#giant!colossal red
colossal-red · 2 years
TinyHunt Side Stories: A Third Boyfriend?
Tw: None, as far as I know. WC: 1K
A shorter one today folks!
Sapnap had received a call from his boyfriend Quackity. He wanted them to go and hang out at his place for a bit, and Sapnap hoped he hadn’t forgotten an important date again. Quackity lived a long while away, all the way in Las Nevadas a few miles away from Essempi. Once he got to the bright lights of the city, he turned into Quackity’s apartment complex, where he was there waiting. “Hey Sapnap!” He waved his boyfriend down. Sapnap stopped and let Quackity into the car, “I have some BIG news Sap!” He exclaimed sliding into the passenger seat at the front.
“I’m excited, what is it?” He asked, “Well, you know how we’ve been talking about being in a polyamorous relationship? And how we needed to find a third guy if we were gonna do that?” He asked Sap. “Yeah, and I’m assuming that you found someone good?” “Yep! Just head to this location in the woods.” He pointed at a map. Sapnap squinted at the location. “Near the Ruins of L’Manburg? Why would he be there?”
“Dunno, that’s just where he chills, but you’ll understand once you see him!” Sapnap was getting a bit nervous, who exactly had they eventually reached an area where the cement road turned to dirt. “Umm, how much further?” He asked Quackity again. “Hmm, oh! Take a left into this clearing!” He pointed to the left where there was an opening, Sapnap obeyed and turned the wheel. They pulled to a stop in the clearing and Quackity got out and stood in the middle of it. “Quackity…?” He tried to ask when a Tiny stepped out from behind a tree.
“Red are you sure this is the best idea?” Karl asked the deity nervously as they watched the Quackity and Sapnap of Karl’s original universe before he was recruited drive toward the clearing. “Yes, after all, every multi-verse version of Quackity and Sapnap needs a Karl. And I also need you to help convince Sapnap that borrowers aren’t that bad.” Colossal Red added on to the end. “Aren’t you like a God? Can’t you just change him?” He stared off into space for a second, Karl wasn’t sure what he was looking at, but it was ominous. He shook out of his stupor. “It’ll be fine, alright? Just go out there and be yourself. Just without mentioning the Multiversal Traveler thing.”
Karl reluctantly stepped out from behind the tree as they entered the clearing and Quackity stood in the middle waiting. “Hey Quackity, *clears throat* Sapnap.” Karl added nervously as Quackity placed his hand on the ground, waiting for the borrower to step on. “Quackity, how does this, thing know my name?“ Sapnap asked Quackity, eyes locked on Karl as Quackity picked him up and presented him to Sap. “Because this little guy is who I found! I think he’s cool!” Sapnap’s expression softened as he turned his eyes to his boyfriend, “Ah, so you want to keep him as a, pet?” He asked questioningly.
“What? No! As our third boyfriend!” Karl and Sapnap locked eyes again, it’s okay Karl, just remember you can portal out of here if anything happens. Or he could turn himself into one of his alternate universe selves, he could also do that. Sapnap closed his eyes and looked at the floor as if he was thinking. Eventually he appeared to come to a conclusion. During this Quackity’s demeanor started getting more and more nervous as he realized that Sapnap probably wasn’t the biggest fan of borrowers.
Sapnap looked up, and saw his boyfriend and the borrower who was apparently named Karl. After he presented himself as accepting of Karl in the clearing, they had gone and ordered some pizza and were eating it on an old bench somewhere around L’Manburg. No one really knows the history of this place, people just kinda found it one day, with a sign oh a heart made of pink wool that only had one letter left. ‘L’. There was also what was presumed to be an apostrophe next to it, so they called it L’Manburg. Pretty bold assumption, but that’s really all they had to go off.
Anyway, Sapnap while he despised tinies, (which he just found out were called borrowers) he decided that he’d give Karl a chance, for Quackity. And he had to admit, Karl was a pretty cool guy. Then Sap’s phone rang. “One moment my love.” He told Quackity as he took a few steps away from the table and picked up the phone. “Dad?” “Hey Sap, I just wanted to tell you that the Exterminator is here, and that you should stay away from here while he does his work.” Sapnap blanched for a moment, he had a brief moment of thinking that Dream could be a friend too. But then upon remembering the torment he and George went through, he set his jaw and said, “Alright, I’ll stay away.”
He, Karl, and Quackity hung out for a while after that, talking about a variety of things. Sapnap was glad that Quackity had Chesticuffs in his trunk, it is a rather fun game that everyone can play. It was getting late, and now was the time for him to leave them. “I got to go now, I had a good time Quacks and Karl.” He got up to leave and gave Quackity a small kiss on the cheek. Quackity gave him a pointed expression, and he sighed. “And goodbye Karl.” He gave Karl a small peck as well. Prime what has he become? He then left for home and sat on his bed, pondering what would happen next when George summoned him and Bad for a meeting in the living room…
@funtimemoth @baka-monarch @eiscreme135 @squishys-soft-stories
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 2 years
A nice Bad and Skeppy story would be great mate, I don’t really have much more than that- (Noms preferably xd)
(Have a Big Red for your trouble 🥤)
Ayoo, thanks for the Big Red :D
It took a bit to write it but here it is :]
I also added Sapnap UuU
TW: Safe/soft vore, slight injury, fear of dying, death mention (none happens)
Skeppy groaned softly, pained as he looked at his son, who was kneeling beside him. The boy looked with wide eyes of concern at his father's leg, which was twisted in a strange position.
"Dad? Will you be fine?" the little boy said, tears beginning to form in his eyes. Skeppy smiled sadly at him. “I don't know, Sap. My leg is twisted, so I can't walk."
At those words, Sapnap jumped up and said as tears finally fell down his cheeks. "Then I'll go ask for help!" Skeppy let out a soft sigh. "Sap, we're the only borrowers living in this house..." "I can go ask the human for help then!" he snapped back, making Skeppy's eyes widen in shock.
"What!? No no no! Don't you dare Sapnap, they 're dangerous-!” he started to tell him, but it was in vain since in a few seconds, Sapnap had disappeared from his sight.
Sapnap ran as fast as he could, heading through the tunnels in the walls as he searched for the room the human was in. Finally after a 'few' minutes of searching, he found him in the kitchen, probably baking something.
Peeking slightly out of the hole he was in, he took a deep breath before speaking as loudly as he could. “H-Human!” The demon hybrid gave a small jump in surprise at the voice that filled the kitchen, looking around for the source of it.
His eyes finally settled on his small figure and he hid a little, although he was still peeking out, watching the human. "Hello little one, do you need anything? Why are you alone?" he said as he walked over and crouched down slowly so as not to tower over the little boy.
“I- I'm sorry if I bother you by interrupting you…” Sapnap replied softly as he wiped tears from her eyes. "Oh, no,no, it doesn't bother me at all, what's wrong with you little one, why were you crying?" Bad asked softly.
“My dad needs help, his leg is twisted in a very strange position and he cannot move, can you help him please?” Sapnap asked, his tears falling down his cheeks again.
"Okay, calm down a bit, I'll help him, okay?" he answered, trying to calm the boy as he placed his hand at his side, which he reached up without thinking. "Could you tell me where he is?" He continued to look at the little boy who was now leaning against his chest.
Sapnap nodded looking up. “It is under a very large thing that is holding something that sometimes shows moving images.” Bad nodded, starting to head to the living room. "Is it okay if I get your name?" “My name is Sapnap! And you, what is your name Mr.human? he said with a big smile.
Bad giggled a little at the little boy's enthusiasm. "My name is Badboyhalo, but you can call me Bad to make it easier." Sapnap nodded, as Bad continued on his way to the living room.
To say that Skeppy was worried was an understatement, he was scared to death that the human might have hurt or even killed Sapnap. He shook his head, he shouldn't think that. He let out a sigh, he hoped that Sapnap was fine...
He put aside his thoughts when he heard footsteps approaching where he was, seeing how the human crouched down to see him. Sapnap must have told him where he was.
Soon, a hand reached out and pulled him out from under the set of furniture, slowly getting up as he watched him. “Where is Sapnap?! What have you done with him?!" he demanded, fearing that the human had hurt his son.
"Woah, woah, calm down, he's fine I promise, he's sleeping on one of the couch cushions." Skeppy took a deep breath, looking at the human to see that he was looking at his injured leg.
“Wow… It looks pretty bad… But I can fix it, just… don't freak out, okay? It may look pretty scary but I promise you will be fine and healed as good as new.” Skeppy frowned at his words, 'what did he mean?'
He didn't have to think long as he was soon lifted up into the human's face. "What are you going to do-?" His question was interrupted when the human opened his mouth and inserted him inside it.
Skeppy let out a terrified scream as the tongue began to lick at him lightly. "H-Hey, l-let me out!" the human ignored what he said and tilted his head back, Skeppy starting to slide towards the back of his mouth. "P-Please don't—!" He couldn't finish speaking, the human had swallowed and Skeppy started to slide down his throat. 
After a few seconds of being squeezed down by the muscles of his throat, he finally entered a more open space. Skeppy looked around hyperventilating, he had been eaten, he was going to die… What was going to happen to Sapnap? Would the human do the same with him or wait for him to grow up to eat him after that? His mind became a blur, passing out in a few seconds, unaware of the fluids that began to heal his injured leg.
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Happy 8/8 friens :D. Protection noms, bc someone blasted the poor birb, Scar got a little angy bc of it.  Have a Great nom day mah dudes
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dromaeo-sauridae · 2 years
as much as i love gigantic deep sea mermaids, if we’re being accurate then the biggest ones would be surface level nomads like whales (obv there are exceptions like the sperm whale), while deep sea mermaids would be like. 2 feet long
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teatreeoilll · 5 months
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐭 - (𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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w/c - 1.3k content - MDNI! fem!reader, porn, Gojo fingering you in a bathroom after a concert, my intrusive thoughts about Gojo's hands won
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You inhale the cloud of smoke lingering around you, mixed with the tinge of cheap beer and light strokes of cologne, "Here!" You yell at Utahime, pushing through the crowd of people already standing on the cigarette butt-littered grass, "That's a great spot - look how close we are!" You point to the stage, wheezing with excitement.
You shove your bag into her hands, "Guard this with your life," you order, to which Utahime chastises, "Off to the bathroom again? You should stop drinking now; once they start playing, there's not gonna be any bathroom breaks."
The line to the bathroom stretches out for what feels like miles, and by the time you get back to your spot, Utahime's busy chatting up a couple of men.
"Not wasting any time, are you?"
"Oh god no," Utahime retorts, "That's Geto Suguru, we take Professor Yaga's class together," she smiles, pointing to the dark-haired man standing before her, "and that's," her lips twitch, the smile leaving the corners of her eyes, "Gojo Satoru."
The crowd erupts into applause, and the men turn their attention to the stage. Under your breath you mutter a quiet fuck; Before you stands not a man, but a 6'3 colossal giant, sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose like the sky hadn't grown dark half an hour ago. The stage lights up, and the band appears - or at least you thought that's what happened since now, you couldn't see shit.
Your turn to Utahime, who shares the same concerned look as you, standing on her toes but somehow managing to see over Geto's shoulders. You point your thumb at Gojo, mouthing, "I can't see."
"Hey, beanpole!" Utahime shouts over the band's introductions, "Switch with her!"
Gojo leans back, smirking at her, "Utahime," he reprimands like he's trying to teach his dog not to chew on the carpet, "that's not a nice way to ask."
Utahime's face flushes red, fists clenching as she tries to shout at the unbothered man over the noise. You place a calming hand on her shoulder, giving her a resolute nod; I'll handle this.
You stare at the broad back in front of you, eyes fixed straight at his shoulder blades as you tap an impatient index finger on them, "Excuse me," you say, a coy smile plastered on your lips, "Would you mind switching places with me?"
He does another half-turn, catching a glimpse of Utahime's menacing gaze as he does so, "What did you say?" He lowers his sunglasses, light blue eyes piercing through you, "Can't hear you!" He motions to his ear.
You take a deep breath, lifting yourself up on the tips of your toes to draw closer to his face, "Switch places with me!"
