#as if writing all those extra interactions wasn't giving more work to everyone down that pipeline during crunch lmfao
ayrennaranaaldmeri · 8 months
people with their fave's extra hours of dialogue and double the romance scenes claiming the char in question wasn't l*rian's writers' pet... I can't this is a stupid fucking hill to die on and that is objectively provable there is a reddit thread where someone literally did the maths. You are just wrong and you need to shut up.
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ellraiser · 1 month
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Mudborne - Devlog #02
Hey everyone! Been awhile since I opened up Tumblr to write something - I've been trying not to add the pressure to make myself post every single month, as half the time I don't have much to say and the other half making it something I HAVE to do prevents it from being something I WANT to do But it's been a little while of working on Mudborne stuff in between all the final APICO update stuff, and I wanted to share where I've got to so far with your new fav frog game
Back To The Drawing Board
So if you haven't already seen, one of the main things I'm doing with Mudborne is updating the style and the art. The gamejam version was made in a week, and a lot of that was shameless art rips of APICO with some reskins - which was still cute but after working in the APICO "style" for nearly 5 years now I wanted something different. For that I'd already played with a few ideas:
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The game is set in a pond, so I wanted it to be mostly water. This meant thinking about what the landmass or even buildings would be like - I've always found the land style I did for APICO really weird as it's severe top-down but all the sprites are like sortof side view? So I wanted to work with that in mind and have the land match that perspective more. I also really liked the idea of the stone slabs as the land instead of dirt, as it had a nicer overall vibe and helped the mud stand out from the "dirt" of the early ideas. I also wanted to have lots of plants and nature stuff that wasn't necessarily interacted with but added to the overall scene. One thing I really hated with APICO is it relied on the trees/shrubs for balance of the overall palette, so this time I wanted enough flora scattered across the waters to make it look pretty all the time not just before the player has a killing spree with their axe. What I ended up settling on after a few weeks was this:
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As you can see it's mostly water, with some large stone slabs to act as "land" and break it up, and lots of green. I wanted a consistent darker outline for anything you can interact with, which then let me have a lot of "background" flora and scenery.
The stone slabs also felt like a perfect place for buildings - I'd tried an attempt at a few building designs, but overally didn't really like how they fit in with the world
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Having the stone slabs as the buildings felt more natural and the little extra details of grates and drains and windows I think helps sell it more as lived in. Also by having a fixed "size" of the blocks in tiles, I could match that for the inside so all the spaces matched up when going in and out (and also means I'd be able to show "hidden" rooms while inside that give you a clue to how to get into them)
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To finish it off, I worked on the menu designs to see how the UI would fit in - there's some similarities to APICO's basic UI style but I changed the colors a bit and added more space around all the elements. I also wanted some clearer slot stuff, so like mushrooms and their powder/magic mud to have a small icon for the mushroom, buckets to have a liquid icon - I'd made a few sprites in APICO that were far too similar, so I wanted to avoid that this time round.
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I also wanted to keep the main UI as minimal as possible, just some indicators, a current quest log, and then the tooltips if hovering something - this means I've got some flexibility later to add some more stuff. Once I got this coded up I'd tweak a few things, including the design of the titular mud itself, but overall things pretty much match those final concept arts above.
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Lost In A Dream
With that done I wanted to work on the next main part of the design - the dream world. In the gamejam when you dream you visit the big frog god and they tell you your progress, but what I actually want is a whole dream world that acts as an "opposite" to the waking world.
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With APICO I always felt like the gameplay was fun but the NPCs and story and exploration was pretty non-existant. In Mudborne I wanted to expand that, have a similar "maths for fun" genetic puzzle to work on as the core game but then have a much richer world to explore.
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With the dream world I could have things change between the worlds - new doors and rooms appearing, broken bridges now fixed, stone lilypads disappearing. By using the big froggy pools the player can switch between the two, and access new areas they couldn't before, along with new frogs or mushrooms or NPCs. This ends up with a sort of APICO x Metroidvania in a way, you find different mushrooms, create new frogs, and based on the frog genetics you can "unlock" these gates to get to new areas - some part of the main story, others optional to learn more about the secrets of the world, but the different frogs will gate your progress and exploration. It also gives me a lot of scope to do fun things with the differences between the two worlds, whether thats trees turning into jellyfish that float around, or NPCs being different and saying/selling different things.
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It also has some importance within the story itself so I think it should end up as a nice mix of fun gameplay, cool vibes, and a nice story to tell.
Something Old Something New
With the overworld itself I'd done a lot of changes, looking at the gamejam you can see just how much differs, not just colors but the world objects too.
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Some of the items I still liked, like the mushroom designs or the basic tools, some I think make for a fun "nod" to APICO, (like the frogspawn being the honeycomb sprite but modified), with the objects themselves though I wanted to try and match that new "perspective" shared by the stone buildings and the trees.
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I also wanted to start using some more colors and have things less flat, so it was nice to finally move away from a lot of the stuff I'd drawn for APICO. When it came to the menus though, I still think the rough style of menus worked really well - it's been battle tested and I know what worked and didn't, but the UI has always been pretty solid. The main changes I did was update the spacing between elements to give the slots + UI inside menus more space, and then I wanted to change some of the border/header styles slightly and have the tiny lilypad icon in there too. To start with I just fleshed out a bunch of the machines I had in the gamejam plus a few extra ones (also yes thats a slightly different shade of brown to APICO, you have good eyes!)
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I really liked some of the menus have these sort of "mini" interfaces inside that showed a bit more of what is going on in the overworld, so wanted to lean into that a bit with some of the other machines. I also still liked the idea of having some mechanism stuff - for APICO players I appreciate it's lost the charm, but anyone new to Mudborne thats never heard of ol' bee game can still appreciate it!
Maths For Fun
As I started implementing the mechanics some of the menus changed a bit - for the current "vertical slice" I'm making for pitches, the main machines I needed were: - Spawner (frog+frog = frogspawn) - Grinder (mushroom = powders) - Cauldron (mud+powders = magic mud) - Nursery (magic mud + frogspawn = tadpole) - Feeder (tadpole + bugs = frogs) - Bed (skip ahead time)
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The main differences to the gamejam version is the extra step with mushrooms (so that you don't have to find + pick as many mushrooms as you'll get multiple powders from one), the cauldron accepting up to 3 powders that can be the same or different (so one magic mud can have 3 buffs), and the nursery having multiple layers (so you could do 3 different genetic changes or use a +1 mushroom 3 times for a +3 in one step) The nursery change is the most important here, as being able to do 3 buffs at the same time is important as it's part of the genetic puzzle I'll explain later - but it also removes some grindyness, instead of needing to do 3 cycles for a 4 trait to become a 7 trait using a +1 mushroom, you can do just 1.
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The feeder expands the process to include bugs you find to feed the tadpoles - once they grow they'll appear in the overworld as actual frogs again to catch, but this time they might be some new species depending on the genetic modifications you made with the mud. I'm still playing with what the different bugs might do or how which bugs are decided as needed, but I think it gives me a lot of room to play with from a mechanics standpoint. The final "new" machine I needed was the actual teleportation pools - these would have the genetic "lock" that you need to make a frog to match.
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The puzzle starts off simple enough, get a frog that matches the 7 traits the pool requires. Putting a frog in the pool starts the little coloured lines to "move" from left to right, stopping if the number the frog has doesn't match whats needed. Once you have a frog with all numbers matching, all the dots can join up, and the pool unlocks to be used to travel between worlds.
"That's easy" I hear you say, and yes! To start with this is easy enough, sure you might need to combine different mushrooms to counter certain modifications you don't want, but you can cycle frogs as much as you want to keep modifying until you get there. However this is me making a game so obviously I need to then show you something that makes you cry - which is when I introduce the concept of ancestors to the genetic locks
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Instead of just looking at the traits of the frog, it also looks at the traits of the frog of the previous generation, and maybe even the generation before that! So starting from the first "column" you need to jump to the next one in a single frog cycle, using the right mushrooms to modify the numbers in one leap (ha). 
You then might need to do that again (and again) until you have a frog that has each previous generation matching whats expected. There'll be some tools to help you "predict" this, as well as lots of different mushrooms you'll find as you explore that do different things, +1, -1, *2 AND -1 etc. Planning this out is a nightmare as you can imagine...
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Also having 7 traits each with 7 values means a lot of combinations (823543?!?), which means I can "hide" a lot of frogs to be discovered. For example go scroll back up and look at the "finished" concept art without UI for both the waking and dream world - notice that piller on the left? By travelling to the dream you can get the missing numbers that give you a trait "key" you could make to find a new frog.
In this way there can be a bunch of frogs you have to find to progress through the pools to new areas, some frogs you can get through experimenting (what if I do 777777?) and some found through clues in the world. 
What Next?
So right now I've planned out all the mechanics and I've been starting to implement them into a prototype of sorts (in my new favourite engine LÖVE) to make sure it all feels fun and has the right vibe, so lots of little bugs/critters roaming around, a cute day/night cycle, weather etc
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I'm trying to spend more time on little details and effects in the world, all very small stuff but all adds up without the player realising, reflections or pollen or subtle movement. 
The goal is to then finish that as a vertical slice I can use to pitch to publishers, cos although APICO did well that was a couple years ago now, and outside of this final update I essentially have no releases until Mudborne is done so money is pretty tight :')
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While doing that, I'll be continuing on with the game, starting with the first "training" area that will essentially become the demo. My plan is to release the demo later this year showing that first area, while I continue finishing the game to release in 2025 - right now the demo on Steam is still the gamejam version, which while it has some of the vibes it's not the full concept of what I want Mudborne to be, so I'd like to get that updated to really show people what they can have to look forward to.
I have a lot of the full game mapped out now, in terms of the story, areas, npc, general mechanics etc. I'm also literally mapping it out, each area on some graph paper, so will be interesting to see how closely I follow this for the demo + full game, esp. as I've already changed the houses (and is a nice analogue break for my poor eyes)
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As I mentioned at the start, having to force a devlog every month didn't work great for me, I'd rather do larger devlogs now and again to catch you all up with what I've been doing over a couple of months otherwise it feels like I'm scraping the barrel some months when I've been busy on other stuff. I do share the odd video + sketch in Discord now and again, so if you want to come chat about it I'd love to see you there, but I'm committing to do devlogs when I can so you can keep up with everything <3 ~ Ell
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mostlyinthemorning · 1 year
Fic Origin Story
thanks for the tag @rmd-writes!
What was your first fandom (reading and/or writing)?
Schitt's Creek has been the only fandom where I've been all in, writing and reading fic and making other content and flailing on multiple levels. I've dabbled with some others along the way - Highlaner, Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, but I was really only a casual reader and never a writer.
What was the first story you ever wrote (even if it was never posted) and what made you decide to write it?
It's this one, right here. I'd always told stories to myself in my head, but I'd never written any of them down before this. Honestly, if the Schitt's Creek fandom had been bigger at the time I was getting into the show, I might not have written this at all. But there were only ~150 fics at the time and I'd read them all several times and it was mostly an act of desperation. "If no one else is going to write this fic, I guess I'll have to do it myself."
What’s a piece of advice you would give to your younger fic-writing self?
Don't worry, you'll never know how commas work.
What’s an early fandom interaction that stuck with you (be it a nice comment, a friend you made, a fic that got a lot of feedback etc.)?
I think I was astounded that anyone would read anything I'd written, let alone leave nice comments about it. So thank you to those lovely people who left those first comments, it definitely gave me the courage to keep going!
Post a sentence or two from one of your older fics, and a sentence or two from a newer one (if you want).
This is from Snowbound, which wasn't my first Schitt's Creek fic, but it was the first one I wrote that wasn't an episode coda. I made Patrick shovel so much snow in that fic.
“I like seeing you in my clothes,” he murmured in a low voice.
“If you’re going to say things like that, we really should lock that door,” Patrick replied.
“Hmmm.” David put his hand behind Patrick’s head and leaned in to kiss him. He nipped gently at Patrick’s lower lip and Patrick’s lips parted for David’s tongue. Patrick returned David’s kiss urgently before pulling back to kiss along David’s jawline. The feel of the rough stubble beneath his lips was intoxicating.
“David…” Patrick began, his voice uneven. Just then, a loud knocking came from the outside door to their room.
David closed his eyes and rested his forehead against Patrick’s for a brief moment before going to open the door. Stevie stood outside holding a bottle of wine in each hand.
“I heard you guys were trapped here and it looks like I’m not going to make it home tonight, so I brought some wine. I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“OK, why does everyone assume that we’re just in here having sex?” David demanded.
“Because they know you. And also because your boyfriend is blushing and can’t look me in the eye.”
And from There is definitely, absolutely, positively only one bed (because I like to think I'm funny):
“I hope the babies will be okay.” Having babies compete in extreme elimination challenges seems cruel, but it’s not like he knows anything about children. He hasn’t voluntarily touched a baby since the time he confused Jessica Simpson’s newborn for a Pomeranian.
Thankfully, Ray quickly moves to more interesting topics. “Now don’t worry, there’s plenty of extra butter chicken and I think Patrick bought wine. Must be a special occasion.” Ray dodges around him, holding the door and waving David inside. “Door open or closed?”
“Oh, closed.” There is never a good reason for leaving a door open. There are moths out here.
Tagging @noahreids @stereopticons @missgeevious @blackandwhiteandrose @carolrain @weathereyehorizon @likerealpeopledo-on-ao3
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roll-da-credits · 3 years
Just saw this and your writing absolutely love all of it! Could I request #25 after a long day of work and class with Shouto x Katsuki x self-insert/reader? Aka the reader left bed before the sun ☀️ was up and doesn’t get home till late after it has set again.
I’m a spunky Geologist turned Special Ed teacher working on her masters in teaching so she can teach Highschool science here in the next few years. I am 5’ 6” covered in several piercings and 2 half sleeve tattoos. I am also very quirky, fun loving, and snarky when it comes to those I love. Also very much a good mix of outwardly looking like the adult I am, but inside I am very much a nerdy dorky little kid!
Congrats again on 250+ followers!!! That’s so amazing! Keep up the great work Dumpling 🥟 ❤️❤️
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Day 25 - Cuddles Shouto x Reader insert x Bakugou
Event masterlist (you might be asking, hm Creds why do you have 2 for Day 25? Cause I'm an idiot and forgot to write TAKEN for the Day 25 and 2 people already requested and I felt bad declining one :)PS I hope you don't mind me changing the request slightly and this being more of a Bakugou's pov than it is your pov.
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Patrol was rough.
Extremely rough.
It wasn't anything extra difficult like trying to defeat a superpowered villain whose quirk is a literal cheat code in the system. The crime-fighting wasn't that bad, simple petty criminals.
It was the people Bakugou and Shoto had to deal with that made today so tough. Bakugou always had a short temper, that much is known about him. But after becoming an actual pro hero, he, with the help of 2 of his lovers, has been trying to fix his attitude.
Whatever progress they had made immediately crumbled today. It started out as a normal interaction. After taking down some robbers, some of his and Shoto's fans, alongside many reporters came to see the scene. This was normal for them, both of them were used to the attention, being some of the most popular and strongest pro heroes of their time, it was only natural attention followed.
It wasn't until one annoying woman came into the view that destroyed the entire mood. Turns out the robbery happened across her home, with the noise ruining her morning, she had thought it would be a good idea to give the two heroes a piece of her mind.
What ensued there was documented by the fans and the news outlets. The woman began screaming and yelling at everyone to quiet down, not caring about the policemen's explanation, choosing instead to scold and demand the two heroes for compensation for her ruined morning.
Bakugou was trying his best to keep his calm, whilst Shoto tried to calm the woman. Until the woman started yelling slurs at them both for liking the same gender and insulting you. That was when Bakugou finally exploded.
An explosion caught by the camera. One that was stopped only because Shoto separated the two using his ice.
Throughout the entire rest of the day, the incident seems to follow Bakugou and Shoto everywhere. With every single reporter trying to follow them around and get a statement on it.
It got to the point where eventually their agency told them to take the day off, wanting to let the fire die down before it gets any worse, and Bakugou's reputation falls even more.
"You have to calm down, it wouldn't benefit anyone to blow up like that," Shoto spoke softly, as he usually does, as the couple walked to their home.
"How the fuck was I supposed to stay calm when she was attacking us?!" Bakugou yelled.
Shoto sighed it wasn't easy dealing with the exploding man (pun intended). After all, he himself was exhausted. He just hoped you were at home. Considering how you left before they both woke up, which was rather odd since he and Bakugou woke up pretty early, he guessed you had a big day.
His prayers were answered though when he opened the door and saw you lounging on the couch. Hearing the door opened you turned towards them. One look at your face made them both know you were aware of their situation earlier in the day.
"Cheer up guys! Judgemental people will always exist all we have to do is just ignore their comments." You tried to cheer up your two lovers.
Shoto, hearing your optimism smiled softly. He couldn't help but feel happy when you were feeling happy. Although it seemed to have the opposite effect on Bakugou. The man's scowl only deepened.
"If we ignore them they'd only get fucking worse idiot!" He exclaimed.
You were quickly silenced when he yelled at you. Your rational side knew he was just tired and that was his impulsive reaction. But it still didn't feel good. You were only trying to help.
"I was trying to help, sorry." You muttered under your breath.
Shoto realizing the situation was slowly getting out of hand immediately jumped in.
"Why don't we just watch a movie and calm down?"
Bakugou wanted to say something but once more, his ego got in the way. So, he declined, turned around, and went outside.
Shoto saw how sad you looked and once again sighed.
"He's just trying to calm himself down, don't worry about him." He mused before making his way over towards you on the couch.
You scooted slightly towards the middle of the couch to give him some room. The couch dipped under his weight as he made himself comfortable. Shoto's arm made its way around your shoulder pulling you close to him.
He knew how much you cared for the man and how much you worried about him.
"I know," you stated, "How are you though? Are you okay?"
After a few years of dating the two, you could read them both like an open book. Whilst Bakugou emotionally usually acted on impulse and aggressively. Shoto on the other hand has a tendency to cover up those feelings, choosing instead to focus on the emotions of his loved ones over his.
Hearing your question he smiled. Leaning down to kiss the crown of your head softly.
"I'm fine love. Being here with you already calms me, it'd be better if Bakugou was here but I'm pretty sure he needs time to collect himself alone."
You hummed in agreement before putting a random film on the tv to act as a distraction. It was clear you both were worried about him, but you both also trusted Bakugou enough to know that he will be fine once he's calmer.
Once Bakugou finally cooled off, he walked back inside the house. A small feeling of guilt starting to eat himself from the inside. He didn't know why he blew up on you like that. You didn't deserve it, you were only trying to help.
He noted mentally to make it up to you and Shoto by perhaps cooking dinner, or to help you study later on. He almost snickered to himself remembering the last time he helped you studied. What was once a study session only became you explaining geology to him. He barely understood what you were saying, all he knew was you seemed so happy to talk about it.
