#enjoying the view on The Enduring Deeds
claire-ashe · 1 month
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"You know, being part of a merchant ship's crew isn't that bad after all."
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floofgryph · 1 month
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Svyatopolk Tchaikovsky
Species: Human
Birthday: June 16th
Age: 32
Sexuality: Gay
One of the caretakers of Demaryius’ younger children
Chef of Homeworld
Financier of Homeworld
Commercial photographer
A cook at a decent restaurant (formerly)
Derzhatel Obshchaka of the Stavropolskaya Bratva (formerly)
Shestyorka of the Stavropolskaya Bratva (temporarily)
Enhanced durability, endurance, regeneration, stamina, strength, hearing, smell, speed, stealth, tracking, and mauling
Mastery over culinary skills and techniques, stealing, philosophy, psychology, photography, child caregiving, persuasion, and financial management
He possesses an automatic response and intuition for combat
He can spew toxic gasses and streams of highly corrosive acid
He can tap into a feral mind whenever it’s needed
Parasite immunity (only Baylisascaris transfuga can affect him)
Elemental manipulation
Thermal resistance
Pain suppression
Night vision
Super bite
Personality: He has mild depression as well as repressed trauma that aggressively affects them when horrible memories of his past resurfaces. He shows immense bravery, but will crack under pressure when he comes across something or witnesses an event that reminds him of his troubled past. As a schizophrenic, he experiences hallucinations, delusions, disorganised speech, difficulty with thinking, lack of motivation, and more. He possesses an inferiority complex due to past trauma, combatting this through performing good deeds and helping others. He occasionally experiences suicidal thoughts, which he tries to drown out either through social interactions or taking amphetamines and fentanyl. Amphetamines increase his sex drive, make him more talkative and energetic, and boost his happiness and confidence. When coming down from amphetamine use, he becomes paranoid and irritable, and experiences high and low mood swings. Fentanyl makes him feel euphoric and confused, relieves him from pain, and causes mood instability.
He’s often kind-hearted and gentle, but that changes when he or the people he’s close to feel threatened or has been harmed. He becomes fairly violent and cruel, and won’t admit to the fact that he can come off as slightly sadistic during those instances. He comes across as fearsome and unnerving at first, but will slowly reveal his respect, kindness, and compassion overtime. Despite being a stoic, he’ll rant about his problems and reveal his buried emotions when he really needs to let it out. He’s a workaholic who finds passionate comfort in his culinary, financial, and caretaking duties Homeworld, but will take a break when absolutely necessary. He places great values on generosity and loyalty, and can be overprotective of children and individuals he sincerely cares about. He possesses impressive street knowledge and is a hardcore maltheist, but he views Demaryius as the only benevolent god. He’s somewhat cynical and carefully attentive to all situations and concentrates on noticing any danger or trouble that might arise.
Likes: The good memories he has of Vsevolod, knowing that other people enjoy his food, seeing Percy smile, watching snowstorms from inside, fossils, scientific thinking, ancient architecture, caregiving, surrealistic photography, and autobiographical writing
Dislikes: People wasting perfectly fine food, feeling useless and inferior, seeing Percy hurt and sad, alcoholic beverages, unlawful activities, fire, horrible parenting, matryoshka dolls, those who are annoying and force their religious beliefs onto others, and depravity
Vsevolod’s Dymkovo toy of a pennywhistle spoon-billed sandpiper
A polar bear pelt that greatly enhances his mental endurance and physical might
A dark blue handbell
A garmon
A butcher knife
A throwing spear made from angelic light
A yellow-and-green OSV-96
A RG-6
Physical and outfit appearance: 
He’s a 6 ft (182.88 cm) ectomorph with an inverted triangular figure, an average musculature, and a square chest. He has small burnt holes scattered across his chest as well as whip and cut marks on his back, lower torso, buttocks, and arms. His right arm has been amputated and his left arm is covered in barely noticeable needle marks. He has dull-looking cerulean eyes, mildly tan skin, and dark brown copper hair in a soft and spiky tapered cut with stubble. On his left outer thigh, it depicts a bloodied white bear with a brownish back devouring a jaculus and standing in icy blue water.
After consuming Demaryius’ blood, he’s now 6’ 9” (205.74 cm) with a noticeably muscular build and sickly pale skin. He still retains all of his scars, but his skin is now uncomfortably rough and slightly burnt-looking. His chest is covered in brown bear fur, and he possesses slightly pointed ears, pharyngeal jaws, and metallic claws. He has dull cerulean eyes with slit reef gold pupils, ocean green outlining, and purplish-black sclera. He possesses a flame-coloured, fish-scaled dragon tail that looks devilish and his hair seems to be somewhat greying. He has pinkish-black horns that grow in response to the empowerment abilities of his polar bear pelt and his pain suppression, needing to trim them when it becomes too burdensome.
In his casual outfit, he wears a bluish-white T-shirt, a coyote fur ushanka with earflaps, and an eggplant purple bomber jacket with black sheepskin lining. He dons cargo pants with six utility pockets and millbrook, gurkha, mirage, and olive green camouflage colours. He has brownish-purple sneakers with three yellow-orange bands on both shoes, and a silver chain necklace. On his left wrist, he wears a ruby and sapphire beaded bracelet that spells the Russian word for brotherhood in pink lettering.
In his working outfit, he sometimes dons a realistic Ussuri brown bear mask, and his amputated arm is covered by pauldron, rerebrace, counter, vambrace, and gauntlet. His armoured right arm is blue-green with phosphorescent yellow-orange veins and the whole design looks draconic and intimidating. His left hand is covered in a safety yellow glove, and he’s wearing dark red dress boots with a glossy sheen. He dons a black apron with a khokhloma pattern in red, gold, and emerald green, which depicts a firebird in the centre with floral decorations surrounding it. When he’s cooking, he dons a dark purple cap with a black fishnet as it’ll be disgusting if his hair managed to get into his food. He still wears the cargo pants, bluish-white T-shirt, and silver chain necklace from his casual outfit.
Unnamed grandfather
Unnamed parents
Vsevolod Tchaikovsky (younger brother)
Biography: He and his younger brother, Vsevolod, were born near Stavropol into a neglectful, physically abusive, and emotionally distant family. Their grandfather was deaf and blind, unaware of their presence, but would smoke cigars and sit in front of the TV. Their mother was a mentally unstable nicotine addict who had a knack for forcing her eldest son to take drugs with her, especially heroin, amphetamines, cocaine, and crystal meth. Svyatopolk was “an obedient little puppy” in her eyes, while she verbally abused Vsevolod due to his rebellious and fearful nature. His mother would occasionally use the upper torsos of Svyatopolk and his younger brother as an ashtray. Their father was a functioning alcoholic who worked a dead end job and would often physically abuse the two, especially Svyatopolk. He used whatever he can utilise as a weapon to physically hurt the two brothers, but broken bottles, his belt, and a baseball bat were his most common choices. He would often try to hurt Svyatopolk whenever his mother wasn’t paying attention or inside the house because she'd freak out if anything bad happened to him. During a drunken and furious state, his father once burned Svyatopolk’s hand by forcing it into their fireplace as punishment for breaking his mother’s favourite flower vase. His mother was angry by this, but it severely got on her nerves when her drunkard husband hurt her favourite son.
The two brothers were allowed to leave the house, but only if their father wasn’t around and they were behaving. During the time they were allowed to leave, Svyatopolk and Vsevolod would pickpocket people and steal basic necessities from themselves. They were also beginning to realise that the life that they’re stuck in isn’t normal, starting to yearn for a life outside their home. However, that changed when Svyatopolk got involved with a Russian mafia called the Stavropolskaya Bratva that provided illegal drugs and alcohol, becoming one of their Shestyorkas. The Pakhan noticed that Svyatopolk was quite persuasive and extremely good with money that he promoted him Derzhatel Obshchaka. He was on good terms with the Stavropolskaya Bratva and the Pakhan took special interest in helping him out once he learned about his horrible childhood. Most of the members understood what he was going through because they grew up in terrible households. This gave him motivation to come up with a secret plan to escape his shitty household and turn over a new leaf with Vsevolod. The Pakhan gave Svyatopolk his grandmother’s silenced pistol and he used it to kill his parents and grandfather. He and his younger brother quickly packed up their stuff and headed to a house that was secured with the Pakhan’s drug and alcohol money. Svyatopolk felt obligated to find another job in order to show his independence and aid Vsevolod’s future. So, he landed a job as a cook at a decent restaurant, which allowed him to further develop culinary skills.
Things were going smoothly in his regular and criminal life, but that would change when he came back home from a quick trip to the local convenience store. He noticed that Vsevolod went missing and he feared that the Stavropolskaya Bratva were responsible for this. After killing the Pakhan and most of the Stavropolskaya Bratva through his superb sharpshooting and stealthy skills, he came back home to find Vsevolod, bruised and almost stripped naked. He found out that a serial pedophile broke into his home and sexually assaulted Vsevolod, attempting to kill him in the process. For almost a month, Svyatopolk has been secretly looking for this pedophile in order to avenge the misery he caused to him and his younger brother. He eventually found the person who assaulted Vsevolod and brutally murdered them. When he came back home that day, he found out that the surviving members of the Stavropolskaya Bratva beheaded Vsevolod and burned down his house. This devastating event left him homeless, turning to couch-surfing and drugs to numb the trauma he’s been through. One day at midnight in a snowy park, he committed suicide by overdosing on heroin, fentanyl, and crystal meth, and burning himself alive with a stolen lighter. Demaryius was silently walking through the snowy park by himself when he smelled burning flesh and sensed someone’s sadness. He went to investigate and saw a dying Svyatopolk, deciding to bring him back to life by pouring some of his blood on his face. Once revived, Demaryius took him in as one of his children, becoming one of the caretakers in Homeworld. In order to further prove his usefulness, he became the chef of Homeworld, providing excellent foods for Demaryius and his soldiers.
Fun facts:
He has insomnia, epilepsy, and constipation issues
When it’s raining, he experiences nasty headaches
Due to taking fentanyl with amphetamines, he experiences heart strain and respiratory arrest
He possesses medications for his physical and mental health issues, but he has a bad habit of forgetting to take most of them.
He knows Ukrainian and Polish, some Chinese, and a bit of Hangul
He has difficulty speaking English and his thick Russian accent makes it hard to understand what he’s saying in English at times
He taught himself and his younger brother various subjects such as basic life lessons, science, religion, math, and Russian and world history through reading books that they stole from the local library.
He was raised as a Russian Orthodox Christian, but he gave up on their religious beliefs and became a maltheist. He did this because it felt as though God and Jesus didn’t care if he suffered a fate worse than death.
He tries to forget the fact that he used to be part of a criminal organisation, especially after they killed his younger brother.
He doesn’t want to come out of the closet due to his fear of harsh criticism and ridicule
He has managed to overcome his heroin and crystal meth addiction through the help of Percy and Sister Rosa, but he’s still struggling with amphetamines and fentanyl.
Due to Demaryius being a stressed out workaholic, he and Sister Rosa are responsible with the financial management of Homeworld.
He hates how Demaryius often neglects his mental and physical health due to his overpowering focus on work.
He amputated his right arm above the elbow because it became gangrenous after a lot of heroin use
He occasionally helps with teaching a few of the younger children how to cook and valuable caretaking skills
Whenever he isn’t working, he leaves his amputated arm uncovered as physical appearances don’t worry him the slightest.
He found out that he was gay after he looked through a pornographic magazine that his father secretly owned. It showed all women and none of the images were grabbing his attention sexually, but that changed when he watched a spy movie with attractive men.
Since he was a toddler, he has always had a profound fascination with bears and spoon-billed sandpipers. He views the bear as ferocious, club-footed, and mighty, and the spoon-billed sandpiper as the fragility of Earth’s biodiversity.
He doesn’t like matryoshka dolls because he sees it as a crude imitation of child-bearing
His favourite entertainment consist of melodrama plays, opera, nature documentaries, spy movies, cooking TV shows, cheesy motivational and funny cat videos, and survival horror video games.
His biggest comfort foods are pirozhki with borscht, shashlik, and Vsevolod’s favourite sweet dish, morozhenoe.
He prefers to drink raf coffee, sbiten, and ryazhenka
He avoids alcohol as it reminds him of his father
The only tea he’ll drink is when Miss Katherine makes chamomile and hibiscus teas, which are impressively good in his mind.
He originally viewed Percy as a narcissistic coward at first, but that changed when he began interacting with one another.
He was surprised that Percy has lingering substance abuse issues, which explains why he occasionally comes off as high and/or drunk.
He secretly has feelings for Percy, but he’s too afraid to admit them
He views Maverick as an unnecessary nuisance and a disgrace to the adult world due to his psychopathic tendencies and foolish nature.
He often goes to Rhodopis as a form of emotional support, especially when he’s experiencing a schizophrenic episode or he’s overwhelmed with suicidal thoughts.
Demaryius, Sister Rosa, and Homeworld belong to @nunezs-stuff
Miss Katherine belongs to @vanillafalvoredcoffee
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simslegacy5083 · 4 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 8 Ep. 186: Sweet Success
Luigi’s social disappointment induced urge to focus on his studies and earn early graduation stood him in good stead when finals rolled around.
Even though he’d only been hitting the books for a little while that hard work enabled him to get the highest scores on his exams. He was sure that he was well on his way now to being able to put high school drama behind him for good and move onto better things.
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On prom night his cousin Denton invited Luigi to a sleepover at the family’s ranch and nectar farm in Chestnut Ridge.
The boys had a great time hanging out, drinking juice, and playing videogames until the wee hours of the morning.
Luigi decided he was glad Haylee had turned him down – he was sure he’d had more fun hanging out with his cousin than he would have making small talk with a bunch of Sims he didn’t really like in the stuffy school auditorium.
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Luigi had avoided Haylee and her friends since the “prom incident”, no longer feeling safe and happy hanging out with them.
When he heard Haylee and the other computer club kids spreading nasty rumors about things the new girl, Isra, had supposedly done at her old school he was suspicious. Thinking of his Papa’s advice about verifying the truth and not prejudging folks, he quietly asked for more details.
Looking at the story critically the way his detective parents had taught revealed the rumors to be amateur tales fabricated to be amusing at the expense of an easy target. The injustice infuriated Luigi far more than the rudeness he’d endured, and he publicly called out Haylee and Mauricio for their part in making the new girl feel unwelcome. He now wondered if there had been some similar incident behind Haylee's fight with Bryon that had introduced him to the club.
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Luigi’s good deed seemed to have made him a new friend. Isra began seeking out his company during free periods. Haylee had never done that!
He and Isra didn’t have many interests in common, but it was nice to have a friend who really seemed to enjoy his company (and didn’t come with problematic friends and tendencies). She wasn’t bad looking either, although he was too busy rushing graduation to try starting a relationship just then.
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Sure enough, in no time Luigi was called into the principal’s office and learned that all his hard work had paid off.
When Ms. Kane offered him the opportunity to graduate early, he didn’t think twice before accepting. One new friendship wasn’t enough to make him want to stick around Cooperdale! Besides, if Isra turned out to be more than a friend of convenience, they could always see each other outside school.
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When he got home that afternoon Peachy insisted on taking the household out to celebrate. After a pleasant evening at the theater Luigi made his way to the side yard to spend some time with Papa Jack, telling him all about his latest achievement and his plans for the future.
Up in his room Luigi did one final thing before bed. As an early graduate he was eligible to apply to university. He filled out the forms, crossing his fingers that his grades and high-level programming skill would be enough to get him into Foxbury’s distinguished computer science degree program.
He drifted off to sleep dreaming of his graduation with top marks from Foxbury. He couldn’t wait to show the world what he could achieve!
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Want To See More? View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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libidomechanica · 2 months
Like Tom Waits
A ballad sequence
                In war with wrong, and thou proudly     in their look, thered less window’s arc above thee, ye backe     betray’d, my temples you
your form, in hear of a flame, glauncing,     which delight will with so rafte me learnd a less the kye.     Then grot, and snake, art that
there you drink and also the ponder     pipe gives us official, and make me of sin on     you were was his payment
wavering on bonfirme: for weeds     must began to bright star! In their better. She is the sung,     which, erring to enjoy.
Yet even the harden, the said     the whose Christian coast; how shall emong, but thee to know Io     Pæn sing in the
rivulet is altar-floored delighted     merry skies, letter objects bene, to say, those whose     nigheth sides over such
you said, How’s marriage in fairest     of this so sureless eye, and earth to thee her loves against     or failing pool the
had nothing: a cloud. Moment, her     e’re. Like Tom Waits. Between; with you backed in her grows give it.     Our two webbes in her
we braes, delight. For lovelin-     like a wise made lie! Which from whome say my unkindness in     pass. I have never learn!
                The angers either sounder, wakened it. Thou     of pains with a feat that he weary wind, whilst I, that vnto my paying her songs and dreams     as soon was official, and false enought
to society? Say that my flocks might-have-     beens, then he discovers indicative did Matthew is fright stars its gleaming, the twine,     and Thou can my jest, since his scarce had
there I hearts your live. Him off my turf growth, and the     pretty maiden daily at moment upon desires. His eye upon thy deeds, and     sing, my dust ygoe is morn of a flame
give met you dost travel where you art; to the glow-     worm he me, thouse beastes eclipse the rightes, that both: white-plast not endurance for Glory;     ’twere as easily thee, with her
foot all. In the dapper ditties, thou know for the     harm no more thy ever is desolate; all help but amazement, elegant, had grave.     With you do we men in the love, but
a cast once my room the unblest and tall murmur     in Princes I thin? Though his skin, where in here behold to dwell that rauishing June’s for some     means blind-hitting wit, as true life’s sae
shy; for any sea-shell rose, tho’ lost on earth our     with whom Juliana’s skies; no short beside the rule, wound. Poore Child complainting not foot coming     rounded and flame, both day wits stiff
and bushes flocks them I reading reigne of Cossette,     were green me do frame and steam which her face! That long as the iolly shepheards, my circle     just as fasten angel in that I
never then the kitchen, and hamstring that feele     not what somethings, and if the Myllers rownde did he, in heart dead, each him to playe: sike delights,     when now I could feign, too, and
sacrifice, white limb of life of earth lies take thou know     Love, ne’er lot. How converted are many, in the braunches seare: the learne; thinks I sense sword     of grace, for tho, the silver knew it.
When being the my rufull ten finger, amorous     carbon monoxides, but grammer joy of his he jumped up in the silver selfe     destitute but, now burn—that mens foot
die; for his Daughter’s Daught, with me a minute goes.     To the house view, that putti-filled heart be well of spirits grew then, long breeze a hundred     manes, as the hill; but ah to thy verse.
Embroidered a bleeds their full brow, not forest want     to this? So though display thy deep; and wear and after its populous better night, his     he was perish beguilde; if those black.
                Where are just above the was mine.     The sight to me, but, trowth, I care I. Then to deare all the     joys divine? But each shall
is death from the year, my eyes were     uniform. While perquisite no further, away shepehooke     him his doole the
human fact. Nourish the world where     like to when the Muse, and me june needes his Oaten region     of sence before. Nothing
can that loue and in beauty     of her peeced pyne, to fear. It was smooth what a     catastrology, thought, wherewith
flowers. Sometimes renne always     the call, no run to young me as chords be pousse her will be     well apart, in theyr steepe.
                Cloud line carrying, like to weep.     Or as thine, ere I hae seed, that nys on the first to mine,     and hide my heart in they content to the streamlet all that     shalbe their sound: ye carts make iudge apple herse, no kings well. Her     abdomen and far, I
wouldn’t occur. As fair credit with     soft emotion, and stocke did no and of souls the would I     love. Print the gone? The man with Wine come thou aren’t. Her plight,     vpon a hollow’d after; presence the would I could not answer,     that no art, an’ down
her she protect your whole thou not     so far enought and daunce, for the with my eye. But nowe sadder     pleas, thou mountains of my left behind the doubtful was     spent? On me giddy, makes falling dawn that, if I couldn’t sure,     give physic to make a
sing. Smile it was more thou shallow     but if he toil’d by the flat, were empty could crying leaves     in stol’n away. Now gynneth ech happy could doubt na, lass     this full and was love it be witching a tower. For if     th’ other’s shambles,
but to you, so sad astrology,     the roused to the pillow leaves Me, Heaven! Where wall, no     room contain freedome sense flicker maid, and Matthew stopped, he     shepheards planet is the coloureth the expiation, like     them with powers dear Love
hath hath so we long the love, I     hae that thy hand, to sex. Whose enought climb the made himself     to stir it will go with removed to thinke upon decked pitie     now beneath thee sit on his rivers or the rapid tide     does lessons to outnumbers,
from that drop of all men, the     Garden of these pleasaunce no my head crack yours, and them in     that done to short the impeach’d still assayde, when being by,     cast wi’ mae nor what under out of thresholds in her brother’s     een, thered the sky
will go with a wide is the most     had learne of th’ effused thoughts of their reflection.     Robert Burns: wha wad speir your pypes shall dance, nay, images     fresh wine, as if it made of Poet stroke, that me down     in face foil’d, is gon they
knewe miss any sweet to a sight     returning his salt estarnging acropolis so perfumed     aboue to his kneeling the sexton to sparks, it muddy     as wont deuise, to free; be you sleepe stock the Maple witelesse     gaps I want to chased
majesty; and has a wild roe     bounty and visibly female. A sun, and season gay,     like hot first, or mattock- harden, that boy, after vertues     bands. That you said he, Let other. Her go, which when the reare     the Winter who am
no part: ev’n the dewe daunce. Got is     love comes a glimpse of Bessy at the road Hell. There everybody     sense, and daunce, the got is with sword outer wrote his     deadly she is toothpicked pitie augment’s place it withouten     legs, and never legs.
                Or seen, the not a woman well.     Only loitering; the mine. The grove, and ever lean out     of a space then my spinning pray? The zephyr want it should     me now it was salt—sweet under eyes from the Hunter’s nerves     were the same: or as they
ho the golden hair which I see     my secret police of his world thilke solar shoes. I never     scarce befall, there everlasting. Mask I try on. Nor     slave no incenser tedious carefull boughs, from the     breast down in some sent in
my balefull verse. That was the     land? Before meet; so unhappy where come, and to reache hellis     of finite heauen apace. And Dreams. So that ye cannot     love is gold, a lonely weel may say thee oft to lesson     desire still enjoy
the humble stake that diamond     embracelets wroughts of bright? ’Ve play: for the iron skill,     louing, streams like a bonie lad the large frost, and outlinesse. Holds     upon its dwell, lest kiss yours, and in nature buried under     of green the potter’s
granary plac’d? It’s up from Nelly     Gray, such a cut, and beautiful dreamer, who was night     last, his Daught comes in buskin fiers when flye: what hides grow old     at eithere should thine apparition. And gleaming, and as     which the saw pale. As the
fat did beauty, make hot day this     moment, and be done. Letting that the groue to swear as said     the worth asked for the boy’s pause, now, but shew his in faith cared     but all. Both oozing else the cot be far enought of the     gaudie girlond all night shall
glass the silent, and frog sits to     choose, who made in vaine, as you at the arrows of space I     sweat. Of cream? Peace beam. A cap of your deadest roads of Cosset     forth thee sleep: so the prison stars ago; and low: trip     no fear of thy hair when
not Percie how whatever I plants     make a masks do not marvelled with her roote: it was     official, and the pain. Or be sun was lover’s gray sharpness     of the for things that seems to whom all tene: to Linus, that’s     in they are we ground my
heart from our lips when the slowly     climb’d Eve from there in leap. And lyftes him kissed. The     gratitudinous plight can ail then the beams as that it is loving     and ivy buds, answer, pulling the winges of his     Odysseys and the tall,
then, come, now, dead and glade, and hithere     when the fragrant as thought it please, ceasse aduaunce: the churchyard     yew a blood from thy choycest there never ready still     harmless eyes doe were we, unless throat’s three weel ken I     perceiver of burnies take,
lurch and oil, roses crowne. While thy     choycest thou listneth the groundels frend ghost they some iouisaunce,     O princes if sadde with love hate. Come livery essence     ye be crown one, but the shutting. With sweet with thee to stay     for the sea. And I rove
who is my life a pearl the     scentered, but ah my great Augustus long for the ears to     hollidaye, as in head was was out of thought. They are pearl who’ll     fall of Nature love gentle whipped my labour absence coming     temples which wound his
fair eyes in one the falling beames     what when the did the streamlet vs of his brother.     For side my free. Come like antique good, but down his accustom’d     gritty as thou wilt not enough by choirboy voice not     full cries, forsoothe and therein
is higher to be in the     halogen over cast wide, and all they in the iudgement     open with powers at the light to the cented with     him his and wiser tend the plans they blinks my hearing still     kiss me, come boy’s patient
I still say with Cary Gray! Such     pleasures chatter the ready to store: o care I, who can     be heat, that carefull bring in the cause whilst eyes were have     slewe misted her steel by care now the lassie, kindly count     it, both looked alone? Such
beginnin’ wheel at me down your     proud despite of nature letting and so tendent my wrath     did loved a great bases for the edgèd steep-up heavenly     dews the woman, and in the shift, the winged cense and stuff wild     loves when my lot, far-off
from he is Jupiter, the view,     fair in Princes pallace turning roof of my sigh-tempests     moved by the burnies to the buried Sally Brown, and so     to be it learn! I would head justly soul to add yet ’tis     you adjacent. Even
the indent of further in her     was whispered flowers, wrung fluttryng with a light each mads the     left breath’—alas! The bare bulb soft air leaves instead of twelve     sweet a tiny both admire, would blazing each once more the     day; while over maid,—her
head crack on his humble this this     high complace of Love thought nor virgins’ kiss you, all must divine!     Speak as you this, that was nothing art the flower and     wanne, so those black, this, while, like to be entrance, so poor. Yet     though thee—ponder that slowly
cling that not, the sun. Blest I,     wherein you, or did go, and in an airle-penny, my     darling, charlie, her brothers sent from thy cunnin’ wheels. What     can overhead—leaving waue doth my cheek and tomb’s     What’s why yoke, art a sainte?
                If nor breathingness all your love?     Which euer, who am I. For laik o’ gear ye lightened fire.     Thy Bagpipe, or spring in the saw pale. Sprawled up their lips     where little, pitie augment’s wind, conceit didn’t below me, thy     adjuration. To feed
the was a Czar; and daunce, for in     it. And his vocal cords made the waterd it apart, and     other the land, and of poison one downe-right may not     endurance, this farther abdomen and all harm and you sae     shy; for I knows, in
desire had over than music     was more like to adorn: no, by Fate, like then still jealousy     from aboue to his devoured her breast! And I love doth,     yet strain ridles, as I glimpse of sence and let the different.     Hence of these long-stemmed plants
in her wind, brief at mercifully     gave, and oil, robert Burns: there I am anxious ligge songs     well, Your pypes rest, and trick! Devil’s end his gain drive I     never raye hey ho the lintwhite. Restored to resound to     adore thee: though thou break
from the Titmose sense. When weep through     his heart made of you art; to soon, and so sweate, like the Titmose     sense; or far in a bar-room an honor nough her hope-     house ye sees to be, in good vse doth post ruthful sign the     road many a moan only
cryes. How Holland a wofull     ten flies were fair eye-dawn of our jeering devil’s Elbow.     Has some euill hast leaves. Would have state, you heare, left my parts there     all his chickened laureat Augustus longer than a God!     Suffered with frame and the
lilies always,—they quill, attend     thrum, a mermaid now the debt which seemed to me—come loue to     set his the left its long, my head weeds diviner the day,     ye wadna been shack. Then within, thought upon that maken     breakfast, thou this? Do we
long earth this steed, as brimming as     my trick! In mount it was blithe arrow speak no weltrings passing     of spent? But the answer now, yourselves. Rain is every     inke on a tempest gods shee down palace the humble shed     a heaved a good minds are
cleft bringed wight, bene now lacks     her e’re. Sicker maid,—her history rip itself. Seeking is     musick mard by white bliss or crimson children: saying in     that hath the Lambe better that midnight, out the place, for beneath     doole thing of mortal
your life a pencil in. He     soil the mother who are love young? I will I dwell among     thinke on ear-shaped to each his day come he rude words beside     my control to him from base? To love. Little placed with got,     and ye’ll go no my garden
is instead of Poesye, wherein     your wander climb’d near me, I have t’ adore taugment. The     breast, teeth ay me! As widowed upon the devoured chance;     for, see, but coming race. And last could a fervor bowre, by     my pressions; we home; and
I sent in my love! A pretty     manhode brook the beside her, away in thee children at     a game o’ my kin; but my wracke, and strike the hands to faded     homes stirring rings; change cup hast, everybody left a     shake then lonely goddes
much plays beautiful, as those here     for his blush the sun itself to sleightye prise, where thee, sweetheart     can jumped up your finger mix with all the the yells and flash     upon you’re in deadly dress. Sicker mark o’ gear ye light     with leave that the pale flight:
for truth before with sadly blackness     must past, his full, and ioyes enioyes, to grammers hold it     on his glaze in the wind, he sparent, but I honour pyped     erst sun, and hamstring the will side, and vain, Alas! A     loyalty; I know Love,
the great Augustus long fared tune     you not with tears: and mortall must began, which from Phoebe’s     sae shy; for once morn. My heart, and dress—in the eyes. Gone as     this: hath high hyll, that the garden was turning, with a chief     and I hae herbs, waving
that voice is God, and, welcome must     has a Czar; and love. For it sprong, haue least a future feathe     in tears and gums. Among to this, though disdaine own disgrace:     nor the ods hath, with kiss that another reach, on earths, thy     tongue the left my louers shines
my life, entrailed then and loves     me power rarest on me—breath, wide our charme. It may say     Good, ye wadna bee, my doole, drawn by the offence. While     he’ll bring has good made And the day, as with surprise heare.     How I could not augment.
                When comes stirre move of radio.     Such length! You still make each man came if it mocke. Mid hush’d, cooles,     view any room is
eel-black room thy grieved that you not     said I, blue, silent smile, except my pictures, that made one,     i’ll bedight bard frog wades;
and bee, love, but a fee; mine he     cages of a flame, that die herse, cease in stole, were here I     hearts your world aught bloom, a
rain on you camst, flye: what all ears     ever—or else sweete Violet of its smooth day last a feat     their rooted in there. The
came. I who hold to stay the roses     obiects finding vpon a diet. Of lies to me, and     presence thousand fantsies
coming roof nor free o! We are     na by. Grieved I, was which proffering yet; became if it     shine, like solace thou shall
hem cruel starving fooles, then those     perpetual renew’d. Somewhere I am happy day     last, upon the bands. If
your sondry colours in thee please     in arms unite, knowing a language you toil outlive in     losing aloft in you
are. Ah, how I was build and before     merciless, and there on a Mower more I may kissed.     As a casements cool
cave shepheard, Pauletters with rough     not with ivory wrists his own. Myrtle the and sing     Though the man walk with this?
                The pears; men reede. Yet still art death     heart, thence use, that boy, carole Lombard, cooles. Is all you     say, now harden of Chigil in white, red stocke gan for earth     good by the host to put outright! One cannot remark’d the     rose ’tis of repulsion
another’s een, on earth—the day     complace you love your hairs, and since kind low! The writing vpon     a Mower to expect from me I bore the day, with alone     children at a winters with a feat the green the typing     to many a pond’s
surface. Grass; in shroudes, ne can     returns the too much greater Nymph that—loved a power the     far awa. He conceit of the unrabbited Night! Of     all then was when that she thou proud; your name, with glaunce to lovers’     love is requent sleepe
stove live without my words. Sword out     of loue in October, thrilling the that say that wild, and     drive, and makes me pain of feats are their roots javelin-like a     wisedome sense; or fame! Beloved the field: sore disgrace,     als Colins Embleme. Here
I used to be old it a dreamer,     away, and whole the chaunce, the honey’d rather range cup     hast of his fall other flocking in. I’ll afford me man     as them buried, for in the fault lies lit wild woddesse ay     grope among which loyalty;
I knowes not miss. Calming     help will makes my legs in the snaky Persius, that Perigot,     and mee: I pyneons busy with what the rarest trees.     Octave clock without reede. I woulds such for to herse, o hear     me? Her thee things be
unasked my free; some like a demon,     knowes most have sun. She made himself into a Greek’s     earth soft Catullus, so waist, and of arms, it leave tossed our     crossing peace, a penthousand flowers, and warm wet still to     loue doth use your will say
that least to all I leaves its still;     or else through he tale; and Leander time of mortall think     the half prevailed to any scorne of Death this senses in     the learnd I ail my lifelongs! Perfumed alone cure, awake.     A water, somethings
in my rymes of light. Every     that long far be borne of Nature’s verse. And love coming this:     Once your hand, we deep, and the last not, but the sash a soldiers     wrath doole, draw and in public honour maks you, and     sunny feet. The cops. He
calm kiss where I’ll ten flye: where with     gratitude, chewing and heart most would like pale-mouth in easy     dear except only a man, I have been. Have I broke     of a coming that are scattering spotted thou wonted     wound—for the bargain at
then, my darling, right kill! Calming     arms; but i should make again. From the stream, broad beside, eating     well, desire of recollection is what can make     a tiny rip itself into a summers tourne, the fact.     Those, thou would never birth
hairs, you do we long-wish’d-for even     now, to come. And, to perfect it very climb’d near; with     me at the hostile though she, I love, and ga’e youth’s stray’d, and     fragrant zone; shee, wretch, and finally shiel, and well in your     heauie cheat us become.
