#but you know. i'll never be able to really experience his adventure again :( it was so beautiful and it was so fun to play as him
yo9urt · 5 months
bald gate.
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Once Upon a Time 7
Warnings: non/dubcon and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: Andy Barber
Part of the Bookstore AU
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Your shift comes to an end but not with usual zeal for your time off. Since sitting in the back office and watching the image of that man lurking around the corner from your oblivious self, you haven't been able to calm your nerves. Just thinking about it makes you want to vomit.
"Is there anything I can do?" Mr. Pine asks, himself on his way out, "I'm afraid I need to be home but I could call you a cab?"
"No, no, really, I think you scared him away," you shudder, "I'm just going to go to my aunt's place. She says it's cool so I won't have to be alone."
"That's good to hear. Please do let me know if you need any time away from work," he pulls open the door ahead of you, "it isn't too late to call the police."
You chew your lip as you consider the offer again. You thought about it but in your experience, these sorts of things don't warrant more than a scribble on a piece of paper and flippant looks. Your short foray into dormlife and a college career was proof enough that no one really cares.
"Maybe if it happens again," you step outside and pull on your mitts, "thanks for everything, sir."
"Of course, I take care of my employees," he smiles, "please be safe. You have my number."
"Thanks," you echo once more.
"Do try to have a good night," he bows his head.
"You too, sir."
He turns away and his feet crunch on the gathering snow. You back up out of the way of a customer approaching and slowly spin. You won't take your usual train, just to be sure.
You hop on the bus instead, en route to your aunt's place for a homecooked meal and hopefully a hug. You feel like you need one. You get to the stop, keeping your hood up as you hug yourself and rock back and forth impatiently.
Each step, each pass of a car, has you looking around. You expect him to just pop up again. You chatter and rub your mittened hands together as the bus turns the corner. You sigh as it nears and gratefully climb inside as the doors fold open.
You find a seat and feel the day in your shoulders and neck. The tension needles at you as you keep your head perked up, keeping an eye on each stop. You're not used to this route or that side of town. You forget which stop you're waiting for and get off one too early.
You walk the block left to your aunt's house and let yourself in as usual. You don't often have a chance to pop in since you got the job at the bookstore but it still feels like you live there. She has a habit of taking in strays.
You Aunt Joanne greets you with the hug you were looking forward to before you can get out of your boots.
"Hey, sweetie, long time no see," she says buoyantly, "I got my famous lasagna in just for you."
"Great," you smile as you pull off your mitts, "I'm not crashing, am I?"
"Not at all," she chirps, "you're always welcome, you know that."
"Thanks, I just... it was a long day," you bend to unlace your boots.
"Oh, I'm sure," she says, "you always work so hard."
"Uh huh, that's exactly why I flunked out," you scoff as you unzip your jacket.
"Don't you start that," she rebukes, "get in here, I'll make you some hot chocolate. Oh, I can't believe you came all the way here in this cold."
"Aunt Jo," you shake your head.
"Well, someone's gotta worry about you if you're not going to do it yourself," she tuts as a hiss comes from under the TV stand as you stand in the small arch of the entryway. "Oh, Mitzy, be quiet."
She shoos the cat as it swats from its hiding place.
"That one is the devil," she sneers, "always terrorizing poor Cece."
"How many do you have now?"
"Just four. I got the kittens some homes," she trills and grabs your arm, pulling you to the sofa, "alright, you get cozy."
She lets you go and grabs the crocheted throw blanket, sweeping it around your shoulders, "You know your mother would be so proud of you."
"Would she?" You drone.
"Well, I'm proud of you," she declares and pokes you playfully, "find something to watch, I'm bored of all these cooking shows."
She smiles and spins around, hurrying off to the kitchen as another cat appears to glower at you; Lucas, the judgemental shorthair. You sit and grab the remote, the familiar scent of your aunt's cooking and the clanging of her hospitality comfort you. You're safe here.
You find an old episode of Law and Order and sit back with your phone. You have some notifications from your reading app but nothing important. There's a single message in your inbox from a private number, but the preview only shows an image file.
You tap it, expecting some scammer you need to block. Instead, you find a picture of yourself. Your coat and mitts are unmistakable. It's you standing at the bus stop. You have no doubt of who sent it and you're just as certain that he's pissed.
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I'm gonna share with you guys a post canon Sonic Prime thought I've been having since I watched S3
So after S3 I accidentally became obsessed with Oasis's song Wonderwall, which gave me simultaneous Sonine/Chanine thoughts
I don't think I'll dig too much into what the lyrics made me think, I just needed to put that out there for more context.
So imagine Sonic after the events of Sonic Prime. After Shadow made off with the paradox prism, he ended up handing it off to Tails. He didn't trust GUN with being in possession of a gem of such power, and (given his track record with the chaos emeralds) he felt that he could trust that Tails would keep it safe and figure out a better way to keep it hidden.
So, for the time being, Tails keeps it hidden deep underground under one of his many labs. He figures out a way to harness and contain the prism in such a way that keeps it from overloading his systems or having the chance of expressing excess energy in a possibly chaotic fashion (essentially recreating the idea behind the shatterdrive or the chaos council's power core schematics), and then also develops the technology that would keep the prism hidden from anyone specifically searching for paradox prism energy or chaos energy in excess.
With this, Sonic, Shadow, and Tails are the only people aware of the paradox prism's location.
Shadow, being who he is, checks up on the prism fairly often (at least once in a while) out of concern for anything happening to it.
Tails, being who he is, does run more than a few experiments on the prism's energy and documents as much data on the prism he can technically get "safely"
But Sonic... After the events of Prime, Sonic was so happy to finally be home again (not just physically in green hill, but with his friends). All he's wanted for so long (once green hill would finally be fixed) is for things to fall back into its usual (predictive) rhythm, and he succeeded (to an extent). Sure, there will be a baseline level of weirdness for a while. After all, Sonic's friends practically blinked and then Sonic was a different person (a Sonic who went through trauma and an ordeal they will likely never learn the full details of), so it makes sense. But...that's not all. If it was just that Sonic changed and grew in an instant, then after enough time they'd all grow used to the way things are now. No, the problem isn't how everything that happened affects Sonic's friends.
Rather it's about Sonic himself. This is what he wanted all along! He'd felt so happy to be home among his friends again, didn't he? He does enjoy being able to slot into the old routine, fighting Eggman, hanging out with his friends on the beach, having a long day of fighting/adventuring with Tails and then eating a chili dog with him when all is said and done. So...why does he still feel wrong?
But...Sonic does know why he feels wrong, why he can't just fully settle into his old life dispite enjoying such a life. He just handles it by...not really handling it. He puts on a face when he's with his friends or fighting Eggman, trying to seem like his life is *right* again and he's 100% happy about things progressing as normal and fulfilled in his life. But when he stops running, when he crashes at Tails' place and is forced to be alone with his thoughts, Sonic retreats to where the paradox prism is being kept.
The paradox prism is one of those few things that remind him that everything happened. These days, it's hard not to feel like he must have made up his time in the shatterspaces or the shattering, that he just sort of changed one day inexplicably, that one day Shadow will turn to him and tell him that none of it happened (because Shadow is the one person who should know that it happened, the one person he should be able to rely on being in the same boat as him). At first it was something he did once in a while, giving the same excuse as Shadow about just checking up on the prism, but now Sonic sits by the prism every night he can, gazing into it.
Shadow thinks he's too sentimental about the ordeal, but Sonic didn't really expect him to understand why he'd want to remember everything. It didn't really take Tails too long to catch on to Sonic's sneaking away to look at it either, but Tails doesn't really mind it. If it wasn't for his patience and voice of reason and the fact that Tails cares about him, Sonic probably wouldn't be able to sleep as much as he is (although, during those times the two are both down there looking at the prism, or Sonic is looking at the prism while Tails is up late working on something, it's 50/50 whether they even make it to a bed or couch that night).
The first time he studied the prism Sonic learned something peculiar. Apparently, if one focuses when looking at different colored angles, they can see visions of the other shatterspaces (like a tiny window into the world). This revelation was...exciting to say the least, and even moreso when he found out that he could view certain inhabitants just by thinking about them.
And that should have fixed his issue. Every night if he wants, he can check up on anyone, make sure they're alive and not getting into trouble. He does check up on them.
But more often than not, especially once he's secure in thinking the others are alive and real and okay, he finds himself gazing into that purple section of the crystal, and thinking about Nine.
Nine's okay, he knows. Well, alive at least. Part of him dislikes that Nine is still so estranged from everyone else in the shatterverse, and his heart still aches at having left Nine alone back in the Grim. He can’t say he's gung ho about some of the specific robots Nine chose as company either, but nevertheless he watches. He watches Nine rebuild his Grim robots (starting with alpha grim sonic), restore Chaos Sonic, use the materials he has to build a community of his own (even if they are all robots). It's not ideal, but Nine is safe and growing and not fully alone anymore right?
But as he retreats to the prism practically every night, he watches the grim more than anywhere else, and his heart aches.
Because while he'd love to be able to visit and adventure whenever he'd like, for the rest it's...okay enough. He can live with it as long as he can gaze into the paradox prism, so long as he can at least have his home. But with Nine it's...not enough. It's not enough just to know that he's alive and not completely alone.
