#cake cutting ceremony
ctweddingdj · 17 days
Stress-free Wedding Planning Podcast #97:Prenup Agreements
Stress-free Wedding Planning Podcast #97: Prenup Agreements Prenup agreements are not just for the rich and famous. Continue reading Stress-free Wedding Planning Podcast #97:Prenup Agreements
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multi-fandom-imagine · 3 months
Okay can I request wedding headcannon to reader for Angel Dust, Husk, Alastor Adam and Lucifer? I need some fluffiness in my life right now
A/n: YES!!!!
Angel Dust will be paired with a male!reader
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•Angel Dust•
You were the one to propose to Angel Dust, it happened on the day you were able to free him from his contract.
Angel Dust breaks down, he's never felt more safe than he did in your arms.
Uses Anthony, it feels right to use his name when he is marry you.
Charlie officiated the ceremony,her words spoke of redemption, love, and the power of choice. She reminded everyone that love transcends boundaries—even those between Heaven and Hell.
You and Angel Dust stood before the alter with your eyes locked, Angel's voice cracked as he recited his vows promising to love you through eternity. Your sweet voice followed, promising to heal Angel’s scars and cherish him forever.
Husk raised a glass to you both with a grin on his face. "About damn time."
You two met with a kiss, the kiss tasted of redemption, forgiveness and love. The guests erupted in applause, and even the demons shed a tear or two.
As newlyweds, you and Alastor danced your first dance on a cloud conjured by Lucifer. Your steps were light, Angel Dust's laughter echoed through out the room.
The wedding cake was a masterpiece,a tiered creation with silver fondant wings and red rose petals. As they cut into it, confetti exploded, and chaos ensued. Husk downed a shot, Lucifer blamed Alastor as Vaggie twirled Charlie.
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Husk proposed late one night, drunk. He was scared you'd leave him. Find someone better, he stood in silence as you said yes.
The wedding took place in the ballroom of the Hazbin Hotel, the room was adorned with crimson and gold drapes, flickering candles, and ethereal flowers.
The guests, a mix of demons, fallen angels, and curious souls, gather in anticipation.
A haunting melody of a violin fills the air as you walked down the aisle.
Husk, in a tailored suit with a single red rose pinned to his lapel, awaits for you at the altar.
Your voice soft, you gave the man you love a smile as you recited your vows “Husk, you are my redemption. Your gruff exterior hides a tender heart. I promise to cherish your flaws and love you unconditionally.”
Then Husk recited his own. "you’re my light in this chaotic realm. Your kindness heals my scars. I vow to protect you, even from my own demons.”
Your closest friend Angel Dust gave you a teary-eyed smile as he raised a glass: “To Y/n and Husk! May their love be as wild as a demon’s dance and as tender as an angel’s touch.”
You and Husk sway to a haunting waltz.The room holds its breath as they twirl, your love defying fate.
The wedding cake held White roses intertwine with black orchids.
You feed Husk a delicate slice, and he smudges frosting on your nose playfully.
As the clock strikes midnight, you and Husk share a kiss another. It tastes of redemption and second chances.
The room erupts in cheers, and even the walls seem to hum with joy.
Husk whisks you away for a little pre-honeymoon fun.
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The Wedding of you and Alastor took place in Hazbin Hotel Courtyard.The courtyard is adorned with crimson roses and obsidian candles.
You descend the grand staircase, your gown—a blend of ethereal silk and charred lace—trails behind you a veil conceals your face, but your eyes—resolute and curious—betray your emotions.
Alastor awaits for you at the alter, his top hat tilted. His crimson suit is impeccably tailored, and his cane rests against his shoulder. His gaze never wavers from the staircase.
You smile up at your fiancé, light tears in your eyes as you finish your vows I choose you, Alastor.”
Alastor states his own oath“I, Alastor, relinquish my darkness. For you, Y/n, I’d trade my infernal powers.”His words echo through the damned souls, who watch in awe.
Your lips meet, a deep kiss. Alastor holding you tight afraid you might slip away.
Niffty supplying the treats, sinner themed pastries adorn the dessert table. Angel Dust sneaks a cupcake, giving you a wink.
For your first dance, you and Alastor swayed to a waltz.
Sinners gossip. Charlie smiles, Vox scowls as Husk grumbles about the open bar.
You Whisper: “To redemption,” she adds, and Alastor’s grip tightens.
You and Alastor sneak away to the roof top for a moment alone.
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Much to his disappointment, the wedding takes place in the grand cathedral of the Hazbin Hotel which it is then transformed into a celestial sanctuary. Stained glass windows depict scenes from both Heaven and Hell, casting colorful patterns on the marble floor.
The guests, a mix of angels, demons, and curious souls, gather in awe.
The ethereal melody of harps fills the air as you walk down the aisle.
Adam, in a pristine white robe, awaits for you at the altar, his eyes reflecting both duty and longing.
Your vows are with love, and Adam does his best to keep things PG.
Archangel Michael steps forward, his wings spanning the aisle. His voice resonates through the halls.“May your love transcend realms, Adam and Y/n. May it heal the wounds of Heaven and Hell.”
You and Adam waltz gracefully, your steps echoing the celestial dance of creation your love story unfolds in each twirl—a delicate balance between duty and desire.
The cake, a fusion of angelic white and infernal crimson, stands tall. Feathers and flames intertwine.
You feed Adam a delicate slice, and he smiles, savoring the sweetness of your union.
Adam pulls you into a passionate kiss, his whispers a promise of nothing but love
You and Adam exit the cathedral,the guests hold their breath, witnessing the union of realms
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•Lucifer Morningstar•
The wedding takes place in a cathedral in the heart of Hell that stood adorned with twisted ironwork and flickering candles. The air hummed with anticipation as demons,and lost souls gathered to witness an unprecedented event.
The setting of the cathedral’s stained glass windows depicted scenes of redemption and damnation, casting colorful patterns on the cold stone floor. Row of crimson velvet pews awaited the guests, their eyes filled with curiosity and skepticism.
You walked down the aisle your gown flowed like liquid silver, and your eyes held a mixture of hope and trepidation.
Lucifer stood at the alter, his black suit was impeccably tailored, and his crimson eyes bore both mischief and longing.The Devil’s presence commanded attention, and the room fell silent.
Your voice quivered as you recited your vows..
Lucifer’s own voice cracking as he recited his own.
As you lent in for your first kiss, the cathedral’s candles flared, casting shadows on the walls.
The reception hall was a decadent affair. Demons danced with fallen angels, as lost souls clinked glasses.
Your laughter echoed as you twirled with Lucifer, your steps defying gravity.
Vox, the media mogul, smirked. “A match made in Hell. Ratings will soar!”
You swayed in Lucifer’s arms, your head resting on his chest as you looked up at him
“Why me?” You whispered.
Lucifer’s eyes softened. “Because you see the light even in Hell.”
The stars above flickered, and Lucifer kissed your forehead. “Together, we’ll rewrite the cosmic order.”
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baby-jaguar · 7 months
CoD Wedding Headcannons
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Some sweet love for our boys, hoping to cheer anyone up after MW3. While the photos do have fem/wedding dresses in them, I tried to make it as gender neutral as possible!
I hope everyone can enjoy!
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Getting married to Price warrants an old Hollywood glamour, something more intimate and small for the people you both hold close, so you can make memories of the long-awaited night while being able to relax in good nature of the celebration.
You both decided to find a nice speakeasy for both the ceremony and reception, as Price had surprised you and rented out the entire venue. The soft and warm glow of candles and old lights casted a romantic light on you, showing the etheral glow to you.
Price is a traditional man, and decided to save his first look to seeing you walk down the aisle. As your eyes lock onto his, he sniffles and the distinct tell of his moustance twitching is what keys you in on him being able to feel comfortable showing his emotions as he hones his ice blue eyes on you.
He did in fact, make quite the show for your first kiss, taking you in his arms and giving you a gentle but deep dip, showing off the romantic (almost steamy) touch of your lips as you lock in your unity.
Your first dance is a slow sway in circles, focused on whispering sweet nothings to each other in between the kisses you reach up to give him. Saving the absolute last dance for both of you, as the clock strikes into midnight and the day is now Sunday, Etta James' Sunday Kind of Love plays out softly as you sway together before heading up to your honeymoon suite.
"My angel, you have been everything I believed I never deserved. You have shown me what I have always been missing, the love that I never knew of. I know I will never be able to amount to the thankfulness of you sticking by me through and through, I will never stop thanking the heavens of the gold and glory that you are, as you run through my veins to find your home in my heart.
Just as I fought by your side on the field, I promise to fight for our love, to shield it from any harm that may come its way. Through the scars and wounds we bear, both seen and unseen, I vow to cherish every part of you. Your strength, your vulnerability, your laughter, and your tears - they are all precious to me. Our love is a force that any creature made by god would fear, as I know we are forever to be unstoppable together, through every small and great task.
Together, we will conquer any obstacle that stands in our way. I promise to never forget the sacrifices made; honoring our fallen, for they have paved and protected the way for our love. They watch over us, guiding us, and reminding us to cherish every moment we have. I love you, with every last being of myself, and even past my last breath. Forever and always, angel."
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Gaz has a flair for the dramatics and also loves a fairytale and nature aesthetic. He requested a fairytale wedding, and it was an extravagant night for the two of you. Gaz values some traditions but was ready to blow those to the wind for his excitement to celebrate your love. You did a first look, and he was rendered speechless as he took in your form, tears already pooling and beginning to stream down his face.
Gaz took the time with you to learn a ballroom dance for your first song, impressing your guests and even yourselves with how beautiful and magical the two of you are. Cutting the cake was a very sweet moment for the two of you, as you both happened to have the same thought and booped each other on the nose with icing at the same moment.
Your wedding was held in a mountaintop venue, the night sky showing all the stars that shined brightly and reflected on a lake, approving of your love as if the faries make an appearance for your royal court of a wedding. As you danced the night away, Kyle was sure to keep a mix of whispering the most heart warming sweet nothings, and making sure to catch your reaction by the photographers when he murmured sinfully sweet thoughts in your ear.
"Through the chaos and uncertainty, you became my anchor, guiding me with your strength and infectious spirit. Together, we have faced the darkest of days, and it is in those moments that our love has grown stronger. When I look into your eyes, I see a reflection of my hopes, dreams, and desires.
Your love has breathed life into my soul, and I vow to nourish that love with tenderness and compassion. I promise to be your confidant, your partner, and your best friend, as your happiness is everything that can and will continue to let my heartbeat to our special song. I promise to be the keeper of your dreams, the one who will protect and nourish you from any challenges we face, always together.
You are my life; I will walk beside you, hand in hand, supporting you in every step. You are the greatest reward life has ever, granted me. With every beat of my heart, I will love you fiercely, unconditionally, and without reservation, for you are the missing piece that completes me."
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Johnny was all for having a fun and colorful wedding, and a maximalist and retro decor was decided on. Because for a MacTavish? Go big or go home baby.
He never stopped smiling the day of your wedding, his astonishment at the environment and scene of your unity never leaving his face. You decided to read your vows privately to each other, holding hands and having your backs to each other while waiting to have your first look down the aisle. Under disco balls, your first dance felt like something out of a movie.
Johnny was one to always show off, and he was sure to spin and dip you around, his strength holding you as he even lifted you and twirled you around. Now as a real MacTavish, you both knew how to throw a party and made sure that your open bar helped your guests get as wild as you two are.
If you did decide to wear a garter, or simply put one on for the tradition, Johnny made a damn great show of taking it off; crawling underneath your dress/between your legs and made you squeak in embarrassment as his stuble tickled your thigh.
"Today, I stand before you, to pledge my undying love. You, my little sparrow, have held my attention, obsession, and heart from the moment our eyes met. I promise to always have your back, whether we're dodging bullets or just trying to figure out what to have for dinner. With you, life is an adventure, and I can't wait to tackle it together.
