#but heyy I actually built something
jamwithjaime · 1 year
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some crappy screenshots of a henford-on-bagley market (community lot) I built the other day :)
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silkythewriter · 5 months
Heyy so weird request but could you do a vox x reader who has a kinda one sided rivalry with him in the sense every time he releases tech she'll challenge herself to make a better version
Vox with a one sided rivalry with reader!
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Warnings!: A tad tinne winne bit of angst!, sorry if he’s OOC! (˃̣̣̥ ^˂̣̣̥`)
Fandom!: Hazbin hotel!
Author note!: OOOOOO I haven’t written rivals to lovers in a bit! Hopefully it’s not too bad!
( ̄▽ ̄)💧
Summary!: One sided rivalry with are favorite TV demon (ノ ≧∀≦)ノ
❤️Written by silkythewriter Do not steal or repost on any other platform please! <3.❤️
“In the morning, you would gone
I'd be mourning, tryin' to hold on To
the memory of your lips God,
I'm so lovesick What have you done to me?“
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Devastated, like actually in greif
After YEARS of not even a single demon upon billions below in the forsaken place called hell could make a DENT in the empire he built. But then you came along! With all your Gezmos and trinkets! (He refuses to call them anything other then that)
He is insecure, no matter how much he puts a face on about not having a fear in the world. He dose, he’s terrified of being replaced or knocked off the top!
The first time you released something after he did he merely laughed. You? A small tiny little business? What idiot would do that!? Your product was most definitely gonna be looked over!
Or that is what he thought at first (ಡ‸ಡ)…
Soon he realized how quick your growth to fame was. And honestly had a melt down, who even were you?!
He makes back handed complements on his TV show like for example “and on recent news a new technology has been released by *insert your name/company name*, looks a bit cheap but it’s okay for their first time!”
Yea expect those a lot…
He’s use to company’s butting heads with him, but he always squashed them in under a day! If not less!, so he was bewildered when you just kept popping up everywhere. He doesn’t even know how. half of the channels in hell are owned or under his name! Or at least played on HIS tvs!.
And when he released a product only for the next day for it to get a bit over shadowed by yours he loses it. He immediately thinks your doing this on purpose, he thinks your doing this as a means to get his attention.
Will never admit it but he bought one just to break it outta rage but after a bit he understood the hype, will take this to his second death bed.
He’s never had a good look at you before maybe a small invention or gala for some of the highest company owners in hell. And let me tell you when this man saw you he was shocked, it took velvet to snap her fingers for him to get out of his trans-like-state. He’s more embarrassed then he’s ever been, not only are your products prove to be a good runner up to his but you were making min lose his breath.
He didn’t wanna believe at first before velvet confirmed it to him.
And may i say, the minute you glanced at him and gave him a charming smile while waving your hand at him with a small glint of pride in your eyes, he actually had a system crashed screen as his whole system rebooted.
It wouldn’t be long till you made your way over to him trying to introduce yourself(•̀ᴗ•́)و
Honestly he couldn’t think straight until you excused yourself to talk to another business owner. He dosent understand, for all the years he’s been dead how is his heart beating so fast for you?
In denial about any feelings towards you, it can’t be! He despises you !, right?
Takes him a bit to work up the courage to talk to you again, as he introduced himself properly with as much passive aggressive charm he could muster. Only to be confused at your sweet yet passive aggressive smile as you shook his hand with such care
How can someone be so competitive yet so sweet?
We’re you trying to woo him on purpose!?(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
He didn’t understand even though he knew your intent, and the underlying nature in your interaction. He still found it charming, and shocking at you technical level and marking tactics. He isn’t happily impressed, but he is definitely impressed, he would never show that though of course.
It always seemed no matter how much of a short time between releases you always managed to make it better he just didn’t understand how!. How did you have such short time to perfect something that he’s been working at for months!
He soon realizes out shinning you or squashing you business wasn’t gonna work. You guys were too evenly matched, it would be through pure luck that one of you would out shine the other one day and not the next. So he did the best next thing, purposed a business deal (quite reluctantly might I add)
To just merge company’s he knew your rise wouldn’t falter anytime soon.
At first you felt like this was a trick, to steal your soul or take you out while your walls were down. But he quickly explained it’d be easier to just have you work on things and share the profit (surprise, surprise)
Now you can decide weather you accept or not!
But after that meeting he would call you over for many more strictly for business meetings! Definitely not just desperate to spend time with you or anything
Even when you proposed to just, email, or text, he still declined saying he found it easier to say what he needed out loud. Definitely…. (≖ᴗ≖✿)
Sooner or later you’d catch on, or some people on the news would gossip of your “secret affairs”
You would soon confront him about this, and let me tell you this man is decent at standing under pressure in some if not most situations expect this one.
I feel like he wouldn’t admit it till MANY months later cause he’s just that stubborn
He just hates it, he hates your stupid smile, the way you make his stomach do back flips, the small glint of happiness and pride when your product is loved and bought by the millions. He hates the smile you keep even if at a rivalry with him. He hates everything about you, he hates it, he hates it so much he ends up realizing he loves it.
Yea he is one complicated man….
But once he finally admits it, and you end up giving it a shot. This guy would try to act like he wasn’t about to shut down, like his inner fans and vents weren’t about to self implode, he’d act cool and collected about it but behind closed doors he’s quite literally smiling like a dope
NOW if this were released to the public, the mess that would ensue is scandals upon scandals.
I mean! Imagine the head lines! “Two of hells most biggest company rivals now together?!”
News is fast to spreed lemme tell you that
I feel like he would rather have the relationship private but if it got out…let’s just say he wouldn’t stop it either per say (¬‿¬)
Overall! I feel like even if it was a one sided rivalry I feel like it would quickly turn to both of you butting heads. Cause to out shine the king of tech himself is quite the challenge, and you being able to do that says a lot!, he’ll be holding a grudge even into a relationship and still would get competitive here to there he would definitely still study your work to see how you improve so fast!. Still in the end of the day he’ll still dote on you behind close doors!
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stuniolvs · 4 months
Heyy I came across your page and I have a request can you do like one where Chris is dating Y/N but they get it a fight and Chris makes it up to her (Smut or not idc)
arguments + cats
hey! thank you for your request but this is a little different from your request but it still follows the same line. i hope you enjoy and please leave more requests!
chris has his license in this!
the second chris woke up he felt like shit.
his head was pounding and his nose was stuffy and you weren’t next to him.
he reluctantly rolled out of bed and changed into actual clothes because he had to go to 5 different meetings today, 2 for his and his brother's channel, 2 for his personal brand, and one for the podcast. which meant he also wouldn’t see you all day.
when he walked into the kitchen he noticed it was a mess which immediately added onto his stress levels so he began cleaning up everything and about halfway through cleaning his body starts aching from whatever sickness he had but her continued anyway.
he wakes up his brothers and they go on their way.
the first two meetings went good but when it came to the ones for his brand everything went to shit. they we bombarding him with all this information and he didn’t understand what any of it meant and when he tried asking questions they would just cut him off.
he left his fourth meeting with his shoulders slouched feeling a million times worse.
matt drives him and nick to their last meeting and they all go in.
chris is silent for the whole meeting, zoned out almost feeling like he was going to pass out.
they leave the final meeting and chris immediately rushes into his room. pulling open his computer and starts brainstorming ideas for his brand.
you were so exited to see chris after not seeing him for over 24 hours so you enter the triplets shared house with a smile on your face.
“hey y/n just so you know chris is acting really weird i this he’s sick or something but just warning you.” nick tells me from the couch. i grow concerned as i nod.
i walk down to chris’ room and i open the door seeing him sitting at his desk typing aggressively. “hey baby, what’s-"
“god can you just shut the fuck up! im trying to focus and all you ever do is talk! get away from me!”
you finally take a look at his appearance. his nose is red, his hair is pulled in every direction and his eyes are bloodshot and glossed over.
you turn around and exit his room your eyes filling with tears as you leave his house.