Sometimes, when Sonic is having fun and comfortable at home, he can’t help but think of how he left Nine—with no one but his own creations to care for him, while just about everyone else hates him.
"I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now"
When Sonic is gazing into the prism, he wants to be there. He wants to be in the Grim with Nine, congratulate him, hug him (when he allows it), talk with him about everything, or just hang out. What good is knowing he's alive when he can't even hear Nine's voice or hold his hand or try to make him smile? What good is sitting there, caring about him from afar, when Nine has no way to know it?
When Sonic is out adventuring or fighting Eggman or hanging out with his friends, he wants Nine to be here. He wants to show him the friends he'd do anything for, he wants him to meet Tails for real, he wants to take him along on adventures or even...the little things. Maybe he wants to eat street food and watch the sunrise with him, or watch Nine and Tails geek out together (his two foxes getting a chance to actually get along).
He wants to be there for everything. He wants to share everything here with Nine.
He wants to see him he wants to see him he wants to see him and not just from afar. It kills him that he's the only one who wants this.
If the shatterspaces weren't so closed off, if he could even visit Nine whenever he wanted, that would make him feel better. But he's stuck here. Missing Nine all the time, always torn between here and there (because he never would have stayed, but he hated to leave).
And Nine? Nine could never forget Sonic—not as long as he lived. Even if he came to bury the memories of the past—of his time in New Yoke, or the war—he couldn't forget Sonic even if he wanted to. Part of him felt embarrassed about this truth, if not a bit pathetic, but the other part of him owned this. It would be easy to forget, but he doesn't want to.
Nine was...alone for a little while after the war—after Sonic left. At first he was just...depressed. Everything that had happened since he first met Sonic began to fully sink in, and he missed Sonic, and yet chided himself for it. Sonic wouldn't understand that Nine has never been this same since meeting him. He'd wished Sonic would choose to stay with him so so so many times, but he knew now that it wasn't meant to be. For one thing, he had to be taken back to his home if he wanted to live. For another, it was...funny to him that it had taken so long for him to accept that Sonic never would have stayed in the Grim with him, that he could never be Sonic's first choice. And now...he couldn't take that away from him. He's dreamed and imagined so many senarios in which Sonic took his hand, or in which they figured out another way to keep Sonic from shattering and Sonic chose to give up finally going home to stay with him and sometimes even what would have happened had he gone with Sonic and Shadow. But in the end, no matter how much he wants, he'd never make Sonic choose him. He'd never beg him to stay, try and get him to leave his home and his friends. And part of that is due to the guilt of even trying or believing it could be possible. And another (of many parts) is because, deep down, he's not sure if he deserves this.
After everything that happened between them, after everything he did (even if Sonic wasn't a peach either), did he...even deserve to have Sonic at his side?
He couldn't wallow forever, though. No. He eventually set to rebuilding Alpha Grim Sonic with the tools in his lab. And that helped just a little with the loneliness. And then his second pet project was to figure out how to replicate Chaos Sonic, and everything that made him (but loyal to himself of course). Nine was surprised he even had residuals prism energy left after the paradox prism itself teleported away, but he knows that (if not the power in it) the memories held within the prism's energy were invaluable to recreating the robot.
There wasn't much on the Grim, but Nine could do only his best to make it home. Not that he knew what it would ideally look like, especially with Sonic gone, but he gave it a try. He'd come to create new robots and rebuild others—ones that could not move against him, but nevertheless we able to live freely. And as this society of robots began, and they began to build things for themselves, Nine found the inspiration to join in on creating this home for all of them.
An addition he'd been quite proud of was the large statue in the center square of his bustling robot community—a statue depicting himself and Sonic.
This all would take quite a while to build, and it would take quite a long time to get to this point, but it was something. The time spent on all of this gave Nine something to do, made him feel like he was getting ever closer to making things "home".
But even with Alpha Grim Sonic and Chaos Sonic at his side, a whole community to preside over, and ultimate authority in a place no outsider could infiltrate
He knew it would never be complete. He strove for all this because he had to, because he couldn't let himself wither away here. He had to find some way to live and enjoy himself and TRY to make this place the home he always wanted. He couldn't give up.
Of course, it's Sonic that's missing (because everything always seems to come back to him with Nine at some point). When the statue was finished and placed in the center square, he'd wished Sonic could have been there to see it. When he's sad, when he's depressed, when he's happy, when he's showing off or accomplished something, when he's having a laugh, or needs a hug—all the time he wishes Sonic was here with him to take it all in.
It would be even a little better if Sonic had the ability to visit. Or, if there was no other way, sometimes Nine thinks he'd even brave entering Green Hill just to be around him for a little bit.
"I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now"
Alpha Grim Sonic and Chaos Sonic have been with Nine the longest since all the shatterspaces became closed off from each other and Nine was left here alone. His two bodyguards, ever by his side.
Alpha Grim Sonic has had this budding personality and soul that's been growing ever since his creation. But because of this slow process, because of him originally being created as solely obedient to Nine without pushback, and because he's mute, it would take a long while before he'd be considered as more than a loyal robot, not able to live beyond its programming.
So, for a while, Chaos Sonic fancied himself the only one of the pair who really felt for Nine and what he'd been through. To him, he was Nine's one and only best friend.
While Sonic would gaze at Nine from afar, worlds apart, through the paradox prism.
Chaos Sonic stood at his side, talked to him, cared for him, helped him. He was more than the loyal thoughtless bot he thought Alpha Grim Sonic was. He'd be a better best friend than Sonic ever was. He couldn't fathom how Nine would continue to hold onto Sonic's memory after everything that had happened.
So Chaos Sonic, too, began to feel like the only other person who really cared about Nine after everything that had happened to him (even if he'd eventually concede that Alpha Grim Sonic had similar feelings and loyalties regarding Nine)
Sonic and Nine, worlds apart, missing each other.
Sonic and Chaos Sonic, each fancying themselves Nine's true best friend, and the only person who truly cares about him now.
Sonic and Nine, who each want the other to be at their side, but would be content to at least meet again.
Chaos Sonic and Alpha Grim Sonic, two loyal robots who want to forever be by Nine's side, and yet know they'll always play second fiddle to Sonic.
I am so emotional about it
I learned that apparently Wonderwall was depicting a person and their imaginary friend, which hurt more when thinking about all this. Sonic, who may as well be imaginary, because he can see and he can wish but he can never touch. And Chaos Sonic, who may as well be imaginary to those like Sonic, because only Nine really begins to consider him (and eventually Alpha Grim Sonic) as real.
Periodically I just get this imaginary wonderwall amv playing in my head depicting Nine's actions pre and post canon + Sonic and Chaos Sonic each getting a chance to be the speaker of the song
I'm so emotional about them
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whatinthehale17 · 9 months
Okay so, this is a bit of long shot but I'm planning on starting a fanmade project for TE. It's my favorite choices story and there's still so much you can do with it.
I'm currently figuring out how to use Ren'py right now and watching videos and what not to figure out how to do this. I'm pretty new to all this but I think it'd be a fun project.
I'm probably gonna do some of the writing like the plot and Shreya's route (best girl) and also as I said I'm figuring out the coding as well.
But I'm definitely gonna need some help on this. I know others have expressed interest in a 3rd book and now is your chance if you're willing to help. Again it's fanmade and we're not making money off of this, this is just for fun and you can bail at any time.
I'll be making a discord once I start to get some interest in this so the link will be up at some point but if you're interested, just comment saying you'd like to help and what you'll be able to provide for this project.
Co-runner- I'm gonna need someone to help me run this project, help me keep the thing running and I'm a bit of an idiot so I'll be coming to you if I need help with anything. You'll be the Atlas to my MC lmao.
Artist- If you're a good drawer or you just love to draw and wanna help out on this project, we'd love to have you. I'm thinking we'll need some new characters for the plot and if you want, maybe some new backgrounds too (or we could just pick ones from the multiple backgrounds choices already has)
Writer- I'm a lesbian and obsessed with Shreya so I don't really have any idea about the other routes. But I know a lot of people are obsessed with like Beckett and the other love interests so anyone willing to help work on the different routes would be great. Not to mention the plot of the book, the adventures the pend pals could be getting into and side stuff like your relationship with your mom and the villains and such.
Coders- Like any great game, we'd need people who can code or wanna try it out like I'm currently doing. I've always heard Ren'py is good for that stuff and that's what the ILW crew used and that's what I'm currently learning right now so if you wanna try it out or already know how, we'd appreciate the help.
And of course, if you just wanna help out, you can join and I'll figure something out for you to do. My work schedule is kind of whack right now so this week we probably won't be getting anything done unfortunately (maybe Thursday or Friday if I have people and what not) but hopefully the week after, i'll have things figured out.
Last but not least, my idea for how I think the plot should go-
The gang is back for their next year of school
MC, Shreya, Zeph, Beckett- Juniors
Griffin- Senior
Aster, Atlas- Sophomores
But just like always, the school year is never simple for them.
The High Attuned has been watching over the school and visiting more frequently, keeping an eye on you and Atlas.
Zeph is having trouble with Thief captain as much as he hates to admit it.
