#hawks: when i said i wanna meet them again
sinnamonpork · 1 year
I got some ideas for a vigilante au where Dabi became a vigilante and pro hero Hawks had been flirting with his white haired, blue flamed beau for half a year already. When they get to the point that they already discovered each other's true names, Hawks was ready to meet Endeavor when Dabi said he wanted him to meet his family. Imagine the little bird's surprise when he was instead face to face by Japan's most wanted League of Villains. Apparently, his not very legal partner had some very, very illegal group of friends that had been more than happy to provide for his nightly activities.
Imagine Hawks preparing to meet another pro hero, already practicing his lines so that he could sweep his boyfriend's family off their feet. Instead, he was faced with a Toga that's more than ready to bloody him up if he hurts Dabi, Shigaraki threatening to dust his bird dick, and a Mr. Compress describing all the way he can make his life very painful via his marbling quirk. Hawks was readying to charm a hero's family. Instead, he just hoped againt hope that he'd survive the encounter with his boyfriend's family.
Nevertheless, the various death threats and the very weird social dynamic the League has was worth it to see Dabi smile so freely when the hero said he was willing to meet the League again. Atleast Twice and Spinner were kinda normal. Although the hero can say with full confidence that he'd be avoiding Mr. Compress for a while. The man seems like the most likely to just make him disappear and smile while doing it.
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hawnks · 6 months
Word count: ~2,800
warnings: a/b/o typical sexism, abuse of authority (from side character), mention of leg injury
He brings the storm with him.
You learn him in whispers, along with a bevy of myth and rumor. He drifted here from the East. His clothing has been mended at least a dozen times, but his shoes are sturdy, expertly crafted. He makes no noise when he walks — hardly any noise at all. Rōnin, not samurai. And you can’t trust a man with no honor.
He killed his old master, I heard.
No, he was exiled.
Maybe he killed his master because he was exiled.
“He’ll be gone tomorrow once the rain lets up,” the innkeeper says, cutting off all further speculation. “Now, mind your work, not the guests.”
Beside you, someone grouses, “He chose a funny season to wander, if he’s afraid of the weather.”
The rain does not let up.
It puts everyone in a sour mood. The streets turn viscous and tacky, the air brutally cool. You draw the short straw, sent to fetch the days meat in the early morning, a long trek to the fishmonger that leaves you drenched down to your underwear.
It takes twice as long as usual — you lose your sandal a few times in the muck — and when you arrive the stand is vacant. The old man had come down with pneumonia.
Frustrated, you take the long way home. They can wait for the bad news, and you’re so soaked a few extra minutes won’t make any difference. You catch the eye of a few of the daimyō’s men, leering at you from beneath awnings, snickering as you walk by.
“Wanna hear a joke about wet omegas?” one of them calls to you.
You grit your teeth and keep walking.
You deliver the news about the fish to the innkeeper at the door to her room, so you can dart out again before she has a chance to say anything. God forbid she sends you out on another errand.
Soaking, furious, you change into your uniform, and begin your shift at the tavern.
The work is tedious, but decently lucrative. You like to talk to travelers, learn what’s happening beyond the boundaries of your town. It’s hard to put into words what you get out of this, hoarding information like you’re starved for it. Maybe the sheer notion that there is someplace else. That this town and its people are not the only things in the world.
The comfort of knowing away is still possible.
You expect to ask the rōnin the same, starry eyed questions, regardless of how the other server is avoiding him. It might even be enough to salvage this shitty morning.
But you don’t get a chance to ask him where he’s from, what he’s seen. You open your mouth to say something, and choke on air thick with the scent of wisteria.
He meets your gaze.
He won’t look away.
Your wet hair drips on his table.
You can’t feel your fingertips.
Shoving yourself away from the table so hard it rattles against the floor, you excuse yourself in a mumbled tumult. You recruit the other server to take over your tables for the rest of the morning. You must look as awful as you feel, because she doesn’t even question it as you retreat back to your room, throw yourself under the quilt. Close your eyes and pray for your heart to settle.
The one thing the gossip didn’t prepare you for — an alpha.
Another day of storms. Another morning you draw the short straw.
Another day you limp home through the mud, empty handed.
The soldiers don’t leer today. Instead, the daimyō is waiting for you. It feels like he’s always waiting for you, that he could swoop in any moment, as quick and ruthless as a hawk.
He’s said he could follow your scent straight to you, no matter where you’re hiding. Sometimes you believe it.
He’s leaning against a wall under an awning, but you know the casual stance is deceptive. He can be fast when he wants to be.
He calls your name, an inferred order to come.
You pretend you didn’t hear, keep walking.
He’s standing straight now arms at his side. Ready. Your insides feel leaden. It takes all your willpower to keep moving forward. To disregard an alpha is one, painful thing. To disregard the daimyō is simple insanity.
Water blurs your vision. You can’t tell from the corner of your eye what expression he’s making. Sometimes he finds your insolence humorous.
Sometimes not.
Just a dozen feet further and you’ll be at the bend in the road.
“You should greet me,” he says. Quiet, but you’re so hyper-vigilant, there’s no way you could miss it.
“Good morning, My Lord,” you whisper to your feet.
He doesn’t step out into the rain, but his voice follows you around the corner. Teasing, condescending. “That’s a good omega.”
He could kill you for your bad manners. A servant, ignoring their lord. No one would question it, no one would dispute it.
But then — he would be killing the only omega in the whole town.
As much as he resents your disobedience, he would resent the loss of you even more. An alpha must have an omega, he told you. That is his right.
Chin tucked and scurrying, you don’t realize you’re on a collision course until you’ve already run into the man. The impact sends you tumbling to the ground.
Through the buffer of the downpour, it takes you a minute to recognize him. His scent.
“I didn’t mean to frighten you,” he says. “I apologize.”
He bends to offer you a hand up. You just stare at his outstretched palm. Silent. Reeling.
You wait for him to give an order. Demand you take his hand, or that you come to stand on your feeble legs all on your own. It’s simply an alphas nature to wield their power like a cudgel, to bend everything and everyone to their will.
And now you have two of them to deal with.
Another moment of stillness. Your breath steams. Your pulse drowns out all other sounds.
He kneels.
Like this, on the same level, you can see the color of his eyes. So perfectly brown they’re almost black.
“Are you alright?” he says.
His voice is staid and calm. Not demanding. Not cruel. It — confuses you. You don’t understand what he wants from you.
You rise to your knees, shoving him with all your strength. He doesn’t budge. He remains solid and upright beneath your hands. You can feel the muscle, the innate strength. He’s warm, beneath the wet clothes. So incredibly warm.
You wonder if he could soothe your chill. You wonder if the touch of his bare skin would burn.
With a gasp, you tear away, appalled and mystified by your own reaction.
He stays kneeling as you rise and step away. He stays as you rush home, the scent of wisteria heavy in your lungs.
The innkeeper is displeased with your performance, of late. She gives you a stern warning that you shouldn’t let your “licentious nature” interfere with work.
“I don’t know why I agreed to take an omega on,” she sighs. “Not like you’ll be around for much longer, anyway.”
You wince. “Am I fired?”
The old woman laughs. “No, no. Not yet, anyway.” She waves at you, a full body gesture. A reference to the omega in you. “You’ll be wed to His Lordship soon, anyway. You won’t have to worry about the toil of work anymore.”
You excuse yourself shortly after.
The days are a monotony. Even the fear is so commonplace you lose track of it. The daimyō grows impatient with you. He calls to you from the shelter of the awning, each time a little bolder, a little less demure about his intentions.
“You know, I have a bad habit of breaking my things when I get bored of them,” he tells you. “I wonder what other tricks you have to keep me entertained.”
You hang your clothes to dry every evening, and the drip becomes a steady cadence, like the ticking of a clock.
This is your life.
The rain.
The rain.
The rain.
The decree is issued that afternoon. Marriage.
You’re to report to the royal estate before sundown, along with everything you own. You will not be coming back.
You pack your bag; you take the road out of town. With the city at your back, you’ll have to pass through the outskirt woods. Then across the river, a dangerous gambit when the water is this high, but that just means you won’t be followed.
You can’t imagine the consequences if they catch you.
The path grows looser the further you go, the mud deep, silt as slick as ice. Arduous and exhausting. And dangerous, too.
You don’t realize your footing is off until it’s too late. You slip, land badly. You cry out before you can stop yourself.
You struggle to your knees, get one of your legs beneath you. A shock of pain has you tumbling down again.
You can’t stand. You can’t run.
Just moments after you fall, a shadow overtakes you. And a man, looming, familiar, crouches before you.
“I heard your voice,” he says. “Can you walk?”
You shake your head, timid, overwhelmed.
“Pardon me,” he says, before hefting you up into his arms.
The ease he does it with is startling. An alpha’s superior strength.
He brings you to a small hunting cabin. Clearly abandoned, but decent enough. It’s dry, and a small fire is going in the hearth.
There’s no furniture except for a rudimentary pallet, which he sets you down on.
“May I?” he asks, hands hovering above your stockinged leg.
He takes your silence as answer enough, unrolling the material gradually, trying not to disturb your injury. He inspects it briefly, pressing carefully. You wince, he stops.
He reaches for his bag, retrieving a small tin. “Your ankle is sprained,” he tells you. “You should return to town in the morning.”
“I need to leave,” you return absently. “I have to get past the bridge.”
He frowns.
“The bridge has collapsed. The river is impassable.” He had tried to leave that morning, only to face the same dilemma. He considers you leg. “Besides, you won’t make it very far.”
The reality of your situation dawns on you, a slow tide of dread.
You missed your chance. You’ve lost your only opportunity at freedom.
You yank out of his grasp, dragging yourself across the floor, to the corner on the far side of the cabin.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you—“
“No. No.” You gnash your teeth at him, feeling wild with fear, unable to see past the dark curtain of it. “I have to go. I can’t be trapped in here with you.”
He raises a hand, a placating gesture, but all you see is motion, canting toward you. An alpha. A threat.
You grab whatever is closest. You throw it at him.
The stick doesn’t even hit him, but that doesn’t stop you. You throw everything within reach.
He just waits for you to give up, but soon enough he realizes how stubborn you can be.
“Enough,” he says. His voice fills the shack, not loud, but indomitable. The undeniable command of an alpha. “I’m not going to hurt you. I would appreciate if you would offer me the same courtesy.”
You drop the stone you were going to hurl at him, suddenly incapable of aggression. You feel — groggy, but less terrified now. Very nearly calm.
His pheromones, you realize.
The notion that he’s using them on you should incense you, but you can’t muster it. You close your eyes, exhausted.
Eventually, after long minutes of tepid silence, he murmurs, “I was here first, you are aware of that, right?” His tone is almost — sullen.
And for some reason, that very human show of petulance is enough to thaw you.
You laugh.
You can’t stop. You laugh so hard it’s hardly laughter anymore. It’s so intense it makes your ribs hurt, brings tears to your eyes.
It feels like the first time you’ve been able to think clearly in weeks.
When you finally calm to a few soft hiccups, you lay down and throw your arms out. Passive.
“Alright, swordsman,” you say, “Fix me.”
He’s slow to approach you, cautious of another rock coming at him. But you remain still.
His touch is gentle, so soft it’s like he’s barely handling you at all. He retrieves the tin of salve you kicked out of his hand, and begins to apply it. It’s cool, slightly astringent. Beneath that, the scent of wisteria.
His fingers are just as warm as the rest of him.
It’s over before you can get used to the sensation of him touching you. He pulls away, returns the tin to his bag. “That will help with the swelling. You should still avoid putting weight on it until it heals.”
“Thank you,” you force yourself to say.
You think you hear him chuckle.
Night blooms, full and dark.
Despite your anxiousness, the waiting has grown tedious. Unbearably so.
“Is there anything in that bag to alleviate boredom?”
He glances at you for a moment. Hesitating.
Finally he reaches inside, pulls out a small binding. He passes it to you.
A book of poems. You recognize the shape of the sentences, some of the words. You wonder what use a swordsman has for literature, but the swordsman is full of surprises evidently.
Th pages are worn, the edges soft from thumbing.
“I can’t read,” you say. You look at him. Expectantly.
You hold the book out. He takes it, slowly, gingerly.
He reads.
He’s not much of a performer, although you didn’t expect him to be. It’s clear he’s not used to reading aloud, but he knows these passages well. He’s tone is even, with little inflection. The words come out perfectly paced.
They’re love poems. Not flowery or decadent, but earnest, gentle.
It seems at odds with what you know of him, what you’ve assumed from his status, both as a rōnin and an alpha. You’re not sure what to make of him anymore, how to reconcile the image you built of him in your head and everything you’ve witnessed here.
His swords are leaned against the wall beside him, sure proof of a history of violence.
The question comes, unbidden. “Have you ever killed someone?”
He pauses, glances at you. He searches your face for something, the fear that should accompany those words. But your expression is blank.
Silence, fraught with the tense memory of how you ended up here. What were you running from? Why? He must understand, to some extent. No one reaches desperation without pretext.
“Yes,” he says, simply.
“If I asked you to kill someone,” you murmur. “If I paid you…”
The implication feels enormous within the tight confines of the cabin.
“I don’t believe that’s what you want.”
“What do I want?”
“To not be put in a position where you have to make that kind of decision.”
That makes something in your chest feel tight, on the verge of snapping. Another thing you can’t wrap your head around. Another emotion you can’t name. Uncomfortable, but not frightening. Not like before.
You feel displaced, unmoored.
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
“I’m not being nice,” he says. “You need help. I’m in a position to provide it.”
And that seems wrong to you. Just because someone has the means doesn’t mean they’ll offer them, certainly not freely. Especially not when someone is a such a burden.
“I’ve never met an alpha who’s kind to an omega just for the sake of it,” you say despite his denial.
He mulls that over for a moment, head cocked as he decides how to respond.
“I didn’t know you were an omega until tonight,” he says, quietly. “I had my suspicions, but…”
“Were my bountiful charms not enough to tip you off?” You snort at his blank expression, too polite to disrespect you with an answer. “Why now?”
“Your scent. It’s…subtle. Easy to miss, especially under these circumstances.”
“What do I smell like?”
He smiles, for the first time since you met him. It softens his severe features, makes him look younger. Less world-weary. “You smell like rain.”
He continues reading as the sky continues to churn, until you can hardly keep your eyes open, just barely holding on to the soft thread of words.
“Sleep,” he says gently. “You’ll feel better in the morning.”
Despite yourself, you believe him.
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reidingandwriting · 23 days
safe word > keigo takami/hawks (mha)
Word Count: 1.8k
Ship: Sub!Keigo/Hawks x Dom!Reader
Warnings: Smut, boooo hero commission bad, spanking, reader gets a little mean (consensually), sub drop, keigo’s having a bad day & doesn’t cope well with it, mentions & use of sex toys
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the door to keigo’s office closed with a firm click. never a proper slam, keigo scared of the repercussions of anyone catching his ‘improper attitude’ and being ‘ungrateful’ for the position he’s in.
you looked up from where you sat in his office chair, and you pushed your file aside as you took him in. “birdie?” keigo fought the urge to beeline to you, and with great restraint, walked over to you and put on one of his charming smiles.
“miss me?” you playfully rolled your eyes at him and stood up. keigo watched as you stretched, the hem of your blouse rising just enough for him to catch a sliver of skin, and he took a step closer to you. you opened your arms for him and squeaked as he lifted you onto his desk. before you could question him, he stepped into your space, draped his wings around you and let his head fall down, forehead resting on top of your head.
you reached up and wrapped your arms around his waist, tugging him closer and you rubbed his back soothingly. “rough day?” a hum was your answer and you frowned.
“need to get out of my head,” hawks whispered to you and you nodded. “tonight? please?”
“of course, birdie. whatever you need,” you promised.
keigo couldn’t have been happier to take that first step into your apartment. he was on you the second you shut the door, a lone feather going to lock the door and you gasped at the feeling of your back meeting the wall. his lips were on yours like a man starved, and soon, needy whines and whimpers started to fall from the hero’s lips.
“shhh, i’ve got you pretty boy,” you whispered against keigo’s lips as you parted, your breath fanning against his neck as you began to press open mouth kisses to the delicate skin. “what do you need from me today?”
“rough, need it so bad. wanna be punished, please ma’am,” the title caused you to hesitate briefly, but you shoved your concerns aside. if keigo, if your birdie needed something, you’d deliver.
“go up to bed then. want you stripped and kneeling by the door when i come up. have three items laid out for me, i’ll be up in a minute,” you said and keigo practically flew upstairs to your bedroom. you slid your shoes off, discarding your jacket on the couch as you gave keigo a minute to prep. gave him a little time to get antsy, needy for you. something felt a little off, keigo never outright asking you to be rough with him. you kept your reservations in mind, reminding yourself to look for signs, then walked upstairs to your room.
you opened the door, expecting to be greeted by the pretty sight of your… sub? partner? keigo kneeling by the door, but he was laid out in bed, hand lazily stroking his dick, cocky smile on his lips. beside him laid a vibrating plug, red silk ties, and a crop.
“oh, so we’re being a brat today? dangerous game for someone who’s asking me to be mean to you.” you walked over to keigo and within a second, grabbed his wrists and pinned them above his head. keigo’s eyes dilated slightly before he plastered on his calm composure again.
“guess you’ll have to punish me, hmm?” your eyes narrowed and you leaned down, your nose almost brushing his. keigo looked up at you through lidded eyes and you used your free hand to grab his hair, sharply tugging his hair back, a low moan leaving his lips.
“you have no idea what you’re getting into, babe.” moments later, keigo found himself on his hands and knees, ass up in the air. pillows were propped under his stomach, and keigo rolled his hips against the pillow, wanting more friction on his aching cock. keigo jerked forwards with a surprised yelp as your hand came in contact with his ass, the sharp slap leaving him stinging.
the mattress shifted as you settled yourself into position, and your hand rubbed over the pink spot on his left cheek. keigo yearned to press back into your touch, but he kept himself still. keigo barely processed the absence of your hand before another sharp spank was delivered to the right side.
“mmm, still can’t remember our rules? last i remember, i believe you had to count.”
“make me,” keigo cooed and the harsh slap to his balls had his eyes rolling back as he moaned.
“do me a favor, birdie. go send one of those pretty feathers to grab me that hairbrush on my nightstand.” keigo didn’t react and you dug your nails into his shoulder blades, narrowly missing his sensitive wing bases. “if i have to get up, it’s gonna be so much worse for you.” your voice lowered to a near growl, and he begrudgingly sent a feather to collect the brush. he dropped it carelessly beside you and your eyes narrowed.
“think we’re going to start with fifteen, see if your tune changes then. then i’m gonna put that new ring on you and fuck you absolutely fucking stupid and keep you from cumming until i feel like you deserve it. maybe a day, two?” keigo’s dick twitched in anticipation but he couldn’t get into the mindset he craved. he was thinking, couldn’t stop thinking, and he threw his head back as the first spank hit his sit spot. “brat still can’t count, huh? guess i’ll have to teach you how.” another sharp sting to his left cheek. “one,” you drawled, mockingly, as if you were teaching him.
keigo’s eyes began to well with tears as you swiftly delivered the next few spanks. why couldn’t he get into the scene like he wanted? he didn’t realize you had paused, that tears were sliding down his cheek until he heard you speak.
“w-what?” keigo’s head snapped back to you and he watched as you repositioned to sit in front of him. “no, no, why’d you stop? i, i’m okay, i’m green.”
“i’m yellow. i’m not comfortable continuing our scene because i know you, baby. you’re too distracted to consent properly. you’ve never taken this long to enter subspace. you’re here, but you’re not here.” a choked sob left keigo’s lips and he doesn’t know who moved first, but he was immediately cradled against you and keigo broke down.
“failing, can’t do anything right. not a good hero, can’t even be good for you. don’t deserve you to be good to me,” keigo rambled through his cries and you stroked his wing with one hand, your other hand gently gripping his chin so he had to look at you.
“you are an amazing hero, keigo. no matter what your handler, the commission, what anyone says. i don’t lie to you, do i?” you asked and keigo shook his head. “then you know i’m not lying now. you’re so good, pretty bird. so good with me, so much better than the commission or anyone deserves.” you pressed a kiss to his forehead, his nose, each cheek, then a long kiss to his lips.
“‘m sorry. for not telling you until it ruined our scene.”