“fuck” chris whispers as tears fill his eyes. he doesn’t even know why he just yelled. but all the stress from today built up behind a dam and it had suddenly burst the second he saw the one thing he needed.
he sits up quickly making him dizzy he grips onto the edge of his desk. grabbing the minivan keys and leaving the house.
he stops at the flower stand he regularly visits and picks up a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
he drives to your apartment and knocks at the door. a couple seconds later you open the door wearing his t-shirt and shorts.
he immediately start “i'm so sorry ma. i’ve had a very stressful day and i think im sick. and i wanted to see you all day and the second i saw you i took it out on you. im-“ you cut him off “chris, baby its okay i know you weren’t actually mad next time can you just talk to me please?” you reply “i promise” he says handing you the flowers, you blush and walk further into your apartment putting the flowers in a vase. chris picks up your cat (who hates him but he loves her)
“can we go back to your place i hate it here?” “sure, im taking the cat tho.” he replies taking the cat down to his car, you following behind.
“will you drive? i feel dizzy.” he asks “sure baby lean your seat back” he kisses your cheek. you drive back to his place but before you exit the car he asks “will you move in with me? i wanna wake up to you next to me in the morning.” he turns to you “of course. can my cat come?"
“yes ma. the cat can come."
chris rushes out of the car, into his house, up the stairs "meet y'all’s new roommate!” he shouts to his brothers holding up your cat.
“chris.” you roll your eyes at him “this is exactly why she hates you."
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simonrillleyyysss · 5 months
hi heyy! i know you seem to write for readers on the more girly side, doe-ish sweet and like,, little bunny vibes and i adore it!! in my head i’ve always pictured reader as a separate character than myself though, cause i’m a bigger lady (very tall, more androgynous features and heavily muscular lol) but im also very soft and a bit sensitive on the inside and a thought did wiggle its way into my brain,,
Simon, or any of the 141 really with an S/O who looks intimidating physically, big and muscly and what not but she’s the sweetest and softest person around,, gentle giant vibes almost?? like. they expect her to be very rough around the edges but actually talking to her it’s like,, fuck,, she’s so soft :(( she could match me if we sparred but she’s so gentle and sweet and a bit of a crybaby :((
adorable!! thank you for ur request anon, i hope i delivered 🩷🎀
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simon adores it. full stop, no explanation. this man doesn’t care what anyone looks like, but when he has a s/o who can physically handle his playfights? it’s over for you, expect him to constantly be pinching your side or grabbing you and trying to throw you down.
always, always makes sure he’s not too rough though—he knows you can handle it, but he couldn’t forgive himself if you accidentally fell or something along those lines!
opposites attract,(mentally) you’re built similarly to him, well-built and worth your while in height, but personality wise? you’re the sweetest thing to grace the earth, always speaking in the kindest manner, rarely ever causing arguments and just so, so considerate of him :(
the first time he engaged with you in a conversation, he was a bit shocked—but was instantly head over heels; heart eyes emoji😍 so intimidating visually, but you treated him so tenderly—couldn’t get it out of his head when you and him were sparring, how could someone like this almost overpower him?
he knows you could knock him out, which is why he always just shuts down during arguments to end it, not wanting to a. continue, or b. get knocked the fuck out accidentally, it’s usually both .
you’re so sensitive, it’s so surprising to him! you’re strong and can hand yourself, how do you cry when there’s a slightly sad scene in a movie? that’s silly!(he supports you though🤲)
loves seeing soap try n size you up. ends up with him almost getting sent back inside his ma.
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catmansquad · 9 months
Special (2)
An irritating Spider-woman leaves you on edge, fortunately, the man you love can make you feel all better...
(Miguel O'Hara x M!Reader) (Pokes M!Reader tag. "C'mon... Do something...")
‘What’s up Spider-fans! It’s Spider-Selene here once again! There’s a whole lot of you who’ve been sliding into my DMs about seeing Across the Spider-Verse. Well, guess who’s gotten her own special invite? That’s right; I’m in Spider Society!’
She held up her phone, still recording as her other hand held up the silver-white bracelet that swirled with a soft neon blue light. ‘For those who don’t know me-? Seriously, how can you not? Well, let’s take it from the top; I was bitten by some radioactive guy in a spider costume- some sort of Halloween party at a power plant gone wrong-, and since then I’ve been the one and only Spider-Selene; half-spider, half-witch, and full on badass! Fighting crime and saving the world with kickass acrobatics, pure love, and white light magic! Well, I’m already in good; got some tight-knit friends… Uh… Like Ben! Hey, Ben! How’re you doing big guy? Just telling all my fans about how I’m-!’ ‘… Friends…?’ Ben hung his head, face vanishing beneath his messy dyed locks, voice low. ‘… My life truly can spiral into darker depths.’ Spider-Selene blinked, a little nervous laugh escaped her before she swiftly turned on her heels, panning her phone away from him. ‘Yeah, he’s just being himself- we’re really actually good friends, like… Uh… Like me, Jess and Peter! Heyy!’ She waved them down, watching the two in particular pause in their conversation and look to her. ‘Hey! I’m just telling all my fans about us, want to tell them about-‘ ‘Actually, Peter, I really need to get back home… We’ll catch up later, yeah?’ Jessica gave him a soft, fond smile, that Peter matched and quickly strode off. As soon as Spider-Selene’s masked face snapped to Peter, he shrugged with an apologetic smile. ‘Yeah… Sorry, I’d love to stick about and chat, but I promised I’d look after Mayday tonight; MJ’s having a girl’s night out. See you later!’ With a “thwip” of webbing he was off, leaving Spider-Selene staring at the empty space they had once been.
‘So, you know the difference between the movie and the actual Spider-Society? Well, the bracelets are different, for one… But the really bad thing is… Well…’ She panned the camera, over to where two figures lurked by a futuristic water cooler; tall and powerfully built, a man clad in the venom green suit of a scorpion with his tail lazily curled on the floor, and a man in green and purple carrying a fishbowl helmet under one arm. ‘… Last world I explored? Literally built in the skies; farmlands, windmills, quaint little towns. Local population had wings.’ Mysterio gestured calmly the glint of a fond smile on his face. ‘Why do you get lucky? Mine was a swamp where the trees would try to strangle you with their roots.’ She returned the camera back to herself. ‘See? Literal. Villains. Just walking about with travel bracelets on. In Spider. Society. I… I mean, Mysterio’s kinda hot though, but the point still stands! It’s for Spider-People!’ ‘What did she say?’ She froze up, slowly looking back to where the pair stared at her. Scorpion’s expression narrowed further, his tail lifting from the floor. ‘M-Mac, don’t get carried away now.’ ‘Listen, you entitled little s-‘ ‘Mac.’ Mysterio’s hand on his shoulder seemed to calm whatever rage was building. ‘Look.. Spider-whatever… This place is for all of us to explore and chart the dazzling expanse of the multiverse. Perhaps no-one explained it to you- perhaps you just didn’t want to listen- but me and Mac? In our worlds, we’re the heroes. Don’t take Mac too harshly, he’s had it rough; his local Spider-woman is a terrible villain.’ A look of concern crossed his charming features as he glanced over her shoulder. ‘Perhaps it’s not any particular heroes or villains you should be worried about….’
She turned on her heels, and hurriedly tried to shove her phone back into its pocket. In a sleek black suit, you approached, peering from behind neon blue glasses, the scroll of data running across the lenses. ‘You.’ You paused before her, hands behind your back. ‘Spider-Selene.’ She corrected you, and you shook your head. ‘Lyla, pull her profile, please.’ The scroll of data stopped as you surveyed what had been brought up. ‘Hanna, please come to my office at your earliest convenience; you and I are going to have a little talk.’ She cringed softly at the mention of her name, like a scolded child who knew she had been caught out by a teacher. Finally, she hung her head, all confidence fled. ‘Yes, sir…’
You relaxed back into the chair of your office; its soft cream walls, shelves lined with tokens from other worlds, and the sleek desk with its hardlight screen scrolling the data that passed through the building. Sighing you, pulled the glasses from your eyes and set them aside, blinking at the world as it truly was.  It was fascinating, just how easily you had slipped into this life, this job, in another world and time altogether. Your eyes glanced at the bracelet on your left wrist, the silver-white sparkling in the light, the engraving of a many-branching tree visible upon its surface. Gabriel had a wonderful sense of style for designing their aesthetics. How different your life had become solely because of one extraordinary, wonderful man… The soft knock on the door, the door with that bore your nameplate and title beside it; “Head of HR”. Lyla’s hologram flitted into being on your desk. ‘Got Spider-Selene, here for your chewing out.’ You sighed and sat up straight, feet flat on the floor and pulled the chair closer to the desk, trying to look professional. ‘Let her in, please.’
