#had a terrible pain in my side yesterday but today just a dull ache so i had to stop slightly early
jumpingalpacas · 6 months
im finally past jogging and my body can stand running at an actual running pace but i just need my shitty asthmatic lungs on the same page as my other muscles
0 notes
justice4canyonmoon · 3 years
i have a little request for a small little fluff piece of y/n taking care of harry on the tour bus when he’s really sick ( stomachache nausea headache etc)
Hi! I loved writing this one; it was nice to get a fluff request amongst all of the smut lol. It's a little bit on the short side, but I hope you like it!!!!
Warnings: illness, other than that just a lot of fluff :)
WC: 987
Harry was lucky there wasn’t a show tonight. He felt like he had gotten hit by a bus. As soon as he woke up, he noticed a dull throbbing in his skull, and not long after, he felt sick to his stomach. As the morning progressed, so did his headache, and by lunchtime, it hurt so badly that he crawled back into bed. The only saving grace was that despite the ache in his stomach, he hadn’t thrown up. He didn’t really know what brought these feelings on; he was feeling perfectly fine yesterday, and he didn’t do anything that he thought would bring on a headache or stomachache this awful. But he didn’t feel like he could eat and definitely couldn’t move, so he lied down on one of the tour bus bunks and covered his head with a blanket, wrapping himself in a cocoon of his agony.
It wasn’t too long, though, before his cocoon was broken. He looked up and saw the concerned face of his girlfriend looking down at him. She had noticed that he was feeling off, how quiet he had been in the beginning part of the day as the band was exploring Mantua. Usually, he was googling little fun facts about the cities they were in or making terrible puns about the surrounding area. But today, he barely spoke at all, just holding tight to her hand and following along as they wandered around with their friends. She wasn’t entirely sure what was wrong at first, until she saw one of his hands travel upwards to run at his temples. She especially knew when they returned to the tour bus and he went back to the bunks, skipping out on lunch. Harry never actually told anyone when he was feeling well, not wanting to worry anyone, and not wanting to slow anyone down. But she also knew that if he didn’t take care of himself, he’d be miserable when it came time for the show tomorrow. So, here she was, hovering over his bed.
“You okay, baby?” Y/n asked softly, even though she knew the answer.
“‘M fine,” he rasped, nodding his head slightly.
Even while going through that motion, the pain in his head increased, and he winced.
She looked at him, growing increasingly concerned, “Harry, you know if you’re not feeling well, you can say so. I don’t mind taking care of you. I am your girlfriend, after all.”
“Don’ want y’ t’ have to worry abou’ me,” he murmured, rubbing his temples again.
She smiled softly at him, “It’s my job to worry about you, baby. You take of me all of the time when my period makes me feel like absolute garbage. Let me take care of you now.”
“Okay,” he croaked, a gentle smile now on his face as well, “‘M sorry ‘m so stubborn.”
She laughed quietly, “No, you’re not. But that’s okay, I’ll baby you either way. Do you feel like you can eat anything, bub? You should have something in your stomach before I have you take some medicine.”
“Maybe somethin’ small, but m’ stomach don’ feel t’ great” he replied.
“Okay. If you think you might be able to eat something small, you should. I’ll be right back, hon,” she told him, pressing a sweet kiss to his forehead. She disappeared and gathered a few materials. When she was sick, all she ate was toast and applesauce. Both were easy on the stomach, so she popped some bread in the toaster and grabbed an applesauce cup and spoon. She wasn’t sure if he would eat both now, so she figured she’d save one for later if need be. She also put some peppermint tea on the kettle; their tour bus was surprisingly large, meaning that there was enough room for a kitchen, albeit a small one. Her mom would always drink it if she had migraines, and she filled up a waterbottle for him as well. Hydration is key to recovery, after all, and the tea wouldn’t be ready for a few minutes. Y/n dug through some drawers until she found some painkillers, then plated the newly cooked toast and returned to Harry’s bedside.
“Eat some of this. If you don’t finish it, that’s okay, but you need to eat at least a little bit so you can take some painkillers. I brought you some water and I’m making you peppermint tea to try and help with the pain,” she explained quietly, handing him the food and placing the other materials by his side.
He smiled at her, “You’re jus’ the best, m’ love. How did I get s’ lucky?”
She giggled softly, “You’re too sweet, Harry.”
He reached out for her, “Cuddle?”
“I have to get the tea soon, Har. Promise I’ll cuddle you after that,” Y/n replied, running her fingers through his unruly curls.
He pouted, “But I wan’ snuggles.” She couldn’t help but giggle again. He was just too cute when he was sick.
“Baby, I’ll cuddle you once you’ve drank some tea and you’ve taken your medicine, okay?” she promised.
He relented, “Okay,” and she disappeared to retrieve the tea.
She came back shortly after, tea in hand. He had eaten one of the pieces of toast and was reaching for the medication. She handed him the waterbottle and he took the pills, reaching for his girlfriend immediately after. She cautiously set the tea and applesauce down in a place where neither of them could spill it in their sleep. She wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly to her chest. He smiled sleepily as she ran her fingers through his hair again; it was one of his favorite feelings.
“Thank y’ f’ takin’ care of me,” he mumbled, before immediately falling asleep.
“I’ll always take care of you, Harry,” Y/n whispered into his hair before allowing herself to do the same.
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honalele · 3 years
Morning Routine
The peaceful song of birds and the gentle wave of sunlight flooded into Michael’s small bedroom window as day broke his deep ocean-swelled sleep. He opened his eyes to the familiar wooden ceiling and watched the sky-blue painted ceiling fan circle slowly above him. The hypnotic effect it had made him want to stay in bed for the rest of the day, but there were things that needed to be done.
Michael sat up, but he paused and placed his face in his childhood yellow baby blanket. He’d been waking up with worse and worse headaches after the incident. The pain was like a dull buzz at the front of his forehead. It was bad in the morning, but it faded with the day. He pulled his face from the blanket and took a deep breath. He threw one leg over the side of the bed, and then the other.
He looked around the large accustomed room with all of his happy childhood memories scattered across the floor in forms of toys and trinkets. He stood up and sluggishly walked to the door. It opened to a massive hallway with big windows and lots of empty frames where family portraits used to be. Michael stuffed his hands in his pajama pants pockets and watched the floor as he walked into the foyer. The ceiling was so tall it could’ve touched the sky. The walls were so distant, they could have been separate countries. The floor was so empty, sometimes it felt like no one else lived in the house. Such a big place could make a person feel so small.
He made his way to the grand staircase and placed a hand on the beautifully finished railing before bouncing up the steps. Despite the complexity of the place, he’d spent nearly his entire life locked up here. At first his parents forced him to stay indoors against his rebellious will to venture out and see more of the world, but now he stayed on his own accord. The only time he went outside was to visit the garden in the backyard.
When he reached the second floor, Michael started for his parents’ bedroom. Tall windows lined the hallway, letting in all of the colors of the outdoors. As he came up to the door, he paused at the handle. His fingers were shaking. Michael noticed the dark panic that attempted to creep up on him in the back of his mind. He closed his eyes and took a long breath, forcing that feeling back into its dungeon deep down. He opened his eyes and saw that his hand was steady enough to open the door.
Unlike his room, his parents’ was simple, open, and clean like the rest of the house. There was just a bed and a chest. It was like the entire house was occupied by ghosts.
Michael silently closed the door behind him and quietly made his way to the bed where his father, Ranboo, laid sprawled out in all of the blankets, still asleep. Michael carefully went up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder to gently shake him awake.
His father’s eyes slowly opened, drowsy and glazed with sleep. Michael took a seat at the edge of the bed and waited for him to stretch and yawn until he was fully sat up. Dad looked around the room with that blank expression on his face before memory slowly started to fade back. Michael softly took his father’s hand and looked into his eyes.
“Good morning.” He said. Dad didn’t hold his gaze.
“Uh, I’m sorry, but who…?” His voice was as uncertain as his expression. Michael could tell that his dad was embarrassed about not being able to recognize the person sat in front of him.  
“I’m Michael. I’m your son.” He said. It took a moment for realization to settle across his father’s face.
“Right. I’m sorry I-”
“It’s ok, just breathe with me ok?” Michael interrupted his father’s anxious spiral. They held each other’s hands and breathed together. Michael told him where he was, hold old they were, their daily routine, and that they were the only members of the house.
“What’s in that?” Dad asked as he pointed to the chest that sat at the foot of the bed. Michael turned to look at it and paused before answering.
“It’s there if you want to open it, but you don’t have to.” Michael tried to sound unbiased, but he really didn’t want his dad to open the chest. He hated days that they went through the chest. He waited silently for his father’s response, the suspense wrapped tightly around his shoulders.
“No.” Dad answered softly after the long thoughtful silence. A wave of relief washed over Michael. At least today might be easier than the others.
The two sat in bed and talked for a while before deciding to head downstairs for breakfast. Dad continued to hold Michael’s hand as they went through the halls and down into the foyer.
“I remember that.” Dad said, looking up at the chandelier. “I paid one of my friends to build that. Flush or Fish or something.”
“Right. Foolish, yes.” His dad smiled. “He actually built this entire mansion. It took him a long time and it cost me a lot of gold to-” Dad cut himself off when he looked back to Michael, “but you probably know all of that, don’t you?” He said with an awkward smile. Michael swallowed the angst rising in his throat and pulled himself closer to his dad without a verbal response.
The two of them made it to the kitchen. It was big like everything else in the house. All of the windows faced the backyard where a beautiful garden full of flowers and sculptures could be seen. There was a big table in the center of the room with three chairs. Michael didn’t have the heart to throw out the third one. Luckily, his dad didn’t question the arrangement, instead he headed straight towards the cupboards.
“I may not have the best memory, but I do know how to make killer waffles.” He said cheerfully. “That is, unless we had them yesterday?” He turned around to ask Michael the cautious question. Michael shook his head in response and his Dad’s eyes filled with joy. “Great, get ready for the best waffles of your life.” He chirped. Michael sat at his chair and tried to hide his smile. They’d been having waffles for breakfast the past five days, but Michael wasn’t about to complain. His dad’s waffles really were the best.
Dad asked Michael to set the table while he prepared the food. It was almost like they were a normal family again, but the thought of happy normalcy made the pit of guilt in Michael’s stomach roll and ache, so he tried to set aside those feelings and just get through the day.
After his dad finished making the waffles, the two of them sat at the breakfast table and shared old stories with one another, even though it was mainly Michael telling the old stories and correcting his father on his.
“So what Tommy would do was; he’d go into either Phil or Techno’s house completely unannounced, and then all you’d hear were the sounds of dozens of chests being open.” Dad smiled the whole time he told the story. Michael hadn’t heard this one in a while and the way his dad talked about Tommy made him laugh.
“I can’t believe Mr. Innit used to do stuff like that.” Dad nearly choked on his orange juice at Michael’s comment.
“Do not call him ‘Mr. Innit’.” He said out of breath from laughter which made Michael burst out into laughter as well. The two continued to laugh until it naturally died down a few moments later. Dad smiled at Michael and for once, Michael felt safe.
But then his dad’s eyes shifted to the empty chair across the table. Confusion washed across his face as he looked at the chair.
“If it’s just the two of us, why the third chair?” He asked. Michael looked down at his plate and poked at some of the left over waffle bits with his fork.
“It’s just for guests.” He said. He hated lying to his dad, but they were having such a great time. He didn’t want it to be ruined. A moment of silence hung over them before Michael decided to break it.
“Want me to wash the dishes?” He asked as he stood from the table. Dad slowly pulled his gaze from the chair and nodded.
“Sure kiddo.” He handed Michael his empty plate and glass and Michael headed to the sink to wash them. As he cleared off the syrup and butter from the plates, he looked outside to the garden.
“It’s really nice outside, maybe we can water the flowers or something?” He suggested.
“That sounds like a great idea!” Dad called excitedly from the table.
“Yeah! I know my memory isn’t too great, but I feel like I haven’t been out of this house in ages. We should go somewhere and do something. Doesn’t Jack have a hotel?”
Michael accidently dropped one of the plates. It fell to the ground and broke into several pieces that scattered across the tiled floor. Dad quickly leapt from his chair and raced across the kitchen to make sure that Michael was ok.
“I’m fine dad really, it was just an accident.” He tried to pull himself away from being examined like a toddler.
“Ok, sorry. I just don’t want you getting hurt.” Dad took a step back and then inspected the mess. “Looks like we’re going to need a broom and dustpan. Can you point me in the direction?”
“Yeah in that closet by the back door.” Michael tried to not sound too stressed, but his hands were starting to shake and he couldn’t keep himself from swaying.
While his dad searched for the cleaning supplies, Michael tried to remember his breathing exercises.  
Just one day. Just one normal day.
“Umm, so anyway, what do you think about my idea? You know, visiting the Big Jack Manifold hotel?” Dad called from the closet. Michael went deeper into his nervous sway.
“Jack doesn’t own the hotel anymore. Mr. In- er, Tommy got it back.” Michael answered.
“Oh really?” Dad’s surprised face emerged from the closet. “All the more reason to go see it then.” He smiled. Michael flashed a fake smile back and fiddled with his fingers. Venturing anywhere outside the grounds of the mansion was a bad idea in it of itself, visiting the hotel area specifically would be terrible.
“CaptainPuffy actually stopped by a few times. She said that your memory’s improving, but that it’ll be a while before you start remembering things on your own. I don’t think we should go anywhere outside the walls of the mansion until we see that improvement. A lot of things have changed since… since your memory got worse. I think going out there now would be too much for you.” Michael fought the urge to bite his nails. He hated lying. Then again, what he said wasn’t really a lie, it just wasn’t the whole truth.
“Ok, so we’ll stay here then I guess.” Dad walked towards him with the broom and dustpan in hand. He pointed to Michael with the dustpan. “You ok? You’re swaying.” He pointed out. Michael caught himself and stopped immediately.
“Yeah, just, loud noises.” He said and gestured to the shattered plate. Dad gave him an understanding nod and flipped the dustpan so that its handle was facing Michael. Michael took it and then knelt down to hold the pan in place as his dad swept up the debris.
“There we go. All clean.” He said proudly. Michael carefully stood with the pan full of glass. He gave dad directions to the bin and then dumped the poor plate’s remains inside.  
“Any words?” Dad asked. Michael flashed him a confused expression. “We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of this plate. Though I may not have known it for very long, I easily get emotionally attached to things. This plate was like a brother to me-”
“Shut up.” Michael sneered and closed the lid of the bin.
“What? Are my jokes not cracked enough for you?” Michael shook his head in disapproval and took the broom from his dad, then started making his way to the supplies closet.
“At least he went out with a bang.”
“May he rest… in pieces.”
“I am going to put myself up for adoption.” Michael couldn’t keep himself from smiling. Even though his dad’s jokes were absolutely terrible, he found them endearing. He hadn’t seen his dad act like this in months.
Michael put away the broom and dustpan and closed the supply closet door. He looked to his dad whose gaze was focused on the window above the sink. He was standing casually with his hands in his pockets. His shoulders were relaxed and he wore a closed smile on his face. He looked peaceful and sure of himself for once. He looked happy. An emotion Michael hadn’t seen on his dad in a long time. It was like looking at a completely different person.
Dad’s face turned to Michael and he caught him staring.
“Is something wrong? You look sad.” He asked. Michael shook his head.
“No, you’re jokes are just so bad, they could bring people to tears.” Michael said. Dad scoffed and gestured for his son to come under his arm.
“Exactly. Tears of joy.” He said and gave Michael a side hug. Michael gagged at the stupid joke and hugged his dad back, extra tightly. “So,” Dad said, “how about that garden work you were talking about? Watering the flowers?” He asked. Michael nodded excitedly. “Alright then, go get some shoes on.” He said. Michael cheered and beelined it out of the kitchen.
His room was just down the hall. He’d be in and out in no time. He made sure to lock the door behind him, there were too many memories cluttered about his room. Any one of them could trigger his dad’s bad memories.
Michael raced to the closet, but it was nearly impossible to find anything under the piles and piles of clothes. He decided to change out of his pajama bottoms and put some denim overalls on instead. He was able to fine one sandal, but failed to find it’s partner. Eventually he gave up on the closet and ran over to his bed. He searched underneath for the red sneakers he’d worn a few days ago. He remembered kicking them off right before going to bed. He shoved an old board-game of Monopoly out of the way and spotted both of them. He quickly grabbed each and threw them on without bothering looking for socks. Then, he raced out of the room and into the foyer.
“Dad, I’m ready.” He called. There was no response. Michael started snapping his fingers impatiently and walked over to the kitchen. It was empty. Panic started to settle in as Michael ran over to the back door. Perhaps his dad had already gone outside. He was hit with fresh air, sweetened by the scent of all kinds of flowers. But when he looked out onto the butterfly filled landscape, dad was nowhere to be found.
Michael slowly stepped back into the house and closed the door. It wasn’t like dad knew his way around the mansion yet, maybe he got lost.
“Dad?” Michael called as he ran through the foyer once again. He passed the trading hall and ran through the library. He checked every room on the first floor, but there was still no sign of him.
Michael went back to the foyer and looked up at the looming grand staircase. He felt his hands start to shake, but his breathing exercises were the last thing on his mind. It was like his soul had left his body and he’d become a walking corpse. He took one shaking hand and placed it on the railing before dragging himself up the staircase, step by step.
When he got to the top, he could see that his parents’ bedroom door was three-quarters the way opened. Michael froze right where he stood. He swallowed the lump in his throat and forced himself to calm down. He’d done this plenty of times before. He practically knew the conversation by heart.
He shoved his still hands into his pockets and walked over to the open door. He used his shoulder to bump it open wide enough for him to enter he room. And there was dad. Facing the opposite wall. Sitting cross-legged on the floor. The chest was open. Items and photos from his past were sprawled out on all sides, like pieces from a broken plate. Michael slowly walked towards his dad.
“I came up here looking for shoes, but I got curious so…” His dad’s voice sounded like its usual distant self. Michael peeked over his dad’s shoulder. He was looking at an old photo of him and his husband.
“His name was Tubbo.” Michael said silently. Dad didn’t respond. Pain pierced Michael’s heart and he shifted his gaze up to the ceiling to avoid tears. It never got easier. He took another deep breath before walking up to his dad’s left side. He picked up a red and white checkered picnic blanket and made room for himself to sit next to his dad. Then he placed the picnic blanket so that it was covering them both.
Dad didn’t move or acknowledge his existence. He was staring intently at the photograph. His eyes were watery, and Michael could already see the fresh wounds developing under his eyes. Michael wasn’t sure how much his father was remembering right now, so he started to explain things in a low and gentle tone.
“That picture was taken when you guys first met in L’Manburg.” Still no response. This was usually how it went. Michael just had to keep talking about dad.
He spotted the flag in a crumpled ball on the floor and reached for it. “This was the flag.” He said as he fanned it out. Michael slowly slid pinched fingers into the corners of the flag and started to fold it properly. He set it on the floor next to him and picked up another old photo. Tommy was in this one. The three of them were exploring abandoned Pogtopia, a place that Michael had heard of, but never seen. Then, his father reached forward and picked up a black and yellow striped flyer. The Bee ‘N Boo. Michael had memories of its grand opening, but he hadn’t visited the place in years.
“That’s a flyer for the hotel you guys built. You were going to run it together and compete with Tommy’s.” Michael explained. He watched his dad flinch as a tear fell down his cheek. Michael searched the clutter until he found a small bottle of golden liquid. Attached to the cap was a cotton white cloth. He carefully opened the bottled and poured some of the sweet smelling liquid onto the fabric.
“Here.” He said and gently pressed the cloth against his father’s cheek. Dad reached up and took the cloth from Michael, silently whispering a thank you before scavenging through more of Tubbo’s old belongings.
“What’s that?” He asked, pointing to an old Walkman. Michael’s heart cracked as he leaned over to pick it up. His dad used to listen to it all of the time. He’d burst into Michael’s room unannounced doing stupid dances and singing along to the lyrics of random love songs. Sometimes he’d share the headphones with Michael and they’d sit on his bed and listen to his favorite mixtapes together.
“That’s dad’s old Walkman. You gave it to him as a present. You were always giving him things.” Michael felt warm tears crawl down the sides of his cheeks. “He listened to it all the time.” Michael opened the machine and pulled out the playlist that had been left inside. It had a sticker that read, “Ranboo’s Recommended” written in sharpie. Michael put the tape back in the Walkman and placed it on the floor. He felt like a vulture, picking at all of these mementos of the past dragged out like the entails of a ghost. He swallowed a sore lump and brushed off some of the tears.
He watched his father pick up a small black box and open int. Inside wear a pair of wedding bands. Dad plucked one from the box and examined It closely. He was quiet for a while before turning to Michael.
“How did it happen?” He asked longingly. Michael looked to the floor as guilt stabbed his heart. He knew this was coming. He took a deep breath and locked eyes with his father.
“It was an accident.” He lied. “I ran away from home after an argument. I went to some cliffs far north. Dad found me, but it was raining and the edge of the cliff was slippery.” More half truths. Michael hated recounting the story this way, but he’d seen what telling the truth did to his father. If he were to even mention the man’s name, his father’s eyes would rolled over to a dark purple and he would start speaking in a scary language that Michael didn’t understand. He was never violent in that state, but he was a danger to himself what with the crying and clawing. Michael couldn’t watch his dad go through that again. Lying was the only way to get through this.
Dad reached over and took Michael’s hand.
