#ardeth bay smut
ladyvillainous · 10 months
Ardeth Bay NSFW Alphabet
Working on a little something new just need to do a little editing but while you're waiting have some more head canons on my latest character obsession
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A Aftercare
(What they’re like after sex)
He likes to hold you close as you both recover continuing to kiss you softly as he rubs his hands over your skin just wanting to
B Body part
(Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves your skin because it’s so soft he can’t help but want to be touching you constantly. You make sure to apply your jasmine scented body oil daily to keep it that way knowing how much he loves to touch you and the smell of the oil. If you really want to drive him nuts, you rub a small amount through your hair, it’s guaranteed to have him wrapped around you in no time.
C Cum
(Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He would never lay a hand on you until you were married and as such getting you pregnant wouldn’t be an issue. In fact, he loves to see your rounded belly as you grow his child, he thinks your even more irresistible this way. It’s because of this that he always likes to come inside you and nowhere else.
D Dirty Talk
(Do they like to talk dirty on the job? Do they like you to talk dirty to them? What sort of things do they say?)
He’s more likely to praise and worship you with words of love and encouragement than with filthy things thought he can get a bit borderline when you’re going down on him as he can get carried away.
E Experience
(How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He had a few dalliances when he was younger but once he took his oath, he realised the life of Medjai was not well suited a long-term relationship and he had no interest in brothels or ruining a woman’s reputation for nothing. He’s no virgin but hasn’t anywhere near the experience some of the other men do, whatever he may lack he more than makes up for with passionate intensity.
F Favourite Position
(This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
He loves any position that allows him to gaze into your eyes, though is partial to having you sat on his lap because he can hold you so much closer while still maintaining control.
When he wants to switch it up, he likes to get you on all fours and then pull you up flush against his chest, it takes a little twisting to get into position, but he can still kiss you breathless and the angle of his thrusts turn you to jelly in his arms.
G Goofy
(Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He has a surprisingly wicked sense of humour, but this tends to show itself in sly comments here and there and during sex is often not the moment for this. It doesn’t stop him grinning wickedly at you when he teases you. Generally, he’s so intense it doesn’t occur to either of you to find anything funny.
H Hair
(How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He’s quite a hairy man thought not excessively just enough to look stereotypically manly without veering into werewolf territory. When he’s out in the desert he doesn’t worry about grooming down there at all even lets his beard grow out somewhat. But when he returns home or if you visit him at one of the outposts, he will take the time to clear up the jungle and shave.
I Intimacy
(How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Ardeth is a very passionate, intense, loyal man which often translates to soft sensual touches that make your heart overflow for him.
J Jack Off
(Masturbation head canon)
Sometimes the only thing getting him through the long, lonely nights in the desert is thoughts of you. However, he doesn’t always have the privacy to be able to do anything more than think about you. This can mean he returns from weeks or months away and pretty much carries you straight to bed, he needs you repeatedly after that much time apart with no relief.
K Kink
(One or more of their kinks)
It took some time to convince him, but he did finally indulge you and tie you to your bed. He was extremely uncomfortable at first as he was worried about hurting you, but he unexpectedly loved it. He doesn’t want to indulge all the time because his fear returns full force in between but on occasion he will whip out the rope using the excuse that he wants to try a new knot he’s learnt, despite the fact that you’re more than willing excuse or no excuse.
L Location
(Favourite places to do the do)
He wants privacy for you both so at home in your own bed is his reference. He makes an exception for his chambers at the mountain outpost, but with only a curtain separating you both from the rest of the outpost you do have to be quieter than normal.  He has also been known to draw you into the armoury after training but that’s only because he hasn’t the patience to wait to get you home.
M Motivation
(What turns them on, gets them going)
Showing a little skin is a foolproof way to get his attention. Wearing your caftan with the long thigh high split around the house when you’re just doing everyday household chores, get you tossed over his shoulder and escorted upstairs in double time.
(Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He will not hurt you period end of sentence no will he give up control for the same reason. He got carried away the first time you slept together, which was also your first time ever, when you bled slightly after he thought he’d hurt you and was horrified. He fled to the spare room and wouldn’t come near you for quite some time, until you figured out what had upset him and were able to assure him you weren’t hurt. It still plays on his mind though even to this day.  
O Oral
(Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Both, he has been known to pull multiple orgasms from you in one session to the point you’re begging him to stop. He loves it when you go down on him as it allows him to give up some control without any risk of hurting you, because of this he would never hold your head while you pleasure him let alone push down for fear you would gag.
P Pace
(Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow, sensual and powerful is his go to, occasionally he will get a little rougher with you, but his pace is always carefully controlled and measured for maximum pleasure while making it last longer for the both of you.
Q Quickie
(Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
A quickie with Ardeth isn’t exactly a quick as he no interesting in just ploughing you into a wall and moving on. He wants to take his time with you ensure you feel loved and safe. The closest he gets to quick are the times in the armouring after training but even those sessions run long to the point that you’re shocked you haven’t been caught yet. What neither of you know is that the armoury guards have caught on and will always guard the door until your done and then discretely make themselves scarce, so you never even know they were there. Ardeth suspects because of the knowing smiles they shoot him later the same day, but he chooses to ignore it.
R Risk
(Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He’s happily experiment with any position or technique you want to try but he’d never put your safety at risk. Neither would he risk exposing you in any way… with the notable exception of the armoury.
S Stamina
(How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
The man is built for endurance he could fight Anubis stay up all night trekking through the jungle, fight Anubis warriors in the morning, spend 4 -5 hours on horseback see to his men and still rock your world so thoroughly you’re seeing stars. I know that’s an incredibly specific example, but it’s happened at least once.
T Toy
(Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
The 1920/30’s were not known for a plethora of sex toy options. You have both heard about a device called a vibrator but have never tried one. Ardeth doesn’t believe any electric device could be any better than what you already experience together, and you completely agree being more than satisfied with your sex life.
U Unfair
(How much they like to tease)
Usually, he’ll deliver orgasm after mind blowing orgasm no waiting, but on occasion he can been downright evil. This often coincides with the time the ropes come out of the box under the bed.
V Volume
(How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s not excessively loud he’d rather keep your private life private and would hate for anyone to overhear you both. However, at home behind locked doors he feels freer to up the volume.
Generally, it’s whispered terms of endearment or general grunts of effort with the odd growl, but he does get borderline filthy when you go down on him
W Wild Card
(Get a random head canon for the character of your choice)
Nothing gets him worked up more than watching you school the young Medjai in weapons. He loves watching them underestimate you and then being eviscerated by your skills. This isn’t a secret to you but the fact that after the first session of every new group he corners you in the armoury for a quick intense session that leaves your legs shaking is only something the 2 of you know.
X X-Ray
(Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture, or words)
Canonically Ardeth is nearly 6ft 2in and solidly built so I think he’d be a reasonable size just borderline on how easily you can get him in your mouth but a little girthier than the norm.
Y Yearning
(How high is their sex drive?)
Varies depending on his schedule and how much access he has to you. Out in the desert it can wither away to almost nothing but back home he will be on you every second he can spare from his duties.
(… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Usually, your sessions are so intense that you both fall asleep very quickly but always with your arms wrapped round one another.
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dd122004dd · 1 year
Hi could I request jealous Ardeth Bay x fem reader smut?
Yours. Only Yours.
Author's Note: Hello dear reader! Thank you for the request! Unfortunately, I didn't feel like writing smut for this one, so I gave it a bit of a spicy ending. But I might or might not make anther part, just with smut in it. I hope you enjoy this, though!
P.S. Sorry for the delay, was going through some writer's block but now I'm kinda back.
Warnings: None, I don't think.
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The scorching sun was setting in the west, birthing vermillion tinged skies as it hid among the sandy dunes in the distance. As Nuit laid a dark cloak over the earth and twinkling stars shone through, making the cool night almost tranquil. Within a camp in the distance hidden among the cooling dunes were people bustling about, preparing for a grand feast. The Medjai were celebrating the vanquishment of their ancient enemy, the one from whom they’d protected humanity for millennia. It had been decided by the chiefs that the five tribes would come together to celebrate their victory against the dark one.
A large bonfire was created in the center of the camping grounds with large pots of food bubbling around in anticipation for the hungry soldiers. The women within the camps wore their finest clothes with various colors and jewels adorning their bodies. Among them was her, Amaira, the one who adored the leader of the Medjai, Ardeth Bay. Her attraction to him was not unfounded. Rising through the ranks quickly, Ardeth had become the youngest leader that the Medjai had seen in decades. Not only was he a capable leader and strategist, he was also an excellent swordsman and gunman. Many women in the camp were attracted to him for his strength and military prowess yet he paid them no heed, choosing to ignore their advances and focusing on his duties.
Amaira too was one of his admirers yet she did not trip over her words whenever she saw him, rather she had a tongue that could cut through steel, injuring anyone who dared cross her path. She engaged the young Medjai in a battle of wits every time he came across her.
The two had been at each other’s throats since the fateful day they had met each other ten years ago when he was a young trainee and she was learning the art of crafting armor for the Medjai. Her father came from a long line of armorers and they had been making armor for the Medjai for generations. Their secret practice, however had been passed down through the matriarchal line, with the sons becoming warriors for the Medjai and the daughters crafting armor to defend their beloved family. ‘The swordsman attacks and the women defend,’ was their family’s motto.
Within her tent she dressed herself, lathering the perfumed oils reserved for special occasions. Lips colored with red rouge and a slight blush adorning her cheeks, making her look youthful and flushed. She wore beautiful navy robes, embroidered with tiny beads that caught the light, shimmering like stars among the night’s sky.
Ready for the feast she emerged from her tent, looking for her friend, Maria. As she made her way towards the festivities, she finally spotted her friend amongst the crowd. She quickly made her way towards her, almost barreling into the younger woman. The women greeted each other before deciding to mingle.
As her friend and her went around the campfire, meeting new friends and talking about the guests and some of their atrocious attires she suddenly caught sight of him, Adreth Bay. The object of her desires yet the bane of her existence.  Her friend noticed her halt, turning towards the direction the woman was staring at Maria noticed a young woman talking to Ardeth, well, rather she was flirting with him. With a large smile on her face as the man in front of her let out a joyous laugh at something she said. “That’s Zaina, the daughter of Chief Akhned,” Maria said.
“How disgraceful,” Amaira scoffed, “Flirting with a man four years her senior, and in front of everyone, too.”
“Are you angry because she is flirting with a man in public, or is it because you wish you were in her place?” Her friend knowingly asked.
Scoffing at her insinuation she replied, “Never. I’d rather eat a camel’s foot than flirt with that arrogant son of a donkey.”
“You say that yet your glare speaks otherwise, dear friend,” Maria rebutted.
Amaira glared at the cozy couple, noticing them drawing closer to each other as the young woman placed a fair hand on the Medjai’s arm, giggling at something he’d said.
Having enough, Amaira stalked towards the cozy couple with a saccharine smile on her face, “Asalaim walaikum.” She greeted.
“Walaikum Al Salam.” The Chieftain’s daughter replied before Ardeth cut in, “Zaina, this is Amaira, her family makes the armor that all the Medjai wear.”
“Aah, how wonderful! I’ve heard of your family. The women in your family must be incredibly talented to have made such incredible armor,” Zaina complimented.
Pride filled her chest as she replied, “Yes, they are. I heard your father was looking for you, you might want to hurry along and see what he wants, afterall, no one should keep the chief waiting.”
Zaina looked at Ardeth, reluctant to leave, yet after a few moments she moved away from the man, bidding him farewell she went to look for her father.
Turning towards the Medjai before her Amaira glared.
“What was that for? I was talking to her.”
“Please, a blind goat could see you flirting from on top of the pyramids.”
“My, my. Jealous, are we?”
“Pssh. Jealous? Over you? I’d die before I admit that.”
“It doesn’t make it untrue, Amaira.”
“You have no proof of anything.”
“Really? I don’t have proof?”
“Then I suppose you glaring daggers into my back wasn’t enough proof? Or perhaps you looking at the poor girl like you wanted her head? Or perhaps the sweet smile you plastered on your face as you swayed your way over here? Or maybe, when you told her, her father was looking for her when you know very well that the chief hasn’t arrived to the feast yet. So tell me, little snake, what proof could you possibly desire? Or perhaps it’s not proof you desire, but me.” Ardeth breathed close to her ear, whispering the last words as he stalked forward with each word till, she was cornered against one of the tents.
“You’re delusional. I could never desire you!” Amaira stated determinedly, unable to breathe from the proximity of the warrior.
“You could never desire me? Or you could never allow yourself to desire me?” He questioned, with a grin on his face, finally glad to hold something over the fiery woman’s head, yet his happiness was short lived as he found himself being pushed to the ground. Before he had a moment to react, a weight deposited herself on his thighs, preventing him from getting up.
“Amaira! What are you doing?!” He asked, frantically.
Smirking down at the man, she replied, “You were right, Ardeth. I do desire you. I have from the moment we met. And your little display with Zamiya really pushed me over the line. What did you think would happen, hmm? That I’d cower and bow before admitting my feelings? If you really thought that, you know me far less than I thought.”
“What’re you trying to do?” He asked as she leaned closer to him, caging his body under her own.
“Showing you, how much you belong to me.” Saying this, she captured the Medjai’s lips with her own. He was stunned at first before melting into the fiery woman, surging upward as he claimed her lips. Yet she didn’t allow him to dominate the kiss, pulling him closer as their mouths clashed together. A battle as old as time among the dunes of the desert. A depiction of their relationship with each other soft at certain moments yet harsh at others.
The couple eventually separated, resting their foreheads against each other’s, slowly panting.
“‘Only I am allowed to touch you this way, to claim you for myself. You belong to me.” She stated.
“Yours. Only yours.” He vowed.
