#greek retelling books
nerdynatreads · 2 years
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book review || Mythos by Stephen Fry
video review || 5 by 5: Greek Retellings || 5 Greek Retelling Reads and Reviews
So glad I finally got around to this! I loved Fry’s tone throughout the stories, it was educational but witty and clever. It didn’t feel like a boring, historical read, it was a hilarious lecture from your favorite professor. It’s impressive that he delves into so much depth into each story, even if that means that he doesn’t cover the whole range of myths.
There were lots of things in how Fry handled these stories that I really enjoyed, like acknowledging that some of the myths have different variations and doing a quick overview of them. I also loved that after he’d introduce one of the titans/gods, he’d mention what they’re known for and how we can relate their name to something in our own time to better understand their place and role. Finally, when Fry started getting into more well-known stories, ones that heavily influenced other popular stories, I really love how he’d dive into them and reference the stories as well.
I think all in all, Fry’s voice really shines through the entire book and I loved that his afterword explained his love of these stories and how he came to the idea for this series. His comedy pairs perfectly with the ridiculousness of many stories.
5 / 5 stars
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xx0yeet-everything0xx · 10 months
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actually sobbing abt this wtf
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leannareneehieber · 28 days
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DARLINGS! Just noticed the double-volume revised edition of STRANGELY BEAUTIFUL via @torbooks is on super-eBook-sale right now. 684 pages! For only $3.99! Via Kindle, Kobo & Apple Books! Includes THE STRANGELY BEAUTIFUL TALE OF MISS PERCY PARKER and THE DARKLY LUMINOUS FIGHT FOR PERSEPHONE PARKER + extra scenes & content.
This book of my heart is: GOTHIC. It's Jane-Eyre-Meets-Dark-Academia+Hot-For-Teacher+GHOSTS+Greek-Mythology+Jack-the-Ripper+Found-Family
YES, there is a paperback omnibus edition, available via Bookshop.org (my favorite link to send folks to, it supports local bookstores!), B&N and any physical store can order it in. It's on sale too!
Please share? Thank you!
Kindle - Kobo - Apple Books
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luvrdotcom · 7 months
Some quotes I loved from "Circe" by Madeline Miller
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“I did not pretend to be a mortal. I showed my lambent, yellow eyes at every turn. None of it made a difference. I was alone and a woman, that was all that mattered.”
“I had once told Daedalus that I would never marry, because my hands were dirty, and I liked my work too much. But this was a man with his own dirty hands.”
“Odysseus, son of Laertes, the great traveler, prince of wiles and tricks and a thousand ways. He showed me his scars, and in return he let me pretend that I had none.”
“A dozen times grief had scorched, but its fire had never burned through my skin. My madness in those days rose from a new certainty: that at last, I had met the thing the gods could use against me.”
“Our faces are both lined now, marked with our years. I listen to his breath, warm upon the night air, and somehow I am conforted. This is what it means to swim in the tide, to walk the earth and feel it touch your feet. This is what it means to be alive.”
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sapphicbookclub · 4 months
Hi there! First of all, thank you for this blog, I have found numerous amazing sapphic stories because of it 🌸💗
And I wanted to ask if you have any greek mythology inspired sapphic novel recs (e.g. the lies we sing to the sea)?
Thank you for the kind words! Always happy to hear my posts helped someone find a book they loved. And for sure I got a few recs for you!
Besides already mentioned Lies We Sing to the Sea by Sarah Underwood, there's Outrun the Wind by Elizabeth Tammi and Coils by Barbara Ann Wright, there's also Hades and Persephone retellings like The Dark Wife by Sarah Diemer and Captive in the Underworld by Lianyu Tan.
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And if you enjoy longer series, you can check out Thermopylae Bound by Belinda Harrison which is a 6 book series about Greek warriors.
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wordsmithic · 10 months
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Greeks are putting out books to clean up the misinformation Westerners have spread about our myths and I LOVE it.