"Ditch this place with you?" Gojo furrows his brows, looking at you with sarcastic sympathy as you steady yourself by grabbing his shoulder, "We've only just met~"
"No!" You yelled, "Switch - places!" Barely any air left in your lungs as you become aware of how firm his shoulders felt under your fingertips.
"Sweet embraces?" He tries to retain his expression at the tickle your breath sent huffing down his neck, "Listen, it's not personal, but usually I get invited to dinner first."
"You're fucking with me, aren't you?" You let out a sigh, your raspy voice lowering its tone; what a prick.
He inches towards you, heat rising to your face when he halts a breath away from your lips, "Later, hopefully."
"F-Fuck - In here?" You break away from Gojo's lips for a moment, glancing at the entrance to the men's bathroom.
"Isn't that why they put bathrooms here?" He chuckles, one arm running up from your waist to grab the nape of your neck, grazing his lips softly over yours before biting down on your lower lip, listening to you hum in agreement as his tongue dips into your mouth.
His hand travels up your thigh, raising the hem of your skirt as he puts a large palm to squeeze on your ass, the groan leaving his lips vibrating through your mouth. Gojo presses you against the door, one large arm pushing it in to open the stall, and you stumble back onto the (thankfully) closed toilet seat.
“Getting comfortable, princess?” He smirks, large hands leaning on the wall behind you, trapping you under his body as it looms over you, enjoying the sight of your flushed face, “Switch places?” He suggests.
“I’m sorry,” you motion to your ear, a devilish grin forming on your lips, “I can’t hear you.”
“Funny,” he snarls, pale, veiny arms leaving the wall as he gets on his knees before you to push your legs apart, letting his long fingers graze your inner thighs, his breath hitching every time he elicits a slight twitch from your legs, “Let’s see how funny you’ll be in a minute.”
Two thick fingers push your panties to the side before slipping into your already soaked cunt, the lewd noises and deep grunts dazzling your mind as you watch his pale blue eyes rest on your face, his breaths getting heavier the more muffled whimpers escape your mouth.
“Fuuuck,” he drawls, fingers still pumping into you as he leans into your cunt, tongue licking a teasing stripe over your clit, "Taste so good, princess," his head grows dizzy at the taste while he rubs his other hand over the bulge in his jeans.
“Ah - mhm -“ you can barely stop the breathy moans, your hand shooting out to grab onto white strands of hair, prompting him to slowly lick up your pussy once more, “God - fuck,” his fingers curl upwards inside you, hitting the spot that made you buck your hips against his head.
“Not so funny now, huh princess?” He felt the grip on his hair tighten, needy palm desperately rubbing over his clothed cock, glazed eyes fixed on your twitching pussy, "You close, baby?" And you only let out a breathless pant at his words, coil tightening in your stomach.
"Can't hear you~" He cooed, fingers leaving your wetness to brush over your clit, and you gasp at the sudden emptiness forming in your needy hole - "G-Gojo -" you beg, voice cracking when you grab his forearm to guide it back into your folds, "Fuck -" you mutter when his arm refuses to budge.
"Satoru," he corrects, "ask nicely, princess," he says, hands traveling down to unzip his trousers, freeing his throbbing cock from the confines of his jeans, tip already red and leaking as he works his length up and down to the sound of your pleading, "Please - 'Toru -" you pull on his arm again, "Plea-"
He wished he could tease you for longer, but the way you writhed under his touch and rasped his name was rapidly driving him over the edge. His fingers glide back inside, "Shit -" he grunts at the feeling of your walls enveloping his thick digits, pulsating against them as he pumps them over and over into your sweet spot, "Keep saying my name, princess," he orders, chest heaving as he tightens his fist around his cock.
"'Toru -" your body jolts at his pace, his thumb skimming over your clit, "Toru - ah - " you moan, back arching and tears pooling at the corners of your eyes as you tug harshly on his hair, shockwaves coursing through your body. With glazed eyes, you watch him pull out his fingers, eagerly putting them into his mouth as he spills his load on the tiles beneath him with a hoarse moan.
"Good girl," the words fall out of his lips, and he watches your cunt twitch at the phrase, "How about I give you a ride home, huh?"
"Didn't know you wear such dainty underwear, Satoru," Geto remarks, pulling your panties out from beneath the passenger seat, inspecting them as he sips his morning coffee.
"Well, you never asked." Gojo chuckles.
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daosies · 4 months
how the universe loves
sigewinne has noticed that wriothesley is in love. irrevocably so.
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wriothesley ♡ gn!reader
warnings: lovesick wriothesley, kinda awkward wriothesley, sickly sweet pining
notes: another day another lovesick-ification of a big buff man
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wriothesley is hopeless.
he stumbles over his own two feet, his words coming out in a slurred, jumbled mess as he stares at you with wide, pale blue eyes. as if he's afraid he'll miss the sight of you, as if sight alone is not enough.
"so, [name],"—he nearly trips over a slab of cobble—"how are you liking the underworld?"
"i've been here before, duke," you say with an amused expression. "but it's nice. you have a pretty good system here!"
when it comes to you, the duke has a terrible habit of making an utter fool of himself—it's in the way he leans awkwardly against a nearby pole, trying to act cool while the tips of his ears turn red. so painfully red.
"right." wriothesley nods, his voice coming out strained as he watches your gaze drift off into the scenery, soaking in the sights that are now so familiar to him.
as you glance around, wriothesley follows your gaze, taking the time to evaluate the parts of the fortress that you behold, measuring its acceptability based on whether or not it brings a pleasant expression to your face. in the end, however, his icy eyes (that melt only for you) return to you.
he stares at them like, sigewinne struggles to find the word, her hand coming to scratch at her head as she racks her brain for ideas. human emotions are so difficult—they make complex structures out of simple foundations, because although sigewinne knows that what she is seeing is love, that word alone doesn't seem like enough.
when wriothesley looks at you, which he often does, it feels as though he cannot see anything else. when wriothesley looks at you, it feels as if he's looking at a dream, his expression becoming mellow, the scars from his being, etched into his soul, suddenly washing away with the colossal presence of your existence.
you erase parts of him—parts of him that carry the worst of his past, parts of him that have witnessed dread and misery and anguish—and you reinvent him into something airy, something dreamy. something lovely, sigewinne muses. it's like he's reincarnated every time you look at him, every time you do so much as perceive him.
sigewinne thinks that the duke's eyes are wed to you. she's noticed how, whenever you glance at him, his breathing stops. he holds his breath as if he's trying to trap the air you exist in, forcing it to permeate into his lungs, melding it into the tissues of his being.
when you look away, he sighs. the air escapes him, and he's desperate to grasp it, to seize your existence and make it a part of him.
"i really liked the entrance to the fortress," you say, not realizing the weight of your words, "the area where we got to see the water was beautiful."
wriothesley chuckles. "is that so? perhaps i'll recreate it somewhere here then." he gestures around the fortress, feigning ignorance to the machinery and the people who are unaware of his newfound plans.
"but it feels safe right now," you add, smiling, "maybe it's better not to see the water."
"of course," he replies, ignoring the grandiose ideas he had. he was going to rebuild the entire place, starting with the outer walls before transforming the entire fortress into an underwater observatory.
would you find it even prettier then?
"miss sigewinne,"—you give her a gentle smile—"how have you been?"
she jumps up, returning your smile with a giant grin. "great! thank you for all of the tea you've been sending us, mx [name]!"
"yes, that's right." wriothesley nods approvingly. "the tea is wonderful."
"his grace loves every type of tea you send, mx [name]! he always saves them for really, really good days!"
"oh?" you echo. "if that's the case, i'll be sure to send more!"
wriothesley coughs into his fist, and sigewinne huffs proudly to herself.
the duke should thank me later! she thinks.
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wriothesley is terribly, terribly in love.
"your grace," sigewinne calls, her eyebrows furrowed with concern. "you can't keep skipping out on your meals and drinking caffeine! it's not good for you health! please, take the day off!"
"sorry, miss sigewinne," wriothesley replies, his voice groggy with fatigue and his hand coming up to massage his temples. "i'll rest right after i finish these papers."
the nurse frowns. "you said that last time."
"this will be the last time," wriothesley assures. "please don't worry too much, miss sigewinne."
you make that difficult to do, she thinks exasperatedly. wriothesley fiddles with his pen, his frame hunched over his wooden desk as he forces his head towards the documents.
when sigewinne traces his gaze, however, she notices that he's not looking at the papers at all. he's staring, fervently so, at the entrance to his office. he's waiting for something, sigewinne deduces, but what?
it finally clicks.
mx [name] has been out on commissions! sigewinne realizes, her eyes darting back and forth between the door and the duke. his grace must be waiting for their letter!
sigewinne clears her throat. "have you heard from mx [name], your grace?"
at the mere mention of your name, wriothesley's head shoots up. there's an indescribable look in his eyes, as if he had just struck a star and resonated it deep within himself.
he opens his mouth to speak, but the star sinks deep into his throat. his words die.
still, sigewinne presses on. "i heard they're in liyue right now. perhaps that's why there are no letters coming in?"
the duke crumbles into himself, as if all the stress in his body were escaping in between his loosened muscles and eased brow, its prominent furrow now replaced with a relieved expression.
"is that so?" he replies, his voice barely above a whisper. "that's good, really good."
"i'm glad to hear that, your grace," sigewinne states. "now, off to get some rest!"
he sighs, but a smile still creeps onto his face. "alright, miss sigewinne. thank you."
when a letter for wriothesley arrives a couple days later, sigewinne knows. she knows, because the duke's mood has become significantly better. his complexion is brighter, his eye circles beginning to fade as he works flawlessly away at the various documents lining his desk.
if she squints, she can see a certain vibrant, messy paper resting permanently by his hand. it remains there as if it were stuck in time, as if it were glued to the side of his wrist.
there's a stamp on it.
it's a stamp from liyue.
sigewinne hums a sweet tune to herself before strolling leisurely out of the duke's office.
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wriothesley is smitten.
sometimes, sigewinne feels embarrassed for him. because when your name is mentioned—or at least, when something that sounds like your name is said—the duke's entire body jolts up. he glances around with those wide, wedded eyes of his, and he slouches once he realizes it's a mere illusion.
the cycle repeats.
whenever the duke knows you're coming, he spends two minutes longer staring at himself in the mirror. sigewinne knows this because any sticker placed on him gets removed in an instant. this includes any stickers on his gauntlets—which the duke usually lets slide until it truly becomes a hindrance.
and he brews tea. lots of tea. and then he puts an odd number of sugar cubes into the cups, even though he usually only takes two. and then he sets the cups down on either side of his office table, his hands fidgeting with the handle as if he's waiting for you to barge through the door and take the cup of tea on the other side of his desk.
it's as if his entire existence revolves around you. as if he orbits you, following the same trajectory and path and never leaving your side, an irreversible distance between you two. but the distance is so small, it feels as if he can leave orbit any minute.
and catch your presence, once and for all.
"your grace," sigewinne says, standing by the doorway. "mx [name] is coming in an hour."
wriothesley laces his fingers, his elbows resting on his desk as he stares intently at the cup of tea in front of him.
"oh. is that so?"
"yes. i think the tea your grace has prepared for them will have cooled by then."
"that is a good point, miss sigewinne. thank you for letting me know."
he pushes the tea to the side—which leaves sigewinne speechless—before returning to the various documents lining his desk. he refuses to drink in your absence.
the tea cools. and sure enough, an hour later, you barge through the grandiose, golden doors of his office.
"duke!" you exclaim, hauling a sack of goods from your travels. "what's up!"
he stands up immediately. wriothesley takes long, quick strides over to your side, his hand outstretched in order to take the large bag from you, his eyes filled to the brim with indescribable emotion.
if sigewinne had to describe it—the look in his eyes—she'd say that his irises swirl with a fervent warmth unbefitting of a duke. the glaciers of his eyes fragment, revealing bits and pieces of vulnerability, of adoration as he stares at you and soaks in your every word as if it were a wild song.
and his irises reflect your figure, your face, your smile. his pupils behold you, taking in everything and keeping nothing, as wriothesley clutches tightly onto the bag of your rewards, his attention fixated wholly on you.
his ears follow you across the mountains of liyue and the plains of mondstadt while his eyes follow the flutter of your lashes, the curl of your lips.