“hey, shh. don’t worry about that. i care about you, yeah? love that we get to do this, that you trust me enough to let me be this person for you.” you brushed a few stray strands of keigo’s hair out of his face, smiling as he leaned into your touch. “now, how about we lay here for a little? clear your head and then, and only if i believe you’re ready and you’re up for it, we have a re-do. but we’re gonna do it a little different than this time.” keigo nodded as he melted into your arms. yeah, a break sounded good.
“eight, thank you!” keigo moaned as the crop landed on his ass, heart shaped marks red against his skin. you set the crop down and gently ran your hands over the warm skin, and a low whine escaped keigo’s throat.
“can you tell me why i spanked you, baby boy?” you kissed up keigo’s back and his wings fluffed up from the feeling of your lips and the nickname.
“i tried to punish myself for, for feeling bad instead of talking to you.” keigo said, cheek resting against the bed.
“good boy,” you all but purred and keigo whimpered as his dick throbbed. “don’t worry, pretty bird. gonna take such good care of you, just like you deserve.” you smiled when you noticed the dark blush on keigo’s face and you lightly patted the back of his thigh. “think you can get comfy on your back for me? wanna look at your pretty face while i make love to you.”
make love. make love, love, love, love. the word repeated in keigo’s mind and he couldn’t help the pleased chirp that left his lips. both yours and keigo’s eyes widened at the sound and keigo immediately ducked his face into his hands.
“oh, songbird. love that beautiful noise, can’t wait to draw more out of you.”
and fuck you did. keigo couldn’t control the flow of chirps that left his lips as you thrusted into him with the cherry red dildo, the harness rubbing against your heat and you moaned as you gripped keigo’s thighs, and you smirked when a particularly high whine left him.
“close,” keigo panted and you reached down to pump his cock, continuing your relentless hits to his prostate. “please, please, please can i cum? been so good for you, been your good boy, please let me cum“
“go on, songbird. be my good boy, cum for me.” one last sharp thrust sent keigo over the edge, vision going white, ramblings of curses and chirps leaving his lips as he came. your own movements began to falter as the familiar sounds of your finishing moans sounded throughout the room. keigo whimpered as you slowly pulled out and let out a happy sigh as you all but collapsed beside him. keigo barely reacted as you reached over, grabbing the wipes you kept in your nightstand during scenes. he hissed a little at the cool temperature on his stomach, thighs, and dick, but relaxed as you pulled him into you a moment later.
you whispered praises into his ear, and keigo nuzzled into your neck, pressing thankful kisses against it. you smiled when keigo met your eyes a minute later, golden eyes seeming warmer than usual.
“what’s on your mind, pretty boy?” you asked and keigo leaned in, brushing his lips against yours. you cupped his cheek and returned the kiss happily.
“love you,” keigo whispered against your lips and you felt your own urge to hide your face in his chest. instead?
“love you too, kei.” another kiss. more than you’ll ever know.
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eris-snow · 6 months
2. 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥
Tags: bakugou x fem!reader, juxtaposition, angst, fluff, even more confusion, oh izuku's here
You’re a puzzle that he can’t solve. It perks his interest, but irks him like the screeches of nails on a chalkboard.
“How can you see me?”
Katsuki thinks someone must have hit your head on the piano keys too hard.
Maybe that was the made-up ghost Kaminari was talking about.
“Are you fucking with me?” Katsuki blurts. “You show up here, waltz in like an elephant, and ask how I can see you?”
You frown. “I’m not an elephant.”
“Sure sounded like one.”
Your eyebrows furrow, lips pressed into a hard line like you’re choosing not to argue. In an instant, you brighten like a sunflower with rays of hope shining in your eyes. “D-Do you-um…do you know me—?”
Katsuki stares at you with his best ‘Are you serious’ face, which makes you deflate like a balloon.
“Of course you don’t.”
The silence thickens between the both of you as you shove your hands into your pockets and avert your gaze. Katsuki glances at the boxes, and then back at you.
“I’m leaving.”
“No, wait!” You reach out to him but draw back almost immediately like you’d get burned. You take one look at him again, but don’t meet his eyes. “Never mind. Sorry if I creeped you out or anything. Didn’t mean to.”
You breeze past him and jump down the stage, making your way to the double doors at the back of the hall.
His forehead crinkles. “I thought you—”
“Backstage door is locked.”
“Not that!” Katsuki puffs, glaring down at you. “Didn’t you just come, why are you leaving already?”
You mirror his look of confusion. Some guts you have, for looking at him like he’s the crazy one.
“I was here before you even came, Bakugou. You know, playing the piano?”
It takes some time for your words to piece together in his mind, but when he finally understands, you’re already halfway out of the door.
You flee from the hall like a spooked deer, leaving him alone in the hall with his colourful array of questions.
He replays the last 10 minutes, scans through his memories like a hawk and becomes even more confused. He gets that his hearing has been deteriorating but that couldn’t be right. All your playing and not even a peep?
With words of ash on his tongue, he opens the door and is greeted with the rustling of the wind. You’re gone. Bakugou prods at his ears.
He should probably get them checked.
It is not stalking. Hell, he doesn’t even know your name.
He thought that finding you was a dime in a dozen, but what he got was a needle in a haystack. He mulled over the yearbooks, which you were conveniently absent from. He tore through the school and kept an eye out for you every opportunity he got.
It was stupid, just how invested he was in his search for you, but he couldn’t quell the curiosity.
Almost felt as if you were a magnet, pulling him towards you with his heart throbbing painfully in his chest.
“A ghost?” Izuku gives him a strange look, as if saying ‘I thought you didn’t believe in those’.
“I don’t,” He grits out. “I just wanna know—”
“If I’ve been hearing things from the hall? Yes,” His childhood friend confirms. Katsuki isn’t even surprised anymore that Izuku can read him like a picture book. “But it’s muted. All Might says that it’s a janitor, and honestly, I don’t know what else it could be—”
“I saw a girl in there yesterday. I don’t know if she’s messing with me, but she was apparently there the entire time playing the grand—quit looking at me like I ate your toenails.” He snapped.
Izuku makes a face.
“I know! I’m sorry, I just, I didn’t think you’d take this so seriously.” He giggles, eyes sparkling in amusement. “I wanna see her too. Let me tag along the next time you decide to visit.”
Katsuki backpaddles and swerves to Izuku with the tips of his ears red. “I never said I’d—!”
“Kacchan, we both know you’re gonna go.”
Heat crawls up his face as Izuku hums in response, walking ahead of him. Katsuki shakes his head, strides to meet Izuku’s pace, and cools his blush.
“Fucking mind reader.”
“It’s why I can tell you’re secretly curious about this mysterious—”
“Not. Another. Word.”
Katsuki has taken music lessons since he was a brat.
Music was an easy enough language to decipher, and with his perfect pitch, his mother thought that it would be the perfect outlet for his…uh…outbursts.
He’d dropped it in the end but the background knowledge about the subject was handy for the most random situations (Year 1 was a good example when he had to play the drums).
Piano was about as dull as watching paint dry, with all its tiring scales, rereading, replaying and re-fucking memorising what and how he was supposed to play a piece. Why does he have to follow the interpretation of some dead man’s score? He’d play it however he thinks it’s best.
Speaking of, who decided to let an amateur play Chopin’s Ballade No. 1? The arpeggios were messy, the paddling sloppy and most of the sounds blurred together in a murky unpleasant harmony.
“Jesus,” Katsuki rubs his ears, “it’s like she really wants me to blast my own eardrums out.”
Izuku looks at the door’s steel handles, and then back at his childhood friend. “Kacchan, what are you talking about?”
The blond stares at All Might’s successor in disbelief, mouth opening and closing. He refuses to believe he’s the only one who can hear the unprofessional playing.
“Come on.”
Katsuki throws open the double doors and storms into the hall with the Izuku in tow.
“For the love of my ears, stop!”
The music ends abruptly at his voice as Katsuki climbs the stage and pulls away the curtains hiding the piano from view.
“Have you lost your marbles—?” Izuku makes eye contact with you, and his voice dies with its fire.
You almost fall off the piano seat.
“Do you want to murder me?” You fire back, scrambling off the bench like it would bite your hand off. “Kill a girl for trying to mind her own business—”
“What the fuck did you mean by the ‘I was here before you came’ bullshit?” He snarls, weaving through the curtains to try to catch a proper glance of you. “You have t-minus—”
“Kacchan, you’re scaring her!” Izuku yelped, reeling him back. Good, because murder wouldn’t look too good on his track record.
“I’m so sorry about him. We didn’t mean to disturb you.”
You visibly soften at Izuku’s apology, your expression unreadable for just a second.
“I can see that,” You reply dryly.
“Is it your quirk? Or some sick joke?” Katsuki guesses, shrugging Izuku off. “I want answers.”
You mutter something Katsuki can’t quite catch, and it makes him almost rip the red drapes that you keep hiding behind.
“Why do you care? Don’t you hero course students have internships to go to and people to save or whatever you shiny celebrities have on your hands?”
Katsuki opens his mouth to answer, before he pauses. You’re right. You’re completely right. Heat roars to the tips of his ears.
“I don’t know.”
Behind his back, the green-haired haired rolls his eyes. “You intrigue him,” He translates.“Kacchan’s bored. No offence, you’re probably the most interesting thing to happen to him in the past year. He finds you—”
You look thoughtful for a second, before you laugh softly under your breath. You pull the curtains aside, and that’s when he has a really, really good look at you. Your face isn’t memorable. In fact, if it wasn’t for your little stunt in the hall yesterday, he’s sure that he would have forgotten about you.
“Interesting, huh? How ironic.”
With a bow, you greet. “L/n Y/n. Honoured to meet the feared Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight and Deku.”
Izuku blushes all the way down to his neck. “Midoriya’s just fine.”
Y/n L/n. What a plain name. No wonder he doesn’t remember you.
But you do remember his hero name and addressed him as such, so you’re leagues ahead of all the other extras he’s met.
You give both of them a half smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes. “Are you gonna come back here? You know, so I don’t see heaven briefly every time you decide to visit.”
“What is this, your abode?”
“Same thing.”
“I think what Kacchan means is yes.” Izuku jumps in.
Katsuki whips to his childhood friend with a glare that could kill. “You better sleep with one eye open, dipshit.”
The green bean smiles happily. “I’ll try my luck.”
The piano makes a small noise, and Deku visibly jumps out of his skin as the both of them whip to the instrument. You pull your hands away from the keys. “Sorry. Am I bothering you?”
“Your playing fuckin’ sucks.” Katsuki fires.
You don’t even flinch. Instead, your eyes dim as your lips upturned into a tiny, sad smile.
“I know.”
A day later, Katsuki makes an off-hand comment to Izuku about their trip to the school hall.
The greenette’s response was befuddled. “Kacchan, who are you talking about?”
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extrashotodepresso · 8 months
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Fake Dating Series:
(ft. Ex Hawks)
Warnings: SMUT AHOY! (Actual smut- like DNI if under 18) , a bit of Yandere Hawks at the end (can’t help myself), angst, pure filth, cheesy, cheating mentioned
I had an idea a while back about a little fic series around the beautiful cliche trope of fake dating. Overdone you say? YUP! But it’s so tasty I can’t help it! Needless to say, all characters in my fics are 18+. In this one, MC and Kirishima are in their mid to late twenties.
So this is the first one!!! Feel free to reblog if you want, I literally write these for myself but if you like it lemme know if there’s anything else you wanna see!
Hawks shows up at the agency and tries to get back together with you. You try to blow him off but he’s pushy. Getting irritated you say you’re dating someone. When he asks who, Kirishima walks over and you get an idea.
“Just go with it.”
You pull Kirishima by the harness on his chest and bring him in for a short kiss; what you weren’t expecting was for him to kiss you back.
“Um… still here, (Y/N).” Hawks clears his throat uncomfortably, while you are stuck staring up at Kirishima’s face.
“Wanna get out of here, pebble?” He asks with a sly grin.
“You have no idea.”
You had felt your phone incessantly buzzing in your back pocket all day. You prayed silently that this meeting would end soon; you could hardly pay attention to it anyway.
“Everything okay, Jumper?” You heard someone call out to you. When you looked up it was none other than Red Riot, your coworker and acquaintance. You rubbed your neck nervously.
“Yeah- just have a lot on my mind I guess.” You looked up at him with a soft smile before standing- even if you were tall for the average woman, he stood easily a foot and a half above you, though he was less intimidating than his appearance would suggest.
“Well if you need anything, let me know.” He smiled again kindly, then offered you a small stack of papers. “Notes. From the meeting.” You took them gingerly, looking up at him with a raised brow. “Seemed like you missed some of the info today, wouldn’t want you falling behind.” His face was almost bashful as he said this, his mouth opening slightly like he was preparing to speak again.
“Riot!” Dynamight called out for his friend suddenly and Red Riot gave you a small wave before walking away, leaving you a little dumbstruck. Sure, Red Riot was nice- he had even been dubbed the new gentlemanly hero- but something about the gesture gnawed at you. Unfortunately you didn’t have much time to stare after him in bewilderment as your phone began ringing. Again.
You whipped your phone out of your pocket, turning towards the elevator and making sure you were alone before you hit ‘answer’.
“What do you want?” You spat out, hand smashing the down button as you looked behind you in a paranoid fashion. You prayed as you waited for the doors to open that no one would follow you.
“Oh come on, don’t be like that little bird.” The voice that came over was saccharine and sweet, the syrupy tone making your stomach turn. You waited until you were inside the elevator with the door closed to respond.
“Don’t call me that, Hawks.” Your teeth were grinding.
“I’m downstairs.”
“What? Downstairs where?”
“At your agency. Let’s go for dinner or some coffee- you know you can’t-“
“I’m not going anywhere with you. Fuck off and go away.” You hung up the phone, practically slamming it in your frustration.
Two years. Two years of your life you had dedicated to that insufferable, egotistical, bird brained— ugh! And three months ago, you found out he had been cheating on you with some young up and coming sidekick. You closed your eyes, exhaling deeply before collapsing on the cool elevator wall. When the doors opened, you were in the hallway to the lockers.
You had been throwing yourself into your work since you had broken up with Hawks. You had spent the past few months pulling shift after shift- and now you were being forced to take the weekend off. This was especially frustrating to you at the moment; if Hawks didn’t leave like you asked, you wouldn’t have a good excuse to lose him, and the man had a way of getting what he wanted. You made it to the showers, cleaned yourself then changed into civilian clothing, praying that he had the decency to finally listen to you on your elevator ride back to the lobby. Though, if his incessant harassment the past three months had anything to say about the likelihood of that happening… the doors opened and you steeled yourself, trying to visualize an undisturbed path to the exit.
As you approached the front desk at the lobby, your heart sank. He was still there, casually leaning on the marble counter, blatantly flirting with the receptionist.
“Well I would be crazy not to want that back.” You muttered, rolling your eyes before trying to walk as quietly as possible past him.
“Baby bird!” He called out to you and you stopped, feeling your shoulders hunch over.
“I told you to fuck off.” You spoke through your teeth. He walked over to you, opening his arms as if wanting a hug, then after seeing your expression lowered them slowly.
“Look- I know that-“ he actually looked remorseful as he paused, “I messed up.”
“You messed up?” You barked out a laugh. “Did you mess up the first time when you fucked her in your office? Or the tenth time when you fucked her in our bed?” Your glare was seething now, and his face was heartbroken. As much as the part of you that had loved him wanted to reach out and make him feel better, the part of you that he broke rejoiced seeing him in pain.
“Yes, (Y/N). I fucked up. And I’ve regretted it every single day. I miss you, can’t we just talk about this?”
“No, we can’t.”
“Why not?” Just then, the pinging sound of the elevator caught your attention and you looked over your shoulder to see— the perfect distraction.
“I don’t think my new boyfriend would like it.” You lifted your chin haughtily before you heard the heavy footsteps approaching.
“Hey! Jumper, Hawks, how’s it goin?” Just as you expected, Red Riot approached the two of you at the desk, smiling brightly, completely unaware he was about to be the perfect decoy.
“Hey babe!” You called out enthusiastically before trotting over to him. He was still in his hero gear, no doubt going for a last patrol on his way home. He looked down at you with a slightly quizzical expression before you whispered so only he could hear, “Just go with it.”
You grabbed his shoulder harness, pulling him down to you and before he could react or protest, kissed him. It was meant to be a quick peck on the lips, nothing too showy but the second after you pulled away, you felt his hand reach behind your head, fingers threading in your hair as he brought you back for more.
His lips were softer than you expected from the hardened hero, more experienced too. His lips moved along yours with a delicate fervor, quickly you lost yourself in him. Your hand that had been wrapped around his harness tightened and you pulled him ever closer, practically whimpering into his open mouth as the kiss heated. His tongue probed your bottom lip, requesting entrance and without a second thought you allowed it.
“Um… (y/n)? I'm still right here.” You heard Hawks behind you and it brought you back to the present. Pulling away, you attempted to gather your breath as you looked up at Red Riot.
He was looking at you with a hunger that made your thighs clench together. You didn’t know what you had expected when you kissed him, probably just an awkward joke and maybe an offer to walk you home, but this was… carnal. He was smirking down at you, sharpened teeth glinting in the fluorescent light.
“Wanna get out of here, pebble?” His voice was gravelly, thunderous and you bit your lip as you nodded.
“You have no idea.” You managed to whisper as he wrapped his arm around your waist.
“Sorry we couldn’t catch up, Hawks.” He spoke, still looking into your eyes as he did. “Looks like my little pebble needs to get home. I’m sure you understand.”
With that, the two of you left, leaving Hawks standing dumbfounded behind you.
“You wanna tell me what that was about?” Riot finally spoke again as the two of you entered the parking garage.
“Not really.” Your mind was still spinning, “Thanks for the help, Riot.”
“It’s Kirishima.” He said, softly as you approached your car.
“Kirishima.” You tested it out. It was foreign on your tongue, but not unwelcome.
“You want me to go home with you?” He asked and you felt a blush bloom across your face before you looked at him dumbly.
“Huh?” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, a blush creeping up on his cheeks as well.
“I mean- to make sure you get there safely and everything.” He cleared his throat, suddenly breaking your gaze. You smiled, your stomach feeling flutterings you hadn’t experienced for almost two years.
“I’m a hero too, you know.” You said, teasingly.
“O-of course, I just thought-“ you giggled, he was too easy to tease.
“I’m happy to bring you back to your place- it looks like you were planning on one last patrol though.” He finally looked back at you, his eyes trying to read your expression. It was stifling, that look and you cleared your throat before rambling on, “I suppose I do owe you a bit of an explanation. It’s the least I could do to give you a ride as thanks.”
“I was planning on another round but it’s late… so if you’re willing to drive me… what I’m saying is…” he stopped himself, “I’d like that.” He muttered.
You nodded, then walked to your driver's side, sitting down and trying to not scream internally as he sat next to you. Your car adjusted with his weight and you felt suddenly self conscious about the state of your car- would he judge you for the smell of stale coffee or the miscellaneous straw wrappings on your passenger side floor? If he did, he didn’t say anything, he just casually provided you his address for the GPS. For the next few minutes, the only sound that could be heard were the incessant directions of your car, taking you on what felt like the longest drive of your life.
“He’s my ex.” You said, suddenly, to break the silence the two of you had lapsed into.
“Who?” He looked over at you, and though you trained your eyes on the road, you could detect surprise in his tone.
“Yup.” You said almost curtly. “Broke up a few months ago.” You readjusted, feeling his gaze on you was a little uncomfortable.
“Why did you—“ he let himself trail off, then caught himself. “Actually, I don’t need to know, I’m sorry that was-“
“We have different definitions of fidelity.” You interrupted him. “I think it means you stay loyal to one person, he thinks if someone else wants you and they’re super hot, sleeping with them should be acceptable.” You smirked as you shrugged, though saying it out loud hurt you more than you would like to admit.
You hadn’t talked about the break up with anyone. Not even your best friend. All she knew was you were done, and you didn’t want to go back. Kirishima was now the only one who knew the truth.
“That’s so unmanly.” He said, as solemnly as possible and you barked out a laugh. “What? What did I say?”
“Nothing-“ you said through giggles as you pulled up to his apartment. “It’s just-“ more giggles “unmanly?” You bit your lip, finally turning to him as you parked.
“So… he’s the one that was calling you all day?” Kirishima changed the subject. You sighed, resting your head on the seat as you turned toward him.
“Yeah. He wants to get back together. Doesn’t seem to understand the phrase ‘fuck off’.” You smiled, though it didn’t quite meet your eyes.
“And you think that kiss will be enough to keep him away?” He asked, almost incredulously.
“I would think so-“ you looked at him through your lashes. “It was a pretty great kiss.” You chewed at your bottom lip subconsciously and you watched as his eyes followed the movement.
