#barry x steven
fumikomiyasaki · 3 months
‘ there’s no way this bed is big enough for you and me. ’ with Barry and Steven ‘ the innkeeper said this is the last room. ’ with Regina, Inessa and Francine ‘ shh, it’s okay. i’m here. ’ with Tenera and Baliin or ‘ i sleep commando, just so you know. ’ with James and Julian
Only one bed
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The plan was actually to secretly go to a convention together, in Barrys eyes as friends given Steven was one of the few who shared such nerdy interests even if it was in a cringe way... but after the convention Barry noticed a horror that happened at the checkin... his own ego made him forget to book two rooms for them and instead they had to share a room... and a bed.
‘ There’s no way this bed is big enough for you and me. ’
"Barry-san, I know one way!"
"What do you me- Ack."
To his surprise the tall blond man hugged him tight and let himself fall onto the bed... leaving him squeezed on top of his chest red af... Barry just was flabbergasted putting his hands on it and just look down at him with a tomato red face.
"But why not... its a sugoi solution."
"L-listen... you get the bed cause you are taller, I take the couch... this will be far better for me..."
"Honto ni? You are a sweetheart for lending me the bed."
"Yeah yeah whatever... just please don't do something like this again."
The Hero boy settled down his back, took a shower and then took his blanket to sleep on the couch. Still he could hear Steven murmur in his sleep.
"Hnn... Barry-san... can we... please hug..."
He hid even more under the blanket... not only did this idiot drive him mad... no he liked him as much as he did... why did he have to feel that way... why was he tempted to join him in bed... he tried to slightly hide in his blanket hope these thoughts would vanish but they kept him up all night.
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Among a luxus Winter trip Regina organized, Francine and Inessa were happy to take a break from all the work they did daily... it being quite necessary for the both of them... it was a nice day in the snow... one where the three could ice skate together and enjoy the mountains... but the inn had bad news for them as Francine talked to them.
‘ The innkeeper said this is the last room. ’
"I see.... what a shame."
Inessa gave a nod to Regina who sighed.
"I have an air matress with me we can handle it with the space."
The three ladies headed up the stairs drawing many eyes to them before going to their room and settling bags and suitcases down... Francine leaning back against the couch.
"Finally one week of freedom from that whining Hero... I know I will come back to stress again."
Regina sat down next to her crossing her legs.
"You deserve better than to associate with him."
Francine sighed as Inessa prepared them both an Ice tea.
"He does provide my family however... at least his dad does... this is worth the annoyance."
"And If I would assist you."
"Regina please... I don't want you to spend your money on me really."
Glass blue eyes looked at the heroine in sincerity as she put one hand on hers.
"I rather have you at my side and happier than with this fool."
Inessa settled down the glasses.
"You already pay for this vacation first we need to pay you back. We will find a way to all be free of our responsibilities right. And..."
Inessa blushed a little.
"I still need to thank you two for healing my heart after Dragiselle."
The three shared a small hug before looking back at that bed...
"Regina... you take it... Nessa and I can-"
"No you two join me here... I don't mind it."
The three huddled together... peacefull at once... closing their eyes without any strain or stress to bother them this time.
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Although Tenera was happy that Baalin took her to a trip to his homeland... at night when she heard she was sharing a room with him... despite that happy feeling it didn't carry over into her dreams... nightmares plagued her... memories of her fathers rejecting her... of those bullies who were the cause of her legs.... it all itched in her brain as she in her sleep clinged onto Baalins back before suddenly flinching up... her eyes wet as if she cried.
Baalin noticed how panicked she was and pulled her in a hug.
‘ Shh, it’s okay. i’m here. ’
"I... thank you... Even if ... I grew up in the darkness... sometimes... I think I still fear it."
He got shortly up to open the curtains of the window again before joining her back in bed and pulling her close between his arms.
"If anyone tries to harm you, I will keep you save, alright?"
"Hmm-mmhh.. Thank you Bal...I do feel save near your heartbeat."
"What did you dream about?"
She grew silent before asking a question.
"What would you do.... if I never was able to walk again?"
"Not much would change... I would love you all the same."
A soft hum escaped her mouth as she clinged onto him closer.
"I love you so much... and.. I know you don't know me differently but... I still had hope to one day play tennis like normal... but with you... I think I am fine to live with another dream."
"And that be."
The Cat ears twitched.
"To marry you and have a family one day?"
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James escaped a groan as he figured out who had to share a room with for this interschool trip... of course it had to be him... but worse... the room they were staying at had only one bed in the middle. And Julian didn't make the situation any better.
‘ I sleep commando, just so you know. ’
"Just kidding <3 But your eyes looked curious."
"Oh shut up."
He tried to calm himself down... put down his things, load out his clothes in the closet but then he noticed in his mirror how Julian dressed up in the back... avoiding his eyes to not spy quickly... why did this demon had to get him so nervous.
"Given we are roomies you wouldn't mind going to a party with me tonight right?"
"We are supposed to get up early, Julian?"
"No biggy, its done before midnight but-"
The Demon leaned over James shoulder still shirtless... making the situation not easier for him.
"I wanted to see if I could convince you with my dance move to share the bed later~"
"We are going to share it anyways."
"I know but... You need to loosen up a little. You are always so stiff... a handsome knight like you deserves a break. <3"
He turned around and gave him a wink.
"Be carefull... being in a bed with me might let you wake up with some bite marks-"
"Can you stop that?"
It was a nightmarish day of tease he was unsure how to take... but at least he did get a bit of rest later... at least a little bit.
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blue-sadie · 1 month
Kiss The Cook
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He catches you cooking in the kitchen
The delicious aromas wofted throughout the house as the sound of sizzling and cutting somewhat echoed through the kitchen, he watched you intently as you swayed your hips humming the tone of whatever song was in your head.
Your body jerked as he placed his arms around you bringing your body against his as he settled his head on your shoulder watching you work your magic but he'd soon grow bored and try excite you.
His hands would slowly make their way to your ass squeezing and slapping it before slipping their way under your shirt up to your boobs his fingers tugging and playing with your nipples, he'd keep you trapped against the counter with his body as he toyed with you.
His body would grind into yours showing you how hard he is as he attached his lips to your neck whispering all kinds of dirty things, his hands slowly pulling off each piece of clothing you had on.
Your hands gripped the edge of the counters as he thrusted into you, your moans and whines drowning out the sound of the cooking food, his hands would tug and push your hair keeping you down on the counter your struggled moans turning to whines against the marble counter.
Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Barry Allen, Clark Kent, Hal Jordan, Peter Parker, Steven Grant, Jake Lockley, Thor, Bucky Barnes
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spicyicetea · 5 months
So I got the new Pokemon DLC for Christmas and I’m on a big Pokemon kick currently so I’m going to give a gift to my fellow Pokémon lovers. Now I’m more well known for Yandere work but I also do love doing more soft romantic stuff. It heals my traumatised self. So I’ve decided to go through all Pokémon games I’ve played and write romantic and yandere sfw+slight Nsfw headcannons for every character I personally like. [No DLC content because I haven’t played any of them yet]. If there are any characters I haven’t done that anyone wants, either comment or request and I can add it onto this post. Merry late Christmas!