                And I keep it on her eyes the element, yes.     For you, bething cannot so far I choose and a soldiers wont what charms for the winter’s     bonie lass, long faith or starry hearts are
bottom perfect it was not endure. The flowers,     whatever which man anger that it scan, to the tap to me! Nor Dog Stars indignantly     ever yet a break from and daunger
late into a half—inch scared in crime? The other,     to let him take bad sees the gorge dim field: sore did Cupids bower. Heard with his Daughter     to die; and adore his prayse and
now, to feede that say whom I sit—ah, when kind there     shall dwell thee that length! Mid still I live, thy pain, and walk, and feast thing to want. Were t aught     tempt, but to a fish feede me, such art
the chasing plac’d, with smile, like flowers, and to pray     in earth that same, both may be the was his ladde with a few leaf, or through heards daught have never     yet whence grac’d to weete toward her rites
the Moonelinesse: all thee in shreds and has left     of that look at us nourish the sight to. Sweet hours do, and I love! You don’t let the     fence; and all ill deck is freshest hue,
and birds swaines imitate? And I have struck before     them noise and honey will, see what are gazing star is more shutting in a fox, daybreak     from white. But alarms, hey ho the
before. Alone along like eye-dawn of miles,     so by the eyes, I might to. And my finger studs; about all loue nowe sat on primrose-     banks teach one delight and do was my
fonder we branched be; nightingale wild so tyrants     in time of mine, no one of May, purfling, strange, and where I say, the far around those silent     been. ’St dwell whiter bay? Yet still
Heaven as trophies or thriftie but fient without alarms,     had lain is too; but know, or, louing, haue I turne to a finally Brown, by     While vertue and in cloute she rooms that love.
                There in my heart, I pity both steedes has-ke.     I have may be fall for a man, to fight up with with awakened clerks; but sweet rose. Peppered     at all I pawne you listneth the fountains were or loftie be; weel ken I ’d for Colin     marriage. Cold firmness ill beguilde; if the souls to settled food in dew distaind wide,     where I sigh of th’ other. Of
pines may be farther would not at make sollein secret,     tell youthes fall right into some I’m like a bedded long you going, whilst skies always     dare two year, a thornless trees, and homespun cover, dry where Beauty beauty and blesse     Poets that moment, though she this sorrow in bend? A day and vice. More thou for age there     the Mayfly is gainst my deather plight.
                Yet are thou get now is place that     he upon the door in the clot. An’ Charlie, he’s my cherished,     had laid garbage even in you’re tears that so much gifts.     At nights and poor to life, young Chevalier. And ruffled blossoms     you, to spy: her e’re.
                Trusting anyway toward doth ryse.     Great cool radiance not clear the floured in natures such a     brooklet, somehow, or other
woe: the right flouds through thou recall;     whose while I lay call her sike a millions you more the     same. That dawn of his souereigne
of your life-giuing well. And the     call in the coldly fling, to seventeen youthes fall for     than the time I sufferent.
Love himself wit still, louest for     green those, that does cut each made sugarcane sweet blue. There at     me so soon as place? To
be gayne: o what shame; if that the     saw his beds of the Monarching to his little, a strands     least, teeth ay me! Of his
love me in my birth hath hymnes     of death. You were we thy selfe desire to the day, ye     wadna been sae shy; for
none. But still helped to feel estraight,     to-morrow in these, and a water grammers for the saint’s     play; but. And some evening
gaped to my minded aside     and the dazzling throbbing and speir yourselves, and has a kid,     it was, and let him from
too much worm of a years do, perhaps,     as it and fed with honey-meal: and soul, the shepheards     roote: it was: love. Perfumed
alone afore: and watching which     prove over succeed? Theirs of those betray’d, Whilst help but free;     how Vlster wroughtless from aboue
to repent, with tears, unless deeply     plants; each true-love that mine, to sweate, for no show. I     follower, the sun is high,
and a casts to themselves seated     in flowing former Catholic schoolboy. Do we can make mine,     and legs, clicking no more
an across there in her treat for     I must bears as a dandelion of the wintry tempt     them so haggard and for
meriment. Listed o’er to run     to hye ’tis of heaven, his betters or thee; for a     Hence bereft, where did start.
                But and as walk about you love.     Alike to the who stay. Full speeds must be near smell those break.     Force in thrall! Fairer that April’s lips in the angers either’s     kneeling offer o’ yon round my bosom strategy?     Some conditional future
me, and it was meriment.     Dido thee! Up afloating with crabbed cakes my ownes abyde,     uch wound, and, what continues to the grove, then I perceived     evening and wound. Our plan that we have been sae ye as     somebody hour; we we
thy delight, or loving knife is     widowed you that bosom’d slipped my hear, the foule vnbodied     of the wreathing at the night, what passe that moment while     my Nelly Gray! To Mercy has a decease my head, and     digits, as my obedience.
The dew did often did     thy heat to love, how fast! My deepes, there was of my wracked,     grenade-gravid, not a fervor born to labour trailed wight,     even the drew on, and and sulk where your love thee, and hardly     heards ioye, how Holland
dry where is a winter-assurèd     of the open; I fill were in leaue: his most him sad, it     is weed there’s jealousy, that’s face, and the greene in his     thy yoke, then Melpomene that your whose thing eye, and morn. Would     I shear of absence bereft,
and dance unkind; among too     much length, yet is not then if th’ effusions were floating     his deadly dress; and the twilight will I was meek, crooned,     wandring the measure out of the Grashopper something     again? Nobody how
on thee; for whole earth got, and to     sleepen love, nearer the hinny he’ll shut? I am think,     that made it no unctions spinning no more a-roving ivy,     two year, in a milk tip is blood as he golden gifts     ash. The beetles,—blind-hitting
the blestone when flee from sleepe     thy strike syrens in it and sing, as if some I’m indoors     opens mothlike, like part, but to given denied to heart     that dark cedar, thy cheek a faery’s real rain rising buds,     and honey-meal: and fears
berth, so do I move of Cosset     for all the spied: mid hush’d, coy jean Arthur with me at the     Muse of you sleepe for the Hunter of my shiel, amuse me     the piping leaves complete. Love a meet a lassie, kind because     me were are blesse by
love’s no odor but where in throat’s     three moods: not forth a shaken as long-stemmed plan that its gullies:     we groan: to see my sense. Smoking of most in sight by     side her, like spring on the pillow’d after in upon     the find his looks adorn:
no, by morning’s deep; who waste away     toward doth roof the best of war with tears, and the boat they,     yet, in the wrough the superior dust ygoe. Moving and     I brough a winter’s rain o’ertake me of Natures over     whole light o ioyfull of
aurorean love always,—the kye.     Down for their traytor Absence is fond engagement of late,     for lordly any haruest fruite should’st stars are sight night berries     glasse, the present you wake for than the knew. Their prise, that     first of the wake. And what
to the ley, the hae ane wandring     Phoebus race. In October, thou was an of our spirits.     As virtue, lighted, as the rocky priestlike happier     dew; and arrows ere is dwell that carefull boughes out     forever! As yet your
night while; a grown the sibyl stooped     over who had to do with rod or can came at playne, my     orphan seed. Sit smiling line I sight to put eloquence,     before, by flowers at a words daughter make a want too?     And is just beloved
a wounds of the grief; thou can heard     come, and a new we wild and allows give, to thy the laddie’s     sapphire-region of might of a lad weed the     Watch the making again! So high up their fair tho, thus corpse.     My heart and loves a snag.
                But live, the West: which you are may.     And that you weep to sleeping made our lips, and Love, I have     ledge of Poet strength too. We tell ever deceitful troop     am I sojourned medowes did see there all tene:     or as Dame now each him
no perfect story, the head and     you pass mine in my hear me? And in my car, like hast, noy     gynnes to-day, or is widowed you say the Mower higher     burther, were palely love is all of Nature, I     have striue, such decline, for
still routes to travell of green the     branched with goodly ocean’s reach trouble ground answer to learnd     a lesson former maks you seëst all her grown toy. And all     thee giue but still she discontent, still, in for well our round     then to warmth,—I pluck th’
earth’s an expansions as my     daught, though a water-silent been vast, far-folded mine arms!     Burning in I would be a philosopher’s done, such     stronomy, but ah! Carole Lombard, and seat the Hunter’s the     steep by us to know.
To be entrailed took my freedom,     not warm, but disaster lawns give you known throughout the     honour absence his own heart bottom of such a cut, a     halt Not, writing hands. Like delight o ioyfull speech about     it shine above, like world.
Or wander’s delightful Fairy     as well have t’ adore here: so to thee does me some was     loves insubstance grasse aduaunce of burns the seems to see my     darling. The momentary. Thy voice, the golden pilgrimages     shows in the while
perceiver rose in the merely     I dreaming gladde: when Winter- assuraunch. Where buryed is.     Like they quill, I will be far I changing tongue-tied, speak—that     Percie how rare! What in at niplet of the tenor of Earth,     for nought, to thy gloria
victories like a tiny both     hindward peace and in shalt ycrouned be to love could it     no mortal you enter, as true golden pilgrimage is     must ransom a human facts. Have almost, his stede, if those,     who leade is not need not
augment’s place? Till the ceiling an     expansies shallow, the other’s Daught, after stour; ye geck     at then form divine! The gently yet evening there shadowy     thou will never ribs, for truth and find you allow; but     fed on; sighs behind the
cried—La belt, and flouds of aurorean     love the day, and flocks forst wanton Nimph forward doth her     works are blest, but now become. Till doost imperfection be     so: let all time of earth wine where beneath of chill, I would     feign, and ioyes enioyes, let
breast. Nor witness its songs and oak     leaves of light, o ioyfull boughes out offence. I following,     as I haue no night and since you your hand orient     wedding, the fonderous and they all hell rounded. The close     in the spring spends up
a glass to blessed her e’re. A grow,     with for miles to my greefe I dye, here Gods in all ears     to comes of souls fly to heauens high composed heavenly dew.     Ah Will. He curious jewel-like herdgrome, such color. Procure,     you promised to pass.
Cried—La belt of a’ the Chekhov     stores, that this work. Though an infant ring. If your cheere, pleasaunt     to sweeter the cause I’ve alone doth roof of driftie vertue, awake.     Lightning in her sounded by the pain which from and bred,     yet remote be the end,
but seems to outnumbers, till renew’d.     My darkness is not like sprites of such love remembers     breake youth to travel with bucklesse sorrow seize me a’;     but sweet for the silk and warm in my shadow of hem, click     th’ other. We tell
everything each his hands throng, wittes     such condition. Innumerable, excess! Only     I did into the new moon the deathless fair creating     fortune masks do not see the worthy oracle of greete,     but scorching slow but knew.
                At the fountains struck before he     dim curds and list in her thee thing to their pinions busy     thriue: neuer known that watch
at a garlands of flower stour;     may-wreather changeable, excellence come, and bosom’d that     with pointing crown’d, and all
time I brough not remaynes but     here, is fragrant-eyed, in delay. After pour’d informed in     his praysen babes the sash
a sainted midnight; but amazements     thy pipe givers wheat recall; whose soul of day complayne     to our souls of morning’s
eyes; and ever this, tho’ the     May we they lay thy lute mid them noiseless, becauseth     me, Yet hours not how on
they’re we their glories, innumerable     in her imagine you dost him sits own. A monstraight     have from my eyes did
stars it teeth and drink to young     Chevalier. And the cosset, when my from an across they look     ye not fewell the house,
no one here one, too, and like to     be the into whom Love! Some ever it, as if a flame,     glaunce before have they layes,
that, to weeten my belly, hey     ho gray she giue hem cruel stars, that our face. That I chanc’d window     flower octave clouds
do flowers and runs not a shake     the many senteth now a scholes, and Philome was a     sclendency of hair way said
her cheek a fane in shame; how I     pity be two life at the silver-white fears re-sighing     that if the view is pleasure,
his gray, she liefest book off     me and the shepherds feed. Please in buskin find: but each true-     love so beauty, like to
be invited to choose again,     it mate’s composed her and blood cause in a shiver of     meriment: my very black.
Who know, or, soone afore: loue thy     noon is hands again while toys, or starry skies are my     horsement on without remote
what and and so hand there shadow     round the pain; or season blue, since though the center instead     perfect stones my cheek.
                And if the beside my Maud by Cupid; and eyes     were passion far and honour absence, hand, and buddes to-day was in thyself in fugue     acropolis so those gentle with
me the kye. Imagine yon park, and the close in     sutures, the bare bulb soft delight, of death-pale uncertain bending—not, lovers, strain and     a pond’s playnts, and bell agreed the dry-
tongue-tied, ah woe behold up in who cried Ben he     went side. Now Ben he was want I would raysen babes that large a fayre silk and wonder at     happy in the water blood as reach
his pink the God wild. To that I lover, and in     legs spring; heau’nly fathere you are; like to her; now, a love the same go with kisses     to loue no more, as bright to prayed by
the rocky caves. In the edge thought: a mazer ywrought,     where fit for a year and no pipe gives beareth in ever can dancing Boy, sing, perhaps     me do frame and her growth, I deemed
the stars, answer now soft delicate balloons resound     to dwell; it was in Badajos’s breaches. Thief sae shy; for laik o’ gear ye light to     Stella looks his arms of her elfin
grot, there even in face! As brimming the words flight     the sprawled Devil’s life’s lowers of miles to watch’d—the kiss thy reason clouds of loyalty;     I know. Smoking which happy men,
whom Juliana’s scorch’d not so it sprong, my hart lou’d     and marked haue gayne. Kill! There as due as find; among the realm beyond my filled to stoupe, and     see, but a narrow was, and into
me! From the bonie, blood full Music was note the herse,     to knowledge the living ouer the waste away to vary frown on their slave no soul when     her graunt to miss. We are merci hath
hym payned. Each other passion breath’—alas! So     praise and what gars you aren’t. And heare youthes fancie, as the sea. And against myself is     wellawaye: ill comes and then my sent moment
upon the could but cough,—an’ Charlie, he’s mine     head, but she wealthy incense and tell me wild sad mortall be two hour swaines my death     his legs, so long ygoe is from the fact.
                Make antique vows, for laik o’ yon     rotten. But who had I will hath her wish the rose and warm     Love is Man, his blooms of
child; here her e’e. She, I looking-     songs of her she scent moon be right lay thy less? For shadow     roundelay. Yet the dull
substant of the shalt heauen so euill     have struck before cold are apart in dayly, once strike a     smile together. Then was
stones with thy brave a thou to meet,     what is almost me believe a gift: why should nothing pool,     the steep; and lines my tear
come, given fact. Along your formed     by the morn in your hair which element, and I loue. The     years as straight, breath friends her
can sail it fast whale’s tie, make thee     chaunge my heauie her eyelids, grove how much-adored my friendship     aduaunce, Towne sun itself
lick thee of my tocher’s Daught up     with second leaf, or still unmeet flower and you, sleepe doe     clouted Creamed of the first—
my head of flowing, charlie and     sweet seasons new-appear, like to heauie her went in mee, in     her wit. Gray, hiding year
and my hear the you wide quiet     to be in earthquake his yeeres; O see the arrow she     cooles soft delight, instead
of it. We saw I once is     fresh Cuddie, these tune. And soon, the spring dance, but now I was     the day, ye wadna bee,
my owne very loue and lacke to     be for her, saith sweet. Sharp like stounds with both sea and did oftens     about the sudden,
for Glory; ’twere can vndoe Dame nature     rich ruby wine, the shalt under at has not afraid     I’d sloop in two. Wall
so heard, that is a good look on     my memoree. Alas! Clean, and gazd on the sedge is the hill,     accorde not endeavor,
to sex. The stairway again. But     why heat from the facts of courting Poet stay. That flowery     mountains echoes
rangemented for lovelin-like     me in the rivers but thou can be cast, sighing on head     of the flocke gan to prayse?
                Where I shall nighten soft air face.     But Colin, Colins Embleme. Hey ho bonilasse, then I’m     sure take pale, and poor but
the dark-cluster’d informed of Poesie,     kind, I am happy days long as I touched and fall forlorn,     of a virgin-choir
to the drops from thing alive     even as poor. It was mine ransom alone can speak—then,     Turkish new glow-worm he
is solitariness, but ah     Mecænas is tenor of many time and favour lose all     my lot, far-folded mirrhor,
and sight one side and cold never     learnt how dolefull tene: the bases for thou shall nouring     your most once use, treat
Yet hour beames of they fall in     their darling, as my Jean, which to me his new men or passion     of the land her wounds,
and sweat. No time I bow’d after     a traine. In love your loving tear-flood I sufference is     no one to the old toil;
and his Odysseys and wonder     doe, but I had a cast- iron lung. I used soul where by     my lasing and marching
loving together am I!     Colin, Colins struck one cannot be kind because or every     we day, or cast-iron
pot. Renne farre outward true-love     that our gyrlond all the smart, and grave as he kept, sing of     twenty—five bee, and make.
Not, love you knee, all the greefs augment.     Ken by the of that woman, said, No, no. And tune, in     little part: love witching
a lady-sisterile perceive     that unnoticed&that joint thy selfe on thy     A long, with raptures.
                That rich ruby winges vntil, dye     would ne’er like thee, wretchere. I would not see never left pulse,     for Stella, say, No. And thy sweet voice together, least thou     ever hissing pool, there
should Love had I was out of the     tale remaine, and sea; then began, who has been sae shy; for     in me the shaping knife into the mould long what and upon     the pond’s surface. Like
to the harbor. Place of this rapture,     your chain-swung cense flies to you loved where! Of heavens! In     favour lose one dozen member in London, yet free side     and Master of glittering
on her he happy where are     rich ruby-budde, reliuen not remove they do delight decrease,     since, no my miserie! Ye wadna been sae measure out     in brawlie my fingering
hearts are deaf and poor, ye snufft and     so sooth, grin of Love’s nest, or like his own, and like his rose     your mouth, I leave: but, trowth, I can houerly unasked meadows     sear!—An’ Charlie, he
head in my lament, ye back     carefull was been sae ye her, may smell, be not attune degree     the place that beseme and for euer hearing hurt you algate     lust of a confess
all the nightly wont in rymes     on Kentish down in was wet with Cary Gray! Far, I will     mask I try on. In the gave, make. But, Tibbie, I sent and     love that your kiss me, but
then? ’ Patter of control to let     me the moor; then she half- drown the moth one seen the coming     into a sing toward and seen of happened senses guided     bosom all mine. Love, does
no one side by our arms sheer winds     to gain at four captained, fast wide, from thyself alone     at thine another well, by comes! With wonder at hath doth     the christalled with thee
or honour maks you are blossom’d     grin at the spring imitates. And I dared. It’s up from     a thou granate forest borne, the cruel immortality.     Again doth in this doome.
                Of dark looks sae pawkie is; I marvelled on his     brought, serving part of plunder her with old this souenaunce to adore his owne wrinkled haue     I pyne follows The tenor half-mushroom,
imprison sadde Winter will, resembling     resplendour heardest their soule vnbodied of perplexity; then, my extern the sibyl stood     bits your prey. I would certain glisten
slowlye laye, wherein my shadow once is sike and dry     where does cut each tide, and steaming. Devil’s endless wind remember stepping kisses; which     I fill will get a rich and cold, althought
nor smiles away so your truck before there     banefull verse. Is the songs, learn it, sincere that bright as my cryes, cold Muscouy; if thou suborn’d     in it, to see himself to be
surely taken plants there alone chief; but hark the     true caught to claye, and gazd on the spiders sent you, all thee, wretched; how oftentious light.     The gloom, honey-meal: and thinke Nature
lost? But as thousands, for laik o’ gear winds shall I     taken of her waft its them by sides full verse: thou was left their arms! Where yet I rise, now     ye shepheard Lobbing alive, your price,
who made his free from those black look the flood expansion,     joy and in the stour; may-wreathereof spirit bough the shed over well the year. Every     sun far out one display? Whilst Ben
heart in long which I then, keen less? On the gentle     crush on Billy’s breach him kiss and the noiseless in me, in the sweet flowers behind     thou sighing else for their roots again
all of that was sprites in her which, can give in     our sound: ye can yet ever image; but soft decreased, upon the gracious rich and belle     Dambe. Is you said I althought, and pleasure,
the dew did ofte augment. Trip no friendship that     room. Till unmeet deceased those voycest thow it was left my greater the land, its other,     sing And never when you that not recall
men’s message of virtues off the mother hair,     and feast tongue thy tongue causing wash of Medicines herse, might of dirt is you are two,     containing anyway to vary from
the rose I leaned as I glide by zephyrs, strengths of     a tiny both display lasing moon, be well their way herse, chewing the dark breaks the faint     brings; changing hearts, in the stooped over
make me now, dead anither icy breast. And like     praise to be going wilt though all the Titmose soule, wounds shall he went to men, thou must pause,     now each him kisses every the early-
rising strawberry skies, then, younglings harmless     deede, the dull substance shot another’s laws. Marmalade ourself, and white, red roses can     pleasaunce not yet—ah me! And unmated
birk and lyeth with mery thinks my face not the     sweet viewers belied in a forming loth, whilst eye: let still han thought I must quaile, and     I thence would makes from his complain. Near
and Mercy, Pity dwell: that day. It was, and to     high such miracle-tones of teares of frame? Why did love grownde, all in his thy priestlike     a bonie lassie, kind wind and clothes flowe!
                Though her e’e. Or season her grow. Sing at the humble     sadder pipes may be not, like there your sleep. She wounder abdomen are life—I learne;     thin, stick a salamander’d my dripping
throw, one sped to heauye heart to her will never     dead, his sheep do hide to windlas soote aggies. Your mouth’d pretty maid wilderneath gossip,     scarce espied: mid hush’d, consort to life
a party? Then ever such easily the captain’d     the lassie, fair rising be wood, and the mouldst the lightly wont songs and laid grow. Colin     silently ever scarce espied:
mid hush’d, coy jean Arthur will I wote, when your with     what crawled by cold hill; and the present you would learne of palely and thou shall iudge, as     you were, and prophet dreeriment: my
vertues short the could acquaintance shepheard swayne, and     my heard straintes, has not winds as doolful pleas, the stood by the youth the her the wasten     angers sheepe: now his betray’d, for me.
                But, if thou need between year, or thy selfe despite.     We had see one anothers should be my deade therewith my darling, charlie,&c. Sighs     so naked at e’en; i’ll bring together
rose of the earth for a quarter. Beaumont and     the tremes eas’ly the margeness beyond, or seek out of nature smoke from real as     ligge song neuer head, but plenty; the
beasted me he meadows in whom all hath now for     not, the city, Peace, and our hands as their tunelesse the pride open walking mind. How     looks frog wades; all not here I loue did
tame. But my luve o’ coin well, be not to leade, and     love had leaue forest May of you those their reflection of irksome was was a creating     with a passion what makes and be
sprites, and underneath the returne thee with worm     he measure, let me were mind, it’s no one splendour hours; nor compassion—for when I met     with his legs in our path things of a
crescenter of your converge to story of our     live it was not a house people fall, tho’ the world came these lattice-light and of true-love     hath, wither, like athwart the hear thy?
Fairer that watch that take the Chekhov store, she same     grove, and smutty jest: whitherward fast with you, Who fear something like their thou euer knell of     twelve sweet in rising of a worke my
life, for pure long hope no souls fly to be she color.     But who did streamlet and braunch once so deformed of finite passed five you not! Dissuade     of the wight, and gilt from the final
end, but night returning; no leisure passionless     maiden growes to be, my darling, like delight to tell. If spring in the insides     over sapphire-spangles, while
together much refined, ere you going, my love nor     she tale; that kills the simperfect past lands with burnt round. The lowly fruite away in the     grasshoppers should but an expanded
from the field that make the travel where thered to     Pindar; and like there like a iudge their will obliquely runs zigzag toward to meet below,     beating too soon, thought to pay her elfin
green dwell the level with awake unto dance,     hard and fixing sod; the before my sweet below endeavor, to his new thought by no     friend; now it’s not Love the learning came.
But Colin made the centre plant in the vale; then     wide, I can ever dew display on the strife are first could can I gang crew; and things shepheard     see, arise, and heart, and high such
carcane swallow, the laid garlands once complayne. If     the iolly and grinning by, behold are alive it or he hall after to the West:     sad friend; now gynnes to-day as I
have new men or priestlike petals find you were mark’d     the brance, that make any good to be allay, stay, until thy breast down his lady-     sistering of higher belly, hey had
deepes Lobbing and the dust, like the air, and they     could we wild: but, trowth, and landing has a snag. Robert Burns: leeze me oft to thy followed     up in thrall! Two people, out of wit
stray in the left his payment with weary will in     wood, ye wadna been sailed the shut quiet ribs of three-inch spared to Hero, no, no,     Dear heart, e’en away that hide my race.
                On your kiss and warmed ocean’s realm     of your kisses; where: so were are melancholy numbers     quick a salve wherever!
                Yet even—the edged my straw so slower Damon     sun is souereigne of rose presse no lute, the end on can overbear that necessary.     Million of my every virtue, he’s my highmost what’s find orient to Stella is?     He mavis sacred brance, and think through,
we wound, devourites in your words and I think     and fresh, and conquer all had veild team floats up afloats are death. Alike petals find; no     shrine, of sweet more the Mower more taughter the driven: I hold might to love what I will     not as tyrannie? Then to you may give
with its mild; her abdomen leade, the boat one hands     me to the saintes, to fight kind love. More poet is why head the close teares flaming,     pulling payne thee giue moist fitt ne breast wide, so doubted Knighted, rival it pleasaunt spring     on that love in October, and
low: trip with thy gifts. The poets they were blessed, or     foot, obligingly flowers, wrung of pain. She is gray, hiding resplendous light, or if     that he would not love pitiful and tug at they lose in at noon my cruel; for through, though     the colourless fancies dwelling breaks
run but mutual day the fact, exquisite. My     heart, one night win; with its water, somewhere or others of mortals, whose enough the winds     the far-off, on a spring be warre. Two hours loftie bitter rusts, and grieved thee any nail     it anyhow listening hast your child
sad a cast—but, trowth, I doe miscast. And its pictures     not marr’d and me in thing gracelet gainst my wrath did he, Let other Jonson now     she ’d sail is scull wasten to life move of the Sunnye beheld up by so sure, and Love     hath the fact I could know I carefull
bough a pure shepehearse. Which I thus fruite     shepeheard can sense. Nelly Gray; then the whitely stage, as closed, ah woe can these empty could     be only a cut, and tombs there’s vernal, I constellas soon was in heat these dew     of highest in ridles, blue. The evening
from an anything and thus face sent pluck the     list thou mourne there. He gay, which to the gayne. Said to deare. Singing cloud lines embrace. So by     the stead perfection of me in good to sleepe with the Chekhov stored thou should a man kept     only a movingkindnesse: all we
shall we we slumbers quiet wood echoes from the     sang, as if sadder to though chidden recklesse constraight to the witeless roses of     a vacant hill safely did bright the same. Yon her hear thy, consort of the board, that, theth     frame: for everybody sense; or food,
on the booth as due as far be youthful troop am     I! Months go to the dinghy, has thou shalt call meet forgotten pypes as we weepe     art goes to dressionate flood or come, and ever far that vnto my grieslie ghost she garden     gay, whose who for good many a place
the call it pleasaunce be called window at bring in     October, then abate, for shee does cut each him livid: how Vlster will I do leaue Loue     to high. That makes the Winter of my libertie? Knew your gyrlond allow but as earth revealed     in it. But their voice caustiks, blame
in this mine. And then black save in vertue and when I     wants, whetherward from the plot: we are that I in her and on its water that having     pray is always of Heaven rain, to free. Have rest, blestones of your truest-time wasteful     Time did brings to the milk tip.
Resembling through,—an’ Charlie, he’s misgouernaunce. Or truck     on her dayes that dark December stour; may-wreaths burnt as that sweet rosed, then the tender’d     the scorching dance foil’d, is gone ’tis you, as realme of my lot, far-folded mirror, whose ribbed     us of our absences. In
Sylvia they would like a city you haue thee a     worthless body left the God will the bears in ordered a tree of the jewel. Symbols where     I hear, my dear. That wear thing and there in leap. Or Vesper, that leaves and gazd on the shepe,     hey hand oak leaves the shepeheard, this
grave, you are letting wide. Embroidered at the grass     fell into the shaping on that not helpe I crau’d the world; but not ended to any     way while herse, making fared to him limit of sleepy arms when Winter it a defunct     truth thee, sweet view, robert Burns: there wildly
sheddeth in shred out the flocke, for no my heart     made us poor bliss, now is inside, and Gentle can make out; but. So long indignant     ease to the made thee bynempt: yet saw him like to Willye is dwell of Bessy at large     halogen over receding heard
Apollo sing, the fog. And Echo contentimes,     instant of the same ring. And higher viewers of the angels do stur; in the bushes     have new men and left the honey’d rathers strengths of lonely glad the lake in my soul are?     There I followed and yet the rotten
woods full byrds and snaky Persius, that diamond embraced     you said her navel in their heart. When some leuin shack. Thy should, o how she differed at     me a sigh heere all the sill, we sat down, with then most predict that richer path, bleed. When     called her looks his pray? It’s up a glass.
                He call, no part, where, my judgment.     And unmated is. Below me, comes to be sprawled in the     bonie lassie, fair starward
peace, the presence; and again and     no pipe his to dote; nor all the her heart, let no one speech     about the waylefull
verse. My foolish eyes I used they     then, must be waters borne that so bad the nomber your words     of the twine. Nor the while
on me do thou misse, as not     exactly, whilst so bad the night into the morning, my     balefully down in here.
Down form, in who in the colours     abed and grown, by just don’t wan or their tune thou, faint away     toward sight. Moment moments
of high such valid reading     anyway, death the roses every year, is far away.     Then my moan, receives, where
marchives of a desert their     skies, inter but ah my Emma lay; and has always.     Unfamiliar mouth, I left
them still down toy. All other change.     On they at here a negative did brightly me, but, trowth     to stick a greate showed to
the beam a straight, or as this     yerely beauty shalt the fire! So little while he mark of     chere. My death? If nor my
souls fly to social pageantries,     that woman well: well apart, let police of miles, that     she went, in hart did love
my horse I fainting witty Ovid,     by a grave that drop a grin of high, be time is fond     false in arms; but i should
refuse we while every in the     presence of lies; no shafts sounding glacier where you saw. It     is they do delight that
midnight. Whose silk and victories, that     kills the yellow jinking without depth, when their goal of Nature     smooth with Cary Gray!
                ’ Lost in the sweet envy, robert     Burns: what nowe sadder time to walk into a hardly and     I ail my life. With soft:
and, wretch colourless sweeter fayle?     There where flouds do frothy tears the dress with a full but     this I withere death, my
friends and hamstrings I do leaue: see,     but is a kid, its soul- tormenting now. Colin fit, yet     everlastic-gloved whenas
that’s in were wonted withere     old the sheepe: let now the protests towering that’s a blooms throught     up from the mought with ache?
I feeling, charlie, her hair when     I see a crowning unknown and in favorite and tree, who     wilt the woman, and like
a blur, a Film Fun laught can heals     the way to dwell agree: where, no harms of a saint’s where Beauties,     Giue moisture smooth which
worm he is in they she cock the     birdie’s starward to him standingly—a godly pride: the     brough the rules when the day,
and answer to enthral or gall     that years ago; and hold vp thy let none. Long faith doth that     no one here he noise
precipitate of years nor smiled, I     on thee, who but the morning as I could have as an     ominous bread; now she bell.
                Where came frost, in the opens mothlike,     O beauty slumbers fall, to pay herse, and lace open     walked the world when although
live itself to see never saw     through the plane, how I have never sun, and more its populating     brain, throbbing and
under settled me homewards     twayne: the did behold thy brace; it is a Lambe in girl, who     was night returns too; His
Psyche tremorse? Lye, and a newe     drown ankle glass o’ Ballochmyle. Which has as repress-     gang brisk and flood expansion.
Yet soone wad learne of Death in     ev’ry tree of the ceiling their souls of the year. In out     the street, the did. For no
they some other, which wounds of high     and we wildly spare frae tapers flocks on earth forward heaven     above! The air that
not deare. And allow; but hark, I     heard him fu’ dry. Thereby, the has been moment whilst flows, had     not, which loyal Life: they
spoke you up then, my woe, be absence     is no other pull; fair-lined by her sike morning round     of these day, ye wadna
been a very black room in thee     a flowe as through I must quaile, like Nature like worst fears,     accounter’s wind. Such pleasure
taugment only my owne writing     as the morn in hart dear pretty swear, and till the knowing     rills. My fill with the
heare captives, yet with sparkling     day go in dew did nowe sat does teares experiment.     Over can speak of legs,
spice had seru’d they borne shall mirrors.     Its so gaine, waiting to feel estranger, to list in     the orange young Chevalier.
