#does he make mistakes yes but he tries so hard even though he’s genuinely a happy dude and maybe that why Stan fell for him Kyle stood up
ladychandraofthemoone · 9 months
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That one Twitter Meme from Mhyuo but with Stankyle/OrangeChai: What do you meant this isn’t what happened? Kyle was totally Stanley’s very first crush & bi awakening even though he was unaware but he shook enough to drop his cigarette Kyle’s driver gave him-btw.
Flagless/Non Blurry Ver & Longer Explanation Below:
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Wdym that you were only a year old after gaining your first crush after being immediately sent overseas and staying in the workshops in Europe for a month and then you met this cool engine while working on the front who’s a couple of months older than you yet already had crow’s feet’s and eyebags but the biggest smile and he had more experience who then takes you underneath his wing and taught you everything he knew and he didn’t get mad at you even you made mistakes that you couldn’t help yourself that you end up being labeled as a jinx and derailed every single day unlike the others including him who was considered to be “lucky” but he gives you advice, defends you and keeps you company and you didn’t even know what exactly love is until it was explained to you but you still had a vague perception on it until you come to this realization when you constantly think of him and his smile and his attempts to cheer you up and makes you laugh you love hearing him laugh and just around him ..
Yeah that couldn’t be me.
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theyanderespecialist · 2 months
(Remake) Base Yandere Husk Headcanons: Consent Is Key
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins I am back with a new chapter! This one is with Husk! Hope you enjoy this! So let's do this!] 
(Disclaimer: Husk is not yandere in canon this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life.) 
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Husk From Hazbin Hotel- 
.Husk is a grumpy old sinner in hell, he used to be an overlord but lost it all. 
.Making a deal with Alastor to save his power, and now he is on that demon's leash. 
.Husk is a hazbin, having been an overlord and once at the top. He fell and now is an old shell of himself. 
.He drinks, he gambles, and he wallows. 
.There is one thing that does make him feel all warm and fuzzy, but he would never tell anyone about it. 
.And that is you, his sweet little kitten. 
.You have not been in hell anywhere close as long as him, so he kind of takes you under his wing. 
.He keeps you from making mistakes like making deals with overlords or getting so drunk that you get hurt. 
.He also hates when you are not being genuine or honest with him. He hates it more than anything else almost. 
.He wants to be someone you can come to when you need someone, be the person that you search for in a crowd, be your one and only. 
.He hates that he is not that, he thought he lost the ability to love long ago. 
.So at first he will try and drink his feelings for you away, though he knows that it is not doing anything for him. 
.It does not even numb the pain of not being with you, probably actually makes it worse. 
.He does not remember the last time he has been able to sleep without dreaming of you. 
.He does remember the last time that he has felt this way, if ever. 
.You become like his new bottle of booze, his new addiction and the more he is with you the more he NEEDS you, and CANNOT live without you. 
.He genuinely cares about you and wants you safe, and if anyone tried to take advantage of you, without your consent, they would be dead. 
.Husk does not, and will not play around with that shit. 
.Consent is important to them, for you to have your consent taken from you would make him so angry. 
.So he would never force you in any way, not even to make you love him. 
.He wants you to love him of your own free will and for it to be real. 
.He would die to keep you safe as a yandere he is protective of you, and very much a guiding yandere. 
.Guiding you to keep you safe, and a little bit of guiding in the romance to try and romance you. 
.He has not dated in a long time so of course he is out of practice. 
.His dream date with you is just snuggled together on the couch by the fire, him reading to you. 
.That is his perfect date. 
.He is also a no-nonsense or bullshit kind of yandere. 
.He is not going to let you lie to him, he will not let you try and pull the wool over his eyes. 
.He can be firm, but he is also understanding, especially when you are honest with him. 
.He would fight a war with Angels for you. 
.He does not care how hard it may be. He will win you over. 
.Cause eventually he cannot live without your love, and will not live without your love. 
.He has to romance you first and if he fails he will try and try again. 
.How does he deal with rivals? 
.First, he warns them to stay away, if that does not work, he either makes a bet with them that he knows they will lose and force them to leave you, or he kills them. 
.It depends on what they did to you. 
.He knows it is selfish, he knows it is not fair to you, but he has not loved like this in any part of his life, and he is not letting you go. 
.He would confess to you after he romanced you for at least months. 
.If you say yes, his heart will swell and he might even shed a tear. 
.If you say no, he will try and try again, he will never force you, but he is not giving up. 
.Consent is key and he will get you to agree of your own free will to be his and his alone! 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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hismercytomyjustice · 16 days
I’m getting caught back up on Dracula Daily and this time around, I find I’m so fixated on Lucy. Maybe it’s knowing what’s coming, maybe it’s listening to Re: Dracula this time and the actress doing such an amazing job…
I gotta put my feelings somewhere, so…
…this got wildly out of hand. I’m gonna put it under a cut…
Spoilers for the later parts of Dracula below.
I wonder if part of why she always ends up hypersexualized in adaptations is because those making them see her getting three proposals in one day and think she’s some kind of flirt or too liberal with her affections. Like, yes she has three separate men vying for her hand, but that’s because of who she IS.
Even writing about the proposals to Mina, her dearest friend, she’s so considerate of her suitors and their feelings. She’s so vulnerable with Mina with how she tries to tease them a bit yet also is just so moved by their ardor that she can’t make light of them. And how she flits back and forth being like “oh, I know all about how a man tries to woo a woman” only to then be like “but Arthur didn’t do those things” and how she had to meet him halfway in a sense to help him propose.
You just see her working through her feelings as she’s writing. How she wants to initially make light of the cowboy’s proposal, thinking that at least she won’t have to hurt him like she did Dr. Seward. But then he becomes vulnerable with her too and she realizes how much he does care for her too and how much she doesn’t want to hurt him.
She’s so carefully considerate of their feelings. She even asks Mina not to tell others aside from Jonathan lest they all think they can expect multiple proposals. I think she starts out feeling flattered, three proposals from three kind men, and this is the sort of thing she’s supposed to want, right?
But then she realizes that three proposals means two rejections. And Lucy is just so good and kind and compassionate. She’s such a natural when it comes to reading people and so earnestly tries to make everyone she comes into contact with feel genuinely cared for. She can’t stand the thought of hurting these men, even though her heart lies elsewhere.
I think it’s very telling too, how both Seward and Morris ask to stay friends with her after her rejection. They don’t offer in a way to soothe their bruised egos or to try and change her mind, but because they genuinely care about her and value her friendship. And we see it so clearly later on when they do everything in their power to try to save her. Not just because they wanted to marry her, but because they truly love her and she loves them. Even if they aren’t the ones she said yes to, they still care so deeply for her and she returns that sentiment in kind.
I think it speaks a lot to how Van Helsing reacts later on too, when he arrives to try to help her. To be fair, we don’t get to see much of him outside of his crusade against the darkness, but he is just so beside himself with how devastated he is in what’s happening to her. He’s so desperate to help her, to the point of breaking down. And all the while, even as the life is literally being drained from her, Lucy tries so hard not to worry the others and to be strong for them. Even as she’s dying, she’s so concerned about doing everything she can for them to ease their minds and to thank them for their help and support.
She’s the polar opposite of Dracula. He’s the night and she’s the day. He’s the darkness and she’s the lighthouse that pierces it. Dracula only sees people for what they can do for him, but Lucy is so selfless. Dracula claims he can love, but it’s Lucy who truly loves.
Dracula is arguably drawn to Lucy for her beauty. He’s incredibly vain and loves to have pretty little things at his beck and call.
But going after Lucy is the biggest mistake he could possibly have made. Precisely because of how much those around her love and care about her. Their love for her is what leads to his ultimate downfall.
If he hadn’t targeted Lucy, how long would it have taken for Van Helsing to arrive on the scene? Seward’s the one who contacts him, after all, to ask for his help to save the woman who turned down his proposal. He had every reason to wash his hands of her after the rejection but he doesn’t. Morris comes to her aid too. She has Van Helsing, Morris, Seward, and Arthur all fighting for her and trying to save her life. Plus the Harkers.
What would have happened if Jonathan had made it back to England and this group hadn’t already been brought together to save Lucy and stop Dracula? He was a broken man by the time he escaped the castle, barely managing to keep his health and sanity in tact. Maybe he and Mina could have tried to fight Dracula on their own, but how successful would they have been? How many more people would have died while they tried to figure out what to do?
Even Van Helsing, resident vampire aficionado, is hesitant to reveal what he knows to the others. He certainly doesn’t want to end up being one of Seward’s patients. So how would Jonathan have faired when it came to drumming up support to fight Dracula on his own?
Plus, with Van Helsing’s knowledge, they’re able to prolong Lucy’s life with the blood transfusions. This gives the other men ample opportunity to come to terms with the supernatural aspect of her affliction, making them more receptive to the idea. It also trauma bonds them. They’re so desperate to save her and yet her life keeps slipping away like sand through their fingers. They’re devastated by her “passing” to a level they might not have reached had she more quickly succumbed. Sure, they still would have been upset, but they fought so hard. She fought so hard. She brought them together and gave them a common goal. Yes, Van Helsing showed up to fight vampires from day one, but the other men showed up for Lucy.
Maybe they still would have banded together to fight Dracula, but she was the catalyst. They never signed up to fight a vampire, they signed up to save their friend and loved one. For them it wasn’t just a matter of ending Dracula’s reign of terror, but just as importantly to save Lucy and then to avenge her.
So by the time Jonathan and Mina are back in town, there are already four other people ready to go to war against Dracula. Jonathan has his own reasons for wanting Dracula dead, but those are further compounded by Mina having been Lucy’s best friend. Any hesitation Jonathan may have felt about going after his captor is quelled by he and his wife’s need to avenge Lucy.
So now Dracula has six people ready to tear him limb from limb. And yeah, they’re understandably terrified of him just as the folks back in Transylvania are, but that’s trumped by their mutual love of Lucy. Love is what puts the final nail in Dracula’s coffin.
Dracula literally could not have picked a worse target than Lucy. He likely selects her because of her beauty, but has no idea how the people around her are so fiercely loyal because of who she is not just because she’s a pretty face.
Now he has to deal with Van Helsing and his vampire knowledge, Seward and his access to Renfield, Jonathan and his intimate knowledge of Dracula himself, Morris who knows how to fight, and Arthur who bankrolls their band of mercenaries team.
But, most importantly, Dracula has to deal with Mina who takes the time to put together her “Dracula 101” crash course in addition to using Dracula’s link to her against him. You do not mess with Mina’s Jonathan and her bff if you value your life. Dracula is so busy reveling in the horrors and games he’s subjecting them to that he doesn’t realize just how badly he screwed up until it’s far too late.
I gotta admit I know how Dracula ends, but I haven’t read the entire novel yet. Just the bulk of it. Apologies if I missed or am mistaken in my analysis.
I just have a lot of feelings, okay. And Lucy deserves the sun and the moon and the stars. (-̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷄_-̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷅ )
I’m so sad she’s constantly diminished or misinterpreted in the adaptations.
Going back through Dracula Daily for the third time (yes I know I haven’t actually fully finished it, I have ADHD okay, but I’m really trying this time around) I’m reminded of Hadestown and how you just want things to end up better this round. I want Lucy to live and marry Arthur and for her and Mina to stay bffs and for her their kids to be friends and and and
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c2-eh · 1 year
Charlos + falling in love again
I tried so hard to make it short. I failed. I am sorry, but enjoy <3 (i am not fan of what i created here :'))
Charles looks amazing. Fitted suit hugging his well built body perfectly and Carlos feels his mouth go dry. The only thing bothering him is his hair that have too much gel in it.
Carlos likes it soft and unstyled, falling lightly on his forehead and into his eyes, reminding him of so many times he gently pushed the strands away. Ran his fingers through the soft brown locks, his fingers wandering down and scratching at Charles' scalp.
Charles loved it, if his satisfied hums and sighs were anything to go by.
The ball room is stuffed with people - celebrities, photographers, personel carrying trays of food and champagne - that's how official the gala is.
Carlos is nursing another champagne flute in his hand filled almost to the brim - mistake, it should be two-thirds full. It's his 3rd one of the night. He's watching people around mingling and exchanging fake smiles, as he sips his drink.
You rarely find yourself smiling genuinely at events like these. Hunting sponsors and talking loads of shit about every single aspect of your life that is not even important (but the wanna be sure, just in case). Saying your hi's and shaking hands with people you don't know, but pretend you do. Carlos feels like the fake wide smile will stay etched into his face after this.
It's tiring.
But now, Carlos can't complain he's here. At least not genuinely, because deep down he knows coming here meant seeing him.
Because seeing Charles again is like finally getting a breath of fresh air (but suffocating at the same time).
It's been a full year, since he last saw him and really spoke to him. Yes, he briefly ran into Charles many times in the paddock, at conferences and other F1 related stuff after 2026 - a year they split up - but they never said much.
He looks different - elegant, collected and so so handsome. There are more lines around his eyes, but it does not take away on his beauty. However, he also looks tense. Carlos can see the rigid line of his shoulders, not relaxing for a second.
"Hi, Carlos," his voice is like a melody to his ears. The one that in the past could make all the tension and nerves leave his body. Something special that still ignites fire deep inside, even though he does not want to admit it.
"Hi," it comes out as breathy as he feels.
"How have you been?" Charles asks, as casually as possible, looking down at the floor, "I haven't seen you in a long time. What, 1 year?"
It's awkward. Carlos fidgets on the spot and his fingers itch to touch him. After so much time to think and revise, he has a need to bring him to his chest and come clean with how he feels. How he felt in the past - lost and desperate and resentful (but deep down hopeful at the same time).
"Can we go talk somewhere else?" Carlos doesn't wait for an answer.
That's how they find themselves on the big terrace, right next to the gala room.
"So," Carlos is the first to speak up, although it's not something world-shaking.
"So," Charles retaliates. Carlos smiles involuntarily, cornes of his mouth twitching.
"You look beautiful," it slips out of Carlos' mouth before he registers what he's saying. He does not regret it - he would have said it anyway (once he'd have gathered the courage).
"You too," Charles is looking at him with a curious glint in his eyes - green orbs looking intently at him, studying the every little movement of his.
It's nice and refreshing outside, perfect weather for suit jacket only. Carlos turns around, leaving Charles to make the decision for both of them - decide if he wants to join him or leave. Nevermind Carlos is the one who wanted to talk.
"Carlos," he whispers, his voice much closer than before.
He turns around and without thinking, circles his arm around Charles' waist. When he realizes, what he's done, he makes a move to drop his hand, but Charles stops him.
"No," he breaths out, his forehead falling onto Carlos' shoulder, "please don't."
The plea in his voice is so obvious that Carlos shivers. He, once again, regrets every decision he's made in the past.
"I still love you, you know? Never stopped. It's been, what, 1 and a half year? I tried to move on. Tried going on dates, fall in love, but..." Charles stops himself and swallows, his head still situated on Carlos' shoulder, "no one compares. And I'm sorry that it got screwed up between us."
Single stray tear falls down Carlos' cheek and his heart burns. Burns with regret and guilt, but with love also.
"I've never stopped loving you," Charles' voice is small. Muffled against his jacket, "have you?" he asks and lifts his head to look back at Carlos.
Carlos' eyes has always been too expressive, telling so much even without him opening his mouth.
Right now, he tries to muster the apology, but Charles sees what he wants to see anyway, "ah. I see. It's okay."
Not that kind of apology.
"No, wait Charles," he brings him closer before Charles has a chance to leave, "I won't lie to you - you would know it anyway - but yes. I fell out of love, I think? Or maybe it was my head telling me to stop loving you and move on, because I was hurt. By your words coupled with million other stuff. I convinced myself what I'm doing is the best and I am sorry for hurting you."
Charles smiles sadly and makes another move to leave Carlos' embrace. Carlos doesn't let him.
"But-" he says and his fingers start tracing circles on Charles' lower back, "seeing you here today, I felt the same passion as before. As if someone put burning coals in my chest. I want to try. I want to love you like before again, or even more, now that we don't have anything in a way to destroy us."
Charles looks at him without any emotion in his eyes and Carlos panics for a second, before Charles' lips are on his own.
Soft and loving, just as Carlos remembers Charles kisses from 2 years ago. He pours every emotion he can't say with words into the kiss.
I am sorry I will never leave you again.
It's all my fault.
Charles is the one who breaks the kiss, leaning his forehead against Carlos'. After a while, Carlos speaks again, "did you mean what you said? When we had that fight?"
"That I believe you have a potential to be a world champion?" Carlos nods, "yes. I would never lie to you."
"Carlos, for fucks sake, just listen to me for once," Charles pinches the bridge of his nose and exhales loudly.
"For once? I always listen to you and look where we are! Everything that happens is because we are teammates. I try and try and fucking try again, but it is never enough. I am tired of listening to my father saying I am constantly getting beaten up by my teammate. Tired of seeing people on the internet laughing at me."
He stays quiet for a moment, before he speaks again "I am tired of everything. It was silly to think this could work. There are too many things in the way."
Charles looks hurt, but in this moment Carlos does not care, "I am not just your teammate," Charles' voice is small.
"Yes you are. In this," he waves his hands around, "scenario and equation, you are just my teammate. Stop trying to get into my head with all those sweet words."
"Carlos. I truly believe in you," Charles says, his hand reaching for him, but he fliches away.
"You don't even believe it, you're just saying that. In the end, you will always put yourself first," he spits out, "no, I can't continue like this. Fake sympathy and gentle words for the sake of the team and our relationship, when the truth is completely different. We are racing dirvers. You know we can't go like this anymore. I'm sorry. I can't do this."
"I've always believed in you. I've always loved you. And you were so close. So so close, if it wasn't for the engine failure, you would have had it. I am so sorry that happened, Carlos. I've never had a ch-"
He stops him with finger on his lips.
"No. It's history now," Carlos says and looks deep into Charles' eyes, "just like our future is mystery, if you allow me to be a part of it."
"Yes," Charles' voice is trembling and he squeezes his bicep. His eyes are so green and so pleading and Carlos is so gone - he realizes there has never been anyone else, not really.
They look at each other for couple minutes - smiles on their faces, eyes telling more than any words could.
The kiss feels like coming home.
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hrodvitnon · 3 months
Ichi: Drop it.
Rodan: Aww- did I hit a sore spot? Big strong dragon can't stomach being under a little human?
Ichi whips around at him with a snarl on his maw.
Ichi: The fact that you can and willingly do should embarrass you! King Ghidorah does not bow for anyone- much less puny humans!
Rodan throws up a surrender, having clearly pushed Ichi a little too far on the pegging stuff. The 1/3rd Ghidorah grabs his beer from the table, glares at Godzilla, and storms out.
Rodan: Did- did I actually go a little too far there?
Godzilla: Nah, don't worry. He gets cagey like that whenever his ass gets brought into a discussion.
Vivienne: Jeez, is he seriously that insecure about it? Is getting dommed genuinely a hurtful experience for him?
Godzilla: 'Genuinely hurtful'? No, it's not like that- he lets me do it.
Rodan: Jeez of course he does. Just hates humans.
Godzilla: I've heard- whispers- of him exploring himself with others in the past, once I may have even stumbled upon a house party in Rome at the height of the Empire in which he took 6 different gladiators to bed.
Vivienne: Ok putting aside the Roman Empire bit as my brain is not equipped to unpack that information drop right now; you make it sound like he's- scared of intimacy?
Goji leans over his shoulder to check if Ichi was still gone before looking back at the two.
Godzilla: He once let slip during a- shockingly intimate moment we shared long ago that sex with me felt 'too good for him'. Honestly it kinda floored me a bit, I would've never expected a sentiment like that to come from him. In my- shocked state- I made a bad mistake, laughed it off and joked about it. It was an awful thing to do on my part and I couldn't think of anything else but the dumb male mindset of 'get back at my rival at any cost'. I didn't see him for at least a decade afterwards and he gets all shouty if I ever try to bring it up again. So- yeah, I suspect he may be a little frightened of opening up in that way; and when he tried it with me he didn't get good results.
