#do we see it. do we see the vision. he’s GLORIOUS
sulfies · 3 days
Based on this glorious chain
Leonardo knows that sigh and what causes it better than anyone because he sighed exactly the same way, at the same time as he and Desmond watched Ezio wipe his forehead with his shirt as his stomach deliciously got bared for their eyes.
He was stacking and moving some crates around for him in the studio.
Leonardo whipped his head to the side and almost gave himself a cramp from it, his eyes wide he stared at Desmond more intensely than he would have wanted.
Because as he mentioned,
he knows THAT sigh…
There was no way but maybe just maybe… he also? There was no other reason for that sigh, there was no naked lady painting hanging behind Ezio and did he mention he JUST knows that sigh… His eyes darted to Ezio then back to Desmond. 
He had to be…
but what if he was wrong…
That look too, he looks at Ezio exactly the same way he does. He just had to be… like him.
Leonardo did not know how he would bring it up, does he even bring it up? Again what if he was wrong, then De-
“God damn, Id lick the sweat off of that man…”
Leonardo’s mind went fully silent for the first time.
“...Am I right?” 
 Leo had to stop himself from almost screaming from the shock, his eyes even wider he stared at Desmond who just slowly turned his head to him with a smile Leonardo recognized that was a copy of Ezio’s shit-eating grin when he talked about “the ladies”. 
Well, that clears it… He coughed to clear his throat mostly and blushing he looked to the side. “I-” he chose just to nod. If he tried to speak right now he fears his voice would crack from how his brain is coming to a full stop. He heard Desmond chuckle “Ugh maybe we should just stop the torture and ask him to take his shirt off so we can actually watch…”
That got an actual yelp from him which made Ezio turn at them.
“What are you two girls gossiping about?”
“First, that's sexist. Second, I was just saying that you should take that sh-”
Leonardo’s hand clapped on Desmond's mouth with a loud slap “HE WAS-” Cough “He was just saying that you should take that STUFF off the crate, the one with the blanket draped over!? T-that one… He thinks he spotted something with… his vision… yea that's it”
He could see Desmond roll his eyes from the corner of his eyes. Ezio knew about Leonardo and was okay with it BUT it didn’t mean the man wouldn’t take offence to being looked at like that!
Desmond ripped his hand away, too easily and just chuckled as Ezio looked at them both with a brow raised.
“Sure… yes, I did can you please go over and look it's like behind the 2nd row?please?”
Ezio huffed, “I just stacked those ones into a pile!”
“Pretty please?”
“Only because you added the pretty.”
Desmond hummed in thanks as Ezio went over the stack and squatted “Which one again?” “The one behind that you have to reach over”
“Things I do for you both…”
Leonardo watched as Ezio got on his knees and used the first row of crates for support as he dug into the parchment and god knows what-filled box with his back to them.
…aaand Desmond sighed again, really how did Leonardo never realize how much Desmond stared “that” way before this. But he was indeed staring at a good “view” of Ezio bending over those crates which gave him a false sense of security that Desmond was satisfied.
“What am I looking for here?” 
Desmond didn't hesitate in his response “Oh for nothing I just wanted to stare at your ass a bit, looks great”
Leonardo's hands slammed on the table as he whipped his head, he was up from the chair without realizing it, horrified “E-Ezio so sorry a-”
Ezio’s deep chuckle which quickly turned into a belly laugh stopped Leonardo’s terrified rant. He got off from his position and turned on his knees, getting up.
Ezio took a look at Leonardo's face.
“Oh for fucks sake Desmond you are going to give Leonardo a heart attack”
He smiled at Leonardo as his chuckles died down “The stuff I have to stop him from saying out loud everywhere, Mio Amicò… you would think of me as Saint Maria next to this one”
Leonardo was gaping at them like fish out of water. 
“I only speak the truth we all think about and don't be too humble with yourself I know you’ve got a napkin to wipe your sweat…”
“Yeah but then how else would you girls will stay entertained.”
What was going on… Leonardo could not speak, he felt like his brain was melting…
“I think he is shortcircuiting.”
“What does that mean?” “Don't worry about it”
Desmond whistled and snapped his fingers at his face several times, “Yep, we broke him. Did you not tell him abo- oh shit wait you really didn't tell him that swing both ways?! I thought animus just didn’t show me or something I mean it's not like you didn't also bed men-”
Desmond WAS trying to give him a heart attack after all
 “You WHAT?!” “ah that got him back.”
“Desmond! You-” 
Now it was Ezio trying to zip Desmond's mouth.
“You have slept with men before!?” and there was the voice crack he was afraid of, he shrieked more than he talked.
“Well, I was going to If I ever got serious with…” Ezio averted his eyes with a playful smile that didn't hide his blush “Someone special…”
“Wooow I am not special to you?” Desmond quipped back with a teasing tone.
“I mean BEFORE and then… I didn't have the right time…”
Oh…Oooh he got it he suddenly got it…“You two…really?” the look on Ezio's sheepish smile was telling enough “I was going to tell I swear Leo…”
And he could not stop a chuckle that escaped him “Really!? really, Ezio out of all people becomes a sadomite and the man you pick oh so HAPPENS to be a look-alike of you? A prime subject of the Narcissus complex right here!” He wagged his finger teasingly.
the situation now was just funny, the panic had died down... 
“Ouch, my best friend…”
Leo dreaded what Desmond was going to say.
“... Don't worry Ezio, with how Leo has been looking at us both...There should be a complex for that too right?"
This was a losing battle for Leonardo yet he found himself not caring as sat back down next to Desmond... "Tell me how..." He pointed to Desmond to Ezio "This happend then?"
"Ascolta, è una storia lunga,"
Leonardo pointed at the seat in front of him...
"I have time..."
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wileycap · 6 months
Crackfic Idea:
30-year-old Zuko gets randomly flung back in time to his 16-year-old self. For a couple of hours at a time. At the most random times imaginable. Imagine the potential.
Zuko assumes that it's a dream or a vision, but definitely not real. He tries not to freak everybody out too badly, but he's also fully enjoying himself and seeing all of his friends as their young selves.
ZUKO, as he and Aang circle each other at the South Pole: I've spent years preparing for this encounter. Training, meditating. You're just a [Spirit Shwoop Sound] ... baby Aang!
AANG, confused: Well, more like preteen Aang. How do you know my name?
ZUKO, looking around: Wait, where are we?
AANG: Um... this is the-
SOKKA: Don't answer him! He's trying to get information out of you. You can't give away our location!
KATARA: Sokka, he's standing in the middle of our village. I think he knows.
ZUKO: We're here? This is so weird. I was just here for the Annual Penguin Race.
ZUKO: Well, yeah, it was your idea... you gave a whole speech about cross-cultural cooperation and friendship, but I know you just wanted to go penguin sledding with a bunch of people...
AANG: Well, I-
SOKKA: Stop giving him more information! He already knows about the penguins!
Everybody else is confused, bewildered and even befuddled except for Iroh, who assumes that it's Spirit Shenanigans™️ and just fully accepts that his nephew likes tea and hugs and Pai Sho sometimes while being his usual shouty surly traumaball self at others.
ZUKO, stepping into the cabin: Hi, Uncle. I brought you some ginseng. How about a game of Pai Sho?
IROH, tearing up a little: I would love that, my nephew.
ZUKO: I wish we could do this more often, but you live so far away...
IROH, mentally calculating that he lives exactly three doors away from Zuko, and nodding sagely: The rat-viper may never climb the mountain that a hog-monkey can, but the monkey does not know what lies underneath it.
ZUKO, sighing sadly: I know, Uncle. I do appreciate my position in life, even if it has disadvantages.
IROH: Hmm. Your move, nephew.
The crew of Zuko's ship is terrified by the fact that whenever it happens, Zuko is somehow even more hyper-competent, seems to be weirdly calm about everything, and most unnervingly of all, he's polite.
SOLDIER: Here is a report on the best teahouses within three days travel of our current location, Sir. And, uh, Commander Zhao sent a messenger hawk.
ZUKO: Excellent. Thank you very much, Sergeant. I think we can ignore whatever Zhao has to say. In reply, I want you to send him a list of the most famous officers in Fire Nation history, and point out that none of them had sideburns. I want to see if he shaves them.
SOLDIER, sweating nervously: O-of course, Sir.
As a matter of fact, the whole fic could just be Zuko trolling Zhao. It would be glorious.
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contact-guy · 5 months
I was seized with a fervor and could not rest until I illustrated one of my favorite scenes from Sherlock Holmes: the Adventure of the Devil's Foot. While Holmes and Watson take a holiday in the Cornish countryside for Holmes's health, multiple people in the nearby village are found driven mad or dead from horror. Holmes deduces a substance that was burned in their presence is to blame. With a bit of the mysterious powder and a gas lamp in hand, he proposes an experiment to Watson...
content warning for drug use!
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I'm not sure if it's supported by the canon but in my mind this is the first time Holmes ever apologies to Watson and he is so overcome with emotion that he immediately makes it weird
Text under the cut:
"It is not for me, my dear Watson, to stand in the way of the official police force. I leave them all the evidence which I found. The poison still remained upon the talc had they the wit to find it. Now, Watson, we will light our lamp; we will, however, take the precaution to open our window to avoid the premature decease of two deserving members of society, and you will seat yourself near that open window in an armchair unless, like a sensible man, you determine to have nothing to do with the affair. Oh, you will see it out, will you? I thought I knew my Watson. This chair I will place opposite yours, so that we may be the same distance from the poison and face to face. The door we will leave ajar. Each is now in a position to watch the other and to bring the experiment to an end should the symptoms seem alarming. Is that all clear? Well, then, I take our powder--or what remains of it--from the envelope, and I lay it above the burning lamp. So! Now, Watson, let us sit down and await developments."
They were not long in coming. I had hardly settled in my chair before I was conscious of a thick, musky odour, subtle and nauseous. At the very first whiff of it my brain and my imagination were beyond all control. A thick, black cloud swirled before my eyes, and my mind told me that in this cloud, unseen as yet, but about to spring out upon my appalled senses, lurked all that was vaguely horrible, all that was monstrous and inconceivably wicked in the universe. Vague shapes swirled and swam amid the dark cloud-bank, each a menace and a warning of something coming, the advent of some unspeakable dweller upon the threshold, whose very shadow would blast my soul. A freezing horror took possession of me. I felt that my hair was rising, that my eyes were protruding, that my mouth was opened, and my tongue like leather. The turmoil within my brain was such that something must surely snap. I tried to scream and was vaguely aware of some hoarse croak which was my own voice, but distant and detached from myself. At the same moment, in some effort of escape, I broke through that cloud of despair and had a glimpse of Holmes's face, white, rigid, and drawn with horror--the very look which I had seen upon the features of the dead. It was that vision which gave me an instant of sanity and of strength. I dashed from my chair, threw my arms round Holmes, and together we lurched through the door, and an instant afterwards had thrown ourselves down upon the grass plot and were lying side by side, conscious only of the glorious sunshine which was bursting its way through the hellish cloud of terror which had girt us in. Slowly it rose from our souls like the mists from a landscape until peace and reason had returned, and we were sitting upon the grass, wiping our clammy foreheads, and looking with apprehension at each other to mark the last traces of that terrific experience which we had undergone.
"Upon my word, Watson!" said Holmes at last with an unsteady voice, "I owe you both my thanks and an apology. It was an unjustifiable experiment even for one's self, and doubly so for a friend. I am really very sorry."
"You know," I answered with some emotion, for I have never seen so much of Holmes's heart before, "that it is my greatest joy and privilege to help you."
He relapsed at once into the half-humorous, half-cynical vein which was his habitual attitude to those about him. "It would be superfluous to drive us mad, my dear Watson," said he. "A candid observer would certainly declare that we were so already before we embarked upon so wild an experiment. I confess that I never imagined that the effect could be so sudden and so severe." He dashed into the cottage, and, reappearing with the burning lamp held at full arm's length, he threw it among a bank of brambles. "We must give the room a little time to clear. I take it, Watson, that you have no longer a shadow of a doubt as to how these tragedies were produced?"
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noxturnalpascal · 2 months
Devotion 🖤 II. Predator or Prey? (Ch 6)
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CultLeader!Joel x OFC!Reader
Series Summary: When is it enough? When is it too much? When does Devotion become Obsession?
Visit the Series Masterlist for series warnings, cult info, timeline info, and HCs on ages. Reader has a nickname and some minor physical descriptions - is an OFC from Reader POV.
*This series is 18+ MDNI. I will not be listing individual chapter warnings as I don't want to spoil the plot of each chapter. Please see the series masterlist for entire series warnings to decide if this is for you.*
⚠️PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE SERIES WARNINGS, ESPECIALLY: possessiveness, manipulation, Joel gets mean, Joel gets verbally and physically abusive.⚠️
II. Predator or Prey?
CH 6 (5.8k)
It’s two weeks into the New Year and you’ve been spending every day plotting and planning how to keep away from Joel. It’s not easy, especially since you don’t even have a bedroom door to keep his wandering eyes from staring at you while you get ready in the mornings, as he stands in the hallway in overbearing silence. Your task was made even tougher when Tess said he wouldn’t allow you to leave the house anymore for your daily chores. 
You’re stuck inside this dusty old prison all day, awaiting his return. The day might go as usual and he’ll threaten to force feed you at meal time. Maybe it will be another glorious day of him digging bruises into your arms or throwing you against walls. What if he really changed things up and grunted all sorts of fucked up things in your ear while you brushed your teeth? Oh wait, he already does that.
As snarky as you try to be about it – lamenting your life as you drape yourself over the couch, passing the hours in silence and slowly going mad – the whole situation really stresses you out. You weigh your feelings of safety and security in this community with the vicious and unpredictable behavior you’ve been enduring in this house. Is it still worth it to stay here? Are you better off in The Valley or would you be better off out there, alone in the wilderness? You’re on edge all the time, never sure what’s going to set him off. You spend so much time thinking about him, every moment you’re awake really, just so you can try to avoid him as much as possible. 
He used to be on your mind all the time, thinking about his body on yours, the warmth of his skin under your hands. You’d fantasize about a future with him and what that might be like, letting him protect you and take care of you. Now you think about if you’re always going to be this hurt by his duplicity, feel this raw about his deception. Deep down, in a place you don’t like to acknowledge, you still wonder if there’s any future for the two of you. You push that thought away to compose a plan for how to stay out of his way when he gets home for the day.
And yet, every night at dinner you sit right next to him, unable to escape, watching out of your peripheral vision as he stares you down with a hateful look in his eyes. There was a time when you thought that the scariest thing he could do was touch you without your permission. But now he touches you every day – with open palms and closed fists, clutching fingers and rough grips. You never even considered these kinds of touches as an option from the man who used to be so gentle and tender with you. That man is gone. 
This day, however, looks like it might turn out alright when Sasha and Tess return shortly before sunset from a scavenging trip they made to a family lodge situated on a rocky outcropping a few hours hike west of The Valley. They pile their haul on the dining room table, emptying out packs and bags they came back with stuffed full, and a stack of books catches your eye.
“Who are these for?”
