#cant wait for another valentines day :)) all alone :))
bahrtofane · 4 months
here we go again - pt.1
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pt. 2 , pt.3
jude x fem!reader , trent x fem!reader
empty promise after another leaves you walking in the cold. alone. on valentines day. youre never speaking to another player again.
word count : 1K+
watch it : mild fluff, heavy on the angst, situationships, toxic relationships, Jude is kinda an ass in this one sorry, not very happy ending
happy valentines day LOL
you and Jude have a complex history, complex relationship. 
you aren't officially together but at the same time you are exclusive. it's odd, but it's what works at the moment, (even if you wish he would just grow the balls to make you his already.)
you get he's a busy guy, top player both club and international. you aren't going to force him to choose you or make him get with you while his career is soon about to peak. 
your wishes for more soon fade into the background as he presses gentle kisses into your skin. he called you a few hours prior, wondering if you wanted to keep him company while he binges movies and orders you a pizza. you said yes, maybe a little foolishly. but it's hard to stay away from him. 
he's addicting. maybe it's a rush of being with someone whose whole existence is so grand. maybe it's the fact of knowing you have what millions of others crave for. you don't know, you try not to read into the intricacies. bad habit. 
so here you are, face pressed up against his chest while you lay side by side on this stupidly large couch, action movie playing, your pizza done, belly full and body warm. 
"what are you thinking about love?" he mumbles. 
"you." you shrug.
"me ?" he chuckles. 
you hum, wiggling deeper into the pile of blankets. 
"i've been thinking about you. and us." he confesses, almost shy. the movie playing in front of you has long fizzled out of your attention. 
hey might as well rip the band aid off. 
"me too," you hum, "why aren't we official again?"
you feel him sigh dramatically, "because my career."
you squint. there goes the same lousy explanation. "you could put more i don't know, thought into us."
he shifts under the blankets , "valentine's day is coming up. dont worry love i have it all planned out." he assures you. 
"oh yeah ?" you tease
"just you wait, the best valentine's day ever." he kisses the top of your head soundly.
worst fucking valenties day of your life. you don't remember being more livid a day in your life. you cant remember the last time so much pure rage burned through you, hot enough to hurt. you didn't think it was humanly possible to clench your fist so tight youve dug into your palm hard enough to draw blood. 
your head hurts, your legs hurt, you think your arm is starting to bruise from where you were shoved into a table on "accident" but what would Jude know. he was so busy taking pictures with models and laughing at corny jokes while you kept yourself company. texting and calling didnt work and he didn't even try to give you any attention the whole night, you can't keep doing this with him. 
"you can't just run off-" Jude shouts from somewhere behind you. 
"or what Jude. or fucking what." you seeth, not bothering to face him, storming out into the night. 
It's your fault for trusting him all those nights ago. your fault for falling for the same shit over and over. 
he sprints to catch up to you, "i don't know why you're being like this."
you stop dead in your tracks, "oh i don't know, let's think. you didn't tell me your escorts would be there. and to top it all fucking off they have to nerve to be on my ass the whole night, not letting me get anywhere near you even through we walked in together?"
he doesn't respond and you half the mind not to punch the shit out of him, walking further away from the club you just came from, heels clanking against the sidewalk so hard it hurts, pulling on your dress so you dont trip and fall. maybe you should let it go so you can fall flat on your face. that would be a better ending to the night than seeing his face. silly stupid you thinking this would work. 
"happy fucking valentines day huh Jude. you take me to a damn club, you ignore me the whole night, and you spend all your time surrounded by other women who might as well just suck you off right then and there." you yell, hell if anyone hears. you want them too, you want him to be as humiliated as you feel. 
Bellinghams date thrown away the moment you step inside, ignored and tossed for some common whores. oh you can't wait to see where your face ends up online after tonight. you can see the headlines now. 
he grabs your arm, making you face him, "love listen-"
"no, you dont get to fucking do that anymore. you cant keep sweet talking your way out of things when you fuck up. why can't you just pretend to care" your voice shakes, you can feel tears brimming in your eyes.
"i'm not trying to talk my way out of it, i'm trying to explain." he tries.
you yank your arm out of his grip, "i'm not listening anymore, im done. all i asked was one day for us, just valentines day to make things work. and you showed me you dont care enough for that." 
"please, let me fix this." he pleads.
"its too late."
"i wanted things to work so fucking bad, and you humiliated me Jude. i imagined a nice dinner, hell i would have settled for take out and a few kisses. that's how bad i want things to work, that's how bad i wanted you." you tremble. 
"please my darling. let's talk about this. come back inside and i'll show everyone that you are mine," he holds a hand out to you, waiting. silently pleading with each breath he takes. 
the street lights dance across his skin as for a moment you almost believe him. for a moment you think about stepping back inside with him. you can't do that to yourself, not again. 
"no, iim done. don't follow me, don't call me dont text nothing. i want nothing more to do with you." your firm, final. swallowing the lump that builds in your throat, youd be damned if he sees you cry after this fucking shit show.
he stops in his tracks at this, not bothering to try and stop you. 
it hurts more than it should to leave him behind you, but you honest to god can not keep up with his lifestyle. 
all those articles and rumors were right you suppose, he's an arrogant stuck up bastard with too much money to know what to do with, too cocky for his own good and destroys anything good that comes his way. you hope he's happy without you. 
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ambrozjas · 4 months
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the gang on valentine’s day ꨄ︎
the outsiders x reader
✧˖*°࿐ notes ᰔᩚ
eeee !! i love valentine’s day!! this took me all day and was written w/ much love (and rewritten because i accidentally posted it on my alt), so i hope you guys enjoy it 💕
✧˖*°࿐ warnings ᰔᩚ
lmk if i missed anything !! i think it’s pretty okay so far
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
❥ DARRY is such a softie on valentines omg
❥ i cant stop imagining you waking up to darry making you breakfast that he got up extra early for you just to make so you two could eat alone
❥ because darry’s so busy with his job, you’ll probably have to wait til after valentine’s day for more gifts?
❥ don’t get me wrong, he’ll make you breakfast, wake you up with soft kisses to your head and a soft “g’morning baby” but that’s all you’ll really get on valentine’s day
❥ he might not be all lovey dovey in front of the boys, but when you both slip into the kitchen he’ll mutter small ‘i love you’s while hugging you from behind
❥ if somebody walks in, he WILL get embarrassed and bark at them to get out while a blush dusts his cheeks
❥ you guys’ll probably head out for a cruise in his car or go to the drive-in while ponyboy and soda stay with the others
“hey.” a distant voice called out for you, a few whispers of your name and a couple of ‘hey’s before you finally broke through that thick barrier of sleep.
you peeked one eye open at darry, watching a soft smile appear on his face at your state.
“you awake?” he asked, turning his head so that he could level his face with yours. you lay on your side as you tilted your head up to meet darry’s eyes.
you made a small ‘mhm’ sound as you blinked the remaining sleep out of your eyes and took ahold of darry’s hand, calloused and rough. the warmth of it made you shiver though.
the warmth didn’t last long though, as darry’s face split into a grin and got up, jogging out of the bedroom. you heard a few clanks of the ceramic plates you had stacked in your guys’ kitchen, before you heard your boyfriend’s retreating footsteps.
your lips curled into a soft smile as you saw him walk back into the room with a small plate, the aroma of bacon and pancakes practically dancing across the room and making its way towards you. you propped yourself on one elbow as darry placed the small white plate on the nightstand next to you and once he had leaned down, you had pulled him by the collar to meet his lips in a chaste kiss.
“i’ll see you when i get off work, darlin’. maybe we can do somethin’ tomorrow.” he mumbled against your lips. you felt his lips curve upwards again as he placed another kiss against yours, smiling when you two shared another.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
❥ SODAPOP, this cheesy mofo
❥ meets you once you get off school or work, crumpled flowers in his hand that he may or may not have stolen from his neighbor’s garden, with a boyish grin on his face like he’s soo pleased with himself
❥ will definitely take you out after he’s done with work
❥ maybe’d he’d do smth the day before??? idk
❥ you guys’d probably go watch a drag race or the drive-in, maybe go to the dingo afterwards
❥ would tease and make steve feel single, even if he had a valentine
❥ writes you cheesy lil love notes in chicken scratch and sticks them on your stuff
soda beamed as he saw your car pull up to the dx and watched you get out of the car, throwing his rag on the counter and jogging to open the door.
“hey steve! you can lock up, right buddy?” he asked, tilting his head up to project his voice further.
when steve had come out of the back room, he rolled his eyes at the sight of you and soda. you had your arm linked around his, head leaning on his chest as you both looked at steve with pleading eyes.
“yeah, whatever.” steve grumbled, cleaning his oily hands with the rag that sodapop threw.
“thanks!” soda said, voice fading as he was already heading out the door with you by his side.
“that lovesick fool’s lucky ‘m such a good friend.” steve growled under his breath, annoyed as he watched you give soda a few kisses before hopping into the car outside.
“where we goin’, soda?” you asked, a wide grin still evident on your face as you looked at him.
“where d’ya wanna go?” he asked, a charming smile glued on his lips as he looked at you. gosh, you were pretty.
you shrugged. “wherever the night takes us.”
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
❥ whatever you do, dont imagine the rosy blush that falls on his cheeks when you catch him gazing at you
❥ and ESPECIALLY dont imagine you and pony meeting up after ponys been slipping cute awkward love letters into your locke so you see him with a sheepish smile when you give him an all knowing look
❥ AND DEFINITELY dont imagine ponyboy curtis sitting with you in class, thighs touching and ankles almost locking with each other because you guys are sitting do close, giggling and bright smiles
❥ okay i’ll stop now
❥ he’s the type who writes these poetic ass letters with his rushed half-cursive half-print handwriting and then gets all bashful when you bring it up
you heard something fall on your desk. you looked up from your test paper, pencil held between your teeth as your eyes fell on the small yellow folded sticky note.
you looked at the teacher who was at her desk, checking her nails and unbothered, and grabbed the note, unfolded it to unveil a myriad of hearts surrounding a message in neat handwriting.
“i believe in you.” the words read, you smiled to yourself and threw a small glance at ponyboy behind you, who was averting your eyes shyly.
you mouthed a silent, ‘thanks pony’ and turned back to your paper, tapping the pencil on the desk softly as you thought up another answer, circling a letter.
you bit your lip as your eyes crinkled and a smile took over your face, thinking back to ponyboy’s note.
yeah, you thought, thanks pony.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
❥ oh, JOHNNY
❥ he is so WHIPPED
❥ hes just a lil dude, shuffling his feet awkwardly as he holds out some orchids which he also probably stole from his neighbors
❥ n when you give him a kiss on the cheek it’s literally like he short circuits 😭😭
❥ probably has some chocolates that dallas stole him at the store
❥ hes so cute omg 😭
you looked out of the diner window, swiping a fry into the ketchup on your plate and bringing to your mouth in the process.
the sun blinded you a bit as you looked off into the horizon, into the multitude of cars in the parking lot and houses across the way. but to johnny, you looked absolutely ethereal.
the way the sun gave your face a golden hue made you look like a deity come into earth, he had half a mind to start worshipping you right now in the middle of the diner booth.
“y’wanna get outta here?” you asked, turning your head to face johnny. “we could go to th’a lot ‘n watch the sunset?”
blinking, johnny had snapped out of it. he stammered as his mind tried its hardest to concoct a response.
but seeing you smile as you saw him in this state, he sighed and started over.
“yeah,” johnny said, “let’s go.”
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
❥ DALLAS is very stubborn, but is also very passionate when he loves somebody
❥ his way of love is like beating somebody’s ass for talking about you and letting you clean his wounds afterwards
❥ he rarely says he loves you, but thinks it’s easier to show it with his actions than his words
❥ probably shows up at your doorstep, no warning, and spontaneously takes you out for a date
❥ it dont matter if you have homework, work, angry parents
❥ this man WILL take you out
“thought y’said you didn’t care about valentine’s.”
“i don’t.” dally said, breath evident as he sighs when he looks upon you. his hands stuffed in his pockets as he shuffled his feet.
“look c’mon, just come with me, will ya?” he asks, waving his hand around as he talked.
the corner of your lips turned upwards as you chuckled at dallas’ state. here he was, standing in front of your door on a cold night in tulsa, when just hours before he was brushing you off and saying valentine’s day was cheesy. if anybody had seen him now, they’d never believe you.
“sure, dallas. let’s go.” you took his hand and stepped out, clutching your sweater as your face hit the cold breeze. you never understood how dallas could wear leather jackets in this weather. maybe he was just too cool for everything, maybe that’s how he blended in with the weather.
he let go of your hand, which made you pout a bit, before he instead wrapped his arm around your shoulders and had a grip on the collar of your sweater.
“you’ll stretch it out, dal.”
