#because i will now believe and defend this stupid little thing until i die
goreaholic · 5 months
Okay so the Legend of Zelda timeline is confusing, we all know and either love or hate this. I personally love the confusion and so I decided to make it even more confusing with my new personal headcanon of how it works/goes.
Here's my timeline theory, enjoy =^_^=
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also the image is clearer when you click on it by the way lol
oh and any spelling mistakes are totally, 100% intentional (lying, i tried to proofread as best as possible my eyes just like to jump around lol)
*Edit: The part where it says that SS!Zelda's bloodline becomes a clan of religious figures and Hyrule is not founded yet is suppose to be written under the Skyward Sword section, not the Tears of The Kingdom one. Also Note 2 is meant to say Non-Unified Child Timeline. i messed up lol. oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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mj0702 · 1 month
The other Bronze – Pt. 17
For Lunatic... keep fighting my little Girl♥️♥️
You really tried to stay awake to hide before Sarina kicked your door down. You REALLY tried – but of COURSE you fell asleep on your stomach sprawled out like a starfish. Keira always said it's just a Bronze-trade. Obviously it was – Bronzes are Stars so they sleep like starfishes. Georgia was squished into the wall by your foot against her lower back but she got used to it over time already so she didn't care anymore and just snored alongside you lightly. Next thing you knew was that your back felt cold – really REALLY cold. Your brain slowly started to catch up and you felt the cold even... moving. You jumped out of bed swearing loudly trying to get away from the cold when you came face to face with a stern looking Sarina Wiegman herself holding a small bucket in her right hand.
“Jesus fuck Mama Rina” you exclaimed turning around yourself trying to get away from the cold
“Oh no... you don't get to “Mama Rina” me until you worked off your punishment” the dutch replied strictly
“What the...” you tried to shook the cold off even more adamant now
The blonde head coach grabbed your shirt and lifted it slightly and suddenly there were about twenty ice cubes falling out of the back of your shirt.
“Now... get your stuff together you are going to join me, Alessia and Ella on a little trip” Sarina said serious
“Sounds like you want to kill us...” you mumbled but already started to change in some long sweats and Georgias trainings shirt
“If I wanted to kill you I certainly wouldn't have woken you up before” the blonde rolled her eyes “Cleats too”
“Cleats??” you asked confused “I don't have cleats”
“You do...” Sarina simply said pushing a box into your hands “... now get moving before you wake up your girlfriend who shouldn't have to suffer because of your....”
“Geniusness?” you provided smiling hopefully
“Stupidity” the blonde answered flatly
“I thought it was a good gift” you mumbled as you get pushed outside by Sarina herself
“Mornin” you mumbled getting into the mini-van next to Toons with Less in the second row
“Mornin” both of them mumbled back Lessi nearly back asleep already as Sarina got into the drivers seat starting the car
“You know what we dealing with?” you whispered to Ella who just shook her head
“Just know it freaking early” Toons mumbled back
“You'll see when we arrive” Sarina said from the driver seat and you could see her smirk through the back mirror
“That sounds bad” you whined under your breath “Can we please have some music?”
Sarina wordlessly turned on the radio which caused Ella and Less to wake up a little more what was what you hoped for. You couldn't die alone out there – you needed emotional support for dying. You pulled out your phone texting your girlfriend about your whereabouts and that you loved her and you will cherish the time with her even in afterlife.
“Drama much?” Lessi asked when she leaned in from behind reading your text
“I don't if I'll make it back alive” you defended yourself
“Better say goodbye to Kei and Luce too then” Ella mumbled her head against the window again
“Wake up beech” you said and kicked her ankle resulting in Toons jolting hitting her head on the window
“You shite...” the brown haired woman exclaimed lunging at you which threw you into a fit of giggles – that was until Sarina hit the brakes hard making all of you getting thrown into your seatbelts
“Do I have your attention now?” the blonde asked from the front “Because this is a punishment not a fun trip”
“Let us have a little fun before we die” you mumbled
“No one is going to die” Sarina rolled her eyes stopping at your final destination and all three of your groaned when you realized where you where – Old fucking Trafford
“Come on Girls... get going” the blonde clapped in her hands smiling overly fake as she got out of the car
“Told you we were dying... did you believe me?? No...” you pulled an annoyed face
“We believe you now” Lessi groaned as Sarina pulled open the back door ushering you out of the mini van
You walked after the blonde head coach like a line of ducklings behind their mother duck head hung low
“Okay... three laps to warm you up...” Sarina said as you pulled on your cleats which fitted perfectly
“These... actually fit” you looked at your feet surprised
“Of course they do... I had them custom made for you” the dutch looked at you confused
“Why?” you looked up just as confused
“Had a feeling you'd need them along the way” she answered smiling softly
“Thank you” you mumbled being touched by Sarinas gesture who just slightly squeezed your shoulder
“Come on... get going” the blonde said in her trainer voice and all three of you started to scramble away
“Guys wait... I can't run that quickly” you yelled after your two best friends
You were just over a round into your punishment when you heard a honk behind you making you jump to the left into the field taking Tooney out with you. The second you were out of the way the one and only Jill Scott drove past the two of you sitting comfortably on an e-scooter.
“Out my way you peasants!!” Jill yelled blazing past you
Toons and you needed a second to recover from the absurdity you just witnessed before bursting out laughing sprinting after Jill trying to catch her. It didn't take long for the two of you to catch up to Jill and the moment you were next to her you easily slide into her lap laughing loudly as the scooter swayed a little bit. Tooney easily jogging next to you while Less was a little further away from you.
“Get off me... you were ordered to run” Jill laughed trying to push you off her of course with no use since you desperately clinged to her neck.
“You should need to run to... you were involved too” you laughed then squealed as your actions caused the scooter to sway
“I'm old and retired... what's your reason” your Godaunt laughed trying to manoeuvre the scooter around the corner flag ending driving right over it
“I'm young and broken” you grinned sticking your leg out pushing against Ellas hip making her stumble in process
“Y/N BRONZE!!!” you suddenly heard Sarina yell over the whole pitch “GET OFF THAT SCOOTER IMMEDIATLY!!!”
“Oh shit...” you mumbled quickly shuffling off Jill trying to find your footing without any luck and you face planted into the field
“SCOTT.... TO ME!!!” you heard the dutch yell again and when you lift your head you saw Jill face draining from all colour turning around the scooter going the other way – away from Sarina
You bursted out laughing still laying on the grass when Less stopped right next to you
“Coffee break?” the blonde looked down at you as you rolled onto your back offering you a hand to help you up
“Scott took me out” you grinned while grabbing her hand and she hoisted you up “I just love that woman”
“I'm too old for you” Jill suddenly drove past you again and you looked at her confused before you saw Sarina coming over quickly with long powerful strides
Less and you looked at each other scared before scrambling away continue to run your laps as you heard the whistle
“Toone, Russo, Scott, Bronze... to me... NOW” Sarina commanded and the way her dutch accent blended in her normally perfect english told you you better listen
“Since you're all awake and oh so funny... we're gonna play a little game..” the dutch started and you screeched
“... told you she wants to kill us... we gonna need to fight each other – hunger games style... Less you want to be me ally??” you interrupted Sarina who just rolled her eyes
“... you're all gonna be allies... because all of you – yes Scott that includes you – will do a beep test... right here... right now” the blonde answered
“Uh... wifey is not happy with you” you snickered next to Jill who just looked at Sarina dumb folded
“I'm what?” the retired player asked
“These three wouldn't be able to pull something like this off...” Sarina waved towards Less, Toons and you “... so you were involved too and so you're involved in the punishment as well”
“Oh fuck me” Jill groaned out throwing her arms in the air
“I don't think you get any for a while... you pissed off the wifey” you snickered again squealing when Jill took a step towards you hiding behind Sarina
“I'm gonna end you Bronze” Jill looked at you seriously
“Pff... I like to see you try... Grandma” you shot back sizing up Jill Scott
“Bring it...” the brown haired woman growled but you saw it was show
“Do try and keep up, yeah...” you sneered – also for show
“Y/N... a word” Sarina pulled you with her to the side “... this is a punishment, yes... but I don't want you to overdo it, alright? I know your knees are weak so you are NOT going to try and keep up with Ella and Alessia – your partner is Jill”
“I can keep up with them” you answered arrogated
“But you won't – I don't want you to hurt yourself again” the blonde said strictly
“Yes Ma'am” you mumbled going back to the others and all of you went up to the starting line waiting for the whistle
“Bronze!” Sarina yelled as you sprinted past the cone beating the clock by mere seconds “You're out”
“What?? I'm not... I beat the buzzer!!!” you exclaimed angrily panting hard
“You're doing exactly what I told you not to do... you try to keep up with pro athletes and for the last four sprints you're ticking on the right... you're out” the dutch said firmly even going so far stepping in your way when you set up to start sprinting again
“I can do it” you growled
“I know you can... but I won't allow you to continue – don't make me pull the head coach card” Sarina held your stare “Stop Liefje... I won't hesitate to call Keira.... go walk it off”
You're breathing still laboured the anger playing into it you're continuing staring at the blonde before turning around starting to walk away. When you reached the side line Jill was waiting for you pulling you into her side
“You don't have to proof anything to anyone...” the older woman said pulling you along with her so that you kept walking “... you gave them a run for their money you know”
“I could've kept going” you sneered your breathing slowly calming down
“Not without hurting yourself further” Jill said softly “Sarina made the right call and you know it – on a scale from 1 – 10 … how bad is the pain?”
“Not more than I'm used to...” you lied but of course Jill saw right through it just raising an eyebrow at you
“About an 8...” you mumbled
“Fuck Cookie... we get this round done and then you'll let me look at your knee” the older woman groaned
“It'll sort itself out...” you waved off but you already knew there was no use
“It's either me having a look at it or your sister – and with your sister comes Keira... with Keira comes Leah... with Leah comes Georgia... you know how the chain works” Jill smirked and this time you groaned
When you got your round down Jill gently pushed you down onto the grass kneeling beside your right side touching and prodding your knee starting to rotate it in different direction keeping an eye on your reactions. When she rotate your leg to the outside you hissed and tried to pull away from her and Jill hummed knowingly
“Sarina...” the older player signalled for the dutch to come over which she immediately did letting Tooney and Lessi off their punishment who both collapsed into the ground panting like a locomotive
“She overdid it didn't she?” Sarina asked seeing how Jill was working on your knee
“You know her...” the older woman rolled her eyes “... of course she did – surprised she can put weight on it to be honest”
“She's right here” you grumbled
“You quiet” the dutch cut any comment of you off “Do we need a medic?”
“No” you exclaimed the same time as Jill nodded
“Toone... Russo... walk a round and then come over to help” Sarina yelled at your best friends who looked at you concerned but did as they were told
“What can we do?” Less immediately asked kneeling down on your left side
“Tell them they're being ridiculous” you grumbled annoyed
“Help her up and don't let her put weight on her right leg” Sarina said ignoring your comment completely
“Okay... come on Icebreaker... up you get” Lessi said as she already pulled you up Toons positioned herself in a way that you had no other chance to stand on your left leg and immediately grabbed around your waist holding you upright
“Hate it when you call me that Colin” you mumbled but immediately hissed in pain as you out of routine tried to step on your right
“I know...” Lessi said softly knowing you need your friends now “.. lets get you back to the hotel and try to hide this from the rest of the team”
“Thanks Less... you to Toons” you mumbled as the two basically carried you back to the minivan
“Always... it us against the world right” Ella smiled
“Minus your finger... because it nearly fell off” Lessi laughed
“Me finger REALLY nearly fell off – if it was any deeper...” Tooney exclaimed outraged
“You needed to go to the hospital... we know” you and Less laughed
“It was very serious!!” Toons exclaimed outraged
“It wasn't you muppet” you groaned as you tried to get into the minivan
“Okay wait...” Lessi said climbing into the bus and grabbed you under the arms “Tooney... push”
Next thing you knew was that you were laying on top of Lessi on the back seat
“Fuck me” you groaned out as your knee hit the backrest
“Sorry” Less huffed under you “thought that be a good idea”
“You three ready to go?” Sarina suddenly appeared next to the door
“Yeah... we loaded the cripple” Tooney grinned and you kicked her with your good leg
“Ella Toone...” the dutch warned
“Ready to go” Ella quickly said jumping into the car putting on her seatbelt
Sarina just shook her head smiling slightly closing the door before getting into the driver seat getting the three trouble maker back to the hotel
“Ella and Alessia... you go do some recovery and then breakfast – I'll take y/n” Sarina said after she killed the engine and your two best friends sprinted from the van leaving you behind to fend for yourself
“Come on Liefje... let's get you checked out” the blonde said softly offering you a hand when you robbed forward sliding out of the car wincing when your feet hit the ground
You probably would have folded if it wasn't for Sarinas strong hold on your arm.
“I've got you” the dutch said softly seeing you trying to find your composure
“It really hurts” you said and Sarina saw that you were on the verge of tears
“It's okay Liefje... you just overdid it – it's nothing bad” the blonde said calming you down
“What if it's teared again?” you whimpered
“It's not” Sarina said calmly still holding you upright “You may overstretched it a bit but that's all – a little ice and some quiet time and you're all good again, okay?”
“How do you know?” you nearly cried
“Because I remember in how much pain you were the last time you did your ACL – like it was yesterday...” Sarina said keeping her voice low and calm “... and right now you're nothing like this – so let's get you checked out and then we go get some breakfast okay?”
“Yeah sounds good” you said and tried to walk but whimpered immediately when you put weight on your right leg and Sarina adjusted her hold on you and held you now up around your waist
“What we have here?” Jack the young physio said – very happily for 6.30 in the morning
“Problem in the right knee” the blonde head coach answered for you as she helped you on the table “... she has an ACL history and overdid it with sprinting this morning. She can put very little weight on it but she's in a lot of pain and I want to have it checked out”
“No.. Mama Rina I want someone else” you whined as you couldn't deal with his happy attitude right now
“No...” Sarina sighed “... he's the one on call”
“I don't want him to touch me” you screeched when the young lad started to touch your leg
“Y/n please...” the blonde said calmly putting her hand on your shoulder “... relax for me okay?”
“I don't trust him” you said pain visible in your voice as you tried to pull your leg away from him
“Okay... Jack stop...” Sarina said seriously seeing you started to get really uncomfortable which normally ended with someone getting hurt
The young ginger haired man immediately stopped was he was doing and stepped away from you and the table holding up his hands in surrender. You were a legacy amongst the medical staff. You were anything but easy when it comes to aid your medical issues. There was a rumour that you once broke a physios jaw when he touched your throbbing ankle – you broke his nose... not his jaw.
“You want Lucy or Keira? Or Georgia?” the dutch asked softly knowing what you needed before you even said something
“Kei” you mumbled
“Okay... I'll go get her really quickly... you stay here... he won't touch you okay?” Sarina said softly fearing you would actually kill that guy
“Kay” you mumbled again laying down on the table your arm over your eyes
“Do NOT touch her... stay an arm length away....” the dutch addressed towards the physio strictly
“I'm definitely not touching her” Jack said slightly afraid of your reaction
Sarina nodded shortly and left the room
“It's not your fault” you said into the quiet room “I'm just not a fan from being touched from strangers – even less when I'm in pain”
“I understand that...” the ginger haired man said but stayed where he was “I choose this profession because I was actually a hard core introvert and somehow convinced myself I need to get out more – now I'm with people but I don't HAVE to talk to them...”
“I'll get you a coffee once I'm better...” you sighed deeply as another wave of pain hit you “You think it's fucked again?”
“You didn't leave me any time to get a good feel you know...” the physio answered “... but I don't think so”
“Yeah sorry about that... again” you chuckled slightly “You know... under different circumstances we could have been fast Frens”
“Then we'll be slower friends” Jack smiled
“It's Frens... not friends” you corrected him your eyes closed under your arm when you heard footsteps outside the room “Could you please act like I was trouble and cursed and threatened the shit out of you? I don't want my reputation to be ruined”
“I got you... should I shake in fear?” the physio grinned
“Just for my own sakes... you gay right?” you smirked
“Girl... I wear pink while the standard colour is blue... I think that's a dead give away” the ginger rolled his eyes
“Yeah about that... it clashes with your hair” you snorted
“Bitch please... I'm the one with the fashion sense... have you actually seen what you're wearing?” he shot back and you just had to laugh
“It was early and dark okay” you said “upset”
“That shirt not even your size...” the physio teased your further
That next second you heard the door open and two people entering
“Oh Bitsy...” Keira sighed “... what were you thinking?”
“Did she behave?” Sarina asked the young physio
“Didn't say a word...” the young man answered “... was kind of horror movie in here”
“She gets like this...” Keira interrupted looking at the physio “... don't take it personal”
“Won't... but I would really like to check her knee out... and get back to my coffee” the ginger said shrugging his shoulders
“Okay... give me a minute” the blonde said and Sarina understood immediately and pulled the physio outside with her
“Okay Bits...” Keira said softly after she pulled a chair over sitting next to you slowly prying your arm of your eyes so she could hold your hand “... what happened?”
“Sarina already told you” you mumbled turning your head away from her
“But I want to know from you what happened... why did you think you could keep up with Ella and Alessia?” the blonde kept her voice soft
“I just thought I could... there was a point where I could... and I...” you started but then your voice broke
“You always pushed yourself to far Bitsy...” Keira said as she gently moved your head so you had to look at her “... Sarina shouldn't have done this Bitsy... at least not without Lucy or me there... we know when it's enough”
“I'm not a kid anymore...” you grumbled angrily “... I can decide for myself”
“And normally you make good decisions... best example Georgia...” the blonde said softly not playing into your raising anger “... but when it came to competitions you always pushed yourself too much”
“I just want to..” you started before Keira interrupted you
“I know Bitsy.. and I wish you could... but you can't” the blonde said calmly “... you want to hear a little secret?”
“Uh-hu” you nodded
“Okay... I'll make you a deal... I tell you the secret and while I tell you Jack can look at your knee” Keira offered
“No... that ginger will just eat me soul” you said stubborn
“He won't” the blonde rolled her eyes in a loving manner “He's good – Lucy and I can vouch for him okay”
“If he hurts me I'll kick him in the balls” you grumbled but Keira already stood up to get Sarina and Jack back inside
“It is safe or do we need a muzzle?” the young physio asked and you could see the glint in his eye
“One kick... just give me one kick” you begged Keira who just bursted out laughing signalling the young man to start examine your knee
“Okay.... you know how Lucy worked at Dominos when she was at Uni?” the blonde started to distract you
“Yes... apparently she made the best pizza in the area” you rolled her eyes remembering how often your sister would brag about it “Yet when you ask her to make one for you she always orders Chinese”
“She made so many pizza in her life she can't stand them anymore” Keira smiled “Anyway... do you know how we met?” Keira smiled at you and after you shook your head she continued “I was over at a friends house and we were watching a movie and ordered pizza. Since it was fairly late – we were actually the last order of that day - Lucy delivered the pizza herself. She was on her way home and thought she'll just drop them off at my friends house. So I opened the door to find not only the one pizza we ordered but five – she had some “left overs” and thought she treated us to some free pizza. I was literally speechless and wanted to pay for them but she wouldn't let me. So the next day I went up to the shops down in Great Ancoats Street... asking for the tall dark haired girl which worked the last shift the day before. She wasn't working in that Dominos – so I went to EVERY Dominos in Manchester until I found the one she was working in. Her co-worker was very helpful asking me if I mean Lucy. Of course I said yes – didn't know her name before. He told me she wasn't in that day but she normally would work Saturday evenings. So I went back Saturday and there she was – bored out of her arse. She remembered me from the delivery and I asked her if I could buy her a coffee – just as a thank you of course”
“What happened then?” you said totally captured by the story
“After a little hesitation she said yes” the blonde smiled “But she asked me if she could bring her girl”
“EXCUSE ME?” you shot up into a sitting position just to get pushed down on your back again gently
“Wait...” Keira smiled “... I had the same reaction as you – just... not so obviously. I just thought that this must be a bad joke asking if she can bring her girlfriend after I kinda implied I would like it to be... more than just a “thank you” but I said “of course” since it was “just” a thank you coffee. So we said we meet next day at lunchtime at that small cafe a couple of streets down. I was bold enough to give her my number and said if anything changes to just let me know. So next day comes around and I wait at the cafe for her to arrive to receive a massage – 10 minutes after we said we meet up that she's on her way and she's sorry she got held up. I was FUMING. So I waited another 10 minutes when I spotted her walking down the park very slowly. I thought she was having second thought because she was OH so slow – but the when she rounded the corner I knew why she was walking so slowly...”
“Why?” you interrupted her impatiently
“... because of you. You were “her girl” and you just started walking and you wanted to walk everywhere. And of course she let you – you always had her wrapped you know. So there the two of you were slowly coming towards me with you looking so concentrated that it was just outright adorable. You held onto her finger so tightly and when you finally made your way over she just looked at me apologetic “I'm sorry but missy here wanted to walk”... I knew I was in deep shit right there and then. She was so sweet with you and oh my heavens you were the sweetest toddler I've ever seen”
“Oh gooooood” you groaned embarrassed as you heard Jack chuckle “... did you have too?”
“What? You were... and in comparison to now so well behaved” Keira smirked
“I was scared of you... you were much more ginger back than... soul eater” you sneered back but it had no bite to it
“You were in so in love with me that you threw an absolute tantrum when Lucy tried to pry you away from me when it was time to leave” the blonde rolled her eyes
“Did NOT” you said horrified
“Go ask your sister...” Keira waved off until she realized what she just said “Don't go ask her... you stay here until we know what's wrong with your knee”
“Knee is good” Jack interrupted quickly “Just rest it for a few days and you're as good as new”
“When were you done???” you asked surprised
“Around the time Keira thought Lucy stood her up” the ginger shrugged his shoulder
“Why didn't you say anything??” you looked at him lost
“I wanted to know how the story ended” he looked at you confused and Keira alongside Sarina bursted out laughing
“They ended up dating you ass nugget” you exclaimed “It's no secret”
“But first date stories are always so interesting...” Jack defended himself
“Ugh” you just huffed before pushing yourself off the table just to get held back by Keira
“Crutches” the blonde said strictly
“He didn't say anything about crutches” you whined desperately
“Learn to read between the lines...” Keira rolled her eyes as she accepted the crutches from the young physio
“But I don't wanna” you whined again this time with even more desperation in your voice
“Bitsy” the blonde warned “... I got pulled away from breakfast before I could even start eating my eggs on toast – I didn't have any coffee and I had to get rid of your overprotective sister who immediately KNEW it had something to do with you when Sarina came over to tell me you need me... DON'T play games with me now... get on them damn crutches and we can go get breakfast”
You quickly grabbed the offending piece of medical help and quickly made your way over to the door knowing Keira doesn't joke around
“Yeah I thought so” Keira yelled after you watching you crutch down the hallway “Thanks Jack... anything we should keep on eye on?”
