#but I can’t find it I thought it was some type of robe a La polonaise but idk
15-lizards · 3 months
Long story short I am working on an Au where members of a certain magical blood get more literal ‘blood of the dragon’ features (I.E Horns, sharp teeth wings) and I need to find a way for two character to hide their (small, underdeveloped but Still There) wings that’s not just having a cape/cloak on 24/7. I have some ideas for the girl (not many, but some) but am drawing a blank when it comes to male fashion— do you have any recommendations for articles of clothingthat could obscure Two Extra Shoulder Limbs. Please and thanks!
Oooooh that’s a really cool premise!
Shawls or wraps are always a safe bet, if kinda similar to a cloak or cape. Easy and comfortable, able to hide their wings fairly well.
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A tight fitting jacket or doublet might work as well. They’re incredibly common as articles of clothing already, so less suspicions would be rouses, if not a bit uncomfortable for the wearer (having their wings pressed against them and all)
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A big overtunic of sorts, one that goes over a tighter tunic/gown. Probably far more comfortable than a tight jacket, but does give off a more shapeless figure
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Long and loose jackets/robes. More like house coats than anything else, with drapery fabric that should cover up most bulging pretty well
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Some sort of headdress that covers up the back and shoulders. Usually these are big enough or layered enough to hide whatever is going on underneath it
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ragnarlothcat · 2 years
hello! i hope your day is going well! i'm absolutely in LOVE with your sugar baby au - do you have any hcs/ideas/scraps about it?
Thank you 🥰 I do have some of those! I've got an extremely rough outline for the fic now, which is progress since before it was just vibes. I worry it reads a little similarly to my fic à la carte but in space, but I'll interpret it as me having found my niche instead of me only having one singular idea that I will shoehorn into new settings until eventually I die. Anyway it's 12 chapters now because it's important to me that I start more long projects I will never finish.
This Anakin was trained by Mace Windu so he's a slightly different flavour of Anakin. He agrees to the casual, sugar baby relationship because it's very specifically not a romantic relationship so it's probably fine and Anakin won't get attached (ha). But he does resist Obi-Wan buying him pretty things because as a Jedi he shouldn't really have stuff. Obi-Wan cleverly gets around this by spoiling him with experiences (and also stuff, once he finds Anakin's weaknesses).
This bit is from after they've slept together for the first time and Anakin is being very cool and casual about it.
Sugar baby au
“How was the mission?"
Anakin tugs on the collar of his robes self-consciously, very aware of the bitemark on his collarbone. “It was fine. The assassin never even showed.”
“Hmm.” Aayla narrows her eyes. “And the senator?”
“Still alive, last I checked.” Last Anakin checked Obi-Wan had been lounging on his plush chaise lounge draped in pale silk, his chest bare aside from the marks Anakin left on the swell of his pecs.
If Anakin hadn’t come three times already, he’d have fallen to his knees right there.
“Hmm,” Aayla says again. “It looks like you checked pretty thoroughly. Based on the beard burn, I mean.”
Anakin winces and slaps a hand to his face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. We kept things strictly professional.” Which is true, in a sense, because Anakin did protect Obi-Wan from danger as his job demands. It would have been very difficult for someone to assassinate the senator, after all, when he'd spent the entire night between a Jedi knight’s legs.
Aayla laughs as Anakin furtively checks his reflection in a polished vase. “You really are all grown up now,” she says with a sigh. “Have you now slept with 100% of the senators you’ve been assigned to protect?”
Anakin abandons his vase with a scowl. “I told you about Padmé in confidence.”
“I thought you avoided senate duty because you found it boring. Little did I know it’s because you’re like spice to these politicians. They just can’t keep away.”
Anakin’s comm buzzes and he blanches at the ID. “Senate duty is boring,” he bites back.
“Or is it that your type is politicians? You’re all about the fancy clothes, impassioned speeches.” Aayla clears her throat. “Silver tongues…”
Anakin never asks Mace for favors, but suddenly he feels like begging him for a very long assignment in the outer rim. His comm buzzes again. “Shut up, Aayla,” Anakin hisses. “It’s Kenobi.”
Aayla raises her eyebrows. “He has your personal comm number? Didn’t you just meet him yesterday?”
“Shut up—this is Skywalker.”
“Anakin,” comes Obi-Wan’s voice, as sticky sweet and intoxicating as it was in bed. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”
Anakin glares at Aayla, who smiles back, all innocence and dimples. “Nothing important. Is everything okay, Senator? Has there been another threat?”
It’s entirely possible. If someone wants Obi-Wan dead, they’d hardly stop after just one failed attempt. Truthfully Anakin thinks the man needs to increase his security permanently if he’s not going to stop being controversial in the senate. But Anakin’s assignment had been for a single gala, not to hang around Obi-Wan indefinitely and keep him locked up in his apartments.
“Only a threat to my sense of honor. Do you know Delia Zaro?”
“The holostar?” Anakin blinks down at his comm. “I don't know much about her. Senator, what does this have to do with the threats?”
“That’s the one,” Obi-Wan says, completely ignoring Anakin’s question. “A friend of mine owns a restaurant. It’s very exclusive and the food is exquisite.”
It’s sounding less and less likely that this anecdote has anything to do with the assassination attempts. “Sounds nice. Most of what I eat comes vacuum sealed.”
“Ms. Zaro dined there the other night. Now my friend has started advertising that he’s played host to ‘the most beautiful person on Coruscant’. Can you believe that?”
No, because Anakin wasn’t aware that restaurants advertised at all, let alone that they did so by hawking attractive celebrities. What's the point? It's not like you can eat the other patrons.
But Aayla is looking far too amused for someone who is currently eavesdropping, so Anakin turns away from her and aims for his most serious, no-nonsense Jedi voice. “Senator, I’m not sure I understand.”
“I just can’t tolerate falsehoods. As a politician, I am bound by the truth.” And even Anakin can hear the ironic smile in Obi-Wan’s voice at that. “I’m left with no choice. We must take action.”
Aayla snickers and Anakin pinches the bridge of his nose. “I don’t think I can arrest your friend for having different taste in holostars.”
Obi-Wan scoffs. “Of course not. My plan is much simpler and much less illegal. I just need to turn a lie into a reality.”
“By ensuring the most beautiful person on Coruscant actually eats there as soon as possible. Say, eight o clock? My treat.”
Anakin frowns down at the comm for a moment. It’s fine if Obi-Wan wants to go to dinner with some other random holostar of his choosing. Well, it’s not fine because someone is actively trying to kill him, but it’s not something he can forbid. But why is he calling Anakin and making it sound like—
Humiliatingly he feels his face flame and his heart flutter in his chest. How can this man fluster him so easily? Anakin has been tortured more times than he can count, but this smooth-voiced senator has him squirming like a youngling.
Anakin pointedly ignores Aayla’s quiet laughter. “Senator”—he clears his throat around the embarrassing roughness— “I’m flattered, but I have a lot of work to catch up on.” He does. He has dozens of reports to finish, and Mace will have him murdered if they're late again, especially if he explains that they’re late because Anakin is weak to pretty words and a free dinner with a handsome man.
“Please, darling—”
‘Darling?’ Aayla mouths.
“—I want to thank you for taking such good care of me last night.”
Aayla snorts and Anakin yanks her lekku with the Force.
“There’s no need for that,” Anakin says. Obi-Wan thanked him plenty last night. And again this morning in the shower. “It’s just part of the job.” Keeping him alive, that is. Learning the taste of his skin and melody of his cries was more…extracurricular.
No, Anakin cannot be alone with this man again. He doesn’t have the willpower to resist him.
“I already made the reservation. I promise the food is absolutely worth the trip. Now, it is a fine dining establishment so there’s a dress code.”
Perfect, a way out without offending him. Anakin doesn’t even own a dress. “I still only have my robes.”
“Which is why a courier is on their way now. The outfit I picked out is mostly black, so I do hope you like it.” Obi-Wan pauses and makes a small coughing noise. “I for one can’t wait to see you in it.”
Obi-Wan has barely known him for a full day and he already knows Anakin is most comfortable in black. Obi-Wan is so sweet and charming, and he is getting so fucked tonight.
(Mace is going to have Anakin's head. Oh well, a problem for the Anakin of tomorrow.)
“You really didn’t have to go to all this trouble,” Anakin croaks out.
“I don’t think of it as trouble,” Obi-Wan says, his voice leaving no room for argument. “It’s what you deserve. I’ll let you go for now, Anakin. I’ll see you at eight.”
He hangs up, and Anakin meets Aayla’s eyes, worrying his lip between his teeth.
Aayla rests her hand on Anakin’s bicep. “Oh yes,” she says, her face suspiciously neutral. “You two are definitely keeping things nice and professional.”
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Keeping Secrets Ch. 52
Keeping Secrets Masterlist
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Katie was pulled from sleep the next morning by the loud, electronic whirring of a jackhammer on concrete. Half asleep and unhappy she threw on a robe and tied it as she headed out onto the balcony. “Enough with all the racket!” Klaus yelled from the balcony across from her, dressed in black jeans, a maroon shirt and a black leather jacket. Clearly he and Genevieve had been awake for a while and Katie was almost certain she saw red paint that matched the color of Genevieve’s hair on the tips of his fingers that rested on the wooden railing.
“What he said.” Katie groaned then looked up at the sunlight coming in through the glass ceiling of the courtyard, silently cursing it for being so bright as she headed down the stairs.
“I agreed to a general sprucing up, not a bloody three ring circus.” Klaus complained as he walked down the other set of stairs with Genevieve trailing behind.
“Marcel and his minions abused our home for the better part of a century.” Elijah said from where he stood near the fountain in a pair of jeans and a mid tone grey, quarter sleeved, cotton shirt. “Now you might be content to live in squalor,”
“With squalor.” Katie chipped in as she moved to stand beside Elijah, getting a glare from Genevieve that she didn’t see because she couldn’t make herself look at either of them.
“,but I am not.” Elijah finished what he was saying, ignoring Katie.
“I agree with your brother.” Genevieve told Klaus as they walked over to stand across from Elijah and Katie. “It’s a new era in the French Quarter. This place could use a makeover.” She looked down her nose at Katie. “Out with the old and in with the new.”
Klaus didn’t miss Katie’s lack of reaction to Genevieve’s prodding nor had he missed the fact that she was blatantly avoiding eye contact with him. “Yeah, I’m not in the mood for a girl fight this morning.” She sighed then looked across her shoulder at Elijah. “I get this isn’t my house, but next time will you please warn me before you host a jackhammer symphony in the courtyard?”
“Of course.” He told her with a smirk at her morning grumpiness. “My apologies.” He watched her as she walked around him headed back to her room to get dressed.
When she walked into her room she noticed a dream catcher sitting on the table in the corner amongst a few knickknacks. Seeing red, she snatched it off the table and, like a woman on a mission, stormed downstairs where Elijah, Klaus and Genevieve were still talking.
Both of the men knew the look on Katie’s face, the rage in her eyes and what it could lead to, but it was Elijah who stepped into Katie’s path to Genevieve before she got too close. He held his hand out to stop her, which worked, and tried to look her in the eyes, but they were trained on the woman behind him. “Katie…before you act I urge you to stop…and think.” With nostrils flared and rage still in her eyes she looked to Elijah’s that dropped, noticing the dream catcher clenched in her fist. He dropped his hand and gingerly took the hoop from hers then turned to Genevieve. “Does this…trinket belong to you?” Genevieve opened and closed her mouth looking like a land bound fish. “Either it does or it doesn’t.”
Genevieve looked across her shoulder at Klaus before her eyes fell to the ground. After a few seconds she made herself look at Elijah. “Yes, it’s mine.”
Elijah held it up in both of his hands as if he were holding a small steering wheel then twisted, breaking the hoop and causing the bones on it to fall to the floor. “We all signed that treaty.” He told her with a look over his shoulder at Katie then back at Genevieve. “If I find another one of these little spy glasses of yours anywhere in my family’s home I will consider it a violation and I will be forced to take action. Do I make myself clear?”
“Crystal.” Genevieve answered with a straight faced nod.
“So I suggest, if you have left any more laying about, you remove them…immediately.” He gathered the remnants of the dream catcher in his hand and held it out to her. She took it and went upstairs to collect the dream catcher from Katie and Klaus’s quarters. With her out of sight Elijah turned to Katie.
“Don’t look at me like that, Elijah.” She told him tiredly as she turned her back on him and headed upstairs.
“Katie.” Elijah called and she stopped in the middle of the stairs to look down at him. “After you have gotten dressed and calmed yourself…the three of us have some business to discuss.”
She gave him a sarcastic salute, “Ten-four rubber ducky” then headed up stairs.
After taking a shower to clear her head she changed into a pair of black leggings and a long sleeved, light grey shirt dress and headed to the room with the bar, couch and wall of records that she was starting to call the lounge where Klaus and Elijah were waiting. “So, what business do we have to discuss?” she asked in no mood to beat around the bush.
“Genevieve has requested that the witches' right to celebrate feast days be reinstated. Starting with La Fête des Bénédictions.”
“What’s that?” Katie asked curiously.
“The feast of the blessings. People would bring the witches gifts in exchange for their blessings.” Klaus explained and Katie once again didn’t look at him.
“Genevieve would like to use the feast to introduce The Harvest Girls to society. The gifts will be given to them.” Elijah added. “You signed the treaty and you are a part of this family. We need your help making the final decision on the matter at hand.”
“First of all, I know I signed the treaty, you don’t have to keep reminding me of what I signed up for when I did.” She started as she walked over to the couch and sat down across from the chair that Elijah sat on the arm of while Klaus sat at the bar with a drink in his hand. “And on the matter of La Fête des Bénédictions, I think we should let them.”
“Really?” Elijah and Klaus asked, both sounding surprised.
“Really.” She answered with a nod as she leaned back on the cushion and placed a hand on her stomach. “The witches won’t adhere to the treaty if we don’t show them some amount of respect.”
“I thought you hated the witches.” Klaus spoke up curiously.
Katie looked at her hands folded in her lap. “Truth be told the witches that I’ve been harboring so much hate for…the ones that took action and tried to kill our baby, are dead now.” She looked up at Elijah. “Plus I like Davina. That poor girl deserves a day of recognition after everything she’s been through. So I’m for feast days being reinstated.” Elijah, who had a frown on his face, turned to look at Klaus.
“I agree with Katie, plus the tourists eat this stuff up.” Klaus told Elijah
Elijah took in a deep breath then side nodded as if he’d been outnumbered. “I’ll personally invite the other factions and get them on board.”
“Are there any more matters that need to be discussed?” she asked, eager to get out of the room.
“That is all.” Elijah answered, so she stood and left. Elijah stood and looked at Klaus. “Is everything alright with you two?”
“I’m afraid not.” Klaus answered then threw back what was left in his glass.
“What did you do?” Elijah asked.
“Nothing, but she doesn’t know that.” He answered as he slid off of the stool and left.
Katie was standing in front of the open refrigerator, staring off into space, when Elijah found her. She was so zoned out that she didn’t even know he was there until he touched her forearm that was resting on the refrigerator door. Pulled from her thoughts she took in a sharp breath then looked at him. This time, she didn’t have to guess at the question in his eyes. “Did Klaus send you here to talk to me or are you here of your own volition?”
“I’m here of my own volition.” He answered, watching her shut the door, move to the overhead cabinet and opened it. “You seem troubled.”
“I’m fine.” She replied casually as she grabbed a box of chocolate pop tarts then shut the door.
“You can fool a lot of people. I am not one of them.” He argued as she opened the foil package, stuck the dark brown frosted squares into the slots then pushed down the lever.
She said nothing and moved to get a glass, but Elijah stepped in the way. “Get out of my way, please.” She told him sounding tired.
He turned to the cabinet, grabbed a glass then turned back and held it out to her, “Talk to me.”
“I can’t talk to you Elijah. Not about this.” She argued with a shake of her head as she took the glass from him then went to the refrigerator and grabbed the half gallon of milk. When her pop tarts popped up Elijah grabbed a plate, put them on it then set it on the bar beside her glass as she put the milk away.
“Have you tried reaching out to your Mystic Falls friends?” he asked as she sat down at the bar and took a bite of the cheap pastry.
“Yeah, none of them are answering.” She answered then took a drink of milk.
“Then it seems I am a last resort.” He told her and she gave him an aggravated look through her lashes as she took another bite. He leaned down, looked her in the eyes and placed his fingertips on his chest. “You can talk to me.”
She sighed and looked down at her plate. “Fine.” She washed down the chocolate with a sip of milk then set it down. “I saw Klaus kiss Genevieve last night.” She admitted.
Elijah frowned. “Was that not part of the plan?”
“It was, but…” she shook her head, “there’s a difference between knowing that he’s kissing her and actually seeing it.” Elijah moved to sit in the barstool beside her. “I was so consumed by my hatred of her, my fear of bringing my baby into an unsafe environment, my part to play in the plan to create said environment that I…convinced myself that I was okay with him being with her.”
“But you are not.” He observed.
“No, I’m not. I can handle him kissing her. I don’t like it, but I can handle it. What I can’t handle is him having sex with her.” she admitted feeling like the type of stereotypical, dramatic woman she usually despised. “Ninety-nine percent of the time I mean what I say and he knows that.”
“You’re afraid it’s too late to say something.” He surmised.
She bit her lips closed and nodded as she looked down at her pop tarts that had gotten cold then looked back up at him with worry in her Kelly green eyes. “Have I made a huge mistake?”
“There is only one way to find out.” He answered and stood up and started to walk away.
“Elijah.” She called as she turned around in the swiveling bar stool and he turned back to her. “Thank you.”
He gave her a small nod and smile in return then left her to finish her unhealthy breakfast.
She went to their quarters thinking Klaus would be there, but he wasn’t. So she checked his studio, but he wasn’t there either. Not knowing where else to look she went to her room. It was there she found him, exiting the nursery. Their eyes met as he was closing the door. “Is it finished?” she asked timidly with a point to the nursery.
“Yes. I just finished adding the final touch.” He answered noticing her change in attitude. “Would you like to see?”
She shook her head no as she walked over and sat cross legged on the queen sized bed. “Not yet.”
He walked over and sat down beside her, pulling a leg up on it, facing her. She took in a deep breath then let it out. “I hate beating around the bush so I’m just going to ask. Have you had sex with Genevieve yet?” she asked, getting straight to the point.
He slipped the backs of his fingers down her cheek, taking in the tired, worried look in her eyes. “I couldn’t.” he answered, making a relieved sigh slip from her lips as she grabbed his hand from her face to hold it in both of hers.
“I know I said I was okay with you having sex with her and I know I’m not usually one to backpedal, but…I not okay with it. I didn’t realize how wrapped up I was in this stupid plan of ours until I saw you kiss her.” Katie explained. “Some queens encourage their king to take on a mistress, I am not one of them.”
A fleeting smile graced his perfect lips. “You just referred to yourself as a queen.”
She let go of his hand to place one of hers on his cheek. “I’m your queen.” She clarified. “Wait, you said couldn’t, not didn’t. Why couldn’t you?”
“Several reasons.” He grabbed her hand as she dropped it from his face. “It may be possible for a man to fake completion, but it is virtually impossible for a man to fake arousal.” His confession made a small smile tease the corners of her lips as she remembered the conversation that had about her faking it with others in the past. “Kissing her is comparable to kissing a dead fish,” he told her as if he were reading a list, “and most importantly, she’s not you. I couldn’t take on a mistress even if you begged me to.” he kissed the palm of her hand then held it in both of his. “Not to mention I knew, despite your open minded tendencies, you didn’t want me to lay with her. You once said the thought of another woman flirting with me made you want to punch something. So if just the thought of someone flirting with me made you that angry what would me having sex with someone else do?”
“Well, when I saw you kiss her last night I almost broke the champagne glass in my hand. So if that’s any indication there would definitely be bloodshed.” She answered flatly as she dropped her eyes to her hand in his, thinking he was asking what it would make her want to do.
“It would break your heart.” He answered as he gently grabbed her chin and lifted it, making her realize he was asking what it would do to her. “Just as mine would break if you were to ever lay with another.”
Tears welled in her eyes as he dropped his hand to rest on her knee. “So,” she paused to clear her throat and blink back the tears, “what did the two of you do last night if you didn’t have sex?” she asked with a frown, wanting to know yet not wanting to at the same time.
“I gave her an, oh so heartfelt and completely untrue explanation for why I want to take it slow with her. I respect her too much to rush it, the women of my past that I was so quick to jump into bed with meant nothing to me, etcetera.” He told her with his hand on his chest then dropped it. “I thought she believed it, but that spyglass she planted in your room says otherwise.”
“Either she didn’t believe you or she did believe me.” Katie replied, making Klaus give her a curious look. “I may have gotten a little too catty last night and told her that her time with you was limited and to enjoy it while it lasted.” Klaus tilted his head at her. “I know, I know. I shouldn’t have said it, but she’s so freaking confident that I didn’t think she would read too much into it.” she said the two words with gritted teeth then sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “So, what do we do as damage control?”
“Ask Elijah to accompany you to the feast.” He answered simply.
“Come again?” she asked as she took her hand from her face and looked at him like he was crazy.
“We’ve shown her that I am not interested in you, now we must show her that you’ve decided to move on. If she sees you with him maybe she’ll think you are trying to rekindle an old flame.” Katie frowned at him. “Just make sure Elijah knows it’s only for show.” Katie didn’t like the idea, but it was the best shot they had at cleaning up the mess her mouth had created.
“You’re sure?” she asked with a serious look. “It feels like we just crossed a bridge similar to this one.”
“I’m sure.” He was serious. “I trust you, which as you know is not something I take lightly.”
“Okay.” She told him with a nod then decided to change the subject. “So, how did it go with Jackson last night?”
“Once I told him that I could give him and his people a life in the quarter with no turning on the full moon he was all in. He and Cary are working on locating the black kyanite for the rings, but it’s rare so it might take some time to track down.” he answered. “Everything is going according to plan. And thanks to you being you and Elijah being Elijah we no longer have to censor ourselves in our own home.��� He leaned in and caught her lips with his for a slow tender kiss. “What do you think about me asking Genevieve to break the hex on Father Kieran?” He asked.
“I think if she can break it, let her. Father K. is a good man. If she can save him from losing his mind and Cami from losing the only family she has left then I’m all for it.” she told him honestly.
“Then I will pay Genevieve and Cami a visit.” He told her then pecked her on the lips and stood from the bed.
“And I will get Nate to come dress shopping with me…again.” She said, hating clothes shopping this late in her pregnancy.
“Please don’t make it your goal to torture me all night.”
“Don’t worry. I dress to match the man whose attention I want for the night. This time that man will have to appear to be Elijah who prefers modest elegance over sexy and form fitting.”
“Before we go our separate ways for the day…” he held his hand out to her and she took it as she stood from the bed and jerked his head toward the nursery. Klaus pushed the door open and held his hand out for her to enter first so she walked in seeing the simple and understated, but elegant nursery. A dark wood crib with a ruffled, cream colored skirt around the bottom sat with the head of it in the corner of the room with a couple of pillows and stuffed animals inside and a mobile of strung up crystals hung over it.
In the corner to the right of it sat a wooden rocking chair and on the wall across from the crib and the rocking chair hung a beautiful painting of the city of New Orleans, the moon in the blue night sky that contrasted with the red lights from the city, reflected off of the Mississippi river. Katie walked over to the small white dresser it was hung over and picked up a stuffed Elephant that was sitting on it along with a few teething toys, a figurine of two giraffes and the wooden knight that Klaus had carved, then turned to look at him with the elephant clutched to her stomach. “It’s perfect.”
The tears in her eyes made him laugh. “It’s just a room, love, no need for tears.” He cupped her face in his hands wiping her cheeks.
She grabbed his wrists as she laughed with a sniffle. “I blame the hormones.”
“Ah, excuses, excuses.” He told her jokingly.
She rolled her eyes and shook her head as he dropped his hands to her waist and pulled her close. “So the red paint that was on your fingers this morning was that from this?” she asked with a point to the painting.
“Did you think I slept with Genevieve then painted her?” he asked and Katie nodded. “Painting that woman would be an insult to you and a waste of a perfectly good canvas.”
Katie slid her hands up his chest and rested her arms on his shoulder, crossing her wrists behind his head. “I love the painting you made for our daughter, I love this room and I love you, Big Bad Wolf.”
“And I love you, Little Phoenix.” He replied then caught her lips with his. When the kiss broke he gave her a smile. “So…you signed the treaty. Does that mean you have accepted your position as queen?”
“It means I’m willing to see if there’s any truth in what you and Elijah keep telling me.” she answered. “I just hope I’m not aiming too high.”
“No worries, love. I’ll catch you if you fall.” He told her as he wrapped his arms around her waist and she gave him a wrinkled nose smile. “What?”
“That was cheesy.” She laughed.
“Cheesy or not, it's true.” He argued then caught her lips with his.
Katie was having dinner at the bar in the kitchen when Klaus walked up behind her, swept her short waves to the side and started kissing her neck. “Long day?” Katie asked over the music that filled the room from her cell phone on the bar then stabbed her salad with the fork in her hand.
“You could say that.” he answered between kisses then sat down beside her. “I asked Genevieve to cure Father Kieran, but she used his ailment as an excuse to get her hands on my mother’s grimoire to solidify her place in her coven. When I told her no she mouthed off and I threatened her. Needless to say she’s a little ticked at me.”
“Well that’s not good.” Katie observed.
“No worries, I’m sure she’ll come crawling back for more soon.” He told her with a confident smirk that made her shake her head at him. “That just means I get to spend more time with you.”
“I like the sound of that.” she pushed her empty bowl away. “Did you have anything specific in mind?”
“I made an alteration to one of our bedrooms.” He stood from the barstool and held his hand out to her. She took it and let him lead her to the room attached to the nursery. When they walked in she instantly noticed the 43 inch tv that had been mounted on the wall across from the foot of their bed. “I figured it would be easier to watch ‘The Walking Dead’ together if the screen was bigger than the one on your laptop.”
“You want to watch ‘The Walking Dead’?” Katie asked with an amused smile.
“I’m interested in what catches your interest. This Daryl Dixon character in particular.” He told her as he settled onto the bed then held his arm out to her.
“Then I probably shouldn’t tell you about the Winchester brothers Sam and Dean, from ‘Supernatural’.” She told him as she crawled onto the bed and sat down in front of him. He wrapped his arms around her, but didn’t say anything so she looked at him over her shoulder to see him giving her a playful glare. “Dean’s my favorite.” She admitted with a cheeky grin just to mess with him.
“Now I don’t know which one I want to watch with you.” he told her, still glaring.
She laughed. “‘The walking dead.’ I like Daryl better and there are fewer seasons to watch.” She plucked the remote out of his hand and turned her attention to the tv. A giggle left her lips when he playfully growled and bit where neck curved down into her shoulder.
After Daryl made his first appearance in the third episode Klaus paused the show. Katie smiled to herself wondering what Klaus’s reaction was going to be. “That hostile, backwater, redneck is your favorite character?”
She started laughing as she turned around to sit on her knees in front of him. “If I recall you weren’t all sunshine and butterflies when you first came to Mystic Falls, mister judgy.” He rolled his eyes at her and rested his hands on her sides. “First impressions aren’t everything. Daryl comes across as an asshole, but he’s actually really caring and loyal.” She defended her favorite character. “Not to mention he has really nice arms and he hardly ever wears shirts with sleeves so there’s an almost constant source of eye candy.” She added just to mess with him and he gave her a side eye making her try and fail to hold back her playful smile.
“Eye candy huh?” he asked, making her laugh and nod as he grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head. “How’s this for eye candy?”
