#asexuals will date you
bloodyraremedium · 2 months
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knifearo · 3 months
ultimately when it comes to shipping and fandom space treatment of aspec characters i just don't accept "aro/ace people can still date/have sex" as an answer from nonaspecs. like yeah. mhm. okay. now i think we both know that you're not saying that out of real interest in the diversity of aspec experiences. so you can turn in your seventeen-page essay on why and how you plan to examine this character's aspec identity within the context of a romantic or sexual relationship complete with evidence from canon and peer reviews from multiple aspec people within the next week or i'm putting you in the pit from the edgar allen poe story
#you know. the one with the pendulum#'hey. why are you as an allo person shipping this aspec character like this'#'oh aspec people can still date/have sex!'#'yeah. now can you answer the question that i actually asked you'#like goddamn just say you don't care they're aspec and you want to fulfill a sexual/romantic fantasy with them. that's Fine#it like. sucks. for sure. lotta aspec people will be unhappy with you. but everyone is entitled to their own wants and experiences.#but i'd prefer you just be honest with it rather than using our community's conversation points as retroactive justification#and ONCE AGAIN. you guys are real fucking cavalier with this shit and it shows a real fundamental lack of respect for aspecs#when most of you would NEVER ship a canonically gay character with the 'other' gender. cause again. it would suck.#you can do it. nobody's Stopping you. but it would suck.#and we understand that putting a queer character in situations that erase that queerness is shitty! until it comes to aspec characters!#and whoa... there it is again... people don't consider aspec identities to be queer... crazy how it always comes back to that#anyway. you all know what i'm talking about. have seen many posts about this lately#it is [ long sigh ] unfortunately a very hot button issue with the advent lately of alastor hazbinhotel#which. again. god i wish there were other canon aspec characters to be having this conversation about.#but we'll have to do our best with what we have#aromantic#aromanticism#arospec#aroace#talking#aspec#asexual#asexuality
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teaboot · 1 year
It's 2023 if you're not a monsterfucker I don't know what to tell you
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It's an absolutely tragic experience when you're head over heels in love with someone and to them you're just their bestie. I love being in every moment of your life, but like could we do the same things with a romantic connotation?
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redysetdare · 17 days
"This fandom is so queer friendly!" This fandom literally hates, bisexual, trans, nonbinary, and aspec people but ok.
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a-matter-of-yeet · 4 months
“They’re canonically x you can’t ship them with characters they’re not attracted to”
“I know they’re canonically aroace but I like the ship and x character is hot”
Shit like this brings the movement down.
Everyone validates queer representation until the character is aroace.
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Hot take? A show with queer people in it from the beginning was never queerbaiting and— very literally and technically— never could. In the first episode, a gay man comes out to his family. And he doesn’t stop being gay after that; it’s a major plot point and part of his character going forward. You’ve had a married lesbian couple from the jump who are proud and unapologetic about their love for each other. The story has also portrayed several queer couples and stories in episodic plots, including featuring queer weddings.
Buck didn’t suddenly “become” bi. Queerness is not when straight people “turn” queer. He has been attracted to men the entire time; he has always been bi. Understanding yourself and your sexuality as a queer person is often so difficult under heteronormativity. Sometimes, it takes time.
Hell— Buck checking a guy out some time in season 3 or getting flustered by the idea he might like a guy, etc, etc, are not even examples “queerbaiting,” nevermind how the show already features queer stories.
I genuinely think some of y’all are just mad that he’s not sucking face with the man you want him to, and are being weirdly homophobic about it. “Buck kissing this man is kinda off-putting, lmao.” “Buck and his bf’s relationship is awkward. IDK, but it weirds me out.” “There’s something so cringe about Buck’s relationship—” “Who dates someone they haven’t been friends with for years first? It’s kinda creepy…” “I think their relationship is a weird mess. It’s not as meaningful as a slow burn.”
Life isn’t fanfiction and fanfiction tropes don’t make good writing. Most relationships start out with a “hey, I’m interested in you, let’s get to know each other.” You’re just transparently uncomfortable with two men expressing that interest in each other outside the arbitrary rules you’ve established to make a mlm relationship “legitimate” or “meaningful.”
[Fanfiction] tropes— from “there’s only one bed” to “we’re forced together, but fall in love anyway”— are responses to the sex-negativity and purity culture norms forced upon gender and sexual minorities. They provide a workaround for these norms but never a direct challenge. It’s like the Family Guy episode “Prick Up Your Ears,” where conservative Christian abstinence-only sex education leads to kids having ear sex. Ear sex is the workaround to the abstinence and purity rules they’d been taught, not the challenge. We still have stringent rules around who can touch whom and under what circumstances. Tropes reflect this. So, a trope like “there’s only one bed” provides the characters with a justification for their intimacy without directly challenging why it is taboo.
You’ve convinced yourself that shipping— and thus the tropes it employs— is more subversive than actual representation, and the people caught in the crossfire are actual queer people.
Also— for the love of fuck— stop comparing every mlm relationship to RW&RB.
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shmaroace · 7 months
your past does not determine what you can identify as
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As you can guess, the bill is not a good one.
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screamingdollxd · 1 month
As someone who’s aroace spec who does feel a bit of romantic attraction, here’s some older brother advice to any other aroace spec people who like romance but don’t feel the attraction a lot.