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Hii, How are you?🙈
I found your blog a few days ago looking desperately for someone to write or be willing to write for Ardeth Bay and like a miracle your blog came my way. There aren't enough fics about this man and I adore him so much.🤧
I also saw that you write for many other characters that I like, so at some free time I will take the time to read everything😆
If it's not annoying, I'd really like to make a request. It's nothing very specific, I was thinking of Ardeth and the reader (fem reader), a lazy morning, lots of fluff, giggles, kisses and romance....maybe smut (nothing specific and only if you feel comfortable), after the events of the second movie he's tired and wants time to be with the reader and relax a bit after fighting the Anubis army and saving the world for the second time.
Send u a lot of love, have a nice week🥰🌹
Absolutely my dear
Allah gave me you and it changed me
Pairing: Ardeth Bay x reader
Description: During a quiet morning together you and Ardeth share a beautiful loving moment
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You smile as you wake up feeling a light touch on your waist turning to see your husband Ardeth laying behind you rubbing your waist with his hand as you turn caressing his face. He smiles kissing your forehead moving you to his lap holding you rubbing your back "Morning hon" you smile sweetly laying your head on his shoulder placing a kiss on his neck running your fingers through his hair and scalp. You both drink tea while standing next to each other outside enjoying the calm serene day sharing a kiss before going to take some leftover food for the neighbors coming back as the both of you go back in and shower together in luke warm enjoying the skin to skin contact. Soon small pecks and gentle caresses lead to intense kisses and exploring all over each other's bodies with your hands that then lead to tightly holding each other while saying gentle I love you's but also the most heart touching and emotional thing he has ever said to you "Allah gave me you and it changed me you changed me" you melted holding him to you in a tender embrace and showing the love you had for each other for the next 2 hours until you were tangled together and laying in each other's arms. You rubbed his hip until you fell asleep with your head on his chest he smiles looking down at you pressing a kiss to your eyelid and rubbing your back until he fell asleep not much later with his hand still on your back, the other on your hip, and his chin on top of your head smiling at the fact he had you and how much you truly impacted his life for the better and truly wonderful.
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Hello everyone! My name is Izzy, this is a sideblog of blorbosfrommyhead. Here you'll find self insert fanfiction so if that's not your thing I suggest you turn away now. There will be no smut as I'm ace and highly uncomfortable with my fictional others being sexualized. I'll write when the inspiration strikes me so don't expect regular posting.
Characters I'll write for are:
🤚Casim(Aladdin and the king of thieves)
☀️Kars(Jojo's bizarre adventure: Battle Tendency)
💰Lupin(Lupin the third)
⚔Xenk Yendar(Dungeons and dragons:Honor Among Thieves)
🌙Jadeite(Sailor Moon)
🎲Oogie Boogie(Nightmare before Christmas)
🔥Valtor(Winx Club)
🌟king Magnifico(Wish)
🐶John Wick(John Wick)
🍎Ryuk(Death note)
👨🏻‍💻Izaya Orihara(Durarara)
🌌Starscream(Transformers G1)
💠Gojo Satoru(Jujutsu Kaisen)
🔆Ardeth Bay(Mummy)
🐄Alameda Slim(Home on the range)
💔Jean Pierre Polnareff(Jojo's bizarre adventure: Stardust Crusaders)
⚾️Yamcha(Dragon ball series)
🥼Nurse Bendy(Moral Orel)
🎪Pomni(The amazing digital circus)
💀Spencer Reid(Criminal minds)
💪🐺🔨 Yuji, Megumi and Nobara(Jujutsu Kaisen)
There will also be reblogs of stuff like writing tips, other people's fics and whatever else catches my attention.
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🌙Mari and Jadeite
safeshiptember swap AU prompt-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/727895521231011840?source=share
For dancing and the dreaming-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/728884322206203904/for-dancing-and-the-dreaming?source=share
drabble ask game-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/731354510224752640/or-whichever-you-like?source=share
drabblecember listening to holiday music prompt-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/737213688863457280/eternally-smitten-and-bioexorcizm-drabblecember
JanAUary soulmate AU prompt-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/740386981100568576/eternally-smitten-and-bioexorcizm-janauary-day?source=share
💰Maria and Lupin
safeshiptember fantasy AU prompt-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/727964571479015424?source=share
Alcohol and bandages-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/729706324929150976/patched-up?source=share
Full moon-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/732310078729977856/full-moon?source=share
drabblecember sleeping in prompt-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/736328868030529536/day-10-sleeping-in-the-one?source=share
💔Elizabeth and Polnareff
safeshiptember beach prompt-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/728504179767803904/safeshiptember-day-13-beach-the-one-where-two?source=share
drabblecember decorating prompt-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/735810393473253376/drabblecember-day-3-decorating-the-one-where-two?source=share
Dancing on the blades-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/736842165803761664/dancing-on-the-blades
🤚Anabelle and Casim
safeshiptember moonlight prompt-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/728681005719912448/williameastons-safeshiptember-day-17?source=share
JanAUary Tangled AU prompt-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/740028654159020032/eternally-smitten-and-bioexorcizm-janauary-day?source=share
🖤Ivka and Darkling
Ocean deep-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/731033675025793024/benthic?source=share
🥼Nosy and nurse Bendy
familial September babysitting/childhood prompt-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/729314081764524032/girlyaoiss?source=share
🧛‍♂️Florence and Alucard
safeshiptember prompt friends-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/729591601533435904/williameastons-safeshiptember-day-tommorow-the?source=share
🎲Inky and Oogie
Bound by darkness-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/730317516924207104/title?source=share
drabble ask game-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/731347449807060992/how-about-for-oogie-raylex?source=share
🔥Thalia and Valtor
Let the flames begin-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/731218712572690433/title?source=share
What haunts us-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/731596812975308800/what-haunts-us?source=share
drabble ask game-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/731622724303208448/for-you-and-valtor?source=share
🎪Marbles and Pomni
Family reunited-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/732029603972038656/family-reunited?source=share
🐶Katie and John
Little dark age-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/732310070964125696/enchant%C3%A9?source=share
🍎Maggie and Ryuk
drabblecember cold weather prompt-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/735502227675004928/cold-weather?source=share
JanAUary flowershop/tatoo parlor prompt-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/738409878200221696/eternally-smitten-and-bioexorcizm-janauary-day?source=share
Paint it black-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/742131935604768768/paint-it-black?source=share
☀️Isabel and Kars
I was made for loving you-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/735974251391221760/regrets?source=share
💀Juniper and Spencer
drabblecember movie marathon prompt-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/736573140503871488/eternally-smitten-and-bioexorcizm-drabblecember
👨🏻‍💻Abigail and Izaya
drabblecember being sick prompt-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/736760243789414400/eternally-smitten-and-bioexorcizm-drabblecember
🌌Sarah and Starscream
🌟Estrella and Magnifico
Cost of the crown-https://www.tumblr.com/justanordinaryficwriter/738849810084495360/cost-of-the-crown-estrella-never-thought-not-even?source=share
🐄Rosie and Slim
💗Joanne and Naomi
(masterlist banner by cafekitsune)
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iceman-kazansky · 2 years
Hello! I'm Iceman-Kazansky. I am a small fanfic writer. You most likely came here to find out what exactly my Request rules are and Who I write for, correct? So I won't try to come up with anything overly.. intricate to put here and will get straight to the point.
I do not write smut whatsoever. No exceptions.
I write for exclusively x female readers, as it is easier for me.
I do not write ships. I'm terrible at them, and I don't feel comfortable with writing them.
I don't write for OCs or Pregnant readers. Anything to do with being pregnant, I can't write.
I hold the right to deny any request, and if need be I will exercise that right.
I Also might be adding on to this, so keep watch.
I write for the characters in the following fandoms:
Top Gun
All, just request and I'll try :)
Rookie Blue
Sam Swarek
Nick Collins
Jerry Barber
Chris Diaz
Dov Epstein
Star Wars
The Hunger Games
Gale Hawthorn
Finnick Odair
Peeta Mellark
Scream (1996)
Billy Loomis
Stu macher
80's movie characters
Kyle Reese (terminator)
Johnny Castle (Dirty Dancing)
Ren McCormack (footloose)
John Rambo (Rambo)
Marty Mcfly (back to the future)
Daniel Larusso (karate kid)
Johnny Lawrence (Karate kid)
John McClane (Die Hard 1 only)
James T. "Joker" Davis (Full Metal Jacket)
Animal Mother (Full Metal Jacket)
The Mummy
Rick O' Connell
Ardeth Bay
Saving Private Ryan
Private Jackson
Private Rieben
Corporal Upham
Private Wade
Private Ryan
Private Mellish
Private Caparzo
Detroit: Become Human
RK800 Connor
Simon (maybe?)
Band of Brothers
Almost all
Prompt Lists:
Romantic prompts (list with a bunch of external lists)
Soldier x Medic prompts
Cute fluff prompts
Short Fluff sentence starters
Enemies to lovers <3
Short angst sentences
Injured prompts
Angst prompts (extra stuff on the 1st Fluff list)
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authurials · 2 years
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𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 fandoms and characters i could/will write for, as well as what i will and will not write in terms of content; please refer to these lists when considering requesting from me and respect the boundaries i have set forth.
requests are currently { 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 ! }
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smut (refer to list below for hard limits), fluff, angst, poly/(three)some, reverse harem, dubcon, blood + knife play, light bdsm, breath play, mild violence, hunter/prey + capture/captive dynamics, alternate universes, canon divergence, certain canonical pairings, praise & degradation kink, breeding kink
celebrity/real people fics, underage scenarios, foot fetish, watersports, spitting, age play, animal play, daddy/mommy/little play, domestic violence, necrophilia, incest, and more if they arise
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🎞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
steve harrington, eddie munson, jonathan byers, henry creel, jim hopper
🎞 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧/𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬
daemon targaryen, aemond targaryen, rhaenyra targaryen, harwin strong, erryk/arryk cargyll, jon snow, robb stark, jaime lannister, brienne of tarth, daenerys targaryen, sandor clegane, tormund giantsbane, missandei, grey worm, tyrion lannister, theon greyjoy, samwell tarley, gendry, bronn, oberyn martell, podrick payne, margaery tyrell
🎞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐦𝐚𝐧
dream the endless, death the endless, desire the endless, johanna constantine, lucifer morningstar, hob gadling, the corinthian
🎞 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥
thor odinson, loki laufeyson, valkyrie, wade wilson
🎞 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲
cordelia goode, xavier plympton, kyle spencer, moira o’hara, ramona royale, the countess, jimmy darling, michael langdon, misty day, tristan duffy
🎞 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
arthur morgan, john marston, charles smith, bonnie macfarlane, kieran duffy, sadie adler, dutch van der linde, javier escuella, jackie estacado, booker dewitt, curie (fallout 4), cait (fallout 4), preston garvey (fallout 4), danse (fallout 4), piper wright, arthur maxson, nick valentine, robert joseph maccready
🎞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
viktor hargreeves, klaus hargreeves, diego hargreeves, theodora crain, luke crain, steven crain, rick grimes, daryl dixon, glenn rhee, gannicus (spartacus), eric northman, richie gecko, seth gecko
🎞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬
sam guthrie, rick o’connell, ardeth bay
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𝐈 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 to deny any request without explanation if it falls outside what i am comfortable with--i do not accept requests from minors, and request that anyone under the age of 18 please not interact with my content as it is intended for a mature audience and is nsfw
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wingsyouburn · 3 years
Fic: Arabian Nights (The Mummy Series)
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Title: Arabian Nights
Fandoms: The Mummy Series
Characters: Ardeth Bay, Evy Carnahan O'Connell, Rick O'Connell
Pairing: Ardeth Bay/Evy Carnahan O'Connell/Rick O'Connell
Rating: Explicit
AO3 Tags: Past Lives, Dreamsharing, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, if you squint there's plot, Post-The Mummy Returns
Summary: Evy dreams of Nefertiri's past - and the two men she loved.
Notes: For ~vialethe as part of the Chocolate Box fic exchange. I hope this suits you! Your request mentioned the idea of Rick and Ardeth also being a part of Evy's past life as Nerfetiri, and well, this popped out. Enjoy! ♥
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Naughty dreams weren’t anything new. Lord knew she had plenty of them before she and Rick officially got married. But she hadn’t dreamed of her life as Nefertiri since before the battle at Ahm Shere. Nor had she ever dreamed of who Nefertiri had taken to her bed. She never expected to recognize the two men with her, either.
Read more at AO3!
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221bshrlocked · 6 years
One Shot Masterlist
Fics marked with * are smut! Please go away if you’re younger than 18. This is for 18+ only.
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Why Bother? *The Secret Garden  *Glad You Came  “Don’t Look”  *The Buck N’ Roll   In the Night   “Did You Just Stab Me?”  *Animals Awaken - ABO Dynamics *Snowflakes and Mistletoes   Evermore  *Keep You Warm  *I Can Feel your Heartbeat *Something to Wind Down  *Secret Rendezvous *More than Friends Start of Time *Bad Intentions You’re Enough Joke’s On You Always Love You *Take My Hand ***Softly, Gently - Needy Bucky Done Properly *A Gentle Touch - Robin Hood AU *For Heaven’s Sake - ABO Dynamics Touch *Trust Me *Sexy and Condescending the edge of love Plan Your Seeds *Spread Some Skrewball & Lick It *Welcome Home (Bucky x Male Reader) *Suspended Memories (Bucky x Original Female Character) *Test This Theory Can’t Remember, Huh?
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*I Feel It Coming *Dreaming of You - Professor AU
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*A Restless Night Crying in the Club *Touch My Body Who Stole the Cookies?
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*Music to Watch Boys to  ***Anyway you Want - Infinity War Nomad looking soldiers!!!
