#connor murphy fluff
yvette-tal · 9 months
“I feel kinda…empty.”
Connor opens his eyes again, turning on his side to look at you in the darkness of his room, barely able to make out your figure among his covers but she can clearly see your eyes so that’s what he looks at.
“yeah? what’s that like?” He mumbled as he scoots closer to hear you, assuming you don’t want to raise your voice much more than the whisper you started with.
“well..it just feels like nothing I do matters..”
Connor nods quietly, not wanting to interrupt since it’s the first time you’re telling him what you’ve been so ‘gloomy’ about the past few weeks, but he relates to you so far.
“Like..no matter what I do different or what I could do different—the people I talk to, wherever I happen to go that day, whatever I do in my free time before work, what I do after work…I feel empty. Like absolutely nothing would change is I were to just…”
You trail off and look away with a frustrated sigh, blocking Connor’s view of your eyes. “I’m a boring person.” You mumble into his pillow, flinching slightly when Connor lays his head on your shoulder.
“I don’t think you are.” He mumbled “all of my best memories involve you…I’d be upset if you just disappeared.” He added, leaning against you more and smiling slightly when he catches a glimpse of you rolling your eyes. “What? You don’t believe me?”
“No, Connor. I don’t.” You mutter and smack his hand away when he reaches up to squish your face in his hand “What could I have possibly done to make such a great change in your life?” You ask sarcastically, rolling your eyes again as Connor lays his head on the same pillow as you, this time laying on his back and looking up at the ceiling.
“Well, I probably would have killed myself by now if we never became friends.” He says quietly, looking over at you when you elbow him “I’m serious…”
“Yeah whatever…”
“I wouldn’t be having a sleepover with anyone right now if we hadn’t met, I wouldn’t have anyone to talk to, or share a sketchbook with…” Connor continued, only going quiet at the small sound of annoyance you let out.
“You could do that with anyone though..” I mumble and look the other way.
“but that point is that I did it with you. you’re what matters, idiot.” Connor mumbles as he pulls you close, an arm tight around your neck as he nuzzled your faces together, laughing quietly as you squirm in his hold to try to push him away.
“stupid, get off of me!” You whisper shout
“fuck you!” Connor whisper shouts back as he tightens his hold.
(can you tell I adore Connor Murphy lmao)
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hashtagboykisser · 1 year
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prompt: y/n is over for dinner meeting the murphy’s, y/n happened to say something that made connor smile, why would his family be so shocked about that?
requested: imaginationlast
warnings: out of character connor/none(?)
connor murphy x gender neutral!reader
“so y/n, what exactly do you plan to do after you and connor graduate?” larry murphy asked from across the dinner table.
“well, sir, quite frankly i’m not sure yet.” you said, giving a small awkward laugh at the end, quite embarrassed.
“it’s okay, y/n, sweetie, connor doesn’t know what he wants to do yet either.” cynthia smiled, it’s like she knows my every move, you thought. lary gave a small shake of his head, showing slight disappointment, as it was obvious zoe knew what she wanted to do.
“well, connor will figure it out, he’s just cool like that. he can do almost anything just, on the fly like that.” you said, giving the two parents a small smile.
connor looks up from his food, for the first time since you and connor had left his bedroom, more specifically he looks up at you. “thank you, n/n.” he says, smiling at you, but going back to his food.
“what?” zoe gasped, with a confused look on her face.
“exactly what i’m thinking, connor are you high-?” lary began, but was interrupted by their guest.
“i’m sorry what, i’m a little confused, heh.” you said giving a small, bashful, smile.
“oh my god, i knew it! i knew it would come!” cynthia said, hugging you from across the table.
“what would come?” you asked, even more confused.
“the day connor would smile.” zoe said bluntly.
you have a confused look, unsure of what they meant.
“as you may know, connor struggles, a lot. we don’t even remember the last time connor ever smiled. he’s been so alone for so many years, we’re just…glad he has you.” cynthia smiled.
you were so confused, what do they mean connor doesn’t smile? he always smiles around you? i mean, you knew he struggled but you never knew this badly? and speaking of, when was the last time his family saw him smile? you began to wonder if-
“i don’t get why it’s a big deal.” connor said, rolling his eyes at his mother, who was just previously rambling and on the brink of tears.
“y/n makes me happy, they always have, and always will.” connor shrugged, getting up to put his plate away. his family - and you, more flabbergasted then before.
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heyooo!! hope y’all enjoyed this one!! sorry it was so short lol, i couldn’t think of all that much for this.
if there’s anything offensive/inaccurate in my writings message me asap!
reblogs and likes are appreciated!!
-hermy <3
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littlegodzilla · 1 year
Could you write Murphy with a nurse at the prison after the 2nd movie? I think he would be a big flirt.
Hi anon!!
Sorry for making you wait, here I come with your request!
Hope you'll like it!
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The Prisoner and the Nurse.
Murphy Macmanus x Nurse!Reader.
One shot. Anon Request.
Warnings: fluff and flirting. Murphy being cute.
Words: 1900.
The sun is barely rising over the horizon when you park the car in your area. All is quiet, not even the birds seem to have woken up, you give your coffee the last treat to try to engage your brain and sigh turning off the car engine. Your gaze drifts forward, metal fences and a huge concrete building, rough and barely windowed welcomes you. You sigh heavily, you don't hate your job, you like it, you became a nurse to help others, but sometimes, days are hard.
When you are totally convinced that you should start the day, you get out of the car taking your personal things plus a box with new material, the prison works with Boston Central Hospital, they are the ones who supply you with drugs and clinical material when you run out, but the other day you stopped by their office to sign some reports and you took the opportunity to take some things yourself, the rest they would bring with a delivery van, as usual.
As you walk down the corridor outside, the security guards greet you and say good morning as they do every morning. You wave with a smile and enter the rough building, greeting more of your colleagues inside.
"Good morning." You say signing the sign-in sheet as you do every morning. "How was your night?"
"Quiet, there was a little commotion at dinner time, but it stopped quickly."
"Good, that means I'll have a quiet morning." You say with relief, but you see the policeman smile. "What?"
You open the security door to the infirmary and then close it behind you, it's a direct access from the entrance area where prisoners can't get in, it's always locked and guarded to prevent escapes. You leave your things on your desk and put on your work clothes. You take the box you have brought with you and look over to the area where you have the stretchers. You roll your eyes as you discover one of the prisoners there. He's sitting on the edge of one of the gurneys, waiting impatiently by the way he's moving his legs.
"What was it this time, Murphy?" you say, setting the box down on another empty gurney.
Murphy MacManus is one of the newest inmates to arrive at the prison along with his brother Connor, the twins have life sentences without the possibility of parole or reduced sentences for killing a few people. None of them were good people, but justice says murder is forbidden, no matter how many corrupt pigs you take down, so there he is. In the time he's been there, his brother Connor is calmer and more level-headed, but Murphy, hyperactive by nature, gets into more trouble and spends more time than you'd expect in your clinic, it's common to find him sleeping there when you showed up in the morning or in the middle of the day to be escorted there by the police with a face full of blood and red knuckles.
"Don't worry, lass, ya'll see the other one." He always joked, though it was never funny.
"Morning, love, ya look beautiful in the morning." He compliments you and you feel your cheeks redden.
He does that a lot too, compliments and compliments are the order of the day when he visits you. It doesn't get uncomfortable because he doesn't go overboard with them, he just does it to see your reaction and when he finds out what you're uncomfortable, he stops. Murphy has learned to read you from day one, he is observant and easily absorbs the information people offer him, even if they don't realize it.
"I just woke up, we both know that's a lie." You reply and he lets out a chuckle, shrugging his shoulders. "Okay, where's the fire?"
"There isn't any, I've been a good boy and I haven't fought with anyone." He says puffing out his chest with pride.
"Then what are you doing here?" You look at him raising an eyebrow. Murphy looks at you with intensity, stops shaking his legs and chews his lip nervously. You feel a shiver run through you and try to ignore it.
"I was just coming in for my usual checkup."
"Your checkup was last week, Murphy." You remind him.
"I know, I'm here for the results."
"Don't you think we would have let you know if there were any abnormalities?" you insist, but he shrugs without moving from his seat.
"Maybe I've come for something else." He insists and you look at him sideways.
"For God's sake, I'm gonna throw up." You hear a male voice on the other side of the curtain, on another of the gurneys.
"Shut up!" Murphy barks.
"Connor?" Surprised, you peek over, Murphy's twin is lying there, he does have a swollen cheekbone and a split lip, not to mention a bandaged hand. "But... What happened?" You look at him worriedly approaching him.
"It was nothing, lass, some guy got really annoying yesterday and I politely explained him to shut up." Connor comments, sitting up a little on the gurney as you examine him closely.
"So where's the other one?"
"They took him to the hospital."
"Connor!" You look at him, eyes widening.
"It was just some broken ribs!" He defends himself. "But the guy wouldn't stop crying and they had to take him away."
"For God's sake..." You snort in frustration. "Is it every day you guys have to hit someone?"
"It's not our fault, love, they just don't have any manners." Murphy explains.
"Yeah, of course..." You laugh softly shaking your head. "Does it hurt?" you look at Connor massaging his wrist gently.
"It was just a bad gesture, I'm fine." He nods, you hum and change his bandage tightening it a little more.
"Is it okay?" You look at him.
"Perfect, thanks... you can keep flirting with my brother, I'm gonna sleep some more." He tells you mischievously.
"I don't..." You stammer, but Connor looks at you with a smirk and you punch him in the arm. "Shut up." You mutter leaving him on the gurney, returning to your desk where you've left the box with the new stuff.
You know it's not right, that you shouldn't feel so comfortable with them, but they are not bad people, you have fun with their jokes and their company, it's funny sometimes you feel safer with them than with the guards when you are with another prisoner. Still you're aware that you can't have that trust and affinity with them, they're prisoners, they've killed people, that should scare you and keep you on your toes, so Connor hinting that Murphy is flirting with you should bother you more than make your stomach fill with butterflies.
"Do you want me to help you?" Murphy asks you, close behind you.
"Thanks, Murphy, but no need." You smile kindly at him, opening the box and peering inside.
He looks at you a little disappointed by your refusal, bites his lip and steps back a little, so as not to disturb you, putting his hands in the pockets of the orange jumpsuit. You sigh and look at him, it's like you left a puppy abandoned on the street in the middle of a storm.
"Okay, I'll tell you what's there, the quantity and you mark it on the delivery note." You tell him pointing to the paper. "Okay?"
"Sure! We make a great team, you'll see."
Connor on his gurney, rolls his eyes rolling over trying to get some more sleep. All the inmates there have tasks and duties throughout the day, always imposed by the warden or the guards, but they always seem to do as they please. You read the names of the medicines and utensils you have brought with you, Murphy at your side hums for you to continue as he makes marks on the paper you have given him, verifying the contents and the exact amount. Some things are missing and others you've been given more than you asked for, but that's okay, you know you won't have to make a long list for the next order and if you have an emergency, you'll have plenty of supplies to spare.
"Thank you, Murphy, you've helped me a lot." You tell him sincerely, he smiles happy to be of help, like a puppy when he learns a new trick and gets a treat for it. You laugh softly and stretch to place the new boxes of bandages on their corresponding shelf.
"Wait, lass, let me help you." He moves quickly and stands behind you.
Taller than you, he reaches for the box without much trouble, your hands touching, his fingers brushing your skin to remove the box and put it back in place. You freeze, his body pressing yours against the table, you feel his chest pressed against your back, the warmth of his skin transmitting to yours, his heavy breathing brushing against your ear, giving you goose bumps. Your heart starts pounding as you hold your breath, but you don't say or do anything, you let him slowly pull away and when he does, his fingers run over your head and down your side, an unnecessary touch, of course, but the butterflies inside your stomach don't let you think straight. You turn slowly, his body still very close to yours, you look sideways at him discovering a shy smile on his mouth, but his eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Is everything all right here?" The warden's voice pulls you out of your reverie and you quickly push the prisoner away from you. "Nurse... Are these guys giving you trouble again?"
"No, no, Connor had an accident yesterday at dinner time, sir and I was giving him a check up." You explain quickly trying to regain your composure.
"Ya, I heard about his "accident" as usual causing trouble... And his brother? He looks pretty healthy to me."
"Murphy was helping me with the inventory." You say sincerely. "I brought some stuff and medication that was running low and he helped me set it all up."
"An inmate with access to medication and sharps? I don't think so, miss, you should be more careful." He reproaches you and you lower your gaze, embarrassed. "You were recommended for this job because you were professional and above all smart, don't make me regret my decision." He warns you. "Never trust them, they are here for serious crimes, you never know when they might act again and you are vulnerable... you would be their first target." He makes you understand and you nod your head.
"Of course sir, I apologize, it won't happen again..." You assure him by nodding your head.
"Alright boys, take the MacManus brothers back to their cells, they have outdoor yard duty today and their mates have already started."
"But sir, Connor MacManus has an injured wrist..."
"Well, he has the other hand." He shrugs and you open your mouth to protest again.
"Don't worry, lass, it doesn't hurt, we can work." You're cut off by Connor getting off the gurney. "Thank you for your care, come on Murph."
The two brothers are handcuffed by the guards to be escorted to their cell to get their things and get to work with the rest of their ward mates. Murphy looks at you one last time, his face has darkened a bit, he seems annoyed that you have been interrupted, still he gives you a soft smile by way of farewell. You look away, wanting to ignore him. The director is right, they are dangerous people, you can't let those sweet, kind eyes soften you.
You know it's not right, but you still can't control the butterflies in your stomach.
The End.
Hope you liked it!
See you in the next stories!
Taglist: @green-eyedladywrites @minervadashwood @livingdeadblondequeen @bringinsexybackk69 @phoenixblack89
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minervadashwood · 2 years
Murphy Macmanus x PlusSize!Reader (she/her)
🍻 ~ Don't Look ~ 🕺‍💃‍
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Summary: Doc hires you, Murphy's girlfriend, at Murphy's insistence. But it's not long before the MacManus twin regrets that decision. Warnings: Alcohol, sexual themes (no actual sex), fluff, possessive Murphy, Connor the enabler. Language warning: I tried my best to be accurate with the Irish accents. Hoping to god nothing I did is offensive. Word count: ~1,000
Prompt: "I don't like them all looking at you." "Remember, you're the only one who can look at me all night long."
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Your boyfriend, Murphy, had gotten you a job at McGinty’s. It was more a favor for Doc than for you, honestly, as Doc was getting up there in age and wouldn’t admit he needed the help. So, Murph had begged the old man to hire you.
You started on a Monday, to learn the ropes before things got really busy on Friday night. Throughout the week, a handful of regulars were the only customers, which included the twins. Doc served the drinks, but you washed up, moved the stock around—or you tried to. Every time you went to carry a case of beer or liquor to the front, or roll in a keg, both Murph and Connor ended up doing the work for you. It had you wondering why Murph wanted you to work there in the first place.
You enjoyed getting to know Murph and Connor’s drinking buddies, and you spent most nights laughing along with their antics. Around ten or so, when Murph was on his third or fifth pint, you became less a barmaid and more a girlfriend. It was around that time when Murph would pull you from behind the bar and twirl you around once or twice. This always prompted the others to break out into some traditional Irish song, and you followed Murphy’s lead as he spun you about the near-empty bar, spinning you and dipping you. His slight frame hid his strength. The first time he tried to dip you, you were afraid he couldn’t hold you up, but he did.
