FATHERS! She wanted to died to make her father care, that’s how messed up she was over it! How can all you be so mad at her for that??
- please tell me we are going to see Feyre stick up for Nesta when Rhys is being an ass to her. I have two brothers and some shit has gone down between us but I would never let my husband insult them. It’s one of those things where I can say WTF ever I want about my brothers but you keep your mouth shut types of things. I’m hoping she feels the same about her sisters.
- Cass said to Nesta he couldn’t understand why her sisters love her. Ouch man. As someone who sometimes struggles to understand why ppl love me as much as they do, this would be really hard for me to hear. Why would you say that to someone who you are in love with and then try to give them a gift!? Wtf Cass!? I hope we hear how that affected her and see how they move forward with that. ( he prolly didn’t mean it and was trying to hurt her but he really hit his mark on that one. Wrong thing to say to an OBVIOUSLY depressed person.)
- that dance scene though!!! Ugh I hope Eris is into nesta. I THINK lady therion has a fic (a court of wind and flame) where he is and I AM HERE FOR IT. Let Cass be jealous. I love it! I am intrigued by Eris and think he is the same as Rhys. Acts like a scary huge dick to protect himself and his fam but really is not as bad.
- I love Helion. I hope we get more of him and hopefully the lady of autumn!!! THEY BELONG TOGETHER.
Wow that was a lot. Rant over. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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