#wedding vendor team
ctweddingdj · 17 days
Stress-free Wedding Planning Podcast #97:Prenup Agreements
Stress-free Wedding Planning Podcast #97: Prenup Agreements Prenup agreements are not just for the rich and famous. Continue reading Stress-free Wedding Planning Podcast #97:Prenup Agreements
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wildflowerluver · 1 year
petals of a flower
emily prentiss x fem!reader
5 times the team suspects emily has a girlfriend and the 1 time it gets confirmed
cw: fem!reader, she/her pronouns, reader is referred to as girlfriend, homophobia, case details involving homosexual couples, slight injuries
wc: 3.4k
emily prentiss is a mystery when she first joins the team.
garcia digs up the standard: parents, place of birth, etc. but the team doesn’t really know her.
they learn a lot about her as she settles into her position over the months. her high school emo phase had been a highlight. 
but there was one part of emily’s life the team still didn’t know about. 
her sexuality.
it’s not that emily’s ashamed, not in the slightest. she’s just nervous about the response. the bau team is her family and she doesn’t want to lose that. 
any girls night or dinner with the team where partners get brought up, emily does everything in her power to change the topic. she’s simply not ready. she’s not ready to tell them about you. 
you’re emily’s favorite person. the best girlfriend she could ask for. 
she just isn’t ready for her two worlds to collide.
1. flowers
a bouquet of flowers sits on emily’s desk when the agent arrives for work. they’re white lilies, wrapped delicately in brown paper and secured with a thin piece of string. a card is tucked in the top.
“uh oh,” derek muses from his own space. “someone has a secret admirer!”
not secret to her. they’re the ones who don’t know about the sender.
emily stands in front of the bouquet, hiding the card under a folder on her desk. if anyone saw the note, they would demand for her to read it outloud. 
“you know white lilies in particular are a popular funeral flower,” spencer jumps in with a fact.
“come on, pretty boy. it’s a romantic gesture. no need to drag down the mood.”
“actually morgan they’re used in weddings too. mainly christian ones but still they’re-”
the sound of derek and spencer’s arguing is drowned out as emily brought the flowers up to her nose. 
soft and sweet. 
she didn’t even need to read the card to know who they were from. 
you had first pointed out white lilies when on your first date with emily. 
it was when you were walking downtown after dinner. vendors had set up outside in the shopping district including one of the floral shops.
emily had stopped you in front of the bins of flowers. “which ones are your favorite?”
you didn’t have to think for very long. “white lilies,” you answered honestly. “they represent rebirth and purity.”
she hummed a noise of content beside you.
you reached into your bag to pull out your wallet, quickly grabbing the right amount of cash and handing it to the florist who sat outside. 
“to new beginnings,” you beamed, offering the pre-wrapped flowers to emily. her cheeks turned a rosy pink, a stark contrast to the white petals. 
she kissed you for the first time that night. 
ever since then, white lilies have become your mutual flower. 
“any idea who they’re from?”
that’s j.j. who asks after walking over to her with a stack of papers. 
“no idea.”
emily hides her smile in the petals. 
2. minimal loss
there’s a small group waiting in the quantico parking lot.
it’s late. the lights only illuminate a small section of the space. 
you’ve never picked up emily from work after cases. you hadn’t even been near quantico before today. but, this case was different.
emily let you know in advance she was going undercover. it wasn’t supposed to be for long, just enough time for her and her coworker reid to investigate an underground cult in colorado. 
it was hard to avoid the details of the case when every news station in the country was reporting on it.
you were cleaning around your apartment and had the news on as background, mostly to just hear the weather report. it had switched to live footage from colorado. your stomach dropped when you remembered that’s where emily was. 
“this is a special report from la plata county, colorado.
we're reminded of jim mckay's words from munich– our greatest hopes and our worst fears are seldom realized.
let's hope it's not the latter as we wait to hear the fate of the women, children, and f.b.i.agents inside the building.”
an explosion.
you covered your mouth, stomach churning at the site. emily was inside. oh my god, emily.
you sent a long string of texts; hoping, begging, praying that she was alive. 
when your fun buzzes hours later, you race to see what the message is. it’s from emily. she was okay, a little shaken up but okay. 
tears well in your eyes. you knew her job was dangerous but this was the closest you had ever gotten to losing her. you offered to pick her up when she landed and she agreed without hesitation. 
there were a few other cars in the lot when you arrived.
they had parked relatively close to each other. you stayed a ways away. you didn’t know these people and without talking to emily, you didn’t want to introduce yourself. 
they looked familiar but you didn’t quite recognize them. there was a blonde woman and a young boy, another blonde woman with bright accessories, and then a man. who on emily’s team had a kid?
you sat on top of the hood of your car, picking at the skin around your nails as you waited. 
it didn’t take long, nor was it difficult to spot the team when they arrived; two black suv’s pulled in one after the other. 
you slid down the hood to stand up straight. you need to see her, make sure she was okay.
the team offloaded at once, each member getting out of the vehicle and distributing their luggage. 
all eyes went to emily as she stumbled out of the car and hastily grabbed her bags. she had gotten hurt on this case, it was no secret everyone wanted to check up on her. she didn’t say anything before she headed in the direction of the car that was parked slightly away from the rest.
they couldn’t exactly make out the features of the person standing beside it but the way emily walked told them they were someone important. 
you surged towards her when she was close enough, taking her face in your hands.
“oh em,” you breathed out, voice wavering with tears.
“i’m okay,” she promised, thumb wiping away the tears that fell.
emily pulled you into her, hand cradling your head as you cried. she knew this was a lot more scary for you than it was for her. 
though the team had dispersed to greet their respected family members, no one failed to see the scene unfolding in the distance.
you hugged each other like you would never be able to again. 
they all knew that emotion like that wasn’t platonic. 
3. ring
a long weekend typically warrants news from some bau member.
whether it’s about a goal jack scored in soccer or a new house derek had renovated, people always seemed to have something going on.
emily sat at her desk and she scribbled away at files. one hand gripped the pen while the other sat on her knee. she twisted a band that sat on her left ring finger. it wasn’t an engagement ring but she liked wearing it on the one finger that connected to her heart. 
atop the small gold band sat a gemstone, the one to match the month of your birth.
you had gotten the ring when on a trip. a shop you visited had sold them and you picked out one as a gift. as cliche as it was, you thought of it as a promise ring. 
despite emily not being a huge jewelry person, she wore it every day. 
the bullpen was a comfortable quiet. other members of the team sat at either their desks or in their office and worked away. the silence made it easy to focus. 
a sharp gasp sounded behind her.
penelope had entered the bullpen, presumably to say hi under the false assumption she needed another cup of coffee. both of her hands had covered her mouth, effectively covering her shocked expression. “what is that!”
emily quirked her eyebrow at what the tech analyst was talking about. she was just at her same old desk doing the same old paperwork. she finally saw penelope’s line of vision and followed it down to her hand. 
oh. it did kinda look like an engagement ring. 
it wouldn’t be the most surprising thing in the world for someone to come back engaged after a long weekend, even if no one had been aware of their relationship. 
emily barely had any time to answer before derek was circling his desk to find the source of the commotion.
“what’s all the yelling for?”
“emily has a ring. she has a ring, derek!”
derek’s eyes too fell on her hand. “woah princess! you’re getting hitched and didn’t tell us?”
“who’s getting married?”
the entire team, minus hotch and rossi who remained behind closed doors, had circled emily. 
“you didn’t tell us you were dating someone!”
emily held her hands up to silence the group. “guys, guys. it’s not an engagement ring.”
a collective sigh echoed.
“it’s just a ring with my birthstone in it. my parents got it for me when i was younger and i found it when cleaning over the weekend.” emily doesn’t feel guilty for lying. it was a simple white lie, not something detrimental. 
the explanation seems to suffice the group who then begins to disperse. 
spencer is the only one who picks up that emily’s birthstone is an opal.
and an opal is not the gem on the ring.
4. home
nobody thinks much of it when emily neglects a saturday hang out in favor of having some personal work to get done.
derek, penelope, and j.j. all get together instead.
the girls drag derek around to a few shops they want to go to before penelope stops at a window with a gasp. “oh my god, look! that mug looks exactly like the one emily broke. we have to get it.”
there was no stopping the tech analyst who had a killer memory. it wasn’t false. emily had smashed her favorite mug earlier in the week accidentally and moped for days.
“we should surprise her! she said she had some personal stuff to do so she’s definitely home.”
derek shrugs. “i don’t know, baby girl. she probably doesn’t want to be bothered.”
j.j. digs around in her purse before pulling out a folder. “i did have to drop off her medical forms for her to sign.”
“you two have no boundaries.”
penelope is the one to knock on emily’s apartment door. she’s practically bursting with excitement. she loves her team and knowing how upset emily was over the mug, she can’t wait to give it. 
you’re sitting on emily’s couch when there’s a knock at the door.
the two of you haven’t officially moved in together yet, though more times than none you’re at hers. the lease on your own apartment isn’t up yet though once it is, you and her will finally be living together.
saturdays where emily is home are semi-rare. cases often stretch into weekends. she’s thankfully home today, though a few chores around the home dominated her to-do list. she worked upstairs while you relaxed on the couch. 
you were slightly confused as to who would be at the door. 
“can you get the door, baby?” emily called from upstairs. 
“got it!”
you trudged towards the entrance, sliding the peephole cover to the side to peer out. three people stood outside, two women and one man. they looked familiar. you had definitely seen them before. 
the picture emily kept of her team on the wall flashed in your memory. that and the time where you had picked her up at quantico. oh, they were members of her team. 
you finally opened the door. it was slightly amusing to see the three agents' faces twist in confusion when it was in fact not emily answering the door. 
“can i help you?” 
none of the three speak for a few moments. they’re clearly trying to rack their brain as you looked familiar to them too. 
“oh, um, yes!” the woman with colorful accessories stutters out. “is emily here?”
you open the door a little wider, motioning with your head for them to come in. once the door is closed, you leave them in the entranceway and head in a bit further.
“em!” you call up the stairs. “people are here for you!”
there’s a distance thud. “coming!”
you figure whatever they need to talk about is none of your business. when emily comes downstairs, you smile softly at her. “i’ll leave you all alone. i’ll be upstairs.”
you squeeze her shoulder when you walk by and within a minute, you’re out of sight.
“not to sound rude but why are you guys here? is the team okay?”
derek nods his head. “everything’s good, princess. though i have to ask, who was that?”
emily doesn’t have an excuse. referring to you as ‘just a friend’ feels wrong. plus, she hasn’t discussed if you’re ready for her team to know either. she then notices the package in penelope’s hand.
“what’s that?”
the original question gets blocked out by penelope’s squeal and presentation of the gift. 
derek and j.j. share a look. penelope’s not a profiler, she doesn’t pick up on some things, but emily’s deflection tells the agents all they need to know. 
they stay quiet, though both of their hearts soar.
no wonder emily has seemed so happy. 
5. case
emily’s not one to let her emotions impact a case.
she has a routine to prepare herself: kiss you goodbye, tell you she loves you, go to quantico, read the case, familiarize the victims, solve the case. all in that order.
this one throws her off. 
lgbtq couples murdered in their cars, all wearing formal clothing presumably from their date. 
emily’s mind immediately goes to you and her. though this case is states away, the unsub doesn’t have a much different mindset than a lot of people. 
she internalizes it as best she can, wanting to perform at her best to help solve this case before more people die. it works at first. emily’s able to go to the crime scene, distinguish evidence, and build a profile with ease. that is until two more bodies are discovered.
and one of them looks like you. 
j.j. pins the pictures on the board and emily’s stomach drops. she knows it’s not you. you’re miles away and you had just texted her a few minutes ago with a picture of the coffee you had gotten. but the internalized fear is very much present.
theories bounce around the room. why were these two targeted? sexuality aside, what about them was attractive to the unsub?
emily’s throat goes dry. she can’t do this anymore. 