“oh, you’ll live.”
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❥ STEVE is so cute 😭😭
❥ he tries his hardest guys i swear
❥ he’s a little dumb when it comes to this stuff
❥ steve probably steals one of pony’s valentines grams or whatever, scribbles his name out, and gives it to you
❥ you guys might go see soda or go to a drag race or maybe a car show
❥ maybe he’ll even teach you bout some car stuff, whether you understand it or not 😭
“baby, look! y’see that firebird right ov’there?” he asked, pointing and ushering your body to turn towards the car. steve was practically a kid in a toy store when it came to cars. he knew them like the back of his hand.
“mhm, it’s nice, stevie.” you said, humoring your boyfriend. your feet were practically aching at this point by how long you guys were walking for.
“‘n you see that one over there, too?” glory, how much i’d kill for a car like’at.” you loved steve, but sometimes it frustrated you how oblivious he was to certain things.
as he ranted about, you leaned your head on his shoulder, clutching his arm. you tried to listen to him, really, you tried. but all you could focus on was your throbbing feet, your heels burning with every step you took as you were sure you had blisters already.
how was steve able to be walking for this long?
you tugged on the bottom of his denim vest a little bit, making him shut up and turn his head towards you. “huh?” he asked.
“my feet are gettin’ tired, hun.” you whined with pleading eyes. he stopped for a little bit, contemplating on what to do, before letting go of you. you gave him a puzzled look before he crouched down in front of you, looking over his shoulder. “hop on.” was all steve said.
you laughed a bit, not thinking he was serious.
“you said your feet was hurtin’, didn’t ya?” he asked.
“fine, fine.” you gave him one last chuckle before hopping onto his back and wrapping your arms around his neck, burrowing your head into the crook of his neck.
steve was wrapped around your finger, and you both knew that, as you pressed a soft kiss onto his cheek as a thanks.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
❥ dunno why but all i can imagine for TWO-BIT is a drive-in date
❥ you two, sharing a coke, as you both watch a movie as you’re sat in his car
❥ two’s one of those cheesy mofos who while watching the sunset or a nice movie, he’d say it’s beautiful while looking at you
❥ he’s literally my babygirl what are you on about
❥ my underrated king 🙏🙏
“hey!” he shouted for you as he found you, scanning the entire drive-in for him.
he held out a small deformed heart shaped chocolate box, probably from being accidentally sat on, with a cheesy grin on his face.
“awh, you didn’t have to.” you beamed, gently handling the box as he handed it to you.
“swiped it just for ya.” two-bit said, rocking on the balls of his feet as he awaited a kiss, pursing his lips in the process.
you giggled and placed a quick kiss on his dramatic lips, watching how he chased yours after you pulled away.
“settle down, lover boy. let’s actually watch the movie first.” you said, causing your boyfriend to frown exaggeratedly.
“c’mon baby, let’s go get a coke.” you pulled him by the collar of his leather jacket, material rough under your fingertips as you dragged him along.
and boy, did you never hear the end of it. the whole time you were in line, all you heard from two was, “please darlin’?”, “one more?”, “just on the cheek?”. a string of pleas fell from his lips so many times you had lost count.
once you two had gotten your coke and snacks for the movie, you returned to two’s car as he followed you around, dragging his feet like a sad puppy dog.
“i’ll tell you what, you sit through,” you looked up in thought as you tried to find a good estimate, “twenty minutes, and then maybe you’ll get kisses.”
“twenty minutes? that’s like.. a whole year from now!” two-bit exclaimed.
after seeing your face though, he shut up. he really wanted those kisses, even if that meant sitting through a movie while he was all antsy. so all he did, was cross his arms and pout.
it wasn’t long before he got his wish, though.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ yo so who wanna be my valentine?? 💘
kiss kiss ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱
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spiteless-xo · 2 months
MISS TIFF im so late to your selfship game but i still wanna know!!!! what kind of dates do you and eren n jean go on? what would they do if another guy hits on you?? what kind of flowers do they buy you?? i LOVE tiff+jean and tiff+eren i cant wait to hear more!!!
spicy selfship asks
omg tysm for asking!! dw i love talking about my lil guys 🥺
with jean, dates are always very elaborate and planned out days in advance. he's got a table booked at a fancy restaurant, a new outfit picked out for the night, and maybe some fun activity planned for after dinner as well, like ice skating or mini golf. he always treats date night like he's still courting me, rather than us being together for however long, so he pulls out all the stops to make it memorable and romantic.
eren doesn't really plan dates unless it's for a special occasion: valentines day or an anniversary or birthday. eren and i are always sitting on each other's laps any moment we're together, so he doesn't really feel the need to plan out any elaborate "date" when we're already together all the time. although, he loves going out and running errands together. dropping by at a cafe for a little treat on the way or maybe checking out a pretty park nearby, going for an impromptu hike because this trail sounds cool and he packed our stuff in the trunk, just in case. to him, these aren't dates, they're just "hanging w his gf". and also, every once in a while, we'll bail on some plans we have with friends last-minute and just hang out together and watch tv and order takeout.
jean gets really quiet when he's jealous. he'll see someone hitting on me from afar and suddenly his jaw is tense and his hands are balled up into little fists. he would never intervene because there's a part of him that's insecure about our relationship, so he's waiting for me to run off with this other random stranger and leave him alone, but i never do. (and he will absolutely make out w me sloppy style when i come back to his side after being hit on. "that guy was being so creepy to me" is all i have to say and suddenly jean's tongue is in my throat and both hands are grabbing at my ass)
ummmm, eren's not like that. eren will see someone talking to me and immediately he'll rush to my side and give the other person a murderous look. he will make this person feel so uncomfortable for even daring to look in my direction and won't relax even long after the other person leaves. eren will be angry at me for getting hit on. he'll get it out of his system and go back to normal after he's completely split me in half with his dick 💀 and then it becomes a joke. "remember when that guy thought he had a chance with you?" or even "hey, why don't you ask your little boyfriend to help you?" and he refuses to acknowledge the fact that he was so jealous he was shaking.
first off, a bit of tiff lore!! but when i was younger, my dad passed away, and i got so many flowers and bouquets delivered to the house, so now i always associate flowers with death and grief and i don't actually like receiving flowers as a gift. i appreciate the gesture, especially from people who don't know that fact about me, but.......... i don't like flowers lol
jean knows this about me, so he gifts me candy or chocolate or stuffed toys instead. after dating for a while and getting sick of candy and having waaaaay too many stuffies in my room for a woman my age, i tell him to cut it out and find something else to get me instead. so this is why he plans all of the elaborate dates and experiences, rather than gifts.
eren also knows this about me, but he constantly forgets. he will get me roses on valentines day and an assorted bouquet on our anniversary or my birthday. he will remember several days later (usually when armin or mikasa mention something to him) and then make it up to me by buying something else--usually jewelry. it takes a while, but eventually, eren starts remembering on his own so he sticks to getting me jewelry for special occasions. always emeralds to match his eyes or gaudy heart-shaped necklaces that i would absolutely never buy for myself. (it takes him a while to realize that i also am not a big fan of jewelry, so then he just gets me lingerie because "i don't know what you fucking want!" and so he can tear it off of me and have an excuse to buy more)
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sappygentlemen · 4 months
Part THREEE to basement dweller :)
I love these two, so im prepared to see this series to the FINISH LINE. before valentines day :D so lock in, for some horribly bitter Yandere Declan x Yandere Sam <3
Here i am, standing in Quincy's bedroom. He is Declans darling younger brother, my little man. The first person to guide me to my beloved....so now, i'm up here, banished to his room, like a bad dog who chews their owners shoes. I don't mind Quincy's company, in fact i encourage it, and i'm not one to ignore a direct order from my lover. but right now, there's nothing i want more then to be with Declan and kill that bitch ."Austin" the man who dropped Declan off two nights ago, has been coming over repeatedly. Tonight was no different, as i heard their laughter echo in the house, bouncing off the walls that i thought housed our love. Declan had never banished me to the basement for my crime. the murder was supposed to bring him closer to me. however, i felt more alone then ever right now. despite Declans pampering, his touch, the words he spoke to me. No amount of reassurance was working.. i knew i had to do something, but Declan seems to get.. upset.. when i mention my anger towards Austin. he protects Austin... hes supposed to protect me. Austin simply isn't worthy of his love, only I am. he is mine, and i am his.
On another note. Quincy had been quite sad recently, id discovered that the whore I killed last week, was actually the single father of a very close friend of Quincy's, and since his "strange disappearance" his friend was forced to move away. This caused Quincy to be upset. i hated when Quincy was upset. i always wanted to make sure he was happy, after all, anything with Declans DNA, is precious to me. I'd organized for them to meet up sometime soon. Making sure i used Declans credit card... only picking the expensive flights. first class. I was hoping would get mad. would punish me. would hit me. anything, just to make him look at me again, without feeling so... far away. Of course, I had kept the trip a surprise from Quincy, I thought it might help a bit. However, as i sat here in this room with Quincy, all i could focus on, was the noise downstairs.... then it began to slowly die down. until, eventually... the house was silent. I guess i didn't realize how fast time was moving. Quincy lightly snored on his bed next to me, and i could hear Austins snore from downstairs....it reminded me of Declans snores.. i always loved his little quirks......but its the one thing i cant hear. one thing i cant hear is Declans snores. .... maybe he left?.. i decided to investigate...maybe he was waiting for me, waiting for me to see him, waiting to cuddle with me... i always loved his sly little hints, though he hasnt done this in ages? maybe hes more loyal then i thought, i knew i should have more faith in him. in my beloved&lt;3
As i walked down the hall in the dark pitch black house, walking as quietly as i could, creeping up to the steps. i saw one thing.
Declan was standing halfway up the staircase. with a knife in his hand... a clean knife.. his.. special knife.
Declan was going to kill me. that stupid "Austin" must have gotten into his head. mustv'e manipulated him. must've brainwashed him.
my poor poor baby
I gently walked up to declan, who was frozen in shock, obviously not expecting me to be awake. as i walked closer to him, stepping down the stairs till im one step above him. as i got closer, i put a soft, gentle hand on his left hand, inching closer, a hand on his neck as i cooed at him, in a soft tone, used for toddlers. I gave him a swift kiss, as i walked us backwards down the steps. when we reached the bottom of the stairs, i still hadnt stopped kissing him. As i saw the glow of the moonlight against the basement doorknob, i began pushing his wrist down.
The knife plunged into his stomach, carefully avoiding any major organs. I didnt like hurting my baby. but as Declan always said, and as im saying now, barely in a whisper as i smiled, my face only slightly visible in the moonlight. My poor darling couldnt even make a sound. only eyes wide in pain and shock. obviously not suspecting a punishment today. or ever in fact.
"If youre not well behaved, i must punish you<3"
His words being thrown at him must not have felt very good. It must have stung. hopefully it stung more then seeing your soulmate ready to kill you. ready to give you up even when you were so obviously what was best for them. I hope it stings as much as its about too.
I opened the basement door, shoving him inside, like he did me, as I began to lay out the supplies for him to treat his wound. Declan never healed my wounds when i was being .very. very. bad. so, he would get the same punishment. Despite his begs, and pleas. his whimpers and grunts as the blood pooled around the knife, and he tried to patch it up, while simultaneously begging me to stay, finally saying all the sweet words id wanted to hear. He even pulled out the knife, stabbing me in the leg,.. a failed attempt at stopping me. but it wouldn't work now. now i was upset, i need him to learn. the hard way. and i planned to teach him. swiftly peppering his sobbing face with kisses, before gracefully leaving the basement. Locking and shutting the door behind me.
I would tell Austin that Declan got uncomfortable with his annoying manipulative presence, and had retreated to my loving arms last night and wished never to speak to him again. Id have my beloved back. id have Declan all to myself finally.
An hour and a half later
I've been staring at my leg for an hour and a half. Declan felt so angry with me. I was so cruel. i deserve a punishment.. but without Declan here.. there's no one to give me one. staring at the knife, blood seeping out of the wound in my leg. i decided. I would take on a punishment just like i was giving Declan... just to be fair.. just to be good.
As swiftly as i could, i pulled the knife out of my calf, a towel in my mouth, preventing me from making noise, and waking anyone up. I swiftly dug the knife into my leg, repeatedly. until finally, it was gone.my entire calf and foot were separated from my body. The blood pooled around my bathroom floor. i could see my severed bone. i could feel the burn of the metal, the weight of the steel hammering into the place right below my knee, which was now missing..My body could barely process that it was missing before i began swiftly using my medical knowledge to properly bandage the wound. It was painful, and i sobbed though my face showed only pain, no sadness or remorse for my actions. as i stood on a very old pair of crutches, from when Quincy sprained his ankle. i hobbled myself to bed. hoping Declan would be much kinder in the morning.... my darling Declan.. he'll learn soon.. he'll learn. And im more then happy to teach him.
