#definitely did not procrastinate doing this one lmao
littlemissmaples · 27 days
PAC || Have you met the one? + Advice
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Pile 1 = Bear
Pile 2 = Candy
Pile 3 = Flower
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• Pile 1
Have you met the one?
Of course you have! But I feel like you have only ever seen them in your dreams. It's possible that this is someone that you know of although you haven't met them yet. I dont believe this is a celebrity, so I'm sorry if you were hoping it was (but that may be the fhace doe some of you).
I feel like in order for you to meet the one you need to become more organized, you need to let go of the things that no longer serve you, specially in the long run. This is a divine connection that can happen at any time but you will only end up making this journey far more troubling for yourself (perhaps you're impatient and meeting the wrong people often) if you do not, and I mean this with love, get it together.
I believe in you, hang in there. You know what to do 🌸
• Pile 2
Have you met the one?
I don't know why I wanna make the joke "have you met the two, the three and the four" lmao, you may be black or perhaps african, if not dont worry take what applies, you remind me of a friend. There's an energy here of "fun-ness" for some of you this is your future spouse coming in, he's a funny man. I'm not getting a more fem-presenting energy here. There's a chance he's the one who's black or of african descent (Asian for some of you). I don't believe that any of you have met this person yet but he's really excited to meet you, some of you are likely to meet him very soon, like very very soon, he wants to say that he's "tall, dark & handsome" and that he "writes music", perhaps he plays an acoustic guitar even, haha, he also says he smells good, there's so much he wants to say here. Perhaps I'll do a future spouse reading next after this one. But if you need me to summarize this.
Yes, you have met the one, you have either met them already/recently or you're about to meet them very soon or in a surprising way (I feel like they're right in front of you but you just dont see them, haha, you'll notice each other soon enough. For some of you this will bet at the mall, at work, bank or like a public space where you're busy with something.)
I'm not getting any advice for this Pile. All I'm getting is messages from whoever's fs this is. He says "get ready, sexy." Lmao he is a riot.
• Pile 3
Have you met the one?
No unfortunately you have not, the reason I say "unfortunately" is because I feel like for some of you you have recently gone through a break up. You thought they were the one, but they're not. For some of you I'm getting that this person's friend is the one or perhaps someone who was (or is) friends with you. Some of you have soulmates that are friend but you confuse this for romantic love. I'm also getting for some of you that you pursue romantic love only to find that you're stuck in toxic places. I'm sorry you've had to go through this but you're not alone, and things will look up for you, but you have to give up on this search first, you're more likely to meet the one if you stop seeking shiny things in dark spaces, the entire world shines for you, everything is light by sunlight and I know that makes it harder for you to figure out what's good for you if "he's the one" and all this when everything outside shines so much. But this doesnt mean you gave to go to such cold spaces to find something warm. Maybe you dont have to be warm, maybe the temperature outside is enough. What I'm saying sounds cryptic but this is how I'm getting these messages. Stop seeking love outside of yourself, I promise that you'll find it, but you dont have to go to odd places to bump into it. Sometimes the most precious things are found in the most regular places. Learn to love the mundane things in life, I know the slow-paced-ness of it all fan be kinda frustrating but slowing down is not what you need to do, just let yourself be and what how everything flows to you. Some of you live in New York, idk why I'm seeing the park, but there's a chance you'll be finding yourself in the right place at the right time, meeting this perfect someone, after following a string of events that lead you to this "sunny place." (I kept hearing "sunshine state" I looked it up and I got Florida, someone might be from Florida, some of you might move to Florida or perhaps be meeting the one in Florida or maybe the one IS from florida, haha. Either way there's something here about Florida. ((California & Arizona too for some. Take what applies, my love 💛)) )
Do not be so hard on yourself, you're very strict with how you are. Perhaps you need a routine that's more simple on you, take a walk outside but dont expect anything insane, just take the time to move about at your own pace and see what catches your eye. Follow your instinct. Drink something nice at a nice place. For some of you I'm getting a cafe, maybe you like matcha. Either way, take it easy today. You deserve a break, your mind is too heavy. Some of you might be autistic or perhaps you're in your head often, whatever it is, please let your mind rest, you think too hard, you'll be okay if you take a break for a day. Things dont have to be so complex. (I know this has nothing to do with "the one" but I feel like being kinder to yourself can really help speed that up.)
Take care, y'all 🌤✌
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morrigan-sims · 8 months
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I was playing with looks for Rook for during his time with Wolf the other day, and LOOK AT HIM!! My poor, tortured boy...
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wheeboo · 2 months
laundry day | hansol vernon chwe
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SYNOPSIS. in which it's laundry day and you're in a bit of an embarrassing predicament. PAIRING. hansol vernon chwe x gn!reader (however, sorta implied that reader is more leaning toward fem) GENRE. fluff, humour?, best friends/roommates to lovers WARNINGS. cursing, vernon is checking reader out lowkey, reader embarrassingly wears hello kitty underwear i don't make the rules, ik vernon is mainly chill but in this they bicker <3, this was very stupid n silly lmfao WORD COUNT. 1.6k
requested from @weird-bookworm: lemme be annoying already— noni + #16 and #59 from list 1!! - #16: "You hugged me like your personal pillow." - #59: "Laundry day doesn’t mean walking around in your underwear, but for you, I’ll make an exception."
notes: i'm never good with writing humour but i thought of this stupid scenario and idk how i feel BYEE (cuz ur girl lowkey struggled on figuring out how to put #59 in the story lmao) tysm for submitting this in sky <3 and ty @bananabubble for reading it over for me!
join the 2k celebration!
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You are so stupid.
So fucking stupid.
How could you let yourself get carried away in loading all your laundry that you forgot to save a pair of pants to wear in the meantime?
You replay everything in your head: your overflowing, neglected laundry basket, the utter satisfaction you felt after loading it... right up until the moment you realised every single pair of pants you own was now basically swimming around in a goddamn whirlpool, and now you're left sporting nothing but your underwear and a shirt that didn't offer much coverage than expected.
You let out an annoyed groan, burying your face into your hands and mentally slapping yourself in the face. The chill of your room sends a trail of goosebumps running up the exposed skin of your legs. There really was nothing you could do but wait for your laundry to finish.
Then your head shoots back up, and maybe your bedroom lights up a bit brighter at your metaphorical lightbulb moment, because you think of Vernon. He's the only other option you have.
Tip-toeing up to your closed door, a bit of hesitancy gnaws at you for being so dumb, before you yell out, "Vernon!"
He's probably in the living room right now𑁋you can overhear the faint music of the record player the two of you snagged at this vintage thrift store the other week. A very good and lucky find, nonetheless.
Taking another (and maybe regrettable) deep breath, you call out again, a little louder this time. "Vernon! Can you hear me?"
The music seems to dip down slightly, and after a moment, the record stops spinning, replaced by the sound of footsteps approaching the door. You brace yourself for the door to swing open to reveal the embarrassing state you're in right now, but it doesn't.
Instead, you hear Vernon's voice respond to you through the door, "Yeah?"
"Uh..." You bite your lip because you can't believe you're about to ask this. "Do you have, um... a pair of pants or shorts I can borrow? I'll give it back to you tomorrow."
For a moment you think he didn't hear you because it's completely silent on the other side of the door, and it does absolutely nothing at calming down your racing heart. You see, you probably should be fine with walking around in your underwear with Vernon because he's your best friend and roommate and he definitely would not judge at all, but it's simply not that simple𑁋
"Did you, like, spill Monster on yourself again?" Vernon asks casually, as if it was the most normal thing in the world that you would do (it's happened one too many times).
"Yes, I mean, no, I mean𑁋look, just fetch me a pair and I'll bring it back to you later?"
"Uh, yeah, about that..." He pauses. "I'm wearing my only pair right now since you loaded yours first."
You really should've considered that being best friends with Vernon meant collectively sharing the brain cell of procrastinating when it comes to doing your laundry. Great, just absolutely fantastic. This was very much how you wanted your day to go. Perhaps this is why you're best friends, after all.
"Well, shit," You murmur, more to yourself but Vernon hears it anyway.
"Look, I'm sure it's not that bad, right?" Does he seriously still think you spilled Monster on yourself? "You could probably just𑁋"
You can hardly act by the time the doorknob twists and Vernon peeks his head around the door. But the second he catches sight of you, his eyes flicker over you, before he quickly averts his gaze to the Radiohead poster on your wall. Was it the lighting in your room that's making his face look pink?
You stand there awkwardly, suddenly feeling so exposed in front of him as if some sort of gigantic spotlight was shining down on you. It's not like you haven't been half-naked around each other before, but this feels different... somehow. You don't know why, or maybe you don't want to know.
A cough erupts from Vernon, breaking the sudden silence.
"Oh, wow, um..." He toys with the black hoodie around his head. "I didn't look. I swear."
His eyes dart everywhere except back to you, lingering on the Radiohead poster, the slightly askew picture frame on your desk, just anywhere but you. You don’t know whether to feel relieved or embarrassed.
"Ugh, I'm so stupid." You run a frustrated hand through your hair. "And I have this meeting for work in an hour and I know the laundry won't be done by then. I'm actually screwed."
Vernon thinks for a minute. "You can't like... virtually attend the meeting?
"Or it can't be postponed?"
"What if I file you as a missing person to the police?"
"You're seriously no help, dude," You say, giving him a light shove to the shoulder, but it's hard to suppress the curve to your lips and the small chuckle that leaves your mouth when you see him fall back dramatically.
