#captain pike fics
tsuntsunfangirl · 1 year
Gold in the cracks (Captain Pike x Reader)
i swear to god this is because of that video of anson doing pottery
i am so sorry guys.
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You didn't expect to be holding a such a cup made of clay for your birthday.
You knew it was accidentally broken once, considering that beautiful streak of gold lining the middle of the surface. You can easily trace it with your fingers when you turn it around your hands.
And it was quite a big cup in your hands, considering that the man who made it had quite a large handprint.
You turned to look up at the giver, standing tall in front of you in an apron splattered in mud. It wasn't the grey apron he often used when preparing the weekly feasts he would set for his officers. It was much smaller, much dirtier, and you can barely make the tiny teddy bear shapes embedded into the red fabric.
Nonetheless, it was a stark difference against his yellow Starfleet uniform, making you wonder where on earth he can make such a mess on the ship without anyone knowing.
Does the man have a studio hidden somewhere on the Enterprise?
But with the way he beamed at the way you adoringly turned the gift around your fingers, you couldn't dare ask him about his sacred process.
"I know it ain't much," Christopher whispered, steel blue eyes gently flitting over the way you tenderly held the gift he made you. "It may have cracks, but I still think it's pretty neat. And this is my favorite one of all the ones I made."
You dared to look up at the smile that shined brighter than the sun you were supposed to be orbiting. "Why is it so?"
There was a smug little grin forming on the side of his mouth. "Because even if it's small, even if it's imperfect-- it's already perfect to me."
You swore that those eyes sparkled.
"Like you."
@turniptitaness @elen-aranel @the-haven-of-fiction @ilsawasanacrobat @i-wanna-be-in-england @
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owlsomee · 2 months
Can somebody please link me a multi chapter fic of my babies? I’m desperate. I miss them too much
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pedrito-friskito · 11 days
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-> kay’s in her ttpd era.
ta-da!!! welcome the tortured writer’s department (kay’s version) - an assortment of fics based on my favourite ttpd songs (yeah I know), along with some bonus tracks and features. I’ve been challenging myself to write shorter fics based on pure vibes from songs, and the current fixaction is the tortured poets department, so here we are. (and most of these are shower thoughts, I’ll be completely honest) there are other ~tentative~ tracks that may or may not appear, the below is mostly confirmed, but still could change! *all characters are subject to change lol*
fortnight - marcus pike
who’s afraid of little old me? - joel miller
so long, london - captain john price (mw3)
fresh out the slammer - dieter bravo (calculated risks)
guilty as sin? - javier peña
loml - matt murdock
the alchemy - pre!outbreak joel miller
how did it end? - bucky barnes
the prophecy - din djarin
champagne problems - frankie morales/santiago garcia
this love - tasm!peter parker
getaway car - sierra six (the gray man)
cruel summer - matt murdock (the kitten and the devil)
coffee by chappell roan - dieter bravo
dinner with friends by kacey musgraves - frankie morales
seven devils by florence + the machine - pero tovar (the warrior and the witch)
-> if you have any other track/character combos you think should be on the setlist, or you’re curious about what I’ve got going, my inbox is open 🤍
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littlestoneinspace · 1 month
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Christopher Pike/Spock hurt/comfort moment
Illustration for fic on AO3
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45780 · 10 months
Hey I've got a fic idea for anyone who wants to write it. A 5+1 is the general idea that I have in my mind.
Okay so one day on the bridge they are doing their usual stuff of u know almost dying because of alien things and Pike is giving out orders for everyone and without thinking he says something like "Michael, you and Sam go and find out what this weird goo is" out of pure habit and Spock being the grieving little emotional Vulcan he is looks devastated.
Pike then realises what he said and looks horrified and corrects himself multiple times with Spock's name.
They both leave the bridge and Erica is like.
"Yo, I think Captain Pike just deadnamed Spock" And everyone believes it.
Qué the crew of Entiprise being incredibly supportive of their Trans Vulcan friend and spock being confused.
Bonus points if you push it out all the way into when Kirk is captain and the crew telling him. At some point Kirk beats up an old Enteprise crew member who "deadnamed" Spock and Spock just spends years being confused.
At one point spock says "technically I'm not a man" in reference to his Vulcan biology but uhura goes feral.
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nichestartrekkie0-0 · 2 months
Give Me That (Fic) PG/fluff :))
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Hey! I can't remember who wanted Mentor/Mentee fanfic but here u go!
2k words, PG rating! Summary = Hemmer's family invites Uhura to dinner. Chaos ensues.
Se'waya= mentee/daughter (non.familial)
Se'hammun= extended family (unrelated)
(Set after Episode 4)
Give Me That. 
After a long day, it took almost everything Hemmer had not to collapse on his bed. He still had some paperwork to complete. 
The room itself was nice. It was modern, sleek, and completely void of any trace of home save for the small keepsakes he had managed to cram in his away bag. 
His apartment at home was the opposite. Despite being in the Aenar capitol, it was filled with manuals and models of starships. It also had a decently stocked pantry of food and a small altar. 
He wasn’t religious. Not really. It was more habit than devotion, but at least it kept him in line. 
Being among people who were almost inherently violent was both incredibly tiring and almost isolating. Aenar were communal, and it was infuriating to him how he had to hide or redirect his motives among the crew. 
He couldn’t leave the coffee pot on purposefully, he had to say it was an accident. Even though he liked watching everyone have hot coffee, he couldn’t own up to that fact. 
He couldn’t directly say that he ordered extra food for his ensigns, he had to say he screwed up and input the wrong number. Apparently, admitting to charitable acts was both bragging and kowtowing at the same time. 
He couldn’t say ‘I care’. He couldn’t say ‘let me help’. He couldn’t say so many things.  
So, he would simply show his intent with his actions instead. 