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starlightkun · 8 months
CHANGER IS SO GOOD!!!!! It's perfectly fluffy and i love me some "we're just best friends who act like a couple" dynamic 😩😩😩 i ate that story up, amazing, spectacular, cant wait for part 2!!!
"we're just best friends that have valentine's day photobooth pictures together and wear our matching baseball caps that we won in a game of couple's bingo and exchange origami hearts and are a package deal and split plates of food and co-sign birthday cards and oh yeah went on a date together that one time and have never gone on another date with anybody else since and have no intention to" just bestie things you know 😩😩😩
im so happy you liked it wahhh <3333 im literally sooo excited to give y'all part 2 as well. still writing it, but all the good feedback on pt 1 has made me super psyched to finish it <33 i was pretty nervous to post pt 1 tbh bc i rlly felt like i was alone on my own lil sungchanist island out here but im so glad tht i've found my people 😌
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myguydaniel · 5 years
im ??? Unlovable and sad ???
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pinkoushi · 3 years
pls omg sorry im ranting so much
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misora-msby · 4 years
embarrassing moments with inarizaki
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inarizaki always looks so cool but you know they’re actually dorks and i am here to provide you the content to show theyre clowns. enjoy the headcanons :)
Kita Shinsuke
firstly. kita shinsuke being embarrased? making a mistake? unheard of.
he’s a perfect man and we all know it.
you two were having a nice dinner out together. 
it was a pretty fancy place so you decided to dress in a different style today
but you were beginning to wonder if kita liked it or not because he seemed to keep looking past your shoulder instead of at you
he was an observant guy so you were wondering if something had happened behind you
but you couldn’t hear anything weird so you assumed not
you decided to just stay quiet about it at first but now it was beginning to become annoying! 
why wasn’t he looking you in the eye to speak?
midway through your dinner, kita finally spoke up tho
“y/n, your shirt is slipping... yer bra’s showing.”
right. you were wearing your off-shoulder top.
“o-oh. shin, it’s that kind of shirt, you know?” you had to explain your outfit to ur bf with a pink face.
“oh... that so... well it’s cold these days so if yer feelin’ cold lemme know. i’ll give ya my jacket.”
Ojiro Aran
another man with next to no flaws.
but nature says everyone has to make some mistake.
so it was a regular school day, our aran has just come to class from morning practice and there’s still some time left until class starts.
all the girls in class are gathered around a table
he’s not sure why, it’s probably watching an idol video
but ur man wants to be a little romantic!!
plus he just showered so he smells Great uwu
he goes over and hugs you from behind, placing his chin on ur head.
“hey, bb whatcha ya doin”
all the girls gasp.
he doesn’t get whats wrong, it’s not like it’s a secret y’all are dating
pda to this level aint bad either
especially compared to his teammate miya atsumu
“ojiro aran.”
why is your voice behind him
he looks down and nearly faints when he sees he hugged the wrong girl.
to be fair she looked a lot like you from behind, just maybe 1cm shorter.
“i’m so sorry!” he keeps apologising to literally everyone and all the class is giggling bc they never seen their school’s ace so red before.
“didn’t think i’d come back from the toilet and see my bf cheatin”
hes so funny i swear
the volleyball team hears of it and it gets even better 
Miya Atsumu
it’s not a secret that miya atsumu, setter of the inarizaki volleyball team and invited to national youth training camp, had a gf
he was very much in love with u 
the whole class knew it because he’d show it off whenever he could too
so here comes valentines day
last year he received like... 50 different gifts from girls and guys aiming to win his love.
you didnt even give him one lmAOOOOO 
but this year, he had been not so subtly trying to hint that “i better not receive any chocolates this year when i’ve got a gf!”
he reaches school and plops into his seat.
there’s an anonymous box of chocolates with “please accept my love, miya-kun! <3″ on it
“the hell’s this?!”
“oh? chocolates?” - osamu who just popped his head into the class to shove into his twin’s face how much chocolate he got.
especially since the blond was off limits, the grey-haired twin had a bigger following now.
“do they not know i have a girlfriend...”
“well, ya might as well eat it. ya dont know who to return it to.”
“that’s like receivin’ their love!”
“no it ain’t. it’s just food.”
atsumu couldn’t argue with that and popped a piece in.
it was very delicious. the chocolate practically melted on his tongue and was the perfect sweetness and was filled with a delicious ganache too.
it was perfect
but he couldn’t accept this!
“it ain’t even good. too sweet and the filling’s sticky.”
“ah. really? is that what you think, tsumu?” you ask from the door where you had been watching the exchange take place.
“y/n! look at this! some weirdo gave me some choco and like... samu said to test it but i’ll toss it out, promise.”
“tsumu, i made that... i wrote it anonymously because i thought you’d know it was me and i wanted to tease you a little.”
osamu: “yeah actually i went over to her place to teach her how to make it.”
atsumu: “you said you went to suna’s place?!”
osamu: “i went there later but i first went to help her.”
you: “anyways if it’s not good i don’t mind if you toss it out...”
you: “you just said-”
“you’re always so honest though... are you sure?” you were having your fun teasing him now.
he still cringes at the memory 4 years into ur marriage
Miya Osamu
osamu would DEFINITELY make home made dinner dates a regular thing.
this alone shows he’s the better twin - miya atsumu stan
he loves cooking and eating with you so sometimes when he’s got a day off you guys’ll set aside the afternoon to make a real nice dinner
imagine candlelit dinner with miya dorito body osamu in a suit
of course some fun stuff happens after too ;)))
and today’s your third anniversary!!
so osamu adds lots of ‘natural aphrodisiacs’ to the meal
i’m talkin
garlic bread and soup for an appetiser, a nice juicy steak with garlic and red wine sauce for the main, and chocolate coated strawberries for dessert
mm yummy
you two cleaned your plates completely (it was very delicious) and as you were washing the dishes, osamu comes up behind and wraps his arms around your waist
“yes, ‘samu?” 
“i’ve already prepared us a nice bath with yer favourite scents.” he’s got his head resting on ur chin
“really? thank you~ i’ll be there in a bit”
but he doesn’t let go of you while you’re still scrubbing at the baking sheets.
“osamu, you can let go for now.”
“don’t feel like it.”
“i gotta wash the dishes since you did most of the cooking.”
“mmm, i’ll do it if ya gimme a kiss.”
you roll ur eyes bc what a cutie 
u turn ur head to give him a kiss but suddenly he 
he burps
that garlicy wine smell is just kinda there
“ew! ‘samu!!”
his face is real red but he’s also trying not to laugh because he’s still a dude and this is absolutely hilarious to him
“want another?” he starts teasing
“i’m not getting in the bath with you.”
“wait wait wait i’m sorry, i’ll go brush my teeth and give you a proper kiss”
Suna Rintarou
you two were taking the train home today
it was quite late due to practice going a little longer than usual, so he insisted he walked you back home today.
sunarin can be a good boyf sometimes ok
it was getting a little crowded on the train tho, since people were heading home or going out for dinner
luckily you had already grabbed seats so you were quite comfortable sitting side by side. 
you and suna have the type of relationship were you dont have to talk all the time
silence is v comfy.
he’s just scrolling through twitter on his phone while you’re looking around the car, lost in ur thoughts
suddenly you notice an old lady standing a little bit away from you and you stand up
“baa-san, please take my seat.” you whisper in the crowded carriage
“oh how kind of you. thank you, dearie.” she smiles and takes your seat while you stand in front of her and suna instead.
suna doesn’t realise this exchange has happened tho
(he’s on his phone as usual)
probably starting some fights on twitter
he decides to try to be a little romantic and pretends to stretch his arm around (who he thought was) you.
why is your voice right in front of him?
“young man, i appreciate it but i’m married.”
suna jumps as he sees someone he did not recognise next to him.
he looks up and notices you had moved.
you’re giggling
the granny’s giggling
atsumu and osamu sitting opposite on the carriage look like they’re going to cry because they’re trying not to laugh
“i was just stretching. really.” he mumbles and crosses his arms, face red as a tomato
he’s so embarrassed.
Ginjima Hitoshi
sometimes the inarizaki vbc would go for an after practice snack at the nearby family mart
they were really hungry after an intense preparation for nationals which was in two weeks so kita insisted they all get something to fill them up on the way home
but lucky lucky ginjima hhehe
you (his classmate who he had a crush on) were working at the cash register today.
“welcome!” you greet everyone as they enter
he cant help but stiffen up a bit 
why are u so cute and cheery today
the 2nd years already know what to do.
“heyy, i think last week i bought ya that ramen right? ya owe me my konbini snacks today!” - atsumu
“yeah. you lost a bet to me last week so u gotta pay up. a pack of jelly fruit sticks please.” - suna
“forgot my money today, mind payin’ for my snacks too?” - osamu
“like hell i’m paying for all of you. especially you, osamu. you eat too much all the time.” 
aran’s noticed what’s going on,
“hey, if it’s just for today you can do it right? if ‘samu don’t pay ya back tomorrow i’ll nag him ‘til he does.” 
“fine...” his basket is full when he goes to the counter.
he’s trying his best not to have a red face while watching u scan the items, ur hair swaying slightly as u look back and forth between the objects and the screen.
“alright. 4,890 yen please!” GOD he hated how expensive it was, that’s almost all his weekly allowance but bc it’s u and ur voice saying it it’s kinda ok
“mm, ok.” he still has his eyes on you while he takes out his wallet and puts it on the counter.
his wallet, not the money
“...” “...”
“excuse me, sir. this is...”
he almost slaps his face wtf he’s so embarrassed.
“s-sorry. just a little absent minded after practice.” he starts pulling out his cash.
“it’s fine! i know how hard you guys practice!” you smile while performing the rest of the transaction and pass him his big bag of goods. “good luck for nationals, ginjima-kun!”
he almost runs out of the store and is about to fight the rest of the 2nd years for watching and (suna) recording
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nationalharryleague · 3 years
Valentine’s Day
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Summary: Y/N receives a special candy gram on Valentine’s Day. 
Genre: Valentine’s Day Fluff with Middle School Band Teacher!Harry 
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: Hi my valentines!!! There’s about 30 minutes left of Valentine’s Day for me and I finished this piece right in time!! Thank you to the angel herself @tbslenthusiast​ for beta reading this for me and I cant wait to hear what you all think!! More of my writing can be found in my Masterlist and I would love to hear some feedback! 
Valentine’s Day was never fun for you. You dreaded this day every year.
Valentine's Day in a middle school was full of teddy bears and flowers purchased by someone’s mom and having to tell 12 year olds to stop kissing in the hallway. You also knew that you would be inevitably interrogated by your students about your love life before getting any of them to listen to your lesson about the industrial revolution.
And every year, your answer stayed the same.
“It is none of your business,” you would begin with a teasing sigh. “But if you all have to know, I am happily single.”
And every year, you were met with a chorus of disappointed whines.
Your students were always desperate to wiggle their way into your personal life, a side-effect of being one of the youngest teachers in the school. You were closer in age to them than to some of your coworkers and they took advantage of that fact constantly, creating an open and honest dialogue with their favorite history teacher.
“But do you have a crush, Miss Y/L/N?” Jenna, one of your favorite students, piped up this Valentine’s Day from the front row. You couldn’t help but laugh at the way she raised her eyebrow at you from her desk, inquisitive and adorably curious.
“How about this?” you started, raising your own eyebrow to match her’s. “I’ll tell you if I have a crush, if you can tell me why the printing press was so important to the industrial revolution.”
Your heart started to drop as you watched the massive smile stretch across her face, exposing a mouth full of braces with pink rubber bands. They weren't supposed to learn about the printing press for another week.
“It made information more affordable and easier to access which bridged the information gap between the rich and the poor,” she answered like she had the textbook right in front of her. She crossed her arms triumphantly and leaned back into her seat while the class oohed and ahhed around her, knowing she had kept up her end of their deal.
You felt your cheeks heat as your classroom descended into giggles as your flustered face. “Nice job, smarty pants,” you let out with a nervous giggle.
“Remember, honesty is the best policy,” another student shouted out, pointing towards the poster on the wall of your classroom next to the world map that read the same saying.
“Okay, okay, okay,” you conceded, raising your hands in surrender to the classroom full of seventh graders. “I do have a crush.”
Your students erupted at your admission. Whos, whats, wheres, whens, and whys were thrown out by the class, but only a gentle smirk rested on your features, refusing to relinquish any more information to the children demanding it.
“You aren’t getting anything else than that!” you raised your voice to settle the rowdy classroom with a laugh. You moved from the front of the class back to your desk, listening to the gentle click of your heels on the white tile and gathering the stack of worksheets for that day’s lesson. “Now, pass these around and stop asking questions,” you playfully scolded.