Remembering your happy attitude made his heart clench, even more, realizing how sad you looked when he yelled at you.
That guilt only grew when he saw you and Shoto on the couch cuddling one another, asleep. He felt bad for exploding to you two.
He leaned down towards both of you and placed a small kiss on both your foreheads. An act of affection he rarely, if ever, did. He was always shy about affection. Choosing to show his love by acts of service.
Both of you stirred awake after his kiss. Looking up at him with worry in your eyes.
"Sorry," he muttered.
Shoto simply closed his eyes back and cuddled closer towards you. Whilst you groaned and outstretched one of your arms towards him, urging him to join the cuddle session.
He chuckled and accepted the invitation. Sitting down right beside you and curling up against your side. His other hand intertwining with Shoto's above your torso. Bakugou felt calm.
A calmness he doesn't usually feel.
A calmness he feels only when he's with the two people he loves most. Subconsciously he buried his head deeper on the crook of your neck and his hand squeezed Shoto's tighter. An action that doesn't go unnoticed by you nor Shoto, who smiled at the tsundere's actions.
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Hi there! Can you tell I've never written a poly relationship before? Ahahahahahah. I'm sorry if it seemed like I focused too much on one side of the relationship, I really tried. Ps I had to re write this like twice since the first time I was rushing and DIDN'T SAVE IT BEFORE SHUTTING DOWN MY LAPTOP, the second time I wrote it in the car on my phone and when I saved the draft IT DIDN'T FUCKING SAVE. So I just wrote it in my notes then copy pasted everything on my laptop lmao. ANYWAYS, THIS A/N IS GETTING A LITTLE BIT TOO LONG. THANK YOU FOR READING AS ALWAYS AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR JOINING MY EVENT!!!! (I hope you enjoy it and istfg Mammon on ur pfp is <3)
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hufflesmonsters · 3 years
New Beginnings
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A/N: hi, just dropping in to say I’m writing again >:D enjoy this slow burn. Also, surprise, it’s not a lizard man story though I do have one in the works so there is that.
Torren swung the ax down, splitting the log in two. Sweat beaded his brow as the sun bore down on him. He stuck the ax down in the wood stump and stood, wiping away the sweat with the back of his hand as he looked up at the sky. Just past noon, he’d have to get a move on if he was going to be on time for the kings summon. If he even wanted to take the job, whatever it was. If King Richard the second wished to hire a mercenary, it surely couldn’t be for anything fun. He clearly didn’t want to waste his own men for this, which meant that Torren was likely going to die during his job. 
And yet… the money he would get if he lived. He could retire, and finally live his dream of being the towns hermit to its fullest potential. As in, he only ever comes into town on stormy nights to buy ten kegs of ale and disappear for another three months. He grew his own food, hunted his own meat. Of course he kept messing up his tomato plants which meant he had to go into town to get those, but once he can figure it out then mission Hermit was a go. 
Stepping back, he grabbed the shirt he had draped over a nearby branch and walked towards his home. It was a nice little shack, one he’d built from scratch back when he was just a young boy. He had found the location by accident really, one minute he was being chased by his elder brothers, the next he was standing in a clearing with a pond and no one in sight for miles. At first it was just a cool hideout, somewhere he could go to get away from his crazy family and village bullies. But over the years he spent more and more time here, fixing it up and expanding the facilities. Next thing he knew he had completely moved in and claimed the land officially as his. 
Tossing the shirt on the couch, he walked into his bedroom and opened his dresser. He wasn’t sure what he’d need really, if this was a quick trip, and he hoped it was, he’d only really need two shirts, pants and his washing supplies. He already had his armor on, his swords were already by the door, polished and ready to go. He grabbed the shirts, extra pants, and his bag of supplies and stuffed them into a bag that he could tack onto his horses saddle. He’d grab a small coin purse for food and drink, which should cover him for his trip if he was careful. If he ran out of coin he’d only have to offer to chop wood for inns or something like that. 
As he turned to leave, bag in hand, he stopped by the kitchen and grabbed the oat bag for Sweetie. Most of the time she was content to just chew on grass, or even break into gardens and devour everything in sight. But oats, how she loved oats. 
The sun glared at him as he exited the house, he stopped briefly to lock it up before continuing down the path to the pasture. He could already see the giant grazing peacefully, black tail flicking away bugs as her dappled gray coat shone silver in the sunlight. She was truly a magnificent horse, holding a presence without even trying. She was a draft horse, one of the few capable of holding a full grown orc. And she was an absolute sweetie, hence, her name. 
“Got something for you, Sweetie,” Torren called as he entered the stall part of the pasture, grinning as her large head shot up, ears pointed forward and nostrils flaring. She smelled the oats like sharks smell blood in the water. With a graceful trot, she soon stood in front of him, towering over him by two feet. She bent down and nuzzled his cheek lovingly, snorting into his ear as he tried to shove her away. “We don’t have time to cuddle, girl. The King wants us at the castle by midday tomorrow.”
Sweetie snorted and stood upright again, flank twitching as she moved past him and into the tacking area. She was smart, smarter than most horses he’d met. She waited patiently as he began to saddle her, taking his time to secure the bag and oats in a place where she couldn’t get to it. She was tricksy, especially when it came to oats. But she also knew that those were a night time snack, something that he wouldn’t just give out unless they narrowly avoided death and allowed her to have something to chew on while he fought off a panic attack. 
He slid the reins over her head, patting her cheek as she opened her mouth to allow the rod to go in. Once she was fully outfitted, he lead her out of the stalls and closed the doors behind her. He swung up onto her back, and settled in. Gathering the reins, he clicked his tongue and set off down the dirt path that lead into town. The castle wasn’t too far, if he traveled nonstop today he’d be able to make it before midday tomorrow. Talk to the king, get the job done, and they’d be home before they knew it. 
Reaching the castle, Torren almost turned back around. He’d heard the rumors, how King Richard the second seemed to… overcompensate. The walls around the kingdom were large, but not as large as the damn castle. It towered over everything, almost as if it was a direct challenge to the gods. It was also very, very ugly with its pale brown coloring and lack of windows.
Showing his summons slip to the guards at the gate, he slowly made his way into the kingdom. It was another thing that irked him about King Richard, he was a man with “purist” beliefs. No race other than human was allowed past the walls without a proper invite. There was no trading, or apprenticeship allowed between humans and others. Which raised another red flag about this job offer, why would a king who hates his kind specifically ask him to complete a task for him. 
Torren tightened his fist on the reins as he watched the crowd wearily. He was going to die, either here or on this job if he wasn’t careful enough. The townsfolk weren’t bad, they looked more open to him than the guards did, but he didn’t dare interact with them. Not even to the young children who waved at him for the guards were watching him just as closely as he was watching them. 
Reaching the palace, he climbed off of Sweetie’s back and handed the reins over to the stable boy, a warning look in his eyes. If they mistreated her, he would rip all of their spines from their backs and beat them to death with it. Torren turned to look at the guards that approached him, back stiff as he towered over them. It was almost laughable, how they escorted him into the palace. 
The inside of the castle was just as ugly as the outside, the same beige walls, no decorations whatsoever. Whoever helped the king design this deserved to be publicly executed. Knights stood at every corner, some seemed to be standing at random places the further they got in. It was almost as if someone had just told them to pick a window and stand. The guards increased as they drew closer to the throne room, all of them standing at attention as they stopped in the middle. The guards beside him stood at attention, hands over heart and back straight. 
One of the guards announced the arrival of the king, everyone else following in salute. Torren looked up in expectation for the infamous King Richard the Second. Looking, looking, out of confusion, his gaze drew down to the floor when an irritated cough sounded. 
Oh, oh gods… 
Torren had to physically bite his tongue as he took in the sight of King Richard the second. No wonder the castle was so large and hideous, this man barely stood past a humans waist. He recalled an old nickname for the king, one that was immediately outlawed in the towns surrounding his kingdom. Little Dick Jr, the bane of all of Pufort. 
Torren knelt in front of the tiny king before any more offense could be given. And he had a lot to give at this moment in time. “Your grace,” he said stiffly. 
“Rise,” came the nasally response. “Do you know why I've called you here, orc?” Dick Jr asked once Torren towered over him again. 
“No, m'lord.” 
“I am a king without a queen, I'm basically a laughing stock in all the kingdoms!” Torren was willing to put money on it, that wasn't the reason why, but he knew better than to say that. “But there's a princess, locked away in a tower due east. And she will be my bride.” 
“And you wish me to retrieve her?” Torren asked for clarification. That didn't sound so hard at all. 
“Yes, it's a week’s journey all together, the roads are treacherous, but I'm sure you're no stranger to that,” again, nothing dangerous. “And then of course there's the active volcano and lava surrounding the castle and the dragon guarding it.” Ah, there it is. 
“I see, that doesn't sound too difficult for me,” Torren said, lying through his teeth. He could handle bandits, he could even sneak past a fucking dragon. But lava? An active volcano? That was something he'd never experienced before and wasn't too keen on the idea. 
“Perfect, we will discuss your payment when you get back. Godspeed, I wish to be married by the end of the month!” Little Dick Jr clapped his hands twice, alerting the guards that he was done talking to the half orc. 
Torren bowed his head and turned to make his leave. If he walked fast enough, he could get out of this city by the time the king reached the stairs. The guards had attempted to follow him out, but after they had to literally run to keep up they quit. It wasn't like he was going to do anything anyways. 
He eyed the gods awful bust of Dick jr. and contemplated tripping into it…
No, no. Not yet. 
If there were small miracles, Torren may have found one. Sweetie was in perfect condition when he had retrieved her, granted she had been touched by the stable hands and she made sure to voice her displeasure by biting his shirt and nearly throwing him into a mud pile. Sweetie was a sweetheart up until she had the wrath of the gods placed upon her. 
They had made their way out of the kingdom as fast as they could, and Torren was grateful that the guards didn’t give him an official escort out of the kingdom. Though, he had noticed several guards watching him carefully if he lingered too long in an area. Sure, there was traffic, but he was an orc, that was an unforgivable crime don’t you know? He half expected to get harassed when he passed by the front gate guards, but he was uncomfortably surprised to find that they did not. 
Oh, he was going to die on this mission. He should have gotten his affairs in order, who was going to take after Sweetie when he was gone? His brothers were half a kingdom away and his neighbors didn’t know he existed. Now, he was realizing as he traversed the hills, it was a bad time to be a hermit. Sweetie was smart though, maybe she’d find a new hermit to adopt and go about her life. 
Okay, maybe he should focus on traveling and not his soon to be untimely demise. 
Torren had just crested the hill overlooking the neighboring village when a shout came from his right. Looking over, he was wary to see an elf making his way over on his own sturdy steed. The elf seemed friendly enough, though most elves he met rarely stayed friendly. He paused and waited for the elf to approach, keeping a hand on his dagger just in case. 
The elf wasn’t bad looking, kind of handsome really if Torren was being honest with himself. Tall, a bit taller than most of the elves he met, golden skin that would make King Midas jealous. Long brown hair braided back in practicality rather than aesthetic, though it was a tad too ornate for pure practicality. He was dressed in simple leathers, with elven embroidery up around the shoulders, partially obscured by the cloak he wore. 
  “Hail, friend! I see you came from Pufort, a fine accomplishment for those of us considered too “unpure”,” the elf gave a laugh as he settled beside Sweetie. “Gavril, merc for hire,” he introduced himself as he put his hand out.
“Torren,” Torren said as he took the hand and shook it once. A mutual respect was given to the elf, some mercs stuck together, especially those around Pufort. The land wasn’t known for tolerance, mostly the guards fault, and so it wasn’t common to see many mercs who weren’t human. “What brings you to Pufort?”
“Ah, but the king, of course!” Gavril gave the man a bright smile before his smile dropped. “Better to talk here than in the village. Less ears.”
Torren felt his heart drop at the comment, dear gods was this the end? He hadn’t even made it out of Pufort yet! Gods, the amount of fun his brothers would have when they find out that he died in Pufort of all places… 
“I can see you’re freaking out, fear not, I am not going to say “long live Dickie”,” Gavril let out a laugh, and Torren didn’t appreciate it, like, at all. “He hired me a month back, and when I disappeared he chose to hire you.”
“And I should believe you, why?” Torren actually did believe him, it was just the dick move that Dickie would pull. But he was a distrustful man by nature, and so grilling the elf it was. 
“Why would I lie? Being here in of itself is a death sentence for me if one of his guards spots me,” Gavril shrugged. “No, I felt as if the job was far too… strange for me to complete without the full story.”
“And that story was?” Torren raised a brow as he shifted on Sweetie, who snorted in warning as she grazed. 
“The princess, she’s apparently the daughter of the neighboring kingdom, Aster. I did my research and went to them with the information on Richard. They don’t like the idea of an unsavory man such as him “rescuing” their daughter in such an unhonorable way,” Gavril leaned a bit as his voice dropped. “I was riding by, coming back from another business that I had to attend,  when I happened to have heard he had another summons, I thought it was only fair to let you know about it all.”
“And what, exactly, are you hoping to inform me of other than the princesses misfortunes?” Torren leaned slightly in despite himself. 
“I’m to meet another fellow, a minotaur by the name of Jardor. He was the princess's guard before she was imprisoned so she’d be more trusting of us. Her parents hired me to take her Aster instead of Pufort, and their offer is extended to any other mercenary hired by Richard.”
“And this is legitimate? How do you know they won’t cast you off to Richards' wrath once they have their daughter?” 
Gavril nodded as he sat upright. “A fair question, I, myself, found myself doubting it. However, I asked around their former employers and found that they were actually credible. I understand that you have no reason to believe me, but if you are curious you are more than welcome to come with me to meet up with Jardor.”
“And where is he?” Surely a minotaur would be noticeable around a place like Pufort.
“He was smart enough not to come to the welcoming land of Pufort,” Gavril said with a grin. “He’s in Halder’s Rest in the neighboring village, Stonewall, I believe.” 
“And you just happened to be riding by Pufort and saw me?” Torren raised a brow as he leaned back. 
Gavril let out a soft laugh. “Fair enough, I might have been lingering around to see what the little man’s reaction would have been.”
“How? You couldn’t have been allowed in the city.”
“It’s actually fairly easy to sneak in if you find the really dumb guards,” Gavril said with a smirk. “If you talk fast and use big words to explain away things, they simply just let you in.”
Torren shook his head, “very well. I’ll come with you to this Jardor, but I make no promises that I will join you.”
“Of course,” Gavril gave a bow to his head. “Now, what do you think are the odds that these kind folk will allow us to rest in their undoubtedly comfortable inn?”
“‘Us’?” Torren looked at the elf with furrowed brows. Surely he didn’t think they were going to travel to Halder’s Rest together, did he?
“Yes, ‘us’,” Gavril said with a raised brow. “Surely you didn’t think I’d just abandon you to these unwashed masses, did you?”
“Yes?” Torren wasn’t sure who he pissed off up there, but he was fairly sure he didn’t deserve this kind of forced upon companionship here. 
“Oh, my friend,” Gavril gave a sympathetic pout before clapping Torren on the shoulder. “You’re stuck with me.”
Gods help him.
Turns out, the good folk were not willing to rent out their plentiful rooms to two distinguished gentlemen like them. So, seeing as the guards started gathering around them once they exited, the duo had opted to camp out on the spacious planes outside of the village. Pro: it was a nice night out with the stars shining bright; con: there were wolves and they very much were eyeing them as a snack.
Luckily for them, the wolves found a rather unfortunate deer and left them alone for the rest of the night. After that, the sleeping got easier, though Torren still kept a hand on his dagger under his pillow. And if he noticed that Gavril did the same with his staff, well, he wasn’t going to be one to talk. 
The morning was a tense affair, Gavril had cooked and while it smelt delicious Torren wasn’t one for accepting food from strangers. But his mother also raised a gentleman with manners so he ate anyway. And it pissed him off more that it was, indeed, delicious in all honesty.
They set off not long afterwards, mounting their steeds and making their way to Stonewall, a village that was a good two hours away. Both Sweetie and Torren did their best to ride ahead of Gavril and his steed, Farren, however the two seemed to be professionals Thorn in his Side, for they stayed right on his heels, humming a stupid little song.
Torren really pissed off some of the gods. 
But, by the Grace of the gods, they finally made it to Halder's Rest with minimal spats. Or, "character building" in Gavril's mind. The vast difference between Aster's civilians and Pufort's was easily spotted. Where an inhuman was hard to see even just passing through in Pufort, it was hard to not see them in Aster. From vendors, to guards, to just a milk maiden lizard girl. 
It felt… welcoming. 
"Halder's Rest is just down the road,'' Gavril said as he led Farren though the bustling roads. 
Torren let him take the reins, not sure if he should run or not. He had no idea really what sort of situation he was walking into. One kingdom was going to be pissed off, that was for sure. Either Pufort or Aster, and he wasn’t sure which one was better. Aster wasn’t known for its military, sure it had it, but no one had seen it in action in well over a hundred years. They preferred to stay diplomatic in negotiations, and somehow it’s worked so far. And yet, he feared what Aster would do if King Richard the Seconded got his grubby little hands on their daughter. 
But another part feared what the King would do to him if he failed to deliver the princess. He wasn’t the first mercenary, and even Gavril admitted he was cheating death when he hung around Pufort waiting for Torren to leave. Pufort was well known for their military power. King Richard was always willing to fling a fleet at a neighboring kingdom, or hell, even his own people, if he felt there was even a hint of offense at him and his legitimacy of his rule. 
He should run, Torren realized. Like now, right now-
“Hey, there he is!” Gavril said as he pointed at the minotaur guard that stood outside the inn with his arms crossed.  “Jardor!”
Jardor looked up with irritation on his face. He was big, even for a minotaur and just as uniquely colored. Most minotaurs that Torren had come across were either brown or black with white colorations. But Jardor was a multi-colored minotaur, white based but he had russet, black, brown and gray mottled on the skin that was exposed through his armor. His horns were wide and angled high, making him more imposing.
“Stop calling attention to us,” the guard hissed as they drew closer. “You could jeopardize the mission.”
“Oh, please,” Gavril rolled his eyes. “There’s only milkmaids here, it’s not that dangerous.”
“The king could find out and send his fleet,” Torren hissed at the elf. 
“Exactly,” Jardor snorted as he shifted his stance. “Our success depends heavily on stealth. Until we deliver the princess back to the capital of Aster, we are not out of the weeds yet.”
Gavril sighed heavily but nodded. “So, are we heading out or is there other business we need to attend to first here?”
“We’ll head out, most of the pleasantries can be exchanged on the road,” Jardor said as he led them to the guards stables and pulled his draft horse out of the stall. As he mounted, Torren surveyed the town. It was a nice place to be, he supposed. But he still preferred his privacy.
“I don’t believe we met,” Jardor said to him as they set out. “I’m the Princesses’ guard, Jardor Stoneskin. And you?”
“Torren Azorrn,” Torren said finally. “Just got hired from the King-”
“-and poached from me once he left,” Gavril interjected with a cheerful grin.