“I don’t think he’s gonna stop until he really gets the message.” His voice had changed again, all low and sexy and you felt those butterflies again.
“So what do you suggest?” You swallowed, your mouth was suddenly completely dry. He leaned over to you, his massive hand caressing your face and covering half of it.
“Make the message so loud, he can’t ignore it.” He brought his face to yours, eyes looking in yours then to your lips to give you plenty of time to change your mind. In response, you leaned in to close the gap, brushing your lips against his just barely.
He increased the pressure, exhaling in relief as you permitted him to continue kissing you. The two of you quickly became a mess of tongues and teeth- though as things became more heated, the tiny space of your car was hardly accommodating.
“Would you like to-“ he broke the kiss to ask you a question, though you didn’t let him finish.
“Fuck yes, let’s go.” He smiled at this, chuckling as his thumb caressed your cheek.
“I was going to say come up for a drink, but I have a feeling you have a little more on your mind.” Your face reddened in embarrassment.
“A d-drink would be nice.” You swallowed. “I’m a little thirsty.”
“That’s one way to put it .” He said with another smirk and you pushed his chest, smoothing your hair and trying to catch your breath when you heard his rumbling laugher as he exited the car. The sound of it was enchanting. He walked around and opened your door, ever the gentleman, and you unfastened your seatbelt before grabbing his hand and following him inside.
Kirishima had a massive penthouse apartment, with all new everything and expensive furnishings.
“So this is a top hero’s apartment, huh?” You asked as you looked around wide-eyed. “You probably spend in a month what I do in a year.” You mused out loud as he walked over to his massive kitchen, grabbing a couple bottles of water from the fridge.
“I’m comfortable.” He said with a slight chuckle. “But it helps that I split the rent.” He walked towards you, offering you a water before gesturing to a large U shaped leather couch by a fireplace.
“You have a roommate?” You watched him nod, then sat on the edge of the couch, watching him walk away before your eyes continued to drag themselves around the room “Who? Wait, you’re not-“ he shook his head.
“I’m single, don’t worry.” You let out an exhale you didn’t know you were holding. “Bakugo and I have been roommates since college.” Your brows raised at this.
“Dynamight?” You asked incredulously. “Lord-Explosion-Murder—screams-at-children-number-two-hero—Dynamight is your roommate?”
“Yep. Hey, do you want anything harder than water?” You heard him call out to you, apparently in your awe he had returned to the kitchen.
“You bet your ass I do-“ you muttered, then louder; “whiskey, if you have it?” You looked back at him and watched him nod, his back to you as he rifled through the kitchen, moving surprisingly swiftly to grab a glass and some expensive looking amber fluid in a crystal container.
You had been staring into the fireplace, still oscillating between several levels of shook before you felt a gentle hand on your shoulder. You looked up, and Kirishima was smiling at you, handing you a glass of whiskey.
“Do you mind if I go clean up?” He asked with almost an apologetic expression. “I haven’t had a chance yet to change and-“ you nodded
“That’s fine, I’ll just be out here…” you gestured to the couch. “Waiting.” You offered what you hoped was a sexy smile, not missing the way he swallowed before he straightened up.
“Five minutes. Promise.” He was almost childlike as he scampered off, leaving you to collapse into the couch in wonder at the situation you now found yourself in.
What a bizarre series of events. Not even an hour ago, Red Riot was a coworker you barely knew. Just someone who you would idly chat with in the mornings, occasionally fight beside on patrol- now you were in his apartment, drinking whiskey, watching a fire and waiting for him to— you took a drink, hoping the alcohol would calm your nerves.
Kirishima was an incredibly attractive man. Maybe not by super traditional standards; with his spiky teeth and even spikier hair, but there was always a kindness to him you found intriguing. Not to mention, he was absolutely ripped. Nearly seven feet of carved muscle and rugged angles, a sharp contrast to his normally shy and kind personality. Your nails tapped on the glass in your hand as you stared into the flames.
What if this was a mistake? You didn’t know exactly what was happening tonight, though you knew what you had hoped for. He was really too nice of a guy to be a rebound…
As you lost yourself in your thoughts, feeling the pleasant warmth of the fire and the hum of the whiskey making its way through your bones, you were snapped out of your reverie by the sound of a door closing.
“Hope you didn’t wait too long.” His voice echoed out and you looked up, letting out what could definitely be interpreted as a moan.
Freshly showered Kirishima was a god. His hair which was usually styled sharply fell into his face softly, just passing his shoulders and you could see a hint of his black roots at the top. It was weirdly sexy to watch as he pulled his hair behind his face and tied it in a low ponytail, his bangs falling into his face gently. He was wearing a black sweater that did absolutely nothing to hide his hulking muscle and a casual pair of jeans that seemed to strain against the sheer bulk of his thighs. As he sat down, the smell of his shampoo or body wash enveloped you; sandalwood and something earthy- like the smell of rain. You wondered now what you had been so concerned with before, the idea that you had an important thought being the only thing you managed to grasp.
“You alright?” His voice was soft, sweet, as he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. You blindly set your glass on the table beside you before leaning in to kiss him again.
It felt so right to kiss him. Losing yourself in his taste was so easy, so comfortable, so— as he pulled you onto his lap, gripping your thighs with his massive hands you moaned into him. His contagious smile could be felt on your lips as the sound escaped you and it almost bothered you how calm he was. You wanted him to feel the same as you, feel this untethered. You brought yourself down to sit fully on his lap, grinding the apex of your thighs against him.
When you found the hardened flesh there eagerly waiting and heard his breathy little groan you finally smiled back before pulling away from the kiss.
“I’m fantastic.” You managed to croak out in response to his question, looking at him to see a darkened expression over his features.
“(Y/N)-“ your name came so easily from his lips, you hadn’t realized he had actually known it until now.
“Yes, Kiri?” You kissed along his jaw, tilting his head to find his exposed neck, kissing him gently before biting the flesh at the junction of his throat and collarbone. His grip on your thighs tightened in the most delicious way when you did, and you licked at the flesh before returning to his lips. But he pulled away.
“What do you want?” He suddenly asked. You paused, over him.
“What do you mean? I want you.” You sat back, studying his expression. He groaned, bringing a hand up to his face.
“I mean- what do you want from this? I’m all for us hooking up to make Hawks jealous and everything-“
“Who?” Your genuine surprise seemed to astonish him. For a moment, you had forgotten what had brought you here, to this man’s couch, practically begging for him to take you.
“Seriously.” He sighed. “I think we should probably talk about what you actually want from this before we-“ you brought your hand to his lips, silencing him.
“I kissed you back at the agency for a distraction. Sure. But-“ you looked around the vast apartment. “I don’t see him here now, do you?” You smiled down at him. “If this was just to piss him off, I would call him while you were breaking me in half so he could hear what a real man can do.” Kirishima blushed at your words. “And while that might be fun to do some other time…” You leaned back, pulling off your shirt to reveal your chest covered by a padded sports bra you had put on that morning when you had no idea you would be straddling one of Japan’s top ten heroes. Kirishima didn’t seem to mind as he swallowed at the sudden exposure of your flesh, “Right now, I’m only thinking about you. And I would have thought,” you gave another experimental grind of your hips, delighting in the almost tortured sound he made, “that what I wanted was obvious.”
Kirishima studied you for a few moments, searching in your expression for the truth in your words. He must have found what he was looking for as he kissed you, immediately opening his mouth to tangle his tongue with yours.
It was sloppy, steamy and downright indecent, but gods if it didn’t spark your need for him. He brought his hands back to your thighs, caressing them before grabbing handfuls of your ass, landing a harsh slap that caused you to shriek into his mouth.
“You’re a naughty little thing, pebble.” He purred. “I didn’t expect you to be this-“ you brought your own hands to the hem of his shirt, dragging them up along his toned abdomen to rest on his pectorals, clawing at them before gesturing you wanted the shirt off.
“Forward?” You finished for him. He pulled his shirt off, then returned to your lips, hardening his grip before standing up, carrying you around like you were made of air.
“Bedroom?” He panted into your mouth. You nodded and kissed him back.
The way to his room was a bit of a blur. He stopped a few times along the way, pressing you up against the walls, letting his hands explore every dip and curve on your body. You thought, distantly, that you might have heard things crash to the ground at some point, but had a sinkhole opened in the middle of Mustafu, you probably wouldn’t have noticed. There was nothing but him. His touch, his lips, his sounds, it was all that mattered right now.
When your back met the plush of his bed and he crawled over you, you felt another moment of awareness at the sheer size of him. He seemed to even block out the light in his room, his face was nothing but shadow. He pulled back again, finally allowing you to see his tortured expression, his hand brushing your cheek as his eyes seared into you.
“Are you sure you want to keep going?” He asked, his voice strained like the idea of you saying no was physically painful. You leaned up to kiss him, your hands trailing down the expanse of his chest to stop at the button on his jeans. You let them sit there for a moment, playing at the hem, enjoying the feel of where the elastic on his briefs beneath his pants met his skin.
“Are you sure you want to keep going?” You mirrored him. “I’m not the one who keeps stopping.” You were smirking, but your heart was racing. He set every nerve you had on fire, you couldn’t remember ever feeling like this.
“Are you kidding?” A lopsided smile graced his face. “You’re all I think about, (Y/N). I’m still not convinced this is real.” Your eyes widened. Did he really feel that way? A blush spread across his face. “Sorry.” You didn’t know how to respond to his sudden confession so you kissed him again, finally allowing yourself to unbutton his jeans and try to wriggle them off his hips.
He seemed to understand your hint and helped you out, standing awkwardly and shuffling his pants down his legs. He stood then, almost bashfully when your gaze was immediately sent to the large tent in his boxer-briefs. Chewing at your lip again, you swallowed. Everything on this man was giant. You slid your leggings off your legs, throwing them unceremoniously to the floor before motioning for him to return to you. He moved quickly, his lips finding your neck and every sensitive point on it as his hands wrapped their way around your torso, arching your back and bringing you as close as possible to him.
“May I?” His fingers were playing at the back of your bra and you nodded, turning your face to him again, finding his lips once more. He unclasped your bra, having to lean up from you to pull it off, one arm resting beside your head. He pulled back a little more, looking over your body with a sort of reverence. A small whimper left you at the seriousness of his expression, which he seemed to take as you missing his lips on you (not that he was entirely wrong).
“You’re so damn beautiful.” He whispered into your neck, kissing down your collarbone and sternum before dragging his tongue over your breast. He found your nipple with the wet appendage, circling around it before bringing it into his mouth with an sultry suck. You gasped, hands tangling into his hair. He continued to lavish you with his lips and tongue, and when you pulled out his hair tie so you could run your fingers through his hair, he bit down on the top of your breast, causing you to shriek at the suddenness of it. He pulled back.
“S-sorry! I didn’t mean to-“ you threaded your fingers to the base of his scalp, tugging harshly.
“Stop apologizing Kiri.” Your voice was stern. “I’ll tell you if I don’t like something. But I’m not going to break.” He still looked unsure, so you tugged again, eliciting a small moan from him. (Hair pulling kink unlocked) “I mean it.” You swallowed, “Do whatever you want.” A choked sort of sound left him, and he kissed your lips again.
“You…” whatever he was going to say, he didn’t. He bit your bottom lip, the sharpness of his teeth caused a slight sting but it felt so good. Kirishima moved down your body again, littering bites and kisses wherever he went.
He crawled down the bed, stopping between your thighs. He sat up then, spreading you before him, staring at the apex of your thighs with a hungry expression.
“Anything I want?” A devious smile formed on his face. You nodded, for the first time a bit unsure. “You might regret sayin’ that, pebble.” He lifted a hand, using his quirk to harden his arm. Your heart was racing as he dragged a sharpened finger down your torso, not hard enough to draw blood, but strong enough to feel dangerous. He hooked his finger into your panties, quickly moving his hand to shred them off of you and expose you fully to the room. He deactivated his quirk, then removing the offending scraps off your body, lowered his head.
He bit your hip harshly, and you twitched at the feeling, legs immediately trying to close but he held you open with just one arm. He kissed the spot he bit, running his tongue over it to soothe the ache before moving to your thighs. He kissed and sucked the inner flesh there too, and you felt yourself clenching on nothing, the part of you he had exposed was yet to be touched and it was driving you insane.
“Kirishima please-“ you whined. He looked up at you, like you were disturbing him from enjoying himself. A switch had definitely been flipped at some point; where he had been eager to please, now you were his plaything.
“It’s Eijiro.” He said with another well timed bite.
“Eijiro! Please!” You begged again. He didn’t make you wait this time, bringing his face to where you wanted him most, he licked a long stripe up your folds.
“Delicious.” He muttered to himself before he began devouring you with a fervor. His tongue dove into your weeping heat, fucking you open with the thick appendage and you moaned, gripping his hair again like your life depended on it. This egged him on, as he brought a finger to your folds and pushed one inhumanly large digit inside you.
You were already so close, it was embarrassing. His tongue moved to your clit, circling around, writing out incantations that had you ready to cream any second. You managed, just barely, to look down at him. His cheeks were flushed, hair mangled by your hands and his eyes were burning into you with a sincerity you’d never seen before. He pushed another finger inside of you, scissoring and curling them to stretch you out, hitting your spot absolutely perfectly- and that was it. With a loud shriek you came, and he eagerly lapped up every bit of you, letting out a satisfied hum that vibrated your core. His fingers slowed their pace to work you through your orgasm, his tongue gently caressing you.
Out of breath, you tapped on his shoulders, trying to communicate to him that you wanted him to return to you. He understood and almost hesitantly, crawled back up your body, kissing you without a word, feeding your taste to you with his tongue.
“Eiji-“ you moaned into him “I need-“ again, he seemed to understand what you meant without words as he slithered out of his boxers, the weight of his manhood slapping against your thigh when he was freed. Your hands glided from his shoulders down the broad expanse of his back, raking your nails down his chest before you wrapped a hand around him.
He was thick. The thought of it had you drooling a little into his kiss. A small, inhuman sound left your lips when you dragged your hand up his length and felt the beads of pre already weeping from him. He broke the kiss with a moan, looking down to see your hand struggling to wrap fully around him while you angled yourself uncomfortably to try to pump him. He thrust into your hand, eyes practically rolling back before he stopped himself entirely.
“Hold on-“ he let out with a hiss before stopping your hand, grabbing it with his and pinning your arm next to your head, threading his fingers into yours. With his other hand he lined himself up with your entrance and slid up and down your slit, lubing himself with your slick.
It felt heavenly. The head of his cock kept barely catching on your entrance, then would move up and kiss your clit. You ground into him, trying and failing to just line him up with your core; though the feeling of him fucking your folds was pleasant, you wanted more.
“Slow down, pebble.” He moaned out into your neck, his voice like liquid velvet against your skin. “We’re gonna have to take it slow.” You wanted to protest, but even just the action of him rubbing against you was sending you toward another release. “Holy shit, are you gonna cum again for me, pretty girl?” Your eyes rolled into your head as your hips increased their pace, you thought you nodded but you couldn’t be too sure. There was something so primal about this experience. The need you felt for him was entirely animal. He chuckled darkly into you, then finally, agonizingly slowly, he began to push inside you.
The second his head made it past the first ring of muscle, you nearly blacked out. It was a stretch far beyond the familiar.
“F-fuck-“ he groaned, trying to keep going slowly but his hips were sputtering like he was trying to hold back.
“I told you-“ you angled your hips up to take another inch in- the stretch was incredible, “I’m not gonna break.”
You would one day wish that you could find the words to describe his expression, or the sound he made at your revelation, but you registered nothing as he lost complete control inside you. With one sharp thrust, he buried himself in at the hilt. There was no pain, just the immediate burst of pleasure you felt as he finally filled you. Your back arched off the bed, toes curling in his sheets while your knees squeezed his sides closer- like he could get any deeper.
“Y-y-you’re-“ he was stuttering, his every movement completely halted at the feeling of you pulsing around him. “Fuck it’s like you’re sucking me in-“ he pulled out agonizingly slowly before returning to you, thrusting tentatively at first before gaining confidence and speed.
His lips returned to yours, kissing you and refusing to separate any inch of himself from you. You were completely enveloped in his body, distantly experiencing the feeling of your damp skin clutching onto his. You couldn’t decide where to put your hands- they traveled from his hair to his shoulders to the sheets back up to his hair and you were sure that you could die in this moment and be completely fine. You were building up to something again, another gloriously dangerous crescendo that threatened to tear the fabric of your being apart.
“(Y/N)-“ he moaned into you, “I’m gonna- I can’t-“ his words were just as wrecked as you felt, and you nodded against his lips.
“It’s okay, Eiji. Let go.” You whispered the last part and he growled, pistoning his hips into you before there was a hitch in his movements, a moment where with a grunt, you felt a warmth spread through you. The feeling of being so intensely full, of being whole and still getting more finally sent you to your final release. Your head fell back, trying to bury itself in the sheets beneath you and as his movements sputtered and slowed he kissed your neck. He was grunting like the sound was being forced out of him, like he did whenever you were in a really tough battle and the thought sent heat over your body.
It was all too much.
Finally, the room seemed to still, the two of you were a collection of broken gasps and whimpers. He continued kissing your neck and face until you felt him soften and slip out of you. With a groan, he rolled himself away, leaving you stunned and a little cold.
You simply stared at the ceiling. The gentlemanly hero, Red Riot had just fucked you to the point that you saw stars at the edge of your vision. The thought made you smile. For a moment, you almost felt insecure that he left right afterwards until you heard a faucet in the distance.
Still catching your breath, you tried to drag your head to look at him when you heard his steps approach.
“How you feelin’, sweetheart?” He asked gently as he sat next to you, his massive form dipping the bed as you felt something warm and wet between your thighs. He was cleaning you up. Gentleman indeed.
He kissed you, rubbing the thumb of his unoccupied hand across the plane of your cheek. You smiled at him, kissing him again.
“Ethereal. You?” He chuckled into you, tossing the washcloth in the general direction of his hamper.
“Couldn’t have said it better myself.” He laid himself down on his bed, opening his arms in an offer to cuddle and you obliged, not minding the fact that the two of you were still a little sticky with sweat. His arm pulled you into his side, draping your leg over him and holding you there while his other arm rested behind his head. For a few moments all you could hear was the heartbeat in his chest; strong, calm, dependable.
“Did you mean it?” You asked him. His thumb, which had been idly petting your thigh suddenly stopped and he looked down at you.
“Mean what, pebble?”
“When you said I’m all you think about.” It was embarrassing to even ask, it was probably just something said in the heat of the moment. Hawks was like that, he would say all sorts of things when you were in the bedroom and when you were done…
“Of course I did.” He responded without any hesitance. He was blushing when you looked up, which was insanely cute.
“For how long?” You bit your lip. It felt like you were digging your grave here, but you couldn’t help it.
“Dunno. Just sorta noticed one day that you’re all I notice.” He said this so casually, like it was just an irreprochable fact. “I uh… I was actually about to ask you out. You know, before we uh…” he trailed off, suddenly embarrassed.
“I’m so glad it was you that got off that elevator.” You said, seriously. He let out a laugh before kissing you.
“Me too, pebble. Me too.” The kiss that followed started soft, but was starting to heat up as he rolled back over you, his hand cradling your face like you were precious. As your need started to reignite for him, you heard a loud slam.
“Oi, shitty hair! I brought dinner for your dumb ass.” The familiarly violent voice of Bakugo rang out through the apartment. Kirishima groaned into your neck, and you chuckled. “Why are all the pictures knocked down? What the fuck?” As the ferocious blonde started stomping towards his room, Kirishima reached for the covers on the bed, pulling them over you.
“I’m really sorry for what’s about to happen.” He said to you apologetically before rolling out of the bed with a groan. He pulled on his jeans with haste, still jumping trying to wrangle them on while he made his way out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him gently. “I have company, bro! Chill out, you're gonna scare her.” Though he tried to whisper, the urgency in his tone caused his words to carry through the door.
“What the fuck kind of-“ Bakugo’s footsteps stopped. You continued to giggle. “You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Muttered conversation that was unclear reverberated through the space.
“I didn’t get enough food for a third.” You heard Bakugo yell towards the room, “So if you want to eat you’ll have to feed yourself.”
Across the street, on a rooftop that was positioned perfectly to look into a certain Pro-Hero’s bedroom sat a blonde hero with wings crimson as blood and a heart shattered beyond repair. A feather gently floated toward him and he grabbed it, clenching it with all the rage he felt.