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Breaking News! *That Southern Hospitality
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*Follow Your Heart
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*Here Right Now
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*Is This Seat Taken? *Paint a Devil and You’ll Find an Angel
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*Let Me Make You Feel Good Glad You Were Late *rated r - Professor/TA Student *Hands Lights, Camera, Kiss What are you waiting for? *rescue my heart - Professor/Vampire/Vampire Hunter AU daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy?
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*Fever in my Eyes - Sex Pollen *Be My Enemy, Be My Remedy *taste you on my tongue *sweaty hands, reluctant hearts Wishing for a Release Don’t Worry Mesh’la *Beneath a Felucian Sky A Sky Full of Stars - Soulmate AU Stranger in a Strange Land     Most Beautiful Distraction Unbreakable Bond - Vampire AU *Ready to Let Go - Size Kink *flowers & sex Written in Starlight - Victorian Supernatural AU *You’re Mine Riduur - Possessive Reader *bruises & bitemarks - Hand/Gloves Kink unfold me I Want You to Be Near Me Far Too Long *tell me - Beskar Spear Kink Like a Bantha in time i could only hope *You Feel... *Stripped Down to the Bone
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***Dangerous Line - Gun Kink! *I Won’t Ask Again *Old Enough - Tummy *ruined Mistletoes in the Moonlight
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*You’ll Take What I Give You
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*Cloud 9 *Let Me Feel You
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*As Sweet As Honey, As Tempting As Death - Religious Kink? *Unhinged Desires - Lactation Kink Waiting on the Sunset *When Evening Falls *You Have My Permission - Knife Kink
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*Read For Me... *Did you just-? *Show Me Your True Colors I Wish I Told You Crazy About you One Too Many La Serenissima - Regency/Supernatural/Hunter AU sapphire nights  |drabble| Nature’s Altar *Thoroughly F*cked If You Want *You Should Know *Good to Know
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*where it wasn’t *empty me out
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*thoughts of your consume me (Commander Wolffe x Jedi Fem!Reader) *interesting indeed (Tech x Fem!Reader) *desire for obedience (Commander Wolffe x Jedi Fem!Reader) warm hearts (Commander Wolffe x Jedi Fem!Reader) *i remember... (Captain Rex x Jedi Fem!Reader) *don’t you know (Echo x Jedi Fem!Reader) *shut the door (Commander Wolffe x Jedi Fem!Reader) floating senses (Hunter x Fem!Reader) Finding the Heavens (Captain Rex x Fem!Reader) *breaking point (Wrecker x Fem!Reader) don’t go (Hunter x Fem!Reader)  Broken and Grazed, Loved and Saved (Crosshair x Jedi Fem!Reader)
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Sword Fight
Ardeth Bay x fem!reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: insinuations to smut, fighting
Author’s Note: he is soooo hot omg, this movie really threw Evelyn, Rick and Ardeth at us and for what. I hope you enjoy lol
Requested: by anon, Bestieeeee you’ve had a couple Rick requests, how about one for our favorite bae, Ardeth Bay??? Maybe one where the reader, a Carnahan and very handy with a sword because — you know — rich family stuff, winds up taking a shine to Ardeth. At some point, however, they get into an argument and she grabs one of his swords. He’s reluctant at first, but she sparks his ire enough to get into a sword fight. That, paired with the sexual tension they definitely share but definitely haven’t addressed, is a recipe for… well, I’ll leave it up to you ;))))))
Summary: the request!
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif) (that face with that hair...unmatched)
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You looked down at your nephew, pursing your lips. You scoffed a bit to yourself. Of course your sister would get herself into this situation. Of course she would. There was no telling what on Earth was going to happen but Eveyln was kidnapped, leaving just you to deal with her husband, son and brother. All hopelessly worried about her.
“That car took my wife!” Rick yelled, gesturing to where the car had gone.
“I saw! She’s my sister!” Jonathan yelled back. Rick had Alex in his arms and he probably wasn’t going to let go anytime soon. You saw the car go completely out of sight and closed your eyes tightly.
“Alright, we need to focus. What was it you two were looking for?” you asked Rick.
“What weren’t we looking for,” Rick murmured, shaking his head. You scoffed, putting your hands on your hips.
“That doesnt’ help me Rick.”
“Perhaps I can be of assistance.”
You recognized that voice instantly. You turned around and met the gaze of one Ardeth Bay. You hadn’t seen him since you met Rick and the whole mummy fiasco happened. You were glad to see him. Finally, a voice of reason.
“Ardeth,” you breathed. “If you’re here then....”
“The damn mummy,” Rick muttered. He put Alex on the ground. “Is that who took my wife? Damn that damn mummy,” he said angrily.
“More or less,” Ardeth admitted. “I would like to speak to you all on the way. We have things to go and places to be if you want Evelyn back.” Rick nodded curtly.
“Alright. You got a ride or should I provide it?”
“Follow me.” Rick grabbed hold of Alex’s hand and you walked forward, catching up with Ardeth.
“Long time no see,” you said. “Can’t believe it took a whole other mummy for us to meet again.” Ardeth chuckled.
“Now is not the time.”
“Is there ever a time?”
“Just not now.” You rolled your eyes. When you and Ardeth had met you had always had some unresolved tension. But the world was ending and you were constantly in danger. There was nothing you could do. Then he was gone again and you were back with your family, far, far away from any sand.
You were just happy to see him.
You sat around a fire, a map out in front of you. Rick was pouring over it. He was more worried about Evelyn than you and Jonathan were. You knew her. She was strong, she could handle herself.
Rick just couldn’t handle the fact that he had sworn to protect her and hadn’t been able to. He kept his son close at his side.
Ardeth pointed out the best possible way to move in after he had explained what exactly was going on. You messed with a stick, poking the fire with it.
“Auntie, you’re going to mess up the fire,” Alex said. You smiled.
“It’s alright Alex,” you promised.
“He’s right,” Ardeth said. “Don’t poke around with that.” You met his gaze. He was challenging you. Now was not the time but you found yourself unable to care. You had waited so long to see him again and you were going to make the best of it.
“I can fight with this perfectly well you know,” you said.
“I seem to remember you using a gun last time we were in danger,” Ardeth argued. You raised an eyebrow and leaned over him, pulling one of his swords out of the holder. He went to grab it but would have only grabbed the sharp side so he pulled away. You stood up, tossing the stick away.
“Come on Ardeth Bay. You’ve been training for this moment since birth. I’m a threat to the safety of your home.” He looked at you.
“I’m not going to fight you.”
“Fight her,” Jonathan muttered. “She’s not going to give up now.” You pointed your sword at your brother, nodding. Ardeth stared at you for a long moment and then stood up.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he said, unsheathing his sword. You smiled and got into a fighting stance. You circled each other for a moment and even Rick turned to look. He was happy for the distraction from thinking about what Evelyn may be going through.
You went for the first attack, which he steadily blocked. Then he started to move at a remarkable pace. But you had taken classes before, after everything that happened with the mummy the last time around. Maybe you were just waiting to run into him again. Maybe you were really trying to protect yourself.
Your swords clashed in the fire light, louder than the crackle of the heat. Your footwork was outstanding but he had you on the counter attacks.
You fought for a solid couple of minutes and Rick thought Ardeth may have had the upper hand when your swords crashed together so hard it caused you both to stumble into each other.
Sharp swords were the only thing between your lips and his. You breathed out a small sigh, meeting his eyes.
“Perhaps you’re better than I gave you credit for,” he suggested. You smiled slyly.
“You’re not half bad either,” you suggested and backed away.
Rick turned to Jonathan.
“Do you feel that?” Rick asked.
“What?” Jonathan questioned.
“Oh a buttload of tension,” Rick suggested, looking back toward you and Ardeth. You rolled your eyes, handing him back his sword. He put it back into its spot. You sat back down around the fire.
“You’re just missing your wife Rick,” you said though Ardeth decided to sit beside you instead of Rick.
“Speaking of my wife,” Rick said. “Let’s go over the plan again.” Ardeth nodded.
“You’re right. Let’s refocus.” You had your knees up as you leaned back on the small log behind you. You felt Ardeth place his hand on your inner thigh. “Do you remember what I said about the building?” he asked Rick. You looked over at him and suppressed a scoff at his audacity. You put your hand on his and he glanced over at you, meeting your eyes.
“Oh get a room,” Jonathan muttered. “There are children here.”
“Perhaps we will,” Ardeth suggested. You fought the butterflies in your stomach and scoffed.
“Focus on the planning Ardeth. My sister is lost.”
“Of course, of course. My apologies.”
“But when she’s found…”
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raining-in-my-soul · 2 years
I'm going to be turning this into a slasher/villain/fandom fanfic blog!
These are the characters I'll be writing for (subject to change as I watch films/play games and currently in no particular order).
-Brahms Heelshire (The Boy)
-Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)
-Michael Myers (OG and RZ- Halloween)
-Yautja (Predator) *
-Thomas Hewitt (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
-Harry Warden (My Bloody Valentine)
-Asa Emory/The Collector (The Collector)
-Bo/Vincent Sinclair (House of Wax) (might do Lester if requested)
Movie Characters:
-Imhotep, Ardeth Bay, Jonathan Carnahan, Rick O'Connell (The Mummy)
-Captain Hook (Peter Pan 2003)
-Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice)
-General Hux, Darth Maul (Star Wars)
Video Games:
-All TF2 Mercs (Team Fortress 2)
-Farkas, Vilkas, Argis the Bulwark, Marcurio, Ondolemar, Ancano (Skyrim)
-Karl Heisenberg (RE8)
-Pyramid Head (Silent Hill)
-Just about anyone from RDR2 except Micah. But definitely big focus on Arthur
I will not write anything I feel uncomfortable with, which is outlined in the rules but specific asks are up to my discretion.
Not Allowed:
-Anything illegal or otherwise generally considered immoral
-Non-consensual activities
-Crossovers to a fandom I'm unfamiliar with
Formats you may request:
Feel free to send in asks or use prompts or anything your little heart's desire! And if you see a fandom I've listed but not the character you want to see, talk to me, I may make an exception for a character that isn't particularly inspiring for me, but I'm willing to write for!
All works will be character x reader and reader will either be female or gender neutral (sorry this is just what I feel comfortable writing)
*I am aware yautia are technically not slashers but I'm throwing them in anyway. Also I will take requests for specific yautia from the moves (ex: Scar, Wolf, Fugitive, etc)
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ricochetoconnell · 3 years
*waves* hi :o) Sorry to bother you out of the blue like this, I was just wondering - in your Evy/Rick/Ardeth headcanon, is there someone you ship Jonathan with? Do you see him be with someone (not that there are that many canon characters, but an OC, maybe)? Do you see him as straight, bi, gay? Aromantic ace?
You're never a bother! Especially if you want to talk about Mummy headcanons. 😉
Oh Jonathan, I do love him, even if I'm too intimidated to write much of him. I definitely see him as bi (Team Everybody is Bi, apparently. But basically everyone I associate with in real life is, so why not? Birds of a Feather and all that). If he hadn't brought home a woman in TMR when no one else was home and he didn't need a cover I would probably headcanon him as gay.
Though I don't ship him with any of the canon characters, I do see why people ship him with Ardeth, and there is some really good fic for that pairing, even if it's not something I've gotten into. I don't see him as aro/ace, but maybe just a little too broken by his time in the war to let himself commit to anyone. I do like to think he meets someone who helps keeps his ghosts at bay eventually, though. I do seem to recall a few fics written by a certain author where he finds someone (or someones) to find comfort and happiness with, and I would like that for him very much.
(As a side note, I do headcanon Ardeth as demisexual on the ace spectrum. Even if I write a lot of smut involving him. 😅)
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scruffandyarn · 4 years
Scruff’s masterlist
***Any and all constructive feedback is greatly appreciated and encouraged.***
NOTE: Not everything I write has adult content, but I do my best to tag things as smut if there is sex in it, so anything with *smut next to it is NOT FOR ANYONE UNDER THE AGE OF 18.  Other content tags are on the posts themselves.
***Also, I do my best to be inclusive.  It’s xReader, not xOC.  However, I am human, and so is anyone who may beta/edit for me.  If I miss something, I’m cool if you don’t want to read it because yeah, I fucked up, but also, I would greatly appreciate it if you would please let me know, so I can fix it.***
You can find me on AO3
Hey, so now I have some poetry.
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That One Time Scruff Wrote an Avengers Fic (x reader) *masterlist The reader works as Pepper’s assistant and is introduced to Earth’s mightiest heroes.
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Ardeth Bay
Take My Hand, I’ll Start My Journey (x reader) *masterlist When you get tired of moving along, there are hands for you to hold.
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Cassian Andor
The Guardian (x reader)  Contrary to what you’ve been raised to believe, there might be more to your life than just being a guard.
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Time To Kill (x reader) Dean likes a lot of things.  He even loves some things.  And to him, you just crossed a line.
Crumbles Into Nothing (x reader) *dark You’re being held and tortured by Dean.
A Journey of a Thousand Miles (x reader) Sequel to Crumbles into Nothing
Facing the Impossible (x reader) Sequel to A Journey of a Thousand Miles
What Will It Be? (x reader) *maybe dark…idk Death gives you an option.
Family Business (x reader) You and Sam aren’t related.  Not yet, anyway.
Early Morning Blues and Greens (x reader) Sam owes you for this.  Big time.
Just a Dream (x reader) *dark Lucifer haunts your dreams.
The Girl I Knew Somewhere (x reader) You have future plans.  With Sam.  Too bad life gets in the way.
What Am I Doing Hangin’ ‘Round? (x reader) Sequel to The Girl I Knew Somewhere
Shades of Gray (x reader) *dark Sequel to What Am I Doing Hangin’ ‘Round?
I’ll Spend My Life With You (x reader) Sequel to Shades of Gray
Can You Dig It? (x reader) *dark-ish Sequel to I’ll Spend My Life With You
At Least We Didn’t Fly (x reader) Motion sickness is awful.