“Yes,” Torren agreed with a heavy sighed. 
Jardor snorted and shook his head. “Of course,” he sighed. “I apologize for him, he was supposed to go home and then make his way back here. Though I am glad he did make the detour, I doubt I would have survived the trip with just the two of us.”
Torren found himself smiling as Gavril let out a gasp of mock hurt. “It is nice to have a more level headed company,” he agreed as Gavril mumbled to himself as the two men snickered. 
“I will have you two know, I am pleasant company!” Gavril said as he steered his horse next to Sweetie. 
“Of course, my friend,” Jardor said evenly with a placating smile. “Of course.”
“Why did you have to return home, anyways?” Torren asked with a raised brow at the elf. He had only mentioned business arrangements, but going home was an entirely different thing “Was that the other business you mentioned earlier?” 
“It was,” Gavril said defensively. “I have people at home who were waiting on me, had to let them know I’d be back for good later than anticipated.” 
Torren nodded and left it at that, he wasn’t going to judge people for their personal affairs, he knew that if he was still in contact with his own brothers he’d be doing the same. They lapsed into a silence after that, save for the occasional direction change from Jardor the other two were content with just following him. Finally, Torren found himself speaking up. “Jardor, if you’re the princesses’ guard, then why aren’t you with her?”
“Ah, there are two princesses in Aster, the one who is heir to the throne and the second in line should anything happen to the eldest sibling,” Jardor said. “The princess I served was the second in line, though she loathed the whole thing,” he added with a soft smile. “When she was...cursed, I was ordered to stay behind and help protect her sister.”
“So she’s cursed?” Gavril asked with a frown. “You didn’t mention that.”
Jardor shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “I, yes, she’s cursed,” he said stiffly. “The sooner she comes home, I’m sure she’ll be closer to breaking that curse.”
“Isn’t true love usually the factor in those curses?” Gavril asked with a furrowed brow as Torren studied the minotaur. 
“Yes, but that is not the case here,” Jardor said with such confidence neither mercenary knew what to do with that. 
“So what is this curse?” Torren asked. “Why was she moved to such a remote location, surrounded by lava and a dragon?”
“It was considered necessary by the Throne, it was not my place to question it,” Jardor said stiffly. 
“So you did disagree,” Gavril noted. “Which means it likely isn’t a curse, and that makes me so much more intrigued, don’t you feel the same, Torren?” 
Torren didn’t comment. But he did note that the minotaur was clearly hiding something, and that made him all the more wary of this job. He should have just stayed home. 
“Must you grate on my nerves, elf-boy?” Jardor snapped as he looked at the elven mercenary. 
“Ah, elf-boy is actually my younger brother, a cute lad but not nearly as annoying as me, elf-man,” Gavril said with a grin, but it dropped quickly in the wake of a grim expression on his face. “Look, we can deal with a dragon, and even the lava. But if she’s cursed, we need to know exactly what we’re walking into.”
“Nothing dangerous,” Jardor promised, and the two men relaxed just a bit at that. The situation was weird, but Jardor radiated a trusting aura that it was hard to suspect they were walking into a trap. At least for Gavril, Torren always assumed there would be a trap involved when he traveled with others. “Just let me take the lead when we get to the tower, a familiar face will help her.”
“How long has she been locked away?” Torren asked finally. 
“Seven years,” Jardor said with a weary look in his eyes, and deeper down, pain. “It’s high time for her to come home.” He nudged his horse, kicking her into a faster gait as they made their way out of Aster and into the wildlands. “That said, we’re a three day journey away from the tower, it’s in a remote part of the country that few travel by. We shouldn’t face any resistance before the volcano.”
“Well then, let’s get ourselves a princess,” Gavril said with a smirk at Torren as he sent Farren barreling after Jardor. 
Torren sighed heavily and patted Sweetie’s neck, “let’s get this over with,” he said to her as he nudged her side gently, a gentle permission to run with the other horses, a permission that she gladly took as she galloped next to their two companions. In just three days, he’ll be fighting off a dragon surrounded by molten lava just to rescue a princess. That was the only certain thing he knew about this mission, if there was a curse, if they could get her to Aster before the King found out, if he still was getting paid.
Gods, was he still getting paid?
[eye of the tiger blasting]
Jardor kept the lead, forging ahead when Gavril decided that bickering with Torren was a Lovely Idea. Both men, both adult men, were constantly five seconds away from getting into a slapping fight that escalated when Gavril, a four year old apparently trapped in a twenty eight year old's body, claimed that Torren had hit him. 
Jardor just let it happen when Torren really did hit him. 
Setting up camp was a horrid affair, all three of them were skilled in camping, but those skills had varying degrees. Jardor could put up an excellent tent, but the sleeping cot kept getting tangled and eventually he just laid out on the mess with a stoic resolve. Torren was an expert in putting out his sleeping cot, but his tent kept falling out on one side and eventually he just moved Sweetie over to help keep it propped up with the promises of getting her an extra big bag of oats. And Gavril would put his tent up, but in the process of laying out his sleeping cot the tent would fall. When he’d try to put the cot up first, the tent would fall and he’d have to find his way back out again. And so, in a moment where his remaining two brain cells bumped together, he tied his tent up to the branches of the tree keeping it up and elevated while Torren glared at him from the inside of his lopsided tent that was beginning to smell of horse.
The morning didn’t help anything either. 
Torren, used to years of cooking and traveling by himself, had woken up early and made himself, and only himself, a nice breakfast. The other two, woken by the pleasant smell of bacon and the heavenly sizzle of fresh eggs being cooked, came out of their tents with growling stomachs and crushing disappointment when they spotted Torren eating it all by himself. Jardor was disappointed, Gavril was dismayed. The two had to fend for themselves, Jardor splitting a piece of jerky with the elf as they glared subtly in Jardor’s case, and blatantly in Gavril’s. 
When they finally set back out again, it was in lesser spirits than the day before. They were less than a day away, according to the smell of sulfur that got increasingly heavier as they traveled on. Gavril could see why no one had rescued the princess prior till now, the lands around the volcano were barren, the roads treacherous by hungry wolves. It was dangerous even for the three of them, he couldn’t imagine a merchant or a lone adventurer braving this land.
Well, maybe Torren.
But everyone else would be fucked.
Jardor let out a soft laugh up ahead and slowed to a stop at the crest of the hill. He glanced back at the two catching up, a light shining in his eyes as he grinned at them. “We’re here,” he announced as the tower, tall and magnificent, loomed below. It wasn’t exactly just a remote tower, Gavril could make out some crumbling structures of a once beautiful palace. He wondered, hoped really, that it was still stable and safe for the princess, surely her parent’s wouldn’t have dumped her into this hell hole if it was unstable. He paused, actually, he’s met some gods awful parent’s. It was a high possibility. But that was neither here nor there, the tower was still far enough away, but they would arrive there within the hour if they paced themselves. They still couldn’t spot the dragon, and none of them were willing to go head on against a fucking dragon.
Torren opened his mouth to speak, to ask what the plan was in case the dragon reared its head. But before he could utter a single word, a horn sounded from behind them. The three turned on their steeds to watch as a troop of soldiers made their way towards the tower, banners flying high, and armor glittering in the sunlight. 
"Fuck," Gavril said with pursed lips. 
Fuck was right. 
Princess Amirah was absolutely, and positively bored. She had nothing else to paint, unless Harold suddenly changed their mind about her painting his scales. She’s run dramatically through the hallways a dozen times this morning, and really she wasn’t feeling it for a thirteenth time. All the books have been read, a countless amount of times. At this point she could quote the books and she did, constantly, to Harold as they cleaned their teeth from their meal each night. Harold never spoke as to whether or not they enjoyed it, but she assumed they would have put an end to it by now if they didn’t. 
She sighed heavily as she paced her room, paint brush in hand as she tried to figure out a new canvas. There was still some room on the window sill, maybe even the dresser if she painted small enough. She paused by the open window, the smell of sulfur no longer bothered her as she breathed it in. She barely remembered the smell of fresh, clean air. Or the sound of bustling streets, the maids coming in with sweet hushed words, her mothers hugs…
Amirah shook her head and smacked her cheek chastisingly with her paint brush. No, no thoughts like that, she’s survived seven years without those things, she can survive many more. In all honesty, she probably could leave. It wasn’t like anyone was going to come looking for her of all the princesses in this unholy tower. They were more likely to go for the skinny blonde overlooking the ocean than her. Which was fine, she was the second born princess of Aster, her sister was always considered the prettiest, the fairest, the princess that all should aspire to be. 
Amirah made it her mission to defy that expectation. She hated the princess duties that her mother and sister had forced her to attend. She hated the expectations that were expected of her as the second in line to the throne. To marry a neighboring kingdom, to secure an alliance between the two. To have their heirs and continue the bloodline. It all made her squeamish honestly. In a perfect life, she wouldn’t mind marrying and settling down on her own terms with someone that she truly loved. But she didn’t have the perfect life, she had her mothers expectations and her sister's legacy. 
She was honestly safer in the tower than back home. 
A strange sound filled the air, and a frown pulled at her lips as she looked off outside. She adjusted her glasses as another horn sounded, a horn of all things. Why would a horn be here, who was blowing the damned thing. They were going to wake Harold up!
Leaning out the window, Amirah let out a gasp as banners crested over the hill. Banners that belonged to Pufort, the kingdom ruled by King Richard. In the distance, she spotted three men charging ahead of the group, and hope glittered in her heart as she spied familiar horns. Was Jardor really here? She didn't know who the other men were, or what she assumed were male honestly she knew some beefy female knights, oh gods was Clarissa here? That would truly make her day. 
Before she could speculate, however, a loud roar filled the air and shook the ground. Clinging to the wall, Amirah looked up in slight fear. She knew that roar, and what it meant. A challenge, anyone who wanted her, had to go through them.
May the Divines bless their poor souls.
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Wannabe Challenge Kpop AU Headcanons
I know that no one requested this, but I had this idea stuck in my head for a while now. It took quite some time to get down, but I'm finally done!
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Role: Leader, Main Vocalist, Center
Taehee was the first member of the group to be recruited by ST Entertainment. He had a charismatic yet soft aura that drew all the girls on audition day. Immediately, the entertainment company knew that Taehee would become part of their label.
However, it took him a good 5 years before the company decided that he was ready for debut. It was within this time that he learned how to avoid the entertainment industry's sleazy business practices, develop a strong image, and maintain constant motivation for debut. You could say he subconsciously preparing to he a leader by trying to himself afloat for 5 years.
Once he finally got to debut, Taehee was chosen to be the leader of the group. Although Hansol seemed like the more obvious choice, Hansol thought that Taehee would be a better fit since Taehee already knew a lot about the entertainment industry due to his experience. Besides, he was the only one who was mature and emotionally-equipped to lead a group.
As for Taehee's abilities, his strongest suit is his singing. While he wasn't the strongest singer at the start of his training, he ended up become one of the best vocalists in the company. His voice has a unique color that radiates smoothness with a hint of attitude. He's able to hit high notes, but he's a lot better at belting -- especially when he's feeling emotional.
Perhaps this is the reason that Taehee excels in elegant concepts. His graceful movements along with his princely facial expressions make him the star on the stage. Think of songs such as "I'm in Trouble" by NU'EST, "Blue Flame" by ASTRO, and "Not By the Moon" by GOT7. It's like he belongs on an icy throne in a golden palace.
Surprise, surprise: he gets the most lines in their songs. Usually it's not by a lot, but sometimes ST gives some of Biho's lines to Taehee (much to the everyone's dismay). He's never comfortable singing those lines and tries to negotiate to give Biho more lines, but it doesn't always work. He gets quite the backlash for it, but unfortunately it's out of his control.
When interacting with fans, Taehee is usually very warm and kind. He's constantly asking about everyone's health and well-being, nagging fans to keep themselves at top priority. He doesn't want fans to ruin their lives because of their love for him and his group. He's also very earnest and mature, almost like a guardian angel to his fans. Wherever they go, his heart is always with them.
In the group, he's basically the dad. He's always looking out for the other members (yes, even Yooha). Just like his fans, his members' well-being is top priority. In lives, you'll probably see him in the background cooking food, cleaning dorms, and or scolding the other members for doing dumb things (that last reason is why he's also very likely to appear in crack videos).
However, he appears most often in "sassy moment compilations" because of his reactions. Taehee has even gone viral because he just straight up rolled his eyes at a variety show when they asked him uncomfortable questions and threw not-so-subtle shade. From then on, he's been dubbed as the "sassy king".
For side projects, his main path is acting. Taehee is a really good actor who played the main male lead in a critically acclaimed K-Drama. He played the sly but sweet love interest in a historical drama. The audience are always amazed at his ability to adapt to the time period so accurately.... it's almost as if he's lived there himself?
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Role: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Vocalist
Originally, Yooha has started off as a model. However, staff from ST Entertainment saw Yooha and thought that his visuals would be perfect for the kpop business. They offered their business card to him and he decided to try out for fun. Fortunately, he nailed his audition and was admitted as a trainee immediately.
Yooha was the last person to join the company and had the shortest training time (1 year). His sudden arrival and decision to debut with the group created a rift between him and the other members. Taehee thought it was unfair that Yooha could debut with minimal training while Hansol was worried that Yooha's addition would affect the group's dynamic (in areas like line distribution, dance formation, etc).
However, he and the other members were forced to resolve their issues when he became Taehee's roommate at their dorm. Since it was Taehee's job to lead the group (including Yooha), the two had no choice but to bond.
Now before y'all yell at me that Yooha isn't main rapper material, just know that I had to give the position to someone. Secondly, Yooha has an alluring and deep voice voice that was perfect for rap. Also, he is really good at rapping in various beats and experiments with different flows. While he can do fast raps, he prefers to make ones that have a distinct rhythm and leave a lasting impact on the audience.
However, Yooha hadn't planned to debut as the group's rapper. His original role being the main dancer, but he jokingly rapped in an pre-debut interview and everyone fell in love with his voice. From that, ST Entertainment thought it would be best to make Yooha the rapper instead.
In fan interactions, Yooha is very slick and flirty. Whether it's in fanmeet, lives, or concerts, Yooha knows exactly how to steal the hearts of his fans. Just one wink is enough to make the entire stadium swoon over him.
However, he's also the crackhead of the group. If you search for the group's "crackhead moment compilations", 80% of the video will involve Yooha somehow. In fact, it's these moments that really boost his popularity within the group and skyrocket him to the 2nd most popular member in the group.
Sometimes, he manages to pull one over Taehee and becomes the most popular member. How does this happen? Well, whenever the group has a "bad boy"/sexy concept comeback, Yooha absolutely dominates the stage. Think of songs such as "Want" by Taemin, "7th Sense" by NCT U, and "Love Killa" by Monsta X. The sexy concept was made for him, so it's no surprise when everyone in the comments section thirsts over him. It's just enough to put him over the edge against Taehee in fan voting.
He also has the most risque outfits. Yooha has an amazing body and he knows it, so why keep it hidden? His wardrobe is filled with experimental pieces that show of his abs, forearms, and everything in between. It's the reason why he's voted "Best Dressed" on every voting app.
Yooha is also a smooth dancer. His fluidity and confidence amplifies his sex appeal on stage, which often causes fans to confuse him as the group's main dancer. He's also has killer facial expressions that maintain his striking stage presence, making it impossible to keep your eyes off of him.
When Yooha isn't rocking the stage, you'll probably see him on magazines and commercial shoots. Photographers just can't get enough of his visuals, so they constantly bring him back for more modeling. He'll even dabble his feet in web dramas, but it doesn't last for long due to the scheduling conflicts between the web dramas and his music career.
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Position: Main Dancer, Main Vocalist, Producer, Face of the Group
Hansol started his music journey long before ST Entertainment. He had been creating music as early as elementary school (mainly him bashing wooden sticks on the table and strumming rubber bands). However, he really got to develop his passion on high school-- where he dedicated his time towards music production and music theory.
Thus, Hansol had his own YouTube channel where he created covers of different artists and snippets of songs that he created on his own. From that, he amassed a small following of 25K subscribers. This audience attracted ST Entertainment, who took a liking to his videos and asked him whether he wanted to be a trainee. Hansol gladly took the offer.
Hansol was the 2nd member to join ST and trained for 3 years. Although the company had given him the opportunity to debut immediately, Hansol wanted to wait until he reached his full potential.
While Hansol originally was the leader of the group (since he already had a fairly stable music presence), he had to product all their music. This ate up leadership time, which Hansol was having difficulty in managing. Besides, he thought that Taehee was more mature than him and thought Taehee would do a better job as a leader. Hansol ended up handing the leader role to Taehee before debut.
Hansol's production has been praised by critics, fans, and other producers. His vision for the song helps the group distinguish themselves from the other acts in the entertainment industry and create their own identities as a group. Sometimes he writes songs with Biho (or by himself) to better convey his emotions onto their group's album.
Hansol is the group's ace: he can sing, dance, and even rap. He's equally talented at singing and dancing, so he decided to take main positions for both skills. In his singing, Hansol has a high-pitched voice that makes it easy for him to hit high notes and belt to his heart's content. In fact, many of his lines in the songs are his adlibs (which give the song that extra spice).
Hansol's dancing style is sharp and energetic. There's a lot of power in his movements with playful facial expressions (in contrast to Yooha's powerful, sexy style). This allows him to steal the spotlight when the group has a playful and upbeat comback (think "Energetic" by Wanna One, "Sha La La" by Pentagon, and "BBUSYEO" by ONEUS). His bright grin is enough to light up the entire stadium while keeping fans engaged throughout the performance.
The group's debut turned out pretty successful thanks the Hansol's YouTube fanbase. With his enlarged presence, Hansol is the "Face of the Group"-- the most recognizable member to the general public. While he isn't the most popular within his group's fans, Hansol is the most liked across the general public.
Hansol's personality around fans is very bubbly. He loves playing up his cute, boyish charms to win over the fans (especially when they drool over Yooha). There's a lot of winking, heart signs, pouting, and hugs whenever Hansol interacts with his fans.
Within the group, Hansol is the baby. Although he isn't the youngest, he acts the most immature. He's always nagging the other members and trying to prove his manliness, but it's more like a puppy trying to intimidate a pack of wolves.
For side projects, Hansol would have a solo debut. He'd produce all the music on his album while collaborating with Biho for songwriting. Since it's his solo career, Hansol would have much more creative control-- allowing him to fully explore every corner of his artistry. He plans to continues his solo career long after the group disbands too.
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Position: Lead Vocalist, Rapper, Songwriter, Visual, Maknae
Biho was the 3rd member to join ST Entertainment. Out of the 4, he was the only one who submitted a formal audition tape to ST Entertainment and got accepted through the traditional audtion process. What made his audtion special was that he performed his own song-- a love song to his future lover. The judges absolutely loved his vibe and voice, so they couldn't pass this opportunity.
