#first thing i draw in like a bajillion years
seasicksilver · 5 months
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pov you attempt to save the world AND live out your goth dreams
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youcouldmakealife · 10 months
So I was thinking about Julius’ trade, and how Erin’s attitude was basically a mix of ‘fuck those assholes’ and ‘wherever you go…’ Not in a ‘stand by your man’ way, but b/c a huge part of all the Mathesons’ core value system is a belief in family, and family as team (with a healthy dose of sang froid for anyone who fucks with the team/family.) And, along with that, a strong work ethic. So, what does Erin do for work? Is it related to her degree? Future plans, esp in the US?
NB to my question about Erin. In YCMAL, Coach Samson tells Dan about how his wife (yet another Alberta girl! waves) was bored off her ass their first year after is trade from the Flames to the North Stars, because she didn’t have a green card. But I can’t see Don and Susan’s daughter sitting around for a year, so even if she can’t draw a paycheque, I bet she does something. Take up carpentry? Ultra marathons? Conquer human trafficking on the dark web?
Erin has the most Erin of Erin jobs, a job Jared might even be jealous of, were he not, you know, a pro hockey player. She gets to correct people for a living. (She copy edits. She genuinely loves it, even when it's objectively boring subject matter.) It doesn't pay a ton, but it's flexible, which she likes, plus her boyfriend makes a bajillion dollars and she does not have the hang ups about her partner contributing more financially that Jared does. Like, for one: it'd be impossible for her to find something comparable, Julius makes almost eight figures, so why stress about it? And also: she provides quips and companionship. Julius is very lucky to have her.
She does contract work, so it's not as difficult a move as it would be if she had an employer, but the lack of green card does throw a wrench in the works, at least until the Scouts get that all sorted. She plays tourist at the beginning, trying find all the good spots and embrace the move if they do end up staying (and they do, so), and then it's almost a good thing she isn't working, because that's the year the Scouts get their third Cup, so there is a lot of moral support happening, particularly because Julius does not...have a lot of playoff experience, at this point. (They made it one year! Then got swept.)
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mugentakeda · 27 days
how did you get so good at drawing? What did you practice first?
Well. ive been drawing for many many years. but i only recently got to a point with my art where i didnt hate it and could look at something i drew and could truthfully say with my chest that i was happy and proud of how it turned out. cus if u followed me on my priv twitter ud know i used to get very self deprecating about my art lol.
i just had things in my head that i wanted to get better at specifically and things i wanted to put into my style that i felt would make it look better. things like more dynamic poses, drawing hands, drawing old people, etc etc. i pick a character that has something about them that im not so good at drawing and then i make myself draw that character repeatedly until i can do it in my sleep- its why ive drawn iroh a bajillion times lol. practice makes perfect is definitely a motto of mine when it comes to art hahahaha
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ofpineapplesanddawns · 8 months
For the Halloween prompts, id honestly love to see you action figure smooch with eldritch horror demon and angel Crowley and Aziraphale
You ever seen my designs for Aziraphale in the Celestial Harmonies au, and Crowley's in the reverse of that au?
That's what they look like in this.
Oh, and the angelic true form is from that recent drawing I did for Crowley.
Warning: body horror mentioned, lots of limbs and eyes and hair that might actually be on fire, it's hard to tell
On with the fic!
"You've never actually seen my true form?" Crowley asked, lowering his shades. "Really?"
"It's never been something we've discussed." Aziraphale shrugged. "Though I do believe you've seen mine."
"Oh, I have. Many eons ago, but I've seen you. With your... long, centipede body, and bajillion eyes of many colors." Crowley snorted and sipped from his whiskey.
Aziraphale rolled his currently-only-two eyes. "Yes, well, I remember your old true form."
"Uhg, that thing?"
"You looked beautiful! All space dust and lights, and the rings! So many rings!"
"And too many eyes in my halos." Crowley grumbled. "Not even my true eyes, ya know? Remember the stitches on my face?"
Aziraphale had to pause, trying to remember. He did recall that in the short time he knew the angelic Crowley, they had taken their true form once and Aziraphale had noticed that their eyes on their human-like face had been stitched shut.
"How peculiar." Aziraphale replied.
"Yeah, well, they were like that for a reason."
"Are they still like that?"
"Wanna see?"
Aziraphale perked up, wiggling a little. That seemed to answer that, as Crowley waved his hand, and suddenly they were no longer in the cottage.
No, they were in a desert that they knew well enough, even if it had been home for them both for only a short time, and then a quick stop during the End of the World. Well, the first End of the World, at least.
Aziraphale glanced about the desert, before turning his attention to Crowley who rolled his shoulders and popped his neck. "Ready? I show you mine, you show me yours?"
"I suppose it's only fair."
Aziraphale straightened his coat before taking a step forward.
The sand was felt all over his body except his upper half, that rose high above the sands. Hands of multiple fingers clutched at the hot grains as countless eyes opened, looking everywhere and nowhere. Wings spread wide, shaking out, enjoying the warmth of the sun on them.
A halo shined brightly behind Aziraphale, still shiny since it was repaired at he blew it up a few years ago.
In front of him was a different being completely, yet still recognizable. Short, red locks were now long, flowing, and rising above, a strong heat coming from the flaming red locks. A broken, black halo floated above the head.
The body was long, snake-like, black and red scales shined in the sunlight, beautiful. Four hands touched at the body and golden, snake eyes stared at Aziraphale.
"Your eyes..." Aziraphale spoke from the mouth on his stomach.
"My true eyes." Crowley replied. "Hidden behind stitches until they were cut, right after I fell. I bet She knew all along what was going to happen to me and the others."
"Possibly, but we don't know that for sure."
Aziraphale moved, sliding across the sands, staring at the marvel before him. The form was so different, but yet he knew exactly who he was looking at. No longer space in nature, but snake-like, and yet just as beautiful and unique as the original, maybe even more so.
He smiled and moved closer, pulling Crowley close. "Look at you." He whispered, from a second mouth that formed on his face. "You're gorgeous."
Crowley seemed to recognize the words, swallowing. "You think so?"
"Oh, I have, for many, many years. You're even more beautiful now than when I first saw you, and that's impressive because you were impossible to look away from even then."
"F-fuck, angel." Crowley squirmed, but didn't pull away. No, they leaned in closer to each other, and kissed there in a desert that possibly didn't exist anymore, or maybe it was still there, it was just that no one paid it any mind.
Aziraphale had been secretly wanting to do this for 6000 years, took long enough, still should have tried his luck on that Wall.
Oh well, he had a snake demon to snog, he could think about that later.
Big, freaky angel and his slightly smaller, snake demon lover. :3c
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just-a-carrot · 3 months
Helloooo!!! I was looking for inspo for my own visual novel a little while back, it's set in a ballroom so eventually the keywords lead me to discovering save the last dance (and itch.io in general im a total noob to this lmao) i dont know what it was but it just like took a vice grip around me INSTANTLYY.
So I downloaded the main game today and I am actually silently cursing you because I got nothing done all day I was just like transfixed. The artstyle grew on me alot, and oh godd the character designs... God I love the designs, espcially Genzhou's. There's just so much love (even in every gruesome death scene lol) put into this it's almost difficult not to get obssesed...