Our Little Angel (x reader) How did you get so lucky?
These are the Moments (x reader) It’s the little moments with Cas that make everything worthwhile.
In the End (x reader) How will seeing end!verse Cas affect you?
Feeling Unpretty (x reader) on AngelsXReader Sometimes you just want to feel pretty.
Accepted Offer (x reader) on AngelsXReader Helping Cas get ready for a date isn’t fun when he isn’t dating you.
Bad Timing (x reader) on AngelsXReader Could Dean have picked a worse time for this confession?
The Problem with Old Buildings (x reader) on AngelsXReader Claustrophobia rears its ugly head.
Sex Ed (x reader) on AngelsXReader *smut The Wizard of Oz may never be the same for you again.
Prophet of the Lord (x reader) *masterlist You are the new prophet.  That means you get your own guardian archangel.  Goody.
Being Helpful    on AngelsXReader For a friend who was having a rough time.
Heartbreak and Healing (x reader) on AngelsXReader (very angsty) The worst happens while Gabriel is away.
Beautiful (x reader) on AngelsXReader He finds you beautiful, no matter what.
Here Goes Nothing (x reader) on AngelsXReader *smut (at the end—it’s marked, if you’d like to avoid it) Flirting is weird.  Especially when the timing is horrible.
Yours and Mine (x reader) on AngelsXReader *smut (at the end—it’s marked, if you’d like to avoid it) Gabriel gets you in a way no one else can.  It doesn’t hurt that he’s the only one who can hear you.
Get Lucky (x reader) on AngelsXReader Strip poker with the boys.
Blueberry Pancakes (x reader) on AngelsXReader Lazy mornings are fun.
The Sweetest Thing (x reader) on AngelsXReader Giving up sweets is hard.  But fortunately, you married something sweeter than candy.
It’s All About Family (x reader) on AngelsXReader Gabriel tries to get you into the Christmas spirit.
What a Beautiful Day (x reader) on AngelsXReader The roller coaster ride that is your life, thankfully, with an archangel at your side.
Sugar (x reader) on AngelsXReader  *smut Nothing wrong with something sweet.
Sacrifice (x reader) on AngelsXReader Not even Death can keep you apart.
Come Prepared (x reader) on AngelsXReader Nothing’s taking your angel away from you again.
Castle in the Sky (x reader) on AngelsXReader Gabriel wants to give you a break from the hunting life.
Don’t Walk Away (x reader) on AngelsXReader *smut Someone has a confession to make.
Taking Care (x reader) on AngelsXReader *smut Needing a little TLC after a hunt.
Steady (x reader) on AngelsXReader How are things supposed to be OK?
Gonna Have a Party (x reader) on AngelsXReader Stress is getting to you.  Gabriel helps.
Overcoming Fear (x reader) on AngelsXReader Your angelic boyfriend helps you face what scares you, trickster-style.
Over the Edge (x reader) on AngelsXReader Maybe a little ménage-à-deux?
Tangled Webs (x reader) on AngelsXReader Angel blades don’t belong with humans.
Angel Riding Shotgun (x reader) on AngelsXReader *smut You have to fall before you can fly.
Falling Again (x reader) on AngelsXReader *smut You have a connection with an angel.
What’s in a Name (x reader) on AngelsXReader Tending bar, waiting tables…you know, the not-so-family-oriented business.
Territorial (x reader) on AngelsXReader Congrats!  You’re not a fire hydrant!
First Things First (x reader) on AngelsXReader Gadreel’s been snooping, much to your chagrin.
A Little Courage (x reader) on AngelsXReader It’s the end of times.  Prophecies have to be fulfilled.  Or do they?
And a Fish for Luck (x reader) on AngelsXReader Michael helps you get ready for New Years.
Between Duty and Desire (x reader) on AngelsXReader (with Mira) AU. You’re supposed to marry Michael.  Only trouble is, you’ve never met him.
Being Human (x reader) on AngelsXReader It’s up to you to help the former archangel.
Dance with Me? (x reader) on AngelsXReader The devil doesn’t deal in souls.
Ever the Same (x hellhound!reader) on AngelsXReader What happens when Crowley turns you human?
Saving Grace (x reader) on AngelsXReader (with Luc) Stumbling across Lucifer changed your life forever.
Playing with Fire (x reader) on AngelsXReader Feelings can be pesky little fuckers.
Proper Etiquette (x reader) on AngelsXReader What is the matter with Heaven’s most adorable angel?
Your Place or Mine (x reader) on AngelsXReader *smut AU.  You’re ready to take that next step.
Okey-Dokey Horses are alright.  At a distance.
Names on the Wall Gabriel gets under Sam’s skin.
Everything Sam is his everything.
Just the Way You Are *smut Don’t change a thing.
Shirts and Ties *smut Gabriel didn’t realize just how good Sam would look in his shirt.
Family Dinner *implied smut (but no real smut) Awkward family dinners are gonna be the death of Sam.
Pass the Salad Who you calling Daddy?
Rabbit Season Sam has to have his gallbladder removed.  Thankfully, he’s got a ride home.
Forget Me Not  How in the world did we both manage to pick the same bank to rob on the same night?
Special Delivery Sam has a special order he needs and Gabriel is the only one who can deliver.
Christmas Magic (super fluffy) Based on the prompt: Claire celebrating Christmas in the bunker with Cas and the boys.
Christmas Spirits (x reader) on AngelsXReader Maybe alcohol and you don’t mix.
What Love Isn’t (x reader) on AngelsXReader Cas and Lucifer ask you to decide, except, you screwed up.
Better Than (x reader) *smut You and Gabriel are in a d/s relationship.  Balthazar joins you for some fun.
Death Toll (x reader) My take on how the series could end.
Drabbles!!! You can find all the drabbles I’ve written for this blog (there’s also some on the AngelsXReader blog as well)
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mrsarnasdelicious · 5 years
Fictional Character Smuts
Names become active links when the smuts are written
Doctor Who/Torchwood
Jack Harkness
Ianto Jones
Owen Harper
Game of Thrones
Jon Snow
Robb Stark
Bran Stark
Benjen Stark
Jory Cassel
Khal Drogo
Daario Naharis
Ramsay Snow
Oberyn Martell
Dickon Tarley
Brynden Rivers
Ser Duncan the Tall
Sir Leon
Sir Gwaine
Sir Percival
Sir Mordred
Black Sails
James Flint
William Manderly
Charles Vane
Once Upon A Time
August W Booth
Killian Jones
Robin Hood
Peter Pan
Will Scarlett
Shannara Chronicles
Wil Ohmsford
King Ander 
Hodge Starkweather
Sebastian Morgenstern
Jace Herondale
The 100
Bellamy Blake
Jonathan Murphy
King Roan
American Gods
Mad Sweeney [x] [x] [Lugh]
Mr. Nancy
The Almighty Johnson
Anders Johnson
Jay Kulina
Being Human
Connor McLean
John Mitchell
Tom McNair
Vampire Diaries
HBO Girls
Adam Sackler
Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove
Stephen Strange
Steve Rogers
Eddie Brock 
The Hobbit/LotR
Star Wars
Qui Gon Jin
Ben Solo [x]
Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts
Theseus Scamander
Regulus Black
Viktor Krum
Bill Weasley
Oliver Wood
Jasper Witlock
Emmett McArty
Embry Call
High King Peter
King Caspian
His Dark Devices
Lord Azriel
Lee Scorseby
John Faa
Inheritance Cycle
Die Wilden Kerle
Hell GTI
Nike E Adidas
Benjamin Daimio
The Mummy
Ardeth Bay
The Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Haymitch Abernathy
Kurt Wager
Piotr Rasputin
Pietro Maximoff [x-men] [mcu]
Warren Worington
Erik Lehnsher
Axel Cluney
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Den of Thieves
Ray Merrimen
Jurassic Park+World
Ian Malcom
Owen Grady
Pirates of the Caribean
American Satan
Johnny Faust
I, Frankenstein
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kippiehvalentine · 3 years
Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | M/M
Fandom: The Mummy (1999), The Mummy Returns (2001)
Word Count: 3453
Ao3 Tags:
Ardeth Bay/Jonathan Carnahan | Ardeth Bay, Jonathan Carnahan, Evy Carnahan O’Connell, Rick O’Connell | Prn With Feelings, Plot What Plot/Prn Without Plot, Fluff and Smut, Riding, One Shot, Sappy
Ardeth just never learns to leave Jonathan alone when he's trying to get some sleep. Of course, Jonathan is also incredibly lazy at times... It doesn't help that Evy and Rick are meant to visit either.
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221bshrlocked · 3 years
this burning
December Writing Challenge 2021
Day 5 - Fire Places || Fuzzy socks, soft rugs, and hands intertwined.
Pairing: Ardeth Bay x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Lots of yearning. Implied smut.
Words: 1526
A/N: Believe me, I am more surprised than you that I wrote for this character again. P.S. 'gamela' means pretty or beautiful.
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You couldn’t help but stare at him as the night went on. He was almost otherworldly, the way he spoke, the way he moved, even the slightest facial expressions in reaction to something John was doing. You have never met someone who was simultaneously so simple yet so interesting in your life before, which was telling, considering how often you traveled across the world.
When he arrived earlier in the evening, you were reminded of all of the feelings you spent months setting aside out of respect for his culture and religion. He was much more vibrant than the last time you saw him just outside the city of Karnak. And as much as you wished to ignore him, to pretend he wasn’t there and that you didn’t see him for almost half a year, you couldn’t. There were only a few acquaintances that arrived as early as him and you didn’t want him to think that he was no longer welcome among your family. Evie would kill you if she got so much as an inclination of what you felt for the man.
So you swallowed your feelings and pride, and tried to speak with him enough to not make it seem weird. You could swear there was something different about the way he was speaking with you, perhaps even looking at you, but you blamed the few glasses of wine you already went through. When the Christmas party reached its peak, you grew tired of socializing and quietly grabbed another glass of wine and walked towards one of the corners of the room, making sure to tell Alex not to whisper of your whereabouts to his parents should they ask him where you were hiding.
But that was not the only reason why you hid behind one of the bookshelves.
From where you were standing, you had the perfect view of the Medjai. You couldn’t believe how easily you forgot the aura about him. Seeing him around a handful of people was one thing, but seeing him in his dark, black cloaks that juxtaposed perfectly with the multitudes around him made him all the more fascinating, the more special. It shouldn’t have surprised you. He had the blood of the old gods running in his veins. His mere existence showed the majesty of the ancient civilization.
It was very clear, though, that you weren’t the only one longing to be near him. The attention he was receiving was justified and you couldn’t take it anymore, envious of how easily everyone else spoke with him when you only tensed at the sight of him.
Making sure that no one would miss your presence, you quietly made your way up the stairs into the private living rooms overlooking the gardens of the estate. A shiver ran down your spine and you reluctantly walked away from the balcony back towards the fireplace. It was moments like this when you missed Egypt. The fire may have always been put out by the winds of the desert but they managed to connect you to another time and place that old England could never aspire to do.
“You are not enjoying the party?” A deep voice pulls you away from your nostalgic thoughts and you turn around quickly to face the man, barely managing to hold back from gasping when you saw his cloaks flutter behind him as he approached you. Reluctantly, you moved away from the heat as soon as he stood in front of it, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to take being this close to him and not being able to know him the way you’ve desired ever since the two of you met.
“I- I don’t do well with crowds. And I suspect you don’t either.” The comment slipped from your lips before you can stop yourself and you stepped closer to him while holding out your hand just as he began to chuckle at your declaration. “Forgive me, sir, I didn’t mean to insult you. I just-” You try to backtrack from your previous words but the ruler of the medjai shakes his head and turns away from you.
You can’t help but admire his features as the fire shadows swim across them. The man was stunning, in every sense of the word. But there was something intimate about the tattoos across his handsome face being highlighted by the dancing flames, as if they were etched there by the fires of Osiris and Horus. You couldn’t look away from him. He was so approachable now, existing in a space that was held by your presence alone.
“Why do you continue to call me with such titles even after I’ve begged you to not do so? Is it so- so different from this land’s names that you cannot bear to say it? Or do you truly consider us as nothing more than acquaintances?”
The sudden outburst causes your eyes to widen in shock, mostly because you’ve known the man to always have strong control over himself, even in his moments of severe anger.
“It’s, umm- it’s out of respect? As I understand it, the Ruler of the Medjai held a high level of authority in the ancient world. I do not wish for you to think that I do not respect and understand your position just because we are in this modern civilization. As for being acquaintances, I- I thought…or I was told that you do not try to mix with someone like me, which I completely understand. It- please, know that it was never my intention to offend you.” You aren’t sure when the two of you ended up standing a foot away from each other but one minute you’re offering your apologies, and the next thing you know, the man in front of you closes the space and reaches out to touch your hair.
You’re not sure how you should react and you hold your breath when he leans down and takes a long whiff of your scent. You wish you could do the same with his beautiful, long locks but you remember that it might be offensive to be so forward so you hold back from mirroring his actions.
“Have you any idea what you do to me woman?” The question is whispered and it’s the only thing you need to hear to finally reach out and touch his hand.
“My name, say my name gamela. I want to hear you sing my name in that bewitching voice of yours.” You make the mistake of looking into his eyes as he orders you to whisper his name to him.
What you find in his eyes is terrifying.
It’s the same that’s in yours whenever you’re studying him.
“Ardeth…Ardeth please.”
It’s all you need to say for the semblance of control to finally snap. You don’t have time to react as he pushes you down underneath him atop the soft rugs adorning the floors and covers you with his body. He’s much warmer than you, and you aren’t sure if it’s because he was standing near the fire or because he feels this heated from the brief interaction. You can’t find it in yourself to care. Before you can say anything, Ardeth descends down on you, not caring for how animalistic he’s being as he raises the dress from around your thighs and nestles himself in between your legs. He makes sure to cover you with his robes, and you silently thank him for wanting to keep some form of your virtue from wandering eyes should you get caught.