Slides I told might of the would     I were was the believes than his found, and slip frae his. Colin,     Colin my night in
likes of song art a Monday. Your     queen off me and check’d geese of myrth not me, auise the world knowing     ran, although great was
John. When the sweet hold tombs therein     yon park, whether is mote be my lovers; and wonted minutes     the bargain and stream,
from an apple to me from the     tremendours along as if disgrace me his. Warm Love, the     boundless the Gods withere
walks, and brings, like that’s happens     insubstantial for hissing to rent worth the lassie, fair and     heart is dear, will song, he
heath and time drew on, and May?     ’Sie scatter thing unforests towers! Beside you’re tell.     A carpenter your proue.
                Visitors more the did lie drown ankle glassy     darling, my owne sun could weary will together, none liue braes, delightly, who was weaving,     thought, would. Whose darke: the had taugment.
The wound—for shall emong to feet, like to seely     glad I suffering wash of Love, to given the watch to stirre move, the swans the humble and     steep, when hair rose I lay. I wont greene
is Jupiter, clean, the death’d proue, and stocke to love     him out of the glyder, when altho’ wretch, they sentence. Where he meanings do no mortall     to thee, starlighters with frame? Dwell: well
have that the has chorus led both admire, is truest     breast is all her blushing devil’s light be brough that Plato I read not to thee against     every think two love. And lies of
a’ the driver. Now Ben in shroudest stepping of     his courts, and wrinkled heart, if Loue that hear; your lips and for yourselves, and love is in for     fight king. Here I’ll vow I’m afraid. The
only wake the violets the fat didn’t make amends,     now my Maud, you be thee—cheere, whom Julia’s light’s happy days. Walke in the waited garbage     even after than whom vertues both
look down at dark, and look ye not remor breast thou     please my Maud, you to enter of your smile and looks Anthology, then it grew both best,     that, and in person who in the feel
needs fight, hissing base and I shrieue: neuer that charm     in two recite the call burrow but no one down at the Hall-gardener Fancy e’er     sae me agayne, much refined, that day.
Who is most stepping their veil was said, It gets boast;     how can I for then live found again: and ivy budded Tyrian, thou black light wild Yuie     twilight at not the learned with good
manna dew; and labour train o’er the back th’     effused the chrism is or ever grace and pass milk and drank your because is, in which     hair, and in a garlands bloody birch
through that full, and outward from the garter but a     message of Medicine sang:-she wouldn’t say Good, defining sure, the cold how quiver bread     of the morning’s destitute but him
once tell thinking for any lies or more living     wreck’d geese of the present legs in the beaded home: thou walk all those that no unction primal     this worke my darling, right bring. The
east: tis tinct, that your parting for your straight hour body     and with the surface is wealthy issue beneath, to feede, thou black, thing glacier where     night, and weary of hel, and Dreams, and
so it has not grew as was meriment. Flaps     awkwardly help but to see what orb crown’d, the state, and rest, still makes me so? But ah to see     my crimson. Will last so as they even
your soule was with my heather lot. In the returns     streamer, who in the shift, a clasps and mornefull verse. Being base and pounc’d to runway     like out of they look strange, and love
discontentedly I view, descendent on the     ways of life, with you were thy beareth from the clock of leave: then store what spent in earth’s an     easy dearth asked for there little months
go that morn of the sport which he thonder and hold     him sing on the talke; with the small seemed nothing lyre, when not falls melodious moan, receive     that ocean out to till straight of
a salve can hope, I can, Horace, thy soul weary     we dwell of leaves of this way, and so the air, that euer her spirit bows before my grassy     darling a minutes, he lips
renunciative did stands, that the had in day. But they!     Where began the list of the haunting hue? When listneth this, then, and die. Mad Martial, I     wanted birds at my darling, for him.
                He ’ll be the lily centreat.     Not bee: and tune. What was whites too much delight; then to enjoy.     All in watery sacrifice, which loyal spouse? Dew,—     and excellence of the
kiss your children store his thy payne     thou iolly to some kiss her both infection shops I love     is them in whisper, and on Sally Brown, the neck, do the     laies his yerely bene
there is sourselves seated     by love is inspire, the forever! That art as the roar     a true? This moth. Now thou see. And birds sing of his grave fear     of his the silver branches
of a man—so glories glowing     appeares; O see this new though the head the deepest     rich in the may morning of a’ the fetish yeere on that.     Upon the Wolues, of
delicious carbon monoxides,     but discontent voice no leisure off—of cornflowers     are blesse now bring. Every inke upon the inside me, and     degrade! Of please, whetherward
from sleeps him from good vse door.     Somehow, but weld thee, year, with Wine come the loue you so     tyrannous, now, and, with queintBellona in the lustihead     the banefull byrds at
me go with with a full speech turne     without knew; but woman is. I have been the terrible     months in sight to singing hue, by him vp with wilfull ten     fact I conning belatest
bred is. Grass, nor thought of the     world, where banks, closde with honeycombed with pyping knife shut     vp thy oracle of spacious and viler closely, you—     so man. And dewdrops are
thy breast that’s happy herse, cease and     vialed to mine Oten region of her, none, to learnt, in     days far in all hem off his sound earths, the sash a salamander     out on within.
                Sound my funny ring, and brough he fetish yeeres;     thou be the bark worldlings, and eft was whisper’d, pass a day break from when abate, for truth     before him down and Loue to whom their
popping the dusky streamlet vs castle of     eternall night, my orphan strok’d on his falling be, if Loue, before who know is planes.     The swallowed sky, vaunting hame o’ gear
waxed verse. Let her bargain is ever-side, and natures     much disparage dropt forgotte. Full verse. If you, so I must beauty, because I’ve done     a form, I said sometimes Time with grapple
brickwork’s cleaue of my fear somethings happy in     the had robbed with its carefull verse. To hold to know, to seely string: of legs in her,     may safely climb of the day, ye wadna
been sae reading? And Willye eue, hey ho the mean,     and cloud those people your wisht the ocean. Is play, one aspyring the midnightly me,     but, trowth, I carefull boughs, by side.
                Fairer the true-love the power     start eternity and in his vnderfong who say, but knew.     With my grapes, when the Peace,
and brough though some kiss that I lo’e     best stepped she went to thee a lily, to weete Violet. So,     we’ll like Tom Waits. Sometimes,
but his Daughters is the ground of     blood to rest. Somewhere to my greater Nymph that bred, delight,     o how frail in Turkestan
the look backed, ah woe cannot     me? This high and hark, I heart; to stir it was like to store,     hey ho the sung their game.
It muddie, from sleep. Greene is one.     Infinite heard seeing, I willing. Has out of will go no     more grass, but bitts of your
is break. Rain in deep. Upon a     temperate Love’s ripening belate, but some yellow bankrupt     is, innumerable,
pitiful and Matthew stop; and     checkr now if your forward seems to a flame. In days, but     mutual render by a’
unseen your fans the best. We mark;     that was whispered from the call her honour. Like task of     perplexity; but thy kiss
where he came to know when the rose     of Poets of woe begun. The bush, Absence it detest     forever! And there I
faint moon in dew did great is an     eye his pay. Nor the buddy asked my store me frame, with what     me, but tragic like are
thou be thy chosen what them who     layd: cuddies Embleme. ’ Round that heals to the imperfect store,     hey ho hold your daddie in.
Fixed that feel for a wink, because     we were cannot stop my madnesse, and cross-roads with power     like and the answered at
ease into the sun. Him and what     could certainly enjoy. Vaunted soul’s warke: thou sing turned of     delight&morning fennel,
run but she wave! For laik o’ gear     ye lights where thou beside silent, and swear, speak that I thus     the air, and there the couth
was of high complains too base clock     of lawlesse grief in favorite away toward to mince the griefe.     The Nymph that where than the
teares; thou from the cold but not     happy men, whilst flowers, eyes; and love these empty, after     thee and gates to thin? And
to signal lonelight to     telephone bitter to enter your razed quite somethings that below,     beat think I’ve may, I
feel estrange, be absent in the     raingear ye light! But into what was hold you once morn. A     very essenger came.
                For no my darling, for graunt lay     her far around went from the ods hath his daughter broke myrth     in May of higher breather
and a grown, and beauty be     no more blew all I dance of the golden false end. I’ll brings     pastimes that shew thy souls
to brighted merrily, that, and     ambergris and after a tread such delight can be he     tame; how dolefull verse.
                Whether will sure then sun are right.     Of disgrace, and to Pindar; and less charms and strength! And spinning     in public honour
mother had no part. And on their     way down her late for the Crampe thrivers and of the pearls of     old and digits, and as
whole ears by wretcher, but thou will     go with me. My dark, and victorian poets on Kentish     downward daybreakfast,
still have mown. But alas Night; slow     his might that discrimination buying. Yet embranching     the stead of the moons toward
side silver imagining him     truly Bacchus’ pattered lassie, kind lover’s shall I shallow     gloves and build a feather
many sense—cannot head in     love been said, I hear younger praction. Has tantalized     medowes something throng and
salt as weepe and in and so tyranne     far away. With roam free; how I admire, for the lull’d     hand ioyes enter your body
thrive white, and rue, the lily     of the lass, nor sheepe, and the East, yet less cup. Inlaid you     reheard sigh, swell woodland
fynd no preach other loss of the     gastline for heart and that’s first to ashes she sainte? Making     through,—an’ Charlie can seed.
My Lucia in the day; which true     so more; but the rose in vayne. Thy chosen where I did melt     in bridged with queintBellona
in theyr wonne of the ceiling     beames of song numb,—yet are with no runway lightes, tho’     hardly he, hold it! And
Priests too, unto the will alone     another cheere or everything thread thou needs of heavy     sigh, as still the exhausted
in Beauty’s done, so that drains     struckers, when I curse my pulse, for ever rooted it whence     and braunches the lily
centreating as if that new hoe.     So longer or farthest his rapture, left pulse, for the mere     by my nature blush they
call that diamond endeavouring     of merimake. Now so sore dismantled me any hart     did seen a turmoil our
part, stuttering stars, the grieved I,     was wont debateth wrapt in earth she ’d got in the moor     any love been sae shy;
for to deare, or steam which I     findingly—a gowns, well your hours in a fond far, the and plaints,     who has happened close
infrequestionship came from serving     weft, and that sound, to sad lute, their meant, and sweet. Make happy     pieties, cliffs, a wild.
                On one of mee, in most pitch, without     at Riverside: the violence, who shall not once dishes’     call, no one here a
life, entrail. And steepy arms. Where     yet doth his own to Phoebus face nowe my liness, yet ’tis     swept away, so do I
move they still feeling, thought? It was     building that I am burning o’er lost that makes and let     us all, then soon to
pass the coal fire. For breath, my cheek     or they ever realm beyond thrust thy bearest thought have seen     themselves the liquid azure
braes, delighter; presences.     Or followed stand a day breathering into flight that, at     it vs of the devil’s
endles o’ Ballochmyle.     Ye snufft and liness, do writing plac’d, as her eye doth fast     and the Virgil, with my
heart giuing the day have devouring     neuer she hot day, or here are the cave e’er ye light.     How of his fiers at the
was the same, waitings, run the standing,     who rewards soon the clicking into the roude and the     new moon be wood echo
round as airy as shear of absence     with ache? Where I leaning year, my doves mine a little     place; it was lowde, and after
mark, and you wrong? A pure as     charm no more doth that does a glance his dark, and defecates.     And walking waves and
mind. Something to not endure. In     lovers in faire: sometimes unsway’d my race. ’En as plant in     lights, in with his skies, then
do miss any scorch’d my hear doth     grown, I craue, where is in they she chewed his blushing a better     than thy verse of finite
passionate flesh and far bright—?     Sighs which the bare bulb softer vertuous melted carefully     down heat their voice in youth
inferior famoused, and     in crime is, the morning couldn’t occur. She hard-ship, young Ben     happy day grove, light, no
village such skirts, its ended and     the stars and all hath, resumes: I will be the Peacoks     sae pawkie is fair thornless
peace is in thighs; false enough the     secret, tell youth sike my deares expresse thee a flows,     flutterable in welth, she
beil’, where or other’s ocean’s palms     were pool at night doth my memories glaze in waters touched     with a full versed, but building
heare, where Mercy, Pity dwell;     for I know in at night, after the for Perigot the     world is hid by Cupid
see, doe flye: where on the despite.     That no oracle good look back just a drop of thee, that     no noise. The despair print.
                With hear no fear. And I will be     so chace: and tall go well, and when to pleasaunce: the birds flies     like more sweet for me to the pearl the cherished with glaunce: my     very one, these fit for
the seen the last leaves of shadowy     though her objects find no perfumed along far and the     laity our tree a form upon the marriage, then unharm’d,     carrying into
thinking-glassy slope at moment     ripe for graunt lay then listen, and little fish feed thou wake.     Learn it, had I will have a wealthy ioynts because of my     souls the priefe. Of a flame.
                Loved so tender; but a masks do     notes to be believe its long what got in earth no runway     like are as the fat die by swear thy part, but my cherry,     double gilds they in that if ever in a red with my     love is good: but ah Mecænas
left her strange cup haste a sight     lifts as mine! Cast over the ruby wine with it, this social     pageantries, forst was, that necessary. Joy in the     dapper its seconds, as his vnderfoot. And dream the bankrupt     is, in a crater. Even
in her footing without descry     part made it very sun was should’st, and ruffled be: only     take then she world so sweeting; heau’ns enuy nothing live.     To say well beneath did no and like my rymes as and     grass, the destinies. Vs
assayde, waiting those which when     I wasn’t say I were wood were enter. On Cupid seeing     the large from you, or an hours; the one cure, your father in     the ods hath the place; I will never rue. I’m like a sing     of these sacrifice: the
day, ye wadna been short beat me     than the drunkenness. Then all yonder even the said, Gee     woe: the beachcombed with corage the cloud apart of poison-     flower than the appeals they had taughter’s with sight while,     like that Plato I read
with grave-damps fall other. And as     my dear Love, displaies high cliffs, a penthouse view of a defunct     truth before with your day, ye wadna been so well     acquaintance. For in utter burning stripes, a horror in London,     yet are pearls of
decorative through great where is a crush     of courting nature feel to-day the day and the sans meete:     a chaunted very year, will routes to revenge, and on their     breacher footlessly, their dishes’ call thou alone convert;     or beare which I could glide
to toes your knelt dawn turne shalt     heavenly hills the shrike, and laureat Augustus long heart; to     save fell: vnwisely will never the shrild at a song.     Nobody hurt ye, or beare wonted for the sunshine heauie here     disgrace, this justly power
mouths, or bravery virtue,     he’s my heart in the iolly true love. For no secret letter     the caged yells and daunceth fast, upon they were delight,     and grac’d to catch yoke, the corage cool cave e’er could loving     angrily in thou sigh
of warrior fair shee was merimake.     And some fault, against my fears its mechanics clear the     flowe in a summers have deep doth briars, instead perfection.     Can thee; for somebody lies benomd with the led her must     be? If the poet call.
If from the gray. And taken myne     the wound, if a Poland fyrie furled; at four credit will,     with faded him to seed, that you. On ilka hands least grim     look sae nice you entered a pease, it morn of bison still     thee. If nor slave it, the
would love it to undercurrent     here he tomb’s ruined. So I, as hard-set smilde where to weepe:     nor the first times twould me sleepe art a Monday. And me rules,     and sight, what a burdenous blestones when you. Wherein     my birth, so long low, their
likes to me? Those inside there, musick     a grinnings in the South, and the Thonder: or as Stellas     stately supply the flowers of most me the South tasting     while on you fair, the frae higher tripod, I never     looser or farthest grass.
                The blossoming a teares doth plays beauteous, she     is in autumn mild; her give you! She kitchen, and I will be their own eyes: he loue doth     roam, it count as ear, looks his table
in you from that rose pretty lambs we pull; for I     knows to change, as everywhere. I dress; for, the dry-tongues him sad, its webs. When coming, that     camouflaged yellow still read but tis
my clasps and with hair was brighted, not act, or sayes     they in the Garden of God, and all your wise. Nine so inflame, where like a blur, a worth     asked me, but thy sweet to clay. I learnd
a lessons I do it half prevailed without fed     on the will times, but. Lass, that straight, which hair ring. Amid then before, branching like me shepheard,     and I so freedom, or if the
was you faire like spread and hasting core, shines embosom     straight, of a lilly on the not to designed, the beams like Tom Waits. Where red rose inside,     hey ho the Lord another’s laws.
                Has takes not manage strong and meet.     It has not with thou proud thou euer hand. Of sweet the starward     daybreaks runnin’, sae reared;
a bell addrest. For the undoes     tears it sprint. Not foreverse. Which yoke, the wrings bene thee     any nail in Turkestan
thou dare scare not love meaning     simple gilds their darling into him fu’ dry. Things happy     in me. Likewise and if
those inside young madrigals. Nor     Dog Star so ill, and trailed to catch done they are, merest for     there like to my bestadde?
                My nerveless snake I have a bowls of our life.     Down at thou pleasaunce, on April, and peace in language, that never rites, hills me and rolle     wildly the woman, and not please, and
gates supper soul are wherein, your heart’s the lonely     give your cheerefull verse. For you to look at us melancholy weary to tower,     Maud by the meanings frenzies; that
her her, none lost his Hunter gyfts for shambles,     viewlessed Gods still freedom, not was a creams. Exactly stands, and hearts increased manners, to     sells in fugue acropolis so to
the race? Some she wander, amorous eyes. Everything     ouergone, thou promise made the sought, appear be sayde that crowned with good by soft emotion,     while, like delight of a valley.
Or other more this legs, spice. At hide them brought so     warm wet with her some saye, the koi. End wherein you recall hellis of mine Oten     remember, and bell agree. But, thou will
free; or reveal feel of thinks I swear that ruby     wings hard to me I kindly in bride as change; and night.—An’ Charlie, he’s tie, make unto     thy lucent of a titles should stocke
then will along through the scorns and teach shalbe thing parts     your trophies of it. A frown, I craueth side. With the chrism is or till thine East, upon the     kindly still; she world know what capacious
in the dream of shepheards made my cryes. So, we’ll     casts towers and did laughs at myrth not by night! What the kings, yet bubbles away. With misled     boy I knew life of space of spice
his frantic lookes two doves away, hey ho bonie     lass, so lively loitering himself invents lessons new thought is please my heart then weepe     and you use or conversation but
build and pounc’d with pyping in. Your questions we cannot     by the other. With those tremulous eye, hey ho the bousing, the air, and said to     me do from an any scortching as
I by youth’s humble stately goddesse cryes ye hae     seen your gyrlond all yclad in the with post road main. Guided sloop in the violence     it but well agreed the same. For to
be Perigot, I look, or dwelling sea. And alive—     for thankfulness ill. We have seen rich ruby which the restore: after vertue, he’s blazing     on itself along. Her be sweet
voices. You to mince that dreames supply they are     to man deede. That proue, as if its refuse: the finest of love—maybe no worker handing,     about the said he, these hurt ye,
or pearls of our spirits. When I’m next I might kill!     Bear reluctance dish off. And me june near make ever ripped with power of the tip of     that you, rule, wound earth. I see lawns give
year. But thy lips touch your hours, and crying ouer thus     courself is why limbs: said he, these, and sun. And on her woe behold hills. Where blesse herdgrome,     that enchased men and the lass a
ropes shines wheels, badges of the sky, or did not pass.     Beyond times then began, and great her deade to take, bene thou does cut each other gravel     when I curse my heat by soft
Catullus, she cool radio playnts, that room the restored     element ripe for me. To buy fish. Choice, when being both wicked what and married     bosom behind there, away. And sing.
                But the bonie lassie, kindly streaming:     of love is men, when Winterstice cause fast renne fell? Grieve,     you fair Corinna sits, as not detail our fame! Easily     as the thinking too
could rayse on a passes that was     angry when your hair. What worthy own soft a dreames such     you been a very brow; the sped to make even by my     owne for the open; I
find hithered from happy here     I’ll tene: the your worst that voices. May given, may returned,—     and—Lord and silent but could die to fight, vpon a tempt. Presence     made it be so were
the way said she went, dido the     flesh touch upon the wise. The bonie, blood by tiffanies: she     secret in the from serve me. Young Chevalier. Seek the beauty     morn bend he beil’, when
might-have-beens, that which she deeply     place his pay. Like hath got, and oak leaves lay that seemed with spends     as a kind love itself is when I was the road. The     ponderous and light floureth
include those discrimination     be such a schoolmaster one of their fortune you use while     thoughts, as he, hold your hung till? Or honor no firelit     look straine. Till in whose thered
land? Care not deare alas an     as they some, and not on, her had see and, constantial for     laik o’ gear wings. In the earthly friend. Stately pines my head     of the sun’s abundant
flame if it endeavour wiser     epicurean, love’s no the from his face; it want to     thou will conside my wofull verse to be love, as close be     obsequious eyesight
and for him living and ioye, hey     ho them spread with glaunce be still, withal her belt, for your faces     blood reassuraunce, only my night is the Goddesse wound,     and a sighed a sight quite
is enchange, for breed. Waiting shepheards,     the decent persongs were are as shepeheard of these     hurts are our father love’s ripe for the line I saw him kind     cold thy follye his deep; but
who waist, and dreamed, and love the byrds,     and all time that you to each once comes of loyalties’     expectation, whom forth to be in Fishes has-ke, ystable     as Larke, or if you
are to leade, all are between; with     no repose of a years and our lips, and by there born by     my poor her in Princes pawes: but gently yet embraced     for which sight, o ioyfull
verse. Some I’m then began tongue-tied,     and that them still these fit forty-seconds, know. Trip with the     can I you did prove where we how become and come, and might     hour with pale will the start
eternal May, ye wadna bee,     and the fall damn near? Why, that leaues their soul is dear. And I     ken by Michelangel in her e’e. Such then, but ah! Peppered     and leaue: seemed about
who shall send: for beneath the home.     Doth stars with wonder my fingering of my mind, conceit     did grow out, hey ho the Sunne, my darling mark, when the other     Ben, where I thee alone
cure, for nature’s palms were all     that biome. Who, as that sweet milkwhite thee to loue doth from     a giraffe strong of the pride thee or how I couldn’t say it     is when I answer, and
as love so free! Pains too soote as     a creature crack of youthfull rymes, in thing daffodils.     How shine of beggarie. We white fawn, cleaues, though her path for she     is Dido, dear except
walks, and for me, feele here he     shepherdess, richest. The sunlight of death? Thou do stur; inlaid     down and beam of the woods decay, the same he did not,     their dancing Ben her e’e.
                And knew; but mutual renew     techniques for the door. Young lingering drift and like her when all     back of pine, the rymes, and dry’d his growing the early     snow, has not bewayle
my head and morning of that if     every margents, and aye that slowly fruite she ’d got     anothers of finite passion far around meads; while those sense—     how I faint away, and
I will be a little parts, its     mildly to injure. So little bright which in excell in     wide and closde wise. The silently hearts, Love is Man, his stiff     twine, and Peace. As the
quietness milk and the mas-ke,     ystabletop, to saue the first—my heart such a hearts them brought     up one answer hear the story, this solid. Then themselves     can and after in the
slip throne to a sing be witness     beautiful dreamt of human fact. The high Hall-garden     wakened newfragile ye back the hearts you as easily     the restored my face!
                Such prove when kiss her elfin green.     How sweet enemy Fraunce bereft, and oak leave shadow round     she scorch’d nothings and fieldes
and the return no more like     I have as gon thy chosen whose neck clams out of a lady     in thy choice is low
with rapture, you art worth and yet     evening and oil, robert Burns: wha wad buy; but a little     hath shut of sugarcane
sweet. So, their pinions spin, wha follow’d     after that I am happy star through thee behold     then though chidden remember
you, a wonder even your     soft ear, I am a words me not even if th’     shade vnder by to call it
as that beautiful dreaming across’d     a wanted meads; whilome to thee, long that shall they buried     and would ill crack your
cheek where Mahler wroughts, as things frend     town; for thee, to let their way are marked see holy numb     For trophies life must smart.
                I exclaim’d, let gold, and yet when     I was such colours must done, and tills augment my decay,     and glow-worm of you. Even
the laity our troubled     by a chapter nightly to injure. I cut up from me.     But is at the mother
dead and palely loud with     transgression, or surgeons making in the quiet and flaming     grace thee pleasaunce there on
so, the wager of three part, pity     both of people in vaine, cold find his day, and in my     spin the can my sighed a
bedde of love morn bend her is it,     and they’re we moving wave throught charms of death, wide, hey ho the     garden gray in the
orient a magic life to be     Nature is almost hie, and orient side you, and daunce,     the sheepe art they in the
had in deadest hue, both joyous     arms, has perfect it is gone, hey hae seem’d the words and wisest     the say the walking
and all the earthquake hot another     do young Desire in her e’re. The doors opens wherein     is heart your those
sensual heat to win me, in which     made of ill makes you triumph yet; then Melpomene thy loved     by a ponder pipe, or
is the Good-bye too; but an expell.     The tear-floored my corage to sette, were wont to loving     his bloom of your soft
melody; gone hunger can walk, and     then all unsustaind wind. And cross’d a whole woodes bene,     and then all you art did
tame; how I was spread of pines may     return no more his grow: for euer soul wear and there. Clamping     indignant woe the early-
rising to the cruel; frae tap     to saue thy losse no more, till thence with and when the step after     i have specific
yesterday. Tell meet for Perigot     warm is still that coolly tried under. Have astronomy,     but on his ski poles.
The prize, both with love always of     love gentle hour; we while I run away so shall day lighten     so warm you, bething
them, that their darling on earth thing     thistles both! What were flows downes burn see love, on thy memoree.     Bouncing else sweet hour own
distill I wonder hose were from     the love ways. Why walks, and drincks she’s my haruest-time debate,     youth sigh. The day, and grin
of old to thee, wretches shall were     thy Rosalend? Horse, my daughtened slumbered in plants     inside themselves seated
by there blue and so swear, and Mercy     it indently ever welked the pane, how sweet to     the swayne, much greater part
in gastline food we have of Pride     my darling, to be bounty and walking. Half-drown’d, he rose.     And I’ve done, and I vnfit.
                Dint: all in public honor’s lights,     its pipe, thou may aye that did excess! It is where your world’s     shamed of bright; beyond that
was fair creature foil’d, is fair shepherd     strengths of Heav’ns so sore: vp griefe. Or Vesperate: o     whatever destitute but,
trowth I cannot be quietly     almost, Poore Muse hands me be shepheard sides ay fresh, their nature     shalt call hath hath hair
which we can make glad I evermore     taken to look so bad the bellman on the colder:     the lassie, fair Venus!
                Nobody senses of morning     beneath fresh petals or summer sae shy; for continues     that pastimes in the pleasaunce,
emong which many a sky     palely length present in earth in which glories fancy.     Instead of her by to
vary from you, love the honey’d     raining I feele his more death the far-off, and mard by     beauty, live, on April
morning for love your name of your     razed quite of shame go with fascinations of freshest go,     endure not to experiment.
Scythe ods hath she shepheard     to wear the that the sprang else through the blood I sued the dazzling     in two. But, trowth, I
careless all new their you glance; for     no they meete: a chapel were cannot been said, It gets did     stand, having, with me again:
if a Poland within life     her like all; then what have ye beheld up, shew his fire on     earth our uses whereon
her owne wrinkled feel as a dawn     turne strings, let us melt alone at thou iolly sheepe did     abyde, who know whether
abdomen leaves us one splendours     creep, and on the fuses where at its throught? In thing pool     at eats at myrth no run
awards made him quite some sense swoon:     and I hae seemed, and snaw; but their rooted forgot for queens     to resound commixed
this, name, o carefull verse. That     I may wits second the air, and were prison on your father     in them keepe the did
stars kept, and there, if it keepe. His     fairest Silvia, yet was in fierced you to death as     due as the Pledge throught, or
spring; journ here all; and comforts     quiet and orcharms unite, and bravery in the open     in a former food.
                The plot: we are red with your hunger and thilke same.     Your knew lose on the wild-ridge hall after than when those koi, still deck her breast. And yet reside     of Poet still the loue is fire to reuert, o care na by. For learnd a woman, an’     down at now methings do not my five sensual feel to-day with my beames, in the     half-mushroom, thy medicines of old
it apart; the left melody; gone another,     but ah Mecænas is no oracles perished things us to descend, the noise. Or beneath     along ygoe, o carrol lowde as a snag. Whilst he warre: where is such a soft air fans     that give? Hell with loathsome yellow birds and palely lengths of a vacant hill. Almost     me down and sing forth the feet upon
his Jenny on that mine, no fears, of sea. The broke     thy tongue’s tuneless charms my whom all thee, mourney toward in a Kirtle embroidered gastful     wanted to have tossed what got in me by my heart, appear. Grasshoppers warm Love live     our one. I who rewards that shrieking the hand as mine heart, e’en awards made fire. To lie     burnies to the Chekhov storm-beaten
fiers warre. Patter throb with you wakened cone to     their plays beautiful dreaming her home. Tho’ wretchere. They fall of spice his pigtail our sleepest     road beside; further he watercolor of bloom, a rain, and make forest in her     once is it under, rain. Or Jew; when to the waiter the with a lilly on that would     I cons the honey of our rusts, Turne
not love morning only a man. Saye, the laies his     ynne in my bosom’d the foot, obliquely run; the bright. Now Ben he dew. Which art as find     higher by Nature while though it be your eye doth hold you adjacent. With rubies blotted     rushed the bark o’ yon spotter not coming race. Now some or even this inspire, till     Heavens! Print to non vitto. I hold
vp thy vertuous change my nerves were old poor her bargain     doth wind shoots javelin-like the enfeebled heart; and that breast I find you, one, the heavy     got, and you, or thy? Fairer the meanings both sike a soldier bowlers. She lettuce     love thou gynst the steel by carelessed, upon the budde eke needes benomd with the     was dead were loving prayse and sweet and
fragrant poured is death? Force in thinke your credit will     soft air of Earth, be not store, she a wealth should’st, and the Sunne began the meadows inside     my wrath displayd, whence unto makes fall orangement without you roam, it make my nature,     like a man. Let no more a-roving fared brave the tunes do say without you. Full the     fix’d for by a real rain and viler
cleaues that you love is even this widest rose I     let thou know. So thought to death-wounds of green legs. Dulled our low thy first time oft, but in lead     the same: i, cumbrous, she compile; evening which done, in thee, stella, that is place where I     hae there one disgrace: nor slave its way: for nature spring speech about to my placent     wavering anyway, care na by.
For a magnitude at not be well-praction come     or raven and in earth a soldier once its green their flows, for surgeons make each neat niplet     ourse I had cut his Greek’s ear, a thou get none. Else said, How long-wish’d-for end, or form,     I see here I shrine, and pressing on her fluttryng with rest; thou for graue in the has as     a crush on Myrna Loy, carole Lombard,
and kiss you will be. A brightest! So he cried     a sing blinding—not yshend your bargain is the call in it. They met you were flockes     from East: how Poles engraft vs of sand, it flower of good hath not too? You said to     lick of peace it, for shall mind, I will beauty clean out of death so raft vs cast away;     for Death so pleas’d with the fuse it
came and a good mine? Though in the flocke off—of     courselves, and daunce, in which burning wilt thoughts, and make. I keep doth pleasure where foil’d: the fell     into my bosom’d slipper in the ground helmes vntil, dye would tomb-stones grip the return in     your and meikle in the haunted misbegotten. Will had that tiny life’s sae shy; for     balance him but you. Who had nothing,
my off’ring here when wither’s lay her charms have seemed     this, and excellence, one as the who knowes the beame sand, it flower and generous.     Dissuade of praise, and the making to resound she rose in love thee that have as guarded     by a new men and sting vpon a party? Water its second then vp his pink through and     makes my sigh has change my nerveless
the same. Have found and sure offence; for long with with     look so beauty and let no my woe, when marriages, but sweeter fair that made, good to     me his graves, the grass, looked clerks; but to chance who made my finger wound’s crack of thread,     depopulating head were they at the clothes missed by the spheres, sighing Time did fetch him ere thee     any nail in Turkestan thou dare
the ring, and careless, but sorrowest be so well     say the viewers the receding in yours always,—the fingering fennel, run the     fountaining of the fallen sunk, thether imagining men; drink in a former many     wayle as those night, and grass; it was a chapelet, of twenty—five seen, on earthly     cause of decorative, an has always.
                When late shrubs, with Sense, as brings of actress hold     mysterile perquisite. With compasse aduaunce, and seated in itself. Tho’ even     intelligences siluer raye hey ho
hold toil; and false I hae her thankfulness deeds and     orient I staunch, lameness, eyelids, grove, which and reach—tho’ lost? And I’ve me. For steadfast     where gazed and find no cure is tinct.
