#anyway i feel totally normal about vampires
savagewildnerness · 9 hours
OK... I normally make notes on an episode when I rewatch, but I dunno... after watching S2E5, I just feel compelled to say a few things...  First... LOL...
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Armand at the end!!! hahahaha!!!
OK, so first off - the acting is SO GOOD:
Jacob - especially the way he delivers his interview 1 take down of Lestat is SO MAGNIFICENT, OH MY! Jacob! You are DIVINE! (Also: Louis' see-through grid shirt: YES PLEASE!!!!)
Luke - is SO ERIC. OMG, he is SO GOOD!
Eric - is SO GOOD! The emotion. I want Ericasavampire and seeing as much of DM is still-to-come - Eric as a vampire - PLEASE!!!!?! Finally someone to love Armand for all he is. Write an entire NOVEL of your own invention writers please for Daniel!!!
Assad - I am at this point bowing down to my Assad shrine! I haven't the words for how perfect your Armand is. I only have love.
There is SO MUCH to analyse from this episode.  We must PSYCHOANALYSE the characters this week fully!!!
I utterly ADORED it!  One thousand thanks to the writers for creating something like this - not in the books, but totally feels like the books. 
And OMG, at this stage I will be devastated if Daniel isn't involved in this entire show from start to end... which also feels somehow some kind of a homage to River Phoenix, who would have played Daniel in the 1994 film had he lived...?
ANYWAY!  OMG ASSAD I LOVE YOU!  OMG WRITERS, I LOVE ARMAND!  Like this episode - how CRUEL Louis is to Armand!  And yet, Armand saves his life!  And not only that, he offers that pathway to Lestat... right until he is unable to utter Lestat's "I love you.."  And really, Armand, you did that in so much love for Louis - you sacrificed your self! Armand, Armand, Armand.
And Armand, seeking in Daniel what it means to be fascinating and special.  The irony is that Armand IS special!!!  He is absolutely the most complex vampire… he just doesn’t understand how to love or be loved… and Louis is NOT his "one"! But he is SO fascinating!  And special.  All of the edits to Radiohead's Creep PLEASE!!!!
I also find it WONDROUS in a show about vampires - where vampires are always a metaphor to The Outsider... yet... in art, The Outsider is often portrayed in imo an unrealistic way, as in "actually the outsider is infinitely special, really!", BUT IN ARMAND, the writers have given us a truly actually special character who feels like many outsiders do - AND is told by the person he loves SO much he would literally be a pathway to their other love that he is boring and not special and not enough... THAT is relatable! (Even though nobody has told me this, as I am simply isolated, personally! Yet, still, I feel it!)
Also - OMG it is both infinitely tragic and simultaneously hilarious that Loumand true sexy times cannot begin until Armand literally WIPES Louis’ mind of Lestat!!!  LOLOLOLOLOL (Poor Armand!)
Also LOL @ Jacob in the post episode thing - saying he can’t think of a bigger betrayal than rewriting the history of a person you love and that it makes him angry… referring to what Armand does to Louis… when IN THIS SAME EPISODE, that’s literally what Louis does to Lestat..!
Meagre thoughts as I didn't write notes during the episode, so just a few points I think of now (and I have had a glass of wine with this episode lolololololol!!  Lalalalala... GOTHIC JOY!!!!!!!!!!)
Lestat is my boy, but ASSAD'S ARMAND.  Armand was always my second favoruite vampire, but Assad - I do not understand how you are making me love Armand even MORE!  Be MORE evil, Armand.  And more tragic.  And more loving.  Be every thing you are.  I know you are fascinating!!!!!
Also, I cried A LOT in this episode! Though I did not note when. Like, that I feel compelled to do a post now with my random tipsy thoughts on a non HQ version with no subtitles I hope expresses A LOT about how I love this episode!?!??!!
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missstaypuft · 5 months
The Vampire Of Appledore
Y'all, I need to ramble about an AU of The Marquess' Wager. I present to you Vampire!Seraphimus. Separate from the events of TMW, Raph is away in France when he suddenly falls ill. He returns to England where his condition worsens and no amount of doctors can determine what the illness is. What they don't know is that he is in fact transforming into the undead! Upon his full transformation, Raph is immediately hungry and finds himself desperate for a meal. Alec and Rupert discover his first victim and it all spirals from there. Raph embraces his vampiric fate and becomes a big fat lazy leech, no restraint, no control, devouring whatever and whoever he wants.
Will this be something people are interested in? I'll write a quick snippet and post it tomorrow!
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megaawkwardhuman · 1 year
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my boy memo + my tags
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forevercloudnine · 2 years
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Happy Father’s Day to Alfred Pennyworth, but especially Crimson Mist Alfred Pennyworth, who a) refused to kill his vampire son or recognize him as already dead, even though Bruce begged him to, b) could not fathom the idea of Bruce being “bad” even when Bruce became a literal and self-professed bloodsucking monster, c) waited years for the absolute barest justification to un-stake Bruce and bring him back to life, d) tried to get Bruce to drink his OWN BLOOD to get his strength back.
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ordinaryschmuck · 9 months
Here's an interesting take about Fionna and Cake that I kind of love.
In Fionna and Cake's universe, now dulled by Simon's sane mind, everyone is totally fine living their dull and mundane life.
Gary might not be a rich prince and Marshal might night be a badass vampire, but they're content with the lives they have and the possible future plans they could share together.
Characters like Hunter, Ice Queen, Flame Prince, and several human reflections of the people in the Land of Aaa might not be as magical as they once were, but they have jobs that are perfectly fine for them and they have no issues living life as is.
And Ellis might be a trash hobo...but that's probably no different from his magical life if it's in anyway similar to LSP's.
The only people who have problems with their mundane life are Fionna and Cake. They're fine with their world and the friends they have in it (at least in Fionna's case), but they're both dreaming for MORE. It's as if, despite EVERYTHING changing, Fionna and Cake still maintained their thrill for adventure and lust for a magical life, which sounds so perfect. I mean, they were the protagonists of their own epic stories, only to now live a life where everything's the same and perfectly mundane. It's as if despite this massive, universe change, Fionna and Cake still has something deep inside them that reminds them exactly who they are and what they SHOULD be.
Also--And this just occurred to me--I love how Fionna and Cake are living the EXACT lives Simon wants and vice versa. As the Cheers theme song perfectly conveys, Simon wants to go to a place where everyone knows your name and the people are the same. Instead, he's forced into a magical world that he feels he doesn't belong in, despite there being people still in his life that gives it meaning. Simon doesn't want more, he wants LESS, acting as a perfect opposite towards Fionna and Cake.
This results in a dynamic of the three of them searching for what they want, only to realize that it's not what they NEED for a happy life. Simon NEEDS to learn that he can live a normal life despite its tragedy. Fionna and Cake NEED to learn that they don't need adventures and magic to be happy. It's only through each other and the adventures they go on that they can learn this, and if that's really where the show's going, I'm ALL in.
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sophiasrant · 4 months
do you have any good damijon fic recs?
1. Navigating life by nxghtwxng
College AU that will break your heart and mend it over and over again. My favorite damijon fic EVER. I’m insane over it. If you do one thing tonight, start this series.
2. got your finger on the trigger (but your trigger finger’s mine) by eyes_to_the_sky
EVIL JON AU MY BELOVED. A small one shot that had me in a chokehold for WEEKS.
