#depends on the tertiary
15-lizards · 1 year
GRRMs minor characters are literally like crack cocaine to me. He gives me a small taste then cruelly rips them away from me. No I don’t care about Jons brooding give me more Grenn and Edd and Satin. Where is Beth Cassel?? How are Alys Karstark and her Thenn husband doing?? Let me see Dany’s handmaids just giggling with her and hanging out. I want more Blackwood/Bracken beef on the page. Give me minor characters or give me death
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thnxforknowingme · 9 months
I've started putting together a poll tournament for the most divisive glee character....but it's soooo much work, does anyone even actually want this to happen
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knightfeared · 2 years
How should someone approach you when it comes to plotting out a thread? I had way too many experiences with that and usually, it didn't go anywhere.
It’s… hard to say. It depends on a lot of things — I’m not really good with plotting or throwing my own ideas into the mix unless its something I feel strongly about or I’m comfortable enough with someone? I suck with small talk so, trying to buddy up to me at first usually doesn’t go anywhere right off the bat QwQ
Your best bet is to approach me in dms and throw your idea for a plot at me, so I know what you want specifically from me and my muses. If I’m confused or not poked as heavily, as bad as it is to say, I just,,, usually fall off? I have the attention span of a goldfish so usually unless I’m reminded I forget or it gets answered at a later date.
So… idk best bet is to poke me continually in dms to reply or throw a very blunt brick at me so I know. Also for this, you can throw a few asks that relate to the plot you had in mind and usually thats a good way to start threads. I’ll have a clear direction in mind so asks wont be answered vaguely.
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perpetual-stories · 1 year
How to Use Character Flaws to Enrich Your Writing
Readers identify with characters who are relatable and peppered with imperfections. When a writer crafts believable character flaws, they open the door to interesting conflict, engaging personalities, and ample character development.
What Is a Character Flaw?
A character flaw is a trait that prevents a character from being perfect.
Sometimes this fatal flaw leads to a character’s demise or at least undercuts their character strengths and presents a prominent setback they must overcome.
Any character can have flaws, including a protagonist, antagonist, love interest, confidant, deuteragonist, tertiary character, or foil.
Why Give Your Characters Flaws?
A character’s flaws serve many functions, particularly ensuring that the character is relatable and engaged in inner conflict. Carefully crafted flaws can do the following:
Make the character relatable to an audience of readers or viewers
Present an obstacle that must be overcome during the course of the story
Create character weaknesses that another character in the story can exploit
Create an obstacle that prevents a character from immediately solving a conflict
Set off a character arc that allows a character to grow and change
Provide quirks that distinguish characters from one another and make them memorable to audiences
Emphasize broader themes that are amplified via specific character flaws
Create comedy—from Homer Simpson to Michael Scott, the best comedic characters are hopelessly flawed
What Is an Example of a Character Flaw?
In the Thomas Harris novel The Silence of the Lambs (and its subsequent film adaptation by director Jonathan Demme), Hannibal Lecter has what could charitably be called a personality disorder: He is a cannibal and a sadomasochist.
Lecter’s character flaws, however, are somewhat offset by his brilliant mind, which he uses to help the main character, Clarice Starling, apprehend a serial killer tormenting Appalachia.
Lecter is an example of how in fiction, even characters with the most severe personality flaws can embody a degree of three-dimensionality.
12 Character Flaws to Use in Your Writing
The array of possible character flaws is boundless. Here are 12 time-tested character traits that inherently generate conflict:
Perfectionism: A finicky perfectionist is never satisfied. They can rarely accept that a project has been completed, and they rarely accept the finished work of others. Perfectionism is a great flaw for a detective, a doctor, or an office worker.
A know-it-all attitude: An arrogant, self-righteous know-it-all has great potential to fall flat on their face, whether comically or dramatically. High school stories often feature a know-it-all foil to the main character. These archetypes work particularly well in comedy, especially when the know-it-all suffers from a broader lack of intelligence.
An inability to move on from the past: Many police procedurals and superhero stories feature heroes haunted by their past, such as murdered parents or the victim they could not save. This major flaw presents obstacles as they work to solve crimes—but when the obstacles are overcome, the story’s happy ending feels earned.
Laziness: Laziness is a flaw that leads to obvious conflict, some of which can be quite funny. Lazy sloth detectives and doctors can be either hilarious or the source of grave conflict, depending on the tone of your storytelling. A lazy character in a position of authority can generate a lot of tension for your plot.
Physical vulnerability: Some characters suffer from a physical weakness that can escalate into a fatal flaw. Superman’s tendency to wilt in the presence of kryptonite hamstrings him, while the great warrior Achilles was undone by his fabled heel.
Low self esteem: People who fundamentally dislike themselves make for fascinating characters. Jesse Pinkman’s self-loathing leads him down all sorts of dangerous paths in Breaking Bad. On the other end of the spectrum, the young adult author Judy Bloom has crafted gorgeous character arcs from youthful characters, like Linda Fischer in Blubber, who begin their journeys with low self esteem.
Vanity: Vanity is the undoing of many real world characters, and so it also works beautifully in fiction. Politicians, artists, models, and athletes in stories are routinely undone by vanity as they gradually develop a bad reputation. Ordinary people can be wrecked by vanity as well, so it’s a common character flaw in many forms of fiction.
Lust for power: Unbridled thirst for power has undone many a character, from Mr. Kurtz in Heart of Darkness to Frank Underwood in House of Cards. Power is intoxicating, and characters who seek it are both relatable and easy sources of conflict.
Lack of maturity: Many character arcs begin with a person in a hopeless state of immaturity who then grows over the course of the story. Immaturity can also manifest as rudeness, like when a bigmouth makes tactless remarks.
Fear: Common in action dramas and comedies alike, fear—be it cowardice in the face of duty, a specific phobia of spiders, or an irrational fear—is a great character flaw that naturally drives a story.
Hedonism: Some characters cannot resist temptation, whether that involves an illicit drug, food, or a fetish. Sometimes this excessive desire is due to addiction—it’s no secret that many famous protagonists are alcoholics—and sometimes it’s due to a general lack of self-restraint and willpower. For a character like Fyodor Karamazov in The Brothers Karamazov, hedonism and lechery make him both tragically amusing and subtly sinister.
