whatinthehale17 · 4 months
Twin Heist
I started a Choices One-Shots series on ao3 but I figured I'd start putting it here too because why not. It's just a bunch of different One-Shots of my MC's from my favorite choices books getting into shenanigans with other Choices characters.
Also if anyone comes across this and has any prompts, I'd love some prompts.
Choices Book- High School Story: Class Act
Characters- Lauren Hamilton (MC HSS:CA), Lucas Hamilton (MC's Twin HSS:CA), Lillian 'Lilly' Benson (MC HSS), Lilith 'Lily' Benson (MC's Twin HSS)
Rating- Teen
Chapters- 1/?
Words- 3,396
Chapter Summary- Rewrite of the scene in HSS:CA 3 where they have to get the staff back from the Statton kids except instead of it being MC with Ajay, Rory and Skye, it's my MC's and their twins.
It was chaos after recieving the texts from the Stattons kids, acting as if they weren't the cause of the missing staff. As a lot of them crowded around Lauren, Erin, Emma and Maria's room, talking over one another, Ajay tried to get everyone to quiet down and take control of the situation, though no one was listening to him. Until a louder voice cut through. "Guys, everybody, please!" Lilith 'Lily' Benson yells out, having moved to stand on one of the beds and everyone turns to look at her. Her curly blonde hair was cut short and styled in a way that fit her, dressed in a long sleeved striped collared shirt and black pants.
"Let's not panic. It's only 10, we have tons of time to get the staff before our performance later" Lily reminds them.
"Thank you, Lily" Ajay nods, motioning to her before addressing the crowd himself. "I will go retrieve the staff, Rory and Lauren you can come with me. Being lead actors might be useful in this situation" Ajay says and Skye goes to volunteer as well but Lillian 'Lilly' Benson pipes up instead, dressed in a hoodie and jeans, her wavy blonde hair resting on her shoulders.
"Hold on a second. This is my staff. I think I should go and get it. Plus, you're talking to the people who helped pull off the Hearst spirit stick heist. We might have more luck" Lilly points out and her twin nods in agreement as well as some of the others who had been there as well.
"I think as the director, I should go and get it and you all focus on getting to Spotlite" Ajay disagrees but the Benson twins shake their heads.
"Trust us, we've got this. You get the others to Spotlite, me and my sis can do it. We'll have the staff for the show" Lily tells him.
Ajay moves to argue again, but some of the others seemed convinced. "Lucas and I can help too! Like a twin heist!" Lauren quickly agrees and the Bensons smile.
"Yes! My daughter must be there to help me with my staff" Lilly agrees.
"I'm not sure I'd be up for this. I'm not good with the whole heist thing-y. I'd probably mess everything up" Lucas disagrees anxiously.
"No way! Come on, Lucas. Just think of yourself as your character. You're mischievious, remember! You're great at it!" Lauren assures him and others start nodding, the four of them looking to Ajay who still seemed on the fence. He gives in though, nodding.
"Fine, you four can go and get the staff. The entire department is depending on you. Please, don't screw this up" Ajay begs.
"That was inspiring" Lilly jokes.
"As for the rest of you, we're heading to Spotlite to start setting up. Come along" Ajay urges. Rory turns to Lauren, squeezing her hand and sending her a smile.
"Good luck, Lauren. You've got this" Lauren smiles, giving her a kiss.
"Thanks" The others start to leave, Erin giving Lucas another pep talk, Emma giving Lilly a cheek kiss and Lily kissing her girlfriend Hazel Porter as well. Soon, it's just the four of them.
"Okay, so, what do we do?" Lucas wonders.
"Hmm...usually it's Maria or Michael that does the planning and we just go along with it" Lily admits and the two freshman gape at them.
"Then why did you volunteer?" Lauren asks in disbelief.
"I hate seeing people panic" Lilly admits and her twin nods in agreement.
"So, we're actually screwed then?" Lucas sighs out.
"No, no, we've got this guys! We've come all this way to perform this awesome show, we're not giving up now. They're counting on us." Lily says before thinking it over. "First, we have to figure out the room they'd be keeping it in"
"Good idea" Lauren agrees.
"I think one of the evil blonde bitches would have it" Lilly shrugs and the others nod in agreement.