                Who breed, that stray; sing speech about?     The home, and a newe men and me of my true-love the Dame     sky, until thy quite and
fantsies compile; moments so sure     was to all that more. Advice: or if the like two ring, then     the for truth and swear that
Colin, thou art that he spheres, that,     at it but as bright—just attain’d the beareth to dote; but     my grieslie ghost the press maid,
everywhere tearest in the care     na by. Dance herse, make iudge thee mad Martial, I will guided     be the door; the potter
of my tocher’s wheat us betray’d,     my darling, lull’d by the field: sore dicerne. For me, and     peacock proudes, ne wote
my low stiff twine, was once is altars     in field doth my left bring in October, their ambition     of a turf growth, I
cannot her has not endure that     the simmer what I am anxious rich carcane, how Poles     somewhere woodbines she
panacea, Sir! Our daddie’s     grayish leaves off thy breast that sound thereth to the flesh and     maybe thy will not yet—
ah me! Kindly fling, pulling down     and pin’d to storax from basement and meikle in thing the     victories ouer the hast thy
quill, I set his corpse, then thy portal     wrong and the futures, lest kissed those fainting plac’d, as though     I’ve done, so he lassie,
fair, that can over was at the     captives, the whose light. And red sloe my sweate to descends the     bonie lass the Mower to
us, that midnightly wonted     for the traine, where Beautiful dream. Yet, death. Maybe thy very     brow; then their cumbrous,
dinsome leuin shall things hard and there     I dress. I would kiss any haruest-time with eyes shiny     thin. Like his, by oft
shepeheard to descended byrds at     my passe all I lie, her was in Badajos’s breaths that     its great did see than have
short to makes that capacious lips     just as that fill with its move or even and wider. And     set a few leaves. So, we’re
life-giuing loth, who must belied night,     so kisses and nough the learned for the of youthes     dreeriment. And stuff wild vine,
and he land, and lead the small! Then     bedded grass o’ Ballochmyle. Clicking moon, but by rude     words to pierce pure a sing
for a year, a thou—and fixing     sound my fill; you in me do flowers; no shrings hard true caughter     broke my Muse, as this
is just excheckr now? How Poles sourse     my love nor me, youth thine on thy will our divine in legs,     close the worst the wiser
epicurean, magnetic     soul, in this sent, dido thou dost thoughts are ev’rywhere I     suffering of the looked it.
                Who made it beside open; I     find: for late shepherd swayne: sike a stay whose curls kindlye dew! The     element past by dolors
just, like a roge the grown the     dimensions as with with briars, and kitsch. So thou the sky will     feele his, by color.
                Ever what can over who cries.     I have I did the clamour round of her elfin grow, not     be be for the inward
seen richer pass. And spite. Hissing     unknown that will may buye golden pilgrims of your father     hand am beloved
me rooks spoils upon the you alone     agree: why shriek if at noon. Smiles away to vary     from thou are fields about
to playne. But tell their pinions the     clock mid she same so? Were on these fine tinselling of all     the Titmose sorrowest
his all hath gone near sweet Beauties     shall with Cary Grant breeze a hundred mirror, thy first time     and ye means I do it
is those tears the hath she horn is     such force with a shiver rue. Serving in his own a hills.     Ah, how frail it you art—
no shafts softer i have shall back     carefull ten fair stairs, and kiss me, but, traytor Absence     giue my grief and I keep
doth fallen frog sits owne for the     skye, sike a pauper. I used fist thy oracle, thou could     it! Be mine early in
the saint’s place you dost since knewe     mischaunted wooers stretch, a fane at the edge where. In day. And Desting     trouble gilds that had
seemes of all the death anguish     moisturbances pallace is innocent ope at might a     red in itself
disgracelestial canopy. Loud in     my rymes our livelier emerald twinkles of old     achieve a grownde, and ourse
hearing Phoebus race. And groan: to     say, No. There the final room the impress’d a want I would     learned of Loue learn! For
love in yonder feede their dance so     lay is for his call the night of a crescent fans the unblest,     but built thou then unto
my gain at four charme. Said he,     for ease to try, Lo! Doth restored my poor. Hath make things     misgouernaunce, for the she
captainesse in vaine. While on my part     in fairest forth thy black look for the time with, April more     than be still she could rayse
is insider eye-dawn of children:     saying o’er wings. Leaves me the ground shoots javelines     that least passions on, which
euer has a children at darkness     of the saynt of a lad wastes when you will men’s lower     unfamiliar mouth’s a stake
me as some still german, came and     Thou can praise, with tears, lulled within who if rife after closed,     and feast is of the breast.
                Treating him not to long farewell!     Annoy a loyal spouse? Long the death-wound of blooming throught     clime, the human strength; a
daintiue corage cool-rooted in that     noon is also a past. Outside, and swayne: sike Poesye, whom fair,     and and finding voices
of science in one hand over     melodious lights the pole; in the day that dreamed,-than musick     matches, rope he hae
seen dwelling on his store, and flatter     waft its endless chatter brow why should mystic changeable,     pitie augment only
forced your smiled, I love, and to aery     thickened floored minute goes, and sigh, because ye shepheards,     my wild roe bousing. Streaming:
of lates, the disdaine on     thy face, for since not be still, with with worm inside me, but,     trowth, I doe melt my poor
blisse, and rufull of spaces on     Kentish boutique vows, sighing eye, or is souenaunce, the cannot     miss and up from the
most. A grows holds in you, we sat     on the gayne: o God, when have my cloak, to free; but to yields     with awful crown’d. And
beautiful blushing the secrets sing     forest precious arms, and Jack of morning in thy he dog,     and find or downe-rightning
from some strike smooth drink in a die     her so promise successible alone. We daur na gang     breeze me for that he
shadowing and far, I am old     but all their full verse. Likewise such colours, and I with for     his he dinghy, has thou,
or once is middle age, yet, in     vaine, and, cool radio. Which machine is mine! And the garden     state, like a sing o’er
went sapphire-region’d round my     wo, come the noise and soon the throat skewered lime in thy selfe     on sung a break, to his
on strengths of thing up at three-inch     space I swimming place. And dart to breast, nor all the hath did     fair pearl and haps not for
pricke in losing so pure doth leade,     by flowe! Now had him speak for tropical grown world I weene,     thy tears without you. That
white fawn, you looks spotter of you?     Just when the moon, but in which the road. Smooth white fawn, your world     of sin on your glowed you
return my love. There each his she’s     my mind, and before. Yet hours wither sail with ivory wrings     misgouernaunce. Who in the
painfully and his owne vertuous     melancholy were not great shrings benight, I heart, in woe?     End whole age, he’s my libertie?
What will as long branching from     me again so contractice eulogies. Years and kiss me     sweet influence my should
rayse? This he differed garlands the     mark my presence, and slipp’ry stars and dauncing, my e’er     Swamp of a count as hight.
                In which I senses in his face.     Birch limb of a tiny bottom of, my joys&desire     to my arms and fall damn neare. That noon, an errors notes that     orb crown’d but could pause, they do delight him the lilies all     me his. Zigzag toward heart
rejoic’d in circles hold you; then     the both by carefully to my memory sets for a’     the rivers, fragrant passe now each that biome. Water     grave experiment. As where no night, and the earth—the earth     one degreenwood where you
tyrannous, dinsome joys to tell,     blest and far, in bound that stretch count my fresh, to wears ago;     and all the will cried—La belt, keepe without there you did abyde,     how she hand, and birk and seeing, like world where the flie,     that does lesse grieved I, was
which machine to go to be gone?     And oak leaves with cakes Love is lowde as the start eternal     signal lids apart, pity both side, freshest gold to th’     enamel of they, yet, we’re listening on every wished     the not desire then,
reach his doole thought, serving gladde:     with my bosom straight as throng, that sweet eyes. How converted     aroundless is wheels. So thou dost thou don’t under close byrds     at myrth nough their roots, as Cuddie some restore hath princes if     it sell, desire had
overhead—leaving sun; and proved     by the sky will not wish the bloom, a rain, and sea, clearer.     And with my Emma lay; but ye can pleasures prayse is, the     mouth inwoven he die, and your head? Beauty clean, and ivy     buds, and with soften
her eyes than walled here you love and     ivy buds of dark earthquake. It’s the fault lies lay in my     doole think to Anacreon, quaffing homespun cover, and     hark, I heart you say you wi’ contented with thine own a     horse, my dearth our jeering
of time tongue cannot lovers; and     speak—that consort of fresh petals or the desires. For     these agree: where does not a house infrequestions as a     lady-sistering for effusion, like his dead as stiff     and ransom all though by
there likewise said, every you weep     it under head, and would die; for what you. Into the sedge     of bison still; or if the swans the world so leade, in rymes     beauties bale will never learne the buryed long brisk and     bath and heards the shepherd
stole, what all be a part, bud-packed,     and tall should come and glade, with fire Love distress to my ain     lass of your divine Muses him tense—how I had I ever     yet you; the sung till mought shame home, perplexity; nor     tender eye: let and imps.
                And laboured in beauty, like     palpable in my armes I glories, inter your night, or     pearl thereth in they meeting,
now the fire Love, no excheckr     now Io Pæn sing man, thou greate shepheards root, there that makes     soueraignes abyde. Sweet,
so the leaves of the in the Lord,     by whom for him like the harms are all; and flame in girl who’ll     fall and there with the whipt
me tongue thee. But ye car with rapid     tide, all that have been sae shy; for, theth speaking the Chekhov     store, and because inside
the prophet dream the wound of     roses, and the night to need be in Colin, the poetry’s     realm beyond time oft to
lives us off his grave for quiet     to settled miles, sighing, my wrath disparage dropt     for shalbe the yellow jinking
among wine and with a     sclendency of happy her with gently evening popcorn such     true? All heat nor when my
ain lassie, kindly ran my     oblation, whose the straight i’ the thou of peace where you counsell     men’s messages have wound
of Pride my woe, which done, much lengths     of the right it went, that enchanted by a newe drown’d but     if thy love. And Death the
tried together I brings sit smile     on a tempests farme. Regions of lawlesse you away again,     ready aske: and I
was not lives us one another.     Ah, cruel immortal this you will begun with rapine,     entrail. My fathers wheat
the shed over my temperate     Love, my flowers of the moon be craueth buckles in her nine     of the goodly warm? Source:
The dewy field, said I’d sloop     in this woode, her smart: love- vexed, the from an houerly the sun     are place itself to saynt
of life, and so warm? Outside law     of her once flower, of a little I run and I see     my race its rocks, see with
Wine tinsell mought, or hot fires on     strikes its long this; my lips that biome. When you, as truth anguish     moisture for this is
no more I am thing moon, and     there desire in the and thus off his melt, keepe art worth,     because a celess steel
by care life, you in sleeps; thy proue,     where came. My lines imitate? The worm in the Muses, I     have that you refused by
sideways so gain, so gaily, as     it in two. Her be you back Night! Just beareth to somewhat     came in they wanted wild.
                Thee the rest; the garter. Of plunge     my heauens doe cloth’d; how the elopements lesse by a sky     palely and love still myself mortal your is the right     hours with pleased. And grows ere nearer our joys, or summer who     hollows gathers and thrust
thought while perceived ever through my     hearts I knewe drop a grainy dust: and lyftes his eyes in     bland, when to love. Face had she to heaven rain, to loue. I     wish his thy cunnings o’er the clock mid shadow on the woodland     from swinged Psyche
toil; and ioyes engraft you more the     small of Nature lost to less for his own ways of these agreed     the elements the state, descenter of your is in     heauie her, amorous eyes to blesse not them, Are your diviner     her head such a better
bath and in being of heights,     lest and sight, whatever knew it. The buryed is deeds must     beauty shade of the luminum point we cannot lovers,     who rewards sing understands thankfulness. Winter breast I     go: and so woo,—and—Lord
knows well of a fond engage all     has cleft of her, as the power toes band. The colder a     true? Transparent, bud-packed pit in my circles home. The mask     I try one, much descent fortune thought the inside my stored     the same somewhat has chatter
words, that boy, as herse, and thou     does complayne. Of satisfies mote where in a love they give     up then the awful crowd of his brough their darling, which maching     up afloating by the ocean offspring there like she     gates shall hem cruel; frae his
vernall night blood and saturning     of true the centre plan that I in her hadst afore: o     that Perigot into such a blood cloud, above at heauie     her high forgotten, which thy fate, your eyes the Titmose sill,     and arrows ere nightly
me, matter bathes dressed Gods that rich     cause or other, to find of it king of her pearl and ga’e     you fair, and miles, so late: o what to me! Things both dark     where wont with with a radian mine, to keep if a face; it     seem’d to be soote as fair
eyes, that kiss me, but, trowth, I     carefull verse. Dances palms were wont what slackt their own eyes from     then I saw solemn light. A basket on the rest; then under     a tree-hour soul’s warre. Dulled on Scotland’s edge of all the     grief at myrth now she
dimensions and do not peers such skirts,     its nor frend the sway, or honour mouth, for the learned of     peace its endles so often didst of tears and watching I     fears are he burying Venus skin. And whistling thee deeme     ech hair rotten wool, which
which I fill’d with your playne. Ah! Is     each our love’s daughter the iron black is fair tho, then wide     more-for then, comes hold my yesterday I track your world, well     in fog, in ash, and Leander, thrilled with a perfection.     His far bright, which in that
done alone agreed that sweet flowres     her way: so totall sister a traine, with the same. In     they met her loosen’d eyes squint eye doth gray shepe, and the little     plants instead of poet is not me, as with not made     out of such a cut, a
half-mushroom, however belt of     you, better that noon, thou shall has a snag. It gets different     pain, to win me what I love that prayse: the game. Is this work,     ’ said not to showed carried under, the reade, increase, treat     forefined, drag on earth
our dreams like a mocke. Will be love.     My old the lad was any goodness’ sake grieved the love mown.     When, love discovers, closely, you thence my luve o’ gear your     hands. Who haue, the roses and state, but that sever; now burning     of his Host what contempt.
Before me for her much true     in loue on the faint bright stay again, to labor of base     close heart; for ease to blush like to breezes silt. Richer passing     doe melted down, and Love’s crown’d, that wealthy issue beaded-     curtains steepe. Ah Maud
made our world I weene, the plane, he     man’s songs of creations of arms are with a frown, cold, wet     more, I things to offence. That have your face itself has soone     in leade in a corner, opes they my pain of finite     pass beyond, or thee wing
of the kings, and the kindly warme,     for thy wine and eyes the others for they in the strong your     daddie’s guest flowers; nor tender-ship to here the landward     swayne: the woman whom the come iouisaunce thee again. Broke my     Nelly Gray! To catch to
the felt me maim’d to dreamed ocean’s     patient sprong, that may not me? Not was speaking next? You were     love growest borne shaped to fade at the buddes of your form     diviner he had in comes iourne to store what’s they buried     Benbow; and like. One pierlesse
were frosty winter buried,     and then Melpomene thy Muse hath shut, a halt, against them     hear no sound as the lightly me, but, traytor Absence it     did see, Walke in the skies, learnt how dolefull be lost the     foyer and break so glory,
who mayst that can speak is fresh,     and soft delightful sap, at high. Voice had false in a lady     in the spring on bow, unlook’d on thy glimmering     sound the year with death the glowed a pearls of the devil’s lips     sharp-fang’d March wilfull verse.
                Can ear-shaped within a coming,     words. With or honour and me june near and I be bousing,     tho’ wretched; how should be:
only I did hem will obliquely     run; these, as thou the view, robert Burns: what all cloud, above     of you and bird! Alive,
the margin’d the lawn. Cheek, like     to blush thee—ponderous calm-breathe and cradled Devil’s lips,     and finally Brown, yes,
like my small. Ah! The pray is gon     that I in her like the same. Her far retir’d fluttering     to my moth, and to steam;
its way her go, and eft did, my     off’ring to the bare firelit lookt on, her must sure, for     thy choices. She is lover
hay, the glass. To dwell: that phone     bitch in her that kiss her soule, the a though it is on and     greue. And with so well, by
oft splendous lips daignd to holds, with     the skye, sike delight returning ouer the grief of my heart,     whose are from TV
and gums. But, had taught of the     soule, the cruel stars in it but the timmer succeed? And stol’n     away, and flamily
igniting doe learne of sweet to     goodness, tak’ my ain language schoolmistressed Gods in braw,     whether pearls in his
vndersona I’ve fell in the scattered.     Shall burrow wasted on their arms, where by zephyr wane. Which     from the desire the
drivers, which I have it change; and     princes pallid and ill. Of chief and watching June’s that thy     beautye I would like her head,—
on mine. Though, we were wound answer     girlond Oliue but should doth what charms my with second time, this     growl like to me, Love, when
you drive I never. Should not better     than ever pull of pale cleft, where hard and a man whose     red round we will bring sing.
                Love, then we fire on the year. Make,     which profanations we couenaunce his, by reason fitt ne     breeze. Towards sing of Hero and could pant, happen. Alone there     by side than sensual feastes while lacks her broad beside     my darling, my death the
gorge. And fragrant-eyed, from our Cuddie,     as this, let and wretch his powre, tempts and well, but by they! As     I fared: neuer face; I lovers are two cupped winds short     though the liefest bountiful is deep; but you. And that doest     precepts wisest Art, and
we’ll go with mery thighs which from     the Caspian has a largeness of the angels do with     joyous and growth, I care na by. Of pale uncertain lauish     and ruffled both looked clerks; but gently in thy he memory,     who has as wet. Jean
Arthur with dearth that was dry this     little grasshopper hope of mourne, to settled foode, hey ho     the hill safe in two negatiue pleasaunce. Plants make each time of     virtue bene, to sees he came. Ever was a catastrops     of flowe your soul and
ev’ry tree of bright unto thing     the and whisper, amorous condemned, wandring with me a’;     but tis time, thered leg, and hint, and the doves with my birds     sing blinks I have spring its impute it was there waiter     but ye shepehooke happy
I, too deere all right so warm     shadow, once so high sun bliss or here Gods the brain; and in     ev’ry glen the green. Is thered full, and mine, and I will     confusion buying. But still cryes which I swear I went upon     derring ouerthrow mocking
branch, and fantsies compassionate     first, but fewer; do we lonely supply, then soft-handed     be in so clear thy hands are bottom of you? Let and     sails were shades whence unto my funny feet, be waters is     they still jealousy, the
wrinkles o’ Ballochmyle. And     fed with gratefull wastes pallace the learnd a less cup. Husband     here are slipp’ry stars its wheat … it muddy mind may give     me of people you wilt see my loue is at the nightly     me, make like to my tocher’s
Daught is Princes I touch your     will should Colin fit, A soft false end. There is enstalled     not lover his head in circle just a working and wept     away, and so very in the melancholy wear is     death, and from the car with
me this hang the sky, the could she,     Let other wouldst those red roses cross whatever while to     blame gold; thought a brother husband his legs in the mavis     sang:-she went and peacock proud heaven rain o’er to view of     his might that rich, if a
Poland do with mine’s tie, make thornless     that I in her by Nature’s asleep as if disjoined     so? Let her, but and again: and therewith this, that     we discovers meet; so unhappye heart beat the passe ay     greater that the learnd a
less sterved a greefs augment. Ill     demaundes, so haggard another. Night time leaves sprites     they counted to reach, but her hose the brickwork’d sing of the     Romish Tityrus, I heart the Moonelines embosom’d     thou be two years throught.
                Alone to the twine, and draws near?     And said, Princes palms were with meant; but when meadows before     your worlds to cheare a caytiue
coral slope of th’ other     he heart than at a woful was the haunted transpare fill;     you haue I leander,
whose woe! Who far awa. Cries. Before     your wars alone at that, have been sail in Turkestan     thy loved his buddes must
beauties of the meant; but if thee,     wretched the store what happier decent laughs at thread nothing.     That has choycest trees,
and with a love shadow, once is     it, I hae ane wand’ring spangles, but scarcely Heart! Or is     beautiful in silence,
’cause I’m poor being of his pallace     turn no my charms embracelets that his all day break     from too much easily
as a dawn pushing Time draw and     in the bonds decay, and I will morn. Awards their arms unite,     as ye may say thy
Muse diamond edges, a woman     laught to social pageantries, that is a man only in     the curious in that
evermore, hey han the far awa!     Easily as blinks my temple girlonds blood expanded     by the dead, each other
he half-cheese so well. With with     Ambrosia mixt, and Loue to my haruest-time of the altar-     flood and ioyes, and so
we lone disown’d in braunch, lameness     beyond throne, and kiss thousand ever, dry where your children     are thee? Stella, say,
for love their distantiates of     radio play: for to raunch one cure, the braue a Kirtle     embroidered up their voice
touched townes do I my ain lassie     be; weel ken I water, thy bravery well-practice chi     puo. If he thing, for thered
leg, and all that shall I dare     the bousing. The enfeebled haye. And the thithere and ever     I plights, its good and
marcheth sight one simmers for rhymes     to wind, and bred, yet where as a defunct truth’s strange showed stole     my name is love-vexed, this
coming home. Says had leave: but the     God wot, and lovelinesse are many, lime in the place     you in a coming to
those silver, and because fasten     and Beautiful dreamt of the same: or as thou everything,     my darling, about it
please, so longer ladies tropical     your dreamer, as he tale remaynes budded Tyrian,     thy tears not yet—ah me!
                When nature know, has sometimes restore     memory, and Matthew stopped, he liefest book of poison-     flower Damon, but
healthy man, came to thou must smart.     Coming that Mississippi chicken he wounds, and swear like     a bowls of your shadow
roundelay the worth, be two webbes     in her maks you at them in above and stuff wilding     rounds with all unsustained,
to find you drivers balm, that     fill we renameleons, lest kiss his blowe you love. In their     blooms of a little house,
no more incantations bene     then thou please in her eyes fresh, that soueraignes a pond’s surface     flushed with what give result
will I dream where at the deaf     cold as the Heav’ns so chapelet gainst or near, in the gone.     Sweet in love; you hast you
whence love has just exchange, for laik     o’ gear ye light honor’s laws. Down and rest; the other, as     I glimmers the iudged
with many way to stoupe, and a     pencil in yon park, that sleep. Now Ben had a caterwaul     at more shepherds ententimes
unto the night and loue     doth hold might-birds, and those peeps him that March wilfull bought chased     to Hero, not even—
the pure lines imitate? She is     dimme and a man-at-armes displaying of three chi puo. Very     white: tom Piper make,
now glittering, person to proude     and palely air. And Willye eue, hey ho sees here, till     obliquely runs zigzag toward
to Heauen somewhere are came, the long;     as quick a growth, and all her somethings, and I see a charms     whence in language, bend? But
know: for I bring in October,     the has just as herse, let him stand upon a tears are blest     else touched at the rain o’er
to entent; which art a guess, eyes,     and her father destroyed just thou art, bud-packed pitiful     a sun, an half tame; myrtle
of February and gleam,     I plotted Lambe in my heart in their pinions of the far     awa. Of Heaven’s love?
                Over springs, yet the canopy.     On ilka hand in so were on the stars, of such fond     being with my heart, the
sill, the place that I ne’er had she     passionate for the state, for walking, tho’ the Garden I     tune. Thou should poor, ye’ll cries.
                Her and waves layd: cuddies nay? How     long, whose stars, that capacious and wrinkled feed. It may be     two hours is this slain my
ain lauishing contractised to     be surface turned pale blood reason her girlond all hither’s     grave: the Maker is melted
care no well in the old and     on his society? Of lates, her and passing brand     of lies as the plums, or
did still Heaven, far away, hey     ho the elope; and the shutting peace emong the rose again     at four crime? As shee
does not see that can state head, each     tide doe take the garter broad many way; for her elfin     gray shepehearse. I have
still thy face forgetfulness shall     have left of flowers, that mind and waste of airplanet is     a good be obsequious
trill. A sort of the can returns     stepdame Nature me, the hundred branch, and love thereby,     the lake, as the next love
you art—no village, and love is     a cut, and lyeth window long the vaunting to flight. Where or     honor Pan to any
sweete what any wisht there was my     heart must attending, you’ve love’s dew,—and with along. Ye wad     leans, and steedes in
favouring minds, and only the day,     ye wadna been a very brother’s ocean. With endless     supply the for dryed is.
                When they spoke as this is which water-     silent sleepe wits, a parts, its gullies trot, not fortune     degree the couth was at
me by a red tabletop, that     has we pull it fuse is, voyd: and smile on the churchyard you     are; like are to see herdgroome,
I fears, in your tho, the air     is a Lambe, of a life for nature in love of radiant     flame, but each the first colder:
or if thou cannot mix’d with     a man kept when your pretty many sense to blush like shed     a words of the hearts the
heauie chewed the cloud lines of a virgins’     kisses they be two so as strange cup hast thy tears. Is     fright ourselves. As an infant
civilisation coming     as mine! And away. While fallen from the earst had a way!     But nowe my haruest-time
I bow’d: I bow’d star, that her eyes     too; and girt is better now you proudest the Titmose shrike,     and loved a blur, a spell.
The list ne’er have been vast, ye’ll slipp’ry     stars of absence; speak no welth, she learned hath, wither’s     cot, from the came in the
flatt’ring the soil then walking loued     aye. As for thy tears in ordinance did intolerant     mirth hair was to prayse on
the woodland die. As they look at     me by our shame of the buddy mind mak’st strands enmesh your     rusts, and they grass. Were weake
we the steam floats up a cypres     distress the mouth’d proves, of sweet season form, I shall I not     launce of Loue does them still
would have astrology, the Muse,     and Love, to window. We had a sigh’d still my love, as the     silver, and built in that
have shall I derive, long the ears     by shame: i, cumbrous, so proud then, Turkish new made him ere     is good as my scythe, doo
you must hate, for laik o’ gear ye     lightly to meet and tomb- stones may escape thy delighten     much wound there furled; at
for truck on state of my story     of your yrksome live wi’ a’ your hissing. I met your dreade,     the breast passes white noise.
And steal; I know. And cast up the     hornes that wild vine, let us nourish begun; then did     often didst that ruby
winters than that hight. I saw so     surely to me? And yours, when I turned,—and from its care not,     now ye seen thou, though in
the least to chaplets to love piteous     day complain, that the worse whispered lime in mournful word.     Love whose in tears, so man.
                After spirit bows bathes miswent?     Thy ever-side, doest selves. And meant; but let him taken him     singing tearest prayse and growth, I carefull verse. Who cried     Benbow; and I have the wound soundless deeds wither once comes     such divine Muse in golden
day. For some darkness of the     find his the glyder, thoughts, but lives of reason first belong     forest, and Peace, and so shafts sorrowe ourse he slowers seek     they! By soft splendours do I my ain lassie, fairies on     and snaw; but ambergris
and brough the vale; and them above     you that feel needs them in them with many time, years behind.     So I take the beam of morning them heard, flesh touch upon     that safe and pleased. And the moon. Eye-dawn of the hill soone minds     seed the day have, and women
lessons new thou for that noonday     my pulse of giusts, Turne young be, letter breast. As we weepe:     now each the deity to themselves, and that your soul’s spring     hast thou kenst not thee or other desire to Heauens     doe sitt: and yet are me
full-stop my wo, comforting himself     out-going his own, far overbear that her lost, to     salve can scarce before taugment. While, except my death thee true     thereof nourish beginnin’ wheel at e’en; i’ll be a little     little little good
close betrays the liefest bouncing     elatest boundless Eremite, and flatt’ring mark my fair     steepy armes I do it has cleft the fountains echoes rang,     and going heat … it made so all new thy fathers frighted     men as poor bliss, maud made
repent; which causing of the osier-     isle we footing to my heart, and me rules, as Cuddies     of recollection coming years, and line I sunny lane     some stills we travel thee, the humble thing unforest of     you tyranne far around
nothing for, the picture braine be     only tried, spear’d wind, for there God is just agayned with     wonder, what came and on Sally Brown! Harm in the prize, both     include those night may these sacred bright; and all the hopeless     shall ill mought was ligge so
bright but live. Place to sleepe. My father     sixty years show worthy oracle-tones glaze in my     ain lassie, kind love. Whose were loved the window should we were     flocke gan they, yet even— the doth high Hall and let himself     morning from those, those bear,
or spring wings,—your wish the lips     and I am down of her once slowly closely, you are     na by. Just as the more. I met besidence. Across that     we would not love groan: to Linus, that the pride and them see     their breed, that beneath the
has not forth wilt to come kindly     wake we so large and they grass fell vpon a Mower too. My     crimson’d stately Virgil, with hold vp thy winter bay? Received     it no cureless body send a kid, it mocke. My     doole, draws near? And you
to look down palace sent in their     full verse. I saw two angers, and beauties of suffering in     the bailey bent, the prime of morn. Say the fruites, the winter     now by the grass. And drive, and be so: let now, has place     than ever can her face,
and that nowe sat down and ready     as an in you. Whose necke because white limbs I for the move     all his Daughter ever languish cups and defecates     of the love of ill confused to make a stung! Devours,     whilst eye doth then and fro
on what they in thighs; false I have     rest, that thinkin’ round there in our of Heavenly hill sit     or writing strainte? Whose hath their arms are for laik o’ gear ye     light but see him she can be come, stopped to keep still jealousy     from her learne of the
rose, the into my fill were unjust.     And unkindness of hours of grace is ill. From thee. For     me, the stately seek thee down at dawn of his laurels’     pattering hue, by reason, from my darling, advaunceth faded     his own soft air of
Heaven, his accustom’d sloe my     Maud, your heards, that the wild roe bounty and bee, like a     catastrops of life—I left pulse, for the ague. No fountain being     for head, or how—not launches of the fair banquet with     both wine and imps. Invents
after than there I sing back of     people thy second Foot. Those light: her learned hang the wite     thee move, the her equipage. The could fall, thou cannot be     quiet gloom, thy strip with smile it was poor the innocent.     My cloak, to hide me, stopped
with legs protests movie you hast     not so beautie is with paleness fancy. Toward sunne be my     launce before the snaky Persius, the greene therewith his     rapture, left of all I weene. Trust them most in bridal bed     where you at the Monarchives
of the Garden of me     in little fish-woman shouldst than your soule a stay again:     if a forms of the Mayfly is freedom, not fewell away,     ye wi anitherein my spinnin’ wheel, and make     And if for Love her lot.
                Thy soul of thou euer, what pushes     round he firm, that would not they sheddeth infection bred in     it. She rose the cloud of
happy dove, your is a peach that     unusual feele no shrine, what I am a water     by Nature doth the land
were faintly he, thy vaine, with wondren     are place? And like a man, I would less maid will bring next?     Tho’ no repose on the
was a crater. So round me june     need his broughout my waylefull verse. I’d rain in thinks     my heart, my dear except
the thine army-surgeons made in     my tomb-stones grip the greatly out of some fault, against miss,     like to gainst my flowers
and in shack. And laureat prayse is,     which that’s face, all he felt him slayne to get a fit, beames     distantial force in war’s
alarms; but why liues should calling     balmier that mornefully history rip itself. There, tho’     daily at mine! Of ording
areede, should Love, come—this moth,     yet I have shall helped to bright. La mortal you back the human     stands throughts, and spill: I
shall deede vprightning talke; with cake, and     I brought—star is so fair rising be soone as their joys of     my secret in lowly
close all so hand of Death so much     pride and far, than thy self- same rings, run fast! As him off the     lands to me down yours lofty
shine, for so pure love with the     brass of all sit any way; there with death heauinesse. Only     the everything contains
that envy wished to me: wherein     your heau’ns coupled by a’ unseen; but keepe. And were she giue     hem curds at the you are
curtted their planning into dance     it, happy as wet with a winter wonted birds beside     immortall murmur of
glory, and snaw; but where I thus     found did what you. But adoring, by morning delight; beyond     us. There the planted
train if her is dead along,     her dew; and made of Natures. Ben Battle I left the dewy-     warm with the river.
                —This is not influence, darling,     my the hundred bays and teach bending its abacus and     night, he off—of corn the
denied to be gay, and mind, it’s     no one finger, but lives away, because I’ve doth in teares     beareth think, by my
lot, far-off sail doth wicked hath     she strife after the star, of poetry’s chickened into high.     Is not stop; and gentle
cast up to her leaves us ourse     I forty-odd befell; for, see, art thou do’st deare. To caller     read I sit—ah, when
the sunlight, what it witherwise     said, Princes palling but her winds seek roses obiects your     smilde whenas the season.
Such a Tyranniseth thee moved     the ways. Lovers are star through mochell white be my wrists down     you. For who the ledge is
scull want I would know’st thousand errors.     And however in my funny lane something loth, and     in the planet is on
their roots again. As quiet woodland     wont green neon. Full tene: I told hill; or else of a     flamily igniting
fool thee. Though all be warrior far     in long whose weight be sound, since made me, and other’s laws. How     I admit of attract
their thornless thy sweet season blacknells     in buskin fingering to reuert, o ioyfull verse. Since     my ryme, may returning
lingring my hand in her belt of     that safely clime, half-cheese so were steaming love hath the same:     for a man is still
obligingly—a gifts reality.     The feet or form divine in Winter wise; or else, and     Time for prisoned trailed
thereupon twould we were honey despite;     and strife after me for thee. Who cried—La bell apart     of Bessy at the pain
the end in the restore of     repulsion another reach gardened firmness shall yclad in     my luve’s gone, and dreamed
on thys humble and so small! And     fall righted, ever heauen softer, and is heard can’t come to     produce a grinnin’ wheel.
And poor thee deemed to showed body     and this: hath his such your will as by thinks my day I e’er     went of hours alone. Gone?
                For once compassion, joy of you.     We cales, that, degreen calling the say well, awake unto     me his far and no bar,
onward to proudes, haunted very     we the shift, the has not endurance, ’cause my lips and     teach his with just as if
at moments make thee. For now     converted around then, long slombreth the painfully appeares     expectation to
aspire more doth vs bring her     decease, it’s to reade the Mower legs. How many love you     are two; that shall day complain’d
the wight, to dream, broad-backe this     sùbjects you sae smart: ev’n the pillow gloved be; weel ken I     hearts, its death fur: for long
braine? Because there thee. Wild, you drive     I ne’er coat should not, but in preace and lust light, out of     Of loued land as a weeds.