Ioanna puts the focus on Demeter and I am here for it! Demeter is the protagonist of this story, after all.
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In the reviews so far it looks like Ioanna depicts the Greek gods as powerful, as we truly see them in our culture. I really hope it keeps the balance, as the reviewers say.
Greek author, Greek book cover illustrator (Yorgos "Lanthimos" Cotronis) and we are on for a very promising work!
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laladanefilm · 3 months
"Achilles, prince of Phthia, swiftest of all the Greeks, best of the Achaian warriors at Troy. Beautiful, brilliant, born from the dread nereid Thetis, graceful and deadly as the sea itself."
"Then the best part of him died, and he was even more difficult after that."
"What was his best part?"
"His lover, Patroclus. He didn't like me much, but then the good ones never do. Achilles went mad when he died; nearly mad, anyway."
– excerpts from "Circe" by Madeline Miller
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gl4ukopis · 11 months
Achilles' first urge after he saw Patroclus' dead body was to cut his throat. He didn't do it only because he didn't have his sword.
I shouldn't find this as romantic as I do
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themoonking · 5 months
the book trend that needs to be left in the dust for the new year is greek mythology retellings. i am so sick and tired of "retellings" of greek (or roman, but mainly greek) mythology from authors that clearly have a very surface level pop cultural understanding of the myth(s) they're adapting and the culture(s) they're depicting. especially the many that market themselves as "feminist retellings" where the "feminism" is basically just "men bad sometimes", and especially when they're "feminist retellings" that take some of the few mythological women who get happy endings and take it away from them for the sake of saying "men bad sometimes". it's all so shallow and they exploded this year and i'm sick of it.
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sixthratesoma · 3 months
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redesigned some of the wonder woman cast!!! included a persephone take for fun
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wastelandbabyvirgo · 4 months
i just know odysseus was sexy
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unbizzarre · 6 months
What’s your favorite Greek mythology book?
Anybody have any Greek mythology book recommendations? My hyperfixation requires more fuel.
I’ve read
- translated versions of the Iliad and the odyssey
- song of Achilles (absolutely loved it, will probably read Circe by the same author next, but I burn through book so fast it’s just not enough)
- Epic the musical (well, listened, but yeah. It’s fantastic.)
- Percy Jackson (when I was younger. I’m not that into y/a modern fantasy, so it’s not really what I’m looking for)
Please! Seize this opportunity to ramble about something you love while simultaneously helping a poor soul in neeed in the process. WILL TRADE FANART OR MY FIRST BORN for good book recommendations at this point 🫠
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moghedien · 3 months
less people should be writing myth retellings and more people should be writing myths
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dootznbootz · 6 months
"Ithaka by Adele Gaaras" AKA. I got Mindboggled by an Odyssey-inspired novel, get Boggled with me.
THis is just a little vent!! Do not harass this author or people who like this book! I'm not sharing this to necessarily hate on it but just wanted to share because...Mindboggle. (Also please note I have not read the book all the way through. BECAUSE OF SAID MINDBOGGLE. As I don't think it's good to "hate-read")
Also note, that the author says "it's not a version of Homer nor a retelling of the Odyssey, but a novel written under the influence of stories that I first read as a young child and that I've loved ever since."
Found this book in the "discarded" box at the library, probably should've taken that as a sign and since it was for free and no one else had taken it, I thought I'd grab it!
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And I got excited because the book is supposed to take place during the years Odysseus is away and it's PENELOPE'S perspective. Penelope raising Telemachus and cute toddler moments? Her, Anticlea, Laertes, (Maybe even Ctimene!) trying to cheer each other up as a family? Her ruling? So many cool things to explore!
But then I started to read and it was okay at first... But it skipped 13 years, which saddened me as, like I said, I wanted "young mother and child bonding together" But I went along with it.
