My thighs used to be the part of my body I despised most. When I had an ED, they were pretty much the center of my attention a lot of the time. As my friend put it “my thighs used to be in a long distance relationship”. I’m quite a bit into recovery now and I’ve come to love my thicc thighs. One of the things that helped me get there was being introduced to Cyana while watching @pmseymourva on YouTube. So, I guess I just wanted to say thanks for drawing OC’s with thicccccc thighs, you really are making the world a better place.
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chubbymuffinclub · 23 days
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Body size is NOT a disease. There are so many things that affect our well being! Chronic stress is a better predictor of whether somebody develops heart disease than weight is. And living in a larger body is STRESSFUL because of the rampant and socially acceptable fatphobia in our society. It’s not fat that kills, it’s fatphobia.
Weight loss is also often extremely dangerous. When we malnourish our bodies it jeopardizes our mental and physical health and can often be fatal. So, if we ACTUALLY valued wellbeing as a society, we wouldn’t be promoting weight loss as the cure-all.
The studies proclaiming the benefits of weight loss and the perils of fatness leave this out - weight loss is NOT sustainable. Also those studies are often written by pharmaceutical corporations selling weight loss drugs (that don’t work) for profit!! 😠THEY ARE GREEDY AND THEY FEED OFF OF FATPHOBIA AND US FEELING SHITTY ABOUT OUR BODIES! 😠
✨Dieting and weight loss goes totally against our brain’s wiring of KEEPING US ALIVE AND FUNCTIONING!✨
Weight cycling (when somebody loses weight bc they’re engaging in ED behaviors, gains it back because weight loss is not something the body can sustain and our survival mechanisms kick in when we attempt to starve ourselves, and then loses weight again bc society tells us that we’re failing as a human if we can’t lose weight and then the cycle repeats) is actually associated with a higher risk of death AND is associated with heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION: who benefits from the idea that fat people are unhealthy?
ANSWER: the diet industry (mostly run by rich, white, cis hetero men) and literally nobody else
There is nothing wrong with you if you are struggling with an ED/if you want to lose weight. That makes TOTAL sense in a society that values thinness over all else. Knowing this stuff doesn’t necessarily make recovery any easier!
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personallittlestar · 11 months
Dezelfde val als al die jaren. Hetzelfde gat, dezelfde kuil. Ik spring er weer in. Zwart en donker. Koud en leeg, maar mijn veilige haven. Het voelt er goed en niet alleen. Geen pijn, geen gevaar, geen geschreeuw, geen onrust. Mijn trauma los van mij. Ik, alleen met mezelf. Zonder angst. Met liefde, rust en kalm. Maar dit is niet wat ik wil. Is dit niet wat ik wil? De pijn, de wonden, het bloed, het geeft me rust. Gevoelloosheid, duizelingen, niks. Het biedt me ruimte. Maar nee. Dit is niet wat ik de rest van mijn leven wil. Laat die gezonde kant spreken, laat het doordringen tot mijn angst. Laat me veilig voelen zonder destructie. Ik ben niet in gevaar. Eten is geen gevaar. Eten is ook voor mij een levensbehoefte. Het hoort erbij en het is veilig. Het is veilig. Niet voorwaardelijk. Het gevaar zit in mij. Het wordt gevoed door mij. Ik voel het maar het is er niet. Mijn angst in de hoek. Ga weg. Ga weg. Ik wordt gek van je. Ik wil leven. Angst laat me beven. Ik wil rennen en vluchten door jouw angst. Ga weg. Nee blijf. Je bent mijn leidraad je mag er zijn. Je houdt me veilig. Uit gevaar. Ik heb je lief, je bent goed. Kom naar mij dan zitten we samen. Ik houd je vast en zorg voor je. Ik zal voor je zorgen. Ik zal voor je zorgen. Ik weet dat je dat niet gelooft, dat ik niks heb gedaan om je dat te laten geloven. Ik zorg voor je, ik doe mij best, ik ga mijn best doen. Ik ben er en ik zal je veilig laten voelen. Ik ben er. Ik ga het doen. Ik zorg voor je kleine meid.