Griffin is having parent troubles after they found out about his interest in Natural disaster field work instead of being a professional Thief player.
Shreya has hired an assistant to help with Serene and Sublime, though the assistant keeps messing things up and causing Shreya to lose customers, important ones at that.
With Beckett's urge to please his professors, he works himself too much to the point he begins to experience burnout and freaks out over the smallest things resulting in him pushing his friends away.
Aster is having trouble running the shop and keeping up with her studies and she's worried she might have to close it down.
Atlas is happy to catch up on lost time with their mom but when their mom becomes a professor for the school, Atlas isn't exactly sure how to feel about it and starts to lash out on Theia, resulting in the MC to have to try and fix the relationship.
MC does their best to help everyone with their problems but begins to have problems of their own when the school recruits another sun-att who does everything in their power to one up MC in every way.
Of course, it's just a rough draft of how I think the year should go, but we could always change stuff around if people have better ideas. Also, of course, there will be new spells to learn like in the other books and I was also thinking like...was I the only one that shipped Dean Swan and Theia together? Like Dean Swan already acts like a mother figure to the twins. And some of the sources will be back like Gemma and I really wanted to incorporate the High Attuned because we got like two minutes of information about them and then nothing ever again.
So yeah, this is super long and we can talk more on the discord but if you're interested just tell me what you wanna do.
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themuskrater · 9 months
I just played and finished Gotham Knights for the first time
And I have a LOT of thoughts. I might go in depth on certain things in other posts, but I want to kinda go over my general thoughts and feelings about this game. Spoilers ahead for:
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First things first, if you want this to be "Arkham: Gotham Knights", you are going to leave very disappointed. The game's reception was hurt pretty bad by comparisons it to the Arkham series. Arkham is a masterpiece. Gotham Knights is very good at what it wants to accomplish, but comparing it to Arkham feels unfair. I mean...I'm gonna do it anyways, but I'll compare them with the intention that the Arkham games and Gotham Knights set out to accomplish two different things
The Good:
•By far, the best aspect of this game is the scripted moments between the Batfamily. This game features Nightwing (Dick Grayson), Batgirl (Barbara Gordon), Red Hood (Jason Todd), Robin (Tim Drake), and Alfred. It's very clear this is the aspect the developers put the most focus into and it really pays off. It gives me the same feeling as reading "Batman: Wayne Family Adventures". If you just want to see the Batfamily interact and support each other, you're gonna love this game
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•While it took me a while to get used to, I really fell in love with the art direction of this game. The skyline of Gotham City is gorgeous. I love the way the bright neon signs illuminate the low hanging fog giving everything a sort of colorful haze. And while I don't love every suit design, I think the customization let's me really like most of them. Batman especially looks really great in this game. His suit in this game is inspired by his look in the Rebirth comics and it translates beautiful
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The Bad:
• I'm genuinely confused by the characterization of Mr. Freeze in this game. His motivations are all over the place to the point that I wonder if WB Montréal decided to combine Victor and Nora Fries into one character. At the beginning of the Mr. Freeze side mission, it's explained that Mr. Freeze had given up crime because Batman had promised to help develop a cure for his condition, but now that Batman is gone, he's back at it. Victor doesn't normally care about his own illness, he just wants a cure for Nora. But Nora is never mentioned in this game. Even weirder, nothing he does in the story is ever to cure his condition. SO WHY DID HE STOP CRIME IN THE FIRST PLACE IF HE DOESN'T EVEN CARE ABOUT FINDING A CURE AND HE JUST WANTS TO FREEZE GOTHAM!? It's just a weird creative decision to take
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•Yeah so this one isn't a big deal, but at one point in the story, a cat sneaks into The Belfry and the Batfamily just kind of adopt it. It stays there for the rest of the game. You can't pet the cat. I know this isn't important, but it actually made me genuinely sad when I found this out
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The Ugly:
•To call this game underdeveloped would be a compliment. I wouldn't call it unpolished, because the game runs perfectly as intended in my experience. I didn't encounter a single bug or crash. But the story and the gameplay feel half-baked, which really sucks considering those are the two main aspects of a video game
•In the gameplay department, combat is passable but the skill ceiling is REALLY low. It reallys very restrictive in what you're actually able to do, but the combat by itself isn't so bad that it isn't fun.
Traversal on the other hand is awful. All the characters use a grapple to get around, but there's no momentum, so you feel like you're barely moving. You stop and lose all momentum between grapples. Arkham also has a grapple gun but it allowed you to string multiple grapple points and keep your momentum through them so they'd be more fluid and you keep your speed going
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The Batcylce is also not great. It's REALLY slow and despite the added movement lines around the screen to provide the illusion of speed, you're barely moving faster than the cars on the road. Again, compare this to the Batmobile in Arkham Knight. I did not love the Batmobile in Arkham Knight, and I outright hated the Riddler races, but it was fast and you could really feel the speed in it
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Finally you don't actually unlock the ability to glide or any of the other weird traversal abilities if you're playing as anyone other than Nightwing or Batgirl until you complete the Knighthood challenges. Locking an essential traversal ability behind an option set of challenges is weird to say the least. I don't have much to say about gliding, it controls fine but feels slow compared to Arkham
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•Lastly, the story of this game isn't bad for what is is, but is disappointing when you realize it had the potential to be so much better by including two characters who are absent from this game: Kate Kane Batwoman and Damian Wayne Robin. The game is set up as a sort of gang war between the The League of Assassins lead by Talia Al Ghul and The Court of Owls lead by Jacob Kane. Both of their child are members of the batfamily, but were weirdly excluded from this game. Including them as playable characters could have made the conflict more personal and interesting.
Additionally, Catherine Kane, Kate Kane's step-mother, is the current anti-vigilante Commissioner of the GCPD. Her daughter being Batwoman would be great character drama that goes completely unexplored. As is, Catherine is a one dimensional, underdeveloped character. And Damian could be shown as torn between the recent death of his father and the re-emergence of his mother in Gotham City. These characters feel like obvious inclusions for the story of this game but are missing without any explanation
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In Conclusion:
This game has a lot working against it. I couldn't even fit half of my thoughts into this already way too long rant. The game is just average in the gameplay, mediocre in the story, but absolutely phenomenal in the inter-character relationships. I compared it to Wayne Family Adventures earlier, and if you love stuff like that and want more of the Batfamily being supportive and wholesome to each other, you'll love this game. And I think that's genuinely the main appeal of Gotham Knights. But if you're not interested in the characters and just want a Batman action game, it's passable, but you'd be better off playing any of the Arkham games
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rubykgrant · 23 days
Okay so I know you brought up an AU with freelancers alive before, like all of them even Niner and the triplets and Florida and Connie, but here's what just interested me: how is Maine with everyone? Reds, Blues,, Freelancers, Locus, etc.
I had a whole post with some different Freelancer thoughts, so I'll copy-past the Maine bits from there, and also add a few more-
-Other people keep taking the “Grifshot” and hiding it somewhere Maine can find find it, and he ALWAYS gives it back to Grif... who is like a timid little bunny rabbit in that situation
-Maine will also just stand around and watch Tucker do stuff. Tucker feels like this is some kind of INTIMIDATION act, but Maine literally just thinks Tucker is cool
-Doc and Maine hung out together for several days before even discussing stuff about O’Malley and the Meta... nobody is entirely sure what was said (which is fine if they want to keep it private), and this seems to have resulted in Doc having absolutely NO fear of Maine (even when other people still get intimidated), and Maine has all these inside-jokes with O’Malley
-Sarge called dibs on Maine, South, and York. He truly feels like they are integral to some kind of grand scheme that makes no sense to anybody else. Maine is fine with it, he likes the Reds. South immediately jumps on the SUCK IT BLUES band-wagon (because guess which side her bro got absorbed into). York hams it up, like woe is me, I am on the opposing side of a feud from my dear friends, knowing full well this does not matter
-When Maine seems to be getting especially “isolated”, it’s actually Locus who knows how to gently approach him and pull the guy into a different train of thought (both having once felt like they were “just weapons”, and learning how to be people again). Maine returns the favor, but with a different method; when Locus is in a self-destructive and depressed mood, Maine will just pick him up, then go pick up somebody else, like Wash or Caboose or whoever might be right for the moment, and they have a Friendship Adventure (which usually involves watching cartoons)
-Church and Maine have this silent shared feeling that... doesn't really have a name. Or at least, not one single name. What Maine went through being the Meta, the Fragments all coming together but still feeling that they were "missing" something... and Church, who forgot he was the Alpha AI, and for a long time, never had the chance to be with everybody he cared about, all together... Church has his Fragments again, and they can also still visit with Maine, but none of them will ever be the Meta again, and it still feels like somebody is lost; there is a lot of regret, but also a sad sort of comfort in knowing they can still live. On a happier note, Church and Maine like to cook together~
-Carolina and Wash are in a similar situation of seeing shared pain in each other's eyes; "I tried to kill you" and "I didn't understand you" playing in the back of their heads when they look at each other. What finally helps them get through it is almost pretending like they are just "regular people" meeting for the first time, learning how to share interests and parts of their lives they haven't been able to experience in a while (Carolina spends time watching movies with him, while Wash will enjoy outside/nature activities with him)
-Caboose intuitively understands what Maine is thinking about/trying to say even when he feels like he can't communicate (Maine has learned how to sign, and has a keypad as well, but sometimes it is difficult to just express thoughts into words at all). Maine wishes he could return the favor, but it is much more difficult to understand Caboose... that doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate the effort~
-Donut and Maine are obnoxious together, they do this good cop/bad cop thing when they want the others to participate in re-decorating the living area (for some reason, Maine is the "good cop", but also the "strong silent type" who just backs up all of Donut's weird demands)
-Kai is happily surprised that Maine is so impressed with how flexible she is, so she teaches him all kinds of crazy stretching techniques (it helps with a lot of his muscle-knots and old injuries)
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seldomscilence16 · 7 months
Whumptober day 30:
"It's okay just to say 'I'm not okay'."