3. Bloodstains on Fresh Oranges by artobsessed_writes
VAMPIRE DAMIAN AU SHHDJEHFJE. This fic had me gnawing at my walls. This fic is SO good about their dynamic and I WHDHDJJDJE. It is the first part of a series!! Can never recommend it enough.
4. Mirror Mirror by First_Mate
In another universe, Damian is murdered. Jon can’t handle it, so decides to travel to another universe to be with their Damian. Only, that universe’s Jon might just take issue with that. I can’t do it justice by summarizing it. IT’S SO GOOD.
5. It Wouldn’t Be Make Believe (If You Believed In Me) by poisonivory
College AU!!! The boys have to go undercover together to party. What could possibly go wrong (or right)?
6. I can’t make you love me by badwriterrr
Unrequited love all around but it all ends up ok. If you don’t like unrequited love angst, I probably wouldn’t read this one but I LOVE it.
7. Those Who Wait by InsaneTrollLogic
I have never been a reverse robins girlie. It has never been my thing. This however is the exception. This fic makes me want to sob. I’m so normal about it.
8. Propinquity theory by butterflyapocalypse
Another college AU. Can you tell I like them yet?
9. Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow by poisonivory
They’re totally platonic friends with benefits! Absolutely nothing more! No one caught feelings! (You’ll never guess what happened)
10. Trust Fall by Ididloveyou_once
This one is a timkon fic with background damijon but it’s so good and changed my brain chemistry so im tacking it on anyway. You can’t stop me.
If you ever need any more fics, you know where to find me. OR if you wanna rec ME fics, I am to fics like a crow is to shiny objects.
(Edit: they are still superheroes in all of the college AUs if I remember correctly)
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ivysangel · 9 days
…vampire!jason thoughts… you must provide them im desperate…. -🐞
(ik you probably expected #real smut, honestly i did too but this ended up turning into a whole bunch of lore/headcanons/whatever tf. i'm so sorry bae cw: talks of consuming blood)
you ask, you shall receive. i've been thinking about jason and dick as vampires in relation to each other, so this'll be a post about both of them just for the sake of comparisons. also, in my mind, this au takes place during the 19th century because i've conflated vampirism with the victorian era, and it's also no capes in regards to vigilantism bc vampires do love a good cape.
in this victorian era, vampire au dick would be either a nobleman or straight up royalty. he's got status, money, and a pretty face, and he uses them all to his advantage when it comes to feeding. you know in the originals or itwtv when they host an event that's actually a cover for them finding their next meal? yeah, he does that. he flirts with all of the ladies, plays into his charms, and sweeps women off their feet. and at the end of the night (sometimes even mid-ball), he coaxes them upstairs and ravishes them, sometimes in more ways than one.
i think for dick feeding is something he can have fun with, knowing that he holds such a high ranking in society that when bodies of people he's been seen with show up around town, people turn a blind eye. and even when someone does try to investigate, the wayne family checking account talks enough to shut down anything beyond a questioning.
in many pieces of media surrounding vampires, there are people who know about vampires and choose to feed them their blood. there's a bunch of lore that explores the idea that a vampire bite is almost orgasmic and kind of addictive, which is why some people are more than willing to put themselves in harm's way by either being employed by vampires or by straight up just throwing themselves into a vampires line of sight with open wounds.
with that being said, i think dick grayson likes the chase. i think that even if his father (bruce, who is also a vampire in this au because vampire families are just superior) has people on his payroll to provide blood for them, he's going to go out on his own to flirt a bit, get laid, and then have his fill.
which brings me to my next point; while feeding, like sex, is an intimate act, it's far from necessary for dick to need an emotional connection with a person he feeds off of or even a physical one. sex and feeding are related but not totally synonymous, and if he needs to just feed or just get his rocks off, he can. is it preferred? maybe not. i believe he does like the mess that comes with doing both at the same time.
ok so for jason, ugh so obsessed with him as a vampire because i think it's so in line with his canon story. in a lot of vampire lore, to become a vampire, you have to consume the blood of a vampire and either die or be on the brink of death, which is just so. it's so jason dying and being revived by the lazarus pit coded. and even the way he inevitable that he will spill blood post-revival in both this vampire au and his canon storyline…it's almost prophetic.
anyway, jason's approach to vampirism is quite different. i think he struggles with it no matter how long he's been one. he can't fully grasp that he's immortal; he looks in the mirror and sees that he hasn't aged a day and he feels sick. being a vampire for him feels like a curse and he only continues living because he's scared to die (again).
he doesn't stay anywhere too long, typically hopping from town to town in the middle of the night when less people are around. he believes himself to be out of place amongst normal people and he's paranoid that people can smell the iron on his breath when he talks to them so he makes it a point to have minimal interaction with people.
it's crippling, he drives himself mad with the solitude, but i feel like another reason why he continues to stay alive is to spite his creator, whoever that may be. he's most definitely got an agenda, in true jason fashion. i just don't know what it is yet.
he feeds only when he needs to but tries not to let the hunger get too intense because i do feel like when he loses control, he's the stefan salvitore type. a ripper. but he's pretty good about it and is almost polite when he's feeding? like he finds a victim and says i'm sorry before just absolutely tearing into their jugular.
i just really think he grapples with his own mortality, or lack thereof, and how it exists at the expense of others. so he is genuinely ashamed of who he is and what he's become. so, while blood drinking is something he needs to survive, it holds a lot of weight for him, which is why i think drinking blood and sex are pretty equal for him when it comes to intimacy level.
that brings me to my MAIN point (which isn't really a main point because it's being reduced to a small paragraph at the end of this post), all of that was background for this, eek. the act of drinking blood during sex is so. big. for him, it's eye-opening, life-changing. the amount of trust required on both ends for this to happen…at that point, it's basically end game for you two. and it's so funny because that's just a normal tuesday for dick.
anyway, i do have more thoughts and more lore, but this got really long, so i'll cut it off here
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Gay wrongs tournament, round one of the major bracket
For Nandor and Guillermo:
I feel like accessory to murder and cause of the murder counts, right? 
Classic vampire/human who wants to be a vampire except there's an understanding in the show of how messed up that is, down to Guillermo helping chop up the bodies of Nandor's victims to hide them for him. Then there's the added wrinkle of Guillermo finding out he's a vampire hunter by blood and actually very good at killing vampires. There is more than one incredibly erotically charged scene with Guillermo holding a stake to Nandor's chest. Their dynamic is fantastically complex, from Guillermo starting as Nandor's somewhat disgruntled servant to him besting the vampire in combat and becoming his bodyguard, to Guillermo getting tired of waiting and getting another vampire to turn him leading to a long jealousy arc culminating in Nandor nearly killing him... there's just so much going on with these two. Nandor flew to space just to impress Guillermo. They do a number of heinous things to humans and vampires alike, but through it all they are so in love and so rich with pining. One of these days they'll kiss, I'm sure of it. It's just a monumental slow burn with many vampiric atrocities along the way.
They aren't romantically canon yet, but dear lord. Both are canon queer, Guillermo is specifically gay while nandor is mentioned to be pansexual in interviews. Yeah they are everything and nothing. They fought and can kill eachother but they literally can't do it emotionally. Also forbidden love trope, vampire x vampire slayer /familiar/ body gaurd / best man. They make me unwell.