As mentioned before, these posts will contain NSFW topics like violence and sexual references, so if you’re triggered by these topic please be careful. The reader in this is also a Fem reader, I can redo this post for a Masc or GN reader if wanted but I’m writing it as Fem currently is just easiest for me. I don’t describe appearance like skin colour or hair but I do write the Y/N with a curvy figure in mind (I can’t help myself, I love thick thighs IM SORRY-)
Ah the original silent protagonist. I love this man so much, even more after his cameo is Sun and Moon. I’m not sure what it is about him but he has this strange allure to him, although I doubt that’s a unique opinion on silent characters. Anyway, onto the headcannons.
This is almost a given with the silent types but I feel like he is an amazing listener, only ever nodding to show he’s still listening or giving small “mhms”
You’re probably the only one he comfortably talks to other than Blue.
In public he likes holding your hand, he often communicates through squeezing your hand or fiddling with your fingers.
Psychic boyfriend No.1
This man can just tell what you need, when you need it. Whether it’s comfort cuddles after a bad day of for period troubles.
Speaking of period troubles, this man not only will buy you whatever you need, he’ll wash the sheets, run you a bath and let you use him as a personal heater.
Yandere + NSFW
This man doesn’t open up to people easily yet you made him fall apart.
You made him stutter, drop things and slip up in battles when you cheered for him, he’s whipped.
You were the only woman that’s ever caught his attention and you aren’t leaving him anytime soon.
So get used to him possessively having a hand on you at all times, glaring daggers at any other person you pay attention to.
He’s a very private person so isn’t one to leave marks on you openly, but he does take great pleasure in leaving dark marks on your thighs.
Speaking of thighs… he’s a giver, do what you want with that.
Ah the smug bastard rival, and I promise you… he’s still insufferable, but in a loving way.
Bullies you playfully. A day doesn’t go by where he doesn’t mess up your hair and trip you up.
But he loves you truly.
You could not have asked for a more cuddly man, I didn’t expect to have this headcannon but I imagine this man is very eager to stay cuddled up to you as much as possible.
Although he talks a lot and loves it when you compliment him, I also think he’s a good listener, but like I’m a hype man way.
He’ll sit by the bathroom door while you’re in the bath letting you vent about anything you want just egging you on. “Wow she sounds like a bitch-“
A man who loves PDA, it’s his favourite way of staking his claim on your beautiful self.
Yandere + NSFW
Has dated his fair share of girls, but he wants you so bad.
He will fight for you, no matter what. This man will abuse whatever position he has to impress you. A relative of the professor’s, ex Champion, and a gym leader. He will do whatever he can to have you.
He is incredibly touchy, the moment other people aren’t looking, his hands are under your shirt. Nibbling your neck and kissing your earlobes. Actually he’d do that even with people watching,
Although he’d be mighty mad if someone watched your gorgeous body, he might even hurt someone.
This man is underrated.
The most loveable family man you’ll ever meet.
He loves to cook for you. Everyday. Please let this man make you breakfast in bed.
In fact no, he wants you to cook with him. All romantic. His chest to your back, whispering sweet nothings in your ears while you chop up vegetables.
If you get along with his siblings, he will propose to you on the spot.
Very openly affectionate, but never goes further than a hug in public… ok maybe you can get a kiss on the cheek.
Yandere + NSFW
This man has a breeding kink… you can’t change my mind.
He wants a nice big family and the idea of you, heavy and round with his baby. Not to mention how your… other assets will change.
Will happily suffocate in your tits, and if you’re pregnant, he will help relieve any discomfort you have.
If another man hurt you in any way, he’s going to go… missing. He’d break a man in half over his knee for you, and his Onix is very strong.
Am I the only one who would smash? Yes? No? Alrighty-
He’s always hits me as a someone who likes spending time with his lover in silence.
Not opposed to PDA but gets worried about his fans potentially harassing you, let’s you borrow his dragonite to escort you between towns.
Away from the public and just with his friends (elite four mainly) he loves to have you by his side, often whispering things about his day to you, information he only shares with you.
Also a man who is very hot, like he’s warm constantly, will be the best snuggler when it’s cold.
Yandere + NSFW
Originally I thought this man would be rather… vanilla but I feel like he’d be into wax play. I can’t explain it, but I can picture him loving to spill wax all over your tits.
For the more yandere side of things, he’s the strongest dragon trainer in Kanto. He will use his influence to make himself your only option, not that you’d realise, he’s not an idiot.
Your relationship is hidden very well from most people, you don’t get to villain status with a clean record and no enemies.
Despite that, you love a life of luxury baby.
He loves nothing more than to pamper you. His beautiful girl sat on his lap, with her hair all done up and nails all pretty. Now that’s the life.
Yandere + NSFW
I think he has great Yandere potential.
You sat comfortably on his lap in his office, his hands trailing comfortably under your skirt.
He loves watching you squirm as his fingers traces tight circles- well that’s all you get for now.
As I mentioned before, I believe he’d default to yandere to be honest.
He would not hesitate to kidnap but I like the idea that he’d try and woo you first. Dinner dates… wine… murdering his competitors.
Yeah, he’d be a yandere.
(I’m ashamed to admit I’ve never played these ones so I have no significant opinion on any of the characters)
This is just a crow in a human form, mr I love shiny rocks (me fr fr)
His love language is most definitely gift giving. Your shared house is littered with crystals and shiny things he’s found over his travels.
He loves to press kisses all over your fingers, buying you as many rings as possible for you and him to match. If he buys himself a new ring you’re getting one too.
Loves showing you off to the elite four, and begs that his dad approves. Not that he needs his approval but it’d be awkward if he didn’t.
Yandere + NSFW
Possessive as fuck.
You ain’t getting away from him easily. He will track you down as long as he needs to before you calm down and quit running away.
Loves pampering you once you behave though.
He kisses up your legs to your thighs, such passionate loving words followed by the mantra of “dirty girl” and “slut”
Ok all the villains just radiate Yandere energy- so they’re all gonna be pure yandere + NSFW warning
This man doesn’t have it in him to kidnap someone… oh wait that’s a lie.
When he met you that all changed
He needs you, he would hurt anyone to get you to himself.
He’d leave dark bites on your neck, massaging your hips to tangle you together.
Another man I think would be into wax play, also a corruption kink. (No I won’t elaborate)
Big brute of a man… he’s going to make you beg for his mercy.
He loves holding you in his lap, cradling you delicately while he peppers kisses along your neck.
Will bite you, this man is a shark and will leave slightly bloody bite marks all over your body.
This man eats pussy for breakfast, you will never not cum first, a truly good man.
He is far more eager to kill a man to prove his love for you than he should be.
I’ll be honest I tried to but I’m tired and I’m just going to be writing Yandere and NSFW headcannons. I’m sorry people-
This boy is so happy to finally have met someone who loves him… you’re not allowed to leave, he’ll cry.
For some reason I see this mans as wanting a family… he wants to be a more present father than his own.
Not one to leave marks on you but will beg you to stay home so he can cuddle and pamper you all day.
When he eventually takes over the battle frontier (he so would you can’t tell em otherwise) he will use that position to “protect you”.
Ah yes, the cold emotionless man who falls for a sweet woman and kills all competition… I approve!
PDA? Who is that? The most you’ll get from him is his hand on your shoulder moment before he orders team galactic to handle someone who was making moves on you.
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. You’re the only woman he could ever love.