Borrowed Clothing | Bridal Carry | "Not much Longer…."
Fandom: Bat Family
Prompts used: All
Ive been reading dpxdc but am not confident yet, so heres some OOC Bats, based mostly on Wayne Family Adventures, tried angsting some new people for once! I have only read Duke in WFA so hes probably the most OOC forgive me. But let me know, Id love to hear from ya'll on any of my posts :)
TW for blood and injuries, near death experiences
"I am never letting you talk me into this again."
Tim glares at the far wall, hanging by his feet, arms tied to his chest. He's in civvies, and his brothers WILL owe him a new outfit after this.
"Oh come on, you were the perfect bait!" Jason's voice comes through the comm, barely holding back his snickers.
"Hush Little-Wing. I'll take you to your favorite coffee place- at a reasonable time- to make up for it BabyBird." Dicks voice is far more sympathetic and even tinged with the anxiety that comes with seeing his brothers in harm's way.
"Then Jay owes me a new outfit." He murmurs a tad petulantly.
"TT, I still think we should have snuck in instead of this, convoluted, plan."
"That would have been fine if we had known where they were located, hence this plan." Duke yawns as he finishes his sentence, pulling a double shift for this case.
"Next time, someone else can be the hostage." Tim grumbles as a headache grows with all the blood rushing to it.
"Whatever you say Timmy." Jason placates mockingly.
"Is anyone else concerned about how long they've left Red Robin alone?" Barbara's exasperated voice comes through the comms, bringing everyone back.
"The lack of blood in my legs should definitely be considered." Tim comments, swinging slightly to try and look around.
"Well, it looks like everyone is-"
"Leaving the building!" Duke cuts Dick off, Jason curses,
"Looks like we got some rats to catch!" He calls, leaping from his hiding spot before the others could react.
"Hang in there Tim, we'll be back!"
"I regret my existence."
"TT is that all?" Damian is a millisecond behind Jason, Dick and Duke give each other an eye roll of comradery, before they are following.
They put up a fight. Seemingly desperate to escape- though it's not super odd- they seem more scared of not being able to leave than of the Bats themselves.
"Not much longer…" The anxious mutter comes from the goon closest to Signal.
He’s quick to pin him, nerves flying in his gut, telling him that they were missing something important.
“Until what?” He pulls his best Batman voice, tired gravel helping him hopefully.
Pinned against the building, Signal doesn’t really need an answer from the goon, the light gives him a glimpse of exactly what he needs to know, but the answer comes anyway,
“Guys, we’ve got a situation! I’m going in for T- the hostage!” Duke catches himself throwing the guy to the nearest Bat, “Find the bomb!” He dashes into the building.
“A bomb?” Tims voice groans, “I am owed several coffees, thank you.”
“Maybe focus on not blowing up first?” Duke's voice is strained, not yet so nonchalant with these types of threats.
“The goons are ready for transport, we’re headed to the device, just stay calm Duke.” Dicks voice is level, and Duke takes a breath to match it.
Tim is partway untied, having been working on it since he’d been hooked, his face is flushed but he gives a lopsided grin- likely to comfort Duke.
“Signal, my man, come to hang out?”
“Har har, let's get you down.”
He steadies him as his feet touch the ground, head spinning and body reorienting, they haven’t even taken a step yet when the whole building shakes, rickety floors and creaky walls groaning with the effort.
“Uh, guys?” Duke cautions, worry skyrocketing again.
“Time to move!”
Duke doesn't need to be told twice, he scoops Tim into his arms with a grunt and finds himself sprinting once more.
“Blushing bride was not on my list.” He mumbles, hand holding his head as the other tires to keep him stable.
“Don't worry, sure it doesn't count when the blood had no other option.”
“You’d be surprised.”
The floor is crumbling as another tremor wracks the old bones of the place. He makes the decision to find the nearest window, taking the Bat route out, and sending a prayer to whoever listened that they all made it out.
“You’re ok… ‘s good…” Blood is a second skin, Jason's jacket torn to shreds as glass and wood alike protrude from his body.
“Todd.. you're…” Damian looks up at the unhooded vigilante, minor damage to himself as he see the crushing weight his brother keeps off him.
“Relax kid… Won't die frem the same ting twice.”
“Jay! Damian!” Dick coughs, the bloody hero shoving at the beams across Jays back until the two can get free. “Are you guys okay?”
“S’fine, lets get baby brat outta here.” The slur comes and goes from his tone, whether from a given effort or otherwise they can't tell. Shifting nearby has them tensing, before a light shines at them,
“Oh thank the Gods.” Duke is dusty but unharmed, moving debris ever so carefully to give them a path out.
“M’place s’closest.” Jason murmurs, leaning heavily on Damian who hadnt moved from his side.
“I can not carry you Todd, stay awake.” The youngest mutters despite his stance.
“It's okay just to say ‘I’m not okay’.” Duke interrupts quickly, taking the lead as Dick takes the rear.
“...could be better.” He concedes.
“You are not this much bigger than me. How?” Tim swims in the borrowed shirt and sweats, as does Damian, but neither seems keen to take them off either as they plop onto Jason's couch.
In the kitchen, Duke, Jason and Dick patch each other up carefully, channeling Alfred as best they can until they decide the trip is worth it. Jason grits his teeth as another stitch pierces his skin, Dick muttering a thousand quiet apologies in several languages. Duke keeps his eyes on his own job, if for nothing else than to keep from cringing and hurting Dick.
“We’re bringing the girls next time. This never happens when they're around.” Tim grumbles, ice pack on his face.
“I beg to differ.” Dick mutters.
“Is night shift always like this?” Duke ties off his last bandage and goes about cleaning up.
“Meh.” He gets several, so so hand gestures and a tutt and groans to himself.
“We’re alive, goons apprehended, I'm calling it a win.”
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strongfuck · 1 year
@lowerqualityrp: [x]
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Jack knows he’s about to die again, and the inability to do anything about it strikes a fear into his soul that can only be surpassed by what he felt as he watched Angel die.
“Rhys, don’t.
“Rhys, please-”
If he’d have been human, there certainly would have been tears brimming his eyes.
And yet, he isn’t.
Still, he’s Handsome Fucking Jack and he’s never been one to go down without a fight. As he watches the shrapnel dig into the port, he jolts upwards and guns it towards the lowly former manager as if he’s capable of wrapping his hands against the metal and jerking it from his grip.
“Rhys, don’t you fucking d-”
Groaning, Jack’s eyes open again.
Except, it doesn’t feel right. It doesn’t feel like it did when he was living in Rhys’ head, and he doesn’t quite feel alive. It’s foreign and, albeit, a little bit frightening.
Jack didn’t have a plan for the conversion to fail. He didn’t come up with a plan B. And yet, he’s here. Not quite breathing, but he’s alive. While he’s thrilled he’s not sitting in the black abyss of the afterlife, he’s not exactly prepared to find out who kept him around and why?
He swears, if it’s that fucking Maliwan bitch trying to get his sales tactics-
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Never let anyone say that Rhys isn't a man of his word. Even when he'd been in Hyperion, his deals may have been shady, but ultimately they'd been deals he carried to the end.
With the gorgeous, purple light of the Vault of the Traveller around him, the blue of Jack's projection looks a different colour entirely. Despite how long it'd been, he looks exactly like Rhys remembers: comically taller than him, kind of manic, kind of scared. And it makes him wonder if time's passed for Jack at all, if that's something an artificial intelligence that advanced can experience-- because he looks just like he did in the wreckage of Helios when he'd begged on his knees for his life.
Then again, maybe that has something to do with the fact Jack had spawned out of the projector on his knees, too.
So, just like he did all those years ago, Rhys kneels as well to meet Jack's eye. "...hey, Jack."
Off in the distance, the rest of the crew is looking over the treasure haul with cheerful chatter. Sasha has an armful of guns, Fiona is trying to convince her to make multiple trips instead of one big one, and Gortys and Loader Bot are scavenging through gear to help Vaughn. Rhys had excused himself minutes earlier, but they'd stopped watching over him as soon as he was far enough away.
He's been busy over the years working on new Atlas tech: going through their blueprints, reviving them, making his own, forging, building, programming. The facility he'd taken to using was full of shit, certainly, but keeping himself preoccupied helped stave off the conflicting emotions from their whole adventure pretty damn well. If the price of being able to sleep at night was being a workaholic, then Rhys would take it.