“hotch, can i talk to you?”
the room goes quiet. hotch’s eyes flicker back and forth from rossi to j.j. before going back to emily. “of course.”
emily doesn’t stop at an empty conference room. there’s plenty in the precinct and yet they end up outside. emily sits on one of the steps and begins to toy with the ring on her finger.
hotch takes a seat beside her. 
“hotch i need to be pulled from this case.”
emily’s surprised she’s able to say the full sentence without breaking down. 
“okay,” he begins slowly. “can i ask why?”
internally, hotch knows. he picked up on emily’s behavioral change from the second the case got presented. 
“hotch, i-” the words seem to get lost on the tip of her tongue.
she shoves her palms into her eyes. she's flustered, embarrassed, scared.
she should be able to do her job. cases don’t usually get to her. it’s difficult to not feel helpless. 
a hand moves to rest on her shoulder.
“it’s okay you know.”
he doesn’t need to finish. what he’s implying is obvious.
the tears brimming in emily’s eyes spill over hot and fast. 
hotch moves closer to her, arm circling around her. all superiority dynamics have faded. it’s friend to friend, a moment of vulnerability. 
emily’s felt more accepted from his four words than she has in years.
+1 meeting
emily always goes into work before you.
between her commute with traffic and desire to get there a bit early, she’s up and running before you even get out of bed. 
naturally, you like to help her out as much as possible.
it comes in the form of packing lunch, organizing files, packing her bag (both personal and one for cases).
this morning was a complete blur. you had worked late the previous night and slept in before work. emily got ready around you, shaking you awake a few moments before she was set to leave.
when emily departed and you made your way downstairs, you noticed what she had forgotten. a brown folder stamped with the fbi logo sat next to an empty lunch bag. you frowned. file aside, you didn’t want her skipping lunch.
you took your phone out and sent her a text.
‘hi baby. you forgot a file and your lunch. can i stop by with them?’
she responds while you’re in the middle of getting dressed for the day. 
‘any chance you can bring them at noon-ish? we have meetings all morning but a break for lunch.’
you beam. seeing your girlfriend at her workplace is new. sure you’d seen pictures of the bullpen, mostly when emily showed you her desk whenever you gave her a new trinket to add, but you had never been there.
instead of packing a meal, you stopped downtown at one of emily’s favorite restaurants for take-out. a little surprise.
quantico is intimidating, even from the signage you see on the drive over. 
you park in the visitors lot and follow the instructions emily had given you on where to go. security was mandatory and a visitors pass was needed to access the floor. 
once exiting the elevator, you stood nervously. emily was at her desk, though so were her coworkers. you look out of place; reusable bag and folder in your hands and casual clothing adorning your body.
she finally looked up and out the glass door, smile enveloping her face as she raised her hand to motion for you to come in. the agents sitting at their desks naturally gravitate towards the commotion. all of them recognized you. 
the opal necklace the notice sitting around your neck suddenly makes sense. 
“any chance you can get them to stop staring?” you ask once emily stops in front of you.
“hi baby,” she muses, disregarding the question with amusement. “sorry to make you trek all the way out here.”
her hand finds its way to the small of your back, guiding you over to her desk. she lets you have the chair while she sits on the surface. you fight the urge to roll your chair forward and rest your head on her leg. “don’t worry about it. i brought you takeout from that thai place we like.”
emily beams. 
“you’re too good to me.”
“you deserve it.”
you stop taking the containers out of the bag and peer up at her. 
emily’s hand moves to rest on your cheek before she ducks down to kiss you gently. 
it’s revealing. you both know everyone in the room witnessed the act of public affection. “i love you.”
“i love you, too.”
when the team finally confronts emily, she has no problem boasting. 
“this is y/n,” emily introduces. she glances at you to which you tilt your head, lips upturned. the next two words come a moment later. “my girlfriend.”
like white lilies, this was a new beginning. one where she could be more than open about her lover. 
maybe the team's suspicion had been right, maybe some of it had been wrong. that didn’t matter now. all emily cared about could be open about your relationship. 
rebirth and purity. 
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October Merchandise at Shark Robot!
With the turn of the season, we've got some more merchandise hitting our Shark Robot Catalogue~🍂 Posters and stickers, ahoy!
Each poster is available in four size options and printed on premium luster photo paper with archival quality inks:
$9.95 USD - 8" × 10" (20.32cm × 25.4cm)
$12.95 USD - 10" × 13" (25.4cm × 33.02cm)
$13.95 USD - 12" × 16" (30.48cm × 40.64cm)
$14.95 USD - 16" × 20" (40.64cm × 50.8cm)
Meanwhile, single die-cut sticker are sized 2.95" × 3.09" (7.493cm × 7.8486cm) and retail for $2.95 USD. The stickers will be on pre-order and ship towards the end of October.
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Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack Promo (2023) 
Don't Take His Sunshine Away...
The 2023 promo poster for Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack has been updated to include the new logo, and is finally available for purchase! There really is something wrong going on here, but your favorite man would never want anything bad for you... right?
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Employee of the Month, Every Month 
Welcome One, Welcome All, To Popov's Big Top Yoooooogurtopia~!
It's  everyone's favorite(?) boss from the very best(?) FroYo place in the whole wide world, Barry! It takes some real team effort to put a smile on every customer's face, and you can count on Barry to pull through! ... To call you in to cover for your coworker's missed shifts, that is. But hey, who could say no to this guy? (Don't actually answer that one.)
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Chibi Taylor 
Taylor Potts, President of the Occult History and Sciences Investigation Club (that's the OHSIC, and don't you forget it!), reporting for duty! This determined guy needs to find a ghost pronto, so of course he's  sending you to do his dirty work... W-wait, what do you mean that lead was real!?
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Chibi Elias 
It's the groom of Gallagher Mansion himself! He's waited over 100 years for you to show up, and oh how delighted he is to see you~ Shall we have the wedding ceremony of the century?
All purchases of merchandise from our Shark Robot catalogue further supports our studio! You can view the full catalogue here at our vendor page.
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violetthekiller · 7 days
Are we delusional or did DeuxMoi just confirm the Atlanta wedding? But in all seriousness their team is pretty locked down though a wedding involves lots of vendors and NDAs are hard to enforce so…
DM is a broken clock is right twice a day account but i’m just floating about with theories bc of all the suspicious evidence around
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annieqattheperipheral · 11 months
I don’t know if Auston attends many weddings tbh, he seems pretty quiet every off season. He only hangs out with his family and his Arizona friends in the summer. I only remember seeing him at the Kadri wedding (like 2017-18?) and one pic of him at a wedding in the summer 2019 his friend posted and that’s it. That’s a low number considering how many friends he has in the league/hockey world
And that right there makes me wonder about Leafs culture yet again. Yes they all love and respect each other but they're quite silo'd from each other eh?
Ofc i get wanting to draw a line bw work and personal. And aus right to do whatever he pleases in his off time
...but when you've got schenn coming in and setting up a full team dinner on an away game for the first time ever in this core's history. That's heartbreaking shocking facts. They're lovely and cordial and playful n whatnot like u are with coworkers u don't hate.... But when push comes to shove literally that is why they don't stand up for each other on the ice.
Like ok let's use the best example possible: matthew tkachuk. Dude shows up to Florida and immediately takes out the trainers for a meal and barky like ohhh helllsss yea this dude gets it. He gets team vibes. That's how they pushed n pulled each other to the SCF. That's how Calgary made anything happen despite the cruelty of sutter littered all about.
And ppl want Aus to be CAPTAIN????????? bffr
I had to spell it out bc acronyms just ain't enough in these trying times
Another example on a smaller scale-- willy hosting away game dinners for the Swedes. Those blond bitches are BONDED. Looking out for each other on the ice. Crying and weeping and cradling and walking each other out of arenas after getting traded mid practice
I'd rather have willy or mitchy as captain over jt or aus. I think u plop that level of responsibility at his feet mitchy would be like omg Steph babe pls setup team events for me?? U make cocktails right? Just booze us all up and take us ax throwing or whatever. And he'd worry his cute ass off about his little creatures
Or willy as captain?? That boy looks chill but he is dedicated and focused on every task and he would whip up a Google shared spreadsheet and calendar with his little round wire specs on and get everyone on the same page. And then he'd show up last to every one of his events ofc but dw its all setup by vendors & ready to go
... sigh. Ok lmao that got long.
MLSE wants everyone to stop focusing on the core? Well how about you give them a reason to care about anyone besides themselves
They have the skills. They've always had the skills. They need the culture
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smartycvnt · 8 months
Vegas, Baby!
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Title: Vegas Baby! Pairing: Bobbi Morse x Reader Summary: Bobbi and Y/n have their first kiss as a married couple. R WC: 967
Y/n watched the bleach take off the last remnants of blood from the bathtub. The mission had been messy, but an overall success. It was definitely the kind that Director Fury would have them stay in to think about all the ways it could have gone over better. Y/n wasn't going to do that though, Bobbi wouldn't let her. She'd drag Y/n with her for a night on the town. They were still in Vegas and would be until the next afternoon when their bus arrived. Bobbi had casually mentioned hitting up one of the casinos under the guise of it being suspicious for them to go to Vegas, but not been seen anywhere except for their hotel and the place where they killed a couple guys.
"Christ, you have got to air this place out," Bobbi said as she stepped into the bathroom. Y/n turned to face Bobbi, who was already done up for her night out. It was unfair how good Bobbi looked, especially since she would always be unavailable for Y/n. There would always be some other agent around who had Bobbi's attention. She had gone straight from her training crush to future husband, leaving no room for Y/n to really make an impression in between. "Is that what you're wearing out?"
"Who said I was going out?" Y/n asked. Bobbi shot Y/n a look, one that challenged Y/n to stay inside.
"Come on, are you really going to let me run around Las Vegas by myself?" Bobbi pouted as she took a step towards Y/n. Bobbi towered over Y/n, and Y/n tried to distract herself from all the ways Bobbi could have easily overpowered her in that moment. "Apparently, I'm a bit of a hazard."
"Fine, we can go out," Y/n agreed. Bobbi smiled and excitedly pulled Y/n out of the hotel room. There was a cab waiting for them on the street, which Y/n knew wasn't a good sign. Bobbi seemed to have their entire night mapped out. The cab brought them to a casino that felt a bit fancy for Y/n's black t-shirt and black jeans. Bobbi's cocktail dress made much more sense, and Y/n felt like Bobbi's bodyguard standing behind her all night.
Bobbi was unsurprisingly good at almost every table she stopped by. Bobbi didn't lose any money that she couldn't easily win right back. Even as the drinks began to flow, Bobbi was shockingly good at everything. Y/n tried to hold off on drinking, but her own boredom got the better of her. She busied herself with a few fruity drinks that turned out to pack a much bigger punch than Y/n ever would have thought.
The casino was much more fun when Y/n let herself relax. Now, it was Bobbi's turn to follow Y/n around and make sure that she didn't get into too much trouble. Their fun came to an end much quicker with Y/n when the woman started losing at Blackjack, the only form of poker she knew how to play. Bobbi hoisted Y/n over her shoulder and carried her out of the casino as Y/n shouted profanities that Bobbi hadn't heard since her time in the military at the security team following them out.
"What a bunch of-," Y/n started, only to be cut off by Bobbi.
"Not now," Bobbi warned. Y/n pouted as she looked up at Bobbi. It didn't take very long for Bobbi to register that Y/n was just staring at her. "What?"
"You're pretty, I'd like to marry you." Y/n's words were jumbled together, but Bobbi could still decipher them. "Why did you marry that stupid British guy instead of me? I thought we had something special."