She slinked across the threshold as the door slid open, hands clasped nervously as she waited for your judgement. ‘Sit down.’ The chair opposite creaked as she did as ordered. You waited for a time before clearing your throat softly. ‘Since it’s nearly lunchtime, I’ll make this brief as I’m sure we’re both hungry…’ You closed down the screen and leaned on your elbows across the desk, no barriers between your eyes. ‘Hanna, I’ve been receiving some...  complaints about you, recently. I know you’ve only been here a month and you might need time to settle in, but the frequency has quickly become… worrying. I deal with Spider-People relatively frequently, some are worse joke tellers than others…’ Realising you were beginning to drift off-topic you cleared your throat softly. ‘These complaints state that you have been… Irritating, unprofessional, and intrusive. Invading private conversations, recording and photographing without permission, and conducting yourself inappropriately in a manner that could be construed as sexual harassment.’ You watched the eyes of her mask grow wide, and you resisted the urge to grit your teeth at the last one. Needless to say, that Miguel certainly didn’t appreciate having his ass groped by yet another Spider-woman who thought he was the hottest thing since fire. ‘N-no! I’m not intrusive! I’m a superhero! I’m a good person!’ ‘We’ve also had complaints about… junk being left around the premises by you.’ ‘No! No, those are crystals and blessing bags! They’re to promote good energy and fill the space with white light… Y’know… cause I’m half-witch.’ ‘Riiight…’ You rolled the word, tone dry, you wished you had a drink beside you, something to stretch out the awkward silence.
‘I don’t know why we have villains just roaming the premises, I mean, surely for Spider-Society they should be sent back to their own worlds, it might damage the Ca-‘ You slammed a hand onto your desk stopping her babbling before she could utter that last, cursed word. ‘No.’ You closed your eyes, exhaling as fingers curled tight into your palm. You blinked your eyes back open, looking up. ‘We are not The Society. We do not wish to be their exclusive club, and we do not respect their views on the theoretical nature of the multiverse. Anyone can be an explorer of the Tree of Infinity. Now, Hanna, I want you to consider this a warning; we expect your behaviour to improve. You are still on probation, and if it does not improve, we may have to say goodbye to you. I will be discussing this matter with Miguel.’ She seemed to sink deeper into her seat at the mention of his name. ‘P-please, can you put in a good word for him with me? Let him know that I think he’s handsome? I-I mean, I don’t mean to brag, but I feel like we’ve got a real connection- we were bitten by the same spider after al-‘ ‘Really? What spider?’ You feigned interest with a gentle smile, knowing she had blabbed herself straight into a corner. ‘U-uh…’ ‘What spider, Hanna?’ ‘Uhh…. Black widow?’ You closed your eyes, chuckling softly as you nodded, and when you opened your eyes again, you could almost make out her relieved smile from beneath her mask. It was time to drop the hammer twice over. ‘Hanna? Miguel wasn’t bitten by a spider. Also, please stop flirting with him. He doesn’t like it, and his boyfriend doesn’t appreciate it. Mm?’ You watched her eyes slowly widen in realisation and drank it in before waving softly, triumphant. ‘You can go now, get some lunch.’
The gloomy room was Miguel’s office in the highest reaches of the tower, illuminated faintly by the sprawling, rotating image of a white tree with many branches. You knew its layout well enough to move through it without falling over anything, as long as Miguel hadn’t moved things around too much. As luck would have it, he had indeed. Your feet became tangled in a mass of cabling that had not been present on your last visit and you felt yourself stumble and begin to fall. You never hit the ground before familiar strong arms caught you and bore you close against his warm chest wrapped in soft clothing. ‘Heh… You’re getting clumsy.’ His deep voice was rich with amusement, right by your ear as he lifted you off your feet with effortless ease. You wrapped your arms around him, squeezing him in a hug with all your might, and his body didn’t yield in the slightest, only a faintly amused huff escaped him for your efforts. ‘You’re the one booby trapping your office to trip me up, Miggy.’ He laughed again and placed a fond kiss to your cheek. ‘Damn, you’ve figured me out… Lyla tells me you’ve been busy. Want to tell me what it’s about?’ ‘Well-‘ ‘Actually, hold that thought. Let’s get comfortable.’
He supported your entire weight with one arm as his other reached out, the “thwip” of the white, organic webbing from his wrist as he launched both you and him up into the upper reaches of his office, to where a hammock of webbing had been constructed. He laid you down on the soft, silken threads and relaxed beside you, the glint of his crimson eyes visible in the faint light. He began to rock the hammock gently with one foot against the wall and you felt utterly safe with one of his arms over your waist. ‘Well… Uh, the crazy witch has been told off. She won’t be groping you anymore. So your ass is safe… Until the next Spider-woman tries….’ ‘Ay dios mio… You think it’s pheromones? You think I produce pheromones that drive them crazy?’ You snuggled closer into him, nuzzling into his neck and sniffing to inhale his wonderful earthen scent. ‘You always smell great to me, Miggy…’ Another little chuckle escaped him, and he kissed the top of your head with a pleased rumble. ‘Uh-huh…? Well, Lyla’s made sure we won’t be disturbed… So, maybe your ass won’t be so safe from me, my love. If you want to do more than just snuggle…’ You snuggled even closer against him, feeling his arm around you tighten with strength that was just shy of hurting- you knew he still held back the lion’s share of his might, he could snap you like a twig if he wanted. ‘I… Think I just want to be with my Spider-Man, right now…’ ‘Heh… Te amo, mi vida…’ He purred as he placed another kiss to your head, still rocking you quietly. ‘I am yours…’
I designed Spider-Selene to be an incredibly shallow, irritating version of some of the Spidersonas I used to see around Tumblr. Also I love the fact that she just got chomped by a drunk guy in a costume and the world went "Ehh, techncially that counts". Probably doesn't even have any powers (which would explain why ATSV Miguel had no interest in recruiting her)
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pbnjloverman · 1 month
heyy, I saw your pinned post in which you were crying talking about byler doubt and I literally cried😭 (I'm a mileven fan) so I thought I'd write to you because you seem to be a really nice person 😭
(you don't have to read it if you don't want to dw)
when I watch st, I have no doubts about mileven, it's my favorite ship since I watched this series and what's more, it's my favorite ship in my entire life, I feel like my personality is built from a mix of mike and el's personalities + their relationship. There isn't a day when I don't think about them, come up with fake scenarios, don't look at their photos on Pinterest and think about how perfect they are, don't think about them while listening to music or watching movies, etc.
However, when I go on tumblr (most people probably know that this is a place where there is a significant preponderance of byler fans than mileven fans) and read byler theories several times, I have doubts about a ship that means the whole world to me and I literally wouldn't wish it on anyone.
apart from the arguments between Byler and Mileven fans about who is delulu, whose ship makes more sense and whose ship is toxic, etc. We all have something in common, we are people who found something deep in two fictional characters and the relationship between them, it's obvious that none of us want to find out that everything we imagined and believed in wasn't true, none of us wants to feel stupid for believing in something that didn't work out, no one wants to find themselves in a situation where it turns out that your favorite character is actually someone completely different. different than you thought.
lately I see more and more byler doubts (I don't know why 😭 did I miss something?) and it makes me sad when I see it because I know how important a seemingly stupid fictional ship can be to someone (someone like me for example 😭). I don't know if you will read this and if you will be interested in my opinion because I am a mileven soldier and it's as if I was playing on the opposite team, but I think that regardless of whether our favorite ship will be endgame or not, it was and will be something special for us, it made us spend many wonderful moments smiling, making edits, reading ff, etc. and I know that the ending of the series will be heartbreaking for all of us anyway so it's a shame to beat ourselves up twice 😭😭
well anyway thanks for ur time❤️❤️
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I'm kinda scared about what will happen in ST5, byler doubt is killing And my friend who is a mileven is also in doubt. 😭😭
Btw you are the first mileven that talks me in good way, it's sad that almost every mileven that talks to me insults me, I feel so sorry that that kind of milevens are ruin the reputation of milevens shippers because there are milevens like you that are really sweet and don't deserve ppl hating on them because one brainless person decide to be mean
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
I love your vibes!!! Can you do a Funtime Animatronics x stuttering reader? I stutter myself, and I like to think it’s similar to a voicebox malfunctioning :) By the way, if you have any FNaF x reader fic recommendations, I would appreciate that too!!