“Anyone,” Sasha answers while sorting the clothes by size into neatly folded piles. “There were a bunch in a makeshift library up there but most of the collection was damaged by water and mildew. There were only a few we could salvage.”
You stand still, staring at the books, not wanting to pilfer something that Tess and Sasha worked hard to collect for the entire Valley. Tess sees you hesitating and pushes the stack towards you.
“Go ahead, look through ‘em and read any you want,” she shrugs. “When you’re done we can put ‘em back in the community library.”
You lift the first book up, going through the stack slowly, not recognizing any titles. The first two are young adult books, their covers adorned with pennants for their high school team and smiling teens talking on the phone. The third is the 1994 National Electric Code Handbook and the fourth is a non-fiction book on the Native American tribes that once inhabited New England. But the fifth one makes you stop in your tracks. 
The fifth book is your favorite book.
You turn it over in your hands, its dust jacket long since removed. The faded red hardcover is soft with wear, but the simple tree in gold foil on the front is still gleaming. The Secret Garden. Your eyes begin to sting as you recall the places your imagination used to take you to when you read this story, wishing as a child that you had a secret garden of your own to find, hide away in, and restore to glory. You kind of wish you had one now.
“You read that one?” Sasha calls over her growing piles.
“Yeah,” you whisper, your voice breaking, “It’s my favorite book.” You look up and meet her face, tears in your eyes. But she’s not looking at you. She’s looking past you, face solemn. Your smile disappears as you slowly turn around, already knowing what you’re going to see. You don’t look at his face. You don’t meet his eyes. You take trembling breaths as your eyes fall on the center of his chest, less than a foot distance between you. Joel.
Favorite book you’d said. Just like that. Offered it up like the most casual thing in the world. But would you tell him when he asked? Of course not. He gave you so much. He gave you food and shelter. He told you about himself – shit, he even told you about Sarah. But you wouldn’t tell him about a stupid fucking book, wouldn’t give him your fucking name, even after all this time. Wouldn’t give him what he needed. 
You. He needed you. 
You withholding little bitch. 
He grabs the book out of your hands, turning it to read the title on the spine. 
“Look at me,” he demands.
You don’t.
He doesn’t ask again. He lifts the book to your eye line, grabbing a chunk of pages in his right hand and yanking them out of the spine. He holds his hand up and releases the pages, letting them flutter to the ground, single sheets and some clusters still bound together covering your socked feet. The tears collecting at your waterline spill over and you let out a quiet whimper. He shoves the carcass of the book back into your hands and walks out of the room, a satisfied smirk on his face.
Tess follows him, pushing open the closing door of his office behind him. 
“Why’d you do that to her?” she asks, stepping into the darkening room, the short winter day having just seen the sun set.
“Don’t give her any more books,” he snaps, ignoring her question.
“You made her cry–”
“Oh boo-fuckin’-hoo, she’s always cryin’.” Her eyes are adjusting to the dark and she sees him moving across the room.
“No more books,” he shouts, turning to stomp back to where she stands. “She has a fuckin’ book and it’s out there sittin’ on the mantle,” he points at the wall, momentarily acknowledging the book he pretends he hasn’t seen remain untouched since Christmas, everytime he walks through the goddamn room.
Tess holds her hands up in defeat and backs out of the room, leaving him alone to pace and grumble to himself. She decides to make a plan that night, determined to find a way to snap Joel out of it and keep you safe in the meantime.
Alone again, Joel feels himself thickening in his pants and he wants to scream, wants to put his fist through the wall. He wants to shake you and slap you and squeeze you and make you look at him like you did before. You won’t look at him at all. Why won’t you fucking look at him? 
There’s no moon in the night sky so even with multiple windows in this room it remains quite dark. He rounds his desk, bumping his hip into the corner as he throws himself into his chair. He pulls open a bottom desk drawer and withdraws an item he’s kept hidden under a pile of maps: a pair of your underwear. He remembers the night he took them, the week before everything went to shit. Before you looked at him like everyone else. Before you broke yourself open for him. Before his true self was revealed to you. 
Before you hated him.
He shucks his jeans open and reaches into his pants, his dick already hard. He spits into his hand and begins stroking up and down, bringing your underwear to his face and taking deep inhales, setting a fast pace. As he takes whiffs, he opens his mouth, letting the heady scent of you permeate all his senses, rolling his eyes back into his head. He thinks about that night he pulled these down your legs, how you looked on all fours bared open for him and the way you rolled your hips, moaning his name. He thinks about what you tasted like when you came on his face.
He hisses, squeezing hard at the base of his shaft, suddenly aware that he’s about to come much too quickly. He slams the underwear down on the desk, cursing that he lets you affect him like this. He’s barely touched himself these past weeks, getting too angry every time he thinks about you and how badly he wants you, how you won’t give him what he wants. He’s neglected the aching hardness he awakes with each morning and ignored the other women knocking on his bedroom door at night, knowing it isn’t you on the other side. You won’t give him what he needs.
He wraps his hand around his shaft and resumes stroking, slowly this time, staring at the underwear he’d stuck in his back pocket after you begged him to take them off and keened when his mouth touched you. His eyes have adjusted to the dim room and he thinks he can see a stain on the gusset, reaching forward to brush his thumb along the fabric. His calloused finger scrapes across the dried remnants of your arousal and he groans loudly, squeezing his cock firmly again, willing himself not to come yet.
He watches his hand continue slow movements on his length, rolling his fingers along the underside of his head, over the tip, gathering the precum there to swirl and spread on his downward strokes. Why the fuck does he let you do this to him? Why does he let you get in his fucking head? He can’t control himself, he’s losing his goddamn mind. He should go back out there and grab you by the hair, drag you in here, and remind you how lucky you are to be here.
He looks over at the couch he used to sit with you on. He should throw you over that couch, pull your pants down past your ass and fuck you from behind. He’d grab the books he’d read to you off the shelf and smack your ass with them, listen to you cry out and whimper, hear your growing wetness as his cock pounds your perfect, willing pussy. He’d make you grovel for his forgiveness, make you beg him to let you come. He’d make you thank him for your Christmas gift. He’d make you fucking look at him.
That’s what he’d do. 
He’d grab your face and make you look him in his eyes while you came, feeling the spasming walls of your cunt around him. He’d keep fucking into you, listening to you wail through your orgasm, watching your eyes roll back and your face go slack. He’d make you watch his cock disappearing inside you, covered with your creamy arousal as he hits that perfect spot deep inside you. The place he earned. The place you refuse to give him. He grabs the underwear off the desk and wraps them around his length, increasing his pace again. 
The only sounds in the room are his panting breaths and the thumps of his fist hitting his pelvis with force as he pumps himself over and over. His head is thrown back when he feels the familiar tension in his balls and he brings his chin to his chest to watch his release darken the fabric covering his cockhead. He pulls your underwear off him with one hand and continues to jerk himself with the other, pressing himself down, aiming it so the white ropes pumping out of him cover the stolen garment. His breath hitches in his throat with short, desperate gasps as he squeezes the last of his climax into the cloth.
He clenches his hand around the underwear, letting his spend press between his fingers and run down his fist, dripping onto his denim-covered knees. What a fucking waste. Your denial, your refusal, your goddamn obstinance. Look where it gets him – coming into his hand like a pitiful virgin, as if he can’t get a woman of his own to fuck him. How dare you treat him like this, withhold yourself from him, have him resorting to these degrading acts. 
You seem to forget how good you have it in the safety of his dominion, protected under his watchful eye. Maybe you forgot how ugly the world is out there, how cruel people can be. How many people in this world would kill to be in your place? How many women here in The Valley wish they were you, fortunate enough to be the object of his desire? You’re so fucking ungrateful. You need a lesson in how to behave, how to be more appreciative of him. You need to learn some loyalty.
The following Thursday you’re facing the front door, bundling up your coat for the walk to the meeting and waiting for Joel to come out of his office to walk with you since you’re not allowed to leave the house without him. You hear the door open but don’t look back until you hear an unexpected noise in the form of a female voice. Kerri is walking with him through the living room. They were in his office together. 
It’s fine, you don’t care. You’re not jealous. You have no claim over him. He’s not yours. You don’t want him. He does whatever he wants and you can’t control it. So let him have it his way, you don’t care.
You catch him staring at you out of the corner of your eye but you don’t dare turn your head. You won’t give him the satisfaction. Behind you, you think you hear Kerri getting her coat and shoes on as well. Tess is wiping down the dinner table and sees the group of you gathered at the door.
“Kerri, where are you goin’, hon?”
“She’s coming to the meeting with me,” Joel answers for her. He said me, not us. Like you weren’t even there. You let a scowl take over your face. He’s being such an asshole. Tess doesn’t question him, probably for the best. You hear him huff out a laugh.
You look his way and see the smug grin on his face as he opens the front door and motions for you to go out of it. You don’t let it bother you. It’s fine that he’s bringing Kerri to this meeting even though Thursdays are supposed to be your meeting nights. It’s fine that they walk hand-in-hand behind you on the walk to and from the meeting. It’s also fine that he ordered her to sit in your usual seat next to him at the meeting and for you to sit on the other side of the room instead.
He doesn’t try to put his hands on you, he doesn’t chase you up the stairs. It’s fine. It’s what you wanted. You’re glad for it. So then why do you feel like your insides are on fire and you’re fighting the urge to spill them all over the ground? Back at the house Joel and Kerri head towards his office so you go to the kitchen to get some water and get away from them.
Moments later they’re coming into the kitchen and you hate the way your stomach rolls at the sight of them. Out of the corner of your eye you see her reach into the cupboard for a glass and you watch him push her against the counter, pressing himself into her ass. You just know he’s digging his erection into her. He used to do that to you. You used to like it.
A shiver goes through your body and you almost drop your glass, but as you recover you see in your peripheral vision that he’s watching you. Is he doing this to get a reaction from you? Is he waiting for you to cry again? You won’t give him the satisfaction.
“Goodnight, Kerri,” you say as you turn quickly and head out of the kitchen.
He grabs you before you can even make it through the dining room.
“Not gonna say goodnight to me?” He digs his fingers into the tender underside of your upper arm. 
You hiss quietly in pain.
“You should know better than to be so rude,” he spits, bringing his face within inches of your own. “Seems like I need to teach you some fuckin’ manners.” 
He lifts his other hand and swats your ass, laughing when you yelp in surprise.
“Well, I’m gonna go to bed,” Kerri says in the doorway.
She might as well be invisible for how Joel completely ignores her while he swats at you a few more times, mumbling how you’re such an ungrateful little cunt in your ear. You try to wriggle away and push him back but his grip only tightens. You’re reminded of a blood pressure cuff, the pressure and pain with which his hand cinches around you. 
Has he been playing this charade with Kerri all night just to get a rise out of you? Was he always like this? You thought he was a good man; compassionate, hospitable, affectionate,  genuine. Did he only show you enough of himself to lure you, to make you trust him? Was he lying the whole time about his true intentions? Were you really that gullible? God… he’s so fucking manipulative. 
You don’t know what you’re thinking but the throbbing in your arm has your free hand scrabbling to get away and before you can measure the consequences of your actions, your open hand slaps across his face. Joel relaxess his grip on your arm immediately, the shock evident on his face, but before you can wrench yourself completely free of his hold, he throws you across the top of the table.
You come crashing down over the other edge, your limbs flailing and knocking over a chair on the way down. Before you can steady yourself enough to stand up on your own, he’s come around the table and put his hands on you again, lifting and shoving you against the front wall. Each hand grips your arm above the elbow, bracing your shoulder blades hard against the wall. His face comes to your neck and you feel him inhaling, feel his moist breath huffing against you, feel his stubble scraping you, feel his tongue dragging along you.
“Why the fuck are you making such a big deal of this bullshit, baby?” he coos. “The world ended. None of that old nonsense matters anymore.” He moves one hand up to your jaw, gripping your face hard.
“It matters to me,” you squeak through gritted teeth.
“All that matters to you is me, you understand?” He holds you so firmly that you can’t open your mouth to speak or even shake your head in response. “This is all that matters.” He begins to place gentle kisses along your pulse point, in opposition to the crushing embrace he’s got you in.
Eventually he loosens his grip on your jaw and, without hesitation, you take your free arm and place it over his sternum, shoving him backwards as hard as you can. Shock is quickly replaced by anger on his face. You hold your hands out in front of you, distracting him enough to stop his advancing aggression. You gather courage from somewhere deep inside you, lashing out for his callous disregard of you all night followed by this gaslighting manipulation.
“I’m so tired of you spouting your bullshit dogma just to try and get me to fuck you,” you seethe.
He raises his hand like he’s going to slap you but when you hold your head up, somehow managing not to flinch, he doesn’t follow through. Instead he lowers his hand to shove a single finger in your face.
“You think I want to fuck you?,” he bellows, “I don’t want to fuck you. I don’t want to want you. I don’t want to think about you every fucking second of every fucking day.” He reaches forward and grabs the flesh at your hips. You side-step out of his clutch and take a few steps towards the stairs before he grabs you by the wrist and holds it tight. “Do you see how fucking weak you make me?”
You walk backwards, trying to put distance between you but his wrap around your wrist is firm.
“You’re hurting me, Joel,” you mutter. He doesn’t let go.
“Look at me,” he orders. “Fucking look at me, goddamnit.”
You don’t.
Something inside him snaps. He yanks you closer with the hand around your wrist and pulls your body against his so that his chest is to your back, snaking his arms around you and cinching them tight. He scrapes his stubble hard along your neck and buries his nose in your hair, taking several deep inhales and groaning in between breaths. 
His lower arm bands across your hips, digging into your soft flesh there while his other arm loosens and moves its way up your front. He grabs one of your breasts tight in his hand and presses his erection against your backside. You’re constricted tight, arms trapped as well, and unable to move away from him. You manage a breathy exhale of his name, meant to serve as a plea, but it can barely be heard.
“You can’t get away from me,” he growls in your ear. “You can never get away from me.”
He goes back to holding you with both arms, wrapped so tight that he knows it’s probably hurting you. You’re clearly struggling to breathe and even your feeble wriggling feels futile. Then he looks down and notices your struggling movements have shifted your sweater to expose the top of your shoulder. He recalls the mark he once sucked into your skin there, and the way it stayed on you for weeks. You need another reminder of who you belong to.
He moves his mouth to that same spot, baring his teeth, and bites into your flesh. Hard. 
He barely hears your screaming over the pounding of his pulse in his ears, his own ragged and panting breaths, his drawn out, animalistic moan. Suddenly there’s tugging on his arms and he looks up to see Tess’ wide eyes staring at him, mouth moving. She must be saying something but he can’t make it out. Someone is yanking at his shirtsleeve on his other side and when he turns his head, teeth bared in a snarl, he sees Kerri recoil in horror. 
Tess punches at his arms, claws at his neck, and tugs on his hair, finally managing to get him to loosen his arms enough to free you. She yanks you away from him and as she pulls you up the stairs you see him watching you from the bottom, eyes black, hair a mess, your blood dripping down the corners of his mouth. Tess drags you down the hall into her room, locking the door behind her. She puts a chair under the doorknob and tends to your wound with a first aid kit stashed under her bed. 