As your arms wrap around him, Ardeth growls into the kiss and takes hold of both of your wrists, slamming them harshly against the ground before sliding his palms up to your hands and intertwining your fingers together. You gasp at the intimacy of the moment and regret it almost immediately when he sneaks his tongue into your mouth and claims you. His weight on top of you shouldn’t feel this glorious and comforting, and yet it is.
Even after he stripes you of your clothes and claims your body.
Even after his hands roam across your skin as if he, and only he, had the right to your body.
Even after he whispered his eternal love to you as he filled you with his essence over and over again.
But you find that it all makes sense, every little thing your mind and body and soul felt towards this man made sense. The way you seem to feel connected to an ancient past the more he draws shapes across your heated skin makes this otherworldly experience come forward and explain what you’re feeling.
As he wraps you in his arms and kisses every inch he can reach, you finally come to understand what all of these emotions came to be.
You’re in love with him.
And even though you thought you’d be afraid of admitting it, you aren’t.
In fact, you find that you don’t have an issue completely losing yourself in him, completely giving yourself up to him.
The thought is comforting. This burning fire was comforting.
All because it was him.
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221bshrlocked · 4 years
Follow Your Heart
Pairing: Ardeth Bay x Reader
Words: 12,609. Please do not hate me. I put markers to where you can stop and continue later
Warnings: Some pining. Little bit of angst. Definitely some fluff. And as you should know by now, smut. Unusual dirty talk in the sense that it is more romantic than dirty. Hopefully it gets you going though.
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A/N: I have not written anything in so long and I apologize that this is not what you expected (aka Bucky or Steve) after the on/off hiatus. I am genuinely surprised considering this is the longest story I have written. I’m trying my hand at something completely different and since there are a few of us out there thirsting for Ardeth Bae Bay, I hope you like this. And shout out to @mss4msu for literally handing me the Middle Egyptian and Hieratic on a platter because Lord knows I still suck at this and she is a genius. Also, Happy Birthday friend, you know who you are. Lastly, refer to this for an in depth disclaimer for this fic.
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It was a quiet day, one of the few since you’ve arrived with Evy on the site. You weren’t one to tag along with her or her husband, but you couldn’t pass a chance to visit a place like Luxor, not when it was your professor’s favorite city. Being one of Sir Gaston Maspero’s students, you’ve heard all about the temple, this side of the Nile even, and you’d always wanted to come to it, not just for research purposes but to enjoy the magic that was Egypt. 
You always envied Evy for living in this place for so long, even wished you were favored by the librarians and professors like her, but she was much more charming, beautiful even. You were the cousin no one paid mind to, apart from the Professor of course. He had always favored you amongst the others and you didn’t mind it, not when you were learning about the greatest civilization in the world. You had always wished to be more connected to this land but sadly, you weren’t. Your only connection was the knowledge of the languages and the culture, not a parent you could always speak of during parties and galas. 
Looking up from your notebook, you placed it aside and sipped from your afternoon tea, eyes searching the landscape in front of you, hoping the sands and waves would tell you something, anything about the place you were in. It has been years since you’ve spoken with your Professor, wishing he was here with you, telling you all the secrets whispered to him by the stones. He always had a sense of things around him, and he once told you that you had that same instinct but you brushed it off. If you did, it hasn’t made itself visible yet. You’ve been here for months now, without a new find or anything to write about back home. 
But like Evy, you weren’t one to give up so easily, constantly searching for the impossible. A breeze flew through your hair, your skin shivering for the first time in a long time. The summer was close to ending and while it was unbearably hot during the day, the night could be even deadlier. You drank the rest of your tea and were collecting your notebooks when a few papers flew away. Immediately, you ran after them before they fell in the water, managing to catch all but one. You were about to jump in the water when a hand flew and grasped your wrist, pulling you back before you stepped any further.
“The waters are not safe in these parts of the country.” Your eyes shifted back and forth between the man’s own dark orbs and his hand. He finally let go, staring at you as he passed and went into the water to collect your page. You hoped it was soaked enough that he wouldn’t see what was in it, sighing in relief when he came back out with what used to be a sketch.
“You must be careful. We do not need anymore incidents around here.” He threw the wet paper in your hands before walking away from the hill, yelling something to the men working around the temple before getting on his horse and leaving. You sighed before throwing the page away, hating how you somehow always made a fool out of yourself in his presence. You had not expected to see him today. Rick and Evy weren’t around so he had no reason to be here, or so you thought. You walked back to your tent to wash up before dinner, telling the men it was time for them to go home. 
"في أي وقت تريدننا أن نأتي غدا يا انسة؟" 
Miss, is there any specific time you wish us to come tomorrow?
One of the men yelled out to you, wiping the sweat from his forehead and waiting for your response. Your Arabic was that of a child’s and although you loved practicing it with the men and the people in the village, you hated how it came out like that of a toddler’s, sometimes grammatically incorrect and other times completely wrong. But you struggled through a response anyway, smiling at them before replying to the leader of the workmen.
"يمكنكم الراحة غدا وسأخبركم لاحقًا."
You can rest tomorrow and I will let you know later when you can come in.
They put their tools near your tent and left, thanking you and bidding you a good night. You were aware of the position you were in and at times, truly disliked it. You thought of maybe giving them a week or two break but you weren’t sure how that would go with your superiors back in Oxford. Once everyone had left, you brought food and water to your guards and asked them to take the night off. Both of them turned to each other and thanked you for the opportunity but told you they would remain nearby. When you realized they would still do whatever they wanted, you thanked them and left back to your tent.
You left them chatting about some wedding coming up and went back to your tent, shutting all sides before stripping down and showering. You were thankful for the men’s expertise on setting up this tent. They left you a place near one of the palm trees, closed from all sides so you could wash up quickly if you needed to. It was your favorite part of the day, standing in the middle of the desert and surrounded by the ancient air. Finishing up quickly, you left your hair down to dry naturally, wrapping yourself in a night robe before walking out of the little room. As soon as you looked up, you almost squealed, hand clasping at your chest for air. 
“You nearly gave me a heart attack.” Your words were a mix of anger and fear, body refusing to budge from its place until the figure in front of you said something. When he continued to stare at you, you cleared your throat and moved to pour some wine for yourself. “I thought you had left.” You turned around and saw he was still staring at you, his eyes following the droplets of water falling on your shoulders. 
When he continued to remain silent, you sipped from your glass and sat opposite of him. “I’m assuming Rick and Evy are coming soon then?” 
“What makes you say that?” His response was laced with sarcasm and you hated how he sounded, how he always treated you. Perhaps it was the heat finally getting to your head or the long hours in the field, maybe even the wine, but you’ve had enough.
“Seeing as you are never around unless they are, I thought they would be coming. We both know you are not here out of interest…” Your words trailed off and you looked up, surprised to see his demeanor change, however, not for the better. Without any hesitation, his frowning expression followed you as he stood, walking towards your chair and leaning down enough for you to feel the heat radiating off of his body.
“Never ask your guards to leave.” His eyes darted to your lips but for a moment, watching the wine stain them a dark red before he pulled away and growled something in Arabic you didn’t quite catch, walking through the little opening in the tent and leaving you a mess. You downed the rest of your drink and crawled under your covers, finding it impossible to sleep now that you were so close to him. The man did things to you ever since you met him and you hated it. Somehow, you were always like a dog in heat whenever he was around. You weren’t sure what it was that was attractive about him; between his nearly black eyes and plump lips, and his dominant yet kind personality, you were sure there would never be another that would catch your attention. 
But it was just your luck that he absolutely despised you, constantly calling you out whenever Evy and Rick were around or, when they weren’t, ordering you around like you were a child who couldn’t care for herself. You wished you could know what it was that made him regularly angry with you but you opted to thinking it was because you were a complete outsider that, like her cousin, dug around in places where she didn’t belong. You chose to fall for a man that couldn’t stand you, a man that had every reason to not like you or your family, a man who could have any woman in his bed should he ask, a man whose sole purpose was to keep Egypt's secrets hidden from the curious eyes of the world. 
A man who went by the name of Ardeth Bay.
It had never occurred to you that the day would come when you could speak with a living being who belonged to an ancient tribe. While the modern Egyptians you interacted with were descendants of the ancients, whether of the Coptic or Muslim traditions, it amazed you that one of the least known tribesmen were among you to this day. In any text you read, administrative and personal, you could always find hints of the Medjay’s presence. In the royal letters, they were those who protected the deserts of Seth, the Pharaoh himself, and sometimes even the borders of the country. In the personal ones, although rarely mentioned, they were described as ones who never carried out much interaction with the population, always keeping to themselves or helping out wherever they were needed in a village before leaving. They patrolled the lands at times, making sure there were no Hittite or Akkadian spies seeking to destroy Pharaoh. 
Now, the chieftain of the Medjay was another story. He was constantly mentioned in any type of literary texts. Most of the times, he was mentioned by name and on behalf of his people. He was the most important of the Medjay for obvious purposes. You continued scribbling absentmindedly in your notebook, not paying attention to what it was you were writing down. You fell out of your haze when you heard a commotion in front of your tent. Looking at your watch, you jumped out of your bed when you realized you’ve been idle for an hour, quickly putting on your robe before exiting the tent.
“Is everything alright?” You saw the two guards arguing with a few women from the village, immediately walking up to them to see what was wrong.
“There is nothing to concern yourself with Miss.”
“Please, tell me.” You saw the two men look at each other before nodding at the women. 
"يريدونك ان تحضر حفلة زفاف صديقتهن الليلة."
They want you to attend their friend’s wedding tonight.
The women stood there in silence until you decided and although you wished to go, you weren’t sure you would be welcomed, especially if the bride and the groom did not know. You struggled with what you wanted to say and hoped you would make sense to them. 
"انا اتشرف لكن هل تعرف العروس أنكم طلبتن مني؟" 
It would be my honor, but does the bride know you came and asked me?
They smiled at your broken Arabic and nodded in unison before telling you that she was the one who asked them to come and invite you. They told you she would have come herself but she was preparing for the wedding in a few hours. You told them you would be more than happy to come and laughed when one of the younger girls jumped and hugged you before kissing both of your cheeks. The men did not look pleased at your decision but said nothing, telling you that one of them would stay on site while the other accompanied you to the wedding. And when you tried to tell them there was no reason to do so, they told you it was non-negotiable. 
So you left back to your tent to dress more properly before making the regular morning rounds, grabbing your notebook and heading to the other side of the temple where you have yet to excavate. You had asked permission from the townspeople first, and although you thought they would not grant you access since the mosque built on the site was still in use, they surprisingly agreed as long as you didn’t damage any part of the prayer house. You found a bolder near the mosque and sat on it, sketching the grounds first before going anywhere near the mosque. 
You stayed there for hours, losing all sense of time when your thoughts strayed away from the place to something, or rather, someone else. Flipping through the pages, you stopped and looked at the page you were invested in during the morning hours, shaking your head at how pathetic you were. Near the portrait you sketched of him instead of the one which fell in the Nile were hieroglyphs. You never knew that day dreaming would include writing in a dead language and you laughed a little, not because of what was on the page but because of how clever your mind was even when it was idle. 
                                                      𓇯𓂠𓍑𓇌 𓏥
“ḥry mḏꜢw.” You whispered to the monuments, tracing the lines of his features and wishing you had a better understanding of the man that was Ardeth. He was a living marvel in every sense of the word. And although you were attracted to him because of his intelligence and past, you couldn’t deny how handsome he was, probably the most beautiful of men you’d ever had the pleasure of looking at. You’ve only ever seen his face and hands, and as much as you hated to admit it, they were the fuel of your evening activities far too many times. And whenever he haunted your dreams, you always woke up heaving and sweating, knowing very well what your dreams were about. 
So busy continuing your sketch of him, you didn’t hear the footsteps approaching you until it was too late. For the third time in less than twenty four hours, Ardeth crept up on you, standing a few feet away behind you and ignoring your obvious distress before approaching you.
“You have got to stop doing that.” You said humorously but stopped smiling when you realized he was in a foul mood once more.
“Why are you going to the wedding?” He ignored your previous comment, crossing his arms and waiting for you to reply.
“I thought it would be rude to decline the invitation. I have never gone to an Egyptian wedding before and I have a feeling I will not get a second chance again.” Your tone came out more aggressive than you intended but you didn’t care. 
“And the guards? Had I not told you last night to never ask them to leave.” Ardeth took a step forward and part of you felt a twist in your stomach at his proximity, not because he would hurt you. No, he would never do that. But because you were barely over what transpired the night prior. 
“Last time I checked, I was the boss around here, not you. Now, I understand your position and hold great respect for it, but if you think you can walk around ordering me simply because I am a woman then it is best you don’t come around unless Rick or Evy are here. I don’t need to listen to you and you know this very well. If you’ll excuse me, I have to prepare for a wedding.” You stood up and took one step forward, not seeing the giant rock in front of you. You prepared to hit the ground but no such thing happened. Instead, you felt a pair of arms wrapped tightly around your waist, holding your body against a solid chest. Looking back, you felt Ardeth’s hands tighten around you as soon as you made eye contact with him. His eyes were dilated, the beautiful brown barely visible, jaws clenching when he saw your parted lips. He let go instantly, looking away and leaning down to pick up your notebook before you asked him not to.
As soon as he flipped the notebook to dust the sand off, he saw his portrait and the hieroglyphs written at the bottom, blinking confusingly a few times before handing you back the notebook and excusing himself. You wished the Nile could just flood and take you away from here. Not sure what to make of his reaction, you went back to your tent, aggressively opening the flap and throwing your things on the bed. You noticed something on the chair and picked it up, looking around to see who could have possibly come in here.