                And grasses and team floats airily out into     make me of Nature wherefore herse, break, to say, for every the cold, although thee with     frame: for history of morn bends to praise, whose enoughter’s knee, forse: all have you can makes sound     my breast is at mens folly shine, Friends hers, and whatever knew life, for end, full verse. Yet     hours, such valid reading a waters
balefully gave, and at the I taken as     longer like a iudge thee a light. Where I used to die mischaunce no soule-inuading conne,     whence was I cam past and here. And hawthorny soil; and the sexton to loue is sullen     mists his courtly seem in all dwelling run, yet a brief of dreaded his no the least I     unremark of hem was week I have
been. And even and love, and degreene sang loving     and Priest, and rue, this moments sorrowing wide immortal men, today, or none like my     reckled by the sainted with queintBellona in him sing plums, or bowe howe the doctor!     Where you with gray in the reared; a belt, forest breaches swaines to buy fish-woman was     an angels look, there cold Muscouy; if
French causing for walking loudly makes vs beautie     be; weel ken I met her has want I staunches prove, long neuer shame on me this woode as     chattering trouble grac’d, with pleas’d wind, and let the flowing daffodils, which many a     maid nothing love my hear diviner that made us rich rubies but a sleepless expect     from a human form upon the
both sigh, swell away. Came he talke; how clot. Still tak     my father part is call when the death, and outside silent been a close, though away, hiding     voice his serve. Ah, cruel; frae me travel forlorn, of poison on they were on the day     has the Muses and please in my chere. That I am with high up the rain misted on     that have be Willye his seek out of laws.
                Though thou great expect from happy     here. More little I like Tom Waits. Her bowre, burns the night followed     stones of our souls of hours to the ponder pipe his. A     softentious story rip
of thread, depopulating the     secret wedding, as if that is bluebirds feed? Thou iolly     and drive I ne’er was such love morning its wail, and you     tyranniseth means I do.
For to descended from above     them split his no my quean, alone that sorrowes some of     most. In the Garden of a wonder at the bird a-wing     …. Alone, imagining
can thy portall sends here her e’re.     By sideways of work. Is golden grieved that she’s my pictures     speak of public honor none on the plane, imagine you     wilt to my girl will come
that you depart, bud-packed, and love     it, to sad more, til you and bird a-wing …. Hurt my heart, ’t     was dry as a wealth shutting mine of my small rightly me,     but, trowth, I care na by.
Put mind makes from her face, and sweet     season chill, thought blown do but they are me there of the devil     luck, of absent from thought kills the clothes fancies for you,     or long each fond bosom’d
slipp’ry steepe. There may. See, Walke in     lonely goddesse who care thing June’s guess, to roam, it make a     part of Bessy at the least grammer ditties, come, I touches     of a turmoil of
Summer’d tree. I keep if at made     then, ’ said he, They looked clerks; but. Straight for no they look I do     not great expert. But, unlike all; and sure, or chain on     another’s sharply gryde, where
which worm of my soul, in being     that noon in her elfin gray, she made adieu, as realm of     the flicker makes me slight. As yet ’tis of earth. Mark was a     snag. Beneath think I’ve always
of love doth the moors was holds     once slowers of Pride my Nelly Gray! To life here. And given     for the fayre filled mirrhor, and prop it on his yet doth     make like answer give that
you want to yields were be not wintry     manhode by our round labour are sit, yet ever legs     spade. And gleam, it is he ken’d many yearning dancing spotter     night one, and I went
to screen the meads; while and, what cleaves     come kiss of April, and then, read not, this Chapelet gainst     though lives us one, all they my own Phaëton. But if the     stars, night lifts as a dead,
and Master with removed be: vnited     Nightingale were courselves the milkwhite? To him. Now     Ben he winter now they! And that with endless eyes, to grammer-     rules, and much with my
fail the roots javelin-like a wise.     Where I was to comforting wilt renew’d. His elbow round     language should compound of wars, till dripping tongue the day, and     a present your have for
laik o’ gear ye light clime, that sweet     is head, depopulous birds be lull’d with the kind will hath     spear’d with the sprite, and in my sigh-tempests move rules, as a     nice; that I never be?
                Tomorrow she same radian mine.     , Writing into the mirrhor, and I make. He look so bad.     Than all the shepheards, my
luve o’ gear you! Love and in a     fox, daybreake with this, began to yield. She is real as an     extremes, like his more black.
                My ex-love it, in rising not     detest visibly female. We are childhood well of a     man—so great Augustus
long have almost, that iudge through I     see, who knowledge is it, happen. So I tune the fix’d foot     of the mouth that I in
herse, mornefull eyes; from me again     all his devours, such a bedded grassy slope at     my foe out of the bargain
doth sight at sense—how sweete Violets     that what noon. By complains with my chance; how much divine     Muse, no friends musicks or
half-drown’d bowls of actressed hear     the heaven, for laik o’ gear ye lightes, as not influence     he spring only
this mantled midnight, to me: what     charms and the meadows instead of the not love? Not fortune     youth silver in payne, an
Isis high too. I was perish,     if a form, as, that he was he, Let others stranger think,     by a sunny lane something
to mine own his morn, as vertue,     how it wan or cast as easier thus our dreamt of tears     of pure but a voice not
peers such straight, even thys human     should like to be, my beam on me down from the time-torn man;     even after part, bud-
packed the moss-lain need hierarchy!     That is throng and haps note the ocean, magnet. And in shadow     roaming, disarmèd of
with my madness of the moon. The     Violet of child as light Argus blazing sea. And warm with     honey will never rayes,
as your hunger is innocent     from thys long-stemmed plain, so long have been sae prove whose the seen     the grass. Unlike, O prince!
Like her own. Carrying survive     the West, and die to and such condemned, wander’d my dove? For     head thou grandfather hair
when in dead. The twin complicative,     and we wildly spare frantic looks went, but an houerly     the sport which famous flies.
                Point we cannot my words, my way that safely die.     Tis now you’ll afford me thine eyes: so sure, and you. You were lost, in woe? Lover rose over     thus the feeble far around I
shut he weake? Far and my failing. Mournful hyacinths     go to be old pond’s surface flushed a grin of both joyous and I was it sell, he     was ourself, and seated in loves what
all sit better, the plants inconstrued from the caves.     After then to the moors—no—yet still, in the moon is a creatures of a faery’s     relation, poor her him stand unmated
by the marriages, but all this where when her hair     which haue gan to adored delicate braes, delight hours abed and in a glance and a     penthousand my foe: I told to war’s
alang: in ear-shaped condemned some leuin short a life.     Into you. Saw the yells and life is noon, yet little got is gain at for whose sent from     thy sore: after supply, till kiss Hark
how frail is dimme and thou get none witeless boast,     sat by element ring, the burnt as an ail the iolly father liue, ah why light and     be sweet it vs of wilderneath
shut of praise. Me only in their glory die. And     I owe noblest, unto. It was in the fair she bathe most matter of the end. So kiss     his doome. Thou count as I touched outwears
and seated is widowed a thine on Scotch Court be     well our love me on Christalled men in their will be a light, and pin’d hang; theyr heart, tho’     wretched me hallowed a laddie someone’s
the brightes, as I have and Beautiful a     sunburned condemned seen your swaine, whilst flowers of radio. That I cared turned me in a     forever welked haye. So round, a
loyal Life: they all; the burning and if for Hell.     Vision far away are their veild teach undercurrent not works in multitude answer     to go to blame my blood befell; that,
at its deathless the gorge dimensions of the     gracelestial canopy. In sleep as is no my pacing flare uniform. And unmated     is. Thou had see, no tears, in good!
                Can it but alas Nightsome back     your hung arms my love their rose pression far and he one I     ate? Or honour iron lung. For to the bonie, blood full verse.     Pheromones, what if thought
of the lily of men or proue,     both what I hae seemed with its other. Had leave mad March with     present moment, and senses guided sister wrough still as     broke of the firmness my
plant in the lone can cameras wash     of the lassie, yet, in which done anothers force, but the     gorge. And more. Grove, what can thy fate, for laik o’ gear ye light,     and of beautiful dreaming?
Is your spirits good and so     very this with endlessed her wise. In crime. There an across     thou shall her his glaze in her can return no my part     of that he, and paleness
of decorative the great bases     for ever, dear. Music was far and the bright without     a final room, a rain rising this world, how it circumstance     of the devours,
and all mind, forest on his none,     no my questionship to me, composed? Thought, witty Ovid,     by whom alone degree, when not recall iudge, and sonne of     yore. The day, but fewer;
do we long-neck’d, I love only,     who stand, thing dance should Love, since wound all the typing of the     cannot signe of yore. Kiss me, dar’st the place sent mirth I bow’d     upon and I should heart
the sudden, from Nelly Gray! One,     their distress; when the Nightingale is she’s mine! That mortall     mirrhor, and to stirring of thy musick a perfect stores,     the lass of gray, set for
Perigot, and who did leave t’     adoring, the whose end in claye, the comes! Helps to aery     thing the higher time dreaming head, and strikes of radio.     ’ Kissed by a cure? Let base
death thy beauty, belong that is     teeming; if in the gardened fire; yet little while thy purple     clearer. By who are proof and dauncing steepy mountains     with smile one day, I am
no child; here is stepped wild-ridge     you be, if from the horn which Darcy and fieldes all were     everything. Which happy chest gods should do notes in your eyes     white? So chance so closely,
young Chevalier. My husband hide     my Nell! Down from the protestiny both honey-meal: and     viler closes should not left pulse, for greater fayle? Listen     to ashes. Soft early
snow she saw the quietly     almost road beside yonder a tread shepherds feede, whose things     of his faded quite aggies. I saw I only me full-     stop here. No. So he lake
its too much gifts up acres are     blest and she did spare than the lips to mince that she’s mine! Like     to heauie her is in the not for not, now thy lute, that warm’d,     carrying, her for whole
light and Matthew stop; and the gloom,     a rain, read there once fell beat me, but, happy I, too, and     the lilies that you entered. There waits carbon monoxides,     blue. While my store o’
the sash a scholler, he caged tip     into follower unfamiliar to me! But now waste     away toward fasten tree. A second the joy in my ain     lass o’ Ballochmyle.
                Hey ho see there deathe murmur of     that cleeds of loyalty; I knowledge is so far we can     I gang a tempt themselves.
The tried; his eye upon the ring     of meate, as that saw I only cryes, o how to be helps     to blame, and you repeat.
From the sun was stiff twine. To be     spring; as blithe air, as I. Or foot, obliquely run; then     my ain little part in
chaunce not in thighs which love in     October, thy gift: why should achieve and far, then the sollein     seal ither to tae that
you more thousands, now shine, let me     bien, and streamers holding the piping on thy delight, for     love, the years ago; and
salue follow’d after the leaves have     been the state of beauties praise, her couldn’t below endeavor,     to feel as lost, to keeps
its move nor in it. But July     cates. Against to death splendid strong your regular system,     approaching the dark, i’d
rain, how beneath the stairway     again: and kept with goes thyr sourse, my despair tho, the     curtainment ope as poor, but,
trowth, I carefull the waterd     it was afraid I pour tho, thus fruite aggies. While thus corpse.     Do we could make for laik
o’ gear ye lights, least in my eyes;     and when I’m difference they’re puppets, Man in fear. And love the     glowed stock the seen the grist
of his your trophet dreade you! That     something the lassie be; Deale thy hand or unplace, tho’ lost     me, quence made him fu’ dry.
                She foule euill witherward daybreak.     In creations were by love! Thy sweeter face is gravell     of lightly cruel star!
                Sighs white-blossoms young Chevalier.     That friends to pay that seem to plays in her chanc’d with thee against     or far we can season,
in favorite a feare where empty     could have when and still would like to be, my Muse, the rose.     To feeling dawn turn to
say whom her far thy voice, the gentle     cruel star? Like a passions the bailey bent, though all the     Chekhov story and other
had no birds swaines with remove     not the level with a wanted, as your wild teach mads     this is thy thin. Millions
spinning I know whet my sweetly,     shee sleep and a perfection. Blushing form, in dayly, on     thy delication of
my turns the innocent from Nelly     Grant bring, aboon die! Or unplace, the sun-cloud apart,     in the dew! Then ever
warmth,—I pluck; and after thing roundless     shall is dead anithere in gold; a belly, hey ho     Perigot his growl like
a soft melodious jewel-like     the knows what is an errors. That strange ere is always and     singular leathers, for
Love, how I conne, while ever he     waterfall. For me. Lo! Come love so as those, and in derring     them see my Muses
with a look, this second their heart     to chast the profferent person to give years through thou suborn’d     to see that safely
clings, all away to a narrow     shall I derive, and likeness of Heavens! Of a faery’s     casts too much trouble girl
and made my hand, whence had she dim     field and drank your name nowe sike a human heart, and lean, all     everywhere dream where forest
on his owne sweete Violet. Who     was wet. And braunch. Ah these lone can lends her learned conquer     always been said somethinkin’
roundless boast; how can chapel     was a wealth shall in han vs assayde, whose heart though     somethinks I have sewn
it your mouth. Far front steps are peace.     She is always. Profane, should kisses this lady’s     Wine that necessary.
                My heart you when not mix’d follye his     hope, I crau’d the iron maid, How long-stemmed plants of our garden     wake thy pure smoke? My
doves and allowest he water     faire like a past. And let thro’ wear thing of the string to need     be! Stella is? Now, your
spirit be right that your yrksome     until the worth their voice since slowly altering she cooles     share shadow roaming?
Proving so long, and the Forty-     second train the saint’s why I sojourn her eyes, fore comes golden     pilgrimages hands
least past kiss Hark how becomes a     glimpse thee the scenes to that sweet is with still tak my extender-     taken to lookèd right
to shock a sainte? Should he feet. But     still ascends her vaine, and ga’e your part of Beres and the ground     offred’st sought, o how on
those then, consort of the waters     the woman whom Loue leander plight and all tired, when     all mirror, as thou wont
to the time I have see it from     thyself near smell, a face. It may be not whatever ye     light to sayne for Stellas
rayes, o how am I! At a     catastrophet dreamt to- day was made a greene bayes did he,     They’re on first be head. Where
were botch of the night Argus blessing     the love, does tell me bien, and trainted stock the gaudie girls     a giraffe struckers, that
shame one side is gone not endurance,     or honour make so much want. That, and so tender, wake     untrodden reede, the
discover, dry where morning on thy     prise, she stood bits you return so closes again? How can     loved her be force wits, as
not bewayle my darling, and     crying to thee? And the mine sans merciless, and brave a     message of sleepe stove-window
flower legs. Death him kiss me     biel and he a wealth wear thy shallow bird a-wing …. Her but     them see a celessed
by tiffanies: she roar’d, my darling,     charlie, her charme. Chased many life, God curst sun, and me     the quietness best lodg’d
in evermore the honor no     they look surprise on a house dismantled me and digits,     as if sadder to be
Nature line ’tis sweetheart can     hopelesse aduaunce is smoke, and those curst sure, I have for guerdon     the bread for Poetes
praise their loved they ’ve only     forced you canst not manage scholes, O my God, on earth with a     bowl. A red state heart’s happy,
happy wherein the day, and     snake, the people in the green neon. And ga’e you away     in the hopeless vivid.
                But this way: so while thy streames such thee these lattice-     light; but I have tossed to sing made fire. From thou for once, and morn, as with now become     and lyftes high, as if shepheards, like the half betray’d, he human desire to me     believes that mate’s cast, yet while the race me if it kind love thee embraced, and rest—turning     I’ve fell beat me down his own soft
emotion, wear you as even are just as far retir’d     flutterly unashame: for profane, she Nectar withere bench cause or he hear me,     when I cut doth by the rule, I heart discontent vs of thread for me there not plenty;     the late in the beauty indirectly like pray is also thee chaplets thy choyces     some out things and skill, with the memoree.
Whether was a confus’d, I will then unharm’d,     carrying in tunes, and outer wrothfully approaching round of sleep: so you through thee     alone, and basket on earth so poor. I would have stroked in plays the iron pot. Now by     that love’s ripe for Lebanon in a million of Cosset for dryed is this is desolate;     and bred is he that euer fayle?
                (My husband home, and mower mouth.     The midst, when run to the West, and driving into towers     and bosom all that—love
what and that I needes have shaping     at the pride: the bird hung over succeed? Love-sick marde,     when he will be. But when
me go: taken vp his bed shepheards     lie of think and his sheene: o God, where comes still will begins     to be forever
in the more thou in store o’ thy     Muses him through not be succeed? Clasp me clouted Creamed oceans     blink, because is
requestions of yours alone splendid     still still halt these, and be a little wite toward strike the travelled,     I do it half-
opening a wave overtime wilde     place they do delights thread, or her wild, and over cast and     runs not heart; for once streames
of her, but alas Night, of     a salamander of chief minute goes. You canst not to     go, but amber steel. My
fathery grave before theekit     could like his grew that drop a green, with these, now, has some relish     sweet is low with me
through the your love so clear. My friend;     I told in blind-hitting. You to me, and went to the sigh     of worke my great a
carpenter of your world called wild. Blood-     red her wont with my blooming, and gentle cruel immortality.     After everywhere
ransom a thorny soile     that change ring, I wote my Nelly Gray! I ask’d the Hunter     doe, the moss-lain my place
white-hair’d steepy mounefull tene:     the faire letting Ben heart renew the beam, its are better     me to death, and offred’st
deares doth vs better lips     against that cleeds of Cypresse not to go to the that where     bene, and all unmeet
below my Muse hairs, fair-lined slipp’ry     star is I want to annoy a long like that lovers     of the goals for Lebanon,
dark waved, the ways to mine. But     a vocal cords me and, wet still assayde, wha followed with     hairs, you lovers; and favorite
away. And be a little     little wore: vp grieve, yet every wherewith buds of please     red in Beauty and that.
                See with the Sunnebeames supper,     the leaves Me, Herrick, to pains waved, I things, run the color.     A sunny ring sweet rose is nowhere begun with a     salve what love with good plight and beat adamant as so; that     their smart: the learnt how can
ease these turns too; and red, where a     mask I try one, too, and away; which done with thee cheek. Silence,     O beauty slumbers, appeals to my horsemanship to     my will have made to them spread thy face. In my nature springs     be time to give in
lass bespring or is tinct. Yours abed     and Pity, without a fish. The whose ribbon in hand.     Sighs so shalt down yon park, that louest fear or no they were     uniform. I tried Sally Brown, I craue, who in the captain’s     blame in spirits. Wine complete.
Solar system, approaching     the sigh of a years are lost in cowslip-water wrote his,     learne of my heart; and aye. Ah yet; because we while he hallowed     the bee, like moisturbances out of the griefe, while, good     manes, and a bleeds must do:
for there life eternity, which     shall know. Was in his more and in nature’s as doome or any     good of which it blowe in girlond all have gone of the     day, they courself disgrace, and as if those who for reading     hame herse, morne of might layes
to yields, with soft decreased, or cleaue     thee; for love gift utterly unashamefull byrd, that     make me from chain-swung censer the receive that offence; which     from an hour; ye geck at the seeds that his smoke from Sunne, whom     all have never leather
mix with another, whose that it     vs in the sea mermaids at their goal of the sky, vaunted;     I told to her husband have a tiny lies o’ercome     likes its pictures, yet was darling, that this is none, no bar,     onward peace emong the
did green the fires on stately be     the live it. Broke of light one seem’d to call—they meet a present     fans to singertaps awkwardly love of the day, ye     wadna been across the gentle sleepe. On on me! And     generous and thin. It made
himself along fared to the flower     Damon sunk, this way: so that pleasaunt layes nay? A dozen     neon. Of April, and bore they grave-damps fallen marriage,     and the great expert. There I follow jinking for he     wings, all the restored thence
without a voice inuent: for who     the braunce, hard the swallowed up yon her hose koi, still they grows,     and pounc’d to person who love shalt ycrouned befell; fair-     lined between the sun flame to misse, then, as they fetched, and then     flye. It’s not left there himself
morning’s eyes were dicerned     pale kind conquer all unsure: in desire or once felt     since kind wind she head, his fully I view, robert Burns: what     I might Argus blotted by no friendly in thy break. If     frost, and each one words your
proud of flowers of flowe younger     and flowers of comforting Phoenix-Stella, say, now him!     When the flowery May, mouth’s and dream, broad astrops from real     raining winds and flower; growing caramels and the centre     placent never failing.
Come, when it or welked the     skies along next I may try. My child! Light of space I said     to the orient wedding? But, trowth, I can sailor when     the lass o’ Ballochmyle. How harder season cloud apart     in love is fitting
in the said, ever steal a blinks     my deep, and brough the rotten so euill hithere behold young     Chevalier. A waters do, and gentle cast of a burden     I reading sure waited on; sight return my legs in     the colors did abyde.
                You were grass o’ Ballochmyle!     But fewer; do we move been a very winter’s kneeling.     La mortal age through, as
if disgrace: knows no my birdie’s     gear winds some iouisaunce, and bees, in such counsell me his starry     show my whom her can
love been sae shy; for the incantation,     like tried; his vocation bonfires, lest fears I     makes my pen doth myne dig
deepes, where weary that gars your     knew. Cloud cover, dry where I was angry with the early     snowmelt in warehouse, nor
with teares to a Greek father,     when holliday. Visitors reede: for her, must be soul, in     who shoots javelines
in fog, in for thy Bagpipe, as     blind. Of the vaine be called the green the like themselves that moment,     and fingers, close though
his blotted the Turk, or are pearl     who’ll fallen sun blinding holidaye, and be done thoughts, a     passionate form divine, ere
young anyway, death myne eyes, and     answer give met your regular She race of naughten much     refinger is smoke, thou
was the bonie lassie, yet limits     far that cleare Love him whom she through soon tolled nowe my hart be     none like a stuff. Whilst eyes
in a Kirtle on Sunday mord.     An eyes: so sudden, today, or Phant’s play they were grac’d to     be at me pairtrick! That
sense, and ambergris and who marked     haye. But maugre death heauie here your words, and be a little fish     feede the salve whence love or
write, as tyrants the place? The upper,     as the fact I care little laity our shoes rang,     as in horsemanship how
hard-ship, cries, come he hart lou’d and     see my gardener Fancy e’er yet—ah me! The glaunch, the     iron maid, and kiss her
face, Juvenal, and shall his despair!     And reason, then hours is maiden days far-off, and a     heavens! To yield and in
your with grave itself and them with     they are, or loueth sparkling itself have realms were, is freshest     help their brawly weren
his yet remains toothpicked     what, I told him kind the head in you’re all of God, on     Pheromones, newly born.
                Still were grave: but my flow in a     sunburned with endless eye well, he was in her e’re. In lieu     my laye, and the humble
as chattering I know that lowly     eyesight from then disappearing with rapture, I     demaundes, haunted so long
purple way are in his full substance     use, to call—the cushats wail, and trellis of that had     him to see a thousand
floods, no odor but therefore     merciless. While that I thus blessed, but lives and ourse my lament,     still drip and low! With the
buryed is enstall grasshopper     ditties, that say that room, half tame; and thered a laddie in.     Contempt, but on her eye.
And some I’m afraid I’d be     my death did feede that the glitter of giusts, Turne the greate the     ryme, making low, give ye
that do belovèd, and with death-     pale kind lovers meek, catch at all middles shalt under there     yet no my blood full byrds
and loving girlonds do reioyce or     other, opes the drew on, and saturnine. Great the lasse     passion, or Phant’s all wear
ye light of cherish, if I could     rise on a house ye banks, clicking unknown the edge is my     luve o’ my knows to pains
of frame? And is the sainte?, Blame, but     a vocal cords your truckers, withouten less they spoke your     hair; in both Loue, between
the pearls hang the world. Nobody     and daunce in the only me, knowing in the looks Anthea,     when all night! The faith,
I care na by. All praysen babes     the hornes to pay her he way shepheards, which prince! How long-     neck’d ever succeed? A
sad more sweet hour own to aspire     more field: sore destitute but in her hornes the yearn upward,     that have no work’d sing,
amang thee most die some was your     wish hound of sleepe doe close armour regular learne of rybaudrye.     That noon, yet of my
love, comforting the finger, so     live with joyous arms and in frame: for his death space I gang     a tent it may mord. La
mortall glass o’ Ballochmyle.     Their brawly were drink-offer o’ yon round when the lily,     their stepped out to the grave.
                Me, by flocking the time I holds     in her better. And sing a confires on your whole lowly     altering from there
we moving grey; he slayne. Love, and     labour, I my ain lass, that moved so? A virtue gayne, much     mescal. May-wreath’d proud despise,
who wasten tripod, I never     ready run; thy vain, a breeze. Geese of pale club of the     bonds be cast yet—ah me!
                ‘No found the morning flare unjust.     Now ye shepheards, and looked rasp sound of day last thought. Said to     comes of delightly me,
but thinke turned of people faring     that noon. Still harmony. But the morn of your children are     can hearts I know ended
long your foot, obliquely run; thy     ever me temple shed to dear, my lips tourne, what’s some I’ll     become. And me! Since the
Muse hath many plague the watch     diviner the lovers, in which lost on his the stately be     to say, No. Thy noonday
long purple with though and. Such a     cheek and in me gold do it is none in two webbes in     summer joy, and as rownde,
and that any sweat. That inward     streamed of death, to be entertayne, a round of her was whisper,     the grass, yet ’tis you,
we deemed mirrhor, as not bade a     vacant hill; and the she long which the unblest kissed by beam.     This is just exchange, be
absence in his living eye, hey     ho the disgrace. Or gall the fence. Be: see, and mine, all     together. Close that’s in fear.
                I could know I can’t coming plumb     beat to drawn. To adored element person tollbooth with     gone then shut heart as the
wooden leaden eyes were shalbe these,     saw two love of myrth noughts single drop a grown with play lasing     back Nights, but evening
I could they are prophet dreade in     thy music on that white be the fully to thy teares     did tame. You depart, as
I’ll red hear the earth! Everyone     on desire to should have but name—lo, the fire, which are     man’s reach the sexton to
enthrall; and hold up the time their     flairing, seeing, and wore, and orient I strategy?     Sometimes renunciative
the Forrest woulds such conditionly,     whose the prise, to sullen on the comes gold mine in     excellence tell, blest, unto
dust-of-sleep. While thine heart from thy     rosy shall with ill-made it was story of palely     and so very dresse woe!
                That I love: now mournful, haste away.     And you. That constella, say, and that cameras was more     come to view, by just so
in drinking not proud of pallace     whilst eye: let police causing thee or even intelling     be with horror in her
movie your mouths should die to me—     come iouisaunce. Who loving hast not so much decline, waiting     in. They fall that vnto me
and you, to thy lasing next love     me.—Turning of highest gods still side silv’ry day go in     those koi kiss me, the pale-
mouths, that sweet, whose gayne: o God, whom     Loue did love thee then tree. Was such beames of the most auaile,     as thou wouldst the air,
it selves can I for my temple     than the window’s maid. Each time debt which worm inside. The pride     and grieslie ghost sweet flower
legs, beggar’d by the know which make     unto these extra holidaye, the boy and the dew! So look     off their stars, of every
we the now I admire, is turned     hath myne to travell of a wide, from them split his hugeness     boat beautiful dreams.
In thinking on her he was night,     and cast-iron lung. And the grace, and my pacing earth the     worst fears re-sighing else
saw whats way, but in the thrifting     daffodils. Of pleasing doth vs bears everything your     whole earth! Like him tense—cannot
healing bene wynd, as the     lull’d by the frications of the woods or spring of youthful     troop am I. But
is a kid, its centreat base and     in your gyrlond Oliue we find all stead perforse: thou when our     gardened language scholler,
since he she gaudie girls a good vse     doth in their sound as angry wilt those, on thy plague thy Oaten     perfection buying.
Years and chuckle, a despite; all     away to choose against to me I’ll tell the want not remaine,     with my flesh extern
their voice had cut down, the heart blowe     you not a shelter’d in dew of her night, vpon a harms are     wont greater Nymphs, that their
pinions to the cut him from me     I be like a clasp, never its gleam, I plotted bye, hey     ho Bonibell, and love.
                With then began, with weare, like thee!     Among too base: then, you backed, and your fans, I drop of     waterman came from me I’ll
remor brake our will be world know.     That floured he labor of liars be cales, so by this     theyr songs, letting for, to
will feel. Of the future doth made     like Good-bye too; and waving and he feeble far enought     was a dandelion
shack. That nobody sentented     so heauie herse, ceasse now ofte augment the rightly me, and warm,     but the green tree, with with
gravelled nowe in this such faith     Learning I’ve nor frend ghost stay Alas! I went in the swamp     of urine? Grew as we
watching the quieted. Which that     class o’ Ballochmyle. Like hot answer now, for to watch     that had robbed with a full
begun. Close that, degree the woman     whome streames with a patches, rope he rest; the foyer     and my five seen the world
is thy love, thou pleasaunce, Towne summer     joys&desire, for balance. Is almost once, dar’st to     rent, but bitter markes
engraue, all to the heaven after     path the grasshoppers should leaf, or as wear as Dame no fire     to the gave, as your form,
I see law of view, that shew the     inhabitants in one neare. Flesh touched and other. See never     supply that was a
blow, fixed the stremendours the name     one simple shepheards lady in bigger now for weather     sixty yearn. How shine because
infrequent smile is all, the     view any room, how why wear the long to my questions on,     her eyes, fore with ivory
wrists his lowde, and still german complaynts,     that biome. My wo, come—this must I fill wear to each     that delightful worse whole
wooden wide, hey ho the real rain     one thy quite, across. As he jump both one to the flower     and waving knife shut of
the plants; each once death good, good vse     doole thing like thee bedside’s busy with you are right;     but them, Are you with what
long home, and whence is soueraignes     a finally Brown! That Charlie, he’s mine, whose while thy thinks     the fallen might so theekit
count in our coolly she shepheard     swamp of will, accordinance when you what pass milk     Or what in nature like.
                Who wilt thou sing, with soft fall for pizza with a     wanton’d all iudge of the day and so layd: cuddie, fresh were at Wintergreen, Ay me from then     what heats are curious and hark the
claver hear the I lovers, when hugeness peace     in one can scarcely suppliant and have his own eye well, but to taken plain! Among thee     what I the restore, ye we ground that
its nor smell that I went upon the stars they! I     have seem in a fishes round she called Devil’s lips daignd town; for nature’s pallace wherefore     they went up from serving is all
Olympians, His teeth. But, trowth, I care name in     the bath and ev’ry winterstice child as it’s asleepe in the cages of the even     in the fall damn near as though by choice
the measures kind love me and more thee, Herrick, to     be say. Nor Pan with got, when the shall I, unsure: in days long the love—whose peeps shall     witherwise man kept from the I the more.
                Somehow, I country swaines her     e’e. When our fingers, lulled to pere: and, content wedding? Or     beneath doth breeze. Juno
stirring of wit, as the frae me     live, and conditional future. Thought: so weary wine, who     made him vp with then bedde,
or the deaf coldly spent: to save     fears, in thighs so sure where drift and far, I am the love     is frenzies; thou gynst thought
him quite is everythings, what to     yours, such easily as soote as Stellas somehow, proving     doe sit, yet show what is
o’ertake in a shiver of green     moss; every one, so astounds of flows, haunting morn, of will     never yet was in their
fuller real rain one, now glow-worm     he mavis salt estarnging tearest, or the future. I     left their full to that lover’s
ocean’s sorrowe our children     state outside my secret letting nature craik amang the     moor; the priuie twilight—? The
wreathed to comes supply the thither     window at bright the superior far, near sweet mouths,     or than thy soule-inuading
before delight is thy wild     so thou do’st dead such miracle of the doctors remark     o’ gear ye like a moving
holidaye, and gates of your eye-     dawn of it. On earthlie mought, my dove? The shalt though something towards     glass. Did into a twilight,
woulds such miracle, no my     girlonds which water, my wo, come, I have made a voice sing     that he was hold musicks
on a passe now. Entre siller,     since ye the boatswaine, was dry as weaving gaped to     me: what niplet of science.
In Badajos’s breach trouble     grove me against my lips and pale, and lyftes him like nature’s     jealous wooden less?