A gruff exterior: Some characters seem initially impenetrable because they are taciturn, standoffish, or even hostile and lewd. Typically these characters house a vulnerable interior beneath their coarse shell. Bringing out that vulnerability and lack of self-worth can be a strong driver of story.
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stardust-falling · 4 months
Hi! I keep seeing ppl debating if SQQ's eyes are canonically green or black. What do you think? Somebody said SQQ's eyes are green in the cover, but if you think otherwise, why? If you've discussed about this before in your page, may I see the link?
Hey! I posted this one on my meta blog (this might be what actually stirred up the discussion), but I still need to update the post there to include the timeline and all relevant information provided by various commenters.
Anyway, I'll go ahead and give a little summary here.
SQQ has black eyes in the novel, and they're explicitly described that way (黑, 乌黑 specifically, color words meaning black and crow-black (like jet black)).
This means that a depiction of SQQ with green eyes is contrary to novel canon.
At some point, people on the wiki said his eyes were described as 青 (qing)which is turquoise green/blue. I'm not exactly sure where this came from, but one very, very loose potential for this could be a misreading of the following description: 眉清目秀 which is used to describe the appearance of a young SJ. It's possible, perhaps, that the character 清 (clear) here was accidentally misread as 青 (green/blue) but i don't think that's a particularly easy misreading, especially since in that phrase the 清 is linked to 眉 (brows) instead of 目(eyes). But anything is possible, and this is the only place in the novel I could find reference to "clear eyes" in regards to SQQ, and the only potential way this misreading could have basis in the novel. Either way, his eyes are never described as 青, so that's an incorrect assumption.
So, the only thing I really consider canon proper is the novel itself, but that's my own stance. A wider stance would be considering the novel as primary canon, while the donghua/manhua are secondary canon, and things like official art could be tertiary canon. In this framework, details included in the donghua that aren't in the novel but aren't contradicted by it would also be considered wider canon and fill in those gaps, while things that contradict the novel would be canon as well, but specifically alternate, donghua canon. The same would apply to official art-- if it doesn't contradict the donghua or novel, it fills the gap, otherwise it's another kind of alternate canon.
Under this wider system, then Shen Qingqiu's canon eye color would go this way:
Primary canon - Black eyes Secondary Canon - Grey Eyes Tertiary Canon - Black, Grey, or Green Eyes
So depending on what you consider canon, then the answer can change-- but in my opinion, the novel overrides other sources.
Okay, so let's go into the secondary and tertiary canons, then. On the post on my meta blog that I linked earlier, in the replies and reblogs, there are some references about the evolution of SQQ's character design in donghua and fanart, so I'll leave those explanations to speak for themselves.
Let me talk a bit about the official art, then.
Though the English edition has the most vivid green eyes in character design, it is NOT the only cover art with green-eyed SQQ!
Across translations, he is depicted with varying black, grey, or green eyes, as follows (using purple color for grey since tumblr doesn't have a grey color):
Taiwanese (OG) - Black Taiwanese (Revamped) - Darker green, occasionally darker grey (some variety here) Thai - Lighter grey Vietnamese - Black Burmese - Medium grey or dull green (again, some variety) Korean - Black, but may vary to grey or very dull green (resolution not high enough to tell)
And then of course the vivid green of the English edition.
So when it comes to official art, it's basically evenly split, with three black, three grey, three green (counting the ones that vary).
Green-eyed SQQ is not exclusively a western fandom thing. I mean, on some levels, it makes sense for character design-- matching his eyes to his clothing color.
Personally, I wouldn't call it canon. And I think if anyone does want to claim it's canon (via the tiered system), that it would be a good idea to preface that you're going off of alternate canon instead of novel canon, so that it's not used as an argument when the discussion is specifically centered on novel canon.
There is a level of canonicity to either green-eyed or grey-eyed SQQ, but such depictions still contradict the novel, even if supported by other mediums, since his eyes are specifically described as black there.
I guess, it depends on how you want to define canon at the end of the day. I'm not here to tell other people how to play in their own sandboxes, I just personally like to play in novel canon only so that's my stance on it.
Hope this is the sort of info you wanted!
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botanicalsword · 19 days
Being unforgettable after breakup • Lilith in Marks Chart
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✧ When should we check Marks Chart in Tertiary Progression
✧ Situation :
Relationship / connection during early stage (before entering the relationship)
after breakup
uncertainty / lack of stability
This prediction is temporary , and the impact it has on you, whether it causes tension or harmony, depends on the natal-to-natal aspects that should be taken into account.
✦ Marks Chart : overall condition
acts as a mirror - the actions of one person stimulate the mind of the chart person, which is then expressed through their own actions.
Indeed, it's not only about understanding the psychological effects - it also allows you to observe the other person's behaviour and attitude. It provides a clear perspective on objective factors, apart from the psychological aspect.
✦ Tertiary progression of Marks Chart : on specific date • approach for detailed short-term prediction
✧ Tutorial : How to check ♡
1. Check the Marks Chart of the Person A - How to cast?
2. Check the Tertiary progression Chart of the Mark Chart (Person A)
Chart type : Tertiary progression
Start date : (the specific date you want to check - eg. today's date; the day you broke up)
✧ Lilith • H12 - Black moon Lilith
Moon represents a person's inner self, while Lilith symbolizes their hidden dark side, which is their deeper subconscious.
Although Lilith may not manifest in an overtly obsessive manner like Pluto, it should not be overlooked.
Lilith prefers dark environments, and the less visible it is, the more intense its desires become. Lilith often exerts the strongest influence after separation (or in long-distance relationships) and in situations that cannot be openly acknowledged (such as affairs).
The more aspects Lilith forms with personal planets, the harder it is to forget after a breakup, especially aspects with the Sun, Moon, and Venus in Marks Chart.
Lilith embodies the aspects of oneself that one would prefer to forget: the rejected, the rebellious, the seductress. In this society, Lilith exercises her autonomy but faces significant consequences. She symbolizes the shadowy feminine qualities that women were historically ostracized for.
Lilith also signifies a deep facet of a previous relationship that proves challenging to erase from memory. Whether the experience was positive or negative, it leaves a lasting mark and triggers unconscious patterns of behavior. Lilith serves as a symbol or reminder of something that lingers in one's recollection for an extended period.