"the lantern rite was gorgeous," you say quickly, your words rising with excitement, "and the final night with the mingxiao lantern—that was incredible!"
"really?" wriothesley says, almost breathlessly.
"yeah, and not to mention the ludi harpastum of mondstadt..."
when wriothesley listens to you, sigewinne notices the way he leans in a little. the distance between his orbit and your existence becomes smaller and smaller, until only slips of candlelight separate the two of you, until the only thing that exists in this makeshift solar system is you and him.
sigewinne is a spectator. she witnesses, in full, the way wriothesley attunes himself to you. he trails after you, basking in the sound of your voice and the way it rises whenever you get excited. he follows you closely, narrowing the proximity, grasping at your atmosphere.
one of these days, he's going to change the trajectory of his life. he's going to make it so his orbit collides with yours, so the two of you will no longer be separated by space, by anything.
he's smitten—so, so smitten.
he stares at them like, sigewinne finally finds a word. like they're enchanted. like they're a dream.
smiling contentedly to herself, sigewinne slips through the grandiose doors of the duke's office, leaving the two planets alone. drifting aimlessly in the galaxy, crafting a solar system of their own.
wriothesley is in love.
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So one of my favourite things to listen to in my off time is debunked conspiracy theories, mainly because it mixes several of my interests: politics, history, and being pedantically right about stuff with objective fact to back it up.
Part of me wishes I could draw more inspiration from this particular well, but doing so risks propagating the same brainworms that create conspiracy theorists in the first place. The grand canyon is a lichtenberg figure carved by a colossal space lightning bolt/energy weapon hitting the earth, which consumed the world in a pyroclasm that caused stone structures melt which we can see across ancient cultures Is a FASCINATING bit of worldbuilding by someone being in denial about the concept of erosion. I don't want to use it however because then my story becomes a transmission point for this bad idea, a psychic parasite that might take root in someone's subconscious and warp their worldview to the point of nonsense.
Take one I heard a few years ago: The word planet comes from the greek word planan, which means wanderer. This is the same word used by the original bible to refer to fallen angels. NASA is lying to us, there are no planets, the non-star lights we see moving in the night sky are fallen angels fixed there by god as punishment for their crimes of coming to earth and beggetting the nephilim, the giants that we can see evidence of in X,Y,Z mythologies.
You can see the narrative potential there right? The questhook about the scholar who invents a better sort of telescope and manages to peer deep enough into space to discover that one of the cosmic bodies is actually a being, only to become possessed by the fallen celestial and driven to free it, just like the extinct linage of giant warlords who rampaged across the region millennia ago. It's such a juicy hook because it plays on the same "aha" moments that the conspiracy theory uses to take root: Oh yeah there IS a linguistic connection between the world planet and the greek word for wandering because they were stars that wandered across the sky oh yeah there ARE a lot of ancient cultures that have myths about giants because it's really easy to imagine people that are big, wonder if there are any internet rabitholes that could teach me more about these thigns?
It's the Dan Brown DaVinci Code problem; It can be entertaining to play around with historical conspirasism as the background for a story but part of your audience are going to be in a vulnerable place and slip all the way down to Qanon levels. It's even worth with the Alex Jones types who can't seperate fiction from reality and take their inability to analyze iconography as a sign on NWO "preprogaming". I don't want to use conspiracy theories/bad archaeology as inspiration only for my work to be pinned up on the red-string board as evidence that everything's connected.
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sinner-sunflower · 2 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 19/?
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
Hello!!! How's everyone's weekend?!
I had the most relaxing trip of my life. Me and my best friend went on a picnic and the place was so gorgeous I wish I was rich enough to have that kind of landscaping.
Here's my update. I hope you all enjoy.
As always: likes, reblogs, and ESPECIALLY COMMENTS are so appreciated and it honestly gives me motivation. We're near the end meaning this might end this week :((
Disclaimer: I did get some help with chat gpt for some paragraphs just to get my ideas across and also because English is not my first languagee. I edited them of course myself because u know how automated shit can be.
I'm learning I promise!
Every denizen of Hell held their breath in anticipation as each agonizing minute passed without a word from the King. Some feared he had met his demise the moment he entered, leaving them grasping at false hope. The Overlords pondered the same grim possibility but dared not voice it in the presence of higher demons.
Amidst the tension, the task of pacifying Paimon fell upon the Goetias, who found themselves ensnared in his relentless tirade about their illustrious King and their collective duty to fix Hell's problems, a duty he believed lay solely with them, not Lucifer.
The Sins, meanwhile, remained vigilant, their eyes fixated on the entrance through which Lucifer had disappeared, searching for any subtle sign of their brother's fate.
Satan, ever watchful, kept a peripheral eye on Goodie. The Good of Humanity had fallen into an unusual silence since Lucifer embarked on his suicide mission. Unlike the rest, she wore neither worry nor despair on her face, hell, not even of glee; instead, there was a knowing glint in her eyes the Sin of Wrath definitely did not like. He could only hope Lucifer emerges from all of this still himself.
At the very back, Vox stole a glance at his rival, noting the whatever-the-fuck thing he had with the King. He half-expected the radio demon to remain his usual apathetic self. And he was half right. The guy was smiling with no care in the world. Yet, to his surprise, a strained smile is etched the demon's face. It's not as noticeable but if you've been looking at Alastor as closely as Vox had been for the past how many years, it's like a giant pimple you can't ignore. There was a glassy look in his eyes, as if the radio demon is going to-
Vox wonders incredulously if his wiring got fried by that shockwave earlier because there is no fucking way.
The media demon is silently thankful he couldn't finish that thought as they are knocked down once more.
It all unfolded in a blink, leaving them no time to respond. The ground quaked with a force that they realized was from the towering tree that's trembling before them. Roots and branches contorted, twisting inwards and outwards like a well-oiled machine, as if the very essence of the tree was tearing itself apart. Red flowers all around withered as the oppressive miasma dispersed. Then, with a thunderous crash, the colossal tree collapsed into a single heap.
The dust clears presenting a lone figure stands in the center of it all.
Belphagor: Lucifer!
There stood the King of Hell, his horns protruding proudly and his corrupted halo casting an ominous black glow. His six wings spread wide, a testament to his power and dominance. It was Lucifer. But... something seemed off.
The Sin of Pride appeared altered. His once pure white attire had transformed into black, adorned with accents of red. His porcelain skin, once flawless, now bore a grayish, melancholic hue. However, the most striking change lay in his hair—it was no longer the radiant gold of angels, but a sinister black with tendrils of creeping red, moving like of the deadly miasma.
Lucifer looked like a shadow of himself.
Before anyone could react, the fallen angel lunged towards Goodie, swiftly pinning her to the ground.
Lucifer: Ẏ̷̨̖̯͎̤͎͖̪̆̀̊͌͑̓̇o̵̻͗̔͊̃͘̚͠ṳ̸͎̍̊͗̌̈ ̵̱͙͇͛͑i̴̳͈̗̺͒̏̃̀̚͝n̸̢̧̖͖͚͉͙̤͇͆̃͛͊̿͛́̚͘s̸͇͚̱͍͈̤̘̒̂̈́̆͗̈̆ͅó̵̇̅́͜l̶͇̝̞̜̰̘͊̒͂̓͝ë̶̮͔̰́̀̑̔̽͊̐n̶̡̧̗̤̘̞̑̇̀t̴͙̲̳̦̦͎͔̠̔ ̵̮̰̞͐̌͌b̸̧͚̾i̴̧̜̪̳̤͔̹͉̦̇͠t̴͖̐̀̾̌̽̎̂̅͜ͅc̵̛̞̳͛̋̆̏͆̏h̷̟̺̬̗͗̉̓̍!̴͉̲̼̪͓̻̪̻̀̊ ̷͇͓̲̬͍̦̙̹͓̔̈́͊̇
Goodie chokes from the stench of hellfire on her skin.
Goodie: I never lied to you, angel. I told you that you were the key.
Lucifer: Y̷̢̘̻̩̲͐͋̐̌́́͝ŏ̴͎̌́u̷̟̯͋ ̶͔̝̘̓̈́̄̈́́̀̐ǵ̸͍͌͝͝á̵̧̫͔̤̘̹̓͗͂v̶̢͕̘̼̦̰̐ẽ̵̝̥͈̝̓͋̌̋͠ ̸̝͙̐̓m̵̩͖͍͒͌͛̔e̸̤̹̻̪͇͔̽̇ ̵̜̬̰̟̖̘͈̐̆̀á̸̻̜̬̫̝͇͚ ̷̢̗̠̮͊ͅf̶̡̩̟͘͝a̵̢͎͆k̷̲̰͓̤̐͌̽͐̿̕͠e̷̛̪̖̅̒̀̓͐͜ͅ ̸̭͙̫̂̚ͅs̴̩̝̺͕̲̯͒e̸̮͍̤̦̯̎̈́̔̌̇͌ä̷̳̖͓̒̕l̶̦̬̙̘̝̉̏̔̈́͆͘͠.̸̨͓͉͒̄̚ ̶͈͆̽̿̋̑̈̕T̶̗̹̱̞̭̩͉̍͆̀̚é̵̹̗͖ļ̶̜̬͍͓̗̿͑̾̋̏̕l̸̛̀̆̓̾ͅ ̷̡̗̼̀̿̓m̸̛̗̞͕̠̟ę̵̬̰̻̮͎̉̓ ̵̥̩̞̮͈͖̅̃̑͜͝ŵ̷͈̥͕̦̘̙̏h̶̝͈̬͖̲̯̝͊̓̕ȳ̴̱̓̄̎͝ ̵̛̣̭̘͔͋̏́̀̋I̵̡̦̬̬̫͓̭͆̍͌͗̍́̀ ̶̛͈͆s̵̛̗͙̙̭h̷̝͌͌͜͝͠ȏ̴̝̹̻͚̾́̃̔͘͝ư̸̮͓̰̖͔̙̇́͊̽̐̔l̶͙̟̙̣̮̱̞̂͌̏͗d̴̢͊͒̉̈ ̸̠̠̮̉̿n̴͚̯̜̫̊ō̴̡͉̪̥̗̹̲̽̄̀̕t̴̢̺̱̊̉̎̕͜͠ ̷̛̹̜̿͝ķ̴̻͚̙͔̈́͊̍í̸̥̼͕̮̾̿͌l̷̢͂̏͆͊̃͠l̷̡̨͎̪̝̖̱̽̽̓͐̀́̈́ ̷͖̿̋͛y̶̻̝̆͂͝ỏ̸̧̹͇̫̀̐̀̍͋̃ų̶̟̩͔͇̝͚̎̈́̑̕͠ ̵͍̃͗͠ẁ̷̝̟̥̰̘͎͒͛́͒h̵̦̜̩̬͋͐̋ė̶̃͜ṙ̸̡̧̟͉̻̬͚̅e̵̤̮̟͌̓ ̴̹͕̮͍̺̲͇̉y̴̨̛̪͛̍̓̏ô̴͔͍͉̅̈́̌u̴̙͖͖͎͐͛̒ ̶̟̙͍̖̭̃̌́l̵̙̽̈́̐͝á̷̡͔̞͈̜͎͒͌̑̐͝y̴̼̹̪̻̒̓̽̀̚?̴̛̻̘͈͍͕̒̃̀̓̏
Goodie: It was not a fake. Without it, you would have perished the moment you set foot in-ah!-side.
Lucifer: H̵̹̩̗̑̎̈́́̕o̷̘͝ẇ̷̢̨̛͇̞̝̦̠̎ ̸̯̹͋̃͑͘͝d̴͉̭̟̫̙̠͂à̶͎̮̝̺̺̥͙̓͛͂̒́ŗ̴̡̺̬̭̝̳̓̈́̑̍͝ĕ̷͓̕ ̸̺͈̖̣̳̃y̴̜̞͆͑̉͠o̴͓͋ủ̸͈͎̳̥͈̞̍̀͜ ̸̥̑͐̇̂̈́̐͝t̶͓͋r̶̼͠ỉ̸͍̻̫̩͍̓͌̍̄͝ċ̷̞̤̭̳̈́̓́̃k̶̖̹͙̋̓̑̀̅̔͊ ̵͙̠̻̜̎ͅt̵̛͇̀̑̀h̴̛̥͉̲̬̰͛̊̀̅͝e̵͇̮̫̟̗̍͊̓ ̶̈̋��̰͎̟̜̗̓K̶̞͉̰̫̂͂̋͝ͅi̷̯̟̤̽͛̈͑n̵̬͙͑̉̍͊̕͠ģ̸͖͍̪̉͗̂͠ ̷̣̯͖̭̜̀ͅǫ̵̨̣̿̽̑͜f̶͔͖̬͐͌ ̸̼̅̿͒̎́Ḣ̴͎͕̳́ͅe̶̛̞̱̦͈l̴̡̲̯͔̰̱̂̅̀̄̈͗͋l̸͍̩̯̗̏?̴̯̥̭̦͙̃̏!̸̼̹͍͖͒̊̅̊̌̔̍
Goodie: Do not delude yourself. There was no chance that this could have ended differently.