For John and Jack:
So, they both are literal murders. One of them is a little bit more insane than the other. Okay, the little bit part is not right, totally insane that is John, yes. But gonna love him though. He had been in rehab for alcohol, drugs, sex and murder. Don't kiss him, he might be wearing poisoning lipstick. They are canon mlm. They had been stuck in a two week time loop for five years, which was like leading a married life for them. They didn't actually marry, but they were partners, both in business and sexually. They worked together for an time agency. Then Jack's memories of two years were erased and he left. He went into  independent self deployment, doing scams using his knowledge of future events. After that he build an alien hunting institute in Cardiff, Wales. When John and Jack see eachother again after years, you don't know whether they will they kiss or fight. They do both. Did I tell you that along this story Jack became an inmortal who can't stay dead? No matter how or how often he dies or is killed, he keeps coming back to life. This is all very scraping on the surface, but oh boy, would it be at least a novella to describe them.
They worked together in the Time Agency where they did horrible things to the extent where Jack had two years of his memory stolen so that he couldn’t know what he’d done. They were also in a time loop together for five years where they canonically thought of each other as the wife (John was a good wife :3), and were basically married. Then they had a divorce arc and they both separately went rogue from the Agency to become conmen, although they still worked together/clashed on occasions, always still with that spark of passion. “Frenemies with benefits” Jack called them once, although John preferred “my lover, my rival, my nemesis and destiny. And bane of my bloody life.” Canon finds us where Jack has tried to reform and be a better person, but John is still chasing cons, and all he wants to do is bring Jack back to the stars with him, back to the crime and the glitter of the galaxies (it doesn’t work and he shoves Jack off a building but Jack got himself immortal so he’s fine <3) anyway I am very normal about them xoxo
In John's introduction to the series he shows up on a roof where some guy is mugging someone, grabs him by the throat and dangles him over the edge of the building while this guy begs for his life before dropping him just because he felt like it. When John and Jack interact for the first time in the show there's a super cool guitar riff, very evil western vibes, they walk up to each other, look deeply into each other's eyes, make out, then start throwing punches to Blur's Song 2. In one of the audio dramas we're told about various times where these two conned people, stole a bunch of money and gold and gems and stuff, then had sex with whoever it is they conned before (sometimes) killing them. When Jack devided he was done and left John to die John escaped and married the queen of England (Victoria) then locked Jack up somewhere to take his life force and live forever, destroying the timeline in the process. John has tried to kill all of Jack's friends at least twice to have him all to himself. He found Jack's long lost brother and when the brother turned out to be a terrible person with a vendetta against Jack John did everything he could to save Jack. Their relationship is canon but very one-sided most of the time
just this video
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the-dawn-star · 4 months
Hello!! I hate to ask but can you do a Polly! Volturi kings x reader who has scar's on their arms and legs and how they would react to them? If not that is completely understandable and all okay I totally understand if this is out of you're comfort zone and I'm so sorry if I've offended you in anyway! I hope you have a lovely day/night/evening much love and support!!
A/N: I wanted to make this kind of general and non-specific, because you didn’t give anything specific and I wanted to have the possibility of reading this more of a “Reader is clumsy”-type of thing. Also, this is a bit king-light but I hope it's okay!!
+300ish words.
TW/CW: no description where the scars have come for, Reader likes to be covered. And once again let’s ignore the fact that Aro can read minds!! Some general angsty writing by me. 
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The kings could be rarely surprised. You starting to date them became kind of out of nowhere.  
You mostly liked to be covered, wearing long sleeved shirts and never shorts. 
Your relationship was still quite new, so you hadn’t told them about your scars that you had gotten so used to after years and years.  
But your relationship was getting more serious day by day, but you still weren’t ready to have them see all of you. You hated the questioning, the changing behavior of anyone who happened to see your scars.  
You sat on your bed, bored and ready to fall asleep at any second. But you had promised the kings that you would stay awake to see them after their trial ended. But sometimes those took a lot longer than needed or expected.  
The summer heat was horrible and because you lived in a castle with vampires who didn’t need to care about the heat, the air conditioning was barely working. 
So, for once you had out on a t-shirt with shorts. The heat had won this battle with you. You closed your eyes, falling to a starfish position on your massive bed.  
You were so close to falling asleep when you jumped to sitting as your door opened and the three vampire kings walked in.  
Normally the kings made sure to knock before entering your room. They had made it very clear that even if you dated them, it was still beneficial that you would have your own personal space in the castle.  
You didn’t time to cover your limbs as you panicked leaving you exposed to the kings whose eyes  flew to you.
The reaction that you had gotten so used to, wasn’t the one that you got from your lovers. They understood that you might not want to talk about them or that it didn’t need to change anything.  
After all, they had seen pretty much everything that a person could possibly see, so your scars didn’t cause a big change in their behavior or general attitude towards you. Because besides the scars and all you were still you, and nothing could change it in the eyes of your lovers.  
Feel like you want to support me via Kofi? No preasure tho!
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heranubis · 10 months
gift for @rocksinmuffin! another twst (and lilia) fan<3
due to a tumblr glitch - this was posted instead of saved. working on finishing this asap.
5 signs you're dating a vampire (by the great grimm)
sign 1 (one): tends to avoid sunlight (like. a lot)
another day in ramshackle dorm, another day of the student body marching through like an endless parade that actually lives there. normally Grimm minds a fair amount (the prefect is His magickless servant, not theirs!) - but today he's Extra grumpy about it.
today was the designated (self-appointed) nap day between him and you. he always gets a small can of tuna (and belly scratches!) but... naturally, that all flew out the window the very second Lilia flew in.
decorated with a black, lacy parasol (something that looks delicate and old) and he refuses to put it away until every window is closed and curtain drawn. the very second the last sliver of light disappears, so does the parasol. naturally - avoiding sunlight isn't Always suspicious, but this is Lilia Vanrouge. everything he does is suspicious (according to Grimm, anyways).
the diasomnia member simply giggles as he usually does and waves grimm's concerns away with a flippant hand. "i don't do well in the sun. i burn very easily~"
the cat gives him a suspicious look before running up to his own room in the dorm. he was going to nap - regardless if lilia wanted to drop by and avoid sunlight. it's been a long day and he's sure you would yell for help if it was needed.
(unspoken is how he lingers just outside the doorway, sleeping while an ear remains perked - just in case.)
sign 2 (two): he refuses to eat garlic (slight agreement there)
garlic, by any means, is far from grimm's favorite seasoning - it makes his nose itch. so when lilia comes over for dinner (the 91th time this month alone), he barely notices when the older student gently rejects any offers of Anything that even smells remotely of garlic.
