#children of cinder and star
gibbarts · 2 years
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Kalashtar + Quori 
(My paladin of dreams and her dream companion)
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You just had your birthday!
Sol is a HUGE tortoiseshell tom with thick fur around his neck like a mane, long tufted ears, a long tail with fluff on the tip like a lion's, and brilliant amber eyes.
Sol, originally known as Harry, was born near a junkyard to Cinders and Whispers. Whispers hated his mate, who only ever asked him to hunt for her and their oopsie litter. He belittled her constantly, and resented his children. They had a massive fight one day, he never had a new mate, or kits. When he left, he walked across a very busy road....
Cinders was left full of grief. She still loved her mate, despite everything he put her and her kids through. After a major depressive spell, she gathered up her children, and took them all towards INSERT, meowing at doors, begging an Upwalker to let her and her children in.
Finally, a woman opened her door, and immediately let the tiny family inside. All together. Cinders's old name was Flame, and she is a sunshine torbie with bright golden colors and a white mark on her head. At least, before things got bad. Her coat has dulled, and living alone with her kits for a while left her murky and stained. She looked more gray than anything, hence the woman renaming her Cinders. Cinders took to the name immediately, even after her pelt began to brighten again. Her kits are given names as well; Harry, Sunny, Foggy and Ivy. 
Harry became lazy, and whiny, and spoiled from their new owner. He became bossy with his siblings, and when they stopped wanting to take it, Harry cried to his mother that they were bullying him.
Eventually, Cinders catches him snapping at one of them, swiping at his sister Ivy and connecting his claws with his meek sister's muzzle. Cinders snapped at Harry, and chased him out...
Harry would soon find himself on Skyclan's borders, where he would cause problems with Leafstar and Billystorm's children, making an already bad situation much worse.
Leafstar finds out about him more through his mother, and finds just how dangerous he can be. She boots him out of Skyclan for it, permanently.
He wanders through the land, forcing others to occasionally catch food for him, coasting on the kindness of Twolegs. He wanders into White Hart Woods, or rather, what is left of it. A storm drives Harry into an old cave system, where, at its deepest point, lies an ancient chamber with the broken remains of The Moonstone. It calls to Harry, and, in what will be a horrible turn of events for the Clans, he finds himself resting on the Shattered Moonstone.
I cannot reiterate enough, readers, that you Should Not Do That.
His head is filled with knowledge, things he shouldn't know. Blackstar's Trial and his leadership ceremonies, and how to charm him. Firestar's sacred Prophecy about his Kin, and who their parents are. He knows that Russetfur will be mauled by a Windclan cat and that the Moon will cover the Sun. Harry has been overexposed to a much more raw, archaic place than any Starclan spirit can get to.
He had found The Sky Beyond The Stars.
When he wakes up, he renames himself Sol, after an old, dead god that has now been reborn. And he knows about The Moonpool, too. It's like a beacon to him. He heads down, bullying groups he comes across like Jingo and her friends, but when he reaches Thunderclan territory and tries to climb a tree, he falls... There's a horrible crunch, and Sol falls limp for just a moment...
His father Whispers has been haunting him, and he decides to finally put that spirit to use.
Sol gets up, shakes himself off, and feels just a little lighter before continuing his walk, deciding to stay off of trees. Eventually, he hears a small group of young cats nearby...
He recognizes Hollypaw, Jaypaw and Lionpaw. He is taken to camp, where he makes his infamous prediction. Squilf is nearly killed in the battle against Windclan, and, to be fair, it looks like Sol caused the whole thing. He had forgotten about the WindThunder battle, genuinely.
Firestar exiles him, his heart broken over his Terribly injured daughter, along with his friendship with Onestar having shattered. Russetfur was mauled, his grandson Jaypaw was nearly killed, and Blackstar is almost definitely going to lose a life over this.
Not to mention Lionpaw has just killed someone.
So... Yeah. Bye Sol. Go find a new home.
And Sol does. He knew that Blackstar would be vulnerable. He charms him, speaks to him in that new hypnotic way he has learned to do, like staring at a small mirage created by the sun's heat on the road.
He had been able to get Russetfur out of her comatose state, he said exactly what Blackstar had wanted to hear in a way he knew would get to him...
It is to let Sol help him. Guide him. When was the last time Starclan spoke to you? Gee, it's been a while. If they don't trust you anymore, what's the point of trusting them? Your deputy has been mauled by a Windclan cat who has seen no punishment over it... Seems despite your trials and tribulations... Starclan has abandoned you.
Perhaps it's time to put your faith in a new god.
The next stage is so fast, Lionblaze desperately works with the young new Shadowclan warriors, Owlclaw and Redwillow, to create a fake sign, and while it becomes real, Jay is off fighting with Sol. But now, Jay's got some warrior skills under his belt.
He is about to seriously wound Sol, when the slippery tom speaks once more.
"You look so much like your father. Well, your real one, anyway."
The shock of that statement is too much, and when Jayfeather tries to gauge how Sol is feeling (because, well... He could be full of crap) his mind is filled with the Sun god's horrible blinding light, physically painting him.
"Interesting power you've got there. Mine came from the same place. There's another Sky out there. Beyond Starclan. There is more out there than you can imagine. Spirits, places, power... Did you know you I've died before?"
Poor Jay is left dumbstruck as Sol darts away, not to be seen again until OOTS.
From there, he meets a different fate. Hollyleaf's mind has changed about the code. It's important, sure, but also stupid in places. And it doesn’t account for this.
She kills him, the two fighting in a dusty clearing outside of Thunderclan land, his head smashed onto a stone. She gives him a burial, as a kind thing to do for a body no longer housing a soul. 
The Sun God has had its vessel destroyed, and will have to seek out a new one.
Sol enters the Dark Forest. Most cats dislike him, but he doesn't involve himself with Tigerstar's plans. He keeps to himself in a corrupted version of the dump/Skyclan's camp, an amalgamation fused together horribly that he calls his Sun Kingdom. It randomly grows dark, and cold, and laughter is heard from countless cats until it suddenly becomes blindingly bright, then back to normal. The whole thing is sun bleached and the place stinks of wet cardboard box.
A king sits alone upon his cold, sun bleached throne, decreeing his royalty to a crowd that doesn't exist, and only laughs.
The Sun's Rage is brewing.
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
Why Ironwood’s actions made him a villain, and Team RWBY’s actions made them heroes.
Let’s go into some perspective about why Ironwood + his regime, and not Team RWBY, was the actual “worse than salem” group. And why Team RWBY are the heroes, and Ironwood and his regime the antagonists.
Let’s turn back the clock to before James threatened to nuke Mantle or blackmail Penny into helping him, and shot down planes that would carry people to safety.
“He genuinely offered all his resources to Team RWBY and co to maximize all the chances of them getting better and winning.” While squeezing Mantle dry.
Pre-V8 he still was authoritarian militarist, who locked down Atlas and Mantle, crippling its trade and defense capabilities of other regions, which led to a lot of people left to starve or die to Grimm, and he was also squeezing Mantle dry on top of it with a blatant disregard to its safety, and only giving it token "support", while his Huntsmen were more concerned with arresting people protecting Mantle, than helping them fight back Grimm.
Mantle was dying in volume 7, and it was all James’ fault, and critics were demanding that after Ironwood squeezed and bled Mantle dry, that Atlas abandon Mantle.
The writing is on the wall, but people are so focused on how he treated RWBY and co that they completely miss (ironically, unlike RWBY and co themselves, as it was their major concern) how he treats literally everyone else.
Of course he would treat them well, they are a very useful asset! Unlike people of Mantle, who could die in a ditch for all he cares.
That's not to say that he wants them dead, of course... he just doesn't care about them. He doesn't care about the people he's sworn to protect.
“ For Mantle, the entire point of the Huntsmen down there was to secure it and cover for the lack of resources. “
Lack of resources he himself created, funneling every drop of dust to his pet project.
James was always a borderline dictator. And he could pretty much brow-beat the Council to do what he needs, seeing how he held two seats out of five, and one was vacant.
“But James isn’t authoritarian!”
Authoritarian: Favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.
“But Ironwood was trying to prevent invasion of Salem’s agents”
They infiltrated Atlas through Mantle, by means of using outdated security. With Watts even explicitly pointing out that Atlas got the shiny upgrades, but no one cared to get them to Mantle. And Cinder and Neo still got in. Ironwood failed spectacularly. As he always does.
People were losing their jobs and their living because of lockdown, and those who kept theirs, were working in harsh conditions. Grimm regularly invaded Mantle. People couldn't even get their children to schools without Huntsmen protecting them.
“Its for the greater good”
I just don't see any merit in humoring ideas that treat people as expendable pieces on the path to some lofty goal. "Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make" logic is the logic of villains.
“Ironwood employed Penny and the robots, that shows he cares!”
The robots were shown to be like Star Wars Movie stormtroopers in terms of effectiveness, and Star Trek Redshirts in terms of survivability.
Also, not caring for someone implies not giving any thought to their problems, and in this particular case those problems were directly or indirectly created by Ironwood's actions or negligence. Sending Penny down there is a band-aid, an illusion of action. Also he was running her 24/7, having girl do the job of an entire military and her sole energy source and repairs comes from her dying father, who’s also being run ragged on Jimmy’s project.
“But Team RWBY used the satellite?”
Should we just discard the progress, if it was made by amoral means? Or should we rather use it, to at least in some way honor those who suffered for it?
“But Ironwood didn’t commit murder till he shot Oscar”
Murder is not the only weapon in dictatorship's arsenal. There’s media control and forbidding public functions and mass gatherings, which Ironwood did in the first episode of V7. There’s also banning weapons unless you’re in the dictator’s private army, which Clover literally confirmed in the 2nd episode, even ignoring Qrow’s license.
“Influential people aren't simply council members. People with money and connection need to receive privileges in exchange for services they may provide. That's how politics work. “
And yet, he literally SINGLEHANDEDLY LOCKED DOWN ATLAS. And neither other council members, nor other "influential people", represented in a show by Jacques, could stop him, despite it hurting their bottom lines. Whoops.
“ Y'all keep forgetting what being a soldier/military man entails. You obey your superior without question. That's not authoritarian, that's how any self-respecting army functions. “
Huntsmen aren’t supposed to be soldiers, they’re warriors who act with a code and serve society, not a general who treats everything like a contest of measuring “GLYNDA!”
Ironwood privatized the Huntsmen System, thus preventing Atlas Huntsmen from serving society, with the exception of the Happy Huntresses, who Clover called “Worse than Grimm” to Qrow. Imagine that defying Ironwood makes you worse than Grimm? Apparently that’s all it took for Robyn Haters.
Speaking of Clover...obeying orders without question? You mean like how Clover decided to defend Ironwood’s decision to abandon Mantle, try to arrest Qrow, and completely disregard the mission to capture Tyrian because “Good soldiers follow orders?” Then the Qrow vs Tyrian vs Clover fight makes sense. Tyrian wanted to cause chaos, Qrow wanted to stop Ironwood and Tyrian, and Clover wanted to obey Ironwood’s orders without question. Qrow made the mistake of thinking that Tyrian, who had never lied before, had meant that “putting the kid to bed” simply meant incapacitating Clover, not killing Clover. Meanwhile Clover had no problem arresting anyone who wasn’t licensed by Ironwood or carrying weapons that weren’t part of Ironwood’s army. I guess Clover did die as he lived...not a huntsmen, but a soldier.
“ Unless they showed someone's corpse or Team RWBY looking at beggars, there wasn't any sign of famine or death as you mention. The most there was is extra security and frequent robot patrols. “
Just because there are no corpses lying around on the streets, doesn't mean that people aren't suffering. A lot of the times their suffering goes unseen. You can't deny that Mantle looks like a mix of cyberpunk slum and depressive post-USSR Eastern Europe city. That's enough to make an educated guess about the state of the city and its inhabitants.
Just because Ironwood sacrifices some things, doesn't give him the right to sacrifice something he doesn't own - namely, other people.
Watts of all people called Jimmy out on neglecting Mantle's security. Aside from that, how did he help Mantle aside from sending a few Huntsmen there, which is, again, a band-aid, and an illusion of action?
“Ironwood trusted them like he trusted Ozpin” Remember what he did to Ozpin in V2. You know, the whole going behind his “Friend’s” back to get Ozpin, Salem’s chief nemesis and founder of the schools, fired? And also putting Penny in the Vytal Tournament despite nobody allowing it if they knew she was an android? This is the same guy who talked about trust? Ironwood is a hypocrite because he loves to talk about trust while betraying everyone else’s.
Remember the episode “Sparks?”
Unrest doesn't happen like *snap* and everything blows up. Tension grows gradually and usually goes unnoticed, until it's at the point when a slightest spark is enough to ignite the situation. What Jacques and Watts did was that spark, but the groundwork was laid by Ironwood's actions raising the tension between Mantle and Atlas. And that growing unrest could be seen as far back as e1 of that volume - specifically, in the drunk racist and Forest.
“Ironwood didn’t expect Watts to be alive!”
Someone broke through a military grade cyber security and caused all Atlesian robots and mechs to go "Execute Order 66″  on people. Whether or not it was Watts is irrelevant, because it's a known (to Ironwood) fact that there's someone capable of doing it*.* You don't need a hindsight to account for it, just a regular sight and basic common sense. Which Ironwood has none. That Ironwood, knowing this, only went as far as updating the infrastructure in Atlas, but not in Mantle, is not just negligence, it's a sabotage of his own goals.
The fact is that Ironwood's methods revealed his disregard for people with whom his goals don't align.
“Ironwood was to take drastic actions! There needed to be sacrifices"
The sacrifices began when he locked down Atlas and Mantle. They were just incidental, a product of ignorance and negligence.
“Atlas was the mightiest military” Name one battle they won that didn’t involve Team RWBY’s help?
Their ships could barely fire upon some giant worms, and had not been updated since the great war, causing them only to be able to effectively fire single laser shots against other ships.
An elite huntsmen can take out tons of weaker grimm. And Ironwood’s ships were useless against grimm as well. The paladins could work...yes.But they had a nasty habit of being stolen or hacked...which was again, ironwood’s fault.
“Qrow was willing to trust Ironwood!”
Even though Qrow told them in V6 that they should ask Ironwood for help, by the time the team actually met Ironwood, Qrow had changed his position to not talking to him. Sound familiar? Something Lionhart?
Ironwood didn't take defensive measures against Salem's forces. We see in the very first episode that whatever Ironwood is doing to keep Salem's forces out of Mantle isn't working.
We learned in episode 2 that he was not only aware of his actions having literally the exact opposite effect of what he was promising the people of Mantle, but he also accepted that.
Even before the main cast met Ironwood, they knew he either had no idea what he was doing, or he wasn't on their side any more. They didn't know which it was, but they already knew they couldn't count on him.
The grand sum of Ironwood’s character is:
“I can tolerate leaving thousands of innocents to die for some vague concept of the great good, but I draw the line at insubordination and lying.”
“But Ruby and Yang were being hypocritical in going behind Ozpin’s back!” A huge part of volume 7 was that Ruby realized that Ozpin was ultimately morally grey, and morally grey I mean his actions he took while thinking of other people. Selfishness is the complete opposite of morally grey, which instantly disqualifies Raven Branwen (mass murderer and thief), Adam Branwen (Mass murderer and terrorist), and Roman Torchwick. (Thief, murderer, and racist) from ever being qualified as morally ambiguous. As a result, Ruby ends up acknowledging Ozpin’s points, and even starts working with him again in V8. Yang on the other hand was agreeing with Blake’s points during the cargo truck ride and decided to go: “Hey Robyn, I know jimmy is oppressing your people and your actions against him are valid, but he’s trying to restore global communications for the greater good and his ‘protector of mantle’ didn’t actually kill your constituents, so if you could please stop taking back what’s yours, James will eventually repair mantle.”
And Robyn went: Okay.
Yang and Blake got Robyn to be willing to compromise with Ironwood, something Ironwood cannot do himself, and something he is incapable of getting people to do unless he abuses his military and political power, which he does on a regular basis.
“But Robyn was a terrorist who sabotaged the project!”
