#call me a bad partner idc
sandyspaghettibag · 4 months
The best thing about all of this frankly nerve-wracking gay stuff is that it's all online and I'm, in the most confusing sense, essentially completely anonymous. It's so reassuring that, no matter what happens, if things get out of control, I can end it all by simply turning off my phone. Nobody knows where I live, where I am, how to find me… I can just head to bed without a worry in my head that anything will happen to me for the rest of the night and until I wake up.
This feeling of relief that comes with "I can really sleep for hours and hours and nobody will need me" might be why I'm naturally averse to friends, but I really can't describe how good of a feeling it is at the right time to have nobody need you. In my first (technically second) online psuedo-relationship, which lasted a whole half year unfortunately…, the most relieving and gleeful part of the entire break-up was being able to go to bed without ANYONE needing me, with literally nobody whose attention I was obligated to host. Like all those online friends I amassed throughout that year didn't care if I took a whole day to get back to them, but I draw the line at waiting to message back when it comes to boyfriends.
Let me just say, I have never experienced such relief until I realized before sleeping one night after the break-up that I no longer NEEDED to log into that account, for any reason at all. I didn't need to worry about a person calling the police in my state or doing rapid and frantic searches online to find my address if I was 0.4 minutes late to responding to a message. I was free and I'm still free.
So should I stay free, try a different approach, or climb right back into the shackles by repeating what I already discovered was bad for me?
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I hate when I say I want a tit reduction and people are like “nooooo I wish I had ur boobs” or “but then you wouldn’t have tits” that’s cool cuz I wish I had a flatter chest and that’s the point Jessica
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ratboy · 10 months
#getting a lot of mileage out of this emoji recently#anyways vent incoming and idc abt spelling im just yelling#uhh fucking havent heard back from the apt ppl yet and so im still couch surfing with my fiance at a partners place#and oh my god i just want my own bedroom this is awful i hate it i hate it i hate it im screaming and pissing and shitting all over the wall#literally in hell rn i just want to be alone and scream and cry and i cant get ahold of these fucks and im literslly abt to spend $400 on#my stupid shit ass car that my dad still makes me pay for and im literally like sir this car is increasingly worth negative money#i literally cant fucking afford to pay all this stupid shit bc im getting no hours at work bc we might move any day now and my boss doesnt#want to scramble for coverage if i leave suddenly but oh my god i cannot afford to live like this any longer#i literally called that stupid apt complex at least 15 times today and i didnt get an answer and their mailbox was full!!!! for some goddamn#reason like literally how are you this bad#either neither of them were in today or their phones were off or something bc the other place i called picked up right away sooooo#im literally going to wake up at 730 just to fucking call these bitches so i can get an answer but if we dont qualify for some#goddamn reason im going to actually commit myself bc i cant fucking do this#cant afford rent with just 2 of us bc were too disabled for full time but not disabled enough for ssi#america is a goddamn joke and im thr punching bag
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bigfatbimbo · 2 months
okay omg this is so dumb ong but basically, alastor said like vox is powerless without the other vees, right? and so picture like maybe something happens and the vees like fall apart and that leaves vox totally powerless. i just find the idea of a loser ass gideon graves type vox crashing on your couch because his entire empire fell apart very entertaining.
basically, headcanons? smut, fluff, angst, idc this is just such a silly episode type plot
i know i’m not alone, your a loser, just like me
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a/n — I have such a love for oddly specific requests like this. In fact, I just love oddly specific x reader au’s.
summary — After the fall of the Vees, along Vox’s empire, and power, he’s left totally stranded in the reader apartment as their more or less housewife, and forced to live the life of, for lack of a better word, a total loser.
extra tags — headcanons, established relationships, mentions of smut, mentions of angst, mostly just fluff, like you could skip over the smut and angst if you want and barley loose anything
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Vox has never had a lot of free time. In death, his schedule was just as packed as it was during life. From meetings, to live shows, to arguments with Alastor, to any so-called ‘downtime’ with the Vees, he’s never not been busy. 
But the Vees weren’t here anymore, and neither was his empire. That meant, no arguments to mediate and no business offers to consider. Practically, he had no work to do. 
And the part that really bothered him, was that you did. Him being out of a job, meant that you were the main breadwinner of the household. In simple terms, Vox was powerless. And the downgrade from his studio standing high above the rest of Hells scum, to your one bedroom apartment was certainly less than charming. 
He had nothing to do all day, but sit and wait for you. That doesn’t sound that bad for any normal person, but Vox wasn’t normal. And neither was the way he was dealing with the sudden fall of his empire. 
The first week came and went, rocky to say the least. His time was spent either in bed, or lounging by the bathtub, reluctantly petting his shark, Vark. After a while, the comfort of the creature evaporated as quickly as it set in. Vox’s brows would furrow with irrational. Vark, the only remaining piece of wreckage, reminding him of his once powerful kingdom. 
But Vark didn’t know Vox had lost anything. Infuriated by this thought, each visit to the bathtub that week led to Vox promptly storming out of the room. 
The second week hadn’t been all that better. Feeling the need to compensate for the absence of his power, he acted specifically entitled. Not to mention, coming onto you every five seconds, and trying his hardest to act domineering. 
However, this desperate act crumbled as soon as you got fed up, “Seriously Vox, could you keep it in your fucking pants? Acting powerful doesn’t bring back your power, douchebag.” 
The statement should have prompted an argument, one that would have happened if it hadn’t been for Vox’s fragile state of living, but he simply shut his mouth.
Which brings us to the third week. The initial sadness and desperation has worn off, since it has been almost a month. It’s not that he doesn’t crave that power back anymore, but there is a subtle understanding that it’s not coming back anytime soon. 
Instead, he focuses on distracting himself through more mundane aspects of life. 
For lack of his surveillance cameras, he’d resort to following you around with a small drone for part of the day, examining your tasks. Watching you work he’d sigh, you were so productive.
However the drone would only last so long, since it wasn’t the most well-made contraption. At first, he’d really hate the feeling of being all alone. It made him feel like your housewife, or something. Well, he thought, in a sense, he was. 
Reluctantly, and given his time period, he’d do what he knows about the whole concept of being the stay-at-home partner. Although, given he’s never played that role, he’s terrible at it.
You’d come home and his attempt to clean the house would lead to slippery soap suds on the ground, acting like breadcrumbs leading to the task that Vox accidentally distracted himself with.
In most cases, this would be a chalk board where he would uselessly try to plot out his rise to power, once again. And he’d be laughing maniacally while explaining it to you, but he’s very proud of all of his [unrealistic] plans so you’d just have to nod and smile. His ego has taken enough hits as is, he doesn’t need your disapproval too.
However, sometimes, he would really try to cook something for you when you arrive home. This… doesn’t work out well, to say the least.
As soon as you walk through the door, you’re greeted with smoke, and angry shouting. Not at you, however. When your surroundings become less fuzzy, you see clearly Vox screaming profanities at the oven.
“Useless piece of shit,” he’d shout, kicking the oven, and then recoiling back from the pain in his toe. Then once again getting angry and throwing a spatula at the wall closest to you.
“Y/n!” He’d observe, putting on his, now rusty, customer service voice, “I didn’t think you’d be home so soon.” 
“Yeah, looks like you needed—“ You cough, swatting away the smoke from the kitchen and going to open a window “—more time to finish up.”
Walking over to him, he’d slouch over and cross his arms, clearly not happy with his failure of an attempt to cook for you. With his new foreign feeling of uselessness, he’d be very desperate for any form of success.
You’d put your hands on either side of his shoulders and rub comfortingly, “What were you trying to cook?” 
And that starts the new routine. Vox tries to cook for you, fails, and you come home and help him finish the job.
He doesn’t like being bossed around, even in the kitchen, but with the sudden withdrawal from the spotlight, he’s constantly craving your attention to an obsessive amount, which mostly makes up for his control-freak nature.
With this, however, that means that every second you’re off work and NOT at home with him, he throws a huge hissy fit. 
Probably leading to a big argument where, after a short time of pouting, Vox realizes that he probably doesn’t want to loose the only person he has left. So he smooth talks his way back, before you even consider kicking him out.
But every morning before work it’s a struggle too, “Vox, get off of me, I have to go to work.” 
“Call off, then.” “No?” “Oh, so you don’t fucking love me enough.” “Do you not love this roof over your head? I’m going to work.” “…pick up some gatorade on your way home.” 
Along with being desperate for attention, as could be assumed he’s intensely and apologetically clingy. Well, unapologetic in the sense that he doesn’t change he’s behavior after you call him out on it. He does get very defensive when you tease him.
Like even when it’s undeniable. He’d have his head laying in your lap, lazily playing with your fingers while he talks about whatever his ‘evil plan to rise to power’ of the week is. And you tell him you needed to go to the bathroom and he would move and just tell you to “Wait until i’m finished talking.”
Sex wise, he would try really, irritatingly hard to be super dominant to compensate for his loss of power in society. But on the flip side, because of his vulnerable state, he’d probably naturally find himself being more easily submissive in bed. 
But with that, I think he’d have less of a tolerance for overly degrading words. Because usually, I would definitely say he has a thing for degrading and humiliation, but his ego was [very high but] fragile before, and in the light of recent events, it’s completely fucking shattered.