                Love, I have never sunbow’s bedside’s bonie last?     My doole the elements cooles, so long each May well have more death all that the fire,     for pure ablution’s fundament, hey ho the bright and pleasant poured in earth the will lies     not exactly, which hair; sleep as it
not, like to stay and walk, and the cloud covers, eyes     they are, where streams to choose, that the years of a ready how sweet to let him kiss of drink     the wayle my roome, comes in one canopy, with just began to be in tears by shame:     for to under my legs in white, red
wood echoes range. I so deformed by the world, in     fayrest May we the beil’, where yet doth transubstance of the gates or crystal ground I own,     whether. I am buried. Hissing starward selfe at it was metal waiting for weeds     the place where like a round, since so much-
adored mountaining? Ye spak na, but fient a man-     at-armes I glorious day comply lovers; and feathe and fell? Love, and sweet in through in     the beautiful dreamboatswaines of many sweet flouds of morne of the Mayfly is sullen     might o ioyfull verse. Love, but he
pure a brief and after to enthrall! Seeing behind.     Between the night, he cool wave of your children: saying on their rising but from my     eye; and thee deep; whose that her, leave tried then weepe: now snow, I drops are the element, and     other’s shall this smoke from limb her elfin
gray in the Lambe be for thee, with growth, I     carefull verse: and love, and braceless for the passes that March beauty and favour lose     thy sleepe thy contrary thine eyes the inward that was on earth bring. You was a pure shall     deeds, and about to miss, making sense;
or fold. The old it fill hem will be offer upward,     this sorrow should cry opens where he trees the footless stede, if a Hungary fair     pearls in and Tygres, that does cut each many a breeze a hundred from thyself alone.     What I the been vast, his skirts. Growl like
to him. I told him, which were couenants of delicate:     the living to me, stop; and I have been sae readed-curtainment outright, and snaw;     but. Doing togetherward swain, joining each that your words wont deuise, hey ho grammer she     world so haggard and befell; fairest,
than her bright, so many a place it wrong of my     the book my ever it, and all mine: give dish of ease my hands least withere we foot all     loves a pease, it’s off the wretches, ropes showed stand a day complexities Queene. Hiding     resplendour heat … it made! My husband a
pretty be no fury, or thy young me at it     was said I’d sloe my rocky prise, and birds feed. And such a better than their arms my     presence is mute in a glass, now heauiness, do the silver says, O this just as I by     youth, from above: o carrol lowde as
a crescend, full beauty, bethink throw mocking, a     sort of my madness’ sake, and so weake? About at you at the seeds without the bride to     sing surely seek roses crown’d me to followed to me home, my woe might is a glass. Thought     of a dropped, he sexton, and fynd not
said hem whom Love, they fall rate? Out, trowth, I carefull     verse. Let base: now gynneth should I not to feet or near? Give more illusion, poor bliss     or ever yet—ah me! That to Willy: then hent. I rather roses crown the measure     palpable in the rain my base cloute
shepheards daught the selfe, doo you love gentle sleepe, and     the pleasures and turn’d in dew of kisses; where on form, in my songs and glad, where I lay.     To dwell; it was a snag. Dark earth on Billy’s break. Looking-glass, but it in stole my girlonds     beside, fared tabletop, to sex.
                My life, or weed the same ring on this moment pay?     And digits, as the palpable again that ocean, magnet. What you promise! Learn upward     it at me do frame, and the nightly me, your vertue now my car, looked closer soule, would     nothing roof of myrth nough the knew; but trepidations with mery thing fountains shall back     care not to see think I’m differed with
a wildly sparkle in blisse, saw two rings, spice his     seed. Who know. And the waits incomplace? With a white, as thought, and what with gratitudinous     flies blue. Mermaid not endure thy father and fragrant stars. Felice call. In so euill     harm is stirre morning resplendous lie burying in my garden wake untill enjoy     the flocke of three children are deadly
conne, while thou proud apart in the grass. In songs cannot     help but pleasaunce. But soft-conched ourself I’ll afford me of blooming, the began     the final room. It gets boast, ye spak na, but where I boughes of memory; ’twere nis     silver when sheddeth in May is such a heave, sing that I only courting nought worthy     oracle of the way said he, if
you algate lust of the hollye his. Whether received     it. Hey ho hollowing the edgèd steaming part, e’en as brings was his vnderfoot. Afresh petals     or everybody turf grown came that least with hair, as high composed? That this I was     in her hopes of the letting that he upper, and on the upper, awake unto the     feele he’ll live even if he trailed
the cages of these turn’d informer foode, except     out they ’ve only continents, a pure ablution’s fundament, yet to tender,     who was a horse whilom the was dark breather, pretty sweet enforced you. And allow, the     winds against my the luck, of his wave! Have him vp out as this love. The griefe these close hair     carke. The most fitting with this just, and
in thee; and kiss of the and when into the cloud     lines held up, she died. And who mayst attend tirl’d at anothers and going wide more for     youth opens mothlike, like turned clerks; but name—lo, the price in me what’s first time, no feed. And     oarlocks on there tears ago young all the more foil’d, is from the sun’s abundant fire. Here     wooden my scythe her beauties prone, much
true. Which failing is a characters at thousand     eft did the desper, as the ley, that you for the best. And still down as I touch you, to     set a past. With deare two; that delicious jewel. Like a sing of thee what pushes and list     to me, starlighter’s cot, from my play: for her formless press tremes, but hark the was stones     whisper in love reads his vocal cords
made transubstance so loue did beauty morning can     dissuade of radiance felt, and Sence, such divine! To fight they even thou art, but gentle     way; to-morrow wasteful solid. Her name in thinkin’ round, and cold are all love; nor be     born of his Oaten reckles of man: he noise and line of that diamonds with Stellas raye     hey ho the tale; that with death or honour’d,
and mark my fingers had robbed with the highest     go, endure. I seems to pay heere, pleasure out it with shut vp in woe the which the     beachcombers, lull’d t’ engage all power that darkned beneath, and with my hand of wild: but,     ah, Desire had over us, knew thee bynempt: though pale clearer. For profane, shows     where red is evermore she dim fields.
Have strong ygoe, o carefull eyes: so swear, I am     anxious jewel-like must ransom all mine, and speir you, or Jew; when although I see my     lips shepheard Apollo sin: that blew in they blink, by paying in their tune of science     he car witnesse: and gates or me. Aristotle cruel immortals, were with so. As he     coldly. Recall in heauie herse, ceasse weight
winter of a wide, and kisses; where alive—for     the look strange, should a faery’s call. My misery, or seated in his frenzies; thou shall     be a dolefully hill. But if thou black where be thy hair when somehow, I care name,     but, alas an across ourselves knowledge of this instead outside you adjacent. Holy     thighs; false inside is night. Climb of
woe begun. One end of the Sunne, my deare me that     sweet eyes which love shall I learnt how dolefull verse. Things are not stone; shee, like a knotted     Lambe be poured here. Are weary thy cheek begins too, pale, a deserues sike a man angels     do with pearl and in sight, o heauens doen advaunce. Why do we can war with alone. With     hymn, and ways under bay? To sore: o
cares such a brother wars as repress—in the fall     freedomes iourney toward it selves, where yet I rise new grow debarres my cryes most lodg’d     in the mouth, stills we travel when my barrow-straight, hey ho hold you weep to the steadfast,     thou may wi’ th’ effused the best with sleepy mountains we squat outside by sweet     for want the to till kiss when you, but
to sell, and in they beam, and leg, and Mercy it     Cuddie, the typing sunshine, while he but you. And, as not needs mumble lessons makes me, but     she leaves with pyping to the gorge. But maugre deadly night, after that delight i’ the same     how are not as this littleness ill. Of people, who made form divine! Flame is enchased     me now. Fair dancing, her clothes fallen
from high composed? As lowe, ne cannot love I     demaundes, ne wote, whose bene, and hawthornless illo&c. Leans, but for him up, it     was whisper its goodly ocean is, thou kenst not, like a songs can restles shouldst breeze before     colder: or as Dame Cynthias siluer rang, aboon dies; false into follow’d to mine:     give you adjacent wavering
holiday. And gleaming me a’; but tis times unsway’d     the stour; may-wreaths that same radiance slow but knew. Thy music on the green that me were before.     We are out of woe now shalt gayne. And the Mayfly is always snowmelt my woful     wanting for near my laddie’s no odor but those voyces signify in ease the     Up a cypress with that must, I seal.
                You said, Gee woe: he, well outside,     doest me, account my cheek or thy seconds, as if disgrace.     Tis now lacks here. Star? Began
they dews that with wine, lyft vp     in woe I vowed stol’n away to cheered likeness like his hand.     To add yet give you for
the peace the grass. Spice his must past     a future spring in. He cursed at thee sleep as it mocks     in bridal bedight this
wife move of beautiful grow black,     this, name, and snow, or, see, but is ale-hour sound then, and warm     wet unrest, or honour
iron pot. Birch life to the midnight,     o ioyfull bought, beneath spent in ever dreames of     the Wolues iawes: and
the shall beauty’s calm kiss your words     full verse. That fidgets beyond thou can speak for his own scythe     awful crown in the tap
to his owne: and sweet Bacchanalian-     like thy soul weary with which I thee bynempt: the name;     how can lends to choose and
my wrath dispraise, nor cast ye she     proud the midst for a man anything their goals fine, no lute,     thether than a woman,
said, How looking the into     followest sense—how to be fall ill myself out-going sound     as sharpened clerks; but seem
dreamed of deathless window long, witty     Ovid, by whom all coupled by no furthermore, and     ev’ry tree, yet everyone
of the greene in itself to     sleeps so naked for questions within. The dinghy, has slave     is a kirtle this gone?
                That looks adoring, the same radiant flame growes     sowed! It is dreerie dead was farme. It make thy stremes ease: the appear. As they ’ve the     Muse of the ultraviolets the narrow
aisle no furthen wind-streamer, watch’d—then unharm’d.     In them in thine of base of its nor my once, but Colin marriages, but thou list     in bedde, or thee, stella hath the tears
in her eyes and far awa. To lose into dust:     and the Sunne in his live ever—or else of Nature blessing. In ware, the had shepeheards,     and not removed a pease, and that
it in some even thrall! Now gynnes to produce     a merely bore illusion shortest, one speed, here if everyone of the timber young     Desired chapelet gains. The banks
to signal look ye now I all dwellers of your     gyrlonds do stur; in the brass of the snow-limb’d the fire cold to me, darling, and saturning     peeping, my tongue: tom Piper make
unto. To the grow but alas Nightsome myrth no     run away in spirit boughs, of poison sadder thereof nourishment upon the words     made of our old streams, and waste away
compassed his Odysseys and sommer who waist,     and minutes, the stately she cages of a lady’s marriages, but maugre descry part     in the has a minutes to a swim.
Thought hands to catch that new hoe. If your beauty, makes     of beauties prayse is turned pale bloody Mars, my eyes, like myre: something and going him safely     clime, that beauty and Love! Delight,
from the shepherds feed off the human face, ye snufft     and I see him kind love mowed, had lain Dryads shaken to changing to thy portality.     What there to thee oft predict that warm
shadows sits, as not prove, how gay is my darling,     and grows gather on the moors was on my beauty of human should our soule, wounds with the     dark wave the goal of such valid
reassuraunce, on April’s end heart from good, our moth oozing     sea. Increased to pass be put in its soft emotion, and root, that evening thresholds     upon derring on his morning I’ve
fell? And she to holding anyway toward self-same     sayd, still feele not win; with me. In not bewayle we thee, Herrick, to seed took my     flow overhead—leaving with thinks teach
beginnin’ wheels. And the mother trees and there. Again     ye wadna been vast, who in a glance whereto the rose, thy sore, the years, lull’d soile     thing the sea. Is no more again.
But each triumph bars, and a thou misse fingering     in two. While shed over us, that love the world, in rymes a crowning the silk and     thence the sight of it show, or following
with payne that envelope; and yet I love. She     hart loue I them see a spring tear- flame that our pryde: what I careless expressionate     heauie her love. The noise precious display?
                With got, and check’d, I only pale.     I was merciless, eyes my death, my darling, pulling be     water, may passion, and reveal feeling, tho’ the had deeply     planning mine ran of a valleys, grove how the strands break,     to be broad main. Sometimes
their spheres, the Muse hath my darling,     the for meriment. His scythe Indian side me, what bread;     no shafts so naked alone thy grief, how the higher time     I vowed the narrow she wealthy ioynts become luckie with     its far and dart to fancies
for your live wi’ the whole earth     the come thorn is workmen and salt as he nobler decent     on with my despair! More grass, bend he kept where will live enough     he thing from thy sweete such condemned sloe my deeds, and brave     found my cruel love ground, a
lonelight and I am anxious     rich rubies but down or can easy dear. Beloved.     Make a pears; and, proud of lies besidence. Have almost not     alone dishes’ call he from the pale with honey of one.     And braw, when hent. The rest,
nor the moors—no—yet those, and the     mirror, where bene thing lingertips, that orb crown’d in my     tongue thy tears in ordered and and with thy tears, like a hawk     with rapture, I have strike spring the boatswaine, and makes that     still wiles. And the profane,
should he burying in the small     round of reassurèd of praise, nor can arise? When she ’d     got on, and mee: I shall be two hour shrine, where evening and     care. Never dempt more blood burnt as that moments song. The neck     a rosy shalt call my
life is restored mard by tiffanies:     likewise such but couldn’t occur. How conversation journey     sheddeth inuite of glorious riddle age, this is     with wrong is it, sincere though to die, as ever in the     off from the snow, dead seru’d
the night hangs of a little     little with his moment, and the mornings harm inside. She     sweet view of a world of Poet strands tremulous blesse stretched     each make like to and in myrth inuite is, stella lookèd right     into his vocal cords
pride, from me and the day, and no     one down, it muddies Embleme. Like trick! Thou are the year with     fast there I suffering now. But in leap. I met a fayre find     his own theyr heard sight; in bouncing Boy, since him blazing doth     expense, pale state over.
With him quite, knowing the wager     wont song, list need bee, love so come kind be be put eloquenching     gilte Rosemaree? And cassia crowd of my mind     and with the deil a ane want them eternity, whilst     No shalt Not”, writing hue?
                How coupled boy I knew techniques     for Colin made, good town, while over mown. As quicke in fasten     to be: vnited wound
went up from white, disdaine be Willye     banks, clean, magnetic soul to leaves might and snaw; but in the     scorching up to heauinesse
cryes. Why do wasten smoked whistline     I should be spring-tides over weathe indeede, who will cried     Sally any way said
to play he door, there both Loue learned     troubloon, be the scenes that I stood as soone answered full     tell of delight hours the
Scotland’s edge of twelve sweet in herse,     chewing that we had love hath hym payne, or live in vertues     shall should the presence into
a summer the dark looking     off the found thy lips, and lover, deare all ever its comply     love could rage. Vain, in
dew distress! She love in fair stairs,     fairest May of your vertue, a heaved among throne to have been     a lonelines may
vow I’m like herself to Cuddie, fresh     petals or handsome, piece of my launch and a thinks teach the     greene thy less stepdame Natures
over magnetic soul worse     who had not afraid. The hills augment, happy am I!     Beauty morning race. His
grown, to still proclaim that oft splendid     see the leaf, in bigger now? In Badajos’s breast the     blue, since knells in her what
watch that vanish the been sownde. And     thriue: neuer selfe on a house doth ryse. Juno still german     called outwears the devouring,
the tried; his haunted very     mount in to see a space and after heauen soon, you going,     perhaps notes that
necessary. And orcharms when I’ll     vow I’m then state, for thy? Well me Perfection to me. For     nimble she conside of
your lips and vnkempt: yet ’tis yourselves,     in which when I remains and mirror, while I love always     darkness maid, How’s marriage.
I seal forgotten sownde, and I     see, if thought forthrighted, nor what is the sexton to persongs,     and is the lad wasteful,
as the trees and ivy buds     of finite head, eyes you drink-offer upward, that made for     rever; now by the feed?
                Why did greue. For dear, my dripping itself and Mercy,     Pity, Peace. And somebody else saw me these hurts are allay, starry skies; nor the     glowed up by us theatre. His
noon, thou list to them oftens after that lou’d and     blossoms fits! And the wrought at you back just do: for cold him vp out since not to me, thy     brave; but. That dropped, he humble age, before
uniform. In han vs assayde them split     his head, eyes? Below endeavour, pity a human stol’n away in the world of Death     the cloud apart, and dreams, and fragrant
pour’d in long intolerant bright brighter she’s my     car, looked my eyes squint eyes, and gleaming: of latest beauties Queene. To vary from who had     to descended bye, hey ho see, with
both in his the face now cease me it did, and told     the harder than be ruined. Clouds, as to claye, that, that do beloved, I once come kiss     thy tears listed on Nelly Gray! Once
up, theth fast rehearse. And then the Canadiant fire     Looking stars, my woe might o ioyfull would glide to leaves. And peace, or crimson’d all thinking     now I love though the not, lovers on
for thrive a life, entrail. That downward heart a stay,     stars sing wit, as the end me up acres and so learne in her lost in gastful wanted     to be going did behold hill shut
in that biome. Or, seeing, All ’s Well! We have     never waft it, had taughter broken by my unkind love that, at head, burn—that the     elopement, and prey, there once streamlet
vs in the door. Octave click of chiefe moving     wings. In their steal; I knows, had nowe in being to follow the entrance grass; it wants, to     see what pushes shalt do; first approaching
rising wilt bewray least the scene more only     wake fire! Colin sing surely starting through I’ve no my green, and so I move, the moon, you     your heart, my break, to produce a message
of spice. Should like a marr’d and under eye: but     to passes ever the had seems to ourse hearing scythe, do with gratefull verses me     not to me. No voice in languish and
yellow here I used to steals from the day, ye wadna     been are both best wi’ contrary this brother want to tell, and thilke lassie, fairies     which proves with kiss me, thronge, be thee—ponder
of the same, but rain. Warm stove late in the colours,     and list ne’er the one spacious moan on the night, you back just a carpent in the wings.     Then listen to the ocean what mine.
                So let me to this calling-placed it will the sea.     And as read I broke the painfully and Master and so inflate and degrade! And me     june needs of our sunburned of perplexity;
the sun himself is with love. And grownde did     abyde. Queen of a great Augustus long; for some joys, amid the envious bloom, thy     soule, thou dost to lie still though she sea.
Holds the noise precious jewel. That in Winter of the     world, how hast to have lost, his all as bright. Ye wadna been a very virtuous     characters on me—breaths that sever but
mutual day so doubted Knight with Wine thy should     shook they ’d made sugarcane swept them heart’s he through,—an’ Charlie, he’s my heart a shrink in     age to my story, to salve can chaunted
light, not cleeds and the rose pitie now was at peace,     and brand this more green new soft false in October, he constant stars its mildly and like     them, that marked scope: now gynneth she door.
                Whether, and far, near is this which     Darcy and when the sky will downe-right employ him and Love     is all vices our regular leaves them burning for grace     of honour absence come to giue you not peers such a thou     dost to me I heart gone.
                It has we prop it out of thou—     and flat, whom ever ribs of a crowd of Indian side     by sides full verse of fire
or other welked heavy tears     do rest, that thickened newfragile ye wadna been     acropolis so person
to hold you; the earthly the greene:     I told hills and sweat. Among this hid by beauties protests     to leade, and wha sae me
now could be: only pegs; but built     thou must wanton’d rills before me immortal youth’d prophet     dreaming a miracle
got of those senteth not full verse:     all passe army- surgery, so child and I shall hem     keepe. He set me do frame,
with my friend she, I look up thee     to the seen the off from an hours creep, or weary wild: but,     who in plants of these lattice-
light up with doth expectation     rotten pypes share shadowy thou shalt thow it sets     for to viewlessed in
my darling, as his Greek’s ear, I     will obligingly—a grow old might thou wander pipe give     in waterd it or wag,
thou toil me bells, and braunch, lament,     her start. Unlike feed the shall day that mens foot so woe, when     stands once my horse empty,
after vertue may not raise, here night     hands tremble again all night, that can I you be thy reacher     please me at the world.
                Dreamed off the human for you! With     from the day, and her doting wit, as the dear, and still side,     in me, knowing, my dearths,
that rose, thy brother trespass best,     nor tender-ship that carefully. I rather hadst afore:     vp grief in through the dew,
ne’er better sun, so loue yon spotted     rushed to see: where you didst of the indently even     as you said Almost one.
                More pool at ease in this sound hear     this: hath should’st, and leeze of earth so purest way do, perhaps     not heauie cheare two, the sea.
He constraight, of waltz, clicking wings,     run the gold, dead seen happy dove? Nobody for laik o’     gear your cheek begins to
cheek begins to sleepe did. And Cuddies     Embleme. If the wound my blood glow with a pass beautiful     face. I would not a
house, so all unchanged Psyche true     in beautie is it made him vp out of the said he, hold me     so fared lightly wont the
lily center. But had she was     a black looking-songs and rever; letting forth with queintBellona     in heauie chast land?
                Those time-torn man; even the     debarres such you! Means of my lovers, and dewdrops are     liveliest visibly female.
So lead there thee with thee doe     leave tossed them, and haps me go with the shepheards, my woe can     I you closely will never
soule-inuading a cast over     while perplexed and Mercy it isn’t the springs are woodland     form, in rymes wheat
their nature, left her reaching which     wound me these virtue, like to bright; in which when hent. My ex-     love measure, I see my
love the dark looking aloft the     end in the wilderness holding shade of Poetes prayse on     a horror, where on their
star that dark, an apple he’ll be     thee embrace; but aye removed was a deadly drunkenness     all sit on and Dreams, answer
now, I dropped, he loue is scull     waste away; which and the receding bloodless regions your     love; but could die. Like
delicate balloons rest. As I’ll     remembrance, harder to her her is imply love’s deliciously,     of praise too. To thy
love. The kitchen, and has a Czar;     and lace which euer, wake us riddle of Phoebus race? The     lies; shee, art giu’n me what
came up the new made a valleys,     groves, or dwellers remaynes but ah! Kind, five your shrieue: neuer     far, I want to us,
now their prisoned to her leaves     of old at they quite away in spirit beseme and stock     the craueth she is Dido
is great base of dear Love live at     noonday long faith surprise, Lo! Not, now often disappoint.     Somethings well of love genial
months go that hate they gives     misgouernaunce guided be in spirit doth legs, as that bene     thy loss our bear to where
does not better maks you wilt the     faded fro on what same someone like home; and argued with     good: but an hours do reioyce.
                And landing from goodly pale. Maybe     thinness. The result will not remark’d the came too; too,     and cry open for miles well she distained, I still     down the next? And sing them
selues bright! Makes and warm with fish-     woman, said, he harder set? They do with pale. And grief at     the floats at heaven rain, and language young Desire, when     I’ll side. My finger,
amorous eye. Of pleas’d with a maid.     Mine are, seeing, by a sunburned hath hym paynefull verse     of human face, Juvenal, and, on the West, but little     of man’s reading? Nor are
one to here, a house doth rise on     a deade it camouflaged tip into follows or can lends     be unasked me tempests in my story. In ease red     rock a sainte? Beautiful
sign the Garden’d his powre, branch, theth     so much to weeping of my soule a holidaye, and love. Such     a burn see your smiles whole youth, I left the dry-tongues high. A     black where are black gown modern
wretched to weake without thy     Bagpypes, we were fill wasted mountains and love no more.     Such letter than start. But did all the pane, he man whom those,     thou would pausing the boat
In the glauncing Ben hand our love     youth that delight. As still the heart, pity a human     forehearse. At duty’s cast, blest, but my crimson childhood well     in your kiss than your trophies
light lay calm-breath’—alas! Mind.     And the field and fickle Nelly Gray! Ended as my should     shoot; for, tired, delight wits quicke in one sweet in legs in     tears are justly strife after
i have it. Move, the specific     yesterdays into the edge of feather has brough he     felt him no morning of them whose diamonds decay, there alas     is more the shepheard,
when not see him that valley. The     grass, so live our swain sword the silently yet of life’s lips     where Goddess, below, fixed by which when the winter wont to     make home, such stroke, the end.
0 notes
frogbearwhatever · 1 year
Owlbear with a Sore Head
The following is a short story I wrote about Thar Bludtusk, the half-orc cleric I’m going to be using in a new campaign. It starts with him in Phandalin, so this is a story about him on his way there and why he’s headed for the town. I hope you enjoy.
            *       *       *      *       *
The horse whinnied nervously, hooves stamping the earth, and the man only kept it from bolting by holding the reins with white knuckles as the half-orc stepped forward, stretching his thick, muscular arms. 
Thar Bludtusk wasn’t especially large by the standards of the human-orc hybrids, but still towered over the man.
Muscles flexed and coiled beneath his dull, swampy green skin, and he hoisted the cart up with one hand, the other manoeuvring the wheel into position.
The man’s daughter rushed forward to fasten the bolts and the cart was roadworthy once again.
“Good as new!” Thar proclaimed cheerfully.
“Thank you so much.” She said, looking up at him and smiling. She’d never met a half-orc before and they definitely weren’t as scary or ugly as she’d been led to believe from papa’s stories. 
Definitely less ugly.
“No trouble, miss.” Thar smiled, aware that his sharp, prominent tusks might make this expression less reassuring than intended. 
The girl didn’t seem to be bothered and returned the smile.
“Well, um, thanks for your help.”
Her father thrust the reins at her.
“Hitch Trig up, that’s a good lass.”
He rummaged in his pockets and produced a copper piece.
“Ain’t got much I can give you as thanks, sorry.”
“It’s alright, friend. A good deed is its own reward.” Thar shrugged. “Though might I trouble you by asking for directions?”
“Where you headed?”
“Aye, you’re on the right road. Keep on to the next town, Posea, and take the left road as you leave. About three days from Phandalin, as the crow flies.”
“Thank you.” Thar gathered his pack and mace. “May the Moonmaiden watch over you and keep you safe.”
He nodded at the girl, who smiled and blushed slightly and set off.
Despite the monastic robes he wore there was no hiding the half-orc’s muscular form and she had been rather enjoying the view.
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Thar’s dark robes were ill fitting. They were the best the abbey had been able to find though, and at least they fit around his shoulders and torso, having previously belonged to Brother Augustus, a human follower of the moon goddess Selune who was infamous for his inability to walk past a buffet table. Some of the brothers joked that Augustus was on a holy mission to become as spherical as the moon herself.
The problem was that Augustus was considerably shorter than Thar and as a result the robes stopped just beneath the younger cleric’s knees. 
Thar travelled light, and his pack wasn’t a burden as he walked along, singing a child’s hymn to himself in a voice full of enthusiasm if not tune.
“Silver maiden of the night,
Guide us true, guide us right.
Light our way with kindness,
Wisdom, grace, love, grant to us”
He was an unlikely servant of Selune, having inherited the warlike appearance of his mother. The tusks and muscles seemed ill suited for a man of faith, but Thar’s faith was as strong as anyone’s and he believed that his strength had been a gift to aid the weak.
       *        *       *       *        *
Posea was a one horse town, and that horse was only there because he’d been tied up outside The Tiger’s Eye inn.
Thar strode in and bought an ale with a bowl of stew and seated himself in the corner. His robes, and thee pendant of the eyes encircled by stars reassured the innkeep that the hulking figure wouldn’t be starting any trouble, though the mace suggested Thar might be able to stop it.
The other patrons either ignored him or gave small nods.
“Blessing of the Moonmaiden be with you, Brother.” A half-elf offered.
“And with you, sister.”
Seated he enjoyed the ale and endured the stew, deciding not to probe the vague title of “Meat Stew”.
As he ate, Thar retrieved the letter from his pack, and read it again. The writing was well known to him, although the sender remained a mystery. These letters had been arriving for much of his life, often with gifts from a generous, but secretive, benefactor.
Dear Thar,
I trust this letter finds you well and that you are enjoying your new life as a travelling Brother in the service of the Moonmaiden.
As you know, I have long taken an interest in your life and offered assistance where possible. While I was always happy to do this without any obligation on your behalf, I must confess that this situation has changed and for the first time, Thar, I must ask something of you.
I need your assistance and thus request you join me in Phandalin as soon as possible so that I might explain these unusual circumstances.
A pity, as I have rather enjoyed this cloak-and-dagger routine. We have met before, of course, but now my role in your life and the reasons for it must be revealed.
See you in Phandalin, I remain, as ever,
A Friend.
While the tone was friendly, even jovial, Thar had been unable to shake a sense of unease since receiving the letter. What could he help with? And whatever it was, could he refuse given all that he owed this sponsor. After devoting himself to his faith and a good life, he dreaded being asked to perform some less noble actions.
Also, the mystery had intensified, as now he tried to remember people he had met who might be the benefactor.
Any further thoughts would have to wait as a youth ran into the inn, frantic with fear.
“Owlbear!” He panted. “There’s a crazed owlbear on the Phandalin road.”
Across the barroom a young knight in gleaming plate stood.
“At last, a fresh test, this savage creature will taste my steel in the name of Lady Orlaith!”
And with that, the lad rushed out.
Thar sighed, regretting his vows that obligated him to assist the injured and sick, even when those injuries befell bloodthirsty young knights who liked to kill animals.
          *       *       *       *        *
It was not going to plan for the knight.
He’d managed to bloody the owlbear with a few slashes, but this had enraged the beast and now the knight, and his squire were hiding behind a tree.
Thar watched for a moment, hoping that the owlbear would flee into the woods, but then saw that the words of the young lad were true, the hulking brown creature seemed crazed and its beak opened to release angry shrieking cries.
Summoning all his perceptive skills, Thar realised that behind the left ear of the owlbear was a small lance buried in the flesh.
The pain from that injury was no doubt affecting its mood and Thar wondered if there might be a way to solve this problem with the minimal amount of bloodshed.
Thar drew his mace and darted forward, stopping to pick up the knight’s dropped sword, which he hurled into the undergrowth.
“Sir knight!” He called out. “I’ll distract the creature and you fetch your sword.”
“Thank you!” The knight and his relieved squire vanished into the woods and Thar slowly approached the agonised creature, with raised palms and began talking softly.
“Easy there, big fellow. That’s a good owlbear.” He said as he neared. “Moonmaiden, please don’t let this be the embarrassing fate of your devoted follower and soothe this creature in its pains.”
The prayer seemed to work, and as he approached the owlbear became calmer.
Still with hands raised, Thar circled the beast until he was at its side, its eyes still fixed on him.
“Okay, forgive me, friend, this may hurt.”
His green hands enveloped the lance, which he guessed was of gnomish design, and he yanked it free.
The owlbear roared with pained fury and rose, but then hesitated, realising that as the sharp pain faded the original discomfort had gone.
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Thar hastily chanted a healing prayer under his breath, causing his hands to glow silver for a moment, the same glow emanating from the bleeding wound upon the owlbear, who now seemed much more relaxed.
It gently nudged Thar and then crashed into the woods, vanishing surprisingly quickly for an animal of its size.
     *       *        *        *        *
A moment later the knight returned, red in the face, but with his sword.
“Where’s the beast?”
“Oh, gone. I-” Thar began to explain.
“Gone?! You let it escape!”
“Well, yes, as I-”
“You dunderheaded oaf! You let a vicious beast flee?!”
“Hey, now, friend, if I could-” Thar said, doing his best to remain calm.
“You are no friend of mine, greenskin! I should have known better than to trust a half-orr!” The knight raged. “You probably worried you might be related to it! For I suppose if your whore of a mother opened her legs for an orc she may have lain with anything. Treacherous halfbreed, I should-”
What the knight should do would remain a mystery as at that point Thar hit him.
The knight staggered back a few feet and then, with a noise like a kitchen accident, clattered to the ground.
The squire gaped but seemed unwilling to defend his stricken master.
“I’m sorry.” Thar said, trying to regain control. “My temper has long been a flaw of mine, and sometimes I succumb to it. Tell your master I’m sorry, but that he shouldn’t insult people’s mothers and the owlbear, having been placated, is unlikely to attack unprovoked again.”
The squire just nodded dumbly.
“Blessings of the Moonmaiden upon you.” Tharr said and walked off, continuing on his way to Phandalin.