She lets you sleep in her room that night. Joel doesn’t come for you.
The next evening you’re standing in the shadows behind the old ice skating rink, which is used as makeshift stables during The Valley’s Friday evening events. It’s off the main road, set back in the woods a bit, but you have a pretty good view of the town square from here. You can see people coming and going, see Joel shaking hands with them all, nodding while they talk to him but looking over their heads, probably searching for you. 
“You’re gonna catch a cold.” You nearly jump out of your skin at Tess’ words. You didn’t even hear her coming. “I told you to wait inside.”
“It smells like horseshit in there. Besides, I’ve got this,” you say pointing to the knit scarf around your neck. 
She just nods, knowing you have a scarf because she’s the one who put it on you. She helped you get cleaned and dressed for tonight since you spent all day in her room hiding from Joel. She looks you over once you’re all dressed and then you both look at the bandage she has taped at your shoulder, peeking out from under your shirt collar. She grabs the scarf out of her drawer and circled it around you several times, tucking the ends into your coat.
“Do you know Beth?” Tess asks abruptly.
“Yeah, Beth,” she continues. “Short brown hair, she lives with Hank Mansfield’s family, down at the dairy farm.”
“Oh, Beth. Yeah, she comes with Hank to the Thursday night meetings,” you nod.
“Exactly. She used to be a seamstress,” Tess adds. “Did you know that?”
“No, I don’t think we’ve talked much.” You know you haven’t talked much because you spent most of the Thursday meetings staring at Joel’s lips and waiting for them to be planted on yours. 
“She makes all her own clothes. She’s been helping the Mansfield’s too. I think she could help here in town if she lived closer.”
“Yeah I bet,” you reply.
“I was thinkin’, maybe you and her could trade rooms,” Tess answers your unspoken question.
“Trade rooms?”
“Yeah… she could have your room and you could go help out at the farm.”
“The fa–” you begin to question when her meaning hits you like a fist to the gut. You turn to look at her, a pinching pain behind your eyes, panic obvious on your face. “You want me to leave?”
“No, of course I don’t want that,” Tess immediately replies in a soothing voice. “I just think Beth could really help out here in town, but she’d need a room. And I thought maybe you might be willing to give yours up.”
“Give it up? I don’t understand.”
“I mean, you don’t have to live in that house if you don’t want to,” she nods towards the big house you share on the other side of the square. “It’s your choice. You can live anywhere you want.”
That doesn’t seem true. You don’t live at Joel’s house because you chose it. You live there because he invited you. He asked you. He chose you. You didn’t feel like you could say no and you’re pretty sure he wouldn’t let you choose somewhere else, especially not now.
“I don’t think he’d–,”
“No, it’s not his choice,” she interrupts you and repeats, “It’s your choice.”
“It is?”
“Of course,” she says without hesitation. “You could give Beth your room so she’d be able to help us here in town and you’d get a room at the Mansfield’s. You’d be able to help milk the cows. I hear a couple of them are pregnant, so there’d be babies this spring – get yourself a little change of scenery….”
Tess doesn’t want to seem like she’s overselling it but she really hopes the promise of baby animals tips this in her favor. She hopes that she’s getting the message across without having to say the actual words. I need to take you away from him, PJ. He’s going to keep hurting you, PJ. I’m trying to save you, PJ. She wants you to think that this was your idea, but mostly she needs you to agree to this. Right now.
“It’s far away though, isn’t it?” you say, staring in the direction of the town square now, where Joel is no doubt shirking his duties and obsessively searching for you. 
“It’s far enough,” she replies, letting the implication remain unspoken.
“I– I think he’d be mad,” you whisper.
“It’s not up to him. It’s up to you,” she nods, a soft smile on her face when you meet her eyes again. Please, she pleads silently. “What do you want, PJ? Do you want to help me out? Give Beth your room?”
A long moment of silence passes, breaking eye contact and looking down at your feet shuffling them several times before looking back at Tess, a hint of sadness in your eyes, a touch of defeat.
“I– I could do that, yeah.”
“Great! That’s great,” Tess exhales, unable to mask her relief. She quickly reels back her emotions and expresses simple and stoic gratitude, as if it’s a run-of-the-mill thing that’s just been agreed to – no big deal. “Thank you PJ, that’s really nice of you.”
Joel stands next to Sasha, her cold hand clutched in his warm one, looking around the square. He’s waiting for everyone else to meet them in front of the bakery so they can all walk home together. He sees Tess coming down the sidewalk, walking towards him with someone who isn’t you. You must be with Rosie and Kerri.
“Joel, you remember Beth, right?” Tess asks him when she comes to a halt at his side, “Lives with the Mansfield’s out at the dairy farm?”
“Of course,” he nods his head, barely looking in their direction. “Hank’s daughter. Hi, Beth.”
“She’s not Hank’s daughter,” Tess corrects. Joel finally looks at them, giving Tess most of his attention and Beth a quick glance. “Beth has just been livin’ at the farm since she came into town with Olivier and his wife, from the Montreal Safe Zone?”
“Oh, sure,” Joel says, as if this isn’t brand new information, “That’s what I meant.” And his attention is diverted once again, scanning the park across the street, looking at the departing crowds from the night of fun festivities.
“She’s a seamstress, did you know that?”
Joel doesn’t even bother responding this time. Why would he know that Beth was a fuckin’ seamstress? Why would he have ever talked about that with Beth? He doesn’t think he’s ever talked to Beth about anything at all. Why would he fuckin’ care? He vaguely hears Tess saying something about staying with us a while and he hums in acknowledgement. Why is Tess bothering him with all this stupid fuckin’ information? He’s obviously busy looking for you. 
His head on a swivel he sees Rosie and Kerri approaching from the other side of town. Wait, where are you? You were supposed to be with…
With Tess. You were with Tess. He turns to look Tess square in the eyes now. She has his full attention.
“Where is she?” he fumes.
“Like I was saying, Beth is a seamstress and she needed a room–”
“Who?” Joel sputters, not comprehending the words coming out of her mouth.
“Beth,” Tess repeats, motioning to the woman standing silently beside her. Beth waves awkwardly.
Joel whips himself around and takes off towards the house, dragging Sasha alongside him, not even fully realizing her hand is still clutched tight in his. He bursts in the door and lets go of Sasha, taking the stairs two at a time and entering the small, darkened room at the top of the stairs with no door. The sheets and blanket are fresh and crisp, the bed is neatly made. Five hangars swing empty from the curtain rod at the window, a half moon shining behind some scattered clouds and casting dim light through the sheer curtains. 
He touches the empty bedside table. It used to be covered with books, leaves, and rocks you found interesting in shape or color. Things you collected when you walked together. Things you collected when you walked alone, after you stopped looking at him. Things that proved you were still here. That you were still his. Now they’re gone. You’re gone. Tess took you away. 
He comes down the stairs slowly, Sasha standing just inside the dining room rubbing her wrist, the other women coming in the door. Tess stands at the bottom of the stairs with that girl whos’ not you at her side – Beth.
“What the fuck did you do?” Joel seethes. He reaches the last step and looks across the living room, his eye catching on the spine of the book he gave on Christmas, sitting on the fireplace mantle. It’s still here. You’re not.
“Beth needed–” Tess is cut off by a palm striking across her face.
She can’t say she wasn’t expecting a bad reaction from him, but she would have braced herself better if she knew it was coming right then. The slap sends her tipping sideways and she thinks she might even fall down except that Joel grabs the front of her shirt with both hands, keeping her from landing on the ground. He barks for everyone to go to bed and Tess watches Beth’s horrified face as Sasha takes her hand and pulls her up the stairs.
Tess knows he’s not done. She knows he’s going to keep going, keep hitting her, keep blaming her. She’s going to look like she got kicked by a horse tomorrow but it was worth it. He’s not hitting you. She can take it. She’s taken it before, from men with quick tempers. Joel will get his venom out tonight and tomorrow he’ll be remorseful and apologetic. Soon enough he’ll detox from you and eventually he’ll emerge from the haze, able to see clearly again. He’ll get his head on straight and be able to deal with things rationally. 
At least that’s what she hopes. Everything depends on her being right. If he keeps going down the path he’s on now, she thinks this whole place – and everyone in it – is doomed.
Thank you to my amazing editor, @papipascalispunk, for helping me with this series, and for both fully understanding and appreciating my direction with these two. 🫂You work so hard (for free) and I appreciate everything you do.
TAGLIST (lmk if you wanna be added or removed) @strang3lov3 @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @covetyou @iamasaddie @sr-lrn @clawdee @theywhowriteandknowthings @beefrobeefcal @merz-8 @speckledemerald @alltheseperfectimperfections @survivingandenduring @afraidtofear @millennial-teenybopper @missladym1981 @xdaddysprincessxx @lumoverheaven @ghoulettesinspace @brittmb115 @wintersquirrel @obscurexsorrows @littlevenicebitch69 @lulawantmula @pedroswife69 @joeldjarin @heimtathurss @untamedheart81 @pixielou5 @feel1n-h1gh @elegantduckturtle @koshkaj-blog
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kneelingshadowsalome · 10 months
🤠 🫶 :
Oh my god….
And Kortac’s enemies don’t understand where The Terror™ went, what could possibly have taken down a monster like that…König’s been even more menacing and violent and awful for several months now, taking every mission possible like he’s determined to destroy and kill everything he can, and there’s rumors he’s started literally ripping his opponents in half on the battlefield, and now he’s just...gone? So oh god, is there something worse out there??? Who is this who got to THAT behemoth of all people?? The rumors! The suspense! The horror!
Quick camera pan to reader, just singing to herself as she bakes some goodies to take to the sweet giant Austrian soldier (lmao she’s too forgiving, maybe she chalked up the “cunt licking” incident to a fluke, she’ll just have to be even MORE careful about where she lets him touch, he seems to get too excited). She just wants to do something nice for him, the poor man has been holed up in his company’s sick bay with something (turns out having your brain, heart, and cock explode are not good for your health, but “Blue balled into oblivion” is not something you can actually get diagnosed with, so it’s like…blood pressure issues or something).
König really should be more mindful of his health, tsk tsk.  
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Oh god this just gets better and better, she's worse than all his enemies combined, and she's baking for our poor broken soldier?! This is too cute 😭💞 (oh and 'tease mother'?? I want this to be my new middle name lol!)
Sweet innocent reader also heard König got into a weightlifting accident. On top of all the exploded body parts, dude sprained his back really bad trying to do a deadlift PR with all the 55 lbs plates he could stack on the bar.
Unfortunately the metal gave up before König, it broke in half in the middle of his lift, and rumours say the whole stunt was actually a cry for help, a suicide attempt, even… But no one will ever know because this man is not what you could exactly call a genius 🫡 So maybe it truly was an accident?
And of course sweet reader bakes him some yummy delicacies to cheer him up!
But oh uh. König almost cowers in his bed when he sees her. He goes completely still as sweet reader approaches him in her cutest outfit ever, smiling like an angel and with a box full of muffins in her hands.
She floats next to his bed like the most innocent butterfly ever, opens the lid so that the cozy scent of baked goodies fills the entire room. Then she picks the biggest, most plump chocolate chip muffin from that box and folds his mask over his nose to give him a taste.
Her movements are those of a ballet dancer as she brings the glorious treat to his lips… but it's her breasts his gaze falls to as she leans forward and gives him an abundant view of the two globes of pure sin, pressed together under the neckline far too wide for her usual wear.
Does this woman even know what she is doing to him...?
Is she fucking deliberately teasing him?
His mouth opens just for the sake of that mouthwatering view, and she takes it as a cue of him wanting her to stuff his mouth full of muffin.
"There we go," she says approvingly as he takes a bite while staring at her breasts, hovering there not even an arms length away. "I made them extra sweet for you…"
The ample view of her soft tits right there in front of him while his mouth is full of melting chocolate is truly a new plane of hell. Were she to turn around to look, she would see the tallest, most vicious tent forming there beside her as his cock juts up under the sheet in all it's glory.
The muffin is still warm, and she licks the extra grease from her fingers when she's done feeding him. He imagines she's licking his cum off of those fingers instead, and almost groans from the dull pain the mere vision sends to his crotch.
"Don't worry. I know you'll be up in no time, King," she chimes and gives him an exceptionally flirty smile. Whatever new torture methods are being used on him now, he hopes to all the gods that the sweet girl won't look behind her. He will just be shamed and scolded for being hard again.
It's absurd and kind of sad how much he has changed since he met her... He feels equal to the mighty Prometheus, bound to an invisible rock and being tortured night after night after night. It almost brings tears to his eyes.
"Oh. My sweet hero… Are you in pain?" She caresses his face through the mask with genuine pity and worry. A teary hiccup is trying to push up his throat, but he forces it down.
Plump breasts and overly sweet muffins and an innocent woman calling him 'King' and 'hero'? Fussing about his health, thinking it's his back that's giving him pain… A tiny little tear almost, almost escapes the corner of his eye as he gives her a tiny, miserable nod.
"Poor thing. You know, I've been thinking…" she bites her lip, takes a deep breath too, sending those breasts swell inside her shirt and giving his cock another demanding pull.
"I really like you," she continues. "And I've finally decided. I want you to be my first."
Was zur Hölle…
His eyes go wide, but otherwise, he's still. The girl dares to give him a peaceful smile while his mind goes slowly blank from the voiceless, internal scream.
What the fuck has he done to deserve this?
She's finally ready, and he has broken his back so profoundly that there will be no moving for weeks. No exercise, no sudden movements, certainly no pounding her sweet, wet virgin pussy to his heart's content.
"We just need to wait until you get better. Doctor's orders!" she chirps as she softly boops his nose.
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sytoran · 1 year
pretty woman | teom part ii
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You receive a nice welcoming gift. Feelings you thought were long gone begin to surface.
──── PAIRING. sub!milf!wanda x dark!player!reader
──── CONT. established wandavision, heavy flirting, thirsting, unresolved sexual tension, reader uses she/they pronouns, tommy and billy ship it
──── WORD COUNT. 2.0k
series m.list | main m.list | join the taglist | AO3
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“Mom, mom! Let’s go and meet the new neighbour!”
“Can we show her Sparky? Please?”
Wanda nods to her boys, trying to get them to calm down. Her seven-year-olds were far too energetic and lively, and sometimes taking care of them was excessively taxing. But of course, Vision was rarely there to help.
Shooing the boys away for the moment, despite cries of protest, Wanda escapes into the kitchen to finish her housewarming gift for you.
It had been a day since that incident, and Wanda had just gotten over her initial embarrassment.
Wanda wipes the sweat off her forehead as she uses oven mittens to take the baked cookies out of the oven. She sighs in relief to see that they turned out alright. It took Wanda about three tries to get it right. (No, she wasn’t trying hard to impress you. Obviously.)
The scent of the melted chocolate chips wafts over the house. “Want one!” Billy screeches, bounding over to the kitchen in record timing at the smell. He goes to grab at a cookie, before letting a cry and dropping it when he realizes just how hot it was.
