#feel free to send me your thoughts about saw i am so desperate
tatzlyip · 8 months
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tfw you become a saw fan but you havent properly drawn a human in 5 years
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hanahaki270 · 2 months
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ “You Belong to Me” ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
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・❥・ Synopsis ・❥・ Having an Uchiha as an ex doesn’t mean anything. Once you’ve managed to make them fall for you, you’re basically stuck with them for eternity.
・❥・ Pairing ・❥・ Sasuke x Fem!reader
・❥・ A/N ・❥・ I finally decided to continue watching shippuden after having it on pause for 5 years.. yeahhh so I’m having a huge obsession with it rn. Also please feel free to send prompt requests for me to write! And I feel like I definitely could have written this out better but I was in a rush and stressed out about Job interviews so mb
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You finally gathered the courage within you to end your relationship with Sasuke. This wasn’t an easy decision. In fact it was tearing you apart. You still loved him. But the differences between your priorities and his were far too different to the point where they were conflicting with each other.
You might as well have been talking to a wall that day with how blank his expression was after you just announced how you were breaking up with him. The loud silence was killing you inside, does he not care at all?
-You wanting to break up with him was like a jab at his ego. The Sasuke Uchiha. The last prodigy of his clan and you wanted to leave him? Though this enraged him, he refused to let you know it. He couldn’t let you have the satisfaction of knowing that this actually affected him.
-After you left the apartment he started to completely trash the place. Everything in it was obliterated into nothingness. But as soon as he went out in public he acted completely fine as if nothing happened.
-Anytime you were around he would make sure you saw him with other girls. He wanted to show you that he could be with anybody he desired without a problem, at any given second. Show you that you weren’t nothing special to him.
-He was lying. Because as soon as you left his vision he treated the girls like shit and pushed them aside after they served their purpose in making you jealous.
-He tried to sleep with random women in the village to further prove that he didn’t need you. (He was really just trying to convince himself) but he couldn’t bring himself to do so. None of them even compared to your beauty. Even the thought of another person lying on the bed you two once shared disgusted him.
-After weeks of this even Sasuke couldn’t believe his own facade. He craved you. He craved your smile, your laughter, Your touch. And is willing to do whatever it takes to remind you that you belong with him.
-He sucked up his pride and begged Naruto to send you two on missions together. So you’d be basically forced to talk to each other . (Naruto uses this against him every now and then)
-During one of the missions, one of your comrades decide to get a little touchy with you. You pay this no mind since you have no interest in the guy, but Sasuke definitely notices it. What’s a worthless ninja doing talking to what’s his?
-A couple of days after that mission, the scenario of another man getting that close to you haunted Sasuke day and night. There’s no way in hell you’d ever willingly decide to be with any other man but him. Right? He needed the reassurance and he needed it now.
-It was 4 am when you opened the door to your apartment after you were awoken by loud desperate banging on the door just to be faced with your ex. He invited himself in, closing the door behind him as he slowly crept towards you.
-He reached for your hand and held it in his, as he focused on you as if there was nothing else in this world. You could tell he developed dark circles since the last time you saw him.
“The day we got together was the day I chose you to be the one I repopulate my clan with. The only one worthy of the surname Uchiha. You’re mine and I’m yours.”
-He noticed how you were at a loss of words so he took this moment to do what he’s been yearning to. He grabbed the back of your head pulling you into a kiss. The kiss was messy and desperate. He kissed you as if you were the oxygen he needed to breathe. And to him, you were.
-Needless to say you were vulnerable to his request and took him back. How could you not?
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vampiretendencies · 1 year
wonder how i got by this week, i only touched you once
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authors note; hi! this is my first but also not really my first jj piece. i had an old account here but i deleted it over a year ago, however my love for obx has not changed which explains why i am back lols. i am just testing the waters again here, and letting my thoughts go. i also proofread but sometimes not well enough so you may come across an error or two. gif and divider creds to owner. & feel free to send asks, guidelines for those are coming soon.
warnings; fluff, very clingy!jj, & language
summary; if jj could sow his skin to yours, he would.
pairing; jj maybank x fem!reader
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an imprint.
you were sure that was all that was going to be left of you on that twin mattress. not that you were deemed in your last moments of life or anything, but because your boyfriend’s grasp on you in his sleep is not suitable for the weak. it should be described as something resembling a death grip. body tinging with restlessness & the mere moments of having laid here wide away for the past two hours. jj’s body heat radiating onto you at a battle with the sun, that is currently piercing through jj’s bedroom window at the chateau. who knew delirium would gather as quickly as it did, every time you peered toward the bathroom you swore it got three feet farther. hair plastered to the sides of your face, you huffed out of frustration.
jj was damn near on top of you. legs wrapped miraculously around yours, twisting and tangling themselves together. his black boxers riding low, as his waste lovingly crushed yours. the sleep weight of him, was like jj plus two. not to be dramatic but you were gasping for air at one point. his top half, guided by his bottom half. skin sticking to skin, whilst you glistened with sweat, jj somehow still had features like that of angel. well, pardoning the snoring. the abs of his stomach glided against your ribs, hanging onto you as if you’d be gone with one goodbye. the tips of his disheveled blonde locks tickled your temple. mouth slack open, roaring desperately into your ear.
what anyone would be thinking right now is, why not just fucking get up ?
two issues with that. the stickiness of your skin unattaching itself from his was sure to wake him up. anytime you made something even resembling a movement he found a way to force you close into him. and he would never let your hear the end of it, he’d make certain to whine and complain all day about “how you wouldn’t love him back” or some shit like that. he’s definitely more dramatic than you, however this was not cuddling. this was a bear hugging a tree and you were his tree to mangle and rip apart whenever he saw fit.
the other issue being, jj’s room has miscellaneous trash littering the entirety of it. in an instant, if your leg were to loom over the side of jj’s bed the crackling of a beer can or a water bottle was going to crush beneath your foot.
“fuck me,” you silently cursed yourself.
nearly approaching three pm, is what jj’s alarm clock read. you still to this day wonder why such an unproductive, procrastinating type person has the need for one, but that’s just jj.
you’d decided you couldn’t bear taking it anymore, combination of hot breath shelling your ear mixed with the stench of muggy air. you craved a shower, brushing your teeth, to piss for Christ’s sake, and your personalized skin care routine if you could muster up enough time to do so …
wriggling a tad, you pulled back the limp limb that is his arm which has been thrown over your neck for best part of his slumber. jj being a light sleeper, it was stupid of you to even attempt. within milliseconds his arm is thrown over your collar bone, whisping you into him once again. out of instinct a minuscule peck was placed to your ear lobe, his breaths interrupted by your movement. a faint grumble between his lips, signaling for you to keep your ass still.
but, you simply could not. you were going to get up, and you refused to feel horrid for it because jj has had well over his ‘must have’ eight hours of sleep.
“j,” you gulped. contemplating today’s reaction of the constant battle, you blink slowly awaiting his response.
a hm escaped jj’s lips, barely awake but staying awake because his girl never deserved to be ignored.
“let me up,” on the brink of a demand, his eyes opened fully at that, furrowing eyebrows out of frustration.
jj wanted you to save him until the both of you were buried alive. he hungered to be inside of your skin. the true depth of being his girlfriend, you already acknowledged those things. there’s no showering alone, there’s no eating alone, no going to the bathroom alone, you don’t remember the last time you did your own makeup alone. he knew that if he was going to be with someone it could not be just anyone, the dynamic had to work. he was aware of his neediness and constant clinging, you were as well, before you even begun dating you had the willingness to admit you always had a soft spot for jj. you weren’t sure if it was the empath in you and the sheerness of being a human being. he’d been abandoned and abused since he was young, you wouldn’t be the one to return the favor.
the both of you just work.
it makes sense that the passion and the ethereal ache for want has never left, loves you just the same as the day he met you in eighth grade.
bringing him to his now decision as to wether or not he wanted to actually let you up or to fuck with you.
“stay with me.”
he uttered; partially truthful, partially not. he despised the feeling of the empty bed settling in if you were to get up, though he’d known you were due for a piss right about now.
“i have to get up, m’all sweaty and you aren’t helping.”
your explanation was understandable, but he still wasn’t having it. an eternity encompassed in your affections was a dream, and living in that dream he would presume possible for as long as you’d allow him.
“suffer a few more minutes.”
“j, i’m serious.”
he edged a tight lipped smile, noticing the eye roll and glistening beauty of your forehead. eyes inspecting you as though it was the first time. your sports bra adorned just how he’d liked, chest rising and falling faster then usual, appearing as if you’d ran a mile and then some. something so sweet about the scent of your skin, he’d breathe in continuously saturating his senses in the symphony that is you.
“what’s a man gotta do for few more minutes hm?”
he’s atop you now, hands at either side of your head. towering over to make eye contact— a sign that you yearned for him as he did you.
staring up at him, a yes is on the tip of your tongue but you’ve sacrificed enough of your day dedicated to cuddling jj. shuffling his weight onto one hand his thumb dusted past your chin and to your cheek bone, trying to lull you back in all at once. tilting your head in a swift movement, he lowers himself itching to press your unearthly soft lips with his. you did not oblige, smashing a hand to his lips.
“you’re not getting a kiss.”
“then you aren’t getting up,” he chimed. “as easy as that, baby.”
“jj! i am hot, and i smell like ass, if you don’t let me up don’t expect a kiss at all.”
you bargained, unable to win this fight you’d be giving in within minutes.
“well, i for one, like hot ass .. your hot ass in particular.”
your throat ran dry, willing to just do it out of desperation for a shower. the feathered blonde of his hair wavered as his head turned about, with the click of his tongue murmuring a muffled tick tock against the back of your hand.
“one fucking kiss jj.”
you’d agreed, hand faintly falling backward as you embraced him. your lips pucker for a slight peck but jj had far more in mind. the peck tainted his lips, the peck was for hurries only. jj ruled this as a no hurry situation though to you it was past a hurry. when you pull away from the peck, jj writhes his hand around your neck gently. wrestling his pair of lips with yours, teeth pulling at your lip for entrance, and you didn’t find yourself pulling away. two tongues swiveling and swirling just the way jj liked. God, he just could not get enough of the way your tongue molded with his. besotted that they fit together just right.
you break the trance, not allowing jj to reel you back in again.
“gotta brush my teeth now, j.”
your voice somewhat pleaded, a small boyish pout forming. groaning and all the extras accompanying jj maybank.
“okay okay, i’ll give you a few.”
rolling off of you, he gave way for you to do all that you pleased. you grinned his way as he sent a toothy one back. you felt free, as you did all the times before you had to force jj off of you. you could move and you did so at a rapid pace, before the whining begun. kicking beer cans out of the way you seemed to take your first step to the bathroom but that is until the palm of jj’s hand collides with the bottom of your ass.
“hurry up, you sexy motherfucker!”
your cheeks tainted red at his outburst, all of the cut could’ve heard it. but you laugh with ease, at your attention seeking boyfriend.
“won’t be long okay?”
you offer him a hug, a show of infatuation; before you were officially off to the bathroom, with intentions of closing the door. he encapsulates you, swallowing you whole with his arms. he peppered multiple kisses to your forehead.
“don’t shower without me, pretty girl.”
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icallhimjoey · 10 months
So, have you ever thought about this: Joey agreed to casually have sex with you but finds himself not being able to be casual about it at all so he starts trying to make a connection but you’re running away from these conversations?
(Having an intense måneskin-phase, can’t get over Baby said) ✨
- @nadixm
the way this request lit something on FIRE inside of me was a little unexpected, but thank you so much for sending it in! wasnt able to stop thinking about it after receiving it, so, <3 (girlies, this is obviously going to be 18+ so proceed with caution, and minors: fuck off) Wordcount: 3.9K
More Than This
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
You were pretending you didn’t catch that.
But you’d seen him look.
Had felt his eyes on you.
That soft, half-lidded adoring type of shit, which was usually just this sappy post-orgasmic bliss Joe would swim in for a little bit.
Nothing more than biology. Hormones surging around the system and shit. That was all.
Joe would hook an arm somewhere and hold you in place until you gained the strength to let your combined sweat work in your favour, to let you slip free from him. Head for a shower if you were at your own flat – and hope Joe would let himself out whilst you were in there – or straight back into your clothes you’d have to pick up from the floor when you were at Joe’s.
You were in bed with him now, at his flat. You’d started by his front door about forty minutes ago – didn’t need more than a sultry look into each other’s eyes for you to be on him.
Joe hadn’t even greeted you, just stood in his own doorway and waited on the threshold for you to pop out of the lift. And then he didn’t step aside when you approached him.
Gave you no other choice but to launch yourself at him, did he?
Would only let you in if you were attached to him by the mouth and full torso, already ripping clothes from yourself or from him. Only then would he let you inside, turning the both of you around and into his flat for fear of you leaving clothing items out in the communal hallway.
It was like that with Joe.
You liked it like that with Joe.
Not much talk.
All sex.
Maybe a, “Is this new?” if you wore a top he’d never seen before, or a, “Blue, I like blue,” if he saw you’d changed your nails. Superficial shit. Things he’d see and could say something about to feign normal people chat. You never participated. Didn’t react to what he said. Would just yank the belt from his jeans which always either hurt you or hurt Joe.
And then it would get kissed better.
One time you bruised yourself because the belt whipped back at you, right in the face, and it had one of those metal pieces at the end that really fucking hurt. Joe had kissed you better for a long time then. All your escapades blended together, they had started to a short little while back, but you remembered that one time vividly because it was a real stand out. The way you’d gone from shooting pain in the face, pain that left your cheekbone legit bruised in blues and purples surrounding a bright yellow swollen bit of skin, to the pleasure of being cared for and being cared for was different.
Good different.
If you were feeling particularly needy, you’d refer to it still. Would ask Joe to kiss a random part of you better. You’d just point somewhere and go, “Am I red here? Skin’s not broken, is it?” because asking if something was bruised felt too on the nose.
Like Joe didn’t know what you were doing.
Not that it mattered.
Joe would kiss you anywhere for however long you wanted. And if he’d move away, and your throat made a desperate little noise, he’d just be back on you.
It was never anything too adventurous with Joe, but it was always good. It was good that you knew what to expect. Meant you weren’t scared of suggestions that would make you go, ugh, okay, this was fun whilst it lasted, but big nope.
Like, feet shit. Listen, no offence, but if Joe was going to suggest for you to step onto some pudding barefoot, this would be over real fast.
But it had never been like that.
Would never be like that.
You knew who to text for predictable sex that always happened on a soft surface. Where the rough person in the room was you, and you were by no means hard-handed. You’d maybe take Joe’s jaw into your hands a little rough every once in a while, because it’d make his pink lips look even more plush. Would occasionally leave teeth marks near his collar bone or around his thumb. But, that was about the extent of it.  
Joe knew his lane. Could still surprise you within that lane from time to time, but you liked that Joe would never pretend to accidentally leave a ball gag out. No, oops how did that get here? sort of dumb shit.
You’d lay eyes on each other and then get to a bed or a sofa as quickly as you could. Limbs tangled. Always kissing. Sharing breaths.
Joe loved kissing. Used it as foreplay but could do it for long without letting it go further until you’d grow restless, which always made Joe grin into the press of his lips against yours. Those were things you’d come to classify as one of the softer moments.
You didn’t mind a bit of emotion.
But kissing you until you were absolutely hungry for more, and then smiling where you could feel it? Almost too soft of a moment.
Those moments were tricky and were best kept to a minimum.  
The looking at you after was one of those softer moments too. You were on your back and catching your breath as you stared up at the ceiling, and Joe was just sort of... staring at you. Slowly studying your face from the side, letting his eyes dance over your profile like he’d never seen it before.
Joe looked and looked and looked until you turned your head and he quickly looked away. Pretended he hadn’t been looking. Like peripheral vision wasn’t a thing.
“I don’t like it when you do that,”
But it was sort of nice to just say what you were thinking without being afraid of hurting feelings.
There were no feelings.
Nothing to hurt around here.
Joe turned his head back and looked again. Less deep this time though. Not so hormonal.
“Look at you? After what we’ve just done I can’t look at you?”
He knew you’d seen. Was about to say he shouldn’t be blamed because it was sort of your fault. Had you seen yourself? Did you know what you looked like to others? To men? To him, after what you’d just done to each other and with each other?
He didn’t think you knew. Well, maybe you knew, but you’d never understand.
“No, you can look,” you lied, because you really did not like it. Made you feel all sorts of uncomfortable.
“But the looking away when I catch you does my head in. Look at me like you mean it or keep your eyes closed.”
It earned a huff of laughter from Joe who now rolled over onto his side to watch without restriction. No hiding what he was doing. You could only bear a couple of seconds of it before you sat up, stomach muscles working hard at pulling you upright, earning a groan that escaped your constricted throat.
“No, come on,” Joe’s hand was quick, moved from his side to grab at one of your arms. “I won’t look, all right?” he tried, like that would change everything and make you lay back down again.
You’d already scooped your bra up from the floor.
“I’ve got an early day tomorrow,” you said over your shoulder as you sorted the straps before covering your chest back up.
Joe let himself fall back as he let an annoyed sound escape him when you reached for your underwear next. If it had been any more guttural, you’d maybe have taken it seriously.
“You’ve always got an early day tomorrow,” he complained.
“Yea, well, some of us have office hours they need to abide by, can’t just go gallivant whenever we’d like, have to request time off and– it’s a whole ordeal,” you spoke like your life was burdened by the structure of a steady job and a permanent contract.
It wasn’t.
But, you know. You couldn’t go out and stay out late on random Tuesdays like Joe could.
Not that you wanted to go out with Joe on random Tuesdays.
You wanted Joe in between some sheets for an hour on random Tuesdays. And, any other time when you were up for it, really. When you wanted soft touches and face-to-face sex where Joe forced eye-contact.
Joe never forced anything.
But Joe would go, “hey,” real soft, would repeat it until you actually heard it, and it would make you look at him. Then he’d hold your gaze. Was very intense sometimes, especially if you were close and he held eye-contact right as he fucked you through it.
If that was one of the softer moments was still up for debate. Maybe occasionally it was. Kind of depended on your mood, though.
“You got any plans for the weekend then?” Joe’d given up on trying to keep you there for now, and instead focussed on when the next time would be.
You shrugged. “Not really.”
Your sister’s boyfriend had a birthday barbecue that you’d attend, and you needed to find a good cobbler to fix a shoe you’d broken in a mad dash for a tube replacement bus the other day but – no real plans. You vaguely recalled other plans for the Friday night, but nothing was set in stone. There was still plenty of time for a little limb-tangling with Joe.
“Are you around?” you asked, pulling your top over your head, and standing up before turning to see Joe working his arms as he tried to place the covers back in the correct position from where he laid.
“Should be,”
“All right,” you nodded and found your jeans.
“All right,” Joe copied your tone of voice and the nod. You frowned at how corny that was.
“I’m stealing a drink from your fridge,” you said, stepping into said jeans and already making your way out of the bedroom.
“Squash is on the side,” Joe lazily gestured, having learnt by now you never just drank a bottle of water normally like a sane person. Then quickly and more pressingly Joe followed up with, “And I don’t want to find mouthfuls of my leftovers missing!”
You grinned to yourself out of his sight.
You were absolutely going to stick a fork into whatever tubs he had in there. You deserved it after swallowing Joe the way you had moments ago, and he knew it too.
“Focus on the important things, Joe,” you called back from the kitchen, going for a fork. “Like condoms. You’ve barely got any left.”
Fork in hand, you went for the fridge. Found a bottle of water in the door that you were going to put some squash into in a second.
And then, when your eyes looked towards the shelves, your breath hitched in your throat.
This idiot.
What an... all right. Nope. You weren’t going to do this. This wasn’t who you and Joe were and you weren’t going to play along with this.
You see, Joe was a Tupperware man – would always cook too much and then dump whatever he had left over into Tupperware that would fill up his fridge until he could go a full week just eating what he’d already cooked up days ago. It was a side effect of living alone and not knowing fucking portion sizes. Especially for pasta.
Almost every leftover Joe ever had in his fridge was pasta.
Made sense.
You also couldn’t measure spaghetti for the life of you.
What annoyed you about it most was how Joe seemed sort of messy, like any guy was messy, but the inside of his fridge was organised to the point where you thought he had health inspection checking up on him. It was all dated with sharpies – the leftovers. Like he was a professional chef that couldn’t get away with opening something up and just giving it a good whiff to decide whether that was still okay to eat or not.
But, what really got you, is that amongst the four or five tubs of dinner sat one smaller one. One with a little post-it note stuck to it with your name on.
This idiot made his fridge look like the one at your office.
One with Tupperware that had a name stuck to it.
A little preportioned bit of leftovers just for you inside Joe’s fridge, so you wouldn’t have to go digging into any of the other containers.
You took the note, looked at it up close and then flung it onto the counter. You ignored it. Went for a larger tub and opened that, ever the rebel. Let your fork run through it, messed it all up real nice and then took a big bite, grimacing at how cold it was.
Was still good though. Nice.
You closed the tub. Opened another.
Did the same thing – grimaced more because cold but also, it was really annoying how fucking good it still was. Joe either followed killer mommy food blogs, or just... knew shit about cooking. Was a whole ass natural in the kitchen when it came to herbs and spices and things.
You placed the tub back and purposefully left the lid off. Left that on the counter. Smirked at yourself when you closed the fridge and caught a last glance of your fork still inside there.
“Hey,” Joe stepped into his living room, in boxers and a T-shirt now.
You quickly swallowed and got busy with the squash.
“I’ve got um, I’m seeing my friend, he’s got a gig on Friday, it’s at a small venue near Brick Lane,” Joe talked in a casual tone of voice, made his way over to the fridge and opened it to remove the fork.
You feigned innocence. Ignored the whole thing as Joe reached around you to grab the lid you’d left out.
“Sounds cool,” you said, taking a sip to check you liked how sweet you’d made your drink. “Have fun.”
You knew he meant, come with me.
You knew this was his casual way of suggesting you could also maybe hang out together outside of the activities at your flat and his.
But he wasn’t using the actual words, so it was stupidly easy to pretend you had no idea what Joe was trying to do.
“Yea,” Joe spoke around a deep inhale, placing the lid back onto the Tupperware and then gave you a polite tight-lipped smile as he closed the fridge again. “Thanks.”
The way you wanted to squish Joe’s face to wipe that stupid smile off before messing that whole fridge up made your fingers itch a little.
When Joe moved to place the fork into the dishwasher, you decided that was your cue to leave. Man was cleaning up after you and couldn’t even leave the fork in the sink for a second like a normal person.
“Maybe see you after?”
It was a careful question, but one he knew he probably would get a yes to.
“Yea, maybe,” you said nonchalantly, slinging arms into your jacket. “Text me.”
You expertly left everything up in the air. You might have the time for him on Friday, you might not. You weren’t going to go see an amateur band with him though, that was for sure. That wasn’t what this was.
You’d been clear with each other from the start.
Hadn’t used the actual words, but, you were both adults and it was understood that this was what it was going to be. It was never anything else than what it had been tonight and good.
That was good.
You’d met Joe at a party you were only at because it was in your building and your neighbour had invited the whole flat just so no one would complain about the noise. A nice gesture, but never meant as an actual invitation. But it was the flat above yours, and you’d tried to go to sleep, but there were people out on the balcony and they had music going, so there was dancing and feet stomping and – it was all just, loud. You’d thought, all right fuck it, I could go for a few drinks, plan being you’d fall asleep much faster with a bit of drink in the system.