She was taking back the supplies that were meant for Mantle, that Ironwood was stealing from Mantle, for his personal project that was done without the council’s authority. She was giving those supplies back to the people of Mantle. Which emboldened the suppliers of Mantle in giving them hope that they could pressure Ironwood to repair Mantle’s defenses. Ironwood’s response? Call the entire city of Mantle “A few cityblocks”
“Robyn’s outfit and equipment was ridiculous compared to Ironwood’s military”
Yeah, when you’re in a city that’s poorer than Vacuo and oppressed by a small-minded man with a giant ego, you don’t tend to have access to the best equipment, clothes, etc. Not to mention that unlike Vacuo, Huntsmen aren’t allowed to protect people in Atlas unless they’re part of Ironwood’s private army.
“Team RWBY were selfish, Ruby is acting just like Roman!”
Lying to save lives and prevent human extinction is not the same as lying for your own self interest. When the gang steal and airship to get into Atlas, it isn’t an evil thing. They are doing it so they can save lives and protect innocent people. The good guys make sacrifices when they have to, where there is absolutely no other choice. Ironwood would sacrifice anything he could to protect his people, you can debate whether or not he’s a true villain, but he goes to far. Sacrifice isn’t a last resort for him, he believes it is. But most villains believe they’re on the right side. This is why most “Rewrites” that try to “Fix” Roman, Adam , or Ironwood go out of their way to rewrite the plot and characters to try to claim that the Villains are in the right, and to shame any female characters who stand in their way. The both the White fang and the good side use violence. But the white fang use violence and seek division and persecution as vengeance for their own struggles. Ultimately, through salem’s manipulation, they divide the intelligent creatures of Remnant. They attack hurt innocent people to further their own goals. The good guys use violence so that violence can be ended. Remind you of anyone? Cough cough, Batman! The sin of the cynic is acting purely in self-interest. Torchwick's line of "lie, cheat, steal and survive" refers to putting his needs first and foremost. It's not the same as resorting to desperate methods to save lives. Like, Jaune cheating his way into Beacon is motivated by self-interest, but his idea to steal an airship in V6 was motivated by keeping others safe. He isn't proving Torchwick's ideals are right in the latter instance, it's quite the opposite. Same with Ruby.
I'm not sure how people can say that Ironwood was proven right when we are shown that there were ways to save the people of Mantle. It's not even a one-time thing either, he thought that he had to keep forcing Mantle to make sacrifices but it turns out it was completely possible to make a compromise with them.
And if we're going to be completely honest it's Ironwood's refusal to compromise that's the biggest factor regarding Atlas's fate. For example, Neo was able to steal the lamp because his soldiers unintentionally gave her the opportunity and a way to escape. It's what led to Robyn acting the way she did on the plane and everything involving Penny was because of him.
Frankly, the only point I can give critics is the white Fang and it's only because the series so horrifically failed to demonstrate the difference between Sienna and Adam.
“But Ironwood was prepared to compromise with Robyn”
He wanted to have her taken into custody 1st and only then was he going to "negotiate," with her... I don't think I need to explain how this is not under any circumstances an actual compromise.
The actual compromise between Ironwood and Mantle took place in the Schnee Manor and that was entirely thanks to Blake, Yang, and sadly Jacques. And that was a compromise that he broke mere hours later when he decided to completely unnecessarily abandon them all to die... A decision he made without seeking any advice and then straight up threatened the people who dared question him on it.
“Sleet: The fact of the matter is, you've operated with a fair amount of autonomy for the past few years, James. But we need now is for you to work with us “
So Ironwood disrespected his peers and did whatever he wanted, and when called out on it, refused to listen to his colleagues, his equals.
A person arrested and completely at James’ mercy ISNT really a negotiating.
“I can either throw you in jail for the rest of your life OR you can agree to work under me, under my terms and conditions.”
What a “””negotiation.“”” Much fair.
“But Ruby is the villain in the trolley scenario!” If the Trolley is the floating city of Atlas, then the people of Mantle are the ones lashed to the tracks, and Ironwood put them there. Salem is coming up behind the Trolley, and Ironwood wants to bulldoze over the Mantle people. Ruby and the Gang want to get the people on board, but Ironwood refuses to let them on. To the point where he will do anything to prove he’s right and somebody is wrong. Ironwood is literally the man who cuts off his nose to spite his face. So Ruby and Crew use Ambrosius to get everyone to a new destination.
“Ruby and crew destroyed Atlas!” According to Cinder, RWBY saved thousands. And if  you think an infrastructure is what makes a kingdom, then you forget that a kingdom is nothing without living breathing people, who live in Atlas, who have made it to Vacuo, and while Vacuo is about as xenophobic as Atlas, they put power in the people, and everyone there works together for the common society. Aka, the greater good. The people of Atlas can do good for each other, when Ironwood isn’t sabotaging everything.
“Ruby sabotaged Ironwood’s broadcast!” Ironwood’s broadcast was “Hey world, I want you to ignore every bad thing I’ve done and every red flag I’ve given off because there’s a greater evil in the world, and I want you to let me use my army that failed to protect everyone into your borders just like I forcibly brought my army into the Vytal Peace festival. I promise I won’t do anything behind your backs like use your events for weapon testing of the human soul like I did back then?
What was Ruby’s Speech? “Hi Everyone, I’m a Huntress, my job is to help you all. Listen, Atlas is under attack by the same bad person that brought down Beacon. We’re all in the same mess. Yeah, she can’t be killed, but everyone working together has been able to stop her the past 80 years, and if we all work together again, we can do it again. Here’s some people you can trust to validate the info, but Ironwood can’t be trusted because of all his actions in the past and his red flags. I believe in you all, because you all can do incredible things, and together everyone can stop Salem”
So Ruby was trying to unite humanity, give EVERYONE the hope and strength to work together and fight Salem, and stop Ironwood from getting too big for his britches.
Ruby was not being a savior, Ironwood was trying to act like he was. Ruby was trying to make humans and faunus alike the saviors. Power of the People.
“Ironwood is a battle-hardened experienced general!” Remnant had been at peace for 80 years, the only conflict was Grimm and the White Fang. And Adam represented the main bad people out there...in Vale. So Ironwood basically used a display of military bravado for everything (Glynda’s words) and people think that’s battle experience? If that’s the case, then Team RWBY and JNPR have loads of experience both on Ironwood in terms of tactics, and on the Ace Ops in terms of combat. Oh wait! THEY DO! That explains why Ironwood fails so spectacularly against Salem and her agents tactics till Team RWBY comes along to help, and why Team RWBY can defeat the Ace Ops.
”He was completely different back in volumes 2-3!″
Why did people look at Adam Taurus, a wannabe edgelord who tried to murder innocent passengers on a train....and then people decided to defend his every action? Claiming Adam was “misunderstood?” What, like Vergil from Devil May Cry, who murdered innocent people for power and had no problem unleashing monsters onto civilians, just like Adam did in Volume 3?
Why did people look at Ironwood, who brought a war fleet to a international peace conference, got screamed at for his warmongering by the Assistant Headmaster who kept her voice relatively level even against team rwby’s food fight, got the headmaster fired for not obeying Jimmy, and used the conference to conduct weaponization of the human soul projects....and claim he was a savior?
So yeah...Ironwood was cool, had drip, had charisma, had good intentions. But his actions spoke louder than his words. Sadly people only listened to his words. Must be his Messiah Complex.
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revletter · 8 months
(Updated with minific!) Where did Gaz's Geno doll come from?
We don't know, but I may have a headcanon involving that one SMRPG character who is totally (in canon!) a collector of retro toys.
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I like to imagine Geno was recalled by the Mushroom Kingdom for being too dangerous for children. But has that ever stopped Hinopio (Cinder Toad) before? Heck no! He lives in a volcano, for pete's sake, and if the pencil pushers have something to say about it, they're welcome to visit. They can pry his limited edition Shooting Star Shot out of his hot dead fingers.
On the other hand... ... ...there's a super cute inkeeper way down south near the forest, and her son's birthday is coming up.
UPDATE: Here's a minific about that, which is a snippet of the next major SMRPG fic I'm working on. Enjoy!
The exclamation echoed back and forth through the inner walls of Barrel Volcano.
With a crash, the sooty wooden lid of a shipping crate landed on top of a pile of a dozen others. Then a crowbar clanged to the rough stone floor.
At the top step of the sturdy stepladder beside it, a sturdy Toad dug into the very last shipping crate left. Shaking a small box free of the curly wood shavings of its padding, he grinned.
"Knew I still had one of the good ones," said Hinopio to himself.
He tucked the little blue box carefully under his arm, climbed halfway down, and hopped the rest of the distance to the floor, whistling.
The box landed on his shop desk with a satisfying thunk. "You're one of the good ones, all right," Hinopio grunted with approval. "None of this cheap plastic … actually gonna work…"
Wiping his brow, he left it there a moment and cleaned up his mess, malleting each lid back down onto its crate and lugging them all back to their organized shelves and stacks. Finally, he carefully returned his precious retro jet figurines to their proud little display. He took a moment to arrange them just right, admiring their gleam in the volcano's ever-present ruddy glow, and flicked a flake of ash from the middle one's fuselage. "They sure don't make 'em like they used to, do they, Blue Falcon?"
Hinopio made his way back to his shop desk, a rough thing made of more crates. Producing a red grease pencil from his tool belt, he retrieved a blank postcard with a picture of a volcano on it from an overflowing box on his desk. He bent over it, writing.
Hi Ginger, You're not going to believe this - I actually have one of the recalled ones! I'll ship it down the Midas River pipe as soon as I can. I hope Gaz likes it.Warmest regards -- HinopioP.S.: It's been a long time. Heard that place in Seaside still has those elderberry drinks you like. Any chance you'd
Hinopio's pencil stopped. He stared down at the postcard for some time.
With a sigh of exasperation, he pulled out a fresh one to start over. In an all-too-practiced movement, he snatched up the nearly-finished postcard and shuffled toward the little lava pit that served as his combination-stove-and-trash-can.
"Good thing I rarely sell any of you," he said to the postcard, lowering his round black safety glasses and holding it over the burbling little caldera. "Go on, join your siblings…"
But he didn't drop it in. He watched the words go shiny as they melted a little deeper into the cardstock.
Setting his jaw, he turned back to his desk. "Today. Today's the day. I'm gonna do this!"
Hinopio picked up the pencil again. "You're not gonna be awkward." He sank down onto his stool, his tool belt drumming a mocking rimshot against the metal of the seat. "You're not gonna make this... awkward..."
His eyes flicked to the lava pit again. To the postcard again. Back and forth.
Finally, he clunked his elbows onto his desk and buried his face in his hands. "This is gonna be what ends me," he groaned. "I wish I could just say it!"
The stone walls offered an echo of his last few words, but no further help.
On the bright side, at least that meant Hinopio hadn't gone nuts yet.
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justalittletomato · 3 months
The arrival of the twins was a joy that increased ten fold. Starlight holding little Aster and Cress against her chest, a smile on her face.
A family. With Maul, Savage, Angel and now her little ones.
A family. Like the one she had lost.
Her joy came with memory. Starting with a sob when Maul coaxed the dying fire in their room. It cracked and roared to life.
The twins in their bassinets. Another crack and pop from the fireplace.
Starlight could not help the sob that broke out. Maul stopped. Worry and alert. An intruder? No he would never let one slip through? Pain? The twins were sound asleep. Their dreams knew nothing of terror.
But his starlight, now huddling into herself. Pressed tight to the bedframe.
“My star?”
“They started a fire…” she whispered. “A fire as we slept.”
Her breaths shallow, “ attacked as we all slept.” She whimpered and pushed past him to look into the bassinets. Her Aster. Her Cress. Sleeping with no cares at all…
He was the one who was plagued by nightmares…how he had thought.
His Starlight’s early life had been torn apart by the wars on Mandalore. All she knew lost as a child.
A fire. A attack. The crackling of wood.
Maul was not the one known to comfort. That was his Star. His Star was the one who made nightmares rush back into the darkness.
His star needed him. He stood beside her, looking down to their sleeping children. “ You are safe.” He assured. Starlight shook her head. “ You are safe. Our children are safe.” She trembled. Maul did as she did and wrapped his arms about her shaking form. Her heart raced as fast as his.
“My Star, our family is safe. I will never allow harm to come to any of you” he would burn the galaxy in turn. Turn it to cinders.
Starlight sobbed and nearly collapsed in his hold. Exhaustion. All those fears had broken free after years. “I won’t rest.” He assured her with a kiss to her brow. “ I won’t sleep, I’ll keep you three safe.”
Starlight whimpered and tears fell down her face, she was going to cry herself to sleep. And he would hold her…
Hold her and assure her of his promise. He let the fire dwindle to ash. His Star’s tear streaked face kissed tenderly.
He would keep his Stars safe. He swore it
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
Love the idea of healer Fire. What if Tigerclaw suggesting Fire prove it by taking one of his lives? And Fire comes back and stares down Tigerclaw
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ok!! here are my ideas for healer/ex-healer Fireheart (which i am very tempted to add to the au)
this is long (and rambling) so im putting it under the cut v
Just as a note: Fire's reasoning for joining the Orders is slightly different than in canon, Fire wishes to join because he wants to be free from human influence "cats aren't pets anymore! I don't get why /humans/ get to be in charge!". He is exited and fascinated by the idea of a community of cats built by cats, and run by cats. He wants to be a part of something like that! His idea of the Orders are a bit idealistic though, he dreams of them being some lovely cat utopia where cats can thrive and be at peace, he doesn't focus on the tales of their battles or the cat blood spilt in the forest beyond the human village...
When Fire joins the Order he is still made Bluefrost's apprentice (that orrr I could make him Redtail's apprentice instead....), and things go as normal for a bit.
But Fire often questions why the Orders need to fight, and why he needs to fight other cats for seemingly petty reasons (this is canon to roc either way). Fire is also a friendly guy (he is such an orange cat), he likes to make friends with other cats in other Orders (at least the ones who don't mind his kittypet origins)... he hates the idea of having to fight them one day...
During this time Fire also continues to have dreams from the Stars... he is often visited by a wispy blindingly white cat who speaks of great power and great futures... This all confuses him and he seeks comfort and answers in Spottedleaf who serves as a sort of older sister role
he likes spending time in the Healer's den and learning about herbs and the Stars. He doesn't tell Spotted about his dreams at first, he instead asks Spotted a LOT of questions about her dreams, prophecies and how communication with the Stars works. He has a feeling that his dreams are something more, but he doesn't want to say anything incase he is thought to be crazy for claiming he is regularly speaking to Order ancestors (especially since he is an ex-kittypet).
Eventually though Spotted catches on and gets him to tell he about his dreams... She realizes that he is not only talking to an ancestor, he is talking to an extremally ancient and powerful one. This along with Fire's interest in Spotted's other Healer duties makes her ask him if he wishes to be her apprentice.
I think Fire thinks on it for a while, but he decides to do it, maybe he is pushed towards it by Blinding Moon (Moth Flight)? I like the idea of him enjoying being a healer and actually taking an interest in it though! If he was Bluefrost's apprentice, I think she would be slightly unhappy about this at first as she saw a heir/future leader in him, but I think Spotted would tell her that she fully believes that Fire's destiny as a prophecy cat involves him being a healer. which would make her agree. If I made him Redtail's apprentice I would have it to Red dies around the time he is asked if he wants to be a healer, maybe he dies very soon after and the trauma of this is what finally pushed Fire to switching to being a Healer.
After this I think that the plot would stay close to the same, but Fire trains as a Healer apprentice. Spotted dies, Fire is left Thunder's only Healer, and is then given his Healer title by Spotted's spirit at the Moonstone, she tells him that Yellowfang can continue to teach him the rest of what he needs to know, but he is now a full Healer.
Cinder still trains as a Healer apprentice and becomes a healer, if this was an actual book this just means more Fire and Cinder being Yellow's children content!!! and also more Fire and Cinder bonding!! (i love the idea of them being like siblings)
Since I am making Fire have the Scottish fold cartilage disorder, he would also probably spend a lot of time learning about different remedies and Healer techniques for making his chronic pain more manageable. I like the idea of him sharing some of his fave mixes of pain relief herbs with Cinder and Bright after they experience their injuries that leave them with their own chronic pain.
Fire stays close to Bluefrost and sees her decent, he can tell she is having a mental break and is most likely experienceing the beginigns of a deterioration of the mind due to old age as well... He spends a lot of time trying to help her as her Healer and friend, but there isnt much he can do, and she wont take much aid. However because of Fire caring for her so much and staying empathetic towards her Blue decides Fire is the only cat she can trust.