Rodan: Wow.
Mothra: I knew guys could be assholes but jeez, dude.
Goji: Yes, yes- whatever you have to say is probably not worse than what I've said to myself afterwards.
Vivienne: Y'know, I saw the pegging thing as a way to one-up his assholeiness; but now I kinda just feel bad for him.
Mothra: Tell me you at least apologized.
Godzilla: I've tried. He just laughs it off and makes a joke at my expense. Which, honestly; yeah I deserve that.
Godzilla: ...
Godzilla: Oh, also he has two prostates so, like, anal feels like- double good on him. It's bad, pretty sure it's also mind-numbing as he used to just sorta shut off when I got deep enough and he wasn't used to my size yet. Drooling, whining, moaning mess his first few times under me.
Rodan & Mothra & Vivienne: ...
(holy jesus fucking shit this was supposed to be a shitpost about the Ghidorah pegging thing that somehow spiraled out of control into Ghidzilla anal angst??? hello??? i like this too much to delete it and start again so here do what you will with this)
(Y'know... Ichi may have left... but San and Ni are still there.)
Ni: Why not just set up a flashing neon sign of our collective gaping asshole while you're at it?
Rodan: I do notice you two are still here.
San: 'Cause it's illegal to leave your girlfriend's lap while cuddling!
Ni: And it's been long enough that I've more or less gotten over it. No hard feelings... except when your dick is going up my hole, ya fat-knotted bastard.
Vivienne: Well, I don't expect Ichi to come up goading me into proving you right, Rodan. And I certainly don't see myself getting into bed with Ni or San. Especially San.
Maia: Smart woman.
Ni: And why is that again?
Vivienne: Oh, I don't know, remember the time Ichi NEARLY ATE ME?
Ni: ...yeah, that'll do it. Not me though. Did San tell you that he and I wanted to keep you as a pet?
Vivienne, glaring: He mentioned that, yes.
Ni, waggling eyebrows: I expect one of us to wear a collar if you take me for a ride, little lady.
Mothra: In any case, now we know Ichi has his own hangups about intimacy and we shouldn't hold it against him. We're all mates here, some more than others, give or take, and this should be a time of togetherness. Goji, darling, I expect you to be a gentleman should Ichi approach you for a talk, and do try not to give him any lip.
Goji: I know, I know. Sometimes old habits die hard, but I'll do my best to be sweet.
Shimo: *quietly sits in her spot sipping tea*
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amatchinwater · 1 year
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Pairing: Sterek to Steo
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken, Derek Hale, Noah Stilinski, Josh Diaz, Tracy Stewart, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant, Liam Dunbar, Hayden Romero
Warnings: evil/dark Derek, lying, gaslighting, possessive behavior, attempted non-con, canon-typical violence, blood, mate bites, explicit sexual content, A/B/O
Words: 13,671
Prompt: Request through ao3 comment for evil!Derek 💚
Ao3 link Masterlist
Mistakes Were Made
Living in a world where the supernatural is out in the open, still not having presented and being only human, Stiles didn’t give much thought on whether or not he had a mate. He honestly wasn’t even sure if humans had them at all or if that was just a shifter thing. Regardless of presentation. He’s seen wolves and other shifter types mate with humans before. He just wasn’t sure if it was more of an active choice or not. Kind of seems like it is, but who is he to tell? But either way, Stiles was really on the fence about the whole thing. 
Then he met Theo Raeken.
Alpha coyote his age with a proper pack. Well, “proper” is a weird way of putting it. Every Alpha needs at least three Betas regardless of gender for it to be considered a legitimate pack. Theo has six. But only half of them are proper and not all of them have presented. Corey, true Beta, has chameleon-like qualities and can turn invisible. Tracy, another true Beta, is a genuine kanima, not an abomination. Josh is an unpresented raiju, a werewolf with electric capabilities. And Hayden, also a Beta, is a were-jaguar; incredibly rare. The only proper- which, rude- ones are Theo, Mason, and Liam. Full Alpha coyote, Beta human, and unpresented werewolf respectively. 
As far as mates are concerned, no matter what a supernatural creature feels, there are rules. Courting can be started at any age should both parties agree because it’s basically just glorified dating. Provided they even want to court. Really only romantics and traditionalists court anymore. But a legitimate mating ceremony or bite can only be performed once both people turn eighteen. It’s not only a way to help people from making rash decisions that lead to the wrong one. Because a mating bond is very hard and very painful to break. But it also ensures that any late bloomers- like Stiles- have been given more than enough time to present. 
Not that Stiles is worried about that. Theo’s pack loves him. They all see the human as one of their own even though he’s not an official member yet. As far as the Alpha himself, Stiles can’t tell where he stands. Romantically at least. They’re great friends, sure. But great friends don’t always want to boink one another every chance they get.
Yes, don’t worry, Stiles mentally punched himself for using the word boink. 
Who does that?
He’s just full of nervous energy because his eighteenth birthday is two days away with no sign of what he’ll present as and no fucking clue how Theo feels about him. They’re friends, yes. The coyote will snuggle with him if Stiles joins them on pack nights. He actually listens to the human when he talks. Even when Stiles starts to ramble, he has the Alpha’s full attention. And the food sharing! Theo shares his food with no one. No one. Except for Stiles. Both in offering and letting the human steal off his plate.
What worries Stiles is an act like that, in the traditional sense, is considered to be a part of courting. The coyote comes from a very traditional family as well. So it’s not like Theo doesn’t know about it. But the Alpha is so far from traditional himself it’s not even funny. So Stiles can’t tell if he’s just showing he can be a good Alpha in the pack sense or if there’s more to it. 
Maybe the guy just doesn’t mind sharing his food.
Because there’s never been anything else. No lingering touches after they hug. Theo’s never- even sneakily- tried to hold his hand. Forget kissing, that hasn’t even come close to happening. Not even a few months ago when Hayden hung up some mistletoe at Christmas. Theo got close to him whenever Stiles was under it, but never actually got under it with him. 
So it’s either one of two things. Theo is so fucking respectful of the turning eighteen rule that he’s doing nothing until then. Or- and Stiles really hates this one- the coyote just doesn’t like him like that. 
But with his birthday so close, Stiles intends on doing something he’s never done before. He’s going to tell Theo how he feels. Lay all of his cards on the table and ask the Alpha if he’d want to be mated to him.
He’ll either get Theo or he’ll get rejected.
At least he’ll have an answer.
Oh god.
Theo might reject him.
In reality, Stiles knew that was a possibility. He’s not stupid or delusional by any means. It’s just actively thinking about it now it’s finally sinking in that the Alpha might actually say no. Would Theo deny him joining the pack too?
Shit. Stiles didn’t think this through as well as he thought. His leg is bouncing incessantly where he sits outside the coffee shop and it has nothing to do with the amount of caffeine he’s consumed. Stiles has been staring at Theo’s contact for at least fifteen minutes now.
It’s probably been longer.
“Screw it,” he mumbles to himself and slams his finger on the call button. No chance to back out now or hang up because it’s already ringing. And if Theo sees a missed call from him, he will call back. “Go to voicemail,” Stiles says hopefully.
“Hey, Stiles,” Theo answers, “what’s up?”
“Oh, um, I-” seriously? The one time his brain can’t come up with a quick lie. “Are you home?” The human asks, gritting his teeth to avoid biting his lip.
“Yeah, just me though,” the coyote says. “The pack is out running some errands while I clean. They won’t be home for at least another hour if you were wanting to see them.”
That’s actually perfect. With the pack gone, Stiles can humiliate himself in peace. “No, I just wanted to talk to you in person.”
“Uh oh,” Theo jokes, “sounds important. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah,” Stiles says way too quickly and far too high pitched to be truthful. But it’s out there now, might as well push through. “Mind if I come over for a minute?” 
The Alpha laughs, “how many times do I have to tell you? You are always welcome here, Stiles. Anytime. Just show up, you don’t even need to call and ask first.”
“I know,” the human sheepishly ducks his head as though the coyote can see him. “It’s still polite to ask. What if you had-” Stiles clears his throat, “-what if you had someone over?” Shamelessly throwing feelers out about the coyote being interested in someone else. Hopefully subtly too.
“I wouldn’t have someone over,” Theo retorts, the very suggestion sounding stupid to him from his tone. “And even if I did, I’d make them leave. Pack comes first,” the Alpha says. Throwing in, “you’re close enough,” before Stiles can argue.
That’s a good sign, right? On all accounts. Stiles will take it that way at least. He’ll do his best to ignore the doubt plaguing his mind. “Okay,” Stiles chuckles nervously, “I’m about to leave the coffee shop, so I’ll see you in like twenty minutes.”
“Sounds good,” the coyote agrees, “be careful.”
“I will,” Stiles says before hanging up. He takes a deep breath, exhaling it slowly. It’s really about to happen. Holy shit. Stiles is actually about to fess up to having feelings for someone. He hasn’t done that since- no, that was an entirely different situation. 
This is Theo.
His best friend.
Stiles has nothing to worry about. It will be a piece of cake. He keeps telling himself that as he gets up from the table to leave. Just a quick walk through town to sort out his thoughts and everything will be fine.
Everything will be fine.
How many times can Stiles tell himself that before it’s the truth? Or believable? Crossing the main road, he’s certain that it’s not fifteen. Or twenty. But Stiles will keep repeating it. It’s the only thing keeping his legs carrying him towards the coyote’s.
This isn’t a bad idea, right? Even if Theo rejects him, it’s a good thing that Stiles gets this off his chest. “Yes, Stiles, that’s exactly right,” he tells himself, crossing another street.
Great, now he’s talking to himself.
Maybe he shouldn’t do this. If Theo wanted him, the Alpha would have said something in their three years of friendship. Whether it was for courting purposes or not. The coyote would’ve vocalized it. A hint. Something.
“Stiles?” A voice calls his name. 
Stiles stops in his tracks, the voice sounding somewhat familiar. He was just too stuck in his mental spiral for full recognition. He turns around, trying to find the owner. There’s a guy across the street with black hair, tight jeans, and a leather jacket walking his way. Stiles cocks his head to the side, it almost looks like… “Derek?”
“Long time, no see, Pup,” the guy says once he’s caught up to him. 
He blinks hard, looking over the guy’s features. Take away the slight beard and chiseled jaw and it certainly looks like Derek. But then Stiles looks at his eyes. Those beautiful, impossibly green eyes that are unmistakably the wolf’s.
“Holy shit,” Stiles exclaims with a huge grin, throwing his arms around the wolf. Derek accepts the embrace with a light, amused growl. “When did you get back?” He asks when they pull apart. The words tumble out before Stiles can filter them, “you look really good.”
“So do you, Pup,” Derek taps the underside of his chin with a breathtaking smile. A blush burns the human’s cheeks all the way to his ears. “I got back yesterday,” the wolf explains, “they finally finished the rebuild. Spent yesterday settling in so I figured I’d walk around town today. See what changed while I was gone.” 
“How, uh-” Stiles winces, unsure how to ask such a sensitive question. “How was your time away?” He asks, putting his hands in the front pocket of his jeans. 
The thing Stiles mentioned before about the last time he fessed up to having feelings? That was Derek. He confessed wanting to be with the wolf when he was fifteen years old and Derek had just turned eighteen. But then a hunter by the name of Kate Argent got a little too obsessed with the wolf. To the point of burning his childhood home with his entire family inside because Derek turned her down. The wolf had to deal with not only presenting as an Alpha, but taking up the mantle as pack Alpha with his mother’s death at the same time. It’s entirely understandable that Derek left without giving Stiles an answer. 
“Good. Really good,” Derek says, flashing red eyes at him. “I learned how to be an Alpha and handle what that means. But I think I got the hang of it now,” the wolf tells him. “Are you busy right now? I’m actually really glad I ran into you. There’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”
“I was supposed to head over to Theo’s,” Stiles says. “But I can always go later. I’d actually really love to see how the rebuild went,” the human smiles. He loved going to the Hale house when he was a kid. It’d be nice to see it returned to its former glory.
The Alpha tucks his head with a grin, “my car is a few blocks over. I can show you the house and drop you off at Theo’s later.” 
“I’d like that,” Stiles agrees, falling in stride with the wolf towards his car. “So, do you have a pack yet?” 
“Not yet,” Derek answers, walking close enough that their arms keep brushing together. “I was hoping to find a few Betas now that I’m back.” The Alpha stops in front of a black Camaro, “here I am.”
Stiles’ jaw drops, “no way.”
“Way,” Derek winks, opening the passenger door for the human.
“Such a gentleman,” he giggles, getting in the car.
The Alpha leans in, giving him a predatory look that shoots heat right down Stiles’ spine. “Far from it, Pup,” Derek drops his voice several octaves, “but I might be if you ask really nicely.”
“Oh,” Stiles utters, heat flaring his cheeks. He doesn’t remember the wolf being this flirty. He doesn’t hate it. “S-so, what did you want to talk about?” He asks once Derek’s in the driver’s seat and heading down the road. 
“Mind if we wait until we get to the house?” The wolf smiles at him, patting Stiles’ knee, “I want to hear how you’ve been. It feels like forever since I saw you last,” Derek says, turning into the preserve. 
He stares at the warm hand still so casually set on his knee. It’s nice and incredibly distracting. “Well, I’ve been hanging out with Theo and his pack lately. There’s even a place for me in his pack if I want it.” Stiles doesn’t miss the way the Alpha’s hand moves to grip the steering wheel. Shit, Derek literally just mentioned he was looking for a pack. Was he going to ask Stiles to join his?
It’s not like Theo was a rebound because Derek had left. And it’s not like Derek would be a second choice either should the wolf want him to join. Stiles and Derek used to talk about it all the time before he left.
“Sorry,” Stiles mutters, upset at how cold his leg feels without the Alpha’s hand.
“You have nothing to apologize for,” the wolf assures him. “You probably weren’t even sure if I was coming back to Beacon Hills. It’s been three years,” Derek sighs. “I can’t be upset with you for making friends and finding people who accept you as pack,” the Alpha pulls to a stop. “There is some part of me that hopes I can change your mind though,” Derek winks and gets out of the car without another word.
“What? Derek, wait,” Stiles fumbles out of the car. “Oh wow,” he gasps, looking at the rebuilt Hale house. “Derek, it’s beautiful.” It’s been three years since he not only saw the wolf, but his house actually standing.
The Alpha beams, “I found the original floor plans and gave it to the builders. Like the fire never happened,” Derek whispers, looking at the house.
“It’s amazing,” Stiles says, gravitating towards the wolf and putting his arm around Derek. The Alpha throws his arm over his shoulder. It’s nice being close to him again. “They did a great job.”
Derek smiles down at him, “I’m glad you like it.”
His gaze falls to the porch and Stiles gasps again, “you got a new swing too?” He breaks out of the Alpha’s hold to run up the few steps, hopping on the porch swing. They used to spend hours out here just talking and enjoying each other’s company. Stiles didn’t realize how much he missed it until he saw it again.
Kind of like Derek.
“Not new,” the wolf points to the left armrest where their initials are still sloppily carved from the wolf’s ten year old hand. “I hired someone to fix it. It wasn’t as badly burned and only needed minor replacements,” Derek says, joining him on the seat. 
Stiles starts to gently swing them, “so what did you want to talk about?”
His question hangs heavy in the air before Derek finally says, “don’t worry about it.”
“What? No,” he argues lightly, “tell me.”
“Stiles, you have a pack already. It wouldn’t be right.”
“Der, tell me. Please.”
The wolf sighs through his nose, turning his head to look at him, “I missed you. A lot.”
“I missed you too.”
Derek rubs his hands together, dropping his head to shake it. “No, Stiles,” green eyes meet him, “I missed you. My wolf missed you. I thought I was going crazy without you.” 
His wolf?
That’s not something werewolves say lightly.
Stiles’ brows furrow, “Derek, what are you saying?” His heart is thundering in his chest. There’s no way the wolf can’t hear it.
The Alpha takes a deep breath, turning to grab Stiles’ hands in his. “I’m saying,” Derek chuckles softly, “if you’d let me, I want to court you. Stiles, I have loved you since we were kids. I want you to be my mate.”
“You’re serious?” Stiles asks, voice catching in his throat.
“Very,” Derek says. “Let me court you. I’ll prove it to you if that’s what it takes.”
A goofy smile splits his face, “okay,” Stiles says.
The wolf’s grip tightens slightly, “yeah?”
He was planning on going to Theo to confess his feelings. To pour his heart out to an Alpha that might not even want him like that. And here Derek is, back in town for less than twenty-four hours, making his feelings crystal clear. Stiles had the biggest crush on the wolf when they were younger. And clearly given the way he’s reacted to the Alpha, he’s not exactly over it. Not to mention, courting isn’t permanent. If Stiles changes his mind, he has every right to do so. So what’s the harm in giving Derek a shot?
“Yeah,” he says, stroking the back of the wolf’s hand. “I’d love for you to court me.”
Derek’s eyes flicker red and he rushes the small distance to place a kiss on the human’s cheek. “Thank you, Pup,” the wolf grins. “It’s getting late, I should probably get you home. Don’t want to start the courting process with your dad wanting my head.”
“Yeah,” Stiles snickers, “you’re probably right. Give me a tour tomorrow?” He asks as they walk back to the Camaro.
“Only if you let me make you dinner too,” Derek opens the door for him, “our first official courting dinner.”
“Deal,” Stiles grins, getting in his seat.
Derek gets back in the driver’s seat, “oh, wait. Didn’t I need to drop you off at- uh?”
“Theo,” Stiles gasps. He’d completely forgotten. “No, I’ll just call him when I get home.”
“Okay,” the wolf laces their fingers together before driving off.
“Was that Derek Hale I saw kissing you goodbye?” His father asks not three seconds after Stiles closes the door. “I didn’t even know he was back in town.” As Beacon Hills’ Alpha, that is kind of strange, he’ll give him that. But this was only Derek’s first day actually in town. 
“Okay one, he kissed my cheek,” Stiles says, sitting down at the dining room table with his father. “And he just got back yesterday. Had the Hale house rebuilt, so he didn’t venture into town until today.”
“That’s nice,” he hums offhandedly, sliding a bowl of chili towards Stiles. “So why was he kissing you?” That’s his dad, blunt and to the point.
“Because he asked to court me,” Stiles mumbles, shoving a spoonful in his mouth to avoid repeating it. He wanted to have a game plan before telling him.
“Huh,” his dad narrows his eyes. “Well, I guess if you’re okay with it.” His spoon pauses halfway to his mouth, “hang on. Aren’t you in Theo’s pack? I thought you were going to tell him how you felt today?”
Right. Stiles forgot he told him about that. “I was,” he nods, abandoning his chili for now. “But then I ran into Derek on my way there and we started catching up. He told me how much he and his wolf missed me while they were gone. Besides, courting isn’t a ball and chain, I can change my mind if I want to. You know I liked Derek when we were kids.”
“What about Theo?”
Stiles pokes his chili with his spoon, sighing as he leans back, “Dad, I don’t even know if Theo likes me like that. He’s never said as much or tried anything, I was basically going in blind. Derek blatantly told me he wants me.”
Scratching the side of his jaw, Noah nods, “I get it, I do. Look,” his father sighs, folding his hands on the table, “I’m not trying to tell you how to live your life. But just be careful, okay? Alphas that have been on their own for that long can be a little…intense. Derek might not even know he’s doing it either. Just- just be careful. That’s all I’m asking, son.”
“I will,” Stiles agrees, knowing how protective his father can be. “Derek’s not like that,” he says.
The doorbell rings before his dad can respond. Stiles gets up to see who it is. When he opens the door, he sees a flash of red before arms wrap around him.
“You’re here,” Theo breathes out, squeezing him tightly, “I was worried.” The coyote pulls back to look him over, “you didn’t show up or answer my calls or texts. Are you okay?”
“Sorry! I’m sorry. Yes, I’m okay.” Stiles feels awful that he made the Alpha worry. “I meant to text you. I ran into an old friend on my way over and lost track of time. Had to make it back home for dinner. I’m really sorry, Theo.”