“It wasn’t your fault.” He said in a reassuring tone despite the pain behind his eyes. Michael faked a small smile in response. Dad had no right to say that. He didn’t know the whole story. He didn’t know that Michael was a pawn in god’s rigged game of chess. That he played bait to the vengeful villain. Guilt tore him apart from the inside like a rabies-crazed dog, still, Michael gave his father a nod of acceptance in response to keep up the illusion.
His father held his gaze for a few moments longer before looking back to the clutter of memories on the floor around them.
“I may not remember all the things we did, but I remember him. I remember his voice. His smile. His eyes. His laugh. I just don’t-” Dad cut himself off as his voice finally broke and he started to cry. Michael gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. “I just don’t know how I could ever forget.” He said as his body writhed in pain from the tears he couldn’t hold back. Dad held the cloth up to his face, but some of the tears trickled onto his hand, causing him wince in more pain. All Michael could do was hold his other hand.
They would sit here like this for hours. Day by day. Remembering all of the things they used to do together as a family. Dad would cry, and Michael would do his best to take care of him. Then, after all of the tears they would pack up Tubbo’s belongings and place them gently back into the chest. Dad would say that he’s too tired to do anything and Michael would nod in sympathy. Dad would stay in bed for the rest of the day and Michael would go back down to the first floor, all alone.
He would spend the day cleaning and gardening. Sometimes people stopped by baring gifts and pitied expressions. Sometimes dad would leave his room only to ask, “where’s the bathroom?” or “do we have coffee?”. Sometimes they’d talk for a bit before dad wondered back up to his room like a confused zombie. The sun would go down and Michael would make sure his dad was asleep before heading to bed himself. Michael would sit at the edge of his bed and cry before pulling the yellow baby blanket close to his face and falling asleep. The next day he would wake up to the familiar dull buzz of his morning routine.
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binunus · 3 years
my tylenol when i’m in pain | moon bin
a/n when I got this request, the title of it literally came to me instantly so if you want some cute mood music while reading, listen to lemonade by jeremy passion sksksksk, 
thank you to the cutie who requested this !! I hope your migraines feel better love ❤️ you’re cranking up binnie on my bias list 👀
{request: i get really bad chronic migraines sometimes and I was wondering if you could write something where bin takes care of his s/o when they're not feeling well. if you're okay with that :)}
genre: the fluffiest
word count: 2.2k ________________________________________________
Your POV
It was absolutely beautiful outside. The previous night’s snowfall left a pristine blanket of white on the street. You looked outside your window to see several kids making snowmen or engaging in snowball fights.
Ahh the innocent ideal of the youth.
You wished you could go outside and join in on the winter festivities without any care in the world, but alas being a working adult crushed those wishes any day. And it didn’t help that you felt like complete shit right now. 
For the past week and a half, you were working nonstop on a project that had a heavy deadline submission which ended yesterday. You barely completed it on time, sacrificing your well-loved sleep and meals to have a presentable end product. 
If you were back in high school or college, your stamina could have easily bounced back from the lack of sleep and nutrition, but your body couldn’t handle the neglect right now—and the cold weather only catalyzed your impending sickness.
Trudging back to bed, you winced as you tried to make yourself comfortable under the covers, muscles aching with every movement. You were at least thankful that your boss granted everyone an off-day today because of the snow, giving you one less thing to worry about in your list of priorities.
Faintly, you heard the jingle of keys from your front door, a tinge of excitement filling you at your guest.
“In my room.”
“Shit, you sound so weak.” Your boyfriend frowned as he entered your bedroom, removing his hat and coat and placing it on the table by your desk. He walked over to where you were laying, leaning down for a kiss when you ducked under the covers, “Binnie, I don’t wanna get you sick.”
He let out a chuckle, removing the blanket from covering your face and stealing a kiss anyway. You scrunched your nose up, “If you get sick, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“I’ll take my chances, baby.” Bin said with a smile, taking a seat at the side of your bed. He softly caressed your hair, “Hmm, how are you feeling?”
“A bit better now that you’re here,” You said trying to sound positive, “but if you’re asking me physically? Terrible.”
“Have you eaten?? What about a shower? Taking one helps a lot, and it makes you feel clean.” Bin nagged, thumb rubbing your cheek. You pouted, lightly shaking your head, “I’m not hungry, and it hurts too much when I move. Maybe later Binnie, my head really hurts right now and I just wanna close my eyes.”
He nodded, immediately standing up to go over to the other side of the bed. Bin crawled into bed next to you, arm hooking under your shoulder as you turned to hug his waist, snuggling as close to him as you could get. He kissed your forehead sweetly, humming a little song as you started to get comfortable, his chest as your pillow. Rubbing your arm gently as he sang, it took you only a couple minutes before your breathing evened out, the pounding of your head dulling as sleep overtook you.
Bin nuzzled his nose in your hair, your scent giving him a fluttery feeling in the base of his stomach. A little nap with you was too good to pass at the moment. Just fifteen minutes, Bin thought as he closed his eyes, feeling his body relax against yours.
After a little while, Bin found himself stirring awake, much to his dismay because he loved his sleep. Blinking the drowsiness away, he glanced at you to see that you were still deeply in slumber, soft snores coming out of your mouth. He smiled unable to stop himself from pressing a kiss to your cheek. He almost felt bad untangling himself from your hold at the risk of waking you up.
Carefully, he got up and out of bed, making sure that you were still tucked in before heading to the kitchen, closing the door quietly as he left. Bin let out a huge yawn as he washed his hands in the kitchen sink, getting ready to prep some ingredients for the soup he was about to make. 
Bin played some music on his phone as he cooked, loud enough to give him entertainment, but at a volume so that it wouldn’t disturb you. He was pretty proud of himself after finishing the chicken soup, plating the bowl nicely on one of your bedside trays with some medicine and a glass of water. Bin even cleaned up the pots he used for cooking, knowing that it was better for him to wash it now while he still had the motivation. And there was no way that he would let you lift a finger while he was here taking care of you.
After washing his hands again, Bin went back into your bedroom, tray in hand. He set it down briefly on your table to wake you up, tapping your shoulder. “y/n? Wake up baby.” 
You groaned, eyes still closed as you turned in your bed, back facing your boyfriend. “5 more minutes.”
“Baby, the soup’s gonna get cold. C’mon, you have to eat even a little bit.” He reasoned, pulling the blanket so that your upper half was exposed. You nodded drowsily, struggling as you tried to sit up. Bin smiled, propping some pillows up for you to sit against. “I made chicken soup, after you eat take some medicine okay?”
“Okay,” You nodded slowly with your eyes closed, moving your hair to the back as Bin brought the tray over. Your headache wasn’t as strong as before, but your body still felt like it was throbbing a little, hopefully eating and the medicine would help cure you a bit. 
“Do you want me to feed you?” Bin teased, half jokingly but also you knew he would if you really asked him to. Again, you nodded opening your mouth obediently. Grinning, he took a spoonful of broth, making sure to blow on it so that it wouldn’t be too hot before feeding you. “You’re so cute, y/n. You really are my baby, hm?”
“Mm I’m sick,” You said finally opening your eyes, sleep still heavy on your lids. You weren’t really disagreeing with him though. “That’s really good Binnie, I can feel my sinuses clearing up a little.”
“I made it with love,” He said cutely, leaning over to kiss you quickly on the lips. You let out an amused chuckle, letting his greasy comment slide as you opened your mouth for more. 
The two of you conversed easily as he fed you, catching you up on the latest drama at his work and with his friends. Although Bin made the soup for you, you made sure that he filled his hunger a little bit too, making him finish the rest of the bowl when you felt full. He praised you like a child when you took your medicine and finished the glass of water, it was a bit endearing if you were honest. “Do you need anything right now? How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay baby, thank you.” You said getting comfortable again under the covers. “Cuddle??”
“I’ll just put this away and then I’m all yours.” Bin nodded with a smile, going to the kitchen once more. After a couple minutes, he returned with a towel and a bowl of water.
“I thought we were gonna cuddle?” You pouted looking at him. Laughing, he dipped the towel in the bowl and wrung out the water, bringing it to you and placing it on your forehead. “We are baby, let me just try and bring your fever down a bit, your skin’s burning.”
You nodded, your body basically dead weight as he helped you sit up again, cooling your skin with the damp towel. You hummed in satisfaction, the cold cloth a nice comparison to your hot skin. “We might as well have just taken a bath.”
“Do you want to?” He asked rubbing the towel around your back. “Bath and then cuddle after?”
“Mhm,” You said removing the blanket and getting up, Bin holding your waist as you two walked to the bathroom. He told you to wait a minute as he turned on the water, checking the temperature as it filled up the bathtub. After deeming that the water was at a good amount, Bin started to strip himself of his clothing, stepping into the tub soon after. “Do you want my help, baby?”
“In your dreams,” You quipped removing your shirt. “Keep your hormones at bay, Binnie, my sick body won’t allow it.”
Your boyfriend chuckled, grabbing his phone from the counter and playing some music. “You know sex can help with removing sickness, y/n?”
“Uh huh, ask me that question again tomorrow and we’ll see how I respond.” You said getting in the tub and nestling between his legs. You shivered a little as your skin made contact with the water, leaning back against Bin’s chest for warmth. He grinned, wrapping his arms around your waist as he pulled you close, pressing a kiss to your temple.
You relaxed in the cage of Bin’s arms, resting your head against his chest as he began to sing along to the song that was playing on his phone, rubbing the belly softly under the water. The two of you sat like that for a while, you cooling down in silence, content with listening to Bin’s voice. 
“Sit up for a second baby, let me wash your hair.” He said, lifting his arms from your body and reaching for your shampoo. He squeezed a generous amount onto his hand, first massaging it into your hair before using the leftover for his own. It was a bit of a struggle to wash away all the suds, the size of your bathtub barely enough to fit both you and Bin comfortably, but you somehow made it work. After deciding that dunking you both under water to rinse off the shampoo clearly wasn’t the right idea, Bin grabbed the shower head and opted for that instead, giggles coming from the both of you.
“Ah Binnie!” You whined as he started to tickle your sides, your boyfriend laughing as he drenched your head with water. “I’m cleansing you of your sickness, baby!”
That cycle repeated again, this time with conditioner, and by the time the two of you were done with your bath-turned-shower, the floor surrounding the tub was wet from all the splashes and Bin’s use of the detachable shower head. 
You shivered, arms hugging your body as Bin grabbed two towels, drying himself off first before doing the same to you. “I could have dried myself, baby.”
“I’m here taking care of you, and that includes drying you.” He shook his head. You chuckled, unsure of his logic but let him do as he pleased anyway. Bin smiled, eyes formed into crescent moons as he dried your hair, gently shaking the towel all over your head. Laughing, you went on your tiptoes, arms locking around his neck as you kissed him. He made a sound of contentment, moving his lips in tune with yours as his hands dropped down to your waist, leaving the towel on the top of your head. 
After a minute or so, you pulled away, a giggle leaving you as you saw Bin’s pout. You pecked his lips again briefly, before grabbing the towel and drying your hair again. Bin made sure to thoroughly dry the floor before the two of you went back to your bedroom. He changed into some shorts that he left at your place, deciding to forego a shirt since he usually chose not to sleep with one anyway. You, on the other hand, slipped on Bin’s shirt and a pair of pajama shorts, climbing immediately in bed after your hair was decently dry. 
He came to join you after getting another glass of water, encouraging you to drink it all before he cuddled you, knowing that the two of you were going to end up napping again. You finished the glass with ease, placing it on your bedside table, and turning to your boyfriend. He smiled, wrapping his arms around you again as the two of you laid down, finding yourselves in the same position as when he first came over earlier. “How are you feeling now, baby?”
“Honestly? Better.” You said, lips brushing against his clavicle. The medicine kicked in by now, but you were sure that Bin also had a lot to do with your slow recovery. “You’re all the medicine I need, baby.”
He let out a high-pitched cackle, squeezing your body a little tighter as he kissed your forehead. “If I get sick, will you be my medicine?”
“Of course,” You grinned, the tips of your fingers lazily drawing figures on his abdomen. “I love you Binnie, thank you for taking care of me.”
“I’ll always take care of you, y/n.” He said softly, taking in your scent as he closed his eyes. “I love you too.”
You drifted off to sleep listening to his breathing, a deep slumber overtaking you. By the next morning, you woke up feeling loads better, your temperature now at a normal level and your headache mostly gone. You turned your head to see Bin still sleeping, a smile on your face as you craned your neck to kiss his cheek. You sighed, relaxing yourself in his hold before closing your eyes again, sleeping for a little longer wouldn’t hurt. Especially if Bin was by your side.
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Remus feels miserable. He's also hiding under the covers. He knows it's childish and probably useless because the one person he's trying to hide from shares the flat with him, but the uselessness of his solutions has never stopped him from executing them before so why start now.
He can hear Sirius shuffling in the kitchen, the kettle whistling and the mugs tinkling. The strong, sweet spicy aroma of bergamot is slowly wafting through the open door to their bedroom.
Remus exhales. Earl Grey then. That means Sirius is making tea for Remus as well as for himself. Remus doesn't drink any other but Sirius prefers green tea and yet he always makes Earl Grey for both of them whenever they're home together. He says he doesn't mind having the same as Remus but Remus knows he does it just because the water for Earl Grey needs to be heated just slightly under the boiling point whereas the water for green tea should be around 80°C. He told Sirius multiple times that he can make his green tea first and Remus can boil the kettle for his Earl Grey later but Sirius just looked at him while walking to the couch with their mugs and answered, "But then we would never get to drink the tea together," like it's the most obvious thing on the planet. Just like that, casually hitting Remus' feelings in all the right places. How dare he.
He secures the blanket over his face tighter and burrows deeper into the pillows.
Footsteps. Sirius is walking over and placing something on his nightstand.
"Love, I made us some sandwiches and tea. Marlene is coming to pick me up for the Order mission later. I thought we could eat together in bed before she arrives so you don't have to get up?"
Remus groans. He doesn't deserve this man.
Yesterday's full moon was terrible. He hasn't had a bad one like that in years. The deep exhaustion is still lingering in his bones, his joints ache and muscles feel strained, stretched on a body that looks way too old to be this young. He's normally somewhat functioning the evening after. Not today.
He fell asleep right after Sirius healed the worst wounds on his ribs and thighs and apparated them back to their flat. In times like this, he's beyond grateful Sirius chose being a healer as his career. It makes the post full moon mornings so much easier.
He slept like the dead through most of the day and if that wasn't any indication of how bad the night was, the dull pain in his entire body should have been enough. But none of that prepared him for the shock he found himself in when he stumbled to the bathroom to use the loo and saw his face in the mirror.
There, still red and not fully healed yet, was a new scar across his face.
Now, scars weren't anything new. He's used to having them all over his entire body and finding new ones after almost every full moon. But never before has a scar appeared on his face. It's strange really, that he has managed to avoid his entire head for so long. He probably didn't have this big area of smooth unblemished skin anywhere else on his body. Well, not anymore. Run out of luck, I suppose, he ponders.
Remus never thought of his own face as something exceptionally beautiful or desirable. But the fresh scar, raised and big and ugly, spanning from his right temple, going under his eye, across his nose and ending on the left side of his jaw, makes him look absolutely horrendous.
He's already self conscious and standing next to his gorgeous boyfriend makes him feel unsure at the best of times and inadequate and undeserving at worst. How much worse is it going to be now?
The bed dips under Sirius' weight as he climbs on the mattress next him. "Come on, Rem. Come out of the blanket cocoon and have some food. You haven't eaten all day," he says softly.
Remus doesn't move. Instead, he asks something he's meant to ask Sirius for a while now. Hidden from view, he allows some of the worry and fear to seep into his voice. "Why are you staying with me?"
"What do you mean?" Sirius confusedly inquires.
"Why are you dating me?"
Suddenly, hands are caressing his curls back softly and trying to take the blanket off his face. Remus just holds it tighter.
"Because I love you. What kind of question is that? What's going on?" Sirius is starting to sound worried.
Remus only grumbles in response.
"Love, take the blanket off your face and talk to me. I'm not having this conversation with you hidden under the covers."
"Well then get used to it because I'm not coming out from under them any time soon," he retorts.
"What? Why?"
"Because my face is disgusting and no one needs to see it, least of all my very attractive boyfriend."
Sirius doesn't answer. Then he shifts his body so he's laying behind Remus and hugs him completely within his cocoon to his chest.
"If this is about your new scar I already know about it. Not only because I saw you make it yourself in the forest but also because I healed the wound and carried you to bed, all the while with your face pretty much visible and I haven't combusted or turned to stone from the sight so I think I'm good. Now, as your official healer I would like to inspect my patient, please."
Hot burning shame runs through Remus' body. Sirius does so much for him - turns into a dog to run around all night every month, has to watch his lover turn into a bloodthirsty beast, he looks after him, heals his wounds and makes him tea and he even reads to him sometimes, when the full moon isn't that bad. Remus really doesn't deserve him.
What does he have to offer in return? Cynicism, snarky comments, empty bank account, and petulance. He could have at least told himself he's a good enough shag but will Sirius even be able to look at him like that when the most prominent feature of his face is forever going to remind him (and everyone else) what a monster he really is?
Tears prickle in the corners of his eyes and he sniffles.
Sirius, alarmed, takes the blanket Remus has hidden himself under and tugs at it again. It comes off easily, Remus is not clutching at it anymore, and finally uncovers his face.
Sirius puts his palm on Remus' left cheek and smiles at him tenderly.
"Here you are, love."
He starts studying the scar with a wrinkle on his forehead that appears every time he's focusing on something. "It's healing very well. The scar shouldn't be too prominent but it will probably stay. I'm sorry about that. I tried to spell it as soon as you transformed back but you know how it is with werewolf injuries. They rarely heal completely."
Remus frowns. "You take such good care of me already, Sirius. Don't you dare apologize for something you can't control."
Sirius grins. "Then there's no need to hide something YOU can't control either, is there?
Remus' frown deepens. "That's hardly the same thing."
Sirius kisses his nose. "It makes no difference to me, Remus. You're still you. I still love you. And I will continue to do so," he traces one of his fingers along the scar, "whether you have ten of these or none".
Remus gazes into Sirius' eyes and when he finds nothing but truth and honest devotion, he lets himself be gently kissed into the pillows.
When he wakes up later, he finds the bed empty but he can hear Sirius chatting with somebody behind the closed bedroom door. Marlene must be here then.
Remus gets up to greet her and groans when his limbs crackle in protest. He's almost at the door when he hears what they're talking about.
"....it was a rough night," Sirius explains.
"I hope Remus is okay." Marlene's voice sounds tired, like everyone's in the Order these days.
"He has some new scars but otherwise he'll be okay."
"Marlene," Sirius growls. She must have made a face.
"Oh no, I didn't mean it like that. Actually I think it fits him. He has this...roguish vibe and the scars just make him look edgy. Not that I would be into it even if I swung that way but I always wondered if you…"
"What are you on about?" Sirius demands, his voices still a little angry.
Marlene takes a deep breath. "So many pretty people chasing you, but it was only ever Remus for you. Why?"
Sirius sighs and stays quiet for a minute. Remus almost thinks he's not going to answer. Why should he, anyway? Maybe Marlene just made him see the truth, maybe he realized he would like to date someone else after all, maybe he finally sees the stark absurdity of someone as gorgeous as Sirius dating someone as hideous as Rem-
"You know, sometimes you meet someone so beautiful, and then you actually get to talk to them and five minutes later, they're as dull as a brick. Then there's other people and you meet them and you think, "Not bad, they're okay." And then you get to know them and… And their face just sort of… Becomes them, like their personality is written all over it. And they just… They turn into something so beautiful."
He pauses and then exhales, "Remus is the most beautiful man I've ever met."
Remus doesn't come into the living room to say hi to Marlene for another ten minutes. And if it's because he had to sit for a moment and dry some tears, who's to say?
A/N: The last thing Sirius says in this is inspired by this scene in Doctor Who
Big thank you to @kattlupin for her quick betaread! <3
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crybabytoy59 · 4 years
My Begging letter PT8.
After they fell asleep I slept on and off suffering in the bondage position they had left me in, During the night sometime around 4am I was woken by light shocks that were growing in strength not enough to make me cry out just hard enough to have me whimpering, unbeknownst to me they were both up naked, Mistress Mummy was hanging up the remainder of the urine from the water fountain that she had put into a bag then sat it in the sink with boiling water to heat it up, this would add an element of Deeply bitter taste every time The new Slave swallowed it down unfortunately for Babyslave Mistress Mummy had woken feeling Not only Very Dominant But extremely Dirty....As she pushed the Tee peace to the neck of the bag with the sprung loaded valves this allowed for a second liquid to be lifted by the first fluid passing the valve, All she needed to do was prime the valve with a syringe 💉as she hung up the bag she pushed the second tube from the rebreather box on the floor pulling on the large syringe she watched Smiling as the wee ball in the clear valve port spun around rapidly pulling the discoloured liquid from the box up to meet the valve, Then pushing the syringe backwards until the tube from the box was 3/4 of the way discoloured & the last 1/4 was stale urine, pulling the syringe away she felt the growing heat between her legs.
At that point Master Daddy had returned with a bag full of ice in a bucket putting it down by Babyslave he softly whispered “Ready Sweetheart?”...