“Rest it, ice it, 48 hours at least other than that... no..” the ginger smiled seeing how quickly you listened once Keira put her foot down
“Good... if you excuse me now... I have a breakfast waiting” the blonde squeezed the shoulder of the young physio gently before walking after you
“What the hell happened?” Lucy yelled out shocked seeing you stumbling into the breakfast room on crutches
“G fu...” you started smirking evilly before your girlfriend quickly shot up covering your mouth
“Don't get me involved... I swear Lucy... nothing to do with me” Georgia said panicky looking scared at your sister
“Still doesn't answer what happened” Lucy growled
“She overdid it trying to keep up with Toone and Russo” Keira simply answered sliding back into her seat pulling out the empty chair next to her and directed at you “Sit”
You sat down so fast that you were on the verge of falling back over with the chair if it wasn't for Millie who just walked past and like on autopilot pushing your chair back up preventing you from landing on the ground
“Thanks Mills” you said as the blonde just kept on walking holding up her hand in a “no problem”-manner
“What you want for breakfast?” Keira asked softly
“Can I have yours?” you pouted
“Lucy... get your sister some scrambled eggs on toast” the blonde sighed “and put some bacon on this plate too otherwise you'll have to run again in five minutes”
“Thanks Kei” you mumbled falling against the blondes side
“What about me? I'm running to get you food” your sister exclaimed upset
“Thanks Luce” you mumbled your eyes closing
“No Bitsy... no sleeping... we'll get some food into you and then you can go sleep some okay?” Keira stroke over your cheek softly
Seconds later Lucy placed a plate loaded with scrambled egg and some slices of toast in front of you some fruit in an extra bowl
“I didn't order that” you used your fork to push away the fruit
“You like fruit” Lucy looked at you confused
“No.. I like the fruit Keira makes” you clarified shoving a fork full of eggs as Keira smirked happily
“It's just fruit” your sister said lost
“I bet me ass there's mango in there” you mumbled around the egg in your mouth
“Don't talk with your mouth full” Keira rolled her eyes
“But she” you started to just get shut up by Keiras glare
“Eat and then rest” the blonde simply before starting eating herself
“I don't wanna go to bed” you whined as Lucy carried you on her back out of the elevator Keira following closely your crutches in her hand
“You have to rest” Keira said sternly
“But Tooney and Less are allowed to go to the zoo... I want to go to the zoo” you poked against Lucys cheek
“No” Lucy simply said trying to move her head away from your poking “behave and I'll let G into the room too”
Immediately your poking stopped and Keira had to bite her lip not to burst out laughing
“Okay... here's the deal... you rest and ice it for two hours and if you're good and ACTUALLY rest Kei and I'll take you to the zoo later okay?” your sister smiled while Keira opened the door to your room
“And G?” you asked hopefully
“Come on Stanway.. I know you're lurking in the shadows” Lucy yelled down the corridor and seconds later your girlfriend appeared out of the staircase exit smiling widely
“These two Lucy... I tell you – we're gonna have our hands full” Keira laughed as she saw G sprinting down said corridor
“As long as they use protection I don't care” your sister huffed as she gently sat you down on the bed
“Luce” you screeched “Ew!!!”
“What? I don't need you running around pregnant” Lucy grinned
“G is good... but not THAT good” you talked back and saw how your girlfriend – who just arrived at the door – was just about to run on instead of joining you inside the room “Don't you dare!!” you yelled before Georgia could bolt again
“You really want her to kill me don't you?” G said as she carefully entered the room
“Keira won't let her” you waved off
“As long as you don't get her pregnant” Keira grinned wide pinching Georgias cheek harshly
Your girlfriend rolled her eyes and climbed on the bed getting comfortably before you fell against her relaxing instantly not even complaining when Lucy carefully placed an icepack on your knee. Keira nodded her head for Lucy to join her outside and your sister immediately followed suit seeing how calmly you became just with the presence of Georgia
“You think we can leave them alone?” Lucy asked hushed as she quietly pulled the door close
“Of course... didn't you see how Bitsy was basically out the second she got comfortably against G?” Keira snorted
“We have to keep that bloody zoo promise don't we?” your sister sighed
“Oh yeah” the blonde smirked knowing you're going to be an absolute nightmare to control later
“Fuck” Lucy swore under her breath
“TOONEY!!!!” you yelled as you spotted your best friend outside the elephant enclosure
“LOONEY!!!” Toons yelled back running towards you
“No” Keira quickly said pulling on your leash “Crutches and no running”
“I can” you whined before you got interrupted again
“No” the blonde said again gripping your leash tighter
“If you throw a tantrum Bubs we always can go back to the hotel” Lucy “threatened” you
“That's not fair” you threw your crutches away and plopped down on the nearest bench “Tooney and Less are allowed to run around”
“Strike 2 Bitsy.... Strike 2” Keira sighed pinching the bridge of her nose
“But..” you started to whine
“No.. last warning... behave and play on our conditions or leave it and we go back to the hotel.... what will it be y/n Bronze” the blonde started to lose her patience
“Wanna see the penguins” you mumbled
“Okay...” Keira took a deep breath picking up the crutches “... then come on”
“Shit... Keira is mom” G mumbled behind the two of you which caused Lucy to burst out laughing
“Hi... hi little guy” you were pressed up against the window watching the penguins waddle around in their little enclosure
“She really is like a kid” Jill appeared in between Lucy and Keira picking a piece off her candy cotton
“Look who's talking” Lucy chuckled before grabbing a piece of candy cotton from one of her best mates
“Oi... leave me candy” Jill shoved Lucy away
“Keira keira keira keira” you exclaimed excited
“What Bitsy?” Keira smiled at your youthful energy
“Can I have 5 bucks?” you hobbled over to where Keira, Lucy and Jill were seated
“For?” the blonde asked a little suspicious
“You can buy some fish and feed the penguins” you said excited pointing wildly at a sign
“Bitsy... you're on crutches... you can't go in there... it's slippery and far to dangerous that you slip and hurt yourself further” Keira tried to explained knowing it would be so hard to get you to accept that you can't feed penguins this time “.. next time okay?”
“I don't want to do it... but I know someone who would DIE to feed them” you said happily
“You promise not for you??” Keira asked again looking at you expectantly
“Not for me... for a...” you nodded quickly before pausing “... friend?”
“Okay... just... if I see you in there I'm gonna tie you to me belt” the blonde warned pulling out her wallet handing over a five-pound-bill
“Thank you” you pressed a wet kiss to her cheek before hobbling off again yelling into the distance “Mister Penguin Caretaker Sir!!”
“Why do I have the feeling something is cooking here??” Lucy asked looking after you confused
“As long as it's not her going in there I don't care” Keira waved off
You were gone for about five minutes before you came hobbling back sitting yourself down on your sisters lap who accepted your choice of seating without any comments just laying her arm around your waist still talking to Jill
“Uh uh uh Lucy look... it's feeding time” you exclaimed starting to hop a little bit up and down in your sisters lap
Your sister looked up ending her conversation with Jill and her eyes popped nearly out of her head when she spotted LJ in wellies with a bucket of fish in her hand and about 15 penguin heads turning simultaneously into her teammates direction
“Why... does LJ have a bucket of fish in her hand?” Lucy asked shocked and confused at the same time
“Bitsy” Keira scolded the same moment
“What... I just wanted to do something nice for her” you defended yourself
“So you simply forgot the fact that LJ can't stand fish??” your sister asked her eyebrow raised as she watched how the colony of penguins waddled towards a completely done LJ
“Oh that was her?? I thought that was Lotte...” you said innocently bashing your eyelashes
You saw multiple phones getting pulled out of pockets by the Lionesses all recording LJ scurrying away from the penguins trying to find safety on a rock not thinking about how the animals were only interested in the bucket of fish.
“Just drop the bucket!!!” you heard Rach yell from the side of the enclosure
“She can't hear you Rach” you yelled over a wide evil grin on your face
“If they come any closer she might die” Jill laughed at the frightened face LJ was spotting
“Gooooood” you said happily and smiled
“Bubs!!” Lucy scolded you “We do NOT wish teammates to die”
“Yes we do” you mumbled under your breath and Keira threw you a wink
“Look how happy he is Luce.... can I have a Penguin??? Pleeeaaaase” you begged your sister pointing at a smaller one who just got pushed around the bigger ones trying to get to the fish
“Bubs... Penguin are cold weather animals... we live in Barcelona... Spain... warm weather..” Lucy sighed
“There are south african penguins...” you simply stated “... they're used to warm weather”
“No Penguins” your sister said and you knew it was final which didn't stop you at trying again – just at an other address
“Keira” you literally just started before
“No Bitsy... no Penguin” the blonde shut you down immediately
“Not fair” you grumbled but seconds later bursted out laughing seeing how LJ hung of her rock with the Penguins pulling on the welly and her pant leg nearly pulling her off the rock
“Where do you want to go next Bubs?” Lucy asked you to distract you from LJs suffering
“Sharks” you said amazed
“They don't have Sharks here” your sister looked confused “Never had”
“But I saw a sign... next to the restaurant we went” you looked at her just as confused
“That... was in Barcelona” Lucy knew what you were talking about “Seriously... are you okay?”
“Why wouldn't I be?” you shook you head lightly
“You just mixed up the places... hard core mixed them up” your sister said slowly
“And? You know I don't know what I'm talking about 90% of the time” you shrugged your shoulder seeing with great sadness how a Caretaker finally decided to help LJ out of her misery
“Okay... I'm not even going there” Lucy shook her head “... so... what else do you want to see?”
“Snakes?” you asked hopefully
“Ugh no... a 100% no” your sister shuddered at the pure thought of going into the reptile house
“Lucy Pleeeaaaase” you begged but your sister with pleading eyes
“Not in a million years... take Jill” Lucy shuddered again turning around to face her friend to just find the place next to her empty “... where the fuck is she?”
“She sneaked off the second she heard “Snake”...” Keira rolled her eyes “... Oi Mearps... you interested in snakes and stuff?”
“God no” Mary actually gagged “These.... things can stay far away from me”
“Yeah same” your sister mumbled “Sorry Bubs – no snakes”
“I can go with her” Georgia offered because she couldn't stand seeing you sad
“You hate snakes” Keira looked confused at her best friend
“What I hate more is seeing my girlfriend sad” your girlfriend shrugged her shoulders
“Could you please stop knocking on the window??” Georgia said desperately standing about five meters behind you as you knocked slightly on the window of one of the snake trying to wake it up
“I want a good picture” you mumbled knocking carefully again
“It's sleeping... let it sleep... please” your girlfriend begged
“It's behind glass babe... calm down” you rolled your eyes spotting a caretaker “... excuse me sir?”
The guy looks up and you could tell immediately that he recognizes Georgia who still stood in the other corner of the room her face white
“Yes?” the brown haired man came over looking at you expectantly
“Is there ANY chance I could hold one of those babies?” you smiled widely pointing at the snakes “I offer autographs and pictures with any Lioness you fancy”
“Sure... but not the venomous ones” he shrugged his shoulders and offered his hand for you to shake “I'm Dave”
“Y/n...” you shook his hand grinning while Georgia groaned in her corner
“I know... great move with this spanish guy” Dave grinned just as wide as you
“Thank you” you grin happily “Any player you always wanted to meet?”
“Keira Walsh?” he asked getting quite shy
“Keira??” you exclaimed a little taken a back “Why?”
“She's an amazing player... always sees the open spaces and creating chances” Dave shrugged
“Yeah no problem... Stanway go fetch Walsh” you said at your girlfriend making a shoo-motion
“I'm DEFINITELY not letting you alone with these boneless things” Georgia exclaimed knowing Keira would rip her throat the second she'd come around the corner without you
“It's not like they're gonna eat me” you rolled your eyes “Right?” you looked at Dave
“Big Mama could...” the man shrugged his shoulders “She's our 6.5 meter long Anaconda... she could eat you”
“Uh... I wanna meet Big Mama” you exclaimed excited clapping your hand
“No you don't” your girlfriend said “Keira will absolutely KILL me if you get eaten by a XXL-snake”
“She won't... Lucy will be faster” you grinned
“Awesome” Georgia mumbled
“So... here we have Baby Mama” Dave said after he opened one of the glass boxes pulling out a small snake “... she hatched about 3 weeks ago.. she's about a meter now... still has a lot to grow until she's as big as her Mama”
“Oh my god G look...” you said absolutely in awe “... LOOK”
“No thank you” Georgia swallowed hard
“Come on you...” you said before pulling her over “Isn't she cute?”
“Yeah... cool” the blonde mumbled shifting so she would stand behind you
“Can I touch her?” you ask carefully
“Sure... she got a rat two days ago so she won't be overly pushy to get some food” Dave said holding up the snake for you to pet her
You on the other hand had a different plan. You quickly grabbed your girlfriends hand and pulled it forward so she would touch the snake without realizing it before her brain could catch on.
“Oh my god” Georgia screeched trying to pull her hand back
“Well done ba... G... you touched it” you smiled sweetly as you released her hand
“You... are pure evil” your girlfriend huffed out
“I'm a Bronze” you smirked before accepting the snake from Dave holding it proudly “Take a picture”
“Why??” Georgia asked confused
“I'm literally holding an Anaconda.... that's something special” you shot back and G took out her phone taking a bunch of pictures before you gave the snake back and thanked Dave for the opportunity telling him to meet you outside for his pictures with Keira
Keira was NOT happy you again weaselled your way into getting what you want – this time holding a deadly snake. She also didn't care that both Dave and you assured her that Baby Mama wasn't deadly at this stage but Keira simply doesn't care and let you know quite strictly
The rest of the day you were put back on the leash by Mrs. Walsh herself while you hobbled next to her. You tried to convince her to give you another 30 bucks for Lion food and then tried to hackle with the caretaker to volunteer LJ if you could make the Lions sit around you for a picture but much to your dismay Keira heard you and immediately interrupted and slapped your head. You were absolutely dead on your feet once you all made your way towards the exit with Less, Toons and you trying to bolt one last time seeing the flamingos in their enclosure a little further back. Leah predicted you tried to break free the second she heard Ella exclaim “FLAMINGO!!” and grabbed into your Dino-Harness so you wouldn't use the moment of surprise against Keira
The second you sat in the back of your Car with Lucy and Keira up front and Georgia to your right your head rolled to the side onto your girlfriends shoulders and you were out cold
“She asleep?” Lucy asked before she even had the car in reverse
“Out cold” Georgia answered sliding down a little bit so you would be more comfortable
“Good... let's keep it this way... she caused enough chaos for one day” Keira said but smiled nonetheless
“You love her and her shenanigans” your sister chuckled
“Of course I do... otherwise I would've murdered already” Keira chuckled back “You think we can get her into bed without waking her up?”
“Challenge accepted” Lucy grinned “Stanway you're gonna help me”
“Okay Ladies listen up...” Sarina said loudly so everyone would hear her “... we have one training session left and my personal mini-me has a little surprise for all of you”
“I have?” you asked completely confused about to push a Marsbar into your mouth
“Yes you do” Sarina says rolling her eyes
“Yes I do” you repeated trying to sound as convincing as you could
“Snack-bag” the dutch helped you out looking at you pointing
“UUUUUHHHH... RIGHT!!!” you finally catched on “We'll have so much fun”
“Do you want to explain to the rest of the class what you've planned?” Sarina asked getting a little annoyed
“Yeah... okay... we're doing teams of four and one of three.. I don't care who is teaming up but the team of three gets an advantage... we're doing a chase... start is right here and finish is Wembley... chase goes through the whole city with different stations to check off... the time difference between first and second and second and third will be the time you get to shop in Tesco – whatever you can get in a cart and carry yourself... so.... may the odds be in your favor and chase starts...” you looked down on your (Lucys watch you stole two years ago) watch “.... now”
Immediately there was a big scramble and the most experienced players like Lucy, Keira, Alex, Mearps, Millie and Leah get pulled from one side to the other by the younger ones who wanted to be on the best team. You grinned widely and offered Sarina some of your candy as you took the chair next to her
“I really REALLY hoped for this... look how LJ and Niamh pull Lucy around” you smirked seeing your sister getting pulled and shoved along
Of course Leah had to be the spoilsport again whistled once so everyone stopped moving
“Okay... we have five teams of four... team leaders Lucy, Keira, Mearps, A, Millie and I.... we gonna do it the old-school way – the Alex Scott way” Leah said firmly looking at her fellow Lionesses
“Okay... two out of three or ko-system” Lucy nodded seriously
“Ko-System” Leah answered holding Lucys glare
“Rock – Paper – Scissors - Shoot” Leah and Lucy said quickly before Lucy groaned when Leah chose Rock while she went for scissors
This went on until Millie came out on top allowing her to choose her team first.
After all the teams were selected they took off like the house was on fire and it gave Sarina and you some time to yourselves
“Are you okay Liefje?” the dutch asked lovingly
“Yeah...” you mumbled chewing a little bit on your lip
“Try again, hm?” Sarina took your hand carefully
“It just hurts” you said sadly
“You're knee?” the blonde asked trying to get you to talk
“No... that's okay... hurts to see them all play” you answered starting to chew on your lip again
“Oh mijn Liefje” Sarina sighed getting were you came from “... you'll get back out there again too – maybe not on that level but I know you will get back out there... you still have it I can see it every time you glance at a ball – just don't give up”
“There's something else” you mumbled
“What is it Liefje?” the dutch smiled
“Can you... I don't know... order Lucy to let me got to Munich instead of Barcelona after Camp?” you pleaded with big eyes
“Oh no... I'm not getting involved in that” the blonde laughed loudly “Try Keira”
“Can we all still go out tonight?” you asked now seeing the first team sprinting past the window obviously completed the first task
“Of course... I promised you didn't I? What is the advantage you wanted to give the team of three? Who are the team of three?” Sarina smiled noticing how you changed the topic
“Lucy, Less und Lotte” you answered just as you saw your best friend sprint pass
“LESS!!!!!!” you yelled after her after you opened the window which caused her to come to a stuttering halt nearly falling into a bush
“God Damnit Nut....” Lessi yelled back “WHAT?? I'm on a timeline here...”
“Come here you plonker!!!” you waved her over and handed her a piece of paper “Here... you can go straight to zone 3... you are one down so you get a little joker”
“Thanks Nut... I love you” your best friend snatched the paper out of your hand started to run again
“Nut?” Sarina looked at you smiling with a raised eyebrow
“Short for Nutcase.... Toons says it's short for Nutcracker... I like Nutcracker more” you smirked
In the end Millie, Rachel, Georgia and Tooney won the little chase you organized and they had 5 Minutes to load their carts up – of course they only loaded sweets and everything they weren't allowed to eat normally. Tooney was even such a good friend and made Millie climb the shelves for your Dweebs and Millie made sure to grab a whole bunch.
After that you all got ready to go out. Lucy made you change your outfit four times until Keira stepped in telling her to leave you alone and that you looked beautiful in your skin tight pants and your (you must admit it was on the line of slutty) tight blood red corset-like top. Lucy grumbled the whole way to the Club about how you were to young to even go out with them and that you should stay back with Sarina and how she should personally deliver you to the dutch woman. Again Keira came to your aid telling her ex to finally shut up and leave you be.
Georgia and you were dancing to “smack that” by Akon. Your girlfriends hands on your hips as your back was pressed to her front. Her head rested on your shoulder as while you were grinding shamelessly against her front as she was swaying you both from side to side. Was it sexual? Yes. Maybe too sexual? Just a tad but in your opinion there was no time than the present. It was one of rare uninterrupted moments between the two of you since Lucy was worse than a drug dog in a warehouse full of crack – she was EVERYWHERE. Just this morning at breakfast she appeared out of thin air like David Copperfield as Georgia was about to sit down next to you and shooed your girlfriend away to the other side of the room. So yes you enjoyed every second you can spent with your girlfriend to the fullest. Just like now as your eyes were closed feeling Georgias breath against your neck where she sneakily pressed light kisses to it while you mouthed the words to the song.
Your sister on the other hand wasn’t so happy about what happened on the dance floor. She herself was seated between Keira and Millie who made it their mission to let the two of you get some “alone” time together as they sandwiched Lucy so she couldn’t get up. Of course it was all a “coincidence” that neither Millie nor Keira understood the repeatedly “Get up!! I need to speak to Georgia” – the music in that club was just “too loud”. It didn’t stop your sister from trying to divide you two from her table at the other end of said club.
“YOU WON’T SMACK ANYTHING STANWAY!! HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!!!” Lucy yelled from the top of her lungs which just cause Keira to burst out laughing as you turned around in your girlfriends arms intertwining your fingers behind her neck pulling her down until your noses touched.
Georgia knew what you wanted. It was the fourth time this night you requested a kiss from her but just like the first three times her eyes flickered over to the table the older Lionesses occupied and she saw how Lucys eyes never left the couple. So just like the first three times your girlfriend moved her head to the side and pressed a soft kiss to the edge of your mouth. And just like the first three times your eyes flew open and you looked at her questionably. Georgia looked at you with an apologizing face and shrugged her shoulders as if she didn't know what else to do. But as usual help was on the way – in form from Rachel, Tooney, Less and Mary. The four watched the whole interaction from their place at the bar as Less turned slightly towards her friends
“This is getting ridiculous... can't Lucy just back off for a hot minute and let them just enjoy their time together?” Alessia asked upset feeling sorry for the two of you
“It's her baby sister” Mary threw in as she tried to reason with Less
“Mary look at me” Less said and waited until she had Marys undivided attention “Do I look like I care... G and y/n deserve a little time to themselves”
“It's not like we could do anything” the Keeper shrugged her shoulders
“Oh but we can” Rachel grinned “I'll even take one for the team”
“Oh god... Rach... what's going on in that messed up brain of yours?” Mary groaned
“I'll distract Lucy and you get G and y/n out of here... I may or may not know that there's a hotel room waiting for them in a different hotel so they at least have a few hours together... here Tooney... give them this and tell them with regards from Sarina” Rachel said as she pushed an envelope into Tooneys hands
“Rach you're mad...” Mary stuttered
“Maybe... but these two? They're Sam and Kristie material... I recognise love when I see it... they deserve it” the blonde shrugged her shoulders but grinned
“Why do I always get roped into shit with the three of you?? Don't answer that... just... let's go” the Keeper rolled her eyes.
“Okay... just a moment” Rachel grinned as she turned around to the barkeeper to order a new drink. Three minutes later there was a new Vodka Cranberry placed in front of her which she took after she took a deep breath
“Okay... Mission Smurf can start” the blonde said as she turned back to Less, Tooney and Mary
“Smurf??” Tooney asked confused
“They always had to hide from Gargamel... and honestly... Lucy acts all Gargamel right now...” Rachel shrugged her shoulders again “Kinda looks like him too”
“Just... wow” Mary rolled her eyes “But let's get this on the road”
The four women pushed off the bar in sync as Rachel made a beeline for the Lionesses table. Millie knew the second she saw her best friend that Rachel had planned something and as she saw the Vodka Cranberry in her hand and her eyes fixed on Lucy she just knew. While Lucy was still distracted by yelling towards her sister Millie got the attention of Keira nodding towards Rachel. The blonde midfielder immediately understood and moved just a tiny bit away from her ex girlfriend who of course didn't notice.
Meanwhile on the dance floor Less, Tooney and Mary kept an eye on Rach as well as G and you so they could immediately spring into action when Rachel did whatever she had planned to distract Lucy. Mary was blessed with the assignment of clearing the way as subtle as possible once Tooney and Less grabbed you two to push you out of the club. The four even went so far to order an Uber for you. So the planned contained Rach taking one for the Team, the three muscleteers (as Tooney dubbed them) getting you out of the Club and into an Uber sending you off to whatever hide away Sarina chose for you. Sounded simple, right? No. It got around the Club that some of the Lionesses were in so even if Mary just casually hovered nearby the couple she got asked for autographs and pictures. She tried her best to keep the attention to herself since she didn't want to put you into the spotlight for dancing with G. So when the Keeper saw Rachel two steps away from the table she excused herself from some fans with the promise to be back in five minutes.