It’s really just embarrassment at the end of the day. His self entitlement isn’t gone, it’s just been replaced by a “aw boohoo, i’m so much better than this :(“ mindset.
So he needs praise more than anything. In fact, a lot of what he does, or rather tries to do, around the house is to get your approval. To not fail at something, and it’s been a while. 
Now, smut aside, like I said, there’d be a lot more vulnerability on Vox’s part. Because, after all, he’d probably be in the worst headspace of his entire existence.
It’s safe to assume, being a white man in the fifties, that he didn’t have it rough in life. And up until the fall of the Vees, dying was one of the best things that ever happened to him. 
For the first time, in all of the years he’s lived and died, he isn’t overtly privileged, and it’s driving him crazy. His immense power has been replaced by a terrible craving for success. His fear of failure and rejection have been heightened, and he’s almost as obsessed with getting his empire back, as he is dependent on you. 
But with no real way to achieve his goal, and barely any drive, he is left being, for lack of a better word, a washed up loser. A hazbin, if you would!
But he does miss the Vees. In fact, he misses them a lot. Occasionally you have to comfort him at night when he’s thinking of them, or when he sees something that reminds him of the two of them. 
I also think he’d go through days where he’d either be super prone to arguments and super touchy, or you see a noticeable change in this behavior because he just doesn’t care as much anymore.
Silly Vox though, which you’d see a lot more of now that he isn’t a CEO, would be very present.
You’d get home from work and he’d be super siked because he picked out a movie to watch with you. (Goodfellas, American Psycho, or Joker, it is never not one of these movies.) 
But he has a lot of time when your away, and that’s kinda dangerous for a guy like him, especially in a closed space since he’s too ashamed to show his face to the outside world.
You’d walk through the door and he’d show you some new tech he swears will allow you both to “rise through the ranks of hell!” But you’d take one look and realize, “Vox did you take apart our microwave to make that??” 
Most days, he’d go through weird cycles of trying to clean the house and cook, basically doing what he knows he’s ’obligated’ to do as your sitcom housewife, but then other days, literally trashing the place.
You’d come home find glass shattered all across the, almost flooded, floor. Then you’d look up to find Vox lowering Vark into a clearly homemade tank.
He’d reassure you and be like, “No, now we have our tub back! All thanks to me and my genius brain, your welcome—“
“Where’d you get the glass, Vox,” you’d sigh, massaging your forehead because of the new, growing headache. Not to your surprise, but definitely your disappointment, the response would be, “…The bedroom windows.”
Also, this is off topic but he’d have one of those “kiss me, i’m irish” aprons. 
I think that Vox at rock bottom has such a fun ‘beginning of season character arc’ vibe to me. Like watch as he goes from the world’s worst housewife, to semi-competent over the span of a few months.
It reminds me of peridots (steven universe reference) redemption arc, in a sense of vibes alone. If we’re talking from a realistic in-show perspective, end of the season, the redemption arc would not be successful IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
Like he would be fully adjusted, and honestly happy with his life. Slow dancing with you each night, honestly getting the hang of cooking, and a lot less complaining. But then he would get an opportunity to once again rise the ranks of hell. And a good opportunity too, like it would place him very relatively high up.
And well… society can take the villain out of the capitalist, but never the capitalist out of the villain.
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a/n — actually society, especially in hell, does not have the power to take the villain out of the capitalist, but I digress. Don’t get bimbo started on capitalism as a social concept because it is literally the most interesting thing in the world to me lowkey.
Anyways, I love housewife!Vox so much, and I will be SO HAPPY to do more with this au. He’s the worlds shittiest stay-at-home partner and I love him.
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fluffycalamari · 1 year
One Piece Relationship Headcannons Pt. 2!!
Part 1!
Contents: fluffy! A Lil suggestive for Kid
Characters in this part: Law, Kid,
Gender nuetral reader in mind!!
You guys need to understand Law is my no.1 fav in One Piece; I've thought long and hard about him.
Very calm outside of his bed quarters
Like come on he's literally the definition of "affection behind closed doors"
It's the little things that makes him flustered!
Holding hands in public?! Sure he has that deadpanned face on; but MENTALLY! MY BRUVA IS FREAKING OUT.
Behind closed doors he's very vulnerable; he's got a lot of trauma to unpack.
Likes to be the little spoons idc what any of yall say!! It gives him comfort.
He really appreciates when you give him his space.
He also adores it when you're stubborn about him taking a break; it helps him to not overwork himself.
The type of boyfriend you can never catch sleeping unless you wake up 5 years before him.
Especially cause I know for a fact that Law is the type to work into the early mornings.
Your stir in your sleep, absent-mindedly searching for your lover. Throwing your arms across the bed, your eyes shoot open when you realize aside from you, it's empty. You force your heavy lids open and face a nearby window. It's dark, now that your senses are flooding in you hear scribbling. Through static vision you see Law hunched on his desk, going over and revising what you're assuming to be the agenda for the next island you guys were heading. "..Law, why the hell are you still awake?" Your voice is groggy; pulling yourself off the bed you approach him. "[Name]-ya, listen.." he yawns, inked hands covering his mouth to be polite. "I need to finish this before we get to the island." Law's voice is just as groggy as yours. "My guy," You state, grabbing his arm. "We're going the fuck to sleep, how are we gonna execute a plan if you're not in top shape?" Dragging him to the bed "i-" "I nothing Law, bed now," as you push him onto the bed; you join him, wrapping your arms around him. As you drifted back into your slumber you hear law mutter under his breath "I love you [name] ya". You don't even have the energy to say it back, so you hum the phrase in response.
Eustass Kidd
Where do I even start with this red headed slut.
I love kid, you love kid, we all love kid
He doesn't know how to express his feelings for you so it always comes out the best way he can...Aggressive.
You love that shit though cause why would you be with him otherwise!!!
Kid buys you flowers; he's lying right through his fucking teeth about how you were bitchin and moanin because you wanted these flowers so bad. While blushing his goofy ass blush.
(You just glanced at them while walking through the city with kid)
Now this might be rinse and repeat but I don't care
He's nicer behind close doors, he can get vulnerable with you because he knows you won't utter a word to another soul.
Don't get me wrong he's still agressive/dominant; this is kid we're talking about. But he's still a human being so being able to express himself freely is nice.
This man is bold, gets jealous, and literally needs the world you two are together so other pirates won't try anything.
Will slap your ass whenever he pleases; you get him back too cause wtf not!
Like this man will full on make-out with you if someone tries to flirt with you.
You're in public with kid on a lil stroll, sanji is being sanji and he rushes towards you nose bleeding, calling you a bunch of pet names like "beautiful, darling, sweetheart!!" You look up at Kid as Sanji is literally on his hands and knees asking you to be his partner. "Sorry sanji, I'm not really interested in-" you're cut off by Kid, he grabs you by the collar of your shirt pulling you into a sloppy kiss. His tounge being shoved down your throat as you finally get into thw motions; throwing your arms around his neck, tounges intertwining while attempting to close the non existent gap between you both. Breaking away from the kiss, Kid smirks at sanji, "They're with me."
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celaenaeiln · 8 months
lol hi its me 12 am anon so uh tldr is that i hung out with my friend and we got drunk and we made out or smth but more importantly they made w fuckin list of dick grayson things i started talking abt while drunk
- “bad idea right?” but its dick grayson and his exes
- bruce technically gave dick a family but dick’s the one who like truly made it feel like a family when it comes down to it he’ll fuck up bruce for his siblings
- that one “5 man band” trope and how he can fit as the leader and the heart
- into a specific (blank) to lovers? dick grayson’s got you covered
- the “barney from how i met your mother basketball hoop scene” and “eleanor from the good place mom she never had” but make it dick and bruce (teenage or adult idc i’d love both)
- nightwing could 100% be the figurehead of the dceu (like im talking spiderman level) if dc would do something [this was timed . i talked abt this for like 30 minutes all on its own]
i am . so embarrassed. also i dont know if we made out before or after the rant and i dont know which is more embarrassing .
WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THAT? Do you like her? Did she say anything?! I-
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oh my god i'm reeling.
Have you guys talked about it yet?
"Bad idea right" was literally written for Dick Grayson!
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #133
"Bad idea right?"
Actually every single Olivia Rodrigo's songs feels like Dick wrote it.
Like the sour album? Every time I listen to it I imagine that Dick just wrote the album because he was so mad at bruce after being fired from Robin lol.
"bruce technically gave dick a family but dick’s the one who like truly made it feel like a family when it comes down to it he’ll fuck up bruce for his siblings"
That's true too!
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Batman (2011) Issue #11
"The truth is, I didn't save you from some dark fate, those years ago. You saved me from one."
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Batman (2011) Issue #11
"And you still are saving me, every day."
Bruce gave Dick security but Dick gave Bruce a life. He gave Bruce the ability to become human, to be happy.
Take Gotham War for example,
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Batman (2016) Issue #138
Bruce tells Jason he's saving Jason from himself and Jason in turn asks Bruce who's going to save Bruce from himself.
Cut immediately to -
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Batman (2016) Issue #138
Dick has always been there to pull Bruce out of his darkest days when he tries or is willing but Bruce giving up on Dick's ability to do so is symbolic of him giving up on himself. It's the height of Bruce's irredeemability.