I love the idea of Blue just finally starting the "im making a new cat Second" speech, and Fire feeling relived... only for her to say that HE is going to be Second. The outcry and horror that would result in this!! OH the DRAMA
Blue would refuse anyone's input. she would just hide in her den after this and would leave Fire to the chaos she had started.
Fire would end up trying to do a lot of the Second (and leader) duties (which i think he was already kind of doing, bec Blue was out of commission) but most cats refused to accept him as the actual second. His life would be absolute hell for a while, Sand and Shrike (after Swift's death and Fire and him bonding) would back the poor guy up though...
He would only really prove himself when Blue died and he went to the Moonstone to ask the Stars to tell him what to do next. I dont think he even thought he counted as a true Second, so he went to ask who should lead, only for the Stars to grant him his 9 lives...
I love the idea of him proving he's an actual leader by losing a life, though maybe his leader mark (diamond/star on chest) would be enough??? Either way the other Orders would contest his position so much, it probably would take Fire loosing a life to get them to shut up. Star Talltail would probably believe it though.
Anywayssss they're is a lot of potential in this, a lot of drama and rule breaking would happen... the Stars would really just show how hypocritical they are bec they would break their own rules to make him a leader.
I think as leader Fire would probably do more of a combination of Caretaker and Healer duties rather than Warrior ones as well. Caretakers can become leaders and they arent expected to stop doing their Caretaker jobs so, I like the does of Fire kinda becoming a Healer helper/Caretaker!
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pilesofpillows · 1 year
Stars Aglow Ch. 3 || Okoye x Attuma
A Sea of Stars ~ Part 3 of 3
Ch. 1 • Ch. 2
Summary: Babies.
Warnings: Semi-Graphic Depictions of Childbirth, An Excessive Amount of Fluff, Seriously... I Hope Y'all Got Good Dental Insurance, And Tissues
Tags: @mamajankyy @theeblackmedusa @theemfingmenace @xenokattz @tvreadsandsleep @ariyannah @iccedays @xblackreader @blissdoutbyattuma @karimk2 @umber-cinders @mickimomo @dontruinmymorning @princess-of-gondor
A/N 1: Pinky swears are very serious things that I take very seriously. This chapter is a behemoth of nearly 5k words... ridiculous.
A/N 2: Massive, huge, ridiculous, enormous thank you to @xenokattz for all your help!! Love you forever 💕💕💕
The Amnio was brilliant. 
When she’d first told them about it, Shuri had made it out to be a simple birthing chamber, but it was far more than that. She had converted an entire floor on the lower level of the Citadel’s residential tower into a birthing suite of dreams, complete with an operating room, a miniature neonatal ICU, and a near-exact replica of Okoye’s upstairs apartment with an added nursery for their post-delivery stay.
The main space was wide and cavernous, with a wall of windows that allowed the sun to illuminate the room and provided an incomparable view of the night sky. At its center was a circular in-ground pool with a series of wide ledges that helped accommodate varying depths within the water. Four holographic displays lined half of the pool, one for each baby and the last for her, their vitals being monitored by the patches affixed to her stomach. 
Okoye kneeled on the second step below the outer ledge of the pool, her forearms folded across her mother’s knees as she breathed heavily, panting through the latest contraction. She’d been in the water for hours now, the night dragging on as her body prepared to deliver her children into the world. Her head was bowed, resting on her arms, her face twisted in a grimace as the labor pains reached a new height. Attuma kneeled behind her, massaging her submerged lower back and stomach while her mother cradled her head, murmuring words of comfort. Nakia and Ayo bracketed her mother, both coaxing her through breathing exercises in soft voices.
Nakia’s fingers entangled with hers. “You’re almost there, usisi. So close now.”
Okoye did not feel close. Each contraction felt like an hours-long battle, challenging everything she thought she knew about pain. What started as a dull ache in her lower back rose to a roaring fire as her muscles constricted tightly, stealing the breath from her lungs. She fought to regulate her breathing, exhaling forcefully in a loud groan.
“Good, intombi,” Her mother praised, dabbing the sweat from her brow. “You’re doing so good. It won’t be much longer.”
She heard Ixtli and the nurses who’d accompanied her singing beneath the water, a wordless melody of highs and lows in time with the waves of pain crashing over her. Attuma and Namora joined them, and she sighed gratefully as each note eased the sharp bite of the cramping across her lower body. Thank Chaac and Bast for Talokanil siren singers. 
An early point of contention in her pregnancy had revolved around whether they would observe Wakandan or Talokanil traditions when the time for her delivery came. She and Attuma had argued relentlessly about it until Namora suggested a merger of the two traditions; Okoye would deliver their children on the surface, in the water, with a Talokanil midwife and a Wakandan obstetrician. That Namora's mother happened to be an iyom k'exelom was a happy coincidence, and Okoye couldn’t be more grateful to the woman and her melodious analgesic. 
As the contraction passed, Okoye whimpered as she felt Attuma move to her left, missing his presence immediately. She pulled her fingers from Nakia’s and unfolded her arms, reaching for him desperately. Attuma leaned in close, holding her hand in his, and pressed his nose to her cheek, muttering a string of reassurances and praises in both their mother tongues.
She wanted him closer.
Ixtli surfaced, rebreathers firmly affixed to her face and gills, informing them that her body was ready. It was time to push.
She needed Attuma. 
Using what little strength she had, Okoye used the stair above her and her beloved’s shoulder to support herself as she sat back on her knees. 
“K’iino’?” Attuma’s voice was wary, trying to gauge her intent as he sat up with her. 
“Behind me, please? I just… I need…” Okoye didn’t know how to adequately verbalize what she was feeling.
Thankfully, she didn’t have to; Attuma wrapped his arms around her, shifting them gingerly until his back was flush with the outer ledge of the pool, only their legs remaining beneath the water. Her back rested on his chest, skin-to-skin; their hearts beat in tandem, soul-to-soul. 
“Good?” he whispered against her ear, and Okoye nodded, a stray tear slipping down her cheek. This was everything she wanted, everything she needed.
“Don’t leave me?” she pleaded. 
“Never, in K’iino’,” came his fierce response.
Her family corralled around them. Ayo, Namora, and Shuri stood on the outer edge of the pool, each holding a different colored blanket for their corresponding godchild, ready to carry them from the water after they were born. Her mother and Nakia stood on either side of her and Attuma, grabbing her hands and helping her into a low squat.
Namora’s mother crouched between her legs, gently cradling her belly. “Are you ready, Nacom?”
Okoye gave a hoarse hum of approval and steeled herself. She was tired and terrified, but they were at the end now; the battle was almost won.
“When the pain comes again, listen to your body and bear down,” she instructed. The Talokanil midwife looked contemplative for a moment and pressed on the lower right side of her distended abdomen. “This one first, hm? He’s ready.”
Okoye wanted to question her, but the force of her contraction punched the air out of her, and she clamped her jaw shut. The urge to push came, and she did as she was told, a long groan escaping her gritted teeth as she bore down. Long agonizing seconds passed before Ixtli stopped her, letting Okoye catch her breath before commanding her to push again. 
Her mother and Nakia spoke quiet words of encouragement as she labored, and she squeezed their hands as they continued on in the arduous cycle of pushing and breathing. Attuma blew softly on her head between each push, extolling her strength and courage as he urged her to keep fighting. 
Ixtli ducked her head under the water quickly and resurfaced with a chuckle. “Uts ka a k'iino' yanak ti' juntúul paal il le eek'o'obo'. [It is fitting that your Sun would have one who looks to the stars.]” she said to Attuma in rapid Mayan, GRIOT translating for the room to hear. 
“What- what does that mean?” Okoye asked, leaning back on Attuma’s shoulder, breathless. “Are they okay?”
“The baby is fine, General. He’s just facing the wrong way,” Dr. Langeni waded over from the fetal monitors, placing a reassuring hand on her knee as she explained. “It’ll make things a bit harder, but we’re watching carefully, and if we need to intervene, we will.” She nodded over to the wall of glass partitions on the right side of the room, behind which lay the operating room and NICU. “For now, just focus on letting your body do what it was meant to.”
Ixtli nodded, confirming her counterpart’s words, and when the next contraction struck, Okoye bore down again, her groan ending in a sharp cry as she felt the burning stretch of her son crowning. 
“Dudula, Okoye!” “Yiza, emnandi, tyhala.” Nakia and her mother spoke words of encouragement, urging her to push, and squeezing her hands back as she tightened her grip on theirs.
The Talokanil nurses had resumed their song, and their voices grew in pitch as Okoye pushed again, a low scream erupting from her throat. The feeling of something giving way was followed by a rush of relief flooding her, and she collapsed against Attuma’s body. He peppered kisses onto her forehead, praising her strength and wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes. Gasps of awe and resounding echoes of praise came from everyone around them, but Okoye only had eyes for the tiny, screaming baby in Ixtli’s arms. The midwife stood and laid her son on her chest, and she instinctively cradled his small body even as the elder woman used a soft towel to wipe him down. 
Her son. 
Wriggling and squalling and hers.
Attuma’s hand rested over hers, his chin over her shoulder as they took in the new life they’d made together.
They had a son.
“Molo, mntanandini. [Hi, sweet baby.]” she whispered as his cries softened. 
He was magnificent. 
Ixtli wrapped her firstborn in a towel, plucking him from her chest, and passed him to Shuri, who stood ready, having swapped places with Nakia to receive her godson. Okoye smiled weakly as the princess beamed at the baby. 
“Molo, mncinane,” she murmured, gathering the small boy in a yellow woven blanket, “I’m your Aunt Shuri.”
Okoye craned her neck, watching closely as her sister carried him out of the water to the designated team of nurses and doctors ready to check him over. She winced as the smarting ache washed over her, despite her rush of joy. She felt the urge to push again, and it seemed her son’s twin was more than ready to join the world. 
“He will come easier; his brother has made the path clear.” Ixtli said, once again pressing on her abdomen. “Now push, child.”
Attuma sat them both up, and Nakia rejoined her, grasping her hand fiercely as her mother did the same on the opposite side, the three of them helping to support her body as she bore down yet again, and they re-entered the cyclical pattern of pushing and breathing. The singing resumed with her efforts, but the song was different this time. Through the haze, Okoye made out the words to a familiar chant from the River Tribe, sung in perfect harmony by the nurses and Namora. Even Attuma sang with them, his voice a gentle rumble against her back. Her eyes darted to Nakia, who grinned at her as they sang the steady, cadenced tune. 
Letting the song strengthen her, Okoye braced herself for the next wave.
She pushed.
And groaned.
 And pushed again.
A burning flash drew a harsh cry from her lips, and her second child entered the world, as quiet as his brother was loud. 
She held him to her chest, marveling at his scrunched face and soft cries. He was smaller than his brother but no less wriggly. 
Another son.
Perhaps Attuma was right, she thought with a tearful laugh. 
Her second son settled quickly, gazing back at her with Attuma’s dark, wide eyes. 
He was beautiful.
Like they did with their first, Okoye and Attuma cradled their secondborn son together. “Okoye… in yakunaj… two...” His voice was choked with emotion, but she understood perfectly what he meant.
They had children. 
Two children. 
Two sons.
She cooed down at him, welcoming him to the world in a hushed whisper as Ixtli wiped him down before gingerly passing her son to Namora. The Talokanil general wrapped her secondborn in a blue blanket Okoye’s mother had woven, whispering sweet words to him in Mayan. Okoye settled back against Attuma, watching as her friend carried her baby out of the water, passing him to the team of nurses and doctors waiting to ensure he was hale and healthy.
“Rest now. The next will not be so easy,” Ixtli said, drawing their attention back to her. “The youngest rarely is.” She shot a pointed look toward Namora, who scoffed from the medical bay, making Okoye laugh weakly. “Let your body work to expel the afterbirth while I consult the stars for your first two children. I will return when it is time.” She cupped Okoye’s cheeks, touching their foreheads together. “You have done well, Nacom Okoye. Chaac and Ix Chel have blessed you with the strength of a thousand warriors.”
She smiled tiredly and thanked her. The Talokanil midwife exited the pool, and Dr. Langeni followed, promising to bring an update on the children when she returned. 
Okoye looked at her mother. She was crying, tears of joy, Okoye presumed, and she blinked, a few tears slipping down her own cheeks. “Don’t cry, mama.”
She reached out a hand, and her mother took it, squeezing her fingers gently. “I can’t help it, emnandi. It’s not every day a woman becomes a grandmother; I should think I’m entitled to a few tears,” her mother sniped jokingly, and they shared a quiet laugh. She leaned forward to kiss Okoye’s cheek. “Oh, I’m so proud of you, intombi. You did wonderfully.” She kissed Attuma’s cheek as well. “You both did.” 
Okoye grinned, then winced slightly as her body continued laboring. The contractions were far milder than her earlier ones, and one of the Talokanil nurses rubbed her ankle in encouragement, speaking words she couldn’t understand. Attuma murmured the translated instructions and a steady stream of compliments between light kisses to her head and hair, and the afterbirth passed easily, requiring little effort on her part. 
She lay in the cradle of Attuma’s arms, glancing intermittently at the medical bay where her children rested. Okoye itched to hold them, to study their faces and catalog the pieces of her and Attuma in every feature. Nakia passed her a cup of ice chips, and she shot her sister a grateful smile, chewing them carefully between her contractions. She was slightly relieved for the short rest before their third child was born. She chose not to ask how Ixtli knew there would be time between the twins and their thirdborn or how she knew her children would be boys before their birth; the woman had forgotten more about childbirth than Okoye would likely ever know. 
Dr. Langeni returned and had a quick GRIOT-assisted conversation with one of the Talokanil nurses before wading over to Okoye. “Molo, umama, baba,” she said with a soft smile. “Everything is looking good; both boys are hale, healthy, and quite possibly the cutest newborns above or below the surface. You did very good,” the doctor chuckled with a wink. She pressed a button on her kimoyo beads, activating a holographic display of her womb. Her lips twisted in a frown, and she sighed. “It looks like Baby C is still transverse. Which means we have two options: we can attempt to maneuver them in hopes that they turn on their own, or we go in for a C-section now. Should they prove reticent despite the maneuvers,” she paused, arching a pointed brow at them, “we’ll have to go in surgically.”
Okoye narrowed her eyes at the implication but couldn’t argue. Be it a maternal or paternal trait, headstrong children were a given between her and Attuma, and she was already praying for the strength and patience to match wits with whichever aspects of herself would be reflected in her children.
“How long would we try the maneuvers for?” she asked, shifting against her beloved and placing a hand over the monitoring patch of her youngest.
Dr. Langeni turned to the displays outside the pool, studying the remaining monitor. “Should Baby’s heart rate remain within acceptable parameters and the placenta intact? We’ll say 20 minutes.”
Okoye nodded and glanced at Attuma, silently asking him to weigh in. 
He tilted his head, looking contemplative. “It is up to you, in K’iino’. I will be by your side no matter what you choose.”
Her heart fluttered, warmth flooding through her at his words, knowing he meant them wholly. She pressed her head into his chin and considered each option before taking a fortifying breath. “Let’s try the maneuvers.”
In the darkest hours of the morning, Okoye’s youngest child finally decided to cooperate with the efforts of the medical team. They’d guided the baby downward between her contractions, firm hands pushing hard through her abdomen. She grit her teeth through every attempt and nearly regretted her choice on a particularly hard press. The Talokanil surrounding her had resumed singing the euphoric analgesic of earlier, dulling the sharp pain, and Okoye groaned, breathing heavily. Attuma blew cool breaths along her head again, providing an anchor of solace in the sea of pain, but her relief proved temporary as her muscles tightened in a fierce contraction.
 Ixtli had returned shortly before they began; she and Dr. Langeni worked in tandem, the Wakandan doctor maneuvering the baby while the Talokanil midwife swam beneath her, singing a soft siren call to draw the child down. Ixtli resurfaced, a visible smile showing through her rebreather, and she proclaimed it was finally time to push. Okoye sighed gratefully, thanking the gods. Dr. Langeni gave her an encouraging smile and waded to the side of the pool with her mother, Nakia, and Ayo. Okoye slid forward, squatting low on the step below Attuma, her chest and head remaining above water. He slid his arms under hers, helping her to brace her elbows on his knees.