“Fuck yes Darling time to up the pace for Babyslave”
She took away the mask from sissy’s face closing the valve to prevent any smell, then lifting the cock dummy gag this to had holes fro the rubber throat ties to fix it in Babyslave’s mouth. She patted sissy’s chin, then pushed it lightly down..Babyslave Opened Widely ! Sissy was learning, she fed the cock dummy feeder down the rubber laces until the foam ring slipped behind Babyslave’s teeth, as she did Master Daddy pulled the over head belt tightly again making Babyslave bite down on the foam ring sealing the mouth shut !
Next he fitted the rubber bag to the rubber Oring around sissy’s neck making a seal. Mistress Mummy giggled lightly as the wheel on the valve started turning & whimpering came from the hood, Hot urine now passing out all the holes in the cock dummy Babyslave would know it had been heated up as it was over body urine temperature. Inside the hood they could here Swallowing as each time sissy swallowed the dummy would simply refilled from the bag...but worse still Mistress Mummy watched as the discoloured fluid went further up the tube, in a few minutes Babyslave would get her first taste of the new mix...
She nodded to her husband who emptied the ice into the rubber bag surrounding Babyslave’s headie..He closed the rubber seal on top only the tube protruded from the rubber bag a large hole at the top let air in the space between the ice bag & sissy’s face at the front the only place the bag had no contact with the inner hood.
They kissed each other & went back to bed for a couple of hours as they wanted a 7am start as Mistress Dee was arriving at 9am & all had to be prepared for her playtime !
As they worked on me in silence I found this part terrible as when they spoke I got a strange comfort from it even though they were being Wicked & Dominant....But this ? I could only await my fate...that’s when I felt her soft finger tapping my chin then push it lightly down...she wanted my mouth open, the pressure from the strap over my head had released, so I opened Wide to please her, I jumped in the bondage as the 4” cock Dummy was fed into my mouth as it went quite far back but it also had something at its end ? She forced this part past my teeth till it seal my mouth open around the plastic guard on the outside I knew it was attached to something as it kept moving for a short time then I felt it get hot as suddenly stale urine filled my Mouth! But it was way too hot to be fresh, Tears now starting Again as I resigned myself to drinking there “Golden nectar” Wondering why it did not make me feel sick ? Or even nauseous? It was just simply horrible that was all....
Then suddenly something crashed around my head then tightly pulled its self against my hood all but the front were my face was.... slowly my head got cooler I found the swallowing became a task as my tiredness coupled with my cooling head making thoughts hard to focus....my lullaby I’m my ear buds sounding louder & more emotive, smack ! Wwaaaa’wwaaaaWwaaaa .... Smack !! Wwaaaah’Wwaaah !my head felt different but I was too busy Swallowing. Slowly my head started to get cold so much so my lullaby in the ear bud was making me cry...just the sound of it made me want to Cry...
The next hour was spent Very uncomfortable & by the time I felt them removing the head wrapping & hood I was genuinely glad to be able to see them....
Looking closer at the mirrors in front of me They we’re both dressed in rubber suits...This made me nervous....as they both set about putting the equipment away, the frame in-front of me was removed then Master Daddy set about unlacing the bondage pants, as they came loose I was suddenly aware how much the I had wetdiring the night,  but my rear felt strange tingling as the bondage was undone every part of my body aching as I swallowed the Now fowl liquid down mouthful after mouthful pashhed down into my tummy I was feeling very full now, slumping in the last of the ropes Mistress Mummy spanked my sore thigh Thwack! “On your Knees Crybaby Sweetheart We have much to get done so We Want Complete Obedient behaviour this morning Madam !....Now Gulp Nice & fast until I says Stop Cutenesses!”
Still disoriented from the ice freezing & tiredness I started the first of my tears rolling down my cheeks....as I took big gulps of the horrible liquid formula forcing my tummy to fill even fuller ! This seemed to please them no end as Master Daddy undid the armbinder he patted my black leather rear to a dull thudding “Ok Crybaby Sweetheart All fours & follow us (he was putting the pink dog collar on me over the posture collar clipping the leash to that he tugged it up hard) Heal Crybaby !”
I pushed my hood tightly to his leg whimpered then moved forwards with him in time with his steps...”Clever girlie Crybaby that’s the way, Look Mistress Mummy someone’s Very Obedient this morning.....(she giggled) But Am guessing we Will have to see how this morning goes won’t we Crybaby?” I nodded my hood covered head as best I could given the posture collar !
Mistress Mummy pushed the box along side me the feed bag was now half empty swinging obscenely back & forth as we went to the white room, inside they removed the Special leather pants then the Nappy & my maids uniform the Nappy was put into a bucket, then Mistress Mummy remover all the sticky pads. I was so very relieved by this as the shocker therapy was Very unpleasant.
I was made to stand up & hold the over head bar so they could again wash me as I did Mistress Mummy removed the feed gag, as Master Daddy took off my hood, I could now hear properly with the ear plugs out.
Mistress Mummy spoke to me “Clever girlie Crybaby look at You !!! (She giggled as she put the water on I squealed!!) Hush Hush Crybaby Sweetheart we’re only going to wash Babyslave” I squealed due to the sudden sting from my rear as Master Daddy’s “Special Nappy” had worked it’s magic My rear was Red all Over an angry rash that would make any punishment Very painful !!! This was there intention all along as they had Plans for today that would make yesterday seem tame !!!!!....
Mistress Mummy rubbed my rear “Open Wide Crybaby Sweetheart (she forced something wet into my cheeks Deeply) Clever Baby That Keep our girlie Quiet”
She had fed me the pad from yesterday afternoon that had Master Daddy’s seed on it But it was now wet with hot urine !...relaxing now as they both washed me like the day before Very tender the warm urine from my catheter running down my leg she simply plugged it shut for now, smiling at me as the smell of the strawberry soap filled the air, after my shower drying off had me whimsical due to the rash as it was Very sensitive to the touch.
Mistress Mummy opened a bottle of Baby oil then started putting it on my head to toe my whole body glistening in the bright lights.....
“Clever girlie Crybaby that’s You all ready to Play with Mistress Dee so let’s get you into the play room Crybaby !”...
I was Again led by my leash on all fours to the hidden door...as Master Daddy opened it I could see two figures inside dressed in red rubber catsuit’s Mistress Dee...But the other I didn’t recognise she was around five foot 4” heavy built with a Very muscular body she looked around her middle thirty’s But this was not what had me looking at her it was the huge green bag she was next to hung from the ceiling ! With a tube from it that had a double balloon retention enema tube from it with a strange steel base to it ?
They all kissed each other ignoring me.....Mistress Mummy turned to me unfastened my collar & lead....”Now Crybaby Sweetheart You Will Do what You Are Told when You Are Told do I make myself Clear? (I nodded) Clever girlie Crybaby Don’t have us come back in until the girls are Done or there Will be Very serious Implications Crybaby !!!”....They Both simply left the room..
I had not been alone without them both until now & this made me ever more scared as Even although they were Very WKD I had come to feel close to them,but this was different two new Dominant’s I had only met Mistress Dee to have my colonic, as she stepped forward kneeling to cup my chin she spoke..
“Clever girlie Crybaby You just be Obedient & All will be fine.....Now this is Mistress Carla she is my partner You Baby Will Obey Her Ever Word First Time or things will get Very unpleasant for You Pain Toy !....Now crawl to the frame Time to get started Crybaby !!”....Mistress Carla was at the frame opening the neck hoop for me to put my head in, as I straddled the tummy bar Mistress Dee guided my ankles into the waiting rings cold metal shutting around my ankles I knew there was now No escape...prone on the floor in the framework they cuffed my wrists into the rings under my shoulders Mistress Carla without a word pushed the first balloon Deep inside me then inflated it fully, next she inflated the outer balloon sealing my fate...
The metal part was for my cage this she pulled back clipping the two together she then ran a tube to my catheter! Any pee would now go up my rear !!
Opening the valve green fluid flowed into me....she spoke as Mistress Dee got a special hood ready for me....”Crybaby Sweetheart this is a special mix that’s going to help make Baby Very emotional Mummy & Daddy Tell us your quiet the Crybaby But this Sweetheart is a whole different level we are going to really enjoy messing with your headie Crybaby!!” At that she rubbed my sore bottom “Shall we Spank Crybaby Mistress Dee to start her off ?”......Mistress Dee was kneeling at my face “what a great idea Mistress Carla...Open Wide Crybaby Sweetheart (she took out the wet wad giggling) Look Mistress Carla (she held up the cum & piss smoked rag !) Crybaby has been having fun, haven’t You Crybaby? (Wess Mistress Dee) Clever Baby Stay Open Wide!”
She lifted my lower mouth guard pushing it onto my lower teeth firmly, next she lifted my upper guard pushing that in place also Mistress Carla handed her a long waxed looking strip ? This she fed into my cheek pushing firmly pushing so they were wedged behind the guards forcing my mouth to stay Open WIDE ! Mistress Carla handed her a second strip as she did the same with this long wax strip she spoke to me my open further & Fuller “Crybaby Sweetheart this one is from me the first one is from Mistress Carla say thank you Babyslave !”.....as I did Mistress Carla put a bowl underneath my chin.....looking me right in the eyes “Clever girlie Crybaby that’s to catch the liquid at this end Sweetheart!!!!!...
My eyes suddenly bulging at her comments....They could not be serious right ? I mean it could not go all the way through Me...Could it ??......just as that thought hit me so did something else !  The wax strips weren’t wax, they had both spent weeks preparing them for using on me today, they had been toilet wipes over & over until they were so soiled they had become waxed then they had dried them out before starting Over! Tears ran from me now as I realised what Mistress Mummy had told me was true Today was to be Far Far Worse than yesterday’s harsh treatment.....
Mistress Dee rubbed my Tummy “Let’s work this In much Deeper Crybaby Sweetheart......Aaawwww Look Mistress Carla there she is there’s CRYBABY!...spank her Mistress Carla!!” The spanking was not to harshly given by Mistress Carla it did have me whimpering but as the heat grew from this my tummy started making loud noises as small cramps started Mistress Dee lifted a corset putting it around my waist clipping the clasping together she spoke Mistress Carla had stopped spanking me to join her..”Crybaby Sweetheart Your Very Full but given that your pluggie tube won’t be letting anything out of you back there am guessing our Babyslave understands what coming next cutenesses” she started lacing up the corset ! Mistress Carla came to my face “No Crying won’t stop us cutenesses as we want to see our Babyslave in Tears ! So am going to spank you now ..But Crybaby not like before...No am going to spank you Very Hard & Painfully Then cutenesses we are going to take turns flogging that Cute botty....am sure we can find all manner of things to make sure Crybaby can’t sit for Days !!!”
She went behind me & The spankings started heavyweight blows that had me Crying openly in moments....But as Mistress Dee did up the last of the corset a big cramp came..suddenly I felt fluid pass from me as I went to squeal !
They both clapped as the enema fluid ran out of my MOUTH !!!!!!....As the cramping came more fluid flowed over my face into the bowl, tears mixing with the fluid As the room echoed with the sound of My spankings, at first by hand then a flogger a huge heavyweight one ! Next came a belt..they both took time between each stroke until my Struggling stopped before administration of the next painful spank, Last was a robber hoop This really hurt ! So much so Mistress Carla stopped it as Mistress Dee knelt Down at my head..”Come here You noisy girlie Crybaby”
She pushed the new mask over my face as it approached me I could see it had a cock gag the balls were on the outer side ow as hollow ! I wrenched as she pushed it down my throat more fluid poured from me out it’s balls ! As she pulled the rubber taught, pushing the cone ovals up my nose ! The mask had eye holes quite large so they could still see me crying for them...on the outside of the nose cones were two long tear drop shaped plastic ovals with clear tubing from them around 3ft long thir tube she set to a small jar with what looked like a plastic round accordion bellow ?...she then looked up at Mistress Carla “All Ready Darling please continue...Baby is in shush Need of Training”
The next whip from the rubber loop was given with such force I screamed for allI was worth rigging in the bondage framework.But only a dull sound came from me...”Clever girlie Crybaby that’s much better now Pain Toy !”...
Just as it subsided Mistress Mummy walked into the room with a tray, this had two glasses of wine and strawberries & cream....she completely ignored my plight putting the tray Dow she spoke to the girls..”How is she behaving girls ?”
Mistress Dee was first to talk “Not too bad Mistress Mummy...although I have just had to gag her with the cock gag but I used my new mask as you can see so she will realise shortly she should have Not been so noisy !”....Mistress Mummy gigged at her comment turning to look at the mask she knelt Down to look at the severe looking mask, again completely ignored my begging eyes & sobbing....just then Mistress Carla spoke to her “Mistress Mummy why don’t you stay there & have Crybaby look at you as I put her to sleep for a short nap ?”
Yes wonderful idea Mistress Carla.....”Crybaby Sweetheart Look at Mummy...Keep looking at me ..No Matter What.. Ok Baby? (Ga’Ga) Clever Baby..Now !” She lifted a small fork hit it off her hand then held it to my ear...
Wwwwaaaa, Wwwwwwwaaaaa, wwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaa. WWWWaaaaaa.
I started Crying out like a real Baby it could be heard even past the cock gag !
I was imitating the lullaby !!! It must have been some sort of hypothesis & the fork was the key seed !
Mistress Carla raised her arm high in the air gave a grunt pulling Down sharply!
At number seven everything went Dark as I passed out to clapping in my ears fading into the distance......
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shadow--writer · 3 years
How the Heartaches Come and They go and the Scars They're Leaving, You'll be Dancing Once Again and the Pain will end
this chapter made me hurt my own goddamn feelings and ABBA did NOT MAKE IT ANY BETTER. Here’s the title. The song slaps so hard
Maeve x Lucas. What do you do when the doctor is sick? 6.4k
TW: grief, terrible coping, mentions of death. Apologizes to folks who feel pain they read about, I wrote Maeve’s headache with a headache. SICK FIC
It was cold. Odd considering the unrelenting heat of the past few weeks. 
Letting out a soft whine, a headache slowly built up behind her eyes. 
She couldn’t think right, it was all tinged with an edge of black as she opened her eyes. Her legs were tucked between Lucas’, his lips in her hair. Judging by how softly he was breathing, he was still asleep.
She squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself back to sleep to keep the headache at bay. 
No luck, she was up. 
She groaned, pressing her forehead against his collarbone. The headache started behind her eyes and spread along her face, it hurt to even think. She sniffed the breath sending sparks of pain through her skull. 
Sinus infection? Gods she hoped it was only a sinus infection. Stars above it hurt. 
Trembling, she extracted herself from Lucas’ arms. Maybe, if she was fast enough, she could start on the mess she made in the kitchen before he woke up. The small bundle of fur at the edge of the bed mewed when she moved.
And maybe she could figure out a way to feed Jolie as well. 
She pressed a soft kiss against his forehead. He didn’t have a fever anymore, just a small sunburn along his nose. She shifted away from him and softly called to Jolie. 
The room spun as soon as she got to her feet, her breaths coming out in soft gasps. Her dress was heavily wrinkled, dust clinging to the back of it, making her cough. Her throat hurt. Well, everything hurt. 
Sighing, she pressed a hand to her forehead, hoping to cool herself off and ease the headache. Jolie followed at her heels, the house was a bit warmer when she wasn’t alone. Jolie meowed, loudly, hopping up on the counter as they entered the kitchen. 
She scratched behind Jolie’s ears, chuckling a little to herself. “Yes yes I know. The lady hungers.” Her voice was rough and nasally, even to herself. She winced, the movement a stabbing pain. She hissed through her teeth, biting her cheek. Jolie rubbed her head against her hand, purring a little. 
“I’m…” she swayed a little. Ugh the infection was hitting her pretty hard. It was hard to focus. “...sure Lucas has something for you somewhere,” she said, opening the cabinets up to look. Jolie meowed, moving along the counter and under a closed cabinet door. 
She giggled a little, petting the cat. “Smart kitty,” she whispered, shutting the doors she opened previously and opening this one. There was a bowl with Jolie’s name painted on it, loopy and messy. 
Standing on her tiptoes, she teetered backwards as she tugged the bowl down off the shelf. She caught her balance, her headache twisting like a knife as she set the dish in front of Jolie. She meowed once, before leaving Maeve be. 
The kitchen was...a bit of a mess, to say the least. There was blood on the counter and on the knife. 
She sighed, rolling up her sleeves that had come undone during the night. 
Digging around another cabinet, she grabbed the jar of coffee grounds and put a pot of water over the stove. She waited for the water to boil, scrubbing the knife and cutting board in the sink. 
When the water on the stove started to boil, she turned it off and eye balled the amount of coffee grounds she was pouring in.
She gritted her teeth together as the headache made her stomach roll. 
Once she was sure the coffee was ready to boil, she went back to cleaning the counter. Ignoring her headache and how badly she shivered. 
Jolie meowed, the pain sharpening as her head whipped up at the sound. 
Lucas rubbed the back of his head, leaning against the doorframe.
“Morning Firefly,” he murmured.
Her legs wobbled as she smiled at him. “Coffee’s on the stove,” she said, her voice coming out a bit slurred.
His brows creased at her voice, moving closer to her. She stumbled into him and he pressed the back of his hand to her forehead.
“Thumbelina, you’re burning up.” 
“Mm fine.” She pushed away from him, her head splitting open with the movement. She squeezed her eyes shut, letting the wave of pain pass. She cracked an eye open, holding her thumb and index finger apart. “Just a tiny fever.”
He pressed his thumbs on the corners of her eyes, she leaned into the touch. 
“Burning up is burning up,” he said softly.
“I’m fine! I promised I’d help you clean today!” She puffed her cheeks out in a pout. “And I’m not letting some dumb fever stop me!”
He kissed her forehead, scooping her up off the floor. She yelped, arms going around his neck.
“Lucas,” she whined.
He ignored her, nudging the door open. She let out another whine, burying her face in his neck. Her head ached at the movement. “I wanna help!”
“You can’t do much when you’re burning up,” he replied. “Now it’s my turn to take care of you.”
He set her down on the bed, the jostling made her let out a whimper of pain, the room spinning and the edges of her vision going dark. 
“Did I hurt you?” he asked, brushing her hair back from her forehead, inspecting her face. His brows were all creased with worry. “I’m so sorry, are you okay?”
She chewed on her lower lip as she watched him for a moment, her headache making it hard to do anything but space out. He was cute when he was worried, face all scrunched up as he patted her down for injuries. He paused on her hands, her attention being brought to how much they hurt, fresh blood spotted on the already bloody bandages. 
Guilt ate her up inside as he lifted her hands up from her sides. She trembled in his hold, feeling a bit sick as she looked at what she did to herself. She was useless. She wondered why anyone liked her enough to stay with her when she could barely even take care of herself. 
He kissed her palms, whispering softly to the marred skin. The web of scars on her palms, rough under his soft touch. “I’ll help you patch up, and then we’ll get you into something clean.”
“Then I can help!”
He sighed, holding her hands to his face. “You’re sick.” 
She squished his face, puckering her lips back with a giggle. “And you’re handsome, what’s your point? I’m gonna help you clean. Even if I gotta do it in secret so you won’t know!” she said with a lopsided smile. She was so woozy her filter was coming off. 
He kissed her hands again, getting to his feet. She kicked her legs, watching him go. He came back after a moment with gauze and disinfectants. 
And bandages. 
He knelt down by her legs, slowly peeling off the blooded adhesives off her fingers. She hissed through her teeth, staring at the bloody mess. 
He only hummed, cleaning them off gently with a damp cloth. The wounds were still raw, she couldn’t really do much when she had him to worry about. He rubbed disinfectant into her skin before wrapping a bandage over the cuts. 
He kissed her fingertips, looking up at her through his lashes. Her gaze darted away as heat flooded her cheeks.
She chewed on her lower lip as he tilted her head back to look at him. 
“Thank you,” he whispered as she cupped his cheek. He leaned into the touch as he looked at her. “For helping me.”
She ran the pad of her thumb over his lower lip. “Says the person helping me.”
He chuckled, turning her hand over and kissing the inside of her wrist. “Only because I got you into this mess.”
She giggled, kissing the tip of his nose lightly. “Well that’s true.” She smoothed his hair back, the curls soft beneath her fingers. Her headache was a dull pound behind her eyes. “I’m...sorry if I was a little mean yesterday. I was...scared.” 
He sighed, nudging her legs apart to sit between them and rest his arms on her thighs as he looked up at her. “Well, you were a bit mean.”
She flicked the tip of his nose with a soft smile. “Your dusty ass house will be the death of me.”
“Hmm if you’re too sick to help me clean.” He smiled a little. “Might have to put it off a while until you get better.”
She glowered at him. “Nuh ah. We’re cleaning today. We’re cleaning.”
He reached up to tuck her hair behind her ear. “Fine. But you’re doing something easy.”
She kissed his forehead. “I’ll do laundry to keep you company. Wash the sheets and fold.”
His laugh made her smile. “Okay. That...sounds good.”
“I already cleaned the counter. But um...dishes are still not done.”
He got to his feet, helping her up. The headache made itself known, making her stumble. 
He let her gather herself before looking at the dust caked to the hem of her dress. “First let's get you into something clean so you don’t get sick again.”
She smoothed her hands down the fabric, leaning against him as she looked down at herself. “Mm. I’ll...wash this too.” 
He helped her out of his chest, checking her temperature and making a face. She knew he didn’t like her being up and about with a headache and a fever, but he was going to have to deal with it. “You can borrow one of my shirts.”