I promise to be your partner in crime for life, always up for exploring new horizons and creating memories we’ll never live down, But as long as we're together, every moment will be an adventure worth cherishing.
You bring laughter and lightness to my life, even in the darkest of times. Your smile is like a ray of sunshine breaking through the storm clouds. Life is too short to not enjoy the simple pleasures, and with you by my side, every moment is a treasure.
I vow to keep the flames of passion alive, As Our love is a fire that burns bright, even amidst the chaos. I promise to keep the spark alive, to always pursue you with the same determination and intensity that challenges the forces of this earth."
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Simon was enthusiastic to have a wedding that featured a dark and mystical aesthetic. He wanted something small and private, requesting that it be some of your closest friends and family to spend the special night together.
With a romantic and dark church, it was a powerful and mystical wedding that incorporates both of your energies. You both decided not to have groomsmen/bridesmaids and instead placed altars of your fallen teammates and loved ones under the arch with you two, feeling their love in your unity.
Simon waited for his first look down the aisle but began crying with a wavering voice during your vows. During the first dance, he lifted you to stand atop of his feet, holding you as he moved the both of you in a surprising fashion of a waltz, elegantly for the seasoned stealth veteran.
His eyes seemed to swim with tears, iris' almost as black as his pupils in the dark lit church and ballroom. His eyes were rarely straying from you, far to enamored with keeping every memory to be held in his soul- even in the next life.
"From the darkness where death once consumed us, to the light that now shines through our love, I stand here today, my heart laid bare, to vow my eternal devotion to you. In the face of danger, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, our love has blossomed like a fragile flower, defying all odds. Today, I stand here, a silent guardian, to pledge my undying love and devotion to you. In our promise, my heart will always yearn for your touch, laughter, and the warmth of your presence.
Through the pain and loss we have endured, I promise to cherish every memory we share. Your laughter, your touch, your soul - they are etched into the very fabric of my existence. I will hold you as tenderly as the spirits did when creating you, as you are a gift that I will forever cherish. In this broken world, I vow to mend any pieces of your heart, to hold you close when the weight of the past becomes too heavy to bear.
I will be your strength when you feel weak, your rock when you need stability. With you, I have found a love that mends the scars of the past."
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Phillip desired a venue within the wilderness and countryside, deciding that a farm with a Barn reception was perfect. His vows were as strong as his commands, his voice was deep and rich with honey, and maybe a few tears, as he spoke his heart out to you and let the crowd hear just how much you have changed him into a loving man.
You partook in “burying the bourbon,” planting a favorite bottle in the ground of your wedding venue, one month prior. Once dug out, you intertwined arms and took shots all night, the heat of the drink and your love enveloping you both. two-stepping through the night on the dance floor, he twirled you expertly and dipped you low to the ground before always leaving a kiss on your lips.
It was during the ceremony that he surprised you, having ordered a mechanical bull for you and the guests to ride. Taking you and himself on the first ride, you laughed so hard you cried at how silly, but fun it was.
Taking you to the airport after the wedding, he had a classic American car with a "Just Married" sign on the back. And of course, the Shadows were your escort to the airport.
"My sweetheart, from the moment our stubborn hearts crossed paths, I sensed a connection deeper than what ties us to this life. I will be a guardian of our love, ensuring that it shines brightly in every step I take, and every breath I draw, as you are the whisper that breathes into my greatest devotion.
In the depths of my soul, and the depths of you, I promise to carry our love of shared laughter, whispered promises, and the unspoken bond that will forever be the piece that grounds me in this realm. I vow to live a life worthy of the love you bless me with, to carry forward the lessons you teach me, and to honor the sacrifices we have made to make it this far, together.
Your courage, compassion, and unwavering loyalty will forever inspire me, my angel, whom I vow to cherish and love and you beat your wings to the pulse of my heart.
As I walk this Earth with you by my side, I know that we will be forever united no matter the realm we are in. As our love knows no boundaries, and as we exchange these vows, we will be together, holding each other in a timeless embrace. To the moon and farther, you are my saving grace. ”
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Alejandro was excited to celebrate your commitment and love to each other, already planning a massive celebration between each other's families, friends, and Los Vaqueros, who helped set up your beautiful wedding. In true Vaquero fashion, the Wedding Lasso Ceremony was incorporated.
By a thick cord of white rope, the priest tied it around you two in an infinity shape and blessed your unity to eternity. As he read his vows to you, Alejandro tried very hard to not cry but in the last paragraph (and from hearing his own mother’s soft sniffles in the crowd) he had a quiet sob while his eyes found yours, reciting the lines from his heart.
As the ceremony concluded, you and Alejandro rode your horses down the streets of the town, waving and smiling at all who had come out to shout and cheer for your parade of love in La Callejoneada, many throwing rice and flower petals towards you two in a token of celebration. Your wedding was held in an orchard of Mango trees, the meaning of affection and adoration not.
"Mi Amor, as we stand together, I vow to be the person you deserve, to love you unconditionally, and to be a witness to your growth and transformation. Our love is a flame that burns brightly, illuminating the path before us, and I am grateful to walk it by your side.
In your eyes, I find the force that drives me to be what you deserve, as you are the most sacred thing to ever cross the path of my heart. Eres mi existencia, la luz que hace que mi sangre lata en mi corazón como siempre ha sido el tuyo. (You are my existence, the light that makes my blood beat into my heart as it has always been yours.)
Mi Vida, in you, I have found a sanctuary where I can be myself, unburdened by the weight of the world. I vow to be your shelter and support, and together, we will create a haven of love and understanding, where we can always find solace and rejuvenation.
Desde este día en adelante, caminaremos juntos por el sendero de la vida, enfrentando los desafíos con valentía y compartiendo las risas y los sueños. Mi amor por ti trasciende las palabras y se manifiesta en cada gesto, en cada mirada, y en cada latido de mi corazón."
(From this day forward, we will walk the path of life together, facing challenges with courage and sharing laughter and dreams. My love for you transcends words and is manifested in every gesture, in every look, and in every beat of my heart.)
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Rodolfo was ready for a celebration but wanted to keep it intimate to your closest family and friends, and of course, Los Vaqueros as well. You both chose a beautiful wedding venue next to the beach, having the white decorations tied into the beautiful white sand and blue ocean water.
Exchanging Las Arras matrimoniales proved to be heartwarming as the priest and los padrinos y madrinas made sure you felt the love as you became a Parra, a member of their family. You were surprised as Rudy managed to only have his eyes water during his vows but his voice wavered, and he had to clear his throat multiple times while reading them aloud.
That didn’t stop his voice from showing his conviction and devotion; entering the reception, Rudy placed you on a lone chair in the middle of the dance floor and lined up with his men and a mariachi band. Under the sunset, he serenaded you. His voice rang out richly and perfectly, causing tears to stream down your face as your hand laid over your heart to try and keep it still.
“Mi Cielo, your presence in my life has been like a symphony, each note perfectly harmonizing with the next. Together, we have created a melody that resonates deep within me. You have become my muse, my inspiration, and the beat of my soul.
Mi Corazón, prometo nutrir nuestro amor como una flor delicada, cuidándolo con cuidado y devoción. Así como un compositor cultiva su obra maestra, yo me haré cargo de nuestro amor, colmándolo de cariño, comprensión y respeto. Nuestro amor florecerá, irradiando su belleza al mundo. (My Heart, I promise to nourish our love like a delicate flower, tending to it with care and devotion. Just as a composer cultivates his masterpiece, I will take charge of our love, showering it with affection, understanding and respect. Our love will blossom, radiating its beauty to the world.)
Our love is a masterpiece, and I promise to protect it with all my being. As we embark on this journey together, I vow to always walk beside you, hand in hand, navigating the twists and turns that life may bring. Our love will be the melody that carries us through, and with you by my side, I am confident that we can conquer anything. En este día y todos los días venideros, me comprometo a amarte con cada fibra de mi ser. (On this day and every day to come, I commit to loving you with every fiber of my being.)
Our love is a melody that sings of devotion and commitment, and I am honored to be the one who shares this beautiful symphony with you.”
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While planning your wedding, König asked for a deal between you two for the ceremony. If you granted him a private elopement, he would deliver the wedding of your dreams. Deliver he did, as he picked a literal castle for your venue. An enchanting and historic architecture with plants adding to the mystical feel, he made you feel as decadent as two rulers who are together forever more and uniting two kingdoms.
He chose to speak his vows privately to you, with a camera pointed towards you to watch as you both had tears running down your faces at the words spoken softer than any feeling your heart has ever felt before. However, he knew that a party was needed to celebrate your love, so the reception was held in a ballroom that overlooked the forest.
As a man who values his heritage, you and König had a private ‘Brautraub’ where you hid within the castle, waiting for him to figuratively seek and kidnap you as a symbol of starting a new portion of your life with him as he (literally) swept you off your feet and into his arms.
"Mein Schätz, our love is vital as the bond between two rulers has created a kingdom of love and unity that reigns within our souls. You are the crown of my life, the sun that illuminates my kingdom. With you, I have experienced the true meaning of love and devotion as you have captured my heart, forever I will honor and protect you, as you are my guiding star that will lead me to my heaven.
Mein Liebling, ich gelobe, unsere Liebe wie ein kostbares Juwel zu hegen und sie mit Hingabe und Aufmerksamkeit zu pflegen. Ich gelobe, unsere Liebe immer zu nähren und sie stärker zu machen als einen funkelnden Diamanten, denn niemand wird jemals meine Hingabe an Dich schmälern. (My darling, I vow to cherish our love like a precious jewel and to nurture it with devotion and attention. I vow to always nourish our love and make it stronger than a sparkling diamond, for no one will ever diminish my devotion to you.)
Meine Sonne und Sterne, I vow to cherish and nurture our bond with tenderness and care. Like a king protects his kingdom, I will guard our love fiercely, shielding it from harm. Our love will stand as a beacon of hope, one that is a testament of royalty, radiating its warmth and beauty to all who witness its majestic journey. Ich liebe dich für immer.”
(Meine Sonne und Sterne = My Sun and my Stars. Ich liebe dich für immer = I love you, forever.)
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i was thinking of a good story where it's "the reader and Spencer's wedding they are having a good time and Penelope wants to congratulate them but can't find them, she walks around and finally spots reader she is resting against the wall of a cleaning closet, they talk for a bit and she leaves, when Penelope leaves spencer comes from out of readers dress, and says that that was a close one"
Wedding Bliss | Spencer Reid
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Summery: The post-wedding bliss hits differently after the ceremony, and Spencer and you intend to make the most of it.
Warning/s: just tooth rotting fluff, allusions to smut that happened, wedding, marriage, Penelope's crying, short fic, possible grammar and spelling mistakes, and just all of the love
Author's note: this is just too freaking cute, I just changed the part where Penelope and the reader are walking around, hope that's okay.
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You knew that you would remember this day for the rest of your life and all of the feelings that this day had brought you.
The feeling of you walking down the rose filled aisle with bouquet in your hands as the back of your long dress was trailing behind you slowly. The feeling of the rose petals of your bouquet against your fingers. The look on Spencer's face as you got closer and closer to him standing with Morgan by his side. The lone tear that rolled down his face once he saw you. The smiles on Emily's and JJ's faces. The proud look that Rossi was wearing. The little smile on Aaron's face as he waited in the middle of the aisle to get Spencer and you married to each other. Penelope's pink handkerchief with which she wiped her tears away.
Once you finally reached Spencer, you turned around to give your bouquet to Jack before you turned back around only to see Spencer holding his hand out for you to take. You took it without any hesitation.
Aaron's speech and Spencer's and yours vows were exchanged, the rings were placed and before you knew it you were kissing the love of your life, your soulmate, the one that you married.