Around eleven, Doc would put a cassette in his little old radio, and lilting ballads filled the air. Connor would pull you from Murphy for a slow dance, ever the perfect gentleman. It wasn’t long before you were in Murphy’s arms again, letting him hold you close as you both swayed to the music. Last call came a half hour later, and you rushed to the back, eager to get most of the work finished before Doc tried to do it himself.
Then each night, you told Connor goodnight, and Murph walked you home. You weren’t yet brave enough to ask him to stay the night—and he’d never asked to come up—but each kiss goodbye left you wanting more from your Irish gentleman.
Friday night came around, and you got to work at eight. The usual guys were already there, including the twins, and your shift started out like it had the previous days. However, around ten, more and more men crowded into the small bar. It seemed every seedy neighborhood in Boston had a representative, from the Italians, to the Russians, to the unaffiliated working class.
Then it was clear how much help Doc needed. You found yourself flitting about the bar and tables, delivering drinks, loading the dishwasher in the back when you could, lugging fresh glasses to the front for Doc to fill, again and again.
You were so hard at work, you never noticed what Murphy could see. You were the only lass in the bar, like a sheep surrounded by a pack of wolves. Most of them didn’t know you were his girl, and they stared openly, taking in your soft, generous curves whenever your back was to them. Those curves belonged to Murphy, and it was high time they all knew that.
As you walked back to the bar, a tray full of empty glasses perched precariously on your hand, Murphy grabbed you around the waist. Connor had just enough time to catch the tray before you dropped it, and Murphy hauled you between his legs.
Your hands flew up to brace yourself on this chest. “What’s gotten into you, Murph?”
He slid his hands from around your waist and squeezed your ass. Then he whispered in your ear. “I don' like ‘em all lookin’ at ya’."
You pulled away and he didn’t like that, either. He held onto you a bit tighter.
“What’s gotten into you?” you asked.
Murphy put his mouth to your ear again. “They’re undressin’ ya wit’ their eyes. I don’ like it.” He put his mouth on your earlobe and sucked.
You gasped in his arms. “Murph, nobody’s looking at me.”
Just then, Connor put his chin on Murphy’s shoulder. “They are, lass. Seen it wit’ me own two eyes. Whole place looks like they wanna eat ya.”
You turned your head away from Murphy and Connor to look around the bar. Instantly all the men went from staring at you to staring at their drinks.
You scoffed. “You’re both crazy.”
Connor leaned back, shaking his head and letting out a resigned sigh. “Yer askin’ for it now, lass.”
Murphy pulled you even closer to him so that you were firmly nestled between his legs with your belly and chest pressing against him.
You smiled sweetly at him. “Even if they are looking, you’re the only one who gets to look at me all night long.”
Murph shook his head and nuzzled the side of your neck. “Not enough, love. I d'be showin’ ‘em who ya belong to.”
Quick as a flash, Murphy moved one hand to the base of your head and angled you for a kiss. He took his time, lips moving languidly, sensually over yours, his tongue going past your lips and tangling with your own.
A moan escaped you, and Murphy chuckled against your mouth. He squeezed your ass again with his free hand, then gave it a little smack. You jumped and giggled, letting yourself lean more fully into him. He kissed his way to your ear and suckled your earlobe once more. He felt your chest rising and falling against his own, and his heart—as well as another part of his body—swelled with pride.
He stopped his suckling and urged you a few inches away by placing his hands on your hips.
You whimpered and pouted at this newly created distance.
Murphy smirked at you, your darkened cheeks and parted lips proof of a job well done.
Connor’s head was on Murphy’s shoulder again. “That worked, didn’t it?” he laughed and reached around Murphy to pinch your cheek.
You narrowed your eyes at Murphy. “Was that all just for show?”
Murphy looked around the bar with a fierce grin. A number of the patrons raised their glasses to him in silent congratulations and acceptance.
He turned to you and shrugged. “Guess you’ll have to take me home wit’ ya to find out.”
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Thank you for reading! Feel free to like, reply, and reblog! 💚🤍🧡
Taglist: @green-eyedladywrites @haleypearce @phoenixblack89 @takeabreathdeath @livingdeadblondequeen @sweetpeapod @ravenwings73 @fuzzy-paintnda @missbeeentertainment @crazylilad @imatrisk
Let me know if you'd like to be added or removed from the tag list! (Or if I have accidentally left you off the list 😬) ==============
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writewithmiaaa · 16 days
Who/what I write for:🎀
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Hey guys! So here is an (updated) list of who I take requests for, I hope you enjoy💗 I also have a list of tropes I accept/don’t accept HERE!
PLEASE NOTE!!!!: I only write male characters romantically, as I am straight. But I will write for all women platonically💗
Peaky Blinders: John, Arthur, Tommy, Finn, Alfie (plus all women platonically)
COD: WW2: Pearson, Zussman, Turner
Cold War: Adler
MW2: all 141+ Alejandro
Marvel: Most male avengers + quick-silver, (plus all women platonically)
TLOU: Joel, Ellie (platonic, SHES A MINOR!!!)
Bale’s Batman trilogy: Bane, Scarecrow
The hunger games: Finnick Odair, Cato, (plus women platonically)
The maze runner: Newt, Thomas, Gally, (all women platonically)
Twilight: Jasper, Alice (platon), Carlisle & Esme, Rosalie (platon)
Horror films: Billy, stu, Ed and Lorraine, 99% of AHS characters (and women platonically)
Footballers: Declan rice, Jarrod Bowen, Neymar, Jude Bellingham, Paqueta
Boxing/UFC: McGregor, Costa, Pantoga, Paddy
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emjae · 1 year
how do you fellas feel about a dear evan hansen au where kazuha is evan and ayato is connor + y/n as jared? except there's romance between kazuha and y/n while writing the letters in "sincerely, me" ;))
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awritessomething · 5 months
I have absolutely no ideas for writing whatsoever pleaseplease leave requests!!! Smut, angst, fluff, whatever y’all want I can probably do.
Ill write for these people and probably more that I forgot (all male character x fem!reader) :
Formula 1:
Max Verstappen
Lando Norris
Oscar Piastri
Charles Leclerc
Pierre Gasly
Lewis Hamilton
Carlos Sainz
Daniel Riccardo
Mick Schumacher
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
David Rossi (preferably young)
Bucky Barnes
Tony Stark
Sam Wilson
Steve Rogers
Spiderman (Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, Miguel O'hara)
Call of Duty
Keegan Russ
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Phillip Graves
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Star Wars:
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Outer Banks:
JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron
Topper Thornton
John B. Routledge
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Cedric Diggory
Draco malfoy
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
Blaise Zabini
Regulus Black
Severus Snape
Tom Riddle
Sirius Black
Lorenzo Berkshire
Oliver Wood
The Walking Dead:
Glenn Rhee
Daryl Dixon
Rick Grimes
Carl Grimes
Joao Felix
Jude Bellingham
Brock Purdy
Leon Draisaitl
Jack Hughes
Vince Dunn
Mitch Marner
Connor Bedard
Wayne Gretzky (young)
Jack Champion (Ethan Landry)
Patrick Bateman
Batman (Christian Bale)
Johnathan Crane
Finnick Odair
Josh Hutcherson (Peeta Mellark, Mike Schmidt, Sean Anderson, Clapton Davis)
Rodrick Heffley
Colby Brock
Sam Golbach
Tristan Dugray
Dylan O'brien
Bellamy Blake
Patrick Dempsey (Derek Shepherd, Ronald Miller)
Joe Goldberg
Timothee Chalamet (Wonka, Paul Atreides)
Minho (The Maze Runner)
Keanu Reeves (John Wick, Neo, Alex Wyler, Dr. Beckham, Julian Mercer, Ted Logan)
Jim Halpert
Ulfric Stormcloak
Ben Schnetzer (Max Vandenburg, Brad Land, Russ Sheppard)
Ralph Macchio (Daniel Larusso, Johnny Cade)
Dallas Winston
Sodapop Curtis
Robby Keene
Zuko (atla dallas liu)
Jet (atla sebastian amoruso)
Cillian Murphy (Johnathan crane, jackson rippner, Neil Lewis)
Evan Peters (all ahs characters, Luke cooper)
What I wont do:
Beastiality or anything animal-y
Male reader (sorry)
Character x character
Threesomes or anything not 1x1
Character x oc
Specific body types (i just don’t see the point)
Daddy/mommy kinks
Incest or stepcest
(I’ll prob have to add on but its midnight rn)
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cillivnz · 1 year
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tidal [murphy macmanus]
WARNINGS — established relationship, cursing, mentions of physical fights, deep cuts (cleaning = pain), bruises, blood, injured!murphy, reader cleans his scars, pet names, sexual innuendo, oral sex (m! receiving), smoking, p in v sex, cowgirl, creampie, slight breeding kink, breasts/nipple play.
A/N — wanted to write fluff, but my horny ass can’t sway from smut. so, enjoy.
NOTES; Leannán — lover
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"Fuckin' cocksucker." You hear your boyfriend yell as he entered the apartment. Glancing over your shoulder to see he hasn't yet reached the living room, you proceed with making coffee for the two of you. "What's wrong, baby?" You call out. When no response followed, you decided to pause your coffee preparation and look for Murphy.
Your eyes widened when the sight of him revealed, silhouette first. Murphy was leaning agonisingly against the wall which his bloody hands stained red. The same crimson dripped out of a slick cut tainting his still flawless skin, knuckles reddish blue with incisions.
"God, darling! What happened?" You rushed over in a frenzy, almost falling to the floor, Murphy with you. He chuckled slightly at your reaction before groaning when it ached to laugh.
"He-he, you shoulda' seen the other guy." He said when you began stroking his cheek just below the cut, he winced softly at that. You let your exasperation be known at his pride.
His shirt was torn from places near and above his abdomen which turned out to be slashed as you took a closer look; even, superficially, drawing blood. Your brows furrowed together in pain. You had (through great difficulty) come to terms with his and Connor's way of living, but seeing Murphy in physical agony was something your heart could never grow accustomed to. You knew he was in the best of spirits knowing he let 'justice prevail' yet another time, but you knew he'd feel guilty letting you take care of him. Seeing the pleading look on your face, Murphy gave you a weak smile, the helplessness evident on his face.
"Oh, baby—" you slowly trailed off, kissing the unharmed portions of body. When your kisses trailed off to his abdomen, and finally down to his v-line, you understood where this would end up, and you weren't in the mood right now.
Boy, were you wrong.
"—let's get you cleaned up." You grabbed his hand and gained composure, a tear escaping your eye, unnoticed by Murphy. He let out a sigh before limping slightly, and following you to the bathroom.
You grabbed the medical kit from the cabinet, back facing him as you ordered, "Go sit on the slab, I'll be with you in a minute."
Though the sight of you right now was inviting; tight jeans hugging your curves perfectly, and one of his old t-shirts which was a little raised due to your stretching to reach the topmost shelf, which Murphy would've done for you, if he wasn't the patient; Murphy obediently sat on the slab.
When you turned around his eyes immediately landed on your tits. The shirt was so loose that your bare shoulders were visible, as was your tainted collarbone from Murphy's kissed and your tits. It seemed significantly low-cut, more than needed at the moment. You saw him shift in his pants from the corner of your eye; eyes rolling in disbelief.
He's horny. Broken, beaten up, and horny.
Taking antiseptic and pouring it on some cotton you began to address his wounds.
He seemed to be taking the pain pretty well; his high pain tolerance came to you as no surprise, considering how many brawls he's been in, but he did wince a little as you moved to the slashed flesh of his face. "This one's deep — I'm sorry for the sting, baby." It saddened you to see him in this state, but he did his best to show you he's alright, chucking softly, before coughing in pain.
"I hope I ain't broken somethin'." He groaned, beginning to shift to his side so he could look at you better. "I hope it's not a rib." You sigh softly.
"What was it this time?" You asked, not facing him while rummaging through the drawers to find gauze. "Hm?" He halfheartedly questioned. His eyes were on your body and your body was on his mind; thoughts of you were cut short when you, yourself asked him, "Why did you fight?"
"Rocco." He said less and you understood. You chuckled when he said, "He's a troublemaker, wee lad." You were about to leave the bathroom, looking for a substitute to the hidden gauze, when he grabbed you by the arm. "Come 'ere for a sec," he pulled you closer. You stood between his legs, arms on either side of him.
"You're not even gonna kiss your patient, doctor?" He massaged your curves. "Might be the only cure for me—" His eyes trailed to your lips, oh, how he'd want nothing more than those plump, soft, crimson lips to paint his skin! "You'd make a naughty patient, Murphy." You teased in a sultry tone, "Can't help it," he replied, "My doctor's the sexiest."
"Oh, yeah?" You teased, giggling, "Tell me more." He grinned.
"See, she's the prettiest lass ever. 'Never seen beauty like hers." You blushed, "She's got sexiest eyes that look into my soul when she's sucking my cock. She's got a cute little nose that scrunches up when she laughs at my jokes. And don't get me started on those lips of hers..." You inched closer, softly kissing his neck, and around the tender skin above the cut on his cheek.
"And if her kisses are the cure to my wounds, I'll let myself be slashed over and over." He breathed out, eyes closing in relief when you began sucking on his sweet spot. He placed your hand on the bulge in his pants. "Look what you do to me."
"I didn't do much..." Your voice trailed off as you kissed along his jaw. "You needn't. I could never get over you. Even when you're not around, I'm like this— at the sheer thought of you— it's paining me."
You were at a loss of words; never able to compete with him when it came to vocalising your love, but he never complained. You made up for it by staying. He'd expected you to walk out the first time he got into a fight — but you didn't. You stayed; kissing his crimson scars and watching them heal by your love.
"I'll have the water running for you." You pecked his lips, he nodded, smiling into the quick kiss.
He sat curled by the sink while you filled the bathtub for him. As it filled, you grabbed his hand, and gently stripped him off his rags. Once bare, he let you guide him to warm waters. He was hesitant in sinking in, shivering a little. It wasn't the water though, he trembled from pain and his state devastated you.
"Try to relax, honey." You cooed; he simply sighed in response. "Would you like me to help you?" You asked, an insinuating smirk plastered on your face.
He knew your looks of sexual innuendo like the back of his hand, for he elicited them.
"Please, have your way." He whispered. Even Murphy was surprised at the fact that his hard-on was now noticed by you, not when you removed him from his clothing. "Is this for me, baby?" You asked as you slowly stroked his cock. "All for you, my love. It's made for you." He groaned, head fall backwards as you applied more pressure and hastened your movements. You hummed, licking a long strip from the base to the slit at the tip. "God, you're killing me."
You hum in satisfaction— the sound sending shivers down his spine, causing him to twitch in your mouth. When he began fiddling in the bath— hands not knowing where and what to grab, you began stroking his length instead, free hand gently pressing him down so as to lay him. "Relax, Murphy. I want you to relax for me." Your tone was soothing, nonetheless sultry.
He then let the warm waters consume him. You were all he needed in this cruel world of injustice and dirty politics; to find something as sweet as you, the Lord really did consider him a Saint for blessing him like this.
"That's it darling, I'm gonna cum for you." He grabbed your hair and began hastening your movements. You sucked determinedly, eager to satisfy, and your efforts bore fruit when he hit the back of your throat and let his seed flow down.