“Mmm borrow is a funny word,” she murmured. 
He helped her unlace her dress, letting her pull it off while he dug around the drawers of his dresser trying to find something clean for her. 
“Come on Firefly, arms up.” He tapped her arms, helping her raise them. 
“You’re cute when you’re worried,” she said with a little hum as he pulled the shirt over her arms and head. It fell down her shoulder, he pulled it back up and tightened the drawstrings. 
“This is a dress on you,” he muttered, tying the drawstrings into a bow. It would still fall down her shoulder but it was better now. 
She reached up to smooth out the creases between his brows, giggling at the shock in his eyes when he met hers. 
“Very cute.”
He stared at her for a moment, his shirt falling just above her knees. She felt like a kid playing dress up, but his smile came fast and soft. 
He kissed her cheek, then the other. She giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck. “We have to start,” she whispered as he kissed the tip of her nose. 
“Oh dusting can wait one minute,” he replied with a cheeky grin. 
She covered her mouth with a hand, wrinkling her nose at him as he moved to kiss her, kissing the back of her hand. 
He moved away. “No kisses,” she said, wiggling out of his grasp. “Don’t wanna get you sick. Again. That would be bad.”
He kissed her cheek, only holding her closer. She squeaked. “I’ll risk it,” he murmured. 
She pushed his face away, giggling. “No! I don’t wanna get you sick again! I’m contagious!” 
She ignored her headache as they toppled onto the bed in a pile of limbs. She scooted to sit up away from him, sticking her tongue out as he rested his chin in his hand. He stuck his tongue out at her as well, wiggling closer to her. 
The shirt fell off her shoulder as she looked at him. “No.”
He sat up, wrapping his arms around her waist and tugging her closer, making her squeal. She pursed her lips and looked away from him. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, kissing her softly there. 
She let out a tiny squeak, her skin buzzing as he smiled. His touch was gentle as he kissed up her neck and the underside of her jaw. 
“You’re minute’s up Giant,” she breathed as he kissed her jaw and cheek. “C’mon! We have to go! I left the stove on! There’s coffee!” 
He only laughed, kissing the corner of her mouth. She sulked, trying to wiggle out of his arms. “Lucas,” she whined, tugging on his arms. “Stop trying to seduce me and let go!”
He stopped, arms going slack. She tumbled forward with a yelp, falling face first into blankets. “Seduce you?” he asked as she turned over. He moved her legs into his lap. 
She glowered at him. “Don’t think a few well placed kisses will distract me. Your minute is up buster. My headache isn’t gonna go away by itself. And you have things to clean!” 
He rolled his eyes with an affectionate smile. She could see something start to brew in his eyes. Today wasn’t going to be easy. 
She knew that. 
She looked at her freshly bandaged hands, at her scars.
She peered at him through her lashes, he was tapping out a beat to a tune only he knew against her calf.
Pushing herself up onto her elbows, she pecked his lips quickly before scurrying off the bed. 
He paused, touching his lower lip and looking at her. She smiled, ignoring her headache as she placed her hands on her hips. “There. You got a kiss. Now c’mon slowpoke. I gotta strip the bed.”
His smile was infectious and mischievous as he followed her off the bed. She laughed, dancing away from him as he chased her out of the room. 
He scooped her off the floor, hugging her close as he laughed in her ear. She snorted, and Jolie meowed at them. 
He set her down on the counter, curling her hair around one of his fingers.
She tilted her head, kissing the tip of his nose. “I cleaned the counter, but I still have dishes to clean.” She looked at the spoon on the floor and winced. “Also the floor and wall.”
He brushed her hair back, playing with it a little. “You just stay right here, I can handle it.”
“But it’s my mess!”
“A mess you made because of me.”
She sighed, leaning back against the upper cabinets. “I’m fine, Lucas. It’s a tiny sinus infection. I can clean up my own mess.”
He kissed her forehead, her skin was a little sticky with sweat. “Your fever got worse,” he murmured. “You should rest.”
She glared at him. “I’m not resting. I promised you I would help. This isn’t something you want to do alone.”
He patted her leg, but she saw the affirmation in his eyes. He dug around the cabinet under the sink, pulling out a clean washcloth. He was silent as he ran the cloth under cold water and wrung it out. The smell of coffee made her relax.
He placed the damp cloth over her clammy skin, her eyes snapping open to meet his. Worry creased his brows again. 
“You can stay,” he offered, voice a bit gruff. “But if your fever gets worse…”
She rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at him. “I haven’t passed out, thank you very much.”
He winced, pulling two mugs down and using a ladle to pour coffee into them. He didn’t respond as he moved to get cream and sugar, holding them up in a silent question. She nodded, watching him finish up her mug and pass it over to her.
“Wait, you can have coffee right?” he asked as she held it below her nose. 
“Caffeine helps with headaches,” she said with a hum, enjoying the warmth of the drink. “Herbal teas help with fever. Along with water, of course.” 
“Do you want me to make you tea?” he asked softly, drying his hands on a nearby towel. 
“I’ll be okay for now,” she said with a smile. He pressed the back of his hand to her cheek, that worried (cute) look never leaving his face. “Lucas! I’m fine!” 
He brushed the skin of her cheeks with both thumbs, his face darting closer to hers. Her breathing hitched, heart skipping a beat. She wasn’t sure if she’d ever get used to him being this close to her. She liked it, but was unused to the reaction he stirred in her. 
He smoothed her hair back, moving away when he saw what he wanted to. She almost whined at the loss. His expression shifted from worried to something more...vulnerable. “What do you do when the doctor is sick?” he murmured, hand trailing down her shoulder and arm, gently cradling her hand as he moved away. 
She laced their fingers together, tugging him back to her. “Well,” she started as he looked at her. She dragged him back to her, him shuffling nervously. She beamed up at him, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her face in his chest. 
“Hugs are good.”
He chuckled, wrapping her up in his arms and tugging her close.
He kissed the top of her head, smoothing her hair down. She let out a happy hum, feeling much warmer now. 
He pulled away too soon, much to her disappointment. 
She pouted, making him laugh. “Oh don’t give me that look. Like you said, we have things to do today. You were going to do…” he tapped his chin, pretending to think. Her pout melted into a smile. Fuck she loved him. “Laundry was it?” He smiled, flicking the tip of her nose. “I simply must do something!” he said, making his voice reedier in an imitation of her, holding a hand to his forehead. 
She gasped. “I do not sound like that!”
He only laughed, moving away from her. 
“I don’t!”
“Sometimes you do.”
She made a face at him. “Yeah like you sound any better.”
Offense flooded his features and she smiled smugly. “Oh yeah look at me-” she lowered her voice, her throat making everything sound more gravely, but it worked. She sounded ridiculous. “-I’m Lucas and I get people bit by eels on the daily!”
She giggled, breaking the facade. 
He made a face at her, but it was cracking under his laughter. 
“I don’t sound like that,” he said, petting Jolie. 
“Yes you do.”
“No I don’t!”
She giggled, putting her now empty mug down. Her headache was starting to fade which was nice.
He moved closer, ignoring their argument. “Did it help?”
Her gaze darted to the sink. No more dishes! “M-Mmmhmm!” she hummed, her heart skipping beats all over the place. He made a face when he checked her temperature again, she made one back.
“Fever is still there.”
“...maybe a little tea would be good.”
He laughed, moving in to kiss her. She made a show of shaking her head and pursing her lips, making him pout. 
She kissed his cheek. “Contagious? Remember?”
“It takes more than that to get me sick.”
She quirked an eyebrow with a wry look. He wilted a little under her gaze. 
“Hmph. Fine. But I will get a kiss eventually.”
She laughed. “C’mon now, super strong immune system. Let’s get to work.”
The problem she found with laundry was the fact she had to do it outside. Washing was messy and not to mention hanging things up on clotheslines. She couldn’t go far in her condition, and Lucas was…
Against it. 
What if something happened to her and he wasn’t there to help? Kind of deal. 
It was not easy to convince him to let her be outside. His worry was sweet, but the dizziness that came with her headache was starting to fade. Coffee truly was a gift from the gods.
She knew he was checking up on her, looking out the window and coming down the stairs to say hello. Each time he walked down to talk to her, and give her something to eat, his hair got wilder and wilder. 
She stretched up onto her tiptoes, clipping the damp sheets onto the clothes line she had set up. The day was cooler, still hot, but cooler. The cloud cover was also nice. And the tiny breeze. Thank gods for the tiny breeze. The heat was almost sticky, making her want to lay on the floor and do nothing. 
But she made a promise. 
“You’ve been busy.”
Speak of the devil. 
Against her will, she felt herself brighten. She wondered how atrocious his hair would be this time. 
“I have,” she replied, not looking at him as she finished clipping the sheet to the line. The breeze knocked it back into her face, making him laugh. She made a face to no one in particular. “Granted it’s been fighting me the whole time!” She glared up at the sky, smiling at his laughter. He sounded a bit tense, she knew cleaning alone was taking a toll. 
“Aren’t you gonna look at me?” he joked. 
“Mmm I’m scared to see the rat’s nest.”
“Your hair, silly goose.”
“Ah, so I’m a goose now?”
“Hmm, a gander.” She finally turned around, smiling brightly. “I am the goose.”
He laughed, leaning against the doorframe. She was right about his hair, there was so much dust clinging to it she feared he’d turn the bathwater black. 
He saw the look on her face, his smile turning smug and amused. She wrinkled her nose at him, crossing her arms. 
She finally spotted the plate in his hands. 
“Oh! Is that a lemon?” she asked, curiosity outweighing her annoyance. She moved closer, almost singing out of happiness. Lemons helped with all sorts of things. Fever, sore throat, the like. 
And they were delicious. 
“You mentioned spice and lemons. So I brought the best thing I could.” He swatted her hand away, making her yelp. “Eat it like a hooligan in front of me again and you’re grounded,” he said, bending down slightly to be at eye level with her. She fought the urge to knock the dust out of his hair. “Got it?”
She pouted. “But-”
He tapped the tip of her nose, making her wrinkle it at the contact. “Absolutely not. I have seen a lot of weird food things in my time. That is the worst.” 
“You can’t ground me!”
His grumpy facade was cracking. She placed her hands on her hips, rising up onto her tiptoes to match him. Their noses pressed together, and this was a terrible awful no good very bad idea. 
“I can,” he said, a hint of laughter sneaking through. “And I will.”
Her eyes darted down to the lemon slices, calculating the risk. She had no doubt he would manhandle her back into the house if she did this.
But he would have to catch her to manhandle her. 
He realized what she was doing too late, the evil grin had crept onto her face and she snatched a lemon slice, dancing away from him. Her fever had gone down a tad, and with no dizziness? 
No problem. 
She stuffed the lemon into her mouth. He let out a curse, making her grin around the sour fruit. He set the plate down, she swallowed the lemon and ran into the thick of the hanging clothes. 
He chased after her, muttering about how vile that display was. 
She giggled, pressing her hand to her mouth to stifle the sound. She could see his shadow moving through the sheets and his clothes. She danced away from him, letting out little musical notes to taunt him. 
He moved a sheet aside for her shadow, making her laugh. 
“Don’t tear all my hard work down looking for me, Giant,” she teased. “And I thought with your height you would’ve found me already!”
“Well it appears hunting for trickster fairies is a bit harder than one might think,” he called back as she moved farther into the back, trying to keep her footsteps quiet. He wasn’t hard to avoid, the height and how loud he was.
She giggled. 
“First you made off with my shirt, and now you smuggled a lemon away.”
“Well you are very easy to trick,” she said. “Think about me at my full power! You’d never be rid of me!”
He laughed, she could see him move closer to the front door. Her face broke into a smile as she leaned against a blanket in the back. 
He went silent. Chewing on her lower lip, she moved to the clothes in front of her, looking past them. He wasn’t where he was before. 
Releasing her lip, she stood on her tiptoes to look again. 
Then she was picked up, his breath warm against her ear. Her breathing hitched, heart like a rabbit running amok in her chest. “Found you,” he whispered. “Little goose.”
“Honk honk.”
He snorted, her legs dangling as he carried her awkwardly to the door. “You finished here, right?”
“Then you’re grounded.”
“Wha- HEY!” She kicked her legs, trying to wiggle out of his grip. “You can’t ground me! I’ve done nothing wrong! I’m being framed!”
He was laughing. She liked to make him laugh, she decided. She wanted to make him laugh all the time just to see him light up in the way he did. Besides, she liked being silly with him. It wasn’t prim and proper all the time with him. 
“Framed? I watched you commit the crime!”
“You have no evidence!”
“I watched you!”
“But you’d miss me too much,” she said, pouting as she looked up at him with pleading eyes. 
His look was wry. “I won’t miss the crime of eating lemons raw.” 
She gasped. “It’s no crime!”
His look turned teasing as he kissed her forehead. “Says the person who doesn’t cook.”
Her gasp turned more offended as she swooned. “Oh you wound me. Using my own weakness against me! The audacity, the horror. How will I ever recover from this blow to my pride!”
“I’m sure you’ll get over it.”
“Get over it?! Get over it?! Nay sir! I shall never! I will be enacting my revenge plot with friends on you soon enough!”
He was laughing too hard to reply. The fact he was carrying her all dangly like a cat was another “blow” but she didn’t seem to mind.  
He kissed behind her ear as he set her down on his bed. She tugged her boots off, placing them by her side before laying back. 
She saw the pile of clothes on the chair and sat up, her hair falling around her shoulders. “Are those clean?”
He looked over and nodded. 
She brightened. “Well since I washed and hung everything up to dry, mind me folding?”
He blinked in surprise. “I um, no?”
She giggled, getting to her feet. “Mind extending my grounding to the couch?”
He tapped his chin in thought. “Well…after that display of terribleness I’d like to say no.”
She jutted her lower lip out a little, clasping her hands and pleading with him. “Please?”
He cracked so fast under her gaze. “…fine. It…it’ll be nice to have you to talk to.”
She cheered, jumping up and down. He flushed at her reaction as she gathered the clothes on the chair. Some shirts had holes in them and they were wrinkled beyond belief.
He chuckled, helping her out. “You really don’t have to do this,” he said as they walked to the couch. She could see the progress he made with cleaning. There were still things in little piles, stuff she knew he couldn’t find a place for but didn’t want to part with.
She dropped the clothes in her arms on the couch, looking up at him. He wasn’t meeting her eyes, a flush climbing up his neck and face.
“Oh please,” she said. “I want to help you. That's why I offered.”
He looked back at her. She helped him set the clothes down, holding his hands and running her thumbs along his knuckles. His shirt slipped down her shoulder, his eyes flicking over to the movement.
She smiled, letting go of one of his hands and tilting his chin. “Eyes are up here, gander.”
His cheeks reddened. “W-Who’s trying to seduce who now,” he murmured.
She giggled, pressing a hand to her chest. “Oh leannán, you’d know if I was trying to seduce you,” she whispered, softly kissing his jaw.
He grunted, and she smiled. “You play dirty, little goose,” he said, eyes meeting hers. That delicious blue. She wondered what paints she’d have to mix to find the shade. She reached out, brushing his brows. He grabbed her hand, kissing her palm. “I don’t even get a real kiss and you start talking like that.”
“I am proud of you,” she said softly, he jolted, dropping her hand. She only smiled, sitting on the couch. 
She hummed, starting to sort the clothes before her. Shirts. Pants. So on. 
“I don’t need a reason to be proud of you, I just am. But…I know it’s hard. Letting go, I mean.”
“Letting go?”
She peered at him through her lashes. “You’ve only touched your bed, that chair, parts of the bathroom and the kitchen. One room is closed. Your house feels like a ghost. You haven’t really touched anything since they died.”
He flinched. 
She kept her tone soft. “Grá rúnda, I’m not dumb. I can see these things.”
“That’s a new nickname,” he muttered.
“It is, but don’t change the subject. I was trained to be observant.” 
He sighed, fidgeting with the bandages around his arm. She wondered about the scars below the cloth. 
Remembering the old plague cross and the fires…she didn’t have to wonder long. 
“I know I was…blunt.” He snorted, she flushed red. “But I am right.”
His head snapped up. “But-”
Her look was soft but stern. “Giant, living in a house pleading the ghosts of the past is no way to move forward and change. You think I don’t know this? I watched my father almost be broken because of the death of my mother.” She held her hands up, barring her heart for him. Willingly this time. “I watched it almost destroy me and my family. Mamaí was the light in my daidí’s life. But it’s…not the same.”
She set a folded shirt by her side, staring at the holes in the next one. She wondered if he had embroidery hoops. 
“I know it’s not,” she whispered, her voice deathly quiet. “But moving on, happens. Want it or not, it will happen eventually.” She chuckled without humour. “You just had it yelled into you by me.”
She watched him stare at his feet. 
“I loved my mamí. Hell, I look just like her. I...know she isn’t coming back. But I can hold onto fond memories, can’t I? She wouldn’t want me…living my life the way I did. Goddess, she’d be furious with how we took her death. She once threatened to murder my father with a tree branch don’t you know.”
He chuckled and she smiled. There he was.
“You get your spitfire from her,” he murmured.
She pursed her lips to keep from laughing. He wasn’t wrong. 
“She wouldn’t want me to live that way. She wouldn’t want my dadí to live that way. So would your family want you to live like that?”
He flinched, going quiet. His face slowly drained of colour. She bit her lip, hoping she didn’t cross a line.
His voice was barely audible. “No.”
“It’s your life to live,” she said, conviction strong in her voice. “So start living.”
He wouldn’t look at her, but his shoulders were shaking. He wasn’t crying, not yet. She moved off the couch and wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his back. 
He held her hands tightly, his shaking in hers. She kissed his back through his shirt as he traced her scars, sending tingles down her spine. 
“What are these from?” he asked softly, voice thick with emotion. 
“Mirrors,” she replied, her voice sounding breathy even to her own ears. She could feel his confused look at her hands and she let out a small giggle, stretching up onto her tiptoes to kiss the back of his neck. His skin grew hot under her lips. “Story for another time.”
He kissed her fingers again, then her palms and wrists. Her heart was so loud, an ‘I love you’ at the tip of her tongue. 
She paused, kissing one of the visible scars on his shoulder. Now wasn’t the time for that. 
He didn’t need those words just yet. 
She laced their fingers together, squeezing his hands once before pulling away. While she knew she wasn’t ready to say it; she was ready to show it. 
“Oh! Do you have embroidery hoops?” she asked, looking over her shoulder. When he met her eyes she could see how grateful he was about the subject change. She knew this was hard, and as much as they acted like an...old married couple (her cheeks flushing red at the thought) he was still hurting. 
“If you don't, that's okay!” she finished with a smile. “I was just-”
“I do.”
He smiled, it wasn’t forced, just a bit more emotional than usual. She hoped she didn’t cross a line. “I have a basket of...that stuff. My grandma used to embroider.”
“Oh. Oh! You...you’d let me use that?”
He nodded, moving inside the room she knew nothing about. A second bedroom? 
She wasn’t going to push it. 
He left the room with a basket, she could see hoops and embroidery floss. Her expression brightened.
“So, what are you gonna do with this?” he asked as she took the basket from his hands. 
Humming, she set a shirt on her lap, making a face at the amount of tiny tears in the hem of the fabric. She pulled out a larger hoop, doing her best to get all the tears in the hoop.
“What colour do you like best?” she asked, holding the floss up. 
He blinked at her ignoring his question. Then he looked down at the thread in her hands.
“Um…the dark blue? And the silver?”
She grinned, putting the rest of the colours back. “Why dark blue?” She looked back up at him. “Not the light blue?”
“I like the dark blue better,” he said with a little smile. He brushed her cheek with his knuckles, before moving away.
They worked together, with only her voice filling the quiet.
She talked about anything and everything. Her family, her adventures away from home. All of it. Stories from the clinic made him laugh the most.
Finally, he had plopped down on the couch next to her, watching her work.
She leaned into his side, his arm going around her shoulders as he kissed the top of her head.
She held up the shirt she was working on. She was almost done, with silver and dark blue dog paws climbing up the hem. 
“It’s lovely- wait, is that my shirt?”
“It is! I um…hope you don’t mind.”
His face was almost glowing when he looked at her. “Thank you, it’s cute.”
Her smile made her cheeks hurt. “I can show you the basics, if you’d like.”
“Basics? Of embroidery?”
She nodded, digging through the basket to pull out scrap fabric.
Moving slowly she slowed him how to put the cloth into the hoop, tightening and then handing it over to him.
“You thread the floss like this…then you knot it. Keep some space so it doesn’t fall apart.”
He nodded, nervously taking the needle. She dug around for a fabric pen and sketched out a simple design. A heart was how she started. It was fairly simple and you could do all sorts of stitches inside.
She kissed his cheek. “Try sewing along the lines I drew here. It’s like you’re actually sewing.” She showed him, poke the needle up, bring it down and so forth. “Be careful about pricking yourself.”
He nodded, tongue sticking out a little as he focused on the stitches. She snuggled into his side, finishing up the paws on his shirt.
“Like this?” he asked after a moment. She looked over at his work and smiled.
“Exactly! You’re doing great.”
His face flushed at the praise, staring at his hands. “Am I? I feel like my hands are a little…too big for this.”
She smiled, covering his hands with hers as she leaned against him. Her fever had gone down but she was still cold. 
She yawned a little. Of course now she was sleepy. And the headache was coming back.
“You’re…doing great,” she murmured with a sleepy smile. “Practice makes perfect! And your hands are fine. My dad knits don’t ya know. And he’s maybe a little shorter than you! He does just fine.”