The ceremony after the wedding was just perfect. Everyone was very excited and had so much fun. The cake was cut, and the bouquet was thrown, and after the first dance between Spencer and you, the two of you disappeared once you noticed that everyone was dancing, too.
Penelope was looking everywhere for the two of you as she wanted to congratulate Spencer and you one more time. However, as much as she looked around, she didn't see you anywhere.
Thankfully, she saw Derek with a glass of champagne in his hand, talking to Hotch and laughing with him. So she decided to quickly come over and as soon as she did, Derek noticed her.
"Hey, baby girl," he turned to her and smiled, "What's up?"
"Have you seen Mr. and/or Mrs. Reid anywhere?" Penelope asked him as she looked around for you. "I looked everywhere for them, but I didn't find them."
"I think I saw them sneaking around behind the reception so I think that you probably-", Derek talked, but Penelope quickly interrupted him.
"Thank you so much, hot chocolate, bye!" She said before she ran off to look for you, not even looking over her shoulder at Derek.
"-shouldn't look for them." Derek finished with a smirk as he lookedat Aaron. "Well... they're busted I tell you what..."
Penelope walked around until she finally reached her destination. She stood there and looked around for you once more before she called out your name. The call of your name was followed by the rustling and extremely quick and quiet whispers. So quiet, she almost missed them.
"Y/N?" she asked as she found herself standing right in front of you. You were leaned against the white cleaning closet, and you seemed to be a little put of breath.
"Oh, hi, Penelope!" you exclaimed, trying to desperately cover the fact that you were out of breath and flushed.
You then noticed that she was probably going to ask you more questions about the fact that your cheeks were burning red and you were out of breath, so you took a deep breath and asked her if she needed anything. A desperate attempt to get her to change the topic.
"Yes!" Penelope smiled at you, "Yes, I did. I just wanted to say "congratulations" once more to Mr. and Mrs. Reid."
"Awww, Pen," you spoke softly, feeling like you're going to cry. "I love you so much."
"I love you to, sweet cheeks," she smiled at you before she suddenly turned serious, standing up straighter. "Now, I know why you are here."
You panicked.
"Y-You do?" you asked her, slowly.
"Yes, I do," she continued, "to get some peace and quiet from the guests and the whole ceremony."
"I-I am!" you felt like you were washed by the wave of relief that went straight through you at what she said. "I just need some peace, yes."
"I knew it!" she pointed her finger at you jokingly before she frowned her eyebrows as she looked around. "But where is Spencer?"
"Oh, he just went to the bathroom." you quickly came up with a lie as you felt yourself get flushed again.
"Oh," Penelope paused before she continued, "Well, I guess I’m going to congratulate him again a bit later than. I'll leave you to it."
You felt yourself freeze once you saw her going in for a hug, her arms wrapped tightly around you. You were a little stiff as you hugged her, but luckily, she didn't even notice.
And with that and a small smile, she walked away.
Once she walked away far enough, you tapped the back of your long dress. "She's gone."
Lifting the back of your dress up, Spencer got up from underneath your dress. You continued to lean against the wall of the cleaning closet as you watched his also flushed cheeks and his hair that was now even messier than it was before.
"Thank God she didn't suspect anything." Spencer said as he ran his hand through his hair, catching his breath.
"Yeah..." you sighed, "... thank God."
"Now," Spencer said as he walked over to you before slowly lowering down on the ground. Right at the spot where he was before Penelope looked for you, "I hope that you didn't think that we are done here."
"I-I... am..." you stuttered as you watched his eyes filled with lust, but also love, as you watched him watch you.
"Lift your dress back up, love."
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
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Grim at Yuu's wedding. (they had to make sure he wouldn't go after the cake)
He makes such a cute ring bearer! But yes, he does go after the cake for a bite, so be gets put in baby jail during the ceremony. There's always two of your friends guarding the cake, and another two ready to grab Grim by the scruff of his neck in case he makes a jump for it.
Imagine his delight when you and your spouse bring him up for the cake cutting, ready to shove a bit of the cake in each other's faces, only to switch it up and smash both of your cakes into Grim's little face! He's so happy to be covered in frosting and cake, licking his lips and jowls, nomming on the treat as you and your partner feed each other fork fulls of your own new (non-smashed) slices.
Now Grim's got food in his system, he's gotta agree, this wedding is great!
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kiss-me-muchoo · 11 months
𝐒𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐥𝐲, 𝐰𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 || 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎’𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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part one: Do you want a baby? || part two || part three: Dharma
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲- what was supposed to be just a general diagnosis turns into a pregnancy reveal + how your water broke in the middle of an actual date with Miguel. 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬_ pregnancy, child birth, grumpy!soft!Miguel x sunshine!reader, sex allusions, implied short reader, implied age gap (legal) NO PROOFREAD :). 𝐀/𝐍_ recommended songs; so it goes and lover again (calling all the reputation & lover stans like me!!!)
♪ ♫ my miguel playlist. ✰ index (masterlist/ other works there)
It would never stop being weird.
Looking at Miguel O’Hara with a tiny female spider by his side, her arm wrapped around his giant forearm, resulting in a confusing image.
Yet, the image continued as Gwen, Miles, Hobie, and Pavitr looked at you and your husband passing through the cafeteria and going to his office.
“How long have they been married?” Miles asked. Pavitr counted with his fingers.
“I think they’re about to turn two years,” he replied. Hobie smirked, looking at his friend.
“The wedding was sick… Remember?” Gwen and Miles looked at each other confused.
“What happened at the wedding?” The blonde girl asked.
Out of nowhere, Peter B. Parker appeared with a tray of food and Mayday on top of his head.
“Hey, kids. What are you talking about?”
“Miguel and y/n’s wedding,” Miles answers.
Peter lets out a little sigh like he is bringing back a happy memory. Pavitr also made the same gesture.
“It was a wonderful night…” Mayday went straight to Hobie’s arms, and the man was funnily tickling her. So Peter took advantage of that and got his phone out.
“I have pictures!” Gwen and Miles let out a NO WAY, LET ME SEE in unison.
“Alright, alright. Here’s the ceremony…” The phone displayed a picture of what seemed like a church. You had an elegant and vintage dress, Miguel was wearing a tuxedo, and the place was full of candles and sparkles that made the picture look so perfect that it was concerning.
“Miguel looks…” Gwen started.
“Happy?” Hobie asks for her. Everyone nods.
“Oh, show her the party, man,” Hobie suggested with a big grin. Making Miles and Gwen even more confused.
Some pics showed your friends, Jess and Margo, as your bridesmaids. Lego Spider-Man was one of Miguel’s best men; the cake had six layers.
It was a big celebration. With many spider people around, part of your family, and what seemed like a summer afterparty.
Gwen giggled at the variety of pictures; you and Miguel cutting the cake, the waltz… until the pictures turned a little… intense.
“Damn…” Miles let out. Hobie started laughing, looking at the pictures, and Pavitr was getting blushed.
From alcohol shots, a mess in the pool, and you and Miguel doing the infamous wedding garter removal.
“OKAY!… this is not for kids,” Peter yelled, snatching the phone from the pair of teenagers.
“How did that happen?” the girl asked. Neither she nor Miles could believe they would live to see Miguel, you, and other serious spider people doing things like that.
“Alcohol. Boss was drunk as hell….” Hobie said, evidently mocking the leader of the Spider Society.
“It was after the family left, only… close friends. I must admit it’s the coolest wedding I’ve ever been invited to,” Peter accepted. Pavitr nodded.
“Yes, it was at the same level as an Indian wedding,” that was a lot to say.
Soon, Lyla appeared and gave a disapproving look to the whole table.
“Why are you here doing nothing? Jess assigned new missions and- AWW, Is that a picture from Miguel and y/n’s wedding?” The AI appeared beside Peter, looking at his phone.
“Yes. Was a good party, remember?” Lyla nodded at Hobie.
“Until they left for their honeymoon. And I had to do all the job myself for….like a month.”
“You sound like you suffered…” Gwen said.
“I did”
“You’re an AI, Lyla. You can’t feel anything….” Everyone laughed.
“Insensible kids. Now go meet Jess for the mission’s debriefing unless you want Miguel's lecture on your lives.”
With that, everyone left to their respective rooms to hear the debriefings.
“Well, that was fun,” Miles commented. Enjoying a giant cheese empanada from the cafeteria. Gwen nodded, and Hobie shrugged, following them.
“Time to go home. I’m tired…” Everyone started to say their goodbyes. Hobie was gone, and then Margo appeared, running towards them.
“Hey! What’s up, Margo?” Jealousy immediately invaded Gwen, and she soon went to appear beside Miles. Nothing personal, but the feeling had been evolving. She liked Margo but didn’t like how she and Miles interacted.
“Haven’t you heard?… y/n is injured” The pair looked between them worriedly.
“Is she okay?”
“I don’t know. I was about to go and see her. Jess said it was delicate.”
Everyone started pacing towards the clinic.
It was as big as the whole HQ; bright, clean, and futuristic.
Many spiders were there, injured people, waiting for surgery, medicines, etc.
However, their way was towards one of the private rooms.
There, you were lying in a bed in the center.
Beside you, Miguel holding your hand.
In a hologram form, Jess and Lyla were looking too.
“What are you doing here?” Miguel asked, intimidating Gwen, Margo, and Miles with his massive height.
“We heard y/n was injured…” Margo dared to respond.
You smiled. You really loved them, so you giggled.
“This isn’t over…” Miguel spoke once again, pointing at you. Oh, Miguel and his so-ever-grumpy attitude.
But you knew there was a lot to talk about back home. A lot…
“Are you okay?”
“Are you gonna be able to go back to work tomorrow?” Miles and Gwen bombard you with lots of questions. Margo was always more considerate, so she stood quiet.
And Miguel was rolling his eyes and looking beyond annoyed, cringed by his younger employees’ questions.
“No, stop saturating her with stupid questions. She’s pregnant, kids….” Miguel said, maintaining his stoic posture.
Jess let out a little laugh, noticing that Margo was the only one to react at the moment.
Her mouth opened to form a big o of shock.
“Do you have anything broken?” The blonde girl in turquoise Converse asked.
“Just my ankle, a sprain in my inner tight… oh, and I have a baby,” you comment softly, rubbing your stomach with a smile.
The teenagers keep making comments Margo is already paralyzed. You laugh again, covering your lips. Then turn to look at Miguel, who’s rolling his eyes again.
“YOU WHAT?…” their eyes are going to pop out.
“You’re pregnant?” Gwen asks.
“That’s why I just said…” Miguel adds with frustration. Then proceeding to whisper something in Spanish.
“I’m very happy for you two, congratulations” Margo is always polite and sweet. You accept her hug, and the other two teens are all over you. Showering you with ideas for baby names, a baby shower hosted by Peter, and making the kid’s first birthday party in the HQ.
“We have to tell this to the others!”
“No. We don’t want to. “
But Miles and Gwen are already out, both still in shock, ignoring Miguel and his desire to keep your status private.
You don’t mind, actually. Everyone would know in a couple of months. But Miguel… what can you say? He’s your husband.
And he kept pinching the bridge of his nose, proving how annoyed he was.
“Paciencia, paciencia…” he keeps murmuring. Margo giggles before turning to leave.
“I’ll try to stop them,” she offers.
“Thanks, Margo,” your husband thanks her with a brief glance.
“Someone has to stop those kids and their unlimited energy” Jess comments, making you laugh.
Soon, it’s just you and your husband.
“Now what?” You ask, rubbing your eyes.
Miguel leans to brush some strays of hair behind your ear, giving you a warm look.
“Now I’m taking you home…”
He thinks you look sweet with the hospital gown, perfect hair, and no makeup.
And although he’s scared as hell of you being already so far in the pregnancy, he dreams of the day you are in the same position. With a baby in your arms…
“Your wife is almost six months pregnant…” Spider-doctor had said.
“Sorry… I’M WHAT?”