Rachel locked eyes with Millie for a split second and the brickwall just nodded. So Rachel did what every good friend would do. She “stumbled” and threw her Vodka Cran all over Lucy Bronze. Lucy was so focused on you and your girlfriend that she didn't see the blonde forward approaching the table and as she felt the wetness on her face she sweared loudly, her eyes leaving the dance floor to murder Rachel with her glare.
The second Tooney and Less saw Rach stumble they quickly made the few remaining steps towards G and you to push you forward with force.
“Jesus Fuck Toons... what the hell” you exclaimed shocked as you felt your best friend pushing into your back
“Walk” was all that Tooney said her voice stern as she kept an eye on the table
You didn't really had a choice so you walked with Tooney pushing you to walk faster. You looked ahead and saw Mary – clearing the way? What the hell was happening?
You turned your head to look at your girlfriend who had the same confused look on her face as you. She herself gets pushed by Less who also turned around every step to look at the table if Lucy was still distracted
And boy – Rachel did a good job flinging her drink at Lucy. Fully on target your sister was covered from head to chest in Vodka Cranberry furiously trying to clean her face at the moment with Rachels “help” who watched you and G get pushed out of the Club while she used a hand full of napkins to cover Lucys face. As the blonde forward saw that the five of you slipped through the door she stopped “cleaning” your sisters face
“I'm so sorry Luce... there's a step” Rachel slurred a little bit trying to sound a little tipsy
“There is no Step Daly” your sister sneered still trying to clean her top before she remembered what her task was beforehand and her head shot up scanning the dance floor for her little sister
Millie and Keira did an amazing job holding in her laughter as they watched the whole scene unfold. Millie threw Rachel a subtle “Good job”-glance while Keira acted like she didn't knew what was happening
“Where are they?” Lucy asked and Keira couldn't pin down if her voice was angry or panicky
“What?” the blonde midfielder yelled a little louder to leave the impression she didn't hear due to the loud music – Kei understood Luce just fine
“Where's y/n???” your sister yelled back not catching on that Kei played her
Keira looked over the dance floor before looking back at Lucy just shrugging her shoulders
“Where's Stanway and my sister?!!?” Lucy now yelled at Rachel
“How should I know... you are the guard dog... not me... I'm just out of drinks... I'll get me a new one” the blonde shouted back turning around walking off towards the bar a grin spreading on her face as soon as her back was towards Lucy
“Fuck” your sister swore loudly as she pushed herself out from behind the table – this time without Millie stopping her
Kei threw Millie a questioning look and the large blonde just nodded towards the bar where Rachel high-fived Less and Tooney as Mary kept her promise and signed some more fan stuff.
“They did good there” Keira said as she sat down next to Millie
“Hell yeah – I was about to punch Luce into fist-invested dreamland” Millie said as she sipped on her beer “They deserve some time alone... If I was y/n and Lucy would have pulled that shit with me the whole week I'd probably have snapped on day two��
“I tried to warn her...” Kei shrugged her shoulders “I told her to leave the two alone but she won't listen – stupid habit of Bronze women...”
“Let's just hope they enjoy their time together... did Luce just seriously sweep the toilets? As if... y/n is too much of a germaphobe to get it on in a club bathroom stall” the larger blonde laughed loudly as she saw your sister coming out of the toilets
G and you were still flabbergasted as you got pushed into a waiting car and Tooney pushed an envelope into your hands
“With best regards from Sarina” the brown haired woman said before she threw the door shut and the car began to move
“What the fuck just happened?” your girlfriend was the first to speak “And where the fuck are we going?” she looked at the driver
“The Savoy, Miss” the driver answered politely
“What?” G asked confused
“I got called to drive you to The Savoy” the driver answered again
“G” you whispered out after you opened the envelope as your girlfriend was still occupied being confused
Inside the envelope was a booking confirmation for a room in one of the best Hotels in London for two nights – all expenses paid by Sarina Wiegman herself with small note to enjoy themselves and have fun.
“G” you said again this time louder and more firm
“Yes?” your girlfriend finally let go of the questioning the driver – who you named James. He looked like a James
“Look” you shoved the envelope in her hands
“Jesus” Georgia breathed out after she quickly scanned the document “This must have cost a fortune”
You had tears in you eyes as you pulled out your phone – ignoring the 74 missed calls from your sister – to call Sarina
“Mama Rina” you whispered into the phone as soon as you heard the call connected
“It's okay Liefje – you both deserve it... I observed what you went through this week... both of you... just enjoy 48 hours of uninterrupted time together” the dutch woman said lovingly knowing exactly what her adoptive daughter wanted to say “I arranged for your baggage to get moved as well... don't worry about anything other than be at the airport on time”
“Thank you Mama Rina” you spoke slowly as your girlfriend still looked shocked at the document in her hands “It means the World to me”
“Us..” G mumbled next to me as she looked up her eyes still wide
“Yeah... it means the world to US Mama” you smiled slightly as you held your hand out for Georgia to grab which she immediately did intertwining your fingers
“Your welcome Liefje” the dutch woman smiled on the other end of the phone “Enjoy it”
“We will... so much” you said smiling as well
“Oh and Bubba?” Sarina said just before she hung up “Just one Glass”
And with that the line went dead. You looked at your phone confused after Sarina hung up.
“What?” your girlfriend asked when she saw your confused look
“She said “just one glass”... what's that supposed to mean?” you looked at Georgia confused
“I guess we're about to find out...” the blonde smile pointing out of the window as you pulled up to the luxurious hotel
“Fuck me sideways” you breathed out as you looked with wide eyes at the golden statue on top of the entrance
“If you ask nicely” Georgia mumbled and smirked while you just slapped her in the stomach with the back of your hand
“Behave Stanway...” you smirked back as your car came to a stop right in front of the entrance
“I try.. but it's been a while since I had you all to myself” the blonde spoke lowly as man in a expensive looking suit opened the hind doors of the car to let you climb out
“They have car penguins G... this is really high end shit” you mumbled as you glided out behind her
“Yeah... so act like we fucking own it” your girlfriend mumbled back so no one other than you heard her
She held out her hand which you grabbed grateful as Georgia already started to walk inside pulling you along with her. Her stride were confident as if she really belonged in Hotels like this. You on the other hand just gaped at everything. It was so luxurious your brain just couldn't comprehend it.
“Hello and very welcome to The Savoy London. My name is Rita and how may I assist you today?” the young girl behind the front desk smiled at you politely – or she smiled at G politely obviously recognizing her while she basically ignored you.
“Hi... I have a reservation for two for two nights for... what does it say?” your girlfriend looked at you expectantly
“Reservation is under your name” you said remembering the name on the booking confirmation
“Ah yes... Already got your reservation pulled up. Two nights in the Junior Suite for two guests under Stanway” Rita already said as she tipped furiously on her Keyboard.
You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes at her obvious fan girl moment. You mean – this place probably has celebrities coming and going 365 days a year so why was this blondie swooning over YOUR girlfriend. You pull her at her blonde extensions over the front desk and tell her to keep her eyes to herself. Yeah – that sounded like a reasonable plan. Even better you could scratch her eyes out and
“Babe?” G looks at you expectantly
“Yeah?” you answered putting on a fake smile getting pulled back into reality
“You want to have dinner here or want to go outside explore” your girlfriend askes looking at you weird
“It's not that late – I would love to go out a little and maybe tomorrow have dinner here?” you said sweetly smiling so fake you had to gag internally while Georgia threw you a last weird glance before turning towards Rita (another internally gag) speaking about dinner reservation for tomorrow night.
You decided to mark territory a little bit and pressed your body firmer into Georgias side. She didn't really acknowledge it but her arm automatically sneaked around your waist to hold you tightly. You threw a victorious smirk at Rita (there was the internal gag again) as you listened to them two discussed dinner times and tables. Who in the hell discusses dinner tables. It's a piece of wood on four legs – not that hard. But apparently there where many options such as at the window... river side no river side... with direct lighting or indirect lighting... they even discussed HOW MANY GLASSES!!!
You got quite impatient knowing Rita (there it's again) playing on time so you chose the more... direct approach. You pressed your face into the crook of Georgias neck starting to nuzzle and lightly kiss her neck smirking when you felt how she grabbed your waist just a little tighter and the light sharp intake of air.
“Behave” Georgia pressed out between gritted teeth as she still smiled at the receptionist who FUCKING FINALLY got the memo that your girlfriend was very much taken and handed out your room cards.
“Thank you Raven” you smiled overly fake as you picked the room cards out of her hands “You were very helpful” you said before you pulled G away from the front desk towards the elevators
As soon as the doors of the elevator closed your girlfriend hugged you from behind and chuckled
“Didn't think you'd get jealous Babe?” you heard her chuckle directly next to your ear as you just huffed in response
“Should I have waited till she asked for your number or gave you hers? I thought I was being... helpful in showing her that she doesn't need to waste her time” you raised an eyebrow which G saw in the elevator mirror doors
“I mean... I think I still have a spare jersey laying around if she wants my number” the blonde laughed lowly teasing you
“Not the number I meant” you growled and playfully elbowed her in the rips
“If I can recall correctly you let me run after your number for weeks... you even threatened Tooney to nail her feet to the goalpost if she'd give me your number” G grinned as she started to kiss the back of your neck
“Upside down... I threatened her to nail gun her precious feet to the crossbar... upside down” you corrected your girlfriend as your head fell to the side to grant her more access to your neck
“So violent” G teased as she bit down lightly
“Fuck” a low moan escaped your lips
“Soon” your girlfriend chuckled against your neck
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
kind of stupid butttttttt- Koenig/Ghost with a cat girl reader? <3
Ghost & König’s Reaction to You Being a Cat Girl
Warnings: Implied Smut/Sexual Content, Scary Dog Privilege, Pet Names, Sadism, Masochism, Scratching, Mention of Objectification (Consensual), Collar Mentioned, Female Reader.
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Absolute menace.
The first time he found out, he was shocked, to say the least, given how you managed to hide your ears and tail so well.
But he adjusts fairly quickly.
Sometimes, to get your attention or to get you to come to him when he can’t find you at home, he’ll shake your favourite box of cereal or call “Pspspspspsps–” until you come clamouring round the corner for your food.
He’s always twitching to touch your ears. Just finds them so cute and soft, and while he would never touch them without your permission, he’s dying to.
Sometimes you tease him and bonk your head against his side, give a tiny, fragile purr, and disappear into the midnight corners of the house.
But, when you can see Simon’s had a difficult day, you’ll lay in his lap and let him stroke your head, snuggling into him.
Though it’s not that you don’t like having your ears stroked; you just know that, if you were to let Simon do it, you’d never let him stop.
You’re always really warm and purr a lot, so Simon calls you his “Little engine”.
“‘Cause I’m driving my love van into your heart :3 !” – You say, absolutely oblivious to the cuteness overload you’ve just subjected him to.
Whenever you intentionally (or unintentionally) act cute, it sends Simon feral.
He definitely has a thing for pulling on your tail and making you cry.
Sadist to the max.
“Don’t mewl like that, Sweetheart,” he tells you, your tail in one hand and the lead to your collar in the other.
“Or I might just have to make you cry louder.”
Has a collar with a pendant engraved with the words ‘Property of Simon Riley’ made for you. But he only uses this on a few occasions.
He’d never make you wear it if you didn’t want to; he doesn’t want you to feel like he’s forcing you into a demeaning position.
His names for you vary, but the ones he uses in private are usually cat-related.
Kitty, Kitten (he uses this one unironically – he’s not chronically online so he doesn’t understand the implications), Kitty Girl.
He loves you soooo much, it hurts.
Scary dog privileges for the cat girl he bagged by being quiet and mysterious (unable to talk to you because he thought you were the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen).
He genuinely cannot believe his luck; he thinks you must be some artefact sent from the heavens to compensate for the trainwreck his life has been up until he met you.
He’s never felt more alive than when he’s with you.
And he’ll break the minds, bodies and spirits of anyone who tries to take you away from him <3.
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Has a tendency to talk to you like how any owner talks to their pets.
“Does my pretty little Princess want her dinner now ? Oh yes she does, oh yes she does !”
He doesn’t mean to, honestly.
But ever since he found out you were a cat girl, he just can’t help himself.
It’s second nature to him.
He also tends to treat you as if you’re much more fragile than you actually are, but that’s because he’s never seen you defend yourself (because you don’t have to. König’s immense size and stature has effectively made you the social equivalent of Chernobyl, in that everyone remains outside a fifty-metre radius of you when you’re with him).
If you sit in his lap, he’ll actually die.
And if you start purring–
He’s GONE.
The sound is enough to not only fry his brain, but send him to sleep.
Hence he cannot sleep without you. Which makes his deployment exceedingly difficult for him.
He looks for any and all excuses to pet you.
He’ll straight-up ask you if you want him to scratch behind your ears, and he’ll keep going until you start to feel raw and ask him to stop.
He loves you so much – he can’t bear to be without you for any period of time.
Which, given how you can be rather solitary in nature, leads you to seek out the most inopportune places to catch up on some sleep.
He’s found you curled up in the wash basket before now.
And on top of a bookshelf.
And rather than be offended, he was overwhelmed by how adorable you were, curled up into a ball of almost nothing.
Yes, he did take pictures. Yes, he does keep them under his pillow so he can look at them when you’re asleep or away.
When it comes to the saucy stuff, König tends to hold back. A lot.
He’s absolutely massive and he doesn’t want to hurt you, especially since there’s more of a risk of him doing so by standing on your tail or catching your ears.
But whatever fear he possesses vanishes when you show him how flexible you are. Which has led to some…interesting positions, to say the least.
Btw, he’s a massive masochist. Just a sucker for pain.
Definitely the type to intentionally push you over the edge so you’ll scratch his back.
You have much sharper nails than the average person, which means it’s easier for you to cut deeper without applying much force.
And König loves it.
He has a high pain tolerance so he can withstand the burning sensation of you dragging your nails down his back and get lost in the fact that you’re marking him as yours.
During moments like this, he calls you ‘Kitty’ more than your actual name.
Outside of the bedroom, it’s literally impossible for him to call you anything other than “(Y/N)-Baby, where’s my little (Y/N)-Pie ?”
And you always come running because you know there’s a big cuddle attached to the end of that pet name <3.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 10 months
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
This originally was going to be a reblog to another post, but it happened what it always happens: It got too long.
This is the post in question.
The response I wanted to talk about was that a lot of people were defending Peter's actions in the context that he has good intentions because he believes that this is the right thing to do. There was a mistake I didn't address in that initial post, so I will say the quiet part out loud for this post.
Despite being about Peter, I will talk a lot about Miguel, because Peter is doing what he is doing because he believes in Miguel, which is a problem.
(Disclaimer: I don't hate Miguel, I honestly think he is a great ambiguous character, and I am just going as hard as I do in this post because I'm very passionate about this subject not because I think Miguel should be hated. Fans may want to stay away just in case.)
Pls don't kill me.
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This is false, and that's a problem.
Okay, so let's start with this: Miguel is wrong by his own standards. I had already talked about this in other small posts but let's dig deeper into it.
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Did you catch the issue yet?
Here is the thing: How a canon event can happen if the person who caused it wasn't supposed to be there?
Miguel is blaming the hole on Miles, saying that it happened because it disrupted the canon event; yet what caused the canon event?
Spot. He did it.
However, Spot is not the arch-nemesis of Pavitr, Spot didn't even want to talk to Pavitr and was mostly ignoring anyone who wasn't Miles. And again, MIGUEL SAYS HOW SPOT SHOULDN'T have EXISTED TOO.
How come Captain Singh was supposed to die in that bridge, if this wasn't the canon event?
Because remember, Miguel says it needs to be a battle against an arch-nemesis too; meaning that if this needed to happen today, THE CANON EVENT WAS ALREADY DISRUPTED BECAUSE THE WRONG PERSON DID IT.
Now, I think the audience not catching this is pretty normal; I think it took me until like my fourth watch to notice that detail. In terms of writing, is supposed to be a small little hole when the next movie talks about what's going on.
(Because yes I am convinced this is the proof that Miguel is wrong about the canon and not just a mistake the writers didn't think of. Like the fact that in Into the Spider-verse Miles's spider glitches; and then in the next movie we realize it was from another dimension.)
However, is one thing the audience to not figured out this thing; another is that Miguel is doing what he is doing when this is the situation.
Let's mention other things Miguel got wrong, not because I want to dunk on Miguel, but because those mistakes had something in common that we need to address.
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This is wrong, regardless of how you sliced it, this is wrong.
For starters, Miguel is blaming Miles for being bitten, which is...dumb. Like Miguel doesn't need the context that Miles didn't try to get bitten, it just happens; that's literally what happens to most Spiders, they just got bitten. Someone who objectively has learned about the story of multiple spiders in order to create an algorithm should have noticed that.
Second, this is stupid because now that we had established Miles was going to get stuck in this situation no matter what; let's go said this: The anomaly issues started before Miles was involved.
Miguel establishes how to travel between dimensions and anomalies in general fucks things up; and guess that: there was a spider from another dimension before Miles was involved. Actually, there are more!
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Is hard to see, but as you can see, there are OTHER spiders! And considering 42 is the one that says decease yet not the rest, this means they are alive!
This fact I don't know if it will be canon, because it wasn't stated in the movies; but in the artbook is stated that Dr. Oct from 1610 stole John's designs to create the collider; Spot literally created Miles because the Spider was brought by his work.
Not only is Miguel blaming Miles for this mess, but if Miguel thought it was bad that a spider bit someone when they weren't from the same universe; well how good it is to have MULTIPLE being in the hands of one lunatic scientist that is the REAL reason this mess is happening?
Fact aside Miguel is hellbent on catching anomalies yet this slipped past his radar, let's remember that he should probably be aware of much of this.
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Call me crazy but when you can get footage of all the spiders and what they are doing, and then you hear about the multiverse almost falling apart; wouldn't you try to look into EXACTLY what happened?
Speaking of exactly what happened-
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Oh really? Because if you ask me.
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None of these are the same.
Let me break it down.
Miguel's second universe: Things glitch briefly before they start crumbling and disappear entirely.
Pavtir's universe after the Spot: Hole starts sinking an entire building and it is led to believe more can be dragged.
Miles's universe in ITSV: Things glitch before making things from another universe take the place of the original thing.
None of these behave the same, which would be weird if these ones were all truly, made because the canon was disrupted. But what a coincidence that they start to make sense the second you put some context in two of these.
Pavitr's universe is being swallowed by a hole just after the guy who creates holes and wants to open some more became a multidimensional monster thanks to a big Collider who of course can magnify the Spot's effect.
And Miles universe has buildings and the like being replaced because they are trying to bring things from another universe.
So no, I don't believe Miguel's universe is falling apart because 'Canon.' I am sure there is more to it.
I am pretty sure I could find more things if I needed to, but I think this showcases my point. Miguel is wrong, on multiple levels; you can even see this in this post early on with how Miguel blames Gwen even when a perfectly available excuse was right there. Miguel is shown to be in the wrong constantly.
Here is the thing, I am not bringing all of this up because I want to trash Miguel (if I am honest considering how many of the things he does become retroactively worst when you think about it, this is pretty tame.) I am bringing this up because the information is wrong, and they are doing decisions on the basis of that.
Because Miguel doesn't know. None of them do.
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They all believe in this.
I don't believe Miguel is a villain, I don't believe he is giving the wrong information because he wants to trick everyone into whatever he would want to do. There is no one in the organization that believes in this more than Miguel.
And that's the problem.
Seeing this movie the number of times I had and rewatching parts for certain things, one of the conclusions I got is that Miguel is hellbent that is his way or the highway on this one. Everybody else? I feel they are being strung along.
For example, Miguel believes Gwen and Miles shouldn't have been involved at all. Jess thought Gwen was okay but sees Miles as an issue. Peter thinks Miles is a fine, anomaly or not.
The cardinal Sin I didn't mention in my original post wasn't left out not because I knew that Miguel, Jess, and the others are just trying to avoid the multiverse from collapsing, and ergo deserve that defense. (Though to clarify, I do believe it is something to consider because is not the same as doing things for selfish reasons than for altruistic ones.)
It was left out because I firmly believe that making a mistake in good faith is wrong by default and doesn't need an explanation.
Also because for reasons I'm going to delve right now, I just can't be normal talking about this topic.
Look, without deviating too much and making this about myself, in real life, I am sick of "But they have good intentions!" Excuse. Is actually laughable how many things that are wrong with me started with good intentions.
But! That sob story only affects one person, right? And is different when it affects others!
My mom saw in me someone with potential, she saw someone smart, that may be able to achieve things, if I just push myself hard enough, I could get the best marks in the class. I just needed to apply myself.
This meant my mom ignored the difficulties I had, chalking them up as excuses, that I wasn't trying hard enough. She loved me so much that she didn't want to believe there was something wrong with me that could stifle my potential.
Without giving unnecessary details, what ended up happening is that I have mental scars that are not going away. Some of the things that happened left irreversible damage.
I think is not a surprise to hear that I am part of the LGTBQ+ Community, in more than just being trans. Do you guys want to know how many times in my life I had heard of "think of the children!" from parents that legitimately believe presenting content that isn't cishet is actually harmful?
I lost the count years ago.
"But that's bigotry! Is not the same if you are doing it for the actual good of the people!"
Sure, hey had you ever learned about the father of gynecology, J. Marion Sims? Without his contributions, we wouldn't have the knowledge we have today, he has been praised for years for his work especially since is an under-researched field.
Did I mention the guy had almost a messianic complex believing he had every right to do what he did, which was torture black women who were slaves?
"Oh but this is fiction!"
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For those who don't know or don't remember, this is Tony Stark with Bruce Banner, talking about creating an AI that could help save humanity from the next catastrophe. Bruce was reticent, yet Tony wanted to do this as a response to the events in the first Avengers movie, because he wants to have something that can stop another float of aliens from invading the world.
This thing becomes Ultron, the supervillain of that movie and a villain that created a domino effect that catapulted multiple plot threads later on.
Now class, what do Tony Stark and Miguel O'Hara have in common?
They both have good intentions, and they are trying to save the world/multiverse, yet because they are still wrong, the consequences of it are still their fault.
Let's remember who are the ones paying over this.
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Ah yes, basically everyone!
Miguel has noble intentions, he suffered a great tragedy that scarred him for life, and the burden of what he did has driven him to do whatever it takes to save the multiverse, so his mistakes can't happen again. He has been focusing on this entirely, refusing to focus on other things (including his mental health because he needs extensive therapy,) yet for some reason, call it hasty conclusions, call it hubris, I honestly don't know why; he ended up coming up with a flawed theory.
Because here is the thing, is fine for the audience to not catch the logical fallacy as a newcomer who is just new to all of this; yet imagine someone who created an entire theory that they are using as the baseline of rules in order to protect the entire multiverse, and yet somehow he doesn't catch a mistake that you can figure out if you say it slowly.