"ah," he sighs - seemingly tired as if he's answered this question a million times before - "i'm simply... allergic to garlic. it doesn't particularly agree with me."
grimm vaguely remembers adeuce talking about Something (symptoms of some disease) and a few things caught his attention. things lilia did. he thinks they called it vampirism.
you'd gotten onto him several times now about jumping to conclusions, so he sat silently at the table (eyes never leaving lilia) as the student joked and giggled. it was totally normal and fine for someone to not like garlic - but the more grimm thought about it the more suspicious he got.
sign 3 (three): never wears silver (from what's been observed - thank you, r.h.)
sign 4 (four): has no reflection!!! Ever!!!!
perhaps inlisting the help of one rook hunt wasn't the brightest idea - he was terrifying and always manage to make grimm jump a few feet in the air. but he was also the best at observing others - often while remaining unseen himself.
therefor, he was the perfect choice for what the cat had in mind. a big tell of vampirism was avoiding silver - something about it burning their skin. and while lilia didn't often wear jewelry - he Had been spotted sporting it when dressed up for a holiday, school event, or something to do with his club. (rook even mentioned one time about him doing something called 'cosplay' with idia.)
sure, some people looked better in different metals, but Everyones worn silver at least once. and the fact lilia seemed to avoid it only made grimm more suspicious.
(naturally, what the little monster Didn't see was lilia waving in a friendly manner to rook - who was lounging in a tree, within perfect sight of his 'prey'.)
the mirrors in ramshackle dorm were old and busted and dirty. but he also knew there was one the prefect used quite often - the one in their bedroom. grimm could never use it, as it sat too high for him to feel comfortable climbing towards. but... on lilia's more frequent visits - that was the only mirror he seemed to use.
sign 5 (five): mysterious red stains that he never bothers to explain
and it was once (only once) grimm was in the room when lilia was using the mirror. he was re-applying what the prefect later explained to be eye-liner - something that could be done without a mirror but it was easier to see your reflection.
when grimm looked up at said mirror being used, he saw no reflection. no eyes, no nose, nothing on lilia's person was reflected back. only vampires had no reflection - every other creature in twisted wonderland had a reflection (this grimm knew for a fact.)
he'd barely rambled out some excuse before bolting from the room - haunted by lilia's giggles as the vampire older student went back to finishing his eye-liner.
the final nail in the coffin for grimm was when he would show up with random red stains peppering his white undershirt (red! red stains!)
sign 6 (six): he has a biting problem (written and scribbled out by the prefect)
the prefect always brushed it off with a light scolding to be more careful next time, meanwhile lilia would just give them a secretive little smile.
grimm is more firm in his beliefs now. he can say with absolutely no room for doubt - lilia vanrouge is a vampire. perhaps even the only one in twisted wonderland.
lilia is just a regular fae who is more expressive in his affections - he has sharp teeth and likes to nibble. garlic smells too strong to anyone with heightened senses (see: beastmen and other fae). he does wear silver but only on special occassions.
the old mirror in the prefects room is imbued with an old magick, it only reflects mortal souls. if malleus, crowley, or even sebek were to look into it - there would also be no reflection.
lilia has a pale complexion and does burn easily - he's also just a fan of pastel gothic fashions and when not attending lessons (in his own free time) tries to incorporate pieces of the style into his wardrobe around campus.
the stains, however, are blood. lilia's fangs are sharp and he's not always gentle with his bites. but far as anyone else is concerned - its just ketchup or wine.
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zoeykallus · 8 months
Hi Zoey! How are you? I know you are a Tech girl and so am I. I thought maybe you can give us Tech girls some fun and fluff? Any scenario you want. I'm aware that you work a lot these days and don't have much time for writing anymore, and you are still drowning in requests, but maybe some self indulging Tech Fluff makes your day? Maybe something related to any holidays coming up around the time you get to read this? Take care of yourself, don't let anybody or anything get you down 💕
You know, this requests dates back to July, and Halloween is coming up. Not sure if I should laugh or cry about that 😅 And yeah, it's still the same. I'm sorry I'm so late with this!
Okay, that's actually really sweat, some Halloween themed Tech Fluff 🧡 Thanks for this request 😊🧡
Tech x Fem!Reader One-Shot - A First Date With Tech On Halloween
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First Date/Shy Tech/Fluff/Slightly Suggestive/Shy Idiots In Love
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
>Master List<
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He flinches as a hand lands heavily on his shoulder. Tech sighs softly and turns to face the owner of the hand. "Crosshair," Tech says, more or less surprised, pushing his goggles up the bridge of his nose with his index finger. "What are you wearing?" asks Crosshair who critically furrows his brows and gives his brother a questioning look. "A costume," Tech says matter-of-factly. "Yeah, I can see that, but why? Isn't tonight your first date with that chick you've had the hots for over months?" Tech looks at the Sniper and shakes his head, "Hots for her? I wouldn't call it that." Crosshair smirks, "What do you call it then?" Tech shrugs and says, "I admire her. I like her, her smile, the way she talks, her good heart." Crosshair laughs softly and says, "Oh, so you just so sneakily stole her shirt when we were all together at the beach, and regularly smelling it, hiding it under your pillow, because you totally just like her to a normal degree?" Tech freezes, blinks several times. He's an incredibly bad liar and when he answers his voice is way too high. "I don't know what you mean" Crosshair snickers. "Sure. Anyway," he says, pointing at Tech's outfit, "That still doesn't explain the costume"
Tech wears a black suit, cape and leather gloves, in his mouth a perfectly fitted, homemade set of fangs. "It's Halloween, when we were talking about it the other day she said she loves Halloween, the costumes, decorations, scary movies, well everything that goes with it." "And you're going as a vampire?" asks Crosshair critically. Tech smirks with one of the fangs briefly showing. "Not just any vampire," Tech says with a gloved, raised finger, "Dracula, the most powerful of all vampires." Crosshair crosses his slender arms in front of his chest and raises his brows. "Is there any particular reason for this choice?" Tech smiles dreamily and says, "The myth of the vampire is probably the most romanticized, I just hope she likes it." Crosshair laughs softly and says, "I think you mean sexualized." Techs ears turn red as he replies, "No, I didn't mean that at all" "Of course not" the Sniper replies sarcastically, shoving a couple of condoms into Tech's jacket pocket, "Anyway, just in case" Tech frowns, getting hot and cold. The thought alone makes him super nervous. He takes the condoms back out of his pocket and puts them on the shelf next to the sink. "I'm definitely not going to need these on a first date". Crosshair picks up the condoms and says, "Definitely not with that attitude. Either way, I wouldn't rule anything out if I were you, Dracula" and puts them back in Techs pocket again.
But Tech takes them out again and puts them back on the rack. "Don't do that. She's a decent woman, and I want to do this all right. No condoms on the first date," he grumbles, adjusting his goggles again. Crosshair rolls his eyes and says, "Let me guess, you've been reading another one of those guides that you're sticking to now?" Tech's ears turn red again, and he asks defiantly, "So what? I lack experience, what's wrong with getting some tips and information?" Crosshair grabs him by the shoulders and says emphatically, "Get it from me, not from the holonet" Tech sighs and says, "No offense, but your acquaintances rarely last longer than a weekend." "Because that's what I want," the Sniper grumbles. Tech sighs, "But I want... something real, lasting, something genuine, not a short adventure" Crosshair smiles and says, "She must be something special if she can coax uptight Tech out of his hiding place" Tech says indignantly, "I'm not uptight.... just a little shy and maybe a little picky" "And insecure, shy as a little baby and a virgin and-" Tech interrupts him angrily, "Stop it! You're making me more nervous than I already am!" Crosshair smiles mildly and says softly, "Sorry. Don't worry about it, you'll be fine, I'm sure the date will be great"
"You really think so?" asks Tech uncertainly, tugging at his clothes. "Yes, but only if you're on time for the date." Tech looks at his watch, startled. "Oh my gosh, I have to go!"
