#el winchester
rabnerd28 · 1 month
Okay, thinking about this got me weirdly very emotional. Cuz, we've all got our list of favorite queer characters, but we've also got this list of our favorite characters that we desperately wish were queer more than anything. The ones we held out hope for years and years that they would one day be confirmed queer, but never did. How many times does it actually happen that we can say that those characters made the jump to the other list?
Most of the time, queerness is established very early. Either as something that the character has already discovered, or as a coming out story within the first season or two. How often have fans been seeing queerness, and it never getting acknowledged? How often has that been ignored all because no one said it early? Fans loved Buck for so long, and have seen that he's queer, and have held onto that hope that one day it would be in the actual show. How often have fans waited to hear "you were right"?
Almost any time something queer happens it needs to be established fast, and anything straight cannot change. But this did, and honestly, the fact that I can say that Buck is now one of my favorite queer characters, makes me cry. There are so many others I hoped for over the years, but thank you 9-1-1 for being the first to let that hope not be wasted.
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jxncywarrior · 26 days
does anyone else notice how for queer headcanon ships, the vast majority of the fandoms hc one as gay and one as bi? i’m not sure i’ve ever seen a non-canon queer ship where both characters were bi4bi or gay4gay. here are just a few of the examples i could think of.
Byler (Stranger Things): Will (canonically gay) - Mike (bi)
Ronance (Stranger Things): Robin (canonically lesbian) - Nancy (bi)
Elmax (Stranger Things): Eleven (lesbian) - Max (bi)
Steddie (Stranger Things): Steve (bi) - Eddie (gay)
Buddie (9-1-1): Buck (canonically bi) - Eddie (gay)
Destiel (Supernatural): Dean (bi) - Castiel (canonically gay)
Amezona (Grey’s Anatomy): Amelia (canonically bi) - Arizona (canonically lesbian)
and these are just the ones of the top of my head, there’s probably a lot more out there. i know there are some exceptions but I just noticed a pattern. the vast majority of these fandoms never headcanon both characters in the ship the same sexuality.
i just thought it was funny.
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thingcollector · 1 year
hes just slutty sometimes. & honestly? good for him 😔
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genderimpala · 6 months
el sol beer in heaven 15x20. el sol beer means fake environment. empty takes cas. empty haunts cas with worst nightmare. cas' worst nightmare are the events that play out in the finale. jack becoming god, dean not caring about him, them going to heaven.
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july-19th-club · 8 months
love that peter's go-to 'you're in my house' move is to offer a person a beer and he does this to neal despite knowing neal is not a beer person and every single time neal is like. *unenthusiastically sipping* yaaay ... an avocado a beer...thaaanks......
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astralpenguin · 1 year
a list of all the supernatural fics i’ve posted in 2022:
i tried to kill dean winchester and all i got was this lousy t-shirt 17k, gen, T
claire and jack touch the wrong thing in the bunker and get sent back in time to the events of 7.13, and they can’t leave things as they are
don’t know how long it’s gonna take to feel okay 1.5k, gen, G
claire’s pov of s4-s7
you know that it’s over (nothing left for you here) 2k, gen, T
emma’s pov of the events immediately preceding knocking on dean’s door in 7.13
written for emma winchester week 2022
it’s a pretty brutal ride (but you’re safe) 2k, gen, T
an alive post-canon emma’s musings on her relationships with various members of her new family
written for emma winchester week 2022 & aspecnatural week 2022
we’re safe here under the sheets 1k, castiel/dean winchester, T
castiel’s thoughts on his relationship with dean and his own asexuality, while dean sleeps next to him in bed
written for aspecnatural week 2022
who am i supposed to be 1.8k, gen, T
mary and castiel talk about mary’s aromanticism and heaven’s control over her
written for aspecnatural week 2022
we ditch the whole scene 1.6k, gen, T
emma and jack visit patience at stanford, and they’re all aroace
written for aspecnatural week 2022
something good and right and real 2k, gen, T
benjamin and his vessel start talking to each other
Here We Go Again 10k, gen, T
castiel gets forced out of his vessel on a hunt gone wrong and claire offers to let him possess them for a little while. a lot of talk about gender, heaven’s failed plans, and claire and castiel’s history with one another, ensues
written for the supernatural trans bang 2022
if at first you don’t succeed 1.8k, gen, T
sam’s pov of s3-s4 placed alongside sam’s pov of s7-s8, highlighting how sam learned from his mistakes and yet was still somehow wrong
every single thing to come (has turned into ashes) 1.5k, castiel/dean winchester, G
a confession anniversary fic in which two years later they’re still no closer to getting castiel back
taking off into the night 7k, ava wilson/bela talbot, M
ava lives. she uses her newfound demonic powers to lie low from the winchesters, and ends up helping bela with a heist
written for @supersapphical for fandom trumps hate!