~𝓕𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓭𝓭𝔂 w/a Darling That Has a Stutter~
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HELLO DARLING! Thank you for requesting this, I live with someone who has a stutter that she's always been very embarrassed and upset over. I think it's very important to represent this because I don't think I've ever seen any book, fanfiction, or writing in general with a stuttering reader.
I myself don't have a stutter, but living with a person who does has given me knowledge of it, so I tried very hard to get it accurate!
ALSO DUHHDHFHJFJS I'm sorry but I don't have any fnaf fanfic recommendations, I don't really read fanfiction I only write it LOL. I think I've only ever requested three or four things from someone in all my years of writing. If I do end up reading some good ones, though, I'll reblog it :D
𝓕𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓭𝓭𝔂
~Freddy doesn't even notice, he's built for fun, not pointing out if somebody has a speech impediment.
~He'll only do something if you end up apologizing about it, or getting so frustrated you just stop talking.
~Doesn't take it seriously, and thus he doesn't make a big deal of it. Will be all happy and cheerful about it, actually, and reassures you by saying something like, "HEYY, MY VOICE BOX GLITCHES, TOO!" to (hopefully) lighten the mood, and then will drop it like nothing happened.
~Never once does he make fun of you or seem annoyed by it, never once will he interrupt you while you're talking, and never once will he get restless while you talk.
~If you get upset and stop talking, he'll either give you a second, or will give you a big hug if you apologize. Why should you apologize??
~Or, if you'd rather change the subject, then he'll just talk about something else with you.
~It literally doesn't matter because he doesn't even notice. It's not even a thing of being respectful, it's a thing of "you're my friend and we're talking wdym lol"
~His voice box often glitches or is just completely busted, and it's always a problem with this animatronic. He's always having to get it fixed, so he understands- kind of. Humans don't have voice boxes! But he knows the struggles and frustrations of sometimes being unable to get out what you want to say, especially with specific words.
~So overall, no, it doesn't make a difference to him if you stutter or not. He loves you very much.
Here are the requesting guidelines!
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~Love, PinkBoots
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elysia-nsimp · 1 year
Tagging: @queerlordsimon @thesunshineriptide @aetherphobia @end3rm1st @ladyzsgolla (lemme know if you wanna be tagged)
Hiiii this is a long one because. Yknow we say a lot of weird shit.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 6
Uhhh CW: cursing, joking mockery, threats of violence (all joking I prommy!!), sexual innuendos
Lilia: I want to sit in the fire chair and I want to touch the disease book
Floyd: Btw I got some candy you want some 🍬🍭
Azul: Did you check for blades?
Floyd: yeah
Floyd: no blades but I found this 🥄
Azul: Is that a spoon???
Azul: Who puts spoons in candy??
Floyd: cool people with vans apparently
Cater: My illness is that I like men
Floyd: I will break ur spine with my love
Sebek: All of my family members got the talent of art but I didn't.
Silver: I dunno, that was a pretty good dog you drew earlier
Sebek: Oh come on, don't even go there, you know better
Ace: the opposite of formaldehyde is casualdejekyll
Deuce: get out
Jade: Eyes are kinda like Jewels. which Is why I like to collect them :)
Leona: I'm way too stoned to go into the danger zone
Floyd: Loafers, loafers, loafers, loafers. . I have an eye for loafers
Azul: I can tell
Floyd: loafers-
Ortho: That's why I got the party sized bag of Doritos
Azul: Idia is his own party.
Ortho: He is his own party
Azul: Do you just bring the party with you where you go?
Idia, deadpanned: that sounds draining.
Crewel: The Overhead Sun is when the sun is overhead. DO YOU HEAR ME? T H E O V E R H E A D S U N I S W H E N T H E S U N I S O V E R H E A D.
Ruggie: but what if I want to eat the hunger
Lilia: Dead sucks. Just ask, well, nobody because they're dead
Lilia: haha, dad jokes
Ruggie: I'm so hungry I could eat my own hunger :))))
Savanaclaw Student B: what's a single kid gonna do?
Yuu: a lot, actually. i plan to take over the world, catch all the legendary Pokemon, overthrow the champion, and whoop your ass
Lilia: Okay Malleus, what did we learn about awakening the ancient ones?
Idia: I will not accept Sans' banana.
Ace: When I die I want to be baked into a chocolate cake alive
Floyd: We have that psychic connection, we're just built different
Jade: …yeah
Lilia: What if Bigfoot takes off his fursuit before making fudge
Trey: I don't think Bigfoot making fudge naked will make me want to buy it more
Lilia: Who said he was naked????
Trey: He took off his fursuit!
Lilia: People usually wear clothing under their fursuit?? Like underclothing??
Trey: Still don't think I want bigfoot making my fudge
Lilia: I love that we're skipping past the fact that I am insinuating that bigfoot is a furry
Trey: Ehh…
Lilia: Consider this: Bigfoot is just Mr. Clean's fursona
Jade: I could see that– the psychology in that-
Jade: Being so obsessed with cleanliness that you revert to the total opposite, living in the woods; the wild, being one with the dirt. .
Jade: Hey look at these nice shoes!
Grim: Imagine waking up in a strange new world and looking inside the bag that was given to you upon waking up only to fucking find human ears
Jade: I would never threaten a moose. An elk on the other hand, I'd fuck it up.
Floyd: Heyy, you want some candy? They're good. A dollap something, a Squirmy... ooh! And this one's my favourite! It's from the floor
Floyd: Now THOSE were some slurpy tentacle sounds
LilIa: aaAAAUSGHHHSHHHHHHHNNNNNNGgggGerrrrrrr. . . That's what creativity sounds like, trust me
Idia: I don't know if I should say 'Im happy to inform you' or 'I regret to inform you,' but I must inform you that I'm back in my fnaf phase
Ruggie: head empty. only primal instincts. and shiny things.
Ruggie: I am here only for picking flowers and shiny gems
Azul: And now. . ... . when I look in this chest. .. I will see all of my treasures.. .. ..
Azul, chasing a rooster: Sir? SIR! Sir do you have time to talk about extending your car's warranty??
Floyd: Ok I'm done being angsty now.
Floyd: I will now be *horny-*
Epel: Speaking of precious, [breAKS INTO A COUGHING FIT]
Ace: Skate fast, eat ass
Trey: Do you need glue?
Cater: If I need glue I will cry.
Idia: Emotions are wack [finger guns]
Ace: Jesus my hands are dry... they just like.... snorted.. .... the lotion I put on them.. ... ..
Deuce: Okayy let's see how well I can do my math homework after having a mental breakdown!
[Deuce looks at the nonexistent camera]
Deuce: Dw it was for an English assignment
Yuu: Guys, I have an important question for you
Overblot crew: what
Yuu: are you okay, like, mentally
Overblot crew: what kinda stupid question is that? of course not.
Ace: British people actually exist?
Riddle: Yes
Ace: Damn, that's crazy
Floyd: It's like being a halloween stripper except they throw candy at me instead of money
Ace: I was born to kick ass and take names, I'm not just gonna stop bc some adults told me to
Yuu: I have a history of befriending bastards
Yuu, at Floyd: "oh boo hoo, I'm so tall I can touch the ceiling 😭😭"
Lilia: I mean I got a violin case and you don't see me putting baby corpses in it
Ace: Is thay the one were Jesus rose from the tomato soap
Trey: what
Kalim: I befriended a gravy monster
Floyd: Fuck you. Eats dice.
