#but he’s very much giving exasperated older sibling vibes
blog-of-reaction · 8 months
The amount of times Seth said “Shut up, Richard,” in just one episode is hilarious. And yeah, Richie done be crazy. But that doesn’t mean what he sees isn’t potentially real. Also, was the lady at the beginning already a vampire or whatever or was she just a regular human before she was thrown in the pit with the snakes?
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velvet4510 · 3 months
The Gaffer is an interesting character to me. His few scenes definitely show us that he is a gruff kind of guy who never shies away from making his opinion known among the gossips. Though he’s illiterate, he’s not stupid at all, and is actually very intelligent when it comes to all things gardening. But he also has very polite manners toward the gentry and is more than humble enough to “know his place” and be content with the simple working class life. He doesn’t share Sam’s passion for Elves and for learning in general. He’s perfectly fine with his lot in life and has no aspirations. It’s clear that Sam’s modesty, resourcefulness, and grounded sense are all inherited from the Gaffer.
Yet I’ve seen the Gaffer get a bit of hate amongst the fandom. Some dislike how he apparently calls Sam names like “ninnyhammer,” and some fanfics have taken this and ran with it to the point of depicting the Gaffer as a straight-up abusive father. Which…absolutely does not gel with Tolkien’s portrait of him at all.
It seems to me that the Gaffer is actually similar to Gandalf in his demeanor. When frustrated or exasperated, he calls people names, but in an affectionate way. And Sam obviously adores his dad, constantly worrying about his wellbeing back home. It’s clear they have a close and good relationship. Sam just does not seem or feel like an abused child. Maybe overly humbled, yes - the Quest does give him a much-needed boost in self-esteem - but not abused. Sam doesn’t have an abusive or unkind bone in his body; I really don’t think he would be as benign as he is, if he grew up with as cruel a role model as many seem to assume the Gaffer is.
Especially since Sam’s mom is clearly no longer around, and his older siblings seem to have all moved out, since Sam and his dad are the only ones who live in 3 Bagshot Row. So they seem similar to Bilbo and Frodo in that it’s been the 2 of them for a while, they have their own little lifestyle system that works for them, and they look after each other.
Notice in particular how the Gaffer often calls his son “my Sam,” which to me indicates he has great affection and pride for Sam. He even seems like he has that parental mindset of remembering and always seeing his son as his little boy, even when his son is all grown up.
The Gaffer also gives off the vibe of somebody who is actually much more open-minded than he claims to be. Yes, he’s a traditionalist and doesn’t like the idea of leaving home for anything. But notice how he fervently defends Bilbo and Frodo in front of the gossips. He’s not among those who disapprove of the Bagginses or call them “mad.” He’s very fond of them and will not speak ill of them. He appreciates how kind they are to him, and doesn’t see any harm in their unusual interests. And while he does drill an absolute sense of humbleness into Sam by saying things like “don’t get mixed up with your betters,” he actually doesn’t seem to mind that Bilbo taught Sam to read and write, even though Sam wasn’t “supposed” to be literate given his place in society. I feel like while he is set in his ways, he is also able to notice and acknowledge when something unusual has its benefits.
And let’s never forget that the Gaffer is also brave! He literally lies to a Nazgûl’s face to protect Frodo, claiming Frodo had already left when he hadn’t. Even if he didn’t know Frodo hadn’t left yet, it’s still clear he has no intention of selling Frodo out to this creepy guy. When push comes to shove, the Gaffer has some admirable courage inside him…another quality of his that Sam inherited.
I also feel great sympathy for him when I consider what that year must’ve been like for him. Imagine your son disappearing without a trace for 14 straight months, right after some creepy cloaked guy comes asking for your son’s boss. How terrified must that poor guy have been! It’s not much of a stretch to assume he was worried about Sam every single day, wondering if he was safe, if he’d ever see him again. How much sleep must he have lost because of his fears.
And of course, Sam names his fourth son after him. Another indicator that they had a genuinely good and loving relationship.
I really like the Gaffer and will always defend him. Let’s give him some credit. He’s a good guy. We primarily have him to thank, anyway, for raising Sam to be the amazing person he is.
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lilacthebooklover · 1 year
Lily Headcanons :]
Lily is one of my favourite Kindergarten characters, and I have so many little hcs around her that I'd like to share!
Even after her mission in K1 and Billy being rescued, she still suffers from some depression and a lot of self-esteem issues as a result of Cindy's bullying. She's working on it, and Billy's always happy to help, but her self-worth is... Not great
Her favourite Monstermon card is the Castle of Sand: "built on the beach during low tide, it refused to die when the water came". She's been dealt a really rough lot in life, but she's kept going all the same. This card isn't particularly rare, or anything overly showy & magnificent, but she likes what it stands for (protection, resilience, hope) [:
Her father is a single parent, often overrun with work and so doesn't have much time to spend with her. He's pretty absent, and Lily believes that she has to be independent and capable all of the time as a result- especially to protect Billy after she found him under the school. She often has an inflated sense of maturity, forgetting that she is, in fact, a child
She really likes watermelon. Watermelon ice pops, watermelon sweets, just plain old watermelon
Lily loves organising midnight feasts. Without her dad at home, she's able to raid the house for snacks as much as she likes, and often enjoys piecing together little selections of candy
Leading on from that, Lily has a big sweet tooth. Cindy's comments about her weight started to get under her skin after a while, but donuts are her guilty pleasure :)
When she gets older, she learns how to play the flute. I just see her as a flutist tbh
She's always wanted to be a detective, Billy acting as her assistant as they solve little mysteries around school. If there's something to be solved, she's the first to know!
Lily's very observant and very, very stubborn. When she sets her mind to something, she is doing it, no matter how much time and effort it takes. She's efficient and intelligent, and while she's unable to read, she's very good at planning
Her morals are... A bit iffy. She has a strong idea of good and bad, not afraid to cross into the middle territory if the outcome remains good overall, and she's been rather desensitised to death over the years thanks to the world that she lives in
She's not very good at handling affection, often pushing people away when they try to reach out. When she's close with someone, she's exceptionally so, and struggles with trusting everyone else. That's why she's only close with Billy throughout and partially why it was so upsetting that Nugget would seemingly betray someone who trusted him so much by withholding info about Billy
She gets a pet hamster and names it Fluffy because she's 5 and deserves a hamster named Fluffy
Hoodies are her favourite thing to wear, but after Billy went missing, she couldn't bear to touch any of her own, switching to dresses while he was gone (partially thanks to Cindy's influence)
Lily is the older twin. She gives off such older sibling vibes and Billy the opposite. She's responsible and chaotic and cares about her bro and is so exasperated by him at the same time
While good at planning, Lily has a tendency to be a bit reckless, not really regarding her own life as very valuable anymore
Her favourite flavour of ice cream is mint choc chip :)
She's really good at sports. Hockey, long-distance running, swimming, etc. Even dodgeball!
Lily finds it much easier to stick up to adults than she does to people her own age. She can certainly hold her own, but her self-worth issues sometimes make it hard to confront people (especially Cindy) head-on
She and Carla would be really good friends. They can commit crime, stand coolly in the background and sigh at what idiots everyone else is together <3
She's very good at keeping secrets. She likes to know everything she can to stay one step ahead of the game, and not all of that is something she can just spill at random
And that's all for now lol. She's an awesome character and I always love writing her- I'd love to see anyone else's headcanons for her! :D
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justatouchjaded · 8 months
Send 👌 if you would like to explore a PLATONIC relationship between our muses!Send 😎 if you would like to explore a FAMILIAL relationship between our muses!Send ❤️ if you would like to explore a ROMANTIC relationship between our muses!Send 💋 if you would like to explore a SEXUAL relationship between our muses!Send 💥 if you would like to explore a ANTAGONISTIC relationship between our muses!
I just wanna write w u more 😳
Sdflkdshgdsf I’m flattered <3 <3 I’d really like to write more with you, too! :D
…And I’m looking forward to having the free time & energy to do so fffff
Took the opportunity to brainstorm a bit! And share extra info that hopefully might help spark ideas on your own end. ^_^
General Thoughts
Somewhat my default, or at least by far and away what I have the most experience with. Too broad to really have much useful to say here. :’D
Though I do feel it’s worth calling out: Diamond is all for queerplatonic relationships, platonic life partnerships, etc.
Even short of those dynamics, his friendships tend to be queer in undefined ways! He just. Has very little truck with relationship norms in general sldkfhsdg.
ALRIGHT SO. Diamond will unofficially adopt people left and right, whether it’s a good idea or not. Send him someone under 30 who could use his support and we’re in business sdlfdshgdkf.
He is also an Actual Foster Parent or adoptive parent semi-regularly, so if you have a muse in the system where you want to go that route, that’s entirely plausible! Or like, AUs where it might happen for political or magic reasons, that could potentially be interesting.
On the other end of things, I have also definitely been interested in trying more threads with Diamond as a child of late. Just… massive potential for several different strange dynamics that I think could be v. fun! (Maybe he’s the one getting adopted?)
ALSO. Definitely open for potentially plotting blood relations as well? Like, either inserting one of his incarnations somewhere in any of your muses’ family trees — uncle? cousin? nephew? — or some kind of stronger AU. (I have not fleshed out his Martian family at all. So. First life is a possibility! Or full AUs where Diamond is more mundane and not immortal, hah.)
(I also think he’d be simultaneously a Pain In The Ass while also v. supportive in sibling dynamics…)
Romantic and/or Sexual
Diamond will have casual flings with physical age peers! But for actual more deeply involved partnerships, he definitely tends to gravitate to older folk. (Whether that’s just normal meaning of older, or fellow immortals.)
Which isn’t to say that he never gets more involved with young adults; if he were going to be too paranoid about shit he’d almost never date at all, and he figures that at some point he just has to trust his own intentions & the other person’s judgement. (Or remove himself from the situation when he doesn’t.)
But it is definitely less likely. You kind of have to manage to dodge the caretaking impulses first for it to even come up, hah.
Threads in his first life and AUs without the whole reincarnation thing are also definitely a possibility. 👀
In theory I am interested. In practice this does not come naturally to me and I suspect I’d need to follow your lead to get very far. 😂
Diamond can be snippy, bossy, arrogant, and even a bit petty at times, so there is fodder! Off the top of my head I feel like Professional Rivalry or Practical Conflict might be most promising? Some practical reason for our muses to be at odds.
Muse-Specific Notions
Sofi: Seriously based on the bingo card you sent I do think they could have such fun interactions. :D Good potential queerplatonic vibes I think? (…assuming they managed to dodge Diamond irretrievably pissing Sofi off via his ingrained Authority Figure vibes, or Diamond giving up on Sofi in exasperation. 😂 Though honestly those routes could be interesting too…)
Amanita: Strikes me as potentially viable for either non-platonic shipping or antagonism depending on circumstances sdlfkdshg. (Or. Both at the same time?? Both is good. Again, depending on circumstances. xD)
Xander: So. Diamond likes rock music. 👀 And while he kind of hates the hustle of the life of being a professional musician (outside of occasionally going into music teaching), he absolutely likes to support them when he can…
Cyrus: My brain says supportive queer disabled mentor has potential? I feel like Cyrus could use someone in his life who thoroughly understands the Shittiness of Circumstances while also being able to say with full confidence and personal experience that it can get better. <3
Those are just the ones that come to mind for now! I definitely don’t know much about all your muses yet, and if you have any further notions I’d love to hear them. :D
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fayeimara · 3 years
Meant To Be Series || One For Every Billion
5. Thank Some Gods
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You end up in Hyogo for a real hot minute over your winter break, thanks to your cousins Akira and Akari who decided to drag you along when they were forced to visit with their mom and older brother. Being a year older then them and already a seasoned solo traveller, the parents all thought you'd be a great chaperone. Woohoo, yay you.
Truth be told, you love spending time with them and you're really happy to be able to see your aunt and other cousin, their brother Kazuya, that you'd missed over the summer, as well. Although you did have to apologize to Tobio and his family because when you'd promised you would stay with them next, you should have specified you meant next time you were in Miyagi. Not Japan in general. You think they were just taking the piss though.
Oh right, your vulgar new phrases are courtesy of Akira, thank her very much. Spend a few minutes in the twins' company and you end up talking like them, or whatever their west coast academy friends are currently teaching them, at least. Akari has a valley girl phase going and you think Akira is gearing up for a Tarantino-inspired life. Can't see how your family is let that going to happen, but it's not your job to tell him that.
"Y/nnn, did you try this dango!" Akira runs right into you, appearing from the crowd of people on the festive street of the shopping district you're in, and locks her free arm around yours while waving a stick with round balls on it in other other hand.
"No, but I waited 10 minutes standing still in the cold and crowd so you can bet that I will. Half of that is already mine."
"Hmph," She scoffs, "No one told you to stand still and wait around, silly."
You give her an exasperated look, "You literally said, 'stay there a minute, I'm grabbing us some sweets!' and bounced off."
"Okay, okay, chill your roll, girl."
"Not sure that's a saying, girl."
"Maybe not at the snooty east side preps."
"Yo." Akira appears on your other side. "Half that's mine."
"A third. Or none at all." Akari sticks her tongue out at her twin.
He looks over at you and you nod, twisting quickly so you can grab and hold her occupied arm still while he plucks the dango from her hand.
"Hey! Looks like it's none at all!"
"No. Looks like it's half mine, half Y/n's." He bites off one of the chewy balls (okay, we all know how that sounds.. slow your roll, girl) before holding the stick in front of your face so you can grab one too. Oh wow. It is good. Why did you wait so long to try it? So many years wasted without enjoying this sweet texture.
You can see your third cousin approaching, holding onto a tray of steaming drinks, as you chew over your thoughts on the delicious dessert (see what you did there?).
"I got your coffee", he holds the tray between us so I can grab one of the cups with my free hand, but like.. Kazuya, which one is it?
"Kazuuu, they're bullying me!" Akari pouts for sympathy only for Akira to fire back almost before she reaches the last word.
"She bullied me first!"
Instead of responding to either, he rolls his eyes at their bickering but they're only having fun. You've never met siblings that have each other's backs more than these two. You think Kazuya misses it too, having decided to study in Japan and live with his mom who consequently chose to work here, while the other two live with their dad - but really at a boarding school - back on the American west coast.
"Whatever, are you grabbing your drinks or what?"
Akari only smiles at her older brother's deadpan expression, "Which one is my hot chocolate, niichan?"
"Please don't call me that."
"Why not?"
But it's Akira who answers with a snicker, "Because you don't even go here, brat. It's cringy coming from you."
"Shut up, ugly clone."
"That's literally impossible unless you're calling yourself ugly too."
Okay, you're just going to go for the cup closest to you on your left. You pick it up and sip slowly... success. The sweet, warm flavour of your white chocolate mocha slides down your throat.
Kazu is giving you an arch look now, he knows how much you live for coffee but he's still going to say something about it, right? "You know it's already dark out, I don't know how you can drink this stuff so late. Don't you want to get some sleep tonight?"
"Bold of you to assume I need sleep." You smirk at him over the rim of your cup while Akari makes an attempt at snatching the remaining dango back from her brother around you. Please don't make me spill.
"Nah, I just assume you're a robot and this is your regular maintenance or something."
You consider his words before shrugging, nothing too mean that you can call him out on, you guess. "Down the hatch then."
"Sure thing, but I'm not staying up late bingeing your crappy shows with you when you're wired."
"But you'll binge a non-crappy show?"
Another smile for your favourite cousin of the minute. He did get you coffee, you know. Akari's managed to grab the third sweet off the stick with her mouth like some rabid animal, but it makes sense because the hand not still holding onto you is holding back Akari's arm. They're going to smac-
And they hit the tray that Kazu was only just holding. He somehow manages to grab one of the drinks you assume is his out of it's spot while avoiding the wreckage spill of the other two cups. He didn't even try to hold on to it, which is partly why you're laughing as both twins start simultaneously apologizing and complaining about their spilled drinks.
Kazuya's deadpan expression is actually pretty communicative for the the moment, "I'm not going back for another, this is on you guys."
"Kazu, do you like being mean to us?" They actually ask this at the same time but Kazu's not even phased.
"Yes, I want you to suffer." He's dry as ever.
You chuckle but they're so sweet, most of the time, so you'll make it up for them, "I passed a stall selling hot chocolate, since we don't need to replace my specialty coffee, I can go there to get you some."
"Me too?" Akira asks hopefully.
"Yes, you too, puppy."
He rolls his eyes, trying to adjust his expression back into an uncaring one. It's more natural on his brother currently, but you can definitely see him grow into a more serious demeanour someday.
"I'll come with you while these two stay put." Kazu gives his younger siblings a stern look.
"No need," You wave him off, grabbing the stick with the last piece of dango and handing it to him, "Enjoy this as repayment from us all for making you go all the way back into the mall for our drinks. In the meantime, I'll be right back."
"Hold on, you're going to the one next to the onigiri stand, right?"
"Okay, straight there and back in fifteen minutes or I'll come find you. And if I have to worry, I won't be happy."
"Okay niisan." You roll your eyes with your sarcastic tone. Older brothers. No wonder he and your brother Raiden get along so well, they're under some misassumption that their younger siblings just can't help getting into trouble, as if you all only live to annoy them. And he was doing so well as your favourite cousin for the time being.
You stroll away from the benches you were waiting at by the end of the street where the outdoor stalls meet the main street shopping mall and melt back into the crowd. This festival really is something, so brightly lit with pretty twinkling lights strung up everywhere and curled around any available post like glowing, warm yellow vines. You absolutely love the vibe but you know you're on a time crunch.
