#bro be getting the red eyes or an awkward pose no matter what
snnart · 8 months
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i wish they interacted more in the show
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yinyanchan · 3 years
Housemates x Zoot Suit Riot Crossover: Lucky and Strike part 1
Wanted to post this for my birthday. You guys get to see it here first before the parts are combined and put on AO3. I will update when that happens as I’d like to do POV’s I’ve written for housemates and Zoot Suit Riot as well. The rating on it will be M as we do have a lot a pervs to cover and well Lucky being Lucky.
Summary: In which Blue and Orange from Housemates end up getting sucked through the still active machine in the basement of the house and swaps them with Lucky (Underswap Mafia Sans) and Strike (Underswap Mafia Papyrus) from my fic. Zoot Suit Riot. If you haven’t read Zoot Suit Riot… you are in for a treat with Lucky. Rating is what is and you will find out soon enough.
Check it out under the cut!
Blue was cleaning up near the dryer as Orange was helping him fold clothes in the basement. Both of them zoned out at what they were doing… until…
“You hear that bro?” Orange looks around. He faintly hears a soft whirring sound but both the dryer and washing machine were off.
Blue pauses and looks around.
“I HEAR IT BUT WHAT DO YOU SUPPOSE IT IS? I MEAN I FEEL LIKE I’VE HEARD IT BEFORE BUT I CAN’T HONESTLY PLACE IT.” He hums as he continues to investigate with his brother.
“Oh crap. It’s getting louder behind the locked door.” Oranges’ sockets widen as do Blues.
“YOU DON’T THINK THE MACHINE STARTED UP ON IT’S OWN DO YOU!?” Blue looks highly concerned over at his brother.
“It doesn’t seem possible. Go get Sans… I’ll take it from here.” Orange says undoing the lock on the door only to have his hand gripped by his brother.
“I DON’T WANT YOU GOING IN ALONE. MAYBE THIS IS SOMETHING LIKE AN UPDATE BUT I DON’T WANT YOU TO GO IN AND IT POSSIBLY TAKES YOU FROM ME.” Blue is serious and Orange relents… he knows if he doesn’t comply he won’t even get the chance to investigate. Blue will ground his sorry behind that’s for sure.
“Ok bro. On the count of 3 we go in together.” Blue nods, getting that serious big brother mode game face on.
“1...2...3” They open the door and are instantly bathed in light and are instantly sucked into the room. Then moments later two skeletons who look eerily similar are thrown into the room.
They both groan slowly getting up from their awkward positions on the floor. They both look at each other only to do a double take.
“Brother, I know you are lazy but honestly?” The Blue look alike scowls at the orange hoodie clad skeleton next to him. The skeleton in question looks himself over and then scoffs.
“At least you can tell what I’m wearin’ unlike you bro… what even is that?” His brow raised in question.
The Blue imposter looked down at the battle body that Blue so lovingly wore in absolute disgust.
“THE FUCKING HELL IS THIS!? WHERE IS MY GODDAMN SUIT!?” He raves then touches head for his hat… and instantly blue tears are welling up in his sockets.
“Strike… my hat is gone… my classy yet uniquely me bowler hat has gone missing… I CAN’T BE CLASSY, yet highly adorable, AND GET PUSSY IN THIS!!!” The blue skeleton has tears cascading down as he looks around for something far more wearable… he only can find more of what his brother Strike is wearing and aprons.
“Lucky, Look, it's a bit more serious than our clothes right now. Forget our soulmate was in the world we left behind?” Strike asks his brother who looks ready to combust.
“Well she’s not here obviously.” Strike meanders to the machine listening to its soft dronning hum.
“FIX THIS NOW!!!” Lucky demands but Strike laughs.
“Unfortunately this is out of my league. My machine doesn’t even have one of these usb ports. I had to print orders on a card file for the machine to read it… one mistakenly placed card would throw everything out of order.” Strike sighs.
“Hmmm perhaps this may be a similar situation we were in… multiple versions of ourselves convening in one alternate universe. I say we go out there and pretend to be whoever these skeletons are and single out the one who is responsible for this mishap.” Lucky says lifting up the battle body attire with a repulsed look.
“Great plan bro but how are you sure that they will think we’re them.” Strike questions.
Lucky pulls out the photo in the chest plate of Blue and Orange posing for the picture.
“I think we can handle it.” Lucky smirks, his blue eyes sharpened to blue icy stars.
Strike chuckles as the pose gives everything away. They were just plain ordinary versions of themselves in a different universe… How hard could it be?
They go up the stairs and find themselves face to face with someone so strikingly familiar their soul about leapt out of their chest.
“Y/N?” Lucky asks almost in a whisper but loud enough for you to turn around and smile. Lucky is in a daze and he feels the familiar pull of his soul's longing.... Could it be that there was another soulmate version of you in this world.
“What’s up Blue? Done with the laundry already? From the way you were lecturing Orange about his growing pile of filth… I thought you’d be down there a lot longer.” You chuckle as you come up to pat his shoulder.
The silence was obviously starting to worry you.
“You ok…..” You start but are instantly cut off by Strike chuckling.
“It’s okay honeybun, he’s a little speechless after he found a snack in the pockets of one of these (Slightly lifts the hoodie for emphasis) and it’s well traumatized him a bit. He’ll be back to good ol’ Blue in a moment.” Strike knew he slipped up by the way you look at him puzzled when he called you honeybun but fortunately his deductions about himself in this world were correct. You snort making both Lucky and Strike ease up from the tense situation they were in.
You give Lucky a hug which he’s shocked but instantly hugs you back.
“I’m so sorry Blue. At least it’s not like when Red went on a full cursing rampage… You and Berry both were mortified for days.” From Lucky’s position he was able to make eye contact with his brother.
It was an unspoken acknowledgement of the information they had just gathered. So there was a Red and a Berry… then you leaned back to look at Lucky once more.
“I’m sure you’ll be my cheery, bubbly Blueberry in no time.” Lucky almost cringed and Strike couldn’t hold back his laughter. Leaving you confused and Lucky glaring daggers at him while your focus was off.
Lucky only used that persona as a ruse… He hated being cute but he would do it in a heartbeat if it meant he could get something he could use. Everyone usually thought Strike was in charge and were left confused when Lucky showed up and made sure everyone knew their place. Strike knows that persona works like magic… no matter how much Lucky hates it.
“MWEH HEH! YOU HAVE ME THERE Y/N” Lucky throws himself into the act. You give him a concerned look again but shake it off with a grin. Lucky saw it and knew that Blue must’ve given you a term of endearment that he must call you by constantly… He wished he knew what it was…
Luckily he and Strike were always a team and Strike has his back.
“Sorry honeybun but it looks like he’s still a little out of it.” Strike snickers and Lucky puts on a playful pout that instantly has you looking relieved.
“Well this homework isn’t going to do itself… If only…” You sigh and grab a backpack off the floor and start heading upstairs after waving to them.
“Strike, She’s not used to you calling her honeybun. She seemed okay with honey before the bun. Just call her honey but there must be something this Blue was calling her… I can’t think of anything at the moment of what it could be…” Lucky has his game face on again as they both stand around thinking about their gameplan.
Well… if they couldn’t get back to where they were… There was a soulmate for them here and they both smirked at one another.
“There ya are pipsqueak.” Both Luck and Strike turn to see someone who was definitely a shorter version of Sweets… Had the most atrocious shorts with a parka… but red and black per the normal color pattern. Also the gold fang that stuck out like a sore thumb… So that could mean that their version of Swisher was here too if his brother was.
Lucky actually looked behind him in confusion and worry like there was someone else that he hadn’t seen. Strike noticed the skeleton rolls his eyelights.
“You, You dumbass.” As Lucky turns to glare and Strike straightens himself a little… ready for a fight.
Then all of a sudden the other skeleton starts laughing.
“What? am I in trouble? I shouldn’t be cursing is that it? I hope I don’t invoke big brother mode.” The skeleton continues to guffaw only when he notices that the two skeletons aren’t really reacting the way he was wanting… in fact they seemed deathly serious.
“Hey come on… didn’t mean it. Ya not seriously gonna go inta big brother mode because of that?” The skeleton that resembled Sweets starts to look them over concerned.
“What the actual fuck are you going on about?” Lucky is seething. Strike coughs to let his brother know he’s slipped character because of his anger once again.
Too late the damage has been done. 
The skeleton starts to eyeball them both a little more and starts to sweat.
“Who the…” He pauses in his question then in a blink disappears while yelling “Sans!”
“Well isn’t this a total shit fuck of a mess I put us in?” Lucky groans.
“Told ya ta watch yer anger bro… now all I can say is we gotta sell who we’re impersonating.” Strike sighs as both walk around and try to get familiar with things as quickly as possible.
Both of them find themselves wandering into the living room to be cornered by someone who looked like Black from their world. Only they almost had their jaws drop at his outfit. Bandanna with ragged looking black and red clothes that showed off his spine like a midriff. 
Strike had to nudge Lucky as he saw his brother's eye sockets narrow in what was sure to be a retort. Shocking his brother to let out a “MWEH” as he suddenly remembers.
Strike was good on hunches and was definitely a walking talking lie detector… even though that doesn’t stop Lucky from lying all the time.
“Come on, Berry, don't be like that. Poor bro is traumatized enough as it is going through my laundry.” His hunch was right as he watched ‘Berry’ shudder in absolute disgust.
“Where is everyone?” Strike grins as he knows this will get them names at least.
“FORGET ALREADY? SANS IS AT THE UNIVERSITY ALONG WITH PAPYRUS AND RUSS. YOU KNOW? DOING THEIR JOBS. EDGE IS AT HIS JOB AS WELL. AXE AND NOOK ARE IN THE GARDEN AND RED OF COURSE IS BEING AN IDIOT. DEAREST IS ATTENDING HER HOMEWORK.” Both skeletons flinch at the smile on Berry’s face when he mentions well… you… who else would it be that a skeleton like this would be so fond of?
Yet Strike and Lucky are grateful to the access of information that was just handed to them on a silver platter.
Lucky has been in thought while listening to the drivel of his newest rival. What would he call someone absolutely dear to him? Obviously it would be something similar to this Blue… would it be Starshine? He likes stars and the way they shimmer and shine… but even Strike seemed to be a little off with honeybun.
“I’m sure bro.” Strike says with a grin knowing where this would go.
“I DON’T BELIEVE YOU. LET US TAKE ANOTHER LOOK SHALL WE?” Lucky and Strike begin to make their way upstairs leaving Berry… without realizing that Berry is looking at the stairs they chose weren’t the stairs they often took to go to their rooms.
Shrugging it off. Blue might’ve wanted to pop in to see how you were doing.
As Lucky and Strike crest the landing both look at each other seriously. You were in one of these rooms so they couldn’t go barging in but all skeletons were accounted for either not being here, inside, or upstairs… save for Red.
He was another problem. If he knew where Sans was he probably took a shortcut there but possibly could be in one of the rooms himself.
Strike shrugged and Lucky sighed walking over to the first door and knocked.
“Yes?” You called out and Lucky swooned.
“JUST CHECKING IF YOU NEEDED ANY HELP!” He calls out and you laugh.
“I might need some help with math later okay?” You tell him through the door.
“THEN I SHALL BE BACK TO HELP YOU.” Lucky preens but Strike pulls him away before he can say anything else.
“Bro, you forget that math is a subject you don’t excel at unless it’s you figuring out how to do something successfully in your own head?” Strike urges his brother to stop while they are ahead. Lucky was only good at numbers from his perspective and not from a textbook.
“Of course and by successful, it is! And Doing…?” His grin is lecherous as he looks back at your door.
“I will be.” He licks his teeth and Strike sighs. 
“Bro, I feel the pull too but we need our head in the game, so we can win it before they find out we aren’t who they thought we are.” Strike pulls him to the next door and knocks.
No answer. Looking around they slowly open it to not make a sound. They see a room in squalor and Lucky nearly gags. Lucky might be a little lazy in the mornings but he likes things nice and tidy.
This must be Red's room from the shorts they see lying about and the red and black color scheme… the only thing that really just has them floored are the pin ups… Naked pin ups…
Lucky looks around and sees a magazine. As he picks up the magazine the centerfold unfolds to a nude woman in a very sensual position.
“L-Lucky put that down!” Strike is flushed with embarrassment as his brother looks awestruck.
“I feel jipped. Where was this stuff in our timeline!? The only things naughty I had were stuffy pin ups with people in their unmentionables but only some skin was shown… This. Shows. Everything.” Lucky wipes a little drool away instantly pinning your face onto what he’s seeing.
“Guys!? Are you in Red’s room!?” They both freeze and Lucky instantly chucks the evidence away from him by instinct.
Only for them to sigh in relief that you were calling out from the otherside of the wall. Yet strike sees Lucky quickly stuff something in his pocket.
“YES WE WERE DROPPING OFF A TURTLENECK SWEATER WE FOUND IN THE DRYER!” Lucky quickly lies at the drop of a hat. Something that was both a blessing and a curse for poor Strike.
“Ok, but you know he doesn’t like anyone being in there when he’s not!” You call out again. You were still pretty muffled due to the wall… which had them looking at one another in curiosity if you had heard anything they said.
Seeing as you didn’t seem weirded out or come over in a huff they speculated that it wasn’t something to be upset about. So they quickly left and shut the door loud enough behind them for you to know they had left.
They went over and gently knocked on the next door so that you couldn’t hear but any occupant would. No answer so they silently slipped in. It was a very nice simple room. Had some books arranged neatly on a few shelves and at least they could see the computer on the desk without piles of dirty dishes and… well they didn’t want to think about what all those kleenex wipes were doing there.
There was a picture on the desk and this one showed Red and a Tall skeleton resembling Swisher from where they were whisked away from. Strike narrowed down the names listed and since it seemed to go in pairs the way it was given. Russ was obviously Berry’s brother. Sans and Papyrus of course the originals… That left Axe, Nook, and Edge. Since Axe and Nook were working together they might be brothers so that left Edge.
“Edge right?” Lucky smirks as he also narrowed it down. Well this wasn’t either of their rooms so they went down another door. Gently knock only to be spooked by a loud voice.
“OH! IS SOMEONE THERE? I WILL JUST BE A MINUTE.” They listen closely, leaning towards the door. They heard water stop running and then the door was thrown open startling them to both jump back. Panic stricken as they see a lumbering disfigured Papyrus lean down quizzically eyeing them.
“Figures there’d be one of him too.” Lucky gripes under his breath and gets elbowed by Strike.
“I AM TERRIBLY SORRY FRIENDS… WERE YOU NOT WANTING TO USE THE RESTROOM? OR WERE YOU LOOKING FOR SOMEONE?” They were at a pause… this was either Axe or Nook and since they had nothing to go by, playing it off was going to be a difficult feat.
“SCAVENGER HUNT.” Lucky blurted out and Strike looked at him like he’s lost his mind.
“WE DIDN’T WANT TO INTRUDE ON ANYONE MWEH HEH HEH.” Lucky gets that big sweet adorable grin as he rubs the back of his skull.
“OOOH A SCAVENGER HUNT!? WHO ARE WE SCAVENGING!?” The tall lanky skeleton of nightmares looks positively joyous and ready to join.
“Ummm who?” Strike looks between the skeletons nervously.
“MEHH NO! NOT WHO BUT A WHAT!” Even Lucky seems at a loss as his shoulders droop.
“YOU HAVE ME PUZZLED BLUE… TO SCAVENGE IS A HUNT FOR FOOD.” Both Lucky and Strike look floored.
“Then why did you say who?” Strike chuckles nervously.
“OBVIOUSLY BECAUSE I MADE A FUNNY. AXE AND PEACHES WOULD HAVE LAUGHED.” The one that is now known to be Nook poses dramatically and somehow his tattered cape like scarf blowing in wind that was not there.
Now the question was… who the hell was Peaches?
“MWEH! OF COURSE I GET IT NOW! VERY FUNNY NOOK!” Nook looks at Lucky weirdly but smiles.
“GOOD TO KNOW THAT MY DARK CANNIBAL JOKES AREN’T *Snicker* DRY.” He pauses and both skeletons seem to have no choice but to laugh while they are screaming internally.
“YES, WELL, NOOK PERHAPS YOU CAN HELP US?” Lucky quickly rebounds to change the subject. Lucky may have seen guts and glory in his line of work but the actual thought of eating someone was not something that sat with him lightly.
Nor for Strike who only sweats as Nook continues to chuckle and say “BONE DRY” under his breath.
“YOU SEE, ABSOLUTELY THE DARNDEST THING. WE ARE MISSING A SOCK. WE’VE BEEN HUNTING FOR IT BECAUSE ORANGE DOESN’T KNOW WHERE HE COULD HAVE LEFT IT… BEST TO RETRIEVE IT BEFORE SOMEONE ELSE STUMBLES UPON IT… LIKE Y/N.” He does the best bubbly impression he has but that doesn’t stop the tall skeleton looking down at him, with a knowing that something isn’t right.
“STARLIGHT.” Nook says bluntly at Lucky who falters.
“I BEG YOUR PARDON?” Lucky tries to keep his cool but even Strike knows when his brother is getting close to the ‘Fuck it’ stage and guns start blazing. Lucky was never really patient unless there was a type of goal that he really wanted to strive for.
“WELL UM YES WE THOUGHT BUT PERHAPS YOU COULD HELP US? MORE EYES THE BETTER AT FINDING IT!” Lucky is trying to persuade Nook into helping them find at least Blue or Orange’s room.
Strike smirks. His bro is really good at handling things when he tries.
“NO THANKS.” Nook shrugs and walks off leaving Lucky and Strike to their stupor.
“Uh… Ok…” Strike looks at him quizzically and Nook pauses with a brow raised.
“LOOK, I’M NOT PAPYRUS… WELL TECHNICALLY I AM BUT I’M NOT JUST GOING TO RUN AROUND LOOKING FOR SOMEONE ELSE'S UNMENTIONABLES. THAT’S JUST… WELL UNSANITARY AND RUDE.” Nook scoffs at the other two and meanders off a ways… then turns and eyes them making them stiff.
“Yeah it’s been exhausting work waiting for the clothes to be finished… getting pressed…” Strike realizes he didn’t know what those machines were… he only knew dry cleaners… Lucky glares at him briefly.
Lucky and Strike both heave a sigh of relief they didn’t realize they were holding.
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mrs-hollandstan · 4 years
Make Me Love You || Frat Boy!Tom [eight]
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Warnings: smut in the beginning (18+), male receiving oral not crucial to the story, lil praise kink, language, cuteness, a little bit if good old parental fighting but its light hearted, talk of previous relationships
Word Count: 6,164
Author's Note: So this chapter doesn't involve actual Christmas, and I think I'll just kinda brief over it in nine, but I do enjoy this chapter and I hope you guys do too. Lemme know and add yourself to my taglist if you enjoy :) 
Series Masterlist || Add yourself to one of my taglists
Everything played out in Tom's favor Sunday morning when it came to his golf match. Not only did Ivey get you out of bed as promised to both you and Tom, but she punctuated it with coffee and drove to the golf course. Tom caught your eye a few times on the sideline as he waited for the other players to make their shots. Just like that day you watched his first match, it was dreary, cold and drizzly and you honestly, couldn't wait to get in someone's car to warm up. What's different and breaks the deja vu feeling is that rather than Harrison winning Medalist, its Tom, the usual round of golf claps going around the small crowd, congratulations thrown his way from all directions as he walks the line towards you.
You both remember what you told him you'd do if he did good in the match and he held up his end of the bargain, it's only fair you do the same. He smiles as he stands just before you,
"Hey." You smile back up at him, nudging his chest with your shoulder,
"Hey stud. Good job." He chuckles cockily as you launch yourself into his arms, your own bound around his neck as you lean in to kiss him and he holds you around the waist,
"I'm so goddamn proud of you baby." You tell him, peppering his face and throat in kisses. His chest rumbles, arms setting you back on your feet as Ivey and Harrison approach. Harrison bro hugs him as Ivey congratulates him and he suavely thanks her, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. Your roommate diverts her attention to you,
"So are you guys joining us for breakfast at the diner?" She poses expectantly. You glance up as Tom clicks his tongue, his eyebrows raised as he looks down at you before he bites his lip,
"Think Y/N has another breakfast plan in mind." He jokes, laughing and rubbing his pec after you punch him, a whine slipping from his lips as you turn your attention back to your royally confused, yet amused friends, a heat creeping from deep within your body as you attempt to explain to him,
"He and I... w-when THAT happened at the club the other night... I promised him a uhh, a victory blowjob if he did good during the match today." Your cheeks burn bright red, Tom's bottom lip drawn between his teeth as he smiles down at your flushed self and Harrison and Ivey somewhat awkwardly confirm the information. She smiles,
"Well... good luck. I see that you're starting to adapt to the whole, dating a British frat boy and all like I have. If you guys... get done or whatever, you know where to find us." Before the situation gets any more awkward, she turns and leads Harrison to her car as you sigh and walk from under Tom's arm, listening to your childish boyfriend's laughter as he follows you towards the notorious SUV he dons,
"Was I wrong?"
"No, but you didn't have to say it like that. It's embarrassing, admitting I'm blowing my boyfriend for the first time no matter how comfortable I am with the person." You lecture, Tom's body suddenly the smallest bit heavy as he realizes you're actually upset. He jumps to take your hand, pulling you back into him as the guilt weighs heavy,
"M'sorry, I didn't know you were so upset about it. I really am sorry, I-I didn't mean to... embarrass you or anything. I thought it'd be funny to crack the joke." He admits, genuineness set in the coffee colored eyes that dart between your own. You nod after a moment of staring up at him, licking your lips as you lean against his car,
"Its okay." You mutter softly, pulling open your door when he unlocks it. His eyes are trained on the road as he drives, letting you stroke up and down his bare arm, one of the first times you're seeing his arms not covered by a sweater or long sleeve shirt. He enjoys the contact and so do you, driving along the one lane road until he pulls into the usual dirt lot, previous tire tracks from his car prevalent in the path. He leaves the car running, turning to look at you,
"You know you don't have to right? I mean... this is your choice but I don't want you to feel pressured because I ate you out the other night." He reasons. You smile and nod,
"I know, I want to though." You reassure. He nods in return before watching you clamber into the backseat again, sitting off to the side as he reaches across and slides the passenger seat all the way forward, climbing into the backseat with you and doing the same to the driver's side seat, allowing for more room for the both of you. You smile down at him as he climbs back into the bench seating, swallowing as you climb into his lap, your crotch rested over his as you lean in to kiss him. Your fingers thread through his hair like they always do, Tom sighing at the feeling as he wraps his arms around you. You run your hands down his arms, slipping your hands between you to tug at the hem of his polo. He allows you to pull it off and over his head, his hands pulling at the hem of your own shirt to tug it off, Your hands rest on his bare shoulders for a moment as you move back against his growing erection, his hands riding to your lower back, his lashes fluttering as he stares up at you,
"Shh." You quiet, holding the back of his neck as you kiss him again, hand slipping down into the waistband of his pants and boxers. He hisses, his breath caught in his throat as you stroke him, his skin soft despite the throbbing of his length,
"Fuck... darling..." He spits out, hands rested over your butt as you stroke him, your tongue caught between your teeth as you smile,
"So hard baby boy, do you get this hard just looking at me?"
"God you are so cocky, what happened to you? Give you just a taste of sex and you go fucking crazy with it you little vixen." He growls, reaching out to swat your butt sharply. You narrow your eyes,
"But you love it. You're fucking throbbing in my hand Thomas, tell me you don't like me calling you baby boy and jerking you off, I dare you."
"Fuck that, I fucking love it." He pants, trying to hold onto you before you slip down to your knees between his legs, letting him push his pants and boxers down, cock springing free in all of its glory. You hum, having ditched your own jeans just for the hell of it and lean in on his thighs, hands roaming up across his hips. You trace the delicate v-line he sports with your finger until your hand wraps around his thick shaft, pumping it just like you did before, watching his skin wrinkle and straighten out, His tip leaks pre-cum out across the skin of your hand before you lean in to lap it up, Tom sucking in a deep breath as you run your tongue over his tip, humming to yourself at the velvety feel of him and the taste, salty yet sweet. He drapes his arm over the back of the seats his hand placed over his thigh as he watches you lick up the underside of his shaft, your eyes sparkling up at him.
He hums, tilting his head to watch you, lips pursed as you run your hands across his chest and stomach, mouth dipping around his cock. The warmth sends goosebumps across his body, his head tipping back over the back of the seats. He groans, cock twitching in your mouth as you gently bob your head, one of your hands now resting on his thigh, rubbing across the cream colored skin,
"Fuck darling, it's been forever since I've gotten a blowjob and your mouth ... feels... fucking fantastic." He groans, reaching down after a moment to gather your hair in his hand. You hum around him, hollowing your cheeks as you pick up the pace just the smallest bit, a loud, pleased noise leaving his throat. You smile, letting him press on the back of your head, the tip of his cock reaching the back of your throat. You gag, a grunt slipping from Tom's lips as his hips involuntarily buck up into your face. You gag again, hand pressed to his hip as your nose nudges his pubic bone.