Despite his pile of work, after a shower and a quick prayer, he fell into bed. He knew if he tried to do anything other than sleep it’d just end in disaster on his part. The last time he did work in such a state, he had to redo his calculations twice. 
He expected to dream the same dream of nothing he’d been having for the past few days.
Alas, it’s cruel how expectations work. 
A shrill ringing woke him from his daze. As he stumbled over to his communicator, he realized the sound was coming from his computer. 
It was a call. 
He yelled at voice command to turn it off and tell him who was calling. At the mention of the name, he groaned. 
It was Gevven. His platonic life partner. 
Aenar can make bonds– as the Vulcans do— but there are usually a few people they share them with. Friends can be included and are expected to be a part of the bond. 
Hemmer had known Gevven since they were fifteen. An unfortunate fact, as Gevven still harbored the idea that they could drink like they could in their youth. 
Another unfortunate fact was that Gevven never, ever called. If his friend was calling him, something was on fire. 
Hemmer scrambled for the ‘answer’ button and waited until Gevven’s voice rang through the room. 
“Ah! Afghan’im!”
Hello, my friend!
“This had better be good.” Hemmer spat in English. 
Gevven paused. 
“It is...the next base you’re stopping at has a delegation of Andorians there-”
“Let me finish!” Gevven sighed sharply, “The Speaker is going to be there.” 
Hemmer could almost hear Gevven’s eyes roll through the line. 
“No, the Andorian Emperor.” He spat, “Yes, your mother! Who else is the Speaker?!” 
Hemmer fell silent. His mother was…conventional. He had inherited her temper and her stubbornness, and it was a miracle that he’d been cordial on the Enterprise so far. 
Simply, the only reason he was friendly was because he had friends. The crew aboard the Enterprise was quickly becoming his Se-Hammun. Extended family. 
Gevven scoffed, “You told me that you have a se’waya. She’s going to want to meet her.”
Hemmer stood completely still. “My mother and Uhura would not get along-”
“-You don’t have much choice in the matter. She already invited us to dinner.”
A beat passed. Then two. 
“Us?” Hemmer asked, glaring at the monitor. 
“Yes, us! Do you have snow in your ears or something?”
Hemmer paused. Gevven hated space. He hated the dark and the possibility of his blood boiling if there was a simple crack in the hull. There was absolutely no way he’d ever leave the Northern Wastes let alone be halfway across known space. 
“Where do you think? I’ve been slowing her down the last week! You owe me. We’ve really got to get her a better escort too. The Andorians have lost her twice now.” 
Groaning, Hemmer put his head in his hands. A dinner he could handle. A normal, nice, simple family dinner would be no problem. However, throw his mother, a socially anxious human cadet, his best friend, and himself into a restaurant and things were bound to get sticky. 
He knew he could be blunt. He could be arrogant and distant. His mother was the same; he had gotten those traits from her. His father-
Hemmer stepped forward. “My father isn’t going to be there, is he?”
He could hear Gevven smiling through the line. “Thank God, he is.”
Both men breathed a sigh of relief. 
While Speaker Hemmer was something of a tempest, her husband was more akin to some small and fluffy prey animal. He was kind to the point of being almost saccharine. Even better, he was a good speaker and a good conversationalist. 
Hemmer loved his friend, but Gevven took the kindergarten rule of ‘being honest’ to a new level. The man had no filter and desperately needed one. 
Gevven paused, then asked, “Your se’waya…she’s anxious right?”
“Somewhat." Hemmer winced, "She just doesn’t like people.”
“Oh. Great. We’ll sit her next to your father then.” 
“Alright. Where is it?”
“Some fancy restaurant, I have no idea. I’ll send you the details tonight.”
Hemmer choked a little. 
“It’s tonight?!”
“Yes. It should be four am for you right now, right?”
Hemmer glanced at the clock and cursed. 
His friend was right. It was indeed past four. The Enterprise was on schedule to dock in two hours, and he’d have to pull Uhura aside to prepare her. 
The Aenar didn’t dine with people often, or usually at all. Taking a meal with an Aenar was a very personal affair-
He asked the dreaded question. “It’s not an Aenar traditional dinner, is it?”
Gevven laughed, “Oh, naturally it is. Have you not taught her dinner etiquette yet?”
Another silence filled the room. 
“Great. I take that as a ‘no’. This is going to be-”
“-A disaster.” Hemmer finished. “I can’t do this to her. Do you think I can excuse her from-”
“Absolutely not. Both your parents will pitch a fit if you try to lie your way out of this one.” 
Hemmer shook his head. “I’ll see what she says. If she agrees, I’ll take her. If not, she won’t be attending.” 
Gevven chuckled; a deep and smooth sound. 
“You sap.” 
The line cut off. 
Hemmer glanced at the clock again, desperately hoping for the numbers to magically change. Of course, they didn’t, but he was still slightly disappointed as he reached for a clean uniform. 
“What’s the big deal with this again?” Uhura asked, reaching for her coffee, “I get it’s a fancy dinner, but why are you so stressed out?”
Hemmer handed it to her. “It’s not just a fancy dinner, it’s an Aenar fancy dinner. Which is objectively worse.”
Pike, still engrossed in his coffee and PADD, leaned over. “I also have no idea what’s going on. What’s so bad about an Aenar dinner?” 
Una winced. She and Nurse Chapel had been the unlucky witnesses of Hemmer rambling about Aenar etiquette when he was sick with the flu. 
Hemmer shifted. “It’s…”
“-Difficult manners.” Una finished. “The Aenar eat and drink things in certain groups and orders. There’s also correct conversation topics, ways of holding utensils, and taboos that you have to be aware of.”
“Thank you, Una.” Hemmer sighed, “I...”
“Do you want me to go?” Uhura asked, stirring her coffee. 