“That’s not eye candy.” She answered with a shake of her head as she set her hands on his wrists where his hands held her sides, her eyes taking in his perfectly toned torso.
“No?” he asked, sounding a little disappointed.
“No.” she answered as she looked him in the eyes and slipped her hands up his forearms and biceps to rest on his shoulders. “Eye candy is something that is only pleasing to the eyes.” she stood up on her knees and he closed his black pants covered legs so she could straddle them and sit in his lap. “You, Niklaus Mikaelson, entice all of my senses with your gentle touch…your warm, spicy scent,” She peppered light kisses over the feather tattoo on his shoulder, “the taste of your skin,” she kissed up to his ear and whispered, “The sound you make when I do this…” she kissed back down to where his neck met his shoulder and gently grazed her teeth over his smooth skin before she bit down hard but didn’t break the skin, pulling a groan from him that sent a tingle through her to her core. She pulled away and looked into his slightly lust veiled, blue eyes. “The way it feels like you can touch my soul just by looking into my eyes...” he grabbed her hands in his and threaded their fingers together. “It’s damn near spiritual.” A toothy smile took over Klaus’s face as he looked down at the bed, a hit of red coloring his cheeks. “Did I just make you blush?” she asked as she dipped her head into his line of view.
He laughed as he looked back up at her. “Maybe.” He told her looking bashful, something she had never seen from him before, making her smile bigger and him to wipe the look from his face. “You know, if I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to do that thing you do.”
She started innocently twirling a strand of hair around her finger. “Thing? What thing? I have no idea what you’re talking about, Big Bad Wolf?”
He laughed at her. “The one where you shower me with affection and outlandish compliments knowing full well that it has a very…” he let go of her hands and grabbed her hips, rocking her into him to let her feel what she does to him, “arousing effect on me.” Instead of arguing that her compliments were not outlandish like she wanted to, she gave him a flirty smile and bit her bottom lip. “Yeah?” he asked with a glimmer in his eye.
“Baby M. has dropped. I can breathe easier now, but my appetite sucks. So I have a small, energy boosting request.” She answered with a glance down at his neck.
He used the nail of his middle finger to make a one inch cut where she had bit him earlier then tilted his head to the side. “Have at it, Sweetheart.”
His whispered words sent a shiver through her that was only amplified when she closed her lips over the cut and a pained yet satisfied moan left his parted lips. His hand moved to hold the nape of her neck as she drank until the cut closed then licked over the healed skin and up his neck to his ear. “Neamhaí.” “Heavenly.”
A smirk pulled at the corners of his lips and when a deep growl rumbled up from his throat she pulled back to see the heart stopping view of his hybrid eyes. With a whoosh he moved her to lie on her back and a yelp followed by a giggle left her smiling lips at the sudden action.
The next evening Katie was walking down the stairs into the now refurbished courtyard when Klaus found her. “Well, I can’t say I don’t find you just as mouthwateringly tempting in that dress.” He told her as he took in the black dress with off the shoulder, three quarter sleeves of lace that continued over the bodice of the dress. The satin flowing skirt was short, stopping just above her knees, but the black panty hose and lace flats she wore with it kept it classy and elegant.
“Something tells me that you’d think I looked tempting wearing a burlap sack.” She told him with an eye roll. He just pulled the corners of his mouth down and tilted his head with a shrug agreeing with her. “So what are you going to do while Elijah and I are at the street festival?”
“Genevieve was all too eager to get her hands on mother’s grimoire.” He told her not being able to resist placing his hands on her hips and pulling her close.
“You think she’s going to try to steal it?” Katie asked curiously.
“Yes.” He answered. “She can’t risk not being seen at the festival, so she’ll most likely send a lackey or two. I’ll be here to intercept them if need be.”
Elijah cleared his throat and Katie turned from Klaus to see him walking down the stairs before she turned back to Klaus, who let go of her sides and tucked his hands behind his back. “See you at the after party?”
“Yes.” Klaus answered. “And I’ll give Davina the gift we discussed.” Katie cupped his cheek in her hand and caught his lips with hers. When the kiss broke she looked up at him through her lashes, a silent reminder that she loved him, then turned to Elijah.
“Ready?” he asked as he held his arm out to her.
“As I’ll ever be.” She told him as she took his offered arm and they left the courtyard.
“I’m a bit surprised Niklaus told you to ask me to accompany you tonight.” He told her as they strolled down the busy sidewalk waiting for the sun to set and the parade to start.
“I was too.” She admitted. “I just hope I’m not getting in the way of another woman who may wish to be wooed by you tonight.”
“I take it you’re referring to Francesca?” He said with a look at her across his shoulder and she gave him a knowing smile that made a smile pull at the corners of his lips. “If anything you are helping me send her a message.”
“And what message would that be?” Katie asked curiously.
“That her particular brand of business woman is not my type.” He answered.
“Then what is your type?” she asked without thinking as they walked past a booth selling glow sticks, light up noisemakers and other light up accessories.
“I’m afraid my answer to the question might overstep certain boundaries.” He answered with a look that only further answered her question. “So instead I’ll say you look beautiful tonight.”
“Thank you.” she told him with a smile that said she was grateful he didn’t make things too awkward.
“Have you already eaten dinner?” he asked to change the subject.
“I had a small bite to eat a while ago.” She answered. “Why?”
“There’s a vendor around the corner selling gumbo. I hear it rivals Sophie’s.” He explained.
“Thanks, but I’ll pass.” She told him politely, but he still seems let down that she declined his offer of a food he knew she liked. “I appreciate the thought, but the baby’s in a weird position. She’s been putting pressure on my stomach all day. I can’t eat more than a few bites of something at a time without getting sick to my stomach.” When music started playing from the speakers on the stage at the end of the parade route they stopped walking and turned to the street.
People all dressed in the same shades of light brown lined the outer edges of the street, walking with lanterns on poles while The Harvest Girls were carried down the street on sedan thrones like queens. “Are you at least able to enjoy the festivities?” Elijah asked with a look across his shoulder at Katie who was still holding his arm.
She took her eyes off of Monique Deveraux, who was currently passing them, smiling and waving at the cheering crowd while wearing a headdress of white roses, accented by earthy elements and a brown dress, to smile up at him. “Yes. Is there ever a boring day in this city?” she asked.
“Only if you live on the outskirts.” He told her with a smirk referring to the time she spent bored out of her mind at the plantation house. She just shook her head at him and went back to watching the parade.
Abigail, the blond harvest girl, representing air, dressed in a simple white dress with shimmering long sleeves and a head dress made of draping cords of crystals passed by waving elegantly to the crowd, trying way too hard to look like a princess. When a light breeze caused Katie to shiver, Elijah noticed, took off the jacket he wore over his suit and draped it over her shoulders.
Katie knew it would be pointless to argue with him so she simply said, “Thank you” and accepted the coat. When she turned her eyes back to the street Davina was passing by, sitting in her throne as the embodiment of fire in a bright orange dress and an orange, red and black beaded headdress. When her eyes found Katie in the mix of people her face lit up and gave her a wave. Katie smiled and waved back, just happy to see a smile on the girl's face.
“That is yet another example of why I believe you will make just as wonderful of a mother this time around as you were with Jonah.” Elijah told her, making her look at him from Davina. “You care about her for no other reason than she needed someone to. She’ll never forget your kindness and honesty.”
“I just hope the witches aren’t being as hard on her as the ancestors were.” She sighed then watched as the Harvest Girls were lowered to the ground and helped down off their thrones.
After they took the stage Genevieve joined them. “And now in accordance with the Fête des Bénédictions, the witches of New Orleans bless you all.” Genevieve stepped aside and Monique stepped up and held her hands out to the side. The earth shook and while most people looked around in awe, Katie and Elijah simply watched as she lowered her arms and the earth calmed. She stepped back and Abigail stepped up and held her arms up beside her head. As she made a sweeping motion the wind kicked up and Katie pulled Elijah’s coat tighter around herself until she dropped her hands and the wind died down.
Abigail stepped behind Monique putting the spotlight on Davina who turned from the crowd and held her hand out at a fleur de lis that was hanging behind the stage setting off sparks that outlined it and when the out line was complete fireworks shot up from behind the stage lighting up the night sky with bursts of green, white and purple. “Is it stupid that I love fireworks?” Katie asked Elijah as she looked up.
“Not at all.” He answered and she looked at him. “I enjoy them quite a bit myself.” She simply smiled and looked back up at the sky as he rested his hand on her lower back and followed her gaze.
When the fireworks were over Katie and Elijah moved to the entrance of the building the after party was being held in and stood just inside the gate, welcoming the guests with a smile. When The Harvest Girls walked by Abigail and Monique just gave them polite smiles, but Davina stopped, “I’m so glad you could come.”
“What you thought I’d miss all this?” Katie asked with a look around. “Fire suits you by the way.”
Davina smiled and looked down at her bright dress. “Thank you.” One of the witches called Davina’s name from the door, getting her attention and then waved her inside. “I gotta go, but we’ll catch up later? I missed you at the last party.”
“Yeah, of course.” Katie answered then jerked her head for Davina to go inside before she got in trouble for lollygagging.
Davina was disappearing through the door of the building when Genevieve stopped and looked at Elijah. “Thank you, for all of this.”
“This isn’t for you.” Elijah replied choppily. “I didn’t even want to entertain the idea of this silly party, but Klaus argued that your people would never accept a truce unless we showed them some respect. So be it.” he held his hand out to the door with a condescending smirk on his face. “Enjoy your party.”
Genevieve looked down at Katie standing next to Elijah, dressed appropriately in an outfit that was showing far less skin than Genevieve’s black dress with two slits in the front of the long skirt that were just inches away from meeting her hip bones, showing a generous amount of leg when she walked. Seeing that Genevieve was trying to figure out Katie’s one eighty when it came to party attire, Elijah wrapped his arm around her waist and closed the small space between them. Genevieve just lifted a brow and hummed at the new development before she walked off.
“Why did you just give Klaus all the credit for this party?” Katie asked, not mad, just curious.
“I simply gave her reason to believe Klaus is on her side.” he explained with a look down at her. “It goes without saying that your argument was the reason I agreed.”
Katie just shook her head and looked back at the people passing them by. When Hayley and Jackson walked into the gate they stopped and turned to Katie and Elijah. Elijah and Jackson shook hands while Hayley, holding a white gift box in her hand, looked at Katie. “Are we good?”
Katie looked at Elijah then back at Hayley. “Yeah. No harm no foul.” Katie nodded graciously. “Our agreement still stands.”
Hayley gave her a tight lipped smile. “Thanks.” She took Jackson’s offered arm as they walked into the party. Then Elijah took his arm out from around Katie, closed the gate then offered her his arm. She took it and let him walk her into the party.
As the party started and people started sitting gifts at The Harvest Girls feet where they sat on thrones, Katie noticed that not a single gift was given to Davina and it was starting to hurt Davina and piss off Katie. “May I ask what that look on your face is about?” Elijah whispered from where he stood next to her.
“They are excluding Davina.” Katie answered and Elijah noticed the lack of gifts in front of Davina. “Excuse me for a moment.” She went to the restrooms, made sure no one else was in there then locked the door as she pulled her phone out of the silver clutch she’d been holding all night and called Klaus.
“Are you alright?” Klaus asked when he picked up.
“I’m fine. Listen, the witches are excluding Davina. They haven’t let her receive even a single gift and that part of the night is almost over.” Katie explained.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she receives our gift.” He told her with a devious tone in his voice. “I’ve taken out Genevieve’s lackey and mother’s grimoire is safe. I’m on my way now.”
“Then I’ll see you soon.” She replied then hung up. On her way out of the bathroom she bumped into Davina. “Hey, are you okay?” The hurt look was clear on the girl's face.
“Not really.” She sniffled then noticed someone behind Katie. “Josh, what are you doing here?”
“Are you kidding, there’s no way I’d miss out on your big day.” Josh answered. “Besides, music, wind, fire, the club kid in me is, like, in heaven.” Davina smiled but it quickly fell. “You don’t look like you’re having much fun though.” He looked at Katie wondering what happened.
“The other witches are being petty, as usual.” Katie explained.
“Do you want to get out of here?” Josh asked Davina who nodded and they turned to leave.
Katie was trying to think of a reason for her to stay when Klaus’s voice hit their ears. “Joshua.” The two teens turned and looked at Klaus. “What a fortunate coincidence finding you here.” They probably thought he sounded angry, but Katie knew why he called it a fortunate coincidence that Josh was there. “We have unfinished business.”
“You need to leave here. Right now.” Davina told him, getting ready to defend her friend if need be.
“Now, to be fair, you’re not quite as powerful as you once were, are you?” Klaus reasoned. “You’re in no position to give orders.” Klaus whooshed behind Josh and grabbed him by the back of his neck. “Come along, lad.”
“Hey, can we talk about this?” Josh asked as he walked him out into the party, standing at the bottom of the stairs.
“Josh?” Davina asked with a look back at Katie, scared for her friend. Katie kept her face emotionless as she followed them into the party then walked back over to Elijah.
“What is going on?” Elijah asked, looking a little worried at his brother's antics.
“You’ll see.” Katie told him. “No one’s going to get hurt.”
Klaus left Davina and Josh at the bottom of the stairs then walked up a few of them to be the center. “Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please.” He asked with his arms held out to the sides as if he were the ringleader of a circus. “We’re gathered here today to pay homage to our beloved witches, but one very special witch has been utterly ignored.” He walked down the stairs to stand on the bottom one. “That seems a little unfair to me.” he held a small jewelry box, tied closed with a dark purple bow, out to Davina.
“No.” she told him with a shake of her head making Klaus’s diabolical smirk fall. “I don’t want your gift.”
“I understand why you would reject me, given my original intentions for you.” he told her, holding the box out to her, but she still didn’t take it. So he tucked it back into his pocket and addressed the rest of the room. “In truth, many of us here today have been wronged in the conflict which my brother's treaty ended.” He looked back down the Davina. “Your friend Josh was involved in a plot to kill me. It would be well within my right to execute him. Here and now.”
Josh looked nervously between Davina and Klaus. “I thought you said no one was going to get hurt.” Elijah whispered.
“No one is. Just watch.” Katie told him then looked back at Klaus.
“But, in the spirit of solidarity, and for your favor, Davina, I hereby pardon him.” Klaus said as he set his hand on Josh’s shoulder then looked down at him. “Josh, from this day forward, you have nothing to fear from me.” he dropped his hand from Josh’s shoulder then looked at Davina and pulled the box out of his pocket, holding it out to her again. “Please.” Davina took the box from him, making Klaus smile in triumph.
When Klaus walked away Katie left Elijah’s side to go to Davina who was staring at the box in her hand. “So, are you gonna open it?” Josh asked with a smile, happy to be off of Klaus’s hit list.
“You’re gonna like it.” Katie sing-songed with a smile as she bumped Davina’s shoulder with hers.
Davina just smiled then untied the bow around and opened the hinged felt box containing a silver ring with a blue stone and a folded up piece of paper. After unfolding the paper Davina cast a confused look at Klaus’s back then looked at Katie. “Is this real?”
“Yep, straight from momma original’s cookbook.” Katie confirmed and Davina beamed up at Josh.
“What is it?” Josh asked, wanting to be let in on things.
“It’s the spell that makes daylight rings.” She told him, making him smile, then she looked at Katie. “Thank Klaus for me?”
“Sure.” Katie told her with a smile. “So, how have you been?” Katie asked.
Davina frowned. “Better now that I can do magic again, but the coven hates me. Monique used to be my best friend, but now she acts like she’s so much better than me.”
“Yeah, I saw her give you a few smug looks.” Katie observed. “But you know what?”
“What?” Davina asked.
“She’s not the one who was given a page from the spellbook of a very powerful witch.” Katie told her, making her smile shyly.
Elijah walked up and placed his hand on the small of Katie’s back. “I hate to pull you away, but there are a couple of faction leaders you have yet to officially get acquainted with.”
Katie parted ways with Davina and Josh and let Elijah lead her in mingling with the faction leaders. The party was going boringly smooth when a group of men dressed in white suits playing drums came down the grand staircase Katie thought it was a nice change of pace, but when they announced that they had a message from Marcel and slit their wrists her opinion quickly changed and dread took over the pit of her stomach.
Elijah stepped out of the group of spectators that had gathered around to watch and spoke to the vampires in the room who’s true faces were showing. “Control yourselves. This is a vulgar trick. We do not violate our agreement.”
As soon as he finished his sentence the lights flicked off and screams filled the room. “Klaus!” Katie yelled not able to see a thing in the room, but before Klaus could get to her the lights started flashing and the face of Thierry appeared in front of her before he bit her neck. Klaus pulled him off and threw him into the wall behind him. Instead of going after Thierry he kneeled down next to Katie and scooped her up into his arms.
When the lights flicked on Elijah whooshed to them where they were on the floor, Katie with her hand on her bleeding neck. “What happened?” Elijah asked as he brushed her hair aside and moved her hand to see that she had healed.
“One of them bit her.” he answered. “I didn’t see who.”
“It was Thierry.” She groaned and sat up with Klaus’s help.
“This is all my fault.” Klaus said with wide eyes. “I went for his girl so he came for mine.”
“Klaus…” Katie sighed.
“No, he’s right.” Elijah spoke up. “If Thierry is out for revenge he will not stop until you are dead.” He told her then looked up at Klaus.
Klaus helped Katie stand up. “Are you okay?” Katie just nodded. “Stay with Elijah.” He told her then started to walk off.
“What are you gonna do?” he asked and he walked back over to her and cupped her cheek in his hand.
“No one harms my family and lives.” He answered then kissed her on the forehead and left.
Katie was getting out of the shower when her phone started ringing and she looked at it to see Bonnie’s name. “Bonnie, hey, I’ve been trying to get in touch with you guys for days now.”
“Yeah, I saw your missed calls, I’m sorry I didn’t return them. Things have been a bit hectic here recently.” Bonnie answered.
“Well, what’s going on? Is everyone okay?” Katie asked, worried.
“Everyone’s okay, but a bunch of Travelers took a lot of Stefan and Elena’s blood because the blood of the last two remaining doppelgangers can undo a witch's magic. A bunch of the travelers drank it and committed mass suicide. When they passed through me it did something to the other side. Spirits are getting torn away from the other side into nothingness and they’ve been able to interact with our side.” as Bonnie explained things Katie went to the closet and grabbed a pair of pajamas off of the shelf. She was walking into the bedroom when Klaus walked in with blood on his hand.
“I bet spirits like Mason Lockwood are having a field day with Damon right now.” Katie guessed remembering the last time spirits could interact with the living.
“Yeah it’s worse than last time considering this time I’m getting pestered by ghosts with grudges against Damon.” She said as if her statement was aimed at someone in the room with her. “Anyway I just wanted to call you and let you know that we’re all okay and to keep an eye out for vengeful spirits. I don’t know how widespread this thin vale thing is and with you living in a house full of originals…”
“I’ll watch my back.” Katie assured her.
“I wish we could talk longer, but I have to go.” Bonnie told her, sounding annoyed.
“Yeah, just…stay in touch, okay?” Katie asked.
“I promise.” Bonnie told her. “Goodnight.”
“Night, Bon.” Katie replied then hung up the phone.
Klaus walked out of the bathroom and slipped his now clean hand over her bare shoulder. “Everything okay?”
Katie grabbed her pajama top and he stepped back to let her put it on. “That was Bonnie, there’s something going on with the other side.” he frowned as she grabbed her shorts and pulled them on. “The spirits are able to interact with our side, she was warning me in case it wasn’t just happening in Mystic falls.” When she was done getting dressed she stepped back into him and wrapped her around him, resting her forearms on his shoulders while her fingers played with his hair. “Have you noticed anything out of the ordinary?”
“Nope.” He answered as he wrapped his arms around her, resting his hands on her lower back. “Have you?”
“Nope.” She popped the p at the end of the word. “So I take it Thierry is dead?”
“Yep, like I told you, no one harms my family and gets away with it.” he told her as he cupped her cheek in his hand, but she turned her head when she yawned. “You know he is just the first of many to come, right?” Klaus asked as she walked around to her side of the bed and pulled the covers back.
“Uh huh.” Katie answered and was about to slip into bed, but he whooshed in front of her. She looked up at him through her lashes.
“We have to talk about this, love.” He urged.
“You have enemies and your enemies tend to do to you what you do to them. It’s pretty obvious to me that you see, or have seen, love as a weakness and you’ve exploited that weakness in the past. So they will come after me because unlike the rest of the people you love I can die. It’s not anything I didn’t already know when I fell in love with you.”
“But tonight-”
“You saved me.” she pointed out then grabbed his face gently in her hands. “You pulled Thierry off of me and you saved…us.” she looked down at her stomach then back up at him. “I’m a human in a vampire’s world and tonight my life was threatened.” She moved her hands to rest on his chest. “It only reminded me that I have to take advantage of every moment I’m still breathing. We have to create as many little moments of bliss as we can because you are going to need them to look back on when I’m gone.”
To shut her up and keep any more talk of her leaving him from escaping her mouth he kissed her and he didn’t stop until they were both out of breath. “I will not let anything take you from this earth, you hear me?” Katie just nodded and let him scoop her up with a whoosh and lay her in bed then lay down beside her.
They didn’t talk, they didn’t kiss or make love. They simply enjoyed the warmth, the comfort and the relaxation of being in one another’s arms.
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babyhoney-28 · 3 years
So this is me trying to type out some of the thoughts I have regarding the current stunt around Harry.
I have the feeling a lot of us are still trying to make sense of what is going on, because so much about this situation just doesn’t seem to make any sense at all. People are definitely confused and irritated and it seems like no one has really been able to make sense of it all as of yet.
What I want to start with, because it’s what’s been the hardest for me to wrap my head around, is the wedding situation. Especially the pictures showing Harry happily officiating Jeff and his wife. I don’t want to really go into the fact that holding a wedding these days, especially in a city like LA where covid cases are running over the hospitals, is extremely ignorant, inconsiderate and basically a big fuck you to everyone who is struggling because of the virus for whatever reason that may be.
I think we all felt extremely disappointed in Harry for not only attending this wedding despite the pandemic, but also officiating it. This behaviour is quite frankly very hypocritical, especially considering he put out that stay at home shirt, yet has since then not at all been acting accordingly. We all thought he knew better and would do better than this and we have every right to be upset about it.
It also was really weird to see Harry so happy next to Jeff, when most of us had the feeling, especially over the last couple of month, that Harry isn’t doing very well atm. We’ve seen the acceptance speech videos, watched the jingle balls performance and how off, exhausted and unhappy he seemed. Tbh it was and still is really concerning. We therefore have been worried and suspecting that Jeff is miss-managing Harry, trying to create an idol and image out of Harry that he himself has said multiple times he doesn’t want to be. All Harry wants to do is make music and entertain people. But here is his team, pushing him down everyone’s throat and creating fake narratives to make him more interesting, to the point where people are already getting tired of him, because they are basically creating an image for him that is just not very likeable (e.g. queerbaiter & homewrecker).
People have been quite vocal over their dislike towards Jeff, while simultaneously another part of Harry’s fandom have been aggressively defending him, those that view Jeff as Harry’s best friend (which ironically are the same people that not only shit on the other 1d boys but also on Harry’s actual familiy).
So here we were all worried about Harry, believing he was unhappy with the situation he was in because of what his team and Jeff are turning him into (which has gone as far as articles being written about it) when suddenly those pictures of Harry officiating Jeff’s wedding drop, contradicting what we were thinking, while simultaneously proving what other fans believe, that they are in fact close friends.
So this was the part that confused me the most over this whole situation. Why would Harry so happily participate in this wedding and stunt when he seemed so unhappy and had every right to be so?
Here comes the part where I might be reaching, but the more information we got about this wedding, the more sketchy and sus it became. When I first hear people suggest this whole wedding was a stunt, I thought people were reaching, but the more I think about it the more realistic I think it is. Because:
1) why was there paparazzi if this was a private wedding?
2) why did Harry bring a +1 when this was a small private wedding that took place during a pandemic. There’s really no justification for her to have been there, especially when they just started dating
3) when did this wedding take place? This weekend? In November? Because there apparently haven’t been any events at that location due to covid
4) the wedding dress situation is sus. A dress from 2018 that was most likely second hand, whatever. But the fact that it was not fitted to her at all is just very suspicious
5) They might have been married for some time according to some articles
It looks like the paparazzi were there for Harry alone, both to show that he officiated the wedding (and prove the close friendship) and be used in order to announce the relationship. The paps were called there with an intention after all, and Olivia, even if she really was Harry’s gf, had absolutely no business being there given the current circumstances and restrictions. You just don’t bring +1 to a wedding at the moment, especially not if you only just started dating them.
All of this considered, I have the feeling this entire wedding might have been faked with the function to 1) show that Harry and Jeff are close friends and 2) to announce the relationship. Faking a wedding really isn’t that hard if you think about it, all you need is a location, some people in suits and robes, a couple and a photographer. I’d say the current situation makes it even easier because everything is smaller and toned down anyways. It also isn’t that unimaginable that they would pull shit like this. Jeffs dad is allegedly worse than Simon, and we all know what Simon did to Louis. What is faking one wedding that helps dealing with two issues at once compared to baby gate? Even if said wedding took place during a pandemic (this is where I think this whole thing may have actually taken place in November when the covid situation wasn’t as bad)..
Obviously, H&O is a PR stunt. It’s so painfully obvious in fact, it’s pretty much developed into a comedy show within less than 24 hours.
Now, the question that we are all still having is why? Why pair these two, when it puts both of them in such a bad light and certainly can’t be beneficial for their careers in any way, shape or form? Why did Olivia agree to this when this compromises her professionalism? Those seem to be the main questions that people are struggling to come to find a reasonable answer for. However, if one looks back at other Hollywood scandals, this seems to fit right in there, or isn’t even half as bad as some previous scandals or gossip. Think of the Jennifer, Brad and Angelina situation or the cheating scandal around Kristen Steward for example. It’s stories like this that are eaten up by the media and the general public (especially the American audience), because it’s juicy and scandalous and something to gossip about. But in the long run, it’s probably not as career damaging as we make it out to be, since people will get tired and move on to the next drama. It will taint their reputations yes, but also bring them a lot of attention and will most likely not be as ruinous to their careers as we think.
But what could be in it for Olivia? Promo for the movie, maybe because the interest from the go wasn’t big enough yet? She might have other projects coming up that she could need the attention for.. I don’t know but she will have her reasons.
As for Harry, I think we have to admit that he has been without a stunt for much longer than we could have hoped for.. He’s been in involved in narratives just as bad before, this only earns him one more bad title (homewrecker). This stunt however certainly helps in making him even more of a household name, which is exactly what his team has been going for. Thinking further ahead, Olivia might be who future songs of his could be claimed to be about. My hope for the reason of this stunt, as it is the hope of all of us, is that something is going to change about Louis’ stunt situation soon, that baby gate might really soon come to an end and that H&O serves to prevent Larry speculation to arise.
This leaves the question of how long this stunt is going to last. It by now seems like they really are going through with this stunt, so we might have to deal with this for a while (though part of me still hopes they will pull a they are just friends and he is being there for her after her break up card)...
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hpdabbles · 4 years
Hello, I just found your blog and wanted to let you know that I absolutely adore your writing! Honestly, I've spent the past few hours just scrolling and reading and honestly it was time well spent!!
I absolutely adored your fae!Harry story (I think it was called 'what's in a name') and the time travel one where Harry takes after Lily, if you were thinking of writing a part 2 for either I'd absolutely read them! 😊💞
(But also absolutely no pressure or anything like that, you write what makes you happy! 💗)
Hello! Thank you so much for your sweet words! I’m really glad you like those two they are some of my favorites. Sure I’ll write ya a part 2! This is for the time travel one where Harry takes after his mom more, I’m dubbing it “From Your Mother’s Side”. Enjoy!