Miguel stood there frozen, holding your hand. You were also in shock.
His world sure stopped for some seconds. All the months trying, wondering why you couldn’t get pregnant, it was because you were already growing a baby.
“But-… I don’t have any symptoms. I don’t even have a belly,” you blurt. "Human bodies work out differently. For spiders, it can work beyond differently” Miguel, and you turn to look at each other.
His face came to hide in your shoulder almost immediately. Whispering ‘thank you’ multiple times, kissing your hair, working in private, so Doctor Spider-man couldn’t see.
Almost six months of going to missions like nothing, having sex like always (every day, at least four rounds). Damn… Miguel had to be more careful.
“I’ll come again to get you a scan and everything. I’m going to leave to get your blood test results.” With that, Doctor Spider-man leaves.
Now, you are sitting in your bed. Remembering the moment you found out the news. Looking at the candles that illuminated your desk across your bookshelves.
In a moment, Miguel entered with a little tray.
“I got your favorite chicken wrap, tea, and cookies…” Now you know you’re pregnant and suddenly want to cry about everything. He was so sweet. His reaction to the pregnancy was calm, and he promised to look forward instead of his past. And now he appeared at your door with some of your favorite snacks and looked beautiful; yes, you’re crying.
“Oh no. Don’t cry, hermosa,” he soothes you. Your little whimpers made him realize he had to be careful with his words. Then the thought of you being unconsciously reckless, putting yourself in danger, edging Miguel towards another breakdown…
“It’s just that… I’m- we’re halfway through this, and I can’t believe everything I did. I could have….”
“No. It was almost impossible to know you were pregnant, love. You would’ve not put yourself in danger at the slight chance….”
“Now what? I don’t want to put the baby at risk, but I can’t stay doing nothing for the rest of the pregnancy. I’m a spider-woman��.”
“I know what you’re thinking” Miguel was being so patient. He was listening to you and never letting your hand go.
“Since we started trying… I’ve psyched myself that it could be dangerous. But it’s not gonna be the same. I’m not gonna lose any of you two. Because I know this is correct” Of course, he was afraid, but he committed to letting go of his past and focusing on this present with you. So he would not try to control it and you.
“You’re my lovely wife. I know you, and you’re a strong and perfect woman who will take care of our baby when I can’t be around….” you are shocked. You have to squeeze his hand to confirm you're not dreaming.
He sounds so peaceful, wearing white socks with a hoodie and pants. And he looks that perfect? You had to be dreaming.
“You are taking some weeks to recover from the ankle, the sprain, and one more check to see the baby. Then, low-impact missions, and in the last month, I have you in my office. What do you think?” you nod, smiling. Pushing yourself to sit and hug him and feel his big hands moving across your back.
“Thank you. We love you so much, Miguel…”
We. Oh, he would cry too.
“I love you two so much too. Completely… my whole world…”
“Yeah. No wonder why your plan sounds like you want to have me by your side for the next four months 24/7,” he smiles.
“Maybe that’s the idea…I want my little family with me all the time” You let yourself fall into the pillows again.
You lift your shirt and start poking your flat stomach. Miguel looks at you with curiosity.
“I can’t believe it’s almost six months old, we have a healthy baby, and I don’t have a bump.”
“Well, you look gorgeous as usual. Maybe there’s even a glow on you that I overlooked before”
“It’s my hair, right?”
“Could be…” both of you giggle.
But finally, there’s a time for a kiss. And it feels like bliss like his lips were everything to soothe the confusing thoughts, to feel happy and blessed for the child growing inside you.
His hands sneak through your exposed skin to gently stroke your stomach, hoping to connect with the baby.
He’s going to treasure this new opportunity. He had taken it the first time by marrying you, protecting you but never trying to control you. So he would follow the same recipe for this pregnancy.
From the love you two shared, passion always bloomed.
You felt amazing, so nothing would stop you from having your husband that night. So you started to tangle your fingers through his hair cause it never failed to tease him.
“God… we have to stop, bonita.”
“Why?” You ask with a pout, coming to hug his neck and giving him an annoyed look.
“The baby…”
“The baby has been fine since day one. Want to remember all the things we’ve done in the last five months?” you can swear he’s about to blush. So you giggle.
“You’re gonna be the death of me…” he complains.
But soon, you see his head disappear under the hem of your skirt.
Finally, you exhale with peace and tranquility.
Miguel fixes your suit from behind, his own suit already activated. He can hear your heavy breathing and feels slightly guilty because now, with the baby, your breathing could get hatred.
“See? Perfect as usual, mami…” he says, holding your hips, admiring you. He loved seeing his little wife waddling around the HQ with her cute belly and adorable smile. But having her in the HQ, making a moment only for him? It was a blessing.
“We spent at least an hour here; it’s gonna look obvious, Miguel,” you say, ignoring his comments. Your red cheeks, shiny skin, and curled hair could give you away.
Stupid pregnancy hormones.
Since your belly popped out in the seventh month, it felt like a prolonged fertile week that made you feel sexy and loved by your husband. As a result, extreme rounds of sex came like nothing most days.
“Honestly… I don’t care, hermosa,” he admits smiling. You roll your eyes, pinching his hand to annoy him.
“Sometimes you’re insufferable,” he smirks.
“You love me…” he attacks back, and you can’t help but blush like a little girl.
“Yeah, sometimes it scares me how much I do love you” The moment turns soft, as usual, between you and him.
Miguel turns into a giant heart marshmallow for you. All he can think is about how happy you make him.
“Can we have a date on Friday?” You ask with a cute and shy tone.
“Sure, mami. Where do you wanna go?” That fucking nickname. He meant it sweetly and adorably because, in his head, you were already a mommy. Still, he also says it in a hot way to proudly remember you he got you pregnant.
“The library and that new bakery near home” he would never say no to having a date with you. Never.
“You got me, bonita. I’m in the mood for a thriller book and some… What do you call those little cakes?” since you started dating, Miguel would pick one of your books to read together every night. The pastries only came to the scene on the weekends, though.
“Turkish pastries? Stop, I’m getting hungry. Oh, and I don’t mind another memoir, but yeah, I’m into the thriller book too,” he smiles, offering you another sweet smile. Thinking about how much he wants Friday to come and be out with you.
“I have to assign missions with Lyla. I’ll see you in my office. Okay?”
“Okay, amor,” the characteristic pull on his rib appears; he knows he must lean down and kiss you.
It’s slow, passionate, and delightful. His lips are soft despite all the times he had bitten himself with his sharp fangs. He was always so careful to avoid hurting you. He always avoided contact, but that didn’t stop him from playing with the skin of your neck in the most intimate moments.
“We love you…”
“Me too, bonita. I love you two with my whole heart….”
Your stomach was painfully churning. You were hungry, and your baby was asking for something too.
Maybe a burger with my husband’s mask printed on the bun. A side of fries with sweet and sour sauce; yeah, that’ll work, you think.
So you are peacefully sitting in the cafeteria. Waiting for Miguel to come back to the HQ and spent the rest of the day with him. Your mask is resting beside your phone and your web shooters.
It was crazy how the pregnancy made you both clingier than ever. His hands never leave your body, especially your belly. You don’t want to be separated from him for long periods. And even your family noticed how close you and Miguel were.
You asked where he went during a family gathering, only to find him drinking a beer with your father. And your aunts said you two were attached to hip… to the max.
“Hey, there’s my favorite spider-mama. Don’t tell Jess!” Peter appeared on your side with his kids; Hobie, Pavitr, Gwen, Miles, and Mayday.
“Hey, guys!” Mayday immediately went after you. Playing with your belly and softly poking at the roundness of it.
“Wow, your skin looks amazing!” Gwen flatters you, which causes a big blush on your face.
“Oh, thank you. I spent some time in the sauna today…” Miguel convinced you to try the least heated sauna room, saying it was good for your aching belly. However, it turned into a wild session of sex with at least an hour of duration. But your friends wouldn’t know that.
“How are you feeling?” Peter asked.
“Fine. You say maybe two more weeks or so…” you rub your belly along Mayday. Her beanie is dirty, and you promise her to clean it up before the day is over.
“I can’t believe you guys don’t know the sex of the baby…” Pavitr commented. You giggle, shrugging.
“I want it to be special. Especially for Miguel… you know his past,” they all nodded. They could see their boss apathetic as usual, barely glancing at them, ignoring their jokes, etc. But every employee of the Spider Society knew Miguel O’Hara had only one weakness; you.
And now that you were pregnant, it was impossible to not notice how Miguel tried to remain calm and be more patient about everything.
“I’m still a little hurt that I wasn’t the first to receive the news,” Peter B. Parker admitted, watching his daughter play with you.
“You left early that day!. You didn’t even know I was injured.”
“Yeah… and I called as soon as I learned the news” You pat his shoulder.
“Oh, Peter. You know you’re one of my best friends. And you’ll be my kid’s godfather,” his eyes sparkled. Everyone laughed at the comment, but Peter was pleased about it.
“I already got something for the kid…” Hobie announced.
“Aww, Hobie!… That’s so sweet, thanks!” their fondness towards you and your baby makes you want to tear up.
“Please, don’t give the child a set of piercings or the book of historic protests like you did with Mayday,” Pavitr prays, looking at his friend. Gwen was laughing so hard that it infected everyone.
However, Hobie had a little guitar full of excellent phrases and stickers he had collected over the months.
“It’s something better,” your punk friend promised.
You really liked spending time with them. It was like a second family that you could enjoy every day.
Then the conversation was all about Pavitr's upcoming big Indian party in Mumbattan. He invited everyone, and you promised to show up with Miguel and the baby.
Then you realized something. You really craved it, being a family of three.
A pink box was stuffed with Turkish pastries; 4 pieces of baklava, 2 of basbousa, and a slice of baklava cheesecake.
The sweet woman placed a green ribbon on top of the box, and you squealed out of happiness cause the ribbon matched the pistachio crumbles on the pastries.
“Thank you…” Miguel thanks the woman and follows you toward the exit.
The date was amazing, as usual. Hours spent between bookshelves, stolen kisses, and spending on four books to read in the following months.
“I can’t wait to eat this at home… my mouth is watering, amor,” he chuckled, admitting that these last few weeks, you looked even cuter with your bump and emotional attitude.
“Yeah, give me the box. Or else there won't be any cake left before we arrive home” Frowning, you hand him the box. The way to the parking lot is quiet.
But there’s a pair of big smiles on both of your faces.
The whole day you’ve felt tremendous pressure on your lower belly, nothing painful, but the feeling was weird. Only two weeks left, and then…poof!!, the baby was here.
A heavy noise disconcerted you. And when you looked to your left, Miguel had bumped himself with a lamppost.
Your heavy laughs are all it can be heard isn’t the parking lot after that.
“Stop laughing. I was taking care of you, not stumbling with the bags and your belly” he heard you let out a long oww before continuing to laugh. His spider sense was worse since he learned you were pregnant, always taking care of you. His eyes never leave you, alert in case of anything.
He’s annoyed but smiles at the sight of you being so happy.
Until…he noticed something on your pants. There was a big spot; it certainly looked like…
“Bonita…I think-I think you just….” As you follow his words, you look down to see why your pants and underwear feel drenched.
And once again, you’re laughing.
“Oh my god, Miguel. I think I just…” you peed on yourself for laughing so hard. You’re embarrassed, but still, you find the humor to find it funny. Miguel gets closer and takes the bags of books and your purse from your hands, finally laughing too.
“This is what happens when you make fun of your husband…” he opens the car door for you, and you only send him a lousy look before he keeps smiling. When you accommodate on the seat, your disgusted face worries Miguel. He leans to inspect you better.
“What? What is it, mi vida?” Your discomfort grows, and your hands travel to your lower belly. Seconds later, your eyes pop open in shock.