He lays awkwardly in bed but melts when your head rests on his chest, that was when the yandere switch flipped and he locked you in his apartment.
At least the man lays some good pipe, also this man has a bondage kink cause I said so.
You think that the world won’t notice the famous model and gym leader with a girl on her arm. You’re going to end up centre of the Unova news for the next month.
She loves this though, now everyone knows you belong to her, and anyone who ignores that will just get zapped.
Prepare to share clothes, and prepare for her to watch you undress, she can’t help herself.
The woman loves to zap you, just lightly though, you’ll live… and probably cum.
Emmett + Ingo
Yes you get both, these two are a package deal ok?
Now… prepare to never leave their sight.
They want you at every battle, cheering them on, cuddling with the Joltiks or napping in their office using their coats as blankets.
Now… ok these two are kinky. They just are-
Ingo is 100% a family man, big breeding kink.
I think Emmett is more, adventurous, bondage and impact play seems right in my opinion.
Love to… “threaten” to throw people on the tracks when they flirt with you.
Aww what a sweet little thing, come and give me a hug- now time to hide you away where no one can ever see you again!
Honestly, he probably fell for you after seeing your relationship with your Pokemon. Almost every Pokemon you see likes you.
He’s very possessive over you. It’s no secret that he was raised in an incredibly unhealthy way, so he can’t exactly discern between inappropriate and appropriate behaviour in pursuing his courtship with you.
Now onto more NSFW art themes, he 100% praises you constantly and makes sure you’re tended to first. Often ends up super pent up because he wants to take care of you but sometimes go so far and overstimulates you. Don’t worry, the aftercare is amazing though.
. . . Bastard
I’m only including this mother fucker because he’s so evil he’d be one of the most extreme Yanderes out of all of them. And because if still smash because I’m sinful-
The moment he sees you and falls for you, you can bet you’re getting kidnapped, sorry you just are.
I would bet money that he is the most possessive out of all of them but, and hear me out, would also be kinda attentive?
I can totally picture him being cold and accidentally upsetting you only to spend the rest of the next day showering you on gifts.
You’d also be seen as a god to the rest of team plasma, so enjoy being worshipped.
Oh and NSFW… spanking, degrading and tying you up, enjoy
Ah yes, my adorable scientist that I think is a kinky motherfucker-
He would make a collar to track you when you leave his side, he isn’t too keen on the idea of locking you insider after all.
Wouldn’t kidnap you but would murder the competitors.
Anyway onto the kinks I think would suit him…
He’d 100% make different types of vibrators so he can cuff you to the bed and watch you squirm. Considered making you a ball gag but he gets off on your moans, that does mean he ends up edging you before fucking you himself.
Sugar daddy
I could leave that like that but fine fine I’ll feed you horny bastards.
He parades you around more than any of the others, always making sure you’re wearing the finest clothes. Usually also wearing his jacket, he can’t stand gawkers staring. Admiring your beauty he can handle, but staring at his woman is punishable by a flamethrower.
You live the luxury life. Fancy bath soaps and massages. Cafe trips daily so he can make sure you’re eating well. Sex in the back of his car in secluded car parks when you’ve been misbehaving at dinner.
He’s a rough lover but amazing with aftercare, so there’s that.
Dilf energy… and I’m hungry for it I’ll be honest.
So tired, but you give him energy. Energy to do crime to keep you to himself but still energy. But hey why argue, you get to cuddle his cats all day.
Also, if you’re a trainer that has cat Pokemon… he’d probably marry you. Proposal on sight. Already on one knee.
He isn’t very openly affectionate but as long as no one is around he’ll always have an arm around your waist. You’re well protected.
Another man that I believe would make sure you cum first every time. Just make sure you have a warm bath after for your back, he hits me as a rough lover.
Oh you poor girl… not because he’s going to treat you bad but he’s obsessed.
You’re probably kidnapped by team skull but you had no idea it was a kidnapping, it was more of a scooby-doo chase.
Yeah you now have like 50 babies to care for but don’t worry, big sis Plumeria and your new husband will help you. What you don’t remember getting married? Oh silly, you belonged to him the moment your eyes met.
He’s very inexperienced with relationships so give him a little time to learn. He’s a fast learner in bed so he won’t leave you unsatisfied. Will pamper you anyway he can.
Oh and have mercy on this man… don’t wear his clothes, he can’t handle it.
Little shit… he’s going to try and use anything he can to claim you.
Whether that be advances in front of people to scare them off and stake his claim over you.
He does have a decently good reputation so no one would expect him to be dangerous, so you’re kinda fucked, Cyllene would protect you if she needed to though.
He talks down to you all the time, you’re not his equal, you are his property in his eyes.
This man is smitten. No more smooth and confident Adaman, this man is a stuttering mess.
He wants to marry you so badly, please let this man marry you… and then put a baby in you but marriage first.
This man gives you jewellery, clothes, helps you befriend Pokémon or catch them depending on which method you prefer.
Cuddler, he will snuggle and cuddle as long as you want, so what he has duties? His pretty little wife wants his attention and you will get it.
Had noooo idea how to handle her feelings. Probably started as a childish crush at first but it developed into something much more.
She wants to spend the rest of her life with you by her side.
Glares at everyone who speaks to you, even people from her clan. She’s very jealous very easily.
But she loves you, and will let you spend unsupervised time with some people she trusts… only her Wardens, although she doesn’t trust Ingo as much as she doesn’t know him as well, not with you at least.
Warden Ingo
Dilf energy again
His memory may be strange and shaky but he remembers how to treat a woman he loves. Remembers things Elesa told him and Emmet, although to him it’s more echos of voices he thinks he knows.
He loves cuddling up to you while watching the newly hatched sneasels learn how to live. Although this does awaken a want for family he forgot he had.
He isn’t the most trusting person, but he is a good judge of character… and has gotten into a fistfight with Volo when he hit on you. Blood was drawn.
He throws a good punch, but would never hurt you, he adores you, you make him feel good in a familiar way.
Anyway you freaks want NSFW- this man lives up in the mountains, them rough hands can do wonders. And he loves making you feel good, people pleaser but only for you.
Aw what a sweet boy, who will strangle anyone who tries to take you from him.
This boy lost both his parents and nearly lost his best friend/dog… he is terrified he’ll lose you too.
He cooks he cleans and then makes sure to rub your back and give you love so you’ll love him back
Please give this boy some affection or the boys around you will pay the price of you don’t.
Professor Sada
This woman is feral, not only did she basically throw you over her shoulder when she met you but you never don’t have bite marks all over your skin. It’s her way of telling everyone your hers.
I feel she’d give more freedom than Turo, only if Robo Sada was with you for safety… and to break the arms of whoever looked at you the way she did.
Also this woman is a mosterous pussy devouring fiend, don’t argue, you know I’m right.
Professor Turo
Oh daddy Turo- criminally underrated daddy let alone Yandere daddy.
I feel like Turo most definitely would have kept you locked down in his lab with him, convincing you that you help him with his research. I mean… he isn’t wrong, you motivate him to keep going.
However girl has needs and he often get consumed by his work. It wasn’t until he caught you handling problems yourself on your shared bed that he decided robo Turo should take over his research a little bit more.
It’d be a shame if you fell in love with a toy he so kindly made for you than him himself.
Ah my favourite ordinary business man… I’m so normal about him.
