skally-o7 · 2 months
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Mealspø 🎀
156 cal 🤞🏼
🥒= 18cals
🍅= 15cals
🥚= 123cals
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slttyscorpio4 · 2 months
God I wish I didn’t hate food
I wish it was easy to control myself around it
If I have the slightest amount of free time I want to eat
I can’t control it.
I hate it.
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dashdalulu · 2 months
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Eu amo amo olhar as kcals e ver que estão em 0 ou baixa kcals 🥺🤏
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I’m the worst anorexic in the world
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skinnymarii · 1 year
you are valid
you are valid even if:
1. you aren't underweight
2. you've never had therapy
3. you've been on a binging streak
4. you don't look sick
5. you haven't lost weight in a long time
6. you've gained weight
7. no one notices your struggles
8. you still get your period 
your struggles are real. everyone struggles in different ways and an ed can look different from person to person. you aren't less valid just because you don't face the same effects as others. there are a lot of stereotypes attached to these types of struggles and you don't have to fit every single one of them for your struggles to be real. i see you, i hear you, and I know what you're going through is hard. be safe! 
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become-skeleton · 10 months
FR/ENG • 09 august 2023
Mauvaise nouvelle : j'ai dû stopper mon jeûne.
Ma famille revenait d'un petit voyage ce soir et m'on rapporté le dîner pour qu'on mange ensemble (et j'avais préparé le "dessert" plus tôt dans l'après midi).
Donc j'ai mangé mon dîner, mon dessert... Et j'ai binge. Cette 4eme journée avait été dur et manger m'a fait craquer.
J'ai envie de mourir.
Je recommence demain, peu importe qu'ils comprennent que j'ai des TCA. Je veux et VAIS maigrir .
Bad news: I had to stop my fast.
My family came back from a short trip this evening and brought me dinner to eat together (and I had prepared the "dessert" earlier in the afternoon).
So I ate my dinner, my dessert… And I binge. This 4th day had been hard and eating made me crack.
I want to die.
I'm starting it again tomorrow, regardless of whether they figure out I have ED. I want and WILL lose weight.
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juhta · 2 years
Tenho vontade de pegar uma faca e cortar a gordura da minha barriga e ver c assim eu finalmente consigo ser absurdamente magra.
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http-narbengurl · 2 years
Ich muss wieder aufhören zu Essen, es geht nicht mehr weiter. Ich werde immer fetter, nur weil ich es nicht schaffe stark zu bleiben!
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pasta-problems · 1 year
Diet Coke tastes better on an empty stomach
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skally-o7 · 2 months
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Imagine beeing so beautiful 😍
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slttyscorpio4 · 25 days
Does anyone else get really bad insomnia when fasting/doing extreme deficits?
Genuinely one of the worst side effects for me tbh I just want to sleep through my hunger
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Bin ich wirklich so verdammt nutzlos? Warum muss ich so leiden, warum kann ich nicht einfach endlich schlank sein?!
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it's the one-year anniversary of me telling my mom abt my ED and her saying "well, i haven't noticed anything weird, you seem fine."
perks of being at a healthy weight with distorted eating issues
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skinnymarii · 1 year
I’m going crazy
I have literally been b!ng!ng for like two weeks solid. I’ve gained back five pounds and I couldn’t feel worse. I was doing really good today and then I ate an entire bag of gummy worms, chips, and popcorn. I don’t even have the energy to purg3. I don’t have the energy to do anything. I feel horrible. I’m fast!ng tomorrow and only 150 c@ls for the weekend. I’ve got to get back on track. I need a fresh start on Monday. And honestly, one of the worst feelings in the world is binging on a school night and having a ton of work to do for the morning. Like I just want to roll over and sleep. Anyone else feeling this, you’re free to join me lol. I refuse to let February be a waste. I’m gonna make a 12 day heavily r3str!ct!v3 d!et for the remainder of February. Wish me luck !!
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become-skeleton · 10 months
Je vais vous partager ma manière de jeûner, parce que je trouve qu'elle fonctionne bien :
je ne prépare jamais mes jeûnes à l'avance, ça me fait binge,
je débute toujours mon jeûne un matin, après une longue nuit de sommeil (5h du mat, 6 du mat, ect.),
je ne me pèse pas avant que les 2 premiers jours soient passés,
je me pèse au réveil, juste après être passée aux toilettes (basique),
je prends mes médicaments (anxiolytique) AVANT mes vitamines,
je prends une bouteille d'eau de 2L (glacée, de préférence) dans laquelle j'ajoute une cuillière à café de vinaigre de cidre. Je bois ces 2L dans la journée (dès que je ressens la faim ou l'envie de manger),
je ne fais que du sport qui me plaise VRAIMENT (marche, dance, corde à sauter, natation (si j'avais assez d'argent…)),
je reste occupée (ménage, m'occuper de mes plantes, de mes animaux, regarder des films/séries (attention : certains d'entres eux peuvent déclencher des envie de binge)),
je tiens un journal (et mon tumblr) sur mon avancé, mes ressentis, durant ce jeûne. Ça aide vraiment,
je ne consulte "life fasting" QUE le matin, et UNE SEULE FOIS.
Voilà ~ je ne dis pas que c'est une bonne technique. Par contre, elle fonctionne sur moi.
I'm going to share with you my way of fasting, because I find that it works well :
I never prepare my fasts in advance, it makes me binge,
I always start my fast one morning, after a long night's sleep (5am, 6am, etc.),
I do not weigh myself until the first 2 days have passed,
I weigh myself when I wake up, just after going to the toilet (basic),
I take my medication (anxiolytic) BEFORE my vitamins,
I take a 2L bottle of water (ice cold, preferably) in which I add a teaspoon of cider vinegar. I drink these 2L during the day (as soon as I feel hungry or want to eat),
I only do sports that I REALLY like (walking, dancing, skipping rope, swimming (if I had enough money…)),
I stay busy (cleaning, taking care of my plants, my animals, watching movies/series (warning: some of them can trigger binge urges)).
I keep a diary (and my tumblr) on my progress, my feelings, during this fast. It really helps,
I consult "life fasting" ONLY in the morning, and ONLY ONCE.
There you go ~ I'm not saying this is a good technique. However, it works on me.
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myanonymuniverse · 1 year
Und auf einmal sitzt man wieder da und merkt, dass man seine inneren Probleme eben doch nicht geschafft hat zu bekämpfen.
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