He's set to apologize, releasing the hard grip in your hair before you grab hold of his thigh, tugging on it as if to urge him on to do it again. His eyebrows furrow as you pull up, taking a breath and you raise your own eyebrow,
"Did you... did you like that?" He poses, amusement present in his voice. Your eyebrow rises again,
"What, having your dick forced down my throat? Course I do. Its sexy as fuck and... I'm fucking in love with all of you hot stuff." You purr, stroking him as you stand just the smallest bit to kiss him. He smiles into you, holding the back of your neck, even as you draw back and stare up at him, his nose nudging along yours,
"The hell are you doin to me woman?" He asks softly, listening to you giggle as you kneel between his legs again, licking your lips before shrugging,
"Nothing you don't enjoy." You mutter before taking him back into your mouth. He lays his head back against the seats again, reaching down to guide you along with a much more gentle push on the back of your head. He watches you, raising his hips a few more times to watch you gag, your eyes diverting up to him, innocence laced in them that drives Tom insane. He grunts, gathering your hair up to guide you along, your tongue stuck out around him as he forces your head down, saliva dribbling down around him. You reach up as he releases you, fondling his balls as you raise your head to catch your breath, lapping up your own saliva just to clean him up a little,
"Look at you baby. Such a good girl." He coos, watching your face change. He knows the look too, he's the same way, loving the praise from a partner. And he can tell that even though you've never talked about a bad relationship, the praise he gives is something you want, something you crave and of course he plans to keep doing it. Your lashes flutter as you suck at his tip,
"Gonna cum for me?" You ask softly. He nods,
"Course. And if you want, I'll cum down that pretty little throat." You smile, nodding and letting hair fall into your face,
"I want you to. That'd be so sexy." You reply, having never looked more beautiful to Tom than in this moment. As you take him back into your mouth, hands placed over his thighs, he reaches behind you to unclip your bra, dragging it down your arms and tossing it aside to feel your breasts. He rolls a nipple between his fingers, a small moan slipping from between your lips as he watches you, guiding you with one hand and palming your breast in the other,
"You're doing so good baby. That feels real fuckin good. Bet you're soaked too huh?" You hum, nodding and staring up at him as you suck more and more of him into your mouth. You bob your head rather quickly, Tom scooting forward, gagging you with each movement before he takes hold of your hair, jolting his hips forward. Your lower back presses to the base of the center console, your hands pressed to his thighs as you gag and slurp around him, his tip poking into the back of your throat. He loves the noises that come from you as the coil in his belly grows nearer and nearer to snapping as you let him fuck your face. He groans,
"Fuck darling, m'gonna cum. You want me to cum?" You manage to nod around him, eyes locked in his as he continues before his back arches just the smallest bit, his head falling back as he spills into your mouth with a long winded moan. You swallow a few strands of it before he draws back, watching you close your mouth, his tongue caught between his teeth,
"Gonna swallow all that for me pretty girl?" He purrs. You nod before you give one last swallow and Tom hums,
"God you're gorgeous. C'mere pretty girl." You crawl into his lap, his lips meeting yours in an instant as you straddle him. He holds one of your cheeks, your chest pressed to his as you kiss. He reaches up, stroking your hair down against the sides of your face, your fingers threaded through his hair after a moment. When he pulls back, he smiles, letting you lay your head against his shoulder with a sigh,
"Good, now I feel less bad about you not getting any sex from me. You did." He chuckles and nods,
"That I did. Like I said, I didn't need it but I am glad that I got it. That was good." He tells you, tucking hair behind your ear. He smiles, pecking your lips once more before he sighs and wraps his arms around you, laying his head against yours as your eyes close. His fingers trail up your back, body slack beneath you,
"Can't wait for my girls to finally meet." He mutters. You smile, kissing his neck,
"What, me and your mom?"
"You to meet my mum and my puppy. If my dog likes you, you stay." He cracks. You giggle along with him, snuggling down into him,
"Oh really?" He nods,
"Hell yeah." You share another laugh as Tom fishes a blanket from his hatch area, wrapping it around the both of you so you can sit comfortably for a little while.
Approximately nine hours and twenty minutes in an airplane could be a good idea. That is of course if the airplane is only populated by you and Tom and not screaming, crying children who kick the back of your seats and thoroughly make Tom rethink his claims about having kids someday. Of course, his tight grip on your hand that, over time gets tighter until he realizes he's breaking it and let's up just a little bit and his gentle kisses when he wants to pay you some attention after you haven't talked or such in a while and his head against your shoulder or yours against his when you take one of the few naps, interrupted by said children that make Tom want to give himself a vasectomy, is nice. The only thing that changes his mind just the smallest bit about babies is the way his heart melts when he sees a woman, only a few years older than the both of you, cradling a small boy to her in an attempt to get him to sleep, wild brown curls atop his head and piercing blue eyes similar to Harrison's staring up at him sleepily as he suckles at a pacifier. He's clad in a blue and orange planet footed onesie and once he realizes he has Tom's full, undivided attention as he heads back to you from the bathroom, a small, pudgy hand reaches out to grasp the air in a wave and Tom's knees nearly give out. He and the mother share a kind, loving smile as he passes, whispering a soft greeting to the her and the baby boy before he slides into his seat beside you, his hand sliding into yours and he squeezes. You giggle,
"What?" He shakes his head,
"Nothing I just, I saw a cute baby coming back from the bathroom and for the first time during this whole flight it didn't make me wanna chop my balls off." He jokes. You snicker again quietly for the sake of those asleep around you on the plane, especially now that most of the screaming monsters have worn themselves out and you really don't want to poke the bear. You rub your thumb over his knuckles, eyes closing again and with how peaceful and warm the cab is as you fly over New York, lights twinkling far below, he knows that you're asleep in seconds, letting you rest your head against his shoulder and trying his best to lean in and kiss your temple when he starts to miss you again. And be that as it may, he's actually more than happy to shake awake when the plane lands. He smiles and mutters good morning and how much he missed you before you sleepily trudge through the airport with him.
It's pretty cold, Tom knowing exactly where to go and excitement buzzes off of him as he pulls your bags off of the conveyor belt, carrying the bigger ones. When Tom sets his bags down you look up at him, confused, but he has the biggest smile on his face, even more so than when he looks at you. And before you can question it, he kneels and there's a flash of grey before Tom is laughing and holding something back. It's a little medium size grey puppy, lapping at Tom's face as her tail whips wildly through the air. You giggle, a few people approaching as you watch Tom and his dealbreaker dog reconvene on the floor,
"You must be Y/N." A sweet voice is omitted from a beautiful, redheaded woman in a similar accent to Tom's. You smile and nod,
"Hopefully if you've heard of me it's been all good things." You half joke, something you've learned from her son before her smile widens and she pulls you into a hug, rubbing up your back,
"Tom wouldn't have brought you home if he didn't think you were worth it." Your heart swells as she says it, moving aside to gesture to the man beside her,
"This is his dad, Dom, and his youngest brother, Paddy." She introduces, both men beside her greeting you kindly before Tom tugs at the bottom of your sweater, bottom lip caught between his teeth as you crouch beside him and the dog is stunned on her back, Tom's hands roaming up her sides,
"This is Tess." He states. You smile as he lets her up, watching her stand and shake, trying to climb into Tom's lap before he forces a paw out for you to hold,
"Tessa, this is Y/N. You're the determinant as to if she stays around or not." He tells her and your group of five share a laugh as you peak her interest and she clambers towards you bulkily, tail slowed down, but still thunking away at Tom's chest now,
"Hi. You're a pretty girl-"
"Don't give into the sweet talk Tess, that's how she gets ya. You can't be biased." Tom jokes again, Nikki now standing behind him and swatting at his head,
"Our dog is not going to be the deciding factor on if a girl you could spend the rest of your life with, stays." She lightly scolds. But of course Tom knows that. Tessa has never not liked a girl Tom brought home, she's a friendly dog and he knows she'll love you. And even if she didn't, he'd probably still keep you around because you at least make him happy. But Tessa seems to love you. She nuzzles against you and flops in your lap, lapping at the underside of your chin as you giggle and try to tame the beast. Tom smiles, watching you and his parents don't say anything but the look in his eyes shows that he's happier being with you than all the other girls he's been with. His old girlfriends disappointed and discouraged him from looking at them with such love by asking him what he was looking at while you're preoccupied and you'd love to catch him looking at you the way he is. You look up into his beautiful eyes,
"She's adorable. My dad never wanted a dog so we never had one and I love her." You tell him. His smile widens,
"I think she loves you too. She's crazy right now." He tells you before he stands, taking hold of her leash,
"You can get on my bed with Y/N when we get home Tess, let's get outta here." He mutters, tugging on the leash as his dad and Paddy take the bags he'd been carrying. You follow the small group out to an SUV, Tom holding the door open for Paddy to climb into the very back and you and him to move into the middle seats, you sitting in the middle and Tom sitting at the edge, holding your hand in his lap. Tessa curls around you in the other outer seat, laying her head over your thigh. You lay your hand over her back, head against Tom's shoulder,
"Tired babe?" He asks softly. You shrug,
"I feel good right now. This is somewhere I've never been so my body is alert so I can take it all in." He smiles, kissing your temple,
"Well you'll see a lot more of it. I'll give you a full tour, promise." He whispers into your hair, smiling as you nod. He hums, leg bouncing softly as you drive through his hometown, your head turned up to watch the old buildings pass. The weather outside is gloomy and cloudy, the occasional fat raindrops striking the windows. Tom points out some of the shops he used to go to as a kid, restaurants he loves and plans to take you into. When you turn onto his block, he straightens up a little,
"So are you making her stay in the guest room or can she stay in my room?" He asks his mom who smiles as she glances back at the both of you,
"Is your bed big enough?" He shrugs,
"We sleep in those college dorm cots just fine. Think my bed's the same size if not a little bigger." He remarks as his dad turns up the driveway, putting the car in park. The conversation haults as you climb from the car, helping haul the bags inside and following close behind Tom to an off white colored room, Tessa jumping on the bed before you. You smile at her, sitting at the edge to pet her. Her tail rustles the blanket below you both as you lay back on the bed, letting her upper body rest over you so you can pet her head,
"What do you say you and me take the bed and force him into the guest bedroom?" You joke. Tom clicks his tongue, coming to stand beside the bed,
"Oh ha ha, I'd like to... actually no, you both could kick me out, you know what, fine, see if I ever kiss you again though." He jokes before you jump up, grabbing the collar of his shirt and dragging him down to peck his lips,
"I'd never kick you out. Who else would protect me and lo- a...dore me?" You sputter out. He chuckles, hands placed over your hips,
"I lo- adore you, huh? You sure?" You shake your head and he presses his lips together, not liking the uncertainty and slight sadness in your eyes. He wraps his arms around you, humming at the warmth of your hands on his biceps,
"I do adore you. I've never told a girl I loved her this early. Hell, most the time I say it, they get snippy and up and leave." He admits with a sadness of his own his eyes. You reach up to run your fingers through his hair,
"I'm not pressuring you Holland. You'll say it when you're ready but... in case you hadn't noticed, I can't go anywhere." You tell him. He smiles and nods,
"I know. And like I keep saying, you're different and that's what I love. But... I wanna catch you off guard when I say it." He says. You smile as he collects your face in his hands, leaning in to kiss you once, twice, three times before Nikki knocks on the wall just outside his door,
"Hey you two, we were uhh, talking about dinner. Wanna get some Nando's? Give her a full English welcome?" She poses with a smile. Tom strokes up your back and nods,
"Definitely. God, I could go for Nando's." He groans, letting you press your hand to his stomach as you smile up at him. Nikki nods,
"And when we get back, we can decorate. I got Y/N just a little something in a stocking. Tom can hang it so you don't know what it all is." She directs to you. You smile,
"That's sweet, you really didn't have to."
"Ahh, nonsense, any girl the boys bring home gets something." She waves you off. Your smile widens as you nod,
"That's sweet, thank you." She returns the smile before turning and heading down the hallway again. Tom hums,
"God, that's the one thing I hate about west coast America, no Nando's. I think it's better than sex." He tells you. You giggle, letting him wrap his arm around your shoulders and lead you towards the stairs, Tessa trailing behind. You stand at the bottom of the stairs, Tom rubbing his thumb over your shoulder as the three other people argue amongst themselves. Tom kisses the top of your head,
"This is such a great English welcome. Arguing ten minutes in." You giggle again,
"My parents did the same. They would've been arguing when we met up with them at the airport." You tell him. He smiles before walking to sit in an armchair and pulling your body into his lap. You wrap an arm around his neck as Tessa jumps up to lay on his other leg, Tom grunting softly under the weight of you both. You press your lips to his temple with a sigh, eyes closing as jet lag starts to kick in, your hand laid over his shoulder. He sighs,
"I'm glad you came with me. This is like... the life. You, my family, my dog, my hometown-"
"And Nando's?" You jokingly interrupt. He looks up, eyes on your lips,
"I hate to break it to you darling, but I'd give up Nando's if it meant having you for the rest of my life." He admits. You hum,
"Aren't you sweet." You tell him. He smiles and allows you to kiss him, index finger tucked under his chin. He hums, hand placed over your hip. He gives a gentle squeeze before Dom clears his throat, the both of you looking up,
"Sam and Harry should be in in just a few minutes. Then we can get you guys fed and back here to chill out for the rest of the night." He informs. You smile and nod, laying your head against Tom's shoulder,
"Are they those type of parents that want to buy me dinner while I'm here?" Tom smiles and nods,
"Basically. You should be that type of girlfriend that just accepts it. Don't fight it." He mutters in return, listening to you grumble,
"How the fuck else am I supposed to spend daddy's money?" You mutter. Tom chuckles before the front door opens and two boys, similar looking to Tom but scrawnier and younger walk in. The shorter, more curly haired boy looks you over,
"How much is he paying you? There is no way a girl as hot as this is with someone like you without being paid." He jokes. You smile as Tom grumbles,
"Asshole here is Harry. The quieter, more pleasant one is Sam." He introduces. You smile, nodding to the two boys, Harry of which smiles cheekily at you in a similar way to Tom’s. He holds his hand out,
“Tom told us he was bringing his girlfriend home but… I didn’t realize your standards were so low you’d take pity on my brother.” He continues to joke. Tom grumbles,
“Harry, shut the hell up.” You giggle,
“I’m Y/N, your brother is currently my favorite person.” You say sweetly, Tom smiling up at you. You smile back before Tom scoffs,
“Yeah, not for long.” Harry mutters before Tom lurches from beneath you leaving you and Tessa displaced as your boyfriend grabs his brother and pulls him into a headlock,
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding, you're a great guy and she's lucky to have you." Harry squeals, you giggling as Tom releases him, staring after the boy who backs away. He fixes his sweater around his waist, leaning down to kiss Tessa's head, leaning on his hands on the arms of your chair,
"Hungry?" You shrug and nod,
"Yeah. What exactly is Nando's?"
"This amazing South African restaurant. You get chicken with some sides and maybe some dessert. Of course you can get a salad or a wrap but... fuck babe, this place is so good and America only has it on the East coast. Which, speaking of America not having, there is so much I want you to try. Greg's, jaffa cakes, my mum's shepard's pie-"
"Is there anything not food related you want me to try?" You crack. Tom pauses, mouth hanging open before he shrugs,
"We'll probably go golfing and maybe bowling. Ooh, pub quiz is pretty good. Could do that."
"I don't know what that is-"
"S'alright, I'll teach you, get ya real drunk and bed ya." He mumbles with a wink. You hum,
"Yeah, keep tryin stud." You mutter back, leaning up to kiss him. He smiles before Harry speaks up again,
"Can we get food? I'm starving." The family agrees, collectively filtering out into the chilly air and welcoming you in like an old friend.
"Got it?"
"Mhmm." Your bottom lip is pulled between your teeth as you pin Tom's stocking to the wall along the staircase. He places his hands over your hips as you back into him. He sighs, watching Harry and Sam hang theirs and glancing over his shoulder at his parents and Paddy decorating the tree. He smiles,
"Wanna help me with the tree topper?"
"Tom, I don't wanna impede."
"Oh come on, I hang it every year. I want you to help me." He tells you, wrapping his arms around you and walking you to the tree. Nikki smiles, holding the angel out to you,
"My grandmother originally had this. She's passed it down and... hopefully, my oldest and his wife will get it to give to their own kids someday." She explains with a smile. The look in her eye, the way she elaborates to you her hopes makes it seem like she's hoping she'll pass it down to you and Tom. Tom kisses your temple,
"Need the step ladder?" Glancing back at him as you hold the antique tree topper in your hand, you nod, letting his warmth leave you as he fetches the small step stool, setting it up beside the tree. With a reassuring hand at your waist, Tom places a foot on the bottom step, watching you as carefully as you can place the angel as straight as possible on top of the tree. He smiles as you turn to look at him, his arms binding around your waist again as you step down, Dom moving the step stool,
"'S odd, I don't think I've ever seen Tom this lovey with a girl." He says, Tom sitting in the same armchair as earlier. He sighs as you sit in the arm,
"No, not at all. Y/N is definitely something different. It's nice though." Nikki replies, smiling at you. You lean back into Tom, running your fingers through his hair,
"I don't know if I should be flattered or scared." You joke, Sam and Harry sharing a laugh. Tom clicks his tongue,
"See, if this is how being back here for Christmas with my family is gonna go, I'm sendin you back to Seattle in a box." You squeal as Tom drags you back into his lap, tickling you. You squeal and squirm, trying to hold his hands from your body. You giggle, trying to catch your breath as he finally let's up, small chatter erupting amongst the house before Paddy calls out to you. You stand and follow the waving hand, assisting him in wrapping the last few lights on the strand in his hand around the railing up the stairs. He seems to be the one to have taken to you the fastest out of Tom's brothers. He laughs as you both walk down the stairs, Nikki stands up straight from over by the couch, camera in hand,
"Tom, come stand against this wall with Y/N. I want a picture of you two." She tells your boyfriend who stands, ruffling his hair before he sighs, steps up beside you, and wraps his arm around your shoulders, your own arm wrapping around his waist. He squeezes your shoulder,
"Are you having fun yet?" You glance up at him, smiling and nodding,
"Yeah. With you, always." You reassure, Tom smiling down at you. There's a quick flash before Tom glances up,
"Tom, don't start, that was adorable." You giggle, pressing your opposite hand not clutching his side, to his stomach, smiling at her. Tom follows suit, tucking his free hand in his pocket. She clicks a few pictures before Tom's name is whispered. You both glance up, Paddy smiling ear to ear as he holds a single strand of mistletoe above your head. Tom chuckles, glancing back down at you,
"I'm afraid we've been tricked darling." He mutters to you. You smile and shrug,
"I'm okay with it."
"So am I." He mumbles before leaning in to press his lips to yours. You giggle as another flash goes off, Tom's hand sliding down to your shoulder blade. His opposite hand comes up to cradle your chin. He pecks your lips one more time, glancing up at his mom,
"Got it?" She nods, proud smile on her face. Tom nods, placing his hands over your shoulders as you turn to wrap your hands around his waist,
"You gotta get her to print two sets of those pictures, one for you, one for me, so when we have a nasty breakup, you can burn them and I can tear them up.” You joke. He chuckles,
“And then when I beg to have you back because I can’t sleep at night and my mum misses you and I might miss you, you can tape the pieces back together.” He jokes back. You giggle and nod,
“You gotta remind me to keep them so if it's like… a year or so later, I haven’t thrown the pieces away.” You tell him, watching his face turn up in a laugh again. Laying your head over his chest, he sighs and rubs up your arms, wrapping his arms around you. He rubs up your back as your eyes close. His heart seems to skip a beat, picking up in pace. You frown, but ignore it, relishing in the warmth and comfort Tom exudes. But you’re convinced your own heart stops when he says what he says, and for a moment you wonder if you heard him correctly.
“I love you darling.” Your eyes go wide as you glance up, Tom leaning back to look down at your face,
“What?” You ask breathlessly, tears collecting in your eyes. He clicks his tongue, reaching up to swipe your tears away with his thumb,
“Its three words Y/N, it's not that big of a deal.”
“It is to me. T-this has been the agreement in our relationship since the beginning. Did you- di- say it again.” You tell him. He scoffs,
“Once is enough baby.” He runs his hand down across the expanse of your neck with his fingertips, brushing your hair aside, starting to lean in to kiss you. You draw back,
“Alright, alright… I… I love you Y/N.” He says, rolling his eyes and smiling as you smile,
“I love you too.” You say. He nods, leaning in to kiss you finally. He hums, nudging his nose against yours, squeezing you as his arms wrap around your waist,
“I love you.” He mutters again. You smile,
“Well Merry Christmas to me then huh.”
“And a Happy New Year darling.” He coos, rubbing across your back with a warm smile, your whole body buzzing in excitement and love, relieved and excited that he finally admitted he loves you.
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multifansky · 4 years
Scenario - Knowing Bros Episode 100
originaltreebanditfish  -  Hello! I love your work and it's really hard to find good fanfiction about Super Junior and I'm glad I found someone that writes about them and actually knows the group on a deep level. I have a request for SuJu 16th menmer AU. An episode of Ask us anything in which sky roast Heechul. If you want, you can include other members too, I won't mind ;). i understand if you won't do it. Keep up the good work ! 
I know the roasts are pretty lowkey, but I thought this episode was perfect to slip some stuff in there because the members were doing it. Enjoy! :)
(The credit belongs to the show, with my little twist here and there!)
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Sky’s P.O.V
Today is another filming for knowing bros and today I’m even more excited than usual. Why? Because my family gets to be on altogether. By family, I mean Super Junior. Although I see Heechul every filming day and sometimes Leeteuk & Shindong, I finally get to be with the others. Besides, we’re a crazy bunch once we are all on variety shows. Today we are celebrating not only our comeback with Black Suit but also the 100th episode of Knowing Bros. Today is going to be a great day. 
In the beginning of filming the knowing bro’s cast were all talking. After what felt like forever, finally, Heechul and I walked out together in obviously different outfits compared to the knowing bros cast.
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We walked to the front with Heechul saying, “Wow, we were waiting in the back and you guys talk so freaking much!” The whole cast confused and asked us what we were doing and about how late we are. “It’s really awkward up here,” Heechul said and I nodded in agreement. 
“I feel like I have power up here, though,” I said and looked at the cast. 
“Why are you both wearing different clothes today?” Seo Jang Hoon asked us. “We brought some friends here today,” Heechul said. 
“But, some of them are afraid of Ho Dong and are hesitating to walk in. So, the rest is comforting him before they come in.” I explained, playfully glaring at Ho Dong. Heechul clapped as a signal for them to come in and they did. It took them a few seconds, forcing Yesung to actually come in, me giggling to the side. Of course, they are all being loud and clapped, I walked over to Yesung and pulled him next to me. Ho Dong tries to comfort Yesung as if they knew each other and Yesung not going for it. Even though it was all jokes, it’s still funny and really believable. I held Yesung closer to me and glared at Ho Dong.
“Why are you holding onto Yesung so tight, Sky?” Kim Young Chul asked me. 
“I’m his bodyguard today. I’m here to protect him from Ho Dong.” I explained, still glaring at Ho Dong. Yesung nodded and held onto me too, while Ho Dong just looked at everyone, saying “Wow~” repeatedly. 
“Where are you from? Introduce yourselves.” Ho Dong said.
“Were Transfers from ‘The Original Variety Show Idols, who came back to their original job in 2 years’ High School. We are Super Juni” Leeteuk said. “Or!” we all said at the end, is our signature hand posing. After, Lee Soo Geun made fun of Heechul and I because we were being awkward since this is the first time we’ve been up in the front and not in our seats. Of course, we felt weird! 
After we warmed up a bit, we introduced ourselves. Leeteuk as the leader of SuJu and a self-proclaimed Attention Seeker, Eunhyuk first being a jewel-cut, handsome dancing machine, but then we made him change it to SuJu’s anchovy. The Knowing Bros cast even made Eunhyuk dance a little since he called himself a dancing machine. Donghae then being in charge of the East Sea in Super Junior which made Young Chul do the worst pun he’s ever made on this show so far. Then Donghae clapped back that Young Chul’s dermatologist told Donghae that Young Chul needs to pay him back, which got the whole classroom roaring. Heechul also mentioned that Ho Dong also killed Donghae’s dream of being on verity show’s just like Yesung. 
It was my turn now. “Hello, I’m in charge of boosting all the member’s moods, Sky!” I smiled at everyone. 
“You really do that?” Kyung Hoon asked me. “She does. Really. Since debut, she made sure that all of us were okay before herself. When we’re down she’ll come to us and cheer us up, no matter what it is. She’s an energy booster,” Leeteuk told them all and everyone awed. 
“Yeah, the only person I couldn't get through for a while was Heechul,” I said which made the cast ask why. 
“He was a different person back when we debuted. It didn’t take until he came back after the military that we got extremely close.” I explained tot hem.
“What happened when he came back?” Soo Geun asked.
“Just stupid things,” Heechul said and I looked at him. “The only stupid thing about it is that I let you” I rolled my eyes and everyone but SuJu we’re confused. “Hey!” Heechul laughed, which his face began to turn red, making everyone notice. “I’ll expose everything right here, right now,” I said making Heechul just stare at me. “Will you be okay?” I tilted my head in a way of making it into a challenge. Everyone “Oh’s” and Heechul laughed and hugged me. 