This is a problem because Miguel has the entire multiverse pending on a wrong theory, because if he focuses on keeping 'canon intact' instead of the real reason why stuff like this happens, it means resources, time and effort are poured into the wrong thing.
This is a problem because has a team that I believe is over a thousand people, including teens that honestly need more help than what this SpiderSociety is doing for them; being accomplices in reinforcing the suffering they had lived. Not to mention the moral dilemma everyone here is going to have.
Speaking of this, let's circle back to how this affects Peter too.
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Because he is reinforcing this.
Yes, this is not his theory, yes, clearly how things are being run is not how he would do it. But he still lets this happen, EVERYONE is letting this happen.
This is the problem with Peter, Jess, and everyone else being strung along. Basically, everyone gave one look at Miguel, saw his theory, didn't think too hard about it, and went with it.
Let me remind you, Peter isn't stupid, he knows a few things, about the multiverse. Remember how in the first movie, he was the one who knew why he was glitching? Remember how he was planning to make a new goober himself, meaning he understands enough about it to know how to make it stop?
Here is my thing, "Good intentions" depend on how many people were harmed by those "good intentions." If I decide to bring a glass of water as a courtesy, and I drop the glass; I may have good intentions, but the glass is still going to be broken. However, this is just a glass, which makes it not that big of a deal.
Miguel, by deciding to take care of the multiverse and dictate how the interdimensional travel should be done and by who, is responsible for any mess his rushed conclusions had caused. And anyone who reinforces his ideology is an accomplice.
Now imagine I am a doctor, and I am convinced I found this miracle cure to cancer, and somehow I am able to bypass trials and legal bullshit and launch it into the market, and then is when we realize my cure's research was so poor it ends up making people actually get sicker.
In this scenario I rushed to get the cure to the public so people could be saved quicker, yet by doing so I ended up harming a bunch of people; which meant no good intentions should save me for a trial and judgment for the people who suffered.
Look, I am not a philosopher, and no one is asking me to give a class on Morals and Ethics. You are free to see the situation as you see fit.
The reason I decided to do this entire post, is because I as a person, can't and will not accept "Good Intentions" as an excuse.
I am not saying Miguel is as bad as Kingpin, of course. Again, I truly feel it for his character and his tragic nature; but Good intentions stop being an excuse and become an explanation the moment other people are affected. And at this point, that number is unmeasurable.
Miguel, Peter and Jess, and everyone else decided to preserve canon to save the universe, but if preserving a fake canon ends up making the lives of people worse if not contribute to letting people die; all that means is that the mistakes are marked in blood.
And the pain the people feel from those mistakes isn't erased by good intentions.
Again, sorry for coming way too strong in this one; this is just one of those topics that like the strike, I just can't contain how much it makes my blood boil.
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my-owl-baby · 5 months
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Chapter one; The Lost Lady
Osferth x Modern f!reader
Summary: You woke up in the middle of nowhere, the last thing you remember is going camping with your best friend. Now your here with your belongings. Getting windup with a village of women and children taking care of them until something unexpected happens.
Warnings: killing, cursing, and hard language.
Word count: 2,787
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you woke up sore, everywhere in your body ache as you sat up, removing the leaves in your hair. "Where am i?" You cough a bit feeling a bit cold from the air. Snowing already? It was just summer time. You sigh, getting a jacket out of your bag that was near you and putting it on.
"JON?" You yelled hoping your best friend wasn't far from here. You grab your things walking around to find Jon.
You guys were going camping for awhile since the loud city wasn't in the right mental state for the both of you. Now your here in the middle of nowhere, weather freezing cold.
"JON?!" You yelled once more looking around but only see a white landscape with tress around.
"This isn't funny!" You held yourself close not wanting to to freeze to death in the middle of the woods. Did you fall asleep a bit more longer then expected? Or kidnapped? No, they would have you in a room right?
Many questions wonder in your head wondering where you were or how you got here.
Your fingers felt like they were going numb, you saw people up ahead. You weren't sure if they were good or so. You took out your pocket knife keeping it in your back pocket if anything happens.
"Hello?" You yelled once more, seeing the two heads turn to you. You notice it was women which brought you a little hope to you.
"Do you know where I'm at?" You asked getting closer to see a better view of them.
"Stop right there" one of them said, taking a knife out, pointing it towards you.
You pause staying where you are, not making a move because she demanded. "I'm not a threat" you defended yourself, putting your hands up in the air so she can see you aren't one.
She whispered something to the lady, and ran off as she stayed watching me. "And what dose a Dane like you want?" She step closer, she wasn't a threat to you. But you needed her to trust you so you can leave the woods.
"Dane? I'm not Dane" you said calmly, she seem unsure with your response.
"Why do you dress like one" she responded to you, you looked at your outfit. You were your jacket, jeans and a long sleeve shirt.
"I don't understand what you mean miss" you tried to be respectful but she really is making you unpatient since you were freezing you ass off.
"Don't play stupid lady, your Dane...where are your friends?" She didn't believe your words, not one bit.
"Trust me, I'm not a Dane, I don't even know what that is" you kept defending yourself. She seem unsure once again.
You both stayed in silence until an arrow went through her head, causing her body to fall to the ground.
"What the hell" you turn seeing another arrow coming towards your, running to into the village. It was empty, they must be hiding.
"Where the fuck am i" you mumble under your breath trying to find a place to hide. It looked nothing like what Amish people do, or how they live.
You hid behind a blacksmith workshop, you fumble in your bag getting your gun for safety. You didn't know she was going to die, so it wasn't your fault that she died right?
You continued to convince yourself that it wasn't your fault until you heard men laughing out loud. "Find the other whore, and bring her to me" they were riding horses. Swords, arrows and wooden shield as protected.
Then it click you, you weren't home. You weren't in your timeline.
They started to search the place, seeing them near the church trying to open it but it wouldn't bugged.
"I can't use my gun" you mumble to yourself placing it down, seeing a sword and a bow and arrow there. You crawl not trying to make a sound to get your attention.
The sword was heavy and you did have your pocket knife which could be of use. You weren't going to let innocent people dying infront of you. Not like the other times.
Of the men were getting close to your area as the other men try to open the door. He got closer to you enough to grab him and slit his throat. And you did exactly that without anyone noticing.
The snow is painted red, with his blood and the rest of his people blood as well. You grab the arrows and bow getting somewhere high so they won't see you.
"I hate this, where are you jon" you mumble, you heart beat is fast from the adrenaline.
You climb on top of a tree, until you got a good enough view of the men. "Please keep me safe any God out there, that would be wonderful" you mumble once more getting ready to shot.
Leaving everything behind where you killed the man was a good idea? No it wasn't but you didn't want the heavy bag make you slow down.
You started to aim at the men who had arrows so they wouldn't be a threat. You shot your first one which made a commotion, they pick up their shield but not high enough to keep the safe.
You killed another and another after it, only leaving a couple 13 more men to go.
"FIND WHO DOING THIS" you heard one of them yell, as they scattered around the village.
You took a quick break, catching you breath it wasn't a camping trip you were hoping for. All you wanted was a quiet peaceful trip.
You ended up shotting at four more men, you were running out of arrows, only had four more left.
"IT MUST BE THE GODS PUNISHING US MI LORD" One yelled, getting on his knees mumbling to himself.
Another started to believe him and did the same actions as the other man.
"DON'T YOU DARE, ITS NOT THE GODS YOU FOUL" it was your cue to climb down from the tress, first person combat is your strong point. You shot the two men on the ground now colouring their blood with the snow.
You revealed yourself, the 'lord' they called saw you in disbelief. "A women, killed my man" his anger show without notice as he and the rest of his men started to dart at you.
You use you last two on two men who tried to come at you. You dodged them perfectly using your pocket knife to leave a cut on their ankle or wrist.
"How can a women kill my men!" He yelled coming towards you with a sword. You kicked his shield backing away only seeing three more men alive.
"A gun would be easier" you rolled your eyes, wiping the blood of your face with your jacket.
The leader came out you once more, with his sword, you dodge him running away to another man stabing his throat. The other one stumble on his horse yelling witch. Their lord once again tried to attack you pushing his shield towards you.
You fell on the ground, his legs were spread open and decided to hit him where it would hurt, his nuts.
He grunted holding his legs together tightly dropping his sword. "Always works" you said breathlessly, grabing his sword and sliding it through his throat.
You stood there, still hearing another man yelling, as he struggled to get on his horse.
"Really?, oh my god" you mumble grabing a used arrow and aimed it at the man who cried out for help ending his noise.
Now it was silent, the only thing you heard was your own heart beat and breath at the same time. You saw all the men lifeless on the ground, you didn't want to leave them there even though they did try to kill you, you wanted to at least have a proper rest.
You grab your gun placing it behind your jeans covering by your jacket and shirt. You place your bag near by where no one would get it as you started to grab a shovel to bury them.
Soon you notice people coming out the church looking at you, like you were their hero or some sort of monster. You didn't mind them, only trying to bury men you killed.
"You burn them instead of burying them" you heard a young voice said, you turn seeing a women about your age not to close to you.
"We thank you for saving us" she bow a bit before making eye contact with you.
"It's nothing, it's the least I can do for them killing your family member" you mumble not knowing the right words you stop shoveling.
"She was a nun here, for many years...we buried her not the Danes" she said, you nodded looking at the men you had piled in a line.
"So those are Danes, do you know where I am?" You glance at the group of men, then at the her. She nodded taking a deep breath, the children and women were watching you closely making sure you wouldn't hurt their nun.
"Umm, my lady your in the Wessex land" she looked away, playing with her fingers as she spoke.
"Wessex?" It didn't click you heard, until you thought about it more. England, so you either in the 5th-10th century, but you needed the right date.
"Um, do you need any help?" You snapped out of your thoughts, turning to the lady.
"What would be kind of you" you smiled, she nodded, as you both continued to talk to each other about this land or other people out there.
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Two weeks had passed, and Uhtred came to the king, Alfred. Sitting down at the table eating along side with the kings wife, father Beocca and Haesten chatting about something.
"His name is Sigurd" Haesten said, eating his food at the same time. "His men call him bloodhair"
Aelswith spoke up "I don't not wish to know why something depraved, I'm sure" she slice her meat up.
"I have a man watching Bloodhair camp" Uhtred spoke, "but I'm curious...he didn't ask you to join him, Haesten?" He asked, taking a sip of his ale.
Alfred looked at Haesten, as he said he declined bloodhair offer. They started to bicker back and forth as the king watched. Uhtred didn't trust Haesten not one bit, and he had every right too.
"Uhtred, there came a report that in the near rivers in Wessex near north that someone killed seventeen Danes alone" he started getting the attention of everyone in his table.
"How can one man defeat seventeen Danes alone?" Father Beocca asked, Uhtred seem impressed, while Lady Aelswith praise the man for killing such evil men.
"I want you to bring that man to me, he would be of use" he said, Uhtred and the others agreed expect for Haesten himself, who stuff meat in his mouth.
Once the king left for air Haesten spoke "There's a lady that Bloodhair has...her name is Skade, she a seer of the devil father" looking at Beocca for a reaction, which he didn't give.
He left afterwards, leaving Uhtred and Father Beocca alone.
"Where are you going?" Beocca asked as Uhtred was walking away.
"Finding out the man who killed that many Danes and speaking to Bloodhair myself" Beocca said something else but Uhtred didn't pay no mind to it.
While those two weeks with you weren't bad, you were force to pray to be able to stay and take care of the women and children here.
It wasn't bad, peaceful then cramping. Jon haven't shown up, you wish he wasn't here but a the same time it would be wonderful to see a similar face here from time to time.
Some of the nuns didn't accept you so quickly as some did, the children grew found of you. You taught the lil boys to learn how to use a wooden sword. Even know you had no experience with a sword you did your best to teach them.
Even some of the girls wanted to learn as well, which you proudly did show them.
You help out as much as you could, chop wood, hunt, collect herds, help making better food and of course taking care of the children.
It was an everyday task for you, you didn't mind it since it was helping you a lot. You never knew how much peace you could taken. Almost like it's your new life now.
You were out in the woods looking for herds since you were already running out of some.
While you were gone in the woods a group of Danes came to the village. "DANES IN THE CHURCH NOW!" Anne yelled in worried helping the children get inside. They shut the door, pushing the table to door.
"Everyone stay calm" she held the kids as many as she could.
"Lady Y/n is out there she'll get hurt" one of the boys plead, she hush the boy holding him closer to her.
The banging on the door started, the rest of the nuns started to pray to their God. Hoping he will save them and keep them at peace more longer.
You began to walk back to the village seeing men there, Danes? You didn't know since they didn't dress like the last ones you met. "Do you need anything?" You spoke up, they didn't notice your presence so they were startle by your voice.
A man walked up to you with a smile "Yes, we are looking for the man, who defeated the seventeen Danes alone" you didn't give him a reaction, shrugging as you walked passes him knocking on the door.
"Anne, open the door" you said turning to the men, there was four of them.
"So your here for the man" you chuckled as you spoke the last word. The same one walked toward you standing by your side.
"We mean no harm, only coming for the kings order, I'm Uhtred" he held out a hand for you to shake.
You looked at him then at his hand before shaking "I'm Y/n" the door peak open, then finally fully open.
"Lady Y/n, you're safe!" The same little boy hugged your legs. A small smile appeared on your face patting his head.
"Yes, I am dear boy" he smile before running off with the other kids outside to play again.
They fix the table as you set the basket of herds on the table. "So this Anne the Abbess of the nunnery, speak to her" you said, not wanting to disappoint the men that you were the one that killed those Danes.
She gave you a worried look wondering why you would trust these Danes. But she trusted you enough to speak to them.
"Hello" she bowed her head a bit towards them.
"Hello, I'm Uhtred, these here are my men I trust" he started you made your way to the kitchen getting food ready for supper.
You could hear them talking with thin doors they have build in. "We came here for the man who killed those Danes a couple days ago" he started, you startrd to chop the fat off the meat.
"Oh, that wasn't no man" Anne laughed nervously, you smiled to yourself as you heard the conversation.
"Really? Was it a bear?" You heard another man's voice as he laughed, causing the two men laugh as well.
"Hah...no" she mumble started playing with her fingers looking at the kitchen door then at the men.
"Then who did it?" Uhtred interrupt her training thought. She smiled at them before she spoke up.
"It was lady Y/n...she saved us" she knew that these men wouldn't believe it, but Uhtred seem to surprise and at the same time believe the young nun.
While the three men, Osferth, Sithtric and Finan on the other hand were surprised that a women like yourself was able to kill that many men.
"May I ask how?" Finan asked Anne, they glance at the kitchen door still wondering how.
"I don't know how to explain it" she shook her head, she really didn't one second she saw you next you were gone while four men were dead on the ground.
"You can stay for supper and for the night, if you have any business with lady Y/n...it's between the five of you" she bow dismissed herself, to the kitchen helping you with food.
"We got ourselves a witch" Sithtric said, he was serious about his words. Osferth didn't want to believe it, you looked kind to even be a killer maybe it was a trick like how the devils are.
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OMG! Just found your IF and I'm in loveeeeeee! I have seen a few little post about the RO's finding out the MC is pregnant to even their own kid spoiling their fun. Hehe. 😅 I know you haven't posted a public demo but I love the kid ask because I think my MC would love to have children and they would be the most protective of them since they didn't really have anyone to protect them when they were young. Plus it is just so cute to imagine the epilogue of your IF and the ROs with their happy ever after.
That's why I have to ask, sorry if this is bugging you but how are the ROs as parents and what are they like? Protective? Fun?
Thank you for the kind words and there actually is a sort of demo of the IF, Act 1 & 2 of the prologue is on the pinned post of this blog. 😊
Now unto the ask,
Cassandra: She would be a very loving mother who is always there to fight for her children and defend them, but she would also be a strict parent like her dad. Curfew and interrogations on where they are going and who with are the norm. She would like to have a good relationship and communication with her kids so that they would actually want to tell her this stuff. Family trips every summer and planned family nights where you all go eat a nice dinner then come home to play music and dance.
Valeria: Exact same as her mom where she kinda acts more like a big sister than a mother, she would want to give her kids a lot of space and be there if they ever need anything. Just be aware that she might give them TOO much free reign so MC might need to step in when things get out of hand. But overall she is very loving and loves to listen to their stories, her kids would love spending time with her at the table just talking for hours. She would get artsy with them too, encouraging them to pursue whatever makes them happy.
Tomás: In the dictionary next to the definition of a good father, there is a picture of him with his kids. This man would TREASURE his kids and always let them know that they are loved. Would brush his daughter's hair and have tea parties if they wanted; take his son's to go fishing and play catch. The whole picturesque vision of what a good father is, waking up at the crack of dawn because his kids want to go to the park. He would be a very over protective dad though, of both his sons and daughters; would have them always at hands reach and when they get older would nearly have them on house arrest. MC would need to step in.
Ludovica: Her children would be her world, she would die for them. She would be a tender loving mother, staying by her kids side until they fall asleep. She would sing to them and cuddle all day, spend all day fussing over them over the literally littlest thing. Would sew them clothes & toys; play make believe with them and turn the whole villa into their little castle. Would bawl her eyes out as they get older, she fears what the world will do to them and she just wants her babies to stay safe and loved with her. MC's help would be needed here.
Aurelio: Dear God, please help these idiots. His kids turn out 100% like him, smart as hell but utterly STUPID in their decision making. Little geniuses in math and writing while at the same time also think it's a good idea to jump off the roof of the manor because they can totally make the jump to that tree because "they built like that". When in fact, they are not build like that; enjoy hearing the whining about their broken arm for months because of their bad decisions. And expect little to no help from Aurelio in the discipline department because he is the fun parent, he would laugh at first at the stupid things they pull, then give them suggestions on how to maybe do it better next time. On literally everything else he is a pretty good dad, he pays for everything obviously and you don't need to worry about him spoiling them because he teaches them you they need to work for what they want and to appreciate what they have. Aurelio grew up poor and while he obviously would like to spoil his kids, he will die before he lets them take what they have for granted. He spends lots of time with them and even takes them to work with him, whether that's a good thing is up to you to decide.
Elio: Elio can't biologically have kids but if you were to adopt he would be such a chill dad. I think the kid would like to try and emulate him by walking around with a book and trying to be all grown up like him by being serious and smart. He would actually find that so cute and entertain them by acknowledging everything they say as intelligent even when it's utter nonsense when they are little. "Ah yes, I concur that blue is the tastiest color". He only start correcting them when they are older but in such a much nicer way from how he corrects MC. MC would fr call him out and he would deny that he behaves any different around his kids; as he lets them color all over his face and hands. He would still be monotone because that's just how he is but you can tell his affection more by his actions then his words. Would homeschool them because he can do such a better job than any other idiot, which reminds me that if MC does not teach the kids manners they will turn out to be rude little pricks like their dad.
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Chapter 134 recap and notes
This chapter is loaded with interesting stuff.
First, we have Angel blasting Satan into pieces, looking all hunky and powerful. He gets Satan in one shot, but that's the problem.
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Angel has shown his demon card. Now all the players in the game know what he's capable of. They know he's powerful and man, if a demon King was looking for a strong vessel. Hot damn! Angel is primed and ready.
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Lightning can't believe how stupid Angel is, and mocks him for it. It's amazing how demon-like Angel's personality really is. Demons are obsessed with power, of being supreme. Angel gloats and showboats about how amazing he is. Angel takes after his father, Lucifer, in many ways. Soon, he might actually become him.
Speaking of Lucifer, he's not far away and his body is fading fast. He gave Satan the last bit of regenerative elixir, and now has none for himself. But not to fear he's going to send in his Shiro....I mean Homare to defend him. But instead of being all Mephisto about it, he acknowledges that it's her choice.
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But...does Lucifer want her to go into battle? He seems reluctant, doesn't he?
To be part of Lucifer's inner circle means you must be willing to die for him, including Homare. It shows a dedication to the cause. Lucifer didn't bat an eye when Saburota killed himself for the cause. So this reaction to Homare is...curious.
Meanwhile, Rin and Osceola are kept busy with Astaroth who turns up with some giant mushroom and rot magic. And yes, it's really gross. Rin rescues Lucy, who seems to be still alive. (which is crazy she has a huge hole taking up 3/4 of her abdomen.) Her peers from the Taiwan branch collect her body, "She's a tough woman," they said.
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Lucy would need to be damn near a demon to heal from that horrific wound....wouldn't she? In the last chapter they elude that some exorcists are almost as strong as demon kings, and considering that Lucy seems to be quite old, I'm sure she has a lot of demonic energy This would increase her ability to heal quickly from terrible injuries. Plus, I think her patron demon is a giant dragon and probably can heal like a hydra, right?
Speaking of demons....we need to talk about Lightning.
Lightning is well aware that Satan is regenerating. He can feel Satan coming back, all of his senses are on high alert. It's like the blue night all over again, and that's probably how Satan chooses a new vessel. The more demonic an exorcist is the more likely that exorcist can establish a connection with the dark lord. They have the same sensory frequencies as demon kings. Lightning is probably in tune with Satan, just as much as Mephisto, Amaimon, Lucifer, Rin and....Shiro was. Luckily, for now, Satan seems to be able to regenerate himself, much like Rin can. But what happens if that ability wears off? Lightning might be in just as much trouble as Angel.
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Once Satan regenerates he gives us a supervillain monologue.
He pretty much insinuates that humans and demons are the same. That all humans and demons crave power and the most powerful rule over all others.
That is until the powerful destroy the world.
It's such an immature worldview, isn't it?
It should be more like "with great power, comes great responsibility and I need to coexist with weaker creatures."
If Satan loves his body so much, maybe he should strive for balance.
Here's a recap of the demon king's attitudes toward humans.
Lucifer wants to get rid of Assiah and kill everyone and everything. If he can't enjoy the pleasures of Assiah, nobody can.
2. Satan doesn't want to get rid of Assiah, he wants to be a hell-raiser within it. (Amaimon complex). He wants to kill things because he's the strongest and that's the way it works in nature. He's the apex predator and that's that. Demon kings make everything possible in Assiah, so why should he bother with monstrous little humans?
3. Mephisto believes that powerful creatures should exist with weaker creatures. Mephisto is the smart one.
If Satan continues to kill everything weaker, he will be left alone in a barren world.
Mephisto realized years ago that a balance between evil and good needs to be maintained. If evil takes over, regardless of the form it takes (human or demon) everything will cease to exist. All life in Assiah is interconnected and has a purpose.
Evil may be natural, but so is good. Mephisto is constantly working a balancing act between good and evil. He needs to be that way. He may indeed have an evil demonic mind, but he knows that he must coexist with good, or else he will perish. Humanity is part of his family.
Back to Yukio...
We have this interesting offshoot of Astaroth possessing that kid. The wording is....interesting.
Isn't this what Yukio's been trying to do his entire childhood? Get Shiro's attention? Rin was a hard-to-manage kid; he was unique and had demon powers. Shiro devoted a great deal of his time and energy to Rin. With no powers, Yukio was the most intelligent, talented and youngest exorcist in True Cross ORder. But it was never enough. Yukio still felt like he was in Rin's shadow.
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blossominghunnie · 1 year
𝐘𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭?!
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Pairing: Yejun x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff and a little bit of angst ig? 🤠 Established relationship
Summary: People were convinced you hated each other, until Yejun slipped and revealed a surprising piece of information.
Warning: Swearing, a die joke.