Walking outside, you saw the two guards drinking tea under a tree. Approaching them, you asked if they saw anyone go into your tent. When they told you that one of the women came back with clothes for you to wear, they accompanied her to your tent to make sure she placed it inside and took nothing. You thanked the two of them and walked back, studying the familiar gown you saw everyone wear in the village. You were glad they had given you one, not because you had nothing to wear but because you were afraid you dress might offend them. Quickly washing up, you put your hair up and put the long silky black gown on, twirling around in front of the mirror before putting your heels on and leaving. 
It was around five in the afternoon by the time you finished. You walked out and made your way to the guards to let them know you were ready. But when you got there, you saw them talking to Ardeth, bowing their heads to him when they saw you standing there and leaving. For a second, you thought he was going to argue with you and ask you to stay but as he approached you, you saw the almost reserved gaze he held. 
“Both men will stay here tonight and I will escort you to the wedding.” He said calmly and although you preferred this side of him, you couldn’t trust his sudden change of demeanor. 
“Are you serious?” Ardeth looked up at your question and you could pinpoint the moment he felt guilty but you chose to ignore it. “You do not wish to be in my company.” He said, more as a statement than a question and you hated how you denied him immediately.
“No no, that’s not what I said. Nevermind, we should probably leave. I don’t want to miss anything.” You turned around and refused to look back until you had reached the streets of the village. You realized you didn’t know where the wedding would be held but you saw some families walking towards the main church and thought to follow them. As soon as you arrived, you saw the girls from the morning standing outside. You smiled when one of them saw you and ran to welcome you in but as soon as she saw Ardeth, her eyes widened and she said something in Arabic that you did not recognize. 
And then something you’ve never seen before happened, absolutely taking your breath away and causing you to swallow the lump in your throat before approaching the other guests. Ardeth smiled at the young woman and asked her to not tell the elder of the village that he was here. You watched as he interacted with her and waved to her friends, telling her that he would rather enjoy the evening with everyone than have the attention on him. She smiled at him, telling him she will make sure no one will tell any of the administration that he was here before leaving to join her friends. 
You wished you could ask him why he said this but you thought it best to leave him alone. No need to start arguing from now. The night was young and you wanted to enjoy every moment of it. 
The ceremony was longer than you thought but you didn’t mind it. You enjoyed the hymns they sang, surprising Ardeth when you had picked up one of the books and followed along with the Coptic. You could tell he was staring at you but you ignored him, wanting to commit this to memory. When they finished and the priest announced them as man and wife, all the women began ululating and although it took you by surprise, you were glad to be a part of this. They were all so joyful, following the newly wed outside to the street as they walked to the giant tent and stage in the middle of the town. 
Not thirty minutes later, everyone was dancing and singing along with the couple. You watched as musicians played and danced around the woman and her husband, laughing when he picked her up and twirled her around. You forgot Ardeth was there and continued to watch everyone celebrate the two, but Ardeth was very much aware of your presence. 
Unbeknownst to you, he has spent months in Luxor, watching you and making sure nothing out of the ordinary took place but more importantly, making sure you were safe. He begrudgingly listened to Evy when she told him she knew his secret. He had tried to lie but Evy was clever, telling him that there was no shame in admitting the feelings he had for you. Ardeth told Evy that he could never be with you because you did not think of him the way he thought of you and up until a few hours ago, he thought Evy was lying to him when she told him that he was mistaken. 
When he saw the sketch you had of him, along with the hieroglyphs of his name and his title, he changed his mind. Maybe, just maybe, the feelings were mutual, but even then, he has been nothing but rude and condescending ever since he met you. Perhaps this was more out of curiosity than anything else, because in his mind, no woman as intelligent and beautiful as you would think of him that way. He was not from the ordinary population. This was even excluding where he came from; surely you would want to marry someone who held the same customs and traditions, perhaps even faith, as you. Why would you look at him, a man who was living proof of an ancient people, whose culture was completely different from yours, who might not give you everything you would wish for?
Ardeth was brought back to reality when he saw you standing up and leaving. He was about to follow you when he saw who it was you were approaching, sitting back down in the back along with a few others and watching as you went to the bride and the groom. 
When the young woman saw you, she tapped her husband on the shoulder to get his attention. The man thanked you for coming and told you that his wife aspired to be as kind as you one day. You were taken aback by the response, thanking the two of them and taking a small bag out of your purse. 
You told her you didn’t know what was proper to be given as a gift. She had declined it at first but when you opened it and showed it to her, both of them were surprised and asked you if you were sure. You didn’t know how to convey why you were giving it to her so you looked around to see if anyone who understood English could help you. As soon as you looked towards the back, you saw Ardeth staring right back at you. Swallowing your pride, you motioned for him to come, clasping your hands together to tell him you truly needed his help. He was next to you within moments, asking you what it was you needed.
“Could you please tell them that, as I understand, the blue scarab brings luck and keeps the evil eye away. And I wish for their marriage to always be happy and that they never struggle in anything.” You watched as he took the golden necklace, his eyes holding your gaze before he turned to the bride and told her what you said. She was surprised and said something back, her husband agreeing with her. 
“They are telling you that you are right but they could not possibly accept this.” Ardeth smiled at the couple and translated to you, watching as your expression frown in confusion. He thought it the most adorable thing he’s ever seen.  
“Why not?”
“It is made of gold and lapis lazuli Y/N, this would be the most expensive thing they own and they couldn’t take something as precious from you as this.” You almost gasped when he called you by your name, and you stopped yourself from asking him to say it again, knowing this was not the time or place for such a confrontation. 
“I know. But I want them to have it. Please, try to tell them again.” You placed your hand on his hand to turn it their way and Ardeth couldn’t help the blush that crept on his cheeks. He asked them again, telling them you knew very well what it was and that you really wanted them to have it. The couple looked at each other and back to you before taking the necklace and thanking you for it. The young woman hugged you tightly and kissed your cheeks, thanking you once more before asking her husband to put it on for her. 
You went back to your seat and sat down, waiting until a few moments passed before thanking Ardeth for helping you.
“It was nothing.” Ardeth replied, smiling again and watching as you timidly looked away, busying yourself with something other than the handsome man next to you. In that moment, everything clicked in his mind. The bickering, the shy demeanor, the quietness whenever he was around. You didn’t do these because you disliked him but because you thought of him the way he thought of you. Maybe not completely in the same way because he thought of you in such a manner that wasn’t allowed for him. Not unless you were his own to do such things with. 
You saw some of the workmen dancing around, one of them stopping when he saw you sitting next to Ardeth. He approached you and asked you if you would join him, to which you declined insistently, telling him you would only make a fool out of yourself. When he asked again and saw the way Ardeth clenched his jaws, he stopped, knowing it was unwise to anger a Medjay. You followed his gaze and saw the way Ardeth was staring at him, your heart fluttering for a moment at the thought of him being jealous. But no, that wasn’t possible. 
“Perhaps it is best if you take a week off?” You asked the man and he looked at you strangely, asking you if he understood you correctly. 
“Yes, a week. Don’t worry, you will be paid.” You smiled when he jumped and kissed your cheek before running to the other men and telling them they had a week off. You turned to look at Ardeth but he was nowhere to be found. Looking around, you didn’t find him anywhere, mind reeling back to see if you had said anything to offend him. You waited around for another hour and when he never returned, you excused yourself, bidding the couple a good night before walking back to your tent. But you were stopped by one of the girls, telling you that it was custom in their village for everyone to sit, even for a minute, with the palm reader on weddings. You never believed in these matters but thought why not, following the girl until she brought you to the older woman. 
“Sit down my dear.” The woman took your hand and pulled you down until you sat across from her. 
“You speak English?” You hadn’t meant to sound surprised but you have never met someone her age that could speak English.
“A little. I learn quickly.” She winked at you, opening the palm of your hands and drawing patterns across the lines. She remained quiet for a long time before putting your hands down and looking at you. “You have a long life ahead of you, a bright one too.” She said nothing else and you didn’t know what came over you but you asked her anyway.
“Is there love in this life?”
“There could be.”
“What do you mean?” Before you finished your question, the woman was bringing out a small piece of paper, handing it to you to see your reaction. When you opened it, you read the few lines written in Coptic and turned to look at her once more. You knew what it was. You had seen something similar at your time in Oxford when Professor Maspero brought you his findings and although you didn’t believe in such things, you were not one to tempt your luck. “Thank you, but I think it is best if I leave.” You handed the paper back to her, watching as she smiled and nodded your way.
“To be wise at such a young age. May Allah bless you and keep you safe my child. And to answer your question, there is. And you will not need such charms to make it so, for the one you seek has always had his eyes set on you and no one else.” You didn’t have time to say anything before the woman was standing up and walking away, leaving you more confused than before. Silently leaving the festivities, you made you way back to the excavation grounds, your legs leading you to the shores of the river rather than your tent. There was no way you could sleep after hearing the old woman’s words.
You returned to the same spot you always sat in to watch the sunset every day, looking up at the sky and marveling at the many stars and constellations so visible at night. But your mind quickly returned to the old woman’s fortune; did she mean what you thought she meant? It couldn’t have been possible that she knew your feelings, let alone Ardeth’s. But she was so sure of herself.
You dug into your purse and pulled out your notebook, returning to the familiar page once more and passing your fingers over his name.
“You know, I never thought of how my name could mean something else.” You turned around when you heard Ardeth call behind you, not bothering to tell him that he almost made you drop your notebook again. When you said nothing, he continued.
“May I join you?” He asked and you could tell he was fully expecting you to tell him off. But when you nodded and motioned for him to sit next to you, he did so quietly. 
“What do you mean?” You asked him, not bothering to hide the page from him anymore. He silently asked if he could see your notebook and pencil, and you handed them over. He traced his callous fingers over his name in hieroglyphs, reading them out loud and smiling at you.
𓄿𓂋𓌗 𓂞𓇌𓏏𓏛 𓃀𓇋𓄿𓎡𓅄𓅆
“Ꜣr dı͗t bı͗k…”
“The one who makes the driving away from the falcon.” You repeated after him, watching as his smile brightened even more so than before. Then you saw him scribbling something down right next to the last part of his name. 
“bı͗Ꜣ? As in path?” You asked him, trying to see what his name would mean now.
“The one who makes the driving away from the path,” he whispered, then pointed to the tattoo on his forehead and his cheeks. He watched as the meaning of his name dawned on you.
“The one who makes the driving away from the path of the netherworld through maat.” You responded, smiling when he nodded at you and told you he preferred your interpretation better.
“Why?” “As I see it, it was our role to protect Pharaoh who was the manifestation of Horus on earth. It makes sense that my name parallels the old ‘job description’...to drive away Horus from his demise and being taken into the underworld.” He handed you back your notebook and looked towards the river, watching as the waters softly hit the shores.
“Do all the Medjay have those as well?” You asked, hoping he found no offense in your curiosity. 
“No, just the chieftain. But all of us hold names that correspond to an element of our past lives.” He continued, turning to look at you once again and hoping he could find it in himself to apologize for all the times he disrespected you. You met his gaze before looking away immediately. It was hard to maintain eye contact with him, his eyes making you feel as if he was staring into your soul. Then you felt his hand rest on your own in the sand, looking down and seeing his fingers clasping yours harshly. Your heart was beating against your chest and you hoped he couldn’t hear it. 
When you turned to face him again, he was already staring at your lips, and you couldn’t help it, licking them and mirroring his actions before leaning in towards him. Ardeth didn’t want to move, afraid he would break this trance between the two of you, but when he saw you moving towards him, something completely otherworldly took over. 
He let go of your hand and cupped your cheeks, pulling you towards him and taking your lips aggressively in a hungry kiss. You gasped into the sudden motions, hands fisting in his clothes to hold onto him so you didn’t fall over. Ardeth took this as a sign of submission, pushing you down on the sand and cornering you between his arms. When you moaned against him, he snuck his tongue past your lips, exploring your skin like it was a new oasis. His hands crept into your hair before rolling down your form, holding onto your waist and squeezing you against him to feel every inch of you. 
You didn’t know what to do, torn between pushing him away to ask him about the sudden change of heart and begging him to take you to your tent and have his way with you. When he felt your nails dig into his shoulders, he pulled away, his breath fanning over your cheeks and his eyes memorizing your blissed out facial expression. When you finally opened your eyes, you had already regulated your breathing, pulling your hands away and keeping them to yourself. You hoped he would understand and move away, and when he didn’t, you looked anywhere but him.
Ardeth finally understood what you were silently asking him, moving away and sitting up slowly. Before he could say anything else, you were standing up and running away to your place. He knew calling after you wouldn’t do him any good so he sat by himself for a while. When the night air turned colder, he stood up and was about to go to the other guards when he saw your notebook lying on the ground. 
Picking it up, he dusted the sand off and made his way to your tent. The Medjay saw him approaching and stood up, greeting him before returning to their posts. 
“wḏi.” The command passed his lips angrily, and the two subordinates knew not to question him. They stood up and walked back to the village, leaving Ardeth standing outside your tent. He had spent hours committing to memory the pass of your tongue against his, every smooth touch of your skin against his rough fingers. Without thinking much of it, he walked into your tent to place your notebook on the nightstand, telling himself to not look at you even for a moment. 
But his self control flew with the breeze, his eyes turning back and seeing your naked figure under the thin covers. He could tell you were naked, for your entire back was exposed to his gaze. Gently, he reached over and rolled the cover until you were shielded from his eyes. You looked so beautiful in your sleep, hair forming a halo on the pillow. He knew this was wrong but he couldn’t stop himself even if he tried. Slowly, he traced the blush on your cheeks up to your hair, brushing the few strands aside to take a closer look at you.