Also sidenote I found it kind of encouraging almost to see that you're (self-proclaimed) older, I found that really inspirational lol. There's something that just makes me want to create and actually sit down and learn when I play your games. I guess I've always had this feeling of having all the time in the world but recently I've been feeling almost like it's too late to learn new skills (which is kind if ridicolius since I'm like smack dab in the middle of gen z). Regardless I guess your work made me realize the artistry in visual novels, I could keep going but I tend to ramble lol
ahhhhhhhh this is so sweet!! i got very weepy reading this, especially as i'm already feeling quite soft today as it was a bit of an anxious one... 😭💕
that's fascinating that you found StLD first searching for ballroom stuff!! i am always curious how people first find out about any of my games. i'm happy you enjoyed it, especially enough to go play the main game sob. i'm incredibly touched
and i'm even more touched that you've been enjoying the main game so much 😭💕💕💕 especially all the kind words about the art!! i've grown more confident in my art more recently but especially in the beginning stages of the game i was incredibly self-conscious and worried about it because it was rather odd-looking and didn't match any other typical VN styles. so that's really sweet of you to say. this game certainly has had a lot of love put into it (and blood, sweat, tears, my entire life... etc.). it is very much a big passion project and my eyes were perhaps too big when i got started, but because it dug itself so deep into my psyche and i also made some good decisions like releasing in parts, etc., i've been able to keep working on it until the end despite it taking me like 2.5+ years so far. i'm not even sure i can put into words what this game and chars have done for me and my life and the many journeys and discoveries i've made along the way
dkjfalsdkf yes... i am a millenial, i will say that much. though i don't often feel like one. except for the fact that i often have no idea what people are talking about or referencing and tend to be awkward and confused most of the time LOL this is also why my characters are all older, as well. i sometimes feel a bit strange since i feel much older than many of the others in the VN dev sphere (well, perhaps in age only, not really in mental maturity maybe LKDJAFLKDS). if this can give inspiration to others that are also a bit older though, then i am glad 🤣 i have spent much of my life going from thing to thing and never really knowing exactly what i want to do. case in point my current job has nothing to do with my master's degree. though the one constant has always been creation of some kind, whether it's drawing or writing (and now with games, doing both of those on top of scripting and coding and a bajillion other things lol). i don't think you should ever feel "too old" to do something. or to get started doing something. or to feel like you "haven't done enough" etc. i say this so strongly because i also try to reassure myself sometimes perhaps LOL it's also ok if you don't know what you want to do so you're just trying out different ideas that you're passionate about. so many of us just wanna find something that makes us feel fulfilled and passionate, that makes our hearts ache, that fills us with joy and motivation. so if you can find something that does that for you, no matter how old you are, grab it and don't ever let go lkdajfalskd
at any rate, i'm glad i could also help you discover more about VNs in general. i hope it will be helpful as you work on your own games!!! 💕
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i feel like my brainworms are legit nerfing me
oversharing ahead but i honestly don't care nor see this as a big deal. what's the point of living if i can't talk about my life
i'm not sure what to do about it... one thing they don't warn about when it comes to recovery, you kind of go "backwards" in your timeline, unfolding deeper and deeper traumas. this leads to addressing needs that for most healthy individuals have been satisfied during appropriate stages of development. and it's kind of hard to navigate through, and the deeper into childhood, the harder. and the dumber some issues are.
i identified one of major sources of my art block through noticing the same pattern while learning japanese. i have an exam next month, and i'm sitting here just clowning around, avoiding touching my workbooks. i don't have any struggles learning it. in fact, i'm catching things quickly and if i practiced, i would have been better. but i just can't make myself study, and the block is so strong, it's paralyzing me the same way my art does.
why learn or do anything, if 1. there are people who are better at it, from those who studied better to native speakers, or in case with art, are more creative and have been going to art school since they fell out of the womb 2. i get nothing from it, no praise, no attention, nothing. no change in attitude towards me (this phrasing suits better, considering what i'm about to say next)
and one can think of bajillion things to debunk these points. like, who the fuck cares, do what you like, engage in things that make you happy, also learning skills or expressing oneself through art doesn't render "nothing" as a result, like, it's obvious how both can be monetized, if we're going for "practical" needs, and how many other opportunities await me that can broaden horizons and enrich my existence.
but... but.
the entity we're trying to tell these things isn't the current, conscious mind of 30 year old me.
it's an ostracized, bullied, weird tween that seems to be doing good at school, where the kid finds escapism from issues at home. the kid is called a goddamn little genius at first, but eventually it all becomes boring or doesn't go in line with school program, it's annoying, the kid is fucking annoying too, can't come up with anything useful or worthy everyone's time. so the kid scribbles random shit to escape or vent about both school and home life. or just embraces art. and hey, looks like these skills are cool and complex enough to catch everyone's attention once again and be the cool artist daughter/cousin/friend/whatever i was called to have, i'm considered talented and useful again. for a while. didn't last long because it's all still essentially useless. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa help
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(ok random cringy note but i have been thinking recently how fandom often draws spamton the way i used to dress in my mid teens; the time when every bit of hope or resemblance of peace in my life crashed beyond retrieve. he's my spirit animal now)
like. words and lack of full background (which i won't go into in public obviously sjxjskxsxj) can't really explain why something that doesn't sound like a big deal as i type it left such a huge impact on me. my life at home was like a pure nightmare at some point, and came with serious baggage i still yet to unpack. my life at school sucked a lot, except for two years where i switched schools and it brought some relief, albeit temporarily. there were days where i would spend a whole night up, being on full alert for any random reason, including physically fighting or eavesdropping every noise i can hear behind my door, hoping i won't get stabbed or raped in my sleep. that's why i have issues sleeping these days and wake up from every tiny fucking noise. and after that, i would go to school and say i literally couldn't do my homework and none of these fuckheads cared, they called me useless, lazy, and threatened with consequences. yeah, "being useful" became tied close to "having a right to live" because of all the fucking mess that went on, the puzzle is coming together.
as i was reading pete walker's book "complex ptsd: from surviving to thriving", bits about describing traumatized children growing into completely dysfunctional adults, to the point where they're on disability and literally can't function at all, i thought about how i essentially sabotaged myself through thing i described above.
if i didn't deliberately ruin everything, i may have had a network of artists at this point, probably opportunities that i can't even think of, stable income, probably also a stable community, but i just dipped right when i was getting more and more interesting commission requests, getting more known, merch being done with my art, people being interested in my stuff, getting some cool opportunities, some of which were even about to spread outside fandom circles...
that hole of void inside, that feeling of uselessness and not being enough, has been growing (along with other issues i had, but still) until it burst and i was avoiding it all like plague, saying "no" to everyone who came to me until they stopped coming, obsessing over being the lamest artist featured everywhere, being afraid to create because it felt like i'm ruining paper/canvas/digital spaces/etc with my essence, that i'm not allowed to make myself present in anyone's life, unless i earned that right through being "useful", and even then i still experienced paranoia and severe anger issues and so, so, so many other things that led me to be diagnosed with a mood disorder, a personality disorder, and then put on antipsychotics and antidepressants.