✧ Aspects with Lilith
Conjunction, squares and oppositions represent challenging aspects, while trines and sextiles represent harmonious aspects.
When it comes to Lilith, the process of self-inflicted pain and self-destructive tendencies is somewhat inevitable. there comes a point where they find solace and are able to let go of these burdens, while some may carry the weight of these struggles throughout their lifetime.
✧ Aspects in Person A's Marks Chart
Harmonious aspect : Person A is extremely curious about the other person and spends a lot of time researching their social media posts. They have become obsessed with the relationship, showing a strong attachment and constant preoccupation with its dynamics. They feel necessary to understand the importance of this relationship.
Challenging aspect:It can feel like meeting the right person at the wrong time, causing inner conflict and pain. It can lead to periods of separation and reconciliation in the relationship.
Moon - A’s emotional needs and feelings in this relationship
Harmonious aspect : Person A becomes unable to stop thinking about the other person. It's not a conscious choice; rather, they find themselves constantly missing the other person and struggling to forget them. This creates a strong emotional attachment that is difficult to release. Person A's emotions and thoughts are deeply intertwined in this relationship. The fluctuating emotions they experience have a strong effect, causing turmoil and distress. Person A forms a deep emotional attachment and longing, resulting in intense emotional ups and downs that create inner restlessness and unease.
Challenging aspect : The memories of the relationship are painful. It may take the person a long time to let go of their attachments and obsessions.
Person A frequently recalls past conversations and promises made while they were together. Person B's words and actions remain ingrained in Person A's thoughts. Person A may perceive Person B as highly intelligent, and the conversations they had continue to resurface and leave a profound impression. Thoughts of Person B become all-encompassing and inexplicable for Person A.
Venus - A’s impression of B
Harmonious aspect : Person A often thinks about the happy moments they shared with the other person. They feel a strong attraction towards them and consider them highly appealing. Person B holds a special place in Person A's heart, and their memories continue to have a lasting impact. Person A's thoughts about Person B are all-encompassing and hard to explain, even if others may not see them as conventionally attractive. To Person A, Person B is incredibly attractive and ideal.
Challenging aspect : Person A may find it puzzling how they could have developed feelings for someone who doesn't align with their usual preferences. They might question their own choices and feel surprised by their attraction. At the same time, there are memories that resurface which Person A prefers not to dwell on.
Person A struggles to forget the seductive desire they feel towards Person B. They find a certain gratification in the experience of desire, which can manifest as uncontrollable anger or an irresistible longing. These intense emotions are challenging to contain and may leave Person A feeling powerless. The intense passion they experience can potentially lead to both intense and volatile encounters. This also reveals an understanding of Person A's temperament and a direct experience of their fiery nature.
Person A amplifies the cherished memories shared between them and Person B. These memories evoke a sense of carefree and joyful moments when they are together. The happiness experienced in those times becomes deeply ingrained and unforgettable to Person A.
Person A becomes deeply obsessed with the other person, feeling an intense possessive attachment that prevents them from letting go, regardless of the circumstances. This obsession creates a strong and lasting impression, making it difficult for Person A to forget about the other person. Within this dynamic, there may be unconscious power dynamics at play, with both individuals experiencing a desire for control and being subject to control from one another.
The relationship leaves impression of repression, conservatism, and a sense of restraint. Person A feels burdened by a weight on their shoulders within this dynamic.
This connection forms enduring memories of romantic fantasies and ethereal, uncertain experiences shared with Person B. These memories linger in the mind, leaving a lasting impression on Person A.
There is a struggle to connect and establish intimacy with Person B. They feel a strong sense of separation and an invisible force pushing them apart. Despite attempts to resist, their efforts only lead to further detachment.
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ao3commentoftheday · 4 months
Do you have any tips on how to come up with plot? I get general ideas for stories but nothing more than a line
It's going to depend on what your goal is when you're writing as well as what your writing style is.
If you sit down to write with the goal of a 100K longfic, then you're going to need multiple plots. A main plotline (that first sentence you come up with) and at least one sideplot, if not more. The main plot generally follows the main characters and the sideplot tends to fall to secondary or tertiary characters.
Then it's kind of a matter of going through your question words:
What's your one sentence idea? What's happening at the same time as that? Who else is involved? Where do they need to go? Why do they need to do this thing? Why in that place? What stops them from doing it? How do they get past that issue?
When I start writing a fic, I have a one-sentence plot that cracks me up and I write the first chapter setting up that situation. Then I post it. Then I think about what logically needs to happen next, what could happen next, what would be funny if it happened next, etc.
I try to have some end goal in mind. For example, the ship gets together or the trip they're on ends or they capture the bad guy etc. Keeping that end goal in mind allows me to write my way to it chapter by chapter as ideas occur to me, and before you know it I've got 12 chapters and the fic is done.
Either that or I think "what would an argument about pickles look like between these characters?" or "what would this bad guy's planner have in its schedule?" and I just write a oneshot.
What about the rest of you? How do you go about taking a small idea and turning it into a story?
This question is also available on Dreamwidth
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ink-flavored · 7 days
65 Question OC Polycule Ask Game
Do you have a bunch of OCs in a polycule? Do you have the burning desire to answer questions about them? Look no further for an excuse to talk about it!   There are footnotes under the cut to explain some potentially unfamiliar terminology. Remember to send an ask to the person you reblog it from to make sure everyone gets to play!
How many members are in the polycule? How are they related to each other? Feel free to draw a flow chart.
Did the relationship start polyamorous, or was it a monogamous relationship that eventually opened?
If it started monogamous, how did the process of opening the relationship go?
Are there any mono-poly1 relationships in the polycule?
What “shape” is the polycule? A triad, a “V”, a straight line of metamours2, or incomprehensible?
Where do each of the members land on the “solo poly” to “entwined” spectrum?3
Where do each of the members land on the “free agent” to “community oriented” spectrum?4
How did each member realize they were polyamorous? Did they always know, or was there some sort of epiphany?
Do any of the current members practice hierarchical polyamory5? Who are the primary partners?
If the polycule is hierarchical, what differs in the boundaries set for primary vs secondary partners? Tertiary partners?