“That’s not what your poster says, Miss Y/L/N,” Jenna spoke up again, pointing out another poster on your wall.
Never stop asking questions! was written in bold rainbow colors on the wall and it was now staring back at you.
You let out a chuckle and shook your head at the floor, knowing they had caught you once again. “I’m going to take down all my posters and you’re going to have to learn in a boring classroom soon.”
“We are just looking out for your love life!”
“You deserve a boyfriend!”
“Or a girlfriend!”
“Just someone who loves you!”
You smiled wide at the class full of endearing faces in front of you. They had nothing but good intentions and were sweeter than Valentine’s Day candy. You loved these kids like they were your own.
“Guys, I appreciate your concern,” you confessed. “But I promise I have it under control.”
After that, they began to settle down, eventually letting you give your lesson on the industrial revolution and scientific advancements of the period.
But you knew you had told them a lie.
You did not have it under control, at all. You were hopelessly in love with the kind man with curly hair and green eyes down the hallway in the band room and had no idea what to do about it.
Harry was one of your first friends when you were hired last year, volunteering to show you around the school and fill you in on all the workplace gossip. He had flecks of cheeky mischief in his eyes as he told you about the gym and spanish teachers’ affair and how the coffee machine was broken by one of the math teachers after a bad administrative evaluation. You had listened adoringly, like he was explaining the meaning of life, and you hadn’t been able to shake your crush since.
You brought each other coffees on the daily and were always in and out of each other’s classrooms. He always made sure you were a chaperone on his field trips and you always made sure he was one on yours. He had even convinced you to let your classes come to band practice once a month so they could play music from the time period your classes were currently studying.
He was endearing and kind and charming and so so good with all the kids. He was also incredibly sexy, which made it even more difficult to control yourself around him. You had the fattest and most uncontrollable crush on him, but he was your friend and you didn’t want to ruin that.
The ring of the bell that signified the end of the class period brought you out of your Harry induced haze, waving goodbye to your students and shouting after them to do their homework and to stop kissing in the hallways. You stood against the door frame of your classroom and watched their little awkward bodies skurry towards their next class, but your attention was soon caught by the tall man who’s chocolate curls stuck out high above the sea of middle schoolers that surrounded him.
“Good morning, love. Happy Valentine’s Day,” he smiled wide, dimples appearing like they were inviting you to poke them, as he reached your classroom and your heart fluttered at his affectionate pet name.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Harry,” you beamed back at him, hoping he and the passing students didn’t pick up on the adoration that was becoming very hard for you to hide.
“Oi, stop that,” he called over your shoulder, slight disgust showing on his face. You turned around and were met by two kids sucking face behind you. “Guys, just go to class,” he exasperatedly sighed when he was met by their shocked and embarrassed faces. Once they were gone, the two of you descended into a fit of giggles.
“They have no shame!” you laughed.
“Absolutely none!”
“Why are you over here? Not that you aren't welcome, but don’t you have a class to teach?” you teased gently as students began to gradually fill up your own classroom.
“I thought I would stop by and wish you a happy love day.” He smiled wide at you and spoke sweetly. If you weren’t reading into it too closely, you thought he might even be blushing a bit. “And it’s okay,” he waved off his class, clearing his throat and his voice returning to normal. “They’ll survive a few minutes alone. I trust them.”
“You shouldn’t,” you giggled again.
“Yeah,” he nodded with a chuckle. “I probably should get back, but I wanted to invite you to come to my classroom and get some cookies whenever you get a chance today.”
You felt your heart soar at his invitation, no matter how friendly the proposal. “I am free next period.”
“I know,” he winked, and your heart nearly jumped out of your chest. “I will see you then,” he grinned as he began to walk backwards down the hallway, maintaining eye contact for as long as he could, before spinning down the hall just as the bell rang to start the next period.
You tried your best to focus on your lesson about the renaissance with your sixth graders, but your mind kept floating back to the delightful man who had invited you for cookies. 
Had he invited all of the teachers for cookies? Or did he ask just you? Was he just being nice? Or did he actually want to see you? Had he been flirting with you?
The lesson was interrupted when there was a knock on your classroom door. You opened it up to find one of your students, Matt, dressed in a giant heart costume holding baskets full of labelled chocolate bars.
“I’m here to give out Valentine’s Day candy grams, Miss Y/L/N!” Matt exclaimed, his face barely fitting into the far too large hole cut out for his face. Every year the student council set up a candy gram fundraiser and the kid in the suit never got any less cute. You let out a chuckle as you looked down at him, opening the door further and letting him into the room.
You watched with a smile as he called out students’ names and the genuine surprise and flattery that passed over their features. Cheeks turned red and shy smiles played on their lips as they made their way to the front of the room and retrieved their candy from the giant pink heart.
You were caught off guard when you heard your own name be called. Matt held out the meticulously wrapped pink candy bar out to you as the class let out an “ooh” and your cheeks heated with embarrassment. Your cheeks heated even further as you read the label.
To: Miss Y/L/N
From: Mr. Styles
Will you be my valentine?
Your heart fluttered in your chest and you had a very hard time holding back the large and toothy grin that wanted to appear in front of your students.
“Who is it from?” one of your students asked excitedly.
“I don’t ask who your Valentines are, do I?” you teased, but held the candy bar close to your chest over your heart. You could feel your heart racing underneath your hands.
The giant pink heart standing at the front of the classroom finished distributing his candy and your class led a chorus of goodbyes as he left the room, onto the next classroom to spread some more innocent young love. You impatiently watched the clock tick down the seconds until the bell rang and released both you and your students out into the school.
And just when it felt like it might never come, the bell rang through the school and your students were off into the chaos of a passing period. You followed closely behind after you gathered your things, the candy bar slid carefully into your bag. You flowed along with the flow of children that carried you down the hallway, heart racing as Harry’s classroom came into view, your feet quickly matching it’s tempo.
Your footsteps echoed on the tile in the acoustics of the large room, your voice bouncing off the walls as you said hello. He had been tuning a guitar when you came in, his attention flashing up from the instrument in his hands to you.
“I was promised cookies,” you teased him. “They better be good.”
“I promise they are. They’re my nan’s recipe.”
“Of course they’re your nan’s recipe,” you sighed with a chuckle.
“What’s so bad about using my nan’s recipe?” he asked incredulously, grinning as he settled the guitar back into its stand and moved towards you.
“Absolutely nothing,” you sighed adoringly. “I just think it’s very sweet.”
“You haven’t even tried them yet! You can’t say they’re too sweet.”
You couldn’t hold back the giant smile that was so wide it made your cheeks hurt, chuckling at his cheesy joke. He made you feel warm when he moved closer to you, like someone had just turned up the heat in the large room.
“I meant that you were sweet, silly,” you tried to joke, but it came out genuine and soft. You bit on your lip nervously, replaying the affectionate tone in your head over and over.
“Thank you, sweetie,” he smirked softly at the pet name and you felt like you were soaring.
He was close to you now, having crossed the room and standing only a few feet away from your body. You wanted to close the space between you two, to kiss him with all your might, to tell him you would love to be his valentine. But just as you built up the courage, he stepped away towards his desk, retrieving a cookie for both of you.
The cookies were shaped into small perfect hearts with a coarse pink sugar pressed into the soft biscuit. The cookie melted in your mouth and the sugar granules crunched between your teeth. You had to hold yourself back from releasing a moan at the taste. They were dainty and delicate and you could only imagine how much time he had put into them.
But you weren’t shocked. Harry was like that. He was gentle, taking care and measured precision with everything he did. He spoke to the kids with tender care, making them feel talented and successful, and was always there to lend a helping hand whenever one of them needed it. And he spoke to you the same way.
“Harry-” you began softly, but he cut you off before you could finish.
“-Yes, I would love to.”
“I would love to be your valentine.”
Your heart jumped in your chest, flattered heat rushing to the surface of your cheeks, but you also looked at him with a slight confusion. He had asked you to be his valentine, hadn’t he?
As you looked at him in slight shock, you noticed the small and meticulously wrapped pink candy bar that sat on his desk. Oh my god, they didn’t, you thought.
You could only imagine the confusion that fell onto Harry’s features as you moved away from him and towards his desk, picking up the candy bar and reading the writing on the wrapper.
To: Mr. Styles
From: Miss Y/L/N
Will you be my valentine?
Oh my god, they did.
“Harry,” you chuckled, looking back towards him and holding the chocolate bar up. “When did you get this?”
“I got it this morning when the kids delivered it,” he said dumbfounded. “Why?”
“Because I didn’t send this.” You walked over to your bag that you had left near the door and retrieved your own matching candy bar. “And I’m assuming you didn’t send this either?”
You handed the pink package to him and he read the label closely, eyebrows furrowing even further, then relaxing as you watched the puzzle fall together in his head as it had in yours.
“The kids sent these to us from each other, didn’t they?”
“I believe they did, Mr. Styles,” you nodded.
His cheeks turned a bright red, embarrassment flooding his features. “I’m sorry about before then,” he stammered out. You watched the panic on his face as he searched for something to say that would cover his tracks, but you cut it off when you connected your lips to his.
His lips were soft and velvety and he tasted exactly like the sweet sugar cookie he had gifted you. Your lips moved gently over each other and you slid your hands up to play with the curls that rested at the back of his neck, pulling him impossibly closer to you as his hands found their spot on your hips. You couldn’t help the smiles that fought their way into the kiss and you broke apart moments later, both flushed and flustered, small giggles leaving both of you.
“I would love to be your valentine if you would have me,” you said breathlessly as you looked up to him.
“It’s all I could ask for.”
“This is the best Valentine’s Day ever,” you said softly against his lips, already pulling him back in for more.
“We’re just like the kids in the hallway.”
“They’re not too bad. I understand it now.”
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luvspence · 3 years
master list!
i basically only write fluff. if it’s anything else it’ll be specified
most if not all are spencer reid x fem! reader
wanna be on my tag list?
ongoing stuff:
reid’s (camera) roll - some pictures that somehow end up in your camera roll, and the stories behind them
reid one shots:
{ <3 = my faves }
under hugs - an extremely fluffy cuddle blurb
perhaps you have a crush on me? - spencer had a crush on a very intimidating bau member <3
un-platonic - you cant figure out if spencer loves her platonically or other wise
sleepyheads- you and spencer baby sit henry!
are you flirting with me?- continuation of perhaps you have a crush on me, spencer is gaining some confidence with his intimidating office crush
rainy days - cold, rainy, and lazy days with spencer
dandelions - spencer and you are spending a sunny day in the park <3
my plus one - spencer pretends to be your boyfriend for a night, although their may or may not be secret feelings involved <3
rain sounds - you find spencer in the back seat of his car reading alone
mornings - spencer doesn’t wanna wake you up
favorite florist- spencer develops an affinity for the local florist <3
vision impaired- spencer and you both wear glasses, and these are the little things that happen
girl scout cookies- spencer has a soft spot for children and simple carbs <3
roommates I, II, III, IV, domestic and platonic (ish) life with everyones fav genuis <3
roommates (valentines edition)- a pretty platonic valentine’s day, pretty platonic
double dates - your best friend drags you on a double date, to your surprise, he’s really cute
too invested - you fake date spencer to make your ex jealous. so what you have a small crush on spencer, no harm no foul, right?
sleepy - insomniacs? am i right?
ammonium lauryl sulfate - wholesome showering with spencer (just fluff)
late nights - waiting up for spencer
revenge prank- spencer wages a prank war on a guy who just won’t leave you alone
domestic life - mini blurbs abt domestic life with spencer, of the romantic and non variety
lip stick- you’re a big lip stick fan, and spencers a big fan of you <3
neptune and back- simple and pure love with spencer reid <3
contact names- a love story told through contact names <3
sleeping habits- insomniacs, but not when they’re together <3
i’ve never met anyone quite like you- you are very unique to spencer, in the very best way <3
dropping notes - non verbal communication with the curly haired stranger at the north end of the library <3
haircuts - spence gives you a haircut
darling, you’re the one i want - some little mini blurbs based off of paper rings by taylor swift
prom night- you and spencer both missed your high school proms, maybe this makes up for it?
shared jackets- spencer graciously lends you his jacket as an act of hopeless romanticism and friendship, little does he know you’re in love with him as much as he is with you <3
inbox blurbs!:
🪐: bit of an angsty comforts tune? you are staying at the bau for safety reasons, and spencers presence is comforting
🦢 🧪 : sleepy spence
✨🌀: spencer unknowingly meets a new bau applicant
🦢🏵: another angsty number, spencer doesn’t come home when he says he will
🦢‼️: borrowing spencer’s clothes
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eggrestes · 3 years
ladrien fic recs!
there are SO MANY amazing ladrien fics i cant possibly cover them all but here are a few!
(all the ratings used are ao3 ratings)
((this is a very long post!))