"So, we find out their rooms then." Lucas says.
"Let's go down to the front desk and see what we can find out from the hotel staff" Lauren suggests and they take the elevator down to the fancy hotel lobby. They look around, Lily pointing towards the concierge busy doing something on a computer.
"That's who we need to talk to. We have to try and convince him to let us in their rooms or at least give us the room numbers" Lily explains.
"Easier said than done" Lucas scoffs.
"Think positive, Lucas." Lauren nudges him and the others nod in agreement.
"We're all actors here" Lilly adds, putting an accent on 'actors'.
"Exactly, we con our way into convincing him and if it doesn't work, well we'll have two more people here that could just steal the damn things" Lily shrugs. She looks at the group.
"So, I think Lilly and Lauren should do it. They're already like a father-daughter duo and the best out of us. No offense Lucas" Lily quickly adds but Lucas waves her off.
"None taken" he assures her. Lilly looks to Lauren then.
"Shall we, dear?" Lilly offers her hand and Lauren laughs, taking it.
"We shall" They head up to the concierge as Lucas and Lily watch from the distance, keeping out of sight.
"Can I help you?" The man in the uniform asks politely, looking up from his computer to address them.
"Hi, there" Lilly easily puts on a charming smile, surprising Lauren for a moment. She sometimes forgets the fact that Lilly was popular and could convince anyone to do anything she ever wanted. No wonder she was a good actor as well. "My friend and I were wondering if you could help us out with something" Lilly says and Lauren nods, plastering on her own smile.
"You see, we have a personal delivery for our other friends Cory and Kitty. It's our friend-iversary so we wanted to surprise them with a gift inside their rooms" Lauren explains cheerfully and Lilly nods in agreement.
"it would mean a lot to them. We take our friend-iversaries very seriously" Lilly adds and Lauren nods in agreement.
"How sweet! If you leave the items with us, the hotel will gladly deliver it to them" The man assures them. Okay, not what they wanted.
"Uh, no!" Lilly quickly says and the man raises an eyebrow. Lilly lets out a slight laugh. "I mean, like, it would go much better if we could surprise them in person, you know? You can't celebrate your friend-iversary without your friends there" Lauren quickly nods in agreement.
"Yeah, we're both gonna pop out of a giant box like we're the present! But we'll be holding the real gift box with their actual presents inside." Lauren explains.
"Yep, funny right? Presents in a present. In the present. It's an inside joke, really" Lilly waves it off. The man looks the two of them over carefully though they smile innocently back. Lucas turns to whisper to Lily in the distance.
"i don't think it's working. Oh, God, I've never had to steal anything before." He whispers and Lily pats him on the shoulder reassuringly.
"You're acting like they don't have him convinced yet. Look" They look back over to see the man smiling brightly at the two of them.
"Now that's what I call an inside joke! I wish I had friends like the two of you" The man says and the two laugh, continuing to smile at him as he fetches out the room card.
"Here's a keycard to Cory's room so you can get in. Don't forget to return it after the deed is done" He reminds them.
"No problem, sir. We are eternally grateful" Lilly starts ushering Lauren away.
"For real. Thanks for making this possible" Lauren agrees, slightly surprised.
They walk away to where Lucas and Lily were waiting, both smiling as Lauren waves the card, smiling. "You did it! I had faith in you the whole time!" Lucas cheers.
"Uh-huh. Sure you did" Lily scoffs, sending him a knowing look before turning to the others. "So, who's room is that for?" Lily wonders.
"Cory. Let's just hope he's the one with the staff" Lauren says and they head towards the elevators, Lauren still boasting about conning the concierge into giving them the card.
"You take after your father" Lilly grins as they step off the elevators and onto the floor.
"Wait, is that-" Lucas points at the end of the hallway where two familiar blonde kids were stood talking.
"You think the Berry kids really bought that we're at Spotlite? None of the other performances were even worth watching last year. It was such a snooze." Cory's voice rings out down the hall as they stand in front of a door.
"Why wouldn't they believe it? They're a bunch of starry-eyed first-timers" Kitty drawls, amused as the four watch, hidden in an alcove.
"Great, they're standing right in front of his room...what do we do now?" Lauren mutters.
"I say, it's four against two. We go and kick some ass" Lily cracks her knuckles for effect but Lilly slaps her hands, giving her a look of disbelief.