“Oh god. I don’t think it was pee after all…” you reveal, looking at your husband. His eyes also open in shock, and he starts breathing heavily.
He starts walking in little circles between the space of your car and the neighbor from the parking lot.
All he can think about is that a little human is trying to get out of you.
His life is about to change. All he ever wanted was going to be complete. He had to be strong for you and put his trauma away, like during the pregnancy.
“Okay. Does it hurts now?” He asks, returning to kneeling and looking you in the face.
You shake your head, not even knowing how you feel.
“Not really. I just feel like there’s something stuck inside me and-“
“And?” He urges you.
“And I want to push it out…” he nods, already feeling sweat on his forehead. He leans to kiss your forehead and hold your hands.
“Activate your suit, bonita. We need to go back to the HQ…”
“WHAT? NO… Just take me to a normal hospital, Miguel,” you say, trying to calm down.
“We can’t. Doctor Spider-man has been treating you since we found out. He’ll know better….”
“Mami, you’ll have to deliver this baby soon. The best place to do it is in the HQ. You know it, right?” Slowly, you end up nodding.
He makes you look at your watch and activate your suit.
You don’t even feel when your soaked clothes are gone and you are in the suit's skin. You just feel like some beach ball was stuck inside your mouth, but everything happening on your cervix.
Miguel also activated his suit, including his mask. You shake your head at the sight.
“Oh no, fuck no. I'm not wearing the mask…” he sighs. Miguel is doing everything to not panic and not stress you. Even when he feels surprised you are handling the dilatation very well, he knows he can’t panic you too.
“Okay, don’t wear the mask. Can you stand up?…” you do your best, but it’s impossible to stand straight anymore. You must lean a little and open your legs to soothe the intense pressure on your pelvis.
“It’s okay, mami. We’ll be home with our baby in a blink of an eye.”
“Yeah, I don’t think so, Miguel” Your sarcasm signals him to hurry, so he opens a portal and helps you enter.
The room's wide window is like a living landscape, with the futuristic sight of cars and bright lights from skyscrapers.
There were no curtains because no one could see what was happening inside.
You were lying on the hospital bed that night, trying to push out a baby.
“I can’t do this…” you sob. It’s not even that painful (thankfully). The discomfort of the little human sliding out of you very slowly.
“Yes, you can. You are already done, bonita.” Miguel encourages you, which makes you roll your eyes.
“No. I mean-I can do this, just not on this bed…” your husband looks confused, but you ignore him to turn to Doctor Spider-man.
“You can try on your feet,” the doctor speaks through his mask. You nod, and with Miguel’s help, you end up on the edge of the bed; instantly, you feel the pressure of your baby slightly better.
You hear the doctor’s instructions, and even Miguel is in a position to help to catch the kid. You hold onto his broad shoulders to support yourself. Then, after three more big pushes, you feel it…the baby is out.
“We got it,” Miguel hears the doctor say, and a wave of soft cries instantly starts to echo across the room.
Desperation floods Miguel, who wants to see his baby and know everything is fine.
As the doctor cuts the cord and makes Miguel help you to lay on the bed again, he can’t stop kissing your forehead.
“Thank you, y/n. Thank you so much,” you nod, feeling tears in your eyes.
“Congratulations, it’s a girl,” officially, there are tears in your husband’s eyes. Doctor Spider leaves, saying he will come back with some papers and to help you.
He thinks Gabriella must’ve been very happy to have a little sister.
“Here you go…,” and everything is a comfortable silence once the baby is in your arms.
She’s tiny, with sun-kissed skin like his father, brown matted hair, and grey eyes that will eventually turn into chocolate like his father’s.
Her eyes are slightly open, she looks like she’s yawning, and her little tongue pokes out occasionally.
“Look, Miguel…” he leans to inspect his daughter closer.
He’s in love with her, and he’s beyond in love with you. He would always thank you for giving him a second chance to be a father.
“Oh, I’m in love again. She’s perfect, amor,” you sob, kissing the baby’s tiny head.
“I can’t believe this… I had nothing. Then I found you. And now…suddenly, we have a baby,” he confessed, caressing her rosy cheek.
“How do we name her?” He asks again.
“I want something related to her father’s name…”
“Are you sure, bonita?” You nod. After all, Miguel deserved it, and you wanted to do it for him.
“Yeah. Magalí, Marina, and Magdalena have been in my mind” his smile lights up with your last option, easily looking at her baby with that name.
“I like Magdalena…”
“Then… hello, baby Magda” you coo at your daughter, feeling her soft skin and plump cheeks.
“Your mommy and I love you so much, baby” Miguel’s hand comes to take yours, and together, you’re admiring your baby girl.
Doctor Spider enters after a knock on the door, holding a little binder.
“Okay, we’re cleaning her and healing you….” he announces. He adds that you’ll be fine in three weeks with a good recovery and that the baby was healthy. Miguel is so thankful and happy. He can barely hide his smile from his coworker.
“But before that… Lyla wants me to congratulate you two and ask if she can spread the news. Everyone is asking for this little family,” you smile. Spider plushie and Lego Spider-Man must be very worried and spider cat. You want to see your friends soon.
“No. We don’t want to share-“
“Miguel.” You scold him, give him a bad look, then look down at your daughter, smiling again.
“Yes, you can tell Lyla to share the news,” the AI appears before you. Her eyes open at the sight of the new addition of the HQ.
“Oh-great. And- OH MY GOD, SHE’S SO CUTE” Miguel instantly rolls his eyes, looking at Lyla moving in front of her tiny daughter and simulating touching her. There’s a little pink headband with a flower in Magdalena’s little head, which doubles how cute she looks.
“Thanks, Lyla…”
“Peter and Pavitr are on their way already. Probably the others will be joining us later” You nod once again. Feeling so welcomed and accepting that Miguel was right.
It was the best idea to give birth to your daughter in the HQ.
“Great. More visits!…” Miguel complains with a big load of sarcasm.
“Sorry…see ya later. ” with that, Lyla disappears.
“Ay, mami. You don’t know what you’ve done” Miguel can hear everyone talking about him and you and the baby. Having all his annoying coworkers asking questions and grabbing his daughter. However, he knows that will make you happy.
“Miguel, don’t be like that. This day is special… but we have our whole lives to have a family moment… just the three of us” he knows you’re right. So he sighs, letting a smile appear on your face.
“Right, yeah. You’re right…”
“I know. Now give me a kiss…” as his lips collide with yours, he takes baby Magda from your arms. She’s light as a feather, beautiful, and Miguel can’t think about ever putting her down in your arms again.
“I love you so much, hermosa. And that will never change…”
“Oh, Miguel. You and Magda are my full happiness now. I love you too.”
Miguel feels complete. He had his daughter in his arms; you on his lips.
And he hoped to treasure that feeling… forever.
Can we think about how baby Mayday and baby Magda are going to be BESTIES now?!?! *sobs*
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AITA for not inviting my younger sister to my wedding?
I (27M) recently got married to my wife T(28F)
Our wedding was a childfree wedding, mostly because everyone was gonna get drunk and we didnt want to have to worry about children getting hurt or messing with things. So we sent out the invites saying that everyone had to be at least eighteen in order to come to the wedding. No exceptions (We dont live in America btw so the legal drinking age in our country is 18 not 21. Just to clarify that)
Well I have a younger sister, A(14F)
And because children werent allowed at the wedding, she wasn't invited. But she knew about the wedding because she was there when me and T told my parents. So she had gotten all excited about going to the wedding even before we decided to have childfree.
According to my mom A even saved up all her allowance and bought herself a new dress to wear to the wedding.
Well once we decided to go childfree, someone had to break the news to A that she wouldn't be going. And my mother decided that since I was the one getting married I had to be the one to break the news.
So I told A that she wasn't coming to the wedding because she was too young.
She didn't take it well. She started crying, saying that she wasn't a child and wouldn't cause any problems, that this was unfair. She even asked if she could stay for the ceremony then leave before the reception. But that wouldnt work because she cant drive, someone would have to drive her home (and considering its a two hour drive from our house to the venue...yeah not exactly feasible, especially if whoever was gonna drive her home wanted to drive back for the reception) She tried to plead with our parents but they took my side and said she was too young.
Besides if we let A come then all our friends and relatives who have kids (which is most of them) would want to make an exception for THEIR kids too. Majority of those children are ten and under (mostly under) so then our wedding would be overrun with kids, defeating the entire point of going childfree. I told this to A and she got mad, saying that if she ever got married I wasn't invited either, told me to fuck off and stormed off to her room.
Well the wedding came and went, we had a blast and A was dropped off at a friend's house. I did feel bad about hurting her feelings so I saved her a big slice of wedding cake. Well the next morning when we went to drop off the cake, A had been crying the entire night since her eyes were all red and puffy. Her friend's mother tore me, T, and my parents a new one. Yelling at all four of us in the driveway, calling us selfish for not inviting my own sister to my wedding. I tried to explain that it was childfree but the mom cut me off saying that surely the sister of the groom was a reasonable exception and that A wasn't a toddler needing to be supervised, she was a teenager. She also added that she could've picked A up after the ceremony but instead we decided to be assholes and exclude her from everything.
A hasnt talked to me since, just silently glaring at me whenever I come visit.
I dont think me and T did anything wrong, since it was our wedding and we could invite whoever but I still feel awful for hurting A's feelings so idk.
Am I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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multifandomgirl08 · 7 months
Wedding Headcanon [Mini Verstappen Series]
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Dad!Max Verstappen x Wife!Reader (Established Relationship)
Photo Credit: Pinterest/Tumblr
Format: Headcanon/Social Media
Summary: Headcanons from Max and the Reader's wedding. Social Media posts from during their honeymoon.
Warning(s): N/A
Words: 0.8k
Previous Part → Next Part Mini Verstappen Masterlist
The wedding was with about 100 people there (Maybe slightly over, who's really counting)
The whole grid came. + Sebastian came but didn't RSVP until the last possible minute.
Christian, Geri, and most of the engineers from RBR ended up coming (ex. GP, Calum, Jonathan, and Hannah), those who weren't able to make it sent Max their congratulations
Lewis ended up sitting on Y/N’s side of the aisle instead of Max’s.
Y/N was nervous to walk down the aisle but talking to Sophie helped calm her down
“Sophie,” Y/N said to her as they walked hand in hand before the music started playing for her to walk down the aisle. “I just want to thank you. Thank you for raising Max the way that you did, and being there for him when Nico came into his life.”
You could see that Sophie was starting to tear up a bit. “My son loves you, and my grandson too. I couldn’t have asked for a better wife to my son even if I had a hand in choosing her myself.”
Victoria ends up being Y/N's Maid of Honor
Max did end up crying when Y/N came walking down the aisle
Her dress was custom-made, and she wore ivory instead of the traditional white
Daniel tried to joke that he lost the rings when the officiant asked for them. Max ended up just laughing before Daniel slipped them into his hand.
There is a section of Y/N's wedding vows to Nico
Nico ended up crying into the skirt of her dress not wanting to let go of her during the rest of the ceremony
Max ends up spending the first few moments of his vows stumbling over his words before reaching for Y/N's hand, needing to feel her to ground him back to just her
Lando offers to DJ the wedding reception as his wedding present, and he would have if Martin hadn't already agreed to do it months before
Daniel made the best best man speech known to man with just the right amount of jokes. His speech ended with,
"But I digress, Y/N, you make Max so happy and have become an integral part of his family. I hope Max, that you know how lucky you are to have her in your life." Daniel lifted his champagne glass. "To many more years for the two of you, to Mr. and Mrs. Verstappen."