After my little self roasting session with Heechul, the rest of the members introduced themselves. Shindong at first joking that he is from North Korea, but really he is in charge of being Ho Dong, Yesung then introduced himself as the main vocalist and in charge of being the visual. Ho Dong tried to show his knowledge about Yesung but then got it wrong once it came to his Coffee Shop location, making everyone bash at him for looking it up on the internet. Me again, holding onto Yesung and being his personal bodyguard. 
We eventually got to ask us anything portion of the show. After Shindong prediction of Young Chul going to Germany was correct, Donghae saying Young Chul has to pay his dermatologist first, Leeteuk not getting enough attention, Ho Dong goes after Yesung a little after Yesung wanted to go to the bathroom from being so scared, and how we chose our partners. 
Donghae getting his partner Jang Hoon, in result because he’s the trendiest one there.
Heechul getting his partner Soo Geun because he wanted the other members to take the shine and not him.
Shindong got Young Chul after successfully winning with an artistic poem with Young Chul’s name. 
Leeteuk getting Sang Min because he’s quiet and Leeteuk can possibly get more screen time.
Eunhyuk Picked Kyung Hoon. Of course, get the two perves together.
Lastly, they put Yesung with Ho Dong after he said anyone but him, but we got to be a three-way. Ho Dong, Yesung, and me, as I am his bodyguard for a reason. I shall protect him. 
Eunhyuk was first in asking his question and honestly, I didn’t have the energy to roast him. I’m saving it for Heechul today. He first did agyeo before starting his question which made me make throw up faces to the camera. Yesung the only one noticing laughed at me, and Hyuk started his question. His question was, One day Eunhyuk went to his apartment to hang out, Hyuk had to go to the bathroom but Donghae asked him something weird that shocked him. The guesses were pretty funny from the members, such as; a girl was in his house that was also hyuk’s girlfriend and Shindong’s as well, instead of a girl it was a guy, Donghae sleeping naked and shocked at how ‘healthy he was’, Donghae sleeping next to Shindong, Young Chul making a stupid joke again and saying his apartment was at the West Sea instead if the East Sea, Hyuk’s feet smell bad so Donghae made him whip his feet off before entering, and Hyuk had to strip naked before going to the bathroom. The real answer was that Hyuk had to pee and Donghae said he had to pee sitting down. Yesung guessed it correctly and I cheered for him and our team as well. They all started to talk about sitting on the toilet and peeing vs. Standing up and peeing. I just sat there at my desk and looked at the camera awkwardly. 
Hyuk has a second question which was what did he hear the most after he debuted. Heechul then proceeded to say, “I really have to go home today, Oppa. I can’t stay. I have a curfew!” making everyone laugh and especially me. It was wrong though. Other answers that were wrong such as; “Why are you so skinny”, “Can you smell the anchovies?”, “Why are you so ugly?” and much more about his appearance. The real answer, which Sang Min got correct is people mistaken Eunhyuk for Leeteuk. It makes Eunhyuk feel like he needs to work harder. Although Him and I don’t always agree, I think he works hard all the time, but I would never tell him unless he absolutely needs the reassurance. 
Heechul was then up next and I rubbed my hands together, finally getting prepared for anything. I’m not backing down. Heechul’s question was even though he is very fearless, on this show sometimes he feels helpless and a burden. We have to guess what it is. I sat there thinking and yelled, “I got it! When other male artists come on the show you realize how much more attractive they are compared to you.” I smirked at him knowing it would get him slightly annoyed. He rolled his eyes at me and said I was wrong, hitting me lightly with the toy hammer. Hyuk guesses that it was a girl group who came on the show with two members in it that he has dated. We all laughed, but it was wrong. Making Leeteuk say instead of a girl group it was a boy group, making the classroom laugh harder. “Was it Shinee?” I asked, referring to the boy group. “Aish, stop that!” Heechul hit me again with the toy hammer after he hit Leeteuk and Eunhyuk. He then gave a hint that it’s not during a shoot but it’s before or after a shoot. “I got it! You’re in the waiting room, making out with someone and another cast member walks in!” I said and that’s when I finally got Heechul. “You want me to reveal things?” Heechul said coming over to me and I laughed and shook my head. He hit me with the toy hammer and went back. After a few more guesses Shindong got it right. The answer was that before the shooting, the staff makes Heechul go wake Ho Dong up before we have to start filming. He then started to explain and I kept on saying lame answer to Yesung and crossed my arms. 
Heechul’s next question was, How does he confess to a girl that he likes with guaranteed no rejection. “I got it! You tell her that you’ll spread rumors about her if she doesn’t agree” I said making everyone shocked. “Hey! Never!” Heechul came over and hit me with the hammer and I smirked at him, shrugging. Other guesses were like him not completely telling them their dating, he shows his full stamina and so on. “I got it! You tell her you’re into guys and that this is just a cover-up.” I say and Heechul just glares at me, “Sit down.” I laughed and sat down, staying quiet. “Why is she like this today?” Shindong laughed and I smiled evilly. I’ll definitely get scolded after the shoot today. After a few really ridiculous answers Jang Hoon got it right with, “I’m going to kiss you now, if you don’t like me, move.” I rolled my eyes and talked with Yesung and Ho Dong about how much of a player he is. Heechul was done and walked past me and pushed me slightly and I overreacted. “That hurts!” I pouted and made a crying face. “I hope reports are made after this episode comes out!” Everyone laughed. 
Next was Leeteuk which he explained that he really is getting old because he talks to himself now, specifically singing to himself or MCing his actions. Times like this I wish Kangin was here so we can make fun of him together on how old he is. Today I kept my mouth shut though, as Ho Dong is already going after him.
 Next was Yesung which he explained to us what Ho Dong did to him on variety shows which all of us, especially me the bodyguard, almost ganged up on Ho Dong. Yesung can be very sensitive, even more, when he’s with the members so this definitely made him feel insecure on his verity kills. Eunhyuk was being Eunhyuk and instead of wanting to get the answer right, he just wanted to annoy Yesung, which he successfully did. Heechul then going off on Ho Dong of possibilities of what old Ho Dong would have said about SuJu. Like how we are feeling, and why are we even on star kind and so on. In the end, Leeteuk told Yesung that he should speak more freely on variety shows, so on star king, Yesung did exactly that and Ho Dong told him to be quiet. Now Yesung feels insecure when it comes to variety shows. 
Then, it was Donghae. His question and answer to it were the purest. If someone gave him a sincere look, he would give them everything. He then talked about how his friend asks him for money. Heechul and I both agreed that we’ve only lent money to those who are in SuJu, especially if their big amounts. 
Lastly, it was Shindong. We had to guess the time where he really disliked the members at one point. We all had to go back and remember what it was because it was during debut years when we all lived together. Instead of me trying to guess, I just kept reminiscing. Eventually, Eunhyuk got the answer correct. It was when we stole all his clothes and wore them as pajamas because his clothes were bigger on us. It was a shirt he bought on his own that was expensive and we wore it all the time. The worst though was Donghae surprisingly. I honestly thought it would be me because I take the member’s clothes all the time. We then talked about how we are a family and that we love each other a lot. So it hurts a lot when we get into arguments or fights. We then explained that Donghae gets emotionally attached and cries when he gets angry with any of the members. Shindong also explained that he really hates when he does karaoke with Eunhyuk because he doesn’t let shin sing the songs that he picked. 
The last segment of the day is to test out who is truly the best at variety shows. Us SuJu or the Knowing Bros cast. We did it by playing games that we’re all generally good at. It’s all about teamwork in 99 seconds. We all had to choose the game that we are best at. And let the games begin. We let the Knowing Bros cast go first. The first round they couldn’t even get past Ho Dong who was second. It was our turn now and we all lined up in our spots, Donghae and I  at the jump rope. We did our, “Kill them all” chant and begun. It took Eunhyuk half the time to complete the first freaking game which I kept yelling to hurry up and he kept laughing. “Aish, stupid” I would mutter. Which then went to Yesung who was equally as bad as Ho Dong, which lead to Eunhyuk having to go again. Eunhyuk did better this time around and again Yesung was bad. In the end, Knowing Bros and SuJu are the same when it comes to variety. 
So, we have to go for another round. Knowing Bros cast then starts again. Ho Dong and Young Chul switching places. Hyung Hoon was good, then got to Young Chul, who failed and they had to go back yo Kyung Hoon. Finally, they passed the second game and went to the next, charades. Then by the fourth game, they failed because Sang Min used his head instead of his butt. Now it’s time for our turn again, Yesung and Donghae switching. Eunhyuk first going slow but faster than the first round, Donghae then failing at his spot. I yelled at him calling him stupid and groaned, laying on the floor and just watching. I’m very competitive if you couldn’t tell. Eunhyuk then has to go again, while Donghae and Leeteuk change spots. Eunhyuk is successfully fast, Leeteuk was able to pass his game, Heechul and Shindong amazingly fast at charades, Then Donghae Semi slow when it came to popping balloons with his ass, then when it came to jumping rope Yesung and I were fast and good with it but just before the ball made it into the basket, the rope got stuck between Donghae’s feet. In which we failed. I let out a loud groan and shuffled back into the seats on the side. 
Knowing bros cast going again and I sat there worried they were going to be better than us. At the end of that round, they failed because Young Chul’s hair was getting in the way and his legs got caught in the rope before he was able to make a basket. I cheered and switched spots with the cast. Donghae and Yesung switching and then we started. At first, we were good with Eunhyuk and then it got to Leeteuk and we failed, going back to Eunhyuk. We then successfully made it to the jump rope and then it was ruined when Yesung first went it and then stepped on the rope. “You idiot!” I yelled in frustration and went over to Leeteuk, resting my head on his chest, while he patted my back. 
Hoping this would be the last round we watched the knowing bro’s cast go. Us SuJu stood up and watched closely for any mistakes. At the end of the round with the cast, they failed because they couldn’t get the ball in the bucket. It was back to us again. We did our, “Kill them all” chant again and got to our spots. Yesung and Donghae switched spots again. And then we started. When we got to the jump rope, Heechul and Shindong were spinning it too fast which means we had to concentrate harder on not getting caught with the rope and also make the ball into the basket. And once we were all in, Donghae passed the ball to Eunhyuk, and then, of course, he dropped it. I pushed Eunhyuk a bit and fell to the ground. “I give up!”
 And again another round of the game. We watched the Knowing Bros cast go. Jang Hoon and Ho Dong switching places. At the end of that round Knowing Bros cast finally made it with 24.39 seconds. It was then our last chance to finally do this. We did our chant again and begun. We all switched places besides, Eunhyuk, Heechul, Donghae, and me. In the begging, everything is going and then we got to the Jump Rope part. This is our struggle. Leeteuk went first, then me, then Eunhyuk, then Donghae and lately Yesung. And at the end, we failed because Leeteuk got caught in the rope before he let go of the ball. I stood there, energy gone, no facial expression. Just lost. 
At the end of today, the Knowing Bros cast proved they are better at variety shows. As for them winning we had to do whatever they wanted as their wish. Ho Dong was nice enough to let us perform our new song “Black Suit.” Kyung Hoon wished for Buzz to go on tour. Soo Geun wanted us to also promote our song, but not black suit, he wanted “Sorry, Sorry.” We all opposed it, especially me. The rest of the cast wanted us to promote “Black Suit” and of course we did. 
At the end of today’s shoot, I was very happy to have both of my closest friends and family together. Although I may have gone a little bit too far with Heechul and got a little over-competitive, It was still a lot of fun. A fantastic day full of laughs and fun.
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 23: the One where JYL Captains the Ship
Alrighty, so battle stuff is happening
Nothing major going on 
EXCEPT wen ruohan leaves his evil lair to confront wwx about how he took control of his puppets!
Wrh: where did you get the Plot Device?? Did xy give it to you?? HOW ARE YOU MAKING IT WORK??
Basically just Angry Ranting that Bad Guys do
Wwx mouths off, as usual
Lwj’s eyes are glued on him this entire time bc when isn’t staring at wwx?
(I understand lwj, I too cannot tear my eyes away from wwx when he's onscreen, that beauty mark just under his lower lip is so goddamn distracting...)
Wwx: hey, wrh, i just finished making his nifty thing and haven’t shown anyone yet, wanna see it?
And tah dah! We now have Plot Device 2 (aka stygian tiger seal/amulet whatever)
Pay attention to Plot Device 2, guys, it’s gonna cause us some angsty wangxiantics in the future (BRACE YOURSELVES)
Pausing here to point out how freaking cool wwx looks, levitating the pieces of Plot Device 2
And wwx is smirking in victory?? What the heck wwx
Oh, it’s bc since wrh and wwx are wrapped up in their confrontation, there’s no one controlling the puppets so the puppets all collapse. That was part of his plan, maybe?? Idk, doesn’t matter
What matters is that this frees up LWJ to fly to wwx’s side
Lwj: Wei Ying! *catches his soulmate*
Wwx: *passes out in the arms of his very dashing soulmate*
Lwj barely even acknowledges that Meng Yao kills Wen Ruohan bc who cares about the big bad villain getting killed whEN YOUR SOULMATE IS PASSED OUT IN YOUR ARMS??
Lwj: Wei Ying
He says again! As his eyes stay glued onto wwx’s beautiful unconscious face. HE HOLDS HIM SO CLOSE
I mean, he could totally hold him CLOSER but that would be too much for the censors maybe??
Ppl are cheering. I was cheering. I don’t think we were cheering for the same reasons.
I was cheering bc lwj was ~tenderly cradling~ our beautiful sunshine boy
I think the other ppl were cheering bc the bad guy died? Weird.
Lxc is cradling an unconscious Nmj
I guess the lan bros ARE pretty similar lolol
Ahhhh, this next scene!
WWX is waking up in a bed and jyl is at the bedside.
Jyl starts bringing out the wangxian pie~! Maybe i should start using soup metaphors since Soup is her Thing…
Jyl is so happy that wwx is awake now!!
Jyl: you’ve been asleep for three (3) days!
Wwx: THREE DAYS??? What about jc and lwj??
Jyl: both jc and lwj have been very worried about you! 
We find out that even sect leader jin has been visiting which is disgusting, so we’re ignoring it
Oh, jyl is trying to get wwx to stop moving around so much
Jyl: LWJ says you need to rest more. He says you used too much spiritual energy
Jyl: also don’t use Plot Device 2 all willy-nilly. LWJ says it’ll hurt you!!
Wwx: LWJ, LWJ, why do you keep talking about him? He’s so boring and he doesn’t talk enough!
YOUR CRUSH CAN BE SEEN FROM PRESENT-DAY NON-FANTASY CHINA (but, uh, discreetly, bc of censorship)
Jyl: while you were comatose, lwj came by every morning and evening to play his guqin for you. To relax your mind and spirit
Jyl: you probably wouldn’t have woken up so soon if he hadn’t done that
Here comes lwj, with his guqin strapped to his back!
Lwj actually brings himself to knock on the door this time
Jyl: oh, that must be lwj~!
ohhh, wwx's face when she says this! He looks all nervous and flustered
bc he has a ~gentleman caller~ and he’s not decent!!! 
Okay, that’s probably not why BUT IN MY HEART THAT’S TOTALLY WHY
So jyl goes and answers the door
Lwj bows so respectfully to her (he knows she’s wwx’s precious person!!)
THAT’S MY CAPTAIN!! Lxc wishes he could captain as good
she just greets him like usual and lets him in
She leads him to the bedroom aND OH GOD, THE MINUTE LWJ’S EYES LAND ON WWX
(...well, by lwj standards anyway)
And ooooh, wwx’s reaction is adorable!!
His eyes catch lwj’s gaze for half a second before they skitter down to the side as if seeing lwj in person (in his bedroom!!) is too much to take in all at once!
(i may have rewound to watch this scene 3x, DON’T JUDGE ME)
(there was so much happening! Lwj’s beautiful plush lips parted, wwx was acting cutely bashful)
And you know, jyl leads lwj like, right to wwx’s bedside and WATCHES ALL THIS GO DOWN
Jyl: thank you, lwj! Without you, wwx would not have woken up so soon!
Jyl: you two go ahead and talk now
Jyl: i’ll just go tend to the other wounded
Jyl: and leave you both here ~all alone~
Jyl: in this bedroom
Jyl: with wwx just in his under-things
Jyl: still on his rumpled bed
Jyl: okay, byyyyeee~!
Okay, and now not only do we get MORE wangxian time, we also just get the most beautiful scene ever?? Like, aesthetically? THIS SHOW IS A BLESSING
Lwj is playing his guqin in the communal area next to wwx
The music is gorgeous (it's the same Magic Music from before! it sounds like warm morning sunlight on a calm spring day)
And the set is beautiful, all reds and whites to match our boys’ colors, and it’s all emphasized with equally beautiful lighting
Wwx: lan zhan, actually, i--
Lwj: quiet. Concentrate.
Wwx POUTS and taps his nose and then SULKILY crosses his legs
Back to the utterly breathtaking wangxian scene
Okay, i’m done geeking out over the aesthetics
Oh, wwx is breaking his meditation pose and flexing his wrists excitedly!
Wwx: lan zhan, i’m all better now!
Lwj stops playing and calmly makes his way to the bed where wei ying is and checks him
Lwj: three more days are needed
Wwx does not like this answer lol. He leaps up from the bed all affronted
Wwx: but i’m totally fine now, look! *starts flexing his arms around*
Lwj is not budging on this tho
Lwj: exorcise evil, ease the mind. Do not be neglectful
Wwx: exorcise evil? I don’t need an exorcism!! I just used too much energy
Cue awkward silence (lwj’s eyes never waver from wwx tho)
Lwj: wei ying (you know, i think he just likes saying his name...)
Wwx: lan zhan, do you really think that Plot Device 2 is evil? Do you really believe there’s an undetectable something that can change someone from good to evil?
Ooooh, wwx is getting all philosophical on us!!
His brow is all furrowed here; he’s hurt that lwj doesn’t trust him with Plot Device 2!
And that’s the end of that MOST DELICIOUS SLICE WANGXIAN PIE
Other stuff happens
Screaming, the murder of innocent people, sect leaders debating on said murder of innocent people
You know, boring stuff.
There was a fun bit here tho
Nmj: maybe it’s okay to kill innocent civilians…
Lxc: *sad face*
Nmj: uh, maybe we can NOT kill defenseless people this time?
Ahhh, if only lan zhan’s sad face was effective on wei ying as lxc’s is to nmj…
Plot plot plot Jgs being an asshole Plot plot plot
MORE plot plotty plot plot
And now lwj joins him
Wwx: lan zhan, what do you think of the people here? Who is good, who is evil?
Yeesh, getting right into the heavy stuff aren’t we
Oooh, but as he says that, he starts clutching at his chest and swaying on his feet! Bc the resentful energy is hurting him!!!
Lwj grabs his arm to steady him
Lwj: wei ying, concentrate
Great, it’s about to get real hurt-y now
Lwj: wei ying, do you want to learn how to play Magic Music?
Wwx: lan zhan, you want me to learn that? Do you doubt me, too?
And the way he says it!! It’s a tone that says “please don’t let this be true”
So instead of answering wwx, he just questions him on why he made Plot Device 2???
Wwx: lan zhan, if i told you i got a Screaming Sword of Resentment from the Murder Turtle would you believe me?
Lwj keeps answering questions with questions and the whole convo is devolving horribly
Lwj: if you already knew the sword had Plot Device stuff in it, why did you refine it?
he snaps at lwj
he raised his voice at lwj
Lwj: you promised you’d let me help you (he says calmly)
Wwx: if you don’t believe in me, how can you help me?
Lwj: Plot device 2 isn’t safe, you might lose control!
Wwx: you’re scared i’ll be like wen ruohan, but i’m not him! And Plot Device 2 is not the same as Plot Device!
And then before we can get too emotional about our soulmate boys being at odds (AGAIN), we get to witness the murder of innocent people
How fun
Jin Zixun shows us he’s scum of the earth by trying to shoot down a Wen mother carrying her child as she flees
Thank goodness lwj guqin’s the arrow away
There’s a confrontation but lwj doesn’t let wwx tear into jin zixun even tHO HE CLEARLY DESERVES IT
And everyone leaves but not before wwx comments that there’s gonna be a lot of resentment here where the innocents were killed and that the place needed Magic Music 
Oh, turns out lwj didn’t leave
Lwj stays at the scene of the crime and plays Magic Music on his guqin.
As soon as wwx hears it, he starts playing counterpoint on his flute!
I love it when they play music together, Magic or not!!
We cut away here to watch lxc, nmj, and jgy become Official Bros™
Now Jgs and jgy are hosting a banquet
Political posturing happens
Wait, something interesting just happened!
We see lwj just up and leave the banquet the moment he realizes wwx isn’t there
Bc wwx is out on the steps getting drunk
(wwx, we’ve talked about this. Drinking is not a Solution)
Wwx: lan zhan, it’s you! How about playing some Magic Music? (I'm detecting some sarcasm…)
Lwj: i’m learning a new score
Wwx: *scoffs* you haven’t given up yet? You’re really stubborn *mocking snort*
That’s the last bit of wangxiantics we have for this episode
Return to Masterpost
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for-a-flower · 5 years
Chapter 2 (A New Pal)
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           Frisk had to exert a lot of effort to close the gate of the Ruins behind him. Once he had, he turned to look ahead.  He stood in a thick, overgrown forest of tall pine trees.  Their needles were trimmed with snow.  Tiny snowflakes fluttered down from above.  Frisk looked up.  The view was mostly obscured by thick branches.  A soft ambiance of blue light filled the area, sparkling against the snow.  A long, narrow path stretched before him.  Frisk took in a deep breath then started walking.  As he moved through the cool air, the child wrapped his arms around himself and shivered.  He continued down the path between the trees as flurries of snowflakes fell silently around him.  He couldn’t get his mind off Toriel and what he had done.
           Frisk had only once hurt someone badly before and had sworn to himself that he would never do it again.  On the surface, he had run from fights.  That was the reason other kids called him a coward.  In a way Frisk was afraid of fights, but not because he didn’t know how to defend himself.  He knew how to fight.  The reason he ran was because he was scared of hurting someone again.  However, Frisk had still managed to hurt someone, but this time he had actually ended someone’s life.  It scared him.  He felt terrible.  He was a murderer now.  As he walked, the child stepped over a large stick that had fallen across the path.  How could he have let this happen?  He killed someone like his own mother and deeply regretted it.  An aching pain welled up within his chest.
           Snap!  Frisk jumped, quickly looking back to identify the source of that sound behind him.  The large stick he had just stepped over now lay completely crushed across the path.  Frisk's heart picked up pace.  His brown eyes darted right and left.  No one was in sight.  As fear crept over him, the child reluctantly resumed his journey down the path.  Only a moment or two after, he noticed something move out of the corner of his eye.  He thought he saw someone walking through trees to the right.  Frisk stopped to glance right.  No one was there.  He was breathing harder now, adrenaline rushing through him with the urge to run.  For a moment Frisk stood trembling in the falling snow.  He was too frightened to move, but summoned his courage and kept walking.  Snow crunched beneath his boots as he attempted to quietly sneak away from this place.
           As he approached a narrow creek and a wooden bridge, Frisk’s pace increased.  A wooden gate blocked off the bridge, thought its poles were spread too far prevent entrance.  He was about to cross the bridge when the sound of heavy footsteps behind caused him to stop in his tracks.  Footsteps crunched through fresh snow as they grew louder, nearer.  Frisk shook in fear, too frightened to turn around.  The sound stopped.  Frisk was sure something or someone was standing silently right behind him.  He could feel their stare without the need to look.  A chill ran down Frisk's spine as a low voice spoke.
           "Human," it said.  "Don't you know how to greet a new pal?  Turn around and shake my hand."  Though he dreaded to look, Frisk slowly turned around.  He saw a skeleton only a little taller than him.  The guy stood in the snow with a smile on his face.  He appeared friendly.  The dark sockets of his eyes had glowing little pupils of light, which gave him a lively demeanor.  The skeleton took a hand from the pocket of his dark blue coat and offered it to the human.  Reluctantly Frisk reached to shake hands.  As soon as he took hold of the skeleton's boney fingers, an unpleasant farting sound echoed between the trees followed by an awkward silence.  Frisk glanced down at his hand.
           The skeleton chuckled, releasing his hold to show the human what he had.  "Heheh . . . the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick," he said.  "It's always funny."  Frisk smirked, his panicked thoughts had nearly gone entirely.  The skeleton put his hand into the pocket of his coat and continued.  "Anyways . . . you're a human, right?"
           Frisk nodded.  “Yep.”
           The skeleton glanced away, snickering to himself.  "That's hilarious," he said.  His eyes darted back to Frisk.  "I'm Sans."
           Frisk gave him a little wave.  "Hello.”
           “Wow.  You look like you’ve been in a fight,” said Sans.
           Frisk’s smile faded some as he rubbed an arm almost subconsciously.  “Oh, um . . .”
           "I'm actually supposed to be on watch for humans right now but uh . . . you know . . . I don't really care about capturing anybody," he said.  "Now, my brother Papyrus . . . he's a human hunting fanatic."
           “Wait . . . what?”  Frisk took a step backward.
           Sans glanced further down the path.  "Hey, actually I think that's him over there."
           Frisk spun around in alarm.  “Where?!”
           "Sh!  I have an idea.  Go through this gate thingy."  Sans pointed across the wooden bridge and gate before them.