You notice the onigiri stand just ahead of the drink stall and debate for a quick second before stopping in the surprisingly short line up. A piece each of sweet dessert does not a stomach fill. Unfortunately, just as you take a sip of your coffee, someone bumps into you from behind, causing it to spill over your lips and dribble down your chin but you adjust enough in time, holding the cup out and away from you, so that you're not covered in any more than that and the little bit on your hand.
You hate wet clothing with a passion, especially when it's cold outside and it clings to you with that awful chilly, sticky feel. Not so bad when it's on your coat, but on principle, that's just as unpleasant if you run the cuff of your sleeve over it or it get on the collar and then you have the tiniest bit of discomfort right by sensitive skin and that makes it all the more glaring.
You realize the person who bumped into you also reached out to steady you at the same time and is now speaking, "Shit, I'm so sorry."
It's a little quiet but you make out his apology through his thick dialect. Hm, you think that's where the odd changes in Kazu and his mom's speech are coming from, a regional osmosis of accents?
"No worries, it's pretty crowded." You only half turn while you search your pockets for a tissue or napkin, spotting a flash of grey in your peripherals. Then an arm covered in that grey reaches out to hold a napkin in your field of view and you finally look up to see who it belongs too.
And now you're just staring. Hi there, I'd like hear your voice more. Preferably while you stare at his mouth move on his beautiful face. You can't believe he just had his hand on your waist, even if it was just for a split second and over layers of clothes, and you didn't get to appreciate it.
"It's not dirty." He shakes the napkin, you're assuming because he thankfully thought you were thinking that over instead of ogling him.
You chuckle, thinking how you definitely need to send thanks to some divine power on the new year for all the interactions with some serious eye candy these past six months, but out loud you say, "I really need to thank some gods out there, huh?"
He gives you a confused look but you catch yourself and, before he can respond and question your sanity, quickly follow up with, "Or just you. For this. Thank you for the napkin."
"S'alright. Wasn't a big favour, really, just makin' up for my fault bumpin' into ya." You're not sorry he did, though? You can't tell what he's thinking, this guy is a closed book, folks. It's kind of jarring, since you consider yourself exceptional at reading people and acclimating to them.
You finally actually accept the napkin and wipe at your mouth and chin first, then your hand, responding, "At least you didn't make me drop the coffee or we would have had a real problem."
You think he realizes you're teasing because the corner of his mouth actually inches up the tiniest bit. You're not imagining, you swear it on your mocha!
"Coffee this late?"
"It's 11am somewhere."
"Ya wake up at 11am?" What an interesting thought process he has.
"Are you not on winter break? Or do you just assume your typical hours in every conversation no matter what day of the year it is?"
"Huh." You think he sounds thoughtful? Or was it just the word and you're associating it with how you use it..
"That's not an answer, but I'll take that to mean you go the typical route." You smile again because like you said, he's unreadable and you really don't want him to think you're being bitchy. You're really grateful for the napkin. And that face. So... yeah.
You're moving up, thankfully, because you thought you were blessed but this is just turning into what feels like an awkward encounter.
"I like sleepin' in, but sometimes I get too hungry so I'm up when my stomach is."
You look back at him in surprise, obviously because he bothered to continue a seemingly closed conversation, but that quickly turns into amusement and commiseration, "Oh I know! It's mostly coffee for me because not a lot of people bother to make breakfast in my house, but if I smell something delicious cooking, I forget I'm not a morning person."
He does smile fully then and it's beautiful. "Me too, but I'm usually the one doing the cookin'."
"Oh wow, that's dedication. I can respect but never reach that ideal." You hold your hand to your heart in a silly salute but also because he's still smiling and you're trying to tell your unreliable organ to be still. Not too still though, you're enjoying the moment and want to keep living it.
"Eh, I'm used to it."
"Well then, for once, let someone else take care of your food. I'll get your order for you."
"Seriously? It was just a napkin and my fault too.."
"Yeah, no, don't worry about it! Consider it a gift in essence of the festival!"
He doesn't say anything for a moment before, "I was going to try the different flavours. That's a lot."
"No way, that's awesome! I'll do that too, I don't even know what they have available, I just stopped here on a whim on my way there." You indicate the stand next to the one you're almost to the front of with a wave of your hand.
"Ahh.. if ya like, I can suggest some?"
You happily smile at him as you accept, "That would be great, thank you so much."
The two of you step up to the counter together and you listen while he orders. While you both wait for them to place each of your requests, he explains some of the fillings and why they work best depending on personal taste and even situation. You tell him about having just tried dango, sad about having realized you missed out so long, and he actually smiles widely at your exaggerated pained expression but also recommends some other desserts, including which shops to stop at in the city.
It's starting to snow as you two talk, which is not rare but still unusual for this region, but thankfully it's not much longer before you're each handed your containers and move aside. You look over to him and laugh when you realize this guy is already munching on one of the onigiris, your breath puffing out in a small cloud before you. "Which one is it?"
"Fatty tuna." He talks around it with his own little puffy cloud and it's pretty cute actually, instead of the usual cringe when people talk with their mouths full. Oh, the benefits of being good looking. Also, he's tilted his head down ever so slightly so it's almost polite in a perfected way.
"I'm just going to go ahead and assuming you're enjoying it."
He nods while swallowing and then makes some pretty intense eye contact while speaking way too seriously, "Thank you. This is amazing."
You smile, feeling like in the minutes the two of you were conversing, you've gotten a little more comfortable with the minute changes in his expressions. "You're welcome. I'm going to head over to the drink stall now, but it was nice to meet you!"
With a laugh as you walk away, you also add, "And thank you for sharing your knowledge with me, at least I'll know where to feed myself when I'm craving different things this week."
You're turning away as he seems to stand there watching you with some hesitation, but you can't do all the heavy lifting in a conversation when you're on a time limit, so you'll chalk this up to another fun run-in with a cute guy for the books.
You're lucky there's no line up, you're really short on your deadline and your fingers are getting pretty cold along with your coffee, so you pay for the hot chocolate, they pour, and you're back off towards the end of the street where your cousins are waiting.
You can't move too fast given the bag dangling from the wrist of the hand that's also carefully holding the tray of four hot chocolates, but the crowd is also thinning out a little now with the snow. Hopefully, if you're a couple minutes behind the expected time, the diverse and sheer amount of onigiri you have in the bag you're now holding, as well as the new round of warm drinks, will bring you forgiveness.
You finish up the last, cool dregs of your coffee just as you pass by a trash can, making the split decision to quickly reverse so you can toss your cup and free up a hand. As you execute your smooth move and then turn back, you unsurprisingly bump into someone yet again. Not so smooth then, you think, looking up.
It's deja vu and for a split second, you consider that he might actually be a weirdo and followed you, because stopping in your path as an apology drops from your lips is the guy you were only just talking to, same face, same dark hair, even same height... but with a different jacket on.
It takes you all of one more second to notice the small differences like the eye colour, the way the hair naturally parts, and the slightest difference in size, not to mention the more obvious difference in openness and personality literally exuding from this one. He's actually smiling wide right away with no provocation. So not a weirdo who changed his jacket and followed you.
Also, have you ever considered the odds of multiple sets of twins being in pretty much the same place at the same time?
"Oh, there's another one of you, huh?" You're talking again before he even has a chance to respond to your apology, but you guess you feel familiar thanks to your brief encounter with his twin. "That's unfair, don't you think?"
You step around him calling out, "Anyways, sorry about that. Enjoy your night." and walk away, back towards your own set of twins.
Ugh, Kazu's going to kill you. You won't be making it in time, for sure.
Miya Atsumu's POV
Atsumu turns to follow the stunning girl's progress as she moves around him and away, catching her last words but still more interested in her previous statement. 'There's another one of you, huh?'.
People have been confusing him and his twin for as long as they've been alive and only those that know them really well can only sometimes make out the difference.
It's no longer amusing, and actually irritating enough that he and 'Samu have been considering a little aesthetic change some time next year, maybe before their first year of high school.
'Tsumu knows it's his brother without looking when someone walks up to his left side from behind him. What he's surprised by is his first words, "She think you were me? I was talkin' to her a bit at the stall."
When he glances over, he notices 'Samu staring after her as well, with a lot more interest than simple, piqued curiosity. Does he know her?
"No.." He contemplates her words again before sharing with his brother, "She said 'There's another one of you, huh? That's unfair, don't you think?' and then walked away."
He can feel 'Samu looking over at him curiously, "Did ya talk to her?"
Why is he asking? He hasn't even picked up a new onigiri from the open box in his hand. "I just bumped into her. Didn't even say a word. Do ya know her?"
"Like I said, I only just met her." Pausing, 'Samu seems to think it over before adding, "We only talked a few minutes, maybe."
The twins are silent for another couple moments, while the snow continues to drift around them. The girl is long gone, swallowed up by the crowd at this point, but they keep staring at where they last saw her retreating figure, each in their own intrigued thoughts.
Finally, 'Samu's the one who breaks the silence, "Do ya believe in coincidences, 'Tsumu?"
"No, 'Samu, ya know I don't."
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Behind The Scenes!
-Tee was called out in the first thread because he doesn't use emojis often, especially not the half assed ones he used for a scenario like that so... caught slipping lmao (aw he does care about Y/n <3 Maybe more than he should?)
-Y/n was NOT expecting to get called out like that for saying she likes Oikawa when she'd literally just called him her friend... Iwa, you slick wingman ;) <3 He might bully the shit out of Oikawa (to keep him in check though) but he really is his best friend :')
-Ushi says what he means and means what he says lol, yeah, he wasn't really surprised
-Y/n's friends aren't all necessarily happy about this development; they've been aware of her various interactions as they usually are (some more than others) but... they're getting older and, well, all not sharing as much with each other as they once did
-But they're still going to call her out and roast her because they're her best friends lmao who else will? They have to keep her in check too loool
-Oikawa's last reply... <33 Take it how you will :D
-And Shin just dropping in to screenshot his cousin's embarrassing moments, hoping for a dirty delete so he can roast her all over again for the same crime lmao, probably shouldn't have warned her though... whoops
-I HC the Miyas' hair dyeing happening at/around their first year of HS, anyone know any different? It was only Osamu's jacket that was grey in Y/n's peripherals, just a little tease for us all ;)
A/N: Guys, I'm really, really sorry about the Miyas' 'accent'... you might see a couple different attempts in there but I had to edit a lot of what I tried out because it sounded just awful however I was originally trying to write it earlier. If you guys do have any suggestions, I'm very much all hears (and eyes lol - heart eyes specifically because I've seen some write them incredibly well!).
That aside, I hope you all enjoyed this one, I loved writing it so much, it just flowed once I started and I love the Miya twins, each in their own way <33 I've been dying to introduce them and the other 'main' characters but there's definitely going to be a difference in the weight of interactions Y/n has for a while. It's not favoritism, I promise; Y/n's time spent with various characters is just going to be uneven at various points due to the natural progression of her story :') but I plan for it all to even out as we move along the years (:
Taglist: @delusivist, @prettyinblack231, @kac-chowsballs, @sakusasimpbot
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jay4firefic · 3 years
(Ignore me if I’m bothering you lol)
Here is my HC/ what I would like to happen w the Buck/May relationship.
So we know that Buck is good w kids and that when Buck entered the Grant kids lives, May wasn’t in a good place. And May was a teenager and didn’t want to be grouped in w the little boys probably. Idon’t think the two are close yet but I think(hope) we’ll see them get closer as the seasons progress until they have a sibling relationship. This also ties into my hope that the Buck/Bobby relationship will keep progressing
I just think Buck would make a good big brother and May maybe needs one 🤷‍♀️
I wasn't sure if I should reply to this or not because I don't want to, like, shit on your headcanon but I figure you wouldn't have come into my inbox to talk about a single tag on a single post if you didn't want my opinion so??? Idk. Here's my thoughts on fandom's weird "Buck is a Grant sibling" thing, I guess:
I am personally uncomfortable with/dislike the tendency in this fandom to say found family = an exact recreation of a nuclear family. I don't think the logical end point of "Bobby and Buck have a (pretty toxic) father/son relationship" is "Athena is Buck's mom" and "Buck is an older brother to the Grant siblings." First, we have no evidence of that in canon. Second, I don't think it makes sense for the characters and relationships to interpret that as something that's happening off screen.
I don't get the vibe that Athena is Buck's mother figure. Their relationship has come a long way! She displays maternal instincts toward him! But she does that toward many of the characters, and we don't see them interact much outside of "Buck is doing something dumb or risky & Athena is helping him do it more safely or cleaning up the mess." It's very much an exasperated, dealing with her husband's mess of a mentee type of fondness, not an adoptive mothering relationship. Also, and this is said with love for Buck and his clear mental health issues/neurodivergence, in what universe would Athena, overprotective mama, want her emotionally vulnerable daughter to spend a lot of time with/be mentored by a reckless & historically womanizing man ten years her senior who is barely keeping a handle on his own life most of the time? That's not a relationship I see Athena encouraging, and it's honestly not one I see adding a whole lot of value to May's life or even being one that Buck would be particularly interested in (especially because being good with the under ten set =/= having any idea how to help a teenage girl struggling with her mental health. I think he's way more likely to interact w/ Harry when he goes to dinner at the Grant-Nash house).
More importantly, I think my problem with fics that center Buck in May's life is that they feel similar to the fics that center Buck in Christopher's life to the point of portraying him as more important than Eddie, Chris' Actual Dad. May has a big, loving family. She has an ACTUAL BROTHER who, while younger than her, shares her family trauma and was right there for all of her struggles. She has a loving and involved mom, dad, step-dad, and dad's boyfriend. If she's looking for adult mentorship, she has adult coworkers who she spent a bunch of time developing on screen relationships with last season! Josh & Maddie have both had traumatic experiences and mental health issues that could help them understand & support May. (Give me Josh & May friendship, Josh being her gay mentor, even Josh filling that older brother role - I think that makes way more sense than Buck doing so in canon, tbh.)
I love Buck. He's my favorite character. I project my shit onto him. But I remain really uncomfy with shoehorning him into families of color at the expense of actually acknowledging the importance of those families and the ways they support each other. It's very white saviory and in this case it has zero canon backing to even give it a jumping off point.
tl;dr I don't think Buck is on a trajectory to be an older brother to the Grant kids, I don't think he should be, and I don't think he'd be a super great big brother fixing all of May's problems even if he was. Make May a lesbian and gimme May & Josh bonding instead.
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be-dazzled · 4 years
How about some royalty au or some Jane Austen vibes, because I can totally see Gray as Mr Darcy character-wise 🙈 also I had this Juvia feels with the song Daughter of the sea from Warbringers: Jaina (World of Warcraft franchise) you should totally listen to this with Phantom Juviaesque backstory in mind 💙
Writer’s Corner: This took so loooong. I’m so sorry. I planned to watch Pride and Prejudice since 2005 but always kept forgetting it. But thanks to this request I was finally able to do so. Also, when I went to write this request, it kept getting longer. Hehehe. So this is going to be divided into parts, as usual.
All Chapters: Click here
Gray let out a sigh. He left his apartment in a hurry this morning upon receiving his mother’s letter. Gray’s father, Lord Silver Fullbuster, has fallen ill and he, as the lone heir to the Fullbuster estate, was requested to return to Magnolia immediately. He knew this was the future that awaited him. He had no objections to it even if his heart wasn’t set on having to inherit and take full responsibility of his father’s entire estate. For Grayden Fullbuster was a man of intellect. His interest lied on acquiring knowledge. He read all sorts of non-fictional books ranging from Anatomy to Zymography. Since young, Gray, as his mother fondly called him, had always been a curious child. Leather-bounds, first editions and original works were part of his book collection. He continued adding rare and limited publications from the moment he set foot into University of the Kingdom of Fiore, the center of knowledge in all Fiore. He was quite proud to have in his possession these printed and bounded sources of knowledge – books. Now, however, upon the news of his father’s illness, Gray was expecting to come into some good fortune. It only meant one thing, that he was to be in need of a wife.
Little did he know, his mother has known his needs before he even thought of it. If there was one universal truth that survived over the years it was that mothers know best. Hence, a mother of three daughters rushed home to bring her daughters the good news – Lord Silver Fullbuster was looking for a wife for his only son.
She arrived at her family about to enjoy a table-full of breakfast.
“Darling, darling!” She evened her breath as soon as she arrived at the table. “Lady Mika has invited us for tonight’s gathering at the Manor!”
“Mother, can we not be so loud this early in the morning?” The second daughter just came down from the second floor of the house, hair sticking out all over the place, night dress still a mess from all her tossing and turning in bed. A far cry from her sisters who were up and ready right before the break of dawn.
“Juvia Lockser, a lady doesn’t–”
“–Yes, Mother.” She has heard this lecture for far too many times that Juvia committed them to memory, albeit non-intentionally. “A lady doesn’t dilly-dally in bed when there is housework awaiting her.” Juvia claimed her rightful seat at the round table, next to the youngest Lockser, Wendy.