"We did, and that's why I couldn't marry you," Bobbi confessed. Y/n didn't seem to understand it, but Bobbi doubted that it mattered when Y/n started trying to chase down a street food vendor. Bobbi thought they were in the clear until Y/n brought it back up again as they walked past a 24 hour wedding chapel.
"Will you marry me?" Y/n asked hopefully. "Come on, we're in Vegas. You know what they say, and it's not like we don't love each other. Please Barbie, I just wanna love ya."
Bobbi couldn't believe herself as she let Y/n walk her inside. They filled out the forms, which seemed very simple for legally binding contracts, and a man dressed like a wizard ushered them into a little room. There was a blood stain on the carpet in front of a table with a small memorial for a terrible Elvis impersonator. Bobbi had a nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach about this being a terrible idea, but if Y/n woke up in the morning regretting it, they had a great cop-out. Bobbi could pretend that she hadn't sobered up after Y/n caused a scene in the casino. They could pretend to never even know if they didn't want to.
"You may now kiss the bride," the wizard said. He took a step back and Y/n tried to dip Bobbi in a Hollywood kiss, but it was much less graceful than that. Bobbi caught Y/n before she could fully fall. Y/n stared up at Bobbi with a lovestruck look on her face, and Bobbi had no choice but to kiss her. The kiss was messy, as would any with the amount of alcohol that they consumed over the night, but to Bobbi, it was perfect. It was her first kiss with her wife, and she could only hope that they both remembered it in the morning.
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gentil-minou · 2 years
i feel sooo bad for the ML team. Imagine working your asses off for 10 years only for some selfish corporation to want to ruin it for clout and no one acknowledges how screwed over your crew is being and acts like you have the capacity to control it/are indifferent to the airing schedule
I feel the same way. It's the culmination of all their work, and they can't even show it the way its meant to be seen. They have such little control over their own creation, it just goes to show how awful corporate greed is.
The worst is there are fans who say Thomas and the others deserve this kind of thing and that's just so cruel to say that. I think about how long a year is, then how long a decade is, and then think "what must it be like to spend that much of your life on something you're so passionate about, only to watch it get ruined without any say."
Its the equivalent of a bride's wedding being ruined on her wedding day because they vendors all went to the wrong address, or when your graduation was canceled because of covid. It's a tragedy, really, and I wish people were less greedy and cruel and willing to be just a little empathetic towards the people who worked so hard on this show.
It's funny, for a show all about empathy and the power of love, some fans of it can be so cruel and heartless
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jahayla-parker · 3 months
Love Improves All : Freddy Carter x (OC) Reader
Descr: 5k wc fic where reader (named Amelia) is Freddy’s fiancée and finds herself stressing over their upcoming wedding while out on a date with him. So much so that she begins to suffer and anxiety attack. Which Freddy of course lovingly helps her through!
Warnings: anxiety, stress, crying, anxiety attack and anxiety attack symptoms, talks of marriage and weddings, I think that’s all!
Note: Reader is slightly OC/named Amelia, after the requester. But of course you can read it as you wish in your mind lol.
Lastly, this isn’t proofread as I’m still fighting a fever so I apologize if there’s anything weird 🤣
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Amelia struggled to keep her stressed mind focused on the football game and not on her upcoming wedding. She was currently on a date with her fiancé Freddy. It was an evening football match between Freddy’s favorite team and their rivals. As such, it was a very engaging game! Or at least, it had been. However, just at the end brief halftime break after the first half of the game, Amelia felt her phone vibrate inside her pocket with what seemed to likely be a text message. Normally she wouldn’t check her phone while out on a date with Freddy. However, they were waiting to hear back from one of the vendors for their wedding. So, she did a quick check to see if it was related to that or not.
Amelia easily realized the text message she received was actually from a friend of hers, congratulating her on the impending nuptials. She smiled to herself, sparing a glance at her cherished fiancé. Damn he’s so gorgeous. She bit her lip as he caught her looking at him, a blush forming on her face when he smirked.
Freddy had craned his head over to press a loving kiss to his fiancée’s cheek. Even before catching her silently admiring him, he was having a great night. Although, in all transparency, he always did when it came to date nights with Amelia.
When Freddy turned back to resume watching the football game, Amelia smiled bashfully and slid her phone back into her pocket; having previewed the message so she could wait and respond later. Her friend had mentioned that Freddy was a lucky man to be marrying Amelia. But, Amelia was the lucky one. Freddy was her everything and he was truly the world’s sweetest man. And she was going to be walking down the aisle to marry him in hardly any time. In fact, the wedding suddenly felt very soon. Too soon. Not because she was hesitant to marry him. But because she was so stressed out about the things she still had left to do before their special day. There was a seemingly immeasurable amount of tasks that were due in the next few weeks. There was no way she was going to be able to get it all done.
Amelia clenched her jaw as she felt her stress and worries start to spiral. She needed to get this under control! She was on a date with her wonderful fiancé! She could not have an anxiety attack right now. Not that she wanted to have one at all. But, right now would be just the most unfortunate timing.
Amelia knew that attending football games with friends or loved ones was one of Freddy’s favorite activities to do. And he’d told her before that was especially true when it was done on a date with her. Freddy had explained to Amelia that her enjoying herself so thoroughly (while he too had a great night) while participating in one of his interests made him really happy. And she wasn’t going to ruin that tonight! He didn’t deserve for her to have an anxiety attack right now. She could get herself under control. She’d address the insurmountable stressors of their upcoming wedding later. Even if that made the stress worse.
Amelia was therefore sitting beside Freddy on the bleachers as she desperately pleaded with her mind to let her focus on their date. Only, that proved to guide her thoughts right back to the wedding. Thinking about their date meant thinking about Freddy and her love for him. Thinking about being in love with Freddy meant thinking about their wedding. And thinking about their wedding meant thinking about her long list of worries over not being prepared.
Amelia’s muscles seized up briefly with tension. She needed to change tactics. And quickly. That was when she elected to try and focus solely on the football game. However, watching the players kick the ball around the field wasn’t enough stimulation to keep her focus. Instead, her racing thoughts about the wedding tasks continued to echo and spin around inside her unfocused mind. Ironically, the simple fact that she couldn’t focus on the football game nor be in the present moment during their date only made her anxiety worse and therefore fueled even more of her attention to go towards her racing thoughts and less towards the things she should be focusing on. It was a vicious and apparently inexplicable cycle.
At this point, Amelia could sense how much her anxiety had grown. She knew it was too late to prevent an attack; it was already here. Now all she could do was attempt to hide the attack from Freddy. He deserved to be able to continue enjoying his night and not have to try and fix her. The problem is, Freddy is so attentive! While that’s not usually a bad thing, right now it felt like it. His loving attentiveness and protectiveness towards her would surely work against her attempts to hide the symptoms of her ongoing anxiety attack. Yet again, this new realization and associated guilt only helped grow her anxiety.
Amelia’s heart was thudding forcefully in her chest. Her head was so woozy she swore her brain was bouncing around loosely inside her skull. She could far too easily tell how high her heart rate was; she could feel it radiating through every pulse point in nerve-wracking throbs.
Amelia didn’t notice at first when her symptoms became visible. However, after a few seconds, she cursed herself upon realizing she’d unconsciously and uncontrollably began bouncing her leg. Fortunately, it was the leg furthest away from Freddy. This meant he’d be less likely to notice as opposed to if it had been her left leg that was immediately beside him.
Amelia couldn’t resist the urge to continue anxiously bouncing her right leg. The anxious energy surging inside of her demanded an outlet. Her right calf muscle already ached from the strain in it thanks to the body tension that came with her anxiety attack. Yet, she still couldn’t force the tight muscles to stop her from leg bouncing against the edge of the metallic bleachers.
Amelia licked her lips as the temperature appeared to rise and her mouth began to feel dry and cottony. She resisted the temptation to whimper in frustration with herself by tightening her jaw even more than it already had on its own. The skin of her chin was now wrinkled and pulled in taught against the bone underneath. As it did each time she suffered an anxiety attack, her head uncontrollably jerked lightly to the left at a slanted angle as she felt a cold rush surge through her body. God she hated that feeling. And that symptom. It was the most obvious symptom. If Freddy had caught sight of it, he’d instantaneously know she was having an anxiety attack. Her façade would be over immediately.
Freddy had been watching the second half of the football game when he thought he saw something out of the corner of his right eye. He froze. Did she…? His eyes widened with worry as he readied himself to look Amelia’s way. The time between Freddy’s eyes alerting him to the potential concern and him facing her was infinitesimal. As was the amount of time between getting visual confirmation of his concern and a deep frown forming on his face. His sweet woman was suffering. He swallowed a sigh as he took in the sight.
Amelia’s eyes were wide as she stared at the football field. But, Freddy could see how truly unfocused her gaze was. She wasn’t here right now; she was deeply immersed in her head. He wasn’t sure what had prompted this anxiety attack tonight, so he felt a slight rush of protective anger form. His eyes dashed around their surroundings, analyzing each and every attendee to see if there was any sign they’d done something to cause Lia’s distress. Upon not seeing any explanation, Freddy turned his eyes back to her.
Freddy stifled a concerned gasp as his hands hurriedly moved to grab Amelia’s. It physically hurt his heart to see the way she had a clearly intensive grip that she’d been using to clutch onto her knees so tight that her nails were surely causing crescent moon-like indents in her skin. He calmed himself as to not startle her given her eyes were still staring straight ahead. Freddy then delicately took hold of her cold hands and carefully removed them from her legs. His hips and bum slid until he was kneeling before his fiancée, warming her hands with his. His worried eyes scanned hers as he waited for the signal he knew would alert him that at least a sliver of her attention had escaped from the depths of her mental turmoil.
When Amelia didn’t respond but instead clearly tried to hide her attack symptoms, Freddy furrowed his brows and frowned. Despite the loud cheering around them, all of his attention was on her; not the game. “Darling, do you want to take a walk?” He asked encouragingly. He intentionally asked this indirect question as he knew she would often become frustrated during her anxiety attacks simply about having to have them in the first place. So Freddy knew by now that not pointing them out to her was a good way to keep her anxiety from increasing.
Amelia’s eyes spared the briefest of glances over at Freddy before she shook her head and looked back at the football game. She pasted on a half-smile, the left side of her lips curling light as that side of her mouth was the closest to him. He was knelt in front of her but slightly to the side of her left knee due to the limited space from the row of bleachers below theirs restricting his ability to be directly in front of her. Amelia hoped the angle would work in her favor and make Freddy think it was a full smile, when in reality she couldn’t muster up enough strength or focus to make both sides of her mouth actually lift.
Freddy pressed his lips into a thin line as he watched his dear fiancée. Her eyes were back on the game behind him, but he could see they were not focused and she was starting to tear up. Her fair skin had begun turning a bit pinkish in hue. But, he still went about handling the matter indirectly as to not upset her. Freddy smiled weakly as he tilted his head. “Your face is a little flushed.”
Amelia offered no verbal response to Freddy’s comment. But, it was clear to him that she’d heard and realized he was aware she wasn’t doing well. Because not long after his statement, he watched as her jaw clenched and head twitched to her right faintly despite her trying to resist it. Freddy promptly stood up and tugged on her hand softly. “‘ome on love, let’s go get some more water from concessions, hmm?”
Amelia shook her head and gently pulled her hand away. “I’m fine,” she whispered stubbornly despite the shaky fake smile on her face. “Just.. watch the game Fr-eddy”.
Freddy of course effortlessly saw through Amelia’s façade and frowned. He frowned to himself as he suppressed a sigh. In theory, he appreciated her wanting him to do what she felt he would rather be doing. But, that wasn’t the case. He’d chose her over anything else, no matter the circumstances.