Joe was there.
You’d rocked up in an oversized T-shirt, bicycle shorts and socks in slides. Hair messy with the evidence of the stirring you’d done in your bed.
Joe’d taken one look and knew exactly what was going on. He guessed, but, he’d been right. He was looking at someone from inside the building. There just because they’d technically received an invitation, even if it was only so that they wouldn’t complain about the noise.
“Yes please,”
For the first fifteen minutes of the two of you talking, you thought Joe was your neighbour. He was the one who’d let you in and who’d walked you into the kitchen.
Yet he wasn’t the neighbour.
Joe sort of knew someone who knew someone who knew your neighbour, vaguely. The person who lived in the flat above you was also a girl, something you weren’t aware of. Her name was Charlie, so you couldn’t really blame yourself for assuming the invitation had come from a guy.
Joe also gave you a drink that was so fucking gross, you immediately went, “What the fuck is this? Petrol?” and he’d gone, “You don’t like it?” before saying he’d try again, do a better job for your next one. You immediately felt bad, seeing as he’d mixed the drink, and had thrown the whole glass back to prove that the drink was fine.
Getting it down was a big task though, and your whole face contorted as you worked at swallowing every single last drop down. Made you shiver and made Joe laugh as he said, “No, no, no, don’t drink it if you don’t like it,” but it was all in your mouth already and fuck, that tasted like it was just pure vodka.
Which you then learned is exactly what that was.
“Dry martini with a twist,”
“What’s the twist? That’s it’s just a big glass of vodka?”
“I mean... yes, it’s exactly that, with a twist.” Joe said dryly and tapped the piece of lemon rind in his own glass. “Bit of lemon.”.
You had nearly burst into laughter. Nearly, because this man was a stranger, and you did come over to get a slight buzz going, so that just happened to work out exactly how you planned it.
“Are there any... I don’t know, regular beers? No twists?” and you’d craned your neck to see behind Joe, to look into the kitchen, which, you knew where the kitchen was because the floorplan was obviously the same to your flat.
Joe’d taken you over to the fridge.
Gave you a no twist beer.
And then later, you’d taken Joe over to your bedroom.
Had no twist sex.
It was so obvious you were looking for the weakest excuse to get Joe over to your place. You were both sort of scraping the barrel, didn’t want to just say it, because you had more dignity than that.
So you’d thrown out your fishing rod and hoped Joe would bite when you looked into the living room of your upstairs neighbour and said, “I like where she placed her sofa, that wouldn’t work in my flat,”
Joe bit immediately.
“Nah, ‘course it would, let’s go try.”
You’d not even gotten close to your sofa that night. Straight from the front door into your bedroom and then straight back towards the front door a short 60 minutes later.
And then it had been like that.
You’d text to check availability and then would either go, “omw” or “come here” and neither of you were ever too proud to pretend you didn’t want it. It was either a, “can’t im busy” or “ive got some time” and it worked fine like that.
It helped neither of you had flatmates you needed to explain shit too.
Except, if you had, you would’ve figured out Joe was somebody a lot sooner.
Oh well.
Joe was nobody in his flat, and even less of a somebody over in yours. You kept him in your phone as first name Joe last name No Twist and refused to change it to Quinn. He wasn’t any better than all the other guys whose last names were all Hinge, or the closest tube station to where they lived.
“Here,” Joe said, just before you were about to leave. You looked back and saw he was holding out the little container of leftovers.
You frowned at it.
“Take it, but heat it up in a pan with a little olive oil, don’t eat it when it’s still cold and stiff from the fridge,”
You kept frowning but held a hand out to take it from him anyway. This felt a bit like refusing to take a tenner from you grandmother because you didn’t need a tenner, but, it was still a tenner, you know?
“I’ll probably hate it,” you lied, stuffing the Tupperware into your bag.
“And you can tell me all about it on Friday,”
Stupid little smirk.
Okay, so sure, you were going to see Joe on Friday after this gig he had to go to. And you’d tell him about how much you hated his leftovers.
Also, if Joe was thinking he was going to get this little container back, he was wrong.
That was yours now.
With squash in hand, you said goodbye and made your way out by yourself. Didn’t need or want Joe to walk you out – Joe knew. Understood. Stayed in his kitchen, but did call, “Text me when you get home,” after you because he wouldn’t be able to sleep if he didn’t know you’d gotten home safe.
“Yea, yea,” you dismissed him, loudly said, “Condoms!” to remind him and gave yourself a quick once over in the mirror by the door before you left. Closed the door behind you a little more rested and satisfied than you had been when you’d walked through it a little while earlier.
Whilst making your way out of the building, you whipped your phone out and found the right text thread.
“can’t do friday, something came up, soz”
And then went over to your calendar where you removed “james hinge” and replaced it with “joe no twist”
James could wait.
James never made you pasta.
Joe did.
Joe would make sure you orgasmed – like, he’d keep going until he could feel the evidence of it himself, would make sure the question “did you come” was unnecessary, and would make sure there was squash on the side and now, Joe had made you pasta.
Yea, you were going to see Joe again on Friday.
You made the mental note to keep his staring to a minimum though. Would have to make him come and then immediately force him out of bed to clean the sheets, or whatever.
Less of the soft shit.
You were going to tell him his pasta was fucking disgusting.
Telling Joe you loved the food he made before climbing on top of him was too soft of a moment. Those moments were tricky. Best kept to a minimum.  
The Taglisted
@05secondsofsexgods, @a-time-for-wolvess, @adoreyouusugar, @alana4610, @ali-in-w0nderland, @alwayslindie, @babybluebex, @barfightzanddiscolightz, @bettyfrommars, @cancankiki, @capricornrisingsstuff, @chaoticgood-munson, @choke-me-eddie, @did-it-work, @dirtyeddietini, @dylanmunson, @eddie-joe-munson, @eddies-puppet, @electricmunson, @emma77645, @emmamooney, @everythinghasafacee, @figmentofquinn, @frogers, @frootvelvet, @ghost-proofbaby, @ghostinthebackofyourhead, @harringtonfan4, @haylaansmi, @jasminearondottir, @joesquinns, @kellyxo1, @kennedy-brooke, @lovelyblueness, @luvrsbian, @miserybeans, @nadixq, @ohmeg, @paola-carter, @pepperstories, @phyllosilicate-s, @roosterisdaddy36, @sherrylyn628, @sidthedollface2, @thebellenouvelle, @thefemininemystiquee, @thewondernanazombie, @tlclick73, @werepartnersnow
(taglist currently full, sorry)
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may-fanfic · 1 year
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Quiet Sense 
summary: Tara can’t get her drinking in control and risks losing you. 
warnings: Drinking ig
word count: 1,267
((feel free to send in any request 💕))
"You're drunk." The words spilled past the frown on your lips, leaving a bitter taste on the tip of your tongue. Tara rolled her eyes, a dopey smile plastered onto her lips. "But, I'm here," she spoke matter of factly; you hesitated for a moment; she'd always do this, come late at night and be gone in the morning. Before any words could slip past your lips, Tara squeezed her way inside; a soft huff fell from your lips, slamming your door shut abruptly.
"Thought you'd be happy to see me." Tara taunted you with a soft caress on the arm, but you ripped away. "You can spend the night; take the couch." You shrugged lightly, avoiding the look on the plastered girl's face. It was sobering, having you so displeased with her arrival. "I don't want the couch." It was an old, flat sofa; it was impolite even to offer it. "You're too drunk to get home, Tara." The disappointment was all she could hear, it was loud most times, but she hated when it came in gentle looks and soft smiles. "I don't need you looking after me." She snapped, bitterness filling up her throat and pulsing at her temples.
You clenched your jaw, looking at the girl you were so sure you once knew, she had bloodshot eyes now, and her mouth reeked of whiskey,  but she was still her. She was still the girl who stayed up late, studying with you to ensure you'd pass. "So, why are you here?" Tara needed to see you that night; she wasn't even sure why; maybe it was when the man at the party kissed her or when she looked around the place and swore she'd seen you. Either way, all she could think about was you.
She overlooked your face, tired expression, and the pout that took over your lips; she missed them, how they felt, and how they tasted. She wondered if she kissed you, would you still taste like faint hints of strawberry?
"Why would you even ask me that?" Her eyebrows knitted together in anger, and her lips parted; she could feel a slight tingle throughout her body. She missed when she could drop by your house without any judgment. "It's 3 in the morning, Tara." Her eyes squinted through what seemed to be a puddle of tears. "So?" Her lips tugged downwards reluctantly.
"You never come when you're sober." It was the truth; it tightened your chest when you uttered it. "And you're never sober anymore." A sharp pain coursed through her body, her breath hitched in her throat, and you stood in front of her, arms crossed, shoulders rested, entirely calm.
"Fuck me for wanting to visit my friend, right?" her voice broke, the tears burned her deep brown eyes; her fingers balled at her sides into tight fists. You laughed lightly. "Is that all I am?" Tara began to shake her head but was confused at her reaction, she wished she could read your mind, tell you what you wanted to hear to stay one more night with you, but instead, she stood there, staring at the red in your cheeks and the small line that took place between your eyebrows.
"I'll get you a blanket." Turning on your heels, you moved slowly up the stairs, a small piece of you prayed she called out for you, but Tara never did.
Tara was right where you left her, standing there in the same place, her expression identical. "Tell me what I can do." It was a plead, a desperate attempt to feel what she once had. The words clawed out of her before she could even think about it. "Sit." Your look was tender and soft, but it reminded her just how resentful you were towards her. Tara was always envious of how forgiving you'd been; it was a trait she'd always admired in you.
Tara did as you said and sat by the pile of blankets you laid out; the sofa was just how she remembered it; she could feel the spring digging into her thigh. Her makeup was a smeared mess, her hair fully unruly, but that didn't help the pound of your heart when you saw her because even like this, she was still the most beautiful girl.
You passed a hand over the crown of her head, attempting to tame the flyaways; it was a tender gesture that you didn't even think twice about, but it was something that Tara found herself craving most nights. Her eyes burned into yours despite yours never meeting hers.
"You need some help, Tara."  She heard it frequently from Sam, but there was something about the way you said it, it made her chest burn, and her eyes welled up with tears. Your hand found her cheek, caressing softly at the freckled skin, and she melted into it entirely. "I know." That was one of the reasons she found herself back at your place so many nights; she felt grounded with you. Tara knew her drinking was out of control; she knew it by the way she was failing classes, losing relationships, and missing out on life, but it certainly helped. She wasn't sure there was anything to soothe her taunting brain, so she drank; Tara drank it all away, but sitting in front of you now, she felt like nothing.
"Good, because I miss you." Your thumb swiped under her eyelid, collecting a mixture of makeup and tears; she looked so fragile and hopeless, nothing compared to the girl you knew before; a shaky breath spilled past her lips, letting her body weight settle between you and the couch. "You can start tomorrow." She nodded to your words; a kind but pitiful smile tugged at the corners of your lips. Tara could do this forever; she could do the gentleness and soft-spoken tones; she could do the calm with you; she could promise to love you forever and go along with whatever you asked because the girl never had such unconditional love; it was something she needed.  
"Let's go to bed." You brushed a gentle kiss to her hairline, this was routine, and it always ended the same; you always allowed her back in, you knew you'd regret it once the sun was up, but that was a problem for tomorrow.
With every step you took guiding her into your room, your guard broke more and more until you both were in bed, nuzzled into your warm sheets. You couldn't be firm when it came to her, could never stand on your word but laying in the still room with her, feeling the soft caress of her fingertips on your spine, it always felt like a reward.
When Tara dared to move closer, nuzzling into you entirely, she could smell the sweet scent of your perfume and the warmth that radiated off of you. "Can you promise me something?" She spoke, letting her bloodshot eyes fall closed when you hummed, fingers shyly finding hers under the blanket. "Don't give up on me." The room was quiet, leaving Tara to feel like a wounded animal on display; you squeezed lightly at her fingertips. "Never." She felt like she could breathe again as she dipped her head deeper into your shoulder. It wasn't fair to ask you to stick around;  Tara knew that, but she needed you.  
"I won't be messed up forever." She uttered in hopes that you believed her, brushing a kiss against your shoulder. "I know, Tar."
You could only hope in the morning; she's still here.
reblogs and comments are appreciated 
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arlerts-angel · 10 months
ONGG i just read ur softdom!armin x shy!afabreader and wanted to request – what if armin found out reader has started to steal his hoodies so she could get off somehow because she didn’t know how to ask him for pleasure? 🤭🤭 (‘m sorry the meds are making me crazy-)
note: are you kidding me!! 😩🤤 this was so much longer than i intended hnjksjshdj i love this anon!! i hope you enjoy too ❤︎ also!good morning, i've finished proofreading this at 10:30 am lolol
cw: armin x shy!afab reader are roommates, olfactophilia, voyeurism, masturbation (m! and f!), pet names (angel, pretty)
18+ ❀ minors kindly dni ❀
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for a couple of times now, you've raided armin's hamper of previously worn clothes. it's too intimidating to ask him to help you get off, so you instead take his hoodies to aid in pleasuring yourself. you smell them, taking in his scent. his clothes smell so warm and inviting, like he'd swallow you whole in a hug or rearrange your guts. either one would suffice.
you take the hoodies back to your room and strip down to your bra and underwear. you lay back on your bed and begin to touch yourself as you breathe in his scent. you let out a few soft and quiet moans. though you are alone, you're still too bashful to make lewd sounds any louder. when you're aroused enough, you slide the second hoodie over your pillow and rise to your knees, placing the pillow between your thighs. you bring the other up your nose and begin to grind your clothed pussy against the pillow and let your imagination of armin run wild.
"armin–" you moan. freudian slip. you shut your mouth, but unbeknownst to you, the "damage" is already done. armin came home quite early from the library today. your door was ajar, giving him just enough of a view. he indulges in the scene before him, getting hard at the sight of you.
he slowly unbuttons his pants and slides his boxers down just enough to free his cock, hard and leaking precum. he spits in his hand and begins to stroke his cock as he watches you. he knows good and well he could just walk in and fuck you right then and there, but it was more exciting trying not to be caught. he has thought of this very moment many times, more than he'd probably like to admit.
you grind against the pillow covered by his hoodie more desperately now. your bed squeaks slightly and your slew of curses and moans of his name bring him close to his orgasm. his strokes grow faster and his breathing becomes unstable.
you moan his name one last sinful time and ride out the high of your orgasm. the sound of his name leaving your lips sends him over the edge. stringy ropes of cum collect in the palm of his hand. he dashes to the bathroom to clean up. you throw on a big t-shirt and walk back to return the hoodies to their designated hamper.
you are stunned by his presence like a deer in the headlights. he looks at the hoodies in your arms and back at you, his eyebrows raised. "what are you doing with those, y/n?" he asks innocently, as if he didn't just see a thing, much less cum to it. you're a stuttering mess trying to come up with an excuse. he grabs your chin gently and looks into your eyes, grinning devilishly.
"you're so sweet..." his voice trails and so does his hand. he gently grabs your hair in his fist and lifts your head up slightly, earning a soft moan from you. he looks in your eyes, still grinning. "i've got something that feels much better than my hoodies, angel."
shit, he saw. your heart is in your throat, but you manage to ask what he means. his grip on your hair tightens a little more, making you wince. "you know what i'm talking about, don't you? tell me what you were doing with those." he replies. why the hell is this turning me on? you think to yourself.
"i-i was, masturbating." you admit. you are well aware that he's loving this. he nods and lets go of your hair, his hands sliding down your body, stopping at your waist. "now... tell me y/n, do you want me?" he asks softly in your ear. you nod in response. "use your words, pretty. tell me exactly what you want." he coos.
"i want you to fuck me." you say without hesitation. he picks you up and carries you to his bedroom. "see? that wasn't too hard. just say that next time, angel."
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tylersjacket · 5 months
The daughter e2
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The next day when your father Lou saw the bruise you had, he went full on interogating you. "Who did this to you!? Do you have problems with somone, if so tell me i'm supposed to protect you for goodness sakes!" You tried to calm him down with answering his questions, while you brewed your coffee. "No, I don't have any problems, besides the other person looks worse. The years of watching the wrestling you made me watch came in handy. You should be proud that I can stand up for myself". You felt your fathers caring gaze trying to discover if you are hiding the truth. "If that is the truth, then I am proud, but I still care about you even if you think I should't. Youre my baby and I don't care how old you are I still worry about you"
Your gaze found your fathers eyes and you only found care in them. "I know and i'll always be thankfull that you are my dad" and as you poured the last drop of coffe into the mug, you kissed your fathers cheek and started walking upstairs.
Today you woke up later, and seeing as it is 5P.M right now you had to get ready for work which started in two hours.
You rummaged through your clothes trying to find an outfit appropriate for work. The clothes that you wore yesterday were covered in specks of blood so you needed a fresh fit.
The once fresh cup of coffee was now cold and only half drank from as you were lost in the piles of clothing you owned.
Finally after half an hour your clothes were ready and now you need to freshen up. You took the clothes you chose and rushed to the bathroom. As you turned on the shower and waited for it to warm up, you brushed your teeth and washed your face. The shower was calming and it felt good to freshen up. Seeming that you had wasted most of your time, you had to rush out of the house and quickly walk to work. The sun was setting casting a warm light across the building. After you had walked for what seemed to be forever, your dad’s place came into view. You could already hear the shouts of drunken men and the only thing you mind thought of was him. You wondered if he would be here today.
As you walked through the door, the already working bartender motioned for you to help him out serving the men, desperate for alcohol. The night seemed to go by in a blink and you hadn't noticed him seated in the furthest corner of the pub watching you. You clearly had caught his interest as he never felt so intrigued by anyone else. As you finally noticed the pair of eyes watching your every move you saw him send you a wink and you only smiled in return feeling giddy of the attention you got from him. Sure you only had met him last night, but his charm made you feel attracted to him.
After a few moments the man in a red leather jacket made his way over to you. "Nice seeing you again" you said to him and he replied with a smirk on his face "can say the same".
He didn't order anything and as you were serving the customers he finally asked you how your father reacted to the black eye.
"He was worried but I know that deep down he was proud because i told him that the other person looked worse" he chuckled knowing that the 'other person' was him and that he had one more injury than you. "You know there will be another meeting today feel free to join" and after a while of thinking you finally let him know that you will join after you finish closing up. He got up from the barstool and walked to the table where a dark haired guy was seated. He looked really tired and was conversing with Tyler as he was pouring his tired friend another pint of beer. As you watched them you only felt more interested in what kind of person Tyler Durden is.
p.s if there are any mistakes im sorry
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personasintro · 10 months
Hi Mimi. Can I ask you for advice.
I have a friend who is mad at me because I’m not calling her back 24/7, and because I can’t hang out all the time and have to cancel due to the fact that I work and they sometimes, even if I have plans, call me in.
I couldn’t attend her boyfriend’s surprise birthday dinner, who she’ve only been dating for like 4 months and I’ve only met twice, because they wanted to go out late at night and I was working the day before, during, and the day after. However that particular day I got to finish my shift early because it was raining so my boss told me to just go home. On my way home another friend called me, who I haven’t seen in four month because we live 1h and 45min away from each other. My birthday is in two weeks but she’s going on vacation soon, she asked if we could meet up in the city and have dinner, this is like 4-5pm, because she wanted to celebrate me by buying me dinner. I said okey. I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong. We meet up, have dinner, order some drinks, and I post a video of us. The other friend, not even 5 minutes later, sends me a loooong message about what a bad friend I am without even knowing anything. I didn’t answer her right away and decided to wait until I was home. I got home at like 8:30, and the dinner was around 9-10isch so even if I didn’t go out with my friend I couldn’t go and celebrate her boyfriend because I needed to sleep.
She really went off on me, said a lot of things, and made me feel so shitty for nothing. So I wrote back and told her, we’re not kids, I didn’t do anything wrong, I explained briefly why I went out with my friend, and I also told her it’s my life and nobody can get mad at me for my choices, even if I was free that day it still shouldn’t be a problem because I don’t have an obligation to anybody. I also told her that I think it’s wrong that she decided to message me when she saw I was out, she could have waited and brought it up the next day instead of basically trying to ruin my night. I also texted her “don’t worry about this now, go and have fun, enjoy, let’s talk face 2 face when we get the chance” She then texted me back saying “I am celebrating his birthday all weekend, we can talk another day, I don’t have time to deal with this now”. I wrote back “sure”. My first thought, before I calmed myself down, was “so you have time to ruin my night, and start this whole thing, but you don’t have time to finish it?”.
Am I the asshole? Hahaha this sounds like a reddit post, I wanted to write it there but I don’t want to take a risk of her seeing it. Your account, your stories and you are also my comfort zone. I just feel safe here, which is why I am sorry for the rant and headache you have now. I just don’t like to talk about other people with other people, which is why I’m not asking for advice from my friends. But at the same time I’m desperate because I feel like I have done everything for her but just because I have work and have to prioritize myself I’m suddenly a bad friend for not attending her bfs dinner who I’ve only met twice. I mean it’s not like I missed her wedding day. It’s not like I was talking shit about her or told everyone her secrets for her to call me awful names and paint me as the bad guy. It’s not like the plan hanged on me, and I said no, and everybody stayed home but then I went out anyways. They still went out and had fun, so why should it be a problem if I was there or not.
I just want to add that this friendship is solely about me being there for her, I’m basically her therapist. I’ve never ever had demands on her or how she should treat me. I’m so drama free like this is my only drama in life atm in the past 6 years. I’m so easy going. You know that last year on my birthday she didn’t wish me a happy bday, and last year I asked her 6 times if she wanted to go on a vacation and she said no, but then she posts on snap that she’s going on a “random trip” with a girl she met 6 month ago at a gym who she doesn’t even talk to anymore because she feels that the girl was to clingy. I didn’t say anything because I thought it’s okey I’m not gonna ruin her day, vacation or whatever for something so silly, it’s HER life. I’m always there for her, even if I’m busy I always try to show her that she is not neglected by maybe sending her a song, or meme, or even going as far as telling her that I’m gonna be busy and that she can call me if it’s an emergency otherwise I won’t be so active. I always have her back, she calls me 4 in the morning and I pick up without blinking twice. My parents treat her as a second daughter, I’m always there for her as much as I can, and I just have to add that last month, I didn’t sleep for 36h and had a 10h shift the day after, but I still went out with her because she needed a friend due to having a bad day. I neglected my mental health for her. And our convos are 90% about her, 7% about random stuff, and 3% about me, and I STILL DONT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT because idgaf. Im honestly so unbothered I really don’t care, but right now I care because I feel that the text she sent me, and the way she wanted to paint me, and the words she used even though I’ve never ever had anything negative about her coming out of my mouth…I just feel like this is so unfair and I don’t know what to do. Should I end the friendship? Or maybe talk to her and try to make her understand? Im just so lost and this is honestly so sad because we’ve been friend for 12 years if not more. I don’t want it to end over something so silly…
Much love💜
Again I’m sorry for ranting, if you have advice I want to thank you for them. And I also want to thank you before hand for taking the time to read this. I admire u and ur stories!
I just have to add: she’s not a bad person, her good qualities overshadows the bad ones, which is why we’re still friends.