Even after Jason died, Bruce indirectly called Dick to come join him but at this point his back up personality is too far gone for him to recover.
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Batman: The Return
Dick literally is the reason Bruce stays connects to the batfamily. In a good way.
He has no reservations about keeping Bruce in check.
"that one “5 man band” trope and how he can fit as the leader and the heart"
5 man band trope: one leads, one contrasts, one thinks, one fights, and one keeps all of the above from killing one another
He's the leader.
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Batman: Gotham Nights (2020) Issue #12
And the one that keeps them all together
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Batman: Gotham Nights (2020) Issue #12
Dick is the defacto leader when Bruce is gone or lost it.
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Batman (2016) Issue #137
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Batman (2016) Issue #704
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Batman (2016) Issue #704
"Selina doesn't run Gotham. You do. While I'm away."
And the family's protector.
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Batman (2016) Issue #137
"into a specific (blank) to lovers? dick grayson’s got you covered"
Childhood partner to lovers - Raya Vestri
Friends to lovers - Barbara Gordon
Enemies to lovers - Shawn Tsang
Psuedo-family to lovers - Helena Wayne (they actually married in Earth 2)
Crime fighting partner to lovers - Helena Bertenelli
Kiss at first sight to lovers - Koriand'r
Pseudo-therapist to lover - Bea Bennet
Landlord to lovers - Bridget Clancy
Teammates to lovers - Zatanna
X to lovers - literally him and everyone
He's just so shippable that way. Not gonna lie, literally all of his relationships Dick and his lover have been great together.
the “barney from how i met your mother basketball hoop scene” and “eleanor from the good place mom she never had” but make it dick and bruce (teenage or adult idc i’d love both)
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The New Teen Titans Issue #50
Man this hits hard. I've never seen how I met your mother but the parallels in the basketball hoop scene and Dick's talk with Bruce are uncanny.
The thing I think is weird about Dick and Bruce's relationship is that it's steeped in insecurities for each other. Dick feels hurt and betrayed and lost as to why Bruce would take in a new robin so suddenly and Bruce's tenure as Dick's robin is riddled with insecurities about him not being a good enough partner.
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Batman and Robin Eternal Issue #6
However it's because of these insecurities that I believe they are close.
The difference between Barney and his dad, from what I gather from the clip, is that his dad never acted like one to Barney.
But with Dick and Bruce? Bruce was a good dad to Dick. But he was a terrible partner. Bruce treated Dick like an equal while still fielding reservations about his age and dealing with his own insecurities. Bruce knows that what he's doing is not right but at the same time Dick is far too competent. His intelligence, his athletic skills, his compassion, and his fearlessness were light years beyond anyone Bruce had ever met and Bruce acklnowledges this.
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Batman and Robin, The Boy Wonder Issue #2
"The GAS was supposed to knock his OUT. His brain out to be sailing past the MOON, right now. What's this brat MADE out of?"
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Batman: The Widening Gyre Issue #1
Bruce's biggest problem with Dick is literally that he talks to much.
Dick is equal in every way to Batman and even exceeds him in some ways when he was Robin itself. So Bruce pushes the responsibilities of Batman's partner on to Dick while treating his as his son, mother, therapist, and partner. And Dick steps up to that. Soon they fall into a rhythm where Dick is Bruce's one for all human interaction. So imagine when you have a constant thing with someone that you're comfortable with and they suddenly start holding back from you. They begin talking about how you're too young to handle adult responsibilities. How you shouldn't be facing that burden. Now you're confused. Those responsibilities they are criticizing you for are the very ones that depended on you for. So now you start doubting yourself and trying harder and harder to make them see that you can handle the job. While you're struggling with confusion, they're struggling with guilt.
That is Bruce and Dick's relationship. Bruce grew a conscious after 10 years and Dick can't understand it. So there comes the self-blame and strife.
What Dick doesn't understand his Bruce feels guilty of his over reliance on Dick. Dick's self-blame has come to such a point that now even when Bruce in full honesty rants about how proud he is of Dick, Dick holds reservations because if Bruce was really proud then he would dump all the responsibilities on him right?
It's really messed up.
"nightwing could 100% be the figurehead of the dceu (like im talking spiderman level) if dc would do something [this was timed . i talked abt this for like 30 minutes all on its own]"
I think the Dawn of DC does have Dick be the figurehead or at least he will be in the future. We're just getting the beginning now.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #100
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #100
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #100
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #100
"We want you to lead."
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Justice League (2011) Issue #51
It comes full circle.
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kenposting · 10 months
Kenposting Masterlist <3
i have ryan gosling brainrot so bad..
°.✩┈┈ ┈┈ ∘*┈୨୧┈*∘┈┈ ┈┈ ✩.°
Ken (Barbie, 2023): 
He’s Just Ken ⋆˚✿˖° Ken has always been more than fond of you, and he kept that to himself, like a small thought that didn't mean much. You, unbeknownst to him, of course, felt the same, and he is shocked to learn this.
New Guy ⋆˚✿˖° Short & sweet; Ken is the new guy at your work - somewhere he keeps calling the ‘real world’. You don’t get that, but what’s new, he never really makes any sense.
New Guy Part 2 ⋆˚✿˖° Ken invites you over for dinner at his house - something you were greatly looking forward to! Until you noticed something was on his mind.
Every Night is Ghoul's Night⋆˚✿˖° Ken leads the way to the Real World to join Barbie for a new holiday he doesn't quite understand. Once he arrives, he learns that most things in this place are hard to understand.
Holland March (The Nice Guys, 2016):
You’re Protesting the Air? ⋆˚✿˖° The tension between Holland and his client had been building for weeks. You were proud of yourself for keeping your cool - until Healy left you under the care of his partner.
Officer K (Blade Runner 2049, 2017): 
Baseline ⋆˚✿˖° You're a Blade Runner paired to work with Officer K. You both sense a bizarre shift lately.  Something is wrong.
Other Ken posts: 
Mojo Dojo Bingo + links to free ryan gosling movies ⋆˚✿˖° Just a bingo sheet of Ryan Gosling movies.
Ken’s Cowboy Outfit ⋆˚✿˖° Noticed the difference and thought it was funny.
Kenergy Fits ⋆˚✿˖° Ryan going so hard at the red carpets for some reason.
What Kenergy is This ⋆˚✿˖°  He is an anomaly.
Ken Crying ⋆˚✿˖° :( sad
France Poster ⋆˚✿˖° this had me dying omg lol
THE MOJO DOJO ⋆˚✿˖° need to go so bad u guys don’t understand if this is torn down before i see it i will die
Beach Off ⋆˚✿˖° he gets so mad it is so funny omg
Just Madi ⋆˚✿˖° i luv ken wtf
ryan gosling 😁😁 ⋆˚✿˖° idc this is my favorite video of him
jitterbug 😭 ⋆˚✿˖° no comment
u look lonely ⋆˚✿˖° i giggled
no kitchen :( ⋆˚✿˖° evil!!!!! but accurate
RYAN BEING SO CUTE W GRETA WTF ⋆˚✿˖° screaming crying throwing a tantrum wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf
my dumbest post ⋆˚✿˖° sorry i giggled
the world is healing ⋆˚✿˖° just my brother being sweet wtf
ken behind the scenes <3 ⋆˚✿˖° him
barbie cast ⋆˚✿˖° i luv them
what was going on here ⋆˚✿˖° i want to know so bad
why is he so tall (and this)⋆˚✿˖° wtf
fall guy behind the scenes ⋆˚✿˖° idc he looks so good
hands ⋆˚✿˖° teehee
gq ⋆˚✿˖° they luv him
film cooper talking ab barbie ⋆˚✿˖° slay cooper
week :3 ⋆˚✿˖° this just made me giggle lol
seriously how did this happen ⋆˚✿˖° i just want to hug them plea se argehejjd
ken fits :3 ⋆˚✿˖° so slay ryan so slay
mmmmmm ken ⋆˚✿˖° stfu this outfit
holland brainrot p2 ⋆˚✿˖° he is just so
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agendabymooner · 9 months
line without a hook ! yuki t. x ofc (filo!indie singer!ofc)
“do you like it when i’m away?”
summary: pia ellis misses the boyfriend that everyone thought she made up in her head, and when she vented about it to her fans — who designated themselves as her therapists — and twitter, they begin to wonder who he really is. OR she spiralled a little bit when yuki tsunoda posted photos of his ‘boyfriend’ pierre gasly, but it’s safe to say that he misses her too.
content warning: use of explicit language, ofc and yuki calling each other ‘asshole’ but they love each other, a fairly short one (both of them and the smau fic), short gf 🤝 short bf, yuki and ofc have false user to stalk each other (secret relationship)
note: my first yuki fic but it’s beabadoobee because they lowkey would vibe
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liked by yukino22, girlinred, taiverdes
taiverdes i think the second one calls for grass touching pia 😭😭 liked by papayapia
papayapia (gr)ass touching*
girlinred have you been drawing him again p? liked by papayapia
papayapia he doesn’t look as good as he does irl 😮‍💨
user2 lowk don’t know if i should believe you about the whole bf thing
papayapia i live on my own small world anyways 😔
yukino22 such a dirty mind you have smh
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tagged pierregasly
liked by pizzapia, pierregasly, zhouguanyu
user1 my fave couple ever 😮‍💨❤️
user2 i wanna be one of them idc
pierregasly you’re gonna get me in trouble with all of these posts and photos you make of me yuki 😭🤣 liked by yukitsunoda0511
user3 pierre??? what does that mean?