Freddy reluctantly moved back to his seat. For now, he’d try to silently help, without acknowledging what he was doing or why. He refused to not help her through it at all. So, he pretended to focus only on the game but used his peripheral vision to keep an eye on her. If she felt that not addressing the attack would help her get it under control or let her feel more empowered by doing so, it wasn’t his place to say otherwise. It was her body. As much as he wanted to and tried to understand what her anxiety attacks were like for her, he knew he didn’t. No matter how many books he’d read on it. No matter how many times he’d (with her permission and awareness of course) asked her mental health counselor for help in forming a deep knowledge and understanding about it. Only she could truly know what it was she needed in these moments. So, Freddy would stand to the side and let her choose the route tonight. However, he knew there were occasionally times when he’d need to step in. Fortunately though, it hadn’t reached that point so far tonight. She hadn’t reached the point that he feared yet. The point that made his already momentarily broken heart shatter into smaller pieces. The point where she was unable to help herself get through it or settle down on her own. He didn’t mind being there to lovingly provide that act of service for her, but he knew she often wanted to do it herself if she was able to. The heartbreak came from knowing she was feeling so miserable and that there wasn’t much he could do to help.
Freddy lovingly rubbed Amelia’s thigh and knee, his hand lightly weighing down against her leg. He knew that whenever he did so, it would help keep her leg a bit more steady, slowing down -if not stopping- her bouncing. And in turn, it would help lower her heart rate that he knew would be high. He had sat slightly closer ever to her when he’d returned to his seat. He wanted her to feel his presence but didn’t want to make her too warm as he was still worried about how flushed she looked. But, until she relaxed some and let him help, he couldn’t do much about that. So, he had to focus on helping her reach that point where she would cooperate with his assistance. However, after a few minutes, Freddy could tell this was a particularly bad anxiety attack. Just as he prepared himself to begin being a bit more direct with Amelia, she mumbled that she needed to use the restroom.
Freddy rose and took Lia’s hand. “I’ll go with love, I could use a trip to the loo as well,” he fibbed.
Amelia faltered briefly, skeptical of Freddy’s statement. But, she nevertheless agreed. She couldn’t keep stressing over whether he knew. She needed to get out. She needed to breathe. She let herself hold Freddy’s hand tightly as he walked with her to the stadium bathrooms. The steps under her feet seemed to multiply and blur together, so she was grateful when she felt Freddy’s hand leave hers and move to wrap around her waist instead. Upon reaching the separation point outside the bathrooms, she lifted her now-free hand and pointed towards the men’s side.
“Honey…” Freddy cooed sweetly. He squeezed her side as he grabbed her raised hand in his unoccupied one to silently communicate that he knew why she really left her seat and that he was here for that reason too.
Amelia frowned as she looked up at Freddy. “You didn’t really have to use the restroom, did you?” She asked timidly.
When Freddy shook his head sweetly, Amelia slightly caved in on herself. “I… I-I’m sorry,” she whispered.
Freddy’s brows scrunched up as he turned fully towards her. “Nooo, no no, none of that, darling,” he replied sympathetically.
“I’m f-f-fiiinne,” Amelia lied in a futile attempt to convince her fiancé to go back to enjoying his night.
“You look like you're about to fall over,” Freddy pointed out softly. At this point, he had to be more direct. She’d nearly stumbled over the bleacher steps on their way down here. And now, even as they just simply stood, she was looking as if she’d fall down if it weren’t for him supporting her waist. He could see the bashful expression on her face as she silently acknowledged he was right. “Please let me help,” he begged, his mind replaying how much she shook while they’d walked down here.
“You… you don't have to do this,” Amelia told Freddy with a sad frown.
Freddy shrugged. “I never said I did”. He moved back to her side, rubbing the fabric over her hip to encourage her to lean against him. He smiled lightly when she did and then began guiding her to the bench nearby. “I’m grabbing you a water darling, I’ll be right back though,” he promised, bending down to kiss her clammy forehead before heading towards the concessions.
Freddy had kept his eyes on her the whole time he’d been gone, still deeply concerned about her. As soon as he had the water in hand, he quickly made his way back to where he’d had her wait. They exchanged hushed words as she thanked him for the water and he encouraged her to begin taking small sips. As she managed to drink some of the water, he smiled faintly in relief. “Do you have your medicine on you?” He questioned.
Amelia shook her head and looked away shamefully. When Freddy simply whispered a delicate “okay” in response to her mistake, she whimpered as her guilt rose. “I’m sorry,” she sighed.
“Darling,” Freddy cooed . “No, it’s perfectly alright that-“ he began.
“I didn’t.. I didn’t think I’d need them,” Amelia confessed, still looking at her feet as her toes anxiously tapped against the soles of her shoes.
Freddy nodded and sat down on the bench beside her. “That’s fine, love,” he promised. He brushed some wisps of hair from her clammy forehead lovingly. “We’ll get you through this without them just fine”.
Amelia sniffled as she tried to keep from fully crying. “I should’ve brought them. That was stu-“.
“Ah ah, no,” Freddy kindheartedly scolded. “That’s just the anxiety talking, Lia”.
Amelia defiantly shook her head. “That’s just it,” she whined. “My anxiety only exists because of the things I’m doing wrong or not doing when I should be”.
Freddy’s fingers slowly moved from her forehead to trace her tense jawline. “No, honey,” he argued, “that’s not how it works, you know that”.
“I should’ve brought my meds so you didn’t need to take care of me,” Amelia said, voice breaking at the end.
Freddy squinted in slight offense but quickly recovered. “‘ey now love, I will always be up for taking care of you, darling,” he promised. “After all, it’s part of the whole marriage thing,” he grinned. His grin soon switched to a frown as he noticed her breathing had once again picked up. “Ah woah, woah, easy love, what’s happening? What did I say that made it worse?” Freddy questioned warmly. When she only shook her head, he gave her a tender kiss on her cheek. “Darling, I’m not offended, I just need to know so I don’t do it again,” he explained.
Shaking her head again, Amelia said, “it’s not like that”.
“Honey,” Freddy whined quietly, cupping her cheek in his palm.
Amelia once again shook her head. “I should’ve brought them so we could enjoy our night,” she scolded herself. “But I didn’t bring them cause I didn’t.. I didn’t think I’d need them”.
Freddy nodded in understanding. “That’s alright, that’s bound to happen Lia,” he replied breezily. “You don’t need to feel bad about that,” he added as she sniffled. “Can you tell me what it was that triggered it tonight? Maybe I can help”.
Amelia felt the nervous tension in her body amplify as she tried to find a way out of having to explain her feelings to Freddy. She didn’t want him to feel bad or insecure that she’d been triggered by thoughts of their upcoming wedding. But, as she tried to keep her nervous energy contained to hide her reaction in order to keep his worry down, her breathing became more choppy. “It doesn’t matter,” she rushed out.
“It does, it matters to me, darling,” Freddy defended.
Amelia slowly shook her head as she took a deep breath. She held some air in her chest as she lifted her head and pretended she had worked through her anxiety attack. “You can go back to watch the game. I’m f…” she paused, internally yelling at herself for the shaky inhale that interrupted her. “I’ll be fine in just a bit,” she amended.
"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere,” Freddy replied simply.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Freddy repeated. His thumb stroked over her tense jaw down to her chin. “There’s nowhere I’d rather be than beside you, no matter the circumstances,” he informed her tenderly. “I’d rather be beside you in literal hell than in a supposed heaven without you”.
Amelia looked up at Freddy despite feeling the tears that were now starting to fall from her eyes. “Su-Supposed?”
Freddy nodded with a shy smile. “It couldn’t be an actual heaven to me without you there,” he explained, a blush forming on his cheeks. He let out a sigh of relief as she suddenly lunged into his embrace. His arms wrapped around her trembling frame and held her to him while whispering loving words.
"How long has it been?" Amelia asked as she leaned back and began to dry her face.
“What?” Freddy asked in confusion. He tenderly removed Amelia’s hands from her face so he could dry her damp skin more gently than she was.
“That we’ve been gone, since we’ve left our seats,” Amelia elaborated.
“I don’t.. I don’t know, why darling?” Freddy questioned as he watched her glance over his shoulder, towards the field. “What’s important about that?” He wondered softly.
“You’re missing the game,” Amelia pointed out, looking back at Freddy with a frown.
Freddy sighed lovingly. “Sweetheart, I don’t care about the game”.
“Yes you do!” Amelia defended.
Freddy hummed. “Okay, alright,” he nodded. “Yes, I care about the game.“ When she gave him a knowing look, he returned it and added a smile. “But, I care about you far more,” he elaborated.
“No,” Freddy shook his head. “Respectfully darling, I’m not going to listen to you argue with me on that.”
Amelia sighed, breaking eye contact with Freddy as her guilt weighed on her. “But I’m ruining our date by being a burden,” she reminded him.
“No- wha-,” Freddy mumbled, pausing with a sighed exhale. “Darling,” he frowned, heartbroken. He grabbed her hands tenderly, “you’re not a burden”. Seeing Lia was going to argue, Freddy shook his head softly. “Now, now, let me finish”. He smiled warmly as she silently gazed into his eyes as she listened. “I love and care for you with my entirety. And I do so willingly and happily, my darling.” “By definition,” he continued, “the same cannot be said of things that are considered to be burdens. Therefore, even by definition, you love, are not a burden to me.”
Freddy’s thumb dried her newly shed tears before he guided her head to his shoulder. He smiled to himself as her slightly shaking arms found their way around his waist. “What do you say we head back to the flat, cuddle, and just rest?” He proposed.
“I want us to finish the game,” Amelia stated as she lightly shook her head. “If you’re still wanting to after all my drama,” she muttered.
Freddy shushed her and pressed a kiss to her nose. “I’m certainly up for that, if you’re certain you’re able to handle that,” he informed her. “But, I want to do whatever it is you feel you need, even if it’s not what you think I want to do”.
Through further discussion, Freddy agreed to stay at the game as long as Amelia agreed to letting Freddy fully help her now. After he’d assisted her in calming down, they made their way, hand in hand, back to their seats. Only, there was only a handful of minutes left in the game by the time they were situated.
Amelia frowned slightly as the fans cheered upon the conclusion of the football game. She turned to her patient and loving fiancé. “I’m sor-,” she began to apologize.
Freddy sweetly shook his head and squeezed her hand. “I spent the night with my beautiful fiancée,” he smiled, “there’s nothing to apologize for about that”. He smirked as he noticed her blush and shy smile. But he also saw that a split second after, her eyes held a bit of a distant look in them. He watched her closely in confusion as she clearly tried to keep the calm she’d worked so hard to obtain tonight. He desperately wanted to know what had triggered her, both in the first place, and now. But, he decided not to push it right now. He would certainly bring it up later though, when she had been able to have the time to rest and separate from the incident so as to not retrigger her by him bringing it up too soon.
Upon returning home, Freddy had offered to draw Amelia a warm bath. But, she politely requested just to cuddle in bed before they went to sleep. And of course, Freddy more than happily obliged.
As such, the couple was now laying in bed, limbs intertwined. Freddy was intently paying attention to the speed of her heartbeat and breathing, closely monitoring it so he’d catch any sign that her anxiety might be returning. Since he didn’t know what had triggered it tonight, he wanted to be sure to not miss it starting up again unexpectedly.
Amelia groaned slightly dramatically as her phone beeped. With her hand still on Freddy’s chest, she asked him to check the device for her as it was sitting on the charger base on the nightstand by his side of the bed.
Freddy smiled softly, craning his neck to kiss the top of her head. He then leaned over to check her phone, typing in her code effortlessly. He squinted at the message, the brightness straining his eyes in the dark. After his eyes adjusted, he read the message and turned back to his fiancée. “Looks like the flower vendor needs more time to confirm,” he explained, referring to the message’s update about their latest request.