“No, no, it’s okay,” the coyote pushes his bangs out of his eyes, “I’m just glad you’re alright.” The amount of care Theo has for him makes the human’s heart bleed. “What did you want to talk to me about earlier?”
Fuck, he’s not ready to tell the coyote that. Whether the Alpha only harbors platonic feelings for Stiles or not. But Theo will know if he lies about it. And will most definitely call him on his shit. “It was about courting,” the human says carefully.
“Oh?” Theo asks, taking a step closer with a grin.
“Yeah,” Stiles clears his throat. “Um, Derek- the friend- asked to court me. And I said yes.” Because you never asked and I don’t know how you feel. But he won’t say that out loud. Theo isn’t in the wrong for not having any feelings for him.
“Oh,” Theo’s face falls to something unrecognizable. He takes a step back, “that’s- that’s great.”
“What’s taking so lo- oh, hey Theo,” his father says from behind Stiles. “Are you hungry? I made chili, there’s plenty.”
“No,” the coyote clears his throat, “thank you though. I should really get going.”
Noah steps beside Stiles, “are you sure you can’t stay for dinner? Chili’s your favorite, we’d love to have you.”
“I appreciate it,” Theo takes another purposeful, almost forced, step back. “But it wouldn’t be right. Stiles,” the coyote nods, “I’m really happy for you. There’s still a place in my pack should the courting fall through. Goodnight,” the Alpha says, stepping off the porch and heading for his truck.
“What the hell just happened?” Stiles asks, thoroughly confused watching the truck drive off. In the matter of a few sentences, Theo went from perfectly normal to weirdly formal.
“That, Stiles,” his father closes the door, putting an arm around his shoulders, “is what a rejected Alpha looks like. You can’t be in two packs, son.” He guides Stiles back to the table, “out of respect for Derek, he’s stepping back until he knows how Derek will react to you being friends with another Alpha.”
Rejected Alpha?
Out of respect?
“But Derek wouldn’t-” Stiles’ heart plummets. “He still offered to drop me off at Theo’s after I agreed to the courting. Derek knew I was offered a spot in his pack. Did I- are we-” Stiles faces his dad with wide eyes, “Dad, did I just lose my best friend?” Something sharp stabs at his chest.
“Doubtful,” his father says. “Theo’s just going to give you guys some space for a little while. Once yours and Derek’s bond is stronger, things will feel less tense for Theo. Unless he wanted to court you.” Noah shrugs a shoulder, “that’s kind of what I got out of his whole reaction. Give him a few days, Theo’s not the type to leave you before your birthday. Nor is his pack.”
Suddenly no longer hungry, Stiles excuses himself to his room. Maybe he should text Theo. But when he unlocks his screen, there’s two texts waiting from Derek.
>> I’m so happy you agreed to let me court you.
>> Can’t wait to see you tomorrow, Pup <3
It’s enough to warm his heart and help him feel a little less bad about the whole situation. Fluttering in his chest at the name he hasn’t heard in ages.
The next day while Stiles is waiting on his porch, he gets a call from the least expected person possible. Tracy. Now, all of Theo’s pack loves Stiles and he them. But if there’s a more likely person to not call or text, it’s the kanima. They’re friends, yes. But they also butt heads over even the smallest of things. 
He slides the green button over, “hey, Tracy, wh-”
“Are you fucking stupid?” She cuts off his greeting.
“Try again?”
She growls, “no. Are. You. Fucking. Stupid?”
“Apparently,” Stiles scoffs, slapping his thigh in frustration. “Because I’m going to need you to elaborate here.”
Tracy’s laugh is anything but humorous, “Derek Hale? Really? He’s back for a day and you just drop Theo and leave us like that. Are you fucking dumb?”
“My childhood crush came back asking if he could court me,” he says louder than he meant to. His anger rising at the kanima’s tone. “Am I supposed to just say no to someone showing me obvious affection?” 
“Yes!” Tracy seethes.
“What?” Sitiles shrieks. Is this bitch crazy? “Why would I do that?”
“God,” she laughs, “you really are stupid. Because he’s not Theo!” Tracy snaps, yelling into the phone. Stiles is stunned into silence, he might’ve mumbled something, but isn’t quite sure his mouth even moved. The kanima sighs softly, “he was going to wait until your birthday to ask you. Have it be this big Jim level romantic gesture.”
Stiles is obsessed with The Office and Theo knows how much he not only loves Jim, but Jim and Pam. The thought alone is incredibly sweet and makes his heart swell. And ache. He already agreed to let Derek court him. He’s not going to back out from someone blatantly telling him they want him. He will give the wolf a fair shot.
“I didn’t know- I thought-”
“How could you not?” She snaps, getting annoyed all over again. “There isn’t a goddamn thing he doesn’t do for you or would do for you. You didn’t show up yesterday and he panicked! Theo is so fucking in love with you. I don’t know how you can’t see that!”
Stiles’ anger explodes, “because he didn’t fucking tell me! I had no idea! At least Derek had the balls to say it straight to my face! I didn’t fucking know, Tracy! I wanted to be in the pack. I want to be his mate! But Derek beat him to it and that isn’t my fault!”
“Stiles, that’s not what I’m saying,” Tracy sighs. “He loves you. We all do. We were all waiting for the day you were an official part of the pack because it already felt that way to us. And now,” the kanima takes a shaky breath to hide her emotions. It barely works. “Now you’re going to be in Derek’s pack. Can you just imagine for a second what that felt like for us to hear? That after all this time you don’t want to be pack? Josh is a mess. Corey cried. Theo- I don’t even know what he is right now.” Tracy huffs a scoff, “even I felt you leave and we fight more often than not.”
Stiles freezes on his porch, stomach ready to fall out of his ass. He doesn’t know what to say except, “I’m sorry.” He never meant to hurt any of them. Stiles was just trying to be happy. It’s not like he planned this. His childhood crush came back and confessed his feelings, Stiles figured why not give it a shot. That’s it. “I’m sorry,” he repeats.
“I’m not looking for an apology,” Tracy says gently. “I’m just trying to make you understand. Derek courting you isn’t finite and you can be courted by more than one person. I know you like him too,” the kanima admits, “so just give Theo a chance, okay?”
“But he left yesterday,” Stiles counters, “Theo could’ve asked, but he didn’t.” He watches the Camaro pull into his driveway.
“God, you are both idiots,” Tracy says and promptly hangs up on him. 
His face scrunches up, staring at his phone absolutely dumbfounded. Stiles doesn’t even remotely know how to feel. About any of it. 
But he smiles just the same when Derek gets out of his car greeting, “hey, Pup,” with a toothy grin. The Alpha notices the way he’s still kind of looking at his phone in confusion. “What’s wrong?” The wolf asks, pulling Stiles close, “who was that on the phone?”
“Tracy,” he answers, slowly coming back to himself from that roller coaster of a conversation.
The Alpha’s face twists, “Tracy? I don’t know who that is,” Derek says.
Which makes perfect sense. She moved here with Theo a few months after Derek left. “She’s my friend,” Stiles supplies, “one of Theo’s Betas.”
“Oh,” Derek says, his grip tightening before letting go entirely. He clears his throat, “are you ready to go?”
The odd way the Alpha reacts doesn’t escape the human’s notice. But he lets it roll off his shoulders, choosing to see it as Derek reacting to Stiles’ clear weirdness of what just occurred.
“Yeah,” he smiles up at the wolf, kissing his cheek. “What are you making?” Stiles asks, seeing the way the wolf settles at the kiss.
Looking less brooding and stoic, Derek opens the passenger door, “it’s a surprise. But I think you’ll like it.”
“So mysterious,” Stiles teases getting in the car. “I guess I can wait a little longer.”
“Good,” Derek quips, closing his door and getting in on the driver’s side. But once in the Camaro, the wolf gets closed off again. Silent most of the drive. Not even touching the human’s leg or playing music. 
Just the sound of the engine and the tired crunching twigs once they turn into the preserve.
It’s a little unsettling if he’s honest.
“Did I do something wrong?” Stiles asks, needing to break the silence. But also needing the nagging in his brain to stop.
“Not exactly,” Derek grumbles, pulling up to his home.
Picking at his nails, he mutters, “that’s not a no.” Turning to face the wolf, Stiles asks, “what did I do?”
“You agreed to let me court you,” the Alpha says, gripping the steering wheel harder, the leather creaking before he lets go. “I know I don’t have a pack yet, but I guess I just don’t understand why you need to still talk to them. They’re not going to be your pack anymore; I am.”
“Right.” If he agrees to mate with the wolf, that is. They’re not there yet. “They’re still my friends, Der. Pack or not, I care about them.”
Derek sighs, “I’m not saying you can’t have friends.”
“Then what are you saying?” 
“It’s just weird to talk to an Alpha’s pack that isn’t the one courting you,” the wolf tells him, still sounding a bit annoyed. Derek closes his eyes, taking a deep breath, “I don’t know, maybe it's just the traditional, strict way I was raised getting to me. I’m sorry.”
Maybe he’s right. The Hales were one of the oldest known werewolf families. Adding that to what his dad said about Derek possibly being a little intense, it almost makes sense. Maybe Stiles should be careful until the courting process is over. No matter the outcome. Lessen the chances of upsetting Derek. 
Stiles sighs softly through his nose with a smile, “it’s okay. I’m sorry I upset you. I wasn’t thinking about it that way.”
The wolf raises Stiles’ hand to kiss his knuckles, “come on, let’s go eat.” Derek doesn’t seem to be fully over it, but the human will choose to let it slide for now. The Alpha gets out of the car, coming over to get Stiles’ door. “I hope you’re hungry,” the wolf smirks, watching the human get up.
“Very,” he agrees, following the Alpha into the house. “It smells delicious,” Stiles says, noticing a pasta sauce of some kind. Derek leads him around the living room and into the kitchen with the dining room connected. The timer on the stove beeps. “Perfect timing,” he smiles at the candle lit set up on the table. “Do I get to know what you made now?” 
“Well,” the Alpha says, opening the oven and pulling out a dish. Closing it, the wolf meets him at the table, “I remember how much you loved my mom’s lasagna when we were kids.” Derek sets the steaming dish in the middle of the table, pulling the human’s chair out for him. “I used to make it with her, so I figured it’d be the perfect courting dinner.”
“It’s great, Der,” Stiles says, stomach already rumbling at the idea of baked cheese and meat. “Thank you for this.” The human watches the Alpha plate them both up, waiting until Derek takes the first bite before eating. He’s human, yes, but that means nothing with courting involved. The groan after his first bite is unavoidable. “Derek, this is fucking delicious.” 
He suspects that neither of them have tasted Talia’s cooking in the last three years. It’s a nice nugget of nostalgia added to their courting. Sharing something from a woman that meant an incredible amount to both of them. When his own mother passed, Talia didn’t hesitate to help with Stiles in any way she could. Their mothers were best friends.
Full bellies and clean dishes later, Derek takes him to the living room to watch a movie before Stiles has to go home. Hopefully after his birthday tomorrow, his father will drop the curfew. Or at least extend it. When he sits on the couch to snuggle with the wolf, Stiles’ phone buzzes in his pocket. He tries to ignore it, not wanting to be rude and enjoy his time with the Alpha. But it goes off two more times. Derek is clearly put off by it given his attempt to smother his growl.
“Sorry,” Stiles mumbles, pulling the device out. “Let me just make sure it’s nothing important from my Dad or something.” The Alpha is still aggravated, but the mention of the sheriff makes him deflate a touch. He sits up a bit to check his messages while the wolf picks a movie for them.
It’s just that, the texts aren’t from his dad.
They’re all from Theo.
>> I really need to talk to you about something.
>> I know you’re at Derek’s, so take your time. I don’t expect a reply right away.
>> I also know I should do this in person. But again, you’re at Derek’s and I feel like I’m out of time…
The bubbles are still moving on Theo’s side of the screen. Have been the entire time Stiles was reading the messages.
“How does Insidious sound?” Derek asks, looking at the t.v.
“Great,” he responds, seeing a block of text pop up. “I haven’t seen that in a long time.” 
Theo wrote a novel.
>> I’m sorry that I didn’t say something sooner. I really thought something on your birthday would work better. That it would mean more. Prove to you that I didn’t need a courting period to know if I wanted to mate with you. Because I already knew that I wanted to be with you. You’re smart, funny, and incredibly beautiful. Inside and out. Stiles, you mean everything to me. Pretty sure I’ve loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you. I guess I just didn’t realize that courting itself was a romantic gesture. So please, if you’d let me, I’d love the chance to court you too.
“Everything okay?” Derek asks, snapping the human out of staring at his phone. 
Stiles needs a minute to think. To breathe. Something that doesn’t make his chest feel tight and his stomach like it wants to expel his dinner. Not to mention his mind feels like a tornado was set loose inside. “Yeah,” he clears his throat, “I’m just gonna go to the bathroom real quick before we start the movie.” Stiles slides his phone back in his pocket and gets up from the couch. “I’ll be right back,” the human scurries away and into the bathroom down the hall.
Thank you, muscle memory.
Closing the door behind him, Stiles puts both hands on either side of the sink. He tries to take a deep breath, calm himself down. Theo wants to court him. That’s insane. Stiles knows that Tracy told him a few hours ago that the coyote wants to be his mate. He remembers the strange conversation very well. But hearing it from her is one thing.
From Theo himself is something entirely different. 
It's not even that two people would be courting him either that's getting to Stiles. People are courted by more than one person all the time. His father wasn't the only person to court his mom. It's quite normal actually. Maybe it's the fact that it's everything Stiles wanted as a kid and now as an almost adult right in front of him that’s doing it. And he doesn't have the slightest idea what to do. When properly faced with your childhood crush and recent one, how the hell does one make that decision? 
Reaching into his pocket to read the message one more time and tell Theo he'll call him in the morning, Stiles finds only lint. His phone must have not actually made it into his pocket. Or it fell out getting up. It's fine, Stiles has stalled long enough already. He'll just text Theo when he gets home. The coyote did say to take his time. 
After actually going to the bathroom, Stiles rejoins the wolf in the living room. His eyebrows pull together in confusion at finding the t.v. turned off and Derek holding his phone. 
"This fell out of your pocket," the Alpha hands the device back. 
"Thanks," Stiles pockets the phone, for sure this time. "How come the t.v. is off? I thought we were watching Insidious?" 
Sliding his jacket back on with a frown, Derek says, "your dad texted while you were in the bathroom. Said he's going in early tonight and wants you home." The wolf snorts at his twisted face, "I didn't go through your phone or anything. It lit up from the floor, I saw the message when I picked it up for you." 
That seems innocent enough. Especially considering after a quick peek at his phone, the notification for his father's text is still on his lock screen. Stiles accepts the reasoning. "I'm sorry I can't stay," he says, stepping into the wolf’s arms.
"It's okay, Pup," Derek rumbles in his chest, encasing the human in his arms. "I will get you to myself most of the day tomorrow," the wolf reminds him. 
He allows himself a moment to just melt into the Alpha. To just enjoy being with one another since their time is being cut short. "Okay," Stiles begrudgingly lets go," let's get out of here before my Dad makes himself a new fur coat." 
For the first time tonight, the Alpha laughs, his smile crinkling the corners of his eyes. "I doubt he'd go that far," Derek says, heading for the front door. 
True to form, the wolf opens and closes Stiles' door for him. At least the silence on the ride home is better. Comfortable rather than tense. No irritated growls or steering wheels gripped too tightly. Just Derek sweetly holding his hand over the gear shift while his thumb gently strokes the back of it.
His father hasn't left yet by the time they pull into his driveway. Derek cuts the engine, getting out to help Stiles out of the car. The chivalry definitely isn't wasted on him. He thinks it's absolutely adorable and very sweet. 
"Mind if I walk you to your door?" 
"Not at all," the human says, tucking himself under the Alpha’s offered arm. It's only been a day and already Stiles is thrilled with the way he's been courted. At first just having the wolf back in his life would've been enough. Now there's home cooked meals and lingering hugs. 
It's nice.
Then there's the Theo of it all. 
Yes, the wolf asked first, that’s true. But other than a crush on Derek that Stiles never thought would amount to anything until two days ago, Theo was who he was originally pursuing. There is nothing wrong with agreeing to let the coyote court him too. It's perfectly normal and fair. The choice will be hard no matter what, but Stiles can't properly make one if he doesn't have all of the information. 
For all he knows, Theo could court him and Stiles could realize they're better off friends. 
At least with that Stiles can say he gave it a proper try. 
"I'll see you in the afternoon," Derek says when they stop outside his front door. 
Stiles doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around the wolf's middle, hoping he won't hate him for letting Theo court him too. "I'm looking forward to it, " he says when the Alpha lovingly squeezes him. 
"Call me when you wake up," Derek pulls back to look him in the eye. One hand stays wrapped around him, the other comes up to cup the human's face. The wolf is stroking his cheek, staring at Stiles' mouth. "Can I?" Derek asks a breath above a whisper, like anything louder would startle the human. 
He barely finishes his nod before the Alpha’s mouth crashes to his. Both hands cupping his cheeks, pressing their lips together. It makes Stiles dizzy, a small noise escaping his throat. Derek controls the kiss, there's no doubt about that. Stiles doesn't entirely mind it seeing as this is his first kiss in years. It's just a bit more rough than he expected. As if the wolf would consume him whole if he could. 
When the Alpha pulls back, Stiles can't breathe and his brain has gone fuzzy. He briefly wonders with his presentation just a few hours away if this is an indication of what he might end up being. With an Alpha affecting him this much from just a kiss. One without tongue no less. Or is Stiles just really pent up? 
"I'll see you tomorrow," Stiles whispers, hands on the wolf's chest. "Thank you again for dinner," he smiles up at the Alpha, "I had a good time." 
"Me too," Derek kisses him one last time, much softer. A barely there brush of their lips. "Go," he growls softly, "if I kiss you again, I'll never let you go." 
The comment makes Stiles giggle through his blush, slipping into his home. Through the window in the door, he watches the Alpha get in his Camaro and drive away. 
"Dad," Stiles calls, "I'm home! You still here?" He should be, the squad car was still in the driveway. Walking into the kitchen, he notices the door to the basement is open. It's never open. "Dad?" Stiles calls out to the descending staircase. 
His father's head pops around the banister, "hey, kiddo. Come here for a sec, would you?" He asks before disappearing further into the room. 
A little confused, Stiles does as told, heading down the creaky wooden staircase. He finds his father off to the side room where his mother spent her heats before his dad could get home. "What's all this?" He asks, seeing his dad making the small bed inside, the shelves newly stocked. 
"I work tonight and into the morning so that I can spend most of your birthday with you tomorrow," Noah explains, fluffing up the pillow. "This door locks from the inside, so you'll be more than safe. I wanted to do this just in case you presented as an Omega and I wasn't here to get you somewhere else. I don't want you to try and drive to the heat center by yourself." 
That's incredibly sweet and thoughtful. It's never not heartwarming the extent his father will go to protect him. They have no idea what his presentation is going to be and yet his dad ensured that no matter what it may be, Stiles will be okay. 
"Thanks, Dad," Stiles pulls his father into a hug. "Please be careful tonight." 
His father pats his back before letting go, "always am. I'll call you in the morning and let you know when I'll be on my way home." Noah cups the name of his neck, squeezing gently, "take care of yourself and call me if you need to." Stiles goes to playfully roll his eyes at him but the Alpha insists, "call me and I will come home." 
"Copy that," he grins, appreciating the care more than he can express. "Love you." 
"Love you too, kid," his father says, walking up the stairs to go to work. 
Now alone and fed, Stiles is unsure what to do with himself. Insidious was a very good idea. So he goes up to his room and changes into pajamas. Once snuggled under his covers he opens his laptop in search of the movie. Just as he's about to hit play, Stiles realizes that he never even messaged Theo back. 
Right now, he just wants to relax with a horror movie and get some sleep. But he can at the very least acknowledge the coyote and let him know that he's willing to talk. Willing to be courted actually, but his brain can't handle the full talk that response would initiate. 