Victoria kept her Maid of Honor speech rather short but welcomed you into the family and joked with Max that if he screwed up she got to keep you in the divorce
Max laughed before giving Y/N a questionable look as if to say, Something I don't know about? Before breaking out into a smile knowing that Victoria is joking
Max quickly interjected, "I don't plan on letting that happen." before lifting her hand and lightly kissing the back of it
Everyone drank from their glasses and Nico and Victoria's boys got glasses of sparkling apple cider
Nico ends up cutting in during Max and Y/N's first dance
On the cake topper, the groom is in a race suit instead of a tux
Y/N ends up shoving Max's face into the wedding cake after it was cut
Halfway through the evening, Daniel ended up stealing the photographer's camera and started taking candid photos of everyone
Max and Y/N leave the day after the wedding, Nico staying with Sophie until both you and Max get back from you're honeymoon
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Liked by martingarrix, tiffanycromwell, and 345,926 others
ynverstappen My travel buddy
oscarpiastri Don't know where you're going but can you bring me back a keychain?
landonorris Keychain? I'm surprised that Y/N is even posting on her IG
lewishamilton Enjoy the honeymoon guys 🏝️ 🏞️
View all 381 comments
fan50 I want what she has...
agirlsguidetof1 Officially not allowed to gatekeep shirtless photos of Max anymore
Feb 3, 2025
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Liked by maxverstappen1 and 391,872 others
ynverstappen Before dinner, during and after
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raquel.james OMG! So cute!! 💘💘
formu14leclerc How do all of her photos maintain the same aesthetic?
girlonthxgrid 😍😍 They are the best couple!
Feb 7, 2025
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Liked by ynverstappen and 273,837 others
verstappen1.jpg Being with you is simply lovely
ynverstappen ❤️❤️❤️
View all 368 comments
fan97 These photos feel like they're straight out of a Vogue shoot
fan47 Max pulled out the Simply Lovely. I'm Dead!
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Liked by ynverstappen, victoriaverstappen and 586,745 others
maxverstappen1 To share everything with you.
View all 354 comments
fan60 Max double posting on two accounts in the span of a day
fan85 I know it's their honeymoon, but Max is gatekeeping all of the gorgeous pictures of Y/N for himself
Feb 9, 2025
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taglist: @karmabyfernando, @barcagirly, @sachaa-ff, @iamahallucinationnn, @musingsbyshreya, @glow-ish, @nonsensical-nonsence, @fanboyluvr, @champomiel, @gothicwidowsworld, @lighttsoutlewis, @itsalwaysgay, @minkyungseokie, @mynameisangeloflife, @ursforever129, @aundercover, @bborra
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auggieblogs · 6 months
"I'm not even drunk" | OP81
Oscar Piastri x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of being drunk?
Author's note: Hiiii, beautiful people. I hope everyone is doing good. This one shot is inspired by a tiktok I watched recently. It was very cute and I hated it so much (I was jealous). Anyway, I hope you enjoy this. Happy reading:))
―୨୧⋆ ˚masterlist
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It was your 21st birthday, and Las Vegas was the chosen destination for the celebration. Oscar, your boyfriend, planned the entire trip, determined to make it the most memorable birthday you'd ever experience. Initially hesitant about the idea, it took a considerable amount of persuasion, involving nearly the entire Formula 1 grid, especially Max, to get you on board. The Formula 1 drivers were on a break, and they were ready to party.
The night kicked off with Lando popping champagne during the cake-cutting ceremony. You were handed a glass, and with a cheeky grin, Lando said, "Cheers to being legal everywhere now! Except maybe on Mars." You felt the bubbles tickling your nose as you laughed with joy.
But then came the tequila shots with Max and Checo, and suddenly, sophistication was replaced with the burning sensation of regret and lime wedges.
By the end of the night, you were on a first-name basis with every type of alcohol, and Oscar gave you that "we're going to need a mop later" look.
Oscar, being the responsible partner he was, barely had a drink. He watched over you, wanting you to enjoy the night to the fullest.
As the night ramped up, you were on the verge of climbing onto the pool table, ready to deliver a speech that probably would've made Shakespeare question his career choices. Oscar intervened just in time, gently pulling you down with a, "Let's get back to the room, baby. I think you've had enough." You, however, were convinced the party had just begun. "No, Oscar, the night is still young," you slurred.
"But love, you'll be exhausted tomorrow, and the hangover won't be fun," Oscar reasoned, successfully convincing you to return to the hotel room.
Eventually, Oscar managed to coax you into a cab, where you continued to babble about how you weren't even drunk and thanking him for the incredible night. Your words were a bit of a jumble, but Oscar simply smiled, appreciating your genuine happiness. He sat next to you, nodding along with a patient smile, occasionally muttering an "Oh, really?" or a "That's amazing" to keep you going.
Upon reaching the hotel, you clung to Oscar like a drunken sloth. In the elevator, you gave him a squinty-eyed grin, saying, "I'm not even drunk, Oscar!"
He shot back, "Really? What's with the wobbly legs then?"
"You, baby," you replied with a wink, your laughter echoing off the elevator walls. Oscar just chuckled, probably wondering if he should get you a helmet.
Exiting the elevator, Oscar tried reasoning with you, "You're wasted, love." You straightened up with all the dignity of a penguin trying to impersonate a giraffe. "I'm as sober as a cat in a cucumber garden!"
Back in front of your hotel room, Oscar, in full dad mode, hands on hips, challenged you, "Prove it! Show me you're not drunk."
"Oh, I'll prove it," you announced, pulling out your phone to make a phone call to Lando. "He'll tell you I'm as sober as a... a really sober thing!"
When Lando answered, you shouted into the phone, "Lando, tell Oscar I'm not drunk!" Lando's laughter erupted from the speaker, "Yeah, you're definitely drunk, you muppet."
You rolled your eyes and handed the phone to Oscar, pouting, "He's the drunk one, not me!"
Determined to seal the deal, you declared, "I can tap dance to prove I'm not drunk!" And without waiting for a response, you started a wobbly tap dance routine in the hallway ( which was more like a human interpretation of a malfunctioning robot than a dance).
Oscar doubled over with laughter catching you just as you lost your balance. "Alright, alright, you've made your point!"
As you both stumbled into the hotel room, still giggling, you managed to blurt out, "Best birthday ever," before collapsing onto the bed. Oscar, smiling like a lovestruck puppy, joined you on the bed, engulfing you in the biggest bear hug and said "Happy birthday, love. You're never drinking again."
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hi ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
i want to say that i really like your work and would like to try to make a request with douma, where s/o is very random
for example, they just hang out and then s/o gives out a random strange fact like: "did you know that dolphins can fall in love very much and build relationships the same way as people?" or she can run up, pet him and run away, etc
feel free to ignore it! hope you having a wonderful day, love you
and forgive me for my english, it's quite crooked
Hello \(≧▽≦.)/ Thank you so much for saying that anon, that truly makes me happy to hear, also don't worry, your request has been heard loud and clear! And I love it!
I hope I've done your request justice (^ω^.) and please know that your always welcome back to browse and request something from me again.
Your English is great by the way,so don't worry!
Douma/Doma with an S/O who does random things - [Headcannons]:
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There where many things that Douma/Doma found boring, in life and with entertainment, but you weren't boring - you were anything but boring
Each day you did (or said) something that tickled his funny bone
Each day you had a new fact, hobby, skill/talent and object that you had to share with him that genuinely had his brain working overtime at how you knew or did that
Douma/Doma finally found something to look forward too each day and it was you and your randomness
Your randomness was cute - adorable even - and it definitely saved you from scenario's that would have ended up with your death (and a rather pissed off and sad spouse) or at least hurt
Douma/Doma enjoys your random fact of the day - that you randomly drop on him at a random point in the day
When you first started your random fact dropping you'd started with facts about the human body during a tea ceremony
"Did you know that the average tongue is about three inches long" You said simply, taking a sip of your tea before continuing "and that the human body can shed about 40 pounds of skin?" - its safe to say that Douma/Doma was so dumbfounded by those facts he over-poured his tea with a rather star-struck expression
Although he does quite like the cute random facts that you tell him too - "Did you know that trees can make friends and talk to each other? Isn't that sweet"
You also had the habit of coming up to him randomly - at different points in the day - and inspecting his hands and tapping three times on his wrist (directly on where his pulse point would be) before leaving without a word
And bopping his nose
And sometimes knocking gently on his forehead
Also you like tracing shapes through his clothes on his back, arms and legs - making him guess the shapes and words you form with your nails
You also liked stealing his fans to use them for something random and/or weird - he once found you using them to cut fruit...
Once you baked a 10 tier cake and brought it in mid sermon with his followers with plates and water
Food was another thing that you made randomly, you baked and cooked new and weird things and brought in for him to try - as well as his followers....
When he sleeps in, it's always a 60/40 that you'll have done something to his hair - You like to fiddle with and decorate his hair and you have once perfectly styled his hair into a plaited mohawk
You've painted his nails - "Oh paint them pink next time love" He'd whined once into your neck "I want them to match the colour of your love~" + "Oh! Like the colour of my organs too?" followed by a blank stare from Douma/Doma
As you both where about to sleep you turned to him, perfect smile on your face and sleep hazing your eyes and said, "I wanna eat you! Just take a chunk cause your too perfect and beautiful for this world" before promptly falling asleep
He has found you trying to do cartwheels down the hall
You've always got something up your sleeve and it honestly brings Douma/Doma so much joy to live through each day, finding out what you had in store
.....you've made a finger puppet version of him before as well as a doll and you have used both as advisors - "And what do you think Wackus Bonkus?" "Kill him" "Oh! You Naughty Wackus Bonkus!"
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ctweddingdj · 24 days
Stress-free Wedding Planning Podcast #96: 10 Wedding Cardinal Sins To Avoid When Hosting A Wedding Or As A Guest
Stress-free Wedding Planning Podcast #96: 10 Wedding Cardinal Sins To Avoid When Hosting A Wedding Or As A Guest Which of the 10 wedding cardinal sins do you think is often overlooked but crucial for a successful wedding? Continue reading Stress-free Wedding Planning Podcast #96: 10 Wedding Cardinal Sins To Avoid When Hosting A Wedding Or As A Guest
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kazutora-kurokawa · 1 month
I thought it'd be a cute idea to do like a Baji x reader but it's your guy's wedding day/night after :)
Baji x Reader: Wedding Bells
♡ SFW, fem reader, pure fluff, mentions of some the rest of the tokrev characters, set in the final timeline ♡
note: thanks for requesting anon, this was a super cute idea 🩷 I was feeling fluffy today so yeah, no smut lol
💍 Baji 100% believes in the wedding dress superstition, he refuses to enter the room while you're getting ready, he'd prefer to be surprised when you walk down the aisle anyway
💍 Mitsuya designed your wedding dress (just like he did for Hina) and it was exquisite, he also knows Baji is superstitious so he doesn't mention the dress when he's around
💍 Chifuyu and Tora are his groomsmen and they tease him the whole day because he's nervous, but they're also nervous though because they have to give a toast after the ceremony and they don't wanna ruin you and Baji's special day
💍 Baji cries when you walk down the aisle, he just thinks you look like an angel, the absolute picture of perfection
💍 Taiju is the priest (shocking I know) and is so calm and cordial during the ceremony, he even stops talking when he notices you or Baji getting emotional (probably gives a supportive pat on the back too)
💍 Draken and Mikey are in the front row next to Baji's mom and all three of them are crying like babies and don't even start on Michi because he's absolutely bawling his eyes out, he can't help but remember him and Hina's wedding and he gets so emotional
💍 Mikey stops crying as soon as you and Baji cut the wedding cake (honestly same)
💍 He stays close to your side the entire night, he's almost afraid to let you go because the moment is so perfect he swears he's dreaming
💍 Hanma is y'all wedding photographer and surprisingly gets the best shots, he spends the whole day photographing everyone in the room and catching them off guard
💍 You go to throw the bouquet and Mikey catches it 😭 he throws it back to you so you can throw it again though
💍 You and Baji's first dance is the cutest thing ever, you step on his feet a few times and he jokes with you the entire dance
💍 He spends the rest of the night referring to you as his wife and Mrs. Baji, he's cocky about it too
💍 Even though he comes off as cocky he's slightly insecure, sometimes a thought creeps in that he's not deserving of being your husband, but every kiss you give him and every smile directed at him reassures him that you're all his and you love him
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katkusuo @happy-trenchcoated-impala @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies @manji-hoe
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ks-dreams-fantasies · 8 months
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a/n: I'm so glad you guys liked the first chapter, I really hope you enjoy the rest of this mini series 🥰
Warnings: Nothing much, first getting to know each other, some flirt hère and there
Words: 1,553 (Not proofread)
Pairing: Travis Kelce x Reader
Part 1
’’Stop doubting yourself, you look great Y/N.  Now hurry up or we’re never going to make it’’ Camille said chuckling at your nervousness. She had seen you try half of the items you had in your closet to find the perfect outfit for the occasion. 