Tommy, following closely behind his brother, bursts into shrieks of laughter. “You’re so stupid!” he yells, as Sparky — their dog — barks vehemently in agreement. Billy pouts.
Wanda rolls her eyes, letting out an exhausted huff. All this over a woman you held eye contact with for three seconds. Way to go, wanda. Your marriage with your husband is thriving.
After about half an hour, Wanda deems herself presentable enough to show up next door without foolishly embarrassing herself. The boys sprint over in record time, ringing on their new neighbours’ doorbell.
“Oh, hang on! gimme a moment!” A voice yells from inside. Wanda holds her breath in unexpected anticipation, internally dying to actually see you for the first time. Would you remember her staring from your window? I mean, of course you would, there was no doubt about that — but you had just looked so-
Wanda chokes on air, and you’re pretty sure you do as well. The word that had filled the silence was words of your own, blurted out the moment you set your eyes on her.
“Yeah, my mom’s pretty,” Tommy says nonchalantly, flicking his dark hair with a childishly aloof expression. Billy merely giggles, shoving his brother, raising his eyebrows at you like he knew something.
You, on the other hand, are lost in your trance of checking out your neighbour you briefly saw the previous day. Naturally, you just had a stronger attraction to women older than you, with their curves and edges and breasts and motherly eyes and the way they cared for their young children — Wanda was currently ticking all of the boxes in your fantasy like she could read your mind, and your eyes kept going back to her damn cleavage, because who the hell allowed her to wear such a low-cut shirt that pulled at all the right angles?
“I’m Y/N L/N, pleasure to meet you,” You manage to spit out after what seemed like an eternity. Your voice was definitely too hoarse, but you played it off like it was due to sleep deprivation in the morning.
When you try to make eye contact with the woman again, you realise she’s looking elsewhere. The ‘elsewhere’ in question, happens to be your partially-clothed body. You smirk inwardly, for you hadn’t been the only one ogling.
Wanda had been running her experienced eyes run over your messily-tousled hair and black sports bra and the glorious artifact that is your sculpted torso. She harbours the criminal urge to run her palms all over it, and trace your chiseled v-line that goes into hiding beyond your grey sweatpants. Wanda’s mouth dries up. she has to consciously snap her jaw shut or else she would’ve been ogling at you for an eternity.
Finally managing to tear her eyes off your distracting physique, Wanda’s greeted with the sight of your mischievous grin and twinkling eyes. Caught. The brunette woman shifts her footing in embarrassment, brushing at a stray lock of hair.
You chance a quick wink at her, just like the day before, and Wanda flushes from head to toe. Cute.
This time, you choose the safe option, to send the boys a friendly grin – they're her children, you deduce. “I’m Tommy,” a blonde boy announces cheekily, and his dark-haired brother shoves him in retaliation. “No, I’m Tommy.” he corrects, folding his arms and then sticking his tongue out at his brother. “His name is Little Prat.”
“Oi! That’s rude!”
“You started it, dude.”
“Boys!” the woman calls out in exasperation, looking at them with a mildly disappointed and evidently tired expression. She glances at you wearily, and you smile in understanding.
“Why don’t you guys come on in and watch some TV? There’s still some boxes around, but I’ve cleaned out the place and the sofa is pretty comfy,” you suggest, meeting Wanda’s eyes in search for approval. She nods, letting out a sigh of relief for the escape.
Almost immediately, the boys stop arguing and sprint inside with shouts of ‘my show!’. The brunette looks at them fondly, a small smile on her face. You think you’d like to make her smile like that. Gratefully, she turns to you. “Thank you for that,” she murmurs sincerely.
“My pleasure. Also, am i going to get to know your name, or am I going to be kept in the dark?” you tease.
“Right,” Wanda responds sheepishly, forgetting she hadn’t introduced herself yet. She clears her throat, determined to get it right this time. “I’m Wanda Maximoff, and we live just next door. But you already knew that. As a housewarming gift, I actually baked some chocolate chip cookies, if you’d like them.”
“Oh wow, Wanda,” you say, as she hands over a paper bag with containers of cookies. “Damn, if I get food like this all the time I’ll stay here forever.”
Wanda giggles, then grows internal fear at the fact she just giggled. Like, what was that? A giggle? Seriously? Way to impress the hot neighbour, Wanda. Wait, why am I trying to impress the hot neighbour? I’m married!
You move to hold the door open for her. Chivalry, Am i right? As Wanda walks past you, your eyes fall to the curve of her ass. Nope, still a whore for hot moms.
After pulling back a chair for Wanda at the dining table and bringing her hot coffee, you sit down beside her, glancing over at the boys. They’re invested in an episode of Phineas and Ferb. You recognize it as the one from Season Three where Doofenshmirtz creates the Stain-inator to ruin the town mayor’s painting. Hey, don’t blame me for having a young soul — Phineas and Ferb is for all ages.
“You’re so good to the kids,” Wanda says softly, hauling you out of your temporal trance. Once again, you’re reminded of Wanda’s effortless beauty, with her small hands cradling the steaming coffee mug, long eyelashes fluttering as she blows at the hot beverage.
“Is that hard to believe?” you respond slowly, eyes trailing over her expression. Wanda’s face morphs from a relaxed one to another that is clouded with trouble and burdens. You frown in concern.
“Well,” Wanda hesitates. “I suppose so. I’m not used to someone caring for my boys so blatantly and openly. Their father…… is not always present. He’s busy all the time. His head is always tucked down, and I’m just scared that by the time he looks up again, the boys won’t be waiting with an eager smile anymore. Sometimes I wonder, if he’s married to me or his job.”
You absorb this information with a growing frown, jaw clicking as it clenches. You decide that you do not like Wanda Maximoff’s husband.
For the first time in a long time, your chest flares, and your inner demons crawl, clawing in…… Possessiveness? Jealousy? Anger? You physically shudder, and Wanda notices.
“Sorry,” she says hurriedly, looking down in shame. “I shouldn’t have told you all that, you must think of me as a terrible mother now. I’m so sorry–”
“Don’t be,” you interrupt, placing a hand on her thigh. “I just…… your husband sounds like an asshole, with all due respect.”
Wanda laughs, a trinkle of a melody, and you calm down. “Thank you,” she murmurs softly, batting her lashes while looking at you. You’re pretty sure she doesn’t even know what it does to you.
Well, you could have your fun as well.
You take your time with it, using your thumb to brush against the skin of her thigh, under the guise of comforting a friend. You pretend not to notice how wanda fidgets under your touch, pressing her legs together and blushing a whole lot more.
This hardly does anything to satiate your true urges. Wanda turns to you with a curious gaze, almost innocent. You try to shove it down, try to quell it, but you’re growing ravenous. She opens her mouth, asking you something. You don’t hear it, you’re too busy staring at her lips.
“...Are you even listening to me?” Wanda asks with an adorable smile, shaking her head at you in faux disappointment.
“Nope,” you answer boldly with a cheeky smile, sliding your hand further up her thigh, knuckles brushing against the hem of skirt. You delight in the way Wanda’s breath hitches, conflicting emotions flickering across her pretty face. You want more.
Your left foot hooks around the leg of her chair, dragging it closer to yours. Wanda looks up at you, frozen. She still hasn’t moved from your grasp.
“Tell me more about you,” you ask, with an innocent smile, As if you hadn’t been the causation of Wanda’s inner turmoil. “I’d like to get to know my neighbour better, hm?”
“Uhm,” Wanda begins, not knowing how to act with the close proximity. She hates how her thighs are clenching, how she seems to be sweating abnormally. “I-”
“Momma! It’s time to go home, Sparky needs to go for his walk,” Billy states, shattering the moment in a matter of milliseconds. Wanda doesn’t know how your hand disappears from the territory of her thighs so quickly, but she already misses your fleeting touch.
When she snaps out of it, you’re already chattering excitedly with boys, playing up to their energies exceedingly well. It’s highly evident that her boys enjoy your company, but Wanda is at a loss of how you’re acting as if your hand hadn’t just been inches from her underwear a few moments ago.
What’s more jarring is the fact that her panties were damp, even, with the evanescent presence of your ring-adorned fingers.
‘You’re a woman with needs, it’s normal,’ Wanda tells herself, shaking off her intrusive thoughts. ‘Vision doesn’t want sex, but you have to respect that.’
But then Wanda looks at the way you scoop up both Tommy and Billy with an effortless ease, then spinning them around, your biceps seemingly blinding with the reflection of the light. Or maybe that was her own wilding imagination.
Wanda clears her throat in an attempt to find a semblance of composure. She ushers Tommy and Billy out the door with a newfound haste, disliking the storm of conflict within her. “Be sure to give me a call if you need anything,” Wanda adds, daring herself to make eye contact with you. You’d exchanged numbers earlier.
“Oh, I’ll call you,” comes your witty reply, and a quick wink.
The brunette looks away, knowing the tips of her ears are burning. Damn it, get it together, woman.
You lean against the cashew-coloured doorframe with your arms folded across your chest, watching Wanda chastising the boys’ rowdiness as they walk back to their own place.
As you expect, just before she escapes back into the comfort of her own home, Wanda chances a look back at your front porch. When the brunette realizes you were still watching, she fumbles flusteredly.
‘Pretty’, you mouth to the older woman once again, then lifting up a hand to blow her a flirtatious kiss. You duck back into your house before Wanda can even react, unable to stop the sides of your mouth from tugging up into a stifled chortle.
With Wanda Maximoff living right next door, your time spent at Westview was guaranteed to be a rather eventful one.
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sapphire-dreamsky · 5 months
on top of a hill with you, the sky was lit in shades of red and gold
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pairing: ryomen sukuna x reader starring: ryomen sukuna | reader settings: alternate universe | sukuna is a student studying at jujutsu high | sukuna is somewhat behaving | sukuna is confused with the new human traditions, someone has to help him adjust | sunshine x grumpy trope
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Sukuna tilted his head to the side as fireworks began their journey in the sky as singular strings only to fall down in a multitude array of red, purple and gold. After being sealed for more than one century, he missed a lot of human inventions. One of them included fireworks.
Upon knowing that, (name) also known as that 'brat' (affectionally, not that Sukuna would ever admit to it), took it upon herself to bring Sukuna to see the fireworks on top of a hill overlooking the sea. She claimed that the fireworks launching by the harbour were far more spectacular than those being released near the school. He deserved the best of shows. Or so she claimed. The girl seemed to always be conveniently forgetting that he was a murderer, a merciless sorcerer killer. And yet, her gaze never faltered from his red ones. She held her head high when everyone else was bowing to him in submission, praying that he wouldn't chop their heads off for every word that escaped their mouths. Everyone walked on thin ice around Sukuna. Despite his vow to not kill anyone, he was still feared amongst sorcerers. And he liked to keep it that way. Until that foolish brat came along, dared to smile sweetly at him, naively introduced herself as his new classmate as if he was a mere human sorcerer attending Jujutsu High and not the King of Curses masquerading as a student for the sake of his own entertainment and to cure his boredom with the people of this generation.
To him, the fireworks were nothing spectacular. They were just overrated explosives meant to look pretty. A way for humans to break from their routines of 9-5 by celebrating another incoming year filled with 9-5 shifts again. Another year to live by society's rules. There was truly nothing glorious about celebrating a new incoming year that will be filled with the same lifestyles even when (name) claimed the opposite.
"We make New Year resolutions before the clock turns to 12 00. On a piece of paper, you write your wishes for the next year. Come on, Sukuna! Is there anything you want to add on your bucket list?"
Sukuna pondered over the question for a minute. There was nothing much that he didn't do on a whim. Anything he wanted, he made sure to get within the next minute or hours if it was a long process.
"Kill everyone?"
(Name)'s mouth gaped open. Her eyes were comically wide open. For a minute, Sukuna thought he finally struck fear in that foolish human.
"You can't wish that! It needs to be a positive change!"
That girl was truly weird. She didn't scold him for his 'New Year resolutions'. He might have been a bit creeped out by her trust and faith in him to be honest.
"What should I wish for then? There is nothing I cannot get in this world."
"Well, I cannot tell you what to wish. It must be something you genuinely want."
The conversation was changed soon after. However, he did see her scribbling something on a yellow post-it note with her red coloured pen. He saw a faint "2024 resolutions" written on top of the paper. He only shook his head. Foolish human.
And now, as the fireworks exploded in the sky filling the darkness with some colours, he turned his head towards (name) only to notice that she had her eyes closed, head bowed with hands in a praying position. 'She must be making her New Year's Resolutions.'
A moment passed before another firework broke down in the sky. This time, it was a golden one. He watched as the colours reflected on her skin. She would look beautiful in gold. And red. Like a firework in the sky, the vision of her dressed in a white shiromuku with an innocent grin gracing her face as her eyes twinkled with happiness, was quick to appear and quicker to fade.
As if on cue, (name)'s eyes slowly opened. She turned her head to the side to look at Sukuna.
"Did you make a wish Sukuna?"
He turned his head away from her to look at the fireworks once again.
A red and golden light lit up the sky.
"Let's come here again next year, (name)."
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Happy New Years everyone! I pray that 2024 brings you health, peace, happiness and prosperity.
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idkfitememate · 6 months
Hey pookie
So i lovvveeee the harbingers. Can you do like penguin reader (or any other snow related animal) running around the Zapolyarny Palace messin with the harbingers and there like 'what the actual fuck. Who let a dam animal in this place ' them trying to catchus but we just like mewhahaha nuh uh
I refuse to believe Snezhnaya will have a single docile mob so I’m gonna make my own! Imagine a Polar Bear and a Leopard Seal mixed with one! (Walrus tusks?.. Walrus tusks.) I’m gonna call it… a Large Tusked Polaral! Anyway I’ll put a mild description before we start, but just ask if you want a full description, or a drawing ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ₊˚⊹♡!
Large Tusked Polaral: To break it down, imagine the front of a polar bear, the back of a leopard seat, and the tusks of a walrus. Its front arm end with flippers and are longer than the tail in the back. The front flippers do look like paws though. The teeth are a mixture between the three, they have the huge tusks of walruses.
Taking a walk through the Zapolyarny Palace had become a common pastime for The Rooster whenever he had nothing more to do. Taking in the scenery… breathing in the frosty air of his nation, taking in the sights… the Large Tusked Polaral following behind him….
… Wait. The large Tusked Polaral following behind him?
Pulcinella turned around to face the fifteen ft tall - and it was still on its flippers - beast of a monster. It had to press its face to the floor in order to look at him, its warm breath hitting his face.
Pulcinella was never a fighter. Maybe back in his youth, but now he was a leader. He didn’t even have a vision, preferring to rely on his Servicemen rather than fight himself. So being in front of one of the most - if not the most - dangerous monsters in all of Teyvat without those service men…
At least it’d be an honorable death. They say a Polaral only chooses the strongest to die by her claws. To be struck down by one was a glorious way to go.
So as Pulcinella started to make his peace with his oncoming death, you lifted yourself back up and continued in your way, hobbling down the hallway. Pulcinella, who was shocked at the lack of his blood on the walls, followed behind, now curious.