He is very normal about you too, except the fact that he has pocketed any handkerchief you’ve used while eating with him.
Oh and many dates that are just trying new food, oh and bird watching.
Again, call me weird but I think this man wants a family, total breeding kink.
Also I feel like he likes a rather feminine woman, not in the frilly skirt way but in the way of “I don’t N E E D a man but I like you”. You like him, right?
M m mommy?
Dominatrix… owns a whip… bondage. ANYWAY-
Not above using their position as elite four to scare off competition and keeping you in line.
Oh don’t cry, you won’t escape anyways.
She only uses PDA to send a message to other women or men, “hands off”
Teach me about biology bb-
ANYWAY… loves to discover new Pokémon with you.
Will happily teach you about your favourite Pokémon for your attention.
Please don’t look away, he’ll have a breakdown.
Ah cute little nurse… she has access to so many dangerous drugs.
She will scream and cry if you choose someone else, don’t do it, she’s an ugly cryer.
She loves to give you “check ups” when no one is looking.
On a side note, don’t you know that orgasms are good for your health? You didn’t? Oh silly let Miriam help you out, her fingers can work wonders.
But it was worth it enjoy animals. I want to get more serious with Pokemon x reader writing so I hope some people enjoy this… I’m never doing this big of a post again… this was meant to be a Christmas post- way to many bloody tags to add :,)
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romancemedia · 10 months
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Cartoon Romances + Proposal
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lonestar-maestro · 2 years
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Tag dump: Relationships
Polaroid Daffodil Shlafrock
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triiiplegoddcss · 2 years
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Tag dump: Relationships
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qbdatabase · 8 months
are there any recs for books with queer cowboys?
YES YES YES I am SO hype about queer westerns! some of these feature soldiers, rangers, and outlaws versus strictly cowboys, and some are male x nonbinary pairings, with a few bonus lesbian recs
Classic Westerns
(M/NB) River of Teeth by Sarah Gailey (alt-history)
(M/NB) Days Without End by Sebastian Barry (former soldiers)
(M/M) Child in the Valley by Gordy Sauer (outlaws)
The Power of the Dog by Thomas Savage (closeted gay male, LOTS of period typical homophobia)
All God's Children by Aaron Gwyn
(F/F) Wildflower Words by Sam Ledel (mail order bride mix up)
(F/F) The Boss's Daughter by J. T. Marie (butch lesbian posing as a male cowboy for social acceptance)
(F/F) The Oregon Series by Jae (same as above, but the butch can be read as a transgender man)
Contemporary Romance
(F/F) Prize Money by Celeste Castro (rodeo bullfighters)
(M/M) Forget Me Not by Felice Stevens
(M/M) His Fresh Start Cowboy by A. M. Arthur
(M/M) His Reluctant Cowboy by A. D. Ellis
(M/M) Wake of Vultures by Lila Bowen (rangers)
(M/M) A Book of Tongues by Gemma Files (outlaws)
Breaker by Amy Campbell (outlaws)
(M/M) The Nightland Express by J. M. Lee (postal couriers)
full notes on representation and publishing info at qbdatabase.com
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mfshipbracket · 1 year
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welcome to ghost mod's thought experiment, the m/f ship bracket bonus round where every single m/f ship from the original round is pit against reylo of the 97/3 #shreksweep infamy.
why, you ask? mostly cuz of this.
they're going from lowest to highest per the original rankings, starting off with our newcomers adam/eve. 9 polls per day will roll out on queue throughout the est evening from may 12th-18th! after polls are closed one week later, i will post the final rankings of who swept the hardest (or failed to sweep...)
all polls can be found under the #bonus round tag, and this masterpost also contains links to each specific poll. there is also a spreadsheet with current bonus round standings and stats from the original bracket if you like numbers. :)
disclaimer: not a reylo hater. i'm just ardently devoted to the bit
1. Adam/Eve (The Bible) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 2. Barbie/Ken (Barbie) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 3. Branch/Poppy (TROLLS) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 4. Hori/Kashima (Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 5. Naegi/Kirigiri (Dangan Ronpa) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 6. Fakir/Ahiru (Princess Tutu) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 7. Jake/Amy (Brooklyn 99) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 8. Sonic/Amy (Sonic the Hedgehog) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 9. Vax'ildan/Keyleth (Critical Role/TLOVM) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars)
10. Barry Bluejeans/Lup (The Adventure Zone: Balance) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 11. Westley/Buttercup (The Princess Bride) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 12. Lucas/Max (Stranger Things) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 13. Bella Swan/Edward Cullen (Twilight) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 14. Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa (Six of Crows) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 15. Zagreus/Megaera (Hades) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 16. Greg/Rose Quartz (Steven Universe) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 17. Orpheus/Eurydice (Hadestown) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 18. Sans/Toriel (Undertale) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars)
19. Megamind/Roxanne (Megamind) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 20. Inuyasha/Kagome (Inuyasha) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 21. Mamoru/Usagi (Sailor Moon) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 22. Anne/Gilbert (Anne with an E) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 23. Mako/Raleigh (Pacific Rim) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 24. Nancy/Jonathan (Stranger Things) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 25. Wanda/Vision (Marvel/MCU) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 26. Aragorn/Arwen (Lord of the Rings) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 27. Rayla/Callum (The Dragon Prince) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars)
X. Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars VS King Charles/Camilla (United Kingdom) 28. Anakin/Padme (Star Wars) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 29. Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sharma (Bridgerton) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 30. Percy/Vex'ahlia (Critical Role/TLOVM) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 31. Kyo/Tohru (Fruits Basket) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 32. Batman/Catwoman (DC) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 33. Tenth Doctor/Rose (Doctor Who) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 34. Cassian/Jyn (Star Wars) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 35. Joyce/Hopper (Stranger Things) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 36. Aang/Katara (ATLA) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars)
37. Mermista/Seahawk (She-ra and the Princesses of Power) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 38. Robin/Starfire (DC/Teen Titans) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 39. Tamaki/Haruhi (Ouran High School Host Club) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 40. Mulder/Scully (The X-Files) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 41. Glimmer/Bow (She-ra and the Princesses of Power) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 42. Zuko/Katara (ATLA) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 43. Steven/Connie (Steven Universe) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 44. Han/Leia (Star Wars) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 45. Beast Boy/Raven (DC/Teen Titans) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars)
46. Edward/Winry (Fullmetal Alchemist) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 47. Peter/MJ (Marvel/MCU) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 48. Katniss/Peeta (The Hunger Games) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 49. Marinette/Adrien (Miraculous Ladybug) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 50. Kim Possible/Ron Stoppable (Kim Possible) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 51. Darcy/Elizabeth (Pride and Prejudice) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 52. Roy/Riza (Fullmetal Alchemist) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 53. Miles Morales/Gwen Stacy (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 54. Zelda/Link (Zelda Series) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars)
55. Twilight/Yor (Spy X Family) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 56. Sokka/Suki (ATLA) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 57. Hunter/Willow (The Owl House) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 58. Chidi/Eleanor (The Good Place) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 59. Ms. Piggy/Kermit (The Muppets) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 60. Rapunzel/Eugene (Tangled) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 61. Howl/Sophie (Howl’s Moving Castle) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 62. Percy/Annabeth (Percy Jackson Series) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 63. Morticia/Gomez (The Addams Family) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars)
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fumikomiyasaki · 1 year
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Go for it,Barry!