Have any of the members been in a hierarchical polycule before?
Have any of the members been in a non-hierarchical polycule before?
Do any of the members have a preference between hierarchical and non-hierarchical polyamory?
What’s the craziest polycule drama they’ve experienced so far?
Have any of the members been the unicorn6 of a relationship?
Have any of the members been unicorn hunters7 in the past? Were they successful?
How does each member like to engage with their metamours? Do they want to meet every potential addition, or do they not care at all?
What are their “vetoes” for potential metamours? Do they have any at all?
Which of the members want to live with their partner(s), and which prefer to live alone?
How do each of the members deal with jealousy? How intense is the feeling?
How intense does each member feel compersion8 toward their partners and metamours?
Who has the strongest communication skills in the group? Who has the weakest?
Who does the most scheduling out of all the members?
How do they deal with feelings of loneliness if their partner(s) are spending time with their other partner(s)?
Does the polycule ever have get-togethers or dates where everyone is present? What are they like?
Of the members who live together, what are the household dynamics like? How do they split chores, manage finances, etc.?
Of the members who live together, do they all sleep in one bed too? All separate bedrooms? Something in-between?
What are their sexual dynamics like? Is group sex frequent, or is it purely one-on-one?
Do boundaries shift depending on which partners are involved in sex or romance?
What kind of boundaries exist outside of a romantic dynamic? Are friends-with-benefits considered metamours? Hook-ups?
Are any of the polycule members aromantic? How does that influence their relationship boundaries and their relationship to polyamory in general?
Are any of the polycule members asexual? How does that influence their relationship boundaries and their relationship to polyamory in general?
Do any of the polycule members consider their relationship(s) to be queerplatonic? How does that influence their relationship boundaries and their relationship to polyamory in general?
How have their members’ respective family relationships influenced their polyamorous dynamics?
Were any of the members raised in a polyamorous family?
Are any of the polycule members parents? How many kids do they have?
If there aren’t any kids yet, will there ever be?
How would the polycule deal with one member wanting kids, but another member never wanting kids?
If the relationship opened up after children were already in the picture, how was the change explained to them? Was it explained at all?
Do all members of the polycule raise children together, or are there designated “parent” members?
How does being in a polyamorous relationship influence how boundaries are taught to their kids?
How do the kids feel about their parent(s) being polyamorous? Are they supportive, indifferent, or actively opposed?
Have cultural dynamics played a part in how the polycule operates?
Are any of the members keeping their polyamory a secret? Why?
For mono-poly relationships, how does the monogamous partner see and experience their relationship with a polyamorous person? Their relationships with their metamours?
How did any monogamous partners deal with the idea of opening up a previously closed relationship? Was it a difficult change?
Did any monogamous partners discover they were polyamorous after the relationship opened up? How did they find out?
Do any monogamous partners still struggle to cope with polyamory? What gets them through the hard times?
Were any monogamous partners completely fine with polyamory from the beginning?
How do the polyamorous halves of the mono-poly relationships feel about dating a monogamous person? Is it a unique struggle or smooth sailing?
Do the mono-poly relationships have different boundaries than the poly-poly-poly-poly-etc. relationships?
How well do the metamours get along? Do they even know each other?
Do any of the metamours dislike each other? How does that impact their shared partner(s)?
Do any of the metamours hang out when their shared partner(s) aren’t around?
Do any of the metamours have specific dynamics and/or boundaries with each other? Why?
How do the members feel about marriage? Do they live in a society that recognizes polyamorous marriage at all? If marriage isn’t an option, what about legal protections?
What do any monogamous members think about their polyamorous partner potentially marrying someone else (either in addition to or instead of them)?
How does the polycule celebrate anniversaries?
How does the polycule celebrate birthdays?
If one of the members gets sick, who takes care of them? Is there a rotation of caretakers lining up, or designated partner(s)?
Has anyone experienced a particularly messy break-up while in the polycule? How did everyone handle it?
Which of the members, if any, would be happy in a monogamous relationship if having a polycule wasn’t possible? Would any rather be single than monogamous?
How insecure was each member when starting their polyamorous journey? In what ways?
How did each member overcome their insecurities about relationships? Have they at all?
Wild card! Ask anything you can imagine!
[1] Mono-poly: a relationship that contains both a monogamous and polyamorous person; the monogamous person is only dating one polyamorous partner, but that partner might have other partners in addition to their monogamous partner.
[2] Metamour: the members of a polycule who are dating the same person or people, but aren’t dating each other.
[3] Solo: presents to the world as single at first glance; may not want to live with any partner, or if they do, they may not choose to share finances or property.
Entwined: prefers relationships that are more entwined practically, financially, or both; values sharing living space, spending time in close proximity, sharing financial or household obligations, etc.; may see themselves as part of a unit, a single family that shares responsibilities together and approaches life together.
Definitions taken from “More Than Two” by Franklin Veaux and Eve Rickert
[4] Free Agent: values personal autonomy highly, places importance on the ability to make their own decisions, and presents to the world as able to act without requiring permission from others; places responsibility for decision-making, and for bearing the consequences, on each person individually.
Community Oriented: focuses on the interconnectedness of their relationships and their community; decisions are made with an eye toward how they might fit with the others.
Definitions taken from “More Than Two” by Franklin Veaux and Eve Rickert
[5] Hierarchical Polyamory: a kind of polyamory in which the members of the polycule are split into “primary” partners, “secondary” partners, “tertiary” partners, and so on. The higher “ranked” members are given more priority when it comes to spending time together, living arrangements, major life decisions, and overall have more control over the state of the polycule than the lower ranked members. This is in contrast to non-hierarchical polyamory, in which there is no ranking system, all relationships are treated with equal weight, and decisions are made as a group. There is no one proper way to practice polyamory, and both methods can be fulfilling for people who have different needs for their relationships.
[6] Unicorn: stereotypically, a young bisexual woman that is equally attracted to both primary members of a hierarchical polycule or a recently opened monogamous relationship, agrees to give both members equal attention, and agrees to have no additional partners. Referred to as “unicorns” because these strict requirements for a dynamic are basically impossible to find.
