#fine ill just post my own photos
milkbeam · 11 months
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windvexer · 1 year
Witches don't owe you mundanity, actually.
Discussions about "mundane before magic" are important. I'm not against them.
When I was working full time, for half of the year I woke up before sunrise, worked all day indoors, and drove home after sunset. Being able to experience the weather felt like a truly magical event. Feeling the sun on my skin felt like a kiss from the gods.
And it's very handy for there to be awareness that, no, Apollo wasn't calling to me to be a devotee because the one day I was really stressed in December the clouds broke and it was sunny in the outdoor seating area.
Clouds just move sometimes.
But I am against people's need to come into conversations which are specifically about real magic that is happening, and say, "hold on! What if it's not happening, though? Rule out mundane first!"
It's actually fine for witches to have conversations that assume the reality of magic without people needing to barge in and say, "wait! What if this isn't magic at all?"
These conversations are not inherently unsafe or irrational.
The people participating in them are not automatically mentally ill or in need of medical treatment.
"Mundane before magical" is not a talisman that needs to be hung on conversations before they can be rational and useful.
It is not up to you to decide the route other practitioners want to take in order to explore their own experiences.
Sound bites about "ruling out mundane" aren't helpful if people do not understand how to practically apply that advice.
People are not obligated to trot out a list of their mundane discernment techniques before they make a magical post about magic in the magical community, and declining to do so does not mean that they failed to take those steps.
For heaven's sake. If you cannot comfortably exist around magical conversations without assuming that everyone else is engaging in irrational thinking, you are the problem.
Conversations about developing discernment of mundanity itself are very good and healthy.
But these talking points do not belong in every single conversation. Much less in personal posts where a person is just sharing cute photos of spells they did!
Look, practitioners do not owe you mundanity.
Practitioners do not owe you an explanation of the mundane shit they've done in conjunction with a spell.
Practitioners do not owe you an explanation of the mental health counseling they've received as part of their spiritual journey.
Practitioners are not obligated to tack on lip-service "mundane first :3" disclaimers onto posts that are clearly discussing the reality of magic within their own paradigm.
Magical practitioners do not owe you mundanity.
Please, make your own posts about mundanity discernment. Do research, ask practitioners, make well-rounded masterposts. Share and reblog these posts. Link them when appropriate. Be a part of the conversation that highlights these important issues and discernment skills. Contribute resources when people ask for help with their magical discernment.
But don't think that walking into any random post and asking OP why they assumed they had a magical experience is helpful in the slightest.
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dsm--v · 4 months
ok this post probably won’t make sense to a lot of you but.
pinterest culture…?
i’m not talking about the, like, recipes side of pinterest, or the aesthetic photos side of pinterest. i’m talking about the pretty specific subsection of like, tumblr screenshots and badly edited facebook memes, and mentally ill gay teenagers. i myself, am on this side of pinterest, i’ll admit.
there’s some, like, niche pinterest micro celebrities, for example, pickle man, erm what the frick, johnny the mommy, etc etc. whenever they’re seen in a comment section, there’s at least one person saying “omg you’re everywhere!1!!11”
another example, pinterest commenters are special. there’s like…inside jokes, just like on tumblr, but..idk
here’s an example:
(some kind of weird/oddly horny post)
person a: let’s remember our digital footprint guys !
(replying) person b: foot 🤤
(replying to b) person c: i have feelings for you
you can probably find that exact thread if you just look through the comments a bit. now, this type of thing is fine, of course, we all love inside jokes.
but, starting off as a pinterest kid, that became like, ingrained in my brain, so whenever im on tumblr my immediate reaction is to say shit like, “i want you” “i have a crush on you” instead of just “what”.
another thing, pinterest fucking sucks. and everyone on there (the gay side of pinterest, i mean) knows it. the ui sucks, especially on the browser version, the dms hardly work, and pins just disappear sometimes. lots of brands (i guess?) will take like ‘memes’ and upload it to pinterest, to get people to click, and take them to some shitty article. this leads to, fuckin idk, a picture of some tumblr post with the ifunny logo, and the title of the pin is like Top Ten Ways Wives Aren’t Satisfying Their Husbands.
pinterest hate culture, is also very interesting. for example, if you mention, say, ed sheeran, or look for ed sheeran pins, it’s so. much. hate. and then there’s troll/bait accounts, that exclusively make posts going against the grain so they’ll get attention. because there’s another thing, pinterest users fucking suck at ignoring bait. the boyfriends comic (? i think it’s called that) has so much hate on there. i’ve never even read it but i know so much from people talking about how shit it is. those pinterest kids are crazy, they talk to the obvious bait accs and tell them to “sayori challenge” (video game character that took her own life). i could go into the mogai/xenogender discourse but that’s a whole other post.
so. pinterest. it’s crazy.
why’d i write all this but i can’t write one fucking science paper oh my god.
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chris-continues · 11 months
Unconventional, Unusual, and Unapologetically Yours
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Inspired by this text post I made!
In which you enter a relationship with an unfamiliar creature.. yet he’s the sweetest person you’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.
TAGS: @beanibon @vashfantasy @h4venpha @lune010
Available on ao3!
NOTES: I cranked this out in like less than an hour I think. Uncanny Vash makes my fingers type like the fucking wind LMAO- ALSO I MIGHT DO PT2 <33 ^^lmk if you don’t want to be tagged! Some people asked and I know others like uncanny Vash a lot, so I thought you’d enjoy. I tried to add a bit of creature Vash as well, please feel free to comment/reblog if you enjoyed! And lmk any ideas you have :D
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Your boyfriend deviated from what one would call the standard partner. 
Well, not that such a thing was negative. He was by far one of the most beautiful people you’d ever seen, that much you noted from your first encounter. An abandoned warehouse, where you’d been forced to do an odd job when tight for cash. “Get a photo of the infamous Humanoid Typhoon!”, they said, giving you directions out of town. The warehouse then had appeared nothing short of shady, with its shabby walls, unfamiliar state, and a slight mildewy smell you weren’t too fond of. 
That would soon change, becoming your safe haven, as you recalled how you’d met. 
Your tentative steps inside, phone flashlight beaming as you explored for a good few minutes before- “Ah!” You jolted, the wide smile of a tall man, startling you. He apologetically waved his hands before you, attempting to reassure you, “Aw god, I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to scare you!” 
“It’s uh, fine, yeah.” You cleared your throat, turning your flashlight down slightly, “Who are you?” “Vash.” He chirped, quite literally. “And you?”, he offered his hand, ever so charming. If you recalled correctly, his pupils dilated a bit too much at the touch of your hand against his.
Humanoid. Not human.
It took you an embarrassingly long time to connect the dots, your attempt to search for the man of the hour futile (or successful, depending on how you viewed it). Searching for any extending corridors, or perhaps a hidden room. His company was originally slightly unsettling, as he was a stranger just tagging along for the ride, but he had no ill intent and with each sweet remark you found your night to not be a complete failure, swearing you’d return next weekend, same time to find the Humanoid Typhoon together. 
It turned into a game of stalling. 
Searching the same wall as last week, fingers tapping at the eroding wood of the building. His fingertips had brushed yours a handful of times as he blamed it on the darkness, a slight squeak leaving him each time, and maybe it was your fatigue riddled mind but you almost swore a slight glow emanated from him each time. 
After the 3rd week of searching you really didn’t care about finding this Typhoon guy anymore, figuring he was just some urban legend. Why did you keep going? For Vash, of course. He was a great listener, funny, and seemed to enjoy your company, and you really enjoyed his, and by god were you absolutely horrendous when it came to romance. So continued your pining of poking and prodding at an abandoned warehouse at the late hours of night. Too nervous to ask for his number (you found out later he didn’t have a phone), too shy to initiate anything further. 
Aha, until one night. 
Your searching had become less investigative of the building and moreso of each other, legs crossed and sitting in the middle of the warehouse with music playing from your phone on occasion. Discussions ranging from god knows what, each interesting in their own right. What confused you was that something as mundane as you telling a story in which you got your neighbors mail left him at the edge of his seat, but you simply chalked it up as him being a good listener and eager to engage in conversation, (that being partially true). Exhaustion creeped at you one night though, your horrendous sleeping habits having caught up with you as you rested your head against the derelict floorboards and gazed up at the ceilings. 
Vash had a habit of humming to fill in silences, and much like the rest of him you found yourself inexplicably drawn to it.. So sue you for being soothed to sleep by such a thing.