Vernon snorts lightly. "Well, it's probably better than showing up to work in your Hello Kitty underwear𑁋"
"You said you didn't look, you idiot!" You exclaim furiously, and Vernon literally does not see the way a pillow practically spawns in your grasp and flinging toward him before he can even react. The pillow hits him square in the chest, causing him to stumble backward with a surprised yelp. "Oh my god, just report me missing at this point."
Vernon just laughs as he catches his breath to stand back up, grabbing the pillow up the floor and lifting it up like a shield as if to defend himself from you. Your face is burning brighter than the lava lamp glowing on your bedside table.
"This is so embarrassing," You mutter sheepishly, wanting to unleash another defeated groan again. "I can't believe I'm this stupid to forget to..."
"You're cute."
"...and then I'm probably going to get fired𑁋what?"
Vernon tosses the pillow back onto your bed and clears his throat.
"I said you're really dumb."
That is not what he said.
For a second, the disastrous situation seems to lighten up just a little bit, and your heart is doing some intense, unrhythmic tap dance against your ribs. You heard exactly what he said𑁋that he called you cute in this ungodly predicament𑁋and now he's trying to brush it off?
Vernon cracks a teasing, boyish smile. "And stupid, yeah. You're not wrong about that."
You open your mouth to retort, but the words get caught in your throat, almost like a choked sound coming out instead. So you point an interrogative finger and step closer to him (and yes, still in your underwear), eyebrows furrowing together.
"You called me cute," You state, all firm and serious now.
Vernon's playful look falters slightly, expression shifting to something a bit more guarded now. He rubs a hand at the back of his neck, that nervous habit you've always found sort of endearing throughout time. Perhaps there's a bit more meaning to it now.
The few moments of silence that follow is absolutely suffocating. You can't even tell if time is passing by quicker or slower as the two of you stand there, shifting this uncomfortable weight between both of your feet.
"Yeah," Vernon says simply, quietly. "I did."
You nearly want to laugh for some reason, but you can feel the nerves tickle up your spine. "I'm standing here in fucking Hello Kitty underwear and you think I'm cute?"
You can visibly see the way the lump in his throat tightens as he swallows, his eyes flickering uncertainly between you and the floor.
"Look you just... You caught me off-guard. Like... laundry day doesn't mean walking around in your underwear and all that," Vernon explains, in a tone like he's trying to reason with you. "but for you, I'll make an exception because𑁋"
"𑁋because I'm cute?"
"Because you're so stupidly cute from freaking out when I could just go to the store right now and buy you a pair of pants to wear." Then he sucks in a breath. "And yeah, the Hello Kitty underwear is cute, I guess."
You feign a shocked, traitorous look to your face. "You guess?! It's Hello Kitty, man."
"Dude, do you want me to snatch you some pants to wear or not? Because I'm deadass about the missing persons report," Vernon asks, half-annoyed yet somewhat half-amused. The twitch to his lips doesn't go unnoticed. And the voice of him calling you cute just minutes earlier also doesn't go unheard of too.
You wear a cringy, exaggerated pout to your lips. "Please."
Vernon's face contorts in slight disgust at that. "Please don't do that eve𑁋I'm leaving." And before you can say anything, he's turning around and leaving your room.
You hear the clinking of keys, assuming that Vernon is getting ready to leave to presumably retrieve you a pair of pants to wear for the day. You step up to your doorway to peek into the living room.
"Hey, I owe you!" You holler out to him. "Let me know how much it costs and I'll pay you back."
"No need," Vernon calls back over his shoulder.
"Come on, I'll feel bad," You insist, leaning against the doorframe. "I'll do anything, I swear."
Now that seems to intrigue him, and you watch the way Vernon slowly turns back to you, and maybe you're starting to regret ever saying that to him.
"Okay," he says lightly. "We're watching a movie tonight."
"A movie? What are we..." Then your eyes widen in realisation. "We are not watching Shrek again. I'll end up falling asleep on you because we've rewatched too much."
Vernon just shrugs. "Yeah, like last time. You hugged me like your personal pillow, remember?"
"I..." You stop yourself from responding immediately, feeling a flush creeping up your cheeks at the memory. "Fine, whatever. If I fall asleep again, you can just wake me up this time."
A low, thoughtful hum runs out of Vernon's mouth. "I mean, I really don't mind if you fall asleep, you know. If you're tired and stuff."
You blink up at him dazedly. "Really?"
"Yeah," he answers, and the corners of his lips lift up ever so slightly. "You're cute when you fall asleep on me, anyway."
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another note: guys idk what i just wrote lol its like 90% dialogue n rushed HAHSADSA
taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae @yeonjuns-redhair @wonwooz1 @woohaeyo @mark-geolli @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @aaniag @wootify @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @phenomenalgirl9 @roziesmei @mirxzii @bookyeom @parkjennykim @melodicrabbit @bewoyewo @honglynights @bananabubble @treehouse-mouse @tanya596carat @starshuas @totomoshi
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literallythegrabber · 3 months
Yo , can you do the famous reader one but with characters ¿? Sorry if I was not clear :p
my bad, it's not ur fault I was being dumb. I'm also writing this at 3:00 am, after procrastinating for a week, so sorry for any typos in advance. enjoy!
Will probably keep his distance from u.
Will admire u from afar, kinda like how he was with Donna, just a bit more extreme since ur famous.
This boy will just stare at you from across the room. No shame whatsoever. Can't hold eye contact for shit tho, and easily flustered.
Since ur famous, I'd imagine you'd be like a child act or actress, so Finney would go to the movie theatre every Friday with Robin or Gwen to see ur movies.
(just remembered how Robin is 6 feet under rn, I'm imagining Finney carrying a pile of bones in a bucket labeled "Robin" to the movies, LMAO, anyways...)
Since he's short on cash (I headcanon he's broke af, I mean he's 13) he'll hideout in the bathroom once ur movies over, then wait for the next audience to come and watch it, then sneak into that booth so he can watch it again. Like, mf u could just go home? But he's committed to u.
When yall got together, the whole school was SHOOK, the people were pondering over yall for days.
You'd have to reassure him a lot. He gets insecure a lot by ur status and what people say.
But Robin will beat the haters up!😁
will def beat up all ur haters, whether yall are dating or not.
He'll try to act non-chalant and tough around you when he's literally freaking out the moment u walk into the room.
Imagine him just locking eyes with u while he's beating up some kid, just holding eye contact mid punch cause he thinks it makes him look cool.
And ur just like "😐".
Like I said with Finney, he'll go to the movie theatre EVERYDAY to watch ur movies instead of studying.
He just ignores doing it cause homework's for losers.
Like aren't u failing math?
U get scary dog privileges once yall start dating. He's always staring people down when they look at you for too long, he's super protective.
Yall would def be a power couple.
He fangirls over u.
Thats it, that's all I have to say.
He ain't a stalker, but is 100% ur biggest fan.
Will flirt with u, get u small gifts, and invite u to his baseball games.
Will definitely serenade u with a guitar in the middle of the hallway, then laugh when u get embarrassed.
He brags to his friends about u all the time.
Nobody's surprised when yall start dating.
The popular boy and the movie star, it was a match made in heaven.
Like with Robin, yall would be a power couple.
He's literally ur biggest hater, polar opposite of Bruce.
He doesn't really hate u, he's just trying to deny his feelings for u by becoming ur mortal enemy.
He's trying to convince himself he doesn't like you, even tho he thinks about u (and pinball) all day.
Teases u, calls u names, goes out of his way to ruin ur day, he's honestly a menace.
"Vance! Did you see y/n's new movie? It's so cool!" "She looks like a seahorse be fr." "😟"
Vance is just insecure, with his dirty reputation, it's hard for him to believe someone like you would want someone like him.
He's unsure of how to process his emotions correctly, so he just bottles them up. Then imagine yall get into an argument, then all his pent-up feelings come pouring out in an aggressive confession, then yall get together.
The world was SHOOK, again.
Nobody could connect the dots, the goofy "bad boy" dating the movie star? Nobody predicted it.
He keeps his affection under the radar, wouldn't want to ruin his reputation.
He claims ur turning him into a "softie", but he's totally whipped for u.
Scary dog privileges, too.
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stnexus · 6 months
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sketching out plans…!
gojo satoru x black!fem!reader x geto suguru
college student + artist au
story masterlist
minors dni, 18+
summary: the world appears so much more colorful when you major in art. a balance between mystery and connection. you cannot, however, claim that the bond between you and your two best friends from childhood had the same balance. you were caught in the crossfire as everything went left between gojo and geto once you all entered the college scene. left to tackle your own conflicting thoughts while trying help to repair their friendship. your only question is: why did everything go wrong?
cw: eventually nsfw (not this chapter), pet names (no use of y/n), pining, poly!satosugu mentions, childhood friends to lovers trope, food + eating mentioned, bickering + petty arguments, academic stress (gojo just loves procrastinating), explicit language, utahime is a professor in here (LMAO, not even a warning but it’s funny to me)
wc: 2.5k+
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“...and if you have no questions, that’s all for today's class.” your professor's voice circled the intimately spaced classroom. the warm sunlight from the window across from you bounced off your brown skin as it seemed to pour into the room with no restrictions. well, the complete lack of shade would definitely be to blame. the heat the sun provided was wonderful in your usually cold classes, but professor utahime must enjoy seeing her students suffer with the lack of ac usage. the classroom was always hot, sweltering even. the heat so annoying, you had pulled your braids into a low bun after entering the classroom.