[7] Unicorn Hunter(s): stereotypically, the primary members of a hierarchical polycule or a recently opened monogamous relationship who relentlessly search for a “unicorn” to perfect their ideal polyamorous dynamic. Often have very strict requirements of their unicorn, which is why they’re constantly hunting for someone who can fulfill them.
[8] Compersion: the opposite of jealousy; the feeling of joy experienced when seeing your partner happy with their other partner(s).
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mote-of-ash · 1 month
whgats the . thickest characters uve drawn im curious
uhh depends on your complete definition of thickness but in terms of pure wideness it'd probably be tertiary sona #3 Creb, who is sincerely fucking wide
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theresattrpgforthat · 6 months
do you have any recommendations for games with interesting superpower mechanics? bonus points for a clear love of superhero comics as a genre
THEME: Superpowers
Oh gosh do I have some recommendations for you. I have likely spoken about pretty much all of these games before, but I feel very strongly about them and I can’t help myself from talking about them again!
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Exceptionals, by Bramble Wolf Games.
Exceptionals is a game inspired by X-Men about and for the spaces and communities marginalized peoples make for themselves. Play as a Geno, one of little less than 0.5% percent of the population that has gone through a mysterious process called Claremont-Simonson mutation, as you try to navigate a world that won’t make room for you. Exceptionals is a game about what the mutant metaphor means to you and the different lenses through which we view it. Punch back and build something of worth together in this narrative tag-driven tabletop role playing game.
What Exceptionals does differently than the other games mentioned here is that it ties all of your character abilities to descriptive words or phrases. You’re not just heavily armoured, you have bone spikes and you’re exceptionally good at resisting extreme temperatures. Your powers can just as easily be things that slow you down and get in your way as they can be handy weapons or powerful resources. Not only that, but your character is also defined by their role in the community. Are you excellent at socializing and often called on to provide a distraction? Or are you good at noticing details, and therefore asked to investigate local mysteries? Each answer gives you a tag you can use to improve your chances of success.
If you have some experience with Fate, you might find Exceptionals to feel pretty familiar, with the biggest difference being in the dice used. The system itself uses 2d10, with modifiers applied through tags, the environment around you, and social bonds. Your bonds are crucial to improving your chances, and that is why Exceptionals champions community. If you want a game that cares deeply about the media it’s drawing from, then I recommend Exceptionals.
Spectaculars, by Scratchpad Publishing.
Spectaculars is a tabletop roleplaying game where players create their own comic book universe, craft heroes and villains to populate that universe, and then play through full-length campaigns to tell incredible stories of heroism and villainy in a world of their own creation.
Spectaculars has different decks of superpowers depending on the kind of genre you’d like to play in, but you can also mix and match if you’d like. Your superpower options are dealt to you randomly, with five basic superpowers always available if you don’t like the options you’ve been given. You get five unique cards, out of which you can choose up to three. I really like this because it prevents analysis paralysis, while still giving you a good number of unique options!
Your superpower ability is usually tied to a percentile - 80 being your best power, 70 being the second best, and 60 being the tertiary (should you choose to take all three). Rolling under that number means you succeed, and you can also roll advantage or disadvantage dice to determine extra details - like whether your move sets up another superhero really well. Each superpower could have up to two different effects, using situational limitations or time tokens to debuff anything that is extraordinarily powerful.
So for example, the Corrosion power gives you the ability to reroll any advantage dice you roll once, as long as you are trying to corrode non-living matter. However for Light Manipulation, you can make whatever light effect you evoke last for longer if you put two time tokens on your card, and you can allow yourself to use your power and do something else at the end of the round by adding four time tokens to the card. At the beginning of your turn every round, you get to remove a time token. This is a great game for folks who love tactile play, as the tokens, dice and power cards give you a lot to handle.
If you want a more in-depth review of Spectaculars, you can check out this summary by Deeper in the Game.
MASKS, by Brendan Conway, at Magpie Games.
Halcyon City has had more than its fair share of superheroes, superteams, supervillains, and everything in between.
Your team of young supers must forge your own path amidst the pressures of a world full of people telling you what to do and who to be, and kick some butt along the way!
Masks: A New Generation is a superhero tabletop roleplaying game full of action, youthful angst, and dazzling bravery. Take on the roles of members of the latest generation of superheroes, young adults trying to figure out who they are and what kind of heroes they want to be.
I am remiss if I don’t talk about MASKS, the first game I would turn to if I wanted to replicate Young Justice, Teen Titans, or anything from the Spiderverse series. This game is often cited as one of the definitive examples of what a Powered by the Apocalypse game can do, and for good reason. The superhero powers are present as picklists tied to each playbook, while what separates the playbooks is the inherent struggle of the character. Are they trying to hide their mundane identity? Are they struggling with feeling like a freak? Do they have a legacy to live up to?
I think these thematic elements show a deep love for the superhero genre, and I also love that the chances of success aren’t tied to what your abilities are, but rather your reasons for using them. If you are trying to protect someone, you’re rolling Savior, but if you’re trying to do damage, you roll Danger. In either situation you could be using your powers, but it’s intent that matters - and then you describe how you want to do it in order to give us an idea of what success or failure would look like.
FASERIP, by Gurbintroll Games.
FASERIP is a neo-clone game of super heroes, based on a classic 1980s role-playing game. The game contains a flexible yet streamlined super power system, and a completely new character generation system which keeps the fun and unpredictability of the original game’s random character generation but tempers it with an emphasis on balance and player choice.
This is a retro-clone from another superhero game that has since gone out of print - I think perhaps Marvel Super Heroes? Unfortunately I’m not familiar with the source material, but I can tell you that this version is free!
FASERIP is pretty granular in your ability level, ranking characters and difficulty levels from Zero to Infinite. Your superpowers in this game have a few important factors - source (how you got the power), rank (how effective it is), and boosts (how flexible your abilities are. Powers are determined randomly in FASERIP, with roll tables used to determine what kinds of powers you get and how many boosts you get. If you’re a fan of older rules systems and random power generation, I recommend checking out FASERIP.
Those of Us Who Know Better, by C.J. Linton.
Those of Us Who Know Better is a tabletop roleplaying game about transgender superheroes whose powers come at a price. Civilians by day, in community every other Thursday evening, and heroes by night, the players use their powers to problem solve and offer protection and support around town. These powers must be used sparingly, however, because every use of a superpower demands a specific and costly remuneration.