Cater: If you avocado squeezes back, it means you are happy
Floyd: It’s like a slip n slide on a warm summer’s day. Expect its November and you’re sliding in your own liquids.
Jade: Look out Floyd, the babies are poisonous
Deuce: His parents was Greek
Jade: Set the temperature to 420 degrees F and let it cook for 2-3 business days
Azul to the twins: You don’t have to eat everything that disagrees with you
Ace: how old were you when you were eleven?
Deuce: evaporation is the process of elimination
Rook: goats are the gateway to aromatherapy
Rollo: the children must be burned
Floyd: chicken octopus legs
Deuce: but blue and orange make purple, so…
Hope y’all like these lmao
Another one is in the works already, be prepared 😄
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xaocchaos · 2 months
heyy... i'm kind of terrified of integration. do u have any reassurances about it? what are the upsides you've noticed? i'm in a really good place mentally lately so one of my protectors has been going dormant for long periods of time. im terrified he'll integrate with someone. do u have any advice?? any words of wisdom??
Upsides are definitely there, I enjoy being both of them and also my own person. I coexist in a way no one else can and it's actually really comforting to be this way for me. I see L in the way I love cooking and cleaning and Angela in the way I love art and music. I'm my own person but I'm built from them
I don't know if this will be a comfort but it was for us after we learned it, so I hope it is for you as well. From my experience, integration is very slow, it doesn't happen overnight. For me it was so slow, I literally could not tell you when exactly it happened, it just kind of...did
For L and Angela, they were close, very very close. They were close in a way that I personally think was rare, a mix of platonic and romantic that can only be found in queer lived life that I find beautiful
For them, integration was a natural part of their journey. They became so close that they started to be like each other and find comfort in each other they couldn't find anywhere else. So, they integrated
Integration, in my experience, isn't something that just happens out of nowhere. It's a process, it's something that happens for a reason within your system
Something important to remember: despite it all, your system's primary purpose is to protect yourself, both body and soul, and for some reason integration is a part of that
-Angy (she/they/he)
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One of us is a killer
Gonna do another Lifegen thing but I focus only on what they say to me every six moons! Going solely based on that, I'll build a story for another resident!
Orange highlights will be moments that don't actually have to do with the main character (Burnetkit) / are things not directed to her
Of course, SOMEONE here will end up a resident...we just don't know WHO yet...
The Suspects:
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Mother (Wetfish): [looks at Burnetkit and reaches out to prod at their tiny paws, to which Burnet mews]. It's fascinating....Cats start out so small....
Mom (Beaverspeckle): "Oh, my precious kit. I love you so much."
Sister (Midgekit): Prrrr.
Brother (Privetkit): "MROW!" [Mewls angrily as they're shoved out of their nest].
Brother (Yewkit): [Burnet falls asleep next to Yewkit into a peaceful slumber].
Mother: [Talking with Beaver, nothing to Burnet]
Mom: "Here, Burnetpaw. I saved this fish for you. What? You don't like fish anymore? It used to be your favourite when you were a kit...Heh. Look at you, growing up on me.
Midgepaw: [Watches Fleetkit and Privat talk together, too nervous to join].
Privetpaw: "Burnetpaw! I finally got away from Mouseshadow! C'mon, let's go explore! Oh no, wait, I think I see them coming over here...Aughhh...maybe if you stand in front of me, they won't see me?"
Yewpaw: [Running around the clearing, disheveled as they try to complete many tasks at once]. Burnetpaw, what's up? Do you need something too? I'd be happy to do it for you! [....] Working too hard? I'm not working too hard, don't worry! In fact, helping around camp is how I relax. Yup, definitely relaxing. Definitely."
Mentor/deputy (Cloudmoor): "Good morning, Burnetpaw. How are you today? Did you hear that rain on the den roof last night? It was really loud, it sounded like hundreds of tiny paws slamming on the roof up there. I wonder if StarClan came to visit us, in the form of the rain?"
MOON 12:
Mom: "Hey, kit, could you grab me the-paw, I mean. Burnetpaw, not kit. Still getting used to that. But, ah, you'll always be my baby to me."
Midgepaw: "AAH!" [Jumps at own shadow, then awkwardly grooms their own chest fur to play it off].
Privetpaw: [Privat's breathing is shallow. They stop breathing for a moment, worrying Burnet. Burnet decides to tell the medicine cat].
Yewpaw: "Hey, remember when we were young, and Beaverspeckle used to parade us around the nursery on the 'border patrol'? Or remember when Beaverspeckle caught us trying to sneak out of the nursery? StarClan, I've never seen you so mad!" [Burnet and Yew continue to talk about stories of youth, making eachother laugh more and more].
New Mentor (Goldfoot, Cloudmoor's other apprentice): [Grieving] "Leave me alone..."
MOON 18:
Mom: [Gossiping].
Midgefreckle: [Gossiping].
Privetdusk: "Zzz...huh? Wha? Burnetshriek? What *yawn* time is it...Oh StarClan, the patrols! I'm going to be late!"
Yewstripe: "Shove off. I'm busy." [Burnet shoves her nose in Yew's face, making their best cutesy face until Yew breaks]. "Psh, alright, alright...I'll come eat with you. But only for a few bites!"
Former mentor (+deputy): "Hey, Burnetshriek. I overheard you talking earlier. Can't say I agree with you, but that's just me being me."
MOON 24:
Mom: "Heyy, there's my favourite patient! Doing better today, pal? That's good. Hey, get this. Today, when I was gathering herbs, I saw this huge hawk..." [Beaver's voice puts Burnet on ease, but their lashing tail shows hidden emotions].
Midgefreckle: "Is it just me, or has Beaverspeckle been looking a little lonely lately? [...] We should go check on them."
Privetdusk: Zzz..[Half asleep, passed out on a half-built nest].
Yewstripe: "Prey is scarce...We'll all have to double down and only take what we need, for the sake of the Clan."
F.M: "I've been told a lack tact. Honestly? I see it as a service. At least you know where you stand with me. I just believe in being straightforward. Saves time and energy."
MOON 30:
Mom: "Did you see Heathertree earlier today, Burnetshriek? Oh, StarClan, it was the funniest thing ever! They mistook a twig for a fox and flew, like, five fox-lengths into the air! Hahahaha!"
Midgefreckle: "Hey...I saw you hanging out with Palekit earlier. They're a fun cat, huh? It was good, seeing them make you laugh so hard, heh...Way harder than I ever could...[Midge smiles, but their eyes flash with something potent and fearful].
Privetdusk: [Talking with Beaver].
Yewstripe: "Burnetshriek, can I ask you something? [...] ....Do you think that I'm doing enough for the Clan? It might be a silly question, I know. I'm practically always on patrols, or helping the apprentices patch up dens, or whatever, but does that all really matter if you feel like you aren't making a different? All I've ever wanted was to help my Clan and to be someone other cats can look up to. I want to be able to inspire someone to work even harder, just like I was. But sometimes, it just feels like I'm getting nowhere, like I'm barely making a difference. My whole life, I have been trying to live up to my Clanmates' expectations, maybe even more than that! But now, it's starting to feel like the pawsteps I'm trying to fill are too big. I appreciate you for being patient while I work through all of this. Just know that I'm trying, okay? I promise I'm doing my best."
Mate (Heathertree): [Stretches out under a sunbeam, in the clearing where cats must step over them].
MOON 36:
Mom: "HEY!!! You leave them alone! [...] Ugh. Can you believe how cruel some cats are, Burnetshriek? A bunch of apprentices were trying to convince these two kits to sneak out of camp...what a bunch of mouse-brains. [...] No matter what, don't let anyone try to pressure you into doing something you don't think is right. Go with your gut, and stick with your own values. That's what's really important."
Midgefreckle: "Oh, hey, Burnetshriek, can I talk to you about something? [...] I saw a rogue out on patrol today. I managed to chase him off the territory, but then I got carried away, and...well, I kept following him. I don't know what I was trying to do. He just kept making me so angry! Calling me weak...calling me a failure...saying I was a disappointment to my Clan. Eventually, I realized what I was doing, and I let him go. But I couldn't stop thinking about those things he said...Sorry. What am I doing? I'm being such a downer today...Thanks for being here for me, Burnetshriek." [Midge presses their head into Burnet's shoulder and sighs into their fur].