He chuckled, kissing the top of her head. “You sound tired.”
“Mm not tired.” She yawned. “At all.”
He set his practice hoop down. She looked up at him, a question on her lips.
His smile was a little wolfish and a lot smug. 
Quickly, he kissed her. 
“Told you I’d get a kiss,” he murmured, kissing her cheek.
She blushed. “Idiot, you could get sick.”
He moved the folded clothes off the couch into a nice stack on the floor, the halfway done embroidery work she was doing on top. 
Yawning himself, he scooted down the couch (legs hanging off the end).
She was perched on his legs, grumbling to herself as he smiled.
“How about a power nap?” he asked, teasing in his voice. She made a face at him but shifted down and tucked her head under his chin. 
“Hmph,” she huffed, snuggling into his chest. 
She yawned again, closing her eyes. 
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“What? What for?”
She let out a happy hum. “For cleaning. I know…it’s hard.”
He sighed. “I’m sorry I caused you so much trouble.”
“Mmm I’m trouble too.”
He snorted softly, rubbing the back of her head and holding her close. “Well at least you’re cute, Trouble.”
She giggled softly, yawning again. 
“Sleep now, Thumbelina.”
“We have many nicknames.”
“Little goose?”
She giggled again. “Gander.”
He chuckled, letting out a soft sigh. “Get some sleep, Firefly.”
She knew she was falling. Falling down a deep pit with nothing to see or hear. She didn’t know how long she would fall, how far. How much it would hurt when she landed.
She just knew he’d be there to catch her when she finally found the bottom.
He murmured something to her hair as she fell asleep.
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yxlenas · 3 years
Allison/Isaac + tugging on the bottom of someone’s shirt
Post 3x23 fix it because it’s been like 7 years and I’m still bitter. 
Allison doesn’t remember much after saving Isaac’s life. Her dad says that’s probably a good thing but she thinks it’s frustrating, especially because of the way Isaac looks at her when he thinks she’s not paying attention. Allison is already tired of being treated like she’s fragile, and she’s only been home from the hospital for two days.
She grunts as her eyes open and pain shoots through her abdomen, blinking until she realizes where she is. Isaac’s hand is brushing through her hair where her head rests on his thigh. The TV is on, she can hear quiet voices and weird music.
“Hey,” Isaac murmurs, cupping her cheek, “I thought I heard your breathing change. How you feeling?”
She shrugs and then grimaces when it tugs at the raw hamburger her abdomen has become. Isaac’s face shifts and the hand on her cheek comes down to rest on the back of her neck. Allison watches as black veins trail up his arms, feeling the pain lessen and relief wash over her. Isaac’s face contorts and he takes a deep, shuddering breath before letting go.
“You don’t have to do that, you know,” she says, holding up her arms for support to sit up. It takes a lot of energy out of her, and she slumps against Isaac’s chest and the arm of the couch, pressing her face to the space between his shoulder and neck. Isaac rests his chin on her hair, one of his arms wrapping around her hips.
“I want to,” he says, “works better than those painkillers they sent you home with. Those things are shit.”
“You just don’t like how they make my heart rate weird,” she says into his shirt, “what are we watching?”
“You have to go back to school eventually,” she tells him a few days later as he laces their fingers, curled together on her mattress. Isaac shrugs and starts to draw her pain away. Allison reaches out and traces the black as it runs up his arm with the end of one cracked nail. She needs to cut them but she’s so tired.
“I will when you do,” Isaac mumbles, “The pain isn’t that bad today?”
“Not terrible,” she says back, “Isaac, I will be fine here with just my dad for the 8 hours you’re at school.”
Isaac’s eyes take on a glazed panic and his grip on her hand tightens. Allison squeezes back and drops it.
He starts screaming for her in the middle of the night, thrashing in the sleeping bag on her floor because he won’t sleep in her bed with her because he’s so worried about hurting her. Allison moves as fast as she can, which isn’t that fast, setting her feet gingerly on the floor.
“DAD!” she yells, lowering herself down next to Isaac’s head. She won’t be able to get back up without someone pulling her up but she takes Isaac’s thrashing head into her lap and starts carding her hands through his hair.
“Shhhhh,” she soothes, tugging on his curls, “Come on, Isaac. Wake up for me.”
“Allison,” he gasps, and then he’s scrambling away from her, getting tangled in the sleeping bag as her dad comes in.
“Isaac, hey,” her dad says, and to her surprise Isaac flings himself at him. Chris curls his arms around him as Isaac gasps for breath against his sleep shirt. His eyes are golden when she gets a good look at them, and she can see his claws poking out. She scoots closer on her bottom, one hand wrapped around her middle, and takes one of his hands. She traces the fine lines in his palm as he shakes in her dad’s arms.
“You’re alright,” Chris says in his ear, “You’re doing just fine. Just breathe, Isaac.”
He doesn’t say anything as he settles down, just droops further and further into her dad’s arms with soft whimpers. Allison convinces him gently to sleep with her instead of on the floor and Isaac is too tired to argue, pressing his nose into her collarbone. Allison rubs his back until they both drift off.
It’s her first day of school when she realizes it’s become a pattern. She tugs on Isaac’s sweater absently in English when the scar tissue knotting her abdomen starts to ache, and Isaac laces their fingers together. She watches as his veins go a dark grey, and feels the pain recede. It’s dull enough now that it barely phases him. He brings her hand up to his mouth and kisses her knuckles before turning back to the text questions they’re working on.
“Thanks,” she murmurs, not letting go of his hand.
Lydia takes her out shopping a few days later, just to Target. Allison is still pretty wiped, and her stomach hurts a lot. The doctors said that scar tissue often stays painful for a while, especially after an injury that almost killed her, but it’s getting extremely frustrating. Lydia links their pinkies as they look at nail polish.
“So,” she says, “Isaac.”
“What about him,” Allison says back, picking up an electric blue polish with glitter and putting it in their shared basket.
“Is he doing okay?” Lydia asks. Allison sighs, because that’s the million dollar question, isn’t it.
“I don’t know, honestly. He says he is but he’s so clearly lying to me. He barely sleeps, I don’t think I saw him eat yesterday, and he’s so jumpy.”
“He’s traumatized,” Lydia says, adding a neon pink to the basket and leading Allison out of beauty products.
“Yeah, no shit,” Allison says, “But I can’t help him if he won’t talk to me. I asked Scott if Isaac had told him anything but he’s giving Scott the same stuff about being fine.”
She picks up a bag of M&Ms from a side display and adds them to the basket.
“Can’t Scott just give him the glowing eyes and gently bully him into telling the truth?”
Allison snorts, grimacing when a stab of pain shoots through her middle. She reaches out for Isaac, to tug on his shirt and tell him she needs his hand, but then realizes he isn’t there and stops herself. Lydia raises an eyebrow and doesn’t say anything, just tosses some gummy worms in the basket.
“Come on,” Lydia says, “Let’s grab some more junk food and head home.”
Isaac is asleep on the couch when she and Lydia get back to the apartment, on his belly with his face smushed into the cushions. Her dad is sitting in the armchair next to the bookshelf and holds a finger to his lips when he sees them, cutting his eyes to Isaac. He trails them into the kitchen and helps them put away the snacks.
“He had a panic attack,” he says quietly, “I couldn’t tell what the trigger was, but he exhausted himself. Just be quiet, I think it’s the most restful I’ve seen him in weeks.”
She and Lydia settle in on the loveseat with a bag of chocolate dipped pretzels, changing the channel on the TV. Isaac starts whimpering a few hours later, startling himself awake with a sobbing cry for her. Allison is up and over to him in seconds, cradling his face between her hands and stroking his cheekbones.
“Allison,” he gasps, and she gets on the couch and lets him curl into her.
“Lydia’s here,” she murmurs, scratching the base of his skull.
“Hi, hon,” Lydia calls from the loveseat, “We got you a bag of sour gummy worms.”
Isaac laughs weakly into Allison’s shirt, and when he goes to pull away she doesn’t let him, dropping a kiss to his head.
“Let us take care of you, okay? You’ve been taking care of me for months.”
Isaac takes a deep, measured breath, and nods into her shirt. Allison tilts his head up and presses their lips together.
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Static (Spideypool)
(Based on THIS PROMPT)
Peter...Peter heard everything.
Well, heard wasn't exactly the right word.
Peter felt....
Sometimes it was a physical feeling, like bugs on his skin if someone around him was uncomfortable. Sometimes it was hard to swallow, hard to breathe if he was at a crime scene and the people were terrified.
Sometimes it was the feeling of being stared at even if no one was looking, the feeling of eyes watching, and eventually Peter realized that was the feeling of anxiety, of nervous.
Before the spider, it hadn't been as bad. Peter would get the buggy feeling when May would clear her throat and try to have one of Those Talks, or he'd walk through the halls at school and brush past someone and suddenly he felt like everyone was looking.
After the spider, the feeling amplified, magnified, until Peter couldn't deny something was off, something was wrong, he was feeling too much.
Empath was the word the internet gave him. Empath, he felt what other people felt. But empath didn't seem like a big enough word, not even close.
The first time Peter pulled a little girl from a house fire, she wasn't even crying, wasn't even screaming, she was just terrified and still and Peter's muscles locked up, his legs giving out with heart stopping, core deep fear.
The day he webbed a gun out of someone's hands to stop a mugging and the baddie turned to him and shouted, Peter felt the wall of rage as if he'd ran right into it.
It was too much and empath was not a big enough word for what was happening.
Peter learned to tune most of it out. He altered his suit so he couldn't really feel anything physical in case someone touched him, wore headphones that played white noise so he wouldn't have to hear the fear in people's voices, meditated so when he got bowled over by the mental noise of someone's scattered mind, he could pull himself out of the spiral.
It was exhausting.
Peter's friends assumed he stopped hanging around because he was busy with school and work, the Avengers assumed he never came by because he wanted to do the whole lone gun slinger act, and Aunt May assumed he kept his distance because he was busy being Spider-man.
They didn't know that Peter couldn't handle Harry's anxiety or MJ's insecurity or the way Gwen worried and worried and worried. He couldn't stomach the sting of Iron Man's blase attitude because it covered so much anger, and he couldn't handle the sadness in Aunt May that had always been there before Uncle Ben passed, but after Uncle Ben, the sadness was strangling and Peter--
--god, he just couldn't handle it.
So Peter retreated away behind his mask, there and gone when he had to save someone, avoiding friends and family, lonely in his tiny apartment but unwilling to step outside and risk being overwhelmed by everything everyone in the entire goddamn world was putting out in the universe.
Empath wasn't a big enough word to cover the loneliness of feeling what everyone else felt.
Deadpool was loud and proud and obnoxious on about eight thousand different levels. He laughed and he talked and he teased and poked and prodded and got on every single on of Peter's last nerves and then managed to turn around and be sweet to kids or stop to rescue animals or to beat the hell outta someone who messed with the nice lady that owned the flower shop.
Deadpool was all over the place, talking to Peter, talking to himself, talking to the voices in his head that never seemed to let him rest. And Peter felt bad about it, but he had to wear his white noise headphones around Wade, had to tune out alot of what the Merc said, had to wear his gloves all the time to dull any accidental touches.
Peter knew Wade was just as lonely, just as touch starved as he was, but he couldn't risk the strain on his mind and emotions to open up to Deadpool. He wouldn't survive feeling the pain that skittered beneath Wade's skin every day, or the awful headaches that Wade tried to laugh off, or the way the Merc swung between manic and depressed and back again for a stop along every marker on that spectrum.
Peter knew he couldn't handle it, so even though he ached to take some of the stress from Wade, ached to share some of the burden the Merc handled every single day--
Peter kept his distance. He had to preserve his sanity, his mental health, his emotional health--
Peter kept his distance.
Wade understood, or at least he said he understood, but that didn't make it any easier to stay away when their conversations turned serious and when the night fell into morning and Peter wanted nothing more than to slide over and rest his head on Wade's shoulder. Wade must have reached for Peter's hand a hundred different times, stopping himself just short of touching and one night when they were eating, Wade reached over and wiped the crumbs from Peter's face and then froze--
"Shit, baby boy, I'm sorry. I know you can't handle being touched."
"It's fine." Peter shook his head quickly, the brush of Wade's fingers too quick to even have registered. "It's fine, don't worry about it."
"Yeah?" Wade swallowed. "My skin doesn't bother you?"
"No, it's not that." Peter took another bite of his burger. "You know, it's the empath thing. I want to be able to touch you but I--"
"I get it." Wade assured him. "Normal people set off everything in your head, someone like me would probably make your brain explode. It's alright."
"Well, I mean." Peter shrugged self consciously. "It's not. Sorta sucks that I can spend every day with you but can't get closer than this. That I wear my white noise headphones to block out everything when really I just want to--"
"You're not wearing your headphones, Pete."
"...what?" Peter felt around his head, then widened his eyes. "Oh my god, I'm not wearing my headphones."
"Nah, you dropped them when you took off your backpack." Wade motioned behind them vaguely. "I figured you decided not to wear them today. The noise isn't bothering you?"
"I um--" Peter cocked his head and frowned. "I don't hear anything. My heads just sort of... sort of staticky."
"Sounds awful."
"No." Peter put his food down and closed his eyes to listen. "No, it's wonderful. Wade, you don't understand. Usually I hear everything, or feel everything and it hurts my head but I don't hear anything right now. It's-- this is-- it's so nice."
"That's great, sweet cheeks." Wade blew the web slinger a kiss and sauntered over towards the far end of the roof to get his bag. "By the way, I bought you something at a souvenir shop yesterday. Full disclosure, it's terrible, but I thought it would make you laugh so--"
Noise rushed in and Peter cried out loud, clapping his hands over his ears. "Oh my god! Oh my--"
Rage, from someone in the apartment below, fear from the other person in the room. Laughter, eyes staring, someone watching, too close too close, someone was touching, anxiety, nervous, giddy, fear--
Peter curled over into himself and shouted, "Wade! My headphones! Please!"
"Come here, baby." Wade was suddenly back at Peter's side, wrapping both arms around him and hauling him close. "Okay I know you don't want to hear what's in my head but it should be loud enough to drown out everything else, come here."
Wade yanked Peter's gloves off and shoved his own shirt up so Peter could touch skin, then flattened his palms over Peter's ears as if it would drown out the noise.
And Peter went still immediately. 
He went still immediately and Wade waited with bated breath for the disgust, for the recoil, for Peter to look up with those beautifully wide eyes and wonder what the fuck was wrong with him.
"Oh my god, you feel good."
Okay well Wade hadn't been expecting that, nor was he expecting Peter to moan quietly and to press even closer, his fingers digging into Wade's side to clutch him tight.
"I-- I what? I what? Why are you the one talking crazy right now?” 
"You feel good." Peter hooked a foot behind Wade's knee and took him down to the roof with no effort at all, and even though Wade oophed when he hit the rooftop, he didn't have time to care much as Peter crawled up his body and straddled his chest, tucking that adorable nose right into Wade's neck.
"...Pete? What um-- what are you doing?” 
"The static is you." Peter laughed quietly and wriggled closer. "I thought I was wearing my headphones cos I couldn't hear anything, but the second you walked away, all the noise came back. The static is you."
"You're telling me I'm so damn crazy that it just translates to static when you hear it?" Wade teased and Peter pulled away to stare down at him.
"I'm telling you that you're the only person I've ever met that doesn't hurt me to be around. Whatever your mutation is, whatever you have going on-- it scrambles my senses and mutes everything else."
"All I can feel is you." Peter breathed, and he looked almost close to tears. "All I feel is you babe. Do you know how amazing that is?"
Wade ran his hands up Peter's back to tangle in the thick hair and drag him down for a much a-waited, much longed for kiss.
"Yeah, baby boy." he said hoarsely. "I sure do."
@ships-galore @ceealaina @izziebladez @cwar1864 @hausoffro @lookuplaughing @tonystarkisanangel @multishippinglife @girlnic @iam93percentstardust @water-colouredmemories @paranormalmoonlight5 @igotloki @moosette05 @wayward-student-philosopher @kaz-brekkers-gloves @atomicfandombomb @desitonystark @1fuckingshitup69 @agentlokii
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I need insight on some female-reproductive health issues I have going on.
First, I’m not asking for any sort of medical advice, simply if other people have had a similar experience or can relate. I have NO idea what’s going on, and my first appointment with my new OBGYN isn’t until the 19th. I just would like some peace of mind in the meantime I guess? Warning: I’m going to get VERY TMI and put things in a timeline.
So, a bit of backstory. I’m 26. I’ve been on birth control for over 10 years now (first the combo pill, but I had to switch due to having certain types of migraines). I’ve now been on Nexplanon (the arm implant) for almost 5 years, and yes I’ve had it replaced after the 3 year mark. Before Nexplanon, I always had heavy periods, they were regular, but rarely any PMS symptoms or cramps or anything like that. After starting Nexplanon, I only had a period about twice a year, and they were always very short and light.
Within the last yearish, I started having periods more frequently as well as PMS symptoms and cramps. They’ve now become more regular. I’ll get a period every 5 weeks now, they’re heavy, and I get terrible PMS and cramps along with them. I’ve also been having light spotting between periods too, usually around the time I’m ovulating. I realize that’s normal. However, things have become very NOT normal lately.
My last period came a week early (the standard 28 days instead of 5 weeks). It started on September 25th and ended after only 4 days and was super light compared to usual (mine usually last 5-7 days). I had one of those weird gut feelings that something wasn’t right. I ended up taking a few pregnancy tests over those days of my period just to be safe. This may seem like overkill to some, but I wanted to be absolutely sure. I took a blue dye stick test. I wasn’t sure if I saw a VERY faint 2nd blue line or it it was just my anxiety. So, I went and got that triple pack of First Response tests (pink dye, digital, and rapid result). All of them over the next few days came back negative. So I just figured everything must be fine
A week ago (1 week after my last period had started), I began having pain in my lower abdomen/pelvic area. It was a dull ache and kind of felt like I had a 10 lb rock sitting inside me. I’ve had that feeling before and it tends to go away, so I just waited it out. But then on Thursday and Friday of this week, the pain got SO much worse. I have a general dull ache in the center/left of my pelvis/lower abdomen as well as on and off sharp pains on the left side around where my ovary should be. I have a LOT of pressure too as well as spotting, on and off nausea, and an on and off low grade fever.
Yesterday (Friday) when I woke up and went to the bathroom and wiped, I had some light yellow/green discharge and a bit of pink spotting. That was the only time I’ve had that discharge. I went to urgent care, they tested me for a UTI that came back negative and said to follow up with my OBGYN and go to the ER if the pain got worse, as they were limited in what they could do for OBGYN issues. Later in the day, I started having a bit more spotting that was dark chocolate brown (sorry to make that comparison but that’s exactly what it looked like. I checked my period calendar, and based on a 28 day cycle (which my body recently decided it was going to start), this was the day I was supposed to release an egg during ovulation. I chalked it up to maybe I’m just dealing with that weird syndrome where you have spotting and some pain during ovulation.
Today (Saturday), I woke up and felt okay at first. But then as I got up and started moving around, the pain and pressure came back and it’s SO bad. It’s radiating to my lower back, hurts to move, the spotting is more to where I have to wear a pad now and is more red than brown. I’m SO bloated (which I always am to some degree, but moreso now). A few hours ago, I started getting what sort of felt like a cross between menstrual cramps and diarrhea cramps. It came in a huge wave and I immediately went to the bathroom and pooped (important because I haven’t been able to do that in days because of the pain and pressure). Felt a bit better understandably, but I’m still having more menstrual-like cramp pain in addition to the sharp pain on my left side that’s now pretty constant instead of occasional. I still feel like I have to poop, and it feels like I have an inflated water balloon on my left lower abdomen. I feel like whatever is going on down there, there’s just so much pressure that it’s pressing on my bowels and making me feel like I need to go to the bathroom when I just can’t.
I did take another pregnancy test earlier. My reasoning was if it for some reason came back positive, I might be dealing with an ectopic pregnancy. It was negative though.So now I’m stuck here wondering what stage of medical issue am I at: 1) Is my period just fucked up due to something undiagnosed like cysts or endo? 2) DO I have a cyst and that’s what’s giving me these problems? 3) (the least likely but still on my worry list) WAS I somehow pregnant and the tests came back negative because I’m going through a miscarriage now?
I don’t want to go to the ER unless I feel it’s absolutely necessary. I’ve already been twice this year for other unrelated things and know how they can be about women’s reproductive health. I’m terrified of going and them just telling me it’s IBS and an irregular period and to follow up with my OBGYN. But at the same time, I’m not sure I can wait another week and a half if this issue doesn’t start to get better. Urgent care can’t do anything. I can’t get into Planned Parenthood until AFTER my OBGYN appt is scheduled for. I may not be able to get into my primary doctor either. So I’m stuck.
Has anyone else had similar issues? What ended up being the cause? Did anything help? Currently, OTC pain meds don’t really help and I’m just in bed and only moving when I have to. I know no one can tell me with certainty what I’m dealing with, I just hate feeling confused and alone and in pain not knowing what the issue is. Thank in advance for any insight or advice or kind words.
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Sick (Todoroki x Reader) Birthday Special!
Pairing: Todoroki x Reader 
Genre: Fluff (fluffed myself into devastation again)
Summary: It’s your boyfriend’s birthday, but unfortunately you’re feeling less enthusiastic about it because you’re sick as a dog.  So what happens when the birthday boy finds out you’re in less than top condition?