For some reason or other, your characters are under a contract that gives them powers. How that contract came to be and how it functions is up to you, but the result is this: every time you activate your superpower, you must pay a price. If you do not pay this price, your character is immediately subjected to intense physical pain.
The book has a short list of some common superpowers, such as flight, fire manipulation, and super senses. It also has a short list of consequences - with options such as get an animal to bite you, run for five minutes, and take a shot of alcohol. The book has some basic guidelines for what to consider when creating your own powers and prices, so I think the world is your oyster with a game like this.
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suzukiblu · 7 months
I don't know Omegaverse that well but how do you make a pack? Could the Young Justice form a pack among themselves? Because YJ forms a found pack then year or so later Bruce, Wally or Clark wants to adopt Bart, Kon or Tim into their pack and find them already taken than Drama would be a fun story.
It depends on the AU, really, I've seen a lot of different takes on pack dynamics and a lot of AUs that didn't bother including pack dynamics at all. I tend to vary a little myself, but usually I assume there's like . . . hierarchical packs? Or at least different CATEGORIES of packs. Like, for example a family pack and a friend pack, or a romantic relationship that might EVOLVE into a family pack, or just things like that. Or a primary, a secondary, and a tertiary--that kinda thing. So I usually assume being in one pack doesn't necessarily preclude you from being in another, but it MIGHT be a little awkward if Ma and Pa Kent assumed Clark had inducted Kon into the family pack and then found out oh, no, actually Kon's family pack is a bunch of codependent teenage vigilantes. Sure. Of course it is. CLARK WE NEED TO TALK.
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a-d-nox · 9 months
hi! i love your posts about the matrix of destiny, its a really interesting topic and you explain it so well! could you please tell us a bit about the center number and the ones that are beside the heart? thank ypu very much, hope this finds you well ♡
web of wyrd: the relationship number
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the number we are focusing on today is based on the TERTIARY KARMIC LESSON NUMBER AND THE FLOW NUMBER (ex: my relationship number is 8: 9 + 17 = 26 -> 2 + 6 = 8 (recall that numbers must be summed a second time if they total 23 (i.e. 2 + 3 = 5) and above)). for some reason this is a calculation error in my astro-calc chart - my monetary number and relationship numbers are swapped (don't be afraid to question your numbers and check the math of websites).
but what does this number mean?
this number represents your romantic partners in this lifetime. all partners that you had / have / will have tend to follow a trend - it can be looks, attitude, their life situation, etc. something about this number indicates the romances you will have. with this number you can see the ideal and the toxic side of your partnerships.
so let's talk about some examples:
8 - strength
click here for the card description of strength found in a prior wyrd web post.
ideal 8 partners are strong and dependable. they are there for you at your lowest point and stay with you despite all things. they help you the best that they can (they often go beyond what you assume they can) given their power and the situation. they will fight for you no matter what is in the way - internal issue (feeling a lack of security or reassurance, etc.) or external ones (physical distance, etc.). they encourage you to do what you want without making you question your capabilities. they make you feel confident about yourself. you won't feel nervous being vulnerable with this partner. your partners are likely to have leo placements.
toxic 8 partners are likely to be flighty - they don't tend to be consistent or dependable. they likely don't comfort you when something is wrong in the connection. they might just abandon you. they might be the type of person to fight you, instead of alongside you. they easily give up in the connection. they might put you down or shame you. they could make you feel apprehensive to leave the connection. they may make you feel weak and uncomfortable with vulnerability.
12 - the hanged man
click here for the card description of the hanged man found in a prior wyrd web post.
ideal 12 partners are open minded. they are patient and willing to see things from your perspective even though they may initially disagree with you. they are curious individuals who usually enjoy doing research and thinking about things very carefully. they are willing to explore things that are outside of their comfort zone and often they are open to mindfully exploring the things you believe in. your partners often have a neptune heavy chart.
toxic 12 partners are constantly complaining about their life circumstances. they often try to go backwards in time or they rush into a future. they might not be the most respectful of your boundaries - they could push you when you aren't ready. they could also lack the ability to stay calm or quiet in any given moment. they could be abrasive and dismiss your thoughts and ideas without much care.
21 - the world
click here for the card description of the world found in a prior wyrd web post.
ideal 21 partners are always ready for the next chapter in life with you. you want to move in - they are ready, and they have options of where you guys can/should live. you want to travel to a new country - they are in. you want to get married - "when? i need to get you a ring and take off from work." they want to be with you, and they will do whatever it takes to make it happen. they celebrate everything you do - you get a promotion, and they are going to take you out for a special dinner. they don't forget your birthday or holidays that are important to you; they do what makes you feel special. they are often very mature and successful. often your partners have a saturn heavy chart, or you meet them later in life.
toxic 21 partners are stagnate in life they aren't go-getters. they are often not ready when it comes to your relationship - they likely will never be if they are stuck in the past or too focused on their future and not the relationship's future. they could also be the type to be in denial that you are done with the relationship; they might continually come back and try to be "friends," or try to convince you that you are both still meant to be together. they also tend to be forgetful about the things that matter most to you.
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic." button if you want to see a specific pac/pile next! if you'd like my input on how i read a specific card or what i like to ask my deck, feel free to use the ask button for that as well.
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© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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river-oceanus · 11 months
My workplace, Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington, is less than two weeks out from cutting more than 260 jobs from our already sparse workforce. This will have massive negative effects on our students, as well as those who are to lose their jobs.
This has been a result of systemic and long-term underfunding of our sector, and an unwillingness among NZ universities to work with the government to improve the sector.
We need action, and we need it very soon. Our union has launched a petition to ask the government to provide emergency funding to delay these decisions and give us time to work on improving the sector as a whole. Mine is not the only university in this country facing this issue. We need change, and we need it soon.
Please. If you're living in Aotearoa New Zealand, sign the petition linked below. If you're not, please share it as far and wide as you can. People's livelihoods depend on action being taken ASAP.
Sign the petition: Provide tertiary institutions a funding boost to enable good long-term staffing decisions.