Note: Tbh, I was so excited to write this, love this type of trope (is it a trope? Lmao) and I just love E’last sm I had to write an imagine of my bias wrecker. 🥰
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Your relationship with Yejun has always been… chaotic. You’re always bickering or responding to the other sarcastically, teasing each other, etc.
It always has been this way, ever since Baekgyeul introduced you two. You were his younger sister, so you had been knowing each other for years.
You don’t how or when but you ended up falling for Yejun and he ended falling for you, too.
After you confessed and decided to start dating, you agreed to keep the relationship a secret. Not because you felt embarrassed or something like that, it’s just that you didn’t want your brother to find out. You felt it would complicate things, so you just kept acting the same.
“Who ate my last donut?!” You screamed from the kitchen after checking every single cabinet it existed.
“It wasn’t me! I swear!” Wonhyuk defended himself while putting his arms up in defense.
“If it wasn’t you, then who did it?” You asked while pouting.
“It was Yejun, I saw him take it a few minutes ago.” Wonjun stood at the entrance of the kitchen.
“Snitch!” You heard someone yell from the living room.
“Here we go again.” You heard your brother sight. You walked towards the place your stupid boyfriend was sitting.
“You have three seconds to run.”
“Or what, princess?” The nickname made your face turn red, it wasn’t uncommon for him to call you that. He used it when he teased you.
“I’m gonna ignore you for the rest of the week.”
“Uuuh, that would be sooo bad.” He mocked you.
“You wanna test me?”
“Sure.” He smirked. Deep down, Yejun regretted it because he knew that when you had a goal in mind, no one could stop you.
“Fine.” You smiled and sat on the coach, placing your AirPods in your ears and started to read your favorite book.
Your boyfriend gave you one last look before going to his room.
“That was… something.” Choi In commented.
“Yeah.” Rano nodded. “Wonder how long we will have peace and quiet.”
“I don’t think it’ll last long, you know they bicker over the smallest things.” Seungyeop spoke. They all agreed.
Three days passed and you still hadn’t talked to Yejun.
“How long will this go on?” Romin asked you when you were hanging out in your room.
“Until he apologizes or the week is up.” You shrugged. “To be honest, I’m not mad anymore. I was because I was really craving that donut but it went away after like 10 minutes.” You giggled.
“So you’re only doing this to prove a point?”
“Basically, yeah.”
He rolled his eyes. “No offense but that’s so stupid.”
“Believe me, I know. But I can’t back down now.”
Romin just shook his head.
“I’m gonna get a drink. You want anything?”
“Yeah, a Cola please.”
You existed the room and walked towards the kitchen. On the way there you saw Yejun, when he spotted you he approached.
“Are you still gonna ignore me?”
You kept walking.
You almost reached the kitchen.
“Babyyy.” He whined. That made you turn around.
“Shh, keep your voice down. Someone could hear you.”
“Now you’re talking to me.” He smiled triumphant.
You raised an eyebrow. “Only because you called me something you shouldn’t be calling me in public.”
“If I knew this was the way to get you to break I would have done it days ago.” He kept teasing.
“And I will keep ignoring you if you keep teasing me.” You smirked.
“Noooo, I miss you.” Yejun pouted. “And your hugs, and your kisses.” He came closer to you. “Don’t you do, too?”
“Hmm, maybe.”
You forgot for a moment that you weren’t alone because you were about to kiss him. Until a voice stopped you two.
“What is going on here?” You heard your brother’s voice. Shit, shit, shit.
“N-nothing.” You moved away from the boy, and turned around to face Baekgyeul.
“Oh, yeah? Because I just heard eeeverything that was going on out here.”
Oh my freaking god, you were in so much trouble.
At this point, everyone came out of their rooms and into the place of the discussion.
“What happened?” Rano asked.
“Oh, I just heard Yejun calling my little sister ‘baby’ and how much he missed her hugs and kisses. And that wasn’t all, I walked out and saw them almost kissing.”
“I’m gonna go die in a hole, bye.” You spoke and intended to walk away but you brother stopped you.
“No, young lady. Come here.” You saw him with his arms crossed.
“You sound like dad, ew.” You made a disgusted expression.
“I hate you.”
“Me too.”
“You two, stop bickering.” Rano rolled his eyes. “Yejun, what do you have to say in your defense?”
He looked at you, you just nodded.
“That… we’re dating.”
“You’re what?!” Baekgyeul exclaimed. “For how long?”
“Approximately a year.”
“Oh my god.”
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Wonjun handing money to Wonhyuk & Choi In.
“You guys bet on our relationship?”
“Duh, of course!” Wonhyuk smiled cheekily. “I just knew there was something going on, you weren’t as discreet as you thought you were.”
“And now, are you gonna accept that I’m with Yejun or do I have to tease you until you do?” You asked your brother with a raised eyebrow.
He sighted. “I guess I’ll do it. I know he’s a good kid. But if you do something to my little sister I will not hesitate to hit you.”
“I would never do anything to purposely hurt her. I love her.” He looked at you and smiled. You smiled too and hugged him tightly.
“Aw, you’re so disgustingly cute.” Romin commented.
“Now, if you excuse me, I’m gonna go spend time with my girlfriend.” Yejun grabbed your hand and took you to his room.
“Keep the door open!” Baekgyeul yelled.
“Yeah, yeah.”
You laid against his chest as he put his arms around your waist.
“I love you, too.” You smiled and kissed him.
Now that everyone knew, you couldn’t wait to show your love for him in public.
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E’last masterlist || Main masterlist
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they-lived · 2 years
I’m in my feelings again and need to scream about it so… yeah.
So one of the first jobs I had in Ukraine was working with students who were… not foster kids per say but we’re living in an orphanage like equivalent because their families were unable to care for them (or not deemed fit to care for them).
Well, these kids felt like nobody wanted them and they told me that. They told me they didn’t understand why I was “wasting my time” on them. They said I shouldn’t bother teaching them because as one boy said “nobody wants us”. And my heart fucking shattered for these kids. These 14-15 year old kids that really felt like they had no potential. The school I was working at during that time did nothing to encourage these kids and didn’t seem to care what would happen to them after graduation. So I spent what little time I had with them making sure they felt like I cared and believed in them. I tried to instill a sense of community with them, like we were a little club. And some of them became… maybe not friends but people I keep in contact with and check in on.
Apparently my kids are now all grown up. With the last of them turning 18 this week they’ve all decided to join the armed forces together to defend their homeland. My babies are joining the war effort to protect their country and each other. And my heart aches knowing that not all of them will survive this war. I just remember how small they looked to me on that first day of school and now knowing that those kids, who felt abandoned by the world (and rightfully so in some of their cases) are now coming to her defense makes me feel so lost.
I have heard from so many people (the staff at that school included) who are proud of them and see this as an aspirational story and maybe it is? But it feels so sad to me that these children spent their youth feeling so deeply unloved and like they were a burden on society and now some of them will be giving their lives for the protection of others. They are noble and brave and stupid and beautiful and smart and no one saw that in them. I love those kids and I felt like no one else saw them like I did. I feel like people see them as this beacon of patriotism and all I can see is the devastation of children being forced to grow up too soon.
My kids are heroes, they are, and they are going to do great things but I am so conflicted about this situation. The student that messaged me told me that they were looking forward to “making something of themselves” and that “they want to make a difference too”. I told them they made a difference in my life and then I cried myself to sleep.
My heart aches knowing that I am one of a handful of people who cares about these kids. I know that not all of them will live. I know that some of their names will not be remembered.
I can’t say it enough, I’m tired of this war. I’m tired of seeing suffering and devastated cities. I’m tired of telling these kinds of stories. I’m tired of having to hear “not all Russians” because I fucking know that not all Russians believe in the war but nobody is stopping them and the blood of my friends and family and students are on their hands. I’m tired of seeing blood on my Instagram feeds and learning the name of the newest city under siege or in a humanitarian crisis or witnessing the most recent crimes against humanity until it is burned into my memory. I’m tired of watching children die in droves. I’m tired of hospitals and schools and dormitories and theaters and office buildings and parks being blown to shit. I’m tired of the mass deportation of the Ukrainian people. I’m tired of teachers being forced to teach in Russian. I’m tired of this terrorist state trying to wipe Ukraine and Ukrainian heritage off the fucking map.
Most of all I’m tired of that little man in the kremlin living above the laws of mankind. That man is a stain on our world and the fact that the world is so scared of him will NEVER make sense to me. My babies, my students, my freshly turned 18 year olds are not scared of that man, and they will give their lives to prove it. I love those kids with every fiber of my being and I will hope for their survival until my own last breath.
I hope that this is the last time anyone had to feel this way. I know it won’t be. I know that war will keep happening but the pain I feel now is so deep and indescribable I hope no one ever feels this way.
My beautiful students, my Ukraine, my heart bleeds for you. Please stay safe, please.
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sunlightmarquee · 10 days
"I know you've been following me, Moon Beauty." Nero didn't bother looking behind him. "You've been doing so for the past half hour. Isn't your brother going to be looking for you soon?"
"Cut the act." Sabata said, arms folded against his chest.
"You know that I've already figured it out. Why are you hiding as an Immortal, Django?"
Silence reigned for a few moments before Nero's shoulders dropped slightly. Looking behind him, there was a sad smile on his face.
"Because Django died a long time ago." Came his response.
OST - Brothers
"Sabata!" Django ran over to his brother's side as Sabata knelt on the floor. "No, you're all I have left-- Brother, please don't leave me!"
First Otenko was gone into slumber, and now Sabata was... dying right in front of him? Or was it because Vanargand and Sabata were now tied as one, and Sabata could no longer exist on his own?
"You're a sentimental idiot, Django..." Sabata breathed, laughing a little despite how bad it hurt. "When the body turns to stone, the phantom can no longer exist... But I still have a little time."
"What... are you talking about?" Django put his hands on Sabata's shoulders. "Sabata, what do you mean...?"
".....My blood, Django. Take some of it." Sabata coughed a little. "I'm the only one who's allowed to kill you, remember? So... you better do this..."
Django's hands shook. Entering Dark Trance took a lot out of him, even in that moment. Fangs bit into Sabata's neck, and the dying Moon Beauty winced in pain.
".....Don't you dare... die, you got that?" Sabata stared at his twin, whose mouth was covered in his blood. Purple... The colour of the Moon. He put a hand to his neck and gave a soft smile as his body faded into purple dust. "Until the day Vanargand awakens again, I'll be watching over you..."
Django stood up, wiping the blood off his mouth and staring at how it stained his sleeve. Looking towards the Light of the Sun, he noticed how it no longer burned.
A small, sad smile crossed his face.
So that was why Sabata's last wish had been for him to drink his blood...
"Although Django defeated Vanargand, it was at a great cost. Otenko disappeared, as he couldn't keep his form anymore. Carmilla and Sabata remained in Vanargand, in eternal sleep. Django never returned to San Miguel. There was no body, so it was assumed he had died on the Moon as well, defending everyone and bringing back the Light of the Sun." Nero stated.
Sabata stared at him for a moment before losing all his steam. The sound of Nero's voice pained him. It was like he'd absorbed a part of Sabata when he died, and the sadness in his voice sounded so much like when he'd found out Carmilla's future was so bleak. To spend it in eternal slumber alongside Vanargand...
In an uncharacteristic motion, the Dark Boy was by Nero's side in an instant. Arms wrapped around the Immortal in the tightest hug imaginable, which took Nero off-guard.
"Idiot." Sabata muttered. "You know I would've never wanted you to become a goddamned Immortal..."
"Grief is a powerful thing." Nero admitted with a watery chuckle. "You said to me once that you're the only one allowed to kill me, so I took it seriously. I left behind my mortality, but I never stopped believing that you'd come back one day."
"You're a goddamn idiot." Sabata shoved him a little. Nero stumbled, falling backwards, and laughed despite the fact he was crying. "Dammit, Django-"
"I'm being scolded by you again... It's stupid, I shouldn't be so happy to be scolded. I'm older than you by a century now..." Nero sat up, rubbing the tears from his eyes. "You've always been the more perceptive of us."
"Yeah, because my idiot brother can't see the forest for the trees." Sabata crouched down. "....So, I've been sealed for a century, then?"
"More or less. You gave me a gift before you left. The ability to walk in the Sun, despite being an Immortal. I think... you always knew that I'd do this." Nero's smile was still so, so sad. As if even speaking about this hurt him immensely. "That I'd never die, until you were the one to do it."
"Immense fucking idiot, I swear to Sol. I bet he's going to chew you out as much as I have!" Sabata flicked Nero's forehead.
"You have a daughter, you know." Nero said. "Zazie named her after you, but she uses our mom's name nowadays. You'd love her."
".....Tch, I chose that damned Sunflower over Carmilla??" Sabata stood up. "When I find him, I'm giving him a damned talking to!"
"Your future isn't written, ours is." Nero stood up, too. "So, keep walking towards the future you and your Django have written. Rena and I will sort things out here once we're able to send you both back."
"Tch... Idiot."
"Hahaha... Yeah, I'm an idiot."
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anashins · 3 years
The Right Kind of Wrong
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Title: The Right Kind of Wrong
Pairing: Jaehyun x You
Genre: hate to love, cheating, college!au, friendship, romance, smut
Warnings: smut, cheating, cursing, toxicity
Word Count: 8.454
Summary: There are many reasons for you to hate Jung Jaehyun. Aside from being cocky and selfish, the fact that he is dating your best friend is another one of them. But his mesmerizing smile - to hell with it - just isn't.
There were at least a hundred things you hated about Jung Jaehyun.
The fact that he was dating your best friend was just one of them.
Not a single day had passed by in the last year in which she hadn’t complained about her boyfriend having flirted with another woman, having ditched her again, going to a party and ignoring her all night, or simply dragging her mood down by one of his unpredictable and hurtful actions.
Aside from being cocky, selfish, arrogant and reckless, Jung Jaehyun was absolutely incapable of being a decent human being for more than ten seconds, and you were wondering why he was so damn popular despite all his faults.
When you went out with your friend group, he mocked the boys trying to hit on you, telling you they were so desperate for that move. When you were attending the same class, he purposely sat down next to you to distract you from the lesson. When he was at your dorm, he kept moving your things onto high shelves, knowing you couldn’t reach them.
And his smirk everytime he did so… his smirk every time he mocked you was so annoying. But also so hot.
Fuck, you thought whenever his mischievious eyes met yours again, and you had to turn away, at a loss for words and afraid he’d caught you flushing. You were so ashamed, because you actually wanted to hate him.
There were many reasons for you to hate Jung Jaehyun, but his mesmerizing smile wasn't one of them.
You hadn’t hated him from the first moment that you two had officially met as you had gotten introduced to each other through your best friend who was also your dorm mate, though. She had found him on a dating app, and you had found him sitting in your class two days later, talking back to the professor.
Back then, you had started admiring his intelligence and courage. But those were the only two positive things you had spotted so far as you only tried to stay as far away from him as possible, emphasizing his negative character traits over and over again.
But the truth was that staying away from him was a very hard thing to do, and you fought every day for your sanity, trying to be a good friend and suppressing your controversial feelings for a man who was absolutely forbidden to you.
“He went drinking last night and I saw an instagram story of him grinding against another girl on the dancefloor!” your best friend complained in your arms, tears on the verge of flowing. “Who’s doing that even?!”
A few pairs of eyes turned into your direction, but when you threw fierce glances at the people staring at you, they passed by very quickly.
When you had been invited to your friend Johnny’s house party, you hadn’t expected to be spending the evening comforting your best friend, even though that had been your daily routine for the past three weeks.
It had grown toxicly usual for Jaehyun and her to fight in a two to three day rhythm over the smallest things, and although their wonky relationship or whatever it was hadn’t been very steady before with them breaking up nearly monthly, lately it had grown almost obnoxious.
“Why don’t you just break up with him?” you suggested again and immediately felt your heart sink.
It wasn’t like you wanted them to break up because you wanted Jaehyun for yourself. You’d never do that to her.
Your best friend was just constantly hurting, and it hurt you just as much when you saw her suffering so greatly. Jung Jaehyun wasn’t a good guy, and you both knew. Yet, she couldn’t let go of him. You knew exactly how that felt.
Even if they were to break up, he wouldn’t belong to you. Because a friend’s ex was a taboo. So having Jaehyun gone entirely from your lives would kill two birds with one stone.
“Not that again!” your friend whined and retreated from you, sinking into the couch with her arms crossed and no signs of tears anymore. “I can’t! I mean… look at him! He’s so hot, and don’t get me even started about his skills in bed. That’s where we usually make up, you know, so-”
“I’m going to get you something to drink!” you interrupted her and jumped up. “You totally need a cocktail now! To come to your senses!”
You loved your best friend dearly, but you didn’t want to hear about Jaehyun’s skills by all means. At some times, your friend didn’t have a filter, and then, it only spiraled downhill from there. You heard them often enough in the dorm, that was already pushing you to your limits.
When you entered the kitchen, you reached up to get a glass from the shelf, but like most of the times, you were too short for the remaining ones at the very top.
“Here, let me help you.”
A soft voice echoed from behind you, but before you could turn around to follow the tone, the guy had already heaved up his arm and reached over you to the very top of the shelf to get you a glass.
Shifting around, you faced the mischievous expression of the young man you had wanted to avoid and who your best friend was currently crying over.
Without a “thank you”, you reached out your hand to grab the glass from Jaehyun, but he immediately shot his arm up to bring the glass high over his head and far out of your reach.
“You think a simple ‘thank you’ is too much for you?”
“Fuck off, Jaehyun.” You crunched with your teeth and narrowed your eyes. “I’d rather die of thirst!”
“What did I do again?” He rolled his eyes in an annoyed manner as though his high spirits got ruined. “What did she tell you?”
“She told me everything she saw from last night!” you defended your friend. “That’s enough for me to get the picture!”
“Okay, and did the picture somehow include me pushing the girl away after she had grinded on me?”
You gulped.
“Just as I thought.”
He placed the glass on the counter, but somehow, this hadn’t got your both’s attention anymore.
“There are two sides of the same coin, yet all you've ever done was looking only at one.”
He approached you, and the rising hotness in your cheeks made you withdraw until your hips bumped into the kitchen counter.
Jaehyun leaned in and propped his arm against the same spot right next to your hip as he asked, “I know you’re her best friend, but being a friend doesn’t mean supporting your friends delusional, one sided thoughts into oblivion. Being a friend sure means to support, I’m not denying that. But being a true friend means to tell someone when they’re wrong. And I am not the one at fault here, y/n.”
“You were doing many stupid things to hurt her in the past!” you started blabbering just to bridge over the silence you’d get when you would stare at his mesmerizing eyes for a little longer. “How am I supposed to believe you?”
“You aren’t supposed to believe me.” He retreated, with the glass in his hand. “All I’m asking for is a chance to explain myself.”
Again, you were flabbergasted by the way he expressed his thoughts that stood in contrast to his questionable behavior. One of the main things that fascinated you. But you quickly turned this feeling into hate by recalling his wrongdoings from the night before.
Looking at the glass, Jaehyun continued, “Yes, there were many things I did wrong in the past. And I’m not going to pinpoint my finger at my girlfriend to tell that she was doing just as many questionable things as me. But people have reasons for doing the things they do. That’s probably why we’re such a good match.”
You didn’t understand a word. In your eyes, and you only knew about their relationship by what your friend told you and what you observed when you were hanging out, the two weren’t a good match at all.
He was the one constantly hurting her feelings, and she was the one to always get hurt.
Or... wasn’t it?
Jaehyun then thrusted the glass into your hand. “You’re lucky, y/n, you know that? It must be so great, living that freely, without any burdens… So oblivious to everything.”
With these words, he disappeared from the kitchen, leaving you behind all alone with the glass in your hand.
You looked at the item, your face getting reflected in the crystals to unrecognizability while Jaehyun’s words still kept you occupied. They had such an impact on you that you suddenly started to question whether your hate against him was actually valid.
When you stepped out of the kitchen yourself with a full glass of your best friend’s favorite cocktail in your hand, you found her in Jaehyun’s arms again, wildly kissing, his kind words suddenly vanished from your mind upon spotting them.
Instead, there was a little monster called jealousy sitting right inside your chest.
“8am in the morning! Who even places classes that early?!”
With a groan, Jaehyun flopped down in the seat next to you.
“Shut up, class is about to start.”
“Man, you must be really fun at parties,” he replied. “The professor is not even here yet.”
“You’re annoying, Jung Jaehyun, and if you weren’t dating my friend, I wouldn’t actually talk to you at all.”
“What are the odds we’re still connected to each other, huh! Tell me, y/n, what did I ever do to you? How did I ever hurt you? We’ve never even really spoken with each other ever since we’ve gotten introduced.”
“And I am grateful for this every single day.”
“What is it that you hate about me so much?” he questioned further, his eyes challenging.
But with your eyes straight ahead and no words on your lips, you ignored him as the professor entered the room only a short moment after, announcing the class’ start.
Your pen flew over the sheet, noting down the professor’s words when suddenly, goose bumps spread all over your arm.
When your eyes followed the trail to its source, your right elbow touched Jaehyun’s left one as a result of your hectic writing motions as you had moved too far to the side. The spot on your skin was so warm and so…
You withdrew your arm right away, placing it back to where it usually belonged, but Jaehyun’s own limb had moved so far to the left that you had no place to rest it next to your notes anymore without having his skin barely one inch apart from you. You weren’t touching anymore, but he was so close that you still felt him somehow.
Of course you could drop your arm and place it on your lap as the professor had stopped presenting the most important points of this lesson. Of course you could just move further away with your entire belongings, but the fact was that you didn’t. That you couldn’t.
Instead, you were fixating your eyes on the board right in front of you, listening to your professor’s words but not actually understanding a single syllable that he uttered as your heart beat fast against your chest.
You hoped that Jaehyun didn’t notice how desperate you were for him not to shift away right now. That you actually enjoyed it, but felt so much hatred at the same time. Not against him, but against you - for feeling this way.
“Can you answer my question, Miss y/n?”
Your eyes widened in shock as you got addressed by the professor by your surname. You were actually a good student who was always paying attention in class. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn’t have happened. But now you got caught red handed not listening to him, and he was a very strict lecturer.
“I… um…” you stuttered.
“The answer to my question, Miss.”
“Yes… the answer…” You gulped as you didn’t even know the question. “The answer is…”
From the corner of your eyes, you perceived how a sheet was slowly moving into your direction from Jaehyun’s place. His finger was pointed at a paragraph that you had also noted down only shortly before.
Suddenly, you knew what the question was about and answered formally to the professor’s task.
With your heart having calmed down after the shock, you let yourself sink down on your seat again. You had gotten distracted only once by something that shouldn’t bother you at all.
This wouldn’t happen again, you swore to yourself.
“No ‘thank you’ again from you?”
You turned around to Jaehyun who had rosen a brow at you. “Is this becoming your thing now? Asking for ‘thank yous’?”
“Is this becoming your thing now?” he returned. “Not saying ‘thank you’? I saved your ass in class.”
“Well, I haven’t asked for that, so go beg somewhere else for attention.”
You made your way through the crowded club, feelling the bass under your feet and the techno music in your ears. Jaehyun was following suit.
“Do you want some kind of reward from me? Because you’re not going to get it.”
“I don’t want a reward. Hey.”