the road to hell 1k, gen, M
sam’s pov of the events of 7.13 in a slight au where the bodies of amazons revert to their true ages upon their death
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coolcarabiner · 10 months
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sibling behavior
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deanismysavior · 2 years
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Okay, for y'all who don't know the context of this Supernatural moment, here Castiel has been brainwashed by another angel trying to take over heaven. She knows that Cas's one weakness has always been Dean, and so she trains him by forcing him to repeatedly kill fake versions of Dean.
But when it comes to the real Dean, he can't do it. Dean tells him, "We need you, I need you" and it breaks the connection between Cas and the angels trying to control him in heaven.
Though there was SO MUCH speculation about destiel (Dean and Cas), the general audience wrote their love off as brotherly or platonic, but it was later revealed to us that Cas is very much in love with Dean.
So when we look at these parallels between the Will possession scene in s2 of Stranger Things and this Supernatural clip, we see a similar exchange playing out between Will and Mike. Will is possessed by the Mind Flayer, but it's Mike's words, his reminder to Will that choosing to be friends with him was the best thing he's ever done, that break the connection.
When s2 first aired, people similarly called this exchange a "power of friendship" moment, but we later find out in the context of s4 that Will is in love with Mike.
In both of these scenes, the emphasis is not necessarily on the person performing the speech, but on the person receiving it.
So when we get the same scene play out again in s4 with El being strangled by Vecna, and Mike professing his love to her, shouldn't that work? Shouldn't that be enough to break the connection if this was an act of love? But we instead see Vecna's grip tighten on her until she looks over at Max.
We've talked about how Mike's words don't necessarily sound genuine because of the narrative inconsistencies, but what if this never really mattered because El is no longer in love with Mike? That maybe through her time apart from him she realized she deserved better and that he isn't what she really needed. That yes, we were meant to see those montages between her and Max about not needing boys and finding her own style, but it wasn't even that Max's love for her, or her love for Max broke her free from Vecna, what if it was El's love for herself?
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stealingdeansgender · 9 months
(post 15x18)
Dean can barely open his eyes against the Bunker’s lights, so his room stays dark for much longer than it ever has. He had considered wasting away in his room all day, and maybe forever, if it weren’t for the fact that there’s an urgent world-ending trail on their asses. Again. This time, it’s with the wrath of a nosy fucking asshole God setting them up like puppets. It makes him completely ill to think about it, Chuck watching him waste away in that room in the wake of Castiel’s obliteration.
Why does this sound like a goodbye?, he’d said, already afraid. Don’t do this.
If Dean tries to open his eyes and stare at the crack in the door, light feebly shining from the Bunker’s hallway, he sees too much of himself. He sees the sliver of hope he’d had when Castiel returned the last time. He sees the tears gathering in the angel’s eyes, hears the crack in his voice as he said ‘You changed me, Dean’, and fuck – Dean doesn’t think he’s ever heard Cas’ voice sound so fragile and open. 
I love you.
Don’t do this. 
I love you.
Don’t do this. 
Castiel sacrificed himself, and Dean’s voice was strangled in his throat before he even knew how to respond. 
If Dean were a younger man, still caught under the thumb of his father, he imagines that John would come through the door and throw some water on him to wake him up. Tug on his ear. Tell him that death happens, kid, there ain’t no way around it, in that haunted way he always did. John Winchester has no fucking room to judge him, he realizes in this blurry headspace, because he spent his entire life chasing down revenge for Mary’s death. Destroying everything in his wake, leading their childhoods on with loose threads.
Dean thinks he finally understands his anger, as much as he resents it; he understands Sam’s burning rage, hurt, sobs that he thought Dean couldn’t hear (but of course he could, Dean always knows, he raised the damn kid right through every tantrum and heartbreak). 
But then again – he doesn’t think John would offer him any mercy for wanting to say I love you back.
(Does he? Does he? 
In the name of the absent Father, the prodigal Son, and the Unholy Spirits, of fucking course he does.)
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cartassinmarcar · 21 days
Dear reader, alguna vez leíste revista sudestada?