"We're not starting a fight with the Statton kids." Lilly scolds.
"But we'd win" Lily whines.
"Not with me here. My punches probably feel like you're getting hit with teddy bears" Lauren scoffs.
"No, you throw a decent punch" Lucas nods, thinking it over.
"No, stop toying with the idea, Lucas. You've got the freshman thinking it too now" Lilly shakes her head at her twin.
"No, you're right. If we were to start a fight with any rival school, I'd want it to be Hearst" Lily shrugs, her expression turning dark and Lilly shrugs.
"I wouldn't argue with that one" She agrees.
"Guys, look at this" Lucas had emerged from a room behind them, excitedly holding up a room service outfit. "Lauren, this would definitely fit you. You could wear this and pretend you're there to clean their room" Lucas points out.
"Guess you've stolen something now, huh, Lucas?" Lily laughs, nudging him. His eyes widen.
"I did, didn't I?" He gasps like he can't believe it.
"Here, put these on too." Lilly hands her a pair of sunglasses. "They're my lucky pair." Lilly adds.
"Hey, wait a second, aren't those mine?" Lily brings up, looking the pair of sunglasses over suspiciously.
"Erm...no?..." Lily narrows her eyes at her sister. "Anyways" Lilly laughs nervously. "Hurry up and put the disguise on, Lauren. We're running out of time" She urges Lauren into the staff room and Lauren changes into the outfit. She comes back out to show it off to the other three who nod approvingly.
"Nice going, Lucas. Great plan" Lily pats him on the shoulder and he nods proudly.
"You're room service, Lauren. You have to confidently walk up to them as if you're just there to do your job" Lilly explains and Lauren takes a deep breath, nodding.
"Got it" She strides up to the two Statton kids and they don't even spare her a glance as they continue to chat. "Excuse me. Room service" Lauren puts on an accent, just in case they recognizes her.
"Ugh" Cory looks her up and down in distaste, turning back to Kitty. "It's the cleaning girl. I hate talking to service people..." Cory mutters as if Lauren wasn't standing right there.
"Let's scram. Wanna go rehearse some more downstairs?" Kitty asks, also looking disgusted to be in the vicinity of a cleaning lady. They quickly leave Lauren behind and soon their voices fade to nothing. Lauren lets out a breath of relief then.
"The coast is clear" The other three meet her at the room, smiling.
"You make your father so proud" Lilly wipes a fake pretend tear from under her eye and Lauren laughs.
"What do they have against cleaning people anyways?" Lucas wonders curious and confused.
"Let's just get the staff and get out of here" Lily shrugs. Before they all move into the room though, she stops them. "Wait actually. Someone should keep watch, just in case they come back." She brings up and the others nod in agreement.
"How about we stick in the same pairs since Lauren's in disguise and it's Lilly's staff and Lucas and I keep watch?" Lily suggests and everyone nods in agreement, Lauren and Lilly heading in while Lucas and Lily stay in front of the door, just in case. The room is not what they were expecting however as they spot what looked to be a giant tree in there.
"What on earth? There's a tree in here!" Lauren exclaims in disbelief.
"There's something you don't see everyday" Lilly scoffs, shaking her head. "Come on, we don't have a lot of time" They both begin to search the room for the staff.
"If I were my staff, where would I be, besides in my hand?" Lilly mutters, looking around. She holds her hand out, as if the staff would magically fly into her hands and stands there for a moment, Lauren turning to raise an eyebrow at her as nothing happens. "Dammit, thought that would work. Guess I'm not Thor." She tsks.
"Maybe it's in the tree?" Lauren brings up after another moment. "Like hidden among the branches! The staff is wooden, so it'd totally blend in" Lauren points out and Lilly grins.
"I knew bringing you was the best choice" They both pause at the trunk, looking up before looking at one another. "So, who's climbing then?" Lilly wonders. Lauren holds her hands up, stepping away and shaking her head.
"I'd probably break like every bone trying to climb that thing. I'm too clumsy for that" Lauren says and Lilly lets out a shudder.
"Yeah, well, I recently have broken a bone and I'd like to not do it again. Plus, Emma would kill me" Lilly points out and Lauren gives her a guilty look which she waves off.