The question hit him like a truck. 
He had tried so hard to keep his work and family separate. He had told his parents and Aenar friends about his crew with the intention that they’d never meet. 
Then he had made friends– close friends– on the Enterprise. People he valued, trusted, cared for. 
Something shifted in his chest. 
“I want you there, but if you don’t-”
“Then I’ll go.” She smiled, “Of course I will. How hard can it be? Manners are like linguistics; once you figure out the pattern you’re peachy.”  
Hemmer smiled slightly, then turned to Pike and Una. 
“You’re invited too. My mother sent you the details this morning-”
“-I saw.” Una smirked, “We’re having dinner with the Speaker. I feel special.”
Pike leaned in, “Is it impolite to say that I feel nervous? I don’t like being the sole representative of Starfleet at a complex political dinner.”
“My friend Gevven will be there too.” Hemmer scoffed, taking a bite of food, “I think we’ll be alright. If anyone makes a serious mistake he promised me this morning that he’d spill wine on himself to make a scene.” 
Una snorted. “Naturally. This is the same Gevven who lit himself on fire trying to propose to his partner?”
Hemmer chuckled a bit, pouring himself more coffee. 
“The very same. Hopefully, his destructive tendencies will work in our favor tonight.” 
Nothing was on fire. 
Despite the three-hour lecture he had cobbled together, his friends were crashing and burning spectacularly. Gevven included. 
Hass– Hemmer’s father– smiled painfully. “So you vented the bay into space with my son and his se’waya still inside?”
Pike nodded sheepishly. “Yes. We did, although-”
Clunkily coming to the rescue, Gevven wrapped an arm around Hemmer. “He’s not dead, now is he? They did what they had to do! Ohra’ash!” 
Have mercy. 
Hemmer’s eyes glanced upwards. His friend was right in asking for mercy. Maybe it was time to set aside his ego- at least for a few seconds. 
Please, God, have mercy. 
“I still can’t believe you came into contact with the Gorn!” Speaker Hemmer snapped, “The Gorn have never ventured that far before!”
Hass took a sip of his drink and tried to redirect the conversation to where people were from and what their families looked like- which made Una and Uhura obviously uncomfortable. The two women fell almost mute in seconds. 
Then, finally, disaster. 
Some waiter accidentally bumped the table, causing Uhura to spill her drink all over herself. She spluttered a bit and reached for the napkins, breaking yet another ridiculous rule. 
Spilling one’s drink was considered not only bad luck but a bad omen. Especially based on the drink. Spilling something alcoholic was like a death sign. 
Una and Pike froze, seemingly unsure of what to do. 
Hemmer and Gevven looked at each other, thinking the same thing at the same time. 
“Ladies first.” Gevven chuckled, promptly pouring his drink onto Hemmer, who chuckled in response. 
“Idiots last.” He replied, tossing his drink onto his friend. 
The Speaker was stunned into silence. Maybe she was proud at the possibility that her son had found good friends- but she was more likely horrified at the lack of propriety. 
Hemmer scoffed, gesturing to Una and Pike. 
Eh, damn the rules. 
 “You know, I liked this suit.” Pike sighed, dumping his drink onto Una’s head. She gasped at the shock of cold, and then immediately retaliated. 
“Hey,” she smirked, “that’s why they made tide pods.” 
The party left soon after, still sopping wet and laughing a little. The Aenar returned to their hotel while Hemmer and Pike led the crew back to the space dock. 
After a comfortable silence, his se’waya could seemingly take it no longer. 
“Why did you do that?” Uhura asked, looking up at him. 
He couldn’t say he cared. He couldn’t say ‘I wanted to help’. So, he would show that he cared.
Smiling, he glanced down at her and held out his hand.
“Your watch looks like it stopped working. Here.”
At her surprised expression, he rolled his eyes and smiled wider. 
 “Give me that.” 
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fic-rec-time · 1 month
Another Life
by LullabyKnell
Star Trek AOS/Complete/Chapters: 12  Words: 61,871
In one moment, James T. Kirk is the acting captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise, on his way home to Earth after stopping the Narada. In the next moment, without explanation, James T. Kirk is an Academy cadet on academic probation again, barely a day before Nero will destroy Vulcan. 
He dares himself to do better. And with a planet on the line and no proof but his own memories, he knows that "better" means he'll need some help.
I am . . . beyond words. This is an amazing piece of writing. The desperate determination to save Vulcan and everybody else, Jim and Spock and Pike leaning on each other, Spock and Jim coming together as a team, the bridge crew coming together as a team, its all so good. The emotion in this sweeps you away. The mechanics of the time travel itself I won’t get into detail on, because spoilers, but it feels so true to the source material.
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firsttimewriter92 · 1 year
Brain rot Masterlist
Hello my sweets,
I am but a human, which means that Sirius Black is not the only fictional character that gets my imagination going like a blast-ended skrewt on crack! I love writing, so I had an idea.
Beneath, you will find a list of characters that I am confident writing about. Please choose one and send me an idea for a one-shot. Don´t worry about "Everything Black" ;) It´s going to continue. But I am itching to write for different franchises.