"Oh, sweet angel..." He grabbed your face to kiss you. It was damn near impossible for you to not touch his face— his black eye, and slit cheek preventing you— nonetheless, the kiss was passionate and loving.
"Let's get you cleaned, my love." You helped him bathe.
After drying him, you gave him warm clothes to wear. The Boston winters were cruel, and the rain outside was merciless, too. He wore a cozy grey sweater, and sat in front of you, on the couch.
He pulled out a cigarette and lit it. The first puff was passed to you, as became his habit; lighting it for himself, yet he'd always let you have it first— something you've always found endearing, though he doesn't realise how much these little make you fall harder in love with him, as if being more than head over heels as you are was possible.
"What are you thinking about, baby?" You asked him, when his gaze darkened. "I wanna fuck you so bad right now." His voice, barely audible.
"Murphy..." You look at him pleadingly. He knew, too, he couldn't even walk without your support and he wants to pound you. But his hard-on was back, and it throbbed for you.
And, that's how you ended up like this.
Riding him fervently, while his hands practically ached to touch you, still, placed on his sides. His grip on the sheets scrunched the bed-sheet; you were desperate to touch him, too, but your own hands were pinching and playing with your nipples.
You bounce on his cock; the lack of support making your movements sloppy, yet so hard and deep, your thighs ached every time you would lift yourself till only the tip remained inside and then pushed back down as your cunt squeezed him in like a vice.
"That's it, baby, cream on that cock." He looks up to you, your messy hair framing your face perfectly as sweat began to form in your cleavage. Your lips were swollen from kissing him, your breasts bounced with every thrust and your knuckles turned white, gripping the sheets instead of running your fingers through your boyfriend's hair.
He was in so, so deep— his tip kissing the top of your walls rhythmically every time you'd shove down on his cock. You were mesmerised even more so by his face. Those pale blue eyes looked at you, pleadingly; aching, for you to cum. He needed release, of modern worldliness and sexually, and you've become that release for him.
It only took a few more thrusts before he plunged inside you and began grinding your hips together. "Yes, fill me up!" You moaned like a pornstar, causing Murphy to continue thrusting into you, while his mouth ravenously devoured your tits. The overstimulation driving you into a frenzy; you shivered uncontrollably as he stilled, having his fill of you, and letting your excruciatingly hot walls drain his cock.
“I love you so much,” You moaned, as you began to pull yourself up, away from his cock, but it seemed like your cunt's vice-like grip had other plans. "I love you too, leannán— so much." He whispered, out of breath. His swollen lips wet at the sight of you— dripping in his load and your own cum. He pulled you in for a fervent kiss before he could get hard again and fuck you more than both of you could handle right now.
You laid him down whilst kissing, and he weakly pulled the blanket up for you. The minute you snug in, his strong arms wrapped around your waist; one hand tracing circles around your nipples, as if hardening them would put you to sleep, but the little erotic feeling satisfied you.
And your tidal love sweeping Murphy's shores of sins clean was all this Saint could've prayed for.
So you drift off to sleep, in each other's embrace.
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TAGLIST — the sweetest, @takemetoyourbestfriendshouse <3
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main masterlist. more from ‘the boondock saints’.
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twdeadfanfic · 2 years
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue...-Fanfic Advent Calendar 2022 Day 3 - Murphy MacManus
Murphy MacManus x female Reader
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Summary: This one-shot is part of @lilythemadqueen Fanfict Advent Calendar event. My prompt was “Roses are red, violets are blue, merry Christmas bitch, I love you.” Reader goes to spend Christmas evening with the MacManus twins. There’s fluff and some smut here.
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You rushed out of the taxi and towards the MacManus building, already grinning at the idea of seeing the twins, and also already a bit tipsy.
It was Christmas day and you had spent most of the day with your family, but now, in the evening, you were visiting Murphy and Connor, who loved Christmas but couldn’t afford to travel back home to visit their mother that year, and who’d asked you if you wanted to go to their place to celebrate.
Their place wasn’t the most comfortable, but how could you refuse, with how much fun you always had with the twins, and you also knew that they were feeling down about not being able to visit their mother for Christmas, so you wanted to be there for them on Christmas day.
Knocking on their door, you heard their voices and then they opened the door at the same time, knocking into each other…yes, they were not only fun, they were also rather endearing.
“Roses are red, violets are blue, merry Christmas bitches, I love you,” was the greeting that you offered, which had sounded way more fun and cute in your head than it did when you heard it out aloud, and maybe were you a bit more tipsy than you had thought?
Connor seemed to be of the same opinion, and he snorted. “Look at that, brother, lass’s already drunk! And to think that we were savin’ the good whiskey for when she arrived…”
“Aye!” Murphy nodded, with that pretty smile that you found so charming and those bright eyes that you found so beautiful. “Gettin’ drunk without us, love? That’s rude…”
Before you could say anything in protest, Murphy was already tugging you inside, while Connor headed to the counter to take a bottle of whiskey.
“Wait, wait, presents first, booze later,” you said, taking off your coat and throwing it on a chair, before reaching inside your bag and taking out a box wrapped with green paper.
Both twins looked at the gift with eyes bright as kids…they could be so cute sometimes. Both of them reached at the same time for the box and you pulled it back.
“No fighting, it can break, if you don’t behave I’ll open it myself,” you warned them.
After some snapping and slapping each other's hands, Connor let out an exasperated sigh. “Fine, let my greedy, needy little brother open it,” he grumbled.
“Little brother my ass…” Murphy muttered, too focused on the gif that you were handing him to snap much at his brother.
“Careful…” You reminded him at his eager hands, and so he placed it on the coffee table, unwrapping it with more care than you’d have expected.
Once the paper was off, it revealed a pack set of a bottle of whiskey, the same one that Connor had been reaching for before you asked them to open presents, and two matching glasses for it.
You had been very unsure when choosing what to get for the MacManus, and you were very nervous at it, but they both were grinning as they looked at it, so you hoped they liked it for real.
“Thanks, love!” Murphy told you, reaching to open the box, but Connor slapped his hand with a muttered ‘careful’.
“Aye, lass, real nice, thanks!” Connor said as he opened the box himself, carefully taking out the matching glasses and the bottle of whiskey.
“I’m sorry that it’s a brand that you already have,” you apologized. “But that way I knew that you liked it.”
“Aye, lass, we do, our favorite.” Connor nodded.
“And our best!” Murphy nodded along. “But, love, we need to get ye a glass too, aye? So yer not left out!”
You tried to ignore the warm twirls in your belly at Murphy’s words…it was a foolish feeling. “I can get a glass, but these two are especially for you both MacManus,” you told him. “And finally there are actual glasses in this household!”
“Aye!” Both twins nodded to that.
“Now yours!” Murphy said as he handed you a shapeless, wrapped gift. He looked excited as a kid, it was endearing,
As you tore the paper, you found a soft, white scarf. “It’s so beautiful!” You said as you ran your hands over the material.
“Irish wool, love, we asked our ma’ to send it from Ireland,” Murphy told you.
“Aye! It’s the softest, lass!” Connor agreed.
“I can feel it!” The beautiful fabric felt soft and warm. “Thank you, guys, I love it!”
You leaned to hug both twins at the same time, wrapping an arm around each, their arms wrapping around you too, hugging you even a bit too tight, but you were not going to complain, the MacManus hugs were just the best.
“Now…booze!” Connor cheered, bringing the whiskey bottle and the glass that you usually used, while you carefully took out of the packet their new glasses.
You three talked about this and that while you drank, about your family's Christmas that day, about their Christmas back in Ireland, stuff going on in your lives, and just any random thought or occurrence that came across your mind…one thing for sure, you were never bored with the MacManus. 
Even when they grumbled and complained whenever you kicked them out so you could go to their doorless bathroom, it always ended up being more fun than embarrassing, while in turn, you grumbled and complained every time they didn’t have any qualms about using the bathroom with you right there…you appreciated the familiarity with which they treated you, you truly loved it, but sometimes, just sometimes, in cases like those, it might get a bit too much.
Neither of you minded it much, though, and everything was as fun as always.
You were sat down on the sofa, between both brothers, and what started like Murphy animatedly gesturing around while he spoke, ended up with his arm casually thrown over your shoulders. You wouldn’t complain, though…in fact, the drunker you got, the more you leaned against him, but he was not complaining either.
You tried not to read much into it, though, both brothers were prone to physical affection, which was something that you loved about them, so you knew that Murphy’s gesture didn’t mean that he wanted anything more besides friendship with you…but you would soak in the feeling of his arm around your shoulders, on the pressure and the warmth of his body against yours, for as long as you could.
“Okay, guys…” You sighed after several hours…you were pretty much lying against Murphy’s chest by now, but you were too tired and kind of drunk to feel shy about it. “I can’t keep my eyes open anymore. I should try to get myself a taxi and go home.”
“Nah, lass, it’s late, stay here,” Connor said. “Sleep it off.”
“Aye.” Murphy nodded, and he seemed drowsy too.
“Sleep here om an old sofa and with a bathroom with no door…tempting,” you half-joked.
“Mean.” Murphy nudged your shoulder with his forehead almost catlike…and almost as if he were going to fall asleep on you. “Come on, love, it’s too late and yer too drank, we’ll feel better if ye stay.
“Aye, ye’re not gonna sleep on a sofa, ye take me or my brother’s bed,” Connor told you.
“But nothin’, lass,” Connor didn’t let you complain even if you felt bad stealing their beds. “I’ll throw a coin…” He got one from his trousers pocket. “Heads for me, tails for Murph,” Connor said, Murphy just shrugged, and Connor threw the coin. “Tails.” He grinned at his brother. “Lass gets yer bed.”
“Okay, okay…get out of my bed ye two, then,” Murphy gestured dramatically at the sofa.
You didn’t know what made you speak up, if it was the alcohol, if it was being pressed to Murphy’s side for most of the night, your ever-growing crush on him, or just you feeling guilty about taking his bed…whatever it was, you went for it.
“Actually, I, uh…this sofa is not the most comfortable, and it’s your bed, so, I don’t mind sharing it,” you told him before you could think it too much.
“Are ye sure, love?” Murphy frowned at you. “I don’t mind the sofa.”
“I don’t mind us sharing the bed…” You shrugged, trying to appear casual and to not show how flustered the idea of sleeping next to Murphy got you, but also how much you wished for it... “But if you’re not comfortable with it, it’s okay…” You tried not to show your insecurity while thinking that Murphy might not want to sleep near you.
“I don’t mind, love, better sharin’ my bed with ye than sleepin’ alone on this sofa, aye?” Murphy said and you were not sure if he was joking or not, but his words sent twirls to your belly anyway, and his frown had given way to a smile, which was reassuring.
“Aye,” you imitated his accent, to which Murphy playfully pouted at you, and the use to urge to kiss those pouty lips was almost overwhelming, but you were not drunk enough, and he was already moving.
“Let’s get ye somethin’ to sleep in…”
Soon, you were kicking the grumbling twins outside so you could use the bathroom and change from your clothes into the t-shirt and sweatpants that Murphy had given you, calling yourself foolish at the giddy twirls that danced in your belly at the idea of wearing Murphy’s clothes. 
As always, they weren’t shy about using the bathroom or changing clothes with you right here, while you averted your eyes and complained about how much they embarrassed you and how much they seemed to enjoy it.
When Murphy headed to the bed wearing just a t-shirt and his underwear, just like his also shameless brother, you had to tell yourself not to stare and ogle him, and make things weird…it was not easy not to stare, though.
“Which side of the bed do you prefer?” You asked Murphy so you’d look at the bed instead of at him.
“Don’t care.”
“I’ll leave you the one nearer your brother, I know you two always have to be next to each other,” you said, smiling and the indignant huffs that the twins let out.
You crawled under the sheets at the side of the bed closer to the wall, trying not to overthink how you were in Murphy’s bed, but it was difficult with him lying next to you. You were trying to keep your distance, even if the bed was not big and even if you really did not want to, feeling like pressing closer to Murphy, but you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, to overstep boundaries…and you didn’t want to be a creep.
Still, you allowed yourself to enjoy the closeness to Murphy, and the warmth coming from him, trying to stop the thoughts that wondered how warm and comfortable it’d feel to curl up with him…One thing for sure, this night would feed your daydreams for all days to come.
“Sleep it is,” Connors said from his bed, yawing and looking half-asleep already, and he reached to turn off the light.
“‘night, love,” whispered Murphy, and his low rasp right next to you sent a warm feeling to your belly that you tried to ignore.
“Goodnight,” you whispered back, once again trying to control your thoughts and wishes.
Murphy shuffled on the bed as if trying to get more comfortable, his body and his warmth getting torturously close to you. There was the faintest brush of his leg to yours, but you didn’t have much time to enjoy it, or to be tortured by it, since you were drunk and more than tired too, and soon, you were falling asleep.
You woke up a few hours later when the first rays of sun began to softly light the MacManus’s place… Of course, your slowly awakening brain thought, the MacManus wouldn’t have curtains…not surprising, considering they didn’t even have a proper bathroom.
You were feeling very warm and comfortable, and soon you realized that Murphy’s arm was wrapped around you, holding you. He seemed to have moved closer to you while you both slept, curling up to you as you had wished to do, and so his chest was pressed against your back as his arm held you firmly to him, and you could even feel his breathing on your shoulder.
Warm twirls began dancing in your belly, and your heart seemed to be doing a little dance too, even if your rational mind tried to tell you that Murphy didn’t know what he was doing, he’d moved closer and hugged you in his sleep, not consciously…but you couldn’t help how it made you feel.
You basked in that warm feeling, on Murphy’s touch and on the feeling of his body so close to yours. You wistfully wished that you could stay like that for the whole day, and you hoped Murphy would take long to wake up. 
You tried to shift even closer to Murphy, careful not to wake him, and you smiled when his arm held you even tighter at that…if only this were your everyday morning.
Soon, you heard Murphy murmuring something in his sleep, pulling you even closer to him, nuzzling your neck, and you felt as if your heart was going to burst, the butterflies in your belly were going crazy, even if you tried to tell yourself not to be foolish, not to get your hopes high, Murphy was asleep and he didn’t know what he was doing…
You felt the moment in which Murphy woke up completely, because he stopped nuzzling you, instead going rigid against you before moving away in such haste that he almost fell off the bed.
“Shit…fuck, lass, I’m sorry, I…” He stumbled over his words, apologizing.
“It’s okay…” You whispered, feeling shy now that Murphy was awake, but you wanted him to know that you didn’t mind him holding you…actually, you wanted him to know that you enjoyed it very, very much, but you weren’t sure if he may have enjoyed it too or if it was just him moving in his sleep. “I really didn’t mind, it’s okay…” You moved to lay on your back instead of your side, but you were still too shy to face him.
“Aye?” Murphy whispered back and you nodded.
“Yeah…” You made yourself turn to look at him, and even in the dim room, you could see how his cheeks were flushed. He seemed shy and still a bit sleepy, hair all over the place… He was so beautiful, and you could still feel his warmth, his body next to yours…you decided to go for it. 
“In fact, it was, uh…it was a very nice way to wake up…well, and to sleep too…it was…comfy.” Great, wonderful…you almost facepalmed yourself at your choice of words. “I mean…it’s nice, you know…to be held…” You were feeling shyer and shyer, and you decided to just shut up.
Murphy, though, nodded. “Aye…” He murmured. “Aye, it is.”