“psst…” your name followed the sound of someone trying to catch your attention — a voice you knew all too well. well enough to roll your eyes at his usual antics before even meeting his gaze. turning towards the white-haired man behind you, a look of slight annoyance covered your face as you prompted him to go on with what he had needed your attention so badly for.
“i didn’t do the project that’s due tomorrow; you’ve gotta help me,” he seemed to plead as his voice was pushed through a stressed-filled whisper. his revelation was of no surprise to you; he had been a procrastinator all throughout your childhood. yet he always managed to be at the top of any class. 
“gojo, that project was assigned two weeks ago.” you deadpanned as you stood from your stool. packing up your art supplies into your carrying case in the process. “what have you been doing?” you questioned.
“a little bit of everything, actually— but that’s besides the point,” gojo said as he mimicked your actions and packed his bag. “if i don’t get this project done, she’ll drop me by two grades. my perfect ‘a’ will fall to a ‘c’.”
“oh, i see, you want me to save you.”
“yes— NO!”
professor utahime paused her actions from her spot at the front of the class to peer over at the two of you. her black hair with hints of purple glimmering under the natural light in the room. the scar that adorned her face shifted a bit as she sent a soft smile your way, only to shake her head at gojo before returning to her previous actions. not only did it disturb her but others who tried to quickly pack up their belongings. though, they only gave a slight flinch and quick glance.
“no, it’s not like that, i swear. i just need a few opinions on my starting point.” gojo brought his voice back down to a whisper.
“mhm, right. like when you needed my opinion last time and i did your entire project outline—” your voice was cut short as gojo clamped one of his big, cold hands over your mouth. a rushed and panicked shhh falling from his pink lip as he watched professor utahime glide through the classroom with her belongings in her hand, taking her leave as quickly as she could.
“gojo, let her go.” a calm voice from behind you spoke. a moment of annoyance flashed across the white-haired man’s face as he looked at the person behind you. as if they had had the audacity to speak to him as the voice chimed up again, “it’s not her fault that you’ve been slacking. learn to keep up.”
letting his hand grab at your jaw for a moment, gojo squished your cheeks together, your glossy lips puckering out. white eyelashes framing his sparkling blue eyes as he peered at you, smiling at how goofy you looked. you could feel your stomach flutter at the action, but you quickly brushed it off. 
“looks like we’ve got ourselves a superhero ready to take action, princess,” gojo cooed. dropping his hand to his side, you were able to turn and meet the face of the new company. another man you had known all throughout your childhood; his long, raven black hair was quite a contrast to the bright-haired man that had just spoken. 
“geto, i happen to value the opinions of smart people. though you wouldn’t know that, seeing as i’d never have to come to you for an opinion,” gojo chided. 
“guess that’s the same reason why your own opinions aren’t worth much—”
“hey! you two have been at it since we’ve gotten to this damn school. it’s been three years,” you interrupted as you stood between them. “whatever happened, just kiss and make up already at this point.”
“he started it!” gojo interjected like a kid arguing his case to an authority figure. 
“and finished it too,” geto said, letting a lazy smile play at his lips. a smile you wished you had more time to admire, but it was gone just as fast as it had appeared. 
pinching your nose bridge, you grabbed your bag and hoisted it onto your shoulder. only to quickly be relieved of its weight as geto slid it off of your shoulder with ease. his warm hand brushing against your shoulder as he did so. damned camisole, would have worn a regular t-shirt and bear the brunt of sweating if you knew a simple hand brushing against you would make you momentarily dizzy. 
“what are you still doing here anyway? don’t you have another class?”
gojo’s question interrupted their bickering as you all exited the classroom. only for geto to respond with a simple ‘it got canceled’. which you knew you would all be headed to your shared apartment building at the same time. it was definitely a task living in the same apartment building as the two men, especially seeing as they could not seem to get along to save their own lives.
though you had yet to understand why.
gojo and geto were within the top three of professor utahime’s class, amassing major credit with professional artists and opportunities to work alongside them. sometimes at the same time; which must have been a horror story for the artist they had shadowed. they shared some of the same interests, tastes in art, and even simple hobbies.
their rift throughout college just did not make sense.
“i’ll see you two later; i need to make a stop at the store before i get to the apartments.”
“awe, don’t leave me here with this bonehead,” gojo whined. his actions caused a small chuckle to leave your lips as you pulled out your key, pressing the unlock button on your keychain.
“you’ll be around each other for all of two minutes just walking to your cars,” you smiled as you opened your car door mentioning the two almost identical black suvs they owned.
“we don’t know what gojo can do in those two minutes,” geto spoke, “he might even run me off the road.”
“good idea. now i might,” gojo mumbled under his breath. “i’ll leave first. ‘need at least a five-pace headstart before i do something i’ll regret. drive safe, beautiful.” 
“you too, ‘toru!”
with a shake of your heads, both you and geto watched as gojo parted ways with you both, until he could no longer be seen in the distance. sliding into your car, you looked up at geto from the open door. the man stood over you as he looked down at you. his eyes seemed to scan your face for just a moment, but that moment made your heart beat just a little bit faster.
“he’s really something,” you spoke with a smile, “but you are too. how long are you two going to keep this weird ass feud going?”
“as long as ‘toru wants to,” geto said matter of factly, “remember, i didn’t start this.”
“well, it needs to end. i need my friends to act normal again. how everything used to be,” you pouted a little as you stuck the key in the ignition. your car revving to life as you turned the key. “we graduate next year. i don’t want us to get out in the ‘real world’ and still be on bad terms.”
“i’m trying my best; sometimes it’s just hard not to be just as petty,” geto confessed with his thin brows furrowed, but you already knew that.
a beat of silence fell over you two as you played it off with a sad smile. with a small hum, you pushed out a stressed i’ll get going, i guess. 
“drive safe, princess.”
the ride home from the store seemed to drag; you had only stopped to pick up the list of things needed to make dinner. your latest craving about to be satisfied by yourself. grabbing the four grocery bags from the passenger seat, you made your way up to the fourth floor by using the elevator. once you had begun to start cooking, it was not long after you heard a knocking on your door. gojo being the one on the other side once the door was swung open. his supplies in hand as he flashed a charming smile. only to be met with an unamused sigh from you. 
“oh come on, just think of it as us bonding,” gojo persuaded, then deadpanned. “if i don’t get this in tomorrow, professor utahime might kick my ass, seriously.”
“i actually want to see it happen,” you spoke smoothly as you backed up and allowed him into your apartment. “how did you even know i was home?”
“we all live on the same floor, so i can hear when your door closes. your car is always parked next to suguru’s outside, and i can smell your cooking a mile away— which reminds me, what are we eating for dinner?”
“after i just found out you stalk me, ‘we’ isn’t in the equation.”
“so had i not admitted to that, there was a ‘we’?” gojo sent a boyish smile your way. to say you almost melted — at what you perceived as a fleeting joke — was an understatement. though you played everything off well, just as you always did.
“in your dreams, ‘toru.”
the party of two ended up drifting into the confines of your living room once you had both eaten. a few laughs and conversations made their way through the familiarity you both felt with each other. until you decided to let your words change the atmosphere.
“…satoru, what ever happened between you and sugu’ ?”
gojo’s charcoal pencil stopped in the middle of his drawing as he sat across from you on the loveseat you had. he had been working on trying to figure out exactly what he wanted to capture for the task at hand, drawing at random as you lay on the couch watching television. your black bonnet protecting your braids. if they could, you swear the walls would start crumbling under the weight of your words. as the white-haired man looked at you quietly.
“i don’t really want to talk about—”
“come on, don’t do this to me, ‘toru,” you whined as you sat up. “you talk to me about anything and everything.”
“we all just belong—…sugu’ and i just grew apart as friends. something i won’t let happen to us,” gojo spoke, but you knew there was much more to be said by the way he cut himself off. silence continued to envelop the room as you two held eye contact from across the room.
had he been anyone else in this moment, you would swear he was bursting at the seams to say something he would regret, his eyes telling a different story. using his words like a safety net. but gojo was not one to regret; he always spoke his mind with confidence. so why would that change now?
though you could not judge him if he chose to keep this one thing to himself. you had your secrets, too. it was not easy being best friends with gojo or geto. years had been spent pushing any thoughts you had for them, outside of friendship boundaries, aside. you were in over your head, thinking they had those lingering thoughts too. why pry at gojo for something he refused to share?