A parody of the go for it Nakamura meme but also something I am very proud off. Why Barry off all people to draw? Cause he is fun to bully with his men crushes and his odd decisions as well. And I tried my best to also include more ships as small doodles.
Barry and Yasuno belong to me
Steven belongs to @twsted-princess
Kyuryu and Kurabi by @rookvonhunt
Edgar and Octavia by @terrovaniadorm
Luke, Yasa, Nicholas and Hinata by @silent-dragon
Gideon and Darius by @fullplaidponydreamer
Frey and Clora by @forestwispocs
Zeke by @nuitthegoddess
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just-some-guy-joust · 2 months
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Just Some Guy Joust - Contestants List
Note: This is NOT the order of the brackets. Like with the last tournament, the order of the brackets will be a surprise. This list was randomized from the brackets I set up and does not represent who each character will be up against. The only thing you know for sure which side of the bracket they're on. When the polls go up, they'll be posted in order based on the list here, NOT based on where their brackets actually are!
Round 1 of Side A is over! Round 1 of Side B is CURRENTLY UP!
(Full list of characters in text format is under the cut)
Side A
Sasha James (The Magnus Archives)
Reigen Arataka (Mob Psycho 100) - died round 1
Joy (Underworld Office/Charlie in Underworld) - died round 1
Junpei (Zero Escape)
Horse (Centaurworld)
Phone Guy (FNAF) - died round 1
Gordon Freeman (HLVRAI)
Joshua Gillespie (The Magnus Archives) - died round 1
Namari (Dungeon Meshi)
Shez (Fire Emblem: Three Hopes) - died round 1
Henry Stickmin (Henry Stickmin)
Stanley (The Stanley Parable)
Whole (Chonny Jash's Charming Chaos Compendium) - died round 1
Larry (Pokemon)
Luke Carder (Inscryption) - died round 1
Leorio Paladiknight (Hunter x Hunter) - died round 1
Barry the Quokka (The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog)
Tommy (HLVRAI) - died round 1
Ulala Serizawa (Persona 2: Eternal Punishment) - died round 1
April O'Neil (TMNT - All versions)
Tsuzuru Minagi (Act! Addict! Actors!) - died round 1
Matt (Woe.Begone)
Gilear Faeth (Fantasy High - Dimension 20)
Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney)
Emmet Brickowski (The LEGO Movie) - died round 1
Stahl (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
Doug Eiffel (Wolf 359) - died round 1
Jack Townsend (Tales from the Gas Station) - died round 1
Frisk (Undertale) - died round 1
Brian Pasternack (Yuppie Psycho)
Trevor Hills (American Arcadia)
Barry Bluejeans (The Adventure Zone: Balance) - died round 1
Side B
Carol Kohl (Carol and The End of The World)
Jaehee Kang (Mystic Messenger) - died round 1
Paul Matthews (The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals)
Emma Perkins (The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals) - died round 1
Su Moting (God Troubles Me) - died round 1
Satou Hiroshi (Disastrous Life of Saiki K.)
Chilchuck Tims (Dungeon Meshi) - died round 1
Michelle Nguyen (Welcome to Night Vale)
Tad Strange (Gravity Falls)
Colin Robinson (What We Do in the Shadows) - died round 1
The Bard (Wandersong)
Usopp (One Piece) - died round 1
Nick Carraway (The Great Gatsby)
Link (Ocarina of Time) - died round 1
Kazooie (In a Manor of Speaking) - died round 1
Connecticut Clark (FlorkofCows)
Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings)
Hitomi Shizuki (Madoka Magica)
Junpei Iori (Persona 3)
Han Solo (Star Wars) - died round 1
Tomoya Mashiro (Ensemble Stars!) - died round 1
Peter Sqloint (Just Roll With It: Apotheosis)
Cabbage Merchant (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Marta Cabrera (Knives Out) - died round 1
Greg Universe (Steven Universe)
Yuuki Mishima (Persona 5) - died round 1
Gingerbrave (Cookie Run) - died round 1
Arthur Dent (Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy) - died round 1
Elsen (OFF)
Mob (Mob Psycho 100)
Tadano Hitohito (Komi Can't Communicate) - died round 1
Rung (Transformers - IDW Continuity) - died round 1
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cyber333angel · 25 days
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jj maybank-
morning with jj drabble
eyes on me
periods with jj
overstimulating jj
jj mood board
seeing them off to work
sitting on jj’s face
rafe cameron -
frat!rafe mood board
rafe x reader x barry
step!bro rafe
stepbro!rafe who
pretty pink butt plug
eyes on me
seeing them off to work
rafe spanking you
water sports with rafe
older brothers best friend rafe
rafe x spoiled!reader x barry
rafe and barry putting it in at the same time
car s*x
john b. routledge-
john b asking care of sick!reader
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rick grimes-
nothing yet..
daryl dixion-
nothing yet..
negan smith-
nothing yet..
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toji fushiguro-
dadsbestfriend!toji x virginblack!reader
toji mood board
toji taking care of sick!reader
riding toji
nanami kento-
nanami mood board
married!nanami x married!reader
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marc spector-
nothing yet..
steven grant-
nothing yet..
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blackdolly!reader moodboard
p*rn links for various characters
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Masterlist 3!
Here’s the third masterlist for all of my works! If you want to check out more of my work, here’s the links for masterlist one and masterlist two Imagines marked * are smutty imagines! Imagines marked ` are requests! Imagines marked ⭐ are personal favorites!