Please note that I will not write anything I am uncomfortable with or am not confident in writing (this includes characters that are younger than me((unless it´s platonic)), the actor behind the character or a character I don´t know much about, I hope you understand). Please also let me know if you want it to be smutty or not. If not specified it will be fluff or whatever the person is asking for ;)
I´m looking forward to your ideas and some new brain rot material :D
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I will write for:
Harry Potter
post-Azkaban Sirius Black (duh)
Everything Black Masterlist*
Oneshot (angsty*)
Pedro Pascal characters
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Din Djarin
Back to you
Frankie Morales
Santiago the meddler* (18+)
Joel Miller
5 years after the outbreak
My haven could be you* Pt. 1; Pt. 2; Pt. 3
Javier Peña
Pero Tovar
Javi Gutierrez
Marcus Pike
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We were young
We were young Part 2
Neighborly shenanigans Pt. 1
Neighborly shenanigans Pt. 2
Neighborly shenanigans Pt. 3
Neighborly shenanigans Pt. 4
Captain Price
To Be injured (Part one)
To Be healed* (Part two)
To be scared* (Part three)
To be loyal (Part four)
To be happy* (Part five)
No hero, just me (oneshot)
Schilling for your thought Part 1
Schilling for your thought Part 2
Schilling for your thought Part 3 *
Oneshot (Angst)
Clone Wars
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Captain Rex
Moon Knight
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Steven Grant
Oneshot (smut*)
Let´s GOOOOO!!!
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Accidents Happen
Requests: Fake Dating and Friends to Lovers. Requested By: Two Anons
Plot: While you and Pike go undercover on a planet that has yet to make first contact, you play pretend that you are married. But, like most love stories, your real feelings come to the surface.
Pairing: Christopher Pike x GN!Reader *Mx. used once in replacement of mrs/ms/mr
Warnings: A kiss, that's it
Words: 2.1k
A/N: Unfortunately, the idea I had in my head for this was not successfully translated into writing. Buuut, I hope it is an enjoyable read nonetheless.
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"So all of the information about this culture that we have been able to discover will be on your pads for easy access if needed. The clothes we have given you are similar to those from the opposite side of the planet. Your translators are well hidden and should not be able to be seen by them. Hopefully they assume you are just visiting and don't ask too many questions."
You nodded along as Commander Riley spoke. You tried to swallow down your anxieties and focus on the mission at hand. Figure out where the strong energy source you detected is coming from, find out if it is harming the natives, stop it if it is, don't expose them to the knowledge of alien life, leave, and move on.
"You ready Y/n?" A soft voice asked, breaking you from your thoughts.
Looking over, you saw Pike staring at you as he adjusted his bag. You nodded and gave him a small smile "Always."
He smiled in return "Good. Should be a walk in the park, remember, we're just visitors."
You nodded again in understanding as your eyes traced down the delicate red markings along his temple and neck, mimicking the same markings of the aliens. You wondered if you pulled them off as well as he seemed to.
The two of you managed to beam down without hassle, and made your way quickly towards the small village. A few people stopped and looked at you out of curiosity, but no one seemed alarmed.
Once you got closer to the center of town, you felt your anxieties rise when one of the native aliens approached you. You could tell by their more ornate dress that they were higher up on the societal scale.
"Greetings!" They said with a cheery voice that was translated directly to you "Welcome visitors to Machella!"
You and Pike smiled at him "Greetings!" Pike responded.
"I am pleased to welcome you, it is not often we get travelers through this area, but we are always pleased when we do!"
You felt the weight on your chest lighten as he politely greeted you. "I am Tixil, and this-" They motioned to another alien who approached their side "Is my spouse Henet"
"It is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Pike, and this is my spouse Y/n."
You felt your heart jump in your chest as you side-eyed Pike. Before hand you had decided to say you were simply just business partners hoping to expand your trade to new locations. Suddenly being his spouse threw you off.
The alien opened his arms "And how long do we expect you to stay with us?"
You finally spoke up "Only a short time, if there is a place of shelter we could stay that is. We would not want to impose on anyone."
"No, of course not! We have plenty of room for visitors!" Henet broke in cheerfully. "We will show you! Please, follow us!"
As you began to follow Tixil and Henet you stayed close to Pike.
"They seem like great people, I'm glad." He commented.
You nodded your head in agreement before you responded "What happened to us being business partners?"
You saw Pike side-eye you briefly as his lip quirked up a bit. "I thought it would be better in the moment. Form a sort of similarity between them, make them more comfortable. Besides, we can still be business partners."
It was clear in his voice that he was not being entirely truthful, which only made you wonder more about why he changed your cover. You felt a constant warmth in your ears, and butterflies in your stomach at the thought.
--- --- ---
As you looked around the bustling village streets, you smiled softly. You thought back on the last few days you had spent in Machella.
You and Pike were both relieved to find the energy source you had detected was simply a heating source for the city during the winter months, and caused no harm to the people on the planet.
Of course you assumed that meant it was time to leave and go back to the Enterprise. But when you were approached by Tixil and Henet, who insisted you stay a few days longer to attend a yearly festival, you were stunned when Pike enthusiastically agreed. He stated it was to learn more about their culture, but part of you felt that it was more than that
Over the last few days, as you and Pike had been pretending to be a married couple, things started to change. You slept in the same room, each night back to back, both of you pretending that you did not wake up in each others arms in the middle of the night. Neither of you knowing the other knew it too.
You spent most of your time within arms reach. You showed small signs of affection when others watched you. You even came up with a backstory about your relationship. During all of this, you were alarmed at how, comfortable, it felt, and at times it felt as though you were not acting at all.
Thinking back on the moment when you and Pike told a tale of your meeting and courting, you were startled when he took your hand in his, and pressed a kiss to the back of it. You were able to hide your surprise, but there was a moment when your eyes met, where you think something changed. A tension that had always been there between the two of you, starting to break.
You broke from your thoughts as you looked to your left, seeing Pike watching you. As he approached you you smiled softly at him, noticing the immediate quickening of your heartbeat.
"You look great." He commented, and you flt your cheeks heat up.
Some locals had provided the two of you with colorful clothes to wear to the ceremony. They accented your figure well, and as Chris's eyes seemed to graze over you, you were glad you hid your bashfulness well.
"Thank you, as do you."
"The festival is starting." he held out his arm for you to take as he smiled at you "Shall we?"
You felt butterflies rampage through your body as you smiled and nodded as you looped your arms through his "We shall."