you know, now that i'm typing this all out, i'm thinking that this made it all even worse. i'm even more scared of approaching these issues, because now they have a "take a pill and shut up" layer to it. "you're born useless and don't have a place among us, sedate yourself so you stop being a nuisance to everyone". "no, the world is completely fine, you're the broken one". "normal people live fine with X and Y, you're just crazy, delusional, sick, yOuR BraIn ChEmIcAlS ArE OfF meNtAL iLLness Is WHen Ur BraIn Is BrokeN1!1 MentAl DisorDers ExisT In VacUuM U jUsT WeRe BorN MenThollY EEL TAKE THIS COCKTAIL OF DANGEROUS DRUGS WITH A BUNCH OF SIDE EFFECTS THAT WILL KILL THE REST OF YOUR MIND!!111"
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i have no idea in the fucking slightest what to do. i'm doing much, much better than ever. i could even say, i'm very close to being normal, at least in the way i define it. but everything that has to do with vague definition of occupation, hobby, and collective/community? i'm kinda just brute forcing things as of now, idk.
but i don't think i can push it this way for long, cuz... progress in my skills doesn't heal. using a new language doesn't heal. finishing projects, no matter how fun or cool, doesn't heal. getting praised for these doesn't heal. getting paid for my art (or anything at all in theory) doesn't heal. socializing doesn't heal, i just do it in spite of lil demon behind my shoulder constantly whispering me that i'm everyone's laughing stock/annoyance/whatever and everyone i'm interested in wants me away. having some people prove these delusions to me in the past few years didn't help either.
maybe i'll come to solution later, as i always do, but as of now... i'm stuck and i don't know where to start
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destinysbounty · 2 years
@rarlkove made this absolutely phenomenal fanart drawing the similarities between Zane's Rebooted sacrifice and whatever the hell was going on at the end of season 12. And can I just say, I'm so glad I'm not the only person who sees it! Both scenes involve Zane having fatal amounts of energy channeled through him in ways that are clearly very painful. Which when you think about it just makes the Manifestation Gate incident that much worse, because it likely brought back a lot of unpleasant (and canonically traumatic) memories for him.
(I also talked about this in much greater detail a bajillion years ago, which you can find here)
So naturally I decided to make an edit paying tribute to both the idea and rarl's wonderful work! But in particular I wanted to highlight the way these scenes are so different, too. In Rebooted, Zane was willingly subjecting himself to this. This was a sacrifice made to save his friends, and he died smiling at a life well-lived. But in Prime Empire...that is. Not happening. With the Manifestation Gate incident, he doesn't have the luxury of dying with a smile on his face. To say the very least.
Warning, it's a bit rough around the edges, this is my first time experimenting with a different editing style. But still, I think it turned out alright! Could be better, but I'm satisfied with it considering I only spent a few hours on the darn thing.
(also rarl, dont worry about counting this as a dtiys entry, i just thought your art was kickass and felt inspired)
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achoshistor · 11 months
[totk] alternate dimension???
HAHA ok i simply can't go without writing this down but this time i will try my best to omit all spelling errors to preserve readability... tbh i wouldnt read this if you havent finished the geoglyphs
ok im gonna be honest i've only finished botw and totk so this is gonna be moreso why the alternate timeline from botw is plausible in comparison to the actual placement of the timeline bc thats too much thinking and its been like a million bajillion years since i read the historia.
ok so firstly zelda doing different things in the past is def why the line would have changed from botw to totk but why was zelda the one who went back in time?? In botw the divine beasts are literally analogous to the current sages which is basically
vah rudania/daruk = yunobo
vah naboris/urbosa = riju
vah ruta/mipha = sidon
vah medoh/revali = tulin
that covers all four but what about link?? link gets his own divine beast (master cycle) too so why is zelda the sage and not link?? besides i heard this mentioned somewhere else (i forgot where) but link has the ability to literally slow down time when hes drawing his bow or looking through the scope and he can pause time with the menu but idk if thats actually canon LOL. either way link can also control time like zelda. But speaking of divine beasts the 4 helms can be found in totk as well but the item descriptions call them zonai while the general look of the pieces is clearly sheikha which is weird cuz whaaaat?? also idk maybe nintendo just wanted a way to explain amiibo gear but this just suggests that the divine beasts themsleves are also zonai of some sort. Ik people are saying they dont mention the divine beasts at all but impa and i think like one or two other npcs mention them meaning they are still here but zonai somehow which doesnt make sense in the context of botw.
also aside from the divine beasts theres some other things of note too: firstly, your house in hateno which zelda STOLE 😭😭liek man i paid good money for that sign... 3000 rs.... this is p minor but why would she just take the sign away unless it wasnt already there?? I mean ok maybe link wanted to live with her
[zora arc spoilers]
anyways point two about yona... tbh i thought she was ganondorfs spy or something at first because she came out of nowhere... im assuming she's muzu's daughter but we saw no sign at all of her in botw... maybe the devs hated sidlink that much lolol. In all seriousness tbh her appearance does seem to point to a shift in the events of 100 years ago unless she's not from hyrule which seems unlikley seeing that sidon grew up in zora's domain according to the botw dlc.
[zora spoilers over]
ok last thing... the bottomless swamp is gone!!
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like whaaat theres a pond there now
I'm like 99% sure this is just because they needed a body of water that you can drop into safely but its also the only pond on ground thats actually got the lily pads from the sky in it which is interesting. I don't think they added any other new bodies of water aside from this though. Lorewise though it makes no sense at all that they removed that whole giant skeleton from here in a few years and even if they did iirc the ground around it was crackly and dry. Lanaryu/Zorana used to all be a desert and they said it took hundreds of years for it to become fertile so its kind of nonsensical that this area would only take a little while...
overall i think this is probably just nintendo trying to make it so that totk can be standalone but man it cant be that hard to write coherent lore
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solradguy · 1 year
Art stank venting 🧅
I think I need to stop doing membership subscription rewards for my art and go back to commissions as my main income. I spend all month doing 9 drawings (basically full illustrations) for a static amount and even if I finish them early I'm too dead the rest of the month to work on anything else, like my second original art zine or other original projects, and then I dread the rollover for the next month... But I feel really bad about it because my patrons are all super awesome and supportive and I just made them all make the move from Patreon to Ko-fi in November. My original art's stagnated so much though, on top of commissions making like a bajillion more dollars than the subscriptions do (@ the cost of not being as reliable each month) argh
I think my biggest problem is that I'm bad at keeping these just sketches even if I can do them under 2 hours each (generally) so the detail of them's been going up over time while I keep making the same amount for doing them. Some of my patrons would probably be cool with me just making a really expensive tier instead for sketch rewards but I think I should just can the whole thing and go back to commissions for a while to see how that pans out first. It's been like 6 (?!?!) years since I did art like that and my general art base has grown so much since then so I think it'd work out. Probably.
OURAHRHGHHR this situation sux lol
Also I still cannot believe how bad the tools are on the artist's end for the membership tiers system on Ko-fi like holy shit no pause feature??? No way to just stop doing them without it being a huge pain in the ass??? I wish I knew this shit before making the move or I might've just stuck with Patreon lol A lot of Ko-fi's other tools are super nice though (like the commissions and shop tabs) but man this area in particular is rough.
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eiseryn · 9 months
Modern AU Outfit Designs (Lei ft. NPC friends)
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Back on my outfit design BS, but this time for outfits in the modern AU. I've written a little stuff (fanfiction???) for the modern AU which takes place in a university setting!
Throughout her university and med school days, Lei actually had long hair! So in the modern AU, I decided to draw her hair long~ Also it really hits different 🥺 She's cute with short hair too but long hair Lei feels younger and softer to me.