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When Tech rings your doorbell, and you open the door for him, he looks breathless, as if he's been sprinting. He's a minute early, so he's not really late. You look him up and down. He looks great, his slender body in the black suit and cape. As he smiles at you, you also see the fangs. "What is this handsome vampire doing at my door?", you ask, playfully dramatic. You see his ears turn red and his smile widen a little. Then he shows his fangs for a second and says just as dramatically, "I came to have a taste of the supposedly sweetest blood there is, the blood of an angel"
You both chuckle and blush a little, while Tech nervously rubs the back of his neck.
Tech eyes you and your costume and smiles. "You look great," he says softly, "Very in character for you."
You wear a delicate white dress, little angel wings and a halo made of wire and gold foil. You have long thought about how you should dress up. Finally, you decided that you wanted to appear lovely and unobtrusive and chose this costume. "Thank you," you say, smiling broadly.
Tech wants to give you something.
At first, you think he's holding out a bouquet of flowers, but it's a lot of different Halloween candy, creatively arranged into a colorful bouquet that just looks like a bouquet of flowers. "Clever," you say delightedly, and accept the present with a smile on your face. "What a lovely idea!" Tech straightens, proud and pleased that both his costume and his token are well received by you. He enters the apartment after you invite him in. Your apartment is relatively dark, lit only by many small jack-o'-lanterns and a string of skeleton lights that snakes along the ceiling throughout the apartment. The whole apartment is decorated and the smell of a wonderful pumpkin soup wafts in from the kitchen. He follows you and can hardly believe his luck, his heart beating up to his neck as you grab his hand and gently pull him with you into the kitchen. You eat the soup together by candlelight and keep smiling at each other. Tech is unaccustomed to silence, but he smiles much more than usual, and your heart melts every time he shyly avoids your gaze only to look back at you. "This is delicious," he says, enthusiastically agreeing to a second serving. After dinner, you go into the living room where there are already two plates of cookies you baked yourself, in the shape of Halloween pumpkins with orange icing and in the shape of ghosts with white icing. Tech looks at your movie collection in amazement, you have tons of them on Holodisc, a huge shelf of them, most of them scary and horror movies from 'family friendly 'barely legally available'.
"You're really into Halloween and scary movies," he says with a smirk. "Do you want to pick the first movie?" you ask him. Tech spreads his arms and says, "If you'll bear with me, I'd love to. This is a huge collection, I'll have to take a closer look." Of course, he has his holopad with him and uses it to help him choose. He chooses an older film with practical effects. And during the movie, dear Tech slowly wakes up from his shy silence. He enthusiastically explains how most of the effects work and even bravely puts an arm around your shoulders when you get startled during one scene, not knowing you just played the scared girl. As Tech gestures wildly with his free arm to explain things, something falls out of his pocket and onto the floor. You both bend down and grab it at the same time. Three condoms. Tech's eyes are suddenly huge behind his goggles as you look at him. "Condoms?" you ask, surprised. "They're not mine," Tech blurts out in near panic. "You carry around other people's condoms?" you ask, raising an eyebrow in amusement. Tech hastily straightens up and puts the condoms back in his jacket pocket.
"Crosshair," he mumbles to himself, looks at you and says, "My brother must have slipped these into my pocket when I didn't notice. They're really not mine. I didn't have any ulterior motives, I promise. Except for the arm around your shoulders and maybe a chaste goodnight kiss, later." You smile, suppressing a grin. He was adorably cute looking at you, so nervous and shy. "Okay." "Okay?" he asks softly. " That means I believe you, Tech." He smiles in relief, leans back again and gently puts his arm around your shoulder once more. "Are you okay?" you ask quietly. "Of course, everything's fine," he says hastily, tightening his shoulders. A little calmer he adds, "You know, I want to do this right, our date, that thing between us. I'm not interested in rushing into anything or having a fleeting adventure." You lean against him and put your arms around him, whereupon he lets out a shaky breath.
He suddenly laughs softly, as if getting rid of some nervous tension. "I like that," you say quietly, leaning against his chest. "Very good," Tech says contentedly, "Then nothing can get in the way of that good night kiss later." You grin to yourself and say softly, "Perhaps even two kisses?". Tech clears his throat and says just as softly, "That's not really customary as far as I know, but we could make an exception"
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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eluxcastar · 1 year
hello hello greetings! could i request a vampire reader x harbingers who offers to turn them into a vampire as well (how romantic to offer the concept of *forever* to their lover), its got the whole package of night vision/ immortality/ super strength/ speed/ etc etc but they'd lose the ability to use visions/delusions cause they're technically gonna be "dead" would the harbingers except or decline 👀👀 (excluding pulcinella and pierro)
Harbingers with a Vampire s/o
── ୨୧:harbingers x reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: just me being absolutely off my head again talking about the harbingers' opinions on vampirehood
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, vampire reader
୨୧﹑words :: I shit you not this post is 666 words long what in the My Immortal
anon baby you found my weak spot I'm so normal about this subject (it's my special interest) (sorry) ANYWAY this has been chilling in my inbox for ages, so it's time I finally write it. I started it a while ago but then I got busy and didn't post for a month and now I am suddenly two followers away from 400 so hi hello thank you
anyway back to the request I question the visions and delusions part because Qiqi is a Zombie an uses a cryo vision BUT I'M GONNA GLOSS OVER THAT BECAUSE YEs
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Let's go lowest to highest in ranking like I usually do and start with Childe who, imo, would accept on the grounds that it is power and he will take anything to become more powerful even at a detriment to his health and physical condition. Though there is a price, he has accepted prices before and assuming that the pay off is good enough the use of a vision or delusion would be obsolete anyway. That, coupled with his love for you as his motivation is more than enough to sway him in your favour as he can see more to gain than lose from spending eternity by your side.
Arlecchino is a tough one because I can totally see it and it's really hot but Idk if she would. I wanna say yes, but I can also see reasons for no. The Vampire Arlecchino energy wins though because tbh I can see her being willing to make that sacrifice for her lover. I don't see her as fully whipped per se but like she's definitely loyal yk, probably pick you over the Tsaritsa and would want to spend an eternity with you at your behest.
Next is Pantalone. Cool vampire vibes. Someone gave me this wonderful headcanon that he is obsessed with his delusion, and I now love it to death so much that I based a character on it. So tbh yeah, there's benefits in this for him. He gets to be with you and have a little more power at a far lesser detriment. Plus like, you can't convince me this man wouldn't be lowkey into it.
Signora, I'm not sure. She has already lived a long time, and she has a lot of natural power already. Her delusion is what balances her, so I honestly think I'd have to say no. I WANNA SAY YES REALLY BAD BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE THERE'S OPPORTUNITY THERE, but I also just don't think so, but like she'll still be with you for a long time.
Sandrone, I honestly don't know either, because I don't know much from the two words she's spoken. If I remember, she doesn't care for other people, though, so she's likely very in love with anyone who managed to break through that and may be willing to make sacrifices for you.
For Scaramouche- well, bro is an artificial human, so tbh, I don't even think he would be affected by that. I'll skip him too.