Freddy frowned to himself as he noticed her do her anxious head twitch thing. It was a light twitch this time, but even so, she simply hummed in response; clearly hoping he didn’t catch the action. “Darling, it’s not anything you need to stress over, it’s all going to work out,” he assured her. He quickly muted her phone and locked it for the night before blindly placing it back on the wireless charger platform. While doing so, he watched as Amelia nodded too obediently and quickly, as if reassuring herself as well as him. That’s when Freddy caught on to the other clues from earlier tonight and connected the dots. “Amelia,” he whispered, “is this what’s been troubling you tonight? Wedding stuff?”
Amelia’s breath hitched and she silently looked away. Her fingers shyly dragged down Freddy’s chest slowly as she tried to move so he couldn’t see her break down.
“Oh love,“ Freddy sighed, turning towards her more and held her to him. “You know you’re not alone in these things, yeah?” He inquired.
“I- I know,” Amelia nodded against his chest.
“Good,” Freddy replied, kissing her scalp. “‘n you know that no matter what happens with the flowers, it’ll be alright, yeah?”
“It…It’s not just..,” Amelia mumbled quietly.
“Go on,” Freddy encouraged lovingly as he gazed down at her on his chest.
“It’s not just the flowers,” Amelia confessed shyly.
Freddy hummed in sympathy. “What else is on your mind, love?”
“It’s just…” Amelia sighed, feeling her breath pick up. “There’s.. there’s so much still to do and I don’t feel like I’m on top of it and-“ she began rambling.
“Sweetheart,” Freddy cooed. “You’re not alone in this,” he said, repeating his earlier reminder. “In fact, I would like for us to switch the email notifications over to my phone instead for the vendors, and-“.
“Freddy,” Amelia sighed, feeling guilty for making him feel like he had to do this.
“No, love, please?” Freddy requested, rubbing his arm down her shoulder and bicep softly.
Amelia’s lips curled up against Freddy’s chest lightly in a small smile. “I know you’re here to help, you don’t need to do this to prove-“.
“I know I don’t,” Freddy interrupted. “But, I want to. You don’t need to stress over this and if that helps even in the slightest, it’s more than worth it.”
“I shouldn’t need that,” Amelia pointed out with a frown. “You shouldn’t have to take on everything because I can’t deal with stress”.
“Shhh love, that’s not what’s happening,” Freddy argued sweetly. “You are fine at handling stress. Weddings are a lot. I’ve been feeling some stress too, you know that, we talked about it last week, remember?”
Amelia nodded, “but you don’t…”. She paused as she sniffled. She felt her body defiantly begin to shake slightly once again. “Y-you don’t get like…. like this”.
Freddy hummed with a sigh. “That’s not something to compare love,” he advised. “We help each other out wherever needed, no questions asked, or clarification or reasoning needed.” He held her closer to him as he rested his chin on her head. “You do it for me without even thinking, all of the time, Lia. Please allow me to do the same without feeling guilty for granting me that honor,” he requested quietly.
Amelia was silent for a second as she composed herself as much as she could. “Hon..honor?”
“Mmhm,” Freddy hummed affirmatively. “Honor, darling.” His thumb tenderly stroked the side of her face that wasn’t buried against his chest. “It’s genuinely an honor to be with you, and to be the person whom you go to for help when you need it,” he admitted.
Amelia smiled against Freddy and nodded in acceptance, “okay”.
Freddy grinned. “Okay. Good.” “So, we will work on you sharing your thoughts with me; especially before they build up from being kept in so long,” he began softly. Once she nodded, he continued. “And we will work on getting you more comfortable knowing and accepting that I want to help you wherever another anxiety attack comes, no matter the circumstances, triggers, or lack there of.”
As Freddy concluded his loving proposal for how they’d handle the stressors on Amelia’s mind, she smiled and shifted to look up at him. She blinked lovingly at him in admiration and appreciation. “I love you Freddy,” she whispered.
Freddy beamed, “I love you too Amelia”.
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Taglist: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @missdreamofendless @nikfigueiredo @alex-kazbrekkersimp @opheliaofficial07 @historynerd77 @el-de-phi @whistle1whistle
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shubhweddingsbykunal · 3 months
How wedding planner can enhance your wedding experience
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Your wedding day is one of the most significant moments of your life – a celebration of love, commitment, and new beginnings. But amidst the excitement and anticipation, the process of planning a wedding can often feel overwhelming and daunting. This is where a skilled wedding planner can make all the difference, ensuring that your special day is nothing short of magical. At Shubh Weddings by Kunal, we understand the importance of every detail and are committed to crafting unforgettable experiences tailored to your unique vision. Here's how our expertise can elevate your wedding journey:
Personalized Consultation: From the moment you reach out to us, we make it our priority to understand your dreams, preferences, and aspirations for your wedding day. Through personalized consultations, we delve into the intricacies of your love story, helping us create a wedding that reflects your individuality and style.
Venue Selection: With our extensive knowledge of Udaipur's most enchanting venues, we assist you in finding the perfect setting for your celebration. Whether you envision a grand palace wedding, a serene lakeside affair, or an intimate garden gathering, we guide you towards venues that resonate with your vision and budget.
Tailored Planning: Our team at Shubh Weddings by Kunal takes care of every aspect of your wedding planning, from décor and entertainment to catering and logistics. With meticulous attention to detail and creative flair, we transform your ideas into reality, ensuring a seamless and stress-free planning process.
Exquisite Décor: We believe that décor is the heart and soul of any wedding celebration. Drawing inspiration from your unique love story and personal style, we curate breathtaking décor concepts that set the stage for unforgettable moments. From floral arrangements to lighting design, every element is carefully chosen to evoke the ambiance you desire.
Vendor Coordination: We have established relationships with some of the finest vendors in the industry, ensuring that you have access to top-notch services for your wedding day. From photographers and videographers to musicians and makeup artists, we coordinate with trusted professionals who share our commitment to excellence.
Day-of Coordination: On the big day itself, our team is on hand to ensure that every detail unfolds seamlessly. From managing timelines and coordinating vendors to attending to any last-minute requests, we handle all the logistics, allowing you to relax and enjoy every moment with your loved ones.
Peace of Mind: Perhaps the most valuable aspect of working with a wedding planner is the peace of mind it brings. With Shubh Weddings by Kunal by your side, you can rest assured that every detail has been thoughtfully planned and executed, leaving you free to savor the joy and excitement of your wedding day.
In conclusion, a skilled wedding planner can truly enhance your wedding experience, turning your dreams into reality and creating memories that last a lifetime. At Shubh Weddings by Kunal, we are dedicated to crafting bespoke weddings that reflect your love story and exceed your expectations. Let us be your partner in creating the wedding of your dreams in the magical city of Udaipur.
Contact — +91 9828134666
Address — 105 A Block, Pratap Nagar, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001
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ctweddingdj · 24 days
Stress-free Wedding Planning Podcast #96: 10 Wedding Cardinal Sins To Avoid When Hosting A Wedding Or As A Guest
Stress-free Wedding Planning Podcast #96: 10 Wedding Cardinal Sins To Avoid When Hosting A Wedding Or As A Guest Which of the 10 wedding cardinal sins do you think is often overlooked but crucial for a successful wedding? Continue reading Stress-free Wedding Planning Podcast #96: 10 Wedding Cardinal Sins To Avoid When Hosting A Wedding Or As A Guest
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skyler10fic · 4 months
Hey Sweetheart: Ch. 1 Carol Surprises Daisy
By Skyler10
Carol is away for a conference and Daisy is home alone, but Carol has a Valentine’s surprise in store that finds Daisy in an opportune moment. (Rated M)
Notes: I had this idea and then two more, so enjoy this first chapter and then eventually, there will be two more chapters with two rewrites with a similar general premise but with key tweaks that change the story!
Written for the @ficwip Hey Sweetheart event 2024.
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Flowers seemed to haunt Carol the longer she was away for work. This time of the year, the city was full of flower vendors on every corner with bouquets for Valentine’s Day. Roses, especially, were everywhere she looked, but others too. The hotel her conference was in was decorated with florals. The chic restaurant for their first night’s dinner and debrief session? The Lily and Lilac. The next night, the team grabbed food and drinks at a gastropub with artistically modern daisies on the menu. Even one of the presentations used aerodynamic models based on various seed and pollen shapes to describe how their aircraft would fly through the wind. Another day included a tour of a lab next to a greenhouse full of flowers for the upcoming romantic holiday. Each flower made her think of Daisy Johnson, her fiancee back at home. 
The worst was yet to come: traditionally, the last night was the association president’s ball, a dressy dinner and dance where everyone paired up or partners would fly in early for a vacation starting after the business of the conference was over the next day. And this year’s ball would fall on Saturday, February 14. Daisy wouldn’t be one of the partners joining the fun, however, with a major deadline at work on unlucky Friday the 13th. Carol pictured herself dressed up for no reason, sitting alone in the hotel ballroom, watching all the couples dancing and singles flirting with each other, if only for the night. She’d probably drink too much champagne and wake up Daisy with a far-too-late phone call, moaning about wishing she was there and counting down the hours until they’d be reunited in 48 hours. Daisy would try to stay awake, but eventually Carol would let her go back to sleep, and then Carol would sit in her hotel room, hearing the echoes of partygoers stumbling back to their rooms for Valentine’s Day sex. She’d lie awake, wondering why agreed to come here at all. And Carol felt guilty that Daisy would be home feeling just as lonely and maybe resentful as she spent their only Valentine’s Day as an engaged couple alone. 
But it was still Wednesday, February 11 for another hour, an hour filled with guilt, dread, anxiety over her presentation the next day, and exhaustion that brought hot tears to Carol’s eyes as she lay in her hotel bed in the dark. Carol’s best friend and fellow aerospace engineer Maria Rambeau snored in the other queen bed a few feet away, and Carol came back to the present. She wiped away the tears and reminded herself she was being silly. No use being depressed over something that hadn’t even happened yet.
The next day, February 12, Maria stood next to Carol as they watched rows and rows of flowers being wheeled into that same hotel ballroom for a wedding happening in that space after their conference’s main session had ended for the day. It was a busy hotel, and the staff were under tight deadlines to get the wedding reception in and out before the aerospace association needed the space again. Carol and Maria had just stopped in to see what all the hustle and bustle was about and stayed, curious to see the end result. 
Maria cleared her throat, and Carol raised an eyebrow as she turned to catch Maria’s glance. 
“Congratulations on your panel today,” Maria began. “You nailed it.” 
“But?” Carol drew out, knowing there was more. 
Maria shrugged. “That’s the last thing you had to be here for. You can go be where you really want to be.”
“What?” Carol scrunched her brow. “I thought you wanted me here.” 
“I did, and you were great!” Maria turned to face Carol fully. “But I know that look. And you’re not really here, are you? And I’m just sayin’, you don’t need to be. We’ve got this. You did your part.”
Carol sighed, knowing where she was going with this. “I can’t. You all supported me through my panel. It’s only fair that I stay—”
Maria held up a hand. “We’re good. I know where your head is. Are you really going to get home to your fiancee late at night on February 15 with some discount chocolates from the airport? I don’t think so. Not on my watch.” 
Carol had to admit, with all the Valentine’s romance in the air, she missed Daisy so much it ached. “Are you sure? Then you’ll be all alone here… I hate having to choose one or the other.”
Maria sent Carol a look of disbelief. “Alone? I don’t think so. I’ve got the whole team. And, the cutie from JPL is here. Remember Florida? Trust me, I’ve got Valentine’s Day covered.” 
The hotel events manager walked in their direction to kick Carol and Maria out of the ballroom, so the conversation was over and the decision was made. Carol let her department manager and office administrator know she was taking advantage of the flexible dates of her airline ticket and coming home early. The soonest flight she could get would leave early on the 14th, and Carol would be home in plenty of time to surprise Daisy for Valentine’s Day weekend. 