           Frisk took a step toward it.  "This?"
           "Yeah.  Go right through.  My bro made the bars too wide to stop anyone," said Sans.  Frisk hurried over the bridge then down the path on the other side.  He skidded to a stop in the snow when he noticed a taller skeleton was heading their way.  Taller as in practically twice Sans’ height.  Frisk glanced back at Sans, his expression of worry clearly getting across that he wanted further instruction.  Sans smirked.  "Quick.  Behind that conveniently shaped lamp."  He pointed at a blue lamp to Frisk’s right that stood in the snow near a wooden stand.  It had a light blue shade and seemed to be the perfect size and shape to hide behind.  Frisk bolted toward it then positioned himself directly behind it to lean his back against its side.  He peeked out for a second, to watch Sans, who remained in the open.
           Sans nodded at Frisk, just before the child’s head disappeared behind the lamp again.  When the other skeleton arrived, Sans greeted him.  "Sup, bro?" he said.
           The taller skeleton glared back while adjusting a red cape wrapped around his shoulders.  "You know what?  Sup, brother!?" he said.  "It's been eight days and you still haven't re-calibrated your puzzles!  You just hang around outside your station!"  The tall skeleton paused to glance at the wooden stand partly covered in snow before he continued.  "What are you even doing?!" he yelled.  Frisk listened with interest as he kept himself hidden.
           Sans smiled back, glancing over at the lamp.  "Easy Papyrus.  I’m just staring at this lamp," he said.  "It's really cool.  Do you . . . wanna look?"
           Frisk's brown eyes widened.  He shook his head.  “No,” he whispered as if answering for the other skeleton.
           Papyrus scowled, stomping a foot in the snow.  "No!  I don't have time for that!  What if a human comes through here?!  I want to be ready!  I will be the one!  I must be the one!  I will capture a human!"  Papyrus switched to a heroic pose and grinned, the little red cap on his outfit catching a cool breeze as he spoke.  "Then I, the Great Papyrus . . . will get all the things I utterly deserve.  Respect . . . recognition . . . I will finally be able to join the Royal Guard!  People will ask to be my friend!"  He glanced away, as if his thoughts were shifting into a dream world.  "I will bathe in a shower of kisses every morning."  Papyrus paused dramatically.  Several seconds of silence passed before taller skeleton returned to his first heroic stance, glancing at Sans again.
           "Hm . . ."  Sans turned to look at the lamp.  "Maybe this lamp will help you," he said.  Frisk shifted uncomfortably, shaking his head again.  He didn't like how Sans was messing with him like this.  He really didn’t want to be found.
           Papyrus scowled.  "Sans!  You are not helping!  You lazybones!  All you do is sit and boondoggle!  You get lazier and lazier every day!"
           "Hey, take it easy.  I've gotten a ton of work done today," he said then winked.  "A skele-ton."
           Papyrus glared with a partial smile.  "Sans!"
           Sans chuckled.  "Come on . . . you're smiling," he said.
           "I am and I hate it!"  Papyrus paused to calm himself then sighed.  "Why does someone as great as me have to do so much just to get some recognition?"
           "Wow.  Sounds like you're really working yourself," said Sans.  "Down to the bone."
           Papyrus narrowed his eyes.  "Ugh!"  Sans snickered.  "I will attend to my puzzles!  As for your work?  Put a little more . . . backbone into it!" said Papyrus.  He burst into laughter, spun around, and started on his way.  He stomped down the path, his laughter echoing over the area as he left.
           Sans faced the lamp.  "Okay.  You can come out now," he said.  Frisk peeked out to make sure the coast was clear then slipped out to join Sans.  "I would like to chat, but you oughta get going,” Sans told him.  “Papyrus might come back.  And if he does . . . you'll have to sit through more of my hilarious jokes."
           "Why were you messing with me like that?” asked Frisk.  “What if he actually looked behind the lamp?"
           Sans gave a slight shrug.  "Oh . . . heh heh . . . I knew he wouldn't."
           "But what if he had?"
           "Well, that wouldn't matter either," said Sans.  "My bro wouldn't hurt anyone."
           Frisk scratched his head.  “Uh, okay.”  He shrugged then started on down the path.
           "Actually . . . hey," Sans called.  Frisk turned back.  "Hate to bother ya, but can you do me a favor?"
           "What is it?" said Frisk.
           "I was thinking . . . my brother's been kind of down and upset lately.  He's never seen a human before . . . and seeing you just might make his day.  Don't worry.  He's not dangerous," said Sans.  He glanced away, snickering a little.  "Even if he tries to be."
           "Uh . . . if you promise I won't get killed."
           Sans gave him a thumbs up.  "Thanks a million.  I'll be up ahead."  He turned around to walk in the exact opposite direction, down the path between snow-trimmed trees and out of sight.  Frisk shook his head, then continued through the snowy path before him.  He was a bit chilled but at least his long sleeved striped shirt helped with that.  Frisk followed the path’s turns as it zig-zagged through the trees.  The forest had become newer looking, as if it had grown only a few years back.  The child stopped when he noticed Sans and Papyrus up ahead.  He ducked behind the closest tree trunk to get out of sight.
           Frisk glanced behind him for a second.  "I wonder where Flowey went off to,” he whispered.  “He's got to be watching somewhere."  Frisk sighed.  "Hopefully he never bothers me again."  He peeked out from behind the tree.  Sans and Papyrus were talking to each other several yards away.  He didn’t feel ready to reveal himself but he had already agreed with Sans that he’d do it.  The child took a deep breath and stepped from hiding to approach them.
           "So, as I was saying about Undyne . . ."  Papyrus stopped mid-sentence, his head suddenly turning toward the human.  Frisk froze.  Papyrus' mouth dropped open as a look of disbelief came across his face.  He glanced at Sans.  "Sans!  Oh my goodness!  Is that . . . a human?!"  Even though he attempted to be secretive with the question, Papyrus hadn't been very quiet about it.  Frisk smirked and rolled his eyes.
           Sans pointed a little to the right of Frisk, directing Papyrus’ attention to a rock in the trees.  "That?"
           "Yeah!"  Frisk glanced over at the rock as well, confused.
           Sans lowered his hand.  "Uh . . . actually, I think that's a rock."
           Papyrus sighed with a disappointed frown.  "Oh."  Frisk smirked and stepped forward again to catch Sans’ attention, confirming that he was still okay with being seen.
           Sans caught on quickly.  He bumped Papyrus with an elbow.  "Hey, what's that in front of the rock?" he asked.
           Papyrus looked again.  His eyes widened and mouth dropped open.  "Oh my goodness!"  He glanced at Sans, leaning closer.  "Is . . . is that a human?" he whispered.
           Sans smirked.  “Yes.”
           Papyrus turned to face Frisk, a huge smile on his face.  "Oh my goodness!  Sans!  I finally did it!"  The skeleton glanced around, gasping excitedly.  "Undyne will . . . I'm gonna . . . I'll be so . . ."  He grinned and lifted his head.  "Popular!" he shouted.  His voice echoed over the snow and trees in the surrounding area.
           Frisk sighed.  "Well . . . everyone in the underground knows I'm here now," he mumbled.
           Papyrus cleared his throat, facing the child with a serious expression.  "Human!  You shall not pass this area!  I, the Great Papyrus, will stop you!  I will then capture you!  And you will be delivered to the capital!  Then . . . Then!"  Papyrus paused and glanced away.  "I'm not sure what's next," he mumbled.  He smirked, continuing to speak with his louder tone.  "In any case!  Continue only if you dare!"  With a laugh, he spun around and ran down the path ahead.
           Frisk snickered a little.  He wasn't as afraid of him now.  Papyrus was strange and funny, like Sans but in a different sort of way.  Sans stayed behind to join Frisk.  "Well, that went well," Sans said.
           "He's not really going to capture me and take me away, is he?" Frisk asked.
           Sans shrugged.  "Don't sweat it, kid.  I'll keep an eye socket out for ya."  Sans winked before starting down the path after Papyrus.  Frisk sighed and kept moving.
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ecofinisher · 5 years
Day 20: Games (Lumarc)
Day 20: Games
Ship: Luka Couffaine and Marc Anciel
Luka was spending the Saturday afternoon together with a friend he met months ago in the art classroom he and several other students liked to spend the free time making various creations for the school. Luka Couffaine and his short friend Marc Anciel sat in front of his laptop playing a life simulation game with human characters.  
“The Sims do all really look like us,” Luka said astonished at the look of his created game character.
“In the third, you couldn’t form the faces like here, you had to pull every time on the options back and forth to make them look the way you want them to look. Also, they don’t seem to look all alike, when you compare them with other characters around the game”
“Also the game does let you customize your gender more realistic so that now you can get dressed clothes from both genders and uhm other gender-specific things”
“R..right” Replied Marc nodding. “Now you can add traits to yourself here, you want to choose them?” Asked Marc earning a nod from the tall boy.
“Sure Marc” Responded Luka pushing the chair a bit closer to Marc to reach the mouse pad of the laptop to edit his character. Marc looked up at the raven-haired boy, then blushed at the sight of the handsome boy and turned his face in front to the screen of the laptop to see the edits the friend was making on it.
“I gave him music lover, good and romantic probably too, that’s at least how I am described by most of my classmates”
“Okay now I’m done, what’s the next step?” Questioned Luka glancing at the short friend, that moved the mouse on the screen down to the left corner to the circle with the tick symbol to start the game.
“Here we can start the game, then we wait until the screen has loaded and we can move into a house” “What are those?” Asked Luka as the loading screen was gone and it showed seven different towns including some, which were unlocked.
“Let’s choose Moontown, there we have more houses we can choose to live”
“Do we have enough money for that?” Asked Luka making the raven-haired genderfluid shake the head.
“No but I know how to become rich,” Marc told with a chuckle.
“How?” Asked Luka as Marc choose an empty lot to move in, then a while later as their sims had moved in, Marc pressed on his laptop the keys CTRL, C and Shift to open a box on the top of the screen, then Marc entered the word motherlode into the box and pressed the enter button and on the right corner the number 1426 turned into 51’426 by Marc having added that cheat code to get 50’000 coins added into the family bank account.
“Great you cheated for the money”
“There is also this one,” The person in the red hoodie said opening the cheat box again and added the sentence familyfunds Couffaine-Anciel 1’000’000 then the money he had before was gone and he had exactly now one million Simoleons in the family account.
“You’re amazing Marc, really clever” Luka complimented making the raven-haired smile and turn as red as his hoodie. Luka grinned and looked at Marc clicking on the left corner, where a picture of his Sim was and clicked on the phone symbol, then chose the word “move” and it entered again into a loading screen.
“I’m gonna choose the biggest house for us Luka,” Marc said earning a nod from Juleka’s brother.
“Sure and can I use your bathroom?”
“It’s downstairs you won’t miss it”
“Good thanks, those burritos sure know how to make my stomach go wild,” Luka said getting up and leaving the room quickly.
“Okay,” Marc said watching the Sim Luka and Sim Marc interacting with each other. Marc pressed on Luka’s Sim showing five different tags for the interaction and Marc choose friendly and it showed more tags with different things to do with the other Sim. Marc pressed on getting to know, then he repeated the step, but clicked then in different tags building on the left side of the screen a queue of the actions the Sim-Marc was going to do. While the actions were played by the two characters, Marc started to add more actions and observed the green bar raising showing the friendship between the two characters growing.
A while later Luka came back from the restroom and stopped at the entrance of Marc’s room seeing Marc distracted by playing the video game. Luka smiled and got in into the room approaching the boy slowly without making any noise. Luka stopped behind the boy watching him play. The two Sims inside the game were sitting on the couch together cuddling while watching TV.
Luka smiled and looked down at the raven-haired boy, which had mirrored Luka’s face, then Luka placed his hands on Marc’s shoulder shrieking him.
“Did our characters just fell in love with each other?” Asked Luka making Marc jump off the chair and land on his rump.
“Oh Luka you’re uhm….I’m….uh what are you doing here?” Asked Marc making Luka chuckle.
“I just finished my job and came back” Responded Luka rolling his eyes at the video game, where the characters were still doing the same pose.
“This is awkward probably. For you and for me, the Sims didn’t start dating each other it was me, who did that. Sorry, Luka that I did this, I can change it back, really”
“There’s nothing wrong little bro, it’s just a game”
“Yes, yes a silly game with a silly idea of two guys dating each other. It’s just ridiculous” Marc said walking up to his laptop and pausing it and clicking the exit button, followed by pressing the exit game button again, leaving it without saving the process he had for the last couple of minutes.
“No, it’s not. It’s normal” Luka told sitting down next to Marc.
“How is it normal?” Asked Marc. “Do you know anyone who likes someone of the same gender?” Questioned the French boy. “People will think it’s crazy or just sick”
“It’s not sick or crazy trust me” Comforted the musician teenager petting the friend’s back. “Also you know Juleka and Rose love each other and are together, do you see anyone judging them for that?”
“Uhm no I think not”
“See? Also, we’re in the 21th Century and you also know it, people from the LGTB community have stood up to be treated equally as everyone else”
“Yes…..maybe…..I don’t know….maybe…. I have to go home….”Marc stammered getting up from the sit to leave his room, but before he left he realized he was inside his room and not Luka’s. “Uh….”
“Marc listen, if you have a crush on me, which you obviously have, I already noted it a long time ago, it’s fine for me,” Luka told looking down at the embarrassed boy.
“Probably I make it too obvious,” Marc said holding his left and on the right arm.
“I like you too and I wouldn’t mind to try it out with you. Many same-gender relationships tend to be better, than hetero relationships, we’re also very good friends after all and understand us very good, there’s nothing to worry about”
“….And what if people judge us for uhm….. you know”
“They’re all silly, it doesn’t matter, what they think about us, as long as we two are happy with each other, it doesn’t matter, what gender characterization we have,” The older brother of Juleka said fizzling with his fingers in Marc’s hair.
“Thank you Luka,” Said Marc followed by Luka placing his arm around his back and pulling him closer to him, making the younger boy turn as red as his own hoodie.
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Memeteen guide to Seventeen
carats make fun of his stage name holding a couple s.coups of icecream and a S.cup of noodles 
the poor man between jeongjicheol
papa coups 
embarrasing dad
wings it at choreo sometimes
has 12 children 
wants to c h o k e jeonghan
the type of dad that would challenge his 5 yr old child to a game of soccer and then gets too competitive and swerves that bitch to get goals
 his smile and his smile alone gave one of Seventeen's stages a crap ton of views
say the name!
piggy bank
beagle leader
“eyes look like 9:15″
eyelashes for ddaayyyysss
Everybody SCREAMM
fireworks are the only enemy
members rebel against him at times
someone save him
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John-Oops I mean Jeonghan
Laying down is his preferred physical state
long hair majestic unicorn and short hair majestic prince. He majestic no matter what fam
"Joshua was the first one to approach me"
 toucher of asses 
shamelessly feeds off of members' love 24/7
Makes members have couple wallpaper and phone cases with him 
the mother of Seventeen
“Dino, nugu aegi?”
All members are under his spell
giraffe running
Jeonghan's warm cup of milk
sa-sa-say the name seventeen 
Doubts OFD pds
bitter smile of betrayal 
vernon crushed his balls once
athletic with no stamina
creator of the Carat mating call: *incoherent screaming*
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fukn weeaboo
the b e s t freestyle rapper in Seventeen. Dont @ me
ded meme(?) "Jisoos Christ"
The 'normal one'-SIKE bitch
That poor waterbottle
When-one-of-the-members-wear-a-shirt-with-questionable-english-words-everyone-blames-me-lol  guy
I pledge allegence to the flag of the united states of amerca and to the re-
dRinK WaTeR
pin drop and worm master +uncle dance
pingpong vlive 
“EAT THIS” signature move
"over here"
The english teacher everyone wants and deserves 
white cap
Chicken can heal the heart
L.A motherfuckerss
piggy bank
"Ïm part of vocal unit too! T-T"
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Heechul's reincarnated body that was too early bc he aint ded lol
child actor 
nyeac nyeac 
logos are out to get him 
eyeroll king 
punny and awkward
king of china
404 lines not found
My I now
"Ice ice froze." (that crazy in love Wonwoo lyric) moments
sexy expression
convinced he is the number one visual 
shy vlives
proceeds to tell members to call him handsome in chinese
ofd positivity boy
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naega hosh + pose
 What time is it? 10:10 bitches
‘ten hour ten minute’
 shinee’s biggest fanboy
 from soft 1 to hipthurst 100  real quick.
My name’s soonyoung call me soon
hamster cheeks
suffers with spicy food
beurora hurricane
Coco his chicken 
his love for the angsty teen makne 
glitter face
pretty u first win cry face
kwon fire
 making dances out of things that inspire him; ex: crab, octopus, noodles, street lamp, backpack
kwon edward soonyoung 
refuses to be bottom visual 
rivalry with seungkwan and wonwoo 
claps like a child
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lowkey highkey loves his own visuals 
beanie bro 
garden fairy 
voice so deep adele's rollin in it 
"life is hamburger"
cheese burger aegyo 
let him sing fam
fukn nerddd 
sick wonwoo days with the plushy
make him an actor pls 
got hit in the balls with a ball one time 
nose crinkle 
lack of highfives
middle school’s dance machine
him vs. Hoshi in ofd japan
bag of luck
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Smol bean that would kill for a single cornchip 
Reminds me of a old grandpa teddy bear idk lol 
Done with life, hates aegyo and human contact, but will accept it when he wants to
members mock his crying from pretty u first win every chance they get 
if he does anything out of character they tease him about it till no end tbh
Suga's son
his need to grab and hit people when he laughs
guitar is his greatest weapon
ccrriinnggeee & finger ccurrlll
 adore u is a funky pop song that has fun and fresh lyrics that match seventeen's age on top of an addictive melody 
members exposing his ass in project svt
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the actual sun
 built in speakers bc he loud as shit 
sacrifices his beautiful face to make people laugh
 smile that can cure all the worlds sickness
 stop eating cds
‘come to daddy’ tee
horsemin MAL
 pure and goes along with jokes the best 
heLL0 mY naMe Is LeE SeOkMIN my moTheR’S naMe Is
hightone rap
wat is basketball? 
do it from your heart 
Jeonghan's fool 
Happy birfthday broo
orange peel king
wow, unbeliebable  
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MingEW and all his sneezin
flowercap boi 
tol and clumsy
If Seventeen doesnt drop somethign, Mingyu certainly will 
actually very organized and neat 
was a cheeto for a split second
proud father of OG BongBong 
Mingyu sunbaenimmm
Seventeen cant live without their swiss army knife 
Akita sound
oh. my. god. Oho My GOD
‘Your name is bob’
Where Is Your Tag???
"Seventeens official visual" 
oooo000OOO yEAh 
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got7 bambam taught him how to dab and he never looked back since
before: Yeah I'll have her home before 10 ^-^ 
          now: she'll spend a night at my house ;)
nunchuuk daddy
404 no lines found pt.2
now My I
his predebut pictures are  e p i c
side-eye king
arms for days
rolled thin porkbelly hair
learns more korean to roast bitches
flipping is his preferred transportation 
dirty dirty jamjam ^-^ *svt flipps out in cringe* 
Kermit is his bitch
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fresh baked buns bebe
 just put boo in any word and it gets 100 times better
supports AND hates aegyo
Beyonce who?
MCboo, talk talk talk. 
"Thomas the train" omg rip XD 
Vernon's number 1 fan
cries in jeju accent
Boonon, svts rapper 
Oh Laaaddiieesss~~ this is your story 
haunted house screaming 
volleyball fanatic
 kimbap kidding? 
Crab walks away 
Son of Jeju 
'13th visual' (fuk nah)
Im the BEST quality 
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child actor but never fukn talks about it
attempts vocal runs
looks confused most of the time  
iconic rap lines "pull up on you wacks with a mac fuly loaded", “i'm only seventeen i only got a few dollars” "Chili Chicken in the microwave"
fortune cookie hair 
headlines headlines ( HaJiMAaaaAa, dont mention smtm4)
his obsession with hotline bling
"speaks english, but forgets that one english word" (bilingual problems)
Person: h- 
          Vernon: I was born in america but moved to korea when I was five 
Kidney function is not a right its a privilege
woke af
His mom is my bias
bubble pop
*slightly lifts glasses* 'ding' 
Leonardo Dicaprio AND Leonardo Divinci
Dont take him fishing
Dat laugh tho
My favorite part of Seungkwan is-
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Michael Chanson
"Im growing!"
not Jeonghan's aegi
we will now forget mansae era duck ass hair
Diamond makne
“he’s going through puberty now”-Hoshi
a new born savage
Makne’s visual ranking
GloUp of the century
"michael jackson version" 
bitter smile 
loud laugh 
*runs over hoshi's toes with scooter* 
*scrolls through phone and half-heartedly says*  I love you.
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big-pp-energy-ven · 4 years
Lonely Hour {OC One shot}
OCs featured: (Henry x Nexus)
Editor's note: I usually don't write as much, I honestly prefer comics. I wrote this weeks ago and I kinda want feedback. Please enjoy... maybe I'll post the rest later (it got cut off).
The amount of body's grinding against each other in such close proximity made Henry claustrophobic, viewing how so many people were from their school.
All their movements were jagged, loose, and awkward, some people putting in actual effort to dance while the others shimmied the songs. The lights were dimmed with some strobe neons swiping the walls, and there was one main speaker blaring popular hits from the decade. 
The volume was astronomical, and quite surprisingly, no one called the authorities to shut down the party.
Hanging by the wall, Henry and his close friend, Shade, stayed near each other in hopes to not get lost in the crowd. 
It was difficult to hear anyone, not even themselves, talk or even shout.
The vibrations of the sounds resulted in Henry to become nauseous. 
Shade held their red cup tight, watching their purple haired friend crumple to the ground in boredom.
Guilt struck them, as they realized that Henry wasn't the type to enjoy massive crowds like this; or really any sort of crowd. He had spaced out when Shade kneels in front of him, mouthing something like,
"Do you wanna go someplace quiet?" 
Though he couldn't hear them, Henry nodded, only to rise from the floor and follow them out of there.
Apparently, many of the kids at school were invited to this spring break party by a small group who rented a large enough airbnb for the majority of the people who came. There was a pool, and the lot had enough space for the party to carry on outside. Of course, there were a few college students, just in case the cops raided, so that they could pull it off as being a frat house party (which would most definitely backfire anyways).
Upon entering outside, the warm, humid evening air hit their faces. It was ten-ish, and most of people's curfews were way past that time… but it's not like they cared.
Henry and Shade take a load off from being inside, and take a seat wherever there was a space available. Most of the outdoor seating was taken up by some participants, who were smoking and hanging out. So, the duo sat on the first few steps of the patio, watching everyone have a good time.
A different song played, with a mixture of ambience from the partiers in the pool, and crickets. The smell of weed hits Henry's nostrils as they sit in silence…
Shade takes a dab from their vape pen, exhaling it out momentarily. 
"Do you think Fikod's having a good time?" Henry murmurs, loud enough for Shade to hear. Fikod and Shade were siblings and usually they were both always next to each other, due to them being fraternal twins. 
"I bet my ass he is," They snort, some leftover vapor excretes from their mouth, "He's probably getting stoned right now."
Henry chuckles with Shade, imagining his friend getting high with a group of other stoners.
Despite what everyone else was doing, Henry didn't want to get involved with it. If anything, he'd probably have one or two beers and that would be enough for him to get mildly tipsy…
This made Henry feel kind of left out, even though he's making the best decision, and it caused him to feel bad for holding Shade back from their fun.
He couldn't handle the amplified music, the large crowd, the drugs- nothing.
He began to wonder why he was even invited or brought along by them- knowing that he didn't like partying.
A part of him wanted to get out of the house, away from Zhila, his aunt. He would've done something else entirely if he didn't want to attend this party.
"Shade," Henry turns to his bright ginger-haired friend, "do you wanna go out there?" 
With a swing of their head, they stare at Henry with widened eyes, "What? Me?"
Shade processes what he said, before answering solemnly, "Well, I do. I wanna try to hook up and smoke."
Then, they pause, tapping their pen against their knee… "But I don't wanna leave you sitting here."
Henry scoffs, rolling his grey eyes, "Don't worry about me so much?" 
I don't wanna be alone.
"You're just saying that, man," Shade scoffs back at him, more playfully.
"I'm being serious," Henry perks up, meeting them at eye level… 
"I don't mind."
God damn, I just wanna leave this place.
Shade's eyes avert away from Henry's for a second, thinking. A reluctant smile grows on their lips, their freckles creasing as they do…
"Alright then," they utter, boosting themselves from the step. As they turn to go back into the home, Shade says very sternly, "If you need anything, please come find me. Okay?"
Henry raises his phone, as if to gesture to them that he'll call if he needs help.
Plodding up the patio steps, Shade's feminine figure eventually squeezes by a group of people by the entryway of the home, disappearing from Henry's sight.
For the next few minutes, he sat on the stairs, in his own thoughts… watching everyone else have fun.
The siren girls splash each other and pool other people into the water as a joke. A few groups of guys are recording and vlogging their experiences. A small mixture of girls and boys are doing a choreographed dance for tiktok…
Henry fiddles with his phone, pretending that he was messaging someone on his phone, while in reality, he was scrolling through his social media.