The festival was an array of flowers, foods, colorful garments, music, and dancing. Dances that didn't seem too different than some you knew.
Pike seemed to notice this as well as he leaned down at spoke softly "Would you like to dance with me?"
You felt your ears heat up as you met his eyes "Why do you know this one?" Your voice was a little teasing.
Looking back at the people dancing he shrugged his head a bit "Just looks like normal dancing to me, shouldn't be too hard."
Meeting your eyes again he smiled as he reached out his hand. Slowly taking it, he lead you closer to the others. As you began dancing, in what you hoped looked normal to everyone else, you felt you heart beating heavily in your chest.
His hands were wrapped around your waist, your hands placed on his shoulder and chest. You copied the swaying movements of the couples next to you.
As your eyes locked, you felt a similar feeling like you had a couple days prior. That tension beginning to break.
You felt him pull you a bit closer to him as his eyes stayed glued to yours. You could feel his heart beating underneath your hand, and you were sure it was just as rapid as yours.
After a moment of silence, he finally spoke. "I've enjoyed our time here."
You nodded "So have I."
"Uh, I lied to you before."
You frowned a bit "When?"
"The day we got here. When I said I told Tixil and Henet we were married because it might make them more comfortable."
You replied almost tentatively "So that's not why you did it?"
He shook his head softly "I really just liked the idea."
A soft smile crossed your face "The idea of what exactly? Playing make pretend?"
"Being married to you." He saw the surprise in your eyes and smiled. "I like the idea of being with you in general, actually."
Feeling that tension break, you let out a soft breath. You were sure the astonishment you were feeling was clear on your face as he smiled with mild amusement.
"I didn't think you'd be that surprised, after all I thought you might feel the same. Unless I've been a complete fool."
Finally finding your words, you shook your head "No, no you're not a fool Chris, I do feel the same. I just...I'm surprised you're admitting it."
He cocked his head a little "Why?"
"Well, nothing can happen between us, can it?"
He shrugged lightly as he hummed "I wouldn't worry about that."
You rose one brow "I don't know if I feel confident with that response."
He grinned down at you "Just take my word for it, it'll be fine. Things have a tendency of working out for me."
"That I have noticed."
He chuckled as he pulled you even closer, so you were flush against him. You noticed his eyes flick down to your lips briefly.
Meeting your eyes again, he stared deeply at you for a moment before he spoke in a whisper "Can I kiss you?"
Your heart was beating so fiercely, you swore you could both hear it. Nodding softly you whispered back "Yes."
Leaning in slowly, his lips brushed yours lightly before he kissed you deeply. You had both stopped moving, standing still in each other's arms as you kissed.
Forgetting where you were for a moment, you broke away in surprise as cheers were shouted out around you. Looking around, you saw Tixil and some others begin dancing around you as they placed a large circlet of flowers around the two of you. Nearby were a few more couples with similar garlands around them.
You and Chris looked at each other and let out amused, yet confused chuckles.
As Tixil began to yell out something in a language your translator failed to translate, you watched in bewilderment as others cheered and through a sparkly powdery substance over all of you.
"What's happening?" Chris muttered as he pulled you close to him.
"Hell if I know." You said with a bewildered smile.
As a few others chanted something as well, and they all began cheering, you and Chris locked eyes with mutual confusion. Tixil and Henet walked over to you and bowed briefly as they grinned at you.
"I am so glad you were both able to stay for the re-joining ceremony, it is such a pleasure to re-affirm the love between spouses."
As they walked away to speak to the other couples, you and Chris turned to look at each other.
"Re-joining?" He muttered.
You stared at him with an agape stare before you wondered out loud "Chris, did they just...marry us?"
He nodded quickly "I think so."
"Wow, okay. Is this what you meant by things always working out for you, and that I shouldn't worry about it?"
He looked down at you "Not exactly what I meant, no."
After a moment you both let out bewildered laughs as he pulled you close to him again. "Out of all the things that could have happened here, this is definitely not something I would have expected. But-" gently brushing some of the sparkly powder from your face he grinned "It's definitely one of the better things."
You smiled up at him "It's definitley one of the fastest moving relationships I've ever had."
"I think I can say the same." He chuckled.
"So what now?" You asked with a heavy hint of perplexion in your tone.
He shrugged a bit as he looked around "How's a honeymoon sound?"
You let out a laugh but smacked him lightly "No, seriously Chris, this isn't exactly what Starfleet command will expect from our mission."
"Well it was an honest accident, and we couldn't risk exposing our lies to the natives to get out of it, so...it is what it is, I think."
"So, we are now married on planet ZZ-1?"
He smiled down at you and nodded a bit "Look's like it." He looked around, seeing others beginning to dance again. Taking step back, he reached out his hand "So, what do you say Mx. Pike? Dance with me again?"
You let out a baffled laugh as you shook your head in astonishment but placed your hand in his. Pulling you towards him again, he grinned down at you in a mix of amusement and glee. This was definitley going down as one of his favorite missions he's ever gone on.
xx End xx
This was so much better in my head, but I could not for the life of me write it out how I wanted. But whatever, I hope you like it~
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Star Trek Taglist: @starfleetimagines, @asgardianhobbit98, @groovy-lady, @agent-catfish-kenobi, @starship-argo, @cs-please, @tinymushrooms
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Sometimes I'm like did AOS Bones ever get in trouble for sneaking Jim onto the Enterprise and most definitely breaking more rules than Jim did by cheating on a test??? But then it's like if he hadn't done it, the entire Federation would be gone and if they can forgive Jim, they probably can forgive Bones.
Everyone's like AOS Jim is this giant rule breaker and its like yes he is but you can tell that by just looking at him. With McCoy you never know when hes going to be a good little officer or when he decides to throw the rule book out.