Conversely, it seemed like Daisy was being haunted by calendars. There were the usual, like work calendars that got subdivided into project calendars, and the usual phone app filled with the minutia of life. But now there was a shared calendar with Carol as they merged their lives and a related but more specific wedding planning calendar app with suggestions and recommendations for all of the deadlines to put down deposits and make decisions and hire professionals of various wedding expertise. 
She wasn’t exactly royalty, but as the genius rising star daughter of Stark Industries’ VP of Strategy and Mr. Stark’s own private pilot, Daisy also wasn’t the typical codemonkey in her social circles either. She’d grown out of the “prodigy” compliments, but she still carried the heavy weight of being Somebody in her company, expected to do great things. She was marrying another former “prodigy.” A girl who had designed rockets at 16 that impressed not only Tony Stark, but his Pentagon contact, Nick Fury. Fury had instructed Stark that either Carol would be interning at Stark Industries with a path toward a career there or Fury was giving her an offer that led to her eventually becoming Stark’s competition within the Department of Defense itself. 
Thus, Daisy met the love of her life while feeling highly praised but extraordinarily lonely as the youngest intern in her dad’s division. The two teens bonded and grew from coworkers to friends to inseparable best friends to head-over-heels lovers over the past decade. Between their jobs and grad school and financial independence, marriage had always been assumed but so far down the calendar, it hardly seemed worth stressing about. An inevitability, but vaguely so. 
Now, the aforementioned calendars and planners and to-do lists stared Daisy down. She groaned and rubbed her eyes as she tried to answer the prompts in the wedding planning guide. “Fill these pages out separately, and then come together to talk through your expectations of your special day!” the guide instructed. 
“Carol better be doing this on the plane home on Sunday,” Daisy grumbled. She should text her, just as a reminder. 
“How was your day?” Daisy started. Best to check in first before being a nag. 
“Ugh, long,” came Carol’s reply. “But more flowers everywhere today. Couldn’t stop thinking about you. Miss you. :( “ 
The text was accompanied by a photo of the wedding flower arrangements. 
“150 days.” Daisy intended it to mean the countdown to their wedding, as the countdown widget on her computer reminded her. But it also felt like how long it had been without each other. The self-pity was strong in this apartment tonight. 
Before Daisy could remind Carol about the wedding planning guide prompts, Carol asked if she was free the day after tomorrow. 
Daisy snorted and sent back a laughing emoji. “Yeah, my Valentine is away for work. I’m going to be home with takeout and a spreadsheet of info on every wedding venue in the metro area.” She added a melting face emoji. Maybe she wanted Carol to feel a little guilty. Carol would be off having fun with their work friends from her team. And with all their other friends going out with their own Valentines, Daisy would be sitting on this same couch missing her, alone. 
“We can do better than that,’ Carol sent back cryptically. “Don’t plan anything. I have an idea.” 
“???” Daisy sent back.     
“Nope. Surprise,” Carol returned, then “gtg, early start tomorrow.” 
Daisy sent back a simple “I love you” with a purple heart, which Carol returned, with a red one. They exchanged goodnights with kiss emojis as well, and Daisy was left to try to answer what her ideal wedding aesthetic would be, how many people to invite, and whether the ceremony would be any flavor of religious/spiritual. 
“It’s too late for this.” Daisy mumbled to her laptop and shut the lid. She had been staying up later and later this week, dreading going to bed without Carol. At first, many years ago now, sleeping together had been nearly impossible without staying up all night touching and making out and talking. Now, it was hard to sleep deeply without each other, they were so used to each other’s presence. The bed just felt so empty. 
Eventually, Daisy did fall asleep and dreamt that the huge arrangement of wedding flowers from the text Carol had sent were being served as the cake. She shouted for the baker to not cut into the arrangement with a huge knife, but it turned out to be simply a delicious, if hyperrealistically beautiful, cake after all. 
Maybe it was just a silly thought, but the reassurance in the dream that what seemed like a horrible mistake was actually a wonderful creation stuck with her throughout the next day. As tempting as it was to let her grumpiness over missing Carol sour her mood, she couldn’t shake the feeling that in the end, things would be okay after all. Daisy talked herself into making peace with the circumstances and not subconsciously holding it against Carol that she couldn’t be there. It wasn’t like she set the date of the conference, and the holiday was just a made-up date on the calendars that were surrounding her from all directions. So what if that date was blank on all of them? 
Daisy closed out of her personal calendar and focused on her work one. If she got this week’s project done, she could leave the office this dreary winter Friday feeling free and ready for whatever the weekend held, even if it was just a quick video call with her fiancee tomorrow night and a trip to the store for 50% off chocolate on Sunday.  
Saturday morning, February 14, Carol could barely contain her excitement as she boarded her plane home. She was practically bouncing in her seat. She’d passed a jewelry store that morning on her way to get coffee and donuts from a trendy place a block away from their hotel, and now the perfect pair of earrings was safe in her bag, gift wrapped by the store. 
She’d stop on her way home from the airport for part 2: a bouquet of roses like the ones she’d been seeing all week. 
“In a hurry to get home?” her seatmate asked. He was probably mid-30s, wearing a hot pink tie and French-manicured nails. His tiny dog napped in a carrier at his feet under the seat. 
“Yeah,” Carol admitted. “Is it that obvious?” 
“I’m surprising my fiancee by getting home early for Valentine’s Day,” Carol confided.
The man’s eyebrows shot up. “Girl! That’s romantic! And do you have plans for what you’re going to do with … him? Them?” 
“Her.” Carol smiled. “Yeah, she has a favorite place I’m going to order dinner from, but I think we’ll probably spent most of it wedding planning.” 
The man sighed. “Oh no, baby, no. My husband and I are celebrating 8 years of marriage this year, 15 years together, so trust me when I say, the wedding planning stress is not the romantic Valentine’s Day it sounds like. Go out, be young, have fun, or stay in and, you know, have fun there too, but trust me, vendor websites are not date night, especially having to find ones that aren’t jerks about people like us.” 
“Good to know.” Carol worried her lip. Perhaps she had jumped into this plan a little early with excitement to get home, but not a romantic enough Valentine’s Day strategy after she got there.   
Their drinks came and the man popped in his earbuds to watch a movie, but Carol signed up for the in-flight Wi-Fi instead and brainstormed date night ideas in their city that wouldn’t break the bank or be too booked up for Valentine’s Day already. 
Honestly, she just wanted to be home, just the two of them. But Daisy was probably ready to get out and do something special. Elegant restaurants in their part of the city were all booked, and none of the plays or concerts or even movies seemed very romantic or their taste. She made a list of some ideas, varying from an evening at the planetarium’s wine-and-cheese adults-only night to cooking something more gourmet than usual at home. Whatever Daisy felt like doing was fine with Carol, so long as they were together. 
Carol closed her eyes and rested back against the plane seat. She tried to remember every Valentine’s Day they’d ever spent together, even when they were awkward teenagers and then even more awkward university students realizing their bond was undeniably romantic. Her lips quirked at the memory of their first as a romantic couple, seeing each other in an entirely different light and nervous in a way they had never been before. They’d visited a lesbian bar that Valentine’s Day and—once the older women there learned of their baby gay status and new coupledom—received a baptism by full immersion into the queer culture of their city.
The bar had closed a few years ago, but they still followed the regular drag performers on social media and went to some of their shows. If only it were still open, that could have been a fun trip down memory lane for a Valentine’s date. Carol opened her eyes long enough to write down “queer bar” on her ideas list. She closed them again to think of more and relive their earlier years.
The next thing she knew, they were landing, and she was awakening from a much-needed nap.
Daisy kept her phone nearby all day. Carol hadn’t explained what their long-distance plan for Valentine’s Day was today, and she wasn’t answering Daisy’s texts. Probably busy with her conference all day. Daisy sighed and went about her unromantic day. They’d been together so long, she supposed it was time they settled into being an old married couple, even if they weren’t technically married yet. Just an ordinary cold, rainy, winter Saturday with laundry and catching up on personal emails and a virtual yoga class. As she ate lunch and checked in with her hacktivist group chat, her podcast playlist started an episode about “how to spice it up in the bedroom.” Not very useful to distract herself from missing Carol. She switched it to an algorithmically generated mix, but the first song, then the second, and third were all extremely horny. 
“Not helping!” Daisy said out loud to the music app as a fourth song came on with the perfect lyrics and rhythm for a sex playlist. She turned on the TV and picked up where she’d left off before with a historical romance series that Jemma had recommended. Neither Carol nor Fitz were interested in the storyline, so it was something Daisy and Jemma watched separately and chatted about without their partners. It was much spicier than Jemma let on, with plenty of eye candy of all genders. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Daisy mumbled to herself as the tall, dark, and handsome male lead revealed chiseled perfect abs. But she was too far in to stop now, and she knew she’d regret not catching up while Carol was away. Still she sent a text asking Carol to just check in when she had a chance. Realistically, she knew Carol was just busy with her meetings, and she didn’t really know what she’d say anyway. Like, “I know you’re having important business meetings but got some time for middle-of-the-afternoon phone sex with your bored fiancee?” Not the best timing. 
Daisy decided to give in and take care of the problem herself. It’d been a while since she’d needed to alone, but it’d been a long week and she was being haunted by sex everywhere she turned. So with plenty of time and no one else home, Daisy headed to their bedroom and opened the drawer of vibrators and various toys and accessories. She picked one of her favorites and put on more of the sexy music. She laid down on the bed and pulled up her long loose shirt. She touched herself lazily over her yoga pants, letting her memories in this bed come back in detail. Her fingers snuck under the band of her yoga pants and into her underwear, and she teased herself until she was ready to kick things up a notch. She pulled off her pants and underwear, and set the vibrator to its lowest setting. Might as well make this last. 
She thought of Carol’s tongue on her, Carol’s fingers inside her, Carol’s hands grabbing and taking what she desired, Carol’s lips at Daisy’s neck and breasts and panting her name. 
Daisy let out an involuntary mewl and bucked her hips. Alone in her imagination, she was free to relish in fantasies that would never work in real life, like not having enough hands to hold on to each other, support themselves, touch everywhere, and finger-fuck at the same time. She imagined a position where their labia slotted together perfectly to get each other off, for another example. Before she could get too into the physics of it, her clit demanded her full attention. Her orgasm swept over her in a delicious wave, but she was having too much fun. She kept going, chasing another high in her fantasyland. 
Hearing the door to the garage open, therefore, jolted her harshly out of her fantasies and sent her heart rate skyrocketing for a different reason. She turned off the vibe, set it aside carefully, and stood up but froze, listening for confirmation that she had actually heard something, and if she had, what the intruder’s next move would be. She debated whether her martial arts skills were enough to disarm them if they had a gun or if she should hide. What kind of intruder just walks in in the middle of a Saturday afternoon, anyway? She heard rustling in the hallway coming toward her and grabbed her phone on the bedside table to call the police, but just as she did, Carol rounded the corner with the biggest grin on her face, her rolling luggage behind her, and roses in her hand.
“Ta DAAAA!” 
“OH-MY-GOD!” Daisy gasped. 
“Honey, I’m hooome,” Carol sang with a smirk. She set her bags off to the side and the bouquet on the bedside table. “I see you’ve been busy without me.” 
Daisy blushed and looked down at her state of undress. Her long shirt was barely covering her. “Ah. No pants.” 
“No pants,” Carol confirmed with a filthy grin. “Surprise!”
“Surprise!? I thought you were someone breaking in!” Daisy’s brain caught up with her adrenaline, and she watched Carol’s grin fade. Daisy launched herself into her fiancee’s arms. “You’re home! How are you home?” 
