#fear of aging
fandommemequeen · 2 years
"my child is fine" ur child fears their own death more than anything and isnt prepared for a life where they arent a child anymore
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avpd culture is amplification of the fear of aging that society tries to instil because you've hardly had any interpersonal relationships in your youth
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screamingsilence · 11 months
Philosophizing Philosophically
I think about the scene in Hook when Captain Hook has Peter Pan’s son smash all of the clocks.
Captain Hook was the spokesperson for growing up and yet, in that scene, he stopped time.
What if we could all just smash the right clock and make time stop?
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wanderingmind867 · 1 year
In exactly a week's time (next Monday), I turn 18. This is very scary to me. It makes me think of the future, that horrifying unknown. What happens if I end up alone? Or if I have no job? These are the thoughts that run through my mind. It's incredibly stressful, and I hate it very much.
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winonakaysstuff · 10 months
yes i'm scared of getting older, yes i want to be a goth old lady who treats all young queer people like her grandchildren, what of it?
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notyourgirlloser · 1 year
id sell my soul to forever be a teenage girl
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sergeantflick · 1 year
✨I'm so excited for when I get wrinkles because they will be from laughter and orgasms ✨
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blabbershere · 1 year
And I've never felt so alone, feels so scary getting old.
- Lorde // Ribs
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Been thinking about . . .
. . . getting older, which has been going on for awhile with me - I'm 73, and every day I marvel, with wonder and dismay, at the condition my body is in and how I feel. As my vision has become troubled, I am now aware that there is a physical veil that is coming between me and the world. Not at all what I thought would happen eventually - but of course I never thought about it at all when I was younger. I have become that old man who - when I did bother to think about it - seemed pitiable.
So explain to me why I am happier than I have ever been in my life. I feel wiser, more content, more aware of the awesome beauty of simple things in my yard, in the sky, in the world.
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mayowitch · 1 year
Because he had no say in it, no say in it at all!
Tomorrow will be my birthday.
Every year I am asked: "So, do you feel any different?"
(Yes, every year my joints crack louder and my bones feel one step closer to fossilisation and whenever I go for a walk I wake up tired the next day and if this is how I feel now I can't imagine what agony old age must be. Is it always like this? Has it always been like this? Are we all pretending or just me?)
“No, not really…” I laugh it off awkwardly. How charming.
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touchingthevoid · 1 year
I can’t deal with the fact that I’m ageing. And I really am ageing. Doors are closing. Horizons are narrowing. Opportunities are becoming increasingly limited.
20 years ago feels like yesterday. Although I can’t say I’ve wasted the last 20 years, I can certainly say that, unlike today, 20 years ago, it was easy to become whomever I wished to be become. Look the way I wanted to look. Live how and where I wanted to live.
Time is awfully unforgiving, and the clock only moves in one direction. The walls of age keep getting reinforced by it, and I feel like, soon enough, they’re be caving in on me.
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despondent-cretin · 2 years
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lesbianfakir · 1 month
You’re placed in a room with an animal. The door is closed and you cannot leave. The animal is completely calm and has no intent of harming you. You are in no danger unless you provoke the animal in some way.
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biplet · 1 year
“Straws give you wrinkles” “sunlight gives you age spots” “smiling with your eyes gives you laugh lines” okay but what if I did that. What if I drank Vanilla Coke from a bendy straw and danced in the sunlight and laughed with reckless abandon. What then. We all age we all get wrinkles we all grow old and dammit I will do it with the sun on my face and the joy of life at my back
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ear-worthy · 1 year
Science Vs Latest Episode: Is There A Fountain Of Youth?
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 There are a lot of fads, blogs, and strong opinions, and then there’s the Science Vs podcast from Gimlet, a Spotify Studio, to break down what’s fact, what’s not, and what’s somewhere in between. In today's society, a "wake-up call" is needed since so many political extremists seem to pronounce their expertise in a scientific myth that they've garnered from Facebook or some right-wing podcaster. To them, everything is either a hoax, the deep state or a conspiracy.
That's why Science Vs continues to act as the light that prevents the darkness from taking over. Research, analysis, and factual accuracy dominate on this podcast. How refreshing.
The simple question of what actually works when it comes to keeping our skin looking young and fresh has become confused by the billion-dollar skincare industry, which floods us with scientific-sounding claims that we need to put expensive chemicals on our face, but - are these fancy creams actually doing anything?
 In this new episode, host Wendy Zukerman pits facts against fine lines to seek out the real science behind trying to engineer a fountain of youth. Wendy speaks with dermatologist Dr. Natalia Spierings, pharmacist Dr. Szu Wong, and journalist Kirsten Drysdale, examining why we get wrinkles and the promises of the skincare industry to ask whether we can actually put something on our skin to prevent wrinkles or make them go away. Some key takeaways from the episode include:
●      As we get older, there are fewer proteins like elastin and collagen, which give our skin structure. In addition to the process of aging, UV rays from the sun can also penetrate into the skin, damaging that elastin and collagen. This is why baby skin is always so smooth, and older people’s skin is a little more rough.
●      It’s incredibly difficult for an ingredient to go from skin application to get deep into the skin. It has to start by passing through the top layer of skin barrier, the stratum corneum. To get through, it needs to be fat soluble, which takes a bunch of skincare products out of the game like one popular ingredient, Vitamin C, which is water-soluble so can’t really penetrate the skin. Secondly, the space between the cells that they’re trying to squeeze past is tiny, which eliminates a whole other load of skincare products including Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid.
●      One of the most common chemicals that people put on their skin to prevent wrinkles is Vitamin A creams. The one you’ve probably heard of is Retinol, and then there's a prescription version called Tretinoin or Tret, which is mostly used for acne. Studies going back decades show that for some people, when putting tretinoin on their skin for months, it can help stop the degradation of collagen and elastin. However, over the counter Vitamin A creams might not work that well for wrinkles…
●      Before wrinkles set in, or to prevent bigger ones from forming, the only thing that comes in a bottle that you really need is SUNSCREEN.
So check out this latest episode to learn more about the science of aging. 
It was author Dan Wakefield who waxed philosophically on the challenge of aging.
 "That's why it's so hard to look in a mirror. You are looking at yourself, but you don't recognize yourself. It's a shock. The person you see is older, and heavier, and has wrinkles. But you don't feel that way inside, and it's hard to believe that's how you really look now, how other people see you."
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abbylotus · 1 year
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I have learnt a lot in this past 7 years since I turned 30. There was this doom and gloom placed on 30+ which we all feared as women, but the opposite was the truth.
Things I have done in my 30s
Learnt to ride a bike, cuz I didn't have one growing up
Learnt to braid my own hair and for others
Learnt self acceptance
Learnt marriage is not the ultimate goal
Learnt to say no to things that bring no joy
Learnt about plants and gardening
Learnt to enjoy my own company
There are a lot more, so don't let them tell you otherwise.
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