He watched as you huffed and sniffed around the halls, occasionally scaring a lower rank shitless.
It wasn’t until you wondered down a wing specifically for one of the Harbingers that he got an idea. Speed walking in front of you, he stopped you by a hand on your nose. You sniffed at it before continuing on your way.
A smirk lay beneath his bushy mustache, and he quickly continued walking behind you as you shuffled your way down the wing of The Marionette. Sandrone’s workshop.
The sound of screaming not being caused by her was enough the drag Sandrone out of her workshop. Her large boots thudded across the floor as her puppet sat in her hand. Many smaller bots crawled across the floor like spider, filling the space.
She gripped the coat of a running fatuus that speed past her, forcing them to stop.
“What is happening?” Were the only words that left her lips. The fatuus in front of her stuttered out a couple words, thought he tripped over every other word. All she could make out was “The Rooster” and “Large Tusked Polaral”. She then let him go and off he ran.
Sandrone looked at the small bots that ran across the floor and tilted her head forward. They immediately ran forward through the hall and out of sight…
… Before a large roar was heard and they all came scampering back. Her gaze immediately snapped up and the sound of something loud clambering down the hallway. She readied herself for a fight, and found herself in front of what seemed to be an angered Polaral basically running at her.
And as she was ready to attack, she heard a voice call out at her to stop.
“Wait! I apologize, truly, but you see, I was just simply taking my darling here out for a walk and they got off their lease, again my sincerest apologies, Marionette.” Pulcinella spoke with clear sarcasm in his voice as you continued to barrel towards her, only to stop right before her and start sniffing her up and down.
She only stared at the large beast in front of her, then back at The Rooster.
“This is… your pet?” She questioned.
“This Polaral?”
“This Large Tusked Polaral is under your care?”
She only continued to stare.
“Well anyway, we’ll be off. I suppose I will be seeing at the later meeting?” She stayed silent, but now had a disgruntled expression on her face.
“I will take that as a yes. Goodbye, Marionette.” And with that he walked in front of you and the both of you hobbled away.
“…How disdainful.” Was all she said as she walked back into her lab.
And later did come.
All the Harbingers had to deal with something to do with a Large Tusked Polaral wondering the halls, scaring the lower ranks shitless, destroying property, and honestly just causing havoc.
What non of them were expecting, however, was to see that very Large Tusked Polaral…
Next to the Rooster during their meeting.
“…Why is it here?” Asked Pantalone.
“They are my pet.” Answered Pulcinella.
“… May I-“
“No you may not, Dottore.”
“… May I-“
“The same goes for you Childe.”
The silence continued as all the Harbingers - minus The Jester - stared at the beast beside the small man.
“…Why do you even have it? You have men. Do you need the extra man power?” Asked Arlecchino asked. Her hands were crossed as she sat, now leaning against the table.
“No, I simply wished them as my pet.” The small man responded, making The Knave huff.
“May I pet them?” Asked Columbina. And when she got a nod, she immediately skipped over and ran her fingers through your fur, causing happy huffs and barks to come from your lips. All eyes were on you as Childe spoke up.
“I’ve never heard those kinds of noises come from one of those before.” He said with a smile. You even began to wiggle happily under the woman’s touch, making him gasp in amazement.
“Oh! Now I want to pet them, may I?” He asked with a smile.
Again, all he got was a nod.
And he immediately ran over and began petting you, making your noises grow in volume and your wiggles grow in size.
You actually flipped yourself on your side and allowed them access to your stomach, something that was never charted before in the behaviors of any Polaral. You even had the equivalent of a grin on your face, your eyes shut in trust.
“Fascinating.” Dottore said with a grin, only to be met with a glare from Pulcinella. He only smiled and shrugged his shoulders in response.
“And what is going on here? Why is a wild beast within the walls of the Zapolyarny Palace?”
As Pierro approached from the shadows, the room got colder. Immediately announcing the presence of both the top Fatui Harbinger and the Cryo Archon. All banter ceased and your petting was stopped causing a whine to leave your lips.
You looked to the two Harbingers who had left to go to their places at the table you were all sat at. And then you were shushed by Pulcinella. Oh hell no.
“You see, I was just taking a stroll. And I decided they should come with me for one of these walks. I assume something caught their eye and I apologize for letting them loose and - Wait. Where are you going get back here-“ Pulcinella’s little speech was cut off by you flopping away from him.
All the Harbingers watched as you speed down the table and past Pierro, and up towards the stairs to The Tsaritsa’s throne. Immediately The Jester raced to get you down but was stopped by a hand raised by the Archon.
They all watched with bated breath as you climbed up and up towards her, stopping before her. They all silently readied to attack, before watching you roll over, revealing your stomach to the woman with a whine.
And while Pulcinella started to apologize, all eleven were stopped by a sound none of them had heard. Or if they had, it was a rare noise.
The noise of their Archon laughing.
A giggled escaped her frozen lips and she ran a cold hand over your furred stomach, you slamming a a flipped over the other side - akin to a dog shaking a led when scratched.
She continued to giggle as she felt your fur between her fingers. Finally a subject who did not fear her nor did they wish to user her wins as a means for theirs.
“You lie in no fault, Pulcinella. Even is you have lied of this one being your pet” she began, and all the other glared at the chuckling man, “Though I believe I have found the perfect candidate to be my own.”
Jaws dropped as she spoke her last word. Her frozen over heart thumped lightly in her chest as her unoccupied hand slid over your head and messed with your ears. Your barks became louder as they echoed across the large room.
Perhaps you’d be the key to truly unlocking her frozen heart.
I personally like the idea that The Marionette is not the girl, but the large mecha holding her. Making the girl a literal “Marionette”. Anyway, I hope I delivered! I was a little tired when writing this, if you couldn’t tell but I hope it turned out good enough ☆૮꒰ˊᗜˋ* ꒱ა!
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How about #2 with Thor,Arthur, or Deadpool? 🙃💛
.��。Put Some Clothes On You Slut 。⋆.
Arthur Curry x plus size reader
Arthur loves to tease you when you have things to do but you can give it as good as you get
Warnings: nudity, teasing, fluff, implied smut, reader calls Arthur a slut (like we all know he is)
WC: 1.1k
Minors DNI
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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3000 Follower Celebration
“Ok so we have dinner with your parents tonight but we’re in charge of drinks and dessert so I was thinking that you could run into town to get a nice bottle of wine while I made a pie. And then oh yummy just so- Arthur!” You looked up from where you had been folding the long overdue laundry only to see your fiancé wander into the bedroom dressed only in a towel that did nothing to hide the way his ‘gift’ swung as he moved. Your thoughts quickly trailed off to a place you had no time to go before you caught yourself.
“What?” He asked but the smirk on his stupid face gave him away. You angrily pointed at him.
“No. This is not happening.” 
Arthur dramatically put his hand on his bare chest like he was offended. “What’s not happening? Dinner? That’s disappointing, I was looking forward to it.” You glared at him.
“Fine, if that’s how we’re playing it.” You sucked your teeth and turned back to the laundry, folding the last remaining shirt and then moving over to the closet. Arthur’s light footfalls followed you, keeping just enough distance to keep you interested. “Tomorrow, I’m meeting up with Lois, and Clark but I really think he just invited himself. He’s got some serious fomo.”
Your fiancé reached around you and plucked up a pair of underwear from his pile as you were putting everything away. You fought the urge to look back at him, knowing that if you did, you would just be giving him what he wanted. You cleared your throat and kept talking. “So you’re welcome to come along if you want, I doubt Clark will want to listen to me and his wife having girl talk.”
There came a muffled thud from behind you, and out of the corner of your eye, you caught sight of his white towel now a heap on the floor. You could vaguely see his naked legs out of your peripheral vision, you were tempted, dear god were you tempted to just look up a couple more inches. Your grip on the now empty laundry basket got tighter. “And um, your mom wanted to go wedding dress shopping this weekend but- fuck.” 
You made the mistake of turning around once you believed it was safe but instead you were met with the glorious view of Arthur’s mostly naked tattooed body, wearing only the tightest, smallest boxers you had ever seen. That bastard knew you were close to breaking.
“Out!” He actually jumped at your outburst. “Go on get! We absolutely cannot be late tonight and I cannot show up to your parents’ house smelling like sex. So go get a bottle of wine, a nice one, and leave me alone until we have to go.” Looking like a kicked puppy, Arthur whined and left the room, shooting you a sad look over his shoulder.
You huffed. “And put on some clothes you slut!”
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Arthur had homework, and as pathetic as that sounded, it was resoundingly true. In order to get the Atlantean king more involved in Justice League business, Bruce had given him a stack of files on various villains to read through. Begrudgingly, Arthur had complied, of course with a little motivation from you but Batman didn’t need to know that.
So once a week, he would hole himself up in your little office at the back of the house and study. As soon as the door shut behind him, you set your plan into motion.
Making sure the shower was extra hot, you stepped into the stream of water. You stayed in just long enough to quickly scrub your body in your extra fancy body wash and to make sure you were completely soaked. You grabbed the smallest towel you could find (coincidentally it was the same one Arthur used only three days ago) and wrapped it around yourself as best you could while not completely drying off. Most of your naked body was still visible though, including your entire right side, but it covered just enough that Arthur wouldn’t be suspicious.
The grumbling coming from behind the office door told you all you needed to know. You smothered the smirk on your face behind a concerned expression and quietly entered. His huge figure was hunched over your desk, a large pile of paper in front of him, his unruly hair tied up messily out of his face, exposing the way his nose scrunched in confusion.
“How’s your work going Art?” His shoulders visibly relaxed at the sound of your voice. 
“It’s going,” he responded with a grumble, turning in his seat to face you but froze quickly, “Queenie, what are you wearing?” Playing dumb, you looked down at your scantily covered body, still wet and warm from the shower, then back up to your fiancé.
“Oh I just took a shower, is that a problem?” He furiously shook his head.
“Nope, nada. You take allllll the showers you want lovey.” He looked at you and it seemed like he was about to get up from the desk to attack you but the files caught his eye once more and he deflated. You grinned victoriously. “Except maybe not today,” Arthur winced, “I have a lot of stuff I have to get done.”
“How would me being all wet and steamy be a problem for you my king?” Your voice took on a sultry tone, one you only used in the bedroom and it had an immediate effect on him. His eyes instantly went dark with lust and his fingers curled into a fist.
With a herculean effort, Arthur forced himself to turn away from you and focus back on his work. “This has to get done so can you put on some clothes? I can’t concentrate.” 
“Oh baby, I’m so sorry. Let me get out of your way, I know how important all this is and how you can’t be distracted.” You purred as you walked back to the door, making sure your hips swayed sensually, just the way he liked. “Come find me when you’re done.” And then you dropped the towel.
There was a beat of silence and then.
“Fuck this.” Huge hands were suddenly wrapped around your thick waist and you were spun around, coming face-to-face with the man you had promised to spend your life with. “You are an evil evil woman.” He snarled.
“And yet, I got the King of Atlantis to crack.” You smugly responded.
“Then let me show you what riling up a king gets you.” And Arthur learned that day that you gave as good as you got.
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Reading in the bio seem there different types of faes and I think the snow leopard ask is trying to say that og Crewle daughter is a snow leopard type of fae ( maybe explain why she dressed light in summer and spring to prevent over heating but wear normally with pants in the other seasons, and to add in to fae mythology that faes can shape shift at will )
And thinking of something since Rook is a hunter, and Jack is that big dog who seem mean but nice
What will Rook, Jack, Riddle,Carter, Jamil,and Sebek ( because I liked that one story where he said something mean for og daughter Crewle being weaker then the average fae, so he there to properly apologize )
Went to look for Crewle daughter at the Ramshackle for something and see her at the garden area in her Snow leopard form sun bathing/napping in a bikini and not even noticed they are there
Separate hc please
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Kitty Nap | Yandere Twisted Wonderland x Leopard Half-Fae Crewel Daughter Reader
Your father wouldn’t let you leave the house with a bikini in your bag, you're wearing a one-piece and bringing your protective pendant. "Darling if you want to sunbathe why don’t you do it on our sundeck? Or our private beach?" But above all else, you wouldn’t be sunbathing at Ramshackle. Have you seen the lighting over there? It's like always looking haunted even in the daytime. The point is: the light’s not good there! But do you know which dorms do have good lighting with sun perfect for your kitty-in-the-sun moments?:
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Rook Hunt
The hunter is always willing to stalk his prey
You just so happened to be staying near the dorm of said-prey
That’s all it is 
That’s what he says when you're sure you see the flash of a camera out of your peripheral vision
“I just love to see you embracing your fae side!”
“Of course you do…I’m sure you’d prefer I let you have your chase. Aren’t I right hunter?”
“Oh mon amour, you know me so well! But I have more interest in the prize rather than the chase”
He knows about it
and he’s delighted that he gets to witness the faint leopard prints on your thighs and shoulders
He adores the comfortability you’re displaying 
But he’s concerned because of it
Savannaclaw is filled with…possible prey
But he worries his amour is all too comfortable
So he’ll stay by your side as a guardian of sorts
Hunters are quite good at that no?
“Would you like me to rub you down…mon amour? With the sunscreen? Yes, of course!”
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Jack Howl
Already standing at your side to protect you
He smells you better without the extra clothes 
Its just an observation! Devoid of any emotion at all of course!
“I-i will guard you, while you lay here!”
“Thank you, Jack. I can trust you to make sure the motley curs stay looking only, right?”
“Good boy.” 
His wagging tail is a glorious fan
He does his job with due diligence
Focusing on the ogling Savvannaclaw students 
He keeps his mind off of your vulnerable position
Soft thighs crossing over one another
Those manicured hands applying an oily sheen of sun protection 
The way your skin just glows under the intense Savvanna heat
Not to mention the delicious raw scent of your sweat increasing as time continues
He tries to stave urges especially when he has such an important duty
But the moment you slip on your robe and make your way to Leona’s bathroom
He releases, sooner making a mess of himself than you
“Hah hah, (Y/n) hah I-i’ll escort you to your father! A-after we both have…cleaned ourselves off.”
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Riddle Rosehearts
Call you genuisely mad but where better to sunbathe where its not too hot not too cold and all the dorm students are too busy to bother you
Of course there are hardly any places you could set up shop with the students either leaving for class or coming back
So why not the sweet spot in the maze that the dorm leader has special access to
“I-i can’t believe you’re doing something so-so indecent on Night Raven Campus!”
“Please Riddle, I would hardly consider improving relations with the Princess Academy indecent. Besides I can guarantee, you will not tattle-tail on me.”
“Oh? And why is that?”
“This is the closest you’ve ever gotten to an unclothed woman.”
“W-what!? I-ah-well I never!” 
He willingly becomes your verbal punching bag 
If it means he gets to admire your glistening face 
While you tease him from the protection of your coutoure sunglasses
He’s making sure not alert his dormmembers
Claiming he must monitor you so that your not ‘destroying school property’
“An unlcothed woman?! That woman! She’s practically geared on destroying my calm…”
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Carter Diamond
“I know a place! Its the best selfie sunbathing spot!” 