You listened to her, grabbing your bag as well as the gift you had wrapped for Wyatt before heading out the door. You were so grateful when Kylie told you, you could bring a plus one to the party, you felt relieved to be able to bring your best friend with you to calm you down a little. 
It was just a kid’s birthday party but the fact that Travis was going to be there had your mind racing with anticipation. 
You entered the lively scene of the Kelce’s backyard, amidst the laughter and chatter, a tall figure caught your attention the moment you arrived. You locked eyes for a second before tiny hands reached for you.
‘’Miss Y/N, you came.’’ Wyatt said hugging your leg tightly as you chuckled ‘’Is it for me?’’ she asked pointing at the gift box in your hands. ‘’It is. Happy birthday little one. Where can I put this?’’ you asked her, referring to the box in your hand.
‘’I’ll take care of it.’’ A deep voice said before you looked up to meet a pair of mesmerizing blue ones. ‘’Oh thank you.’’ You handed him the present before replacing a strand of hair behind your ear. 
‘’I'm glad you could make it," Travis greeted, his smile sending a delightful shiver down your spine.
‘’Me too’’ you responded blushing slightly before you remembered your best friend. ‘’You remember Camille?’’
‘’We met briefly, it’s nice to see you again, I’m Travis.’’ He said reaching for her hand. ‘’Oh, I know.’’ She responded as she looked at you with a smirk before meeting his eyes again ‘’great to meet you too.’’ She said shaking his hand in return. 
You soon got interrupted by Jason and Kylie, greeting you and offering you a drink. They had done an amazing job at decorating the backyard. The garden was transformed into a whimsical wonderland, with every detail carefully curated to bring Wyatt’s dreams to life. It was a pastel wonderland, giant balloon arches everywhere, banners with her name on it and a big inflatable bouncy castle. There was a dessert table and an open bar for the adults.
As the day progressed, you and Travis gravitated towards each other. You exchanged stories about your own childhoods and discussed Wyatt’s potential. Laughter flowed easily, and conversation felt like second nature. It was as if you had known each other for years. 
Hours passed like minutes, and soon it was time for the cake-cutting ceremony. Wyatt insisted that you stand close to her. You felt a sense of belonging that was rare to find outside of your classroom.
‘’You know Wyatt was so happy that you came today, she really adores you, actually she won’t stop talking about you.’’ Travis remarked.
‘’I have something to admit, but if I tell you… you have to promise me not to tell anyone.’’ You said a playful glint in your eyes. ‘’Anything for you’’ he said getting closer to you.
You looked up to him and got on your tiptoes trying to get closer to his ear. ‘’Wyatt might be my favorite, but I’m not supposed to admit that.’’ You said leaning back and smiling at him. Your breath tickled his neck, creating small goosebumps on his skin. He brushed it off chuckling at you. ‘’You’re secret his safe with me.’’ 
As the evening sun cast a warm golden hue over the backyard, Travis invited you to take a walk in the neighborhood which you agreed to. You both strolled along the winding path, the soft rustle of leaves accompanying your conversation. The easy banter and shared laughter made the world seem lighter, more vibrant.
"You know, Miss Y/N, spending time with you makes me wish I had a teacher like you back in the day," Travis admitted with a grin. "I might've actually enjoyed school."
You couldn't help but chuckle at his playful remark. "Well, you know, it's never too late to start learning something new."
He flashed a charming smile, his eyes gleaming mischievously. "Maybe you could be my personal tutor, then. I've always wanted to learn a second language."
You raised an eyebrow, feigning contemplation. "I suppose I could make an exception for a dedicated student like yourself."
The flirtatious undertone was unmistakable, yet it danced around the edges of propriety. It was a delicate balance, one that left you feeling both exhilarated and cautious.
As the conversation flowed, Travis shared anecdotes about his football career, often finding ways to slip in compliments about your intelligence and warmth.
‘’You really like football uh?’’ you asked him playfully but in awe at how dedicated he sounded.
‘’It really is my life. There’s nothing like the adrenaline of stepping on the field, people chanting your name and having fun with your teammates. I just know I was made for this…’’ he said daydreaming, ‘’sorry, I’m ranting.’’
‘’No, no it’s fine, I love hearing you talk about your passion and your career, it sounds pretty fun actually.’’ ‘’Yeah?’’ he asked surprised, you nodded.
‘’Well, you should come see me play sometimes’’ he said walking slowly, looking right at you. ‘’I would love that.’’ You said with confidence, the action surprising you more than it surprised him. You had been walking for 45 minutes and came back to the front of the house without even realizing it. 
You went back into the backyards, enjoying the rest of the evening with the other guests. It was now time to head out with Camille, you scanned the room for Travis and Wyatt and saw them laughing loudly near the photobooth area. He had her in his arms, to take photos and he had opted for a little pink wig to make her laugh.
‘’Take it off’’ ‘’Why do I have to take it off?’’ he asked his niece, ‘’Because I don’t like it.’’ ‘’You don’t like it? I thought you said you wanted dad to have pink hair.’’ She leaned in, pointing at his head, ‘’Yeah, but I don’t want you to have pink hair.’’
‘’Why can’t I have pink hair?’’ he asked her, looking offended, ‘’Because you’re naughty and you’re sneaky.’’ You chuckled at their conversation making Travis turn around to look at you with a smile on his face, pulling off the wig from his head. 
‘’Can you believe that?’’ he said fake gasping at what Wyatt said to him. ‘’That your naughty and sneaky? Actually, yeah, I believe that’’ you said smirking back at him. He laughed pulling you closer into his chest so that the photographer could take a couple pictures of the three of you. You blushed at the proximity of his body against yours. You could feel his arm snake around your waist, as he smiled at the camera, Wyatt in his arms and you by his side.
Camille was staring at the both of you from where she stood, talking with Jason and Kylie.
‘’He won’t shut up about her since they met earlier this week’’ Jason admitted making your best friend chuckled quietly. ‘’Well, he made a good first impression, she was so nervous before coming here today.’’ They all laughed. ‘’I mean they look good together.’’ Kylie added before you joined them.
‘’Thank you so much for the wonderful day, it was really fun.’’ You said, before hugging Wyatt’s parents. ‘’The pleasure was ours, Wyatt was so happy her favorite teacher could come, and she loved the gift you picked for her.’’ Kylie said smiling widely at you. 
‘’I’ll walk you out’’ he said before you both followed Camille as she got in the driver seat leaving you and Travis outside the car. You were about to open your mouth to say your goodbyes when Travis beat you to hit.
‘’Listen, I won’t beat around the bush, I had a good day with you, and I find you so beautiful and kind and … and I’d like to take you out.’’ You gulped slowly. You had an amazing day too, but you couldn’t help but wonder if you were ready, ready for something new. You hadn’t gone on a date in forever, and the last time you opened up to a guy, he broke your heart. You could hear Camille’s voice in your head, screaming at you to go out with the man. You couldn't deny the magnetic pull between you and Travis and the undeniable chemistry that seemed to swirl around you both. 
‘’I’m sorry, forget it, I… I just thought we had a connection today and…’’ he rushed in response to your long silence before you cut him up rapidly.
‘’No, no … I would love to. I’m sorry I just wasn’t expecting you to ask me out’’ you laughed quietly ‘’but I would love to go out with you’’ As you bid each other goodbye and exchanged numbers, there was a charged moment of unspoken attraction. The world seemed to hold its breath as you parted ways, leaving you with a feeling that the story between the both of you was far from over.
To Be Continued
Taglist : @kkrenae @spencerreidisbootiful @nabiiturner @ilove-tswizzle
Part 3
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✮⋆˙ a love 3005 years in the making; jason grace x vlogging! daughter of persephone blurb
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content: jason grace x vlogging! daughter of persephone blurb warning: lanauage i believe but enough cuteness overload to make up for it!! author's note: im not allowed to go to bed without a shower again bc it fucked with my head so so bad- i was legit in a bad place last night but then i took a shower this morning and was fine???? and all my creative juices came back??? it's criminal i can't- anyways heres more of our beloved vloggin girl and her boy toy!! also, as always with these now, there are previous parts to this if yall feel like reading them, but tbh, you really don't have to!!
"okay, okay, first, look how pretty my momma looks," you laughed into the camera, basically shoving it into persephone's face, the goddess rolling her eyes and gently shoving it away.
"you're sweet, darling. my pretty girl," she teased back, squeezing your cheek despite your swatting hands.
"whatever, mom," you pretended to huff, but your smile betrayed your act of anger
"im sure jason would agree-"
"that's enough out of you," you laughed nervously, speaking louder in hopes of covering your mother's voice. you then took the camera around the room, showing off persephone's fancy white dress, a replica of her wedding dress. then, once you were dressed in your deep red dress and make up all done, you were braiding your mother's hair, adding the occasional flower. playing in the background was 'slipping through my fingers,' as you gave your momma a squeeze around her shoulders, smooshing your cheeks together.
the video then cut to you dapping up nico, who was tugging at his suit that his dad forced him into, grumbling about the whole event while you laughed at him.
"where's your blonde boy?" you teased and nico smirked into the camera.
"with your blonde boy," he winked back, nodding his head over to where the two suit-clad boys were conversating, oblivious as you zoomed the camera in on this, the video shaking as you and nico laughed at the situation. it did not fly over your guys head at the two children of the underworld couldn't help but bring blonde golden boys home.
you were then showing the section of persephone's garden that would be hosting the event, showing the dance floor and stealing four macaroons and racing back to give to them to your boys. while you and jason twisted your arms and attempted to feed the other a macaroon like newly weds often did with cake, trying to be cute and funny. it wasn't going well, as you couldn't stop laughing, bending over at the hips and grasping his forearm to stay on your feet. jason couldn't help but laugh with you, unable to pull his eyes from your joyous form. then you and jason were whisked away, yapping up minor and major gods and goddesses alike. hermes demanded on being in the vlog, something about being an avid fan and follower. you agreed, nearly pissing yourself as you film him from a higher angle that made his eyes looked like they were bulging and his forehead longer than normal, hermes yapping away about something you couldn't hear over your laughs.
"im gonna cry-"
"shut the fuck," nico hissed quietly, the camera turned on the two of you huddled together, tears steadily pooling in your eyes. you then turned the camera around, showing the ceremony for hades and persephone. they were speaking in ancient greek their vows, which had everyone in the crowd in tears...save for jason, who couldn't understand a lick of it.
"translation, please?" he whispered over to you, rubbing a comforting hand on your knee. you swallowed down your sobs, leaning away from nico and over to jason, who promptly pulled out his handkerchief and began dabbing at your cheeks to avoid ruining your makeup but also collect your tears.
"basically, they're talking about how distance makes the heart grow fonder. dad knew he was in love with her the first spring of their marriage as he never felt a loss like that before, he imagines its something akin to what mortals feel when a loved one dies. mom's talking about how she wishes she could go back and eat the pomegranate whole, six months apart too long for her heart despite the fact she get's to see her mother," you explained, looking up at the boy with glossy eyes and soft smile that told him you were starting to understand your parents deep love on a personal level. and jason was starting agree.