“One last battle, Nacom,” her iyom k’exelom said, giving her knees a reassuring squeeze, “Let us see what the dawn brings.”
The woman sank beneath the water, and Okoye sucked in a deep breath as she felt the next contraction roll into her. 
She pushed hard, biting back a scream, until Ixtli squeezed her calf, commanding her to stop. She leaned against Attuma, who spoke words of comfort and praise between blowing cool breaths of air on the crown of her head, each breath meant to hasten the delivery of their child. She rested for a moment before the Talokanil midwife’s head surfaced, coaxing her to push again, and they fell into a steady rhythm: Okoye pushed, Attuma blew, and Ixtli coaxed. 
Again and again, until she felt like she couldn’t anymore.
She sagged between Attuma’s legs, her head thrown back as tears ran down her face.
“Ko'ox, Bah’te. K'a'abéet a ba'ate'el! [Come on, Warrior. You must fight!]” Ixtli urged in a stern voice. “We’re nearing the end, Okoye; Yaantal a to'on jolkanil.”
Find your courage. 
Bast help her; Okoye didn’t know how much she had left.
She screwed her eyes shut before opening them to meet the deep umber of Attuma’s. They shone with love and pride, and he bent to kiss her forehead. “Ngakumbi kancinci [Just a little more], in yakunaj,” he whispered against her sweat-slicked skin. “Ungayenza. [You can do it.]”
 She looked into the eyes she loved beyond all measure and found her courage.
The next contraction ripped through her, and Okoye tucked her head into her chest and bore down, crying out at the searing flash of white-hot pain.
Ixtli dipped back into the water, coaxing her through a final round of pushing, their youngest child slipping free of her body as the sun broke over the horizon.
Okoye cried in relief, her body slumping from exhaustion, and Attuma hauled her into his arms. Ixtli emerged from the water, holding a small baby who began wailing seconds after tasting the air.
“A son?” she asked, a weak smile on her lips.
Ixtli grinned, a fierce, proud thing. 
“The Dawn has brought you a daughter,” she proclaimed, laying the baby on her chest.
Okoye clutched the small body, her daughter, to her, blinking in shock. Faintly, she heard the excited exclamations of her family, but her focus was solely on the tiny, wailing infant on her breast. She let out a shaky breath, staring at her daughter in awe.
She had a daughter.
Okoye held her close as she screamed, wondering how one so small could make so much noise. 
She put her brothers to shame. 
Okoye laughed as hot tears ran down her face, gently attempting to shush the squalling infant while Ixtli cleaned her. 
She was perfect.
Attuma laid a large hand on her back, nearly covering her entire body, humming the lullaby he sang throughout her pregnancy, and they marveled as she quieted almost immediately, her robust cries softening to hushed whimpers.
“K Eek'e' asab chichanen. [Our littlest star.]” Her beloved murmured, smoothing his finger over her furrowed brow.
Their youngest grizzled, nose crinkling.
“Welcome to the world, ntomba ethandekayo.”
Ixtli swaddled their daughter in a towel and placed her in Ayo’s arms, her sister-in-arms greeting the child warmly, wrapping her in the soft green blanket Okoye’s mother had woven for their third child. “Good morning, little one. Today is your birthday.”
She exited the water gracefully, speaking to the baby in full sentences, making Okoye chuckle despite her exhaustion. She watched through half-lidded eyes as the final team of nurses and doctors engulfed their baby girl. As their daughter was tended to, Attuma pressed long, tender kisses to her head, muttering an incomprehensible jumble of praise and thanks between each one. 
“Óoxtúul paalal [Three children], in yakunaj,” he said into her hair. “Ts'o'ok a taasik to'on óoxp'éel… [You have brought us three…]”
“Three stars,” Okoye replied softly. “Our own little sea."
They moved her from the water to a large bed once she passed the afterbirth, and she lay reclined against Attuma, clean, changed, and content. They talked quietly with her mother and Dr. Langeni about what to expect these next few days as they waited for Ixtli, the trio, and their godmothers. Okoye’s exhaustion was bone deep, but she wouldn’t sleep a wink until she had held each of her babies. Nakia slipped into the room, having ducked out earlier to retrieve the rest of their family. She led M’Baku, Yoltzin, and Aneka in, Junior still sleeping in the early morning hours. They stood at the end of the bed, smiles abounding.
Attuma’s mother came to their bedside, pressing her forehead against Okoye’s, then Attuma’s. “Ki'imak óolal, waal. [Congratulations, daughter],” Yoltzin said, grinning brightly. These weren’t her first grandchildren, but they were her eldest son’s, and she’d been giddy with joy the moment Attuma had informed her of Okoye’s pregnancy. She rounded the bed to stand beside Okoye’s mother, the new grandmothers embracing each other. 
“Three babies in one night! You truly are Wakanda’s greatest warrior,” M’Baku smiled proudly, gently squeezing her ankle through the bedding. “Where are the little shark pups?”
His question was answered by the sliding door, and Ixtli entered the room on quiet feet with Shuri, Namora, and Ayo trailing behind her. Each woman held a brightly swaddled bundle in their arms, and they formed a line by her right bedside. 
Shuri passed the baby in her arms to Ixtli, who unwrapped him slightly and placed him on the far right side of Okoye’s exposed chest. “This is your firstborn. A son who looked upon the stars as he entered the world, a war cry on his tongue. What name will you give to him?”
Okoye looked at her eldest son, whose eyes were closed as he slept peacefully, tiny brown fingers curling into her skin. The small yellow cap on his head hid most of his hair, but Okoye could see the gentle wisps that curled along his forehead. She lifted his small hand with her finger, an awed breath leaving her as he gripped it firmly. 
He looked like Attuma. 
Her beloved carefully traced the soft fuzzy hair of his son’s brow and answered Ixtli. “T’Khwezi Cadmael.”
The Star Chief.
Okoye heard Shuri and Yoltzin gasp quietly, and she glanced between her little sister and Attuma’s mother. Both women’s eyes were watery, and Okoye reached out, entangling her fingers with Shuri’s. She squeezed, providing a gentle reassurance, and nodded to Yoltzin. Neither T’Challa nor Cadmael would ever be forgotten; their spirits lived on through them. Shuri smiled tearfully, muttering a wet thanks before releasing her fingers, and Yoltzin hugged Attuma briefly. The princess slid from her place in line, crossing behind Namora and Ayo to stand with the rest of their family at the foot of the bed. 
“This is your secondborn. A son born beneath the Great Weaver, swift and sure of his path.” Ixtli lifted their son from Namora’s arms and placed him on the right side of Okoye’s chest. “What name will you give to him?”
Okoye gazed down at her son, watching him nuzzle into her skin. His skin was warm, and his body was heavier than she expected. He looked nearly identical to his brother; the deeper cleft of his chin was the only difference she could see between them. Like his siblings, their son had thin, dark lines along his collarbones, alluding to the presence of gills. Dr. Langeni had already confirmed that the organs were vestigial and had no function. Her children were blessed with the ability to respirate air through their lungs and water through their skin, much like the King of Talokan.
The first to be born between the land and sea, her children represented the cementing of the Wakandan/Talokanil alliance. The two nations were connected by blood, woven together by love. Her son required a name that fit their future. 
“Chii’kaan B’atz’,” Okoye said after a moment.
The Feathered Serpent Weaver.
Attuma cupped her face gently, looking deep into her eyes. “K’iino, are you certain?”
Her beloved knew there was no love lost between her and his king. It had taken time for her to tolerate his presence in Birnin Zana, never mind their home. Okoye hadn’t even called him K’uk’ulkan until she reached her second trimester of pregnancy. To honor him in this way was a step beyond, but in order for their nations to grow strong together, grace was necessary. She would never forget, and likely never forgive, but the past was immovable and unchangeable. They could only go forward.
“I’m sure” Okoye nodded. “We are bound by blood, my love. Our children are equal parts, Wakandan and Talokanil. We must honor both as we move forward.”
Attuma’s eyes melted with her declaration, and he kissed her forehead, her nose, then her lips softly. “Ndiyakuthandana, Okoye.”
Okoye smiled and returned his kiss, just as soft. “In yaakunech, Attuma.”
“The mother of your children is a wise woman, Nacom. K'a'abet a sutk'esiko'ob le ti' a watan,” Ixtli said with a sharp grin.
Okoye didn’t understand everything the iyom k’exelom said, but she did know watan. Wife.
She and Attuma shared a knowing smile.
We will be married when in K’iino’ is ready to have a husband again. That’s what he’d told her mother. 
She never thought she would have another husband, not after the bitter betrayal she’d faced. She hadn’t thought she could tie her soul to another man before Attuma. She hadn’t thought she could love someone so wholly, so thoroughly that she felt incomplete without them as she did with Attuma. He held her heart; married or not, their souls were irrevocably bound. 
“Tu k'iinili' [In time],” her beloved responded with a sly smirk.
Ixtli nodded and turned to Ayo, lifting their youngest from her arms. Like she’d done with the other two, the Talokanil midwife unwrapped the baby and laid her on Okoye’s chest, right between her brothers.
“This is your thirdborn. A daughter born at the dawn's breaking, ushering in victorious joy. What name will you give to her?”
Okoye craned her neck down to stare at the smallest of the three curled against her chest and felt her heart sing. She was their unexpected gift, a joyful surprise after the birth of two boys.
She looked at Attuma, who’d been so certain they would have three sons, they hadn’t bothered to discuss what they might name a girl. He looked just as baffled as she felt. Carefully considering Ixtli’s words, Okoye smiled down at her daughter, who grizzled and grunted even while she slept. 
Yoltzin’s water-distorted voice spoke from the other side of the bed, offering up the name. 
Attuma hummed and placed his hand on their daughter’s head. “It means ‘dawn,’” he explained lowly. 
Okoye echoed his hum. “Very fitting, Na’,” she grinned. “Ixazaluoh, then. Ixazaluoh Kenura. The dawn of our joy.”
Her beloved’s smile was wide and bright. “Perfect.” 
Attuma kissed her head, running gentle hands over each of their children. “They’re beautiful, in K’iino’.”
Staring down at them, Okoye couldn’t help but agree.
They would grow in time, surrounded by love and supported by their family. But for now, it was enough that they were here. 
Small and sleeping and theirs.
Beautiful, indeed.
A/N 3:
I tried not to be too graphic with the L&D, but she did have 3 babies naturally so... it wasn't ever gonna be short.
There's a fourth part to this somewhere in my brain... it might take a lil longer cuz I gotta work on that OT3 thing 👀👀
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shoyastars · 10 days
Audrey Cinder
What makes a true hero?
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This fanfic won’t be told by the author (aka my point of view.) annnyyywaaays! Just know this will be going into the Hero Sparks aka Audrey Cinder, the hero of lighting up sparks and smiles to all. (Sorry… came up with that, kinda cheesy. AHEM!)
Please remember that the fandom of Binary Star Hero isn’t for children, therefore no children are allow to interact or come in contact with the game or creator CONCRETEPARASITE. The game is intended for adults and should respect the the choices of the creator. Thank you for reading this and we can now continue.
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What makes a hero?…..
That’s always been a question for me ever since I’ve gotten my hero title….
You see…..
When I was a little kid, I’d look at Hero’s as beams of justice and honor, little did little me know the facade the NAHA put up for them underneath those masks of theirs…. Though there were many hero’s that I closely admired with fascination, there was only one… I could truly call my hero….
“Audrey, didn’t I tell you not to run around, someone could’ve snatched you right up.”
“Sorry mom…. I just wanted to see how huge this place was, look at the huge stage!”
My mother… she was known as Concord by the NAHA, her ability was sound waves, though she was a low in the ranks, she still managed to keep her hero title. She would make an effort to make everyone smile around her, even me….
I remember how much I loved her playing music, despite her hero career being hectic at times. She was one of the reasons I loved music, I remember one time when she let me listen to her while practicing, she told me what music can do to help understand emotion without words or a simple explanation.
“Music can inspire people, but it can also have emotion, and passion. Not many people understand because they only think words can only express themselves, but… I can’t help but say it’s not entirely true.”
“It’s not?”
“Of course not little spark. Music can express things, it can tell stories without having to, it can help motivate, and learn, even focus… many other things to. Like dreams and memories.”
“Hehe! I see you get what I’m saying. If anything without the music in my life I wouldn’t have had you ether.”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“I mean it’s how me and you’re father met and bonded. Sometimes you don’t need words remember? Sometimes you just know… it’s a different feeling, a different spark.”
Only one question popped into my mind in that moment, little me was very curious to say the least….
“Mom… when will you tell me about dad?”
She knew she couldn’t tell me her reasons for keeping him secret, I do believe the NAHA would put him on a tight hold against her and me…. She did try to hide me, but it didn’t really work out as planned….
“Soon, I specifically remember that it’s going to be your 8th birthday soon.”
“And then you’ll tell me about him?”
“Of course, of course… I always keep my word.”
With that her hug felt all the more special, if only I knew….. what would happen after the day of my birthday…. She couldn’t tell me about my father because her job as a hero made her work late and after that she only had little time to celebrate with me…. She did have a concert the next day, and she only allowed me to stay up that night so I can hear about him…. If only I knew….
As the I looked over at her within the crowd, watching pure amazement and joy… I saw her smile…
For the last time…..
My mother was crushed….. as she was preforming…. No child should ever have to witness the death of their parent……
After that people were sent into confusion, panic, grief, or even speculation…. But for me…. I felt sorrow, anger, despair…. I didn’t know who my father was so the NAHA put me in the hands of my aunt… but she wasn’t the ideal person for parenthood…. I would find myself alone, and unable to do anything but process…. That my mother was really gone… and not only was she gone… but my passion for music had almost vanished entirely…..
I did listen from time to time, but it didn’t feel the same…. And I grew too scared to even listen to her music…. Afraid that her voice may bring back the moment in time where she was crushed….
I did hum along to some songs but I never sang I never once did a single lyric…. My voice was like a broken record…. And every time I tried to sing or do anything I found myself back among the crowd of that very moment…… however my aunt had other plans….
“I signed you up to become a star, you should be thankful that you’ve got you’re mothers ability to sing.”
“But I can’t, you know this… I can’t even!-”
“Sing a single lyric… yes I’ve heard. Just get over it already kid, you’re mother is dead, so what? You’re able to make a fortune with the looks and pretty voice of yours. You’re 18 now, and should get your act together….”
Somehow… when she said that, it felt more painful…. I was 18… 10 whole years I couldn’t get over it…. How could I? When she’s never made any effort to help me get through it? But all I knew was that I was not ready to do anything like my mother did…. Why would she even think it would make me feel better…. I don’t even care about money or fame… if anything I’d rather be doing it because I enjoy it…. I sat there in my room for a bit… it’s just fumble around with my ability for a bit, making little sparks of electricity…. In all honesty I discovered my ability when I was 7 but my mother told me to hide it. I knew the reason but now that I thought about it, I got up and started looking on my phone, the NAHA was always up for hiring for new heros… but you would have to trained as a sidekick first before given the official title… but I was already fired 2 times at this point for helping people over higher ups or avoiding talking about my mentor because I thought it wouldn’t be that important…. But… third times the charm right?
“God… this is not what I was expecting for a month of working, but I guess this is everyday things for Hero’s yet again….”
I’d look over onto the city as a lookout, apparently they decided to deal with the villain themselves… but in all honesty, I don’t think they’re able to defeat them without overall help, but they’re the hero and I’m just a sidekick sooo….
“Ah! Mr. Binary Star!”
“Where is-?”
“Per usual… fighting a villain alone… persistent as usual…”
I’d hold my legs close to my chest, I’d sigh as I look down at the people below living out their lives. I was starting to think if I was even wanted as a hero at all…. Especially since the last two hero’s seemed very dismissive and less likely to want a sidekick…
I’d hear him sigh in frustration, but it didn’t seem like he was going to do anything about it.
“Aren’t you going to help them?”
“If they want to fight them alone so be it.”
“That’s… a little harsh….”
“So what? You’re right here because they told you they’d deal with them by themselves right?”
I stayed silent.
“Thought so.”
I’d look back down on the civilians who were living their lives, however I wasn’t expecting him to sit next to me. I don’t think he was expecting it either, I did move away a bit as to not make him uncomfortable.