Slowly, Murphy moved closer again, reaching out his arm but looking at you as if checking that you were okay with it. He wasn’t usually so hesitant and shy when showing physical affection, and it was endearing in a way.
You moved closer too, trying to encourage him, to show him that you wanted to cuddle again, and so Murphy finally wrapped his arm around you. You reached out to hug him too, and when you did that, Murphy pulled you even closer, so you were snuggled against his chest.
You let out a content sigh, losing the fight against the butterflies twirling in your belly, but you were still afraid that you may be getting your hopes too high, and you feared Murphy may be just indulging you.
“Are you comfortable?” You whispered.
“Aye,” Murphy whispered back, softly nuzzling your head again, holding you so close…he really did seem to mean it, he seemed to be enjoying it too…
But still, that didn’t mean anything, that didn’t mean he’d share your feelings…and it kept bothering you.
“Murphy…I, uh…I have to tell you something…” You finally spoke up, even if you feared you’d ruin the moment and you’d never be held like this by Murphy again.
“Hm?” He sounded as if he was falling asleep again, chin on top of your head as he held you so close to him, close enough that you could hide on his chest as you tried to confess your feelings to him.
“I, uh…I like you…really like you, you know, I have feelings for you, I had for a while now, so, uh…yeah…” You got it out before you could regret it and change your mind, but when Murphy didn’t say anything, you began to worry. “Murphy? I’m sorry…if you want me to get out of your bed now, I’ll do it…”
You were not moving away, though, since you were feeling too shy to face Murphy, and your heart was hurting, but then Murphy was holding you tighter anyway, as if he was afraid that you were going to try to leave.
He kept his arm around you but moved back so he could look at you…Usually cheerful, chatterbox Murphy was now serious and silent as he looked at you intently, and you had to look down. Then, though, you felt his hand on your chin, making you look at him again.
Murphy’s hand moved from your chin to your cheek, cupping your face, and then he was leaning in and kissing your lips. You were surprised, but you kissed him back out of instinct, your hand going to his neck while you felt like the butterflies in your belly were making you float.
You lost track of time while Murphy and you kissed, him pulling you even closer, and you didn’t know how much time had passed when you finally broke the kiss, pulling back so you could speak, or try to, since Murphy chased your lips to kiss you again.
“Murphy,” you murmured against his lips. “Wait, wait a second.” You moved away again, though it was hard to resist Murphy’s pouty lips.
“What?” He all but whined, and somehow, it was adorable.
“Does this mean, that, uh…” You might have been making out with Murphy two seconds ago, but now you were shy with words. “That you…you know…”
“That I what, like ye? Ye gotta ask, love?” Murphy chuckled, a cocky smile on his face, and you huffed, rolling your eyes, but you were feeling too elated to be annoyed, a smile on your face, and Murphy kissed you again. “What ye, think, uh?” He said against your lips before pecking them once more. “Of course, I like ye, love.” 
You smiled, letting out a delighted but kind of embarrassing giggle against Murphy’s lips, but you didn’t have time to be ashamed of the sound before Murphy was kissing you again, until you couldn't think or feel anything that wasn’t him.
Eventually, his lips traveled to your neck, and you felt him smile whenever he found a ticklish spot. You didn’t know when he’d place it there, but Murphy’s hand seemed to be on your ass now and he was pushing you even closer, your leg hooking around his hips, and the almost whine that Murphy let out, muffled against your neck, when he ground his hips against you, sent a tingle through all your body, and you rocked back against him.
Some part of your mind, though, remembered where you were…The MacManus’ home, a place with no privacy even to go to the bathroom, with Connor sleeping on his bed just a couple of meters away from Murphy’s.
“Murphy…” You whispered, but it turned into a soft cry when he pushed you so you’d lie completely on your back, rocking his hips against yours again and kissing your lips. “Wait, Murph…” You tried again, muffled against his lips, but you couldn’t really get yourself to stop him.
“What…” He stopped kissing you just enough to ask.
“Your brother’s right there…” You whispered, but Murphy didn’t stop, pinning you against his bed and almost making you forget what you wanted to say “Murphy…He may wake up….”
“Don’t care.” His hips seemed to angle you just right as he said that, his hardness brushing against you in a way that made you wonder why you actually cared that Connor was right there, and you rocked back despite your better judgment, letting out a stifle mewl that had Murphy smiling against your lips.
“Murph…” Whether you were moaning his name or trying to ask him to stop,  you weren’t sure, but your hips betrayed your worrying mind as they kept moving with Murphy’s, encouraging him.
After a deep kiss that took your breath away, Murphy pulled back, looking at you with heavy-lidded eyes in a way that made you feel even more heated. 
His serious face gave way to a smile when you arched against his touch as he slid his hands under the shirt that you were wearing, stroking your bare skin, before sliding his hands down again, hooking his fingers on the waistband of the sweatpants he’d given you.
“He’s going to wake up…” You half-complained, half-warned, glazing at Connor’s sleeping form, but you were lifting your butt off the bed so Murphy could take off your sweatpants anyway.
“And?” Murphy had carelessly scrunched the sweatpants as he slid them down your legs, leaving them somewhere between the sheets, while his lips were already brushing a path of hot kisses across your thigh, and again, you almost forgot why you cared about Connor.
“He’ll notice us…” You murmured, or tried to, while Murphy’s lips made you sigh with every kiss and nibble.
“I don’t care…” His lips sucked a mark on your other thigh and you gasped a bit louder than you’d have wanted to.
“I do…” You whined, but when your hand reached down to Murphy, it was not to stop him but to stroke his hair. “It’ll be mortifying, I…” 
You didn’t get to say whatever you were trying to say, because Murphy chose that moment to bury his face between your thighs, placing a kiss on your clothed heath, his nose brushing your clit over your panties as he did so.
“Shit!” You squealed, half in surprise and louder than you’d wanted to be, so you turned to look at Connor to make sure he was still asleep, fingers tightening on Murphy’s hair so he’d stop but it just seemed to make him moan against your core, which didn’t help your situation. “Murph…” You whined.
Another kiss that made your hips rock back against his head with a stifled whimper, and Murphy pulled back slightly to look at you, fingers playing with the waistband of your panties.
“So ye want me to stop, then?” He asked, and you didn’t know if he was genuine or if he was just enjoying teasing you, but the mischief in his eyes told you that it was the second…you wanted to curse and kick him while at the same time you wanted to shove his face between your legs again.
You glanced at Connor again…it was not that you didn’t care that he may wake up, but you were too worked up to stop Murphy, so you just shook your head, and you almost pushed Murphy’s head against you again, but considering his grin, you had to wonder if he may not have minded it.
Murphy had taken down your pants in less than it took you to blink, leaving them forgotten somewhere between the sheets, and then he was placing open-mouthed kisses on your inner thighs, getting closer and closer to your center, and you tried not to actually whine as you wiggled your hips, chasing his lips.
When he finally kissed you center, tongue sliding over your wetness before his lips encircled your clit, you had to bite the back of your hand to stifle your cry. Your thighs clamped on his head, but judging by his moan, Murphy didn’t seem to mind, though soon he was pushing your thighs onto the bed again.
You tried your best to muffle every moan, gasp, and sound that you couldn’t help but let out as Murphy kept going, almost making you forget that Connor could just wake up and catch you and his brother like that, too lost on how Murphy was making you feel.
When you came, you had to bite your hand again, barely remembering to try to be quiet, and still, you were pretty certain you were a bit too loud, but you couldn’t care, crying out as your back arched on the bed and your fingers tightened even more on Murphy’s hair, while Murphy kept going even then.
He didn’t stop until you loosened your grip on him, panting, trying to catch your breath, glancing at Connor, and even though you were relieved to find him still asleep, you were too blissed out to really care.
Murphy kissed your center once again, making your hips jerk, and then he placed soft kisses over your thighs again. He lifted the t-shirt that you were wearing enough to kiss your belly, and then he slid up your body, looking at you and smiling before kissing your lips.
“Okay?” He asked you quietly when he pulled back.
“Yeah…yeah…better than okay,” you panted, regretting it at his smug smile…he was going to get all arrogant now…
You were sure Murphy was going to make a cocky remark, but he just grinned at you in a way that took your breath away at how beautiful and adorable he looked, before he kissed you deeply.
As you kissed, his hardness kept insistently brushing against your naked, sensitive core, and Murphy kept letting out needy sounds against your lips, pressing even harder against you, until you couldn’t help yourself anymore, throwing all caution through the window.
You pushed at Murphy, and he seemed confused and even worried until he realized what you were trying to do, grinning as he let you push him onto his back with you straddling him. 
This time, it was you who slid your hands under his t-shirt, stroking his hot skin, lifting his t-shirt on your way as you rocked your hips, your heat sliding against his boner. Murphy cursed, closing his eyes as he tilted his head back, and you took advantage of that, leaning to kiss and nibble his neck.
“Fuck, love…” He half-whined, half-cursed, grabbing your waist to make you rock against him again, and you pulled back to look at him, enjoying the look on his face as much as the sounds he was letting out, you were too into it now to remember to tell Murphy to keep it quiet.
Murphy’s hands loosened the grip on your hips, sliding up your torso and to your breast, and so you grabbed your t-shirt to take it off.
“What the fuck…”
You heard Connor’s voice when your head was covered with your shirt as you took it off, and you squealed, letting the t-shirt fall over your body again. 
You looked towards Connor’s bed, finding him blinking at Murphy and you, seeming very sleepy and confused, so you threw yourself off Murphy, covering your body with the sheets and frantically trying to find your pants somewhere between them.
“Connor! Fuck, get back to sleep!” Murphy snapped at his brother while you kept trying to find your underwear.
“Get the fuck out of here or go back to sleep!” Murphy snapped again and you heard Connor huffing an annoyed okay. 
“Love?” Murphy called for you, you were pretty much buried under the sheets, and you finally found your pants, struggling to put them on. “Love…it’s okay, Connor’s not lookin’, come out of there…” 
Murphy pulled the sheet off your head and you glared at him, embarrassed, finally managing to pull up your underwear, and you searched for your sweatpants, but Murphy stopped you with a hand on your hip, turning to face you.
“I’m sorry but…he’s not lookin’ now, aye?” Murphy told you softly, nodding towards Connor, who had covered himself with the sheets, curling up with his back to Murphy and you. “Just ignore him…”
Murphy tried to kiss you again, pulling you closer, but you didn’t let him. “Are you serious?!” You huffed. “We’re not doing…this in front of your brother!” You weren’t really surprised that Murphy didn’t care about his brother’s presence, though.
“He doesn’t care…” Murphy said as if that solved anything, but before you could complain again, his lips were on yours, his hand on your ass pulling your hips flush with him again, bucking into you, making you let out a small moan despite yourself.
“Murph…” You said against his lips, willing your body to move away from him but kissing him back anyway, and you fleetly wondered what was wrong with you, if kisses were melting your brain somehow. “Murphy, we can’t…”
“Come on, love, please…he’s asleep again…” Murphy whined, begged almost, still holding you close.
You bit your lip as you looked at him and…were you really considering this? You pulled away from him, searching for the sweatpants before Murphy could make you fall into temptation again or before you could let those pouty lips and begging puppy eyes take control over your brain.
“He's right, lass, I don’t care…” Connor’s voice came from his bed, muffled as if he was still covered with the sheets, but it only made you feel more embarrassed…he’d already seen enough.
You dodged Murphy's grabby hands and sat up on the bed to put on the sweatpants, while Murphy kept trying to reach for you, but you swatted his hands away every time he managed to get a hold of you, ignoring his pout and puppy eyes.
You got out of the bed, out of reach from a now sulking Murphy, but you leaned closer to kiss his lips. You weren’t mad and you didn’t regret what had happened between you two, and you didn’t want Murphy maybe thinking so, but when he wrapped his arms around you and tried to pull you into the bed again, you pulled away, breaking free from his hold, pecking his pouty lips once before you turned around.
“I’m going to get some coffee ready,” you announced heading to the kitchen area.
With your back turned to the twins as you fumbled with their coffee pot, you heard what you thought was Murphy throwing his pillow at Connor. “Couldn’t ye wait to wake up and open yer stupid mouth?”
“The fuck did I know…” Connor huffed a complaint, throwing the pillow back at Murphy. “Didn’t expect ye both to actually get at it this mornin’...”
“Shut up you both!” You snapped without turning to look at them, truly mortified. “Please…” You sighed.
“Yeah…sorry, lass…” Connor apologized sheepishly.
You heard the rustle of the sheets and the bedsprings as one of the brothers got up, and soon, arms were sneaking around you as Murphy held you from behind, kissing your shoulder and nuzzling your head, and you couldn’t help your smile.
Murphy made you turn around so you’d be facing him while he held you, and he kept one of his arms around you but lifted his other hand to stroke your cheek softly.
“Love…don’t be mad…” He told you, looking so adorable…your smile grew wider, you weren’t mad, but you wouldn’t have lasted mad anyway if you were, not when Murphy was all sweet and cute like that.
“I’m not,” you assured him. “It’s not that.”
Murphy smiled at that, and you were sure you’d never get used to how beautiful he looked like that. He stroked your cheek again and then leaned in to kiss your lips. It started sweet and soft, but soon he was deepening the kiss, trying to back you against the kitchen counter.
“Murphy, stop.” You broke the kiss, pushing him away with your hands on his chest. “Seriously, not with your brother here…” You chided him again, and he pouted but nodded.
You glanced at Connor…he was getting up from the bed, heading to the toilet without paying you or his brother any mind, as if he really didn’t care that you were right there while he used the toilet, or that his brother was trying to make out with you on the kitchen counter…this two were incorrigible.
You looked at Murphy again, placing your hands on his waist but still keeping him at distance so he wouldn’t get any ideas.
“So…I was thinking…do you think you could manage to stay away from your brother just enough to walk me to my place later today?” You half-joked. “Just you and me?”
Murphy glanced towards his brother, and for a second, you wondered if he may say no, but then he looked at you and nodded, a smile lighting his face in that beautiful way that took your breath, and you couldn’t help but kiss his lips again.
If you liked this, comments and reblogs mean the world.
As always, excuse my English, it’s not my first language.
This post is queued, I’ll add the taglist as soon as I’m actually online.
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thatwriterchaotic · 1 year
Noisy Neighbors Chapter 4
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Summary: It had been two weeks since you last saw Murphy at his apartment, your job was going well and you two have been calling back and forth. It was Saturday finally, the night you planned to share drinks at McGintys to celebrate.
Pairing: Murphy MacManus x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: [18+], slow burn, complicated feelings, miscommunication, fluff, little bit of angst because why not. drinking, cursing, mentions of drug use, smoking.
Your POV:
It was Saturday, the weekend. The one thing you where looking forward to all week. You where excited about your job. Happy that you found something that paid well. But a certain MacManus brother was keeping your attention. You and Murphy had been calling back and forth. Talking about anything and everything.
Hearing your phone ring made you so excited. Hoping each time it was Murphy on the other side. It was just easy to talk to Murphy, and you both bonded over similar interest. Happy that you where getting closer as friends. You both had agreed to meet at McGintys tonight for drinks. You had been spending all afternoon trying to find something to wear. You were so nervous about this. But it was just drinks with Murphy!? You shouldn't be this nervous.
Finally deciding on a nice pair of jeans and tank top. You threw on your jacket and grabbed your purse. Hearing your phone buzz near by, you looked around and found it laying on your bed. You grabbed it and answered. “Hello?” You said with a small smile on your face.