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
Hey! Could you write a platonic!reader x pike where the reader has a stutter/speech impediment where the reader is trying to explain something but they get very upset and start crying and pike try’s to comfort them?
Oh I GOT you homie. I had a bit of a lisp growing up and and hyperplexia (I’d make up words and use references, assuming others would instantly understand). I have family and friends with speech disorders and impediments that I’ve known over the years. Strange New Worlds has a plethora of disabled characters, and I look forward to dispensing that truth through Pike. No one is alone. 💕😎🖖🏻
Choice of Words (Platonic Pike x Reader)
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Rating: E for Everyone
Word Count: 846
Content: SFW/Platonic, GN!Reader, Sciences!Reader, Cadet!Reader, Disabled!Reader, Dad Mode!Pike (affectionate), panic attacks, tears, disability solidarity. And! An accommodation option I wish existed whenever I'm in non-verbal mode but want people to be able to hear me and not just read my words when I have to write or type instead. Because this is Star Trek darn it! In an ideal equitable world they'll have really snazzy useful stuff like that!
Teaser: It was time for your final scientific presentation assessment, one of the last legs of your cadet cruise, in front of the entire senior staff. Your stammer always got so much worse when you were nervous or upset, the solution was simple, don't get nervous or upset! Easier said than done, not even easier said, if you were being honest.
“Infinites-tes-tes-sim-simal-al chan-ances of of of…”
“I’m so sorry Cadet, could you repeat that?” Number One asked politely.
“Infini-ini-ni-ni-t-t-tes-es-es-es-si-ma UGH! God damnit-it-it-it-it!” You slammed the data pad down, turning off the presentation. 
Commander Una flinched and grimaced, glancing at the rest of the senior staff. Spock did that anxiety inducing, unreadable head tilt lean back combo he always does. La’an leaned forward, hands clasped, and looked back at Una. Everyone looked at Captain Pike. You couldn’t take this, could somebody please say something?! 
You clenched your jaw to keep the stammer from continuing. Tears welling in your eyes. You had to get out of there, the doors whisked open as you stormed away.
You thought you could do this, and you couldn’t, it was humiliating. You let the tears come. You slide down against the wall in misery, not caring who saw. Chances were you weren’t gonna see any of these people again.
You were gonna fail your assessment because of a stupid speech impediment, your worst nightmare was coming true.
The captain exited the conference room, looking for you. You’d expected it to be Lieutenant Spock, he was the head of your department after all. You must have screwed up worse than you thought if your boss’s boss was coming for you.
Maybe he wouldn’t see you if you could stifle it, but a sob escaped anyway, so much for that idea. He looked down at you, concern knitting his brow.
“Oh, hey there Cadet. Mind if I cop a squat next to you?” he asked.
“I I I I I-“ it always got so much worse when you were upset.
“It’s alright, take your time.” Pike added calmly, kindly.
“I I guess-ess so-o-o, sure-ure-ure-ure.”
He crouched down next to you after that, just, sat there next to you as you slowly got a hold of yourself. Indicating silently to a couple of officers in the hallway who’d slowed to move it along. When one hesitated, he raised a dismissive hand as if to say “I’ve got this.”
After the sobs mostly died off, the Captain shifted a bit, took a deep breath, and started to speak.
“Y’know, when I was a kid, I had asthma. I couldn’t run as fast or play as hard as the other kids without my lungs seizing up, not without help anyway. Kids can be cruel, I can’t pretend it didn’t make me feel insecure. I may not have asthma anymore, but I'm not the only one in that room who can speak to what you’re going through.”
“Wha-at do you do you-ou mea-an?”
“I’ve got an officer in there, who was expected to grow out of their learning disability, and didn’t. I’ve got an officer in there, who didn’t realize they were hurting until they had friends to encourage them to get help. I know… someone in that room who’s able to speak like you and I do now, who won’t be able to in the future. I- he’ll need help to communicate for the rest of his life. I had a remarkable officer, who was considered disabled just because our world isn’t built for him. I know he never saw himself that way.”
“I me-et Chi-ief Chief Hem- Hemmer. Who are-are-are the other one-ones?”
“I’ll let them tell you when and if they’re comfortable. What I’m trying to say is, don’t let what you’re struggling with define you Y/N. Your impediment isn’t going to stop you from thriving as an officer. Heck, it may even make you a more insightful one. Your superior officers didn’t become superior officers by getting rid of whatever makes them different, they did it by learning to live with it, by embracing it.”
“Yeah! So, what’re you thinkin’? Are you ready to get back in there? You can do whatever you need to do to get this done. You’ll get no judgment from me. No one’s gonna punish you for accommodating yourself, it’s not cheating.”
“Okay, okay, yeah-ah, I’ve-ve… I’ve got thi-is. I I, I got a a plan-an.”
“That’s the spirit, come on, you made it this far, show us what you can do.”
As you re-entered the conference room, the commander looked relieved. It was then you realized she wasn’t upset with you, rather, worried she’d made you upset. Which was correct, but you couldn’t really blame her for it.
“Computer-uter? Activate-ate real time text to to speech-eech.”
“Real time text to speech activated.” 
This was perfect, it would still be improvised like you were talking, the computer speaking as you typed. It still wouldn’t be copying your speech notes or fully scripted. Thus, following the perimeters of the assignment, without having to worry about your stammer.
“Very intuitive Cadet, please continue. Perhaps from the previous segment, for the commander’s benefit.” Mr. Spock commented, quirking an eyebrow as he glanced at Number One. Who smiled a bit sheepishly in response.
“Of of cour-ourse.”
Take two. You’ve got this in the bag. Because now, you know that you know you are not alone. Not in this room, or anywhere else.