Of Ivy and Sunlight by cyanise [ T, 1509 words, 1/1 ]
When Adrien takes to wandering the streets of Paris in ungodly hours, Ladybug has no choice but to keep an eye on him. Still, things are bound to get a little out of hand between two overloaded teenagers with a lot of love and not enough self-control. 
a lovely post-chat blanc fic :’) it has a great flow and is just soft and so sweet and it’s just perfect. gosh i cannot really say more other than read it!!! also almost all of their other stuff is also ladrien so do check it out!
This can't be happening by PlaPla [ T,  6,467 words, 1/2 ]
Ladybug is unsure whether accompanying Adrien to a gala as his not-date is the best or worst thing that has ever happened to her. But when their table mates turn out to be none other than her long time friends Alya and Nino and with Adrien acting weirder and weirder she finds herself with bigger worries than an unrequited crush.
a djwifi/ladrien double date? hit me up! i love identity shenanigans, ball dancing, ladrien, and djwifi and this is a perfect mix for me. i know it’s incomplete but it doesn’t end in a cliff-hanger really, the part 2 is just a promise of more so it doesn’t feel incomplete! PlaPla also has a short oneshot of ladrien going for a motorcycle ride.
Falling again by emsylcatac [ M,  4,506 words, 2 Works ]
They had been dancing around each other for a while now, and while fifteen year old Adrien would have been ecstatic at the idea of dating Ladybug in secret, twenty-two year old Adrien knew better. But Ladybug wasn’t making it easy. It was like… she, too, was falling for him. And that surprisingly enough, she didn’t mind.
* * *
Or Adrien trying (and failing) to keep things professional between him and Ladybug when the two of them partner up for a mission. Older AU
things are a little steamy~ here (don’t worry, it’s only implied it’s very mild and closer to a T rating than the M) but it’s a great mature take on their dynamics! emsy has more ladrien one-shots in her collection of one-shots!
i'd love to go on a date with you by sae_what  [ G,  6,480 words, 1/1 ]
Once it had been falsely announced throughout Paris that Adrien and Ladybug are in a relationship, Ladybug pays him a visit to turn him down gently.
Only, she doesn’t. And instead, she has a formal dinner date. With Adrien. At 8 pm. Tonight.
LADYBUG IN A SUIT!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. okay but for real it’s so sweet and also??? they are on a date!!! a rooftop date!! (too man exclamation marks oops)
Always Welcome by  chatonne-rousse [ T, 1,683 words, 1/1 ]
Ladybug knows that Adrien's window is always open for her to swing by and stop in, whether for video games or a chat or, like tonight, for soft kisses and sweet nothings.
He loves these visits. His girlfriend is always welcome. Always. (Especially for kisses.)
Written for Ladrien June, day 8: bluebell eyes.
established relationship, pre-reveal ladrien. there is something very home-y about this fic and it’s all about the comfort and quiet that i adore about it!
Five Times Gabriel Agreste Caught Ladybug in His Son’s Bedroom (and the One Time He Caught Chat Noir) by agrestenoir [ T,  1,923 words, 1/1]
Gabriel Agreste keeps finding Ladybug in his son's bedroom. As a super villain and father, this will not stand.
this crack fic is... honestly so hilarious. it’s all through gabrie-i-am-trying-to-parent-and-failing-a-lot-agreste’s POV so it is so much ridiculous! 
an uncurtain discovery by  Missnoodles [ T, 4,684 words, 1/1 ]
When he returns from school on Wednesday afternoon, Adrien discovers the darkness in his own home. He struggles to come to terms with it. To his utter mortification and delight, Ladybug is nearby to rescue him.
(He does not discover that his father is supervillain. That will happen on a different Wednesday.)
Adrien is being a cat and gets tangled in the curtains on his window and it’s utterly ridiculous. all the bug and the cat tendencies make it funnier and adrien’s inner monologue is just a cherry on top!
secret valentine by a_miiraculer [ T,  12,245 words, 1/1 ]
this is the moment that we will come alive brace yourself for love sweet love, secret love
If Adrien had known that getting himself stuck in a tree would end like this, he would've gotten himself stuck sooner.
A drabble series.
i just,,,, don’t have words for how much i love it! it’s ridiculous, it’s cute, it’s funny, it’s whole-some and just ladrien. the writer also has a M rated multi-chapter ladrien kissing (no the M is very much real here) and a heroic adrien and ladybug one-shot too! 
Those Benevolent Stars by peachcitt [ G,  23,696 words, 3/3 ]
“Will you come back?”
She looked up at the deep blue sky, as if she could somehow find the answer there. “I shouldn’t,” she said, shaking her head and looking back at him. But the stars were still there, caught in her eyes, and Adrien persisted.
“But will you?”
adrien meets his soulmate, a thief who calls herself ladybug. he falls for her, but she seems determined to maintain a space between them.
oh my god this au.... just no words!! it’s poetry and it’s tender and it’s about the yearning and just!!! perfect :’). Her current ongoing ladrien june fic is also akin to this (and the fic i linked before it) so do check it out too! (literally check out all of their works it’s so beautiful)
Flowers on the Window Sill by LNC [ G,  2,144 words, 1/1 ]
The first time Ladybug saw him, really saw him, the universe stopped.
this fic feels like poetry and it’s so lovely. LNC is always short and direct but it always hits right in the feels while also being hilarious. Her  other ladrien works are just as good and i highly recommend going through them because it fulfills all of the ladrien needs (along with Reiaji)
whatever a sun will always sing is you by komorebirei [ T,  32,980 words, 37/37 ]
“I didn't think you'd actually... do anything," Adrien admitted, cheeks prickling with warmth. "I-I mean, I never expected... I didn't know you watched my interviews.” That definitely wasn’t how he'd imagined confessing to Ladybug.
“Of course I do!” Ladybug squeaked. “Uhh, that is…” She looked down at her hands, nervously turning her yo-yo over, over and over. “Maybe you’re not the only one with a crush.”
(After an unexpected confession, Ladybug and Adrien start dating in secret. A progressive character- and relationship-study quilted from drabbles, with the intention of digging treasure out of the cove that is Ladrien. Written using kashimalin-fanfiction's kiss writing prompts from Tumblr.)
it does such an excellent job at exploring this dynamic along with the characters. it’s such a sweet fic, each chapter short and fun!
whose woods these are (I think I know.) by  Reiaji [ T,  105,000 words, 25/25 ]
Four years after his future turns to cinders, Adrien is a servant in the house he was meant to inherit. Disowned by his father and abused by his stepmother, his days are filled with drudgery until he meets a masked huntress in the forest behind his father's chateau.
As his friendship with Ladybug turns to first love, he dreams of a future spent at her side.
Then, on the eve of the Princess's masquerade, he meets his guardian—and is granted a wish.
[Ladrien Cinderella AU]
Warnings: Child abuse, Graphic depiction of violence
this is absolutely gorgeous. it has so many troupes and so many amazing character arc and great build up and everything just flows so well. it left me in awe for weeks and i just. want to experience reading it for the first time again. look at this gorgeous art inspired by this! {and you have to read  leonard bernstein too because LETTERS and LADRIEN and YEARNING}
i would do it again (oh, a thousand times) by bugabisous [ T, 2,266 words, 1/1 ]
Knowing you can bring someone back doesn’t mean you’re free of the pain of seeing them disappear before your eyes. He can’t imagine he’ll be able to look at her directly without replaying every horrifying moment when he felt her slip away in a puff of smoke.
When it happens once again, he already knows he’ll be trying again. He just can’t give up.
it expands on adrien’s feelings in the episode desperada (my beloved <3) and it is just ouch. such great angst, such great potential. the kind of tragedy that it offers is unusual for ml (it gets only rivaled by chat blanc tbh). to rival this angst bugabisous also has a fluffy one-shot :)
when the world gets too heavy (put it on my back) by Taliax [ T, 4,720 words, 1/1 ]
Chat Noir isn't allowed to cry over his father. But even when he's just Adrien, Ladybug won't abandon him.
Hawkmoth reveal hurt/comfort + Ladrien
the plagg and adrien bond written is just perfect, and oh this hits right in the feels :’) it hurts all in the right way. tali also has so many other ladrien works in all genres too
By Your Side by omniousunflower [ T, 4,361 words, 1/1 ]
(Angry and alone, Adrien waits on top of the Eiffel Tower for his lady.)
“So, how did my kitty get stranded up here?” Ladybug asks.
Groaning, Adrien pulls his knees toward his chest and presses his face against them. “Because he’s stupid and impulsive.”
“Chasing pigeons, then?”
“No.” Shame burns in Adrien’s veins, white-hot now that Ladybug is here to witness his stupidity. “I threw my Miraculous, and Plagg wouldn’t get it for me.”
post-hawkmoth defeat, and adrien is not doing well at all. i am cheating because it is post reveal, pre relationship but it’s still ladrien. this fic is a roller coater of emotions, starting from a slightly crack scenario to a cute, awkward, hopeful ending.  More Than You Know is another of sunny’s angsty ladrien work!
Breaking The Rules (AKA The Ladrien Fistfight) by ThisKwamiNeeds_aNap [ T, 8,714 words, 1/1 ]
Marinette may or may not be dying, but she’s still going to do her best to fix every single problem in the world. She’s not expecting Adrien to be the one who tries to stop her. (Takes place immediately after Kwami Buster)
Warnings: panic attack, broken bones, PTSD. please read the tags!
*slaps this fic* this fic can fit in so much angst. it just?? left me in PAIN oof. it says ‘ladrien fistfight’ on the lid but nooo there is marinette is just having a freak out and it’s all so much??!! and it’s not just marinette there is adrien too and chloe and alya and- wow it’s amazing. love it so much it fills up my angst needs :’)
so that’s it for now! my personal commentary isn’t impressive nor does it do justice to the fic but i still hope you read a few of these!! happy reading!!
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cupidbiites · 3 years
hi! can i ask for headcannons for shoji shinsou Iida and maybe mirio too for when you cook for them 🧍🏼‍♂️
when you cook for them!!
shinso, iida, mirio, shoji
hihi!! i’m sorry if shojis ooc at all, i’ve never had any experience writing for him :((
shinsou hitoshi:
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Alright, first things first
This man is either a really great cook, or the worst chef in japan
No inbetween
That doesnt mean that he cant appreciate good food, or doesnt indulge in midnight mcdonalds runs, no
It just means that like everything else about this man, hes unpredictable
For the past few weeks, the meals he had prepared for you were really, really good
And that meant that his “lucky” streak was soon to break
And as much as you love toshi you were not willing to sit through and pretend to enjoy his new culinary experiment
so this time you decided to prepare him a meal.
it’s simple, miso soup with rice on the side.
you were originally thinking of making his favorite meal, but realized you didn’t have enough time D:
he came home, exhausted and ready to try his best to make something edible for dinner
only to find the table set and u sitting at the end, a smile on your face and hands nervously fidgeting in your lap
nothing could compare to the smile that lit up his face and the bone crushing hug he drew you in for :))
iida tenya:
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ok so sir can cook basic meals but other than that he’s not the greatest
not to say he’s bad, but his brain moves too fast for him to catch what he's whipping up
(having to scold denki and sero while accidentally letting the food burn doesn’t really help either)
he tries his best tho
gOD i love him so much
i’m just think abt husband iida now
moving along,,,
being class rep and the only (publicly) responsible person within class 1-a is tiring, to say the least
mina and hagakure having mini dance party’s in the back of class (subtly throwing jirous music in their playlist causing her cheeks to glow red)
sero taping mineta to the ceiling on a weekly basis ( iida doesn’t mind necessarily, he just thinks it makes the class look bad to have kids hanging from the walls, no matter how pervy they are)
bakugou threatening deku on the daily, causing holes in the floor, walls, and desks
it’s all a big mess alr?
but nonetheless when he comes back to a refreshing smell filling his dorm he perks right up
his stomach grumbles as he realizes how long it’s been since he’s ate
a lazy smile covers your face as you let out a curse
“you couldn’t have waited a couple minutes? i wanted to set the table before you got home :((“
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he sucks at cooking
he so bad it’s comical
not to say he’s ashamed of it
no, he’ll make some wack-ass concoction and serve it to tamaki just to see his reaction
so take out with you two is a frequent
neither of you mind it tho
sometimes just to fuck with you he’ll tell u he got take out when in reality he just mixed together a bunch of shit and made it look pretty on a plate
you were kinda sus tho cause you didn’t see any takeout boxes in the trash
so you made him taste it before you, just to double check
now this man has this poker face, but it’s not like an rbf
this mans poker face is a calm smile that kinda says “everything’s fine” but without words
you two had food poisoning for like a week after LMAO
today though, it was valentine’s day
and you were kinda getting sick of the takeout place across the street
(the clerk kinda freaked you out too, not that you’d say anything.)