James kept a closer eye on Harry as they “lead” him back to the Gryffindor’s tower after the welcoming feast. He found it rather interesting that this pretty redhead seems to know his way around the castle, and entered the Gryffindor common room like it was second nature.
He didn’t once falter in his steps, sure where he was and where he was going all the way up to the fifth year dorm. It was rather fascinating for someone who claimed to never been to Hogwarts. 
Sirius and Remus were glad to show him about anyway but he was sure the two picked up on the same thing after allowing Harry to go and unpack not once leading the boy. The Mauraders are six years now and unfortunately for his two mates that means Harry will not be rooming with them. 
Harry will have two roommates- the year following the marauders was a sad year for the house of Gryffindor- who are eager to take over the tour. 
As a group they all relocated in their dorm, ignoring their other roommate Simon Minsky who did his best to stay as far away from their pranks as he could and piled on James’ bed. Peter charmed the curtains shut, Remus fluffed up the pillows to lean on, Sirius stretched out and took more space than he needed to and James provided the sweets.  
Once James was sure everyone had either a sugar quill, chocolate frog, or Carmel caldron  he spoke “So the new transfer....anyone thinks he’s a little off?”
“Very off,” Peter said around his quill. 
“If by off you mean he looks like every wet dream come to life then yes” Sirius sighs fanning himself. “I’ll love to take that boy on my motorbike.”
“Sirius please your embarrassing yourself”  Remus cut in without any real bite so James didn’t have to yell at him for it. “Yes he is pretty but even you know that something about the way he walks and talks is strange. Moon after him once we figure out-”
“Funny you should say moon, Moony” Sirius wags his eyebrows which prompted Remus to pick up a pillow and hit him in the face with. The dark hair boy laughs as he nearly falls off the bed but his strong grip on James keeps him right on the edge.
“Getting back to the point,” Peter says rolling his eyes which makes James crack a smile. “I don’t think he’s up to anything dangerous, the bloke doesn’t look like he could hurt a fly. If anything he looks rather delicate.”
“So does my Lilypad” James counters. “And we all know Lily  Evans could kill us and then go paint her nails with our blood.”
“Looks can be deceiving. Take my cousin Bellatrix, for example, she seems like a proper lady to the public but I’m telling she suffers the worst case of Black Madness the likes which haven’t been seen in the last few generations” Sirius adds, shifting his body closer to the others. “He also didn’t seem like the cowering type. Humble and more reserve yeah, but not cowering.”  
James nodded his head at that.  “I think he is hiding something. Did anyone notice just...how much he seemed to recognize us? Or the way he reacted to being introduced to Longbottom?”
The seventh-year perfect stopped them earlier when they first entered the common room to greet and welcome Harry but the fifth year hadn’t reacted much to him until he learned Longbottom’s name. 
For a moment Harry looked like he choked on his spit in shock and James bet his left shoe it wasn’t because Frank Longbottom was unfairly naturally built like a brick house.
“Maybe we can test him,” Remus suggests, making the others turn to their strategist with interest as the werewolf was the one usually behind the most successful pranks. The half-blood smiles at them innocently.  “What if we give him a false sense of security with us, slowly condition him into revealing what he is hiding? We could also keep an eye on him with the map and see where he goes.”
“Why would we need to do that?”
“Because he’s sneaking out of his room,” Remus says pointing down at the Maurder’s map where Harry Hedwing’s foots steps were in fact moving away from the tower. The other blink surprise the werewolf activated the map so quickly without them the wiser but lean in to see where Harry is going.
They watch him make a full circle around the castle somehow barely dodging the patrolling perfectly until he seems to tried and goes towards the headmasters’ office. There he wanders around the room, pacing a few times stopping every few steps and James thinks he may be talking to the portraits if he is mentally recalling the room correctly.
Bizarrely, Harry then makes his way to the ground floor girl's bathroom the one Moaning Myrtle haunts and simply, disappears.
“What? Where did he go!?” Sirius gasps jumping up as the others also jerk in surprise. This never happen before, their map never lied and it always knew where anyone in Hogwarts was. No one had just disappeared from the parchment. 
“M-maybe he did apparition?” Peter suggests. 
“On Hogwarts ground?” Remus counters, climbing to his feet. “The wards wouldn’t allow it.”
“Well what do you think happened?” Sirius snaps also getting up. The werewolf gives him a sour look but they all know the Black tends to snap at anyone close by when nervous so he lets it go after throwing his hands in the air.
“Did..did he die?” James whispers because it’s the only explanation he can think of.
The other three twist to stare at him in horror, none of them liking the suggestion but none of them able to deny the high positivity. Peter hugs himself, Sirius goes pasty white and Remus’ already tense face tightens even more. They sit around not know what to say or do. Eventually, after who knows how long, James takes the initiative. 
“We have to go get his body.” He holds up his hand to stop whatever the others are going to say while biting his lip.  “Look, we can’t send a professor ahead of us without basically admitting we know where his body even though we didn’t see it and not make us look like murders. We have to give up the map to prove we didn’t do him in and you all know most of the charms in that parchment are illegal. We can’t have anyone from the government get a close eye on us, not with Moony. Leaving the bloke there until some unlucky girl finds the corpse is not right either. We have to go.”
Peter starts to shakes and Remus has to push his head between his knees to get his breathing back to normal. After much debate, it’s decided that James and Sirius would go to the bathroom to set up a prank and would “stumble” across the body. 
Then they would come racing back to wake Remus so the perfect could alert the professors. Peter had been fed a sleeping draught since he couldn’t handle lying about such a thing and he needed an alibi should the professors come question him.
The two set out with paint balloons and heavy hearts, the map tucked safely in Sirius' pocket while they moved at a steady pace underneath the invisibility cloak. As they walked not one dared to say a thing, even though they desperately wish the silence was gone. 
The darkness of the castle, with it’s sleeping portraits made the trip that much more eerie. 
James half wanted to tell Sirius to go back because he knew his best friend wasn’t really in love with Harry Hedwig but that didn’t mean he didn’t feel something for the teenager they met earlier that night.  Another selfish scared part of him didn’t want to be alone open the bathroom door. 
James hated that part of himself.
They stopped in front of the door, removing the cloak to carefully roll up, and stood there for a few minutes. As if through, deep down they didn’t want to push open the wood and come face to face with the reality that waited for them. 
Eventually, James sigh stepping forward and reaches for the knob-
Only to jerk back when the door moves on its own, Harry Hedwig’s startled green eyes boring into his, very much alive and very much covered in some kind of dark liquid, carrying something wrapped in his school robes. 
“Oh! You surprised me!” The boy says, his red hair falling around in a wind blow mess. He looks like he just came out of a losing side of a fight, face bruised and gashes on his knees where the trousers have been ripped.
“What brings you out this late at night?” Harry asks casually acting like this was a common everyday encounter and not one of the strangest nights of James’ life. 
“What brings us-what about you! What are you doing? Why are you covered in-is that blood!?” Sirius blurts and true enough the dark liquid James had noticed is in fact blood. He feels sick. 
“I had stuff to do,” Harry says shrugging not looking like the delicate flower that he did at his sorting “That stuff put up a fight.” 
Harry studies them closely and James feels like he should take out his wand in order to defend himself but then he remembers he left it at the tower. He always had the bad habit of forgetting his wand, his mother once warn him it could one day kill him but James never thought she would be right. 
Hopefully, Sirius wasn’t as forgetful because, with the map on them, their friends would never know what happen to the two if they do not make it out of this alive.
“Any of you good at skinning a snake?” Harry jerks a thumb over his shoulder. “You have a nasty pest in your pipes.”
James takes a chance to look over his shoulder and faints when he sees the giant basilisk head that is laying in a pool of blood with its body half leaning out of a giant hole leading from the sinks. 
A second thump is heard later as Sirius like the loyal friend he is follows suit. 
The next morning everyone is talking about Harry Hedwig not only finding the Chamber of Secrets, slaying the Slytherin monster with the help of the Gryffindor Sword but also being strong enough to carry both his new housemates to the school healer. 
He’s only been on Hogwart grounds for a grand total of twelve hours before everyone knows how utterly insane the transfer student really is, pretty or not.
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dasphinxone · 4 years
Book of Nile: Cabin Fever WIP
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Like, I need to SIT DOWN AND WRITE THIS OUT INSTEAD OF DOING SNIPPETS THO. I’m sorry y’all, I swear I’m writing a full fic of this. Please don’t kill me.
Booker wanders over and starts organizing the ingredients by type on the dark, marble top counter of the kitchen island. Spices are put together, other dry ingredients lined up. He takes out the carton of eggs from the fridge.
“How many eggs do you need?” he looks to Nile next to him.
“Just one,” comes her muffled voice from where she’s leaning over to take full stock of the lower shelves of the pantry.
He diverts his eyes from the sight of her lean legs and her behind clad in short sleeping shorts. Her braids are piled into a cute, messy bun on top of her head. She already has on one of the aprons she found hanging on a hook in the broom closet. How one of his heavily knit, grey cardigans hangs billowy off of her frame over her shorts and tank top sends his heart beating faster.
She’s always borrowing his clothes. Usually it’s his array of denim shirts or old t-shirts that she cuts down at the bottom to fit her. Yet something about seeing her using his sweater as a robe while baking for him? It screams domesticity.
Booker startles at the feel of Nile’s touch to his arm. “I’m thinking a gingerbread cake? Or cupcakes, if we have a muffin tin,” she frowns in contemplation. “Christmas is just around the corner and gingerbread cookies are so blasé, you know?”
His face lights up. “I think I can legitimately say that I have never had gingerbread in cake form.”
“You are definitely in for a treat!” she playfully taps him on the shoulder with a spatula she’s dug up. “It’ll go faster since Copley hooked this place up with the KitchenMade stand mixer to boot. Though you’re going to have to make a hard decision for me, Book.”
He can’t ever seem to say no to her. Not especially with that beautiful smile lighting up her face. For fuck’s sake, she’s wearing his sweater like she owns it.
He rapidly blinks away any fantasies of how incredible she would look wearing just the sweater by itself. The way it would cling to her curve. Teasing him with barely contained views of her beautifully dark, warm skin. Skin that would glisten with sweat after he’s fucked her up against the wall next to the fridge. Her legs wrapped around his waist and heels digging into his ass while she mercilessly tugs at his hair and calls out his real name. All after he’s balanced her on his shoulders while he’s on his knees, devouring her pussy like he’s on a mission to make her scream and forget anyone else who’s come before him…
Stop it, you fucking pervert! he scolds himself in his native language.
He rapidly drags a bar stool from the  counter to the kitchen island and settles in. Mostly so that she can’t see that he’s already half hard. His black sweatpants don’t hide much.
“What would you have of me, mademoiselle?” he bows his head with a flourish of his hand. When he looks back up, she’s beaming even more.
“Soooo, do you mind having your bagels dry or just with butter in the morning versus with cream cheese?” she holds up two packets of it.
Booker purposely curls his mouth in contemplation. “What do I have to gain from the absence of it on said bagel?”
“Cream cheese frosting for the cupcakes?” she pulls a muffin tin from the cabinet of the island and waves it at him.
Booker arches a brow and leans an elbow on the counter to rest his head in his hand. “Well,” he drawls out, “If you insist on spoiling me with cupcakes ma cher,” he sighs with supposed annoyance, “I guess I shall have to acquiesce.  You may proceed,” he waves in dismissal.
Of course, Nile sees how he’s barely holding in a laugh. “Frosting it is!” she declares. Leaning over the island, she brushes her lips to his stubbled cheek while patting his other one with her free hand. “I knew there was a reason why I love you.”
Booker freezes at her declaration as Nile spins back around to the opposite counter to start. She’s greasing the muffin tin, putting the paper cups into them, spraying those with cooking spray and beginning to hum to herself as she usually does when doing this sort of thing. She appears thoroughly unaffected by what she’s just said. Shimmying her shoulders, she asks if he can fire up one of her playlists from the cloud on his laptop. He’s always had access to her music account, so the request isn’t out of the ordinary.
He's glad he has the excuse to exit the area and go grab his laptop from the den. He’s in need of doing a few deep breathing exercises his various therapists over the years have taught him to do whenever he gets overwhelmed. Except it’s always for the bad sort of overwhelmed. Not a  “Oh my fucking God, this woman has just declared she loves me…except I don’t think she meant it in that sort of context? MERDE, I DON’T FUCKING KNOW.” 
Either way, Booker all but flees the kitchen.
Nile is glad of it. Because FUCK, she just said she loves him. And yeah, she meant it in a “After all of these decades of having your fine ass so devoted to me and watching my six at all times and sharing beds with you since we're the spares and you willingly helping me do my braids and twists installations for hours on end without being all white boy weird about it? I think I could love you for the near eternity we have together. Plus, I think you’re pretty damn capable of fucking ruining me in bed with your, uh, fucking.”
Nile plants her hands on the countertop and drops her head between her shoulders. Her heart is beating fast in her ears and her skin’s tingling. It’s not fear adrenaline coursing through her. Yet it’s also not quite the effervescent sort of high either. It’s all topsy-turvy, confusing feelings that she doesn’t like. Not because she’s afraid of emotions. More that she can’t sort them out at the damn moment. Combined with the fact that it’s just the two of them in this dream of a cabin? For these next few days to up to weeks, depending on the blizzard? That will be…interesting?
Or a fucking disaster where we end up hating each other but are stuck in the same rooms with no escape, she muses to herself.
She’s frozen to death a handful of times. It’s not a bad way to go; after the numbness sets in and you can’t feel your limbs, you just sort of drift off only to wake from death. However, literally catching one’s death of cold in the middle of a snowy storm in the forest would suck due to the lack of relief from dying over and over again. Sure, she could technically leave if things went horribly between them. Yet that would be a stupid as shit decision.
“Are you alright?”
Nile spins around to find Booker once again sitting on one of the barstools up against the opposite counter. Only now does she notice the music playing over the Bluetooth speakers of the small holo-TV mounted on a wall of the kitchen. It’s her favorite playlist, R&B from the 2010s when she grew up. No matter that the music is nearly 200 years old now, it wraps her in a warm aural blanket of comfort. Meanwhile, Booker looks non-plussed and focused on the screen of his laptop before he looks up  at her. His azure eyes full of concern, he scans around the kitchen.
“You sound like you’re having trouble with something.”
She swiftly plasters a wide smile on her face and stabs a finger down at the screen of her holotablet. “There’s a lot of steps of this recipe-”
“I’ll help,” he cuts her off while scrambling up from his chair, “Anything you need, you want, I can, I mean I will do it.”
I’d like for you to eat me out on your knees and fuck me up against one of these counters.
Nile swallows, trying to rid herself of the filthy thought. The thing is, he’s wearing this light blue Henley that’s so tight across his chest that it doesn’t look like he could close up the buttons of it even if he wanted to. There’s a teasing peek of dark blonde chest hair at the low V of the shirt’s neckline she’s struggling to not stare at. On top of that, he’s had the nerve to shove up the sleeves to reveal his forearms.
Instead, Nile closes her eyes and takes a few deep breathes. She hopes it comes off as annoyed with the recipe versus reigning in her self-control to not just jump him and climb him like a tree. 
“The recipe calls for making gingerbread men to use to decorate the cupcakes with, though it’s not necessary,” she breathes out. “Did you want to go the hard or easy route for this recipe?”
Booker grins, eyes meeting hers. “À la dure,” he drawls.
“The hard way?” Nile translates, hoping her breath doesn’t hitch. Is he doing some sort of double-entendre thing just to fuck with her?
He shrugs. “It’s not as though we don’t have the time.” Moving around the counter to saunter up to her side, he looks down at her holotablet. “You far outdo me when it comes to baking, but I think I can manage cookies.” He opens a new tab and searches for a gingerbread cookie recipe. Finding one, he quickly reads over it. “So long as you can ice them?” he holds up the tablet for her to take in the cute picture.
Nile slightly steps away from him. Mostly on account that he smells so good (fresh soap…is that a hint of his usual spicy, citrusy cologne?) and feels so warm with one of his arms flush to hers. “We don’t have cookie cutters here, but you can bake them round and we can ice faces or ornaments on them.”
“It’s a deal,” he holds out a hand to shake hers.
Looks like their project for this afternoon is set.
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chaoticevilbean · 3 years
So, there’s this whole Youtuber Atla Au, and I have Stuff stuck in my Head. This is Sokka-centric bc thassa me.
Here Goes:
- Sokka has a mixed channel. He does educational videos, how-to videos, political videos, stories about him and his weird friends, dancing and singing videos, makeup videos, parkour videos, etc. He’s a very well known account.
- He uses fake names/obscure nicknames/code names for anyone he mentions. Anyone featured in his videos either wears a mask/facepaint or allows him to say their real name. He uses only they/them pronouns unless the person is with him and has given him other pronouns to call them by.
- He has never mentioned his name, refuses to be called Boomerang despite someone suggesting it because “that’s a disrespect to boomerangs, please don’t”, and he responds to commenters asking for his name with “;)”, “:)”, and “...”
- People only know he’s a male because he put that in his first video
- Sokka always wears facepaint in his videos, and absolutely no one recognizes him. He is unidentifiable. His continuous need to wear contact lenses and wigs of varying styles and colors also messes with people. No one can figure out what Nation he’s from (there are all four in this AU).
- Sokka has seven different facepaint styles he’ll wear.
- - Earth Kingdom is just Kyoshi Warrior facepaint. Someone attempted to drag him for disrespecting a elite warrior and all-female team. The Official Kyoshi Warrior account responded with this and only this: “Back off, he’s ours.”
- - Southern Water Tribe is based off their traditional warrior paint and La. Northern Water Tribe is based off of Tui and wolves.
- - Air Nomads is brown and blue arrows and flying lemur markings around his eyes.
- - Fire Nation is based off of Agni and the Painted Lady. It’s simple with red and yellow markings, and the accents will either be black (if he’s talking about something funny), blue (if he’s talking about something weird), or white (if he’s talking about something cool). People had to figure out those meanings themselves.
- - The Spirit World is based off of Hei Bai and Wan Shi Tong, a black, white, and grey style.
- - The blended one is cut into six sections. Fire and Air are the top two, taking up his forehead and creeping into his hairline. Water and Earth are on the bottom, bleeding down his neck. The Spirit World and nonbending sections are on his eyes. For those, he does fox markings on both sides, and the Spirit side is colorful like many of the minor Spirits are (bugs and birds and others). The nonbending side has normal fox colors, and the edges of all sections are blended together.
- - Each mask has a different meaning, which wasn’t figured out until later. If something is about a story, then it will be Fire Nation or Water Tribe. If the story includes strangers, then it will be Fire Nation, but if it’s mostly his pre-established friends, then he’ll have Water Tribe. Any sort of performance is Earth Kingdom, unless he’s doing it with someone else, which is when he wears his blended one. If the video is instructing in any way, it’s Air Nomad. If it’s a political video, he will always have his Spirit facepaint on.
- Most people assume he’s Air Nation because he seems nomadic. He’s constantly talking about new friends, his backgrounds change every video and he speaks all the languages one could possibly learn.
- As a Note, there are all four Nations. They all have different languages. There are formal and informal of each language (or common and high-speak). There is also the General Common, which is the language basically everyone knows so they can communicate with other nationalities. Air Nomads have many different slangs depending on where the nomads are from, but only one central language. They don’t have formal or informal.
- Sokka’s most viral video is called Secret Tunnel. He met some nomads and they taught him to use their instruments at an amateur level. He then asked if they wanted to record a video with him. They said yes, so he recorded them singing and dancing to the song, and he joined in on guitar (or whatever the stringed instrument is called in that episode). The video ‘solidified’ that Sokka was from the Air Nomads.
- Things people know about the channel and the Friends (called ‘Boomeraang’, though no one seems able to figure out why - most pass it off as a typo, but true fans know Sokka pays too much attention to his work and his boomerang)
- - Lady is either related to Sokka or as close as a sibling. They’re a master waterbender and extreme activist. They’re constantly starting rebellions and protests and getting into trouble through that. They have once impersonated a Spirit in order to get rid of a corrupt company that was polluting a river and then got the nearby fishing town to work together to clean said river. Lady got their education in waterbending after beating “an old coot in battle, didn’t have much to learn but Lady needed ‘finesse’ or something.”
- - Kuzon is Lady’s SO. They were friends first, SO’s second, and Sokka had to endure the pining. Kuzon acts older than they look, and uses extremely outdated slang. A video with Kuzon in the background as Sokka told a story confirmed the fact when Sokka asked “What did you say to Bluey?” “Flameo, Hotman!” It is assumed that Kuzon is a bender, but no one knows which type. Kuzon once threw a raging party because his school was really strict. The entire student body was invited and the cops were called, but no one got in trouble because they weren’t breaking any laws.
- - Bluey is either a nonbender or a firebender. Sokka’s stories are unclear on that, but one thing is clear: Bluey is a vigilante. And works in a tea shop. And holds some sort of position of power somewhere. It varies from “Bluey stopped a drug ring this month” to “Bluey’s uncle told them they can’t work the night shift because they haven’t slept” to “Bluey just passed a rule saying no drinks during meetings. They’re just mad that I kept slurping my cactus juice.”
- - Bandit is an actual criminal, but also holds some position of power. They are blind, maybe, and an earthbender. Apparently the greatest earthbender in the world, but that could also be Rocky. Bandit scams scammers, usually ones on the street that can’t call the police because they’re also criminals. They’ve made a lot of money that way, and Bandit uses the funds for a combination of food and taking Sokka shopping since he helps them. Bandit also fought in an underground earthbending tournament and won the title every time. Sokka says that the reason behind Bandit even going there was that their family was awful and somehow thought they were fragile, so they learned how to ditch their escort and vent their frustration via illegal fighting ring.
- - Rocky is a king. And insane. And friends with Kuzon and some old people. Nothing else is known, besides they’re a bender.
- - Bison. Is maybe an actual bison. Is Kuzon’s best friend and they’re constantly kissing everyone and messing around with Lemur. Lemur is flighty and loyal and like lychee nuts. Not much else is told, but they’re in many stories and the wording is weird enough that no one can tell if they’re animals or humans.
- - Wheaty was a real jerk when they all first met, and the group all left on bad terms. However, when they met back up, Wheaty was much nicer and was trying to be better than they originally were. They had to go to therapy to help with anger issues and were recovering well when the group reunited. Gurl (Sokka makes sure to spell it out for the viewers) is one of Wheaty’s best friends, having been there for the other through everything. Yuyan was in a similar boat, and was usually the ‘voice’ (Sokka would laugh at that, before continuing as if he hadn’t) of reason. The trio were all very nice and helpful, and had some other friends that Sokka met and hit it off with. Mini-Me was someone who was smol and idolized Sokka. Big Man always traveled with Mini-Me, but never once stopped them from following Sokka around.
- - Warrior is a nonbender and is the one who taught Sokka to fight with fans. They also educated him on toxic masculinity, getting rid of the sexism ingrained in him (*note, in this AU, Sokka wasn’t as sexist, due to being exposed to a few more people and the internet, and therefore finding more female idols. Suki helped him stopped what was left, because he still struggled and wanted to be better). Warrior is about 30% of Sokka’s impulse control, which is still a large chunk considering how many impulses he has. They have been in a few videos wearing an entire robe and mask get-up, and spoke once (1) when they told Sokka that Knife and Ballerina were head over. It was the middle of a video about how to fight with fans.
- - Princess, Knife, and Ballerina were a trio that could rule the world. Princess probably would’ve turned out awful if they hadn’t left home with their uncle. Knife hated any sort of protocol, but never seemed to show emotion. Both they and Yuyan were people that had to be observed to understand their emotions at any one point. Ballerina was happy, a gymnast, a yoga instructor, and a nonbender. It is assumed that Knife is a nonbender who uses only knives and Princess is a master firebender, but there is speculation.
- - Roller and Pusher were best friends. Roller was in a wheelchair and Pusher always pushed them. Roller was incredibly intelligent and often helped Sokka with inventions, while Pusher was a skilled earthbender who used more finesse than most.
- - The Moon is mentioned once and never again, and everyone wonders why he mentioned them in the first place (when discussing what he’d done while Lady battle for her education “I hung out with The Moon”).
- - Most likely to appear in a video are Roller, Pusher, Bandit, and Gurl, all in masks. Bandit’s they can’t possibly see through, but they walk like everything’s normal.
- - Most likely to be off-screen in a video are Kuzon, Bluey, and Lady.
- - Most likely to be mentioned in a video are Kuzon, Bandit, Bluey, Lady, and Warrior.
- Things that are known about Sokka:
- - He learned Earth Kingdom formal from Bandit and informal from a combination of Friends and observation. He learned Fire Nation formal from Bluey’s uncle and Bluey occasionally slipping into it and informal from Kuzon and some colonists he met. He learned the dialects of the Southern and Northern Water Tribes from The Moon, Lady, and Lady’s family. He learned Air Nomad from a variety of monks and people like Chong and Lily.
- - His parkour skills come from a combination of his Friends’ illegal activities, chaotic antics, and just a dash of bad luck.
- - He learned fighting from practically everyone he’d met, and observing them or having them teach him. He hadn’t actually wanted to learn to fight with fans or knives, but Warrior and Knife had taken one look at him and told him he had to or else. In fact, the only weapons he wanted to learn to use were a sword, a club, and his boomerang. He learned the first from Rainbow Father, the second from Bi Father, and the third was self-taught. Everything else, he posted videos as he learned new skills, and also told the varying stories of how he was coerced into being taught. For example, Ballerina insisted on teaching him chi blocking, a very obscure form of fighting, and would randomly use it on him until he agreed. They always undid what they blocked immediately after, but it was still annoying to randomly lose use of both arms.
- - Sokka’s Boomerang is deadly in his hands. He does not know this. During a livestream, Gurl snuck in after causing a distraction outside of the room he was in and read it off someone’s comment. They informed the viewers to never bring it up because Sokka didn’t know and if he underestimated his Boomerang, than everyone he used it against would, too. And that led to hilarious situations.
- - Sokka is a genius and inventor who has several patents. However, no one can find him through them, mostly because he didn’t want any attention when he put the items out into the open. He invented submarines and airships (people had no use for them before, but found they were incredibly useful when Sokka got everything patented and got a sponsor). He also invented cactus juice, which is as mentally impairing as alcohol with none of the lasting physical effects. Bandit loved that one.
- - Sokka has seemingly been everywhere. He’s mentioned meeting the Spirits Hei Bai, Wan Shi Tong, and the Moon and Ocean Spirits in passing. (*while wearing the Spirit facepaint* “I mean, I get that the Spirit World seems great and all, but I’ve been there. Not that exciting. Met Hei Bai and had to be rescued. Don’t see the appeal. And there isn’t a single bathroom there.”)
- - Can dance pretty average, but knows a lot of different styles because of various Friends. Can also sing and whistle well, and usually hums Secret Tunnel while doing parkour. Most of his music videos include other people, minus a few where he was asked to demonstrate his instrumental skills. He, again, is average and only knows the different instruments because people decided he should learn.
- - He is amazing at makeup. Every person he brings in to do (mostly people who aren’t seen again on the videos) leaves with stunning work done.
- - He can draw and paint, but he didn’t start off good. He started doing instructional videos based off articles and lessons he found. His viewers learned with him, and he’s improved greatly. He’s also prone to adding random rainbows to his landscapes, even in the black and white ones (it starts a trend of usually colorful things done in black and white, or in a way that’s more appealing to colorblind people).