user4 yuki??? our baby??? has a partner???
pizzapia don’t mind me, i’m just waiting for your call here or something 🙍‍♀️
pizzapia u two look cute together. just together tho bc he’d be ugly without you
pizzapia i ship ❤️
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tagged papayapia
liked by pizzapia, pierregasly, landonorris
user1 NAW MANS HARD LAUNCHED HIS GF 😭😭 my baby boy is grown up
user2 she’s literally hot and you’d post pierre over her???? bad move tsunoda 🙄
user3 him: ❤️ her: 👍
oscarpiastri god i was ready to scream at you for keeping her a damn secret 🤬
user4 god love oscar piastri and his love for everyone’s gfs 😭😭
pierregasly i’m finally off the hook 😮‍💨😮‍💨
papayapia says who ? 😊🤔 you’re literally on top of my hitlist
papayapia eheh
papayapia i love u yukinooooo ❤️ liked by yukitsunoda0511
yukitsunoda0511 i love u too but answer my facetime calls pls
papayapia on it best friend 🤭🫡
user5 girl weren’t you just tweeting about him? papayapia
papayapia that ain’t me, that’s philomena 😨
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not-neverland06 · 10 months
Broken Machinery
Pt. 6 (completed series)
Series masterlist
Connor RK800 x fem!reader
A/N: I’ve just got this weakness for one love interest calling the other baby while they’re injured. I can't help myself 
Content Warnings: Cussing (duh), shots fired, asshole government agents, me not knowing what android parts are called (everything’s getting called a bio component idc), nothing too bad honestly just one near death experience and existential crisis
Word Count: 3.3K
Series Summary: You and your grumpy partner Anderson gain a new addition to the team. He’s supposed to be CyberLife’s best, but there’s something not quite right with his programming, and the problems seem to revolve around you.
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“You know, you really scared me up there.”
“How do you think I felt?” 
You might have gone a little crazy, back there, you nearly broke a few toes beating the shit out of Connor.
It was like you were so blinded by your rage you just went into a trance. There was thirium eveywhere, Hank and Chris both had to grab you to get you off him. One of the deputies had to take him to CyberLife for repairs. 
Serves him right. 
Hank had immediately driven you to the hospital afterwards. Despite your incoherent garbling that you were ‘in tip-top shape.’
He was sitting in your room with you and for the last forty minutes since the doctor left, he had been staring into the coffee he got at the vending machine. Not talking, not looking at you, you had almost begun to believe he had passed out. 
He was still staring at his coffee as he spoke. “I’m not talking about the roof. I knew I’d catch you.” There was an absolute certainty to his words, like there was no other possible outcome he would have accepted except your survival. 
You wanted to be happy, wanted to feel like you had a dad that loved you and would risk falling off a roof with you, rather than let you go. 
But you knew that he saved you out of a feeling of duty. He saved you because he couldn’t lose two kids. Not for any other reason. Sometimes you felt like he was more of an android than Connor. 
“Back there, what you did to Connor,” your shoulders stiffened in defense. You didn’t need to hear that you look like a rabid badger when you’d gone after him. You already knew that you went a little insane. Hank raised his hands in defense before you could go on another rant. “Hey, I’m not saying the fucker didn’t deserve it, I’m just saying I was…. I was scared, okay?”  
He finally looked at you now, and you almost wished he hadn’t. For years all you’ve seen was a vacant look or drunken rage. 
Now, there was something there. Something real, and it hurt. It physically hurt to see the pain in his eyes. The raw grief and loss. 
He seemed to lose track of what he was saying, caught up in one rare moment of actually allowing himself to feel instead of masking it with rage or drinking it away. “I feel like I lost you both.”
You didn’t know what to say. There were no words of comfort you could offer him. No white lies he would accept. 
And there were none you were willing to give, because he was right. 
He had lost you both in that car crash. 
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Amanda was waiting for Connor in a boat. It was clear he was expected to row her, his resistance at the unspoken order was surprising. 
“I love this place, it’s all so calm and peaceful. Far from the noise of the world. Tell me, what have you discovered?”
Connor felt the need to keep the development in his relationship with you to himself. Amanda wouldn’t understand why he was living with you. She surely wouldn’t approve of his newly prioritized mission. 
“I found two deviants at the Eden Club, I had hoped to learn something but…” There had to be a way to phrase this that she wouldn’t know the truth behind his actions. “They managed to escape.”
“That’s too bad,” she saw right through him. “You seemed so close to stopping them.” Connor chose to row rather than speak. “You seem… lost Connor. Lost and perturbed.”
Connor debated being sincere with her. If anyone had advice or could tell him what to do about what he’s been going through, it would be Amanda. 
“I thought I knew what I had to do, but now I realize it’s not that simple.”
“You had your gun trained on those deviants at the Eden Club.” There was a forced replay of the footage at the club. It felt so invasive that they could reach through him and rip out what they wanted. 
“Why didn’t you shoot?” 
He chose to tell the truth, “I don’t know, I don’t know.”
He knew he made the wrong choice immediately after. At least he hasn’t told her about you.
But, his doubt was concerning. His main concern should be the mission, now, he’s not so sure. 
“If your investigation doesn’t make progress soon, I may have to replace you, Connor.”
He wasn’t sure how to feel about the idea of being replaced. If it was for the sake of the mission then he should be willing to do anything. Yet, the idea of being deactivated made him feel… wrong, almost angry. 
“I understand.”
“Something’s happening, something serious. Hurry, Connor. Time is running out.” The ominous warning left Connor with a feeling of pressure on his chest. 
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Hank kept tapping his foot and staring at Connor as he flipped his coin. You smiled at his irritation. “How do you do that?” 
Connor stopped toying with the coin to give you his full attention. It was a bit intimidating when he stared at you full force. He’d seemed irritated this morning when you left the house to come to the news tower. 
The stormy look on his face was still present and now directed at you. It was an effort not to pick at your nails. 
You’d been trying to stop, everytime Connor would catch you he’d shoot you a warning glare before slapping your hands apart and taking them in his own. Although, sometimes you did it because he would interlace your fingers together. As pathetic as it was, the feeling of his skin against yours was soothing. 
He blinked a lot before the look on his face lightened and he tilted his head, “The coin trick?” Connor demonstrated again for you, flipping it between his fingers. You nodded and he flicked it back and forth between both hands before Hank finally snapped. 
He yanked it out of the air, “You’re starting to piss me off that coin, Connor.” 
“Sorry, Lieutenant,” he put the coin back in his pocket. “I’ll show you later,” he paused before finally adding, “at home.” Your cheeks felt warm as a smile slowly crept along your face. He’d never referred to your house like that, it brought you joy knowing that you could provide somewhere comforting for him. 
“The fuck did you just say?” Hank turned towards you, “Is he staying with you?”
You reached forward and clicked the button for the floor a couple times. How slow was this freaking elevator? 
“Were you not aware of that, Lieutenant?”
“No I wasn’t.” Hank shot you a disbelieving look, you slunked your way behind Connor, avoiding both of their gazes. 
“I found her passed out on her couch in a distressing condition. I’ve opted to stay with her and help her take care of herself while she heals.” 
Hank looked around Connor at you, “You didn’t tell me you needed help.”
“You didn’t ask.”
You were the first out of the elevator. “Hey, Y/N.”
You took in the multitude of SWAT and CSI agents. “Shit, what’s going on here? Was there a party and nobody told me?”
Chris scoffed, “That’s an understatement. It’s all over the news, so everybody’s been butting their nose in. Even the FBI wants a piece of the action.”
“Fuck me, that’s the last thing we need. Some FBI prick trying to take over.”
Hank walked up to the two of you, “Now we got the Feds on our back, I knew this was gonna be a shitty day. So what do we got?”
“A group of four androids. They knew the building, and they were all very well organized.”
You glanced back at Connor and gave him a narrowed eyed look. “Well if I know anything about androids,” you turned around again. “It’s that their real good at getting their hands on things they shouldn’t have. They probably managed to download the building schematics.”
“Building plans or not, I’m still trying to figure out how they got this far without being noticed.”
“Maybe they had some help,” Chris seemed a little surprised at your words. 
“What are you saying, they had someone on the inside?” You nodded absently at Hank's question as you took a look around the hallway where the deviants ambushed two guards. 
It’s definitely the least violent, hostile takeover you’ve ever seen. No casualties, only a few woozy guards and one technician in shock. 
Hank examined some bullet holes in the wall. “How many people were working here?”
“Just two employees and three androids.” You let Hank take over the rest of the briefing while you examined the evidence around the room. “The deviants took the humans hostage and broadcast their message live. They made their getaway from the roof.”
“The roof?”
“Yeah, they jumped with parachutes. We’re still trying to figure out where they landed,” do they know anything? “But the weather’s not helping. If you want to take a look at the video broadcast by the deviants, it’s on that screen over there.” 