I'm going to call you in the morning so we can talk about it then. <<
The response is almost as instant as it is confusing. 
>> It's okay, I understand.
>> You don't have to worry about it.
Doesn't have to worry about it? How did Stiles manage to fuck that up? Theo said to take his time. It's been barely two hours. Did he wait too long?
Looks like he won't be watching his movie after all. Rather curling up in bed and crying himself to sleep at the proof that he's truly lost Theo now. Possibly even as a friend too. 
At least he has Derek, Stiles supposes.
You'd think that after crying oneself to sleep that they would at the very least sleep in from exhaustion. Not Stiles.He's up at nine a.m. on the dot. Sore, burning eyes blinking angrily at the sun peaking through his blind. It's his own fault. In his haste to get in bed last night, Stiles never closed his curtains.
Grumbling to himself, Stiles throws his covers over his head, determined to fall back to sleep. Even if it's just another hour. His birthday has finally fallen on a Saturday, his father won't be home for at least two more hours; it's Stiles' day to sleep in.
The moment he gets comfortable,. His phone starts to ring from his night stand. "You've got to be kidding me," he groans, yanking the blanket down to his chest. Caller ID shows his father smiling brightly at him. "Morning," Stiles grumbles, putting the call on speaker. 
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, STILES!" A chorus of voices yell from his dad's side. Sounds like the whole station. 
It significantly improves his mood, causing a smile to split across his face. "Thank you," Stiles says in earnest, his heart growing warmer from the affection from those who care about him.
Noah chuckles into the phone, "sorry if we woke you up. When I told them I was calling you, they wanted to say hi too. How are you feeling? Anything yet?" 
"No," Stiles grunts through his stretch. "Not yet at least. No knot or slick," he notes. "Maybe I'm just a Beta after all." 
"Maybe," his father comments. "Listen, I'm going to be getting out of here around two, so don't spend too long at Derek’s, okay?"
"You got it, Dad. Love you." 
"I love you too, son." 
Stiles sighs, slumping into his pillow. As great as calling Derek and having extra time with the wolf, he's still leaning towards another hour of sleep. He takes a quick peek at his phone, seeing a text from Theo and his pack, all wishing him a happy birthday. He's happy to see his father was right. Regardless of Derek courting him, Theo won't drop Stiles on his birthday. That the coyote still cares about him. 
He settles himself in bed once more, putting his phone on vibrate. Fully intent on not letting the heinous device prevent him from getting more sleep. 
The universe, couldn't give one single solitary fuck. 
Stiles closes his eyes again only for someone to start pounding on his front door. Rather incessantly too. Because he tries to ignore it, hoping whoever it is will just give up and leave. But of course, luck is never on his side and they continue to knock loudly. 
"Alright," he shouts, "I'm coming, jesus!" Stiles gets out of bed, not bothering to put pants on. Just walking downstairs in his boxers and sleep shirt. Let whoever this asshole is see that he's clearly not ready for visitors right now. "What?" Stiles snaps as he opens the front door, finding Josh. He winces slightly for yelling at the raiju. Only slightly. "Is there a reason you're pounding on my door this early?" 
Josh doesn't answer, just pushes past the human and into the house. 
"Yes, Josh," Stiles scoffs, "please, come in while I'm in just my boxers. Thanks so much for asking," he slams the door shut, a headache starting to creep its way in. 
"Fuck off," the Beta snaps with no heat, "I've seen you naked." 
Stiles gasps, "you promised!" It was one time. They had gotten into some poison ivy. Him being human and without the healing of his friend, Stiles had a rash where one should never be. Josh helped him with the cortisone since it was his fault they fell into it in the first place. "Not to be brought up ever again." 
"Yeah, well, that was before you went and broke my Alpha’s heart," Josh says without missing a beat. 
The human’s mouth audibly clicks closed. Stiles stands there mimicking a fish for a painful moment. Opening his mouth to say something only to shut it again because what? Theo said to take his time, but apparently that meant no more than two hours. "What?" Is the only question his mouth can provide, his brain too busy having a slight meltdown. Stiles is pretty fucking confused. 
He didn't do anything.
"How could you have said that?" Josh asks. "I know you and Tracy talked, I was right next to her. You told her you have feelings for Theo, but then you respond like that." The raiju huffs, "I just don't get it."
Stiles' brows pinched together, "like what? I'm so confused," the human says, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "All I said was that I'd call him in the morning. He's the one who told me not to worry about it." This is beginning to feel like the conversation he had with Tracy all over again. What puzzle piece is he missing this time? 
Josh's face contorts, like the Beta is trying to control an outburst. Stiles has never even so much as seen the raiju angry. Definitely never directed towards him either. "I mean before that," Josh says. 
"Before that? I didn't say anything before that. Come here," he says really only out of courtesy, dragging the Beta up to his room. Unlocking his phone, Stiles shoves it in the raiju's face, "see? Nothing. I was going to take my time and think. Like Theo said I could." 
The Beta cocks his head to the side. "Something’s not right," Josh mumbles, pulling out his phone and calling someone. "Tracy, steal Theo's phone and send me a screenshot on their conversation." He rolls his eyes, "I don't have time to argue," the raiju snaps, "just do it…thanks." Josh holds his finger up, asking the human to wait. The raiju looks at his phone, "got 'em, thanks Trace." The Beta hangs up on the other, tossing the device his way, "look." 
This must be a trick of some kind. But Stiles does as told, looking at the screen and his heart plummets. There, clear as day, are messages not on the human's phone. 
The screenshot reads:
>> No. You can't court me. I already chose Derek to be my mate. He's giving me the bite tomorrow. I never wanted you, you were just a placeholder until he came back.
>> Do not contact me again.
 So Tracy lied to me? <<
You don't want to be with me? <<
>> I never did.
>> It's always been Derek.
>> Leave us alone.
Stiles' eyes fill with tears, his fingers no longer capable of function, drop both of their phones. He can't see a thing, tears brimming as quickly as they fall. A silent sob wracks his frame. 
Luckily the Beta's reflexes are on point and he catches the falling devices. "Stiles?" Josh's voice sounds far away though he's directly in front of him. "Stiles, what's wrong?" 
"I didn't- I- I- that-" Stiles crumbles to the floor, Josh trying to catch him too. The pair end up in a pike in front of his bed. The human takes a shaky breath, worried the pain in his chest will make him throw up. "I don't understand. I didn't type-" he wildly flips his hands towards the raiju's phone, "-that!"
It's Josh’s turn to look confused, "the who did?" 
I didn't go through your phone or anything.
Derek's words ring in the human's head and his blood boils. Stiles growls, picking himself up off the floor and shoving his legs in the pants he wore yesterday. Nearly tearing his shirt off, Stiles yanks a clean one from his closet over his head, "that fucker. Lying son of a-" he throws on the first flannel his hand touches. 
"Stiles?" Josh nervously laughs, "you're kind of scaring me, bud." He can feel the raiju's eyes on him as he snatches his wallet and keys from his nightstand. "Wanna tell me what's going on?" 
"Derek!" Stiles shouts. "Derek fucking happened, the lying asshole. My phone fell out of my pocket when I went to the bathroom last night. I didn't text Theo a goddamn thing!" 
Josh's eyes bulge, catching up, "Derek did. Wait, did you even agree to be his mate?" The Beta asks, following him out of his room. 
"Nope," Stiles stomps down the steps, angrily putting his shoes on by the door. "I planned on telling Theo he could court me this morning."
"Oh shit," Josh murmurs. "Come on, we gotta go tell Theo," the raiju opens the front door for him. 
Stiles shakes his head, "no, I'll meet you there. There's a certain wolf I need to stop allowing to court me. Tell Theo I'm sorry, I'll explain it to him when I get there," he says, climbing into his jeep and slamming it shut. Roscoe roars to life, seemingly fueled by Stiles' own anger and he peels out of the driveway. 
The drive to the wolf’s house does nothing to quell his anger. If anything, with each passing moment, it got higher and higher. Leaving Stiles ready to explode as his Jeep squeals to a stop beside the Camaro. Almost certain the Alpha heard him arrive, but not giving a single fuck, Stiles pounds on the door. He hasn't even thought about what exactly he's going to say, just that he's pissed. 
Derek almost immediately opens the door, “hey, Pup,” with a smile. “You’re early,” he says, reaching out for the human.
Stiles slaps his hand away, “what the fuck, Derek? You told me you didn’t go through my phone. Liar,” he seethes, anger bubbling in his veins. 
“Pup, I didn’t-”
“Don’t lie to me again,” Stiles grits his teeth, shoving at the wolf’s chest. 
The Alpha catches his wrists, “can we please talk about this inside?”
Stiles deflates only just. At the very least, Derek deserves a chance to explain himself. It’s not going to change the human’s mind, but he can still listen. “You get five minutes and then I’m gone,” he says, crossing the threshold. “So? What do you have to say for yourself?” He turns around, finding the wolf staring at him with red eyes. “Derek?”
Derek closes the door, locking it, “I’m sorry, but you-” the wolf growls, taking a step forward. “You smell so good. You-” Derek closes his eyes, inhaling deeply before opening them again, growling, “you’re an Omega.”
“What?” Stiles whispers. He hasn’t felt any slick and still doesn’t despite being in the presence of the Alpha that was courting him. No heat symptoms either. Maybe the wolf is mistaken? Given the hungry look in his eyes, Stiles’ blood runs cold. He never should have come inside. “Derek,” he points towards the door, “let me leave.”
“No,” Derek growls, taking another step forward. So many alarm bells are ringing in the Omega’s head and he backs away with each step the wolf takes. “I’m courting you. You’re eighteen and now an Omega.” Stiles’ back hits a wall, nowhere to go with the Alpha blocking the door. “You’re mine and you will honor the courting. Even if I have to make you.”
His eyes grow wide and Stiles has all of two seconds to process what Derek means. The Omega tries to run, really, he does. But he’s no match for the advancing wolf. The human barely makes it three steps before Derek’s hand fists the collar on the back of his flannel, yanking it off as he throws Stiles to the ground. He crashes to the wood floor with a hard thud, his elbow screaming with pain as it takes the brunt of the fall.
Stiles tries to scramble away towards the door, but the Alpha snarls, claws biting into his ankle and drags him back. “No,” the Omega yelps, fingers uselessly sliding along the floor. What he wouldn’t give for claws to dig into the wood. 
“You will honor your promise,” Derek flips him over, slapping the human across the face. “Submit,” the Alpha snarls, Stiles fighting and thrashing violently. His face stings and he tastes blood in his mouth. Derek roars, making the Omega wince at the sound so close to him. But it’s the moment the wolf needed and he shreds the human’s pants, trying to remove the tatters. 
Down to his boxers and t-shirt, the Alpha flips him back on his stomach. “Please, Derek,” Stiles cries.
“Aww,” the Alpha breathes against the shell of his ear, tearing his shirt collar. “Begging for me already, Pup?” The name that once gave him butterflies now has bile rising in his throat. “I knew you’d come around. Don’t worry,” Derek growls, “I’ll be gentle,” he licks the Omega’s exposed neck from his torn shirt, grinding on him.
Stiles whimpers, tears streaking his face, unsure how to stop this. But then he remembers why he put on the same pants he wore the day before. In the pocket is a gift his father gave him two years ago. Whipping his head around, he sees they’re within reach. He can do this if he’s careful. Doing his best to ignore the open mouthed kisses on his neck, Stiles’ fingers wrap around the brass knuckles just as fangs pinch into his neck. Without hesitating, the Omega rears his hand back, whacking Derek in the side of the head.
The Alpha growls angrily, faltering enough for Stiles to scramble out from underneath him. Settling the knuckles firmly on his hand when the Alpha tries to get up, he punches Derek right in the face. The wolf roars wildly, clutching his bleeding cheek. 
“Hope you like the taste of wolfsbane, asshole,” the Omega seethes. “Consider this me relinquishing your courting rights,” Stiles says, punching the Alpha with the wolfsbane infused brass knuckles one last time in the mouth for good measure. With the wolf curled up weakly in pain, Stiles hastily grabs his keys from the floor where they fell and runs out of the house after unlocking the door.
He’s a mess. Flannel and pants left torn at the Alpha’s house. Stiles doesn’t even bother taking the now bloody knuckles off, gripping the steering wheel tightly as he flies away from Derek’s. With all of the adrenaline coursing through his veins, Stiles’ elbow and bleeding ankle don’t really hurt, thankfully. As he races through the streets, he checks his neck in the rearview mirror. Thank god it’s just a scratch, not deep enough to have mated them. 
He’d left his phone in the Jeep, but he doesn’t bother calling someone. The Omega has only one destination in mind. One place where he knows he can be safe with little fanfare. Theo’s. If he drives to the sheriff’s station- he’s not ready for that. Stiles needs comfort. And despite a wild misunderstanding, the coyote’s pack will protect him. Love him. Keep him safe. Surely Josh explained what really happened too.
At least, he hopes.
When he pulls up to the Raeken pack house, he barely has the care to turn Roscoe off. Stiles all but falls out of his seat, limping towards the front door as it’s yanked open. 
“Stiles!” Theo runs to meet him, catching the Omega as he collapses. “What happened?” The Alpha asks, scooping Stiles up into his arms and carrying him into the house. “Corey, grab the first aid kit, now!” Theo commands, setting the shivering human on the couch. 
“Stiles?” Tracy’s panicked voice meets his ears.
“What happened?” Josh asks, falling to the coyote’s side. “Did Derek do this?”
“Derek?” Corey asks, first aid kit in hand, opened and ready for use.
Hayden gasps at the state of him, “oh my god,” before running out of the room. Stiles hears her say something to Mason and Liam as she leaves, but doesn’t catch the actual words.
“I’m gonna kill him,” Theo snarls with glowing red eyes, getting up from the floor just as Corey starts to put peroxide on his bleeding ankle. For the first time since presenting, his Omega nature comes forth. Stiles whines, grabbing the Alpha’s wrist, “please don’t leave me.”
Theo’s whine matches his own, “never,” he collapses back to his knees. Taking the brass knuckles off so he can hold the Omega’s hand. 
“I’m so sorry, Theo,” Stiles chokes on a sob. His emotions get the better of him and he squeezes the coyote’s fingers.
“None of that,” Theo hushes him. Brushing the hair from the Omega’s face, the coyote kisses his forehead. “You have nothing to apologize for. Nothing. You hear me?”
“Alpha,” Stiles whimpers, curling into the coyote’s warmth.
Theo inhales sharply, “he’s an Omega.” The Alpha snarls, pulling the torn part of his collar aside. “And Derek tried to force the bite.” Stiles shivers against the coyote, trying to nuzzle into his neck, every fiber of his being telling him Theo’s safe. 
“He found out Derek’s been lying the whole time. He texted you, not Stiles,” Josh says. “He was going over to break things off,” the raiju sounds haunted. 
“You never even agreed to the mating in the first place, did you?” Theo carefully, though his anger is clear.
All Stiles can do is whimper and shake his head no. His presentation is in full swing with a proper, good Alpha in his presence. Stiles’ heat is starting being near the coyote he’s wanted from the start. “Theo, it hurts,” he whines, feeling slick slide out of him, his body stretching on its own. “Alpha, please,” Stiles begs, tugging at the coyote’s shirt.
“He’s in heat,” Theo rasps, sounding like all moisture has left his mouth. “Stiles, sweetheart, look at me,” the coyote lifts the Omega’s head. He looks at the Alpha with blown eyes. “You don’t know what you’re asking for. After what he did-” Theo growls. “We should wait.”
Stiles knows exactly what he’s asking for. It’s what he’s always wanted, heat be damned. There’s a reason his heat hit with Theo and not Derek. “My heat…it’s your fault,” is as close to voicing his thoughts as the Omega can get. He’s in so much pain, it makes functioning rather difficult.
Theo’s breath catches in his throat, “you’re serious?” Stiles nods, fisting the coyote’s shirt. “Okay, Little Omega, I’ve got you.”
A violent roar rattles the house.
“It’s Derek,” Mason rushes into the living room.
Derek followed him here. Seriously? Was Stiles’ right hook not clear? The Omega told the wolf he’s no longer allowed to court him.
“Do not let him out of your sight,” Theo commands, red eyes burning brightly as he stands up. The fight is already settling in the coyote’s squared shoulders. In his claws snicked out at his sides. In his sure, determined gait to the front door to meet his challenger. 
“No,” Stiles mumbles, but it falls on deaf ears, the door slamming closed. He’s an Omega now, but his senses aren’t fully formed. Probably won’t be until Stiles’ first heat is over. With that said, he can smell the pure, unadulterated rage coming from Derek. “Theo,” he croaks, trying to get off the couch. To help or stop this, he’s not sure.
All Stiles knows for certain is that he needs eyes on his Alpha.
Especially with the snarls and growls coming from outside. 
“I can’t let you go out there alone,” Josh argues softly. His hand on the human’s shoulder to get him to lay back down so Corey can finish cleaning him up. “You’re hurt.”
Stiles clumsily smacks the raiju’s hand away, his limbs not fully his own. He is hurt, yes. The Omega is in a tremendous amount of pain, that’s also true. Between his wounds and his first heat, Stiles feels like a right mess. Ask him if he cares. “By all means, come with me then,” the Omega grunts with his efforts to stand. His legs are wobbly, unstable through the searing pain of his heat. “But you’re not stopping me,” Stiles takes a shaky step forward, a violent cramp nearly making him collapse. 
“Fuck’s sake, you’re stubborn,” Josh says, looping an arm under the human’s to keep him upright. “God, he’s gonna kill me for this.”
“I’ll-” Stiles groans, pausing at the door for the cramp to run its course. “I’ll deal with Theo,” he says, yanking the door open, the fight between the two Alphas hitting him in full. 
Someone growls behind him. “You’re killing me,” Tracy says, stepping between Stiles and the fight. Not blocking his view, protecting him. “I’ll paralyze him if he gets too close.”
The Omega’s heart sings in his chest despite the scene in front of him. Theo’s bleeding from his arm and thigh. Derek’s face is still pretty fucked from where Stiles punches him. But the wolf’s shirt is now torn open and bloody in several places from the coyote’s claws.
“He’s mine,” Derek roars, rushing towards the coyote. The Alpha grabs Theo around the middle, tackling him to the dirt. The wolf rears up before the Alpha can fully block it, slamming his fists on Theo’s chest.
Stiles can hear the rib crack from here. “Stop,” he yells, hoping to distract Derek enough to give the coyote an advantage. A chance to get up. Because realistically, the Omega can’t stop shit. Not when it’s an official challenge. The only thing that could stop it is death or Beacon Hills’s Alpha forcing it to stop. Or mercy.
The moment Derek hears his voice, he roars wildly, lunging off the Alpha. Tracy’s claws are snicked out and ready, kanima venom dripping from their tips. But with the wolf off of him, it’s enough for Theo to get his bearings. He dives for the other Alpha, slamming Derek to the ground. Theo gnashes at the wolf’s face, missing by mere centimeters. The coyote’s claws pinch into the Alpha’s neck, a killing blow should Theo see fit, and he roars.
Stiles whimpers, knees buckling from his heat. Everything hurts and his skin is clammy with sweat. He’s clenching around nothing, his body not processing the danger before him. Theo meets his gaze and for the first time, Stiles’ eyes flash blue in response. “Alpha,” the Omega whines, his pain getting the better of him again. Thank god Josh is supporting his weight or the human would be a crumpled heap on the porch by now.
“Yield,” Theo slams the wolf’s head against the ground by his throat, growling in warning. Derek raises his hands, nodding. “Leave and don’t come back,” the coyote pinches his claws more, drawing blood. “I won’t grant mercy a second time.” Theo stands up, snapping his rib back in place, walking towards the Omega. “Are you okay, baby?” He asks, cupping the human’s neck, giving the pack a gentle squeeze. 
“It hurts,” he groans, feeling like his blood has been lit ablaze. “Theo, watch out!”
Derek’s on his feet again, stalking towards the group. Murder in his eyes as he snarls, “get your hands off of him.”