Privetdusk: [Burnet tries to sneak up, but Privet knocks them with his tail]. "I can tell it's you by just the sound of your pawsteps, dummy! Haha!"
Yewstripe: "Hm? What's that? You want to know if we can train together?...I work best alone. But...thank you for asking."
Mate: "Hey, Burnetshriek! You're looking a lot better than yesterday! If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're healing up pretty nice! The medicine cat says you should be outta here in no time, which is good, since I'm starting to go crazy without you around...If you don't get better soon, then...Hehe. Let's not even talk about that. Bad luck."
MOON 42:
Mom: [Burnet asks Beaver why they chose to become a medicine cat]. "Ah, well, that's easy...the medicine den is full of adventure! I get to explore far and wide gathering all sorts of different herbs, collaborating with medicine cats across territories, and literally commune with the dead! That's plenty of excitement, no? You might think you know life-or-death situations on the battlefield, but here in the medicine den are where the stakes are really high. My decisions could be the difference between a Clanmate surviving, or joining our warrior ancestors. It's terrifying...But thrilling, too! There's lots of different paths a cat can take in this world, but I know this is the path for me. Can you say the same?"
Midgefreckle: "Sometimes, I wonder if I'd be happier just living out on my own, as a loner. Away from all the pressures and hierarchies of Clan life, just free to wander and live my life. But then, if I were a loner, I wouldn't have you, would I? No...No, that just wouldn't do."
Privetdusk: [Gossiping].
Yewstripe: "StarClan...I just can't sleep. My mind's telling me to keep working! Ever feel this way, Burnetshriek?"
Mate: "Oh, Burnetshriek! Are you goin on a hunting patrol? [...] Can I come along? I'm more than happy to help if you need me to!"
MOON 48:
Mom: "Burnetshriek, your fur's standing up in the back, let me get it for ya...Hahaha, okay, okay, I'll stop! You may be grown now, but you'll always be a kit in my eyes."
Midgefreckle: "Oh, hi, Burnetshriek. You wanted to speak to me? [...] Sure, I suppose I'm not busy. The Clan has been well recently, hasn't it? Heathertree seemed in a pleasent mood, judging from the slight spring in their step. I'm genuinly glad for them, the day is ours for the taking, and I'm glad everyone's ready for it."
Yewstripe: "I love you, Burnetshriek. And...I'm sorry if I don't say it enough, either. Without you, I don't know what I'd do."
Mate: "There are days when I wonder about the purpose of love...But then, I look at you, and I'm reminded.
MOON 54:
Mom: Y'know, Sega was gushing to me earlier about what a good job you're doing. The whole time, I was just going, 'Yep, that's my kit!' Hehe! Keep up the good work, kitto. I think everyone else is starting to notice, too!"
Midgefreckle: "Hmm...so you're expecting. I...well, I guess it means more mouths to feed, more noise in the camp. But maybe, just maybe, they might bring...something. I don't know, a kind of fresh perspective to the Clan, maybe."
Yewstripe: "Say..ahh, what do you think about Mouseshadow? I mean, like, me and Mouseshadow. Do you think we would make a good pair? [...] I dunno. I just...value your opnion, I guess. I really like them, but asking someone to be your mate? It's a big decision. Plus, I have no idea if they even feel the same way! I just don't want to make a mistake and end up heartbroken..."
Mate: "Our kits are gonna be the cutest, I already know it! I can't help but be excited for the tiny little paws running the camp soon. You'll let me visit, won't you?"
That means our character cast will expand, so I'll save the continuation for another post, so keep a look out!
As for now, who are your suspicions on, and why do you suspect them?
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cee-grice · 10 months
Hi Cee, Happy STS!
What element of your WIP you’re attached to and would never want to change, even if objectively it may not be the best part of it? It may be a concept done so many times over, a character archetype, a predictable outcome of a scene?
heyy Sam, thanks for the ask!!
that's a hard question! there are definitely aspects of my WIP that I really wouldn't wanna change because of how attached I am, but something that's not actually that good?.. hhmm. OH lmao wait maybe there's this one. the Wizard Tower™. basically, when I started thinking about this story, I'd imagined Quil living in this cute tower while in exile, stardew valley style, and is it kinda cliched...yea....does it make a whole lot of sense? not necessarily.... is it cool and I love it? definitely..... it's built around a Huge Tree and there's a spiraling staircase built into it that's definitely a safety hazard...... it's cool ok :((( wizard tower<333
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modernday-jay · 1 year
Heyy! I just saw ur artwork of allen and Alfred in the Spiderman AU. (I haven't watched any Spiderman movie, just saw many compilation on YouTube and reels). I found it really cool! But I noticed one thing... 😶... In the first one... Allen was bitten by spider, got super power, and when he's 32, he doesn't look very happy. Same with Alfred when he gets bitten. He doesn't look happy at 32. Was that on purpose? Does it mean something? The one without power looks happy and satisfied at 32. I got curious that's all. And i love ur artworks!!
but i can elaborate here! they’re struggling for different reasons
is on the brink of divorce :( he’s always loved being spiderman, and it started taking too much of his time. he’s barely home, and when he is he’s either exhausted or injured. it gets hard for a husband at times!
so alfred finally brought up that hey… maybe we gotta separate. so allen’s going through it emotionally because he knows he fucked up! (i know older alfred looks happy in this universe but he’s also very sad about separating. he doesnt WANT to but he cant be spidermans husband anymore. he wants to be allens husband!)
so allen’s gotta learn how to balance spiderman stuff with allen jones stuff! he’s gotta keep his husband!! it’s veryyy peter b. parker of him
on the other hand, really struggles with keeping up the spiderman stuff. in actuality, he kinda hates it!
at 18 he actually gets to meet a 32 yr old spiderallen because of weirddd alternate dimension jumping stuff. at this time, he’s super excited to use his powers for good, AND he’s got a spidermentor now!
however, after a really hard time facing villains, and learning about spiderallen’s relationship troubles… alfred starts to think that hey- maybe being spiderman isn’t for him. maybe he wasn’t built for this crazy responsibility. he just wants to keep his boyfriend aj safe and doesn’t want to make the same mistakes as spiderallen. but that just leads him into being a really… neglectful spiderman, especially once spiderallen gets back to his own universe. unfortunately when alfred’s 22 he has to face yet ANOTHER huge villain and now he’s struggling.
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ricecodes · 2 years
heyy! hope you are doing well. i actually wanted to ask if there was a way to get a drop down menu thingy in the 'links' section of your rose wood theme...something like TAGS and then the link to the tags in that drop down...how you understand my vague ask😭 sorry i cant explain it any better. THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVELY THEMES!!🥺❤
Do you mean a drop down menu like this? (Excuse the bad quality GIF LOL)
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There should already be a built in drop down menu in Rose Wood! If you look at the options in the customization panel, there should be a “Show More Links” toggle option. Make sure it’s disabled so that the drop down menu will work.
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If you’re looking to customize the drop down menu, here is what you can do by going with your Tags example. If you go into the code, you can replace
<li><a class="menu"><span class="close">more</span><span class="close" style="display:none;">close</span></a></li>
<li><a class="menu"><span class="close">tags</span><span class="close" style="display:none;">close</span></a></li>
To add the tags underneath, just add them in the custom links section or add them in as page links. If you’re not sure how to add page links, please refer to here. I would suggest choosing the Link page type instead of Standard or Custom Layout.
If that’s not what you were asking about, please send in another ask! ^^
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xoxochb · 17 days
heyy! I was wondering if you could do a hc for jason x daughter of Neptune like a beach date and it end with the Neptune girl having a full collection of shells and Jason taking care of her? If that makes sense?! 💗💗 I LOVE YOUR ACC 😭😭
˗ˋ my waves meet your shore, ever and evermore ˊ˗
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warnings: my writing might not be the best… also second person pov, but that’s probably it
pairing: jason grace x child of neptune! reader
summary: read the request!!