He reached out and grabbed you by your arm, right there on the dancefloor. The feeling from this morning returned, but in a higher intensity as it spread all over your body.
“All I’m asking for is respect.”
You snorted. “Respect? Do you respect my friend when you destroy her weekend plans to go drinking with your friends instead? Do you respect my friend when you dance ass on ass with another girl? Do you respect my friend when you hurt her feelings with your rude words? I don’t like you, Jung Jaehyun, because you’re a bad person, and respect is the last thing you’ll ever get from me!”
You yanked yourself out from his grip and disappeared in the mass. What was up with him? Why was he bothering so much lately and evoking all these controversial feelings inside you by acting like this? He should just stay away.
With your eyes closed, you started to move with the music, all by yourself there on the dancefloor. You wanted to collect your thoughts, but as the music flooded through your body, you realized that thinking about nothing was probably the best way to cope with your inner struggles right now.
You opened your eyes widely when you suddenly felt a hand on your bum.
Turning around with much anger reflected in your mien, you stared at a boy around your age who grinned at you seductively. Your fierce gaze was probably mistaken for an invitation when he approached you further, grabbed you by your hips from the front and pressed you against him.
With his lips on your ear, he whispered, “I like what I see.”
And you wanted to scream. You probably did, but it got drowned out by the loud music, and his grip was way too hard for you to free yourself that easily as you shuffled in his arms.
“Let me go!”
Yet, his hands roamed around your private areas like they owned it.
Before you could scream once more, the guy got dragged away from you by the last person you had expected it from.
“She said let go of her, you asshole!”
Jaehyun grabbed him by his collar, and his height and angry expression alone were probably enough for the other guy to nearly piss his pants as he hastily mouthed,
“I’m so sorry!”
When Jaehyun let go of him, he slipped off silently and wasn’t seen again.
You stood there awkwardly with your arms hugging your chest, still digesting the happenings.
“Did he hurt you?” Jaehyun asked when he leaned in for you to understand better.
You shook your head.
“Do you want to go outside?”
You nodded.
Jaehyun took you by your hand to lead you through the dancing crowd, and you didn’t protest.
This gesture was the total opposite to the disgusting one from the guy who had harassed you shortly before. This touch was raw and chaste. Nothing to be ashamed of and fight against, but something you wanted to accept wholeheartedly.
When you stood outside of the club, Jaehyun let go of your hand, and you finally whispered the words that he had been longing to hear for quite a time,
“Thank you.”
Against your expectations, he didn’t mock you or return witty words. With his eyes locked with yours, he sincerely told you,
“You’re welcome.”
That was the moment it dawned on you that Jung Jaehyun had more positive sides to him that you had always wanted to blend out. But perhaps, you had reached a point in which this wasn’t possible anymore.
You couldn’t continue keeping your eyes closed to all the kind sides of him. Because the more he showed you, the more you’d open your heart for him.
To you, Jung Jaehyun had to remain a bad person, otherwise you’d fall for him, and falling for your best friend’s boyfriend was a taboo.
“Hey, what are you two doing outside?!” Speaking of the devil, your best friend jumped out of the club’s door and into your direction. “Isn’t the music fun?”
Jaehyun looked at you, waiting for your reaction. You knew that if you wanted to go home, he’d follow. If you wanted to stay, he’d stay too, not letting you out of his sight. Because - and you couldn’t repeat this often enough - Jaehyun was actually a good person.
“I want to go home,” you decided. “You can stay, though! Please just let me be the party pooper all alone, I don’t want to spoil your night.”
“Oh, what a pity!” your friend said with a pout. “You always leave when the party is about to start!”
You shrugged with a weak smile, tired of fighting. “Yeah, I guess so. But I still have a lot of pages to revise.”
“Shall we take you back to the dorm?” Jaehyun offered in a caring voice that you apparently encountered for the first time, and your friend immediately shot a reproachful glare at him.
“Are you being serious right now?” she complained. “She’s a grown ass woman who can go home alone!”
His eyes hadn’t left yours. “I’m talking to her, not you.”
Had it always been like this? Her caring about herself more than about you? If it were the other way around, you wouldn’t let her go home alone in the middle of the night, no matter if you knew something had happened before or not.
Suddenly, you saw your best friend from a whole other perspective. Suddenly, she was the one having Jaehyun on a leash, and he was the one fighting back for his rights, not against her.
Two sides of the same coin… If you were to flip it, would your entire world view change?
For a moment, you hesitated. But not wanting to disturb your friend’s evening, you gave in with a, “It’s okay, I can go alone. Have a nice night!”
But Jaehyun held you back when he insisted on calling you an uber for which he even paid while your best friend continued pouting on the side.
“FUCK YOU, JAEHYUN!” you heard your best friend scream later that night from her room, every syllable of hers clearly to hear in your own room while you laid in bed later that night.
The hours before had passed by in a trance as you had only fallen onto your mattress face forward after having quickly changed into your pj’s, that was how much of a toll the day had taken on you.
You just wanted to forget what had happened in the club, but also the thoughts that had constantly been in your mind all the way home that only revolved around Jaehyun. So sleep was the best solution, and you would have gladly continued doing so if there weren’t your best friend and Jaehyun arguing loudly next to you for an hour already.
Then, Jaehyun seemed to return something to which she screamed again, “I DON’T FUCKING CARE!”
Stomping followed the brief silence, a door getting opened, then shut again, and footsteps moved into the direction of the entry door before it fell close behind Jaehyun.
This was a nearly weekly experience for you lately, and usually, you’d just miss hearing their arguments, but this time you couldn’t help but to wonder what they had been yelling about. You just hoped it wasn’t because of you and what had happened to you earlier, because in your eyes, Jaehyun had done nothing wrong.
He had been so incredibly nice and thoughtful that you started to doubt their relationship.
You turned in your bed, wanting to fight those thoughts so badly. Jaehyun was your best friend’s boyfriend, and hence, forbidden fruit for you. But you just couldn’t stop your imagination from running now.
What it would be like in your best friend’s place and get treated like this every day, and the worst part was that you didn’t even feel bad about betraying her in your mind.
Fuck, you only thought and sat straight up in bed, now surely not being able to grasp a light thought to accompaby you back to lseep anymore.
Feeling safe to leave your room ten minutes later as your roommate must have fallen asleep by now, you didn’t think about sleep anymore but wanted to get a glass of water from the kitchen to calm yourself down.
Perhaps, tomorrow, you’d have another look at the entire situation, you tried to convince yourself. After a few more hours of sleep, all these confusing thoughts and feelings might have already been forgotten.
“Cannot sleep yet?”
You turned around and found a half naked Jaehyun only dressed in boxers right in front of you. The empty glass of water in your hands got placed back on the counter with shaky fingers.
“What are you doing here?” you contered.
“Well… she suddenly left.” He shrugged. “We’ve been arguing. You sure haven’t missed that one.”
“I didn’t.”
Still, you were wondering what that was all about, but didn’t want to ask. He lifted the weight off your shoulders himself though.
“It was about you.”
“Oh…?” You gulped.
“When you were gone, I went back to that guy and didn’t let him go that easily. They threw me out of the club and your friend thought I'd ruined the night for her.”
“You shouldn’t have done that.”
You wanted to make your way around him, but he blocked your way as he didn’t move to make space for you to pass by the door.
“What’s making me a bad person, y/n?” Jaehyun suddenly asked. “ The way I saved you in class? In the club? Tell me.”
“You cannot be serious right now. It’s 5am, draw a number for another day.”
You wanted to slip under his stretched out arm, but he moved his body to block you again. “Number one. Now tell me.”
“Because those have been the only times you were nice to me, Jung Jaehyun!” You clenched your fists, breathing in deeply. “When we go out with our friend group, you mock the boys trying to hit on me, telling them they’re so desperate for that move!”
“Because I heard them speaking about you before,” he declared. “They were not looking for something serious but only fun, one had even placed a bet. I tried to spare you from this embarrassment and eventual lovesickness. Go on.”
“When we’re in the same class, you purposely sit down next to me to distract me from the lesson!”
This one let him smirk. “Because I always saw you sitting there alone. You have no friends in that class, and I thought you might need some company. Besides… I knew you couldn’t afford that book we needed, and I purposely always shoved it into your direction when the professor read from it. Have you never noticed?”
Now you have. And you were flabbergasted.
“Wh… when,” you stuttered, “you’re over here, you always move my stuff onto high shelves, knowing I cannot reach them!”
“Because I love to see the defeated look on your face and your cute pout when you have to ask me to get the things for you.”
You didn’t know what to say further as you stood there, frozen on the spot. You hadn’t seen this answer coming.
“Anything else?”
Yes, there were many things you hated him for, and you wanted to throw them all into his face, but as he was standing there in front of you, not even one more came into your mind.
“I just hate you to the core!” you hissed.
But with calmness in his voice, he only turned, “No, you don’t.”
And then, it was all only a blur.
You wanted to push him away, but instead, you found yourself nudging against his body. You wanted to free yourself from his grip, but instead, you wrapped your arms around him. You wanted to escape from his kiss, but instead, you kissed him back in the same passionate manner he kissed you.
Jaehyun’s hands roamed all over your lightly covered body while his lips moved against yours, touching every spot he had missed out on during the entire time he knew you, because you had always pushed him away.
But now that you had opened up to him, you were scared the time window was about to close very soon, so you had to work fast.
You jumped on him, hooking your thighs around his waist while his hands instantly clung around your buttocks to give you the support he needed to carry you to your bedroom. Your hands remained interlaced on the back of his neck when he placed you onto your bed and laid himself between your legs.
Thrown overboard were all your morals, priorities, and the friendship to the person that meant the world to you. You didn’t want to think about all that, but were longing for him so desperately that you wondered for how long you had been suppressing that desire already.
Jung Jaehyun was hot. But he was a bad person.
Or… wasn’t he?
You desperately ground upwards against him, feeling him growing between your legs, and you brought your hands down to massage his length. Jaehyun interrupted your kiss as he hadn’t expected this move to come, and groaned into your ear.
You smirked triumphantly, your hands kneading muscles until he was pressed hard against your palms. Tucking your fingers into the waistband of his boxers, you slid the garment from his hips, revealing his bum. Your hands glided along his curvy, soft mounds, grabbing into them like you were testing ripe peaches.
Jaehyun was pecking your lips as you slid your hands under his body again and closed around his entire girth. He stopped for a moment, but the second he continued on, you started moving your hands, top on top, along his length.
Not being able to concentrate on the feeling down there and kissing you simultaneously anymore, you perceived how Jaehyun got weak with supporting his body on his own arms that he had rested to the left and right of your head. So you decided to take the lead from here on.
Sitting up yourself, you put your palms on Jaehyun’s chest and pushed him backwards onto the mattress. He watched you with surprised eyes, but didn’t protest as you sat on his thighs, eyeing his member with much anticipation.
You slid further down his legs, nearly close to his ankles, and bowed down. With your fingers wrapped around the base of his dick, you led him to your mouth. First letting the tip pass by your lips, then his entire length up until the very middle.
You only heard him swearing, “fucking shit,” before Jaehyun covered his face with his arm placed over his eyes and his other clasping the sheet by his side. Your hair grazed over the area around his navel while you moved your head up and down, cautiously slow at first to give yourself time to adapt to his length.
Then, you started bobbing your head, increasing the speed with every time you came up and nearly let him slip out, your fingers that had closed around him sliding in the same rhythm, adding to the pleasure. The slurping noises that came along with this act filled the room until they got drowned out by Jaehyun’s moans.
He directed his hand towards your head and grabbed it by the back, ruffling your hair between his fingers while he started to thrust upwards, meeting you halfway in the fast motions. Like this, he was able to reach deep within you, but still not far enough so that he could hurt you.
When you witnessed him twitching his legs, you stopped, held him still by the base and decided to tease him further a bit before you allowed him to release himself. With the tip of your tongue, you touched his glans, trailed along the slip and then circled around the entire top part.
Jaehyun’s swearing words came in a never ending trail like a waterfall that you couldn’t really understand all syllables from, but you were sure you did a good job and rewarded him for being patient with the motions from before again, but this time with added pressure and passion.
Suddenly, he grabbed you by your arm, urging you to stop.
“Or else I’m gonna cum,” he said and sat himself up, flipping you around so that you laid under him again.
Hastily, you got rid of your top while Jaehyun worked on your sleeping shorts until shortly after, you were both lying naked on top of each other. You wanted him desperately inside you, because you just didn’t know when you’ve had had sex the last time, but instead of wanting to get through this fast, Jaehyun took his time.
That was when you realized that this entire joining was probably more to him than just sex to get it off. You had thought that because he hadn’t been able to get it tonight from your best friend, he’d take it from you. But the way he touched you insisted otherwise.
If it wasn’t more than just sex, he wouldn’t trail his fingers over your ribcage in feathery-light motions, admiring every inch of your body. If it wasn’t more than a body-focused act, he wouldn’t place soft kisses not only on your mouth, but also onto your forehead, your cheek, your neck… If it wasn’t more, Jaehyun wouldn’t be so damn thoughtful and tender.
He remained his tenderness and his gaze didn’t leave your eyes as well when he finally nudged between your thighs, pushing forward until he filled you up to the brim.
Restraining himself from starting to move right away, Jaehyun took his time to ask you whether you were okay at first when you let out a quiet “oh” that alarmed him. But you were eager to calm him down when you explained that it was only because you hadn’t been with a man in so long, and somehow, after speaking it out, it made you feel embarrassed.
As the boyfriend of your best friend, he’d surely know when you had been in contact with a man the last time, and you hated yourself for being so pressured by society to feel ashamed of who you were and how you lived your life.
But instead of judging you, Jaehyun only nodded and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, and suddenly, you were flooded with such a warm feeling towards him that you nearly cried. Rarely had you encountered a man so considerate and caring.
“Tell me when I can go on.”
You bit your lip and felt the uncomfortable pressure in your nether regions getting replaced by a feeling that you hadn’t encountered in so long. A feeling that made you want more, want him.
Holding onto his shoulders with both of your hands, you nodded back at him with a smile which he then returned. When Jaehyun started thrusting in and out of you, your eye contact didn’t break, and you were sure that right now, you were looking at the real Jaehyun at this very moment.
Not the guy you hated. Not the guy your best friend was dating. But instead the person who wanted to protect you from guys that only wanted to use you. A person who offered you company in class and shared his equipment with you. And a person whose cheekiness and affection he showed through childish acts because he didn’t know how to express his feelings otherwise.
This was not the person you were sure of knowing all along. Probably because you hadn’t even gotten to know him in the first place.
One arm now clung around his neck while with the other, you grabbed the pillow beside you. You threw your head back in excitement, his pushes coming in short intervals one after another, and he was hitting all the right spots with them.
Jaehyun propped his arms up to the left and right of him, lifting his upper body to gather all his strength in his groin area and stopped for a brief moment before he thrusted inside you with such force that it nearly knocked all air out of your lungs, and you couldn’t respond with anything else than moaning.
It felt so good, so… right. But how could something so wrong still feel so right?
Right now, you didn’t hate Jaehyun or your best friend the most, but yourself and the fact that you continued on and on. That you brought your hips up to meet his thrusts with hazy thoughts and his lips all over yours when he slowed down with his movements to dedicate himself to caressing your breasts.
You felt Jaehyun’s hot tongue swirling over your buds, and you shook under him. Not because it felt cold, but because his tender caresses just felt so good. You didn’t have the feeling that he could do anything wrong with whatever he carried out, that was your impression about how well your bodies meshed together.
No, you didn’t hate Jaehyun. You had always only hated how he had presented himself to you. But there was so much more to him.
Sweat droplets showed on his forehead when he continued with the hard thrusts again, the sound of you both breathing heavily mixing together with the sloppy noises of your bodies moving against each other filling the room, but no matter how messy sex was, it was the most romantic thing you had experienced in a long time.
Your eye contact also didn’t break when Jaehyun arose above you, his sweaty chest glistening in the dim light that shone through your windows, and increased his pace even more. When he dropped his head and bit his lip in the process, you wrapped your arms around him and added pressure to your nether regions as you felt him approaching his heights.
It felt very good to you too, but you were by any means not as far as him yet, so you didn’t blame him when he came only a short moment after with a groan that sounded sexy as hell to you.
You held him tightly when he fell limply onto your chest, still breathing heavily from the orgasm that slowly faded. Staring at the ceiling, you smiled with him in your arms, just enjoying the moment when Jaehyun moved away from you.
“We’re not done here yet,” you saw him grin as he laid himself next to you, rolled onto the side and placed his head in his palms as he propped his elbow against the mattress.
You wondered what was to come when you felt his finger tips dragging from your thighs to your navel, then lower again and stopped right at your most sensitive spot.
“Oh!” you let out as he placed two fingers on your folds and started moving them up and down with your remaining juices as lube that made the intense feeling kick in almost immediately.
You screamed when he added pressure and now directed circling motions around the sensitive bundle of nerves. From your half-closed eyes, you witnessed him looking at you with such admiration but also cheekiness as you writhed and wreathed under him, yet spread your legs even wider as release was so close.
Jaehyun leaned in to you, his fingers not letting go of the continuity as he half covered your body with his and just kissed you passionately. Like this, he encountered first hand how the orgasm took over you, and you moaned into his mouth, riding it out against his hand.
It felt like the most natural thing in the world when he wrapped his arms around you right after and pulled you onto his chest, and you drifted off into a slumber shortly after.
Even though the first tendencies of your bad consciousness set in before you closed your eyes, you decided that this would be the problem of tomorrow.
No, you didn’t hate Jung Jaehyun.
If anything, you should probably hate yourself.
You heard your friend from the other side of the wall, having rudely awakened you in the early morning hours. At least you thought so. But a glimpse at your phone through sleepy eyes told you that it was past 11am already.
Within a second, you were wide awake.
You were still naked, but the clothes on your floor only belonged to you, and the spot next to you in the bed was empty.
Jaehyun was gone. At least from your room.
Your best friend’s headboard constantly bumped against the wall, and you grabbed your pillow to cover your ears with it. You didn’t want to hear the sounds. Not because they stole your sleep, but because somehow, for the first time, you didn’t feel disturbed by the noise, but actually hurt.
In your mind, you imagined Jaehyun’s mesmerizing smile, the witty expression he was constantly wearing and his deep voice that had showed you for the first time last night that there was a certain softness within it.
You felt hurt, because you knew all the things from last night had been real between you two, yet he was still fucking your best friend mere hours later. What you had shared and felt had been special, yet he was still with her.
And suddenly, you felt hate again. But towards yourself. For betraying your best friend with him. But first and foremost, for betraying yourself.
You had never hated Jung Jaehyun.
You had always felt some certain kind of attraction towards him, but kept telling yourself you hated him to push him as far away from you as possible. If this wouldn’t be so wrong under these circumstances, this attraction would feel right and could blossom. But like this, you could never come to enjoy this feeling entirely.
Your relationship had been doomed from the very start, because given the wicked circumstances, you would never be able to form a healthy relationship. It was like a stain that would never vanish on a white sheet.
So you just decided to continue as usual. To keep this a secret between the both of you and just to carry on with your life.
And to hate Jung Jaehyun just a little more.
You just didn’t know how to feel and act towards your best friend without feeling so much… regret.
“Good morning.”
But the young man stepping out of your best friend’s room wasn’t Jaehyun. But Johnny.
You sat there in the kitchen with a cup of coffee, your mouth agape. And then it started to rattle in your head.
Lately, there were times when your best friend had screamed the name “Jaehyun!” loudly during the act. Those were the times you had actually seen him the next morning. But the nights she hadn’t screamed a certain name, no one had ever come out. And those times, you had counted more than the ones with Jaehyun in the past weeks, just when their loud arguments started on a nearly daily basis.
“Where’s Jaehyun?” you asked without greeting her good morning as you walked into her room.
“Oh, we had a fight last night,” she explained to you while getting herself dressed casually. “And then we broke up. I went away to be with Johnny after throwing him out, and we’ve only gotten back this morning. I hope he left last night already and didn’t stay here.”
“What?” you wondered.
“Yeah.” She shrugged. “I’ll get over it.”
“You actually already got over it as I’ve seen!”
“Oh, Johnny?”
“You’ve been fucking him for weeks already?” you provoked.
She shrugged again. “Perhaps a month… So what?”
You stood there, totally lost for words. “You’ve been crying about Jaehyun to me ever since you got together! That he flirted with other women, ditched you, went to parties and ignored you! And now you’re telling me you’ve been cheating on him for quite a while?! And this instagram story drama from last week?”
She sighed and flopped down onto the bed. “Okay, admittedly, I’m not an angel in this story, but he is by far neither! He was not. There were many things he has done wrong in the past. But then he actually started… doing nothing wrong. Being the picture perfect boyfriend without all these flaws and drama. And perhaps, this is not something that I want, so I started to look around elsewhere.”
“So…” You paused, still processing the shock. “Was it all an act? All the times you’ve cried to me over him lately while cheating behind his back?”
“Not an act, precisely,” she said reluctantly. “Yes, he explained every situation to me. And I was being dramatic over it for nothing, perhaps. I don’t know… I still enjoyed being with him though, but it just didn’t feel right anymore. I want to have men just… telling me I’m right, always coming back to me… what’s a relationship without fire? But Jaehyun didn’t want to do this anymore.”
In your head, you recalled everything that Jaehyun had told you. About there being two sides of the same coin, about you being so oblivious. All this time, he knew that she had cheated on him. He knew what you thought of him, yet he had never made a move to ever explain it to you.
But why?
“As he should,” you then stated. “How you treated him was awful!”
“Only because I cheated on him a few times?” she chuckled. “Come on!”
“I’m your best friend, and yet you lied to me! You twisted and turned stories so that you’d always be the one at right! But the truth is, you’re the bad person here. Not him.”
“Now what? He’s gone from our lives. Don’t care about him.”
But the truth was, you did. Now more than about her.
That was why, an hour later, you found yourself in front of his dorm. When he opened shortly after you had knocked, you stared at him, still gasping for air as you had run the entire way here, with all the memories from last night coming back with each step.
“She’s been cheating on you,” were the only words you brought out.
“I know.”
“For how long?” you asked.
“I assume for just as long.”
You breathed in heavily, not understanding a word. “But why did you stay with her?”
Jaehyun smiled meekly. “Because I don’t think I deserve a good person like you are.”
It ran hot and cold down your back. “I… I don’t understand.”
He leaned against the door frame with crossed arms, and even though he seemed uncomfortable talking about his feelings, he still did.
“I haven’t been the best boyfriend for her most times in this relationship, I admit this openly. We weren’t really good for each other and it destroyed me to the point that I wanted to change. But when I started being the boyfriend she had wished for, it wasn’t right either and she started cheating. So I just settled with it. Because I thought I screwed up to that point where I won’t be able to make anyone happy anymore and also don’t deserve the same in return. Even though I only wanted you...”
“You douche!” You stomped with your feet on the ground.
“What?” he returned perplexed with furrowed brows.
“Everyone deserves love and to love! And you’re not different from anyone else!”
His confusion got replaced with a mild smile. “You’re so kind, y/n. That’s one of the things I like the most about you. But you’re also oblivious.”
Jaehyun pulled out his phone, scrolled through his messenger and started playing a voice message from a very familiar person.