“A-ardeth…” His name spilling from your lips pushed him back to reality, pulling away and exiting the tent immediately out of fear of himself. He bit his tongue to distract himself from the familiar ache creeping into his groin whenever you were around. It was much worse now however, because he knew what his name sounded like when you moaned it in your sleep. Sitting near the fire, Ardeth removed his knife and picked up a large tree branch, cutting away to distract himself from the sleeping figure not twenty feet away from him. 
Unbeknownst to him, you were very much awake when he entered your tent. For a moment, you were afraid it was not him but when leaned over to cover your body, you could smell his scent, one that you were more familiar with now more than before. You knew he would not try to force himself on you and when he brushed your hair, you couldn’t stop the moan that escaped your throat in the form of his name. He was gone a moment later, leaving you a mess beneath your covers. You wished you could bring him back to your bed, tell him you ran away because you were afraid of offending him by asking him to do something that may not be acceptable in his culture and not because you were refusing him. 
You slept knowing the old woman was truthful in everything she had told you, and Ardeth laid awake through the night thinking you ran away because you did not want him. 
You woke up earlier than usual, making yourself exceptionally presentable before exiting the tent. You walked out prepared to face Ardeth and try to make small talk so he doesn’t feel awkward but he was nowhere to be found. You hated when he did that and he seemed to do that a lot around you. You saw the two guards, who you now knew were Medjay, standing around and talking. When they saw you, they bowed their heads before returning to their conversation. 
You didn’t bother to look for him, going about your day as you normally would have and hoping you could be productive instead of thinking about him. You continued recording mounds of interest in your notebook, walking around the area near the mosque and straying away from the major area to the west of the temple. You never came to this part of the grounds, knowing Professor Maspero had already discovered the Chapel of the goddess Mut. There was no way he would’ve missed anything, he was a thorough man. But in your attempt to not topple over the rocks, you skipped a step and fell on your face on top of what used to be a column in the hypostyle hall of the temple. 
“For god’s sake,” you whispered to yourself, looking for your pencil and dusting off your pants. You cursed under your breath when you saw your pants have ripped at the knee. Resting on the column, your eyes passed through a relief that seemed oddly familiar. Ignoring the pain in your legs, you tried to wipe the sand as much as possible from the relief, eyes widening in surprise when you realized what the relief was.
Frantically standing up, you picked up your notebook to mark where you were on the site before discarding it again, kneeling down and dusting off as much as you could without damaging the column. 
There, engraved in large letters, was a Coptic inscription surrounding a cross that was most likely carved over a hieroglyphs. You almost screamed at the sheer luck, marking the area before running to your tent to grab your tools. The guards saw you running around frantically and were about to ask you when they saw you jumping out of your tent with your small kit. They knew not to disturb you when you were working. 
You returned to the column and brushed away from the column before grabbing a shovel and removing the rubble from around the column. You’ve never had to do this much work in your years of excavations but you didn’t care, this was far more rewarding than anything. You looked like a wild woman by the time you cleared the column, sitting down to sketch as many of the reliefs as you could. The Coptic would have to wait, you had no energy for this today. 
When you returned to your tent, the two guards saw the state of you and asked if anything happened to you. You explained what took place and told them that dinner was on you, giving one of them money to fetch food from the village. The men thanked you and told you they would tell you when the food was here. 
You went back in to bathe, knowing you looked like an absolute mess of a woman and that you should not be in their company in such a manner. You were about to unbutton your shirt when someone walked into the tent.
“That was quick. You must’ve been truly hungry to-” The words died in your throat when you turned around and saw Ardeth standing at the entrance. You said nothing, silently kicking yourself for not returning sooner and cleaning up. The last thing you needed was to look filthy in front of him. But none of this compared to the way he was looking at you, like a predator ready to devour his prey. 
His eyes softened, however, when he saw you the state of your knees and the dried blood on the beige pants. Without thinking much of it, he stepped towards you, kneeling down to inspect your skin.
“What happened?”
“I- there was a…” You couldn’t think of a coherent sentence, the feeling of his warm hands wrapped around your legs too distracting. “I was just walking around and quite literally fell upon a new discovery. Did you know there was an old church built in this temple?” Ardeth ignored your rambling, asking you to sit down on the chair while he fetched a clean cloth and some water. You didn’t dare argue with him, silently taking a seat and rolling up your pants for him. He came back with a small amphora filled with cold water and a cloth. His blood thrummed in his ears as soon as he saw your skin. And although he tried to hide himself, you couldn’t help but smile at the blush that crept across his cheeks. 
Gently, he sat down and held your calves, cursing himself for thinking he could do this without making a fool out of himself. 
“You should be more careful Y/N.” There it was again, your name whispered so softly and causing you shake. Ardeth felt goosebumps erupting on your skin, barely holding back the smile of pride at being the cause of such a reaction. You nodded, not trusting your voice just yet. He was tender in every touch, slowly dabbing the wet cloth around the inflamed area before treating the other knee in a similar fashion. Like the previous night, something took over him and he couldn’t hold himself back, leaning down and kissing your knees, telling you to watch the wounds when you washed.
When Ardeth looked up, he saw the frenzy swimming in your eyes, and he could only smile at you when your lips parted to attempt and thank him. 
“I will wash this for you.” He raised the blood stained cloth and you tried to stop him but he insisted, telling you it was nothing. When he left your tent, you were sure your heart was close to jumping out of your chest. It was such a minor touch but it boiled your blood, knowing what his lips felt like on your skin yet again. Shaking your head, you went to the corner of the tent to wash up quickly, your heart already leaping at the thought of seeing him again. 
But then something broke your trance. God you could not never have the heart to refuse this man if he asked you to have him, but you also couldn’t bear it if you were to tempt him to do something that went against his culture, even religion. Come to think of it, your knowledge of the Medjay’s religious beliefs was minimal. You had spent a long time with them when you were with Evy and Rick, seeing many of them walking into the mosque in their village during the day to pray. But you also saw your two guards walking out of Mass on Sunday morning numerous times, singing some of their hymns as they walked back to their post. 
Either way, you could not possibly be the cause that Ardeth strayed from his beliefs. You had respected him far too much to tempt him or place him in an unpleasant situation with whatever religious leader he knew. You were very much aware of your position, not just as a stranger to the culture and religions but also as a woman that did not care for the rules revolving around physical relationships. It was one of the things that had many men and women of your social circle angry and whisper about. You only had one or two affairs with men but you still valued yourself, just not in the same way that women of your society did. You did not care for the limiting rules set upon you by the Catholic church or English culture. Thankfully, neither did your parents, always telling you to follow your heart and not care for what anyone thought of you. You were only Catholic by name after all, not by belief.  
But you couldn’t apply this advice now. You cared what Ardeth thought of you and you did not want him to think you were “easy,” neither did you want him to see you as a prude. So you reeled back all thoughts of approaching him, wanting to give the two of you some time to test the waters. You took your time in the bath, slowly washing yourself to make sure the wound did not bleed again. It was an hour later when you emerged from the water, wrapping a towel around yourself before rubbing another around your hair. 
But when you emerged from behind the wooden screen, you saw Ardeth walking in to place the urn and cloth near your bed. When he turned around, his body went tense, hands shaking at the sight of you and eyes blinking slowly. Neither of you moved for a few moments. You waited to see what he would do, chest rising and falling when you saw the way his eyes took you in. You saw his adam’s apple bob up before resting back in its place and you thought, ‘20 seconds of courage.’
Throwing the hair towel away, you walked up to him, standing a few inches away from his rigid torso. 
“You are treading on dangerous grounds Y/N.” Ardeth whispered, his nose flaring when the scent of lavender hit his senses. He was losing every ounce of control coursing through his veins and he wished you would step away before he did something he might regret. Slowly, you reached your hands towards him to cup his cheeks, watching as he shut his eyes to control himself. You saw his jaws clenched tightly, fists cracking from how harshly he was holding himself back. Leaning forward, you brushed your lips against his own before pulling back.
“Tell them to leave.” That was all Ardeth needed for confirmation, setting the animal loose and wrapping his arms around you before devouring your lips. His hands fisted in your damp hair, pulling your neck back so he could lay kisses all over your skin. You moaned loudly against him, causing him to clamp his hand on your mouth in fear of the men hearing you. Reluctantly pulling away, Ardeth told you to remain in your spot until he got rid of the two guards. You barely held yourself up when he left you to walk out of the tent. 
You could hear him ordering the two men, and telling them to not return unless they saw Horus. Both men responded their agreement and left, and you couldn’t help but feel embarrassed because they probably knew why their chieftain ordered them so aggressively to leave. 
Ardeth walked back in and tied the knots of the entrance, walking around all sides of the tent to make sure there were no visible windows or holes or even entrances for anyone to disturb the two of you. When he came back to you, he saw you looking at the ground, arms set at your sides shyly.
“You do not owe me anything Y/N, certainly not your body. I can leave now if you wish me to.” It broke his heart to tell you such things but he never wanted to force you to do anything you did not wish to do. When you looked up at him and blinked, he knew your answer. 
And before he could do anything, you were loosening the knot of the towel, letting it fall to the floor to leave you naked to his eyes. Ardeth was having a hard time, in more ways than one, maintaining his nerves. His heart skipped a beat at seeing you bare in front of him and he knew there was no holding back anymore when you looked up at him through heavy-lidded eyes.
"يا اللة."
My god.
As soon as he whispered those two words, you were on him like the water clinging to your skin, not caring about any consequences to your actions. Ardeth embraced you with as much passion, swallowing your cries when his hands got bolder with every pass over your skin. He was a much more aggressive lover than you thought and perhaps it was due to the sexual tension between the two of you in the past few weeks. 
He pulled away and you noticed that he held a direct gaze, not a playful expression in sight. You whined at the loss of his lips and if he were any other man, Ardeth would have smiled and felt a sense of pride for having this much of an effect on you. But he wasn’t another man. He was a starved man and you were exactly what he yearned for in decades. Ardeth couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this strongly to another woman. The last time he was in a relationship, be it physical or emotional, was so long ago that he couldn’t remember who it was. He was a young boy who thought being with a woman would make him a man but he knew soon after it was not this simple.
His lips sucked at the juncture of your neck and noticed you biting your lips to prevent any sound from escaping past them. His fingers squeezed your waist and brought you closer to him harshly, a part of him knowing he should slow down and cherish every inch of you in a perhaps gentler manner. But you were finally in his arms, and he couldn’t bring himself to hold back, not when you were so responsive to his mean and quick touches. He bit down a little harshly on your clavicle and a part of him wished it was to hear your noises and not to mark you as his, but he would dwell on that later. When you finally moaned against him, he eased the hold he had on your hips and pulled away to take you in. “Do not silence yourself Y/N, your sounds belong to me,” he gasped when you visibly shuddered against him, his hands shaking when he felt your nails dig into his arms. “Sweet music to my ears…”
You didn’t know what came over you but no sooner than his hoarse request were your moans loud enough to be heard from the river. He continued his assault on your flushed skin, nipping and licking every inch of you until you surrendered yourself to his hands. You tugged at his shoulder, fisting your fingers in his robes before reaching for his turban. Loosening the scarves away from his head, you watched as his hair fell down past his cheeks and framed his handsome features. Ardeth looked up and saw the way your eyes gazed at him and he felt relief wash over him because he was not the only one who felt this unbearable need.
You leaned forward and Ardeth thought you were going to kiss him but then you pulled his hair and exposed his neck for you, sucking on his adam’s apple and feeling his shaking hands wrap around your entire body. “My heart aches for you Y/N-” Ardeth couldn’t help the growl that flew past his vocal cords, his hands shaking violently when you continued to bite his throat time and again. He wasn’t sure if he was this sensitive because it has been decades since he was touched in such a manner or if it was because you were the one claiming his body. “It yearns for you when the sun rises each morning and- ahhh by the gods woman...and craves you when it sets past the Nile.”
If it were any other woman, Ardeth was sure she would be turned off by his words. They weren’t seductive in any way, but he knew you. He knew your preferences, your likes and dislikes, perhaps already understood what you desired after even though he has not been an hour in your bed. Somehow, however, he sensed your appreciation for the sensual and romantic words he uttered and he continued to test both his resolve and yours with every affection he emoted. And he was right to think so because within minutes, he had your body willing and ready for him. You should have expected him to have such a sinful tongue and you rubbed your thighs when Ardeth moaned shamelessly at your equally-aggressive hands. He was more vocal than any of your previous lovers and you found that you enjoyed it immensely.  
“Ardeth, please just...take these off. I need to feel your skin. I want to touch you, kiss you, look at every inch of you.” Ardeth smiled at your lack of patience, not warning you as he leaned down and carried you to the bed. He laid you down gently before standing over you, shaking his head when he saw the way you grabbed at your breasts to seduce him.
“You are a vixen, the most beautiful my eyes have seen.” Ardeth licked his lips as he looked you over, undoing his robes slowly to fill his mind’s eye with you. You arched your back and moaned when you saw his bare skin through the robes, not caring that you were being forward when you grabbed his robes and pulled him towards you. Ardeth stepped confusingly towards you, hissing when he felt your hands palm him through the black material.
“Y/N, I- I thought your hand would calm this heat I feel for you, but- oh gods, ahhh you- you have done little to quench this fire.” His words went straight to your core and you began to pull at the clothes until they pooled at his feet. Before he could step out of them, you were leaning forward and kissing his hard member, hands kneading and teasing the base until he was panting mess above you.
“Ahhh gods, my love you’re- you are truly talented.” Ardeth tries his hardest to focus on your blissed-out expression but he fails as soon as he feels the palm of your hand close around the tip of his erection. He manages to open his eyes and look down just in time to see you lick the protruding vein ending right below the head and he almost loses himself right then and there. As much as it pains him, he fists his hand in your hair and pulls you off of him before pushing you down on your bed and standing once more. He holds a dangerous and warning gaze and you understand why he silently asks you to not touch him again. You shamelessly look at him as he moves around, watching the way his muscles flex whenever he pulls an article of clothing off aggressively. 