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
intersectional_feminismmm 🤎🤎🤎
To be clear this is talking about rich people and celebrities taking the drug for cosmetic reasons, not people who take it for chronic illness etc
#IntersectionalFeminism #IntersectionalFeminismmm #Intersectional #AbortionAccess #EatingDisorderRecovery #feminist #feminism #EatingDisorder #intersectional #AbortionRights #SmashThePatriarchy #ProChoice #DisabledAndCute #DisabilityPride #ChronicallyIll #DisabilityRights #DisabledAndProud #Spoonie #MadPride #CripTheVote #WheelChairLife #LongCovid #DisabledRights #LongCovidRecovery #FatPositive #FuckDietCulture #FatPositivity #FatAndCute #GirlsJustWannaHaveFundamentalRights #haes
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gatech-ed-research · 2 years
Looking for Participants
We are a research team from Georgia Institute of Technology and Lehigh University. We are conducting a study to understand recording and reflection during the eating disorders recovery journey. Currently, we are looking for participants for our interview. Please see the flyer attached for more details about the interview and compensation.
If you are interested, please contact us or let us know if you have any questions about participating.
You could DM us, respond to this post, or email us at [email protected].
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mysticmoon02 · 1 year
Haven't been posting a lot of recovery related stuff but Looks like I'll be having to go back to ed treatment again for the millionth time. Been stuck in a relapse for over a year now my therapist and I made an agreement a year ago that I would try and work on my bpd more and start the long term DBT group and I've been doing it for awhile now and she's noticed that my bpd symptoms have gotten better and I've gotten better at using the DBT skills but the only thing holding me back rn is my ed. I'm not getting better with eating and keeping food down and am medically unstable.So she and I agree that it's time for me to go back into treatment again and see's that I'm more motivated and future oriented this time around. I am ashamed of being in a relapse but I know recovery takes time and work and effort.
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my rock-bottom self care checklist 💖check out my other socials💖
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yadavhewrote · 1 year
Breaking Free from the Burden: A Journey Through Eating Disorders
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Eating disorders are a complex and serious issue that affects millions of individuals around the world. They can take many forms, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Regardless of the type, all eating disorders involve distorted thoughts and behaviors around food, weight, and body image.
The journey through an eating disorder is a difficult one, and it can be especially challenging to break free from the burden and start a path to recovery. However, it is possible to overcome these struggles and reclaim your life.
Here are some steps that may help you or a loved one begin the journey towards recovery from an eating disorder:
Seek professional help: This is one of the most important steps in the journey towards recovery. A mental health professional can provide you with the support, guidance, and tools you need to overcome your eating disorder.
Educate yourself: Understanding the root causes of your eating disorder and how it has affected your life can be empowering. Read books, talk to others in recovery, and attend support groups to gain knowledge and perspective.
Practice self-care: Taking care of your physical and emotional needs is crucial for recovery. This can include engaging in physical activity, getting enough sleep, and finding healthy ways to manage stress.
Challenge negative thoughts: Eating disorders often involve negative and distorted thoughts about food, weight, and body image. It's important to challenge these thoughts and replace them with more positive and realistic ones.
Build a support network: Surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people can help you stay on track and overcome setbacks. This can include family, friends, and support groups.
Find new sources of fulfillment: Eating disorders can often become a source of identity and fulfillment. It's important to find new and healthy ways to feel good about yourself, such as pursuing hobbies or interests.
Breaking free from the burden of an eating disorder is a journey, but with the right support and resources, it is possible to recover and live a fulfilling life. Remember to be kind and patient with yourself, and take it one day at a time.
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
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Sometimes I think the only reason my boyfriend can find my body attractive is because he’s tall and I look better from that angle.
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the-recovery-diaries · 2 months
26th February 2024
There are these teen runners achieving unbelievable things: breaking records, attaining Olympic qualifiers, beating world champions.
When I look at these teens, I recognise the strength and fullness in their bodies. Their photos are splashed over social media and I wonder, "Do they look at their bodies and will themselves smaller?"
Don't get me wrong, I do not think that they are too big. They look fit, healthy and strong. Yet I know that 17 year old me would scrutinise every minuscule details of those photos and say over and over, "Not good enough".
Since puberty, I cannot remember a time in my life that I have felt comfortable in my own skin. Even when achieving success, I would still be hyper critical of how my body appeared to others as though that was the most important part of my existence.