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chrissy-kaos · 4 months
Here's a sapphic bondage dilemma for you. Would you rather:
A. Be held captive by a pirate queen, and as she has you tied to a chair she uses the tip of her sword to lift your chin up so she can look you in the eye.
B. Be caught by the femme fatale spy who then gestures with her gun for you to turn around so she can tie you up.
I’d take B the Femme fatale. I’m assuming she has removed all my weapons at this point. So depending on the distance between us I’d have a good chance to close it and strip her gun from her. Being a good spy, she probably has a back up or tertiary weapon that I’ll most likely have to deal with. As I always carry a primary, secondary and tertiary. But I’d have one adversary to deal with not many. So if I can incapacitate said femme fatal, I can tie her up instead of me. When she comes to. I’d be sitting on her lap inches from her face. Both of us sweaty and bleeding from the fight we just had. She looks me in my eyes as I lean in to..
If I picked A. To escape I’d have to beat the pirate queen and her entire crew. I’ll pass on that.
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botanicalsword · 12 days
Davison Chart • will there be reconciliation?
Tertiary Progression - A new phase begins when a planet moves from one sign to the next.
What is the current state of the romantic relationship?
Any particular events that sparked a shift in the relationship?
How are you feeling about it all at the moment?
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•. ✧ •. ✧ •. ✧ •.
➤ How to Cast the Tertiary Progression for the Davison Chart?
Go to Astro - https://www.astro.com/cgi/genchart.cgi
1 ) Creat a Davison Chart
Birth data: Person A + Person B 
Chart type: Davison Relationship Chart (between A & B)
Save > Add to 'My Astro" as Davison Relationship Chart (A & B)
2) Tertiary Progression for the Davison Chart
Birth data: Davison Relationship Chart (A & B)
Chart type: Tertiary Progression*
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Question : Is it a favorable period for reconciliation?
♡ Yes - higher possibility
Harmonious aspects between Moon and Sun / Venus / Jupiter - favorable time for reconciliation and there may still be a chance
Moon in Cancer / Scorpio / Pisces + Harmonious aspects between Moon and Pluto
Moon conjunct Descendant
Both have a strong desire to revisit to the past and revive the special bond they once had
Mars in Aries / Leo / Sagittarius + touched AC / DC / IC / MC - drive for actions to reignite the flame
Sun Conjunct Descendant
•. ✧ •. ✧ •. ✧ •.
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♡ No - not the right moment
Moon squares / oppositions Saturn / Uranus / Neptune
Moon square / opposite Saturn - This can make both people feel emotionally repressed and unable to express their true feelings - emotional barriers and lack of understanding for each other's emotions. One person may not feel the love from the other, and tends to consider practicality and overthink.
Moon square / opposite Pluto - can give rise to a challenging dynamic characterized by mistrust, suspicion, revenge, and lingering resentment. They may find themselves testing each other and experiencing a mix of profound connection and discomfort. Significant issues are indicated.
When Saturn and Pluto enter the 5th or 7th house, it can create difficulties and obstacles in love and marriage. Relationships may face challenges, burdens, and slow progress. At such times, a person's emotional state may not be suitable for engaging in romantic relationships.
Moon-Uranus - Uranus represents change and separation. Whether the impact is positive or negative, this aspect often brings unexpected events or disruptions into the relationship.
Moon-Chiron - can be hurtful or healing
Whether the relationship will thrive or not depends on the overall picture and other aspects in the chart.
Please note that astrological placement can provide insights and tendencies, but it does not determine or guarantee specific outcomes. Personal circumstances and decisions play a significant role in shaping the course of relationships.
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jacksgreysays · 5 months
I’m feeling nostalgic for the childrens book The Moorchild by Eloise McGraw (changeling pov by a child who didn’t ask to be swapped out with someone else, the kid eventually goes in to faerie to get the kid back and due to the slow time in Faerie the kid is like, two). So… Changeling!verse where the Nara’s agreement with the fae to raise changelings whenever pregnancy ends in a stillbirth was hammered out by someone who didn’t think to expressly keep the fae from taking the living twin and replacing them as well. (Because hey, technically they ARE the produce of a pregnancy that ended in a stillbirth, and the fae are grabby). In other words, Shikako is a changeling who replaced a baby who never drew breath, Shikamaru is a changeling who replaced the boy baby who DID draw breath, and in this verse eventually baby Kino was Un-kidnapped from faerie by Shikamaru (with Shikako joining in with the force of a speeding bullet). There’s nothing in the ancient contract that stops the changelings from independently kidnapping their sibling back! (They checked) I’d be happy with just an exploration of the dynamics pre-Kino rescue as well. Shikako replaced a dead baby, as in line with the clans traditions. Shikamaru replaced a living one, who might still be out there. The Nara are obliged to raise both ‘as their own.’ How does the clan react?
Oooh, dona, you’ve brought yet another interesting facet to changeling!verse OoO
I’m wondering about the naming of characters and if there’s a bit of a… sort of shuffling? Like, obviously the twins are named Shikamaru and Shikako because Shikaku is unimaginative and also the heir should have a Shika name. But… if the “real” Shikamaru is the non-still born baby, does that mean the rescued child that is younger due to time flow weirdness is genetically Kinokawa and would have been named Shikamaru had he not swapped out? Or is that baby genetically Shikamaru and so the twin brother that Shikako grows up with is genetically Kinokawa?
… not that it would affect the plot, per se, but it’s fascinating the think of. Because if the “firstborn” is supposed to be the heir, then rescued child—as the only actually “born” child—would be heir over his seemingly “older siblings.”
… and then NOW I’m thinking about the stillborn other!Shikako. Like… what DO the fae do with those stillborn babies? What if they revive that other!Shikako? So then that means there’s a set of “human twins” in the fae world and a set of “changeling twins” in the human world? And what do call other!Shikako? In which Shikaku and Yoshino end up with four children, lololol (I should probably stop before I end up in Invincible Kimmy Schmidt “Olson quadruplets, octuplets” bit territory)
I think the clan reaction is ultimately tertiary to 1) Shikaku’s reaction and then, based on (1) 2) Yoshino’s reaction. And I should say, actually, 1) is Shikaku and Kasuga and Sembei’s reactions since they’re the ones who were with Shikaku when they placed the shrouded bundle into the hollow of that old, gnarled tree
Because… do the fae put TWO babies in that hollow? Does Shikaku, confused, rush home to find an empty crib which held the breathing baby boy? Do Kasuga and Sembei figure out what’s going on? Does the history have a precedent for this situation, this loophole taking which strains the agreement between the Nara clan and the fae? Or is it just the one baby in the hollow and no one notices that the baby boy in the crib is different (babies are weird squashed things anyway, who could tell the difference? Or IS there a difference, a series of differences, little details which don’t mean much but do feel… uncanny?)