You almost giggle at how quick he is but you hold back, afraid of making him think you are laughing at him. His mind freezes when he stands up and turns to you, unable to look away from where your fingers are. Ardeth raises a curious eyebrow, slowly kneeling down on the bed before approaching you like a lion waiting to devour his prey at the proper time. He is almost angry at the way your eyes challenge him but he chooses to think past the brave aura, gently parting your thighs wider so he could take a better look at the motion of your fingers. He growls, silently chuckling when he sees your legs shake at the sound. You stop your actions altogether and suddenly realize just how dry your mouth is.
“Do not stop on my account Y/N,” Ardeth’s voice is deeper than normal and you whine at his self-control. You had thought he would take you as soon as his guards left but he proved to be a more patient man than you thought. “Ardeth please, please-” You stop breathing when he leans down between your parted thighs, licking your navel and blowing air on the wet skin until you reach for him. Slowly descending down your body, Ardeth holds your gaze and squeezes your buttocks before whispering against your heat, “unless you want me to stop, you will be patient. Remove your hands.” You obey him instantly, letting go of his shoulders before pulling on the bed sheets violently to have some semblance of control.
He hums in approval and returns to the task at hand. A part of him wished he would be gentleman-like with you, but his mind was losing the last bit of control and he couldn’t stop himself even if he tried. Shutting his eyes, he leaned down and licked your core once, twice to open you up for him. As soon as you threw your head back in pleasure, he did what his mind dreamed of doing to you for months, years even. Not caring for how filthy it must have looked, let alone sounded, Ardeth poked your wet lips with his nose and took a long whiff of your scent, groaning when the sweet smell swept straight to his groin. Your eyes shot open and glanced down at him immediately, gasping at the obscenity of his actions. Ardeth was afraid he scared you but when he turned his attention back to your heat, he saw proof of your arousal leaking down your thighs.
He smiled and glanced back at you, maintaining eye contact as he licked you dry. You were embarrassed but for a moment, moaning his name over and over again as he pleasured you until you could no longer feel anything but him. 
“Ardeth, ahhh pl-please Ardeth I-” he didn’t let you finish, sucking on your wet core vigorously before pushing down on your lower abdomen to keep you still for him. As soon as you felt his fingers part your sensitive core, your hands fisted in his long locks and pulled on it. You had expected him to cease his actions or ask you to be patient again but the opposite occurred. Ardeth coated his fingers with your pleasure before pushing them against you, exploring your body with his quick digits while he continued to nip and lick at the protruding bundle of nerves. He was slowly driving you mad with his ministrations and you managed to keep whatever control remained because the last thing you needed was for the whole village to know what is transpiring in your tent. 
But then he curled his fingers inside you and increased pressure once, twice, three times until he felt your back arch off the bed. You couldn’t hold back anymore, clenching around his fingers as he brought you to the utmost pleasure and when you begged him to stop, he refused, wanting to coax another petite mort out of you before he pulled away. Ardeth raised himself just in time to see you let go once more, his eyes taking in your features before slowly descending down your body. Your skin was glistening with sweat, chest rising and falling rapidly with every breath you took and Ardeth almost lost his mind when he saw how perky and flushed your breasts were. When he saw how spent you looked, he pushed his fingers inside you one last time before taking them out and rubbing your thighs to soothe you. You fell back onto the bed, hair disheveled and lips parted from how hard you were breathing. As soon as you managed to look at him, Ardeth took this chance and licked his fingers dry before slowly ascending your body.
He left a trail of kisses on your skin, occasionally nipping an area he found desirable and you smiled when he came face to face with your breasts. You couldn’t hold back the scandalous moan that emanated when he leaned down and took a pert nipple between his teeth, fondling the other until you felt pleasure from the pain of his touches. 
“I- I’m sensitive there Ardeth,” your attempt at warning him did little to nothing, only edging him further in his actions until you were a mess beneath him again. “All the more reason to devour you Y/N. You torment me with your moans. Your whispers of my name...in the name of the ogdoad, forgive me. Do not reproach me for losing myself in your beauty. If you choose to deny me this, then send me away this instance for I cannot...will not hold back any longer.” You were overcome with warmth at the intensity of his words, knowing it must be hard for him to say such words given the nature of his quiet personality, let alone the position he was in. “You fill me with desire from head to foot Y/N. My love shall never be veiled again.” He continued his assault on your breasts and you continued praying his name when you felt his shaft leaking on your belly. You weren’t sure what you wanted anymore, but you were absolutely certain of one thing: Ardeth was the last man you would allow in your bed because you knew in your heart that no one else was capable of loving you as much as he does, not just physically, but emotionally. 
“I have wanted you for so long, and I- ahhh god your tongue drips of sin, and I pleasured myself at night, imagining how you would touch me, h-how your skin would feel against mine, how rough you would be when you lose control, and-” you took a deep breath, holding back what you wanted to say for fear of making him think you were ill-mannered. But he has not once held back from you this night. As a matter of fact, Ardeth has done the opposite, voicing his desires proudly before stealing orgasm after another from you. You found courage through his actions and whispered to him what you have wanted for so long. “And I dreamed of feeling you so deep inside me, giving you pleasure with avidity until you stilled my torments.” You wrapped your legs around him, not giving him a chance to contemplate on your actions before gyrating your hips into his verge until you felt him rub against your damp core. 
Ardeth shuddered in your arms, his surprise turning into firm touches as he wrapped one arm around your back while the other hand smoothed down your hips. He leaned down and captured your lips in a hungry kiss, his hand pushing your lower back into him to control the motion of your hips. He could feel himself nestled between your thighs, moaning and sucking on your tongue when he sensed how dripping wet you were for him.
“You drive me mad woman,” Ardeth smiled against your mouth before reaching up and pulling on your hair to get more access to your neck. He bit down wherever he could as he felt your desire drench his thighs. You would tell him later that you preferred nothing more than feeling his chest slide against yours, not because of how toned and muscular it was but because of how rough it was to the touch. The friction his chest hair caused was painful yet it ignited a fire within you instantaneously. 
“Please, please just-”
“What do you need Y/N, I will give you anything.” Ardeth was breathing just as harshly as you, if not more. He gazed into your eyes, watching the brewing storm erupt as he rolled his hips against you. You dug your nails into his back, the other holding onto his hair when you couldn’t take it any longer.
“I need you, Ardeth, I need you now. Please, I- I burn for you… need to embrace you,” and for good measure, you stretched your hand between your bodies, grabbing his painfully hard member and rubbing it between your parted lips. “Let me embrace you, let me quench this radiating fire.” You pronounced each word with a rough pass over your core and Ardeth prayed your name until he couldn’t take it anymore.
He grabbed your wrist aggressively, slamming it above your head and pushing you down until he felt your submission and before you could whine again, he was spitting in his hand, proud of the response he received from you at the sudden and audacious action. He stroked himself a few times before lining himself up against you, slowly pushing past your slit into your heat until he felt completely engulfed by your silky walls. You ceased to breathe as you felt the intrusion reach deeper, refusing to tell him to stop because even though he was filling you to the hilt, you still craved him. 
Ardeth could barely hold himself above you, his arms threatening to give out beneath him from the immense pleasure. He wasn’t sure if you were purposely clenching violently around him or not, but all he knew was that he has never felt such satisfaction in his life. And he silently cursed you for feeling so tight and inviting because he knew very well no other woman would compare to you. Neither in your intellect and wittiness, nor your beauty and perfection. He couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought because he never thought he would have the neural capacity to applaud your brilliance when he was this deep inside you. 
You didn’t know why he was laughing and you hoped it wasn’t because you didn’t live up to his expectations. You loosened your hold on him and he noticed, gazing down at you and seeing the inquisitive expression you held. Brushing your hair aside, he refused to look anywhere but your doe-like orbs as he soothed the slight hint of panic away from your skin.
“You have, without a doubt, utterly ruined all women for me Y/N,” Ardeth claimed shamelessly before pulling himself out, and refusing to move until he made sure you were content. When he saw you release your breath and throw your head back, he thrust back in a little vigorously than intended. Before he could apologize for his lack of patience, he heard you faintly whispering for him.
“Ardeth, d-don’t hold back. Take your pleasure, please. I- I want you to ruin me...ahh god, want you to brand my soul.” You pulled him down to you, kissing the corner of his mouth and licking his jaw, enticing him until he lost all self-control and took from you what you dreamed of giving him ever since you laid eyes on him in the desert long ago. At your request, Ardeth lost himself, moving in and out between your thighs without remorse. He hummed against the juncture of your neck, the grip he held on your hair getting tighter with every passing minute. You turned your head to the side, sighing and moaning his name as he roughly drove himself into you. 
You bit his wrist, causing him to lose his balance for a moment before growling and thrusting into you. “If- ahhh gods, if one time will not suffice to quench your fire, I shall do it again to satisfy you. You have bewitched me body and soul Y/N, m nb pt I surrender myself to you.” You felt a sudden flare of lightning strike across your abdomen as soon as he spoke in his native tongue, unintentionally clenching harder around him and causing him to scream into the night air. Even though he spoke little in his language, you couldn’t help but imagine him continue to do so as he brought you to the utmost pleasure. Ardeth noticed your responsiveness to his words and he felt pride deep in his lungs at the thought of knowing he was the cause of such a reaction. 
His pace began to falter, knowing very well he could not last any longer because of how perfect and velvety you felt around him. He set a punishing pace nonetheless, wanting to feel you fall over the edge with him. Taking hold of your chin, he turned you to face him before claiming your mouth again, not caring that he might draw some blood from his aggressive actions. The only sounds heard in the tent were your moans, and his skin slapping against your own. It drove him mad hearing your arousal seep down your thighs with every pass of his verge past your slit. 
“sttyt nṯr ꜥꜣ, come with me, please Y/N, come for me. Now!” For god knows what time that night, Ardeth bit down on your skin, somehow managing to thrust into you harder than before until you couldn’t control your own body. He felt your orgasm before you had the chance to tell him, shuddering against you as he released himself deep inside you. You arched your back against him as waves of pleasure coursed through your body, the intensity of your gratification terrifying your heart. You never realized you were capable of feeling such things and yet here you were, in the arms of the man you never thought you could get close to until a few hours ago.
As you opened your eyes, you saw dilated pupils staring right back at you. It seemed comical that you felt naked under his potent gaze and actually attempted to cover yourself. His grip on you hardened, silently telling you to never attempt such a thing again.
“What have you done to me woman? Not even I had any control over myself.” He whispered before smiling and leaning down to kiss you passionately. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you, feeling the muscles of his back shift under your touch as he moved to pull himself out of you. Ardeth fell to the side, reaching for the covers before bringing you to him. You laid beneath his neck, pushing your thighs around his legs and chuckling when he warned you with a huff. Ardeth tried his hardest to think of anything but your hard nipples teasing his chest and he realized he could never be able to not think of you as long as you were in his embrace.
“This is not the time, and perhaps I should have inquired before...this...but I wanted to apologize if I caused you to do or say anything against your ways.” There was no other manner you could state what you wanted to tell him and you hoped he wouldn’t be offended by your boldness. You sighed when you heard him chuckle for a second, turning your gaze to him to study his facial expression.
“The chieftain of the Medjay is seldom a follower of any religion besides the old one. As far as I know, he can only belong to the old traditions and it is not our custom to hold such things as taboo before marriage. If anything, it is I who should apologize for being incapable of stopping this before it escalated.” He played with your hair, and you couldn’t help but shiver at the seriousness of his voice. 
“You often wear a cross around your neck and I could only assume you are Christian.”
“I was raised one but never believed in any of it. There are too many similarities between the Ancient Religion and Christianity, and do not tell my family any of this, but I genuinely believe Christianity stole its stories and beliefs from your religion. If I were to ever follow a tradition, it would be the Ancient Egyptian one. Horus knows I swear by his name all the time.” You never expected to hear Ardeth laugh this loudly but he did so and you couldn’t look away from the beautiful expression he held. The sound was so pure you almost begged him to do it again. Both of you remained quiet for a few minutes, and he occasionally smiled when you continued to draw patterns on his chest. 
After a while, Ardeth broke the silence and surprised you yet again. “I have spent many nights imagining what it would feel like to have you naked and willing in my arms, and now that I am here, I cannot fathom how divine you are.” You blushed under his gaze and Ardeth knew he would do everything in his power to see that blush creep down your breasts once more.
“bı͗ꜣyt.ı͗, my heart belongs to you.” You continued to stare at him, and he sighed in relief when you graced him with a shy smile. Slowly, you sat up and cupped his cheek, tracing the hieroglyphs on his handsome features before touching each one with your lips. You could feel him smiling against your neck and sighed when his grip tightened around your waist. 
“And mine is yours, wbnnı͗.ı͗.” Ardeth couldn’t help himself, grabbing your neck and pushing you down to kiss you before wrapping his arms around you to keep you as close to him as possible. You laid your head back on his chest and shut your eyes, the feeling of tranquility slowly washing over you as you focused on the beat of his heart. Finally, since decades, Ardeth felt content, knowing he would never allow himself to embrace another woman and would fight an entire army before he lets another man touch you. You remained in each other’s arms for the duration of the night, letting the sounds of the Nile lull you into a deep sleep, knowing that everything was, at long last, as it should be. 
Tagging some people who expressed excitement at the idea of this fic:
@feelmyroarrrr @thorodinsvn @oplunket16 @vvigilantes @the-rookie-97  @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @buckylokihoes @redqueen1221 @kuronekotsiigan @sai-kida134 @wonderwolfstrash @commissioner23 @valeks-princess @libbymouse @taliaalghuldeservesbetter @ruby-white-rabbit​ @jamdropx35​ @dramadreamer14​ @tnupsweetpie​ @jessicahoppes @la--petit--croissant @kandomeresbitch​ @pleasantdreamqueen​
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