Next would be Pulcinella, but I was told no Pulcinella, so Capitano (I almost forgot him send help). I like the abyssal creature Capitano headcanon, but even if he was just, a guy. I think the answer is no. HE'S WHIPPED AND WOULD DO ANYTHING BUT NOT THIS 😭 at least not at first, but give it a while and I can see it. It'll take time, though.
Columbina is also tricky because she has such entity vibes, but like also, seraph/vampire pairing would be so hot I can't even deny that. I should write that. Anyway, I feel like she's already immortal, so that doesn't matter, and she is indifferent to the power you offer. It's a matter of it not holding value. She has everything she could get out of it already.
Finally, we come to Dottore. Dottore is into it, don't lie, you know he is; this man is freaky. He'd enjoy the prospect of being a Vampire more than the perks of it, and that's enough to convince him. Besides it's 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓼𝓬𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮 so he gets to excuse it. He couldn't turn it down even if it was just one of his segments because he's got to know what it's like and all the differences. He collects knowledge.
This was way more chaotic than usual 💀 Idk if I will write more like this but I did enjoy it so maybe, depends if y'all like this or my other styles more. I just like the chilled out casual chaos sometimes so lmk
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Predictions for Soukoku’s fate (BSD CH 109 spoilers!!)
How I be looking after dedicating two posts on the possibility of Chuuya not being a vampire due to the fact he was faceless for absolutley no reason during some chapters, thinking it was important: 
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alright people, i wish i could express my embarassment further but instead of kicking my feet, screaming and crying over my miscalculations, i will proceed to (hopefully) redeem myself with my following predictions.  
Guys, first of all I need to tell you something that I think is absolutely obvious: Dazai is not going to die. 
thematically, it makes absolutley no sense for Dazai to die considering how many characters still depend on him, EVEN HIMSELF.
We still haven’t learned his backstory, we still haven’t had a cathartic moment between Akutagwa and Dazai, Atsushi is yet to learn more from his mentor, and he’s overall a very key character to foil others and develop them while he’s at it.
Even Dazai himself dying right now feels extremely weightless, we haven’t even learned anything about Dazai’s past and he’s already killed? without growing as a person? without fullfilling Oda’s promise?  I don’t know, personally to me, direction wise, development wise and plot wise killing him off is absolutley nonsensical.
Asagiri does tend to take a very unique and unpredictable route with his writing and characters, but for plots sake, I highly doubt Dazai is gone forever.
Also, Fydoor and Dazai continue throwing uno reverse cards at each other, always catching one another unexpectedly. I am still going strong on the idea that Double Black will catch Fyodor off-guard.
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Fyodor during these whole prision sections has been constantly belittling and teasing Dazai over how shallow his bond with Chuuya is.
When that’s beyond the truth. Dazai and Chuuya’s trust is literally undying. Stormbringer, the double black chapter and dead apple show us this in the most obvious way possible.
Asagiri himself has quoted that Soukoku knows each others motives, which has also been proven plenty of times when they are working together. 
Dazai himself admited there really was moments where their hearts reached out to one another.
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and I think that’s enough to understand, Fyodor is wrong. THEY ARE DOUBLE BLACK FOR A REASON!!!
So far in this chapter, I got various things confirmed. Let’s walk through them together. 
1. Dazai’s nullifcation ability works on vampires, confirmed by Fyodor himself.
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So what does this tell us? That Dazai had been planning all along to get in contact with Chuuya. He knew his partner’s abilities will break him out of the water trap, he’s not dumb.
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So Dazaj totally meant to get in physical contact with Chuuya in order to nullify his vamparism. And no, it’s not only because Dazai cares for Chuuya (which is a true statement, but not the main reason.) It’s because out of everyone in this room, Chuuya is the only one able to physically overpower Fyodor. 
And even if Chuuya somehow can’t overpower Fyodor, atleast Chuuya can be Dazai’s bodyguard considering well...Dazai’s countless of injuries. Chuuya is Dazai’s ticket to get out of the prision.
Dazai needs Chuuya in his corner. He needs double black in action. He needs Chuuya. 
2. Dazai is genuienly frustrated that his plan to bring back Chuuya didn’t work.
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I can’t be the only one who ADORED seeing Dazai panicking. (I sound so masochistic but seriously, it’s rare to see Dazai unmask this way).
Anyways, Dazai’s panic and frustrating during these pannels are unfortunately proof that things did not go at all how he planned.
3. Aya is attempting to take out the sword that stops Bram from having full atonomy on his vampire abilty. 
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If by any luck, Aya is able to detach the swoard from Bram, Chuuya and literally every other vamp will return to normal. (which honestly, let’s do hope Aya removes the sword bc this is getting too agonizingly dragged out.)
4. Chuuya and Dazai are destined to....
 kiss?? marry?? make out under the moonlight??
Nono my friends, Chuuya and Dazai are destined to die together.
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Chuuya and Dazai dying together has been hinted since Fifthteen, but my theory of these two dying together strenghtened during Stormbringer when Mori teased Dazai about a double suicide with Chuuya.
I’m not saying they will die right now but in order to solidify the need for Shin Soukoku in Yokahama.....
This old married couple gotta go and make room for the highschool sweethearts/hj
5. Dazai took the L
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Honestly, I won’t lie to you and say that Dazai’s way out of this situation is going to be hard. But Dazai has attempted to kill himself plenty of times, I wouldn’t be surprised if he has shot a bullet through his head in his early 20s. (Im not joking when I say this i swear).
Anyways, Dazai seems somewhat imune to death and honestly, his character is too important to die, especially in such a meh, anticlimatic way. 
Dazai said it himself best, him and Chuuya are destined to die together.
6. Vampire Chuuya’s expression
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I mean,,,, what is the need for the random three little pensive speach bubble ?? we have been proven by Akutagawa that vampires are capable of some sort of sentinence, especially when it’s tied to their deepest desieres/mental strenghts.
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I don’t have anywhere grand to go with this but, I just wanted to point it out lol.
I can’t say for sure what is going to happen, but with Aya’s attempts of removing the swoard the possibility for Chuuya to become concious and do something to get out of there and save Dazai still remain pausible in my books.
I am not too confident on where this section of the story will go exactly but I am certain that Soukoku won’t die yet. MARK MY WORDS!!!
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lumienyx · 7 months
bloodless much?
I see @spacebarbarianweird's excellent point on Tav being unable to give Astarion blood that often since it would deteriorate their health.
But also listen.
One thing I love about DND sorcery is metamagic. At its most basic, it's ' twisting and adapting your spells to suit your needs.' Sure there are the canonical effects, but thinking outside game mechanics—technically as a sorcerer you can tinker with spells however you damn well please.
Which is what my Tav does when he makes a scroll that replenishes his blood faster than is humanly (or, well, half-elvenly) possible.
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Astarion ends up drinking the extra blood, leaving Tav with just enough for him to function normally and go about his day as usual (something to be definitely included in touch too much ehehe)
Which means:
A totally valid canonical reason for Tav letting Astarion drink from him daily, sometimes several times a day, i.e. Astarion never has to go without a sentient creature's blood ever again and is always well fed
I'd assume the first times Tav attempts this don't go over that well and that makes his blood cells multiply a bit too fast. He ends up going over to Shadowheart, thoroughly embarrassed and asking for a complex healing session for the Serious Condition he really could not have ended up with that quickly, having to painstakingly explain to her what the hells even happened (spoiler: she is Not Impressed. “You’re seriously making me waste a day’s worth of energy fixing you up because you wanted to become an infinite blood bank for your thirsty vampire lover?”)