“okay,” was the only word that fell from your lips as you laid back down. watching as the man in the corner of the room nodded in acknowledgement as he went back to drawing. though it was clear that the atmosphere had been altered to no return.
you woke up when the sound of your front door closing echoed through the apartment. somewhat startled by the sound, only to find you had been covered with a blanket and a pillow had been placed under your head. you squinted as you tried to focus your eyes and take in the living room. gojo had left, it seemed. leaving you alone for the night. from the window parallel to the couch, you could see that daytime had drifted into nightfall.
stretching out your arms, you grabbed the blanket that had been covering you and your pillow as you directed yourself to your bedroom.
tossing yourself stomach first onto your bed, the wooden headboard thumped against the wall slightly. a groan left your lips as you heard the ping of a text notification from your phone that you had left charging on your nightstand. reaching for it blindly, you let the charger be yanked from the charging port. the picture of geto, gojo and yourself on move in day three years ago illuminated the screen. causing you to pause for just a second.
from: gojo [one attachment] u are my muse. i wanted to make sure it was okay with u before showing it on wednesday
your heart seemed to skip at the first four words, but quickly it caught up with its usual pace as you realized he had meant he had used you as inspiration for his project. the text was opened promptly, and you were met with a charcoal drawing of yourself. your arm tossed over your eyes, your bonnet slipping back to show the edge of your hairline, and a bit of the parting for your braids as you slept. 
it was not the first time any of the boys had drawn you. you all used each other for inspiration from time to time.
to: gojo it’s great. thanks for not drawing me drooling good night, ‘toru
from: gojo nah the drool was in the rough draft thank u, seriously, u saved my gpa good nightttt
here you were again, like every night since high school. left to your thoughts. heart using your mind as a weapon against yourself. you had been in the crossfire of gojo and geto’s confusing feud for years now, but they lacked clarity on how you had struggled between their bickering. 
all for what?
you three have been the best of friends since age ten. a bond that you thought would never vanish due to years of connection seemed to be diminishing before your very eyes. your own thoughts of them as much more were always pushed out due to fear of tarnishing something in a confession, but they damn sure were pushed down when the friendship between geto and gojo began to waiver.
it was nights like these that you would stare at their pictures in your camera roll, just like you are doing now.
questions swarmed your brain like a sweeping tornado. how could you hold feelings for both of your best friends? why did hearing their nicknames for you make your heart get stuck in your throat? how did everything go wrong within one semester? why did gojo not feel safe enough to talk to you about what happened?
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bananasfosterparent · 2 months
Update on my current runs!
Silkina the Bard Waveservant -
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She got the Volo eye (not pictured) and has been helping her friends while looking for a cure. This is my first "good" solo run, so it's a lot of content, more than I'm used to! Definitely going slower than my usual, but still a lot of fun! Also never realized how funny Karlach is lmao. Just getting to the goblin fight so we'll see how it goes! Very excited to get Wyll's party scene!! Silkina is sassy, but kind and really an outlier among other waveservants because of it. Well, she's really good at connecting with others at least. Despite it being odd, since most Waveservants (especially clerics) are quite standoffish and introverted, Silkina focuses on making her outgoing nature work for her, sharing the might and fury of Umberlee with her words (and music).
Also.. after getting the Volo eye and almost everyone disapproving, I noticed Wyll didn't.. but he didn't have a ! either. I had her talk to him anyway and he was like "Welcome to the one eye club! A woman with one eye is very intriguing c:" and I giggled.
Efeniti (Spawn Astarion ending AU run) -
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In the exact same place it's been for a few weeks lmao I have not touched this playthrough. I AM SCHTALLING. I know what you're thinking... because I'm an AA fan... but really, I just can't emotionally handle the break down scene after he brutally stabs Cazedor. Or the brutal stabbing. I am really not ready for that. I have my own feelings for why and what it makes me experience, but maybe if I actually go through with it this time, I can talk about it (it's not that bad, I'm just procrastinating).
This version of Efenity is who she would be if she hadn't lost the woman who was like a mother to her. If she had been able to have a somewhat normal life and become a private magic teacher in the upper part of the city. She's much kinder and able to temper herself much better.
Efenity (Canon AA romance run #whatever) -
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This is idk like the 5th time I've played as Efenity. I've lost count 🤷🏽‍♀️ Most of these runs, I only got to Act 3 and only 2 I've gotten to the final fight and couldn't win it after trying over and over. This time I plan to finish it!!! I want my epilogue, dang it! I killed Minthara this time, at the party. There was a leftover from EA with a voiced Tav scene. If you killed Minty and the goblins at the party, that night or morning after(?) there's some conversation and Tav says something in the cut scene! ANYWAY... I tried it and it didn't happen 😭😭😭 I either did it wrong (I attacked before Minty had her murder cutscene) OR they patched it out of the game! I could go back and try it again, but I barely won that fight and it took me SO many tries (mostly due to needing to long rest).
But! Regardless! Even though I didn't get that cool voiced Tav scene... I have added Efenity killing Minthara and the goblins at the party to her canon story. Because it just makes sense that she'd do that. Originally, she just uses her to get to Moonrise but I scrapped that. While Efenity just sees the tieflings as collateral damage, she knows Shadowheart was struggling with that whole ordeal which did bother her... she cares for SH and she is her first real friend. And with Minthara insulting her for not wanting to sleep with her, on top of it...
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Efenity was like OKAY. Time for you to go, ma'am.
Solenia Omraebra, the Drow Cleric -
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I've only had her for about a week and I love her. She's also been through at least 6 different hairstyles 😭 Solenia is my newest Tav, a Drow and cleric of Eilistraee! She's very studious and scholarly. I don't know much about her beyond that yet. Still working on her backstory and whatnot, BUT she is good to a fault. She wants to save everyone, in every way that she possibly can. Even those she probably shouldn't get close enough to, to try to save. Even those she is told are irredeemable. She's romancing Gale! She's just getting through Act 1 stuff and almost to the goblin camp!
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ephemeralgalaxies · 1 year
back on my procrastination obsessing-over-comfort-characters flavored shit again here we go
Jack Wolfe did a great job getting me invested in Wylan all over again dear god idk where to even start for this. there's so much to discuss about his character portrayal in the show.
what I wanna talk about in this meta, though, is Wylan as neurodivergent (from a neurodivergent perspective), and I'll start it out by saying I absolutely loved it.
Having Wylan so obviously ND without actually saying it or making him "weird/outcast/gross" is so refreshing in media. Like, from the books (and mid-season of the show) we know that Wylan probably has dyslexia, making it harder for him to read. He shows his discomfort with this fact about himself, how his natural conclusion is that others will treat him less because of it. But something I've always admired about Wylan (and I think a lot of fans forget *squints at trends of infantilizing ND-coded characters*) is how he knows this isn't something to be ashamed of. He knows this doesn't make him any less incredible. But he just can't get it in his head that others would feel the same way. When he first lets Jesper in on how he can't read the passport, he's trusting Jesper with this. He looks around to make sure no one else will hear, anyone he doesn't have this bond with, faith in, yet. And he asks Jesper what the passport says. The look in his eyes is so pleading, so cautious, like this is a test. He's testing Jesper to see how he'll react to this, if he'll just be another name on the list of people Wylan has to learn to let go to keep himself safe.
And yeah, Jesper fucks it up. And he just keeps fucking it up, saying how he didn't know bc "you're just so smart!" (like that "oh, you don't look autistic!" "oh, you're too smart to be disabled" etc) (like ofc, that wasn't Jesper's intentions. But when your father sends you letters like "if you're reading this, then you know how much I want you to come back home," well what are you more likely to believe Jesper is thinking?) And finally, Jesper hits it right: "you have nothing to be ashamed of!" Except... it's pretty hypocritical of him here. So Wylan panics again, he's furious because he really does like this guy but how dare you. And then he sees how hurt Jesper is and oh shit. There's more to this. It's more complicated than "don't be ashamed," there's a commonality here. This isn't pity, it's empathy.
so yeah I absolutely adore how they addressed this in the show given the situations they were placed in (like, if in the books, Wylan had already formed a strong bond with someone in the group, he probably would've done this. But he really hadn't yet, no one had told him that they want to be around him, to understand him. Wylan didn't feel safe enough to test the waters. The situation from the show, however, opened up new possibilities that stay true to his character (imo)).
Though even more than that, just the sheer obvious ND traits that Jack shows with Wylan made me so happy. Like, especially all his tics and stuttering and it didn't feel ingenuine. He doesn't stutter through everything, just super stressful situations (which... is most of his situations in s2 lmao). Like, he's not stuttering when he's just driving in the cart with Jesper or when he's scolding him for seriously, you remember that now??? (like ofc Jesper would remember him in that position I swear-- "you brought me stroopwaffles!" jesper PLS). He holds it together when confronting Kaz about Alby (his voice breaks at first, he pauses, but he works up the mask to look sturdy and immovable. which,,, with kaz brekker he definitely needs). When telling Jesper why he left, he keeps steady. It's not all the time like the stuttering-representation I've seen before (specifically in fanfics).
AND THE HEAD SHAKE TICS!!!!!!! As someone that does that a lot, I was so happy to see him doing these (the excessive blinking as well), especially when he's more shy than stressed because yeah tics can happen any time, but especially any situation with a heightened emotion (and the guy u like telling u that he really wants to try things seriously with u with that soft voice/eyes/smile (this is just becoming me simping for Kit Young), like yeah I'd definitely be feeling a lot. AND IT DOESN'T TURN JESPER AWAY. The only thing that bothered him was that Wylan hadn't responded; he was worried the sentiment wouldn't be returned. But Wylan's actual tics have nothing to do with it.
And having him so sensitive to loud sounds (ironically) makes me so happy because YES!!! YES YES YES OFC. He loves music and chemistry because Wylan controls them. He can control the sound, the amount of it all, he can predict it. And it makes it easier to deal with. He doesn't flinch away from his own explosions (when he knows they're coming, unlike the one that destroyed the Crow Club) -- usually he covers his ears or hides his face ahead of time. He likes the higher piano keys, the flute puffs (forgive me, I am a cellist and a pianist, Idk what the harsher sounds from his flute when we first see him are called technically) when he can control them and their effects. And whenever he does react to other sounds/situations, he leans towards his one comfort-person in the group (Jesper), leaving him lost once he tries to sever that tie after telling Jesper that he can't read. Wylan leans on Tolya more instead (I love that so much for so many reasons) bc while Tolya is less known, he's just,,,,,,, okay I'm sorry but Tolya gives off such comforting vibes, alright? Like he's so amazing. I haven't read the SaB books yet, just SoC, so I saw everyone talking about him like "oh yeah ok. some cool character ppl love. aight we'll see how it goes." aND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH???