A/N: this is such a cute idea, thank you for requesting 🫶🏼
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I’m crying over this concept oh my gods
so imagine this as a pre-established relationship, just trust me on this!!!
and it’s summer
and jason wants to spend it with you 🫶🏼
beach date!!
I love the beach so much
alright, enough about me
you guys need to build sand castles, just bear with me on this concept
I feel like jason would actually be a sand castle-building master
I feel very strongly about this
and he’s got a whole mansion built and you just sit there with your sand castle bucket thing (I literally don’t know what it’s called 😭) like ???
“anddddd done!!” you hear from the side, looking up from your failed attempt of a sand castle, to your long-time crush towering over a sandle castle mansion
“oh my gods, how did you make all that??”
“light work”
“light work??? you built a castle!”
“it’s nothing, let’s see yours” he says looking over, as you take the mold off the sand
It crumbles of course
“well… not everyone can be as good as me I guess”
“I’ll smash yours” you say, throwing a dirty look over to the blond
“you wouldn’t dare”
you later decide to build small sand people to live in the sand castle <3
anyways! seashells!!!
going in the water is a crucial part of being at the beach
and guess what you find in the water…
seashells of course!
so you quickly scoop up the prettiest ones you can find, walking out of the water with arms full of them
“jase! look at these seashells I found in the water!” you say, with shells falling to the sand as you walk
but! jason is quick to run over and help! “hand me some” he says as you place some of your shells into his arms, hoping he doesn’t notice the faint blush rising to your cheeks as your hands brush in the process
now!! to end the day off…
watching the sunset of course 🤍
this might be cliche? but I love reading stuff and character one is like “omg pretty sunset” and character two is like “yeah very” but they’re not looking at the sunset they’re looking at character one 😫
“It’s pretty, isn’t it?” you say, watching the clouds turn pink and the sky turn a light orange
“yeah…” he says, looking over to you “it is”
you catch his gaze from the corner of your eye, and with a smile you look over at him, “do you need something?”
“no” he looks away, unwilling to meet your gaze “you’re just nice to admire”
the blood rushes to your cheeks, you move (impossibly) closer, intertwining your fingers
“I think you’re quite nice to admire also” you say, planting a kiss to his cheek
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psychelis-new · 29 days
Heyy! How are you doing??
So I had this weird dream today, at first i saw three children sliding down on a slide but it was built in their home, it looks like I was watching a movie on a tv or something like that, then the scene changed, I saw myself at weird place but that weird place is Japan?!? I was walking and I heard people talking in Japanese, but I saw two Indian aunties, so I just followed them, and the whole indian family was living there, i silently walk into their backyard and I saw witchcraft things, i ran from there, the scene changed and now I'm at home with only my sister, and there were two horrible dolls, my sister was sleeping and i saw one doll that changes his size that turns into my height, and he laid beside me, he was actually horrible, the other one was also laying somewhere on the floor, the one that was laying beside me turns his head and looks at me, that gives me goosebumps oooh! To make him less horrible i tried to talk with him, idk why I was grinding myself on him (tmi) 😭, anyways, my sister woke up and that horrible doll just laid down normally, I run to my sister's bed, and i try to sleep with her, but that horrible doll started to talk, that made both me and my sister jump, actually we were waiting for our mom to come home so she can save us from these horrible dolls, the scene again changed idk what happened, was it me? Or I was seeing from my mom's perspective? Weird? So idk what was that but I again saw that backyard with witchcraft things, I guess I was looking from my mother's perspective, I kind of examine the things that was there, looks like someone was doing it, when suddenly I hear a sound from back, and I turn to look at a man, idk why he was calling my mum from her nickname but his face was one like my mum brother, he made a Scary face and says something like what are you doing here, my mum was there to find her father but she got the idea that the witchcraft was happening on her father, idk what happened but I suddenly saw them arguing and a knives in their hands and the dream ended here.
( i actually before sleeping at 4 in the morning, searched about witchcraft, then after, when I went to drop my sister at school at 7, we talked about shinchan movie that was in Japanese, and my mother, last night was talking about her father and maybe these all got mixed up and I just saw them in dream, the dream was around 9-11 around in the morning) 🤷🏻‍♀️ but the dolls were actually horrible!!
Hello Anon! Ofc it could simply be that you were a bit too overstimulated by all that you did before having this dream and also you probably felt tired as it seems you didn't sleep much, but maybe there's still a message for you in between all that. Maybe what you saw and read about and did, actually mixed up and became part of a message from your unconscious. If you remember a dream, it generally is cause it has a meaning for you.
Feel free to discard what I'm going to say anyway :)
The main point here imo is that you may be feeling a bit vulnerable or you may be in need of protection in some way. It could be something that happened in your past, that's still in your present and you fear will stay in your future (consciously or not). You may need relief from that. Maybe it's about connection with others, relationships (you may be longing for real connections, you may be feeling lonely and like you cannot trust others or you feel let down/abandoned: you may have been betrayed in the past and that's still blocking you). It could be something you're also avoiding to look at/consider. You probably also desire to be accepted but you somehow feel like you cannot. There may be some needs unmet or fears, like you may be scared of getting closer to others too as you may feel they may not be real with you. There ar elike parts of you that you probably keep hidden away, something you fear others may know of? You're probably searching for emotional support, comfort or to simply feel safe/secure. There's also something about receiving, feeling nurtured... You're probably too influenced by others or you pay too much attention to them and to how they feel/what they think. You try to understand they toughts (you were probably judged harshly so you're trying to save yourself by controlling how they see you or what you like? Something like that, maybe you try to control them in general, to set the mood and save yourself or any other reason --see below). Maybe there has been a traumatic event in your past around this matter, in your relationship/s, and you still feel in danger and not in control and not being in control of others + all this situation is like a threat for you and you need to find solutions. Maybe you also feel responsible for others' feelings and emotions, and you want to control them by also solving others' issues or problems (not sure tho).
Hope this helps somehow, take care!<3
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hanazuma-inactive · 3 years
Hello! This is kind of a long request and well- Hopefully you’re fine with doing temporary Body Swap. :>
So basically Bakugou and his Male S/O are pro heroes and when out on a mission, they both get hit by a villain who has a swap quirk. Basically, they just swapped bodies. (Y/n is in Bakugou’s body and Bakugou is in Y/n’s body, they basically just switched minds.) They are told by the other pro heroes that the two should go home and take the day off. Unfortunately, nobody knows how long the quirk effect will stay, but they were convinced it was only temporary. So the two go back to their shared apartment and the day goes on pretty normal- besides the fact that, you know, they’ve swapped bodies. Though later Y/n gets a bit of an idea. What if he were to f*ck Bakugou in this body? The thought seemed kinda strange at first since he would literally be f*cking his own body, but he couldn’t deny that the thought was turning him on. Especially wanting to see Bakugou’s reaction. So, he basically handcuffs Bakugou to prevent him from struggling and.. while in the middle of doing it, something happens.. Shit! Why did it have to happen now?? Y/n panics in his head as he realizes they just swapped bodies again, and he is now at the mercy of Bakugou Katsuki himself..
I actually sent a request kinda similar to this to someone else but it was a while ago and they haven’t responded so they may not have liked it, or it just didn’t arrive. And sorry for choosing Bakugou again, you just may be able to figure out who my favorite character is.. Sorry for my rambling.
If you don’t wanna do it, that’s fine. Anyways, have a good day/night, man!
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in his shoes (nsfw) bakugou x reader
pronouns: he/him
warnings: body swapping during sex, bottom and top reader+bakugou, selfcest (?), degrading, bratty behavior, claimming and possesive themes, bondage (handcuffs)
a/n: i really like this concept and i will write it don't worry 😎👍 i usually write all of my requests anyways. im also sorry this took literally 5 years.
katsuki bakugou and y/n bakugou. the two of you have been married for 2 years now after you guys started working as heroes. you both went to UA and graduated at the top of the class. neither of you had time for love or romance resulting in neither of you confessing you feelings for each other. gladly, things managed to work out in the end.
"he's on it again, i need the bakugous here right now."
hearing the police force requesting your assistance, you and your husband show up on the case. it turned out to be the villain that the two of you couldn't capture the last time during patrol. 