Various posts and snaps of people from the party, posing with their friends, videos of them doing shots and other crazy shit.
The soft tapping of Henry's shoe was increasing in speed as he scrolled deeper into his feed.
Just threads and threads of everyone posting their point of view and having fun.
He saw a few people he knew, like Rain… who was only there for the aesthetic and the weed (most people were anyways).
Brit and his current girlfriend, Briana, both had taken "couple" selfies… like everyone else.
And Nexus, who was posed in a very dominating stand, carefully taken by one of his posse, as if it were a photoshoot.
Envy courses through Henry, and it made it feel like he could easily break his phone with a single clench of his fist.
Henry knew he could just walk home from the party and call his own driver, but… something was holding back.
This is a heinous night, he thought to himself glumly.
Around this point, it was eleven, and it seemed as if the party was just going through its second wave. Eventually, Henry got up and headed back into the airbnb, nearly bumping into a few people.
"Fuck you too, jackass!" Someone shouted to him, as he ambled through the thick patch of bodies.
Unsure why he even went back inside, Henry aimlessly strolled through the crowd, seeing how gross everyone's dancing was… it was a lot worse than homecoming dances, and those are cringey.
Someone's hoof stepped on his foot, causing him to stumble over himself in pain. Limping through the rest of the way, Henry made his way to where the kitchen would be, and from there it stunk of various aromas.
The kitchen wasn't crowded, but there were still people hovering around with drinks and chatting. Just annoying people in the way. He told himself that he wouldn't drink this time, though he found his hand digging through the melted cooler for a beer.
It was room temperature beer, but it didn't matter, he needed something to distract and loosen him up for a bit.
Straight from the can, Henry takes a lousy swig, seeing how no one was there to drink beside him. It tasted like crap, but he's tasted worse.
For the next half hour, Henry lingered in the kitchen, when he finished off two cans so far… fortunately, he ate something before he downed those two beers; unfortunately, it was almost three hours ago.
Yet, his stomach clenched and his throat was parched, and the dizziness set in.
Resting his eyes, Henry leaned against the sink of the kitchen, preparing for the worst of the storm. I don't like to think I'm a lightweight, but this fucking sucks… it's only two cans.
Trying to soothe himself, he grips him thumb in hopes to reduce the urge of wanting to vomit anytime soon. The music thumping sent the same vibrations to his head, worsening the effects.
He heard a familiar voice enter the kitchen, though it was drowned out by the party's ambience. Clenching his eyes, Henry's brain ran laps around his skull, not able to sit still.
"I'm telling you, it's just not fair," says a harsh voice, "I can't even spend time with him because he's with his 'girl'. I'm his best friend, damnit!"
That voice. 
Henry squinted his eyes, blurry figures were mobile blobs to him until he blinked a few times to refocus his vision. He saw similar ginger hair, and thought that it was Shade. Without any hesitation, Henry lumbers over and wraps his arms around the figure, words that manage to crumple from his mouth,
"Shade~ you were gone for such a long time!" Henry whines, having a good hold of the figure..
"Henry, get the hell off me!" A male voice barks out in confusion. 
Tripping backwards, Henry's eyes refocus,  fully recognizing the voice. Upon a clearer picture, he mistakes Nexus for Shade.
The orange cat held his ground and glared at him with a contorted stare… his other acquaintance hung beside him. 
"Oh God-" Henry gapes, attempting to blubber out, "Nexus, I'm so sorry, I thought you were Shade."
Instead Nexus grimaces, as if disgusted, only to murmur, "Whatever, dude. Just watch where you're going."
Henry lowers his gaze, his face hot with embarrassment… or from the intoxication.
Nexus' ear twitches, "Are you drunk or something?" His vibrant lime green eyes peer into Henry's soul.
It took Henry a second to properly respond, his mouth visibly stammering, but that gave Nexus his answer already.
"Hey, Nex, I gotta go…" The other kid next to Nexus frowns, gesturing over his shoulder, sending Nexus into a mild frenzy.
"Bro, really?" Nexus grumbles, angry.
The other guy hurries out, leaving just Henry and Nexus hanging about.
With an aggressive flick of his tail, Nexus sighs… going on to leave the room kitchen.
"W-Wait, Nex," Henry slurs, resulting in Nexus to whip around with an annoyed expression.
"What?" He hisses.
He's so hostile…
"Can I hang with you? Just-Just for a little while…?" Henry pleads, barely able to stand up straight, as he leaned against the counter. Nexus peers at him with a disdained glare, studying him up and down...
"You're not gonna throw up, are you?" Nexus muses, unrelated to Henry's question. 
"I dunno," Henry chortled, shrugging.
Idling in the archway, Nexus finally contemplated his thoughts before turning to his drunken companion. 
"Okay, you can chill with me," Nexus exhales, approaching him, "but don't do anything weird again."
This takes Henry back for a moment, as if he was jabbed with a pencil. Just as Henry was about to say something, Nexus waltzes back into the party area…
With an uneasy step, Henry follows after him into the crowd.
For however long they were on the dancing grounds, Nexus bopped with a few people he knew while Henry tried his best to fit in… though the pound of the music made him more queasy. His coordination when it came to dancing was awkward and trying at times, while Nexus and his other companions were "moving".
Dancing at this point was just simply jumping and swaying, but even Henry wasn't able to do it due to how the room was beginning to spin.
Everything was so loud.
His own thoughts were drowned by the blasting Post Malone song…
it made his head hurt, and his mouth began to gather up saliva.
The nausea had set in finally.
Henry started to sweat as he realized what was about to occur, but instead of drawing attention to himself, he bit his thumb in order to stop himself from potentially vomiting…
Nexus hadn't noticed Henry's ill expression, as he was trying to keep his mind in a different place. It was when the female he was dancing with taps him and inaudibly gestures to Henry, who had gained a headstart out of the crowd and exiting the room. 
Irritation drenches Nexus' face, as he dismisses it, glancing over to see Henry's figure disappearing from sight.
I have my own problems to deal with right now, Nexus scowls internally.
That's when it hit Nexus, like a wet sock.
He probably made Henry feel uncomfortable, and this caused him to leave. For a while, Nexus swayed on the thought of it… 
He's a big boy, he shouldn't have his feelings hurt.
The tense presence of guilt hovers over Nexus, despite trying to brush it off, but once the current song was over, he had swam through the heavy crowd of sweaty bodies.
Entering a corridor that connected to the living space, there were hazy clouds of various odors and smells, while couples made out on the side of the hallway.
Nexus knew where the nearest bathroom was, seeing there was a short line… not seeing Henry anywhere, Nexus just cuts to the front and pounds on the door with his hand.
"Henry, are you in there?" Nexus calls through the door, hearing muffled coughing from within.
The people waiting give Nexus dirty looks, as Nexus continues pounding, getting antsy himself. 
"Dude, please come out. A-Are you throwing up?" Nexus ignores the glares and just rests his ear on the door. 
"Someone's been in there for almost like ten minutes already…" said one of the people who waited in line.
With a nervous flick of his tail, Nexus grips the door knob to see if it were locked; it rotated fully. Holding his breath, Nexus pokes his head into the dimly lit bathroom and sees Henry sitting by the toilet, his head hung low.
"Ah shit," Nexus spats, hurrying over to the slumped figure of his friend. Is he that drunk? Nexus goes to check on him
"Henry!" He places a palm on his shoulder, resulting in Henry's muscles and body to contort in response, as he sat up in a frenzy.
Immediately, Nexus goes to settle down his dazed friend, seeing the genuine panic in his grey eyes; his face is red and puffy as if he were crying.
"Fuck, man," Henry groans, squeezing his temples, only for Nexus to stand up beside him and offer to help him to his feet.
Well, it didn't smell like vomit, Nexus though in relief, but he must've left just in case he did.
Slumping over Nexus' shoulder, Henry staggers on to his feet, leaving his supporting weight directly on Nexus; causing it to be rather difficult to even carry him.
With a hard grunt, Nexus manages to remain standing and soon help his drunk companion out of the bathroom. Not even bothering to look at the people waiting, they both head off to someplace a lot more quiet.
The side of the house where some of the bedrooms remained occupied for "various" reasons, but there was an area for the den…
People were going in and out, though for the most part, no one was there.
Nexus let Henry go, allowing him to plop onto the sofa, where he stayed silent.
Going to sit next to him, Nexus spreads out, a few feet from where Henry rested.
A heavy sigh slips from Nexus' nose, allowing himself to sink into the softness of the sofa.
There wasn't that much of an odor, other than cotton candy from a vape, but it was one of the calmest places of the airbnb.
Maybe they weren't allowed in here, but oh well, there wasn't a sign.
The house still shook from the music being played obnoxiously loud, only there being a certain amount of time until someone filed a noise complaint. 
Peering over, Nexus notices Henry's face in a serene state… still clenching his thumb as if his life depended on it.
Filling the silence, Nexus starts by saying,
"How much did you drink tonight?"
There was a delayed reply, when Henry lets out a bleak mumble, "One… tw-two? Probably."
Nexus examines him, seeing how Henry could pull off being sober, but now noticing how lifted off he was, it didn't seem possible. 
"Do you always get drunk?" Nexus was making conversation, not sure how he was going to respond.
Henry bobs his head side to side, rubbing the side of his face. 
"I don't like drinking…" He stifles slowly, his tongue twists over itself, "but I was feeling pretty…"
He doesn't finish his sentence as if he stopped himself…
Nexus starts anticipating,
"Feeling pretty what?"
Resting his head back, he gestures dismissively, "Forget- forget what I said… don't listen to me."
There was a forced chuckle from him, as he placed his palms over his face… 
Nexus was invested, seeing how strange he was acting. 
Henry's thoughts weren't his own, it felt like they could say something completely different. His thoughts were doing relay races, passing each of his emotions around like a baton…
"I dunno where my friends are," Henry whimpers aloud, spilling out nonsense, "I wish I didn't come here."
Nexus' ears twitch with intrigue, only for him to voice genuine concern,
"You didn't come alone?" Nexus questions, hoping he would comprehend what he said. 
"I didn't wanna say no," He pouts.
He's really off the rails, Nexus grimaces, I should help him calm down.
Nexus remembered the two people Henry hung around with constantly, Shade and Fikod… from what he gathered, they brought him along against his will?
Or so Nexus thought, at least.
He's barely able to say complete sentences, Nexus thought, or hold a conversation. I don't think I'll get anything out of him.
"Do you wanna go home?" Nexus asks simply, waiting for a response.
Instead of a straight answer, there were sniffles. 
Never in all the years Nexus had known him, he'd never seen Henry so distraught… or really cry. 
"Why do I feel so lonely here?" Henry croaks out through sniffles, taking his hands off his eyes. 
This struck a nerve in Nexus.
No, he thought, you aren't alone. You're surrounded by so many people… how can you be alone?
Without thinking, Nexus tugs on Henry's hoodie to bring him down to earth.
"Are you hearing yourself?" He spoke sternly, almost snatching Henry's attention.
"What's going on in that head of yours, bud?" Nexus stares him dead in his eyes… 
Henry's head sways, as his eyes met Nexus'. 
"I told youu," Henry whines, "not to worry about it…"
"You're so annoying!" Nexus lashes out, nearly yanking on his hoodie strings. "What the hell is going on with you? I get that you're drunk, but you keep saying these things and it's fucking annoying. What are these subliminal messages? Are you trying to get under my skin? Make me feel bad, is that it?" 
Having shaken him up, Henry's eyes were opened enough to see his pupils dilating, as Nexus fumes with agitation, his nose flares, and his brows furrowed in the dark. 
The bitter words Nexus spat was the product of pent up frustration from throughout the evening…
Brit had ditched Nexus to be with his girlfriend for the whole time, almost involving him as the third wheel. Seeing how much time Brit spends with her, Nexus felt casted aside, nearly a second thought as he was gradually losing his best friend over a girl.
Maybe it wasn't justified, or quite possibly childish for Nexus to have a fit, but he was just so angry over the treatment…
Brit and him had been through thick and thin for the longest time, but now it was tainted by Briana- "the love of my life" according to Brit.
Releasing his frustration on Henry was a mistake, seeing how it definitely shook him to his core. Nexus' chest had puffed up from the outburst, still having a tight grip around Henry's hood strings.
"N-Nexus, I…"
"Shut up." 
The hold of his hoodie strings loosened, Nexus' hand sank to his lap… as if he was overwhelmed by defeat.
The ginger cat's tail curls up, and his ears lower, leaving his expression solemn.
The way his own words left a sour taste in Nexus' mouth causes him to show regret.
There was silence that hovered over them, intensifying into something far more tense.
They had broken eye contact after the burst, but somehow faced each other… Nexus rested his eyes, closing them or a moment. 
Why did I say that? Since when did I become so harsh, Nexus scolds himself.
I'm just so done with everything that's happened tonight, I just want this to be over and done with now.
Even through the vibrant bass of the music that played, Nexus sensed an increased heartbeat… jumping up in anxiety.
Why is Henry so antsy all of a sudden? Nexus opens his eyes.
Henry had begun to pull in close towards his face, abruptly sending Nexus into surprise, only for his face to land on the crook of Nexus' shoulder; making it seem like he chickened out from something.
"What was that about?" Nexus croaks out, feeling sudden heat down his body. Henry shook his head, burying his face deeper into the side of Nexus' neck.
"I couldn't do it, I couldn't do it, I couldn't do it…" Henry murmurs under his breath, which Nexus clearly heard.
Instead of acknowledging it, Nexus just sat there with Henry slumped into his shoulder, with many thoughts facing through his brain.
Conflicted emotions, similar to the way he felt about Brit…
He weirdly enjoyed Henry's comfort, Nexus had a feeling that there was something more. A pair of Henry's arms had made its way around Nexus' waist, alerting chills up his spine.
What is this feeling? Nexus muses, the heat progresses to his face.
"First, you were crying," Nexus comments, "now you're being clingy?"
The way Henry's breathing brought up the feeling again made Nexus wanna squirm, yet continue along with this...
0 notes
jinjikook · 7 years
Rainy Day Blues (M)
word count: 2.7k
genre: smut ; idol-verse
pairing: seokjin/jeongguk
warning(s)/kink(s): top! jeongguk, bottom! jin, cock warming, unprotected sex, anal sex, fingering, spanking, sub! jin, vocal sex
a/n: this is the first of a mini-series of multiple au drabbles, all jeongguk-centric in honor of his 21st birthday! i might post more over time so please feel free to send in kook ships + aus  ♡ 
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The rain was relentless, the spray and wind conspiring to make as much noise as possible against the window pane.
Jin sighed and let the curtain drift back to its original place, the boring blue making Jin that much more aware of how bland today was.
They had finally gotten a day off, albeit it wasn’t much of a day off because they still had to appear for an interview in the morning but they were given the rest of the day to do as they pleased. This meant that Yoongi went straight to the studio, Namjoon in tow, and the 95z along with Hoseok went out for dinner and a movie. Something about the new one starring Ryan Reynolds catching their interest.
Jin and Jeongguk had chosen to stay home, the younger wanting to play online video games for a while and Jin wanted to catch up on a book he’d begun ages ago, having forgotten his place after not being able to get to it for so long. He sat on the couch, flicking through pages and trying to skim for what he last remembered reading while Jeongguk shouted into his headset, something about staying off base and to distract the enemy. Or something like that, Jin was never any good at those games.
A buzz from Jin’s phone made him look over, seeing a message from Yoongi. He leaned forward to grab it off the coffee table when Jeongguk had kicked it in frustration, tossing his controller on the seat next to him. The action startled Jin and he looked over to the younger male, still in shock.
“Oh, sorry hyung. Got carried away, I guess. It’s just so annoying, these guys are absolute shit at this game, I don’t know why they chose elite matches to be in.”
“Jeonggukie, language.” Jeongguk rolled his eyes but smiled at his band mate, no real malice in his action. Jin laughed it off and grabbed his phone, reading that Yoongi and Namjoon were probably going to come home late for dinner, and that they should order in. Jin considered it, not really feeling like cooking today. If he did, he’d probably make something light and easy to finish, so he wouldn’t have to be standing for long. It wasn’t often he got to sit for such long periods of time, let alone with the promise of not having to get up until the very next day to start their whole vicious cycle all over again.
“Hey Jinnie-hyung, let’s order something to eat! I’m hungry.” Jeongguk said muffled by a mouthful of seaweed chips, shoveling them in his mouth by the handful. How he was hungry still even after eating two bags of those chips and cup ramen, Jin had no idea. He was in bottomless stomach mode, ready to devour any and everything in his sights.
“Yah, JK do you think I’m made of money?”
“Of course hyung.”
Jeongguk snickered and resumed his game, letting Jin return to his book in peace. Or, relative peace between the pounding rain and Jeongguk’s yelling and far-too-loud headset, that of which Jin has warned the Maknae to lower the volume on several times already.
“Oh c’mon! You guys are useless!” Jeongguk angrily spat as he exited the game room, choosing another match to partake in. Clearly, his team members were either no good or Jeongguk was just not being a good sport. Both of which were very much plausible.
Jin occasionally glanced up from his book, watching Jeongguk’s face as he focused intently on attacking his enemy and defending his home base. His tongue was out in between his teeth and his soft, cocoa hair was fanned over his forehead, freshly washed from this morning. He heard a voice coming from Jeongguk’s headset, clear enough that Jin could make it out from where he sat next to the younger.
“Hey, do you guys wanna hear something amazing?” Jeongguk didn’t respond, simply pressing harder on his controller buttons as if it’d make his attacks do more damage. “Check this out,” What followed had Jeongguk freeze where he sat, shoulders stiff as Jin looked over, appalled.
In full volume, there was a woman moaning loudly from the headset. It was downright filthy and the girl was practically screaming in ecstasy from whatever or whoever was pleasing her. Jeongguk’s ears turned red but his face drained of color, Jin’s eyes bugged out and no longer focused on his book or Jeongguk’s game.
“What the fuck?” Jin hissed, not caring about his choice of words as he looked to Jeongguk for answers, the younger still in a statuesque pose. He stuttered and stammered, trying to make some sense of what was filtering in through his chat room audio.
“Bro, that’s really hot.”
“Is that your girl? Mind sending her over for a good time?”
Jeongguk heard the other guys in his chat egging on whoever shared the audio clip, as if this was just sports over morning coffee and not legitimate, actual pornography shared amongst people who were most definitely not gathered to hear that type of stuff.
“Jeongguk, if you wanted to hear that stuff, just use the workroom for god’s sake.” Jin huffed and reached for his bottle of water, taking his book with him to go read in his room, where it’d be less awkward and weird.
“Hyung! It’s not what you think!” Jeongguk shouted after his band mate, quickly exiting out of the game and shutting off the console before running behind him. Jin had already made his way into his bed, trying to settle in comfortably but Jeongguk practically bowled through his door, forcing him to postpone his readings for a little while longer. “I swear, I didn’t know that was gonna happen. That’s not where I go if I need to… take care of the issue.”
“I know JK, you tend to take fairly long showers and you don’t really understand the concept of keeping quiet.” Jeongguk felt his face heat up, embarrassed at the prospect that he’d been loud when he took matters into his own hands during his showers. He hadn’t meant to be so vocal, it’s just so difficult to fight it when he felt that good.
“Sorry hyung, I’ll watch my volume from now on.”
“On your headset too? If you didn’t have it up all the way, I wouldn’t have heard it so clearly, so maybe you should listen to your hyung next time.” Jeongguk nodded, throat dry and it hurt as he tried to swallow. He stayed planted in the doorway, hand still on the doorknob. “Was there something else you needed, Gukkie?” Jin looked expectantly at his younger member, watching him shuffle his weight between his two socked feet.
Looking down, it made Jin realize that Jeongguk was hard, maybe not all the way so—the talking probably made him drop to half-mast—but still noticeably straining against the front of his gray sweat pants. The way he bit his lip and refused to make eye contact made it clear to Jin what the younger wanted and as much as he’d wanted to finish a chapter, he could never resist the maknae and his many charms. Jin motioned for him to come closer and Jeongguk nearly sprinted to his bed, waiting for Jin to give him his next command.
“How do you want to do this?” Jin stroked at Jeongguk’s supple thighs while he awaited an answer, the touch making his cock twitch in his pants. The younger gasped at the contact, high and whiny. It took a moment for Jeongguk to gather his wits, too focused on the warm palm now up and cradling his member.
“Want to be inside you, hyung.” Jeongguk didn’t want to beat around the bush, cutting straight to the chase. Any decently competent person would realize what he meant but Jin wanted to tease, acting coy and clueless.
“Inside where? My mouth? My hand?”
“Your ass, I want to fuck your ass, Jin-hyung.”
“Well, in that case, you better grab the lube from my drawer.” Jin simply laid down on his stomach, head facing the corner of his room as he heard Jeongguk shuffling around in the background, probably stripping as he went. Jin hadn’t even taken off his shirt yet, the tee loose on his frame but tight on his broad shoulders as he folded his arms under his head and awaited for Jeongguk to do what needed to be done.
The maknae only tore off his bottoms and briefs, keeping his dark t-shirt in place as he stroked his cock, trying to stave off some of his excitement. The click of the lube alerted Jin, reaching behind himself to pull down his own pants and underwear, only letting them go down until they hung off his legs but not having enough of a care to kick them off completely. Jeongguk clearly hadn’t minded, his palms already caressing his hyung’s ass as he marveled in what he was going to be pressed up against.
Jin laid there patiently, letting the younger’s hands roam where they pleased. He shucked his t-shirt up to his armpits when he felt Jeongguk stroking at his stomach, sliding up to tease his nipples for a little bit until they pebbled hard under his fingertips. As they slid back down, Jeongguk gave Jin a quick stroke, thumb spreading pre come over his glistening tip before retiring to his ass again. He took a cheek in each hand, a plentiful handful that Jeongguk took pride in holding, spreading them apart to see the sweet sex he was to be buried in soon enough.
Jeongguk had half a mind to want to bend down and lick his way around Jin’s ass but he’d been to riled up, too eager, and he wanted to get to the main event already. Taking the lube in hand, he squirted a generous amount over a solid digit before encircling Jin’s rim, pushing in fairly quickly.
“S-shit, ‘Guk, give me a little warning next time.” Jin chastised, hissing at the sudden intrusion. Luckily, Jin was still a little loose from this morning so the digit hadn’t hurt much, the pain ebbing away quickly to melt into pleasure. Jeongguk swiftly added more lube and a second finger to push alongside the first. He opened his hyung up well enough, knowing he was a big boy who could handle it without needing to be babied. Not that Jeongguk would anyways, his mind was on getting himself off and Jin never minded being the hole he fucked.
He took it as the responsibility of being the oldest, taking care of his maknae and helping him in any way he can with any and all his problems. When he’d originally opened up to Jin about the issue a long time ago, Jin felt the solution was simple enough: make use of himself. That way, there was no chance of scandal, Jeongguk would feel comfortable because he knew his hyung very well and it got Jin a free ride on one of the biggest cocks he’d ever laid eyes on before.
“Hyung, you ready?” Jin murmured a ‘yes’ into the pillow, gripping around it with his hands as he felt emptiness from Jeongguk’s fingers retreating. He slathered more lube onto his length and jerked himself quickly, the loud squelching incomparable to the sound of blood pounding in his ears.
Jeongguk pressed into Jin, one hand on the small of his back as he pushed in. The head of his cock breached his walls and Jeongguk groaned at the tightness that enveloped him, sucking in a long and heady breath all the way until he bottomed out, Jin’s face shoved into his pillow as he bit back any noises.
“Hyung—shit—please tell me you’re good,” Jeongguk whined, fighting the urge to pull out and slam back in until he heard from his member, watching as Jin writhed for a second, the fullness making him all sorts of dopey, until he gave a weak thumbs up. Jeongguk pulled out slowly, watching his cock slide out of Jin’s tight ass and the head caught on the rim, sucking him back in. For the first few thrusts, they were shallow and slow, testing the waters as the two of them adjusted.
The rain beat at the window and Jeongguk used it as a countermeasure to muffle Jin’s screams as he finally pulled out and fucked back in, starting a punishing pace. The sound of skin slapping skin was clearly audible in the bedroom and Jeongguk moaned lavishly at the tight velvet walls of his hyung milking him for all he’s worth.
Jeongguk felt his release rapidly approaching, his stamina still something needing to be worked on. But he didn’t want it to end just yet, wanting to have Jin be more active before he came inside him, needing to see him loving his cock as much as he loved his hyung’s ass.
He pulled out and his cock slipped out, bobbing up to his stomach, all glistening from the lube. Jin’s breathing was harsh against the pillow and Jeongguk wanted to hear him more, not have him keep the sounds to himself as he greedily spilled them into the pillow he had clutched.
“You want it hyung? Come get it,” Jeongguk held his cock out and Jin slowly made his way onto his knees, propping his torso up on his forearms. Jeongguk guided his length to his hole, only letting the tip in as he watched Jin do all the work. Jin slowly pushed back, head turned as he looked over his shoulder; at Jeongguk and his wide, hot palm caressing the apple of Jin’s ass. He bent down to bite at the supple flesh and Jin whimpered at the sensation. Not wanting his hyung to muffle himself any longer, Jeongguk raised his hand and brought it down in a harsh slap across his ass, the cheek jiggling with the motion as a spot of red blossomed where he hit.