The silence between us was thick, the city’s noise filled the air.
“So… this is you’re third time being a sidekick.”
“Pretty much… third times the charm hehe….”
It felt so awkward….
“You know you don’t know much. So you can still leave…”
“I’m surprised the NAHA hasn’t tried anything yet.”
“Probably cause I’m still trying..”
“Why are you talking to me?… you usually ignore me…”
With that he rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged.
“Maybe… I just want to.”
“You don’t have to pretend to be the big hero on the screen you know.”
My grip would tighten around legs a bit nervous.
“I can tell when someone’s acting… it’s sorta a thing of mine… bad habits die hard or something… but… it’s something I usually do…. It’s creepy I know… but… when it comes down to hero’s…. That’s where I spot the facade…”
“Sorry… talked too much…”
I could tell due to how I’ve seen my mother does it. At that i thought he’d only get up and leave……
He patted my shoulder causing me to jump a bit at the sudden gesture…
“Maybe that’s a good thing and not a bad thing.”
“Why become a hero?”
“Why be a hero? I heard recently you’re going to be in the singing industry.”
With that I only sat there in thought for a bit, wondering if I should tell the full truth, or just go, “I just did it for the heck of it.” Somehow, that question stunted me… my aunt did it because she want me to get famous and rich only to have herself have something to brag about… like saying “oh! I brought up that girl and I’m so proud!” When all she did was shove me in the ring without any armor or weapons, and you can’t fight a monster without any weapons or armor to defend yourself, especially if you’re still struggling with a fight you’re already in. When I mean that… I mean… getting over a loss, but forced to go into a career that she was on and died on a stage to preform….
“I… I don’t wanna talk about it…”
When i answered it already looked like he had his answer, little did I know he had the ability to ready minds…..
“Tough to talk about?”
“You seem interested…”
“Not in the slightest.”
“You seem to.”
He only chuckles a bit, soon he’s just look up at the night sky, due to all the light on in the city, you can’t see a single star… it’s kinda sad.
“You don’t give up easily do you?”
I’d blink, looking at him and then the sky. Although the stars aren’t visible, the moon stood out more.
“I’m stubborn like that.”
“I guess I’m just trying too hard or I’m an idiot.”
I don’t know why but it felt weird talking to him, it felt like he didn’t do this often. I know he’s talked to many different hero’s and saved many civilians but somehow I felt like he didn’t go out much as his secret identity…. Or just keeps to himself too much. I wasn’t sure at all. He looked like he was about to say something else but then suddenly we heard a nearby explosion, aliens? No if anything that wasn’t the smoke the aliens normally had, a building was on fire. Without thinking I sprung into action.
“Sparks! What are you doing?”
“I have to help those people, that’s what hero’s do!”
I continued sprinting towards where the fire was coming from, he sighed and gone after me. As I got there I noticed it was an apartment complex, people were screaming in fear, asking for help. I couldn’t stand by, I stepped back a bit and leaped onto the burning building, I tried the door as expected the door knob was hot, but however I didn’t care if I got 2nd degree burns, it’s my duty as a hero- I mean a sidekick, to help others in need. My ability won’t help much but however I’m willing to take a chance with my actions rather than depend on my ability for help. One by one I’d help civilians exit the building thanks to Binary Star’s help.
“There, ok is everyone al-.”
“My child… I have go back in there please she’s only a 8 I can’t let her die in there…”
The woman pleaded as Binary Star stopped then by holding them back, however I looked back over at the burning building before us.
“The building is going to collapse we’ve done all we can.”
“What about the kid?”
He looked at be and then looked at the building.
“I could go inside but it might take awhile for me to find them. But I don’t think- Sparks?”
I walk past him towards the mother.
“What floor do you live on, I’ll save them myself.”
“Sparks, are you serious?”
“6th floor first door, please save my little boy, I don’t want to lose them..”
I took her hands and smiled, reassuring her. Binary Star looked a bit surprised. I’d then let go and take a deep breath in and breathe out.
“You don’t need to do this you know.”
“Someone has to look out for the people. And if I can’t save a small child…. Then what’s worth saving a whole city for?”
I could’ve sworn in that moment in the corner of my eye, he had a small smile on his face. I then rushed right in, avoiding the small fires and the big ones, one of the stairways was blocked off due to the building falling apart, but I managed to get through it, but not without a few burns here and there, burning a bit of my hero uniform. I made it to the small apartment, I looked all around and then I heard coughing, there in the small kitchen I saw the little boy, they were passed out, I’d hoist them on my back, and go for the door but suddenly
The ceiling fell and the door was blocked. I looked around, there wasn’t anywhere else except the window, I quickly and carefully broke the glass with getting the little guy hurt. I used one hand to hold onto the ledge and the other carrying the little boy, he coughed and opened his eyes a bit.
“Hey, mind hold on for a bit?”
All he did was nod, I’d jump outside the window, holding onto the ledge as tightly as I can, I saw Binary Star looking up at us, but I’d have to take a chance, I saw a fire escape nearby, but it’s on the very other side. I’d leap and hold onto things while trying to be careful. Soon making it to the fire escape, but the building starts to rumble, there I knew it was about to collapse, I’d look over at Binary Star and soon he’d quickly run over as I trusted him to catch the kid. The building fell…..
Ray couldn’t believe she risked her life for a small child…. Was he wrong about all the hero he’s met so far? But it didn’t matter, Sparks was gone.. and he knew it came with the job, something about the kid(Audrey) seemed to be… interesting…
Cough cough
“Oh my dear boy! Thank god! My beautiful boy!”
He looked over at the mother and son, feeling something, envy, jealousy? Was it sorrow, or rage? He couldn’t quite describe it… if anything he knew it wouldn’t be wise to take out such emotions on two innocent individuals. He’d get an earful from ‘him’…. (If you played there game you know who!) However he was a bit disappointed he didn’t get to know Sparks more, they seemed like an interesting person…. Though already knowing about them through data, he would’ve wanted to know personally… maybe as Ray, see how they acted around them. Would they have kept up they’re nice act? Or was it genuine? He’ll never know now…. All he can do is call in a sidekick has died.
He’d hear the grunts and then heard some of rubble being moved, along with coughing. He’d turn around, soon seeing the Sidekick… Sparks. Emerge out of the rubble, few rips on their uniform. They survivors of the fire and bystanders cheered as they saw them come out alive, Binary Star(Ray) was relieved? But no matter, he was actually impressed.
“Excuse me! Mr. Binary Star!”
The new reporter would come in mike in had and camera man in the back.
“Mr. Star these people have been rescued thanks you you’re brave act! What would you like to say?”
Binary Star looked over at Sparks, and so did the news reporters.
“It’s thanks to the Sparks that I was able to get them out safely and quickly as possible.”
With that he nodded towards her, and she nodded back.
Oh boy…. They knew that voice from anywhere…. Their mentor…. Orla…
“I told you to stand by? And this is what you do? Ugh!”
“These people were in trouble and I needed to-.”
“Needed to what? Binary Star could’ve handled it on his own!”
“Now, now… wouldn’t want anyone to get riled up here…”
“If you were gonna let me help you for once then I might as well actually help people…. Instead of facing a villain on my own for once…”
With that she was pissed. She grabbed Audrey’s arm and Audrey struggled to get out of her grasp.
“Do you know what I’m capable of? I AM CAPABLE OF MAKING YOU’RE LIFE A LIVING HELL!”
“Let go!”
With that Audrey kicked them and they let go of her and stumbled back.
“I’ve had it with you…. And all you’re little nagging… You’re fired! And I’ll be sure the NAHA never suggests a sidekick like you ever-“
“I’ll take her off you’re hands then.”
The two women looked shocked, along with everyone else. Binary Star stood infront of Sparks and held his arm out from any further action from Orla the Hero of logic. (Or at least once was lol)
“But she’s useless, if anything she’ll slow you down.”
“That was proven to be false, not long ago she risked her life to save many despite her ability being useless.”
Audrey looked at Binary Star, suprised and confused…
“If anything actions speak louder than what is said from simple words, I should know.”
With that he turned to Sparks.
“Sparks, would you like to be my sidekick? To become a future hero one day?”
Sparks didn’t know what to say. Orla only done a simple ‘hmph!’ And left, while the people were encouraging her to go for it….
A look of surprise on Binary Stars face at her rejection, even the people around them….
“No, I won’t.”
She repeated firmly. She then takes a few steps back her limp obvious to the naked eye. Audrey looked down and sighed.
“I don’t… want to use you for getting somewhere on my own….. you were expecting me to say yes right?…. Of course anyone would say ‘yes’ to an opportunity like this…. But…. You once asked me… why become a hero.”
Binary Star tilted his head a bit curiously.
“I think I’ve figured it out now….”
With that she walks over to the little boy and the mother, seeing the little boy had a burn part of his skin exposed. She took of her cape and placed it around the wound, luckily her cape was small. They then get up and smile.
“I want to help others, because… I need to…. Because if I quit now… somebody else will put on the mask and suit that shouldn’t… I want to help people smile, feel safe and assured… that I’ll be there for them without worry.”
She’d then turn to him.
“I’m sorry but… I wanna get there on my own. Even if I have to go through crappy mentors like Orla.”
With that she walked past him, only making him more curious. He looked toward her direction. Though she was limping a bit, she still showed she’s standing by her words. It would take convincing to have her agree to something like accepting the top hero of country’s offer.
Then next few months the NAHA would keep tabs upon the girl with Red hair, otherwise known as Audrey, despite her mentors firing her on the spot she never truly gave up, but soon she was running out of superhero’s looking for sidekicks to become her mentor and the key to her becoming a hero. Luckily their aunt has only postponed the concert due to her injuries from the fire, but however Audrey is running out of time and options. They ruffled they’re hair in frustration. Soon to bump into someone, knocking down his groceries on the street.
“Oh shit- I’m so sorry. Here let me help.”
“No, no its completely fine.”
With that Ray looked up to see it was the sidekick Sparks. Or at least was…. So far they’re unemployed due to the NAHA’s standards. Which concerns him a bit. Soon as they got his groceries back in his bag, Audrey sighs.
“So sorry again, I wasn’t looking where I was going and I deeply apologize.”
“Hehe. It’s perfectly fine, you’re just lucky it is the bag with wrapped and canned foods.”
Audrey laughs a bit awkwardly.
“Yeah I guess I am.”
“Say you doing ok? You seem like you’re stressed over something.”
“What makes you say that?”
Ray smiles a bit.
“The fact you weren’t watching where you’re going and the fact you look like you haven’t slept in days.”
“You can tell all that?”
“It was obvious.”
Audrey looked away embarrassed and humiliated, where they really that desperate to become a hero to the point their stress was obvious?
“Say how about we stop somewhere nearby to sit down. Maybe even talk about it?”
“I wouldn’t want to trouble you.”
“No really, I insist.”
With that they found themselves on a bench. It felt so awkward, Audrey didn’t have to them… everything… only parts. Right?….
“So what’s got you so stressed?”
“Just job searching, you know how that is…”
“How long have you been job searching?”
Audrey went silent and gripped on their notepad that contained crossed out ideas and names…
“Ever thought of quitting?-”
“Fuck no- er- I mean, sorry…”
Audrey and Ray we’re both caught off guard there by the sudden words she spoke. However it caused Ray to chuckle a bit.
“What? What’s so funny?”
“Nothing just.. that was so random.”
“Ha ha, very funny…”
Ray knew they were upset over struggling to be a hero, after that day when they rejected his offer to be his sidekick, it was a shock to him, it’s not like people haven’t rejected his offer before… it’s more like when they explained why. They truly wanted to help people, and they knew they were telling the truth because he was reading her mind. Usually it would be for PR stunts or something but, in this case this girl actually wanted to genuinely help people. That’s a rare find, especially in the hero industry. Most of the good heroes work behind the scenes, meanwhile she literally ran through fire, just to save a little boy’s life, despite her ability and fire didn’t mix. Ray knew she had potential, it was a 50/50 chance that she’d end up like the last couple of sidekicks he’d trained. Now he’s willing to give this one a chance. She just needs a little push….
“It’s just that…. I’ve tried multiple times to get to the where I want to be my own way….. even rejecting a huge opportunity from someone who’s well known and liked… but I did feel like it was the right way to go…. I’m not sure if I’m going the right way… or…. The very… wrong way…..”
She gripped onto the little notepad. She felt like she was on the edge of crying but knew it would be pointless to cry now…. They made their choice…. And they need to deal with it…..
“Maybe you proving yourself isn’t entirely a bad thing, did you just so happen to prove it in front of the person who offended you the position?”
“Kinda?…. I’m not sure…. It’s complicated…”
“It’s better than nothing.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Experience, trust me.. it’s better to take an easy path sometimes, but hard work and dedication does take time.”
“You say that as if you’re a wise old man.”
“Really how old are you missy?”
“Huh… I’m older by ten years…”
“That makes you old don’t you think?”
“Oh hush!”
Audrey laughs a bit, Ray smiles.
“It doesn’t hurt to accept an offer and still be honest with yourself. Take the chance while you can.”
Audrey looks down at their notepad.
“I have to get going now. See you around if we’re able to meet in this big city.”
“Wait, you didn’t really tell me you’re name.”
Ray turned his head a bit to look back at them.
“It’s Ray.”
“I’m Audrey.”
“Well Audrey I’ll see you if I’m ever able to in this big city.”
With that he walks away, leaving Audrey to think on her own on what to do next.
While Ray is doing his duties as Binary Star he noticed a certain red head on the rooftops. He knew it was Sparks, he landed down on the rooftop. Not too long ago after the conversation he had as Ray with her, exactly 2 days. She wanted to talk to him about his offer, Ray knew this would be the chance he’d look for, to try and train an actual decent Hero.
“Been awhile.”
“Mr. binary-.”
“No need for formally.”
She nods, but she did have something on her mind, he knew exactly what it was….
“Why…. Did you ask me to become you’re sidekick?…”
He smiled, he already had an answer.
“Well, you’ve proven to be a promising hero, you don’t see them everywhere here in the city, yes I may have trained others but all of them, didn’t quite have what you have…”
“And…. what’s that?”
“A certain spark that can spark another.”
Audrey tilted their head in confusion.
“Huh? Is that some kind of joke?”
“Kind of but, if I weren’t serious upon you asking to meet me, I wouldn’t be talking seriously here.”
With that Ray looks out upon the city, so does Audrey.. it’s noisy and full of people many innocent many guilty of something.
“I saw the way you gave that glint of hope in the mothers eyes, even her son had that same glint when you helped him. Not a lot of heros can do that now a days.”
“But why?”
He sighed and looked at her.
“I’m taking a chance. A leap if you will. I’ve been losing hope in heros for awhile now…. And I think you’re just what the city needs.”
With that she looked down unsure…
She looked up at him. The distance between them feeling all the more real. Like a line set between the two, one side of destruction, another side is a bright future…
“I won’t promise you’ll be the best in history, but I can help you get to a place where you see is worth you’re fit. So I ask you again.”
He leans out his hand despite the distance.
“Will you take the chance, to become my sidekick, and become a hero for both yourself and this city?”
With that Audrey had made her decision…….
She took his hand, and smiled.
“I will.”
Audrey had learnt many things upon becoming a hero from Binary Star, and also had a big surprise when it was revealed that Ray was indeed Binary Star, Audrey remembered him and immediately felt stupid for not noticing. However as the days gone into weeks, weeks gone onto months, soon years. 2 years in, Audrey was announced as a Hero among society. She was proven to be talented enough to even go up in the ranks. Something her mother wasn’t able to do due to some cases in her life. Ray had grown proud of Audrey, though she was but only one that turned out a decent hero in the end out of all his sidekicks, her face among modern Media sure blew up in her face. She even written songs after a long time of feeling demotivated. She was unsure weather to actually sing it herself though. Soon enough though she realized that her mask could also be a cover for her true identity, as soon as she put on the mask to sing, her voice although still a bit shy due to not singing since her main inspiration was gone, had found herself having fun with music again. As soon as she started practicing again, soon became more comfortable with herself and put out her first song, only expecting only a few likes here or there, even telling Ray it’s only a small song they wrote in they’re spare time, soon blasted out as a popular song. Audrey felt so many emotions in the moment not knowing what to feel. Ray messed up her hair a bit, she then looked at him.