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lyricalviolet · 1 year
I've been pretty firmly back on my Trek bullshit for about a year now, but prior to that, I was all up in CaptainHill land. The installments of this old gen have been getting some love as people look up Maria Hill fanfic for....reasons, so I thought I'd post it here.
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vulcanhello · 2 years
no one’s more powerful than the ao3 authors who write michael centric fic. i’m naming my children after you
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pixiedane · 8 months
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Katboberfest 2023 day 3: Cold Space
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Robert April/Katrina Cornwell Characters: Robert April, Katrina Cornwell, Joseph M'Benga, Christine Chapel, Elder Gamal, The First Servant, Rukiya M'Benga Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fix-It Series: Part 4 of Katrina Cornwell: Strange New Worlds Summary:
War didn't make Kat want to have kids but it did make her want to save kids.
Space Between
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zwiebelbaguette · 1 year
Help - searching for a fic
Back when Discovery S2 was still the latest Star Trek, there was a fic out there where the protagonist (perhaps even reader) called Captain Pike "Captain Dimples" and Pike heard it. I don't remember much more. But does anyone remember the fic and still has the link? And might also link it here for me?
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nichestartrekkie0-0 · 2 months
Another fic- Una and Hemmer! (Friend-fic haha)
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Words: 1.8k 
Rating: Teen- creep at a bar, plus some mild mentions of death/drinking/self harm via drinking 
Summary: Una and Hemmer fend off a creep at a bar…it devolves quickly into an existential chat and some shenaniganizing 
Timeline: Between ep 2-3! (Before the Illyrian colony) 
(Not a ship thing between Hemmer and Una- they're buddies.)
Title: He'll know.
It was dark, crowded, and loud. Hemmer hated events like this. He never understood the concept of getting drunk under the table as a bonding exercise between species and peoples. 
So, he got up. Made the excuse he needed air. 
Then, he made a beeline for the bar. 
Usually, most bars didn’t have what he was looking for, but this particular bar was run by a Human. She had to have something like it. 
“Excuse me can I get-”
He cut off. 
Something wasn’t right. 
He glanced over. Una was a few seats down, with a humanoid man practically breathing down her neck. Her shoulders were tense. For an Illyrian who could pack a punch– that was pretty damn tense. 
Something cracked in his grip. That man was a little too close for Hemmer’s liking. 
And– as Una’s body language suggested– hers as well. 
Setting down his glass, he stood and stalked over. Before he could ask Una anything, the man reached out and grabbed her hand. 
The words just came out.
“Get your hand off of her.”
The man turned. “Excuse me?”
“I’m sorry.” Hemmer sneered, “Maybe I wasn’t clear enough.”
He took a deep breath, the plan forming in his mind almost instinctively. 
“Get your hand off my wife.” He snapped, “Touch her again without her consent and you’ll no longer have a hand.” 
Una, bewildered, gave him a quick look. Hemmer winced a little in return, trying to keep his body language imposing. 
Play along.
She gritted her teeth and nodded. 
“Excuse my husband.”  She smiled, baring her teeth, “He’s Andorian, you know how they get.” 
Hemmer rolled his eyes. “Afgain’im, ayiid oona’ek boh.” 
My friend, maybe we should leave. 
Standing, Una smiled sheepishly at the man and leaned in. “That would be the Admiral’s son. The Admiral, who we’re meeting tomorrow for the conference.” 
Hemmer stopped in his tracks. “Oh.”
“How are we-”
“-Going to play this off?” Una groaned, “Great question. We better go tell Chris before he has an aneurysm.”
Hemmer held up a hand. 
“Excuse us.”  
Leading Una back to the table, they sat down. Hemmer looked at Una, and Una looked at Hemmer. They both sat in silence for a second before they moved to speak. 
“You go first.” Hemmer said quickly.
“Oh no, it was your amazing idea.” Una snipped, “You get to tell him.” 
Wincing, Hemmer laid a hand on his captain’s shoulder. “Pike, my friend-”
“-I got hit on at the bar and Hemmer had the genius idea of pretending to be my husband!” Una blurted, head falling into her hands, “It was to fend off the Admiral’s son too, which means we’re in deep if they find out.” 
Hemmer blinked. Once, twice. 
“What happened to me telling him?” 
“Ok.” Pike sighed, “So, let me get this straight. You lied to the son of the militant, die-hard Admiral we’re trying to reason with, and the lie is that you’re both married…to each other?”
“Yes, Captain.” Hemmer scoffed, “Who else’s husband would I pretend to be in this scenario? Yours?”  
“Just checking!” Pike sighed, “Well since you both are on the welcome team tomorrow, I guess you’ll have to fake it until you make it.”
At Una’s disgusted face, Pike raised his hands. “I didn’t say it was fair. It’s only two days.” He shot Una a look.
“Two days, okay?” He smiled gently, “You’re strong, you’ll make it.” 
“You know, I’m here too.” Hemmer groaned, rolling his eyes. 
“You’re the one who got us in this mess!” Una snapped, “I could have handled it!”
A pause. A quick silence fell over the table.
Hemmer took a deep breath. “Una. I didn’t do that because I thought you couldn’t ‘handle it’, I intervened because you shouldn’t have to. It’s not because I don’t trust you, or think that you’re not capable, but because I…”
He coughed a little, “You’re my friend. I do not stand by when my friends are in danger– or god forbid– getting hit on by a drunk creep at a bar.” 
She sighed, “Alright, alright.”
“Now what?” Hemmer scoffed, “Do we craft more lies, or should we both hide in our quarters for the rest of the trip?”
Pike nodded slowly, “I may…have an idea.”
Twelve hours later: 
“This is stupid.” Hemmer scoffed, “We are going to get caught.” 
“Chris said it’d work!” Una hissed back, adjusting her dress.