"gross mushy gushy romance stuff," nico huffed from your left, which earned him a smack from will.
"he was crying a few minutes ago, don't listen to him," will whispered, leaning around the son of death, who blushed beat red and shoved at his blonde boyfriend.
"i was not!"
"you totally wore! look, there's tear stains on your sleeves!"
"those are yn's!"
"hey! no slander against my good name. i cry, but like a grown-up i admit it," yn cut in with a whisper and nico opened his mouth to say more before some minor god whipped around and scolded them into silence.
then the camera was being picked up sloppily, the picture blurring and slightly out of focus, turning to hades and persephone's confused faces. hades leaned in, trying to read something before disappearing from frame and coming back with a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose.
"ah! i believe it's this button, my blossom," he mused, fiddling with the camera, which cleared up slightly. persephone cheered her husband on before taking the camera back from him, leaning in like she was sharing a secret.
"alright, we really do not understand how to use this cursed mortal object, but hermes did give us a few pointers. and i know my darling daughter would want this moment on camera. and, even thought he won't say it out loud, my beloved boy too," persephone whispered into the camera with a slight giggle before turning it around and zooming in on the dance floor.
there, you and jason were slowly stepping to the music. your head was resting on his shoulder, your arms loosely grappling at his shoulders and resting above his heart. jason's head was bent down over yours, his lips lost in your hairline and near your temple, the ghost of kisses being pressed there. you said something, surely funny as balls, and jason quirked a smile, pulling his girl closer by her hips, as that's where his hands were resting.
"they're so cute together," persephone breathed into the camera.
"yes, and then there's my son and his boyfriend," hades sighed as persephone giggled, shifting the view to nico and will, who were trying to throw grapes into each other's mouths. then some pop song started playing over the speakers and will was desperately trying to drag a begrudging nico out to the dance floor. eventually, will managed to get him out there and they two were jumping about, nico pretending to not laugh and fall more in love with will, who was screeching along to the lyrics
"for a son of apollo, you'd think he'd be a better singer," hades prompted, persephone shoving at her darling husband with a tiny laugh.
"don't talk bad about him! i think this things still recording," persephone hissed, turning the camera around and squinting as she tried to turn it off, having accomplished her mission of recording her children in love.
"i'm just saying, would it kill them to bring home someone who's not blonde? someone with a little spunk, ya know? why do they have to keep falling for the softies-"
hades rant was cut off as persephone found the off button.
the video ended with a tiny collage from the night, photos of your parents as in love as could be and a few goofy ones of you and nico with minor gods and goddess, posing and just being silly. in one of them, you even managed to convince jason to do a handstand with you and a slightly tipsy hermes.
@/ur.evryday.mailman: who is that handsome man doing a handstand at the end 🤔🤔🤔
@/underworlds.favs: that's the iconic jason grace 😊🫶
@/ur.evryday.mailman: i walked straight into that one, huh? tell your boyfriend hi for me 🙃
@/underworlds.favs: the judge sides with the plaintiff, court dismissed 👩‍⚖️
@/user.2: these two gloomy dumbasses with their sunshine boyfriends i cant-
@/underworlds.favs: we know how to pick 'em fr 💪😤
@/user.3: you guys got the way you love from your parents for sure. tell them congrats on the long and clearly happy marriage for me!
@/underworlds.favs: they are, in fact, the blueprint. i don't know why bro is complaining about us bring home softie blonde's when he litterally took home the softest flower girl to ever exist. like bro, we got this from you wtf??? (also, this made my mom cry, she thinks youre the sweetest!)
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sxcretricciardo · 4 months
the wedding of the grid
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The air crackled with anticipation, not unlike the electric buzz before a Grand Prix. But instead of the roar of engines, laughter and excited chatter filled the pit lane, transformed into a petal-strewn aisle. Banners in team colors, checkered flags, and podiums adorned the venue, a vibrant testament to the couple's shared passion: Formula 1.
You and Daniel have been together for five years when Daniel popped the question after he won the championship last year. You were beside him, proudly cheering him from the second place of the podium. It was such a good year for the two of you in Formula 1.
And now, here you are, after arriving in a vintage F1 car, with your "pit crew" of bridesmaids, clad in sleek jumpsuits, escorted you down the aisle, their smiles reflecting the joy you all are sharing.
Daniel stand at the end of the aisle, looking absolutely amazing in his suit, with the biggest smile on his face. From here, you can see a tear falling down of his eye.
The ceremony, officiated by a friend of Daniel's with a mischievous glint in his eye, incorporated racing metaphors. The vows are exchanged under a custom-designed arch shaped like a starting grid, and instead of the traditional "I do," you both declared your commitment with a resounding "Lights out, and love away!" and a passionate kiss. Every guest clapped with excitement.
The venue is just beautiful. With just all glass walls, the Australian view took your breath away. Everything is just perfect and you couldn't imagine a better way to get married to the love of your life.
The guests sit in their designated tables, which are named after the Formula 1 teams. Close to the dance floor, is yours and Daniel's race cars, that your teams happily let you borrow for this special day.
Speaking of teams, every driver was here to celebrate your wedding. They couldn't be more happy to share this special day with you and Daniel.
You make a toast when the sun is setting and then have a marvelous dinner. From your table, you can see that everyone is having a good time and chatting among themselves. You look over at Daniel, who also looks at you and winks. From the corner of your eye, you see the photographer capturing the moment.
After the dinner, you and Daniel open the dance floor. First, you start slow dancing, making everyone think that it would be just a tradicional bride and groom loving dance. But then, the music dies down and suddenly a mix of dance songs plays and you and Danny show the choreography that you both have been practicing for a month now to the guests. You can hear everyone cheer and clapping. When the dance comes to an end, you and Danny are breathless, but have the biggest smile on your faces as the crowd cheers.
When it's time to cut the cake, you both walk to end of the room, with the guests following you. You both handle the knife with care, cut the first slice of cake and put it in a plate. You grab a little piece of the cake and feed Danny, who makes a delighted face.
"This is so good." He says. After that, he grabs a little bit of cream with his finger and rubs it in his nose, mentioning for you to lick it out. You laugh and then eventually lick his nose, as the guests laugh.
The night passes by smoothly. Everyone is dancing, drinking and having a great time, which fills your heart with such joy.
You step outside for a moment, wanting to catch some air after you've been dancing non stop with Fernando and Lando. While you enjoy the view, you can hear footsteps behind and then Danny stands beside you.
"Enjoying the view, love?" He asks. "I needed some air, Fernando and Lando thought they could out dance me and I had to prove them wrong." You say, laughing.
"They should've known better." Danny says, laughing and then grabbing my hand, interlacing his fingers with yours.
"I can't believe you're my wife, Y/N. I've been dreaming of this day since the day I first laid eyes on you." He says.
You feel yourself blushing. Even after all these years, Danny is still making butterflies in you stomach.
"I love, Danny. I couldn't imagine sharing this day with anyone else." You say, looking deeply into his eyes.
He kisses you passionately, when suddenly a voice interrupts you.
"Are you guys coming or what? You'll have plenty of time to be alone in the honeymoon!" Lando says.
You and Danny laugh, making your way inside.
You dance the night away, wanting for this night to never end.
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runnning-outof-time · 9 months
K, congrats again on your milestone! I'm here to request a 3 word prompt sentence--"Don't you dare" with John. That seems quite fitting for him, doesn't it? 😜 Looking forward to reading what you come up with!
Thanks for sending this in, Lee! Oh yes - this prompt absolutely does scream John! I hope you like what I did with it! Also I’m sorry the title’s a little lack-luster…I was bound to use the prompt I’m writing for it at least once though, right? Enjoy! :)
Part of my 3.5k celebration — find other stories here!
Don’t You Dare
John Shelby x Reader
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Warnings: none
Word Count: 741
Summary: It’s no surprise that things have to get a little messy on John and (Y/N)’s wedding day.
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The night had gone off without a hitch. The ceremony was smooth, no interruptions happened before John and (Y/N) were named man and wife. Then the crowd rolled right into the reception, which was happening on the grounds of the garden they got married in. But of course, something was bound to go a little off-kilter. It just came with the Shelby name.
So when the band leader made the announcement that it was time to cut the cake, and (Y/N) took one look at John’s suspicious smirk, she worried that this might be the time.
Everyone had gathered around the newlywedded couple, who were standing beside the extravagant wedding cake that (Y/N) meticulously picked out. (Y/N) looked around at the smiling faces, glancing over to John before adressing them.
“I wanted to thank everyone for coming to celebrate with us tonight. John and I are lucky to have so many amazing people in our lives…you’ve helped make this the most special day,” she started off, smiling widely before she looked to John, hoping that he’d continue.
“Right,” he nodded, catching his wife’s drift, “we’re happy to have ya!” he added on, holding his glass up to initiate a toast. The crowd followed suit as (Y/N) shook her head, her lips pursed to hide the smile.
She waited for the noise to dull down before she spoke again: “it’s now time to cut the cake,” she announced, earning more cheers from the on-lookers.
She was given a cake cutter, John two plates, and she sent him one last smile before she went about cutting two small pieces; one to put on each plate. She set the cutter down and accepted the plate from John, feeling eager to try the cake that she’d truly been dreaming about.
“Oi! You’ve gotta feed it to each other!” Arthur’s booming voice came from the crowd before the couple was able to get any further. His exclaimation was, of course, met with many shouts of agreement.
That was when (Y/N) looked to John. She could immediately tell by the cheshire cat-like grin on his face that he was plotting something. This was not the time that she wanted things to go off-script. But with each second they looked each other, his grin grew.
“John Shelby…” she started, a warning tone laced into her voice as she raised her eyebrows at him. “Don’t you dare.”
John heard what she had to say, looked down at the cake on his plate and then rolled his eyes, his smirk still ever present as he located his older brother in the crowd. After sharing a brief glance with Arthur, he found (Y/N)’s eyes again, seeing that they were still wide and serious. “I’d never,” he told her, although his grin made her think otherwise.
“Get on with it!” Arthur yelled, obviously becoming impatient with the time they were taking. His statement made (Y/N) zero her intense gaze in on him, silently telling him to knock it off.
“Come on, baby,” John’s voice made her finally break and look back at him, and when she did, she noticed that he had already taken a small piece of the cake into his fingers.
She sent him one last ‘don’t try it’ look before mimicking him and taking a piece into her fingers as well. She held her breath and hoped for the best as they got closer to each other, close enough so that they were able to cleanly place the piece of cake into each other’s mouths. Cheers sounded off around them as they stepped back, smiling at each other.
“See? I wouldn’t try anything,” John said to her as he leaned in to press a sweet kiss to her lips.
“Yeah,” (Y/N) answered, a relieved smile now on her face. She glanced down at the remaining bit of cake that she had on her plate then, not wasting much time to grab it and smear it across John’s face. More excited cheers coursed through the crowd of onlookers as John’s jaw dropped at her actions. “I never said I wouldn’t,” she told him with a grin before leaning in to kiss the icing off of his lips.
John couldn’t do anything other than smile as (Y/N) looked back at him with a smug grin. Hey…she was a Shelby now, this should’ve been expected.
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Tagged: @the-anxious-youth @mystcldydrms @look-at-the-soul @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @shelbydelrey @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @stevie75 @dark-academia-slut @zablife @cillmequick @letal-y-poetica @depxiety @shelundeadxxxx @areyenotfondofmelobster @padfootdaredmetoo @crabat-the-queen @sebastianstangirl01 @everythingelseisextra @kmc1989 @papichulo120627 @brummiereader @adaydreamaway08 @kissforvoid @raincoffeeandfandoms @wildheartsalwaysburn @dragons-are-my-favorite @jessimay89 @slaymybreathaway
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