“What I say? You got more potential than you think.”
With that Audrey felt tears prick and soon fall down her face. Ray soon reading her mind, she was so happy yet didn’t know why she was crying. Ray comforted her regardless, it was as if he was comforting a kid who was told they we’re proud of them. “Thank you… I.. I wouldn’t have have made it this far if it wasn’t for you.”
Ray was a bit taken aback by the sudden thanks, but sighed and smiled a genuine smile for once. Audrey noticed this. “I should be thanking you for at least giving me a bit of hope for the future of heros.”
With that Audrey felt the tears pour out more not knowing why, she was thankful to even been given a chance to become a hero and get this far… she felt so lucky to have met Ray to begin with. She wanted to keep that smile on his face. So she vowed to help out whenever she could for him. She won’t let him down. Not ever…
Present time Audrey still thinks back to that moment she accepted. Only to realize she took advice from Binary Star himself on that bench. However they don’t regret it. They’re now a well know hero of the people. They’ve made it farther that their mother ever did, and they ended up taking their music career as Sparks instead of Audrey and leaving their Aunt behind. In all honesty though…. Ray seems more and more distant from humanity, but somehow was brought back. Audrey knew why, but promised Ray to never snitch, for if they did they’d be both drop dead on their career and as themself. They grew to see Ray as a older brother they never had. As much as Ray gave them a chance among hero society, they’ll try to give him a chance to finally breathe through all this madness… the NAHA is not what they expected… but in all honesty who wasn’t surprised…. They caused a lot of problems for Ray…. They even knew they were planning something but however seemed more and more…. Happier…. Around….
Mistin Malice….
They seem.. special to him, if they’re special to him, then they’re special to her as well. It’s been awhile since they’ve seen Ray be so happy other that being outside of work.
She decided to go visit the café….. and
There they were.
Mistin Malice.
And…. Oh no….
“Why don’t I take you out of here? You look starving.~”
This isn’t good… not good at all… how did blaze find out? That son of a…..
“Ahem! Excuse me.”
“Huh? Oh…. It’s you…”
“Can I help you ma’am?”
Audrey looked at Blaze then to Mistin.
“Is he bothering you?”
“As a matter a fact he is….”
“Oh c’mon don’t be like that ba-.”
“Don’t call me that….”
“Feisty…. I like it!”
Both Mistin and Audrey gave Luke a look of disgust. Audrey looked at Mistin, they looked ticked off…
“Sooo no coffee then?”
“I don’t blame you for going for all that but…”
Oh god here he goes again….
“I feel like I could give you better.~”
“Look I don’t know you’re name…”
“…Real name…..”
Oh god surely he’s not stupid as to-
“It’s Luke, nice to meet you.”
Nevermind he is stupid…. He just gave away his whole identity like that…. Yet again it’s blaze….
“So as I was saying, I’m parked out front. It’s the convertible.”
“You mean the one parked over the two disabled parking spots?”
He pointed finger guns at Audrey and then directed them to Mistin. Audrey rolled her eyes. Audrey was 22 but Blaze was one to act like entitled toddler. If only he was kept on a stronger leash.
“How about we get out of here, just us…”
Oh no…. He’s suggesting that? What the fuck could Blaze possibly want from Mistin? If anything they’re just a bystander, a civilian? Is it cause Ray likes them? As he continues on Audrey sees Mistin gripping the counter tapping their fingers…. Audrey was wondering if Mistin is running out of patience or waiting for something….
Suddenly she sees Mistin flashed their sweetest smile. Oh no…. No….
“Do you mind waiting for a minute?”
“I suppose I could donate a minute of my time to a citizen in need.”
They do something behind the register and then walk to the back, ‘oh god…. What will Ray think about this?…. What would he feel about this?’…… Audrey thought and looked at Blaze…. He smirked as if he won.
“What’s the matter? Spa-.”
“Don’t even think about saying a fucking word..”
He shrugs and leans against the wall. Then after some time Mistin comes out.
“Are we going now?”
Audrey sighs about to leave.
“We? Yeah, I don’t think so.”
With that Audrey stopped turning back around to see Mistin smiling, crossing their arms.
“Do you get off on harassing minimum wage employees or something? Because frankly, it’s fucking tiring and old.”
With that Audrey started to laugh a bit at Blaze’s facial expression. Almost everyone in the Café gazing over to see what’s going on.
“I don’t know what you’re angle is, but you can kindly…. Fuck… off!….”
With that Mistin shows him the middle finger and smiled, the café even enjoying the show that just happened. Causing some to laugh, along with Audrey.
“Nobody gets paid enough to deal with the type of bullshit you’re stupid sunglasses punk wannabe ass. Seriously what type of bullshit is this?”
He looked visibly irritated, even looking and Audrey. She just shrugged and smiled, putting her hands on her hips.
“Fine….. you just lost the chance every civilian wants…”
Mistin rolled their eyes.
“I was going to light your life on fire.”
“Buh bye! Luke.”
With that Luke started walking out.
“Have fun with you’re ‘golden boy’. A hero from the stars? Yeah, right…”
With that he paused at the door with a mischievous smirk.
“Ask Ray how he got his abilities~.”
With that Audrey gave him a death glare… he finally leaves… Mistin let’s put a sigh of relief.
“The fuck was that about?”
Audrey jumped and looked at the person who’s name tag had the name Haley on it.
“Honestly, no idea… he said he was some kind of hero and accused the new regulars Ray of being a hero.”
“Really, Which one?”
“Star one?”
“Binary Star…”
“Yeah that’s him.”
“Hm…. Weird… that guy seemed like a total dick, maybe he was hopped up on some new designer drugs or something.”
“Nah. I believe that’s the guys default personality.”
“He was laying it on them thick… honestly felt bad I wasn’t much help in the situation.”
“No you’re fine, if anything nobody should deal with that, it’s just the hero’s being absorbed in they’re own world thinking the world revolves around them. It’s honestly concerning at this point.”
“You’re telling me.”
“Good thing Miles wasn’t around, he would have flipped out.”
A guy with the name tag ‘Cooper’ came out joining the conversation.
“Probably would’ve scared ‘Blaze’ away with his enthusiasm.”
Audrey may not have known who Miles was but thought about Blaze running away like that. They tried not to laugh at the image.
“Damn…. Miles could have saved the day.”
“Could you imagine! Miles cornering Blaze to show him hundreds of pictures of his collectibles. That hero would be so creeped out.”
“Who knows, he seemed self obsessed enough to enjoy it.”
With that Mistin laughed a bit.
“Maybe he has his own collection too.”
“I could totally see that!”
“You guys should implement a ‘no weirdos’ policy.”
Haley leans up against the counter next to Cooper. The three laugh. It’s a refreshing sound for some reason, like bells in the summer.
“Yeah, but then Miles wouldn’t be able to work.”
“HEY! I heard that!”
The three co-workers chuckled at the far off sound of the assumed person known as Miles, Audrey could just tell that Mistin was having a good time. Ray definitely made a good choice.
“You are allowed to turn away customers, you know.”
“I tried, the guy didn’t wanna back away so I gave him a piece of my mind after clocking out.”
“Good call clocking out, otherwise definitely would’ve been in deep shit.”
Haley gives Mistin a reassuring pat on the shoulder.
“Just call me next time, I’ll kick his ass outta here.”
“That’s gonna be interesting to watch, a hero’s ego out the door.”
Cooper then gasped in a fake shock.
“To a Hero? Isn’t that like, a crime or something?”
Haley smiles deviously, as Mistin tries to hold in their laughter.
“Maybe I’ll key his car for good measure, they say two crimes are better than one.”
“Wow Hals, loving the determination. If only that was reflected in your management style.”
The three laugh a bit, meanwhile Audrey saw the enjoyment they were having. If only that was in the NAHA to, just people having a good laugh instead of bragging about being a big shot.
“Anyways, I should probably head out.”
“Hey uh, before you go…”
What could Haley want before Mistin goes home? Audrey listens in along with Cooper.
“Um, that guy… you said him name was Ray…?”
“Yeah, I ran into him the other day and he helped me carry my groceries home.”
“Well um…”
What could Haley want to tell Mistin about Ray.
“Look, I kinda of get a bad feeling about the guy….”
‘Oh god… what if they caught on?…. That he’s binary star… he has been coming here a lot lately…’ Audrey worried for Ray’s sake, and for Mistin, they didn’t want Mistin to turn away from Ray all because he is the top hero of the country…. Haley rubs they’re neck looking away.
“Ah, I.. it’s….uh, I guess a feeling- like kinda a bad one… something doesn’t feel genuine with him.”
“Hal relax, if he had bad intentions I think he would’ve done something by now, I mean yeah sometimes he feels a little…. Off… but I’m sure he’s not planning any bad intentions.”
With that Audrey let out a breath they didn’t know they were holding.
“Maybe just keep an eye out for anything that’s… off.”
“I haven’t seen anything weird yet-“
“What’s weird?”
Oh shit…. Audrey went to a corner of the Café to be out of view, they knew Ray didn’t like other hero’s interacting into his personal life. Mistin turned to see him.
“Nothing weird. We just had some…. Coffee lids go missing recently.”
“Hm… that right?”
Ray states directly at Haley who levels a glare right back at him. He shoots Mistin a quick smile.
“Sorry don’t think I’ve met you’re friend yet.”
“This is Haley.”
“Oh, coworker?”
Haley cuts in quickly.
“Sorry for interrupting the conversation. I’m just looking to the usual before heading to work.”
“It’s almost 5pm.”
“Yeah, you’re just starting work for the day?”
“Yeah thats strange, what DO you do for work?”
“Law enforcement.”
Ray responded without missing a beat….. A tense silence falls between everyone…. Mistin looks uncomfortable along with Cooper. Audrey even though trying not to be noticeable felt uncomfortable.
“Haley, what do YOU do for work?”
“What do you mean? I’m obviously at work right now.”
“This is your only job?”
“Last time I checked, yeah.”
“Hmm sorry. You just look so familiar…. I just can’t put my finger on it.”
Haley looks genuinely annoyed. It’s hard to tell for Audrey, but they are probably biting their cheek… probably to keep themselves from saying anything too unprofessional.
“You must be thinking of someone else.”
Haley strains out. Ray smiles, there was no friendliness to it though… ‘Ray what are you doing?…’ with that he suddenly looked around. ‘Shit!’ Audrey forgot he could read minds, moving her head away hoping he won’t notice her. He focused back to the conversation before him with Haley.
“Hm… maybe you’re right.”
Haley smiled back with an equal amount of spite.
“You know, we had a celebrity visit. You just missed it. He was a hero too. This place is quite popular lately~”
Audrey took an opportunity to dip out. They were walking a bit faster as to not grow anymore attention out of Ray, especially getting a possible scolding out of him, yes she was his sidekick, but now they’re a hero. They become a hero after 3 years thanks to they’re own hard work… and going into a café where you’re boss’s crush was is definitely not professional…. But she was so curious she couldn’t help herself… she sighs as she sits on a bench nearby.
“I thought I was clear that my personal life and hero life were to remain separate…”
“GAH! Ray!”
Audrey somehow Audrey didn’t notice the glaring Ray coming towards them. They thought they did a good job leaving but guessed it’s to be expected out of the hero Binary Star…
“Ehehe…. So you did notice me?”
“You really think I wouldn’t? You weren’t very good at hiding yourself.”
Audrey felt a bit hurt at that but knew it was true, as Sparks they’re a good hero, but as Audrey they’re a regular person. Audrey was quiet and just looked away ashamed. Ray sighed.
“Look I’m sorry, I was curious… and… this isn’t helping….”
“No shit.”
“I wanted to know about them… maybe be a possible friend. You seem fond of them.”
“No, don’t even think about it.”
“Why do you think I kept them a secret?”
With that Audrey, thought of the reasons, and felt more dumb than ever…
“Right… the NAHA….”
With that Audrey was completely defeated.
“I’m sorry… I was acting reckless… I just wanted to know. If you’re concerned if I tried anything, I didn’t but I did see-“
“Oh I see you already know?”
“Yeah… I may actually have an idea how I’ll deal with that guy…”
Audrey looked at him, and then looked down only to notice the coffee in his hand. He got to talk to them after all. Ray then looked at the time on his phone and then began walking away.
“Don’t try prying into my personal life, I don’t wanna have to deal with you again.”
“Of course… I’m sorry for doing so…”
With that Audrey began walking the other way. Later on they get called in. Soon to hear upon what binary did to blaze, being a witness, seeing Blaze fall down and collided with the ground. They were questioned upon the situation but only claimed to see Blaze fine and well… how’d she find out about Mistin was actually when he suddenly asked for advice on starting a normal conversation with someone you like. You’d think a hero who’s had relationships before would have plenty of experience, Audrey just told him to be patient and understand and more importantly just be himself even if the conversation goes dry or awkward. Even putting in to make a joke or two. It was odd but that was the first hint, the second being he’d come to work with coffee. Audrey knew he never drank coffee before and guessed he’d not like it at all, but suddenly now he’s showing up drinking plane black coffee? He did sense the suspicion in her mind, but just brought it up as he’s only trying it out for a bit due to sleeping in a lot. Which they knew was an obvious lie but decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Soon finding a picture, Ray found her looking at it, but Audrey managed to promise his secret was safe with her. If Mistin put a genuine smile on his face, why wouldn’t they keep them secret? Soon Audrey would try giving him a bit of pep talks or just push him to go see Mistin more because he obviously likes them. Although, it does worry her that he’s grown a bit…. Obsessed… but tries to help make the better of them. Soon Audrey would ask how the interactions gone, at first he didn’t budge. However ultimately decided since she’s the only one who really knew of Mistin’s existence, and was alright with keeping it all a secret, he lights up a bit, sharing how some moments went, though awkward at first it ultimately ended up cute in Audrey’s mind, even up to the groceries bit. Soon Audrey would grow interested in getting to know Mistin to, and you know how that turned out. Safe to say Ray didn’t speak to Audrey much afterwards.
Audrey would be doing her usual routine as a hero, making sure everyone and everything is safe and secure, until she hears a familiar voice.
“So, I assume the day is boring per usual.”
“Ra- uh! Binary Star. You really do need to stop sneaking up on me like that.”
She gives an awkward yet tired smile. He only sighs, right now even as Sparks, Audrey’s genuine concern over Ray remains. Despite the situation that had currently happened with Blaze. It was silent between the two, except for the city noise. It was clear there was something the two wanted to say but didn’t know how to say or phrase what they wanted to speak. Ray was the first to speak.
“You… aren’t scared of me even after what happened with Blaze? Or other things.”
Audrey wondered where this was suddenly coming from.
“Why would I be?”
“I don’t know it’s just…”
The words got stuck in his throat again and he sighs. Audrey understanding, sits on the ledge patting the spot beside her, Ray sits down next to her. Audrey was patient with him in what he wanted to say next.
“I’m not mad because you wanted to be friends with them… I’m just… a bit annoyed that you didn’t consider the potential risk… you could’ve put them through…”
“I know… I’ve thought about it and…. Honestly not a very smart move.”
“I’m still wondering how Blaze found out about them.”
“Same here, if anything I keep my promises in keeping secrets. If anything I bet he snooped and thought it’d be a ‘good idea’ to go for them. Despite the fact they literally weren’t interested.”
“Yeah! At first I thought they were actually gonna go with him, when they clocked out, but ultimately that wasn’t the case! They straight up put that fire for brains in his place.”
Audrey laughed a bit remembering the moment. Ray seemed to smile a bit.
“That so?”
“Yeah! And then he was like-…”
A pause fell over her… Ray clearly sensed her distress and read her mind, he knew what Blaze said. Audrey was actually worried. Even Ray seemed concerned.
“I really didn’t like it when he said that… especially about you… to get to someone you consider important in you’re life…”
“Well it’s Blaze we’re talking about… but I guess we can only hope for the best.”