La otra vuelta estaba en YouTube y termine en el video de Take Me To The Church de Hozier. Dentro de los comentarios del video uno decía en joda: "Religious moms: Sing this song because it has amen in it Their lgbtq+ children: (:O)" A lo que, por supuesto, la persona mas pesada del universo le respondió un texto larguísimo acerca de como "Este tema no habla de la sexualidad sino sobre el amor te dejo todos estas citas del cantante te pido por favor que reflexiones antes de hablar sin saber"(sic)(Mind you el video ES sobre dos muchachos a los besos que son acosados y golpeados por un grupo de homofóbicos) y no me queda otra que preguntarme que carajo nos esta pasando como época en la que todo lo que tenga que ver con INTERPRETAR algo esta completamente en una.
No es solo de que repente nadie es capaz de entender ni elaborar una metáfora(no es que yo sea una experta en simbolismos tampoco el 80% se me pasan de largo), la intertextualidad mas evidente es señalada de plagio y cualquier intento de apropiarse del arte es una falta de respeto y se considera una injuria al artista. En vez de aprovechar para enriquecernos del debate y compartir interpretaciones, reflexiones sobre simbología, mitología e historia, se sale a cazar brujas y a insultar a quien se atreva a ensuciar el buen nombre del artista. Que en paz descanses Barthes, zafaste de vivir esta época pelotudisima.
(Para mi la canción era sobre cocaína, porque en mi mente los hombres solo saben amar en los fanfics)
Soft homofobia
Asumiendo el riesgo de volverme full revista sudestada, hay algo ahi. Desde afuera, sacando ese tirón en el alma que te genera presenciar esa homofobia casual que no se reconoce así misma como tal, its a little bit funny porque tenes a Macho McMacho, que de repente se da cuenta que esa obra de su ídolo, con el que tanto se identifica, también identifica a esos trolos, por lo cual no encuentran otra solución que salir, con tapones de punta, a explicar como degenerados retuercen todo, no vaya a ser cosa que…
Me hace acordar mucho a supernatural, y a la bronca con la que Jensen responde a las fans de Destiel. No importa si el personaje de Dean esta basado en un personaje de una novela de los 50 que era bisexual, o que básicamente esta escrito a lo largo de 15 temporadas, el vinculo que desarrollo Jensen con su personaje blurrea las líneas de las realidad y para el se convierte en algo que es parte de su identidad. Si Jensen es heterosexual, y Dean es Jensen, Dean tiene que ser heterosexual. Y así es como termina tan enojado porque el 90% de su publico tiene nociones mínimas de compresión lectora.
TPTSD - The Post Traumatic Syndrome Department
Obvio que de este tema no se puede hablar sin traerla a la Taylor, basta con entrar al tag gaylor para encontrar la version femenina del trollcenter de la libertad avanza, insultos, amenazas y doxxeos, todo esta justificado si alguien osa pensar que tu artista favorita pudo haber estado a los besos con otra chica (si, incluso tu trabajo) . The lips I used to call home, so scarlet, it was maroon sobre una mujer? no vez que sos una degenerada?, los varones tambien pueden usar labial sabias? deberias considerar matarte. Con el estreno del disco nuevo, estoy considerando tomarme un tiempo de las redes sociales, porque si hay algo toxico en esta vida, mas toxico que escuchar a Adorni todas las mañanas, es este fandom infernal y me da un poco de baja astral la idea de leerlas proyectar todos sus traumas porque un pan triste no las quiso lo suficiente y viendo como se enojan porque hay fans que no estan enojadas con Joe (porque viven en la vida real y no en el fanfic que se armaron en sus cabezas). Que difícil se me hace.
Por mi parte no me importa mucho nada porque Joe tiene mi absoluto y sincero respeto ya que supo capitalizar la locura de las Swifties para traer atención sobre la masacre Palestina desde un principio. De nuevo un momento revista sudestada? puede ser, pero dentro de lo poco que respeto a los hombres, respeto a los que tienen integridad.
El aceite esta 3 lucas a quien le importa lo que pase en palestina
El aceite esta tres lucas, me parece totalmente valido que no se involucren en lo que esta pasando en palestina. Cada día en este país es una mala noticia atrás de otra, me parece sumamente razonable que a las desgracias que vivimos no tengan ganas de sumarle ver video tras video de familias destrozadas, de gente en campos de refugiados, de cadáveres de niños muertos. Esta por cerrar la universidad publica, me parece que es esperable que fastidie un poco que el grupito del PO este mas preocupado por llevar las banderas palestinas que por tratar de lograr un consenso con los de la mella a ver que carajo se puede hacer. Lo entiendo, me parece super valido.
Me gastaría igual que la misma lógica la aplicaran frente a los israelíes que pasaron un par de horas en un refugio, pero al parecer esa es una tragedia de la que merece hablarse durante días, no como los nenes palestinos que solo les importan a quienes evidentemente tienen que aflojarle a revista sudestada (chabón, que rotos estamos que estar en contra de matar nenes es estar sobre ideologizado)
Silencio, que no es silencio.