Lucifer was heaving so much that Goodie could sense his energy waning. Seizing the opportunity, she managed to escape his clutches. Despite the danger surrounding her, (such bothersome loyalty) she couldn't resist letting out a chuckle, teasing the angel one last time.
Goodie: I gotta say, angel, I do like your new look. Corruption definitely suits you.
Lucifer: F̸̢̨͔̲͖̖̳͍̑̽͜U̵̼̪̰͈̟̜͙͌́́̅̈́̔C̷̢̯͓̘̬͖̝̎K̶̳̖͓̘̝̗̀̓̈́̾̉̾̾͊͠͝Î̶͇͕͚̪̭̎N̴͉̟͍̻͇̚G̵̠̲̰͈̖̎͂͋̾ ̴̧̥͕̹̭̘̜͍̟̎̂̔͗̋̿̒B̶̢̦̤̥͕͉͋̂͌́́͂̈̔͠I̸̗̭̼͊̐͂̀̈́̐̏̐T̸̠̹͓̮̱̻̹̯͉̦̍̔̽̍̄͌̆C̸͍̩̉̈́̈́̄͒̓͑̾͝ͅḨ̴̦̙͉̫̪̫̇̀̄̈́̋͘!
Lucifer then collapses to his knees, clutching his throat as if he's drowning in searing heat. Confusion and desperation fill his voice as he struggles for breath.
Lucifer: How? *gasp* why? *gasp* -trusted-
There's a flurry of movement around him, voices overlapping and blending into a chaotic white noise. Amidst it all, someone speaks with a commanding tone, their words cutting through the haze.
Alastor: Listen to only me, my dear.
There was a faint humming of music? Was Alastor here?
Alastor: I'm here, my Majesty. Calm yourself. You need not to panic.
He's trying, he really is. But his ears are muddled and he can't understand anything anymore. Everything is happening all at once, leaving him disoriented and terrified.
As consciousness begins to slip through his grasp, the Sin of Pride feels a sense of detachment. A new presence moves in front of him, accompanied by a chorus of apologies that echo faintly in his ears.
A cool sensation brushes against his fevered forehead, offering a brief respite from the overwhelming heat and chaos. And with that fleeting moment of relief, Lucifer succumbs to the darkness.
Roo: How fun~
Transformation central! (Transformation central!)
Reformation central! (Reformation central!)
Transmogrification central!
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 2 months
Stickbug AU
Just so y'all can get an idea of what I'm yapping about, I'm gonna spill everything I have planned for this AU so far on this post. I'll try to update it as I come up with more ideas.
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So this AU takes place around 50 years after the canon events of Bug Fables, and I'll explain as I go along so you won't need to know the events of the game.
Some needed information is that Humans are heavily implied to have disappeared/died, and some species of bugs have gained sapience in the "Day of Awakening," though some species remained feral with a few individuals gaining sapience far after the Day of Awakening.
The Hollows Creation
Alan is still in this AU, and in a way he is still the Hollows "creator." In this AU, he's a creature called a "Deadlander Omega" found in the Giant's Lair/Deadlands. Basic information is that they're colossal bird-like Deadlanders which are so big only their claws and eyes have ever been seen. In game they like to drop other Deadlanders onto the player which triggers a fight. Alan is a more aware Omega. He likes to collect whatever piques his interest, normally anything that shines due to the lack of sunlight in the Lair. However after a while of dropping Deadlanders onto the few passing bugs, he got more curious by bugs.
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So what did he do? Sneak out of the Giant's Lair. Used the overgrown weeds to his advantage and would look around. Found out about larva and got fascinated by the fact bugs came from that. So whatever larva he could find he'd take back-- which wasn't often since most people wouldn't just leave their larva/eggs lying around.
Anyway he'd bring them home. The Deadlanders wouldn't register the larva/eggs as bugs or alive so they could just crawl around and munch on the grass until they eventually grew up. Alan started realizing "oh shit grow your own entertainment" when his first little stolen egg grew to a bug, a grasshopper (victim). Alan would basically use a jar to keep Victim from running off, would drop Deadlanders on him to watch the fights even if Victim sucked at fighting.
Now even if Alan doesn't recognize the bugs as living and thinking things, he isn't stupid. He notices how they use the shiny crystals he likes to collect to heal. So when he sees Victim nearly getting killed in one of the fights he puts two and two together and "gives" Victim the crystal. AKA impales him and literally kills Victim. When he notices Victim stops moving, throws him away and tries again.
He finds a hornet larva. Decides to try something different. Bugs use the crystals for health, so as the larva crawls around and eats he crushes up one of his crystals and mixes it into areas they know they like to eat in. Because of the magic in the crystals, whatever sticks in their bodies results in the larva becoming strong, healthy, and extremely powerful sorcerers.
Chosen fights-- both the Deadlanders and Alan-- but can't win. He tries running, but Alan rips off a wing and puts him in the jar. Eventually Alan gets lucky and finds a wasp larva, and unfortunately for Chosen, this one doesn't seem to understand anything other than following Alan. Of course y'all can guess what happens from here: Alan pits the two against eachother, Chosen tells Dark they can team up to fight Alan, and end up doing a lot of damage to him before running. It takes a long while for Alan to rebuild his health before he tries again. This time a lot more careful with a little bumblebee larva (Second). He keeps a very close eye on it to make sure it doesn't hurt him, and an even closer eye to make sure it doesn't get away.
Red's a ladybug, Green's a grasshopper, Blue's a firefly, and Yellow's a caddisfly. While Bugaria takes place in the Giant's Lair (AKA a abandoned human home)'s backyard, the color gang are from the front yard. They each have their own reasons to travel to Bugaria: Yellow has heard about Roach technology and really wants to see how it works for himself, Red wants to join the Explorer's Association and fill out his bestiary along the way, Blue wants to visit the Harvest Festival and give an offering for the goddess of Harvest, Venus' approval, and Green just wants to stick with his friends.
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However getting to Bugaria is difficult. While before most people would take the swamp, the only thing that resulted in was a lot of tension and frustration since they couldn't communicate with the Leafbugs living there and would only result in a lot of deaths on both sides. The swamp got closed off, and as a result, left two main paths. The Caravan is the most popular for good reason: it is an extremely long road usually consisting of many bugs, although because the trip normally takes around a month, it is not safe from bandits nor the weather. A lot of injuries tend to happen and many come out malnourished. The other option takes a day. Just follow the path through the Giant's Lair. There won't be many Deadlanders, but if there are, only large enough groups of bugs or explorer teams can go through to ensure safety.
Since they're a group of four impatient, naive, younger bugs, the Color Gang goes through the Deadlands. It isn't that bad actually, until a little bumblebee catches Red's eye, and an glint of Blue catches Yellow's. Each go off path, Red finding a very excited and nervous Second Coming, and Yellow finding a half of the Roach's ancient Key.
And This catches Alan's attention, because that bee and that key are both of his things. They get to see Alan's spooky ass eye, and Second urges them to run, but before they can the Color Gang gets squished by Alan's claw and Second and the key get picked up. Second isn't happy, stings Alan right in the eye, and gets dropped right next to his friends. He tries helping them up so they can leave, but they're still struggling. He takes too long and Second and his friends get a jar slammed over them.
Alan keeps watch of them, now mostly curious because that's a LOT of bugs in one jar. He's expecting them to fight or do something, but instead... they just sit together. They just chat and sit against the glass, and what really shocks Alan is when they pull out food and start sharing it. I think this is the moment it clicks for Alan that there's something more to them. Alan leaves, and when he comes back he brings back two things. A good pile of food for them, and one of his crystals. He places them on the ground and lifts the jar before perching to see what they do. They're too injured to leave even with the crystal's healing, but Alan is just fascinated with this new discovery. That they're complicated, that they think. For as long as they stay in the Deadlands, which is only a few days, he tries making it as comfortable as possible to see what they like. Tries modeling after what he's seen other bugs do and live in.
They leave of course, taking Second and the key half with them. Alan doesn't like it, but he lets them. Now he's curious on if they'll come back, and now just has a lot to think about now that he's realized they can think and feel.
Chosen & Dark
After everything with Alan, the only thing Dark and Chosen knew was the other, so they clung. Dark itched for a fight, and Chosen was more curious about the outside world. Eventually this lead to the two becoming an explorer team.
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It wasn't bad at first, but Dark of course gravitated to the shadier areas. Dark THRIVED in bounties and fights, meanwhile Chosen started second guessing whether or not he liked being an explorer. Every time they had to leave a kingdom or village, he'd always just felt disappointed. But Dark wanted to keep going, so he followed.
Eventually they started to get a reputation. They would do any quest, no matter the morals, and they wouldn't sell you out. They would get worse and worse clients, and were quickly teetering on the line of hitmen, and Chosen eventually had enough. He didn't see the point in it anymore, he liked the slow moments. Dark meanwhile thrived in a fight, because it was the only thing hes ever known.
This led to a fight between them. A bad one. Dark had been experimenting with Roach crystals to boost his own abilities, and somehow, Chosen ended up accidentally dragging Second and the Color Gang into it. There was a lot of collateral damage and Dark showed off how he was not above killing people, by targeting Second's friends. They died, and that mixture of sheer rage and grief was what triggered Second's skill in magic. Y'all know how this goes, Second beats the shit out of Dark Lord, revives his friends, but before he can land the killing blow, Chosen stops him.
Chosen doesn't want Dark to die, but he can't be with him anymore. So he rats on Dark. Gets him thrown in Rubber Prison, and Dark takes this as a betrayal. They depend on each other, and Chosen wouldn't even defend him and never visited him. Chosen regrets this decision every day and before he can get arrested too, he hides and is labeled as missing.
Anim VS Minecraft
This stumped me at first because how the hell do you mix bug fables and Minecraft but NO WORRIES I FOUND A WAY
After the Deadlands, first thing Color Gang does is sign up for the Explorer's Association. Unfortunately there can't be teams of 5, so they split into two teams: Blue and Yellow form Team Sunset, and Second, Red, and Green form Team Second. They do quests for a while, Yellow spends a lot of time focusing on the key half, and eventually they team up for a pretty important quest!
Not sure what this quest would be exactly, but basically they get lured into a cave and when they get into it Red starts acting weird. And then he starts attacking them and going for the key and yep if you've realized it WE FOUND A WAY TO ADD HEROBRINE FUCK YOU MINECRAFT CREEPYPASTA BUGSONA
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Art once again by @tatos-stick-pile
Herobrine is a recently awakened Golden Orb Weaver spider who uses his silk to puppet Red around. This silk is SHARP too. He tries going for the key because he's heard of the artifact and its power and he really wants it to expand his territory. He gets his ass kicked when they figure out whats going on and he escapes.
Afterwards Yellow decides to be more secretive about the key half. They don't figure this out for a while though, but the entire reason Herobrine was expanding his territory is because he looks after lesser bugs ESPECIALLY ones that have recently awakened. He just hates regular bugs.
And I lied to start with Purple I have to start with an Explorer Team y'all should be familiar with-- unless youre coming from the bug fables fandom and to that i say hello how do you like the shitstorm so far. Anyway one Explorer Team, Team Orchid. It consists of an orchid mantis named Orchid and another mantis named Navy.
Orchid is an explorer for the sightseeing and to help people. Navy doesn't exactly care about that, he's mostly around to make sure she doesn't get herself killed. Eventually he gets an idea that they can get a pet for some extra defense. Orchid LOVES the idea, and so Navy drags her to the Forsaken Lands to find something strong enough.