He didn’t tell you until much later, but that night he’d let his hand graze the back of yours, feathers peeking from beneath his jacket with the slight bumps ever so comforting against your skin. You let out the cutest hums, rolling just a bit closer to him.
His breath caught in his throat, as he let himself touch your hand just a bit more. His long, inhuman tongue laved over his several rows of sharp, unnatural teeth in a fidgeting motion. His pupils expanded, admiring you. You always appeared a bit nervous or tense around him- of course that diminished over time, he noted, but why were you so nervous? God, he hated being like this sometimes. To be.. A normal human companion of yours was something he found he craved. Every week, waiting for you in this dingy, subpar hiding place..
You were the highlight of his week. 
He had to hold himself back from instinctively curling into your side, wrapping his lanky limbs around you and allowing his vertebrae to extend to his full height.. Several feet taller than you. He wants to engulf you whole, keep you forever close and cherish you with chirps you couldn’t possibly understand. 
When you awake, he lays beside you. His body is as stiff as the wooden planks lining the warehouse floors, glancing at you as you finally make a move.
You scoot an inch closer.
His breath hitches in his throat. 
He can feel a draft making its way through the building,your body shivering as you shift just a bit closer.
“You.. are you cold?” He hesitates, arm stiffening as the fabric of his jacket meets the sleeve of your shirt. 
“Yeah, kinda..” You murmur, eyes darting away from him then back to him- god, you could stare at him and never tire of it. 
Your arms are pressed against one another, his fingers- wait, they’re uncharacteristically smooth, toying with the end of your sleeve. Oh god. The cutest guy you’ve ever met and he’s- oh god- you’ve dreamt of this more than you’d care to admit, hugging a pillow to sleep most nights, mind drifting to the cute guy you meet every weekend outside of town. 
Your fingers graze his once more, breathing pausing once more.
He intertwines his fingers with yours.
You think you’re going to die.
He chirps happily, and with your curiosity getting the better of you, you can’t help but ask, “What’s that noise mean?”
He blinks owlishly, sheepish smile crossing his face, “Oh uh, I don’t know really. It just.. happens?”  
“Ah, mhm. That’s fair.”
You peek down to your intertwined hands, only to see-
His mouth gapes open to speak, and you get another peek of his- oh god, now that it’s morning you can see better.
Rows upon rows of his sharp teeth. His mouth forcibly staying together in one piece rather than three. Unnaturally long limbs. Feathers sprouting from him. 
“You.. you’re not human, are you?”
Oh god. He scared you. He’s so ugly, and you’re frozen, backing away slightly- “Oh my god you’re not- are you?”
The Humanoid Typhoon.
“Yeah. I.. I am.”
It takes you a moment to collect your bearings, mouth agape. “You.. you  never planned to hurt me, right?” Your eyes are wide, hands in your lap as you now sit up, legs criss crossed. 
“God no! Never! Oh god, I'm so sorry.” He buried his face in his hands, hiding it from the peeking rays of sunlight peering through the wood of the warehouse. “I don’t try to hurt anyone really, it just.. happens.” He swallowed thickly, “You can leave, if you’d like. I won’t hold it against you.”
You shake your head adamantly, “No, no I trust you. Just surprised me is all. I’ve never seen anything like it, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, Vash.” Your hands fidget within your lap, “I enjoy your company and you not being human won’t change that.”
He peeked at you from his fingers, pupils dilated. “..really?”
You nodded. 
He certainly didn’t appear very convinced, but as you offered one of your previously fidgeting hands out to him.. he took it. Hand much larger in yours, inhumanly smooth- you found upon closer inspection he had no fingerprints. 
You stayed like that for god knows how long, until you checked your phone, “Shit! I’m sorry Vash, I’ve got to-” Aw god, his face, he was so cute..
“I’ll return soon.”
He walked you to your car parked outside. 
Your next few visits were a lot more different. He never directly said it, but before long you started staying the night, pressed close to one another, easing closer and closer to one another with hesitant touches. His eyes pleaded for your company each time you left, a small pout forming on his lips. 
You hated leaving him each time. 
Your first kiss was sweet, clumsy, and absolutely adorable. Just like him. 
He laid atop you, the world’s best weighted blanket, wrapping his unproportionate, lanky limbs around you to pull you flush against him. “I like you Vash. A lot.” You admitted into his hair quietly, shyly kissing the crown of his head. He chirped excitedly, a few clicks escaping him as he shifted to have your eyes meet, lips peppering pecks on your cheeks, jaw, and the corners of your lips. 
You both were too nervous to initially confess, just basking in one another’s company. 
“Like you too.” A series of inhuman noises escaped him, elated by your flustered giggles. 
He almost felt bad for temporarily silencing you with a shy and quick peck to your lips. His eyes widened, before going in for another. 
Another, another, another, purring contentedly as he pressed closer to you in hopes to mold you both into one. 
Your hands tentatively reached to cradle his face, grinning into the dorky kiss you two shared. 
Now though? You glance at him, wrapped in a mini nest you two share atop your bed. He nuzzles into your neck, teeth gently nibbling at the flesh as the rays of morning peek through your bedroom window. His legs hang off the bed with how tall he is, but he couldn’t care less.
Is it unconventional? Sure. Unusual? Most definitely.
But you’ve never been more happy than you have with him.
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severelystrangewriter · 8 months
Birthday (Flufftober 2023 Day 5)
Pairing: hakkai shiba x female reader
WC: 579
Warnings: none
Summary: no one showed up to your birthday party except one other person
Note: hakkai is so precious i wanted to write something for him <3
Birthdays were dumb.
Because right now you were sitting at a picnic table by yourself celebrating yours on your own. Not a single person you invited had showed up to your party; all the ones that had told you yes had texted you various reasons as to why they couldn’t come as you were getting set up at the park: something unexpected popped up, or they fell ill, or they were just too busy.
You had believed them, that is, until you were scrolling through social media when you stumbled across the popular kid’s profile and they had posted a photo of them celebrating their birthday with all the people that couldn’t come to yours. That solidified your thoughts on birthdays being the dumbest thing in the world.
Your eyes filled with tears and you dropped your head on the table. There was a lot of pizza and cupcakes but you couldn’t bring yourself to eat. It was a blow to your ego, that much was for sure, and you felt like the lamest person in the world as you sat there, your sniffles and the sounds of nature being the only thing to break the silence.
“I don’t think you're supposed to cry on your birthday,” A guy’s voice startled you from your pity party.
Looking up, you saw a tall teenager you recognized from your class as Hakkai Shiba. He was a shy boy that didn’t talk much to you, but you had still invited him to your party because he was nice and you didn’t want him to feel left out. He hadn’t given you a definitive answer on whether he would come, but here he was with a small present in hand. You were surprised, to say the least.
Hakkai then looked around and asked in a curious tone, “Am I early?”
At this, you wiped your eyes and shook your head, “It’s just us. Everyone else went to a different party.”
“Oh,” Was all he said before adding with a light shrug, “Well I’m here.”
You cracked a small smile, saying quietly, “I’m glad you could come. It means a lot.”
Hakkai took a seat next to you with a smile of his own as he held out the small box. He looked sheepish as he explained, “It’s not much, but I got you this.”
You took it from him and gingerly removed the wrapping. It was a jewelry box and when you opened it, your mouth dropped open in shock. Inside was a bracelet made of colorful glass beads and dangling from it was a little butterfly charm.
“Oh wow,” You looked at it in awe, lifting it up from the box to get a closer look. Then you slipped the bracelet around your wrist, your smile growing as it fit perfectly. “I love it.”
Hakkai released a small breath of relief, “I didn’t know what you liked, but I saw it and thought of you.”
Your happiness overtook you and you gave him a quick hug as you thanked him. When you pulled away, his cheeks were dusted a light pink, clearly flustered by your actions.
“Sorry, I just got excited,” You apologized quickly, feeling a little embarrassed yourself.
He looked away and cleared his throat, “It’s fine. I’m just glad you like it.”
It fell silent for a moment and your gaze landed on the pizza and cupcakes, realizing that it was way too much for just the two of you. Tilting your head, you looked over at Hakkai and asked, “You wouldn’t happen to know anyone who would want some free food would you?”
Hakkai looked at the food, humming in thought, “I could text my sister and Taka-chan if you want.”
Grinning brightly, you nodded your head, “The more the merrier.”
And so Hakkai sent a message to his older sister, Yuzuha. She answered right away saying that she’d be there in about ten minutes. While you waited, you and Hakkai spent the time getting to know each other better. When Yuzuha showed up, she brought with her another boy that went by Mitsuya, or Taka-chan as Hakkai had called him.