Alternatively, and this fits EVEN BETTER (thanks to @satanicspinosaurus for pointing it out), the excess number of red blood cells is called erythrocytosis, which is what Tav would accidentally end up with as he experiments. And one of the primary treatments for this is LITERALLY phlebotomy, i.e. removing blood. So Tav explaining the whole situation to Astarion would probably go somewhat like this...
“Uh, Astarion?” “Yes, my sweet—” Astarion frowns after taking one glance at Tav’s face. “What is it? You look a bit feverish. Is something the matter?” Tav bites his lip, feeling his cheeks grow warm as he speaks, “Well. Yes. And no? Kind of.” “Eloquent.” Tav heaves a deep sigh. “Anyway. Shadowheart sent me. She can’t heal this… disease I have—or, well, she can, but she actually said the best treatment is something you can do for me. And we need to get to it fast, otherwise I’ll die, so. Here.” Tav extends his wrist, bared and ready to be drunk from. Astarion only blinks at him, zero understanding in his eyes and now quite a bit more concern. “You’re going to have to be a bit more specific, love," he says. "Why exactly did our resident healer send you to get healed by me? Especially since this is serious? My talents lie in stealth, trickery, and necromancy as of late—and you still look very much alive.” “Blood,” Tav grits through his teeth, looking anywhere but Astarion’s face. “You need to drink my blood. A lot of it. I completely fucked up the strength of a spell.” “What spell,” Astarion demands, “would lead to you needing to lose blood?” “I wanted to create one that would increase the amount of blood I have by speeding up the body’s natural blood replenishment speed,” Tav explains to the clouds he’s distinctly observing. Anywhere but Astarion’s face. “And well. I ended up with far more of it than I need. It’s my first attempt, all right?” He forces his head to turn to look Astarion at last, who’s still staring at him blankly, with slightly parted lips. Probably thinking Tav is a massive idiot. “You can drink just about a quarter of my blood at this point," Tav offers weakly. "With no consequence.” Astarion doesn’t react at first. At all. Simply stands there before Tav, looking at him long and hard as if waiting for more words that never come, as the weight of embarrassment blocks all of Tav’s attempts at further explaining himself. “Well, darling,” Astarion finally says, taking the couple of steps that separate them—and suddenly, Tav feels Astarion’s hands on him, locking him in an embrace he’s happy to be captive in. Tav melts into it, mesmerized by the hungry look in those red eyes, as always comforted by the coolness of Astarion’s skin as he leans in to place a kiss on Tav’s neck. “How could I say no to such a delicious treat?”
Astarion gets his treat every day from now on. He is very happy with the arrangement
The result of Tav’s experiments is a Scroll of Blood Replenishment that I imagine Tav would stylize to look quite cool, red parchment and all. But since he would be making those scrolls on the daily, I guess the red would be a bit overkill to do that often and it ends up looking like any other scroll, much to Tav's dismay, but he needs to keep things efficient for his lover
In time, Tav learns to cast the spell sans scroll (does Gale help him out with it? sorcerer-wizard buddies ftw??) So, Astarion can just slide up to him, pull a Puss in Boots look, and Tav would just have to whisper a few words, his body instantly providing a filling meal for Astarion whenever and wherever they are
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And I just think that’s neat, thanks for coming to my BloodTed Talk.
requests open
tag list (comment or dm to be added)
@spacebarbarianweird @satanicspinosaurus, @tallymonster, @tragedybunny
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 8 months
Sort of Halloween ask go
What sort of mythical creature eg satyrs, selkies, would the mercs be?
What Mythical Creatures Would The TF2 Mercs Be?
Hell yeah! That's such a cool idea 😭 Some of these might not be very well known because I wanted to pull some from specific countries for the mercs that don't come from America:)
Also, apologies if I mess up any folklore!
Demo would be a redcap, I don't know, guys. I can just picture this man hiding out in ruined castles, creating chaos and staining his little cap red with the blood of his victims because he's a silly like that. Now, Redcaps normally can't be reasoned with, but if you happen to be wandering through Scotland, keep a bottle of something good on you and you might just figure out a way to make friends with him.
Engie would be Mothman, I mean, I already think mothman is a very wholesome protector of sorts, rather than the omen of bad luck everyone thinks he is. Mothman doesn't cause bad things to happen. He warns people that something bad will happen, and I think Engie would totally do that! Engie also just radiates moth energy to me for some reason, like I think he really likes bright lights.
Heavy would be the leshy. I think he'd be such a good character to be assinged to rule over the forest. The leshy is seen as a malevolent being, but is actually rather kind depending on the humans that it encounters, the leshy protects children more or less abandoned by their families, bringing them to a part of an ethereal forest, so I honestly think it's a really good fit for him!
Medic would be an Alp. So I feel like Medic already cause a people nightmares, so being a German version of a sleep paralysis demon is very fitting for him. Also, with manipulating dreams and creating nightmares being an Alps main power, I can't help but think of Medic while researching the folklore. Also, also, some people categorize them as demons, and let's be real, anything to do with demons fits with Medic.
Scout would be the Goatman, I think he'd have so much fun haunting one bridge, scaring, or just chilling with local teens who come to visit him, but then scaring the piss out of anyone who's serious, or just hiding away when someone with a camera comes around to prove of his existence. He'd just be one of the best suited (next to Pyro) to be a cryptid.
Sniper would be a Yara-ma-yha-who, a frog like vampire creature, that, and I quote, "waits for an unsuspecting traveler to rest under the tree. The creature then drops down and uses its suckers to drain the victim's blood. After that, it swallows the person, drinks some water, and then takes a nap. When the Yara-ma-yha-who awakens, it regurgitates the victim, leaving them shorter than before." I have no other explanation for why this fits Sniper than I think it's funny as hell and weirdly in character.
Spy would be the Dames Blanches, uh fem Spy mention!? Kidding, half kidding? Anyways! The Dames Blanches tend to lurk in narrow places, like ravines, forests, and bridges. While not being a benevolent spirit, if you come across one, it might require you to dance with them or help them. I think Spy would definitely find himself lurking on a moonlit bridge, requiring a late night dance for you to pass
Soldier would be the Jersey Devil purely because from what I know about them, they cause absolute chaos, and Soldier is insanely good at that. Also, the Jersey Devil is incredibly good at scaring humans and is known for its piercing scream, I wonder if we know anyone like that. No, but being real, he'd be a great fit for the Jersey Devil, but would probably become the first proven cryptid, to be honest, he'd just be to willing to get near people.
Pyro would be a Fresno Nightcrawler, like??? Have you seen them?? Especially fan art of them? Pyro could be twins with them, from the gaunt stare to the vaugly shaped body, I think Pyro might just actually be a Fresno nighcrawler that wiggled its way into a gas mask and suit one night. It probably wouldn't be the first time a cryptid tried to join the other mercs.
OUGH, THIS WAS SO FUN 😭 another short and sweet one! I love mythology and folklore, so getting to look into it super fun! Did you guys know that I wanted to study cryptozoolgy before I realized that ot would tank my entire science career 😮‍💨 oh well, at least i can always find a platform to talk about them on tumblr! I really hope you like this Anon! 💖
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prismaticpichu · 1 year
Okokokok so
Sephiroth passes out from dehydration in the manor and not knowing what else to do, knowing just how bad it could be to be caught like this by civilians or what would happen if this info got back to Hojo, Cloud and Zack sneak Seph's unconscious ass to Cloud's house and put him in Cloud’s childhood bed.