“Hey there las, miss me yet?” You herd Murphy's voice through the phone. Making your heart flutter, feeling your nerves just wash away. Something about him just made you feel calm and relaxed. “Murphy I just saw you this morning in the hall” You said giggling through the phone. Hearing his chuckle come back, only made your stomach flutter with butterflies. “Meet me in the hall in a few minutes? Got a little surprise for ya” Murphy said to you before ending the call. A surprise? You wondered what it could be.
That's when there was a knock at your door. Slipping on your shoes, you opened it. Seeing Murphy stand there with a beautiful bouquet of flowers in his hands. He looked so cute, the mix of flowers just made his blue eyes pop. “Got you these to celebrate getting hired, hope ya like them love” Murphy said as he handed you the flowers. You took the flowers and walked back into your apartment to put them in water. Murphy followed you. “Oh their beautiful Murphy, but you didn't have to buy me anything” You said as you set them up.
“I wanted too, you deserve them lass” Murphy said as he stood next to you leaning against the counter. You couldn't stop smiling. Murphy was such a sweet guy. He made you laugh. You looked up at him, wanting to kiss his cheek for being so kind to you. You didn't even give it a second though. You leaned up and kissed his cheek softly. Seeing a smile appear on Murphy's face. “Thank you Murphy” You said softly. He offered his arm to you. “Ready to go las?” He smiled down at you. You took it and grabbed your purse. Ready for the night a head. “Let's go” You said as you both walked out of your apartment.
Tonight you thought it would be with Connor and Rocco as well. But they weren't around when you had arrived with Murphy. Maybe they would come by later. You and Murphy got seats at the bar. It was quiet packed. Being the weekend and all. Music blared from the stereo near by. It was quiet nice actually. Seeing everything be so lively. “There's someone I want ya to me, This is Doc. Don't mind his cussin he can't help it” Murphy said with a small smirk. An older gentleman behind the bar greeted you both.
“Aye, shut it boy. Didn't know F-Fuck- you were bringing a lady tonight” He said with the sweetest smile. He kind of reminded you of your grandfather. “Hello it's nice to meet you Doc, I'm (Y/N)” You said with a polite smile. Wanting to be nice towards Doc. Murphy asked Doc for his regular and whatever you would like. Doc nodded his head and already started on it. Helping other customers as well. You and Murphy talked back and forth for a bit. Just about how your days went and your new job.
Then Doc came back placing your drinks on the bar. “On the house! M-Murphy told me all about your new job” Doc said with a smile. You didn't know Murphy talked about you. You thought it was really sweet of him. You looked over a Murphy, noticing a small shade of pink on his cheeks. “Awe thank you Doc! That's really kind of you” You thanked him as you took a sip of your drink. You where happy to finally have nice people in your life. It had been lonely these last few months. When you first moved to Boston.
That's when Connor and Rocco came crashing into the bar. They greeted you both with big smiles. Connor gave you a hug, happy to see you. Rocco pulled up two extra chairs for them to sit next to You and Murphy. “Hey you said you had plans with a girl, I didn't know you meant (Y/N)” Connor said as he patted his brothers back. “Yeah! We came in here just to make fun of ya and get some drinks” Rocco added on as they sat down. Getting drinks from Doc behind the bar. You noticed a annoyed looked on Murphy's face. He shoved his brother a bit making him stumble. “Told ya both to find somewhere else tonight” Murphy said getting irritated with his brother and close friend. You gently touched Murphy's arm with a small smile. “How about we go play darts? They can sit here and get drunk” You suggested wanting to make the situation better for Murphy.
You felt him relax a little under your touch. Grabbing both of your drinks, Murphy turned to follow you. You lead the way walking through a small crowd of people. Eventually getting to the dart board at the side of the room. Murphy set your drinks down at the near by table. “Thanks for that lass, I just wanted to spend time with you to be honest” Murphy said with a small smile. He walked up to the board and pulled out the darts handing some to you. “It's okay Murphy, I wanted it to just be us too. Kinda missed you with everything going on” You said as you took the darts from him. You threw back and forth, not really keeping track. Just enjoying each other's company. “Yeah I know, I like spending time with you” Murphy confessed. You felt your cheeks flush a little as you took sips from your drink. “Really? I mean we don't do much besides talk on the phone Murph” You said with a laugh. Setting your drink down. “So? Hearing your voice is the best thing about my days” Murphy looked at you with after he threw another dart. Stepping closer towards you. “Makes everything else just wash away” Murphy said making you smile.
“Are you always such a flirt with every girl your friends with?” You said teasing Murphy, almost making him spit out his drink. You giggled at his reaction. “Oh shit, here let me help” You said as you grabbed a napkin. Standing infront of Murphy you wiped at the small wet stain on his jacket. Murphy smiled and gently lifted your chin, making you look up at him. “Only if she lives next door and has the prettiest smile I've ever seen” Murphy said softly to you. Your hands rested on his jacket. Holding him close by the edges. You felt like it was just You and Murphy standing in this bar. The sounds around you faded out. A small gap was between you two. Your noses almost touching.
You kept looking down between his lips and those beautiful blue eyes. That's when Murphy leaned in and closed the gap between you. His lips felt so soft against yours. You kissed Murphy back until he quickly pulled away from you. “I'm sorry lass, I really shouldn't have done that” Murphy quickly started apologizing as he let go of you. His cheeks flushed red. You quickly cupped the side of Murphy's cheek wanting him to calm down. “Hey, Murphy it's okay, I wanted you too” You said softly. A smile spread across your face. Murphy looked calmer once you told him it was okay.
“You wanted me to kiss you?” Murphy said with a big smile on his face. You gushed at his dorkiness. Nodding your head as you laughed. Murphy leaned down and kissed your cheek this time instead. “Maybe I should kiss you more than” Murphy suggested as he nuzzled himself into your neck. You loved the attention from Murphy, you really did but you also didn't want to ruin your friendship. Worried you would become a one night stand to him.
“Murphy, look I really like being with you, but I don't want to be someone's one night stand” You said. Making him move away from your neck. Standing infront of you so you where face to face. Like he would ever treat you like that- Murphy wanted to worship the ground you walk on. Not ever wanting to break your heart. “How about I take you on a date? Do this the right way?” Murphy said wanting to make all these negative thoughts go away. You smiled a little and nodded your head. Excited about what's to come with Murphy..
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gennemi · 1 month
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My requests are open! I do Smut, Angst, and Fluff! You can submit your requests in as anon! As long as you are 18+! I don't mind doing Female/gender neutral reader!
Things I will do is: Headcanons, SMAU (Social Media AU), one-shots, and small drabbles as far as like anime goes!
I will also do Modern AU with both Demon Slayer and One Piece! And No Curses AU with JJK!
I'm also starting to write for The Walking Dead and The Boondock Saints first and second one, and also Pokemon now!
My nos for smut:
-Non Con/Rape/Dubious Consent
-Scat, Piss/Throw up Kink
Others I won't write for:
-Large Age Gaps
-Minor/Adult relationships
I'm an active rper! I do rp Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, One Piece, The Boondock Saints first and second, and The Walking Dead, and Pokemon! Discord is in bio! MUST BE 18+ I DON'T RP WITH MINORS!!!
I will also tell you if I'm uncomfortable with doing a certain thing! Don't get mad/upset. I have boundaries with writing certain things to do with Smut, Fluff and Angst! I just don't feel comfortable with writing somethings that can be triggering!
I'm also starting a taglist!!! Lemme know if you want to be apart of my taglist either via DM or Inbox!!!
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A/N:The characters listed are the ones I'm mostly familiar with writing for!/can try to write for! I will add more later! I'll even do Live Action One Piece for some of the characters listed (Mihawk, Zoro, Shanks, and Buggy)
-Trafalgar Law
-Portgas D. Ace
-Dracule Mihawk
-Roronao Zoro
-Sanji Vinsmoke
-Monkey D. Luffy
- Shanks
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A/N: Same applies for this one also, it's only characters I can try/familiar with writing for! I will add more later!
-Sanemi Shinazugawa
-Genya Shinazugawa- SFW ONLY
-Tanjiro Kamado- SFW ONLY
-Muzan Kibutsuji
-Hantengu Clones
-Tengen Uzui + wives
- Kyojuro Rengoku
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A/N: Same applies here! Only characters I'm familiar/can try to write for! Will add more later!
-Satoru Gojo
-Kento Nanami
-Yuji Itadori- SFW ONLY
-Megumi Fushiguro- SFW ONLY
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A/N: Same applies here! Only characters I'm familiar/can try to write for! Will add more later!
-Grusha- Pokemon Violet/Scarlett
-Arven- Pokemon Violet/Scarlett
-Steven Stone-Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/XYZ
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A/N: Same applies here! Only characters I'm familiar/can try to write for! Will add more later!
-Daryl Dixon- Just him for now
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A/N: Same applies here! Only characters I'm familiar/can try to write for! Will add more later! JUST DEPENDS
-Murphy Macmanus
-Connor Macmanus
A/N: It will take me a while to get to writing the requests out!!!! And if my inbox is full I will close off the requests!!! And I will open them back up when I get caught up on requests!!! I'm sometimes busy so it will take a while!! I don't want to burn myself out on writing to much, so I will take breaks!!! My bio and this post will let you know if my requests are open or closed!!! I will also update my masterlist as I go!! I will do a separate masterlist for any series I do that will have longer parts!! Be patient with me as I'm only one person! It will take me a while to do requests!! I will probably be making a separate account for The Walking Dead/The Boondock Saints! But this is my Multi fandom Account!
That should be all for now!! Thank you!! Don't be shy to request anything!!! And ask to be apart of my Taglist!!!
My One Piece Tumblr: @traffydren
My discord: gennemi. (Period included)
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🖤✨𝑹𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕✨🖤
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phoenix761fics · 5 months
Links broke on the old ones, so here's a single, much more organized new one. All fics tagged appropriately on their respective pages, including relevant content warnings. Enjoy!
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The Boondock Saints
Eyes On You - PDA exposes one of Connor's kinks (Connor x reader x Murphy, smut)
Just Being Neighborly - a locked door, a broken elevator, and the beginning of a night they’ll barely remember (Connor x Renata x Murphy)
Getting Mouthy - Murphy isn't the only one in trouble when he runs his mouth (Murphy x reader, smut adjacent)
The Grocery List - In which Connor learns not to snoop (Connor x reader, smut adjacent)
Last Rites - the Saints’ final mission (angst, MCD)
Starving - Connor and Murphy loving on their lady (Connor x reader x Murphy, smut)
Two Saints and an Archer - Connor and Murphy MacManus were vigilantes on a mission from God before the zombie outbreak, now God only knows how they ended up with Daryl Dixon, reclusive redneck and crossbow extraordinaire. There’s no doubt the three of them can survive the apocalypse, but can they survive each other? (gen fic, crack, crossover)
Warrior Shepherds - They were called to destroy evil, but crossing paths with a wayward soul meant compromise. And in compromising, the MacManus brothers get more than they bargained for. (Connor x Renata x Murphy)
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The Phantom of the Opera
Another Alternate Ending - didn't the Persian give Raoul a gun? (gen fic, crack)
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A Dangerous Game - Ten years. No more and no less. Now the clock has run out and it’s time to negotiate a new deal with the King of Hell. (Crowley x OFC/reader)
A Work Of Art - after sealing the rift and trapping himself in an alternate dimension, Crowley gets the chance to observe humanity (Crowley x plus-size reader, fluff)
The Familiar Winchester - a spell of Rowena’s has unexpected results (gen crack, Sam and Dean)
The Fast Lane - After Rowena’s magic brought her back from the dead, Charlie still can’t find any peace. On the open road, with the witch as her reluctant companion, there’s no telling where she’ll find it. (gen hurt/comfort, Charlie and Rowena)
Friction - Friction: 1.) the clashing between two persons or parties of opposing views, 2.) the force that resists motion between two bodies in contact (Crowley x Gemma, smut)
Geek Squad - It's a quiet afternoon in the bunker until disaster strikes. (gen humor, Sam and Dean)
Going Up - "One aspect of humanity it was taking time to get used to was how bloody slowly they had to move." (Dean x Crowley, smut adjacent)
Graceless - After his release from the Winchesters’ dungeon, Crowley’s hold on the throne of Hell is more vulnerable than ever. Determined to strengthen his claim, he seeks to produce an heir with his mistress, young Annabel Allan, a human with no family and a powerful secret she doesn’t know she keeps. (Crowley x Annabel)
Heir Of Nothing In Particular - On the edge of another apocalypse, Cas and Crowley contemplate life, emotion, and all things human. (gen fic, Cas and Crowley)
Hell And Apathy - “Sam and Dean, but not her Sam and Dean…she trusted her friends with her life, and whatever the hell was going on with them right now…they were far from the men she knew.” (demon!Dean x reader x soulless!Sam, smut)
Howling - “The court was nearly returned to normal…as normal as Hell can get, at least…” (gen, Crowley and demon!Dean)
If You Need Anything - when everything starts getting to you, your friend Cas is there to help you keep going (Castiel x reader, hurt/comfort)
Original Prankster - Your favorite fictional hunter turns up in your kitchen, and your boyfriend knows more about it than he’s letting on (Gabriel x reader, crack)
Pie and Produce - kitchen fluff (Dean x Tara, fluff)
Ridiculous And Needy - “You really need to lock your doors. Anybody could sneak into your room and leave a few surprises in your closet.” (Crowley x reader, smut adjacent)
Roadside Assistance - “…when Crowley got the text from the bunker’s other resident, he didn’t think anything of it…” (Crowley x reader, FicFacers 2020)
She’s Buying A Stairway To Heaven - “His grip felt a lot more reassuring than any stranger’s had her entire life, but she supposed being menaced by a girl who committed suicide fifty years prior had a way of making things like that a little less odd.” (gen casefic, Dean and OFC)
Something You Don’t Know - a few mishaps on a hunt leads to a few confessions (Sam Winchester x reader, fluff)
Topeka Calling - Cas has caller ID. That hunter from Topeka has an itch. Dean just wants a refill. (gen humor, Cas and Dean)
Welcoming Committee - A tragedy prompts a new start for Sam and his son Jack (fluff AU, Sam and Charlie)
Why Can't There Be A Santa? - "There's no point in wasting that, because there's no bearded guy in a red suit coming to drink it." (gen fluff, Weechesters)
With The Touch Of A Button - One last End Of All Things, one last solution (gen crack, Team Free Will 2.0)
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The Walking Dead
Bad Influence - “Her warmth was sinking under his skin until it felt like a little fire flickering through him…her voice soft and her words so full of that hope he was starting to think nothing could destroy…” (Bethyl Smut Week 2018)
Blue Into Black - Beth was a good girl, but something about Daryl Dixon made her want to be bad. Sequel to "I Don't Mind" (Bethyl Smut Week 2018)
Can't Tell Her No - Beth found something in her cell, and she can't wait to try them out (Beth x Daryl, smut)
Caught Staring - Beth goes for a walk in the prison yard (Summer of Bethyl 2018)
Entertaining - Beth is expecting two certain someones for dinner, and nothing could possibly go wrong (AU, Brickyl Week 2018)
Get Bit - Maybe if he’d just left that damn door closed… (Bethyl Smut Week 2018)
I Don't Mind - He’d never done anything like this before, never had an ongoing thing with someone. Whatever this “thing” was, cause damned if he knew. He’d never wanted to hold someone’s hand before, and he’d damn sure never wanted to kiss someone…not before Beth. (Bethyl Smut Week 2018)
Keep Singing - Daryl in Alexandria (Beth x Daryl, angst)
One More Song - The war is over and peace has been a long time coming, and it comes with someone Daryl thought he’d never see again (Bethyl Smut Week 2018)
The Parting Glass - a long night with memories and regrets (Negan x Lucille, angst)
Robin and Marian - They called him Robin Hood… (AU, Beth x Daryl)
Rushing, Racing, Running - They always had to be ready to run (Summer of Bethyl 2018)
Take Care Of It - Beth has been thinking about Daryl, and she’s kept it to herself so far. Now, though, she might let him hear about it. (Bethyl Smut Week 2018)
Talk Like That - You don’t talk back to him like that and get away with it. (Negan x reader, smut)
Trade You - “He needed somewhere to cool off, somewhere with a decent breeze that wasn’t crowded with people seeking his attention…” (Negan x Wendy)
Wake Up, Dollface - Negan visits after a shared glance (Negan x OFC, smut)
While You're Awake - Daryl can't sleep, and Beth doesn't want to. (Bethyl Smut Week 2018)
Why Ain't I Running - They never built a wall that high/Or made a chain that strong/And God ain’t never made a place/I felt like I belong (Bethyl Smut Week 2018)
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Support your local scribbler! Likes are good, comments are better, and reblogs are best of all. ❤️
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creativepawsworld · 2 years
The Christmas Bauble
Pairing = Cillian Murphy x Reader
Summary = Y/N has been dating Cillian for a year and is celebrating Christmas for the first time with him and his sons.