Orchid falls in love with a mothfly and won't settle for anything else. That mothfly is Purple, a recently awakened mothfly who is extremely confused because he's only been around feral mothflies and its his instinct to stick with them. Anyway y'all know how this goes, Navy "trains" (aka beats) Purple, who can't fight back and goes to Orchid for comfort. Purple causes a massive rift in their relationship and its not even their fault. Orchid wanted a pet to dote on and Navy wanted something to train. But Orchid isn't stupid-- even if Purple is a mothfly and can't talk she starts recognizing he's awakened. He's a child. She starts treating him as such despite how much Navy HATES it and Purple of course starts seeing them as their parents and really looks up to them.
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And one day Navy is sick of it. Takes Purple by the arm and drags him back to the Forsaken Lands and far from Orchid. Purple is nervous but still trusts him, thinks its for training. Navy drags him all the way to the abandoned Ant Settlement and tells him to stay there. To prove his training he needs to protect that settlement until he comes back to get them. Purple of course is "okay ❤️ yay❤️."
He doesn't come back. Neither does Purple. But Purple sticks to the settlement and protects it-- getting a little overly defensive of it. Overtime more mothflies are drawn to the area and of course they form little hivemind clusters and whoops! False Monarch 2. But since Purple is awakened and actually intelligent he has a lot more control over the mothfly clusters-- or False Citizens-- and they act more as an extension of him. Purple forms his own little cluster too-- and hates being separated from it and DESPISES being acknowledged as "just a mothfly" so he dresses with a mask and cloak to be a better bug. He gets a bit of a superiority complex as well due to just being surrounded by nothing but feral bugs that he can control.
Anyway the sudden re-population of this abandoned settlement with False Citizens does not go unnoticed. Especially because whenever one wanders close, Purple tends to have a citizen stalk and lurk around the edge until it creeps the bug out enough for them to leave. So a bounty is made once again for the False Monarch.
Blue and Green see it. They think it would be SO fun to lean into their competitive sides and see if whoever got the killing blow on the bounty would finally prove their team as better. So they go to the settlement, see the citizens staring and stalking them and ignore it. They aren't attacking them, after all. They're just being creepy.
They end up finding Purple who is NOT happy and is immediately defensive. But he's not attacking them. He's just kinda throwing a fit and making himself look bigger. Which is weird because bounties are usually extremely dangerous and hostile, but this one is just... throwing a fit. They end up just nearly dodging a fight when some of the citizens start grabbing Green and Blue to throw them out and Blue blurts out they don't want to fight. Turns out Purple does understand Bugnish, but can't speak it.
Great! So they don't have to kill the pretty chill bounty. But others don't know that, and they need to bring back proof they killed Purple to get the bounty taken down. They bring it up to Purple and after vague translations, they make a deal. Purple's been having trouble with a strong enemy near the settlement, so he gives them their mask and helps them defeat the enemy.
And its a big fucking spider, but thankfully they have Purple's range to help in the fight, and while its going smooth at first-- Purple ends up bailing. He's spent too long away from the settlement and figures since Blue and Green are strong enough that they'll be fine. They aren't. Because they needed Purple's range. Purple almost ends up getting them killed, the only reason they survived is because their friends realized they were gone for a long time and come just in time.
Green and Blue afterwards take the mask and leave. They're pissed at Purple but they can confront him another time, they mostly just want to be away from him at the moment.
Time for King! Y'all know King's deal. He has a child he loves with all his heart. In this AU he is a Violin Mantis and his little Goldie is a mantis nymph. King personally isn't an explorer, but Gold REALLY wants to be once and he always finds it difficult to say no to Gold.
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Anyway Gold hears wind of a tourist thing. They're doing this mini-tour of the Deadlands in a 100% totally nothing will ever go wrong encased area. Its gonna focus on theories on the Deadlands and what Gold is more interested in-- how Explorers made it safer and how they traverse it.
King doesn't like it. Its called the Deadlands for a reason. But Gold really wants to and is begging him and is doing all his chores and being the most perfect little nymph so he can go. And they claim its safe. King finally caves and takes Gold, and y'all can guess what happens. Deadlander breaks through and kills his son right in front of him before the Explorer escorts can kill it.
So like any regular parent experiencing grief King vows to fucking blow up the Deadlands and everything in it. Not like anybody cares about that fucking place and is widely considered a No Man's Land. He ends up getting his hands on the other half to the Key and is obsessed with finding the other half.
AVM Season 3
While going towards the Termite Kingdom to hopefully find some clues on where the other key half is, King gets lost along the way and finds the abandoned Ant Settlement. False citizens are of course not happy and watch him, but he ignores them. He might as well search the place while he's here. He ends up finding Purple, whose not happy and already a little on edge because Blue and Green haven't come back despite promising they will.
King notices the bounty paper Green and Blue drop and promptly manipulates Purple. Tells them that they probably won't be coming back. But I imagine Green and Blue were yapping to Purple, mentioning the key half because both dont take it that seriously, and Purple sees King's key half and mentions it through a drawing.
King turns up the manipulation to 100. convinces Purple to take his citizens with them (wants to use them as a deadlander bait). If they get the key they'll be strong enough for their village. He just has to get the key from his friends and bring it to King.
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Very cute doodle once again from @tatos-stick-pile
Purple does. A while after he's ditched the village to be with King, they run into Color Gang again. They're chatting and having fun and eventually Purple just... dissapears along with the key. Y'all should know what happens, the chase happens, Purple brings the key to King, he combines them and gets really strong and starts destroying shit. Big fight starts up, King focuses on superpowered Second, the color gang go after Purple, who isn't really that strong. He tries getting help from King, but King ignores him. Leaves him for dead.
This fucks up Purple. Because King introduced that fear and realization of abandonment in Purple. And Purple not only realizes how many mistakes he's made, but also realizes he's in fact a lesser bug. That's why nobody wants him. And people don't hesitate to kill lesser bugs when they're in their way. Purple gets both super emotional and terrified for his life, and is forced to abandon his beloved cloak and mask to make a run for it. Green pursues him, everything else happens.
Not sure how everyone splitting up would work so far, but Red somehow gets Herobrine and some of the bugs he watches involved in the fight. Green convinces Purple to go after King, and the bigger fight starts. King uses the Key to attack anyone and hes close enough to his goal hes gotten a lot more brutal. Will just hold whoevers nearest and shoot them point blank with it. Y'all know that scene. The scene where King is nearly killing Purple and goes through that flashback and is slapped in the face with the realization he sees Purple as his own son. That still happens, King gives up, helps Purple and Purple still sticks to him.
Victim & the Mercenaries
Shortly after being discarded by Alan, a cordyceps fungus found and started growing in the grasshopper's body. He is EXTREMELY lucky, because the tiniest crumbs of magic crystal left in his body was just enough magic to balance out the fungus sticking to him and passing on its memory without completely overloading it and turning him into a zombie. But its not perfect, and it still shows in the mini holes in his body. He also woke up fucking PISSED enough to turn him into a Locust
I'm gonna keep this section extremely vague since we still don't know what happened to Victim in AvA canon. Just know he built a massive "charity" corporation in the Termite Kingdom that claims its going to find a way to turn the Deadlands useful. AKA he wants an excuse to have enough money to research a way into killing Alan.
This involves hiring explorer teams, leading him to the Mercenaries: Hazard, Ballista, Primal, and Agent. They are explorers who work in the shadier areas of the Association and are EXTREMELY difficult to hire as they only accept high rewards up-front.
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Some concepts for Victim and Agent since I haven't settled on a design for them...
Chosen and Dark catch Victim's eye, since they're rumored to have attacked an Omega and lived. However since Chosen is missing, Victim and the Mercenaries stop by Rubber Prison to visit Dark. Now Dark and the Mercenaries were very well known in the same area, so they know each other. Doesn't mean Dark likes them.
They convince Dark to help them with the promise of his bands back and a dead Omega. Dark thinks Chosen would absolutely love a dead Omega, and so he doesn't hesitate.
Shit happens. Chosen and Second get captured by the mercenaries and Chosen is PISSED at Dark despite all the regret. They're both mad at each other but Dark's doesn't last long when Victim starts torturing Chosen for information. He's mad at Chosen but he doesn't want that.
He blows up at Victim a little at it, so to get Dark to listen, Victim rips off a good chunk of Chosen's remaining wing. That makes Dark stand down, and now Dark doesn't know what to do. Chosen feels too guilty about everything to say anything, and Dark is too prideful to apologize. More shit happens-- Victim has the gem of Hoaxe's crown. Long story short it can brainwash Hornets, which Victim starts using when Chosen keeps refusing. That pushes Dark more off of Victim but he can't do anything lest Victim directs it all back on Chosen tenfold.
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More vague shit. Mr alan becker i need the next part of episode six soon please. Anyway big fight in the Deadlands. Everyone's in there and Victim wants Alan DEAD. But Victim is getting progressively more and more pissed off because despite being attacked Alan is being as gentle as he can. He's going the extra mile to make sure he doesn't kill them. Anyway Dark ends up snapping Chosen's antennae to break him out of the brainwashing and Victim gets cooked.
Chosen decides to not murder Victim-- mostly because clearly that's not permanent and its too good for him. Victim is extremely upset about this because the fact nobody is killing him and just being weirdly merciful and the fact hes lost all control has sent him into a breakdown. Its challenging all the rules hes lived by and how he thought the world worked. Hes screaming and shouting at them.
Which attracts the attention of another Omega. Now the thing about Omegas is because they're pretty fragile due to being mostly bones, it means they need to build armor to survive. And they're territorial. Usually if an Omega picks a fight the one with the better armor survives.
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Once again-- art provided by @tatos-stick-pile THEY ARE COOKING
And to protect the bug he KNOWS he hurt and was alive-- Alan attacks the other Omega despite already being extremely injured and losing most his armor. The others dont have a choice but to hide out of sight, and eventually the other Omega wins and kills Alan. Tries looking around for the interesting thing that was shouting but finds nothing and fucks off along with a few undamaged parts of Alan's armor.
Everyone except for Second and the Color Gang decide to take their leave. I imagine throughout the story theres a lot of moments where Alan works on making it up to Second and just truely shows he cares and is regretful. So Second tries reviving him, but the problem is that Alan is just... fuckin' massive. Even when they're dead or asleep they're so big their bodies get mistaken for terrain.
It doesn't work at first. Until Yellow finds the gem Victim left behind that he used to control Chosen, and he learned that this can boost magic. He gives it to Second and he completely exhausts himself and they revive Alan. Yipee!! Everyone is saved happy ending go home its over
After Everything
Chalk my liar count to 2 y'all
Purple lives with King, and King has officially adopted him. They still have their own issues they're working towards, but they're slowly getting there together.
Dark and Chosen don't know what to do at first. Chosen wants a chill and peaceful life, but Dark directly contrasts that. He's much more well known and hated than Chosen. Just by being with him, he ruins Chosen's happiness, but he just wants to stay with him. Chosen wants to stay with Dark as well. Thankfully, one of the mercenaries pops up. They're pissed at first, but all they do is mention a town.
Looking into it, after the attempted takeover half a century ago, the bandit leader Astotheles got inspired by the celebration. He wanted a home, a nation for his people, so he left Bugaria because it obviously wasn't gonna happen there. Outside the nation's borders, he established his own village. Where bugs who are abandoned or discarded can come to start anew.
Chosen and Dark decide to move to there, leaving behind and finally moving on from everything that happened to them.
Victim on the other hand went missing. He took that loss HARD. Agent thinks he has an idea on where he went, but needs extra help, so he puts up a request. He's not bringing the other mercs because they don't know about the cordyceps thing and Victim prefers to keep it hidden.
Color Gang ends up taking it up. They are low on berries and its the only request on the board. Nobody is happy about this. Agent makes sure to go with them, and he leads them all to Snakemouth Den. In the den there's a lot of spores and magic in the air, and it gets worse the deeper you go in because in that cave is an ancient Roach laboratory where experimented on cordyceps and magic in an attempt to recreate the immortality of the Everlasting Sapling (that thing is long dead it doesnt matter).