Me vuelve loca (derogatory) que en este país, cuya esencia moral y espiritual es la grieta, y que la grieta es la materia prima en la que se sostiene eso que llaman periodismo, todos los medios, desde LN+ hasta C5N decidieron que aquello en lo que valía la pena unificarse era en la propagación de la propaganda Israeli.
Lo que mas me llama la atención de todo esto es que, por lo menos atrás de los medios que consideramos progres, el publico no para de reclamarle que sean objetivos con la cobertura de las noticias, es decir, ni siquiera responden a su publico.
El otro día termine full rata apretando el puño de la bronca, mientras escuchaba a Fede Simonetti, a quien no le tiembla el pulso para hablar de las consecuencias del imperialismo yanki y el FMI, hablar sobre como "El conflicto" entre Iran e Israel es porque en Israel gobierna la extrema derecha que quiere controlar los territorios palestinos y en Iran y esos países (generalización incluida) son estados teocráticos fundamentalista que abogan por la destrucción de Israel.
Es tan burda la propuesta de la cobertura que me cuesta entender si es una manipulación planificada y ejecutada de una manera hasta patética o si el desinterés por parte del periodismo es tal que ni siquiera lo intentan. No hay que ser especialista en relaciones internacionales ni estar demasiado al tanto de medio oriente como para entenderlo, aunque no estaría mal que recurran a alguien que sepa algo es mas se los pido por favor.
Desde el vamos reducir el conflicto a algo puramente teológico es simple y llanamente una estupidez, y hablar de conflicto es, como mínimo dudoso. Plantear que el problema es que Israel tiene ahora un gobierno de extrema derecha es de una pobreza intelectual que me hace daño, pero suele sen una tendencia dentro de los comunicadores progresistas la incapacidad de conceptualizar algo con un poco mas de profundidad que la derecha es mala muy mala. Israel es un estado ilegitimo de ocupación desde sus inicios hace 75 años, que ha violentado al pueblo palestino desde sus inicios y ha llevado a cabo multiples masacres, así que no, no es resultado de la orientación de extrema derecha de Netanyahu. Por otro lado, la generalización de Iran y esos países es lo suficientemente vago como para apelar al racismo e islamofobia de una sociedad que no tiene ni idea de como funciona esa parte del mundo. Hablar de que Iran es una teocracia sin mencionar que Israel es un etno-estado y plantear que Iran quiere destruir a Israel frente a un Israel que quiere controlar "los territorios palestinos" no puede ser ni siquiera considerado como una mala lectura cuando es lisa y llanamente una mentira con pilas de evidencia en contra.
La unica explicación que puedo llegar a encontrar, ya que no tengo recursos e infraestructura para poder hacer un verdadero análisis al respecto es que hay mucho cuidado en no ser tildado de antisemita, ya que en Argentina, a diferencia de otros países del mundo, no hay tantas voces de judíos anti sionistas, habría que ver cuales son las consecuencias psico sociales que tuvo en la comunidad judía argentina el atentado a la amia y a la embajada de Israel, la persecución en la ultima dictadura y que hay mucho antisemita en general, I mean, 2024 y todavía hay gente seria que cree en el plan andina y en la agenda 2030. La alternativa es que son todos unos hijos de puta, pero estoy en medio de un desafío intelectual en el que trato de ser lo opuesto a un periodista y no brindar la respuesta mas plana posible a algo que sea con casi seguridad, un fenomeno multicausal
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lab-trash · 9 months
I've never been one for crossover fics, but I just...
When I first started watching Supernatural, I kept calling it Stranger Things, and having watched both of them, I still make that mistake.
So I need to see that. I especially need to see Dean and Eddie and what their dynamic would be like.
The only problem is, are we setting Supernatural in the 80s, or are we setting Stranger Things into current time
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allanalightwood · 10 months
my taste in when it comes to the romantic sense may be questionable but hey at least they're hot
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neoputo · 3 months
sam & dean try to summon a gay demon: a comic inspired by a dream i had the other day
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moostiel · 1 year
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Lil Kit Kat 🧶🐱
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jackofalllfandoms · 10 months
For me the biggest plot hole in supernatural is that John Winchester lasted a century in Hell without breaking. As if that selfish prick could ever.
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astralpenguin · 2 years
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happy ace week!! here are some aroace emma winchester icons!!
feel free to use, credit appreciated but not necessary, do not repost, rb’s appreciated :D
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