Like if I was in Wylan's position, given all the other characters around, I would definitely lean to Tolya for comfort. Also Tolya is a great fighter, like. alsdkfj no focus, Wylan first, Tolya meta later.
ALL THE INFO DUMPS TOO!!!! That urge to inform Jesper despite also wanting to be pissed at him bc pls be interested in this, I wanna tell someone so much. This is so important to me. AND THEN wanting to correct Jesper later when Jesper apologizes, even messing it up himself after hearing how Jesper pronounces it when Wylan knows how it should be bc god the echolalia, the subconscious ND urge to repeat what others said/how they said it/tongue just getting screwed up when u hear something wrong despite knowing how it should be. And then Wylan deciding that it's not important, that he has so much time now to correct Jesper, that he can explain it all and more later under the safety of roof and the morning sun.
I'm not crying you are.
okok I need to eat supper now but pls I love how Jack Wolfe depicts Wylan as ND so bad, it's so validating. Especially with an entire cast full of ND characters (u cannot change my mind that the Crows isn't ND Found Family. I love them so much) and how different everyone is still, showing so many side to neurodiversity. And that it's all valid. That Wylan is incredible and beautiful and brilliant, neurodivergence and all. That someone like him, someone maybe like me, could find a love (romantic, familial, platonic) like Wylan does with the Crows (and now more! since the show allows them to interact with the other series).
Representation matters, people.
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heymacy · 5 months
it's weekly tag game wednesday thursday time, pals! i was tagged by @deedala, @darlingian, & @gardenerian to answer some fun new year inspired questions!
Name: macy 🐭
Location: it's a city that's exciting it's a city that's inviting it's a city for a woman just like meeeeeee
Astrological Sign: cancer bb 🦀
What's a TV show or movie you plan to re-watch this year? bottoms is at the top of my rewatch list at the moment. also barbie and the 2005 pride and prejudice (sorry mellie) - both for the vibes and the fact that they're masterpieces
Whats a book or fic you will probably re-read this year? i just re-read red, white, and royal blue like, yesterday lmao. i may also re-read we could be so good by cat sebastian and i'm definitely doing a re-read of pride and prejudice bc i haven't touched that one since high school!
What is a song you will likely continue to play on repeat? we can be anything by baby queen, satanist by boygenius, crème de la crème by evalyn, pink pony club by chappell roan, and wiggy by young miko are at the top of my on repeat at the moment 🎶
What's a tasty treat you look forward to eating more of this year? popcorn! i always forget how much i love it until i have it. i've decided that every time i watch a movie from now on i'm gonna make popcorn. a wee tradition in the making 🍿
What's a time sink that you will continue to sink time into this year? i think my biggest and most continuous time sink is tumblr and i don't see that changing any time soon!
Did you pick up any habits in 2023 that you plan to continue? i started reading a lot more and i want to keep that up! otherwise i think i formed mostly bad habits in 2023, like not listening to my gut and procrastinating on simple tasks. so hopefully that will change!
What's your toxic trait? being a cunt ✌🏻
What is a coping mechanism you will continue to indulge in this year? baths. so many baths. i'm basically part fish at this point
Tell me something you like about how you look! gahhhh um my eyes are pretty? i think? at least that's the only thing people ever really compliment me on so i'm just extrapolating
Give me at least three adjectives describing things you like about yourself. funny, empathetic, good friend (that's an adjective, i said so)
i'm tagging @sleepyfacetoughguy, @vintagelacerosette, @mmmichyyy, @energievie, @sickness-health-all-that-shit, @too-schoolforcool, @crossmydna, @heymrspatel, @whatthebodygraspsnot, @whatwouldmickeydo, @gallawitchxx, @howlinchickhowl, @captainjowl, @arrowflier, @creepkinginc, @suzy-queued, @transmickey, @michellemisfit, & @sxltburn 💛
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pawseds · 2 months
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I convinced our Delta Green game master to have a play-by-post (basically text roleplay) section in our game's server and uhhhhh maybe I've been having too much fun with it. Writing is faster than drawing comics, what can I say?
(Long ramble about writing stories below hehe oops)
While we're here! A bit about writing: I like writing! I've written for loger than I've drawn for (because school). I think I'm better at writing than drawing for that reason (I'm more confident at least). I've written short stories. I've written short stories about TTRPG things. I've also written a ~100k word novel by hand for 2 years. While writing it, I had 'writing class' (technically AS/A level Ennglish Language classes). It was the only class I had confidence in and high expectations for.
With those 2 combined, I burnt out pretty quick LOL. Specifically, I had a big perfectionism issue because of the high expectations I had from my teacher and especially myself -- it was the one thing I knew excelled at in school, so I better do it well! After I was done with the novel and A levels, I was supposed to edit the novel. It's been years and I haven't done it yet, and I wouldn't write non-assignment stories (except 2) until now. Writing became more nerverwracking than it was fun, so why would I?
To get back to the PBP thing: I've been in a campaign that was fully PBP. With my mindset being the way it is, hey! This is just one big writing exercise, so I ran along with that and had fun with it. I saw how some players would make their own PBP and essentially monologue/have a scene only with their PC. That was cool to see.
And now, my current Delta Green campaign (tagged 'Helvetia'). Hrothgar (guy in drawing) and his kids were ported over from a previous D&D campaign (the fully PBP one!), so the crew had a very well defined background already. Of course I get tons of drawing ideas for them, except I don't have the time to draw them all (compsci hard). But since the server has a PBP section, I had like 2 weeks to kill between session 0 and 1, and I was bursting with ideas... I made a lot of solo PBPs that were essentially short stories.
It didn't quite hit me until some time ago, but the PBPs actually made me enjoy writing again -- enjoy it a lot more, in fact! I think the format of Discord threads and messages removed most perfectionism tendencies I had. I just had to fire the story away, message by message. It didn't have to be amazing, and it was fun! (Also I really don't know how to shut up with them LOL)
I'll definitely be cleaning these PBPs up and posting them here as stories. Some of them are just silly, fun, slice-of-life character sketches. (These were the stories I wrote after my novel... and yes, they were about my other set of Delta Green characters LMAO) (and I've posted them here under pawsedswrite btw!) But some I see as legitamite short stories that I would edit more heavily and present as a short story. They were the kinds I could see myself writing on a document rather than on Discord.
Well, I lied. 'I would edit' is false. I have already edited one, because I spent like 5-6h writing this one PBP (oops) instead of writing the draft for my short story class/elective (oops 2). I joked to my two friends saying that I could just submit it as my assignment. Apparently, they both really liked it and said the dialogued slapped. So I did!
I procrastinated like hell on it though, because I was very nervous to go back into the PBP with an axe to edit it. Being in a writing class where nearly everyone else has been formally studying writing for some years kinda puts some pressure on ya!
Like the last assignment (which I'll post here after editing), I had a lot of worries. But the feedback and grade I got from my last assignment, the peer review I got from the current one, and also the support from those two friends (shoutout @katastrofish <3) made me feel more confident in myself. And also the fact that I had a lot of fun editing the PBP!
Uhhh this ramble was way longer than expected LMFAO if you've made it this far, damn, thanks for reading! If you also write or have similar experiences, feel free to share em. And have a good day!
(bonus POV editing)
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calqlate · 2 years
what your favourite nxx boy says about you
cw/tw: includes cn server spoilers
view m.list!
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— artem wing
there are two types of artem stans: 1) you're into the soft flustered blushy boy trope (soft dom vibes!!), or 2) you're into the rough manhandling dom. (or there's a chance you like both tropes.) there's two ends to this spectrum.
like this man, 99.9% of you guys are relationship virgins and have never dated someone before. you would rather have a heart attack and get run over by a truck than simp over anyone who isn't a 2d character.
you guys have the worst procrastination issues and enjoy rolling up to your exam with 3 hours of sleep and 5 cans of red bull in tow
everyone thinks you're so pure and all but omg you're kidding no one... babe you can't lie to me but you definitely screamed when you saw artem's 整装待发 mr (yk the one with him and that big booty of his) and his 2nd bday ssr. like what are your eyes looking at, his eyes are on his face babe—
— vyn richter
material girls. there. i said it.
you guys are colourblind and will happily fall into dr richter's psychology traps without hesitation. who's gonna stop you getting a free hug from him amirite?
vyn stans have a lot of things going on and being submissive and kinky af is up there on the list. i've seen the stuff written for and by vyn stans, it's quite... original... but when y'all saw his 2nd anniversary ssr card, it was a fun 180° experience LMAO
you're also a fellow dilf hunter like the artem stans but make it ✨bougie✨. you're definitely into rich rich guys.
— luke pearce
i respect you for simping for a guy who has 3 years left to live
you're into the childhood friends-to-lovers trope and I AGREE. I LOVE THAT TROPE.
back onto his lifespan thing, you guys bully him sm about that. y'all crack jokes about it then cry over it like... did someone give you too many shots or... but you're also begging hyv to let him live. so when y'all saw luke's backstory on his illness in chapter 9, y'all were ready to throw fists.
you guys are also oddly the biggest angst enthusiasts alive. no one else loves that more than you lot. i haven't seen a luke stan who hasn't gotten his 'looming nightmare' ssr and had a cryfest over it.