“Might as well. As I was saying, darling…”
Juvia quickly drowned her mother’s news out. There was only one thing in that woman’s mind, to marry off her daughters to wealthy men. From a very young age, Juvia and her sisters were groomed to become women who gentlemen would seek to marry. As they were growing, however, Juvia stopped trying altogether. She found the notion ridiculous; that women were born and raised only to be wedded. With this thinking, Juvia has always been considered the black sheep of the family; who would rather go with her father hunting than learn about the best fabric and the shiniest jewelries. Those fitted her other sisters more – Eliana the eldest and Wendy the youngest, whom Juvia always considered more beautiful and so, befitting to marry the son of Lord Fullbuster.
Juvia caught tails of the news her mother shared. As she took bacon and eggs into her plate, the second daughter promised herself to be stern about her decision not to come to the gathering. She had better plans for tonight – better than parading herself to men who wouldn’t even cast a glance. Next to Eliana, all others paled in her sister’s beauty.
Juvia expelled an exasperated breath.
“Would you stop that?” Eliana scolded, straightening her back and fixing her posture on the seat.
“What? Breathing?”
The eldest Lockser daughter narrowed her lighter blue eyes at Juvia, much like the way her mother’s darker ones disapproved the second’s attitude. If she wasn’t as stuck-up as their mother, Juvia was sure her elder sister would have found humor in her response. Eliana, however, was a close second to Elmara Lockser, who was now busy rubbing elbows with a few of the wealthiest families in whole Magnolia. Juvia scoffed at her direction. Her mother might be acting all friendly on the outside but she loathed them on the inside. Those couples she was with in their gossip circle were all rivals because they too had daughters they wanted to marry off to the wealthy Fullbuster family.
“Juvia, sit up straight. That isn’t how a lady should carry herself.”
 That pulled Juvia’s attention from her parents who pretentiously laughed their ways into their own conversation.
“Eli,” Juvia addressed her older sister by her nickname, “it wouldn’t make much difference. So, why bother?”
“Eli is right, Juvia.” The youngest Lockser chimed in, imitating the way the eldest Lockser poised herself as they waited for any gentleman to ask for a dance. “How will you demand these gentlemen’s attention when you act like that?”
“Easy for you to say.” Juvia huffed dejectedly. “You’re the charming one and Eli’s the pretty one.”
Both sisters were now staring at the middle Lockser who just propped her hand under her chin. “And I’m… well, I’m the Juvia.” Her statement need not be explained. Juvia, somehow, acquired a reputation of coming second best to either sibling. Eliana and Wendy shared a pitiful look, scrambling for words to correct Juvia’s assumption about herself. When the eldest was about to share some words of comfort, a gentleman has offered his hand towards Eliana. He was the son of an Undersecretary, one of the highest positions in the Magnolian government. Their mother made sure the girls were well aware of such vital information. The eldest out of the three sisters plastered a trained smile across her lips and placed her hand into his. Juvia was sure Wendy was next to being asked, just like always. She wasn’t wrong. Not a minute went by when another son of a prominent figure in Magnolia asked the youngest Lockser for a dance, leaving Juvia alone, just like always. But not because she was used to it, didn’t mean it stopped hurting. One by one, the beautiful girls were asked into the dance floor. Once again, Juvia was left behind in the array of vacant seats. As much as she wanted to deny it, not being picked or offered a hand was a blow to her self-confidence and only supported what she assumed about herself. But she was older and much wiser now. She wasn’t going to let that embarrassment get into her head.
“So, what? Like I’d even like to dance with those scrawny morons.” Juvia suddenly stood right up, ignoring the weird looks thrown at her. Juvia made her way out of the ballroom. Her steps were purposeful. Her strides were hurried. She couldn’t wait to get out of that suffocating obnoxious community. When Juvia was finally out of sight and outside those giant front doors, Juvia ran. She ran without looking back. There was a place where she mattered, where she wasn’t passed upon. The woods. Gajeel would be there hunting for his next meal. She’d rather join him than be surrounded by those rich snobs who valued people by fleeting standards.
Juvia stopped at the hallway and glanced to her left then her right where she placed four uniformed men on either side. When one of the guards walked pass her, Juvia straightened her back and pretended that the clay sculpture piqued her interest. As soon as the uniformed staff was out of earshot, the second Lockser daughter raced to the balcony to weigh her options: ran free or get stuck with the snobs in that hellhole. She chose the former; a far better choice.
Juvia looked down and calculated the height of the jump required. It was possible but might leave her crippled forever. She wasn’t planning on it. She moved to the left side of the balcony where she found a ledge which would allow her to land on two feet. However, it wasn’t going to be easy as Juvia’s greatest obstacle was her dress that reached her ankles. Not to mention her tall heels weren’t going to be much help either. Juvia removed the strap sandals her mother painstakingly chosen for tonight. Clutching on their straps and keeping them in one hand as cautiously she leaped over the other side of the railing and landed on the thin ledge. Her heart jumped to her throat as she looked down at the ground, which might be her cause of death if ever she missed a step. So, she heaved out a deep breath, creating a visible cloud of air, and glued herself against the wall. Step by step, ever so slowly, ever so cautiously, Juvia moved to her left, to a spot closest towards a branch of tree. All the while, her feet moved within the bounds of safety. Juvia figured the branch was sturdy enough to hold her weight and that she could use the same as some lever to lower herself down on the ground. She’d done it a couple of times but the she still felt nervous about what she was to do. Juvia extended her arm and swung them to catch the branch, only to gather leaves in her fist. As Juvia ordered herself not to look down, quite conscious of the ledge’s edge, she peeled her back off the exterior wall and reached out for the branch one more time. She tiptoed thinking it would give her an extra length to capture the branch, which seemed to have a business of evading Juvia’s grasp.
The young woman was resolute; evident with the way her brows furrowed and her lips folded, Juvia Lockser was determined to escape that hell. Her third attempt was more successful than the previous ones; albeit by a slim chance, as the branch jerked back into its original position, having one stunned bluenette hanging by it. Her weight dragged the branch down but not enough to cause it to snap. Juvia released her grasp from the end of the branch, jumped off on the ground and landed on both feet in one piece. Gajeel had taught her well. She rose from her crouch and quickly took shade under the giant tree. It served another purpose for the young lady as she hid behind its large trunk to avoid the roving guards. The Fullbuster Family took security quite seriously and they had every reason to as their fortune was ten fold more than any family in town or even all of them combined. When the coast was clear, Juvia made her way towards the iron fence for her final escape whilst avoiding any watchful eyes. Just as quickly as she calculated the jump from the balcony, Juvia prepared herself to climb over the fence. She wrapped the ends of her long skirt into a ball, pulling the length just an inch above her knees and exposing fair skin of legs. Neither the height of the fence nor the sharpness of its point fazed the second daughter. The only thing it did was fuel the fire she had in her heart.
Juvia loved adventure and climbing over the manor fence presented itself as one. She was sure no other lady in that dreadful town of Magnolia had even thought of it. She tied the straps of her sandals together and placed them around her neck to free both her hands, Juvia wrapped her fingers around the iron pickets to gain momentum, using both feet to propel herself to another height until she gripped at the link that connected all the iron pickets. Careful not to get plunged into the sharp end of the spikes, Juvia brought her leg over the fence and then the other. Just one jump and she’d find herself over at the other side of that iron fence. Hungry for her freedom, Juvia jumped. But as she was about to land both feet on the ground, Juvia heard a sound of garment ripping and found her skirt caught at the spikes, pulling the rest of her skirt up to her waist.
If there was one universal truth that all had agreed upon it’s that not everything went according to plan.
When Gray decided that night to take a walk and catch some very much needed break from the crowd of his parents, he wasn’t planning on finding a lady stuck at their security fence with her skirt up her waist, practically half-naked. He was rooted to his spot as he watched the strange woman struggle to free herself from such compromising position. But as she tried to wriggle out of it, her dress kept pulling up. Gray ordered himself to look away; it was unbecoming of a gentleman to look at a woman’s body with nothing but her undergarment. Strangely, his body refused to listen. When their eyes met, hers panicking and his stunned, Gray visibly gulped.
“Good sir, will you please lend me some help?”
Her words knocked some senses into him as it was only then that Gray was able to avert his sinful eyes. Still then, he had not any idea how to be of help. Blindly, he walked towards her, stealing glances at the woman’s direction.
“Have you any idea how to be of aid if you refuse to look at me?” Her voice was already missing patience.
The strange lady was right. However, how could Gray bring himself to boldly meet her eyes in her condition? For such a shameless display was allowed only between married men and women.
“Y-your…” Gray cleared his throat. He could feel the heat on his ears and cheeks despite the cold weather and the thick coat he wore. “My lady, your… underpants… they are showing.” He now stood in a safe distance beside her dangling legs.
“I am aware, sir. However, as you can see, I am clearly not in a position to turn away any help despite such circumstance.”
She spoke well, he noted, and she didn’t seem too bothered about a man’s presence around her current state of affair.
“Then, how do you propose I offer my aid?” He tried his earnest to keep his composure as he fought the wave of embarrassment about to swallow him whole.
“If you’ll be so kind as to lend me your shoulders, Sir.”
“M-my shoulders?”
For Grayden Fullbuster, a nobleman, it certainly was an odd request. Being approximately near a half-naked woman was already a struggle to bear, making it quite difficult to process what this woman was asking of him.
“Yes, Sir.”
Her voice was tamed but Gray could hear a hint of restraint and displeasure in it. 
“Now, if you may please move closer so I could,” He heard a rustle in her direction. As his attention was courteously averted away from the half-naked woman hanging by the iron fence, Gray has not noticed her attempts to swing closer to him, “use your shoulders to step down from my unfortunate position.”
Really unfortunate but also not quite, thought Gray. He started to move, inching towards her and placec himself under her legs so that he may be of assistance. The garment skewed through the spikes, however, could not hold her weight and the little movements she made, causing it to rip further and further until her full weight gradually succumbed to gravity.
Until all Gray could remember was the loud sound of the garment holding her against the iron picket giving in. By instinct, Gray turned around, readying himself for any other assistance she would be requiring only to find himself breaking her fall and serving as human cushion between the strange lady and the rather cold pavement.
Yet, his body has maintained some heat as Gray finally realized that the strange lady had landed on his lap quite literally. But she wasn’t like any woman Gray has grown accustomed to. Her blue waves were pulled in a poorly made bun with every bit of short hair sticking out to all sides. Her beauty wasn’t extraordinary – pale lips and paler skin – that if she’d been in a pool of people, Gray would have never spared her a glance. But what piqued his interest towards her were her round blue orbs that looked straight into his. No woman had ever stared him straight in the eyes as tradition taught them at an early age of the opposite – that eye contact between a man and a woman who was not married must be avoided. This lady’s deep blue eyes, however, defiantly stared into his, sucking him in with the depth of her round orbs. But her stern look alone screamed trouble – something Gray was never fond of. He watched her blue eyes widen in surprise as the scandal of their current position finally dawned upon the strange lady – with her straddling the poor gentleman between her thighs. He observed as embarrassment colored her pale skin rose and watched her expression graduate from surprise, fluster and now anger.
“Where do you think your hands are touching?” was her accusation.
It was only then that Gray realized where his hands were – boldly resting on the soft skin of her upper thighs. He withdrew them immediately, sharing the embarrassment the strange woman had earlier; his was more of disdain for himself. For a man who freely touched a woman not his wife was frowned upon in their community. He wanted to apologize, to clarify that however it appeared wasn’t his intention. As soon as he opened his mouth, the strange woman planted both palms on his chest, pushing herself up whilst shoving the man against the cold, hard pavement. He did not take offense from the woman’s harsh actions against him. His indecent action was the greater of the two evils tonight. As soon as he heard her footsteps dulling into the distance, Gray stood from his position and quickly followed after her. He could not stomach letting the woman disappear without properly apologizing for his action, notwithstanding it being unintentional. He was raised better than that – a true gentleman.
“Hey, lady!” He called after her but the woman seemed to have made it her business to ignore him. As she had her back on him, Gray quickly noticed, although it wasn’t that hard to miss, the extent of the rip on her skirt – exposing her backside a plenty. Gray momentarily stopped, coughing into his fist as he tried to regain composure. The reason for his desperate act of going after her was quickly replaced. The strange woman, who he had now adjudged as a foreigner for her unconventional behavior, picked up her steps, glancing back at him with a wary expression. Gray removed his coat as he tried to catch up to her, but she ran faster than the gentleman.
“I have no ill intentions toward you!” He shouted after, his strides now more determined. Gray had his coat openly hanging before him, ready to drape the thick material over the woman’s shoulders. He gained on her and his mission was accomplished, wrapping his frock coat around the lady. She stilled, giving Gray a moment to even his breathing. However, she quickly turned around him, dagger eyes burning in rage because Gray had blatantly fastened his arms around her figure too. How bold and shameless of him! He was no different from a man who forces himself upon a woman, regardless of his true intention.
The gentleman found himself in a worse predicament. Quickly, he pulled his hands back, raising them in a universal act of surrender, taking a step back and away from the enraged and offended lady.
“This isn’t what you perceive it to be.” He started. “If you would let me–”
He wasn’t able to finish his sentence as Gray saw her fist flying towards him. Then, all he saw was endless darkness.
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twstdreams · 4 years
Thank you so much for the dorm match up! 😊 I am a bit of a chatterbox and I love to discuss on various things. I don't really care what, just as long it's interesting! With subjects I am good with English, History and Geography but I am really bad at match, physics, chrmistry, literally anything of that sort. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I am open with my emotions, if I feel like crying I'll cry, if I feel like laughing, I'll laugh. (1/?)
Also, I am really not good with technology either! I am an INFP and when it comes to people there isn't really a specific personality type I get along with. It's mostly kind of just "if we vibe, we vibe" thing. My friend group is very quirky and varies which makes things so fun! As a person I am quite cheerful, optimistic and bubbly but if I'm in the mood I am quite chaotic! Just really random which freaks some ppl out while others love it, pick your side 😂
I'm a sucker for sweets and yougurt, I can never get enough of that! I also have a passion for scary stories and when I go on walks I love listening to them! I love mythology, faries especially, and I daydream all the time! I get so lost in my world that I sometimes lose track of where I am! I'm generally nice to people I might, maybe a bit shy to some, but still pleasant enough for them to like me.
However I can be quite cold if I don't like some person. I give them the silent treatment and if I HAVE to speak to them I'm just really bitter and snarky. I strongly dislike arrogant people and people who bully. I can also be quite protective over the ones I love and my friends call me that mum of the group, although when the mood hits me I can be a child too. But yeah, mostly the mum friend who worries too much! Is this enough?
Happy Birthday, sweetie! I hope you enjoy this gift!
The shape of thy soul is ... Diasomnia!
You’re not good with technology? No worries, neither is Malleus. Diasomnia is founded on the Witch of Thorns who comes from the Valley of Thorns, a land where most things are magic-based rather than machine reliant. Therefore, no one is going to judge your lack of technical skills
You don’t encapsulate the elegance that Diasomnia students usually emulate. However, considering Sebek is shouting left, right, and centre, Silver is taking naps anywhere and everywhere, and Lilia is currently hanging upside down, it’s not enough to be a deal-breaker
It’s great that you get along with a variety of people because Diasomnia has a wide range of students as well and will help you overcome the aura that the other dorms feel make it hard to approach Diasomnia students
Even if other students don’t have the guts to point it out, Diasomnia, like most of NRC, has its own brand of chaos. Malleus is threatening to light people on fire, Sebek could not stop exalting his young master if his life depended on it, Lilia teleports as he pleases, and Silver has infamous “mad-free space.” You will fit in just fine with the chaos.
Your cheerful, bubbly, and optimistic nature will be welcome! There’s not a lot of sunlight as the dorm as it's modelled after the Witch’s castle, but you can be the designated source of sunshine! Lilia finds your bubbly nature so cute and Malleus finds your optimism refreshing
Your love of sweets will be indulged when there are tea parties! Ignore Sebek’s glaring and forge on, tea and sweets are a lovely combo.
You and Malleus are quite the chatterbox combo! Malleus goes on and on about gargoyles and the stories surrounding them and you adore listening to the ones about haunted ones. 
You love asking him about fae customs and he happily obliges given that you’ve listened to his gargoyle tangent. Lilia answers your questions too, but sometimes you wonder if he’s just pulling your leg. Sebek will answer inquiries too but be prepared for a lecture to go hand in hand.
Losing track of where you are? You probably run into Silver napping at random areas. If you decide to wake him up from his impromptu slumber, he’ll be very grateful
Diasomnia is filled with protective friends, so that aspect is easily accepted. What’s the use of all this power if not to protect that which is precious to you?
Your cold and feisty treatment towards those you detest is nothing new at Diasomnia either. Most people are scared of accidentally angering those from Diasomnia as they can’t be dealt with by normal means. There’s a reason others find people from this dorm hard to approach. The fact that you’re not throwing shotput balls fast enough to break bones as a warning already puts you amongst the nicer ones.
Dorms to avoid:
Being bad at chemistry, and all the sciences in general, will already put you at a major disadvantage at the dorm where everyone excels at magic potions and sorcery
You may love sweets but you probably won’t like the vigorous exercise routine you’ll have to complete first to compensate for any and all desserts you consume
Vil can and will make you cry. Furthermore, he might not even stop his berating even if tears are streaming down your face
Daydream in the middle of Vil lecturing you and you will most likely get smacked right then and there
Not all of Pomefiore’s students are arrogant, some are kind and open-minded to a degree, but you’ll definitely meet people who you’ll want to kick off their high horse
You dislike arrogant people and bullies, which this dorm has in spades. 
Exasperated sighs fall from your lips as you nearly marvel at how Leona is both so incredibly lazy yet also arrogant.