Carol captured Daisy’s lips for a searing, desperate kiss. Just as Daisy decided the answer didn’t matter so long as Carol never stopped kissing her, Carol backed away and answered breathlessly. “I finished my panel, and Maria said I should come home, so I did. She could tell my heart and head were here anyway, and I wanted to surprise you. Happy Valentine’s Day.” 
Daisy couldn’t stop kissing Carol, and Carol was happy to oblige her half-naked fiancee. Carol pressed a thigh between Daisy’s and rolled her hips, making Daisy whine. 
“You were only gone a week. I don’t know why I’m reacting like this.” Daisy tried to regain some self-control, and her fingers found their home in Carol’s hair, lightly brushing in that way that always made Carol sigh in contendedness. “I can’t believe you came home early for me.”  
Carol soothed her thumb across Daisy’s cheek and met her dark eyes, blown wide with desire. “I missed you so much. Every minute.” 
“I missed you too. Obviously.” She rolled her eyes self-deprecatingly at her libido getting the better of her a moment ago. “But seriously, all this wedding planning made it harder this time.” 
“Yeah, for me too. There was a wedding at the hotel and all this Valentine’s stuff…”  She pulled away slightly and reached for her tablet. “I filled out the questions we were supposed to do on our own, though. And I have some leads on vendors we can afford.” 
“Oh god, thank you. You’ve never been hotter, just so you know.” Daisy took the tablet from Carol, but instead of looking at Carol’s answers, she set it on the bedside table with her phone and the vibrator. 
“Mmm, spreadsheets of URLs and budget items, so sexy,” Carol teased, resting her wrists on Daisy’s shoulders and massaging the back of Daisy’s neck. 
Daisy shook her head. “I know we sound, like, a hundred years old right now, but seriously, this stuff is driving me crazy and knowing there’s less of it left to do is very attractive.”
“We’ll get through it all … every detail …. together,” Carol promised between light kisses. “But tonight, no logistics or schedules. Just you and me, whatever you want.” 
“Oh! Oh no. We don’t have any plans or reservations or tickets to anything. I’m sure everything in the city’s been sold out for weeks. Where can we even go?” Daisy laughed at the sudden reversal of her dilemma. 
Carol switched apps on her tablet and showed Daisy. “I made a list of a few things on the plane. Clubbing in our slutty clothes? Wine and cheese gala in our dressiest black tie? Indoor picnic? Ice skating at the mall?” 
“Really covering all your bases there,” Daisy laughed as she read down the eclectic list. 
“I like to be prepared.” Carol returned the tablet to the bag at her feet and brought Daisy in for another kiss. Daisy’s hands wandered, reunited with their favorite territory to explore, and Carol’s dipped under the oversized shirt until they found Daisy’s bare ass. 
After a while, when their tongues had had time for a proper greeting, Daisy pulled away and shook her head. “Never mind the list. I can’t even think about going out, not yet.” 
Carol licked her bottom lip and her eyes sparkled. “Sweetheart, I’m going to have you thinking about one thing and one thing only.” 
“Only one? I can think of at least a dozen things I want to do to you,” Daisy challenged. Carol reached for Daisy’s shirt and stripped it off over her head, which Daisy took as her cue to unbutton and unzip Carol’s jeans so Carol could step out of them, then shortly after, Daisy’s bra joined them on the floor. They continued until they were both completely bare.
“No reason to rush, though,” Carol considered as she tossed her own shirt into the hamper. “It’s only 3:00 and we have all day and night.” 
Daisy climbed onto the bed again and lay down on her side so that Carol would mirror her, but then as soon as Carol did, Daisy rolled on top to straddle Carol’s hips. 
“Then there’s just one question left,” Daisy teased. 
“How many times we want to come?” Carol suggested and let her fingers trail down from Daisy’s neck to massage her breasts.
“Mmm, that too,” Daisy chuckled softly and leaned down, giving Carol an excellent view. “I meant: Will you be my Valentine’s Sweetheart?” 
“As long as we both shall live,” Carol promised. She used her free hand to weave her fingers gently through Daisy’s hair and drew her down for a kiss to kick off their afternoon of lovemaking. 
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umichenginabroad · 3 months
Stockholm Week 9: Booking the Rest of the Weekends!
This week was supposedly a stressful midterm week but thanks to the work I put in last weekend, I had an oddly relaxing week. 
I booked a bunch of flights (hopefully the last) this week too ⸜( ˙ ˘ ˙)⸝♡
My wallet is suffering but I’m brainwashing myself that this is a lifetime opportunity I need to catch. 
3/11 Mon: Ivar Los Park + Italy!
I had the mission of finding the tablecloth my mom bought in Stockholm Stadsmission during her stay. She was sad that she didn’t buy more of the same design since it fit the table size too perfectly. As a good daughter, I decided to do a scavenger hunt for it before it ran out of stock. 
Unfortunately, the ones with the same design were gone when I arrived. Although I failed my mom’s request, my own hunt was successful! I found a skirt and dress that fit perfectly. I couldn’t resist buying them since they were less than $10 each too. 
My Midterm paper for Crime Fiction class was due on Tuesday but I was close to being done due to last weekend’s grind. With light steps, I continued to spend time outside, enjoying the sun. Since I was already in Mariatorget and didn’t want to go home yet, I took a long walk around the Ivar Los Park. 
The park was smaller than I thought. I sat down on a bench for a little while until I got up to walk alongside Monteliusvägen. The clear sky amplified the beauty of the view, lightening up my mood as well. 
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I tried to capture every moment in my head so that I could look back to these moments when I was exhausted. 
During my 40-minute walk, I discovered a kindergarten, church, ballet school, and Mojang studios (shoutout to Minecraft fans). I shared my happiness with my grandparents in Korea by calling them and chit-chatting for a while. 
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A few snaps from my point of view 
I walked back home since the park wasn’t too far from my apartment. I noticed that our apartment also had a small garden and walking paths, so I strolled around in the little garden until I was satisfied with the amount of Vitamin D intake. 
For the longest time, something inside me had been bugging me to travel to Amsterdam and see the tulip festival. I tried scheduling times with my friends, but I couldn’t find anyone available during the weekend I was planning to go. 
It was then that I got in touch with my friend from home, who is also studying abroad in Europe. We started talking about our travel plans and scheduling availability. Going to Amsterdam failed again because of our tight schedule, but we managed to find a weekend to visit Italy!!! It didn’t take us long to book our flights and come up with Airbnb lists ( ˃ᴗ˂ ) 
3/12 Tue
In Swedish class, we were assigned random groups to do a team assignment.
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There are too many ways to pronounce words
I don’t know how but dumplings kept coming up in our conversations (we were hungry), and I just had to go grab dumplings after class. 
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These pork dumplings were a bit greasy but they tasted a bit like dim sum and I loved that 
I walked around the vicinity after getting re-energized. More and more flower vendors have been popping up here and there, and I walked by slowly to enjoy the sight and the scent of flowers. 
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Tulips usually aren’t my favorites but the ones here are absolutely gorgeous ✿(′ᵕ′*)
For dinner, I followed a kimchi fried rice recipe with cabbage instead. It was delicious as usual :) 
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I’m running out of menus though ;-; 
3/13 Wed: Productive Day 
Wednesdays without any field studies are arguably the best! 
I slept in and made a sandwich salad combo for brunch. 
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Pesto is always right
I stayed home and worked on the second midterm essay of this week for Glued to the Screen TV Film course. I was more of a test girl than an essay girl but oddly, I enjoyed writing the three essays that are 2.5 pages each. I really think blogging is helping to lower the mental hurdles I have for writing essays. 
After finishing the essays early, I switched the subject and worked on two different group projects. It was a very productive day! 
3/14 Thu: Malta! 
I stayed in the DIS building after the morning class until my late afternoon core class began. I was going to go to one of these recommended study cafes but got too lazy to go out. 
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A map of good places to study! 
I couldn’t get rid of the thought of going to Amsterdam, so I logged into Ryanair again. 
The Ryanair website had an option to select “Anywhere” for the destination. Out of boredom and curiosity, I set the dates to one of my available weekends and scrolled through the possible destinations. 
I found relatively cheap flight options to Hungary, Germany, Latvia, Estonia, Austria, the United Kingdom, Greece, and Malta. Out of those options, Greece and Malta caught my eye. I would’ve loved to go to Santorini but that wasn’t an option. When I searched Malta on Google, I was captivated by the scenery. I LOVE the beach and it happened to be Malta’s specialty. I could feel my lingering desire for Amsterdam finally dissipating as I looked at the pictures of Malta. 
I contemplated for a while, calculating the expenses, and clicked the button to buy the flight ticket. A solo trip to Malta in April is officially confirmed! I’m becoming more and more spontaneous but I don’t hate the change. I’m working on trying out things that I wouldn’t have done before, and this is a step towards my goal. 
For dinner, I made a quick and healthy meal out of oatmeal. I’ve been into oatmeal recipes lately; they are easy and fulfilling! Since oatmeal was healthy, I ate chips to balance out. 
For the rest of the night, I read the second half of The Legacy by Yrsa Sigurðardóttir for the Crime Fiction class tomorrow. 
3/15 Fri
I woke up early around 7 am to finish the book. 
After classes, my friend and I grabbed lunch at a Thai restaurant.
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The pad thai was good but I couldn’t stop comparing it to No Thai
If you’re reading this in Ann Arbor, please get pad thai or drunken noodles or potato curry at No Thai for me. 
Anyway, our lunch date didn’t end there. Yes, we were full after lunch. Yes, we got boba. I have been refraining from getting boba too much because I knew my addiction would kick in again soon enough. But it was Friday and I was productive this week, so I got it as a treat for myself. 
I tried working on homework that evening, but I couldn’t get myself to focus enough to finish it. So Friday night ended up as a self-care night in my bed as well ( * ˘╰╯˘ *)
3/16 Sat: Study Date
On Saturday, I got to sleep in until 11:30 am. I was still in my bed rolling around when my friend asked me if I wanted to come with her to go do work in a cafe. It didn’t take too long to realize that I wouldn’t do any work if I stayed home, so I composed myself and got ready to go out. 
We headed to Gamla Stan but it was packed with even more people than usual. I blame the good weather. 
After failing to find a spot in three different cafes, we moved over to T-Centralen and found a good study place. 
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The cafe is called the Kaferang City - I got Snapple but it was $5.50 ;-;
The music and distant conversations helped me focus and finish my assignments (+ blogging) for the week! 
On the way back home, I stopped at ICA to get groceries. I bought a pack of raw chicken breast for the first time, and it took me TWO hours to cook it + make dinner. My legs hurt by the end but once I tasted my dinner I knew it was worth it!
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I was so afraid that chicken would be raw so I cut some into thirds, not even halves
When I went back home I was irresistibly drawn to stay horizontal in my bed. I made a good choice to start a new novel but a bad choice to read until 5 am.  
3/17 Sun 
Free time! 
My roommate hasn’t come back from her weekend trip so I had all the space to myself. Moreover, I didn’t have much to do because I did most of it yesterday at the cafe. 
Sooo I basically spent the whole day finishing reading the novel except doing a brief project meeting and submitting finalized homework assignments. 
This week was an opportunity for me to rest peacefully, both mentally and physically. I love traveling but felt that taking a rest was a necessary step for me. 
It has been two months already since I came to Stockholm. Thank you for reading my weekly essays and I promise you that I’ll come back with more stories to tell next week! 
Vi ses, 
Jiwoo Kim 
Chemical Engineering
DIS Study Abroad in Stockholm, Sweden
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Something New (Sashnetra pt 2/4)
Here's part 2 for the Wedding Planner AU, and thank you for all the love on part 1! Any feedback is welcomed, thanks lovelies!
Read on ao3
"It looks like that weird Mormon girl and her family are coming back today for another dress fitting."