Jin could be loud when coaxed, and Jeongguk was planning on having his hyung have his own volume issues before the end of this.
Jeongguk told Jin to go harder, faster and the older obliged, a slave to his member’s commands. The younger continued to alternate spanking on each of his ass cheeks, watching with satisfaction as they grew raw from the treatment. Jin let out a broken sob, a needy cry, and Jeongguk had had enough.
He grabbed Jin by both his hips and pistoned into him with a great force, Jin’s moans coming out broken and stuttered from the movement. It made his bed creak and the headboard knock against the window, a valiant rival for the pelting rain. Jin tried to hide his face in the pillow as he neared his release but Jeongguk pulled Jin by the hips until his ass was completely flush against Jeongguk’s groin, fully sheathed inside his hyung. The older member scrambled for the pillow but Jeongguk was relentless; not giving up until he had Jin spasming around him, walls tight as he came untouched onto his sheets.
Jeongguk fucked harder until he buried himself deep and bent to mouth at Jin’s shoulder, biting hard when he came inside his hyung. A small whimper ripped from his mouth where he was biting onto Jin, hips stuttering with the final few pumps of come being released into the other.
“Ah hyung, do you mind if I stay inside?” Jin shook his head, not trusting his tongue to form words and Jeongguk settled in all the way before gingerly laying on his side on Jin’s bed, spooning the older. He knew his bandmate was particularly sensitive after coming so he reserved his touches to be light and fleeting, bringing his hyung down from his high.
By the time the rain let up, the others had finally returned and Taehyung was excitedly running through the dorm, shouting Jeongguk’s name as he searched for the maknae, wanting to retell the events of the movie.
When he found him in his hyung’s room, balls deep and knocked out while Jin flipped another page in his book, he turned around and ran for Jimin instead, begging to have his eyes gouged out.
106 notes · View notes
Gloomy Days Chapter IV
Sooo .. yeah, I finally finished the next chapter, don’t know if anyone’s still reading it, but yeah, here it is. In my personal opinion, it’s lackluster, but I needed to get it out of my system anyways so that I might be able to write on the next chapters and a conclusion of the story before the year’s over. If you’re looking for an explanation why I consider it ‘bad’, it’s probably because I’m not emotionally invested in the characters this time. At least, not AS invested as in other characters. Have fun and have a fantastic day.
Chapter 4 – The Free Spirit and the Idealist 
We've had enough
This is the end
Try to break us, we won't bend
No matter what
Your way of life will never save me, no
  You always try and drag me down
And I'm coming back for more
Save yourself
Cause I'm gonna take it all
All the way
  Striker – All the way
  "That's some awesome mane, bro!", the moment the man turned around to see who was taking to him, he had to smile. As was the usual, the guests at this wedding were dressed up for the occasion. After all, the heir to a wealthy and venerable family got married to a beautiful wife. Almost nobody gave a second thought to her questionable past, anyway. In fact, many people belonging to the island's high society solely arrived to strengthen their bonds with said family. This one, not so much. Not that it was a surprise, as this man's past would have given the average person cause for enough concern to fill a lifetime.
"I'm taking a wild guess here, but I'd bet my life on you belonging to the bride's family.", the stranger replied with a smirk. Some things were just too obvious. And the huge .. man replied in kind, crossing his massive arms in front of his chest. Actually, he struck a comically serious pose that just begged for a reaction. He didn't have to wait for long, as several children immediately cried out in collective awe.
To be perfectly honest, they rightfully did so. The man's proportions weren't entirely human and at first glance, one might have asked how his rather slender legs were able to support an upper body that was so wide and muscular, it could've put a smaller giant to shame. The next moment, the person asking said question might have recognised that these lank legs were supported by what might have been steel. The questions wouldn't have ended there. One could only see that his legs were supported by some machinery made of steel because he didn't wear any pants but a red bathing slip, appropriately coloured to match his Hawaiian shirt of a ground of red, adorned with green palm trees.
Maybe there was a reason to all of this, maybe he just wore it loose and open to put his impressive, muscular chest in the spotlight, or the two fine but incredibly long scars that ran from within his bathing slip up to his neck.
He let a few seconds pass until he lowered his arms – they, too, seemed to be made of steel, not only supported by it – and nodded solemnly.
"You'd have won this bet, bro. Wouldn't be cool to stay absent when my little sis is getting married, right?", well, one could say whatever about this huge man, but at least he had enough manners not to wear his black sunglasses within these halls. The stranger nodded, still smirking. "That's absolutely right. It's her big day, isn't it? I hope that she's taking the pressure well enough.", these words made the huge man break out in a booming laughter that might have raised the dead. At least, some angry people turned their heads towards the two and quickly came to their senses when they saw the sheer size of his upper body.
"You don't know my little sis, man! She's as tough as nails, I promise you! Gotta be sharp to match the storms on the Grand Line, bro. Girl's been without equal, I tell you, she was able to outsmart friend and foe alike and was riding our ship on top of the storms like she never did anything else in her whole life.", a rather dramatic pause followed and when he spoke again, he exchanged his booming voice for a whisper. "It's a shame that she's giving up this life to settle down, if you ask me.", realising what he just said and that he said it to a stranger who might as well be a relative of the groom, an awkward silence followed.
"Ehm .. no offence to the broom, bro.", the huge man tried to defuse the situation a little. To no need, as it turned out, as another player hit the stage.
"FRANKY!", the high voice was fitting for another contender for the title of oddest guest to this wedding. In fact, one could say that these two guys, some might consider them freaks at such an elevated event, were hitting both diametrically opposed ends of the weirdness scale. Surprisingly enough, that didn't stop ties that might have been long forgotten, but never severed, from coming back in full force when their eyes met.
“Oh .. I can’t believe it! It’s really you, Chopper!”, both ‘men’, if one could call them that, were moving towards each other and an unknowing bystander might have feared that if that huge man tried to hug the .. reindeer that walked on two legs, he might have crushed him. That fear would’ve been proven insubstantial, though. For reasons that are not easy to explain.
When the two reached each other, the reindeer .. changed, for lack of a better word. Wearing fur, it didn’t have the need for clothing besides short trousers and a huge hat. This was probably to ease the difficulties of said change. The reindeer that went by the name of ‘Chopper’ was relatively small, so small indeed that its antlers might barely be able to reach the thighs of a human of normal height. Within a second though, possibilities were thrown out of the window and a magnificent transformation took place.
Within the blink of an eye, the small and rather cute reindeer was no more, it had been replaced by a hulking bruiser of a .. very hairy man. Its body was completely changed, the reindeer’s small forelegs had grown into strong arms that were able to put trained legs to shame, the entire upper body resembled that of a – hairy – body builder and even its face had changed. Surprisingly enough, it was more humanoid after the transformation, a grim, hairy visage that might have given the impression of it being the precursor to what people thought of mythical monsters like the Big Foot, full of inhuman strength. That strength, though, was necessary as the following scene emphasised.
Both ‘men’ threw their arms around each other and embraced the other in what doubtlessly was an emotionally charged hug. The muscles on the man-reindeer’s arms were clearly showing as they seemed to have a little brotherly contest regarding strength. This contest was short-lived, as they realised that their forces evenly matched and both men finally let go, staring at each other in a mixture of disbelief and happiness.
“Hrmpf. Friends of the bride, I guess? Somebody should have taken the time to teach these .. people proper manners! No surprise, huh, Father? Given that we barely know anything about her past.”, the voice was raised from slightly behind the man and he turned around, a knowing smile on his lips. The complainer was a well-dressed man of advanced age, wearing a tailored, black suit and receding, greyish-white hair. A pair of gold-rimmed spectacles was sitting on his nose and the face he made was full of disdain. Talking to this man might have been an interesting pastime, but the clock was ticking.
“Actually, they’re her family. That, and I fear that I might not have the capacities to talk to you right now, pray excuse.”, then, something very strange seemed to happen. They were both looking at each other and without any sign of alteration, all colour left the older man’s face and his eyes widened. Whatever he had seen in the stranger’s timeless face, it did make a lasting impact on him. To no surprise, he was the one to break away.
“’cuse me, Father. Think the wine’s getting to my head. Beg my leave.”, the man bumbled and left his presence within seconds, quickly enough to not have been noticed by the cyborg and the reindeer. By now, both of them were on their way back to the man, Franky having slung an arm over the equally muscular shoulders of the man-reindeer.
“Oi Bro, let me introduce the greatest physician on the Grand Line and all the Blues to you, Doctor Chopper!”, the compliment resonated visibly with the doctor, even though in a hilarious and unconventional manner. He danced rather childishly and his muscular arms wavered as if they had neither bones nor muscle inside, all the while he spoke with a shy, high voice.
“I don’t need your stinking compliments, you idiot!”, but the cyborg didn’t stop there.
“I’m not lying to you, bro. You’ve got your limbs cut off? He’ll sew and glue them back on, you’ve caught some random disease on a remote island? This guy will nurse you back to health and won’t catch a second of sleep until you’re alive and kicking again, I literally haven’t seen anything he wasn’t able to cure!”, even though the stream of compliments continued, the reindeer-man’s dance ceased and sobriety replaced happiness.
“I wish you were right, Franky. No matter how hard we try and tried, no matter how many lives one can save, there will always be the one you fail to do anything. The one that’ll haunt you for the rest of your life.”, as it happens so often within these lines, the general mood of the reunion turned into a gloomy one, at least for the reindeer. His friend, though, was showing an incensed look on his face.
“Goddamn, Chopper! You’re a physician, you cure people’s ailments and heal their bodies, a damn broken heart isn’t something that you can nurse back to health with some tonics and medicine!”, Franky finally let go of his old friend and they were giving each other a sombre stare-down. Whatever it was, it seemed to be bringing back memories that should have better remained buried. Or not.
“You’re right, it was not my task alone to mend his heart. As you said, I’m just a physician, but we were family! Their family! I .. I just have the feeling that none of us tried hard enough to comfort these two in their hour of need. Franky, .. we just .. we just could have done more. So. Much. More.”, the man-reindeer had great difficulties holding his tears back, so much was obvious. A rather peculiar sight in the face of something that might have been the reason that humans believed in monsters that hid in the woods. It was just as surprising that the cyborg had his own tears to fight.
“Just remember the times, bro. The situation was terrible overall and we couldn’t have done more, and it was his decision to leave with all the ghosts he gathered to weight him down over the years. Maybe it was right, maybe we were not destined or considered worthy to follow these big dreams of ours. I don’t know, I don’t even want to know! All of us are free now, are we not?! Still, nothing has become of it! Just look at the two of us, we thought that our sheer combined will was enough to reach our goals. What now? We left Sunny on her own, as the only one never to disappoint us. She might as well be sunk right now. So much for my glorious dream.”, this time, there was no stopping the tears. That, and he didn’t even try.
“I know that, Franky! I know that we left her behind. I have not forgotten a single line of everything. And you’re not the only one with shattered wishes! I wanted to be able to battle every illness on the whole world, but look at what has become of me. I’m just sitting around on an island and try to do my best to help the people, but there is just so much that I don’t know, so many ways to cure sickness that I’ll never learn because I don’t travel anymore!”, an awkward silence followed the conversation and both of them were still staring at each other. The perfect time for the stranger to join in.
He cleared his throat to get their attention.
“So .. you two seem to be having a history of travelling together, if I take that right. It also seems that you’re not exactly happy with how things are now, but, if I may, let me ask this one question: What’s holding you back from going back to how things were? Both of you are still young and strong enough to take to the seas again.”, contrary to the overarching mood, the stranger still held a firm smile on his lips, watching the both of them, and they answered at once.
“Because we’re not whole anymore. We can never be whole again.”
“That’s not exactly precise. Would you mind to elaborate?”
It was Chopper who took the initiative.
“It’s kind of a long story, are you sure? Yes? Well .. I mean, it all kinda began with .. with the heroic sacrifice of one of our nakama, he gave his own life to save others, one of them being the bride herself”, whatever he was waiting for, astonishment or maybe a shock, didn’t appear, thus, he continued.
“Brook’s final .. death was what triggered our breaking. Another friend told me that he took his demise right on, stared into the abyss until the abyss shied away. To help, to support his family one last time. He couldn’t have known that it was in vain.”, the reindeer turned his head around for a short scan of the surroundings, an easy task due to his massive size. When he found what he was looking for, a shiver ran down his spine and within the blink of an eye, he transformed again. Back to his old, small form that could have reminded people of a fluffy teddy bear, grabbing for the cyborg’s leg, barely controlled excitement accompanied his voice.
“He’s here, Franky! Have you seen him? Spoken to him? Do you think he’d be willing to .. maybe?!”, but the delight didn’t pass over to the cyborg who had followed his gaze and was now shaking his head in a slow fashion.
“Don’t think so, Chopper. Don’t think so. See, bro, blondie over there ..”, he nodded into Sanji’s general direction before he continued, “.. he’s a .. special case. He was one of the last people to leave our crew, but the first one to .. to break away from it. So, before we continue with our little story, you might want to tell us if you belong to Nami’s side or her groom’s. Can’t remember ever meeting you, but that means nothing, right?”, he was watching the stranger carefully, only to interrupt it from time to time by looking at Chopper and the back of Sanji’s head.
“Oh, I’m no one of consequence, the literal unexpected guest, if you grant me that joke. To whom I belong is a rather complicated question, I admit, but let’s just say that I grant allegiance to those who have lost their way.”, that was neither a precise answer nor had anyone asked for mysticism, but not belonging to the groom’s side did seem to be enough.
“Alright, Mr. Mysterious Stranger, that’s good enough, I assume. Well, after .. Brook’s end, my friends finally made it back to our ship and we were reunited, but blondie was bleeding from more than a dozen deep wounds and .., he nearly lost it during treatment. Really wasn’t a nice sight at all .. especially not for her.”
The last few days had been rough and nobody really talked to one another. Understandably, taking the into account that they had just lost a member of their small crew to some ancient, pelagic abomination. Nobody had been able to help him and trying to retrieve him had been proven vain, as the whole island was swallowed by water as soon as the group had reached their ship.
They wanted to come back in force. To rescue, to save or even to avenge him. All that was taken from the Straw Hats when the island was engulfed by mighty waves and torn back into the deep as mythical Atlantis was. Midnight was upon them when Chopper entered the infirmary to look after his one patient. A dozen wounds from sharp teeth and claws had not rendered him as feeble as the single thought that because he had failed for once, another was lost. Guilt’s weight was lying upon his shoulders and dragged him down, seemingly taking his ability to speak at all.
“Are you feeling better today, Sanji?”, the reindeer asked while putting his stethoscope on, but he never received an answer. As was the usual for the blonde cook since their return. He had his eyes closed and was lying still, bandages covering his limbs, his throat and his chest. Chopper quickly went through the check list and wasn’t surprised to realise that the wounds were already healing, blood pressure was normal again and his fear that he might have caught an infection was put aside. The Monster Trio, so much was a given, was barely human anymore, their wounds used to heal as quickly as those of a forest’s beast.
The doctor already wanted to pack his tools and leave Sanji to rest, when the patient finally opened his lips to speak in a voice that was robbed of all its strength.
“We’re going after him .. right?”, Chopper feared that he might ask this question. The thought appeared to all of them as soon as they arrived back on the Sunny, but the ship’s coating was used up and there were no streams in the nearest vicinity that would be strong enough to drag her down. Franky tried to figure something out, but, as of now, to no avail.
“I hope.”, was the answer Chopper gave, staring at the ground he was standing on. Sanji’s mental condition was out of his area of expertise, though he was sure that telling him outright that the chances of even getting revenge on that monster were so slim, they could be called non-existant. The doctor didn’t want to be the messenger of these grim news, actually he didn’t want anyone to bring them, as he feared that it would break Sanji completely.
“I need a cigarette.”, there, Chopper made his first mistake. If the situation was not as dire as it turned out to be, he would’ve beaten Sanji for the thought of a cigarette alone. This time, he granted him the request, a fact that didn’t go unnoticed. The cook placed the small, white coffin nail between his lips and incinerated it, invigorated either by the smoke or his assumptions. His voice was louder now, leaving his mouth with more force and suppressed rage.
“So, there’s not a chance in Hell we’re able to get him back?!”, the sudden surge of power that found its way into his voice was enough to startle Chopper, nearly making him fall to the ground. He held his balance, for the moment.
“That’s not what I said, Sanji. There is always hope!”, he replied, raising his voice in kind but still remaining in his fluffy form. Things might have escalated quickly otherwise.  Nobody could have said how this situation would evolve and nobody needed to, as a sudden knocking on the infirmary’s door brought silence on both of them. Only a moment later, said door was opened and the frame was filled by the massive upper body that belonged to the cyborg. He wasn’t alone, though, as slender legs followed behind, entering the room just after him.
It wasn’t Franky’s voice that was raised in an accusing fashion, targeting nobody in particular but Sanji and Chopper both.
“Why is he smoking?! Who allowed that?”, her voice .. oh, her voice. In literally any other time, it would have elevated Sanji into the highest heavens, soothing wounds, sickness and even an over-abundance of death. Not this time, though. Just hearing her voice was a reminder that he had failed. If everything went according to his plan, to sacrifice himself to the eldritch abominations found deep within the island, Brook would still be living. He should have been the one who to make the ultimate sacrifice. One simple act of honour and love for the goddess and his true family.
Yet, he was still here to listen to her voice, while Brook was not. The fates had decided to sculpt the most wonderful sound in the entire world into a living reminder of his failure. Sometimes, all it needed was a moment to burn down an entire lifetime of faithfully doing your duty. In his own mind, Chopper knew as much, Sanji had always styled himself as the knight that would conquer Hell for his goddess and give his life in the moment of need.
Even though no one but him cared or even noticed that fact, it didn’t matter. He knew of his failure. His image was shattered when they dragged him out of the tunnels. His purpose was denied when he had to listen to Brook’s signature laughter for the last time.
“Franky .. when will we be able to hunt down that beast?”, it surprised all three of them that he didn’t talk to Nami first. A sign for the terrible things that should haunt the crew for the rest of their time together, some of them being affected long after they split up.
“Bro, you’re not in the condition to hunt anything other than a bed. Get rested and we’ll figure something out, don’t worry.”, Franky’s usual optimism was as faux as it could be, and anybody knew. Yet he still tried.
The cook was about to raise his upper body, maybe even wanted to stand up to do whatever, but he was stopped in his tracks by a force so much stronger than all the physical strength he had acquired over the years.
The gentle touch of the woman he loved with all his heart, all that was him.
“Don’t, Sanji-kun. Franky is right, please, rest a little.”, he closed his eyes as opposing powers fought for dominion over his body. On one side, the fierce and fiery love he felt for the goddess by his side, on the other one, though, the knight that had fallen from grace. The knight that had to face his failure every day, until his last breath. The problem was that both his love and the graceless knight drew strength from Nami’s presence, but only one of them was nourished by his survivor’s guilt.
Many would have fallen in the face of chaos. But not this one. Not today.
The blonde’s body calmed under her gentle touch and he let himself sink back into the pillows, all the time struggling for control. Nami herself was exchanging short glances with Chopper and Franky, both of them got the clue.
“Nami .. may I leave you two for a little while? I need to fix some ointments for the wounds, otherwise they’re still going to leave very ugly scars.”
“Yeah, and I’ll try my best to see the ship being coated or otherwise able to dive again. That’s going to take some time, I guess. See ya later, bro.”, Franky said as he held the door open for Chopper before both of them left the room. Outside, though, they went a few steps away from the infirmary and quietly began talking to each other.
“You think cook-bro, will make it, doc?”
“Yes, Sanji is inhumanly strong, these wounds won’t stop him for long. He’ll be ready to fight again very soon.”, Chopper replied, taking the obvious path that made it necessary for Franky to specify his question.
“Not his injuries, man. You know what I’m talking about. Have you seen his eyes? They’re empty, there’s no fire in there anymore. It’s like his will to live has been taken away instead of Brook!”, before the conversation could run rampant, though, Chopper raised his hoof.
“Shh, they’re talking. Nami might be the only person able to bring him back from where he is right now. Maybe we should just put our trust in her and do whatever we can to support it?”, the reindeer’s fine sense of hearing wasn’t stopped by the infirmary’s thick, wooden door. An advantage he had over the mechanically enhanced body of Franky. The cyborg nodded and slowly approached the door for the off-chance of hearing parts of their conversation himself, but to no avail.
“You sure they'll be able to work something out?”, he asked again after returning to chopper, lowering his voice as much as possible. If the cook was able to use his Haki right now, he'd know of their presence anyway, but the sheer thought of eavesdropping on their nakama felt disquieting.
“Can't tell, Franky, I really can't .. but he's talking to her, at least. More than a few words at a time. More than simple accusations. Isn't it strange how he's able to open up to her? It's like she really is someone special to him, like .. like a sister!”, to that, the more experienced and – at least in some ways – more mature Franky burst into laughter and softly padded the reindeer's shoulders.
“Well bro, 'sister' might not be the word you're looking for. You know, doctor, sometimes a man might not be able to open up to his closest kin, but if there's a woman holding dominion over his heart, she'll burn down all the walls and get right through to him. I'm sure that you're going to understand that in due time.”, the thought alone seemed to shock Chopper, that even within all of their true companionship, there was still a different level of relation to reach.
Sometimes, when the night is at her blackest, a single, endless void that seemed like an ocean, one could still find a star. A beacon of light.
Sometimes, that single beacon of light was all that was needed to lift the spirit, to keep it going.
At other times, this beacon of light was nothing but a ghost light.
When Nami rushed out of the infirmary to shout at the eavesdroppers, they thought that things would get back to normal soon enough. They were wrong.
“See, bro, for about two months we thought that things might get back to how they were again, sure, blondie talked a little less than usual, but he got back to cooking and fighting and flattering the women. None of us realised that we began to rot from within, until it was too late. For a few weeks, I even thought that blondie and the bride might have something good going. Probably not going to have to mention that I was wrong, and things went downhill from there.”, Chopper nodded in agreement.
“Guess you could say that our time together simply ran out. Brook's last stand had made an impact on our crew that none of us was aware of .. until we were falling apart. You know, bro, I'm actually happy to see that my sis found someone to spend her life with, because she deserves happiness. It's just that I think that her true purpose is still out there, on the sea. She might be content with being wed, but to the last of her days, I'm sure she'll ask herself what could have been ..”, again, the hilarious sight of seeing tears running down in streams from a cyborg's face.
“He's torturing himself.”, even though Chopper was in his fluffy form, the one that possessed a rather high voice, too, he sounded as sombre as it gets. A fact that surprised both of his conversational partners.
“What? Who?”
“Sanji. You've implied it yourself, didn't you, Franky? That he might be in love with her.”, he was looking up to the cyborg's face, not waiting for an answer.
“I now think that you've been right all the way. That, and we both know Sanji. He isn't one to change, at least not by a lot, not when it's concerning something that is important to him. The ladies, the All Blue, cooking, I'm sure that all of these will never cease to be of utmost importance to him. Still, if you take a look at him now, he's just sitting there all by himself instead of courting any of the young ladies here. This has to mean something! She's the one who carved her name onto his heart, Franky!”
The cyborg wanted to reply something, he might have even wanted to tell the reindeer to stop dreaming. Instead, he looked at the stranger, of all people, for help. He smiled.
“I don't have all the answers, my friends, but .. after all, you're still pirates, aren't you? Freedom does have a different, one could say a more 'extreme', meaning to you than to other people. Maybe, maybe, maybe .. there is so much more to see, so much more to do. What use are dreams if you never chase them? Oh, and I personally think that it's better to go regretting to have said something than to regret not to have said it, these are not the times for things to remain unspoken.
All of you are still young enough to take back the night.
Maybe it is your purpose to inherit these seas.”
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theorangestar · 7 years
The Lives and Times of Bolin and Opal - All I Wish For You Is Happiness
Mako loves his little brother; he just wants him to be happy. And nothing seems to make Bolin happier than being with Opal.
Or, Bopal throughout Books 3 & 4 as viewed by Mako.
Truth be told, Mako used to think Bolin and Opal’s relationship wouldn’t last.
Now, he would never admit that to anyone. If Bolin ever found out it would break his heart. Mako would take that secret to the grave.
It’s not like he thought they were a bad couple. They were a very sweet couple. The problem was he knew his brother, and his brother… well, he didn’t have the best luck in relationships. Of course, Mako didn’t really have room to talk, considering his own history, but for a long time, Bolin never seemed to get far enough with anyone to call them “relationships.”
He’d flirted with many girls over the years, or at least what he called “flirting” (Mako would curse Shady Shin for years for teaching his brother all those terrible pick up lines). It only got worse when they formed the Fire Ferrets, since fangirls threw themselves at the chance to meet a professional pro-bender. Most of these fans were superficial, only caring about Bolin the Athlete and not Bolin the Person, but he ignored the warning signs and flirted with every fan who made an advance. Mako knew Bolin didn’t mean to come off as a player; Bolin was a romantic at heart, and every girl he met he imagined was “The One.” This, of course, led to a series of broken hearts and yet more awful pick up lines.
And then came Korra.
It took a while for Mako to understand what Bolin saw in her, but when he did… well, he had to agree. It all spiraled from there.