Cocky upperclassmen who have no issue playing dirty and bullying others also infuriate you. Be careful because they’re not afraid to use magic or brawn to drive a point home
Daydreaming is not really a safe activity at the Savanaclaw dorm given how ready everyone is to fight, even a small slight like bumping into someone is enough to set off a brawl
Other possible dorms:
Your love of sweets is thoroughly sated at the Heartslabyul dorm. There are constantly a galore of high-quality sweets thanks to Unbirthday parties and you’ll get your fair share as long as you don’t upset Trey
If Ignihyde is known for little to no social interactions and sticking to itself, then Heartslabyul is the opposite. Like many other Heartslabyul students, you get along with a variety of people. Cater has friends from nearly every dorm, showing her personable Heartslabyul students can be
Don’t mistake this dorm as a cutesy pushover place because of the pretty parties and eccentric activities. Heartslabyul dorm is filled with people who have no qualms getting revenge or doling out punishment. 
Riddle screams “OFF WITH YOUR HEAD” at a moment’s notice, and especially if he catches someone breaking the rules more than once. Trey may come off as a serene brotherly figure but he’s ready to dole out fitting passive-aggressive punishments like any older sibling is. Deuce is ready to throw down at a moment’s notice if someone is disrespectful. So your cold and snarky treatment towards those you dislike probably doesn’t even have anyone blinking an eye unless it breaks a rule
Speaking of rule-breaking, having to memorize 810 rules and daydreaming are not two things that mesh well. If you were part of the dorm pre-overblot, it was rough. It probably still is, but you’re trying!
Bonus: Riddle ensures no students fail so even if you suck with anything science or math-related, you’ve got an incredibly smart, tutor
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malereader-inserts · 5 years
Free Spirit
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries Pairing: Kol Mikaelson x Male!Reader Summary: Kol just like what you are, it makes him giddy and he likes that feeling Word Count: 1,444 Request: @idwithoutthesuperego (nice psychology username) “ If you are taking any requests could pretty please do a "Kol Mikaelson x witch male reader" where they meet and eventually get into a relationship? (Meet the brothers and whatnot)”
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“You’re a cocky little shit,” Damon hisses at you.
You smirked, your eyes flickering to Damon before it turns back to the page in your book, you were sitting against the armrest of the sofa, slightly sitting upright as your left leg rested across your right knee and the witch book resting upon your stomach. 
“A cocky little shit who is powerful, Damon,” You responded, “Do remember I do come from a long line of notorious witches, you may be older but I’m smarter.”
Damon watches you lift your hand in front of the book, then swiping your index finger and the page turns, you continue to read. Damon scoffs as he sips his glass empty, you waved your finger at his direction, his eyes widen when he sees you refill his glass.
“You could do such great things and you do nonsense with it,” Damon points out as you rolled your eyes.
“True, but I’m not Bonnie. Bonnie is started off late, she’ll soon become powerful too but since I’m harnessed my magic since I could remember, most things are very effortless,” You shrugged your shoulders, “I know how to converse energy, I can do most magic stuff without draining my ju-ju.”
“Don’t you have anything better to do than just sit about and annoy me,” Damon drawls out.
“Does my mere great presence annoy you?” You questioned as you shut your book, “Well, you’re boring me, I’m going to the Grill where they can entertain me.”
“I can suck your dry,” Damon threatens as you stand up.
“Kinky,” You mused out as Damon lets out an exasperated sigh, “And I can snap your neck with a click of my fingers, don’t test me.”
You leave the house, waving your hand as you open the curtains to make Damon blinded by the sunlight as you put back the book in your car.
Damon doesn’t know why Elena and friends like you so much other than the fact you were powerful and helping Bonnie on the road of being a powerful witch. He found you arrogant at time, cocky, perhaps even a little vain. You know your worth and you were certainly entertaining the fact that you had no loyalties to the Scooby Gang, and if the Mikaelsons, whom you’ve never met, were to strike up a deal with a hefty price then you’ll take it.
You’ve said it many times, so it wasn’t like you were betraying them.  As you made your way inside the grill, you found Bonnie with Caroline. Matt working shift as you lean against the bar.
“Have you heard?” You raised an eyebrow at the blonde human who was pretending to scrub down the bar, “Damon and Elijah undaggered the rest of the Mikaelsons.”
“Funny,” You commented dryly, “Damon did not mention that to me and I was over at his just then.”
“Yeah, Elena said so herself, apparently she got attacked by Rebekah,” Matt nods.
It was annoying that you haven’t met the Mikaelsons, but the group was navigating you around Mystic Falls so you wouldn’t bump into any Mikaelsons so you would switch alliances. 
“Hey, just get me coke will you?” You asked it was far too early to drink. 
Matt nods as he goes away, you leaned against the bar waiting for your drink as you felt some one slide up next to you. In the corner of your eye, you see this person tabbing against the bar, you scoffed to yourself when you see his Mikaelson ring.
Still, even without his ring on him, his demeanour was throwing you off. You don’t know it was about vampires that you just now their vampires. Then again, witches have the tendency to hate vampires as they overthrow the balance of Nature. You know he’s a vampire due to the unnatural defiant. 
“Here,” Matt says, sliding you a pint of coke at your way, you slide him money, “Are you meeting Bonnie later?”
“Yup, she has extra lessons,” You nodded, taking a gulp of your drink, “It’s going to be short though because I hear it’s girls night with good ole besties, Elena and Caroline.”
“Sounds charming,” Matt chuckles as he serves the guy next to you.
You turn around to stare at him before leaning your back against the bar, looking out to the people enjoying their Saturday lunch outings.
“Sorry,” The person says next to you, you looked at him, “I was listening into your conversation with-”
“You’re a Mikaelson,” You interrupted, you held your hand out, the one without the drink in your hand, “I’m (Y/n).”
He stops, his eyebrows furrowing before clasping your hand, “Kol, how do you know me?”
“Your daylight ring,” You point to it, as he looks down for a moment, “Plus, your vampire essences is throwing my witchy vibe off.”
“Ah,” Kol nods, thanking his drink as you stare at him, “You’re wearing a talisman.”
“It was my grandfather’s,” You informed him, shrugging your shoulders, “Come from a long line of witches, and I’m pretty good with my magic, not to brag or anything.”
Kol likes you, it was because you know you were good at your magic, you were confident.
“It’s a bit unfair, don’t you think?” Kol wonders as you finish your drink and place it on the bar behind you, “You know my full name but I only know your first.”
You rolled your eyes as you watch him finish his bourbon, “It’s (L/n), pleasure is all mine to meet you.”
You waved your hand as he noticed his glass refill before you give him a snarky smile, walking down the stairs and out the building. Your rebellious aura drifting away from him - he had to know you.
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Kol did everything to make sure he got to know you, he was so fascinated with you. You eventually gave in to his poking as you simply grin at the middle Mikaelson.
“I’m free this Friday,” You mention to him, “Nothing fancy, you got it?”
He nods as you disappear from his view, he liked how mysterious you were and was ecstatic that he had scored a date with you. And the date went well, in fact, he doesn’t remember the last time he got so giddy over someone, especially a witch.
Witches and vampires just don’t mix, yet you were full of chaotic energy that he couldn’t help but be attracted by it, so as a gentleman he was raised to be, he walked you to your door. 
“I had a great time,” You say honestly, you had learned a lot about each other, Kol had many tales and story to tell you in the future and you couldn’t wait, “Thanks for the night.”
“Well, anything for Mystic Fall’s most gorgeous man,” Kol flirted smoothly as you huffed, shaking your head amusingly with a grin plastered upon your lips, “Too much?”
“Just enough,” You say softly and then you graced his lips with yours, short and soft leaving him wanting more, “Goodnight Kol.”
Kol was itching to know you more, he started to wonder what it would be like in your arms. He wonders how you smell and if it was just as relaxing as your voice. You can be terrifying, he’s seen you be terrifying, and he was reading up on your family history.
Your family was notoriously famous for being powerful and everything was more enthralling to be with you. Soon, he doesn’t know what happens, but he finally got to call you his boyfriend.
“You know my family hates that I’m dating a vampire,” You say one time, looking at him across the booth in the grill, “Says it’s against our nature.”
“So what?” Kol whined as you smirked, “Not like you’re going to follow the rules.”
“True,” You nodded, shrugging your shoulders nonchalantly, “So, when will I be meeting your dearest family of yours, I heard your mother dearest came back-”
“How--?” You tapped your temple as it takes a moment for Kol to process what you mean, “You can read minds? That’s impossible!”
“Rare, actually, vampire,” You recalled, “If advance, you get advance powers, simple.”
“Anyway, Bekah has been dying to meet you as I am far too happy to be single so,” Kol shrugs and gives you puppy eyes, “If you aren’t busy tonight, would you love to have dinner with my family.”
“I would love to Kol,” You agreed as Kol grins, “But, promise none of your siblings try to murder me.”
“We are civilised people, (Y/n)!”
You give him a pointed look, knowing that, that family dinner with ensue with chaos.
“I’ll try to control them tonight.”
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nightmarenoise · 5 years
Just comparing two cartoons I love
I understand that nobody asked in any capacity, but here I go anyway:
It feels fair to compare Ducktales 2017 to Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2018), not only because they're only about a year apart and truly, what is a year, but also because they
1. Both use this style that looks like it jumped straight out of a comic book. Okay, it's mostly the solidly inked shadows, but it gives me, personally, comic-y vibes.
2. They have taken what's arguably the main characters (the triplets for DT, the Turtles for TMNT) and shaken the formula up a good bit. Were the triplets formerly indistinguishable and all had the exact same personality, interests and voice actor, they are now three entirely separate entities with different traits and appearances. And while the turtles had about one defining personality trait and looked basically the same, save for the color of their masks, Rise made them different species of turtle to justify giving them radically different designs and three-dimensional personalities. Both shows faced criticism for this decision from people who cannot deal with change. Despite this, in both cases, it just works and does so incredibly well.
3. The oldest bros wear red.
4. We have two middle bros associated with the color blue who are both voiced by Ben Schwartz.
5. Both shows have a focus on family, with Ducktales especially focusing on found family and Rise on brotherhood.
6. Anime references!
Ducktales has a larger cast overall, with a lot of different characters all interacting with each other and they all have the most pleasant voices I've ever heard in my entire life. It's all solidly animated, the style is consistent and the animation is fluid, the characters are diverse and they're all lovely in their own right, except for those who aren't. The writing is top notch. Everyone feels consistent despite the large cast and it's delightful to watch all those interesting people interact with each other in their own way. The show also handles its mystery elements and occasional action scenes incredibly well, building suspense and delivering laughs and gut punches without hesitation. They juggle different tones like a professional clown, except the true clown was us, the audience, all along, for ever having doubted them.
The overarching plot of Ducktales, for its first two seasons, was mostly to uncover the mystery of what had happened to the mother of the triplets and all that would entail. Mystery and mythical elements will likely continue to be afoot for season 3.
Rise works with less focal characters, we have the Turtles, Splinter and April as well as various bad guys, but more than makes up for it with a lot of animation. A lot a lot of animation and it's all high quality. There's usually so much going on on-screen that a watching it once isn't enough to catch it all. Despite that, it doesn't feel crowded or rushed. Lots of dynamic shots and incredibly-choreographed action scenes, but nothing the thoroughly solid writing has to hide behind. Even when the baddies aren't the main concern, they're still well-rounded, interesting characters with unique abilities and motivations. Although, most of the mutants are just really feral. Still a delightfully diverse cast.
The turtles on the other hand spent their first season trying to foil their various foes, from a yokai trying to mutate all of humanity, to his mutants, to dealing with random mythical stuff, to the nefarious Foot Clan trying to reassemble the Dark Armor in the shadows. It's generally a more action-driven show, but they still find the time for some heartfelt moments.
The triplets 2.0
Despite their conventiently color-coded caps, they were really mostly the same character possessing three different bodies at a time. Well, the times of eerie The Shining like-twins, except extended to triplets, are over!
We have Huey, the oldest brother, voiced by Danny Pudi. He's a gentle, intellectual soul who values red hats, science, scout badges and checklists. Huey is arguably the closest in characterization to the original triplets, with some additional neat freak sprinkled in for flavor. He tries to be the responsible older sibling and keep his brothers under control and out of trouble. He also seems to have the most fiery temper of the bunch and should clearly not be pressed to the breaking point. He's my personal favorite and I heard season 3 will bring more focus to him, which makes me elated to hear. 888/10.
Middle child Dewey, the blue one, voiced by Ben Schwartz, who will inevitably come for all the iconic blue characters. He's very clearly the middle one, because he craves attention and validation and occasionally dreams of being an only child. Dewey is the one who started the investigation into their mom's disappearance and kept it from his brothers, partially to save them from hurt, but also because he wanted to feel special. He's the most interested in going on adventures with their uncle, but can get reckless when doing so. He's a bit of a spotlight hog, who has his own talk show that nobody watches and sings his own theme song when he needs to get hyped up, or just to fill this silence. This may sound kind of negative, but rest assured, he's a good, sweet boy. The focal triplet for the first season. 500/10.
Louie, the evil triplet, a schemer and a conman. Voiced by Bobby Moynihan.  The youngest of the bunch. While they call him evil, he's really far too lazy to cause serious harm, except for when it's his laziness that's causing him to take dangerous shortcuts, oops. He dreams of making a fortune, but without having to work for it and preferably without any responsibility either, thank you. He also occasionally dreams of being a spoiled fat cat. Despite his chill demeanor, he can be a bit of a crybaby and those tears are only fake 50% of the time. I feel like he likes getting babied, but mainly because that means there's less work for him to do. Season 2, which focuses more on him, reveals that he's actually quite brilliant, capable of seeing all the angles and giving him some chessmaster-like qualities. He needs to learn to use those abilities for good. 665/10.
Hi, she's Webbie! The honorary triplet, who also got a massive makeover, from annoying token girl tagalong to socially awkward, adorkable action girl. Be careful who you call ugly in middle school, indeed. Like a more ferocious  Mabel Pines, she has a grappling hook and years of martial arts training under her belt. Webbie can absolutely decimate you, but won't, because she's a sweet girl. Voiced by Kate Micucci. She continues to like unicorns and the color pink, but assuredly in the most badass of ways. She helped Dewey with his quest to uncover the mystery of his missing mom, but works well with all of the triplets, with Huey taking her under his wing a bit and Louie trying to get her to chill out more. Webbie is a sweetheart and I would die for her, were it not completely unnecessary, since she's more than capable of taking care of herself. ∞/10.
A lot of the supporting cast also saw updates and changes, for instance Gyro being a genius without social skills and Fenton being an adorkable scientist, but again, they work really well. They're interesting new takes on beloved characters. Even the new additions to the cast are great. In short, I love me some birds and am excited for season 3, Disney, get your scheduling together.
The Turtles 2.14.2 - I upgraded my upgrade in the middle of the upgrade
Also, these guys have seen so many different iterations in their, what, 30+ years of existence. As someone with no prior attachment to the turtle brand, I don't have a lot to say here. Leo's not the leader in this one and Raph has more personality than being angry at Leo for being the leader. Donnie is not just a random nerd spouting technobabble and Mikey has more depth than yelling the catchphrase every now and again. Apparently, this made people upset. I don't know how to help you with that.  The middle brothers exude some high chaotic energy and should not be left unsupervised, but the oldest and youngest seem fairly stable.
Raphael, the red-bandana'd alligator snapping turtle is an imposing figure. He's the oldest and therefore team leader by default. Raph has no reason to be upset at Leo, so he isn't. Despite his ferocious appearance, he's a soft guy, who likes teddies and doting on his brothers, but fears puppets. He's a bit of a knucklehead, most of his plans involve smashing things with his tonfa and he may refer to himself in the third person in the heat of the moment, but he possesses emotional intelligence, is open about his feelings and looks after his brothers. He is big and and strong, but his heart is bigger and stronger. He especially loves small animals animals, who don't usually return his feelings. RIP in F. This responsible guy is voiced by Omar Benson Miller. 300/10, very soft. Somehow both the heart and the big guy of the group.
Donatello has been upgraded from second-to-youngest to second-to-oldest, not that it makes much of a difference. His color of choice is purple and he continues in the character's tradition of being a nerd, although this time, with self-confidence. Donnie is very sure of himself and his abilities. As a spiny soft-shell turtle, he's less sure of his shell, but that's okay, he's made robotic battle shells to make up for it and his bō is the mother of all multitools. This guy can build you a tank out of a buggie and upgrade your animatronic into something to give the FNAF franchise a run for its money. He's the smartest of the four and when not focused on his phone, very focused on the mission. Due to having to deal with his bros, he can be exasperated a lot. Thinks of himself as an emotionally unavailable bad boy, even though he's just really sensitive and wants his dad or someone parent-aged to tell him they're proud of him. Theater kid. 999/10, give the middle child a hug and some coffee, you can't tell me he has a healthy sleep cycle. This sarcastic nerd is brought to you by Josh Brener.