You made your way over to the broadcasting room. Someone in a trench coat was standing in the middle of the room, blocking you from looking around. 
“Lieutenant, detective, this is Special Agent Perkins from the FBI. Lieutenant Anderson and Detective Y/L/N are in charge of investigating for Detroit Police.” Connor walked over the the group of you. 
SA Perkins nodded towards him, “What’s that?” You got immediate douchebag vibes from him. 
“My name is Connor. I’m the android sent by CyberLife.”
You wanted to face palm, did they not program him with any other greetings?
“Androids investigating androids, huh? You sure you want an android hanging around?” The irony wasn’t lost on you, but he didn’t have to be a dick and act like Connor wasn’t standing right in front of him. Hank scoffed, seemingly prepared to dismiss him, but SA Perkins wasn’t done yet. 
“After everything that happened…” The insinuation had your hands curling into fists. He didn’t even know the two of you, yet he thought he had the right to speak about something he knew jack shit about. You had taken a half a step forward before someone’s hand was on your wrist, stopping you. 
You looked down expecting to see Connor, instead Hank was gently holding your arm. He didn’t look at you, just kept staring at Perkins until the agent had made himself uncomfortable. You got a sickening amount of satisfaction at the way he crumpled under Hank's stare. 
“Whatever, soon the FBI will take over and you’ll be on another case.”
“Pleasure meeting you.” Hank was clearly done entertaining the rat faced asshole. 
“Have a nice day,” you gave him the fakest smile you could muster until he just scoffed
“Don’t fuck up my crime scene.” 
You watched him walk away, “I really wish you had let me just knock him down a peg.”
Hank gave you a long suffering look, “He would have had your badge faster than you could blink. God, what a fuckin’ prick.”
“I’d kill to see that asshole humbled.”
“Let’s have a look around,” Hank started towards the broadcasting desk. 
You made your way to the stairs, “I’ll check out the roof,” your foot was almost on the step, but then Connor appeared in front you out of nowhere. So close. 
“I think that’s unwise. You should stay somewhere both Hank and I can keep a watch over you, you’re still injured.” He made a pointed look towards your sling. You huffed out in frustration, his coddling was getting out of hand. 
“I’m a big girl, Connor, and you’re a detective bot. Not a caretaker, act like it.”
Connors head tilted and he squared his shoulders. Oh, this was about to be an argument. “You told me to prioritize my partners safety.”
Damn, that was really biting you in the ass. “Oh, well depriotize it.” Connor crossed his arms and stared you down, you really didn’t need him making a scene but shutting down on the stairwell to make a point. 
You threw your one good hand up in surrender, “Fine! Whatever,” you stood by the desk and sulked. He seemed way too smug as he walked off. 
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“I’ve identified its model and serial number.”
Hank continued to stare at Connor, “Anything else I should know?”
“No. Nothing.” He didn’t know why he lied, but for some reason Connor didn’t want Hank or Y/N to know that the android leading the revolution was from the same line of androids he was. 
He was confused, he was RK800, a prototype and supposed to be the only one of his kind. Yet he was staring up at an RK200. He’s never thought about why he was 800, there was no reason to. But If he had, he would have assumed that his predecessors were just failed versions of himself  that couldn’t pass the Turing test. 
He would be wrong, because here in front of him was something completely different from himself.
What was CyberLife hiding? 
“You okay, Connor?” He was brought out of his stupor by the sound of your voice. He looked towards you, your arm was still in its sling, your hair still in the braids he had done for you and the jacket and jeans he had helped you dress in. Focusing on all these little things about you was helping him remember what he had to do. What he came to the tower for in the first place. 
He observed the slight tilt to your head and the suspicion on your face, “I’m fine. You?” 
Your eyes held the same untrusting gaze before you just nodded your head and moved to the other side of the room. Connor examined each piece of evidence, reconstructing the scene of the crime. SWAT came in through the hallway, shooting at the group of deviants and managing to hit one. They then made their escape towards the roof. 
He debated between the roof and investigating the androids in the break room. One of them was in charge of monitoring security, they would have seen the deviants making their way through the building and not have informed anyone. A deviant was somewhere in there. 
He knew that if he went up to the roof, inevitably you would follow, he didn’t want to run the risk of you getting further damaged. Connor made his way towards the break room. You lifted your head from the security footage you were examining to briefly glance at him as he passed by, before going back to reviewing the video. 
Three androids were lined up along the wall of the break room. One of them was deviant. 
He turned towards the one on the far left, “What is your function?”
“I am a broadcast operator.” Connor’s eyes narrowed, its eyes were blinking continuously while answering. Connor didn’t recognize that behavior in any of the other androids standing before him. He continued questioning the one on the far left. 
“State your model.”
“Model JB300. Serial number 336 445 581.”
Connor turned to the android in the middle, still keeping one eye on the other one. “Were you present when the deviants broke in?”
“I do not remember.” The one on the left turned its head to face Connor before quickly looking away. 
He’d found the deviant.  
“Has anybody accessed your memory recently?”
“Not to my knowledge.” Deviants could lie, he wasn’t going to get any information out of it this way. He needed to switch to more aggressive tactics. 
“One of you saw the attack on the surveillance cameras and said nothing. Which means there is a deviant in this room… and I’m going to find out which one it is.” He hovered over the one on the left. 
“You’re going to be switched off. We’re gonna search your memory and tear you apart piece by piece for analysis. You’re going to be destroyed! Do you hear me? Destroyed!” It wouldn’t budge. 
Deviants could feel, perhaps if he used empathy against it, it would be more willing to provide information. 
“Why should all of you be destroyed, if only one is deviant? Turn yourself in, or two innocent androids will be shut down because of you. If you give yourself up, maybe I can convince my humans not to destroy you.” 
He switched tactics again, “The deviants have just been caught. They gave you up.” The one on the left’s LED was fully red now. “There’s no point in lying. We know everything.”
He was successful in revealing the deviant, but not in the way he wanted to. It lunged at him, taking him by the throat and slamming him into the counter. Connor struggled fighting off the androids hands and trying to shove him off. The android reach down and ripped Connors core component out, stabbing him in the hand with a knife and nailing him down to the counter. 
Connor had two minutes to shutdown, he kicked a chair nearby across the room, “Y/N, help! I need help…”
Connors optic units were failing, everything around him was going in and out of focus. He barely managed to tug the knife out of his hand before collapsing on the floor. 
He crawled as close as he could towards the component, instructing each arm to move one at a time, they gave out nearly a foot away from the device. 
Just as you came barreling into the room. “Connor!” You rushed over to him and dropped down to your knees, your hands were shaking as you rolled him over. “Connor, oh my god, oh god it’s okay. You’re okay.” Your hands were hovering over him, unsure where to touch before finally landing on his face. “It’s alright, you’re gonna be fine baby.”
Your eyes left his and you looked around for something. You let out a shuddering breath and moved away from him. His arm grabbed yours without prompting. 
He didn’t want….
Didn’t want what?
He couldn’t want or desire he was an android, yet deep inside he knew… 
He didn’t want to die. 
He didn’t want to die alone.
“Connor, I’ll be right back, it’s gonna be okay,” but it wouldn’t be. Shutdown was imminent and Connor knew that whatever progress he made would be erased. And whoever replaced him would prioritize the mission, they wouldn’t care if you were going to die. Your life would mean nothing to them. 
That was more terrifying than the thought of dying. 
You finally managed to rip your arm free and then you were shoving something in his hands. “Here!” When he made no move to look at what it was, you ripped it back out. “Fuck, Connor!” 
His body shot forward and you caught him by the shoulders before he could fall over. You had slammed the component back into his core. 
Memory…. 100%
Optics…. 100%
Auditory…. 100%
He dismissed the rest of the diagnostic check and rushed out of the room. He slipped and slammed into a wall on the way out, his body still calibrating. He ignored your shouts and continued after the deviant. 
It was nearly to the elevator by the time he caught up, “It’s a deviant stop it!” The android grabbed the rifle from the SWAT agent's hand. Connor processed the quickest possible options for him to take. 
The deviant was on the ground, deactivated by the gun Connor had swiped from the police officer next to him. 
“Nice shot, Connor,” Hank helped Chris back to his feet. He gave Connor an appreciative look just as you ran into the room. 
“I heard gunshots, are you okay?” You were looking at Connor, waiting for an answer, a frantic look about you. 
Was he okay?
He didn’t know anymore?  
“You saved human lives, you saved my life,” it was the warmest he’d ever seen Hank. 
Yet the only response he could give was, “I wanted it alive.”
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end. — I do not own the characters or the game Detroit: Become Human, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
Boys a liar pt 2
Anime characters I think would match w the lyrics (pls don’t come for me this is just my opinion 🧍🏾‍♀️)
CW: Mentions of breaking up, insecurity, fluff, a lil bit of angst, etc. (BEING A BAD BITCH)
Including: BNHA, Haikyuu, JJK, Demon Slayer, HxH, AOT, Food Wars, and Saiki K
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“Because you only want to hold me when I'm looking good enough..”