This message was sent a while back and I am sorry for responding only now. Maybe you were able to figure it out on your own or things happened after this. But all I can recommend for you to do is to talk to your friend, if you haven’t already. If I were you, I’d try to communicate and make her see where I am coming from as well and then… there’s nothing much you can do from there. You’ll see how she takes it and whether she’s able to see your side or not. Regardless of everything, she shouldn’t take you for granted and cut you some slack.
Like you said, you don’t want your friendship to end over something silly but maybe it’s not something silly at all. In the end, you don’t want friends who makes you feel guilty and take you for granted all the time. Just the fact your entire friendship seems to be focusing on her rather than on both of you says a lot. You shouldn’t be treated that way and you do deserve someone who equally cares about you as a person :)
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changbin x felix
Trigger warnings: none that i can think of but please feel free to correct me if i missed anything!
Content warnings: names (baby, good boy, angel, sweetheart, pretty boy, tiny baby), a little biting, mirrors, slight hair pulling, size kink (kinda?), oral, begging, cum sharing, praise, very brief mutual masturbation, very brief finger fucking, verbal teasing, hand holding, anal, a hint of a breeding kink, belly bulge, desperate lix, ass slapping, mild dacryphilia, one (1) dry orgasm (idk it was hot to me lmao)
Summary: changbin fell in love with his best friend, felix, and now felix wants to be his first guy.
Word count: 9332
A/N: so this is written from changbin’s pov and it is actually the first ship fic i wrote (at least the first ship fic i’ve written since high school). i actually wrote it before asking for pride fic requests last year and contemplated keeping it for myself or putting it on my ko-fi but felt it was too good not to share. and ofc i had to go with the classic friends to lovers trope because that’s just the kind of person i am lmao anyways i’m almost done with my next pride piece and i’m working on the three requests i received! i hope you all enjoy this and please feel free to give a follow! be sure to drop your feedback in the comments and please look forward to what i’ve got in store for you!! also i’m revamping my tag list so please submit an ask, send a message, or leave a comment if you’d like to be added to that! thank you all for your support <3
I don’t remember when it started or even how it started, if I’m honest. I just know that one day I woke up and the first thought on my mind was how pretty Felix would look with a morning blush. I’d had passing thoughts about his beauty so I paid it no mind, I was comfortable enough in my sexuality to recognize an attractive man when I saw one. Then the dream came rushing back and flooded my senses. I felt guilty as images of my best friend writhing around beneath me appeared in my mind.
I remember thinking “What the fuck was that? I’m not even gay. Why did I dream about fucking my best friend? And why am I hard?”
I remember being disgusted with myself as I rubbed one out in the shower, visions of Felix with his eyes squeezed shut and his jaw hanging open as he cried my name swimming in my vision. I remember icing him out for a few days, afraid he’d somehow know I’d had a wet dream starring him. I remember being terrified and ashamed of what I was feeling. That dream made me reconsider my sexuality.
Over the course of a year, I’d fought with my feelings for him and tried to ignore both my crush and my sudden shift in sexual preference. But he made it so much easier. I never told him who was making me feel these things but he made me feel safe. He helped me figure things out. He knew something was wrong when I started avoiding him at first and when I finally confided in him, he was nothing short of an angel. He stayed up with me several nights when I was having a hard time coming to terms with my sexuality and he assured me nothing was wrong with me. He told me that he’d had the same struggle a few years ago and he took his time to accept it but once he finally did, it felt like a weight was lifted from his shoulders.
I followed his lead and allowed him to show me what it meant to truly embrace who I am. He even took me to my first gay bar. I don’t remember much about that night to be honest. I remember getting there and ordering a few shots; remember Felix suggesting a mixed drink. But that’s about it.
I woke up the next morning in his bed, wearing only my boxers. I was mortified but he took it all in stride and when I shuffled into his kitchen, he offered me a smile and a plate of pancakes before telling me he’d washed my clothes because I got sick right outside his apartment building. I was horrified and ashamed - less so when I found out we hadn’t fucked, but still embarrassed - but he was so kind and I found myself getting flustered every time he offered me a smile over breakfast. I was acutely aware of my nakedness in that moment but he paid it no mind. At least that’s what I told myself when his eyes lingered just a little too long on my ass while I took my plate to the sink.
That had become routine over the last year- the clubbing, not the puking and waking up naked at his place. I’d grown comfortable with myself again and had simply accepted that I had feelings for my best friend. That I have feelings for my best friend. As in, present tense. They never went away and I learned to be okay with it.
This leads to my current predicament. I’m a confident man. I’m aware that I’m good looking. Sometimes I turn myself on. Maybe that’s conceited but who’s it really hurting? Because of this, I sometimes take pictures or record myself jacking off. My camera roll is full of dick pics and videos of me begging for Felix to come ride me.
And now Felix is looking at me expectantly from his position beside me on my bed, both of us slumped against the headboard. “Oh come on! Lemme see how it turned out!” He nudges my shoulder with his as his smile betrays him. He is pretending to be exasperated but he can’t pull it off. We’ve just taken a photo together with some dumb filter and he wants to look at it. Except he’s been known to scroll a bit before and I’m afraid he’ll find the video I recorded only a few hours earlier. “Pretty please?” He resorts to pouting and begging and my heart flips at the way his bottom lip pokes out.
I can’t say no when he looks at me like that and he seems to know since he always does it to get his way. I usually don’t mind indulging him but I’m anxious as I hand him my phone. “Fine. But don’t scro-”
“OH MY GOD THAT'S YOUR DICK-” He shouts as he drops the phone in surprise and my face feels like I’ve just opened the oven without leaning back first; I’m on fire. I try to grab my phone from where it landed on his chest but he gives me an evil smirk and holds it out of reach. “Who’s it for? Did you finally get on one of those dating apps I suggested?”
“Absolutely not. I-”
“So why do you have dick pics?”
“Do you not?”
“Not my dick pics.”
My eyes widen a bit and I look away, embarrassed by my train of thought. How many guys had sent him nudes and how many did he save? I’m not sure I want to know. I shake my head and hold my hand out. “Give it back, dude.”
He ignores me and scrolls through the photos of me fisting my cock before he finally stumbles upon the video. I jump to grab my phone, panicking this time, but it’s too late. We both go silent as my voice calling his name fills the room and I can see his cheeks reddening. After a moment I snap out of my trance and snatch my phone back, clearing my throat awkwardly. “That wasn’t for you…”
Felix, of course, throws another curveball at me and I have to force myself not to physically shudder at his tone. “Clearly it was for me, you were moaning my name while you fucked your fist.” I’d never heard him say anything so…nasty before. He usually keeps things pretty PG.
“Lix, don’t-”
“Was it me?” He suddenly asks as he sits up. His tone isn’t accusatory or panicked so I take it as a good sign and let out a sigh as I nod. I know what he’s asking.
“Yeah. You were the one I had that dream about.” I rake a hand through my hair and look away. “Look, I don’t want things to be weird, Lix, can we please just pretend this never happened?”
“Nope.” He pops the ‘p’ and I sigh once more. “I had my suspicions, you know.” His voice is gentle as his small hand comes to rest on my shoulder. “I wasn’t oblivious to it. I just wanted things to unfold on their own. I didn’t want to push you when you were still coming to terms with everything, but I knew.”
My face is on fire yet again and it only gets worse when he pushes me back against the headboard and straddles my waist. His usually-inviting gaze is dark now, hooded as he looks down at me from his position on my lap. His freckles seem to stand out more with the soft blush dusting his cheeks. When his lips part, I immediately give him all my attention - as if he didn’t already have it. I hang on to his every word. I always have.
“I’ve thought about it too, you know.” His voice is a low rumble and it makes my head spin. “I’ve thought about how you sound; about how you taste, how you feel. I’ve spent so much time thinking about it and wondering if I was the man you dreamt about.” My dick twitches to life in my athletic shorts, though I’m terrified to admit I’m getting hard over this.
He’s leaning in close now and my heart is hammering in my chest. “I’m tired of just thinking about it, Binnie…” He whispers, his hands sliding from my shoulders, down my chest and abs as he leans closer to whisper in my ear. My muscles jump under his touch. I’ve always been pretty sensitive but it seems I’m even more responsive when it comes to him. “I wanna act on it.” His teeth ever so gently clamp down on my earlobe and my hands fly to his hips.
“Lix-” my voice is strained, surprising even me. I don’t think I’ll ever understand how he manages to work me up without even trying. My fingers dig into the material of his loose sweats as a wave of arousal crashes over me. Before I can speak, he grinds his ass down on my semi and I can’t suppress the low groan I let out.
“I know you wanna act on it too, Binnie.” He whispers by my ear before allowing his tongue to soothe the area he’d just bitten. “I know you’re watching me in that mirror right now too.” He adds as his plump lips trail along my jaw and I have half a mind to deny it but that desire flees with his next question. “Do I look pretty on top like this?” His teeth rake over my skin and my grip on his hips tightens yet again as I watch him in the mirror that hangs over my bed.
“Fucking stunning, Lixie.” I rasp out, squeezing his hips as he sets a slow, steady pace. The sound he lets out at both the name and my touch makes my heart pound. I don’t watch him much longer, opting instead to turn my face towards his neck and press a series of kisses there, nipping at his skin after the final one. He fucking whimpers and my dick throbs against his ass.
But then he pulls away and sits up. I watch him in confusion, almost pouting when he pushes my hands away. “I can’t take it.” He whispers as he whips his shirt off. “I need you. Right now.” He looks back down at me, his warm blonde hair hanging in front of his eyes. He pushes it out of his face before reaching for the hem of my shirt.
I let him start to undress me, growing amused at just how frantic he’s becoming. “Relax, baby. We have all the time in the world.” I tease, flashing a smirk at him as I reach for him again. I pull him into me and he squeaks in surprise as our bare chests meet, his hands flying to my biceps. I can’t help but flex a bit. He whispers a soft ‘hi’, which I return as my fingers begin to trace circles on his back. He looks so pretty when he shudders at my touch.
I grow serious after a moment. I’ve never been with a man before. I’ve had plenty of sex but it’s been about a year since the last time and that time was with a woman because I was actively trying to deny my feelings for him. It’s not that I’m afraid or uncomfortable, I just need him to take it slow so I can learn his body; learn how he likes to be touched and how this actually works.
He can sense this. His eyes widen a bit, which is fucking adorable given his flushed cheeks, and he lets his hands slide up my arms to rest on my shoulders. “Am…am I your first?” I give a slight nod and his expression grows fond, a soft smile settling on his thick lips. “I’ll try to be patient.” He teases and both of us give a soft chuckle before my arms tighten around his waist.
“Can…” I start and bite my lip pensively. Should I ask for his permission? I mean, surely he won’t mind it since he initiated everything. Still, I ask. “Can I kiss you, Felix?”
His nod is almost imperceptible but I see it. He doesn’t make a move to lean in and I move one arm from his waist. Everything is still as we stare at each other, my free hand coming up to his face. I brush my knuckles along his jaw and he shivers, his breath hitching as I lean up towards him and let my hand cup his jaw. “I’ve spent so much time thinking about this.” I mimic his previous statement when we’re only a centimeter apart and his lips curl up into a soft smile before I bring my own lips to meet his.
It feels like the stars have aligned. Everything feels right when I’m kissing him. He tastes like the blue raspberry lollipop he was sucking on earlier - distractingly, might I add - but I’m certain he’d be just as sweet without the lingering taste of candy. I swipe my tongue over his bottom lip and he lets out yet another whimper, making my dick twitch again.
He slowly pulls back for air and I peek out at him, noticing a tiny smile on his lips again. “You taste like candy.” I whisper and he lets out a soft giggle, making my heart melt.
“So do you.” He whispers back. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this.” He adds before crashing his lips back to mine. His hands are on my neck now, his thumbs resting just in front of my ears as he splays his fingers out on my feverish skin. This kiss is more urgent, more passionate. I let my hand move to the back of his head and suck in a deep breath as he nips at my lip. His hips begin to move again and the hand I’ve tangled in his sunny tresses becomes a fist.
His elbows are tucked in and it almost feels like he’s trying to make himself smaller. Does he like to feel small? I almost melt over how endearing he is but I manage to hold myself together. I can make him feel small and cared for.
I can’t help but give his hair a soft tug as I sweep my tongue into his mouth. He lets out the prettiest whine and reaches one hand between us, palming at the front of my shorts as he stills his hips. He’s growing frantic again and I can tell he’s desperate to be touched right now.
He doesn’t let me explore his mouth for too long, instead urging my head back so he can trail kisses along my throat. His lips work down my neck and just as I release his waist so I can slip a hand into his sweats, he begins his descent down my body. Molten lava fills my veins and I freeze in place when his lips trail down my chest while his hands make quick work of my shorts. He doesn’t tug my boxers down just yet, opting to tease me through the thin material. After lifting my hips for him, I look down at him.
I watch as he settles on his belly between my legs and admires the strain in my boxers. He props himself up on one elbow while he runs his free hand along my thigh. He turns and presses a kiss to my other thigh, dangerously close to my dick. “Lixie-” I hiss and he simply hums, allowing his lips to press more tender kisses to my skin and then the material of my boxers. He looks drunk now.
His hand rests on my hip as he begins to mouth at my barely-concealed hard-on and I let out a low groan. He leaves a series of sloppy kisses on the front of my boxers before closing his lips around my clothed tip. I suck in a ragged breath at the sensation and let my head fall back against the headboard with a dull thud. “Felix, please-” I sigh.
I don’t know why I anticipated him to refuse and continue teasing me, but that’s not what happens. He instantly gets up on his knees and urges me to lift my hips, which I do with no hesitation. My cock springs free from its confinement and I hiss slightly. I lift my head with all the strength I can muster and watch him settle back in before wrapping a small hand around my dick.
Something in me is screaming that I need to watch, to take in every second of his attention on me, but it’s becoming hard to hold my head up. The anticipation is driving me up the wall. My breathing is ragged as he gives a few strokes before making eye contact and wrapping his lips around my angry red head. I let out a soft sigh as his tongue swirls around the tip and my eyes slip closed. It’s only just started but this is already the best head of my life.
Then he takes me as far as he can and I feel like I’m floating. The sound that escapes me is choked and draws an amused hum from him. I allow my head to fall back against the headboard once more, the thud much louder this time, but force my eyes open, watching in the mirror as he throats my dick. I take in the way his head bobs over my hips and how his back is arched ever so slightly with the way he’s propped up. I admire the way he has one leg hiked up while the other is stretched out straight.
Between the slurping sounds and the way he’s rutting against the bed, I feel like I’m going to combust. He pulls off to breathe but continues to jerk me and I feel a bubble of disappointment settle in my belly. I know why he stopped but fuck it felt so good. He presses a series of kisses to my hips and thighs as he catches his breath and I almost have the strength to look back down at him but then he swallows me whole again and I almost pass out.
He’s working faster now, with more vigor, and I can’t dream of containing the noises he seems so set on drawing out of me. “Fuck, Lixie, slow down-” I groan, tangling a fist in his hair. He lets out a whimper at the tug and I notice how he bucks his hips harder at the contact as I’m watching his reflection. “I won’t last-”
He pulls off and stops moving, staring up at me. “Look at me.” His voice is oddly demanding and I can’t bring myself to deny him. I lift my head and make eye contact. “Sit up. I want you to watch me make you cum.” I have half a mind to flip things and pin him down, to teach him a lesson for getting so bossy with me, but I let it slide because I’m admittedly desperate to feel his mouth back on my aching cock. I resituate myself without a word and he gives a satisfied sound. “Good boy.”
“Thin ice, Lixie.” I warn and he lets out a soft giggle.
“Worth a shot.” He hums before growing serious again. “I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve gotten off to the thought of sucking you off.” He sighs almost dreamily before taking the tip back in his mouth. He looks up at me as he hollows his cheeks and swirls his tongue yet again, his hand working the rest of my cock. It’s clear he’s set on making me cum before I get the chance to fuck him, before I have the chance to get him equally as worked up.
He’s about to have his way. The knot in the pit of my belly is dangerously close to unraveling and I can’t stifle the noises he’s drawing out of me.
That knot comes undone the second I feel his free hand move to fondle my balls. “Fuck-” I almost drop my head back but the desire to have this image burned in my mind is stronger. Wave after wave of arousal floods my body as I shoot my load into his mouth, his fingertips just barely teasing my balls. I watch as he swallows my cum, my body on fire as he continues to work my dick until I’m about to beg him to stop.
He pulls off right before I open my mouth to stop him and licks his lips. He doesn’t say anything, just pulls himself to his knees and moves up the bed to kiss me. My arms are around his waist and his hands rest on my neck like before. I taste myself on his lips and when I sweep my tongue into his mouth. I’m straining up to kiss him as he’s towering over me and part of me wishes he’d sit down instead of standing on his knees. I don’t voice this, opting instead to focus on how good it feels to be with him like this.
My hands trail along his back, my fingertips ghosting over his skin, and he shivers. How cute. I let my fingers dip past his waistband and he sucks in a shaky breath, not once pulling away from the kiss as I give his bare ass a squeeze. I push his sweats and boxers down in one go and he finally breaks the kiss, looking down between us as his cock springs free. He presses his forehead to mine as I reach between us and he gasps when my callused hand wraps around his dick, his jaw hanging slack.
I realize this is the first time in my life I’m touching a dick that isn’t mine and I feel like a curious teenager all over again. I give an experimental tug, touching him the way I like to be touched, and he whines softly. The sound goes straight to my cock and I decide I have to keep hearing it. It’s just too pretty. He’s just too pretty. “What do you want? Tell me what you like, baby.” I whisper and his breath hitches. I can’t tell if it’s because of the name or the way my hand is working his hard-on, but I’m beyond caring.
“Just- just want you, Bin…” he whispers back and I shake my head.
“You know what I mean, Lix.” I gently nudge him back so I can meet his gaze and his face is bright red. How fucking cute. “I can’t just go for it without you telling me what you like and what feels good. I’ve never slept with a guy before. All the experience I have means nothing in this context.” My voice is gentle, not scolding. He already looks flustered enough.
He nods and swallows thickly as he tries to form a coherent sentence. I know the way my hand is slowly jerking him is making his mind run blank. “I-I’ll show you how. Just…please don’t stop-” His words are cut short by a surprisingly high-pitched moan when I dig my thumb into the slit. “Fuck- definitely don’t stop.”
I can’t help but chuckle softly at his response, feeling empowered by his reaction. “You like it when I do that?” I tease and he nods vigorously. “Words, baby. Tell me, do you like it when I do that?” I may sound like an ass right now but I don’t really care. I’m feeling high from this and every sound he makes pushes me closer to losing myself. I want to hear him say it.
“Y-yes!” He moans out, ducking his face into my neck. “Yes, I love it when you touch me like that. Want you to do it again. Please?” He’s quiet, his voice muffled by my shoulder, but I hear him clearly. I can’t deny him anything. I’ve never been able to deny him anything, even before I was nursing a crush on him. I dig my thumb in again and he lets out a choked sound, bucking into my hand.
He whimpers in distress when I release his cock, his head snapping up from my shoulder with wide, bleary eyes. He looks entirely dazed and disappointed at the loss of contact. Confused even. I sooth him with a quick peck before pulling him against my chest and flipping us so he’s on his back.
He looks pretty staring up at me like this. He always looks pretty, of course, but I’ve wanted to see him under me for so long now. I stare back at him for a moment before ducking down to kiss him. He moves to wrap his arms around my neck but I gently pin his wrists to the bed and he lets out a soft groan.
My lips move to his jaw and I press a few soft kisses there before beginning my descent. I nip at his neck and press chaste kisses to his collarbones; allow my tongue to flick over his nipples, earning a tiny squeak. “Let me hear.” I pause, looking up at him. I can tell he’s holding back and I want to hear every sound he makes. He nods slowly and I peck the center of his chest. “Good boy.” He keens at the name and I grin to myself. “You like being called a good boy, don’t you Lixie?”
“Fucking love it…” He whispers, his head falling back against the headboard. He’s more slumped than I’d been so I can just barely see his face as I move down his body. “Wanted to hear you call me a good boy for so long.” He sighs, allowing himself to get lost in the sensation of my lips on his skin.
“Yeah?” He nods and hums out a soft ‘uh huh’. “I bet you were thinking about it while imagining blowing me, weren’t you?” He gives the same response and I let out a quiet laugh as my lips ghost over his abs. He’s got well-defined muscles, which is a pleasant surprise for anyone who is blessed to see him shirtless.
His dick twitches as I kiss his hips and he whines softly when I don’t immediately touch him. I’m somewhat nervous now as I settle on my stomach between his legs. Again, I’ve had plenty of sex, but never with a man. I’m curious. But I’m also so unsure of myself. I wrap my hand around the base of his cock and hesitantly lick the tip, propping on one arm the way he had only minutes prior.
He gasps softly at the sensation and I do it again, looking up to gauge his reaction. His eyes are screwed shut, his brow furrowed as he focuses on my touch. His lips are parted, allowing puffs of air and soft sounds of pleasure to escape. Slowly, carefully, I wrap my lips around the head of his cock and he lets out a whine so stunning I think I might just pass away.
“Please- more-” He gasps out and I tentatively flick my tongue. “J-just like that…” he whispers, assuring me I’m doing this right. I repeat my actions over and over, my hand working the rest of him, until he’s a worked up, whining mess. I pull off briefly and his head snaps up, his eyes flying open. Before he can ask why I stopped, I lock eyes with him and allow a thick string of drool to drip down from my mouth and onto the tip of his cock before spreading it around with my hand. He whimpers helplessly at the sight and I feel his dick throb in my hand.
Without breaking eye contact, I take him back in my mouth with more confidence than before and set out to finish him off. I want to taste more of him. I ease myself down his cock, taking him as far as I can manage before gagging a bit. He’s nodding at me now, assuring me I’m doing a good job, and my mind runs blank. All I can think about is making him feel good. I finally have him right where I want him - under me - and I’m determined to make this worth it for him.
I repeat my actions over and over until he’s desperately tugging at my hair and bucking his hips. Every time he shoves his cock down my throat, I gag around him and he lets out another pretty moan. He’s losing himself now and I feel powerful yet again. Then he starts begging.
“Please- oh my fucking god- ‘m gonna cum-” He moans out, letting his head fall back against the headboard.
Immediately, I pull off his drooling dick and repeat his previous statement, though my tone is much more demanding. “Look at me. I want you to watch me make you cum.” He lets out one of the most distressed sounds I’ve ever heard from him and quickly complies, propping himself up on one elbow so one hand is still free to tug at my hair. “Good boy.” I coo and take him back in my mouth.
His jaw hangs slack as his grip on my hair grows tighter and tighter to the point it’s painful. I love it. I find myself rutting against the bed just like he had earlier as I dig my tongue into the slit. The sound he lets out isn’t simply a moan, it’s a cry. He’s desperate for release now and he’s so, so sensitive. “A-again! Please- do it again-” He begs and I can’t dream of denying him.
The moment I repeat my actions, I feel his cum against my tongue. I take it all but I don’t swallow. I want him to get a taste of himself. I move up the bed as he comes down from his high and immediately press my lips to his, much like he’d done earlier. I gently grip his chin, urging him to open his mouth. He complies eagerly and I use my tongue to push his cum into his mouth, sharing it with him. We exchange it back and forth for a few seconds before I pull away and swallow what’s left.
“I don’t know what the fuck that was, but it was hot.” He giggles breathlessly and I chuckle softly. If I’m being honest, I don’t know what came over me just then, but it was one of the hottest things I’d ever done. I realize we’re staring at each other but I don’t dare move.