Warnings = Extreme fluff
Word Count = 1645
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Cillian had arrived home yesterday evening after a long 6-month period of filming season 4 of the Peaky Blinders. To say he was exhausted both mentally and physically would be an understatement.
Playing the role of Thomas Shelby took its toll on Cillian so he needed a few days, sometimes a week or two to completely distance himself from the cold, egotistical narcissist that is the main character of the hit show Peaky Blinders.
Today however was December 13th, the twelfth day before Christmas and the time of year Cillian always put up his Christmas tree. His two sons from his previous marriage grew up with the tradition and had arrived this morning to see it through.
“Do you think dad will be back to help with the tree?” His youngest son Cian had asked. Smiling softly at him, you brushed his brown hair, unsure of the answer but not wanting to break the young boys heart you opted for a cheery answer.
“Of course, he will, it’s his favourite time of year” You tell him placing an arm around his shoulders. “He would never miss this time with you”
You had been dating Cillian almost 12 months now having met at a New Year's Eve party last year thrown by his best friend Dermott. When first introduce to his sons, they didn’t like you. They wanted their mum and dad together. It was a reaction you expected being a child of divorce yourself.
It had taken you years to get over the idea that your parents would never be together again, and you fear the same for his sons.  But they were much more mature, after a sit down with both their parents they welcomed me with opened arms into their family.
“He is different when he comes back from Manchester, grumpier” Connor the eldest huffed, arms folded across his chest. He was becoming more and more like his father every day. “He was supposed to be back days ago to destress and be ready for today.”
“Your dad is ready for today, he is just taking a few more hours to be really ready. I promise he will be here with the tree.” You assure both boys with a hearty smile while walking over to one of the boxes you had taken from the attic and pulling out a large Santa decoration.
“Come on, we can decorate the room and then we will get your dad for the tree what do you think?” You ask holding out the large Santa towards Connor who pursed his lips together to hide a smile.
Nodding, he stood to his feet taking the Santa from your hands and placing it next to the fireplace. Cian running forward to empty the rest of the box out onto the floor. The two boys happily placing the decorations where they belonged, correcting you when you had placed one wrong.
“All finished can we call dad now. Tell him to come home?” Cian asked raising his eyebrows, trying his best to give me the biggest puppy dog eyes I had ever seen.
“No need, dad’s right here” Cillian’s voice sounded from behind us. He was just in time. “And he’s got the tree” He chuckled pulling a fresh green pine tree in from the hall and into the living room. He really was a doting dad when it came to his boys. Watching him interact with them had me falling deeper and deeper in love with him every day.
“YESS” The boys cheered running over to help their father, fine pine needles falling all over the floor as the three boys dragged the tree to the corner.
“Alright, alright stand back” Cillian laughed taking a blade from his back jean pocket and cutting the red rope holding the tree together. Once each line was cut the tree fell out, taking up the entire space, Cillian barely managing to get out of its way when it popped out.
“Oh Cillian, it’s perfect” you grinned rushing towards him, resting your hands on his upper arm as you both admire the tree for all its beauty. Feeling his eyes on you, you turn with a smile his beautiful blue eyes looking down into yours.
This was your first official Christmas together.
“Dad, come on the lights” Cian whined pulling on his father’s hand breaking his eye contact with you. Laughing you tell the boys you were going to make some hot chocolate while they fought with the small fairy lights on the tree. 
Walking into the kitchen you noticed the family dog, Scout sleeping in her basket. “Avoiding the chaos in the living room?" You asked the black dog, bending down to pat her head and scratch behind her ear.
Choosing to ignore the banging noises coming from the living room. Everything seemed to be in hand considering the boys were laughing and cheering at something that had been said.
“Y/N can you come here a minute” You heard Cillian shout, you didn’t even have time to boil the kettle for the hot chocolates before being needed. Shaking your head with a laugh, you patted the dog one last time, standing to you feet and walking into the living room.
“What’s going on?” You ask looking between all three boys, each one looking less suspicious and more nervous as your eyes landed on Cillian. You couldn’t help but think that they had broken something and didn’t want you to find out so you decided to play along. They would come clean eventually.
“Nothing we just wanted you to help us decorate the tree” Connor grinned widely pointing of at the large box of red and gold baubles they had put next to the tree. “The hot chocolate can wait. We don’t need it yet.”
“Are you sure? Your dad tells me you love drinking it while you decorate the tree?” I asked a grin growing on my face when Cian handed me a red bauble.
“Yeah, I’m sure, come on” Connor nodded taking a gold bauble for himself. Looking back at Cillian who simply shrugged at his sons' words, chuckling as he took a bauble for himself, placing it near the top of the tree where it was more difficult for us to reach.
With the four of you working together we managed to get every bauble, every candy cane and nutcracker onto the tree in record time. The Christmas music played softly in the background as we danced around one another, placing each ornament on an awaiting branch.
The boy stood back first admiring their work, fixing one last branch you walked to stand next to them. Connor had placed his arm as best he could around your waist while Cian came and hugged at your legs. They were definitely acting weird you thought but didn’t want to ruin the moment.
“You forgot one Y/N” Connor grinned walking away from you, grabbing a brown paper bag and holding up a bauble you hadn’t seen before. He was holding it up by its white satin loop, perfect for hanging on the tree. The bauble itself was clear with a white feather resting on the bottom. Hanging from the top inside were two little wooden hearts, engraved with writing.
Cian moved to stand next to his brother, a wide smile on his face. He stood hands behind his back, rocking back and forth on his heels, Connor looked between the bauble and you before occasionally glancing behind you to his father.
Slowly taking the new ornament from Connor’s hand, a weird feeling taking over you as you took the glass, clearly handmade bauble into your hand. Bringing it closer to you face your jaw dropped, tears forming in your hands as you read the words delicately painted on the front.
‘You will always have a piece of my heart Y/N’ One heart read already making you emotional.
‘Will you do me the honour of becoming Mrs Murphy?’ The second heart read.
Turning around to face Cillian, he was now down on one knee a nervous but bright smile on his face as he held out a navy-blue box with white padding. Inside, just catching the light was the most beautiful ring you had ever seen. On the cushion sat a white gold ring with a diamond rose solitaire in the middle and smaller diamonds woven into a Celtic art design either side working its way down the ring.
The tears began to fall from your eyes, your hand came up to cover your shocked mouth. Aware that all three were waiting on your answer, you started nodding your head afraid your voice wouldn’t work.
“Yeah?” Cillian asked nervously, an unsure look on his face as he started getting up. “I know it’s only been a year, but it’s been an amazing year. I love you so much, you are so good with the boys I couldn’t wait any longer”
“Yes Cillian, of course I will marry you.” You answered almost dropping the glass ornament to wrap your arms around his neck once he stopped talking.
“So, does that mean we have a new mum now? Do we call you mum?” Cian asked a confused expression on his face.
“Oh honey, you don’t have to no.” You smile down at him still unable to detangle yourself from Cillian. “Nothing is going to change; except I will have a different name. I’m can still be Y/N to you”
“Come on Cian, let’s let Scout out to pee” Connor nodded to his younger brother. Once the two boys left the room, Cillian leans forward capturing you lips in his for a short, sweet but passionate kiss.
“I love you Cill” You grin against his lips, the overwhelming feeling of giddiness running through your veins as you stare into one another’s eyes.
“I love you Mrs Murphy"
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littlegodzilla · 2 years
Hiii new story!! I wanted to do a one shot but I'm not sure, for now I'm going to post it, let me know what you think!
Thanks @minervadashwood for helping me with this story, you have really good ideas! ❤❤❤
I hope you'll like it!
Better Life.
Murphy MacManus x StripperReader.
Warnings: Fluff. Bad language. Awkward situations. Attempted sexual assault.
Words: 5400
Summary: Murphy just wants to help you.
Taglist: @phoenixblack89 @browneyes528 @lilythemadqueen @darylsgarden @thefemininemystiquee @green-eyedladywrites @hail-yourselves @ruinedbythehobbit @xxtinasxxblog @ravenwings73 @spenciepoo338 @b-tchymoon @minervadashwood @darylssluttt @let-love-bleeds-red @ravendixon @livingdeadblondequeen
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(When you can't find a good Murphy's gif and you steal a young Norman photo, @normanthatisall I love your blog)
His blue eyes roam your body, confused. From the small cabin in which he hides, he watches you move, your body wiggling as the platform on which you stand rotates so that every occupied cabin can enjoy the view of your body.
And he doesn't understand why you are there.
You are young. You both must be around the same age. Why are you working on this? Why aren't you out walking with your boyfriend? Why aren't you out for coffee with your friends? Or even studying for an exam at college or running because you're late for work.
Murphy doesn't get it.
He doesn't even understand why he's there.
He discovered you that day when he was working with his brother and Rocco to get rid of some gangsters and eliminate some pervert, they broke into the booth of one of your colleagues and after Rocco touched her tit, they ran out of there, however, Murphy captured your presence in one of the cameras at the exit. The booths had a small camera that recorded fleeting seconds of what was going on inside, thus enticing customers to enter and enjoy the full show. When Murphy saw you, he couldn't look away.
It's been a couple of weeks since that, he knows your schedule, the days you work inside the booth or in other parts of the club, he follows your every move. It's almost sickening and he knows it's wrong.
But he can't control it.
He blinks as the opaque shutter covers the glass and the door latch opens ending the show. You're done for the day, tomorrow afternoon you'll be back for those pigs to touch themselves again looking at you. Low growl clenching his fists.
You hurry out the alley, cursing your boss as you text your sister.
"My boss is an asshole, I'll be there in twenty minutes."
"Hurry up, I have to go to work."
"Fuck!" You curse again picking up your pace.
"Ya should get another job, lass." You hear a voice in the shadows and you jump.
A boy, almost your age, is coming towards you, his blue eyes riveted on you, he's wearing a long black coat and his hands are hidden in his pockets. He almost looks like a child with that look, but something behind his pupils tells you to be careful.
"Excuse me?" You say trying to walk away.
"Y'shouldn't be workin' here, why do ya do it?" he asks again and you raise your eyebrows in surprise.
"Look, if you're a customer, I'm sorry, my shift is over."
"I'm ain't a customer." He grunts with distaste. "Aye, I've been watchin' ya, but I haven't..."
"You've been watching me? Are you a cop?" You frown and he laughs noseily.
"No, but I think ya deserve better, yer young, ya could work anywhere else than lettin' those guys drool lookin' at ya."
"Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me what to do?" you roar and Murphy realizes he's gone too far.
"H-hey, I'm sorry, I..." You turn to leave and he reaches out holding your hand.
When you turn around, Murphy at first doesn't know what hit him, a cold, acidic liquid hits his eyes making him scream in pain as the stinging sensation runs through his entire body, he lets go of you and you run away at full speed.
The brunet squats down with his hands pressing his eyes tightly shut. You've used pepper spray on him and it hurts like hell, it was humiliating to hear him scream, but he didn't expect you to attack him like that. He babbles nonsense words in all the languages that run through his mind, trying to somehow appease the pain.
It certainly wasn't a good idea to wait for you in a dark alley.
The burning sensation that invades his eyes is still there, like a dull buzzing that makes him whimper like a baby, but he controls himself, sniffles through his nose and tries not to touch his eyes, he feels that his eyeballs are dry despite all the tears he has shed, he needs to get out of there, wet his face, tear that feeling out of his body.
McGinty's is the only place that pops into his mind, it would have been wiser to go straight home, take a shower and sleep until the next day. But the humiliation is almost more painful than the spray in his eyes. He just wanted to help you and you've attacked him like he's an old pervert.
He needs a beer or two.
Of course he hadn't thought about the fact that his brother, Rocco and all his friends would be there, nor that the cloud of smoke flooding the pub would aggravate the pain in his parched eyes.
"Hey, Murph, where were ya?" His brother asks when he sees him come in. "We thought ya weren't comin'." He scoffs, but his twin walks right past him into the bathroom.
That puts Connor on alert, they may seem to have a disinterested affection for each other, but anyone who knows them well knows that the McManus twins are connected and anytime something happens to one, the other reacts instantly. He leaves his cigarette and gets up from the stool going after his brother like a hurricane, Rocco a little drunk follows him because he has also seen the strange expression on Murphy's face.
When they enter the bathroom they discover the other man with his head stuck under the water tap, trying to somehow relieve his burning.
"Murphy, yer 'kay, bro?" walks Connor over to him, resting a hand on his back.
"Get off me, ain't wanna talk." He grunts rubbing his eyes any contact is abrasive.
"Hey, c'mon." He grabs his shoulder to pull him away from the water.
"I said let go of me!" he yells wanting to break free.
"Dude..." Rocco then speaks as he sees him with his eyes narrowed, swollen and totally red. "Are you crying?" He can't suppress a laugh.
A thick, deadly silence settles between the three men. Connor knows his brother well, his body language and before he launches himself at Rocco, he holds him tightly making him brace and kick like a doll in the air.
"Stoppit, both of ya! Yer gonna tell us wha' happened."
The laughter echoes through the pub. It's just the three of them and Doc now, but that doesn't make it any less humiliating. Murphy is cowering on his stool, swallowing his anger, listening to each laugh stab into his ears. He looks sideways at his beer, he hasn't even been able to take more than two gulps, the spray has rarefied his taste and every time he swallows it's like a nail scratching his throat.
That fucking thing is killing him.
"Some whore attacked ya in alley." Laughs Rocco again.
"What the fuck were ya doin' with a hooker, Murphy?" laughs Connor too, but he growls.
"I wasn't with her. I wanted to talk to her."
"Ya wanted to negotiate her price? She clearly wasn't gonna give y'a discount." The laughter gets louder.
"I wanted to tell her to quite it!" he roars in frustration.