He had seen everything. Heard every word, every demented moan. She had never been like that with him.
Though Hawks knew the reason he lost her was his fault, he still felt she belonged to him. His eyes narrowed as he set off, flying high above the city, eyes burning. He wouldn’t lose. Not to him.
His resolve, crumbling as it was, still spilled fire through his veins. He would find a way to get her back, even if it meant hurting her again.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 1 year
Kinda suggestive at the end.
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"You wanna know whats funny?" You perked up at your boyfriend's voice coming from you guys shared bed as he stared at you with lazy eyes but a soft smirk on his lips.
"I'm afraid to know, but go on..." You said suspiciously with a smile present as he chuckled, laying down on his side while stretching the little that he had for now of his wings.
"Y'know when little kids are afraid of something? Nightmares, monsters, first day of school al all that? What do they usually do when this happens?" He arched an eyebrow, suddenly getting serious as he stared at nothing in particular.
"Uh.. usually cry I guess." You mumbled, finally getting red for a much needed day off after your morning shower "Why?"
"... yeah, they cry. But who usually they call when they are distress?" You frowned at him staring at the ceiling "they normally call their mom right? I mean, the ones who have one and trusts them."
Keigo's relationship with his mother wasn't the best one out there, you knew that... but what could have brought this up? Did she called asking for money again or something?
You sit down near him and played with the few strands of blonde messy hair as be closed his eyes at the feeling of you caressing him like he was fragile. Something to be cherished.
This man was so touch starved yet refused to admit out loud.
"Yeah. What about it?" You asked softly, hopefully not invalidating his feelings.
He opened his eyes once again, still looking at nothing in particular as he brought his hand to grab yours and traces small circles on it with his rough thumb.
"Is usually instincts that make us do that. Call for mothers when we are in distress. Heck I saw many adults still do that to these days...." finally he looked up at your eyes "But you wanna know whats the fun in that?"
You hummed, worried for him but still curious on where was he going with all of this.
"When I found myself in dangerous situations, when I fear something might happen with me... I don't think 'I need my ma'... not for a long time at least." He chuckled before bring your hand to his lips for him to lay a gentle yet firm kiss on it "I normally just think I want you. I need you...." he trailed off, staring at the promise ring he gave it to you on your finger.
Your heart skipped a beat at the little sudden confession... hawks was a mysterious, cocky and calculus man. A respected hero due to his efficiency despite his rather young age.... Hawks was a difficult wall to break, he had build his image ever since that hero comission got to him.
But no one knew Keigo. No one knew the man behind hero hawks. No one got neither cared to meet Takami Keigo.
... until you.
You were the one he trusted the most. You were his safe heaven. You were the one he thought of to calm himself down in times of distress...
You felt your chest expand from how much love you felt for this man... you didn't know if you kissed him until every inch of skin of his was marked with your lips or just plain up cried and hugged the tragic memories of his past out of it.
It was impossible, but someone could dream right?
"Too much?" You were brought out of your trance by the blond looking up at you in false smugness... you knew by only looking at those brow eyes he was fidgeting in nervousness.
You gently cupped his face and made him sit up a bit. His gaze glued on you as you traced his features and pushed a strand of blonde hair behind his ear with a soft smile.
"(Y/n)...?" It was a breathy whisper. One that held anxiety but also the love he felt... the fear he felt of saying something stupid and losing you for real.
You cupped his jaw gently as you blinked back tears... bringing him to your lips as you kissed him softly..making him let out a confused muffled noise before melting at your gentle and soft loving hands and lips.
Your right hand came to the back of his neck to scratch that place it made him groan. Just as planned his lips parted on yours so you could tangled your tongues together just for you to such the tiny bit making him let out a sweet moan on you as his hands brought you to straddle his lap as he laid down with you following him after wards.
The kissing continued for a bit until you parted, string of saliva connecting you both just for you to wipe off from his panting swollen lips.
"What... what was that for?"
"Hm... just wanted to kiss you." You cupped his cheeks, caressing with your thumbs the rosy tanned cheeks as he gave the same treatment to your waist and thighs.
You pecked his lips once again and then the tip of his nose which he groaned since he always prefers your lips on his....
"I always come to you when I'm in distress too." You softly whispered, it was oh so soft he swore it melted his insides.
"Yeah?" He did tried to sound smug. Really, he tried... but the dopey smile and watery eyes gave away "You should be. I'm number 2 after all."
"For me, you're always my number one." You giggled with eyes closed at the feelings of his hands accidentally tickling your sides as be stared at you lovingly before bringing his left hands to grab the back of your head and pull you in a more heated kiss.
You yelped when he threw you down, easily swapping places so now he was on top instead, trapped between both of your legs as his wings spread a bit. His hair falling down just on the right angle to make him look even more gorgeous than usual.
"Did you meant it?" He whispered, trying his best to not indulge so fast on the want to just dry hump you... that kiss surely lighten up something in.
"Every word. I trust you, and I'm so happy you feel the same with me..." You kissed slightly near his mouth as he shakily panted "I love you Keigo... you're my hero, and I'm happy to be your own as well."
He groaned, dropping his face on the crook of your neck as you rolled your eyes at the kivement of his hips against yours.o already feeling a certain hardness on the middle of your legs.
"Can't blame me for you to be this attractive and hot saying all this." He groaned before kissing you deeply and swallowing your mewls before he gently started to undress you.
It was going to be a good day.
(A/n): *laughs like a menace* still not a nfsw scenario got you all
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werewolfnightwalker · 3 months
De-aged Keigo
Part two!
The whole League stared as Dabi stepped through the villa's front door, his arms protectively wrapped around his cargo.
"What have you got there, Dabi?" Compress asked.
"The hell does it look like?" Dabi snapped back, tightening his arm around the bedraggled, winged boy in his arms as he stomped the snow off his boots, "It's Hawks."
"Uh… Hawks is a grown man, bro!" Twice pointed out.
"Thanks, Sherlock, I didn't realize." Dabi stopped just inside the living room, keeping his distance from the others, "He got hit by a de-aging Quirk while we were out. It's not going to last forever, but for the moment our little birdie is three years old." He looked down at the boy in his arms, his heart twinging.
Hawks was clinging to him like he was terrified of being put down, his face buried in Dabi's collar and clawed hands fisted in the back of his jacket. Even now that they were inside, the pitiful thing was shivering violently. Although his eyes were closed, his whole body was tense, alert; he was pretending to sleep, and Dabi assumed it was to avoid having to meet the others.
He couldn't say he blamed him; it had been difficult to get him to trust him when the Quirk first hit him, an hour or so ago. Hawks had panicked and ran away from him, only to faint once he got outside, from- as far as Dabi could figure out- a mix of hunger and the cold. Dabi had picked him up from there, and spent the whole walk back reassuring him that he was a friend. When he mentioned getting Hawks some food, the kid had finally seemed to give up struggling.
Good to know his younger self was as much of a glutton as his adult self, Dabi had mused. Now, he strode past everyone and made for the kitchen, shouldering the door open.
"Wait, where are you going? I wanna see him!" Toga cried, and Dabi felt Hawks flinch.
"Keep your voice down and your hands to yourself." He snapped over his shoulder, "I'm getting him some food. If you want to be useful, go get me some warm clothes he can wear."
He ignored Toga's grumbling as he slipped into the kitchen, kicking the door shut behind him. "Hey, little bird." He spoke softly as he looked down at his armload, "We're alone now, you can stop faking. I'm going to put you down, okay?" That said, he stepped up to the counter and gently lowered Hawks onto it, until his rump hit the granite countertop. He tried to move away, but Hawks held fast, letting out a shaky whimper.
"Cold-" He gasped, gilded eyes flying open in panic.
For some reason, Dabi couldn't stop himself from immediately pulling him back into his arms. "Alright, alright." He sighed as Hawks melted against him again. He… supposed he could make something to eat like this. He adjusted Hawks onto his hip and went to the pantry to see what they had. "How does ramen sound?" He asked.
Hawks didn't answer, but Dabi pulled two of the instant cups out and put them on the counter. He had to tear the top off with his teeth, but it was easy to turn the sink on and stick the cup under it to fill it. He stuck the cup in the microwave and stepped back, leaning on the counter to wait.
"You okay, birdie?" He asked, glancing down into the fluffy head of hair on his shoulder.
Hawks made a sad warbling sound, his wings fluffing and settling. "I'm okay." He mumbled, just as his stomach growled loudly.
"Uh-huh. Just hang on, food's cooking." Dabi promised, glancing up as he heard the door open. Twice, Spinner, and Toga were peering at them through a crack in the door. Dabi bared his teeth at them, but the numbskulls didn't seem to get the clear "fuck off" message.
"Hiii, Hawksie!" Toga cooed. Hawks turned his head to peer at her, his hand fisting on Dabi's shoulder. He didn't answer her, but Dabi didn't step in, waiting to see what he'd do.
"Oh… he's precious! I wanna eat him!" Twice gasped.
Hawks whimpered at that, his wings bushing and curling around him. "No one is eating you, birdie." Dabi assured him, just as the microwave went off. He stood up and pulled the cup out before grabbing a fork and stirring it. He tore the flavor packet open, once again with his teeth, and added it before giving it another stir. "Okay, here, bug. Eat." He pushed the cup into his hand before adjusting his grip on him.
"How come you get to hold him?" Twice complained.
"Because I'm not creeping on him while he's trying to eat." Dabi huffed.
"Dabi's warm." Hawks mumbled into his noodles, surprising Dabi and the others.
"Exactly." Dabi said smugly, "You lot scram, let the kid eat in peace." He walked over to the door and forced it shut with his boot, ignoring their complaints as he looked down at Hawks. "Enjoying your noodles, birdie?"
"Mhm." Hawks gulped up a mouthful, before twirling another portion onto his fork and holding it up, offering it to Dabi.
Dabi dutifully leaned in and took the bite, slurping the noodles into his mouth loudly.
To Dabi's amazement, Hawks giggled, before seeming startled by his own action. He fluffed his wings and looked away, like he was embarrassed, but Dabi watched him as he took another bite of noodles and 𝘴𝘭𝘶𝘶𝘶𝘳𝘱𝘦𝘥 them up, too.
After a few more bites, he glanced at Dabi again. "Who are they?" He asked.
"The girl, and the man in the mask, and the turtle?"
"He's a lizard." Dabi corrected.
"Are they your friends?"
"Uh… in a sense." He wasn't about to tell a kid they were a bunch of villains, now was he? "What about you? You got any friends?"
Hawks didn't answer right away, raising the cup and gulping down the broth. Dabi just waited, moving to open and prep the other instant cup. He had filled it with water and jammed it in the microwave by the time Hawks finished.
"I have one." He said at last.
His doll, Dabi guessed; he'd seen the ragged, old thing one of the times they'd spent the night at his apartment. He'd made his distaste for the thing a little too obvious, so Hawks had shoved into his closet and apologized, explaining that it was just sentimental.
"Yeah? What's their name?" He asked, anyways.
Hawks cooed, before the noise morphed into a yawn. His wings arched and quivered as his mouth stretched wide. He slumped back onto Dabi's shoulder, scrubbing at suddenly sleepy eyes. Dabi was taking the empty cup away when he spoke. "His name is Touya. He's warm, like you." He mumbled.
Dabi froze, the cup incinerating in his hand in seconds as the fork fell to the floor with a ringing clatter. "Touya, huh?" He repeated weakly, before he swallowed. He didn't think that Hawks- that Keigo- had remembered him at all. "Is he a good friend?"
"Mhm." Keigo hummed as the microwave went off, "I think I love him."
Touya thought he forgot how to breathe, his mind flashing through unwanted memories, both ancient and recent. "Well… I'm sure he loves you, too."
A/N: Thank you for reading! I love childhood friends AUs. ^w^ There's a part 2 to this that I'll upload tomorrow, but until then, consider leaving me a tip so I can get my name changed!
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
How about Ex!Husband Hangman being protective over Hawk?
No but you don’t understand just how far he’s willing to go for you. And we’re 100% going with this whole cross over universe with Chaos because I’ve gone too deep into it now. BUT you also don’t have to read Chaos! Just take it as a stand alone series if you want! After the shit show that was Clover Club yesterday please take this 5k chapter as my sincere apology.
Anyway—here’s the To Have & To Hold Masterlist
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“I'm sorry I decked your husband.” You were sitting up near the Hard Deck on your laptop. Enjoying the sun but more importantly the show that was definitely more distracting than you ever thought it would be. Jake Seresin was many things, and a hot head with an ego the size of the entire posting of Miramar was definitely one of them. But watching as he paraded around, shirtless, glistening as the sun beamed down, surely cooking his skin to that nice tanned colour you enjoyed too much–it was hard to hold it against him. “He kinda deserved it though–”
“I'm inclined to agree with you lieutenant.” Finishing up your sentence before you looked up the figure who was now blocking your son. Lieutenant Chaos Kazansky. “My ex husband–” Correcting the Lieutenant who seemed to almost be remorseful for her actions. “Should know better than to bring childish nonsense into the workplace, especially when there is so much at risk here.” Sighing, you stood to meet her height. “If he's not careful he’ll end up with noone in his corner.”
“Ma’am?” Chaos was completely and utterly stunned when the rath didn't rain down on her like she was expecting it to. “Are you not going to chew me out?” From what you knew, Pete Mitchell had already done a pretty bang up job bringing the just as egotistical pilot back down to earth after Jake had egged her on. Knowing the Admirals were already hot on her tail, you decided Chaos didn't need shit from you too.
“You've already got the Admirals on your back Lieutenant–you don't need me as well.” It was a nice moment between two powerful women. You respected Chaos just as much as she respected you. Oly have known of each other's existence whenever Jake and Bradley were stationed at the same bases. Aviators like to talk. “I just trust that there won't be any more physical assaults?”
“No ma’am, none–” Chaos beamed as she smiled your way. The cheers of the squad getting into the game of dogfight football down by the water interrupting the moment you were sharing together. “I better get back to it then, Bob’s the only one on the shirts teams, don't wanna leave him hanging.” Turning on her heels, Chaos sent you one final look over her shoulder.
“Hey Chaos?” You caught her attention before she could get too far down the beach.”
“Yes, Lieutenant Commander Seresin.” God you hated the formalities. Rolling your eyes at the title you held before stepping closer.
“Don't let whatever is going on between you and Bradshaw distract you from being an exceptional pilot.”
“If I may, speak candidly ma’am.” Chaos waited for you to nod in agreement before she said what she needed to say. “You can do an awful lot better than Hangman–” It was almost venomous the way Chaos said it. Like she was warning you in the only way she knew how to. With honesty and forwardness. “He tried to hit on me at the bar before he knew who I was, I wouldn’t wanna be known as the women who’s husband wants to fuck anything with a hole.” Chaos didn't let you reply before she was turning in the sand again. Making her way back to the game. Pointing out Fanboy who had pointed her out first. Trying to shake off what you had just spoken about you tried to go back to your work.
Somewhere between your night with Jake and the confrontation you had had in your office a few hours before you found yourself sitting out on the deck of the hard Deck. Your wedding band had made its way from your dog tags to your ring finger. Absentmindedly twisting in around your finger as you worked and sipped the lemonade Penny had brought you a while ago. The ice had mentled, watering it down a little. It caught you by surprise then you had realised what you were doing and with what. Your wedding band was always something you tried to keep close yet hide at the same time. Being separated from the man you loved so dearly was confusing at the best of times. But it seemed as though your subconscious had taken over at some point in time. Doing the dirty work for you.
“I'll bet you twenty bucks Bradshaw and Kazansky are gonna be an item by the time this whole detachment finishes.” Jake's voice brought you out of your own head as you hid your hands under the table. Sliding your wedding band off your finger before placing it in the top pocket of your tan service uniform. “Just saw them sneaking off–” Coming to sit beside you. Inviting himself over.
“Oh I don't think either one of us are in the position to be judging other people's relationships.” Chuckling at how stupid Jake sounded. His shirt still balled up on the table, aviators covering his eyes, protecting them from the raise of the sun. “But if I had to make a bet I'd bet on the fact Bradshaw is in over his head.” Turning your attention back to your laptop. Running algorithms Jake didn't understand. “Chaos is a force to be reckoned with, she’ll be the death of him if he's not careful.”
“Damn, you’ve really got a horse in the game huh?” Jake snickered as he tried to understand exactly what you were working on. He knew enough to know that he could read the proposed egress climb. “Is that ten G’s I see?” pressing your tongue to the inner part of your cheek as you turned into Jake as he turned into you, the gap between you next to nothing as he sat beside you close enough for his slightly damp shorts to be pressing against your outer thigh.
“Can you not try and read classified material?”
“Sorry, sorry.” Jake smirked as he fished the wedding band he’d seen you place in your top pocket out. Grabbing your left hand gently as he slid the ring back on your ring finger. “Ah, that's better.”
“You're the epitome of annoying you know that right?” You couldn't help but to smirk, trying to hide your smile behind a stern look. Trying to hold your ground. “Surely there's some other hopelessly clueless girl you could be wasting your time on.” You really hoped there hadnt been. But after what Chaos had told you? You weren't so sure anymore.
“Kinda have my hands full with you already, wifey.”
“Wifey huh?” You teased, shutting your laptop so your full attention was on Jake. “Was I still wifey when you tried to hit on me at the bar without knowing it was me?” Jake rolled his eyes as he pulled you closer, sending one of his legs over the seat so you were between his legs.
“You have always been and will always be wifey–”
“Was I still wifey when you tried to hit on Chaos at the bar after I left?” Wait, who told you that? Where did you get that twisted information? Watching as Jake looked at you stunned into silence you knew you had him cornered. “I don't blame you for wanting to seek solace in other women, we’re separated Jake. You don't owe me anything, but don't play pretend and tell me I'm the only one when I'm not.” Jake had asked you to be honest with him, he said he’d respect it if you were seeing other people. He’d hate it. But nevertheless he’d respect it because he loved you too much to not respect the ever living shit out of you. You just wanted the same from him. He said it was hard with the tattooed wedding band, but he didn't say it was impossible. “You never really specified if there was anyone else and I'm okay with the fact there may have been a few women in your life in the time we've been separated.” Damn, were you about to cry? Why was your chest so tight? Why were your eyes threatening to water? “But I just wanna know before you know, before another woman shows up pregnant with your bastard child or something.” Leaning in to kiss your shoulder with gentle and subtitle kisses, Jake Seresin realised he’d been living a lie for far longer than he should have been.
“There's been a few.” fuck you knew it. Your heart physically ached at the idea Jake had been with other women, but you had absolutely no room to harbour hatred when you had been the one to walk away. “But I wanna be perfectly clear here, none and I mean none of them ever came close to comparing to you.”
“Oh I'm sure they still satisfied.” Trying to stand Jake held you down, he wasn't letting you run away this time. “Jake–”
“You left me, Y/n–” Jake hissed as his grip on your forearm tightened. “You were the one who walked out our front door in the middle of the night and never came back.” He wasn't lying, that's exactly what you had done. It was too hard to leave when Jake was begging you to stay. So when you knew he was down and out for the count? You slipped out of his grapes and left with just a few suitcases of clothes and photographs. “That was a decision you made in our marriage, you can't hold it against me if I slipped up and just needed to feel something every once in a while.”
“And I'm not holding it against you!” You were quick to argue. “But it still hurts knowing the truth.” Pulling yourself out of Jake's tight grip. “I am still very much in love with you, unbeknownst to all my instincts to run as far away as I can and never look back. I've tried that and it nearly killed me.” Jake's eyes lingered on your lips before he looked back up at your eyes, near watery and oh so full of inter turmoil. “But despite how much I love you, a marriage needs more than that, what if this marriage isn't worth saving? What if we’re just better off as friends?” Sielce lingered between the two of you before Jake broke the heavy atmosphere that had settled.
“A true blonde wouldn't overthink it as much as you are.” His childishness made you chuckle, of course that's the kind of reaction he would give you when you were discussing the state your marriage was in. “Look, I'll tell you what.” Tilting your chin up slightly as Jake looked at you with so much love in his eyes. “I don't know if you know this about me but I can be incredibly difficult and don't really like to lose.” Oh yeah, no you knew that already. “And I'm not ready to let you go yet.” It made your heart swoon as Jake left a soft lingering kiss on your lips. As soft as a kiss could ever be. “Whatever it takes to win you over, to prove I'm in this, I'll do it–I promise.”
“I'd rather you not make promises I already know you can't keep, Bagman.” Taunting and teasing his callsign, Jake pulled you into his chest. Kissing the top of your head. “At this point we’re just going around in circles.”