At the moment, Jack's being projected from a device made out of scraps leftover from Rhys' most recent attempt at making a sniper rifle. He's not connected to any networks, not really capable of doing anything except processing his own program and moving within the limits of the device's ability to project, but he's activated just like Rhys promised.
I'll bring you back when I'm better. He isn't really, but it can't get much better than opening a fucking Vault, can it?
"Welcome back." Rhys rubs the side of his neck, palm over his tattoo. "Uh... kinda."
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therese-lokidottir · 1 year
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And like, Marvel's used writers and directors in the past who didn't have much experience (the Russos were primarily known before Captain America: The Winter Soldier for their work on Community and Happy Endings, Jon Favreau's directing credits pre-Iron Man were Made, Elf, and Zathura: A Space Adventure, James Gunn was known for horror films like Slither and Dawn of the Dead as well as writing the live-action Scooby Doo films; Ryan Coogler had only helmed Fruitvale Station and Creed before he did the Black Panther movies). But at least those writers/directors worked in genres that translated perfectly to the superhero stories (you can see in the Scooby-Doo movies some of the clever kinds of gags that Gunn uses in his more recent movies, and his horror background translates perfectly to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and Peacemaker; Fruitvale Station was about the kind of subject matter that is a major motivator for the villain of Black Panther, making Coogler a perfect fit; etc.)
Meanwhile, She-Hulk was helmed by people with no background in writing legal procedurals (compared to say, Daredevil: Born Again, which is using writers with some legal background). Loveness only wrote six episodes of Rick & Morty before he was picked to write Quantumania, Waldron only wrote one episode and was a producer on that before he was tapped for Loki and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. And like the Redditor who made the screengrabbed comment pointed out, there's a certain degree of arrogance that is very off-putting about Rick & Morty writers.
I've said before is what's lacking in current MCU is the lack of sincerity. Gunn is great at balancing and embracing the ridiculousness and being sincere and treating the characters seriously. Whedon's Avengers films especially the first job balanced the snark and lampshading with serious moments and character development really well. Unfortunately a lot of imitators aren't able to pull off the balance as well, they don't know when to pull back and let a moment happen.
A big problem right now is the creators themselves don't take the material seriously. They don't care or haven't watched and don't understand how it works and why it means something to people. They don't want to be looked down on for taking this weird thing seriously so they try to be ahead of the viewers and make fun of material themselves. Isn't this dumb thing dumb? Aren't we so smart for pointing out how ridiculous this is? The don't have anything to add or try to make it fit the tone they treat everything like a parody. There is a lot of arrogance in how they think they're above the material they're making.
There is a lot that could be said and discussed about the humor in Rick&Morty. What I'll say here is that the sense humor doesn't really fit with the MCU and most important how it tells story truly does not work within the MCU. It was always a foremost a parody of science fiction. It never treated its set up or world building as strict rules but as loose guidelines that could change or be ignored for the sake of jokes or pushing the plot forward. That mindset has remained with the writers and really that has done the overall story a disservice.
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at0micc0la · 1 year
Quackity's Radio
Living in Karmaland is a nice experience, yes, the people here can be really annoying (cofcof Rubius cofcof), but the man was able to live comfortable. Even without a house, life was kind most of the time.
In the city he got used to live with Rubius some weeks, then go to stay with Luzu and building his house (again). Some days he just helped other citizens with chores to earn some money, but he whined to his friends about it at the end of the day.
One day after helping Merlon, the old man sent him on a mission a few times away, nothing too dangerous 'cause the man had a hard time when it came to fights, Merlon invited him to drink a cup of tea
"I'm sorry, young hero, some pillagers stole my diamonds and emeralds, father Alexby is taking care of them" the man carefully put a cup of tea in front of the young man who was cursing him
'Pinche viejo, me hace viajar un día completo y ni paga me da, que sea mexicano no significa que sea esclavo, cabrón' [Translation: fucking old man, he makes me travel a whole day and he can't even pay! I'm mexicam but that doesn't mean that you can take advantage of me, asshole]
"But I can re pay you with some artifacts I gathered" the man stood up from the chair, he barely sat for two seconds and was already moving to another room "Come with me, boy"
"Fuckin' nasty old man, Ay Dios! Hope he doesn't kill me" the man grumbled through his teeth, following the man, not before sending a text to Rubius saying 'I think Merlon will kill me or fuck me...' and the half bear man just responded with a 'xd. enjoy'
"They're a little old but I clean them at least once a month, I'll let you be, I need to finish my tea" The man left Quackity by himself not knowing what to do, he shyly got close to the artifacts playing with all of them, breaking some in the process and hiding them in the furthest part of a box.
"Gosh, this is getting tedious. I need music for times like this" Quackity grumbled and sat on the floor, peaking the boxes and getting pissy beacuse he should be at home or stealing Rubius food or cuddling with Luzu but no, he needed to choose an artifact as a payment "Wait! I can choose one without looking and just leave" the idea cheered up the man, even if part of him wanted something useful, he wanted to do something else.
So he just took the first thing that he touched, and when he saw what he took he was fascinated. A small radio was the mysterious object, so he inspected it, to see if at least it worked and thanks to the Gods it did.
The radio played just old songs, romantic mexican ballads that reminded him if home, of abuela Coco and his cousins. He remembered the morning drinking chocolate next to Beni and Cochi, enjoying being kids.
"Hey, grampa" Quackity shout to Merlon, while playing with some funny buttons "I'm taking this little radio" when he let the button go he heard his voice repeting what he just said
"Oh, the old radio" the man fixed his glasses "It's an amazing artifact, take care of it"
Quackity left Merlon's house, the little radio playing Chente as loud as it could. The boy couldn't leave for an adventure without that little radio, sometimes he used it to make fun of his friends or just to de-stress. Merlon payed him a few days later the money he couldn't pay him for the mission and a little bit more for the inconvenience, but Quackity wasn't really interest in the money that much, well, he was interested because he was poor at the momento, but he was really thankfull of the radio who became his companion.
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
a/n: Sorry, didn't proof read it, but this is a headcanon that I love and never wrote about it. In this house we love Karmaland Quackity and his love for old mexican music
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imaginesforjohnnydepp · 2 months
young sidney #2 (sidney's first interview)
june 2005
"from the adventures of sharkboy and lavagirl in theaters next friday, please welcome sidney depp!" there was a lot more people than she expected, it was so loud! she quickly refocused on jay leno, who extended his hand and shook it as she sat down, and after a minute the applause died down. she wasn't expecting the lights to be this bright, it always seemed more dim when she would watch at home. "look at you! you've gotten so tall! the last time i saw you, you came up to my knees!"
it is true; just a few months shy of her thirteenth birthday, sidney towered over most of the boys in her grade and she's already taller than taylor and cayden, her costars. "just eating all of my vegetables i guess." the audience laughed at that, although she couldn't tell if they were laughing to be nice or if they genuinely thought she was funny. "i see, i see. how old are you now, fourteen?" "no, i'll be thirteen in september," she responded.
"thirteen. gosh, the last time you were here, it was 1995 and you were asleep on your dad's lap, right on this very couch. do you remember that?" sidney could barely remember what she had for breakfast this morning; she just shook her head as the audience laughed (apparently they remembered like it happened this afternoon) so jay recounted the tale to those who didn't know the story: her dad was in this very studio during an appearance to promote nick of time. johnny was trying to get sidney to take a nap but she was not going down, even though he knew she was tired, her body just hadn't gotten the message.
her dad said leaving her alone with kate would make the situation worse, and no one else backstage had any experience with children, so he had no choice but to scoop her up with her blanket and snack and take her with him onto the stage as the show was just coming back from commercial break, and it was only then that she was (finally) able to go to sleep.
now the topic was finally back to sidney. "was it a wig or did you really dye your hair pink?" "they actually dyed my hair, and it took an entire day. by the end of it, i was like "i'm never doing this again." the audience laughed again, seeming to actually find it funny. as the segment went on, sidney found herself becoming more comfortable as leno asked her everything under the sun: her hobbies which sidney admitted her love of reading, the type of music she likes to listen with her friends ("destiny's child, britney spears, mariah carey."), and finally school and her plans for the summer.
"school's not so bad, and i get straight a's, so i'm not too bad. the only thing i hate is waking up so early but now that it's summer, i can just sleep in, but i still have to complete my reading list which is fine." sidney only has two more books before she's free, not that she minds. "and then after the press tour i'm just gonna spend the rest of the summer with my dad, so i'm pretty excited about that." her dad would be getting ready for his own press tour for charlie and the chocolate factory, so she and her brother and sister would try to squeeze in as much time as possible with him.
soon, sidney's segment was over and they cut to commercial break with jay promising to be back with the musical guest. "...and clear!" someone yelled from off stage. "how do you feel now? was i too much?" "no, no, you were fine. it's just a lot to take in." throughout her interview, sidney had to remind herself to block out the noise and just focus on leno. "it's so much brighter than when i watch at home."
leno laughed, patting her on her back. "trust me, to start to get used it, which is something you'll learn to do too. you'll be fine." sidney walked off backstage where her mom was waiting for her. sidney was hungry and tired at this point so they went through burger king drive thru before going back to their hotel. she was allowed to watch one episode of that's so raven while she ate and then go to bed; the premiere was tomorrow as well as additional press. she couldn't wait for it to be over so she could enjoy the rest of her summer.