For the outfit, I wanted to make winter/autumn outfit designs for another series of drawings I'm actually working on (I have like 50 bajillion WIPS) and so I made these as concept art / outfit designs. I wanted to include plaid elements so for Lei, her skirt is a green plaid! She's also wearing sheer tights, which is something she really likes, and she has some sort of heat-tech thermal white turtleneck as well as a fluffy probably sherpa wool? jacket but I didn't play with the textures enough for that (whoops). She's wearing white heeled boots the same colour as her turtleneck. She likes wearing heels cuz she's not very tall (158.5cm but she says she's 160cm when people ask). She also has a diamond shaped green dangly necklace - I like drawing her with diamond shaped green gems.
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And of course, I designed her friends' outfits to be matching. I really wanted to have a plaid element among all four of them, and I realize that the four of them together are red, yellow, green, blue.🥺 Like sports day colours or something.
I designed Elise first, and gave her a classic red plaid circle scarf - those were super popular a few years ago! I decided to give her some red plaid legwarmers as well to add some colour to her otherwise plain suede jacket and black jeans/leggings (not sure which one it is). Her hair ribbons are red too, but I didn't put plaid in them (too small). She has a pretty simple outfit, because I imagine she wears simple but classy clothing. The Keeper (COC DM) later described her style as dark academia though, so I think I might draw her in some stuff like that later!
Ceres was pretty hard to design TBH. I wanted to give her a long skirt because she is shy and I thought it would be cute! I gave her fleece leggings under for the warmth. I also wanted to give her an accessory which I decided to be a headband which goes super well with the bangs that cover her face (in my opinion). I made them both yellow plaid, but the long plaid skirt contrasts and matches with Lei's short plaid skirt (bestie things 🥺 - Lei totally made them buy matching outfits). She has brown leather cowboy boots because fashion~ I wanted to give her a short jacket to contrast her long skirt and this is where I struggled I ended up making it the brown of her boots and added fur trim for a more winter/warm look. She's also wearing fur ball earrings because I wanted her to have a sort of fluffy look to her.
Vail! He looks so soft anime boy here and I love that 💅 I wanted to give him a simple parka with the inner lining of it to be the blue plaid so he'd match the rest of Lei's friends with the whole plaid design. I gave him jeans with a thigh belt which COULD be a gift from someone (👀👀👀if you know what I mean). Underneath the black parka I just threw on a simple winter turtleneck sweater to contrast all the black. I imagine it's pretty warm and made of thicc wool/ knitted material. I threw on some silver dog-tag/chain necklaces to ~ accessorize ~ a little more since he wears small silver earrings (apparently).
And voila! We're at the end of my unhinged rant about fashion/ outfit design! I'm sorry that I did not try to draw hands here. It's true I draw them badly anyways but I really didn't try this time. Sowwy.
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astridsfavs · 5 months
First Favourite Character
So this is my blog, where I shall ramble about my fav characters. Isn't that fantastic? And I figured I should start with the most famous viddy game franchise of all.
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Tetris Super Mario! Mario has a sheer ocean amount of characters, through the platformers, kart racers, party games, RPGs, there's a million bajillion nerds to choose from. So is it the Brothers themselves I love? Princesses? Koopas? Or is it...
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The big bad German/Italian/Something Anti-Mario. Super Capatalist Fucker. sigma male. I've loved Wario since day 1. My first Mario game was Super Mario Land 2, the game Wario debuted in (and it came out in Europe the month after I was born, so like, I was a newborn baby with Wario in my life. (the game boy was my parents, not mine originally)). Like, I didn't even know who the fuck Bowser was, or Luigi. When I was a wee bitch, I knew Mario, Wario, and the three fucking pigs who ruined my life in Mario Zone.
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We also, at some point, got the first Wario Land game, and I liked the heavier, stronger style of gameplay, and the treasure hunting aspect. The collecting of coins gave the same "yes" feeling as collecting the rings in the Snoic. And the world evolving as you go through the game made it so cool. The tide coming in after finishing world 1, so early levels now are flooded, MT Teapot's lit crashing down and changing some of it's levels layout. And most importantly, Wario with his evil crosseyed grin, a fucking bastard of a man.
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And to be honest, for a long while, that was it for me and Wario for a long while, I loved these two games, but I never like, played as him in Mario Kart 64 when we got our Nintendo 64, I was always Yoshi. I had borrowed a copy of Wario Blast from a friend once. And when we played on the playground, like, if we played Mario, which we did shut your mouth, I played Wario and just, "Elbow Bashed" everything (I didnt realise til long later it was a Shoulder Bash actually shut up), and doodled fanart of Wario in "Smash Bros 2"(he was just another Mario clone, but with yellow fireballs instead of red)
Anyhow, years later, I got Wario Land 3 from Woolworths, and that unlocked some shit in my brain because from then on, he was my guy. The cartooney transformations, and the way Wario behaved was like, that was the shit, and then Wario Land 4?! I was in, I am in and in for life! I love this cartooney shit!
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Thing is though, again. that was it, I'd now play as him in the Wii games, Strikers, Smash, Kart Wii and Party. But I never played WarioWare until THIS year actually on the GBA Console on Switch. But that doesn't matter. There is SOMETHING about Wario that draws me in, even if I can't afford his own games.
So what do I love? I love an Anti Hero, I love powerhouses, I love selfish agendas (and Wario's love for gold being the drive for all his adventures is selfish AF) and I love hidden hearts of gold, Wario with Shokora shows he isn't entirely selfish, willing to team with others, heck he's got a huge group of friends in Warioware, and even when with the Mario gang, he pals around with Waluigi.
I love that he is allowed to dress up compared to other Mario characters.
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He has so many outfits, this isn't even all of them. I love playing as him in Mario 64 DS, I know he's "The Worst" in the game, but punting goombas to hard it takes like 5 seconds for them to land and die is just a silly little fun. I love he is able to punch the fuck out of Tox in Shifting Sand Land.
I love he's a suer arrogant, rude, brash, super like, macho manly man. An Alpha actually, like, man has women throwing themselves at him, and some men too probs. He's a bitch dickhead, but he draws people in, and bitch like, me too.
Also he has the best cast of characters in the Mario series. Mona? Shokora? Syrup? Jimmy T? fuckit the whole warioware crew? Bonko the CLown or whatever his name is? All iconic!
ALSO! SAKURAI. Mate, bud, I love you, listen, Smash is fantastic, Kirby is superb, Kid Icarus Uprising is yum. But my fucking god, Wario is the WORST repped character in Smash. Like Sonic might have a basic spindash only style moveset, which is a bit boring, but whatever. Wario? We got a shoulder bash and his bike, yup, that's it. And a weird amount of farting, calm it down man.
Also give me a Next Level Games made Wario game, it would be so cool. Listen I know Strikers Charged did the fating rubbish too, but Striekrs 3 showed me they got Wario's character down to a T.
So this is my first post, so I'm figuring out the format of my rambles, it might get more organised in the future, but maybe not, maybe people like the way I write. Who knows.
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PRINCESS DAISY- I will be her.
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WALUIGI! Not a meme, he is such a funny, Wacky Races goofy character, Next Level Games puts so much life into his animations in the three Strikers Games, he's a fantastic loser self-pitying dweeb. WAAAA.