Things are still again, like when I asked to kiss him, except now he’s smiling up at me. We’re comfortable now, less on edge, but I’m far from done with him. I bring my hand to his face and run my thumb over his cheekbone as he leans into my touch, his eyes slipping shut. “You’re so pretty.” I whisper and his cheeks go a soft rose color.
“You’re prettier.” He whispers back, looking up at me. I chuckle and shake my head before he gently pushes me back. I sit up, slightly confused, and he rolls onto his side. I want to pin him back in place but I also have no clue what he’s doing. “You should really learn to put these things away.” He teases as he reaches for something on the other side of my bed.
It’s then that I realize I left my lube laying at the top of the pillow, tucked just far enough out of sight for me to forget its existence. It had slipped between the pillow and headboard, just barely peeking out. I let out a soft huff of laughter and move to take it but he playfully swats my hand away. “Sit.” He gestures to the headboard and I comply, moving to sit with my back against the cool wood.
I watch as he grabs a couple of pillows to recline on and pops the cap on the tube. “I’ve always wanted to put on a show for you…” he murmurs, his legs falling open as he squeezes some of the candy-scented lube onto his fingers to warm it up.
“How fitting. I’ve always wanted to watch you put on a show.” I smirk and he lets out a soft huff of laughter before whimpering quietly as his middle finger circles his entrance. His face scrunches up cutely as he slowly works himself up, soft sighs slipping past his pillowy lips.
After a few minutes of teasing, he carefully presses his middle finger into himself and makes yet another beautiful sound. God I wish I were the one touching him like that. Maybe he’ll let me…
“Fuck, baby, you look so pretty like this…” I groan, watching as he finger fucks himself open for me. I wrap a hand around my dick and watch as he tries not to get too far ahead of himself.
“Yeah? How pretty?” He whimpers, adding a second finger as he looks at me. I see his cock twitch upon the realization that I’m enjoying what he’s doing and my gaze lifts to his face.
“So fucking pretty, baby. The prettiest.” His jaw drops and he lets his head tip back. It’s interesting to see just how much my words affect him.
Then he lets out a whine of frustration. “Can’t reach-” he huffs and I’m all too eager to offer assistance.
“Want me to take over, angel?” Stars fill his eyes at the name as he nods enthusiastically, immediately pulling his hand back to give me access.
I waste no time in grabbing the lube and squeezing some onto my fingers as I bring myself to my knees between his legs. I notice him tense and I pause, worried he might be uncomfortable. “Is everything okay, Lix?” I ask softly, still coating my fingers and warming the lube as I speak.
“Hmm?” It’s then that I see his eyes have become glossy and half-lidded. “Oh- yeah, everything is great.” He smiles up at me but I don’t move so he elaborates. “I was getting ahead of myself.”
“Aww, lost in thought about how it’ll feel when I fuck you?” He nods vigorously and I smirk as I lean down, propping myself up on one hand which is planted by his head. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, you won’t have to wait to find out much longer.” His face goes bright red again as I slip my hand between his legs.
In reality, I’m just as worked up as he is and I’m nervous. I’m talking a big game for someone who has never fucked a guy before. But I’m encouraged by his reaction as I press a slick finger inside him.
His jaw is still hanging slack and he lets out a soft whine. I’m honestly a little surprised by his reaction. He’s already stretched himself a good bit so it’s not a shocking sensation or anything. Is he really that affected by my touch? “C-curl-” He urges and I do, earning a high-pitched moan as my finger comes into contact with his prostate.
With a renewed sense of courage, I begin to finger fuck him, repeatedly dragging my finger over his prostate. After only a minute, he begs me for another so I give it to him, watching his face contort in pleasure as I hover over him. I lower myself down and begin to press kisses to his neck, earning sighs of pleasure.
But then he grabs my wrist, pushing my hand away, and I freeze. “Can’t- fuck, I can’t take it-” He grabs the lube as he speaks and puts more than a generous amount on his palm before wrapping his hand around my hard-on. “Please just fuck me already-” He begs as he coats my dick and it twitches in his hand. He looks up at me with a sly grin. “You like when I beg, Binnie?”
My cock throbs again and I instantly pull my fingers out of him and place my hand over his, bucking my hips when he digs his thumb into the slit. “I fucking love it, angel. Love that name too.” I see the stars in his eyes again and gently push his hand away. He takes hold of his own dick with his messy hand, biting his lip when I line up.
I slowly push in, watching as his lips part and he lets out a soft gasp. I’m short circuiting now. He’s tighter than any woman I ever fucked and now my jaw is hanging slack like his has been since he saw my dick pic. “Oh my fucking god, Lixie…” I choke out before I’m even halfway in.
My face screws up in pleasure and I hiss softly as my hips meet his. I don’t know if he wants me to move yet or not but I have to stay still for a moment or I will finish too early, I can feel it. “Binnie…” I manage to force my eyes open and his expression almost makes me lose myself. He’s staring up at me with half-lidded eyes, his pillowy lips parted and allowing little puffs of air to escape. “Kiss me…” He whispers, following it up with a soft ‘please?’ as he gives his cock a tug.
I don’t need to be asked twice. I plant my free hand on the other side of his head as I dip down to kiss him, making a mental note to change the sheets before letting him settle in for the night. Our lips meet and he tangles his free hand in my hair, giving a soft tug.
I groan against his lips and he continues to pull until it hurts. I wince at the pain and stop my hips from moving as he riles me up. He doesn’t seem to like this and gives another tug. He continues to give sporadic tugs as my tongue sweeps into his mouth until I finally buck my hips. He lets out a broken moan against my lips and I pull back so I can hear him fully.
“Gonna sing for me, pretty boy?” I tease as I snap my hips forwards, earning a loud, whiny ‘uh huh’ as he nods. “Tell me how you want it, baby.” I whisper, giving shallow thrusts as I listen for his response.
“I don’t care.” He groans, working his hand a bit faster. “I don’t care how you fuck me, Bin, just please make me cum.” He begs in a pathetic tone and a thrill runs through my body.
“Any way I want?” He nods and I sit up between his legs. I gently push his hand away from his dick and press his knees towards his chest, my hands supporting him so he can just relax and feel everything I’m doing to him. “Lix?” He looks up and I catch his eye. “Tell me if anything is off, yeah?” I’m so worried I’m going to mess this up somehow. Maybe it’s because it’s Felix, my best friend and the man I’ve had feelings for for over a year, and not just some random guy.
“Of course.” I breathe a sigh of relief and he bites his lip in a failed attempt to conceal a tiny smile. “But don’t expect to hear anything but moans.” I’m slightly taken aback but entirely flattered that he has so much faith in me.
He’s about to encourage me to carry on when I suddenly snap my hips forwards. His jaw drops and his head falls back to the pillows, a quiet moan slipping past his plump lips. “You mean like that?” I tease as I set a steady pace, suppressing my own sounds save for the soft cursing under my breath.
He nods frantically and I just barely notice him wipe his hands clean before holding his legs just above where I’m holding. “Please touch my cock, Binnie. I need it. I need you to touch me. Pretty please?” He begs as I begin to speed up, feeling more confident with every gasp and moan I draw from him.
I release his thighs and wrap my right hand around his dick, stifling a low groan as he lets out a breathy moan that vaguely sounds like my name. My gaze is volleying between where we’re connected, my hand tugging at his pretty cock, and his face, which is screwed up in pleasure. My hips falter slightly when I realize he looks just as pretty as he did in the dream that started this whole mess.
I quickly regain my rhythm and tap his hand, signaling him to release his legs. Once he does, I urge them around my waist. My left hand rests on his thigh, close to his hip, and I massage circles on his feverish skin with my thumb. “F-faster-” He chokes, one hand fisting in the sheets while the other blindly searches for my left hand.
He stops my absentminded motion and takes my hand, lacing our fingers. My heart races at the simple gesture and I give a gentle squeeze as I pick up the pace, hips pistoning at a pace I forgot I could reach. I’m about to speak but every thought leaves my mind when I look down at his leaking cock. Just past that, I notice a bulge that appears every time I slam into him.
“Holy fucking shit-” I hiss as I watch in wonder. A new wave of arousal crashes over me at the sight and I’m hit with the urge to breed him; to make him wholly mine. I know it makes no sense but I can’t help it. “Lixie, baby, you’re so fucking perfect…” I groan and he squeezes my hand.
I release his dick and ghost my fingers over the bulge appearing in his belly with each thrust. He whines in disappointment at the loss of stimulation but lifts his head when he feels my fingertips on his skin. He zeroes in on what I’m fixated on and I feel him clench around me, drawing a loud moan from me. “Oh fuck-” His jaw drops as he watches, precum dribbling on his skin at the sight, which only makes it hotter. “Oh fuck ‘m gonna cum-” He warns and I instantly wrap my hand back around his cock, set on finishing him off.
I’m fighting to stay composed as I fuck into him. I want him to cum first. And he does. He lets out a cry that resembles my name as cum spurts across his belly, his grip on my hand tightening as he shudders in pleasure. I don’t stop jacking him off until he’s trembling and squeezing my hand almost painfully. Finally, I release him. “Where do you want it, bab-?”
He doesn’t even let me finish speaking. “Inside. Please cum inside.” His tone is desperate as he begs and he sounds close to tears. Not being able to refuse him, I let go.
My thrusts become sloppy and a moment later my orgasm crashes over me. I rut into him desperately, my entire body overtaken by a euphoria I’ve never experienced before. I’m pinning his hands above his head as I fall into him even before the ecstasy has passed, hips still jerking as I crash my lips to his in a desperate kiss.
He moans against my lips, squeezing my hands as my hips slow. Finally, I still as my tongue dips into his mouth. He still tastes like that blue raspberry lollipop from earlier.
I hum as I pull back for air and he bites his lip as he looks up at me. We stare at each other in silence, both of us praying that this isn’t a one time thing but neither of us willing to ask. I release his hands in favor of playing with his hair after pushing it out of his face. “You did so good.”
“Mm usually I’m the one giving the praise, sweetheart.” I tease and he giggles softly, bringing his hands to my cheeks and tracing my cheekbones with his thumbs.
“Well I’m the one with more experience so I get to dole out praises this time.” He sticks his tongue out playfully before smiling up at me again. “Seriously though, you’re fucking amazing.”
I lean down and peck his lips again before sitting up, pulling him with me so we’re still chest to chest. I’m vaguely aware of the way our bodies are pressed together, his cum smearing across both of us now. More importantly, I’m aware of how the change in position drives me deeper into him; aware of the tiny gasp that slips past his lips.
“I think that’s you, baby.” I whisper and peck his lips again. I can’t help myself. I’ve wanted to kiss him for a whole year now.
He goes quiet for a moment as he looks at me and I wonder what he’s thinking. Before I can ask, he’s tipping us over and I’m landing on my back beneath him. “No, it’s you. I can’t get enough.” He whispers and rolls his hips.
I hiss at the motion and plant my feet on the mattress, trying to tighten my grip on him to hold him still while I buck into him, but he pushes my hands away. He grabs my wrists and pins my hands by my head at first, pulling back so he can look down at me. My softening dick begins to stiffen again and I make a mental note to contemplate exactly why it was so hot to be pinned down by him when he’s the most obviously submissive man I’ve ever met. Then he releases me and sits up properly on my lap.
“What have you done to me?” He whines softly, lifting himself up so just the tip is inside before dropping back down. I raise an eyebrow as my hands move to his hips and he tips his head back, looking up at himself in the mirror. “You already wrecked me, why am I still so fucking horny?”
I can’t help but chuckle at his complaint. “What? Tiny baby needs to be filled with cum again to feel satisfied?” My tone is mocking and I can feel the effect my words have on him. He clenches around me as his whole body tenses and I see his eyes slip shut in the mirror as he makes a pathetic noise.
“Yes! God yes-” He moans, pushing into my touch when my hands move to squeeze his ass. “Want you to fill me up again. Wanna make you cum for me again…” He babbles on as he lifts himself up and drops back down, letting out what almost sounds like a squeal.
He sets a steady pace like this, a symphony of the prettiest sounds I’ve ever heard falling from his lips as he rides me. His head lolls around, alternating between watching himself in the mirror and looking down at me. I can’t tear my eyes away from his body, fixated on the way his muscles contract and the bulge that appears as he fucks me.
I don’t know what possesses me to do this, but I slap his ass and he jolts on top of me. His dick twitches and he moans out my name. He leans forwards and places his hands on my abs, balancing himself as he rocks back on my dick. I buck my hips and he whimpers. “No no no, lemme do it. I wanna do this. Wanna make you cum…” He argues and I can't deny him anything so I comply.
It’s difficult to stay still but I settle for guiding his hips. His head hangs as he rides me, his moans growing increasingly desperate each time our bodies meet. My body is on fire at the slight overstimulation but I welcome it.
Felix doesn’t seem to be faring as well. His moans have turned into cries and he tries to hide his face from me by tossing his head back as he sits up. I see it though and I notice the tears. I’m worried but he’s still going, lifting himself up with much effort and dropping back down in a heap. “Baby, do you need a break?”
“J-just a little…” he wipes his cheeks but doesn’t stop moving. “But I wanna keep going.”
“Why don’t you let me take over, Lixie?” He shakes his head and I gently squeeze his hips. “Please, angel?” He freezes at the name and nods after a moment of silence.
I immediately sit up and make him lay back before pulling out, some of my cum leaking out of him. I don’t bother asking him to roll over, I position him myself. I put him on his belly and push one leg up, like the way he’d laid while sucking me off. I grab his ass and see him clench around nothing, whimpering at my treatment of him. “Please fuck me, Binnie…” He whines out and I squeeze some more lube onto my dick before I line up.
I push into him and set a rough pace, giving his ass a slap as I listen to his wails. His hands fist the sheets as lewd squelching and the sound of skin slapping fills the room. He lets out a pretty sob every time I slap his ass.
My gaze bounces back and forth between his ass - I can’t help but admire the way it jiggles every time I slam into him - and his hands twisted in the sheets. He looks so pretty on display for me like this, crying into my sheets. It’s better than any dream I could’ve had and my dick twitches inside him. Fuck I’m close.
“Fuck- Binnie, please cum inside! Please- want you to cum first and fill me up-” He begs and my dick twitches again.
“Yeah? Gonna take it all like a good boy? Gonna cum and make a mess of my sheets?”
“Yes!” He sobs and I can't help myself. I give in to the fire licking at my skin and cum, relishing in his moans as I fill him up. He shudders beneath me as he joins me, his body jerking with the force of his orgasm.
I don’t stop until I’m on fire, until I can’t take it anymore. He’s trembling now. I pull out slowly and he makes a small sound of protest. I lean down and press my lips to his shoulder, kissing there several times before sitting back up. “You did so good for me, baby. Took it so well.” I coo as I gently roll him onto his back, only to discover he’d had a dry orgasm.
“Yeah?” He asks hopefully and I nod, leaning back over him and swiping my knuckles over his cheeks to dry his tears.
“Yeah.” I offer a small smile before pecking his pouty lips. “Why don’t you let me get you cleaned up and then we can snuggle?”
“How about I go get cleaned up while you change the sheets and then we cuddle?” He laughs softly, taking in a shaky breath afterwards as he stares up at me in what I can only describe as adoration.
“Do you want me to help you to the bathroom?” I ask as we both sit up and he shakes his head.
“It’s okay. I’m okay.” He assures me as he stands. Part of me deflates a little because I want to dote on him, but that part is pacified when he turns around and plants his lips on mine. I rise up on my knees as we kiss, pulling him against me. I frown a little when he pulls back. “I’ll be right back.”
I nod and watch him walk into my en suite bathroom before pulling myself from my trance. Holy shit. I fucked my best friend.
I get up from the bed and quickly pull the sheets off, using them to wipe his cum off my stomach and clean my dick. I toss them in the hamper and grab a pair of boxers, pulling them on before going to the closet to get fresh sheets.
I’m wrestling with the fitted sheet when Felix comes out of the bathroom and grabs his boxers from the floor. “Need a hand?” He teases, his usual glow back tenfold.
“Maybe a little.” I chuckle and he helps me quickly finish making the bed before crawling under the sheets. I join him and prop up on one arm, resting my head on my hand. I take a moment to admire him, his bright eyes framed with long lashes and full lips that could easily put any Bratz doll to shame, before speaking. “How long did you know?”
He takes a moment to take me in as well before answering. “I only assumed, but ever since you told me you had ‘an intimate dream about a guy’ after icing me out for two weeks. It made sense. I wondered why you avoided me but then you told me you had that dream and I guessed it had something to do with me.”
“Then…how long have you thought about sleeping with me?” I might be pushing my luck but I’m curious.
“Long before you ever questioned your sexuality.” He scoffs at himself and looks down at my bare chest with a ghost of a smile, his cheeks going a soft pink. “I think it started that day at the park when we were in high school. Remember that picnic we went on? You were by my side the whole time and you complimented me a few times. You just looked so good that day and you were so laid back and fun, I couldn't help but admire you. That never really changed though, you being carefree.”
It’s my turn to blush now. A smile creeps onto my face as I listen and I finally wrap an arm around him, pulling him against me. “That long?” He nods and I kiss his forehead. “You must’ve known something I didn’t back then.” I tease.
“No,” he laughs. “I used to lament the fact I had a crush on the straight guy.” He snuggles into my chest and lets out a soft sigh. “Part of me wondered if I was ever obvious about it. I don’t know if I ever acted weird around you. I feel like I did.”
“If you did, I never noticed. You’ve always been a sweetheart, I just figured you were extra sweet in private with everyone.” I laugh in spite of myself. How did I never pick up on it? To be fair, I thought I was straight until a little over a year ago. “It’s endearing.”
“It is?” I can hear his smile in his voice.
“It is. Everything about you is. You’re the resident sunshine, after all.”
“I like when you call me stuff like that.”
“Yeah?” He nods. “I think ‘angel’ is your favorite, hmm?” He nods again and I kiss the top of his head before laying my head down. “Cute. Well I’m glad you like it because I don’t think I’ll ever stop.”
“You better not.” He’s pouting now, I’m sure of it.
“Don’t worry, baby, I won't.”
“Good. You better keep calling me your baby.” I can’t stop the smile I’m wearing from growing wider.
“I will because you are.” I hum. I don’t know what we are but I do know we’re more than friends and I do know I’m never getting over him. “Sweet dreams.” I whisper when I notice his breathing even out.
Whatever this is, I’m content to hold him in my arms for the rest of the night.
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lovelyney · 1 year
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DESC. upon waking you’re faced with two strangers with the same goal to help you.
WARNINGS. brief talk of suicide and self harm.
SONG. Dreamy Night ― Lilypichu
©2023 loveloxcked ― please don’t translate, upload or copy.❞
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YOUR (COLOR) eyes fluttered open to meet with an unfamiliar place. the first thing coming to your mind was, “why am i alive? who’d pity me enough to save me?” a sad thought, yes, but it was hard not to think of when the last thing you remembered was you stepping off the cliff.
“you’re finally awake.”
your head snapped up at the sound of an unfamiliar voice, eyes meeting a pair of golden ones. you swallowed thickly as you pushed yourself away from the stranger.
“who—who are you? where am i?” you snapped, arms tightly encasing your figure. “why did you save me?”
Xiao stared, slightly shocked at how defensive you got when he walked in. he understood not knowing who he was, but didn’t you recognize the inn?
“cease your worries, mortal. i’m—i’m not here to harm you. you’re in the Wangshu Inn,” he reassured, voice softening when he saw how your body trembled. “as for who i am, you may call me Xiao. i’m an adeptus my job is to protect all those residing in Liyue, so you can rest easy.”   
your fingers subconsciously went to your arms, desperate to claw at something — only to find bandages securely wrapped around them. you sighed, “an adeptus. . . so, that’s why you saved me? b—because you’re required to.” it was a relatively coarse thing to say, but before you had any chance to stop and think, the words had already poured from your lips.
he opened his mouth to speak, only for nothing to come out. he wasn’t expecting such a sharp accusation from a fragile-looking girl. and although a part of it was accurate, it still cut deeper than he’d like.
“anyone who has a least a little mortality would’ve saved you. me being an adeptus has nothing to do with it.” he disputed, watching as you picked at your bandages. “your injuries. . . you purposefully fell from Qingce Peak, correct? mortals have one chance at living why would you throw yours away? why go through such great lengths to put yourself in harm’s way?”
you wrapped your arms tightly around your knees as you averted your gaze away from him, too abashed to look him in the eyes. your heart shouted to spill out everything you’ve been through — to finally cry for help. however, you opted against it and bit down on your lip, choosing to stay silent out of fear. 
Xiao sighed at the feeling of his stomach churning; the apprehension in your eyes made him feel remorseful in a way. what kind of torment did you have to go through to make you too scared to talk about anything?
“if you don’t wish to tell me, that’s fine. however, since you’re clearly a danger to yourself, i’m not going to let you walk back into Qingce Village until i know you won’t try again. you’re going to stay here so we can keep an eye on you,” he added and tossed his hand through his hair. 
you quietly sighed in relief, happy to know he wasn’t going to send you back to your parents. you deflected, “w—wait, what do you mean we? who else is here? a—and i don’t think watching over me is really necessary...” 
“ah, it’s nice to see you’re awake. how are you feeling?” another voice said from the doorway.
you and your heart rate jumped up at the sudden, softspoken voice. your gaze flickered to Xiao and then to the platinum-blonde stranger, unaware if you should fear him or not.
as if reading your mind, the stranger shook his head kindly and held up his free hand — the other holding a plastic bag and a steaming mug. 
“oh! please don’t be afraid! whatever Xiao said, i’m sure it applies to me as well. i’m—i’m not going to harm you,” he comforts and sits on the edge of the bed. “my name is Kaedehara Kazuha. i happened to be awake when Xiao took you in last night. i actually made you some tea and brought some proper medical supplies to treat your wounds — would it be okay if i took a proper look?”
looking back at the adeptus, he gave a short nod, telling you he can be trusted. it wasn’t necessarily your fault that you were so distrustful; you had been treated so poorly in the past that it made it seem that any kind gesture was only a façade or merely out of pity. 
you scooted closer to Kazuha, carefully taking the cup of tea from his hands. “. . .thank you,” you mumbled, only audible for him to hear. “um. . . g—go ahead, i suppose i have nothing to hide now that you’ve already seen everything.” you added.
he smiled warmly and gingerly pushed up your sleeves. “you’re quite welcome. i figured you’d be startled in an unfamiliar place,” the boy hummed, starting to unravel your bandages. “has Xiao told you you’re going to be staying here for a few days?”
“y—yeah. . . about that, you really don’t have to. i don’t want to burden you guys; i’ll be fine...” you interjected, observing as Kazuha patted your arm with some type of antibacterial cream.
Xiao huffed, “you immediately went to scratch your arms when you felt stressed you call that fine?” he examined you and frowned when you unexpectedly quieted. “and anyways, looking after you can hardly be called a burden.”
Kazuha nodded in agreement, reaching his hand up to press against your cheek — stopping when he saw how hard you flinched. “what he says is true, dove. taking care of you is the farthest thing from a bother,” he reassured and gently rested his hand on your cheek, smiling when you relaxed into his touch. “let us help you, please? you must feel incredibly isolated, bearing so much pain for so long...”
your chest fluttered as your breathing went uneven. their words sounded so genuine, something you hadn’t heard in all your life. your (COLOR) eyes studied kazuha’s auburn ones — how they looked so sincere and held some of his own trauma. 