Leonardo, Ben Schwartz's second blue character (Sonic (2020) being the third under his belt) and also his second ninja after Randy Cunningham. He's not the leader. He's still a good character. Leo has approximately 800 charisma and unwavering faith in both, his family and himself. Mostly himself though. Like Louie, season 2 revealed that he is a master of prediction and playing people like the cheap kazoo you can't tell me he doesn't have to play Darude's Sandstorm on. He dabs, he boards, he will pun you to death and back and he has an Odachi that can cut through space. Leo likes hogging the spotlight when given the chance and wants to be showered with attention and praise. Having four kids really only means twice the middle child nonsense. Leo is a red-eared slider, the original species of the TMNT, as I've been told. He's also the best at being a ninja, but usually too lazy to really apply himself. He's younger than Donnie, but tumblr suggested to read the two as twins, since they're approximately the same age, which sheds a whole new light on their dynamic and frankly, makes way too much sense. 420/10, for our memelord Leonardo.
Michelangelo, the eternally youngest of the bunch. An artiste, who puts stickers on himself, tags the lair, has a spiritual connection to his skateboard and the color orange. Mikey loves all things arts and craft, but he also tries his hands at cooking. He idolizes famous TV chefs and can do pretty much anything out of and into pizza. He's funny, without being annoying, like I feel a lot of other iterations of this character are. It's an easy pitfall for comic relief guys, but this one is more than that. If that's an issue, feel free to leave my house. Mikey is genuinely sweet and happy, optimistic and soft, but also the one brother who knows when it's time to take off the gloves and just get straight to the point. He's open about and in touch with his feelings. He's just baby. Don't treat him as one though. A lot of promo stuff says Leo has taken him under his wing, but he's had more episodes together with Donnie. Not that I'm complaining, they work very well together. Mikey and Raph are both the emotional centers of the group. Does not mind being yeeted after retracting into his shell, as box turtles may do. (Disclaimer, do not yeet actual box turtles!) His weapon of choice is a Kusari-Fundo that can turn into a fire-demon and is about as unpredictable as he is. Likes to jump and bounce around. Probably does parkour. Voiced by Brandon Mychal Smith who is audibly having a blast. 500/10, just an all around Kusari-fun guy.
For last, but certainly not least, April O'Neil, my girl, who saw an upgrade from flip-flopping love interest who was vaguely ninja-ing, but mostly damsel in distress-ing, to all-around spunky powerhouse and by God, she is glowing. Rise has her more as a big sister figure to the turtles, and I will not be told otherwise. She is independent and don't need no man, mutant or no. She has her teleporting pet, her faith in herself, her pinpoint baseball hitting skills and the a complete and utter lack of fear. Despite being a weirdness magnet, April is perfectly comfortable. She would like to be able to keep a job, maybe, but she has loving friends who respect and love her. Surprisingly good a ninja, fearless and fun. Occasionally thinks about being popular at school, but it's really not a big concern, she's not gonna throw a tantrum over it or anything. April is very chill. Not likely to be damseled. More likely to run after the turtles and clean up their messes or save them and everyone involved is fine with that.
The late 10's are really coming in to show us how dynamic and well-written female characters that aren't just "strong", but three-dimensional and relatable are done, huh?
An iconic performance by Kat Graham and ∞/10 for being the honorary better ninja non-mutant non-turtle and best big sister.
Here we have it, two older properties, having new life breathed into them to make them fresh and enjoyable. Have a new spin put on them, to better fit in with our current world. You can feel the love oozing out of every frame. At the end of the day, of course, it all boils down to taste and whether or not you like something. I gave Ducktales 2017 a go because a lot of the staff from Gravity Falls went to work on it and if you don't know me, I love me some Gravity Falls. It's a good show and I enjoy it. I recently got into Rise and while I don't know much about the people working on it, it is also a greatly enjoyable show, easily on the same level as Ducktales, if not above, yet with far less people speaking about it. Which is frankly saddening. I can only recommend the two of them wholeheartedly. If you love animation, yourself and occasionally feeling things, these are for you!
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ziracona · 4 years
I reread your bit about rin in the last chapter and oh my god im crying. You did my girl justice. I'm so proud of her and i'm glad she had fun. I love the thought that she's helping him in little ways. ;') and oh my god. i love the myers siblings. Do you mind if I ask for hcs? because oooohhhmygod. need more
Awww thank you so much! I really liked the Adam-Rin segment too. I wanted to talk about Rin, but being an Onryo made it so I just couldn’t feasibly in the bulk of the story. Really glad I still got to give her her moment in the sun. : ) Adam’s such a great dude too, and I’m so happy he found meaning the way he did and keeps up such an active and deep relationship with someone who’s passed on. It’s not an easy thing to do, but I think it’s kind, and meaningful. And sure! I’m not sure if you mean Laurie and Mikey or Judith too since I got a few Judith asks yesterday, but ima assume this is ILM related and you’re looking for post-fic Laurie & Michael (sorry if that’s not the intended ask TuT). I did more but this is already a lot so I didn’t post them all haha. Here you go!
Laurie would be very unlikely to make the first move in a romantic relationship. She’s so used to prioritising survival, even when she’s okay again her brain is always, “keep homeostasis” as her directive, and adding a relationship does not fall under that listing. That said, she definitely still develops feelings, and would want things to happen. But I think it would be slow. I think with Laurie, she’d be going to lunches and having long talks and drinks and staying up and falling asleep on the couch together, in and out like each others’ presence belongs in their respective homes, come to each other for support and with hard days and for life advice, go to the theatre together and let them buy her a drink like they always do without being asked, brought back a nice gift from a trip, she waits up for them to get home to greet them, for like 1-3 years solid before one day they just take her hand and kind of smile and she realises she’s been in a relationship for two years and they just never said it, and maybe they won’t now, maybe not for another two years, but they know it, and she’s so happy.
Michael never cuts his hair short, but does not mind Laurie making him let her give him ponytails when they’re working on something, because it does get in his face.
Laurie softballs Michael for a while, since, well, she’s trying to help him reintegrate into society as a human being after having had a childhood that was basically just a 15 year stretch of psychological trauma, and being kind and supportive is a must. But after a few years, she’s gotten much more comfortable and sibling-ish in her interactions. She’ll definitely still be serious and supportive if anything happens and he needs it, but she’ll also give him shit for eating her food or not getting up off the bed she’s trying to make. He enjoys annoying her and does it for fun. Will hold eye contact and eat the cupcake she was saving just to watch her flip, like a cat batting an orange off a counter (or, you know, a sibling who’s feeling /that/ vibe rn.)
Laurie is 99% of Michael’s impulse control. If he and Quentin do something together without her, it /will/ be a disaster, because where Laurie inflicts neutral levels of chaos on the group w her lawful, Michael will almost instantaneously get Quentin to swap from lawful to chaos if she’s not there. They will both be fine, but there /will/ be something on fire when she gets back.
Laurie, walking into the house and seeing then throwing objects into a burning wastebasket in the living room: I don’t like what I’m seeing. Bring me up to speed.
Quentin: So, we maybe have illegally destroyed a car—but it’s okay! We had a good reason! Plus, we destroyed the evidence. Let me explain. So, this guy-
Laurie: :/
Michael: *gives her a ‘what’s your problem?’ gesture*
Michael and Laurie physically fight for nostalgia’s sake sometimes (for fun-get exasperated and performatively MMA. They would not actually injure each other).
One time, Laurie and Michael were walking home together from a movie and a guy drove by and whistled at Laurie and said something vulgar, and Michael stepped into the road and smashed the front of his car with his foot. It was beautiful. They did have to flee the scene but Laurie was /gleeful/. The dude in the car saw his gd life flash before his eyes and rethought some life choices.
It is a long time before Michael is willing to take any kind of meds for his psychosis (very understandably), but when Quentin eventually graduates Med school, six or so years later (bless u Jake for forging him some credits), he is willing to try a few given by him. It is not a good or easy couple of months, but he does it.
Michael gets along surprisingly well with the survivors. Most of them are pretty intimidated, but he’s genuinely chill, and they’ve been through weirder shit so 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s like “Welp. This might as well happen.” and accept him in. Meg is a big thot. She’s into Susie and would never cheat and Susie knows this, but Meg will still flirt like crazy with Michael bc it’s her personality, and Michael, who’s never had this ever happen, is /beyond/ confused. Every time she says something stupid like, “Damn you’re tall. If I wasn’t a married woman, I’d climb you like a jungle gym.” He gives her the exact look Sam gives Gollum when he’s dissing potatoes in lotr.
Since she knew his and his family’s whole names and his wife’s face, Laurie tracks down Sujan’s family and tells them everything she can about what happened and how good he was, and what a difference the first person in the realm who was kind to her made.
Michael really enjoys traveling. He’s been cooped up his whole life. Spent 15 years in one little white room, and then 40 in reproductions of Haddonfield in the realm. Really, except for his solo journey from Wisconsin to home, he’s never left the state of Illinois. He goes with the survivor squad on their group trips, once he’s comfortable enough, and is consistently amazed. He’s not a very visibly emotive person, and can’t physically be bc of his psychosis symptoms, but his eyes will get big seeing the northern lights from a platform, and he’ll grab Laurie or Quentin’s wrist & point to make sure they’re seeing it too, and Laurie has never been so happy. After his first trip, he very much looks forward to the annual event.
Dr. Loomis is the only thing Michael as an adult has ever feared. (Obviously all humans feel temporary fear, like if a car comes at you or someone with a gun. But past instantaneous shock-fear, I don’t think Michael has ever been afraid of anyone else). This is based off of canon, because to me Michael reads as scared of him, especially in Halloween 2. He pauses and then retreats from Loomis in the first film, and when he sees Loomis running down streets looking for him in 2, he hides (I actually really love the Michael pov in Halloween 2 in the open. It was very humanising). Then, at the end of 2, when he’s blind and Laurie and Loomis have filled the room with ether, and Loomis tells him it’s over, he stops trying to find and kill Loomis and freezes. I genuinely think because he was scared of Loomis and has been for years (after that treatment constantly in isolation as a child, how could he not be?) and has known since he was 6 Loomis wants to kill him, so when he basically says “I’m about to kill you,” he believes him and it scares him. It’s the axe that’s been waiting to drop since he was a kid.
Laurie goes to cons with Nea, Quentin, & Min occasionally, and has dressed up as all three OG Star Wars protagonists like the lovely huge nerd she is. Has also made Michael sit down and watch all the movies w her.
Michael and Laurie go visit Judith a lot. They’ll pack a picnic lunch and talk with her and about her at her grave. It was very hard the first time they went there, especially for Michael, but after a while, it helps. It’s a way to deal with what was done in the past that makes it seem surmountable. It also helps to deal with the loss of someone they both cared for. When they go, Laurie always gets Michael to tell her something about her older sister she hast heard yet. David tracks down an old high school album from 1963, and is able to get three pictures of Judith colorised and they’re able to have a nice full-color photo of her to hang up in the house.
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siverwrites · 4 years
Press Start Letter
AO3: Siver
There are some pretty big groups here, so there’s just a mix of things I like and prompts if you want them. As long as the DNWs are avoided it’s all good. Really can’t go wrong taking anything from my Likes list. A lot of found family vibes happening in this batch so anything in that vein in particular is great.
All requests are for fic or art. Art: Interactions of some sort: emoting at each other, talking, sharing some activity, taking a walk, hugs are always welcome, soft things, whatever suits the pair/group
Likes: fluff, hurt/comfort, comfort, missing scenes, friendships, long-term friendships, close relationships of any sort whether romantic or platonic, familial bonds, found family, sickfic, AUs, fandom crossovers or fusions, angst with a happy end, bonding, cuddling/hugs/holding, banter, mutual care and support, emotional bonding, loyalty, pre-canon, post-canon, reuniting, slice of life
DNW: NSFW, non-con, dub-con, underage relationships, unrequested ships, infidelity, virus things
Thank you!
Ghost Trick
Group: Alma/Cabanela Group: Alma/Jowd Group: Alma/Jowd & Cabanela Group: Alma/Jowd/Cabanela Group: Cabanela/Jowd Group: Cabanela & Pigeon Man Alma Cabanela Jowd Missile Sissel Group: Emma & Pigeon Man: What even happens here? Just such a bizarre and unexpected combo it had to happen.
I love this game, its characters and pretty much everything about it, so whatever you want to do will be great I am sure. New timeline mysteries and dealing with missing memories are always welcome where it makes sense. Alternate timelines and what-ifs are cool to explore. Fluff, comfort, family found or otherwise and friendships are always a go. Sissel and Missile involvements and tricks are always good. Any combination of these characters is more than welcome too! 
I only request that for various configurations of Alma, Jowd and Cabanela there is no infidelity. If it’s Cabanela/Jowd or Cabanela/Alma please let the third party be absent for whatever reason or dead... if a Cabanela/Jowd situation in game or a no reset timeline. But Alma’s absence should still be felt. Otherwise I love the trio so much and always love to see more.
Trails in the Sky
Group: Cassius Bright & Estelle Bright & Joshua Bright & Renne Bright: Family family family! Renne adjusting to a new life with them .
Group: Celeste D. Auslese & Renne Hayworth: What might they discuss in the Hermit’s Garden? What might Renne have to ask her?
Group: Estelle Bright & Kloe Rinz | Klaudia von Auslese & Tita Russell: Sisters and best friend time!
Group: Julia Schwarz & Kloe Rinz | Klaudia von Auslese: Mooore sister times
Group: Kloe Rinz & Celeste D. Auslese: Her ancestor... Kloe must have so many questions...
Group: Kloe Rinz | Klaudia von Auslese & Olivier Lenheim | Olivert Reise Arnor: Royals unite! They have a good allyship now going now it’d be cool to see them interact more
Group: Mayor Maybelle/Lila: they’re just sweet okay. Let Maybelle rest. Lila, also rest. Go on a vacation you two
Group: Olivier Lenheim | Olivert Reise Arnor & Mueller Vander: Exasperated but oh so caring Mueller always...
Group: Olivier Lenheim/Mueller Vander: Same as above but more romantic
Group: Ries Argent/Kevin Graham: Affectionate exasperation
Olivier Lenheim | Olivert Reise Arnor: Just. Olivier. 
Missing scenes, scene extensions, travel along the roads, airship travel times, etc. Post Sky also welcome and at some points necessary. Ample opportunity for anything in the Garden in 3rd. I love these characters, their world, and their relationships.
Trails from Zero/Trails to Azure
Alex Dudley Elie MacDowell KeA Lloyd Bannings Randy Orlando Sergei Lou Tio Plato Zeit Group: Rixia Mao/Ilya Platiere Group: Sonya Baelz & Sergei Lou
These games hit my found family buttons hard. Anything portraying some kind of familial relationship among these characters is awesome. I love our SSS family (Dudley included, you’re an honorary part too, just the way it is). Any combination of these characters is more than welcome!
KeA winning Dudley over because no one can resist her? Always down for KeA and “Uncle” Sergei too. Randy and Tio sibling like times? An outing for our core four, Lloyd, Elie, Tio and Randy, possibly dragging Sergei with for a change? Dudley and Lloyd connecting over something whether the past with Guy or something else entirely? Zeit in any capacity is a very good boy. Sky’s the limit.
Please no shipping aside from the Rixia/Ilya.
Dragon Quest XI
Group: Marutina | Jade & Rou | Rab Group: Sena | Serena & Veronica Group: Sylvia | Sylvando & Dave Group: Sylvia | Sylvando & Graig | Hendrik Marutina | Jade Sylvia | Sylvando
While I wish there were a few more dynamics among the party outside of certain pairs I do love what there is and down for more.
I’d be interested in seeing more Jade and Rab grandfather adopted granddaughter moments. Could be something during the journey or something before they joined the party. Or something after it’s all over. Jade can return to her father in Heliodor but that’s a bond that won’t break.
Any kind of sister time for Serena and Veronica at any time. Can go angsty given Veronica’s situation as well.
I didn’t give Dave a lot of attention until playing the definitive edition and I loved how he was there for Sylv and was able to snap him out of his gloom. More interactions and them supporting each other would be great. Anything during the parade gathering is also great, or Dave’s search for him and Sylv’s recovery.
I love Hendrik and Sylvando’s dynamic. They have that shared history but they’re so different and Hendrik’s reactions are always a joy. But what are some other ways they can support each other?
Game did Jade dirty. Let her shine. Maybe overly ambitious but an AU where she kicks Booga’s ass and liberates Octagonia herself would be cool and she can look after it in a similar fashion to the Last Bastion. But overall anyway, just some attention for Jade.
Just. Sylvando. I love him. Sylv being Sylv can’t go wrong.
Bug Fables
Group: Elizant II & Leif Group: Kabbu & Vi & Leif Group: Prof. Honeycomb & Doctor H.B. Kabbu Leif Vi
My new love and I love the group dynamics! Party fun times while they’re travelling would be good. Really interested in more with Leif’s situation because that is a Lot and open to more introspection and dealing--Kabbu support go? Attempted Vi support go?
There’s also an interesting connection between Elizant II and Leif I’d be interested in seeing more. Leif’s out of time but holds memories of Elizant I. Elizant II is a more direct connection he’s otherwise lacking and it’s nice to see how his opinion of her shifts and grows.
Professor Honeycomb and Doctor H.B.: older cranky lady bees in science! I have no specific ideas, but exploring more of their rivalry would be fun. Hawk and long-suffering Crow involvement are A-okay too.
Final Fantasy VI
Cyan Celes Group: Edgar Roni Figaro & Macías "Mash" Rene Figaro | Sabin Rene Figaro Relm Arrowny
Any combination of any of these tags. Any kind of characters interaction among the party is great. Celes and Relm. Attempted reconciliation between Celes and Cyan. Edgar and Sabin having some sort of interaction with the spunky Relm--she probably trolling them in some way no doubt. Or perhaps something sweeter. Etc
Edgar & Sabin: Moments visiting Figaro during their journey. Or post-game trying to bond again and get to know each other after Sabin’s long absence without doom hanging over their heads. Something to do with or some fallout from the whole Gerad situation?