Silence falls in the pub, everyone's gazes fall on him again, eyes wide open, even Doc looks surprised. The surprise on their faces is far worse than the laughter. He tenses his jaw trying not to lash out at them.
"What do ya care, Murphy? She's just a whore."
And that's the million-dollar question, the question Murphy is also asking himself and when he figures out the answer, he'll tell it to himself first. Thank you very much. But the silence seems to be enough for his brother, neither dares to open his mouth again, Rocco is chewing on a new laugh, but is unable to let it out, the atmosphere is so tense it almost hurts.
"G-guys..." Doc begins to speak.
"Is it that ya've fallen in love with her, Murph?" insists Connor and smacks him on the back of the head.
No, of course he hasn't. No. He can't be in love. You've known each other for two weeks, maybe three, you don't even know each other, he's been looking at you through a mirror for all this time, actually, if you knew that you'd possibly freak out. It would make sense to him. He just wants you to be safe.
When his brother's hand hits the back of his neck, he frowns, turns quickly, hitting him on the arm with a closed fist. Connor and Murphy are always hitting each other, absurd fights between them that never end in anything serious, yet Connor notices right away that his brother's blows increase in force with each one he unloads. He has to stop it before everything gets out of hand.
"Calm down, calm down!" Connor grabs his brother by the arm twisting him towards his back to block him and slams him against the bar of the pub. "Stop it, Murphy!"
"Let go of me!" he scrambles like an eel under his body and pulls away from his brother. "I just want to help her! Why does it gotta be so weird?"
"Because it's none of our business! Come on, yer gonna help every whore in Boston?" he says with derision and Murphy snap.
"No...just..." He huffs and shakes his head. "I'm leavin'." He doesn't say anything else, just turns and grabbing his coat walks out of the pub.
Connor watches his brother lying on his mattress, in that apartment they have occupied, with no walls, two old mattresses on the floor and a bunch of beers lying all over the place. Murphy's back is turned to him and he knows he's upset. As absurd and funny as it's been to tease him, Connor knows he needs to talk to his brother.
"Hey, Murphy, listen..."
"Leave me alone..."
"No, seriously, if ya really wanna help her, I'll help ya, 'kay?" he encourages him, sees his body relax to turn around and look at his brother. "Do ya know what her name is or where we can find her? Other than the club..."
"Well... I guess the name she uses at the club ain't real..."
"Oh my God, Murphy..."
"What? I said I wannna help her, not that I have some elaborate plan."
"Y'ain't gotta a fuckin' plan" He sighs. "Okay, we'll go to the club, I'm sure we'll find some info on her in some work file or somethin'."
"Okay... Yer really gonna help me?"
"Aye! Fuck, but it better be worth it. We'll have to know when it's her turn..."
"Dun think it'll be too hard..." He mutters averting his gaze.
"Why? Oh shit, Murph don't tell me... Is that where ya go every day when ya get off work?" he looks at him in disbelief. "Ya pay for it?"
"N-no... not always..." He whispers averting his gaze, "I walk into those pigs' living quarters and..."
"So what? Ya jerk off yerself ? What would our mother say..."
"No! I'm just lookin' at her..."
"Fuck Murphy, yer so fucked..."
"Fuck, shut up." He says embarrassed.
Connor's plan isn't too elaborate either, they show up at the club where you work with briefcase full of money they claim they want to spend with one of their girls, the club owner is willing to put you all in front of them and let them choose, but Connor was quicker insisting on going to his office. Once there they knocked him out and tied him to the chair as Murphy looked for something about you among all that pile of papers.
"I-I got it!" he shouts feeling some excitement run through him as you find some papers with your personal information there's a photo verifying that it's you and he shows it to his brother.
"Uhm, not bad, at least y'ain't gotta bad taste bro." He jokes and Murphy snorts.
"Shut up." He shushs him by pointing a piece of paper in your direction. "Okay, we can go now."
Connor nods and smacks the shop owner's head as he starts to wake up, so he can escape safely.
Once again they take refuge in McGinty's, but this time no one has eyes full of pepper spray. Murphy is holding your picture and your address in his hands, he is smoking nervously and unlike last day, he has already drunk three beers. Rocco looks at your picture over his shoulder and mumbles.
"She's hot..." He nods taking a punch from Connor.
"What the fuck, man? Shut the fuck up." He chides him, but Murphy doesn't move, his eyes riveted on your picture. "What yer gonna do now?"
"I'll go to her house, talk to her..." He bites down on his thumbnail and stubs out the nearly finished cigarette butt.
"So what? Ya expect her to spray ya with the stuff again?"
"No, but... you've seen her file, she's still young enough to find another job."
"And yer gonna give her a job?"
"Maybe here at the pub... Doc needs help..."
"That's crazy, but okay, how do ya plan to convince her?"
"I-I don't know, I'll think about it as I go along..."
Connor looked at him with some pity in his eyes, but shook his head raising his hands, giving him a free hand to do what he thought he should do. He just hoped he didn't come back with eyes like two plums again.
Murphy walks nervously, playing with the cigarette halfway through his fingers. He has left work accompanied by his brother, but they have separated a few streets up. Connor has insisted on going with him, helping him as promised, but Murphy wants to do this alone.
You already reacted badly once, he doesn't want his brother to suffer the consequences, if there's a second one.
Taking one last puff on his cigarette, he tosses it to the ground as he fiddles with your address between his fingers before looking up, checking to see if that's the door to your house. Blowing the smoke slowly between his lips, he moistens them with the tip of his tongue and stretches out his arm, knocking on the door.
Instinctively he takes a step back, he still doesn't have a plan or a full monologue to convince you to leave the club where you're working, but he knows that if he doesn't do it now, he'll never be able to do it and he'll spend the rest of his days watching you through that mirror in your booth.
The door then opens, Murphy fidgets nervously playing with an unlit cigarette between his fingers as he bites his thumb. His surprise is heightened when on the other side of the door a boy appears.
"Hello..." He greets him in a confused, soft voice.
A boy. No older than four or five, watching him intently from head to toe. Murphy looks at him too, trying to say something coherent.
"Are you my daddy?"
Murphy chokes on his own saliva, his eyes staring wildly at him. Suddenly a doubt assails his mind - is he his father? No...it can't be. His mind begins to fill with number and memory attempts. If that boy really is about five years old, Murphy tries to figure out if he knows you from that time. But it can't be, he would recognize your face. He has to admit that the child is a copy of you, with those eyes and those features, which doesn't help him much.
No. It's impossible. He'd remember being with you. Besides, he doesn't sleep with prostitutes. Maybe you weren't a whore back then, though.
Oh God what if you got into that job because of him? What if he pushed you down that sin path?
"Ciaran!" your voice is heard from inside the house. "How many times have I told you NOT to open the door?" you walk out to meet him and look at each other. "Sorry, whatever my son said to you..."
"Don't worry, Mom, he's an asshole." He laughs with the usual mischievousness of a child as he enters the house.
"Ciaran!" You scold him.
Okay, yeah, with that shitty temper he could be his son. Or Connor's. Or Satan's himself.
"I'm really sorry..." You apologize again.
"It's okay, lass, dun worry 'bout it." He shakes his head, trying to ease your nervousness a little.
"I... wait..." You stay quiet and stare at him. "Have we met before?" Murphy pales searching his mind for an excuse, but seeing your frown he knows you've recognized him. "You're the weird guy from the alley!"
"Ain't... ain't weird..."
"How did you find my house? Have you been following me?" you cross your arms with a clearly angry expression.
"No! No, no, lass, it wasn't like that. Yer boss gave us yer address."
"My boss? What do you mean 'us'?" You look around expecting some group of people to suddenly appear.
"No, I'm alone." Try to calm down. "My brother and I found yer address in yer boss's office." He explains, but that doesn't make things any better.
"Did you find... ? What the hell is wrong with you? Are you sick?" You look at him in disbelief.
"No, I just wanted to apologize, I scared ya the other day, I didn't mean for ya to be afraid of me." He quickly apologizes, but still doesn't get too close, he's learned from the first time.
"I'm not afraid of you..." You place your hands on your waist and Murphy thinks you look cute when you're angry. He shakes his head quickly putting those thoughts out of his mind.
"Still, I'm sorry... I thought I was doing something good and..." He scratches the back of his neck.
"I didn't ask for your help, I don't even know who you are."
"Murphy." He says quickly and you frown.
"My name is Murphy Macmanus." He introduces himself by stretching out his hand to you, but you just look at him suspiciously.
"Whatever. I'm a big girl, I know how to take care of myself, I don't know what hero complex has possessed you, but find someone else." You insist, but Murphy shakes his head again.
"That's not the point..."
"Then you really are a client. All right, what do you want? If I blow you, will you leave me alone?"
"What? No! I don't want to..." He feels the tips of his ears burning. "It's just that I think you could have a better job."
"And now you're my father." You snort in disbelief. "Look, Murphy..." This one stirs uncomfortably at the whiplash of ennui he feels when you utter his name. "The day you find a job where I can make more than three hundred dollars an hour. Let me know, until then; good morning and I hope I never see you again because next time, I'll call the police." You assure him and slam the door in his face.
His eyes are still locked on your front door. Three hundred dollars an hour? Gee, maybe he should consider quitting the meat factory himself and getting into one of those booths. He shakes his head when he hears a tapping on one of the windows and sees Ciaran leaning out of it, waving goodbye to him.
"So long, daddy." He says with derision.
He rolls his eyes and walks away, cigar in his mouth and hands stuffed in his coat pockets. He doesn't want to go see Doc and the others, knows it will be humiliating again. He grunts and diverting his path he decides to go home.
He has trouble focusing his gaze, he doesn't know exactly where he is, he feels hot, the music is causing his ears to ring. He shakes his head, but the dull feeling doesn't go away.
It's your voice, he's sure of it, once again he tries to focus his sight, he's stuck in a narrow, dark-walled room, there's a monitor on one side and a window in front of him. He recognizes the place, it's one of those club booths, it's your booth, he blinks several more times.
"Murphy, please!" This time your voice sounds like a plea.
He finally manages to focus his gaze, on the other side of the mirror is you, lying on the floor with a shadow over you, it looks like a man's body, but it has no real definition. But it is hurting you. You are crying and there is blood on your hands.
Murphy gets up from the chair and feels his head bob dangerously. Is he being drugged? He runs clumsily to the door and try to open it, but with no hands he can't get a grip on the knob.
"What the fuck is going on!" He yells.
"Murphy, help me!"
"Fuck!" He turns back toward the glass.
His hands ball into fists, and he tries to punch the glass, but all his movements are in slow motion and anxiety builds in the pit of his stomach.
"Let her go!" He shouts through the glass watching as that shadow drags you away. "Let her alone, ya son of a bitch!" he yells again.
"Murphy!" You call out to him one more time before the shadow engulfs you completely.
"NO!" A piercing scream escapes his throat as he incorporates himself on his mattress.
"What the fuck!" Startles Connor in his own bed, turning to look at him. "What the fuck is wrong with ya, man!"
He's shaking, breathing hard, his eyes wide open, a film of cold sweat running down his entire body as he tries to pull himself together.
A nightmare. It was just a nightmare.
"Murphy, help me!"
No, it's something more than that.
"Yer listenin' to me?" his brother insists.
But Murphy jumps up from his bed, putting his twin on alert. Still without opening his mouth he reaches for his clothes and quickly gets dressed, Connor is unable to get his attention, his words not reaching his ears, not reaching his brain, the beeping still constant in his head, the sight of you calling for help the only thing he sees. He puts on his coat, grabs his gun and runs out of the apartment slamming the door.
"Murphy! Murph!" He calls out to him once more to no avail.
Murphy runs at full speed, his heart pounding in his chest, panting like a wounded animal, but he doesn't stop. The club where you work is some distance from his house, he has to hurry. The images, your cries for help, keep torturing his mind and his legs pick up speed.
Slipping on the ground, he circles the building as the neon lights greet him. He looks for the back door to the alley where he waited for you the other day and enters like a hurricane when one of the girls comes out, he pushes her, but doesn't stop to beg for forgiveness nerves tighten his throat like a noose.
"Asshole!" He hears her say behind his back.
He stumbles over several more girls, but finally makes it to your booth. He struggles with the door you enter and exit through, and when it opens, the girl inside freaks out, covering her body with her hands.
"Where is she!" He shouts nervously.
"W-who?" she asks frightened and when Murphy says your name she trembles. "A-a client requested her... in the upstairs rooms."
"Fuck!" He howls closing the door again and runs up to the second floor.
Along the way he encounters several security men, but he doesn't have time to argue with them, he knocks them out with an accurate punch to the jaw leaving them lying on the floor. When he reaches the second floor he hears your screams.
His pupils dilate and contract from adrenaline and rage. He draws his gun running down the hallway to the room the screams are coming from, tense his jaw and kick the door down.
The man above you startles getting up not expecting such an abrupt interruption. Murphy enters, pistol raised, and fires. He fires until he empties the clip into the body of the man who jerks with each new shot until he falls to the floor in a pool of blood. Murphy's vision is blinded by rage, breathing like a bull, his hands shaking.
He hears sobbing on the bed and everything inside him seems to change. He lowers the gun and his gaze sweeps around the room until he discovers you, lying on the bed, curled in on yourself, hands covering your ears.
"God, lass." He walks over to you, holstering the gun and grabs your wrists to get your attention.
"Don't do anything to me, please." You plead with tear-filled eyes, your makeup smearing black on your cheeks.
"No, no, it's okay, it's me; Murphy." He shushes you to look at him, surprise filling your face and he feels anger bubbling under his skin again. "Fuck, lass, what has he done to ya?" he whispers caressing your cheek.
Your left eye is bruised, your cheekbone is beginning to swell, your lip bears a cut that won't stop bleeding. That son of a bitch has gone overboard with you and no one has even tried to come to your aid.
If he could, Murphy would reduce that place to ashes with all of them in it.
"M-Murphy?" you whisper and he comes back to Earth.
"I'm here, come on...I'll get ya out of here." He promises you by quickly taking off his coat and throwing it over your shoulders.
Truth be told he hadn't even noticed your nakedness, barely a gold colored bra covers your breasts and your panties are torn and halfway down your thighs, but he doesn't seem to have reached out to touch you, which relieves him somewhat. Murphy helps you out of bed, trying not to scare you any more than you are he gets rid of your torn underwear and buttons all the buttons of his coat, it remains over your body like a huge heavy dress, but at least it covers up what that animal has tried to do to you. One of the girls then peeks through the door and Murphy raises his gun, it's unloaded, but she doesn't have to know that.
"You better get her out of here quick, they're coming." She warns him and gestures to him pointing to another emergency door.
"Thanks." He whispers putting the gun away and scoops you up in his arms carrying you out of the premises.
You still haven't said anything. You haven't opened your mouth since Murphy has carried you out of the premises in his arms. You haven't even protested not knowing where he was taking you, you haven't even asked him to put you down so you could go home. Your mind is off, you feel nothing except the pain in your face and hands. Murphy has discovered when he arrived at the apartment your red, slightly burned hands from holding on tightly to something trying to get away from that man.
Connor moves around you nervously, worried, angry. Not with you, he doesn't even know you, not with Murphy, he's proud of him because he saved you, he's pissed off with that bastard, although his twin has already taken care of him, disgusted with the society that exists today that allows that kind of thing. He snorts and mumbles through his teeth, handing Murphy a packet of peas wrapped in a towel.