“Why do you even care about this bitch, Jaehyun?!” In the background, you heard music and other people talking. “She’s a stupid nerd, and I’ve only befriended her because she helps me studying and listens to my complains since we’re dorm mates, so don’t even waste a single thought about this party pooper!”
You stood there as though you had been rendered motionless. Your heart had dropped to your feet.
“This is from last night when I quickly went outside again to check whether you rode away safely with your uber and she couldn’t find me directly. That’s why we argued and broke up. No, it’s not the first time she’s talked about you like this.” He put his phone away. “I thought letting you hate me would make it easier for a kind person like you to keep their distance from someone like me. Because, in the end, I will only hurt you too. But the more I started to genuinely like you, the more I felt protective towards you. I couldn’t see her speaking about you like this anymore.”
Your breathing came in hitches as your whole world suddenly crashed over you. Your best friend wasn’t your best friend. She had probably never been.
You stumbled backwards, and Jaehyun stepped forward to grab you by your arm, but you pulled it away.
“I…. I just…” you stuttered. “I have to… talk to her.”
The whole way home, you only cried.
Not over Jaehyun, but over the betrayal of someone you had considered your best friend, yet had hurt you in the most painful way like no man ever could. And the fact that you had been an asshole to her to the same extent after having slept with her boyfriend the same night they had broken up was probably the final straw.
You were no saint here. You had added to your both’s downfall just as much. And it hurt much more than any heartbreak you had experienced so far.
You had to sort your life out and right now, and amongst this chaos there was no place for Jaehyun in your life.
You put the last vase with dried flowers on your shelf, stepped backwards to your room’s door and inspected the final set up.
“Finished!” you praised yourself.
It had taken you three months to move to a new dorm, but this was your last step to a new chapter in your life.
You hadn’t had contact with your former best friend ever since your final conversation in which you had handed the keys over to her. The many conversations before had only consisted of screams, accusations and tears.
She had admitted to saying all those things about you, but also to genuinely have come like you. You weren’t so sure whether that was real or one of her lies again. You had admitted to sleeping with Jaehyun, and she would have forgiven you for that as she hadn’t been really in love with him anymore at this point, but you were sure you didn’t want either in your life anymore.
Your best friend because she had hurt you deeply, and Jaehyun because of your burdensome history. All of you had done so many wrong things, and you were only a bundle of toxic people together, so chaotic that you were better off apart from each other.
But you didn’t want to be this toxic kind of person anymore. So you moved out and left your old life behind.
You didn’t go to that class with Jaehyun anymore, and although you missed him, the touches of your joint night still present on your skin sometimes, you wanted to move on from even the mere imaginations of him as well. You were sure that you’d find a guy just like him, but you missed him wherever you went and couldn’t help but ask yourself “what if?”
The fact that he hadn’t reached out to you either made it easier, and as summer break came and passed, and the new semester started, you had kissed two news guys already, made a new friend group and were just overall happy.
But you still missed Jaehyun dearly and all the possibilities of what could have happened if only your timing had been right in life. Even if he wasn’t the right one for you.
“Is this seat taken?”
And then, one day, there he was again. Taking the seat next to you as though no time had ever passed between the two of you, smiling that mesmerizing smile you didn’t hate.
You only stared at him, and his kind expression didn’t break. When you moved your head to the front again where the professor introduced himself, you couldn’t help but to smile too. Because this wasn’t the expression of a bad person.
People changed, and just like good traits could turn into bad traits, a bad person could turn into a good one also. And they all deserved a second chance.
You had only known the Jaehyun from your best friend’s perspective, and then also his body. But even though you had gotten a glimpse of the real Jaehyun here and there, you didn’t quite know him entirely yet.
But you wanted to. The good, the bad, the real. Jaehyun wasn’t the right one for you, but such a thing didn’t exist. What mattered were only your feelings.
Because in fact, you didn’t hate Jung Jaehyun. At all.
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sluttywonwoo · 3 years
take it off || k.mg x reader
Pairing: mob!mingyu x fem reader
Summary: as much as you hate to admit it, jealousy looks good on your fiancé 
Warnings: swearing, light smut (18+)
Word Count: 1.8k
a/n: reworked this old blurb originally posted on my tom holland fic account ( @wazzupmrstark )
“Mingyu, slow down,” you said with a sigh, trying not to roll your eyes.
“What was he thinking?” Mingyu spat, not acknowledging what you had just said. He gripped the steering wheel even harder.
You watched as his knuckles began to turn white and rubbed his arm soothingly. “Baby, take a deep breath. Relax.”
He just shrugged you off and cursed at the car in front of him.
“Don’t fucking tell me to relax.”
“It’s not a big deal, Gyu.”
He actually turned his head towards you and looked at you this time. “You’re joking.”
You shrugged sheepishly. “I’ve had worse.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?”
You winced, knowing you’d probably made it worse and that Mingyu was likely now picturing the grimy hands of ill-intentioned strangers all over your body.
“I should have him killed,” he snarled.
To most, that threat would sound completely ridiculous or utterly insane, but your fiancé was the head of the Seoul mob-the South West branch anyway- and he was no stranger to violence. Having someone killed would be as easy as snapping his fingers.
You scoffed to call his bluff.
“You think I won’t?” he challenged and you groaned.
“You promised you were done with that.”
It’s true, one of the conditions of your engagement had been that Mingyu agree to put the more sinister side of his business to rest, and although you trusted him, in all honesty, you weren’t sure how well he was upholding his end of the deal.
“I’d make an exception.”
“Well don’t. I don’t want some poor guy’s blood on my hands.”
At that, the car screeched to a stop right in the middle of the freeway. The cars behind you honked and flashed their lights at Mingyu as they maneuvered to avoid a collision.
You huffed in frustration, wanting to bang your head against the dashboard. This was exactly why you didn’t like for Mingyu to drive himself: he pulled dangerous shit all the time like this. Literally, all of his other men had drivers who took them places and you desperately wished Mingyu would hire someone, but he insisted that it was safest if he was the one driving (yet here you were in the middle of the highway).
“You could’ve fucking killed us!” you shouted, more annoyed than anything.
Mingyu took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. But y/n, he’s not just some poor guy.”
“He was trying to get a rise out of you, Gyu. He fucking hates you, of course, he’d go after me, and he was drunk.”
Mingyu narrowed his eyes at you, foot still pressed firmly on the brake. “That’s not a fucking excuse, you of all people should know that. Why are you trying to defend him?”
“I’m not trying to defend him, I’m just saying he doesn’t deserve to die. Can we please just get home?”
Mingyu relented and put the car back into motion making you breathe a sigh of relief.
Even though he didn’t say anything else you could tell his mind was still going a thousand miles a minute. You watched him chew at his lip in silence and wondered what was going on in that beautiful head of his. Nothing good, you could be sure of that.
Mingyu’s mind was darker than most. Occupational hazard. He carried so much pain that you hadn’t known about when you first met him. He’d let you in slowly, keeping you at arm’s length for months, until he almost lost you. And then he knew he couldn’t keep things from you anymore. It was still a challenge to understand his thought process sometimes, but you liked it that way. How could a ruthless, power-hungry mobster also be the most loving, family-oriented person you’d ever met in your life? How could someone who dropped a grand on a dinner like it was nothing secretly rather spend one more night picnicking with crappy Chinese food on the bedroom floor in your old apartment? You couldn’t think of an answer, and you didn’t want to.
The guy at the bar tonight had been some rival of Mingyu’s. You hadn’t seen him before, but you could tell because when Mingyu got up to get the two of you more drinks he swooped in and laid it on heavy. He looped one arm around your waist and placed his other hand on your knee and began attempting to seduce you. Sure, you were uncomfortable but more than anything you were angry. And tired. Tired of being used as bait, something to get to Mingyu.
You didn’t want to make a scene so you listened to the asshole talk about how much better he’d treat you than Mingyu until your fiancé eventually returned with your drinks in hand, face beet red, eyes dark with anger.
The man, you never caught his name, left the bar with a broken nose. Mingyu left with bruised knuckles. You’d thought it would end at that, but of course, once Mingyu got started it was hard for him to stop. It was a gift in the bedroom, but a curse in the rest of your life.
Then, so softly you almost didn’t hear it, Mingyu broke the silence in the car and said “I know what he said to you,” and it all clicked.
Normally, a hand on your shoulder, thigh, ass was enough to set Mingyu off, but combine that with the filthy words he’d undoubtedly overheard spilling from the man’s lips… no wonder all he could see was red.
“Mingyu, I-“
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t want to start something.”
“Start something? Is that true? Or do you think he’s right?”
“No, of course not.”
“Do you think he can satisfy you better than I can?”
“Well do you?”
You shook your head and rubbed your thighs together, fighting a shiver. As irritating as Mingyu’s jealousy could be, the effect it had on you was even more infuriating. The man could already turn you on without doing anything and whenever he started acting a little jealous it was game over for you. It was pathetic, really.
“Why the fuck did he even think it was okay to look at you, let alone touch you?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged finally settling in to play the game. “These big dudes with huge muscles just think they can have whoever they want.”
Mingyu whipped his head back towards you. “What did you say?”
You ignored him. “I mean he definitely wouldn’t be as good as you, but he could do some damage.” Mingyu was full-on glaring at you now, and you wanted to tell him to keep his eyes on the road, but you couldn’t give up so fast. “I mean, just one of his hands could probably wrap around my whole neck. Like they were giant, and you know what they say about guys with big hands-“
“Do you think this is funny?”
Any sane person wouldn’t even think about taunting Mingyu like this, not with his reputation, but you couldn’t be sane to be with someone like Mingyu anyway, and besides, you knew he was a big softie at heart.
“A little,” you admitted. “You look really hot right now.”
He really did. His hair was tousled with silver highlights from the moonlight streaming in through the windshield, his tan skin was flushed with adrenaline, and his white button-up was unbuttoned just a few times to show off his collarbone. You bit your lip. You were so fucking weak.
“That’s not going to work.”
“No?” You quirked an eyebrow and leaned over the console to see that he was already more than half hard in his dress pants. “Because it looks like it’s working.” You reached over and began to palm him through his trousers, smirking when he cursed and rolled his neck at the contact.
“Y/n, if I have to pull over, you’re not going to be able to walk for the next week.”
Oh no, that’d be horrible you thought to yourself and rolled your eyes. He had to know that’s what you secretly wanted, right? Right? Why were men so stupid?
Either way, you took your hand back and moved it up under the hem of your dress to where you were feeling a little desperate for some friction. You sighed deeply when you rubbed yourself over your panties, not even surprised at how wet you were.
“Fuck,” you hissed out and hiked your legs up onto the seat so you could give Mingyu a better view.
“Stop that.”
He said it so forcefully that you froze, fingers hovering over your panties, about to pull them to the side. Then you smiled.
“No.” You went ahead and did it anyway, slipping two fingers inside of yourself easily.
You weren’t one to defy Mingyu often, especially when it came to what he asked of you in the bedroom, but you knew how crazy it drove him and just couldn’t resist.
Mingyu groaned, trying and failing to maintain an angry expression. His eyes betrayed an absolutely sinful lust that made you want to melt and you wished more than anything he’d just pull the fucking car over.
“Fuck, Gyu,” you gasped, “I wish these were your fingers, you’re so good with your fingers.”
“Yeah? You sure you wish they’re my fingers? Not someone else’s?”
You shook your head vigorously. “Never. You’re the only one who knows how to make me cum that hard.”
“Is that what you want? To cum hard?”
“God, yes,” you moaned, pumping your fingers in and out of you faster.
“Take off your dress.”
“What?” you weren’t sure if you’d heard him right, you were still driving down the highway after all.
“You heard me. Take. It. Off.”
Not wanting to push your luck any further you didn’t hesitate to listen this time and pulled the loose fabric up and over your head.
“Good girl,” he praised and you whined. You were still wearing your bra and underwear and as much as you’d love to flash oncoming traffic, you hoped Mingyu wouldn’t ask you to take them off.
“You can touch yourself,” he said and you complied, knowing it was more of an instruction than an allowance.
It felt good, really good, but you still wished it was him instead of you.
“Fuck, darling you look so beautiful like that, God, I can’t believe I get to marry you.”
“If, you stop, killing people,” you managed to get out through gritted teeth and Mingyu laughed.
“I’m not going to kill him, baby. I made a promise. You’re too important to risk losing, even if he is a fucking prick.”
You whimpered, the mixture of complete head-over-heels love you felt for Mingyu and pleasure making you crumble.
“Don’t worry, baby,” he said, reaching over and taking you by the wrist, stalling your movements just as you were about to fall over the edge. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard you’ll forget you ever met that asshole.”
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
forever tags: @haven-cove
shoot me an ask to be added/removed from my taglist
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diavolosthots · 3 years
Felt like crying, so I came to you, my friend! Mc and Mammon went out shopping, specifically to buy gifts for his brothers, as an apology. When they get back home they are met with hostility. They berate Mammon until Mc screams at them to shut up, then rips into each of them for their treatment of Mammon. Then finishes with "Don't expect Mammon to stay here when he can live with me in the humanworld. I'm done with you. Mammon, lets go, you deserve better, love" and leaves w/ Mammon. Thank you!
You came to me because you felt like crying and that gives me two (2) things to think about. 1.) I'm apparently someone who people see as a tissue? 2.) My angst is just THAT good. Also! Apparently today is rain on Mammon day and I'm here for it not me avoiding my exam to write these things
Warning: uh.... Angst?
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“You know, I’m proud of you for suggesting this.” Truly, you were. Mammon was your favorite and you felt for him, but you also completely understood where his brothers came from. At first, it honestly annoyed you as well; the constant stealing, the lying… You tried blaming it on his avatar, but even then it doesn’t explain the lying that comes with it. However, you do realize that it’s a habit and it’s a habit that is hard to fix, so instead of constantly getting onto him like the rest, you tried to understand him a bit more and give him some life advice. So far, you have managed to get Mammon to give back all the things he has recently taken from his brothers, and some of them even got an apology. You’ll be working on how to properly apologize, though, because oof, that was a mess. 
And now? Now you managed to take a small trip with him downtown to at least attempt to make things better. Mammon is now, or at least today, using his own money to buy some things that his brothers would be fond of: a new vinyl player for Lucifer (non-cursed), a new Ruri-chan t-shirt for Leviathan, a neck pillow for Satan because lord knows he has some cramps back there with the way he leans over and down to read his books. Then some perfume for Asmodeus that he had been swooning about, a gift card to Beel’s favorite restaurant for the glutton, and a heated blanket for Belphie. You were proud, truly, that Mammon wanted to do this. As a matter of fact, he was the one who suggested it. “Maybe… uh.. I could… ya know… buy somethin’ they like” is what he said. You were just excited and agreed to help. 
Now you were going back to the house with a few shopping bags and ice cream almost fully eaten. You paid for the ice cream, as a way to reward Mammon, and you’re sure he’s secretly thanking you for that because some of these items truly did burn a hole into his credit card, which is partially his fault. “Lucifer deserves more than some random vinyl player.” his words, not yours. Also “satan needs one of them neck pillows that massage it, too!” again, his words. So yeah, some money was definitely spent on these items, but… once again, you were proud. “I think they’ll love everything, Mam. They’d be fools if they didn’t.” Hearing you say that made Mammon feel a lot better, honestly, and a small rush of confidence came to the surface “Ya betcha they will! Nothin’ but the best from the Great Mammon!” You just laughed. 
However, upon arrival, it was a different sight. As a matter of fact, you barely made it through the door before Beel was grumbling something about Mammon eating his custard, which is true, but it’s just a custard? “MAAMMMOONNN!!” and then there was Lucifer who appeared so fast you wondered if he was even real. He went on a whole rant about how irresponsible Mammon is and how another bill came in the mail that talks about Mammon’s debt. Satan and Belphegor teamed up to show empty hands, which left both you and Mammon confused, but then “do you see anything here? No? That’s because you sold our belongings, Mammon!” Mammon can be lucky that Leviathan was still holed up in his room because he just remembered that he also, at some point in the past, sold one of Levi’s figures. Asmodeus came last and honestly he wasn’t mad, he was just annoyed. “I saw you go through my things, Mammon. Nothing was taken, but it was still so incredibly rude!” 
Next followed a screaming match which was basically just Mammon trying to defend himself, trying to show the bags and apologize, but none of them would have it. It irritated you. Yes, they had every right to be mad because personal belongings should stay with their owner(s), but at the same time, they didn’t even give Mammon a chance to explain, especially after he’s been holding the bags up and attempting to apologize. “You’re so stupid, Mammon” “StupidMammon” “so irresponsible. You know better than that. Do you need another time out session, Mammon?” “I can’t believe you’d go through my stuff again!” by now your eyes were twitching and the voices echoing off the walls surely didn’t help your case. One more word and you’d snap, surely, especially since Mammon’s hand is now shaking and you grabbing it did nothing at all. “We would be better off without you.”
Ah yes, there it is. The final straw. The amount of anger boiling inside you right now isn’t even manageable anymore and you’re surprised that Satan, as the Avatar of Wrath, has yet to notice it. “Shut up! Shut up, Shut up, Shut up! All of you!” You yanked Mammon behind you, almost protectively and Belphegor found the need to laugh at it. “Really? You’re going to protect him?” Oh, there. That’s your first victim. “Are you really that dense, Belphegor, or is sleep still clouding your brain cells? That is your brother you’re currently making fun of and I don’t know about you, but I was taught that family sticks together, blood related or by choice. So how about you get your head out of dreamland, take this stupid heated blanket that he bought for you, as an apology, and wake up for a second.” yes, you did throw the bag at him and then you pointed your finger at Beel. You’d regret later on that you’re tearing into him as well because Beel means well at the end of the day, but still, he was also part of this. 
“You’re my least worry, Beel. Honestly you’re too caught up in your burgers and brawns to care for a second that your brother tries very hard to be liked by all of you. Sad, really.” you threw the card at him too. As a matter of fact, you threw all of the bags right in front of them. “And then Asmo.. oh my God, first of all, the world doesn’t revolve around you. Shocker, I know. If you were half as empathetic toward your family as you are obsessed with yourself, maybe you wouldn’t feel the need to always go party and drink your life away. Oh, I’m sorry, did that hit just a little too hard? Can’t be harder than the hangovers you wake up with on a regular basis.” You glared at him before turning your attention to Satan. “Honestly, if you weren’t such a baby inside I may actually be scared of you. You always complain about how stupid he is, how he needs to just learn, but you? What do you do all day? You hole yourself up in your room and read about worlds that you wish you could enter. News flash: you’d die before you had the chance to say hello. People don’t like self-proclaimed assholes. Mammon IS smart. He’s very talented, too, but you’re too far up in Shakespeare’s ass that you fail to realize that everyone has knowledge in different fields of life. Give me a break.” 
Satan was about to retort but you already moved on to Levi. “and you! Let’s be honest, if it weren’t for you wallowing in self-pity and fake depression, you would have absolutely no personality traits. What are you again? The Avatar of Envy? How about instead of being envious of others’ accomplishments, you actually start working on yourself. It’s truly pathetic that a couple millenia old demon’s only purpose in life is ramen and self inflicted emotional pain. Seriously, what are you? A pitiful loner? I can’t even begin to empathize with you in any way, shape, or form.” Your blood was boiling right now and maybe if they hadn’t attacked Mammon like they did, you would’ve felt bad about Levi’s sad face right now, but there was still one person left to deal with.”
“And you… beautiful, responsible, way-too-good-for-you older brother, Lucifer.” He’s been glaring at you this whole time, arms crossed over his chest but you stood your ground. You’re not quite sure how you managed, but you did. “You call yourself the best, the most responsible. You constantly say this family would fall apart without you, but that’s not it, is it? I think you’re just lonely. You force these six to be by you, to respect you and borderline worship you. Not because you deserve it…” you chuckled, shaking your head, “no. You’re just so sad that Daddy and Michael left you, mocked you, that you turned your sadness into anger and took it out on these six, but especially Mammon. Why? Because you see yourself in him. You call him your favorite brother, but it’s not because he actually is… he just reminds you of everything you used to be: fun, reckless, and feeling. Now you’re just cold, mean, and bitter. Don’t bother calling yourself the mighty first because without him you would be neither. Maybe if you pulled that stick out of your arse and actually tried to get to know your brothers, maybe you wouldn’t be so lonely all the time. Family, right? That’s what you want. How about you start acting like one.” 
You shook your head after that, grabbing Mammon’s hand and kicking the bags in front of you before dragging Mammon back out the door. “Those are for you, by the way. Not that you deserve them, but they’re Mammon’s way of apologizing for all the things you accused him of the minute he set foot into the house. Have fun. We’re going to the castle and, if we’re lucky, to a real home.” 
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A Pleasant Surprise
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger! Reader
Summary: You’ve never understood why Bucky hates you, but that all changes when you’re both forced to fight alongside each other. 
Warnings: angst/fluff, violence, weapons, enemies to lovers
A/N: Just thought I’d write this little enemies to lovers piece. I hope you enjoy and as always, feedback is appreciated!! :)
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The feeling of someone staring at you ran through your body. You didn’t dare turn to look, you already knew it was the owner of those piercing, blue eyes, giving you a cold, calculating stare. 
Trying to block out Bucky, you focus all your attention on Tony, who’s talking at the front of the room. 
“This mission is going to be tougher than we first initiated,” Tony says. “We are going to need all hands on deck and we plan to split you up into groups of two.” 
You place your hand under your chin and stare straight ahead at the table, as Steve reads off the pairings. 
“Y/N and Bucky…” Steve says.
Immediately, you lift your head up, looking at Steve in shock. 
“Excuse me?” you interrupt. Everyone in the room turns their head to look at you. 
Steve stops listing off the names to answer you. “Is something wrong, Y/N?”
“Yes, yes there is.” You gesture towards Bucky, who is staring at you with an amused look. “We don’t work well together. He can’t go two seconds without complaining about me.” 
Bucky instantly jumps in, defending himself. “It’s not my fault you’re incompetent, doll.” 
Standing up, you wave your hand towards him. “See?!” you exclaim. “I can’t and I won’t work with that.” 
Tony jumps in, cutting Bucky off before he can respond. “Look, Y/N, I get that he can be hard headed at times, but we already made the pairings and set up the plan. You guys are just going to have to figure it out.” 
Scoffing, you give Bucky one last glare before turning around and leaving the room. 
Tomorrow was going to be absolute hell. 
Getting into position, you raise your gun and point it at the target. Bucky is a few feet away from you, gun also raised. 
The mission was to infiltrate a Hydra base located in Norway. You and Bucky were tasked with sniping the leader of the base and everyone else was going to take out the rest from below. 
“I have a clear shot,” you say to Bucky. 
“Then take the shot. You don’t have to confirm everything with me,” he replies bitterly. 
Rolling your eyes, you take a deep breath and release it as you pull the trigger. 
“Got him,” you say into your ear piece. 
“Great work, Y/N,” Steve replies. 
As you lean back to gather yourself, you feel cold metal press up against the back of your head. A gun. 
“Don’t move a fucking muscle,” says a Hydra soldier behind you. 
Not daring to move your head, you manage to see Bucky out of your peripheral vision. He too was on the ground, gun pressed to the back of his head. He locks eyes with you. 
Bucky is the last thing you see as the soldier behind you smacks you in the back of your head with his gun, knocking you out. 
The pounding of your head wakes you up. Groaning, you get up, squinting your eyes against the bright light in the room. 