"HEH?! look y/n, it's this motherfucker again. what's up with this loser, coming back every time it's annoying." 
"play nice now katsuki, let's just go and restrain him and let the police take care of the rest."
the two of you move quickly to match the villain's rapid movements. katsuki flew around using his quirk to attempt to catch him but failed. the villain was surprisingly agile and you guys had a tough time trying to chase him down. 
after around half an hour of chasing you finally cornered the villain on top of a tall building in the middle of the city that was still in construction. the ground was hard to walk on and somewhat unstable but you managed to find your balance. 
"alright, give it up, you've got nowhere to run now. 
"what he said, stop resisting and i won't blow your face off."
the villain's expression turned to fear as you started to close up on him. out of panic, he used his quirk. it was a small beam that didn't hurt at all. however, after a few seconds your body started to heat up, you looked over to katsuki and you could tell he was feeling the same. what was happening?
seeing the two of you struggling, the villain quickly left the scene but he had trouble moving around due to his surroundings. his movements were also somewhat impaired due to fatigue. it was most likely the aftereffect of his quirk which was why he was pretty reluctant in using it. 
the strange feeling in your chest wouldn't go away and your vision started to blur. next thing you know you woke up on top of the same building to see yourself lying next to you. was his quirk duplication? no it couldn't have been. you tried to stand up but felt the weight of some heavy armor dragging you down. you look down to see yourself wearing katsuki's hero costume and his gauntlet. still in awe, you heard a groan in your own voice next to you. 
"shit… wtf happened, y/n where are you where-" 
it didn't take long for your husband to find out what happened. 
the two of you have switched bodies.
you both tried to explain to the police who's who but it only ended in confusion. you went home with your husband after they put the two of you on break for "damaged mental" from the villain because the majority of the police thought you guys were crazy. 
there weren't any cases similar to body switching between heros before so the doctor said there's nothing that can be done other than attempting to wait off the effect. so there you were, in your husband's body, cooking dinner for the man while you saw your own body lazily sitting on the couch with your legs spread open watching the tv. 
life went as normal for the next two days, since you two were both males there weren't any problems whatsoever. however, one day a thought flew into your mind while taking a nap with katsuki. since he was the one who would usually top, now that you're in his body wouldn't it technically mean you get to top? 
physically you would be using your boyfriend's body to fuck yourself. but the thought of the all mighty bakugou katsuki taking his own dick, his bratty attitude, and lastly breaking him and making him fall apart by your touch aroused you in an indescribable way. you knew katsuki wouldn't agree to this due to his prideful personality so you had to take other measures to carry out your plan. 
you and kastuki had all sorts of toys laying around and you decided to give him a taste of his own medicine with them. while he wasn't looking you grabbed the vibrator, handcuffs, and blindfolds and put them all on the nightstand. now that everything is in place, all you have to do is wait to catch katsuki off guard tonight when he gets tired.
later tonight, after finishing dinner, katsuki was yet again sitting casually again on the couch watching tv, not giving a single care to the world. 
"heyy katsuki!"
"hm? yah?" 
"come with me for a second? i want to show you something!" you said with a sly grin on your face
katsuki didn't care enough to talk back, neither did he think this could lead to the ill intentions you had with him tonight. following you into the bedroom, you gestured katsuki to sit down on the bed. he obeyed although he began to have a suspicion of what you're about to do. using your new body, you abused katsuki's strong muscle and speed to restrain your own body with the handcuffs you prepare. there was no way for katuski to fight back in this situation because your body was simply not built enough to resist his. 
"h-huh? what are you doing dumbass…if you're joking s-stop it now, it's not funny." 
"oh i am very serious katsuki, now that i'm inside your body. i am going to fuck your brains out. i'm gonna thrust that bratty attitude of yours right out the window." 
hearing you say that, your husband looked away to avert his eyes while you heard a small gulp coming from his throat. you could tell he was nervous and that's exactly what you wanted. katsuki has never bottomed in his life before and he does plan on doing so either. 
finally having katsuki in your grasp, you decided to carry on with your plan. you put on the blindfold for him as he jolted in surprise. katsuki tried to get out of the handcuffs but later found his attempt futile. these were the toys he used for you too and he out of everyone should know it's impossible to get out of them. once your husband stopped moving you gentlt took off his pants, leaving him exposed wearing only your boxers with an erection under it.
"aww katsuki~ already hard and i haven't even done anything yet, maybe you're better off being the bottom hm?" you teased 
"s-shut up you shit head, just get on with it, whatever evil plan you have in store for tonight…"
"no need to rush katsuki" you said as you entered his asshole with 2 of your fingers, loosening him up for the vibrator. 
"we have the entire night."
you heard your own voice whimper as you explored more with your fingers. soon enough it was time to put the other toy in. your fingers left for a bit preparing the vibrator, leaving bakugou panting from the pleasure and clenching his hole around well, nothing. you turned on the vibrator and katsuki immediately noticed the familiar sound of what's in your hands. 
"o-oi y/n, don't put it in here, i-i won't be able to take it." 
"oh i'm sure you can~ you made me do it plenty of times, why can't the big and strong bakugou katsuki do it?"
without mercy, you put in the vibrator quickly and let the show play out. katsuki was moaning and groaning while you stroked your own cock enjoying the view. katuski's cock was bigger than yours and you weren't used to jacking off such a big dick but it was a nice first.
seeing a wet spot forming on katsuki's underwear, you knew he was ready to go. you took off katsuki's underwear to see the precum leaking from it, so much it looked like he was about to cum any second now. next, you took out the vibrator and started to spread some lube on your cock. you positioned yourself on top of the katsuki and teased his pink hole with your huge cock. 
"what do good boys say katsuki~?" 
"tch! i'm not saying it, y-you sadistic fuck."
you slapped katsuki's ass so loud that the neighbors probably could've heard you.
"i'm the one in control right now, you listen to what i say, understood?"
"f-fine, jesus christ! p-please y/n, put it inside me…" 
"that's a good boy…" 
after you fit ¾ of your cock in katsuki was already panting heavily trying to catch his breath. it reached his prostate you leaned down on his chest to bite on his nipples to make him feel even better. his hole clenched on your hole so tight you were barely able to move your cock around. you continued to make thrusts and sped them up each time. 
during your thrusts you suddenly felt the weird feeling when fighting the villain again. both you and bakugou's body started to burn up but it wasn't as painful as it was last time. next thing you know everything was pitch black. you felt a piece of black cloth on top of your eyes and a familiar size inside your ass. it didn't take you long to realize that you and bakugou finally switched back. 
you were glad to be back in your own body but why did it have to happen now?! out of all the times it could've happened this was no doubt the worst possible timing. you just teased the crap out of bakugou and now that he's in control again he can take his revenge right here, right now.
"oh? would you look at that…our bodies switched back…" you couldn't see katsuki say this but you could already tell the evil smile on his face. 
"k-katsuki i'm sorry, i didn't mean to tease you that hard i was just trying to have some fun y-y'know." you desperately tried to explain. 
"too late now baby boy… bad boys get punished for what they did. now… get ready, for the night of your fucking life." 
regret, nothing but regret. bakugou was already an aggressive person when it comes to sex, now that you pissed him off even more you weren't prepared for what he was about to do to you. 
without warning, katsuki pulled back his hips and thrusted into you harder than ever. you took his entire length right away and the full feeling in your ass was too overwhelming for you to handle. you started to blabber nonsense, unable to form words due to the pleasure. 
"c'mon baby… gotta speak up if you want me to understand you." bakugou said knowing damn well you can't talk back. 
incoherent moans and groans escaped from your mouth as you felt dry orgasms again and again from katsuki reaching your prostate. you were on the verge of passing out till you saw your husband's panting just as hard as you. you could tell he was very close as well. you tried your best to stay conscious and cum with your husbands. 
katsuki let out a loud moan as he cummed inside you. you reached your orgasm too cumming all over yourself. katsuki licked up the cum on your stomach as you slipped into sweet unconsciousness. he gave you a warm smile and patted your head as he took you into his arms and fell asleep with you. 
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