- - Sokka wants to get rid of patriarchal societies and old men with problems. He fully supports his Friends’ protests and rebellions, and is likely to have cohesive arguments backed up with verifiable evidence and trustworthy sources.
- - He loves terrible jokes, and knows they’re terrible, but that’s the point.
- - He’s theorized to be in a position of power because once King Kuei and his bear Bosco walked on-screen from behind (Sokka was at a park and had his Earth Kingdom facepaint, so he definitely wasn’t expecting anyone to come), spotted Sokka and looked absolutely delighted, came straight over and hugged the boy from behind while he was explaining a move with a club. King Kuei said nothing, just hugged him until it was returned, let go, and waved goodbye. Bosco did a similar thing before following his owner. Sokka just continued the video as if nothing had happened, so it seems that he’s used to being around heckin’ royalty.
- Boomeraang gets a lot of hype and Sokka does sell merch and earn money, but only sells what is specifically requested. Someone requests he make t-shirts with his channels logo on it, he starts selling them, and doesn’t stop until there aren’t any more demands. Spoiler, there’s always demands. He tries to tell them he doesn’t want to take their money, but he almost had a riot when he suggested not selling anything anymore because he felt bad.
- The Gaang knows about the channel and talk about it a lot. Sokka had planned to keep it small, anonymous, and just have fun with his catch-all videos. He’s 2/3 at this point.
- Katara has her own activist channel, and considered making a second as the Painted Lady and use Sokka’s rep to eventually boost her, but decided against it. Her channel is called ‘Freedom Water’, based on the fact that water is the element of change. She has a moderate following.
- Toph has her own channel as well, which consists of Sokka holding the camera for her and videotaping her as she performs complex earthbending. She calls her channel ‘roc’. Her following is mostly other earthbenders who aren’t too proud to learn from a preteen, and other kids who think she’s cool. She also has a channel called ‘Bandit’, which is just her in the mask she wears for Boomeraang, telling all about different ways she’s scammed scammers, occasionally also showing videos of those instances. Sokka is her cameraman there as well, and will sometimes go on-screen with his facepaint. That channel has a large following because of Boomeraang. Toph is actually good at not slipping into the wrong nicknames or giving away genders.
- Aang has a channel called ‘The Temple’, which is almost solely different animals he spots. Some people try to say that he isn’t at the Air Temples, but he just laughs and ignores them. It drives people insane and it’s just accepted that the name of the channel is misleading. He has a small to moderate following, mostly animal enthusiasts, and the others are nature enthusiasts.
- Zuko has a channel followed by only theater kids and wannabe theater kids. He literally put ‘Title’ as the name, and uses his videos to rant about different plays and a lot about how the Ember Island Players botch the best of shows.
- Jet has an official channel for his Freedom Fighters, which is now solely used for spreading awareness and raising funds for those who need help (orphans, abused people, and people affected by disasters). The group lost a lot of followers when they changed their tune from angry and vengeful to calm and actually trying to help instead of harm. However, Katara and Zuko both gave shout-outs to the channel, and Toph ‘mentioned’ them as well (*read: threatened her followers if they didn’t check it out*). Their following has grown and now has a very good rep.
- Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee share a channel called ‘Royal Three’ where they show off their skills. They have a large following.
- Teo and Haru help manage everyone’s accounts and Teo is the official Kyoshi Warrior technician by the time everyone is done. Both are paid by their Friends for the work and recommend the duo to literally everyone possible.
- The Kyoshi Warriors are extremely well-known. There was an uproar when Ty Lee was announced as an official Kyoshi Warrior. They post basic fighting tutorials.
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books-of-cherry · 3 years
I adore your failure!Langris as black bulls very much - I love to think that Charmy is the only member he tolarates because she always makes his favorite cherry tarts XDD And I find it pretty ironic and funny that he dislikes Gauche even though he must share a lot with him, ex-nobles, ex-criminals, ex-prisoner, etc. I can't stop thinking about this fun what if lmao! Could you please write a fanfic explores Langris dynamic with the bulls esp Charmy and Gauche? Super thanks in advance 😘💘💘
Thanks Anon for liking the Failure!Langris lol
Let’s start shall we?
(Sorry if it took so long!!!)
Langris came from a mission and heard noises from the base.
“Why is the base so loud today? Are there new members?” Langris thought to himself. He went inside and he was right. There are new members. Two to be exact. The girl who has a mountain of food infront of her and a guy who has a nosebleed by looking a photograph.
“Ooo, Langris-chan! Do you want to drink?” Vanessa looked at him and hand him a bottle. She smells like alcohol. Nothing strange
“No thanks”
“Langris, you’re back.” Captain Yami said while looking at paperworks?
Is this man working? Never thought in my life, it would happen.
“We have newcomers, get along with them like you get along with Vanessa and Grey.”
How the heck am I going to get along with these two?? They’re weirder than Vanessa-san and Grey.
Langris approached the both of them.
The three of them stood quietly.
I shouldn’t have went here.
“Oi, you’re lucky that you’re a member. Take a look of my goddess. JUST THIS ONCE!” The man looked at the picture...is he having a nosebleed..?
“La! Do you like to eat pastries?”
“Then, try some of the cherry tarts I made!”
“I don’t want it”
Langris was terrified by the girl.
“So, you want some?”
“Sure..” Langris said while accepting the tarts.
Langris took a bite and he felt like he was in heaven. He never ate something sweet in his life after that “incident”.
“I want more.”
“La! I told you it was amazing”
“This is our secret, got it?”
Langris didn’t care about Gauche near him. He seems occupied by looking at the picture, so it didn’t bother him.
Langris left and went to him room to take a break.
Loud knocks can be heard. Langris opens the door and sees an frustrated man.
“I don’t even know your name and you treat me like sh*t”
“What a stupid name”
“Hah? What’s your name then?”
“You have such a girly name and yet you say my name is stupid”
“Aren’t you the little one here?”
Langris didn’t hesitate to kill Gauche. Langris stopped and heard a shout downstairs.
“..you and you stupid addiction..” Langris muttered angrily and heading downstairs.
“F*cking midget”
“You can’t be serious.”
“Both of you need to act as a team.” Their captain said chilling on the couch.
“I hate him.” Both said in unison
Their captain is thinking of a solution or some sort.
“Two of you will clean the restroom after I take a dump.”
After hearing that, both went out and go on with their mission.
“Heh, works like a charm.”
“Stupid captain”
“This is the first time I can agree with you midget”
“Stop calling me that you sister-loving prick”
The two continued to throw insults at each other after they had completed their mission.
Langris looks up to see a blonde calling to him.
“What do you want?”
“You’re strong. Let’s fight!”
“I don’t even know you.”
Shouldn’t have said that.
“My name is Luck Voltia!!”
“Leave me alone”
“Don’t you want to battle?”
“Why not?”
“Because I said so”
Magna sees Langris and Luck under the tree. It looks like they’re having an argument.
“Both of you need to stop fighting”
“Who are you? Are you one of those new recruits?”
“Yes I am!”
Langris left because he didn’t want to deal such things.
Langris never thought that these are the type of members that his captain recruited.
Years later..
This was weird for Langris. Apparently their captain didn’t recruit anyone for quite some time. Are all the people at the exam weren’t crazy enough for him?
Langris continued to sink into his thoughts until he heard a loud bang at the hideout.
“Don’t tell me..”
“Welcome home Captain!!!”
The members gathered around to see their captain. Of course, Langris was happy to see Captain Yami. He wondered what kind of people he recruited this time. He knew that he recruited someone at the Silva household. He didn’t see who it was and hoping that it wasn’t that “royal”.
“I brought a new mem-”
Where though..?
“Save meee....”
“This shrimp is our new member.”
“Uh, what’s your name?”
“I’m Asta from Hage Village!!!!”
“Nice to meet you all!!!”
The f*ck? Why is he so loud?
They had this ceremony for some reason and I wanted to watch because it’s interesting.
The scene where Asta sends back Magna’s spell at him.
They approached Asta and congratulate him. He received his robe and was full of joy.
Can he be my alarm clock? He wanted to ask that question but he felt like it was gonna backfire at him.
A/N: I’ll stop here for now. Thanks for reading!
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floral-and-fine · 4 years
La Doular Exquise part 3
Mycroft Holmes x female reader
Greg Lestrade x female reader
Part 1        Part 2
Summary: Greg Lestrade is in a new relationship with y/n, and to everyone, they appear very happy together and very much in love. Surprisingly, Mycroft finds himself longing for something similar. 
a/n: thanks @luna-xial​ for helping me stay motivated :)
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“Boring!” Sherlock leaned back in his chair and groaning obnoxiously, “I said find me a good case. Something interesting!”
John rolled his eyes but kept scrolling through their emails anyways, desperate to find something that would get Sherlock off his back. He hated these dry spells, and having to deal with a moody Sherlock on top of it all.
“What about this one?” He asked. “Missing headstones from family plot.”
“Too easy,” Sherlock complained, shaking his head. “The culprit is obviously a family member.”
“Fine,” John sighed, continuing his search, there had to be something worthwhile.
Suddenly, there was a knock at their door.
“Come in!” John shouted as he clicked on an email, in which the subject line read, ‘HELP: my mother’s ghost is haunting my ex.’
“Hope I’m not interrupting anything,” Mycroft said, looking at Sherlock, who had been wearing the same robe and pants for the past three days, with a disappointed expression.
“You’re not,” John chirped, praying that Mycroft had something to keep Sherlock busy. “What do you need?”
Mycroft looked down at the floor for a moment, twisting his umbrella around in his hand. “I need some advice,” he finally stated looking back at John with an unreadable expression.
“Advice?” Sherlock repeated, suddenly perking up.
“Not from you,” Mycroft scowled. “From Dr. Watson.”
“Me?” John questioned, staring at Mycroft in disbelief.
Mycroft nodded, “yes, I’m not sure who else I can ask.”
Sherlock got to his feet. “What could John possibly help you with?” He demanded not bothering to hide his surprise or disdain at the idea.
Mycroft sighed, ignoring Sherlock’s outburst. “Mind joining me to my car, Dr. Watson? It’s waiting outside.”
“Sure,” John replied, though his tone was anything but.
With that Mycroft turned back around and headed out the door.
John gave Sherlock a sympathetic look before he quickly grabbed his coat. “See you in a bit,” he said then rushed down the stairs to catch up to Mycroft.
Sherlock slumped back down in his chair, pouting over being left out. What does John know that he doesn’t?
John and Mycroft sat in silence, the little cafe Mycroft selected was full of people. His reasoning was that if Sherlock did follow, it would be harder for him to overhear their conversation without being noticed.
“So, what can I help you with?” John finally asked getting to the point.
“I’ve been talking with someone, lately,” Mycroft started. “And I want to show her that I’m interested in her.”
“Alright,” John nodded, trying to hide his amusement that Mycroft would come to him for relationship advice. “Well, how have you gone about it so far?”
“We’ve had tea together, I gave her my personal cell phone number, I’ve texted her practically every day since,” Mycroft rattled off.
John snickered, “I’m sorry, but that’s- that’s nothing, literally that is like the bare minimum of what people do for a friend or even an acquaintance.”
Mycroft’s face fell at John’s reaction.
“Sorry, sorry,” John sighed, “just figured you’d be better at this.”
Mycroft added more sugar to his tea. “I have some experience, but none in this context,” he huffed. “The issue here is timing. I have reason to believe that she will soon be available.”
John raised his brow, “Is y/n planning on breaking things off with Lestrade?”
Mycroft’s brow furrowed for a moment, he hadn’t mentioned who he had been talking to, figures Sherlock would share everything and anything with Dr. Watson. “Based on what she and I have discussed, yes.”
“So why do you need my help?”
“You have a history of… going from one relationship to another rather quickly,” Mycroft explained. “This is a delicate matter, I don’t want to act too soon, or too late.”
John gaped for a moment, slightly offended that Mycroft thought of him as the guy who easily moves on between women.
“That’s, that’s not something I can tell you,” John frowned. “She’ll either need time or not, my best advice is to see how she’s doing.”
Mycroft sighed, he figured as much.
Y/n stood outside the door of Greg’s flat, her heart beating faster with each passing second.  
On the way over she had planned everything, she was going to say, how this was about them wanting different things out of life, that she wanted things like marriage and children and respected his desire not to remarry. She still wants to be friends with him and truly cares about him, but she's realized that their relationship should end now before it gets even harder.
But now that she was here, standing outside his door, her nerves were getting the best of her.
“Just knock,” She whispered to herself. Taking a deep breath she rapped her knuckles against the door and waited.
“Y/n?” Greg greeted her with a smile giving her a quick peck on the cheek. “C’mon in.”
She could feel her resolve wearing thin, there were so many things she liked about Greg. He had this boyish charm that made her smile every time she saw him.
“Have a seat,” he said, gesturing to the couch. “Need a drink or anything?”
“I’m good,” y/n answered, then bit her lip. She needed to get this over with, but she couldn’t seem to find the words.
Greg sat next to her still smiling, he was in such a good mood. A part of her just wanted to enjoy this, sitting close to him, watching TV.
She had never broken up with anyone before, at least not when things hadn’t hit the fan. Things were still good between her and Greg.
His hand slid over to hers, his fingers wrapping her palm. She gave his hand a little squeeze, this wasn’t fair to him, she couldn’t lead him on just because she was scared.
“Greg, we need to talk,” y/n started, her eyes focused on their clasped hands.
His shoulders visibly slumped, “This can’t be good.”
“This isn’t easy for me,” she said, her vision starting to get slightly blurry. “But I think it would be best if we broke up.” She couldn’t face him so she kept looking down.
Greg sighed, his free hand running down his face, “This is about that conversation we had the other night isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” y/n murmured. “I just think that inevitably we’ll part ways.”
“You don’t know that,” Greg argued.
“Greg…” she sighed. “I want to get married, I want to have a baby, and that’s-“
“Fine!” He snapped, getting to his feet. “We’ll get married and have children, all of it, alright?”
“No, not like this, it shouldn’t have to be because of an ultimatum,” y/n shook her head. “It only works if we both want it.”
Greg started to pace, wracking his brain for something to say, some way to convince her that they could work it out.
Suddenly, y/n’s phone’s screen lit up to reveal that she had a new message from Mycroft.
“Mycroft? As in Mycroft Holmes?” Greg questioned, his tone distrustful.
Y/n nodded, “yeah, we had tea the other day.”
“Why would he bother talking to you?” His words stung, even if she knew that wasn’t his intention.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It’s just not like him,” he shrugged. “He’s not the type to care about people. What would you and him have to talk about anyway?”
“I don’t know,” y/n said, crossing her arms. “We talk about little things like my job and books, that’s it.”
“Do you like him?” Greg asked suddenly.
The question caught y/n off guard. She honestly hadn’t thought about it. She enjoyed talking to him, she liked a lot of his quirky personality traits and habits, not to mention he was kind of cute in his own way… y/n could feel her heart beating faster, did she like him? How come she was barely realizing this?
Greg laughed dryly, “Well that’s it, isn’t it? You’ve moved on.”
“That’s not it at all!” y/n shouted, rising to stand.
“Oh really?” He scoffed, reaching for her phone. “Well, let’s see what it says?”
“Stop it,” she urged. “This has nothing to do with him. I’m done.” Shaking her head, y/n gathered her things before heading out.
Greg stared at the door, mouth hanging open. Y/n didn’t bother saying goodbye, slamming the door as she left.
. . .
Y/n dropped her purse on a nearby chair as she entered her home. “What a mess,” she muttered. Somehow what started out as a simple and sweet relationship had spiraled out of her control.
And now here she was possibly falling for another guy.
She couldn’t believe she hadn’t noticed earlier. She thought back to Christmas Day, and how much she enjoyed Mycroft’s company. How he attempted to make her visit pleasant, despite how obviously uncomfortable he was with it. She recalled how victorious she felt every time she made him smile, even if it was just a small one.
It didn’t help either how supportive he’s been while she tried to figure out things between her and Greg. How he was always quick to respond and gave her his honest opinions on things.
Y/n groaned loudly as she collapsed on her bed. Why didn’t she notice earlier that she was falling for Mycroft Holmes? But this just raised more problems.
At least with Greg she knew where she stood, that he did, in fact, care about her, was attracted to her, and wanted to be with her, even if getting married wasn’t an option.
With Mycroft, she had no clue if he wanted to be anything more than friends. Hell, she didn’t even know if he thought of her as a friend!
It could very well be that her loving him could only lead to more pain. She had heard how people referred to Mycroft as the iceman, and she had seen firsthand how he was distant from everyone including his family. Greg had even told her about how Mycroft frequently reminded Sherlock that caring wasn’t an advantage.
Looking up at the ceiling she wondered if he’d be willing to be at a disadvantage for her. If he could care for her enough to make that kind of compromise?
She shot up into a sitting position as her phone buzzed.
“Speak of the devil,” she whispered to herself. Y/n bit her lip as she read the read message.
‘Everything alright? You’ve been awfully quiet today.’
Y/n didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, she knew his concern was sincere, which only made her like him more. God, she just wanted to know if she meant anything to him.
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dallas-owns-my-ass · 4 years
Bad For My Rep.
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     Paring: Dallas Winston x Singer! Reader
     Summary: Reader gets forced to sing in a choir as a form of community service.
     Warnings: idk cursing, smoking, vandalizing, prison?
     Tag List: @staygoldponebone​ @botanicaldarling​ @rosecoloureddudez​ @shepards-love​
If you wanted to be added just let me know :)
     I shook the spray paint can again and held down the button, watching the black line grow in the direction that I moved my hand. I loved everything about spray paint. The sound it makes when you spray or shake it. The variety of colors. The whole style of street art in general.  It was something we had to ourselves, us kids in the street. I finished it off, taking a step back and just looking at it. West Side motherfuckaaa. I thought to myself as I chuckled. 
     “How you gonna like laughing about that in prison?” 
     I whipped my head around to see a cop. A very unamused cop. Fuck. I scanned my surroundings, debating running or not. His car blocked one of the exits and his partner’s in the other. My chances were slim to nonexistent, so being logical for once, I decided to hold my ground. Better to go out like a man right? 
     “You know vandalizing’s a crime? No you probably didn’t. What would some wasted thug know about anything?” he laughed, finding himself amusing. I smirked as I responded.
     “If that’s what you think”
     “C’mon we’re taking your ass right back to jail, and you can explain to a judge why you were out at 3 am spraying gang signs on a public structure.” He pushed me against the wall, handcuffing me. Damn. I really was about to go back to jail. I just got out too. Dally’s gonna kill me. 
     I was not looking forward to that phone call. But I had to do it if I wanted a chance of getting out of here. I reluctantly picked up the phone and dialed his number. After a couple of seconds, he picked up.
     “Hello?” his voice was deep and raspy. He probably just woke up. 
     “Hey baby”
     “Y/N? What’s wrong?”     
    “Man, something doesn’t always have to be wrong for me to call my boyfriend”
    “Doll, it’s three in the morning... What happened?”
    “Y’know, it’s not really a big deal or anything but.... I may or may not have got arrested again. And I kinda need you to come down here and see if you can bail me out or something.” He let out a long sigh.
    “Babe, how many times have I told you to be more careful?” He was angry. Not that I blamed him though. I would be angry too. I did get angry when he got arrested for some stupid shit. It was my own fault for being careless. 
    “Were you drinking again? Uhh Y/N, how could you be so careless? Do you know what could’ve happened to you if you happened to stumble across the wrong kinda guy? Do you know what happens to pretty, intoxicated, young girls at night on the streets Y/N!” 
     “Yes...” I responded my voice trailing off sheepishly. I hoped it wasn’t evident in my tone that I was hurt. I hated when he yelled at me. And I hated that he was always right. He let out a long sigh.
     “Of course you do. I’m sorry for yellin’ at you doll. It’s just that I can’t help worrying for you. You’re all I got. Besides, if anyone dared to mess with you, you’d kick their ass. You’re one tough broad.” I could feel the smirk on his face as he said that. “I’ll be down at the station in a couple of minutes baby.” He said as he hung up.
     He groaned as he approached the cell where I was being held. That couldn’t be good. 
     “Babe, they said there ain’t no bail this time” Shit. I was either going to jail for a couple more months or getting a shitload of community service hours. Hopefully the latter. 
     “Eeh, don’t worry about it Dal”
     “I’ll just get a few months, that’s all.”
     “Yeah but those months gonna feel like forever without you there.”
     “I’ll be out before you know it. You should go get some sleep baby, it’s late. Or should I say early now?” I leaned in to kiss him through the cell bars. We only got a quick peck before the police officer yelled at us. 
     “Fuck him.” Dally mumbled before leaning in again. The officer basically dragged him out of there after that. I smiled. Classic Dally. 
     There I was, sitting in my defendant chair, at my trial. Fun times. Dally, Johnny, and Sodapop came. Dally, because he had to, Johnny because he’s my best friend, and Sodapop simply because he had nothing better to do. 
     “Due to past offenses and lack of change in behavior from past prison sentences, I sentence Ms Y/L/N to 45 hours of community service, which can be completed in the span of 35 days at the local church.” 
     “With umm, all due respect your honor, can I just go to jail instead. Y’know sweeping floors and shit just ain’t really my thing.” I looked at Dally. He was smirking, trying to suppress a laugh or something. I sent a nasty glare his way.
     “That type of profanity will not be tolerated in this courtroom Ms. Y/L/N, don’t make me tell you again. And I believe there is a choir that is in need of young members.” 
     “A choir?” I questioned, unimpressed. “You want me to go sing to God for spray painting some bridge? That just messed up man” Soda started laughing, apparently finding this whole situation amusing. “I ain’t takin’ yall to my court shit no more”
     I walked out of the courtroom, Dally trailing along behind me. To say I was pissed was an understatement. How was she gonna make me go sing at some church and say that it’s community service. I mean, yeah I had a good voice, but you just don’t go walking around singing here, it was a quick way to get your ass kicked. Besides, I was supposed to be some hardened criminal or something. You ever see some hardened criminal dancing around on some stage. No. And you can bet your ass you won’t. That’s just how things work around here, and some people aren’t ever going to understand that.
     “C’mon babe, it’s not that bad” he grabbed my arm, pulling me close to him. “I mean at least you’re not locked up somewhere, ‘cause we can still do stuff you know?” he winked. Of course that’s what he thought of, but I couldn’t help but smile. Dallas just had that effect on people. He could make ‘em laugh if he knew them real well. I leaned in for a kiss.
     “Yeah I guess it ain’t so bad.”
     “I gotta wear this?” I almost yelled, holding up the choir robe. 
     “Why yes dear, it’s mandatory for all performances. Lucky for you, this is only a practice.” the nun replied. I was going to have to change that.
     The nun lead me into the music room. The room got silent the moment I entered. They all recognized me, either from the paper, news, or they saw me in the midst of doing something illegal. This would be the last place they all expected me to show up. But here I was. They soon all resumed what they were doing, going back to their chatter and practicing riffs and other stuff among those activities. A young woman approached me. She was a little taller than me, skinny with straight red hair and thick glasses. She looked familiar somehow.
     “Bass, alto, or soprano?” she asked. “I don’t sing.” 
     “Alto.” she stated. She clapped her hands twice. All the students looked up, and got into their places without even mumbling another word. These guys must be strict. Here’s the little problem with that. I don’t follow rules very well. I never have, and I’ll never care to learn. She dragged me over and placed me in the middle section, in the front. Great, I thought. Now she’s gonna be watching every little thing I do. She sang out “la la la la la la la” and everyone else repeated it back to her. Yeah I wasn’t really feeling that so I didn’t. She repeated the exercise for the third time, and after seeing me not doing it, she pointed at me and called me to the front, right next to her. Here we go again. “la la la la la la la”. I once again ignored her attempt to make me sing. I wasn’t going to do it. Sorry man, it’s bad for my rep. I mean, it’s not like I didn’t want to sing, I loved to. It’s just that I didn’t want to sing in front of a group of people just for them to laugh at me. She closed her hand, silencing everyone else.
     “La la la la la la” I just stared at her and shook my head nonchalantly. She was persistent for she repeated it again. Realizing she wasn’t going to stop until I did, I sung it back quietly and purposely off-key. She shook her head and did it again. This time I sung it right, but still quietly. She nodded her head and smiled, as she made the rest of the choir resume. We continued this and practiced some other classic gospel songs for the rest of the time. 4:30, finally. I went to leave, following all the other students out, but her voice rang out.
     “Y/L/N, stay after.” Great. Just what I needed. 
     “Why weren’t you singing?”
     “I was” I corrected.
     “Doing the bare minimum required is not singing. I know that the only reason you are here is to fulfill your service hours and then go back to being a menace to society after but, while you are here you will not be a burden to my choir. And yes you may have been mumbling the words to the songs incorrectly, but unless you are adding something to the group, you are a burden. So you may want to consider contributing something to this group. Is that understood?”
     “Yeah I guess. I just don’t know what you think I can ‘contribute to this group’. I ain’t got no talent or nothing. All’s I got is drugs and street smarts man.”
     “As I heard before, you have a nice voice, which can be contributed by singing the lead to out next song, don’t you think?” 
     “No I don’t think so. If you think I’m gonna get up and sing by myself in front of God knows who, you’re crazy.”
     “Whether you like it or not, you’re going to have to sing while you’re here, so you might as well try.” she urged, grabbing sheet music and handing it to me. She sat down at the piano. “I’m assuming you’re familiar with ‘Oh Happy Day’?” I nodded in response. “So sing it” she said as she started playing the rhythm on the piano. 
     “Oh happy day” I almost mumbled. She stopped playing.
     “Sing out, nobody’s here to judge you” she started playing from the beginning again. 
     ‘Oh happy day.” I repeated, this time a little louder and clearer. “C’mon you aint gonna scare no one.”
     “Oh happy day” I sung out loudly, my voice vibrating off the walls of the tiny room. “Now you got it.”
     I was sitting on the couch, my head on Dally’s shoulder, watching Mickey Mouse with the bois. 
     “So, Y/N, you gonna be singin’ in the choir this Sunday huh?” Soda asked, even though he already knew the answer. “Mhmm” I responded curtly, not wanting anyone else in the gang to know about it.  
     “Blimey Y/L/N, I didn’t know you were in a choir.” Two-Bit explained. “You should’ve told us Y/N, we would’ve came if it meant so much to you.”
     “Lay off it Two-Bit, it’s for community service.” I said, rolling my eyes, lighting a cigarette. That was the last thing I wanted, for all of them to show up to see me mumbling words, wearing some cloak, looking like a complete idiot. 
     “Geez Y/N, it’s not like I asked for your first born child. What’s got you so mad anyways?” he asked as if it wasn’t obvious. What part of forced to sing in a choir wasn’t he getting. I threw the pillow next to me at him lightly. Dally chuckled. 
     “Don’t get so worked up about it doll” he provoked, smirking. “Shut up Dal... What’s everyone gonna think when they see me up there, in some crusty robe. I’m supposed to be tough or something, and singing doesn’t really help with that much”
     “Oh c’mon babe, you’re doing community service hours because you’ve been to jail too many times or something like that. Everyone in there’s already scared of you.” I had to at least let a tiny smirk on my face. He was right. He always was.  “I know” he said smugly. 
     “Huh?” I questioned. “You said all that out loud doll.” Oops. “Fuck you.” I said, sticking my tongue out. 
     It was the big day. Fun right? Yeah no. The room was almost full with people and we were about to go on. I didn’t even know people still went to church. Nope. There was no way I was doing this. There were way too many people for my liking. I would just go back to court, and take whatever excessive penalty they gave me. I may go to jail, but at least I’d have my dignity. I was just about to walk out when the teacher came up to me. 