“I reckon if we actually have that dinner we’d end up on the same page.” Jake cooed as he let his arms wrap around your shoulders as you let your back rest against his exposed chest, now dry from the heat of the sun. watching the sun set over the water that some of the team still swam in. “ill even show up this time–”
“Oh yeah, no that would be a good start.” Chuckling together, you couldn't help but fall a little more in love with Jake Seresin despite all the warning signs. “But I could do dinner.”
It was a relatively quiet night at the Hard Deck. Jake had however still gone to the effort of actually booking a booth out at the back of the dining side of the bar. Ringing Penny approximately five minutes after you’d said you could do dinner begging her to set the table all fancy.
Beside herself at the desperation in his voice over the phone—Penny agreed and played the part she was meant to play. Jake Seresin was on a mission to save whatever was left of his tattered marriage. She wasn’t about to be a reason why things didn’t plan out the way he hoped they would.
“Penny my dear—“ Jake beamed as he looked over his menu at you. Your eyes just popping over the top of the menu. “What’s on the special board?” Penny had come over with the drinks Jake had ordered for you. He’d gotten his regular order, an old fashioned. For you? He ordered a Long Island iced tea, with lemonade squash as the base. Yep—there surely had to be some intention behind that order, a Long Island was lethal.
“We’ve got baby back ribs, house salad and fries for twenty or slow cooked lamb shank with mash and greens for eighteen.” Penny held the empty drink tray against her hip as you and Jake mulled over your decisions.
“Lamb shank sounds really good, thanks Pen.” You smiled softly as you handed her back your menu. “And don’t let him order me another cocktail—“ Teasing Jake as he handed his own menu back, glaring at you as he did so.
“God I am just damned if I do and damned if I don’t these days huh?” Jake smirked back at you as he took a sip of his old fashioned. He really did scrub up alright. The fresh blue jeans, crisp white T-shirt and brown Bomber jacket. A simple outfit that he just looked oh so fine in. “I’ll have the steak please Penny—pepper sauce on the side.”
“Coming right up you too.” Penny sent you a slight all knowing smile as she turned on her heels. Playing the drink tray back on the bar before making her way over to the pass—sending your orders through. For a while you both just sat in comfortable silence, listening to the music that played in the background. Both people watching absentmindedly.
“So, what actually made you change your hair?” Jake asked as he stood from his side of the booth before slipping in beside you. He felt too far away. Watching as you slid across towards the window.
“Um—“ You wanted to just say something like you needed a change but that would be a blatant lie. “Truth be told?” Taking a sip of your drink, the burn of all the different shots of alcohol mixing in your chest as you swallowed. “It was either go blonde or shave it all off—you know full Brittany.” Jake couldn’t help but chuckle as he let his arm rest up and around the back of the booth. Keeping you close. “I tried to do a box job over the brown which ended up orange, so I made an emergency appointment to see an actual stylist and this is what we ended up with.”
“Oh so you DIY things now do you?” Jake teased, you’d never really been one to do your hair or nails yourself. You liked to feel pampered when you had the time and chance. But when your marriage began to crumble into a million pieces those things just didn’t seem worth it. “Could’ve just gone a darker shade—“
“Yeah well I didn’t, you saying you don’t like it?” Taunting Jake back you watched as his eyes trailed down to your lips then back up. “Hey, eyes you here Seresin, this is only our second date.”
“I love everything about you.” Leaning in to gently kiss the nap of your neck. Whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you tried to hide the giddy smile plastered on your face. Biting your bottom lip. “And I vividly remember our first date being unintentionally sexual—“
“That’s not happening tonight.” You were quick to reply, your hand coming to rest just shy of Jake's clothed length. You could feel how strained he was against his jeans. Huh, you could have a little fun with this.
“How much do you wanna bet?” Jake pulled back just in time, Penny had been walking your way with your orders. Placing them down gently as you and Jake separated slightly. “Thanks Penny.” He cooed, acknowledging the kindness she’d shown, how far she went to make the meek booth seem a little more romantic.
“More than what you wanted to bet on Chaos and Rooster.” Opening your utensils from the carefully wrapped napkin, you sighed as flavours danced on your tastebuds. “Oh fuck that’s good—“
“Well, usually Rooster would be here by now.” Jake looked around the other side of the bar, majority of the patrons as always were aviator’s currently stationed. But to no surprise two were missing. “And considering Chaos isn’t here either I’d say they’re together.” Down the rest of your drink you turned to Jake, tapping him on the shoulder as you chewed on the ice cube that you’d taken in your mouth. “What?”
“Move, I gotta pee and wanna get another drink.”
“Go pee and I’ll get you another round.” Jake grinned ear to ear at the reaction you gave him as he stood to his feet, letting you slide out of the booth.
“Oh absolutely not!” Slapping his chest slightly, he faked being hurt. His hand coming to cover his heart playfully as he sat back down. Popping a chip into his mouth. “I know you’re trying to get me drunk—“
“Oh I don’t need to get you drunk for you to come home with me doll, you’ll do that on your own accord.” You'd admit he was quick but you were quicker.
“Ask Chaos to go home with you, Bangman—“ Teasing your husband as you leaned into him as you stood. Cupping his cheeks. Keeping his chin pointed up your way.
“I think I’m good, don’t wanna catch something.” Sending you a wink as you glared down at Jake. His eyes the shades of all the perfect blues in the world. Swirling pools of unambiguous love.
“Like intelligence?” You smirked back before letting his face go, knowing that the moment you turned away his eyes were glued to your arse. “Be back in a few.”
“Hurry back or I’ll eat your shank!” You really wouldn’t put it past him. Making your way to the bar. Sitting on the stool as you waited for Penny to finish with her other paying customers. Jake sat back against the booth just drinking in the sight of you. So beautiful, all his.
He hadn’t really had a chance to see you dress up, or dress casually? Whatever you’d call the cute ensemble you put together. The ripped boyfriend jeans, the cashmere sweater with the white silk collar popping out the top. The sneakers that matched the pastel cream of the cashmere sweaters. A few gold rings. Nothing too fancy—but fuck your looked good.
“Can I just get a midori sour please Pen?” You asked nicely as you tapped your card on the bar. “I’ll get Jake another old fashioned while I’m here too.” Leaning on the bar as you watched her make your drinks.
“You too seem to be hitting it off?” Penny smirked as she poured the liquor into the shot glass she was using to measure your drinks. “Hangman seems—unusually likeable around you.”
“He’s trying his best—“ Looking back over your shoulder you locked eyes with Jake as he looked back at you. His eyes never leaving yours as he watched you by the bar. Your protector. “He really wants this to work.”
“Do you?” You weren’t all that sure if it was going to, but you wanted it to. So badly. You wanted Jake Seresin back. With every fibre of your being. Your husband, your best friend. Watching as Penny fixed your drinks, you sighed softly. “That’s all that really matters right?”
“Jakes never been one to back down from a challenge, I’ll let him squirm a little.” Chuckling, Penny turned her back as she wiped her hands, looking for the nearest soft drink gun.
“What’s a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?” The man who slipped beside you groaned as he downed the rest of his drink. “Another round bar keep—and put whatever she’s having on my tab.” Penny was about to step in for you until you sent her a warning look. One word. Don’t. “You come here alone gorgeous.”
“Sorry pal, you just aren’t my type.” He was so not your type. Rough around the edges biker dude with what looked like cheeto dust still prevalent in his beard.
“Enlighten me sweetheart.” Oh god was he really gonna play this game? Did he not know you were here with someone? Your husband for a matter of fact.
“Listen.” Turning your full attention to the man who now had his hand on your knee. “I couldn’t count on both my hands how many men in this bar would jump to my aid if I cried damsel in distress right now.” Pulling his hand off your knee before he had a chance to move it any higher with a look of grotesqueness and hint of disgust. Gesturing to the handful or so aviators who were crowded around playing darts and pool. “So unless you wanna see how far they’re willing to go I suggest you back off before the blonde one sitting in the booth behind you decides to use your head to ring that there bell.” You felt pretty confident that you’d given him the hint you really weren’t interested in his advances. Smirking as Penny handed you the two cocktails you’d ordered. Picking them up as you hopped off the barstool—you sent old mate a Cheshire cat smile. Holding your midori sour up in the chairs like fashion. “Have a good night, sweetheart.” Mocking the man who’s tried to hit on you.
“You fucking little bitch.” The guy had his hand twisted in your hair quicker than you could step away. Turning around in pure and utter shock you threw your drink in his face just to get him off you. Your scalp on fire.
“HEY!!“ Jake bellowed throughout the Hard Deck as he jumped out of the booth. Marching over with intent to kill. No one put their god damn hands on his fucking wife.
“Bar fight!” Javy, who had been paying more attention to the pool game in front of him than what had been going on at the bar shouted when he heard his friend's voice in a tone he only knew when things were about to go now. “Bar fight!” Throwing his pool cue absentmindedly as he took strides to cross the length of the Hard Deck. Watching with complete shock as the man who’d been trying to hit on you took your face in his hands and brought your face against his. Head butting you with the force of a thousand. “Oh fuck!” Javy paused as he tried to wrap his head around what just happened.
“Piece of shit!” You swung a right hook at the man before he could step out of your line. Connecting your first with his jaw. It didn’t do much, but the bar erupted in cheers before you went down to the ground on your knees. Blood pouring out of your mouth and nose. It was unbeknownst to the man that you weren’t alone, you were a part of a double act. Jake Seresin was enraged and completely blinded by the need to protect the woman he loved so dearly. Consequences be damned as Penny rang the belly loud and long. Grabbing the man who smelled of bourbon and cheese wiz by the collar of his shirt before throwing a face shattering punch straight into his nose. Holding him up so he couldn’t fall down.
“You don’t fucking touch her.” *Whack* There goes another one. *Whack* and another. “That’s my fucking wife you just assaulted you god damn mother fucker!” Throwing the guy down onto the ground Jake was quick to throw himself on top of the bloodied man. Laying punch after punch after punch. “Don’t you even touch a lady again!”
“Are you alright ma’am?” Bob's soft and gentle nature stuck out like a saw thumb amongst the chaos that had broken out. His hands on your shoulders somewhat protectively as he crouched beside you. “Hawk?”
“I’m fine!” You had to shrug Bob off as you tried to stand back up, a little dizzy at first but you managed. “Javy! Get him off of him before he kills someone!” You hissed as you held your nose.
“C’mon man he’s not worth it—“ Coyote tried to pull Jake off the man who looked about one more lunch away from meeting his maker. “Get off him.”
“She’s worth everything!” Jake didn’t go without a fight. His knuckles bloodied, his chest heaving. Javy had to drag him kicking and screaming out of the bar. “Fucking let me at him so help me god I’ll kill him Coyote, I’ll rip his throat out!”
“Well I’d rather you not do that.” Javy tried his best to calm down Jake as he blocked the front door. Keeping the clearly hot headed aviator from entering. “You've done enough—“
“Jake” instantly at the sound of your voice Jake was softening his shoulders, his eyes became less clouded with rage and anger and instead filled with devotion and heartache. “Can you drive me home?”
“Are you alright?” Cupping your cheeks as he assessed your nose. Your free hand cupping his. The other holding a makeshift ice pack. “Shit he really did a number huh?” Jake would throw himself in the line of fire for you, no hesitation.
“I’m fine, promise—just wanna go home.” Jake didn’t like the way you sounded dazed. He hated the blood you spat out of your mouth as he held the ice pack against your nose to contain the swelling.
“Okay sure thing.” Kissing to top of your forehead gently before wrapping his arms around your shoulders, pulling you into his side as he walked you to his car. You’d come back for yours at a later time. You couldn’t drive right now. No way no how. “But first we’re gonna stop by the emergency department and get you checked out—“
“Jake.” You sighed in disagreement as you stopped in your place. “I promise I feel fine.”
“Y/n—“ Oh he was hitting you with the legal name huh? Shit. “I mean no disrespect, but physically that man was twice, maybe even a good three times your size—I'm not sure how you're standing right now let alone talking coherently.” Jake was concerned for your well-being, that’s all it was. He wanted to make sure you were alright. That you were safe. “This isn’t up for debate, I’m taking you to emergency so they can clear you of a concussion, which will give me peace of mind.” His nostrils were still flaring as Jake stood before you. Reaching out for your hand—still looking over your shoulders at the Hard Deck in case someone else wanted to try something with his wife. “I just wanna make sure you’re alright.” His voice grew softer at that last sentiment. “You’re my everything, I can’t lose you to something I didn’t take the time checking out, emergency, then mine.”
It felt like a whole new feeling. Being loved by Jake Seresin. He was a tool on the best of days and still a hot shot on his worst. But he loved you, so much. He’d lay down his life for you. And that was something you had forgotten in your time apart.
He had a thing about working as a team—but you? You were his other half. He’d forgotten who he was when you left. He was only just now starting to find his way home.
“Okay.” You reached up to kiss Jake's cheek. “Hey, thanks for uh—thanks for having my back in there.” All Jake did was open the passenger side door in response, watching as you slid in and worked to clip your seatbelt on. Leaning into the car via the window that had been left down, Jake looked at you so seriously and with so much love in his eyes it nearly gave you a heart attack.
“You don’t know how far I’d go to protect you.”
Tags: @justanothermagicalsara @alexsisrebekah @stinkyjax @starkleila @luckyladycreator2 @love2write2626 @shanimallina87 @dempy @mintellaine @kiarabellerum31 @abaker74
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dxliqhted · 1 year
infrunami: hawks
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college au. hawks x fem! reader, fluff.
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"hey." you looked up to see keigo turned facing your desk, his arms placed on the cold surface giving him a pillow for his head to rest on.
it's different because you usually only see the back of his head, he never turns to talk to you and you don't have the courage to start a conversation with him either. you're just there.
"hi." you greet back, a hand still halfway into your bag but frozen, "you're really quiet." he informs, i smile softly because i don't really know how to respond, but i don't want to give a bad impression, "oh." i say, a little after, uncomfortable with the silence and his gaze.
under his gaze i feel wrong—or strange. like i didn't belong in his honey hue.
keigo wasn't talkative either but he was still popular. he had this switch, from quiet to then knowing exactly everything he had to say around his friends.
"i guess i am." i say then after, he blinks at me, watching me take out my pencil case, "do you need notes or something?" i hate how i sounded, like i wanted to rush out of the conversation when i really didn't, but there's a feeling swallowing my chest and it's choking me every minute he keeps looking at me like that.
like i'm the best thing he's seen today.
"you have yesterday's chem notes?" he asks, i nod instantly, i might not even have them but i say i do just to get his smile. he smiles softly but it's enough for me. i practically shoved the notebook in his face, but he doesn't seem fazed.
he takes it and turns back around, leaving me flustered and confused.
"hey." my heart jumps to his voice, i look up to see him standing infront of my desk, "notes?" i ask and expectedly he nods, i already have them in hand and ready and it makes him smile, it makes me smile too.
he sits in his seat infront of me and im met with the back of his head again.
i seem him scribble quickly as i pack my things up for lunch, patiently waiting for him to finish. when he does i hear a swarm of laughs coming down the hall,
it doesn't take long for keigo to hear it too and begin to pack his stuff up too, he keeps my notebook on his desk.
i wish he'd give it to me quicker because i'd like to avoid his friends if i could.
"keigo come on. we gonna go out for lunch or not? im hungry." one burst the door open, shouting into the empty classroom with just me and keigo in it.
i can't see keigos expression when he says "in a minute." but when he turns back to me he's pensive. he holds my notebook firmly infront of him, "[name]." he calls as if he didn't have my attention,
"who's this girl?" as soon as the guy said it his whole group of friends peaked inside, "oh shit is this the new girlfriend?" one laughs and it makes my heart sink a little.
i see keigo sigh, while eyeing the guys in a way that screams 'not now' but i think its my cue to leave, "i'll see you tomorrow." i grab my notebook from his hands before grabbing my bag and slinging to on my shoulder to leave.
"hi." i smiled, he's been staring at me for sometime now without saying anything, "hey." he says soon after, only to be meet with silence again. "you want notes?" i ask already ready to fish into my bag for whatever he needs, but he shakes his head no.
"oh." i say confused, did he not like my notes? he always takes my notes for the past school year.
"[name]?" he calls, "we're friends right?" his eyes devour me, i feel exposed under them, "yes, i think we are."
he smiles at my words, "well...friends hangout, you know." he seems almost playful now, i haven't seen him like this, not towards me at least.
"do you wanna hangout?" i question, he laughs shortly before nodding, "i thought you were gonna make me ask."
i haven't seen a lot of sides to keigo. "we can see a movie." but i'm open to seeing them, "i heard there's this comdey out called—"
"keibabyyy!" a girl wrapped her arms around his waist, tugging him close to her body, "i was wondering where you ran off to..why are you in the back?" she asks her attention soley on him,
"i'm talking with a friend." he cleared his throat, he stiffened to her touch, it wouldn't be noticeable if i weren't so close.
"a friend?" she blinks cluelessly before her eyes settle on me, a spike of jealousy growing within her smile, "oh, her."
she looked friendly but her smile didn't touch her eyes, "hi."
i didn't greet her back but i smiled at her genuinely, before picking up my phone, and raising my brows at the screen in the way one would to receiving news, "oh oops, i have to go." i stood up, quickly putting my books in my bag before flinging it on my shoulder, "cya keigo." i smiled at him before stepping out of the room. but once the door shut i didn't move.
i didn't recieve any news, i just wanted to leave.
"cute." i look up to see touya towering over my desk, his hands tucked into his uniform pockets giving him his lazy imfamous look. "what?"
"the drawings, you made em'?" he points to one i made during math, i smile, "yeah i did i—"
"touya." keigo steps next to him, "lost?"
for some reason touya smiles, "no actually, i think i was making a friend. we can be friends, right?" now he's looking at me, i nod with a smile, expecting keigo to act similarly now that they have a mutual friend. but he glares at me instead.
my brows sink, but he just turns and ignores me, "whatever." he walks out of the classroom disregarding the teacher who's setting up for his lecture.
"i guess the seats free." touya shrugged, sitting on keigos chair and turning to face me as keigo would, "whats this one? a chick?" he points at my notebook doodles again,
"wheres your next class i'll walk you." touya chimes in as i throw my lunch away, "i have gym right now so it'll be a short walk." i point at the gym doors just down the hall from where the cafeteria stood.
"so you don't have to walk me plus you have chem upstairs, you'll be late if you waste anymore time." i tell him, my words make him smirk and i already regret saying anything, "remembering my schedule? you must really like me babe." he gets closer but with a shove at his shoulder he's laughing his ass off.
"leave." i grumble, and, still laughing, touya steps away from me, "fine but meet me at the gate afterschool's over!" he yells over his shoulder, flashing me a quick smile before disappearing with the swarm of people down the hall.
i turn ready to squeeze through everyone and beeline to the gym but i catch keigo a few tables back, he's glaring at me again, a hand over his mouth in thought, he almost looks angry.
i blink and he turns to talk to someone else so i turn and head to the gym.
i'm waiting at the school gate for touya but he doesn't show up. there's worry building up in me but theres also an ick. knowing touya he's probably with some girl and forgot completely about what he told me.
i cringe at the thoughts that swarm my head so instead i plug my headphones in for a distraction.
after seeing almost 20 cars go by the school street i decide i've waited enough. i straighten from my lean position against the brick fence and change the song on my phone but not a second later one of my headphones get pulled out,
i turn my head and it's keigo, my earbud in his hand, and a semi confused expression, "why are you waiting here?" he asks, and i don't really want to respond but me and keigo aren't really in a bad moment—he's just acting weird.
"i'm waiting for touya." i look back at the school doors to see if he was coming out but nothing, "touya left a while ago. something with his mom.."
to his words i sigh, "so he's not with some girl in a classroom." i voice out loud making keigo physically lag, "what?"
"what a jackass. i've been here for nearly half an hour." i huff, "but thanks for telling me." i smile at him, he doesn't return it, instead just puts my earbud in his ear, "come on, i'll walk you."
"no i can't-"
"what type of music you listen to? we can make a playlist for our walks."
"our walks?"
he looks at me and finally i see a tiny smile, but it's a sad one, "i offered you to go to the movies and you walked out when we were planning, why?"
"when i offered." I corrected, and he brightened a bit, "fine. when you offered."
"i walked out because i don't think anyone's girlfriend would appreciate her boyfriend going out with another girl." he stopped walking, "who said she was my girlfriend? and why would it even bother you?"