Inspo: Me, myself, and I bc I was sick this past week (and I’m still not over it), and this Tik Tok bc I’m a loser.
Word count: 1,698
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ @bunnythepipsqueak​
I decided to combine a birthday special with an idea I had about a sick reader that I was going to write anyway because softboy Todo is the best Todo (besides the ones where he’s flirty but that’s different)
Don’t judge me for being on Tiktok, my cousin was showing me all the cosplayers and I was sold, the cosplayers are so talented, I’m really jealous T.T.  Not to mention there’s actually some really great fanfic fodder floating around there, so don’t be shocked if I post some others inspired by Tiktoks.  Anyway, enjoy the story!
I feel like I've been run over.
Every muscle in my body is either aching or stiff, my nose is stuffed, my throat hurts, and my body is cold and hot at the same time despite wearing flannel pajamas.  At random times last night, I woke up between whatever snipets of random dreams I can remember.
In short, I feel miserable and I've only been awake for 10 seconds.
I was hoping it wouldn't get to this point.  Two days ago, I started taking vitamin C supplements because I felt the tickling scratchiness starting up in my throat, and yesterday I was out with the Deku squad in the cold because Uraraka wanted to go to some wings place in the city in the freezing cold.  Never did I think it would escalate to this.
I blame Denki.  The idiot was coughing like a dog all over the place.
At first, I'm happy it's a Saturday and I can probably just lay in bed and sleep all day.  When I finally gather enough energy to roll over and look at my phone, I feel infinitely worse.
Fuck. It's January 11.
Today's Todoroki's birthday.  And I'm sick.  What kind of twist of fate is this?  I wanted to take him out to eat or go to an arcade or something just to spend the day with him, but it takes too much energy to get up.
I huff, guilt eating at me.  I have to do this, for my baby.  Kicking the covers off, I slowly roll up to sit at the edge of my bed, wrapping myself in my blanket and trudging to the bathroom.  The soreness in my limbs beg me to go back to bed, but I repeat the mantra, "For Shouto, it's for Shouto " to keep me going.
As soon as I see myself in the bathroom mirror I whine.  My face is so pale that my dark circles are more prominent, emphasizing my obvious lack of good sleep.  After I complete the strenuous task of brushing my teeth, I shuffle back to my bed and faceplant down at the foot side since I'm too tuckered out to get in properly.  I'll wait for Shouto to come after breakfast.  I'll just go back to sleep, I persuade myself as I drift off.  Maybe I can ask him to only spend half a day so I can come back and sleep, I'm sure he'll understand...
After some time, I'm startled out of my half slumber by a soft knock at the door.  "Love?  Are you awake?  It's me."
I smile at my precious angel's manners.  "Coming, just give me a sec."  I gather all my strength and try not to make it look like I'm dying on the inside as I open the door.
There Todoroki stands in his casual clothes, his endearing, ever-neutral face present as usual.  "Good morning.  You weren't down for breakfast, did you eat already?"
"No, not yet, I just woke up," I answer, my voice slightly hoarse.
His brows furrow.  "Did you drink any water yet at least?  They say it's good for starting your metabolism in the morning."
I shake my head.
He studies me, his heterochromatic eyes scanning me up and down in my blanket-clad state before scrutinizing my face.  "Did you sleep well last night?"
"Not really..."
He crosses his arms over his chest and steps towards me, making me take another one back.  "You know I don't like it when you don't take care of yourself.  You know what that means."  A dark aura washes over his face.
I cling to my blanket and screw my eyes shut, somewhat afraid of him when he gets like this.
A warm hand comes down on my head.  "You feel warmer than you're supposed to, the heat's radiating off of you.  Not to mention you're pale," he comments.  He removes his hand.  "Get back to bed, you're not going anywhere today."
"But it's your birthday, I wanted to spend the day with you," I cough at the end.  The muffled noise and the pain in my ears that follows males me realize my hearing is shot along with everything else wrong with me.
"We can spend the day in bed together," he argues, pushing me gently down to recline.
I groan at how stubborn he is.  "Can't we go out for half a day?  I promise I'll rest later."
"No," Todoroki dismisses tersely, refitting the blanket across my sheets.  "We can save that for tomorrow, you need rest."  He places a gentle kiss on my forehead and pauses.  "That's definitely a low to mid grade fever.  Can I trust you to stay here while I gather some supplies?"
I blink.  What.  "Yes, I'll stay put," I surrender.
After almost half an hour, Todoroki returns, awakening me from my slumber with arms full.
"What the-"  I eye the huge pot in his hands and a tote bag hanging off his arm.
He set the pot down on the floor.  "I took the liberty of making you chicken soup with some ginger for your throat.  I also brought some medicine for your fever, a box of tissues, a humidifier, some nose spray for the congestion, a bag of cough drops, a thermos of water, a carton of orange juice-"
I whine out loud like a child, feeling a huge rock of guilt on my chest.
"Is something wrong?  Are you in pain?"  His affectionate gaze flickers to me in worry.
"You're killing me, Shouto!"
He sits next to me on the bed, brushing my face with his fingertips.  "Did I do something wrong?  I'm sorry-"
"No, it's not you," I sigh.  "I just feel so bad.  Today's your birthday, and here you are taking care of me because I got sick instead of doing something fun.  I'm terrible."
His fingers brush my hair off my forehead.  "Love, it's not your fault that you're sick on my birthday-"
"Yeah, it's Kaminari's," I interject with a pout.
Todoroki chuckles.  "I'll fix him later.  I don't need anything special, I just want to spend time with you.  Besides, you being ill gives me the perfect excuse to stay by your side all day."
Warmth blooms in my chest at his loving words.  I sniff, "You're too good to me."
He kisses my forehead again.  "I'm fully expecting the same treatment if I ever get sick as repayment."
A heart-melting smile cracks across his face.  "Kidding, Love.  Just finish your soup and let me take care of you.  That's more than enough repayment."
The rest of the day passed in a comfortable blur.  Todoroki fed me soup by the bowl every few hours for my meals, made sure I drank water throughout the day, and gave me orange juice to drink.  "You need the Vitamin C to help your immune system work," he says.  All day, he wrapped us in blankets as we binge-watched shows and movies on my laptop while regulating my temperature with his quirk.  He catered to every need I had from my stuffy nose to my muffled hearing.  He even started massaging my sore muscles to ease the dull pain.  My heart couldn't feel fuller knowing he willingly nursed me back to health when he could've been doing something more fun or at least productive.
"Shouto, don't you want to at least go train today?" I ask.  "You don't have to sit here with me the whole day."
His hand around my body squeezes tighter.  "I'd rather be here with you than train."
I weakly hit his chest.  "You sound slightly obsessive."
Todoroki's cool fingers absently play with my hair, brushing my cheeks.  "If you fall asleep, I'll step out for a little so I don't bother you."
After a moment, I tilt my head up at him.  "I want to give you your gift at least.  It's in the top drawer."
Quirking an eyebrow, he gets out of bed and opens my chest of drawers.  "You didn't need to get me anything."  He pulls out a thin, black cardboard box on top.
"I'm warning you now, it's kind of stupid, but I didn't know what to get for a boy who already has everything," I admit, nervously watching him sit back next to me and open it.
Inside is a simple string bracelet with two silver balls flanking a golden Sun symbol.  Todoroki takes it out and immediately puts it on his right wrist to admire it, though his expression is blank as ever.
"I know you don't wear jewelry, but I wanted to keep it simple.  Besides, it's actually a couples set," I nod over to my bedside table.  "Mine is over there."
He surveys the mess and locks eyes with a bracelet of similar design except a silver crescent moon is in the middle.
"You get the Sun one because you're my precious sunshine boy," I chuckle before coughing to clear my throat.  "Sorry, that was really cheesy-"
Todoroki cups my face and seals my lips before I can finish.  I almost kiss him back instinctively, but I pull his hands away.  "Shouto, I'm sick-"
"Thank you."  A soft smile appears across his features and his eyes glint in affection, washing me over in warmth.  "I'll wear it every day, when I'm not training so it won't break."
Before I can respond, he tackles me in another kiss, sending my heart into a frenzy of irregular beats.  His kisses are sweet yet searing, pouring all of his love as he moves against me, clinging to my body like a lifeline.
When Todoroki finally pulls away, my head spins, but I can't miss the grin on his face as he caresses my cheek.  "I love you," he whispers.
And just like that, my heart feels squeezed again.  "You're gonna get sick."
He pecks my nose.  "At least it's from you."
I bury my face in his chest, heat rushing to my cheeks and ears.  "I love you too, you big dork."
The rise and fall of his chest and his soft touch in my hair lulls me to sleep in his arms, a smile on both of our faces.
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mymelodyheart · 4 years
Highland Destiny Chapter 6 ~Scotch & Rye, Truth or Lies~
James Fraser was looking out his office window when Laoghaire MacKenzie walked in.
"A penny for your thoughts?" she said as she came forward to hand him a cup of coffee.
Jamie turned around looking at his watch, momentarily perplexed. "Oh, good morning, thanks." He took a sip of his hot drink and decided he didn't like the taste. "Is it 8 o'clock already?" He was so deep in his thoughts that he hardly heard her come in.
"Aye. Ye're here early. Making up for some lost work hours yesterday?"
He placed the coffee on his desk and started to shuffle some papers. "I was busy somewhere else."
"I'm sure ye were. I tried to call ye several times, but ye wouldna answer. And ye were no' in the gym. We tried the station and Murtagh said ye left with a Sassenach lassie," she revealed as she sat daintily at the edge of the desk.
Jamie didn't respond. She slid on the desk to face him. "So tell me about the lassie? Is she pretty?" she asked, cocking her brow.
Before he could answer, there was a knock on the door. "I thought it was office hours. Am I disturbing something?" came a mocking voice.
Laoghaire immediately jumped off the desk and was about to admonish the intruder when Jamie waved her to go.
"Tommy! What can I do for you?" Jamie gestured for him to a seat.
Tom Christie walked in, but he didn't bother to sit down.
"Fraser, I'll get to the point. I dinna ken what ye're up tae with the Beauchamp lassie, but I'm here to give ye a word of caution. Treat her right. She's no' like the lassies ye're typically after. If ye plan to fuck her 'bout, here's news for ye...there's plenty more in the sea ye can do that tae. I'm sure ye'll have no bother finding one. Her best mate Joe works in the Infirmary, and I know him. He has only got good words about her. Treat her right Fraser, don't mess her 'bout."
Jamie listened, his face impassive waiting for Tom to finish his diatribe. "Anything else, Tommy?"
"Yes...fuck ye, James Fraser, fuck ye!" Then Tom Christie left the office almost bumping into an eavesdropping Laoghaire.
Not long after Tom Christie left, James Fraser gathered his keys and sports bag and headed out, and stopping by Laoghaire's desk, he said, "I'm out for today. If there are any problems, go see Rupert."
Claire Beauchamp was awoken by a sound of door closing. She raised her head and looked around grimacing as a wave of sharp pain in the head engulfed her, not to mention the throbbing, dull ache between her thighs. She was parched, and her mouth felt like cotton wool. As she adjusted her eyes to the morning light, memories from the previous night came flooding back. She groaned.  Oh, bleeding, pickles!
Despite having a massive hangover, she remembered everything that happened, and her face heated simultaneously at the thought. After Jamie had taken her to bed, she had fallen asleep immediately curled up in his arms to the sound of his Gaelic mutterings. Sometime during the night, they made love twice more. Jamie was insatiable, and even in her drunken stupor, he was able to rouse her, and she responded with unbridled passion.
She compared Frank's and Jamie's lovemaking. While Frank was skilled, sophisticated and refined in the art of love, Jamie was more primal, uninhibited and hedonistic. At this thought, Claire shook her head at the comparison, scolding herself for doing so.  But where is Jamie?   She looked around for a note, and she found none. She slapped her head and thought,  Bloomin' heck, I'm such a damn fool.
Then her bedroom door opened, and Jamie's head popped in. "Sassenach, are ye awake?" 
"Oh! I heard the door closed and I thought you left." Embarrassed, Claire slid under the duvet and pulled the covers up to her neck.
He smiled. "I was out and took ye're keys with me so I can let myself in. May I come in?" He held up a brown paper bag. "I have something for ye."
"Oh! Yes, do come in. I mean, of course, you may. Don't be daft." She patted the bed beside her. "So what's in the bag?" Claire noticed he had changed into fresh clothes and wondered if he had been home. Admiring the sight of him, she thought he looked handsome in his black turtle-neck and black jeans. She touched her hair absently.   Oh Christ, I probably look like a poodle.
Jamie walked over and leaned down to kiss her lingeringly on the lips. As he pulled away slightly, he stared into her eyes for a moment with his intense blue before breaking into a smile. "Good morning Sassenach," he said softly.
"Oh...good morning. Good lord, are you always this chipper in the morning?"
"Mmm, not always depends on the company." He blinked his eyes as though he was winking. He reminded Claire of a sizeable red owl.
He sat on the side of the bed, brought out his offerings and placed them on the bedside table. There were coffees, bottled waters, a couple of croissants and a miniature bottle of Frisealach Whisky. 
"Jamie, you can't be serious!" she exclaimed after seeing the whisky.
"It's called the hair of the dog." He poured the alcohol into the coffee and handed into Claire. "Here, Sassenach drink this. It will get rid of your hangover."
"Don't you think paracetamol would do the trick?" She asked as she eyed the cup dubiously, pulling the bed cover higher above her breast.  
"Trust me Sassenach, this will help."
"Alright then but first, can you please hand over my robe so I can sit up properly."
Jamie grinned. "What do ye need the robe for? Ye look fine the way ye are." Attempting to pull down the sheet from her grasp, he added, "Besides, I've seen them before, Sassenach, and I think they're awesome."
Blushing, she ignored the remark and pulled the bedding higher. "Here, give me the coffee." Taking the cup from Jamie, she took a sip of the hot liquid and smiled. "Mmmm, it's not bad at all. And I'll have a croissant too, please." She realised she was starving.
Jamie handed the croissant and held her coffee while she ate. "So, how are ye feeling?" It amused him that Claire didn't realise the sides of her mouth was covered in pastry flakes and was astonished at how quick she wolfed it down.
"Oh, God, I must look terrible," she started in between big bites. "I woke up feeling like I have been run over by a truck!" Realising what she just said, her face turned crimson. "Oh, no...I don't mean you!" Mortified, her face turned into a darker shade of crimson. "Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ! What I meant to say is, it was the whisky... my head was pounding when I woke up. But this...," she raised the coffee cup, "...you are right. I feel slightly better. And that croissant was heaven." Eyeing the other croissant, she added, "Are you having that?" 
Jamie laughed, handing her another. "I've never seen a woman eat with sae much gusto. I like that. And ye don't look terrible at all...ye look even more beautiful in the morning."
"Hmmm...I didn't realise I was so hungry until I drank...what do you call it again...the hair of the dog? And as for your comment on the way I look, I think you are still intoxicated. Mmmm, this is so good," she said, taking a big bite of the pastry.
"No, I'm not intoxicated at all, Sassenach. I went for a run early this morning. I must have sweated the alcohol off, I suppose. And then I went to work to sort out some papers, and now I'm here."
"Good lord, did you sleep at all?"
Grinning, he replied, "Nah, you wouldna let me sleep." 
Claire coughed in between a mouthful of croissant and coffee, sputtering, she asked, "So what exactly do you do? You never mentioned your day job before."
Jamie cleared his throat, "I work in the administration for Frisealach; hence, I was able to smuggle the whiskies last night." Changing the subject quickly, he offered the second cup of coffee to her.
She shook her head. "No thanks, that'll do."
"Feeling better?"
She nodded, smiling. "Much better."
Jamie chuckled, as he watched her down the last of her coffee and took a swig from the bottled water. "Wow, that was quick! Now it's my turn." He stood up abruptly, making Claire jump.
"Your turn for wot?"
He grinned at her. "My turn for breakfast."
"Oh!" She looked at the empty paper bag. "Sorry, I ate your share. Here, I'll go check in the kitchen..." Before Claire could get out of bed, Jamie had taken his top off already and thrown it on the floor. "Wot!? Jamie, what in heaven's name are you doing?" To her embarrassment, she saw several bite marks on his chest and neck as he took off his shirt.  No bloody wonder he was wearing a turtle neck!
Pulling down his jeans and boxer shorts, he announced, "I'm ravenous. I want my breakfast."
"Jamie, you're crazy!" Her eyes widened when Jamie discarded the last of his clothing. Seeing him stark naked in daylight was something else. He looked like a statue of some Norse Viking that came alive and was ready to claim his plunder. Her eyes travelled down to his lower torso and rested on his growing arousal, making the corpuscles in her vein run riot.   O'Hail Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners.
"And ye Sassenach, ye look delicious enough to eat," he said grinning. He got into bed and yanked the cover off she held securely around her, making her yelp.
"Oh no, you don't, I still feel sore from last night!" She was trying to reach out for the last vestige of her modesty, but he wouldn't let her.
"Aye? I promise to be verra gentle, and I promise to make it better," he coaxed, coming closer and grabbing her by the hips. Noticing her eyes were on the bite marks on his shoulder, he added, "And ye can bite me some more, ye vixen..."
"Jamie!" He was licking off the pastry flakes on the sides of her mouth as he gently pushed her on to her back.  Oh lordy, lordy!   
"Mmmm, ye taste yum, Sassenach." he murmured, smiling as he traced the outline of her lips with his tongue while his thumb did the same on her nipples. Then he raised his head and shifted to his side to glance at her naked body. "Mouthwatering, scrumptious, luscious, yum, " he whispered before lowering his head for a kiss.
She made unintelligible sounds as her fingers dug into his shoulders. "Jamie!"
His lips travelled down her throat as one hand slipped under her arse for a fondle. "Hmmm? Tell me, Sassenach, where is it sore, and I'll kiss it better for ye," he whispered.
Claire didn't say another word as she wrapped her arms around Jamie's neck and did some tasting of her own.  You taste yummy too, carrot top!
Lying together afterwards, basking in the glow of the aftermath of their lovemaking, Jamie cradled Claire's head on his chest. "Sassenach?"
"Mmmm?" Her fingers were doing an exploration of their own on his abdomen.
"I meant to tell ye, ye were wonderful last night."
She smiled. "Me or the sex?"
He turned to face her, smoothing the curls behind her ears. "Sex was mind-blowing, but that's no what I meant. What I was meaning to say is, I had a fabulous time, truly. Ye made me laugh, and ye're truly a wonder. I've never met anyone like ye. Did ye enjoy it too, Mo Nighean Donn?"
"Yes, Jamie, I did. What is Mo Nighean Donn?"
"It means my brown-haired lass." He raised one of her locks and twisted it around it in his fingers. After a long pause, he continued. "It's true I had other women before ye, but with ye it's different. Even after I've just left you shortly this morning after making love, all I can think of is coming back to you."
Claire tried not to laugh, but she could hardly stifle a giggle. "Jaime, that's lust. It means you're a very horny laddie."
He chuckled. "Och Sassenach, I'm finding it challenging already to find the right words and here ye are mocking me. What I'm trying to say is, I've never wanted a woman as much as I wanted ye. When I first laid eyes on ye, I knew I wanted ye. Do ye think that's usual?
After giving it much thought, she answered. "I don't know. Maybe it is or perhaps not. But what I can tell you is this, I've never done this before. Yes, I've been on dates before I met my husband, and after my husband died but I've never slept with anyone on the first date. And last night wasn't really a date was it? And even if it was, then you're the first I've slept with on the first date."
Jaime's arms tightened around her. " Hmm...I dinna like it one bit when ye talk of other men before me."
"Well, you started it! You did mention there were other women before me." She pinched him on the arm.
"Let's forget about it then, Sassenach but whatever this is, I would verra much like to happen again."
"What do you think this is Jaime? Us...now?"
"I dinna ken, but I intend to find out." Jaime lifted Claire on top of him and made love to her all over again,
The next three days went by in a blur. Work was hectic, but Claire enjoyed her new role in the world of medical service. Although it was not Neuroscience, the novelty of being in a different environment that didn't resemble a hospital ward was exhilarating. She quickly made new friends and have grown accustomed to her colleagues' humour and constant banter.  Boys will be boys , after all, she often thought. She learned, to her astonishment that Murtagh was Jaime's god-father, and soon found out that behind the grumpy, cantankerous exterior, he was really a softy at heart. The boys at work often teased him about finding a woman to soften his bearing, to which he would reply with a scowl.
And as for Jaimie, he was a continuous presence that hovered ever since. He was attentive, thoughtful and caring as expected of any normal boyfriend. Whether he was really her boyfriend or not, the subject was never broached. He insisted taking her to and picking her up from work every day, even when her car was returned. He practically lived in the cottage and stayed every night, often cooking for them both when he finished work. Claire sometimes wondered what exactly they were as they never made a public display of their relationship. The longest and only serious relationship she ever had was with Frank, so Claire felt like a novice when it came to the matter of the heart. With so many things occurring, there was little time to ponder. It was less than a week since she arrived, but Claire felt so much have happened already in such a short period of time. It felt like she was caught in some whirlwind that wouldn't let up.
Friday night came, and she met up with Geillis in the Scotch & Rye Pub. It was her first night without Jamie, and although they've only known each other less than a week, it felt odd not to be with him. Nevertheless, it was a welcome change and a chance to enjoy the local culture. 