“You’re one to talk,” Theo turns, ready to fight again. “I’m not the one who tried to force the mating bite. Or tries to fight after being beaten.”
A squad car races into the driveway, his father doesn’t bother turning the car off.
“He’s mine!” Derek roars, raring to lunge.
“Like hell he is!” Noah fires off a warning shot, eyes bleeding red. “Now I’ve heard enough.” His father aims at the wolf, “come quietly, Derek. Don’t make me shoot you, son.”
Derek takes one last look at Theo and the pack now surrounding Stiles before turning back to his dad. No doubt smelling the wolfsbane bullets in his father’s gun. The wolf growls in defeat. “He’s supposed to be mine,” Derek huffs as Noah puts handcuffs on him.
“You need help, Derek,” his father says, getting the wolf in the back of the car. “Are you guys okay? I can have someone come pick him up if you need me to stay.”
The Omega stumbles towards the coyote who catches him effortlessly. “I’m okay, Dad,” Stiles says, looking lovingly at Theo.
His father nods curtly, understanding completely that he’s not the Alpha Stiles needs right now. “Take care of him, Theo. I won’t hesitate to come back,” he warns.
“I’ve got him, sir,” the Alpha says, kissing Stiles’ temple. “Thanks for coming.”
“Thank your Beta,” Noah leans on his car door. “I’d have never known if Hayden didn’t call.” He pats the door, getting in the car and driving away.
So that’s what the jaguar said to Mason and Liam.
“Alright guys,” Tracy announces when Stiles starts to nuzzle into the Alpha’s neck, slick sliding out at the contact. “Let’s give these two some privacy. Call us when we can come back,” the kanima says, ushering an arguing Liam away. The pack files into two cars, leaving the pair alone. 
“Come on, Little Omega,” Theo scoops him up, walking into the house, “I can hear the shower calling our names.” Stiles tries to whine in protest, he wants to be filled first dammit, not cleaned. It hurts. “Don’t worry,” the Alpha nips his neck, kicking the door closed. “I’ll gladly give you my knot in the shower if you want.”
“Only if you’re sure,” Theo checks in one last time while he toes open his bedroom door. “I mean, you seem like yourself,” the Alpha notes, “but you’ve been through a lot today.”
“Fuck,” Stiles hisses, the coyote walking up the stairs jostles his raging erection.
I want that so badly,” he groans, his brain threatening to muddle. Focusing on nothing but his Alpha’s knot. Of Theo’s fangs sinking into his neck and bonding them together. The coyote’s scent and presence washing away every horrid thing about today and replacing it with something good.
Stiles hasn’t hit the peak of his heat, that’s absolutely true. The Omega still has control of a good eighty percent of his faculties right now. The blinding pain that’s only just being staved by what little contact they have is making the rest of this very hard. But in this immediate moment, the most important part of all of this, his brain is working just fine. 
“I want you, Theo,” Stiles confirms. “I was on my way to ask to be your mate,” he says when the coyote gets them in the bathroom connected to his room, turning the shower on. “Derek found me first.” The Omega watches with half focused eyes, the Alpha setting him on his feet, carefully peeling his torn shirt off. Holding Theo’s shoulders, the human gets his shoes off. “I think I was blinded by- by-” the Alpha reaches behind his head, pulling his shirt off. “-someone blatantly showing- um- fuck me, you’re hot.”
Stiles shorted out for a second. After two years of basically being in the coyote’s pack, he’s seen Theo with his shirt off more than enough times. But this is so much different than watching them spar or the day they took a trip to the beach. Because in this moment, Stiles can touch and Theo wants to touch him. His brain is having a hard time processing that this is real. 
The Alpha looks down at himself, chuckling through his nose. Theo looks back up, not breaking eye contact as he slides his pants down. His eyes flicker red, growling softly at the choked noise Stiles made in the back of his throat.
“What’s wrong?” Theo smirks, taking a step closer, knowing exactly what he’s doing. His voice drops just above a whisper. Deep and sensual, killing the Omega where he stands. “I just figured it’s only fair to even things out a bit,” the coyote hooks his finger in the band of Stiles’ boxers, one brow cocked in question. 
Absolutely breathless, the pain subsiding only just at the promise of the relief to come, the Omega can only nod. The Alpha slowly, giving him all the time in the world to change his mind, pulls his underwear down, adding it to their pile. His brain comes back to himself when the coyote reaches to take his own off. Stiles reaches out, stilling the Alpha’s hands.
“Do you want to stop?” Theo asks, eyes filled with worry.
His skin is about ready to melt off if the Alpha doesn’t get inside of him pronto. Stiles is far from wanting to stop. “No,” the Omega assures, “just want to do it myself.” In his mind that will solidify to Theo that Stiles really does want to do this. That he’s an active participant, biology be damned. So the Omega does his best to ignore the flames he has for skin, letting the cramp roll through him at the hungry look in the coyote’s eyes. He lets his Alpha fuel him with courage, removing the last article of clothing between them. 
“Come here,” Theo whispers, cupping the human’s cheeks, pulling him in for their first kiss before he can get a good look at what he’s got to offer. It shoots a different, much more carnal heat through the Omega’s core. “Last chance,” the Alpha bumps their noses together while they catch their breath. “We can wait. Mate later or during your next heat.”
Worry works its way through Stiles,” do you want to wait?”
“Baby,” the coyote strokes his cheek, “I’ve wanted you for almost three years. I’m ready if you-”
The Omega crashes his lips to Theo’s seeing it’s not the Alpha’s hesitance rather his care. Theo catches on, not asking again, carefully bringing Stiles into the shower. The lukewarm spray is a wonder on the Omega’s scalding skin. And everywhere the Alpha touches is a balm to his burn. The way Theo’s mouth moves against him is nothing short of perfection. 
His dick is painfully hard, poking at the coyote’s stomach. Theo’s digs into him, just as beautifully hard and leaky. The sticky substance barely had enough time to fully touch his searing skin before it’s washed away. Lazily kissing and licking at the human’s neck, the Alpha wraps his hand around both of their dicks. Stiles moans, the sensation sparking electricity through every nerve in his body. 
He's going to cum embarrassingly quick and the Omega can’t even begin to bring himself to care.
Not with the way their cocks slide together deliciously under the spray of the shower.
Another whined moan pushes past his lips and the coyote growls, “do you have any idea how you sound? So fucking hot,” Theo nips at the Omega’s jaw. “Come on baby, do it again,” the Alpha encourages, quickening the movement of his hand. Stiles’ head falls back in a throaty moan, cum shooting out of his angry cock, still hard and ready for more. “That’s it,” Theo groans, a few pumps of his fist later and his own release joins the mess the Omega made of his hand.
His head clears only just, the flames a gentle burn beneath his skin with an orgasm under Stiles’ belt. But the only thing that will truly help is the Alpha’s knot stuffed deep inside. Something Theo is well aware of as he turns the human around, thrusting two fingers in his ass to check the stretch. Close to being a slave to his heat, Stiles is more than ready for the third finger the coyote slides inside. 
The Omega promptly cums a second time when Theo aims right for his prostate. “Untouched too?” The Alpha lets out a sexy laugh. “God, you’re perfect,” Theo growls, pulling his fingers out only to stuff his cock in their place. The coyote doesn’t wait when Stiles cries out at the sudden intrusion. Merely starting off with a leisurely roll of his hips. 
Stiles bends farther, bracing himself on the wall and pushing his ass back. “More,” he moans at the way the angle abuses the bundle of nerves. “Theo, please, mo- oh my g-god,” the Omega tapers off to a guttural moan, not sure where the sound came from. He’s never made it before. 
Theo pounds into him, the sound of their skin slapping all the more lewd in the echoing bathroom. The Alpha grabs Stiles’ shoulders, yanking him back to meet every one of the coyote’s harsh thrusts. “Fucking hell,” his words are clipped out in time with his powerful jabs. “God, you’re amazing,” he leans down, fangs grazing the juncture of his neck. “So amazing and mine,” Theo growls. Stiles nods, only able to wantonly moan at the Alpha’s ministrations. “Say it,” the coyote slaps his ass, “say you’re mine.”
“Yours,” the Omega gasps, “all yours, Theo.”
“That’s right, baby,” the Alpha snarls, sinking his fangs into the crook of Stiles’ neck. The human screams, cum splattering the tile wall at the feeling of the bite and their bond forming in his chest. “Fuck, come here,” the coyote pulls out, bringing him upright and turning off the shower. It was pretty useless anyway. Theo turns him around, kissing precious braincells way before the Omega is suddenly over his shoulder.
The human yelps at the sudden change, barely able to ask, “what?” Before Stiles is plopped on the coyote’s bed.
Not letting him be empty for long, Theo is back on top of him instantly, cock sliding right back home. “I want to see your face when I knot you,” the Alpha groans, eyes rolling back from the thought alone. “But first,” the coyote pants, setting a brutal pace that has Stiles seeing stars, “you have to bite me back.”
Having came twice, the Omega can barely move. Even his moans have gone scratchy from exhaustion. So Theo leans down, letting his neck hover right above Stiles’ mouth and he bites. With all the strength he has left, Stiles breaks skin until the Alpha howls out a moan, fucking into him impossibly faster. Harder, until the Omega is sure he’s going to split in two. But then he feels it, the base of Theo’s cock swelling.
“Thank you, baby,” the coyote leans down to kiss him. “Gonna take my knot like a good boy?” The Alpha growls. “And don’t you worry,” Theo gives him a pointed thrust to his prostate, “I’ll knot you nice and full with my pups.” 
Stiles moans, eyes rolling back as more cum spills out between them. Barely breathing out, “please.”
“Yeah, would you like that?” Theo asks, rubbing his cum into his stomach. “Breed you nice and good until your belly swells up? I’ll fill you to bursting, make sure it really takes,” the Alpha growls, knot pushing past Stiles’ rim and locking them in place. “Yeah, I’d like that too, baby,” Theo grinds against him a few more times until thick, hot ropes of his seed paint the Omega’s insides, moaning in his ear. 
Stiles lays there, spent and in utter bliss with the weight of his Alpha on top of him.
“You okay?” Theo asks, nuzzling the mark he left.
The Alpha chuckles, “I’ll bet,” brushing their noses together before kissing him softly. “Keep your legs tight and hold my neck,” Theo instructs, carefully rolling them over so Stiles’ is comfortably laying on his chest. “Sleep, I’ll be here when you wake up and I’ll make us something to eat.”
“Okay,” Stiles mumbles, already half asleep from Theo’s soft rumbles. 
He may have had a shit start to his birthday, but in Theo’s arms, mated to him, Stiles is pretty happy with how it ended.
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kissporsche · 5 months
Tagged by @chaotic-aro-incarnate (on my main, but i'll answer here), thank you!!
In no particular order:
Kurosawa and Adachi (Cherry Magic)
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I think this should be self explanatory. Best boys in the whole wide world i'd die and kill for them. The softest and sweetest and they deserve everything and more.
Kang Seojoon (To My Star)
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No you don't understand I love him. TMS2 nearly killed me because I couldn't handle seeing him in so much pain. He tries so so hard and is going through so much and I want to fight all his problems for him, yes even when his problems are his love interest. He can share this spot with his manager, who I would also throw hands for.
That and Sorn (Manner of Death)
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Another duo MY LITTLE MUPPET BABIES!!!!! When I watched MoD there wasn't really much else in its genre and tone to compare to, so I was genuinely concerned for my grumpy/sunshine teens' safety. It made for a very stressful experience because THEY'RE JUST BABIES LEAVE THEM ALONE
Li Qian (Guardian)
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I know this list says BL boys but That Won't Stop Me. Li Qian is my bestest girl and though I would throw hands for most all of the characters in Guardian I think she takes the top spot. I will protect her from anything including her shitty employers and the dean of the university (he is the real villain of the series fight me) and then i'll support her while she does her important post-canon work of [redacted for spoilers]. I love her.
Wen (Moonlight Chicken)
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Okay MLC didn't blow me away by any means but I love characters who are a bit of a mess and are complicated and make mistakes and fuck up and aaaAAAAAAAAAA--
Togawa (Old Fashion Cupcake)
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You ever want to fuck that old man so bad that you catapult yourself into pathetic meow meow territory?
Wen Ning (The Untamed)
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Another self explanatory one. He does not need my help throwing hands but by god I will. You cannot stop me.
Pfrh (Knyyrnprisn)
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I debated putting Pete (or anyone from KP) on this list because they can all take care of themselves. But then I thought, I would kill for him though. I would do cold blooded murder on his behalf. I would not even hesitate. So here he is.
Hm i'll tag @lu-sn @misspoetree @magicaldreamfox1 @guzhu-furen @fleet-off (feel free to ignore, i'm not sure who has done this one/similar before)
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kalims · 2 years
Congratulations for 3k!! ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧ i hope for more happiness and love going your way!! you're amazing and i love your work!! but if it's alright with you, may i request prompt 4 & 16 with Riddle and Deuce? thank you so much, congrats again!!
<- back to event page
includes: riddle rosehearts, and deuce spade.
4. true face — how they act around you.
16. intimacy — little intimate things.
thank you nonnie! <3 I just noticed I made a word error for the prompt and just fixed it now 💀
my fingers actually hurt writing this as I'm writing on phone + I'm a thumb player and I played project sekai 😭 save meeeee
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✧ riddle rosehearts.
4. true face
since you basically were stranded in twisted wonderland with no known companions, excluding grim since you didn't even know him and he was trying to grill you alive when you met. riddle takes up the role of someone you can look up to, and rely on just like he did for everyone else.
it just to happens that you're a tad more privileged than the average student. getting off the hook earlier and easier due to his not so subtle favoritism. trust me, riddle really does try to treat everyone equally but he can't fully succumb to the wishes of his mind. the other half following his heart <3.
heart <you3
I don't really think that he acts any different but he pays attention to you in a way like actually asking how you feel, including you in conversations, and keeping your opinion known and valid. it's as though you're the sole white rose sticking out a bunch of red ones.
—unconsciously drawn by your uniqueness in general, and yes. even if you don't believe you are unique, you really are. your resolve, no matter how strong or weak opens his eyes since you always manage to come through despite the level of its intensity.
by attention I mean like noticing something new faster than someone else. maybe a trim to your hair, a change of your tie, or a wrinkle in your clothing. he will notice it sooner or later. if it's wrinkles he'll just unconsciously reach out :)
16. intimacy
fixing up your posture. i can't tell myself if it feels intimate for everyone but I imagine the feeling of a hand pushing up against your back, straightening your spine from its previous slouched position. the action alone required riddle to squeeze near you and hide it by slipping an arm behind you like some one sided quick embrace.
using his fingers to grip your wrist when he's off to drag you somewhere. you can quite literally feel the fabric of his gloves from your hand and it's hard not to get flustered when it seems to be like some unconscious habit on his end. the grip is loose, but tight enough to secure his hold on you. almost as if he's intent not to lose it.
leaning over just enough to feel his fringes brush against your forehead, or tickling yours if you have one instead. he mainly does it when he can't see a notebook from his previous position so he obliviously leans in closer, too absorbed in the notebook to notice how close he is exactly. he retreats back unaware as usual, meanwhile you're having an inner crisis.
✧ deuce spade.
4. true face
more or less. deuce himself in the first place doesn't even realize the feelings are actually well,—feelings. he's stuck somewhere between mistaking it as something platonic and borderline confused about how giddy it makes him feel, is this what having friends does? well he didn't have a lot in the past since he was basically all delinquent-like and everyone else got scared. :(
deuce just acts the way he always does and most of the time he doesn't even realize that he's forgetting about the feelings since he's too happy with you and aside from him, there's always some kind of chaos revolving around you and with all that you can't blame him for forgetting.
speaking of forgetting. if he does end up realizing it it'll be like a: "wait what the fuck." moment cause it genuinely baffles him, was it romantic all this time? god he's so embarassed.
deuce tries to set up goals, as weird as it sounds sometimes he practices things to say to you in front of his mirror and there's a 50/50 chance that ace would end up barging in and witnessing him pathetically compliment the mirror.
but actually leading up to the moment, all that confidence he tried to built up from before disappears and his mind goes blank, heart racing. basically he wimps out at the last second, he swears he blinked and suddenly he was watching you walk to ramshackle.
aaaaand back to square one. but with a little more extra cursing.
16. intimacy
not hesitating to throw a punch when he feels as though you were treated unfairly, or downright disrespected. the thing about deuce is that he's probably one of the guys in the school that has genuine kindness. other than kalim of course, with his outstanding sense of justice you bet he's pitching in some revenge for you.
letting you do whatever you want. another thing about deuce is that he can't exactly say no, so if you politely ask him to lay down on your lap he will. he will not question when you start fiddling with it and pull out a hair tie? or when you start smoothing out the middle part of his hair and twist it inside the tie. he wants to remove it to save his manly dignity but doesn't have the heart to so he walks in class with that get up. not affected by the snickers, but in fact. proud of it.
literally listens to you about everything and takes it all seriously. atleast close to everything, again I'm not sure if that's intimate for you but it's funny seeing him actually take up your advice or the times where he'd fearfully nod when you're in a mood. oh (band name) is really good? he hasn't heard of them but they must be the best if you said it. someone is an asshole?? where are they, do you need a punch for them? oh you make a joke? he does it literally.
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Can we have more TFA Wasp in the Lost Light please? Like how would be Wasp's interractions with the crew? With who he would get along the most? And Who would adopt him? Also, I totally see Rung actively helping Wasp through a lot of therapy sessions and help him to make progress with his mental health, like make Wasp realize step by step that the true responsible for Wasp's misfortune was the true traitor and that he and Bumblebee in fact were both victims of the traitor's machinations! :)
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Wasp initially has a hard time on the Lost Light because of what happened to him back in his dimension. Bots that share a likeness or even name with bots he knew back on Cybertron will send him into a spiral and anxiety and trauma and he’s probably the most tense around minibots because they remind him so much of the autobots where he’s from.
For the first couple of weeks on the ship he stays in his designated habsuite, huddled up in a corner and staring at the door. Every single noice puts him on edge and he has a hard time falling into recharge since he’s constantly expecting someone to attack him.
Once he does finally step out of his room it’s only thanks to the effort of Rung. Others tried as well but it was the therapist that managed to make him feel secure enough to venture outside of his safe space. Wasp will cling to Rungs side though because while he trusts the orange bot he does not trust anyone else.
Wasp will probably never trust Ultra Magnus but he will trust Minimus Ambus. Yes, they are technically the same person but they are just so different in appearance that it prevents Wasp from associating them with one another.
While Wasp does think Whirl is too loud and scary he does recognize the fact that he also was mistreated by the government and therefore they have a common ground. Still, he’d rather stay away from him.
Therapy with Wasp is... something. It mostly consists of him ranting and venting about what happened to him. No one has ever really listened to Wasp before so it’s really healthy for him to finally get it all out and to feel heard. It will take a long time before Rung manages to convince him that Bumblebee didn’t put him in prison because of maliciousness and that it was a genuine mistake and that both of them were manipulated. 