STRANGER THINGS small ~ jim hopper` dance with me ~ eddie munson ⭐ starry night ~ steve harrington* (part five) ⭐ at the hip ~ steve harrington` ⭐ triple date ~ steve harrington (part six) ⭐ the freak ~ steve harrington (part seven) ⭐ oblivious ~ eddie munson ⭐ jason doesn’t know ~ eddie munson ⭐
SUPERNATURAL strange human feelings ~ castiel` cleaning ~ dean winchester`
HANNIBAL into fiction` sob story ~ hannibal lecter
THE BOYS obsession ~ billy butcher* ⭐ herogasm ~ soldier boy* ⭐ alone on christmas ~ billy butcher can’t get too close ~ billy butcher ⭐ change in a heartbeat ~ billy butcher ⭐
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY life father ~ diego hargreeves` rescue mission ~ klaus hargreeves’ ⭐
THE LAST OF US (HBO) friendly neighbors ~ joel miller ⭐ too sweet ~ joel miller
BARRY attraction ~ barry berkman` treat him better ~ barry berkman
AMERICAN HORROR STORY late night sins ~ xavier plympton (1984)*`
VICTORIOUS lost dog ~ tori vega` junker ~ beck oliver
HEMLOCK GROVE i don’t ever wanna see you with him ~ roman godfrey ⭐
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES roses are red ~ damon salvatore` ⭐
OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH captive ~ blackbeard/ed teach ⭐
FUTURE MAN winner ~ josh futturman* ⭐
GAME OF THRONES littlest lion ~ oberyn martell (part one) ⭐ freedom ~ oberyn martell (part two) ⭐
THE WITCHER destiny ~ geralt of rivia
DOCTOR WHO looks of a princess ~ eleventh doctor ⭐
THE GENTLEMEN the assistant ~ raymond smith ⭐
PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN spirit of nature ~ jack sparrow`
THE MAZE RUNNER i’ll keep you safe ~ newt`
MARVEL how things are now ~ marc spector and steven grant` ⭐ kneel ~ loki* the most wonderful time ~ bucky barnes fast ~ pietro maximoff ⭐
1917 early morning ~ will schofield*`
THE UNBEARABLE WEIGHT OF MASSIVE TALENT happy birthday ~ javi gutierrez ⭐
FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S i need someone older ~ william afton ⭐ the ice cream girl ~ mike schmidt
SALTBURN new toy ~ felix catton ⭐ partners ~ oliver quick ⭐
THE SANTA CLAUSE santa’s sister-in-law ~ bernard the elf
8 MILE one of the guys ~ jimmy smith jr ⭐
PETE DAVIDSON your gift` favoritism`
HARRY STYLES the perfect tree a star in the making` sleepy head`
MACHINE GUN KELLY baby mama` ⭐ my queen*` getting your attention*` all the mistakes` not what it looks like` can’t keep doing this*`
EMINEM may the best artist win*` too close for comfort` ⭐ when it’s wrong but it feels right` in the dressing room*` he’s acting different` we have to stop meeting like this` every inch*` let’s surprise the world` i’m sorry i let you down`
GOODGUYFITZ wake up call*`
CORPSE HUSBAND letting go` they forgot` ⭐
ASHTON IRWIN home life` cover me*`
CONAN GRAY pushing`
MATTHEW LILLARD accidental drunk confessions`
JOHNNY KNOXVILLE feeling good*`
ALEX TURNER more than a song*` ⭐
BO BURNHAM can’t handle this right now ⭐ look at me*`
KRISTEN STEWART special customer`
TARON EGERTON he already has my approval ⭐
ROBERT PATTINSON my favorite superhero
GERARD WAY good girl*`
GWILYM LEE history repeats itself`
RYAN GOSLING play date`
JOSEPH QUINN bad idea, right? ⭐
RANBOO fluffy haired gamer boy`
JACOB ELORDI height advantage`
MOTLEY CRUE she is mine ~ mick mars`
CHRIS EVANS not used to normal` ⭐
SWAGGERSOULS our next step`
family reunion ~ hermione granger x draco malfoy`
showing pedro pascal fan edits ⭐ sitting on jschlatt’s lap ⭐
rook (jp capellette)*` eddie munson* ⭐ billy butcher* ⭐
812 notes · View notes
Masterlist 2
Emoji Guide
Dark themes = 🖤
Smut = ❤️
Find Masterlist 1 here
-Steve Rogers
Steve Rogers and his 200 year old partner who he calls daddy (mild ❤️ mentions)
Steve Rogers x male reader with a choking kink (mild ❤️)
-Moon knight
The moonboys with a male reader whos a stoic tall history teacher
The moonboys (mainly Steven) watching horror movies with alien male reader
The moonboys with a lover who has C-PTSD
The moonboys with omegaverse, with a beta reader.
Moonboys and Khonshu with a touch starved reader
“Clipped wings” Part 1 Namor x mutant reader
-Eddie Brock(and venom)
Eddie and Venom with a ftm reader
-Andrew Garfield (tasm) Peter Parker
Peter Parker x deadpool male reader
-Miguel O’Hara
Miguel O’Hara scent/sweat smut drabble❤️
-Peter B Parker
Peter B Parker with a narcoleptic boyfriend
-Hobie Brown
Hobie Brown with a boyfriend whos a juggalo and a fellow spiderman
Hobie Brown sfw alphabet
Hobie Brown nsfw alphabet ❤️
Hobie Brown x deadpool male reader
Hobie brown x lead guitarist male reader
Hobie Brown x Male reader whos spiderman and the son of Miguel from another dimension
Hobie Brown x insecure male reader
-Pavitr Prabhakar
Pavitr Prabhakar sfw alphabet
-Peter Benjamin Parker/Spidernoir
Spidernoir with a ftm reader
Spidernoir with a lover who keeps touching his web slit/spinnerette ❤️(a little bit)
-Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly is in spider heat and wants nothing more than for you to dominate him ❤️
Miles and Prowler Miles with a black cat reader whos in love with miles, and is dead in earth-42.
Relationship headcanons for Miles Morales, Miguel O'hara and Hobie Brown.
Platonic/parental headcanons for Peter B and Miguel with a spiderman male reader whos very protective
-Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne x male reader cuddling and edging, drabble ❤️
Bruce Wayne x male reader, meeting the family
-Dick Grayson
Dick Grayson x male reader whos a dancer and hero
Dick Grayson x powered male reader whos the son of oliver queen
Dick Grayson x clarks son reader, who are hopelessly in love.
Dick Grayson x Rogue doctor male reader
-Jason Todd
Jason having a depressive episode and the reader takes care of him, so he goes into subspace ❤️
Jason todd x older vigilante male reader, part two (little bit of  ❤️)
Jason Todd x snobby rich male reader with brat taming ❤️
-Tim Drake
Tim Drake x ftm reader, ft cuddling and homemade coffee
Tim Drake x flirty son of Trigon male reader, whos a sorcerer vigilante
Tim Drake x autistic male reader, where they mirror eachother, ft the batfams reaction to that
Being Tim Drakes boyfriend and his family is protective of him
Tim Drake x male reader, pulling all nighters and falling asleep
Tim Drake x older male reader
-Damian Wayne
Platonic Damian with a Alien reader who pretty much adopts him
-Wally West
Wally West with an autistic male reader
FTM Wally West x Male reader with Wally being eaten out drabble❤️
-Barry Allen
Barry Allen x cat burglar male reader
Barry Allen x alien male reader whos culture roughhouses
-Eobard Thawne
Eobard Thawne with a male reader whos just a normal guy.
-Roy Harper
Roy Harper with a villain male reader
-Clark Kent/Kal-el
Clark Kent being flirted with by a rich male reader, instead of reader flirting with Lois
Clark Kent with a kryptonian partner, featuring scent kink and kryptonian words ❤️
-Conner Kent/Kon-El
Conner Kent with a male reader, featuring kryptonian headcanons ❤️(a little)
Conner Kent with a male reader whos culture is similar to kryptonians and who purrs
Conner Kent with a male reader whos stoic around everyone, but cocky and smug with him
Conner Kent with a male reader whos a clone of plastic man.