Celes: Her thoughts on having to sing at the opera? Or what she might be doing post-game. More exploration of her thoughts and feelings after she wakes up on the island? So much room for more expansion on Celes moments. Travelling with Sabin after finding him in the World of Ruin?
Relm: Lean on the magic of her paintings? Or post-game Relm dealing with the loss her powers and/or just trying to live normally again after all that?
Group: Bopek & Jell-A Group: Dennis & Nonno Group: Kai & Karoo Group: Kai & Semenya Group: Miu & Yoké Group: Nonno & Spike Group: Spike/Claire Group: Yoké & Claire Group: Yoké & Karoo Miu Yoké 
I don’t have any specific ideas for Mutazione but all these groups are cool. I enjoyed playing this game so much I’d love to dive back into this world. Leaning hard on its warmth, care and found family is most welcome. And plants! And music! I’m particularly fond of Yoké, but as said these are all great pairs and characters. 
Group: Volfred Sandalwood & Ti'zo Group: Volfred Sandalwood/Tariq | The Lone Minstrel Volfred Sandalwood Ti’Zo
Found family joys. Daily activities while they travel? Wagon shenanigans. Post Peaceful revolution activities? Any combo here is great. Soft moments in configurations of Volfred, Tariq and Oralech, pre, post or in-game.   Snakes doing snake things. Imps doing imp things.
Volfred Sandalwood & Ti'zo: Tree and Imp, Tree and Imp! And who knew each other before so something relating to that would be cool. But honestly tree and imp...
Volfred Sandalwood/Tariq | The Lone Minstrel: Something gentle for the tree and the moon who somehow fell for him, any time period
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hhhongseok · 5 years
PENTAGON: First Impressions VS Now! 
   since it's ptg's 3rd anniversary, and i've been an uni for over a year now, i thought it would be a fun idea to compare my first thoughts about all the members to how i think of them now! i got the idea from i got7 inspirits on youtube, so check them out if you're interested!
I first heard "gorilla" back when it released, but since i avoided stanning rookies at the time- i decided to give it some time before stanning. flash foward to august 2018 where my interest is piqued again. at that time last year, i had thought that they were pretty cute but having literally only heard gorilla and then shine, i was caught off guard by their sound change. It wasn't bad per say- just different. overall, i knew pentagon would be a group that i'd like- but more along the lines of a casual thing. 
y'all already know how whipped i am for these idiots!!! their music and videos and even choreos are my style completely, especially their cute concepts!! we love dancing infants! and also, they're all such throughly good people which makes me so happy. this isn't a casual stan thing in the slightest, and it's funny to think I ever believed it would be. 
when i saw him in shine, i thought he was a d o r k. i think it was the way they styled his hair, but i was just very convinced that he was pretty lame lmao. after that though, i saw how cute he was and he became my bias for a while. i remember thinking at one point that he seemed like an exasperated dad?? i didn't really have any basis for it but that observation was there nonetheless. 
exasperated dad? more like hyper 3 year old. hes literally one of the loudest and most energetic. what was i on. but i think hes the most precious and clingiest little toddler now!! i was right about the dork thing though, but its super cute how goofy and lame he is. also!! talent for days!! his dancing, singing (his falsetto is !!), composing is all incredible. the most important thing though? a godly leader. he's so caring and kind and full of love for his members it hurts me. we don't really see a serious leader hui, but thats okay because i think it means he tries to keep uni and ptg in good spirits by showing them cheerfulness. and that's amazing to me.
my most notable thought about jinho in shine was "how is he that small". i remember thinking it was cute how he pushed the giant one too, lmao. i didn't think much else of him beyond that, other than noticing how adorable he can be. 
ok yeah, jinho is cute and tiny and whatever- but now i Understand the power that he holds. how he looks with his hair pushed back for example. or how about that bruno mars cover he did with hui. (hhhhnngg). also?? he's not even That small. the ones that make him look itty bitty are Literally just giants. but aside from his appearance, jinho is probably my favorite vocalist like!! i appreciate him s o much. (listen to his cover of gethsemane and last night of october for clear skin) of course jinho is also very cute though!! so i was right about that at least! he just also has many other great sides to him that i worry are overlooked!
i didn't,,,notice him. at ALL. like i just glossed over his existence completely when i first saw shine. and even after that- it took me a minute to pay him any mind. when i did finally notice him though, i noticed his smile. i remember i was watching videos with my girlfriend and i pointed him out to her! that was mostly because i felt bad for not really having any strong opinion on him though oops. anyways i ended up just thinking he was a mom. and i was really impressed by his english and strength.
real talk, it pained me to write all of that out!! bc now?? omg hong is my everything- but thats kind of obvious. anyways!! hes so  f u nn y !!! its absolutely a stupid kind of funny and hes definitely annoying but i adore it. also the mom thing is only kind of true. he has the capacity to be maternal and take care of them, but he's way more likely to make fun of literally every single member. he's more like an older brother that never leaves his siblings alone and thinks he's funnier than he is. and we hate him for it. anyways, his voice is So underrated im. angery. he has such a beautiful voice, just in general, and on top of that- his singing is lovely. like yes, more hong solo please. 
i definitely took note of him immediately! his voice is very distinctive, and he stands out a lot in shine. which is really saying something. i thought he was really talented for sure! and i almost felt he was too cool for me to be looking at. i kind of got the vibe he'd be pretty icy i guess? 
he's not intimidating at all. like not even a little bit. bc he's not taking himself as seriously as i thought he was lmao. also hes so   l o u d . and a plant man. but i think the best thing about edawn is his unpredictability! i never really know what to expect from him and i like that. 
i thought he was HOT. i already thought he was handsome in the 0.3 seconds of screentime he got in shine. but a friend of mine showed me clips of him from that couples game video and. o o f. i really couldn't get over how pretty he was. it didn't help that this was the same video where him and kino were doing that dance. personality wise, i don't remember much standing out to me. other than how easily scared he is.
shinwon is soooo embarrassing. i wouldn't say hes completely shameless about it though, but he's shameless to the point of actually doing the stupid shit so im. still enraged about it. he legitimately makes me physically look away sometimes when im watching a video and he's being weird. theyre all my kids, and i love them. but he's the child im ashamed of lmao. moving on, hes a real cutie pie. that fact that he gets so scared so easily is both really funny and super endearing. but he's just a playful baby and im honestly glad that hes has so much fun.
i noticed him less than hongseok. like i dont think i had a single notable first impression of him. 
past dess was one entire Doofus huh. like changgu is a whole ass blessing to this planet and you mean to tell me that she overlooked him??!! anyways, though, he has an elephant heart for sure. such a genuinely empathetic and truly kind person!! he never fails to warm my heart with his sincerity and i love that about him. he's also part of the idiot squad though, with how he goes along with hong's antics. we hate that. and all his impressions + dumb faces. speaking of faces though,,, his acting?? i love it!! he's really talented, like when i watch pretty pretty i kind of forget that changgu is even playing a role. and his d a n c i n g!! underrated dance king! underrated king in general, how about that. 
my first bias in ptg!!! i fell in love with him instantly! i loved how tall he is, and the white hair and his  i c o n i c "my baby"!! like i was whipped from the gate. i remember liking his duality back then too!!
ok so, since he was bias immediately, i noticed more about him than anyone else. which means i have less to write oops. but thats okay because at least i had a bit of taste back then. but, yanan is hilarious. he's so clever and funny and you can tell how effortless it is. most iconic ptg sayings are something from yanan and thats just amazing. the big thing i notice now that i didn't really before, though, is that fact that his duality is so shocking because he's literally just as unpredictable as hyojong. its impossible to really tell what hes going to do next, and i think it catches people off guard more with yanan because even that aspect of him is unexpected. 
i thought he was kinda scary!! idk he seemed so cold and i couldn't really relate to that so i didn't grow very attached to him. 
he's so pure!!! hes said that he has a hard time expressing his feelings but i don't really see it? because he always seems so happy to be around ptg and having fun with them even if he isn't usually the one playing around!! he loves them so much tbh and its the sweetest thing :( everything about yuto is so sweet, because he cares a lot about the people around him and doesn't want anyone to get hurt- even if its fake or a joke. and like, he's really hardworking too!! ptg have said multiple times that he works the hardest, and that really is saying something imo! and like, you can just see it even without being told that. whether its his workout journey pentory or the fact that he's literally been learning guitar. also!! omg the lyrics he writes?? heartwarming, romantic and life changing!! seasons and cosmo made me a different person. but yeah, he's such an amazing, warm person and i cant believe i found him scary. 
i thought he was the main vocal. like no joke, he was so charismatic and flaunting so  much in shine that i was like "ah yes. the main vocalist" hhhggg. i remember thinking he was pretty though, and that his stage name was super cute. but i wasn't very interested in learning about him, despite how he really caught my eye. for some reason, though, i eventually got the thought that he was really pure.
main vocal hdzfhh kino relax you're confusing ppl. of course he has an amazing voice and it always sounds incredible but!! what amuses me is the way he sings always sounds kinda like he's trying to be sexy and?? its so funny in ballads and stuff imo. but yeah, that "sensual"?? singing is what threw me off back then. buf more importantly, i just wanna mention the pure thing- because its a confusing situation. on one hand, kino has a heart of gold that not only adores uni but is also accepting. as well as how he's constantly bringing light into the world with his words and truly bright outlook. but on the other hand he's a demon that dances like That and is so dangerous when he wants to be!! so!! what's it gonna be kino, make up your mind :( anyways, listen to knnovations. esp bad timing and 224.12!!
i loved him instantly. he looked like an overgrown 10 year old in my eyes and that's just. precious. i thought he was pretty funny too!! 
if i took off my hong glasses for long enough, id be able to say that i think he's the funniest in ptg. because he's so hilarious in my eyes like? he makes me do an ugly wheeze laugh, and a lot of my favorite ptg moments involve him in some way lmao. but he is actually a baby, so i was onto something there with the overgrown 10 y/o thing. despite being really funny though, i do think he tends to be quiet more often than like hui or shinwon and he hardly ever smiles, unless he's like laughing and thats makes me think that he's kind of awkward?? not in like a bad way, but i just kind of see that i guess. but!! something that i think is passed over a lot with woo is the fact that he usually has a hand in composing, and also that he writes his raps?? like that's so cool, we love that!! 
ok! so that was my lame little essay lmao. i hoped you liked if you read it all! im just glad to say that i really appreciate pentagon as a whole, and how much joy they bring into my life nowadays!! i feel like ive found a place to call my own with uni and with pentagon :)
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Blame [Surgeon!Calum AU] Ch.6
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
Summary: What do you do if the only person you feel the connection to is the person you blamed for your sibling’s death?
Warnings: none, this one is actually cute (but don’t worry, drama is coming lmao)
Huge shout out to my wonderful sunflower and pure angel @myloverboyash who helped me with proof reading and tolerated my whining in her dm’s.Thank you so so so so much,Skyler! I don’t know what I’d do without you! 🌻❤️️🌻
Feedback is highly appreciated. Enjoy!
Chapter 6
Annabelle was rushing through the streets of New York, being unusually late. Cloudy weather of early October left her in a gloomy state of mind, and she was wincing every time chilly wind hit her. Her mood was jumpy and it seemed like anything could set her off, from her not warm enough jacket to the slowly passing people. The relief she felt when could finally see the bar entrance was almost ridiculous.
The warmth enveloped her as she came inside, making her tense muscles relax a bit. It wasn’t difficult to see her friends, they’d occupied the biggest table at a corner. Jo was sitting opposite Bryan, who came to town for the weekend, and judging by their expressions, her best friend and her boyfriend were at each other’s throats again. Allie was sitting with her face to the entrance, Max, who also decided to come from Boston for a couple of days, was really close to her. They both looked like they were trying to be as far from the arguing couple as possible, still staying at the same table with them. And Annabelle couldn’t blame them for that, she knew how Jo and Bryan had no control in insulting each other. For a mere second Anna had the terrible thought of just stepping back out to the chilly evening street, and text them she can’t make it because of some lame excuse and free herself from dealing with them. But the next moment Allie’s face lit up with a smile, as she noticed Anna. Annabelle smiled back and started to make her way to their table.
“Hey, guys, sorry, I’m so late,” she said, sitting down next to Bryan and shrugging off her jacket. She let Bryan peck her cheek with a muffled Hey, baby and smiled to Max.
“I thought your classes end early on Friday,” said Jo, sipping on her drink.
“Yeah, they do. I was in the studio and, honestly, just lost track of time,” Anna explained and turned to Bryan. “Could you get me a drink, please?”
As Bryan nodded and stood up, Anna looked at Jo and almost whispered, “Stop!”
Jo only gave her an exasperated look, trying to play innocent. Anna shook her head.  
“Even Allie and Max were trying to teleport from here when I came,” she noted with a chuckle, making an attempt to prove her point. She saw Allie snort and move a little from Max, like she was finally relaxing with Anna at the table.
“So, how’s Boston, Max?” she asked her cousin, determined to change both the topic and mood.
Max shrugged, taking a sip from his glass. “Not very interesting, to be honest. Sure, the vibe is different and practically every city around is a historical heritage. But, apart from that, nothing much.”
“What are you talking about?” Bryan came back with a cocktail for Anna and another beer for himself.
“Just look at you little kids with fake ID’s,” murmured Jo, looking at Anna with a wicked smile. She was the only one legally drinking from their group, and she liked mocking them about it every now and then. Though today’s remark had much more venom in it than usual.
“Max was telling about Boston,” said Anna, giving Jo another look.
“Yeah, right! College! Feel the freedom?” asked Bryan, actively ignoring Anna’s older friend.
Max shrugged again. “The only thing I really feel so far is Maths,” he let out a humourless laugh.
Anna downed almost half of her cocktail in one go. “What, so bad?”
“You can’t even imagine. I thought I was studying engineering, but no, Maths, day in, day out. Remember how at school I used to say Maths is the easiest subject?”
“Still hate you for that,” chuckled Anna.
“I’m in a hate club too,” Allie raised her drink and they clinked glasses with Anna jokingly.
Max laughed at them, “Well, you both will be happy to know that now I understand half of what my professors say at best.”
“Oh, that’s absolutely normal,” stated Allie, turning to Max, “I understand only half of what my professors say everytime they speak. Even if they just greet the audience.”
Jo snorted to that and Anna giggled.
“Thank you, Allie, now I feel much better!”
Allie shoved his side lightly and muttered, “Any time.” Anna smiled in her glass, being strangely glad of how well her friends got on with her favourite cousin. Allie and Bryan did know Max for a long time, as he and Anna were always really close. But being even one year apart at school made them rather distant with different friends groups. Now, them all studying apart, it didn't really matter anymore and somehow drew them all even closer.
Anna was just sitting there, sipping on her drink and thinking about all of this and nothing at the same time, when she felt the mood tense again. It all started with Allie glancing behind Anna’s back, at the bar entrance, and freezing for a moment. She looked at Anna quickly with round eyes. And then there were those words Bryan ushered, being already slightly drunk, “Fuck Maths, Max. What about Boston girls? Have you found some hottie yet?”
Max almost choked on his beer at the question, his eyes dart nervously to Allie. Of course, he’d be nervous, Anna assumed, discussing such a topic in front of his cousin and her two girlfriends.
Anna used the awkward moment to look back and see what was so surprising for Allie. She saw him momentarily, like there was some kind of a magnet, getting her eyesight set at him. He was with two friends, one of them she remembered from the hospital. They stopped at the side counter, as all the tables were already occupied. He looked tired, but relaxed, laughed at some jokes and looked unfairly good in his black leather jacket. And he didn’t notice her yet.
Annabelle turned her attention back to her friends, throwing meaningful look at Allie, while Max was rambling something about “Seriously, I don’t have any time for that, Bryan,” and “Not like I was so much interested right now.”
Jo chuckled and didn’t even try to hold back, “Starting a chick convo in front of your girlfriend, Bryan? Congrats on reaching the first class dickhead level.”
Bryan scoffed and calmly, in a very unusual for him manner, looked at Jo. “Tell me something, Jo. If I’m so much of a dickhead, then why does you friend love me?”
Everyone froze. Jo smiled like a cougar smelling blood, Allie was glancing from Bryan to Anna and back, and Max was just staring at his beer, trying to pay as little attention to what was going on at their table as possible.
Anna sighed, knowing well what everybody was thinking, and then she felt it. Slight itching between her shoulder blades. She looked at the bar and saw Calum looking straight at her. She nodded at him, finished her drink and said, “You know what? Right now I don’t love any of you, you piss me off so much. Gonna go get a refill.”
With that she stood up and made her way to the bar.
“So you don’t sleep, but you drink?” she smiled at Calum.
He made a gulp of his beer and smiled too, “Occasionally. You’re here with your friends?”
“Yeah, my cousin came back from college for the weekend, so we’re like catching up,” Anna nodded, turning to the bartender to ask for another cocktail. She deliberately told him only about Max coming, not a word about Bryan. Was it bad? Should she feel guilty about it? She dismissed the idea, she knew well enough Calum had no interest in whether she had a boyfriend or not.
“You here with friends too?” she asked only to get herself from thinking, why Calum couldn’t care if she had a boyfriend.