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random solangelo hcs cuz i don't do much of those (have i even ever?)—
will :)
ayo okay so let's just start off by saying will ain't ur soft boi stereotype okay
my bitch is texas born n raised y'all, he gets pissed sUPER easily (he better get to go fuckin apeshit in the upcoming solangelo novel or im throwing hands). nico is made out to be the scarier one, but its only because the times his rage truly erupts in a way that terrifies are few and far between so they seem a lot scarier than they would be if he did it on the daily like will does.
ffs this boy snaps at people if they take too long to cut him a bandage like "sweet HOLY lawd I'll just do it myself next time" but doesn't actually
but he gets over his little hissy fits quite easily so that's fine
he got his tattoo from a sibling who's not a year-rounder and is training to be a tattoo artist. even though he was like, what, fifteen when he got it, his big sib didn't really care because will knows what he's doing
except not really, people forget he's human too, not just 'the medic' or 'the sunshine guy'
anw he showed it to nico all excited and nico almost drooled
will likes roller-skating, fight me👊
he also tries vaping one time and stops because he liked it so much he knew he'd get addicted
same as when he smoked weed once. also nico had gotten really worried when he'd heard and will didn't wanna make him worry
but then when they grew older they both ended up smoking pot from time to time anyways
nico :)
nico likes to read shakespeare. his favourite play is twelfth night because that is also my favourite shakespearean play i don't make the rules except i do
he also has a soft spot for romantic poetry. it pisses him off to no end when people say "oh, you like love poems? i didn't think you would like those kinds of things" because first off, why the hell wouldn't he? (he's secretly a hopeless romantic, much to will's delight). and secondly, he means poems of the romantic MOVEMENT. the romantic POETS. yeats, shelley, those guys. his personal favourite is keats, and his favourite poem is la belle dame sans merci. (this one is basically all me but im projecting onto nico okay don't judge me)
he occasionally writes poetry himself but never shows them to anyone, not even will. they're his own thing. will knows he writes them, but he knows not to ask to read them (as much as he'd like to) because they're nico's private space. (sorry, projecting again 😞)
one time nico was hanging out with drew in the aphrodite cabin (nico×drew friendship >>>) and she was painting her nails all glittery n pink, when she jokingly grabbed the black nail polish and painted nico's pinky. he didn't even flinch and she ended up painting all ten fingernails and that's how nico got into painting his nails
p i e r c i n g s !!
like, i. canNOT. stress this enough. he has like a bajillion on his ears, two on his lip, a septum nose ring, and he even dared to get one on his left eyebrow. will loves em
he lets his hair grow out a bit. not, like, reeeaaally long. just, wolfcut style, ig? and he ties it up in a smol bun or ponytail and will is LIVING for it
he also wears skirts from time to time, just for will. he also gets a moon tattoo on his left pectoral to match will's sun tattoo on his right pec
he steals will's shirts because what else are boyfriends for
he likes to draw but isn't very good at drawing people. landscapes, though? mary mother of christ hes talented at those. whenever he draws one from tartarus whoever sees them has to physically repress a shudder at their vivid detail
he has a gap between his two front teeth that was a lot wider when he was little but is still kinda noticeable now
solangelo :)
they're both little spoon and big spoon. they both need to protect and be protected.
they communicate in italian (nico is italian, italian is the language of music, yadda yadda yadda)
nico plays the piano and will can sorta twang the harp? so sometimes they just sit together and play and it brings them peace
they're both MASSIVE mcr fans shut up you know its true
so's thalia and percy too a bit so one time all four of em go see a concert and will admits that gerard way was his bi awakening and nico's like "i know that"
they watched glee and lowkey loved it but they like laughing at mr schue
they have matching heartstopper pfps on insta <33
nico has charlie and will has nick duhh
they also have matching bios! they change it often but it always matches :]]
they also match jewellery (im just manifesting couple goals for myself atp)
they watched young royals and now have a picture of august's head on a dartboard just so they can throw darts at him (nico occasionally throws knives)
when nico meets naomi he's initially really scared, but naomi ends up loving him to bits and tells will he's lucky they're dating or else she would've adopted him
they end up getting married at like 18-ish and go live in washington dc, because nico wanted to go back there, and will becomes a paediatrician and nico a professor of literature. they live with the most dramatic-ass fucking cat and a little daughter named bianca maria di angelo-solace :>
yeahh okay bye <3
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azrielfiend · 8 months
Do you have any art advice Azriel?
i would love to give tons of advice from the years of being an artist, but coming from a person that doesnt use sketches and draws lineart, color and shading on a single layer i think the only things i could give you is focus on shapes. whether it be blocky shapes, sharp angles or using the curve of the lines right. poses are also important, as you dont want to make them look stiff. try to make them express more in their body language (its too long to share here, so id advise you to research and study OTHER peoples art. it sounds wrong, but studying somebodys art that you admire can help a lot. doesnt mean you completely trace their art, of course. you could pull different aspects from different artstyles to make your own artstyle. its how i do it at least. my art style is just very homestucky, but im also inspired by other people.) and i think the most appealing thing to me is color. you might not be good at shapes, lineart, anatomy, shading or background yet but learning how colors work can help a ton, and can make your art piece vibrant and lovely, even lacking said skill i mentioned, warm tones, cold tones, moody lighting, reflection etc. can also help. colors are what (mostly) makes an art piece pop out, after all. even giving it a bloom effect can be hugely beneficial to you! you can study how color works by observing color palettes, testing them out by adjusting the hues and saturation see what works, like a slightly pinkish toned down red might go well with a warm orange, or a navy color with a pinkish aspect to it. what makes art fun is experiments! you could try a bajillion combos to see what work and what doesnt, of course this requires a lot of patience, but what you made is SO worth it! i made that! wow i really did. im so proud! it looks so pretty. i think my main factor in being good in art is also being curious about it, and trying new things, even if you arent comfortable with it at first, youll eventually find it fun to draw lineart or color this specific part. its what i feel, at least.
you can ask me more on specifics, but this is what i have from being a self taught artist, what i learnt and what i regret not learning first and foremost.
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forestwater87 · 2 years
A Wall of Text About My OCs
Hi, guys! Uhhhh . . . long time, no see, huh? 
Yeah, I got no excuse. I mean, I’ve got tons of excuses -- new job, new partner, moving out of my parents’ basement finally -- but still. Sorry for being gone.
*blows dust off the mic* Anyone still out here?
OKAY, so why am I doing this of all things? Because I was reunited with a handful of the Camp Camp people still around and they got to sharing their gorgeous OC art and I . . . do not draw. But I do write! And it turns out, writing about your fanfiction is a whole lot easier than actually writing that fanfiction. 
So I can pretend I’m being productive and writing up a reference for future fic writing, while actually just rambling about my OCs like a total dork. Unedited, because this is a bajillion words and took me forever.
Anyway, have ya missed me?
Max’s family
Gotcha with that opener, huh? Yeah, I know how to manipulate the fandom after all these years. ;) 
Anyway, I think I’ve been fairly vocal about how little patience I have for the whole “Max’s family is abusive and neglectful and totes evil you guys, David should adopt him” thing, which means I went in a different direction. I don’t have a ton on his parents -- I know their names are Reyansh and Anika Sahni, and in terms of personality his dad is more bombastic and his mom is a bit quieter and gentler, but that’s about it -- but I’ve determined that they immigrated from India (where in India? Fuck, idk, I’m an idiot someone suggest a place) and have been working to the bone to get Max a foothold. Their English is decent but spotty because learning languages is really hard as an adult, better spoken than written, which is why they allowed Max to choose his own camp activity (which he didn’t do, because he didn’t want to go in the first place and yes this contradicts things I’ve written in the past shhh we’d only had 1 season at that point), and that combined with their 12-hour-a-day work schedules leaves him thinking they don’t care about him. They do, obviously, but it’s hard to express that when exhausted and struggling.