you decided to make this extravagant dinner, as you were relatively confident in your cooking skills
you just had to get togata out of the house for a couple hours
so after spending the whole day at the mall with tamaki, seeing couples all lovey dove-y, he missed you
his face was so fUNNY WHEN HE CAME HOME
IT WAS KINDA LIKE: 😞 -> 🤔 -> 🤭 -> 😆
you two ate and then cuddled the rest of the night as compensation for being alone most of the day <33
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another one who’s shit at cooking
he’s insecure about it though
sometimes when he’s feeling extra bleh about it he’ll buy takeout but hide the containers and pretend he made it
you always know that he didn’t but praise him anyway
you guys usually eat a lot so it can be pretty expensive to get takeout so often
you rarely buy the expensive stuff but food is just a weird thing to cost so much money for
sometimes when neither you nor shoji really want to go out and buy stuff but don’t have the energy to make anything you bribe bakugou to cook for you
he has a small sweet spot for you as you’re not as annoying as “dunce face” and “that half and half bastard” (who also cannot cook) so getting him to do it isn’t usually that hard
it’s ridiculously spicy but u don’t complain
shoji is always silently thankful and bakugou appreciates it
now sir gets kinda mentally tired a lot
the majority of the school is really loud and it’s tends to drain his social battery
he never lashes out at anyone though, especially not you
you’re his light and he cherishes you 😤
(you know i’m not a simp but i’m bout to be)
he just loves you so much it sometimes baffles him
that he has the ability to feel that strong of an emotion, especially towards someone he thinks he doesn’t even deserve
soft shoji hrs </3
his heart absolutely melts when he sees you, silently presenting your creation
it’s not too simple but nothing too fancy
it’s perfect for the day he’s had
he takes you into the softest, most loving hug you’ve ever experienced
your heart melts with his 🥲
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flamehairedwritings · 3 years
Candy Hearts
Characters: Chief Jim Hopper x Female Reader
Words: <1k
Rating: M
A/N: Hello! Welcome to the first day of my 7 Days of Valentine’s Drabbles, the 2021 edition! Let’s warm up with something sweet, shall we.
This story contains swearing, mentions of alcohol, flirty banter, and a realisation.
Please don’t copy or steal my work, and please don’t post it on any other sites; credit does not count.
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Candy Hearts
Phones ring, pencils and pens scribble against paper and low murmurings echo across the Station floor.
The day crew is starting to be replaced by the night crew, but you? Oh, you’re the lone member of the all-day crew.
Accepting the double-shift on one of the most understaffed days of the year was a no-brainer. You had absolutely no plans and didn’t intend on making any, in fact you had been delighted when Flo called the week before, sighing before she’d even started and expecting a ‘no’ like all the previous calls. Your friends had finally ceased their well-meaning pestering about going out to the bar or going over to one of theirs for a movie night or doing any number of things they could come up with at thinking you’d be miserable about being single.
They just can’t believe that you’re actually okay. Sure, sometimes you get a slight pang of longing when you see couples or watch a romantic movie or, let’s be honest, have a few alcoholic beverages, but generally you’re fine.
It’s just that the forcedness of the so-called holiday irks you. Why should one day be dedicated to doing something nice for your partner and showing them how much you love them? There’s pressure on single people, too; everyone asking what you’re up to, how you’re going to spend it, pity in their eyes and a joke on their tongue. Nope, you’d rather just spend the day being alone with peace and quiet.
... Or here surrounded by noise and people you like but who won’t bother you.
“Well, look at this.”
Well, one of them will.
Releasing a faux-exasperated sigh as you sit back, you manage to not smile as you meet Jim Hopper’s gaze.
“Oh, no, look at this. Every woman in town turn you down?”
He snorts as he sits on the edge of your desk, unwrapping a chocolate loveheart and popping it into his mouth. “I haven’t asked every woman.”
“Haa,” you say dryly as he gives you a wink. “What’re you waiting for, then, Casanova?”
“Don’t wanna get my ass kicked in the parkin’ lot later.”
Your smile breaks through, damn it, and he grins, unwrapping another loveheart.
“Yeah, there’s that smile.”
“Shut up and share your chocolate.”
“Nah, I like these too much, can’t believe they only make ‘em once a year, I’m gonna have to write a letter, but before you give me that look, I got you these...”
Pulling a tube-shaped packet out of his ‘Chief’ jacket pocket, he tosses it to you. Catching it, you raise your eyebrows as you read it before looking back up at him.
“... You bought me candy hearts?”
He shrugs, unwrapping another chocolate. “It was all that was left at the store that wasn’t a teddy sayin’ ‘I love you’ or a fake rose.”
“Oh, good choice, then.”
“Yeah, I thought so.” He watches you as you unwrap the packet and take a heart off the top. “Hey, read it out, what’s it say?”
Tilting your head, you exhale a breath as you turn it so you can read the tiny writing. “Uh... ‘Call me’.”
“Okay, what time?”
You just can’t stop your smile from returning as you side-eye him. “I can’t believe no one accepted your offer of a date...”
He chuckles, ripping up the foil wrap between his hands. “Oh, well, that might also be because I didn’t ask anyone.”
Pausing, you blink as you look at him. “What?”
This is unheard of. As is him working on Valentine’s Day for that matter. The bar is hosting its traditional Singles Night which he is practically a guest of honour at, so what the hell is he doing here?
“Yeah,” is all he says, rolling the foil up into a small ball.
“Oh.” Realising you’ve been staring a second or two longer than you should, you raise your eyebrows as you smile. “Couldn’t handle all the rejection?”
Hopper shakes his head as he straightens, a smile pulling at his lips as he looks at you. “Nah. I’d just rather be here.”
He unwraps another chocolate as he moves between the desks towards his office, and your eyes follow him the entire time.
Definitely not.
But what if...
Lips parted, you watch him as he removes his jacket and settles it on the back of his chair before sitting down, a hand running over his hair.
You’re reading into things now, stop it...
Licking your suddenly dry lips, you pull another candy heart off the top and, on instinct, read it.
‘Love Bird’.
You swiftly pop it into your mouth, feeling heat flood your cheeks.
Reblogs and comments make my day in a way I can’t describe.
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Tagged: @herb-welch, @punkpascal @davidkharboursex, @jobean12-blog, @warmbeardsandredwine, @mademoiselle-black, @scrunchinn, @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash, @divadinag, @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan, @deepsouth, @neganslittlebae, @ashphoenix105, @alahmorah, @daughterofthebrowncoats, @letsby,  @kiwiphroot, @ashmely, @sistasarah-sallysaidso, @unicornsandgliiitter, @lucifer-in-leather,  @heyjudeinthesky, @sleepylunarwolf, @ambeazyyy, @countryfire22, @sithlordslut, @mondsafari,  @norcula, @earinafae, @beltzboys2015-blog, @jinxiejenna, @justsimplevicky, @hellosupernaturaldoctor, @ginasellsbooks, @dwarvenbunnyears, @vale0413, @mrslydiaholden, @kimberliinabox, @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly, @allylupin, @cant-shake-this-feeling-off, @the-bitch-gotham-deserves, @warriorqueen1991, @thesurestthing, @zuni21798,  @quietlovelovely, @maddieisaboredable, @windinyoursnail, @happy-hopper, @yedi16, @negansdirtygirl22, @slipperywhenwetsstuff, @my-rosegold-soul @madkskillz, @im-not-great-at-making-up-names, @sergeantangel, @bitchinsinclair, @dewy-biitch, @focusonspn, @wearethebrokenones, @sarcasm-is-my-native-tounge, @thatprettymvthafvcka, @pulplorrd, @gifsbysimplysonia, @opalsandlacemain @geordiequeen, @gothackedalready, @ayatimascd, @missaudreyhorney, @chiefharbour, @l0ve-0f-my-life, @saltandroot, @ollypopp @soyuncheez
Apologies to those Tumblr won’t let me tag!
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bts-hyperfixation · 3 years
Taehyung, 2, 21, 27. Preferably a Smut with some angst and surprise me with the scenario. Could it be a mafia au?
Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year – 18+
Taehyung Mafia AU
Warnings: Anal play, definitely some unclean sex practices, unsafe sex, mentions of death threats
I am so sorry about how late this is!
“Look baby, I already said I’m sorry I’m not going to be home for Christmas.” Tae sighed rubbing his temples as you refused to turn back to face him. You’d been fighting over this for a while now.
“It’s not that you won’t be home for Christmas Tae. It’s that you won’t be back for your Birthday or New Years either and I’m sick of it!” you finally deign to look at him. It’s clear he is close to snapping at you, but you are tired of the shit. You knew it was going to be hard to be with him, especially after you found out what he really did for a living, but you weren’t going to let this one go. This year alone he had missed: valentine’s day, your graduation, your birthday, his mother’s birthday, and Halloween, and you would be damned if he missed the next three holidays as well.
“You know damn well there is nothing I can do about this Y/N! You need to just drop it.” He huffs fixing you with his most intimidating stare. Unfortunately for him, you became immune to that look a long time ago. He was scary man to everyone else, but to you he would always be a teddy bear. It was long established he would never hurt you. You just stared right back. Your own evil glare far more threatening.
“I bet you could do something. You’ve never even tried! You are at his beck and call regardless of the day or time. I bet if we ever actually got round to setting a wedding date, he would call you away from the alter and you’d just fucking go.” Something akin to hurt flashes across his face but you don’t stop. “Namjoon cannot be your be-all and end-all Tae, one day you are going to have to be a big boy and make a decision for yourself.”
“What do you want me to do Jagi? Do you want me to let Namjoon shoot me for not being there? He will you know, shoot me dead, or worse you. Look I was a stupid kid when I entered into this, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m in. Namjoon calls I answer, or I die. That’s it no grey area.” His gaze softens when he sees the panic in your eyes, tears welling in the corners. The thought of Taehyung turning up dead because of you too much to handle. He reaches out his arms for you and you slot yourself in. You take a minute to inhale him, burying you nose into his jacket.
“I just miss you Tae.” Your voice muffled by his suit. He holds you tighter to him and kisses your head. He moves one hand to smooth down your hair.
“I know Y/N-ah I miss you too, but we have tonight so let’s make the most of it.”
A short while later you are wrapped up on the sofa. Taehyungs arm is wrapped lazily around your shoulder as you lean into him, trying to forget that he won’t be there in the morning. The hours tick by and episodes of the show on the tv keep ending. The two of you are fast asleep in one another’s arms. By the time you wake up the world is way too bright. You squint your eyes to look out the floor-length patio window.
“Tae… Taehyung wake up!” you tap at his arm panicked as he grumbles for you to leave him be ‘just a little longer’ “Kim Taehyung wake your ass up. I think we are snowed in…” his eyes snap open at that. Fear registering on his face when he sees the two feet of snow that was still growing. He glances at his phone.
*3 missed calls Namjoon*
NJ: Where are you?
NJ: You’re late
NJ: Don’t make me take away your little toy to regain your attention.
NJ: Kim Taehyung if you do not respond to me, I will be forced to take matters into my own hands. DON’T make me.
He hides the screen from you a little too late. Bile rises in your throat, but he sends you a reassuring look as he rings back Bangtan’s leader.
“This better be good.” You hear through the receiver.
“Hyung, I’m sorry I’m not there. It appears I’m snowed in. I’ve spent the last few hours trying to figure a way out. The windows are too protected and the doors all open outward. It appears we did too good a job fortressing my home from others that even I can’t get around it.” You hear a low grumble come from side of the phone as Taehyung’s boss considers the excuse.
“I can’t spare anyone to bail you out… as soon as your free make your way here… I’ll be checking in.” with that the line goes dead. You both let out a breath in relief and settle back into the warmth of one another.
“Looks like I’ll be home for Christmas after all.” Taehyung says trying to break the silence.
“Guess I’ll have to think of a present to give you now…” you joke, untangling yourself from him and the blanket. You sway your hips a little too much as you move away.
“I think you might be my present.” He licks his lips as he stares at your bum.
“I don’t know? Shouldn’t you be looking for a way back to your Joonie?” you tease bending over more than necessary to pick something up off of the floor.
“Looking at the snow, I just don’t think there is anyway for me to possibly escape until after my birthday… New Years even?” he makes a big show out of being disappointed, but he can’t stop the smirk pulling at the corner of his lips.
“No, no, you should at least try.” You turn back to face him, batting your eyelashes in the most overexaggerated way you could. Your arms pull in a little to accentuate your cleavage.
“Keep doing that and your gonna end on the naughty list.” He growls, abandoning his ruse mush quicker than you.
“I don’t know what you mean baby. You really really should try to get back to Namjoon, I imagine Bangtan’s entire operation is going to shit with out you.” You casually check your nails, attempting to look bored.