“I figured you would. Your timeline never fails.”
“Why thank you, bae! Now do you want me to bring (f/d) or the ice?”
You’re not doing this alone 
Even if you drop however many hints
He’s skipping just to cozy up with you under the sun
Posting every 1/3rd of a second with captions like
‘Oh my bae’s so sleepy #hottie’
‘You know she’s down bad when she’s taking your straws #baddie #mybaddie’ 
Funny because he’s the one who keeps mixing your drinks
Its unavoidable that Crewel will get word 
And the poor vicewarden will be slapped with sudden decreases in his grade
“Ah its fine. In the long run I got the chance of a lifetime! In the timeline of our marriage it’ll make a great anniversary tradition!”
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Jamil Viper
Where better to feel the heat than in Scarabia!
He’s more than aware when you decide to choose the place
Kalim agrees to just about anything in a heartbeat
So as his loyal servant its his duty to clean up after him
And he begrudgingly gleefully brings you iced tea as you get your fill
Even better if he can convince Kalim to make you a little oasis 
So while the kids are at play 
He’ll fulfill anything you desire
“(Y/n), you look as though your absolutely burning in that. If you’d like something more freeing I can whip you something up real fast.”
“I appreciate that Jamil but I’m not exactly looking to incur the wrath of my father. More than that: whatever follows a Viper’s hungry gaze.”
“Oh? Didn’t you know? Their bite of course, now where would you like to take it?
He doesn’t hide his intentions with you
It makes it more fun anyway
But in all honesty he may not be able to handle more than the leopard patterns fading onto your exposed skin
“The sight might be enough for now but don’t doubt that I’ll be…waiting in the sands for you forever.”
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Sebek Zigvolt
Coming to apologize to your sunbathing spot on campus may have been good for anyone else
But Sebek has a problem 
A problem that makes it hard for someone he’s wronged to give him the time of day 
Coming across you wherever but Diasomnia in his search for you
He screams the only thing that he can think of as his face alights with blood
“Huh? YOU?! Ugh I didn’t want to deal with this today!”
While it was certainly a different feeling from soft touches in forgiveness it was certainly…something
Sebek was kept heaving by the pressure of your foot on his back while you continued to tighten the whip you had wrapped around his heated form
Even as you reject his struggled apology he can’t stop his heated reaction to the sight he gets as he awkwardly looks up
“Do you? I don’t think you’re begging hard enough!” 
When he returns to Diasomnia with red lines lining his face and hands accompanied by red ears and tightened pants he refuses to give an answer or at least one that would explain anything that had transpired
“Crewel-sama uh refused my apology Waka-sama…I-i am not sorry to have failed you!”
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etherati · 11 months
Belmont crest and colorrrrssss
I have a lot of thoughts and feels about the colors used in various versions of the Belmont crest in the netflix show, and how it fits into traditional heraldry. I have decided to make that everyone else's problem. So.
In Leon's portrait, we see him in a surcoat of white with the Belmont crest rendered in azure blue.
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In traditional heraldry the "white" component of this would be synonymous with the metal silver/argent, as matte white was not a meaningful color choice and all colors had to be combined with a metal (silver or gold) rather than another color. Now, I know that in the Doylesian sense, this color choice was made because of Leon's original character design, which utilized different tradition imagery and had nothing to do with the Belmonts specifically:
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But the text is what it is and the show gave us the first Belmont in an azure and argent version of the Belmon crest. Color meanings vary depending on your source, but azure typically referred to truth, loyalty, and unwavering morality. Morality is, of course, a construct--you can imagine that for the rebellious ex-church-knight Belmont it probably had some input from the bible but moreso was informed by his own oath--to "battle the night". Yeah, this gets made fun of--he's the dumbass who wants to fight an entire time of day--but we know what he means, ok. He's swearing to defend the daylight world against the things in the night that would harm it. He is defining his moral position going forward very specifically--he will uphold humanity and destroy that which would cause it harm. In a fic of mine he described it as representing the daylight sky, which given that he's a vampire in that fic carries even more poignancy, but even in the canon version it works, because that is the moral field he is aligning with.
Meanwhile argent/silver generally refers to purity, sincerity, and faith, which yeah, this is definitely a character who has purity of purpose. This combination of colors suits a vision of the Belmonts that served humanity unerringly, who had faith even when the church itself seemed flawed, who defined their morality by the divide between daylight and night and executed it with sincerity and dedication.
Fast forward to Trevor's time. The family has risen and fallen. At its height it was considered a great noble family--a warrior dynasty, as Alucard put it. Trevor's tunic and his armor both bear the crest in gold; once we're in the hold, we see that it's set against a deep burgundy in the official banners and standards. 
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Why the change? What does it mean? Red is obvious--it's the warrior side of them, the military might, the weight of generations of fighters and all the blood they've spilt. It's the most common color in heraldry because conflict and war were themselves so common, but the Belmonts (to our knowledge) weren't besieging neighboring Lords' territories. They defined themselves by their fight against the creatures of the night, defined themselves to the point that they became The Fight. The warrior is the largest part of their identity. In the same fic I had Trevor say that the red represented family to him, like bloodlines, which is not the traditional meaning--but given that nothing defined his family or his relationship with them as much as The Fight, I still think he was onto something. Additionally, red can carry the meaning of sacrifice and martyrdom, which also fucking fits, unfortunately.
As for the gold, usually this refers to faithfulness, nobility, constancy, and glory. On its own, it's a statement of those qualities--particularly nobility and faithfulness. Combined with warrior's red, the glory piece of it starts to assert itself. A family of martyrs and warriors, noble and glorious--that's how they saw themselves, anyway. The family had gotten so far up its own ass that it cared more about perpetuating those ideals and standards than it necessarily did about the original purpose and duty of its existence! Eventually Trevor re-finds that purpose, when he drops the cloak in Gresit and re-dedicates himself to protecting the people--but it's worth noting that the crest he displays in that moment is gold alone, without a specific colored field. The version of the Belmonts that defined themselves by the amount of blood they'd shed are dead and buried, their flags tattered; the one who survived has taken their steadfastness, their faithfulness and constancy and nobility, and managed to reconnect it to what they always should have been.
Which brings us full circle, back to Leon's portrait--because there's another crest, there.
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Azure and gold. All the steady dedication of a long standing nobility--much less fragile than one man's personal purity of purpose--applied to moral defense of humanity and the daylight world, rather than simply to fighting and glory for its own sake. There's a reason this is the color scheme I plan for Leon to end up in, in my fic-verse, and is the one that I think may have been in between the other two, chronologically. It conveys all the Belmonts are meant to be and do, without reducing them to simply violence. They fight, not for the fight's sake, but to protect the people they've sworn to protect.
Anyway. Yeah. Uh, colors!
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piglet26 · 6 months
Reylo Scenes: TROS Part 2
After a failed attempt at killing Rey and Rey slashing Ren's fighter. He's relieved he didn't kill her. She's relieved she didn't kill him. He emerges looking fucking glorious while Rey tried to stop a ship from flying off cause she thinks Chewie is on board. What the hell are they doing putting a mask on him at this point?!
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In the novel from Kylo's perspective, "But his impulse to kill Key had almost ruined everything he had been planning..... but his deepest desire, the thing he wanted most (Rey) would require planning and patience."
"It didn't matter what or who was inside that transport that made desperate to prevent it's escape, he was not going to let her have it. He reached out, felt the massive machinery in his mind, yanked it towards himself."
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What's interesting in this scene is Kylo Ren is pushing her and Rey ultimately pulls from anger to best him and keep chewing. That's what always been interesting about Rey is she's the Jedi, but often times she fights with anger, fear and aggression. In the novelization it's revealed that over the course of that year she's been hearing voices. It looks pretty and it's a good shot, but I kept thinking didn't we already see this? Force wise... they're pretty even. While it doesn't hit as hard as the tug-o-war in the TLJ it does serve a purpose. Rey is a Palpatine after all.
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In the movie, as per usual, this next bit doesn't make any sense. Ren seems stunned and just let's Rey, Finn and Poe run off. In the novel it makes more sense.
"Kylo Ren watched the freighter rise into the sky, Rey inside it. She had beaten him again (she thought she killed her friend not really a win but you're emo) and yet, he was filled with triumph. He'd been right to push her. She had just demonstrated unbelievable, mind blowing power. Dark power. Sith Power. The scavenger was almost ready to turn. And when she did, they would both kill their light, embrace their darkness, then the star destroyer fleet and the Sith throne would be theirs."
Kylo Ren is a Reylo and is trying to make power couple goals happen and we have to appreciate that.
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This is concept art from "The Rise of Skywalker" notice how their costumes mirror each other.
The chemistry between Rey and Kylo is electric whenever they share the same space, so much so that sometimes it feels like we, the audience, are intruding on a private moment between the two.
On board Ochi's ship Rey confesses she has sex dreams about Kylo Ren. Let's be honest they both do and she confesses she's had visions of her and Kylo Ren on top the Sith throne.
Next scene is them in Kijimi. Ren is looking for his future Queen who is trying to find the sithway finder or whatever. Arriving in his pretty cool ship.
In the novel per Zorii, "As the black clad man approached the squads officer snap to attention, "Supreme leader".... the man standing below with his gang od butchers was Kylo Ren himself.....The supreme leader said his voice was tight and calm, but Zorii got the feeling he was barely containing his rage. He looked around almost as if he were sniffing the air. "We have a perimeter around the city." The lieutenant began, but Kylo Ren cut him off, "We're too late, the scavenger is gone." Zorri goes onto describe Kylo Ren having a moment whipping his lightsaber out and going beast mode.
In the movie through the force it's implied that that's how Rey knows Chewie is onboard Ren's destroyer, but in the novel it's different. He interrogated Chewie forcefully (wink wink ha ha ha) to get information on Rey. Rey was able to link mind with Kylo Ren and that's how she knew Chewie was onboard. They should've shown them linking minds more.
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Then Rey was in his room, or excuse me, private quarters. Anyone else surprised his room was so white and pretty, if no impersonal. Where's his bed? I saw it in the first movie I think.
"Rey. Wherever you are, you are hard to find."
I'm wondering if at this point that can connect to one another more voluntarily. Rey is always swinging first. Like always. This scene can only really be described as exposition scenes, but there is a nice aspect to it. It's nice to see what they see from one another's viewpoint when they force bond. They just see each other. The dyad is increasing in power, not only can they now touch through the force, they can fight and their spaces even blend. They were together and yet separate. Kylo Ren also seems to be very excited his girl is in quarters and wants to lock down that ship.
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In their next scene, again, Kylo tells her the plot of The Rise of Skywalker while wearing that damn mask. I have questions when did Kylo Ren find out they were a dyad?! Why were denied this scene? Obviously they instinctually know they are connected, they just never knew the word to put to it, but were is the exact scene? The thing about Kylo Ren is he uses information to twist it like a knife. He's going to use the truth that they are Dyad, that she is a Palpatine and ultimately the attraction she feels for him to seduce her to the dark side. From Rey's perspective, "He extended his black gloved hand to her, she looked at it, remembered. The last time he extended a hand had been in the wreckage of Snoke's throne room. Their combined power had defeated him. It was true. That together they could do such incredible things. Suddenly, she sensed a weight at her back and along with it... Finn. His presence a bright beacon of light piercing the dark." Ren pulling some MJ Smooth Criminal moves there.
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After Rey flees with her crew, in the novel it's gives Kylo Ren's reaction. Her surveys the damage left from The Falcon's engine wash. "Kylo considered it a small price to pay to encounter Rey again. To provoke her into a rage. To say the word Dyad and watch the truth of it wash over her lovely face......he hardly paid attention, he kept seeing her face. The way her lips had parted with surprise. The way her body had canted (leaned) toward him. If the Millennial falcon hadn't appeared she might have come to him. Taken his hand. Kylo really hated that ship.... he'd been so very close, but now she knew the truth. She would accept it."
Yeah, they're horny. It's the first time Kylo described her in such detail and really let us as the reader or audience know..... he wants power, but he wants Rey more. If Ren had the world in his hand it wouldn't mean as much without Rey. This is the first scene in the movie where Rey acknowledges how much she wants to be with him. Interesting, Finn again is really her solid base on the good side of the force.
Side note: Dark Rey is hot.
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The lightsaber fight onboard the death star wreckage. I've heard criticism that this fight while beautiful is pointless. I disagree. It's actually a scene that pushes them forward. Rey said, "give it to me" and Ren giving this shudder like he just came in his pants. hmmhmm! Ren likes feral, passionate Rey. He's pushing her and pushing her when she's already at the edge. Interesting enough, Ben can take whatever Rey has to give. All the anger and the fury she's had to hide from everyone else she can express to him. The fight is really about their likeness and yet difference, their passion, how Rey has grown in her lightsaber fighting and fixing the end of The Force Awakens. Ren is fighting at full force capacity, he's not injured and he's not emotional.
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The way he is in love
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“He sent the thought directly into her mind: I know you. No one does, she shot back. But I do.” WHY WASN'T THIS IN THE MOVIE?!
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They fight until Rey is exhausted and when it looks like Kylo Ren might strike the killing blow, Leia reaches out through the force before she passes. In a fit of rage Rey stabs Kylo Ren, but snaps out of it when she feels Leia's passing. She begins to heal the wound she created.
How did she heal? Oh, you know those books she had in the beginning of the movie? Those book were the sacred Jedi text from Acht-to. She smuggled them onboard the falcon. So they never were actually set fire. Turns out Yoda that they actually were useful.
Rey showing him compassion, healing him, believing in him almost doggedly is so empowering for Ben Solo to return. His parents might be gone, but he still has someone to return home to. This movie has flawed writing but sometimes almost accidentally that land on something that works. The line where she admits she wanted to take his hand is a great line. It's declaration of love for Ben, not a rejection of Kylo Ren. It's her saying, "I didn't reject you. I wanted the best version of you"
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After the unconditional love offered by both parents and the selfless, sacrificial love offered by Rey...... Kylo Ren becomes Ben Solo again. We just don't see him for the next 20 minutes as Rey processes her identity crisis and then goes off to fight to Palpatine..... without a plan.
There's also something purely adolescent about Reylo. Even in TLJ, these two throw themselves into one another. Like Rey having a vision of their future together so she goes alone to an enemy ship based purely on belief in him. Now we have Ben Solo, in a moment of pure adolescent "I gotta get to my girl" just needs to be with her on exegol as she faces down Palpatine.
From Adam Driver, "and the thing that we started with for "Who is Ben, then? There's no ambiguity about what it is that he has to do. There's no more seesaw that's happening. For the first time, someone who has never had the answer now finally knows his purpose or destiny. But I don't know that he entirely is sure of what's going to happen from there, nor do I think he cares. I think it's so long as he is with her, he's on the right path. " Adam driver is a Reylo.
Ben solo is back and he's glorious. He's likeable, charismatic, he's funny and he shoots backwards like his dad. People appreciated Adam Driver in an all new way with these scenes. He doesn't say a word except "oh, but you know he's shifted from Kylo Ren to Ben Solo. His physical acting is so strong. The subtlety showed his talented and not many actors can say that.