“y—you guys promise you won’t send me back to Qingce Village?” you said, voice shaking with uncertainty. 
Xiao’s eyebrow arched at your desperation to be kept out of the Qingce Village, holding a mental note to visit it and look into who had compelled you to be so afraid of everyone.
“if that is what you wish, then yes,” he answered. “y—your safety is our top priority. if Qingce Village puts you more in danger, then we will refrain from returning you there.”  
you nodded, feeling a crushing weight lifted off your shoulders. “thank you...” you breathed out. 
Kazuha hummed, pressing a small kiss to your forehead before finishing the new bandages on your arms. he suggested, “one more thing — your name! as much as dove suits you, you might feel less nervous if we all know each other’s names.” 
you gulped, the feeling of his lips on your skin burning itself in the back of your mind and setting a different kind of fire in your heart — one that you aren’t accustomed to.
“it’s—it’s (NAME). it’s, um, nice to meet you both...”
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CUSTOMERS. @eimuros ― @miaoxi ― @oceanbluesixeyes ― @apple-ai
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aequlinks · 2 years
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genshin x reader smaus i recommend <3
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i think it’s about time i did this in case anyone asked me about smaus i am interested in or if you are looking for something to read:] i will be listing their titles, summary, and what i like! these are just the ones i’ve seen (or remembered).
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good 4 u by @ilkuni — a xiao smau
lesson learned! never challenge hu tao when you’re drunk bc you’ll just lose and now you have to post a thread of all your exes as songs from olivia rodrigo’s hit debut album sour … or: “yn desperate much!” “yn still loves xiao? yikes! doesnt he already have someone new?” “stop ruining my relationship u bitch!”
i’m sure we all know this one by now HAHA rosie is one of the genshin smau writers i have seen that’s been here as long as me by now
i actually was really interested in this one because it was an exes to lovers, and you all know how it’s one of my favorite tropes hehe
it was very interesting because there was foreshadowing here and there and the plot kept progressing without being confusing
10 things i hate about you by @x-xxiaos — a xiao smau
after breaking up with his since-high school-girlfriend, xiao made a long list of things he should and hated her for, so he won’t fall for her again in case name tries to enter his life once again. for five long years, xiao did a great job at keeping name off of his mind, but what would he do if she suddenly shows up at his door, asking him to work with her?
i’ve actually never watched our beloved summer where this is based off of, i first thought it was the movie because i remember there was one like that
this is also an exes to lover so i really loved it HAHAHA eyn update when /lh
i like how xiao kept deflecting it and yn kept going but this is for my job i don’t like you anymore, the dynamic was fun
i think he knows by @daixuki — a xiao smau
you’ve liked him since the first time you saw him perform in your school’s battle of the bands. so you do what any normal girl with a crush does: send him cheesy pick-up lines through a dummy account. he never replies. until now.
funny how angel told me she wanted to write a smau bc of me and my anons and now she’s writing one t_t so YAY
this is the first one here that’s not an exes to lovers but a my friend likes you but you don’t know so i’m going to help her secretly
it also gives space for angst because dayum what if xiao is conflicted i love it
someone you like by @rrinsluvr — a xiao smau
even after two years, she still hasn’t moved on. all hope was lost until he sent her a text.
this one is during the pandemic so it makes sense why it’s a smau right HAHA unlike mine where they literally meet each other and still text t__t nothing i just found it adorable that way
the way there’s a kazuha leading man vibes here too makes me ueue because i love kaed
i think xiao is on point here or it’s just me but i really love the way he’s portrayed here
still have my heart by @luvinelysia — a kazuha smau
IN WHICH, kazuha’s friend gets into a fight with one of your friends OR IN WHICH, two exes meet due to being involved in a fight with their friends
right off the bat, yessss bc i have a cameo HAHA but my title won for this so you guys should check this out because there’s conflict here OH and this is an exes to lovers
also ely shows us salty kazuha here so if you like that then feel free to read this one because i actually like salty kaed
and that there’s a side of a xiao x reader here so <3 ok i forgot this was a kazuha smau ely really needs to make xiao stop flirting with me
21 days by @v3nicee — a childe smau
after being busy with their priorities, ajax and [y/n]’s relationship went downhill. 4 years after that incident happened their path crossed again, and now ajax pleaded for 21 days to win her back.
exes to lovers world domination because this is an exes to lovers smau HAHAHA one of the best tropes i swear
i like how childe is portrayed in this one and that he actually makes time for yn instead of being an ass and not trying to win her back
oh and the whole aether as the second lead part makes me cry because i am weak i love my twins yall i hope that we don’t keep friendzoning him..
lowkey by @ilkuni — an ayato smau
it was only recently you found out kamisato ayaka was, in fact, not an only child after all! seeing ayato for the first time gave you the severest case of the butterflies but according to ayaka, he’s off limits, especially to you as her most treasured friend. well, what she doesn’t know won’t hurt, right?
when rosie dropped this i was excited because i have never seen anyone attempting to make an ayato smau, partially me as well with a long fic because i’m not sure i’ll be able to play him out
the plot sounded good because i love those lowkey secret relationships IN FICS not irl i can’t do that sorry i’m loud irl i’d blabber my mouth
not the way i was caught in a chokehold with the recent updates of chapters 20 and beyond because of the arranged marriage
raised the bar by @skaramush — a scaramouche smau
yn thought she finally escaped the perpetual doom of placing 2nd after she graduated high school. but alas! the leaderboard has her name printed under another’s! a name she thought she’d never get to see again. better luck next time, i guess.
i haven't actually caught up with the updates in a while but i like the academic rivals to lovers trope
one of the lines i liked was when kuni found out yn was studying for a long time?
i alike that kuni isn't too offputting or too mean which many portray him to be as
f#cking bastard by @scarahours — a scramouche smau
getting off wasted at a party wouldn’t hurt right? that’s what college life is for - you study, eat, sleep and repeat. probably do something batshit once or twice. but who would ever know, it wouldn’t hurt right? so why do you suddenly find the social reject’s lips pressed against yours?
i don't think i've caught up with this one in a while but i like that diluc is portrayed as the ex because i haven't seen that yet
i like that the plot is unpredictable because i really didn't expect kuni knows yn
oh i also like that even if diluc chased after yn, she didn't agree HAHA
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i think that's really all there is to this post! i might add in a few more smaus should i ever find some more:]
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sugarakis-p2 · 8 months
Ten-chan is the worst! ch3
(I found my art. I know Touya looks generic but I'm still proud.)
Previous chapter 2: Alternate universe Tenko a UA student but no hero. Reader x Tenko F/M]
After a heated night of passion, you finally had made up your mind about Tenko. You'd decided you wanted to be equal partners with Tenko and date for real. But little did you know that in the night, Tenko would confess to you that he had the quirk of a villain, and what he did can never be undone, his tragic past keeping him from the opportunities that will create a future for him. You were uncertain how to take this new information, but he was still the same guy that you'd fallen in love with. You thought the world was finally opening up to you until you saw Touya. Confused about why Tenko discarded you, you allowed Touya to help you since you have no home and a mysterious illness. But his help came with its own dangers; you found yourself caught in the chaotic power struggle between the Todoroki family while you desperately tried to make sense of your explosive relationship with Tenko.
Warning: Mental and physical trauma, drugging, kidnapping, loss of virginity (deflowering), blood, Todoroki drama, angst and breakups.
Chapter 3:
Tenko dropped you on the bed, quickly following, trapping you in his arms.
Tenko's face was inches from yours, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. He looked deep into your eyes as he ran his hands over your chest.
"Are you ready for this?" he asked with a cadence of need. You writhe against him with the same need. You grab his face and pull him to you. Kissing him deeply.
"I am a little scared," you admitted, parting your lips to let him in.
"We do not have to. There are plenty of other things," Tenko was saying when you lifted a finger and stopped him.
"Yes, I'm ready," you breathe. His lips locked on yours, crashing like two planets colliding, as a fire started to burn in your core, and you melted into the kiss, feeling the sparks of electricity released between you as your tongues danced. Kissing him back with the same hunger.
Tenko's hands moved lower, slowly teasing your nipples with tender strokes and caresses. Lightly pulling and tugging your top free. They hardened under his touch, and you gasped in pleasure. You could feel the warmth radiating in the room as your mouths gradually explored each other. You could feel yourself losing control and gripping his shoulder tightly as his hands teased you. He finally broke away from the kiss, and you felt lost in your own world for a moment.
His lips moved to your neck, inching down towards your chest, leaving a trail with his tongue. His hands moved back to your nipples and rubbed them ever so softly, cupping and kneading as he pulled one into his mouth. Suckling and lapping at your peaked flesh. He moved to the other, enjoying how you pebbled and hardened under his tongue. Tenko finally drew away, coming back up for the last passionate kiss, and his breathing was unsteady as he stumbled back, pulling off his shirt with fervent haste. You felt his hardened chest against you as his strong arms kept you steady in his embrace. 
"Ten-chan, I don't want to wait any longer," you whined.
"No," he scolded, "It's your first time. I need to work your body and make it special. We'll play like we have. Take our time. I want to cherish you."
 In one swift motion, he dropped his pants and underwear until he was standing before you, completely naked. You feel heated in your core. It reminds you of how you first got caught. He was only wearing a towel. He pulls you to him again before he lets you get a look at him.
"You are so cute. Let me undress you," Tenko asked. Tenko's eyes are ravenous and intense, hands reaching for you. You felt another wave of arousal rush through your body. He pulled you to stand with him in an embrace. His cock pressed against your stomach as he ran his gloved hands through the strands of your hair. 
"Y-y-yes, please help me undress," you nodded, and he hugged you. His hands moved to the back of your dress and started slowly working the zipper down your back. With each inch of the zipper he pulled down, the tension in the roomy seemed to build until, finally, your dress fell to the floor, pooling around your ankles. His gaze wandered over your body, and he let himself drink in the sight of you, every curve and angle filling him with warmth and wonder he couldn't describe. His arousal bobbed and responded to you in only your undergarments, making him wonder how hard he has fallen for you? That can't be possible. Yet he feels something other than hate, and it confuses him. 
"Tenko. T-t-this is a little embarrassing," you say. He moved forward again, stroking his hands up your sides until he reached the bra. Shutting off his noisy brain. His fingers fumbled with the clasp, tongue grazing his lips as he struggled with the tight fabric before finally pulling the straps away from your body. Your soft skin seemed to beg for his touch, and he complied, his gaze never leaving yours. His scars are less welted. His eyelashes are sparse and short, but they are growing. You gently touch them, and he leans his head into your hand.
His smile is sweet, "You're so pretty." He breathed in your ear. As his hands moved to your panties. He slid the lace fabric down your legs and watched it pool around your ankles. You felt a sense of encouragement in his gentle touches, knowing that you are entirely exposed and vulnerable to his gaze, admiring your body, the cool air surrounding you, and prickling your skin. The appreciation came off him in waves. You couldn't help but feel beautiful in that moment and revel in it. His fingers grazed your lips. You wince in surprise as he asks with a wicked grin, "Did you shave her for me?" You swallowed hard and nodded.
He placed his hands on your shoulders, then ran one up to cup your face and spread gentle kisses over your cheeks and lips. His other hand wandered southward, teasing your nipples as his mouth tasted every inch of your skin. He walks you back until the back of your legs hit the bed, pressing you down, his tongue licked into the curves of your body, caressing and exploring until your breath hitched and your heart raced.
"Ten! That tickles," you squeal and squirm when his tongue wriggles in your belly button. 
Tenko let out a low moan as he licked up and found one of your nipples, and he licked and sucked on it hungrily until you were arching into him in pleasure. His hands roamed down to your hips, then back up to your breasts as his mouth hungrily devoured your body. You cupped his head, fingers entangled in his hair, encouraging him to suck harder. Every inch of you was consumed and explored, and when he had finally finished, he pulled away, breathing heavily. He flipped you over, and you shuddered as his tongue ran up your spine. He bit your butt, and you squeaked and kicked the air.
"Ten-chan!" Tenko pulled back and laughed. 
"You've never let me have this much. It's getting too hard to hold back. But I promise I will be gentle," he moans. Flipping you back over, parting your legs to lick and nip at your inner thighs.
"T-T-T-Tenko," you whimper, pleading with your eyes. He stops long enough to let you ask your question while he nuzzles your leg. "Have you ever been with a virgin? You seem too big." Tenko pulls a face, contemplating how to measure out his words.
"No. My partners have been experienced. I promise I will do my best and take care of all your needs. You are so perfect and wet. I studied and got advice to get you ready. I ache to be inside you," he panted. Lightly rubbing your clit with his thumb. His eyes spoke volumes of desire. Gently, he ran his hands along your thighs, the warmth of his touch setting your core aflame. His breath stroked your thigh. Dropping feather-light kisses on your skin, and lay his head softly against the exposed flesh of your inner thigh. His tongue follows down your apex in a familiar act that puts you more at ease. Your body quivered with anticipation, and you hungered for more.
"You are already dripping. You are so pretty for me," Tenko growled. Spreading your lips and staring, his fingers opening you up as he licks his lips.
"T-t-en, can you stop that," you stammer.
"Stop what? You don't like it?" Tenko asked, pausing his fingers but still staring only at your pussy. You cover your eyes with your hands.
"It's not that I don't like it. Whenever you do things to me, it makes my head fuzzy and blank, and I don't know what to say. It's like all my senses are on overload, to the point where I'm overwhelmed and don't know what to say or do! It does feel really good and embarrassing to feel your gaze on me," you whisper, blushing.
"How do you expect me to hold back when you say such cute things? Fine, I won't look," he panted. He fiercely dipped his head between your legs, his breath ragged as his tongue worked expertly against your sensitive spot. As his skilled ministrations sent electric shocks of pleasure coursing through you, it was all you could do to gasp for air. He intensified his touch, holding you firmly against him as you began to writhe in rapture. Unable to resist his advances, you begged for more, though he compelled you to remain still as the waves of pleasure coursed through you like a raging storm. Your body chose the path of least resistance, succumbing to bliss as his fondling grew more and more fervent. Oh, how he tantalized you! His tongue darted in and out of your folds, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through your center. His fingers soon found their way inside you, and you gasped, the sensations intensifying. He added three fingers again, and you squirmed, the pressure almost too much. Flinching when he spreads them to stretch you.
"Tenko. That hurts a little," you whimper.
"I know. Just a little more. I have a bit above-average length, but I can see my thickness being a problem. You're too tight. Bear with it and relax. Just a little more," Tenko mumbles around your clit. Growling and nipping, sending vibrations and sharp sensations that made you arch your back and clutch his hair. He continued to pleasure you, each caress and lick, making you moan with pain and desire.
He moved his fingers in circles, faster and faster, sending you into a frenzy. Sucking your clit roughly, nipping the bundle of nerves to grind into his face, spreading his fingers, then pumping, spreading, and pumping. You can feel your orgasm building, and as you reach the peak, you buried your hands in his hair and let out a deep, guttural moan, throwing your head back. 
"Ah, ah, ah, Ten! I'm cumming," you screamed. He pulled away, a satisfied smirk on his lips, knowing you came because of him.
"I'll never get tired of that sight. You are dripping with sweetness," Tenko sighed with contentment. Wiping his lips with the back of his hand before reaching over to open a box of condoms, grimacing as he rolled it on. You watch with rapt attention. "What the fuck," he yelped and mumbled.
"What's wrong? Don't you want me to suck you?" You panted.
"Nothing. Don't move. I want to be in you. Spread yourself wide for me," he breathed. You do as he asks. His bright eyes burned into yours as he crawled over your hot body. He cages you in his arms, a light kiss before his masterful hands joining between your frantic bodies. You felt him align with your inviting entrance. He tried to ease in but ended up slipping. With a slight shift, he gripes his shaft and thrusts his hips hard and deep, that moment of bliss and excruciating pain melting the two of you as one.
"Ten. Ten, it hurts!" You screamed, meeting his imploring gaze with a fiery glare. Writhing against his grip, you fought him with all your might, desperate to break free. His arms quaked with effort as he held onto you, his muscles tense as a coil beneath your grasp, his teeth grinding.
"Too tight," He hissed. His mouth moved, but no words came out. His lips instead twisted into a grimace of pain. It felt like a merciless invasion, held firmly in place by a blazing hot rubber battering ram ruthlessly determined to tear you in two. No matter how hard you tried to resist, it seemed unstoppable as it stretched the life out of you. Heaving and panting, he still wouldn't release you from his iron grip. Your legs shook, and tears streamed down your face.
"Ten!" Your anger and frustration boiled over like a volcano, and with one final gasp, you shoved yourself. He followed with a grunt, his eyes filled with rage, as he tore his glove off with his teeth, grabbed his base, and ripped himself free of you. Decaying the condom with a gasp of relief. Immediately you yelped and scuttled from him. Cradling your aching, bleeding pussy in your hands and whimpering in pain. Breathing deeply, you tried not to check the hurt expression on his face. But you couldn't stop those emotions from bubbling to the surface. It seemed like time had frozen as your eyes met his. His gaze filled with hurt and longing. You both share a moment of remorse before you look away, unable to bear the mixed feelings of relief and guilt. You were relieved to have finally escaped his massive cock, but a part of you still felt disturbed by the fact that Tenko had been in physical pain, too.
"Fuck, your bleeding," he hissed. Tenko erupted into action, frantically dashing towards the mini-fridge and snatching a drink. With a swift, determined movement, he grabbed a washcloth and expertly arranged it around the cold beverage. He tenderly, yet urgently, placed it against the back of your hands. You relished in the relief of your throbbing wound as an awkward chuckle escaped Tenko's lips. Amid his attempt to conceal his idiotic grin, he softly apologized, "Are you ok? I'm sorry."
"You don't look sorry," With a scowl, you gritted your teeth. You had never seen Tenko appear so ecstatic before. He was practically vibrating with joy.
"I'm sorry I hurt my favorite spot. Are you alright?" he says, feigning innocence, although the smile tugging at the corner of his mouth could give him away any second.
You shift uneasily and shrug, "I do this monthly. What are you smiling about?" Trying to ease the sting of your pride.
"I took it. It may have only been my tip, but I was in you. You gave it to me, and I took it. No one can have it. I wasn't going to let anyone else have it. What you gave me is a tiny piece of you," he giggled, barely containing his excitement. It was unnerving, and you narrowed your eyes at him.
Your heart dropped into your stomach as the magnitude of the situation dawned on you. "Wait, that was only the tip?" Your voice shook as disbelief and horror seeped into your bones. Surely not—but there was no denying the fear that raced through you as the grim reality sunk in. He may not fit, ever. He is as wide as the can you are holding to yourself. You shuddered at the thought.
"Yeah," he groaned. His expression is as pained as his words. "The condom felt like a metal vice. I've used this brand before, but maybe it was because it was you. I felt something stronger with you — a sense of desire like I never experienced before. I felt harder and more excited than with anyone else."
The full impact of his words hit you like a truck, making your heart drop even further and your mouth drops open in shock. Your heart fluttered at his pretty words. Was this a confession of love? You steadied yourself with a deep breath and faced reality head-on. There was only one thing left to do: keep calm, be brave, and deal with the situation.
"I don't feel different. My virginity wasn't something I felt I had, I wasn't using it, and it wasn't that special of a thing since it's more like a concept… it's hard to explain," you say timidly.
"Then why with me?" He asked, scratching his neck.
"I wanted to understand my feelings about you. I thought being connected more intimately would help me," you answer nervously.
He scoffed and crossed his arms. 
"So, you didn't think it would be special unless it was with me?" Your heart raced at his words. His piercing gaze left you feeling exposed and vulnerable. His eyes softened, and he brushed his fingertips across your cheek. "Well, I'm glad you did because it was special. It was with you."
"I think I'm ready to try it again," you squeak bashfully. Tenko shook his head with grave sorrow, scratching around his eye, concern creasing his forehead as he ran his hand across his face. 
"The condoms will still be an issue," he sighed, his voice heavy with disappointment.
"We can try without a condom," you say, your eyes burning with desire. Tenko's eyes widen, his breath coming in rushed gasps. Suddenly, he darts to his nightstand drawer, pulling out a bottle of lube. He quickly grabs the can without hesitation, tossing it aside, and stares hungrily at your swollen sex.
"Beautiful," he pants, his erection pressing eagerly against your thigh. "I already deflowered you, and your body still shows its pleasures. You drive me wild. Let me show you the destruction I can bring." You cringe inwardly and hope he stops saying things like that. Popping the lid open for the lube, he pours it onto both of you, the anticipation almost too much. He is pressing down on you when you throw up your hands to stop him.
"Aren't you worried about babies," you shout in apprehension.
"I'll take responsibility," He growled fiercely, staking his claim as he rubbed himself between your legs. You gasp in pleasure and pain, knowing you had to plunge this time. You hesitate, unsure of his words. You know you are taking the pill, but he doesn't know. You wonder if he really means those words? Will he keep you safe and shoulder the burden with you, or will he turn his back when things get tough? Tenko lies, but he seems sincere. His light rasp interrupts your thoughts, his cock notching at your entrance, "I will be yours, and you will be mine. Would that be so bad? Stop me. Stop me now because once we start, I will not be able to go back, no matter how much I make you cry."
No. That wouldn't be so bad, you think. You know there is bad love. With Tenko, you know it's too late. Toxic or not, you had fallen for him. You allowed yourself to be drawn in, each glance a promise of the moments to come. It would not be so bad to belong to each other. You reach between you and help him push into you with a squirm and a gasp. You can feel the heat radiating between you, entangling together in a forbidden embrace. You know it's wrong, yet it feels right. For the first time, you wonder what it might feel like to belong to one another as equals. Pulling him closer, every inch of his body pushing into yours, with a deep shuddering sigh. It still aches and throbs, but his crown pushes into your swollen entrance, so gradually it feels like a slow knife. 
"All at once," You plead desperately, eyes full of lust and longing. Your heart thuds against your chest with an emotion you've never felt. Tenko's breathing was quick and rough as he wrapped his strong arms around your waist, pushing in with a deep groan and a primal growl. He sinks into you, every sensation amplified as the wave of pain makes you writhe and dig your nails in. His hands grasp yours tightly as you succumb to the rush of rapture. Pain and bliss flooded your veins as ecstasy flowed through your quaking body.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to claw you. It stings. I feel too full," you trembled, your tears prickling your eyes and heavy on your lashes. He stared down at you, starved for more, the two of you locked in a desperate embrace.
"No, I made you bleed," he breathed, husky with lust. "This is only fair. I can take it. Are you ready? One more, and I should be in all the way," He thrust forward again, pushing roughly against your slick opening until he filled you completely. You let out a raw scream of his name and clawed at the back of his neck, your body shaking with pleasure.
"You are amazing. You are so tight. Look, I'm all the way in," Tenko whispers, his voice trembling with pleasure. Tenko shudders above you as heat spreads through your core. His eyes are heavy and languid as your grip tightens around him. Every time you move, he groans, the pleasure too much to bear. His chest heaves with each breath, drenching your skin in his warmth. You can feel his heart quivering deep within you, blood rushing through his veins. You can feel every ridge and throb of his length as you explore him further, pushing yourself into a crescendo of pleasure. A river of ecstasy persists between you, and you feel truly as one.
