#creator: ally
bonefall · 5 months
Anyway. Bi and Mspec Lesbians aren't a hotly "debated" topic or even new to queer culture, it's just the newest thing that bullies who REALLY want to be homophobic and even racist use to justify harassing gay people they don't like.
It's the thinnest possible veneer of progressive language wrapped around TERF and reactionary rhetoric so that they can feel righteous for forming an angry mob against vulnerable targets. If you're gullible enough to fall for the newest wave of bigotry within the queer community, and turn on your allies because they're "confusing" or "invading your spaces," the SAME way they turned on bi/pan labels, trans people, xenogenders, neopronouns, and aroace people before this, then get lost.
#No patience. Wither and rot.#These motherfuckers dogpiled the legend who leaked the no fly list because it identified as the wrong type of lesbian.#They will attack the people doing DIRECT ACTION over dumbfuck label discourse. Deeply unserious people.#Embarrassing to think that there are rubes out there who keep falling for this#For ALL our sakes I hope this is literally their first rodeos and they really haven't fallen for this bullshit twice.#But unfortunately I'm too old to be that hopeful.#I didn't get to see the big ''public block list'' made for us dirty queers who support or are bi/mspec lesbians but I hope I was on it#If a man is best judged by his enemies then exclusionists who echo terf rhetoric are the ones I WANT to have.#And ''public lesbian block list'' is in quotes because if you REALLY thought that such a thing wasn't a ''GO HARASS THESE PEOPLE'' charter-#--then you have a black mold where your brain used to be and it's rapidly eating into the bathroom tile you call a skull#Unironically you should not have a platform if you are THAT stupid or malicious to think it was anything BUT a harassment charter#I hope they're ashamed.#Context for those unaware: a flesh-eating amoeba created a public blocklist for people who supported bi lesbians#Minors and extremely small creators without big platforms were on that list#People got harassed but the most namely was Lockandkeyhyena who had people raiding his server with racial slurs and death threats.#I hope everyone involved sees who their ''allies'' are when they spread that sentiment.#A bunch of people ACTUALLY 'invading someone's space' to post the n-word and suicidebait.#THAT is who you appeal to. Sit with that.
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eahsayswhat · 1 year
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Kitty’s mom is the only one of the EAH parents whose gender doesn’t match her role’s, so I decided that she’d be a transwoman in my AU (her jaw structure certainly looks the part; I say this because I’m a transwoman and my own jaw looks kinda like hers). Since Kitty in my AU was produced from her mother asexually via hairball turning into a kitten, she’s a clone of her mom and thus also a transgirl. Maddie doesn’t care either way because Wonderland is ahead of Ever After on LGBT+ issues and she just likes making puns.
Happy pride! Now if only I knew what a bigswitt was...
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paintsplash1712 · 6 months
Well HBomberguy completely destroyed my day. Like... wtf was not expecting that plot twist!
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cienie-isengardu · 8 months
Bi-Han when talking to his (story mode) allies who also are enemies of Kuai Liang
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Havik: Aid me and I'll destroy the Shirai Ryu. Bi-Han: That is *my* privelege, Havik.
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Shao: If I *ever* see your brother --- Bi-Han: You won't unless you visit his grave.
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Shang Tsung: Kuai Liang's betrayal cost us dearly. Bi-Han: He will bleed for it, sorcerer.
BONUS: Noob Saibot [Mortal Kombat 11 (2019)]
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Geras: Bring your brother to Kronika. Noob Saibot: The dead are my clan now. Geras: Do you serve or do you not?
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will-ow-the-wisp · 1 year
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i think ppl can and should project onto fictional characters. that's kind of what they're for a lot of the time. even if in the story they dont have the exact same experiences the audience can still find similarities with them and it's empowering to headcanon that, because of these similarities, the character has a similar identity to you. a lot of writers purposely give their characters experiences similar to marginalized groups to make those groups feel seen.
that being said, if you project your own experiences onto your blorbos you HAVE to be able to tell when the story is purposely making the character a metaphor for your experiences and when the story is. not doing that. just because you personally relate to a character doesn't mean the character literally is your marginalized identity. and it definitely doesn't mean that the writers hate your marginalized identity, specifically, if they don't do what you want them to do with that character.