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It such a beautiful moment when finally Ben Solo and Rey connect instead. In the novel and in the film especially so because she reaches for her connection to Ben right before she's going to kill Palpatine.
He acknowledged her and Rey’s lips parted in surprise. The connection was… right. Good. Like coming home. They wasted a precious moment reveling in this new sharing. This is how it should have been all along. A true dyad.
Rey lowered the lightsaber behind her back, as if readying for a massive blow. She reached for the Force. The effort made tears sting in her eyes. [...] She raised her hand ... which was now empty. She had projected her weapon away. [...] The moment Ben felt the grip of Luke’s lightsaber in his palm, he knew it belonged to him, an extension of his very own self. He raised it slowly, relishing the feel of it. ”
It's a beautiful moment where Rey and now Ben Solo have a redo of The Last Jedi. Rey looks at Ben with such love, joy and relief. Ben looks at Rey with such confidence, determination and love. It's the "Are you with me? "Yes, I'm with" Now with them both in blue light.
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Finally Ben Solo and Rey are united. These soulmates separate by so much over the course of two movies are finally as they were suppose to be. Palpatine and Skywalker standing together. What it should have been is act of love, redemption and hope defeating evil. It should have been Ben Solo confronting his demons with the woman he loves and fought to be with. It should have been is Rey belonging; a redeemed Ben was supposed to become her new home and/ fulfill her need for a family. It should have been a power couple fighting evil with the Force.
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But no. Somehow the two of them coming together empowered the devil. Their power like a source of life itself. Then Ben Solo is chucked off a cliff after draining their energy. Why? Ben Solo should have faced his grandfather's and father's enemy, or his clone. Palpatine confirms all the voices he's been hearing in his head has been Palpatine. He literally made irrelevant to something he is very relevant to.
They fail together, but she succeeds alone after the spirits of the Jedi aiding her?! I hate all this. Then she dies after her energy being drained, or she clutches the lightsaber too hard, I'm not sure it's not described. It's annoying. Ben drags himself up broken ribs and all to get to Rey. He crawls to her when he realizes she's passed. It's a horrible moment where you feel how alone Ben feels.
"He could see her now, collapsed on the floor, and the pain in his chest was suddenly so much worse than that of a couple broken ribs."
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Ben initially mourns her until he realizes there might be a chance to save. He heals her like she healed him. Oh also none of the films go into the fact that because of their bond they were able to learn the force, including fighting moves, from one another. "Ben poured everything into her. He found reservoirs he didn’t even know he had. He gave her his whole self"
Then Rey finally takes his hand! She's back! Ben is so relieve that she's there. In the novel, "She was glad to see him. Glad to be with him in this moment. It was the greatest gift she could have given him. His heart was full as Rey reached for his face, let her fingers linger against his cheek. And then, wonder of wonders, she leaned forward and kissed him."
Reylos! We finally get our kiss, they smile at one another, look they're so happy! Probably the happiest they've ever been. A celebration!
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Anddddddd he's gone. Seriously. Rey mourns him in the novel like we never see her do in the film. "The girl who had felt alone for all those years on Jakku had been part of a dyad the whole time. And just when she'd discovered that precious connection, that incredible oneness, it was ripped away. A voice came to her through the Force, clear and strong. I will always be with you, Ben said."
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It's tragic because there's so much to Ben Solo we just don't see as an audience after 3 films!!!!!! He doesn't have any lines.
This movie was edited until literally the week before the films release. The recall of the artbook, the last-minute editing, Adam Driver recording new dialogue in his closet..... I'm wondering if the original idea for TROS Reylo was, well, this. We know from the editor, they didn't know for sure if they wanted them to kiss until post-production. Much of the movie wasn't decided until post-production.
And then we get to the ending. Rey Skywalker. How are you not Rey Solo after the man you felt kinship with and the man you were in love with?! Like da fuq?!
Moving forward to this Rey 2025 movie. I'd like it to do well. I hope it does well. It probably won't unless Ben Solo returns. Reylo might be controversial (whatever) but it's currently one of the biggest draws this franchise has. Kylo Ren/Ben Solo is the most popular character out of the sequel trilogy. We deserve it and I'd pay to see it.
sigh the ending we should have gotten
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This post took me like 4 days
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lurkingshan · 5 months
Last Twilight Episode 10
Okay…okay. I have had some concerns about this show on a low simmer for weeks and unfortunately, the direction this episode took has brought them all roaring to the surface.
First let me just say there was a lot about this episode I really loved (anything to do with Night especially). But there are also a few things that did not work for me so well, so let’s take them one at a time.
Mhok’s Story
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Mhok’s financial struggles, the prejudice he faces as a formerly incarcerated person, and his deep grief for his sister have been back-burnered for weeks while he and the story focused on Day. I chatted with @my-rose-tinted-glasses about this last week and said that I was reserving judgment and hoped this was an intentional part of the narrative that would come to the fore—Mhok was subsuming his own problems by making Day his entire life, and when he inevitably left the caretaker job he would have to face them again.
Welp, this episode was the moment for that to happen, if it was ever going to, and the show didn’t do it. Instead, they quickly glossed over Mhok’s struggles with two short scenes and a couple lines of dialogue, stuck him in a new job, and went right back to focusing on Day. Will I ever get a Thai bl that sets up class conflict and financial struggles and then actually takes it seriously?? Apparently not today.
This choice to gloss over Mhok’s money problems is also making the romance feel pretty imbalanced, and I’m really mourning the opportunity to see Day be a supportive partner to Mhok like he has been for him. I want Mhok to be a whole person, not an improbably perfect love interest. The lack of reciprocity in their dynamic is not great and it’s holding this romance back from reaching its full potential.
Day’s Mom
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Let’s be very clear: Day’s mom’s behavior in this episode was abusive. She was within her rights to fire Mhok, which he knew and that’s why he resigned before she took action. But her choice to intentionally isolate Day and lock him up in his room with no access to the outside world was cruel and selfish. And it doesn’t seem like the show really gets that, given how they presented her and Day through the rest of the episode.
That family holiday scene was really missing the underlying edge it should have had given she was playing the loving mom while doing these things to Day, and other than one brief line from Night that got interrupted, we didn’t see any acknowledgement in the story of how wrong she was, or even get a good sense of how much she was harming Day.
I would have liked to see Day actually seem affected by his isolation rather than focusing on more cute date moments. Bad Buddy was really adept at delivering excellent couple moments while never letting you forget about the underlying trauma and melancholy of the story, but this show is not quite managing to do the same. Moonlight Chicken also has some glorious moments where bad and abusive parenting was called out very directly, so the lack of it here is really jarring. It all feels curiously light for the subject matter and I expected more from Aof.
Day’s Vision
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Obviously after the end of the episode this will be the worry on everyone’s mind heading into next week. We know Aof previews can’t be trusted, but it seems clear the surgery is going to happen. Thematically, I do not think it makes any sense for the show to restore Day’s vision. I wish they weren’t going here with the eye donation surgery at all, but if they’re going to do it I hope its purpose is for the procedure to fail as a mechanism to force Day and his family to finally accept that his disability will not be fixed. But given the above noted poor execution on some of the story’s other themes, I am not currently feeling super confident that the show won’t do something very silly here. Fingers crossed!
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unicyclehippo · 5 months
One word prompt: pause
imogen was glorious, holding her own before the most powerful people in the world. she was gorgeous and glorious and strange. to herself, from herself.
‘that’s probably why he was staring at us. because storm lord, storm powers.’
‘yeah. yeah,’ imogen muttered with a quick smile. ‘that’s probably it.’
it had nothing to do with profound distrust or the inhuman recognition of the inhuman in imogen, surely. laudna watched imogen watch the earthbreaker stride back to his small battalion of warriors. her eyes lingered, burned. then they met laudna’s and imogen seemed to pause before the burning gave way to only warmth.
‘hey, honey. done talking to the voice?’
laudna nodded. her fingers twisted, knotted together.
fearne waggled her eyebrows at them. ‘how was last night? the manor is so romantic, isn’t it?’
imogen conjured a little laugh, a little blush. enough to make fearne coo at them, teasing, and turn tail to give them a moment alone. laudna watched it happen and tried to pair the blush with the quiet night they’d had, laying untouching side by side. imogen hadn’t slept much and had said less.
‘we didn’t do anything,’ laudna whispered.
imogen shook her head with another laugh. ‘she doesn’t need to know that.’
‘we didn’t do anything.’
‘i know. do you want me to tell her that?’ imogen asked quietly, laugh falling away to a mild frown. her eyes drifted sidelong, mind drifted sidelong against laudna’s. laudna wished she would look within—maybe she could explain laudna’s thoughts to her. all she knew was that it was filled with hungry shadows and visions of the red storm, and imogen. ‘laud?’ imogen touched her cheek gently. from her tone, it wasn’t the first time she had called laudna’s name.
‘i’m alright, darling.’
‘that’s why you’re pulling your hair out? because you’re alright?’ imogen’s frown softened. ‘cmon, let’s get out of the sun.’
she guided laudna to a spot of shade against the wall of the fort. at a pointed glare, a nearby guard jumped to their feet and carried over a bucket with a crisp salute and ‘ma’am!’ they hurried away just as fast and imogen overturned the bucket, sat laudna down upon it.
the shade was blissful. after the dark damp of morrigan’s fane, the desert was so harsh. brutal sunlight burned down onto laudna’s pale skin. and everywhere she looked it was a vision of death and blood, pale faces drawn in nerves and painted red by the light of the moon.
‘close your eyes,’ imogen told her, crouching beside her. ‘it’s okay. don’t look.’
laudna clamped her eyes shut. ‘the red…’
‘i know.’
‘it’s like your old dreams. the red and the sand.’
‘and all of these souls… what if they’re like dear old bertrand? the lumas twins? what if all of them are claimed by the moon?’
imogen’s hands tightened on laudna’s. ‘that’d be pretty awful, huh?’
laudna didn’t answer for a long moment. the silence stretched, a strained tendon. she didn’t dare open her eyes. all she wanted was quiet and dark and imogen.
‘i’m here,’ imogen murmured.
laudna felt her hands being moved and peeked down through dark lashes to see imogen lift one of her hands, press her lips to it. laudna’s sharp inhale was almost a gasp and it drew imogen’s gaze upward. her lips drew up in a bright, sharp smile. the corner of her mouth was thin, pulled long by her smile. laudna touched a trembling finger to imogen’s cheek, just shy of her mouth.
‘beautiful,’ she whispered. then, unable to keep the words back any longer, ‘don’t leave me.’
imogen’s smile flickered. ‘why would i—‘
‘you can fool the others but you can’t fool me. something happened when you gave in.’
‘no please, let me finish.’ she gathered imogen’s hand up. ‘i know what it feels like, i know.’
‘no. you don’t.’ imogen yanked her hand free and shoved up to her feet. ‘i’m fine,’ she assured her, eyes elsewhere, already looking for where she could go, anywhere to get away from this conversation. orym stood at the other end of the fort, filling water canteens with ashton’s help. imogen started toward him—only to stop when laudna wrapped a hand around her wrist.
‘let me go.’
‘it felt good,’ laudna said, voice low. ‘safe. it felt like you were hardly there, that predathos was holding you so tight you could hardly breathe and it was wonderful because he could keep you so safe if anything happened, if anything scared you, hurt you. it felt good because no one has ever wanted you that much.’ imogen tried to pull her hand away. with uncommon strength, laudna held tight. ‘he made you feel powerful, welcome, special. he showed you that you are already all those things, that he sees that in you. he showed you how l-‘ laudna stopped, voice cracking. after a moment, she pressed on. ‘he showed you how lonely you are. that he doesn’t see you as a monster. you aren’t scary with him. you aren’t freakish or dangerous. you belong with him.’
imogen was panting now, eyes wide. she turned to face laudna, who spoke quick and quiet as though she only had a few seconds to speak, a few seconds before something would stop her. or someone.
‘you’re wrong.’
‘i’m not weak,’ imogen spat, not seeing laudna’s flinch. ‘he can tell me whatever he wants, i know what is true. what is right.’
laudna clenched her jaw. the planes of her face went hard as marble, eyes stern. her voice wavered then went harsh. ‘you are weak, imogen.’
the shock of the words made imogen pause, jaw dropping.
‘you have a weakness, and he will exploit it. that is what they do. you have been a stranger to everyone in your life. you have been in pain for a decade. you are scarred all over and so powerful it scares people. your mother left, your father ignored you, and no one else could come close because it hurt—‘
‘stop it.’
‘you have spent years wanting to get as far away as you could, somewhere without awful people, somewhere you could just be. it is a terribly strong lure, to feel that you might be able to be around others like you. no longer the odd one out. to find joy in who you are, not pain.’
‘stop it!’ imogen snapped. ‘it doesn’t matter what he offers me, ‘cause i ain’t taking it. and if you felt so damn strong about this, you should’ve said somethin’ before i dreamed last night.’
the stone in laudna’s face cracked, crumbled. ‘yes,’ she whispered. ‘i should have.’
‘good, well, it’s too late.’ imogen wrenched free, successfully this time. she rubbed her wrist where laudna had held her. the grip hadn’t been tight nor painful but something in the closeness now made her skin crawl. her eyes dragged up to the moon hanging overhead; when she refocused on laudna, she was met with a look of understanding.
‘i want you to make your choices. i will follow, whatever you choose—‘
laudna stuttered to a stop. ‘no?’
‘i don’t want to make the choices for you. you have to figure out what is right, laudna! you aren’t her! and you sure as hell aren’t me. stop giving into her and start thinking about what is right for once! make a choice!’
‘i choose you—‘
‘choose yourself,’ imogen snapped. sucked in a breath as she heard the sharpness of her tone, saw the way laudna’s certainty wavered and she began to fold into herself once more. ‘choose yourself,’ she said again, more calmly. ‘i love you. i went to the ends of the world and beyond to get you back, ripped you out of her tree, so that you could live your life, not hers.’
‘i know.’
‘good. so just focus on keepin’ her out and doing what we came here to do and it’ll all work out.’
laudna pursed her lips with a tiny frown. ‘i- i should have said something earlier. i’m so sorry, darling. i want you to feel at home. loved. but…’ she swallowed harshly, then held her hand toward imogen. she didn’t grab at her, nor move closer. ‘predathos doesn’t love you.’
imogen laughed, sound harsh. ‘i know that.’
‘do you?’
it was too hard to meet laudna’s eyes. something in her still pulled, yearned, for the moon. imogen knew the moment her feet landed on the moon that she would feel more at home than she ever had. that the weight of the world would lift that small amount, that gravity would right itself around her. she didn’t know how she could come back to exandria after, knowing that.
‘whatever he says to you, whatever he offers,’ laudna continued when imogen said nothing, ‘tell me. i will spend the rest of my life trying to give it to you,’ she vowed. ‘you will never owe me anything. it will be the joy of my life to - to love you. to build a home with you, away from the world, away from everyone else.’
‘and safe?’ imogen whispered. ‘can you promise we’ll be safe?’
laudna lowered her eyes. ‘no.’