"I'm going to move," he growls. With one last warning, he slides out and buries himself back inside your resistive walls. His movements become more urgent with each passionate stroke taken with a renewed vigor. "Roll your hips," He urges you to move with him to help tease the sweet pressure he's executing to reach the best spots. It helps him move faster and deeper.
"Trenko, that's too rough," you plead. 
"It can't be helped. You are rocking against me," Tenko groaned. Together, swaying in a way that edges into the ultimate bliss. Your body trembling with each thrust, your palms slick with sweat and blood. His strong hands pressing into your hips, pushing you to the limit. The two of you move in unison as if fate had designed you for each other. Your bodies cling together as Tenko drives deeper and more profound, faster and harder, the tempo of your passion increasing with each stroke. The heat of his skin against yours sends sparks of electricity through your veins. Your moans of pleasure echo through the night and through your soul. He crashes through you, his eyes intent. His movements were savage, each punishing thrust taking you closer to the edge.
The passion between you reaches a fever pitch as you both reach for the ultimate climax. Waves of pleasure roll through you from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. Tenko leaned down to press his lips against yours, his tongue exploring every inch of your mouth in a tantalizing dance. His pace quickened, pushing you higher to the brink of ecstasy. Tenko erupts in a deep groan as the pleasure overtakes him. Heat and harsh throbbing made you mewl and clench on him.
His back dripping blood as you pant, "Ten, Ah, Ten. I'm cumming. I'm cumming. Ten. Slow down." He let out a low moan of pleasure as his body climaxed. His stomach muscles bunch as his hips stutter against yours. With a final hard thrust, the electricity of pleasure ran up your spine as you arched up to him, and his shudder of release sent you spiraling. You lay in each other's arms, heartbeats slowing, love and passion have conquered, and there is only bliss for now.
"I have a confession," he says, still buried in you.
"What?" you pant.
"I came when I got all the way in you. We might have to go all night long because that was not enough. Is that ok?" You kiss him in response. The two of you go for hours until you collapse on top of each other, exhausted from the intensity of it all.
"Let me rest for a moment. I want to snuggle and talk, please," you gasp.
Tenko nodded, his hot body relaxing and molding to yours, pulling you to lay on top of him, resting your head on his chest. It is hard, covered in sweat, but you can hear the steady rythm of his heartbeat and take comfort in that. "I will say our date is over. Are you going to tell me why you tried to rape me?" He freezes, rolling off and staring at the ceiling before responding. He raises his hand, now ungloved, for you to see, and chills run through your body. You still clung to him, hung on every word.
"I killed my family with this hand. My older sister, my mother, my grandparents. A villain…awoke something in me. I did not know what was happening, but I accidentally killed my family. My father hit me with a shovel. It's how I got this scar. It still itches," he touches the one over his eye. "If he had reached for the sweeper. He would be dead also." He said with a lilt of desire that frightened you. His eyes dart to you, dark with some unseen craving, flickered to you as a chill swept down your spine. You wanted—no, needed—to hear more, and he obliged, his story unfolding like a horror movie, bringing you further into its depths. "My father left me a ton of money and disappeared. My father had disappeared, abandoning me. I thought it was over when I was forsaken as a child, left alone in the world with nothing but a hefty inheritance. I was barely conscious, lying whimpering among the dust, and had almost given up hope when All Might stumbled across my pitiful body and took me in. It was then that my life changed, and he offered me the chance to start anew. Who knows what would have happened if he hadn't found me? Fate is cruel. I was mad because he offered me a spot in the hero course."
You wait with bated breath, but then he finishes talking abruptly. Your mouth agape, you look at him with fury, disbelief, and sadness. Sitting up abruptly, your heart heavy with disappointment, you grab your pillow and rear back.
"Wait--you were offered a spot in the acclaimed Hero Course, and you acted like it made you *mad*! How could you *not* take it?! Do you even know how *difficult* it is to get in, and you had the chance *so late* in your life?" You say, smacking him with a pillow for emphasis.
He mumbled from under the pillow, "You are so violent! That's not the normal reaction I get from that story." You quickly pull the pillow away, revealing tears in your eyes. You threw your arms around him, clutching him tightly. "That's what a regular response would be," he said, a hint of sadness in his voice. "I didn't accept it because I have a villain's Quirk. That is my fate in life."
"I can't even fathom," you began, shaking your head in disbelief, "The burden you have had to carry. I'm so sorry, Ten-Chan. But still, you mustn't allow your Quirk to stand in the way of your goals, whatever they may be. After all, my Quirk is nothing out of the ordinary, and people are always shocked to hear it's called 'Domestic Goddess.' Yet, despite what assumptions they may make, I use my Quirk to my advantage. To prove myself, to make money, to better myself. I would jump at the chance of attending the hero's course if I had the opportunity. It's not about the Quirk itself. It's about the potential and the power of what that potential can become," you finished, emphasizing your words with a passionate determination.
"Power? Domestic goddess? Come to think of it, you've never talked about your Quirk or inquired what mine is. I'm curious to know what you'd do if you were in the hero course. What are your dreams?" Tenko pressed closer to you, their nose grazing your neck as they asked, awe and curiosity thick in his voice.
"Yeah. It's a family quirk, hence the stupid name. People think it's only good for being a domestic partner or a baby machine. Maybe I will marry and have kids, but I will earn money in the meantime. It's hard surviving without it," you say, playing with his hair in self-comfort. "I'm an enhancer. If I have strong emotions like love or hate, I can make it affect what I touch. It's nice that no one can stop me from using it. But if I was in the hero's course, I would use it for inside trading," you admit, your eyes dark and desperate. A shaky breath escapes you.
"That's not a very hero thing to say." Tenko kissed. You rolled your eyes. One thing you will never claim to be is a hero, "What, do you think I'm going to be able to beat up villains?"
"How do you plan on earning all this money alone? Wouldn't it be easier if you let your lover take care of you? Just a little for once," Tenko purred, his suggestion dripping with innuendo as he rolled you over and nestled his hard cock against your pelvis. His words lingered in the air. The implications are as heavy as the desire between you both.
"I'll work for my Mom after graduation and expand her physical shop and company's contracts. I got a few gigs on the side. I am not looking for a hero, Tenko." You gasp when four fingers tenderly wrap around your throat, and the look of contempt spreads over his face. His gaze is ice cold, daring you to say something else he will hate. Suddenly, Tenko seemed to double his strength, his bright eyes burning with intensity, flipping you face-down. His powerful arms pinned your face to the pillow, and you squealed in fear because it was his ungloved hand. He leaned closer, his breath hot against your ear, and growled, "I'm not your hero. I'm your villain and lover." He gripped your waist and entered harshly with one thrust. You turned your head to gasp for air and looked up at him with one of fear and arousal. His words made your cunt tighten on his length. He moaned.
"You really know how to rile me up. I'll take the hero's course. I'll even help you with inside trading. But you have to make me want a future," he graveled. What? You thought. He entered you with fire in his eyes. His fury was palpable, and yet the passion with which he seized you was undeniable. Pressing his chest into your back and his hips against your tight, round ass. Tenko began to move his hips against you. Every thrust felt like a desperate plea as if he begged you to be his and his alone. You tried to fight back the tears, yet they threatened to give way as you allowed yourself to be consumed by him. You rocked your hips back and forth with each thrust, feeling the pleasure grow more and more intense as the sensations built up within you. He increased the pace and intensity of his thrusts, kissing your womb and sending a shockwave through your center up your spine. 
You can't let him have you with the weight of the Touya threat looming over you. You melted into each other, still connected, the intensity of the moment still radiating through you. Tenko pulled you up into his arms by your neck, his heart still thumping against your back as he kissed the back of your neck. With one final, deep thrust, you cried out in pleasure as your body trembled with the powerful wave of orgasm that consumed you. Your body spasmed with pleasure as he filled you with his warmth. When it was done, he let you collapse in a gasping, quivering heap on the bed. He embraced you and kissed your neck tenderly as you both calmed your breathing. He held you tightly, feeling a deep satisfaction as you curled against him, your body still trembling with pleasure from your passionate tryst. Tenko's gentle breath hit your neck as he asked if it was good. His voice was deep and full of the same emotion racing through your veins.
"Yes," you sighed, surrendering to the warmth that rushed through you as his warmth enveloped you. As you drift into sleep, you smile, feeling the strength and love you have just shared through their bodies.
Tenko  rose from the bed with a newfound vigor and a determined gait, putting his glove back on as he went. He paused, watching with adoration as you lay beneath the blanket, he had pulled over you. There was no doubt in his mind. He had finally admitted to himself he's been in love with you for a long time. Probably the moment you walked into the gamers' club with that look, he had never seen a look of such fervent obsession, and underneath it was an undeniable fear. You are tenacious. He knew he wouldn't be able to keep you if he kept the All Might thing from you. But he didn't tell you everything. He went for a short walk. With a satisfied smile, he gently kissed your lips before crawling beside you on the bed and wrapping his arms around you, hiking your leg around his waist, and placing his cock back in you.
He had fucked you so hard you didn't wake. You sighed in contentment and flopped your arm over him. Although you had been sleeping through it, a soft hum of satisfaction escaped your lips, and your body aligned itself with his, molding to him. His heart was so full that he feared it might burst. In a satisfied whisper, he uttered, "I ruined you for all other men. This was fate." He allowed his eyelids to succumb to the exhaustion. His face hurt because he never smiled this much in his entire life.
You yanked yourself away from Tenko's embrace, feeling like his touch still lingered on your body, perhaps a consequence of his aggressive lovemaking. No, it was he let himself go limp inside of you. You knew he was worn out, but Tenko was still fast asleep after your shower. You see, he had gotten your bag at some point in the night. You left a text letting him know you were getting some breakfast before you left the bedroom. Unaware that Touya was following close behind. You gasped in shock as you felt his presence, jerking away as quickly as possible.
"You're so jumpy, little mouse. I only wanted to tease you a little bit, not scare you," Touya grinned.
You back away, gripping your chest, heart pounding as you ask, "What are you doing here?" Touya shrugs as if it is obvious.
"Shiori was tired. This was affordable, available, and close by," Touya says. That makes sense. It's the reason you chose this hotel. Touya seems too friendly, and it puts you on edge. He is too close, adding to your anxiety, "You wanted to talk to me about something. How about I buy you breakfast, and we can talk." The closer he is to you, the more something about his smile makes you anxious. 
"That's a nice offer..." You attempt to finish your sentence when he suddenly captures your hand and pulls you towards Shiori's table. A mixture of uncertainty and anticipation swirls in your head, and all the possibility of a new opportunity looms. It should be alright if Shiori is there. You try to wrest your hand free, "I need to get my portfolio! I'll be right back!"
You race to the room, grabbing your bag as you leave. Tenko is still sound asleep. Your heart swells with butterflies as you suddenly realize the magnitude of the offer. This could be it! You can become equals and express the love to Tenko that you have kept hidden for so long. You take a deep breath and make the decision to seize the moment. You will confess your feelings to Tenko and do whatever it takes to start a new life together. The thought of it fills you with excitement and determination. There's no turning back now!
You present Touya with your portfolio, your eyes meeting his with determination. "I spoke with several girls, and while your reputation as a lover is awful, I showed them these pictures demonstrating your gentle, caring, personal side, and their overall perception of you improved by at least 20%. Your social media lacks any personal touch if you take a look here...." You gesture to the charts, explaining in detail how his income could increase if he utilizes all the tips and resources within your portfolio.
"I like a lot of these photos. You took them, didn't you? Many are in the gamer room," He nods approvingly at the photos, a satisfied look on his face, and he winks at Shiori a few times. Her expression quickly shifts from confusion to distress as she stands up from the table. She was already looking glazed over from the start of the conversation. Clutching her hands together nervously, she hastily returns with two glasses of juice. You take a sip and murmur a quiet thank you. Even though you and Shiori have never gotten along, you suddenly find yourself filled with pity. Touya seems to have completely broken her last night. Suddenly, the pieces of why she's here are all coming together. You can't help but feel a tug of compassion for this girl who had the world at her fingertips only to have it taken away by Touya's whims. The thought is almost too much for you to handle, although she knew what he was like, and it was her choice. She shouldn't have hooked back up with him again.
You steel yourself for the approaching moment of truth. You want Tenko. Touya noticing that you have been taking pictures of him also makes you feel edgy, "Of course. With my quirk," you say with a sly half-smile. "I can put you in the best light in any situation photo. I…I…What?" you ask, confused. You feel so sleepy suddenly, a feeling of weariness washes over you. Tenko did go hard last night. You continue as professional as possible but the world wavers. The moments after that are a blur.
You  open your eyes, and the world is like a twisted blur, whirling around you in dizzying circles. You felt a sharp wave of nausea surge over you, and when you looked over, Touya was holding out something for you. "Stop!" you pleaded desperately. In response, Touya quickly pulled over, coming to a screeching halt.  
He couldn't bear watching you suffer any longer as you began to turn green. Swerving to the side of the road, he pulled over and held your hair back, tenderly caressing your head in a tight embrace. "Are you getting car sick? It always happens to me. That's why I carry Dramamine in the glove box," he murmured softly.
You looked up with shock, stammering, "Wha-What's going on?" Your voice quivered as you stepped away from him, uncomfortably aware of the intensity of the situation. You shook your head as you stared blankly, unsure of what was happening. Your lungs felt heavy, your head fuzzy, and your heart sank as he shuffled towards you.
"Whoa, their little mouse. Don't hurt yourself. We have so much work to do," he breathed in your ear. His fingers stroked through your hair.
Flashes come to you.
"Is this sorting out your feelings! Is this what you think of me!" Tenko shouted. Rage and hatred radiated off of him. Tears and crying. You groan.
"Ten-chan? No. I love you." That pathetic sobbing is you. The lightning flashed furiously, cutting through your memory like a thousand knives. Images of the past came tumbling out, colliding with your present. You were surrounded by tumult, captivated, and immobilized in an ocean of memory. You look to Touya, "Did Tenko really break up with me?"
"Are you crying?" Touya grinned, a devilish smile stretching across his face. Emotions crashed together like turbulent waves, threatening to drown you in the chaos. Tenko yelling. You could feel yourself unraveling, being enveloped in a deluge of thoughts. Tenko is being pulled away by a dark figure. You attempted to express your feelings, but the words seemed caught in your throat, terror keeping them hostage. "I will fucking kill you, Touya! I'll teach you to play with people's hearts!"
"Wha-yes," you sobbed, your body shaking as you kneeled on the side of the road. The tension built until it seemed unbearable. One final flash of lightning and the heavens opened, unleashing a torrent of emotion. Tenko said, "You couldn't wait two weeks! You are trying to break our deal with only two weeks left. For this evil fucker! You will always be mine!" You could feel yourself collapsing under the weight of it all, clinging onto anything that could keep you afloat. 
"No," you wept.
"Then it is true - he has broken your heart and taken your innocence. I warned you it is what he does," Touya said, harshness and delight ringing in his voice. You look at Touya, and a memory of his hot fingers forced into your mouth as he pulls you to him. Tenko screaming at you in your face. Blue flames. A black swirl. People holding him back. Touya saying he will help you. "You want to get to know the real me?"
In the present, Touya scooped you up from the ground and buckled you back into the car seat, his face haughty as he spoke, "I know you're in a bit of a mess, but it'll be alright. We just need to stay out of sight until Tenko calms down." You feel so weak and tired that you let him take care of you.
"What happened? Where are we going? My head is so foggy I don't remember everything," you groan. Touya gingerly turns your head to face him, a strange smile tugging at his lips. Unsettled by the sight, you shudder, unsure of what he has planned.
"Hey, now. Are you ok? Should I take you to a doctor first? What do you mean you don't remember? Come to think of it, you did seem a bit out of it," Touya grins as he brushes his finger against your bottom lip and the corner of your mouth, assuming it is vomit until he leans in and gently kisses your lips. You shriek, recoiling in horror, your eyes wide with confusion. 
"Little mouse," Touya replies calmly, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "You told me everything. I don't mind a little puke from you. Your desperate need for a place to stay and how you require more data. How you pined for me. It is like fate. I'm taking you to my place where we can both lay low."
"What?!" You gasp in alarm, frantically trying to recall anything. Unable to, you begin to frantically look for your phone. Your gaze casts up to Touya, who holds out the mangled remains of your cell phone, the glass splintered in a million pieces. He arches an eyebrow at you, looking concerned as he asks, "Sorry, it got broken in the scuffle. You really don't remember anything?"
"No," you whimper, tears streaming down your face. "We can't go back to your place if Tenko is still angry." The thought of returning brings a stab of pain to your heart.
"Your right." He cups your face in his hands and looks into your eyes, a grin spreading across his lips. "I'm not taking you there. I'm taking you to my family's estate, where I will introduce you to my family as my girlfriend. You said you needed more data for a personal touch to my social media account. I never thought I'd have someone by my side to share this moment with. But first I'm taking you to a doctor. We can worry about the rest later," he says as he tenderly brushes a strand of hair from your face.
Your stomach churns, and a cold fear washes over you as his hand moves to your shoulder. You recoil sharply, and the words spill from you like venom. "I'm not your girlfriend!" you snap as the car speeds recklessly to some unknown destination. Where is he taking you? You barely have the time to think before pulling up in front of a private doctor's office. How long has it been since you passed out? As you step out, you feel a wave of relief roll over you, despite the weird circumstances. You realize that it's probably best for you to be checked out by a doctor. He takes your hand, reassuringly stroking your knuckles.
"First, let's get you to a doctor. I thought you fell asleep due to stress and car sickness, but this is something else," he says, his voice deep and tender. You nod, barely able to keep a glimmer of hope in your heart. You know it's a risk, but what else can you do? As you stumble out of the car, his strong hands cradle you, steadying you. His gaze is unwavering as he speaks, "Well, that hurts, little mouse. I was hoping for the real thing. I know you're putting yourself out there for Tenko, but I can offer you so much more. A chance to finish your final project and to have a nice place to stay. You can pretend to be my girlfriend like you did for Tenko."
He presses his forehead to yours, his breathing ragged. You shut your eyes, letting his warmth envelop you. You can feel the sincerity and truth resonating from him. He pulls back, his expression soft but his gaze burning. You could feel the intensity he was radiating as he looked at you. "I promise everything will be alright." You can feel the strength of his sincerity through his words and the intensity of his gaze. He pulls back, smiling down at you. His voice is a reassuring whisper in the night.
Touya  tugged at the doctor's shirt sleeve, your uncertainty of the situation palpable. As they pulled away from you, your anxiety grew as you scanned the room, noting each detail with a heightened sense of unease. What could be so important, you wondered, that Touya had to whisper it into the doctor's ear? You sang from your feet, tugging anxiously at the sleeves of your hoodie as you awaited the answer.  
"I'm Doctor Ujiko. You're not out of the woods yet, Touya," Doctor Ujiko warned sternly, shaking his head. "You have been severely dehydrated, and that bump on your head means business. I'm going to prescribe fluids. Make sure you get some serious rest for the next two weeks. I don't want to see you here anytime soon. Do you understand me?"
Touya nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Yes, Doctor. I promise I'll take care of her. Thanks," he said solemnly.
"But I have to get back to school," you sniffle as a nurse gets you a bag of fluids. Your head seemed to clear at that moment, and the pangs of screaming pain started to subside.
"Do you want to die?" Dr. Ujiko snarled, his voice seething. "I'm giving you a prescription for the pain, but bed rest is what you need. Touya, you still have to pick up that item you need at the front, and it won't come cheap!" With a final, sinister scowl, the old man swept out of the room, leaving you feeling shaken and alone with Touya.
"You look worn out," Touya's voice takes on a note of concern as he watches you, his gaze cold as he sees the weariness in your expression and the dark circles under your eyes. He frowns slightly at the sight of the ragged, oversized hoodie you wore instead of the cute clothes you usually have on. Gently, he reaches out and grasps your hand, feeling your brokenness and sensing the heaviness of your heart. With compassion he doesn't feel, he says, "Come, let me take you to your new home."
The  place looks like an impenetrable fortress, majestic and timeless, hewn from the traditional Japanese architecture of old with a few daring touches of modern innovation.
"You need to play along, and you don't know Shouto; otherwise... "Touya's stern warning shattered the silence, an ultimatum that hit you hard. Curbing your gasped response, you nodded in unwilling acceptance as Touya's grip on your shoulder tightened. You felt a surge of panic. Fired and homeless, cast out into a world you can no longer rely on. Worse, your final project will only succeed if Touya agrees. A tri-colored hair girl ran up before your fears could take over. Upon seeing you, her steps froze as if startled. Instantly, understanding flashed in her eyes.
She gasps, her voice quaking in shock as she cries, "Touya brought a GIRL home?! He has NEVER done that before! Oh no, what do we do? We don't have enough room for another person at the table!"
"Will Dad join us or eat with Shouto alone again?" Touya grumbled, his voice chilling the room. His icy eyes glared intently at his sister, eager for an answer. All his charm melted away. This was Touya with no pretenses. You shudder. Fuyumi's eyes widened, her smile fading as her brother's hostility grew unmistakably clear.
"Touya, don't be rude. Introduce us. I'm Fuyumi, Touya's little sister," She smiled. Fuyumi exuded a motherly aura rather than a sisterly one. Something Touya clearly found annoying. Touya interrupted her.
Touya's expression is dark and stormy as he demands, "She's, my girlfriend. Tell him it's serious. I brought her to meet the family." His gaze slides to you, and you feel the color creeping into your cheeks. You haven't eaten all day, and your stomach betrays you with a loud growl. You close your eyes, wishing the ground would swallow you up, but Touya's voice cuts through the air, softer this time. "Clearly, she's had it rough. She's usually so cute and bashful. I just brought her straight from the doctor's office. Make an extra place at the table."
Touya leads you to the table, you gape, and your eyes widen when the intimidating figure of Endeavor strides into the room. His bulky frame and handsome features strike amazement into your heart, and Shouto's eyes light up with excitement. Gathering your courage, you introduce yourself and bow politely, pretending you met him for the first time. Endeavor sends him away to eat alone because Shouto is on a special diet. It still seemed weird to you, but you stayed quiet. The dinner proceeded peacefully, enjoying a delicious dinner and easy conversation with the siblings, Fuyumi and Natsuo. The tension between Touya and Endeavour was evident. Endeavour looked up from his plate and cleared his throat.
"Touya, you said this girl was crucial that we must meet. What is your news?" Curiously, Endeavour folded his arms and questioned. Touya wrapped himself around you, gently rubbing your belly, making you stiffen and squeak.
"We're having a baby. I got my little mouse here knocked up. The doctor says she needs bed rest, and I'm going to take care of her." And as if that wasn't enough, Touya's voice took on a mocking tone as he spoke. "I'm asking you to treat her better than just family. I'm sure you'll manage." The tension in the room increased. You can almost taste it as anticipation hangs heavy. Your jaw slacked in shock as realization and dread hit you like an avalanche. He grins manically, touching you tenderly while Touya holds you close, and his hands continue their soothing motion until he is draped over you possessively, "Here's the proof. Positive pregnancy test and an order to for bed rest." Touya barely gave Endeavor time to process before he continued, wrapping both arms around you and pulling you close, tossing the paperwork at him. Tenko's hands worked in sweeping, soothing motion like he was trying to comfort you even after he'd dropped this bombshell of news. You sure as hell don't feel comforted. Endeavor's face grew stony as he stared at the pregnancy test and doctor's orders before him, disbelief slowly morphing into anger.