“I just got handed a get out of jail free card. I’m going to use it.” He fireman lifts you off the floor and spanks your arse. You squeal and wriggle but its no use. He throws you on to the bed, barely giving you a moment to recover before he is discarding his shirt and straddling you. His mouth latches on to your throat leaving blooms of purple all over the exposed skin. He is ruthless in his marking, needing the world to know that you are his, even if that world will only be you and him until the snow melts.
You whine as he nibbles at the most sensitive area of skin right below your ear. You can feel his satisfied smirk against your skin.
“Still want me to try to get back to work?” he teases. You just wrap your hands in his hair and pull his mouth to yours. Tugging at his curls, you don’t let him go until you can’t breathe anymore. You weren’t exaggerating when you said you missed him. it’d been a long time since the two of you had been intimate. He hovers above you for a moment. His signature boxy grin plastered on his face. He takes all of you in. Hair splayed underneath you, blush colouring your cheeks, lips plump from the kiss. Perfect. Perfect and his.
“What?” you can’t read what he is thinking. Having gone from full on to heart-eyes in a matter of seconds has you extremely confused.
“Let’s set a date. I’ll tell Namjoon to go fuck himself, just pick a day and I’m all yours.” He nuzzles back into you waiting for an answer.
“May, just as the weather gets better.”
“Deal.” His lips return to yours, this time it’s much softer. All his love for you going into this one kiss. “Now let me ruin you.” He pulls at the hem of your t-shirt, dissatisfied when it doesn’t immediately come off. He rips it away instead. You pout a little at the loss of a good shirt, but he draws your attention back quickly. Hot opened mouth kisses trail up your stomach from your navel to your bare chest. His tongue circled one of your nipples, flicking the sensitive bud until its standing at attention. He tweaks it between his fingers making you grimace at the pleasurable pain.
“Please Tae…” you moan
“Please what jagi? How am I supposed to know what you want if you don’t tell me.” His feigned innocence dripping in his tone.
“Please Tae I need you.”
“Need me where?” he is practically laughing at how desperate you sound.
“I need you to shove your tongue so far inside of me I see stars.” Not a man to need to be told twice he dives straight between your legs. He makes quick work of your pants and underwear. You bend your legs and angle your hips towards him. You can feel the vibrations of his laugh flutter against you as he brings his lips to your core licking up your arousal before setting to work. He wraps and arm over your hips to stop you from writhing underneath his touch. So sensitive from not having his touch in so long. You cant help the jolt as his tongue slips from between your folds to between your cheeks, playing with the tight ring of muscles there.
“Tae” you try to make it sound like a warning, but it comes out more of a whine.
“You said you needed my tongue inside of you. You didn’t say where inside of you. You need to be more specific with your wording baby.” He doesn’t give you chance to respond before pushing into your hole. You keen at the sensation. The arm that was holding onto your waist makes its way to your clit, rubbing lazy circles in the opposite direction. He keeps the pressure just like that for a little while, lulling you into a false sense of security. You settle down and enjoy the lazy pleasure. You should’ve known better. Once your guard is down, two of the fingers from his free hand thrust inside of you. He curls his fingers, immediately finding the most vulnerable part of you. He takes his tongue away from you so he can watch as your face crumples in pleasure.
The orgasm that had been slowly building in the pit of your stomach is suddenly about to be ripped out of you. Your back arches as another finger stretches you out, inching you over the edge. His tongue returns between your cheeks as you ride out your high, pushing yourself down on the fingers he has left inside of you.
“God, I hope this snow never melts.” You pant
“Me too,” he tries to move back up and kiss you, but you push his face away.
“Oh hell no, you need to go brush your teeth before we go for round two. Next time warn a girl before you do that.” You laugh as he grumbles climbing off of you with an evident tent in his slacks. He shuffles fake dejected into the bathroom.
Christmas stories 🎄
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thirsthourdemon · 4 years
Haikyuu boys and what gifts they would give you
Includes: Karasuno, Aoba Johsai, Nekoma, Shiratorizawa, Fukurodani, Inarizaki
A/N: Aha Aha Aha
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Hinata: He would give you a rock that him and natsu painted on. On the rock there’s a silly face on it, from natsu, and then a volleyball, from hinata, then an I love you at the bottom part. He gave that to you when you guys went on a park date with natsu.
Kageyma: The first give he would have ever given you was a milk box and you were so happy because he never really shares his milk. This was actually how he confessed to you like he wrote “Want to go out with me?” Or something like that at the bottom. He was blushing the whole time.
Yamaguchi: This baby boy would give you his scarf and a warm drink because you were both walking home from school and it was really cold but you forgot your scarf at home so he just gave you his. He would blush whenever he sees you wearing it now.
Tsukkishima: Salty boy gave you a playlist ever since you told him what type of music you liked. He wouldnt give it to you right after making it though. He would have given in when you’re stressing out over homework or something like that and he’d just put it on speaker for you waiting for you to ask whose playlist that was.
Nishinoya: An ice cream stick. Why? You called him senpai the first time you met him and he just- He automatically fell in love and asked you to an ice cream “hang out” because it wasnt a date or anything! He was just being a good senpai. He confessed to you by making an ice cream stick and the stick had a heart carved into it.
Tanaka: You and him went to a matsuri, shrine festival, with the team. He decided that he was going to be a man and catch you some goldfish. It took him a while however but you still appreciated his victory even though he spent most of his money it. You named that single goldfish “Ryuu”.
Suga: It’s not technically a gift but he gave you a mechanical pencil with your name on it. He was supposed to keep it for himself but you were borrowing a mechanical pencil during lunch time and he just gave you his pencil case only late to realize that it was there. When you saw it oh boy were you confused. Ended up confessing to you that way.
Asahi: OH MY- He gave you a handmade hair tie. Like he saw how you were struggling with your hair so much so he just decides to make one but he didnt plant ahead on how he’d give it to you. He was forced by suga and daichi to give it to you but in the end noya did that because he was too nervous to even tell you. Noya just “Oh hey! Y/N! Asahi thought you might be having trouble with your hair! Here” and just gives it to you. Blushing mess.
Daichi: The traditional gift 😤 He gave you a response chocolate he made with suga during white day. You gave him chocolate during valentines and he responded by giving you chocolate gift back. He gave it to you after practice and though the chocolate was a bit soft now he still gave it because the effort? Not letting that go to waste!
Ennoshita: Another traditional man. You gave him chocolate and he didnt know what to do so he just...Huh? He gave you chocolates back and let’s just say things started from there on ❤️
Kiyoko: You were stuck in the friendzone for quite a time too. She gave you matching keychains for your bag but like...Yachi also has it. 😔
Yachi: 😳😳😳 She drew you once for “art class”. Baby didnt have “art class” but when it came out better than expected she gave it to you when she confessed along with a letter. Let’s be real she was blushing and saying sorry the whole time.
Im sorry, guys but Im a big yachi-stan. Yachi is THAT bitch for me.
Aoba Johsai
Oikawa Toru: He doesnt give you 1 or 2 no no...He gives you 5 service aces. Shows off in the game more when you’re watching and for Seijoh it’s a sure victory once he does his little service ritual for you.
Iwaizumi Hajime: One time you called oikawa “shittykawa” during class he instantly fell in love with your fierce attitude so he legit treated you good food after that time. It became a ritual for both of you to eat out whenever they one which was often. His comfort food cannot be complete without you eating it with him.
Mattsukawa issei: His horsecock. That shit is a gift in itself. A big gift in fact.
Kyoutani Kentarou: People may see him as a very scary person but he actually gave you a stuff toy you wanted at the arcade. He saw how you looked at it with such longing that one time and proceeded to get it for you whenever you werent around. It took him such a long time but gosh was it worth it to see you smiling like that.
Kuroo: This man gave you...A headache. No fr hahahaha he gave you a spike actually. The first time you watched him play in a game...mf told you that if he stomped twice then it was a spike for you. He actually did win the game with that one spike because nekoma was losing and team morale was low. The moment he spiked that ball with that subtle double stomp he managed to score and boost morale again.
Kenma: He always gives you gifts but more like...Health potions, resources you need, animal crossing gifts tbh 🥺. He didnt really give you much gifts physically but virtually? He would specifically go and get rare items in doubles just to give you the other one and say he “Accidentally got another one”.
Lev: Alisa’s cooking. You were both out during lunch time and he saw that you were only drinking something so he decided to feed you his sister’s bento for him. My baby is so sweet- and also headaches. He also gives you headaches.
Bokuto: He gives you either his jersey OR a spike as well. Better yet he gives you his jersey for a game then does a spike for you. Bitch didnt even have a signal he legit shouted “That one was for you, Y/N!” And pointed at you. Kill me please- Needless to say everyone was looking at you so much.
Akaashi: You cant convince me he doesnt give you a copy of the book you wanted and were looking for. He just so happened to have it, yeah sure...🙃 Little did you know that he went all over miyagi for that fucking book. He probably gave you a bookmark along with it too. ❤️ Ya nerds
Date tech
Aone takanobu: Surprisingly enough he gave you a small vase for the flowers he gave you last time. He even told you how to preserve them more. He be teaching you all about plants whenever he you two go home together. He doesnt speak he just...gives you books or he shows you himself sometimes.
Futakuchi: He gave you his sour gummies 😖 TOO ADORABLE FUCK. You were staring at them and he just offered you some and now you’re in love.
Ushijima: Waka baby gave you a service ace. He isnt one to give you anything big and he didnt know what to give you so he just gave you something he knows he could. Before the game itself he actually told you that he promised you a service ace the first time he would be given the chance. Volleyball Idiot 🥺
Tendou: MIRACLE BOY STRAIGHT UP GAVE YOU ONE OF HIS SHONEN JUMPS. He gave you the one that you really liked and said it was “Not a big deal”-It was a big deal considering how in love he is with them.
Goshiki: Im sorry but...good head. He gave you heavenly head. 😔 King of oral right here. No really hahahaha tsutomu probs gave you a shrine charm that says “absolute victory”. You keep that little charm whenever you watch his games now. Though you tell him that its the charm working he says you’re his actual lucky charm.
Miya Atsumu: A migrane. His fangirls keep threatening you and you had to keep on telling them that you were just their team manager. He just- I mean I wanted to say he gave you a service ace but mf just gave you a migrane.
Miya Osamu: Unlike his brother this guy is actually pretty reasonable. As an asian you have no idea how happy your parents would be when this man gives you half a sack of rice. I know everyone expects the “Onigiri” answer but I enjoy being given a sack of rice more. 🍚
Aran Ojiro: I- IM SUCH A SIMP! He gave you his a batch of cookies. This headcanon is from @oof-she-needs-therapy by the way because I fell in love with their works so much. He just “Felt like he had to make an extra batch”. This boy 100% made that for you alone. Dont play me. He even fed you one and just to tease back you kissed the tips of his fingers. Practice that day was E V E N T FU L.
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Taglist: @my-mass-hysteria @janellion
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slywrites · 4 years
“Aren’t we supposed to be working?” & “Okay, so maybe I didn’t see that coming.” with Chris Redfield? Maybe like a competition or something during a slow day at work? (Am I basing this off of Brooklyn Nine Nine? Yes I am) S.T.A.R.S era please? Seriously congrats on 100 Sly! 💛
Ness, this.....became a whole lot longer than I expected. I hope you enjoy this bc I had a lot of fun writing it!! Thank you <3 I cant believe I’ve made this milestone I’m so happy :D 
I also might be writing a BSAA Chris one as well bc I love Chris 
Warning: cussing and fluff 
prompts from this post
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Chris kicked the S.T.A.R.S. office door open, the sound of the wood slamming against the wall startled you. You scanned the rest of the office. Brad, Barry, and Jill continued on like nothing had happened. As soon as the door closed, everyone closed the files they were reading and turned to Chris who stood triumphant in front of the door. You noticed he had set a large duffle bag on the ground. You were the only one that was visibly confused and Chris took notice. He gave you a brief nod then turned to the rest of the S.T.A.R.S. team.
“It’s cluster meeting day,” Chris smiled, “Once a year, all leadership in the department are whisked away to an all day meeting. Usually, Wesker has us catch up with case files, but we use it for more extracurricular activities.”
Jill turned to you, as her desk was across from yours, “We call it team building.”
“But aren’t we supposed to be working?” You questioned.
“We work every other day of the year, this is our one day to strictly not do work and have fun,” Chris smiled and winked at you, “You’ll enjoy it.”
You nodded, “Okay, um, what kind of activities do you do?”
“All sorts of things,” Barry interjected, “Last year we sumo wrestled in the bomb squad gear.”
You chuckled at the thought of seeing that.
“Did we do taser darts last year or the year before?” Jill asked.
You mouthed ‘taser darts’ to yourself both curious about what that meant and not wanting to know at the same time.