So Max is kind of a latchkey kid, sent to camp in the summer because it’s better than being left alone in an apartment and Camp Campbell is the best they could afford. Max resents them a lot, partly because he doesn’t really understand everything they’re sacrificing for him and partly because he doesn’t think they’re focusing on the right things; does it matter if he can go to a shitty summer camp if he never eats dinner with both his parents at the same time? Sometimes he lies and says they’re super wealthy and that’s why they’re such workaholics, but it’s mostly to get past the embarrassment of feeling neglected and not having anything special to show for it. But they love him and are doing their best, even if it’s far from perfect, and when Max gets older he’ll understand and appreciate them a bit more.
[Spoilers for my own fic, I guess?] His parents die in a car accident when he’s a teenager -- I haven’t decided when or where, but have in previous one-shots written it as on their way to get him from camp -- and he moves in with his sister. And oh boy, let me introduce you to . . . 
Kayla Sahni: A beautiful firebrand with a lot of ideas and virtually no follow-through. She’s around 10 years older than Max, and when he was little they were absolutely best friends. She has a rebellious and revolutionary streak, and would take him to various protests or to graffiti police stations or whatever -- wildly irresponsible, yes, but that’s something she never grows out of. In some ways she’s similar to David, with a streak of optimism a mile wide and a bright, peppy personality of someone that never lets anything get her down, but she’s also incredibly flaky, promising Max all sorts of things as a kid and never following through on them. Her parents often need to rescue her from her bad decisions, with the little money and time they have, leaving Max to feel even more ignored in comparison to his sister. Still, he idolizes Kayla and never blames her for anything that disappoints him, choosing David and his parents as repositories for the resentment and disappointment he gets from her. After their parents die and she has to take him in, Kayla doesn’t change her lifestyle much, still disappearing on random adventures without any warning and leaving Max to fend for himself, and it grates on him just as much as he wishes he could be like and go along with her. She loves her brother -- but really, she loves the idea of him, or the little-kid version of him that lives in her head, who never asked her for anything and hung on every word. Once she has to grapple with spending actual time with the real Max, the conflict between who they are and who they want their sibling to be makes things . . . incredibly messy.
Gwen's family 
For the Santos clan, I went with a very Long-Island-elites vibe, extremely wealthy and self-conscious about appearances, which means that Gwen is kind of a mega disappointment (and David even more so, when they meet him). New-money, with the dad definitely a first- or second-gen immigrant, and despite the fact that they made it real big they're still extremely aware of being out of place and in a precarious position. Everyone in this family is terrible at hugging and/or doesn’t understand the point of doing it. All in either law or business . . . and then there's Gwen. Oops. 
She spent her childhood being perfectly molded into a little debutante doll (I haven't mentioned it in any fics, but she's a virtuoso pianist from years of being forced to take lessons, and might be good at ballet too?), and as soon as she went to college she fell hard into the boho-hippie-artiste lifestyle as a way of rebelling -- dated a lot of starving artists covered in tattoos, picked majors her parents would never have allowed (which is why she had to pay for her own education and is the only one of the family mired in student debt), the whole shtick.
Cliché, maybe, but I think it's fun and developed all of this back when Season 1 had just finished and all we had to go on was her DESPERATELY not wanting to move back in with her parents.
So, from oldest to youngest:
Harrison: the patriarch. Written well before the episode where she had a canon dad so do not judge me too hard. My description of him makes me laugh so have it word-for-word: ``Harrison Santos was a broad-shouldered Hispanic man almost as large as Mr. Campbell, with tiny glasses perched daintily on his nose and a head as smooth and shiny as an apple. He peered down at David through his glasses, which made his dark purple (almost black) eyes seem much larger and more intimidating.`` Big guy, little glasses; it's always funny. He's a man of few words and lots of judgement. Silent but deadly, you know? I went kinda HAM with the "big scary dad" stereotype, but I needed David to feel entirely inadequate and that helped. He and Gwen don't really have a relationship, partly because he spends so much time working and mostly because they don't understand each other even a little bit and have nothing to talk about. Doesn't much like David, but not for any real reason; maybe because he's not masculine enough, maybe because he's white, definitely because he might be the reason Gwen's still working at that shithole of a camp. (At least David isn't covered in tats and piercings, though. Small mercy.)
Valerie: Extremely beautiful dark-skinned black woman with maroon hair and silver eyes. Some sort of business executive, never thought too hard about what kind. Agonizingly proper, gives off vibes of being the decision-maker in the family, and while she loves Gwen and wants what's best for her, they strongly disagree on what that actually is. Valerie would love nothing more than for her youngest daughter to get a job in a respectable law or accounting firm, marry someone from a good background, and secure the family's legacy, and she's terrified of Gwen ruining her life and/or their reputation. She thinks Gwen is overemotional and irrational and it permeates every conversation they try to have; she's pretty concerned David is a gold-digger, as well, and even if he isn't, playing in the dirt for pennies is a pretty humiliating occupation.
Samson (Sam/Sammy): Gwen's oldest brother. Ngl I have very little about him except that he's a nice guy, which is kinda rare in Gwen's family so that's kinda noteworthy. Dark-skinned like their mother, curly green-black hair that he keeps out of his face with a barette, very deep voice. I know Gwen was really close with him and his wife/kids before they moved across the country, and she's had trouble losing one of her only allies in the family.
Leon (Lee): Sam's fraternal twin. Kinda a shithead -- actually, no, definitely a shithead. Disaster bisexual; his major interactions with Gwen so far have been stealing one of her boyfriends, humiliating David at a family gathering, and flying out to Camp Campbell to try and get them back together after they broke up because he thought it was his fault and felt bad about it. A really successful accountant, but in his personal life he's a total playboy and never seems to take anything all that seriously. He loves Gwen, in his own way, but he's honestly too selfish to really be a good brother to her at all. Thinks every life decision she's ever made is absolutely hilarious, and has no problem telling her and the rest of the family that; every misfortune she has is another episode in the Gwennie's Fuckups Show, which is his favorite. Has a perpetual smirk. Dark green curly hair, lavender eyes, and more of a family resemblance to Gwen than probably any of her other siblings in terms of facial structure and mannerisms. In some AUs, where Gwen’s family lives in Sleepy Peak instead of NYC, Lee is Dirty Kevin’s high school boyfriend; their breakup wasn’t pretty.
Audree (Dree): An angel. My wife. I would die for her. Okay, no, let’s try to be serious here . . . Audree’s the only other daughter in the family, and Gwen’s big sister. She’s a successful lawyer with a killer fashion sense and generally stays out of trouble, which means she attracts a lot less negative attention than Gwen ever could and is considered something of the golden daughter. She’s a lesbian and definitely a bit of a flirt, but also the type who ends up perpetually bouncing back between “extremely serious relationship” and “single forever.” Extremely charismatic, but she’s also kind of harsh and terrible at being gentle or warm, and a bit of a snob -- not in a cruel way, but in a blind-to-her-own-privilege way that gets her in trouble sometimes with the eventual woman she falls in love with (more on her in a moment). Teal eyes, relatively dark, and I just realized I never assigned her a hair color. Since the rest of the family’s are either reddish or green (Christmas colors!), I’ll go with a fun, fiery red, kind of like Gwen’s lighter shade of hair.