Being with the three of them was a lot of fun and you couldn’t remember the last time you laughed so much. Hakkai really saved the day and for that, you were grateful. You even exchanged numbers with him so you could start making plans to hang out again. By the time it was over, you felt like it had been the best birthday you ever had.
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three-dee-ess · 1 month
three-dee-ess Frequently Asked Questions
How do you mod a 3DS?
just go here -> https://3ds.hacks.guide/
Will I get in trouble for modding my 3DS?
not really. Nintendo no longer officially supports the 3DS. they certainly don't approve of 3DS modding but it's not like they are going to take legal action against you personally. I'm not a lawyer though.
Will Nintendo ban me online?
Nintendo already shut down the servers, so effectively we are all banned- even if your 3DS isn't hacked.
Is hacking your 3DS illegal?
No, as long as it's your personal property, it's not illegal. It's not illegal to paint a 3DS, or throw it into a toilet, or eat it, and hacking is just another way of modifying the 3DS.
How do you identify 3DS's?
I look at them. I'll make a better guide for this later but pretty much every model of DS has a unique identifier that differentiates it from the others in a big way. (Example being the DSi's huge camera)
How do you get games for the 3DS?
hshop (AKA 3HS)
What is netpass?
It's streetpass but it uses the internet instead! Install it from universal updater, or from here.
How'd you make your banner/What's a miitomo?
I used photopea and Miitomo with the Kaeru patcher. Miitomo is an abandoned nintendo social media app where you could create a custom mii. The main feature is the ability to take photos of your mii in silly outfits and poses.
You forgot/mistagged X post (Or you missed a TW)!
oops plz send me an ask and ill fix it asap :3c
What are your pronouns?
Whats the tagging system?
#asks <- asks
#3ds post <- 3ds posts
#ds post <- DS specific posts
#dsi post <- DSi specific posts
#3DS inspo <- DS showoff tag
#cfw <- post contains reference to custom firmware (hacking)
#my thoughts <- ill tag any posts with my opinions on stuff here so yall can search through :3c
#<- assist needed • basically I need help with whatever question is being posed in the previous tag! go through this tag if you are knowledgeable about Pokemon games in particular for the most part.
#<specific 3DS model + color> <- if i've identified a 3DS it'll be tagged with the color and then the model. (EX 'red n3DSxl')
Can I submit a 3DS/DS image?
yes please do!! like actually if you own a 3DS even a bad photo is perfectly fine.
What does :3c mean?
it's just a cat face with a little paw. I use it a lot for funzies.
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for pride month, i have:
a list of how the hazbin hotel had their gay awakening. (or lesbian, or bi, or trans, or aroace, pan, etc)
Charlie: she watched Sleeping Beauty, the year after it came out. she looked at Snow White and thought “wow, she’s so pretty.. but also Price Florian.. wait.” because this was in 1938, she didn’t know what bisexuality was, but she knew and accepted her feelings, because it wasn’t a big deal to her. in the 1970s, she found the label for it— bisexuality— and thought “OH THERE’S A NAME FOR THIS, YAY!” and that was that.
Vaggie: when she was still alive, in 2010, a friend sent her a photo of a genderbent character from some TV show, and her first thought was “oh, okay, i see why everyone’s in love with them now. …wait.” she spent the next 20 minutes looking up female versions of characters and realizing “oh. OH THAT EXPLAINS SO MUCH” (based on my own story)
Angel: honestly, he can’t really say. he just kinda knew from the beginning that men were just hot, and he’d marry a guy if he could. molly just assumed he meant “yeah, men are just better than women” and went along with it, even though she personally thought both were radiantly beautiful. (she found out what pansexual meant in 1972.)
Husk: he has no idea. if asked, he just shrugs and goes “any hole is a goal, i couldn’t care less.” at one point, Angel just shoved a poster at him, Husk read it and was like “oh. i guess that’s me.” pretty chill reaction, just continued his normal day, but kept thinking “okay, wow, that’s ME.”
Sir Pentious: he just thought all people liked both men and women, but because of societal rules and whatever, they had to wait until they had a crush on the opposite gender. ..what do you mean thats not what being straight is. (he only found out what bisexuality was after he came to the Hotel and Charlie had a bi flag pin. he asked her what country that was, and she had to sit him down to explain the concept of LGBTQ+, and no, it is ABSOLUTELY NOT a mental illness, wtf, you’re fine, buddy, go be happy.)
Alastor: post-season 1, like three people separately wished him a happy asexual awareness week and he was so confused, he asked Angel to look up ‘a sexual’ on his phone because he couldn’t find anything at the library. (he was looking at the outdated library in cannibal town.) he read the definition, and locked himself in his room for the rest of the day. if anybody heard muffled screaming and somehow-happy-sounding swearing, nobody mentioned it.
Vox: pfft, what? no, he’s not gay! he’s perfectly straight! is it gay to say that men are just as good at women? …Val, what do you MEAN ‘no but yes’? (Valentino explained the entire history of LGBTQ+, stressing bisexuality. Vox just said “okay, okay, hear me out.. there’s a whole month for them, right? their whole thing is rainbows? what if we paint all of our logos rainbow-colored? they’d buy it!” Valentino gave up, because Vox just COULD NOT comprehend what he was trying to say. but he keeps sending bisexual memes to Vox.)
Valentino: he just always knew. come on, everyone’s hot, unless they aren’t. even better if they can be exploited. that’s all there is to it.
Velvette: pfft, she grew up with social media, she’s known about this shit since she was a kid. fuck love, fuck fucking, she’d rather pester Vox into making cheesy garlic bread. the guy’s a bitch, but he makes good cheesy garlic bread.
Baxter: back before he and sir pentious became bitter enemies, they were both talking about.. whatever. at one point, they got on the topic of clothing, and Baxter— then Bella— griped that he hated how dresses felt. too heavy, too annoying, and it made him feel sick, anyway. suits were just better, not just because they’re lighter. man, he wished he were a boy. pentious asked if he wanted to be a boy in general, not just for the suits, and after a moment, Baxter excused himself quickly to go find something in his library, shooing Pentious out of the house. a couple days later, he came out, transitioned, all that. the only reason he doesn’t cut off his light-lure thingy is because it’s useful. other than that, he avoids looking at it as much as possible.
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can we have more aspd izaya posts please please please please please please please please pl [ i am taken by the fog ]
*grabs u by the leg and pulls u out of the fog* yes of course u can my fine fellow :)
so!! i was talking to a friend about izaya having aspd and whether or not it was an intentional coding on narita's part or if it was a completely unintentional yet still valid way to view the character. honestly, evidence exists for both ways- the emphasis put on izaya's impulse control issues ans disconnect from the rest of humanity, as an example that comes to mind. but there could also be a case that narita didn't mean to invoke a deliberate coding of aspd while placing emphasis on these aspects of him
theres also the whole "two brain scans" thing. was this plot point narita trying to say that he didn't intend for izaya to have any mental illness whatsoever? but then again, brain scans are not exactly the most reliable source of diagnosing mental illness- if it was, we'd just use that. there are studies about aspd and brain differences regarding it, but i have no way of knowing if narita... read them. i don't know the man and i have no idea what studies are available in japanese, since i read mine solely in english.
there's also the study that throws a wrench in brain scan studies as a whole- specifically fMRI studies. it was one of those classic "subject put in brain scan and asked to identify what emotion a person in a photo is showing" except the subject was, ironically since this is a post on izaya..... a dead fish. so did narita see THIS? the study IS from 2009, but to comfirn if its even possible, i'd have to cross-reference the book the two brain scans thing shows up in with the date the study was published, and EVEN THEN the answer is still a big ole "i dunno!"
although, thru all this, i think i settled on an idea of what Might have happened. keyword MIGHT, it's not like i can go ask narita himself. well i mean i guess maybe if i tried really hard.... but i am not going to do that. it sounds scary and frankly i am a weenie, and i don't speak japanese
so, durarara.... is a story largely about the underbelly of society. ergo, there are a lot of tropes present in other works about these kinds of people, but they're subverted here. like, for instance, shizuo- he's the "dumb muscle" trope; an angry fighter who lives for the thrill of violence and that's why he's involved in the underground. except, shizuo hates violence, has tried to hold down regular jobs and is only in the underground out of desperation, and is very perceptive and philosophical. he's a subversion of the dumb muscle trope.
i think izaya was meant to be a subversion of the sociopath as a trope... and imo, you kind of can't really subvert that trope well without giving your character aspd.