“Year before,” Brad answered at his console behind you.
What were you about to get yourself into?
“We leave coming up with the games to Chris,” Jill smiled, “So what’s in the bag Redfield?”
“Well, Valentine you’ll just have to wait and find out.”
Jill leaned back into her chair and watched Chris intently. Chris only smiled and checked his watch before the office door opened up behind him. Rebecca Chambers from Bravo squad walked in with a shy smile on her face.
Chris turned, “Right on time, Becca.”
Everyone gave Rebecca a ‘hello’ as she stood next to Chris.
“This year won’t be a physical challenge like before. Rebecca wanted to help, so I put her in charge of our very first scavenger hunt.”
“You don’t know what’s in the bags do you?” Jill smirked.
“Not a damn clue,” Chris returned the smirk and moved to his desk, “Take it away Becca.”
You had only interacted with Rebecca a few times. Since she was on Bravo team, you two just naturally worked opposite shifts. But in the times you have talked with her, she’s always been so lovely and kind. She stood where Chris was and unzipped the bags on the ground. Inside the large bag were three smaller ones.
“There will be three teams consisting of two people each. Each team will get one bag. You all have different clues and items you’ll need to receive and put in your respective bags. There will be four items for each team. Whoever gets back to this office with all their items first, wins,” Becca smiled then she pulled out a small box from the bag, “To make it fair, the teams will be picked at random.”
Rebecca walked up to you and held the box out. You stuck your hand in the precut hole and felt ping pong balls. They all felt relatively the same as your hand grasped one and pulled.
“Hey, looks like I’m number one,” you joked and showed the ball with a one written on it in permanent marker to the rest of the team.
Jill went next and she got….number one! There wasn't any other person you wanted on your team other than...
“We are going to destroy them,” Jill smirked, taking you out of your thoughts.
You gave her a nod and smiled. Then you and Jill watched Barry pull number three. Then Brad pulled two. Which left Chris and Joseph. Chris had his hand in the box. His tongue stuck out the side of the mouth and he felt around between the last two ping pong balls. It was comical to say the least and as he pulled his number which had a large two on it.
“Good luck Rookie, Brad and I are guaranteed to win,” Chris smirked.
“That’s a lot of talk Chris,” Barry said, “Joseph and I are going to kick your ass.”
“I’d like to see you both try, I’m not losing,” Jill cut in.
Rebecca placed the box back in the big duffle bag and picked up the individual bags. She gave you, Chris, and Barry a respective bag.
“Okay, you have five minutes to get ready, then the games begin!” Rebecca jumped in place a little, excited to see her hard work and planning actually coming together.
Jill stood from her desk and walked around to yours.
“I know this station pretty well, we’ve got this,” Jill mused, “Let’s look at that first clue.”
You unzipped the bag and pulled out a small replica mannequin. Confusion was evident on your face and Jill smiled. Carefully she took the item from your hands and inspected it.
Jill leaned in to whisper in your ear, “I know exactly where to go, make sure you can keep up.”
You nodded quickly, “Can do.”
“Okay,” Rebecca called out, “Your time starts now!”
Quickly Chris dashed towards the door and Jill followed. They both fought to get out the door first. You couldn’t help but laugh at them as you followed through the door. Jill was almost at the end of the hallway when you made it through.
“Come on! We have no time to waste,” Jill yelled as she headed to the first location, where you didn’t really know, you just jogged behind her.
After ten minutes of jogging through the station, trying to dodge the other police officers and employees, you made it to a storage room you’d never been to before. You took a second to catch your breath, tired of having to go down stairs then up stairs and around to get to this one storage room. The design of this building was horrible and made absolutely no sense, but Jill ran through it with no problem.
The most surprising aspect of this challenge was how unphased the other officers were. Some of them even cheered you two on. It was something you’d never experienced at your previous job before and you couldn’t help the smile on your face.
Jill found a small slip of paper and another trinket. As she read the clue, the radio at her hip went off. It was another officer, someone you didn’t recognize calling in.
“Valentine, come in. I got a hit on Redfield.”
Jill smirked, “Where is he?”
“He’s in the library right now. Looks like he’s alone.”
“Thanks for the tip, I owe you one.”
You heard a laugh from the radio and a ten four.
“Okay,” Jill started as she threw the second trinket in the bag, “Splitting up is probably a good idea. Why don’t you distract Chris while I continue? I’ll radio you on channel 1 when I need help. What do you think?”
You listened to her suggestions and she was right. She knew the department way better than you did and being a distraction wasn’t that bad of an idea. There were no rules against it, and you were S.T.A.R.S. after all, you had to be able to adapt on the fly.
“Good idea, Jill,” you smiled, “I’ll make sure to take Chris out.”
“On a date or with a sniper?” Jill hid the smirk with a dip of her head to study the clue.
The storage room warmed considerably, or maybe that was just you, “Uh-”
“The next clue is in the records room!” Jill shouted and started a slight jog.
You followed her movements out of the storage room.
“Library is that way. Make sure you keep him busy!” Jill yelled as she ran ahead of you.
This was not how you expected your day to go. Here you were sprinting towards the library, trying to figure out how you could possibly keep Chris busy as Jill traverses through the RPD by herself figuring out the clues alone. Jill was more than a capable partner, and you trusted her to find the rest of the items. You just had to make sure that you kept up your end.
The door to the second door of the library busted open at your momentum. Below you could only see Chris. It looked like he was going through various books, probably had to do something with his clue. You didn’t see Brad at all. Chris might have sent Brad to do the same thing Jill did to you.
Chris didn’t see you or hear you above him, he was too engrossed in his search which helped to your advantage. You kept your eye on him, making sure to keep yourself low. You had no idea exactly what you were going to do now. Your first thought was get here now your mind went blank.
Below, Chris made an ah-ha sound as he pulled out a book. You strained to see what he found. It looked like the book was fake, from your point you could see that a large hole was cut out of the pages and there laid something inside but you couldn’t see it. Chris stuffed whatever it was inside the black bag in his hands and started reading the next clue. You saw him walk in a circle around the two large tables then he made a headway towards the stairs that were to your left.
Your nerves started to buzz as you saw him ascend the stairs towards you. Your body reacted before your mind does as you stood and ran towards him. Chris looked up from the clue for a second before your body collided with his. Your shoulder dug into his stomach, your arms wrapped around his torso, making his feet come up from underneath him as you both flew down the stairs. Chris instinctively held you close against him and rolled his body so that every hit down the stairs he took instead of you. The momentum threw you both against the wall at the landing between upstairs and down. Neither of you could stop, sending you down the last bit of stairs. You landed on top of Chris at the base of the stairs on the first floor.
Chris groaned with you on top of him digging into his ribs.
It took you a second to realize you were at the bottom of the stairs laying right on top of Chris. You scrambled to get up. He was still in a shock that you fucking tackled him down the stairs, which you used to your advantage. You quickly straddled his waist pinning his hips to the ground. Your hands grasped his wrist and kept them to the floor.
Chris blinked trying to get his bearings.
“I can’t believe you tackled me,” Chris laughed and you felt the rumble of his chest beneath you.
“I want to win,” you breathed, “By any means necessary.”
“Including bodily harm?”
Your heart rammed against your ribs, be it the adrenaline or his comment. You didn’t think you just acted and didn’t consider the consequences of your actions. The grip on his wrist loosened, your mouth opened about to apologize. Before you could even say anything, Chris took advantage of the moment.
Quickly, Chris grabbed your wrist. He planted his feet. His thighs stretched as his hips bucked up. The force threw you right over his head. You landed with a thud on your back. All the air in your lungs left with the hit.
Chris clambered to grab his scavenger bag that laid a few feet away. You were stuck trying to get air back into your lungs to realize what Chris was doing. He was a S.T.A.R.S. member for a reason.
But that wasn’t going to make you back down from winning your first cluster meeting activities. You moved, though slower than Chris. He bolted out of the closest door to him which led to the Reception and the Main Hall if you weren't mistaken. You sprinted, following him intently.
“Jill, I stopped Chris for a bit. I’m pursuing him through the main hall now,” You radioed.
“I’m on the last clue, stall him for a little longer,” Jill heaved, she sounded as breathless as you.
“Gotcha,” you stowed the radio back into your hip pouch.
Chris took the stairs two at a time, his laugh echoing in the large hall. You were right on his heels. Some officers cheered and laughed at you two, but you didn’t have much time to pay any attention to them.
“I never knew I liked being chased, until right now,” Chris shot over his shoulder with a stupid smirk on his face.
You brows knitted together in anger, deciding not to indulge in his talking. You just had to stall, a little longer like Jill said. The victory was just in your reach.
It didn’t seem like Chris had any destination in mind he just ran through door after door with you right behind him. But Chris took a corner too quickly for you. You weren’t able to stop your motion, your feet skidded and you felt yourself about to fall.
On instinct your eyes squeezed shut, your hands came out in front of you to try and catch your fall. But the fall never came. You opened your eyes to see the floor, but you were still standing. You looked at the arm around your waist. Then you twisted to see who caught you.
“Are you falling for me, rookie?” Chris blatantly flirted.
Your face heated. You regained your footing, with his help. His hand still hovered on your waist. You both stared into each other’s eyes, though there was something different in this look than the one in the library. Chris’ eyes darted to your lips for a quick second, the scavenger hunt all but forgotten as you mirrored his actions.
Then you both leaned, the distance between you two closing till your lips pressed together lightly. Chris’s lips were softer than you expected. You couldn’t help the smile that pressed against him. Your hand came up to rest on his cheek holding him gently in place not wanting to part just yet. Until you heard the muffled voice at your hip.
Slowly, you two pulled away your eyes half lidded as you focused on his lips.
“Okay, so maybe I didn’t see that coming,” Chris breathed, his hands still resting on your hips.
The edges of his lips tugged into a smile. You heard your name again, glancing at the radio.
“Sorry,” you muttered, pulling the radio out.
“I got it! Head to S.T.A.R.S NOW!” Jill screamed.
You glanced at Chris, a devilish smile on your face as you pushed him away, then bolted down the hallway. You heard a faint hey as you ran. The biggest smile on your face. Not only from the kiss, but from the prospect of winning.
Within a few minutes you made it to the S.T.A.R.S. office a light pep in your steps until you heard a loud scream from behind the door. Your fighting instinct kicked in and you pushed through the door. Jill stood staring at Barry and Joseph in the office. Joseph took his feet off the desk with a meek smile on his face. Barry had the largest smile you’d ever seen.
“How?!” Jill exclaimed.
“We knew you and Chris would go after each other,” Joseph stated simply like it just made sense.
“We even took our time,” Barry laughed.
Chris and Brad came in a few seconds later with their bag full. Rebecca took the bags from everyone and put it back in the large duffle that sat next to the door.
“What did you think?” Rebecca asked.
“It was fun, Becca. We’d all be happy to have you help out again,” Chris turned slightly to make eye contact with you, “I don’t think I’ll ever forget this year.”
Rebecca smiled and clapped happily at the statement, not fully realizing the intentions behind the last statement. The scavenger hunt felt like it went by extremely quick but it took up a good portion of the afternoon. Everyone went back to their respective desks to finish up the menial amount of work they started on earlier this morning.
You could barely focus with Chris’ adjacent to yours. He smiled as he looked back and forth from glancing at you to the case file on his desk. Soon, the Bravo team would be here for a shift change.
You started to gather your things to head out. Jill looked sullen at coming in second. You stood and placed a hand on her shoulder. She squeezed your fingers.
“There’s always next year,” you tried to sooth.
Jill nodded, “At least we weren’t last.”
You held the laugh back with a cough and you saw the little mischievous look in her eyes. Chris stood from his desk and moved towards the armory doing final checks before heading out.
Jill looked at you and tilted her head towards Chris behind her shoulder, “So, date or sniper?”
Your face flushed, “I’m about to take you out with a sniper.”
She just smiled and shook her head, “I’ll watch my back. See you later.”
With that she left, you still stood by her desk, your eyes focusing on Chris at the far end of the office. He turned, and saw you staring. A dumb smile crossed his face, and yours. He walked straight towards you.
“So,” Chris started.
“So,” you repeated.
“Did you enjoy today?”
“Yeah I did, are cluster meetings like this every year?”
Chris took a second to think, “If you’re talking about our kiss, no. But the fun? Yes.”
You punched him in the shoulder, unable to say anything. Chris just laughed and rubbed the spot on his arm.
“You’re an idiot,” you laughed.
Chris shrugged, “Am I still an idiot if I ask you out for a drink?”
You pouted as you pondered his words. You grabbed your jacket off the corner of your desk.
“No,” you beamed, “That’s probably the smartest thing you’ve done.”
“Ladies first,” Chris extended his hand towards the door.
You shook your head and exited the S.T.A.R.S. office with probably the biggest smile on your face.
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