"i didn't say it bothered me." i tell him but he raises his brow, "it kind of seems like it, princess." he shoves his hands into his jacket pockets with a smirk i've never seen on him, lazy but still good, my face feels flush, "it'd be weird."
"not if it were only us." i don't notice until he's towering over me that i'm cornered, "keigo."
"i really like you [name]. i like how comfortable it is to be around you, and i like how amazing you are but you just don't see it. these past months..."
"they've been fun." i shakily smile up at him, and i see him subtlety bit his bottom lip, as if debating his own thoughts, he sinks a little closer to my face but pauses mid way abruptly,
"and touya? you and him?" he then asks, i shake my head, "nothing."
"n-no. he's just around."
keigo's so close i'm overwhelmed. i don't know where to look or what to do. his eyes are like those of a cat, lazy but deadly. the way he looks at me makes the air hot and my body even hotter.
he looks at me in thought, "okay." he steps away from me and a big gust of fresh air fills me sending a shiver to course through my body.
"okay." i sigh, adjusting back to reality and clearing my throat before following beside him the road to my home. he snickers,
"you seem so nervous." he smiles, "you okay?" he wraps an arm over my shoulder to make me come closer to his body, "you're mean, takami." i huff and he breaks out laughing, the man knew his charm well—way too well.
©dxliqhted ♡ please do not steal, modify, plagiarize or repost my works
infrunami | steve lacy
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The Raifu’s of team Defy
Reacting to there S/O heroically sacrificing themselves for the sake of completing the mission
(GFL) AK-12, AN-94, AK-15, and RPK-16 react to their S/O sacrificing themselves
Thanks to rewatching the OG Mobile Suit Gundam there's a song stuck in my head as I write this.YES MY SWEET, YES MY SWEETEEEST, I WANNA GET BACK WHERE YOU WEEEEREEEE
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12 remained still as she detected the life signs from S/O had stopped transmitting to her.
Her glowing pink eyes did not falter, her mask obscuring her mouth. On the outside, it looked like she didn't even react.
She turned to the rest of Task Force DEFY and simply gave a single order.
(AK-12) "S/O bought us time. We're leaving."
The moment the squad escapes the area, she takes off her mask as she closes her eyes.
Her emotional modules turn on once again, but her mouth remains completely neutral, her usual lackadaisy smile completely absent.
She says nothing the entire trip back to base. When she reports to the commander, she simply says:
(AK-12) "I hope the mission info S/O retrieved was worth it, Commander."
Not even bothering to salute, she leaves for DEFY's dorm.
If asked about S/O, 12 simply says they got unlucky in a monotone voice. However, she is usually seen visiting the memorial hall where S/O's name is written alone, her eyes opened.
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94 closes her eyes when she could no longer detect S/O's life signature.
She believes it was her fault not being able to save them, seeing as she was the inferior model.
After the mission was reported a success, she looked even colder than usual, simply staring at the floor of the Black Hawk, saying absolutely nothing, even to AK-12.
When she is alone, she does not cry, but she quietly stares at S/O's quarters, her hand on the door.
(AN-94) "...If only I could have been designed better..."
She says absolutely nothing about S/O after their funeral. If anyone attempts to speak to her about them, she will excuse herself or not respond at all.
She seldom shows any interest in anything anymore, her only priority to follow the orders of AK-12 and ensure Task Force DEFY's success.
Just as her S/O would have done.
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15 exhales through her nose and blankly states:
(AK-15) "...Zero readings from S/O. They're gone."
She never had a gentle expression, but somehow it grows impossibly colder and more rigid.
(AK-15) "Idiot..."
With no further comment, she departs with DEFY and enters sleep mode the moment they return.
She did not even attend their funeral, stating that it was a waste of time.
15 had not shown that much emotion until meeting S/O, where she was at least a little interested in learning more about humans and the world itself.
Now, she had zero reason in doing so. All of it was a waste of time after all, with human lives being so fragile.
But if one were to look near her bed, she still keeps the picture of her and S/O together close by.
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16's expression became somber the moment she saw S/O's vitals flatline.
(RPK-16) "...Like a moth to a flame after all. Pity."
When 16 returns to base, she looks at the arctic skies, silently contemplating to herself.
(RPK-16) "Humans are interesting creatures, aren't they? They simply think everything will be fine once they give up everything for the good of the others. Yet they don't seem to think about what happens to said others."
She doesn't change all that much after S/O's death. After all, human lives were so much more fragile than a T-Doll's.
Yet it in a way, it was tragically beautiful. They have such a short life, and try to do everything they can in that timeframe.
That fact only convinces her that she should try to speak to every human she can.
But she will never forget the one human that captured her heart the most.
And just like a human would, she would continue to live and remember those that have fallen.
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multi-fxndom446 · 1 year
I’d give up forever
Hawks x reader
Warnings: cussing, slight angst, SPOILERS, the length alone should be warning in itself😭 timeline also may be a little fucked oh well. Sarcasm
Summary: Keigo is definitely not falling in love with you
Inspired by these lyrics in Iris:
I’d give up forever to touch you
You’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be and I don’t wanna go home right now
I don’t want the world to see me
Cause I don’t think that’d they’d understand
I just want you to know who I am
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It’s cold.
Freezing even.
But hawks didn’t care. He’s to tired to care. This life can become a tiresome one when you feel like you have nothing to live for other then gathering information for hero’s.
He was so tired.
Flying around for hours on end, keeping his senses alert for any sort of danger then in the late hours of the night he’d stalk away to the darkest corners to meet with the league to continue to try and prove his loyalty to them.
It was all to much. He just needed the world to stop, to slow down for one minute. One god forsaken minute. But it wouldn’t. At least not yet.
People below him would shout up at him in glee all day, children chased him till there legs grew tired, paparazzi was always on his ass and for once he just needed to be away from society.
Which is exactly what he was doing now. His shift ended hours ago and for once he didn’t have to meet up with the league so he took the time to scout out a building with a nice view away from the city and soon enough he found it.
It was an apartment building on the outskirts of town, hardly noticeable. He landed on the roof of the building, it wasn’t the tallest but he just wanted something that would allow him to breathe.
He sat on the edge of the building and pulled his coat tighter around his face while the chilled air blew past him.
The passerby’s never would assume the number two hero would be all the way out here so none of them cared to look up at the building, they just continued about there night.
He was happy for one moment just a singular moment till he heard a door on the roof slam open and a loud “hey!” Hawks let out an anguished sigh, letting his head drop down. “You’re not gonna jump are you?”
That caught him off guard. He looked back at the person, at you, then looked down the building at what would not be a deadly drop at all. “No?” He replied
You sighed in relief. “Good you would’ve made my job a hell of a lot harder.” You said as you made your way to him, letting the door you slammed open shut softly behind you.
“You’re not paparazzi are you?”
You looked over at him in utter offense, “do I look like paparazzi?”
Now that he took a better look at you, you definitely didn’t look like paparazzi. You were in pajamas with fuzzy slippers on and your hair was pinned up. “I guess not.”
Minutes of silence passed where the hero was hoping you would leave but you stayed glued to your spot a few feet away from him. “You took away my think on a building top time.” He finally muttered, glancing at you.
You shrugged, “not my fault you decided my apartment was the building of your choosing. I pay to live here this is technically my building top. Whats your excuse?”
“Just wanted a moment to breathe.” You finally looked towards him and saw the distant look in his eyes when he glanced away from you.
“Being number two is hard isn’t it?” He nodded slightly. “Well you can use my roof top anytime you need. All the civilians out here are old folks so they won’t bother you. Cant say the same for me.”
Finally you started heading back inside. “You’re leaving?” His words came out faster then he could realize. You turned back to him with a grin.
“Well I know you’re not suicidal anynore so yeah. You did give me a heart attack though.” You pointed back towards him “not every day you see someone legs dangling from your window.”
Hawks quickly looked down again to see if you were right and sure enough your kitchen window was right where his feet were. He turned back to you, “I’m s-“ but was met with the soft click of the door closing shut.
Needless to say he pulled his feet away from your window.
It wouldn’t be until weeks later that hawks would return to your apartment building. The League, more specifically Dabi, had been on his every movement and he was exhausted of options on where to hide out to find peace.
Is what he’d like to say about why he found himself ontop your building again. But in truth he found himself there again after weeks of thinking about you, something about you peaked his interest and finally he came back.
It was dark when he came back and he could see your were already on the roof looking out at the city. “You’re not gonna jump are you?” He asked, watching you jump and turn to him quickly.
You tsked and rolled your eyes at him when you saw the faint smirk on his face. “Of course not.”
“Oh good.” He said while he landed softly next to just a few feet away and suddenly he had a sense of De ja vu. “You made my job a whole lot easier.”
He smiled slightly when you breathed out a little laugh at him starting the conversation the same way you had all those weeks ago. You were silent for a moment before you let a grin slip, “you ruined my think on a building time.” You finally said
He laughed, “terribly sorry, want me to leave?” At this you pretended to ponder on the thought before shaking your head softly.
“I suppose it’s okay.” You glanced at him smiling gently. One thing you couldn’t deny, the man was incredibly handsome. “What brings the number two pro back here anyways?”
Is what he wants to say but stops himself before he does. “To escape work.” He sneaks a glance at you while you weren’t paying attention. “And the fangirls.”
“Oh but why they must be so fun!” You exaggerate, turning to him with the most lovesick look you could put on.
He smiles and gives into your jokes. “Don’t tell me your my number one fangirl and you followed me all day just to catch me here?”
You gasped, “oh my I thought I hid it better.” You frowned and pouted your lip. He wouldn’t admit how cute he thought the action was. Before he could think about it more you started dying laughing and you smacked him on the arm. “As if hawks. If anything I’m your biggest hater you make my job so difficult.”
He raised an eyebrow at you suddenly realizing he never asked what you do. “And what is your job exactly?”
“I work at a hero agency.” You replied simply but he felt like his heart stopped for a second.
‘Don’t tell me you work at my agency?’ He pleaded with himself. That would make him look like such a dick for not recognizing you.
You, seeming to understand his look, quickly shook your head. “Not your agency! Endeavors!” You got out and he visibly relaxed. “I work in an office with like 20 other people who keep up his appearance as best as we can. So bad articles, rumors. All of them. They get sent to us and we twist it however we need to to keep up his image. So imagine what I’d have to write that night if you jumped ‘endeavors best friend dead’”
Hawks turned to you quickly, “I’m his best friend?!”
“You wish.” You replied quickly and he frowned. “I think if he could he would’ve killed you by now, you cause him a lot of trouble.”
“We’ve only talked a few times!” He defended which was true, they had only spoken a few times after the rating and had a few small conversations before them.
“So imagine how much trouble you are from only a few conversations!” You laughed, bumping his shoulder and his frown melted into a small smile. “Anyways tell me about yourself.”
Immediately his guard went up, something you noticed. “What’s there to know? You already know everything?” You eyed him. He had a carefree smirk on his face so you decided to play.
“Like what, that you hold the record for youngest top pro hero?”
His smirk only grew, “you looked me up?”
“It’s common knowledge.” You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the small pink that dusted your cheeks. He went to open his mouth with probably another smart remark when he quickly turned away from you with a hand held up to his head phones. You had eyed them earlier but didn’t know what he actually used them for, it looked like it was a communication device.
Finally, he turned back to you with an easy grin. “Sorry, gotta head out duty calls.” He started flying up, “let’s continue this another time,” for the second time that night hawks was mortified he didn’t ask your name.
You laughed at his expression. “Y/n. And we will.” You smiled, watching him fly away.
The following days Hawks would find himself at your building more often then not. Sometimes you’d be there and sometimes you wouldn’t. One of the nights he finally caught you he was waiting on the edge of your balcony and scared you shitless.
You had explained to him then that with Endeavor reaching number 1 the bad articles had become ten times worse with criticism and spiteful rumors. It was the same night you finally invited him into your apartment.
The two of you talked for hours on end while you ate and drank wine. He only had one glass so he was still sober enough to hear you spill every detail about your life to him and he gave you as little information about him as he could.
He could tell it bothered you a little that he wouldn’t open up but you didn’t pry and for that he was appreciative. Finally after you had drank through enough wine your eyes became droopy and you fell asleep on his shoulder.
He would definitely leave out the part where it made his heart skip a beat.
The next day when he went to Endeavors office building he searched for you but had no idea where to even start and he was trying to be discreet about it.
He did ask the number 1 himself a few days prior but of course he had never even heard your name before and why would he in such a huge company like his. “Ah you should pay more attention to your employees.” Hawks had scolded him at the time and was only met with a grunt in annoyance while Endeavor continued to try and avoid him.
“Excuse me?” He stopped at the reception desk. The poor girl looked absolutely stunned. “I’m sorry to ask but do you know a Y/n that works here?”
Her mouth fell apart slightly while she nodded her head and turned to point towards a set of doors, “that’s where all the lower offices are she should be in there.” She finally got out.
“Thank you!” He gave her his charming smile and went to walk that direction when Endeavor stopped him.
“What business do you have with my offices?” He had asked, pulling him away towards the elevator.
Hawks allowed himself to be dragged by the bigger man, smiling and waving at the receptionist. “I have a friend who works here I wanted to say hi.”
Endeavor groaned. “Don’t tell me I have a fangirl of yours working for me?” Hawks shook his head sternly at that.
“Definitely not. She’s my biggest hater.” Finally being let go, hawks watched as another girl appeared at the front desk and her gaze snapped to Hawks immediately before she quickly ran through the doors he was trying to go through.
“I heard you were looking for me today.” You asked that night when you found Hawks on the roof again. He turned to you with a smile.
“Was it those two girls?” You nodded and stood next to him. He was sitting on the ledge, one leg dangling over and the other bent so he could rest his chin on it. His wings were tucked nicely behind him so he could see you. “They seemed like gossipers.”
“They arent-“ he gave you a look. “Okay they absolutely are but they’re actually my friends so they wanted to interrogate me as to why the number 2 was looking for me.”
He hummed, “cant a friend just say hi?” He noticed you deflate a little at his sentence but the next second you grinned and nodded.
“I guess they can.”
You both sat in silence for a moment before he decided to speak again. “I’m s-“
“Your h-“
You both stared at each other when you spoke at the same time. You broke into laughter and told him to go ahead but he was to busy watching the way you smiled so easily to remember what he was even going to say. “No you go I forgot.”
After a few more seconds you gathered yourself and turned to him, “your headphones. What do you use them for?” You asked pointing at your ears. “Are they like a communication device?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” He joked and you nodded, “guess you’d just have to wear them to find out.”
Now when saying this he didn’t exactly expect you to immediately go to grab them from his head but he also didn’t know that you’d been wondering about them since that night.
He watched you with wide eyes as you leaned closer to him and gently plucked them from his head. He could feel the warmth from your hands on his cheeks and he couldn’t help the soft sigh that escaped him at how close you were to him, he could see the shades of color in your eyes from where you were.
To him it felt like you were there in front of him forever but then seconds later you leaned back again and put them on your head, instantly the world became muffled and you shot him a confused glance but he was still to stunned to move.
When you took them off you had a frown on your face, “I don’t get it I don’t hear anything are these just to keep your ears warm?” You questioned when you noticed the red jewels that adorned his ears. “You have ear piercings?!”
And again you got closer to him to inspect them, this time much closer then before. He could smell your perfume perfectly now and the way his heart was doing somersaults scared him.
“Whoa they’re pretty.” You mused brushing your hand over the bottom of his jaw to move his head a get a better look, he shivered at the touch and it was then you finally understood the situation you put him in. Immediately you backed away, face red and arm extended holding his headphone. “Im so sorry! I didn’t mean to-I’m sorry!” You stammered before running off
Hawks was to much in shock to even run after you all he could do was watch the door close softly behind you and your light in your apartment shut off immediately as you got there.
He traced his finger along the ghost of where your hand was on his jaw for once feeling somewhat at peace.
The next days following he had not seen you, it was as if you made it a mission to never be where he would be which at the moment he couldn’t seem to find the time to question.
He was so busy with meetings with Endeavor and late night meetings with Dabi to even go to your building which he was sure you were still avoiding the roof.
The few times he did stop by, your blinds were shut tight and there was no sign of you coming out and he couldn’t bring himself to ask about you again at work.
His shit week turned for the worse when he and Endeavor were attacked by the Nomu. Of course he was ready but he was not ready for the level of strength this one had.
The nomu had done severe damage to the building and to the number one himself. By the end hawks was also worse for wear with some of his feathers missing. But compared to Endeavor he was fine.
Hawks went to the store later that night to find a gift, maybe you’d talk to him again if he brought you a peace offering?
He was glancing at the shelves when he suddenly stopped and grinned at what he was seeing. Immediately he paid and went to your apartment.
He held the gift in his hand while he knocked with the other before shoving it back in his pocket to nervously pick at the second gift he had secure in his pocket.
It took a moment but finally you opened the door a crack, “hawks?” You asked, scanning over his bruised up form.
“I come with a present.” He brought up his gift, a small Hawks plushie held up to his face while he gave you the best puppy dog eyes he could muster and you’d admit he was pretty good at it.
You chuckled softly before opening the door for him and taking the gift as he walked passed you. You smiled softly at it and set it down on an end table. “Are you okay?” He turned to you with a raised eyebrow. “I watch the news.”
He hummed, “you didn’t go to work today?” You shook your head and he took in your appearance you were dressed in pajamas. “Are you okay?” He came back over to you putting a hand to your head and your face burned hot at the contact.
“Yes, yes!” You shooed his hand away. “Just was feeling a little under the weather I’m fine.”
He still watched you with concern but dropped it. He went to turn away when your own hands slid to his jaw and he froze, “you have a ton of cuts and bruises.” You muttered softly “was everyone okay?”
His eyes softened at the worry in yours and he grabbed onto your hand that was holding his face. “There was some casualties but nothing to bad.” You nodded before you pulled away from him and took a few steps back.
He sighed, it felt like you were putting distance between the both of you and he couldn’t entirely blame you. You didn’t want to get hurt and Hawks was someone that would someday hurt you even if he never meant to. He knew it the moment you deflated when he refused to tell you anything about himself but he didn’t know how to tell you he was literally not able to.
Before the sadness could continue to fester in the space between you he pulled out the second gift, a small box.
“Here,” he hands it to you and watched as you opened it carefully to pull out one of his smaller feather around a chain. “Don’t take this to mean anything got it?”
You held a hand up to your mouth and for a moment he thought he hurt your feelings but then you opened your mouth. “Doesn’t mean anything?! Oh my god when’s the wedding?” You batted at the nonexistent tears.
“Ha ha you’re hilarious.” He said but he was still happy to hear your sarcasm again. “Just wear it from now on okay?”
“Wait..” you we’re putting it on when you stopped abruptly. “Is this some kind of claim thing? Are you trying to warn the other birds to back off?”
He rolled his eyes at you and walked closer to you. “I’m actually gonna kill you.” He muttered, pulling your hair out of the way for you to put it on easier.
He could hear your breathe hitch but chose to ignore it. He also chose to ignore the way his spine tingled when you layed the feather flat against your chest.
He took several steps back and admired it while you did the same. He wouldn’t admit this to you now but ever since the battle with the Nomu he’s had the overwhelming urge to make sure you were safe at any time and what better way to do that then to give you a feather.
The next day you were walking with your friend through the building when your receptionist friend stopped you. “Is that a hawks feather necklace? I didn’t know they sold those?” She had asked pointing to the chain around your neck. Your friend next to you looked over at it too.
“More importantly I didn’t know you were such a hawks fan.” She laughed and you waved her off with a grin.
“No I’m his biggest hater.” They both laughed when the receptionist sobered up.
She clasped her hands under her chin, looking at you with a twinkle in her eyes. “But seriously, do you know what Hawks can do with his feathers?”
You shook your head slowly, “fly? Be an idiot?”
“He can fly yes, the other thing is questionable-“
“No he’s definitely an idiot.” You cut in
“But his feathers do more then that.” She continued, ignoring you. “He can use them as weapons, a means of transportation, he can also detect sounds and vibrations.” She smirked and you froze.
You stared at her with wide eyes, hawks can do what?
You felt like your heart skipped a beat. It made you wonder if he could feel that sort of thing. “What?” You asked after a moment of looking at the pair of girls as the same realization started to strike in both of them.
“So in other words,” your friend chimed in finally “he’d be able to sense someone was in danger? So if his feather was always with someone he could make sure they were safe?”
The one to bring up this whole thing nodded her head excitedly then they both turned to you with the creepiest smiles you’d ever seen.