"the sociopath" as a trope refers to a character with, essentially, zero humanity. they love nobody, care about nothing but their own gain and destruction, are sadistic for sadism's sake... et cetera.
taking a character and going "they ACT like a sociopath, but they're NOT one!!" is a common subversion of the trope... but it's not really a subversion, is it? it's a bait-and-switch. if a character seems like X but is not X, they are not X. the trope of X does not apply.
imo, for a subversion to really be... y'know... subversive, the character must still possess the original traits of The Sociopath, but they're twisted around and expanded upon
The Sociopath can't love? izaya loves all of humanity... though it doesn't stop him from disregarding their rights and autonomy, ergo still hitting ASPD criteria and still being a sociopath
The Sociopath can't care about anything but their own personal gain? izaya clearly cares about and loves his sisters, but it doesn't negate everything else he's done, or the other times where he has put his own personal gain first
The Sociopath can't feel or express emotion? izaya is demonstrated to be a coward and to have genuine phobias- thanatophobia, the fear of death, IS an anxiety disorder, as are all phobias. shinra describes him as fragile-hearted, and this description is accurate. but, izaya puts on a facade for the rest of the world- ergo, he can't express emotion (at least, not in the way someone without aspd could- it's... hard and scary to Drop The Act; vulnerability is scary and removes the subject's control of a situation, so it stands to reason that it would be difficult for us to do)
The Sociopath is a sadist for sadism's sake? izaya actually has weight behind what he says and does- sure, some of it IS for entertainment, but why he chooses specifically this as entertainment (namely, suicide) has enough bits of info for us as readers to extrapolate. the text doesn't make it explicit, but durarara is a series where paying close attention to minute details is expected and rewarded, so this is par for the course, honestly. and a lot of the things he does, although they result in hurt for the rest of the cast, isn't izaya being a sadist Just Because- at the end of the day he's a scared, lonely man, trying very hard to avoid the thing he's most afraid of in life- the cessation of it.
that's not to say that anything he does is OKAY, obviously, but there's weight and nuance behind it. izaya is treated as a whole human being, just like everyone else. but a lot of core aspects of his character parallel the sociopath trope so cleanly that it's hard for me to believe that it was completely unintentional. was he meant to have specifically aspd, the disorder? i'm not sure. probably not? but "the sociopath, as a trope, but fleshed out and given humanity" is kind of... what aspd.... is. as a disorder. which is why i think you can't truly subvert the trope without giving your character it, inadvertently or not.
anyway yeah this was A Bit different, although i prefer to do watsonian anaylsis i absolutely can do doylist too. i might do more stuff like this if yall like this one idk
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ceasarslegion · 1 month
The DNI that made you do math to use it?? 👀👀👀
Youre the first one who asked, so you get the answer.
This person was one of the other two weirdos from the Half Life RP discord server i teased at in this post earlier this week:
Once again, i want to disclaimer that this is not a callout post, I will not be giving any details that could be used to identify this person, and I will not be posting screenshots this time because they are still active on tumblr afaik. I dont want this to be used to bully anybody, this is just meant to be my personal experience with my specific side of this story. You can DM me directly or throw in a private answer request in an ask if you want screenshots, but only people i already know and trust not to cyberbully them will get a direct link to the DNI. The person in the story I linked is no longer active anywhere online, which is why I provided screenshots in that story.
And before i lay out the DNI details, I just want to say... there is a FINE LINE between requesting accommodations for a mental illness and infantilizing yourself. I can handle the former just fine, I will do all I can to help, but if you're a grown-ass adult babying yourself and then going "waa im autistic i cant do anything" i have ZERO tolerance for that. Buddy, I'm autistic, and I'm telling you to grow the fuck up.
Yeah, this person was one of those. They were over 18, and had public breakdowns about how everything was just soooo hard for them and everybody else was being problematic and ableist for *checks notes* asking them to wait in a line that was a little long for a new phone plan. Real example, they were screaming and crying in the vent channel because the line at a verizon store was a little long, and implying their father was ableist for asking them to wait for 20 minutes. Buddy, there are some things you JUST need to deal with in the real world regardless of whatever mental soup you have going on. If your autism is that bad, the solution is looking into things like noise canceling headphones, sunglasses, etc. But the world will not stop having lines that you just need to wait in sometimes because you dont like them.
I know that sounds harsh, but they werent exactly the type of person im willing to give the benefit of the doubt to. The majority of their problems were entirely their own fault, and they were clearly enabling and feeding the harder parts of their autism rather than doing anything in the way of learning to cope with it. I am terrified of spiders, like full on panic-inducing terrified of them, but I throw hands at them instead of running or freezing up. One time, I posted a photo of this gigantic-ass spider that was in my dorm room after I screamed and squashed it with my heavy duty winter outdoor patrol boots (im a security guard, not a cop, before anyone draws the wrong conclusion from that), and they proceeded to vague about me IN THE SAME SERVER about how problematic and insensitive i am for triggering their arachnophobia. My brother in christ when did you ever say you were triggered by spiders? Do you expect me to read your fucking mind?
Another instance was when they asked for the role to access the nsfw channel. They were over 18, so it was granted. They then got mad at us whenever we got horny on main in the sex channel because they were only there for the dirty jokes (that were posted in the main server anyway because none of us consider JOKES to be inappropriate). They literally asked for the sex channel role and then claimed we were being problematic because we talked about sex in the sex channel when they were uncomfortable with sex. And they had borderline puritan attitudes around sex. They acted like sex was icky and gross and should never be discussed around them lest it corrupt their pure innocent soul. Yeah thats your own fault chief, grow the fuck up.
Some lightning round stories: they broke up with their boyfriend purely because he liked "irredeemable media" and when said boyfriend said they were being a total dick for that, they proceeded to whine and cry that he was actually being abusive and terrible for being upset that he was dumped over the fucking movies he liked of all things. They once sat outside their little siblings recital and complained that their parents were problematic for not charging their switch enough because it died at the same recital they couldnt be assed to sit in for because "waaaa its too boring and thats bad for my autism." Didnt even TRY, just sat outside the door playing switch and then complained that their parents didnt charge their switch enough. Can you not plug something into a wall your damn self.
Needless to say, i didnt like them very much. I can handle legitimate accommodations, but they were just so self-infantilising that they gave the rest of us a bad name. Your autism is not an excuse to act like a fucking baby. You are not made of porcelain, you will not shatter at the slightest touch, being uncomfortable is a part of life youre going to have to deal with. Its not your autism at this point, youre a grown-ass adult who throws a tantrum when the line is a little long. GROW. UP.
Now that that rants over, lets get into what the DNI on their blog was like, because this behavior from them that I just outlined really contextualizes it.
Their DNI had two tiers. The first was "red flags," which meant that if you met any one of them you apparently werent allowed to interact. Of this included your typical nazis, pedophiles, terfs, and... beastars fans. No word of a lie. Being a fan of beastars was apparently just as bad as being a nazi. What did my boy legosi do to you? (Side note: i am forever enamored with how these people seem to think that theres people out there who both self-identify as nazis and would respect a DNI. I didnt even respect that DNI. I didnt interact with them because i thought they were a terrible person, but i did not take that DNI seriously. I was openly posting about beastars in the same server LMAO) and it wasn't just beastars, there was a ton of media that i didnt even know had discourse around them that they listed as red flags if you ever touched. Amazing.
The second tier was "yellow flags" which meant that you werent allowed to interact if you met any 3 or more of them. Here was mostly media, including homestuck fans, neil gaiman fans (WHAT DID NEIL DO TO YOU), and harry potter iirc. (WHY DID YOU SINGLE OUT BEASTARS?? WHAT DID MY BOY LEGOSI DO TO YOU) my favourite part of this though, was that republicans were listed under yellow flags. Apparently its worse to be a beastars fan than a republican. We arent gonna fucking make it
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waltwhitmansbeard · 9 months
Prom with Vaxleth?
26. Prom setting this in grow with the flow! buckle the FUCK UP
It starts with a social media post—Vex's, to be specific. Vax groans, his phone hovering just a few inches above his face, and Keyleth turns her head away from the business email she's been writing and rewriting for the last half hour to ask, "What is it?"
"Look." And then the phone is shoved in her face, and she's looking at—
"Is that you?"
All limbs and sharp angles, a teenage Vax in an ill-fitting tuxedo, his hair slicked back with what must be an entire container of hair gel, gives a sultry look to the camera. He's back to back with his sister, who's wearing a shimmering blue strapless gown that makes her legs look a million miles long. They each wear a snowdrop, him on his boutonniere and her on her corsage.