‘no. that’s what i thought.’
‘but he can’t keep you safe either.’
‘i dunno, laud. he felt… powerful. it felt like nothing could touch me there.’
‘perhaps nothing could,’ laudna agreed. her hand was still outstretched, unwavering, though imogen had not yet taken it. ‘that sounds terribly lonely, darling.’
imogen shook her head. ‘he was everywhere. i’d never be alone.’
the words struck laudna. she looked sickened, and for an instant her hand trembled. she kept from snatching at imogen, barely.
‘it isn’t what it’s cracked up to be,’ she whispered. ‘you lose track. of your own voice. yourself.’
‘it wouldn’t be like that.’
‘you wouldn’t even feel it happen.’
imogen bowed her head. the sun had shifted overhead, the day straining to press on against the weight of the moon. the shade they had stood in was being eaten up. soon, there would be nothing left of it at all.
she reached out. took laudna’s hand.
‘before we get there, while i’m still myself. bring me back.’ her grip tightened. it must have been painful. laudna held her as tight, nails digging into imogen’s skin. ‘i might scream or fight. i might not want to come back. but.’ her throat tightened, something in her already fighting the words. ‘this is my home. you. exandria. bring me home. whatever it takes.’
laudna nodded. stepped in, pressing her cool forehead to imogen’s. ‘a tether.’
‘my tether.’
‘my whole world,’ laudna murmured.
the words didn’t quite touch her. imogen could still feel the lure, the pull, the feeling of belonging and home just out of reach. she could feel it burrowing beneath her skin to hollow her out and for a moment she could see past the haze of red sand and static and knew that laudna was right. the clarity wouldn’t last long.
she kissed laudna there, for anyone to see. her lips were chapped but laudna didn’t complain, only kissed her sweetly and gently. there was such a look of surprise and adoration when she pulled back that for a second imogen felt it. home.
‘he can’t have me,’ imogen promised, voice edged with a sandstorm growl. ‘better halves. i’m already whole.’
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merrixmas · 5 months
Interesting Deal (One shot)
Agent Leon X Agent Reader
Summary: Leon is on an undercover mission to get information from a new suspicious organization, and you made it easier for him by making a deal.
WC: 2.2k
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"Be careful Leon, it looks like the building has top security, I suggest you be more careful." Ingrid suggested, looking at the floorplan in her computer for a safe route.
"Alright." Leon murmured, looking for the perfect spot to park his car in, he settled on parking near the entrance for an easier escape if things didn't go according to plan. When he got out of his car, he noticed a woman walking towards the building. It was you. When he first saw you, he thought maybe he can make a deal with you
You wore a black blazer, white shirt, a short pencil skirt with a black pantyhose and black heels. You just got back from a mission, fought numerous armed men and you didn't even break a sweat. You didn't even look like you just fought earlier.
Leon on the other hand, hid behind a car, staring at you in awe as you swayed your hips while walking, you were irresistible to him.
Your colleagues called you "Agent Glorious" because of your beauty and it became official, since your real name was top secret.
"That's got to be Agent Glorious right?" Leon whispered, walking towards the building.
"Correct, but doesn't the name glorious seem a little off? I did research about her but there's not much info about her, says here that her real name is unknown." Ingrid said, observing Leon in the CCTV cameras as he walked towards the building, pulling out a fake card.
The guard checked the card then let him in. Leon scanned the place familiarizing it. He then saw you, talking to one of your male colleagues, he couldn't help but feel slightly jealous that you're talking to another guy but him.
You noticed that an familiar guy was looking at you through your peripheral vision, you pretended like you didn't see or notice him in the parking lot and inside. Instead you decided to tease him, taking of your blazer, unbuttoning your shirt a little low to show your cleavage as you talked with your male colleague, lying that you feel hot then excusing yourself to go to your office.
Leon followed from afar, hoping that you wouldn't know, but you do. You held your phone as you walked in the hallway, looking at the CCTV cameras to check if he was still following you, and guess what? He still was. You chuckled, smirking to yourself.
You knew he wasn't supposed to be here, but why not have some fun? You just arrived from a mission after all, you needed to release some stress.
As you entered your office, you purposely left the door open for him. Going to one of your drawers to get something, and as Leon entered, you bent down flashing him with your black lacy panties.
He then locked the door behind him without looking away from you. You then turned around to look at him.
"Leon S. Kennedy. You're not supposed to be here, Handsome." You said in a seductive manner.
Eyeing you up and down, Leon flashes a smirk "Agent Glorious. I'm here to get the information I need, and you're standing in my way. But maybe I can make a deal with you."
"What deal?" You asked, crossing your arms as you listen to whatever he has to say.
Leaning closer, Leon whispers "You'll get the information I need, and I'll give you whatever you want in exchange. Meet me tonight at the rooftop of this building, and we'll see if our missions align."
"And if I refuse?" You tilted your head a little to the side.
Then I'll take the information by force," he warns, his tone cold. "But if you meet me tonight, we might be able to help each other out." He smirks again, clearly enjoying the power play.
You agreed to his deal, doing paperwork before going to the rooftop.
Leon arrived at the rooftop a few minutes before you did. He was leaning against the railing, his eyes scanning the area. He saw you approaching and straightened up, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Agent Leon.. so, what information do you want?" I say, putting my hands behind me.
"Oh, just a few tidbits about the organization," Leon replied nonchalantly. "But first, I have a little proposal for you." He paused, watching as you looked at him expectantly.
"Tell me about it" I say with curiosity and interest.
"I have a proposition for you." He took a step closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Let's join forces temporarily," Leon suggested, his gaze intense. "Our skills complement each other, don't they?" He paused, giving you a chance to consider his proposal.
You thought carefully. Considering his proposal, putting a finger on your lips, pretending to think "Hmm, Sure why not?"
Leon's smirk widened at your acceptance. Excellent," Leon smiled, clearly pleased with your answer. "Now, about the information I want... Do you have anything to share with me?" He stepped even closer now, their bodies almost brushing against each other.
"It depends, Leon" You teased, looking at his ocean blue eyes.
"Well, I have a little something that might interest you," Leon murmured, his voice low and seductive. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small flash drive. "I managed to hack into their system and got my hands on this." He held it up between his thumb and forefinger.
"You do know I work for this organization right?" You clarified, looking at the flash drive for a moment then back to his eyes.
Leon chuckled softly. "Of course, my dear. But we both know how easily information can change hands in our line of work, don't we?" He stepped even closer now, their bodies almost touching. "Besides, sharing is caring, isn't it?"
"Mhm, but we haven't talk about what I want and need yet." You say with a sultry look.
"And what might that be, Sweetheart?" Leon asked, his tone teasing. He took the flash drive from between his fingers and held it up between yours, their fingertips brushing against each other.
"Well, I have this habit where-..." You paused, unsure if you should tell or not.
Leon's grin widened, his eyes glinting with amusement. "A habit, hm? Sounds intriguing." He leaned in closer, his lips hovering near your ear. "What is it? Do tell..."
I sighed before continuing. "I have this habit where, after a mission, I would usually pleasure myself somewhere private to release some stress."
Leon's smirk widened as he nodded his head, understanding your little secret. "And are you saying you wouldn't mind a hand?" He ran his thumb across your palm, his touch sending shivers down your spine.
"Mhm" You nodded, looking away with a blushing face.
"Well then, let me recall the deal," Leon whispered, his breath hot against your neck. "You give me the information I need, and I'll give you the release you've been craving?" He pressed his body against yours, his arousal clear through his clothes.
"Yes, now after my every mission, you have to be in my office or my house to pleasure me, and after every affair that we have, I'll give you the information you need." You said with lust in your eyes.
Leon chuckled lowly, his breath tickling your ear. "Such an interesting arrangement we've made, Agent Glorious." His hand moved to cup your ass cheek, giving it a firm squeeze. "Now, shall we get started on this affair?"
"Since I just finished my mission earlier, yes. Follow me." I said in a teasing tone.
With pleasure," Leon replied, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. He followed you to a private room within the office, locking the door behind them. As you began to undress, he watched you hungrily, his fingers itching to touch you.
You bit your lips as you gestured him to come closer.
Leon stepped closer, his gaze locked onto yours as he reached out to undress you further. His hands were gentle yet firm, revealing your body piece by piece. His eyes roamed over every inch of skin exposed, a mix of lust and admiration clear in his gaze.
You then laid on the bed. "Take your clothes off, I wanna see your body."
With a smirk, Leon obliged. His muscular frame was well-defined, honed from countless hours of training and combat. His hands were quick to undress him, revealing a hardened member eager for release. As he stood before you, naked and powerful. You rubbed your clit while looking at him up and down.
"Take your time, Sweetheart," Leon said in a husky voice. "Enjoy the view." His eyes locked onto yours as he reached out to stroke himself, He then crawled onto the bed next to you, bodies pressing against each other. His hand reached down between your legs, teasingly stroking your folds as his other hand found its way to your breast.
You squirmed as he teased your folds, your wet cunt throbbing for him. His tongue darted out, tracing circles around your sensitive nub. His other hand massaged your breast, teasing and taunting. His other hand reached down, spreading your folds wider to reveal his target.
You moaned softly, mixed with whimpers, his tongue dipped into your folds, circling your sensitive nub as he teased and teased. His other hand massaged your breast, pinching the nipple slightly. "That's it, baby. Let me take care of you."
Your legs shook as he licked your folds. Leon then pulled his tongue away, lapping up your juices as he teased you further. His other hand never stopping, massaging and pinching your nipples. "That's it, sweetheart. You like that? You like your sensitive spots being touched and played with?"
You could only nod as you moan for more
He smirked, lowering his head again, focusing all his attention on your aching clit. His tongue flicked it rapidly, sending shivers down your spine.
"Y-yes, p-please~.." You plead, wanting to release.
"Please what, sweetheart?" Leon asked, his voice low and husky. He continued to tease you with his tongue, driving you crazy with pleasure.
"I-i wanna come, please ngh- m-make me come.." You begged as you toss your head back, your hips bucking against him.
You're so close, baby," Leon growled, his fingers finding their way inside you. He thrust them in and out, stretching you further. His other hand pinched your nipple, hard.
You spread your legs further for him to finger you harder. Leon took advantage of your invitation, thrusting his fingers deep inside you, searching for your G-spot. His tongue teased your clit relentlessly, driving you to the edge.
"I'm gonna come!- ahh~ L-leon!~"
Leaning down, Leon licked your sensitive folds clean before pushing in deep, hitting your G-spot. "Come for me, baby." His voice was low and rough as he pumped his fingers in and out, speeding up his pace. And soon enough you came on his hand, your legs trembled as you orgasmed
Leon groaned, feeling the warmth of your orgasm on his fingers. He continued to thrust them deep inside you, milking every last drop of your climax. His tongue danced around your clit, leaving it swollen and sensitive. "So wet for me."
"I want you Leon.. I n-need you." I whimpered.
Leon smirked against your skin. "I'm here for you, baby," he whispered, pulling his fingers out of you slowly. He stood up and towered over you, his hard length rubbing against your slick entrance. "Now, how about some fun?"
I put my hands on his chest, feeling his abs and muscles. Leon grinned as you touched him. He wrapped one hand around his shaft and guided it to your entrance. "You want this?" He asked, pushing forward slowly.
I nodded, leaning in to kiss him. As the kiss intensified, Leon's grip on your hips tightened. His other hand found its way to your neck, holding you close while he claimed your mouth. The sensation of being taken by him was intoxicating, your body responding eagerly to his rough love.
Leon groaned softly, pushing deeper into you. Your shared secret thrummed between you, your lust for each other and the danger that surrounded you. He began to thrust harder, bodies slapping together in a rhythm of desire, my back arching as Leon's thrusts became deeper and harder, his body slamming into yours with force. The pleasure of being inside you washed over him, his muscles tensing as he neared his climax.
Feeling your body tighten around him, Leon's thrusts turned sloppy and erratic. His moans grew louder, his hips pistoning harder, driven by the impending release. The room echoed with their combined cries of passion and satisfaction. With a final, powerful thrust, Leon released himself inside you, his hot seed filling you up. His body shuddered with pleasure as he groaned, his eyes locked on yours. "You're mine," he breathed heavily.
Your affair went on for weeks, he now knows your real name, and after Leon knew that the suspicious corporation is all good and can be trusted, you both decided to join forces permanently. Helping eachother on missions and more, and after 2 years, you two got married.
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ken-dom · 3 months
I’ve got a little idea if this interest you for Sebastian 💛 the ending of la la land is so gut wrenching to me. I’d love to read something where seb gets an ending I’d like even more where he not only makes the jazz club dream a reality but he has a wife that always comes to watch him play & they’ve got babies too. The club AND a family like he deserves and dreamed about!
I'd be lying if I said I haven't wondered what Seb has going on in his life after we see him at his jazz club. Maybe the club itself is enough for him, or maybe he finds love somewhere unexpected, maybe he starts a family along the way, too. Anon, I feel like your idea deserves a long post-canon fic, but I hope this little drabble is enough for now 💕 I also have a spicy Seb one in the works too if that interests you!
Sebastian Wilder x gn!reader
∘₊✧ 400 words
∘₊✧ Fluff, kissing, comfort, Seb having children is vaguely alluded to but not explicitly stated
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Visions of a life he had long left behind faded as Sebastian's consciousness pulled him away from the world of dreams.
The thorns left behind from the story his mind had chosen to tell him made his breath catch in his throat as he awoke. It was jarring. Despite this, the warmth of morning greeted him kindly. It was pleasant, and he chose not to fight that feeling.
His limbs were heavy with sleep, eyes only half-open as he adjusted to the bright room. The sounds of laughter from outside broke through into his waking senses. It was laughter he recognised, carried in on the gentle breeze through the open window, and it settled over his heart, softening the sharp edges that had been exposed while he slept.
Shifting against his pillow, he became aware of an external weight on his body - your arm, comfortable around his waist, fingers innocently grazing up and down the soft trail of hair below his belly button.
With a contented sigh, his lips instinctively pulled up into a relieved smile, and he turned to find you already awake beside him.
You, bathed in a dreamy warm glow. Perfect, and completely absorbed in him.
His lips were drawn to yours like a magnet, natural and easy, but there was no urgency in his kiss. He had forever to spend with you, and he intended to take every moment as it came, memorising as many as he could.
Slowly, tenderly, his lips slid over yours, stubble stinging at your flesh until the tip of his handsome nose brushed yours when he pulled back.
'There's a lot to do at the club. They're waiting for me,' he muttered reluctantly, husky with sleep and ever so slightly drunk on your kiss.
Your fingertips curled into his shoulders as you attempted to pull him back to you anyway. 'Aww... just five more minutes, Seb?'
'I can't, I've got to-'
'Please,' you begged, hitting him with your best puppy dog eyes.
Seb inhaled deeply, breathing all the warmth of you and this glorious morning in. How could he pass up on that? The club would still be there in five more minutes. Hell, it would still be there in half an hour.
'Alright. You're right. C'mere.'
And as his arms dragged you flush to his chest, his lips pressed to yours once more.
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