fckthisimhereagain · 3 days
I am at my gw but I dont feel skinny its not enough everyone is telling me that its enough but ITS NOT I NEED TO BE SO SKINNY MY BONES NEED TO TOUCH AND I HATE ALL THIS EXTRA FAT EW
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beautifulbutterbly · 2 days
Just some ed memes I found on Pinterest!
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wony-w · 3 days
toda vez que você sentir fome, olhe fotos de pessoas magras e veja o resultado que terá se não comer.
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jamsauce679-blog · 2 days
Guys I am so scared of eating
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lorekkkkkk · 3 days
Olha como vc fica imensa perto da sua amiga magrinha e delicada, em vez de comer faça um nf e vá correr sua porca.
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bblprincessa · 3 days
the hunger will be worth it.
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tadtcake · 10 hours
pare de comer como um porco e comece a suar como um, você vai mesmo querer continuar enorme assim?
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uhohitsbadagain · 1 day
they never see your progress, just your flaws.
note to self.
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kyllllllllly · 1 day
Fds, minha meta é essa:
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Se possível, quero ser mais magra q ela 💕
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If I just keep telling myself the fluctuations I’m seeing on the scales is because I’m on my period and not because I’m a fucking piggly wiggly with no self control, I might not lose my mind completely 🫠
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beautifulbutterbly · 18 hours
My tips on how to remember to drink water
1. Every time you have the urge to eat drink some water! Normally if you think you need food you’re body is actually telling you it needs water. So drink some water!
2. If you don’t have one already go get a water bottle. They have pretty good ones at really any big store like target or Walmart. I go find the best kinds of water bottles keep water cold for a long period of time(my water bottle keeps things cold for up to 72hrs). They might be a bit pricey but I think it’s worth it
3. After you have obtained said water bottle decorate it!! I know it sounds stupid but it actually works! My water bottle is COVERED IN stickers.
4. If you’re fasting and are feeling the urge to eat chew some ice. You’re still getting water and you also trick your brain into thinking that you actually did eat. This brings me back to my point about getting a water bottle that keeps things cold. You can keep the same ice in your water bottle for days! Even if you forget you have ice in it when it melts it will still be cold.
5. Keep your water bottle with you at ALL TIMES! You want to bring it everywhere with you. That way you don’t have any excuse not to drink water because you will have some on you.
Stay safe lovelies🫶
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daintygirlxx · 3 days
my dog 73 lbs so now that’s my goal :3
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fat-puppet · 14 days
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goldtippedfeathers · 4 months
anti-binge guide:
~ read this list 20 times ~
count to 100 very slowly
talk on the phone with someone
clean up something gross (bye I never did this one to be honest, lmao. no thank yo)
go out on a walk
pour salt over craving food (also a popular one I never did. a bitch just didn’t like to waste salt or food like that. i say that while heavily relying on number 10 🤡)
make a list of triggers + avoid them // find low cal fibrous, filling alternatives
go outside and do 20 pushups + 100 jumping jacks (the jiggling was enough of an anti-binge lmao); bonus, do in front of a mirror (this is just cruel but also effective so idk yall, take your gander)
take a shot of ACV (LIGHT IT UPPPP lmao, pretend you’re clubbing but the vodka is vinegar and rather than feeling buzzed and happy, you’re miserable and desperate. but babes, we gotta romanticize this, so party it up anyways lmao)
c/s (wastes food, but worked wonders for me. just make sure you have at least a bite at the end, and rinse the mouth, but don’t brush to preserve that enamel)
listen to a podcast / read a book
watch something gory
write in your diary
make a food planner for next week
calculate the deficit yoo’ll maintain for the week and the lbs progress if you don’t binge (it feels like a reward then, to refrain)
online window shop for clothes you want to fit in
dance / go on a run
take a shower/bath
do some self care. attend to those emotional needs rather than using food as an emotional crutch. sis is not your therapist.
chew on ice (i was never this desperate lmao)
plan a controlled metabolism day and work the foods you want to binge on now in that day to practice moderation and portion control while also reinforcing discipline
STOP if you have already started. you don’t have to continue. you’re okay. you still have control. stop now and prove it to yourself.
learn some biology (human anatomy, physiology, etc)
✨some affirmations✨:
~ repeat these to yourself for as long as it takes for the urge to binge to go away ~
food does not hold power over me
i don’t actually want this
*this food* actually really grosses me out
i don’t even like to eat
i’m going to put this away because i don’t need it and i listen to my needs
i am such an intuitive eater. i know when to stop eating naturally
its so easy for me to not eat
not eating is so easy
i take care of my emotional needs rather than numbing them away with food
food won’t make me feel better. self care will
i take care of myself.
i am committed to taking care of myself
i don’t even want to eat anymore.
i have no appetite. i never do
this food taste so gross and it lingers in the mouth. why would i want to eat something like that
i naturally crave fruits and vegetables.
i naturally eat healthy
i feel so much lighter and happier when i don’t eat
i feel better now that i said no to *this food*
i don’t really need food
i am actually really thirsty. i need water, not food
i am okay
i have control over myself and my body because i listen to it and take of it
i have discipline because i am naturally built for this
i am okay
i will be okay
this urge is not the end of the world. i don’t have to give in
just because i have a desire, that doesn’t compel me to fulfil it. i have more self control than that
i am okay.
i will be okay.
i am strong
i am okay
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bblprincessa · 5 hours
skip dinner, wake up thinner
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miserableteengirl · 3 months
i'm going to be skinny before summer
i'm going to be skinny before summer
i'm going to be skinny before summer
i'm going to be skinny before summer
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