And, depending on how Shikaku, Kasuga, and Sembei react—what they can dig from the clan’s lore, what they can sense in the shadows, what the Honored Sika Tribe can advise—do they even tell Yoshino? How can they? The exchange was meant to prevent her heartbreak, would she understand as someone new to the clan? Would she blame them? Resent them? (Would she still love these children, even if they are not hers by blood?) ((The answer is yes, of course she would love them, they are her children regardless of blood. The answer is yes, even for the somewhat silly scenario in which she has two sets of twins of differing ages))
I would like to think that Shikaku would tell Yoshino, because their marriage is built on trust and love… but this wouldn’t be the first time I have them keep secrets from each other (ie Yoshino in Stars Also Dream, hiding her Jedi past) Although I’m pretty sure this is a more egregious secret than Yoshino’s secret Jedi past…
Anyways, if Yoshino doesn’t know that “Shikamaru” got switched then the clan also doesn’t know. Both Yoshino and the clan probably know that “Shikako” is a changeling, but the “Shikamaru” switcheroo is probably a secret until the rescue mission happens. And—I’m not even joking now—it would be FASCINATING if there was an other!Shikako. Because the clan could be like, ah fuck, there’s TWO of them. Before realizing that “Shikamaru” is just quieter about his rebellions, so actually, ah fuck, there’s FOUR OF THEM. And I don’t know HOW human children are raised in the fae world, but I imagine they’re kinda feral or at the very least have extremely different priorities/morals from the changeling children raised in a militaristic society.
So other!Shikamaru—whether or not he is genetically Shikamaru or Kinokawa—would be named Kinokawa. But what is other!Shikako named? VagabondDawn did post an absolutely fantastic fic recently shadow of the future (at least we have each other) which included, honestly, one of the greatest Nara names: Inei (ie shadow and shadow) which I think would be very applicable here… OR, is Yoshino equally as efficient-yet-unimaginative as Shikaku when it comes to names (which, I mean, she might be considering she agreed to Deer Boy and Deer Girl and then named her third child her maiden name) and so the boy is Kino and the girl is Kawa? (lol)
The clan truly is just like… the idea that some of them are “we don’t like these clan heirs, we want a different one that doesn’t argue with us” and then they get two feral/fae-raised children so they immediately about face and go “actually, we love the clan heirs that have dragged us kicking and screaming into progress and success, we will keep those ones.” And Shikaku and Yoshino are just like, lol, we’re keeping all of them.
In terms of plot, I feel like the way to actually do this would be to reframe the god interactions as fae interactions so, for example:
They got the idea from Orochimaru.
“Probably not the best way to start,” Shikamaru says with a grimace. He, at least, has the decency to act contrite in front Ibiki.
Shikako, disregarding the fact that they are on the wrong side of a T&I interrogation, just rolls her eyes. “We didn’t get the idea from Orochimaru. Technically the Sandaime was the one who opened the portal, and it’s not like he has a monopoly on fuinjutsu or fae studies. If anything, he stole the seal from the Yondaime, and the Yondaime probably built his seal based on Uzumaki mythology. Although, since the fae predate the Elemental Nations as we know it, and we have definitive proof that the Gelel Empire used a form of fuinjutsu, it could be argued that—”
Thankfully, Shikamaru kicks his sister’s ankle to head off the rant. She kicks him back.
Ibiki sighs. “When I said start at the beginning, I don’t need you to get into ancient history. Try again.”
Minimally chastised, the Nara twins begin again:
During Orochimaru’s invasion of the Konoha Chuunin Exams, the Sandaime does not summon the Shinigami. He opens a portal to the fae world, in hopes that the chaotic, magical, anti-chakra energies of the fae world will disrupt the his student’s techniques—either by thwarting the summons of his dead teachers, or by weakening the barrier enough for reinforcements to come through.
In many ways, the Sandaime was a foolish man. In this particular way, his foolishness costs him his life.
The fae energies do not weaken his student at all. Or, at least, not before it weakens and, ultimately, kills the Sandaime. Then, goal achieved, Orochimaru simply uses the portal as an escape route.
For most, it would be perilous. For those originally created in the fae world, for those changelings who are exchanged with human children, it is merely going home.
So, no, they did not get the idea from Orochimaru… not really.
— And then I would go into something like… releasing Gelel sort of gives them the hint that the “human Shikamaru” is still alive and in the fae world. Changeling!Shikamaru doesn’t really want to pursue it, because he feels weird ways about things and if Changeling!Shikamaru is in fact canon!Shikamaru, then he doesn’t really do any internal self-reflection until he’s absolutely pushed to it by someone else and also motivated by protecting his loved ones (either his sister or his teammates)… Changeling!Shikako is fascinated by the idea, but ultimately has SO MUCH on her plate that she can’t really prioritize a dangerous excursion into the fae world (even though she does, from time to time, tweak the original seal array just because it COULD be MORE EFFICIENT if it was LIKE THIS instead)
Then fighting Jashin is some kind of corrupted archfey or something and Shikako getting yoinked out of Land of Hot Springs by the Sika Tribe actually brings her into the fae world, so actually changeling!Shikamaru’s original quest is to rescue Shikako (since time flows differently, what is, like, a day to her is a few weeks to him) meanwhile Shikako meets “human Shikamaru” (aka, Kinokawa. And MAYBE “revived human Shikako” aka… Inei? Kawa? Mystery child) and she can’t possibly LEAVE them, so when Shikamaru (and, let’s face it, a good chunk of Konoha Twelve) come to “rescue” Shikako, they also rescue the new/old Nara sibling(s).
Anyway, the Nara clan will just have to accept that their options for next clan head are all WEIRD AS HELL and REFUSE TO LISTEN TO THE ELDERS :D
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