Of course, I have had a mental illness since then. That is apparent to me now. So I wonder how freeing it would be to not have those thoughts, that snarling voice that chatters in your ear excessively. I wish I knew what it would be like to be that successful in sport and not fuel for appearance, rather fuel your body for the benefit of your performance. Maybe my life would have looked differently if I didn't feel so conflicted about my weight and shape.
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chubbymuffinclub · 4 months
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New year, new me? 🤔
Diet culture might use that common saying to make you believe now is the best time to change your lifestyle.
It’ll make you believe that the answer to “new year, new you” is some diet.
But what’s wrong with the current you, anyway?
Before you jump on to the latest fad diet, take some time to sit with the question of why you want to go on a diet in the first place. Is it because you want to change something about you? Are the voices your own or that of diet culture?
Growth is beautiful, but don’t force yourself to change something about yourself just because society (and diet culture) tells you to.
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findingfreedom1122 · 4 months
My new goal is to stop doing behaviors at work. It feels gross, and I work in mental health. Can't be a bad role model for the patients.
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curemyhealth · 5 months
A Compassionate Guide to Psychological Treatments for Eating Disorders
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Natural Cures for Eating Disorders: Nurturing the Mind and Body Through Compassionate Psychological Treatments. 🌱💙
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diaryofaformeraddict · 5 months
Write what you know
The most impactful piece of writing advice I ever got was from my mom. She told me "write what you know", and since then I have written basically nothing. I started project after project and never managed anything substantial. Finally, I started keeping a diary/journal instead. I kept this journal through multiple years of depression, anxiety, and most of all, a mostly classic case of anorexia nervosa. I kept the diary through my parents finding out about it, through my treatment, and through my recovery, which I'm still working on. I'm not even 19 years on this planet, so I don't know a lot, but now that my eyes are open I see people everywhere struggling with disordered eating. If I share my recovery with the world, maybe it'll help others, or at least open their eyes as well. Along with that I want to learn, and I want to avoid triggering or hurting others along the way, so if you ever have a problem with the content of this blog, pls message me :)
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flourishwithfreda · 9 months
🌸💚 Navigating Eating Disorders: Finding Healing and Freedom 🌈💫
Eating disorders are complex mental health conditions that can significantly impact a person's physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, it's crucial to seek professional help and support. Here are some key points to consider:
1️⃣ Seek Professional Guidance: Reach out to a healthcare professional, such as a therapist, counselor, or registered dietitian, who specializes in eating disorders. They can provide a proper diagnosis, personalized treatment plan, and ongoing support.
2️⃣ Educate Yourself: Learn about the different types of eating disorders, their underlying causes, and the associated signs and symptoms. This knowledge can help you better understand the condition and develop empathy for those affected.
3️⃣ Build a Supportive Network: Surround yourself with a network of supportive and understanding individuals who can provide emotional support. Consider joining support groups or seeking out online communities where you can connect with others who are going through similar experiences.
4️⃣ Develop Healthy Coping Mechanisms: Discover alternative ways to cope with emotions, stress, and triggers that do not involve disordered eating behaviors. Engage in activities such as journaling, practicing mindfulness, creative expression, or participating in hobbies that bring you joy.
5️⃣ Challenge Negative Thoughts: Work on identifying and challenging negative thoughts and beliefs about body image, self-worth, and food. Replace these thoughts with more positive and realistic affirmations that promote self-acceptance and self-compassion.
6️⃣ Focus on Nourishment: Shift the focus from calorie counting or restrictive eating patterns to nourishing your body with a balanced and varied diet. Work with a registered dietitian who specializes in eating disorders to develop a healthy and sustainable meal plan.
7️⃣ Engage in Therapy: Consider therapy approaches such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which can address the underlying psychological factors contributing to the eating disorder.
8️⃣ Practice Self-Care: Prioritize self-care activities that promote your overall well-being, such as getting enough sleep, engaging in regular physical activity that you enjoy, and engaging in activities that bring you relaxation and joy.
Remember, recovery from an eating disorder is a journey that requires patience, compassion, and professional guidance. It's essential to reach out for support and surround yourself with individuals who understand and respect your journey toward healing and freedom. You are not alone, and there is hope for recovery. 💚🌸
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