"i don't know how dad does this for a month straight for every movie. for a month straight." the episode was almost over, so sidney made the transition of getting ready for bed: texting her friends good night and putting her phone on the charger and turning back the covers on the bed. "that's because your dad loves what he does, and he has to feed his kids, and if you're serious about acting, you're going to have to get used to not sleeping in your own bed for periods at a time. just think of it as an extended field trip. you get to travel, meet new people."
as her mom turned off the light, she said, "just one more day and you're done and you can have the rest of the summer." and that's what she's hanging on for. just one more day.
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gabenvrhappened · 10 months
MoviesOr... Asteroid City
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Wes Anderson's aesthetic is all over social media nowadays, which is incredible. There's something about directors being able to create a signature look for their work that makes me appreciate what they do even more, even if I haven't watched their movies. Of course, that's not the case with Wes, since I've already watched two of adventures on the big screen: the great The Grand Budapest Hotel and the not-so-good Moonrise Kingdom.
With that, it's safe to assume I went to watch Asteroid City really excited, and I had three mainly reasons. First, this looks like his biggest aesthetic movie so far, as if he has taken it to the next level and embraced his genius and weirdness to the max, which is amazing. Second, Scarlett Johansson is in it, and I love her. Every movie she's in, I'll want to watch — using common sense, of course. Third, the miniatures are another signature of his work that is incredible and needs to be seen on a big screen.
The movie is great and confusing, in a not too complex. Mainly it tells the story of a father traveling with his three childrens to their grandfather's house after a serious event, when they end up strained on the desert where, not only a convention for young kids is happening, but also where a meteorite (or asteroid, if you prefer) once hit and made the place famous.
The meta-language of the movie, play, and reality is incredible, and I really liked seeing the story being told in acts (especially with one of them in black and white) since I'm a theatre kid myself. The downside is that, at least for me, I was always trying to make sense of what I was seeing with thoughts like, "Okay, in what reality of the movie is this happening again?" or "What does this mean with all the context I'm seeing so far?" which can distract you from paying attention to really understand the movie. And, inevitably, it's one of those that you feel like you will understand more if you watch it again, which is a concept I don't like. For me, you have to watch a movie again because you liked it, not because you didn't understand it.
Like Oppenheimer, this movie shocked me by having actresses I didn't know were in the movie, doing scenes I never thought I would see them doing. If in the nuclear physicist movie, Florence Pugh shocked me by being there and being naked — I haven't searched anything from that movie, including the cast, so her being in it was a surprise —, in Asteroid City, the nature of the shocking moments was the same, but divided: first, Scarlett being naked (speaking of it, I really gasped aloud thinking she had killed herself in that scene), and second, Margot Robbie's appearance. Now that was the crossover Oppenheimer needed.
Still speaking about casting, it was the best. It was nice to see again the faces Wes likes to work with, but the kids Anderson chose were the best possible, especially Aristou Meehan. He. Is. Incredible. Sophia Lillis was also a good choice, and I gasped when I realized it was her — she hasn't changed a bit since It. It was like she did that movie only yesterday. Crazy. I could go on and praise Woodrow's actor and his sisters, but then this review would be too long than it already is, but yes, they were great. The whole cast was perfect, which reminds me of Barbie, but for being completely opposite: the actor choices there weren't all that good.
And even with the spoiler of the movie having an alien right at the beginning because of the credits (remember, I don't like knowing too much about a movie and, ion fact, when I was in the theater last week, I covered my eyes and ears when the trailer for this was being shown. I know, I'm weird that way) and the confusion I felt here and there, I really enjoyed the experience of this movie; and I'm a bit preoccupied to admit it, so I left this for the last part, but the best thing about this whole thing was all the roadrunner's appearance. Ergh, such a show-stealing choice. What's up, Wes?
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reactivatedrockstar · 10 months
EYO! This post is pinned because I can't do pages on mobile! Therefore, it will contain all the information you need to know about my boundaries, this AU, and my portrayal of Bonnie! I know I said to read all of it before following, but HONESTLY you only really need to read the rules unless you plan to have threads. (My headcanon tag is Merchandise {Headcanons} if you want to read up, just don't reblog please.) All that you need is under the
I am on mobile, so my tags are very minimal.
Do not reblog threads you are not apart of.
I'm lenient about this, but do not reblog art or memes from here, as it clogs up my feed.
Don't poop on the floor
I am a mobile user. Maybe once in a while, I'll pop onto a computer at the library to fine tune posts like this, but it's hard, if not impossible for me to use the site to its full extent. As such, icons will not be used, tags will be scarce, and trimming posts will not be done the way I like.
Trimming posts are a strange area. I have adhd and autism, so the best way for a thread to be trimmed is with the last response still attached. This way I can remember what's going on in the thread, which will lead to an overall better rp experience.
RESPECT MY FUCKING BOUNDARIES. I've had some issues with one individual who sucked me into this Fandom, they refused to take no for an answer, and forced me to rp an incest ship. This has scared me away from the rpc for years. If I say no, it does not mean "convince me," it means no. I have a three strikes your out policy.
I have a full-time job as a daycare teacher. I am not always online. Do not pester me for replies.
I have kept up with the lore moderately well, but if I don't know something, or have forgotten something, do not bully me. I have zero tolerance for it. You respect me, and I respect you.
The AU
Prior to the events of security breach, Monty was a new animatronic that was incredibly jealous of Bonnie. He didn't understand why he got to be on the stage when he played the bass even better than he did!! This resentment eventually lead for Monty to do the unthinkable. He asked to talk to Bonnie, where he threw him against the wall, slashed his torso open, ripped out the wires, and smashed a bowling ball into his head. Once the deed was done, Monty then hid the body away where it was never found.
For a whole year, Bonnie lay there, desperately sending some sort of distress signal that was too weak to get through to most of the animatronics. However, the voiceless wetfloor signs began to act strange, making odd sounds and turning to face just about anyone, as a result of this distress signal.
Then, somehow, Freddy found him, and he begged the human staff to help fix him. While they didn't have the right parts to fix him completely, they were able to fix him enough to where he was functional again. Bonnie had absolute no memory of how he came to be in such a state due to data corruption, but he does remember some things, which will easily agitate him and make him aggressive.
Due to his state, Bonnie is unable to interact with guests and do shows, which he misses, so he tends to loiter around behind the scenes where nobody can see him during the day.
In this AU, Gregory waited for the doors to open at 6 in Freddy's room after seeing Vanny and Moondrop, because he was absolutely terrified, however I am willing to negotiate this upon request. (Well, I'm just about willing to negotiate anything lore-wise.)
Bonnie Bunny
First off, Bonnie is non-binary, and his pronouns are he/him. He honestly loves playing around with makeup and facepaint, and of course, playing music. Glamrock Bonnie was one to prioritize self expression to the kids, be it music, facepainting, drawing, makeup, or what have you, and he, obviously, absolutely loves bowling, and is unbeatable at it. Bonnie also has a sense of adventure, and loves doing something new.
However, he remembers bits and pieces of what happened to him, corrupted memories come and go, they make his head hurt, and he doesn't act like himself, and he can become aggressive if not de-escalated. He was also operating somewhat while he was hidden away, and remembers being "asleep," but active, and being so alone. So afraid. So angry. So sad. It's an awful, all-consuming feeling that he couldn't get rid of. He just knew he'd spend the rest of eternity rotting there, helpless. Unable to even speak out and beg for help.
Freddy is his best friend in the whole world. In his programmed backstory, Bonnie was bullied a lot until Freddy started hanging out with him. In turn, Freddy soon started being made fun of in his adolescent years, and Bonnie chased them off as well. According to their backstory, it was them against the world, and they've been an unstoppable duo from the beginning, forming a band and singing duets together. Bonnie could never imagine life without Freddy, and he doesn't want to.
One day, according to his programmed backstory, Freddy and Bonnie were performing, when a pizza-loving chicken had asked if she could take up the mic. They let her, and were absolutely blown away, and added Glamrock Chica to their band. Bonnie deeply cares about Chica, as all friends do, and while he doesn't judge her for her love of junkfood and exercise... he does judge her for eating it out of the garbage. He's pretty sure it's a programming glitch that can't be fixed, but he's gotten damaged prior to the incident trying to stop her in the past. Bonnie means no offense, and doesn't love Chica any less, but he can't stand to watch her eat trash. He and the girls would often do each other's hair, "nails" and make-up just for fun for special events, like Halloween, Christmas, and Saint Patrick's Day, to name a few.
Roxy and Bonnie are chaotic together, but they have some good laughs. Roxy was added as an animatronic in the Pizzaplex at a later time, so he has no programmed backstory pertaining to her, but he still accepts her as one of the band members, and is sometimes even compelled to impress her. He does, sometimes, get afraid of her when she's angry, but he knows that if she ever DID hurt him, it would only be an accident. He's seen the loving and caring side of her, and he loves her for it.