But then there were other moments I didn't really care for. Weird "bad mother-in-law" Anticlea, ENOUGH WITH THAT. It happens to Demeter already! Stop it! Penelope says that she'll be a mean mother-in-law someday as well as "No one will be good enough for Telemachus" (???), Euryclea has a granddaughter who is the "main character", has AGAMEMNON be the one to put Telemachus in front of the plow >:( and a couple other moments that felt off so to see if this was "worth the read", I went ahead and went to the end as I won't lie I really wanted the "Reunion moment" 🥹
And here comes the Mindboggle.
Penelope has an affair.
She has an affair... WITH FUCKING LEODES!!!
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Honestly?? Like, I know it's supposed to be a "feminist" story. (says so on the reviews on the back) You never know with those if they're gonna villainize the male characters. I sadly was already expecting the whole "Even though text from the Odyssey states otherwise, Odysseus is clearly a womanizer"😮‍💨BUT AN AFFAIR?! WHAT IS FEMINIST ABOUT AN AFFAIR?! AND WITH LEODES?!?! WHY NOT MAKE A NEW CHARACTER?! A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PERSON? Who's actually cool?
The worst part is? Odysseus is so fucking in love, as he should be. You would expect him to be "bad" to make her affair "okay". Especially as it kind of makes it out like he had "affairs" when it's known to someone with reading comprehension that he was SA'ed.
But he's complimenting her constantly, even as a beggar, and dotes on her and respects her. This novel ALSO makes Odysseus "nicer" and "polite" in an "I don't want to kill all these men but it's what I have to do". Which No! Let that man be PISSED. Get tf away from his wife and child! He can be an asshole and still adore his family!
This is supposed to be her introspecting during the morning after. Not explicit in any way but giving heads up anyways.
[...] she could not prevent herself from thinking of Leodes as Odysseus kissed her mouth and her hair and the soft places behind her ears. "Is this hard for you, wife? Is it strange? There's no hurry...I'll be gentle. I'll wait until..." "No,no...not strange. Kiss me again." "But you're crying..." "I can't help it. My feelings. I can't govern them, Odysseus."
(Page 354)
Like he's incredibly sweet. It makes it sadder because he's crying thinking about how much he missed her. BUT PENELOPE THINKS ABOUT HOW SHE'S CRYING BECAUSE SHE MISSES LEODES!!!
I couldn't stop thinking about Leodes. Remembering how it had been with him. And that made me cry. Odysseus didn't know. I don't think he knew. He thought the tears were for him. Tears of joy. Tears of passion. "Cry, my sweet wife. Let out all the tears that lie within you." "I'm so sorry...you deserve better than a sobbing woman after your journeyings. It will be better, I promise." "Don't say sorry. There's no need. I understand what you are feeling."
(Page 355)
Like you're taking away from Penelope AND Odysseus from something that is so fucking important to their story! HER STORY!!! The fact that they love each other so fucking much!!!
Not only that but the Father/son reunion was very lackluster.
Lots of Argos content though. :'D
LIKE?!?!!? I'm just mindboggled. I don't necessarily "hate" this book. I'm more flabbergasted as I kind of find this whole situation funny. Although I am sad as I wanted moments of her being a young mom, her being with family, her ruling. etc. I just...wanted to VENT!
Again! Don't be mean to the author or people who like this book! I just had to vent about my mind getting boggled for my sanity!
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When the rocks seem miles away and the shore steeping and breathless, the desire to keep falling and falling overcomes the cause, when the sky flew faster than you, all the light was just blinding, never golden and when you lay by the riverbank, scarlet red seeping into clear eyes, scarlet red from where carnations grew, only does your breath turn tragic, turning poetic, when love struck jewels emerge, careful fingers touch the rubies, and this is all the power I have, to only lament words I cannot fathom and trace the fall over and over till only golden ichor flows anew.
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prolibytherium · 2 months
The Song of Achilles is one of the most garbage books I've ever read and I kind of want to talk about it but I'd have to reread The Song of Achilles to do that in a cohesive manner, which is garbage
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