Instead of waiting for Jamie to drop her off in town, she left with a cab before he could arrive at the cottage, leaving him a note, "See you later."
Geillis and Claire were sat at the bar, enjoying a dinner of Fish & Chips, and after a couple of wine and general chit-chat, Geillis finally blurted the question Claire was dreading and expecting.
"So tell me...ye were wi' a laddie the night ah first called ye. What was that all about? Don't ye dare deny it, Claire Beauchamp, ah ken ye! And ye didne call the followin' day either which was highly unusual. It must hae been a good night."
Claire laughed. "Oh God Geillis, I knew this question will eventually pop up. I suppose there's no avoiding it." She paused and took a deep breath. "Well, there is a lad, of course. His name is Jamie. We met on Monday, we made love that night, and he's basically been...well... sort of living under my roof since then."
Geillis eyes widened, and her hand went to her mouth, "Och Claire...ye bloody tart! It must hae somethin' tae dae with the highland air. The Claire ah ken would hae never dain such a thing."
They were both laughing. 
"Oh God! I know, it's just that one thing led to another. What can I say? "
"The laddie must be bonnie for ye tae jump in the sack wi' him on the first night. So what is he like an' what does he dae?"
"Well, he is bonnie for sure and incredibly sexy." Claire blushed profusely much to her friend's amusement. "He's kind, charming, a notorious flirt, well at least with me. I do wonder if he flirts with other girls. As for his job, he is quite evasive about it. To be honest, we're still in the getting-to-know-each-other phase...well with sex thrown in, of course."
Geillis cheek dimpled. "Weel, Claire, you're nae slack in the looks department sae don't sell yerself short. The laddie must be smitten wi' ye. Look at ye, you're only dressed in jeans an' jumper tonight, nae a smidgen of makeup an' every laddie was lookin' at ye when ye walked in." With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, she added, "As for sex, it must be good, eh? Ah thought somethin' was different about ye. At first, ah thought it must be the highland air. It must hae to dae with all the sex you're gettin'. Ah ken the look of lassie that's been weel bedded."
"Oh good God, am I going to get this all evening with you. Geillis Duncan, you are one impossible woman!"
As they sat there giggling, a party of twenty people walked in. A few from the group stopped by to chat with Geillis, and as she was making introductions, Claire heard Jamie's voice from behind her. "Sassenach, I thought it was you." As she turned around, she was met with a resounding kiss on the cheek.
"Jamie, what a pleasant surprise. Sorry, I left before you could arrive...I knew you were at work and I took a cab in case I have a bit too much to drink. What are you doing here?"
"Och don't worry Sassenach. I'm with people from work," he pointed with his thumb to the group of people pushing tables together at the back. Then he looked past Claire. "Geillis! I had no idea that you're friends with Claire. How are ye?" Jamie leaned to her for a hug.
Geillis raised her eyebrows at Claire and grinned. Turning to Jamie, she said, "Weel, weel look at we hae here, it's the wee fox cub. 'Am daein' great an' how about ye? Ay 'course, ye wouldnae hae known am friends wi' Claire...both of ye met only recently." She winked, her cheeks dimpling.
"Oh, you know each other," said Claire somewhat confuse.
"Aye Sassenach, her parents are neighbours with my Uncle Dougal and Aunt Maura from Leoch. As a young lad, I spent my summers with them learning how to ride a horse and taking care of the stables. And Geillis was a proper witch then...she used to throw apples at us and do all sorts of mad stuff to annoy my cousins and me."
Geillis laughed heartily at the memory. "Och, Ah was only causin' some stramash so Jamie's uncle Douggie would come out. Ah used tae fancy the pants off him. He was one big, right lookin' laddie...just like our Jamie here."
"Oh yes, I remember Leoch. I came with you once for Easter weekend." Claire added, looking at Geillis. " So, Jamie, are you joining us?"
"No, I'll let ye girls catch up. I will be over there with the lads." Turning to Claire, he whispered, "See you later?" She nodded.
He left a few pound notes on the bar and signalled the bartender a round of drinks for the girls.
Claire looked over to the table where Jamie headed to. The lads he mentioned included a few lassies.  They must all be from work , she thought.
After Jamie left, Geillis gave her a wide-eyed look and slapped Claire on the hand. "Claire! So that's the Jamie - The Jamie Fraser! Ye never mentioned Fraser. Ye clever boots! Every hen must hate ye now for baggin' the most eligible bachelor in the country."
"Wot? I don't know what you're talking about?"
"What dae ye mean ye don't ken what am talkin' about? Don't ye ken who you're sleepin' wi'?? Christ Claire, don't ye read the news?"
Claire shook her head. "Bloody hell Geillis, out with it for fuck sake. No, I don't know what you're talking about! Who is Jamie Fraser?"
"Oh my God, ye really don't ken. The man ye're sleepin' wi' is James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser. He is a business magnate. He owns Frisealach Distellery, My Peak Gym franchise, several horse ridin' schools across the highlands an' he bought his uncle Jared's vineyard in France not tae long ago," Geillis explained in an exasperated tone.
"James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser? I know the name. I know Frisealach, but I thought the owner was an old man. Oh, why do you think he didn't tell me? Not that it would have mattered. I knew he was a part-time firefighter and had a day job at Frisealach. I mean I like him and what he does for a living is irrelevant." Claire was rambling at this point, trying to remember the little details of their short time together. Then she remembered how he never liked to talk about his job. He always spoke of other things but not what he did for a living. 
"Claire, pet, he must hae a good reason. Mebbe he didne tell ye coz he thought ye might treat him differently. Besides, ye said sae yerself, you're still gettin' tae ken each other. Am sure he would tell ye eventually. Ah think Jamie more than likes ye, Claire. He keeps lookin' our way. Sae 'that must mean somethin'. Dae ye hae feelings fur him?"
Claire looked at the mirror on the bar wall, and she can see the reflection of the group Jamie came with. And she also saw a beautiful girl leaning towards him, but he seemed oblivious. When she saw Jamie glanced toward them, she quickly averted her eyes.
"I don't know Geillis. Everything is happening so fast. Ever since I've arrived, it's just one thing after another. The fire at St. Agnes, for instance, then Jamie...to be honest, I haven't had time to even think what I really feel. Sure Jamie is great, and sex is....well that's just another whole different category. Just don't mention to Jaimie I know, ok? I suppose he will tell me on his own time" Claire paused deep in thoughts and after a moment, she said. "Listen, I'll be right back, I need to go to the loo."
"Ye alright, Claire?"
"Yeah, I'm good." She smiled at her friend as an assurance. "It's not every day you find out you're sleeping with a millionaire."
Claire stood up and headed for the toilet, unaware of the many stares that followed her.
Claire looked at herself in the mirror. Her face was flushed from the wine she drank and perhaps from the body heats emanating from the pub. She took big deep breaths and took out a lip balm from her handbag.
"Ye must be the Sassenach everyone is talking about."
Claire looked up to the mirror and saw a pretty girl standing next to her. She had beautiful long blonde hair and wore a grey suit that was probably one size too small for her and had plenty of makeup on.
"Oh, really? I wouldn't know," she said as she applied lip balm on her chapped lips while watching the girl put on a thick lashing of red lipstick.
"I saw Jamie talking to ye. You must ken him well."
"And what is it to you?"
Laoghaire was stunned for a moment. She didn't quite know how to take the Sassenach.
"Weel what I mean to say is, whatever he has for ye, it will pass. He and I go a long way back. Ye're just a Sassenach here...ye're new, so everyone is bound to be intrigued, including Jamie. So don't get yer hopes up."
Claire turned to face the girl. "Umm...what is your name again?"
"Laoghaire." She replied, her red lips breaking into a menacing smile.
"Laoghaire...beautiful name Laoghaire." Smiling sweetly, Claire extended her hand. "I'm Claire. Dr Claire Beauchamp. As a doctor, I have a moral obligation to diagnose and treat patients if I see fit. From my point of observation, I think you might have a debilitating condition. I understand that I may not be your cup of tea but please, allow me to impart to you that I can see something is wrong here. At first glance, my prognosis is, you need to have your head examined." Claire paused, making waving motions in the direction of the girl's head. "I might have an idea what might be inflicting you, but I don't want to get ahead of myself. But if I am right, don't worry, your condition isn't contagious...it's a disease that's usually inherent to a person. If this symptom you have now continues to persist..." Claire took out a card from her handbag and placed in front of Laoghaire. "... please give me a call, and I'll see what I can do. Meanwhile, I am off duty, so I wish you a lovely evening." 
With that, Claire turned around, leaving an open-mouthed Laoghaire staring after her.
Eat my shorts, blondie, or stuff it where the sun doesn't shine!
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sadchappuccino · 5 years
Use That Tone
Pairing: Peter Parker(18+) x reader
Warnings: SMUT, dom/sub, cuffing, oral(female receiving), praise kink, dirty talk, unprotected sex (don’t be a fool cover your tool), overstimulation, subspace
Request: by @loxbbg , NOT MY IDEA but I really like it :Peter thinking it's hot when you get sarcastic. Literally all day your being sarcastic with everyone cuz your in a mood and he literally is walking around with a huge hardon. When yall get home and you give him sass, hes pinning you up against the door and whispering in your ear, "try using that tone with me and I'll fuck you till you cant think straight" and reader saying “I’d like to see you try Parker”
A/n: normally I would’ve done a summary but the request tell everything.
Your grunts could be heard through the entire compound, you were hitting a punchingnag like there was no tomorrow. “Wow y/n, you could take a break you know” Tony said, you didn’t listen to him though you continued hitting the bag, “Sure why don’t I just take a break for the next few years, you know let crime take it’s merry way” you rolled your eyes.
“Wow, didn’t expect you to be sarcastic like that” Tony laughed. “I guess I’m a whole new person today” you joked, for some reason you just felt sarcastic today. Like the only things your brain could formulate were witty responses.
You hit the bag with one powerful punch and it swung around the room. “Now I’m done” you smiled at Tony. “Well that’s perfect because we were going to eat dinner” he said to you, “you can shower after it”
“Okay I’m coming” you wiped some sweat off of your forehead with a towel before you followed Tony to the common room where chinese was placed on the table. Everyone was sitting around the table eating their food and laughter was everywhere.
“Wow y/n, nice outfit” Sam joked, he was talking about the sports bra and leggings in which you normally work out in. “Thanks bird brain, but you’re too old for me” you winked while you sat down next to your boyfriend Peter. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of your body, if you looked close you could still see some marks from last night on your skin, but you had covered it with a layer of make-up.
“Hey Pete” you pecked his cheek and soon a crimson colour was spread over his face. “Aw that’s cute” you poked his cheek, totally oblivious of the boner Peter was desperately trying to hide. “I- uhm- thanks?” Peter didn’t know what to say, he was too infuriated with your body to notice that everyone was staring at him.
“Y/n it looks like you broke Peter” Clint snickered, “Nah Peter is the one who breaks me most of the times” you laughed slightly. The colour of Peter’s face became even redder.
“Really? tell me more” Clint laughed, “How much I would looove to do that” you said clearly sarcastic, “I won’t”
“Ah you’re a party pooper”
Peter kept quiet during the exchange, he was still looking at your perfect body. His eyes were focused on the fabric that was keeping him from seeing your entire chest bare for him. His hand gripped your tigh, it was a way of showing you that he needed you.
“Well I think Peter and I are going home” you said kindly to the rest. “Why so soon?” Bucky furrowed his eyebrows. “Because we hate everyone here” you winked at him, “because I am tired and I need a shower” you explained to them.
Everyone bid their goodbyes and Peter and you took a cab home, the moment you walked into your shared apartment Peter pinned you to the wall and attacked you neck. He held your hands above your head so you couldn’t do anything.
“Peter? What are you doing?” You asked him, it took all your willpower not to moan right there, “Are you a vampire” you snickered slightly at the terrible joke you made.
“try using that tone with me again and I'll fuck you till you cant think straight” he growled against your skin and you felt your knees turn weak by it. “I’d like to see you try Parker” you knew that if you would continue being snarky that you wouldn’t be able to walk straight for days, so that’s what you did, trying to stay sarcastic as your boyfriend made you a mess.
“What did I just say” he raised his eyebrows and stared at you with a glare filled with lust. “I don’t know maybe you should refresh my mind” you dared him. Peter smirked at you before he picked you up and threw you on the bed. “You are going to regret that darling” he warned you. He grabbed a tie out of the closet and tied your hands to the headboard. It was tight but not tight enough to hurt you.
“Now let’s start” he ripped your bra to pieces and discarded it somewhere on the floor. He then pulled your leggings and panties off so that you were bare in front of him.
His faced inched closer to your pussy and he took one bold stripe. “Fuck Peter~” you cursed. He started sucking on your bundle, you felt his curls near you and it drove you crazy. You tried to suppress your moans, but it was hard since Peter’s tongue was flicking your clit. “Be a good girl and don’t hold in those moans” he said to you. “O- Okay” you started to move your hips, grinding against Peter’s face but his hands pinned your hips still. “Don’t move baby” he ordered and you nodded your head like crazy. “I need your words” Peter hummed against your pussy. “Yes Pete” you said in between moans. “Good girl” he said letting another wave of pleasure hit you.
He continued his actions only Peter’s tongue started to go inside you. He twirled his tongue and pumped it in and out of you, it wasn’t long untill you needed your release, “Peter~ Can I cum?” you asked him. “Cum all over me baby” those words drove you over the edge and you let the pleasure hit you. Your walls tightened around Peter’s tongue before you came. You were waiting for Peter to leave your body so that he wouldn’t be covered in your juices, but you noticed that he didn’t want to move since he was cleaning you up woth his mouth.
He moved up from between your thighs and you couldn’t see his chin glinting with your cum.
“Oh my god Peter” you said. “I’m not done yet baby girl” you shivered by those words. Peter unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants to the floor. He pulled off his shirt leaving him soley in his boxers. He lowered his underwear showing you his erect cock.
“God you’re beautiful” Peter sighed before he planted himself between your thighs. He placed one of your legs on his shoulder so he would have better entrance and without a warning he pushed himself inside you, it was fairly easy since you were incredibly wet at the moment. Your walls were streching by the big cock that entered you. Your mind became hazy by all the pleasure you were getting.
“Awh Peter~” He pouned into you, hitting all the right spots. “I- I can’t last long” You groaned. “Come one baby, a little longer” Peter said. His thrusts had a steady pace, they were strong and deep, filling you up to the brim.
“O-Okay” you said in between moans. Peter thrusted a couple more times “you can cum now baby” Peter cooed to you. You came with screams of Peter’s name as he made one more deep thrust into you.
You were a painting mess, you had so much pleasure that you didn’t even notice that Peter released you from the headboard and turned you around on your knees. “Now we aren’t done yet” Peter whispered in your ear, “And this time you can cum whenever you want, but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop. Now remember your safe word?” He asked you at which you muttered a ‘yes’, “Perfect let’s start” he smiled.
He placed his tip at your entrance and he slipped in you again, your wetness returned fastly as he started moving in you. Your lubrication enlargend by the second as Peter’s pelvis met your behind. He pulled back before he slammed in you again. Peter grinded his hips and soon you were moaning again.
After a while you lost count of how many times you came, but you were sure it was a lot and you didn’t know if you could take it any longer. Peter made one last deep thrust before he came inside you.
Your body went limp as he pulled out of you, there was a veil cloaked over you. You laid on the bed in a sexual euphoria. You heard soft mumbles of Peter’s voice, but you couldn’t quite place it. You felt the faint touches of him stroking your hair. “Come back to me baby” you barely heard him say, “You did so good gorgeous” Peter peppered your shoulder with kisses making you slowly gain conscious. “Pete?” You rubbed your eyes to get the blurry spots away.
“You went out for a while” Peter said to you his voice was soft. “Mhm” you hummed. You snuggled closer to his body and Peter wrapped his arms around you. Your legs were intertwined as you fell into a deep slumber.
The next morning you woke up with a dull pain between your legs and sore spots on your wrists. You looked to your side to see that Peter was gone. You stood up and hobbled to the closet to grab one of Oeter’s shirts and a pair of panties. You walked to the kitchen with a limb in your step and sure enough Peter stood there in all his glory. He wore grey sweatpants with no shirt. You could still see that after-sex-sweat on his skin.
You wrapped your arms around his waist and hugged him close. “Goodmorning beautiful” Peter smiled, “Are you feeling okay? I might’ve taken it a bit too far yesterday” he apologized. “I’m perfer Pete, just an ache in between my legs” you laughed, “And don’t apologize I like it a lot”
“Well I’m glad that you liked it because I am planning to do that more often” he turned around so that he was facing you, your arms never left his body, “Are you sure that you’re okay, though? I mean you passed out yesterday” he grabbed your cheek and stroked his thumb over your cheek. “I went into the subspace Pete” you snickered, “I thought you would know what that was based on last night” you joked.
Peter pursed his lips, “I thought you knew what happens when you use that tone on me” he raises his eyebrows. “Maybe I need soem refreshment” you dared him. “Whatever you say darling” he attacked your sides with his fingers, tickling you. “This- is- not what- I meant” you said in between giggles. “Well then you should’ve specified” He smirked before he captured your lips in a loving kiss.
Permanent taglist: @loxbbg
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breakfastteatime · 4 years
FFXV Mini-fic - Dreams and Migraines
Wow, it has been WAY too long since I posted a mini-fic my friends. As promised, based off the migraine I’ve had since yesterday, with a healthy dash of the Omen trailer thrown in for good measure ;)
I’ll update the mini fic overview post tomorrow.
Hope you all enjoy the story :)
Today wasn't going Noctis' way and it wasn’t even six in the morning. He'd woken up with a nasty headache, one he’d hoped to sleep off overnight. Instead, he was nauseous, dizzy and sweating, his pyjamas glued to him. He could hardly keep his eyes open; not because he was so tired but because it hurt too much. Migraine, intensified by last night's unwelcome nightmare. The dregs of it clung to him, swirling fire and echoing screams refusing to let go. Pain bolted across his skull, his stomach churning like he was on rough seas. Noctis pushed himself upright, knowing he needed to move before he threw up. He staggered out of his bedroom and into the bathroom just in time to be violently sick.
"Shit," he gasped, body trembling. He didn’t try getting up. He knew he wasn’t finished. Besides, his legs definitely wouldn’t hold him.
He pressed his burning face to the cold bathroom tiles. What was with that nightmare? It was the same one, coming back as it did a couple of times a year. The finer details always slipped away, leaving pain and sickness in their wake, and a soul-deep sense that something was very, very wrong. He closed his eyes, trying to drag something out of his memory. Running. Darkness. Fire. Screaming. Fighting.
His stomach went for another round. When it was over, he carefully pulled himself up, flushed the toilet and washed out his mouth. He splashed cold water over his face, relishing the brief lull in pain. He glanced at himself in the mirror, noticing how drained and worn he looked. No way was he gonna get this past Ignis when he arrived. Just as there was no way Noctis would be making it out of his apartment today.
Same old excuse, then. Just a migraine. Nothing to be done about it but take pills and go back to bed.
Ignis did not know about the nightmare. No one did. That was for Noctis to know. He didn’t need to share everything. Besides, what could he tell anyone? He didn’t remember enough. All he had were fleeting impressions of a fight. A terrible one.
Shivering, Noctis edged out of the bathroom. He leaned against the wall, his head still so dizzy he couldn’t manage a straight line. He needed water and meds, but he also needed to lie down. Pain set off chain reactions in his head with every step he took. The light pouring in from his apartment’s windows stabbed into him. He groaned, hand coming up to block out the –
– Surrounded in a warehouse. Soldiers on every side, their weapons raised. Ready to shoot.
Him, daggers in hand, ready to fight. Body aching like he’d already fought off an entire army single-handedly.
Kill them all before –
Noctis jolted out of his thoughts, only to send more pain and nausea cascading through him. He slid to his knees, heart pounding. He forced himself to breathe slowly, carefully. He’d be sick again if he didn’t. He pressed a shaking hand to his aching head.
What the hell was that?
He’d never remembered so much of it before.
Before he could stand, he heard the unmistakable sound of Ignis’ arrival. Swearing softly, Noctis dragged himself to his unwilling feet and resumed his light-headed stagger into the main living area.
“Good morning, Noct, I’ve brought –” Ignis’ voice died off when Noctis stumbled into view. He was at Noctis’ side so fast, Noctis wondered if Ignis had found a way to warp. “You’re burning up. Have you been sick? Talk to me.” Ignis’ hands closed around Noctis’ shoulders. “Is it a migraine?”
Noctis nearly wept for joy. Trust Ignis to get to the heart of the issue. Well, almost. Even with the fresh recall still playing out in his head, Noctis wasn’t sharing the nightmare. “Yeah,” he whispered. Even talking sent pain lurching through his entire skull. “Bad one.” Worst ever, actually. He had to close his eyes. “Trying to get meds.”
“Back to bed for now.” Ignis spoke softly, his hands gently guiding Noctis back the way he’d come. “I’ll bring the meds. Just lie down.”
They moved slowly, Noctis not caring if his head leaned against Ignis’ shoulder. Back in his bedroom, Noctis carefully lowered himself back into bed.
“I’ll just be a few moments,” Ignis said, keeping his voice low.