When Biho became a trainee, he always felt insecure about his skills. Even though he was talented, Biho was training with the likes of Taehee and Hansol, who were already experienced and seasoned professionals. Biho thought he'd be holding his group back, but the other members assured him that his presence made a significant impact on the group.
And honestly, it really did because Biho wrote most of their songs. His lyrics were both thought-provoking and poetic. He was never afraid of writing music about the things on his mind (whether it was love, fear, anger, or sadness). However, editing the lyrics took a lot of time as Biho only wanted to make the best content for his fans. Sometimes he lets Hansol write music with him.
Biho's strength lies in his singing (like most of the other members). His voice is soft and breathy, almost like a lullaby wrapping you in a soft blanket. No matter how you're feeling, Biho's voice is guaranteed to calm your nerves and take to your safe place.
Biho is also known for his looks. Although Yooha is the group's top model, Biho's face is the perfect canvas for all types of makeup styles. Although he doesn't realize it, fans love the duality between his soft persona and his darker one. Many are surprised that Biho is able to make the switch for sexier concepts and absolutely die when he does.
However, Biho shines the most with soft boy concepts. It's the image that he's had for the longest and is most comfortable with. Besides, the more thoughtful and heartfelt songs are where his lyrics get to shine through-- making him extra happy. For reference, the best examples of soft boy songs that suits Biho would be "Spring Day" by BTS, "Don't Wanna Cry" by SEVENTEEN, "Blue Hour" by TXT.
In fan interactions, Biho is extremely warm and a tad bit shy. He's always blushing when fans compliment him and showers his fans with a bunch of love in return. He likes to take his fans' hands and sincerely thank them for their support because his group would be nothing without them.
In fact, Biho is the most likely to get emotional while performing. The fact that there are so many people who are willing to listen to his music and his message is something that he could barely dream of. He will be forever indebted to their kindness, which is why he tries go provide his fans with all a lot of content (lives, Q+As, pop-up fansigns).
In the group, Biho isn't much different. In fact, he's the member whose idol persona matches his real personality the most. He's always cheering hisnother members from the side and gushing about how amazing they are. Sometimes he likes to throw an occasional jab at Yooha though (especially when Yooha is feeling himself too much).
For side projects, Biho is working on a book! He already has a collect of poems that was published, which has recieved high praise from critics and other poets. He also spends time writing songs for other groups, especially ones that come from small, poor companies.
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dolliedarlin · 4 years
⏤l o v e s t r u c k 
s u m m a r y : you have a quirk called 'animate' and it's very emotions-based, meaning that if you feel a very strong emotion, you're able to animate things and however strong that emotion is, the stronger it is the things you animate. Also, the pupil of your eyes can change shape or colour in accordance - red for anger and blue for saddness. In battle this is useful for animating weapons and such, however, when you fall in love...it's usefulness isn't always straightforward.
a / n : this is my first time writing for bnha characters so i'm really sorry for any inaccuracies in personalities. also, i, unfortunately, have only been able to think of this imgaine concerning bakugou and todoroki. even so, please enjoy the read!
w a r n i n g s : profanity by the obvious culprit
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k a t s u k i  b a k u g o u  
❥ it happened when you saw his passion and drive during practice...
❥ You always held a deep admiration for people who knew what they wanted and fought for it no matter what. Those were your parents, pro heroes who fought for the greater good as well as each other, and you, so you wanted to be like them and make them proud.
❥ Not only that but you were also a fanatic about LOVE.
❥ Your parents may have only had you as their only child but the insurmountable amount of love they had for each other would give birth to over a hundred children.
❥ You wouldn't have minded having younger siblings but you knew that your parents, being pro heroes themselves, were already risking too much with having their relationship public as well as their status as parents.
❥ By hearing them always gushing over how wonderful it feels to be in love and to be loved back as well as seeing how they act around each other - still a pair of love-struck teenagers in love - you were eager to meet the love of your life and fight for him
❥ During training or instances when you have to fight, it's that want to love and be loved that also fuels the power behind your animations. This power has only strengthened the instant you found the person you were destined to stand with forever.
❥ Bakugou Katsuki.
❥ The moment you took the time to look at him, really look at him and understand who he was was during tests and hero training.
❥ He's a skilled fighter with passion and drive. Admittedly, he's as explosive as his quirk and as rude as rude can get but you saw through that every time his eyes narrowed into a focused stare whenever he was fighting or studying.
❥ It really shows through how passionate he is about becoming the number one hero and you found yourself falling hard for him every time you saw the fire behind his eyes.
❥ It was just so attractive; your little heart couldn't take it!
❥ The time you really fell for him was during the final exams.  Yes, he was stubborn but only because he was so determined. Yes, it was a struggle and they almost lost all home but he never gave up. He was the perfect one for you.
❥ Although you were worried and scared for them at the time, your heart skipped many beats and you soon found those hearts being animated around you as you watched on, worried but falling deeply in love.
❥ You know very well that he can protect himself but your love for him encouraged you to protect him at all costs, especially when you saw him in such a vulnerable state. He was never like that so you swore to yourself that you had to get stronger so that he'd never have to be in such a state again.
❥ Not only that but you had to get stronger for yourself as well as Bakugou.
❥ You wanted to protect him but also be worthy enough to stand by his side.
❥ It became easier to train after having fallen for Katsuki, actually. Now that you had someone in mind to push you forward, someone to visualise being by your side through tough times the way he would be there for you as well, only helped you grow stronger and stronger.
❥ Over time, it became obvious to everyone, even Bakugou how deeply in love you were with him. Not a day goes by without you losing your focus during class only to stare at your ash-blonde classmate with animated hearts floating around your head and hearts in your eyes.
❥ Because of that, you found your grades slipping and even though you asked super nicely, even offering a shoulder massage, Bakugou refused to tutor you.
❥ "Now get out of my way heart eyes!" he snapped at you as he shoved you to the side
❥ "But darling~" you whined, "how can I ever hope to become the perfect wife for you if I don't have a good enough education?"
❥ "HEY! Who said I would ever be marrying you?! And Stop Calling Me That!"
❥ "Oh! Would you prefer 'honey', instead? Or 'sweetheart'? Or 'love of my life'?" by now he was a blushing mess but he still had a snarl on his face. The pink in his cheeks was a win for you though so even if he continued to refuse, you wouldn't mind.
❥ "I don't prefer any of those shit names! Now Leave Me Alone!"
❥ "Fine," you grumble with a whimper and he almost felt guilty at the sad look that crossed your delicate features, "I'll just ask Midoriya-kun for help instead-"
❥ "My room! Bring your shit! 6 pm! Don't be late!"
❥ "Oh Darling~ I knew you wouldn't say no to me~"
❥ It was amusing really, to everyone except you and Bakugou, to see your interactions with each other. You were too in love to notice anyone's teasing whilst Bakugou kept being pushed over the edge by his supposed 'friends'.
❥ "Friends my ass," he grumbled as they whispered behind him about how hilarious it was to watch you pinning for him.
❥ It wasn't funny! It was serious! You were serious about him and he knows it, you said it yourself.
❥ "Stop overdoing it dumbass," he glares down at your exhausted, panting form. It seems as though you were doing extra training atop his tutoring sessions.
❥ "but..." you looked up at him with a tired smile, "I can't be the perfect wife until I'm strong enough to stand beside you..."
❥ He didn't know what to say except for, "I'd rather have a wife that can cook and have good grades at school than a dead one from fatigue," he helps you up and takes you back to the dorms. He didn't know why the hell he said that but you didn't say anything so he assumed you just didn't hear him in your worn state.
❥ After that day, however, you insisted on cooking every day and finally got your grades up. You almost beat him in scores, actually. It was surprising but it proved how serious you were about your love for him. He almost became soft for you.
❥ "Stop doing so much heart eyes," he growled as he saw you making breakfast in the early morning.
❥ "But I need to become a good wife for you, Darling~" you chirped happily as you poured him some apple juice, "and to do that I have to be a good cook - just like you said!"
❥ "Tch! How are you so sure you'll stay interested? You'll find someone else eventually," Bakugou always saying nonsense thoughtlessly whenever he was around you and it was beginning to get on his nerves. He didn't care about this shit, so why in the hell was he saying it to you?
❥ "Nonsense," you huffed adorably, hands on your waist as you turned to him with a frown after lowering the heat on your heart-shaped cinnamon pancakes, "you're the love of my life, there's no one else on this earth that I would ever want except you Katsuki," you flashed him a close-eyed smile, "You're my one and only, Darling~"
❥ He begins to shout out of habit before turning away so you don't see his blush, "Shut up with that bullshit! Your dumb pancakes are gonna burn!" you didn't see his face did you?
❥  In your perspective, you still had a long way to go before you could ever reach Bakugou's standards and finally stand by his side when in actuality you had unknowingly made him want to stand beside you by just being yourself.
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s h o t o  t o d o r o k i
❥ it happened when you saw him smiling for the first time...
❥ The moment you first met Todoroki, you were determined to make him your friend.
❥ No matter how many times he had pushed you away, you were never deterred, in fact, it only fueled your determination in befriending him.
❥ It hurt you to see someone so closed off and without a clue as to how amazing it felt to feel loved and return that love, whether it be romantic or platonic.
❥ You wanted Todoroki to feel that beautiful feeling as well.
❥ All your life, you always had a very loving home with many younger siblings that you adore taking care of. Despite the occasional tantrums that they would act out, they were still the sweetest kids in your eyes and you would do anything for them
❥ Obviously, growing up in such a warm environment made you a very compassionate and empathetic person, even your quirk stemmed off of that which proved to be an advantage in your journey to becoming a hero
❥ The more emotional you were - regardless of if you were extremely happy or angry - that became your source of power in battles, meaning that the things you animated became all the more powerful on the field. The more you wanted to save someone from evil, the stronger you were.
❥ That was the obvious advantage but...that wasn't the case for when you wanted to be subtle about feeling intense emotions like...
❥ falling in love
❥ You didn't expect it with Todoroki, however.
❥ At the end of the day, he was your dear friend through and through. It took a lot of hard work and persistence for him to finally put his trust in you and return your friendship
❥ You didn't want to sabotage all that hard work. He was just beginning to reciprocate your friendly gestures, gestures that you would almost cry over each time because it felt like such a big step for him.
❥ It made you feel such pride when you saw him lose the cold look in his eyes and finally relax when talking with others and engaging in friendly activities
❥ Admittedly, Todoroki was still blunt and clueless to some things but he had all the time in the world to work on that. Having already taken the first step himself, the momentum for his exploration in emotions and opening up to others had begun and you're sure everything will just fall into place after that.
❥ Of course, he still needed some assistance so you had been helping him understand certain emotions and why people would feel a certain way under different circumstances.
❥ It was honestly the cutest thing and you were beyond happy to help satiate his curious mind on various topics he never had a straight answer for.
❥ EXCEPT for studies...he was better than you in that regard most definitely- yep! He's the one that needs to help you if that were the case.
❥ "I don't understand how you could get such a simple question wrong, (Y/N)..." he mused, genuinely dumbfounded at how horribly you failed at answering the practice question.
❥ "Please just help me, Todoroki-kun," you whined, flushing in shame at how horrible you were at English.
❥ "I apologise," he gives a soft bow of his head as you smile and wave off his apology before... "but I really am curious, even a little bit concerned for you,"
❥ "Just help me!"
❥ Not only did you need help in studies, you needed help with hero training. So you trained together. The two of you were dedicated students and always provided great input on ways of improving technique and approaches towards attacks. You made a perfect oblivious pair.
❥ The time your feelings decided to show was when the two of you had just finished sparing and it had been your turn to pay for an icy treat as a reward for such hard work. After making a short stop at the convenience store, you were now on your way back to the dorms happily chatting with ice creams in hand.
❥ "Is it weird to want to become closer to someone..." Todoroki stares at his icicle curiously, "someone that's close to you and is always there for you?" he feels a warmth in his cheeks that he's always having to suppress around you, it was never easy but he always succeeded.
❥ All he had to do was just think about you being in danger and being unable to help. That set his flustered state back to normal right away despite the sinking feeling he felt in his heart.
❥ "It's normal to feel that way," you assure, taking another taste of your ice cream, "there's no shame in that and it's definitely not weird,"
❥ "Oh," you flash him another reassuring glance as his lips tug up into a soft smile, "I'm glad,"
❥ That was when it happened.
❥ The setting sun had framed his smiling figure with a soft glow and you were instantly the victim of his content disposition. You knew he was handsome but...he looked all the more ethereal when he was smiling - smiling in the sunlight.
❥ The glow made his hair look like freshly fallen snow beside polished rubies as his eyes, one grey and one a paralysing blue captured the twinkling essence of the sunshine perfectly. His chiseled jaw cast a shadow across his neck, further defining his proportioned features as his angular nose gave him the desired picture-perfect side profile.
❥ If he didn't resemble the embodiment of perfection then and there, you don't know what did.
❥ As you stood dumbfounded, Todoroki had turned around, having walked several steps ahead of you and was stunned into his own silence.
❥ There you stood, a meter or so behind him with animated red hearts floating around your head, your stare was fixed solely on him as you let your coned ice cream gradually melt under the heated gaze of the sun; it's stickiness attempting to glue your fingers together.
❥ This wasn't the first time he had seen your animate quirk illustrate your emotions. He remembers you explaining that whenever you felt a strong emotion, whether it be happy or sad, you would lose control of your quirk and it would animate whatever it was that you were feeling.
❥ One time, you had ranked really low on an English test and a raincloud animated itself above you before it proceeded to soak you in rain. That day he had let you borrow his blazer to avoid Mineta's perverted staring and offered his tutelage on the subject.
❥ This is new. He wonders what strong emotion you were feeling. Hearts...what did hearts represent? Love...right?
❥ He looks around before his eyes landed on your icecream. Did you love your ice cream so much that you didn't want to eat it and just let it melt in your hand? He frowns. No, that can't be it.
❥ Could it be him?
❥ "(Y/N)..."
❥ if only he smiled more...-no!
❥ That would mean more people would see his soft handsome features and you can't have that! You are the first person he showed that side of himself to so you should be the only one allowed to ever witness it again-right? Or is that too selfish-?
❥ "(Y/N)?!" thankfully, Todoroki was able to successfully snap you out of your daze.
❥ "O-Oh! Sorry Todoroki-kun," you blushed in apology, looking to the side in embarrassment, only to squeal in shock horror when you notice the hearts floating around you. Shouting nonsense in between constant 'I'm sorry's, you waved the hearts away, "I-I'm really truly s-sor-"
❥ If it weren't for Todoroki taking your free hand in his own and tugging you back along the way to the dorms once more, you would have uttered your hundredth apology but, instead, you were left a stuttering and blushing mess, your animated hearts making their comeback floating around your head.
❥ As soon as you're right next to him, he lets go of your hand and pulls you closer by the waist. By now the hearts have begun to float around him and, although you were embarrassed beyond belief with your gaze fixed to the floor, Todoroki smiled even wider before leaning down to gently kiss your temple
❥ "Now, I know you weren't lying to me," this caught your attention albeit you were still a flustered mess of a person, "this feeling is so normal the other person feels the same way too, right?"
❥ You didn't know how to respond to that. Smile or faint from too much blood rushing to your head?
❥ How about both?
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n a v i . | bnha mlist
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satrangee-ray · 3 years
The Snack of a Lifetime
Book: Open Heart 3 and beyond.
Pairing(s): Ethan × NB!MC {Dr Inara Hepburn (she/they)}.
Rating: Teen+
Summary: Inara barges into the DT room with some obnoxious snacks to force Ethan into taking a break. But is that all they have in mind, or will their brilliant plan saved for later take him by pleasant surprise?
Category: Fluff, banter, life decisions and celebrations 🎉😁✌.
Trope: Weddings and Proposals.
Warning(s): one or two swear words, mention of a sex act.
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Writer's note: By the time this starts, Ethan and MC have already said their 'I love you's, are in a committed relationship, and more or less everyone knows about it. In my original HC for Inara and Ethan they don't get married this early, so this is kind of an AU cause I really wanted to write a proposal fic. Also the whole lawsuit drama didn't happen, cause I said so, and most sane people would agree.
Ethan wasn't used to receiving.
It was apparent in the way he interacted with the world, immediately getting suspicious of anyone who would remotely extend some sort of courtesy towards him. 
He knew if he ever wanted to have something for himself, no one but he would have to take initiative to go get it. And for two-way processes like relationships, he had no belief whatsoever on the legitimacy of such things.
That was until Inara waltzed into his life, and amazed him with the possibility that he could be on the receiving end of good things without having to worry about any strings attached. Be it love, or a blowjob, or "care", as he previously liked to call it– the best things life ever had to offer were simply falling into his lap, and he couldn't find himself complaining.
Inara cared, in the truest sense of the word.
She cared enough to take off his glasses and cover him up in warm blankets, whenever he would fall asleep with an open medical journal in his hands. She cared enough to know just how he liked his coffee, or to school his scotch habits whenever they would get a little out of hand. And presently, she cared enough to let him work overtime, by agreeing to grab lunch with Tobias instead.
Ethan couldn't afford to take breaks. These days, he had to work even in between shifts, to finish editing his second medical book decently before it's approaching release date.
(One month before Inara's board exams)
The diagnostics office sat deserted, except for one doctor. A wooden desk, with papers sprawled all around. Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose, as he kept his glasses aside.
Suddenly the office door swung open, and three figures strolled in. Two practically tumbled, giggling overenthusiastically. The third one was Harper, who calmly walked in holding a tray, and shook her head with an amused expression.
Ethan looked up, and saw Tobias and Inara, each triumphantly holding up all their 10 fingers at him.
"Ring Chips!" Inara squealed, running towards Ethan. "Si baked these last night, and brought them as extra snacks for her fourteen hour shift today, but of course, we managed to hog some. So dig in!"
Ethan cautiously eyed the bright yellow crisps looped through Inara's fingers, and said, "you're not expecting me to eat those atrocities, are you?"
"Did you just call Sienna's baked goods an atrocity? That's wrong on so many levels E, lemme just get her on the phone..."
"NO", Ethan replied on high alert.
"That's what I thought. Cause bold words for someone who struggles even with a pancake."
Tobias and Harper chuckled, struggling in vain to stifle it.
"Fine, give me one here", Ethan said, extending his hand towards Harper's tray which contained the particular baked snacks.
"Nope, that's not the way", Inara stopped him, slapping his hand. "If you're doing this, you gotta do it right."
A loud exhale escaped Ethan. "What now, Rookie?"
"E, you can't just pick one chip and eat it, okay? You gotta slip it through your finger, and try to grab it with your mouth, the childhood nostalgia way. Like this."
Inara brought their hand to their mouth, and swallowed one whole finger, sucking on it until the chip looped through it flew backwards into their mouth. They proceeded to chew on it, staring straight into Ethan's eyes. 
He was so screwed. 
Turning away from Inara's gaze with tremendous effort, he wordlessly picked up a chip loop from the tray and tried to slip it into his finger.