Before they could continue the discussion the man himself walked into the building with Endeavor. He found your eyes immediately and you felt yourself hold your breathe when you realized for once he wasn’t wearing his glasses. Hawks smiled to himself while he waited for the elevator, pretending he was listening to the pro next to him
You didn’t break the eye contact and instead subconsciously reached to faintly touch the feather around your neck and you could’ve sworn you saw his shudder. Before you could ponder on it your eyes zeroed in on his headphones and suddenly those things were making a lot more sense.
“His quirk,” you finally spoke up, keeping your eyes trained on the man. “Can he understand conversations?”
“I mean yeah I think to an extent. Why-?” They both turned to the direction you were looking and caught hawks just before the elevator doors closed. What they didn’t see was the quick wink he sent your way before entering. “No fucking way! I knew there was something going on between you two the day he came looking for you!”
“There’s nothing going on between us! We are just friends!” They both didn’t seem convinced.
“Yeah and I’m Endeavors favorite employee.” You rolled your eyes at them and tried to hide the fact you were blushing.
“Are we gonna get lunch or not?” You grabbed onto your friends arm and started dragging her out of the building while the other one started shouting at you to bring her something back.
You both returned about an hour later with food in hand and laughing about something that had happened earlier that day between some coworkers when Hawks and Endeavor walked out the front door.
They were both wearing grave looks on there faces it kinda made you nervous. Endeavor had said something to him before splitting off and going down the sidewalk to their left while Hawks walked straight towards you.
“Hawks?” You called to him but he looked straight ahead. “Hawks!” You said again and he finally sparred you a glance with a small forced smile before continuing on his way.
You stopped and watched him walk away. Your friend tugged on your arm gently to get your attention, “y/n come on he might just be busy if they just got out of that meeting.” You nodded slightly hoping that’s all that was and followed her inside but your mood had dimmed drastically.
It wouldn’t be until after the agency closed that you would get any sort of information out of him. You were packing up for the night as was everyone else. Both your friends had already left so it was just you.
As you approached the front doors you saw familiar feathers peaking around the wall just outside. “Hawks?” He turned to you with another smile but it was still forced. “Don’t tell me you have another meeting?” You checked your phone for the time.
“No, I wanted to walk you home.” You looked up at him and this time his smile seemed to brighten just a little. “I needed to talk to you about something.”
You nodded your head softly, “okay.”
Despite wanting to talk you were the one to try and make a conversation the entire way back to your apartment and even then he seemed to be out of it but you didn’t comment on it.
Eventually you gave up and just sat in silence with him all the way back to your apartment. You honestly didn’t think he noticed that you were silent and if he did he didn’t say a thing to acknowledge it.
All the way to you opening your door and letting him in no words were spoken still. You set down your purse and went to get water while he glanced around, noticing his plushie was missing from the table stand.
He looked around as discreetly as he could before he saw your bedroom door open and caught a glimpse of it sitting right in the middle of all your made up pillows. He looked back at you to see you still drinking water almost like you were trying to avoid his silence which he supposed he understood.
Quietly, he made his way onto your balcony and took in a deep breathe. You joined him only a few minutes later and he could feel you looking at him expectingly. “Things are gonna get bad from here on.” He finally said still withought looking at you.
“You work for the number one y/n I’m sure you can see things starting to go down hill.” At this you stayed silent and he sighed. “I’m sorry. It’s just-“
He turned to look at you and immediately regretted it when he saw the worried look in your eyes, the one look he was trying to avoid. “I’m not even supposed to be telling you this.” He whispered more to himself before he rolled his shoulder and stood up straighter. “I’m gonna be gone for a little while. I won’t be able to have contact with you.”
His heart broke a little at the way your eyes turned from worry to despair. “Why?” You asked quietly. He wasn’t wrong you did see a lot of things going wrong recently since the Nomu attack but you didn’t think Hawks would be the one to input himself. “Is this why you ignored me earlier?”
He nodded once. “I promised Endeavor-“ he paused “no I promised a lot of people I wouldn’t tell you. But I just couldn’t drop off the radar without telling you. I couldn’t have you hating me for real.”
“I could never hate you.” You choked, blinking up at the sky to keep your eyes dry and he frowned at the sight. He never wanted to be the reason you cried but he knew he was right about hurting you one day. “I guess you can’t tell me why huh?”
You still couldn’t look him in the eyes, especially without his glasses. His eyes pierced straight through all the walls you were currently trying to build up.
His frown was set firmly on his face so much so he wasn’t sure it’d ever go away. But he didn’t want you to see it, he didn’t want you to see the distress coursing through him so he did the only thing he could think of at the moment.
His hand reached out to you, moving to slide through strands of your hair so he could cup the back of your head and pull you into his chest. His other arm wrapped securely around your waist while his wings curled in on you, wrapping you in the warmest hug you had ever had.
“Will you be safe?” He ignored the way he could feel a few of your tears soaking into his shirt and hummed. When he didn’t answer you looked up at him as best you could. “I’m serious Hawks promise me you’ll come back alive.”
He couldn’t promise that, you knew he couldn’t and you could see it in the way his eyes closed. Instead of giving you the answer you wanted he leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on your head. “Promise me you won’t hate me if I do.”
“I promise!” You said immediately but his sadness only seemed to deepen by it and you weren’t sure why you had a bad feeling. “Why would I hate you?”
He only pulled you tighter against him and leaned his head down so you wouldn’t see a few of his own tears slip down his cheeks.
True to his word, the next day Hawks seemed to drop off the face of the earth and all the other pros started gathering daily.
Hawks missed you.
More then he’d like to admit.
It had been weeks since he last had seen you and it was then he started to realize how much you meant to him.
You were always in the back of his mind while he was infiltrating the villains. You were what kept him grounded while he was among huge crowds of villains gathering around for Shigaraki himself.
He collected the information, passed it onto the hero’s and took whatever orders were given to him but all the while he couldn’t get the feeling of you wrapped in his arms out of his head.
If he survived this he hoped you would forgive him and let him do it again.
Especially now that he killed a man, a man he had actually come to like. A man he so desperately wanted to save. But at the same time he was dodging Dabis flames.
God all he wanted was to survive. Before you he would’ve been okay dying here. He wouldn’t have been happy about it but he would be at peace but now you were there and you, you were starting to become everything to him.
“Pay attention hero.” Dabi scolded while he kicked him to the ground, readying his hand for another blast of flame. “I’ll tell Y/N to say hi when I’m done.”
Hawks eyes widened in horror. How did Dabi know who you were? He never had time to think about it before flames burned through his feathers. It was the second reveal of the night from Dabi, the first being Hawks own name.
“So desperate to juggle your double lives you never even noticed someone tailing you one of those nights you went to her!” Dabi laughed like a maniac and Hawks couldn’t get away from the flames. His entire back severely burned. “She won’t like you much longer anyways.”
The next thing he knew Hawks own student Tokoyami had rescued him and brought him to a medic tent to get treated. Everything after that had turned dark and he could only hope the hero’s would win and that he would wake up again.
It wouldn’t be until about a month later that Hawks was able to even see you again. He waited till he was out of the hospital and fully recovered and even after that, after all the bandages came off and he was cleared to go back to work he put it off.
He was terrified of facing you again when he knew there was a chance you wouldn’t forgive him. After everything hed just been through he wasn’t sure he could take you hating him for real.
Although his wings were slowly but surely healing and coming back, Dabi had done some irreparable damage to the nerves that ran through his back and feathers. So even when he felt that small tingle down his spine whenever you touched his feather he couldn’t be sure it was actually you.
He hoped it was.
More now then ever he hoped it was you. All day today he had felt a tingle up his spine which ended up with him at your front door after he could no longer ignore it.
For 10 straight minutes he debated knocking. He had held his hand up ready to knock then sighed and started pacing the hall. When some of your neighbors started giving him weird looks he finally knocked and the door opened immediately to his surprise.
“I was beginning to wonder if you would ever knock.” You said, hand on your hip as you stared him down
“We’re you just watching me the entire time?!”
“Obviously you idiot.” You smacked him on the chest.
He grabbed at the spot you hit him shocked you even hit him. “How did you know I was even here?” At that you raised an eyebrow as if to ask ‘are you serious’
“Well I practically have my own security team watching me like clock work Hawks.” He winced at the way you said his name. “Ever since the fight with the villains can you believe it?”
“I’m shocked.” If your weren’t so mad at him you may have laughed at him but your face was set in a hard glare.
“Right?! So just guess how shocked I was when one morning I open my door to be greeted by on of your sidekicks.” At the words your sidekicks you smacked him twice again on the chest not caring if it hurt him. “Imagine my surprise then after when he tells me you’re in the hospital but I can’t see you for my own safety and then! Ohoho and then how you were the one who sent them to watch over me.”
“Y/n..” he could tell you were very angry and at this point he’d take all the hits you sent his way.
“Months hawks! Not even one text or call after the fight to say ‘hey don’t worry I’m alive’ nothing!” You walked into your apartment now leaving the door open and he took that as a queue to come in and close the door for more privacy. “Months.” You whispered out, voice cracking.
“I’m sorry.” He finally said but your back was turned to him and you refused to turn around.
“They told me everything you know?” You said over your shoulder. “Your sidekicks. So I knew. I knew you stopped by my apartment every week since the battle yet you never checked in.”
He was sure if his wings were at full health they’d be drooping. “I have no excuse I’m sorry.” You sighed lightly before going out onto your balcony in silence. He followed you after a few moments.
You both stood in silence for what felt like forever when your voice broke through the tension. “I watched the news. I’m sorry.” He felt his heart drop. “I know you lost a lot of good hero’s, good friends. They all risked there lives for us.”
“And we still lost.” He said while he looked out to the sky above him. You stayed silent. There was nothing you could say to comfort him and you both knew it. He could feel your stare piecering into his head and at that moment he wished he never came over just to avoid what you were going to ask next.
“Dabi,” Hawks closed his eyes. “I saw his video too. Is it true?”
“If you saw that you saw Jeanist at the press conference I didn’t-“ he stopped when he felt your gentle hand on his face, coaxing him to look at you.
“Not that.” He felt his heart plummet straight to the ground. “About that villain. Was it true?” He took a second to breathe before nodding his head shamefully.
He expected you to pull away from him in disgust but you stayed put. “Dabi really is Endeavors son?” Another soft nod.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing?” You seemed genuinely curious. “If this is your way of trying to ask for forgiveness there’s nothing to forgive.”
There it was. He started to pull away and you could feel him slipping so you grabbed onto his face with both hands. “Damn it Hawks! I forgive you! If that’s what you need to hear!” You cried desperately trying to keep him from pulling away. “Not just for something you were ordered to do but for everything. Everything you’ve ever regretted in your life I forgive you okay? So please don’t turn away from me.”
Finally the tears he had kept to himself for so long flooded to his eyes and he wrapped himself around you. You returned the hug, careful not to touch his wings that were barely growing back. “I never wanted to keep all this from you.” He whispered and you hugged him tighter.
“I understand why you had to now. You held so much responsibility for so long for once let someone else bare the burden with you.” He was amazed by you. How could you just walk into his life as if you had always been there? As if you were always meant to be there?
“He knew who you were. Dabi.” Was all he needed to say for you to pull away to look at him. “It’s why I had someone watching over you. I couldn’t be there and I couldn’t let Dabi near you. If he had hurt you-“
“Hey.” You said softly, “he didn’t hurt me. I know where he got the information. An old coworker, he was a wannabe villain. He gave Dabi all the information he needed. Your sidekicks found him and arrested him. It’s how I found out.”
“I’m sorry-“ he was wiping his tears away when he noticed the chain around your neck. “You kept it on?”
You looked down at it confused as to why he would think you took it off. “Of course I did. I told you I would.” Your fingers went to it and he felt that familiar tingle shoot up his spine.
“It was you. The whole time I kept feeling something but I didn’t know if I would ever be able to feel it again after dabi..” he didn’t need to finish you knew what he meant.
“How bad is it?” He pulled away from you completely to shed his coat and turn his back to you. He lifted his shirt just high enough for you to see the scars that littered his back. “Oh my god.”
He dropped his shirt back down and turned to you again. “Shot some nerves so I don’t think it’ll ever be the same.” You saw the sad look in his eyes so before he could go to deep into thought you let your fingers run through his hair.
“Your hair is shorter.” You mused almost mesmerized now that you could take a good look at him. Then your fingers went to trace along the edges of the new scar on his face. “How is it possible for you to look ten times hotter then the last time I saw you?”
He breathed out a laugh and let his hands go to your waist as if they were always meant to be there. “Not something I expected my biggest hater to say.”
“I could never hate you.” You said immediately, looking him dead in the eyes so he could see how serious you were. “Ever.”
“I-“ he paused trying to find the right words to say. If his interaction with Dabi taught him anything it’s that he no longer wanted to hide himself from you. He wanted you to know him, everything about him even the darkest parts. For now he just wanted to start with his name. Something the hero commission told him never to reveal. But now they were gone. “I just want you to know who I am.”
“What?” Your gaze immediately turned confused. “Hawks-“
“No!” He said quickly tightening his grip on you. He could see the surprise in your eyes and he sighed in frustration. “My name. I want to tell you my real name.”
He no longer wanted Dabi to be the only other one to know. He no longer wanted both himself and the villain to taint his name. “My name is Takami Keigo.” No longer would it be tainted because now you knew it and you could speak it and he would never want to stop hearing it if it came from your own lips.
He glanced at you. Your mouth was open in shock, your hands had dropped down to rest on the arms that still had you by the waist. His nerves were practically radiating off of him. “Y/n?”
“You’re such an idiot.” You whispered with a smile on your lips while you slowly brought your hands up to cup his cheeks again. “You’re such an idiot Keigo.”
His eyes widened and his world slowed down for a second until it came to a screeching halt when the next second you were pulling his head down to yours. Your lips pressing onto his sent shockwaves down his back, a feeling he didn’t know if he’d feel again and now here he was wrapping his arms tightly around your waist while he returned the kiss.
The peace and quiet he had been searching desperately for he had finally found it.
He found it in you.
The end <3
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newkatzkafe2023 · 3 months
What if Y/N acted like Homer Simpson?
Good Lord😳😳😳
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(Lmk Wukong) I don't think it was a ever good idea for you to the meet in the first place. He met you at pigsy's noodle shop where everyone was Stairing at you as you ate what seems to be 28 bowls of noodles And then you went to order another one. That was the final straw which got you kicked out
Monkey (Y/N): I paid for those noodles and they should let me finish eating them!!!😠
Wukong got a closer look at you And saw that you were a female monkey a yellow plus size one. Which was oddly cute for you you had a white sundress on and some blue boots. Wukong found himself blushing at your appearance And continue to quietly observe you until your attention turned to him.
Monkey (Y/N): Hey Sunflower wanna go to Moe's with Me my treat😘😘😘
Soft and bold I guess one drink with you wouldn't hurt
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(NR Wukong) He was just strolling Bye until somebody flew out of a bar window. Would scared the crap out of him he done red inside to see What was the commotion Just so he can see a bunch of unconscious bodies and this
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A chubby yellow female monkey strangling a random demon. That just raises so many questions by itself but he just Waited until you were done
Monkey (Y/N) I'll teach you to waste beer Especially my beer 🍺 🤬🤬🤬🤬
He didn't know what to make of this. But he found you to be cute. As soon as you were done, you will stomp out of the bar going next door to a dumpling shop And begin to eat your emotions he quietly followed you and asked if you were ok. She turned to look at him with soy sauce dripping down her lip
Monkey (Y/N) never better Cutie😁😋
You were the cutest chubby puzzle he's ever seen and he's gonna solve you whether you like it or not.
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(Mk Reborn Wukong) He fighting some more demon again but he was alone. He saw a chubby female monkey laying watse to the group of demons herself.
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His jaw was touching the floor. He never seen anybody that big moves so fast. But when he stiff the air for a minute he smelled booze??? Wait your fight like this and your drunk?! He hates to admit it but that's impressive. After your mini Massacre you pull out what appears to be some noodle like what??? When you turn to him and ask where you can get some beer, He has never been so confused in his life.
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(HIB Wukong) Ok you guys actually go way back. You met eating peaches together before he challenged Buddha and got seal under the mountain. When Liuer released him to he said he would help if the went to fine you. He wasn't even sure if you were around anymore until he saw a familiar yellow figure eating peaches in the Distance. As usual you were always eating something until he made his presence known to you. When you turn, there was tears rolling down your eyes as you ran up to him and embraced him in a Hawk. Telling him that you miss him very much It have so much to catch up on. But first he has to introduce you to Liuer.
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(Netflix Wukong) when he first came to be you took it Initiative to take care of him. You freakin hated how the other monkeys treated him. So you took him right under your wing. You made sure he was happy healthy and safe and Patched up his Bruises when he gets into tussles with other demons. You were incredibly worried about him Well he was starting A battle with the jade emperor and the dragon king. But you felt that he would be just fine but When you heard that he was going to be sealed under the mountain for 500 years you decided to Pack your supplies and be sealed under there with him. Just so he's not alone for a long time You have no Idea how much he loves you huh? From The very beginning you were there for him at his Worse and you were there for him at his best Safe to say he was made just for you.
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Feel Free to Reblog😇👍
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maracujatangerine · 11 months
CW: institutionalised slavery, dehumanisation, box boy universe, pet whump
Lydia glanced through her notes once again, dark green ink on white paper detailing her plans for the event and some of the questions she wanted to ask.
The book on the desk in front of her had a glossy photo of a shaggy billy goat on the cover, the animal’s strange eyes meeting the observer’s with amused intelligence. The curve of his massive horns matched almost perfectly the outline of the mountain ridge behind him. It seemed almost impossible to capture such a moment and yet the whole book was filled with similarly impressive photography. Lydia’s personal favourite was a photo of a hawk diving in front of a waterfall, the whole image misty and fluid like a dream.
It was quite a coup, Lydia felt, to have snagged such a famous photographer to take part in an event at her shop. There would be two local nature photographers that would take part in person, and then a digital presentation by Decima de Mares. She felt slightly nervous, what she had heard was that Decima was a bit… peculiar. She hoped that the conversation would go well.
“I will have an interview soon” said Miss, taking unfolded clothes and throwing them on the bed. “And I think this should look like it’s clean in there”
“Can I stay there, Miss?” Juli asked anxiously.
“I suppose you could, why? Are you interested in the interview?”
“I just wanna to be in the same place as you” Juli said honestly
“That’s sweet.”
With a deep breath, Lydia opened the meeting app and smiled her most charming smile at the person on the other side of the screen.
“Hi! I’m Lydia Winterthorpe. Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me.”
“No problem, it’s an opportunity for me too. I hope the camera is not picking up the mess in my room” Decima joked.
The conversation went smoothly after that.
“So what was your own favourite photo?” Lydia asked.
“I think it was one of the old castle. We do not know who built it, we only know a rough date of when it happened. By now there are only a few walls left and rain caused it to become some sort of a lake… a lake inside something that was once a luxurious living space. I think it’s very poetic. It’s also a special place for me. ”
A sudden movement in the corner of the screen caught Lydia’s eye. A glimpse of light brown fur against the photographer’s white wrist. Then she saw it again and smiled to herself.
“Sorry Miss Decima,” she said, “I lost my thread a bit, I just saw your cat waving its tail.”
“Oh no.” The pale woman smiled, too. “It is my pet, but he’s no cat. Even though he does knock things out of counters sometimes. Come on up and say hi, Juli.”
A short moment of silence.
“I said to say hello” Decima repeated. Was she angry? Or trying to force her pet to do something he didn’t want to?
A young man with a shock of light brown hair and grey eyes shyly raised his head. Lydia felt her blood run cold when she saw the collar around his neck.
For most of the interview Juli was just hidden away from the camera, enjoying the pats, and not paying much attention to what was going on around him. He was just wondering whether or not jelly could be classified as a soup. It was made by putting something in hot water after all. But the end result is solid, not liquid, so…
He heard his name, pulling him away from his silly thoughts.
He made eye contact with Miss and she understood that he didn’t hear her, so she patiently repeated herself. She wasn’t even annoyed with him not listening and once again Juli was reminded how kind she was.
“Uhm, hello Miss Winterthrope… pleasure to meet you” said the boy awkwardly. “I’m sorry for interrupting, uhh…” he looked at Decima, like to check if he’s not saying anything wrong“... I hope my presence is not bothering you”
“No, that is totally fine.” Lydia smiled. “I’m glad to meet you, Juli.”
What kind of pet owner is she? Lydia wondered quietly to herself. Out loud, she asked.