     “You’re really about to leave right now?” she raised her eyebrow. I nodded sarcastically in response. “So all that hard work, all that time and effort, not only put in by you, but by the rest of the choir, you’re just going to throw it away? If you leave right now, not only are you screwing yourself over, but the rest of the choir, and the people who were expecting us to sing today.”
     “You can find someone better to sing my part.” I remarked.
     “Oh, so you’re scared? You’re scared they’re not going to like your voice. You’re scared you’re going to ruin your reputation. You’re scared to show them that you’re exceptionally talented. Now let me tell you something. I don’t care who’s out there today. I don’t care who’s watching or judging us. You’re going to go out there, and you’re going to sing, no matter what. Because I’m not going to let you screw over this whole choir, and more importantly, I’m not going to let you screw up your chance to have a perfectly good opportunity to do something that you may love. So today, you’re going to get up on that stage and you’re going to sing for whoever the hell may be listening. And you’re going to do it well. You owe it to us. After that I don’t give a crap what you do. You can leave and go to jail time instead. Just not today.” she demanded, leading us all out onto the stage. 
     I took my usual spot in the back, but she pulled me to the front. She gave us a 4 beat count off and the piano started. I scanned the audience. Right in the front row was the gang. Shit. I panicked. They couldn’t know about this. I was already nervous to begin with. There was no more time to worry. The teacher pointed at me, cuing me to start. I sang the lyrics quietly, and not that well. I finished the first verse.
     “You’re going to have to do a lot better than that.” She said. “Come here.” she pointed next to her in the very front. Feeling quite embarrassed I took my hands and shoved them in my pockets, staring at the floor. “You take your cues from me.”
     “la la la la la la la.” We repeated it back to her. She pointed at me. “You.”
     “la la la la la la la.” I repeated the tune. “Sing it”
     “Oh happy day.” I sung, this time loud and clearly. You could feel the tone in the room shift. “Oh happy day” people looked up in shock, maybe because I was singing it, or maybe because we sounded really good. “When Jesus washed. When Jesus washed. When, my Jesus washed, he washed my sins away.” I threw a couple riffs in there to make it fancy. 
     “la la la la la la la.” we sung this warm up again a few times. “Let’s party.” the teacher said. “He taught me how” we sang in harmony, as we clapped on the second and fourth beat. “Oh he taught me how” I walked toward the front of the stage even more, the simple rhythm moving me. “To wash, to wash” I repeated from the background melody. “And live rejoicing. Yes he did. Oh yeah. Every, everyday.” I continued. The melody went down a key. “Oh, oh, happy day. Oh happy day yeah. When Jesus washed. When my Jesus washed. When Jesus washed.” I went into my falsetto. I finally gained the courage to look over at the gang. Soda’s jaw dropped, and Dally just sat there with a look in his eyes that I just couldn’t place, but they all definitely looked surprised. The crowd even started clapping, midst performance. I couldn’t help but smile. “My sins away. Oh you know I’m talkin’ bout happy days. Oh yeah. Sing it. Sing it. Sing it. Yeah. C’mon. Oh happy day.” We all finished, arms up in the shape of a v. The crowd erupted in applause, standing up too. Wow. I never expected such a positive reaction. We all took our bows and headed off back stage. 
     I changed back into my greaser attire, and headed out in search of the gang. I found them quick, easily spotting Darry. The second I reached them they all swarmed on top of me. Steve pulled me under his arm, pretending to hit me on the head with his fist. 
     “Damn, Y/N, you never told us you could sing like that” Darry marveled. “Any other things you’ve been keeping from us, like a secret son or somethin’” Two-Bit joked. They all continued like this for a while, until Dally interrupted. 
     “Alright, alright. Damn I can’t even talk to my own girl with all you bums around.” but even he couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah c’mon guys, let Y/N go talk to her boyfriendddd.” Soda started. “ooooooooh” they all joined in. “Oh shut up.” I said playfully, shooing them off with my hand. Dally walked me out to his car, his arm slung over my shoulder. He opened and closed my car door and then went around to get in. 
     “Look man, you know I’m not good at this type of shit but, Goddamn Y/N. You never told me you had a voice like that. Man I ain’t exaggerating when I say that you have the most beautiful voice I ever heard. Shit, I never knew my babygirl was so talented.” he took his eyes off the road to give me a quick kiss. I was smiling so much by then. The car swerved, almost hitting a tree. 
     “Dally!” I almost screamed while laughing. “What baby, it’s only a tree.” he was laughing too.  
     “I guess community service ain’t so bad after all.”
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sexvimpulse · 4 years
La Boîte
Elias: [Is rounded up with other tall escorts, knowing he needs to score this client or he’s in trouble. Woman or man he needs the money. When he hears her heels, he looks up, lips parting as he wasn’t expecting her to be so gorgeous] Elias. [States his name as prompted by the handler. He puts his hands behind his back, standing straight and taller than all of the other men]
Vivien: [Saunters into the hall, appearing stoic but her eyes are gleaming with curiosity. She has long wanted to see what La Boite has to offer for a woman of her taste] Hm. [Makes a small sound to express her displeasure before finally taking notice of him. Stepping in front of him, she lifts her eyes, a small smile caresses her lips as she gazes at his undeniably handsome features] Bonsoir, Elias. [Offers her hand for him to kiss, immediately taken by the sound of his deep voice] Elias, tell me, what kind of lover are you? [Tilts her head to the side as she eyes him from head to toe, not bothering to conceal her attraction for him]
Elias: Bonsoir, Madame. [Coos with a charming smile. He takes her small hand in his and presses his lips to it, eyes meeting with hers] I'm whatever you want me to be. [Says lowly]
Vivien: [Stares at his perfectly shaped lips before feeling heat building inside of her] Mmm. What a perfect answer. [Knows that he has likely said that to many others, but she intends on being the last he says that to] And what if I wanted a plaything? A lover to want me and adore me. [Steps up to him, leaving little space between their bodies, loving how he completely towers over her]
Elias: [Smiles, happy with himself for pleasing her] Well, I already want you and adore you. [Says with truth in his words] If anyone was going to objectify me and use me, I'd like it to be you. [Inclines his head]
Vivien: [Is fully aware that he's only speaking sweet words because of the money, but she's too lured in by his piercing eyes to care] Spoken like a true lover.. Je te veux. [Gazes at him lustfully before turning to the handler to make the arrangement] Je m'appelle, Vivien. [Gives him her name, already having a desire to see what he's capable of] Will you be my little lover for the night, Elias?
Elias: [Smirks at the others as he seals the deal] Oui, Madame. [Offers her his elbow] Where to? [Isn’t sure if she wants to do something or head straight to the suite]
Vivien: [Takes his elbow as she walks next to him, wanting to ease into it--knowing that she won't find true satisfaction if she takes him straight to bed] I heard there's a lounge area. Let's get a drink first. I want to be sure that you're the right plaything for me.
Elias: [Nods as he confirms, happy to be getting a drink out of it as he leads her to the House Lounge] I love live music. [Muses as he watches the musicians before he finds a private booth for them, flashing his escort tier card to the bartender] What can I get you to drink, Madame Vivien?
Vivien: Do you? That makes two of us. [Watches the change in his demeanor as they enter the lounge, sensing that he feels more energetic by the music] Martini, s'il vous plait. [Can't take her eyes off of him as he makes an order for her] What else do you like, Elias? [Asks as she gets settled in the booth, crossing her leg over the other--her thigh exposed from the slit in her dress] If I may be forward.. you don't look like the type who would be in your position. You look the complete opposite, actually. [Raises a brow, curious and captivated by him] And please, just call me Vivien, my little love. [Traces his jaw with her fingertip before pulling back]
Elias: Oui. [Inclines his head before he makes his way to the bar. He comes back with her drink and a scotch on the rocks for himself] I like a lot of things. [Murmurs as he moves closer to her, propping his elbow up on the back of the booth as his body turns toward hers. He laughs softly at her words] I'm just unlucky. [Doesn't delve into it because he doesn't want to lose her attraction to him] Oui, Vivien. [Takes her hand after she touches his jaw and kisses her palm] What do /you/ like?
Vivien: [Places her lips on the rim of the glass, taking a sip of her martini and moaning softly at the taste] C'est perfect. Merci beaucoup, Elias. [Doesn't press him further as it's not her business nor does she think it'll be worth knowing since she's only there to have her needs met] Would you consider yourself unlucky even with me? [Purses her lips, a gleam of mischief in her eyes. She raises a brow and parts her lips as his kiss sends a sensation that feels foreign yet thrilling to her] Mmm. Devotion. Submission. Someone who is capable of holding my attention for more than thirty minutes. [Laughs softly] I am so easily bored.. But I find myself already feeling the opposite around you. [Muses] Can you tell me why that must be so?
Elias: De rien, Belle. [Laughs softly] Luck had nothing to do with us. [Shakes his head] It was pure attraction. Can you feel it? [Tilts his head] Even your scent pulls me in. [Bites his lip] I’m capable of submission. And I’m told I’m very entertaining. However, you’ll have to pay the House for my devotion. [Smiles softly]
Vivien: Oh? What was it then, mon petit amour? [Her head moves to the side, blonde locks of hair being pushed back before she hears his words. His deep voice sends her flesh into a heated frenzy. She can't tell if he's being sincere or charming, but she's drawn to him either way] Mmm, the one thing that is so hard to find now has a price. That makes it even easier for me. [A dark smile lines her lips as she thinks she might have to keep visiting him] And in what ways can you entertain me? [Places her hand on his thigh, fingers tapping in rhythm to the music as she moves closer to him] With a dance, perhaps?
Elias: [He places his hand over hers on his leg] M'accordez-vous cette danse? [Stands up and helps her out of the booth as he leads her to the dance floor] Heh. [He chuckles at their height difference, leaning down to kiss the top of her head without realizing]
Vivien: Oui, mon petit amour. [Accepts his offered hand and adjusts her dress before raising a brow as he seems rather amused] What do you find so amusing? [Grins before raising a brow, not understanding the warmth she feels as he kisses her in a way she has never experienced before] My, my.. I didn't realize how much taller you are than me. [Smiles mischievously, absolutely loving how he belongs to her for the evening. She sways her hips to the music, matching the rhythm as she moves against him]
Elias: Oh no? I must have been mistaken. I thought you picked me because I was the biggest boy in the room. [Bites his lip as he moves with her, keeping her tight body against his] I can’t stop looking at you.
Vivien: [Laughs softly as she nods] Mmm, yes that is why I picked you. But I also find you very handsome. So I suppose I was focused on too many things. [Parts her lips as she feels his hands around her, grinding against him--intoxicated by his scent and appearance] Surely, you've come across other attractive clients. [Purrs, running her hand down his broad chest] I almost walked out until I saw you.
Elias: No one like you. [Shakes his head] You’re a dream for someone like me. [Says softly] I’m glad you saw me then. [Cups her face, leaning all the way down to kiss her because he wants to]
Vivien: And how much of that is true, mon petit amour? [Is under some lustful spell as she closes the space between them, her body already becomes addicted to his warmth] As am I.. [Trails off before closing her eyes as he presses his lips onto hers. She moans into the exchange, feeling his warm breath against her skin] More. [Keeps him down to her as she kisses him again, parting her lips ever so slightly as the tip of her tongue dances across his lower lip for a taste]
Elias: All of it. [Says honestly, knowing he hates when ugly clients choose him. He smiles against her mouth, happily obliging as he parts her lips with his tongue and deepens the kiss] You even taste amazing. [Muses, knowing their pheromones are completely drawn to each other in a way he hasn’t been drawn to anyone else] I want to be inside you. [Speaks into her ear before leaving a kiss on her neck]
Vivien: [Runs her hands up his throat, reaching to the back of his head as she grips his hair while rolling her tongue against his. His taste is inexplicable, completely addicting before gazing at him lustfully] Do you? [Her flesh is consumed with heat as he punctuates her neck with a kiss. Running her hand down his body, she lightly grazes his member before leaving him wanting] I've wanted it the moment that I saw you. Take me to your room. [Breaks the closeness between them as she pulls back and takes his hand, not knowing if she’ll be able to wait until they reach his room]
Elias: [nods as he looks into her piercing eyes] Mngh.. [Moans as she teases his already hard cock] As you wish. [Interlocks their fingers as he takes her to the elevator up to the suites. He pushes in his card, his room having been prepped for her with a robe, champagne, candles, and roses] This is my personal entertaining suite.. only the most special clients have access. [Tells her as he takes off his jacket and tosses it on the chair before bringing her to him] How do you want it, Vivien? [Cups her face and drags his tongue along her lips, obviously having to wait for instruction as per house rules]
Vivien: [Keeps close to him as they take the elevator, pulling him in for kisses as the desire she has for him is overwhelming] Very impressive, mon petit amour. [Calms herself down as she looks around his suite, completely forgetting how much she paid and altogether not caring. Willingly she moves back into his arms, no where near able to reach his jaw to lay kisses on his flesh so she leaves them on his chest as she unbuttons his shirt] Mmngh.. [Involuntarily presses her body against his as she feels his tongue and tastes his spit, wanting him more] With you on your back.. [Whispers against his lips as she moves her hands over his thighs, massaging his strong muscles before stroking his cock over his pants] I want to watch your face while I take your cock in and out of my little pussy, amour. [She gazes at him darkly before leaning in as she tugs on his lower lip, sucking deeply]
Elias: [Groans as she handles his cock, biting his lip before he pulls back to start undressing. He watches her as he takes off his pants, revealing his well endowed member] Are you satisfied with your choice? [He smirks and grabs a condom from his beside table, tearing the packaging with his teeth before rolling it onto his dick]
Vivien: [Moves to the bed as she remains in her clothes, wanting to watch his every move as he takes off his clothes. Her pussy soaks her panties and inner thighs, throbbing persistently the moment that she sees his thick, lengthy cock] Mon dieu. [Her mouth waters, brows furrowing as she aches for him to be inside of her] Very satisfied, mon petit amour. I already want you all to myself. [Saunters to him, her eyes dark with lust as she wraps her fingers around his girth, stroking him slowly. She takes a few steps back, gently pulling him along with her until she feels the edge of the bed] How much do you want to be inside of me, amour? [Makes him lay on the bed as she stands in front of him, slipping out of the dress to reveal her tight, lingerie clad body]
Elias: [Moans as she grips his dick, precum already oozing from his tip] So badly, amour.. [Looks up at her as his chest rises and falls] Merde.. [Practically salivates at the sight of her]
Vivien: [Crawls over his body, lowering her head as she has an urge to kiss every inch of his flesh. Her desire is completely foreign and overpowering as she does things that she's not used to doing] Do you wish you could take me however you want? [Teases before dragging her tongue over his happy trail while her hand gently massages his sensitive balls] Mmm.. [Straddles him on the bed as she grinds her pussy over his hard cock, soaking him in her juices] You can touch me in any way you want, mon amour.. [Gives him permission as she aches for his touch before pulling her panties to the side as she taps his thick cock against her pussy lips]
Elias: [Breathes raggedly as she moves closer, his hands balling into fists as he wants to touch her so badly] Ah.. [Moans as he feels her hot tongue on his flesh, everything about her drives him crazy] Mm.. [His hands greedily roam her body as she gives him permission. He grips her breasts before kissing them, pulling her bra down. His hands grip her ass, moaning as she teases his cock with her pussy] Sil vous plait, amour.. [Hisses the words but they’re more of a whine]
Vivien: [Feels consumed with lust and a blinding need for him to be inside of her as she watches his features contort into a frustrated look] Ooh, mon dieu. Do you ache for me, mon amour? [Shivers run down her back as he claws at the flesh of her round asscheeks while moaning for him as his lips punctuate her breasts with kisses. She’s never felt so passionate and insatiable before] Mmm.. I’ll give it to you, mon amour. [Nails rake over his massive chest before reaching his throat, gripping him with both hands while the lower half of her body takes his aching tip into her inviting opening] I want to feel you now.. [Speaks sinfully, leaning down to lick his lips before slowly welcoming him into her tight, wet cunt] Unghh.. Amour.. [Gasps in slight pain while her eyes roll back at the overwhelming sensation. She lowers herself at mid length, clenching her throbbing walls to feel his flesh pulsing inside of her] It’s perfect, mon amour.. this what I need. [Keeps her hands around his throat as rolls her hips, getting his cock heavily coated by her pussy juices with her steady rhythm] Should I take more of you, mon amour? [Adds slight pressure around his throat as she keeps her eyes on him, desperate to feel every inch inside of her] It hurts but I want more.. Will you help me take more of your perfect cock, mon amour? [Gazes at him lustfully while bouncing her ass on his well endowed member—hands taking his to guide it to her hips]
Elias: Oui. Oui.. [Mumbles between kisses to her flesh] Angh.. [His eyes roll back as he finally gets to taste her pussy, he bucks his hips, wanting to go deeper] Deeper, amour.. please. [Groans as he sinks her hips lower on him, thrusting up into her] It feels so good.. [Moans as his head falls back]
Vivien: [Digs her nails into his chest, inner thighs quivering as he pulls her hips down and forces his cock deeper into her tight pussy] Ughhh! Mon.. Mon Amour! [Her little frame trembles as his cock fills her entire pussy—his length hits her bundle of nerves, making it too much for her to move] This feels right, mon amour.. C’est perfect.. [Throws her head back while arching her lower body and moving her hips forward, grinding and rolling her hips to stimulate his perfect cock] Will you be my plaything from now on, mon amour..? One night will not be enough for me. [Places her feet on the bed, balancing herself as she bounces up and down his length, moaning loudly for him as she hears and smells their sex] I need you.. I’ve needed this.. [Swirls her hips around the tip to drive him mad with need]
Elias: Oh fuck.. [Groans as she switches her position, supporting her small frame as he watches her pussy take him in] Vivien.. [Moans her name as he looks up at her hungrily] I like watching you on top of me. [Takes her fingers and ducks her digits as she bounces on his dick]
Vivien: [Lowers her head to watch as she takes his cock inside of her, hypnotized by the sight as it makes her ride him more passionately] And I like you beneath me, Elias. [Parts her lips, brows furrowing as the feel of his mouth around her digit makes her ache] Do you want to taste more? [Sinks all the way down his shaft, leaning over as she grips his throat and parts his lips with her tongue] Fuck me, mon amour. [Shakes her ass as she takes his cock at a rapid pace before spitting into his mouth, wanting to make him hers in every way possible]
Elias: Oui. [Nods eagerly at her words. He moans as she chokes and kisses him, returning it and loving how she dominates him] Mmm.. mon belle.. [Drinks up her spit before he lets her lay beside him. He lifts her leg and fucks her while looking into her eyes] Mngh.. I’m going to cum.. [Whines as he hides his face in her hair before he busts inside of he pussy]
Vivien: [Licks her lips, starving for more as he repositions her] Ughhh! [Moans roughly as the angle makes his cock delve deep into her pussy. She can’t bring herself to look away from him, almost hypnotized by his movements and the look on his eyes as she meets his thrusts] Oui, mon petit amour.. Cum for me.. [Scratches up his back and squeezes her walls before reaching her release as he continuously thrusts into her aching core] Mon dieu! Ooh, Elias! [Screams she experiences a release that circulates through every inch of her body] Mmm.. Not done yet, mon amour.. [Catches her breath for a few moments, kissing and sucking his shoulder as her cunt pulses rapidly] Clean me. [Breaks their connection, whining as the sensation of not having him inside of her makes her weak. Having him on his back, she places her legs on either side of his head, revealing her glistening pink cunt to him] S’il vous plait, Elias?
Elias: [Breathes harshly as he come shown from his high, he feels her cum around his cock and he gently pulls out, taking the condom and tossing it into the bin next to the bed] Mn.. [Lets her straddle his face his hands on her thighs as he loves how filthy she is] Oui, Madame. [Licks up at her before he tastes her little pussy, licking up his own cum and her juices]
Vivien: [Gazes down at him, biting her lip as a stifled noise leaves her lips once she feels his hot tongue on her sensitive cunt. Her eyes roll back as she succumbs to the pleasure once more] Ooh, mon petit amour.. [Grinds against his tongue and lips while her juices flow out of her—absolutely loving how submissive and willing he is] Merci, Elias. [Coos as she grips his hair, riding his face a few moments longer before pulling back] Kiss me. [Wipes his lips with her digit before sucking on his spit and their combined sex]
Elias: [Laughs softly at her words as he watches her suck the excess from his lips. He pulls her down to him and kisses her, letting her taste them] Mngh.. [Moves to kiss her jaw and neck, not having enough]
Vivien: [Slips her tongue into his mouth, kissing him hungrily as if there isn’t enough of him to satiate her] Mmm.. [Moves her head to the side, giving him more room to roam her flesh as he showers her with kisses] Do you want me, Elias? [Whispers into his ear before licking and sucking his lobe] Do you /truly/ want me? [Stares intensely into his eyes, searching them as the attraction and desire she has is undeniable]
Elias: I want you. [Blinks as he gazes at her deeply] I haven’t enjoyed myself with someone like this in a long time. [Murmurs before he kisses her forehead, thinking of all the orgasms he’s faked]
Vivien: [Her desire stirs inside of her as she hears him, knowing she shares the same feelings] Would you want me to keep coming back for you, mon petit amour? [She feels a strange sensation in her chest from his affectionate kiss, but she welcomes it nonetheless] Because I want more of you.. [Pulls back as she drags her tongue from his neck and towards his pec. The tip of her tongue flicks over his nipple before she gently bites and sucks his flesh]
Elias: You’re asking me? [Blinks in surprise] If it was up to me, oui. I would rather spend my time with you than others.. [eyes her] We still have the entire night. [Smiles softly] I can take care of you.. [Murmurs, unsure of why he’s offering services he never offers to others] Mm.. [Moans and then whimpers as her teeth sink into his nipple making his cock twitch]
Vivien: [Wonders if it’s part of an act but decides to accept it as she stares at him longingly] And in what ways would you take care of me tonight? [Asks as her lips continue to travel down his body. She licks the crevices of his abs before kissing her way down his happy trail] Well? [Whispers, distracting him as she presses her lips onto his inner thighs before blowing cool air over his cock—her mouth watering for a taste of his cock. She was never one to go down on someone, but she feels insatiable]
Elias: I could give you a massage.. or a bath. [Shrugs] Anything you want, really. [Moans softly] Vivien.. que faites-vous..? [Sighs as he feels her perfect lips leaving kisses on him] Ahh.. [Feels himself get hard already, he isn't used to women going down on him as much] Mm.. I want you to taste me..
Vivien: [Drinks in the sight of his perfect cock, wanting him to fill her mouth and throat] If that’s what you want, mon petit amour.. [Gives into him as she closes her eyes and sweeps her tongue along his length] Mmm.. I can taste myself on you.. [Whispers as she meets his eyes before focusing on his member. Her tongue moves in circular motions from base to his rim where she licks his flesh, not missing a single inch] I want it in my little mouth. [Sticks her tongue out, smacking his thickness against her wet muscle before spitting on his head] Unghh.. [Slurps up the mess she made before guiding him between her lips, cheeks caving in as she sucks him passionately. She moans with his cock inside of her mouth, unable to grasp how delicious he tastes, making her want to take him deeper as she bobs her head up and down—hungered noises vibrating off her tongue]
Elias: Oh god.. [His eyes roll back but he doesn't tear his gaze from hers for long. He wants to remember the image for later] Dieu.. [Bites his lip as she teases him] It feels so good in your mouth, amour.. [His features contort into deep pleasure] Merde... [Breathes raggedly] Vivien..
Vivien: [Loves how he watches her every move, making her want to perform even more for him. Using her hands she strokes his base, tugging his flesh while her head bobs as she works him passionately with her mouth] Do you like it, mon petit amour? My mouth can’t get enough of it.. [Teases his slit as she lashes over it repeatedly before lowering her head, relaxing her throat until every inch is surrounded by her little mouth] Unfhh.. [Gags slightly, but doesn’t let up. Instead she lets her spit pour down his length as she moves her head and tongue quickly, alternating between sucking and stroking him as if pleasing him was the only thing that mattered]
Elias: Oui, je'laime, amour.. [Moans as she bobs up and down his dick, his lips parting as he is overwhelmed with the sensation. As she gags and her throat squeezes his tip, he whimpers] You're going to make me cum again.. [Whines as he grips her hair, unable to hold back as his releases oozes all over her tongue] Merde..
Vivien: [Hears his words, fueling her desire as she sucks him harder and deeper] Mmmhmm. [Feels his cock twitching and pulsing until his cum shoots to the back of her throat. She lifts her head and sticks out her tongue, jerking him off as his thick load coats her tongue and lips, even dripping down her chin] Mon dieu.. it’s so good.. [Gasps as she drags her tongue all over his overwhelmed tip, staring in disbelief as his taste is enough to intoxicate her. She swallows her drop and cleans every inch of him until lightheaded from the pleasure]
Elias: S'il vous plait, amour.. [Whines as she keeps going, he can't breathe as she overwhelms him so much] No more.. Mngh.. [Shivers as he pulls her off of him, unable to handle anymore] Come here. [Pulls her into his arms and holds her as he calms down]
Vivien: [Smiles lustfully as he begs her to stop. She gives in before settling into his arms, rubbing his chest as she tries understand why she feels so addicted to him already] Mon dieu.. [Swallows as she catches her breath, licking her lips as she tastes the excess cum] I’ve never been this satisfied before.. you must be a favorite for many.
Elias: Me neither. [Muses as he laughs softly. He grips her face and kisses her forehead again, not knowing why it feels so natural for him] So I've been told. [Murmurs against her hair before he kisses the top of her head, his hand stroking her back]
Vivien: [Raises a brow, lips curled into a sly smile] I would question you on that, but I actually believe you. [Purrs before feeling that strange sensation around her heart as he gives an affectionate kiss] Mm.. Would you want this again, mon petit amour? [Inhales his scent, addicted to part of his as he completely captivates her]
Elias: You asked me that already. [Chuckles as he scoots down to look at her] Oui. If it was up to me. [Touches his forehead to hers] I feel good when I'm with you.
Vivien: [Grins as she finally has clearer eyes to admire his handsome features] Oui, but we were in the midst of passion. Our minds weren’t focused. [Has never melted for anyone before but she does so as he presses his temple to hers] Well then I’ll need to come back for you again.. [Whispers as she leans in and kisses him sweetly on the lips] I can’t describe how you’ve made me feel tonight.. but I know that I want to keep feeling this way.
Elias: [Smiles as he hears her words, clearly pleased with himself] Are you tired? Would you like to rest? [Cups her face, wanting her to stay with him even though his time is paid for the rest of the night]
Vivien: [Relishes in the feel of his strong hands holding her face as she stares into his piercing blue eyes] Mmm.. Not tired. I’m just enjoying this afterglow. [Muses] I’ve never been one to cuddle but I find myself really liking this. [Moves closer, unable to tell if its the magic of la boite or there’s something about him that has her willing and wanting] Are you exhausted, mon petit amour? You must be.
Elias: [Chews on the inside of his cheek as he holds her and pulls the blanket over them as she mentions cuddling] I’m a little tired but I’m here for whatever you’d like to do. [Leans in and kisses her]
Vivien: [Presents a warm smile on her lips, a look that she rarely expresses as he covers them up] We're already doing what I want. [Coos before moaning softly as she tastes his lips on hers. She opens her eyes slowly, feeling warm and satiated] Do clients usually sleep in bed with you or stay here like this? [Asks, feeling curious as she expected that she would've just left once it was done]
Elias: [Smiles as he kisses her face some more, adoring her] Non. They usually leave. [Blinks] But I don’t want you to go.
Vivien: [Yearns to be adored this way for more than a night, unable to deny the connection she feels with him] Pourqoui? Do you feel the same as I do? There's something about your flesh.. about you.. I'm drawn to it. [Whispers lowly] I want to see you again after this night, mon petit amour.