Noctis said nothing, just closed his eyes and let his mind wander. The dream wanted to tell him something. It had been trying for a very, very long time. At last, he had part of it. Niflheim soldiers surrounding him. It was a warning, he knew it. Something else felt different about the nightmare, and not just because he could remember a snippet of it. It felt closer, somehow, like maybe it wasn’t so far off in the future is it had once been –
“Noct? Are you still awake?”
Releasing a breath, Noctis opened his eyes as much as he dared. “Yeah.”
“I have water and medicine.”
“Life saver,” Noctis said. He took the offered water and pills, downed both, and settled back against his pillows. “Sorry. I know you had plans today.”
“It’s quite alright,” Ignis said, still speaking softly. “I’ll just fetch a cold compress.”
Noctis drifted for a few moments, reaching in vain for more of the dream. What use was it if he couldn’t find out what it wanted him to know? It was no good; nothing else came back to him. The nightmare danced out of reach again. Sighing, he pressed his hands to his head, massaging his temples. Whatever. The nightmare would come back in its own sweet time, and maybe then it’d finally stick around long enough for him to do something with it.
Ignis returned and put an icy cold compress over Noctis’ forehead. He sighed in relief, the chill and the medicine working together to dull his pain.
“Try to get some sleep,” Ignis said. Noctis felt the mattress dip as Ignis sat next to him. “Hopefully you’ll feel better afterwards.”
“Mmm, thanks,” Noctis mumbled. He rolled onto his good side.
He felt Ignis’ hand land on his head, gently carding through his hair. It felt so good, so soothing. He couldn’t stop a soft sigh escaping him.
“I’ll be here when you wake up,” Ignis said. “You’ll feel better then, I’m certain.”
Moments later, Noctis was fast asleep, too comfortable to care that sleep might bring another dose of the nightmare.
Ignis watched Noctis drift off. Pain faded from his face as he relaxed, breathing slowing and deepening. Ignis’ hand slid from Noctis’ hair to the back of his neck. No fever. He’d obviously been flushed from the headache and the sickness. Migraines weren’t too frequent for Noctis, but when they came, they tended to do so with a bang. Ignis frequently wondered if there was more to them; he could never be completely sure with Noctis. Nothing was simple where Lucian Royalty was concerned.
Reaching for his phone, Ignis typed out two quick messages: one to tell Gladio not to expect Noctis for today’s training session, and the other to ask Prompto to forward any relevant schoolwork. After that, he cancelled his own appointments. He couldn’t leave Noctis today. Instead, he retreated to the kitchen briefly for an Ebony and to grab his reports. Then he returned to Noctis’ dark, quiet room, put a chair by the curtains so he had enough light to read by, and kept a close eye on his friend.
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I won’t lie to you all, I haven’t been able to write lately, and not because of time or lack of...but because I haven’t felt it, or had any idea how to restart. 
It’s been a weird 2 months since I’ve stopped, but tonight, I hit that mood again. Granted, I didn’t work on Give Me a Try (sorry), but I wanted to write something to get out the bugs and dust off the rust so I wouldn’t screw anything up. I do  not want my stale ass writing a boring or dull chapter to give you after so long. 
So I wrote a super smutty, short little blurb. Just to get back in the groove.  Read if you’d like, if you need a fix lol. I feel better now, and as I was typing this (it took like 4 or 5 hours *eyeroll*) I felt the kinks being worked out and my ability creeping back.
Anyway...here’s a fun little self-given prompt. 
You don’t like Taron’s cooking, you’d much prefer tastier things ;)
I can’t wait to get home, I’ve been working so much, it feels like I live there. Always in the studio, sometimes on a live set, it’s practically my life these days. I can’t complain too much, it’s never permanent, but it lasts long enough at times to exhaust me.
The drive is a blur, you know the kind where you zone out and arrive and don’t have a clue how you made it? That’s me today. The shoot is almost over, mostly small reshoots and pick up scenes, so the days are shorter.
My stomach is rumbling, I forgot when I ate last, I think it was a bagel this morning, or was that yesterday? Either way, I needed something in my belly. Taron and I take turns cooking most days, he cooks a lot when I’m on a job, and vice versa.
The smell wafted through the house as I entered the door, I wasn’t sure exactly what it was, he likes to try new and exotic things pretty often. I do consider myself an adventurer, except when it comes to food. Most of the time he just shakes his head and laughs at me, other times he legitimately gets offended. He’s moody as hell sometimes. I’ve learned how to deal with it, I always have my ways of making him feel better.
I hear music playing, the smell getting stronger as I make my way to the kitchen. I sneak up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. I swear, it feels like I haven’t seen or touched him in months, just my body against his feels like absolute bliss. “What’s for dinner?” He turns around placing his hands on either side of my face and places a gentle kiss on my lips. “Hello sweetheart, how was your day?” I scrunch my face “I’m just glad to be home, I’m starving, what are we having?” 99% of the time, when he cooks, it’s something I would never think to put together. Or eat. Tonight was no different. I tried to control my face when he listed off the ingredients, none sounded appealing in the slightest. My stomach was betraying me though, and right about now I’d eat almost anything.
“Come taste” He held out a spoon, hand underneath to prevent it from dripping. I stood in place for a moment, almost scared to get closer. I really didn’t want an argument tonight. “Come on then” His eyes watched, waiting for me to move. It wasn’t terrible, but not something I’d voluntarily eat. My face gave way to a sly smile “I know something I’d like to have more” He cocked an eyebrow “Oh?”
I took the spoon from his hand, placing it on the counter behind him. “Mmhmm” My hands slid up the front of his shirt and landed clasped on the back of his neck, my lips following. I inhaled him, the scent of his cologne making me high. I kissed slowly, up his neck, to his earlobe, whispering how much I missed him, down his jaw, my tongue peeking out to trace the sharp lines before finding his lips. I wanted to devour him, breathe him in. His hair was tight in my grasp, pulling him closer, if that were even possible, I needed him like I needed air. I couldn’t breathe fast enough, I want him to take it all from me, just so I could fill him, every part of my love flowing inside him.
My body shivered hearing a gentle moan escape his lips as my hands found their way underneath the white t-shirt separating us. I removed it as fast as I could, so my mouth could taste him. I didn’t want to miss an inch, my fingers and tongue touching every spot in front of me. “Baby” his voice was barely above a whisper, but full of lust. I went for the button on his jeans, popping it open, and practically tearing his zipper off, I needed to feel him, how I made him feel, how much he wanted me. There was too much in between us, too much fabric. I wanted it gone, I wanted to touch every sliver of him.
In an instant the barrier was gone. My fingers grazed the smooth skin of his cock, up and down, teasing him. His breath hitched, his mouth finding mine again to crash into. I squeezed, just a bit, enough to show a hint of what's to come. I shook, feeling his teeth clutch my lip, stinging with a delicious pain. I smiled against him, knowing what we both wanted so badly, and what I was readily willing to give. My knees settled on the cool floor, my hands trailing up his thighs. Our eyes met, fire blazing in his, mine full of desire and hunger.  Every second I wasn’t touching him felt like an eternity. My mouth welled up, anticipating the next few. I wanted to take my time and revel in this moment, but I also wanted to violate him completely with pure pleasure. My impatience won, my mouth taking over before I had a chance to decide. My hand enveloped his erection, my tongue eagerly lapping every millimeter of skin in its wake, circling the tip, and the slight outline around it.
Every sound escaping him was bringing me higher, I soaked up each moan, groan and lustful grunt. I loved every one, I could drown in them. Knowing what I could do gave me the satisfaction and motivation to give more. His hands were frantic, gripping the counter behind him, one falling to wrap my hair into it. He guided me gently, sliding in and out of my mouth with ease. The pace was almost too slow, even though I wanted him to savor it, every second. I craved more of his sweet voice, describing the pleasure coursing through him. I wanted him to lose control, to give in, release it all to me.
It's a strange gratification to know what you’re capable of, and the power you weild with just your tongue. You can get lost in it, and I wanted nothing more right now. I kept a steady rhythm, picking up momentum quickly. I didn’t know how much longer he would last, but I needed every second  to be sheer bliss. I couldn’t control myself much longer either, I was so consumed with giving him nirvana, reaching the peak. There was a prominent ache that wouldn’t go away, that comes every time he’s near. It completely overtakes me, leaving me begging for more.
His words staggered with every slip of my tongue, every inch of him that brushed against my warm swollen lips. I tightened my grip a bit more, feeling his length against the back of my throat, going deeper with every pass. The most euphoric “Fuck” slipped from his mouth, exaggerated and primal. I couldn’t help but moan, loving the feel of his cock slippery and hot, sliding over my lips repeatedly. His stability was fading, his knees beginning to buckle. I knew he was close, but I didn’t want it to end. “Mmm baby, you taste so good” I caught his eyes, full of ecstasy and salacity, looking down at me. I held his gaze while he slid further into my mouth. A low hiss escaped him as his eyes and head rolled back. I felt a tug of my hair, pushing me closer, deeper, completely taking him all in.
His breathing became labored, stuttered, he was about to come undone, so close. He growled my name, losing his voice shortly after, purring sweet and delectable expletives, telling me he was close, how good my lips felt wrapped around him, how much he loved watching me suck his cock. I loved these moments, he was such a loving, sweet person, but like this, he was carnal. It exhilarated me, I fed off it. These private, passionate, beautifully sensual moments, just us, in our own world, no one would know. No one could break that bubble.
“Baby, fuck, I’m gonna cum, don’t stop” I obliged, squeezing more firmly, gathering more moisture, moaning louder, humming against him, eliciting small vibrations to secure the pending explosion. With one more chasmic thrust, all control was lost. His body shook, his voice echoing throughout the room, releasing every bit that was left of his will.
His eyes sprung open, a lazy smile plastered across his face. He pulled me up, shaking his head, slightly laughing. “You...you’re...oh shit!” The smell of whatever he was cooking took on a charred scent and has now gathered into a mass of burned liquid. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” His face was covered in leftover orgasmic rush, cheeks pink and flushed, but still with that cheeky smile. “I don’t have the slightest clue what you mean darling.” I winked, bringing my lips to his.”Pizza?”
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flutteringphalanges · 4 years
Tumblr media
                                              Mirabile Visu
Summary: Sister Agatha Van Helsing discovers she’s in over her head when a competitive game of chess ultimately results in her becoming pregnant with the child of her worst enemy, Count Dracula. Now tied by a bond deeper than blood, the two must learn to coexist and adapt in a world that could be potentially hostile towards their offspring. Parenthood has never looked so batty.
Characters: Dracula/Agatha Van Helsing
Chapters: 9/?
Read on FFN and AO3
A/N: Thank you all for the love and support! This story wouldn't be what it is without you! Feedback is greatly loved and appreciated! Knowing there is an audience for this story keeps me regularly updating it! Stay healthy and safe! -Jen
                                                Chapter Nine
                                               Dracula Residence
                                                  Present Time
This was different from the raid on Whitby beach, that much Dracula realized. As he stood there, trying his best to shield his wife from the onslaught, he found it very difficult as the guards formed a circle around them, pressing in so that he couldn't make a tactical move. Suddenly, from the blown in door, a woman stepped inside. She was familiar, her scent immediately assaulting his nasal passage ways. Dr. Bloxham. Ah, the thumbless scientist.
"You know," the woman sighed, looking from Dracula to Agatha. "It didn't have to come down to this. Your flat is rather lovely, it was a shame really."
"If this is about your finger," the count commented. "The nine others aren't completely useless."
"Dracula," his wife hissed quietly. "Don't antagonize…"
"She's right," the woman answered, cutting Agatha off. "I'd be mindful if I were you. I'm sure you've noticed, but there has been quite an adjustment made to our weapons?" She motioned to one of the men, his black uniform masking his features. "Military grade fabric designed to withstand 3,000 PSI bite power. Extra padding around the neck to protect the throat and jugular. Pure silver buckles and," she smiled, pointing to a deep pocket. "Stake holster. But that's not the best part."
Both vampires watched as Bloxham's fingers trailed across the strange device each figure held.
"A crossbow rifle combination," the woman smirked. "Equipped with bullets fashioned similar to stakes with pure silver tips. And," her eyes sparkled maliciously. "Even managed to get them blessed. I must say, the cost was incredible, but thankfully the Foundation has money to spare."
Count Dracula snorted. "I've been shot many times, mortal bullets don't cause us any harm."
"Oh really?" Dr. Bloxham inquired, cocking her head to the side. "Care to wager on that?"
Before either could react, the scientist nodded towards one of the men who pointed the weapon towards Dracula. With a click, he aimed and fired the device, the bullet embedding itself into the count's shoulder.
"Dracula!" Agatha cried out, turning to her husband in horror.
The vampire gripped his arm in pain, trying not to give the doctor the satisfaction of a groan. When he looked to his wound, to his utter surprise, dark red liquid began to trickle down from the entry point. Blood. He was bleeding. And it wasn't immediately healing either. He felt Agatha's hand pressing tightly over his, her eyes wild with concern.
"Detain them," Dr. Bloxham said, turning on her heels. "And if they give you any trouble, shoot them." Her lips curved into a small smile. "Dr. Van Helsing...never trust someone who's emotionally tasked with such a job..."
                                    Zoe Van Helsing’s Residence
The sun had just disappeared below the horizon when Sorina eyes fluttered open. Yawning, she sat up in her bed, blinking back sleep. She was not surprised to see Jack sitting against the wall opposite of her, mindlessly tapping away at his phone-one of his game apps for sure. He'd stayed over after the incident with her parents, Zoe surprisingly allowing it.
"Hey," she smiled tiredly. "Did you get any sleep?"
"Hey yourself," Jack chuckled, putting his cell away. "A little," he admitted. "Zoe gave me a pillow and a throw blanket. At least it was something. Can't exactly complain there."
Sorina sighed, running a hand through her messy hair. "Last night was…"
"Unexpected?" The young man finished. "Look, I know I should've told you about your dad and his...opinion on me, but you just got reunited with your parents and I wanted you to rekindle your relationships before I blew it up."
"If anyone blew up, it was me last night," the halfling stated. "And Mum is pregnant, wasn't expecting that curve ball." She shook her head, glancing at the curtains that still hung over the window. "Where's Zoe anyway?" Not that she really cared. After last night, there had been a long period of silence between them.
"In her room, I think," Jack replied. "Last time I checked she was trying to contact the Foundation. It's strange, she said the phone lines kept sending her to the public voicemail, not to the laboratory itself despite the password. Maybe there's a mishap in the system."
"Could be," Sorina agreed. "I mean, the place is nearly as old as I am. It has its occasional blips." She exhaled, moving to stand up. "Hungry? I was thinking we could order a pizza?"
"Extra pepperoni and bacon?" He smirked, meeting her gaze. "I'll call it in."
"You know me best," Sorina grinned. Pork had, of course, always been a food she gravitated towards. "I'm going to go have a word with Zoe. Hopefully it won't take too long."
Still dressed in her clothes from yesterday, she headed in the direction of her aunt's room. As she drew nearer, Sorina could just make out Zoe cursing softly under her breath. Peering through the slightly ajar door, she watched as the doctor repeatedly typed a series of numbers onto her phone before holding it up to her ear. Seconds passed. Nothing. And the scientist brought the device down to her desk with a sigh.
The woman jumped, slightly startled by the sound of her name. Hesitantly, Sorina slipped inside, closing the space between them. Zoe looked tired. More exhausted than usual. Sorina noted a small cut on her bottom lip where the woman must've been chewing on it nervously.
"Sorina," her voice was flat. "You're up." She turned in her chair, now facing the girl head on. "Are we going to have a proper discussion about last night?"
"About how you not only neglected to tell me that my Mum was pregnant, but also the Foundation wanted to 'study' her like some exotic animal?" Sorina nodded towards the phone. "Why are you trying to reach them anyway? To attempt to call things off like some hero?"
"This is a lot deeper than you realize," Zoe sighed heavily. "But yes, I'm trying to handle the situation in favor of your parents. However," she ground her teeth together as she spoke. "No one is taking my calls. Not Bloxham. Not the research facility. No one." Shaking her head, she moved a strand of hair out of her pale face. "I'm sorry, Sorina, what I did was not done with the intention of hurting you."
"If you'd really cared, you'd leave the Foundation for good after this," the young woman exclaimed. "Once my Mum's safety is secured." She paused, noting the gaunt expression on Zoe's face. Anger momentarily melted into concern. "You should've left a long time ago. Have you taken your pills today?"
"They only dull my senses," Zoe stated wearily. "And right now, having a clear mind is needed to figure things out." She glanced at her laptop and her frown deepened. "It's almost like my key card has been cancelled…" It was then her eyes lit up. "Ask Jack to come downstairs, I want to try something."
Sorina studied her aunt curiously for a second, before doing as she requested. Once Jack had joined the two women in the room, Dr. Van Helsing sat up straighter in her seat, expression one of determined nature.
"Call the Foundation," she informed the young man.
"I thought the lines were down?" Jack posed, dialing the number on his own phone. "What makes you think," he continued, now holding it to his ear. "That they'd answer to-"
"Jonathan Harker Foundation," a voice responded on the other line. "Please enter the twelve digit code on the back of your key card to proceed."
The room grew quiet and, though she wasn't sure at the time why, Sorina's blood grew. Jack, looking rather unsure, only continued when Zoe nodded eagerly at him. He typed in his identification number and was immediately redirected.
"Hello," a man answered. "Who am I speaking to?"
"This is Jack Seward," he said with hesitation. "I was wondering if I could reach Dr. Van Helsing?"
"I'm sorry," the person responded. "But the person by that name no longer works for the facility. Have a good day."
With that, the other line hung up. Jack lowered the phone from his ear slowly, his eyes locked on Zoe's. It had been loud enough for all three to hear it. The halfling felt a lump growing in her throat, even her aunt's expression had paled. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong.
"We have to go back to your parents' flat," Zoe said, breaking the silence. "I've made a horrible mistake."
                                 The Jonathan Harker Foundation
The prison situated in the center of the Foundation's research room seemed even smaller than Dracula remembered. The vampire found himself pacing, his shoulder still aching from his injury. It had begun to heal, his body pushing the bullet out within a few hours, but the sting was still there.
Agatha watched nearby, her eyes scanning the room as if trying to figure out some solution that would lead to their escape. At every given corner, a guard stood poised and ready to take action if provoked. One hand rested on her still smooth abdomen, a feeling of helplessness hanging over her. A mother was sworn to protect their child and being trapped here was going against that instinct.
"Bloody Mina Murray," Dracula growled, turning on his heels. "Should've killed her when I had the chance. Why didn't you let me?!"
"We're really going to argue about this now?" Agatha frowned. "About me saving the life of an innocent woman during a massacre you caused?"
"Well look where it brought up!" The other vampire gestured around. "She had to go and created this ridiculous little institution of hers."
"Well if I hadn't," the woman countered. "You wouldn't have me, Sorina, or…" her voice trailed off as her eyes flickered down to her stomach. The count seemed to sense her worry and moved to her side.
"I won't let any happen," he promised, placing his hand over hers. "To either of you."
"It's funny," she smiled weakly. "You said to me once all those years ago that I can't save everyone and yet here you are, proclaiming the same thing."
"Perhaps you unfortunately rubbed off on me," he smirked. "You do have a way of doing that."
"Must be the inner nun in me," she chuckled, leaning into him. "To think a game of simple chess led us this far."
"Remind me to burn the game when we escape," he replied.
"Not after I challenge you to another round," she countered, the mood beginning to lighten. "I…"
The former nun's words were cut short as the heavy metal sliding doors opened and Dr. Bloxham strode in. She seemed to study the two vampires, expression void of any emotion as she approached, two men at either side. In her hands, she clutched a clipboard, her focus shifting to whatever paperwork was attached to it.
"It's rather unfortunate that I never got a proper examination of your daughter," the woman commented. "Based on the relationship between the Van Helsings and the Murrays, it was declared that she was off limits. A pity, I would have loved to learn what made her tick." A low growl escaped from deep within Dracula's chest and the doctor smirked. "Did I hit a pressure point?"
"For a place that relies so much on Christian faith, you sure lack the understanding of it," Agatha answered bitterly. "Forgiveness, Kindness, Humility…"
"I don't take preaching from a fallen nun," the woman countered. "As for my beliefs on God, they pertain solely on the idea of how to destroy a monster such as yourselves." She paused, amused by Agatha's threatening glare. "I will say, I am quite curious though as to what's inside you. I may have missed out on your daughter, but your second child and its development. I think I'd like to have a better look at that."
Dracula nudged Agatha behind him as the armed men began to circle around in close proximity to the prison's frame.
"Restrain him," Bloxham said simply. "I'm only interested in her."
                                          Dracula Residence
Sorina was the first to leap out of the car and bound towards her parents' home. She could hear Jack calling out, his footfall far behind hers. There was something off. She could sense it. And as she rounded the corner, her heart immediately sank at the sight.
"No," she whispered. "No, no, no!"
The damage was done. The door blown right opened, wood splinters. She could smell it. The scent of blood. And it was not human. Zoe and Jack stood behind her, both humans panting as they too took in the sight.
"Sorina," Zoe said breathlessly, reaching out for her niece. "I…"
"You!" She snapped, turning to face the scientist. "This is your fault!"
"I didn't know this would happen," she replied, pain laced in her tone. "I didn't…"
"I don't care," Sorina muttered. "About you or about the Foundation. I'm going to get my parents back alone or otherwise."
Her eyes had grown dark, and for the first time since he'd known her, Jack felt afraid of her.
"They just fucked with the wrong family..."
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