"Too small", Tobias remarked, and handed him another. "Try a bigger one."
This time the ring effortlessly slipped through his finger, sitting perfectly at it's base. Ethan stared at it, perplexed, for a few moments.
"Yes! Now consume it with your mouth", Inara's excited cheers continued.
Harper couldn't hold in a scoff, while the youngest doctor in the room remained blissfully unaware of the implications of their phrase.
Ethan's mouth opened in protest, but he realized it's futility immediately and decided to close it. Scrunching up his entire face, in disbelief that he was actually doing this, he lowered his head, and slowly raised his hand to his face.
When his finger holding the chip was well within his reach, he opened his mouth once again to grab it. But just when he was about to take the bite, Inara acted quickly and slipped the chip out of his finger, causing Ethan to bite into his own skin instead. 
"Aahh, Nars what the hell! Are you nuts?"
The three other doctors in the room unabashedly cracked up now, not bothering to hide their glee in Ethan being tortured like that.
Inara began stroking his beard softly, before leaving a quick kiss on his cheek.
Shades of light pink took over it in response.
"You should have acted faster, honey", Inara said, taking his hands into theirs. Another gentle peck landed on his lips.
"Now I'm already running late, there's this patient I have to check on, gotta yeet. But you better finish the rest of those snacks, along with the real food we brought you for lunch, and for God's sake, please look up from those damn papers for five minutes, and take a freakin' chill pill!" 
The last words were shouted as they rushed out the door.
Ethan and Tobias sighed.
"They're the best thing that has ever happened to you"
"Indeed", Ethan said in earnest. "I'll be very inclined to agree."
(Four months after Inara's board exams)
The gorgeous venue sparkled with chandeliers and boujee people in expensive suits. Small round tables, aesthetic chairs, congratulations in order everywhere. No, it wasn't the medical industry's 'it' couple getting married, it was the 'it' doctor, and the chief of medicine's second book getting launched instead. 
Ethan had walked into the Edenbrook atrium that morning like it was a war zone. His expression still spelt terror, as he uneasily shifted his glance between some of his guests, shooting small, forced smiles their way.
"Why do we always have to do this?", he had asked Naveen. "Why couldn't we just release the damn book in stores? Why host a useless social gathering with forty thousand rich snobs who are only any good at showing off and draining your energy?"
Naveen had shook his head and hit him with an assertive "it's necessary."
So currently, Ethan stood awkward to his bones, in the middle of this necessary evil. Until, a certain presence near the door cued him to look up.
It was them.
Pantsuit in a sinful vermillion, the colour glowing bright against their skin. Red bottom wedges, that only aided their boss status. Brunette locks framing their face, so impeccably contrasting the emerald eyes looking affectionately back at him. Those, which never failed to take his breath away.
Inara Hepburn.
His giver, his lover, his Rookie.
And Ethan couldn't be more mesmerized, or reassured.
"Need some help picking your jaw off the floor, Ramsey?" Inara quipped, as they strode towards Ethan, torturously slow.
"I– well…", he stammered, before clearing his throat. "Is that look the reason why you chose to arrive 'fashionably late', and drive separately to my book launch from our own apartment?"
"Yeah, definitely the look, but I daresay some other things as well", they said, placing a playful hand on Ethan's chest. "You'll soon find out."
He smiled warmly at them. "Is that a challenge?"
"Have you ever backed down from one?"
A reckless mistake of letting his eyes slip to their lips, and Ethan couldn't wait any longer. He wrapped his arms around their waist, kissing them hard and deep. Drinking in their mouth, their warmth, their sensations. Aching to draw as much energy as he could to power through this event, from his greatest source of confidence, his only constant supporter. 
"I love you so much, Rookie", he panted, after the kiss broke off.
"Some brand new information there", teased Inara, bumping their nose into his. "You know I love you too, E. Now tell me what's bothering you."
Ethan pulled back swiftly at that, and stared at them in astonishment.
"What 'what'? It was all over your face when I entered, and you still don't look quite alright. What's wrong, love? I don't recall you being afraid of public speaking!"
"I'd address an audience in my dreams! I just don't understand what's up with these people who come up individually to congratulate me, and purposefully try to expand those two lines into a whole one-on-one conversation. Scandalous!"
Inara nodded vigorously in agreement.
"Such a mood, b*tch, such a mood."
Peels of laughter were shared again, at their effortless mutual understanding, and at the usage of Inara's all time favourite nickname.
"All the best", they wished, shaking him by the lapels of his coat. "Get out there, and kill it!"
About an hour later, applause sounded from every corner of the atrium. Ethan beamed, as he finished reading the last line of a snippet about his latest research from his book.
Clapping proudly from the crowds was Inara, a lover on a mission.
"Thank you everyone, for joining me here today", Ethan said, amongst cheers and buzzing words of encouragement from fellow doctors and other esteemed medical personalities. "I hope I will be able to add value to patient-care through my efforts behind this book. There are some people I would like to specifically thank for being of immense help on my journey till here, so let's begin. Dad, thank you so much for coming to support me. Means a lot. Maybe because of my personal outlook, I could never comprehend your brand of unconditional love, which you so freely offer without actively needing me to work for it. I know now how valuable and rare that is, and how it has helped me grow into the man I am today. For that I will always be grateful. Naveen, thank you so much. You know if I start listing 'what for', I won't finish."
A lighthearted chuckle spread among the crowd.
"You always keep saying my success is my own, but I firmly believe there was no way I would have been the doctor I am without your help and guidance. Thank you for being the excellent mentor and leader by example that you are, you still motivate me to become better everyday. And, last but not the least… Inara."
All eyes in the audience shifted towards one young attending, who was clutching her glass out of giddiness.
"I really want to say thank you, but those two words will never be able to express the amount of gratitude I hold towards you. Before you, my life was only ever about blacks and whites. Giving my everything into medicine, working late nights and coming back to an empty apartment with scotch in my hand, I thought I was doing it all right. But when I met you, got to know you, I… you left me in utter awe of who you are, both as a professional and as a person. I couldn't stop myself from falling in love, and in respect, with your brain, your mind, and your soul. I am so glad you were patient with me while I was busy trying to deny it. You continued to show that patience even until recently, when I was all cranky with writer's block. Now I know the great Dr. Inara Hepburn is also a published novel writer, so of course that bit might have come out of empathy, but nonetheless, I'm thankful for it. Today, I'm about to release a book I put my all into, the information in which might hopefully change the face of what I'm most passionate about – public healthcare, for the better. And I'd rather not share this moment with anyone else. So Inara, would you please honour me by coming up on stage to receive the first ever copy of 'Prognosis and Evaluation'?"
Inara couldn't speak, stunned into silence for a bit. They had no idea Ethan would be the one for emotional public speeches, and here they were, utterly moved, in for another surprise. So would he be, soon, they reasoned in their head, and gathered themselves. Keeping their drink aside on a table, they strode towards the stage, eyes shining with pride, love, and determination.
Determination to get this right.
Ethan took their hand as soon as they stepped on the first stair, and led them upstage. 
A copy of the book, new and shining, was lying, all theirs to hold.
'Prognosis and Evaluation: A comprehensive study.'
Their heart swelled at the words written on the first page of the book.
Typical Ethan's handwriting, somehow neat and gibberish at the same time.
'My love, my north star, I promise to never let you down' - Dr Ramsey Ethan <3.
Tears. Instantly, a whole lot of them rolled down their cheeks. They clutched the book hard and hugged it to their chest, holding on tight. Ethan held them in turn, locking their shaking frame in his embrace, as the crowd broke into a unanimous applause.
"E, I don't know what to say", Inara began, on being handed over the mic. "Si would have cried so much if she were present here, Naveen's already crying."
Their grandmentor smiled back at them through his tears.
"The thing is, I love success. I love standing in the spotlight, having my own life, and earning my own achievements. Despite that, there is always a deeper warmth in standing next to someone you love, when they accomplish great things, and shouting "my person!" Today, you've given me that opportunity, and I'm so grateful to you for it. I'm proud of you for believing in yourself, and speaking your voice not as a "mechanism of coping with the means of this corrupt world", but as a means to bring genuine change because you believe you can. I've always seen you try so hard to never let your loved ones down, and that effort is what I'm so here for. People like you are rare, and I'm glad I got one to myself, to constantly cheerlead for, now and as long as you'll have me. I'll never leave your side, Ethan. I'd love us to forever be each other's hype person. Not just in practice, but also… officially."
Three distinct gasps were heard in the room.
Alan, Naveen and Tobias let their pinkies lock into each other.
Ethan's eyes widened, as he took in the meaning behind their words, starting to sense what might be coming.
Doubt. Disbelief. Shock. Anticipation.
In the next moment, they were down on one knee.
"Ethan Jonah freaking Ramsey, will you marry me?"
Dead silence in the entire room, everyone taking in what just happened.
Ethan's hands flew to his mouth.
Minutes passed.
One… two… and five...
No one said a word.
Eventually, the entire audience burst into cheers and jubilation. Even in such a formal event as that, quite a few wayward whistles were heard.
And then there was the man of the hour, standing centre stage, shell shocked. Still trying to process everything.
"Inara... Rookie, I–"
He couldn't. Form words or coherent sentences. His entire focus was on the person and the tiny blue box in front of him.
"There's a ring in there for real?"
'Shit', he cursed internally. What a ridiculous question.
Of course this was real. Their love was real, they were real. He was to get married. What? Wow. Really?
Of course there would be a ring for real.
"Depends", Inara said with a wink. "On whether or not you say yes."
"Come on Ethan!" 
Encouragements burst from his acquaintances in the crowd, imploring him to say yes. His three musketeers, however, were heard the loudest.
'Yes', Ethan thought to himself. 'Yes.'
He had to say it.
"Yes", he tried whispering under his breath.
A first time, then a second.
He exclaimed those words in ecstacy before dropping down on his knees as well, and pulled his lover in against him. He engulfed her in his arms, holding her so tight, it could knock the breath out of his chest. 
"Yes Inara, it would mean the world to me if I could marry you", he whispered again into her ear.
"Good thing I asked then, E", Inara whispered back, before squeezing him one last time and pulling away. 
"Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring!", the crowd chanted.
The widest smile ever was shot their way, as Inara once again took hold of the navy box. She waited for both of them to steady themselves, and Ethan found himself holding his breath. 
At last, the cover of the ring case slowly lifted, to reveal… 
A bright yellow ring chip sitting right into the slit of the fabric in the case. 
Confused noises of varying degrees filled the room. Only Naveen, Tobias and Alan watched the whole scene unfold with a twinkle in their eye.
Meanwhile, Ethan's expression progressed from utter cluelessness to gradual realization.
Oh! That ring.
"Wait, how did– how come that snack didn't rot in all these days?"
"Of course it did, love. Our original measuring tape probably decomposed long ago in some trash bin outside a gold shop, after having done its job. This is merely a replica, but you can call it a token."
"Nars… what do you mean?"
"I mean…", Inara said, inserting her hand into her suit pocket, to pull out a sparkling golden band, complete with five little diamonds on top. "May I have your hand?"
"Readily, Rookie… you already have my heart. Always, for as long as you'll have me."
Ethan placed his shivering palm on Inara's steady hand, and she took the opportunity to slip the golden band through his ring finger.
A perfect fit. 
With tears in his eyes, Ethan agreed.
"I'm getting married to you."
"I'm getting married to you!"
Inara squealed at the prospect, and Ethan decided on sealing their joyous sentiment by crashing his lips onto hers in a searing kiss.
The audience went wild, but they were all forgotten in the minds of the lovebirds.
"I can't believe I get to call you fiancé", Ethan wondered in amazement.
"Me neither", said Inara, joining their foreheads together. 
"Say what, we should ask Sienna to bake our wedding cake. Three tier, with a big old fondant ring chip on top."
"What? Ethan Ramsey wants a huge a** fondant snack on the top of his wedding cake! Are you sure he's okay?"
"Yes, he is, and he would do anything for his fiancé!"
With moist eyes and full hearts, they buried themselves again in each other's holds.
This time, with a mutual promise of a forever.
F I N.
Oukay so this happened. I kinda posted it. Shh, I need to breathe.
Thank you so much for reading, if you've made it this far. I hope I haven't damaged too many of your braincells.
Thank you @gaeipsstuff for naming Ethan's book. I would have never, seriously! Thanks for proofreading and giving a detailed analysis, it came extremely handy during the my edit sessions. Thank you @adiehardfan, @jeetushmannfeelz, you know if it wasn't for the both of you, this wouldn't be up on my Tumblr.
This is my first proper OH fic, with an actual story and shenanigans, so I've been super apprehensive about this. Hence, it would mean a real lot to me if you could tell me how you found it. Stay safe, do what you love, stan pixelated characters, and take hugs. Peace✌.
Tagging: @adiehardfan @irisofpurple @barbean
Others kindly let me know if you wanna be tagged!
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huenjin · 3 years
2020 year end greetings.
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disclaimer: this is going to be very long ( ˶ ❛ ꁞ ❛ ˶ ), but that's how much gratitude i have and so much more of love.
2020. ah, this year was a very emotional journey for me and how i wish i could sing jessi's gucci all throughout. however, that was not the case. tumblr helped me run away from all those irl miseries. these people made me feel at home.
this skz writing blog has been existing from the last few days of september and it came to life when i was losing motivation to write on my main (which i closed down because stray kids made me like writing back again) and it's stayed since then. you guys have stayed since then. grateful, a one hundred times and more.
so, this is rue, getting sappy and so much more thankful for everything i have and recieved with this blog. this is rue, asking you to accompany me for a little more and to listen to the stories i have to share. the is rue with heart full of nothing but love for each one of you.
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to each one of my mutuals, for whom i pray to the stars to shower you with nothing but fortune —
@sinisterlyhan ♡ eiko, best thing i ever did was hit you up. how are you always so calm? or at least that's the tone i have in my head when i read your texts. it's so pleasant to talk to you. ily. and let me get started on your writing — you've heard this from me like every day but ma'am, you make magic. you lace stars together to form such a beautiful constellation of a writing and i fall in love a little more. thank you for inspiring me to always do better!
the hyunsung demon!au (whew!) — 01. 02. 03.
this hyunjin bad boy!au
@mochinnie ♡ isa, how i wish you handled yourself with a little more care. you're so fragile and delicate and i just want to protect you ?? so much ??? you're precious and one of the most beautiful people i have met. your characterisation is just perfect and god, i wish i could once write headcanons like you do. thank you for being my friend and for fangirling to me and for loving me. it means the world. psst, ily.
this seungmin fic
querencia | hh
@sparklemin ♡ nara!!!! big brain nara! god i love how your asks make my whole day and how you bring up different minho agendas in my head. you have my whole heart and i'm in love with you bye
girlfriend | bcn
hidden confession | bcn
@bearseungmin ♡ dawnie babie thank you for being such an enthusiast all the time while talking. you're so cheerful and happy and thank you for being this nice <33
beat it to the door | bcn
could listen to you read the dictionary | lfl
@chogiout ♡ yah, kira! sometimes i want to whack the back of your head like i whack my sister's, okay? it's the same kinda sibling love with you. fuck, not ever going to let you leave me. after all, my parents taught me to take responsibility of the stuff i rid innocence of. (lmao, sorry, bitch ily!!)
memoir | jyh
this youth of craziness | csn
@mikoto-ica-fics ♡ mi, bb! thank you for being so supportive. istg, if it weren't for you reblogging that one fic of mine, my fics would have never seen light to this day. it's easy to get lost in the tags hehe. and then i happen to text you and omg, aren't you the nicest ever? i love your story ideas, the way you write, the way you interact with people and thank you for talking to me. you make me want to be better.
entangled | lmh, hjs
power grab | hjs
@toffee-hwa ♡ ana! anaaaa~ you're so enthusiastic and supportive and fuck, i looooove ranting and fangirling to you! and the minute i know you're watching the same kdrama as i am, i just go like wheeeeeee— HAN SEOJUN!!! lmao, but thank you so much for talking to me, for listening and for caring! my romanian queen, you pretty human, you're the best!
yet, pt.i
yet, pt.ii
@chandisiacs ♡ yah, pav! must i drag you back to tumblr from twt? must i? i miss you. i really do and i can't wait to have your arse back here. thank you for being such a lively person to talk and hang out with, eee! and not at how you succeeded nano! inspirational! thank you x
thread of all your legendary aus
starboy | bcn
@unsaidhj ♡ you're so soft. and god i love you? and your aesthetics. it's a thing, ma'am. i existed to see your aesthetics lmao. and then i text you and you're so kind omg. i could never hate you so please, ma'am, stop telling me that in panic? huihui, ily and i hope you stay healthy. place yourself first, bb.
knife under my pillow | hhj
scammer, scammed | bcn
@sleepylixie ♡ yo, neighbor! you reminded me how small the world can actual get! love love talking to you about irl stuff because you can understand how messed up it is! and you're so kind, ah!!
in umbra
passion's abyss | lmh
@dreamyhan ♡ one of the few people i see on my dash and go like — hazeeeeeeeeel! you're just so nice, god. like if cotton candy was a person, it would be you, alright? and then there's your writing ability that skyrocket off the roofs because it is that good. thank you for being so supportive and nice to me! x
next time | bcn
in his arms | hjs
@itsapapisongo ♡ boy, my main man, javi!! your work was once my most favorite thing to listen to. loved how the mall worked and everything. and then there's how supportive you are like omg. if only i could explain the courage you give me. it's infinite. you make me feel infinite. also, #hardhours, right?
george of the jungle
swimming fool
@kabira ♡ typing the url down was even more romantic, manx. don't ever change this. love how strong and bold you are. love your opinions and love your writings even more. you're one of those few people who write like they mean every word from their heartstrings. thank you for providing us with stories to tell for eons. x (psst, ily so much!)
backstreet driving | hhj (that's the first skz fic i read because it was from you and not because it was skz and aren't i glad?)
sic semper tyrannis | lty
@dalknow ♡ the only other person on tumblr that i text religiously on discord. i love talking to you, bb. love getting personal with you. love how i can share absolutely anything. thank you for trusting me. thank you for listening to me. thank you for loving me. can't wait for you to put your stories back up on this acc. you're undefeatable and i know you'll have that known.
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to each one of my anons, for whom i pray that you stay safe and healthy and most importantly, happy —
🧸 :: put you on the anon list because in my head you are that anon — my very first one and the one that lit up my whole world. it's kind of a very proud moment when someone wants to talk to you. you made me feel that. you made feel loved. and to see how well your blog is doing now, god, i feel like a proud mother.
🐠 :: my greek princess. the fact that i learnt more about breads from you than from my school makes me laugh hehe. you really did light up my world with every ask you sent me and had me unknowingly hope that you are happy in every minute. and now that i know who you are, i'm even more content because you're a mutual too now!
🍧 :: god, you have a special place in my heart, ice cream anon! maybe because you liked me more than my fic and followed me here even though you were an anon from my bts blog. fuck, if that didn't make my heart flutter, nothing ever will! (hush, your relationship is something i am still rooting for!!)