Now, his first kiss with Korra he did not regret, even to this day. It was the circumstances surrounding that kiss he regretted, especially the part he played in crushing his brother’s heart. He supposed he deserved that long walk across town from Narook’s back to their attic, a drunk Bolin and Pabu on his shoulders and tears and puke soaked into his jacket. Thankfully, Bolin couldn’t hold a grudge to save his life, and he forgave both Mako and Korra soon enough, something Mako would have taken a lot longer to do had their roles been reversed. A part of him admired Bolin for that, even if he felt he didn’t really deserve that forgiveness.
Eska was next. Could Mako have handled that a little better?… Yeah, probably. Could he have given better advise to his brother when he was clearly in distress? Um…maybe? He had never been good with expressing feelings; why would Bolin come to him for help? In retrospect he could see Bolin was clearly unhappy and needed help getting out of this destructive affair, but it was hard to worry about other relationships when his own was teetering on the brink, combined with the threat of an all out civil war.
Then when Bolin started with Ginger, the brothers were barely talking, so he never found out how far that relationship got. Probably not that far, considering Bolin hardly ever mentioned her.
After a very long conversation on the boat ride back to Republic City after Harmonic Convergence, one spent mourning over heartbreak and love lost for both brothers, Bolin decided he was done dating for a while. Mako was secretly relieved. These almost-relationships had really given heavy blows to Bolin’s confidence, and the poor boy needed a break to recharge and focus on other things. Mako was also relieved because he wouldn’t be getting himself involved in his brother’s love life again. He was much better off keeping his hands clean.
A few weeks later, Team Avatar arrived in Zaofu.
When they first met Opal Beifong, Mako immediately liked her. She was sweet, welcoming, intelligent, and down to earth. When she and Bolin introduced themselves, her cheeks turned pink, and her eyes stared wide at his smile. Mako had to do a double-take. Did she…. did she like Bolin? He wasn’t sure until his gaze met Korra’s, and her mischievous smirk confirmed it. This new airbender had the hots for his brother. Wow.
Luck was with Bolin that evening when he and Opal got to sit together at dinner; Mako took the seat next to them. He chatted contentedly with Asami while keeping an ear to his brother’s conversation. Of course he wasn’t eavesdropping, don’t be ridiculous. It’s not like Bolin could whisper anyway; it was harder not to listen. To his pleasant surprise, the two seemed to hit it off really well. They hung onto each other’s every word, their eyes bright and smiles wide. They leaned into each other. Their hands would occasionally brush, and they’d shyly pull away.
It was so sweet it was cavity-inducing. He had to do something.
Now, Mako had promised himself that he wouldn’t interfere with Bolin’s love life again, and he was sure it wouldn’t last. Opal was either going to be stuck in Zaofu or would go train with Tenzin; neither scenario was conducive to a romantic relationship. Besides, somewhere along the way Bolin was likely to screw this up, probably whenever he finally broke out the pickup lines. It was only a matter of time. Still, it was impossible to ignore the chemistry between the two, and Mako genuinely wanted to help. Maybe a summertime fling with Opal would help Bolin’s confidence. However, as much as they were drawn together, it was obvious they would need a little push.
That night in their suite, Mako slyly tried to bring up the subject of Opal. “So…” he started as he ran gel through his hair. “You and Opal seemed to hit it off at dinner. I think she’s really into you.”
Bolin was startled for a moment; his cheeks burned as he continued to shove his toothbrush in his mouth. “Yeah, I know. She’s sweet, and pretty, and super nice…” His tone was wistful but soon dropped. “Too bad she’s not my type.”
Now that was just silly. Mako noticed the sad slump to his brother’s shoulders and decided to keep pushing. “Right, I forgot. Your type is dumb mover star or psycho ice princess.” That was a little harsh, considering how recent those were, but it had to be done. He purposefully left out their shared attraction to Korra, and it thankfully went unnoticed.
Bolin spat out his toothpaste and pulled out his dramatic flare. “You know, that really hurts a little bit. Right. Here.” He clutched his heart and stuck out his lip in a pout. Okay, the lip was a good sign; that usually meant the drama was purposeful. Bolin looked back at himself in the mirror as thoughts tumbled in his head.
Come on, Bolin. Give it a shot! Mako pretended to go about his business, but kept Bolin in his peripheral. Just another moment…
“Hmm… Maybe you’re right, Bro,” Bolin said as he adjusted his spit curl. “Maybe Opal is Bolin material. Thanks!” Then he struck a pose in the mirror with a cheesy wink. “Yeahhh!”
What have I done? thought Mako.
However, an hour later Bolin came back into their suite, eyes distant and smile dreamy. “She likes me!” Bolin bubbled as he collapsed on his bed. “See, first I tried to go in all smooth-like…”(Oh, please, Bolin, no!) “And she didn’t like that at all. (Smart girl, Opal.) “Then she was just like… ‘be yourself.’ And she smiled at me… Mako, she has the best smile!… And yeah, we’re giving it a shot. Mako! She likes me!”
“Be yourself.” Of course, brilliant! Why hadn’t he thought of that?! That’s great advice! Again, Mako was not very good in the expressions department. He’d work on that.
Well, at least that little push was a success. Bolin and Opal were almost inseparable the rest of their time in Zaofu. Apart from their airbending/metalbending training, they spent as much time together as possible. Mako would often catch them holding hands as they walked the grounds, erupting in fits of giggles. They sat together during all their meals, sharing awkward glances and flushed cheeks. At least once he caught them stealing kisses hidden in a dark corner of the estate late at night. But curiously enough, most often they sat around talking. Just...talking. Mako didn’t think Bolin could just sit still and talk so long with anyone, but that’s what he saw. Hushed whispers exchanged, hinting at stories and jokes that only those two would know. It was amazing how closely they had bonded, and so quickly, but that was Bolin for you. He loved people with everything he had, and when he fell for someone, he fell hard. It just so happened that this time the feelings were reciprocated.
Of course the day came at the end of their week-long visit when Opal had to leave for the Northern Air Temple to join her fellow airbenders. Poor Bolin was crushed, but it was inevitable. They had all known that Team Avatar was going to continue on their adventure, and Opal would either go up North or stay in Zaofu. All day they had been overly sentimental and Bolin’s dramatics doubled. “Every time I eat raw kale, I’ll think of you.”  “Every time I feel a breeze, I’ll think of you.” “See that hedge over there? It makes me think of you.” While Opal wasn’t quite as dramatic, she was still quick to indulge in his theatrics, her smiles a little less bright as they stared longingly at each other.
When it came time for their final goodbyes, they stood at the foot of Opal’s airship clinging to each other almost desperately. No one could hear what they were whispering, but they were left alone. Let them have their moment. When they pulled away, Bolin’s eyes shown with unshed tears. He was trying so hard to stay calm. Opal leaned in to peck him on the cheek before continuing her goodbyes with her family. When the airship finally took flight, Bolin slumped forward with a defeated, heartbroken sigh. Korra wrapped an arm around his shoulders and led him back to the Beifong Estate; Mako came up on their other side and pat Bolin’s back sympathetically.
Everything would be fine, he said. Bolin would see Opal again. Things really weren’t so bad.
After the insanity of the Red Lotus came and left destruction in its wake, Bolin and Opal were reunited and picked up right were they left off. You could hardly find one without the other. If Bolin was home when Mako got off work, Opal would be there too. If he wasn’t home, Mako would have to take the long ferry ride to the Air Temple to drag him back to their new apartment. Honestly, it was starting to get a little annoying. He wondered if this was how Bolin felt when Mako and Korra and been dating their first few months.
Slowly, however, Mako started to see changes in his brother. He didn’t sleep in as late anymore; he made a conscious effort to keep the apartment clean and to start chewing with his mouth closed. He started taking things more seriously and did less talking and more listening when conversing with people. Could this all be because of Opal’s influence?
Bolin was adamant about Mako and Opal spending time together. It was awkward being the third wheel, but this was Bolin after all. It was crucial to him that the most important people in his life got along. The three would go on lunch and dinner dates, and to pro-bending matches (with the occasional detour to visit Toza, who gave Opal his stamp of approval). He watched as she was formally introduced to Grandma Yin and the rest of their family. He was pretty sure that right then and there Grandma had adopted Opal as one of her own, because she spent the entire visit cooing over her. On long walks around the city Bolin would point out various spots and highlights, noting parts of their not-so-grand childhood. Opal didn’t sneer or balk. She asked questions and held tightly onto Bolin’s arm as if to act as a barrier against the memories. For that, Mako was thankful.
If only things could have stayed that way. Unrest in the Earth Kingdom grew, and Bolin, desiring to help those suffering, joined Kuvira’s campaign. When the day finally came for him to leave, emotions were high. His departure for the Earth Kingdom was hard for everyone, especially Opal. This was back before Kuvira had gone off the deep end, and Opal’s anger towards the older woman hadn’t grown into the rage it would in the future. Even still, this would be the first time Bolin and Opal were at ideological odds, and also when their relationship changed to long distance.
Mako and Bolin said their parting words back home in private, so he stayed back and watched the young couple share their final moments: a few whispers, a tight embrace, and a longing kiss. Tears were in their eyes but refused to fall. As he, Opal, and their loved ones waved goodbye to Bolin at the train station, Mako let out a deep sigh. He was going to miss his little brother so very much. One glance at Opal, however, reminded him that the two boys weren’t alone anymore, and he wasn’t the only one to feel Bolin’s absence. He hoped this didn’t spell the end for his brother’s new found love.
Bolin’s letters came consistently every few weeks, and Mako tried his hardest to respond to them all. He wasn’t the only one receiving letters. Grandma Yin and Asami both received a few, as well as the airbender family while they took care of Pabu. He was sure Korra was getting some as well down at the South Pole.
The one who overwhelmingly got the most letters was Opal. It seemed every other time Mako visited the island she could be found  reading Bolin’s newest letter or writing one in return. He’d pop over to say hi and she’d struggle to hide the letters, her face red and flustered. She’d flash a sugary grin and try to deflect the subject, looking everywhere but his eyes, similar to Bolin. It finally occurred to Mako that his brother wasn’t the only one whose behavior was influenced by this relationship. It was a two-way street.
Mako couldn’t exactly say when he started seeing Opal as a sister instead of just his brother’s girlfriend. It was probably a little after Bolin’s departure, and this tiny airbender was left to fill the earthbender shaped hole in his life. She was enthusiastic about spending time with him, frequently dragging him out to lunch away from the police station. Every once in a while they’d go see a pro-bending game together where Opal’s personality did a complete 180 from calm airbender to Bruiser Beifong. (Wow, airbenders’ lungs were powerful!) When the pro-bending seasons were over, the arena was changed into a mover theater, and Opal hauled Mako to see the repeats of Nuktuk: Hero of the South. While they both agreed that Bolin’s performances were fantastic (Opal’s words. Mako just called it “entertaining”) they diverged on plot twists, the hokeyness of the villains, and the special effects.
Mako pretended not to notice after the first night that Opal bought a mover poster and kept it hidden behind her back. This girl was smitten.
But what they really bonded over, to their equal surprise, was reading. They both enjoyed the feeling of being whisked away from their worries for a while and the smell of bound paper and ink. Mako didn’t get a chance to read much as a child, so he didn’t have a lot to say when asked about his favorite book (in that moment it’d been The Tale of Avatar Aang, a history book loaned to him by Jinora). At hearing this, Opal provided Mako with a huge list of her favorite books that she insisted he check out from the library. She refused to give him spoilers, but often looked full to bursting when asking how far along he was, who his favorite characters were, what did he think of this plot twist or that action scene. She was like a bundle of Bolin’s excitement wrapped in Mako’s calm and cool head. He would’ve loved to have had her as a sibling. And the more he thought about her and Bolin together, the more it felt right.
So it hurt him to see Opal and Bolin’s relationship strain as the Empire began to rise and tension between countries grew. Mako wasn’t allowed to respond to Bolin’s letters once he was assigned as Prince Wu’s bodyguard (security reasons he was told), but he saw with Opal that the letters were becoming less frequent as the support for Kuvira divided.
Opal had become more and more furious with Kuvira and Baatar Jr’s actions the more she listened to the news and talked to her mother over the radio. With her fury, Bolin’s letters became a source of tension. It was clear she still had feelings for his brother; she assured him so once when he dared to ask. But she couldn’t see Bolin participating in the awful things she was hearing about in the Empire and was so confused. Mako understood the feeling.
Prince Wu’s disaster of a coronation brought with it a bittersweet reunion with Bolin, and Mako could clearly see Opal had been right. Bolin had changed. He was sterner, more serious, more mature. Too bad he was too blinded to see why Kuvira was heading down a dangerous road and dragging him along with her. He was in too deep.
He was furious with Bolin during their last conversation after the Coronation, but he regretted their fight every day. He wished they could’ve talked it out. He wished he could see what Bolin saw in Kuvira, or that he could have convinced Bolin that the Empire wasn’t the beacon of hope he thought it was. He wished he’d stay safe. Well, if Mako couldn’t talk some sense into him, maybe Opal could.
When he heard from Lin that the Earth Empire had made its way to Zaofu’s door, he knew Opal and Bolin would meet and talk. Opal was always levelheaded, and Bolin held Opal in such high regards. Surely she’d make him see reason, make him come home. Wishful thinking, of course; he knew getting away from Kuvira wouldn’t be as easy as saying, “I quit.”
Eventually a sky bison made its way from the Empire to Air Temple Island carrying Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo, as well as… Korra?! What? Opal was also with them. No Bolin.
After Mako and Asami had their “eventful” reunion with Korra, he set Wu up in Asami’s mansion with his family, then sought out Opal on the island. He had avoided asking Korra about Zaofu, since it was clear she was in no mood to talk about it, but he knew Opal would answer his questions.
When he found her, his heart burned. Her eyes were rimmed red and her lip quivered, but she still led him away from the temple so they could talk. “Was he there?” Mako didn’t have to specify who.
“At first.” Opal wiped at her eyes as they huddled near the cliffs where they wouldn’t be disturbed. “He was with Kuvira and my brother when they came to talk to Mom. She was using him to butter Mom up, but it didn’t work. He was so sure she was right, and I was so mad…” Mako handed her a handkerchief to dab her eyes and cheeks. She nodded thanks, but her voice still quivered. “Then Mom and Wing and Wei tried to get into their camp, and they were captured. He wasn’t there the next morning when we met out on the field for Korra’s duel. I didn’t see him anywhere. Kuvira said he was working on something with Junior, but… I can’t believe it, Mako, I can’t! If Bolin had seen that fight with Korra, if he knew she had captured my family, he never would have been okay with it. He’s too good for that! That’s not the man I lo—“ she stopped herself, Mako raising his eyebrows, before she continued. “She must be distracting him so he won’t interfere, or he found out and she… she…” She buried her face in the handkerchief. “Either way, he’s in trouble. I’m so worried about him. And now my family’s captured and no one knows what to do!”
He wouldn’t lie and say it would all be fine, he couldn’t guarantee that, and it wasn’t what she needed to hear. Mako wrapped an arm around her shoulders. It was a little awkward, even though they were friends. But if there was one thing he knew how to do, it was how to be a big brother. He could do that for her.
She sniffed and leaned against his side. “Thanks, Mako.”
He gave a nervous smile. “Sorry I’m not too good at the whole comforting thing. That’s more Bolin’s department.”
Opal let out a wispy chuckle. “You’re not bad at it.” They sat in comfortable silence before she let out a shaky breath. “I miss him.”
Mako gave her shoulder a squeeze. “Me too.”
Bolin’s return to Republic City was loud, unexpected, and a bit confusing, just like Bolin himself. After the mass rush of bewilderment and information that Bolin and Varrick brought with them, Mako fully realized, Wait, Bolin is here! And he’s alive! Once Wu took his eyes off him, he and Korra caught up with Bolin, who had taken off after a frustrated Opal.
This was it, Mako thought. The inevitable destruction of their relationship. Bolin was really going to have to make it up to Opal, but he had a habit of pushing when someone really needed space. Opal was already on a short fuse, and she was bound to snap at any moment. Even though Bolin was sorry about Kuvira, it was too little too late.
Bolin was clearly not okay, with his kinda-sorta break-up on top of the mess that was the Kuvira situation and his part in it, and even a reunion with Korra didn’t seem to bring him much joy. As they sat around trying to cheer him up, Asami drove by to check on them and the four finally had their first official Team Avatar reunion, and even that didn’t help Bolin feel much better. His mind was far away from City Hall, and by the way he kept scratching at his hair and tugging his jacket, he was sure to have a break down any moment.
“Maybe you should head to Asami’s mansion, Bro,” Mako told him after their fourth or fifth group hug. “Calm down and rest, you look like you need it. Let Grandma know you’re back; she’ll take care of you.”
Bolin shook his head, determination shining in his eyes. “Sorry, Mako. As much as I want to see Grandma and everyone else again, I can’t. Not until I’ve settled things with Opal. I’m gonna go to Air Temple Island, find Pabu, then we’re gonna think of a plan. I’ve got to make this up to her, Mako. Opal is so important to me; I can’t let it end like this, I can’t!”
Of course, Mako didn’t want to see Bolin’s heart broken, even if it was his own doing, but he didn’t see Bolin’s attempts at reconciliation ending well. Still, he couldn’t stop him from trying. “At least get cleaned up. You look like you haven’t bathed in weeks.”
“You know what? I haven’t.” Well, those hugs from earlier weren’t so warm and fuzzy now.
“Let’s include some new clothes with that clean up, hm?” Asami nodded to Bolin’s muddy and torn uniform before dragging him to her car. “You can’t make things up properly still dressed as the enemy, now can you?” Bolin couldn’t argue and was soon shoved into the passenger seat and carted off to Air Temple Island.
While Korra and Mako watched them leave from the front steps of City Hall, Korra glanced at him. “So… you think she’ll take him back?”
Mako shrugged. “Honestly, at this point? I have no idea. I’ll hope for the best and prepare for the worst. They make each other so happy; I want them to work it out.”
What he hadn’t prepared for was the note Kai gave him when he went to the island that evening. “It’s from Bolin,” the boy said. “And don’t get mad at me; I’m just the messenger.” Then he disappeared into the depths of the temple. Mako grimaced as he opened and read the letter.
“Dear Mako,
On secret mission with Opal & Chief. Be back in a few days, don’t worry. Feed Pabu for me!
- <3 Bolin”
Mako was going to kill him. That is, if Kuvira didn’t kill him first.
As angry as he was that his brother had once again gone off and dived right into another life-threatening situation, Mako still worried about him, because that’s what he did: worry. All the time. Just part of the job of being a big brother.
A few days later he couldn’t do anything but heave a sigh of relief when Bolin finally came back hand in hand with Opal, along with most of the Beifong clan and a rattled Zhu Li.
“I see you two are still together,” Mako said as Bolin dragged all three of them into a big hug.
“Because Opal is the most forgiving and wonderful person in the whole world!” His brother’s smile was wide enough for his face to break, and he was so light on his feet he could’ve flown. “She is the sun, the moon, the stars. Blessed by The Great Yue herself, so gracious, and compassionate, and wise, and humble, and beautif—”
“You can tone it down there, Bo.” Opal rolled her eyes. “I appreciate your compliments, but Aunt Lin was not kidding about locking you up for disturbing the peace if you didn’t shut up.”
“Right, okay…” he shuffled away. “I’ll just… go now… I’m taking Zhu Li to see Varrick… And I still need to say hi to Asami and Grandma, so… yeah, bye.” And he was gone.
“So, you took him back.” Mako gave Opal a smirk. “He must have really begged.”
Opal rolled her eyes. “He didn’t ‘beg.’ At first he tried to ignore the entire mess and threw a picnic.” Mako smacked his forehead. “And after I chewed him out, he gave a heartfelt speech. He really was remorseful…” Her eyes softened.”But after everything that happened outside Zaofu and that camp, saving my family… Kuvira was a terrible influence on him, but his heart never changed. I’m grateful for that. I think he deserves a second chance.”
Hm… He shouldn’t pry. He really shouldn’t. But this was big brother territory. He just had to know. “Have you told him?”
“Told him what?”
“All those nice things you said while he was gone. You know, your real feelings?”
Opal blinked before turning completely red. “I, what? What are you…? I have no idea… You’re just as bad as Kai!” She huffed and stormed off to join her parents. Mako just laughed. Opal was stubborn, just like all Beifongs, but he knew she’d say something eventually. It was only a matter of time.
Technically he didn’t have to wait long — only a week — but it felt like forever. Bolin, as it turned out, had already confessed his love to Opal before their rescue mission, so the whole week they prepared for Kuvira’s arrival to the City, it was all Bolin could talk about.
“… And I poured my heart out, you know?” Bolin droned on and on. “I actually thought it was a good speech. And when I said, ‘I love you,’ she got this look on her face. I’m still not sure what it meant; she was pretty upset at the time. What does this mean? Do you think she feels the same? I mean, we’re still together, but she hasn’t mentioned it. What if she’s still with me out of pity? I mean, she said, ‘Thanks!’ What does that meeeeaaaaan?!”
“Bolin, calm down!” Mako grumbled. “Things are hectic right now. We’ve all been under a lot of stress, and we’re preparing for war. Give her time. You two will have plenty of time to talk if we survive. Aren’t you supposed to be helping Varrick and Zhu Li right now?”
“Mako, their relationship right now makes mine and Opal’s seem like a vacation on Ember Island. I’m staying away as much as I can until they resolve it.”
The day of the confession finally came with the arrival of the Colossus. Opal was dealing with a head injury and staying at Asami’s office to recover while their group headed out with one final charge. The airbender stuck her head out a window and called out to his brother. “Bolin!”
“I love you!”
Mako was certain that if he’d touched Bolin in that moment, he would have exploded. His eyes were the brightest he’d ever seen, the smile splitting his face was almost painful yet contagious. “R-Really?”
“Yes! So you better make it back to me, you got that?”
“Yes! Crystal clear!” Bolin grabbed Mako’s shoulders and shook him so hard Mako thought his head would fall off. “Did you hear that?! She loves me! She loves me!” It took both Mako and Korra to drag the lovesick boy away as he called back to his sweetheart. “I’ll be back! I promise! We’ll kick Kuvira’s butt in no time!”
“You better!”
The couple was cut off by distance, but that didn’t stop Bolin as he babbled on and on about Opal, and suns, and stars, and birds in the spring. “I feel like I could climb every mountain! Ford every stream! Follow every rainbow!”
Mako rolled his eyes as he shared a smirk with Korra. “I’m really happy for you, Bro, but lets hold off celebrating until after the battle, shall we?”
“Right, right, battle! I feel amazing! I’m invincible! Kuvira won’t know what hit her! Ha!” He spun out of their grip and almost danced after the rest of the group.
The battle was long but ultimately ended in triumph, and Bolin and Opal were reunited. Mako didn’t remember much of those first few days afterwards (he was only conscious half the time while recovering from that spirit vine core), but what he remembered from their bedside visits, they were steadfast, close, and occasionally sickeningly sweet. That could’ve been just the painkillers that were forced down his throat, but it was hard to tell. But when he was finally well enough to get out of bed, he would find them off in corners together speaking quietly or giggling just as they had three years ago. It was a little different this time, though. The nervous jitters were gone, the shy stolen glimpses had been replaced by solid confidence and grounding glances. It was as if they understood each other in ways they hadn’t before. Also, more often than before, they’d be out in the open, side by side, partners in everything.
He was still unsure exactly what all had happened during the Beifong Rescue, but between then and the Battle of Republic City, something had shifted and for the better. The way his brother looked at Opal and had her eyes match him back; Mako couldn’t be happier for them.
At Varrick and Zhu Li’s wedding, he watched Bolin and Opal spin on the dance floor and hilariously fail at party games. Mako nodded to himself. This felt right.
“How you doin’ over there, Bro?” Bolin asked as he and Opal glided up to him. “Your arm doing okay? Not too bored standing on the sidelines?”
“I’m fine, Bolin, don’t you worry.” Mako shot his brother a grin. “You two sure seemed to enjoy yourselves out there. You’ve got some moves.”
“All thanks to Opal, of course,” Bolin beamed, wrapping his arms around her waist. “She’s an amazing ballroom dancer.”
Opal rolled her eyes. “I’m not that amazing. I’m not my mother. But I know a few things, and Bo’s a fast learner.” She tugged lightly on Bolin’s suit jacket.
“I’ve got to say, this wedding has been quite the event. Varrick and Zhu Li really did go all out, and on such short notice.” Mako gestured to the expanse of lights, tables, and guests. “Are you two taking notes? You might want to remember some of this stuff for your own wedding.”
“Well, there’s an awful lot of blue, which is more of a Water Tribe color. I’d go with more greens and yellows—wait, what?” Bolin sputtered. His cheeks flushed bright red as Opal’s eyes darted everywhere but the brothers. “W-Wedding? Oh, Mako, Bro! Isn’t it a little early to be thinking about a wedding? I mean, we just got back together. Who’s thinking about a wedding?” He noticed Opal now staring at him. “N-Not that marrying you isn’t a nice thought! I’d love to marry you! Oh wait, no! Now I sound desperate! I mean, it’s too soon to think about it! I mean… Hey, does anyone want something to drink? I’m thirsty!”