"Maybe whacking the tree will knock some things loose?" Lauren suggests. She climbs up onto the sofa and starts whacking it with a pillow, the only thing giving way being the leaves.
"Sorry, tree" Lauren apologizes. Lilly moves to start shaking the tree trunk and the branches begin to sway back and forth.
"I command you to give me my staff" Lilly bellows. Meanwhile in the hallway, Lily peaks around the hallway the Statton kids disappeared down as Lucas keeps his eye down the hall they walked down.
"My turn!" Lucas says, humming as he thinks. "I spy with my little eye something....hmmm...blue" He says.
Lily glances around, thinking it over. "My shirt" She points to one of the navy blue stripes but he shakes his head. "Hmmm...your shirt?" She points at his blue flannel and he smiles evilly, shaking his head again.
"Nope." Lily looks around again before pointing to his shoes.
"That stripe on your shoe?" She wonders.
"Dangit!" He groans and Lily does a little dance.
"Right, my turn. I spy with my little eye something..." She casually glances down the hall she was supposed to be watching, her eyes widening at the sight of four familiar students heading their way. "Statton" She squeaks out.
"Is that a color?" Lucas asks confused.
"No, Statton" She hisses, dragging him into the room they had left cracked open to find Lilly holding up her staff triumphantly in her hand.
"I knew you would come back to me" She even gives the staff a kiss, Lauren watching in amusement.
"They're back!" Lucas panics and they all pause with wide eyes as the door opens again and Cory comes waltzing in.
"Forgot my jacket. Don't mind me, cleaning girl" Cory grabs his jacket, barely glancing at them as they all share wide eyed looks.
"Uh, make it quick! We're just about to begin the...deep clean vacuum!" Lauren throws on her fake voice again as Cory's headed out the door but Kitty peaks her head in, noticing the others.
"Wait a minute" Cory pauses, looking back as well after noticing her expression. "What's with all these other people?" Kitty points out.
"Hey!" Cory seems to realize. "You're the Berry kids!"
"Us? Berry? Pfft! Yeah, right, never heard of them" Lily scoffs.
Kitty points towards Lilly's hoodie with Berry written across the front. "That's literally a Berry high sweatshirt" Everyone turns to give Lilly a look who holds her hands up in surrender.
"You didn't give me time to change" She defends herself. Cory notices the staff Lilly's holding.
"They took the prop!" He yells out.
"More like we took it back!" Lucas yells out. He runs at them full speed then and they both move out of the way. "Come on, run for it!" He calls and the others don't waste any time, following after him. They all barrel into the hallway and past Marvin and Yves who were waiting outside the door.
"What on earth?" Marvin says in disbelief.
"OUTTA OUR WAY!" Lauren screams as they push past the two of them and down the hall they first came down.
"Ha ha! Three out of the four of us play football, fuckers! Try and catch us now!" Lily calls back to them as they hightail it down the hall, Lauren trailing at the back as she was not one of the football players.
"DON'T JUST STAND THERE, YOU INCOMPETENT TWERPS! GET THEM!" Kitty screeches as they continue to run.
"On it!" Yves agrees and the chase begins.
"The stairs, take the stairs" Lily calls, ushering Lauren in front of her, glancing back at the group chasing them as Lucas continues to lead the charge. He opens the doors for the stairs and heads in, Lilly right behind him as well as Lauren and Lily and she quickly moves to shut the door behind her and follow after the others. The Statton kids open it a second later, the football players rushing down the stairs at record pace, Lily throwing Lauren over her shoulders so she could keep up with them.
"Woah!" Lauren gets a view of behind them, though watching the stairs go by at a quick pace like this was starting to make her feel sick. She could catch glimpses of the angry Statton kids trying to keep up with them, though it was obvious these kids only did theater. They make it into the lobby and push past people, Lauren back down to the ground, albeit a little nauseous. They're already halfway across when the others catch up wiith them.
"PICKPOCKETS! STOP THEM!" Marvin calls out. A suitcase rolls out in front of Lilly and she barely hops over it in time, nearly face planting, though she recovers, a tight grip on her staff.
"Theives? I won't let them get away!" A random man calls out and it seems the lobby was now after them too.