Seph wakes up to Claudia making him breakfast, and in general being a good mother figure. And I dunno Zack and Cloud burned the library totally by accident and found a Vampire neither of which are their fault they swear.
Now THAT’s a happy ending! <3 Score one for our bodily necessities!!!
“C’mon, Spiky! Put your back into it!”
A giant mass of silver and black is dragged rag-doll-style along the basement floor, two considerably smaller individuals hauling one boneless arm apiece.
“He’s. HEAVY.”
Sephiroth, well… he’s quite the confused cockatoo when he wakes up. Why on Gaia is he in a bed half his size? Why on Gaia are there approximately eight posters of him on the wall? Why on Gaia does his back feel like a lawnmower ran over it?
Where is he? What is this? What is HAPPENING—
“Whoah, whoah! Calm down, buddy!” Zack grips his forearm upon seeing Sephiroth begin to huff and puff like a bull, guiding him back down onto the pillow. “You’re safe!”
There isn’t much room to protest when his head is absolutely throbbing; Sephiroth slumps back into the bed, groaning, one eye still creaked open as he scans the room around him with dangerous scrutiny. He’s also coughing like a poor rundown car.
“0h, here!” Zack hands his friend a juice box from the nightstand. “You gotta replenish!”
There’s a western riff in the background as Sephiroth stares down the juice box—a bright green abomination with a hippo-shaped apple drawn on the side. Are you kidding him? No. NO. He is a full-grown man with dignity, and standards, and—
Fortunately, Zack shoves the straw in his mouth anyway.
“Okay, okay.” Zack takes a step back from the bedside, still reading the utter, blistering confusion on Sephiroth’s visage as he sips away. “I’m gonna take things nice and slow, pal. I’ll explain everything.”
Sephiroth narrows his eyes in warning—his signature You better or the guillotine will be having your head death glare. He swallows another round of Juciy Juice.
Zack swallows himself. There’s a lot he could say right now. A whole goddamn book. Everything since the Reactor has just been so… wrong; Seph had planted so many ideas in his head, got so snarled up in things that were just too much for him to bear. He just needs to untie him, thread by thread. Nice and gentle. Nice and slow.
“Well, y’see, me and Spiky were getting real worried about you. So—“
“Jenova is not your mother.”
Oh c’mon.
Both eyes snap towards the voice—the low, sunken timbre that had revealed itself from the unlit corner of the room.
Sephiroth doesn’t even process the fact that some Comic-Con devotee with a claw for a hand begins peeling himself out from the shadows; he barely processes Zack’s frustrated yelping at said devotee. All he can hear is Her. Her. The library. The books. The Cetra. The Truth. Memory consumes him in a single, famished clasp, like a sudden strike of lightning, like a sudden belch of flames, and all of a sudden his eyes are needle-thin and he begins snarling your typical oh here we go again Sephiroth snarls.
He squeezes the juice box so hard that it explodes.
“Mother! Mother! MOTHER!”
“Ahhhhhhhhhh, no! No no no no!” Zack wraps his arms around the other’s neck like a lasso, pleading and hushing and grappling, mustering all his desperate strength to keep Sephiroth lying in bed and not gouging eyes out. “It’s okay! It’s okay! It’s me! Shhhh… take me home… country road…!”
Eventually, with some guided, deep-breathing exercises, Sephiroth does calm down, letting his eyes return to normal and slumping back into the mattress. Zack turns over his shoulder with a silent “Really?!”, while Sephiroth collects himself, coming back to the present… but the memories still remain clear. Crystal clear. Except now, instead of a torrent of poison and overwhelming rage, the memory gouges him out. Leaving him hollow. Sad.
And, wait a minute… why is there a comic-con devotee here?
“Who… are you…” Sephiroth pants, the suspicion creeping back into his voice.
“Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. This is Vincent.” Zack gestures towards the cloaked man. “Me and Spiky found him sleeping in some coffin. He’s been sleeping there for years—had to get him out before we burned that stupid manor down. Hope it’s okay that we borrowed your materia!”
Sephiroth is silent.
“Oh, and… he mayyyyyy know one or two things about J—that creature.”
Sephiroth is still silent.
Vincent goes on to take the reins and explain everything: the experiments, the pain, the Hojo, the regret… The Lucrecia.
“…Lucrecia?” Sephiroth repeats, ghostly, a numb mist having enveloped him entirely. It… it didn’t make any sense. Jenova—he clenches his teeth—he… he spawned from her. She was his…
“Your mother,” Vincent elaborates. “Lucrecia was your mother. And she loved you. She never wanted things to…” He turns away, the bloody tint in his eyes seeming to clot. “Your mother was human, Sephiroth. She made mistakes. So did I.”
Sephiroth’s gaze floats to his hands, words disobedient, his organs and blood and bones sitting in an empty husk. Zack cuffs his hand around his upper arm, squeezing gently, squeezing a whole poem of silent messages.
“So… I really don’t have a mother,” Sephiroth mumbles then. “She’s gone.”
“Who wants pancakes?!”
The bedroom door opens with an enthusiast swing, and in comes Claudia, and in comes the delectable waft of fresh golden pancakes, Cloud at her heels as she carries the plate over to the bedside.
“Here you are, General. Cloud told me that you had gotten sick in the manor; good to see you awake! How is the bed by the way? It has been quite some time since my Stormcloud slept in it.” She turns around, suddenly facing a wide-eyed Vincent Valentine. “Oh, I do not believe we met before. I’m Claudia. Pleasure to meet you.”
“You brought the guy back here?!” Cloud scorn-hushes to Zack. “I thought he was going to stay outside!”
“I needed him to help clear things up with Seph!”
Meanwhile, Sephiroth is sitting in bed, blinking, a platter of flapjacks on his lap and a nice little syrup saucer glistening beside them. Claudia dusts her hands off, smile still twinkling.
“Well, I’ll leave you men be for a little. Please call if you need anything.” Before she left, however, she makes her way back to the bedside, back to the stuporous Sephiroth, and tucks the blanket further up his shoulders.
“I don’t want you to be cold, dear. You are already so unwell.”
And then she leaves for real.
“Aww…” Zack mock-moans once he hears her footsteps patter down the stairs. “She’s better at taking care of you than me!”
“Yeah…” Cloud rubs his neck. “She does that.”
Sephiroth… can’t disagree. He glances again at the fresh breakfast balanced in his lap—breakfast made just for him, because he was unwell, because someone took that information and turned into a remedy. The emerald eyes are rippling, thoughtful and confused and detached yet somehow strung back to his body all again. Tighter than ever before.
Sephiroth lifts his gaze, meeting Vincent, who bestows to him a slow, meaningful nod. “I believe that is what a mother is.”
And the four proceed to have a pancake party!!! <33 Whoooooooooh! Sharing is caring!! (Well, three-quarters of the pie anyway. Vincent is just too stubborn.)
“C’mon, Vince!” Zack holds up his fork, the cluster of fluffy magic absolutely waterlogged in syrup. “Try some! It really heals your inner demons!”
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