-Hal Jordan
Hal Jordan x Red Lantern Czarnian male reader (slight  ❤️)
Hal Jordan x male reader, with a scent/musk kink ❤️
-Guy Gardner
Guy Gardner relationship headcanons
Guy Gardner nsfw alphabet ❤️
Guy Gardner trying to top fellow lantern reader, but being dominated ❤️
Guy Gardner being put in subspace by his star sapphire lover, with sounding ❤️
-John Constantine
Constantine nsfw alphabet ❤️
Constantine with a male reader whos like Dean Winchester from Supernatural
Constantine x tattoo artist male reader (mild ❤️)
-Harvey Dent/Two-Face
Harvey Dent with a male reader who distracts him during work
Harvey Dent/Two-Face cuddle fluff
Bane x FTM reader general headcanons
-Minhkhoa Khan/Ghostmaker
Minhkhoa Khan relationship headcanons
Yandere Jason x speedster male reader x Yandere Dick
Yandere Jason x speedster male reader x Yandere Dick part 2 🖤
Batboys with a villain reader who constantly flirts with them
DC characters and my personal headcanons for them (ethnicity, gender, etc)
Martian Headcanons
Kryptonian Headcanons
Dick grayson x Wally West x male reader
Platonic batfam with a kid reader whos a clone of jason, raised by the Joker
Platonic Batfam with a sick vigilante male reader who wont rest
-Mark Grayson/Invincible
Mark Grayson Yandere Alphabet 🖤
Mark Grayson nsfw Alphabet ❤️
Mark Grayson x constantine-like male reader
-Rex Sloan/Rex Splode
Rex x gcn ftm reader and defending them when they get misgendered
-The Immortal
The Immortal x immortal reader who isnt a hero
-Flaxan leader
Flaxan leader with an anti-hero male reader
-Damien Darkblood
Damien Darkblood x detective male reader, wholesome fluff
Nolan and Allen x small but strong ftm reader
Star Wars
-Anakin Skywalker
Padawan Anakin Skywalker x dark side leaning male reader
Anakin Skywalker x mandalorian reader with cockwarming ❤️
Anakin Skywalker flirting with the reader and making out
-Paz Vizsla
Paz Vizsla x sith male reader, ft Darth Revan and lots of headcanons
Paz Vizsla x ftm reader headcanons
-Din Djarin
Din Djarin adopting a foundling pantoran reader and being a father figure.
FTM Din Djarin getting eaten out in his pilot seat with his armor on ❤️
-Boba Fett
Boba Fett x male reader with gunplay❤️
The Boys
-Billy Butcher
Billy Butcher x male reader whos Homelanders brother
-Homelander/John Gillman
Homelander x supe male reader whos much more powerful than him ❤️
Homelander dating a ftm reader
-The Deep/Kevin Moskowitz
The Deep x male reader where he gets off just having his gills played with ❤️
A-Train, MM, Frenchie and Hughie as boyfriends, headcanons
-Jason Voorhees
Jason with a male reader whos childhood friends who meet again years later
Jason Voorhees nsfw alphabet ❤️
-Chad Martin-Meeks
Chad with a male reader who grew up together and fell in love.
-Billy Lenz
Billy Lenz with somnophilia ❤️(🖤 cuz theres no explicit consent)
-Poly Ghostface
Billy and Stu with a male reader who has anger issues whos tired of being angry
Billy and Stu comforting their lover who has body dysmorphia
One Piece
-Donquixote Doflamingo
Doflamingo with a lover whos shorter than him
Yandere Doflamingo with a male reader who gets stockholm syndrome ❤️(🖤 a bit, cuz yandere)
Doflamingo x young adult male reader with back pains
-Sir Crocodile
Ftm Sir Crocodile being fucked into submission by the reader ❤️
-Dracule Mihawk
FTM dracule mihawk x service top male reader ❤️
-Red Haired Shanks
Shanks x martial artist male reader whos love language is physical affection and words of affirmation
-Trafalgar D Water Law
Law being Bratty and being punished by a bigger Zoan fruit male reader ❤️
Law with a tall intimidating male reader who everyone thinks is the top (mild  ❤️)
-Vinsmoke/Black Leg Sanji
Sanji being tied up and desperate to touch the reader ❤️
Reader spanking Sanji to let off some steam ❤️
-Roronoa Zoro
Reader punishing/spanking Zoro, but it ends up with them arguing, but making up❤️
-Edward “Whitebeard” Newgate
Whitebeard with a tall male reader whos never been shorter than anyone before ❤️
-Smoker the white hunter
Smoker SFW alphabet
Roronoa Zoro and Portgas D Ace and sounding ❤️
Teen Wolf
-Jackson Whittmore
overall Jackson Whittmore nsfw headcanons ❤️
-Scott McCall
Bottom Scott McCall x kanima-werewolf male reader, ft some tailplay ❤️
Rick and Morty
-Rick Sanchez
Yandere Rick Prime headcanons 🖤
-Josiah Nguyen
Yandere Josiah headcanons 🖤
Call of Duty
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
Ghost being secretly married to Soaps brother
Ftm Ghost x male reader smut drabble ❤️
-Kyle “Gaz” Garrick 
Ftm Gaz x male reader, pussydrunk reader with overstim, drabble ❤️
-Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra
Dom rudy headcanons along with a few cute ones ❤️
-Phillip Graves
Graves with a male reader whos gone through a near death experience
Graves with a vampire boyfriend
141 with a male reader who wears a lot of dog tags
Poly Alerudy with a male reader whos childhood best friends and post lovers with Soap
Cod boys with a male reader who wears a mask and has a huge burn scar
Cod boys with a reader who repeats words or phrases they say
Poly alerudy with a short male reader
Alejandro and Graves with a reader who rubs their face against their stubble
Poly alerudy with a tall male reader who is basically a giant cat
Alejandro, Rudy, Graves and Soap with a reader whos create as copying noises
Ghost, Soap, Alejandro, Rudy, and König with a reader whos a famous volleyball player
Alejandro and Rudy with a mute s/o
141 with an autistic reader who makes noises, like meowing and hissing
Soap, Gaz, Ghost, Roach and Graves as pups with petplay❤️
Alejandro and Rudy taking care of their sick and hurt lover
Lookism characters with a male reader who has a squishable chest and butt
Barbie (2023)
-Kenneth “Ken” Sean Carson
Ken x male reader drabble, where Ken gives the reader head and has a praise kink ❤️
Stereotypical Ken x Male reader x Pompadour Ken where they compete whos best ❤️
Baldurs Gate 3
-Astarion Ancunín
Astarion with a Bard Tiefling male reader, random headcanons
Fight Club
Jack/The Narrator
Jack x medical staff male reader (drabble, from jacks pov)
Tyler Durden and Jack “The narrator” throuple relationship headcanons
Scott Pilgrim Takes off
-Todd Ingram
Helping Todd Ingram get over his crush on Wallace and it leads to make outs.
-Stephen Stills
Stephen Stills x male reader meeting in a club ❤️
My Hero Academia
-Enji Todoroki/Endeavor
Reformed Enji with a hero male reader whos very flirty when they are on patrol
Jujutsu Kaisen
-Nanami Kento
Nanami giving dom/top reader aftercare (mild  ❤️)
-Ryomen Sukuna
Chubby heian era/true form sukuna x chubby ftm reader, sweet and cuddly hc
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weclassybouquetfun · 26 days
That's a wrap on 2024's Met Gala. What was the theme this year? Gardens of Time, in conjunction with the Costume Institute's exhibit "Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion."
My personal Met Gala Winners:
TIE: Designer Harris Reed of Nina Ricci and singer Tyla in Balmain.
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Tyla has a leg up because her dress is made of sand molded to her figure coupled with an hourglass to represent the sands of time.
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Runner-Up: Demi Moore in Nina Ricci x Harris Reed
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As always Colman Domingo leads the fashion pack. He is wearing Willy Chavarria.
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Second is Barry Keoghan in Burberry. He's wearing an espresso coloured jacket ::wink::. With girlfriend Sabrina Carpenter in Oscar de la Renta.