The silence drops upon them again. However it seemed more… alright now. As they cleared up the situation. Audrey assumed Ray understood how they admired them as Ray and not Binary Star, the way he’s actually able to make the best of things for now despite all the bad things that had happened to him, they knew the NAHA was more pushy and forceful with him due to him being a powerful asset to them, in all honesty she still wanted to get to know him better, despite feeling scared sometimes, fear is normal for a human being, and she’s sure he’s probably scared of something. Probably being the top hero and not being able to take all the pressure, or feeling like it’s all hopeless for himself. Audrey was scared at one point to, but ultimately knew if they weren’t scared to begin with, then what would that make her then? She was fearful of not being able to remember what makes her, herself as a person. It wasn’t just the music, it was the spark that drives her to be herself as Audrey and Sparks, and hopefully… Ray could find a more stable balance between his life as Ray, and as Binary star.
Soon Ray and Audrey get distress calls about an alien attack, but when they both heard the location it was as if the world stopped moving….
It was at the Café that Mistin worked at…..
“Be sure to get him to safety, everyone here shouldn’t be around this area, it’s way to dangerous!”
Luckily Audrey and Ray managed to show up before Mistin or their brother were the Alien’s crushed toys. Audrey took care of Mistin’s brother Creed as he had taken too much of the smoke in due to hyperventilating. He must have had a panic attack. Honestly it’s worrying that many people now a days are used to the usual Alien attacks, except if it doesn’t happen to them, then its labeled as ‘fine’ when in reality it’s caused more harm than good.. soon she gets a call, it’s from Ray. He had some explaining to do! Especially after ditching her to ‘save’ Mistin. Even through clearly he took them home, hopefully they won’t hear what happened next after he saved them…. Audrey picks up the phone.
“You know it’s really not very responsible to leave a lady like me do all the work you know?”
She says in a half joking manner.
“Audrey… I could use you’re help…”
His voice sounded serious… with that she switched up her joking demeanor to a serious one. Taking what he says seriously.
“Is there something wrong? What’s going on? I thought you were gonna get ‘them’ home safe?”
“Turns out things went… out of hand…”
With that she immediately prepares to go where he is.
“Ok I’m gonna go to where you are, just hold on alright?”
Ray gives a simple ‘hm’ as a response… he’s never really asked for help like this before from her… he wasn’t really a sort of reach out for help type. She talked to another hero to take care of the situation at the café and went to where Ray was, luckily enough they managed to get away from the cameras and people, managing to avoid anyone who could potentially recognize her. She then arrived at where Ray was….
“Ray… phew man… I’m here. What’s going-…”
The place was covered with several human bodies sliced in half… blood spilled everywhere even on the person he was holding in his arm’s bridal style. She should be surprised but yet…. How did all of this happen? Just a couple of hours a ago… he was simply taking Mistin home safely… and now they see Mistin coved in blood along with Ray…. Ray walked over to Audrey as she was trying to figure out what happened.
“Mistin…. They…. They aren’t safe… they’re um… I guess ex partner or something is back… and I don’t think he’s gonna stop going after them till he’s six feet under…”
Audrey still trying to process the situation then looks at Mistin. Did he really just kill many small villains, just to protect them? With this Audrey then realized they only had a shard of how important Mistin was to him, but this takes it to whole different level…
“Audrey… I really need help… I also need you to promise me not to ever mention this to anybody alright?… I just…. I can’t lose them… not again…”
Was he…. Shaking?
Audrey shakes her head and gives him a smile smile. She one of the hands that helps hold Mistin in his arm a light reassuring touch.
“No worries, besides. If anything I’ll take this to the grave.”
With that she called a clean up crew and gave the excuse that binary star just so happened to had been cornered by the small villains, and suddenly he did all this cause he wanted it to be done swiftly and quickly as possible, but it didn’t all go to plan.
After that she helped him get Mistin to bed properly, and when Mistin woke they seemed like in a state where they may look like they’re in the room, but they’re subconsciously not. She made sure Mistin got to bed safely even finding their anti depressants on their kitchen counter. Seems like they’ve been forgetting to take them. They take one out getting water and putting both the medication and water on their bedside table. She then sighs and looks at Ray.
“So…. That all… happened…”
“It’s bothering you isn’t it?”
“It’s never happened before…”
“The way I…. Panicked… it all happened so fast… before I knew it… I had them all on the floor… all for them…. I… I don’t know what came over me….”
Audrey looks a Ray and then at Mistin.
“They’re way more special than I thought… aren’t they?”
With that Ray looked at Mistin peacefully resting.
“Yeah… more than I ever knew…”
Audrey only smiles, a smile of worry for Ray yet now understands how… important Mistin truly was to him. Without them…. His balance would be off. She then sighs and gets up and begins to leave.
“Leaving so soon?”
“If anything. I wouldn’t wanna be the third wheel when they wake up.”
Audrey pauses at the door, and then looks over at Ray.
“Just remember that it’s not only them that care about you alright?… take care Ray.”
With that She leaves into the night. She wanted to to know more upon Ray, but it seems like right now… he still needs to figure out things.. therefore for now, they’ll only focus on what’s happening right now… and if he ever needs help from her.. she’ll help him out. But also… she also needs to figure out what she needs fro herself… even if she doesn’t realize it.. she does still have a long ways to go before truly saying they’re her own person. For now… she’ll wait.
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FINALLY DONE!!! Audjjwjdiejdnfiwjdjw!’
Goooood this took awhile especially since life caught up with me a bit and losing a bit of motivation here and there but yeah….
Is Audrey romantically attracted to Ray?
No! They’re 10 years younger than him and she is a lesbian.
What’s they’re relationship?
I was aiming for complicated siblings so yea!
Will there be more of her character in the future?
Ye! Why would I add her as a pointless character?
Why did you make her?
Maaaaaaybeee cause I wanted to have someone in Ray’s life at least give him an once of hope and give him the support he needs family wise. Not in blood but in they’re bond, as you can see in the story, I tried to give Ray seeing a chance in Audrey to become a good hero, one people can look to as a person. Little did he know he’d actually ended up caring for the young Audrey as a sibling. Although he doesn’t see it (yet) he will eventually let himself open up, like the couple of times he already has in the story.
How old is Audrey canonically in the main timeline?
She’s 23! I had planned for her to be trained when young so it probably wouldn’t get in the way of blaze? I’m not too sure…
Will she have a potential love interest?
Yes! But they ain’t ready yet!
✨Thank you for reading this, also comments are open for criticism. I’ll take note of the criticism and keep it in mind for the future ok? Byyyyyyyeeeee!✨
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weatherman667 · 7 months
RWBY Major Arcana
Can't reblog because I'm blocked, (I really wish Tumblr would just fucking tell you that you are blocked, rather than just saying Whoopsie-Daisy).
So, stealing @howlingday 's hard work.
The World: Arkos
Two versions: Darkness for one, light for the other. The light being to the top is Upright.
I have consistently written Pyrrha as being trapped being life and death.
Judgement: Ruby
One of the main principles of RWBY is that Ruby is the ultimate arbiter of right and wrong.
Decision making, redemption, renewal.
Poor logic, hasty judgement, self-doubt.
The Devil: Weiss
Seduced by the material world, *pulls out her dad's credit card*
Living in fear, domination, bondage. S4-5 for her was basically her in gilded cage of luxury.
Breaking from addictions, freedom from restraint, disowning her father.
The Tower: Ironwood
Danger, crisis, destruction, and liberation. He has a tower motif, but he forgets he lives in a world where a motley crew of teenage heroes can do more than an army. His greatest failures should have been his greatest successes, at least on paper.
Obstacles, volatile situations. He's given himself the job of getting rid of volatile situations, and as such given himself the job of marching straight into them.
The Hanged Man: Salem
Her entire fall to villainy was her finding more and more things to sacrifice to bring Ozma back.
This culminated in her attempted deicide, that resulted in the greatest change ever in Remnant's history.
The Magician: Ilia
Untapped potential.
Determined, Dextrous, Resourceful. Nearly wins against a couple of Huntsmen candidates that literally helped to save the world once already.
Communication blocks to the point she's probably autistic. Confusion and deceit were her modus operandi.
Her power was from her faith in the White Fang, without it she has nothing but doubt and lethargy. The ultimate in unrealized potential.
The Chariot: Yang
Moving forward, positive, drive. She forces herself to be if necessary.
Journey, ambition, confidence.
Lack of direction. Self-doubt.
Death: Blake
Major Changes
Transformation, change, letting go, release.
The Fool: Nora
Beginnings, Innocence, Leap of faith, Originality, Spontaneity
Chaos, Folly, Lack of direction, Naivety, Poor judgement, Stupidity
The Moon: Ren
Ren is Mulan, which is the ultimate in Yin. Which is feminine / covert.
He is constantly walking the precipice between darkness and terror. Literally with his Semblance.
The Sun: Oz
Enlightenment, joy, marriage, happiness in the moment, without being clouded by the past or future.
False impressions, lack of clarity.
The Star: Cinder
Upright is V1-3.
Reversed is V4+
The Emperor: Jacques
Of the father figures in the story, he is the most father figure.
The shadow of his darkness still haunts his children, even years after stepping out into the light.
The Empress: Willow
Just like Jacques is the most father figure of the father figures, Willow is the most mother figure. She is also the rightful heir to the emperor's glory.
The High Priestess: Qrow
It is both funny, and apropros.
He is the only one giving insight to the main characters.
But he is also holding back whatever he can in a misguided attempt to protect them.
Lack of personal harmony.
The Lovers: Sun and Neptune
Not in the literal sense.
Crossroads, commitment.
Both mistakenly fall in love, and suffer from it. And cause suffering in others from it.
Partnership Bromance
Disharmony, misalignment of values, imbalance.
The Hierophant: Raven
Education, Learning, Marriage, Religion, Seeking counsel or advice, Spiritual guidance, Tradition. Pretends to be these things, or to simply hide behind them.
Abuse of position, poor counsel, rejection of family values.
Justice: Winter
She is the sword of righteousness.
And often Lawful Stupid.
Temperance: Neo
Upright has her a prim and proper lady.
Reverse has her possessed by CC.
The Hermit: Arthur Watts
He is a socialite that pretends to not mind being banished.
He does everything he can to lash out for his exile.
Strength: Peter Port
He teeters between glorious and vainglorious.
His power is unmistakable, as he strangled a Beowulf when he was a toddler.
He is confidence and power, but if you talk to him, you realize he's not just bluster, and not just physical strength, but a powerful stoic. His strength goes all of the way down to his core.
That said, he is a hair's breadth away from losing control, and giving into his baser instincts. This is not contrary to his having strength down to his core, but if he was not so stoic, he would be completely unstable.
Wheel of Fortune: Roman
He spins the wheel, and has extraordinary good luck, and bad at the same time.
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impossiblesuitcase · 4 months
sort of adding on to the other anon, I think that Cinder and Kai would definitely avoid having their children be in the public eye as much as they have to, but they will give the occasional sneak peaks of the babies and toddlers to show how they’re just the cutest things on the face of the planet in their little dresses and buns. But with that being said, I guess when they’re eventually more grown, like teenagers, they’ll appear more often whether it’s on their own social media, and it’ll be this whole “oh my stars they’re so gorgeous” moment. As the anon said, probably for the eldest less as she’s the crown princess, but more so the younger two
Cinder and Kai would want to protect their children as much as possible so I think they would limit how many public appearances their children have. As the kids get older the choice falls to them, although I think if they had their own social media it would probably be an official account just reporting on the charity work they do. Royals don't really have the luxury of being like modern-day influencers.
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gibbarts · 2 years
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recently celebrated our D&D campaign’s one year anniversary! anyway we call ourselves the starcatcher society
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genshinemblem564 · 4 months
Chapter 8: The Flames
TW: Depictions of burnt corpses
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You, Aether, and the others rushed to the assembly grounds.
Anna: Listen up troops! The eastern reaches of Askr are under attack! They're targeting Gnótthæð
Sharena: Is it Embla?
Anna: We don't know. The soldier who carried the report is unconscious... with terrible burns all over his body. In his suffering, he repeats one phrase again and again: "the flames..."
Alfonse: The flames...
Anna: We must find out what's going on. It's well past time we left. Make your preparations quickly and move out.
Noelle: I want to help as well, I know I'm not a knight of Askr, but I can't sit by while innocent people suffer.
(Y/N): Hey, I won't say no to extra help, but if things start to look bad, you get out of there. You may be capable, but you're also our guest. If anything happens to you, then that would reflect on us. Also, Breidablik's special capabilities only work on heroes who have formed a contract with its weilder, and there are no teleport waypoints or Statues of the Seven here. If you fall out there, that's it, the end of your road. That also goes for anyone else who wishes to volunteer.
Albedo: If you're that worried, why not form a contract with us?
(Y/N): I'm afraid it's not that simple. When a hero is summoned and a contract is formed, time stops in that hero's world so that they may aid us without repercussions. That cannot be the case if a contract is formed with someone from the same world as ours. For any of you to form a contract with us would mean to be suddenly pulled away from your duties.
Albedo: We already go through that for their grace.
(Y/N): But are you willing to go through that for us.
Everyone silently ponders.
(Y/N): You don't need to decide now. Everyone who is coming, make your preparations.
On the way to Gnótthæð, Kaeya approaches you.
Kaeya: So what can you tell me about our destination
(Y/N): Gnótthæð is a farming village. If our enemy is Embla, then it is likely they're preparing for another war by targeting our food supplies.
Kaeya: I see. You didn't mention the possibility of brigands.
(Y/N): You heard commander Anna. No brigand pyre could cause such mental scarring. I've got a bad feeling about all of this.
Your March soon comes to a halt as you arrive at what once was Gnótthæð village.
Alfonse: What... has happened? This place was famous for its bountiful farmlands, but you'd never know it now.
Sharena: We... we used to come here with Mother when we were children... This is a cruel rebuke to my memories. Beyond cruel...
Anna: Alfonse! Sharena! Be on your guard! The enemy is here!
As Anna stated, your enemy made themselves known. Three Emblian soldiers came forward and were swiftly defeated.
Anna: They're marching under the Emblian banner, that's certain.
Sharena: So it is Embla that's behind this. I'll never forgive them.
Albedo: These flames, shouldn't they be dying down?
Sucrose: I believe so, yes.
Alfonse: The prophecy... can it be?
(Y/N): What prophecy?
Alfonse: A very old prophecy that tells of the end of the world. "Cloaked in flame, he crosses the sea, unquenchable, insatiable, undying flame. Trees fall, mountains burn, steam billows. The seas are swallowed. The stars become cinders, and the moon falls from the sky. The world, devoured by flame, smolders out."
Paimon: Smolders out... AS IN DESTROYED!?
(Y/N): We need to learn more. Let's split into groups. Group A will focus on combating the enemy troops, Group B will focus on finding any survivors they can.
Bennett: Hey, Razor, you've got a good nose. Can you sniff out any survivors?
Razor: Flames burning too high. All Razor smell is ash.
Group A: Anna, Sharena, Alfonse, Kaeya, Beidou, Razor
Group B: (Y/N), Aether, Kazuha, Bennett, Noelle, Albedo, Sucrose, Mona
(Y/N): It was still a good idea Bennett, and it would have worked in any other scenario.
Bennett: Enough about that, we've got people to save.
Bennett rushes to the first area to begin searching with the others. You notice Kazuha is trying extra hard to focus.
(Y/N): What's up?
Kazuha: It's no use. The wind is of no aid to me here. If it were to whip up here, it would only serve to fan these flames, putting us and any survivors in greater peril.
(Y/N): It's okay. If I were relying on your attunement alone, I wouldn't have suggested we split into groups.
Kazuha nods and continues searching. Time passes, and not one survivor found. Only the charred remains of unrecognizable bodies looking more akin to a burnt log than a human.
Paimon: Oh. Paimon's seen plenty of tragic tales unfold while accompanying the Traveler, but did no one survive this?
Aether: I've seen many things, but this honestly makes my stomach turn.
Anna: Everyone, we're almost at the area the report came from. Get ready.
Everyone readies themselves, both physically and mentally. When you reach your destination, you are met with a shocking sight.
Anna: You! Tell me your name and affiliation. Wait a minute. Who do you think you are?
Sharena: Two commander Annas?
(Y/N): Or a shape-shifter more likely.
???: My, you are quick, aren't you?
The being changes form before your eyes.
Loki: I am Loki, loyal servant to His Royal Highness, King Surtr. Pleased to make your acquaintance. I'm even more pleased to bid you farewell. Though I must apologize, I suppose. You'll be dying here. Oh, but just look at how many of you there are. I'll need a bit more muscle to even the odds.