Opal’s cheeks were pink, but she nodded with a smile. “I’d like a drink.” She pulled Bolin towards the bar and waved to Mako. “It was nice talking to you, Mako. Save us a dance, okay?”
“Will do!” Mako called, and the couple disappeared into the crowd.
He shook his head with an exasperated sigh. Oh, what was he going to do with those two? Ah well. There was plenty of time to think about weddings. If things kept going as well as they were, a wedding was imminent. Those two were perfect for each other. Mako couldn’t wait.
That wedding did eventually happen two and a half years later. Everyone expected Bolin to cry at the ceremony, and he did. Oh, he did. He always had a tissue within arms reach. He was incredibly predictable.
What no one predicted was that Mako would be the first to cry at the wedding and the last to stop.
Oh, he did.
22 notes · View notes
scenitroute · 7 years
Hello hello @moonphanter
Uhhh first of all, big fan.  You’re like, amazing and hilarious and I love your art ahhhh.  Definitely, if you haven’t checked out Moonphanter’s stuff, do so!  I am but small potatoes.  But I am your secret santa for the @undertalesecretsanta project!  I apologize for this being late, some health problems have kept me away from my documents.
You wanted warm and cozy cuddles with Frisk and the Snowdin Dogs and well...I managed to get around to it!  I thought your prompt was so  cute, and it inspired some other shenanigans that I just had to throw in.  I hope you enjoy!
Tension hung heavy in the chill air.  Snow crunched in Undyne’s hands as she tightened her fists, digging her fingers deep under the surface until they gripped frozen earth.  She inhaled, but it comes up short, stopped by tight pressure over her diaphragm.  The cold, long forgotten by now, bit at her face.
Teeth clenched.
The wind was howling.
“Alphys I can’t breathe.”
The reptile’s arms slackened by a fraction, her face pressing harder into Undyne’s back in turn.  Undyne snorts.
“DO NOT WORRY ALPHYS!”  A bright red plastic sled dropped onto the snow next to the pair.  Papyrus arranged himself on top of it, mimicking Undyne’s kneeling position.  “WE SHALL BE HOME SOON!”
The scientist shuddered and lifts her head to peer at the skeleton.  “I-I think I’d r-r-rather walk back….”
“No way!”  Undyne cackled.  “C’mon Al, we’re gunna beat these punks all the way home!”
“I HIGHLY DOUBT THAT!”  Papyrus leaned forward, grabbing the snow to keep the sled in place.  “THE GREAT PAPYRUS CANNOT LOSE WITH HIS GOOD FRIEND AT HIS SIDE!”
As if following a cue, Frisk settled down on the sled behind Papyrus, giving him a thumbs up.  “OR, BEHIND HIM!” he corrected himself.  Grinning, Papyrus pointed a gloved hand at Undyne.  “YOU HAVE NO CHANCE! WE WILL WIN!”
“HA!  Good luck buddy!”  Undyne sat up straight to stare down her friend.  She posed somehow, Alphys still clinging to her, and flexed.  Even with the extra layers to keep her warm, Frisk thought they see her muscles bulge a little under the fabric.  “Let’s see you beat this!  NGYAA!”
Behind her, Alphys squeaked in terror as Undyne swiftly grappled at the ground again, lunging their sled forward down the steep hill.  With an outraged “NYEH?!”, Papyrus pushed his and Frisk’s sled into motion, swinging his arms in a forward stroke to catch up.
Their lead secured, Undyne’s laugh cuts through Alphys’s squeals.  Frisk grasped Papyrus’s coat as he leaned forward, picking up speed until they come level with the couple.  His eye sockets narrowed and Undyne could swear he was about to lecture her for the unfair head start.
The fish woman leaned towards them, her sled following the movement.
“No Undyne!” Alphys panicked as they came closer.  “We'll hit them!”
But Papyrus steered away, avoiding them but falling behind again..
“NGAHAHA! See you at the finish li-”
The skeleton tore his eyes away from his friends at the warning, looking ahead.  In their path laid a large rock, covered partially in snow.
It was too late to steer away from it.
The sled moved with the slope of the rock, until it passed the apex.  Papyrus weight pulled the front end down and in the same moment that he thought the danger was passed, he was thrown face down into the snow.  The angle and swiftness sent Frisk flying over the skeleton.  Gasping, they braced for impact.
It didn’t come.
Warm magic held them, carefully settling them into the snow.  They were near the bottom of the hill now, and Sans stood just a few meters away.  He released his magic with a soft ping! and winked.
“hey bro,” he chuckled.  “i thought sledding was a winter sport, not fall”
Muffled growls answered him until Papyrus pulled his head from the snow, glaring at his brother.  “SANS THIS IS NOT A TIME FOR PUNS!  UNDYNE TOOK AN UNFAIR VICTORY!”
Undyne bounded up grinning madly.  “Frisk that was AMAZING!  You would have flown right passed us to if Sans hadn’t stopped you!”
“Frisk a-are you okay?”
The child nodded excitedly, giggling, and Alphys sighed in relief.  Papyrus, sighing, straightened up and began brushing snow off his front before looking back at the sled.  The plastic had a visible crack in the center where it had see-sawed on the rock.  The tall skeleton picked it up with a frown.
“no need to feel so down paps,” Sans said, shoving his hands in his pockets.  “It’s snow big deal.”
More Guests
The house was warm and bright with colorful decorations.  On every wall and surface was some indication of the holiday.  It was not the same as Gyftmas, but it was close, and it helped.  Humans felt more comfortable seeing them celebrate the same way.  It helped monsters relate and open up.  Everyone was happy.
Toriel chuckled to herself as she watched her child playing in the snow with their friends.  To her, it didn’t matter the holiday, just that she spent it with them.  The former queen bustled around the kitchen, breathing in the scent of old recipes she hadn’t had the resources for in far too long, mixed with aromas of new ones, favorites of Frisk’s and others.  It felt more like home than anything had in years.
There was a knock at the door just as she peers into the oven to check on a pie.  She makes sure it needs more time before leaving it.
Through the front window could see Asgore’s large form standing there, fidgeting as if fighting the desire to knock again.  Sighing, Toriel opened the door before he can decide.
“Ah!” Asgore straightened up swiftly, beaming.  “Good morning T-Toriel!”
Despite herself Toriel smiled as the king of monsters stumbled over his words.  “Hello Asgore,” she replied.  “You’re here early.”
“Yes, well…” his broad grin turned sheepish.  “I’ll be leaving a little earlier than expected, going around the village to see everyone.  I wanted to make sure I could some some time here, say hello.”
As he spoke Toriel motioned him inside and shuts the door.  Anxiously he pulled his coat off, a paw getting stuck in the sleeve.  “I uh...” Asgore turned the sleeve inside out as he tugs, finally releasing his hand.  “I thought maybe I could help set things up as well?  Decorate, help cook maybe?”
“Frisk and I have had the house decorated for a few days now,” Toriel said sternly, twisting her fingers into her apron.  “I suppose you could help set the table once everyone has arrived.”
Asgore looked around, eyeing the tall brilliantly lit tree in the next room.  A warm expression passed over his face, and he looked suddenly calmer.  “Everything looks beautiful,” he stared a moment longer before Toriel made an impatient little sound.  Embarrassed again, he clears his throat.  “If I know you at all,” he spoke lightly.  “Everything else will already be as immaculate as that tree.”
He waved a hand.  “I know.  I just want to, if I may?”  Carefully, Asgore took one of Toriel’s hands, guiding it away from the fabric of her apron.  His other paw set lightly on top of hers, holding it completely, without trapping her.  “Happy Christmas Lady Toriel,” he said.  “Thank you for having me today.”
It was a respectful greeting, but entirely too deliberate.  In another time she would have teased him for it.
Instead she gave a practiced smile.  “Merry Christmas.”
A hard knock resounded from the entrance again and the door opened immediately.
“Blooky darling don’t worry about any packages right now it’s time to see everyone!”
Toriel and Asgore separated quickly, making way for the robot that wheeled himself through.  Mettaton greeted them grandly, apparently ignorant to the awkward interactions he’d interrupted.  As the monster celebrity chattered to a relieved looking Asgore, Toriel happily looked to Napstablook.
“Hello my friend!”
“Oh….Hello….”  The specter was carting a small box, lined with tiny holes punctured through the top.
“I brought what you asked….”  He blinked down at the box wistfully.  “The farm has been able to expand since we left Ebott...Still….I hope I brought enough for you…”
“I am sure it will be plenty,”  smiling warmly, Toriel took the box into her hands.  “Thank you very much Napstablook!”
The ghost returned her cheerful look before shyly trailing after Mettaton again.
Snowball Fight
Outside, Frisk had taken cover behind a modest wall of snow and was attempting to peer over it.  On one side of them was Papyrus, who had somehow gotten down to less than half his own height to keep from being seen.  On their other side, Sans lazed against their barrier, arms crossed over his middle and sockets closed.  Frisk carefully looks over the wall, catching a glimpse of Undyne and Alphys standing behind their own fort for just a moment before ducking down to avoid the immediately launched snowball.  It hit the top of the wall, exploding into a shower of snow over their hair.  They look to Papyrus and shook their head.
The skeleton looked hard at Frisk, grabbing up a few already prepared snowballs in each hand.  “ARE YOU READY FRISK?”
The snowballs Papyrus made were the perfect size for his hands, but a little too big for Frisk.  Still they were determined, and took one up.  Papyrus counted down, then jumped up, lobbing three balls at once at their opponent.  Frisk bounced up after him, throwing their snowball with all their might.
It plopped down in the snow about halfway to its target.
Alphys, meanwhile had taken cover while Undyne had quickly recovered from Papyrus’s attack and was beginning to retaliate.  Papyrus dodged, attacking again as he went.  When he ran out of ammo he dove down again.
Without opening his eyes Sans shook his head, grinning.  “i dunno paps...that sounds an awful lot like cheating to me.”
“IT’S STRATEGY BROTHER,” Papyrus argued, chucking a few more snowballs at Undyne.  His look of triumph as he knelt back down told Frisk he’d made a hit.  “NOT THAT YOU CARE LAZYBONES.  YOU JUST WANT TO GET OUT OF HELPING!”
Sans shrugged.  “only out of helping you cheat bro--AHH!”
The smaller skeleton’s eyes shot open as he sat up suddenly.  Clumps of snow fell from the top of his exposed skull where Papyrus had dropped a rather large snowball he’d made.  The younger brother smirked and darted away to resume his attack on his friend before Sans could react further.
Shuddering slightly, Sans brushed off the rest of the snow with a grimace.  He looked at Frisk whose shoulders were shaking.  “heh, think that’s funny kid?”
“HEY!”  Frisk and Sans both jumped.  “STOP SCRATCHING UP MY FORT DOG!”
Papyrus’s teammates stood up to see a small white dog happily digging at the base of their barrier until he stepped forward.  The dog stared up at the angered skeleton and barked.
The dog bounded away as Papyrus was suddenly hit with a barrage of snowballs from a cackling Undyne.
Music to set the mood
The dog guard is in the entrance way when the group comes in the back from outside.  Undyne rushes to greet them while Papyrus goes to Asgore, who is dragging a large red bag towards the decorated tree.
“Did you have fun little one?”  Toriel knelt down to be eye-level with Frisk, who hugged her immediately.
“Oh my!” she laughed.  “My child your clothes are covered with snow, you must be freezing!”
The goat monster helped Frisk out of their layers and passes her hands over their arms and shoulders, warming them with magic.  “Everyone’s arrived,” she said, hugging the child again.  “Go have fun while I finish up in the kitchen.”
From the other room the sounds of a few piano notes filters in.  A tune familiar to Frisk starts to form, appropriate for the holiday.  As the child approached, they saw Undyne standing over the keys, her eyes narrowed at the book in the stand as she played slowly, deliberately.
“Oh noooo darling!” Mettaton seemed to appear on top of the piano, laying across it and posing as if he were in a tragedy.  “Surely this is meant to be more upbeat!  Can’t the good captain of the Royal Guard get us all in the mood?”
Undyne smashed a few keys down in an ugly chord before continuing to tap out the notes.
“I’ve got to learn it first,” she ground out as Mettaton rolled into a new pose, partially blocking the sheet music with his arm.  Still she seemed to be picking up the pace.
“Oh Gyftmas time, you are divine…” he sang.  “We celebrate the presents and we sing because it’s happy…”
Undyne stops entirely, glaring at the robot.  “Those aren’t the right words!”
“Oh?  How would you know?”
“The words are in this book!”
“How marvelous!” Mettaton rolled again, taking the book and sitting up as he read.  “You keep playing dear and I’ll sing!”
Snuggles and Cuddles
On the opposite side of the rater spacious living room sat Dogamy and Dogaressa.  They had shoved themselves into a single armchair and were holding each other.  A fire was set in the fireplace before them and Doggo stood over it, comfortable away from the crowd.  Greater Dog and Lesser Dog joined the group, quietly yipping in conversation.
Frisk approached them, heading for the hearth.  They waved at Doggo as they neared.
“Oh, hey kid,” he sniffed.  “Thanks for moving, you’re always so quiet.”
“It’s the pup!”
“It’s the human Dogamy,” Dogaressa corrected him, playfully smooching his ear.
“Get a kennel,” Doggo groaned.
“What are you up to little one?” Dogamy asked.
Frisk holds their hands up to the flames.
Lesser Dog barked.
“The skeletons had them outside in the snow,” Doggo translated.
Dogaressa whined lightly.  “Are you cold Frisk?”
The child had barely nodded when a deep and excited bark sounded and Greater Dog, tongue lolling, bounded forward, wrapping Frisk in a hug.  The other dogs stiffened, eyes going wide for a moment.
“Greater!” Dogamy barked in alarm.
Soft giggles reached their keen ears through the thick fur of the large dog’s arms, and the former guards settled.  Greater Dog fell backwards with Frisk, then rolled to his stomach, setting the child comfortably against his side facing the fire.  He curled around them contentedly, draping his tail over their lap.
A little surprised, Frisk hesitated, but then leaned back against the large monster, reveling in the soft comfort of his fur.
“Tch!”  Doggo scoffed.  “Always going for the most comfortable spot aren’t you?”
As he said it, he sat himself down on the opposite side of the biggest dog monster, stretching his legs and leaning back.
“Doggo!”  Dogaressa chided.
“What?”  Doggo replied lazily.  He propped his arms behind his head and closed his eyes.  “He loves it.”
“Dogs can snuggle up to other dogs?” Dogamy asked.
“It does look cozy,” Dogaressa ventured.
Lesser Dog yipped and joined the group on the floor, curling up next to Frisk in front of Greater Dog.
“Should we try it?”
“They look so happy!”
Frisk felt they couldn’t be more content as Dogamy and Dogaressa settled down next to Greater Dog’s head, hugging each other.  The cold from outside was long forgotten to them as their eyes closed.  The knowledge that all their friends were close by and the sound of the piano playing lulled them to sleep before Frisk even realized it.
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 On February 14th, 2017, my boyfriend posted a picture of me on social media after 6 months of consistently dating him. It was a striking picture with a bold magenta backsplash and heart emoticons embellished along the border. I was front and center, head tilted slightly to the side, hair long wearing my signature awkward half smile.
 We were out celebrating Valentine's day earlier that evening and I didn't notice that he posted it until after our date. Instead of immediately removing my dress when I reached home, I went online to surf through my social media accounts.
  I was ecstatic at the 149 likes that the post had already garnered. Our relationship, although extremely private, was officially made public for the first time. It gave me a little anxiety to think about and I had to throw my phone on the other side of my bed to keep from having a mini panic attack. After composing myself and giggling a little bit, I clenched the phone and started to read the comments. They were overwhelmingly positive…
 -"Wow, Bron…she's bad."
-"Ooooo…cuzzy got a new girlfriend. She's cute."
-"Congrats bro!
-"Aww, she's pretty!
-"My man!"
-"Yay, I love Victoria!"
 I was super excited to say the very least - I was having such an amazing day. The weather in South Philadelphia was relatively warm for February at a cool 59 degrees. My neighborhood, which was usually bustling with movement and loud noises, was very still and everyone seemed to be moving leisurely.
  It was as if their steps were slowed down a little bit and they actually took the time to smell all the corner store bought red roses. It was Valentine's day and I didn't feel miserable or bitter. It was Valentine's day and I felt absolutely loved, admired, cherished and relieved that I found someone great to share this day with.  
 I started to remove my dress. It was a little difficult to get out of because of the thin latex material but it was worth it. The dress was dress was black, short and pretty revealing. I don't usually show myself off but tonight I was feeling very bold. We ended the night politely and by politely I mean we made out. I never truly liked or appreciated kissing until I met Labron.
 His kisses are simultaneously tender and passionate. He was aggressive and gentle, he was dominant and submissive and his hands were always on the small of my back or the roots of my hair. He was ravenous and attentive and highly sensual but – we never had sex.
 Tonight, I wanted to have sex. I was definitely ready to get fully intimate with my boyfriend – this was the longest I've ever held out in every relationship that I've had. I was looking great and feeling even better. It was Valentine's day and roughly six months since we've been together. Oh yes, tonight was definitely the night!
 I wanted to change first and slip  into  something more appropriate for the occasion. Earlier that week, I had purchased a very racy, un-Victoria like lingerie set. It was a bright coral color with a patch of lacy material on the front part of the thong.  The store attendant raved about how much it would complement my caramel complexion. I was hesitant at first but was very fond of the color – so I went ahead with this chancy purchase!
 After getting everything on, I observed myself in the mirror. My makeup was already done from today's events and still looked impeccable. I grimaced a little as a I further scrutinized my frame -  I was on the smaller side. I always hated my figure. I had very subtle curves but I desired obvious, voluptuous curves. I didn't care for being so petite. My hands and forehead were particularly big and there was some discoloration across my body. I was far from perfect but I was also kind of cute. I smiled at myself and instead of the usual awkward half-smile, I grinned wholeheartedly – with anticipation, excitement and sensuality.
 "I'm about to get laid!" I said to myself and it felt better than ever before because I waited until I was ready.
I grabbed my phone and sent a text to my boyfriend. 'Come over baby, I'm ready for you."
 "Omw," He replied back in less than a minute. Goosebumps erupted all over my forearms, I was so excited.
 I sent him a red heart emoticon and opened up the social media app, "Showyaface," where the Valentine's day selfie was uploaded. I was really happy to see that the post gained 232 likes. I rolled my eyes momentarily because I knew that Labron was insanely popular on social media but still 232 likes in less than 2 hours! I started reviewing the comments.
 -"J <3 Happy Valentine's day!"
-"Yassss Vicki!"
- C'mon Bron, she's a downgrade, you know this– Ashley was way badder –"
-"Aww Labron…who's that---"
There were about 5 or 6 more comments but I couldn't continue on reading. Someone actually had the audacity to post something so utterly…uncalled for…. on my boyfriend's post! The post of me! I couldn't believe it. I've never come across something so bold. I drew the post closer to my face to make certain that I was reading it correctly. "…downgrade…Ashley was way badder."  I felt clenching in my throat. I wasn't understanding why I was reacting so poorly. Downgrade? Harsh. But maybe….
 At first I was shocked, then I was angry and then I felt consumed with sadness and…vulnerability and a little bit of inadequacy.
 I tapped twice on her avatar to view her profile. Her username was pretty_dimples_90 but I recognized her as Sandra from my 7th grade literacy class. I was a little taken aback to see her considering that she transferred to a new school in a different town after middle school. I was even more shocked to see that she was a friend of my boyfriend's. I scrolled down her profile and briskly came across a picture of her posing with another girl. The girl was tagged as AshesnAshley_. It became immediately apparent that this was the Ashley that Sandra was talking about. It was even clearer that the two were extremely close friends.
 I clicked to view Ashley's page.
 She was stunning.
 She appeared to be some kind of Asian. She was tall and curvaceous and had an unimpeachable sense of fashion. According to her bio, she worked as an Assistant Manager at Barney's downtown.  This girl was perfect and I suddenly felt overexposed and…just hideous. Apparently, she was his ex-girlfriend. I didn’t ever remember him mentioning her and I was confused as to why it took me this long to find her. I couldn't look away. She was a sight.
 Sandra was right…I am a downgrade.
 I walked over to my closet and pulled out my favorite plush robe. I needed to cover myself. I needed to succumb into a ball and roll up under my comforters. I needed to loosen the knot in my throat and let a few tears fall. Just a few. I suddenly felt unbelievable unattractive and embarrassed. I couldn't help but to focus on that one comment. She was Beyoncé and I was feeling like Michelle x3 with a bad weave. How could he have let her go for me? Obviously, Labron felt seriously sorry for me when he decided to give this relationship a chance.
 I went from feeling incredible to feeling repulsive in matter of seconds. I retreated back to my bed and began to lay down, hoping that some sleep would lessen the complete humiliation that I felt. I barely closed my eyes before Labron came strolling in. I sat up in bed and he immediately went over for a kiss.  I conspicuously turned away.
 "Hey babe," He said frowning slightly. He gently grasped my hands and pulled me up on my feet.  Pushing the material of the robe away with one hand, he kissed my collarbone instead. That little sneak. "Why you look so bothered?"
 I decided not to beat around the bush. "How come you didn't delete that comment from Sandra? She said I was a downgrade Bron…from Ashley or whoever the fuck. How do you even know Sandra?"
 He looked genuinely confused. "What are you talking about?" His hands were still on my shoulders and he was looking down at me carefully. I clumsily tried to reopen the post and shoved the phone into his hands. '
"There! She's bold for writing that...like seriously?"
 His brows furrowed and he didn't seem angry or surprised…but very curious. "I didn't see any of these notifications – I'm sorry---"
 "Who's Ashley?" I asked accusingly. The front of my robe untied and revealed the lingerie underneath. I barely realized it but didn't care because I was heartbroken. Labron didn't seem to notice either because his eyes were focused on mine. He was truly handsome and It took a significant amount of strength for me not to succumb into his embrace. I had to remain firm but I was slowly forgetting why I was angry in the first place.
 "Ashley?" He replied. I grew enraged when he said her name. "I don't know, she's someone I used to talk to a couple of years back. Nothing serious."
 "Are you sure she's not creeping back into your life?"
 "I'm sur—"
 "Why are you even with me anyways? She's fucking beautiful." I felt extremely weak for saying it. But the words were like vomit, they were impulsive and difficult to resist. "I mean…no…but did you feel sorry for me or something? Am I the sorry rebound?"
 "Vic, calm down. That's not at all what this is. That's wild – please stop." He paused for a second. "I dated her for a few months but it didn't work out – and her friends were crazy."
 "Well, why didn't it work out?" I said, a tiny bit softer this time.
 "That doesn't matter."
 "It does matter!" I pushed back in frustration. "Bron…wow, compared to her I'm like a fucking clown. I feel like a clown.  She's beautiful – she's fucking bad Bron! And this other girl really had the audacity to comment under your post like that? I can't believe that shit."
 "It doesn't matter. I love your personality."
 Now, when someone says they love your personality, it's usually code for 'I think you're ugly but your personality kind of makes up for it."
 "Wow, thank you Labron. Thank you," my voice was oozing with sarcasm. "You love my personality. I am definitely the class clown." I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, it was becoming exceedingly difficult to keep from crying.
 "No, seriously…I really love your personality." He started and pinched my arms softly when I tried open my mouth in interjection. "You're the coolest female I've ever dated and I mean that sincerely. You're intelligent, you're caring, you're awkward but in a cute way – you’re attentive, you ask questions, you're an amazing listener. You're so dope. I love everything about your personality."
 I still wasn't convinced. "Okay."
 "Okay," he started again. "Ashley was a cute girl. I'm not going to lie about that but she had the worst personality ever. She was hateful and she complained constantly – and she was just a little too vain and materialistic for me. She was cool in the looks department but her personality was trash," he looked down at my lips. "She wasn't you."
 Labron began to close the space between us. "We don't even have to have sex tonight. I can see you're a little dressed up and a little upset – that just doesn't mix."
 In intense situations like this, I would sweat profusely. I could feel little beads of sweat forming on my forehead. He smiled – wow. "And also, you're absolutely gorgeous. You don't ever have to be insecure in the looks department. You got it. You're bad. You – your lips, your cheeks, your frame, your ears, your eyes. You are everything. Don't get all flustered. I like you and no one else." He combed his fingers through my barely-tamed curls and lifted my chin.
 I couldn't look at him directly in his face. I was utterly humiliated and felt silly for overreacting. Labron was a very attractive man. He was tall, toned, haircut low, teeth white with a gorgeous smile and a chic way of dressing. I often wonder if people think about why he chose me – but I guess he was right. Nothing really mattered. All that mattered was us. Here. I had to compose myself. I didn't want to ruin this night. I quickly realized that it didn't matter why he chose me. I was just eternally grateful that he did.  Tonight, in this moment. I pushed back any insecurities and doubts. Usually, it feels terrifying to feel so vulnerable but tonight, it felt more natural.
 I looked back at him. "Thank you," I stood up on my toes and kissed him on the lips. I pulled off my robe, revealing the sexy, lacy material. "Let's go."
 And he began to kiss me - in the contradictory way that he always does. Fast and slow. Hard and soft... Vigorous and affectionate. It was a metaphor for how this night was going to end.
 And slowly, I began to feel like the opposite of a downgrade. I felt like a queen…and I was finally with my king.
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