"The fountain!" Lilly yells and Lucas runs towards the center fountain, dodging a lady in a wheelchair. A man runs right at Lauren but she manages to use her training from the self-defense classes they took for the show to send him into the fountain. They make it out of the hotel as no one could keep up with them and continue to run down the streets of London. Once they're sure they've made it, they all stop to catch their breaths, looking at one another.
"That...was...awesome!" Lucas cheers, jumping excitedly. "Yes!" he whoops.
"It was like the spirit stick all over again" Lilly grins.
"Did you see that random guy I flipped into the fountain? I feel kind of bad" Lauren admits.
"He should've known better than to get involved" Lily shrugs, patting her back.
"And we got my staff back!" Lilly holds it up triumphantly again, the others cheering.
"That was actually a lot of fun. We make a good team" Lauren smiles and the others nod in agreement.
"Next time we need to plan a heist, I know who I'm bringing" Lily agrees and they all fist bump.
"Come on, let's get to Spotlite and tell the others." Lauren urges and the others nod.
"And we have to listen to that Spongebob song 'Sweet Victory' on the way" Lucas adds, the others nodding in agreement as they move to take the metro, laughing and singing along. Those Statton kids were no match for them.
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whatinthehale17 · 7 months
Okay so, this is a bit of long shot but I'm planning on starting a fanmade project for TE. It's my favorite choices story and there's still so much you can do with it.
I'm currently figuring out how to use Ren'py right now and watching videos and what not to figure out how to do this. I'm pretty new to all this but I think it'd be a fun project.
I'm probably gonna do some of the writing like the plot and Shreya's route (best girl) and also as I said I'm figuring out the coding as well.
But I'm definitely gonna need some help on this. I know others have expressed interest in a 3rd book and now is your chance if you're willing to help. Again it's fanmade and we're not making money off of this, this is just for fun and you can bail at any time.
I'll be making a discord once I start to get some interest in this so the link will be up at some point but if you're interested, just comment saying you'd like to help and what you'll be able to provide for this project.
Co-runner- I'm gonna need someone to help me run this project, help me keep the thing running and I'm a bit of an idiot so I'll be coming to you if I need help with anything. You'll be the Atlas to my MC lmao.
Artist- If you're a good drawer or you just love to draw and wanna help out on this project, we'd love to have you. I'm thinking we'll need some new characters for the plot and if you want, maybe some new backgrounds too (or we could just pick ones from the multiple backgrounds choices already has)
Writer- I'm a lesbian and obsessed with Shreya so I don't really have any idea about the other routes. But I know a lot of people are obsessed with like Beckett and the other love interests so anyone willing to help work on the different routes would be great. Not to mention the plot of the book, the adventures the pend pals could be getting into and side stuff like your relationship with your mom and the villains and such.
Coders- Like any great game, we'd need people who can code or wanna try it out like I'm currently doing. I've always heard Ren'py is good for that stuff and that's what the ILW crew used and that's what I'm currently learning right now so if you wanna try it out or already know how, we'd appreciate the help.
And of course, if you just wanna help out, you can join and I'll figure something out for you to do. My work schedule is kind of whack right now so this week we probably won't be getting anything done unfortunately (maybe Thursday or Friday if I have people and what not) but hopefully the week after, i'll have things figured out.
Last but not least, my idea for how I think the plot should go-
The gang is back for their next year of school
MC, Shreya, Zeph, Beckett- Juniors
Griffin- Senior
Aster, Atlas- Sophomores
But just like always, the school year is never simple for them.
The High Attuned has been watching over the school and visiting more frequently, keeping an eye on you and Atlas.
Zeph is having trouble with Thief captain as much as he hates to admit it.
Griffin is having parent troubles after they found out about his interest in Natural disaster field work instead of being a professional Thief player.
Shreya has hired an assistant to help with Serene and Sublime, though the assistant keeps messing things up and causing Shreya to lose customers, important ones at that.
With Beckett's urge to please his professors, he works himself too much to the point he begins to experience burnout and freaks out over the smallest things resulting in him pushing his friends away.
Aster is having trouble running the shop and keeping up with her studies and she's worried she might have to close it down.
Atlas is happy to catch up on lost time with their mom but when their mom becomes a professor for the school, Atlas isn't exactly sure how to feel about it and starts to lash out on Theia, resulting in the MC to have to try and fix the relationship.