Elias: Then you'll have to come back and see me again. [Murmurs softly, kissing her nose] You are so beautiful. [Drinks in the sight of her pretty face]
Vivien: [Thinks that he’s either a very convincing lover or that the irresistible pull to him might be something real] Mm.. even though I’m older than what you’re most likely used to, amour? [Adores the way he looks at her while she traces his perfect jaw with her fingertips]
Elias: I like older women. [Shrugs] More interesting. More knowledge. [Eyes her] You’re not even that old. [Shakes his head] Tu es perfect.
Vivien: Merci, Elias. [Rewards his gracious words with a sweet kiss, acting upon impulse despite not being the affectionate type] You are perfect as well, mon amour. I don't know how I'll be able to leave and not keep wanting you.
Elias: Then keep wanting me. [Stares at her] I want you to see me regularly..
Vivien: [Doesn't look away from him as if doing so would break the spell she seems to be under] Mmm. How can I resist? [Weaves her fingers through his hair as she closes the small space between their lips and kisses him deeply, tasting the sweet crevices of his mouth] Say that you're mine and I will come back, mon petit amour.
Elias: [Closes his eyes as he relishes in her kiss] Je suis á vous.. [Blinks as he touches their foreheads] Will you stay a little longer? [Nuzzles her neck, his long lashes fluttering against her flesh]
Vivien: [The sound of his voice makes her want him even more as she feels connected and drawn to him] Oui, Elias. I'll stay a while. [Purrs before giggling softly as his lashes tickle her neck] I can already tell that you are going to ruin me, mon petit amour. [Muses, cupping his face before moving them so that she rests atop his body]
Elias: [Lets her move atop him, unhooking her bra, removing her panties, and pulling off her stocking because he just wants to feel her body against his] You’re stunning. [Strokes her back] I wasn’t expecting to be so attracted to my client tonight.
Vivien: [Doesn't resist as he removes the rest of her clothes, understanding what he's trying to do once he pulls her against him--craving the same sensation] And what about me has you so attracted, Elias? [Coos as she kisses broad chest, playing with the soft hairs] I wasn't expecting to be this satisfied. I'm not a woman whose needs are easily met.
Elias: Physically, everything. [Smiles] But it’s pure chemistry, too. Your body gives off pheromones that match perfectly with mine. [Kisses her lips softly] Don’t you feel it?
Vivien: [Rests her head against his shoulder, inhaling the scent of his neck as she can't seem to get enough of him. She listens to his deep voice, feeling the sound vibrating from his body onto hers] I do feel it. [Tells him honestly while taking his hand to press hers against his palm] Have you felt this way towards another client before? [Asks out of curiosity because she never felt this way towards her husband or any past lovers--at least not as strongly]
Elias: Non. [Shakes his head] And I’m being honest. [Gazes up at her] We have chemistry that I’ve never felt before. [Takes her hand and kisses her palm] I don’t want you to see other escorts..
Vivien: [Raises a brow as she doesn't fully believe him until she meets his eyes and hears more of his words. She becomes quiet, but her body is screaming for more as he leaves a tender kiss on her palm] Oh? Do you want me all to yourself, mon petit amour? [Presses her lips onto his cheek as she had no intention of being with anyone else]
Elias: Oui, amour. Can I have that? [His long hair falls into his face before he pushes it back] I don’t want to share you..
Vivien: [Watches his strong hands spreading through his hair, finding it sexy] Mmm. Then I won't let anyone else have me. [Gives him what he wants without thinking as she grips his throat. She kisses his forehead, then presses her lips to his cheeks before kissing the corners of his mouth] I'll be yours every time I come here. Je promets.
Elias: Hm..? [Tilts his head as he looks up at her] I’m not like this with anyone else. [Tells her truthfully as he tucks a perfect curl behind her ear]
Vivien: Good. [Whispers as she can tell he's being honest] I can get quite jealous, mon Elias. [Smiles mischievously before sucking on his lower lip]
Elias: Is that right? [Cocks a brow before he moans at her lips on his] Mm.. [Rolls them over and lays atop her] Will you be upset to know I have a lot of regulars? [Gazes down at her]
Vivien: Oui, it's my downfall. [Groans as she loves the feel of his weight on her. She traces the muscles of his back before hearing his words. She purses her lips before inhaling] Non. [Lies through her teeth as she can't stop looking at him]
Elias: Bien.. because I have a lot.. [Frowns] But you’re special. [Leans down and kisses her] I like you.
Vivien: [Doesn't let her features give anything away before softening as he presses his lips to hers] And you don't like your regulars? Hmm mon petit amour, I don't know if I fully believe that. [Eyes him with a coy smile on her lips]
Elias: I let them think that I like them. [Smiles] It’s why I’m good at what I do. [Cups her face] But it’s different with you.. I do things I can’t explain like kiss your head. I don’t do that type of thing. [Shakes his head] I’m a good liar but I’m not lying to you.
Vivien: [Listens as he speaks while brushing her fingers through his hair. She raises a brow, trying to understand and wondering if he's acting that way with her now] At all? [Tilts her head as she reads him as best as she can. The pull in her abdomen and her heart makes her believe him] I would hope not. I wouldn't want this to end badly for us. [Kisses his chin] I want a lover to please and adore me.. And I want it to be you. [Whispers as she can't believe he strongly she feels about him already]
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Shitty episode 49 notes
so this time its mostly dialogue. I’m not a fast typer so i definitely missed stuff and my spelling is atrocious, but I did use the break and until the live stream ended to fill in the gaps I could. This is pre and post break notes. Obvious major spoilers, lots of weird details i wrote down that matt said b/c we never know when something is gonna be important or come back/ be relevant.
Also I love Beau with all my heart.
Have fun ya nerds :) 
Episode 49 Notes:
Chair has replaced uktatoa for echoes
Matts wording in the summary are so careful
Short brown hair, green and black robes necklace with circular gems lots of rings, middle aged/ young for an elf
Nott knows a place--- river bank spot
They were noted by the locals
Pretty river with shaded trees
Beau checks to see if followed 21 perception, people aren’t keeping watch but the righteous brand are gathering at the southern fields where the operatives were coming from
“What the fuck”-Jester
thanks Laura for voicing not only Jester but the entire fan base
Nott doesn’t want to leave “you can leave but i need to stay” ouch that hurt
Nott doesn’t expect them to stay
“We are a target”- Cad
“Your son????” -Jester “is it your son or are you even a goblin??”
Nott “[we don’t need to pretend we don’t keep secrets]”
Nott feels chained and not able to move forward, is ok with being open and honest so ‘we can move ahead’
Rephrase from episode one broke my heart
Nott: “Well hi, my name is Nott the brave and I’m a little goblin girl. But, once upon a time i was Veth, a young halfling woman and before that, a halfling child who grew, um, up being told that she was pretty and not brave and not coordinated and not smart and just not..
Jester line
Nott: Yea, I was. And then, ya know, time went by and i got older, i was made fun of quite a bit. I had this um, Ppl thought i was strange, b/c i collected things, i collected lots of things, they were outstanding. They were wax seals,and pieces of colored paper, and some buttons and fabric,
Beau line
Nott: All kinds
Beau line
Nott: Well they didn't think so, i had brothers and people in town who would just ridicule me
Jester: that was here
Nott: Yes, and one day i um  i was playing a game with the other boys and they dared one of their friends to give me a kiss, and the boy was very nice and he actually seemed to like it and he and i became friendly and eventually did what people do and got married and he didn't mind my strangeness and i helped him get his apothecary up and running and he was a brilliant chemist and could make acids and potions and oils and bleaches for fabric for all sorts of things and he helped me. Eventually we had a baby named luke and he was a bright boy, very smart, he learned to talk very early and walk very early. Such a smart boy and that's who you saw back there is my son.
Jester: so was he right, did you die?
Nott: I think so, I think so, uh. We had a rough winter in felderwind, there were not a lot of crops and i think some of the animals had died that winter. This river i brought you to this sort of, it's a beautiful place i used to come here with yeza and it's an important place i used to come here with yeza… the goblins would come from over there, they would raid from over there [points]... They came into town and raided more and more, they took us. They took me and my husband and my child, they held us in one of their camps. I don’t know if it was days or weeks or months. Luke, he wasn’t doing well….. We ran, we ran in the dead of night, they were fast, i've been chased a lot… i told them to run… the goblins followed me and when they found me i fought, i had a vial of acid and i threw it in the face of the one trying to catch us, they took me back to the camp. I think he died from his wounds…[I think he was a type of leader] i think he had a wife. This goblin told the woman ‘make her suffer’ and they did. They brought me to this river and they drowned me in it. I can still feel the water in my lungs and in my ears and in my nose. And then nothing. Until i woke up and saw the hands.. The skin and i looked in a puddle and i could see what they made me. They made me into everything i thought i was. Not pretty, not good, just not. I'll be honest, i've started forgetting what it was like to be halfling. Just everyday just more and more goblin…. I'm sorry i didn’t tell u and im sorry i lied and i'm sorry caleb i didnt tell u. You would have understood and you could have helped me, i dunno. I feel like you're almost there like you're almost strong enough…. Anyways that's how i got to you, and that's why i got to you and why i can't be in this town. Well i only recently started signing the letters. I don't know what he would think of me. {Missed a lot here}
{nott was in the goblin clan kinda as a slave} I would clean out the messes and clean after the meals. The one [goblin] who tortured, i would help him, maybe six months. So maybe a year, no more than a year, a year and a half? I don't know exactly.
Cad can sober up Nott and Nott lets him via lesser restoration b/c alcohol is a toxin
First time we’ve seen sober nott in a while
They’re in the valley [la joke?]
The Goldfield Tavern and Lodge
Beau to Caleb: You puked all over that apothecary so something is definitely not right
Liam is so good
They headed south towards the woods for the chat
Fjord very pointedly asks if nott is ok leaving his son. He asks twice.
Caleb won’t talk in town
Edith is staying for now and nott gave her 200 gold.
No one in town knows that Veth is alive
‘I forgot what he looked like. He forgot what i looked like.”-Nott about Luke’ we need to know the ones we love.”
Beau: Nott you drowned, and you just spent three months underwater, that's incredible. I don't know if you realized that. Its incredible.
Fjord thinks Edith and Luke should leave town. Jester offers to send them to her mum. Possibly going just more west without crossing the border.
Letter to Bryce to get them somewhere safe and closer to border in case of speedy exit of the empire.
Nott  admimatly wants to find Yeza
Jester via sending: “Hello, its jester. Two people incoming, a woman and child, take care of them please. Were sending money with them, it is important. Please help.”
Byrce, not really surprised: “Um alright. Ill do my best. Please don't send too many more.”
Liam trying to stay in character and not laughing at jokes during Bryce chat
Most of the righteous brand have gathered and are heading north east, leaving felderwind. People are trying to pick up and move on
Chat in wagon in back, hidden, Cad. 60 yd radius of warning if someone is gonna pass them
Beau to jester b/c they’re telling the truth now: “I didn’t sleep with dyren. She wasn’t my roommate. She was my teacher.” and she taught beau “how to kick as and take names bitch”
Jester trying to be helpful and fjord trying to be supportive
Caleb: “Your name is Veth?” “it was.”My name was Bren Aldrich Emendroot. Was. and um… I uh, i uh
Tumblr media
Look at Laura
Jester: “Did you die too?”
Nott: “twinnies?”
Caleb: “I have been using you all.”
Jester, confused: How?
Caleb:I am from Rexingtrum. I attended Soltrace Academy. I was plucked by one of the cerborous assembly and was being trained to do the things that i fear were being done to [Yeza]. A lot a big plans for me that didn’t plan out- I went a little crazy and ran away, ran away. I have been on the run for long time. I was tired of starving. And I met you. I was a little less hungry for a while. I have been afraid for a long time, two of the people in that town are from the cerberus assembly. I don't think [the assembly members would recognise him] I walked passed that portrait many times. One of them is the head of the cerberus assembly. There's good teachers, it's everything they describe it to be. After going there for several months, one of the assembly  who also would teach on occasion, started interviewing me. Calling me in and asking me questions. He sorta put me in an advanced class, me and a few others. I don't want you all to be seen with me by one of them, they will use you to get to me. You met the man who trained me. His name is Trent Ikathon.
Jester: thats why you make that face all the time
Caleb: I’m not a very good person.
Jester: “I dont think out actions don’t define us all them time. Good people do bad things sometimes bad people do good things. I think you’re a good person”
Beau: “do you care about us? You’ve told us several times you’re not a very good person.”
Caleb: im worried about your husband.  I know the things that man can do.[unravels arm wrappings to show a series of small cuts going up the entirety of the right arm] He used to put crystals in… he he experimented on the three of us.
NottL what would they do? The crystals
He uhh was trying to strength us. The first time i ever saw that word was in your libraries, no explanation.
Beau: The dunamous?
Caleb: No, the first time i’ve ever seen that word was in your libraries. Haphazardly scrolled into that word. No, no everything was for the empire. We were being trained to serve the empire above all. He was mad himself, he was mad. He believed that the unwashed masses relied on their base instinct and the highest calling was to rise above the muck and control the cattlel. We were, are at war. Many of us, felt that way, feel that way.
Nott: Do you still that way?
Caleb: I don’t believe in anything, now.
Fjord: This Trent, does he know these two we saw?
Caleb: Oh yes, yes, yes. And I don’t want one more thing on my head to have you guys. Probably too late anyways.
Fjord: How powerful are these two anyways? Our normal tricks, would they fall short?
The Cerberus assembly are the most powerful mages in the empire…over 200 yrs ago a # of mages went to war in the streets of Restrum and um, it was bloody and awful and eventually came to a truce … proposed to the king at the time that they serve as an advising body to the throne.
Jester: Would they see if we were disguised? Or would they have to look for us.
Caleb: I don’t know for sure but there is a reason i didn't use something like that back there.
Fjord: So, we need to give the a very wide birth.
Nott: [why would they take yeza]
Caleb: I don’t know. It is something to do with the thing. But i don’t know why him.
[Jester reading the burned notes and meaningless stuff mostly they won’t kill Yeza]
Caleb: Was he gifted in his work? What is written about here but it does not seem like anything i ever learned about that.
[?]: It says there that they are looking for a way to achieve their ends w/o the object.  I don’t know what they need.
Beau: trent ikathon was looking at yasha....
Calev: I hope he is alive i really do but they will make his life a living hell. And the empire. They are as close to as powerful if not as powerful as the king. I used a lot of names. Caleb is just what i told you. I don’t know. Caleb, let's stick with caleb for now. Um i honestly don’t know if we can, if we are up to this. Unless they are on land, this is the might of the empire. Vestduragna is the arch mage of antiquities.. She's a historian, she has uncovered mysteries of the past. She's a history buff, she's awful probably. He is the head of the military, so if they are both here i would say he is here over seeing the military and she is overseeing what is in that bag.
Fjord makes a valid point about this might not being the only one. [dodecha]
Beacons is plural
Fjord is being cautious for once
[Caleb looks like he wants to cry about the ‘liking us’ comment]
Caleb: I uhh, ohhh jester, i'm glad you see good in me.
Beau: “Its too late now b/c we like you and are invested in your happiness and [stuff]”
Caleb: ok
Beau: dont run. You can say you don't believe in us, that's fine. Believe in us just a little bit, ok?
Caleb: I will consider it heavily.
Beau: I’m sorry for not hearing you yesterday… i heard that you were doubting me and us and our friendship
Caleb:‘i dont doubt any of you
Fjord ‘I swallow shit and make it appear in my weapons i'm down to throw down. You don't have to minimize my stuff’
Those elves two were founders of the Cerberus Assembly
Stabby stab
Fjord: You seduce one i'll seduce the other. I have a way with elves [nervous/embarassed laughter]
Its like you two have been reading tumblr - tal
Caduceus is a wild mom?- confused Beau
Shit shit shit that stuff was out of the bag and scry-able for so long
Samone is the innkeeper
‘Ruckus is a word’
War with the dominion ???
Travis being charismatic and info snatchy is such a difference from grog
‘Felderwind is not known for its excitement’ with jazz hands from matt
“I need something complicated to focus myself… preferably some sort of flower or living plant. The notion is that i'm looking for something that is a testament to the wildmother.”
Jester: “Honey!”
Cad: I’m not entirely sure what honey is made of
Beau: essence of flower and bee puke
Demi leric (female human) does not charge but accepts donation, general physician
Cricks left w/in an hour “a swift nightmare”. “Dark elf folk” “second one on the left that's burned down”
Demi leric’s house is across the street from a burned building, door partially open. Simple establishment, herb smells, chemical smells, ⅘ cots with 2 recovering crownsguard chillin. Human woman, late 20s/ early 30s, bright smile & eyes, business in the eyes,
Beau used real name    
“Taking statements”
A few strange complaints about 1/ 2 months back. Wave of nausea. All lived in a cluster, near the doctor’s office near a burned building
Attack around midnight
Detective beau?
Semi conscious guard, has burns, beau slaps a wound, ‘sup, names beau with the cobalt soul, what's your name?’ “Jeff” “good to meet you Jeff” jeff got Luke out of the flames “cricks got him and ran… life four of them.. I saw the fire they pushed me into when i tried to stop them… it was crazy, they came in quick.. I guess [they were targeting places].. Last place they lit was the apothecary…
Jester: What is the possibility that your mean people can change memories?
Caleb: Pretty good…
Tunnels--> North East side where the fields begin. Crownsguard near three sinkhole like entrances.
They didn’t dig them, something dug it for them. Something with big teeth dug it for them and they came out. This creature was 10 feet wide mouth. They collapse the tunnels when they left. They dug in the third one tunnel a bit. Each tunnel is 200-300 feet apart. The tunnel that was dug out was in the middle. Tunnel at a steep angle w/ rope hanging down. This tunnel kept gong 50ft before evening out at a steady downward incline. Looks organically carved tunnel rather than arcane. Definitely burrowed. Nothing on detect magic or undead.
‘Anything is possible in this world of magic and mystery’
Cad base chant to see if he can get vibration via thaumaturgy. Can very vaguely hear a gap at some point w/ very little detail.
Rexintrum is the largest city in the empire
Fjord makes a valid point about the slowy thing being a great battle tactic
Fjord has limits on what he will poke/big red button comment
“The dragon poke sucked”
“Im here b/c i was out of options and i went looking for them.” - Cad
my detail oriented self is loving getting actual info from Cad
The magic that held the forest in place is fading away. Not the only site like cads but there hasn’t been communication
Cad family, bigggggggg, built the temple, they all left to look for answers, none came back, doesn’t know what direction they went in, didn’t ask wildmother about them and doesn’t really wanna know “have faith and not second guess”, Corin talked about trying to find some of the other temples. CORIN? ---> sister?
Jester “this is some serious shit… the empire is really fucked up. And everyone went through some horrible stuff
Nott: i promise if you stay with us you’ll also go through some horrible stuff
Jester:[too late already have].. I want nice again one day
Cad: I just want home back, I wanna know that its safe again
Nott: I want to be me again yes. Yes and i hope someday it can happen.
{what does Nott want to be called?}
“Or Vott”-Jester in response to Fjord prompting Nott v. Veth
Beau: Nott and Caleb it is. The mighty nein made of seven people. Works great.
Caleb “not the name not the group. I’m not it” {Not sure if i got the last part spot on the stream cut out before I rewatched/checked this}
“Their names are Chair, together they are chair.”
“I’m here to bring the awkward”- Tal
“What it Yeza’s destination pushing a few days forward?”- Cad w/ Divination to the Wildmother “Gordranas” via wind whispers
Yasha has heard the name, its far further north and the tribe avoided it b/c a lot of the beast folk lived that way ie others who wandered the wastes ‘men who are like bull warrior/bugbears/ other goblinoids’ some work with the crin.
The Luxum- something Caleb read about it having a negative effect on Gordraonas
Gordronas is important to the history of age of arcanum. When the gods walked the earth, both the prime deities and the betrayer gods there were areas of influence considered theirs. A # of those areas belonging to the betrayer gods happened to be in wildmount and Gordranas was the name of the center of their ‘tenuous union’ [betrayer gods] in the final years of the Clamity the b. Gods would go there to plot evil shit.
 What remains of gordonas is where the crin has established their dynasty. People in Yasha’s tribe said it was perpetual night.
Cad on how to travel 1000 miles through a war zone“We’ve got a cart, I’m completely serious.”
One of the garrisons has been lost to the Cryn. {Ash something or rather?}
Yeza- short, even for a halfling, bushy brown hair, long sideburns, big nose, not a great chin, narrow shoulders, not a looker,
IS (not referring to Yeza in the past tense ie Nott being corrected by Jester/Fjord?Beau)
They were married five years
To Jester’s message to Yeza: No response then a very faint “Hello?  I don’t know, its very dark, I have to be quiet. Thank you”
Nott being wingwoman Jester and Fjord
Jester is the best customer service person ever
Jordan and Jamenson are escorting Luke and Edith, Jeff almost kept Beau’s staff
Beau’s bo still has a bow
“I’m here to buy some pockets” “Money belts!” and the tourist necklace thingies
Secret tunnels
Fjord and Beau tag teaming it and fucking with that one guy’s pride with a few good checks
Caleb paying for a group expense
Polymorph into a honey badger (who doesn’t care)
‘This won’t be a problem when I’m a president’- Sam
“Be an elk and kill all these fucking soldiers” -Travis or Fjord?
Dire honey badger? Yessssssss. Bony 6 foot honey badger, 5-6 inch claws
‘I’m gonna bless the honey badger’- Cad <3
Travis gonna kill Gil
The other side of the collapse was like 150 feet down further from where the empire stopped digging
Tunnel wides, drops off like a cliff 30-40 foot til another drop off 10ish feet later and a river that is cutting it’s way through. Crystle (quartz) stalactites from a 15’ tall ceiling
Same system as Zadash? Connecting aquifers?
“Do not send the cleric into the pit of unknown.”- Tal
Yeza and Veth never got a honeymoon and they wanted to go to Taledorie [Whitestone is great in the spring].
They’re going caving I guess
If Beau changes(ed) her name them all the Empire based people would have lots of names. (Bren-> Caleb ; Veth-> Nott ; Lucian-> Molly)
Also Beau and Bren are the names parents would name their kids if they wanted to have a matching letter for all their kids but the kids hate being a matched set.
Jester having the crisis of ‘I was lonely but y’all had some shit’ was really heartbreaking to watch. I hope she doesn’t stop that progression of showing more and more genuine emotion both positively and negatively.
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raywritesthings · 5 years
Wrong Road to the Right Place 11/?
My Writing Fandom: Arrow Characters: Oliver Queen, Laurel Lance, Quentin Lance, John Diggle, Thea Queen, Moira Queen, Joanna de la Vega Pairings: Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen Summary: Laurel finds herself curious about the marks Oliver showed her that night in his bedroom - and the tattoo on his left shoulder stands out in particular. When she discovers its meaning, she finds herself questioning everything she knows about the man she doesn’t want to admit she still loves. *Can also be read on my AO3 page*
As was their habit now, Laurel entered the car after Thea, sharing a quick smile with Oliver as John pulled away from CNRI.
“Hey, can I come over to the club with you guys?” Thea asked. “I wanted to talk to Tommy about something.”
“Alright,” Oliver agreed. “Anything in particular?”
“I was wondering how the hiring process was going. There’s a couple people I know who could use the money.”
“That’s very thoughtful of you, Thea,” Laurel remarked.
“I thought so,” she said with a satisfied smile. Laurel shook her head as she took out her phone to check for messages. A quick scroll through her news app had her raising her eyebrows.
She passed it over to Oliver. “Have you been following this?”
He skimmed the headline she’d left up. “Well, it’s a good thing we don’t have many investments in antiques.”
Thea looked between them. “Why, what’s going on?”
“Just a story about a jewel thief. They’re saying he uses bombs to coerce people into helping him, and he might be hitting Starling City next,” Laurel explained. Just thinking about how messed up a person had to be to do that kind of thing gave her the creeps.
“Jeez, why not just buy jewels with the bomb money?”
Oliver smirked. “Unfortunately, I think he’d still come up short for the kind of jewels he wants. People put a lot of value on them.”
“We’re here,” Diggle announced, and they all got out of the car. Thea went through the front while the three of them headed into the base through the back door. “So, what’s the plan tonight?”
“What about the Dodger?” Laurel suggested.
“This the bomb guy?” Digg checked. She nodded and handed him her phone for him to read. “We got time for that, Oliver?”
Oliver frowned. “I was going to pay a visit to Ted Williams tonight. He’s stolen millions from people through a pyramid scheme, he’s on the list, and he seems the type to break if you put the right pressure on him.”
“Ideal candidate,” Digg agreed.
Laurel still had some misgivings. “But if this thief is in town, he could get in and out while you’re interrogating Williams.”
“The mission takes priority, Laurel.”
“Well, this guy does use bombs, Oliver.” John had finished scanning the article and passed her phone back. “Does seem pretty dangerous to let him run around unchecked.”
“I don’t know what you want me to do. I can’t exactly be in two places at once,” said Oliver.
An idea came to her. “What if you didn’t have to be?”
“What do you mean?”
“Let me handle Williams,” she said. “I can make a case against him and call him in for negotiations or a settlement, and then we’ll talk. That leaves you free to handle the Dodger.”
“I don’t know if that’s safe, Laurel.”
She rolled her eyes. There was a reason she still hadn’t told him about her lessons with Digg, not to mention her shopping around for an additional trainer. “It’s a legal case, Ollie. The worst I can get is a paper cut. I’ll hit him with the evidence of his pyramid scheme and offer him a deal if he gives us information on the Undertaking.”
Oliver frowned. “I don’t know.”
“We’ll get more done in the same amount of time that way,” John remarked. “Plus, if you go after Dodger instead of Williams, it’ll make it harder for the Dark Archer and his boss to predict our next move.”
“I don’t want anyone knowing what we’re doing,” Oliver agreed. “But if Williams doesn’t break—”
“He will,” Laurel said. “It’s either that, or he’s going to court for his crimes. I’d guess most of the people on that list would do anything to save their own skins.”
“Alright, we’ll try it this way.” Oliver took a seat in front of the computer. “For now, let’s get to work tracking down this Dodger.”
While he and Diggle set to work, she got started pulling together all the information Oliver had recovered about Williams and his pyramid scheme. Even if she wasn’t planning to go to court over this, it would be important to make the proceedings look as legitimate as possible.
Laurel spent the whole next day drawing up papers against Williams to be sent over to his office. She was missing Thea and her assistance, but it was her day off community service. Probably for the best that she didn’t get mixed up in this, come to think of it.
She received an email just before getting ready to log off from Mike Burr, Williams’ attorney, demanding a meeting. Laurel was only too happy to oblige, inviting the pair of them to CNRI the next morning. It was clear Burr wanted to settle this discretely and quickly, which was exactly her aim as well.
While Oliver was out that night she and John squeezed in some more training at the base. As impatient as she was to get really started, she could admit going over these basics was proving more useful than she’d thought. It’d make her all the more ready to begin with a new trainer.
She’d changed back into her usual clothes by the time Oliver returned, frustrated since the Dodger had given both him and the cops the slip, but he and Diggle began drawing up a new plan.
“See, he didn’t get to steal anything, either, so he’ll want to pick up something before he goes,” Digg explained. “If we can figure out the kind of stuff he’s after, we’ll know where he’s planning to strike next.”
“Let me know if I can help.”
“Just get Williams to talk,” Oliver said.
“Oh, I’ll make him sing,” she promised, then smirked. “That’s what I do, right?”
Ollie only turned a dull red this time while John laughed. “Should have left you both wondering.”