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elendsessor · 1 month
nocturne no fusion run update part god(‘s voice) is dead
well here’s one that didn’t go as planned yet also kinda did
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now i actually made some pretty massive mistakes, and at least let the first one be your take away if you ever do any challenge run where the demifiend has to be involved (aka not the demon only run yes that’s real)
do not, and i mean DO NOT pass up glacial blast.
i forgot that’s the only element metatron doesn’t either resist or nullify. my dumb ass decided i wouldn’t take it. i should’ve. i really really should’ve.
i did make the smart decision to finally replace tornado with bolt storm tho for mot. yay???
yeah i was originally gonna save metatron until post diet building but couldn’t remember if you get locked into an ending once you beat mitra/samael or once you entered the tower of kagutsuchi. either way, it was a perfect time to go back to the lab(yrinth) again… after beating up surt, mada, and mot.
as always, surt’s a joke if you null or drain fire. mot can’t beast eye spam in hd like he could back in the day so he got nerfed hard. mada was the only real problem because intoxicate sucks.
i was’t genuinely scared of metatron. worried it would take longer than it did, but he’s kinda weak by nocturne boss standards when you think about it.
i never found him as hard as beelzebub mainly because you start off at a massive disadvantage before fighting the fruit fly from hell, meanwhile you’re given all the tools necessary for mr roboto save for pierce which you don’t need. also because metatron wastes his turns with mahamon if you void or reflect light. death flies at least still damages and beel uses a variety of other elemental moves. the only thing that could make metatron harder for some is how he cracks down on buff/debuff cancelling hard and he has debilitate.
now, what’s the problem with my sorry band of losers featuring raidou kuzunoha the 14th and best girl pixie? simple answer is we don’t have enough ice power.
qing long had to be dropped sadly since he unfortunately can’t match up to a lot of the endgame demons without major assistance. on my first run, mabufula was doing nothing, and because i can’t fuse, there wasn’t any way to power him up without extensive grinding, be it for incenses or levels. i don’t think this would change much as yeah as i ended up learning aside from weak healing moves on high magic stat demons, no amount of buffs can make up for low/medium damage elemental attacks especially not multi target skills due to how they function. he did good though. a real unsung hero. carried my team in interesting ways. i can’t fully change his moveset into something much greater without fusion, not even if i redo mizuchi, but god he was an actual trooper and will always be remembered (i’ll probably resummon him for the heck of it though).
the original team was gonna be black frost, albion, and titania, but i hit another roadblock due to the whole no fusion thing meaning no moveset changing and a good chunk of black frost’s moves can’t be mutated. garuda could work but only through chaining. maybe lilith too, but that would require a lot of grinding i don’t want to do. i tried at least abusing megido and megidiola stones but they did nothing.
and then comes the idea of using tekisatsu.
while a physical move, it does almighty damage. the cons come from the low crit rate (at least in my experience i never get crits with it ;-;) and it isn’t super powerful outside of taking care of random encounters. raidou does get a special piercing ability, but i didn’t feel like abusing it with yoshitsune. i abuse the poor guy enough. also wasn’t super close (the exp from metatron was just enough to get him to learn the pierce skill). the original idea was buff with monke, debuff with war cry and provoke (+dekaja stone of course), have titania both heal and do bonus damage with glacial blast, and have demifiend play emergency support. had to switch monke out halfway through since the debuffing combos weren’t keeping up with how many times metatron spammed dekunda, so i swapped albion in (they null phys so if metatron did decide to use his normal attack it could potentially be wasted). it wasn’t as big a stall race as beel’s fight was thankfully, and i think that’s partly due to the ai giving up and prioritizing fire of sanai and the “forever useless until 4a onwards” mahamon over trying to remove the debuffs.
the other big mistake? i was wrong about the fat fuck elephant. you do need metatron, and yes the only way to get him without metatron is by clipping through the door, but in order to perform the glitch, it needs to be set up using a pc only exploit.
i’m playing on console.
raidou gets to be the op secondary attacker now. good. don’t separate the ankle biter from his boyfriend.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
is sarumi toxic?? genuine question, i dont know if its just the way certain fanmanga that ive read portrays their relationship. i love the ship with my whole heart, dont get me wrong. ive read lost small world, finished rok and season 1 (halfway through season 2). consuming all kinds of k stuff, i personally dont see it toxic as certain people do (knowing that theyve already reconciled). im super confused on who to believe so here i am asking you
I will say to start that I’m not exactly a neutral third party here, even with me being a filthy multishipper Sarumi is still my ‘main’ ship. That said, I personally don’t consider them to be toxic as a ship. There are definitely elements of their relationship as presented that are not good and could certainly lead to toxicity, but that’s also pretty understandable considering Fushimi as a character is not a healthy person and isn’t equipped to deal with relationships in a healthy way. If we look at, say, only season one Sarumi is a vacuum there’s certainly room to call it toxic, with the way Fushimi interacts with Yata by drawing out all his negative feelings and deliberately goading him into physical violence, but thankfully there’s a lot more to their relationship than episode five of season one.
When you consider the side materials the series is pretty clear that Fushimi’s actions stem from him being an abused and neglected child who clung to the one person who ever showed him affection and who has no idea how to handle things that other people would consider easy. When they join Homra and Fushimi doesn’t feel like he fits in he starts to assume a lot of things, that Yata’s leaving him behind, that he’s going to be rejected, because up until he met Yata Fushimi’s entire life has been him being rejected by the world around him and rejecting the world in turn because it’s his only method of coping. When he burns his Homra tattoo in front of Yata it’s a move intended to hurt them both, because the only way Fushimi knows of to break something that he loves is to do it spectacularly — Fushimi himself can’t break what he cares about so he takes on the persona of the person who could, of the guy who can flawlessly destroy what Fushimi Saruhiko loves every time. Fushimi is so afraid of losing his precious friendship with Yata that he feels like he has to be the one to break it first in order to save himself the pain of losing it. This is a toxic mindset but also a totally understandable one in the context of Fushimi’s character. 
Obviously Fushimi’s way of dealing with his emotions is not healthy but he’s not a healthy person, that’s well established. Are a lot of Fushimi’s problems of his own making? Very much so. Does he really owe Yata an apology for being a dick all this time? Also yes. But Fushimi’s actions are also very understandable due to his upbringing, and Yata himself says that Fushimi is trying to be better — “You have a sense of guilt.” Fushimi’s relationship with Niki is a toxic one because Niki is abusing him and literally doesn’t care about the trauma he’s inflicting on his kid. Fushimi on the other hand is well aware of what he’s inflicting and tries very hard not to care, while still not being able to let go of Yata and still occasionally letting his mask slip (how he has difficulty dealing with a grieving Yata post-S1 for example, and how he still helps Yata in Missing Kings) and ultimately, Fushimi knows what he did was wrong and he and Yata start to reconcile. They aren’t a perfect pure and unproblematic uwu ship but I don’t consider them to be toxic just because Fushimi dared to be mentally ill, the Sarumi I ship isn’t the one where they hate each other and where Fushimi’s still constantly cruel to Yata, it’s the one where they make up and recognize their mistakes and Fushimi starts on a healing path that includes recognizing what he did to Yata and in his own fumbling way trying not to do it again even though it’s difficult for him. (And also frankly if someone does like the toxic version of them go for it, you do you. I really hate how people tend to throw around the word ‘toxic’ as some kind of forbidden brand, like if a ship is not perfect and healthy and wondrous it shouldn’t be shipped. Ship your fictional characters any way you want, as long as you tag things properly! Be free of the need to be judged!)
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sugarsweetvirgo · 4 months
Hello. So I have a question. Seto is obviously overprotective of eve. Would he ever go to certain lenghts to protect her if he deems it nessacry even if eve doesn't like it?
Absolutely, and he does often, mostly without Eve knowing.
Long lore dump under the post, trigger warning for obsessive and overprotective behavior.
Kaiba is protective of Eve the same way a dragon is protective of its jewels, keeping a constant surveillance on her and getting downright terrifying if anything happens to her.
If the two of them are out together, Kaiba constantly has his eye on Eve, staying very close to her if she's not either on his shoulder or in his palm. If anyone else is holding her or talking to her, Kaiba is always a few feet away, ready to intervene if things go astray.
If Kaiba isn't with her, she always has some sort of protection around her. At home she has his servants and maids keeping a constant eye on her and helping her around the place in his stead, and if she's in public she has 2-3 bodyguards with her at all times, along with secretly hiring his private security force to follow her and take down any potential threats. If any one of his hires makes a single mistake around her, leading to even the smallest of scrapes, they're swiftly and immediately replaced with a new hire, despite Eve's very vocal protests.
Along with already having a mound of security constantly around her, Kaiba tends to tap into the cameras that litter Domino city when he's not with her, just to make sure she's safe (And possibly to just be able to see his tiny thing when he's not around.)
And to add the final layer of icing to the cake, the black choker that Eve wears every single day, the piece of jewelry that she loves and cherishes so much because her special somebody made it just for her, has a tracker in it that she doesn't know about. No one, not even Mokuba, knows this tracker exists but him. Kaiba almost never has to use it because of all of his other security measures he set up, but it's always there as a just in case measure.
Kaiba also tends to get very vindictive of anyone that dares hurt Eve, even emotionally. For example, when Eve shrunk and most of her friends ended up leaving her because of her new height and connection to Kaiba, giving Eve the extreme abandonment issues she still deals with, Kaiba may or may not have "convinced" every major college in Japan to reject their applications and scholarships to their schools, essentially destroying their academic careers. Or when one of his best guards accidentally squeezed Eve a little too tightly when trying to hold her, the guard was not only fired in the spot but barred from working in any Kaibacorp owned business again. And considering Kaiba owns most of the businesses in Domino...
Yes, obviously this gets exhausting for Eve. Sometimes she feels trapped and overwhelmed by how much Kaiba puts into keeping her safe, and tends to get really upset when another guard or servant that worked with her got fired over something she herself thinks is a minor mistake, or had forgiven. Eve has a tendency to get really attached to the people that work as her security, because she has such a hard time connecting to people because of her size and status as the Eighth Wonder, so she always gets really upset when Kaiba absentmindedly replaces them with someone new over a simple mistake .
Eve recognizes Kaiba's obsession with keeping her safe as unhealthy, and tries to calm down his concerns with her training on self defense and carrying around her own sort of protection. Though she also understands that this amount of protection comes from a place of genuine concern, both because of her connection to the Kaiba brothers and because of her height, she still longs for the days where she could simply walk outside and smell the fresh air without having a guard stand 4 feet behind her.
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fanfic-inator795 · 2 years
The Future is Saved... So what does it hold for the Hamato-Jitsu fam now?
Here are my thoughts/headcanons:
Raph - The Greatest Hero New York’s Ever Known! Yes, Raph is still very much the Red Angel of Preventing Harm (though he may or may not change up his superhero outfit). Although there are no more huge threats to face for the most part, Raph is the only one of the fam who does the hero thing full-time, keeping the streets of NYC safe and helping out the little guy.
Outside of heroics, however, when he’s not on patrol, training or spending time with his fam, Raph is down in the Hidden City, helping out at (or possibly even being the head of) an orphanage, since I feel like Raph would want a job working with kids, helping them build confidence and feel safe ^v^
Leo - The World’s Greatest Ninja! While he - like most of his fam - only a part-time hero, Leo still puts his ninjutsu and strategic skills to good use whenever an old villain or a new threat rears its head. While Raph may have the reputation amongst NYC’s criminals of being hard-hitting and ever-determined, Leo has the reputation of being the one you never see coming. I could also see him being a Battle Nexus Champ if the Nexus ever became less deadly and more sport-like.
Leo also uses his status as a ninja master to be a true sensei and teach young students martial arts at his own dojo, having discovered a love for teaching and even training after gaining more confidence (GENUINE confidence, not cockiness or ego) in himself and his abilities/skills. Like Raph, he really just wants to help other kids so they don’t have to go through the same mistakes and harsh lessons he did as a kid.
Donnie - World Renowned Genius. Donnie’s future is the one that changes the least from the apocalypse version. Whether he’s making Kraang-destroying weapons or gadgets that improve humanity, he’s eventually able to create his Don-Tech company. He, naturally, becomes less of an edge-lord as he grows older (though he does still have a teeny bit of an ego) and just wants to use his tech to genuinely improve life and help people. 
I also wanna bring back his love for botany that got cut from the series - I imagine he spends his weekends either holding himself up in his greenhouse (even he needs a break from tech sometimes) or reading various books at the Mystic Library.
Mikey - The Mystic Warrior/Ambassador and one of the BEST creatives around! With no Kraang to fight, Mikey’s quest for peace takes more of a diplomatic approach where he tries to act as an ambassador for both NYC and the Hidden City in the hopes of reuniting the two realms. Thankfully, his impressively strong mystic abilities and hero status + his kind heart have earned him a TON of respect from the Yokai. 
Mikey also sometimes trains with Draxum, both to continue honing his mystic skills in case of emergencies and to spend time with his creator/Dad #2. When he’s not training, he’s cooking at Run of the Mill (though he still hopes to open his own restaurant eventually when he’s not so busy) or submitting new art pieces to various museums (he’s already sold several pieces). I also imagine him traveling the country/world whenever he’s craving new inspiration.
April - Top Reporter and Newscaster at Channel 6. Of course April accomplishes her journalism dreams! She even ends up getting a couple Pulitzer's eventually, being someone who’s known for being determined and unafraid when it comes to finding the root of a story. She’s also married with a wife (whether it’s Sunita, Cassandra or someone else, you decide) and possibly has a couple kids. Definitely has a cat and/or a dog, at least.
Splinter - Proud Dad till the very end. While he doesn’t die on the battlefield in this future, instead passing away previously in his sleep, I feel like he still dies when the Turtles are relatively young - likely their early 30s, mid-30s if they’re lucky. Prior to that, he encouraged his kids and supported each of their dreams and careers, being there for all their big moments - and STILL being there in a way, watching them from the spirit realm alongside the other Hamato ancestors.
Aaaand those are my thoughts! Let me know what you guys think and if you have any future headcanons for the boys + April and Splints.
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absentlurker · 2 years
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Welcome to my huge dumpster post for all the blackbonnet fics that I always bookmark on Ao3 but never can find afterwards cause I don’t ever tag anything in my life. All these stories I’ve genuinely enjoyed so I hope you enjoy as well.
This is by no means an exclusive list. I’m still working on updating whenever I can. There’s so many good stories out there, bro. Like damn.
Most if not all of these stories are complete because I can’t stand work in progress stories because I am impatient and need an ending now.
❤️ = love
⭐️ = favorite
Reunion fics everyone and their grandma has written because honestly they love us:
If you love someone by Yuu_chi ⭐️
Teen | 13,726 | Complete
Edward's already lost him once. He won't make the same mistake again. Blackbeard takes a prisoner. Or he would, if Stede would only act like one.
#Prisoner!Stede #kinda? #Edgoingalittlemental #justatad
Marooned by a Dead man by Elisahni ⭐️
Teen | 5,689 | Complete
“You came back,” said Ed dryly as dead-by-piano Stede side-stepped him to take a jab at Ed that nearly met. Where had Stede learned to fight like that? Stede didn’t reply; there was no cute callback, not even a smile. Well, that was fine. Ed didn’t like cute anymore anyway, and he certainly did not like Stede crushed-by-a-carriage Bonnet. In which Stede tries very hard not to love a mad man, Lucius gets the last word, and Ed and Izzy try their hands at boatbuilding.
#marooned!Ed #marooned!Izzy #competent!Stede #angst #happyending
tell a sinner from a saint by marquis
Teen | 13,013 | Complete
Stede waits until he can hear the loud stomps of strangers coming down the steps to the lower decks. Then he opens the tiny metal door in the wall and leans forward to press his mouth to the circular opening.
“Who dares,” he coos, drawing out the vowels, “disturb my slumber?”
Someone shouts. Others follow. The noises all carry and echo throughout the ship without an identifiable source and distort until they’re unrecognizable, wordless howls in the walls.
“Get out!” Stede shouts. “Get out while you still can!”
And then Black Pete begins to giggle, so Stede has to replace the cover and halt the operation entirely. “Really, Pete,” he hisses, “please be professional.”
(A post-season one fix it, sort of, where Stede becomes the pirate captain he was always meant to be and Blackbeard isn't fond of having a rival.)
#legitpirate!Stede #Competent!Stede
ten fathoms deep on the road to hell by Vulcanodon ⭐️
Explicit | 18,816 | Complete | series: Red Sky At Morning
The British aren’t too happy about the contract being broken on the Act of Grace and this time Stede Bonnet gets to be the one coming to the rescue.
“Stede,” Ed says and then buries his head in Stede’s neck, his chin bristly against the soft skin. “This is real yeah? I’m not fucking dead or something?”
“No one’s dead,” Stede says firmly, petting his head. “Though that does remind me we are in a certain amount of peril right now.”
“Oh fuck, right,” Ed says, looking up. “So this is a rescue then?”
“Well, yes,” Stede says, trying not to feel offended. “Did you think it was a conjugal visit?”
Ed shrugs.
#prisonbreak #competent!Stede #romance
i won’t be falling on my knees to beg you by Hymn
Explicit | 8,802 | Complete
“You made your choice,” Edward insists. “You don’t get to unmake it, Stede. What’s done is done, don’t you know?”
“Ah. I learned that lesson rather recently, yes,” Stede says, very softly.
The expression on his face isn’t fair, Ed thinks. It hurts to look at, all soft and yearning and difficult to resist. The kind of look that makes him angry because of how it also makes him weak. Ed clears his throat, twitches again. Locks his knees tight and clamps his jaw shut, glaring at Stede. The ship keeps sinking beneath them.
“What I also learned,” Stede murmurs, shifting his weight forward. His empty hand comes up, palm open and reaching. “Is that I can be brave. I can be stubborn. I can fight for the life that I want so very, very badly, Edward Teach.”
Ed’s mouth dries. “Y-yeah? And what’s that?”
Stede smiles crookedly. “You.”
#gettingbacktogether #dancing #fluff #hurt/comfort #crying
i’ll recover if you keep me alight by elegantwings
Teen | 4,053 | Complete
It’s almost comical, that someone’s kidnapped Blackbeard and left him on the floor of a dinghy with only his hands tied. Maybe they mistook his drunkenness for a stupor (as if he’d be so lucky), because he’s fully dressed, gun and knife in place, both the obvious and the hidden ones. And he’s always got his teeth, which is enough if they get close enough.
There’s a month of beard underneath the greasepaint, but maybe the kidnapper really is stupid enough not to realize it’s Blackbeard they’ve got restrained on their little boat. Better to wait, keep them settled in a false sense of security until Blackbeard’s ready to strike. It’s got nothing to do with the way Ed’s head throbs and spins, even with his eyes still squeezed tight.
Stede takes Blackbeard prisoner. Ed's always been at his mercy.
#makingup #crying #kidnapped!Ed #prisoner!Ed #kinda?
a simple question by tediousdelusion
Not Rated | 4,327 | Complete
Stede stands and clears his throat. He reaches to adjust his non-existent ascot. "Gentleman, we are in need of a ship. Now, do any of you know where we may be able to procure one without the aid of any, well, funds, as it were?"
"That's stealing." Black Pete runs his hand over his eyes, as if to will away a dawning migraine. "To get something 'without the aid of funds' is stealing. Or, as some call it, piracy."
"Quite. A good thing, then, that we are pirates."
Or, Stede and the (marooned) crew commune with seagulls, sew a flag, and (re)find true love. In that order.
#fixit #bitofangst
Half agony, half hope by lyricl
Explicit | 34,535 | Complete
The first letter appeared only a few weeks after Stede left him alone on that beach. Ed burnt the first, and the second, and the third. But they kept coming.
Or: how Edward Teach got a pen pal, reunited with an old friend, lost a first mate, gained a new one, learned something about seagulls, asked for some fashion advice, found Stede Bonnet, found himself.
#letters #angst #happyending #edhasapenpal #mysterymailservice
i see your face across the sea by winterkill
Mature | 6,115 | Complete
Ed looks at Stede and through him, straight to that gnarled bit of words he can’t dislodge. No one has ever seen Stede like that. There’s a malice, a wariness, in the downward turn of Ed’s mouth.
“So you’ve got nowhere to go?” Ed crosses his arms, “You want your ship back.”
“I want to be on my ship with…with you.”
Our ship. Co-captains. Friends. More than friends.
#gettingbacktogether #soft #hurt/comfort
Together again by Ava1on ❤️
Explicit | 16,087 | Complete
Stede returns to the Revenge. Blackbeard's afraid to get hurt again and reacts before he thinks.
#shot!Stede #loveconfessions #fixit #kinda? #getbacktogether
How do you heal a broken heart? by Torathecat
Mature | 17,938 | Complete
Stede expected so many things when he finally managed to return to the Revenge, but that wasn’t one of them.
Maybe this is his penance?