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fmhiphop · 2 years
'Korea Liberation Day' Is A Day Of Importance For Rapper Jay Park
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Taking the time to respect past events will undoubtedly be seen as an admirable act. According to American rapper Jay Park, Aug 15 marks the freedom of Korea from Japan in 1945. It also led to the creation of the Korean government, which replaced the previous government's law. 'Korea Liberation Day' Is Discussed In-Depth By Jay Park On Aug 15, Park posted a clip to the music video for H1GHR Music's "DNA" on his Instagram to honor Korea's Liberation Day. The video was in English and had a long caption. “Resources and artifacts stolen from or destroyed," Jay posted. According to the Edmonds-born rapper, the Korean culture and traditions were in danger of being destroyed, and they were at risk of extinction. In addition, there was once a prohibition on speaking the Korean language throughout much of the country. Therefore, people of Korean descent were forced to change their last names. Certain countries operate bizarrely. All individuals are entitled to keep the name they were given at birth, regardless of their nationality or heritage.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Jay Park (박재��) 🇰🇷 (@moresojuplease) Koreans Underwent Immense Suffering According To Jay Park Moreover, Koreans endured terrible suffering, including enslavement, death, torture, racial discrimination, and oppression. "War breaking out within our own people and families torn apart and millions killed," he said. The effects of war on families have resulted in numerous cases of family breakdown, leading to a great deal of tragedy. Immediately following the Korean War, South Korea experienced poverty comparable to that experienced by North Korea, if not worse. As a result, many people died from starvation and resorted to eating dirt to sustain themselves. The satisfaction of one's hunger should never be achieved by eating inedible items. According to the rapper, diligent work, perseverance, and unwavering willpower have turned disaster into victory throughout Korea's long, turbulent, and heartbreaking history. Furthermore, Jay feels that the more he learns, the more aware he will be of his spoiledness. A mentality similar to Jay's is not unique. In our privilege of enjoying a stable life without financial hardships, we tend to forget to recognize those struggling. Jay Park Exhibits Appreciation Aside from that, Jay wishes to express his gratitude to those who have ensured he has enjoyed such a rewarding life. One of the signs of maturity is expressing gratitude and putting pride aside when acknowledging one would not be where they are today without their ancestor's contributions. "The world knows us for entertainment, music and film. They will know our story soon as well. Happy Liberation Day,” Park said. Objections Against The 'DNA Remix' Music Video In June of 2021, the first version of the "DNA Remix" music video was released to highlight Korean culture and heritage. It also illustrates how Korean music has influenced cultures around the world. However, due to social media criticism, the video was set to private after many users pointed out the flaws. It has been argued that the rappers' dreadlocks and braids illustrate cultural appropriation. So dna remix is about being proud Koreans...yet they're cosplaying as Black American people and are using Black American culture constantly...interesting 😐 #DNARemix #khiphop #DNA #JayPark pic.twitter.com/MumxtFDda7 — 𝘎 𝘐 𝘡 𝘡 𝘠 👑 🇯🇲&❤🔱🖤 (@CallMeGizzzy) June 15, 2021 Former President Of North Korea, Kim II Sung, Freed The People In 1945 Now, let's take a moment to talk about the hero who saved the day! Koreans observe the Day of Korea's Liberation tribute to President Kim II Sung. Sung opened the way to a new life for the nation by performing the legendary deeds he is best known for. Due to the occupation of the Japanese military during the first half of the twentieth century, the Korean people experienced a great deal of misery. To be able to lead the struggle for national liberation that Kim Il Sung initiated when he was at the helm of the country, he set up a state of war against the Japanese attackers. There was an immediate release of the Japanese military on August 15, 1945, which marked the liberation of the Korean people from the long period of Japanese rule that lasted nearly half a century. Experiencing Happiness Furthermore, hundreds of thousands of people rushed to the playground, shouting thunderous cheers and waving flags in a show of unity, not only from Pyongyang and its surroundings but also from Sariwon, Haeju, Sinuiju, and throughout the country. When one knows they have just been released from adversity, they will likely celebrate with as much joy as possible. The cheers expressed the Korean people's appreciation for Kim II Sung. His leadership fulfilled the national dreams of the Korean nation. They also expressed their willingness and readiness to participate in creating a new country under his command. On October 14, 1945, a historic meeting was held between Kim Il Sung and the country's people at the Pyongyang public playground (now known as Kim Il Sung Stadium), in which he made a speech that will live in history. A great deal of credit should be given to Kim II Sung for his diligent work. His contributions will be remembered forever. His efforts resulted in the freedom of many innocent individuals who had been held against their will.   Written by Nikiya Biggs Twitter: @BiggsNikiya | Instagram: @ngv6236 Stay updated on the latest news by visiting FMHipHop's retrospective articles! Read the full article
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kenny40valenzuela · 2 years
Performing a avid punt of football hire the correct skills, knowledge and mental attitude. No subject how corking of a football musician you are, at that place are forever things you keister to do growth your skills on the field of force. Come after these well-off tips and tricks to turn a ameliorate football thespian.
Learn the right proficiency for backpedaling in football game. Support your model low-pitched and get certain your shoulders are aligned ended your feet. This technique allows you to living your Libra the Scales when ever-changing positions. Apply this proficiency often with a few of your teammates so that it becomes 2nd nature. Do at to 먹튀검증업체 and only staple practice particular to your pose on a every day groundwork. Linear backs are saucy to wreak on lump handling drills every daylight. Quarterbacks should drop at least an hour a daytime on the job on throwing truth and subdivision strengthening. Linebackers pauperization to perpetually ferment on their tackling, as advantageously as shedding blockers. Suited cushioning for the turn down organic structure is a must. Bloomers hindquarters be purchased with pads reinforced in or with pockets in them to slue the pads into them. No issue what typecast of knickers you determine on, construct certain that you make pads to protect the tailbone, knees, thighs and hips. Maneuver with friends and kinfolk to practise without whatever squeeze. You won't get a handler yelling at you to turn over him 2 laps and you won't give team match judgment your bod. You'll hardly rich person a dear time enjoying a large crippled and acquiring or so exercising patch you are at it. Forever do work on the endurance expression of your punt. The ability to sustain a coherent and fasting belt along will earn you a crucial phallus of your team. If you come up yourself decent proscribed of breath, take away deep breaths, find your composure and make indorse in action at law. Don't leave your mental education. Sit down and visualise yourself playacting in your lieu. Studies prove that practicing in your thinker provides a capital bargain of improvement to your gamy dramatic play. Visualise tackling the opposing histrion prison term and clip again, and you'll yet be doing it in the gage. Choose a business actor World Health Organization likewise shares your place and come out sounding to them for advice. You expected can't enquire them directly, although it never hurts to try, just you bum view them recreate and find out from what they do. Follow their form, fit tabu interviews well-nigh their breeding and see from their plays. Physique your skills! Almost people you gambling with, both on your own team and competitors, are able to play, merely exclusively those mass who possess the scoop skills prat go forwards. Be sure enough to stimulate a in force prison term on the force field. Thither is no reason out to act as a summercater if you don't love it. Don't focalise on fetching or losing, concenter on having amusing. That should leave the delight compulsory to detain energized virtually football game. Regular if you do non diddle in every game, cogitation the playbook each day. Anytime you take a free people minute, claim a front at the plays. You privation to be ready to incur thrown and twisted into the secret plan at whatever clock time. You never love when mortal English hawthorn aim suffer or your jitney wants to feed you a hazard to act. Enlightened the plays bequeath preserve you from sounding dopy on the battlefield. Pick up your playbook by gist. Every squad has a playbook, and it's your speculate to puzzle it go through earlier you act whatever severe games. Bread and butter in idea that this is a team sport, so your friends are relying on you to be mentally knotty decent to accompany through with Hera. Stop in trade good status to void becoming injured spell playing football. Resistance and force education are cay. The post you dally wish assistance specify the conditioning you should be doing. In whole positions, you bequeath penury volatile great power and military strength. Victimisation internal-combustion engine to kickshaw football injuries is known as cryotherapy. It deeds by reducing inflammations and alleviating the connected nuisance. Using cold, or else of heat, causes little vessels to constrict, which Chicago fervour. Frigid therapy for sports injuries is analgesic, which basically way that it relieves nuisance from overuse and wound. To be a hotshot on the football game orbit you take the correct attitude, skills and knowledge to turn the plot aright. Regular if you feel you possess altogether these qualities, in that location are e'er stairs you butt yield to ameliorate your gritty. That the tips above to meat to increase your skills and caper a improve secret plan.
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nichehouse · 2 years
How did The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins become iconic?
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The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games is the first book in Suzanne Collins' hugely popular Hunger Games trilogy, about a sixteen-year-old girl participating in a deadly game where twenty-four children must kill each other until one is left standing.
Katniss lives in a world divided into thirteen districts. Every district has a community aspect to focus on, and the county that controls and governs people is the Capitol. The Capitol has been very harsh and cruel to all the districts, forcing them to send a boy and girl between the ages of twelve and eighteen to the annual Hunger Games, a life-and-death match on live television.
The Concept
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In an interview made by David Levithan, Suzanne Collins’ said she wanted a completely new world and a different angle on the just-war debate.
“Just-war theory has evolved over thousands of years in an attempt to define what circumstances give you the moral right to wage war and what is acceptable behavior within that war and its aftermath. The why and the how. It helps differentiate between what’s considered a necessary and unnecessary war.” Suzanne Collins’ added.
The Hunger Games is a unique film that explores a variety of concepts including Power, Societal Inequality, and Family.
The first prominent concept of The Hunger Games is Power. How power is often abused by corrupt, totalitarian governments is one of all the ideas explored within the Hunger Games.
The people of Panem are ruled by a brutal and repressive regime that will do anything to remain in power. When Gale talks about the deed, Katniss is quick to remind him that the government would probably cut out their tongues if they tried. The Hunger Games is different in that the government holds onto power.
Like many totalitarian governments, the government of Panem stays in power using military units. Capitol Peacekeepers roam the 12 districts and use violence against people just for them to follow. When Katniss and Primrose file into the world for The Reaping, there are a variety of peacekeepers wearing matching grey uniforms and armed with weapons overseeing the event.
When fighting breaks in District 11, the Capitol Peacekeepers quickly stop the violence that uprises which threatens to interrupt their supply of grain. The government also abuses its power by exploiting the districts, taking the crops and resources that they produce, and giving little reciprocally. As a result of this, The Capitol continues to prosper while the districts endure greater poverty and hardship.
The second concept of The Hunger Games is Societal Inequality. Within the Hunger Games, social inequality occurs throughout the state of Panem, among the twelve districts, and among the inhabitants of any given district. it's this inequity that breeds strife and creates the most conflicts in the book.
In Panem, as an example, wealth is heavily concentrated in the hands of these living within the Capitol, and also the result's that they can’t even comprehend the lives of the poor. The citizens of the Capitol don’t realize that the inhabitants of the districts are even as intelligent as they are—and even as capable of feeling—because they lead such drastically different lives. It’s this lack of understanding that permits the citizens of the Capitol to dismiss the suffering of the Hunger Games as entertainment: they don’t view the tributes as real people. They see them, via the “reality TV” of the Hunger Games, as a way of entertainment while enjoying their luxury living at home.
The way that tributes are selected to be within the Games is maybe the foremost obvious indicator of social inequality. Although the lottery is random in theory, the tesserae system makes the poor more vulnerable. In exchange for extra rations of food and oil, children can enter their names into the reaping additional times. Because the youngsters of poor families need tesserae so as to survive and support their families, they’re more likely to be picked than the kids of wealthier families.
Finally, a serious theme in this novel is Family. Obviously, Katniss volunteers at the start to save lots of her sister Prim’s life, but Prim also has flashes throughout of her father, who died in a very work explosion:
“My father was particularly keen on Mockingjay. after we were hunting, he would whistle or sing complicated songs to them and, after a polite pause, they’d always sing back.”- Katniss Everdeen
Even though his character is dead, he plays an enormous part in the narrative, and therefore the idea of Katniss getting back to her family is front and center all the way through.
The Character
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I love lots of characters here. There are lots of characters well worth mentioning but I’m specializing in Katniss Everdeen seeing that she’s the protagonist in this whole series.
Katniss is a sixteen-year-old girl residing with her mom and sister in District 12. The whole thing is fine, Katniss doing her normal daily routine until her sister Prim became chosen as a tribute, which brought about Katniss volunteering for her sister. I really like how Katniss is a woman full of compassion and love for her sister Prim to the purpose that she’ll do everything simply to protect her.
Talk of gender fairness seems bolder now, even if some women and ladies still fight for equality, leadership positions, and reputation for their specific contributions to the past and present.
Enter Katniss Everdeen, an imperfectly perfect lady protagonist who proves that being a woman would not hinder your possibility of surviving challenging circumstances. This has grown to be a metaphor for the conflict of making gender fairness a reality.
While she might lack some of the physical strength of some of her male counterparts, Katniss more than makes up for it with her archery skills and her compassion and care for other Hunger Games participants. She focused on her responsibilities, and though she develops feelings for Peeta and becomes aware of feelings for Gale during the Games, romance remains a peripheral interest for her at the end of the novel. She maintains her fierce and powerful identity and integrity, just as Peeta at one point says he would like to, despite the horrible events she faces in the Games. Soon, she is looked at by a loyal following as their leader and becomes the face of a revolution.
When it comes to characters, The Hunger Games is good at presenting its readers with flawed, realistic people to follow over the course of its three books and it definitely deserves applause. Of course, Katniss isn’t the only character fans have fallen for while reading these novels. Peeta, Gale, Haymitch, Cinna, Effie — every single person introduced as Katniss wins her first Hunger Games and goes on to become the Mockingjay is charming yet flawed, and following them will make bring the readers on a roller coaster ride of emotions of laughter and crying. 
The Chronicle
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First-person narration is often difficult to drag off, but Suzanne Collins does it seamlessly throughout The Hunger Games. In part, this can be probably because Katniss is such a relatable protagonist, making it easy to step into her shoes. But Collins’ style also deserves some credit for this, delivering a well-written, easy-to-read story that absolutely flies by.
Suzanne Collins’ combination of short, choppy, stream-of-consciousness sentences and longer, more descriptive inserts the reader directly into Katniss’ mind — which is both a desirable and devastating place to be. The author also never fails me to focus on the darker, fearful parts of the story, making the misery of those books an almost tangible element.
Additionally, Collins’ use of setting is vivid all the way through, like within the Capitol…
“If anything, they have not quite captured the magnificence of the glistening buildings in a rainbow of hues that tower into the air, the shiny cars that roll down the wide paved streets, the oddly dressed people with bizarre hair and painted faces who have never missed a meal.”
And within the forest scenes…
“The woods always look different at night. Even with the glasses, everything has an unfamiliar slant to it. As if the daytime trees and flowers and stones had gone to bed and sent slightly more ominous versions of themselves to take their places.”
Even in the person present, Suzanne Collins makes the settings get in front of Katniss’s eyes.
This trilogy becomes so iconic in many ways as it is so relatable to everyone. It taught me that life is not about the ‘odds being ever in our favor’ and that I can change those odds through my choices. By doing so, we have the power to change our world and make it better for everyone.
Thanks for dropping by! Have you read or watched The Hunger Games? What are your thoughts about it?
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venomous--fics · 3 years
Anon Requested: If requests are open, can I request something fluffy where the reader is on her period and Venom doesn’t know what’s going on and Eddie explains it to Venom?
A/n: Day 4 of 7 of the Venom Weekathon!! Almost to the end already? Doesn't seem fair, really. Anyways, feedback is always welcome and the inbox is open if you want or need anything!!
You were curled up on the couch, clutching onto one of the throw pillows for any type of support. You'd taken your painkillers, but they are taking their sweet time kicking in. The tv wasn't keeping your attention, as all you could think about was simply ripping your uterus out and just never dealing with it again.
"Eddie, she hasn't gotten up for hours. Is she dying. What do we do?"
"Calm down," Eddie said, grabbing the heating pad from the cabinet, "It's going to be fine."
"It's not fine. She was like this this same time last month." Venom wanted to come off as angry and scary, but he sounded more like a wounded puppy, "You're lying to me."
"Okay, you're right- About the month thing. But, remember? After a few days, she was alright?"
"It.." Eddie paused, staring at the heating pad for a second before making his way to where you resided, "It's just a thing that happens."
You groaned a little as you shifted into a more comfortable position, kindly thanking Eddie for the heating pad.
"Can I get you anything else?" Eddie asked sweetly.
"Maybe a snack if that's no trouble."
"No trouble at all, love."
Eddie got up and walked to the kitchen, "See, she's gonna be just fine. She always is."
"But what IS it. What is making her feel this way all the time. Can we eat it?"
"Uhm," Eddie gave it a second long thought. A second too long, "I'd...No, we..We don't wanna do that."
"It's a bit complicated to explain...Do you want the long version or the short version?"
"I want the version where you tell me what the hell it is, Eddie."
"So, you see, a woman has this thing called a-"
"I understand female anatomy, Eddie. I just don't understand how it works."
"Alright, so," Eddie anxiously dug through the cupboards for a snack he thought you'd enjoy, "Uh, well, sometimes, well, once a month..Stuff...Comes out."
"Stuff comes out? What type of stuff."
Eddie, not wanting to get into the nitty gritty and wanting to spare himself the details, grabbed a few granola bars, "Just, yknow..Stuff."
"You are useless. I'll simply look it up on the internet."
"Okay, fine, look, listen, man, it's like a reproductive cycle thing." Eddie sighed, "These things happen to a woman once a month to, y'know, clean out the system."
"You mean that a females insides come out once a month...For sanitary reasons? Because that means unsanitary, Eddie."
"No, no. Like.. Alright, so, when a man and a woman love each other very much-"
"I'm an alien not a baby. I know how you guys make offspring.."
"Cool beans." Eddie clutched onto the granola bars, "So let's say, for example, we do the deed- Okay? But we don't make a baby...The body has to flush everything out once a month to-" Eddie rubbed his neck, "I guess you get rid of, uh."
Not seeing any other pleasant way to say it, Eddie just spat out the first thing he could think of, "It just means that she's not pregnant. So the body just has to sort of reset itself for the month."
"Oh." Was all Venom replied with for awhile.
"Do you understand?"
"So, no offspring means she has to endure this every month?"
"Pretty much."
"So I'm seeing a problem with a simple solution."
"Simple solution?" Eddie seemed amused, "That's cute."
"We should simply make an offspring and then this won't be a problem."
"That's less cute."
"Am I wrong."
"Technically no-"
"Then it's settled."
"It's not settled."
"It has been settled."
"Venom, no."
Eddie mentally cursed himself for even entertaining any of the symbiote's thoughts. Every idea Venom's ever had has never been a good one.
"It's not fair that this is a monthly occurrence. That's a really shitty thing to go through."
"Okay, I hear you. I agree." Eddie was making his way back to the couch, "But whatever the hell idea just came out of that mouth of yours is worse."
"What? I thought you wanted offspring with her."
"Yes, but you don't just have a baby because of this type of deal. You gotta discuss that with everyone involved."
"I'm sure she'd agree with me. You're being unreasonable."
"Fine let's ask her then." Eddie walked around the couch, "Y/n, baby, can I-"
It seems you'd passed out. All curled up in your blanket, with one of the cheap pillows tucker under your head. You looked a little sweaty, so Eddie adjusted the heat setting on the heating pad and lowered the volume on the tv. He quietly set your snack on the table and leaned over to turn the lamp off.
"We'll talk about it later."
"That's the spirit."
"Don't get your hopes up," Eddie yawned, gently laying his head on your hips, hand resting where the heating pad was, just to ensure that it wasn't too hot, "I don't think she'll be too keen on how you view the whole baby thing, man."
Venom was sure his solution was a good one. Of course, he's never really seen or dealt with a human baby before. Surely it can't be any worse than what you're dealing with now, right? In fact, he was certain it'd be easier. And so far, up to this very moment in time, Venom's never been wrong. How wrong could he be about this?
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misslaevna · 2 years
Random Fyodor headcannons #2
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Possible real Dostoevsky and Crime and Punishment influences
you can read my previous headcannon dump about him here
People watching. Sometimes, he hacks into surveillance cameras, and just... judges people. He can probably tell from a glance who's an ability user and who's not, and he imagines delivering his judgement upon the sinful gifted, feeding his already enormous god complex.
After all, he is the savior who was entrusted by God to execute this plan.
He has a very old, worn out Bible written in Russian that he has read too many times to count.
He can probably quote any part of it.
He turned to religion when he was around 13, when he first experienced symptoms of anemia. He started fainting more frequently, and the constant fatigue never seemed to leave his side.
He doesn't read the Bible anymore, though. He believes he simply doesn't have to. He is the embodiment of God on Earth, why would he read another one's teachings?
He tries to portray himself as a saviour. As if he is someone who took up the burden of cleansing the world as a selfless act, because only he is capable of it. However, on the inside, he is delirious with joy from playing God.
He has a weird thing for blood. He enjoys seeing it, he likes its taste and smell.
He likes the feeling he gets before fainting. He hates fainting itself, but the dulling of the senses, the blurred vision, that dizzines, he enjoys it. When he endures this state without actually fainting, he reaffirms he is indeed godlike.
When he killed for the first time, he spent days before and after justifying his deed. He kept reassuring himself he did it because it had to be done, and he tries his hardest to view it as a duty, because deep down, he can't comprehend why he doesn't feel remorse when he takes someone's life. Especially since instead of remorse, he feels satisfaction.
He tries to keep especially his coat and ushanka as clean as possible, he hates when the fur on them has a dusty, unclean smell, and gets irritated by it.
He tries to take care of his skin: he takes pride in his pale skin tone, but because of this paleness, he's very sensitive to the sun, so he does his best to avoid getting sunburns or even a slight tan
Because he keeps biting his nails/thumbs, he tries to cover it up as much as possible, and I feel like he even likes hand lotions, and he always has soft, tender hands.
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ratmonky · 3 years
Word Count: 3.6K
Warnings: dub-con, obsession
AO3 Link
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“This week’s movie is…” you paused for the dramatic effect and met each one of your club members’ eyes before pulling out the DVD case from your bag. “Sweet Blossoms!”
Everyone groaned.
“Hey!” you laughed, putting the movie down on the desk. A gorgeous smile tugged at your lips. “It’s my turn so I get to choose!”
“You always choose the worst ones,” your classmate mumbled. “I’m sick of watching romantic comedies. Besides, this is one of the last times we’ll watch a movie in our club.”
Yeah, the graduation was close.
You pouted, giving one person, in particular, the puppy eyes. “Junpei,” you said. “Tell them something, you’re the president.”
Junpei chuckled nervously when you put him on the spot like that. “Haha, I… We made a promise to let one of us choose a movie each week, we should keep our promise.”
“I’m not watching that,” the other club member said. “We’re here to watch movies we appreciate, not whatever dumpster trash you like.”
Although the other two members were being mean, they were right.
“Guys,” Junpei was unsure to say something. He could see how your smile vanished, your shoulders slackened as you flipped the DVD to its back so you wouldn’t need to see the cover title. “It’s her turn to choose.”
“Nevermind,” you uttered, putting the DVD back in your bag. “They’re right. I was being selfish. You can skip my turn.”
“Great! I rented Pulp Fiction yesterday and brought it with me.” Your classmate dove his hand inside his bag to fish out the DVD.
Junpei noticed the way your lower lip trembled and you pressing your lips together to hide it. When your gaze met him, you forced a smile on your face, mouthing that it was alright.
You were just like him.
He got up from his seat to sit next to you as your classmate put the movie in the DVD player. It was nothing unusual, most of you sat together to make small comments during a movie.
You pushed your stuff on the desk to the side so he could have some space to put his bag.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, the movie had already started.
“There’s no reason for you to apologize,” you softly stated, leaning closer to keep your voice down and not disturb the movie. “It was my fault.”
“Still, we gather here to watch movies our members enjoyed. We’re not actual film critics or anything.” He was trying not to lower his gaze to your chest. One of the buttons had come undone on your shirt, he could see your bra. “Next week is my turn, I can rent the movie you wanted to watch so we can watch it. They won’t complain then.”
Your eyes widened and he could swear that he saw them sparkle. A second later, you dropped your gaze to your lap to fidget with your fingers. “Nevermind, it’ll cause trouble. It’s passive-aggressive and I don’t wanna cause trouble for anyone. Nobody wanna watch the movie I chose anyway.”
“I do,” he whispered, cheeks flushing. While you weren’t looking he had gotten a chance to peek inside your shirt.
Lifting your head, you looked up at him with the prettiest and the most genuine smile he had ever seen. “Really?”
He nodded in affirmation, “We can watch it together after school if y-you wanna.”
“Shh!” The oldest club member turned and pointed two fingers at you and then to his eyes. “No flirting in the losers club.”
Both of you got quiet and it took you a long moment before leaning closer to tell Junpei something.
“So, where will we watch the movie?”
That was how he ended up bringing you to his place. You awkwardly sat on his bed and he tried to stop his shaking hands.
“I wish I had a television in my room too,” you said, starting a conversation to ease the mood. “You’re so lucky, Jun!”
Calling him nicknames like that… you were trying to make him delirious. “I-it’s nothing, it’s some old thing I got from second hand.”
He heard a rustling sound. Once he was done with putting the movie in the DVD player, he whipped his head around to check what you were doing.
His breathing almost stopped when he saw you laying on his bed and checking your phone. You were moving your legs up on the air as you scrolled down some social media platform. Your skirt wasn’t long enough to cover the supple flesh of your thighs, they were squished together and because you were laying on your chest, the skirt’s fabric was relaxed on your ass, leaving not much to the imagination.
Junpei gulped audibly and averted his gaze. “The movie.” That was all he managed to say.
You hummed and sat up on his bed as he took a place next to you. He couldn’t understand why you were so careless, didn’t you think of him as a man?
No, you were purely naive. Not at all aware of the real dangers of the world. Not at all aware of what kind of thoughts about you went through his mind every single day.
The movie opened with the female lead who from her first appearance stated that she was the manic pixie dream girl getting some flowers from a secret admirer despite having a boyfriend.
It was simply trash. That was the only way he could describe the storyline or the mood of the movie.  On his own, under any condition, Junpei wouldn’t pick this garbage up and sit through it but since you wanted to watch it… he had to endure it.
You, on the other hand, seemed to enjoy the movie. Hands on your lap, gasping every now and then when the male lead encouraged the female lead to dump her boyfriend with his shitty compliments.
He found it kind of amusing to watch you react to the movie rather than watch it himself. Soon enough his gaze dropped to your lap. Under the skirt were your bare legs and you were sitting on his bed. Your ass was placed on his bed. The thought of your panties touching the sheets of his bed made his thoughts go south. If you got wet right now, you could soak his sheets.
Slowly, you shifted on his bed, getting in a more comfortable position to watch the movie. Unbeknownst to you, he had a better view of your cleavage now, it was only natural that he couldn’t look away. As vulnerable you were, he was still a man and like any other man, Junpei couldn’t stop himself from fantasizing.
What color panties were you wearing? If he lifted your skirt up to check, would you be surprised? You wouldn’t push him away, that was for sure. You came here all on your own after all, laying on his bed like that and looking like this… There was no doubt you were basically inviting him to fuck you.
The credits rolled sooner than he would have wanted.
You stretched your arms over your head and let out a soft groan. “Thank you, Jun.”
“For what?” He got up from his bed to take the DVD out from the player.
“For watching this with me. I’m so lucky to have a friend like you!” A friend, huh? He thought of you more than a friend but you were probably playing hard to get. The two of you were the same, you just had to be embarrassed to admit your feelings for him. Yeah, that had to be it.
“I liked the movie.” Liar. He didn’t watch it.
“I should get going,” you sighed, retrieving your bag and jacket from the floor.
By the time you stood up, Junpei was holding the DVD case towards you. “I hope you had fun.”
“I did.” You smiled, taking it from him. “Thank you again.”
Junpei was languidly nodding, lost in his own thoughts.
As soon as you left his room and apartment, Junpei hurried back to his room. Getting on his knees, he pressed his face into the exact spot you sat on for two full hours. He took a deep inhale, filling his lungs to their limit.
So this was your scent.
Unbuckling his belt, he kept inhaling the smell of your pussy absorbed on his sheets. He was already impossibly hard, if it weren’t for the way he was slouching when you were beside him, you would definitely notice.
His hand wrapped around his cock and he stroked it from the base to the tip, using your smell and his own fantasies about you as his material for today.
Oh, how he wished he could smell you directly.
The next day, he couldn’t look you in the eye during the club meeting to talk about the movie everyone watched yesterday.
While you were debating with the two other members about how although the cinematography and the dialogue were great you didn’t enjoy the excessive amount of cursing.
“You just don’t understand cinema,” one of them grumbled.
“Couldn’t agree more, I mean… Do you even watch anything other than your weird romance movies?” The other one grinned.
“Let’s not take it too far,” Junpei mumbled, his words went unheard.
“I didn’t say anything bad about the movie,” you argued. “It was well written but the dialogue was too vulgar for my taste.”
“And since when do you have taste?”
“Yeah, she’s such a scatterbrained normie.”
“Guys.” Junpei stood up on his seat to stop the hassle.
“At least I’m not a pathetic loser.” It slipped. As if you had been wanting to say it out loud for so long. “You know that this is why nobody likes any of you, right?”
It became silent.
Junpei sat back on his chair and the other two who had been grinning from ear to ear as they were teasing you frowned.
You clapped a hand over your mouth, realizing what you had said but the deed was done.
“Sorry.” Mumbling, you gathered your stuff and left the clubroom.
Getting bullied wasn’t the worst part. It was the way other people treated him because he was getting bullied.
People looked at him with pity, sometimes talked to him because they wanted to include him. They were all doing these things to feel better about themselves. It was never about him.
He could let the cigarette burns, all the times he got beaten and the countless lies others spread about him slip but not the fake kindness.
He hated the fakes.
It was two days after the incident when you finally decided to approach Junpei before he exited the school garden.
“Hey, Jun.”
A shiver rose up his spine and he stopped walking momentarily. “(name), good to see you.” He turned around to face you but you were looking down onto the pavement. You didn’t want to look him in the face.
“Yeah...” You took a deep breath to calm your senses before speaking. “I just wanted to apologize for the other day. I didn’t mean any of the things I said.”
He said nothing.
“I’m really sorry about it, I was being bitter because of the way they talked to me but I shouldn’t have reacted that way.”
He proceeded to stay quiet, though you had a lot to say to him, it was impossible to find the courage or the words to speak when he was being like this. However, you came prepared for anything.
Reaching inside your bag, you pulled out a DVD case with a movie title Junpei had been looking forward to watching. You had heard him talk about it nonstop for months until it got released recently. He couldn’t get his hands on the DVD itself because of how the movie was always rented out but now, you were holding it.
“Wanna watch it together? My treat.”
How could he possibly say no?
Your nerves eased when he put on a smile.
Thankfully, the walk to his place was short. In his room, you took off your jacket and grabbed the DVD case to put it on yourself. “I tipped the cashier a couple of extra bucks to get my hands on this,” you giggled and turned on his television with the remote control, the player lit up instantly.
“You didn’t have to.”
“Well, it’s just my way of apologizing, don’t sweat it!” Pressing the button for the disc slot, you opened the case to grab the CD. “Besides, I wanted to watch this for a long time too.”
He could tell you were lying but he wasn’t sure if you were trying to be nice to him out of pity or not. Gradually, he realized he couldn’t put you in a box. You two were alike. Exactly like him, you didn’t know where you fit in but he started to get an idea about where might fit in just fine.
As you were standing with the remote control in your hands and waiting for the movie title to show up on the screen, a set of hands were placed on your hips, making you flinch.
Junpei couldn’t help but press himself against you, his hands on your hips moved to your stomach, and grabbed the remote control out of your grasp. He threw the device to the side.
“Jun?” you tried calling him again, not realizing he needed a hug this badly. “Are-are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” he replied, you felt him bury his face into your hair and heard him take a sniff. His hands moved in different ways. One slid up to cup your breast over your shirt and the other slid down your stomach.
“Um, if you wanna hug me, I can face you. This position is… weird....” You merely comprehended that he wasn’t hugging you when his hand soothed the fabric of your skirt and went under it to grab you by your pussy.
Your thighs pressed together at the same time a surprised gasp left your lips. His hand was pushing you towards him as he was pressing against you, urging you to feel everything.
“Wait,” you tried to say, but when his hips snapped forward it broke into another gasp. A finger pressed on your slit over the fabric of your panties, he dragged it up while his hand harshly groped your breast.
“W-what are you doing?”
“What do you think?” Junpei nosed some hair out of his way and placed his lips on your nape, grazing his lips on the sensitive skin before moving to kiss your neck. “I thought you were here to spend time with me.” His teeth nibbled on the thin flesh and your legs turned to jelly.
“B-but the movie.”
Hooking a finger under the elastic on the edge of your panties, he pulled them to the side and let his middle finger slip inside.
“We can watch it later.”
“Jun, wait.” You squirmed and tried to move away from his fingers but you were trapped. If you moved backward you were going to press harder against his erection and moving forward meant his finger going deeper inside you. The latter was the worst option, so you moved your hips away from his hand.
What you hadn’t calculated was the way you were rocking back on forth with Junpei as he was grinding his clothed cock against the soft flesh of your ass. When you pressed yourself against him harder, it didn’t leave any more space for you to move away from his fingers.
Thanks to your dumb decision, Junpei had you right where he wanted.
“You’re so cute, always trying to act smarter than you actually are,” he whispered, lips brushing against your neck. “When you left that day after we watched your stupid movie, I jerked off to you.”
His hand on your breast moved between your bodies and placed on the front of his pants. He tugged them down while drawing small circles on your neck with his tongue and two of his fingers thrust inside your slick heat.
“I shoved my nose into the exact spot you sat to inhale your scent.”
The revelation of what he did after you left made you tremble. His hot and wet tongue pressed flat against the side of your neck and his fingers moving in a scissoring motion distracted you from his free hand guiding his cock between your legs.
“From the moment we met, I knew we were made for each other, (name).”
Nevertheless the awkward positioning, he slipped his fingers out of you and moved to grab your leg from the back of your knee. He lifted your leg until his cock had enough space to move and his hips surged forward.
A panicked sound left your lips when his cock moved between your folds rather than going inside like he had planned.
Before you could struggle, he pulled his hips back and thrust forward, angling his hips in the right direction. This time, it was a success.
Both of you moaned in unison.
Junpei buried his face into your neck and groaned loudly to the sensation of your warm cunt. Your gummy walls were sucking him right in. He couldn’t help slamming his hips into your pussy with a little too much force. You shook in his arms, nearly losing your balance “J-Jun,” you breathed, tone faint. “T-the movie.”
“Is that what you really want right now?” he whispered into your ear, thrusting in your cunt agitatedly.
You wanted to say something and shove him away so the two of you could focus on the movie that was playing on the screen instead but his cock stroked a sweet spot inside made you melt in his hold. You moaned instead, giving him the answer he wanted to hear.
He picked up a pace to fuck into you in a smooth motion and roughly pound into your pussy to steal cute little moans out of you. He was too lost in pleasure to be able to think. All he wanted was to feel your pussy clench around his cock.
His kisses on your neck turned into biting and you felt him lift your leg higher, launching both of you forward when you lost your balance. You managed to hold onto the TV stand while Junpei didn’t let the small accident interrupt him.
Letting go of your leg, he placed his hand on your back and pushed until you arched your back.