Christopher: Literally a non-entity. Sometimes I forget he’s there, oops. His only contribution to the story is that he went off to California to run a surf shop and Sam eventually went along with him. Maybe I’ll give him a personality someday, but right now he mostly exists as “the other fuckup beside Gwen” in their family’s eyes.
Eric: Another virtual nonentity, but one I’ve put a weird amount of thought in. He’s basically a carbon copy of his mother -- very put-together, prim, fastidiously perfect -- despite looking more like his dad (in terms of skin tone and eye color, anyway; he’s very willowy, not buff). He’s very feminine, bordering on foppish, but definitely not gay; I haven’t decided if he’s bi (like every other character I get my hands on) or just a fairly girly straight guy, but either way he’s really self-conscious about it. Probably would resent David for reminding him of that, because let’s be real, David isn’t exactly the most masc person in the world either. His only sense of humor is a cruel one, and he’s always been and probably always will be a hell of a bully -- not the beating-people-up Nurf kind, but in a subtler, mean-girl way. If you cross him, he’ll probably get you fired, is what I’m saying. He’d have made an excellent Woodscout if his family hadn’t signed him up for something more prestigious. Staunch Republican, snooty, and while he worships and idolizes his parents, I’m not sure he actually loves anyone. Of all of Gwen’s siblings, Eric is probably the one with the fewest redeeming qualities, but sometimes it’s fun to have a villain waiting in the wings in case I need him.
And then there’s poor little Gwennie. Doing her best.
David’s family
I’ve talked about the Pine/Greenwoods in the past, but I can’t find the post so let’s do it again!
David’s family is a lot smaller than Gwen’s -- at the moment it’s just him and his mom, though his dad has intermittently been in and out of the picture. His parents got divorced when he was 14 (right after Jasper died, which was pretty rough on poor Davey), and since then he’s maybe seen his father once or twice? His mom basically raised him, and they’re absurdly close.
Harvey Greenwood: Another villain! He has aggressive Cameron Campbell vibes, but happens to be an even bigger monster. He got Cynthia pregnant when he was 30 and she was 17 -- ew, gross, very bad -- and married her as soon as she graduated high school. They managed to keep things together until David was a teenager, at which point all illusions of a stable relationship shattered and he took off. David knows he’s married and has a family, and periodically receives birthday cards (never on his birthday, never the correct age, and always addressed to Cynthia’s house because he can’t be bothered to remember where David lives), but otherwise his dad is AWOL. He’s the American to David’s half-American nationality, and while David inherited his bright red hair and green eyes, that’s about all they have in common. I just like big, masculine dads, I guess, because he’s also built like a Campbell -- I think it’s fun to mess with David’s sense of inferiority on that regard, because I’m cruel -- and has a big ol’ mustache. I did realize too late that this does sound like a jacked-up version of Harvey from Stardew Valley, and I feel terrible about it. SDV Harvey deserves better.
Cynthia Pine: A sweet Canadian cinnamon roll who’s never done anything wrong in her life, and never will. She’s a librarian in a middle school, so she’s very used to handling difficult people and is generally tough as nails, but with a sunshiny bubbliness that she passed on to David; she taught him how to smile in the face of everything going wrong, and is his biggest inspiration and hero. Like I mentioned, she was just a kid when she got married and had David, and her marriage was far from a happy one -- with all the affairs, neglect, and gaslighting Harvey did, it was probably in some ways a relief when he finally left, even if it meant she had to go from a stay-at-home mom to a breadwinner. She worked a lot after the divorce, meaning that David had to take on a lot of the household responsibilities and she didn’t get to spend as much time with him as either of them would’ve liked, but they’re still extremely close despite it, in an “us against the world” kind of way. She’s fiercely protective of her son, and while she likes Gwen and would never say a word against her, she’s definitely not comfortable trusting anyone the way David is. Which she considers a success, because she wants nothing more than for David to go through life having the joy and innocence she didn’t get to. Anyway, she’s real little, very young, with childlike features, lots of freckles, and thin blonde hair like duck fluff. She’ll kill you, don’t get me wrong, but she’d never get convicted because she’s so sweet and gentle-looking.
In addition to the actual family, we have David’s “family”:
Father Ray: Listen, I was going through an existential crisis during 2018 or so, and I needed to work out my religious angst with a non-homophobic religious figure. Therefore, we have a priest of one of those rainbow-flag churches, who took David in when he was young (his mom is very religious) and basically kept him from self-destructing without a father figure. I don’t have much to say about him, except that he was kinda there when I needed a non-shitty Christian in my own life. He probably won’t be in the story again, but I have a soft spot towards him anyway.
Julia Winters: Ohhhh boy, it’s our best girl. Julia’s technically not an OC in the classic sense -- there was a picture in Season 1 that showed David and Jasper as little campers:
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And there’s a purple-haired girl that @hopefullypessimistic84​ adopted and made her own -- but it doesn’t matter because I want to talk about her, she’s perfect. (I feel like I’ve mentioned her in the past, but I seriously can’t find any of my old posts because Tumblr is the worst, so here we are.)
Julia, Jasper, and David all met during their first year of camp; I think Julia and Jasper were closer in the beginning because Jasper was Camper Extraordinaire and Julia was actually kind of excited about camp at first . . . Eventually she realized that camping sucked and befriended David, and at some point David and Jasper were thrown together and they became their own little problem trio. They’re all only children, so they considered each other siblings, and though Jasper and Davey’s relationship would obviously change (whether he dies or not), they’d always consider Julia their little sister. Her primary nicknames for David are Sunshine and Red.
She’s an ace lesbian and very uncomfortable around pretty girls. As she gets older she picks up somewhat more of a punk aesthetic, with a motorcycle and a bomber jacket, and gets a career in corporate photography that takes her all over the world. Despite this extremely cool veneer, she cannot stay even remotely chill if a woman flirts with her, and it’s quite cute. She’s somewhere between fat and buff, and could probably easily pick David up and put him over her shoulder. Eventually she’ll meet and fall in love with Gwen’s sister, Audree (probably at gwenvid’s wedding), and it’ll be . . . a little bit awkward, partly because she has no patience for the Santos family and partly because she grew up poor, and she and Dree have some friction over general culture clash. But at the end of the day they’re still an incredibly powerful couple that belong on the cover of the world’s gayest magazine and love each other very much and make me cry.
Anyway, I hope I didn’t forget any major OCs . . . though obviously if I did they can’t have been that important.
I know there are a couple exes of Gwen’s who are especially fun -- like Greg the creepy stalker and Damien, the ex who slept with Lee and then gave her a mannequin head as an apology -- and her roommate Claire gets like two sentences but is an adorable stoner with the personality of a teddy bear, but I think these are the important ones.
Sure wish I could draw literally any of them, though. Sigh.