Anyway Victim went here for a power boost. Thinks he just needs to try again and he'll have more control and he'll win. Now he aint thinkin' clearly because the magic that is so goddamn potent in this cave is messin with the fungus. And y'all remember what i said?
"He is EXTREMELY lucky, because the tiniest crumbs of magic crystal left in his body was just enough magic to balance out the fungus sticking to him and passing on its memory without completely overloading it and turning him into a zombie."
Yeah. Ends up shanking himself with the crystals to try and force more magic in him and it makes the fungus go stupid crazy and completely overgrow out and through his exoskeleton and whoops! say goodbye to your sentience. Control freak loses everything even the control over himself. Fun little boss fight I also imagine he has a poison thing going on.
Anyway they end up knocking him down and restraining him, Agent rips out all the crystals. Victim isn't dead yet but he's in awful shape, and congrats you earned Second's pity. Second heals him and Agent pays them a shit ton for that and brings Victim home to help him recover.
Anyway thats it for the AU so far holy god that was so much longer than I expected if you made it here we should go on a date to texas roadhouse together
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colossal-red · 2 years
I know you already know what this is gonna say
How did Quackity, Sapnap, and Karl meet?
Hmm, is this enough of an ask to talk about what happened to the Ruins of L’Manburg? Probably not lol.
Anyway, we already know how Sapnap met Karl, but what about the others?
Sapnap met Quackity a couple of years ago, Quackity was working multiple jobs and wasn’t doing the best. (He worked at, a casino, a self-owned taco truck, and as a comedian.) Sap was visiting Las Nevadas during spring break, and happened upon Quack’s truck, they hit it off pretty well. Eventually Quackity worked up the courage to ask him out, and he said yes.
Now, how did Quackity and Karl meet? Well I have myself to blame for this one. Quackity was running his normal routes with the taco truck, when he heard a scream, He looked around from the drivers seat, trying to identify where the scream was coming from. (And why it was so quiet but also not?) Eventually he saw a bird attacking some small creature that had fallen from a tree on the side of the road. This occurred near the Ruins of L’Manburg. He got out and shooed the bird away, and discovered Karl. He scooped up the unconscious borrower, and took him into the truck. Quackity nursed Karl for a bit before he woke up, to which Quackity fed him mini-taco’s.
Although Karl did BOOK it as soon as he was well enough to walk. He traveled back to my void and scolded me for pushing him off the tree. So what was happening was that I was telling Karl, “You should take a break from traveling the multiverse with me, settle down, meet your soulmates.” But he didn’t agree, eventually I convinced him to at least observe one of them, Quackity. I was with him in the tree, and he kept on making excuses. So I told him, “Hey Karl, you know how I said that I’d never let you get killed?” “Yeah.” “Trust me dude.” pushed out of tree
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 2 years
For the ask prompt:
(And some music 🎶- (any you prefer-))
Listening KPOP while writing this :D
Anyway enjoy :)
8- You... Saved my life. Why?
TW: Safe/soft vore, fear of dying, digestion mention (kinda), injury, almost drowning, blood mention
Dream looked at the phone a third time, this time to see what the weather would be like at the beach. He really liked surfing and since he hadn't been surfing in a long time, he decided to go that same day.
He put on the black neoprene with green parts and on top of it the clothes for that day, he also prepared the spare clothes along with the towel for when he was going to return.
It didn't take long to get there, though by the time he got there, the weather changed drastically, making it dangerous to surf in that weather.
Dream didn't give it any importance, he would surf anyway bad weather or not, so he entered the water. The first few minutes that he was surfing, he did quite well, until there was a wave a couple of meters bigger than the others, which would be about 5-6 meters high.
Dream tried to get away from it with his surfboard, but it was impossible, the wave caught him, taking him to the farthest part of the sea, so much so that he was several miles away from the beach.
Several hours later he woke up stranded in the middle of the ocean, his surfboard the only lifeline. He got on the surfboard but when he felt his leg itching, he looked at it and saw that he had a wound from which a lot of blood was coming out, although not enough to bleed to death.
Of course, it did not seem like a good sign since it would attract a lot of sharks and that was something he didn’t want. He looked around in a panic, not wanting to run into one and become its meal.
A while passed and no shark seemed to be approaching, so he relaxed a bit. Big mistake. Something quite large and slimy wrapped around his leg and yanked him off his surfboard, starting to sink him deeper.
He tried to escape from the grip of the animal that was sinking him, but it was impossible, it seemed that it was glued like a squid. Dream began to panic, he needed to breathe, having been suddenly dragged into the water like that, he hadn't been able to catch enough air, so he almost couldn't take it anymore.
He finally reached his limit and instinctively tried to breathe, beginning to choke when instead of air, water began to enter his lungs. His vision began to dim, not noticing that the animal had suddenly released him, letting him sink in that same spot. Before passing out, he felt his cold surroundings turn hot.
Sapnap had only gone out for a swim to go around the ocean, what was not expected was that a giant squid was dragging a human to the bottom. Soon the human let out a lot of air, letting him know that he was beginning to choke.
He quickly approached the squid, biting down on the tentacle that held the human, swallowing the bite. He licked his lips, it had been a while since he had eaten squid. The animal noticed his hungry look and disappeared as fast as it could.
Sapnap just snorted, beginning to quickly separate the human from the tentacle. Sensing that the human was about to lose consciousness, he hurriedly put him into his mouth, closing it immediately as he pressed the human against his palate to swallow the water. Once he swallowed it, he placed his tongue in its normal position, the human lying placidly on top of it.
Sapnap panicked and swallowed him, hoping the muscles in his throat would tighten enough to force the water out of his lungs. Once inside his pouch, he began swimming towards a sea cave with air he knew.
He could feel how the human began to cough constantly, causing him to let out a sigh of relief, although that changed drastically when he gave a startled scream. He increased his speed, wanting to get to the cave as quickly as possible.
Dream began to cough, expelling all the water he had swallowed. When he finally stopped coughing he looked around, noticing the slimy, slippery walls of the space he was in. His eyes widened in fear as he realized where he was, giving a terrified scream.
A stomach. He was in a stomach... He began to hit the soft walls, not harming the being that had eaten him because of how weak he was, begging to be let out, although if he were an animal, his request would not be answered even in dreams.
"Please! Let me out! I don't want to die! Not yet… Not like this… Please…” He felt something gently pressing on him, as if trying to reassure him, but… that was impossible, right?
He tried to calm down by looking around, noticing that its stomach was glowing a soft shade of orange, preventing him from being completely in the dark. If he wasn't completely terrified, he'd admit that it looked pretty even.
The space he was in began to move and in the blink of an eye he was pushed up the throat, appearing in the mouth soon after. Dream was completely surprised, he really thought he was going to die, but during the time he was in the stomach nothing happened to him and apparently this creature had the intention of releasing him.
The mouth opened and instead of water entering as he thought it would, quite cool air entered. Looking at the entrance, he saw that there was a stone floor outside the mouth, so he began to crawl.
Once he was out of it, he slowly got up and turned around, giving a small yelp of surprise when he saw that what had eaten him was not an animal, but a giant mer.
"I'm glad you're okay, I really freaked out for a moment when you went limp on my tongue." said the mer with black hair and orange eyes a tone stronger than his stomach color.
“W-what happened? How am I still alive if I was in your stomach? Dream commented quite confused and scared by the situation he was in. “Okay, let me explain, okay? Be calm…” Dream nodded letting the mer explain what he had to say.
“Okay then, I saw that you were being hunted by a giant squid, but by the time I released you from its grasp you were about to pass out, so I placed you in my mouth and swallowed the water so you could get air. . Although apparently, by that time you had already passed out, so I panicked thinking that you were going to die and decided to swallow you, hoping that the muscles of my throat could renimate you. Apparently it worked, since as soon as you entered the pouch, you began to pour out all the water you had swallowed and well after that was when you screamed. He explained while scratching the back of his neck.
“B-But what about the stomach? Wasn't I in the stomach? Dream asked, confused. “Oh no, no. If you had been in my stomach you would have died for sure, you were in my pouch, which is made especially for hatchlings when they still can't breathe well underwater or to keep them safe from other creatures."
Dream’s eyes widened in surprise. “So, you... saved my life. Why?" Faced with that question, the mer passed his hand across his forehead, brushing the hair out of his eyes. “Honestly, for some reason I felt like I should, you look about my age too. I don't know, I just didn't want you to die, okay?" He finished saying, looking away not knowing how to explain it.
Dream gave him a small smile. "Thank you." The mer placed a hand over his face, hiding the blush that had formed on it. "You're welcome, by the way, I think this is yours..." Dream's eyes widened as he saw his surfboard in the mer's hand, who placed it next to him.
“I thought I had lost it! Thank you very much!" The mer smiled slightly. "You don't have to thank me, by the way my name is Sapnap." “Dream, nice to meet you, Sapnap.”
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vintagegeekculture · 11 months
In the 1920s, we thought giant insects would destroy mankind
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In the 1920s, there was a decade-long trend of stories where a destroyed earth is ruled over by insects that have grown to colossal size. Giant Insects were believed to be the most likely cause of the end of the world all through that decade.
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Hugo Gernsback especially was a big believer in giant bugs ending the human race, and as many pulp historians have pointed out, most of the published giant bug stories were in April and May, just around the time to appeal to fears of spring and allergy season.
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This trend was inspired by "Red Dust," a hugely popular story from 1920 by Murray Leinster. This story got a lot of imitators, and it seemed that every single end of the world story in that decade involved a world ruled by giant bugs. In fairness, this isn't completely from left field. The science behind this is that oxygen levels in the atmosphere change over time in earth's history, and the more oxygen in the atmosphere, the bigger the bugs get.
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Another cause of this might have been a 1908 article in the Strand that imagined what would happen if Giant Insects invaded London.
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The "giant insects end the world" story was a cliché by the end of the decade, and letters pages in Astounding grew cranky whenever a story was done with that theme. By the 1940s, you could only get away with doing a story with this theme if you put a wrinkle in it, like in 1935's the Insect World, where thousands of years in the future, alien bugs arrive on earth to find it without humans, only to discover that mankind invented a race of termite-ants to do all our work, only to be destroyed by them when we lapsed into apathy.
Heinlein of course, wrote Starship Troopers in 1959, where his pseudo-arachnid bug race had weapons and technology, but the idea of giant bugs warring against mankind was already well-trod ground by the time the Old Man got to them.
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thecreaturecodex · 4 months
Demon Lord, Aldinach
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Image © Paizo Publishing
[Sponsored by @vonbaghager . While doing my research for this entry, I noticed something interesting. Aldinach and Areshkagal are enemies in Pathfinder. Aldinach is the name of an Egyptian demon, but looks like a Mesopotamian scorpion-man, whereas Areshkagal gets her name from the Sumerian Ereshkigal but looks like an Egyptian sphinx. Maybe that's why they hate each other.]
Demon Lord, Aldinach CR 28 CE Outsider (extraplanar)
This creature is a golden scorpion the size of a house, except that her head is that of a bald, fanged human woman. Her claws are enormous, made out of blood-red crystal. A mass of seething scorpions crawls along her back and sides.
Aldinach, She of Six Venoms, Lord of Scorpions CE female demon lord of sand, scorpions and thirst Domains Animal, Chaos, Evil, Sun Subdomains Demon, Feather, Fur, Light Favored Weapon kukri Unholy Symbol gold scorpion with sand dripping from its claws Worshipers girtabilus, chaotic phaerimm, torturers Minions fiendish earth elementals, giant scorpions For information on Aldinach’s obedience and boons, see the Book of the Damned
Aldinach is the demon lord of sand, scorpions and thirst. She rules the Sea of Whispering Sands, a layer of nearly infinite deserts she stole from her sister Areshkagal. and continues to defend it from Areshkagal’s servitors. Aldinach has the infinite patience of an ambush predator, and the persistence of the constant erosion created by a sandstorm. She believes that she will outlast the Faceless Sphinx and maintain her rule through sheer tenacity.  That Areshkagal has yet to give up is a source of frustration, but not an insurmountable one, and the two demon lords continue to clash in proxy wars via their cults and servitors.