"Is this your prom photo?" Keyleth snatches the phone, grinning from ear to ear, to look even closer. "You two look so good!"
"We look so dorky." Vax tries to grab the phone back, but Keyleth keeps it deftly out of reach. "Apparently, today's the tenth anniversary, and Vex decided to air our dirty laundry on social media."
Keyleth scrolls down to read the comments, and since Vax is tagged, the Grow with the Flow audience is having a field day. "Oh yeah, this is fun. It's half bullying you, half asking to have a threesome with you and Vex."
Keyleth finally returns the phone. "Did you guys at least have fun?"
"Well, I hooked up with both the prom queen and the theatre teacher, so...yes."
Keyleth's jaw drops. "At the same time?"
"No." That prompts more questions than it answers, but then Vax asks, "What about you? I wanna see sexy prom photos."
She snorts. "Good luck. I didn't have a prom."
Vax sits up in bed. "For real? Why not?"
"I wasn't kidding when I said Zephrah is small. My graduating class had eleven kids in it. We just had a bonfire instead. That was the first time I successfully shotgunned a beer. There may be pictures of that somewhere!"
Vax pouts, hooking his chin on your shoulder. "So you've never gotten to dress up all pretty, make all the boys and girls go oooooh?"
"Um, well, I got a pretty nice dress for my mom's funeral."
"Oh fucking hell." Vax swings his legs out of bed and snags up his phone. He paces a line in the kitchen, dialing someone and pressing the phone to his ear.
"Who are you calling?"
"My sister. We are fixing this."
Honestly, Keyleth forgets about it. The podcast is really taking off, and pretty much any time not spent researching and scripting and recording and editing is spent coordinating sponsorships and doing the annoying paperwork that comes with owning a business. Vax has some project that he's working on, but he won't tell her what it is, which is fine, because she has more than enough projects on her own plate right now.
She doesn't think to question it when Vex tells her they're going shopping one weekend. Vex likes to shop—well, no. Vex likes to window-shop. Vex rarely spends actual money. Except this time, they go to a little corner boutique, one that sells gowns for weddings and galas. She doesn't know why, but Vex is insistent that she get this long-sleeved emerald green dress that hugs her curves. She tries to argue that it's a ridiculous expense, but Vex promises her they'll do a photoshoot with it for the podcast, and hey, they've been making some pretty good ad revenue these days, so she caves. It's especially hard to say no when Vex buys a dress herself, a slinky black number that makes her look like danger.
She definitely doesn't connect the dots when Vex and Pike burst in unannounced one afternoon when Vax is out, each laden with bags of makeup and hair products. Keyleth's tugged away from her editing to get dolled up, for fun, they insist. The next thing she knows, they're all dressed up, each in their own beautiful gown—Pike's poofy golden dress makes her look like the sun incarnate—and Keyleth's being shoved out the door.
She probably should have figured it out before Vex pulled her car up in front of the botanical garden, where a red carpet lined with silver and gold balloons leads inside the building, but no, it takes Vax, dressed in a sharp black suit that fits like a glove with a slim green tie that matches her dress perfectly, stepping out holding a homemade sign that reads Will you go to prom with me? that she finally fucking gets it.
Crying, she throws her arms around his neck, chastising him for keeping such a momentous secret from her, but Vex is there to scold her for ruining her hair and makeup. Her friends lead her inside, where she's shocked to find the gardens filled with people, most of whom she does not know. Vax explains that he put the call out for anyone in the city who missed out on their high school prom and wants a second chance, with all profits from ticket sales being donated to Keyleth's favorite conservation organization. Keyleth dissolves into a mess again, but Vex and Pike get her cleaned up enough for the evening to begin.
And oh, what an evening. Scanlan's band plays them through a night of dancing, drinking, and all around fun. Keyleth has never spent so much time on a dance floor in her life, but even though she takes plenty of spins with Percy and Grog and the girls, she is happy to have so many with Vax, who can go from an elegant waltz to a shockingly gymnastic twerk with a simple key change.
Some of the other prom attendees are podcast listeners, and Keyleth is so grateful to get to put faces to the numbers she spends more time than she likes to admit obsessing over. Everyone takes thousands of pictures, and she is so excited to see the #growwiththeflow hashtag come morning. The gardens are filled to the brim with people just loving life and enjoying each other's company, and Keyleth, who had never put much thought into what it meant to miss out on such an adolescent right of passage, is beyond grateful to experience this night with these people.
When the evening is winding down, and most of the revelers have either gone home or gone to another location to continue the party, Vax tugs her by the hand deeper into the gardens, far from the area set aside for the event. He boldly strides past a sign forbidding entry, saying "This is not even in the top ten most interesting places I've trespassed" when she stutters in protest.
He stops when they're surrounded by the most beautiful blossoming cherry trees Keyleth has seen since she left Zephrah. The glass ceilings of the botanical gardens let in the light of the stars above, and the entire scene is so fragrant and beautiful. "Vax...this is lovely."
"So are you." She wrinkles her nose at him, and he kisses it. "Did you have fun?"
"I don't think I've ever had so much fun in my life. I can't believe you kept this a surprise from me for so long."
"I can't believe you didn't catch on. I mean honestly, Keyleth, don't tell me I have to be the brains in this relationship, because if that's the case, we're screwed."
She punches his arm. "Jerk."
"Yeah, well, this jerk has one more surprise for you. Look over there." He points over her shoulder and she turns. She squints in the low light, but she sees nothing beyond the cherry trees except more plants.
"I don't understand, is there supposed to be—" She cuts herself off as she turns around to see Vax on one knee, a small box in hand. Her hands fly to her mouth, her eyes instantly watery.
"Keyleth, I am not a man of the gods." His voice is cracked, strained, like he's choking back tears of his own. "There is little that I have ever had faith in in this life. Until you. Until I fell in love with a girl I'd follow to the ends of the earth. Until I learned that fate did not mean that my life was a cart on a track, hurtling toward an uncertain future I couldn't avoid, but rather a certainty, a knowing that in this life, in any life, I am yours until I die and long after. And now my faith is in how much I love you, in how much I know you love me. And I may be a lovesick fool, but I have every faith that love will carry us through whatever the gods have in store for us." Keyleth is openly weeping, her breaths coming fast and sharp. "So, then, Keyleth..." He opens the ring box, revealing a pair of rings, one with a gorgeous smokey gray stone. "Will you marry me?"
She doesn't answer him, choosing instead to tackle him into a kiss that knocks him pack onto the stone pathway of the gardens. She kisses him until she can't breath, until the crying and the laughing and the hyperventilating has him sitting her upright before she passes out. Her hand trembles as he slides the rings onto her finger, and it isn't until he closes the ring box again that he pauses and asks, "Uh, wait, was that a yes?"
"Oh, you are definitely not the brains in this relationship." And she kisses her fiancé again, beneath the stars and the cherry blossoms and the eyes of the gods.
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avocadoletters · 1 year
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Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader (no mention of Y/N)
Trigger warning: Mentions of illness, but really just Matt and Reader both being fluffy and stubborn people 
Summary: Matt catches you trying to take care of an injury and wants to take care of you. Established relationship. 
A/N: This is my first posted fanfic attempt of Matt Murdock EVER, and then my first in over a decade in general. Please be kind *puppy eyes*
Word Count: 1,090
Damn it damn it damn it.
Freshly showered from the day’s worth of grime and general annoyance of working with the public while the right side of your rib cage hurt, your skin was finally dry enough to re-wrap your injury without tugging yet simultaneously defying your every attempt.
Of course normally you were able to wrangle your arms around, but in this particular case doing so pulled all the wrong muscles and you had specific instructions from your doctor to take it easy.
Easy would be easy if the stupid thing would simply stay put.
“Need a hand?” The deep voice behind you made you leap, and then wince simultaneously.
Matt Murdock may have been a Daredevil by night, and under normal circumstances he was risking his luck by sneaking up on you like that. Of course you missed how your boyfriend’s face imitated your own. Warm hands curled gently around your bare shoulders and damp hair as he pulled you into a soft hold through the latest spasm.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He kissed your neck, cheek, and temple, the scruff a pleasant distraction as you came back to. “I didn’t mean to surprise you.”
“A little late for that Murdock.” You sighed, with unfurling fists to finally return his embrace and snuggle into his arms to accept more apology kisses as the two of you breathed each other in.
“You didn’t hear me walk in?”