"Mistress, what have I said about calling our brides and their guests weird?" Sasha called over her shoulder to her employee, as she unlocked the front door and flipped the sign on the door to the 'Open' side. She glanced at Mistress and Luxx from across the lobby, who were both looking over the open scheduling book filled with all the appointments for the day.
A few weeks prior, Anetra, who was accompanied by her mother and younger sisters, had come in for an initial dress appointment. The appointment didn't last long, as her mother had complained directly to Malaysia, as there were 'not enough modest and Godly' dresses in their current inventory. Sasha then placed an order from a dress vendor that specialized in LDS bridal and bridesmaids' dresses. Luckily, the family agreed to come in for a second appointment after hearing that the new sample stock had been sent to the store.
"You said that someone might overhear and get upset, and we can't have a negative review on the Better Business Bureau," Mistress responded in a slight, mocking tone as Sasha walked over to the front desk, her long ponytail flowing behind her, to look at the scheduling book. She noticed that she had no appointments scheduled, and no vendor meetings until the late afternoon, which was a rarity for her.
"Who's going to be with that Mormon family then? We have that bridal party with 20 bridesmaids coming in right before, and that's looking like a two-person job." Malaysia said from where she was arranging the front display of the newest dresses for the upcoming spring season. Sasha thought for a moment, as she recalled seeing the enormous mountain of dresses to be altered from when she was talking to Loosey earlier that morning.
"Luxx and Mistress can take the bridal party coming in. Loosey is behind on alterations, and honestly Malaysia, you are a better seamstress than I am." She informed her team before taking in a deep breath, "I'll take care of the weird Mormon family today."
"I thought you said we can't use that word anymore?" Luxx asked in a sarcastic tone.
"I did, but who is the one that signs your paychecks every week?" Sasha shot back to them, not missing a beat.
"Point taken, then."
A few hours later, Sasha had just finished zipping up the third dress that Anetra tried on for the appointment. Her mother had given the pre-selected dresses a 'modesty seal of approval', and Sasha had the fitting room stocked and ready with Anetra's name scrolled on the whiteboard on the door.
"Okay, turn around and take a look in the mirror for me." Sasha stepped to the corner of the fitting room that allowed Anetra a full view of herself.
"This one is good, I like it. " Anetra said with a straight face, which hadn't changed much since the appointment started.
"Really? Because you said the same thing about the last two. but your face says otherwise." Sasha responded while crossing her arms over her chest. Sasha has met plenty of opinionated brides and even more opinionated families and guests. But she had never come across a bride as indifferent as Anetra.
"Oh, um, sorry. I've been told before that I always look mad. But I like this dress, I promise." Anetra rambled off, avoiding Sasha's striking green eyes in the mirror's reflection.
Sasha suddenly perked up, an idea coming to her head. She gestured to the braid Anetra's hair was tied in, as she had seen her every time the bride entered the store. "Are you planning on wearing your hair like that for your wedding?"
Anetra turned around to look at Sasha and shook her head, saying "I'm probably going to wear it down that day, why do you ask?"
Sasha gently held the braid and asked "Can I?", before Anetra gave her permission. Sasha took out the hair tie, before unraveling the braided strands of hair, into flowing, tawny-colored locks that ran down Anetra's back. She moved a couple strands in front of her shoulders, to frame the face before looking up at Anetra's reflection in the mirror.
Sasha paused for a moment, feeling hit with a sense of awestruck when seeing Anetra. She no longer looked plain and passive, her hair framed her face perfectly, perfectly complimenting her sharp facial features. The long hair made Anetra's athletic frame look more feminine while showing her toned arms that peaked out of the dress's fluttering short sleeves. Sasha felt that it was silly, how one small change in someone's appearance could make her feel this strongly. But Anetra was one of the most gorgeous women she had ever laid eyes on, and that's all Sasha could pay attention to at that moment.
Sasha quickly shook the feeling off, getting back to her professional demeanor. She realized that her hands had somehow traveled down from Anetra's shoulders, and now gently resting above her hips, before quickly putting them at her sides "Okay, let's go out and show them!" she shot a quick smile to their shared reflection before moving to open the door, almost missing that Anetra's cheeks had turned to a pink shade under the fluorescent lighting of the fitting room stall.
Anetra and her family had finished off the appointment by placing an order for a white, A-line bridal dress, with long sleeves made from sheer material, and small floral details embroidered into the fabric. The dress had a small train that flowed behind, which made for a perfect fit for Anetra's cathedral wedding in the next few months. The dress was happily approved by the family, yet Sasha kept to herself that Anetra still seemed indifferent about it, although the bride assured her that it was perfect.
Sasha wrote Anetra's future alterations appointments in Loosey's hot pink scheduling book while making small talk with the family. She made different appointment cards as well, handing them over to the desk to the family, which Anetra's mother took and looked at, one by one. "Oh, this one for the cake sampling with you, I don't think we can do that date that you put down. I need to take Anetra's younger brother to soccer tryouts that day." Anetra's mother told Sasha, handing back the card.
Anetra piped up from in-between her younger sisters, her height making her tower over them. "Actually, I can come by myself to that appointment, if that's okay, with you, Mom," she asked her mother for permission, who thought about it for a moment before responding.
"I don't see why not. It's just a cake tasting ,and I'm sure you and Sasha will pick out something tasty for the wedding cake." Anetra's mother responded.
"Great, It's a date then!" Sasha said brightly, before seeing Anetra's wide-eyed reaction to what she just said. She realized that what she said may not have been the most appropriate response to her engaged client that she'll have an afternoon sampling cake with a stunning woman, alone together in her office. "Oh, obviously not that type of date. But it will still be a great time!" God, Sasha had never felt so flustered and mildly embarrassed in her entire career. Luckily, the family seemed to accept that answer before they had said their goodbyes to the wedding planner. Sasha led them out the front door before it shut behind them and she slumped against it, letting out a deep-rooted sigh.
"Nice save there, boss." Luxx said while briskly walking by, carrying a pile of emerald green bridesmaids dresses in their arms.
Sasha stepped out of her office after a long-winded video call meeting in the late afternoon, in which Anetra never left her mind the entire time. She could hardly concentrate on the vendor's presentation, barely remembering the company's name. Sasha thought that by this time in the afternoon, she would be the last person left in the building, until she heard the hum of a sewing machine down the hall slowing down after a long day of use.
Sasha walked down the hall to the alterations section, and peeked around the door frame to see Loosey finishing up a hem on the last dress in the pile from that morning. Sasha took notice how concentrated the blonde woman looked, putting so much detail and care into the garment she was working on. She admired the amount of dedication Loosey put into her craft, but hated that she would have to interrupt seeing her so focused.
Luckily for Sasha, Loosey saw her in her peripheral vision when checking the thread above, and beamed her a smile. "Hey! Come on in, Sash. I'm just finishing up here." Sasha gave a close-lipped smile in return, and moved to plop in the stool across from the table, unintentionally displaying how this day had drained her. She watched Loosey buzz around the room, putting away the threads and bobbins back to the organizer that hung on the wall. "Thank you for sending Malaysia up here today. I don't think I would have gotten all this done on my own."
"Your welcome, you know if Malaysia wasn't so good at keeping Luxx and Mistress in line, I'd keep her up here with you all the time." Sasha and Loosey laughed together at Sasha's response, both knowing that Malaysia was one of the best retail managers in LA. Sasha wished that she could find another seamstress that could match Loosey's talents, and fit in well with the rest of the team. But Loosey never complained about being the only full-time seamstress (or at least never complained directly to Sasha about it).
"Can I talk to you about something, as a friend?" Sasha trusted Loosey enough to drop her professional façade, knowing that her friend was able to give her no-bullshit advice about personal life.
"Of course, is everything okay?" Loosey hung up the last of the dresses, and moved her rolling desk chair closer to where Sasha sat. Sasha took a deep breath, before telling Loosey all about Anetra, and her complicated feelings about the bride-to-be. Sasha never seriously dated, and never caught feelings for someone so fast. Hell, she stopped having one night stands and deleted all her dating apps after a year of moving to LA. She felt that this was a pointless school-girl crush, on a bride that was going to be someone else's wife.
Loosey listened with full intention, nodding keeping soft eye contact with her friend. When Sasha was done pouring out her feelings, Loosey gently put a hand on Sasha's left knee, and said with sincerity "I know these feelings are new and scary for you, but having a crush is completely okay. You know what you like in a person, and it's okay that you see that in her. But Anetra is going to get her happy ending soon, and you deserve that too, one day."
Sasha slowly nodded while soaking in Loosey's words. She was right, and it was exactly what she needed to hear in that moment. "Thank you, you have no idea how good you are at advice."
"No problem. I think for tonight, you need some good food and a damn good drink. Care to join me for Thai food?" Loosey knew what Sasha's favorite foods were, and when she needed to indulge in an act of self-care.
"I would love that, and I need a joint afterwards, too.”
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sidewayspeace444 · 10 months
No. I’m glad they’re confident in their source! A little spooked they’re calling vendors and then trying to gaslight others into believing they’re the crazy fans. Even DM is like “hmm” // Before November, they were out there saying that he wasn't w her and blah blah blah, then the pap walk happened and they were on Team PR, then this year, they started w this "wedding" and "engagement" bs. If they're really calling vendors that they believe it's involved on his "wedding", then they need to seek help, this is beyond sick.
Btw, let's not forget that even DM back pedaled on her narrative and last month she said there's no "wedding". And that must be considered, because DM NEVER EVER back pedaled on her own narratives. Take Harry and Olivia and Taylor and Joe, who she said they were engaged/married and never back pedaled on these narratives even after they broke up.
Please, please always ask questions. If people are blocking you because you are ASKING valid questions then something is up. If that were me, and I had info, I would mention it and then never talk about it until it happens.
Now it just looks word vomit.
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aldrichpalermo · 1 year
Work, Work, Work | Raldi
Aldrich was at his event planning office with one of his assisting team members, reviewing one upcoming event after another. His schedule had been even busier than usual and each event was in different stages of preparation. Standing over his desk, he decided on a color palette for a shower wherein the client had been indecisive on any sort of theme, and then decided she didn’t want a particular theme but was on board with a color palette and left it up to Aldrich to decide.
Continuing with some phone calls to make confirmations with vendors for a few upcoming weddings, Aldrich ended up sitting back in his desk chair and sighed, calling Riley. He’d checked the time with the clock on his wall and waited for his boyfriend to answer before saying, “Ciao, bello. I don’t like to call with bad news but I have more to do than I planned.” With a bit of a stern frown on his face while looking over a client folder, Aldrich asked, “Would we be able to have our dinner date tomorrow night?”
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thelonesomequeen · 9 months
Do you think there’s a possibility that the whole “wedding” is orchestrated by agents and PR people. Not his team but hers to give Alba a leg up in HW? I’m just having a hard time believing this marriage when there are zero pictures whatsoever and you can’t even find their wedding certificate online, which is supposed to be a public document. Also none of their family members were spotted at the “wedding” just random friends and other celebs (who can obviously be paid) It just all seems very staged to me and I haven’t really seen any evidence to contradict it. Plus Alba doesn’t even live in MA but she stays in Portugal all the time. So how can they be married. It makes no sense that such high-profile vendors with work on an a famous HW actor’s wedding and not post photos to market.
All to say that I will not believe in this marriage until I see REAL PROOF like wedding photos, rings, or certificate. Until then he’s still a single man to me 🤷‍♀️
I’m sorry….but if anyone in this equation needed PR, they’re not going to go as far as setting up a fake wedding. All they’d need to do is be seen out somewhere. And as far as family members not being “seen” at the wedding….it’s kind of a given that they’d be there. That’s not news. His Avengers co-stars? That’s news. And all of his close friends etc traveling to Portugal? There’s no way that’s a coincidence either.
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