They think you don’t find them attractive unless they’re all dressed up (BUT YOU LOVE THEM TO DEATH EITHER WAY)
↳ Kirishima, SERO, KENMA, Aran, Inunaki, GIYUU, MITSURI (yk, they used to tell her she has too much muscle to be a woman), Leorio, Knuckle Bine, MEGUMI (food wars), Ryo K, KAIDO, Armin, CONNIE
“Every time I pull my hair was only out of fear that you'll find me ugly and one day you'll disappear…”
Very insecure. They believe that you’ll leave them for the dumbest things. Constantly needs your reassurance. (Comfort your baby D:)
↳ AMAJIKI, Jiro, ASAHI A, Koganegawa, MEGUMI F, GENYA, Obanai, FEITAN, Levi, AKIRA H, Zenji M, Hairo (Saiki K), Toritsuka
“What's the point of crying? It was never even love..”
Finally over the relationship. It took them awhile to get over it but now they appreciate themselves and are happy w/o their ex :)
↳ MINA, Twice, NOYA, Yamaguchi, KUROO (shut up idc he has emotions), Nobara, TODO (I think he gets attached too quickly), Tanjiro, Rengoku, Killua, Pakunoda, Jean, IKUMI M, ALICE N, Nendo (mah baby), Rifuta Imu
“So I tell him it's one of me, he makin' fun of me.. (HA) his girl is a bum to me”
Wonders why they even dated their ex. Realized they could do WAY better (Better being you ;D) I’m telling you as soon as they see their ex’s new partner they literally can not stop pointing out how they can’t compare to them.
↳ MONOMA, Dabi, SAKUSA, TSUKKI, Mai Z, Nanami, SHINOBU, Kurapika, Bisky, Mikasa, Annie, Soma Y, TAKUMI ALDINI, Asahi S, Teruhashi, KUSUKE S
“Bet he blowin' her back, thinkin' 'bout me 'cause he know that ass fat (DAMN)”
They’re the kind of person who broke up w/ their ex and they know said ex wants them back. Anytime the ex calls they’ll show you and joke about it. They think it’s funny.
↳ MIRKO (no further explanation is needed), BAKUGO, Hinata (hear me out..), OIKAWA, ATSUMU, Geto, GOJO, TENGEN, Illumi (he’s a bitch so yes), Shizuku, Eren, SASHA (I don’t wanna hear nuthin abt this one), Erina N, Saiki, Akechi Toma (100% I mean his weird ass was trying to stalk Saiki)
“But I don't sleep enough without you and I can't eat enough without you. If you don't speak, does that mean we're through?”
They NEED you to survive. You’re their life and they get sad when you aren’t around. Get anxious thoughts when you guys don’t talk for awhile. They try to hide it but it’s obvious.
↳ Denki, AIZAWA (we have the same birthday so I would know :P) BOKUTO, Suga, Aone, SEMI, YUJI I, Mahito (he’s everything starved), Zenitsu, AKAZA (he dotes on ppl sorry not sorry… I mean he was down bad for his wife) INOSUKE (trust me on this one) Gon, Kogumi, IKALGO, KITE, Marco, Historia, YUKI Y, ISAMI ALDINI, Gin Dojima, K. AREN, Y. Chiyo
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spidergutz-writes · 11 months
What are some fluff hcs that you have for any and all of your handsome boys?? How would you spend a day with them? What are dates each of them would take you on?
meadow! Your spoiling me with all these delicious and amazing ideas!!
I’ll actually probably make this in 2 or 3 parts just so I can fit all mah bois :) (if requested, I will also add in some of my favorite gals!)
Hand holding to the max!!
could be watching the most horrific thing unfold infront of him, and his hand would still be slotted in with yours
making dinner? He’s holding your hand.
watching tv? He’s holding your hand.
sleeping? Yup, he’s holding your hand!
he's a very shameless person when it comes to the softer things in your relationship
will not hesitate to pull you into his lap for cuddles.
also won’t hesitate to cling to you on every part of the day.
your cooking? Well so is he, now.
he loves cooking with you. It’s just so…normal.
normality is not something he experiences a lot, so even when you two are doing simple and mundane things, he enjoys it to the fullest :)
bro's sense of humor is so bad, but it gets to the point where it’s so ungodly terrible, that it becomes funny.
“Hey...what do you call a prisoner walking downstairs?”
“i dunno..What do ya call 'em?”
he thinks he’s funny, so please laugh :((
dates include him and you cooking a dessert of some sort.
his favorite is making apple cobbler pie with you :3
often you’ll end up with flour hand prints on your ass and some whipped cream on your nose.
he's just a silly guy doing silly things with his ooohh sooo silly partner!!
JIN BUBAIGAWARA: (what? He dies? No. No he doesn’t. Not here. He lives. That’s the reality we have here. Deal with it. Go argue with the wall idc.)
my sweet sweet baby boy. Where should I start?
okay, before he overcomes his trauma:
Took his mask off infront of you once, and now he can’t stop.
hes addicted to how you kiss his scar
how you coo at him and tell him he’s so handsome 🥺
Will fight for you if it’s serious. He’s still scared he’s a clone :((
will stand up for you tho
anyone says anything bad about you? He’s cursing them out while his alter ego is making weirdly terrifying threats.
”YOU GOT SOMETHING TO SAY, HUH?” “I hope you sleepwalk into oncoming traffic...” “DONT YOU FUCKIN SAY ANYTHING ABOUT MY PARTNER” “I hope everyone you love leaves you.…”
Dates consist of you two sitting on top of rooftops while having a picnic. Talking shit, cuddling, and eating.
you two end up falling asleep in each others arm a lot, admiring the sunset or the moon.
he is a human heating pad. Like seriously. You don’t need a blanket when he’s around
Loves lying on his back with you laying on his chest :)
is a little shy :(
Thinks you don’t want others to know you two are a thing :(((
but when you hold his hand in public or in front of the league? He melts.
When you first kissed his lips over the mask in public? He cried a little
tears of joy :)
can’t cook for shit. That man burns water.
don’t ask me how, but you tasked him to make breakfast one morning, and a fire broke out.
there was also mayonnaise on your ceiling. Again, don’t ask, not even he knows.
Simon Riley "Ghost" (this motherfucker doesn't die either. if anyone tells me otherwise, meet me at the Arby's parking lot at 6, BECAUSE I WILL FIGHT YOU)
oh my lawdy lawd. he is just SO FINE, WHERE DO I EVEN START??
this man has issues. he's really touch starved, but doesn't know how to accept any light touches.
he might shy away from your light advancements, because he's so used to any physical bringing harm or ill intent towards him.
but when you kiss his cheek, and hug his (slutty) little waist, he folds like a lawn chair on a hot summer day.
will scream, cry, throw up, roll on the ground, and promptly die if you ever serve him tea in a bowl (the French do this.)
likes to go to the gym with you. he loves to see you work out iykwim.
Ghost has never been a man for soft things, but he Isn't Ghost with you. With you, he's Simon Riley, a man who longs to have a sense of normalcy, a man who wants to take you out to nice restaurants, and a man who wants to bend down on one knee for you, and ask that burning question that lays in the back of his mind 24/7
he wants to do all of those things, but its going to take time. his insecurities tell him you deserve a man who can do more for you, but as always, you wash those thoughts away for him.
for now, his dates consist of concealed places, like the safety of either his, or your home, where he can take off his mask, safely. sitting, watching movies, drinking wine or scotch, and cuddling.
He's a big advocate on "actions speak louder than words" so he doesn't say "I love you" too often, but when he does say it? you better get the tissues. because he only says it during a really vulnerable moment of his, like when he's calming down from a PTSD induced flashback, or a panic attack, or when its late, in the middle of the night, when he knows its just him and his demons awake, with you sleeping soundly in his arms.
believe it or not, THIS MAN CAN COOK-
listen, i know he's British, and i know he's in the military, but that man just radiates "I'll make you a five star meal before i snap your neck"
he is a god when it comes to making steak. give him a basic ass steak, some spices, and a few other side ingredients and he'll give you a true taste of heaven. A taste of heaven from a man from hell.
we love him all the same though <3
holy fucking hell this took WAY too long, and I took some extra time on Ghosts.
as always, any type of constructive criticism is appreciated, no matter how harsh or small it is <3
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destinygoldenstar · 5 months
I Answer The Would You Rather Questions From TD2023 Episode 17
(IK what you're gonna say about the title, idc, I'm calling it one long season because I feel like it)
Here's the video I'm basing this off of in case you're curious.
Would You Rather...
A) Camp in a Graveyard for a month
B) Go without toilet paper for a week
I WANT to say I wouldn't be scared cause zombies aren't real, BUT I'd be lying cause in real life, I'm anxious like no tomorrow. Plus at least with the other it's a lesser timespan.
(I relate to Damien so hard with this one.)
Would You Rather...
A) Have to wear clown makeup for a year
B) Have your direct messages made public
I don't actually DM that much, most you'd find are a bunch of sex bots that I blocked immediately, and other than that it's really just me answering people's questions about media. So I can't really say I'd lose much.
But honestly, I think clown makeup is actually pretty fun. Didn't say I wouldn't get to design the makeup myself. I'd just be cosplaying as Pomni, and I think I'd be okay with that cause Pomni is adorable.
A ; For the fun of it
Would You Rather...
A) Lose the passwords to all your devices everyday
B) Spend the entire next school year in a hot dog costume
Jokes on you Chris, I'm not in school anymore.