Admittedly you’d been a tad distracted by your task, and now you were distracted by the rhythm of his chest breathing against yours as if you two hadn’t been apart a mere eight hours. “No, I was busy.” You teased, muffling into his shirt. “Plus you’re like a cat, always skulking.”
You could feel Matt grin, no doubt to the point of dimples, as he murmured darkly in your ear. “Or pouncing.”
A short laugh brought another sharp pain that brought both of you back to the present. “You couldn’t wait for me to get home?”
“Oh please, it’s not like I’m bleeding out Counselor. I can take care of myself every now and again.”
“Overruled. You’ve never had a fractured rib before. Those injuries take time.”
“Alleged fractured rib, thank you. My X Ray didn’t find anything.”
“And with respect to the medical field are you going to believe a blurry photo or a man who’s suffered his fair share of experience in the field?”
The two of you leaned away and with a huff you rolled your eyes and made what had been affectionately dubbed as your angry muppet face. “Fine. Sustained.”
Matt kissed your cheek again. “Are you going to let me help you now please?” Blind and handsome, he let you go and held out his hand expectantly.
With your left hand you dumped the roll of an ace bandage and sighed. Then as he pressed the initial end to your sternum just beneath your bra line, he began looping the elastic around and around, occasionally checking on the tightness to avoid more discomfort or agitating proper circulation. You hadn’t managed a shirt yet since your shower so all you could do in the meantime was hold your arms out.
“It’s not fair, you know. When you get injured it’s from rooftop fights and ninja battles, I crack a rib after coughing a few times.”
Matt tilted his head with a wry smile. “You compare walking pneumonia to ‘coughing a few times’?”
“Maybe…”You pouted. “Not like it’s anything attractive.”
“And now you think getting in hand to hand combat to where I come home covered in bruises attractive?”
You bit the inside of your cheek. “Well you sure do make it look attractive Matty. It’s not like getting a cold would break any bones for you.”
Matt completed the other end and gently placed each prong to hold it in place as you handed it to him from the sink.
“As much as I appreciate the compliment Sweetheart, anyone who coughed like you did would have definitely broken something. Even me. But–” He hooked his index finger in the top of the bandage and gingerly pulled you closer to where you held onto him by the biceps. “What was the lesson we learned from this?”
You hmm’d a noise of innocence which normally would have Matt chuckling, except not today. Not when every time you moved in the wrong direction too fast he had to listen as your muscles would tense and spasm causing you to clench in pain. Nothing was worth that to him. Not when you tossed and turned at night unable to find a comfortable position without aggravating your side more. Then certainly not when the site was inflamed to where icing did little and he had to watch where he held you.
But much like him, you weren’t one to make a fuss about being injured. If you complained it was either that the pain had gotten too much to handle after a long day, or that you were frustrated that you weren’t magically healed overnight. He’d tried having you meditate, but that had only gotten so far.
“It’s called ‘we go to the doctor when we’re sick instead of putting it off too long’.” Matt chided, pulling you softly to emphasize his words.
“Oh you’re one to talk Devil man!” You pointed at him. “Broken, bleeding, or concussed you never see a doctor.”
“That’s because I can handle myself.”
“--it’s because you’re stubborn. Pot, kettle, black.”
“I wouldn’t know technically.” He stopped teasing with another truth. “And I’m not the one with an asthmatic pre-condition thank you very much.”
You didn’t have a retort for that one, only a deeper frown. With a sigh he snuggled you in closer again and took in the freshness of your shampoo. “I didn’t like how every day you only got worse and worse. How you struggled to breathe despite everything. There was nothing I could do but feel that pain with you. I’d rather not do that again please.``
That at least the two of you could agree on. “Fine. But next time you’re grumpy because you have to sit still after a ‘hard day at work’ don’t forget that karma’s a bitch Murdock. “
Finally Matt’s chest filled once again with the warmth of his laughter as he rubbed a line down your back, stepping away to grab one of his t-shirts off the hook to help thread your arms through and loop over your head, sealing it with a firm kiss to your lips.
“I look forward to it, Sweetheart.”
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puppet-purgatory · 1 year
you won't post 1 headcanon for every puppet. you wont
i WILL. AND i'll do it in chronological order from appearance (more or less). but it will be under a readmore after the first season so i dont interrupt anyones scrollin
The Professor: i think in addition to growing a bit from Dino DNA(tm) he also has feathers now. just some feathers in there with his fur. maybe even molts and is miserable about it
Death: he plays guitar And piano, but just as a hobby. he's like a salaryman who had a garage band as a teenager and never fully gave up on the dream
Propeller: propeller SADSTUCK: i think he legitimately had to go to therapy for the britannica shit that happened. PH feels like it would be that realistic about mental health tbh
Big Pile of Diamonds: his mustache is fake. his greatest secret. his greatest shame.
God: he actually really likes to dance! unfortunately next 2 no one will do it since... The Incident
Train: does he not have a better name... maybe put a mr. in front of there... anyway he feels betrayed by the U.S. since they gave up the train model for highways/interstates and the motorcar industry. gets REALLY heated about it
Mt. Vesuvius: has a bunch of speeches given by famous latin authors and orators memorized, but sometimes he mashes them up without realizing/misattributes which one was written by whom. old man moments
Hatshepsut's Goose: can't remember what their gender was in life. that's fine, they love being a nonbinary icon. AMAB (Assigned Mummy at (em)Balming)
Clipped Coin: dodges the spool's wrath by being unflappable and so down to earth despite his apparent success. truly the king of staying in his own lane
Olympic Torch: hes a cranky piece of shit and only really enjoys sporting competition. he was complaining about being in the group puzzle photo so god just picked him up and he went ffffffffffine. okay. ill smile for 2 seconds
Gay Oars: i think they Also went to therapy, mostly relationship counseling, and now they are back and better than Ever. unbreakable bond. im abt to pen a whole ass comic series about them getting married in purgatory
Policarpa's Spool: still thinks of himself as a spy type, but there's only so much spying he can do in... purgatory. of course, his primary nemesis is the treasure chest.
Lake Donner Snowman: idk if this counts as a headcanon per se but in my very short list where i recast the puppets as famous singers, he is ABSOLUTELY voiced by Weird Al Yankovic.
St. Nick's Wet Bones: sort of taking the whole purgatory thing in stride. he kinda feels like he's in retirement! now he's a minor agent of chaos who's looked after by his darling Pickle Boys
Beast of Gevaudan: i was so sad when the infinitiger wasn't real, i wanted them to have a cooking show together so badly and destroy the horse's self-esteem. i love him. hes so abominably french
Stool of Gold: well-traveled, well-read, literally just as sensible as the Book or the Oars, but finds the chaos entertaining to spectate.
Ziryab's Oud: I think that the puppets have divvied up the whole Wondrium Arena and all have designated Living Areas, and he has a whole dressing room filled with shitty costumes he can't even wear. every time someone knocks he answers like hes on MTV's Cribs.
Bye Bye Brothers: they live in the orchestral pit and treat it like a secret lair. only other Murderer Puppets are allowed in. EXCLUSIVE club
Flower Boat: GNC Icon. this is a flower boat stan account. jenuinely a wholesome, emotional vessel doing their best to pitch in.
Molasses Horse: you can wash him as much as you want, that shit always just comes back somehow. the book theorizes it's psychosomatic at this point, since they're technically only souls at this point.
Tiny Piece of Wheat: bro i bet they went through SUCH phases after finding out about the professor's death. like all five stages of grief and then four more that have not yet been discovered by humans. dw kiddo, u got Grandparents incoming
Emu: the type of guy to fistfight you and then help you up. laid back but ready to throw down at a MOMENT'S notice. has no beef with the Wheat, but generally avoids them to keep from any Upsets.
Treasure Chest: has a little list of get-rick-quick schemes he wants to test, but has no way to in purgatory. he has one braincell bouncing around in his head like the DVD logo
Scabs & Pus: they get to hang out with the Bye Bye Brothers in their little club :) they're gross dudes to look at and be around. but they are ultimately harmless and friendly and just happy to be included.
Book: i love da book. I think he lives in the music library backstage and finds librettos for stageplays/musicals to pitch to the group to put on, as well as produces their little TV shows.
Birch Trees: since they share a root system, they have a telepathic link and communicate without even speaking, which is fucking creepy as hell when one or both of them just start laughing out of nowhere. they probably enjoy acting sinister
Asmodeus: he worked HARD on his song for the show!!!!! i think he's a bit of a ham sometimes when he gets the chance. also his goat head bites literally anything that comes close on reflex.