Bonnie has nothing but respect for Monty. He's a cool guy, and he was certain that he'd appeal to teenagers better than he would. He welcomed Monty into the group with open arms, accepting him almost as quickly as Freddy did. And yet... Bonnie gets so afraid of him when he's angry. He'll let him win if it means he won't be angry.... but he would never hurt him... right?
Honestly, I'm not too sure what I can say about myself. I'm 25+ years old, I work at a daycare, I'm bisexual, she/her pronouns. I am an extremely anxious individual who's terrified of stepping over boundaries or hurting feelings. Since this is a side blog, I can't like starters, so I'll send them to you via dms instead, and if you have anons turned off, I can't send asks either. I'm sory of trying to hide from that person who forced me to rp an incestual ship that made me really uncomfortable, so I'm not using my usual alias. Rest assured that I am following you if I'm sending asks or dming you, I'm always interested. If I'm following you but haven't reached out yet, its probably because I don't have any ideas for interactions. Call me Twoie, if you have to call me anything.
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yanderefairyangel · 10 months
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I finished dressing the plan for that weird amusement park.
Alear : 'You really managed to built all that ?!"
Framme : "Yes my Lady, we did!"
Vander : "Divine one, allow us to explain to you each of the attraction"
Clanne : "First the Sommie coaster, a roaller coaster shapped after Sommie!"
Framme "this one is quite the fright !! I hope you don't get sick easliy Lady Alear !!"
Alear : "I.. dont know if I would like this one..."
Framme : "Next is the Divine dragon safari !"
Vander : " A little trip visiting all the species that can be found in Elyos"
Clanne : " And then the Haunted house..."
Alear : "Haunted houses ??"
Vander : " Yes, we put it in case you migh be interested."
Framme : "I personally am scared but you Lady Alear is so brave, I am sure this will be an enjoyable experience!!"
Alear : "... (do they think I am brave ? I though I was always being honest about how scared I am... oh... I hope I'll never have to do this ever )
Clanne :"Firene's flower train is a sweet promenade in a garden consisting of all flowers that can be encountered in Elyos"
Framme " You can also have a visit in the beautiful landscape of Firene !"
Alear :" Woah! Sounds nice !"
Vander :"Next is the Brodian strengh competition stand, a stand offering diverse game where you can attempt to prove your strengh"
Framme : "I am sure Prince Alfred would enjoy this !"
Clanne :" And Princess Ivy and Hortensia offers an Elusian magical show where they will demonstrate their magical talent in front of everyone"
Framme : "Princess Timerra offers a concert contest ! The perfect occasion to learn a lot of Solmic songs and to try it out !"
Alear :" Wait.. what is "Visit the Divine dragon's room ?""
Vander :"Oh, nothing really impressive. Just an humble conduct visit in the Divine one's private quarter"
Alear : "What ?!"
Framme : " Dont worry ! we made sure to put rubans so that no one will touch your beloginigs !"
Alear :" I appreciate but.. I already invited our allies many times in my room, so why on earth would you ..."
Framme :" The Time travel train ! The time travel train !"
Clanne :" An attraction that allows us to live through Alear's adventure again !"
Framme :" And Seadall and Yunaka will team up to offer a special show !"
Vander :" You can also go to the Emblem museum. An attraction where you will have the opportunity to learn more about the Emblem's story"
Clanne :" The water attraction is a giangantic slide ! Perfect to get refreshed in summer !"
Alear : "What is this ? The Drop tower ? "This attraction will have you sit up in horizontal position. Hang on tight"... this one seems like you can get sick easily on it, doesn't it ?"
Vander :" The Great Sommie Wheel is a much more calm one. You can have a beautiful view of the landscape from there"
Alear : "Oh..."
Framme : "The tea cup merry go round is a carousel in which you sit on teap cup, and they round round round!"
Clanne :" This makes me feel dizzy..."
Vander : "The Fell dragon castle is an experience for the brave. Wonder in your worst ennemy's base. Will you be able to make it alive ?"
Framme : "Ah ! Stop it Vander !! You scare me !!"
Alear : "(Why did you built it if it scares you ?) and the next one is named Up and Down ? Why is it.."
Vander :" Because it's absolutely what he does. It goes up and down."
Clanne :" In case this activity is too much for you My Lady, we have the Divine maze. Try to find the way out !"
Framme : "we also have the flying dragon ride. A carrousel where you can ride flying dragon !!"
Alear : "I already did so once... when Mother had me climping on her back... it feels nostaligic... Oh, the fortune telling is avalaible too ?"
Vander : "Yes. When Seadall isn't preparing for the show, he offers his divination like he habitually did"
Clanne :" The Great Water war is a giant Water battle."
Framme :" It helps feeling fresh in summer too !"
Vander "Next is the Interview with Alear"
Alear "What ?"
Vander "An attraction lead by you, Lady Alear"
Alear :" What ? Why did you not warned me ??"
Framme : "Don't worry, my Lady. It's nothing hard. You will just have the opportunity to answer question from your admirers and fans !!"
Alear : " My admirers and fans ?! I... am not sure I like this idea..."
Clanne " We also offered a Wyvern riding race. The one that gets to blast the most crystal won !"
Framme :" The next stand is held by Lady Veyle and Lord Rafal !"
Alear "Veyle has a stand too ? "
Clanne : "She does. She and Lord Rafal hold a eating contest. Spicy lovers will get to test their bud tastes on Lady Veyle's spicy dishes!"
Framme : "and sweets lover will get to test their tooth on Lord Rafal's confections !"
Alear : "I will need to brush my teeth if I try it."
Framme : "Next attraction is lead by yours truly, the Amazing Detective Sherlock Framme !!"
Clanne : "In this adventure, help Framme solving the mystery of the stolen golden Sommie ring"
Vander : "You can also participate a fishing contest"
Alear : "I feel like Emblem Byleth would enjoy this".
Clanne: " Next is the Wolves riding race offered by Merrin !"
Framme :" The fastest one is the winner !"
Alear : "What is the Horror ride train ? Why did you put this much of scary attractions ?"
Vander : "If this displease you, you can try the mirror gallery. You migh see amusing sight"
Alear : "If you say so"
Framme : "and the last one of this zone is "wake up Alear !"
Alear : "Eh ?"
Clanne :" the purpose of this attraction is to wake up a replica of Lady Alear !"
Alear : "Did you based this attraction on the fact that our allies have to come wake me up ?"
Vander : "we move on to the Emblem zone. A set of attraction inspired by the Emblems"
Framme : "First is Medeus castle ! Help Hero King Marth defeating evil Medeus by overcoming the obstacles through your way!"
Clanne : "Next is Escape Duma, where you must help Lady Celica escape from an evil deity !"
Vander : "The parc of the tragic lovers is a much more calm attraction. As you float on water, discover the tragic love story of Lord Sigurd."
Framme : "So sad..."
Clanne :" Leif's rescue is an attraction where you must prevent bandits targeting Leif to sell him off to his ennemies"
Vander : "The race of the young lion is a roaller coaster involving many ennemies such as demonic dragons..."
Alear : " You added another scary ride didn't you ?"
Clanne : "Dont worry Lady Alear, you can try out Lyn' shooting stand!"
Framme : "Or the Renais twin's quest ! Help Lady Eirika and Lord Ephraim collect the Sacred stones to help save the world !"
Clanne : "The twisted tower is another scary one ! A ride where you adventure to one of the most horryfiying place Lord Ike ever vendture to"
Framme "Similarily with Yune and Ashera's maze where you must overcome a scary maze to have Yune's fragment reunite with Ashera's".
Vander :" The Grima ride is also indeed quite the deal. A roaller coaster into Grima, the beast that ruined Lady Lucina's future"
Alear : "Scary... The Corrin's water show sounds more peaceful"
Framme : "It is !"
Vander :" Lady Corrin offered a show where you'll access to an opera retracing her fight!"
Clanne : "And a peculiarity about this show ! We will have a male actor to play Corrin !"
Alear : "Really ?"
Framme : "Yes ! This attraction is pretty much similar to Byleth's roaller coaster !!"
Clanne : "This is a ride where you can choose your destination. You have the choice between 4 possibility !"
Vander : "Next ride is the train of the Lion and the Eagle."
Clanne : "choose between 3 truck and enjoy the ride !"
Alear : "This sounds interesting ! I'd also like to try the attraction called Flying with Tiki !"
Vander :" You can also try your hand at Hector's hammer contest. A fitting activity to prove your physical strengh"
Framme : "The magic volcano is an attraction where you can see Soren using his magic to create a magic volcano! It's another magical show !"
Clanne : "The dragon vein tower have you travel a maze like tower using slabs to activate "dragon vein" and progress your way out"
Alear : " The next one is called Save the Roaster ?"
Framme : " He, he. Robin shared a funny anecdote with us. Help Chrom and Robin find their lost roaster before the Risen that stole it run away !!"
Vander : "Breidablik's shooting stand is a shooting stand where you weild one of the weapon of Lady Veronica's friend, the Summoner"
Alear : " Oh! The last attraction is me !"
Framme : "Yes ! Another shooting stand using your dragonic blast !!"
Alear :" those are sure a lot of attraction... this sounds energy consumming.."
Vander : "If you fear to feel hungry, you can visit Bunet and Goldmary's cafe"
Clanne : "You may find dishes more suitable to your taste then in Cholé's exotic food stand..."