#kindamean!Ed #he’sjustemotinallyhurting #emotionallyhurtingstede #fluff #angst #makingup #gettingtogether
The Flag Means More by cortexikid
Teen | 5,775 | Complete
Stede watched as the stranger leaned up and kissed Ed on the lips, his heart aching.
“Farewell, Stede Bonnet.”
He blinked, hand trembling at his side.
“Stede Bonnet is dead. I don’t go by that name anymore.”
He could feel Ed's eyes on him, the silent question lingering between them.
“It’s Stede Teach now. You said once that I should make up new names, cool ones, so I thought about combining ours like Blackbonnet or Blackstede or Gentlebeard…but I settled on the one that had the nicest ring to it. Yours.”
#gettingbacktogether #jealousy
can i try again? by roughday
Teen | 3,821 | Complete
Stede knows he may never get Ed’s forgiveness, and if he does it won’t be nearly as easy at it was for him to forgive Ed. But he is thankful for Ed, for his love for Ed, all the same. And he’s okay with that.
#gettingbacktogether #pining
Take the Long Way Home by stereobone
Explicit | 4,535 | Complete
When Stede finally finds Ed, the man is about to attack a Spanish naval ship, so things are worse than he anticipated.
#edgoingoffthedeepend #crying
Here With You by kipli
Explicit | 18,792 | Complete | series: Here
Ed narrowed his gaze. He grabbed Frenchie by the front of his shirt to wrench him aside but before he finished the action there was the most haunting, horrific, insane, incredible sound.
“Ed! Edward! I have come to beg you to allow me to speak with you.”
His whole body did remarkable, distressing things in all directions all at once at the sound of Stede's voice. He roughly shoved Frenchie out of the way and stared dumbfounded at Stede in a boat along with those they'd marooned. He stood at the bow, arms outstretched in his overly dramatic plea.
#fixit #fuckery #inexperienced!Stede #angst #fluff
I’m Glad I Spent It With You by soft_october
Teen | 3,979 | Complete
Two days later, an extremely overcrowded rowboat and its sunburned crew and captain arrive alongside The Revenge.
#firsttime #fixit #loveconfessions
on salty, waves, of faraway seas by Skyuni123
Mature | 12,180 | Complete
stede and edward find their way back to each other, a few mutinies and conversations at a time.
#fixit #firsttime #healing
absolute lithops effect by thinkimkrakenup
Explicit | 10,297 | Complete
Ed mechanically reaches for something he’s kept on purpose: a little potted fern, the one that saved Stede’s life once, the one that supposedly made him a pirate. Ed’s been keeping it watered and relatively happy in the window, because of course Stede fucking Bonnet put a window in a closet. Of course he did. Light everywhere.
He grips it by its little handle and putters back into the main room, sitting at the desk, placing the plant carefully in the center of it.
“Too bad he couldn’t take you with him,” Ed mumbles to the plant, who, shockingly, doesn’t reply. “Maybe you could have saved him a second time.”
In which Lucius reveals that he's alive, and convinces Ed that Stede must be, too. Another reunion fic, but this time, there's only tears of relief.
#crying #cute #thankgodforLucius
it will be worth by InkandOwl ❤️
Mature | 1,879 | Complete
Oh.” Ed looks out to the sprawl of land, their friends milling about like the most lackadaisical group of livestock he’s ever seen, but mostly at Stede. Leaned intently in towards Jim while they tell him about their latest adventures into the tropics. “Sometimes I’m afraid I’ve caged a bird.”
“Hmm.” Lucius looks out towards Stede and claps his hands atop his knees, “You think Stede would prefer whatever the fuck it was we were all doing before over this?”
Lucius shakes his head aggressively, “That wasn’t piracy, no, no. That was a shit show.”
Ed, Stede, and realizing that happiness is the adventure
#retirement #domesticbliss #cute
The World That Borders the Sea by thereluctantrose
Teen | 7,725 | Complete
I’m not made for cold,” he grumbled.
“But you are made for me,” Stede grinned, leaning into Ed’s shoulder, “And I reckon I’m more than enough to keep you snug in the depths of December.”
What can a man say to that, exactly? When the sun tells you it can provide, who are you to doubt its capacity for warmth?
#retirement #aging #domesticbliss #gdretirementficsaremyjam
Thus Have I Had Thee, as a Dream Doth Flatter by DaraOakwise
Mature | 31,313 | Complete
Settled into quiet retirement, Stede remembers how he got here, and struggles to find a way to tell Ed that he’s going to leave. Again.
#thisonemademecry #captainEdwards!Stede #Competent!Stede #bittersweetending
Alternate Universe :
Doing Hard Time by Rhapsody_Bohemia ⭐️
Mature | 35,869 | Complete
Stede Bonnet’s life took an unexpected turn when he was arrested on two counts of first-degree murder.
But the surprises didn't end there. His cellmate was the notoriously violent bank robber, Blackbeard.
It would take all of their combined cunning, and quite a bit of luck, to formulate and execute an escape plan.
But first, Stede thought, something really needed to be done about the quality of the prison uniforms. (The Shawshank Redeption AU that no one asked for.)
#prison #prisonbreak #cellmates #thisoneissoamazing
The Bikers of Barbados by Kyriea
Teen | 26,160 | Complete
In the modern island of Barbados, Stede Bonnet finds himself "Captain" of the Bikers of Barbados Bicycle group. What he doesn't realize though, is that "Bikers" aren't just limited to bicycle riders, and his quiet rides are disturbed by the roar of a Harley Engine. OR: Stede Bonnet and Ed Teach are members of Biker clubs, with very different meanings.
#bikergangs #fluff #thisoneiscute #miscommunication #oblivious!Stede #angst #happyending
this tired world could change by gangnamstiles
Explicit | 94,526 | Complete
One summer day, two unlikely paths cross in the alley behind Bonnet Group’s towering skyscraper: Stede is at the end of his rope, and Ed’s just taking a smoke break. Of course, after they’ve become inseparable, Ed’s past catches up to him as Stede tries to find a way out of his own obligations, and the solace they’ve found in each other is threatened.
#drama #angst #happyending #smoking #PTSD #kidnapping #attemptedmurder #fluff #recovery #badmintons😡
Pride and Joy by Sarah_hadeschild
Explicit | 20,292 | Complete
In his second year of graduate school, Stede Bonnet decides he's done hiding his identity. He's ready to go to Pride, and to feel the support of a wider community. He'd expected to find a lot of conflicting emotions at the bar that night, but nothing could have prepared him for the wide-eyed fisherman with gentle hands.
#pride #firstkiss #firstmeetings
Checking Out by shieldmadenofmithrilhall
General | 5, 387 | Complete
“There’s no card catalog. I looked. Can’t be a proper library without a card catalog.”
Lucius sighed and looked over at Stede. “Boss, I’ve found you a friend.”
“I guess that’s my cue,” he said, holding out his hand. “Stede Bonnet. Librarian.”
Or: Stede and Ed meet in a library and agree that every library needs a card catalog.
#librarian!Stede #biker!Ed
keep on loving you by karl_jenkins
Mature | 49,478 | Complete
Stede Bonnet is 43 years old, divorced and living on his own for the first time. One night he ends up in Blackbeard’s Bar, seemingly unaware of the reputation of the place and its owner. For Edward Teach, it’s love at first sight.
#Bartender!Ed #pining #divorced!Stede #loveatfirstsight #fluff #lilbitofangst #babygay!Stede
Tattoo shop/Flower shop AU:
Carnations and Lighthouses by BerityBaker
Explicit | 26,031 | Complete
Ed is fascinated by the new tattoo place next door to his flower shop, especially the artist who hasn't got a single tattoo of his own.
#tattooartist!Stede #florist!Ed #firstdate #dancing #fluff
like a flower in bloom, how the ink flows over your skin by ChangetheCircumstances
Mature | 37,574 | Complete
Stede finds that being a convicted felon makes job searching near impossible when the owner of a flower shop takes pity on him and gives him a job. It starts as just Stede fulfilling the requirements of his parole. He certainly didn't agree to the offer with the thought the business and the people around it would change his life.
#fluff #angst #hurt/comfort #ConvictedFelon!Stede #FormerGangLeader!Ed
Stede met Ed at the docks/Ed and Stede both go to visit Mary:
Let’s Run, Run Away by Bedalk05
Teen | 6,789 | Complete | Series: No Strings on Me
After the confrontation in the woods Stede runs, leaving a broken-hearted Ed in his wake. But what if things went differently? What if Stede went to the docks? What if he told Ed everything? What would happen then?
#fixit #happyending #verycute #fluff
Fine Things by Caedmon
Explicit | 41,092 | Complete
Look at that,” Stede said softly, and Ed did. He looked down at the scrap of silk he’d carried in his pocket for the last twenty-some years, and how it was now folded neatly into a pocket square, probably the way it was always meant to be.
“You wear fine things well,” Stede said, looking at Ed as if supremely pleased with himself, and he was beautiful, so fucking beautiful in the moonlight.
He let out a little huff of a laugh, all he felt capable of, while his mind battered him like waves on the side of the ship. Nothing in his life, not one fucking thing, had ever prepared him for this moment. Nothing had ever been soft. He’d been chasing treasure for his entire existence, and he really, honestly thought that, fuck it all, he might have found it. The softness, the fine thing he’d been hunting his whole life, might be standing in front of him right now.
And Ed had always been a greedy bastard. He wanted more of it, all of it.
So without allowing himself a moment to think, he leaned forward and caught Stede Bonnet’s mouth in a kiss.
An AU in which Ed actually lands that kiss, and the story of what happens after.
#gettingtogether #firstkiss #firsttime #loveconfessions #bothgotomarys #happyending #canondivergence
The Only Way Out is Through by scarletjedi
Explicit | 24,882 | Complete
Ed hears the gunshot. It changes things.
#firsttime #lilbitofangst #happyending #fixit
He Painted the Stars in the Sky by Parrlen
Explicit | 24,382 | Complete
In which Stede goes to Ed on the dock, but doesn't immediately tell him what happened, and Ed starts freaking the fuck out about it.
Two middle-aged gay pirates have to figure out how to actually communicate with one another and reckon with their pasts at the same time.
#fluff #smut #angst #happyending #lackofcommunication #hurt/comfort #firsttime #Edmeetsthekids
In the Doldrums Waiting for Me by LaceFedora
Explicit | 29,544 | Complete
“Mary, I have to get to Mary."
He says and Ed feels an unpleasant jolt… Mary. There's that name again. After what he'd heard in the bunk today Ed had finally put together that it was Stede's wife… and really it was silly to be jealous of a woman Stede had literally left…
"Fuck okay… you lived here in Barbados right? She must not be far." Ed says and frowns, looking around. Thankfully it seemed like no one else had been drawn by the noise.
"Have to make it right… have to do something right for once in my life. I have to, I have to." Stede keeps babbling… he's in shock, Ed slowly realizes. He's seen shock do funny things to all sorts of people in his long career. He's seen them throw themselves off ships, walk right into a bullet or a blade. He wouldn’t let that happen to Stede.
#miscommunication #touchstarved!Ed #touchstarved!Stede #angst #happyending
Stranded on deserted island:
Wayfaring by Justkeeptrekkin
Explicit | 34,702 | Complete
The downside to being stuck on a desert island is that Stede's not awfully good at adapting. The upside is that he and Ed can finally have some peace and quiet– that is, if Ed ever wakes up from the gunshot wound in his stomach. Stranded in the middle of who-knows-where, Stede learns the art of reflection and how to embrace the man who looks back.
#firstkiss #firsttime #fluff #stranded #treehouses #pining #hurt!Ed #manoverboard
Time Loop:
and the seas are frozen in time by flashlightinacave
Mature | 12,340 | Complete
“I killed you,” Ed grits out. “I fuckin’ killed you and you’re fuckin’ dead!” His breathing comes out in short, ragged gasps, and Stede longs so badly to take him into his arms and hold him and tell him it’s all going to be alright. The need is animalistic, primal, and it pierces him, more painful than the blow from any sword. “Yesterday I—”
It’s that word—yesterday—that finally makes the pieces click into place, that helps Stede’s brain finally kick into gear.
Ed has officially joined him in his purgatory. Fuck.
or; Stede has lived the day of his failed reunion with Ed over and over again. It’s a purgatory, a punishment for his long list of sins, and he’s stopped trying to find an escape. That is, until Ed starts reliving the day as well.
#lovemeagoodtimeloop #kissing #bothEdandStedeinTimeLoop
weather the storm by one_more_page
Explicit | 10,000 | Complete
Ed runs, Stede follows. Ed stabs Stede, Stede comes back. They duel, they fight, they talk, no matter the encounter Ed wakes the next day with Stede's ship just on the horizon. He’s being haunted by Stede Bonnet.
OR Ed wakes up on the day Stede comes back over and over and over again.
#Edinatimeloop #angst #happyending
stede bonnet’s terrible, no good, very bad, very long day. by Skyuni123
Teen | 5,584 | Complete
Stede Bonnet is shot, on the island, by Chauncey Badminton. Then he wakes up.
it’s what isn’t in the name by tciddaemina ⭐️
Mature | 41,022 | Complete
The first thing they see - apart from Captain Bonnet himself, all silked up and frilly and a sight in his own right - is the cat sitting primly by his ankles. She's a white, well-groomed thing, coat as pale and smooth as snow, with a delicate pink ribbon around her neck and a little golden bell hanging at her throat. And sure, she's a little big, on the large side as house cats go, reaching right up to his knee, and a bit leggy as well but the crew still takes one look at her and feel their estimation of their new captain drop another sharp couple of notches.
This, they think incredulously, is the man that proposes to be our fearsome pirate captain?
"My name is Captain Stede Bonnet," the new captain says proudly, sweeping an arm out in greeting, looking so pleased and chuffed and ever so slightly nervous to meet them. "And this is Miss Daisy Bonnet, though of course you may all call her captain as well."
"Two dubloons on a mutiny by the end of the week." Frenchie murmurs with a sharp bite of mirth. On his shoulder, Beauregard lets out a soft tittering laugh, the songbird's beak clicking.
"Not taking that bet." Pete replies snappishly, still glowering sullenly at the captain.
#hurt/comfort #happyending #childhoodtrauma #bullying #badmintons😡 #honestlyloveEdinthis #
i wish i could (and so does he) by OnyxSphinx
Teen | 8,872 | Complete
“Woah, woah,” says Ed, “calm down, man, you’re gonna burst a stitch.”
“I—sorry, just, have you—have you seen a, a butterfly? Mostly blue? I—” and he’s stuttering, in front of Ed, who he wants to impress even though he doesn’t really know why, how embarrassing, but the terror’s there like a vise around his heart and he doesn’t want to think about how Ed will probably be, at best, disgusted if he finds out, god, Stede hopes that Tel is fine, hopes he’s still mazarine blue—
“Ah,” Ed says, and looks, suddenly, a little sheepish. “This little gal?” He picks up a small bowl from the floor, holding it up to Stede. “One of your crew found her collapsed on your bed when we were bringing you in—picked her up and put her in the bowl so she wouldn’t get crushed. I’ve been watching over the both of you the past few days.”
#angst #happyending #ewStede’sFather
Gentleman with an Ermine by terraces
Teen | 4,023 | Complete
Post-finale. Stede and his dæmon have returned to the Revenge, where the wind has abandoned them and the heat has settled in. He wants more than anything to reach out to Blackbeard, but over the course of several late-night conversations, he finds that Ed’s childhood stories and fears may be more literal than he ever dreamed.
#reunion #angst #happyending #Angry!Ed
Non-Human/A Little Bit More Than Human AU:
Beastly Sea Things by Yuu_chi ⭐️
Mature | 12,093 | Work In Progress. (1/2)
The year of Stede’s thirteenth birthday, his father forbids him the sea.
#merman!Stede #fav #thisficisgood
the one where he really is a kraken (between the legs) by draculard
Explicit | 1,029 | Complete
“How'd you get this, anyway?" asks Stede conversationally. "Cursed by a sea witch?"
"No. I mean, I don't think so."
"Half-octopus, half-human?" Stede guesses, and Ed is about to say no again when Stede casually runs his thumb over the outside of Ed's cock, and a low heat unfurls between Ed's legs, and he can't quite force his mouth to form words. "Or did you catch it from someone at port?" Stede asks, suddenly concerned.
"It's not a disease," Ed grinds out, his teeth gritted. "And it's not a curse, and I'm not half-octopus. It's a tentacle. It just... is."
"Oh?" says Stede. "Well, that's good to know."
#kraken!Ed #kinda? #fluff #smut
Sing Me Awake by Bedalk05
Mature | 28,264 | Complete
While pirates might be more willing to believe in the mythical and fantastical than the average human, Ed still didn’t expect to witness literal proof of magic board his ship and promptly befriend him, let alone learn that the tales his mother used to tell him were all true. At first he thought the gods were playing a joke on him. (Really? The kraken?) But Stede was nothing like what Ed imagined. And he certainly didn’t imagine falling in love.
“Naked,” Ed found it important to point out numbly as the now human-shaped creature worked to stand. His broken brain valiantly attempted to process the fact that the monster straight out of a nightmare had transformed into what could arguably be called a man, complete with soft blond hair sans horns. But he was still far from human. Though he now possessed human-looking skin, dark teal scales still spiraled up and down his body and a stray tentacle waved through the air before retreating into his fucking back what the actual fuck.
#gettingtogether #kraken!Stede #fluff #hurt/comfort #protective!Ed #foundfamily #lilbitofangst #protective!Stede
a love that echoes through the distance by OnyxSphinx
Teen | 16,872 | Complete
Ed finds the pelt in a chest hidden beneath the sink in the bathroom past the auxiliary closet weeks after marooning most of the crew. With nothing else of Stede's left, it becomes the one thing that he can turn to for comfort, the last reminder of the man who left him—though he has no idea just how true the tie between it and Stede is. Or: the one where Stede's a selkie, and in some ways, it changes everything.
#selkie!Stede #angst #happyending #recovery #miscommunication
Just some good stories, fam:
All That Glitters by Vulcandon ⭐️
Explicit | 17,367 | Complete | series: Red Sky At Morning
Featuring cursed treasure chests, storms, meringues, the disastrous results of Ed's attempt to take a turn playing sugar daddy, and a particularly foulmouthed parrot.
“Well I'm not touching it," Frenchie says, crossing his arms. "Bad luck, curses. Right up there with whistling, women, Fridays…”
“I think we understand,” Stede says hurriedly but Frenchie seems to be getting into a roll now, ticking them off on his fingers as he goes.
“Trimming your nails, trimming your nails on a Friday…”
“Very bad that one,” Buttons says, nodding. “Aye. Knew a lad who got his throat slit for that.”
“Redheads, clergyman, killing albatrosses…bananas, obviously…”
“Okay that’s enough!” Ed snaps. “There’s no bloody curse.”
“But if anyone wants to give up their share,” Stede pipes up, “We will of course, understand.”
#curses #hurt/comfort #adventure #establishedrelationship #competent!Stede
Trials of the Marauders by BirdestofBrains
Mature | 54,400 | Complete
Everyone in the world has a magical ability – Some sort of a knack. For a lot of people, that knack involves small talents – Like tying one’s shoe perfectly every time, or having the exact amount of change on hand for any given moment. To be a pirate, though, your knack has to be powerful. Controlling the tides, or summoning a storm to hinder your opponent.
Every year, the fae invites all the pirates of the land to compete in the Trial of the Marauders, a ruthless test of power and wit to find the best of the best.
Blackbeard has won every year for nearly a decade. He's planning on winning again. But after an incident with the English, he finds himself down a ship. Luckily there's guileless Captain Bonnet ready to offer his own ship for the taking. Borrowing. Yes, the borrowing.
It'll be easy to convince the crew to mutiny, and Blackbeard will be sailing under his own colors again, ready to win it all. Right?
#magic #trials #fae #slowburn #magicalpowers #lovestedeandedinthis
An Awfully Big Adventure by trinityofone
Teen | 16,051 | Complete
After Ed's grief takes a mysterious turn, the crew of the Revenge finds itself trapped on a cursed isle. In order to rescue his captain, Izzy—the only one who hasn't fallen victim to the place's spell—is forced to team up with the very last person he would choose: Stede Bonnet.