The Devil: while everything he does is to get souls, it also feels like he wants for positive and is less an Enemy of God and more an Irritating Coworker. in my brain they have a whole Tom and Jerry thing going on.
I don't have anything for the Fake Puppets the Substitute impersonated, but im planning on drawing some infinitiger soon bc he was my fave for sure
The Substitute: this is PURELY crack but i think it would be hilarious if he had voice commands like some tech does. i want him to climb back in the window and ryan just yells XBOX TURN OFF and he vanishes.
Dino Dad/Dinosir: i think even after he gets to the present and learns about all kinds of rocks and gems and crystals he Still just loves a big old rock he can lay on and sun himself with. like a dad and his armchair. doesnt gotta be fancy, just has to be comfy.
Dino Mom/Dinosara: i think she would be REALLY into the fake tv shows the puppets in the Wondrium Arena make. and they'd probably Love to have her as a fan. i think both the professor's parents are Hella popular.
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jurif · 7 months
Mother of five. Mother of three. Mother of seven. One child—two children—on the spectrum. The struggle of parenting autism. My autistic child doesn’t like it when I do this. I keep doing it. This is my son. He’s six. He cannot consent to me putting his face and life story online but I’m doing it anyway. I’m helping the mothers affected by the disease plaguing their autistic children.
My autistic child is hurting me. She screams and she cries and she has tantrums so I record her and post it online. I’m helping her by doing this. I’m documenting the difficulties her illness brings me. I ask her if she’s done in my most condescending voice and I subject her to textures she doesn’t like—even though I know she hates them—because she has to get used to them. Because the real world isn’t as kind as me.
My child may age but he will always remain a child. I will always treat him like a newborn baby and talk to him as if we hadn’t celebrated his twentieth birthday just last week (the photos are on my blog, by the way, such a happy occasion, look how he grits his teeth). To me, he will always be that little boy diagnosed in the doctor’s office because that was the day my son died and this helpless, disabled changeling took his place.
I am so brave. I am a superhero. This child’s disease is my own. I’m an autism mom. I’m helping. I am helping. Everything I do is correct and in this child’s best interest. The essential oils I put on their neck may burn them and the smell may make them cry but they’ll be fine. The most intimate details of their life have been plastered on my blog for the world to see. I’m just here to help. Is this child eighteen or twelve? I can’t tell. They seem six years old to me. I treat them accordingly. It helps them. It’s helping me.
I just don’t understand why it won’t talk to me.
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briarcrawford · 5 days
Saying Goodbye to the Dog Who Rescued Me
When I first met Tillie, I was an absolute mess. I was jobless and felt no motivation to change that, I had a chronic illness causing me pain, I didn’t know what direction to go in life, and I was horribly depressed. I just wanted to spend my time in bed, letting life pass by.
Then a cousin working at the pound introduced me to Tillie.
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Tillie was about a year old, and had been dumped by her previous owners. With Australian Cattle Dog in her genes, she was driven to herd, and at the pound that included vehicles passing the outdoor play area. She was only 50lbs, but in her mind, those vehicles were simply things to be herded, so she chased up and down the fence.
Then Tillie saw me. Suddenly, she ran up, and immediately flipped onto her back at my feet, waiting for tummy scratches.
I had met other pound dogs before, but the connection I felt with Tillie was immediate. She came home that same day.
At first it was not easy for either of us. I was still struggling with depression, and Tillie had some trauma from her old owners that we had to work through. However, we had each other now, and that made all the difference.
I got a job to make sure I could feed her. I went on walks to keep her healthy. The good it did for me was just a bonus, but with time, we both healed.
Her favourite activities were: pulling me on my rollerblades, hiking, herding cattle, playing with dogs, and hunting. Dogs were fine to love, humans were fine to love, but everything else was her prey. Her record with just one trip to the dog park was seven mice, which is a number I can confidently confirm because she would always proudly trot up to present her kills at my feet. It was a kind gesture. Gross, but kind.
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Naturally, for the sake of wildlife everywhere, she was only allowed to be off leash at dog parks or on our own property.
Despite her high kill count, Tillie was also sweet as could be and willing to sit for hours with anyone who would give her pets. With my arm hanging off the bed, I would pet her every single night until either she or I fell asleep. If I woke up in the night, Tillie always assumed it was to pet her, so would roll onto her back for tummy scratches no matter what time it was.
On mornings when my chronic illness caused my limbs to feel like heavy vices were weighing me down, Tillie would be there, telling me she needed food. If it were up to me, I would have stayed in bed on those days and wasted away, but it was not up to me, because I was powerless in the face of those large amber-brown eyes and excited smile. So, despite my pain and exhaustion, I’d peel myself out of bed. Since I was up anyway, I would often end up feeding myself too.
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If I was too sick or it was too cold out for her Australian blood, Tillie would happily walk on the treadmill instead, with her tail wagging every step.
Sadly, nothing lasts forever.
Age finally caught up with Tillie, so yesterday I had to put my little hero down. 14 years old is a respectable age for her breed to reach(almost half my life), and though I don’t regret bringing her home all those years ago, I have to admit my heart is shattered.
It’s impossible to stop the “I should have…” thoughts, as if I could have somehow prevented this. Along with that always follows the “What if…” thoughts, as if there was something I could have done to make her healthy again, even though I would gladly have maxed out my credit card if there was. Occasionally, I think this pain is too much and want to change my mind, but there is no going back; she’s gone.
To ease some of the guilt I feel, I forced myself to go through old photos of her today, and it did help to see how much she had changed. Her fur greyed, her body structure changed, and in the last year, she had started to lose the sparkle in her eye. In case it would also help, I decided to write this post(though I was not sure if I was going to publish it).
Luckily, I have company to help me through this pain. About three years ago, I decided I wanted another dog so that Tillie could help me train him.
The very same week that I came to my decision, my (possibly psychic) cousin got in contact with me to say there was a puppy she wanted me to look at. She knew his powerful breed would not be right for everyone, but somehow knew he’d be a fit for me. I visited, and the very first thing that crazy little puppy did was bite me right on the butt. By the time I left with him, my arms were covered with puppy teeth bite marks.
What can I say? I liked his spirit.
I named him Haggis, based on the totally real and not at all fake deadly wild haggis roaming around Scotland. Also, the looks people give when I call his name is priceless.
Tillie always fawned over puppies. She would carefully groom them, gently correct them, and keep alert to possible dangers. So, Tillie immediately adopted this little terror too.
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Tillie corrected Haggis when he bit too hard, showed him where to go to the toilet, and somehow Haggis even learnt how to walk on the treadmill. One day after Tillie was done her treadmill time, Haggis randomly hopped on it. Curiosity got the better of me, so I turned it on, and he started walking.
I knew she was going to help me train him, but honestly, it felt like I was using some sort of puppy cheat code. With her help, he grew from that gremlin of a puppy, to a well-behaved dog almost double her weight.
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Tillie being gone has left a painful hole in my heart and life, but a small part of her stayed through the lessons left with both Haggis and myself. She taught me many things, one of which was that when life looks bleak, focusing on those who need and love you can help guide you forward.
I can tell Haggis misses her too and does not quite understand where she is, but at least we have each other. I promise to take good care of your puppy, Tillie.
A very long time ago when I was on a trip, someone asked me “Do you miss home?” And I paused to think about it, then said “No, but I miss my dog.”
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houseofbrat · 3 months
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WHAT is going on?
This is the best PR disaster I’ve seen in years 🍿
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Photos are manipulated (aka edited) all the time - for this one to have been manipulated in ways that are concerning enough for 3 of the biggest photo agencies in the world to order a kill notice on it is significant.
The thing that I keep coming back to is that if everything is fine, why are they messing things up so monumentally? It feels like every pr attempt has been made in crisis conditions by a bunch of people with no pr skills running on zero sleep. Why did no one check the photo before posting it through official channels to make sure that it didn’t have any glaring errors given the fact that they know they have eyes on them?
That’s what I mean. I normally don’t follow the royal family at all and I personally don’t feel entitled to know what Kate’s medical issues are but I’m absolutely invested in this BECAUSE of how badly the PR is being handled. They are literally making it seem like something weird is actually going on when it may not be. It’s almost like they are doing it on purpose to see the public’s reaction 😂
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What’s wild to me in this thread are the people defending this and pretending it’s no big deal. If you care about the monarchy at all, the handling of this situation by their own people is now a five alarm fire. They’ve lied and been purposefully deceitful since the original announcement of Kate’s illness and it’s only gotten worse since then. Having a photo pulled down for manipulation by multiple huge organizations is a huge deal and they no longer have the queen to smooth everything over, they are up the creek.