🦊 |🌹| 🥀 | 🛸 :: the way you guys keep checks if i'm staying hydrated and healthy. i am. and even when i wasn't, your asks made me go drink a cup of water ha! thank you for loving me x
tiktok anon :: ♡♡♡♡♡♡ yes idk what else to say to you but that i would give you a piece of my heart. your tiktok asks make my whole day. it's something i look forward too! thank you for always making my day!
and to my other anons, tagged or untagged :: thank you for sending me an ask. every single one, either telling me to stay happy or hydrated, or that my fic was great or that you're feeling extra horny that day (we've all been there!) i appreciate it and thank you for making me smile! x
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to all the mutuals that i admire, look upto and wish we talked waaaay more, let's do it soon please! and to some mutuals that i just miss talking to! —
@nightshade-minho (ily! x nicest bean ever!!) :: @satanssmuts :: @lovebini :: @seraplantery :: @xiaojunssmile :: @chan-skz :: @chanluster :: @decembermoonskz :: @bangtantaegi (queen!!) :: @yunhozone (i miss you!!) :: @inkigayeo :: @vocalyunho
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i hope each one of you stay happy, content and loved. my memory is pea sized and so i do pray that i haven't forgotten any! thank you for being my mutuals, for sharing laughter and talks with me for these months i've been here! i’m sorry if i missed anyone, but i seriously do appreciate everyone that i’ve ever talked to on here though! i hope to see you all next year and let's be happy together !!
with much love, x rue!
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon, sorry its been like 2 days since I last submitted something! I've been busy and whenever I finally had time to sit down and write this all its like 1 in the morning. I hope its still ok for me to send these.
🌹 anon ima respond to you first, your The Deal au could be the reason why and how Ranboos and Dreams soul got mixed and linked together. But then a problem is how did it pass to Ranbob? In my au, each person has their own soul basically. And while certain attributes like DNA can be passed through bloodlines, souls can't, as their unique to their person. 
What left Ranbob vulnerable to Dream is that he was seen as the star student. The apprentice everyone wanted. He always got perfect grades and was seen as the smartest in the City. This did not go well. As Ranbob was put under a ton of pressure to always stay perfect and get everything right. When his grades started to slip and his chosen mentor started to put even more work on him, his mentality started to suffer. With him losing sleep and starting to not care for himself or do the basic necessities like eating or drinking, all in an effort to be "perfect". Its through this need, and weakened state over all, Dream's presence was able to slip in and convince him to let him help.
Benjamin is 30, Isaac 29, Cletus is 24, and Charles is 27. 
When Ranbob first told Ran about the Dream mask and how he wasnt himself, Ran did not believe him at all. And kept saying that he needs to stop lying and fess up to what he did and pay for it. Others tried to convince him that his brother really wasn't in control of himself, but was met with strong skepticism, scoffs, and disbelief. With Ran not beliving that was the truth at all.
Watson was very shocked but quickly reorganized himself cause he had to calm Jackie, and its only after Jackie fell asleep he was like "Oh fuck. I really am the dad huh?" Jackie was embarrassed at first but after some prodding did say how he truly saw Watson as a dad figure in his life. And everyone had different reactions to Watson suddenly accepting and fitting into the dad role. Jackie was excited and immediately started calling him dad and asking him awkward dad questions "Dad whats puberty?" "Uhhh-" "Dad where do babies come from?" "Ask your dad about that!" "But you are my dad!" Ran seemed indifferent about it but Watson can tell he's revealed to have someone to talk too, and someone to go to if things get to much. Grievous keeps sating he doesn't need a dad but he's the one that goes to Watson the most for things like hugs, comfort, and advice. 
Jackie and Grievous do everything. They rig the battle field so if someone steps in a certain area water will shoot up into their face, Grievous usually taunts and distracts opponents so Jackie can sneak up behind them and just latch onto them and cover their eyes while giggling like a madman as the opponent screams and runs around trying to get him off. Jackie regularly pulls peoples seat out from under them, while Grievous scares them and makes them choke or drop something. But they do know peoples limits. Like for Ran, no water related pranks (there was an incident where Grievous spilled a whole bucket of water on him and Ran got severe burns and had to stay in the hospital ward for a few days), for Watson don't mess with his bow or arrows, he will stab you. And for eachother, Jackie, no pranks that leave him alone for extended periods of time or makes it seems like everyone is gone/left. For Grievous no pranks centered around food or drinks (like putting toothpaste in his sandwich or putting pepper in his beer). 
Ran and Jackie have a 50/50 win if that makes sense. They both win and lose pretty often. They play games like Spoons, Go Fish, Dart Throwing (Watson needs to be present for this one), something similar to Cards Against Humanity, Poker (everyone plays during this one), and Tic Tac Toe. 
Sometimes Jackie loves being the smallest and other times hates it. He hates it when Ran steals something of his and holds it above his head, he sometimes resorts to aggressively climbing Ran to get it but Ran tends to just pluck him off, and people make fun of him in a mean natured way (he's fine with light teasing). But he loves it when he rides Ran's shoulders or can duck under peoples legs and trip em. Because he's also small and fast he's hard to catch and that definitely comes in handy during fights. No ones particularly protective of eachother (excluding Ran who's protective of everyone), because they know none of them like being babied and they can all hold their own, though they will quickly flock to help eachother if they need it. Ran definitely flaunts it whenever their in a agurement. 
There is a area under the fighting arena of the pit where they stay. Theres separate rooms for everyone, training areas, dinning areas, and just chilling areas. Theres even extra rooms meant for often visiting friends (Like Genevieve) and some for storage of weapons which also holds things to sharpen them or get new ones. The Pit itself is in the middle of a gaint city, so there are tons of stores and food areas around. And because of a high salary the King gives them they go out quite often, often eating out and browsing stores when their not training or sleeping. 
If by other combinations you mean like Ran-Jackie, Ran-Grievous, Watson-Jackie, and Watson-Grievous then it highly varies. Watson and Jackie are by far the worst team, their styles just don't match and constantly but heads during battles. Watson and Grievous are probably the best out of the 4 teams because Grievous can be serious and works well with Watson as he's much more willing to change his fighting style to accommodate whats needed. Ran and Jackie are like Jackie and Grievous, but they aren't nearly as insane. Rather Ran provides distractions while fighting to give Jackie time to sneak up behind them. Ran also is the only one able to actually throw Jackie, which they sometimes do during battles. And Ran and Grievous work well together, but not as much as Watson and Grievous, its just a few things of both their styles don't match or could potentially cause problems.
He's clumsy flat out, he isn't used to having full control and needs to get used to certain things like walking or talking again. He is also severely dehydrated and malnutritished because Dream didn't care enough to drink or eat. He's also incredibly skittish and scared easily. He and Cletus's relationship isn't solved fast at all, it takes months and the work of everyone to get the two comfortable around eachother. They start by putting Cletus on watching duty, where he watches over Ranbob to make sure he's eating and drinking and resting while not tiring himself out. Then after a month or 2 Isaac, Benjamin, and Charles start purposely leaving the two in a room alone toghere to get them to talk stuff out. It takes 3 months until their comfortable enough with eachother to willingly talk and hang out. Oh the house building attempts went aboustely awful. They sometimes fell on Ranbob! And when they didn't they just collapsed or got blown away by the wind, but Isaac did ofter help a few times and showed him multiple different ways to make sure the walls stay up and keep the cold out. 
Ran is very unhappy with Ranbobs haunting, he thinks their kind of like Ranbob in which they've all killed people and considers them a threat at first, but when he sees how his haunting likes and interacts with Ranbob's, he losens up a bit, his group trusts them, so he has to trust them a little bit. But he doesn't trust them or like them nearly as much as he trusts and likes his haunting. 
Im guessing you mean who from the two groups get along the easiest. Most of them take a while to get to know eachother, like a few hours. But after that their all really close. Charles and Jackie, Cletus and Grievous, and Benjamin, Isaac, and Watson are the groups that get along really well really fast. 
Im honestly probably am going to go for them adventuring outside the City to try to get the brothers to get along again. Mostly cause I thought of the idea that what if Watson, Jackie, and Grievous all lie to Ran, and while they are actually going on an adventure, they lie to him that his brother and his group isn't coming. Then when its much to late for Ran to back out, Watson just goes "Oh yeah! Your brother and his group are traveling with us. And you can't do anything about it." And Ran just sits there shocked. 
Ran and Ranbob are both subtle protective of their group. With Ranbob never really getting aggressive or going into overbearing. But for Ran, if someone in his group is injured badly enough or if there's a big enough threat he does get overbearing and extremely aggressive towards whatever/whoever the threat is *cough cough Ranbob cough*. Ranbob tends to be very physical, listening more to a certain instincts that tell him to constantly have a view on or hold his family, as if he doesnt see or touch them for a long time he gets very anxious and panicky, thinking his family is dead and that he's all alone again. His group understands this and so tends to not stray to far away from Ranbob. He will also follow his group like a lost puppy at times. Ran while listens more to the instinct that tells him at random times to make sure his family is ok and to bond with them. The bonding leads to him randomly grabbing them and just sitting down with them, most likely playing games. While the random urge to check on them has led to him waking them up during the middle of the night or interrupting his own conversation or others conversations just to ask if their ok. His took a while to understand why he does it, but now if he wakes them up or drags them somewhere, they know to go along with it and comfort him during those times. 
Hybrids are rare! Especially aggressive or netural type mobs like Ran, Ranbob, and Porkius are. Their actually seen as monsters and are chased out or hunted in other city's because people aren't accepting of them. Theres very few city's like Subbin that fully welcome and are even led by hybrids. So there are more hybrids in Subbin, than there is anywhere else. 
Sorry this is so long ':)
Asks are always welcome here, and don’t worry about taking a bit or anything. The questions aren’t going anywhere, there’s plenty of time. 
Here’s that for you,🌹anon.
1: Wow, Ranbob’s really going through it, huh? Does he ever start to fall back on that need to be ‘perfect’ while with the others? If so, how do they deal with that? And how is he with others offering to help him? If he even can really recall falling under Dream’s thrall, by accepting such an offer, how does he react to others doing the same, even if their intentions are far different?
2: So we’ve settled all the ages down, nice. You figure out anything for their backstory yet? And how do their ages affect their relationships with one another? Does Benjamin take the lead a lot? Or is he more of a follower that still has a lot of say? Who met who first?
3: So Ran’s obviously going to be awhile before he believes what went down. Still, I can’t imagine he’d have been as willing to go along with his hauntings little roadtrip plan if he wasn’t swayed at least a bit, since I can’t imagine he wouldn’t have put his foot down if he truly though Ranbob had done what he did. Why exactly does he go along with it? Does some small part of him want to give his brother a chance? Is he just confident he can overpower him, and looking for an opportunity to settle the score? Does he see something that makes him hope a bit? What’s going down there, anon?
4: On one hand, very adorable. One the other hand, poor Watson. Does Jackie actually not know that stuff, or does he do that just to mess with his new father figure? It seems like they all take to it pretty well overall though.
5: I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Two people to truly fear. How many people straight up forfeit when faced with this combination? It seems like they’ve had some interesting times, good and bad. How’d those play out? As for those last two, I’m sensing a bit of a backstory. Why does Grievous not like stuff being put into his food? And why’s Jackie not good with being left?
6: So it’s fifty/fifty, huh? Who wins the most at what games? And uh, Watson has to be present for Dart Throwing. What happened there? How’s everyone’s poker faces? Who’s got the best luck in games of chance?
7: A love/hate relationship with height. I feel ya, Jackie. Very funny to imagine though, Jackie just, physically climbing up Ran. How tall even is this guy?? How do they deal with meaner teasing, not just from the gladiators, but from general bullies? Not everybody’s as friendly as some of the Pit fighters, after all. And how do the fishermen react with their fighting skills? Obviously, they must know how to fight somewhat, to have entered the Pit, but the gladiators do this for a living. How much is the difference in skill level? And does the gang ever get to show off just how skilled they are? 
8: Their home sounds very nice, honestly, I wished I could live there, minus the people. What’s everyone’s rooms look like? How have they personalized them? Which brings up another question-what kind of interests and hobbies do they have? What kind of things do they do that aren’t fighting and related to such? And they must be pretty well known, to have such high pay. Any of them have an arena title, or some sort of stage name? How many people can recognize the city’s top gladiators on sight? And how do they get around that, when they don’t want to be seen? How do people feel about them in general?
9: All these team ups sound terrifying, and I wouldn’t want to be facing them. How do they deal with it when they get a bad match up? Do they just stay out of each other’s way? Try to take their opponents out quick? Make it one on one? Ran and Jackie have to be my favorite team up, solely for the fact that you’ve said Ran straight up throws him. Like?? Imagine coming to the King’s Pit, a well known, popular place, hoping to prove yourself, and then getting taking out by a flying midget, just tossed at you by a ridiculously tall endermen hybrid. How would you feel?? 
10: Ranbob is just really going through the ringer here. How many times does he just drop stuff, or trip over his feet? Does he ever get better, or does he still retain a clumsy streak? If so, how does Ran react to that? It’s very good he and Cletus bond! Are they just as close as the others, or is there still a bit of distance? How often does Ranbob forget to eat or drink, or really just take a break? How long does it take to get him to start remembering to do that stuff again? 
Does he ever slip up while with the gladiators? Also, in a room? Do the fisherman expand their house more, or do they just leave them in the house? Does Ranbob ever get his own house up? If so, does he use it at all, or is it more for storage? And how many times did he fall asleep out there, get injured, or not realize it was about to rain? How long did it take before Benjamin or Charles put their foot down and make him stay in for a bit?
Has Ranbob ever even dealt with rain before, or a storm above water? If not, how’d he react to it? 
11: Oh, boy, Ran. Your concerns are understandable, but definitely going to lead to some angst. Is he just on edge the whole time? How many times does he just glare at them, or straight up steal one of his haunting back a few feet away from Ranbob’s? Are the fishermen ever worried he might hurt them?
12: How do both hybrids deal with their groups bonding? I imagine Ranbob’s pretty happy with it, but how about Ran? As you said, he doesn’t seem to be the biggest fan of these guys. 
13: Roadtrip! Gotta love a roadtrip! What kind of places do they head? Any transportation, or is it just walking, enjoying nature? Do they go on an adventure to look for something cool? What’re they getting up to?
14: So Ran and Ranbob both act on their instincts in different ways. How do they feel about seeing how the other acts? What happens if any of the fishermen stray too far, or get separated from Ranbob? Same question to Ran. Ran just...like...picks up members of his haunting? Do people just see him walk around with them dangling in his arms? He must be pretty strong. How often does he do this? How else do their instincts lead to them acting? Cuddle piles, picking up blocks, keeping their groups close together, ect?
15: So Subbin’s pretty much a safe space for hybrids? Interesting. But since the groups are heading out, does this mean they run into some trouble outside of the city? And is there ever trouble within it? 
Other questions: Does Karl play any further part in this, or has he already played his role for good? Does the gang ever end up back at Mizu? Do any of the group have a pet or something similar? With there be any sort of connection to other Tales, even if only slightly, or will they be solely focused on these two? Does Ranbob pick up his studies of Ranboo as best he can once he’s free, or does he leave it all behind entirely?
Thanks for the ask, this AU’s become quite interesting. I can’t wait to see where it goes!
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selinakidreams · 3 years
year six at hogsmeade
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ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! This fic is for the @haikyuucreationsadm​ secret santa event! dedicated to @ichorizaki ! sol, I hope this gives you the warm fuzzies! 
genre: fluff
warnings: none!
tags: harry potter au!, gn! reader, friends to lovers, yams is a lil over protective, fake dating (if you squint really really hard), yamaguchi’s pov !
a/n: no i do not hate the character i put as the slytherin (i’m not gonna spoil anything <3 teehee) i did it almost as an easter egg ...? like if you remember how yams reacted when he heard a certian thing come from his mouth,,,,,,, you’ll understand why- the clip was playing in my head on repeat while writing it lmao (super vauge ik but ah ha haa)
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Both of your school capes sashae across the cold stoned floor as you two head to the one class you had together. The air was nippy; delicate flakes of snow danced around the sky until they landed on the ground.  Yamaguchi hugged his books closer to his chest in hopes to ease the lack of warmth. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw you nuzzle into your silver and green scarf that was already bundled up to your nose. 
‘Cute,’ he thought to himself- and when it comes to you, that word comes up in his head quite a lot.
 Far from being his favorite class, Yamaguchi Tadashi had to get used to the defense against the dark arts course. It was very… out there for him in the beginning. By pushing his limits, it created a wave of self-consciousness that would wash over him, resulting in the feeling of incompetence. Thankfully you were there to encourage and support him, just as you had been since the day you guys met. It was something about your strength and determination- he learned that through the years when you had an idea, a goal, or a project in mind, you would see it through. It was so inspiring to young Yamaguchi, the little boy constantly cowering away from anything that seemed too much. He would constantly be picked on and could never speak the words that clogged his throat but then you came along with a single snarky remark to end all of theirs. There was no time between the moment he words left your lips and when your hand slipped into his- pulling him away from any sense of loneliness he would ever feel again. You were there for all the big moments, from when he first got his letter to him getting sorted into Gryffindor to him trying out for their quidditch team. You two had been absolutely inseparable and neither of you would change a thing.
Yamaguchi cherished walking to class with you- the way you fit so well in the environment… he just couldn't take his eyes off of you. His favorite version of you was in the winter because you just looked so much cozier. The dark colors of your house heavily contrasted against the bright sparkling snow that reflected natural light into the corridor. The pink that tinted the tips of your ears made his heart skip a beat. If it hadn't been for you stopping by the opened door way, he would have completely missed the entrance to the classroom because of his… observations. He motioned you go in first, your eyes crinkled in thanks as you stepped inside and he swears that you caused a heart palpitation. 
It was your guy’s sixth year at Hogwarts and by far Tadashi's favorite Defense Against the Dark Arts course yet. The teacher, Remus Lupin, had such a way of teaching that it was not only fun and interactive, but also incredibly informative- the prime way for him to learn. He was so happy that Lupin’s tactics were sticking, this meant he didn't have to cling to you for help as he had previously; He was able to show you that he was capable of being strong on his own. Whenever you showed your delight at Tadashi’s progress, he only wanted to work harder.
“Hey so… after class, did you want to go to Hogsmeade and get something to drink from Honeyduke’s? It’s all snowy out and it’s the perfect weather for something warm and comforting.” You grinned as the both of you took your seats, conveniently across from each other, the only thing that separated you two was a slim isle way. Yamaguchi turned to you with a small smile curving his lips, “Yea, sounds good but just remember I have practice later so I can't be out too la-“ his last word was cut off by an obnoxious scoff from the keeper from the Slytherin quidditch team. 