— marius von hagen
you have a jiejie/onee-chan/noona kink. you've probably never even had this kink before until marius von hagen happened.
the kinkiest freak among all the nxx boy stans. i am not joking. i've read y/n smut for all 4 boys and the marius' smuts are really... an experience lmao
the biggest marius bullies istg. y'all say things about him being annoying and egoistic but y'all do it with love. your love language is apparently bullying the love of your life affectionately.
you're loud. just loud in general. take that as you will, you guys are always talking about something or doing something attention-grabbing.
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tathrin · 1 year
Ehehe, hello, I am here to feed the procrastination gremlin! Those prompts all sound fun, but 21 and 28 are speaking to my heart rn.
Maybe 36 to if you feel up for it but it's your writing and you decide how many you wanna do<3
The procrastination gremlin thanks your mightily! Because I tend to Get Too Long when I write thing, I'm going to preemptively separate these out into their own posts and just assume that I'll ramble too much for it to make sense to do them all in one lmao. Also I will definitely do all three because yes more gimleaf yes. This is an ask meme that I will literally always be accepting prompts for (although if somebody sees this in the tag in like a month or so and wants to send one in, maybe include some context so that I know what that random number I just got in my inbox means? lmao). So, prompt taken from this; anyone can feel free to send other numbers in at any time. Literally.
#21....on a place of insecurity.
Gimli stared at his reflection in the round silver mirror, his hands paused even though his braids were still half-undone. "Do you ever wish that we had crossed the Sea sooner?" he asked.
Legolas blinked at him, cocking his head in that familiar birdlike tilt of confusion that Gimli knew so well.
"Sooner?" Legolas repeated. "How could we have come sooner?" A frown furrowed his smooth, beardless face; a temporary crinkling of skin that would never show the faintest wrinkle. "You mean before Aragorn died?"
"You're right," Gimli sighed. He tugged at his braids, their once-bright copper laced so heavily with strands of silver that he sometimes felt like he had just walked out of a snowfall. "We could not have, of course. But...do you ever wish..."
"Leaving sooner would not have spared us the pain of his death," Legolas said quietly. "It would only have meant that we would not have been there for him when it happened; only have meant that we would not have been there for Arwen or their children either. Knowing of his death only from stories brought by later travelers would not have spared us anything, I do not think; knowing of his death without having been there ourselves would, I think, have only made it hurt the worse, my dear."
"Yes," Gimli said, "yes, of course. I did not mean—"
He stopped. Legolas had walked up behind him and bent down to look over Gimli's shoulder into the mirror. It should have looked awkward, the sight of Legolas's long spine arced at such an angle, but elves were spindly, lithesome creatures. Wood-elves in particular seemed to be as supple and spritely as saplings, and Gimli had yet to witness Legolas contort himself into a position that strained his pliant bones.
"Gimli," Legolas said, "what is wrong?"
"Nothing," Gimli said. He lowered his eyes and his fingers both, twisting his remaining braids into place as quickly as he could without mussing the pattern of the plaits or dropping strands. He scowled, even though he knew that doing so would only deepen the wrinkles that already lined his eyes. "Nothing is wrong."
Long, smooth fingers pressed gently on his own calloused ones until they stilled. Gimli looked down at the overlap of those long digits across his own, the one set brown and spindly as twigs yet unblemished by time or strife; the other pale as underground mushrooms and gnarled by both time and heavy forge-work.
"Gimli," Legolas said. "Tell me."
Gimli turned his hand so that he could enfold those long brown fingers in his own and gave Legolas's hand a reassuring squeeze. "Nothing is wrong, my love," he said again. "I am only feeling melancholy this morning, it seems. Think no more upon it."
He raised the elf's ageless hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to those smooth knuckles, then released it so that he could continue with his braids.
Legolas did not rise. Instead he dropped lower to fold his arms across the back of Gimli's chair, his bright eyes studying the sight of the dwarf before him in the mirror. Gimli avoided his gaze, focusing instead on the intricate plaits that hung from his chin, but he could feel the weight of Legolas's eyes passing over his face, searching for the answers that Gimli would not give him.
He did not find them.
"Will you not tell me?" Legolas asked at last. His voice was soft, his eyes full of sorrow. "Please?"
Gimli sighed and let the braid in his hands droop loose and unfinished down his chest.
He looked up into the mirror again at last and met Legolas's searching, worried eyes there. He looked at that smooth, beardless, beloved face waiting there behind him; unchanging and unchanged from the day they had first met so long ago and far away in Rivendell.
His eyes flicked sideways to his own reflection, to the wrinkles that time had carved beneath his beard; to the strands of silver that wove through the bright copper braids that hung before him. He reached out and pressed his fingers to the mirror, to the sight of the lines around his eyes, and sighed.
"I would not be so old," Gimli said quietly, "if we had come sooner; that is all. I only wonder if you wish, sometimes, that we had. That is all."
Time did not pass in Aman the way it did in other places; or if it did, then it did not feel as though it did, and it carried no trace of decay with it. Gimli had not aged a day since they had first set foot upon these white shores—but he had aged two hundred and sixty-two years before that.
He was still hale and hearty, for dwarves—especially the dwarves of Durin's line—often lived many years longer than that, and rarely weakened before the very ending of their days came upon them. But he was no spritely youngster of sixty-two, either, moping because his father had deemed him too young to go along on a Quest; nor was he a mature youth of not quite one hundred and forty, boldly striding forward at last upon a Quest of his own, all bright brown eyes and ruddy copper beard.
Gimli was old, now, and he looked it. He could see it every morning when he looked in the mirror to do his braids, or every afternoon when he caught sight of his reflection in the cooling barrels at the forge or in some clear, still pool that held Aman's crystal waters. He could see it, and he knew Legolas could as well; how could he not, when he was surrounded by the contrast of all the smooth, beardless, ageless faces of his people?
"Are you tired?" Legolas asked, and his light voice was a dry croak. Shadows as thick as Mordor's fogs filled his eyes, and Gimli turned from the mirror with a cry and caught Legolas's hands with his own.
"No!" he cried. He knew that Legolas was not asking after Gimli's slumber, or weariness from working the forge; was not asking about anything as simple as a day's ordinary exhaustion. He was asking if Gimli was tired of life; if he was tired of eternity. If he was ready, at long last, to claim the gift of his own mortality.
"Legolas, no," Gimli said, squeezing those spindly fingers so tightly that had they been the frail twigs they seemed they would have snapped beneath the pressure of his grip—but elvish flesh was strong, so much stronger than it looked. So were dwarven spirits, and Gimli had no intention of ever growing weary of the world, not so long as Legolas was in it. "I promise," he assured his elf, raising first one hand and then the other to his lips. "Never, Legolas. I am here with you, and I always will be."
Legolas's smile trembled, but it was a smile. Gimli counted it as a victory, and pulled the elf up out of his crouch and into Gimli's lap. He had too much leg to fit on such a short chair, of course, but the two of them were used to that problem; it was no effort at all to fall into the long habits that had his ankles curling sideways under the chair, his elvish flexibility making easy work of the awkward position.
"Then what troubles you?" Legolas asked. He snaked his long arms around Gimli's shoulders and leaned his beardless cheek down to rest upon Gimli's head. "My love, please. Tell me."
"I am old, Legolas," Gimli said. He unwrapped one hand from the elf's slender waist to press his fingers to the cobweb of wrinkles beside his eyes. "You can see it plainly on my face. Old, as no one else in Aman ever will be."
"Bilbo is old," said Legolas.
Gimli rolled his eyes. "Yes, all right," he said. "And Sam, too. But aside from them, everyone else here is an elf—"
"Or a maia," Legolas interrupted. "Or one of the Valar. Or—"
"My point," Gimli cut him off loudly, "is that age is writ across my face in ways that elvish faces do not age. I am only sorry, my dear, that I can do nothing to erase those lines, these streaks of silver; only sorry that you cannot spend eternity beside a dwarf in his prime of life, but must instead contend with these wearisome wrinkles."
Legolas drew away far enough that he could gape down at Gimli. "Wearisome?" he repeated. "Sorry? Gimli!"
"I know, I know," Gimli soothed, "it is a little enough thing, I suppose, and I am not ungrateful; I am only sorry for your sake, my dear—"
"Sorry!" Legolas said again. "Gimli, you everlasting fool of a dwarf! Is this what you've been fretting over all this time?
"Gimli!" Legolas squawked. "Oh, my beloved idiot! I feared you were growing tired of forever, and were going to have to leave me! Instead you've just been pouting over how handsome you are?"
"Handsome!" Gimli exclaimed. "Legolas, enough. I am sorry beyond words that I made you worry, but that is no call to mock me—"
"I do not mock," Legolas said. His lilting voice for once was as firm as stones. "I adore every inch of you, Gimli. Yes, even the wrinkles; yes, even the silver in your beard!" He shook his head, scowling down at his dwarf. "Perhaps especially the silver in your beard, for it gleams like mithril in the moonlight, even as the ancient lights of lost Trees are said to still gleam in the locks of the Lady Galadriel, oh Lockbearer!"
Gimli sputtered, heat rising fast in his cheeks. He tried to push the elf away, but Legolas tightened his grip upon his shoulders and refused to be budged from Gimli's knees.