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Another kick in the teeth for KP. Another round of cope for their defenders. Can anyone honestly say they’re surprised at this point? I kind of doubt cosmetic editing is the only issue, because Lord knows that Kate — and other public figures, ofc — have been shopped & filtered into oblivion over the years. Makes me wonder what AP & Reuters think is happening here. And this just makes me even more curious why Kate didn’t wear her engagement ring in the photo. If they’re editing the pictures anyways, there’s literally no reason not to plonk Big Blue on there. This is top notch royal drama right here, please keep it coming.
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What do you mean another round of cope?
It’s referring to the excuses that some royal fans keep clinging to. It’s been so fun watching the stans say that all of this is totally normal, and how dare the conspiracy theorists, and won’t you think of the privacy — and then it all blows up in their faces AGAIN. It’s like Lucy with the football!
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I genuinely think we could be seeing the beginning of the end of the Royal Family here. People will say it’s a stretch and that I’m a conspiracy theorist or whatever but I honestly don’t see how, given the way this whole shit show has been handled, the public are meant to trust anything put out by the Palaces in future. We’re yet to see how this one ends but my god, it has been a rollercoaster and with every passing day there are more questions. Even people like me who don’t generally care about anything royal are wondering what on earth is going on. If, and when, it turns out that there has been some kind of cover up, even if it’s relatively minor, the people who never cared for the Royal Family will be able to (rightly) argue that they’re duplicitous and sleazy, and those who believed every word of it and leapt to their defence time after time will (and should) feel utterly betrayed.
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As a publicist I’m just going to say I continue to be astonished by how terrible KP is at PR.
What do you think is going on?
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I’m obviously not going to speculate on her actual condition but suspect the PR team knows little and the Wales’ - likely William - only listen to yes people. So they are holding close to the vest the truth and this means the PR team is spinning its wheels working from behind in a reactive stance as opposed to proactively being able to get ahead of a story or message accurately against it.
The constant messy drip drip of info and KP being so inconsistent with BP to me suggests they are kept in the dark and have to scramble every time something else comes out.
It’s really hard to advise clients/principals who won’t listen to reason, who won’t take good advice, who say they will comply but then in the moment do the opposite. I get all of those vibes from William in particular.
Being the Heir he got away with murder and now I suspect it’s hard/near impossible to get him to see reason.
They should have just been honest, messaged it as a teachable moment kinda like KC did with his cancer and stayed transparent, but my guess is William thinks whatever the truth is will make them look bad, so gestures at all of this
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What in the world is going on? I’ve definitely raised my eyebrows at the goings-on at KP over the last few weeks, but the editing errors he highlighted in his Tweet don’t seem all that uncommon to me, especially the warping around Louis’s legs… though I’m no expert. I think something is up, but also was leaning towards the pic being taken recently. I consider AP and Reuters fairly trustworthy though, so seems odd they would pull it for shoddy photoshop work alone. Idk anymore.
the Associated Press and Reuters (and others who have killed this photo) are journalism organizations with strict guidelines about photography ethics, which forbids anything other than minimal photo editing. a shoddy photoshopping would be exactly the kind of thing they would object to when it comes to photos they distribute/endorse through their service. they explain more here: https://www.ap.org/about/news-values-and-principles/telling-the-story/visuals
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I'm old. Like, remember when Charles was considered the Most Eligible Bachelor old, watched the Royal Wedding and was surprised by the separation old, was up watching Saturday Night Live when the news broke about Princess Diana's crash old.
The last time I remember a PR crisis this bad was when Diana died and the public was clamoring for some word from the Queen. KP needs to work to right this, but so far, everything they do adds gasoline to the bonfire.
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Declining to comment just seem really daft. You can ignore tabloids, but when its the AP and Reuters you should calm things down.
I'm still of the opinion that they were messy, but ultimately harmless edits made to the photo
Just say that. Fess up, you haven't committed a huge crime. You used the clone stamp tool or whatever to make the image look cleaner but the job was not up to par.
I guess setting the precedent that future images could be accused of being digitally altered is why they don't want to? Either that or the photos really is extremely faked
At this point you need a picture of Kate holding a newspaper with today's date otherwise no one is believing anything. And this isn't normal, this is unforced error, and we are all dealing with KP media strategy catastrophic errors and frankly William messing this up for weeks.
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For them to put out a kill notice goes beyond a little Photoshop or filtering. There are so many odd things about the photo. The unseasonable greenery (yes, I'm saying it again though I got deleted for saying it before), the placement of the hands over, esp. Kate's. The obv. photoshop of Charlotte's hand is what they called out as proof but the photo just looks off.
The greenery is the least problematic thing. My garden faces north (and is further north) and the grass looks green but needs a trim. They probably have a lovely well maintained south facing garden.
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It’s amur honeysuckle or winter honeysuckle hybrid. They are semi-evergreen like what’s seen here. Some leaves on & older looking, some leaves gone. If you look at the KP bird site, there’s a pic of PW on grass that green the day before or so. I’m confident about the shrub, can’t say about the grass.
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Omg. What a DISASTER! I have never seen so many PR missteps in such a short period of time. This whole situation will have lasting damage on the British monarchy. Whatever trust people had is broken.
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They said the photo was SEVERELY MANIPULATED to the point where it doesn't meet the AP's publishing guidelines.
That would possibly point to “there’s no image at all.” I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but this is beginning to feel a little alarming.
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onlynatureknows · 3 months
Y’all Eating Pinecones? - For my Plant Based Girlies
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But no fr, y’all eating pinecones yes or no
So, I made a facebook when i was about 11 (ik illegal) so i could post super cool pictures in my brother’s snapback caps. I think facebook had seen about 5 logins from me since then. Recently, I have been trying to use facebook more as a social network building tool & I have joined quite a few groups. While scrolling through one of the facebook groups last night, just before bed, i saw a post about “cinnamon pinecones.” I said heyooooooo! Cinnamon. Pinecones. It was a photo of pinecones that were boiled in water with cinnamon and perhaps other spices ( i didnt dig deeper into the ingredients as the photo was enough to awaken the African aunty in me). & All the comments were very serious and educational about the benefits of eating pinecones. Still to now now - i say heyoooooo! This be plant based life? Come now to eat common pinecone? Hey!
Okay, let me stop joking. Like i said, the comments on this post were very serious and educational. I am well aware of the medicinal benefits of pine needles and other parts of the pine tree when taken as tea. I just never knew the actual pine cone was edible. I guess its similar to how people eat artichoke? I have also never eaten an artichoke, but i can imagine its pretty close to eating a pine cone. I think. Is the pine cone crunchy? Maybe it becomes soft when boiled. Does it have a woody flavor? If I ever discover an African pinecone, Ill have to try it… with cinnamon.
Being plant based, yes plant based not vegan, has been an interesting journey for me. Coming from a West African background, I do have a certain palette. I like nice food, food with seasonings, food that hydrates me. I absolutely cannot do dry & bland. I’d rather not eat. I have no quarrel with the plant based lifestyle except when it comes to the seasoning & texture of food. Being plant based for me cannot and does not mean bland food. Even raw food can be made delicious! But maybe I am too worried about deliciousness.
I say all this to say - I am still healing my relationship with food. Being plant based & experiencing different native cultures in Africa is purifying my perspectives. Indigenous food is often not very flavorful, and would not get a stamp of deliciousness approval from the West African Aunties. Plant based native food is mineral desnse & often bitter. Again, deliciousness is not a factor. But - God is the chef so who am I to judge? It makes me think again how confused us humans are. The natural food provided by the Most High, designed for our bodies, nutrition packed, and filled w/ information from the Earth, is not enough. We think we are smarter than the creator, so we create our own “food.” Its hilariously sad.
Seeing the pinecone post made me realize, I still hold certain food prejudices. Yes, food prejudice is real. I most definitely looked at those cinnamon pinecones and thought, “That has to be some white people food.” Smh. That “white people food” is actually very nutritional, medicinal, and healing. More nutritional than my pounded yam and peanut stew. And this is exactly why us “Black people” have health issues. You know what they say, eat to live! So I must judge myself - I need to consciously work through these food prejudices, worry less about flavor, and focus more on value. Our food must be valuable, our food must be an offering to our vessels, the intake of food must be intentional & almost ceremonial. Fine, no peanut stew, I’m working on it. But, for now I have to ask:
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