His brother is cleaning the wounds on your hands with a damp towel, carefully cleans blood and checks that the abrasions are not important, no doubt you have fought against that guy, but he was too big for you alone.
"Here, or that eye will end up worse than it is." Connor tells and he nods placing the ice carefully on your cheek.
You finally react; a hiss escapes between your lips as you close your eyes, furtive tears escape without your permission, but you've struggled enough, you feel physically and mentally exhausted.
"I'm sorry..." Murphy whispers knowing he's hurt you. You open your eyes to look at him again, he gives you a small smile, it's sad and forced, he feels sorry for you, for what has happened to you, you don't deserve it and he couldn't help it.
"Why...?" You start to speak but your throat stings with every word.
"Don't talk, just shake yer head, okay?" he asks you and the confusion gets bigger. "Did he touch ya?" he asks you and suddenly the confusion turns to embarrassment. "I need to know, love..."
"Why? you've already killed him..."
"Aye, but I need to know if we should take ya to the hospital. If that pig has laid more than a hand on ya..."
"No... it didn't come to that, he was going overboard and I told him to stop... then he hit me and... and the whole thing was a mess."
"It's okay, it's okay." He shushes you again and gently hugs you, rocking you in his arms. "It's over now... they won't touch ya again." He promises you.
Connor watches the whole situation silently, at some distance, afraid to spoil the moment. He's never seen his brother emotionally attached to anyone but him, he finds it curious to see him with a girl, it's not like there's never been one, that's absurd, but it's always been a passing thing and Murphy has easily forgotten about it, as he himself has with his own experiences, but this is different. He really wants to protect you.
"How did you know where I was?" You ask him and Connor raises his head, he wants to know too.
"I just felt it." Murphy says with a shrug and his brother rolls his eyes. Now he's going to get cocky.
"You felt it?"
"Yeah." He shrugs and chews his lip a few times. "I went to see you and in your booth was another girl, so I asked your roommates and they told me you were up there." He explains, lying to you and Connor raises his eyebrows in surprise.
He's not going to tell you anything about his dream, some poetic bullshit about you calling for help and him coming to your rescue on his white horse? Wow, he's impressed.
"Oh, shit, Ciaran..." You say taking the pea bag out of your eye and look around. Murphy shakes his head.
"Sorry, lass, I didn't take anything from the room." He apologizes, but pulls a cell phone out of his pocket. "Here, use mine."
Murphy gets up from the floor to give you privacy as he picks up everything he's used to dress your wounds and walks to the other side of the open floor to throw away the gauze and looks to stop to prepare something to eat.
"Ciaran?" Connor asks him in a low voice.
"It's her son." He explains without looking at him.
"Oh shit, she has a son?" he speaks again in a low voice looking in your direction.
"A little five year old demon...I think." He mutters pulling out a pot and filling it with water.
Connor looks at him raising his eyebrows, but he responds by shaking his head, downplaying it, even he doesn't know how to explain it. He looks in your direction again, you're holding the phone to your ear and Connor can see perfectly well how your face suddenly changes.
"Mom?" asks the boy on the other end of the line.
"Hi, honey, tell your aunt to put on, please." You ask and wait for your sister to answer.
"May I know where you are, you should have been back an hour ago." It's the first thing you hear.
"I'm sorry, there's been a problem at the club..." You lie, rubbing your forehead.
"A problem? What happened? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, just... can you stay with Ciaran tonight, please?" You ask licking your lip and hiss as you feel the sting of your wound.
"S- sure, you know it's no problem, but..."
"I'll tell you tomorrow, seriously. Thanks." You say goodbye to her and hang up before she asks any more questions.
"Are you okay?" Murphy asks you and you shake your head.
"Go with her, I'll handle this." Connor tells you and Murphy walks over to you again, sits down next to you and carefully pulls you into a hug.
I hope you liked it!!
See you in the next stories!!
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rewritethisstxry · 11 months
Hello and welcome to my mixed mosh little corner of tumblr. Here I write for a variety of fandoms and characters. Primarily will be featuring drabbles with the occasional longer piece. Headcanons will feature from time to time.
At the time I do NOT consent for my work to be translated or posted anywhere else.
Below you will find some more information on who and what I write.
MINORS DNI. Due to the nature of potential content, only 18 and older are allowed.
Characters || Rules || Masterlist || Slasher/horror writing blog : @slxsherwriter
What I will write:
Platonic relationships
Alpha/Omega dynamics
What I won’t write:
Rape, rape play, non con
Real person fic
Marvel: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Alexei Shostakov, Peter Parker, Victor Creed, Deacon Frost, Peter Quinn, Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, Bruce Banner, Brock Rumlow, Nathan Summers, Eddie Brock, Cletus Kasady, Otto Octavius
DC Universe: Bruce Wayne, Harvey Bullock, Jim Gordon, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Jonathan Crane, Clark Kent, Arthur Curry
Stranger Things: James Hopper, Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers
Stargate Atlantis: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Ronan Dex, Carson Beckett
Sons of Anarchy: Jackson “Jax” Teller, Harry “Opie” Winston, Filip “Chibs” Telford, Juan Carlos “Juice” Ortiz, Lincoln Potter, Galen O'Shay
The Walking Dead: Rick Grimes, Shane Walsh, Negan Smith
What We Do in the Shadows: Nandor the Relentless, Guillermo de la Cruz, Laszlo Cravensworth
Resident Evil: Karl Heisenberg, Albert Wesker, Chris Redfield
Ted Lasso: Ted Lasso, Coach Beard, Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent
Good Omens: Gabriel, Aziraphale, Crowley
Video Games: Connor RK800, CaptainJonathan Price, Simon Ghost Riley, Sniper
Movies: Finn Brody (Godzilla), Raleigh Becket (Pacific Rim), Terry Malone (Black and Blue), Abe Guevara (Point Blank), Bobby O’Neill (The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard), Guy Clifton (The Crash), Roy Pulver (Boss Level), Sloan (Into the Ashes) Braxton Wolff (The Accountant), Ethan Sawyer (Those Who Wish Me Dead), Bradley James (Grudge Match), Sam Rossi (Sweet Virginia), Mr. McCarthy (Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl), Grady Travis (Fury), Griff (Baby Driver), Adam Frawley (The Town), Buddy (Baby Driver), Clyde Brenek (The Posession), Patrick Sullivan (The Accidental Husband), Harvey Russell (Rampage), Jude Fisher (Peace, Love, and Misunderstanding), Luke Vaughn (Heist), Franklin Clay (The Losers), Max (The Resident), Nicomund the Red/Santa Claus (Violent Night), Doug Dennison (Sleepless), Frank Masters (The Equalizer), Hellboy (2019), Alex Baldr (Max Payne), Matt Graver (Sicario), Douglas Hunsiker (The Rise of the Planet of the Apes), Steve Emmett (Boa vs Python), Joe Braven (Braven), Lee Christmas (The Expendables), Deckard Shaw (Fast & Furious)
Musicals: Jack Kelly (Newsies), Dewey Finn (School of Rock), Hades (Hadestown)
Tv shows: Ike Evans (Magic City), Jason Crouse (The Good Wife), John Winchester (Supernatural), Mason Baldwin (Elementary), Colton Fisk (The Equalizer), Kevin Tidwell (Life), Declan Murphy (Law & Order: SVU), Eugene McGillicutty (Royal Pains), Chuck Martin (ER), Dickie Flood (Th Practice), Malcolm Bright (Prodigal Son)
Tolkien: Boromir, Faramir, Eomer
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ashes-writing · 2 years
ʲᵘˢᵗ ˢᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ● ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ⁺ ʳᵘˡᵉˢ
taglist doc ● general masterlist
ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵃˢʰᵉˢ
● she/her born+identifies as ● trainwreck, airheaded and feral, chaos queen - oh look,it me ● i write, but only sometimes and it’s usually whatever makes my cold little heart happy. ● due to my own age + the nature of my blog contents, absolutely no minors. ● i match energy. What you give is exactly what you’ll get back. ● queen bitch in charge of fuckery and shenanigans.
ˡᵉᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜʰᵃᵒˢ ⁻ᵃⁿᵈ ᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳʸ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᶜᵉ
ʳᵘˡᵉˢ ⁻ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ˢᵗᵘᶠᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ⁿᵉᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵏⁿᵒʷ
[ Fandoms + Characters ] 
If they’re not listed below, I don’t write for them. 
All American | Asher Adams
American Horror Story | Tate Langdon, Kit Walker, Kyle Spencer, Jimmy Darling, Dandy Mott,  Michael Langdon, Xavier Plympton, Bobby Richter Jr.
Arrow | Slade Wilson, Oliver Queen
The Breakfast Club | John Bender, Andrew Clark, Brian Johnson
The Boondock Saints | Connor McManus, Murphy McManus, Rocco
Criminal Minds | Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan
The Crow | Eric Draven, Jimmy Quervo
CSI Las Vegas | Greg Sanders, Nick Stokes, Warrick Brown
CSI Miami | Eric Delko, Ryan Wolfe, Tim Speedle
CSI New York | Danny Messer, Don Flack
Dazed & Confused | Ron Slater, Randall Pink Floyd
Detroit Rock City | Lex, Hawk, Tripp, Jam
The Flash | Cisco Ramon, Barry Allen
Friday Night Lights | Landry Clark, Matt Saracen, Tim Riggins
Ghostbusters | Ray, Peter, Egon, Winston
Gotham | Jerome Valeska, Riddler
Horror Movies | ask upon request, tbh
Harry Potter | Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Neville Longbottom + Sirius Black, Severus Snape
Legends of Tomorrow | Ray Palmer
The Lost Boys | Allen Frog, David, Edgar Frog, Michael Emerson, Sam Emerson
Mayans MC | Angel, EZ
MCU | Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier, Bruce Banner / Hulk, Captain America / Steve Rogers, Eddie Brock / Venom, Hawkeye / Clint Barton, Loki, Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver
NCIS | Timothy McGee, Tony Dinozzo
Outer Banks | JJ Maybank, John B Routledge, Pope Heyward, Rafe Cameron, Topper Thornton
The Outsiders | Dallas Winston, Johnny Cade, Sodapop Curtis
Punisher | Billy Russo, Frank Castle
Riverdale | FP Jones, Jughead Jones, Reggie Mantle, Sweetpea
Shameless | Lip Gallagher
Sons of Anarchy | Jax Teller, Juice Ortiz, Opie Winston
Supernatural | Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Stranger Things | Argyle, Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson, Gareth Emerson, Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington & Tommy Hagan
Teen Wolf | Stiles Stilinski
The Vampire Diaries | Damon Salvatore
The Walking Dead | Daryl Dixon, Negan, Shane Walsh
[ what i do / don’t write ] 
These are my hard and fast nopes. Any requests sent in for these will be deleted immediately. Save yourself the time and don’t ask.
● sexual assault, non-con, rape or attempted rape and pedophilia. ● incest ● beastiality ● domestic violence ● anything involving urine or feces ● anything that glorifies self harm or mental illness or suicide ● anything that glorifies racism or other harmful ideology  ● underage pairings ● popular pairings/ships - pairings/ships in general ● one shots of any kind unless I’ve made a post that states otherwise beforehand. I don’t write one shots and trust me, none of you want me to, lol. ●
These are the things I’m willing to write, feel comfortable writing and enjoy writing. Feel free to send these + know that you’re going to see a lot of them on the blog as you read.
● nsfw alphabet / fluff alphabet ● headcanons, personalized or just in general ● you can send me your headcanons and if I agree, I’ll elaborate on why. Because it’s always fun to hear an idiot ramble, right? ● aesthetics and moodboards, maybe even playlists? I’ve gotten really into making playlists lately, so.. We shall see. ●fluff ●angst ●friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, strangers to enemies to friends to lovers, you name it. ● hurt comfort and pining, mutual or otherwise ● tropes like ‘there was one bed’ or ‘body heat = warmth’ ● requited/unrequited love ● i dabble in darker themes ( horror, fantasy, etc ) so yeah. ●omegaverse, when/if I feel i haven’t botched it entirely ●friendships, family dynamics ● slice of life ●happy endings -or open endings, for the win ● what if scenarios / au type stuff ● 
[ rules + stuff you need to know ]
Absolutely no minors. I’m over 18.. Way over 18. It just doesn’t feel right or comfortable for me to engage with anyone who is a minor for several reasons. So, if you’re underage / your blog is ageless / ageless and content free / content free, you’re most likely going to end up blocked. 
Anyone sending hate in messages or asks / starting fights or being rude to each other in the comments on my posts will be blocked immediately. I’m not here for it, I don’t want any part of it and frankly, I don’t care enough about fandom drama, ship wars or faceless opinion enough to engage further. It’s a waste of time. Just be kind to each other, please? It’s… really not that hard? TLDR; do not fuck up Ashes’ zen/escape space.
Read all warnings. Tags to look for are ← trigger warning; (trigger) or ← warning; (trigger) / any variant of the bolded including ← tw;trigger or ← cw;trigger or if it's just smut, <- warning. adult content. There will also be a warning area on each post, so it’s worth it to check that out before reading. If you ignore the tags / warnings, whatever you end up seeing as a result is your own fault and is now strictly a you problem. If you’re looking to avoid my adult content altogether, the tags you need to look for are ← minors dni; adult intended content or any variation of that including ☠ this symbol or this one ♥ on my masterlist, in the warnings area/tags.
Any requests containing my own personal nopes listed above will be deleted upon receipt. I can’t stress enough how unwilling I am to compromise my personal boundaries.Please respect this, okay? Just don’t send it if I’ve already clearly stated I won’t write it. Requests are done on my own time, in whatever order I feel most motivated to do them in and all requests will not make the cut. If this is a problem for you, you’re being warned in advance. It’s probably not a good idea to request it from me. 
Any character I write for is 18+, regardless of canon. I do not write for minors. My writing isn’t tailored to them so it’s not about them. So, if you’re looking for a writer who writes those younger fandom characters, look elsewhere. End of story. If this bothers you at all, don’t read, ig.
Reader inserts are gender neutral / gn, female and all must be human.Pairings are typically female/male or gn/male and/or gn/female. I’m a person who was born as and identifies as a female and I happen to be straight, so out of respect for everyone, I’m opting to stay in my little lane. 
Occasionally, I have a reader insert that turns out to be well… a little more heavily personified. If this is a problem for you, the tags you need to be on alert for are any variant of ← warning; heavily personified reader ( traits ). If you’re looking to avoid that on my masterlists when I finally get around to remaking them, you’re going to want to avoid anything with ☻ beside the title/description. I’ll probably also put ☻ in the tags too, just to be sure nobody reads anything they don’t want to. 
I write original character pieces. And self inserts. And I enjoy writing them. I stopped posting them to here but.. I’ve recently come to the decision that I’m going to post them again and IDC if they’re ‘unpopular’ or ‘cringe’. If you’re the kind of person who can’t stand reading something with an original character / self insert present, you’ll need to look for ← warning; original character content or any variant of that and this symbol ❃. I’ll put the symbol in my warnings and in the tags just so nobody is forced to read my self-indulgent bullshit, no worries. 
Last but not least.. If the ask box is off or there’s a HIATUS / SEMI HIATUS notice in my bio area on the blog or pinned as a post, requests are closed. Currently, I am.. Still on hiatus. But, I’m *fingers crossed* hoping to return soon.
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