Aldinach usually opens any confrontation by summoning a supernaturally deadly sandstorm. Anyone who resists being immediately flensed is then met in direct combat. She of Six Venoms, as the title suggests, is a master of poisons. Her venom and any created by a spell she casts ignores almost all immunity to poison, and she can tailor the effects of her venom in order to ruin the bodies and minds of her enemies. The infinite swarm of scorpions clinging to her is an extension of her body, and quickly shred and envenom anyone who dares to strike her.
Aldinach’s worshipers tend to be as determined and patient as the Lord of Scorpions herself. The tortures of Aldinach include envenomation and thirst, neither of which are typically fast deaths, and cultists will repeatedly heal their victims and give them just enough water to live, extending the torment to weeks or months. One of Aldinach’s goals is the expansion of deserts, the better to create hard, dangerous environments to breed hard, dangerous souls. Some of her subtlest worshipers masquerade as aqueduct engineers or farming specialists, claiming to be able to eke more out of lean land but in reality spreading the desert.
Aldinach     CR 28 XP 4,915,200 CE Colossal outsider (chaos, demon, evil, extraplanar) Init +11; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect chaos, detect evil, Perception +45, tremorsense 120 ft., true seeing Aura unholy (DC 28)
Defense AC 46, touch 13, flat-footed 39 (-8 size, +7 Dex, +33 natural, +4 deflection) hp 676(33d10+495); regeneration 30 (deific or mythic) Fort +30, Ref +31, Will +31 DR 20/cold iron, epic, and good; Immune ability damage, ability drain, charm effects, compulsion effects, cold, death effects, electricity, energy drain, petrification, and poison; Resist acid 30, cold 30, fire 30; SR 39 Defensive Abilities Abyssal resurrection, freedom of movement, swarm skin
Offense Speed 80 ft., climb 40 ft., burrow 40 ft. Melee sting +42 (2d8+17 plus poison), 2 claws +42 (4d6+17/17-20 x3 plus grab) Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft. Special Attacks command vermin, constrict (claw, 4d6+25), crystalline claws, flensing storm, rend (2 claws, 4d6+25), she of six venoms, sneak attack +4d6, swift sting Spell-like Abilities CL 27th, concentration +37 Constant—detect chaos, detect evil, freedom of movement, speak with vermin, true seeing, unholy aura (self only) At will—air walk, blasphemy* (DC 27), cup of dust* (DC 23), cloudkill* (DC 25), greater dispel magic, greater teleport, overwhelming poison (DC 26), sunbeam* (DC 27), unhallow, unholy blight* (DC 24) 3/day—control weather*, empowered horrid wilting (DC 28), quickened sirocco (DC 26), summon demons and scorpions, sunburst (DC 28) 1/day—dominate monster (DC 29), power word kill*, sea of dust * Aldinach can use the mythic version of this spell in her domain
Statistics Str 45, Dex 24, Con 40, Int 28, Wis 29, Cha 31 Base Atk +33; CMB +58 (+62 grapple); CMD 68 (80 vs. trip) Feats Blind Fight, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Empower SLA (horrid wilting), Exhausting Critical, Fatiguing Critical, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Critical (claw), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Lightning Reflexes, Nimble Moves, Power Attack, Quicken SLA (sirocco), Skill Focus (Stealth), Stand Still, Vital Strike Skills Bluff +46, Climb +58, Heal +42, Intimidate +46, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, religion) +42, Knowledge (geography, planes) +45, Perception +45, Sense Motive +45, Spellcraft +42, Stealth +41, Survival +45, Use Magic Device +43; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, speak with vermin, telepathy 300 ft. SQ demon lord traits
Ecology Environment any deserts (The Abyss) Organization unique Treasure triple standard
Special Abilities Command Vermin (Su) Aldinach can command creatures of the vermin type to do her bidding as a move action, either via using his ability to speak with vermin or via telepathy. This affects vermin within 300 feet (Will DC 36 negates). This functions like mass suggestion, but can affect mindless creatures. Aldinach can suggest obviously harmful or suicidal acts (though non-mindless creatures gain a +10 bonus on their saving throws against these suggestions). The commanded course of activity can have a duration of up to 1 hour. If Aldinach issues a new command to a creature, the previous command is discarded. Once a creature succeeds at its save against this effect, it is immune to further commands from Aldinach for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based. Crystalline Claws (Ex) Aldinach’s claw attacks threaten a critical hit on a roll of 19-20, and deals x3 damage on a successful critical hit. Flensing Storm (Su) As a standard action, Aldinach can conjure a supernatural sandstorm at a range of up to 300 feet. The storm fills a sphere in a 40 foot radius, blocking vision as a fog cloud, and dealing 10d6 points of slashing damage and 1d4 Constitution damage a round. A successful DC 36 Reflex save negates the Constitution damage and halves the slashing damage. As a move action, Aldinach can move the storm up to 60 feet. Aldinach can see through her own flensing storms without penalty. A flensing storm can only be dispersed with wind of hurricane force or stronger, and lasts for 2 minutes. Aldinach can use this ability at will, but can only have one flensing storm in existence at a time. The save DC is Charisma based. Poison (Ex) Sting or swarm skin—injury; save Fort DC 41; duration 1/round for 6 rounds; damage 2d4 Str, Dex, Int, Wis or Cha damage or 1d6 Con damage; cure 3 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution based. She of Six Venoms (Su) Aldinach can change what ability score her poison deals damage to as an immediate action. She can change the ability damage for her swarm skin ability separately. Any poison damage dealt by Aldinach ignores all poison immunity except from a mythic source. Speak with Vermin (Sp) This functions as speak with animals, except that Aldinach can communicate with creatures of the vermin type. Summon Demons and Scorpions (Sp) When Aldinach uses her summon demons ability, she may also summon giant scorpions of any size with the demonic vermin or half-fiend templates. Swarm Skin (Su) Any creature that touches Aldinach with a melee weapon, natural weapon, touch attack or unarmed strike must succeed a DC 33 Reflex save or take 5d6 points of slashing and piercing damage and be exposed to her poison. Manufactured weapons with the reach property do not endanger their wielder in this way. The save DC is Dexterity based. Swift Sting (Ex) Aldinach can make a single sting attack as a swift action. This is in addition to all of the attacks she makes as a full attack action.
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puppetmaster13u · 4 days
It's the last day of Mermay...
So have my most common headcanons on who would be which (or take inspiration from such) for if they were merfolk <3 Yes, this is DCxDP but can be used for either separately if you want.
Bruce- Ray
Alfred- Remora
Kate- Angel Shark
Dick - Guppy
Cass- Cuttlefish
Jason- Thresher Shark
Tim- Bichir
Steph- Spanish Shawl Sea Slug
Duke- Anglerfish
Harper- Cichlid
Cullen- Rasbora
Damian- Stingray
Carrie- Dusky Batfish
Jarro- Starfish
Terry- Devilfish
Matt- Koi
Barbara- Jellyfish
Gordon- Squirrelfish
Ghostmaker- Moray Eel
Harvey- Tiger Shark
Selina- Catfish
Harley- Clownfish
Poison Ivy- Leafy Seadragon
Riddler- Corydoras
Joker- Piranha
Bane- Pufferfish
Mr. Freeze- Leopard Seal
Scarecrow- Anglerfish
Waylon- Saltwater Crocodile
Solomon Grundy- Coelacanth 
Penguin- Longfin Icedevil
Ras Al Ghul- Sturgeon
Talia- Pike
Dusan- Pike 
Deathstroke- Tiger Barb
Clark- Sea Lion
Connor- Fur Seal
Jon- Fur Seal
Kara- Sea Lion
Martha Kent- Ribbon Seal
Jonathan Kent- Manatee
Lex Luthor- Cardinalfish
Barry Allen- Marlin
Wally West- Swordfish
Bart- Marlin
Iris- Trout
Thawne- Wahoo
Captain Cold- Beluga Whale
Heatwave- Guppy
Captain Boomerang- Discus Fish
Mirror Master- Mahi Mahi
Green Arrow- Goby
Arsenal- Arapaima
Artemis- Grouper
Black Canary- Orca
Diana- Lionfish
Cassie- Lionfish
Cheetah- Spotted Snapper
Vandal Savage- Dunkleosteus 
Marvel- Whale Shark 
Billy- Wrasse
Mary- Wrasse
Freddy- Killifish
Eugene- Loach
Pedro- Danio
Darla- Goby
Black Adam- Gar Fish
Dr. Sivana- Dolphin
Mister Mind- Bristle Worm
Martian Manhunter- Octopus
M’gann- Octopus
Aquaman- Hammerhead Shark
Kaldur- Blue Tang
Oceanmaster- Ray
Plasticman- Oarfish
Booster Gold- Goldfish
Blue Beetle- Blue Shrimp
John Stewart- Sailfish
Hal Jordan- Neon Tetra
Red Tornado- Mantis Shrimp
Zatanna- Swordtail
Constantine- Fighting Fish
Doctor Fate- Wrasse
Deadman- Glass Fish
Klarion- Platy
Cyborg- Mola
Raven- Squid
Beast Boy- Triggerfish
Starfire- Koi Fish
Beast Boy- Fluffy Sculpin
Lobo- Wolf Fish
Deadshot- Ruby Barb
Killer Frost- White Koi
King Shark- Great White Shark
Doctor Light- Dolphin
Catman- Tigerfish
Angel Breaker- Redtail Black Shark
Trigon- Giant Squid 
Martha Wayne- Mako Shark
Thomas Wayne- Devil Ray
Lucious Fox- King Mackeral 
Jack Drake- Freshwater Angelfish
Janet Drake- Comet Goldfish
Danny- Betta Fish (Or Giant Phantom Jelly)
Dan- Lancetfish
Ellie- Betta Fish
Jazz- Oarfish
Sam- Lamprey
Tucker- Devil's Hole Pupfish
Valerie- Cherry Shrimp
Vlad Masters- Vampire Squid
Maddie Fenton- Lion's Mane Jelly
Jack Fenton- Whale
Ida Manson- Gulper Eel
Mr. Lancer- Hatchetfish
Spike- Gourami
Wes Weston- Carp
Kyle Weston- Perch
Paulina- Dragonfish
Star- Cichlid
Dash Baxter- Short Beaked Dolphin
Kwan- Goldfish
Box Ghost- Boxfish
Lunch Lady- Killifish
Skulker- Sea Turtle
Ghostwriter- Lyretail
Sidney Poindexter- Shubunkin
Jonny 13- Corydora
Kitty- Loach
Ember- Basslet
Desiree- Seahorse
Spectra- Eel
Walker- Frogfish
Nocturn- Lanternfish
Overgrowth- Sea Pig
Fright Knight- Swordtail
Pariah Dark- Skate
Princess Dora- Dragon Goby
Pandora- Leaf Scorpionfish
Frostbite- Crabeater Seal
Clockwork- Colossal Squid (or Congor Eel)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you want pics of any of the fish/creatures I am happy to put them out, I just can't put that many links on one post lol. (Also apologies if I missed anyone)
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askfuzzycallie · 2 months
[Ask] Does anyone know how the fuzzy ooze changes someone? This isn't a simple change of species such as from a Giant Squid to a Colossal Squid. This a massive change of Class from Cephalopoda to Mammalia.
Your blood alone must have at least changed from blue (due to copper), to red (due to iron).
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calmlyerratic · 3 months
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Encounters of the Future Sort
Chapter 1: Disappearing Cauldrons is Never a Good Sign
by @calmlyerratic
Read it here on Ao3.
Fic Summary: AU & headcanon-oriented time travel. A freak cauldron explosion leads the Marauders hurtling forward into the future where they come into contact with Harry and friends. Alternating POV's. Anything is possible. Lots of shenanigans, but also an emotional rollercoaster. Silly, Jily, and Wolfstar. Read full summary here.
chapter wc: 2.3k — rating: T — cw: none
Notes: 1976 Timeline—takes place before the willow prank and Snape's worst memory, both of which happened in the spring of 1976. That's all I'll give away for now, happy reading :)
April 1st, 1976
It was a beautiful Saturday morning. The sun was twinkling through the lofty clouds, casting rays of warmth on the freshly thawed spring grounds of Hogwarts. Most students were outside, lounging along the banks of the Black Lake and enjoying this sudden heat wave.