I SUCK at passwords anyway. So, NO THANKS.
Would You Rather...
A) Be Hockey Superstar *Whatever he said*
B) Be the puck that scored the game winning goal in the 1980 cup finals
One, I am not a sports person let alone a hockey person
Two, I was not alive in the 1980s!
I'd go with B cause I don't want to 'be other people'. I do that in fiction already and with my cynical online persona. I don't do that in real life.
Would You Rather...
A) Slide naked down a ski hill
B) Spend a day in a wave pool that uses bark instead of water
I hate the cold. So let alone being naked, it would suck.
But swimming in VOMIT?!
Would You Rather...
A) Popcorn that tastes like poop
B) Poop that tastes like popcorn
Straight up. NEITHER.
I hate both of these so much. I do not understand how Zee can possibly pick one without hesitation. (Then again, it is Zee, so...)
I am SUCH a sensitive eater. I will vomit no doubt at both of these.
I guess technically one isn't s**t, it's just the flavor sucks, so... A?
But if there was an option to pick C, I'd do it.
Screw the rules of this challenge. make it a trick question and have the person fall no matter what. TROLL, Chris. Why wasn't there a troll like that in the challenge? I'm surprised.
Would You Rather...
A) Take truth serum and be questioned by Chef
B) Only be able to eat Chef's cooking for a whole year
Again, sensitive eater over here.
Would You Rather...
A) Eat a bowl of toenail clippings
B) Not shower for a month
I'm actually tolerant to nail clippings, but AGAIN...
He said SHOWER, he said nothing about baths, swimming, deodorant, washing your hands and face, etc. So YEAH, it's actually not that bad if you think about it.
Would You Rather...
A) Eat 200 Lemons
B) Wrestle your best friend's grandpa
I'm a softie, so I'd lose, BUT...
My best friend in particular actually hates her grandparents. So she'd love me if I wrestled them, even if I'd lose.
Would You Rather...
A) Eat pudding directly from a gorilla's armpit
B) Jump from a plane with a parachute packed by your ex
In the episode, they make this sound worse than it actually is.
Or maybe that's just me because I actually DON'T HAVE AN EX
(At the time I am posting this)
Even if I were to break up with my partner just for the sake of doing this, (then get back with her afterwards) she is very skilled with this sort of stuff, has made several crafts like this, and I trust her completely.
Usually I'd hate falling, or anything that involves a vertical motion like that, BUT there's a parachute so it wouldn't be that bad.
And at this point, you'd know I'd do basically anything to get out of eating nasty stuff. If my choices are something to go off of my character.
Would You Rather...
A) Fight one bear
B) Fight 100 Rabid Kittens
I'd lose no matter what.
I am a HUGE cat person, so at least I'd be used to the kitten's scratching and biting. And maybe I'd tame them rather than fight them. That's my method of fighting.
Bear? I'd DIE.
(Also i love Wayne and Raj here. They're so cringe in the wholesome way)
Would You Rather...
A) Give up texting for five years
B) Lose your bathing suit at a crowded wave pool
I text my partner ALL THE TIME, and I will NEVER GIVE THAT UP
At least with this option I could just run away, just one embarrassing moment rather than stuck there for five years or something.
And if someone said took a video of me and posted it, uh, JAIL FOR THEM, CAUSE THAT'S ILLEGAL
Would You Rather...
A) Dirt poor but celebrated as a great poet
B) A filthy rich lawyer who puts guilty criminals back on the street
Hello. I'm a writer.
I ain't gonna put people in danger like that.
Would You Rather...
A) Be genetically merged with a warthog
B) Have Chris McLean as your dad
First off, who f****d a warthog to begin with?
You know Chris as a person, you know it would be AWFUL
Looks don't matter, I'd say
Would You Rather...
A) Apologize for something you're not sorry for
B) Go bald by the time you're 23
In the episode they act like this is a really hard one because it's Chase.
I knew what he was gonna say right away. You see ONE episode with this guy, you KNOW his answer.
Anyway, for MY answer,
I'm not a jerk.
Yeah I have stuff I'm not sorry for, but it is leagues better than hair loss. Let me tell you.
Also I realized Julia didn't get questioned at all. What's up with that?
What are your answers? Reblog them. I'm curious.
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shitpostingsystem · 1 month
☽ ┅⚘┅🪦┅⚘┅ ☾
❦ ❣️ names: shit, zag, con, post, hawkeye, pierce
❦ ⚰️ pronouns: he/they preference
❦ 🦇 age: minor. don’t be weird
❦ 🕍 disorders: asd, ocd, pttd
❦ ❣️ boundaries: no nsfw
☙🪦❀ ❧🪦☙ ❀🪦❧
❦ ⚰️ DNI: shitty people
❦ 🦇 likes/interests: bsd, vocaloid, m*a*s*h, history
❦ ⚰️ partner: doesn’t have tumblr
❦ 🦇 other info: i reblog a lot. like a lot, a lot.
☽ ┅⚘┅🪦┅⚘┅ ☾
||template by crows-templets on tumblr||
i love nicknames!! anyone can call me whatever. idc.
free palestine!! 🇵🇸🍉
#shitpost: original posts
#shit is gay: me being down bad for my bf
#shit’s characters: my oc’s
i call my bf “snake” online for privacy reasons
clown husbandry blog: @rags-da-jester
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surielbonecarver · 1 year
I love Nesta idc idc
I love her difficult personality. She was interesting.
I understand that a lot of people hate her, but I've liked her from Book 1. From the moment all 3 sisters were going into the market and Nesta stepped in to shoo away the Children of the Blessed, and pulled Feyre aside to warn her to stay away from mercenaries, and especially when it was revealed that Nesta was so strong willed that Tamlin's glamor didn't work on her and that she went to those same mercenaries and tried to cross the wall to save Feyre. I knew instantly that I liked her.
So when Cassian was in her house in Book 2 talking about the past issues between Feyre and Nesta I was???? Confused??? Because didn't Feyre and Nesta move past that in Book 1???? Why is he bringing it up??? I thought we were over this??? And that has nothing to do with him? (Literally Rhys and Feyre weren't even dating yet, I think? So it was literally my sister's friend of a friend is talking shit in my house type of situation)
Sidebar: I wish any of my friends would take words out my mouth to talk shit about my siblings. Yeh, me and my siblings have beef sometimes, but that ain't got shit to do with you???? (Sidesidebar: I don't wanna see anyone trying to say "yeh but I bet your siblings didn't abuse you like Nesta did to Feyre". Stop. You don't know me, my siblings, or my life.)
I, for one, am big on the idea of having a life away from your partner.
So Feyre's literal entire life revolving around the ic was a pass for me. And it actually annoyed tf out of me that Rhysand and The Pips (sry, Feysand and The Pips) were fighting so hard to make Nesta fit in. Because why? If you hate her so much, leave her alone. Don't want her spending your money? Send her somewhere else? The way they constantly verbally and mentally beat her down until she had no choice but to fit in had me grinding my teeth.
She's mean. So what? Amren's attitude was a million times worse than Nesta imo, the only difference is that Amren was a five thousand year old eldrich being the fey told bedtime stories to their kids about to get them to behave. No one says shit to Amren about her attitude because what tf are they going to do about it? Amren literally even says that she likes Nesta and her attitude because it was just like her. But the moment Nesta stops doing what Amren wanted her to do, now she all of a sudden has a problem with her attitude, lol.
We see there are a handful of examples within the books of people that have no problem at all with Nesta. It's literally just Rhys and The Pips that have a problem, and if Rhys has a problem then it's everyone's problem.
We are literally told that Nesta was visiting Feyre, Elain, and Amren regularly on her own after acowar and that the only time she seemed to kick up a fuss is when she was being made to participate in ic gatherings. Sooooo.... besides Az, that means Rhys, Morgan, and Cassian were the problem. Rhys and Morgan very openly hate her, and after acowar she made it clear that she wasn't ready for whatever Cassian wanted from her, so she was avoiding him. And Nesta says herself that she didn't hate Rhys. She thought he was an asshole (because he is), but all in all she thinks he's a good male. (**she calls Rhys an asshole to Cassian, but after training when she sees Gwen/the priestesses move away from Rhys she notes how it made her sad (??) because he's a good male and would never hurt a female like that COUGH CHOKE)
Wow this post derailed from the main point
My point is: why does Nesta have to be nice/nicer? Why? And why is Nesta being blamed for everything bad that happened to Feyre when they were kids?
I'm not even joking. Every time Rhys did some shit to Nesta I was WAITING for Feyre to give him shit for it. Feyre does call him out for treating Nesta poorly on multiple occasions across FOUR (4) BOOKS (acomaf, acowar, acofas, & acosf) [I will say that it may only be called out in 3 books, but it's 3 at the very least]. And just when I think she's finally going to snap at him in acosf, it ends up being downplayed as a joke between Cassian and Rhys
Cass: oooh you know you're in trouble for what you did/said to Nesta... you send the staff away so they won't hear the wife nag at you?
Rhys: naaaah, I sent them away so they won't hear something else *suggestive eyebrow wiggle*
Bffr. Seriously? Did he really just sidestep the fact that he did something that obviously upset Feyre.... to fuck?