Framme : "Or if you desire a tea time, there is Céline's Tea room"
Alear " What is this ? Playing with Sommie ? Sounds like a relaxing activity... but it's already what I do every day ?"
Framme : "Yes but could you resist making one ? Sommie is so cute!!"
Clanne : "And you can visit Lady Anna's shop for some souvenir !"
Alear "Wow, that is a lot ... I wonder if I'll be able to do all this... I hope Veyle and I can try some together. Thanks for the plan."
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nighttimescribbles · 2 years
ahh scribs it's so devastating to hear you're unable to get blueberries right now, i completely forgot you're living in the opposite season from me but i would absolutely send you the one punnet sitting in my fridge right now if it meant you'd be eating those muffins sooner. but at the same time, there's nothing better than eating a steaming warm blueberry muffin cozied up in cooler weather. back when i made my last batch, i would bring a muffin to work, heat it up and went outside the building to eat it during the break and it was an entire experience in itself.
i'm so sorry your lemon poppyseed muffins didn't turn out as you expected today. baking is always a surprise, you never really know if your creations will turn out good or not but i have complete faith in you of course !! given you've given me the best carrot cupcake recipe that i still get compliments from my other coworkers to this day :') but i'll definitely keep an eye out on your baking adventures and you'll find me in your ask box straight away congratulating you on your success !
BUT THAT BEEF STEW !!! i fully salivated when i first your reply and thought about it all day at work today! i'm looking at it again right now and it looks so good. the portions you cut the potatoes into looks like it's the perfect bite size that will give you the taste of the broth along with the actual flavour of the potato. it's one of the reasons why potatoes are my favourite vegetable (???) and omg bubba in the pluto onesie why is that the cutest thing ever ahh but it's nice to see him being as big of a foodie as you. he definitely looks like he knows his stuff :')
i will definitely let you know how my earl grey and lavender cupcakes turns out, i've already decided that i'll be making them and bringing them in to work as treats for my coworkers on my birthday so the update will be coming in about two months from now. i had to search up what a london fog was but now that know, a lavender-laced version of that sounds like heaven, and it's making me crave the taste even more ahh
i will definitely look into looking for pills to take to quell my allergies while eating plants it's about time i start incorporating raw fruits and veggies into my diet haha. but i totally get that feeling, i will never understand how people are able to eat more than 5 packs of instant ramen in one setting when i get overbearingly full after two packets.
and yes that's what it is !! the comfort of it sounding fast and harsh is what makes me like the language so much. every time i hear someone speaking in cantonese it sounds like they're determined to get their point across and it's mesmerising to listen to, in the best way possible of course !! but still reading and understanding the alphabet in itself is a very big accomplishment so i have full belief that you'll improve drastically if you ever decide to pick it up again :)
as for the small update about mystery man, i never got his opinion on the cupcake. but when i gave it to him last sunday i believe, he was too occupied talking to his friends to give me his thoughts and i completely forgot to ask him as well today until after i got home from work. it's okay though i'm more than sure he liked it since everyone else that had tried it liked it just as much as i did
this was long i'm sorry to your tl if they have to scroll on just to get past this long post :')
NONNIENONNIENONNIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!! 💕💕💕 sorry for the late response! a sore mouth got me chirpy for less days this this around, and when i felt better i had to take care of my pup's vet stuff. AND THEN i started scrambling around doing stuff to make up for the lost time 😅
goodness, i missed you! been waiting all week for saturday so i could bake and show you 😆 i made choc chip cookies from this recipe. this is my go-to, fool-proof cookie recipe. it calls for walnuts, but i think it won't matter if you skip them. it'll just be fabulous classic choc chip!
my chocolate of choice is beryl's sevona bar (biiiiiig 1kg bar). i tried making it with other brands but imo they didn't turn out as good. pick your fave chocolate, i guess! 😊 i find beryl's still a bit sweet (and i add a little more than the recipe calls for because ~d e c a d e n c e~) so i play around with the sugar. previously, i've used muscovado brown sugar (very dark brown sugar, basically) instead of regular brown sugar. it yields a cookie that's gooey-er, less sweet, has a deeper, caramel-y flavour. just now, i only had regular brown sugar, so i cut down the granulated white from the recommended 1/2 cup to 1/3 cup. the cookie still turned out really good! it's not as crispy as when you use the full 1/2 cup and the cookie dough itself also isn't as sweet, so you get the decadent chocolate to carry the cookie's sweetness ❤️
this is how they ended up looking! ((i've also already put this in my socials so you can see how insufferable i've being over a bit of kitchen success 😂))
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thank you so much for your encouragement! i am so heated over your blueberry muffins (eating warm ones outdoors is a whole MOOD honestly. pls say you had milky coffee with it!) that i've decided i'm going to throw in the towel and use frozen blueberries if i still can't get fresh ones. i'm crossing my fingers and hoping the frozens will burst and get blueberry goo all over the muffins while they bake. 😤 will keep you (and my whole little tumblr world 😂) posted.
the stew was gooooood. the potatoes get mushed from the long cooking and soak up all the juice 😩 they absolutely deserve to be your fave vegetable! i'm suddenly reminded of that episode in ekaterina where catherine the great first introduces potatoes to russia but the people aren't accustomed to the taste so when she attempts to eat a bite of it, her ministers all begin scrambling up and begging her not to hurt herself by having some potato 😂😂😂 if only they knew about mashed potato and criss-cut fries and curly fries and olive oil and herb roasted potato 😍
bubba is in plenty of sweaters since we've moved into the wet season. i also have to keep remembering to buy him more sleeved and hooded shirts. poor thing gets cold ears and cold feetsies pretty quickly 😅
you're an october baby!?!?!?! aksjdnfsdnfas my best friend (we've been best friends for about 20 years now!) is an october baby, too! if you also happen to be a libra, please know that i am grabbing your hands through the screen and jumping up and down because some of my fave people always seem to be librans!!! ❤️‍🔥
i have been picking up and dropping language learning soooo many times! i was prolly most dedicated with duolingo, but dropped it because i got bored because the app took too long to let me graduate from a module i already knew 😂 one of these days!!! have you ever tried learning cantonese?
mystery man has got to appreciate you more! i hope on your birthday he'll remember to greet you, and will treat that day as something special! you sound like an absolute sweetheart and deserve all that and more back! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
Hi I know this won't make Sense but can you a rs8 village ladies where the reader is male 👨 who studies the Occult meaning supernatural and is like professor broom from hellboy 🧪 🧠 the ladies being alcina donna and Miranda
Broken Truth (Drinking a cup of coffee): I really hate Mother Miranda but since you want her in this, I'll stomach that hate and write her in. Now, let the words weave together.
~ Alcina Dimitrescu ~
[Reader] loved the supernatural, anything that wasn't human but lived in the form of humans or around humans made him very excited. One day, he got his hands on some documents about a castle in a small village settlement in Romania where a vampiric woman and her daughters lived; this made him purchase a ticket and fly to Romania to find this place. Once the found the village, it wasn't hard to find the castle and he walked right in with his notepad in his hands, taking notes and pictures of everything he saw - that's when he heard the buzzing of flies and turned to see 3 clouds of flies gather into the same of 3 young women; they began explaining that they were going to kill and eat him but he was too amazed by them that he began asking questions. "How are you able to turn into flies?", "Why is your skin so pale?", "Do you drink blood or eat human flesh?"; these questions confused the daughters as they never met a man-thing that wasn't afraid of his own death but that's when the Lady of the Castle arrived to see what all the commotion was about and found a man-thing speaking to her daughters. The moment he laid eyes on the tall woman, his heart skipped a beat. "You are the most radiate woman I have ever seen in my life." He said, Alcina was flustered at this man and decided to keep him around for a while before eating him...if she wanted to.
~ Donna Benviento ~
[Reader] heard legends about a woman that wore a veil and spoke through a doll before going to find the man she lived in. His travels sent him to a dark manor on the edge of a waterfall - it was quiet and very close to nature. He walked inside the manor and saw how lovely it clean it looked on the inside. He noticed a doll in a wedding dress standing on the table and walked over to look at it.,sketching the doll in his notepad before the doll moved, jumped and him, and began floating. The doll asked what he was doing there but all he could do was gasp in amazement about how the doll was alive. He began asking it questions about who made it, if the creator was around, and what else the doll could do. That's when the veiled woman appeared down the stairs and asked why the man was in her home; he explained that he was interested in the supernatural and heard about Donna and the Doll, so he wanted to take a look for himself. Donna invited him for tea and the man agreed, they spent hours in conversation and for the first time in her life, Donna Beneviento was happy again.
~ Mother Miranda ~
The was captured by Miranda while leaking around her chapel and finding her lab, now he was in a cell and about to be experimented on but he was alright with that, he saw the creature that patrols the walls - the lycans - and he was interested in them as well. That's when Miranda came with his notebook and asked him to explain himself. He explained that he was a man of science that was drawn to the supernatural and was willing to find out more in his adventures. Miranda offered him a chance to join her as her assistant and he jumped on the chance. The two of them began altering the Cadou so that would have less chance of mutating someone in the wrong way and Miranda was happy not to be alone.
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