“Yeah, we all had a shift today, and that’s a rare occasion, so we decided to use a free night. We’re waiting for some other friends of ours to join,” he answered, half a smile lingering on his lips. Anna nodded again, feeling suddenly lost for words. What do you say to your late brother’s surgeon, who you’d shared three quite intimate moments with, when you accidentally meet him at a bar? While she was rushing through her mind in a search for her next reply, Calum shocked her once again, “Wanna hang out with us?”
Anna looked at him with eyes wide open in surprise. “I- I can’t just ditch my friends, Calum,” she blurted. “But thanks for the offer, in any other situation I would love to join,” she added with all honesty. Because, she realised that very moment, she wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of the evening with him. Friends or no friends.
“They can join too,” Calum shrugged nonchalantly, dropping one crazy idea after another.
Annabelle looked back at her friends. Jo was talking to Allie and Max, all three of them successfully ignoring Anna, but Bryan’s wary eyes didn’t leave her back for a moment.
“Don’t think it’s a good idea, but thanks for offering again,” she mused. “How’s Aubrie doing?”
Calum’s smile got significantly bigger at the reminder of the little girl. “She’s fine. Finished the book I’ve given her, learned all the organ’s names and can’t wait to start learning to be a surgeon,” he chuckled.
“That’s cute,” Anna smiled.
“I’m only afraid she’s gonna be disappointed that surgeons can’t operate in a ballet tutu and pirouette in pauses.”
“Can’t they?” Anna gasped in fake surprise.
“Nope, that’s totally against the rules.”
“What a shame!”
“One of the things I hate about my work,” Calum laughed.
Anna paid for her drink, being put on the counter in front of her, and turned back to Calum.
“I’m sure you’d look great in a ballet tutu, “ she said and he snorted. “Have to get back to my friends, I guess. Was nice bumping into you though.”
“My pleasure,” he said and moved a little forward to hug her. But Anna, feeling Bryan’s eyes burn a hole in her back, moved away a little, like she didn’t notice Calum’s motion and left him with muffled “Have a good night, Calum.”
The reaction when she came back to their table was just what she expected it to be. Max was acting oblivious, Jo and Allie looking at her carefully and Bryan jumped at her with questions, “Who’s that guy?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Anna tried to act it cool, while putting her glass on the table and sitting down. She knew she was cheating herself and Bryan won’t let it go so easily, but it was worth a try.
“Yeah, that does matter,” pushed Bryan.
“That’s Grayson’s surgeon,” she explained, not looking at him.
Bryan choked on his beer. “Grayson as your-?”
“Yes, Bryan, my brother. Now can we leave it, please?”
But her mood was now even worse than when she’d come. She was pretending to listen to Allie’s talking about her hilarious new professor and smiled when everybody was laughing. She tried not to notice how firm was Bryan’s grip on her thigh, or how uncomfortable she felt when he put his arm around her waist and buried his face in her neck. She was wondering why couldn’t she just ask him to stop, and assured herselt, that wasn’t because Calum’s arm had been around some girls shoulders for the last half an hour. And her awful mood wasn’t the reaction to the crickles around his eyes he got everytime he laughed at something that girl said. And she needed to remind herself he could do whatever he wanted when she saw him bend down a little and kiss that girl. She didn’t care. She couldn’t care. Not when she was almost drunk and her boyfriend started kissing her neck. She just couldn’t honestly care less.
“I swear I’m never gonna drink again,” Anna whined, holding on to the sink and trying to talk herself into at least brushing her teeth.
Bryan, freshly showered and standing right behind her, chuckled.
“You didn’t even drink that much yesterday,” he reminded.
“Obviously, that was enough,” Anna groaned. She opened the tap and picked her toothbrush, praying that this simple act of hygiene wouldn’t make her feel sicker.
“Finish with that and I’ll make you breakfast,” with that Bryan left the bathroom. Anna winced at the sound of the closing door. She didn’t want breakfast. She didn’t want anything besides that awful headache and nausea to disappear.
She finished with her morning routine and crawled to her tiny kitchen to the sound of Bryan humming some catchy pop song. She nothing but fell on the chair and held her head in her hands. Couple minutes later a cup of coffee appeared in front of her. She moaned and winced once again.
“Come on, Anna. I know you don’t want to but it’ll make you feel better,” Bryan told her, turning back to the stove he was making an omelette on. “Not the first your hangover I’ve been dealing with.”
Anna made a face, but took a little sip of her coffee. After all Bryan was right, he knew what he was doing.
“I know I’ve said it before, but, honestly, how can you be friends with Jo? Still takes me by surprise, she’s such a bitch,” he started after putting plates with breakfast on the counter.
“Don’t start, please,” mumbled Anna, fighting back another wave of sickness.
“She may be good to you, but you have to admit, she’s awful to everybody else,” Bryan happily chewed his omelette, crunchy pieces of bacon on the side of his plate. His own coffee mug was half empty already.
“I don’t wanna talk about Jo,” snapped Anna. “It’ll end with us fighting and I don’t wanna fight. Especially with that headache.”
“Sorry. Don’t wanna fight either,” agreed Bryan.
For some time they kept eating breakfast in silence, until Bryan decided to discuss another person from the previous night.
“So you and that doctor, huh?”
Annabelle rose her eyes at him, not fully understanding where he was going with that.
“What do you mean, me and that doctor?” she asked when understood Bryan wasn’t about to add anything else.
“You two seemed like on pretty good terms,” he shrugged, trying to act indifferent. Anna only shrugged to that. Even if she wanted to explain it to Bryan, where could she possibly start from? “Are you friends now?”
She heard it in an undertones of his voice and in the words he didn’t pronounce. He wasn’t jealous yet, but he was suspicious.
“We’re not friends, Bryan,” she shook her head and immediately winced at the strong pain it caused. “He tried his hardest to save my brother’s life. Least I can do is be polite and friendly to him.”
Bryan huffed to that, putting his plate to the sink.
“How do you know he tried his hardest?” he said then.
Anna could just look at him, utterly lost for words.
“What-” she started, but her voice cracked. She tried again, voice low, “What are you saying now? That he let my brother die on purpose?”
“I’m not saying anything, Anna,” Bryan scrunched his face in mild annoyance. “Nothing like this, at least. It just seemed weird, ‘s all.”
“For fuck’s sake, Bryan!” Anna moaned, focusing back on her coffee.
He walked around the counter and hugged her from behind, hiding his face in her hair. “Gonna miss you like hell,” he whispered making her hair move unpleasantly against her neck.
Anna wanted him to stop, wanted to ask him not to touch her, wanted to free from his grip. She did want it. Instead she mumbled “Yeah, me too,” just like she was supposed too.
“I’ll come for the Halloween next time,” he said, not letting go of her. “Wanna have a date? Just the two of us. Can do costumes if you want.”
“Date sounds fun,” she whispered back, feeling her nausea getting stronger. “No costumes though, just a date.”
“Whatever you say, baby.”
And then he kissed her neck. The next moment she was jumping off her chair and running to the bathroom, her body obviously choosing throwing up over kissing. She heard Bryan giggle behind her. She was adamant she was never gonna drink again.
The week started awfully. Nothing really happened, yet Anna felt horrible.
It was raining almost every day. She was crying herself to sleep almost every night. She couldn’t tell anymore why was she crying. It became her sick habit. And it wasn’t such a bad habit really, at least she felt a little better after tears. Like all her sadness was slowly leaving her. Too slowly though. How many more nights did she need before she finally starts feeling herself again?
She stayed in the studio practically every day after lessons. Once been seen by her theory of art professor, questioning her if she wanted to change her major and complementing on her painting skills. Anna smiled and thanked him in all the right moments, not really understanding what was he complimenting her on. It was just another picture of a stormy sky. She’s been painting them since the beginning of fall. Rain clouds, grey, navy blue, purple.
If she wasn’t in the art studio, Anna stayed at home, drawing in her numerous sketchbooks. But sketches started to irritate her, cause no matter what she started to draw, she ended up mindlessly doodling his dark eyes with crinkles around them, appearing every time he was smiling. And then she remembered the last time she saw those crinkles and what he was doing. She tried not to think about it, but failed each time. Was it his girlfriend? An fwb? Just a one night stand? And why, for the thousandth time, why did it matter?
Anna sighed and tried to focus on her lecture, her hand doodling eyes again. Anna put her pencil away and leaned back on her chair to concentrate on what her professor was currently saying. But, obviously, all her attempts were in vain today, as her phone vibrated shortly, signaling of the incoming message. She decided not to check, cause that was probably Jo, who never cared if Anna was in class or not. Allie was more considerate and, as she seemed to memorize all their timetables, never disturbed Anna during her classes. She talked to Max only in the evenings. And she facetimed with Bryan in the morning, so there was no reason he would text her now. It was definitely Jo. Which meant it could wait till the break. She wiggled on her place, looked at her bag laying near with her phone inside. What if it wasn’t from Jo?
She fished her phone out of her bag and unblocked it, being careful not to get caught. The message was from Jo, asking on their group chat with Allie if they were getting together at her place or Anna’s, as it was Thursday. Anna huffed in disappointment and switched off the screen, leaving Jo’s message without reply. She was about to put her phone back, but something stopped her, making her stare at the black device. A revolutionary idea blowing up in her mind. She could just text him. Instead of sitting here and miserably waiting for a goddamn miracle, she could just text him.
Not giving herself a second to change her mind, Anna unblocked her phone again and opened her chat with Calum. He fingers lingered over the keyboard. What was she to say? Awkwardly ask him, how he was? Or start boldly with asking if the girl he was basically sucking on in a bar on Friday was his girlfriend? No matter how diligently she was lying to herself, she knew that was exactly what didn’t let her live. Anna sighed heavily and switched off her phone. Then switched it on again and typed Wanna grab a coffee? before her brain even thought of stopping her. She pressed Send and left her phone on her thigh, waiting for the reply.
She didn’t have to wait for long, he answered in couple minutes. Yet those two minutes felt like an eternity for Anna.
Sure. Right now?
Not on a shift? I’m finishing with my classes in two hours.
Nah, free today. Where do we meet?
Anna looked up at her professor again, like she was listening to him, but in reality just thinking on her answer. In contrast to the last four days the sky was clear from the early morning, pavements drying out and the sun shining really warm for a beginning of October. It would be such a shame to waste this day inside.
What do you say if we get coffee from a coffee shop near my college and then just walk? The weather seems good and there’s a park nearby.
Deal. Mind if I bring a friend?
Anna frowned. He wanted to bring a friend? She rolled her eyes and cursed the moment she decided to text him. What a fool she was! But she knew she couldn’t bail. Not now.
Sure. The more the merrier, right?
:) text me the address, i’ll see you in two hours.
When she was leaving the auditorium, she almost bumped in her professor, so distracted she was. She had only one more lecture to survive, but even that sounded practically impossible.
Who was he about to bring? That other doctor she saw him with? Maybe they were together when she texted? What other reason could Calum have to bring him along? Assuming of course, he wasn’t brining anybody else. And though the possibilities were endless, Anna tried her best not to dwell on them. Yet her attempts were pretty worthless. So by the end of her last class she was nervous to the point of shaking knees and hands. She deliberately loitered while packing her stuff and was the last to leave the auditorium. She stopped for the moment to ask a girl she knew for pictures of her conspect, and spend some time taking them. She chose the longest way up to the coffee shop. She couldn’t help it. She wanted to see him. But she was scared to see who he comes with.
She turned around the corner and, of course, he was waiting for her. Same black leather jacket over a green hoodie, his phone in his left hand, him scrolling through it. And, by his right side, his friend. On a leash.
Anna couldn’t hold back her chuckle, relief washing over her.
“So that is your friend, huh?” she asked as she came up to him.
Calum looked up from his phone, big smile on his face.
“That is my friend,” he confirmed, shoving his phone in his pocket and looking down on his dog. “Hope you don’t mind. I kinda promised him to spend the day together, so he’s tailing us.”
“Can I pet him?” Anna asked, looking at the pup, who was looking back at her, wiggling his tail.
“Sure, he seems in a good mood today.”
Anna was already on her knees, her bag tossed on the pavement. The dog was tiny, looked almost like a husky, but was a size of a corgi. Anna’d never seen dogs like that one, but was already in love.
“What’s his name?” she asked, looking up at smiling Calum.
“Well, hello, Duke,” she hummed, both of her hands in his fur. The pup dodged around, licked Anna’s wrist and lied down on the pavement on his back, giving her full access to his belly. Anna only laughed and started rubbing where he asked to.
“Aren’t you one shameless dog?” Calum chuckled over them, before pulling on the leash lightly. “Come on, you’ll have your fun later.”
Anna picked up her bag and stood up, mirroring Calum’s smile.
“Capuccino?” he asked, handing her the leash and moving towards the coffee shop entrance.
“Actually, I was dying for hot cocoa and I can pay for my…”
“Sure, you can,” he snorted, disappearing in the coffee shop.
Anna huffed and then felt something bump in her calf. She looked down at the pup, his dark eyes staring at her in the silent plea, looked back at the coffee shop and bent down, thinking she had couple of minutes she could spend on this adorable little creature.
When Calum came out with two big cups of hot beverage in his hands, Duke was on his back again and Anna was humming some cute nonsense to him.
“So I lost you to my dog, nice,” he joked, handing Anna her hot cocoa.
“Can you blame me?” she handed the leash back and turned to the park she was talking about previously.
“Guess, I can’t.”
Calum followed her and soon they were walking down an alley full of fallen leaves, which Duke happened to be a great fan off.
“I hope I didn’t ruin any plans of yours,” Anna said after some silent moments. “The only plan I had for today was to spend it with that rowdy,” he nodded towards Duke, jumping around another pile of yellow leaves, “and it seems, he’s having a time of his life here.”
Anna smiled to that, moving her gaze to the excited pup, and sipped on her cocoa.
“So, college,” Calum started, looking around. Students were passing them all the time, some are smiling to Anna, knowing her from different courses or just the studio. “How far along are you?”
She choked on her drink and started coughing.
“Shit, sorry,” Calum looked really sorry, though couldn’t completely hide a mischievous smile. “Terrible doctor humour. Spend too much time among pregnant women.”
“Second year,” Anna said as soon as her breathing came to normal. “And thank you, now I have cocoa in my nose.”
“I am sorry,” Calum snorted.
Anna looked at his profile, crinkles she was sketching all week in a fine view in front of her, and suddenly her Saturday conversation with Bryan popped up in her memory.
“Speaking about your work, can I ask you a question?” she said, her voice low. “It’s about my brother.”
She saw his face darken, brows furrowed as he took a gulp of his coffee.
“Sure,” he said, his voice though not as confident as it was.
“If you don’t want to talk about it, I totally understand,” Anna explained hurriedly, a little scared by his reaction. “I just wondered if you could tell me what happened during the surgery. But if it’s too much, I mean, I would totally understand.”
He sighed and took another gulp. “Why do you ask?”
“I just wanna know,” Anna shrugged, not really getting what he was asking about.
“You don’t wanna know what happened,” Calum said, shaking his head and looking at Duke. “You wanna know if there was a chance,” he stated rather harsh.
“Well, yeah, probably that too,” Anna agreed easily, not offended with his reaction at all. She knew he didn’t want to talk about it. But she didn’t regret asking, cause she also knew it’s gonna stand between them until they just speak it up. And she didn’t really want anything to stand between them.
Calum sighed again, more heavily now. “There’s always a chance, Anna,” he said. “We had major problems with the blood pressure during the whole operation,” he started explaining in a low emotionless voice. “There were problems with it before the operation, as you know, because of his condition. And that was the reason we couldn’t wait any longer. So when we finished with the heart we just weren't able to start it again. It didn’t want to bump more than once at a time, and blood pressure was falling critically. We tried to start it much longer than we should have been according to the protocoles. The heart was okay. I mean, it was tiny and stitched, but it was in normal enough condition to start. But it didn’t.”
Anna inhaled deeply, congratulating herself for keeping all the tears at bay this time.
“There’s always a chance in the OR, Anna,” Calum continued. “But you have to understand, it’s practically never up to us, doctors. With older patients I would say it’s up to their will to live. But in my department, I don’t even know, to be honest. Blind chance? God? Have no idea.”
“Thank you,” Anna said as they kept walking down the park paths.
“Yeah,” Calum mumbled, not looking at her.
Duke obviously got bored of the leaves and was now just mincing in front of them.
Anna sighed. She had another question she was dying to ask, but she was so afraid to fuck his mood up even more. She threw a sly look at him and frowned. He was upset and she probably had no chance to make it worse anyway, so…
“Can I ask you one more inappropriate question?”
He quirked his eyebrow, turning his gaze to her.
“How much inappropriate?” he asked, careful but definitely intrigued.
“Very,” admitted Anna with a dramatic gasp.
“Fire away,” Calum chuckled.
“Okay, so, when we went to Aubrie’s party, I obviously saw your tattoos,” she saw his eyebrow quirk more and a smile linger on his lips at her rambling, “and there is that one with a bird and a strange name, I guess, next to it. So I was wondering, was it for, like, your girlfriend or, maybe, an ex-girlfriend, or even wife, though I did notice you don’t wear a ring, but some people never do even if they are married, or-”
“Anna, relax and take a breath,” he laughed, grabbing her shoulder and making her stop both her walking and her rambling.
“I just know tattoo questions are inappropriate,” she exhaled with an apologetic smile.
“Mali-Koa is my sister’s name,” Calum explained, smiling softly, and they started moving again, as Duke kept pulling on the leash not really interested in just standing. “The tattoo is for her.”