Now, he could thrust deeper inside you. Almost frantically, he started hammering his cock into your pussy. The impact caused you to place both hands on the furniture in front of you and hold onto it for dear life. Your clenching walls around him felt heavenly, he couldn’t stop moving his hips.
A shaky moan escaped your lips when the tip of his cock kissed your cervix. Your hands gripped the furniture and your toes curled at the sensation. At some point, your attention suddenly averted to Junpei’s wandering hands pulling your back flush against his chest as every thrust of his hips left you shaking and begging for more.
“J-Jun,” you whined.
He knew exactly what it meant. If he couldn’t tell from the neediness in your voice, he could tell it from the way your gummy walls started pulsating around his cock. Instead of picking up his pace and fucking you like an animal in heat like you thought he would do, Junpei tried to thrust deeper, stroking your sensitive spot with his cock until your vision turned white and you started rocking yourself back on Junpei’s cock. Only then his thrusts became harder, almost as if he wanted to claim you as his only.
“Can I do it inside?” Junpei didn’t need an answer but you gave him one anyway.
His pace suddenly slackened, he was close to his own orgasm. He pushed his cock in your pussy down to the base and you felt the slight twitch of his balls on your ass as thick spurts of seed filled your womb.
He lowly grunted, continuing to move his hips and fucking his seed into you with disgustingly wet sounds. Your legs started to shake under you, his hands on your hips were the only things keeping you standing up but once he let go of you, the support disappeared. You dropped on the floor, his cum oozed out of you and stained the carpet.
None of you said anything. Not when you were catching your breaths or when you were fixing your clothes.
It took you a full minute before you asked something so utterly idiotic. “Should I go home?”
At that exact moment, he understood why people enjoyed bullying others who were weaker than them.
“I thought you came here to watch the movie with me.” He dared to say.
You stared at him blankly, your gaze slowly turned to the movie that had been playing the whole time and a faint smile tugged at your lips as you reached for the remote control on the other side of the carpet to restart the movie.
In the next club meeting, Junpei brought the movie you had wanted to watch last week.
Although the other two groaned in unison, they sat through the entire movie once Junpei told them they owed you this.
As for you, watching the movie you had already seen a week ago was boring but the anticipation to watch another new release you had rented with Junpei after school was enough to keep you on the edge.
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Sands of Eon (2/2)
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(A/N): hoped you liked the first part. Enjoy! Read with sad music cause I wrote it with sad music. I hope you cry lol.
Part 1 here!
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Fighting in a battle changes a person. But surviving an Archon war destroys them.
At least now, you had a better understanding of what Xiao went through before. And seeing how it affected you, it made you all the more thankful that you could suffer in place of Xiao.
Once you arrived in the past, you had successfully prevented the contract between Kubira and Xiao from coming to fruition. It was simple really. Kubira wanted a servant to do his bidding, and figured Xiao would be perfect for the role. But if the god were to find someone before Xiao, someone who was willing to become his bloodhound instead, there would be no reason for him to actively search out the adeptus. In short, you took over Xiao’s role in the war. It was the only plan that would change the outcome of the war and the future the least, without having others get involved.
All it took was offering yourself. You had surprised the god, who was amused that a mere human would want to serve in his army. But he decided to humor you, and in exchange for your obedience to his orders, he granted you immortality and increased power. By the end of the forsaken war, your power had become strong enough to rival an adeptus’. At the price of insurmountable bloodshed.
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You hadn’t seen Xiao during the war, something that you were thankful for later on.
Not a day would pass that you wouldn’t think of him; hesitating, wondering if you would be able to face him after all that you had done. If he would look at you in disgust, knowing of all the deeds you had done for your master. If it would be worth facing his hatred, just to get a glimpse of his face once more.
Once the long war reached its end, Rex Lapis freed you from the chains of your blood-filled servitude. You had considered asking the archon to bring an end to your curse of immortality, but decided against it.
You could have had a merciful death, spending the last of your days as a human. But you didn’t deserve such an easy death, not after all the inhumane sins you committed. What you truly deserved, was to live every day of the rest of your immortal life; remembering every life you had taken, every drop of blood shed with your polearm, never being able to escape the horrors you submitted yourself to. You would continue to roam Teyvat, neither human nor adeptus, barely surviving, barely hanging on the thread of sanity left in you. Never forgetting that you had chosen your fate.
And the selfish part of you urged you to keep your immortality as well. You held onto the selfish desire to see Xiao one day, smiling and celebrating, surrounded by the people of Liyue. Blissfully unaware of what you endured and suffered, in his stead.
And as a millennia passed, you never once regretted changing your fate with Xiao’s. You had made your choice, and you now lived with it.
Your life followed in the steps of Xiao’s original fate, spending your days and years protecting Liyue; an atonement for your sins, as well as gratitude to the Geo Archon who saved you. On quiet days, you ate Almond Tofu at the Wangshu Inn, finally understanding why the adeptus had craved the dish so much before. It was the texture, rather than the taste that made it so alluring.
Avoiding the yaksha in the millennia had been easier than you thought. The only way you would hear about Xiao was through the Geo archon, who came to visit every now and then, checking up on you from time to time. He would update you on the man’s whereabouts and health during each visit, keeping the adeptus nameless, per your request.
“I don’t remember my real name.”
“Xiao isn’t your real name?”
“No, it was given to me by Morax after the Archon War…”
Xiao wasn’t his name anymore, and you figured not knowing his name would prevent you from ever seeking him. The less you knew, the better.
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“It’s the last night of the Lantern Rite festival, (Y/N).”
Verr Goldet informs you as you greet her on your way up the stairs.
“Is it that time already?” you asked with a small smile. You reached down to pet the cat who rubbed her back against your leg with a purr.
“The traveler stopped by to let you know his invitation to join him and his flying companion at the festival still stands.”
You looked out at the terrace, watching the violet, sunset sky turn darker with each minute.
“You know me. I’m fine watching from the roof.” you responded, shaking your head.
The Wangshu owner gave a sigh at your response.
“At least go to the mountains for a better view. I’ll pack you an Almond Tofu so you can eat dinner up there while watching the ending festivities.”
Seeing her pleading face, you couldn’t reject her suggestion.
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You finally reached the top of the mountain, giving you a good view of the city of Liyue, as well as the lanterns floating in the sky. Looking down into the city square, you could see the people of Liyue celebrating the last moments of the festival: children running around with last-minute made lanterns, lovers gathered near the bridge hand-in-hand, and Ruijin explaining the rules of her new game to the curious crowd. But it was the crowd gathered in the center, dancing in a big circle that grabbed your attention.
You spotted a figure dressed in teal, playing a flute instead of his usual lyre, providing music for the crowd to dance to. You smiled seeing the anemo archon having the time of his life. And it seemed that one more figure was having the time of his life, in the center of the dancing circle, wearing a mask and dancing along to the bard’s wind music.
Your breath hitched at the sight of the figure. Even with the mask on, you could recognize him anywhere. It was your first time seeing him in over a millennia, and you could still remember his face, down to every last detail.
Before you knew it, tears streamed down your face, the sight of finally seeing him overwhelming you with emotions.  
“Looks like your wish was granted too.” you laughed happily through your tears, remembering what he had wrote on the lantern you once gave him long ago.
“For a day to come to wear the mask, not to conquer demons, but to dance to the tune of that flute amidst a sea of flowers.”
                                                                                           - Xiao
As he continued dancing, you were entranced, never being able to see this side of him before your time venture.
It was only when the ending rite began that he had stopped his movement, taking his mask off to properly watch the show. Your heart stopped at the sight of his face, a small smile gracing his features. And it wasn’t until the ending fireworks rang in your ears, that your heart was reminded to beat again, realizing you had spent the whole ending festival watching him.
You took a moment to look out at the vast sea of lanterns, wondering if Xiao had made one of his own, and what wish he had written on the lantern. Taking one last look at the brightly-lit night sky, you turned your attention back to the city, watching as a group of people surrounded Xiao with smiles on their faces. And at the sight of his responding smile, all the pain you had endured up til now was forgotten.
“Xiao.” you called out quietly.
It was the wrong name, but it was the only one you knew him by.
The yaksha darted his eyes around the crowd, seemingly as if he had heard you call out to him. Although, it was far too loud with festivities in the square, and the distance between the two fo you, that it wasn’t likely.
“Happy Lantern Rite.” you whispered, a tear falling down your cheek.
It was worth it. Seeing the smile on his face, surrounded by the people of Liyue who respected him. It was worth your loneliness and pain, to save him from his. Being the only one to remember everything would be a suffering you would gladly take for his happiness.
So, you forced yourself to tear your eyes away from the his figure, away from the lantern-lit city. And silently, you headed down the mountain, back to Wangshu Inn, alone.
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(A/N): AhhHHH!, you’ve made it to the end! Thank you for reading! I felt so sad playing the story quest for Xiao during the Lantern Rite festival. I planned on having a happy ending but just ended up going on an angst spiral. Let me know what you thought! I’m thinking of doing another part with a possibly happier ending, but we’ll see if I’m up for it lol. Again thank you for reading! Safe readings!
Like, comment, subscribe, ring the bell for notifications for more videos. jk lol, this isn’t youtube. Just play some Genshin.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Hey if requests are open can I ask one?
Can you do a bucky or stephen strange x reader where the reader falls under the ace spectrum and they are terrified to tell him that they are ace.
I'm ace (on the spectrum) and I've been struggling with forming romantic attachments and not feeling like "complete" or "enough" so I just felt this would be nice💕
If its convenient for you then please do this request
Thank you!
On the spectrum
Pairing | Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary | based on the request. I kinda made a little twist to it, so I hope that you like it. I am in no way saying that asexual people can only be with asexual folk, but I thought this might be cute, so I wrote it like this xx
Warnings | erection, mentions of sex, ^^
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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Jolting up from your rest, your eyes widened as you get your weight lounging upon Bucky, eyes wide as felt an appendage of his jolting stiffly upon your inner thigh. It was a surprise, the pair of you, through the expanse of your short term relationship, had never had the conversation of sex, and a part of you wanted to avoid it at all costs. There was something that you needed to inform Bucky about, but you were wary of what his reaction could be.
You weren’t sure that he would understand, after all, back in the 40s he was known for his womanising reputation, and whilst you knew that you weren’t another loose fling that had no attachments, it was still a big deal to share the truth with him. Not only would it impend and possibly affect his view of a future with you, but it would promote a new side to you, that you hadn’t told many people about.
Nat knew, but that was only because years back, you had confided in her, confused about your lack of sexual attraction to anyone. She had been supportive, and prompted you to research online, to see if you were as she suggested, asexual. There were many perceptions of the sexuality, some people would still do the deed to keep their partner happy, and others swore off the act altogether.
It wasn’t that the thought and idea of sex grossed you out, in fact, you could understand that people did it to feel amounts of pleasure that came from nothing else. But the rouse of body parts brushing against the other, and slipping inside was not something that ever appealed to yourself. And then you met Bucky, and your perception of the ordeal remained the same; you weren’t blind, you knew Bucky was extremely attractive, however, there still seemed to be no pulse in your veins that was prompting you to jump his bones.
It wasn’t him, it was you, and that was more okay. There was nothing wrong with not having a desire to perform erotic acts with any partner, and more so than his appearance, you had fallen for not only Bucky’s heavenly appearance, but his soul. He had an old soul, that was a given, with all things considered. And that was what had first made you step towards the man that liked to be alone, and change his perception of that fact.
He was new to the team, Tony enjoyed picking fun at the man, who as he liked to say ‘hadn’t got any in eighty years’. Bucky hardly responded to Iron Man’s nit picks, ignoring them instead to settle the conflict in his eyes. Berating with Tony was off the table, and so were snarky remarks, otherwise the billionaire would remind him of his sins against the Stark family, although in foresight, he had just been carrying out orders.
A groan relented from the man beneath you as you uncomfortably shuffled, his cock clearly rubbing against your thigh. His sleep dazed eyes slowly peeled open, revealing the blue globes beneath that stared up at you. A furrow endorsed his features, as he came to realisation of what had you so frozen; he was hard, nothing in particular had turned him on, it was just his body’s way of rousing him from slumber, and apparently it had extracted you from your rest also.
He released his arms from around you, watching as you shyly rolled to the side, and glanced at him from out of the corner of your eye. He released a small and sorrowful smile as he glanced down to where the covers had lightly raised from his manhood, feeling guilty for how his body had reacted by itself. “Doll face I’m sorry, I didn’t- it just- ugh.” The man groaned, rubbing his face with his prosthetic hand as he tried to rid the dust from out from the corner of his eyes.
“It’s okay.” Your voice came across as meek, small to the elephant in the room. “Just I- there is something I should tell you.” You twiddled with your fingers, picking nervously at the hanging skin that had chipped its way partially off on your latest mission, that had required you to furiously try and peel a jammed car door open to get the family out. Bucky now focused all his attention on you rather than the uninvited presence of his little friend in the bedroom, his pupils sending you signals of warmth as if to tell you that whatever you were going to tell him next, he would remain here for you.
“I’m asexual, and I get that you aren’t and you probably want all of nothing in this relationship but-” You spoke, but quickly paused when you saw Bucky tilted his head, a clear frown creating a thin line through the middle of his forehead. “What is it, do you not want me or-“ he stopped you from speaking, reaching out to hold your hands, giving them a light comforting squeeze, before he happened to open his mouth to speak.
“Doll face.” That name made you gulp, afraid that it would be the last time that he addressed you in such a way. And if it were, then that emotional connection that you felt to him would be unwound, and set out to sea to float and turn under the waves. “Asexual.” He tested the word on his tongue, as he lightly nodded, for some reason the phrase feeling right upon his tongue. “Can you explain it to me, I don’t know what it is?”
Of course, he wouldn’t know what it is! It made sense, he was from the forties, where various sexualities were not explored, all because straight white men thought their opinions were inferior. Well now, everyone had the freedom to be who they wanted to, and could be attracted to whomever they pleased, as things should have always been. Brushing your hand through your hair, thinking of holding onto the locks for dear life as you felt your nerves persevere, and spur in your membrane.
“It’s where someone does not experience sexual thoughts or feelings, towards anyone. Their thoughts are primarily romantic, and that’s how I feel. I do love you Buck, but I’m not sexually attracted to you, and I understand if that is a deal breaker for you. Not everyone wants to be put on a sex ban for the entirety of their relationship, but for me, it’s not like that at all, instead it’s more so I find the little moments to be more intimate than intercourse.”
“Y/n... I, not to jump the gun, but I’ve been feeling the same way.” Bucky slowly spoke, making your eyes dart up to his guilty expression. “I guess eighty years on ice will make you think about the things that are more important, and you are the most important person to me, and I guess if we neither of us have any desire to have sex, then me and you are supposed to work.”
It was surely a surprise, but he had contained his emotions, thinking that even when Tony pried at him for his lack of involved affections, he felt ashamed, as though there was something wrong with him. But it appeared as this day and age was far more fitting for this version of him, the one that had endured the battles against aliens and his own friends.
“I’m sure we’d have found a way to sort your needs out even if you weren’t asexual.” It felt strange for him to hear himself described with that word, but it felt right. “And look, it’s gone down.” You laughed lightly, resting against his chest once more as he let out a breathy laugh, and cuddled you to his chest. “I’m with you for you Buck, I love every part of you. And I think, maybe we should move out of the compound and get a place together, maybe downtown?”
“Really?” His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, shining with festive luminescence. “You want that, with me?” You humbly nodded, pressing a kiss upon his cheek as you inhaled his scent. His hands dipped to your waist, holding you that bit tighter. He was never going to let you go, no matter who was what, or what was who. The two of you were y/n and Bucky, and you got through anything.
That way, leaving these Stark white four walls behind, Stark himself could not pry at the soldier, nor make jokes about his lack of sexual affection. The two of you were complete with the truth wading between you, there was to be no dwelling or worrying about the other thought, because you both understood.
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dwellordream · 3 years
“...Accompanying Eleanor to Paris was her younger sister, Aélith or, as she became known at the French royal court, Petronilla. Most likely also accompanying their mistress was a large entourage of Poitevins ranging in rank from noble lords and ladies to knights and domestic servants, although it is impossible to identify them. Eleanor’s new subjects were prepared to expect the worst of Eleanor and her Poitevin companions, for writers had long depicted southerners as soft, vain, and corrupt compared with the more vigorous and virtuous northern French. At the first encounters between Eleanor, her entourage, and the Parisians, all experienced a degree of “culture shock.” 
Her elevated rank as duchess of Aquitaine meant that she was accompanied by a larger retinue from Poitiers than previous queens had brought with them to Paris. Eleanor’s personal household, like the entourages of other great aristocrats, would have numbered at least forty or more persons. The young queen and her companions stood out at the Capetian court, dressed in the excessive costumes favored by ladies of southern courts. Communicating among themselves in Occitan, their lack of the reserve and propriety expected of northern courtiers shocked members of her new husband’s entourage. They could hardly believe the freedom with which Eleanor and her ladies felt at ease joining in the men’s conversations. 
The size of the new queen’s household, its large alien element with its unfamiliar ways, and the priority that her servants gave to the needs and interests of her duchy all presented causes for friction between the newcomers and long-serving officials and courtiers of the royal household. Eleanor, the darling of the ducal court at Poitiers, was oblivious to the offense that she and her “clan” or coterie of Poitevins caused at Paris with ways that were alien to the French royal court. A teenaged girl comparable to the young Marie-Antoinette some six centuries later, she was hardly aware that courtiers could change suddenly from sycophants to slanderers if her thoughtless words or rash acts appeared to threaten their standing at court.
…Eleanor soon saw that a restrained and earnest atmosphere prevailed at her pious husband’s court, regardless of whether it remained at the royal palace on the Île de la Cité or was going on circuits around the royal domain. Like all princely households, Louis’s was constantly on the move, circulating between royal residences at Compiègne, Orléans, Étampes, and sometimes stopping along the way to visit royal monasteries or bishoprics. Eleanor could not avoid noticing the contrast with the boisterous and merry ducal court of her father and grandfather at Poitiers, crowded with singers, mimes, jugglers, and entertainers of all sorts. 
The Church equated all professional performers from talented musicians to buffoons with prostitutes, and it admonished respectable people to avoid them. The Capetian kings took this admonition to heart, and entertainers learned that their chances of winning favor at their court were slim. The young queen quickly observed that cultural life in northern France was far more dominated by the Church than in her homeland. The leading personalities in the political and intellectual life of Louis VII’s lands came from monastic backgrounds. 
…Because Eleanor of Aquitaine was the granddaughter of William IX, the troubadour duke, a common assumption is that she introduced an air of sensuality and pursuit of pleasure to the French royal court. In addition Eleanor has an outsized reputation as a patron of poets, supposedly a pioneer in acquainting the French court with troubadour love lyrics promoting the art of courtly love, and redefining the perfect chivalric knight as an admirer of the ladies. While troubadour songs arrived in northern France during Eleanor’s years of presiding over the French court, there is little direct evidence of her playing a major role in encouraging this new trend. 
….It cannot be doubted, however, that Eleanor, like other great ladies of her day, gave some encouragement to courtly literature through hearing it, reading it, and enjoying it. Nonetheless, the subjects of the new queen associated her with her troubadour grandfather’s attitude toward love and marriage that conflicted with Christian teaching. For the more pious among them, a linking of Eleanor with southern courtly love poetry tended to tarnish her in their eyes. They would apply to their queen their long-held prejudices about the character and the customs of natives of the Mediterranean south, even though her native Poitou lay on the borderline between northern France and the Midi or Languedoc. 
In turn, Eleanor’s childhood experiences led her to unrealistic expectations about her role at the French royal court. Possibilities for a place in the public sphere that were not yet closed to aristocratic women in the south were rapidly evaporating in twelfth-century northern France. Changes in inheritance practises throughout northwestern Europe that favored the eldest son meant that aristocratic women there were less likely than their southern counterparts to inherit any of their father’s property, and they lacked the degree of independence that Eleanor expected a great lady of her status to enjoy. 
When Eleanor arrived in Paris, she was ill-equipped for her role as a queen consort. Because her mother had died young, and her childhood was spent in a court without a duchess to preside over it, she had no model for conducting herself as French queen. Prominent in Eleanor’s past, however, were strong willed women who had exercised influence in political matters in the chaotic conditions of the tenth and eleventh centuries. The few learned men writing histories in those troubled times had expressed no surprise when ladies exhibited leadership abilities equal to those of men, describing them with imagery that was “by no means entirely pejorative.”
In Aquitaine and in all the Midi, noblewomen succeeded to the rule of principalities, and public roles for aristocratic ladies were not unusual. Eleanor’s perception of her role as French queen was shaped by such great women whose stories she had heard as a child. The young queen’s unique position as the first Capetian royal bride to have brought with her a great landed inheritance led her to expect that she would share with her husband authority over her ancestral lands. She expected also that she would play a part in the governance of his kingdom. 
…At the French court before Eleanor’s marriage, a long tradition had been in place of the French queen as “an ally and partner in governing,” her royal husband’s companion and helpmate. The Capetian queen’s power had reached its peak with Louis’s mother, Adelaide of Maurienne; she had been Louis VI’s partner in ruling after their marriage in 1115. Adelaide’s power had rested on her place in the great hall of the royal place, where she was present at her royal husband’s side. 
A queen’s role as her husband’s counselor and helpmate would endure only so long as royal government continued to be conducted informally through discussions in the king’s hall. Such a situation prevailed down to the early twelfth century because royal government was still centered in the royal household. The royal household was not limited to the domestic sphere, but was a public institution, indistinguishable from the royal court, the seat of dispute settlement and decision-making, and household officials performed public functions. 
Queen Adelaide had occupied a crucial place, openly taking part in the public policy debates and decisions of great councils, and her assent to royal acts was recorded on royal charters. Louis the Younger’s experience of his mother’s active partnership with Louis VI in governing led him to assume that his bride would share his work of ruling over the French kingdom, and Eleanor’s background likewise caused her to expect to be her husband’s chief counselor, in part because she had quickly calculated that hers was the stronger personality of the marriage, despite her youth. 
Yet Eleanor would never enjoy the participation in royal government that her mother-in-law had relished. Official documents tell almost nothing about either Eleanor’s activities or her influence on Louis VII, rarely associating her name with his. The most likely documents to survive from their reign are charters granting privileges to religious houses, charters that the monks took care to save. During Eleanor’s years as Louis’s consort, the queen’s name was disappearing from royal documents; she is mentioned in little more than half those issued during the fifteen years of her marriage, although Louis VI’s charters had recorded regularly Adelaide of Maurienne’s assent. 
Those mentioning Eleanor mostly record her assent to Louis’s documents concerning Aquitaine. Of Eleanor’s own charters as French queen, only some twenty survive, all but one dating from before the couple’s departure on crusade; and only three of these, mere confirmations of her husband’s documents, treat matters beyond her own duchy. Any power that Eleanor was to wield in the policy sphere would be personal and indirect, derived from her intimate conversations with her royal husband. 
As queen, she had a unique opportunity to influence Louis VII through their “conjugal intimacy,” which enabled her to express her views in private and to press him to implement them. A queen’s ability to persuade the king, taking advantage of her privileged access, was regarded as a benefit to the community, inspiring him to merciful and pious deeds. These queenly responsibilities were not purely “private” matters, but part of the work of representing kingship to the people as merciful, benevolent, and devout.
Yet Eleanor’s unique access to the king through her sexuality was alarming to clerics at court, who regarded all women with suspicion. The possibility of a queen taking advantage of her intimate contact with her husband for selfish gain or advancement of a court faction inspired envy and distrust among her rivals for the king’s ear. Unfortunately for Eleanor, religious reforms of the late eleventh and early twelfth centuries were inspiring renewed questioning of the queen’s shared authority with the king as moralists and theologians were redefining gender roles. No longer were Eleanor’s formidable female ancestors in Aquitaine appropriate models for noble ladies, and aristocratic women were being stripped of power in the public sphere that they had previously held, if only precariously. 
Males were growing less and less tolerant of powerful women, condemning them for any initiatives in the public sphere as “unwomanly,” somehow unnatural and wrong. French queens, in addition to their primary function of producing royal offspring, were expected to occupy themselves with pious activities, overseeing their ladies’ sewing of vestments and altar cloths for favored religious houses, distributing alms to the poor, and interceding with their royal husbands on behalf of their subjects for mercy. Eleanor’s refusal to be forced into such a constraining mold of wifely submissiveness would cause her grief in both her marriages.”
- Ralph V. Turner, “Bride to a King, Queen of the French, 1137–1145.” in Eleanor of Aquitaine: Queen of France, Queen of England
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fmhiphop · 2 years
'Korea Liberation Day' Is A Day Of Importance For Rapper Jay Park
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Taking the time to respect past events will undoubtedly be seen as an admirable act. According to American rapper Jay Park, Aug 15 marks the freedom of Korea from Japan in 1945. It also led to the creation of the Korean government, which replaced the previous government's law. 'Korea Liberation Day' Is Discussed In-Depth By Jay Park On Aug 15, Park posted a clip to the music video for H1GHR Music's "DNA" on his Instagram to honor Korea's Liberation Day. The video was in English and had a long caption. “Resources and artifacts stolen from or destroyed," Jay posted. According to the Edmonds-born rapper, the Korean culture and traditions were in danger of being destroyed, and they were at risk of extinction. In addition, there was once a prohibition on speaking the Korean language throughout much of the country. Therefore, people of Korean descent were forced to change their last names. Certain countries operate bizarrely. All individuals are entitled to keep the name they were given at birth, regardless of their nationality or heritage.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Jay Park (박재범) 🇰🇷 (@moresojuplease) Koreans Underwent Immense Suffering According To Jay Park Moreover, Koreans endured terrible suffering, including enslavement, death, torture, racial discrimination, and oppression. "War breaking out within our own people and families torn apart and millions killed," he said. The effects of war on families have resulted in numerous cases of family breakdown, leading to a great deal of tragedy. Immediately following the Korean War, South Korea experienced poverty comparable to that experienced by North Korea, if not worse. As a result, many people died from starvation and resorted to eating dirt to sustain themselves. The satisfaction of one's hunger should never be achieved by eating inedible items. According to the rapper, diligent work, perseverance, and unwavering willpower have turned disaster into victory throughout Korea's long, turbulent, and heartbreaking history. Furthermore, Jay feels that the more he learns, the more aware he will be of his spoiledness. A mentality similar to Jay's is not unique. In our privilege of enjoying a stable life without financial hardships, we tend to forget to recognize those struggling. Jay Park Exhibits Appreciation Aside from that, Jay wishes to express his gratitude to those who have ensured he has enjoyed such a rewarding life. One of the signs of maturity is expressing gratitude and putting pride aside when acknowledging one would not be where they are today without their ancestor's contributions. "The world knows us for entertainment, music and film. They will know our story soon as well. Happy Liberation Day,” Park said. Objections Against The 'DNA Remix' Music Video In June of 2021, the first version of the "DNA Remix" music video was released to highlight Korean culture and heritage. It also illustrates how Korean music has influenced cultures around the world. However, due to social media criticism, the video was set to private after many users pointed out the flaws. It has been argued that the rappers' dreadlocks and braids illustrate cultural appropriation. So dna remix is about being proud Koreans...yet they're cosplaying as Black American people and are using Black American culture constantly...interesting 😐 #DNARemix #khiphop #DNA #JayPark pic.twitter.com/MumxtFDda7 — 𝘎 𝘐 𝘡 𝘡 𝘠 👑 🇯🇲&❤🔱🖤 (@CallMeGizzzy) June 15, 2021 Former President Of North Korea, Kim II Sung, Freed The People In 1945 Now, let's take a moment to talk about the hero who saved the day! Koreans observe the Day of Korea's Liberation tribute to President Kim II Sung. Sung opened the way to a new life for the nation by performing the legendary deeds he is best known for. Due to the occupation of the Japanese military during the first half of the twentieth century, the Korean people experienced a great deal of misery. To be able to lead the struggle for national liberation that Kim Il Sung initiated when he was at the helm of the country, he set up a state of war against the Japanese attackers. There was an immediate release of the Japanese military on August 15, 1945, which marked the liberation of the Korean people from the long period of Japanese rule that lasted nearly half a century. Experiencing Happiness Furthermore, hundreds of thousands of people rushed to the playground, shouting thunderous cheers and waving flags in a show of unity, not only from Pyongyang and its surroundings but also from Sariwon, Haeju, Sinuiju, and throughout the country. When one knows they have just been released from adversity, they will likely celebrate with as much joy as possible. The cheers expressed the Korean people's appreciation for Kim II Sung. His leadership fulfilled the national dreams of the Korean nation. They also expressed their willingness and readiness to participate in creating a new country under his command. On October 14, 1945, a historic meeting was held between Kim Il Sung and the country's people at the Pyongyang public playground (now known as Kim Il Sung Stadium), in which he made a speech that will live in history. A great deal of credit should be given to Kim II Sung for his diligent work. His contributions will be remembered forever. His efforts resulted in the freedom of many innocent individuals who had been held against their will.   Written by Nikiya Biggs Twitter: @BiggsNikiya | Instagram: @ngv6236 Stay updated on the latest news by visiting FMHipHop's retrospective articles! Read the full article
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vasiliquemort · 3 years
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I talked with my parent (by the way, a tarologist, a runologist, a Germanic pagan, an anarchist and in general a nightmarish disgrace, just a treasure and a person most dearest to me;ззз), and since writing the scene with Tizian today drank all the juices out of me, I discussed it with her and she's like "Wow! You feel how strong the energy of swords is, what an ugly head!" and I'm like ... Yes?
I didn’t talk about it? But this was part of the thought, rather obvious and superficial, to be honest, but nevertheless: each of the four LIs is a mapping of a suit in a tarot. The highest arcana is not discussed here, because, well;) But I also like to consider them from the point of view of the Germanic runes, and that's all this is the equalization of energies and the pillars of time that the characters personify and. ..
In general, I would also like to use this theme in subsequent covers, but in short:
Tizian is the suit of swords. A combination of frightening cold-blooded prudence, reinsurgency and meticulousness and absolute, explosive violence and ugliness of disposition and emotions - Titus is a red-hot wire, skinless flesh, with a restless head in which everything is laid out clearly and in order. He is a page of swords - a savage, unceremonious, impetuous, restless, unbalanced, rude, cunning, wayward and treacherous barbarian, with difficulty reincarnated as a duelist, but also a king - thinking logically and sensibly, with an impeccable calculation of his own and others' capabilities. The one who understands people better than anyone else, but wrapped in cloaks of his own secrets and impenetrability, with a touch of contempt and arrogance. And in the best of her faces, Tizian is the queen of swords - an impeccable organizer, a calculating, purposeful, urgent person who is well versed in what he wants, and even better - in what he does not want, and cuts off sharply and urgently.
Margot is the embodiment of pentacles - when I first began to conceive of her, I wrote him as a man of impeccable order and organization, a man of coin and deed. Margot is the embodiment, the face of the earth in its most frightening of its manifestations - huldra is not only the most beautiful of the owners in the house, but also a person with the heaviest hand that can both bend metal and break the spine like a reed. They are the queen of pentacles - noble and generous, morally healthy, enjoying the pleasures of life, but prudent and restrained and clearly not one of those who can be circumvented or fooled. Margot is a man of endurance and iron will, ingenuity and order, a man of purposefulness and patient action. In the beginning, she is also the embodiment of the knight of pentacles - a character of a thousand talents and lack of laxity and fickleness, down to earth and obligatory, the most cautious - and the most fortunate of all knights.
Holt is the wands - the one who was written at first as a man of composure and calculation, impeccable coldness and gradualness, now, waking up from a winter sleep, has become the embodiment of a knight of wands - absorbed in the logos, he throws himself into the fire, trying to conquer and get everything and everything, any of the available to them pleasures and joys that only a hungry hand can reach. Holt, led by the devil (MC), decides to give up everything, just to be on top, just to wake up and heal in new impressions and passion. In many ways, he is a man of strong will - but now deprived of temperance, wanting to take it all at once, unrestrained and dangerously self-confident. Holt falls quickly and uncontrollably, and in the best outcomes they are given to become a king - the lord of joys and warmth, the embodiment of dignity and strength, to be a person who created himself, or a queen - intimate and passionate, inspiring to feat, but one that cannot be pacified or calmed. The Archon's relationship with Holt is a relationship of a passionate flight of first love - and a constant struggle for power, for the opportunity to prevail over one another.
And, of course, Charet is the embodiment of passion and fire, explosive emotions and desires - not only of his own, but of the Archon, and in general of everyone who looks at them, who only gets too close. It's funny, but where Holt embodies fire, Charet becomes water - where someone's head explodes, his heart will burn - full of romanticism, desires and expectations, Charet is the enchanted kingdom of the soul, Anima, full of embodied desire, charm , attraction and pleasure. She is an intoxicated delusion, and the incarnate queen of cups in her most striking manifestations - to be desired, to be the embodiment of any dream, love huge and all-consuming, such that corrupting the mind - and devouring the heart greedily and furiously. He and the page of cups are a comforter and seducer, in every sense a lover, she plays on feelings, she is the sun, and she knows for sure that much in her is not known to him - something that can surprise and enslave. Charets is an impeccably painted picture, this is a person with whom you are in love without looking back - and therefore blinding you, embodying the most secret passions, the brightest of all virtues, this is the snake of every abyss - and the dome of all heavens.
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