“That was supposed to be our practice, you know. Daichi snatched up our usual practice time.” Koganegawa Kanji said snottily, judgmentally eyeing Tadashi up and down before turning his gaze to you. Suddenly there was a different type of look in his eyes, a bright one that showed that he believed he could secure all sorts of things… including you. “Those Gryffindors think they can take whatever they want, but I know what we're going to be taking. The win at our next game… which just so happens to be against Gryffindor. You’re going to be there, right y/n?” He practically beamed to you as he kept side-eyeing Yamaguchi. 
Before you could even answer- before he could even realize what was coming out of his mouth- your shy, kind hearted, wouldn’t-hurt-a-fly Tadashi rolled his eyes and said, “Yea they’re going, they’re going to be screaming out my name when I catch that snitch.” 
Your eyes widened as you turned to him with your jaw slack, the sexual innuendo in the forefront of your mind but when facing your freckled best friend, it looked like he couldn't believe he was able to even speak up. Yamaguchi is not one for confrontation or someone who initiates fights… but when things come down to you, he acts in ways he doesn’t recognize- for painfully obvious reasons.
“You better watch that mouth of yours, Yamaguchi, or else i might just have to zip it up.” The Slytherin hissed, getting ready to reach for his want but stopped in his tracks when his gaze caught sight of a scruffy man in his mid 30’s standing behind the frozen Gryffindor, hands in his pockets and a brow raised. 
“Now… I know you were not about to hex mister Yamaguchi inside of my class, right Mister Koganegawa?” Professor Lupin tempted, a small smirk danced on his lips with the unmissable glint of entertainment that twinkled in his warm eyes. 
The professor didn’t give the boy a chance to answer, instead turned around and headed to the front of the classroom while saying, “Return to your seat Koganegawa, I expect whatever hex you were going to cast was going to be a naughty one. Well ironically, today’s lesson is focused on learning to reflect those nasty curses…” The whole class settled in for the lecture as Tadashi sneaked a peak at the reaction that had been plastered on your face- boy, was it a cute one. Both of your lips curled in with saucer eyes, cheeks tinted a faint red, as if you were holding back a laugh that was forcing its way out. 
After Lupin bid the class adue for the day, everyone went their separate ways; Tadashi held you close as you both headed to Hogsmeade, his arm draped over your shoulder as you leaned into him for warmth. The walk had been a comfortable silence until you spoke out your curiosity to break the ice, hitting him with the million dollar question.
“Hey, what happened back in Lupin’s class? That was.. odd.. of you to say.” You inquired. Normally when you catch Tadashi off guard or in a vulnerable state, a cute blush dusts along the apple of his cheeks and the tips of his ears. You knew you were robbed of the sight, the cold had beat you to it, a violent scarlet already bared his skin. 
He let out a sigh, the breath showing itself in the cold, before he muttered, “I’m just tired of him openly ogling at you like you’re some toy. It’s not cool.” 
You responded with a slight hum, the real reply bouncing off the walls of your brain: I can't believe we’re not together by now.
“Oh yams,” you chuckle as you huddle closer into his side.
Passing under the grand Hogsmeade archway, he was grateful that there were barely any students about- this meant you guys could get your drinks faster and walk around the shops easier. With the antique green and pink building in sight, the beeline to the shop’s entrance was determined.
“Okay okay, let me guess…” you started as Yamaguchi held open the door for you to walk in, already eyeing the colorful treats that decorated the room, “you want a hot chocolate.” 
“And you want a hot strawberry tea.” Tadashi retorted with a smile.
“It’s almost like… we’ve known each other for years.” You say, your tone dripping in sarcasm as he watches your finger trace over the newest candy they sold. 
Sol, a sweet that’ll brighten your day! The container said, with a picture of what looked to be an edible ball of light. Supposedly, once it hits your tongue, it melts into the flavor you're craving most.
After inspecting the shelves around the store for any new and exciting treats, you both headed to the register where Tadashi placed the drinks order and fished out two golden galeons and five silver sickles. He snuck a glance at you admiring the brightly colored walls to make sure you weren't looking as he slipped the cashier the two packets of sol he stealthily grabbed and handed them three extra sickles. A sweet surprise for later.
Leaving the store, Yamaguchi watched the way your hands slipped around the warm cup, the tips of your fingers slightly intertwined. He wanted nothing more than to take your cup out of your hands and intermingle his fingers with yours…but he couldn’t, it would be crossing a line, wouldn’t it? Nevertheless, the image of holding your- probably- freezing hand was on his mind the whole time you two were walking around the village you knew all too well.
Deciding that it was pretty late you guys began to head back to the castle. The snow crunched underneath your boots with almost empty cups in your hands, you knew it wasn't going to take long before you’d be greeted by the back entrance of the castle. “‘Dashi… do you have to go to practice? I… i need help with Lupin’s coursework.” you stutter out, causing Yamaguchi to pause and turn toward you.
This took him by surprise, normally you were really good with your coursework, so for the roles to switch… something had to be off.  
“ y/n... You know I can't. The team said they really need me there.  Daichi would have my head if I missed practice. The game against Slytherin is so close and I really need to-” he cut himself off before he could reveal too much or get too annoyed, the flash of Koganegawa smirking flashed in the back of his mind. 
“you need to… what? I saw your last game and the way you soared through the air was incredible, it didn't seem like you needed to work on anything!” you pouted with damn wide eyes.
Tadashi tried to ignore the slight increase in his heart's beating pace, “aha well..” he said as he lifted his arm to scratch the back of his head, “we’re a team and they need me as much as i need them!” you stopped walking so he turned to face you.
He watched the small sad smile creep onto your face before hearing you mutter, “Jeez, when did my Tadashi become so popular?”
For Yamaguchi to not lean in and plant a kiss on your lips, something had to be holding him back... but there was nothing- if anything, you seemed to slightly lean in. 
He figured that you'd assume that the first move was going to be on your part, as it normally was when something serious would happen between the two of you but he wanted to prove to you that he's changed. He's not scared anymore. He has no reason to be. He’s learned so much about himself  throughout the years because of you. You're the reason he was the social person he was today. And he was the one that finally connects your lips with his. 
Due to the cold and dry winter, both lips are not as smooth as wanted but it doesn't stop him from deepening the long awaited kiss. He placed his open palms on your waist and his fingers gave you a small squeeze when he heard you sigh into the kiss.
When Yamaguchi felt your arms around his neck, he swore the world stopped turning for a second. The warmth that he was feeling was unmatched- this was warmer than any other winter coat had made him. 
When he pulled away, your arms stayed around his neck and he refused to let his hands leave your waist. 
“I uh-“ at this point Yamaguchi’s face was bright pink, yours being no different, “um I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” You said, cutting him off. 
Tadashi had to blink a few times, as if he was clearing his vision because what he just heard wasn’t possible. 
“N-no way…” he mumbled, looking at the ground next to you. Tadashi almost felt overwhelmed but one thing's for certain, the weight of needing to properly confess was only getting heavier so he gulped down his anxiety- as you had taught him so many times before- and brought his eyes to meet yours. 
“Y/n… I’m so in love with you. I have been for so long-”
Something red wizzed before your guys’ eyes, cutting off his huge confession. His eyes became wide at the hovering letter facing him. 
A howler. 
Before you could even raise an eyebrow, the letter opened itself in the shape of an origami mouth. 
“Yamaguchi, YOU ARE LATE FOR PRACTICE! WHY? WHAT COULD BE SO IMPORTANT THAT IT’S CAUSING YOU TO MISS PRACTICE?” the letter with daichi’s deep voice boomed around the empty of the woods. It began to look around, as if it could see the surrounding area- which was weird because typically howlers were only used to relay a (very loud and disappointed) message. When the envelope eventually faced you, the bottom of the mouth dropped and seemed to gulp.
“Ah.. i see.. Hi y/n… um,” the letter turned to face Yamaguchi before reminding him to go to practice and ripping itself apart. 
It was silent for a second, neither of you knew what to say. 
“I dunno but it almost sounded like Daichi wanted me to go to practice.” was the first thing he said. He watched your face contort from a small smile to a full out grin joined with a hearty laugh. 
“Let's get you to class ‘Dashi.” you said as you wound down from your laughing fit. Holding out your hand, the expression you gave him was one that he never saw from you before. The corner of his eyes crinkled with how genuine he was smiling as he took your hand, finally getting to entwine your fingers together as you guys headed to the quidditch field.
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Ps. yes you did scream out his name when he caught the snitch- it didn't go unnoticed...
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thatsgay-writes · 4 years
Kipo x Reader Part 2
Summary: Kipo is finally able to turn you back into a human along with her mom. Season 3 final episode with two different endings.
Warnings: Light cursing? Spoiler if you haven't watched Season 3.
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After capturing Scarlemagne and retuning to the Timbercats forest, Kipo immediately started working on a way to deal with Emelia and to turn you and her mother back to normal. It was lonely inside your head, it was just you and your panther, if this was what it was like for Song for all those years it must have been terrible. It also sucked to be so close yet so far from Kipo. At least you got to watch Lio question Kipo about your relationship and laugh at how much she blushed and went over some details of what had happened in the last months. It did sadden you however, where after talking about a memory with you, she started crying. You wanted to just turn into a human and hug the crap out of her.
You were stuck as a panther all through Kipo trying to make HMUFA and would try to go everywhere you could with her. Most days were boring since you weren't allowed inside the Timbercat's home and some days Kipo couldn't come and visit you and tell you about her day. It had been a few days since you've seen Kipo but when she turns up she's not alone. Following Kipo is her father and your friends. She seemed to be holding this small pink dart and was walking slowly, making sure not to drop it. You knew from how careful she was with it that it was very important and stepped back to let her go to her mom first. You watched as Kipo hugged her mom's finger and stuck the dart into it, taking it out once it was half way empty. You watched for a few seconds in silence before you watched, in shock, as Song slowly turned back into a human and got to meet Kipo as a human for the first time in years. You were smiling so wide at the happiness that was radiating off of Kipo and her family.
You almost forgot that Kipo still had half the dart left but remembered when she walked up to you. You're heart was beating out of your chest, you were about to be able to hug Kipo again, hold her, kiss her, love her. Sadly, you would lose the mute side of you but you didn't have an anchor or anything so it wasn't the big of a loss. You leaned down as Kipo got closer and held your paw to her. Seeing her up close made you realize that she had been crying, tears of happiness of course. You flinched a little as she stuck the needle into your skin but froze as she took it out. There was another second of intense silence before you felt weird and felt yourself start to shrink.
After a couple of seconds you were almost eye level with Kipo, you are taller than her. You look down at yourself for a couple seconds in shock before looking back up at Kipo, who had the biggest smile on her face and even more tears running down her face. "Kipo..." You whisper, your voice cracking some after not using it for a while. Kipo immediately launches into your arms and you spin her around some holding her just as tightly. You put Kipo back down and put your hands on her cheeks with a big grin before pulling her into a kiss. You almost forget anyone else is there until you hear Lio clear his throat. You pull back with a blush in your face and turn to look at your friends and Kipo's parent with a smile. You walk up to them with Kipo still wrapped around you and greet everyone. "It's great to talk to you guys again.
*Boop Boop Time Skip*
"Kipo! You gotta get up!" Lio yells as he held Song close to him. "Emilia's lost it!" You yell in concern as you watch the mute version of Emilia hold a building over her head. "We gotta do something!" Benson says in concern. You hear some rummaging and look to over to Lio and Song just in time to see Scarlemagne take off in his flamingo car. "What is he doing?" You ask in concern as you watch him get closer and closer to Emeila. "Holy..." Your eyes get big as you watch Scarlemagne hit Emilia causing her to fall and for him to go flying through the sky.
You notice that Kipo is slowly waking up and run to her as she changes back to normal. You help her stand and watch as Mute Emilia runs away. "Where... Where's Scarlemagne?" Kipo asks after she catches her breath. You watch as Lio and Song look over to where smoke was coming from the ground. "No." Kipo says as she collapses into your side and puts her hand over her mouth. Lio reaches out and outs a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It'll be fine, me and Song will go check on him. You guys should probably go deal with Emilia." You nod your head as Kipo turns into a Mute again and let's you, Benson, and Wolf hop on.
"There she is." You say and point towards a cowering Mute Emilia. You all hop off of Kipo and let her turn back to normal. Kipo takes the last dart from Wolf and walks up to Mute Emilia. You debate silently whether or not to follow Kipo as she walks up to Mute Emilia.
(I'm being extra so there is two ends depending on what you do. I'm also not writing in Hugo's death or the flash forwards because I feel like I'm making this run on too much😅.)
You don't follow Kipo:
You stand with Wolf and Benson with your arms crossed. "I guess it's over after this... huh." You say as you all stare ahead and watch Kipo interact with Mute Emilia. "Yeah it's been a crazy ride." "Seriously." Wolf said agreeing with Benson. "What are you guys gonna do after this?" You say looking over to Benson and Wolf. Benson shrugs, "Probably do something with Troy, maybe take a vacation." "Yeah I could dig that." You all stand in silent as you watch Kipo turn Emilia back to normal. Then you all run up as you watch Kipo push Emilia, causing her to fall into a kid like goo. "Holy..." You say as you stand behind Kipo. "It's over... it's officially over." She says as she leans back into you, exhaustion finally seeming to set in. You turn her around to wrap your arms around her and hug her. You give her a kiss on the side of her head before speaking. "After checking on Hugo, you and I are going on a long vacation... Or sleeping for a week straight." You feel Kipo chuckle against your collar bone before nodding her head. "I'm good with either as long as I'm with you."
You follow Kipo:
You follow behind Kipo a little, taking time to take in how big Emilia's mute form actually is. "And to think... She turned into what she wanted to get rid of just to take you out." You say thinking out loud. "She definitely got desperate." Kipo doesn't respond and has a quick conversation with Mute Emilia before finally pricking her finger with the dart. You watch as Emilia slowly turns back to normal and sits on the ground. You make sure to stand next to Kipo to seem more intimidating in case Emilia tried something. "Why did you change me back?" Emilia asks with some confusion in her voice. "No one deserves to be stuck like that." Kipo sticks out her hand to Emilia. "You've been stuck in the dark for a long time Emili, but you have a choice. You can stay there or fight through it."
You watch as Emilia seemingly thinks for a minute, weighing her choices. You watch warily as Emilia grabs Kipo's hand. Something about this doesn't feel right to you. You watch in slow motion as Kipo pulls Emilia up, only for her to lunge at Kipo with a piece of glass. Your body goes into immediate protection mode and you push yourself in front of Kipo. As Emilia stabs you, you punch her across the face. Emilia flails for a moment, off balance, before falling back and over the edge. You let out a breath of relief before feeling an intense pain in your stomach. You look down to see a large glass shard sticking out of your stomach with blood coming out fast.
You stumble back a little and start to fall as Kipo catches you and lowers you to the ground. "No no no no." Kipo says as she cradles the upper half of your body. You hear Wolf, Benson, Dave, and Mandu run up. "Oh no..." You wince as Kipo puts pressure on your wound, mumbling like crazy to herself in worry. "Ow... Kipo. Kipo stop!" You say as you grab her hand away from your wound. "It's okay, everything will be okay." You say trying to reassure her. You knew you were too far away to get help from anyone and were losing to much blood to make any sort of journey. "It's not okay! It's over we won! You can't give up now!" Kipo says as she's sobbing. You put one of your hands on Kipo's cheek and cringe a little when you see blood on your hand.
"You're right we did it, we won. And I couldn't be any more prouder of you." Kipo leans down and puts her forehead against yours. "It's not fair I just got you back, I can't lose you again. Especially not permanently." You close your eyes tightly trying not to let any tears spill over. You look over to see Benson hugging Dave and Wolf hugging Mandu. "You'll be okay, maybe not immediately but one day. You still have our friends by your side and I'll be watching over you. I promise." Kipo just shakes her head not wanting to respond. You can feel yourself slipping away and hate it. It wasn't supposed to end like this, after all the work you did, why couldn't you get a happy ending. "I love you so much. All of you. I am so glad I got to meet such amazing people and to fall in love with one of them." You pull Kipo's head away from yours to look into her eyes one more time. "I love you so much." You say as the world around you blurs and you close your eyes for the final time.
Lio and Song watch as Kipo in Jaguar form walk up to the building there at, kneeling next to Hugo. They watch as her friends slide off her back and are confused when they don't see you. Before they could open there mouths and ask, they watch as Kipo turns back to human form and is carrying you in her arms, tears still streaming down her face. "Oh no."
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duker42 · 5 years
Levi always receives small notes from reader who is sweet and bubbly. The notes either compliment him or encourage him throughout the day. It's a nice change bc she wasn't afraid of him and he slowly fell in love. So what does he do? Ask Mike and Erwin for advice on how to write a love letter but they just tease Levi (these boys are all dorks). Finally Levi gives up and just tells it to her straight.
***SOOO sweet!!!! I would TOTALLY do this if I were in the SNK Universe! ❤️❤️❤️
💜Love Notes💜
When Levi opened the door to head out towards Erwin’s office, he found another little note stuck in the nameplate. Opening the folded piece of paper, he devours the words written inside it.
You always looks so handsome wearing your cravat.
He had been receiving this little notes in random spots over the past few weeks. One was in his ODM Gear, talking about how graceful he looked when he was maneuvering. He found one in his tin of tea talking about how good he smelled, like tea, sunshine and horses. His favorite was the one he found in between his reports, she had told him that she had never met a man who cared about other like he did.
It was refreshing that someone didn’t cower in fear from his harsh tongue or cold looks. He had a fluttering in his stomach every time he opened a new note. The first one had been so simple, yet had made his day. He carried it in his pocket daily, and pulled the now worn paper out to read when his emotions overwhelmed him. Three simple words.
You are wonderful.
At first he had believed it to be some trick, or way to curry favor with her superior. But he had watched as she just gave him a bright smile and walked past him, day after day, offering nothing more that the words of encouragement or compliments. He had never thought himself a greedy man, but with every note he found, he anticipated the next rush of bliss her words brought him.
Throughout the weeks of receiving the notes and closely watching the way Y/N interacted with those around her, Levi felt a piece of his heart fall into the gracious girl’s hands. She was hard working, always willing to put in the effort to better herself, and he had witnessed her spending extra time working with a comrade who had struggled with their formation positioning. She was the epitome of everything he thought his mother was in his muted memories.
Entering Erwin’s office, he found Mike and the Commander already seated, chatting about various things. Sitting down, he fingered the paper in his pocket as he tried to think of some way to express to Y/N how her words made him feel, how he felt about her.
He must have been sitting there contemplating his options for longer than he realized. When he looked up, both men were looking at him in amusement.
“What are you two idiots staring at?” He quickly throws a glare at them, trying to hide his slight embarrassment.
Erwin quirked one of his large eyebrows. “I’ve called your name 3 times. Where was your head at?”
Staring down at his feet, he asked the question he never thought would roll of his tongue in his lifetime. “How would you write a love letter?”
Mike started laughing as Erwin blurted out, “To a woman?”