"And your wrinkles," he continued in a softer voice, "are the signs that our years together have etched upon your face, even as your clever hands carve beauty into simple metal and plain rocks. How could I help but love them, when they trace our story out upon your face for all to see?" Legolas leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to the sparkle of crows-feet that framed first one eye and then the other, then traced the deep tracks that lines Gimli's mouth and nose beneath his beard. Finally he raised Gimli's hand and pressed a long kiss to those ruddy, wrinkled fingers.
"Legolas, I...I feel I've been a fool," Gimli murmured. He found himself once again unable to meet Legolas's eyes, this time because of the blush that darkened his cheeks with a blaze of hot mortification.
"You have been," Legolas agreed, "but fortunately I knew you for a fool long before I knew you for anything else, my love, and so I am not bothered overmuch."
A watery laugh spilled from Gimli's lips, and he could not help but smile. "And you are as irritating and irreverent as ever," he retorted.
"Of course I am," Legolas agreed, and hopped up off Gimli's lap and the low chair upon which he sat and grinned down at his dwarf with a twinkling smile. "Some things do not change with the passage of time—but even though my face does not show it, I have very much been changed by knowing you, my dear Gimli, and I would not trade a second of it in exchange for a single lifted wrinkle or silvered hair."
"Well," Gimli said, "I am glad to hear it, and sorry now that I did not voice my concerns sooner."
"So am I!" said Legolas. "But I cannot hold it against you when I did not voice mine either, although in my case it was because I feared to pressure you into extending your time in life beyond your own comfort for my sake alone."
Gimli stood and took his elf's hands in his and held them tight. "Forever is only barely enough time to spend at your side, Legolas," he said, "but as it is all the time the world will give us, I will take it; but I will accept not a second less than that, and would not see that time shortened for any reason even if it was only for your own comfort, and not my own. I can think of no greater purpose for one's life than to bring comfort to one whom I so love."
Legolas beamed down at him, his pale eyes bright with unshed tears. "Well!" he said. "That is all sorted, then!"
"Indeed it is," Gimli agreed. He knew that the smile spreading behind his beard was the sort of soft, misty-eyed grin that Peregrin Took had always labeled "absurdly sappy," but he could not help himself; he felt as though he was fairly brimming-over with love, and he could not contain himself from letting it show upon his face, erstwhile sappiness be damned.
"In that case," Legolas said, his damp gaze dancing suddenly with dry mischief, "let me get you out of that tunic and into our bed and I will find all your other wrinkles and properly express my love for them, too."
Gimli decided he could finish his braids later.
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
can you write a bridget bixler x reader pleaseeee 🙏🙏
[np if not- i love ur writing king :)]
YES OF COURSE. AND THANK YOU OMG 🙏🙏🙏🙏 also for any repeat requesters/anons if you want me to refer to you as like 🛒anon or smthn lmk bc I'd love to have repeat anons/requesters, I've seen other writers have them and idk it's just so cool to me knowing people repetitively give you ideas and stuff idk. but uh yeah here's a little bridget blurb thing!! sorry for taking so long on this, kinda procrastinated for a moment bc i couldn't think of a prompt lol
BRIDGET BIXLER ; 5 minute crafts
summary ; the two of you have a little YouTube channel and do some 5 minute crafts LMAO (think danny gonzalez)
warnings ; language, super short
genre ; fluff
word count ; 431
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You and Bridget sit in her shared bedroom on the floor, her phone rested on a pile of books, recording your actions. You use your phone to pull up the 5 Minute Crafts channel while she lays out the materials you'd need.
You start the video, leaving some commentary for the video before getting started.
"Yeah, I wanna look like Billie Eilish. I'm gonna look so drippy" Bridge laughs, loosely placing the large leaves on her head.
You laugh, patting her head before you plug in the hot glue gun.
"What am I even doing with this?" She questions
You shrug, "I dunno, but I'm gonna get started with that cheese-gluestick thing" You giggle, reaching for the empty glue sticks and mozzarella sticks.
The two of you talk while you're crafting for definitely more than five minutes.
"This is literally the stupidest thing ever" She laughs, doubling over as she places the leaves on her head.
"Bro does not have green ghost roots!" You laugh, biting into one of the cheese sticks. "Oh, shit! Did you not wash these? I can taste the glue!"
"I did!"
You quickly spit out the cheese into the trashcan next to you and gag, seeing some purple mixed in with the pale color of the dairy product.
"You liar! I see purple right there!"
"I'm not looking at your puke"
"You didn't wash them! End of story"
"In my defense, I didn't know you'd actually eat out of them"
"You think I was gonna waste cheese?"
"I dunno, y/n/n!"
"Whatever, Bridge" You scoff dramatically, throwing the stick at her to fake fight with her.
She glares at you, throwing a hot glue stick at you in return before you're distracted by Danny in the doorway.
"Hi!" The two of you exclaim in unison. He looks down at you in slight confusion and worry.
"What are you doing? It's midnight"
"Making pure comedy gold"
He looks between you two silently before nodding and exiting the room, leaving the two of you alone once more. You break out into a fit of giggles, her phone catching it all.
"Holy shit, what the fuck?"
"I don't even know!"
By now, you had about twenty minutes of footage and had only done one craft each. You slowly turn to the camera with pleading eyes.
"Help me"
Bridge plays into the bit, covering your mouth as she smiles, "They meant 'I'm so happy', guys, I swear"
You shout, muffled beneath her hand as you're wrestled onto the floor, laughing.
"You can't tell them about the drugs, Y/n!"
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whateven333 · 6 months
How would you have made bonkai canon?
Sorry it took me a while to see this, (even though I was super excited when I saw this -first ask I've gotten 💖 !!!) I was just super busy with Uni stuff, -then when I did see it, I ended up procrastinating for a good few days thinking about how to answer lmaooo, because I've seen how other people have come up with great ideas for this question already and then I felt too much pressure 😭.
Erm, but here I go anyway...🤸🏾‍♀️🥴😺😶‍🌫️
So, I would have them fuck in the prison world.
I know what you might be thinking -I took this long to come up with THIS.
And yes. Yes I did.
Okay but maybe also,
I would have definitely loved to see them spend longer in the prison world together.
Kai was shown to be a smart character...MOST of the time, and I think this may have just been another example of inconsistent/ sloppy writing on the show, -but, it never made sense to me how he gave up the ghost so quickly in terms of how he didn't seem to put much effort into stopping Damon and Bonnie from finding out about his sibling murdering stuff. Like, I would have thought, since he had been watching Bonnie and Damon, he had an understanding of how they might react if/ when they found out that information, so you would think maybe he'd try to put off them finding out for as long as possible ? I mean, how hard is it to trash a few newspapers ? But idk, maybe he was thinking -"why put off the inevitable" ??
BUT, had he managed to do so. It would have been an interesting way to make Bonnie less hostile to his advances, I think she definitely would have still been deeply mistrustful of him, considering he would still be..-well, the way he is, (he has that sly, mischievous, aura) and cocky attitude, -and we know Bonnie does not typically fall for that sort of schtick.
However, not knowing he murdered a handful of his siblings probably would have left her way more open to getting to know him- even if it was just out of curiosity, and if they had taken maybe a bit longer to find out how to get out of the prison world/ or maybe Bonnie’s powers hadn’t come back fully and she needed some more time to get back to full strength in order to be able to do the spell to get them out, then Bonnie would maybe have had more moments of prison world boredom (and probably enough irritating digs from Damon) to drive her to interact with Kai more. This could have been a gateway to get them to bond a little, show more moments of tension between the two of them, he would maybe insert himself in her sessions of trying to train her magic back to full strength under the guise of wanting to be helpful but just really in order to facilitate more possible touchy moments like the chest thing lmao, he could’ve shared some gemini spells with her, etc.
And so all of this could have led to what I jokingly (fine, half), said at the start -we could have all this lead up to a super charged moment that leads to them having sex in the prison world. Maybe Bonnie won’t find out about Kai’s past until they all make it back out to the real world, which would lead to a lot of inner turmoil for her (she was the only one of her friends who could say they hadn’t fallen into bed with a mass murderer, but not anymore). When Kai merges with Luke, due to him having had more time to bond with Bonnie, I’d imagine that his hyper-fixation and guilt about Bonnie would be way more intense.
And then…there should be more to this explanation, there’s probably weird gaps in here and maybe not all of what I’ve said even makes sense because I have to admit I’m writing this whilst super tired and it’s 2am and my brain is like starting to buffer and I think this is all I have for now.
But, I really hope this answer wasn’t complete trash anon 😭, (I have no experience with writing any fics of my own, though I am interested and have started dabbling, let's just say its been a little rough lmao -though I am having fun and will keep trying at it, so we'll see what happens, I guess.😭)
Thanks so much for the ask though 💖💖
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star-girl69 · 4 months
Baby don't even apologise for late responses cause regardless of when you reply to me, the response will most definitely have me in space and floating on cloud 9 for the rest of the day.