MC does their best to help everyone with their problems but begins to have problems of their own when the school recruits another sun-att who does everything in their power to one up MC in every way.
Of course, it's just a rough draft of how I think the year should go, but we could always change stuff around if people have better ideas. Also, of course, there will be new spells to learn like in the other books and I was also thinking like...was I the only one that shipped Dean Swan and Theia together? Like Dean Swan already acts like a mother figure to the twins. And some of the sources will be back like Gemma and I really wanted to incorporate the High Attuned because we got like two minutes of information about them and then nothing ever again.
So yeah, this is super long and we can talk more on the discord but if you're interested just tell me what you wanna do.
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whatinthehale17 · 9 months
Well here it is. 14,000 words of pure chaos. Read it if you want to. 😁
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whatinthehale17 · 10 months
I'm thinking about a new USWNT fanfic but with them in the Harry Potter world. It's a mix of all of my favorite players (most of them are from the 2019 world cup). I've been working on a one-shot for them but i might make it into like a little story. Here's one of the ideas-
Title- But your empty eyes seem to pass me by (Leaving me dancing with myself)
Summary- With the Yule Ball coming up, 4th years and above were desperate to find dates. That included Emily Sonnett and Kelley O'Hara. So, why not strike up a bet? Be the first one to find a date to the ball. If you lose, you have to do whatever the other wants for a whole week. Of course, both of them had someone in mind.
But, asking out that person was harder than each of them thought, seeing as they weren't the only ones interested. Now it was a race against the clock to not only ask them before the dance, but also ask them before someone else gets to them first. What could go wrong?
Ships/friendships- Emily Sonnett & Kelley O'Hara, Emily Sonnett & Rose Lavelle, Kelley O' Hara & Tobin Heath, Kelley O'Hara/Alex Morgan, Emily Sonnett/Lindsey Horan, Tobin Heath/Christen Press, Ashlyn Harris/Ali Krieger, Sam Kerr/Kristie Mewis, Sue Bird/Megan Rapinoe
I guess the world cup got me back into my USWNT obsession lmao.
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whatinthehale17 · 11 months
Okay so, I've been working on a couple different stories so far and if anyone has any prompts for me, that'd be great.
Fandoms I'm taking suggestions for-
A League of Their Own- Gretson
Descendants- Mevie
The Wilds- Leatin
Fear Street- Sameena
The Owl House- Lumity
Ideas I have so far-
Gretson- Carson and Maxine live in the present time and play for their softball team for Rockford University. They're sent back in time however and are now stuck in the 40s where they find out how different it is back then and meet people that change their lives.
Sort of based on Back To The Future but also it diverts into it's own little thing as well.
Mevie- If you all have seen the Dcom Minutemen, it's that but sort of different. Mal is based off Virgil, Evie is based off Stephanie, Chad is based off Derek, Carlos is based off Charlie and Harry is based off Zeke and yeah its a mix of Descendants with Minutemen and its super random
Leatin- I'm currently working on one and two of the chapters are posted but it's Leatin but the Hunger Games with Fatin as Katniss, Leah as Peeta, Gretchen as Snow, Toni as Finnick, Rachel as Johanna and Shelby as Annie.
Sameena- I have some stories up for them already but im back into it and looking for new ideas if anyone has any.
Lumity- I don't have anything for them but I've been wanting to write for them so I'll appreciate any and all prompts
Yeah, thats what I have so far so if anyone has any prompts, I'd really appreciate it
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whatinthehale17 · 2 years
Hear me out, okay? Perfect The Wilds fanfic ideas that I'm thinking about writing
1- Ghost au where Leah sees Jeanette as a ghost and has to try and help her take care of her unfinished business by getting the others to believe that shes talking to Jeanette and they were put on the island for a reason
2- Instead of Scotty and Bo, its Scott and Stiles (from Teen Wolf) and Leah talks to Stiles instead of Raf and Leah and Stiles get along and think up plans to get back at Gretchen because they're literally the same person and I think they'd literally be BROTP cause they have so much in common.
Lemme know if anyone would read either of these and I might write them out
And yes they will be Leah centric cause Leah is my favorite and she deserves so much better and there will definitely be Leatin cause I honestly ship them more than Shoni
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