Looking around, you spot Bucky at the opposite side of the room, still unconscious. 
“Bucky,” you whisper. When he doesn’t wake up, you decide to walk over and touch his arm. 
“Bucky,” you say. 
He jumps up and grabs your arm, twisting it. You yelp in pain. 
“Jesus, Y/N,” he says. “How stupid are you? You know I don’t like being touched. I could have fucking hurt you!” 
Pissed off, you roll your eyes and turn around to examine the room. When you reach the door, you notice it’s bolted shut. 
“Shit, we’re locked in.” 
“Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.” 
You whip around and stare angrily at Bucky. “What the fuck is your problem? You’ve been nothing but rude to me, since the moment I’ve met you and I’ve done nothing to you!” 
Bucky looks down, unable to come up with a response.
“Nothing to say now, huh? What a surprise,” you say. 
Bucky’s head quickly lifts back up and he jumps to his feet. Walking up to you, he doesn’t stop until he’s only inches away from your face. 
“Maybe, it’s because you’re so damn nosy. You’re always asking way too many questions about my life and I don’t understand why you don’t just stay away like the rest of them!” 
“Oh, I’m so sorry for caring… You know what, this is pointless.” You walk away. “We’re wasting time just standing here, arguing.” 
As you walk around the room, trying to find some way to escape, the door randomly swings open. 
“Glad to see you two awake and standing,” says the soldier from earlier, the one who knocked you out. 
He walks into the room. “Names George. I’m here to take you both to Luke.” 
“Who’s Luke?” Bucky asks, moving to stand in front of you. 
George chuckles. “He’s the one that’s going to decide how to kill you.” 
Bucky reaches his arm back to grab your hand, but before he can, you’re both injected with a needle, knocking the two of you out once again. 
Bucky’s voice pulls you out of a deep sleep. “Y/N! Y/N, c’mon, wake up!” 
Opening your eyes, you look down to see yourself restrained. You glance over at Bucky and see he’s in the same predicament. 
“Are you okay?” he asks. 
“Oh, now you want to be nice to me?” You scoff. 
“Y/N, I…”
“Just save it. Let’s just focus on getting the hell out of here.” 
You notice a knife just a few inches away from you, placed on a table. 
“There,” you say. “If I can just reach…” You try your best to extend your hand out towards the knife, but the restraints are too tight. You throw your head back in frustration and close your eyes. 
“Great, just fucking great. I can’t believe I’m going to die next to a man that hates my fucking guts.” 
“I don’t... hate you,” Bucky says. 
You open one eye to peer over at him. “Could’ve fooled me.” 
“I don’t. I never have.” 
Looking over at him confused, you study him. “Then why be so mean to me?” 
He stares at you for a minute before answering. “Because I couldn’t have you close to me.”
“And, why’s that?” 
You watch him visibly swallow. “Because I lose everyone who gets close to me.” 
Shocked that he’s shared that with you, no words come out of your mouth. When you see the sadness written on his face, your heart clenches. 
“Bucky, I...I didn’t know.” 
“How could you have? I just want you to know that I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so sorry.” 
Two men barge into the room. You quickly recognize the one as George. 
“I brought Luke,” George says. 
“And, I brought these,” Luke says, pulling out a handful of knives and walking towards you.
Bucky thrashes against his restraints. “Don’t you fucking dare!” He looks over at you. “Y/N, it’s okay. Just look at me, it’s okay. I won’t let anything happen to you.” 
Luke brings a knife up to your neck. “Now, don’t lie. What are you going to do from over there?” 
Panic builds inside you and you stare at Bucky. 
“Bucky, I forgive you. I understand why you pushed me away and I forgive you for it.” 
He shakes his head. “Don’t say that. Don’t say something like that as if it’s your last words.” 
Luke slightly presses the knife into your neck. “Well, this is cute and all, but we’re going to have to wrap this up. I have plans.” 
Closing your eyes, you wait for the pain to hit you, but it never comes. Instead, the knife is pulled away from your neck, and a metal arm is placed on your shoulder. 
“We’re getting you out of here, doll,” Bucky says. You look over his shoulder to see Steve and Natasha, who are tying up George and Luke. 
“Glad to see you alive, Y/N,” Natasha says. 
You nod your head at her, as Bucky pulls you through the door and to the waiting quinjet. 
Once on the quinjet, you sit in the back, next to Bucky. Looking over at him, you see that he’s staring straight ahead. 
“You know, I meant what I said. I forgive you,” you say. 
Bucky turns his head to look at you. “I don’t know why. I’ve been such a dick.” 
“Yeah… you have.” You both laugh. “But, I know you’ll make it up to me.” 
“Is that so? What do you have in mind?” 
“Well… I like bagels. Especially the ones at that shop Steve showed us in Brooklyn.”
He slowly nods and clears his throat. “It’s a date then.” 
You do a double take. “A date?” 
“Yeah, I mean, if that’s okay with you. If not, I totally understand. I mean, I would probably say no if I were you because I…” 
Leaning forward, you kiss him, effectively stopping him from talking. 
“It’s definitely okay with me,” you say. 
Bucky smiles before grabbing your face and pulling you back in for another kiss.
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blackcatrph · 3 years
** sour  sentence  starters.
“  i think that i’ll die before i drink.  ”
“  i'm so caught up in the news of who likes me and who hates you.  ”
“  i'm so tired that I might quit my job, start a new life.  ”
“  they'd all be so disappointed  because who am I if not exploited?  ”
“  where's my fuckin' teenage dream?  ”
“  if someone tells me one more time "enjoy your youth," I'm gonna cry.  ”
“  i'm anxious and nothing can help.  ”
“  i wish I'd done this before.  ”
“  i wish people liked me more.  ”
“  all I did was try my best.  ”
“  this the kind of thanks I get?  ”
“  they say these are the golden years.  ”
“  i wish I could disappear.  ”
“  god, it's brutal out here.  ”
“  i feel like no one wants me.  ”
“  i only have two real friends.  ”
“  lately I'm a nervous wreck.  ”
“  i love people I don't like.  ”
“  i hate every song I write.  ”
“  i'm not cool, and I'm not smart.  ”
“  i can't even parallel park.  ”
“  got a broken ego, broken heart.  ”
“  i don't even know where to start.  ”
“  brown guilty eyes and little white lies.  ”
“  i played dumb but I always knew.  ”
“  i kept quiet so I could keep you.  ”
“  ain't it funny how you ran to her the second that we called it quits?  ”
“  ain't it funny how you said you were friends?  ”
“  it sure as hell don't look like it.  ”
“  you betrayed me.  ”
“  i know that you'll never feel sorry for the way I hurt.  ”
“  loved you at your worst but that didn't matter.  ”
“  guess you didn't cheat, but you're still a traitor.  ”
“  there's no damn way that you could fall in love with somebody that quickly.  ”
“  ain't it funny, all the twisted games, all the questions you used to avoid?  ”
“  remember I brought her up and you told me I was paranoid?  ”
“  i wish that you had thought this through before I went and fell in love with you.  ”
“  you gave me your word but that didn't matter.  ”
drivers  license. 
“  i got my driver's license last week.  ”
“  just like we always talked about.  ”
“  today I drove through the suburbs crying 'cause you weren't around.  ”
“  you're probably with that blonde girl.  ”
“  she's so much older than me.  ” 
“  she's everything I'm insecure about.  ”
“  how could I ever love someone else?   “
“  i know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one.  ”
“  i just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone.  ”
“  guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me.  ”
“  all my friends are tired of hearing how much I miss you.  ”
“  I kinda feel sorry for them because they'll never know you the way that I do.  ”
“  i still see your face in the white cars, front yards.  ”
“  can't drive past the places we used to go to because I still fuckin' love you.  ”
1  step  forward,  3  steps  back.
“  i called you on the phone today.  ”
“  all I did was speak normally.  ”
“  you got me fucked up in the head.  ”
“  like am I pretty? am I fun?  ”
“  i hate that I gave you power over that kind of stuff.  ”
“  it's always one step forward and three steps back.  ”
“  i'm the love of your life until I make you mad.  ”
“  do you love me, want me, hate me? i don't understand.  ”
“  maybe in some masochistic way I kind of find it all exciting.  ”
“  which lover will I get today?  ”
“  will you walk me to the door or send me home cryin'?  ”
“  it's back and forth, did I say somethin' wrong?  ”
“  it's back and forth, goin' over everything I said.  ”
“  i'd leave you, but the roller coaster's all I've ever had.  ”
deja vu.
“  strawberry ice cream, one spoon for two?  ”
“  i bet she's braggin' to all her friends, sayin' you're so unique.  ”
“  so when you gonna tell her that we did that, too?  ”
“  that was our place, I found it first.  ”
“  i made the jokes you tell to her when she's with you.  ”
“  do you get déjà vu when she's with you?  ”
“  do you call her, almost say my name?  ”
“  i hate to think that I was just your type.  ”
“  don't act like we didn't do that shit too.  ”
“  play her piano, but she doesn't know that I was the one who taught you Billy Joel.  ”
good  4  u.
“  well, good for you, I guess you moved on really easily.  ”
“  you found a new girl and it only took a couple weeks.  ”
“  remember when you said that you wanted to give me the world?  ”
“  good for you, I guess that you've been workin' on yourself.  ” 
“  i guess that therapist I found for you, she really helped.  ”
“  now you can be a better man for your brand new girl.  ”
“  well, good for you, you look happy and healthy.  ”
“  not me, if you ever cared to ask.  ”
“  good for you, you're doin' great out there without me.  ”
“  i've lost my mind.  ”
“  i've spent the night cryin' on the floor in my bathroom.  ”
“  it's like we never even happened.  ”
“  what the fuck is up with that?  ”
“  good for you, it's like you never even met me.  ”
“  remember when you swore to god i was the only person who ever got you?  ”
“  well, screw that and screw you.  ”
“  you will never have to hurt the way you know that I do.  ”
“  maybe I'm too emotional.  ”
“  your apathy's like a wound in salt.  ”
“  maybe I'm too emotional  or maybe you never cared at all.  ”
“  like a damn sociopath.  ”
enough  for  you.
“  i wore makeup when we dated because I thought you'd like me more.  ”
“  i know that you loved before.  ”
“  tried so hard to be everything that you like.  ”
“  i read all of your self-help books so you'd think that I was smart.  ”
“  stupid, emotional, obsessive little me.  ”
“  i knew from the start this is exactly how you'd leave.  ”
“  you found someonе more exciting.  ”
“  you left me there cryin', wonderin' what I did wrong.  ”
“  you always say I'm never satisfied but I don't think that's true.  ”
“  all I ever wanted was to be enough for you.  ”
“  maybe I'm just not as interesting as the girls you had before.  ”
“  you couldn't have cared less about someone who loved you more.  ”
“  i'd say you broke my heart but you broke much more than that.  ”
“  i don’t want your sympathy, i just want myself back.  ”
“  don’t you think i loved you too much to be used and discarded?  ”
“  don't you think I loved you too much to think I deserve nothing?  ”
“  don’t tell me you’re sorry, feel sorry for yourself.  ”
“  someday i’ll be everything to somebody else.  ”
“  you’ll be the one crying.  ”
“  we broke up a month ago. ”
“  your friends are mine you know.  ”
“  you’ve moved on, found someone new.  ”
“  i thought my heart was detached from all the sunlight of our past.  ”
“  she’s so sweet, she’s so pretty.  ”
“  does she mean you forgot about me ?  ”
“  i hope you’re happy but not like how you were with me.  ”
“  i’m selfish i know. i can’t let you go.  ”
“  find someone great, but don’t find no one better.  ”
“  i hope you’re happy, but don’t be happier.  ”
 “  do you tell her she’s the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen?  ”
“  an eternal love bullshit you know you’ll never mean.  ”
“  remember when i believe you meant it when you said it first to me?  ”
“  now i’m picking her apart like cutting her down will make you miss my wretched heart.  ”
“  she’s beautiful, she looks kind.  ”
“  she probably gives you butterflies.  ”
“  i wish you all the best, really.  ”
“  say you love her, just not like you loved me.  ”
“  think of me fondly when your hands are on her.  ”
jealousy  jealousy.
“  i kinda wanna throw my phone across the room.  ”
“  all i see are girls too good to be true.  ”
“  i know their beauty’s not my lack but it feels like that weight is on my back.  ”
“  comparison is killing me slowly.  ”
“  i think i think too much.  ”
“  i’m so sick of myself, i’d rather be anyone else.  ”
“  my jealousy started following me.  ”
“  i see everyone getting all the things i want.  ”
“  i’m happy for them, but then again, i’m not.  ”
“  i can’t stand it.  ” 
“  oh god i sound crazy.  ”
“  their win is not my loss, i know it’s true.  ”
“  i can’t help getting caught up in it all.  ”
“  all your friends are so cool.  ”
“  you go out every night.  ”
“  you’re living the life.  ”
“  i want to be you so bad, and i don’t even know you.  ”
“  all i see is what i should be.  ”
favourite  crime.
“  know that i love you so bad.  ”
“  i let you treat me like that.  ”
“  i was your willing accomplice.  ”
“  i watched as you fled the scene.  ”
“  doe-eyed as you buried me.  ”
“  the things i did just so i could call you mine.  ”
“  the things you did. well, i hope i was your favourite crime.  ”
“  you used me as an alibi.  ”
“  i crossed my heart and you crossed the line.  ”
“  i defended you to all my friends.  ”
“  every time i siren sounds, i wonder if you’re around.  ”
“  you know that i’d do it all again.  ”
“  it’s bittersweet to think about the damage that we’d do.  ”
“  i was going down but i was doing it with you.  ”
“  i say that i hate you with a smile on my face.  ”
“  look what we became.  ” 
hope  ur  ok.
“  his parents cared more about the bible than being good to their own child.  ”
“  wore long sleeves because of his dad.  ”
“  somehow we fell out of touch.  ”
“  hope he took his bad deal and made a royal flush.  ”
“  don’t know if i’ll see you again someday.  ”
“  i hope that you’re okay.  ”
“  her parents hated who she loved.  ”
“  she was brought into a world where family was merely blood.  ” 
“  with the courage to unlearn all of their hatred.  ”
“  we don’t talk much.  ”
“  i miss you and i hope that you’re okay.  ”
“  address the letter to the holes in my butterfly wings.  ”
“  nothing’s forever, nothing is as good as it seems.  ”
“  when the clouds are ironed our and the monsters creep into your house, every door is hard to close.  ”
“  i hope you know how proud i am.  ”
“  i hope that you’re happier today.  ”
“  i love you and i hope that you’re okay.  ”  
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yandere-sins · 3 years
Horrortober Day 5: Disturbance “Nothing can interrupt us now.”
I will admit I wrote this one way too late into the night. I should go to sleep yikes :’D Enjoy!
Warnings: Yandere, Body Horror, Kidnapping, Molestation, Harrassment, Sexual Innuendos/Actions Characters: Sukuna x Reader
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It was rare to see the King of Curses calm and even a little approachable.
Not that you liked seeing him at all, but you preferred it this way than any other. Ever so often, he peeked out of Itadori Yuji’s face, taunting you, belittling his host. However, you were just glad to get through with your work that day, teaching the boy the necessary theory he had to learn. You’d be gone before you had to deal with the host or the curse inside of him, just like every day. Routine, that’s what Nanami called it. Routine would benefit all of you, but you still hadn’t come around to like what you were forced to do.
Morally, it was wrong to call the boy a curse. He ate something cursed, and now he was beyond screwed, but still… Whenever you saw him, pure survival instinct ran through your veins. You wanted to defeat him, end this miserable life, but you weren’t allowed. Sorcerers weren’t supposed to teach curses, just kill. But you were torn between your orders and duty, looking at what was sitting in front of you.
Asking other sorcerers for their opinion on the matter, and you were faced with the same responses. The same struggle and conflict you were facing, except, maybe, Gojo, who seemed to be unbothered by what he dragged into your holy halls. However, the most unnerving thing that came up in conversation was how often Sukuna showed himself in your class… but not in the others. Given, they did see the casual third or fourth eye, or one mouth too many. Still, even if the others were unnerved, they chose to ignore, while you were the only one to actually have spoken to the king—though it was no honor.
“Brat, the teacher’s staring.” Instantly, Yuji’s attention shifted to the extra mouth on his cheek and then to you, expecting you to say something. You quickly caught your composure, not having realized you’ve been staring - probably in disgust - at him, almost feeling bad. Clearing your throat, you picked up your book again, shaking your head in denial before continuing to monotonously read the text inside of it out loud. Sorcerer history hadn’t been your favorite subject either, but you were stuck with it, unfortunately. Yuji was diligent enough, but even while you read, you couldn’t get your mind off the threat in front of you.
Especially not when long, clawed fingers gripped your book by the spine, lowering it with surprising force.
“No, you’ve been staring. There’s no denying it, Sorcerer, spit it out,” Sukuna grinned at you cheekily, having temporarily taken over your real student.
“I was trying not to vomit looking at you,” you snarled back, slapping his hand away that he retracted in fake hurt. “Bad liar,” he called you before the marks suddenly faded, Yuji going back to being himself.
“Ah, sorry about that,” he muttered apologetically like so many times before. And you sighed, assuring him it wasn’t his fault.
It wasn’t his fault either when Sukuna cornered you in one of the hallways around the school. Being cornered by strong two arms did not give you the butterflies that all these novels always tried to sell. Granted, you flinched pretty hard, but once you were face to face with him, your anger far outweighed your fear. He was scary, no question asked. Sukuna could destroy you with a flick of his finger. But somehow, naively so, you didn’t believe he would. Something about ‘he could have, but he hasn’t’ made you bold apparently. Stupidly so.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” you hissed, and he rolled his eyes. Yuji’s body looked stupidly wasted on him, the boy being such a ray of sunshine in contrast to his evil counterpart. Sukuna didn’t become him. His attitude didn’t.
“You’ve been staring at me,” he repeated. Why was the topic so important to him?
“So what? What is it to you?” you returned snidely. Lips curling into a grin, you felt like you had actually humored him. Not the direction you wanted to go with the King. “Well, I wanted a good look at you…” he mumbled, his eyes driving from the shirt on your collarbones to the shoes you were wearing slowly, noticeably, and… lusty.
“...too,” he finished his sentence before licking his lips.
“Disgusting,” you whispered dryly, staring at him perturbed, and Sukuna chuckled at your obvious rejection.
“Well, I have what I wanted.”
Before you could repeat, he disappeared, leaving behind a slumping student of yours, and you cursed the King of Curses quietly, dropping everything to had in your arms to support Yuji. “Asshole,” you mumbled, and for a brief moment, you thought you heard him chuckle again, but you couldn’t be sure.
It was him. He was planning something all along, and you knew it.
But no one could see it since this plan almost exclusively involved you.
“Shrivel and die,” you told him through gritted teeth, pushing at his chest as hard as you could. Sukuna was undeterred, pressing you against the old chalkboard and nibbling on your earlobe. Why did no one believe you when you swore up and down that he wasn’t just a quiet bystander? That he indeed was trying to do something—or someone?
“I do love a filthy mouth,” he sighed, making you want to throw up just from the implications alone. Even with your elbow between you, there was no movement. The other sorcerers had told you about Yuji’s strength, but you didn’t think you couldn’t handle it. Apparently, however, you couldn’t, and it was infuriating. While Sukuna was doing as he pleased, you decided on a different approach, opening your mouth to scream.
Finally, it caused some reaction in him, his head recoiling at the jarring sound, but before long, your lips were captured with his, a fight breaking out between your mouths. He was trying to silence you efficiently with his tongue in your throat, the mere thought of kissing a student repulsing you, and you were biting at his lips which didn’t seem to bother Sukuna at all.
“Someone will come,” you reminded him fiercely as he broke away to give you some air.
“Silly,” he only commented before kissing you again. You were hammering at his chest, trying to make your disapproval evident, but it was to no avail. Sukuna wouldn’t budge. Only when he, mercifully, allowed another breath, you screamed again, using your palms to defend from his face closing in to shut you up. The weight of his body was pressing you into the wall painfully, but realizing your powers simply wouldn’t show no matter how hard you tried was even worse. Did he have some kind of ability that stole your energy from you? Was it fear that blocked you from using it? Were you afraid?
You were. 
It was indeed silly, even if it was painful to agree with Sukuna. You never feared for your life, taking every day and mission as it came. But you were scared now because of the monster in front of you. You had been right: you should have killed him when you could. Stupid! Absolutely stupid to keep around!
Even you understood that it wasn’t death you feared. You feared Sukuna’s presence and the effects it had on you. How defenseless you were suddenly and how, even though he always disappeared in the end after annoying you, he just didn’t seem to let go of you now. 
“Scream some more,” he taunted, and you weren’t going to object. Immediately, you put up the fight again, feeling your lungs clench when you robbed them of all the air to get some help. But nothing happened. “I like it when they struggle,” Sukuna laughed, crazy, madly, victoriously. As if he won a war you didn’t know about.
“Come, open your eyes! Look where you are!” he encouraged you, grinning from ear to ear. Confused, you looked around, seeing the same old classroom that you always had when teaching Yuji. The sight slowly began to shift, fog collecting at your feet and the walls moving unnaturally under your gaze. You’ve been scared before, but it was nothing compared to what you felt as everything shifted. 
You hadn’t realized it. 
Not for one moment did you know he activated his domain, something no one had been able to explore until now. It was different from what you expected, much more vast and deadly. But you also saw the remainders of the classroom, and you wondered how much of it was taking up the actual reality. Horrified, you looked around, now knowing your screams wouldn’t echo for no one but you two here. You always thought you were a decent sorcerer but maybe… maybe you were nothing at all. At least not in the eyes of Sukuna.
“Finally,” Sukuna sighed, satisfied and seemingly exhausted by effort you didn’t know he was making. “Nothing can interrupt us now. I just needed you to lower your guard.”
“You…” Your mumble was met with deafening silence. Not even Sukuna’s breathing made a sound in this space, and you immediately felt claustrophobic in the pitch black that encased the realm. His realm.
“I was nice. I waited. Those… manga said it was proper in these times, though, I don’t care for them. But you kept staring at me as if you were trying to kill me. Do you know how hard it was to wait? A king shouldn’t have to wait-no. I shouldn’t have to wait for you when you are coming on to me.”
Blinking a few times, you looked back at him. Perhaps, for the first time, you were truly meeting his gaze, always finding a reason to not look at him directly before. But not anymore. Now you were indeed looking at him, not remembering those times he said you stared when this was the first and only time you really saw him. “It’s been too long that I had company. How nice of you to offer yourself up to me~”
“I never did-” you tried to argue, but you were swept into another kiss, flailing in his arms as you feared falling. Endlessly. You could no longer discern where the realm started and ended. “You’re mine now,” he growled, unhinged.
“I will devour you, Looker. It’s punishment for not welcoming me sooner. There’s a lot to make up for.”
You’ve never seen Sukuna calm before. Because if what you had witnessed was what you called calm, it had been because he was waiting for the right moment. The right moment to pounce, and to your misery, it was now. Stares could kill, people said. It was true, you found out, as you killed yourself with it by making the King of Curses recognize you. Though, you wished you were dead.
You merely killed your freedom with your actions, as there was no way Sukuna would let you have that ever again after you piqued his interest unwillingly.
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