No butterflies in your stomach? That’s perfectly fine, yknow? At the end of the day, if your partner makes you feel at peace, safe, remembered, content, then your heart not racing when they’re around is not a big deal. If they kiss you and you don’t feel jittery, but you feel calm, happy, taken care of, then that’s love. Love doesn’t have to be ground breaking emotions and physical sensations, love can be wanting someone in your future forever, love can be falling asleep in someone’s arms, love can be many things, and the lack of typical physical sensations doesn’t mean you can’t love.
If you love your partner but they don’t give you butterflies, that’s okay. Butterflies mean nothing when compared to feeling secure, understood, loved, acknowledged, etc.
Love’s about wanting the best for someone and walking hand in hand to make it happen for you both. It’s about having someone who cares about you to come home to at the end of the day.
Anyways yeah i need sleep hope this is semi comprehensible
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workingchemistry · 1 month
Echo curls up in the window seat of the apartment Fox has somehow acquired for them. It’s laden with the ugliest throw pillows known to Coruscant and a few other worlds. It doesn’t matter, each one was carefully chosen by their commander and that makes them the best pillows Echo has ever seen. He’s got a real flimsy book held up with one hand but he hasn’t looked down at the pages since Fox’s arrival.
Fives sidles up to Fox with a happy hum before he takes over unbuckling armor. “Well aren’t you a pretty sight?”
Fox doesn’t rise to the bait or try to slap Five’s hands away. Visible emotions aren’t really their partner’s thing but something flickers across his expression. He looks between Fives and then Echo before looking back at Fives. “Are we dating?”
Of all the questions…
Fives’s immediate reassurance breaks off as he doubles over with the force of his coughing.
That leaves Echo to take over. He half stands before he realizes that maybe Fox wants the space—that their commander wasn’t on the same page after all. Instead he stays put and makes sure he catches Fox’s gaze. “We were under that impression, yes, but if it’s not what you want then nothing needs to change.”
“Oh.” Fox says.
He doesn’t jump to reassure them that he wants them in return but that’s alright. Any immediate answer Fox could give wouldn’t be true. It’s honestly a point of pride that Fox trusts them enough to tell the truth.
Meanwhile, Fives stops dramatically choking on his own spit long enough to go back to helping with Fox’s armor. He isn’t immediately pushed away, so that’s also a good sign.
Echo watches from his window seat and hopes.
There’s not much physical difference between Fox’s blacks and their own, but it still soothes a possessive nerve to see Fox replace his dirty blacks with Echo’s. It’s his favorite set, the one with a little tear down the side mended with a decorative stitch in blue.
Fives scoops up the dirty blacks and scuffed armor to do maintenance on in the other room, shooting Echo a sharp look as he does. That is where he deviates from routine, pausing this time before he kisses Fox’s cheek to give their commander time to pull away.
Fox does no such thing. He leans into the touch, tipping his forehead to rest against Five’s. Then he’s pulling away to drop onto the seat next to Echo. “So if you thought we were dating, I’m guessing you’ve already filed the paperwork?”
That draws Echo up short. Sure he doesn’t abide by the regs as strictly as he used to, but surely he would have known if there was paperwork. “For dating?”
“Mm.” Fox isn’t looking at Echo. “We’re in different battalions. I’m head over the military police force. That’s more than enough to be a conflict of interest.”
“Fuck. We can get it done tonight if you…” Echo breaks off when he catches a telltale amused twitch of Fox’s nose. He shoves their commander with a bright laugh. “You bastard! Who taught you a sense of humor?”
Fox’s lips tip up ever so slightly at the corners in the closest he ever comes to a genuine smile. “I found these parasites in the drunk tank. I think their bad habits are starting to rub off on me.”
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Luigi taking care of a Yoshi egg and Bowser walks past seeing him holding an egg cradling it like his own baby clearly warming it with his own body heat and it makes Bowser slightly feral. Accidentally turns on the baby brain. Absolutely needs to go make a nest and put his nest mate in there and have a healthy brood right now this very second. Higher thinking pft gone, only snuggle in nest and egg.
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aclownsclownery · 3 months
"Aroace people can still date"
Yeah and aroace people can also bash your skull in and thats what this aroace person is gonna do if you keep using this as an argument to ignore a characters identity
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greatalastoraltruist · 4 months
I feel like swinging a bat at a hornets nest so I'll say the quiet part out loud. A lot of y'all are bein aphobic as hell when it comes to Alastor. Alastor is seen to act repulsed multiple times in the show when other characters have suggested sexual acts with him and between that and his being confirmed ace, the fact that Alastors tag is still full of smutty fics just shows that you don't respect the character or folks on the ace spectrum at all. Yes, some ace folks aren't sex repulsed but Alastor clearly isn't one of those folks and y'all doing gymnastics to try to justify your constant objectification of our only confirmed ace character says a lot about y'all and how little y'all respect us.
Y'all are doing the exact thing to Alastor that so many of us on the ace spectrum fear from those around us every single day. You don't care about the character at all, you only care about how you wish he would fuck you and there's literally a whole show of other characters you can do that with that isn't the only confirmed ace character.
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angelwiththeblue-box · 2 months
me hitting fabriz shippers with my cane: LET!!!!! CHARACTERS!!!!!! BE!!!!!!! ARO!!!!!!!! ACE!!!!!!!!
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redysetdare · 3 months
Oh so when repulsed ppl or non-partnering ppl bring up their experiences it's suddenly "not all aros/aces! Don't generalize the community!" But a choir of assholes crying out "Aros and aces can still date!" In response to ppl pointing out the erasure of those who don't is not generalizing and totally fine? Yeah, uh huh ok.
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