“No, to a fucking horse, of course to a woman!” Levi instantly regretted opening his mouth. His glare intensified as the two blonde giants in front of him laughed at his expense.
“Tell her if she were a Titan you would kill her last.” Mike bent over, clutching his stomach at his own horrible joke.
Erwin, not to be outdone, “Or, or, you tell her she smells less like shit than everyone else!”
“No, I’ve got it! You tell her she’s filthy, but you wouldn’t mind cleaning her up!” Mike howled with renewed glee as Erwin wiped the tears from him eyes.
Levi turned and walked to the door. “The altitude has killed your brain cells. You’re both fucking idiots.” And slammed the door on his way out.
Later that night, Levi still considered his options. Even though he would NEVER ask those idiots he considered friends for advice EVER again, he knew he needed find a way to tell Y/N how he felt.
Making up his mind, he flung his door open, ready to walk down to Y/N’s quarters. Except, Y/N was standing in front of his door and he ran headlong into her, causing them both to fall down on the floor.
Levi looked down at the surprised girl. A pretty blush washed across her face as she stared up at the man sprawled on top of her. Levi felt his mouth dry out, nervousness robbing his ability to do anything but gape at her.
“Uh, you....I......like, well...,think ermmmm.....pretty....ughhh.” He closed his eyes in mortification as he listened to himself sound like an idiot. If he had a knife, he would gladly slit his own throat to end his suffering.
Pushing himself off of Y/N, he adverted his eyes as he held a hand out to help her up. His ears had turned red hot from embarrassment, and he shuffled his feet as he tried to look everywhere but at the beautiful girl.
“Captain?” Oh Thank God, Y/N mustn’t have understood his incoherent babbling. Relief flooded his system as he looked at her. Her eyes were bright with amused affection as she brought her hand up to rest on his chest. “I understood, Levi. I like you too.”
Sheer terror and joy battled within his body as what she said sank in. His lips curved into a small smile as she placed a kiss on his cheek. It turned out better than he had hope, but he still should have written a note.
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clearcorona · 5 years
don't be afraid // sero hanta x fem!reader
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That's so sweet! I'm glad you like my writing. I actually really like studying mental illnesses, so this was a lot of fun for me. I had a hard time choosing in the beginning which illness I wanted to do. It was definitely between bulimia nervosa, seasonal affective disorder, and panic disorder. I decided to pick SAD because the seasons are changing and Christmas is coming up so I think it's kind or appropriate. Maybe I'll use the other two some other time. I dunno yet.
Sero had noticed you'd been acting strange recently. You weren't your usual self, no longer bubbly and perky. Everyone else seemed to pick up on it as well, not sure what could possibly be wrong. He decided that he definitely needed to get to the bottom of it. He felt like he couldn't be a hero if he couldn't help the ones he cared the most about.
"Babe, it's me, Sero. Can I come in?" he asked as he stood in front of the door to your dorm room.
"Go away, Sero," he heard you mutter and frowned. Now, that wasn't like you at all.
"Baby, I'm not leaving. I want to help you," he said and tried to open your door, realizing then that you had locked it.
"Just leave me alone. I want to be alone," you said and he tried jiggling the doorknob again.
"(Y/N), open the door! Just let me help you, baby. I'll do anything."
"Then leave me alone." Sero clenched his fists and walked out towards the common room, seeing a few other students of 1-A watching a movie together.
"How's (Y/N)?" Mina asked, worry evident in her eyes.
"She wants to be left alone. I just want to know what's going on. I feel so helpless not knowing what to do," Sero replied. He then shook his head, deciding he needed to do some research.
The next morning, you practically had to drag yourself out of bed, taking your time getting dressed. You felt there was no real point in getting to class early and decided to stay in bed until your last alarm went off, not caring much if you were late.
You threw on your uniform and grabbed your bag, heading to class. Of course, you knew what was going on. You had known for a while now, which was why you absolutely hated when the colder months came around. How could you possibly tell Sero? He'd only laugh at you. It was a stupid thing to be diagnosed with, in your opinion.
You dragged your feet down the halls to U.A., opening the door to your classroom. Aizawa looked over at you and raised his eyebrow.
"You're late again, (L/N)," he said and you shrugged, taking a seat. Everyone around you exchanged worried glances. "Mind telling everyone what's going on?"
"It's nothing. You just all worry too much, I'm fine," you muttered and Sero stood up, slamming his hands down on his desk in frustration.
"You're obviously not fine. You've been like this for a while now, (Y/N). Do you really think we're just going to let you sit around and mope? You don't even what to do anything anymore. What happened?" Sero demanded. You looked up at him and then looked away, standing up.
"It's none of your business. Just leave me alone. There's no point anyway," you forced your feet to move forward, just wanting to head back to sleep. Before you could reach the door, however, you felt something grab you. You sighed as you realized it was Aizawa's capture weapon. "Why can't you guys just leave me alone? You wouldn't understand."
"That's why we're trying to understand! We want to help you!" Sero exclaimed and you sighed.
"It'll be over soon," you replied and shook your head, knowing you'd be back to your usual self once the warmer months came around again.
"Hell, (Y/N), we can't just sit around until it's over. If there's something we can do to help, we're doing it," Mina spoke up and the rest of the class nodded.
"Please, we just want to help you. Do you know how much it hurts to see you like this?" Sero asked and you frowned. Aizawa slowly released you, making sure you didn't fall over.
"You just don't get it. You'll laugh if I tell you," you said and Mina walked over to you, holding your hands with a wide smile.
"I promise we won't laugh. We're only here to help, (Y/N). No one will laugh, so you can tell us." You hesitated and leaned forward, whispering in her ear. You were still nervous that she'd laugh. As soon as you told her, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What's that?" You moved away from her, not caring much to elaborate. You then walked out of the classroom, glad Aizawa decided not to stop you this time.
"So, what'd she say?" Jirou spoke up and Mina turned to look over at them.
"She said it was something called Seasonal Affective Disorder. I've definitely never heard of it," she replied and everyone looked at Aizawa.
"I know what you're about to ask. Go ahead and do what you want," he said and Sero smiled, watching as Mina pulled out her phone to look up what it meant.
"I've never even heard of something like that," Deku said as quite a few people started to crowd around Mina, wanting to know what it was.
"Woah, wait, that's actually a thing?" Mina asked herself as she read up on it. Everyone crowded around her looked up at her with curious eyes. "In (Y/N)'s case, it's known as the winter blues. She basically starts to get depressed when the colder seasons come around."
"Isn't it just the same thing as depression, then?" Kaminari spoke up and Mina shook her head.
"Kind of, but not really. There's quite a lot we can do to help her, since I highly doubt she'd want to take antidepressants for it," Mina said.
"What are the signs, so we know for future reference?" Sero asked and Mina scrolled through the article.
"Craves more sleep than usual, daytime drowsiness, and can sometimes even gain weight. Apparently some people have a craving for sweets around this time," she said and everyone looked around at each other. Of course they had all seen you like that, how you'd skip on on movie nights to go to bed even earlier than Bakugou, how exhausted you'd seem throughout the day, and how much you would beg Satou to make you cakes and other kinds of sweets. Of course, they had all been blind to notice these as signs. That alone made them all feel guilty.
"What can we do to help?" Uraraka asked and Mina looked back down at her phone.
"Light therapy?" she questioned and then read the article more. "Basically, just get her outside in the natural light as often as possible. There are also light bulbs that simulate natural light, we could try those. If it doesn't work, it says we should take her to get antidepressants."
"Let's just hope this works," Sero said and pulled out his phone, looking online to find the right lightbulbs for you, paying extra to have them get to the school the very same day.
You were laying in bed, still in your uniform. You hugged a pillow to your chest, closing your eyes. Just as you were about to drift off, you heard a gentle knock on the door. To be completely honest, you weren't exactly sure how long you have been laying in bed ever since you had decided to ditch class.
"Babe, it's me. I'm coming in, alright?" you heard Sero say before stepping into your room. You suddenly regretted not locking the door. He closed the door behind him, looking over at your form that was covered by your blankets. He frowned and sat on the edge of your bed. Despite the fact that you didn't really want to be around anyone, you had missed the feeling of being in Sero's arms. Without being asked to, you pulled the blankets off and crawled to sit on your boyfriend's lap.
He smiled and kissed the top of your head as you nuzzled your face in the crook of his neck.
"I want you to know that you can rely on me, okay, baby?" he asked, his voice soft as he rubbed your back. "Will you let me help you? It hurts to see you like this." You hesitated and then slowly nodded your head, giving him permission. He smiled and stood up, letting you cling onto him.
"What time is it?" you asked softly before you pulled your phone out of your pocket. It was well after school hours. You hadn't even realized how long you had been laying in bed, drifting in and out of a dreamless slumber. "Ugh."
"Wanna take a walk with me to get some ice cream or something? We still have some time before curfew," he spoke softly in your ear and you nodded again.
In a shorter time than the students of 1-A we're expecting, you were starting to revert back to your usual self despite the cold weather.
Sero smiled to himself as he watched you interact with the other girls, so much different than the person who locked herself in her dorm and refused to let anyone in. He'd go to the ends of the Earth to keep that smile on your face. To him, you were a precious angel and he would do anything to protect you.
"Sero!" you chirped as you walked up to your boyfriend, a wide smile on your face.
"What's up, babe?" he asked, watching your small hand reach out to grab his.
"We should go to the arcade later. I so want to destroy you in those fighting games!" He chuckled and ruffled your hair with his free hand.
"You're on!"
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fasa-umich · 3 years
Christine Agpasa, FASA 2020-21 Co-External Chair
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Hullo FASA :)
It is I, your fellow bucket hat-wearing tiny person and External Chair, Christine. First and foremost, I would like to say thank you to everyone who I have interacted with in FASA- from a small “hello” to long 4am EST talks- I have learned from and felt welcome by every single one of you. I appreciate you all. Never have I ever felt so seen and heard as quickly as I did with FASA mass meetings, cultural workshops, dance practices, and one to three-hour board meetings. FASA truly and rapidly became a place I call home. Thank you for trusting and believing in me to be one of your 2020-21 External Chairs; it means the world.
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It all started with a Battle in my home city Chicago
As some (lol actually almost everyone) already knows, I was lucky enough to begin my cultural awakening in high school as part of Lane Tech’s Filipino Club Kapamilya Habang Buhay (KHB). For the first time, I interacted with more than one other Filipino-American outside of my family, and I was enamored by the loudness and extraness of those I met. Through learning traditional Filipino dances, I gained the opportunity to be more connected with my culture early on and experience a staple midwestern Filipino-American event Battle of the Bamboo (BOTB). As I opened the show with a flick of the wrist and a few hops in between bamboo sticks, I felt pride for my Filipino heritage for the first time, and knew I wanted my college experience to be full of more dancing, more loudness, and more Filipino/Filipino/x-American culture. It was set in stone as I legit met FASA people during said Battle. They were eating lunch at the table next to where my club and I were feasting. Knowing that I would be attending UofM and that there was already an established Filipino org there, my friend sitting across from me called “them” over, intimidatingly tall, older college students- one being my future Kuya EJ and the other being one of my future FASA presidents, Matt, who is pictured above. Although that was a nerve-racking conversation for little ole high schooler Christine, it compelled me to seek out FASA at Festifall, and I will forever be grateful for the interaction. Battle will always hold a special place in my heart- as I returned to perform with my newfound FASA family, pictured below, and as it led me to an interest in External Chair.
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My Battle homecoming with the former Freshie Fries
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We an External Lineage huh
I would not be writing this specific testimonial today without the love and endless support of my external lineage Kuya AJ and Kuya Reggie and my lovely co-chair Lauren Escote. It seems so long ago my lineage sat me down at the top floor lounge in North Quad and told me all about the stressful and joyous wack times of External Chair right before COVID-19 kicked us out of campus. Eradicating my misbeliefs that I had to “know” people to perform the best job of External Chair and exciting me with the possibilities and connections that FASA members could strengthen and start with the position, I immediately knew that External Chair was a role I wanted to take on and challenge me. Reminiscing back to my time as FASA intern, I am grateful for the chance to experience not only how FASA board works but also the planning of FASA’s BOTB trip with Kuya Reggie. It gave me confidence while running that I knew I could handle at least some External Chair duties already. However, as we all know and despite all my expectations, a pandemic had other plans....
Being in a pandemic, almost every plan I had in mind before being elected was tossed away with a half court no-look shot bucketed >swish<. Here’s three things I’ve learned from it:
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FASA’s very first collab with La Casa- the Latinx Org on campus!!
Don’t let certain barriers stop you from executing your vision, just run them over with a bulldozer (duh) or get a grappling hook, attach it to said barriers, and lock it onto a spaceship so they can fly into the void of outer space (yes I know this is random but it helps my following point). If you really want to see something happen during your time in your position, you have to find ways to ensure it can be developed. For instance, it was important to me to have FASA host a cultural shared history workshop with the Latinx org on campus. I wanted to grow FASA’s relationship with other orgs outside the AA&PI community and wanted to give members a chance to interact, meet new people, and learn from them, during a time where meeting new people was actually not advisable and just slightly dangerous in-person. With the help of a former external chair, my co, a few friends on La Casa board, and our wonderful guest faculty speakers, I’m happy to say that conversations and connections were still made even in a virtual setting.
Not only did I learn this tip from my external role, but I also observed this with other boardies. Shout-out FASA Social Chairs Jalene and Joson for an iconic, memorable, and enjoyable pandemic experience. As a more virtual member, I thank you for all the intentional work you invested into your events as it often was the highlight of my sometimes isolating sophomore year. Your ideas propelled FASA board into an excited and creative state-of-mind; I appreciate you both.
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Asserting my dominance with >compassion<
Have compassion, give the benefit-of-the-doubt, and make your interactions with other orgs intentional. This job is often dependent on other people, so it’s basically a “must” to be flexible, adaptable, quick-on-your-feet at decision making, understanding, and firm in each interaction with other orgs, whether it be drafting an email to ask for materials for PCN or leading a collaborative meeting with four other orgs on a Zoom call. Don’t be afraid to be the first to reach out and take on an authoritative role during meetings. If you know what you need logistically, be sure to make that clear when asking for input. Also, understand that things happen and not everyone can meet the due date all the time, so always set deadlines much earlier than when you actually need them. You never know what is truly going on behind-the-scenes of someone’s life, so you must be patient and try to view it from their POV. Maybe they just don’t have the energy to respond when you would like, and that’s okay. Furthermore, when you don’t know how to respond to a message, ask other boardies! Sometimes you play the middle person and have to relay messages back and forth because you don’t have the info at the moment or you want others’ opinions on how to proceed. It is absolutely okay and encouraged to ask for help!!
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FASA board is just one layer (or jacket) of responsibilities of many
Check-in on your fellow boardies and learn to recognize when they need help. You may not know it straight away, but sometimes other boardies can feel overwhelmed or stressed out juggling everything on top of being a FASA board member. Quick check-ins are especially needed when some people are better at hiding it than others. Thank you Kate Sullivan for always being a constant light, empathetic being, and socially-aware level headed person that I aspire to be. You have taught me the value of check-ins while Kuya AJ has taught me that, depending on the person, there are times you have to just say, “hey, I can do this task for you, don’t worry about it.” Since I know I am a board member first and chair second and the fact that a lot of my External Chair duties were heavily altered this school year, I had the opportunity to be social chair #1.5, meedja chair for a hot two seconds, and attend various meetings through other boardie positions that required zero expectation of me to be there LOL, and I would do it all again, especially, if it guaranteed that my fellow boardies felt supported and recognized for all that they did.
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I am a little plant; watch me grow
Overall, as I became ingrained in FASA my freshmen year, attending almost every single event, participating in FASA dance, talking in a tiny dorm room until the sunrise with the former freshie fries (now sopht-serves), road-tripping to external events, and eventually working under board as a FASA intern and then External Chair, I was able to meet and spend time with a variety of people with a diverse set of backgrounds. Thus, when I became more of a virtual member towards the beginning of my sophomore year, I felt worried about feeling Fear of Missing Out (F.O.M.O.). However, this wasn't the case for most of my time on FASA board because I genuinely felt I grew somewhat closer to at least a few members.
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My Co is a sweetiepie
Lauren Escote, oh how I am glad, lucky, and grateful to have had you as my co-chair. Your attention to detail, Google Calendar-based time management skills, and your cute doggos and amount of lovable squishmellows you own never cease to amaze me. The way you hold yourself in meetings and not stumble through your words like I sometimes do when taking point makes me proud to have you on my side. Thank you for deciding to take on the role of External Chair, in your third year of FASA board/intern, with me. I appreciate you and hope that the future FASA board can make you proud of your senior year.
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Just a H.A.M. making my way downtown, waddling fast, faces past and I’m homebound
Since joining FASA and spending quality time with numerous beautiful, wonderfully kind, and brilliant people, I have been told- just by a few individuals- that I have 6 ft energy. I have learned that they meant I hold a certain presence in a room, which was honestly kind of surprising and flattering to me because I was always known simply as the nice, quiet, smart person before college. I feel like this would have never been possible without the safe, inclusive, and culturally cultivating environment FASA created for me. A rarity- I felt confident in myself and my abilities. I felt like I could grow into my full and authentic self by being with others that were basically 100% comfortable with belting out karaoke and being emotionally vulnerable in front of others. Janielle Calaunan, for example, is one of the people who encourage me to be my true self with her stylish fits and unapologetic love para sa kultura which are gorgeously translated during meetings as she isn’t afraid to speak her mind, even as a mere FASA intern. Another person who has demonstrated how much more fun it is when you open up is none other than Joshua Peralta, my Posse bud. He makes me so proud and honored to have been the one to introduce him to FASA, and I am ecstatic to see him grow within the org as Performance Chair. Josh, you have the ability to make everyone readily smile with your presence and friendly greetings; thank you for that and all the backflips.
TO THOSE THAT FELT LIKE THEY BARELY CONNECTED WITH FASA THIS SCHOOL YEAR: I see you, I hear you, and you are not forgotten. This year was especially tough for those that stuck with a completely virtual setting or for those that were a little more reserved with having in-person gatherings. I want you to know that each time I saw your face on Zoom or saw you liked a message or post, it brightened my day to know that you’re still around. You are always welcome in FASA no matter how much you don’t feel “Filipino enough,” and I hope that some messages in the Fun and Safe GroupMe at least brightened your day.
To AdBESTising committee: y’all already know - much love <3
To board + interns: You inspire me each and every day. Thank you for making Kaibigan Korners enjoyable and for joining mine. I loved seeing your faces. Truly a highlight of my day.
To those that were not mentioned directly: I am giving you a shout-out right now because you deserve one :)
Lastly, being a part of H.A.M., my lineage, the sopht-serves, and finally FASA board, I have learned so much and it is all thanks to the people I’ve met and the stories they’ve shared with me. I am happy to have been a part of fostering this community for others, and I can’t wait to see where FASA goes next year.
Good vibes always,
Christine Agpasa
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