She got in the car with the pair of them, going back over some of her notes while they drove to her apartment. To her surprise, Oliver got out of the passenger seat just as she was exiting the car.
“Pretty sure this is my stop,” she remarked. “Not yours.”
“Yeah, well, in case Williams or his lawyer get ideas like Sommers did, I can’t be all the way back at the manor,” he explained. Oliver took her arm and began walking them to the building. “I’ll stay on the couch.”
“I have a guest room.”
He gave a minute shake of the head as they crossed the lobby to the elevator. “Front room is better.”
“Yeah, but Ollie, the couch?”
“A bad mattress was the least of my problems on the island. I’ll be fine.”
Laurel sighed. She knew Oliver had endured terrible conditions, and she respected that he had done so. She just wished he knew he didn’t have to keep subjecting himself to situations like that or measuring pain in those kind of extremes anymore. Just because he could spend a night on the couch didn’t mean he should have to.
She knew better than to argue the point with him now. And as much as she wanted to argue she could take care of herself, she also knew she wasn’t ready to take on the likes of the Triad if Williams went that far. Not yet, anyway.
Laurel got out a mountain of blankets and pillows in an effort to make the couch a little more comfortable, and noticed how Oliver carefully laid his shoes on the floor at one end. She had a feeling he could be ready to jump into them at a moment’s notice if he needed to.
“Try and get some actual sleep, okay?” She requested.
“Don’t worry about me.”
She shook her head. “Worry goes both ways, Ollie.” Laurel walked back to the hallway and paused at her door. “Goodnight.”
It was a little difficult settling down at first, knowing he was out there in the next room. Sharing an apartment, if only for one night, just like she’d wanted all those years ago...Laurel drifted off into dreams of a far more pleasant kind than she’d been used to the last five years, though she would never admit them to a living soul.
She woke to the smell of coffee and eggs coming from the kitchen, and she slipped into her robe to follow the scent. Oliver was at the stove, some of his hair sticking up in little tufts here and there, and she couldn’t fight back a smile.
“Helping yourself?”
He looked back at her with a smirk. “I was lucky to find this much in your fridge. But no, these are for you.”
She grabbed two plates anyway and stood with her arms crossed until he split the food and joined her at the table.
“Big day today.”
She nodded and swallowed down her mouthful of eggs. “I guess on the scale of evil, Williams is slightly better than Sommers. No break-in.”
“No,” he agreed. “But we should keep our guard up all the same. He could decide to after you two talk.”
“Well, if we’re making this a habit, then you’re definitely taking the guest room. You can’t fight bad guys if you have a bad back,” she pointed out before he could open his mouth.
Oliver thought it over for a minute. “We’ll see.”
Laurel stood and put her plate in the sink. “I’m going to get ready. Do you, uh, need the shower?”
“I’ll just get one back home. Digg’s on his way to pick me up. We think there might actually be something in my family’s collection we can tempt the Dodger with.”
Laurel left her bedroom door open while she looked through her closet for a change of clothes. In the kitchen, water was running in the sink, and she’d bet anything Oliver had started on the dishes. “How’s that?”
“There’s an auction event tonight. I’ll tell you more about it at lunch.”
“We’re getting lunch, too?”
“We are now,” she heard him reply.
Laurel smiled to herself. She had a feeling that was more to do with how eager Oliver would be to hear whatever intel she obtained from Williams, but that wasn’t a bad thing in her eyes.
“Digg’s here,” Oliver called to her. “I’ll see you later.”
“See you.”
She heard the front door open and shut, and Laurel moved through the rest of her morning routine before heading out herself.
All in all, she was in high spirits when she led Williams and Burr back into the empty conference room at CNRI later that morning. Burr was making a big show at being belligerent.
“You have nothing substantial on my client. You don’t even have a plaintiff.”
Laurel gestured to the other side of the table and sat down as they did, making a show of thumbing through the folder sitting there. “What I have is a pretty big file. Practically the size of a book. And it’s got quite the long list inside,” she added, lifting her eyes to lock with a rapidly paling Williams. “A list that’s been preoccupying Mr. Williams’ thoughts the last few months, if I’m not mistaken.”
“What are you talking about?” The attorney looked between her and Williams. “Ted, what’s she talking about?”
“Get out, Mike,” Williams muttered.
“I said get the hell out!”
“You heard your client,” Laurel said with a smirk.
Burr glared at her but had gotten the message from Williams, and he shook his head as he stood and exited the room.
Williams leaned over the table. “How do you know about that list?”
“That’s not important. What is important is what you know, Mr. Williams. Such as the name of the person who wrote it.”
“You’re- you’re kidding, right? I can’t tell you that.”
“If you don’t want to talk, that’s fine. We can just go to trial for your pyramid scheme, and you can kiss coaching your son’s soccer team goodbye for a long time.” She glanced up at him. “Your call.”
Williams gaped at her. “This is blackmail.”
“Which is something you’re familiar with, isn’t it? That’s what the list was written for, right?” She pressed. “Who has been blackmailing you, Mr. Williams?”
“Why do you want to know?”
“Because whoever is in charge of this isn’t a friend to the people of this city. He’s the one who ordered the copycat archer to take those hostages at Christmas. Whatever else he’s planning has to be stopped, and we both know the police aren’t going to be the ones who do it.”
“And you think you will?” He nearly laughed.
“If not me, then someone. I think we both know there’s another archer who’s pretty keen on the list.” She shrugged. “You can talk to him instead if that’s what you want.”
Williams turned red. “Is that a threat?”
“It’s an inevitability. You and I both know you’ve done enough to put you in his sights eventually. Think about your son, Mr. Williams. Do you really want to explain why the two of you get a visit from the Hood one night?” Laurel knew, of course, that Williams’ son would never be in danger of Ollie. But he also liked striking the fear of God into people like Ted Williams, so she didn’t think he’d mind her implying the worst if it got them the answers they needed.
“You can’t—”
“I can stop that from happening. I just need a name.”
“Merlyn!” Williams blurted. “Malcolm Merlyn.”
Laurel sat back. “What?”
Of all the names that had even crossed her mind, that had never been one of them. Malcolm was Tommy’s dad. He’d been one of Mr. Queen’s best friends. He was Starling City’s humanitarian of the year.
“He wrote the list. He’s the one who let us know what he knew, that he’d turn us over to the police if we didn’t do what he wanted. Donate money, build a hospital, that sort of thing. But he stopped asking about five years ago,” Williams said in a rush. “I thought it was done. He said it was over!”
“He ended it? Why?” Maybe if he had, then Williams was wrong. Maybe it was someone else pulling the strings now—
But Williams shook his head. “No. I’ve already told you too much. I have to get out of this city before he finds out about this. My son. We’ll have to move. Do you understand? That’s the kind of power he has.”
“Mr. Williams, you’re not saying—”
“You should get yourself out, too, if you know what’s good for you.”
Williams was already walking, however, and the door slammed shut behind him. Laurel sat there for an unknowable time. Williams had looked and sounded absolutely genuine — but how could it be true?
He tried not to drum his fingers on his leg as he watched the traffic slowly pass by. They had plenty of time before the gala tonight where their trap on the Count would be sprung.
Oliver glanced at the brooch sitting in wrapping on the seat beside him. Diggle would be the one to deliver it to the organizers. Oliver was planning to meet him a little later; he had a ticket to the event he needed to give Laurel — a good way to maintain their cover of dating if nothing else — and he wanted to know what she’d gotten out of Williams.
Soon enough, the car came to a stop outside the law office, and he got out of the car.
“Hey, Oliver.”
He turned back. John had rolled down the window and held out his phone with a notification on the screen displayed.
Chen returns home after deal with Beijing
“I’ve been tracking the business section. Figured that’d be our best shot at hearing news.” Digg clicked the link and scanned the article. “Says he got in mid-morning yesterday.”
“Keep an eye on that. Good work, John.” He patted the roof of the car and turned to head into CNRI as his friend pulled away.
Kevin Chen was back. What did that mean?
Hopefully that and whatever Laurel was able to get from Ted Williams would be good news.
When he entered the office, Laurel wasn’t at her desk. A woman named Anastasia told him she was still in a meeting, and he stated he intended to wait. He displayed the gala ticket for good measure. Better for people to think he was here for only a date.
He wasn’t kept waiting long. The door to CNRI’s conference room swung open. Oliver hid his smirk as he watched Williams leave in a hurry, looking incredibly shaken. That was Laurel.
It took longer for her to emerge. He wasn’t sure what he’d expected. Frustration, disappointment, perhaps a wide self-satisfied grin?
Not this. Not the tense, wide-eyed fear Laurel seemed to only just barely be keeping a lid on as she walked right up to him and took his arm.
“So, lunch?”
“Sure.” He tucked the gala ticket away in his pocket. “Everything okay?”
“Not here,” she muttered.
He didn’t even spot Thea before they’d left the building, and Laurel led them a few streets away without showing any signs of slowing.
He tugged her to a stop. “Laurel, what’s going on? What did Ted Williams say?”
She still looked to be in shock, and it took her some time to raise her gaze to his.
“It’s Malcolm. Tommy’s dad.”
The air left his lungs in one exhale. He had to question his own ears for a moment. But there was no mistaking who Laurel meant.
“Are we sure?”
“Williams was. And he’s planning to leave the city as soon as possible now that he’s told me. I mean, Oliver, he sounds terrified of Malcolm.”
It just seemed so unreal. Sure, at times Malcolm could seem a little distant or cold, usually when it came to Tommy. But to think he could be behind something like this?
“We’ll watch to see what Williams does, whether this is some kind of bluff. Then I’ll interrogate another person to see if their stories match.” It was tantamount that they verify this before taking the next step. There would likely only be one chance to catch the man behind the Undertaking unawares. If this was a setup, Oliver didn’t plan to fall for it.
Laurel nodded, seeming to calm from hearing his reasoning. “Okay. What about Tommy?”
“Don’t say anything to him. He’s not involved either way.” Once they knew the truth about Malcolm, then a decision could be made. “We’ll figure this out, Laurel.”
Oliver weighed the pros and cons of going after another person on the list or skipping up the food chain to Chen now that he was back. Chen might be more likely to report to his boss, even if he did know more. Assuming he was in the know at all.
But he was getting ahead of himself. He’d already set a trap for the Dodger tonight, and that he had to follow through. So Oliver withdrew the tickets again.
“For now, I was wondering if you wanted to help me stop a thief tonight?” He pitched his tone purposefully light; he didn’t like seeing her look so shaken. It seemed to work. She glanced up and met his eyes, one corner of her lips quirking upward.
“If I didn’t know any better, that would almost sound like a date,” Laurel remarked.
“We vigilantes make do.”
“Uh-huh.” She plucked one of the tickets from his grasp. “When should I expect you and John?”
“Seven. The gala officially kicks off at eight.”
“Alright. I should get back to the office so I can head out a little early, then. Which means a rain check on lunch.” She placed the gala ticket in her purse, then looked up at him. “Thanks for helping me process, well, that.”
“No problem. I’m not sure I would’ve known what to say if Williams had told me Malcolm’s name.”
“Well, I needed a bit of grounding, and you gave me that.” She leaned in for a hug, which he was only too glad to return. “I’ll see you at seven, Ollie.”
“See you, Laurel.”
He watched her walk away, and grinned when she looked back upon reaching the door to smile at him. It wasn’t hard to fake dating Laurel, and that was probably a problem. He’d spent the night at her place, cooked breakfast for the pair of them, and now was planning on attending a gala with her on his arm. If he wasn’t careful, he’d start forgetting this wasn’t real. Oliver turned and took out his phone to text Diggle for a lift back to the manor.
If Malcolm Merlyn really was the man behind this unknown Undertaking, though, they had even bigger problems. As much as he wanted to know the truth about his father’s mission and how to end it, Oliver almost hoped they were wrong.
Moira looked up as Kevin was shown into her sitting room for the second time in two days. It would be safe to talk in here for a while yet; Thea was upstairs in her room and would make plenty of noise should she choose to come downstairs, and Oliver was out for the evening.
Normally, she might have started off with the usual pleasantries, but time was of the essence. As soon as Raisa was out of earshot, she asked, “So, I assume you’ve given some thought to my plan?”
Kevin remained standing. “I have, but I’m afraid we have more pressing concerns, Moira.”
“What do you mean?”
“Malcolm asked me to see Ted Williams this evening. It appears he moved a large sum of money from his bank and was in the process of firing his home staff and arranging for a successor to his business. I believe this made Malcolm nervous.”
“He thought Ted was fleeing the country.” Even if Malcolm had ended his extortion scheme in favor of the Undertaking, he still liked to keep tabs on those on the list.
“Yes, and he was. But not from the law, even if a case was just opened up against him.” Kevin folded his hands together, she suspected in an effort to hide any fidgeting or shaking. “He and his lawyer went for a meeting with the prosecutor this morning, only it turned out the case being brought against him had less to do with his crimes and more to do with a certain list.”
Moira gasped. “No.”
“He told her everything, Moira. He gave her Malcolm’s name.”
The list. How had someone gotten a copy of the list? Robert’s had been destroyed with the Gambit, and she had tossed hers in the fire after Oliver had returned it to her.
“There’s more, I’m afraid. The prosecutor is a Dinah Laurel Lance.”
Her legs trembled, and she knew if she’d been standing they would have failed her.
“You know her.”
“Yes,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Moira, I can only assume there is one way she could have come by this information.”
Her head bowed. “Oliver.”
What had he done? Oh, her son. She’d tried to warn him, tried to get him to leave it alone. And Laurel, with her questions and worries the last few months. She should have been keeping a better eye on things. That innocent girl.
“It’s too dangerous to move against Malcolm now,” Kevin said, drawing her from her thoughts. “Ted Williams’ departure has made him suspicious, and I will have to tell him at least some of what I’ve found out.”
Moira stood. “Kevin, you can’t let him think Oliver’s involved in this.”
“Of course not. But if Miss Lance is allowed to keep digging, Malcolm will figure it out on his own. She must be silenced.”
“No.” She turned away from him. It was unthinkable. “We stick to the plan, Kevin. Malcolm has to be stopped.”
“Malcolm is too suspicious now. He’ll be taking every precaution, and even a hint of dissent will be enough for him to remove either of us. I have to report to him by tonight. I’m postponing as long as I can for Ted to get his son out of the country, but any longer will have Malcolm questioning both our loyalties.”
“If you report to him that Laurel knows, he’ll have to know Oliver is involved.”
“I won’t tell him the lawyer’s name yet. Malcolm should put me in charge of tracking that information down, and it will buy us time until he’s completed the Undertaking and gotten what he wants.”
The Undertaking. The closer it approached, the less far-fetched and impossible it seemed. All those people...
“It’s the only way. If she tells Oliver what she’s learned, assuming she hasn’t already, Malcolm will not be happy. You must do this, Moira, for your family.”
“She is family,” Moira insisted.
Kevin watched her, giving away little emotion. “I understand you are fond of her. But choices have to be made, Moira. If we allow her to go on, Malcolm will realize Oliver’s involvement. Then he’ll have them both killed.”
He was right, and she didn’t know what to do.
Everything she had done was to keep Thea, and then Oliver when he’d come back to them, safe. She was remaining silent about Walter’s kidnapping for their safety. Her own husband. As much as she didn’t want to see Laurel caught up in this — hadn’t the Lances lost enough already to Malcolm’s schemes? — she had gone this far to ensure her children’s survival. What would be the point of any of it if she gave up now?
“What do you suggest?”
“I have reached out to my contacts in the Triad. They are willing to provide a man for the job. We simply give them a new target.”
Moira’s eyes closed. She felt a chill, like a piece of ice was settling in her heart. “Oliver would never recover.”
“Perhaps. But he would be alive.” Kevin paused. “I need an answer.”
“Do it,” she snapped, then covered her face with one hand. “If you think it’s best.”
“This should all be over soon, Moira. We have to keep going, for our families.”
He touched her shoulder briefly, but Moira shrugged it off. Kevin left without another word, and she sank back down to the couch.
For one wild moment, she had thought she could see a way out of the Undertaking, out of Walter’s captivity, out of being under Malcolm’s thumb. Now she was more trapped than ever.
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bbaba-yagaa · 5 years
Imogen and Everett Rourke
A/N: This is a headcanon of mine that I based on what little information we are given about the Rourke family prior to the events of Endless Summer.
Characters: The family Rourke
Summary: Imogen and Everett Rourke come from humble beginnings but an unfortunate event and a world changing discovery lead them down a path of no return.
Rating: PG-PG13? Some language, not much.
Word Count: 3,672
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, they belong to Pixelberry.
When Everett and I first met we were very young. We met during our first year of sixth form and became inseparable thereafter. Both of us came from wealthy, well educated families. It seemed that we were destined for greatness, nothing more and nothing less. Upon our completion of sixth form, Everett was gifted a beautiful sailboat by his parents. He was enthralled and immediately announced that he would sail the Caribbean before attending university in the fall. Of course he invited me to go but I opted to stay behind and spend time with my parents. Several weeks later tragedy struck; my dear Everett was listed as overdue. I could hardly contain my grief. It took all of my strength to maintain hope that he would return to me safely. My optimism was rewarded when 27 days later, against all odds he did indeed return; without so much as a scratch. Physically he was fine. He was still the Everett that I knew and loved, but there seemed to be a newfound intensity that had been awakened within him. He would go on and on about the strange island that he had run aground on. Everett insisted that the island was going to be the foundation of our future and that he intended to build upon it as soon as he could. Him being marooned on that island seemed only to have positive repercussions. Just a few  weeks after his miraculous return he asked for my hand in marriage and I happily accepted. A few years after exchanging our vows, we founded Rourke International. A monumental achievement in itself. I, being a leader in the field of genetic replication, would head my own division of R.I. Not only would I continue to lead the charge into a new frontier; I would also co-manage all other divisions that wound up under the corporate umbrella. Everett made good on his promise to secure the island and began to explore and develop it. Almost every day Everett had discovered something new or exciting on his island haven: Or that he had broke ground and begun construction on a new building. The rapid rate of R.I.'s growth and success was astounding; and being at the epicenter of it all emanated the feeling that it all happened over night. We were labeled 'The most powerful couple in the world' by the media. We were truly happy in that moment; and yet something was missing. There was one thing that we had not yet attained. 
It's a cool spring night that I awake with start, my body damp with sweat. A few moments pass before I remember where I am. La Huerta; The Celestial. Everett and I come here when the hustle and bustle of our day to day lives becomes a bit much to bear. More accurately, I would join Everett here whenever i got the chance. He was almost always here. I look to his side of the bed. Empty. I calmly get out of bed, wrap my nightgown around myself, and head downstairs to find my love. I find him below the atrium in his hidden chamber. His childlike obsession with hidden rooms and secret passageways always makes me smile; even though it's getting a bit out of hand. He's sitting at his work bench tinkering with a small metallic sphere: no bigger than a golf ball. The sphere itself has a small cable connecting it to his computer. He notices me and flashes a distracted smile as he enters several commands into the terminal.
"Hey love, what are you working on?"
"This beauty right here; this is IRIS. Intelligent reactive imaging system."
I look to the small sphere. "May I?" He smiles warmly at me: I'll never grow tired of that smile.
"Of course you may." He unplugs the cable and tenderly hands the tiny sphere to me. It's extremely lightweight and sleek in design. Turning it over in my hand I take in every detail of the tiny object.
"She looks incredibly advanced Everett. And knowing you, she's probably got boundless capabilities that one would never suspect. Is she fit to give a brief demonstration?"
An ear to ear smile crosses his face at my inquisition. "I'm glad you asked. Hold her out flat in your palm. Go ahead IRIS, show her."
As requested, the tiny sphere hums to life and hovers off of my outstretched hand. From its lense a hologram flickers to life and suddenly I am face to face with the spitting image of myself: albeit blue and transparent. "Everett..."
The smile on his face has grown unnaturally wide. "Are you flattered? My thinking is this; If I'm going build the perfect personal assistant then why not also bestow upon her the image of perfection."
My face begins to grow hot at this bold statement. He is truly a master with words. "Well it is said that imitation is the greatest form of flattery." Of course he knows I love it; but I won't indulge his ego by telling him so.
His smile fades slightly as he lets out an exasperated sigh. "Unfortunately she will never be precisely what I want her to be. My expectations are far too grand for her. The operating system that she would run on doesn't exist. My musings of human emotion and intellect running in tandem with an A.I. that is worthy of a multimillion dollar supercomputer will never come to fruition without, for lack of a better term, uploading a human mind into the system. Never before has that type of procedure been attempted: all we have is pure speculation and theory. Alright IRIS, that will do thank you." The hologram fades away and the tiny drone lands softly back on the workbench.
"I'm positive that you'll eventually come up with a solution Everett; you've got a knack for making the impossible possible."
A fatigued smile crosses his face. "Only time will tell. Now, did you have something you wanted to discuss? You are usually in bed at this hour."
I contemplate my answer briefly before I respond. "Earlier I dreamt of our journey in life together up to this point. Upon waking, I couldn't help but feel a bit... empty. As if there is something we lack."
He raises his eyebrows in an inquisitive manner. "And are you able to identify what is that we are lacking?"
"Children Everett, our own family." He thoughtfully strokes his goatee while his answer is pondered.
"I am rather abashed to admit this but I have entertained this idea before, only to let it slip from my mind while being engrossed in my countless projects. I agree with this sentiment. When would you propose we begin this endeavor?"
For the life of me I cannot contain myself. My excitement is almost unbearable. As I lean in to kiss him I untie my robe and let it drop slowly around my ankles. My petite frame is dressed only in a light blue silk top and matching, lacy panties. I refrain from making eye contact with him while I twirl about, and begin to make my way back toward the staircase while swinging my hips seductively. "I'm free right now if you're not preoccupied." I respond over my shoulder. Still refraining from looking back at him I begin to ascend the staircase. I've almost given up on him taking the bait when suddenly I hear him rapidly ascending the staircase. Before I can turn around, he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and begins to carry me upstairs. An excited giggle bursts out of me at this development. "Ooooh how barbaric! Is this role play? I certainly hope so. You're taking me back to your cave so that you can absolutely ravage me?" I am absolutely euphoric in this moment. Soon we will lack nothing at all. Just over a year has passed since Everett and I began to try and conceive our first child. During the first few months our passion was as intense as it ever had been: possibly even more so. Unfortunately, as the months went by and our efforts went unrewarded Everett became disillusioned. Passion began to fade and he elected to envelop himself in his endeavors on La Huerta. The more time he spends there, the more distant he becomes. I can't help but hold myself accountable for these current circumstances. I must be doing something wrong and I sense that Everett also lays the blame at my feet. I miss the way his eyes used to illuminate when he laid them upon me. I decide that seeing a specialist is the best course of action: dispelling my fears or confirming them is the only way to move forward.
The revelation that I am physically incapable of conceiving a child of my own renders me emotionally devastated. And to add insult to injury, Everett grows even more distant when he learns of my imperfection. My work becomes all I can bring myself to focus on: a self imposed exile for my failure as a wife. Time becomes irrelevant as I stumble through my day to day routine in a catatonic state. Eventually, while engrossed in my work, an idea suddenly presents itself to me. Immediately, I contact Everett to share my thoughts: but I am met with an cold harshness in his voice. "Imogen, I'm rather indisposed at the moment. What could possibly be so important?" Will he even entertain this new proposal after I failed to make good on my last one?
"Everett I have a rather interesting proposition for you. It holds great promise for us but I'll need your approval and assistance to move forward. The fine details are better discussed in person."
His silence is deafening, though I've definitely piqued his interest. "Meet me at my facility at midday and I'll give you all the details." There is silence for a few more moments before he responds. "I hope it's worth my trouble, I am rather short on time these days. I'll see you then Imogen." Everett meets me as promised and he accompanies me to a private wing in my facility. During this short walk he's mostly silent and makes simple and irreverent conversation. My mind is aloof but something small catches my attention, a scent. A woman's perfume; not an aroma that I have ever worn; and it's radiating from my husband. Oh Everett, this is all my fault. I've driven you to seek comfort from my inadequacy in other women. With my mind a haze, I swipe my keycard and open a door allowing Everett to proceed through before me. I flip on the lights before I lead him over to set of monitors arranged around a six foot tall, four foot wide cylinder in the center if the room. The cylinder itself is filled with a light green fluid and suspended in said fluid are countless, small, synthetic cables.
"You know what all of this is so I won't waste your time rehashing it Everett. Since I have failed at bearing you a child, I hope you will allow me to clone you. It's not the same thing I know: I'm painfully aware of this fact. All i need is your approval and a few tissue cultures. I'll handle the rest." Everett lays his hand upon the glass cylinder and stares thoughtfully at the contents within.
"As far as I know no one has ever been successful in that type of endeavor. What guarantee can you give?" He was correct, there are no official records of anyone being able to perfectly replicate a human. However, my development of this procedure was not public knowledge. I had spent countless hours gathering all the necessary resources and knowledge to prevail had I gone forward. It was no longer a question of 'could i do it'. The question that replaced the former was 'should I do it'. At this moment in time however, I needed to do it.
"One hundred percent: Failure is not a possibility. Nine months from now we will have our child if you grant your permission." He smiles widely at my confidence: God I miss him smiling at me like that. "You have my full cooperation and my blessing then. I assume we begin immediately?" I nod in affirmation as I motion for him sit so that we may begin taking tissue cultures. The next few months seem to pass at an extraordinary rate. Our little Everett Aleister Rourke the second is growing at a healthy rate. I have taken to calling him Aleister so there won't be any confusion between junior and senior Rourkes in our household. Every spare moment I have is spent with him, making sure all is well. For the first few months Everett comes and visits him as well the distance between us seems to shrink ever so slightly. As Aleister grows close to his due date, an abnormality presents itself. His skin and what little hair he has at the moment appear to be lighter than what would be considered normal. After several tests I reach the conclusion that he is affected by the congenital disorder albinism. It's as though he refuses to be the spitting image of his father; even before he's left the womb, so to speak. During the final month of Aleister's gestation, Everett notices these attributes and his explosive reaction is something that I did not prepare for.
"You told me there was zero percent chance of failure Imogen; you promised perfection. So how exactly do you explain this!?"
I am beside myself, I had not considered Aleister's condition a problem. It would present few if any complications throughout his life.
"I... It's certainly not a life threatening or debilitating condition. I'm sorry Everett but he is your son and his genetic disorder must have come from a recessive gene that you carry."
"You dare imply that your failure is my fault?! Your failings are yours and yours alone Imogen!" At these words he storms out leaving me speechless and heartbroken. There is nothing at all wrong with Aleister and I hope Everett will come to realize this. Everett is absent for Aleister's birth later that month but I hardly even notice. Never before have I felt such joy; I can only imagine what it would have been like to carry him to term myself. What a joy he is: not a fussy child by any means. My dear Aleister, I simply cannot wait to see what the future holds for us. The very next month, Everett has fallen right back into seeking the company of other women. I even catch him in the act during a gala that we are hosting, with a grant prospect of all people. Personally, I feel I handled the matter rather well considering the fact that I all but walked in on them during the act. He becomes more distant and cold with me as more time passes. These issues will eventually come to a head and I honestly have no idea how things between us will turn out. The only thing that keeps me composed is Aleister: as his mother I need to stay strong and weather the storm. Eventually it will pass. The next couple of years bring on a whirlwind of events and developments. Everett has all but vanished from mine and Aleister's lives: His private haven has become his new home and his endeavors there have become the subject of public speculation and controversy. Sadly, I cannot bring myself to fully dismiss the rumors as he is no longer than man I once knew and loved. The time has come for me to face my demons; no longer will I torture myself for circumstances that are out of my control. Leaving Aleister in the care of his nanny and promising a quick return, I board our private jet bound for La Huerta. After landing at the airstrip not far from the Celestial, I take one of the vehicles parked there and drive to the hotel. After arriving at the hotel, I search all of Everett's usual hiding spots but to no avail. Eventually I find a door to a room that I've never seen before. It leads to a massive library and inside I find Everett, hunched over a table, his face in a book. He looks up when I enter and closes his book with an annoyed sigh.