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jazzyblusnowflake · 1 year
Which brushes do you use for CSP 😳??
oh i always dreaded this question lmao-
ill be honest and clear cut with yall~
✨I have no idea✨
ok lemme explain, [tho if you dont wanna read all this just skip to the images in the end that i posted of my dumb self made and modified brushes] i have always used different mediums in my art~ ive used SAI, Gimp 2, CSP and occasionally Photoshop for the effects, filters and some brushes~ and i almost never remember where i downloaded them from because, first off, they were free anyway and i also almost always change them to fit my style beyond recognition to how they originally looked by default XDDD
MOST of my work is usually with SAI with almost the only brush i use in general for everything [ Inking, Coloring the edges, Shading, Lighting, and most other hand drawn shapes and hatching and etc ] is used with these settings. i never change it because i had years of experimenting to finally be comfortable with these and i will die a painful death if anything happens to my laptop before i could save these settings so i keep it in my art files just in case lmao~ [i do NOT like change and trying new stuff is2g i need therapy-]
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HOWEVER when it comes to CSP i have had..... very depressing progress yay :D ... SAI in my experience has been a bit sucky in being able to handle large sizes and layers or anything else and having the possibility of crashing but the way it makes some things easy has been a MIRACLE for my lazy ass, i might have given up art before i ever even started if SAI didn't exist, but as how all EASY things usually are they start lacking in variety after a while, and i realized since one of my friends had bought me a CSP a long time ago, heck i might as well use it and oh my GOD the anxiety it induced ended me up with an IV and several trips to the hospital for injections to calm me down [and potentially temporarily blinding me] im not even joking. i mean yeah i was going through stuff back then that did NOT help my situation in general but the fact that CSP doubled my anxiety cuz i just couldn't draw with it made me have several existential breakdowns where i thought i will never be able to improve my art as a self proclaimed artist anymore because i had gotten so used to only working with what i found PERFECTLY comfortable to my own tastes that im just useless at getting used to anything else... so what happened was that i went on the most violent weekly spree of downloading any brush i could that even resembled REMOTELY to what i wanted- i also searched for brushes on tumblr or google or anywhere else- i watched so many CSP transition videos on youtube my brain was spinning and i was on a rout of self destructive agony to make this WORK. so now i have a bajillion downloaded brushes and all of them have spawned 20 other copies that i have aggressively modified beyond any sort of resemblance to what they used to be- it doesn't help that the file names and the brush names are different so i cant search for them either 😑
but if the brush names could help you in finding them uhhh, heres like.... 1/10th of the brushes i downloaded and modified that i actually did NOT go back and delete because they are fun to have around XD
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have fun, //goes to cry in a corner-
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evieismol · 2 years
Chapter Five of BIG Bend
A/N: it finally has a very obvious, kind of cheesy title, given that it’s set in big bend national park. Next chapter, this one from John’s POV. Fun fact, I’m posting this from a tent in the middle of nowhere Montana! (Its very cold)
Word count: 1057
Warnings: language (curse words)
Previous Chapter
John pulled into the first empty parking space he saw, glad he’d chosen to wear sunglasses today. The sun was still nearly blinding as he stepped out of the black SUV. He took a moment to look around. So this was Alpine. He’d been given some information about the area surrounding Big Bend, and done more research on his own. This was his first time actually stepping foot in the town, though. It wasn’t very memorable, to be honest. It looked similar to any other small town he’d been to. He headed into the grocery store.
He stepped onto the canned goods isle. It was empty, save for a woman about his age. She had messy brown hair pulled back in a low ponytail, and wore a simple cotton blouse. When he rounded the corner, she was trying to balance on her tiptoes to grab a can on the top shelf.
“Need some help?” John asked. She looked over, a sheepish expression caught her face.
“Honestly, I’d appreciate it. Seems like they all got pushed to the back of the shelf,” the woman said. John smiled, reaching up and grabbing a can. He handed it to her.
“Thanks. I was about to start trying to climb it,” she said with a laugh.
“No worries,” John replied.
“Are you visiting the park?” The woman asked.
“I work there, actually,” John said. “Just started.”
“Ah! I guess it is about that time of year. Spring always seems to bring in some new folk,” the woman said.
“You sound like you’re pretty familiar with the area?” John asked.
“Born and raised here. For better or worse. I’m Hannah, by the way.” She stuck her hand out. John shook it, introducing himself in turn.
“Mind if I ask what you’re doing at the park? Ranger, tourism?” Hannah asked. John wondered if people in this beck of the woods were normally this talkative, or if it was unique to her. He’d had very little conversation over the past few weeks that was related to work, and with Easton or Dan, though, so he couldn’t say he was opposed.
“Operations oversight,” John replied. A hopelessly vague description, as it was intended to be. “IMA Agent assigned to oversee an Aphirial working in the park” was both wordy, and not something management had thought was a good thing to lead with. Of course, the plan was to have Easton work in a public-facing role, which John suspected was at least partially to draw visitation. They had yet to actually make an official announcement regarding that. And John suspected that even once they did, they’d probably still adivse him to keep his role fairly quiet.
“Hm, like for one of their new projects? We’ve all heard a bajillion rumors about that,” Hannah said. John shrugged casually.
“I’m sure most are more interesting than the truth,” he said.
“I suppose it’s always that way. Well, if you ever have any questions about the area, I work at the thrift shop just down the road. You can’t miss it,” Hannah said. She smiled, and turned to leave. Before she’d made it five steps, they were interrupted by someone yelling. Angrily, by the sounds of it. Hannah turned around, towards the commotion. John raised an eyebrow. He walked to the end of the isle slowly, hoping to get a better grasp of what was going on without being spotted. He felt himself relax as he realized it was someone yelling about an expired coupon. Bit of an overreaction, he thought. Hannah stood next to him. She rolled her eyes.
“Sounds like Joy’s at it again,” she said.
“Yeah, she’s-“ Hannah stopped as a tall, lanky woman with bleach blond hair stormed into view. She stopped when she saw Hannah.
“Would you believe they wouldn’t let me use this coupon? Like they weren’t the ones to give it to me!” Joy shouted the last part over her shoulder.
“That’s, uh, rough,” Hannah said, tone decidely noncommittal.
“Yeah, whatever-who’s this?” Joy asked, turning to John.
“John O’Riley,” he said, extending a hand. She ignored it.
“He works for the park,” Hannah explained. That seemed to catch Joy’s attention. She raised her eyebrows.
“That so?”
“Yes ma’am,” John replied.
“You wouldn’t happen to know anything about the park’s supposed plan to employ an Aphirial, would you?” Joy asked, gaze glimmering with sudden interest.
“I’m not at liberty to discuss park-“
“Oh, cut the bullshit,” Joy said. “My family owns a ranch near the park. We know there’s a plan.”
“Then you’d be better off directing any questions to Dan,” John replied evenly. “I’d assume you know how to contact him already?”
Joy glared at him, but seemed to realize she wouldn’t be getting anything else from him. “Thanks. I’ll do that.”
She walked - no, stomped - off as quickly as she’d appeared. John and Hannah stood there for a moment in silence. Then, Hannah burst out laughing. John gave her a look as if to ask ‘what’s her deal’.
“That,” she nodded towards the door Joy had just disappeared from. “Is what happens when spoiled kids grow up. She’s the daughter of a local livestock magnate, thinks that makes her the second coming of Christ. Most people in town are kind of terrified of her.”
“Not you?” John asked.
“We went to highschool together. Unless Jesus also pukes in the girl’s locker room on prom night, mean she may be, but divine she is not.” Hannah responded. “Sounds like this might be the exception to the whole rumors are always more exciting than the truth thing, though?”
“I really can’t speak further on that,” John said.
She nodded. “Can’t blame a girl for trying.”
“Well, I’d best be getting back to the park. Long drive,” John said. “It was nice meeting you.”
“And you, mysterious operations guy-I mean, John,” Hannah said jokingly. He chuckled, and headed out, making a mental note to tell Dan about Joy’s inquiries.
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