And the one and only time Rhys is called out specifically for how hypocritical it is for him to hate Nesta but be perfectly fine with Elain, he says that "Elain is Elain" bs (yall my blood ran so hot reading that line I had to put the book down for a moment). Like Rhys actually could've given about a thousand legitimate reasons for why he likes Elain but doesn't like Nesta, and he says THAT?
I'm not going to defend any of Nesta's actions cuz yeah she definitely was being a bitch for a good portion of the book, but also... she doesn't really owe them anything. Especially not her time or her kindness.
Listen. I'm of the opinion that no one owes anyone anything, so I don't wanna hear "well after Feyre did all that the least Nesta can do is blah blah blah—"
I heard enough of that growing up. Enough of that, "I provided for you, so you owe me" bs (this isn't directed at Feyre specificly, since Feyre never actually asks Nesta for anything besides using her home for negotiations but that was a separate, unrelated occurrence). Absolutely not. Nesta didn't ask or tell Feyre to go into the woods. So why should Nesta owe Feyre for that?
I will also never forget how Feyre said Nesta and her were at each other's throats and were mean to each other. Feyre said that. So when people started hating on Nesta because Nesta was mean to Feyre, it felt very one-sided. Also because that detail is one of the many retcons in acotar. Like sjm literally forgot that she wrote that Nesta and Feyre were mean to EACH OTHER but also forgave each other and reached an understanding (all in Book 1), only in the very next book to take it all back.
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missy-0-piink · 2 years
Shibusawa Drabble
Idk if this counts as a drabble but idc I’m calling it that
Also, I got a bit lazy towards the end so I may change the ending later on, I’ll post if I decide to.
Anyways, this is my first time writing a smut fic, so forgive me if it’s not good 😅
Shibusawa was annoyed. Very annoyed. It was that time of the year again, the time where his loins would ache and he’d feel the need to breed. It wasn’t hard for him to find a partner, no not at all, he’d regard himself as a very attractive individual, but no one caught his interest, that is, except for you.
His inner dragon had latched onto you, and he couldn’t get through a minute without thinking about you, and that was bad. It was so bad that he found himself in your room, in your house while you were gone on a “weekend getaway”.
God, the smell of your room, of you was intoxicating, and though he would never usually think of it, he found himself rummaging through your laundry to find your discarded clothing. Particularly, he was looking for your underwear.
Once he found it, he made his way to your bed, letting the fluffy pillows and blankets, soothe his need for comfort. he couldn’t help but bury his nose in your panties. The scent of you was too alluring no to do so.
He was fisting his weeping cock to the thought of you. Of filling you up with his cum, of missionary, of doggystyle. Of Anything, as long as it was you.
He was desperate.
And this was the state you found him in. God, he looked pathetic. flushed a red shade on his normally pale face and neck, his eyes closed in bliss as he mouthed at your underwear.
You watched him carefully, mouth curved in a smirk. You watched as his body started becoming tense, his back arching, close to cumming.
“Excuse me, shibusawa-san, but I don’t remember giving you permission to act like such a desperate whore,” your voice made his eyes open wide with surprise.
“(Name)! “ he moaned out as he came. You couldn’t believe it, this motherfucker came JUST as he’d been caught masturbating to you. In your home. Without permission.
“What a pervert,” you say, watching as shibusawa was heaving as though he had run a marathon, “what do you have to say for yourself?”
“Please (name), I cant take it anymore! I need you, please!” His words made your eyes widen. This was strange, such a prestigious man such as himself would not go so low as to beg so easily.
“Have you been drugged?” You ask warily, stepping close to the bed. How could someone have drugged a man so careful, so intelligent. How could someone have gotten the upper hand?
He moved his head, and that was when you noticed the slight scales on his face and the horn protruding from his head.
“It’s… part of my ability” this confirmed your suspicions. This bitch was in a heat cycle.
You laughed, and his flush somehow darkened. His eyes were watching your every move, taking in everything about you, pupils dilated so much so that only a thin ring of red was left.
If it was any other person, any lesser man than he, you would have beat his ass to hell and back. But this was shibusawa, a prestigious man who had an angelic face and attractive voice. You’d admit that his begging ignited something within you.
“Very well then, only since you asked so nicely, but first, no touching yourself until i say so~” you hummed before starting to strip.
Shibusawa’s hand flew away from his cock as though it burned him, an instinct to obey making him do so. He watched as you stripped, putting on a lovely show in the meantime. fuck, you were perfect. His dick throbbed and leaked more viscous Precum, but he didn’t dare touch himself, in fear you would stop and leave him to suffer.
You made your way on top of him, and you pinned his wrists above him when he had tried to grab your thighs. “No. Touching.” You said, a menacing tone in your voice, “otherwise I’ll leave you here to take care of that,” you gestures to his throbbing erection,” by yourself. And we wouldn’t want that would we? No, we want you to fill me up, don’t we?” He whimpered at your arousing words and nodded.
You felt yourself get wetter at his pitiful noises, pitiful expression and the pitiful way his body was shaking, flushed and needy.
As you lowered yourself on his dick, he couldn’t help but buck his hips. If it hadn’t have felt so good, you would have tore him a new one, but the lubrication provide by both his Precum and your wetness had provided a smooth entry. Fuck, his cock felt so good inside you. Long and thick, it hit all the parts inside of you well.
But that only made up half of your pleasure, with the second half being the way he lost himself in this pleasure you brought him. His eyes rolled back, brows furrowed, hips bucking wildly and beautiful moans being torn from his throat was addicting. This was definitely not going to be a one time thing.
“I’m close, hah! Fuck! Please, let me fill you, please!”His words were barely intelligible, slurred and desperate.
Without warning, you grabbed his horn at the base, which must have had plenty of nerves because he suddenly went tense once again, but this time was different, you could feel the base of his dick swelling up, making it near impossible to move. Then, he came, hot spirts of his cum filling you up as he whimpered and moaned.
You stared in shock. Whatever you expected would happen tonight, this was the last thing on your list. However you weren’t done yet. You grabbed shibusawa’s limp hand and guided it to your clit.
“You will make me cum.” You ordered, and shibusawa obeyed, needing to please you. His inner dragon wouldn’t let him do anything else.
It wasn’t as good as him moving inside you, but It would have to do.
This was most definitely not a one time thing.
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latteandjacks · 7 months
Now, watching Mammon's magnificent blah blah to lazy i'm sorry
This is going to be a looooooong post
(Containing laughter everytime the name Mammon appears on screen because in Mexico and without one m it's a word to say call someone an egocentric ot an asshole or both)
"He can eat my ass, in a bad way"
Blitz your fucking disgusting
I know and I know and I know Ozzie is right and Mammon is definilty abusing Fizz and he's an asshole and Ozzie is trying to help but I really really don't like how he words things because out of context it sounds really bad but again I know Mammon is a bitch
Me: "Oh wow Ozzie hired Blitz and other guard, the guard looks like him, probably someone strong because Blitz is mainly there to convince Fizz, right?" "Wait THAT'S OZZIE?? HOW IS HE- HOW IS HE SO THIN-"
Ozzie Ily but srsly you need to learn to communicate with your partner
I really hate how it looks like the upper arms are coming out of Mammon's chest I really hate that
"He thinks he's funny" "Offended"
Ooooh who are these two, oooooh no I don't like their designs
I'm dying, Blitz insulting the blue twins and Fizz possing like trying to replicate Blitz sass but not really
Blitz NO you're making it worse help you're giving him more pressure
Ooooooh I like this "song" I like it a lot
Istg if the creep from the beginning comes back i'm going to chew my shoes
(Takes a break to chill the fuck out)
FUCK HE DID CAME BACK, BLITZ, SHOT 'EM Okay help he's a discord mod isn't he Pixar villain complex
I'm sad because I know Fizz really greatly appreciates what Blitz did but will probably not be able to say anything
Yeah, called it, fuck you Mamon I'm going to call him Mamon now idc he deserves it
HE SAID IT! "Good enough for WHAT?"
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Oh you're cool I like you a lot
Oh God no the makeup it's going to be really bad right? This is going to be really bad
ANOTHER ONE?? IT REALLY IS A MUSICAL HUH Should've seen it coming
Whatever is Ozzie and Fizz is going to be my favorite song of the episode
"You're messy but i'm messy too" MDHFDDGSH
They kiss, i'm losing it
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Hey who the fuck put me into Helluva Boss
I would comment on what Mammon said but I need to make the image or else it won't work
"It's about you" "w h a t"
Mamon clapping at the performance even tho he knows it's about him is like the same AND opposite vibe of Bruno vibing to his family talking shit about him and Idk how to describe it
Okay but everyone thought it was like a random song he thought it was catchy and when he said Mamon's name everyone just started to process the lyrics He called him out of his abuse and everyone will realize how much he sucks now, at least a lot of them will
God I was so worried that they were going to do THAT gag, i'm glad it was just Mamon becoming a weird spider
Damn Ozzie that's hot (Pun intended)
THEY ADDMITTED IT, THEY'RE FREE, THEY'RE GDSHADBHAKJLCNDVJAKL I'm those fans screaming in the background that's me, that's us all
"You're going to regret revealing that Ozz" Oh shit these three WILL come back won't they?
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