"What brings you here, unannounced nonetheless? You of all people should know I do not like being disturbed."
The audacity of this man is incredible. "Did you forget about your two year old son that you've hardly even seen since his birth? You rarely ever leave this island Everett; I'm not even sure when I saw you last. When will it be enough?"
He rises from his chair, anger flashing across his face. "You have no idea what we've discovered here in the past few years and even if you did, you couldn't comprehend it. As for my 'son', you didn't make good on your promise of perfection so I have very little interest in the matter. It's one disappointment after another with you Imogen; I only wish you could see this situation from my perspective."
At these words, I come completely undone. "You can take your superiority complex and your 'perspective' and sit on it for all I give a damn! You've always acted as though I rejected the gift of being able to conceive a child through natural means and now you reject your own beautiful son based on petty and unreasonable expectations. For years I agreed with you and tormented myself for it, but now I'm done blaming myself for matters that I have no control over. I am no goddess but you are not a god either, no matter how hard you aspire to be. Back in London, the press has been abuzz with rumors of illegal and unethical undertakings on this island and as I stand here and listen to the ramblings of a madman I find them hard to disregard."
The man is furious, he's never had anyone in his life talk to him in the manner that I just have. "Deciphering the secrets of this island will unlock a power that is beyond mankind's wildest imagination and only a god amongst men will be able to wield it. I don't expect you to understand, but I do expect you to know better than to stand in the way of progress!"
"Progress?! I'll tell you what progress is Everett, when I return to London I am immediately contacting my attorney to draw up divorce papers, yes we are finished. Secondly, I'm going to launch my own investigation into your undertakings on this island. If there is anything unethical going on here the proper authorities will be notified."
I wait for him to issue a response but he's gone completely silent. He simply stands there with a deep, burning hatred in his eyes. Since he seems to have no response I turn and make my way out of the library and back toward the atrium. My head is spinning from countless thoughts racing through my head. If he is involved in anything illegal here would I be able to prove it? And if I could prove it, would he attempt to take drastic  action to stop me and preserve his name? Would he try to harm Aleister? He is definitely not the man I once knew and at this moment in time I have no idea what he is truly capable of. I need to leave this horrid place post haste.
Upon my arrival at the stairs leading to the lower level of the atrium I reach out to place my hand on the banister prior to descending. Before my hand touches that sweet, warm wood I am violently pitched forward and I begin to fall face first toward the unforgiving hard wood of the stairs below. I am met with an immense amount of pain when my head hits the first step and my world goes cold and dark as I violently tumble the rest of the way down, coming to a crashing halt at the bottom. I have no idea how long I lie there in a crumpled heap at the bottom of those stairs; the only sensation that I know is coldness. There is no pain and yet I cannot move. Tears begin to well up in my eyes as I hear them; footsteps, descending the same stairs from which I had just tumbled down. Suddenly I am on my back and when my eyes are able to focus I see him; He stands over me, emotionless, with a slight smirk on his face. My eyes filled with tears and rage taking over I scream at the top of my lungs and spit in his face, spurring a genuinely surprised reaction out of him.
"Are you happy now Everett! All these years you've tried to break me and now you've finally succeeded. I hope you're happy with what you've done..."
"What I've done? You have done this to yourself Imogen. It was you who decided to try to impede progress itself. Historically, anyone who has done so has met with a fate far worse than yours. You are lucky, your existence will be restored after a few minor adjustments and you will be on the frontlines of progress alongside me." He bends down and scoops me up over his shoulder just like he did all those years ago.
"Unhand me Everett, let me go! What about Aleister?! I need to get back to my son! He needs me!"
"Aleister will be well cared for, don't you worry about that. I don't expect you to understand now Imogen, but you will… in time.” With these words he carries me down the staircase to his secret room below the atrium.
Tagging the ever faithful Hivemind: @brightpinkpeppercorn @roonarific and @mind-reader1 and tagging @mysteli for ESAPW
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Journey on the Hogwarts Express
When he lifted his head, Carmella tried to discern through the bruises and cuts masking his face, desperate to recognize just one of her father’s features. His usually jovial brown eyes were now slits, his eyelids swollen to size of golf balls, red bleeding into the chocolate of his irises. His sharp nose was crooked, twisted into a 45 degree angle, blood gushing from his nostrils. His welcoming smile, which Carmella had inherited, now featured chapped black lips and chipped front teeth, smeared with blood.
Yet, seeing her father in such physical pain was not what shattered her heart; it was the shame tainting the warmth of his eyes, as if he were somehow to blame for the rearrangement of his face into a black and blue mess. But he couldn’t be.
Her father was not the type to be intertwined with trouble, violence, and crime. He was not the type to come home, staining the pristine carpet with blood, hurriedly packing her clothes into a suitcase, whispering nonsensical phrases like “must escape” and “have to hurry.” He was a quiet and focused, but loving and devoted man, working from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Departement de la Cooperation Magique Internationale. He would make crepes every Sunday morning, buy raspberry gelato when she was missing her mother just a bit too much, drive her to the local pool for her swimming lessons, and travel to the beach at the end of term. He was her everything, her idol, her best friend, especially now that her mother was gone. He couldn’t possibly be to blame.
“Pardonnes moi,” he uttered, when he had finished ransacking up her room. He approached her and kissed her forehead, tears cascading down his cheeks.
“Pourquoi? What’s going on?”
“Ma cherie, you need to leave France. It’s not safe for you here, anymore,” he replied, shooting a furtive glance over his shoulder, scrutinizing the dark street below.
“Papa, s’il-te-plait! Tell me why you’re so terrified!” Carmella pleaded.
“A few months ago, when You-Know-Who began recruiting international wizards, to expand his influence I suppose, I was approached by la Republique to go undercover as a Death Eater and obtain information on his possible plans,” he began, running a shaky hand through his jet black hair.
“You… what?” Carmella tried to process his sudden revelation. And yet, it seemed to make sense. Recently, her father had been coming home from work in the middle of the night, with deep blue bags under his eyes, showing less enthusiasm and interest in his job than usual. She had just attributed this change of schedule to him and the rest of his department fighting against Lord Voldemort, not pretending to join him.
“Carmella, we don’t have much time,” he exclaimed, grabbing her suitcase and heading for her bedroom door.
“Wait, Papa! What’s changed? Why do we have to leave?”
“No, Carmella, you have to leave,” he sighed, turning to face her. “You-Know-Who’s plan worked. He has gained international support with many dark wizards, to the point that he has infiltrated la République de la Magie and unfortunately…”
“Uncovered that you double-crossed him,” Carmella finished, finally grasping the reality that her family was teetering on the verge of implosion, tears welling up in her eyes. “Well, okay, so we’ll disappear! We’ll go to South Africa or Thailand, you know, somewhere where You-Know-Who will never find us!”
Her father shook his head.
“No, Carmella! You have to disappear! Don’t you understand? Now that You-Know-Who has discovered that I have betrayed him, you have a massive target on your back. He knows that you are the most important person in my life, so he won’t retaliate by torturing me, but by capturing and killing you.”
“Haven’t they already attacked you? Isn’t that punishment enough?”
“This?” he asked, motioning his face. “This is for not going quietly. Once they find me, and they will, not matter how many times I Disapparated and Apparated to keep them off my scent, this will look like kindergarten’s play compared to what they have in store for me. Trust me Carmella, every moment that I’m with you, I am putting your life in danger.”
“But, where am I supposed to go? You’re my only family!” she weeped. “How am I supposed to leave you?”
“I have already made arrangements for you to stay at Hogwarts this year. I am close with the Headmaster, and he’s agreed to admit you to the school and help you find a family to stay with over the summers.”
“If you’re just shipping me off to school, then why can’t I stay at Beauxbatons?”
“Because Albus Dumbledore is not at Beauxbatons, and he is the only man You-Know-Who has ever been afraid of. I trust him and I trust that as long as you are in his care, you will be safe. I’ve put a lot of thought into this, ma cherie, and it’s the only way to keep You-Know-Who from finding you and hurting you. I’m sure of it,” he added, observing Carmella’s skeptical expression.
“I still don’t understand why you can’t come with me. I don’t understand why Dumbledore can’t protect the both of us!” 
“Because going underground, hiding from You-Know-Who, constantly looking over your shoulder, that’s no life for a girl like you, who has so much potential ahead of her,” her father replied gently, placing his hands on her shoulders. “Besides, your mother would never forgive me if I put you in harm’s way. Once You-Know-Who is caught, I promise I will find my way back to you. But for now, my life will just be too unpredictable,” he added, wiping her tears and pulling her into a tight embrace. 
A pop resounded in the empty street outside. Carmella and her father froze, fearing the worst. Slowly, she moved towards the window and slightly pushed the curtains aside. Looking up at her was a man with a long silver beard and flowing hair. He sported brilliant robes of midnight blue, embroidered with golden stars, matching the night sky, and half-moon spectacles were perched upon his crooked nose.
“Dumbledore,” she breathed, bittersweet relief washing over her. She looked back towards her father and forced a smile, a new wave of tears blurring her vision. It was time.
“You’re new,” a voice interrupted Carmella’s reverie.
She looked away from the point on the window she had been fixing for the last hour, reliving her farewell to her father. Sitting in front of her was a teenage boy with shoulder-length black hair, a shadow of facial hair, and a mischievous twinkle in his brown eyes.
“You’re observant,” she replied, her gaze returning to the train window, watching the pastures and farm animals zoom past her.
“Anything from the trolley, dears?” a kind-faced woman asked from the hallway, pushing a cart filled with sweets and pastries. Carmella was about to refuse, wishing to be left alone so as to lose herself in her thoughts once again, when her stomach thundered loudly. She had gotten so caught up in the whirlwind of leaving her father and the country behind that she had forgotten to eat.
“Yeah, I’ll take Bertie Botts’ Every Flavour Beans and some Chocolate Frogs,” the boy answered, pulling out a velvet money bag and counting some gold coins.
Carmella walked over to the trolley, absorbed all of the options, and ordered some Cauldron Cakes and Pumpkin Juice. She thanked the woman, handed her some Galleons and returned to her seat, hurriedly opening the packaging of her sweets.
“I’m Sirius, by the way,” the boy said, between mouthfuls of chocolate.
“I’m Carmella,” she replied, after taking a deep swig from her juice.
“So, how come I’ve never seen you before? You’re clearly older than 11, so you’re not a first year.”
“Maybe I got held back a few years,” Carmella smiled, surprisingly grateful for the distraction from her solemn thoughts.
“I don’t think that’s how Hogwarts works,” Sirius laughed. “C’mon, what’s the real reason?”
“I’m a transfer student.”
“You must be the first of your kind. Where from?”
“Beauxbatons Institute.”
“Ahh, a French girl! I knew there was something I liked about you.”
Carmella blushed. She didn’t usually fall for troublemakers, but something about Sirius’s carefree attitude eased her nerves about leaving her whole life behind and starting a new school in a foreign country.
“Well then, welcome to Hogwarts! If you want, I can give you a comprehensive tour when we get to the castle, teach you the ropes, let you know who you should befriend,” Sirius said, motioning himself, “and who you should avoid. Wait, you haven’t been sorted yet, have you?”
“Yeah, you know, into houses. They don’t have those at Beauxbatons?” Carmella shook her head in response. “Ok, well, there are four of them: Gryffindor, the best house, for the brave and the mighty, and then Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin,” he elaborated.
“You seem a bit biased. I’m assuming you’re in Gryffindor?” Carmella grinned.
“Is it that obvious?”
“Hey, Padfoot, where'd you get off to?” a voice called from the hallway. A curly-haired boy with round glasses peaked his head through the door of the compartment, a smirk slowly appearing on his freckled face.
“Nevermind, I get it now,” he added, winking at Sirius. He plopped down next to him, grabbing one of his Chocolate Frogs and surveying Carmella with a puzzled expression.
“You’re new.”
“Yeah, James, we’ve already established that,” Sirius said, rolling his eyes playfully. “This is Carmella. She’s from Beauxbatons, as in France.”
“You know, I have more appealing qualities than just my nationality,” she replied.
“And I would be happy to get to know them.”
“Oh, I’m sure you would,” James chuckled. “I’ve never heard of Hogwarts accepting transfer students. Must be some pretty special circumstances for Dumbledore to let you in so late.”
“Yeah, must be. So, what year are you both going into?” Carmella hurriedly changed the subject, not interested in rehashing the mayhem of the past few days to two strangers.
“Fourth,” James and Sirius answered together, not pressing the matter any further.
“You do that a lot?”
“Yeah, we’re often confused as twins,” James answered knowingly. Carmella attributed this to some sort of inside joke, due to their completely dichotomous appearance, although their personality traits did seem to align quite perfectly.
“I’m a fourth year too. Maybe you can help me catch up on the coursework?”
“Well, who are we to refuse a fellow student in need? Although, I have to warn you, I don’t know how much help we’re going to be. I don’t think we’ve done homework since March,” Sirius said.
“Of this year?”
“Of our first year,” James replied, causing an uproar of laughter from the three.
“What’s so funny?” Two more faces appeared at the door: a tall boy, with shaggy brown hair and a scar on his eyebrow, and a small, mousy boy, already changed into his school robes.
As the boys sat down in the compartment and introduced themselves to Carmella, she smiled, genuinely, for the first time in what seemed like years. She mentally pinched herself, so as to not be foolishly and naively optimistic that she may be able to return to some sort of normalcy at Hogwarts, but she couldn’t help herself. She looked around at the four joyful faces staring back at her, stuffing another Cauldron Cake into her mouth, and she couldn’t help but feel a wave of hope wash over her. Maybe, just maybe, she could make Hogwarts her home.
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deeperthanloveff · 6 years
Chapter 44
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I pushed my key to walk in the door and it was no use because baby girl swung open the door jumping in my arms making me smile and laugh “hi papi.”
I pecked her lips all while kicking the door shut and latching it with one hand as I balanced holding her “wassup baby love?”
“I been here waiting on you to come back to me. I cooked your favorite and then we can pick up where we left off this morning” she said allowing her robe to slide off her shoulders.
I bit my lip taking in the cheetah print lace bra and thong she had on “ok, you tryna kill your man? You to happy.” She giggled and kissed me “no crazy, I’m just tryna make it feel like old times. You’d come home I’d feed you and ride you into the mattress. It was an arrangement but I was crushing on you so hard.”
I smirked “yeah I knew you wanted a nigga. I laid the pipe crazy from day one!” She smacked her teeth and jumped down from my waist making me laugh. She tried to stomp off but I immediately grabbed her wrapping my arms around her waist “I’m just kidding Melody, I wanted you from the minute I laid my eyes on your beautiful ass. And this accent you got turns me the fuck on.” She giggled “no don’t try to kiss up to me now! How’s Kae?”
I smirked “it’s ok I’ll be kissing all this ass in a minute anyway let me put some food energy in my body. She’s not doing well. She’s suicidal and I’m honestly scared. I didn’t want to leave her.”
“You so nasty papi, but wow. Do you want her to stay here?” I shrugged “I would never do that to you. I’ll just have her stay at Erin’s. I already called her and talked to her. She honestly just wants me around, but I can’t fall back into that cycle. She’s very much so still in love with me. The way she’s so antsy until I interject or touch her. She was always like that for years, but it’s heightened.” Robin knotted her brows “that sounds really clingy.”
I shrugged “no it is, but it never bothered me before I loved that then. I love affection, she’s just so scared I think she’s put me as the savior here.”
“Chris I feel bad for her I do, but I will beat her ass. Did she try anything?” I was amused inside but didn’t show it on my face. She was jealous, she’s always been jealous of Kae and how I treat her, she’s letting me see it and boy is it something. “What you mean? Did she try to fuck me? No, she’s literally on the brink of crazy. I think the last thing she wants is my dick.”
She huffed “that’s all I wanted.” I smirked “and you got it plenty of times. Is that the problem? You think because I cheated on her with you I’ll do it to you?”
“Does is sound so crazy out loud?” She asked tying her robe up. “No baby it doesn’t. You don’t trust us alone, and it’s not like you’re wrong in feeling that way. I can assure you on my kids I just held her. That’s all she wanted, so I did that for her. I told her I loved her and I refuse to lose her and have to raise our daughter alone. Nothing happened, I’ve cheated before yes, but I’ve never lied to anyone after and I won’t start now.” I said looking her in the eyes.
“I hate that you love her the way you do, she gets this side of you I want but can never have. It makes me feel like you’d rather her over me all the time” she said looking at her feet.
When she said that, I was finally able to see what about Kae bothered her so much. I also never let Robin see me unaffectionate toward her since we had our daughter so it was probably throwing her for a loop. I closed the space between us and picked her head up “baby you have to tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do it. There’s nothing I won’t try to do for you. Stop comparing you and her to this right here. You never really pull me in for the soft stuff. Is that what you want? Me to be more gentle you can have that.”
I gently pushed her hair back and kissed her softly placing my hand on the small of her back. I pulled back and caressed her cheek bending to rest my forehead hers “I’m so in love with you. I want this and you forever.” She blushed a bright crimson red and hid her face in my neck making me chuckle “that’s what that feels like, damn. Now I see why you have her so hooked.”
I smacked my teeth “stop talking like it’s competition. It’s not, you want me to give you that soft affection well ask for it. I’m rough because that’s always been our thing. I can’t know you want the best of both worlds if you don’t talk to me. Communication remember?”
“I’m sorry, let me feed you. Then you can feed me that good shit” she said biting her lip at me. “You a damn nymph” I said making her laugh.
I was about grab her and she pushed me away suddenly running to the bathroom. I followed her with an urgency because I didn’t understand what was happening. Once I rounded the corner I could hear her bringing up everything she must’ve eaten during the day. “You ok?” I asked wetting a rag with some cold water for her. “Yeah, I’m fine I guess that left over shrimp I ate wasn’t the best idea.” I raised an eyebrow because she rarely gets sick, but said nothing of it “you sure you ok baby?” She nodded “yeah I promise, go eat I’m gonna clean up a bit and come join you. We have few more kid free hours and I want all of them.”
I chuckled “alright. I’ll fix you a small plate and pour you some ginger ale.” She smiled “thank you papi.”
I walked off leaving her there but in the back of my mind I felt like something was off. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I’d find out. If Robin is by any means being sneaky I'm done. I dished our food and thought about the possibility of her being pregnant, but that’s next to impossible because I fucked her last night and this morning. So I shrugged it off going with the first option of her just being sick.
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I stared at the positive pregnancy test in my hands and I started crying. Chris was absolutely not the father and how was I supposed to throw this monkey wrench in there? Oh you know I let Odell fuck your pussy raw and I also let him cum inside me, so we’re having a Beckham baby! I grabbed my phone once it dinged back with a text from Odell.
Big O 💙🏈- Come over, I’m in LA. I want this baby and you Robin.
Me- O idk, I haven’t told Chris yet I’m scared.
Big O 💙🏈- Well I’m here for you baby girl, I love you
Me- I’ll call you later
I put my phone down and put my hand up covering my face. It’s been a few days and this is the 12th positive test I’ve taken so I know I’m not crazy. Just as I thought about what to tell Chris he snuck up on me on the bedroom floor. “Aye baby, what’s wrong? You feeling ok?”
I looked at him and he rushed to my side once he saw me crying. I wouldn’t let him touch me though. I could see frustration on his face. “Yo what’s good with you? You been acting funny all week man.” I sighed “Chris I’m pregnant.” He smiled and kissed me “why you so nervous? Have I ever not wanted one of my kids?”
“That’s problem Chris, this is not your baby it’s Odell’s.” I said watching him drop his smile and look at me like I was telling a joke. “Babe that isn’t funny, this is my kid right?” I sighed and shook my head “no Chris it isn’t.” He stood up and took a seat on the bed looking at his shoes. I knew he was pissed because he said not one word. I didn’t even bother to say anything to him either. He looked at me and I could see the anger, hurt, and disgust on his face. I couldn’t look him in the eye so I just looked away. “How far along?” He asked lowly.
“I’m guessing I’m anything from 10-12 weeks along. We had sex everyday the week of the baby shower for India.” He chuckled “you know I guess this is my get back huh?” I knitted my eyebrows “huh?” “You know I got Kae pregnant so this is my karma.” I smacked my teeth “are you serious right now?” He opened his mouth but the kids ran in putting a halt on this conversation “daddy!!!” Kyia ran up to her dad and he smiled kissing her cheeks “hi beautiful. How was school?”
“Ohhhh fun today we did 3 times tables. 3x1 is 3, 3x2 is 6, 3x3 is 9! Ohhhh and I made you a picture see, we dancing daddy!” She said handing him the photo. He smiled so big it melted my heart “aww baby girl you’re so smart and this picture is perfect I’m gonna hang this on my art wall. I love it.” Christian laughed and walked over dapping up on his dad with their secret handshake and hugged him “wassup pops!”
“Shit bicking” he said making us all laugh at him being silly. As much as we fought he never let our babies see us yelling at each other “y’all say hi to your mother. Y’all act like she invisible when I’m here be nice.” They ran over to me and jumped me and I laughed holding them tight “I love you mommy” Christian said. I was so emotional I started crying. Kyia wiped my eyes “mommy why you cry for?”
“Cause I love you guys so much. I missed you today too. I think I’m gonna lock you guys up.” They giggled “no mommy you get in trouble” Kyia said playing in my hair. I smiled “never you’re allllllll mine!” I started tickling them and they fell out laughing. “Alright knuckle heads it’s time for homework, get your books” Chris said to them as he stood up.
They whined “awwweeee mannn.” He fanned them “yeah aw man my butt, come on! I ain’t raising no slow babies.” They ran out the room and he got up to follow “Chris I-“ I began but he held his hand up. “Save it, I really don’t want to hear it. You let that nigga cum all up inside my shit and you carrying his seed. I don’t wanna hear that you’re sorry or anything like that. Just know it’s different now and this shit here is the straw that broke the camel’s back. You could’ve left me and my fiancé alone and I could’ve been expecting my son to be here in a few weeks. You knew you was straight fucking that nigga letting him believe y’all was together and you still stood in that room and broke up my relationship. This type of shit is exactly why I don’t want to be with you cause you fucking selfish as shit. I’m gonna go help my kids do their homework and then we’re going to see Silver today. I haven’t seen my daughter in a few days and I miss her. Shit I miss her mother too” he said making sure to burn me with the last comment. I didn’t even bother to argue back because he was right. Odell thought we were getting back together up until that baby shower. I also was fucking him through every inch of his house like I was trying for him to give me baby. If he left me this time I can’t say I blame him. I picked up my phone and called Odell “I’m on my way” I said into the receiver once he answered.
“You ok, why you sound like that?” He asked concerned. I sighed “just stay on the phone with me until I get there?”
“Yeah I can do that” he said as I grabbed my purse and headed downstairs to grab my keys. I walked into the kitchen and kissed my babies “have fun with daddy. I’ll see you guys in a bit.”
“Byeeeee mom” they said in unison. I listened to Odell calm me down as I drove to his house to talk. He was doing everything I needed Chris to be doing, and the reassurance he was doing made me feel good. It was crazy because I never had to beg him for things I wanted and needed he just did them. With this little life inside me everything was about to change. I was beginning to wonder if Chris and I could really stand the test of time with this. Could he watch another man father my child?
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“Chris unhook your sister from her car seat” I told Christian as I pulled into the driveway of the home I shared with Kae not long ago. He did as I said and helped her out the car. I smiled watching as he held her hand to the front door. I knew when they got older he will be beating some ass behind his sister. I rang the doorbell and Kae answered looking very done up.
“Damn” I mumbled. She smiled “why didn’t you just use your key, I just got back. Erin took me for lunch and insisted I dress cute.”
“You look better than cute” I said watching as she hugged the kids. “Awe, I miss y’all so much. You gotta stay with me a weekend” she said kissing their cheeks. They hugged her so tight and it warmed me to see how much they seemed to make her genuinely feel happy. “Where’s my daughter?”
“First of all she’s watching tv, second can I get some loving or something?” She asked embracing me. I chuckled “yeah you can get some loving alright” I said smacking her ass as she walked away. She giggled and I followed “what’s up with you? What did she do now?” I laughed “we’ll talk in a few, let me just say hey to my princess.” I walked in the living room to see Silver sprawled out eating pretzels “hey princess” I said softly tugging her hair.
She turned around and leaped into my arms “daddy you came!” I closed my eyes and just held her tight “I promised didn’t I?” She held me so tight I knew she missed me all the same “can you stay tonight? Please?” Without hesitation I agreed “yes, I can and for you I will.” She kissed my cheek and crawled back in front the tv with her siblings joining her with snacks of her own.
“Hey, come upstairs tell me what’s going on” Kae said catching my attention. “You’re doing better” I said noticing a pep in her step today. “The medication is helping, this is my first day wearing makeup since the accident. I’m not the best, but I’m trying. Chris I swear today is the first day I see a light at the end of the tunnel.” I closed the bedroom door behind us and she walked into the closet to change “well you know I’m here for you.”
“Yeah I know, but what’s up? Talking about your problems might make me feel better.” She said making me smack my teeth. She giggled “she’s pregnant Rue.” She shrugged “ok so, you worried about me or, wait she what? How?!” I threw my hands up “it’s his!” She dropped her jaw “whatttttttt! After all the shit she talked and now she having a baby by O?”
“Exactly, it’s always something. I should’ve never let you leave me. I miss the peacefulness in my life and your Vietnamese food” I said earning a smile. “Chris you do know that you said you love her more right? Did you lie or was that the honest truth? Was all that for nothing? Or you just pissed off she having a baby and it’s not yours?” She asked her hand on her waist. I sighed “I’m past pissed, but honestly I’m in love with the both of you. My heart feels like I never finished anything with Robin so I want to be with her and then there’s you, but it’s different you know. You don’t want much and I love that. We got therapy tomorrow and it’s about to be whirlwind because it’s confession day.”
She walked towards me and climbed onto the bed laying back “What’s your confession?”
“This baby shit giving second, third, and fourth guesses. I know for a fact I can not see her carry another nigga child and act like I’m gonna be ok.”
“Well Chris it’s time you start telling the truth, don’t let that girl think y’all gonna be together forever only for her to end up alone” she said looking at me. “Did I tell you I was sorry? Did I tell you I never meant to hurt you?” I asked pulling her small body toward mine. “No, but I like the kissing of my ass keep going.” I chuckled “I ain’t shit, you rode for me and I played you. Is there anyway you could forgive me?”
She flipped her hair “let’s start with your credit card, cough it up daddy!” I laughed so hard and handed her my wallet “anything else?” She tapped her chin “this is part where we kiss and makeup, but I guess the shopping spree can be our alternate ending.” I looked at her bare legs and I was tempted, but I was trying not to be that guy anymore “unfortunately as much as I’m tempted I probably shouldn’t.” She smiled as my phone dinged with a text from Robin. I looked at Kae and she nudged me to open it.
Robin Hood 😈💦👅💚- Chris I think we should break up. I’m sorry I begged you to get back with me, but I should’ve just left it alone
Me- Robin what?
Robin Hood 😈💦👅💚- I’m going to get back with Odell
I didn’t even bother to reply. I simply just placed my phone down kicked off my shoes and laid parallel to Rue in silence. Two whole months of my life I spend in therapy to be worth of just a break up text.
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