- ❤️
(Honey I miss you all the time and I think your beauty is unmatched. I call you a gorgeous goddess for a reason❤️❤️❤️)
(You're good at chemistry🤭🤭🤭dammmmmn beauty and brains??? Cause how am I supposed to not fall in love????I can't wait to read what you're writing(remember we are patient and understanding don't push yourself) You sound so hardworking 🤭)
(I LIVE FOR YOUR YAPSSSS. I NEED MOREEEEEE. Tell me about today??? (no pressure though ❤️❤️❤️))
(You're amazing❤️)
i saw i got this ask and then jumped up and down right? like as one does and then my bff said “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU” and i was like “GIRL YOU DONT WANNA KNOW” and then she grabbed by phone from me and i was like “girl you’re not gonna like it” and then she threw my phone down and started fake gagging like i toldddddd youuuuuuuu
(honey 🤭🤭) ALL THE TIME?????? RAHHHHH i was so sad yesterday bc idk what time zone you’re in but i had to go an ENTIRE DAY without a reply and i was like having withdrawals…. not even funny
i love when you call me gorgeous goddess it makes me like not okay in the head yk? like. i think you can infer how it makes me feel…. 🤭
i’m INSANE at chemistry im taking ap chem next year in fact but i actually have a complaint
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THIS SHIT took me forever and then my teacher wasn’t even here today so i could have had an entire day more to do it but WHATEVER. WHATEVER ITS FINE 🙄🙄🙄 it’s not hard or anything it just takes forever and also there’s so many numbers and i SUCK at math so there’s a possibility that i messed up my calculations but IDC!!!!!!! i’m too tired to check it
because of you is turning out so bleh. i don’t like it lmao 😭😭 but i mean idk i’ll still publish probably tmrw hopefully tmrw aka tuesday
i KNOW you all are patient and understanding but i am NOT so 😭😭😭
i fear you are wrong and i am not hardworking do we not remember me talking about how i procrastinate 24/7
today is fine so far but OH MY GOD my ap lang teacher handed us back our synthesis essays and then asked me if i could read mine outloud as what to show everyone NOT to do i was like GIRLLLL NO WAY 😭 but it’s ok i think mrs b still loves me ☹️ it was like bc my topic sentences did not align w my thesis and i was like ok i mean you’re right but wtv… i’m struggling so bad w writing rn idk what’s going on. i mean i still got an 8/10 while most people got 7 or 6 so i still ate.
also i love baby hippos
and i have sat prep class today after so that SUCKS let’s hope it’s not like last week when i had that BLINDING headache good lord. did not rival the great headache of 2022 but still
idk. anyways sorry i hope you know this makes me like AHHHHHH giggle kick my feet all the stuff i’m not good at expressing it but ☹️ you get the point hopefully…
giggling 🤭 YOURE amazing 💋💋
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12romy · 7 months
Thanks @sebchal for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Oof. 57, damn that's a lot, what am I doing with my life?? 53 of them in F1 (I know it says 52 but one of them is on anon lmao)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
F1rpf, although I have a fic for The Sandman and one for Our Flag Means Death (let's forget about my works for spn lol)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
So the first one is Odd ducks, the fic I wrote for The Sandman, which is pretty normal since the fandom is bigger. After that, only F1, with Let's try something else (sewis fake dating feat Seb and gay panic), A Change of Habits (my lonnnnnnng chewis fic following the 2022 season), Your Crush is Showing (Brocedes, the first long fic I completed. Lots of smut.) and finally, Remember to forget (me), brocedes lewis!amnesia fic. I am very proud of the last one, mostly because it's super angsty and I torture Nico so much in it lmao
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, actually, but usually I procrastinate on it, and I took ages. It's just, like, I feel it important to thank everyone for the comments, but it can feel a little repetitive and so I just tend to... Push it back to the next day, again and again. When it's on a multi-chapter fic, I reply before publishing the new chapter usually, but if it's a one-shot or the last chapter... Well. You'll get an answer but god knows when ahah
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oof, that's between Losing it all, a really dark fic about Nico, and Too Late, a bad ending 3344 fic based on Monza 2021 :)
(be careful about the tags if you go and read them btw)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Damn, that's a difficult question, I love writting sappy endings... But actually I think it's the ending of Welcome in the family!
It's a cute fic about Kimi/Tonio/Minttu, and the ending is definitely what I consider one of the happiest, mostly because of a little time-jump that allows to see the future ^^
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I did once, actually, on the 3344 fic I mentionned earlier. I think the person was just a max fan and didn't appreciate the way I make him suffer... I had put the write tags and all, so idk why they clicked on it. Anyway, it was scary and upsetting and I'm glad it only happened once ^^"
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Hell yeah. Go have a look, honestly, there's no way I can summarise it. I write way too much of it, I think (and most of it hasn't been published yet I think)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nope, but I should, it could be fun! Actually, I'd like to write a Lewis/Lil Nas X one day, so who knows. That's not at the top of my list, though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I... Don't know, actually? How do you even check that? I hope not ahah ^^"
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Someone offered to translate one of my fic in Chinese!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I DID, The Prince and the Knight, with my wonderful @feuerspirit !!!!!! And I don't want to spoil, but me and @metheevilgenius miiiiight publish a little os at some point ;)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Oh, such a hard question... I'll go with brocedes, but it's really mean to make me chose only one. They're just.... *siiiigh*
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Definitely this BDSM seb/charles/mick and lewis/pierre I have started. I didn't publish it and it's like 20k long but I'm completely stuck and haven't worked on it in a long time. Not totally happy with it either ^^"
16. What are your writing strengths?
Uh, good question? I don't know, I get compliments about the characterisation... But other than that, I like to think I have a pretty good sense of humour and I'm able to make people laugh (or like, I hope. I make myself laugh, which is a good begining)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The fucking dialogues.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I like to use petnames in other languages cause petnames always feel more personnal when you use it in your own language. So with the F1 drivers, it's nice cause not all of them are english! I tend to put some German or some French sometimes in my fics for full sentences, but I try not to do it too much. If you don't understand the language, it can be very frustrating.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Time to dig up my old ff.net account lmao
Nah, actually, I remember very well of my first fic. I was 15, it was two pages long, I was feeling bad about writing a fic in the first place although it didn't involve any romance. I deleted it a few hours after posting it, ahah. It was for the fandom of a french youtube show called Aventures. It's like, people playing a dnd style game, it's pretty cool and I was really into it for a long time.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
The fic I love the most of is definitely Up or Down. It's one of my favourite fic I've wrote. It's one of my early work, so it's a little clumsy and far from perfect, but I have good memories of myself writing it. I was in vacation in Rome at the time, alone, and I spent my time wandering in the city and thinking about my fic, it was amazing. And well, the content of the fic is also nice I guess XDDD
noooo idea who did this thing, and who didn't, so ignore if you've already done it or don't want to! I tag @feuerspirit @n-ico-ando @sunshinesebby @sionisjaune
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oathkeeperoxas · 1 year
tag game to better know you
Ty @new-anon for tagging me! What else to do on a cold Monday morning public holiday then fill out a questionnaire about myself 🤔
What book are you currently reading?
The Wright Brothers by David McCullough Definitely has nothing to do with the fact that we can see this book on Ice's shelf next to the photo of him and Mav shaking hands after rescuing the USS Layton...
What’s your favourite movie you saw in theatres this year?
I have only seen the new Spiderman (literally 2 days ago) so I guess that! I think it was pretty good, but tbh I liked the first one more.
What do you usually wear?
Pokemon or bird themed t-shirt paired with shorts or my high school gym trackies if it's cold. I have one green overcoat that I wear pretty much any time I need a jacket, it is very versatile in what weather it can be worn in.
How tall are you?
170cm, that's 5 foot 6 inches to those USAmericans in the audience (had to google that...)
What’s your star sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
I don't know any celebrities off the top of my head that I share a birthday with, and the only historical event I connect immediately with my birthday is a bad one lmao. Though it happened in the 1920s, so mostly only relevant when I was studying history in high school...
Do you go by your name or a nickname?
Serie! Fun fact, I made this name up on the spot randomly when playing Facebook games as an 11 year old and the RPG ones wanted me to input a name. I have been stuck with it ever since.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
My current job didn't even exist when I was a child, so, no!
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
No relationship, and I have not had a crush since high school pff
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
Good at procrastinating, bad at resisting the lure of more wips 🙏 this makes for a wild combination haha
Dogs or cats?
Probably cats, but I am allergic to cats and dogs (and most fluffy creatures) so I don't have any pets :(
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favourite picture/favourite line/favourite etc. from something you created this year?
Probably my favourite things that I've posted this year was Dawn and well. haha. (nuts) because they were both very self-indulgent in a way that I always enjoy writing with codywan, though for very very different reasons.
What’s something you’d like to create content for?
I want to write more Aloy femslash!! I've written so much for her, but none really with the characters from the new game, and now with a canon femslash kiss under her belt, I think she deserves to be a wlw icon. Next year for femslash February I'm thinking of trying to organise a Horizon event to get some momentum not just for me but for others to create too
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
Val Kilmer's jaw.........
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
I can maybe half say the Horizon: Forbidden West DLC - I liked the overarching plot well enough, and they gave Aloy a lesbian kiss so I'm not too mad, but it carried over almost all of the issues from production that the base game had, which I was keen to see fixed in the DLC. That and the lack of backstory for Seyka or the Quen, the lack of side quests and the lack of interesting stuff to do in the wilds of the DLC made it a bit of a mediocre experience for me (though after HFW I wasn't expecting anything too good anyway).
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
Not sure if it's hidden, but I'm particularly good at spotting double spaces in a document. Pisses me off (it's my editor brain going haywire... my team is always making fun of me for this at work lmao)
Are you religious?
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
Someone to make me breakfast </3 alas after I post this I will simply have to do it myself
@elwenyere @tragediegh @playablekairi @cillyscribbles if you like! No pressure ofc
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