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This year's chairs - Anna Wintour (as always), Chris Hemsworth (disappointing), Jennifer Lopez, Bad Bunny and the never disappointing Zendaya Coleman who wore two looks: Dior and Givenchy (with a Philip Treacy headdress).
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What else were people wearing?
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Dan Levy
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Ayo Edebiri
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Ariana Grande
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Jamie Dornan
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Jonathan Bailey
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Greta Lee, Taylor Russell and Luca Guadagnino
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Josh O'Connor
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Mike Faist
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Rebecca Ferguson
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Cynthia Erivio
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Alton Mason
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Ben Simmons
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Cole Escola
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Gigi Hadid
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Steven Yeun
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Queen Latifah and partner Eboni Nichols
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Here's our roster!!!
These are all 32 pairs (or trios!) that will be competing in this bracket :> In no particular order, they are,,, 1 - Barry Bluejeans and Lup (Blupjeans) from The Adventure Zone 2 - Aziphrale and Crowley (Ineffable Husbands) from Good Omens 3 - Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth (Narumitsu) from Ace Attorney 4 - Hua Cheng and Xie Lian (Hualian) from Heaven Official's Blessing 5 - Catra and Adora (Catradora) from She-ra 6 - Princess Bubblegum and Marceline (Bubbline) from Adventure Time 7 - Merlin and Arthur (Merthur) from Merlin 8 - Dean Winchester and Castiel (Destiel) from Supernatural 9 - Rashmi Jamil and Amelie Macon (Rashmelie) from Entropic Float 10 - Tim Drake and Conner Kent (Timkon) from DC 11 - Wei Wuxian and Lan Wanji (Wangxian) from Mo Dao Zu Shi 12 - Raine and Eda (Raeda) from The Owl House 13 - Mike Wheeler and Will Byers (Byler) from Stranger Things 14 - Pearl and Rose Quartz (Pearlrose/Rainbow Quartz) from Steven Universe 15 - Benjamin Kondraki and Alto Clef (Clefdraki) from SCP 16 - Dream/Morpheus and Hob Gadling from The Sandman 17 - Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase (Percabeth) from PJO 18 - Madoka and Homura (Madohomu) from Madoka Magica 19 - James T. Kirk and Spock (Spirk) from Star Trek 20 - Han Sooyoung and Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk (Yoohankim) from ORV 21 - Utena and Anthy (Utenanthy) from Revolutionary Girl Utena 22 - Red and Blue (Reguri) from Pokemon 23 - Nozomi and Mizore (Nozomizo) from Liz and the Blue Bird 24 - Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye (Royai) from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 25 - Kevin Ryan and Javier Esposito (Rysposito) from Castle 26 - Basil and Sunny (Sunflower) from Omori 27 - Candace and Jeremy (Canderemy) from Phineas and Ferb 28 - Gideon and Harrow (Griddlehark) from The Locked Tomb 29 - Dana Scully and Fox Mulder (Msr) from The X Files 30 - Naruto and Sasuke (Narusasu) from Naruto (replacing jonmartin) 31 - Akane Kurashiki & Junpei (Junepei) from Zero Escape 32 - Yue Wuhuan and Song Qingshi (Yuesong) from Mistakenly Saving the Villain Bracket will be out ,,, some time this week <3 (dont trust me)
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prismuffin · 2 years
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Masterlist 2
Miles Morales x male!Reader: “You knew it was going to snow, right?” Miles Morales x gn!Reader: Protection / Confession Miles Morales x gn!ninja!Reader: "You're a nin-what?" Miles Morales x male!genius!Reader: Observant Miles Morales x fem!spider-woman!Reader: Coincidence Miles Morales x mute!male!Reader: Grateful
Peter B. Parker x male!detective!Reader: Distraction
Peter Parker (any Spider-Man) x male!spider-mutant!Reader: Love and Affection
mcu!Peter Parker x black!male!witch!Reader: Best One Yet
tasm!Peter Parker x touchy!gn!Reader: Physical tasm!Peter Parker x kryptonian!male!Reader: Jealousy, Jealousy
Scott Lang x male!Reader: "Out of Milk"
Steve Rogers x male!Reader: "Mine."
Steven Grant x trans!male!reader: Long Day Steven grant x asexual(spectrum)!gn!Reader: Normal
Yelena Belova x gn! Reader: “Dont fuck it up.” Yelena Belova x ftm!Reader: "You’re looking quite masculine tonight"
Stranger Things:
Nothing yet!
The Umbrella Academy:
Luther Hargreeves x male!himbo!Reader: Jacked Dumbasses [Headcanons]
Criminal Minds:
Nothing yet!
Hitman Trilogy:
yandere!Agent 47 x gn!Reader: Patience // Garden yandere!father!Agent 47 x gn!reader: Escapade
Lucas Grey x gn!Reader: "You..."
Mission: Impossible:
dad!Ethan Hunt x son!Reader: “Talk to Me.” Ethan Hunt x agent!male!Reader: Can't Lose You Ethan Hunt x male!Reader: Someone He Could Trust
FarCry 5:
Jacob Seed x gn!Reader: “Chapstick”
Nothing yet!
Detroit Become Human:
Connor (Rk800) x male!engineer!Reader: Overheated
Elijah Kamski Fluff/SFW Alphabet (gn!Reader)
Markus (dbh) x fem!human!Reader: A Helping Hand
Simon (dbh) x human!loving!gn!Reader: You are my sunshine Simon (dbh) x human!gn!Reader: Turning Blue
Our Life Beginnings & Always:
Nothing yet!
Error 143:
Nothing yet!
Sally Face:
Sal Fisher x male!reader who’s into witchcraft; Little Dark Age Sal Fisher x gn!reader; I'm Here
WatchDogs Trilogy:
Josh Sauchak Headcanons !! (gn!Reader)
Sitara Dhawan x mute!younger!sibling!reader: Simple Mistake
COD: Modern Warfare2:
Alejandro Vargas & Rodolfo Parra x trans!male!Reader: Deserving (smut included)
John Price x top!male!Reader: "PRICE?!" John Price x Simon 'Ghost' Riley (req drabble): Sleep
John "Soap" MacTavish x Sly!Flirty!Gn!Reader (headcanons)
Poly!GhostSoap x airhead!male!reader: Idiot Boyfriend
Poly!Alerudy treating male!reader like Morticia Addams
The MW2 boys reaction to you calling them pretty boy (gn!Reader)
The MW2 boys reacting to male!Reader dying on the field (alejandro, rodolfo, soap)
The Imperfects:
Nothing yet!
Nothing yet!
Girl From Nowhere:
Nothing yet!
Metal Lords:
Hunter Sylvester with a Stoner s/o (Headcanons)
Dc Universe:
Barry Allen with a male!forensic psychologist!Reader
Dick Grayson x jealous!male!reader
Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) x quiet!male!Reader: Discretion
John Constantine x black!male!Reader: Cuddle-Bug
Tim Drake (Robin) x affectionate!male!Reader: Loverboy Tim Drake x gn!crow-like!reader; Catch me if you can
Kid Flash x male!Reader: Joy Ride Kid Flash x male!Reader: Denial Kid flash and flash (seperate) with a rich!male!Reader (Kid Flash) Wally West x gn!alien!Reader: Scent
Superman x male!detective!reader: Intrigued
Young Justice Squad x fem!aroace!reader (soulmate AU); Cursed
Masterlist 2
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