“Oh,” Anna nodded, not really knowing what to say to that. She rubbed her forehead, thinking how much of a fool she probably looked like. “So you have a sister?”
“Yeah, she’s older. Lives in London, she’s a singer. And her name is Maori.”
“Maori?” Anna repeated quite shocked.
“Yeah, our Mom is Maori, Dad is from Scotland. We with Mali are pretty strange mix, really. We were born in New Zealand, but moved to Australia with our parents pretty soon, so we grew up there. Now she’s in the UK, and I’m here.”
“How did you end up here?” asked Anna, finishing her cocoa.
“Well, Mali moved to the UK and I wanted to study medicine. And there are some pretty good schools in Britain, so I moved there with some of my friends and started college there. And then there was this opportunity to enter a surgeon programme here and we applied, and here I am.”
“The doctor I saw you with at the bar is one of those friends?” Anna asked, trying not to notice blunt pain under her ribs from the memories of that night.
“Yeah, that’s Ashton. He’s a pediatric surgeon, the one that treats Aubrie now, by the way. And the other one was Luke,” he explained. Anna tried to remember the third guy Calum entered the bar that night with, but her memories were blurry.
“Is he working with children too?” she asked, unable to remember anything about him except for him being tall.
“Nah, he said that saving lives is too boring, so he’ll be saving beauty,” Calum chuckled, looking at Anna’s puzzled expression. “He’s a plastic surgeon.”
Anna let out an Oh and nodded.
“And answering the second part of your extremely inappropriate question, there’s no girlfriend or wife,” he added with another chuckle, looking at her cautiously.
Anna looked at her feet, sudden cough taking over her. That wasn’t her question, was it? Should she answer anything to that or play dumb? And does that mean that girl was a one night stand? And why would he decide to state that out? Does he think she’s interested? Is he interested? Anna almost drowned in her endless questions, when Calum’s voice brought her back to the reality.
“Can I also ask you a question?” he said, smiling so awfully pretty as he knew exactly how uncomfortable his last remark made her feel.
“An inappropriate one?” Anna smirked at him. After all, two could easily play that game.
Calum laughed, not a sign of earlier gloom from her first question on his face.
“Okay, truth to be told, I have two questions and one of them is inappropriate, but I think it’ll be just fair,” he confirmed.
“Sure, ask away,” Anna laughed.
“I’ll start with a more appropriate one though,” Calum warned her. “That day in the hospital when your friends came to visit,” he started. Anna nodded, showing she got, what day and what visit he was referring to. “Your friend called you Belle in the hall. Is it a nickname of sorts?”
Anna smiled at the memory. “Not really. My full name is actually Annabelle,” she explained. “Most people call me Anna and I use it more often too. But Jo, my friend, she’s a photographer, that’s how we met. The first time we talked, she stated that I’m not Anna at all and Belle suits me ten thousand times better.”
“Ten thousand, huh?” Calum smiled.
“I’m literally quoting,” Anna chuckled. “So ever since that time she’s been calling me Belle.”
“Well, she’s definitely not wrong about that,” Calum admitted and winked at her.
Anna rolled her eyes. “Shut up, will you,” she laughed. “What’s your inappropriate question?”
“Right, you ready?”
“Absolutely not, but, please, ask it anyway.”
“Which out of your two inappropriate questions was the one that made you text me today?” he asked, his tone soft but serious.
Anna looked away instantly. Duke, like feeling her tension, ran up to her and started wiggling his tail, bumping into her legs every now and then.
“None,” she confessed, looking at the pup below. She wasn’t lying, right, because the question that didn’t let her live was mostly about the girl in the bar. But even that question wasn’t really the reason. And Anna prayed he wouldn’t asked about that.
“Then why did you text me?”
Anna sighed. How could she even start to put it into words? Can’t get you out of my mind? Feel connected to you? Hooked on emotions I can’t even name but still feel next to you? It all sounded too… like she was confessing a crush. And he wasn’t a crush, that word was an understatement here but also would be too much.
She took a deep breath. “I guess, I wanted to spend some time with the only person I feel comfortable with these days, cause you’re the only one who looks at me without any trace of pity in your eyes.”
She didn’t dare looking up at him after ushering those words. Though she heard his sharp exhale and also felt the warmth of his smile. Yet the warmth could also be from his breath on her cheek cause the next moment he enveloped his arms around her. He wasn’t saying anything, no meaningless promises of it all getting better soon. Just holding her close to his chest in his firm embrace, letting her breath in his piny smell. Duke barked at them merrily and put his front paws up on Anna’s shin, hugging her in his heartwarming dog manner.
“You gotta stop hugging me like this out of the blue if you don’t want to set the waterwork up,” Anna mumbled against his soft hoodie.
His chest shook so wonderfully with a quiet laugh he let. “I’m totally okay with the waterwork.”
“I’m not,” Anna pouted, making him laugh again.
“Okay, okay,” he nagged jokingly, letting go of her. “But how can you cry when Duke is hugging you?” he asked, petting on his dog.
“That’s the only reason I’m still holding,” Anna snorted.
“Good job, buddy,” Calum gave Duke another rub on his back before the little pup ran after a pigeon he saw on the path.
“So, Belle,” Calum stressed her name and smiled widely, crinkles back on his face, “wanna go grab some lunch?”
“Sure,” Anna agreed easily, yet with devils in her eyes, “but only if you stop calling me that and let me pay for my lunch.”
“Ah, that I’m not sure I can promise,” he rolled his eyes playfully. “Guess you’ll have to check your luck, Belle.”
Anna already opened her mouth to say back something full of sass, to show him she was not so easy to fluster, when Calum was basically dragged down the path by Duke running after the whole pack of pigeons like his life depended on it. While Calum was trying to talk some sense into his overexcited dog, Anna was left to bend down from laughing at them both. And that moment it stuck her. She couldn’t remember the last time she would laugh like that or feel so good. And then when Calum was calling on her and asking to stop mindlessly laughing and come help him, she realised she didn’t want that feeling to ever go away.
Tag list: @myloverboyash @paqueretteash @5saucewho @gorgeouslygrace @singt0mecalum @rip-lukes-balsamic
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risualto · 5 years
1, 3, 13, 14, 38, 61 for each of your Watchers?
1. What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about?Tai Lon - already answered
Junisce - “Jun,” which was actually given to her as a child by some other kids from the village because her name was long and hard to write down.  She stopped using it when she got older because those kids didn’t have much of a relationship with her once they realized she was very different from them.  But, Sagani sort of gave it back to her in this story.  It started as Sagani trailing off in the middle of her name, but Junisce claimed to like it, and it stuck.  Not everyone calls her this, though.
Lila - Xoti and only Xoti can get away with calling her “Star.”  Xoti first brought the name up without it being a nickname, just comparing Lila’s passion (and its physical manifestation on her skin and in her hair, as a fire godlike) to the stars.
3. How tall is your OC?Tai Lon - 5′10″ (very, very tol pale elf)
Junisce - 5′3″ (average height folk)
Lila - 6′ (average height aumaua fire godlike)
13. How many siblings does your OC and what is his/her relationship with them?Tai Lon - no siblings.  She was an only child.
Junisce - no siblings that she knows of; she was abandoned by unknown parents for unknown reasons.
Lila - she has one older brother.  Her relationship with him is practically nonexistent since she hasn’t seen him since murdering their father many years ago, but they never got along.
14. Who is the mother and/or father figure in your OC’s life?Tai Lon - her grandmother, who raised her after Tai Lon’s parents died while she was still very young.  She doesn’t really have a father figure.
Junisce - she sees Sagani as a mother figure given the development of their relationship in the first game.  She had kind of a father figure in her mentor from childhood, a wild orlan named Filas, but he disappeared under mysterious circumstances shortly before the massacre of a nearby village by monsters.  She presumes he’s dead.
Lila - she doesn’t have any presently.  Her actual mother was a military commander who had better things to do than raise a child, and her father was a bitter drunkard of a man who believed very firmly in toxic masculine stereotypes.
38. How does your OC react to and handle stress?Tai Lon -  complain to Edér (if it’s mild) or internalize it (if it’s serious) until the problem is dealt with.  She handles her stress by working to remove its cause and not letting it reach the people around her, because their concern stresses her out more.  (Her close friends are very exasperated by this.)
Junisce - shoot something (inanimate).  Bitch with Hiravias.  Shove her face under a pillow and yell really loudly (less of this in Deadfire since her ship is not nearly as soundproof as Caed Nua).  Overall, just don’t irritate her more when she’s stressed and all parties will get out of it just fine.
Lila - when stressed, she has a tendency to set things on fire and/or get extremely drunk and have very messy sex.  Usually, those two scenarios are exclusive.  Usually.  She doesn’t handle stress well due to her anger issues and the fact that Lila is consistently stressing herself out--she doesn’t need anyone else to help her, especially with that.  So, one can imagine how she reacted to the Watcher situation.
61. What is the general impression your OC gives other people? Tai Lon - warm (especially for a pale elf), tired, kind, takes no shit, protective.
Junisce - quiet, blunt, stoic, calm-before-the-storm type vibes, curious, pious (to a degree)
Lila - angry, cruel, destructive, intimidating, careless, reckless, (lost)
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killervibe · 5 years
Killervibe title: The Ramons
Note: I used The Middle’s episode 3x13 car scene as the template for the majority of this prompt. Like…..That scene (and that family) is exactly future Killervibe. You can’t tell me otherwise lol.
“We’re having a family meeting.” Caitlin deposited her cranberry juice on her coaster with a sigh, settling into her chair at the dining table.
Cisco ran his hand through his hair, psyching himself for big fat tears.
Dante frowned, bypassing the greens for rice. “I thought this was dinner.”
“It is dinner, take your peas.”
Amalia pushed the bowl to her brother with a pointed glare. “Dante Stein stopped eating vegetables because he got freaked out about genetically modified organisms.”
Cisco stopped cutting Heath’s chicken into smaller pieces. His front teeth were loose and he’d been complaining about it all week. “What?”
Dante shoved chicken into his mouth, talking with his mouthful. “It’s called being a vegetarian!”
Amalia choked.
“Honey, no.”
“Mom. Educate him.”
“You’re all putting poison in your bodies!”
“Your brain is poison! Mom always buys us healthy food!”
The two began to squabble and Caitlin clicked her fingers at her children.
“Okaaaay!” Cisco shouted, whisking the bowl of peas from the middle of the  table to serve a portion on his son’s plate anyway. “Dante, you’re not a vegetarian. Amalia, don’t be mean to your brother. Heath, stop laughing.” He looked around and realized there was an empty seat.  “Wait, where’s the baby?”
“Ballet, remember? It’s Tuesday,” Caitlin said gently, putting her hand over his.
He nodded gratefully. Between Star Labs and this house, Cisco swore sometimes he wasn’t sure what year it was, forget the day of the week.
“Your mom and I were talking about a family meeting. Which we’re having. Right now.”
The kids quieted at his clipped tone. He’s known to be the fun parent, Cisco knows that’s how they see him, but he’s not afraid to be serious. And this matter was not a joke.
“We have some sad news. Your aunt Clarissa passed away yesterday.”
Amalia dropped her fork. “I–What?”
“The lady who gives us candy?” Heath asked. 
Cisco ruffled his hair. “Yeah buddy.” Some sad white lilies sprouted along Heath’s delicate branch, twining around his arm.
“She was old, Amalia,” Caitlin explained to their eldest. “You knew that. And you should be comforted, she died very peacefully in her sleep.”
“That’s not comforting at all!” Dante exclaimed, horrified. “I go to sleep every night! I’d be more comforted if she died in a freak storm.”
“Dante,” Cisco snapped. “Have some respect. Half of your name comes from her family.”
“Sorry,” he mumbled, swiping his blondish streaked hair out of his face.
“Besides,” Cisco couldn’t help but add. “In your sleep is what you’re shooting for. You just close your eyes and never wake up. You won’t know.”
“You’ll never even know?!?!” Heath spat.
Caitlin shot Cisco a sharp glare. “The point is, this is our first death close to the family since...” She broke off, looking down at her nails on her lap. “We’ll have to go to the funeral.”
“Ugh, funeral homes.” Dante Stein shuddered. “I’m never ending up in a place like that.”
“What do you mean? We’ll all end up there. Everybody dies. I mean, except Uncle Barry, but you know what I mean,” Amalia said.
“Not me,” her brother argued.
Cisco ate silently, watching his children, wondering where on Earth he went wrong. “If you figure out a way to avoid it,” he started sarcastically, “You let us know.”
“I already did,” Dante Stein snarked back, lifting up his hand to form a block of ice. He plopped it in his glass. “I’m gonna be frozen.”
Caitlin’s face twisted. “You’re gonna be frozen?”
“Ew, Dante.”
“Relax, Amalia. Not my whole body, just my head. Think about it, when I go, the world is gonna be sad. They’re gonna want me back. When mom and dad find the cure to whatever killed me, then they’ll unfreeze me.”
“That’s creepy. Isn’t that the plot to Frankenstein?” Heath piped up.
“Yes, Heath. Good job,” Caitlin praised with a straight face. Cisco doesn’t know how she does it.
“You’re assuming that mom and dad would still be alive,” Amalia replied, and at this point his family have all but forgotten about dinner.
“Nora’s good with science,” Dante Stein shrugged. “I bet she’d do it. Or maybe Argus.”
Cisco shared a look with his wife, who had seemed to have mentally checked out of the conversation. He put his hand over her knee.
You okay? he mouthed. Cisco knew she’d been withdrawn since they got the news from Lily. Caitlin loved the Steins with all her heart. And it hurt his heart, to see her sad. The kids right now weren’t making this any easier.
“How would you know they put your head on the right body?” Amalia demanded, shaking her fork at Dante Stein.
“If I were you, I’d want my head to be put up on another person’s body. Here’s an idea–If you go first, I’ll freeze your head and put it on a dude’s body.”
Cisco pinched the bridge of his nose. He needed an aspirin. But hey, at least they weren’t crying.
“You’re not freezing my baby girl’s head!”
“Daddy I’m thirteen!”
“Still my baby. Amalia it’s okay. He won’t do it.”
“No!” she exclaimed hysterically, nearly knocking over her glass of apple juice. “No, he will! Daddy, he will, and you won’t be here to stop him! Look at that evil face! Mom make him promise he won’t freeze my head!”
“Dante Stein, promise to your sister you won’t freeze your sister’s head and put it on another body.”
Dante Stein pushed around the food on his face, contemplative. “I don’t know that I can make that promise.” He took a bite distractedly, smug at Amalia’s frustrated garbled yell.
“You’re eating the peas,” Heath pointed out quietly.
Dante screamed out in fear, spraying mushy half eaten peas all over the dinner table.
Cisco blinked.
Caitlin pushed her chair back abruptly, having had enough. “Mommy’s gonna take a nap.” She took Heath’s hand, pulling him out of his seat. Cisco glanced to his side to find he ate all of his dinner. “You clearly are the reasonable kid this evening. Wanna watch some Netflix with me?”
Heath smiled widely, pink cherry blossoms blooming along his branches. She turned to their other two.
“Visitation is on Thursday. The funeral’s on Friday. I don’t want to hear a word or see a second of this nonsense there.”
Cisco leaned back in his seat when Caitlin rubbed her hand across his shoulders. She bent down to kiss him gently, and he brushed her cheek with the pad of his thumb. “Don’t forget to pick up the baby.”
Cisco set an alarm for three minutes before the ballet practice was over so he could breach to the studio, knowing he likely would forget if he didn’t.
The kids bickered until they realized Cisco had his arms crossed across his chest, displeased.
“Are you mad at us?” Amalia asked in a small voice. “Is mom mad at us?”
Cisco’s face softened, “Oh baby. No. But–you two were being very insensitive. Your mom is grieving. She’s sad. She wanted to talk to you about Auntie Clarissa, and why she was such a wonderful woman and you didn’t let her.”
Dante Stein went cold, frost growing over his dinner plate. “I–I didn’t think of that.”  
“It’s alright,” he reassured him. “But your mom doesn’t want to hear you two fighting every night. Okay? Can we do that this week?”
The two looked at each other. There was a four year age difference between the them, and sometimes Cisco forgot how much older Amalia was than DS. She grew exasperated pretty quickly of his antics. But he was just a child, and Cisco didn’t want to curb his expression or shoot down all his thoughts. They didn’t with Amalia, but that’s when they were a family of three and four. Not six. Still, his chest swelled with pride as his eldest children had a silent conversation with their eyes, seeming to have come to a silent agreement.
“Yeah,” Dante Stein said. “We can.”
Amalia nodded. “We will, Daddy. We’re sorry.”
Cisco stood up to put their food in the microwave. “I’m not the one you need to apologize to.”
“Okay,” Amalia said meekly.
“And Dante, you are never freezing any part of you siblings’ bodies. Dead or alive. Is that clear?”
Dante took too long to answer, and Amalia zapped him with a small vibe blast.
He jolted. “Yeah, fine, ok! It’s clear, dad. It’s clear.”
“Thaaaank you.”
It went quiet, and Cisco was done discipling for the night.
“First one who finishes their dinner–including their vegetables-- gets to choose the movie we’ll watch with mom after I pick up your sister when homework is done.”
The two scrambled for their hot plates, suddenly famished again.
Cisco smirked at the two, tucking his hair behind his ear.
Yeah, he smiled to himself. Still got it.
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