#ageregression #poorIzzylol #ilovethisone #sogood #happyending #Clever!Stede #weirdisland
The course of true love never did run smooth by nebulas
General | 131,103 | Complete
Blackbeard finds some interesting underlined sentences and notes in Stede's books. Who is the co-captain deeply in love with? Why are the crew holding a secret betting contest that he isn't allowed to know about? Blackbeard hates secrets. Almost as much as Stede's secret paramour.
#fluff #lilbitofanidiot!ed
put me back together by ShowMeAHero
Teen | 4,219 | Complete
Stede can’t help crying out in pain, in the next beat, finally giving in when an instinctive sound comes up. It’s loud, and the crew goes dead silent around him.
Stede doesn’t even notice. He’s just trying to breathe, skin tugging painfully, when a door bangs open at the opposite end of the ship.
“What the fuck was that?” Ed demands from afar, voice heard easily over the crash of the sea around them. “Was that Stede? Where the fuck is he?”
“Oh, no,” Lucius says quietly.
“If you jump overboard, babe, I swear I’ll come back for you,” Black Pete promises him.
or: lucius accidentally gives stede a flesh wound, and ed loses his mind like they're not all pirates.
#domestic #crewasfamily #lilbitofangst #fluff #accidents #hurt/comfort
separating salt from water by morian
Mature | 6,082 | Complete
“Hey." Ed reaches across because it's the only thing that feels right. He grasps Stede's wrist and smoothes the pad of his thumb across his knuckles. Stede stops fiddling with his ring and looks up at him, wide-eyed. "This isn't Captain shit. This is God shit. Are you God?"
The room is blank with silence.
Gently, Ed repeats, "Are you God, Stede?"
Stede's voice is thin and high when he answers, "I'm not God."
"And is God here, in this room?"
Comically, Stede looks around like he might find God perched on the edge of his desk, or pulling books from his shelves to examine the spines.
"He's not," Stede concedes.
"That's right, mate. Stupid bugger doesn't associate himself with pirates."
Or: The Revenge has been becalmed for six days. Ed has bigger things to worry about, like sharks and being in love.
#sharkhunting #becalming #edgoin’crazycauseofstede #lilbitofoblivious!Stede
Talk It Through by Calminaiel
Explicit | 6,142 | Complete
Lucius thinks it'd be funny for the crew to weigh in on Captain Bonnet's relationship woes. It goes better than expected.
#fluff #firsttime #talkitthroughasacrew #happyending #lilbitofangst
A Treasure Too Valuable to Surrender by actualvarric
Teen | 5,824 | Complete
Stede and Ed meet a dashing thief whose only objective, it seems, is to steal Stede's heart. This troubles Ed, because, well... it's working. Ed has to come up with a plan to steal him back before it's too late! (Or: What if it was Stede and a suitor in 1x08 instead of Calico Jack and Ed?)
#Jealousy #Jealous!Ed #gettingtogether
dreams made real by petrichorca ❤️
Mature | 3,257 | Complete
Stede Bonnet meets a familiar-looking boy picking flowers in a meadow.
#kid!stede #ilovethisone #flowers
Bones Adrift by Skriforces ❤️
Explicit | 15,379 | Work In Progress (2/6)
The Revenge spots a drifting, seemingly abandoned ship. Is it haunted, overrun by demons, or full of vampire-mermaids? Probably none of the above, Ed and Stede think, though some of the crew have different ideas. There does seem to be something wrong about that ship though. It warrants some investigation.
#ghoststory! #horrorstory! #soexcited! #ilovethisone #pining #fluff #adventure #gettingtogether
I Couldn’t Reach You in Time by RiverKaze
Teen | 6,040 | Complete
What if Chauncey wasn't so inebriated as to have shot himself in the head immediately? What if Izzy did get thrown overboard? What if...?
#shot!Stede #hurt/comfort #happyending #angst
damn your love, damn your lies by ObsessedWithFandom
Teen | 7,031 | Complete
What if Badminton pulled the trigger?
#shot!Stede #angst #happyending #gettingtogether
The Rest of it by thebisexualbanshee
Not Rated | 9,271 | Complete
Blackbeard leaned his elbows on the railing at the bow of the Revenge, fiddling with the neck of a whiskey bottle and staring at the encroaching storm. They were sailing straight for it, but it would hit them even if they weren’t; the wind was hard and fast—inescapable. No matter. He’d weathered worse. This storm would be no different. After all, he wasn’t really Edward anymore. Definitely not Ed. He was Blackbeard again. And Blackbeard never loses. But Ed does. Ed did. Stede Bonnet was dead.
#shot!Stede #hurt/comfort #gettingbacktogether #angst
our blood is thicker than storms and saltwater by ShowMeAHero ❤️
Mature | 10,835 | Complete
“No!” Ed screams instinctively. He doesn’t know what’s happened, but he knows he’s heard a gunshot, and he knows Stede’s hands are slipping out of his, and he knows, a second later, that Stede’s let go of the railing to fall into the sea below.
Somebody grabs onto Ed’s shoulder, but he wrenches them off of him without a second thought. He wrestles his boots off, then his weapons, but he doesn’t care to tear off anything else— there isn’t time for it, not now, not when—
“Captain, don’t!” Frenchie shouts behind him.
Ed ignores him. The Revenge doesn’t have a captain if Stede Bonnet’s not on board.
#angst #happyending #fluff #drowning #domestic #hurt/comfort
my smile’s an open wound with you by hanlonbirds
Not Rated | 4,151 | Complete
Stede chuckled to himself despite it all. He wasn't a pirate, he was a little rich boy playing pretend. Well, look where it got him. This was the closest he’d ever been to being an actual pirate, locked in a dim cell awaiting his death. Stede allowed his eyes to fall closed again. Or, Stede was kidnapped and Ed would tear the earth apart to find him.
#protective!Ed #kidnapped!Stede
Bonny Bonnet & Blackbeard by Harley_Quinn09876
Explicit | 47,811 | Complete
Ed runs into an old friend of his, Anne Bonny, who informs him that Ed's old captain, Hornigold, has turned pirate hunter and has captured Stede as well as Anne's own partner Mary Reed.
The two agree to work together to perform a prison break, but once rescues are made, that's when the real hurt and healing begins.
#romance #fixit #angst #hurt/comfort #trauma #impliedtorture #recovery
all that I am led me to you by profdanglais
Teen | 15,708 | Complete
For ten years, Mary Allamby Bonnet has barely given any thought to her "late" husband Stede. She's been far too busy enjoying her life as his wealthy widow. Until the night that Stede appears at her door, badly wounded, in the arms of the most feared pirate in history.
Until that moment Mary had never truly believed the Wanted posters that claimed Stede as a "known associate" of Blackbeard's. Yet here he is, in her home, less the legendary pirate captain than simply Stede's Ed, a man terrified of losing the love of his life. He won't, though. Not if Mary has anything to say about it.
#hurt/comfort #mary!!!! #ed&maryfriendship #shot!stede #lowkeyed&stederetirement
Just smut, my guy
Close Quarters by FortinbrasFTW
Explicit | 4,236 | Complete
“The fuck?” Ed manages, instantly getting his foot stuck in a nearby bucket.
“Sh-shh!” Stede pushes two fingers against his lips to shut him up.
Ed goes still and a bit cross-eyed, staring down at the hand on his mouth. Stede moves it away, with a mouthed “sorry!” focusing intently on the sounds outside the shed instead.
In the alley, hurried steps and shouting voices rush past; they catch fragments of: “Where the fuck did they go then?” or “Keep looking!” and even “The short one looks like a bloody birthday cake, how do you lose that—”
#smut #trappedinacloset #tightspaces #hairpulling #firstkiss #gettingtogether
Rough Winds Do Shake by HeckinaHandbasket
Explicit | 4,148 | Complete
He returned with the book, tapping it on Ed’s leg as he reclaimed his seat in the chair. “I’ve always been rather partial to a sonnet, myself. Though they’ve often left me feeling somewhat melancholy.”
They’d often left him filled with longing, left him feeling empty, and strange, as if he were missing something vital to the human experience. He loved them, still. Pain was the price of beauty, after all.
Stede glanced up at Ed, smiling at the effortlessly lovely picture he made, backlit by a dozen candles. “Although, I wonder, now, if it might be different.”
Ed shifted on the arm of the chair, throwing his own arm over Stede’s shoulders to peer at the book. “Different, how?”
Without thinking, Stede bumped his forehead against Ed’s shoulder, joyful honesty bubbling out of him like seafoam. “Well, with you, of course. Everything is different with you.”
A deep, thoughtful line appeared between Ed’s brows as he examined Stede’s face. “Is it?”
#firsttime #blowjobs #oralsex
and let your hair hang down by Ark
Explicit | 3,112 | Complete
Stede exhales, warm breath stirring Ed's hair. "Again?"
"Stede," says Ed, "I'd sit on your cock all day for a chair and captain the ship like that if the option was available."
#roughsex #analsex #cute
rather exquisite by leaveanote
Explicit | 4,417 | Complete
Stede fucks him exactly once and Ed feels fucking wild with it the next day. So desperate to have him again he can barely think, and as nervous and excited as the moments after the first time they'd kissed. And, given how that wound up going, all the more anxious about losing him.
#analsex #oralsex #bottom!Ed #top!Stede #romance
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oh my goodness, I just found your blog and I'm pretty sure you are an angel because finding someone who writes for K7 feels like a real miracle. if you're still taking requests, what do you think about some travis bell/reader interactions? I feel like he'd be pretty teasing, lots of playful banter, yet occasionally so deadpan and serious it's hard to tell when he's joking. NSFW hc's encouraged too, I'm trying to pick this guy apart and would love to hear your thoughts <3
Yes!! I love writing for K7 (✿◠‿◠) I was super stoked to write for Travis Bell! Hope this is what you're looking for, anon! Enjoy!
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It’s easy to mistake his playful banter as not taking things seriously, or not caring very much, but he genuinely does- just shows it in odd ways. An example being the time he kept up the banter one night you couldn’t get to sleep, you not realizing he’d made you talk yourself to sleep until you heard your alarm. 
On occasion he slips up in his more serious tone, giving way to his care for you being more than what an informant should feel, but he seems too dry cut to be too serious about it. But he still warns you to keep safe, otherwise he has no one to have late night banters with. 
Though it’s always odd, and sometimes irritating, how he seems to refuse to leave you alone- constantly finding something to talk to you about, no matter how mundane the subject is. 
He loves to tease you when he appears, though he only ever seems to tease your attitude- finding entertainment from snarky snapbacks when you’re not expecting him.
When you’re used to him appearing at random, he turns his teasing towards other, more playful things; like how your hair sticks up or lays as flat as a board if he catches you when you’re first getting up.
Discussing various philosophical topics with you seemed to always keep him around longer, him encouraging you to shape your own views on things whether it be against his or not.
Though usually these encounters end on a philosophical note, he seems almost sad when he has to leave- but he never once tells you why, let alone give a hint.
At times he comes back for no real reason, no information to give or deep philosophical discussion to be had- just the two of you aimlessly talking about whatever it was that crossed each other's minds.
However, there were times he was so, so deadpan with you in his times with you that you couldn’t tell if he was being genuine or trying to get a rise out of you.
He sat in front of you in your room, leaned back on the bed on the heels of his hands; he was watching you carefully, as if to look for your response to his words written on your face. Without a single bit of grace or tease he dropped a comment about how sometimes you’re just too slow to react to him, earning a light kick to his shin. 
“I’m bein’ serious now, y/n.” He said quietly, looking at you with his empty eyes, “Let’s be totally honest here, you think I’m a pain in the ass don’t you?” 
His eyes, or lack thereof, never gave away how he really felt; even if you had retorted and said something just as blunt back, which you did- telling him how he was inconsiderate at times as to when he decided to just waltz in and make himself at home. Seeing how the clock was sitting at 2AM, he got the hint that you were aiming to be in bed at this hour, and not talking to him. 
To your surprise his head drooped a bit, his smile not being nearly as wide as usual, “Sometimes I prefer when you’re being brutally honest.” he said, “It makes me see a more real you.”
His tone was still deadpan as he looked up at you, his gaze fixing on your face again, “I can tell when you’re being real with yourself or not.” he states, “I know when you say you hate me when I come around at this hour that you’re not being truthful.” 
Crossing your arms you tried your hardest to appear genuinely agitated with him still lingering around and not leaving considering his lack of information for you, but he just quietly continued to stare at you, as if to try and get you to throw up your arms and confess something. Though you weren’t going to give him that satisfaction that easily, so you stared right back, not moving a muscle as the two of you fell into an awkward and stiff staring contest. 
But something seemed off with his posture, his gaze- it felt like he was hiding something, fighting internally with himself on something. 
The silence was broken by him, his voice seemingly shaking despite the cold, blank tone, “I love ya.” he said, unwavering from the blank tone. 
Now the air felt heavy between you two, your expression contorting to disbelief and confusion while he stayed unchanging. Though the more confused you looked the more entertainment he got, seeing as his smile started to grow and he started to sit more upright. He reached up and grasped your wrist, unfurling your arms as he yanked you closer to him; he again searched your face for a response to his statement. When you weren’t giving him one, he squeezed your wrist tighter and grinned more, “Cat got your tongue for once?”
Your face scrunched up into an expression of annoyance, warning him to not be fooling around with statements like that, “I said I’m bein’ serious.” he told you, his fingertips digging into your skin. For once it did seem like he was serious, his grip, his voice, “Say ya love me back.” 
His habit of never leaving you alone also includes interrupting you during any private time you have, saying you can just go ahead and finish, that he’d wait- while not even leaving your vision. In his more serious and deadpan tone it can be hard if he’s being serious or not when he makes remarks about how you perform for yourself, saying he could do better than that.
Sometimes he gets so quiet when you’re talking with him, that if you’re not looking right at him you’d think he’d left without warning- but if you’re not looking at him and turn to see if he left you’ll find him quickly adjusting his gaze to your face from somewhere else on you.
Not the kinkiest, but not vanilla either- preferring to mess around with the things you like or want to try.
He’s a complete pervert at times, finding enjoyment in being caught by you at ever so inconvenient times- usually splayed out across your bed with his tank top bunched up in his mouth, hand firm around his cock.
Other times he’ll find enjoyment hearing you entertaining yourself when you think you’re alone, especially in the shower- finding your ability to feel safe while so vulnerable to be thrilling.
Frequently makes comments on how you’re just so comfortable around him when he comes around while you’re still only in a towel, seemingly enjoying when you get snippy.
The one time you got genuinely angry with him and threatened to put a hand around his neck made his gut churn in excitement, offering to let you go ahead and see how hard you could choke him out.
One of his key fantasies is giving you head at the edge of a pool, the feeling of the water on his body, and your legs on either side of his shoulders, and how you’d grip his hair when it felt just right.
Another is the feeling of pride he’d have wearing the scratches you leave down his arms and shoulders from the way he gets you lost in how you feel- mainly so he can brag to you how he made you lose yourself.
“Come on, y/n, can’t dig your nails any deeper?” he teased, rolling his hips to push himself deeper, “Make me feel how mad you are at me.” 
He knew you weren’t even thinking straight, let alone still mad at him for all his teasing- but it felt so good to feel you digging your nails into his arms even if he couldn’t bleed. And even if he could still bleed, he’d wear the red as something to be proud of. 
He wasn’t the most vocal type, keeping mostly quiet save for a few breathy moans that’d escape him when you’d tighten around him. To him it was more enjoyable to hear you, and only you mixed with the sounds of his skin meeting yours; so, if you weren’t being vocal enough in his eyes, he’d make a few of his thrusts a bit more forceful until you were making noise for him again. When your hand reached for his hair, and pulled, he couldn’t hold back the sharp “Fuck”- returning the favor with one more forceful thrust, “You don’t get to be a little shit back to me.”
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caracteresolaires · 1 year
🌹🍂🌾🌲💫 for two ocs of your choice!
tabby i think you sent this to me one month ago and i never answered it. lying down face first emoji.
under the cut!!
🌹 Where in the world does your OC feel most at home? Is there any reason why? If it’s not the place they were born, where were they born? Is there a certain somebody that makes them feel at home where ever they may be? What does home mean to them? This is so sososososo sappy but with Nick!!!! She loves her family but he's It. They could be lost in the desert and she'd be more at home than she has ever been. It's certainly unexpected, and she spends longer than she ought to denying that (see the Four Year Separation) but he is. Completely and wholly. 🍂 Does your OC enjoy hugs? What do they do as a show of affection for: their friends, their family, their significant other(s) or for strangers? Over all what are they like with receiving affection from others? Yes and no? She's always caught off-guard by hugs but they're nice to receive (eventually she gets used to it, esp with her bf being very Physical Touch). She likes to help, and loves to give gifts. If Tiffany is giving you a gift of some kind, that means you are a Very Special Person in her world. As far as receiving affection from others, she's pleasantly surprised? Thank you. I wasn't expecting you to be so nice to me. 🌾 Describe your OC through the eyes of someone absolutely head-over-heels in love with them. HEE HEEEEEE. LOVE. If he has to pin down her best feature — he can't, but if he has to — it's her hair: long, soft, the color of sand and pale wheat. He washes it for her every Sunday. Barring her hair, he'd say her eyes. Green like tea, like leaves, like feathers, low-lidded but bright and lively. If those two are out — easy answers, maybe — her skin. Soft, freckled, three shades tan on her arms and chest,, and she always smells like hotel soap and mint. But if he can't say any of that, her lips, certainly — full, easily kissed, and full of the sweetest words he's ever heard. 🌲 How deeply does your OC feel? Are they typically empathetic or do they have a hard time connecting with others in this way? What are they like when offering support and comfort to someone they care for? She's a deep-feeling, very empathetic woman. Often to her detriment! When offering support she starts with trying to help - often getting a menial task done, very "let's do this together!" attitude. But if it's clear the person needs to talk, she'll let them; if they need space, she gives it; if they need a shoulder, she's fine with that too. 💫What is your favourite fact about this character and why? I like how kind she is, and how hard she tries. She's a genuinely good person, despite her mistakes.
🌹 Where in the world does your OC feel most at home? Is there any reason why? If it’s not the place they were born, where were they born? Is there a certain somebody that makes them feel at home where ever they may be? What does home mean to them? Sosia hasn't really found her home yet. She would have said her brother, but he's dead now and the Warcamps don't feel like home. Being Jasnah's ward was close, but she felt something was missing (though she'd never say that). 🍂 Does your OC enjoy hugs? What do they do as a show of affection for: their friends, their family, their significant other(s) or for strangers? Over all what are they like with receiving affection from others? God, yes she does. She's a real hugger, and wants to hug all her friends! When she really cares for someone, she wants to be around them also, and ask them questions, really get to know them. As far as receiving affection, as long as it's genuine she's happy to receive. Except romantic affections from prospective suitors. No thank you! 🌾 Describe your OC through the eyes of someone absolutely head-over-heels in love with them. He doesn't even know...
He could admit that Brightness Kenalal — he refused to call her Sosia, because he didn't trust her that much — was at least aware of her position, and never used it to stand above him or his men. She seemed... almost uncomfortable with her privelege. Kaladin had never met a lighteyes who was uncomfortable being such. Watching her talk to Rock, though, he could tell she was more at ease here in the barracks yard than she was in the streets beyond it. 🌲 How deeply does your OC feel? Are they typically empathetic or do they have a hard time connecting with others in this way? What are they like when offering support and comfort to someone they care for? She's more removed from her emotions, and usually categorizes them; I don't think she's unempathetic, but she doesn't lead with empathy. When offering support and care, she often goes for the "tell me what's wrong and let's sort through it together" approach. 💫What is your favourite fact about this character and why? I like that she's smart and engaged! It's hard to cram another character into Stormlight but I wanted her to have her own agenda and wants outside the main plot, and I think I've achieved that.
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