You try to use your eyes to express your mental scream directed at Touya. What are you doing, Touya!?! They shouted. The pressure crackling between you was so thick you wanted to puke. The siblings stared at you, their eyes wide in disbelief, draining of color.  What is Touya up to?  Your mind raced with the reality of the night before, you had lost your virginity, but you had been on the pill. There was no way you could be pregnant. This was insane. Endeavor had just heard from his eldest son that he had gotten a girl pregnant and was now feeling a mix of rage and disappointment extremely evident.
"What were you thinking!?" Endeavor roared, thundering through the room as he slammed his fist on the table, crushing the paperwork and scattering it across the floor.
"That I could become a better father than you!" Touya smirked at him and replied cockily.
Endeavor shook his head and looked away, trying to control his anger. He looked back at his son and slowly spoke, "You're not a father. Not yet. You're still a boy and haven't even finished UA."
"Age is just a number, Dad." Touya shrugged and drew a circle in the air with his finger, "And besides, it's all worked out. She wants to keep the baby, and our family is growing."
Endeavor took a deep breath and said in a more even tone, "I just want you to understand the gravity of the situation. I can't believe you would be so irresponsible."
 "Hey, I'm going to be a dad," Touya shrugged again and said. "What else is there for me to understand?"
Endeavor closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. He silently counted to ten before slowly opening his eyes and looking at Touya, "It's no longer just about you. Can you even afford it without my income? You know your eccentricities are not suitable for this huge responsibility. Your quirks are not compatible. Think of the child and what you'll do to provide them with a decent life. Abortion provides an alternative. Consider it."
Did he really just dare to utter the words that ignite the fires of fury within you? Quirk Compatibility is that sickening phrase that you can't stand to think about. This arrogant man, full of hubris and completely undeserved pride, has the audacity to say such words after all the pain and trauma he has inflicted upon others due to his pursuit of a perfect quirk. You can feel your rage growing, your cheeks flushing, and your eyebrows furrow angrily. He notices the shift in your demeanor and pauses, looking at you with a newfound caution in his gaze. Natsuo's expression morphed from confusion to anger as he gazed at Endeavor. His chopsticks clenched between his fingers, ready to be plunged into Endeavour's eye. It reminded you of the harsh reality. You are the outsider, while these children had to stay here with this man.
You pause, a sly smile playing across your lips. "I think none of that will be an issue, sir," you say, your voice warm with honeyed promise. "My mother owns the largest custom textiles and clothing alteration company in the nation. From exclusive schools to prestigious members of society, those in power are her clients. Detnerat and even you are numbered among her clients. As for me, I'm looking to build on her success after graduation. Taking her empire to heights never before achieved." You pause, your gaze flicking up to meet his as a wicked grin spreads across your face. "Touya, my darling, could you please bring me my portfolio? I think that should be all the convincing you need."
Touya sprinted towards you, his excitement noticeable. Felt alive and circling for its prey. The kids are laser-focused on you and their father, who you are staring death in the eye and meeting his gaze unwaveringly. After all, you understand what it takes to be a world-renowned hero, and Endeavor was no exception. Your Dad is a pro-hero, too. You understand, scary men. Endeavor doesn't intimidate you. Touya slid and presented you with your portfolio with a flourish, his enthusiasm radiating from him.
You slide the glossy charts across the desk to Endeavor, the intensity of your gaze bearing down upon him. Explaining the numbers and the formula used for estimations, "This is how I plan a future for your son. After graduating, he can become a fully-fledged hero who simultaneously builds a career as a model. It is more than enough for him to live a comfortable life. If you look here, I intend to increase his follower numbers to catch Detnerat's eye. I intend to acquire a contract with them. Then expand to skincare and Apothecary." Endeavor is struck speechless by your ambition, silently regarding the charts with rapt attention.
Touya stared defiantly as his father glanced away. The father looked at everyone at the table and sighed, "My son needs to understand that if he's going to be a father, he needs to behave like one."
"As for quirks. Mine is called a domestic goddess. It was made for being a good wife and mother," you beam. Touya is practically vibrating with joy. Endeavor sighs, looking almost defeated when he rises from the table.
"I'll start the ball rolling and talk to the school right away so we can get you set up with remote learning for when you start showing," Endeavor gritted through his teeth. "You'll be married before giving birth and stay here with our private doctors. I'll have a prenuptial drafted for you tomorrow. A least you found a smart one," he added with a menacing glare. You gulp. A part of you did not think that would work. What he was saying sounded like orders. 
Touya's eyes flashed as he purred, "I'll put your things in my room," giving you a look that dared you to say otherwise.
Endeavor's voice was a thunderous boom as he cut in. "No. She will stay in the guest room. You've already done enough damage." He set his sights on Shouto, a deadly glare in his eyes. "It's time for training." You really didn't like him.
Fuyumi and Natsuo stepped forward with a determinedly enthusiastic offer. "We'll help!" they exclaimed, turning down the bed and picking up the suitcase. Touya watched from the door with an expression of apprehension as Fuyumi gave a tearful cry of joy. "I'm so excited to have a big sister!" With that, they left, leaving Touya darkening your door.
"You did good," he murmured, his voice oozing with a seductive hunger. His steps grow closer, like a lion preparing to stalk its prey, "You deserve a reward." In a desperate panic, you lunged for the nearest object and hurled it at him. He easily dodged everything.
"How could you do something so reckless?!" you seethe, your anger fueled by humiliation. "Do you realize what you've done? Your family now thinks we are getting married and I'm pregnant! Do you even comprehend the magnitude of this?" You give him a look that conveys your disbelief and confusion. "What in God's name were you thinking?! Have you lost your mind?"
"Yes," he says, face falling, the word laced with icy coldness as he approaches and gently wipes away the tears cascading from your eyes. His hot hands felt tender against your skin as he spoke. "You have witnessed what I have been forced to live with, and you have surpassed all my expectations, little mouse." He leaned in for a kiss, but you turned away. He looked annoyed but plastered on a fake smile. "Hey, now. Don't be mad at me. You needed a place to stay and wanted to know more about me. My Dad wouldn't let you stay if I asked nicely."
A tear cascades down your face as you utter, "This is it. The moment I snap. You could have let me know what to expect. You didn't because you wanted to mess with me as much as your Dad. You can't expect me to want to play any games with you right now. I'm in pieces, broken apart with no idea of what the future holds. And here you are, trying to make out while I'm standing here crushed? How could you be so cruel? I only want to curl up and cry until I drift into blissful sleep. What you want shouldn't be so one-sided in the first place. I need a connection, fun conversation, eating together, sharing dreams." You collapsed on the floor, exhausted and in tears.
"You're right, little mouse," Touya left and returned with a glass of water. Touya's smirk widened as he towered over your trembling frame, relishing the vulnerability in your eyes. He raised the glass of water and extended it towards you menacingly. "You must take your medicine if you want to feel better, little mouse," he said, his voice dangerously low. You searched his gaze for any sign of pity or understanding, but you found none. Relentless, Touya stood like a statue, waiting for you to accept your fate, the glass of water symbolized. You reluctantly accepted the glass and bowed your head, knowing defeat. "That's a good little mouse," Touya said, a devilish glint in his eye. "Now rest so that you may find peace."
He turned to leave, not expecting such a small broken thing to rise. With a sudden surge of strength and determination, you lunged at him, planting your foot on his backside and shoving him out the door so hard that it slammed into the adjacent wall. He grunted in surprise, dodging the glass of water that shattered beside him. He collapsed on the ground, gazing up at you in shock. Your chest was heaving, your eyes blazing with fear, adrenaline, and an unquenchable rage. You roared, "I am more than what you see!" Your veins bulged in your neck as you slammed the door for the final time.
Fuyumi's  worried voice cut through the air, "What happened?" But he didn't respond. Instead, he got to his feet and listened as you curled up and the sobs began to escape your trembling lips. The terror that lingered in your gaze only amplified his resolve. Even while Fuyumi tried desperately to clean up the mess, he smiled at her. A response is even more disturbing than his silence. He knew Fuyumi lived her life walking on eggshells.
He gazed thoughtfully and said with a sincere note of admiration, "You didn't think I would marry a girl that didn't have fire in her veins?" Fuyumi's face lit up, her eyes sparkling in recognition and affection for your courage. She smiled kindly at your door's direction and said, "She is extraordinary. I've never seen anyone else, except you, have the strength to stand up to my father like that."
"Good night, Fuyumi," he sighed, the sound of his father's rage resonating in the distance as he trudged toward the garden. Listening as his father beat the hell out of Shouto helped ease his nerves. He reached into his coat pocket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes, tapping the bottom impatiently before lighting one with a flame from his finger. All the while, his phone kept buzzing. Taking it out to check, he let out a groan. 663 missed calls and 232 texts, all from Tenko. The task could have gone better. Sensei Kurogiri had to step in to clean up the mess.
Tenko's deep inhalation was markedly drawn out, suffusing his lungs with a sickly, acrid smoke tickling his lungs before he answered his phone. "Where is she? What have you done to her?" Tenko snarled. His words echoed through Touya's mind, and as each syllable settled like poison, the air filled with the unmistakable sound of wet, frenzied scraping. Tenko had most surely worked himself into an animalistic hysteria, scratching his body raw with sheer, unrestrained rage.
"Don't worry about her. She is perfectly safe. It's a shame it had to come to this. Before you came, she was muttering some interesting things in her dazed state. She mentioned a connection, fun conversation, eating together, and sharing dreams. Tsk. Tsk. Did you forget our shared dream first?" Touya asks, his voice breaking with false sorrow.
"She is the one who convinced me to enter the hero course last night. Let her go," Tenko says with clenched teeth, his fingers scratching with barely restrained fury.
Touya stared coldly at the dancing smoke as he imagined the pleading figure before him, a smug expression slowly creeping onto his face as he spoke, "I don't think so. When I see you succeeding, rising up to be the leader your role requires, then I will let the little mouse go." His pleasure was unmistakable. The joy of controlling another's destiny twisting in the air like the smoke before fed his sadistic nature sweetly. He snapped his fingers, and the smoke danced in a frenzy.
"I don't forgive anyone," Tenko hissed. An ominous threat that reverberated in the deathly stillness that had settled over Touya. Touya took his time to consider the Shogi playing in his mind. The threat said many things, and Touya was a little impressed. The tension weighed heavily in the air until it seemed to crush them both.
"You think she won't take you back? After all, you made her cry," Touya teased. "Well, you could always call a hero. Tell them I kidnapped her."
"You think you can play me like a fool?" Tenko scoffed. "You think you can trick your way out of this. Otherwise, you wouldn't have taken her. I know you will hide behind your privilege. You don't even understand her." Tenko growled, his temper rising. "Once I'm in the Heroes program, you'll release her. That is the step you wanted toward your dream. That's fair," Tenko affirmed, his wrath boiling in his veins.
Touya knew it was an order. One, he will have to figure out how to get around. He mulled it over and decided he wouldn't mind being the cat to his little mouse. He was able to manipulate Tenko easier than you with just a few things you said before you rejected him. He finished his cigarette and snuck into your room. Prepared to take action, Touya stealthily made his way to your bedroom. Silently standing in the shadows, he studied your resting figure with a satisfied gleam in his eye.
Like Shiori, Touya was incredulous as to why Tenko was so captivated by you. He believed you to be a naive, dumb little shallow crybaby. A girl trying too hard to get attention. He initially assumed that Tenko sought to experience what it felt like to ravage somebody's heart. An act that Touya himself had done multiple times to all the girls that had any fondness for Tenko. Then, you stole Tenko's cold, blackened heart. Something that Touya never thought would happen. Had he known that you would be the one to persuade Tenko to seek a hero's path, he might have backed off. Unfortunately for you, it's now too little, too late.
You were an enigma, almost as capable as he was of manipulating emotions. He adjusted his stance to be closer and leaned in, breathing in your scent. To him, you smelled like sweet fixation and tender love. One of those things he did not understand. His heart raced as he slowly pulled the blanket off you, exposing your half-naked form. You didn't stir, so he continued to study your body. Letting his gaze wander over your body, taking in every inch of you and causing a smirk to pass over his lips as he noticed you were clad in only a hoodie. Your bare legs caught his eye. His fingertips trailed up from your thigh, and his grip tightened on the supple flesh of your ass, causing you to moan in your sleep, and he felt an overwhelming possessiveness surge through him. What a lewd body, he thinks with a pleasant smile. You shifted but stayed fast asleep.
He began rummaging through your personal things, devising a strategy to unravel you emotionally. He is confused about why you started dating Tenko in the first place. You seemed utterly terrified of him. He heard the rumors of blackmail from your girlfriends, but he could not get you to confirm or deny it. Tenko seemed to have won you slowly over time. That's not how consensual dating works, from his experience. He wonders what kind of girl would like Tenko enough to reject him? His intuition tells him it will be easier for him if he can discover why and how Tenko caught you. Tenko mentioned a deal in his rage.
He was on the brink of his patience, ready to give up, until he stumbled upon something that sparked an unseen fire within him. His mouth suddenly broke into a wide, wicked smile as an ingenious plan began to form in his mind. One that would crush his father and maybe his world. He goes back to your body. The decisions before him were weighted heavily; he didn't want to cement it until he could see what you could do for him. He was tempted to imagine the shock and surprise on your face if he ripped your panties off and left the door wide open, yet he chose to wait until the time was right. He had to know if you could handle what would follow. You should be able to handle it if you can handle Tenko.
"Let's see how you handle the real me first," he said to the darkness.  
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nitewrighter · 1 year
i remember back in the day seeing fanart of zenyatta hanging out with dva cuz they were the youngest heroes in the game, can uou write something like that? where dva finds out zen is 20 and is like "do you want to form an alliance with me?" (i desperately need him to have more friends anyways love your stuff)
Hana hardly ever got to just walk around Gibraltar. Usually when things had gone quiet enough at the Watchpoint and there was no immediate danger to go flying off to, that was when she'd head back to Busan for however long she might have to check in with the Meka squad and Dae-hyun, or she'd be hosting a stream--but today she was too burnt out for either of that. Unfortunately here she was standing, in her silly little bucket hat and sunglasses (for celebrity anonymity of course) and feeling that old anxiety of A stream wouldn't be that much energy, what am I even doing here? But the sheer unfamiliarity of Gibraltar's streets more or less answered the question for her--she had barely gotten the chance to get outside since joining Overwatch, and she had been pouring virtually all of her free time into maintaining her online presence. Usually Lúcio would be her wingman for a day out like this, but he was taking care of some business back in Rio--could she have volunteered to help out with that? No.. no... she was supposed to be taking a break. She sullenly sipped her grass jelly milk tea as she walked down the street, and then held her free hand in front of herself, watching her own fingers twitch unconsciously, constantly expecting all those split-second reactions either gaming or piloting would demand. She sighed into the straw, sending up a grumpy burble of bubbles amidst the cubes of grass jelly and ice.
I could go shopping, she thought to herself, I'm pretty sure I've been cycling through the same four outfits for my streams since coming to Gibraltar and that's not good for--oh my god, I'm still thinking about the streams.
She slumped her back against a building, rocking back on her heels as she drew in another long sip, trying to clear her mind and just people-watch. It was a wonder how Gibraltar still managed to have so many tourists despite how many of the locals were freaked out by the Watchpoint. Hana paused mid-sip as she saw a single, familiar figure standing in front of a shop window. The shiny chrome-dome of an omnic donning some well-worn monk's clothing. Zenyatta was standing, hands clasped behind his back like an old man, staring into a shop window. The sun was glaring on the glass from her angle, so she made her way over to see what he was looking at. She blinked several times and glanced back at Zen, unsuccessfully trying to gauge his expression before looking back to the window display. In the window was a mannequin posing in a stylish jogger-inspired outfit that honestly wasn't a far cry from the hardy, lovingly draped styles of the Shambali. It featured a cropped jacket with somewhat bulky pockets on the chest, and high-waisted pants that cinched at the ankles, all in a warm fallow tone. Holos on the glass flashed "NEW" and "SALE" and "100% SUSTAINABLE AND FAIR-TRADE MATERIALS." She looked at Zen again.
A longing, yet thoughtful, "Hmm..." slipped out of Zen.
"So... are you going to try it on?" said Hana folding her arms.
Zen visibly startled. "Oh--My apologies, Hana, I was lost in thought. What did you mean?"
"The outfit you've been staring at," Hana shrugged, "I mean you have the waist for it."
"Really?" Zenyatta glanced back at the window display, then seemed to catch himself. "I--" Zenyatta hesitated, "I was merely admiring it. Obviously I have no need for such a... such..." he trailed off, still staring at the
"Come on," Hana tugged him by the elbow into the store.
"I don't carry money," Zenyatta said from inside the dressing room.
"Don't worry about it," said Hana, leafing through a clothes rack herself.
"Omnics don't need to eat or drink, and our requirements for shelter are more... minimal.. than humans."
"Uh huh," D.Va pulled a shirt off the rack and examined it. Truth be told, the clothes here were a bit too 'hippie' or 'military surplus' or 'military surplus hippie' to be her style, and it wasn't exactly Meka's sleek, sporty brand, either--You're doing it again... she thought to herself.
"Is there something you wished to talk about?" asked Zenyatta.
"Not really," Hana shrugged, "I mostly came out here to clear my head. And it's easier to shop with someone than just shop alone."
"I see," said Zenyatta, "And how are you doing in that endeavor?"
"Shopping?" Hana held up a faded blue sleeveless shirtdress skeptically.
"Clearing your mind," Zenyatta spoke up from inside the dressing room.
"You know you don't have to do that all the time, right?" Hana grinned.
"I don't understand."
"Do the whole... counselor thing with everyone."
"I believe caring about one's allies is not limited to one's duty to a team. I can care about you as an individual, Hana."
D.Va snorted. "Are you going to show me the outfit or not?" she put one hand on her hip.
The dressing room door swung open and Zenyatta carefully stepped out, smoothing the jacket and slightly readjusting the waistband of the pants. Hana's eyes widened. He really did have the
"...okay you can't not get that," she said, gesturing at the outfit with her drink.
"I am quite capable of not getting it as I do not carry money," said Zenyatta.
"Psh. No problem," said Hana with a shrug, "Meka has like, a CRAZY line of credit and I'm so bad at remembering to use it. I'll just buy it for you!"
"As a monk, I must embrace a life of humility and simplicity, and it is not within my --" Zenyatta started, but realized Hana was giving him a raised eyebrow, 'come on' look. "I... suppose... it would be more outside of my beliefs as a monk to refuse a gift from a friend."
Hana snorted a little.
"Thank you, Hana, truly," Zenyatta gave a slight bow of his head.
"It's not a big deal... Hana said, glancing off and itching at her cheek with a fingernail.
He wore it out of the store, and got more than a few glances and rubbernecks as he and Hana walked together. His shoulders bunched up as someone wolf-whistled from across the street. Hana just snickered. It was fun seeing someone else snag a lot of attention for once.
"I told ya you have the waist for it," Hana elbowed him.
"Quite remarkable," Zenyatta fidgeted with the cuffs of the jacket.
"Well, you have good taste," she tossed her drink in a nearby trashcan.
"I was reflecting more of the fact that, despite the fact that you said you were taking time for yourself today, you went out of your way to do something kind for someone else."
"It's just a little bit of shopping! It's not a big deal," Hana pocketed her hands.
"You did not answer my question, earlier," Zenyatta glanced toward her. It was already a little off-putting seeing him walking rather than floating, and the fact that he was taller than her when standing only compounded that.
"What question?"
"About your experience in clearing your mind."
Hana huffed. "Of course you're still hung up on that."
"Naturally. I care about my friend."
Hana gave him a frustrated pout before interlacing her fingers behind her head and sighing. "I'm really bad at it, honestly."
"I keep thinking about the Meka squad, or maybe that I could be running diagnostics on Tokki and sending notes back to Dae-hyun, or maybe I could be streaming and telling my fans that Overwatch is doing a good job--we're doing a good job, right?"
Zenyatta shrugged.
"So I'm thinking about all that even though I'm just supposed to be here, and I'm just supposed to be having a good time, and then I just--I just bullied you into getting a tracksuit just to distract myself!"
"You bought this tracksuit," Zenyatta offered, "And I do appreciate it, greatly."
"Hrmgh," Hana folded her elbows forward from her interlaced fingers with exasperation.
"From the sound of it, however, it would seem that you do have a great awareness of your own thoughts," he mused.
"Eh?" Hana glanced at him.
"Well, when most think of honing one's mental focus, of clearing one's mind, the typical image is of the monk on the mountaintop in perfect concentration."
"You mean... you," Hana said with a slight finger-gun gesture.
"Possibly. But to ask the mind not to think is to ask a fish not to swim. Even the electrical brain of an omnic is constantly running multiple algorithms simply to maintain our systems and our sensory intake."
"So what's the trick?"
"...what you have been doing all afternoon--noticing when your mind is going in a direction you don't want it to go, and course-correcting."
Hana stared at him for a few seconds. "That's it?"
"That's it," Zenyatta shrugged.
"No--no--no--there's gotta be more," Hana scratched under the brim of her bucket hat.
"Well.. to make it easier, you can come up with a mantra."
"Okay, there it is," said Hana.
"'Mantra' simply translates to 'mind tool.' It is only a short phrase you employ to re-center yourself when you find your thoughts wandering beyond your control."
"Right. 'Om.'"
"It doesn't have to be 'om.'"
"It doesn't?"
"It can be virtually any phrase that emphasizes that this space within your mind is a space you can return to for peace and clarity. It can be something you associate with a good memory, or simply a phrase that comforts you to hear, or something that is unique enough to break you out of negative thought patterns."
"Liiiike... 'grass jelly tea?'" Hana was winding a strand of hair around her finger thoughtfully.
"If that is what works. The mind is wonderfully unique, is it not?"
"Yeah..." Hana said, glancing off. A few long seconds passed before she suddenly perked up. "You did it again," she said, pouting.
"You don't have to keep doing it, you know!" Hana splayed her hands, pacing in front of Zenyatta.
"...talking to you?" Zenyatta tilted his head.
"Yeah--I mean no--I mean yeah--I mean we can just hang out! You don't need to be doing all the... 'meditation mantra training' thing!"
"No, but... I do very much appreciate your curiosity. And it makes me happy to offer advice to my friend."
"Well yeah, but--" Hana huffed. "Do you ever turn off?"
"Omnics can enter a low-power mode," Zenyatta said blithely.
"I mean the whole selfless, self-sacrificing thing," Hana said flatly.
"I could ask you the same thing," Zenyatta responded, "I suppose we could simply both learn to course-correct together."
About a week and a half had passed since that day, and Zenyatta was quietly meditating in one of his favorite spots on the watchpoint cliffs overlooking the sea. He heard someone clear their throat behind him and glanced over his shoulder.
"Uh--hey," Hana gave an awkward wave. "Room for one more?"
Zenyatta wordlessly scooted to one side and Hana plopped down next to him. She closed her eyes and took a long steady breath.
"Grass jelly tea," she said, very quietly to herself, "Grass jelly tea..."
She opened one eye at Zenyatta, expectantly.
"You're doing fine," said Zenyatta, "Though, of course, you are a better judge of your own thoughts than I am. Your mantra is your companion. It is not a bludgeon against your other thoughts."