“Have you been living with Decima for a long time?”
“Not yet, but… I hope I will” said the boy.
“That’s nice.” Does he say it because he feels like he has to? Or because she’s actually nice to him? Lydia thought to herself. And who am I to judge? Buying a pet yourself doesn’t exactly give you the moral high ground, does it?
”So, as we discussed earlier, I’m thinking it would be good if you give a presentation for around 30 minutes, and then we’ll open the floor to the public and everyone will have the chance to ask some questions.” Lydia made an effort to return to the topic of the meeting. “Does that still sound like a plan?”
As the blue-haired photographer assented, Lydia surreptitiously studied the pet. He seemed… fine. Clean, not injured, a bit on the thin side, perhaps.
”That sounds like it will be a very good set-up.” Decima said. “I’m looking forward to hearing from the other photographers as well, it is always nice to get some new perspectives.”
She smiled down at Juli kneeling by her side. “I haven’t been able to go to any conferences lately, so I really appreciate the chance to participate online. I got Juli somewhat by chance, and he didn’t have a great time in his previous life. I want him to get more comfortable with being on his own before I go away again.”
“Oh, I see.” Subconscious recognition clicked into place in Lydia’s mind. The way Juli looked at Decima reminded her of the way Coriander had been looking at her when he first came. She smiled, genuinely this time. Her brown eyes glittered. “I know what that’s like, actually.”
Raising her voice slightly, she called out. “Cory, would you like to come in and introduce yourself?”
After a moment, the sound of a door opening and closing could be heard. A pet with blonde hair appeared on the screen. He looked… pretty. He was of the kind that rich people would show off and he had no scars on his face.
Juli suddenly felt nervous.
Even though they both were pets the one on the other side on the screen looked so much more… proper. What if he would notice every mistake Juli makes and point it out and then Miss would be embarrassed, because she can’t even keep one pet in line?
“It's a pleasure to meet you. T-this pet’s name is Coriander.” When he raised a hand in greeting, Juli could see scarring all around his wrist.
“Nice to meet you, Coriander” said Miss.
“This is Decima and Juli.” Miss Lydia explained. “She is the photographer I told you about.” The brunette held up Miss Decima’s book to the pet, who smiled.
“Y-you have created a beautiful book, Miss Decima.” He said. “Miss Lydia has shown it to t-his pet.”
“Thank you.” Miss smiled. “We just talked about which photos we like the best, did you have a favourite picture?”
It was subtle, but Juli caught the way the other pet glanced at Miss Lydia. When she nodded encouragingly, Coriander continued.
“T-this pet l-liked the photo with the field of sunflowers against the mountain. T-the light w-was a-amazing.” Quickly, he added. “B-but all the photos were beautiful.”
“That is one of my favourites, as well.” Miss said.
“What about Juli?” Miss Lydia asked. “Which photo did you like the best?”
“My favourite is from… not from this book, there is another one with fishies and… can I bring it there?”
“Go ahead, we’ll wait.”
Juli disappeared for a while and came back carrying a book in a hard, black cover. He opened it on one page and turned it to the camera. There was a seahorse, visible sunrays crossing the water and scattering on the animal’s skin.
“I liked it very much and because it’s cute and I even was gifted plush seahorse, because I liked it so much”
”That is gorgeous!” Miss Lydia said. “I understand why that is your favourite.”
“I-it is beautiful.” Cory agreed.
“Well,” Miss Lydia said, “thank you for the meeting. It was really nice to talk with both of you. I think we have a good plan in place, Decima, but let’s meet on Wednesday and make the final decisions.”
“N-nice to meet you, Miss Decima, Juli.”
This post is a collaboration between @octopus-reactivated and @maracujatangerine. It is part of the 2023 BBU Community Days organised by @bbu-on-the-side. This is our joint entry for day 15: Collaboration.
Tag List Part 1: @cupcakes-and-pain @whump-em @whumpzone @wh-wh-whu @neuro-whump @carnagecardinal @cowboy-anon @whump-me-all-night-long @redwingedwhump @myst-in-the-mirror @haro-whumps @eatyourdamnpears @bloodsweatandpotato @pinkraindropsfell @whumptywhumpdump @theydy-cringeworthy @whump-in-progress @whumpsy-daisy @nicolepascaline @whumpcreations @briars7 @shiningstarofwinter @whumppsychology @alex-ember @miss-kitty-whumptastic @whumpy-writings @in-patient-princess @youtube-fandoms-bands @goblinchildindabog @mazeish @distinctlywhumpthing @inpainandsuffering @canniboylism @icannotweave @incoherent-introspection @kim-poce @broken-typewriter @the-monarch-whumperfly @whumpers-inc @grizzlie70 @lil-whumper @writingbackwards @sunflower1000 @wingedwhump @thecitythatdoesntsleep @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @onlybadendings @rabass @wolfeyedwitch @melancholy-in-the-morning
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welkinsky · 1 year
Those Golden Orbs - Hawks X Reader
A/N: To New People, this is a series not just random fanfics (you can find them here by the way). So sit back and enjoy as the story unpacks.
Chapter #2: Stay Away
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (Coming Soon)
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A few days passed and you were now settling the office. It was one of the top floors in a corporate hub of the city. You walked to the left as you heard a familiar voice, "Wait for me!"
You looked up, confirming your doubt that it was indeed Hawks.
You stopped the lift for him as he entered trying to make sure that he doesn't hit you with his HUGE wigs. "Thanks for the- Hey! You're the girl from the party. Where did you run off to that night?" he said now smiling down at you.
To fit his wings in the small elevator he has to spread one of them around your back. "You saw the show right?" you said smiling awkwardly because he didn't realize it but he was too close to you and you kinda had to look up at him because of the height difference. 
He nodded while laughing assuringly, "Yea I think everyone did heh. But you were quick to rescue. I'm surprised though that no media was there usually they find one way or another to sneak into these private parties and leak images." Little did he know that they DID leak Sky's images but before they can surface in the mainstream media you dealt with it. It was a looong night of calls back on forth and Sky hiding from you in her room.
"Yea you are right we WERE lucky. Wait, is your office here?" You asked surprised and worried because you were new to this city and there was no way you can compete with the top hero agency in the area. "Yes, but it is my private office. I cannot really work in chaos all the time right? I do have one question though." he said leaning even closer to you, "Is it maybe too late to ask for your name?" 
Yea you could see clearly that camera never did justice to his real charm and looks. "Heh maybe. But I'll give you a pass this time since you asked politely." you said joking and he got along, "Oh thank the lord." then you both laughed together.
The lift opened and there was quite literally no space for anyone else. People saw Hawks and got excited. He waved back as if he wasn't silently pressing the button to close the lift. It closed in their faces as it started going up again. And you both laughed at the awkward encounter. Now you noticed he hid your face with his wings. Of course, he wouldn't wanna be seen with a girl like yourself, you thought.
As if he read your mind he said, "Sorry about that but last time I was seen with a girl, it got so out of hand that she got fired from her work." He looked in pure guilt but before you can say anything lift got open on your floor.
You said your goodbye and started walking out of the lift when you heard the lift opening again, "You still didn't tell me your name. Should I ask even more politely?" he said now smirking but not in a creepy way. "It's Y/N," you said not turning, knowing damn well that if you turned he'll see your red flush blush face.
"I hope to see you around Y/N," he said, not taking his eyes off your back.
The day was busy and you didn't get time to have lunch. You thought you'll have it with Sky who was late from Patrol. You decided to order something when the door of the agency opened and people started whispering.
You turned around to see what the fuss was about which is when you saw the same pair of red wigs. Your first instinct was to take your glasses off as he was walking in towards you with Sky.
"Hey! Look who I met heh my rival," Sky said smiling brightly. You smiled back and pulled out a hand sarcastically saying. "Oh hey! My name's Y/N" He smirked and got along. "It's nice to meet you Y/N. Sky told me a lot about you."
Now you were nervous about what she told him. You turned to her concerned. To which both of them laughed and assured you that it was nothing bad. It was relieving. You wanted to be a new you in a new city and don't want the past life to follow you here as well.
You three talked for a bit before Hawks took off, but he maintained your little play where you two were meeting for the first time. 
As Sky walked towards her room he leaned in and whispered, "Put them back on, you look cuter in them." you got so warm in cheek and did as he said awkwardly without knowing how to respond to that.
You & Sky finally sat down to have lunch.
"Stay away from him," she said mouth full of food. "Who?" you said your mouth full as well. Two peas in a pod. You knew who she was referring to but you wanted to confirm. "Hawks. He is a smooth talker and a player too. You are too good for your good. I couldn't help you the last time but this time I will NOT let some bastard screw you over." she said proceeding with eating her food.
"Why did anything happen?" you asked now curiously. "No nothing happened but I have heard stuff. Which is why I'm asking you to stay away from him. Some of it is confidential so I cannot really tell you but trust me on this, he is a CHARMER and trust me when I say I saw how he looked at you. It was not innocent." Sky said now looking straight into your eyes with a serious expression. She is never serious so if she is, keep it your top priority to obey her.
"Yea yea it's not like we'll see each other anyways. You brought him remember?" you said lying to her. You didn't want to worry her with the fact that you two have met, not once but twice before and he did INDEED charmed you.
"About that," she took a sip of her water, "I invited him over for dinner." "Sky! You just warned me to stay away from him!" you said totally confused. "Your girl gotta do some socializing. Who is better than the number two hero?" she said smiling all innocently.
"Fine. But I'll make the dinner, remember last time when we invited someone over we ended up with microwave pizzas," you laughed out loud, "the entire thing was so uncooked!" She laughed along adding the fact that she had a crush on the guy and created a VERY STRONG first impression.
Later that day, Sky was out on patrol and might come in anytime. You were almost done with food and were now working on drinks. Cooking is your meditation. But this time Hawks wasn't leaving your mind. What could he possibly have done to make Sky so cautious about him? Then you remembered lift moments and found yourself blushing. You snapped out of the dream, "No! You're not going to get into this playboy trap again!"
The front doorbell rang and you knew it'll be Sky so you shouted back, "It's open come on in!" your hands were a bit dirty. "Hey, can you please pass the lemons? God, I'm so late I've not even changed into something decent I look quite literally homeless." You laughed to yourself, "You don't have to worry about him at-" You noticed that it was not Sky, it was Hawks with a Wine bottle in his hand.
"Homeless? You look pretty. Yea a construction worker for sure." He said as he dust off some flour from your cheek with one of his feathers reaching out to you.
You cursed yourself and mentally said sorry to Sky but how can you not fall for THIS?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (Coming Soon)
Thanks for reading!
The new chapters are updated here before anywhere else so check that out for early access.
You can find other Hawks Fanfic here.
And here is the master list if you are interested in reading about other fandoms too!
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berry-loves-yandere · 2 years
Could you do a yandere Hawk and yandere Robby from Cobra Kai fighting over the same darling and her choosing Hawk?
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Merge of these two requests but the ending is a mystery (also I sobbed cause my computer refreshed the page and I lost everything I wrote so I had to re-do it all)
Yandere Hawk vs Yandere Robby with LaRusso darling:
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Warnings: violence mentions, obsessive behaviours, unhealthy behaviour, unhealthy mindset, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT!
(Y/N) LaRusso was always known as a sweet girl who tried to keep peace with everyone around her.
She was even nice enough to sit with people that were deemed 'losers'.
She knew Hawk back when he was Eli and she was nice to him, even back then.
They continued to stay friends even after he transformed into Hawk but their relationship became strained as some time went by.
(Y/N) was restricted from meeting with people from Cobra Kai, especially after the tournament, when Hawk injured Robby's shoulder.
But on the day of the tournament, (Y/N) had met Robby and he became her replacement friend for Hawk.
They became rather close but soon Sam told (Y/N) about her crush on Robby, so (Y/N) backed off.
But she also kept her distance for another reason.
Then her new close friend became Moon who was dating Hawk.
The two became close very quickly due to both of the having the same peacekeeper, sweetheart attitude.
This helped (Y/N) become friends with Hawk again except he was very different now.
He was more aggressive and rude, which (Y/N) didn't like at all.
But she noticed something else, so she kept even more distance from him.
(Y/N) was there for Moon when she broke up with Hawk but didn't try to comfort Hawk at all, unable to deal with his macho man attitude.
Both Robby and Hawk were upset and confused as to why (Y/N) stop being around them as often as she used to be.
Every time they had an encounter with each other it always ended in a verbal or physical fight.
They were both obsessed with (Y/N) and Sam and Miguel had to deal with these obsessed doofuses.
Hawk would rant about (Y/N), from her looks, to personality, to things she liked, he could talk about her all day if he could.
Robby would stare at (Y/N) and try to show off when she came to watch karate practice.
However, tension between the people from the dojos, Miyagi-do and Cobra Kai, was growing.
Moon and (Y/N) tried to plan out something to try to get everyone to be friends and they decided on planning a party a few days before school started.
Luckily they managed to get everyone to come without realizing their enemy dojo would be there.
Everyone was having fun and the enemy dojos were ignoring each others presence.
But Robby and Hawk both noticed that (Y/N) was nowhere to be found.
Both of them went searching for her (separately) but couldn't find her.
They tried to enjoy the party but eventually it became too loud and it was giving Robby and Hawk a headache, so they went upstairs to find a quiet room to chill out in.
Both of them saw each other and as much as they wanted to fight, they knew they'd get in trouble for doing so, especially if (Y/N) found out.
They made a temporary truce as they each opened a random room door so they could relax.
Hawk went into a room and relished in the quieter atmosphere.
While Robby found (Y/N) and Moon making out in Moon's room with only their shorts and bras on.
Robby were shocked and tried to slowly back away and close the door, but it made a loud creaking noise, alerting the two girls that someone was there.
"Who's there?" (Y/N) firmly said.
Robby shamefully entered the room.
"Oh fuck!" Moon swore under her breath.
"Shit! Robby. Robby. You won't tell my dad, right? Please?" (Y/N) requested.
"What do you mean by that?" Robby questioned.
"Um. Well. Heh-heh." (Y/N) was stalling, unable to find the words she needed.
"Wait, are you bi or something?" Robby questioned.
(Y/N) sighed.
"I'm a lesbian. I just um, didn't wanna tell my family yet cause I didn't know how they'd react. Please, don't tell my dad!" (Y/N) explained.
"So you don't like guys? At all?" Robby quizzed.
"No. Sorry. I know that you and Hawk liked me. I already knew that's one of the other reasons I distanced myself from you guys. I'm so sorry Robby. But my sister really likes you! Maybe you should date her because you have no shot with me." (Y/N) bluntly stated.
Robby decided in that moment that being her best friend was the closest thing he would ever have to a relationship with her.
He also knew that now it was his duty to protect (Y/N)’s secret and protect her from Hawk who he knew wouldn’t give up on trying to date (Y/N) even if she outed herself to him.
(Y/N) allowed Robby to hang out with her and Moon as the party continued and soon the cops showed up.
And no one knew that on the first day of school, everything would go to hell.
The end
(no part two)
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wonik1ss · 1 year
pairing : Wonyoung x F!Reader
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Wonyoung was nice
Wonyoung was pretty
and liked by all most the whole school
Except for Y/n. Y/n didn’t have a great reason to why she didn’t like Wonyong she just though she was self centered and rude from the rumors.
But all of that was fake. Wonyoung cared for all her friends and was a very nice person to everyone, especially Y/n. Since the first day of school when Wonyoung saw Y/n in her ripped jeans and green top she swore she fell in love.
After that day she observed Y/n like a hawk. Always 3 steps behind her everyday. But the problems was it seemed like Y/n was avoiding her, and instead of getting the hint Wonyoung made a plan.
Wonyoung started try to talk to Y/n when no one was around so she would be forced to talk to her.
“ Hi Y/n “. Wonyoung said smiling ear to ear because this was going to be her first real convo with her crush.
“ Hi.. ”. Y/n started to look annoyed and tried to find a friend or a classmate, even the go damn principal so she could get out of this awkward situation.
“ I just wanted to say I really like your shirt.. it makes your eye pop “. Immediately Wonyoung bit her lip and started at the ground. She didn’t really plan this throught becaue she didn’t think she would get this far at.. all.
“ My eyes are brown how would my brown eyes make my shirt pop “. Y/n stared right at Wonyoung not even caring to notice how she started to go in her shell.
“ Ahh.. I’m sorry I just though you looked.. really pretty.. I mean not like you don’t like pretty everyday!! It’s.. just.. today you looke reallly pretty! “. Wonyoung said as she continued to look everywhere else but Y/n/ face.
Y/n let out a small smile and Wonyoung swore she saw some blush too before her face went right back to her regular mean one.
“ Thanks.. I guess bye.. “. Y/n said as she saw one of her friends pacing by as she raced to meet her.
“ Phase one done ! “
Blush 1..
Wonyoung sat next to Y/n in every class she had (which conveniently was 5) to get to talk to Y/n more and complement her more just to get to see her cheeks flush red one more time.
“ Can you stop staring at me “. Y/n said as she tried to get her notes down, while Wonyoung started at her like a starstruck puppy looking at their new owner.
“ If you stop being stop being so pretty I would actually be able to pay attention to this class “. Wonyoung said smiling ear to ear and Y/n tried to hide the blush on her face. But as Wonyoung finally looked up to the teacher to pay attention she smiled again knowing she made her crush blush again.
“Ok class we will be doing a partner project today in which you have to read 5 chapters of this book and give me an in depth essay about them too “. The girls English teacher said as Wonyoung stated right at Y/n ready to ask. While Y/n was desperately trying to find a friend to partner with.
“ Wanna be my Partner Y/n “. Wonyoung said as Y/n still looked for a friend which to her luck she had none in this class.
“.. sure I guess “. Y/n responded, as Wonyoung put her hand on hers and said.
“ I’ll make sure we have a good time doing it “.
Another blush…
“ Wanna be my partner “. The P.E. teacher had just said to partner up I duos and Y/n friends had already partnered up so Wonyoung was her last chance.
“ A.. sure “. Wonyoung said stunned but smiling still none the less.
This was a big step Y/n actually approached her now and now they were hooking elbows and knees to do the 2 legged race.
“ Yes !! “. Y/n said as they finished in 1st smiling ear to ear making her smile too.
“ I knew you would have a pretty smile too “
Love that Blush…
The last step.. asking out Y/n on a date. In the last few weeks Wonyoung and Y/n had actually become pretty good friends. So in her eyes this would be a friendly date. But in Wonyoungs it was like they were getting married.
“ That was a great movie Wonnie “. Y/n said as they stopped their stroll after the outdoors movie they just watched in the park as they sat down on a near by bench.
“ I know.. I wish I could have a love like them.. “. Wonyoung said starting right at Y/n as she immediately looked away.
Wonyoung thought it was finally time to make her last movie so as she moved closer to Y/n on the the bench.
“ Y/n.. I don’t if I’ve been bout with it but.. I really like you.. Your really smart and funny and cute and- “
“ No “
“ What? “. Wonyoung said trying to laugh it if like Y/n said the most funniest joke ever.
“ No you can’t like me “
“ Why not? “. Wonyoung said as she tried to nudge Y/n but she didn’t move instead she looked straight an Wonyoung and said.
“ Your not supposed to like me.. I can’t like you either.. you’re rude and.. self centered “. Y/n said as she stood up ready to leave as Wonyoung spoke again. This time standing with Y/n holding both her hands.
“ Come on Y/n we have been friends for half a month you know that not true “.
“ I don’t care if it is or not.. I can’t like you “. Y/n shrugged Wonyoung hands off as she began to leave before Wonyoung dragged her back.
“ Why can’t you like me.. “. Wonyoung said as her world started to crash down in front of her.
“ I’m supposed to hate you.. I do hate you !! “. Y/n said as Wonyoung got closer.
“ Do you really hate me though “. Wonyoung said as she tilted her head at Y/n and started to stare at her lips.
“ … No “. Just like that Wonyoung’s lips were on Y/n’s. Her hands guided Y/n’s to her neck while she put hers on Y/n’s waist. As the two stood there for a good 30 seconds before Y/n left because she was frankly was out of air.
“ I like you Jang Wonyoung “. Y/n said starting Wonyoung straight in the eye as they both smiled at each other.
“ Say that again ? “. Wonyoung said putting one of her hand to her air to listen to what the shorter girl had said.
“ I like you Jang Wonyoung, infact I really like you allot “. Wonyoung started to giggle as Y/n looked at her confused.
“ What? “. Y/n said with a very puzzled look on her face.
“ Nothing I guess I really did WON YOUNG “.
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