But if someone just happened to journey up to the school's seventh floor, their nose would detect the foul stench rotten eggs, and their eyes would see through the fog that was consuming the corridor, and they would be led to a room that could be found only if you knew where it was. And in this room, they would discover four boys hovering over a giant, brass cauldron.
"Shut up Moony! We're fine."
"I agree with Prongs—shove it."
"No one cares what you think Padfoot!"
"Ouch, Moony. And I didn't realize words could bruise..."
"Oh—sod off. It's not my fault that you two have some absurd death wish."
James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew had been bickering for the better part of the past hour. Each had a curious bubble around their heads to protect them from the horrid smell of the simmering potion.
"Stoke the fire a little, will you Wormtail? Prongs—what's next?" Sirius set a long wooden stirring spoon on a bed of parchment, serving as a makeshift spoon rest, and adjusted his dragonhide gloves. "Your hands are so tiny, Wormy. I dunno how you wear these."
Peter had drawn his wand from the pocket of his robes and murmured, "Incendio." He then held up his hands, inspecting them. "Do I?"
"No, Padfoot just has long delicate fingers." Remus huffed as he eyed the spoon anxiously, his eyes flickering between the thick, murky greenish contents of the cauldron to the spoon rest that was turning an odd, startling red as liquid seeped through the ivory parchment. "Why are we doing this again? This isn't even close to proper procedure..."
"Oh, just relax Moony," Sirius flexed his fingers in Peter's gloves and stretched his arms leisurely. "You did say we needed some extra potions practice for our O.W.L.'s."
Remus rolled his eyes. "I meant you should ask Slughorn for some extra lessons, or something. Not attempt to brew a complicated and potentially fatal potion! You do know that I'm a Prefect and this is exactly the kind of thing I'm supposed to prevent?"
"But you're here aren't you?" James pointed out, grinning mischievously. He was sprawled over a table, leafing through several different ancient, thickly bound books.
"I'm only here to make sure you don't blow yourselves up," Remus stood in exasperation and began pacing.
"We'd be simply unhinged without your supervision," Sirius bit his lip to hold back a grin.
Remus glared at Sirius, who raised an eyebrow and winked. Remus flushed slightly, crossed his arms, and sat back down, muttering.
"Okay," James checked his watch, "we're getting close now."
"What next?" Peter asked, pinching his nose through the bubble charm. "The smell's getting worse, we've got to be almost finished? We've been working on this for months now—"
"Months?" Remus was alarmed. "Wait, I thought you said—"
"No time, Moony," James was scanning through the colossal books, a frown on his face. "In this book, Potions for the Potentially Challenged, it says to add one additional scoop of lacewing flies. But in this one, If You Can Brew it, You Can Do It...calls for three scoops total. We already did one yesterday when we added the unicorn hair—"
"Unicorn hair? Where are you getting these books?" Remus peered over at them discerningly, as though to check their authenticity.
"My father's library," Sirius shrugged. "Nicked them when I left."
"You're in way over your heads," Remus massaged his eyes shut.
"If you care so much about our safety, you should really be the one doing this, Moony. You know the rest of us are all dead awful at potions." James pointed out, turning a page and pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his long nose.
"Yeah, but you insist on being the high and mighty Prefect instead." Sirius shook his head, clicking his tongue in disapproval. "You know, the more I think about it, your position of ensuring safety is truly more of a hazard."
"Safety equals safety hazard," Remus moved a finger in midair like he was solving a complicated arithmancy equation. "Check."
"Okay, we're in a time crunch here so I say we—what did you say again, Prongs?"
"Add the lacewing flies," James nodded. "Just a scoop, Wormy."
"Right," Peter passed the ingredients to Sirius, who threw them in the cauldron.
"Okay good—now stir it three times counterclockwise..." James read carefully. "And I think we've done it!"
The four boys watched the cauldron with bated breath. The thick, murky liquid began to bubble, like boiling mud. James and Sirius beamed at each other and high-fived, Remus let out a sigh of relief.
Then suddenly, despite the steady flame, the potion went very still.
"Um, is that supposed to happen?" Peter shifted nervously.
"No," James hurriedly leafed through his books. "It's supposed to...turn red, I think? No, this one says it's supposed to have a greenish tinge—"
"Great, " Sirius huffed, "we muffed it up. So much for that prank—"
"Oh hush Moony, it's April 1st for Merlin's sake. Like you didn't know we weren't doing this purely for academia—"
"Hold on," Peter gazed into the cauldron, its contents casting a luminous glow over his bubblehead charm. "I think it's doing something…"
The muddy potion began to vibrate, then whole cauldron began to gently shake.
"That doesn't seem right..." James flicked through more pages.
Remus clasped his hands together. "Well, you tried. Let's call it a day?"
"No way, Moony." James stated firmly. "We've spent way too much time on this to just give up. There has to be a way to fix it..."
"Too bad you're on the outs with Evans, mate, she's Slughorn's red headed prodigy." Sirius considered, stroking his chin. "Well, she's a stickler, anyway. Hey—where are you going?"
Remus had jumped to his feet. "I'll be right back! Don't move!"
• • •
A short while later...
"It needs to be bubbling—"
"Well let's just turn up the heat then?"
"Hold on just let me read a bit more—"
"What is this place?"
Sirius squinted his eyes at this new voice and put a hand to his forehead of his bubble, like a crow's nest lookout on a foggy evening. "Evans?'
James head shot up from his reading and he ran a hand through his untidy, raven hair, as if it was a reflex to hearing her name. Through the thick, vapid air covering the room, three figures approached the cauldron.
Lily Evans had her nose between two fingers. "Well we found the source of the godawful smell, ugh."
"I told you," Remus shrugged sheepishly. He glanced towards the other boys with poorly concealed guilt. The origin of this became apparent when another person stepped out of the misty shadows.
"Snevillus?" Sirius crossed his arms like he'd been mortally betrayed. "Really, Remus?"
Snape glared forcefully, like a giant sulking bat. "Lily, I told you this was a bad idea—"
"She can do what she wants, Snevillus." James glared too, his hand twitching towards his wand.
"Oh shut up, the both of you. You can bicker later," Lily rolled her eyes. "I'm only here because Remus asked me."
"Look, this is beyond me—that cauldron is dangerous." Remus drew his shoulders back with as much dignity as he could muster, given he was revealing their secret shenanigans to the Marauder's worst enemy. "Lily and Snape are the best in our year at potions, and you know it."
"Yeah, real Slug Club royalty." Sirius scoffed.
"We have it under control," James insisted firmly.
"This—" Lily glanced around, her voice nasally from pinching her nose, "does not look under control. Or smell like it, either. You're smoking out the entire seventh floor."
"I think it's steam, actually." Peter offered. "It feels rather moist—"
"It's a figure of speech," Lily said shortly.
"We could smell it from the Library," Severus sneered as he waved his wand to produce a bubblehead charm.
"I can smell you from the—"
"Padfoot!" Remus warned. "It's gone too far, okay? We need to fix it. Or vanish it, or something." He turned to Lily. "What do you suggest?"
Lily waved her wand and produced a bubblehead charm too, inhaling the fresh air. She approached the cauldron and peered over the edge.
"I for one suggest," Sirius began haughtily, pointing his wand at the base of the cauldron, "that we are incredibly capable of finishing this potion ourselves. It just needs a little more heat—incendio."
The flame under the brass cauldron grew and the mucky potion began to bubble.
"There!" Sirius grinned victoriously.
"It looks just like the description..." James ran his finger along a page. "Thick, mud-like, dull green—"
"Er, P-prongs?" Peter stammered, his eyes widening. "It's bright green."
The bubbling potion had suddenly become the shade and consistency of algae and had begun to vibrate oddly again. The base of the cauldron began to shake.
"Er, Potter?" Lily was backing away from the cauldron slowly. "What kind of potion is this, exactly?"
"You imbeciles! Aguamenti!" Severus flicked his wand and a jet of water shot out of it to extinguish the flames. It didn't seem to make a difference. The cauldron was now vibrating so violently that the stone floor beneath them began to shake.
"Sev, what do we do?" Lily's eyes were wide with apprehension. "I've never vanished something this temperamental before—"
"It might settle down," Severus stood with his wand at the ready. "I removed the heat so there's no further catalyst. Let's give it a moment."
However, the cauldron continued to vibrate even more violently. The walls began to shake. The fog around them became thicker and dense—with a spectral, syrupy magic that couldn't be seen, but felt.
"I say we get the hell out of here," Sirius suggested. "Moony, you were right okay—"
The bright green algae potion suddenly turned a vibrant shade of red. Severus went rigid.
But it was too late. The cauldron exploded mere seconds later with a giant BOOM and the next thing the Marauders, Lily, and Severus knew, they were lying face down on the hard stone floor.
"Bloody hell," Sirius groaned as he sat up, massaging his temples.
"What happened?" Peter blinked around, in a daze.
"Uggggh..." Lily was sprawled out on her back.
"You okay, Evans?" James jumped to his feet and offered her a hand.
"We all appear to be fine," Severus sneered jealously as he scrambled to his feet.
Lily glared at him as she took James' hand. "So glad chivalry isn't dead."
"Speak for yourself," Sirius grunted. "Oh, Snivellus—help a damsel out?" He batted his eyes, extending his hand gracefully.
Severus looked down and flushed. "I meant—"
"Where's the cauldron?"
All heads turned towards Remus, who stood where the cauldron had been just moments ago.
"I-it's gone." Peter stammered, biting his fingernails.
And sure enough, it was. They all stared for a moment in silence, eyes wide with shock. Disappearing cauldrons is never a good sign.
"The fog is gone too..." Remus broke the silence as he removed his bubble head charm, causing the others to do the same. "And so is the smell."
In fact, the room was totally empty. No tables or books or leftover ingredients. The cleared fog revealed the familiar structure they had willed the room to take, starkly resembling a stone dungeon classroom with slightly higher ceilings.
"Huh." James contemplated, tousling his already messy hair. "Weird."
"Yeah," Peter echoed. "Weird."
"It could be the room?" Sirius suggested. "But it usually only changes before you enter, not while you're inside it..."
"What the hell does that mean?" Lily raised an eyebrow. She had never been in the Room of Requirement before. "Never mind—I don't want to know, there's been enough surprises for one day."
Severus opened his mouth and looked like he rather did want to know but had too much dignity to ask, so he shut it again.
"Let's go, Sev." Lily turned towards the door.
"Thanks, Lily!" Remus called after her sheepishly. "I owe you one."
"You never owe me anything, Remus." Lily threw him a kind smile. "You other three better pay up, though."
Severus shot them all one last gaunt glare over his shoulder before he sauntered after Lily and into the corridor.
"Snevillus?" Sirius raised an eyebrow at Remus, still stuck on this. "Our dear sweet Moony...why?"
"He was with Lily when I found her," Remus rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sorry..."
"Thank you, but your apology is kindly rejected." Sirius shook his head disapprovingly. "And you're supposed to be the discerning one—"
"In my defense, I thought you were going to blow up half the school."
"You always overreact, Moony."
"Well, something blew up!"
"Yes but we're fine, aren't we? Crises averted."
"So, you admit it was a crisis?"
"I admit you were very concerned there would be a crisis."
"If you two are done bickering like an old married couple," James tapped his foot impatiently, "I'd quite like to move on with my day."
"Too bad we wasted all that time brewing..." Peter sighed.
"Unicorn hairs aren't cheap either," James exhaled deeply. "Oh well, let's get out of here. This room feels...weird."
"You feel it too?" Remus asked, eyeing their surroundings. "I didn't want to say before—but this place reeks like powerful magic. I've never smelled anything like it."
"I don't smell anything?" Peter knit his brow and sniffed deeply.
Remus put a finger to the side of his nose. "It's a wolf thing."
"Let's go mull it over outside," James stretched his arms. "I need some time to grieve our best laid plans, and all that."
"Anyway," Sirius blew a stray hair out of his face, "what could possibly happen?"
"I dunno," Remus wrapped his hands around his elbows and shuddered. His hair was standing on end. "I have a bad feeling about this..."
Read chapter 2 here.
Notes: I started writing this 11 years ago and just recently rediscovered my love for the Marauders and fanfiction. Initially, I posted it on another site and was shocked to see how much love it's gotten over the years. So here we are! Rewriting this is totally healing my inner child, hope you enjoyed :)
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