Hemmer winced, fixing her headdress for the fifth time. “You put too much faith in that man-”
“-Oho! Says the man who managed to befriend the socially anxious cadet! Where’s your optimism? Or do you save it all for Uhura?!” 
“Let us not bring-”
“-No, no! Let’s both be irritable and miserable!” She cried quietly, “I’m sure that this plan will go swimmingly if we look like we want to drown ourselves!” 
“Una.” Hemmer’s hands dropped to his sides, “I don’t like this either. Do you know how many years it’s been since I’ve worn this?” 
He gestured to the old tunic covered in swirling patterns. Engagement patterns. 
The idea was to announce their elopement to the welcoming party and the crew of militant humanoids. The planet that they surveyed happened to be warp-capable, unfortunately, and Pike was trying his best at diplomacy despite wanting to bash his own head in. 
The Admiral and his son happened to be questioning the legality of Una’s marriage, which had somehow seeped into all of the conversations so far. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that they were both skeptical and hoping to use her as collateral. 
So, the idea was to announce their elopement, and then renounce their previous statements as soon as they were back in Federation space. 
Una’s face fell. “I know. I’m sorry-”
“Don’t be.” Hemmer scoffed, “I got us into this mess-”
“-I should have asked Chris for a different plan.” Una sighed, “It’s only been a few months since-”
“-It’s ok.” 
“You keep saying that.” Una huffed, “I don’t think you mean it.” She leaned down, eyes filled with understanding. “The last person you need to hide from is me.” 
Hemmer’s head jerked to the side. 
“I…We do not have to like things to accept them.” He adjusted her headdress again. “I do not like this, but for you, I will make an exception.” He snorted, “Especially since the Admiral’s son seems adamant to add you to his collection.” 
Una sighed, “Alright. If you still don’t want to do this, I can go out alone.”
“No. Just be glad I didn’t ask you to wear my wife’s old engagement dress.”
Hemmer leaned in, whispering, “I have no idea what ‘neon-pink cheetah print’ looks like, but I assume it’s horrendous.”
Una let out a laugh, “Oh? You didn’t tell me your wife liked color!”  
“Yes.” Hemmer smiled, “I was gracious enough to give her the budget when we decorated our home.”
“Doesn’t the male Aenar usually decorate-”
“-Yes. I made an exception for her.” He rolled his eyes, “As I now do with you. Be grateful I let you pick your dress.” 
Una’s eyebrows raised. “Oh, you ‘let me’ pick my dress?”
“Oh, great.” Hemmer sighed exaggeratedly, “Here we go.”
The door creaked open. 
“Will you guys quit bickering for five seconds?” Pike hissed, “I’m starting to think you might actually be married-”
“Oh no,” Hemmer said dryly, “I’m way too expensive for Una’s tastes-”
A dull thud echoed through the room as Una whacked the Chief Engineer with the nearest heavy object. Unfortunately for him– an empty ashtray. 
“Shut up!” She giggled, “We need to look serious!”
“Oh?” He sneered, rubbing his arm, “I thought you said this wouldn’t work if we looked miserable?” 
Her chuckling subsided into a small smile. 
Pike raised his hands, “Are we going or are we not going?” 
Hemmer rolled his eyes, “Please, let’s get this over with.” 
They were still chuckling as they exited the boardroom. Not a bad way to start a sham marriage. 
As they returned to their quarters on the Enterprise, Hemmer slowed as they passed by the mess hall. His senses were much better than a human’s- and sometimes even surpassed Una’s. 
“Fork. It. Up.” Chapel crooned, “He wore the fucking hat.” 
Hemmer groaned. The conversation was most certainly about him and his traditional garb. 
Noticing his slow pace, Una stopped in the hallway. 
“What-?” She paused, no doubt her ears picking up the scattered conversation. 
“Oh.” She smirked, “Is it the hat?”
“Shut up.” 
It took a bit to get un-ready, but soon they were back in casual clothes at the Enterprise bar. 
“What were you going to order?” She asked, pushing his glass towards him. “You know, before this all went down?” 
Hemmer smiled, his hand reaching for a bracelet that was carefully hidden under his uniform. 
“A blue Hawaii.” He chuckled, “That was…her favorite.”
Una stopped. 
“You don’t drink.” 
“Not anymore, no.” 
At her confused expression, he exhaled heavily. 
“It’s been eight months since she passed. To the day.” He nodded curtly, “I…drank a lot after the funeral. Too much. Almost killed myself, actually.” He shrugged. 
“I…didn’t know what to do. I didn’t think the pain would ever go away.” 
Una nudged him. 
“Are you alright?”
“No.” He smiled a little, “No, it still hurts. But, if I may, there are two types of hurt people. Those who are hurt and hurt others, and those who are in pain and choose to do better.”
As he stirred the blue drink, he took a sip and winced. “I admit in the beginning I didn’t feel this way. But now, I can’t imagine wishing this on anyone else.”
Turning to the side, he coughed a little. “B’Ashera. That still tastes like-”
“Hemmer.” Una leaned in, “Thank you.”
“For what?” Hemmer spat, trying to dull the taste of coconut with a glass of water, “Trauma dumping?”
“It’s not trauma dumping if I asked, and secondly, I wanted to thank you for being honest.” 
“Eh.” He grinned, “The last thing we need to do is hide from each other.”
Una winced, her hand immediately rising to her badge. 
There was a slight pause. 
Hemmer shook his head. Despite his constant affirmations, Una was still scared of what other people thought of her. Of what she was rather than who. 
His head turned towards a distant table, where Pike was groaning and handing over what looked like a stack of credits to Chapel. 
Hemmer scoffed.
 “...He’ll know when he needs to know.” 
Una sighed, “The last thing I want to do is hide from him.”
He leaned in, “So, I say again…” Pausing, he smiled sadly. 
“Chris will know when he needs to know.” 
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