With that, Loki waved her staff and summoned what appeared to be 20 soldiers. The soldiers all rush at your group.
(Y/N): Kazuha! Sucrose! Scatter them!
Both Kazuha and Sucrose use their Eskils. Sucrose summons a whirling vortex that knocks the enemies flat, while Kazuha pulls the rest in before launching them and himself into the air, which he takes advantage of by performing a powerful plunge attack. The others swoop in to deal with their foes while their stunned, finishing five of them, while the rest recovered. The battle seemed to only amp up from there as these remaining soldiers were agile. As an on field tactician, it's your job to call out any threats to your allies while not neglecting your own safety. As you're fending away one soldier, you spot another charging for...
The young trainee didn't even seem to react. It was only after you saw her Breastplate shield come up that you breathed a sigh of relief before being assaulted by another soldier. Whoever this enemy is, they have certainly heard about you. Maybe it was because you were distracted or maybe their just stronger, but this soldier wasn't dealt with as easily as the last. Aether saw you struggling and slashed the soldier across the back, allowing you to push them away and finish them with a shot from Breidablik. Kaeya was in the zone, 3 enemies charge him and he swings his sword so that it moves through every gap in their defenses (rather impressive for someone wearing an eyepatch). Bennett tried his best to help, but he was scared his vision, and bad luck, would only make the fire worse, and when you rely on something as much as a vision, you tend to be lacking in skill, unless you're an avid study of your preferred weapon that is. Two soldiers had him cornered, and as one was about to strike, Beidou swooped in and countered with her Tidecaller, and because it was a counter, it powered up enough to finish them off.
Beidou: I gotcha kid. Don't worry.
Bennett: Thanks.
Sharena, Alfonse, and Anna were in perfect sync and decimated 4 soldiers sequentially. Albedo was watching as two soldiers were charging at him, so focused on him, they didn't bother to watch their step. Albedo activates his Burst, causing Fatal blossoms and Geo crystals to burst from beneath his would be assailants. Mona was more annoyed than anything, having only dealt with one.
Mona: These soldiers are using the burning buildings as cover. HOW IS MY HYDRO NOT PUTTING OUT THAT INFERNAL BLAZE?!
Razor dealt with the final few by unleashing his own burst, swinging his claymore at speeds that shouldn't be possible for a human, a normal one at least, but there's nothing normal about this lot.
(Y/N): That seems to be all of them. Now, where's Loki?
Aether: It seems she may have slipped away in the chaos.
(Y/N): (sigh) Well, I suppose that's all we can do here. Come on, let's... Huh?
Breidablik was reacting to something nearby, emitting a light in a particular direction.
Paimon: Uh, is that normal?
(Y/N): No, this is new.
You decide to follow the trail that the divine weapon was providing you, and at its end, you found a girl, unconscious and in need of medical attention, but alive. You're glad to find SOMEONE alive in this place, you don't want to imagine everyone's reactions if you hadn't, especially the youths amongst you. You bringer to the others and explain what happened, and you all agreed to bring her back to base.
Sorry this took some time to complete, I'm new to writing in general, so writing a fight scene, especially one with so many characters, was challenging. Also, I don't have some of these characters, so I hope I got their skills and bursts right.
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newtwithtdp · 10 months
tw: trying into viren's motives for being toxic with soren aside from "he's a cruel hypocrite who doesn't care"
Was thinking about how Viren clearly used to love Soren a lot and, judging by his fever dream, it's still is somewhere inside him. How novellizations show that he is disappointed by and disconnected from his son being this different from him. How this disconnection and disappointment, that felt almost like betrayal after just how far had Viren gone for his son, turned into bitterness that shaded and corrupted his love for Soren. (How baby Soren from Viren's dream probably was from the time right before it all started to happen - right before he started to become his own person, far from what his father wanted to see in him).
Was also thinking of how Viren claimed he never would hurt his children. How he did hesitate before moving Soren from priorities of Claudia's mission (and did it likely because he did believe the fate of humankind depended on it) and how, considering all of the above, he probably claimed his son's life didn't matter because he felt like he (and in his mind the humankind) had lost the last straw to keep on. And was also thinking about this:
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(It wears off. And based on viren's troops behaviour in battle it doesn't make people mindless monsters as some in the fandom seem to think)
And it led me to the world's wildest headcanon: what if, in viren's mind, twisted and besotted by how, after everything seemed lost for him, everything suddenly started to get great in his hands, calling Soren to be the first for the hearts of cinder spell might have been seemed as a way to reconnect with him. To get him into magic. After all, this is a kind of things Soren loves, right? About muscles and brawles and "coolness". It'll make him strong and fireproof, will give him a nice skin pattern and it's temporary and won't hurt. And if so many things that seemed lost forever now come right to Viren's hands thanks to the star elf's magic, than why won't his connection with his son?
Too bad, soren, for some reason, didn't see it that way.
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Redhead Revival 2!:
Blake yells out in surprise,” What do you mean long story?!? Adam you’re supposed to be dead in a river!”
Yang backs that up with a retort,” Yeah! We didn’t kill you just to be alive again!”
“Again, I iterate it is a long story. Just trust me, or the very least Summer and Pyrrha,” Adam had replied.
Yang replied,” We will trust you and Thief there once we want to, I will trust my mom and my friend though.”
Ruby, Weiss, and Blake also stand in agreement with this statement by saying,” Yeah!”
With team RWBY ready to listen to Summer and Pyrrha’s story, Jaune is crying. Now of sadness though, but of joy and relief! Jaune is just hugging Pyrrha tightly saying to himself," Please don't be dream."
As he is saying this Pyrrha is uncomfortable, and say to him," Who are you?"
RWBYJ is in shock over the fact Pyrrha had forgotten her first love. Jaune lets go of her and replies,” What do you mean who am I? I was your leader, friend, crush…”
Pyrrha tells him,” I’m sorry? I don’t know you sir.”
Jaune in shock; looks over to Ren waiting for a response.
“She only really remembers the last person she saw. Same with Adam, Roman, and Summer. Adam remembers Yang and Blake. Roman remembers Neo and Ruby. Summer remembers Salem. We have been trying to make them remember there memories, but it’s been hard without key information,” Ren explained with a bit of sadness. After Ren had said that, silence would sink in the room.
“So… she only remembers Cinder the most,” Jaune said, breaking the silence in the room.
Ren furthering in explaining what happened,” Essentially yes but… since she did not know much about Cinder it ended with her having not much of a memory.”
Ruby curious asked,” So does my own mom not know anything about me?”
Oscar speaks up after being silent for a while,” Essentially yes, but if you can recover their memories by talking and interacting with them. Pyrrha remembers slight bits of Nora and Ren for example.”
Roman speaks up for this first time,” So Red, where’s my partner in crime?”
Ruby finches a bit, but composes herself to tell him. “Roman… she’s still there. She is reforming… she chased me down because she thought you died because of me. And now she is going to reform.”
“So she’s just stuck there? That seems like her.” Roman understood what Red had told him.
Ruby speaks to him,” She’ll come back once she is ready.”
Roman nods acknowledging this,” Well Red, at least she is safe.”
Ruby responded,” Yeah.” Ruby then continued towards her mother. “Do you know me or Yang, mom?”
Sunmer answer with confusion,” I have children?”
Yang and Ruby gasp at this. Yang starts to breakdown, not just because of the revelation that Summer forgot her, but at the fact one of the major influences of her life forgot her. Ruby on the other hand is distraught. Her mom, the person she idolized forgot her. Ruby broke for a second time. She fell to her knees and was crying, so was Yang.
Jaune having the courage to ask the big question, asked,” How hard is it to recover their memories?”
Ren told them with a simple answer,” It is hard, but not impossible.”
Welp that was Part 2! Sorry, it took too long! I was busy with programs and my computer had broke. (Plus I have been playing a bit too much Star Rail.) So I hope you enjoyed this chapter of the story, and know Part 3, I hope, will take less time too complete than this part!
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Disabled Characters Showdown
1.) Characters are listed below the cut because there’s a ridiculous amount of them.
2.) This is going to be a 128 person showdown. Because of this there are going to be a few adjustments from how we normally do our polls. First- not all characters will have character descriptions, because we have neither the time or inclination to do so. There still will be character images along with image descriptions, but that’s about it. Second- because of how many polls this is, the first round will be released in waves of 16 polls per day over the span of 4 days. The other rounds will not be impacted. Third- the first wave of polls will be dropping on the 28th.
3.) If you want to submit propaganda about any of these characters feel free to because otherwise you will get things like this: “Haven’t the faintest clue who this is, so you get no context.” You can also submit character images because most of them will be horrible due to us just pulling most of them from the fandom page.
4.) If you have any issues about any characters feel free to shoot us an ask. That being said, this poll isn’t really about who is the best representation. See more details here. If you are wondering why a character is on the list feel free to ask and we’ll tell you but we’re not gonna put on reasoning for all of the characters.
5.) We tried our best with some of the names, but also are not familiar with some of the characters on this list so if there’s any issues there please let us know.
Clint Barton
Maya Lopez
Matt Murdock
Professor X
Nick Fury
Bucky Barnes
Madame Web
James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes
Daniel Sousa
Jeri Hogarth
Jessica Jones
Phil Coulson
Barbara Gordon
Joseph ‘Joey’ Wilson/ Jericho
Destiny of the Endless
Freddy Freeman
Roy Harper- Young Justice
Jin Bu-yeon- Alchemy of Souls
Edward Elric- Fullmetal Alchemist
Might Guy- Naruto
Hatori Sohma- Fruits Basket
Vash the Stampede- Trigun
Yang Xiao Long- RWBY
Neopolitian- RWBY
Nunnally vi Britannia- Code Geass
Jean-Pierre Polnareff- JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Ali Abdul- Squid Game
Naruto Uzumaki- Naruto
Sasuke Uchiha- Naturo
Yuuri Katsuki- Yuri!!! On Ice
Star Wars/Trek/Aliens:
Geordi La Forge- Star Trek: The Next Generation
Luke Skywalker- Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker- Star Wars
Kanan Jarrus- Star Wars
Shiro- Voltron: Legendary Defender
Keyla Detmer- Star Trek: Discovery
Alex Manes- Roswell, New Mexico
Commander Wolffe- Star Wars
Chirrut Îmwe- Star Wars
River Tam- Firefly
Saw Gerrera- Star Wars
Wrecker- Star Wars
Visas Marr- Star Wars Legends
Darth Traya/Kreia- Star Wars Legends
Fennec Shand- Star Wars
Tahl- Star Wars Legends
Darth Maul- Star Wars
Echo- Star Wars
Breha Organa- Star Wars
Non-Animated TV Shows:
Connie- The Walking Dead
Eileen Leahy- Supernatural
Joel Miller- The Last of Us
Christopher Diaz- 9-1-1
Aaron- The Walking Dead
Ben Scott- Yellowjackets
Fei- The Umbrella Academy
Ian Gallagher- Shameless
Sara Eriksson- Young Royals
Mateo Chavez- 9-1-1 Lone Star
Lucius Spriggs- Our Flag Means Death
John Silver- Black Sails
Prince Wilhelm- Young Royals
Theo Dimas- Only Murders in the Building
Adam Parrish- The Raven Cycle
Hearthstone- Magnus Chase
Dezi- The Sunbearer Trials
Katniss Everdeen- The Hunger Games
Ambrosius Goldenloin- Nimona
Lord Blackheart- Nimona
Genya Safin- Grishaverse
Peeta Mellark- The Hunger Games
Kaz Brekker- Grishaverse
Oscar Silva- Renegades
Erik- The Tea Dragon Society
Linh Cinder- The Lunar Chronicles
Wu Zetian- Iron Widow
Wylan Van Eck- Grishaverse
Nova Huang- Mooncakes
Percy Newton- The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue
Jack Wolcott- Wayward Children
Ty Blackthorn- City of Heavenly Fire
Scarlet Benoit- The Lunar Chronicles
Carswell Thorne- The Lunar Chronicles
Adrik Zhabin- Grishaverse
Maedhros- The Silmarillion
Beren- The Silmarillion
Frodo Baggins- Lord of the Rings
Ettiene- The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Kate Rose- Cosmoknights
Alex Claremont-Diaz- Red, White & Royal Blue
Jack Zimmerman- Check Please!
Charlie Spring- Heartstopper
Reagan Abbot- A Quiet Place
Jia Andrews- Godzilla vs. Kong
Carl- Up
Hiccup- How To Train Your Dragon
Toothless- How To Train Your Dragon
Gobber- How To Train Your Dragon
Hermann Gottlieb- Pacific Rim
Massimo Marcovaldo- Luca
Imperator Furiosa- Mad Max: Fury Road
Drago Bludvist- How To Train Your Dragon
Animated TV Shows:
Amaya- The Dragon Prince
Toph Beifong- Avatar: The Last Airbender
Teo- Avatar: The Last Airbender
Eda Clawthorne- The Owl House
Entrapta- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Finn Mertens- Adventure Time
Jewelstar- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Tallstar- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Villads- The Dragon Prince
Marcy Wu- Amphibia
Mr. Poolcheck- Gravity Falls
Principal Bump- The Owl House
Captain ‘Grime’ Grimothy- Amphibia
Ida, Bev, and Florabel- Kipo: Age of the Wonderbeasts
Ming-Hua- Avatar: Legend of Korra
Sol Regem- The Dragon Prince
Combustion Man- Avatar: The Last Airbender
Other Stuff:
Janice Palmer- Welcome to Nightvale
Nessarose Thropp- Wicked
Kotallo- Horizon Forbidden West
Norma- Dead End Paranormal Park
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hosannan · 6 months
Luminary Trail: Just outside of the party is a path lit by luminaries. It's a perfect place to get some fresh air or escape from the hustle and bustle for a moment. Make sure to watch where you are walking. Those paper bags look pretty flammable!
She doesn't know how to interact with Nanna.
Every time Miranda visited the wing of the castle where the party from Leonster was staying, she would be entranced by those golden curls. Her own hair was a chestnut brown color only several hues off from Leif's ruddy brown. Her eyes, too, weren't the brown standard of the Munster District, but green as the forests dotting the horizon.
Tip to toe, they were completely different.
Even still, she had been sad when Nanna left. Then resentful that she had been the only one left behind.
And now...?
They had been young children when they first met and parted. The second time they met and parted, they had been teenagers. Now in the present, they're both on the precipice of adulthood.
She doesn't know how to interact with Nanna, but when they've been seated across from each other, there is no way to avoid one another. Not even when Miranda steps outside for a moment can she escape Nanna's presence.
The luminaries dotting the ground outside the hall glow with the same warm gold as Nanna's hair. The soft lighting suits her well, framed by the warm golden glow. The harsh light of the party, blocked only by Miranda's back, seems only to intrude.
"...Have you been well?" She asks the other girl.
They aren't friends, but they might have been at one point.
Nanna always knew how to interact with Miranda. Even if the act, in and of itself, was sparing.
She had a fire to her soul that could cinder every man down to his knees, and a wit quick enough to size a person up with a single look. She was brilliant, though fleeting. Nanna could never catch her in one place, in one conversation for too long. And just like that, after Lord Leif was called to arms with Lord Seliph, that time together with her flame was cut short. But Nanna still remembered how Miranda's shoulders were cut, bold and powerful despite her lonely frame, fighting for all that it was worth.
Tip to toe, they were rather alike.
Nanna wondered what it would have been like if they were given more time. (If she and Lord Leif had managed to successfully hide away, shrouded into nothingness, to be raised in secret with Miranda.) She wondered if one more smile or one more shy stitch into a handkerchief could have changed the paths their stars took. All night, Nanna smiled warmly across the table, knowing that she would be met with nothing. Because she didn't do enough to make the stars align the right way.
But even lonely stars tossed and turned on their way down. And sometimes, they would meet right down the middle again, in the corridors of some strange castle, in some strange place. In a country that wasn't their own. At least the lights were pretty.
"...I have." Nanna answered, more than pleased that she had managed to catch Miranda in her descent. "Miranda... I..."
"I've missed you."
She wished they were friends. The way they were before their lives were claimed by the gods before them.
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"I hope you're staying a little longer. I want to grab a gift for you, and--" Well, the news that Miranda was here was entirely new. It wouldn't do to say that she didn't have a letter prepared. "A letter for you, too."
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