#shut up pandora#this is about a post i say talking about how belos owlhouse has traits that if you squint could be seen as him having schizophrenia#and bc op thinks the show fumbled his character#specifically bc hes a Bad Guy who Does Bad Things and Is Bad#the shows creator is literally ableist and is a fake ally for otherwise depicting other instances of neurodivergence positively#the evidence btw is:#belos seeing hallucinations of the golden guards to represent his repressed guilt which is a trope that everyone on this green earth uses#and the fact that papa titan refers to belos as having 'delusions'#which in this context isn't being used medically but colloquially bc guess what! words can have different meanings depending on the context#and in this context he isnt talking about a medical delusion hes talking about belos's denial of his mistakes#which isnt a mental illness thing its an asshole thing which he is. thats the appeal of his character#the show has problems in general and belos character definitely has problems but this aint it chief#methinks someone was looking for a reason to hate on the queer show hmm i wonder why#even if they werent trying to do that op projected too hard on a character who the writers didnt expect them to project onto so hard#that they forgot that not everything isnt about them so when they didnt like where they went with belos's character#they decided that dana terrace just hated ppl like them specifically#terminally online bullshit#anyway moral of the story is not everything is about you#also dont try to look for this post or anything i dont want ppl to shit talk op to their face#im vagueing for a reason im not trying to start stuff#but anyway even if you talk about how the hallucination trope is universally harmful which i dont think it is depending on how you use it#and even if you think the word delusional shouldnt be used colloquially due to its association with a mental illness#there are so many other pieces of media that use that trope#and there are so many other instances where that word is used and all of its so much more offensive than fucking owl house#youre standing naked in a river in winter and complaining that your soup is lukewarm#oh how i wish that cartoon fans can get as angry about shit like south park as they do about shit like the owl house
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rosemarytrash · 1 year
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an absolutely irresistible twitter trend
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wumblr · 4 months
as sun tzu once said in art of war, "you can't wear dirty shoes on an airplane, it's disrespectful to the sky, and possibly also the flight attendants, depending on how dirty the shoe is. wait, how dirty are we talking? let me see these dirty shoes. yeah, that's the stuff"
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junotter · 2 months
sometimes researching for avatar redesigns has you 6 layers deep into the Japan's Meiji era allies wiki
#im trying to mess with some of the stuff that feels weird about the ways the fire nation is depicted idk#like i do not feel optically it is good for like them to be so heavily based on japan's imperialist actions#while dressed in clothes that come from places japan colonized#but i dont want it to just be solely japanese though i did draw zuko and azula in hakama but its largely cause i wanted to draw hakama#and like the only place with strong japanese influence being kiyoshi island and my own frustration with the modern day samurai depiction#i think fundamentally it isnt a choice that had as much thought as i am putting in put into it but it does raise an eyebrow for me#anyway i think keeping the thai influence is fine despite the brief invasion japan had into thailand due to thailand then allying with japa#and further allying with the axis due to allying with japan#ugh and ive been told not to think this much about it because its fiction but its also fiction so so so heavily based on real places#and when you base fiction on real cultures you fall into some unintentional pitfalls#i also fucking hate the royal fire nation robes they look so meh and the most costumey out of everything in the show#they look like heavy blankets despite being a supposedly hot nation#theres ways to have heavy robes (heian era japan) but they look like i make them out of fleece and velvet blankets#back to kiyoshi island i think the really only aesthetically japanese reference in the show being an island of noble warriors is lame#plus over done#it feels like nowadays theres a lot of people who get all whiney about people saying fire nation is based off japan#but like dude the creators in the comics and korra like go even more into the japanese influence and clearly it was the original intentions#also i do think you could do some pretty interesting world building by having say there be an older cultural influence on kiyoshi island#from the fire nation especially if the place is established as a central port area then you tie in some okinawan or even hawaiian reference#and gives an explanation that makes sense to why kiyoshi stands out from the rest of the earth kingdom you have long term cultural trading#and it establishes interesting relationships even pre kiyoshi time thereby drawing back onto some real historic references#cause for awhile ryukyu china and japan used to be this trading triangle which could explain some of these various influences going on#i think you can get a really interesting harmony when you create the fire nation out of a mix of japan and thailand#i mean both have these floating buildings due to living on some pretty wet lands and theres harmony in that mix#god i did see one person go like “fire nation is more based on china because theres a lot of red and red is important in china”#my brother in christ red is also important in japan#red is important in like many many asian cultures#i mean of course a lot of that importance stems from china and cultural exchange with china but idk kinda silly to say with your whole ches#like if you want to bring china in then the dragons are the biggest thing like sure some mythos has dragons in japan#but a lot of those comes from china in some way
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preventthetoast · 1 month
Meet Allie everyone! (Spoilers for Dungeons and Dual Mode)
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Allie is a troll (which, in my world, are a type of bipedal, sapient, alligator.) Allie is perhaps the most genuinely nice of anyone in the party, and has been kind to anyone she's met. She serves as librarian of the troll village in the middle of The Swamp. Allie is also Gwenna's girlfriend! surprise! lesbians! Also I said spoilers right??? Allie had a pretty rough childhood as far as trolls go, being the only surviving member of her nest due to a cold snap, and her parents dying while she was young. As a denizen of a more secluded community, Allie is still finding her way as a person, stepping outside of her comfort zone. She also has a southern accent.
Here is the clip of Gwenna meeting Allie (From episode 4):
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whokilledlizzygrant · 4 months
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minor | 18+ dni
interests -> inheritance game | ouabh | gallagher girls | taylor swift | 5sos | frank ocean | tyler, the creator | a$ap rocky | lana del rey | formula 1 | 2000's movies and tv
current listen -> playing dangerous by ldr
current watch -> gone girl
current read -> our violent ends by chloe gong
personal tags -> #prim's locket #prim's closet #rosie's ball #chronicles of a girl in boarding school
looking camp right in the eye
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bobbydearest · 3 months
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So i just picked these two beauties up a bit ago can't wait to dive into them. Im just greatful to @beka-dreamer otherwise known as @impala-dreamer for being such a talented author, writer, and friend.
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unfunnystandup · 1 year
do we think good omens is gonna queerbait? i’m curious about the general consensus.
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lucadrawss · 8 months
LMFAO someone attempted to misgender me by using he/him when I stated in the exact video they commented on I do in fact go by those pronouns
Like bro you affirmed me there not misgendered me im dying rn the haters, homophobes and transphobes are so funny when they get stuff like this wrong
Thanks for the affirmation tho buddy :)
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eclipsecrowned · 7 months
me trying to be a welcoming person in a fandom space vs feeling like a little gatekeeping would solve damn near every problem in a specific fandom actually.
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finnslay · 1 month
New favorite alter making picrew :D
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