"Okay, okay, okay--" Hana shut both her eyes and took another deep breath. "Grass jelly tea..." she said again.
"Hana?" Zenyatta spoke up.
"What? What am I doing wrong? It's the mantra. I knew it. The mantra's dumb, isn't it?"
"I like your mantra," said Zenyatta, "I simply wished to say that I watched your stream last night, and I enjoyed it greatly. It is wonderful to see how loved you are by your fans."
Hana blinked a few times. "Th-thanks... you could join the next one, if you want."
"That would be interesting..." said Zenyatta, "Now--as we were?"
Hana took another deep breath and settled where she was seated. "Grass jelly tea..." she said again.
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hellishere7980 · 11 months
IMW Chapter 13
Batman had seen a lot of great warriors and fighters in his career as a vigilante. He fought alongside many of them in the Justice League, and had fought against many others, and through all of that experience he was able to give an estimate on how skilled someone was by watching a single fight. Batman could confidently say that this heroine was on par with himself. Batman hadn’t had time to think and process it before the Watchtower delved into chaos once more and he snapped, telling everyone to be quiet and focus on the information. They would have time to talk about it all at the end but understanding everything was more important at the moment. The Flash snickered to break the silence, making a smart-ass comment about how he must not know anything about the Paris situation compared to them considering he was being “a grump” and Batman only had to send the metahuman a glare for the hero to stop talking. The Flash was right, he didn’t have a clue what was going on and he wanted to know everything before they discussed it, but he wasn’t about to tell any of them that. After this, it showed a news broadcast in which Lady Miracle declared her new persona and revealed that Paris was free of Hawkmoth, Mayura and Shadowmoth's reign of terror. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
After the Justice League meeting winded up, it was decided that Wonder Woman would reach out to Lady Miracle to see how to proceed afterwards. All the magical users of the JL were excited and desperate to meet Lady Miracle since her magic was ancient and concerningly bottomless.
The Bats returned to the cave. Dick and Jason turned towards Bruce. Jason- YOU SHIPPED HER OFF TO KEEP HER SAFE AND SHE HAS BEEN HELD HOSTAGE BY A TERRORIST!
Dick- YOU SAID YOU WERE KEEPING AN EYE ON HER! Bruce, we trusted you to keep Isabella safe. You sent her away, but instead of protecting her, she was thrown into a warzone. How could you let this happen?
Bruce- Richard, I thought it was for the best. I wanted to shield her from the darkness that consumes our lives. I made a grave mistake.
Damian- Father, who is this Isabella?
Bruce sighed heavily- Isabella is my daughter, born out of a past relationship. I kept her hidden, thinking it would keep her safe.
Jason- We ALL saw how that turned out.
Damian- Father, I am your true son, yet you sent away this Isabella? Why?
Jason- ‘cuz he is a DOUCHEBAG! I’m going out for some air.
Dick- Me too
Jason/Dick’s POV His little sister had died. She had DIED! The whole point of staying away and making sure no one could ever connect with them, was to ensure her safety. Instead she had died! She had died repeatedly, and he had been none the wiser. She had died, and HE HADN’T BEEN THERE! She had been hurt, and he hadn't protected her. She had suffered. His stomach twisted at the thought, as the bitter thoughts of self loathing threatened the pit madness again. He could already see the tinge of green creeping into his vision.
After Bruce left in a hurry, Alfred explained it all. Isabella or as Alfred liked to call her- Miss Bella was the biological daughter of Bruce. As long as she was here, she was kept within the confinements of the Wayne Manor despite everyone but Bruce’s views. She was however shipped off to Paris without any forewarning when Jason died, was not allowed to attend his funeral and in their opinions, horribly treated by Bruce.
When Bruce returned, he looked like he had been crying. He turned to Tim.
B- Please find her.
Tim sighed.
All of them surrounded Tim as he sat down in front of the Bat-computer and started searching. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. They found basic school records and stuff and soon a court recording came up. And a new link towards Marinette Luscinia.
Dick- What the hell is this?
Tim- It looks like… A COURT SUIT?! Jason- WTF!? Tim- Lemme pull up a summary. … … … After 2 hours of pure research and horror. Alarm sounds in the cave. Computer Voice- Justice League meeting now. Wonder Woman is returning to the Watchtower with Lady Miracle. Bruce- We will get back to this when we return.
Watchtower All the league members arrived and stood according to their ranks in the main room. Lady Miracle’s power, her magic filled the room. Every eye within the room turned to them as they emerged from the portal. Wonder Woman went and stood with the JL. Lady Miracle’s magic flowed around them like a breeze that whispered through the Watchtower. The woman stood strong in armour, lined in black. It was cut for easy movement, and fitted to accentuate the woman's form. Her suit revealed the slight but hard muscle of her arms. The base layer was scaled fabric of black and gold that shimmered metallic in the light. But it moved with the woman, like a second skin, as she stepped forward in armoured boots, also of black. The woman's features were hidden by black mask lined with gold that covered half of her face. Her midnight black hair was pulled back. However, what they found the most hypnotic was her eyes. They practically glowed inside her dark mask. Like sapphires tinted with gold sparks. She walked towards them with confidence. Superman stepped forward.
Superman- Greetings Lady Miracle!
Lady Miracle- Bonjour Superman. Wonder Woman stated you wanted to talk about the events that transpired in Paris?
Superman- Indeed.
Lady Miracle- Very well. You may ask your questions.
Superman- Do you mind carrying this discussion in the meeting room?
Lady Miracle- Not at all.
All the leaguers and Lady Miracle proceeded to the meeting room. After taking their seats, Batman began.
Batman- Lady Miracle we wish to know your account of what happened in Paris all these years first and then, we can move on to the other questions?
Lady Miracle- If that is what you want.
Martian Manhunter- When and how did you get your Miraculous?
Lady Miracle- I got my miraculous on the day Stoneheart attacked. I was just an untrained civilian. I *deep breath in* was a terrified little girl who was told that it had to be me no matter how much I disagreed. Previously I was told that I was not cut out to be a hero. So, that contrasted *chuckle* I didn’t have training. I didn’t have a mentor and I was a clumsy, anxious thirteen-year-old. I didn’t meet the Grand Guardian until months later when I was already established and trusted by the people of Paris. I had to make a decision to be Ladybug or let someone die, and I chose the former. I don’t regret my decision. I knew I had made the right choice as I stood against Hawkmoth on the Eiffel Tower, but a thirteen-year-old should never have been forced to make that decision.
Red Hood- Who would be stupid enough to tell you that you can't be a hero? You totally rocked out there!
Lady Miracle- You would be surprised.
Zatana- Could you explain the powers of the miraculous more? Majority of the magical users here have been told that they were a myth.
Lady Miracle- The universe with the creation of the Kwami of Creation, my first Kwami, Tikki. It was followed by her counterpart, the Kwami of Destruction, Plagg. After them came the Kwami of Time and Evolution, Fluff and with her birth, time was also born. The other Kwami’s followed afterwards. Kwami are proper gods or concepts. For millennials they existed peacefully. Each Kwami gave rise to their creations and blessed souls. These souls held a part of the Kwami’s themselves called their Chosens. I am one of them. I will get back to that later. As time went on a True Guardian bound these gods on their demands to pieces of jewellery thus, the miraculous came into existence. Then he fell in love and started a family on Earth, as he swore to protect the miraculous, the miraculous were grouped into miracle boxes, the most powerful being the mother miracle box. The one in my possession. It holds the kwami’s of Creation, Destruction, Action, Illusion, Protection, Emotion, Transmission, Time and Evolution, Repetition, etc.
There was silence within the Watchtower as the Justice League and Young Justice, all of the leaguers sat mystified by the knowledge and the younger ones were openly gaping.
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bookwyirm · 6 months
At your earliest convenience (Part 1)
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There’s something about working at a 7-11 at 2 am that’s incredibly peaceful. It’s been about an hour since you last saw a customer, and the hum of the vent that blows icy air down on you lulls you into a light doze. That is until the sliding doors open with that annoying chime that jolts you right back awake.
You shove your hair back from your face and straighten up, trying to show some semblance of professionalism “Welcome to…” The words die in your mouth when the newcomer drags himself to the counter and the acrid scent of booze hits your nose.
His silky white shirt is wrinkled and the buttons are popped almost all the way to his stomach, he smiles at you but his red eyes are blown wide and wet with tears that refuse to fall. “Hello darling,” he purrs leaning heavily on the counter. He eyes your apron “You look lovely tonight. Let me guess, minimum wage chic?”
You frown, trying not to inhale too deeply “Yeah? Well you look like shit.” The jab isn’t as eloquent as you would’ve liked, but it gets the desired reaction. A mock pout crosses his face.
“You wound me darling,” He stumbles into a 360 spin “surely you can’t resist all this.”
“Are you even gonna buy anything?”
His eyes roll “Pushy.” Despite his protest he saunters over to the refrigerator grabbing a coffee. You scan it quickly. “That’ll be 3.75,” your eyes meet his expectantly, but he doesn’t even pretend to look for his wallet.
“Oh my, it appears that I’ve forgotten my wallet. Isn’t there any other way I could reimburse you?” Icy fingers dance over the back of your hand as he gives you a sultry smile.
You pull away with a scowl “Haven’t you whored yourself out enough today?” His smile freezes on his face, for the first time tonight, it seems you’ve struck a nerve. It doesn’t fill you with the satisfaction you thought it would though. You look away guiltily “Just take the damn coffee.”
He snatches the bottle, flopping down into the creaky metal chair by the counter. There’s a far away look in his eyes, and you try to patch the mess you just made.
“Rough night?”
His eyes slide to yours, a bitter smile crossing his face “What do you think? Since you know so much about me.” He spits. Right.
“Sorry ok? That was a dumb thing to say.” He shrugs sipping his coffee with tight lips. “C’mon. Just…free coffee for a week?” He perks up.
“My emotional duress is worth more than a week of free coffee darling.”
“Two weeks.” He looks away, a dramatic, melancholy gaze in his eyes. “Two and a half weeks, I can’t afford more than that.”
“Offer accepted. I appreciate your swift apology darling.” His inclines his upper body, a mock bow in the chair. But the buzzing of a notification stops the words that are about to come out of his mouth. He looks at his phone, and if it’s possible, turns paler than before. He stands quickly shoving the device in his pocket. “I must go.”
“You didn’t even finish your coffee-”
He isn’t listening to you. His hands fly to button up his shirt and smooth down his hair. His pupils have turned to pinpricks, whatever he saw on that screen instantly sobered him up. A desperate look crosses his face. “Please tell me you have a mint.” He pleads as a sleek limo pulls up.
“Um…” Your slight hesitation gives you the chance to see the fear in his eyes. A tall thin man with dark hair steps out of the car, his arms impatiently folded. His cold gaze sends a shiver down your spine, but he’s not looking at you. He’s looking at Astarion, like he’s a meal just waiting to be devoured.
That must be his pimp…
You fumble for some gum you keep in your purse, he takes it with a grateful look before hurriedly leaving the store. His whole demeanor changes as he greets the mysterious man.
He bows and the man grabs his chin, cruelly yanking him up. He crushes his lips against Astarions. You look away, feeling awkward at the sudden affection, if it could be called that. When the car door slams you look back just in time to see the limo screech off. What a weird day.
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thewritingstar · 5 months
Pls do a story of bc and butch with kinda nsfw🙏💕
Merry Christmas! I hope all of you had a wonderful holidays and hope the new year treats you all well. This might be the only fic I posted this year (ik ik) but for some reason when I saw this ask, my fingers danced across the keyboard and I didn't think twice about things. It felt freeing and fresh and I haven't written like this in such a long time, I had almost forgotten that I could.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this. I will say it is very slight nsfw, I may not even consider it that either. But this is where my mind took me. I was looking at a more fluffy approach to their relationship so I do hope you like it. (if its not what you had in mind, send in another request)
I hope everyone enjoys reading this and I hope I can continue to post more next year because I do love writing. Requests are always open :)
Rating: T (some sexual themes implied)
Hummingbird Heartbeat
Adrenaline, it makes you do crazy things.
It was one of her favorite things. Doing crazy things to get that sensation that ices over your body and your heart pounding. It was rare that her hands would get sweaty from anticipation or that her heart beat a little too fast. However, she tried anything to get that feeling.
Maybe she was a junkie for it. Maybe it wasn't that healthy to want to feel that way. It wasn't like she wanted it constantly, but when you can fly and shoot lasers and see the world in a different way, your standards become a little higher.
Rollercoasters were one that most people did. So Buttercup and her friends would fill up in Mitch's shitty van and go to the nearest theme parks to get that adrenaline coursing through their bodies. It was satisfying for a moment but she needed more.
Once Butch became part of their pack in high school, thats when it got good. They would race each other in the sky and throw chunks of buildings at each other. Sometimes they would fly up to the top of a skyscraper and free fall until they were an inch from the ground and see who would fly first.
They were always getting into dangerous situations but never involving their other friends because Buttercup might be fearless, but she wasn't stupid. Sometimes these things were just for the two of them.
But even when she would close her eyes and gravity would take hold of her, that anticipation still wouldn't get the smallest itch out of her system. She was afraid that she never would get that feeling.
She had told him of this stupid idea in her head about not getting to feel a rush beyond the usual. Perhaps it wasn't possible. He would listen and then suggest deep diving into the ocean or running though a fire. She said no to the latter.
Then one night in the summer after they had graduated, they went to the forest. They came here often enough that she had memorized a few of the trees wood patterns.
It was just the two of them. It was normal for them to hang out but lately she's been wanting it more. She loves her friends but there was something about being around someone who knew your mind before you've even spoken a word.
She thought it was gonna be one of those nights where they float above the trees and gossip about everything and nothing at all. It could be a serious talk night where they share their troubles and let them soar until they reach the stars.
When they got to their spot, Butch took out a bandana that had a dark green swirly pattern on it. Buttercup raised her eyebrows.
"What am I suppose to do with this?" She questioned.
He only laughed and approached her. He spun her around so she faced the trees and covered her eyes. His chest was against her back much closer than they had been before. His fingertips brushed some of her hair and he was gentle as he tied it.
"Fly." He whispered in her ear.
They say that your other senses get heightened once one is removed. Right now all she could focus on was the smell of his cologne. Pine and campfire, a slight smoke to him that she desperately tried not to take a deep breath to smell him better.
Her heart pounded when he told her to fly.
"I can't see." She whispered.
Why was she whispering? Why did she feel small when they were the only ones here?
She could feel his laugh on her neck.
"No shit. I'm gonna tell you where to go so you don't smack into a tree."
She had never heard him so serious.
"I promise." He whispered to her.
Slowly her feet came off the ground. She wasn't as scared as she was worried. She didn't want to crash but the trees were so close to each other that she wasn't sure if flying through them with her sight would have her not have a scrape or two.
But instead of coming back down, she bolted into the trees. She could feel the wind in her hair and Butch calling behind her.
"Right! Left" Left! Right"
Even though she couldn't see, she didn't feel anything but the rush. Sometimes she would turn over or do a corkscrew and hear Butch laugh behind her. If a tree branch did hit her, she didn't feel it. She only felt alive.
"You're doing great, Doll!" She could hear his voice.
Doll. That was the nickname he had for her. It didn't suite her. Not like the other ones. Sugar for Bubbles was common for most people to use. It lost any sliver of endearment and Butch liked to called that usually when he was being sarcastic with her.
She once asked him why he called her doll but he only shrugged. He said something about not even realizing that he did it. She dropped it after but she noticed every time. She also would call him doll in spite of him, but he never seemed to mind.
Her heart picked up and she wasn't sure if it was the thought of connecting with a tree in a millisecond. So she kept going for a few more minutes until Butch told her to ease up and they came across a small clearing.
Her feet connected to the ground and she took off the blindfold with a smile.
"That was crazy!" She jumped up. It was definitely a rush she had craved. "I've never felt more alive!" She shouted to the open sky.
"See told you I wouldn't let you crash." He smiled as he join her on the earth.
Maybe it was the adrenaline pumping through her and maybe it was a mix of emotions. Maybe it was the way the moonlight captured his face. Maybe it was the way her heart always seemed to beat around him. Maybe, just maybe, she craved something more.
And maybe she grabbed the front of his black shirt and yanked him until their lips smashed together. Maybe it was the way that he didn't hesitate for a single second and pulled her closer. Or maybe it was the way that when they pulled a part for a single second he whispered,
Finally, against her lips.
Somehow her back was against a tree and she didn't mind the slight roughness. Her hand found his hair and her legs found their way around his waist.
Sometimes she would lay in her bed and stare at the ceiling while her sisters were asleep and think about his eyes. How they were a dark velvety green but the light could capture them in a way that would make her lips part slightly. She would think about what would happened if she admitted something she didn't believe herself. She would mostly think about how it would be to kiss him.
She didn't wonder anymore.
It was warm and felt perfect. One of his hands stabilized him with the tree and the other held was holding her up at her ass. Ever so often his lips would turn up into a smirk when he gave a small squeeze and a noise she would never let anyone else hear except him would escape her.
They made out for a while and her hand slipped under his shirt and traced against his abs. She wanted more. She wanted this to not be some flimsy make out session in the woods where they would never speak about it again. She didn't want to go to college in the fall without her hand in his. She didn't want anything but him.
Because kissing him sent an electric pulse through her in a way it never has before. No amount of rollercoasters, free falling or daring each other to do dumb shit could give her this rush. Maybe her hormones were going ballistic and maybe it was the moment itself, but she could feel the world shift and the stars started to align. Perhaps thats too much but thats what it felt like. Perfection.
She liked the way his body molded to hers. A perfect fit like a puzzle piece. Yes it was clique but to think that someone was made especially for her but if she was honest, it was true. Who else got to say that some genius monkey decided to create your own personal destruction? Little did that monkey realize, he created all her desires.
Butch shifted until there was no space between them. Until the bulge in his pants was felt by her and grinding to a shaky rhythm. She wanted to ignore that feeling and focus on his lips, not because she didn't want to feel him, but because she could feel just how much there was of him. She was certain if they started anything else against this tree, they wouldn't stop till morning.
"Butch." She moaned into his mouth.
"Yeah?" He grunted and suddenly his hand was under her shirt and she shivered as she remembered she didn't wear a bra.
His lips found her neck and she's trying her best to remember what she was gonna say. The rush is too much in the best way possible. While he's busy making her blush and pant, her brain decides to remember it all.
"This isn't it, right?" She say between breaths.
He stops and looks at her. His pupils are blown wide and a sloppy smirk is on his face that he can't remove.
"Whats it?"
His fingers are still tracing her skin under her shirt.
"This." She points between each other and now she feels like an idiot for ruining the moment.
Of course he surprise her when he places a quick kiss against her lips. Its much softer and tended then before and its more gentle than anything.
"I hope not." He says. "Its okay if it is, if that what you want, but I'm not very good at lying to you so there's no point."
It was true. Butch could put on a performance for the cops or his dads, even his brothers to get out of trouble. But no matter how hard he tried, he could never keep anything from her. Not even when they were younger and hated each others guts. Blossom would grill the boys and they wouldn't budge but then they would locked eyes and his mouth would open.
She smiled. "Good, yeah thats good. I don't want this to be it."
Her feet came back to the ground and she smooth her shirt as he fixed her hair.
"Its a shame you didn't bring your car." She said as they walked.
"Why would I bring my car if we can fly?" He questioned.
She decided that he looked cute, very cute, when he didn't pick up on things.
"Oh, no reason." She shrugged.
She saw his eyes widened and she could have sworn he blushed. Never thought she would see the day that Butch would get shy.
His hand rubbed the back of his neck.
"I just wasn't thinking about that."
"I know." She smiled. "Still, it would of been fun."
He shrugged. "I don't know. I mean yes it would because who wouldn't want that, but I'd like to have more room than the back of my car."
"Why you don't want me pressed up against the window? Or better, me on top of you until not even the air can get between us?" She teased and their fingers touched.
Butch held in a groan. No doubt the image was running through his mind. "Well when you put it like that."
Buttercup laughed and hit his arm. She then wrapped her arm around his bicep and tried to keep it together when she felt him flex. She felt giddy and light. It was weird. Usually she was tough and content with everything around her but the smile would not come off her face. Maybe this is what being Bubbles was like. Maybe she understood her sister more. Or maybe she was just in a haze from him.
They arrived at the entrance of the forest where they had started. It was well into the night and she held down a yawn. She didn't want to leave yet, she just wanted to stay and be held by him.
"I don't want to leave." Butch said. She liked that they were on the same page.
"Me either."
He turned and tilted her chin up so he could see her eyes.
"How about tomorrow I pick you up in my car and we go and get breakfast and see a shitty movie at the drive in at night?"
"Butch Jojo are you asking me out on a date?" Again with her teasing. They always teased each other and she hoped it was still okay if they were together.
"I guess so. But you will be paying if you want any of this and I'm not a cheap date." He gestured to his body.
She rolled her eyes and stood on her toes and flung her arms around his shoulders. She probably could have floated up to be at his eye level, but it felt more romantic this way.
"I'd pay anything for you." She said and kissed him again.
He pulled away and brushed her bangs from her eyes.
"I'll see you tomorrow gorgeous." He said. "I'd fly you home but I'm scared of your sisters if they see me."
He was not joking.
She understood and she didn't want him to either. She didn't want anyone to know right now just because she just figured it out too. It was hers for a moment and she want to bask in it for a little.
He pressed one more quick kiss to her lips before letting her fly off into the night.
She arrived home to Bubbles passed out on her bed and Blossom sitting with a book with a small light on.
Buttercup said nothing as she kicked off her shoes and changed into her pajamas. She tried not to notice Blossoms stare on her but it was nearly impossible as she slid into her bed.
"Have a nice night?" Blossom asked as her book was set on her nightstand.
"Yep." Buttercup said she stared at her nails.
Buttercup made the mistake of looking up at her sister who stared at her with a knowing expression. Blossoms lips curled up into a smile.
"What?" Buttercup asked and she felt her heart pick up.
"Nothing, I'm just glad you had a good night."
"Oh, yeah. It was fun. Well good night."
The sound of the lamp flicking off didn't have Buttercup close her eyes. Instead she stared at her ceiling where dim plastic stars glowed. Her smile still didn't leave as she replayed her night in her head and the possibilities of tomorrow.
She began to close her eyes and drift to sleep before she heard her older sister whisper,
"Your lipstick was smudged."
"Blossom not now-"
"Lipstick?" Bubbles voice cracked in the dark.
"All over her mouth like an animal with rabies." Blossom added.
"Oooo" Bubbles giggled.
"No, shut up." Buttercup threatened.
"You owe me five bucks Blossy."
"Five bucks!" Buttercup whined.
"Could of been ten if we got to Christmas." Blossom laughed.
"I hate both of you."
Bubbles giggled again. "Well we love you."
"So what time is he picking you up tomorrow?" Blossom asked smugly.
Now she wanted to throw her pillows at them. Buttercup flipped over on her side, back to her sisters to hide her blush even though they couldn't see her to begin with.
"Oooooooo." They both cooed at the same time.
"Go to bed!"
Her sisters laughter died down eventually just in time for Buttercup's phone to light up.
Sweet dreams, Doll
She had felt the rush of adrenaline thousands of times, yet right now, seeing that message, scratched the itch that she had craved for years.
Thank you so much for reading!!! I appreciate you taking the time to read/ leave comments.
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